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1.1 Background
Indonesia is very wide and is the largest maritime country in the world, the
number of Indonesian islands is 13,466 islands and the land area in Indonesia is
1,910,931.32 km2 which consists of which stretches from Sabang to Merauke. Of
the total area that becomes productive land for the agricultural sector is around
7.75 million hectares of the total land area in Indonesia. This number is of course
not large enough compared to the area of productive land owned and also the
population of 250 million people, in addition to the increase in the conversion of
agricultural land from year to year reaching 80,000 hectares per year into non-
agricultural land.
The city in Indonesia, the author focuses on the East Aceh Regency area
because where the author is domiciled and also seen from the growth and
development of the East Aceh Regency is increasing, because it can be seen from
the increasing number of housing developments in East Aceh Regency so that this
also illustrates that the function shifter diminishing agricultural land, coupled with
high population mobility resulting in interaction with neighbors and also a lack of
recreational space that can be enjoyed anytime and without paying a lot of money
to get it.
The explanation that has been explained above is about the characteristics
of the East Aceh Regency which is still less aware of using land in the yard
compared to the villagers because the mobility of the villagers is not too high
compared to the city. So the author feels the need for an analysis of the use of the
yard as a support for meeting family needs.
In this case the author wants to convey the idea of awareness of the use of
yard land in housing and also urban communities to meet the family's daily
vegetable needs, so as not to depend on the availability of goods on the market, so
that city dwellers are not so dizzy and affected if the price is low. chilies or other
vegetable prices have soared, because city dwellers have used their yards as a

medium for growing chilies or other vegetables for their daily cooking needs, so
the money that is budgeted for shopping can be budgeted for other needs.
1.2 Purpose of Writing
a. As a source of income and meeting the daily needs of the family.
Raising awareness of the population
b. As a source of income and meeting the daily needs of the family.
c. Describe the benefits and advantages of using yard land.
1.3 Benefits of Writing
a. For the government, it can be taken into consideration in formulating
agricultural development policies (urban agriculture).
b. For the author, the benefit of this paper is as a medium to improve the
quality of knowledge possessed, especially those related to agricultural
science and technology.
c. For the wider community, it is a contribution of ideas / ideas to increase
the use of yard land at home as an effort to fulfill daily needs


2.1 Land and Land Use

Land is a physical environment consisting of soil, climate, relief, hydrology,

vegetation, and objects on it, all of which influence land use. It also includes the

results of human activities, both past and present (FAO, 1975, in Arsyad, 1989).
Land use can be interpreted as human intervention on land, either
permanently or periodically to meet the needs of life, both material and spiritual
(Arsyad, 1989, Talkurputra, 1996). Land use can be grouped into two major
groups, namely agricultural land use and non-agricultural land use. Agricultural
land use is broadly divided into types of land use based on water supply and
cultivated land. Based on this, there are known types of land use such as rice
fields, dry fields, gardens, mixed gardens, weeds, plantations and forests. Non-
agricultural land use can be divided into urban or rural use (settlements), industry,
recreation and so on (Arsyad, 2000).
2.2 Classification of Yard Area
a. Public areas (public areas).
The garden that we create is intended for this area, apart from being seen and
enjoyed by the residents of the house as well as by anyone who passes in front
of or around our house.
b. Busy area (service area).
The garden that we make in this area is for the busy residents of the house, for
example a place to wash clothes, wash dishes or others.
c. Private areas (private areas).
We make this area a special garden for personal use, for example a place for
mothers or fathers to plant their hobby plants where they are "carpenters",
conducting research that is the most economical, safe, and can be observed at
any time. This private area is usually provided beside the house.
d. Family area (family area).

This area can be made a garden for the benefit of the family, or a place for
sports, or a place for families to gather, camping and others.
2.3 Economic Growth in Urban Areas
Economic growth means the development of activities in the economy
which causes the goods and services produced in the community to increase and
the prosperity of the community to increase. The problem of economic growth can
be viewed as a macroeconomic problem in the long run.
According to Boediono (1985), economic growth is also defined as the
process of increasing output per capita in the long run. The percentage increase in
output must be higher than the percentage increase in population and there is a
tendency in the long run that this growth will continue.
Todaro (2000) says there are three main factors or components in the
economic growth of each nation, namely:
a. Capital accumulation, which includes all new forms or types of investments
invested in land, physical equipment, and capital or human resources
b. Population growth which will eventually increase the number of the
workforce, which occurred several years later is traditionally considered as
one of the positive factors that spur economic growth.
c. echnological advances can increase capital and labor. Where the increase in
the workforce occurs if the application of the technology is able to improve
the quality or work skills in general.


3.1 Utilization of the Home Yard as an Effort to Fulfill Family Needs

Currently, the number of housing in East Aceh Regency is around 20
housing points that are ready for habitation and are also in the process of being
built. The size of the house is 72 m² with two bedrooms and one bathroom, so the
remaining yard area is about 2 m2, so we can take advantage of the narrow land.
plants without polybag media or directly on the ground
In general, it is rectangular, triangular, or shaped like stairs, with several
steps or a number of shelves. Materials can be bamboo or paralon pipes, used
cans, even sheets of rice sacks, because one of the philosophies of verticulture is
to use used objects around us. The vertical requirements are strong and easy to
Vegetable plants that are often cultivated vertically include lettuce, kale,
spinach, caisim, cayenne pepper, katuk, basil, tomatoes, bitter melon, long beans,
cucumbers and other leafy vegetables. From the various examples of vegetable
plants that are described, the author takes one example that often fluctuates in
price in the market is cayenne pepper planted in polybags with a size of 40 cm x
50 cm with a land area of 2 m2. Polybags that can be planted with 10 polybags of
cayenne pepper, 10 polybags of tomatoes, 10 polybags of purple eggplant, then in
one page, besides creating aesthetic value and also diversifying types of
vegetables to meet family needs
3.2 Benefits of Utilizing Yard Land as an Effort for Family Fulfillment
The Sustainable Food House Area Model (M-KRPL) is a program
launched by the government with the aim of using yard land for household food
development as an alternative to realizing household food self-sufficiency.
In South Sulawesi the M-KRPL program has been developed in 15
districts. KWT (Women Farmers Group) in the implementation of the M-KRPL
program. The area of the yard owned varies with an average area of about 2×3 and
3×4 m. The type of vegetable that was grown in the yard before the KRPL

program was chili and was usually without maintenance. After the KRPL
program, the types of vegetables planted increased, including chili (large and
small), kale, spinach, eggplant, pakcoy, lettuce, cucumber, and fruits such as
papaya and medicinal plants such as lemongrass and turmeric. The yard has the
potential to be used as a vegetable farm as a "living stal
3.3 Economic Growth in East Aceh District
Daily life cannot be separated from economic activities, economic
activities are sacrifices that are sacrificed to meet their needs and survival.
Humans are currently faced with how to meet their needs, both clothing, food and
shelter using very limited resources, so humans make sacrifices to fulfill their
Economy, resources, technology and humans are an inseparable unit. The
economic growth of the community in East Aceh Regency is increasing day by
day, this can be seen from the increase in the regional minimum wage, as well as
housing developments and various public facilities such as land clearing for roads,
housing and schools. This has resulted in changes in land use, especially
agricultural land, which is used as various buildings to support public or private
The use of yard land is not only focused on the use of planting
horticultural crops, there are still many other types of plants that can be planted in
the yard, such as medicinal plants, which are often known today as "living stalls",
a concept like this is still few people know about it. , because back again from the
consciousness that is still low.


4.1 Conclusion
From the explanation above, it can be concluded as follows :
a. The use of land that is carried out can bring benefits, it can also train the
independence of the population in East Aceh Regency
b. The types of vegetables that were planted in the yard before the KRPL
program were chilies and were usually uncultivated. After the KRPL program,
the types of vegetables planted increased, including chili (large and small),
kale, spinach, eggplant, pakcoy, lettuce, cucumber, and fruits such as papaya
and medicinal plants such as lemongrass and turmeric. The yard has the
potential to be used as a vegetable farm as a "living stall". It is called a live
shop because the vegetable products can be used to meet the daily needs of
vegetables without having to buy them in the market.
c. The level of awareness possessed by the residents of East Aceh Regency is
still very low, due to the very high mobility of the people of East Aceh
Regency so that awareness for the use of yard land is narrow.
4.2 Recommendations
Based on the results of the analysis of the use of yard land, it is a small
idea but has a big impact on meeting family needs and can also be made into
commercial land for various parties to cooperate in developing the use of this
ranch land.
4.3 Suggestions
a. For Government
It is recommended that this concept be included in the population welfare
improvement plan.
b. For the Department of Agriculture, it is expected and recommended to use
this analysis as an effort to improve the welfare of the community.


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2. Anny Mulyani.2011. Strengthening Food Security to Reduce the Number of
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3. Anonymous. 2011. Yard Land Intensification.
URL: (accessed June 15, 2022)
4. Anonymous.2011. Yard Farming Every District Must Have One RPL
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5. Scientific Paper Utilization of Yard Land

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