Annoying Habits Speaking Reading Conversation Topics Dialogs Debating Argumentation - 132358

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1. What annoys you about living where you live now?

2. What annoys you about commuting to work/to school? What do people do on the bus
3. What do people do on the street that annoys you?
4. What annoys you about driving a car?
What are some things that car drivers do
that annoy you?
5. What annoys you about your-
6. Do you think you have habits that annoy other peo-
ple? Do you tell them?
7. What kind of people annoy you? Who is the most an-
noying person you know? Why?
8. Do you get annoyed when someone cuts in front of
you when you are waiting in line?
9. Does smoking bother you?
10. If something is annoying you, what do you usually do?
11. Can we change some annoying habits?
12. Can you think of some things children do that annoy adults
around them?
13. Has there ever been/is there anything about your
14. Does it annoy you when people don't use the right punctuation/spelling/
make mistake while writing?
15. What's the most annoying cliche you can think of?
16. Does it annoy you when people eat noisily?
4 An- noying Habits of Other People That
Have a Reasonable Explanation
1. Leaving dishes dirty

Nobody likes doing dishes. Unlike some other

household chores, like cooking or gardening, is not
re- warding. This is why people are not very enthusias-
tic about doing it. They sometimes even try to do differ-
ent things to avoid washing dishes — for example, they
leave a piece of food in the pan to give themselves an excuse.
But there is also a different explanation, especially if doing
dishes is the only problem. The thing is, after we eat
food, especially meat, chicken, cheese, and eggs, the body pro-
duces serotonin that tells the brain it is time to take a nap.

2. Talking on the phone loudly in public places

For some reason, we hate other people’s phone conversations more than regular

conversations. There is a theory that suggests that when we detect someone
talking on the phone, our brain switches to the “dialogue mode” and tries
to predict the next phrase. But because we don’t hear one half of the conversa-
tion, the regular pattern doesn’t work and we end up feeling uncomfortable.

3. Taking baggage from the shelves the moment after the plane lands

People that fly often have seen the passengers that get up from their seats just
as soon as the plane touches the ground, even though they will still have to wait
for their baggage in the baggage claim area.
There are several reasons why people may behave this way. First of all, most
people hate lines. They feel that if they get up as soon as possible, they will
leave as soon as possible. Second, it is a competition element — everyone
is getting ready, why should I do nothing? And finally, even people who are
not claustrophobic don’t like to be in a confined space.

4. Walking too slowly in the subway or at the airport

The irritation that people feel when they can’t go faster than those who walk
very slowly also has a name — sidewalk rage.
This irritation is determined by our own ideas of how much time we should
spend on our way somewhere, even if we are not in a hurry. Also, people often
think that slow walkers break the unwritten rules of walking, as if there is a de-
fined speed for a normal walk. In reality, everyone travels at different speeds,
depending on their physical conditions and the settings of their “internal timer.”
So, next time you get angry with a slow walker, think about this: for Usain Bolt,
you are the slowest walker.



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