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Campaigns with Impact:

How to Run Social Campaigns

That Move the Needle

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Table of Contents

1 Setting Objectives
and Metrics 2 Planning Your

Measure Demonstrating
3 Performance 4 Your Success

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What does success look like in social marketing?

What makes a successful social media campaign? Is it all about getting If you?re currently measuring success based on likes and follows,
likes and follows for your content, or is there more to it than that? but think you?re capable of more, this ebook is for you. We?ll show
you how you can dig deeper to design campaigns that go beyond
If you?re new to the job of social media management, it can be hard to stakeholders?expectations and deliver tangible business results for
know what?s expected of you. And if you?re keen to go above and your brand or client.
beyond for your stakeholders, and make a real difference to your
business, what does that extra mile look like?

Run social campaigns that move the needle for your brand

This ebook will answer those questions. We?ll look at what really
constitutes a successful campaign, and how you can run more of them.
In doing so, we?ll give you a solid grounding in how to:

- Set meaningful campaign objectives and metrics

- Plan campaigns that deliver on their goals
- Measure performance against objectives
- Show stakeholders the impact you?ve had on the business
- Become a respected and trusted advisor on social marketing

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Advice from four social marketing pros

For this ebook we?ve enlisted help from four social marketing pros from the in-house and agency worlds. Throughout, they?ll
share their tips, experiences and insights to help you run social campaigns that genuinely move the needle for your brand.

Jo is a social media manager specializing in the charity sector. Starting out as a copywriter, she fell in love with
social and has held in-house social media management roles at the Epilepsy Society and the British Heart
Foundation. Follow her on Twitter at @ThatJoEden.

Jess is director of Halo PR, a PR agency that majors on content and social to boost brand awareness and sentiment.
Working with clients at the cutting edge of technology and innovation, Jess believes in telling stories about people in
new and creative ways. Follow her on Twitter at @_Jessification_.

Pollyanna is a social media manager with a background in retail and FMCG ? including an early dream job at Oreo.
On a constant mission to elevate the status of social, Pollyanna has worked with brands across Europe and taught
social marketing in Paris. Follow her on Twitter at @Pollage.

Katherine is director of full-service social marketing agency Oh So Social. An award-winning social marketer and
Facebook #SheMeansBusiness mentor, she loves delivering results for clients ranging from the NHS to up-and-coming
entrepreneurs. Follow her on Twitter at @OhSoKatherine.

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1 Setting Objectives and Metrics

If you want your campaign to be successful, you first have to know - Reading the company?s annual report and interim statements ? if
what success looks like. your client is a publicly listed company, this is a good guide to their
strategy and goals for the coming year
That may sound trite, but it?s surprisingly common for brands to run
social campaigns that don?t tie in with the brand?s wider aims. And it?s - Paying attention to what senior executives say in media interviews ?
especially common with reactive campaigns, which often jump on as this can give you clues as to what?s on their mind, and may spark
topical events without considering whether they help towards the ideas for campaigns to run
brand?s overall goals.

So how can you be sure what success looks like for your campaigns? - Asking your stakeholders/ clients what they?d like you to help them
The key is to understand what the brand as a whole is aiming to achieve. Not every stakeholder makes the connection between
achieve. That could mean different things depending on your role and business goals and social marketing, so they may not automatically
the size of your organization. tell you what their strategic aims are. By asking the question, you?ll
mark yourself out as someone keen to help the business succeed
Some things you can do to increase your understanding of overall
business objectives include:

- Regular conversations with the leadership team about the direction

of the business, and their goals for the months and years ahead
?The first thing we always ask is: what?s the dream? What are
- Regular meetings with leaders and colleagues from across PR, your business goals for the next 6 months, 12 months, 3 years,
Marketing and Sales, so you can propose and plan campaigns that 5 years? We always go down to the nitty-gritty of where you
want to be in 5 years?time, because that drives what we do
align with their goals now, and it drives the metrics we use.?

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Understanding Business Objectives
Once you understand what the business is aiming to achieve, you?ll be
able to plan campaigns that help to deliver on those objectives.

If the business needs to increase sales by 50% in the coming six

months, for example, you can plan campaigns that drive more active
buyers to your sales pages or into your stores. If the objective is to
increase share of voice in the marketplace, you can look at developing
standout creative and messaging that gets noticed by influencers and

Often, your social campaigns will be part of the wider campaign mix
planned by Marketing. So make sure you?re aligned with what
everyone else is doing ? and be ready to challenge their expectations
of what social is able to contribute.Sometimes you might be asked to
do things that you know won?t work on social. And sometimes, you?ll
encounter stakeholders who aren?t aware of how powerful social can
be in helping to achieve business objectives. The more you can make
the case for what social can and can?t do, the more you?ll be seen as a
trusted advisor, which will ultimately help you in your career.

?Our stakeholders used to tell us what they wanted us to
achieve, but those objectives weren?t always right for
social. Now, we ask them about their objectives ? it could
be growing the marketable universe, increasing
propensity to donate, or increasing awareness or signups
? and we tell them what we?re able to contribute.?

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Getting SMART
The caveat, of course, is that your campaigns need to actually deliver on
the objectives you?re aiming for. To do that, you need to be sure you set
objectives that are achievable through social, and you need to be able to
measure whether you?ve achieved them or not.

?For me it's about understanding what the overarching business
objective is and from there a strategy can start to take shape with
KPIs that ladder up to the business objective. This also helps us with
what social media channels to use, for example what is it that we
want the audience to do, what does success look like, how long do we
need to run it for, what creative do we need, what other marketing
activity is happening at the same time...? It's definitely more than just
choosing the channel you like the most!"

You?ll likely have come across the term SMART when talking about objectives,
and social campaign planning is no exception. When you set goals for your
campaign, it will help to make sure they are:

- Specific: You have concrete targets that align to business objectives

(for example, we aim to increase our share of voice from 25% to 50%)
- Measurable: You have the tools and data to measure performance
(for example, if you aim to increase clickthroughs to sales pages,
you?ll need access to web analytics)
- Achievable: You have the budget, tools, time and resources to be able
to achieve the goals (for example, you may need to source help from
designers, videographers and copywriters)
- Realistic: Your goals are actually reasonable (for example, if your
goal is to outsell Amazon by year end, you may want to validate that
this is a realistic aim before setting it in stone)
- Time-bound: You set deadlines for achieving your goals (for example,
we aim to increase share of voice from 25% to 50% by year end)
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Establishing your campaign metrics
Once you?ve set your objectives, it?s a case of establishing the metrics you?ll use to measure
success. These will vary depending on the objectives, but you could find yourself
measuring things like:

- Reach and recall: If your objective is to increase brand awareness, you could
measure how many people saw your campaign and remembered it as coming
from your brand
- Sentiment: If your objective is to improve brand perception, you could measure
positive and negative mentions of your brand over time. You can also measure
keywords people use in relation to your brand, to see if they map to the image
the brand would like to portray
- Engagement: If your objective is to build an engaged following for your brand,
you could measure engagement indicators like conversations, mentions, shares
and retweets
- Signups: If your objective is to build an engaged audience for your content, you
could choose metrics like newsletter signups or event registrations
- Donations: If your objective is fundraising for a charity or initiative, you could
measure total donations made as a result of social campaigns
- Sales: If your objective is to increase revenue, you could measure online sales
that were initiated through social ? as well as cost per conversion, for paid
social. Although it?s much trickier, you may even be able to measure social?s
impact on offline sales, too

These metrics are all very different, but they all relate to overarching business
objectives your brand may want to achieve.

When you start thinking in those terms, you begin to see how vanity metrics ? like follows and
likes ? are at best a superficial method of measuring campaign success. To truly understand
the impact of your campaigns, you need to dig a lot deeper.

Once you?re sure of your metrics, you can start to plan campaigns that will deliver on them.
We?ll look at that in the next section.

Further reading
For more
8 | Cam paigns Wit h Im pact : How t o Run Social Cam paigns That Move on setting suitable campaign objectives, get our tip sheet: 5 Tips for Setting Measurable Social Media Goals
t he Needle
My most successful social campaign: Jo
Brand: British Heart Foundation

Campaign name: Restart a Heart Day 2016

Objective: Inspire members of the public to sign up for CPR training

Platform: Twitter

Concept: Jo and her team worked directly with Twitter to create a

world-first campaign using Twitter?s heart-shaped ?like?and auto-response
functionality. It asked people to imagine they were having a cardiac arrest,
and click the ?like?button to learn what would happen to them next.

Only 1in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, so 90% of the

people who liked the original tweet received a hard-hitting auto-response
saying they hadn?t survived. The call to action urged people to sign up to
learn CPR.

Results: As not all of the CPR training was being delivered by the BHF,
signups couldn?t be measured in one place. However, Jo says: ?We were
able to look at anecdotal feedback, and at spikes in signups that we were
able to track. We found the impact was really tangible. For the first time,
people understood the seriousness of the problem, and signed up to learn
CPR as a result of seeing the campaign.?

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2 Planning Your Campaign

You know which strategic business objective your campaign is going If you?re running a brand awareness campaign for a big consumer
to hit, you?ve set corresponding SMART objectives for your campaign, brand, that audience could be very broad. But if your target audience is
and you?ve decided on the metrics you?re going to measure. Now it?s hiring managers in UK manufacturing companies, or owners of stringed
time to start planning a campaign that will deliver against all of that. instruments, you?ll want to take a much more targeted approach.

To give it the best chance of succeeding, you?ll need to consider Rolling out a campaign without first understanding where to find your
things like: audience, and how best to target them, means you could be wasting a
huge amount of effort.
- Audience insights
- Platform choice
- Paid vs. organic
- Creative execution KATHERINE SAYS:
- Roles and responsibilities ?First we have to identify who we?re speaking to. For our
client Amati, a specialist auction house, it?s people who own
Let?s have a look at each in turn. a violin. But how do you find them? We did a lot of
audience analysis and breakdown, a lot of breakdown of
Audience insights their previous ad campaigns, a lot of asking their staff ? the
team that value instruments ? what kind of people come to
their valuation days.?
If you want to deliver on your objectives, it?s critical that your
campaign reaches the right people.

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Platform choice
Social platforms are used in different ways by different people, so it pays to be quite granular
about which channels you use for what.

It means thinking not just about where your target audience is more likely to congregate, but also
what they do on each platform, and what they?re thinking about when they?re there.

Just because you can post video on Twitter, for example, it doesn?t mean Twitter is always a good
platform for your video content. And likewise, if your content is business-oriented, don?t
automatically rule out Facebook in favor of LinkedIn.

?Paid social is the fire that will set your content ablaze. Paid social media
is an incredible channel because no matter the size of your brand, there's
a space for you to advertise. Large brands can take advantage of the cost
efficient reach where they can guarantee millions of eyeballs on their ads,
whilst small businesses can utilize the advanced targeting tools to speak
to those in their local postcode. It's important to have both, because like
every other advertising channel, it's pay to play.?

Creative execution
Creative is critically important to your campaign?s success ? in fact, Nielsen
has found that 56% of a brand?s sales lift from digital advertising can be
attributed to high-quality creative.

56% of a brand?s sales lift from digital advertising

can be attributed to high-quality creative.

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?First we look at the audiences that we are looking to connect
with, and where they hang out online. Then we think about the
content that needs to be created-does it fit the audience, will it
stand out in a crowded marketplace? Finally we look to the
creative, and then we work it into an action plan of production.?

The treatment you choose will depend on your brand and the
campaign at hand, but your considerations might include:

- Is the brand prominent? When people are scrolling quickly

through Twitter or Instagram, you want them to remember
that the eye-catching creative they saw belonged to your
- Does it have the right associations? If you want people to
associate your brand with breakfast, for example, dark
lighting might mean you miss that objective
- Is it formatted correctly for the platform? One of the
biggest turnoffs for a savvy audience is an image or video
that?s clearly the wrong size and shape for the platform. It
can be interpreted as a sign of laziness, or of not caring ?Every campaign should have a call to action, a reason for
enough about the audience existing. I say that about every single tweet or message that
goes out on whatever platform. The objective needs to be clear.?
- Is the tone right? Missing the mark on tone can work against you,
while using an on-brand tone ? including appropriate humour ?
can draw more of your audience in and get them to engage
- Is the call to action clear and easy? If the success of the These creative considerations can form the basis of a checklist that
campaign depends on the audience doing something, like clicking you can use to evaluate and sign off all your creative before it goes
through to a sales page or sharing the post, you want this to be out.
crystal clear. Make sure the call to action aligns with your key
metric: if you want to increase donations, for example, make sure
you drive people to the donations page

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You can also use it to brief designers and content creators, to ensure they
build content that will meet your objectives. That?s especially important
when reacting to topical events, as you need to turn around on-brand,
on-tone creative fast, and your regular design team may be booked up.

Roles and responsibilities

Finally, to maximize the results from your campaign, define who will do what
as it rolls out. If the campaign takes off, you might need people working
shifts to engage in conversations around the clock. Lots of marketing teams
think of social as a desk job, but might the campaign work better if you also
have someone out and about ? maybe live-tweeting or streaming from an
event or launch?

Results: Razor?s Twitter impressions climbed by 186% in three months, and

Further reading LinkedIn impressions by 145% in the same timeframe.
For more on campaign planning and measurement, read our ebook:
Planning and Measuring Campaigns

My most successful social campaign: Jess

Client: Razor, a cutting-edge technology consultancy based in Sheffield

Campaign name: Thought leadership campaign

Objective: Position Razor as the leading voice across the UK, Sheffield and
the North in technology innovation and development

Platform: Twitter, LinkedInConcept: An integrated PR and social campaign

showcasing Razor as a leader in AI in manufacturing, and Sheffield as a hub
for technology innovation. Jess and her team developed original thought
leadership content and topical news announcements, placing stories with Razor founder Jamie Hinton says: ?We have been asked by numerous
organisations ?how are you doing what you?re doing? It?s on another level!?
BBC Click, manufacturing trade publications and local Sheffield media, and From a social media perspective, our follower count has been ticking up
faster than ever and our engagement numbers are off the scale.?
amplifying these on social platforms.
Jess says: ?This campaign shows how powerful social can be when it?s
combined with targeted media coverage gained by showing genuine
thought leadership.?

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3 Measure Performance

Once your campaign starts rolling, it?s time to start tracking Note that measuring performance is not the same as monitoring
performance to see if it?s hitting the success metrics you set for it. engagement. You should be listening and engaging with the audience
on a continual basis ? which will intuitively give you a sense of how
For this you?ll want to have a good idea of how often you want to the campaign is performing. But measurement involves looking at the
measure. You?ll also need analytics and reporting tools, and access to data around your metrics, and comparing it with the objectives you
the right data. Finally, you?ll need to have some idea of how you?ll set for the campaign at the start.
react if the campaign is performing very differently from what you
expected. Analytics and reporting
Frequency of measurement It?s vital that you have tools that will allow you to accurately measure
campaign performance against the metrics and objectives you set at
How often you measure performance will depend on the campaign. the start.
For a rolling brand awareness campaign, you might measure monthly
If you?re operating on a tight budget, you may find yourself relying
or even less frequently. But for a launch or sales campaign, you might on in-platform analytics, and manually collating information into a
want to measure every day, so you can tweak the campaign if it?s single place for analysis. The drawback is that if you?re tracking
underperforming. something complex, like sentiment or share of voice against

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competitors, the data-gathering work can quickly start to take up all of your time.

When that happens, it?s worth investing in an analysis and reporting tool that can do the heavy lifting for you. Tools like our Meltwater Explore
don?t need to be expensive, and can free up days of your time to spend on audience engagement, campaign optimization, or planning the next

?Most people nowadays have a social listening tool. But if you want to be a bit smarter about finding out how
people are engaging and reacting, you can?t do it with in-platform analytics. Not everyone is in a position to
invest in their own analytics tools, but we've definitely seen a return on our investment in our tools.?

The good news is that because your campaigns are optimized for business impact, you should be able to prove their financial value to your
organization ? which makes it much easier to justify the investment in an analytics and reporting tool.

As well as the right tools, you also need access to the right data. If you?re trying to track click-throughs to a sales page but you don?t have access
to your brand or client?s web analytics package, measuring performance is going to be tricky.

Responding to campaign performance

Measuring the success of your campaign at appropriate intervals means you can take timely action if things aren?t going to plan. If you?re not
hitting your metrics on your call to action, for example, it could be worth reviewing the creative to see if it could be made clearer, or more

?The beauty of social is that if you know something?s not working, you can pull it, or change it, or tweak it.
There?s no point creating loads of content and then finding out six weeks later that it?s all been rubbish.?

With experience, you?ll be able to spot more of these things upfront, but especially when you?re starting out, you need to see the campaign
performing before you can judge how well it?s working for you ? and change tack if need be.

15 | Cam paigns Wit h Im pact : How t o Run Social Cam paigns That Move t he Needle
Responding to campaign performance
competitors, the data-gathering work can quickly start to take up
Measuring the success of your campaign at appropriate
all of your time.
intervals means you can take timely action if things aren?t going
When that happens, it?s worth investing in an analysis and to plan. If you?re not hitting your metrics on your call to action,
reporting tool that can do the heavy lifting for you. Tools like our for example, it could be worth reviewing the creative to see if it
Meltwater Explore don?t need to be expensive, and can free up could be made clearer, or more compelling.
days of your time to spend on audience engagement, campaign
optimization, or planning the next campaign.

?The beauty of social is that if you know something?s not
JO SAYS: working, you can pull it, or change it, or tweak it. There?s no
point creating loads of content and then finding out six
?Most people nowadays have a social listening tool. But if weeks later that it?s all been rubbish.?
you want to be a bit smarter about finding out how
people are engaging and reacting, you can?t do it with
in-platform analytics. Not everyone is in a position to
invest in their own analytics tools, but we've definitely
seen a return on our investment in our tools.?

The good news is that because your campaigns are optimized

for business impact, you should be able to prove their financial
value to your organization ? which makes it much easier to
justify the investment in an analytics and reporting tool.

As well as the right tools, you also need access to the right data.
If you?re trying to track clickthroughs to a sales page but you
don?t have access to your brand or client?s web analytics
package, measuring performance is going to be tricky.

16 | Cam paigns Wit h Im pact : How t o Run Social Cam paigns That Move t he Needle
With experience, you?ll be able to spot more of these things upfront, Once the tour started, two people worked full-time on the
but especially when you?re starting out, you need to see the campaign: one sharing new content, and one responding to
campaign performing before you can judge how well it?s working for every engagement. As interest in The Man Engine built, the team
you ? and change tack if need be. used well-targeted humour to manage expectations around when
and where he was to appear.
My most successful social campaign:
Results: The team had been tasked to get 7,000 visitors to the
events. Thanks to a carefully orchestrated social campaign,
Brand: The Man Engine 500,000 turned up to the events, and another million watched
online. Key campaign results included:
Campaign name: Man Engine Tour 2016
- Total social media reach: 25.4 million
Objective: Drive 7,000 people to attend a series of live events where - Twitter impressions: 1.1million (total value £41,936.50)
The Man Engine ? a giant mechanical puppet ? was scheduled to - Facebook reach: 7.3 million (total value £95,490.90)
appear - Hashtag reach for #TheManEngine and #ManEngine: 14
millionCampaign ROI: £147 for every £1spent
Platform: Facebook, Twitter

?It was completely record-breaking. As a team, our job changed
from getting people along to events, to helping with crowd control
and getting people on and off site safely. It?s a prime example of
how good social can be.?

Concept: The team used audience research to connect with

Facebook groups with an interest in mining heritage. They used
teaser posts to hint that something big was going to happen, since
details of The Man Engine were under embargo.

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4 Demonstrating Your Success

So you?ve run your campaign and you?ve smashed it out of the

park ? now what? The final piece is letting the right people know KATHERINE SAYS:
how successful it?s been. That?s where reporting comes into its own.
?If a campaign focuses on vanity metrics, it?s hard for me to show
By reporting against the metrics you set at the start, you can an ROI figure. But if I can show they had this much increase in
demonstrate how social has contributed to the wider success of the sales, or this many more people through the door, I can prove our
value ? and I can extend our contract.?
brand or client.

As many stakeholders don?t think of social as something that can

deliver business results, your reports are an opportunity to educate Your reports can also provide valuable insights to colleagues in
them about what social is capable of ? which in turn will elevate other disciplines. As social is on the front line of engagement with
your own reputation in the organisation. And for agency teams, customers, prospects, advocates and detractors, you can pick up
being able to demonstrate tangible business results can also lead on audience insights that will help everyone in Marketing, Sales and
to more work; a true win-win. Service to deliver better results.

18 | Cam paigns Wit h Im pact : How t o Run Social Cam paigns That Move t he Needle
We?ve learned some weirdly specific things through campaigns
that we?ve run, like how talking about avocado really annoys the
public. Because we could show that through our reporting, people
in other teams listened to us, which helped us change the shape
of campaigns to come.?

Be honest about campaigns that didn?t do so well

There?s just one caveat ? if a campaign doesn?t perform well against your
metrics, it?s much better to be honest about that than try to gloss over it with
vanity metrics.

By trying to hide the truth, you risk undoing the great work you?ve done to
elevate social into a strategic, business-enhancing marketing discipline.
You?ll find you gain more kudos and respect from having an honest
conversation with your stakeholders about why something didn?t work as
well, and explaining what you?ve learned and what you?ll change for next
time.Even better ? if you notice early that a campaign?s not working, you can
make the necessary tweaks in good time. Then, when it comes to reporting,
you can show how your mid-campaign tweaks turned performance around.

Conclusion: Time to deliver more impactful

Social marketing is a maturing discipline, and there?s now widespread
understanding that vanity metrics aren?t the best way to measure the
success of social campaigns. Often, though, there?s still confusion about
what kind of metrics to use instead, and how to measure them.

In this ebook we?ve explored what goes into creating social campaigns that
will genuinely move the needle for your brand or client.

19 | Cam paigns Wit h Im pact : How t o Run Social Cam paigns That Move t he Needle
We?ve looked at to set meaningful objectives, how to apply appropriate metrics, and how to plan, execute and report on
campaigns based on them.

One thing we?ve touched on is that using in-platform analytics and manual measurement to demonstrate your success can
quickly become a drain on your time. You can free up huge amounts of time by using a single platform to measure campaign
success and report on it to your stakeholders.

Take your measurement and reporting deeper with Meltwater Explore

For many social marketers, that platform is Meltwater Explore;the monitoring, listening and reporting platform that?s used by
30,000 professionals worldwide. Meltwater Explore lets you easily monitor, analyze and report on campaign performance ?
even when you?re using complex metrics, like share of voice compared to competitors over a historical period.

You can easily set up dashboards to monitor multiple channels, including news, social media, forums, reviews
sites and podcasts. And our powerful drill-down capabilities mean you don?t just see what?s happening,
but also what?s driving that activity.

If you?d like to see how you can use Meltwater Explore to measure and
report on campaign performance, ask us for a demo. You can get
in touch at social.

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Data-Driven Marketing
To find out how enhanced monitoring and
analytics can shape and inform your strategy,
take a look at our additional resources.

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