Papai Evs

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• School Name : School of Engineering And Technology

• Name of the Student: Papai Shaha

• PRN of the Student:210101061030
• Course Name and Code: Civil Engineering
• Name of the Topic: Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
⚫ Renewable energy
is energy that is
collected from
renewable resources
that are naturally
replenished on a
human timescale.
⚫ These sources of
energy include solar
energy, wind energy,
geothermal energy,
and hydroelectric
power. 2
⚫ The major types or sources of
renewable energy are:
⚫ Solar energy from the sun.
⚫ Geothermal energy from heat inside the
⚫ Wind energy.
⚫ Biomass from plants.
⚫ Hydropower from flowing water.
Biogas energy
⚫ Biogas is a mixture of gases, primarily consisting of methane and
carbon dioxide, produced from raw materials such as agricultural
waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green
waste or food waste.
⚫ Naturally :
• In moors and lakes, biogas is produced by the
organic sediments accumulated at the bottom
• In landfills which contains organic wastes ⚫
Artificially in anaerobic digesters, where
it is heated, with :
• Sewage sludge
• Municipal waste (like food waste)
• Manure or dung in farms
• Energy crops (like maize sila
Typical composition of biogas

Compound Formula Percentage by volume

Methane 50–75

Carbon dioxide 25–50

Nitrogen 0–10
Hydrogen 0–1

Hydrogen sulfide 0.1 –0.5

Oxygen 0–0.5
Biogas Plant
Two types of biogas plant in usage of
biogas production

⚫ Fixed dome type biogas plant

⚫ The floating gas holder type biogas plant

Fixed dome biogas plant
⚫ Inexpensive
⚫ Easy to construct
⚫ Requires locally.,easily available materials
⚫ The fixed dome type bio gas plant consists of a closed underground digester tank
made up of bricks which has a dome shaped roof also made up of bricks.
⚫ The dome shape roof of the digester tank functions as gas holder and has an
outlet pipe at the top to supply gas to homes.
⚫ The slurry is prepared by mixing water in cattle dung in equal proportion in mixing
tank. The slurry is then sent into the digester tank with the help of inlet chamber.
⚫ It should be noted that slurry is fed into the digester tank up to the point where the
dome of the roof starts. Inside the digester tank, the complex carbon compounds
present in the cattle dung breaks into simpler substances by the action of
anaerobic microorganisms in the presence of water.
⚫ This anaerobic decomposition of complex carbon compounds present in cattle
dung produces bio gas and gets completed in about 60 days. The bio gas so
produced starts to collect in dome shaped roof of bio gas plant and is supplied to
homes through pipes.
⚫ The spent slurry is replaced from time to time with fresh slurry to continue the
production of bio gas.
Floating gas holder biogas plant
⚫ Easy to understand and operate
⚫ Volume of gas is visible directly
⚫ Expensive
⚫ Floating-drum plants consist of an underground digester (cylindrical
or dome-shaped) and a moving gas-holder.
⚫ The gas-holder floats either directly on the fermentation slurry or in
a water jacket of its own. The gas is collected in the gas drum,
which rises or moves down, according to the amount of gas stored.
⚫ The gas drum is prevented from tilting by a guiding frame. When
biogas is produced, the drum moves up adn when it is consumed,
the drum goes down.

⚫ If the drum floats in a water jacket, it cannot get stuck, even in

substrate with high solid content
⚫ After the introduction of cheap Fixed-dome Chinese model, the
floating drum plants became obsolete as they have high investment
and maintenance cost along with other design weakness
Advantages of biogas plant
⚫ Methane is a very powerful greenhouse gas: its
global warming potential it 23 times higher than
that of C02.
⚫ In this way, recovering of biogas is very
interesting to limit the greenhouse effect.
⚫ Furthermore, biogas is a renewable energy form
because biomass naturally releases biogas by
⚫ By using biogas as an energy source, we can
reduce our dependency on fossil
resources as coal, oil and natural gas
Uses of biogas
⚫ Biogas is renewable fuel that can be used to
produce heat and electricity.
⚫ Indeed, the gases
methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide can be
combusted or oxidized with oxygen and that
release some useful energy.
⚫ Like this, biogas can be used for space
heating, cooking, water
heating and process heating
Components of the Bio-gas Plant
The major components of the bio-gas plant are
⚫ Digester tank,
⚫ Inlet for feeding the kitchen waste,
⚫ Gas holder tank,
⚫ Outlet for the digested slurry
⚫ Gas delivery system for taking out and utilizing
the produced gas.
This project is also useful for students to have a
hands-on learning experience in constructing a
Mini Bio-Gas Plant, using the kitchen waste of
our Canteen.

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