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SE170017- Ngô Dật Khôi


pstee command

Syntax : pstree -h

Highlight the current process and its ancestors. This is a no-op if the terminal doesn’t
support highlighting or if neither the current process nor any of its ancestors are in the
subtree being shown.
Syntax: pstree -s
Show parent processes of the specified process.

uptime command

Syntax: uptime
In order of appearance, the command displays the current time as the 1st entry, up means
that the system is running and it is displayed next to the total time for which the system has
been running, the user count (number of logged on users), and lastly, the system load
Syntax: uptime -s
Using option -s will display the date/time since when the system has been running.

free command

Syntax: free
The output will include three lines, a header, one line for the memory and one for the swap
Syntax : free -h -t
To view the information in human-readable format (usually megabytes and gigabytes), use
the -h optionTo display a line showing the column totals, use the -t option. This gives you a
sum of the memory and swap in the total, used and free columns.

pkill command

Pgrep -u root command
Prep command searches for processes currently running on the system, based on a
complete or partial process name , or other specified attributes.

Pgrep looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs which match
the selection criteria to stdout. All the criteria have to match For example, pgrep -u root ssh
will only list the processes that are called sshd and are owned by root

On the other hand, pgrep -u root will show the list of the processes owned by root.

“Task Manager” in Fedora
Syntax in terminal : gnome-system-monitor
“Task Manager” opened by GUI
Step 1: Enter “Software”

Step 2: “Installed”

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