Fisher Control's FIELDVEU Instrumentation

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A publication of Fisher Controls’ FIELDVUE Instrumentation Team.

Issue 1, Spring 1999

Welcome, Readers! Meet the Family

Welcome to a new newsletter for FIELDVUE Instrumentation refers Offered as a stand-alone
all current and potential users of to the product family described product or as a SNAP-ON™ to
FIELDVUE digital valve below: Asset Management Solutions
controllers. Our purpose is to help (AMS) software, ValveLink can
you, our customers, get the most A FIELDVUE manage data from thousands of
out of the product. Through these Series 5000 DVCs at a time. It can help you
pages, we will show that the digital valve engineer new installations, facili-
product family, and the field-based controller tate loop check-out, and provide
architecture it supports, actually (DVC) is a alert logging and audit reporting.
provides much more than “smart” communicat-
instrumentation. ing, micro-
By sharing technical tips processor-based, current-to-
to help you maximize DVC pneumatic instrument. The DVC
functionality, responding to accurately positions the valve in
frequently-asked questions from response to small signal changes
the field, and offering a variety of and monitors the health of the
applications, success stories, and entire assembly. Using the HART
testimonials we will show you the communications protocol or
benefits and capabilities of this FOUNDATION fieldbus tech-
award-winning product line. nology, the unit provides operators
Improving control or with easy access to critical
reducing maintenance of a single process operating information.
loop can dramatically improve Self-diagnostic capabilities ValveLink software manages
your throughput and cost efficien- allow you to check valve perfor- DVC diagnostics data.
cies overall. The FIELDVUE mance without taking the valve
product family, especially when out of the line. By comparing the The HART 275 Communicator is
installed together, helps Fisher present valve signature (graph of a hand-held interface that
customers in virtually every indus- valve performance) against stored provides a common communica-
try around the world optimize their signatures, you may discover tion link to all HART-compatible,
production and save money. performance changes before they micro-processor-based instru-
On the pages of this cause problems. You can receive ments. It is easy for first-time
newsletter, you will learn how diagnostic information on a single users to learn and fast and
FIELDVUE instruments---in combi- loop or on the entire process and efficient for frequent users to
nation with Fisher’s technical integrate the data into existing operate. The keypad, liquid
leadership and superior customer systems. crystal display (LCD), and
service---can make a difference for software menu make up the unit’s
you, too. ValveLink software is the user user interface.When connected to
To receive future copies of interface that provides an easy-to- a HART-compatible device, the
VUE to SUCCESS, please use environment on a personal communicator’s menu provides
complete and return the FAX-back computer for configuring, calibrat- critical information on the
form on the back of the cover ing, and diagnosing the operating connected device. ■
letter. The newsletter will also be characteristics of the DVCs.
posted on the Fisher web-site. ■
Feat ur es & B enefits
ValveLink-Modbus Interface Improves View, New Design Program
Access To Operations Data Reduces Lead Times
Advanced versions of ValveLink The Modbus Interface For Custom Mountings
software include Modbus commu- improves the visibility of valve
nication capability. Modbus is a operations at a control system With millions of control valves in
common Request-Response console and thereby allows opera- the installed base, Fisher Controls
protocol used between field tors and system engineers to: eagerly supports the replacement
devices and control systems to ● monitor valve condition in real of analog positioners with
communicate large arrays of time on the graphic display, FIELDVUE units, especially on
analog and discrete data. ● integrate instrument parameters
non-Fisher valves. The
With Modbus integration, FIELDVUE Product Manager is
into process control schemes, and
any distributed control system understandably proud of Fisher’s
● trend valve operation and corre-
(DCS) can display travel, state-of-the-art DVCs.
late it against process data using
pressure, temperature and all the “FIELDVUE sales have
the control system’s data historian
instrument alerts right on the doubled each year since its intro-
system faceplate. It serves as a duction in 1994,” he said, “and no
Typically, an operator will
gateway that catapults users into competitor’s unit can match ours
want to see the actual valve
a network solution, complete with in terms of diagnostic capabilities.
travel and input current, brought
alert logging and diagnostics. More importantly, our positioner
back from the DVC5000, in order
can be applied on any valve or
actuator, saving our customers
maintenance expense (common
parts) and training time while
improving functionality and control
WAN in the field.”
Installing Fisher’s DVCs
on existing, non-Fisher valves,
however, requires designs for
numerous mounting kits. With
added resources and a new
design program, Fisher has
to verify that it is properly follow- significantly improved its delivery
ing the 4-20 mA current signal. performance and customer
With some control systems, this support in the supply of these
can be displayed on the loop mounting kits. An experienced
faceplate as a 0-100 percent bar. outside firm develops the bracket
Critical alert status can also be designs for mounting FIELDVUE
displayed on the faceplate. It may on non-Fisher products, and
be any of the DVC5000 alerts or it Fisher maintains a design library
may be an ‘all instrument’ alert and stocking inventory in-house.
The ValveLink Product status. “The point is, when an The FIELDVUE Product
Manager at Fisher-Marshalltown operator sees an alert or other Engineer serves as the primary
said this enhancement to problem, ValveLink can be used liaison with the design team. “This
ValveLink integrates FIELDVUE to investigate or check detailed new program has cut our delivery
instruments into an existing DCS, status,” says the ValveLink lead-times in half and dramatically
including those that do not have a Product Manager. improved our service levels and
HART interface. “Users in indus- Current ValveLink VL2005 response to customer requests,”
tries including refining, power, and or VL2020 users can upgrade to he said. “As the program evolves,
chemicals, recognize and reap the the VL2030 Modbus Interface we’ll strive to deliver these custom
benefits of Modbus integration,” capability. For more how-to infor- mounting kits within days, not
he says. “With our ValveLink- mation, contact your local weeks.” ■
Modbus interface, they’ve gained Representative or check out the
access to FIELDVUE data on their VL2000 Series User’s Guide. ■
Wide Area Networks.”

Factor y Tests
● Series 3 covers any additional adjusted and re-tested prior to
FIELDVUE Team Offers tests required, including repeats of shipment.
Signature-Series Series 1 or 2 with changes in end Customers may use this
Performance Testing points or scan times. initial factory report as a refer-
Along with a quality, ence for future, in-line testing.
“The average refinery has Fisher-manufactured valve The valve signature test, for
thousands of control valves, and assembly, you receive report example, plots actuator pressure
many customers want to maintain documentation on each test. The versus travel. It is essentially
tight, accurate control of their report includes a copy of the what a complete cycle of your
valves to optimize their process,” computer-generated bar graphs valve, specified for your applica-
says the Software tion, should look like on
Program Manager. “Thus, paper.
routinely testing valve Later, with the
performance has broad use of ValveLink soft-
implications for optimizing ware, you can zoom in
loop performance on a on this curve, overlay it
vast scale.” on the original, and spot
The testing any changes. Para-
begins at the Fisher meters such as seat
manufacturing facility, load, bench set, and
before the control valve friction may be evaluated
assembly ships. Any using the diagnostic test
valve that includes a graphs and analysis.
DVC5000 Series Fisher diagnos-
controller is tested with tics personnel can help
ValveLink software. you analyze test results.
Select from three “Our experienced, field-
Typical Valve Signature for a Sliding-Stem Valve.
different types of tests: service personnel will
● Series 1 tests include help customers interpret
configuration, condition monitor- for dynamic error band and valve these graphs, compare test
ing, valve signature, and dynamic signature tests as well as a 3 1/2- results (such as for friction), and
error band. inch diskette with test files for ultimately predict maintenance
● Series 2 tests include step direct import to your local needs six months down the road,”
response, output signal, as well database. Valves that don’t meet the software program manager
as signal and alert monitoring. specified performance criteria are concluded. ■

cient in this analysis, they can you’ll receive a written, easy-to-

Fisher Offers rely on others for this expertise. understand report, including
Diagnostic Data Fisher Controls is the first recommendations to improve
Interpretation Service supplier in the industry to offer a configuration and performance.
Diagnostic Interpretation service A long-time Field Service
Traditionally, a maintenance to help you understand what the engineer said: “Diagnostic tests
problem meant pulling the valve diagnostic curves and possible are performed on 100% of the
out of line for inspection, repair, anomalies are saying about your valves as they leave Fisher facili-
and re-installation --- a time- valve’s performance. Simply send ties, ensuring a sound product.”
consuming and expensive data gathered by ValveLink It’s good practice to repeat these
solution. Today, using remote software (on valves equipped with tests after the valve is installed.
diagnostics technology from FIELDVUE DVCs) or by Subsequent tests provide a sound
Fisher Controls, you can deter- FlowScanner™ units (on valves comparison or baseline for analy-
mine the condition or performance without FIELDVUE instrumenta- sis. The trained eye can spot
of a valve without removing it from tion) to the nearest Fisher changes in performance before
the line. Representative. serious problems arise.
The true value of diagnos- The complexity of the To take advantage of this
tics data, however, comes from its data determines who responds new service, contact your local
correct interpretation. If users do and to what degree. If Diagnostic Fisher Representative. ■
not have the time to become profi- Center services are warranted,

After Hurricane, Chevron Refinery Relies On
Team Fisher and FIELDVUE Instrumentation
For Chevron, the bad news is that Manager was one of a dozen began production November 21st,
Hurricane Georges hit their refin- Fisher-Marshalltown employees to a remarkable feat considering the
ery in Pascagoula, Mississippi in make the trip. He said the scope of repairs. By mid-January
late September, plunging the 295,000 barrels-per-day refinery 1999, the refinery was running
entire process and millions of has 48 operating units, and the again.
dollars worth of equipment under volume of work they faced was A JHC staff member said
four feet of water. The good news almost overwhelming. the Fisher-Chevron alliance,
is they have an alliance with “Chevron was able to shut established in 1995, cut through
Fisher Controls. down before the storm hit, but the red tape. “We could make
John H. Carter (JHC) little else,” he said. “The scope of things happen and worry about
Company, Fisher’s local the valve work included disassem- the paperwork later,” he said. “The
Representative, arrived on-site bling, cleaning, and reassembling project also demonstrated the
October 6th, and rallied personnel the actuators as well as replacing tremendous ability and value of
from all four regional sales offices electronic components for all multi-site teamwork. We
into action. Their Asset valves below the five-foot water (Fisher/Carter) had an office/trail-
Management crew set the scope mark---about three thousand er, spare parts inventory, and
and priorities for the work and valves.” more than 40 people on site within
contacted Fisher Service Chevron began replacing a week after the storm.”
Company (FSC) sites for instruments in-kind, but several Aubrey Hammons,
additional assistance. factors influenced them to make Instrument and Electrical (I&E)
More than 85 Fisher selective improvements as well. Reliability Team Leader at
employees from ten states Chevron’s Reliability Team found Chevron-Pascagoula, worked
responded to the call, including a way to replace decades-old closely with all the alliance
FSC personnel from Maine, analog positioners with partners. “The high level of
Florida, Illinois, and Texas. Local FIELDVUE DVCs where possible. service and teamwork provided by
service technicians from the FSC This resulted in an increase of on- the JHC/ Fisher personnel during
in Mobile, Alabama, for example, site DVCs from 200 to 700 units. the recovery process exceeded
traveled to the site in shifts, Each operating unit had a my expectations,” he said. “Such
working 12 to 14 hour days, seven scheduled startup date, and it was cooperation would not have been
days a week for several weeks. very important that Fisher person- as successful without our alliance
Additional support arrived from nel complete their work on time. relationship, which provided a
throughout the Fisher network, The Utilities unit was up and foundation of trust and communi-
including the headquarters in running within one week of cation.”
Marshalltown, Iowa. Fisher’s arrival. The first Crude Gary Robinson, I&E
The FIELDVUE Product unit and its associated plants Analyst for Chevron-Pascagoula,
stressed the importance of under-
standing requirements. “Because
of their long-term relationship with
us, JHC/Fisher personnel were
two weeks ahead of other
contractors, both in starting and
completing their work,” Robinson
said. “This enabled us to complete
the clean-up sooner, without the
control valves limiting the startup
With the support of their
alliance partners, Chevron was
able to complete a multi-million-
dollar recovery project in record
time, without any advanced
planning. ■

A DVC at Chevron-Pascagoula, mounted on a Baumann Valve.

F a c t o r y T r a i n i n g
● FRES also introduces a new
New Courses Available Both sessions are available at
training centers in Marshalltown, packaged, self-paced training
On FIELDVUE, Fieldbus Iowa; Houston, Texas; and module (#7020-3) titled, “Using
Edmonton, Alberta. AMS for FIELDVUE Instrument
In response to requests from ● A two day seminar titled Setup, Calibration, and
sales personnel and customers, FIELDVUE Instrument ValveLink Diagnostics.”
Fisher-Rosemount Educational Fundamentals Using the 275 The topics covered include
Services (FRES) increased and Communicator was designed to placing an instrument in or out of
improved its FIELDVUE instru- be given by field sales and service service; configuring
ment, fieldbus technology, and personnel. It covers mounting, FIELDVUE travel, alerts, and
diagnostics training courses. configuration, and calibration of controls; and running advanced
The classes below will model DVCs using the 275 HART- diagnostics using the ValveLink
interest those needing information based, hand-held communicator. SNAP-ON application.
on the FIELDVUE family or F-R’s ● Another course titled Fieldbus An Instructor,speaking for
fieldbus-compliant products. Devices (#7030), which continues the entire FRES team, said, “We
● A previous 4.5-day course on to evolve, is of particular value to have had some very positive
FIELDVUE (#1750) was split into persons responsible for the instal- feedback from sales personnel
two parts, designed to run back- lation and calibration of fieldbus about this material, and highly
to-back. The first is a 2-day devices (such as the DVC5000f). recommend it to help master the
course (#1751) on FIELDVUE This includes people with limited basics of the DVC.”
Fundamentals. (or no) DCS experience. This For a list of FRES offer-
The second (#1752) is a course is available in the ings and more detailed course
2.5 day course titled ValveLink Marshalltown, Iowa and Calgary, descriptions, see your 1999
Diagnostics For FIELDVUE. Alberta training centers. course catalog or visit the web
page (
To register for a factory course,
schedule on-site classes, order
FIELDVUE Family Is Year 2000 Compliant training materials, or ask about
pricing, call 1-800-338-8158. ■
As the Year 2000 approaches, customers are more aware of potential
Y2K problems, and the volume of requests for compliance information
has dramatically increased. The Software Program Manager for Fisher-
Marshalltown assures users that all three products within the FIELDVUE Literature
family are Year 2000 compliant.
A 20-page brochure titled
Y2K problems arise from converting actual year values to or
“FIELDVUE Instruments. Meeting
from year-value formats that cannot distinguish between century dates.
Your Challenges. Exceeding Your
Loss of information occurs when a variable stores only the last two digits
Expectations” reviews the
of a 4-digit year value.
product’s many user benefits and
Fisher Controls conducted tests to ensure that the rollover from
backs up the instrument’s perfor-
1999 to 2000 and leap year calculations work correctly. These tests
mance messages with actual,
include an evaluation of all the uses of date or time in coded fields,
case-history reports on customer
calculations, text fields, input/output, and system clocks or timers.
savings. Get your copy by calling
To date, the results of these tests are as follows:
your local Representative.
● Digital Valve Controller DVC5000 Series firmware (revisions 3, 4, 5,
Request product #D35098X012.
and 6) is Year 2000 compliant. (Its internal clock is used to capture the
time and date of an alert event.)
● ValveLink VL2000 software versions 3.0 and later are also year 2000
compliant, but only as long as run on a year 2000-compliant Windows
The Vue To Success is cooperatively produced by
operating system. (Upgrades have already been sent to all registered Fisher Controls’ FIELDVUE Instrumentation and
Communications departments. It is written primarily for
VL2000 users.) Fisher Controls’ customers and field sales associates,
● As for the HART 275 hand-held communicator, used with FIELDVUE and distributed as both an electronic and printed piece.
Please forward correspondence to Lesley Smid,
instruments, Y2K issues are no longer a problem. Operating system Fisher Controls’ Technology Center, Marshalltown, IA,
Phone: (515) 754-3249 or FAX: (515) 754-2054.
4.6 uses four numerical characters to represent year 2000 or greater. If FIELDVUE, ValveLink, SNAP-ON, and Flowscanner
you update your unit to this operating system, it will be Year 2000 are registered trademarks of Fisher Controls. FOUNDA-
TION fieldbus is a registered trademark of the Fieldbus
compliant. ■ Foundation.1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc.All
rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

Fisher Opens
Diagnostic Center
In March, Fisher plans to open a
AMS With VL SNAP-ON ously needed to analyze control Diagnostics Center in
valve operating status. Plus, using Marshalltown, Iowa, serving North
Improves Diagnostics AMS, they can efficiently config- American customers. An experi-
ure, calibrate, and monitor all enced Field Service engineer will
Through a ValveLink SNAP-ON manage the center, which will be
HART-based field devices from
application, Fisher’s Asset
the maintenance shop. ■ part of Fisher’s Performance
Management Solutions (AMS) Services group.
software allows technicians at any “Our diagnostic data inter-
plant direct access to status and Performance Tuner pretation service gives customers
condition information on
DVC5000-equipped valves. This
Makes It Easy a chance to have remote-diagnos-
Fast-stroking valves are notori- tic tests of their in-line control
information, processed by proven valves analyzed,” the center
diagnostic software, provides a ously more unstable and harder to
tune. Fisher has assigned tuning manager said. “We have the
convenient, accurate new tool for experience necessary to predict
evaluating the health of operating sets to make it easier for you, the
customer, but the new perfor- potential maintenance problems,
control valves and improving their and recommend specific checks
performance. mance tuner feature in ValveLink
VL2000 software takes that one or repairs while the valve is still in-
Service technicians at a line, thereby saving customers
North American paper mill, where step more. It does automatic
"jump" tests to find and establish potentially expensive failures or
the new module was installed, downtime.” ■
report that ValveLink SNAP-ON tuning sets. This is especially
requires one-third the time previ- valuable for non-Fisher valve
applications. ■

Fisher Controls International, Inc.

205 S.Center Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158

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