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Research Log

Date Source of information Description of Why is the

information information
gathered useful?
Ross Kemp Living With-Knife Money was the My theme might
03/11/2021 Crime main catalyst be deprivation to
Ross Kemp Living With - Knife that made this be the cause of
Crime (Full Episode) (2019) - young convict to young teens
YouTube fully commit to choosing the knife
the gang culture crime route.
lifestyle, as he
struggled to fund
a regular job and
sold cannabis. 3
ounces of
cannabis, you
are making a
£300 profit. 7
days a week, you
are making £2K a
week. If you are
making that high
amount of profit
below the age of
18 then you are
just going to be
stubborn and not
going to look at
any other route.
Which comes
with a risk of
being vulnerable
to other people
who want to
take that profit
off you. This
becomes violent
conflict involving
knife collisions.

Deprived people
work 9-hour shift
and make £100
pound profit, but
then they look at
their friend that
has just made
that same profit
within 20 mins.

Gang members
Started carrying
knives at 13,
they say it’s for
protection, they
say they have no
choice. 3 of them
did not finish full
time education,
kicked out of
school at 12.
That caused a
huge impact, as
after that
exclusion they
are sent to a
people referral
unit, not getting
the same lessons
and are
surrounded by
other bad kids,
and are labelled
as a bad kid, and
the thought that
you are a bad kid
just because you
do not go to
school. They
complained that
putting bad kids
from different
areas that
already have
problems with
each other in a
community, and
that it does not
make sense. Self
prophecy, not
given a second
chance at
school is a big
impact, makes
them angry and
upset and they
take that anger
out on the
03/11.21 Britain’s Teen Knife Wars They carry a This explores the
Britain's Teenage Knife Wars | knife from fear increase in why
Jermaine Jenas Investigates - of what knife crime is
YouTube someone might straying away
to do them, so from gang-
they’ll have to do relation, reflecting
something to why young teens
them first. go to that route.

04/11/21 7 reasons being given for why Lack of Shows how lack of
knife crime in London has discipline: support from your
spiralled out of control “Discipline and parents in a
7 reasons being given for why role models are troubled home
knife crime in London has the wrong environment can
spiralled out of control - words” influence and
MyLondon “My research impact a child’s
shows that behaviour as they
young people copy their
that commit this parents' bad
type of violence behaviour.
feel they have no
support and that This also shows
no one is helping that children that
them” do these criminal
“They feel that offences do not
no one is looking have impure or
out for them” evil intent, they
are just scared
Personal Safety: because they feel
It is a catch 22 unsafe themselves
situation- people in society. This
carrying knives then pivots to the
because it makes police and how
them feel safer, they are not doing
but you are far a good job
more likely to be protecting
a victim of knife children in
crime if you carry society, especially
one yourself. in deprived areas.
despite this
more people
seem to be
making the
decision to carry
“The issue is
Young people
have now
accepted this
way of life.
Many people
end up being
stabbed by their
own weapon.
04/11/21 Why are more youths carrying Knife crime has This information is
knives? risen by 9% useful because it
Knife crime: Why are more across the UK, explains how a
youths carrying knives? - BBC and in London it rise in underaged
News has increased by children are
16% in the past getting into knife
two years. crime with no
The police say experience. This
the person tells me that I
involved has need to look more
changed too. into it in my
Whereas in the primary and
past it was too secondary
often a gang- research, to find
related issue, out the causes of
now they knife crime that
estimate 75% of are unrelated to
those caught gang affiliation.
have no
connection to
gangs. This can
make it harder
for officers to
target those
04/11/21 Knife Crime – Safe4Me Why are young This information is
people are useful because
carrying knives? this gives me a
County lines- range of concepts
organised drug to include in my
networks adverts in my key
Gang affiliation- image.
protection/statu It also tells me
s that county lines
Media attention/ systems that
glamorisation children get
Fear of crime- involved in is
being attacked / because they have
self-protection grown up with
Victim of less income than
bullying- self others, so they
protection sell drugs to gain a
Peer pressure- huge amount of
perception that money.
most young
people carry
04/11/21 The link between This information is
knife-crime-and-solutions- carrying a useful because it
editors-guide-to-what-our- weapon and shows that
academic-experts-say-113318 distrusting the policing and
Knife crime: causes and police is an systemic injustices
solutions-editor's guide to important new controlled by the
what our academic experts funding. It’s government plays
say possible that a huge part and
young people impact to
Ian Brennan, research
who live in high- teenagers going
psychologist, University of
crime down the knife
neighbourhoods crime path.
or who are
James Densley, associate
already involved
professor, University of Oxford,
and Michelle Lyttle Storrod, in crime may not
PhD researcher, Rutgers see the police as
University. being able or
willing to protect
them from harm.
In those
situations, it is
unsurprising that
a young person
would see
carrying a
weapon as
justified or

If people feel
society is unfair,
they are less
inclined to play
by the rules and
more likely to
lash out
4/11/21 https:// A lack of This information is intervention useful because it
west-london-news/7-reasons- There has been a displays how the
being-given-knife-15921862 huge reduction lack of
7 reasons being given for in the number of government
why knife crime in London youth clubs and presence in
has spiralled out of control similar societies deprived areas
across London where vulnerable
for the young children are, this
caused by strays children
reduced funding. into being ill-
Without these mannered which
types of more likely turns
networks away into becoming
from school violent behaviour
where young by the lack of
people and guidance and
responsible discipline.
adults can
interact there
may not be
opportunities to
spot warning
4/11/21 In November This information is
newsround/44070093 2018, there were useful because it
Knife Crime: Why are we reports that shows that social
talking about it? there had been a media may be a
rise in the huge catalyst in
number of the reason why
children under people under
18 receiving aged 18 are
treatment for committing
knife wounds in offences and
England, with getting stabbed by
the number of other children
young victims with knives.
having increased Especially in this
by 86% in the generation where
last four years. social media has a
huge impact into
In March 2018, influencing
police chief children in more
Cressida Dick negative ways
told the Times than positive
newspaper that ways.
she believed
arguments and
peer pressure on
social media
sites can “rev
people up”,
make people
angry and make
street violence
“more likely”.
4/11/21 The common This information is
portfolio/knife-crime/ factor is the useful because it
Safe4me: Knife Crime “vicious circle” indicates that
young people interaction from
find themselves the police in high-
in, for example- crime
in a gang/drug neighbourhoods
network it is an should be
expectation to increased, as this
be armed: “fear information
or be feared” connotes children
“live or die”- that carry knives
regarding fear of carry them due to
crime and fear of crime in
thinking “I n their
need to defend neighbourhood
myself” for protection and
highlights the defence.
absence of
thinking or
disregard that
they are
committing a
crime to prevent
a crime which is
not a defence in
law- also risking
the knife they
carry being used
on them in a
confrontation or
causing injury to
4/11/21 https:// Education has a This information
www.fightingknifecrime.londo major role in us useful because
n/report/our-generations- tackling knife it shows that
epidemic-knife-crime crime. Not only education plays a
Our generation’s epidemic: through teaching key role in leading
Knife Crime the dangers, children into knife
risks, and crime. I found out
consequences of that exclusion
involvement in plays the opposite
knife crime but effect in deterring
also to facilitate a child to correct
contact with the their behaviour. It
local police and makes a child feel
through abandoned by the
safeguarding a school system and
child who may leads them to lose
be at risk. We hope in their
are extremely future of getting
concerned about income through a
the rates of qualified way.
exclusions in With the free time
schools, they have outside
especially as of school; this
statistics show pushes them to
that young hang out with the
people of Black wrong people and
Caribbean get income in an
backgrounds are illegal way,
more likely to be because they feel
excluded than like they have
their White nothing to lose,
peers. We leading them to
strongly believe knife crime.
that exclusions
should be the
absolute last tool
used in a long
line of measures
taken when a
young person

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