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University of San Agustin


A phenomenological study
of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

In partial fulfilment
for the requirements
Practical Research 1

Lead Investigator



University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background...........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 State of the Problem..............................................................................................................................3
1.3. Research Gap........................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Scope and Delimitations of the Study....................................................................................................4
1.5. Significance of the Study......................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2 - REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE..................................................................7
2.1. Introduction of the Literature Review...................................................................................................7
2.2. Conceptual Literature...........................................................................................................................7
2.3. Related Studies.....................................................................................................................................9
2.4. Synthesis.............................................................................................................................................14
2.5. Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 3 - METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................16
3.1 Research Design..................................................................................................................................16
3.2. Context and Participants.....................................................................................................................17
3.3. Research Instrument/s.........................................................................................................................18
3.4. Data Collection...................................................................................................................................19
3.5. Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................................20

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal


1.1 Background

The nursing profession has come a long way from the days

when nurses were considered nothing more than handmaidens to

doctors. Today, nurses are an integral part of the health care team.

Nurses are present in every community, large and small, providing

expert care from birth to death. Nurses' responsibilities range from

direct patient care and case management to developing quality

assurance procedures and directing complex nursing care systems.

And for the past two years they were under drastic pressure and

workload because of the COVID – 19 that hit almost 200 countries

around the World.

According to BG Gohar, ML Larivière, NY Lightfoot, CE

Larivière, EH Wenghofer, and Behdin NK (2021), sickness

absenteeism is a concern in nursing, and it is even more concerning

given the recent effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare.

Anliu Nie, XF Su, SZ Zhang, WJe Guan, and JF Li (2020)

conducted the research.

The epidemic on the frontlines may be in severe physical and

psychological distress. This psychological distress was primarily

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

described as sleep disturbance, anxiety and depression symptoms,

post-traumatic stress, inability to make decisions, and even somatic


The disease's rapid spread posed challenges for healthcare

systems and forced healthcare workers to deal with clinical and

nonclinical stressors such as a lack of personal protective

equipment, mortality and morbidity associated with COVID-19, and

fear of bringing the virus into the hospital. Nurses were subjected to

harrowing situations while caring for demanding COVID-19

patients, causing significant psychological and physical distress.

According to Heather Hall's research, receiving proper support from

their organization and society could significantly improve their

situation (2020). Johannes H. DK, MK Grindle, SA Munoz, Liz

Ellis, Rob Polson, and CM O’Malley all contributed in the study.

Inconsistencies in findings and lack of data collected outside of

hospital settings suggest that researchers should not exclude any

groups when addressing psychological well-being in health and

social care workers. While psychological interventions to improve

individual resilience may be beneficial, it is clear that occupational

and environmental factors must be addressed to build a resilient


University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

1.2 State of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the Mental

Well-being of nurses from Guimbal, Iloilo, Specifically, it aims to answer

the following research questions 

1.What are the experiences of the nurses from Guimbal, Iloilo during

the COVID-19 pandemic?

2.What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental well-

being of nurses in Guimbal?

1.3. Research Gap

This study focuses on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the

mental well-being of nurses from Guimbal Iloilo over the last two years.

The research gap was obtained by providing answers to the research

questions and identifying the terms associated with the issue of the

lifestyle changes of nurses—the review of related literature to identify

relevant publications associated with the study. Through this, the

researchers will be able to identify issues which are the lifestyle changes

of the Nurses from Guimbal, Iloilo, and how the pandemic affected their

health over the last two years.

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

1.4 Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of the COVID-

19 pandemic on the mental health of nurses in Guimbal, Iloilo. It will

primarily focus on the respondents' experiences over the last two years and

how these experiences impacted their mental health. It should be noted

that the present study does not cover anyone that doesn’t belong to the

said study because it will not be applicable to them. Hence, it cannot be

used to generalize people or organizations outside of the respondent group

because it will cause a conflict between the researchers and the

respondents. This study will be conducted at the University of San Agustin

during the second semester of the academic year 2021-2022, it will

involve 10 nurses from Representative Pedro g. Trono Memorial Hospital.

5 of them are male and 5 of them are female. The said respondents are all

in their early 30’s to late 40’s and are all full time professional

The researchers picked Representative Pedro G. Trono Memorial

Hospital’s nurses as the target respondents because of the availability and

convenience of the said respondents. Since Representative Pedro G. Trono

Memorial Hospital is one of the best performing hospitals in the provincial

side of Iloilo and is a government-backed hospital.

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

1.5. Significance of the Study

This study focuses on portraying the benefit of the finding of the

study. The results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

1. Nurses: It will help them acquire knowledge on how to improve or

change their lifestyle to reduce their psychological distress and mental

distress during their work. 

2. Patients: will benefit from the study because they will become

aware of the experiences and situations that the nurses handle in the

hospital and the impact on their well-being. As a result, they will have a

better understanding of the nurses' situation and will be able to deal with

the nurses more pleasantly.

3. Doctor: Doctors will benefit from the study because they will

become more aware of the situations that nurses are in and the impact on

their health. As a result, they will have a better understanding of the

nurses' situation and will be able to guide the nurses through their work.

4. Hospitals administrators: This study will help the hospital

administrators better understand the situation of the nurses and if they are

aware of the situation of the nurses and the problems they are facing, they

can provide a healthy environment in the hospital by starting a program

that can address the mental well-being needs of the nurses.

5. Department of Health: The Department of Health will benefit

from this study since they are the upper heads of the healthcare system

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A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

here in the Philippines. DOH can take something from this study like

adjusting the workloads of the healthcare workers, giving them non-

stressful schedules to balance their health physically and mentally, and

because they are the one who makes the healthcare system move they may

take something from this study to make the healthcare system run smooth

and fluidly.

6. Future Researchers: this study would help the student researchers

to be aware and knowledgeable of the situation that the nurses are

experiencing and the impact on their health due to the pandemic. It would

help them to be a better analyst and it can be a help as a future reference

for more studies in the future.

7. Student Researchers: This study allows Student researchers to

learn something, hone problem-solving skills, challenge new things, and

learn about people and why they do the things they do. Best of all, we get

to enrich our lives by learning.

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal


2.1. Introduction of the Literature Review

Frontline nurses during the emergency phase of Covid-19 may be

vulnerable to psychological disorders that can jeopardize mental health.

As a result, all professionals involved in the prevention of psychological

disorders should be guaranteed daily surveillance and monitoring of

symptoms, as well as targeted support interventions. According to Riedel1

et al, (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic has isolated healthcare workers in

ways that the general public may find difficult to understand. Employees

who have experienced COVID-19 traumas should be covered by

healthcare corporations for mental health treatment. Institutions should

remind nurses and other health care providers that they are not alone, that

there is hope, and that seeking help and giving time will improve mental

health. It is common to feel isolated and hopeless during the COVID-19

pandemic due to isolation and social distancing.

2.2. Conceptual Literature

The COVID-19 Pandemic, an unidentified pneumonia outbreak,

was reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019.

Pneumonia cases were linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market

by epidemiology. On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization

declared a pandemic due to the global spread of SARS-CoV-2 and

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

thousands of deaths from coronavirus disease, which resulted in a

formidable outbreak in many cities in China and expanded globally

(COVID-19). To date, the world has paid a high price for this pandemic in

terms of human lives lost, economic ramifications, and increased poverty.

The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed many lives and poses an

unprecedented threat to public health, food systems, and the workplace.

Millions of businesses are threatened with extinction. The pandemic has

decimated jobs and threatened millions of people's livelihoods. Millions of

women’s and men's food security and nutrition are jeopardized.

A nurse is a patient's caregiver who assists in the management of

physical needs, the prevention of illness, and the treatment of health

conditions. Nursing connects a patient's health care journey. Throughout

the patient experience, nurses work tirelessly to identify and protect the

needs of the individual. Responsibilities can range from making an

emergency treatment decision and the ability and drive required to be a

nurse are the key unifying characteristics in all roles. Nurses are best

placed to take an all-encompassing view of a patient's wellbeing due to

long-term monitoring of patients' behavior and knowledge-based

expertise. Regardless of the infectious environment, nurses ensure that all

patients receive high-quality care. They will remain on the front lines of

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

patient care in hospitals and actively involved in community evaluation

and monitoring.

We all know that COVID-19 caused a lot of havoc in everyone’s lives.

In the early waves of the COVID-19, there were lots of questions and

worries about how can we handle and take care of ourselves. The COVID-

19 spike affected not just normal people’s lives but more the front liners

who faced and battled COVID-19 leaving everything behind for the sake

and safety of everyone. The COVID-19 battle for the nurses was a very

gruesome and life-risking task. They put their lives on the line just to keep

the cases balanced. The nurses were not just physically tired but they were

also mentally and spiritually tired. There was a glimpse of hope since

vaccines were approved for rollout and this made everything easy and was

a big sigh of relief for our nurses.

A positive state of mind and mental well-being denotes psychological

and emotional well-being. that a person is cognitively capable and

emotionally in a productive and fulfilling way. Well-being encompasses

physical, mental, and social domains. Due to COVID-19

2.3. Related Studies

The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was initially reported to

the WHO Country Office in China on December 31, 2019. It has grown to

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A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

218 countries and territories worldwide, as well as two international

vessels (Worldometers, 2020). As of January 8, 2021, 216 countries and

regions are involved, and 88,499,863 instances have been confirmed. This

includes 1,906,693 deaths and 63,610,687 people who recovered (World

Health Organization, 2020). Indonesia is one of the impacted nations, with

797,723 confirmed cases as of January 8, 2021. 659,437 individuals have

been recovered and 23,520 verified deaths (Ministry of Health of

Indonesia, 2020).

The overwhelming number of cases is the greatest obstacle, and our health

care systems are being tested. In the impacted nations, limited hospital capacity,

insufficient numbers of face masks and personal protective equipment, a scarcity

of ventilators, caregiver tiredness, and difficulties with quick and diagnostic tests

have become problematic (Djalante et al., 2020; Gunawan, Aungsuroch, & Fisher,

2020; Tanne et al., 2020). Leaders face complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty in

decision-making (Djalante et al., 2020) as a result of the fast-shifting situation,

lack of specialist understanding of the evolving novel disease, and the constant

discovery of new information on a local and global scale.

The WHO designated 2020 as the year of the nurse long before the COVID-

19 epidemic. The year of the nurse is fitting because nurses are the primary heroes

in the fight against COVID-19 because of their crucial responsibilities in testing,

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A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

treatment, and containment of the virus (Visagie, 2020). In response to the

outbreak, nurses are on the front lines and are willing to give their lives to care for

others. As of October 28, 2020, the International Council of Nurses has confirmed

that 1,500 nurses in 44 countries had perished from COVID-19 (ICN, 2020).

Without the critical role nurses play in diagnosis, treatment, and containment, the

response to COVID-19 would cease.

At the time this publication was prepared, the majority of COVID-19 studies

were conducted in China, where the pandemic first emerged. We searched

PubMed, CINAHL, and Google Scholar to review the literature on the

experiences of nurses during COVID-19. We collected two publications, both

from China, that investigate the experiences of health care providers during the

COVID-19 epidemic; they were published in April 2020 in online journals. To the

best of our knowledge, only media publications exist in the United States

describing nurses' experiences caring for COVID-19 patients, and no scientific

publications were accessible at the time we wrote this review.

In China, qualitative phenomenology research of nine nurses and four

physicians studied the experience of fighting COVID-19.

Three themes emerged from the researchers' telephone conversations with

these subjects. The first theme, "being entirely accountable for a patient's well-

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A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

being—'this is my duty," describes the responsibility to offer care. The second

focus was "working in COVID-19 wards and its problems." In the study, nurses

and physicians indicated difficulty coping with their anxieties of contracting a

disease or infecting family members, their helplessness in dealing with patients'

deteriorating health, and the depletion of PPE supplies. Regarding the third

theme, "resilience in the face of adversity," nurses and physicians shared their

mutual support and coping strategies.

The second qualitative, phenomenological study, also conducted in China,

explored the psychological experiences of nurses caring for COVID-19 patients.

The researchers questioned 20 registered nurses and discovered four themes:

(1) a considerable number of negative emotions in the early stage; (2) coping and

self-care techniques; (3) growth under pressure; and (4) the simultaneous or

gradual occurrence of happy emotions with negative emotions. In the early stages,

these nurses were anxious due to their lack of understanding of the virus and their

concern about infecting their families. They also discussed the sense of teamwork

they felt with their fellow nurses, as well as how their appreciation for life and

sense of professional responsibility as nurses contributed to their growth and

positive feelings about the experience.

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A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

Resilience is a well-researched concept in nursing and has been studied

among a variety of demographics, including nursing students, nurse shift workers,

and critical care nurses.

The ICU's high-pressure environment exacerbates burnout symptoms such as

moral distress and compassion fatigue. High perceived burnout is connected with

stressful job demands, posttraumatic stress disorder, and workplace bullying

among critical care nurses, whereas social support, self-efficacy, and a sense of

well-being aid to build resilience.

The establishment and maintenance of a healthy work environment mitigate

burnout symptoms among nurses in intensive care units. Nurses should be

encouraged to advocate for systemic change, innovate, cooperate with other

doctors who share their values, and act as change agents. Certain personality traits

that are prevalent among critical care nurses, including perfectionism, difficulty

setting limits, pessimism, competitiveness, and mistaking self-interest for

selfishness, contribute to an increase in feelings of burnout. The use of creative

arts (music, art, dance, and writing activities) in the workplace is recommended to

increase critical care nurses' well-being and resiliency.

On December 8, 2020, a search was conducted in the databases PubMed,

CINAHL, and WHO COVID-19 (Global research on coronavirus disease

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A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

(COVID-19) 2020). A systematic search was done to find all peer-reviewed and

original empirical qualitative studies applicable to the research objective

(Bettany-Saltikov and McSherry, 2016). In each of the three chosen databases, the

search technique consisted of a building block search conducted using the PEO

framework. The citation pearl search was undertaken on the Web of Science

(WOS) to evaluate the significance and relevance of listed articles and to

guarantee that all relevant papers were included. WOS compiles all referenced

references for the citation search and includes citation indexes for each reference

list. The years 2019–2020 were selected to ensure that no relevant material was

overlooked, given the virus was initially discovered in humans in December 2019

in China, despite the outbreak not being made public until January 2020. (World

Health Organization 2020).

Health care administrators should prioritize assessing the level of dread among

nurses working during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent mental health issues

or psychological impairment. We highlighted crucial criteria that may assist

health care administrators in creating effective public health initiatives to reduce

the fear felt by Saudi Arabian nurses. Future research should concentrate on

therapies to enhance nurses' coping strategies in response to novel scenarios, such

as the COVID-19 pandemic.

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

2.4. Synthesis

1. the research objectives of the related studies and our research are

similar as they are both trying to learn about the mental state of nurses and

trying to reduce stress and burnouts?

2. both our research and related studies used qualitative research

designs as we sought the answers to why and how the mental health pf

nurses are getting affected during the pandemic

3. both the related studies and our research have similar participants

which are nurses but the related studies also included physicians?

4. there is a difference of the methods used by the related studies and

our research because the related studies conducted surveys and met with

the nurse’s face to face while our research made use of google forms and

zoom to conduct a contactless interview

5. there are also differences in our instruments, our research

conducted interviews through the use of online conferencing apps such as

zoom, google forms and messenger while the related studies used

researchers studying the working environment of the nurses in person

2.5. Theoretical Framework

Covid-19 Pandemic Mental Well-being

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

Independent variable Dependent variable

If we look into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental

well-being of the respondent on our research, in our study the independent

variable is the Covid-19 pandemic, and the dependent variable, the

possible effect of covid-19 pandemic’s physiological and emotional

aspects that a person is cognitively capable and emotionally in a

productive and fulfilling way. Well-being encompasses physical, mental,

and social domains. COVID-19 will greatly affect them negatively. The

first analyses of the various consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

show that the risk to nurses’ psychological well-being is particularly high.

As the pandemic and the demands imposed on nurses are not yet fully

understood, there is a need to seek buffering factors to protect nurses’

psychological health. In line with the earliest evidence, we hypothesize

pandemic-related increases in perceived stress and decreases in the

frequency of flow experiences, likewise in satisfaction with work, life,

work performance, and well-being. As protective factors while dealing with

pandemic-related stress, we suggest an individual’s sense of humor and

perceived appreciation.

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal


3.1 Research Design

The phenomenological method is a type of qualitative research

design. The researchers chose this type of design because this will help the

research to aim and comprehend and characterize the universal essence of

a phenomenon (According to Anon). The researchers will use

phenomenological methods to understand and describe the experiences of

nurses in Guimbal during the COVID-19 pandemic data for this study.

(According to Wirihana, et al 2020), Colizzi’s phenomenological method

focuses on the Participant’s experiences and feelings, rather than

individual attributes, in order to identify shared patterns. This scientific

approach ensures the authenticity of the collected experience of

participants to adhere to scientific norms. This is where The Researchers

can study the data and build their assessment of the experience. During

this process, data analysis is also advanced, and additional data is

frequently collected and analyzed to broaden and deepen the scope of the

research. This process continues until the researchers fully comprehend

the experience.

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

3.2. Context and Participants

This study will be conducted at Rep. Pedro g. Trono Memorial

Hospital in Guimbal, Iloilo during the second semester of the academic

year 2021-2022. The target respondents will come from nurses working at

Representative Pedro g. Trono Memorial Hospital, Guimbal, Iloilo. A

convenience sampling technique will be used in the study. The number of

participants that will be counted in this study will be exactly 10 persons. 5

of them are male and 5 of them are female. The said participants are all in

their early 30s to late 40s and are all full-time professionals. The

participants were picked using convenience sampling and responded to an

online survey, ages 30-40 years to get our data regarding our studies. Due

to the COVID-19 epidemic, researchers use convenience sampling, which

is a sort of sampling in which the first available primary data source is

used for the research with no extra restrictions. In other words, this

sampling strategy entails gathering individuals wherever they can be

found, which is usually anywhere it is convenient. Before subject selection

in convenience sampling, no inclusion criteria were defined.

3.3. Research Instrument/s

This study is a qualitative research design to gain an understanding of

Nurses lived experiences in the Mid of Covid 19 Pandemic. Qualitative

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

researchers can have established rapport with participants, thus making

them comfortable throughout the interview process. Qualitative

interviewing was prove useful because it provided an in-depth

understanding of Nurses in Their Covid 19 Experiences.

The Researchers utilized in-depth interviews to explore the participant’s personal

experiences, wach interview was conducted in Zoom Meeting will be used by
both the interviewees and the respondents during the said interview and lasted
between 15-50 minutes. Which gave participants a sufficient amount of time to
discuss their experiences especially respondent interview utilized to elicit open-
ended responses from participants.

3.4. Data Collection

Data were collected from nurses from Guimbal, Iloilo at

Representative Rep. Pedro G. Trono Memorial Hospital l will be given an

informed consent form if they are willing to be part of the research

conducted by the researchers the form will be sent via google form and if

they agree, they will be signing the consent form. The Informed consent

form and the data that they will be sharing with the researchers will be

treated with the utmost confidentiality. Interviews were conducted by the

researchers. Because of the risk of COVID-19 transmission, video or

audio interviews were used. The researchers will conduct interviews

through the use of online conferencing apps like Google forms, Zoom

meeting, and messenger app. The researchers will choose nurses aged (30-

University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

40) nurses Guimbal. In the first stage, the aim and content of the study

were explained. In the second stage, individual interviews were conducted

with each participant. It was made certain that both the participant and the

interviewer were alone and in a quiet area for the interviews. If a question

was difficult to understand, the question will be repeated. In the third

stage, the interview will be recorded with the consent of the respondents.

Unstructured interviewing is a type or method of data collection in which

the researcher or interviewer can freely move the conversation in any

direction of interest that may come up during the interview. Open-ended

questions are used in unstructured interviews to obtain qualitative data.

This allows the reply to go into further detail and use their words. This

allows the researchers to bring closure to the participant’s comprehension

of a circumstance. The researcher will interview each

respondent/participant guided questionnaires. The researchers will also ask

for additional information that would satisfy the needed data for the study.

After the interview, the researchers will thank each respondent/participant

and will identify, determine and compare the data collected for this study.

3.5. Data Analysis

Data analysis summarizes all the collected data, which involves the

interpretation of data gatherer through the use of analytical and logical

reasoning to determine patterns, relationships, or trends (Anon,2022, page

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A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

1). The system of data analysis that the researchers are going to follow/use

is the content analysis since researchers want to know and determine the

mental impact on the nurses for the past 2 years during the pandemic on

the nurses around Guimbal. Content analysis is a type of analysis that is

within the given qualitative data. The researchers want to use this kind of

data analysis because our qualitative data has been collected through

interviews and observation. The researchers will conduct a thorough

interview with the participants, and it will be executed with the guided

questions that we prepared. The researchers will also do a complete

observation of the experiences of nurses.


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University of San Agustin

A phenomenological study of the daily life of the nurses from Guimbal

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