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The International Journal of Periodontios & Restorative Dentistry


Restoring the Gingival Contour by

Means of Provisional Resin Crowns
After Singie-Implant Treatment

Torsten Jemt. DDS. PhD' Loss of gingivai papillae is a fre-

quent problem associated with
single-implant rehabilitation.'
Current clinical research has
focused on different surgical
procedures for restoring the
A consecutivo group of 55 patiQrtts was treoted with 63 single-Implant alveolar crest and managing
restorotions. The soft tissue was allowed to heat to either provlslor>al resin the soft tissue contour adjacent
orowns (n = 25) that were piaced at ttie time of second-stoge surgery, or to fo restorations,'-^ Most of the
tiealing abutments (n = 38) before final crown ir^sertion. An index that
new techniques have shown
assessed the size of the interproximal mucosa adjaoent to the single-
good esthetic results for the soft
implant restorations was used to evaluate the volume of the papillae 2
years aftercrown insertian. The results Indicated that the use of provisional
tissue margin, but the lack of
crowns may restore soft tissue contour faster than healing abutments ciinicai controls has been an
alone, but the papillae adjaceht to single-Implant restorations presented obvious shortcoming,^ in a
similar volume In bcth groups otter 2 years In function. Furthermore, the recent artioie by the outhor, a
mean marginal bone loss at the Implants was 0.9 mm after / year, and no soff tissue index wos proposed
differences were observed between the 2 groups. The present data focus to allow a more controlled eval-
on the heed for more scientific data to evaluate different clinical proce- uation of the volume of inter-
dures tor cptimizing esthetic results in implant dentistry (Int J Periodonfics proximai soft tissue papillae,'
Restorative Dent 1999:19:21-29,) That paper aiso indicated fhat
the papulae that were missing
after single-impiant treatment
spontaneousiy regenerated
aimost compietely after a few
years in function in most cases.'
The mechanism behind this
spontaneous regeneration is still
unclear, but gingival hyperplasia
•Head ot Prosthetic Division, The Brônemark Clinic, Göteborg, Sweden. in response to plaque accumu-
lation was suggested to be a
Reprint requests: Dr Torsten Jemt, The Bränemork Clinio, Public
Dental Health, Medicinaregotan 12 C, S-413 90 Göteborg, Sweden, possible contributing factor. If

Voiume 19, Number 1,1999


Method and moteriais provisionol resin crown at the

same appointment. Radio-
The present paper was de- graphs were taken to controi
signed OS a retrospective study correct seating of the abutment
in which a consecutive group ot cylinder. The provisionoi resin
55 patients who were treated crowns were made using a pias-
with single-impiant restorations tic cylinder (DCA 159, Nobel
wos included. The pafienfs were Biocare). which was connected
randomly treated with singie to fhe standard abutment (Eig
implonfs following fhe standard 1) with a standard gold screw
ciinicol protocol with heoling (DOA 075). A prefabricated prc-
abutments and finai soft tissue visionoi crown was cured fo the
heaiing before finai impression piastic cylinder by means of
(control group), ^^ or with provi- resin (Eig 2a). An access hole
sional resin crowns that were was made on the palatal side
placed at the time of second- of the crown. The crown was
stoge surgery (test group).
overcontoured, ieaving oniy
Fig 1 Single implant in the position of smail spaces odjacent to the
¡he right lateral inoisor at the time of permanent teeth. When com-
seoonä-stage surgery. A temporary
piastic cylinder is connected to fii© Test group pieted, the crowns were se-
standard abutment and the cylinder is cured fo the impiants and the
then cut to appropriate oiinlcat length. access hole was temporofiiy
The test group consisted of 21
patients (8 female), who re- seaied with gutta percha. The
ceived 25 single crowns. The patients were sent home with
mean age of the group was no special emphasis with regard
30.2 years (SD 14,7 years) at the to oral maintenance. The only
time of implant surgery, and the instruction was to use a normai
age ranged from 17 to 72 years. toothbrush and possibly perform
this is the case, soft tissue infiam- Of the 21 patients, 4 received 2 gentle proximal cleaning with
mation adjacent to single im- single impiants each, while the dental tioss,'
plants may play an important remaining 17 patients eoch re- All patients were recalied
role in the early reformation ot ceived 1 implant. The crowns once a week tor the toilowing 4
soft tissue contour after crown consisted ot 12 central incisors, to ó weeks. At these appoint-
insertion. 11 lateral inoisors, 1 canine, and ments, fhe provisionai crowns
The objective oi the present 1 premolar. Ail 25 crowns were were removed and the spaces
study was to propose a clinicai placed in the maxiüa. were genfiy opened by reduc-
technique to create gingivai The patients were provided ing fhe resin crowns in the proxi-
papillae by means of guiding with Brônemark impiants (Nobel mal areas (Figs 2b to 3). Atter
the tissue during the posfsurgicai Biocare) according to a stan- soff tissue healing, a final impres-
swelling period, and to evaiuate dard surgical protocol.* At the sion for a permanent singie-
the results in a study of retro- time of second-stage surgery. impiant restoration was per-
spective consecutive patients the patients had standard formed by means cf either an
by means of the previously pre- Bronemark abutments con- original implant transter coping
sented papula index. nected, and they received a technique (DCA 099, Nobei

The Internofionol Journal of Periodontics & Resforative Dentistry


Fig 2a (ieft) Provisional resin crown

cured fo fhe temporary plastic cyiinder
in ttie position of the iaterai incisor at
the time of second-stage surgery.

Fig2b(right) Ciinical situation of pro-

visional crown after 4 weeifS of soft tis-
sue heaiing. Defects created by sutures
can stiii be observed in ttie soft tissue
The tissue hos started to recover on the
mesial side.

fig 2c (left) Clinicai situation after Ô

weeliS of son tissue i-¡eaiing The provi-
sional crown has just been shortened
on the distal side in an effort to Increase
the soft tissue volume in relation to the
distal popilla.

Fig 2d (rigtit) Clinical situation at ttie

time of insertion otthe fihaicfown.8
weeks atter second-stage surgery.

Fig 3 Soft tissue situation after removal

of the provisional crown. 8 weeks after
second-stage surgery. After cleaning of
the adjacent teeth, the temporary aPut-
ment is repiaced by the final crawn

VoiumG 19, Number 1,1999


Fig 4a (left) Clinical situation after final

crown insertion. The soft tissue Is healing
on Ihe distal side. Note that The final
crown has been made with a wider
spaoe on the distal side, leaving a smail
gap between the crown and the soft
Fig 4jb (right) Clinical situation after 2
years in function. The soft tissue has
recovered and matured in the lateral
incisor area.

Fig 5a (leff) Left first premolar restored

with singie-implonf restoration. At final
crown insertion 4 weeks after second-
stage surgery, fhe soft tissue has heated
Without a provisional crowa ond the
papiiiae are missing.

Fig 5b (right) ieft first premolar crown

after 2 years of function. Complete
recovery of the son tissue has sponta-
neously taiien piace.

Biooare) or a piastic transfer at an extra, iater appointment, a Control group

coping for fhe CeraOne tech- olinioal photograph was taken
nique (DCB 119, Nabel Biocare). of fhe single-implant crowns and The controi group consisted of
The impression was made an the adjacent teeth (Fig 4b). 34 patienfs who were provided
average of 51.5 days (SD 23.5 These clinical photographs were wifh 38 single-crcwn restora-
days) after second-stage sur- obtained an average of 22.5 ticns. In this grcup, 14 of the
gery. The permanent crowns months (SD 7.5 months) after patients were female, and the
were fabricated either by bak- abutment surgery Two patients mean age of the group was
ing porceiain directiy onto cus- (2 crowns) did not attend the 28.8 years (SD 9.5 years) at the
tomized titanium abutment cy- clinical central appointment time of impiant insertion. The
linders or by cementation to and photographing cf fhe single age ranged from 16 to 4ó
CeraOne abutments, according crowns and their soft tissue. years. Of the 34 patients, 4 re-
to restorative protocols pre- Besides the photographs ceived 2 single impiants each,
sented elsewhere.'-^ The pa- token after 2 years in function while the remaining 30 patients
tients were followed up accord- (Fig 5b), clinical photographs of had 1 implant eaoh. The crowns
ing to routine protocois, with the single crowns that were consisted of 17 centrai inoisors,
clinical and rodiographic exami- takeh at the time of orown inser- 11 iaterai incisors, ó canines,
nation at about 4 weeks after tion were retrospectively avaii- and 3 premolars. Oniy 1 premc-
final crown insertion and again abie for 13 patients (15 crowns). iar crcwn was piaced in the
after 1 year. A clinical checkup These pairs of phofcgraphs (n = mandible, and the remaining 37
was also performed after 2 years 15) were used to assess the were placed in the maxilla.
in function (Figs 4 and 5). At fhis change in the soft fissue over Standard Brânemark im-
second annual appointment, or time. plants were inserted foiiowing

The Internafionol Journal ot Periodonfics & Restoroflve Dentistry


fhe previously mentioned rou- PapiHa contour measurements popiiiae. There is optimai soft tis-
tine surgicai profocoi.* Ali im- sue contour.
plants were provided with The contour of the proximal A score of 4 indicotes thot
standard or heaiing abuf- papillae was assessed from the fhe popilla is hyperplasfic and
menfs affer healing. The fops photographs by means ot on covers the singie-impiont re-
of fhe abutmenfs were placed index, which is described in storation and/or the adjacent
above the soft tissue morgin to more detaii in onother paper by foofh foo much. The soft tissue
oilow proper heaiing of the the author.! in brief, fhe index contour is more or iess irreguior,
mucosa.* Radiogrophs were wos designed for 5 difl^erent iev- in addition to indexing,
taken fo control correct seat- eis. The assessment was reiafed mechonical problems such as
ing ot fhe abutment cylinder. fo fhe space befween refer- ioose crowns/abutmenf screws,
Affer on overoge of 34.9 days ence lines fhrough the highest as weii as signs of severe inflam-
(SD 29.9 days) of sott tissue gingival curvature of the crown- mation or tisfuios, were noted
healing, o finai impression was tooth margin and the contact for the 2-year tollow-up period.
made using eifher an implant point.
franster coping (DCA 099) or a A score of 0 indicotes thot
plastic transfer coping (DCB no popilla is present, and there Marginal bone level
119). This was foliowed by fabri- is no indicotion of ourvature of
cation of the permanent fhe soft tissue contour odja- Infraorai apical radiogrophs
crowns foiiowing the same cent to the singie-implant re- were taken on a routine basis of
profoooi OS fhaf used for fhe storation, fhe time of second-stage sur-
tesf group.^'^ No speciai em- A score of ! indioofes thot gery ot fhe insertion of fhe per-
phasis wifh regard to oral iess than half of the height of monent crown, and after 1 year.
maintenance was given in the pcpiila is present. A convex The marginoi bone levei wos
connection fo the placement curvature ot the soft tissue con- meosured in relation to the im-
of fhe finaf crowns, ie, normal tour adjacent to the singie- plant radiographie reference
foofhbrushing and possibly implont crown and the odja- point^'!" ot fhe mesioi and disfal
genfle proximai cleaning with cent tooth is observed. sides of fhe impiant head.
dental floss wos suggested.' A score of 2 indicates that
The pafients were followed haif or more of fhe heighf of
up with clinioal and radio- fhe popillo is presenf, but it Stotisticai analysis
graphic examinotions foiiowing does not extend all the way up
the same protocol os that used fo the contoct point between Descriptive statistics were used
for fhe fesf group. Of the origi- the teeth. The papilla is not to present the changes in the
nal 34 patients, 7 did not complefely in hormony with soft tissue and the marginal
attend fhe recall fhat included the adjacent papillae be- bone of the impionts. Loss of
fotlow-up photographs. The tween fhe permanenf teeth. morginol bone was based on
remaining 27 patients (30 Accepfabie soft tissue contour intraindividual calculations. The
crowns) were considered fhe is in hormony wifh adjacent sign test for paired compari-
oonfrol group. The appoint- feefh. sons" was used to stofisfically
ment tor fhe ciinical phofo- A score of 3 indicates fhaf test chonges in the papilla con-
graph took place an average the papiiia fills up the entire tour index score from the time
of 21.9 months (SD 7.0 months) proximal space and is in good ot piacemenf fo the foilow-up
after abutment surgery hormony wifh the adjacent on fhe mesial and distal sides ot

Volume 19, Number 1.1999


Distribution of papilla index in Distribution of papilla index in test

prospective subgroup and control groups

Mesial papillae" Distal papillae

Papilla Crown 2-year Crown 2-year
index insertion follow-up insertion follow-up
(n = 15) (n = (n =

MeaniSD) 2,58(0,65) 2,43(0,73) 2,17(0,70] 2,17(0,70)

n = number of crowns.
"There was a significant increase in uoiume on tiie mesial (P < 0.01), but not n = nLimber of Clowns.
on the distai side (P > 0,05), •There were no iignificani differences in Index distirbution between the 2

the single-implant restoration. Results distai sides, respectively. The dif-

The chi square test was used for ference between the distribu-
comparing the soft tissue index The results are presented as an tion of the index (Table 1) at
of the test and control groups infraindividual comparison ot finai crown insertion and 2-year
after 2 years in function, and the the soft tissue situation at final follow-up reached a significant
Student's / test was used for crown insertion and after 2 level on the mesial (P < 0,01),
comparing bone loss between years for 15 patients in the test but not on the distal side (P >
the groups, A P value of > 0.05 group (Tabie 1), and as an 0,05), The papillo size index
was not considered signifcanf. interindividuai comparison ranged from 1 to 4 in both the
between the test group and test and control groups at the
the control group after 2 years time of the 2-year photo-
in function G'oble 2), The distrib- graphic checkup appointment
ution of the papiiia size index at (Table 2), The distribution of the
the time of final crown insertion index did not show any signifi-
and after 2 years is presented cant differences between the 2
in Table 1, The ddta indicate groups (P > 0,05), and bofh
that the papulae recovered in groups aiso showed similar
volume over time and the mean index values for the
mean papiiia index increased mesial and distal sides ot the
from 2.1 (SD 0.35) to 2,6 (SD single-impianf crowns (Table 2),
0,63) and from 1,9 (SD 0,83) to In the test group, 3 of the
2,1 (SD 0,04) on the mesial and crowns became loose during

The Internotionai Journal cf Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Mean marginai bone ieveis after sec- Mean marginai bone ioss after final
ond-stage surgery (abutment),finai crown insertion and 1 year in function
crown insertion,and 1 year in function

Mean (SD) marginal bone level (mm) Mean (SD) marginal bone loss (mm)
Abutment Final crown 1 year Period Test Control

Test 0.0 (0.09) 0.7 (0.S2) 0.8 (0.63) Abutment- 0.7 (0.56) 0.5 (0.52)
n = 25 n = 22 n = 23 final crown n = 22 n^36
Control 0.1(0.42) 0.6(0.60) 1.1(0.67) Final crown- 0.1 (0.42) 0.3 (0.59)
n = 31 1 year n = 20
Abutment- 0.8 (0.63) 0.9 (0.63)
n = number of impiants.
1 year n = 30
n = nufnhe'of innaindividual pans of meaîuremenisror each period.

the tirst year. Of these 3 crowns, (SD 0.67 mm) for fhe controi similar volume o1 soft tissue
2 were ioose twice. Cnly 1 groups (Tabie 3). Mean marginal adjacent to single-implant
crown was found fo be loose in bone loss from abutment con- restorations after an average of
the control group before the first nection to 1 year in function 2 years (Table 2). The mean
annual checkup. No crowns was 0.8 mm (SD 0.63 mm) and papiiia index score after 2 years
loosened during the second 0,9 mm (SD 0.63 mm) tor the test (Table 2) was comparable to
year. Of the 3 loose crowns in and control groups, respectively the 1 - fo 3-yeor foilow-up resuits
the test group during the first (Table 4). No signficant differ- previously presented by the
year, 2 were associated with fis- ences in bone ieveis or bone author 1 On the other hand, fhe
tulös. Anofher 2 crowns pre- ioss were found between the mean index of the present
sented fistulas during fhe firsf groups (P> 0,05). prospective subgroup was
year in the test group, while higher at the time of tinai crown
there were no fistuias in the con- insertion thon the comparoble
frol group. Discussion mean index of fhe eariier pre-
The mean marginal bone sented group.' The reason tor
levei for fhe fest group was 0,7 The present results indicate that this difference is probably that in
mm (SD 0.52 mm) after finai regardless of whether a provi- the present cases the tinal
crown insertion, and 0.8 mm (SD sional crown was placed at the crowns were inserted later after
0.63 mm) after 1 year in func- time ot abutment connection second-stage surgery, and con-
tion. The corresponding mean or the soff tissue was first ai- sequentiy the soft tissue had
marginai bone ieveis were 0.6 lawed to heal around a tempo- more time to recover before the
mm (SD 0.60 mm) and 1,1 mm rary abutment there was a final crowns were placed (Figs 4

Voiume 19, Number 1,1


and 5), In the present study the cleoning in an eariy stage, are no indications that this af-
there were also indications of may aiiow the hyperplastic soft fects the more deepiy placed
spantaneous soft tissue regener- tissue to reorganize ond mature marginal bone. Simiiar findings
ation, not only during the eariy into the shape of a naturoi have been observed in clinical
period, but aiso from tinai crown papilia (Figs 1 to 4),The protocol procedures using temporary
insertion to the 2-year tollow-up of using the phase of postsurgi- abutments and manipulation of
(Table 1). This is aiso in accor- cai soft tissue sweiiing, overcan- finai titanium abutment compo-
dance with eariier findings^ The tcured provisional crowns, and nents in the laboratory,^ These
tact that the tinai crowns in the slight negiect ot oral mainte- protocols may theoretically
present study were placed later nanace in on early stage atter cause inflammation and mar-
couid expiain the weaker trend treatment are certainiy chai- ginal bcne loss, but they have
of spontaneous soft tissue re- ienges to the present dental shown bone levels comparable
generation on the distai side, as paradigm of optimai heaith to those observed in other sin-
compared to the eariier soft tis- and cleaning around teeth. It is gle-impiant procedures, in which
sue follow-up study.' Provisional naturai to aim for a restorative the permanent singie abutment
crowns at the time of abutment procedure that aiiaws for opti- was left undisturbed after sec-
cannecticn surgery may guide mai heaith of the soft tissue sur- and-stage surgery,^-'^""
fhe healing of the soft tisssue rounding the impiant restora- The present study indicates
and restore the gingivai contour tion, ond any adverse ciinical that the papiiioe odjocent to
in eariier stages af heaiing, but effects of the present suggested single-implant restorations pre-
fhe iong-term effect of this protocol must be scrutinized. sent simiiar volume after 2
treatment seems to be the The eariy probiems with 4 fistulas years, regardiess ot whether
same (Figs 4b and 5b) as aiiow- in the test group—compared to the sott tissue was ailowed to
ing the sott tissue to heai no reported mucosai probiems heal Pefare final insertion or a
around temporary abutments in the controi group—couid be temparory resin crown wos
before finai crown insertion taken as a sign ot adverse scft placed immedioteiy after
CTabie 2). tissue reaction to the temporary abutment surgery. The present
Soft tissue aiways reacts with crown protocoi. data indicate that the provi-
swelling ond inflammation after iHawever, no further soft tis- sionai crown may restare the
surgicai interventions. Provisionai sue probiems were observed in soft tissue contour taster than
crowns in this study were used in either group during the second heaiing abutments olone. The
connection with secand-stage year. In connection with the simi- provisionai crown technique is
surgery to guide the saft tissue lar levels of bone ioss in both based on postsurgicai infiam-
inta the spaces during this groups after 1 year in function mation, which does not seem
phase of posfsurgicai soft tissue (Table 4), this finding con be to induce any more bane loss
swelling. Theoretically, the more taken as an indication that the at the head of the implant
sweiiing thot is achieved, the suggested temporary crown after 1 year ot tunction.
more soft tissue wiii fiii up the protocoi does not induce any
praximai areas; overcontoured severe prcbiems that may jeop-
provisianai crowns with smaii ardize the medium-range prog-
spaces wiii ailaw better fiii with nosis at the singie-impiant treat-
soft tissue. The step-by-step ment. Although the provisionai
increase of the spaces, com- crown protocol is based on soft
bined with o slight neglect of tissue swelling after surgery, there

m e internotionai Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


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Volume 19, Number 1,1999

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