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Name: JOJIE A.

DADOR Course & Year: BSBA 3rd Year

Subject: CBMEC – Operations Management PreMidterm Examination

1. Identify the (8) dimensions of product quality.

a. Performance (will the product do the intended job?)
b. Features (What does the product do?)
c. Reliability (How often does the product fail?)
d. Conformance (Is the product made exactly as the designer intended?)
e. Durability (How long does the product last?)
f. Serviceability (How easy is it to repair the product?)
g. Aesthetics (What does the product look like?)
h. Perceived Quality (What is the reputation of the company or its product?)

2. Name the (5) dimension of service quality.

a. Tangibles
b. Reliability
c. Responsiveness
d. Assurance
e. Empathy

3. Differentiate the dimensions of product and service quality.

At a strategic level of dimension of product quality management that can be used to
evaluate quality characteristics. A system of thinking about quality of product. Which
means improvement in one may be at the cost of others.
Service is normally described as an experience felt by the consumer. The quality of
service is evaluated by how well the customer is contented with the service.

4. Identify the different quality gurus in quality management.

Dr. William Edwards Deming - is often referred to as the “Father of Quality Control.”
Philip Crosby - come to national prominence with the publication of his book Quality is
Free in 1979.
Dr. Joseph Juran – first became well-known in the US as the editor of the Quality Control
Handbook (1951)
Dr. Walter Andrew Shewart – The “Grandfather of Quality Control”
Dr. Armand Feigenbaum – is given the credit to the formation of the idea of total quality
control in his book Quality control-Principles, Practice and Administration(1961)
Prof. Kaoru Ishikawa – is the “Father of Quality Circles”
Dr. Genichi Taguchi – Taguchi underlines an engineering approach to quality.
Dr. Shingo Shigeo – is the greatest contributor to modern manufacturing practices.
Masaki Imai – is the founder and President of Kaizen Institute who threw the word

5. Recognize contributions of quality gurus in quality management.

DR. WILLIAM EDWARDS DEMING – Deming does not define quality in a distinct phrase.
He said that only the customer can define the quality of any product or service.
PHILIP CROSBY – defines quality as a means “conformance to requirements”. Quality
must be defined in quantifiable and clearly stated terms to aid the organization take
action based on feasible targets, rather than experience, or opinions.
DR. JOSEPH MOSES JURAN – Juran defined quality as “fitness for use” and also
developed the idea of cost of quality.
DR. WALTER ANDREW SHEWART – Shewhart’s principle was that bringing a process into
a state of statistical control would permit the distinction between assignable (such as
unskilled workers or equipment not being calibrated) and chance cause variations.
DR. ARMAND FEIGENBRUM – Feigenbaum defines quality as the “total composite
product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering, manufacture and
maintenance through which the product and service in use will meet the expectation of
the customer”
PROF. KAORU ISHIKAWA – for Ishikawa quality is the “development, design, production
and service of a product that is most efficient, most helpful, and constantly acceptable
to the consumer”.
GENICHI TAGUCHI - Taguchi defines quality as the “loss imparted to the society from the
time a product is shipped”.
DR. SHINGO SHIGEO – Dr. Shigeo was one of the greatest influences of Japanese quality
control and his contributions to quality improvement transformed the Japanese
industrial sector and accordingly influenced the industries in the west.
MASAKI IMAI – is the Founder and President of “Kaizen” is an inseparable aspect of
TQM which is mandatory in all activities of the organization.

Case 3 – A hospital’s enormous billing adds to the loss of a daughter

1. Is Kabuhayan Medical Center at fault in implementing the billing rules of the
hospital? Is there quality in the service of this hospital? Defend your side.
-No in a sense that the hospital had been holding the patient body for almost three days in
stark violation of the law, Republic Act No. 9439, which states that no hospital or medical
clinic can detain a patient on grounds of non-payment of hospital bills and medical expenses.
But in the sense of noblesse oblige, a concept that requires privileged persons and
institutions to exercise social responsibility to the poor, especially in this instance, the
hospital’s indigent customers, and their experience is a violation of their human rights. There
is no quality service given by the hospital. Especially when the hospital wanted to make
money on their huge indebtedness by slapping a 24 percent interest for any balance and
even refuse to release a clinical abstract, preventing the parent to use it in seeking financial
assistance from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office in the payment of a huge hospital

2. Has the parent decided wrongly in placing his daughter in a private hospital like
Kabuhayan Medical Center? Explain your side.
- There is nothing wrong placing his patient in a private hospital. Most probably, it's
because of services and the ease associated with them. You don't have to run from
one block to another to complete formalities, no standing up in endless queues for
getting your patients registered. One doesn't need to wait very long for
surgery/procedures or mere investigations which saves a lot of precious time. Very
often we get to hear that government hospital staff is non-cooperative or rude,
which is generally not the case with private hospitals. And with most people opting
for health policy, everyone wants and gets the best of facilities and comfort. But
everything carries a price tag. Nothing comes for free in this world.
- The only problem is that we all know that in Private Health Care More flexibility
more money: The level of flexibility you choose for hospital privatization services
determine the money to pay. The more flexibility, the more money you pay.
Therefore, be careful when choosing the indemnity health insurance.

3. Make an assessment of the service quality of Kabuhayan Medical Center in terms of

tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
- Quality is considered a key factor in differentiation and excellence of services and is
a potential source of sustainable competitive advantage so that its understanding,
measurement, and improvement are important challenges for all health services
organizations. There is no question in terms of tangibles service of the hospital since
we all know that it’s a private hospital and we expected having Neat and well-
dressed personnel, Clean and comfortable environment of the hospital, Modern and
up-to-date equipment, Visually appeal of physical facilities. Low perception and
expectation in terms of empathy dimension because of a weak relationship between
the hospital staff with patients and need to improve behavior and communication
between personnel and patients. Reliability/responsiveness dimension, focusing on
the process of care, still requires more attention to meet the patients' expectations
regarding this aspect of quality like in willingness of personnel to help patients,
feeling safety and security in interaction with personnel, and most importantly
sincere interest of personnel in solving patients' problems. Hospitals must design a
scheduling system of service provision and be bound to it.
4. What are your suggestions in making Kabuhayan Medical Center a quality hospital to
prevent this type of billing problem to happen?
- When it comes to fighting medical bills, consumers are at a disadvantage because
regulatory oversight of health plans is spread among federal and state agencies. A
few states have passed laws that limit surprise fees and ban out-of-network
providers from charging you the difference between their fees and the
reimbursement amount, a practice known as balance billing. But most states don’t
have those protections. As a result, consumers are often confused about their
options and don’t know where to go for help.

Case 4 – What a coffee cup taught me about Poka Yoke and Human Errors

1. Is the author correct in saying that there are faults in the design of the cup? Defend your

2. Have you experience such kind of poorly designed cups in a coffee shop? How did you
handle the situation? Relate your experience.

3. What other products do you know that are designed poorly? What can you suggest to
correct them?


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