Pyq Chapter 4

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a) A consumer researcher tests four brands of tires to see how many miles they can be driven before they should
be replaced. One tire of each brand is tested in each of three types of cars. The results (in ‘000 miles) are as
Two-way ANOVA: Type of Tyre versus Type of Car

Source DF Adj SS SS MS F
Type of Tyre 3 16.2092 16.2092 5.4031 4.4190
Type of Car 2 0.1400 0.1400 0.0700 0.0573
Error 5 6.1133 6.1133 1.2227
Total 11 22.4625 22.4625

i. State the experiment unit, treatment and the block in this experiment.
(3 marks)
ii. Test at α = 0.05 if there is any significant difference in mileage among types of tires.
(5 marks)

b) The yield of a chemical process is being studied. The two most important variables are thought to be the
pressure and temperature. The yield data is as follows.

Temperature 200 215 230
150 90.4 90.7 90.3
90.1 90.6 90.5
160 90.1 90.5 90.0
90.3 90.4 90.4
170 90.5 90.8 90.4
90.7 90.9 90.1
Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F P – value

Temperature A D 0.16889 8.94 0.007
Pressure 2 E 0.27722 F 0.001
Temperature*Pressure B 0.1356 0.03389 1.79
Error C 0.1700 0.01889
Total 17 T

i. Show that the value of T is 1.1978 by using the data given in the above Table.
(3 marks)

ii. Find the values of C, D and F.

(3 marks)

iii. Conduct a test of hypothesis at 5% level of significance to determine if there is an interaction effect
between temperature and pressure on the yield of chemical.
(5 marks)

iv. Based on your result in (iii), should a further test be conducted on the main effects? Justify your
(2 marks)
JULY 2020

a) A training institution is experimenting with four different manuals for a typing course. The institution divided
20 participants into four groups and each group used a different manual. At the end of the training session, a
test was given, and the scores shown in table below.

A B C D Analysis of Variance
67 89 75 78
Source DF SS MS F P-Value
79 86 95 74 Manual P R 56.667 T 0.663
Error Q 1687.2 S
85 87 69 95 Total 19 1857.2

86 73 94 85
79 87 60 93

i. Compute the values of P, Q, R, S and T.

ii. Based on the p-value, test at 5% significance level whether the four different manuals create different
JULY 2020

b) The effective life (in hours) of batteries is compared by material types and brands. Twelve batteries are
randomly selected from each material type and are then randomly allocated to each brand. The result is
shown in the following table.

Material Type
Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3
80 60 58
106 74 45
120 85 50
150 95 60
Two-way ANOVA: Life Time versus Brand, Material Type

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F P-Value

Brand J 7381.1 M 51.77 0.000
Material Type K 1564.1 1564.1 N 0.011
Brand* Material Type 1 741.1 741.1 5.20 0.052
Error L 1140.6 142.57
Total 11 10826.9

i. Find the values of M and N.

ii. By using the above data, show that the total sum of squares is 10826.9.
iii. Is there a significant interaction between charge routines and material types on the mean lifespan of the
batteries? Test at α = 0.05.
iv. Based on your result in (ii), should a further test be conducted on the main effects? Give your reason.

a) The production manager is interested to compare the durability scores of four different types of carpet. He
took a random sample of four for each type of carpet.
Carpet A
Carpet A Carpet B Carpet C Carpet D
81 77 65 71
75 74 67 69
77 70 74 67
78 71 66 68

The minitab output for the data is shown below:

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F P

Factor 3 242.25 80.750 9.014 0.002
Error 12 107.50 8.958
Total 15 349.75

i. Use the above durability score to show that the total sum of squares is 349.75.
ii. Test at 1% significance level whether there are significant differences in the durability scores among the
four types of carpet.

b) An experiment was conducted to ascertain the stability of vitamin C in frozen orange juice concentrate
stored in a refrigerator for a period of up to one week. Three brands of frozen orange juice concentrate were
tested using 3 different time periods. The time periods refer to the number of days from when the orange
juice was blended until it was tested. The results, in miligrams of ascorbic acid per litre, were recorded.

Time (days)
Zero Three Seven

55.0 51.5 47.5 46.0 51.0 52.0

Rich food
50.8 50.3 50.0 51.5 55.0 52.5
56.0 48.5 55.0 56.0 54.0 55.0
Sealed sweet
55.5 49.0 51.5 50.2 50.5 53.0
54.0 54.8 50.5 49.5 45.0 41.3
Minute maid
57.3 56.0 44.0 49.0 45.5 42.4

The summary output from the MINITAB is given below.

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Brands 2 84.10 42.051 6.77 0.004
Times 2 88.29 44.146 D 0.003
Brands*Times 4 239.05 C 9.62 0.000
Error 27 B 6.209
Total A 579.09

Based on the minitab output, answer the following questions.

a) Identify the response and factor variables.

b) Find the values of a, b, c and d.
c) Test at 5% level of significance whether the interaction effect was significant.
JUNE 2019

a) An researcher is interested to compare the biomass (mg) of three different types of bacteria in flasks of
glucose broth. He used five replicate flasks for each bacterium.

The minitab output for the data above is as given below:

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F P

Factor 2 1756.93 878.467 124.90 0.000
Error 12 84.40 7.033
Total 14 1841.33

i. By using the above data, show that the total sum of squares (biomass of bacteria) is 1841.33 mg².
ii. Is there any significant difference in the population mean of biomass between the three different types of
bacteria at 5% significance level.
JUNE 2019

b) The brightness of films produced by three different brands (P, Q and R) has been compared using three
different development processes (X, Y and Z).

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Brands 2 1381.6 C 130.89 0.000
Development processes 2 B 83.889 15.89 0.000
Interaction 4 238.2 59.556 D 0.000
Error A 190.0 5.278
Total 44 1977.6

Answer the following questions based on the Minitab output above.

i. State the response variable and the two (2) factors in the above study.
ii. Find the values of a, b, c and d.
iii. At 5% significance level, test whether there is an interaction effect between the brands and the
development processes on the brightness of the films?
a) A group of researchers in virginia polytechnic institute wishes to measure the serum alkaline phosphates
activity levels in children with seizure disorders who receive anticonvulsant therapy under the care of a
private physician. Forty-five subjects were found for the study and categorized into four drug groups. From
blood samples collected on each subject the serum alkaline phosphates activity level was recorded. (Control
= not receiving anticonvulsant).

Serum Alkaline Phosphates Activity Level

49.20 44.54 45.80 95.84 30.10 36.50 82.30 87.85 105.00 95.22
97.50 105.00 58.05 86.60 58.35 72.80 116.70 45.15 70.35 77.40
Phenobarbital 97.07 73.40 68.50 91.85 106.60 0.57 0.79 0.77 0.81
Carbamazepine 62.10 94.95 142.50 53.00 175.00 79.50 29.50 78.40 127.50
Other anticonvulsant 110.60 57.10 117.60 77.71 150.00 82.90 111.50
The Minitab output for the above data is as follows.
Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Factor 3 13939 4646 3.57 0.022
Error 41 53376 1302
Total 44 67315

i. Based on the above data, show that the total sum of squares is 67315.
ii. By using the p-value, test at α = 0.05 that the average serum alkaline phosphates activity levels are the
same for the four drug groups.

b) A factory is considering buying new production machines. Six different operators are to be assigned to test
on the efficiency of the machines. Four different machines are assigned in a random order to each operator.
The operation of the machines requires physical dexterity, and it is anticipated that there will be a difference
among the operators in the speed with which they operate the machine (nuisance factor). The amount time
(in seconds) were recorded for assembling the product.
Operators 1 2 3 4
1 42.5 39.8 40.2 41.3
2 39.3 40.1 40.5 42.2
3 39.6 40.6 41.3 43.5
4 39.9 42.3 43.4 44.2
5 42.9 42.5 44.9 45.9
6 43.6 43.1 45.1 42.3

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Machines 3 Q 5.308 S 0.048
Operators 5 42.09 8.417 5.29 0.005
Error 15 23.85 R
Total P 81.86

Answer the following questions based on the minitab output above.

i. Identify the factor, block and response variables.
ii. Find the values of p, q, r and s.
iii. By using p-value, test at 5% level of significance that the machines perform at the same mean rate of
JUNE 2018

a) In “orthogonal design for process optimization and its application to plasma etching” (solid state technology,
may 1987), the authors described an experiment to determine the effect of C2F6 flow rate on the uniformity
of the etch on a silicon water used in integrated circuit manufacturing. Three flow rates are used in the
experiment, and the resulting uniformity (in percent) for six replicates are as follows:
C2F6 Flow
1 2 3 4 5 6
125 2.7 4.6 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.8
160 4.9 4.6 5.0 4.2 3.6 4.2
200 4.6 3.4 2.9 3.5 4.1 5.0

The Minitab output for the above data is given below.

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value

C2F6 Flow 2 3.640 1.8200 3.69
Error 15 7.405 0.4937
Total 17 11.045

Assume that the required assumptions for an anova test are satisfied.
i. Based on the above data, use formula to show that the total sum of squares is 11.045.
ii. Test at α = 0.01, whether there is significance difference in the etch uniformity due to the different C2F6
flow rate.
JUNE 2018

b) An experiment is held to determine the amount of warping (the response variable) in a metal plate as a
function of the following two factors: temperature (in degree Celsius) and copper content (in percentage).
The temperature is set at 4 different levels and the copper content is also set at four different levels. The
analysis of variance is summarized in the following Minitab output.
Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Program W 156.1 52.031 7.67 0.002
Diet 3 698.3 Z 34.33 0.000
Program* Diet 9 Y 12.642 1.86 0.133
Error X 108.5 6.781
Total 31 1076.7

i. Find the values of w, x, y and z.

ii. At 1% significance level, determine if there is any interaction effect between the temperature and copper
content on the amount of warping.
iii. Based on your result in (ii), should a further test be conducted on the main effects? Explain.

a) A researcher wishes to investigate three different techniques to lower the blood pressure of individuals
diagnosed with high blood pressure. The subjects are randomly assigned to three groups. The first group
takes medication, the second group exercises and the third group follows a special diet. After four weeks, the
reduction in each person’s blood pressure is recorded and tabulated below.

Reduction in blood pressure

Medication 10 12 9 15 13
Exercise 6 8 3 2
Diet 5 9 12 8 4

The Minitab output for the above data is as follows.

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value

Factor 2 114.11 57.054 7.23
Error 11 86.75 7.886
Total 13 200.86

Assume that the required assumptions for an anova test are satisfied.
i. Based on the above data, show that the total sum of squares is 200.86.
ii. Test at α = 0.01 whether there is significant differences in the reduction of blood pressure due to the three
different techniques.

b) An experiment is conducted to compare four different mixtures (mixture I, II, III, IV) used in the
manufacturing of rocket propellant. To compare the four mixtures, five different samples of propellant are
prepared from each mixture and made ready for testing. Each of five investigators is randomly assigned one
sample of each of the four mixtures and asked to measure the propellant thrust. These data are summarized
I 2340 2355 2362 2350 2348
II 2658 2650 2665 2640 2653
III 2449 2458 2432 2437 2445
IV 2403 2410 2418 2397 2405

The summary output from the data analysis software is given below.
Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Mixture 3 B 87087.0 D 0.000
Investigator 4 452 113.1 1.64 0.227
Error A 826 C
Total 19 262540

Model summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)

8.29809 99.69% 99.50% 99.13%

Answer the following questions based on the MINITAB output above.

i. Identify the factor and block variables.
ii. Find the values of a, b, c and d.
iii. By using the p-value, test at 5% level of significance whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude that
the mean propellant trust differs among the four mixtures.
JULY 2017

A research was conducted to study the effect of management training on the decision making abilities of
managers in large corporation. Eight managers out of sixteen managers were randomly chosen to receive the
training. Four trained and four untrained managers were then randomly selected to manage an event using a
standard procedure. While another four trained and four untrained managers were presented with an emergency
situation. Below are the scores (out of 100) given to the managers for both the standard procedure and
emergency situation:

Trained Untrained
Standard 85, 91, 80, 78 53, 49, 38, 45
Emergency 76, 67, 82, 71 40, 52, 46, 39

Two – way ANOVA: score versus situation, training

Source DF SS MS F P
Situation 1 132.25 135.25 B 0.087
Training 1 4489.00 A 117.49 0.000
Interaction 1 56.25 56.25 1.47 0.248
Error 12 458.50 38.21
Total 15 5136.00

S = 6.181 R-sq = 91.07% R-sq (adj) = 88.84%

JULY 2017

Answer the following questions based on the MINITAB output above.

a) State the response variable and the two factors for this problem.
b) Find the values of a and b.
c) By using the p-value, test at 5% level of significance whether there is sufficient evidence to indicate that
there is interaction effect between the situation and types of training.
d) At 5% significance level, test whether there is any difference in the management scores across the two types
of situation.
e) At 5% significance level, test whether there is any difference in the management scores across the two types
of training.

a) An environmentalist wanted to determine if there are differences in the mean acidity of rain in three locations;
A, B and C. He randomly selected six ph readings of the rain at each of the three locations and obtained the
data in the following table.

5.41 4.87 5.46
5.39 5.18 6.29
4.90 4.40 5.57
5.14 5.12 5.15
4.80 4.89 5.45
5.24 5.06 5.30
The Minitab output for the above analysis is given below.
One – way ANOVA: A, B, C

Source DF SS MS F P
Factor 2 1.168 0.584 5.81 0.014
Error 15 1.507 0.100
Total 17 2.674

S = 0.3170 R – Sq = 43.66% R – Sq (adj) = 36.14%

i. Show that the total sum of squares is 2.674.
ii. Test whether the mean acidity of rain is different for the three locations. Use α = 0.05. Give your conclusion.

b) A businessman is interested to examine the effects of types of popper and brands of popcorn on yield of
popcorn. Two types of popper and three brands of popcorn are considered. The measurements, in amount of
cups yield are taken for each combination and the results are shown in the following table.
Oil 3, 4, 3.5 6, 5.5, 5.5 4, 4.5, 4.5
Air 4.5, 5, 4 7, 7, 6.5 5, 5.5, 5

The data is analyzed. The interaction test conducted showed that there is no interaction between type of
popper and brand of corn. The output is shown below.
Two – way ANOVA: yield versus popper, brand

Source DF SS MS F
Popper 1 4.5000 4.50000 e
Brand 2 c 7.87500 56.70
Interaction a 0.0833 d 0.30
Error b 1.6667 0.13889
Total 17 22.0000

S = 0.3727 R-sq = 92.42% R-sq (adj) = 89.27%

Based on the output, answer the following questions.
i. Find the missing values (a, b, c, d and e) in the ANOVA table above.
ii. Is there sufficient evidence at 5% level of significance to conclude that brands of popcorn has an effect on
the yield of popcorn?
JUNE 2016

b) A large mail order company recently purchased a new integrated computer software package and is
considering three different training methods for its employees. Fifteen employees with comparable
computer experience were selected. Five were randomly assigned to each training method. After completing
the training, each employee was given identical computer tasks. The time (in minutes) to complete the tasks
were recorded as follows:

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

21 29 30
26 19 38
14 21 30
26 13 19
33 11 35
The data collected was analyzed and the output is shown below. Based on the p-value given, test whether
there are significant differences in the time taken to complete the tasks among the training methods. Use α =

One – way ANOVA: method 1, method 2, method 3

Source DF SS MS F P
Factor 2 348.9 174.5 3.43 0.066
Error 12 610.4 50.9
Total 14 959.3
JUNE 2016

c) A research study was conducted to examine the impact of eating high protein breakfast on adolescent
performance during a physical education physical fitness test. Half of the subjects received high protein
breakfast and the other half were given low protein breakfast. All of the adolescents were given a fitness test
where high scores would indicate better performance. The test scores were recorded below.

Group High Protein Low Protein

Males 10, 7, 9, 6, 8 5, 4, 7, 4, 5
Females 5, 4, 6, 3, 2 3, 4, 5, 1, 2

The data collected was analyzed and the output is shown below.

Two – way ANOVA: score versus protein; group

Source DF SS MS F P
Protein 1 20 20.00 (iv) 0.009
Group (i) (ii) 45.00 20.00 0.000
Interaction 1 5 5.00 (v) 0.155
Error 16 36 (iii)
Total 19 106

S = 1.5 R-sq = 66.04% R-sq (adj) = 59.67%

JUNE 2016

Based on the output, answer the following questions.

i. Determine the experimental design used in this analysis.
ii. What are the assumptions required for the ANOVA test?
iii. How many observations were involved in this study?
iv. Complete the missing values (i, ii, iii, iv, v) in the ANOVA table above.
v. Do the data provide sufficient evidence to indicate that there is an interaction effect between the levels of
protein and gender on the test scores? Test using α = 0.05.
vi. Based on your result in (v), should a further test be conducted on the main effects?
a) An investigator is interested in comparing the cardiovascular fitness of elite runners on three different
training courses, each of which covers 10 miles. The courses differ in terms of terrain where course A is flat,
course B has graded inclines and course C includes steep inclines. Each runner’s inclines and course C
includes steep inclines. Each runner’s heart rate is monitored at the 5th mile of the run in each course. Ten
runners are involved, and their heart rates (beats per minute) measured on each course are as shown.

Runner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Course A 135 132 143 128 141 139 150 131 150 142
Course B 141 131 138 148 135 156 134 156 165 145
Course C 150 139 141 161 148 138 138 162 151 160

Below is the result of analysis using Minitab software.

One-way ANOVA: Course A, Course B, Course C

Source DF SS MS F P
Factor 2 476.5 238.2 2.57 0.095
Error 27 2499.4 92.6
Total 29 2975.9
i. Prove that the total sum of squares is 2975.9.
ii. At 5% level of significance, test if there is a difference in the mean heart rates of runners on the three

b) A physiologist was interested in learning whether smoking history and different types of stress tests
influence the timing of a subject’s maximum oxygen intake (in minutes). The researcher classified a subject’s
smoking history as heavy smoking, moderate smoking and non-smoking. The physiologist recruited 9 heavy
smokers, 9 moderate smokers and 9 non-smokers to participate in the experiment. Table below show the
smoking history and stress test of the 27 subjects.

Stress test
Smoking History Bicycle Treadmill Step Test
Heavy 12.8, 11.2, 13.5 18.1, 16.2, 17.8 18.9, 22.6, 19.3
Moderate 9.8, 10.9, 11.1 13.8, 15.5, 16.2 15.9, 20.1, 21.0
Non-smoker 9.2, 8.7, 7.5 14.7, 13.2, 8.1 16.1, 16.2, 17.8

Two-way ANOVA: Oxygen intake (minutes) versus Smoking history,

Stress test

Source DF SS MS F P
Smoking history 2 84.899 42.449 e 0.000
Stress test 2 298.072 149.036 45.28 0.000
Interaction a 2.815 d 0.21 0.927
Error 18 c 3.291
Total b 445.032
Answer the question below based on the computer output.
i. Find the missing values (a, b, c, d and e) in the ANOVA table.
ii. Is there sufficient evidence at 5% level of significance to conclude that smoking history has an effect on
the time to maximum oxygen intake?
JUNE 2015

At a shampoo factory, employees work in three different shifts: morning, evening and night. At the shampoo
production line, each shift produces six batches of shampoo. The quality control inspector wishes to compare the
ph level of the shampoo between the different shifts and between the different batches. Several bottles of
shampoo are randomly selected from each batch during each shift. The computer output is provided below.

Two-way ANOVA: pH level versus Batch, Shift

Source DF SS MS F P
Batch x 1.555 0.311 7.583 0.000
Shift y 4.692 2.346 57.197 0.000
Interaction 10 0.216 0.022 0.527 0.870
Error 222 9.105 0.041
Total 239 15.603
a) State the response variable and the two factors.
b) How many bottles of shampoo were samples in total?
c) Find values x and y.
d) State all the null and alternative hypothesis.
e) Using a p – value from the output, at the 0.05 level of significance, do the data provide sufficient evidence to
indicate that
i. There is a significant difference in mean pH levels for different batches?
ii. There is a significant difference in mean pH levels for different shifts?
iii. There is a significant interaction effect between the batch and shift on the pH levels?

An official of a small transit system with only five buses wants to study the wear of four types of tyres. Each of the
buses runs a different route so that terrain and driving conditions differ from bus to bus. One tyre of each type is
placed on each bus, with the wheel positions being assigned randomly. The tyres are run for 15,000 km after the
thread wear (mm) is measured. The computer output is shown below.

Source DF SS MS F P
Tyre type A C 133.779 E 0.000
Bus type 4 81.525 20.381 9.35 0.001
Error B 26.167 D
Total 19 509.030

S = 1.477 R-sq = 94.86% R-sq (adj) = 91.86%

a) Identify the type of experimental design used in this study.
b) Identify the response, factor and block variables.
c) Find the values of a, b, c, d and e.
d) By using the p-value, test at 5% significance level whether there is sufficient evidence to indicate that a
difference exists in the thread wear in different types of tyres.
e) Is there sufficient evidence to indicate that thread wear of tyres varies from bus to bus? Test at 5% level of
JUNE 2014

a) A lot of different factors contribute to air pollution. One particular factor, particulate matter, was measured for
prominent cities of three continents. Particulate matter includes smoke, soot, dust and liquid droplets from
combustion such that the particle is less than 10 microns in diameter and thus capable of reaching deep into
the respiratory system. The measurements are listed below.
Asia Europe Africa
79 35 43
104 34 16
73 30 33
40 43
The following is the result of analysis done using Minitab software.

One-way ANOVA: Particulate versus City

Source DF SS MS F P
City 2 4230 2115 6.65 0.020
Error 8 2544 318
Total 10 6774
i. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
ii. Prove that the total sum of squares is 6774.
iii. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there sufficient evidence to conclude there is a difference in the means?
iv. What do you understand by term “one-way ANOVA”?
JUNE 2014

b) Suppose you want to compare type of popcorn and brand of popcorn with respect to their yield (in terms of
cups per popcorn). Factors A is the type of popper: oil-based versus air-based. Factor B is the brand of
popcorn: gourmet versus national versus generic. For each combination of popper type and brand, three
separate measurements are taken as shown in the table below:

Popper Gourmet National Generic

6 5 3
Oil 5.5 4.5 4
7 4 3.5
7 5 5
Air 6 5 4.5
6.5 5.5 4

Answer the following questions based on the computer output given:

Two-way ANOVA: Measurement versus Popper, Brand

Source DF SS MS F P
Popper 1 2.0000 2.00000 e 0.020
Brand a 16.7778 8.38889 30.20 0.000
Interaction 2 c 0.16667 0.60 0.564
Error 12 3.3333 d
Total b 22.4444
i. Find the missing values (a, b, c, d and e) in the ANOVA table above.
ii. Does there appear to be interaction between the two factors at 5% significance level? Justify your answer.

A researcher conducted a study of two different diets and two different exercise programs. Three randomly
selected subjects were assigned to each group for four weeks. The values indicate the amount of weight each

Exercise Program A B
I 4, 5, 6 8, 15, 9
II 3, 8, 5 11, 16, 12

The Minitab output for the above information is as below:

Two-way ANOVA: Weight versus Program, Diet

Source DF SS MS F P
Program 1 5.333 (x) (y) 0.413
Diet 1 133.333 133.333 18.60 0.003
Interaction 1 3.000 3.000 0.42 0.536
Error 8 57.333 7.167
Total 11 199.000
Based on the Minitab output, answer the following questions.
i. What are the names of the two variables?
ii. How many levels does each variable contain?
iii. Write down all the possible null and alternative hypotheses for the study.
iv. Complete the missing values (x and y) in the ANOVA table above.
v. Test at 5% significance level all the hypotheses. Identify which hypotheses can be rejected.

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