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Draw the similarities between the movie “Sholay” and the fundamental rights

Here is the similarity between the movies Sholay and the fundamental right-Right to freedom that
includes Article 19 to Article 22

Under Article 19

Clause(2); Nothing in sub clause (a) of clause(1) i.e. right to freedom of speech and expression, shall
affect the operation of any existing law, or prevent the state from making any law, in so far as such law
imposes reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right.

In the movie we can clearly observe the outlaw by Gabbar Singh. Here the law enforcement is affected,
due to which the lives of the people of Ramanagara village and the neighboring villages had become
miserable. So in order to restore imposition of law and order Rs50,000 was being awarded to bring
Gabbar alive or dead into the custody of police.

Clause(5);Nothing in sub clause (d)&(e) i.e. right to move freely throughout territory of India & reside
and settle in any part of the territory of India; shall be affected

In the movie people were not free to move here and there due to the fear of Gabbar Singh and his gang,
this shows the deprivation of the people from their fundamental right right to move freely. Secondly,
when Imam Sahab's son Ahmed was going out of the village for work, he was killed by the gang of
Gabbar Singh, this shows the violation of right to move freely & reside and settle in any part of the
territory of India.

Under Article 21

Protection of life and personal Liberty No person shall be deprived of his life or personal Liberty except
according to procedure established by law

In the movie we can have a clear idea of how the people of the villages were in Misery because of
Gabbar Singh and his gang. Putting light on the other side of the story Gabbar Singh who was from lower
caste was made to feel inferior by the virtue of discrimination this violates his personal Liberty at
individual level. Later on he took the peace of the lives of the people.

Under Article 22

Clause(2);Every person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before the nearest
magistrate within a period of 24 hours of such arrest including the time necessary for the journey from
the place of arrest to the quote of the magistrate and no such person shall be detained in custody
beyond the set without the authority of a magistrate.

In the movie firstly Thakur Sahab arrested Gabar Singh and produced him in the court where he was
given a punishment of 20 years imprisonment. Secondly, in the last part of the movie Thakur Singh
didn't violate law and order by killing Gabbar Singh rather he handed over Gabbar to the police.

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