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Class 11 - English Core

Term-1 Sample Paper - 02

Maximum Marks: 40
Time Allowed: 2 hours

General Instructions:

The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE.
Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section A
1. Read the passage given below :
All of Earth’s oceans share one thing in common: plastic pollution. Discarded plastic bags, cups, and
bottles make their way into the sea. Today, it seems that no part of the ocean is safe from plastic trash.
In recent years, oceanographers have searched in vain for a pristine marine environment. They have
found plastic everywhere they have looked. “It is a common global problem, we can’t point to a single
habitat or location with no plastic.”
Plastic harms wildlife and introduces dangerous chemicals into marine ecosystems - communities of
organisms interacting with their surroundings. Once plastic enters the environment, it lasts a long
time. Scientists are working to prevent plastic pollution from entering the sea.
When people litter, or when trash is not properly disposed of, things like plastic bags, bottles, straws,
foam beverage cups get carried to the sea by winds and waterways. About 80 percent of ocean plastic
originates on land. The rest comes from marine industries such as shipping and fishing.
In 2015, engineer Jenna Jambeck at the University of Georgia and other researchers calculated that at
least 8 million tons of plastic trash is swept into the ocean from coasts every year. That’s the equivalent
of a full garbage truck of plastic being dumped into the sea every minute. If current trends in plastic
production and disposal continue, that figure will double by 2025. A report published by the World
Economic Forum last year predicts that by 2050, ocean plastic will outweigh all the fish in the sea.
In today’s world, plastic is everywhere. It’s found in shoes, clothing, household items, electronics, and
more. There are different types of plastics, but one thing they all have in common is that they’re made
of polymers - large molecules made up of repeating units. Their chemical structure gives them a lot of
advantages : they’re cheap and easy to manufacture, lightweight, water-resistant, durable, and can be
moulded into nearly any shape.
Unfortunately, some of the properties that make plastics great for consumer goods also make them a
problem pollutant. Plastic’s durability comes in part from the fact that unlike paper or wood, it doesn’t
biodegrade, or break down naturally. Instead it just fragments, or breaks into tiny pieces over time.
These tiny pieces, known as microplastic, can potentially stick around for hundreds or perhaps even
thousands of years.
Another problem with plastics is the other chemicals they contain, like dyes and flame retardants.
When plastic isn’t disposed of properly, these additives end up in the environment. Plastic also tends to
absorb harmful chemicals from its surroundings. “It’s like a sponge for persistent organic pollutants”.
These longlasting, toxic substances include pesticides and industrial chemicals. If plastic absorbs the
chemicals, and marine organisms eat the plastic, they may be exposed to higher concentrations of these

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One of the biggest impacts of plastic pollution is its effect on sea life. Seals, sea turtles, and even whales
can become entangled in plastic netting. They can starve to death if the plastic restricts their ability to
move or eat. Or the plastic can cut into the animals’ skin, causing wounds that develop severe
Sea turtles eat plastic bags and soda-can rings, which resemble jellyfish, their favourite food. Seabirds
eat bottle caps or chunks of foam cups. Plastic pieces may make an animal feel full, so it doesn’t eat
enough real food, to get the nutrients it needs. Plastic can also block an animal’s digestive system,
making it unable to eat.
Plastic and its associated pollutants can even make it into our own food supply. Scientists recently
examined fish and shell-fish bought at markets in California and Indonesia. They found plastic in the
guts of more than a quarter of samples purchased at both locations. In organisms that people eat
whole, such as sardines and oysters, that means we’re eating plastic too. In larger fish, chemicals from
plastic may seep into their muscles and other tissues that people consume.
One way to keep the ocean cleaner and healthier is through cleanup efforts. A lot of plastic waste
caught in ocean currents eventually washes up on beaches. Removing it can prevent it from blowing
out to sea again. Beach clean-up is ocean clean-up.
Cleanup efforts can’t reach every comer of the ocean or track down every bit of microplastic. That
means it’s critical to cut down on the amount of plastic that reaches the sea in the first place. Scientists
are working toward new materials that are safer for the environment. For example, Jambeck and her
colleagues are currently testing a new polymer that breaks down more easily in seawater.
“Individual actions make a big difference,” says Jambeck. Disposing of plastic properly for recycling or
trash collection is a key step, “And simple things like reusable water bottles, mugs, and bags really cut
down on waste,” she says. Skipping straws or using paper ones helps too. Ocean pollution can seem
overwhelming, but it’s something everyone can help address. This is a problem we can really do
something about.
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Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the nine
given below.
How is microplastic formed?
Why is plastic compared to a sponge?
What is the biggest impact of plastic pollution on sea life?
How are scientists trying to reduce plastic pollutants?
How does plastic waste enter the oceans?
How is it true to say that plastic is everywhere in today's world?
Which property of plastic makes it a problems pollutant?
What has scientist Jambeck suggested for having cleaner and healthier oceans?
Pick out the words/phrases from the passage which are similar in meaning to the following :
rubbish/junk (as a noun) (para 3)
shaped/formed (para 5)
2. Read the following passage carefully:
I. Good decoration reflects the personality of the people who live in the home. It should, first of all, be
distinctive, just as each person is distinctive. A home should have unity not only within each room
but also throughout the house. Rooms should, to some degree, harmonize with each other. The
colour and styling of each room, particularly, should fit into the colour and styling of the rooms

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which run out of it.

II. Attractive home furnishings set the stage for pleasant living. If they are an expression of yourself,
you will have a feeling of satisfaction every time you enter your home, and friends will share your
III. However, furnishings and surroundings expressive of just the right note of restfulness, gay
informality, or elegant simplicity are not often assembled by accident. Even enthusiasm alone is
not enough. For most home decorators, it takes poring over plans, trying colour schemes, finding
ingenious ways to make the best of what you have, and shopping around to search out just the
right purchases at prices you can afford to pay. But there is keen pleasure in striving for the perfect
result, and great satisfaction in achieving it.
IV. A successful house and successful rooms will depend upon the proper relationship of each element
in it to the others and to the whole. Therefore, in selecting each piece it is well to consider the
background, the usage, the draperies, the floor covering, the upholstering materials, the woods,
shapes, colour scheme, and the “feeling” you prefer for the room.
V. Work and plan to enjoy your house. Limit the expenditures of time, effort and money to the extent
of your abilities, so that just running the house doesn't dominate your life. Elegance and delicate
things may be a drain you can afford only in a limited way. If you can't afford outside help, select a
house and furnishings that require less care. Plan your activities so that tumult and upset are
limited to a few rooms— an activity room or a bedroom, or a corner of the dining room.
VI. You'll get more pleasure out of a house if you have a hobby connected with it— collecting glass or
antiques, gardening or indoor flower growing ceramics, art, cooking, decorating, flower
arrangements, etc. And you'll get more satisfaction and a great deal of help from studying
household activities.
VII. You can select a pleasing combination of colours from a wallpaper, a fabric, an oriental rug, a
flower or scene, or even a picture in a magazine. If you don't already have the furniture or rugs, it
is a good idea to make up a colour scheme in this way. Let one colour predominate. Limit a colour
scheme to two or three colours, with white or grey tones. These points will help you: (1) Always
choose colours that please you personally— subtle, calm colours if you prefer a restful atmosphere,
intense colours if you like liveliness and cheer. (2) Don't be afraid of colour. Experimenting on
paper will give you confidence. (But remember larger batches of colour are more intense.) Try out
various colour combinations, then live with them—look at them frequently before you actually
start buying. (3) Colours should harmonize with furniture, draperies, carpets.
Questions: (5+3 =8)
A. On the basis of your understanding of the above passage make notes on it using headings and sub-
headings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Give an appropriate title.
B. Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words.
3. Tourism Department, Government of Uttarakhand has launched an ambitious plan to develop
adventure sports and eco-tourism activities in the state. Prepare a suitable poster for display at
important public places/publication in newspapers.
4. Judith Public School, Pune has recently introduced Diploma Course in Lab Technology under vocational
stream. The prospectus of this course are not clear to your mind. Write a letter to the Principal of the
school inquiring about the future prospects of this course and requesting him to send a prospectus, if
any. You are Chaman/Chanchal, 25 Ashirwad Apartment, Kolhapur.


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‘Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India’. Write a debate in 150-200 words either
for or against the motion.
5. Answer any four of the following questions:
a. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows:
Mother: Why are you late from school, Amit?
Amit: While coming from school to but stop, slipped by stepping on a banana peel.
Mother: O, my son! Did you hurt yourself?
Amit: I got a bad bruise on my left knee.
Mother asked Amit: Why he was late from school? Amit replied that while coming from school to
bus stop ________ peel.
a. he had slipped by stepping on a banana
b. he has slipped by stepping on a banana
c. he had slip by stepping on a banana
d. Amit had slipped by stepping on a banana
b. Read the following conversations and complete the passage given below:
Wife: Our new servant has run away.
Husband: Is anything missing?
The wife informed her husband that ________. He asked her if anything was missing.
a. there new servant was run away
b. their new servant had run away
c. their new servant was running away
d. their new servant have ran away
c. Choose the correct determiner:
A lot of people rushed to the area, but most of _______ failed to find ________ gold.
a. him, some
b. they, much
c. them, any
d. theirs, many
d. Choose the correct determiner:
Thank you for letting me know about this birthday wish of ________.
a. his
b. him
c. your
d. me
e. Choose the correct tense:
A team ________ from Berkley to study the problem.
a. was arrived
b. will arrive
c. is arrive
d. will arrived
f. Choose the correct tense:
You and I ________ the obligations.
a. has fulfilled
b. has been fulfilling
c. am fulfilled
d. have fulfilled

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6. Attempt ANY THREE of the four questions given below, within 40 words each.
a. What does the phrase ‘strange to tell’ mean? (The Voice of the Rain)
b. What happened to the poet when he was aware of his ego? Answer in context of Childhood.
c. How did the author react to the Tibetan mastiff? Answer in the context of Silk Road.
d. Why does the author agree that the growth of world population is one of the strongest factors
distorting the future of human society? (The Ailing Planet)
7. Give a character sketch of the ailing planet the green movement 's role.


Compare and contrast the characters of Mr. Crocker-Harris and Frank.

8. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions.
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complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams. Teachers can
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a. Describe how the head teacher made it easy for Albert to leave school.
b. How does Mrs. Fitzgerald help Mrs. Pearson to be the boss of her family?
c. Compare and contrast Andrew’s emotional, mental and physical state at the beginning of the story
and at the end of Birth.

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Class 11 - English Core

Term-1 Sample Paper - 02


Section A
1. i. Unlike paper or wood, plastic fragments or breaks into tiny pieces over time. These tiny pieces are
called microplastics.
ii. Plastic is compared to a sponge because it absorbs harmful chemicals from its surroundings like a
iii. The biggest impact of plastic pollution on sea life can be seen on seals, sea turtles and whales which
get entangled in plastic netting and can starve to death if the plastic restricts their ability to move
or eat.
iv. Scientists are working towards new materials that are safer for the environment and can break
down more easily in sea water.
v. When people litter or trash is not properly disposed of, things like plastic bags, bottles, foam,
beverage cups all get carried into the sea by winds and water winds.
vi. It is true that plastic is everywhere in today's world as it is found in almost everything whether it is
shoes, clothing, household items or electronics.
vii. The durability of plastic makes it a problem pollutant. It doesn't biodegrade but breaks into tiny
pieces over time. These tiny pieces stick around for hundreds or thousands of years.
viii. Scientist Jambeck suggests individual actions for having cleaner and healthier oceans. According to
her, people should use reusable water bottles, mugs, paper straws, etc. which cut down on plastic
ix. durable
2. i. TITLE: Decorating One's Home
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complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams. Teachers can
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i. Home reflects personality of home-owner
i. unity & harmony bet. rooms
ii. colour & styling sh'd match
ii. Elements of decoration
i. colour schemes
ii. draperies, rugs, upholstery, woods, shape
iii. Plan to enjoy the House
i. limit time, effort & money
ii. select furnish'gs which require little care
iii. confine hectic activities to a few rooms
iv. hobby connected with house—great pleasure.
iv. Choice of Colours
i. one colour sh’d predominate
ii. one can expt with colours
iii. calm colours for restfulness; intense for liveliness

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iv. colours sh'd harmonise with furniture, draperies, carpets

The maintenance of the house reflects the personality of the people who live in that. So the
distinctive decoration is as important as one attire in good clothes. Unity in the home can only be
seen if the rooms in the house have a degree of harmony, colour and styling. Furniture is a
working strategy for pleasant living. If there is an expression of oneself then one will have a
mental satisfaction every time one enters one’s home. To attain such satisfaction one needs to pore
over plants, try colour schemes, window shopping to search the best thing for one’s home.
its ambitious project
to develop

Activities offered:
Bungee Jumping
Snow Skiing/Ice Skating
Aero Sports
Paragliding - hang gliding
Boating/Other water sports
Secretary, Tourism
Government of Uttarakhand
4. 25, Ashirwad Apartments
26th April, 20xx
The Principal
Judith Public School,
Subject: Information regarding Lab Techno-logy Course
I would like to get information about the newly introduced Diploma Course in Lab Technology under
the vocational stream. I have just appeared for my class XII examination and am interested in pursuing
this course but am not very clear about the future prospects of this course.
I would be grateful if you could send me the following information regarding this course:
1. Eligibility Criteria
2. Duration of the Course
3. Fee Structure
4. Scholarships available (if any)

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5. Placement opportunities
I would be obliged if you could send me a prospectus, if it is available, for this course. I am enclosing a
duly stamped self-addressed envelop so as to enable you to send me all the relevant details about this
course. Awaiting an early response from your end.
Yours sincerely


For the Motion Worthy Chairperson, Secretary and Dear Students,

Today, I Sameer, stand before you to speak for the motion, ‘Brain drain is not a bane for a developing
country like India’.
We all are aware that India is developing its economy faster than any other country in the world by
taking advantage of its ‘demographic dividend’. The term ‘demographic dividend’ refers to the freeing
up of resources for a country’s economic development, when it switches from an agrarian to an
industrial economy. It wouldn't be a surprise if this lasted 20 to 30 years. In the initial stages of this
transition, fertility rates fall, leading to a labour force that is temporarily growing faster than the
population dependent on it. During this time, per capita income grows more rapidly, given that all else
is equal. Many people migrate to abroad from India for better prospects and in India, a growing labour
force provides adequate replacements. In fact, this so called ‘brain drain’ improves the chances of
competency among the people looking for employment. Otherwise, they would either be
underemployed or be totally unemployed. Thus, we can definitely say that brain drain is not a bane for
a developing country like India.
Thank you!

Against the Motion

Worthy Chairperson, Secretary and Dear Students,
Today, I Kaveri, stand before you to speak against the motion, ‘Brain drain is not a bane for a
developing country like India’.
Brain drain is defined as the migration of the competent people of a country i.e. the intellectuals and
the skilled workers to another country. The migration could be due to several reasons including the
desire of a better living standard and quality of life, higher salaries, access to advanced technology and
more stable political conditions etc.
Usually, the intellectuals and the skilled workers of a country migrate as a result of their dissatisfaction
from the current opportunities and life that they prevail. The migration of such people translates into a
big loss of considerable resources to their own country. However, the recipient countries get major
advantages despite not having spent any money on their education or life. These migrants are some of
the most expensive resources of a developing country like India because of their training in terms of
material, cost and time.
Thus, India’s development is severely hampered by these people leaving the country, particularly
because it results in many gaps in vital industries and key positions. This significantly hampers
development of the nation. Thus, we can definitely say that brain drain is a bane for a developing
country like India.
Thank you!

5. Answer any four of the following questions:

a. (a) he had slipped by stepping on a banana
Explanation: he had slipped by stepping on a banana

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b. (b) their new servant had run away

Explanation: their new servant had run away
c. (c) them, any
Explanation: them, any
d. (a) his
Explanation: his
e. (b) will arrive
Explanation: will arrive
f. (d) have fulfilled
Explanation: have fulfilled
6. Attempt ANY THREE of the four questions given below, within 40 words each.
a. It was raining softly. The poet asked the soft-falling shower who he was. He was filled with wonder
when he heard the voice of rain answering his question.
b. At the end of his childhood, the poet realized that he too was a separate individual. He began to
take his own decisions. He seldom listened to his elders because he began to place himself at the
centre of everything.
c. The Tibetan mastiff was a huge black dog. It stood guard outside the dark tents of nomads. These
dogs set their heads erect and watched the car. They barked and ran fast towards their car. They
did not fear the car. They calmed down only after chasing them off their territory.
d. The world population has grown at a very fast rate. It has already touched the 6 billion mark. It has
endangered the future of human society. It has resulted in too much pressure on natural resources.
The world’s forests, fisheries, grasslands, and croplands have depleted alarmingly. Unless
determined steps are taken to check the increase of population, this earth of ours will soon become
unlivable for human society.
7. ‘The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role’ focuses on the deteriorating health of the Earth because
of human being’s growing lust to exploit all its natural resources. A Zoo in Lusaka, Zambia calls the
man as the most dangerous animal in this world. Fortunately, the Green movement launched in 1972
has been responsible for a new awareness that has dawned upon the human race. There has been an
irrevocable shift from a mechanistic view to a holistic and ecological view of the world. There is a
growing worldwide consciousness that the earth itself is a living organism -an enormous being of
which we are parts. It has its own metabolic needs that must be respected and preserved. But, today, its
vital signs reveal a patient in declining health. In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and
Development popularized the concept of sustainable development – a development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.


Crocker-Harris and Frank are both teachers in Taplows school. But they are poles apart in their
characters. Crocker is a very strict teacher. He is a man of discipline. He has his own principles. He is
true to his duty. He never does any favour or disfavour to his students. On the other hand, Frank is not
true to his duty. He teaches science. He himself does not like the subject he teaches, but he calls his
students slackers. He is jealous of Crocker. He encourages Taplow to say things against Crocker and
mock at him. It does not behove a teacher to encourage a student against another teacher. In trying to
degrade Crocker-Harris, he degrades himself only.
8. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions.
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complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams. Teachers can
use Examin8 App to create similar papers with their own name and logo.
a. Albert wanted to remain away from school. He got a medical certificate from Dr. Ernest Weil. It
was certified that he had a nervous breakdown. So he must stay away from school. He wanted to
see the headteacher. Next day the headteacher called Albert to his office. He told Albert that his
work was terrible. So he was not prepared to have him in the school. Albert asked if he should
think he was to be expelled. The headteacher told him that if he left the school of his own accord,
the question wouldn't arise. Albert asked what crime he had committed. The headteacher told him
that the teacher couldn't teach the class when he was in it. In his presence, the pupils couldn't
learn. Albert wanted to tell the headteacher what he thought of him and the school, but he didn't
say anything. The headteacher asked him to close the door behind him. But Albert didn't do so. Nor
did he have the last look at his school. He met only Yuri.
b. Mrs. Fitzgerald is Mrs. Pearson's neighbour. She offers to help Mrs. Pearson in setting her family
right. She knows some magic and effects a change of personality with Mrs. Pearson. Now she looks
as if she were Mrs. Pearson and vice versa. She sends Mrs. Pearson to her own house and herself
stays in Mrs. Pearson's house. When Doris, Cyril, and George come in, she deals with them very
severely. She makes them realize how unfeeling and selfish they are. Thus Mrs. Fitzgerald helps
Mrs. Pearson to be the boss of her family.
c. At the beginning of the story, Andrew is physically tired and emotionally upset. He has just
returned from a disappointing evening with Christine, the girl he loved. His thoughts are heavy
and muddled. The episode he had witnessed at Cardiff station still filled his mind with sadness.
Though he thought of marriage as a blissful state, he couldn’t help remembering the miserable
failure of many marriages.
At the end of the story, Andrew is physically exhausted but emotionally cheerful and mentally
alert. His mind is filled with joy and self-satisfaction. He has performed an unusual feat, no less
than a miracle. He calls upon God as a witness that he has done something real at last. This sense of
achievement helps him to overcome physical fatigue. His sense of duty towards his patients helps
him to attend them whole-heartedly. He forgets his personal feelings and thinks only of reviving
the patients.

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