DLP Science 6

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I. Objectives:
Learning Competency:
The learners should be able to discuss the interactions among living things and
non-living things in tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to
a. Define food chain and food web
b. Appreciate the importance of transfer of energy in the ecosystem
c. Explain what are producers, consumers, and decomposers

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Interactions among Living Things
References: SLM Science 6 Module 9, Science 7 Learner’s Material 131-137, Science 7
Teacher’s Guide 114-116,
Teacher’s Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Disposable Cups for activity

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start our lesson for today, let us all (All pupils will stand up and pray)
stand for a short prayer.

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
How are you today? I’m good, thank you!

3. Checking of Attendance
Now, let us check if all of my beautiful pupils None, Ma’am
are present today. Classroom monitor, is there
any absent for today?
Thank you for being present today!
Thank you so much Class monitor. I am glad
that no one is absent for today! Give your
seatmate a pat on the shoulder and say “Thank
you for being present today!”

4. Recalling of the Classroom Rules

Alright! For us to have a fun learning
environment, I want you to be reminded about
our 5 classroom rules.
First, Listen when your teacher is talking
Second, Follow directions carefully
Third, Raise your right hand if you have
something to say
Fourth, Respect yourself, classmates, teachers,
Yes, Ma’am!
and other people
And Fifth, always be happy!
Are our classroom rules clear?

B. Learning Sequence
1. ENGAGE Fish, Human, Frog, Crocodile, Chicken
Last time, you have learned about the different Sponge, Sea Urchin, Jelly Fish, Squid, Insects
characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates.
Who can give me an example of animals under
vertebrates? Invertebrates?

Very Good!
Because of these classifications of animals, we
tend to know which among the animals shares
similarities and differences.

Alright! I hope you learned a lot about

vertebrates and invertebrates. Yes, Ma’am!
Are you ready to learn a new topic for today?
Okay! Let’s start the day with a short game.
Please take note of your answers because it will
serve you a clue on what is our topic for today.

I will be presenting some jumbled words and

you are going to arrange the letters to form the
correct words. Raise your hand if you want to
answer. Are you ready?
1. Chain
1. C I A H N 2. Plants
2. P A T L N S 3. Decompose
3. D C O E M P E O S 4. Consumer
4. C S O N U E M R 5. Food
5. D O F O 6. Producer
6. P D O R U E C R

Well done!
Now class, I have a question. Egg, hotdog, ham, bread
What did you eat for breakfast?
Anyone who would like to share?
Mostly, the common breakfast that all of us can
have and familiar, too, is egg. Where do eggs
come from?
Worm, grains
What do chickens commonly eat?
How about the worms? What do worms eat?
Correct. Specifically leaves.
Through the sun.
How and where can plants obtain energy when
they never eat other organisms?

Why do we need to eat? For us to have energy and to survive.

Very Good. For us to have energy and to
There is a pattern or sequence.
Now, what did you notice about the flow of
how the food, starting from egg, was eaten?

Good job!
Now, let’s have an activity.
This activity is called STACKED CUP.
The students will do the activity.
I have sets of cups here with pictures of
different organisms. Now, I want you to stack
the cups in correct order on how the organisms
were eaten. Who eats whom?

For example. The plant gets to process food

with the energy from the sun. Caterpillar
possibly ate leaves from the plant. The
caterpillar is eaten by the chicken. And the
chicken was fried, and eaten by T.KC

Did you understand?

Who would like to try?

1. The plant captured energy from the sun.
3. EXPLAIN The plant is eaten by the grasshopper and
Well done! the grasshopper is eaten by the chicken
Can you explain how did you stack up your set and the chicken is eaten by the snake.
of cups?
2. The carrot is eaten by rabbit, rabbit is eaten
by fox, and fox is eaten by lion
3. The plant corn captured energy from the
sun. The corn then is eaten by rat, rat is eaten
by owl.

Very Good!
In that previous activity, what organism is
being consumed first? From the Sun

Plants are also an organism. Where do plants

obtain its energy in order for it to grow
and reproduce just like any other organisms?

Very good. Through the process of photosynthesis.

How can plants obtain the energy from the sun?
Is it also by eating the sun? What do you call
that process?

Good job! Photosynthesis is the process

done by plants in which the energy from
the sun is being converted into chemical
energy in the form of glucose or starch stored
either in the roots, stem, leaves, tubers,
seeds, or in fruits.

Food Chain.
Now, what do you call this sequence or the
eating pattern for the energy to be transferred? The sequence of
How will you define a food chain?
energy transfer
among organisms
The sun is the ultimate source of energy in the
to obtain
The sequence of energy transfer among
And plants make this energy available for our organisms to obtain energy and nutrients.
consumption through the process of It starts with the energy source which is the
photosynthesis. sun and ends with a top predator – an
animal with no natural enemies.
In group 1 stack cup, plant is eaten by
the grasshopper. We consider plant as a
PRODUCER because plants are capable of
producing their own food. Producers are also

Then, grasshopper is the first order consumer.

When we say first order consumers, those are
organisms that get their energy by eating plants
Mostly, they are what we call HERBIVORES.
What are herbivores?
Very good!

Then the grasshopper is eaten by the second

order consumer which is the?
They are plant-eating animals.
And in turn, the chicken is eaten by the third
order consumer which is the?

Very good.
Usually secondary and tertiary consumers are Chicken.
considered OMNIVORES. Any idea what
omnivores are? Snake
Good job! Consumers are also called
They are meat-eating animals.
But what if there are more consumers added in
the food chain? Is it still called a food chain?

What is it now?
Very good!
No Ma’am.
A food web is composed of several food chains
connected together. It also starts with the
source of energy but it ends with a decomposer. Food web.

What is a decomposer?

The decomposer returns the nutrients back into

the soil, making the soil available for plants and
other producers so the materials in the form of
nutrients needed by living things are cycled “microorganisms
between organisms and the environment.
that consumes
any dead plant and
Do you have any questions about food chain
and food web?

Directions: Create at least 5 food chains, using animals.”
the given food web in figure 1.5. Microorganisms that consumes any dead plant
Write your answers on your paper. and animals.

No Ma’am.

1.eagle - thrush - dragonfly - butterfly -

Flowering plant
2.python - wolf - thrush - fruit fly - Mangoes
3.eagle - python - frog - butterfly - Lavenders
4.eagle - wolf - rat - grasshopper – Corn
5. eagle - python - frog - grasshopper - Corn

Directions: Answer the following questions correctly. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. What is a tropical rainforest ecosystem?
2. What is a coral reef ecosystem?
3. What is the importance of mangroves?


Science Teacher Applicant

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