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Energy Practice Test

Grade 5
Name: __________________
1. Define each type of energy:

Sound energy

Thermal energy

Chemical energy

Mechanical energy

Electrical energy

Light energy

2. Explain the energy transformations that take place in:

a) A toaster

b) A person eats a sandwich, then goes jogging

c) A wind mill

d) A fan

3. When a battery loses its charge, is the energy destroyed? Where does it go?
4. State how it works, the pros and cons, and whether it’s renewable or non-
renewable for the following sources of energy:

Renewable or
How it works Pros Cons






Energy Test
Grade 5
Name: __________________
1. Match each type of energy to its definition with a line:
Sound energy produced by atoms vibrating, related to temperature

Thermal energy emitted from objects like lasers and bulbs

Chemical energy energy of objects in motion

Mechanical energy stored in food, gasoline or other substances

Electrical energy produced when an object is made to vibrate, and travels

out as waves in all directions

Light energy produced by electrons moving through a substance

2. Explain the energy transformations that take place when:

e) A cell phone rings

f) A campfire burns

3. When a battery loses its charge, is the energy destroyed? Where does it go?
4. Choose 3 sources of energy, then fill out the table for each source you chose:
- Solar
- Wind
- Biomass
- Coal/Natural gas
- Hydroelectric
- Nuclear


or non-

How it



Electricity Practice Test

Grade 6
Name: __________________

1. For each material, state whether it is an insulator or a conductor.

a) Wood
b) Water
c) Humans
d) Plastic
e) Glass
f) Rubber
g) Metal

2. Explain the energy transformations that take place in:

g) A wind turbine

h) A blender

3. a) Give an example of static electricity.

b) Give an example of current electricity.

4. Draw a diagram and explain what happens when you rub a balloon on a sweater
and then stick it to the wall.
5. Draw an example of a series circuit and explain what makes it series.

6. Draw an example of a parallel circuit and explain what makes it parallel.

7. What advantage do parallel circuits have over series circuits?

Electricity Test
Grade 6
Name: __________________

1. List 3 conductors and 3 insulators.

2. Explain the energy transformations that take place in:

i) A hydroelectric dam

j) A toaster

3. Explain the difference between static and current electricity. Include diagrams and
examples to make your point.
4. a) Is this circuit in series or parallel?

b) What will happen if one of the lights burns out? Why?

5. a) Is this circuit in series or parallel?

b) What will happen if one of the lights burns out?


6. In this circuit, explain what will happen if:

A burns out?

C burns out?

A and B both burn out?

Conservation Campaign Project

You and your group will be creating a media product to help convince people to
conserve an important resource or reduce its impact on the environment.
Grade 5s will focus on energy, water, fossil fuels, or plastic. Grade 6s will focus on

Format: Choose one of the following:

 Brochure (typed)
 Poster board
 Website
 Other, e.g. video (ask for approval from teacher)

Requirements: Your final product must include:

 A detailed explanation of how the resource is produced and how and why it is
sometimes wasted
 A convincing argument for why it is important to conserve this resource or reduce
its impact on the environment (at least 5 good reasons with specific supporting
 At least 5 specific strategies to help conserve the resource or reduce its impact
 Interesting, eye-catching images, drawings, or other visuals

Guiding questions: Make sure you have answered these questions thoroughly in your
final product.
 How is the resource produced?
 How and why is the resource wasted?
 How does producing the resource impact the environment?
 How does using the resource impact the environment?
 How can we waste less of the resource?
 How can we reduce its impact on the environment? Consider how we can help
as individuals, as groups (e.g. governments), and through the use of technology.
My Research

Facts/Evidence/Statistics Source

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