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Assignment 8
Q.1: We are computing a 32-point FFT. The number of bits required
to represent each index is log2 (32) = 5. Since, (18)10 = (10010)2, the
bit-reversed position is (01001)2 = (9)10 .

The correct answer is (b).

Q.2: Convolution between h(n) and x1 (n) is located between n = 0

to n = L2 + N − 2 (This can be seen easily from graphical interpre-
tation of the convolution). On the other hand, convolution between
h(n) and x2 (n) starts from L2 .
Thus the overlap area between the two convolution outputs is over
to L2 + N − 2.

Thus the correct answer is (c).


The correct answer is (b), which follows trivially from the fact that
the IDFT formulae has similar computational structure as that of
the DFT (in terms of complex multiplications and additions).

Q.4: The ’linearity’ part follows trivially. Denoting circular convo-

lution by ∗c , if we have x1 (n) ∗c h(n) = y1 (n), x2 (n) ∗c h(n) = y2 (n),
(i.e. Y1 (k) = X1 (k)H(k), Y2 (k) = X2 (k)H(k)), and (c1 x1 (n) +
c2 x2 (n)) ∗c h(n) = y(n),
then Y (k) = c1 X1 (k)H(k) + c2 X1 (k)H(k).
=⇒ y(n) = c1 x1 (n) ∗c h(n) + c2 x2 (n) ∗c h(n).

Next consider, x(n) ∗c h(n) = y(n),

=⇒ Y (k) = X(k)H(k).
If x(n) is circularly shifted to the right (say) by r point, (r =
0, 1, 2, · · · , N−1) to produce a sequence x′ (n), then X ′ (k) = e−j2πrk/N X(k)
and new output y ′ (n) will have the DFT Y ′ (k) = X ′ (k)H(k) =
e−j2πrk/N X(k)H(k) = e−j2πrk/N Y (k).
So, y ′ (n) : circularly shifted (by r points to the right) version of y(n).

Thus, the correct answer is (c).

Q.5: We carry out the circular convolution graphically, for which we

hold the sequence h(r) as it is, make a periodic version of the zero
appended sequence x(r), flip it, shift it by n (n = 0, 1, · · · , L − 1),
and then multiply with h(r) samplewise and add.
To start with, consider the case of zero shift, i.e. n = 0. The situ-
ation is shown in the Fig. 1. While the correct linear convolution
cpuld give h(0)x(0), in this case, an error term gets added, con-
tributed by the samples x(N − 1), · · · , x(0) (shown by red colour).
Next, for n = 1, we shift this sequence to the right by 1 point. In
this case, one x(1) moves to 0th position from (−1)th position and
another x(1) moves out to the Lth position from (L − 1)th position
as shown in the Fig. 2.
Clearly, here too, the correct linear convolution output x(0)h(1) +
x(1)h(0) gets an erroneous contribution from the samples x(N −
1), · · · , x(2).
This situation will continue till all these redundant samples move
out of the window 0 − (L − 1), which will happen from n = N − 1

Hence, the correct answer is (b).

. . . . . .
x(N−1) 0 1 x(N−1) L−1 r −−−>

x(1) x(1)
. . . . . L−N. zeros
. .. .

−(N−1) −1 0 1 2 L−1
r −−−>

Figure 1: Q.5

. . . . . .
0 1 x(N−1) L−1 r −−−>

. . . . . L−N. zeros . . . . . .
. . . .

0 1 2 L−1
r −−−>

Figure 2: Q.5

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