Fundamentos de La Terapia Periodontal

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Periodontal Therapy: Prospects for

the Future*
Roy C. Page

Prior to the 1950s, Periodontitis was treated mostly by tooth exfoliation or ex-
traction, and that is still the predominant treatment for most of the world's populations
today. Debridement of the root surface by scaling and root planing came into relatively
common use in the first half of the present century and has become the central feature
held in common by all currently-used forms of periodontal therapy. Until the 1980s, the
most commonly-used treatment consisted of scaling and root planing, followed by re-
sective surgery aimed at achieving zero pocket depth. During the 1980s, data were
obtained demonstrating that the thoroughness of root debridement and subgingival in-
fection control, not the presence or absence or periodontal pockets, is the major deter-
minant of successful periodontal therapy, and non-surgical therapy became a commonly-
used treatment. Neither resective surgery nor non-surgical therapy results in significant
regeneration of periodontal attachment. With the realization that Periodontitis is an in-
fectious process, the use of antibiotics and other anti-infective agents came into common
use as adjuncts to other standard therapies. An understanding of the pathways by which
the soft and calcified tissues of the periodontium are destroyed has led to the likelihood
of widespread future use of the non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory family of drugs to
suppress alveolar bone destruction by blocking Prostaglandin production, and to the use
of chemically-modified tetracyclines that chelate divalent cations and thereby block tissue
destruction by the metalloproteinases. Recent data clearly show that regeneration of the
previously-destroyed periodontal attachment tissues is biologically possible, and regen-
eration has become the goal of therapy for the 1990s. Use of osteoconductive and os-
teoinductive graft materials can, under favorable conditions, induce roughly 60% to 70%
regeneration of bone lesion height or volume with concomitant improvement in the
clinical conditions. Regeneration by grafting may be further enhanced by use of barrier
membranes that exclude gingival fibroblasts and epithelium from the healing site. Still
further enhancement seems to be possible by local application of various growth factors,
although studies in this important area are now only in their infancy. The future of
periodontal therapy is exceedingly bright. It seems likely that we may be able to achieve
nearly complete regeneration of periodontal attachment at many, although not all, sites
through the use of root debridement and anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs and
agents that inhibit metalloproteinases to arrest progress of disease and resolve the in-
flammatory process, followed by the combined use of graft material, barrier membranes,
and growth factors to induce regeneration of periodontal attachment tissues. J Periodontol
1993; 64:744-753.
Key Words: Grafts/surgery; periodontal diseases/therapy; periodontal attachment; mem-
branes, barrier; forecasting.

Periodontal disease has plagued mankind since his first ap- appears to have been one of the most common diseases of
pearance on the earth. Bone lesions typical of Periodontitis the Egyptians more than 4,000 years ago.1 During these
are present in fossils from the paleolithic culture of Nean- millennia, the only form of treatment was spontaneous tooth
derthal man. Periodontal diseases were described in ancient exfoliation or extraction. This form of treatment predomi-
Chinese writings, and a form of suppurating Periodontitis nated throughout the world until the middle of the present
century, and still persists today for most of the world's
'Research Center in Oral Biology, Health Sciences Center, University of populations.
Washington, Seattle,WA. The first efforts to preserve periodontally-diseased teeth
Volume 64
Number 8 PAGE 745

by treatment appears to have been the use of root debride-

ment. Roughly 1,000 years ago, Albucasis wrote:
Sometime on the surface of the teeth, both inside and
outside, as well as under the gums, are deposited
rough scales, of ugly appearance, and black, green
or yellow in colour; thus corruption is communicated
to the gums, and so the teeth are in the process of
time denuded. It is necessary for thee to lay the pa-
tient's head upon thy lap and to scrape the teeth and
molars, on which are observed these incrustations, or
something similar to sand, and this until nothing more
remains of such substances.1
Thus, even though there existed some understanding of the Figure 1. The results of treatment of a deep periodontalpocket containing
potential benefits of removal of calcified deposits from the pathogenic microbial plaque by thorough debridement of the root and
crown surfaces, followed by resective therapy aimed at elimination of the
crowns and roots for the next several centuries such treat-
pocket and establishment of a normal attachment at a more apical level.
ment appears to have been rarely performed and affected
teeth continued to be exfoliated or extracted. By the 1860s
and 1870s a treatment combining some sort of surgical in- adjunct to other standard forms of therapy. Currently the
tervention with removal of tooth deposits had been devel- use of antibiotics is being greatly extended through devel-
oped by Dr. J.M. Riggs.2 This treatment became so popular opment of slow-release devices placed directly in the peri-
that for a time Periodontitis became known as Riggs' dis- odontal pocket which maintain extremely high drug con-
ease. Nevertheless, this treatment disappeared from use after centration for 1 to 2 weeks at the local site.4 6 Thus, while
a few years. By the turn of the 20th Century, the idea that mechanical debridement with or without various surgical
calculus was a mechanical irritant had become firmly manipulations had been our only therapy for centuries, the
embedded in dental dogma, and calculus removal by scaling use of antimicrobial drugs now provided a chemotherapy
and root planing was commonly practiced. aimed directly at elimination of the pathogenic bacteria
present in the periodontal pocket and tissues. Additionally,
RESECTIVE THERAPY there is a rapidly growing body of evidence indicating that
The modern era of periodontal therapy in the United States antibiotics and combinations of antibiotics, especially
began roughly 40 years ago with the publication in 1949 amoxicillin or doxycycline and metronidazole may be ef-
of a paper by Schluger describing the basic principles of fective in controlling the progression of periodontal destruc-
surgical pocket elimination and osseous surgery.3 From the tion in cases that do not respond to other standard forms of
1950s through the 1970s, highly sophisticated surgical tech- therapy.7"11
niques were developed and surgical pocket elimination be-
came the treatment of choice for Periodontitis. To perform NON-SURGICAL THERAPY
resective therapy, mucoperiosteal flaps were elevated, the By the late 1970s and early 1980s, some clinicians and
root surfaces thoroughly debrided, and the marginal bone investigators began to suspect that pocket elimination was
resected to reestablish normal contours. The goal was to not essential to the success of periodontal therapy; that con-
establish a healthy periodontium but at a level more apical trol of subgingival infection was sufficient.12,13 This ap-
than normal (Fig. 1). The sine qua non of successful peri- proach became known as non-surgical therapy (Fig. 2). The
odontal therapy became the achievement and maintenance idea that an appropriate goal for periodontal therapy was
of zero pocket depth; by the 1970s resective periodontal not zero pocket depth but rather conversion of infected dis-
therapy had reached its zenith. Throughout this period, root eased periodontal pockets to healthy pockets maintained
debridement remained a central component of therapy. free of pathogenic bacteria was enormously controversial.
As a consequence, large numbers of longitudinal studies
ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY were initiated comparing the outcome of various therapeutic

By the 1960s and 1970s the infectious nature of Periodon- modalities such as surgical pocket elimination versus scal-
titis had become apparent and this new knowledge led to ing and root planing with or without chemotherapy.1419
new approaches to therapy. For the first time, we realized These studies demonstrated clearly that the quality of the
that root deposits were important in the etiology of peri- subgingival debridement and infection control, not the pres-
odontal disease, not because of mechanical irritation but ence or absence of the periodontal pocket, was the major
rather because of their microbial content. These observa- determinant of successful periodontal therapy. Such therapy
tions led to intensified efforts to achieve impeccable oral may result in resolution of the inflammatory response, ces-
hygiene and to the gradual introduction of antimicrobial sation of the progress of periodontal destruction, a small
therapy, specifically the systemic use of antibiotics as an gain in periodontal attachment, significant reduction in
J Periodontol
746 FUTURE PERIODONTAL THERAPY August 1993 (Supplement)

Activated Macrophages
Arachidonic Acid


Figure 2. Results of treatment of a deep periodontal pocket containing

pathogenic microbial plaque by thorough scaling and root planing (non- Prostaglandins
surgical therapy) to arrest the progress of tissue destruction and establish
a long junctional epithelium with residual pocket depth.

probing depth (believed to be due to reduction in edema), Alveolar Bone Destruction

and formation of a long junctional epithelium (Fig. 2). Figure 3. Diagrammatic representation of the production of arachidonic
acid metabolites, including Prostaglandin PGE?


During the 1970s and 1980s we obtained an enormous amount 0.4
of new information about the pathways by which the al-
veolar bone, periodontal ligament, and gingival tissues are
destroyed in periodontal disease.20 This new knowledge
served as the basis for a third entirely new approach to
periodontal therapy; i.e., drugs that modify host response.
Tissue macrophages, activated by pocket bacteria and their
products, produce large quantities of arachidonic metabo-
lities known as the Prostaglandins and these, especially PGE2,
mediate pathologic alveolar bone résorption (Fig. 3). The
non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory family of drugs can sup-
press or block Prostaglandin production, and could be ex-
pected to block or suppress alveolar bone destruction. Clin- -0.2
ical trials have demonstrated that this is indeed the placebo naproxen
case.21-22 As shown in Figure 4,22 administration of the anti- Figure 4. Mean change in alveolar bone height measured using stan-
inflammatory drug naproxen as an adjunct to scaling and dardized digital radiography. There was significantly less bone loss during
root planing not only blocked alveolar bone loss, but also the treatment period in the naproxen-treated patients compared with the
resulted in significant bone gain relative to placebo. There placebo patients (P 0.001, U test). Note the mean change in bone

is yet another example of therapy of this type. Activated height indicates a small amount of bone gain in naproxen-treated patients
(from Jeffcoat et al., 1991,22 with permission).
macrophages and other cells in the pocket wall also produce
a large family of enzymes known as the metalloproteinases,
and these are the principal agents of destruction of the peri- Periodontitis, and in suppressing destruction of collagenous
odontal ligament and gingival tissue (Fig. 5). These en- tissue (Fig. 6).
zymes are dependent upon divalent cations for their activ- Thus, as we entered the decade of the 1990s, periodontal
ity. Golub and his colleagues have demonstrated that therapy had 3 central components each approaching the
antibiotics of the tetracycline class are not only detrimental disease from a different direction: 1) scaling and root plan-
to bacteria, but also they chelate divalent cations and thereby ing with or without opening mucoperiosteal flaps aimed at
suppress or block metalloproteinase activity.23 Golub and debridement of the surfaces of the tooth roots; 2) antibiotics
coworkers synthesized chemically-modified tetracyclines and other antimicrobials aimed directly at destruction of the
(CMTs) that did not have antibacterial activity but retained bacteria present in the periodontal pockets and in the peri-
their capacity to inhibit metalloproteinases. CMTs are ef- odontal tissues; and 3) use of drugs aimed at modification
fective in reducing collagenase and other metalloproteinases of host-response mechanisms to suppress or inhibit prosta-
in experimental animal model systems and in humans with glandin-mediated alveolar bone résorption and metallopro-
Volume 64
Number 8 PAGE 747







Figure 5. Diagrammatic representation of the production of latent metal-

loproteinases by various cells present in inflamed periodontal tissues,
potential enzyme activation by plasmin, degradation of extracellular ma-
trix components, and enzyme inactivation by tissue inhibitors of metalo-
proteinases (TIMPs) and a-macroglobulin.

Macrophages and
Other Cells Figure 7. Diagrammatic representation of treatment of a diseased peri-
odontal site by (A) resective techniques or (B) non-surgical procedures
compared to (C) the desired outcome of treatment by regenerative pro-

Metalloproteinases tion now becomes: Is it possible to achieve this goal in a

practical and predictable manner?

CMTs Chelate Grafting with Bone and Bone Substitutes

Cations and inhibit Attempts have been made for many years to restore peri-
odontal tissues through grafting procedures, but until re-
cently with mixed evidence of success. Nevertheless, over
roughly the past 10 years, outcomes have changed in part
because of new knowledge about the disease process and
Periodontal Tissue wound healing, and in part because of the availability of
Destruction new materials.24 Grafting materials can be classified as var-

ious bone preparations including autografts, allografts, and
Figure Diagrammatic representation of the inhibition of metallopro-
teinase degradation of extracellular matrix components by chemically- xenografts, and bone substitutes such as hydroxyapatite ce-
modified tetracydines (CMTs) that act by chelating divalent cations. ramics. Grafts are also classified as osteoconductive when
they merely serve as a scaffolding upon and within which
new bone can grow, and osteoinductive when they release
teinase-mediated tissue destraction. Using existing thera- factors that induce differentiation of osteoblasts and new
pies, we have been remarkably successful in arresting the bone formation.25 Non-demineralized freeze-dried bone al-
progress of periodontal destruction in most patients with or lografts and porous hydroxyapatite are two commonly used
without osseous resection and with or without pocket
osteoconductive materials, while decalcified freeze-dried bone
allografts are an example of osteoinductive material. The
grafting procedure is perfomed by elevating mucoperiosteal
REGENERATIVE THERAPIES flaps, debridement of the root surface, removal of the gran-
As we now enter the decade of the 1990s we have redefined ulation tissue, and placement of the graft material within
our goals for periodontal therapy. We are no longer content the intrabony defect, followed by suturing (Fig. 8).
with a reduced, but healthy periodontium with or without Numerous experimental clinical trials in humans have
healthy periodontal pockets (Fig. 7A and 7B). We now been performed using these and other grafting materials. In
have the goal of not only arresting the progress of peri- these trials, generally teeth with vertical bone defects have
odontal tissue destruction, but in addition, of regeneration been treated by elevation of flaps, thorough root debride-
of previously-destroyed tissues and restoration of a com- ment, and placement of the graft material. In many studies,
pletely normal periodontal status (Fig. 7C). The key ques- treated sites have been re-entered after 6 months for post-
J Periodontol
748 FUTURE PERIODONTAL THERAPY August 1993 (Supplement)
Table 1. Osteogen i Effects in 50 Non-Submerged Defects in 6

Measurement Collagen Osteogenin DFDBA* Osteogenin
New attachment 0.08 0.05 1.72 2.33
New cementum 0.11 0.08 1.73 2.35
New bone 0.08 0.20 2.48 2.70
crest height 0.09 0.32 2.47 2.63
Figure Diagrammatic representation of a diseased periodontal site
treated by elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap, thorough debridement, and From Bowers et al., 1991,42 with permission.
*DFDBA Decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft.

placement of a graft material, resulting in regeneration offunctional peri-

odontal attachment.

Table 2. Intrabony Defects Treated With Porous Hydroxyapatite or

treatment measurements. The use of non-decalcified freeze- Decalcified Freeze-Dried Bone

dried bone allografts in the treatment of intrabony peri- PHA*(SE) DFDBf(SE)
odontal lesions has been studied in detail.26 30 In one study,
Mean Attachment Gain A 2.67 (0.22) 2.08 (0.10)
60% to 64% of grafted defects healed with 50% or greater 3.10(0.22) 2.12(0.16)
3.25 (0.33) 2.33 (0.31)
bone fill, with corresponding reduction in clinical probing Defect Fill A
3.24 (0.24) 2.48 (0.22)
depth and attachment gain.31 In a subsequent larger study,
1,521 sites were treated. In this study, 329 sites were grafted From Oreamuno et al., 1990,52 with permission.
*PHA Porous hydroxyapatite.
with non-demineralized freeze-dried bone and 176 sites were

fDFDB Decalcified freeze-dried bone.


grafted with the same material, but also containing auto-

genous bone. Bone fill exceeding 50% was obtained in 67%
of defects grafted with non-demineralized freeze-dried bone, and onto the graft surface followed by bone formation.44
and in 78% of sites grafted with this material plus auto- Pepelassi etgrafted 26 Class II and 14 Class III fur-
genous bone.31 The success rate can be enhanced by in- cations in 15 patients using a composite consisting of tri-
cluding tetracycline in the grafting material.32-33 calcium phosphate, plaster of Paris, and doxycycline. After
Success rates can be enhanced further by using decalci- 6 months, grafted sites were 4-fold more likely to have
fied freeze-dried bone.27 30-34 37 Décalcification is thought defect fill of 50% or more than conventionally-treated sites.
to expose and permit release of bone morphogenic proteins. Yukna51 used a graft material consisting of polymethyl
Such proteins have been isolated from bone matrix and methacrylate, a porous polymer, coated with calcium hy-
characterized, and recently their genes have been cloned droxide. Sites were treated by open debridement with or
and expressed.38-39 Libin et al.40 were the first to use de- without grafting. After 6 months, 60.8% defect fill was
calcified freeze-dried bone allografts in periodontal defects. observed at grafted sites as compared to 32.2% fill at con-
Using such material, 2- to 4.2-fold more bone is observed trol sites.
at grafted relative to non-grafted sites treated by open-flap Other studies have been performed comparing freeze-
debridement.31 Histologically, grafted sites consistently dried bone allographs with porous hydroxyapatite grafting
manifest new bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament, material.29-37 In one such study, 12 paired defects in 12
whereas non-grafted sites in the same patients heal with a patients at each of two clinical centers were treated with
long junctional epithelium.41 porous hydroxyapatite or decalcified freeze-dried bone and
Bowers et al.42 performed a clinical trial in which they the results assessed after 12 months.52 As shown in Table
treated 86 intrabony pockets by grafting with demineralized 2,52 mean attachment gain as well as defect fill were ob-
freeze-dried bone or bovine tendon-derived matrix, with served at sites of both types, although porous hydroxyapa-
and without the bone morphogenic protein osteogenin. As tite gave significantly better results at both centers than
shown in Table l,42 the collagen matrix with or without demineralized freeze-dried bone.
osteogenin was ineffective in inducing new bone, cemen-
tum, or attachment. Demineralized freeze-dried bone was
effective and the effectiveness enhanced by addition of Guided Tissue Regeneration
osteogenin. Our ability to regenerate previously-destroyed periodontal
Grafts using bone substitutes have also been studied in tissues was advanced enormously when Nyman and
humans.29-37-43"49 Kenney et al.43 grafted 1 angular inter- coworkers53 55 demonstrated that exclusion of gingival
proximal defect in each of 25 patients with hydroxyapatite epithelium and fibroblasts from the periodontal wound site
and used a second defect treated conventionally as control. by placement of a barrier over the wound allowed cells,
Grafted sites had a mean defect fill 4.8-fold greater than presumably from the periodontal ligament and/or adjacent
control sites. Connective tissue infiltrated into the grafts alveolar bone, to populate the wound and these cells gave
Volume 64
Number 8 PAGE 749


Figure 9. Diagrammatic representation of treatment of a diseased peri-

odontal site by guided tissue regeneration in which following elevation of
a mucoperiosteal flap and thorough debridement of the root surface, a REC PD AL
porous membrane is placed over the intrabony defect for the purpose of GTR vs flap curettage
exclusion of gingival epithelium and fibroblasts from the treated site.
Figure 10. Graph presenting the improvement in probing depth (PD) and
attachment level (AL) with no change in recession (REC) at experimental
sites treated with debridement and membranes, vs control sites treated
with debridement alone (from Metzler et al., 1991," with permission).
rise to new cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar
bone. Extensive studies performed in experimental animals
and in humans have demonstrated that the procedure results 1.6-1 Experimental
in periodontal regeneration in 2- and 3-walled intrabony Control
defects and in Class II furcations, especially on lower
molars.56"68 A variety of barrier materials have been used 1.2
including filters and membranes made of Teflon and other 1
substances, biodegradable polyglactic acid membranes, dura 0.8
mater, periosteum, synthetic skin, and collagen membranes
impregnated with antibiotics or other agents.61 ·62·65·66·69"74 0.4
The operative technique used has varied considerably from
one study to another. In general, the procedure is performed
as illustrated in Figure 9. Following elevation of mucogin- 0-
gival flaps and debridement, the intrabony defect is covered
by a porous membrane which overlaps the bone 3 mm to GTR vs flap curettage
5 mm in all directions. In some cases the coronal border Figure 11. Graph from the same study described in Figure 10, illustrating
of the membrane is placed coronal to the cemento-enamel the improvement in vertical open probing attachment (VOPA) and hori-
zontal open probing attachment (HOPA ) at experimental and control sites
junction and the coronal border of the flap, while in other (from Metzler et al., 1991," with permission).
cases it has been placed apical to the border of the flap and
the cemento-enamel junction. In some cases the filter has
been attached to the enamel surface of the crown, while in
others it was attached by a suture to either the tooth or the
flap. Systemically-administered antibiotics and chemical 5 filledcompletely, 5 filled partially, and 5 failed. The
plaque control agents may or may not be used; after several composition of the membrane was not an important deter-
weeks the membrane is removed. minant of outcome, although Gore-Tex was found more
The principle of guided tissue regeneration has been eval- convenient because it was sterile, sufficiently stiff, break-
uated in numerous studies in animals using membranes of resistant, and had a collar.
various compositions in the treatment of both spontaneously In a small, controlled study, Caffesse et al.78 treated Class
occurring and created intrabony lesions and Class II and II furcations by placement of Gore-Tex at 11 sites and per-
Class III furcations.56"69-70'75"77 Generally excellent results formed surgery only at 6. At 6 months there was 1.7-fold
have been reported, including complete fill of Class II fur- greater pocket depth reduction and 2.7-fold attachment gain
cations in some cases. at membrane-treated than at control sites. Metzler et al.64
Thirty-nine patients having a variety of vertical intrabony treated maxillary Class II furcations in 17 patients with
defects and furcations were treated by guided tissue regen- advanced Periodontitis either with Gore-Tex membranes or
eration using filters and Gore-Tex periodontal material.th2 by flap debridement only. As shown in Figures 1064 and
Thirty-seven intrabony defects were treated, 27 filled com- 11,64 after about 6 months the membrane-treated sites were
pletely, 10 filled to greater than 50%, and none failed. Six significantly better than control sites with regard to probing
Class II furcations were treated, 3 filled completely, 2 filled depth, clinical attachment level, and vertical and horizontal
partly, and 1 failed. Fifteen Class III furcations were treated, open probing attachment. Histologie studies have shown
the presence of new cementum, bone, and periodontal lig-
fW.L. Gore and Associates, Inc., Flagstaff, AZ. ament at most, although not all, experimental sites.79
J Periodontol
750 FUTURE PERIODONTAL THERAPY August 1993 (Supplement)

Growth Factors
Growth factors are biologic mediators which regulate con-
nective tissue cell migration, proliferation, and synthesis of
proteins and other components of the extracellular matrix.
Discussion of all such molecules is far beyond the scope
of this paper; the reader is referred to reviews by Wirthlin85
and by Lynch.86 The focus here is on those growth factors
that may have the most potential in periodontal regenera-
tion. Foremost among these are platelet-derived growth fac-
Figure 12. Diagrammatic representation of treatment of a diseased peri- tor (PDGF), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), trans-
odontal site by guided tissue regeneration combined with placement of a
graft material resulting in regeneration of functional periodontal attach- forming growth factor beta (TGF-ß), and basic fibroblast
growth factor (bFGF). These molecules are released by
platelets, endothelium, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells,
Experimental and macrophages in inflamed tissues and healing wounds.
Control PDGF is a chemoattractant for fibroblasts and neutrophils
and a potent mitogen for mesenchymal cells; acting syn-
ergistically with IGF-1, PDGF promotes general protein
2A synthesis and production of collagen, proteoglycans, and
other components of the extracellular matrix, and collag-
enase.85 87 Angiogenesis is stimulated by TGF-ß, bFGF,
H and several other factors secreted by macrophages. TGF-ß
induces biological responses very different from PDGF. In
addition to being a chemoattractant for fibroblasts and neu-
o trophils, it also induces synthesis of fibronectin and types
RESP VOPA HOPA I, III, and V collagen, inhibits collagenase and Plasminogen
Figure 13. Graph presenting improved vertical open probing attachment activator and stromelysin, induces production of tissue in-
(VOPA) and horizontal open probing attachment (HOPA) at experimental hibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPS), and stimulates Os-
sites treated with membranes and decalcified freeze-dried bone versus
control sites treated with membranes alone. Alveolar crest résorption (RESP) teoblast activity.85 As might be expected, all of these mol-
was not different for the 2 treatments (from Anderegg et ai, 1991,81 with ecules are likely to come into play in periodontal regeneration.
permission). Immediately following injury, mRNA for growth factors
and their receptors can be detected in the tissues.88,89 Ex-
tensive data have been gathered using a standardized wound
Guided Tissue Regeneration with Grafts
in the skin of swine by Lynch.87 He tested EGF, TGF,
Studies have been reported using guided tissue regeneration
and graft material in a procedure illustrated in Figure 12. FGF, IGF, and PDGF in a methylcellulose gel applied im-
In general, more regeneration was observed at sites treated mediately after wounding. TGF-ß gave the most marked
with grafts and membrane than at those treated using mem- response with a 148% increase in new connective tissue
volume and collagen content. The tissue also had acceler-
branes only.67-68-80 Fifteen pairs of Class II and III furca-
ated angiogenesis and maturity. IGF-1 alone had no sig-
tions were treated either with membranes alone or mem-
nificant effect, while PDGF alone gave a 64% increase in
branes plus decalcified freeze-dried bone using Gore-Tex.81
new connective tissue volume and a 68% increase in col-
As shown in Figure 13,81 after 6 months both types of sites
had improved greatly but the ones with grafted bone had lagen content. A combination of PDGF and IGF-1 gave a
132% increase in collagen and an increase in the thickness
improved more. of the new epidermis.
Lynch et al.90,91 also studied the role growth factors may
Citric Acid and Coronally-Positioned Flaps play in periodontal regeneration in beagle dogs with spon-
Several investigators have assessed the efficacy of citric taneously-occurring Periodontitis. They used a methylcel-
acid conditioning of tooth root surfaces and coronal place- lulose gel containing 3 µg each of PDGF and IGF-1 placed
ment of periosteal flaps in enhancing regeneration of peri- around premolars in 13 dogs and used gel-only as a control.
odontal attachment tissues.82'83 Partially decalcifying the Using radio-labeled material they demonstrated a half-life
root surface with acid is thought to expose factors, possibly of 3.0 hours for IGF-1 and 4.2 hours for PDGF. They
similar to bone morphogenic protein, that can enhance heal- measured cementum length, bone area, and bone height at
ing. Stahl and Froum84 treated 6 suprabony pockets in 2 2 and 4 weeks (Fig. 14). They demonstrated a significant
patients with citric acid demineralization and coronally-placed increase in new bone and cementum relative to control
flaps. They achieved new attachment and saw evidence of specimens. Periodontal ligament was also formed and no
new bone deposition. ankylosis was observed. Thus, growth factors may have
Volume 64
Number 8 PAGE 751

6.0 6.0 tissue regeneration. Under favorable conditions, regenera-

5.5 -I 5.5 tion is generally in the range of 60% to 70% of the lesion
5.0 M
5.0 volume or height. The use of barrier membranes as prac-
4.5 4.5 ticed in guided tissue regeneration may enhance regenera-
4.0 4.0 tion of attachment significantly, and use of such membranes
3.5 3.5 in combination with osteoconductive or osteoinductive grafts,
3.0 3.0 although not yet thoroughly studied, may further enhance
2.5 2.5 regeneration. Studies of the efficacy of growth factors such
as PDGF, BFGF, IGF-1, and TGF-ß are in their infancy
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
although they show great promise. Published data demon-
strate that PDGF and IGF-1 act synergistically in enhancing
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
regeneration of cementum, bone, and periodontal ligament
in dogs. Whether this is the case in humans remains to be
0.0 0.0
HFIGHTOI seen. Intensive studies in this area, especially in the use of
recombinant bone morphogenic proteins, are needed and


may be expected to be fruitful.
Figure 14. Histometric evaluation of increases in (A) new cementum length, The future of periodontal therapy is exceedingly bright.
(B) new bone area, and (C) new bone height for diseased periodontal
sites in beagle dogs treated with a gel containing PDGF-ß and IGF-1, or The demonstration that osteoinductive and osteoconductive
with carrier gel alone at 2 and 5 weeks after treatment. Control values grafts, use of barrier membranes, and application of growth
are shown as block bars, and experimental values as cross-hatched bars factors greatly enhance regeneration of bone, cementum,
(from Lynch et al, 1991, with permission). and functional periodontal ligament is a genuine break-
through in periodontal therapy. The goal of periodontal
great importance in stimulating periodontal regeneration in therapy in the future will be complete regeneration of peri-
humans, although such studies have yet to be performed. odontal attachment. This goal will be achieved through use
of root debridement, anti-infective therapy, and drugs that
inhibit bone and soft-tissue destruction to arrest the progress
CONCLUSIONS of the disease and resolve the inflammatory process, fol-
Published studies described in this report document several lowed by a combination of the use of graft materials, barrier
conclusions. Thorough debridement of the roots of peri- membranes, and growth factors to generate the periodontal
odontally-diseased teeth by scaling and root planing or other tissues.
means is absolutely essential to the success of any therapy,
be it resective, non-surgical, or regenerative. Conservative REFERENCES
non-surgical therapy, with or without the use of antibiotics 1. Weinberger BW. Orthodontics: An Historical Review of its Origin
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sulfate and fibronectin improve the capacity of collagen barriers to Biology SM-42, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.

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