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▪︎Primigravida – first pregnancy

▪︎Multigravida – pregnant for at least a 2nd time.

▪︎Grand multigravida – pregnant five times or more.


▪︎months – 9 months

▪︎weeks – 40 weeks

▪︎days – 280 days

▪︎trimesters – 3 trimesters

Lifespan of sperm

▪︎ans: 3 days

Lifespan of egg (ovum)

▪︎ans: 1 day

Age of viability — The earliest age at which fetuses survive if they are born. ▪︎ans: 24 weeks (or 500–600
g in weight) MENSTRUATION | Glands & Hormones ▪︎Hypothalamus – GnRH ▪︎APG – FSH/LH ▪︎Ovaries –
estrogen/progesterone Effects ▪︎FSH – follicle maturation ▪︎LH – follicle rupture (ovulation) ▪︎Progesterone
– increase vascularity/blood flow in endometrium. ▪︎Estrogen – increase thickening/cell proliferation in
endetrium. FOLLICLE ▪︎Graafian follicle – mature follicle (high in estrogen) ▪︎Corpus luteum – ruptured
follicle (high in progesterone) EJACULATION: average 2.5 ml of semen (containing 50–200 million
sperm). OLIGOSPERMIA – Low sperm count ans: 15 million sperm. GENETIC DISORDER SCREENING &
DIAGNOSTIC TEST ▪︎Chorionic Villi Sampling – 10-12 weeks ▪︎Amniocentesis – 15-18 weeks FETAL
DEVELOPMENT Ovum – Zygote – Blastocyst – Embryo (5–8 weeks) – Fetus (from embryo to term).
ZYGOTE –product of fertilization BLASTOCYST ▪︎trophoblast – outer, later will form placenta
▪︎embryoblast –inner, later will form embryo/fetus. EMBRYO –after implantation —LABOR & DELIVERY—
STAGES OF LABOR 1st: Dilation – longest stage 2nd: Expulsion – expulsion of fetus 3rd: Placental –
expulsion of placenta 4th: Recovery – recovery stage 4 Ps OF LABOR Power – uterine contraction
Passenger – fetus Passageway – pelvis Psyche Dystocia – difficulty in giving birth. Oxytocin – let-down
reflex, uterine contraction. PROlactin – PROmotes breastmilk PROduction. PERINEAL LACERATION ▪︎First
degree: Vaginal mucous membrane and skin of the perineum to the fourchette ▪︎Second degree: Vagina,
perineal skin, fascia, levator ani muscle, and perineal body ▪︎Third degree: Entire perineum, extending to
reach the external sphincter of the rectum ▪︎Fourth degree Entire perineum, rectal sphincter, and some
of the mucous membrane of the rectum DISORDERS Ectopic – extrauterine (sa labas ng uterus)
implantation. ▪︎Common organ affected in ectopic – fallopian tube/tubal pregnancy. ▪︎Common site of
ectopic – ampulla Abruptio – early placental separation. Previa – low placenta implantation. Postpartum
Hemorrhage ▪︎above 500 ml blood loss ▪︎leading cause of maternal mortality PELVIC INFLAMMATORY
DISEASE (PID) –common caused by chlamydia & gonorrhea –can lead to ectopic pregnancy –
Contraception that can cause PID ▪︎ans: IUD DRUGS/MEDS Clomiphene (Clomid) –can stimulate ovulation
(fertility problem) Methotrexate –can destroy the ectopic Misprostol –can use in labor induction
Corticosteroid –for premature baby (to increase lung surfactant) – prevent ARDS. Magnesium Sulfate
(MgSO4) CNS depressant & muscle relaxant –for preclampsia/eclampsia (CNS depressant) –for
premature labor (muscle relaxant) –risk for toxicity Antidote for MgSO4 toxicity ▪︎ans: Calcium gluconate

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