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5/6/22, 7:13 PM DSA in 90 Days

Learn about space and time complexity. One of the most

Day 1 & 2 important part of programming is knowing the complexity
of the code you are writing.

Learn about recursion and backtracking. One of the most

Day 3 to 10
important and most useful concepts.


Day 11 to 30 Learn about the basic data structures Linked List

Stacks & Queues

Start giving contests and learn the new concepts that

come along the way.
Important Suggestion
You might not do well in the first few but it's okay! Just
keep learning and keep growing.


Bubble Sort

Insertion Sort

Sorting Selection Sort

Merge Sort
Learn about more and a little more complex data
Day 31 to 45
structures and algorithms
Quick Sort




Sliding Window
DSA in 90 Days
Breadth First Search (BFS)
By Nishant Bhaiya
Bepth First Search (DFS)

Shortest Path from source to all vertices: Dijkstra

Shortest Path from every vertex to every other vertex:

Floyd Warshall

Minimum Spanning tree: Prim

Graphs Minimum Spanning tree: Kruskal

Day 46 to 70 Learn about DP and Graphs. Strongly Connected Components: kosaraju's algorithm

Topological Sort

Shortest Path from source to all vertices with negative

edges: Bellman Ford

Normal DSU

DSU by rank

Memoisation (Most Impt)

Dynamic Programming

Learn about OOPs

Day 71 to 80 (You'll get something amazing on this by the time you
reach here 😉 )

Number Theory

Some More topics which will help you perform better in

Day 81to 90 Bit Manipulation
online tests

Tries 1/1

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