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General Studies Comment Sheet Date :

Name of Candidate ABHISHEK KUMAR

Registration No. 577860

Test Code

Q. No. Marks
Overall Macro comments / Feedback / Suggestions on Answer Booklet :
1 3 Dear student,

2 Contextual competence is adequate like you have the understanding, you have understood the context
4 in which the Questionasked.You have understood the demand/context of most of the Que .However In
4 Ques 1, 11, 13, 17 your answer was not inAlignment to the demand of the question, try to write what
3 has been asked in the question and not what you know.

4 4 Language competence is fine you have written in easy to read and understandable language.

5 3 Content competence is ok You have the understanding about the subject matter which is good.
However in the question 16, 18 and 20 you have to put more emphasis on what has been asked in the
4 question and not what you know. Also you have to identify the implicit part of the question and answer
6 accordingly.

7 4 Structure and presentation is again satisfactory though i would suggest you to write briefly in points.
see micro comments to identify the errors.
8 3.5
Introduction you have written well in almost all the question however you have to keep it short. You
missed the intro part in question no 3, 6 and 12 which you must keep in mind while attempting next
9 3.5 test. Do not skip intro part as it is the prelude to your whole answer. (see micro-comments for further
10 4.5
Conclusion should be balanced, optimistic and suggestion based which you have nicely done, but
11 1 there are room for improvement. See micro-comments for further explanation.

12 4 Rest you have the competence to excel, read more and work on your shortfalls, to score even better.

13 1

14 4.5

15 4.5

16 2

17 2

18 2

19 4

20 2.5

Total All The Best



introduction is okay

point that you have shared is

okay, but try to write small
paragraphs so that you can
incorporate diverse points
within stipulated time and

this point is okay

this point is okay

liberty, equality, fraternity are the
principles of French Constitution

this point is not


please try
points as
per the
demand of

this point too

is not required.
please avoid points
which are not required.

instead of such points add

points like: it provides
fundamental rights to the

conclusion is okay

introduction is okay, but try to
keep it short as there is paucity
of words and time.
points that you have shared
are okay

try to keep your points

conclusion that you
have provided is okay

in the introduction part write few lines on
both the systems providing examples of
both the countries

points that you have

shared are okay
you can improve
your presentation by
showing differences
of the FPTP and PR
by separating it by a
margin and writing
points on each side

points that you have

shared are okay
good points

good points

this answer is a bit incomplete as you

4 have to provide the merits and demerits
of PR system and then you have to
provide conclusion of your entire answer
introduction is okay
points that you have
shared are okay

points that you have

shared are okay
conclusion is okay

introduction that you
have provided is okay,
but try to keep it a bit
good points that you
have shared.
the question also demanded it
to write its difference from a
political party, you have to
write that part as well, rest is

conclusion is okay

in the introduction part write two lines
on UPSC, dream of many youths etc,
then write its contribution to India so

points that you have

shared are okay
points that you have
shared are okay
conclusion is okay

introduction is okay

points that you have

shared are okay
points that you
have shared are

conclusion is okay
introduction is okay
points that you have
shared are okay

good points
3.5 good points that you have
shared. The conclusion part is
missing, you were to provide
the importance of the genesis
of both the features and end it
up with a positive note.
introduction is okay

points that you have

shared are okay
points that you have
shared are okay
points that you have
provided are okay

introduction is okay
points that you have
shared are okay

good points
good conclusion that you
have provided

introduction is okay, but try
to keep it a bit short

this point is not

write what has been asked in the
question and not what you know.
Write its significance ex: involves
community participation,
development of local area, serve
justice, decentralization of power,
gram sabha etc
in the introduction part write about the grave issue of judicial
pendency in India and add a line to address this problem.

good points that you have

good point that you
have shared

conclusion is okay

introduction is okay

this point is not

required, avoid it as
there is paucity of
time as well as words
please write
what has been
asked in the
question and not
what you know
please write what has
been asked in the
question and not what
you know. you were to
write points ex:
Legislative councils can
be abolished, only a
delaying chamber,
guaranteed seat for
weak leaders etc

introduction is okay

points that you have

shared are okay
good points
good points

conclusion is okay

you can improve your introduction by
writing about the disqualification,
anti-defection etc

flow-chart is very well

very well written,
sections that you
have provided is
points that you have
provide is good

conclusion is good

introduction is good

nice point
good point

the structuring part is a bit

jumbled, you can improve
the flow by writing step by
step i.e. mention the
Constitutional provisions
regarding amendment of the
Constitution then Explain the
procedure of amendment of
the Constitution of India
under Article 368 then its
criticism a bit.
instead of this write the
procedure for
amendment i.e. can be
introduced either by a
minister or by a private
member and does not
require prior permission
of the president, The bill
must be passed in each
House by a special
majority, there is no
provision for holding a
joint sitting of the two
Houses etc

in the conclusion part write a bit on

the amendment process and its
criticism and in the end write your
2 suggestion accordingly
introduction is okay

point that you have

shared is okay
like the emergency part
write the other examples
as well i.e. Parliament can
alone make ‘extra
territorial legislation,
Parliament has an
upper-hand in the
concurrent list, residuary
powers are vested with
residuary subjects,
Constitution also
empowers the Parliament
to legislate on state
subjects under few
circumstance, Governor
can reserve state bills for
consideration of the
President etc. The content
that you have provided
can be avoided as it was
not asked in the question.

introduction is okay but
you can improve the
intro. by citing article 50
of the Indian constitution

good point that

you have shared
point that you have
shared is okay

this point is not

required, please try to
avoid such points as
you have paucity of
time and words.

you have to write more about the

doctrine of separation of power and
you have to put special emphasis on
why it is essential in the Indian

2 in the conclusion write briefly on the importance of

doctrine of separation of powers and how it has
helped in functioning of the governance of the
introduction that you have provided is

good point
points that you have
shared are okay
conclusion is okay

introduction is a bit
long try to keep it
short and concise
point that you have shared is
okay, but it is a bit long.
Instead of putting emphasis
on this part you should have
written more points on how
PM has pre-eminence.
you have to more points like: how the Position of PM is
pre-eminent as compared to the council of ministers,
She/he recommends people to be appointed as ministers
to the president, She/He supervises activities of all
ministers, she/he heads the national development council,
national integration council, interstate council, Niti Aayog

conclusion is okay


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