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Elle Magazine Most Elle magazines are similar due to the

fact that they usually have the model
positioned in front of the masthead, this is
Side bar a feature that highlights that this magazine
is popular as you don’t need to see the
whole masthead to know the magazine.
The colour pallet in the Zoe Kravitz
magazine is mainly reds and whites, she is
wearing a red dress therefore they have
taken this and put it into the other titles,
like the masthead and the side bars. They
have bar code on the page and also a
section highlighting they are with Hearst
Barcode UK.
“ELLE is the biggest-selling Elle magazines Instagram is
fashion magazine in the world. It's They have a basic website which is used to promote their
the magazine for women who minimalistic, the colour theme is website and magazine,
love fashion by women who love white and black and the have they post photos of
fashion. In each issue you’ll enjoy snippets of stories so it entices celebrities and comment
all the latest fashion news, people to buy the magazine, they on the topic of the photos
catwalk beauty tips (and how to have lots of advertising for to entice people in. They
wear them), exclusive celebrity companies. There Instagram is very post little snippets about
interviews and so much more.” organised as they have highlights what is going on in the
This is what Hearst UK said about spilt into sections for example the media, they have
ELLE magazine, Elle magazine was different fashion shows, they post 1.2million followers, they
taken over by Hearst magazine in reels to promote their TikTok, there follow lots of celebrities
2011 TikTok does not have as many and get a mixed amount of
followers with around 3300. likes on their posts.
Vogue Magazine Vogue Magazine has a similar layout style to Elle with their
“Condé Nast is a global media masthead being at the top and then the navigation bar
company that produces some underneath, at the bottom of the website they have a section
of the world’s leading print, where they highlight more information about Conde Nast, they
digital, video and social also have links to other magazines in that brand.
These include Vogue, GQ, The
New Yorker, Vanity Fair”
Vogue have lots of different
social medias, but for British
Vogue they have twitter,
Vogue magazine have a very similar
Instagram, Facebook and
layout, they usually have their model
YouTube. For Instagram and
positioned Infront of their masthead,
Twitter they are both quite
this feature is quite popular in famous
similar they post snippets into
magazines as it highlights that the
celebrities life's and their
readers know what the magazine is
clothing, they have
without having to read the whole title.
promotions for there other
They usually match their colour palette
accounts/website. There
with whatever the model is wearing this
Instagram is very similar to Elle Sidebar is very similar to Elle magazines style as
magazines as they have
well. By doing this they get a sleek look
highlights to organise events
as everything matches and it makes it
and they also post reels .
look more modern, however they use
There Instagram has 6.4million
serif font for their masthead which is
followers and their Twitter has Feature article usually seen as a older fashioned style
3.8million, they joined Twitter
but it is also seen as a higher end
in March 2009.

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