Case Study Analysis: Alex Nguyen BOH4M0-A Mrs. Stewart

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Case Study Analysis

Alex Nguyen
Mrs. Stewart
Ike Telloni’s strengths seem to stem from his position as a regional marketing director in
a large corporation, the Waterloo Ice Cream Company, with many subordinates and not really
having to interact with them. His strengths include, long term planning, accounting and
purchasing. His struggles with owning a small business can be directly attributed to his cold
demeanor, and him not being present in the shop with his teenage employees. Another instance
that can attribute to his struggle would be his horrible relationship with his employees, loudly
criticizing them and even being called stupid by one of them. These issues would surely lead to
the business continuing to slowly decline with Telloni as head.

The first thing Ike must do to improve the business is to look to improve his own
weaknesses, such as his inexperience with a small business, and having good relations with the
people that he manages. His cold demeanor and attitude can not exist within a well-run
business. His cancellation of the employee bonus program, picnic and improvement meetings
would only serve to further ruin his relationship with his employees. Ike Telloni needs to work on
himself and his internal problems before he is able to run a small business successfully.
Previously, the employee’s had great relationships with management, and it resulted in amazing
customer service, motivation and productivity. It directly affected the profit of 150,000 that
Hannah had achieved. Ike’s treatment of Nafeeza who he believed to be critical to the success
of his business, and his direct disregard of his own responsibilities will drive Nafeeza to work for
the new ice cream shop. All of the mentioned struggles come from Ike’s personal weakness and
for him to run a successful business, he must change his mentality, his attitude towards his
employees, and his behavior

Secondly, Ike Telloni’s view of his employees must change in order to run a successful
business. He must view his employees as his colleagues rather than viewing them as his
subordinates. Not only must he view them as such, he must treat them with respect and treat
them as such. The incident in which he yelled at an employee in front of customers, and that
caused him to lose that employee. His team is talented, as it was the same team that when
treated with respect, garnered huge profits for Hannah. The team’s performance is a direct
result of Ike’s negative and poor treatment of them. His decision to take away the incentives that
Hannah used to create a positive workplace and his treatment of Nafeeza are both actions that
cause extreme unrest within the business and in turn, create a negative workplace.

To conclude, Ike Telloni must change his demeanor and the way he treats and views his
employees, in order to run Hannah’s Ice Cream to its peak performance. Telloni must first
attempt to repair his relationship with his talented team, and create a positive work environment
for them to prosper in. Next he must put the incentives back in place, and view his employees
as colleagues rather than subordinates, and to do that he must change his own internal issues
that he has. Most importantly he must gain experience, by working through this difficult situation.
As all of his troubles and faults come from inexperience with running a small business. He must
learn to treat this company more like a family as Hannah did previously. His priorities within the
company should mirror his growth as a manager and the company’s success should follow, so
long as he stays driven to change the workplace environment.

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