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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | M O N D A Y J A N . 4 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,867 $1.

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In the News Meadows:

Los Angeles District At-

Over 100
torney George Gascon is
being sued by his own staff
prosecutors for defying state
law. ... A2 Members
House Speaker Nancy Pe-
losi’s home has been vandal-
Plan to Object
ized, with messages scrawled
on the garage door and what
to Electoral
appeared to be a pig’s head
and blood on the driveway,
according to posts on social
media. ... A2
A six-person team that in- More than 100 members of the
cluded Rudy Giuliani and Peter House of Representatives plan to
Navarro briefed hundreds of object to electoral votes during the
state lawmakers on evidence Jan. 6 joint session of Congress,
of election irregularities, in a according to White House chief of
meeting on Jan. 2. ...A3
staff Mark Meadows.
A federal appeals court “We’re now at well over 100 House
in California has ruled to lift members and a dozen Senators
a ban on President Donald ready to stand up for election in-
Trump’s proclamation that tegrity and object to certification.
blocks uninsured immigrants Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) walks back to It’s time to fight back,” Meadows
from entering the United
CONGRESS her office at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 3, 2021. wrote in a tweet on Jan. 2.
States. ... A2
Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell’s home
has been vandalized with
messages including “Weres
House Reelects Nancy Pelosi We’re now at well over 100
House members and a dozen
[sic] my money” and “Mitch
Kills the Poor.” ... A5 for Speaker in Tight Vote Senators ready to stand up
for election integrity and
object to certification.
The Supreme Court has re-
fused Louisiana’s emergency
5 centrist Democrats defected, progressive squad fell in line, Mark Meadows,
request to reinstate a require-
ment that a sex offender’s
and Republicans showed unanimous support for McCarthy White House chief of staff

status be announced in large SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES According to an Epoch Times
letters on state-issued iden- BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV & MARK TAPSCOTT ly low trust in government, new tally, 45 representatives have pub-

tification. ... A6 voices are necessary to moving licly committed to objecting during
he U.S. House of Repre- forward and achieving real prog- the joint session. Eleven senators
The Senate has voted to
override the president’s veto sentatives voted 216–209 ress,” Spanberger said in a state- announced earlier Jan. 2 that they
of the National Defense Au- to reelect Rep. Nancy Pe- ment. “Last Congress, I kept my would object, joining Sen. Josh
thorization Act for 2021. ... A7 losi (D-Calif) as the speak- promise to vote for new leadership Hawley (R-Mo.).
er on Jan. 3 to lead the chamber’s upon my swearing-in—and in this “The forgotten men and women
Trump has questioned the narrowest majority in two decades. Congress, I remain consistent in my are speaking out and Washington
accuracy of the official na- Five Democrats defected. Rep. commitment to ushering in new D.C. is waking up,” Meadows wrote
tionwide CCP virus case and Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.), Rep. Ab- leadership. Accordingly, I did not in another tweet.
death counts, saying that the
igail Spanberger (D-Va.), and vote for Speaker Pelosi.” House Minority Leader Kevin McCar- The number of Congress mem-
CDC has exaggerated those
numbers. ... A8
Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) voted Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) initially thy on Capitol Hill in Washington on bers who plan to object continues
“present.” Two Democrats voted for didn’t respond when called to vote. Dec. 18, 2020. to rise, but the exact number com-
CHINA candidates other than Pelosi. Rep. Bush, a Black Lives Matter activist mitted so far isn’t clear.
Conor Lamb (D-Pa.) voted for Rep. who was sworn into Congress ear- of the squad, also was absent from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas),
COVID-19 outbreaks in parts Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), while lier the same morning, is a mem- the floor when it came to her turn who tried to sue Vice President Mike
of northern China continue Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine) voted ber of the expanding progressive to vote. Both later voted for Pelosi. Pence over the vice president’s pow-
to worsen as authorities an-
for Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) “squad.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- “After telling their constituents er during the joint session, claimed
nounce they’ve detected the
“In a time marked by historical- Cortez (D-N.Y.), the de facto leader Continued on A3 Continued on A4
first patients infected with the
new UK variant. ...A9

Three Chinese state-owned NATIONAL SECURITY GEORGIA

telecom firms are the first to
be delisted from the New York NYSE Begins Markets Eye
Stock Exchange in compliance
with a new executive order. to Delist High-Stakes
Chinese Georgia Election,
Telecom Giants Joint Session of
Fewer Americans sought
unemployment benefits last in Compliance Congress
week, but the economy still
faces an arduous recovery
from the damage caused by
With Trump’s BY EMEL AKAN

pandemic measures. ... A17 Order WASHINGTON—The  stock mar-

ket  ended the turbulent year of
Moments after Britain BY FRANK FANG 2020 at all-time highs, despite the
completed its divorce from pandemic lockdown measures and
the European Union, the first The New York Stock Exchange resulting economic recession. With
trucks hauling goods crossed (NYSE) announced that it’s in the 2021 underway, the political events of
the new customs border from process of delisting three Chinese The logo of Chinese telecom giant China Mobile, in this file photo. the first week will set the tone for the
the UK to France. ... A17 telecom companies with ties to the new year, as they have important im-
Chinese military. Trump issued the order in mid- to publicly list subsidiaries that plications for the political landscape
OPINION The three state-owned compa- November, banning U.S. invest- were “50 percent or more owned” and the markets going forward.
Roger L. Simon: McConnell, nies—China Mobile, China Tele- ments in Chinese companies des- or “determined to be controlled” by The focus will be on the Georgia
GOP Senators Must Stop De- com Corp., and China Unicom ignated by the Pentagon as having Chinese military companies. runoff elections on Jan. 5, which
serting Their Constituents... (Hong Kong)—will see their se- ties to the Chinese military, citing The Pentagon last month identi- will determine control of the Sen-
A13 curities suspended from trading threats to U.S. national security. fied a total of 35 Chinese companies ate and policies in Washington.
between Jan. 7 and Jan. 11, ac- Last week, the Treasury Depart- to have links to the Chinese mili- Also, investors will closely watch
Editorial Board: Happy
cording to a statement. The del- ment clarified that the investment tary, formally known as the People’s the joint session of Congress on Jan.
New Year, as We Face 2021
Together... A14 isting proceedings were begun in ban would apply to any subsidiary Liberation Army. The designations 6, which is expected to be “a very
compliance with President Donald of a communist Chinese military were made under a requirement contentious meeting.”
Joel Etienne: Trump Should Trump’s Executive Order 13959. company, adding that it planned Continued on A9 Continued on A3
Declassify How the CCP In-
terfered in Our Election... A16
Indian Farmers’ Protest Sparks Vigorous Debate
When “letting it go” and
“burying the hatchet” fail, BY VENUS UPADHAYAYA
sharply differ but those holding TRUMP
what works?. ...B1
NEW DELHI—As a protest by In-
them can coexist, is symptomatic
of a functional democracy, experts SAYS HE
Hyperbaric chambers help
us absorb oxygen directly into
dia’s farmers against new reforms say.
the plasma and tissues of our
entered its sixth week, a kind of “This is what democracy is: cha-
body. ...B6 ecosystem has developed at the os, discussions, debates, and in
encampment site on the outskirts the end, consensus, not diktat,”
of New Delhi, where thousands of Aparna Pande, a research fellow “I will be there.
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. farmers are staying with their trac- and the director of the Initiative on Historic day!”
READEPOCH.COM tor-trolleys, pitched tents, and open Farmers walk in front of their tents the Future of India and South Asia President Donald Trump wrote,
kitchens. Meanwhile, netizens are on a blocked highway during a protest at the Washington-based Hudson confirming he will be at the Jan.
Published in New York, aggressively and openly debating against the central government’s Institute, told The Epoch Times. 6 rally in Washington, D.C.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
about the measures. recent agricultural reforms, in “Democracies are chaotic and Read more on A4
Such a situation, when opinions Ghaziabad, India, on Dec. 29, 2020. Continued on A10

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

Soros-Funded DA Gascon Sued by His Deputy

Prosecutors for Violating California Law

MATTHEW VADUM prohibited the filing of strike prior

enhancements in new cases.
Los Angeles District Attorney Among other offenses that Gas-
George Gascon is being sued by his con dictated would no longer be
own staff prosecutors for defying prosecuted are trespassing, dis-
state law by unilaterally deciding turbing the peace, driving without
to ignore sentence enhancement a license, prostitution, resisting ar-
rules under the Three Strikes Law, rest, criminal threats, drug pos-
to stop seeking the death penalty, session, alcohol possession by a
and to end cash bail. minor, drinking in public, being
Left-wing billionaire George under the influence of a controlled
Soros donated more than $2 mil- substance, public intoxication,
lion to Gascon’s campaign as and loitering.
part of a years-long effort to in- The court ordered Gascon to re-
stall soft-on-crime prosecutors in spond to the lawsuit by Jan. 15, af-
major population centers. Soros ter which ADDA must reply by Jan.
and political action committees 26. A hearing is scheduled in the
funded by him have also provided court’s Department 85 on Feb. 2.
financial support to radical pros- Gascon’s office didn’t immedi-
ecutors including Chicago District ately respond over the weekend
Attorney Kim Foxx, St. Louis Pros- to a request by The Epoch Times
ecutor Kim Gardner, Philadelphia for comment.
District Attorney Larry Krasner, The lawsuit comes after the Su-
and Baltimore City state’s attorney preme Court of California ruled
Marilyn Mosby. last week that a ballot proposition
The Cuban-born Gascon, a approved by state voters made sex
Democrat, announced “immedi- offenders convicted of nonviolent
Then-San Francisco district attorney George Gascon speaks in San Francisco on Dec. 9, 2014.
ate, decisive reforms to transform crimes eligible for early parole
America’s largest criminal justice consideration even though its pro-
jurisdiction,” when he was sworn mining what charges to pursue in directives that ADDA says ignore ponents say it was never their in-
in on Dec. 7, 2020. Formerly the an individual case, that discretion or contradict California law. tention to free sex offenders, as The
district attorney of San Francisco, Do we follow our does not authorize him or her to vi- California’s “three strikes” Epoch Times previously reported.
he asserted that the criminal jus- legal and ethical olate the law or to direct attorneys law, codified in Penal Code Sec- The measure, the California Pa-
tice system is systemically rac- responsibilities and representing the district attorney’s tion 667, is “a sentencing scheme role for Non-Violent Criminals and
ist and vowed to free convicted office to violate the law,” Michele that gives defendants a prison sen- Juvenile Court Trial Requirements
criminals en masse. risk getting disci- Hanisee, president of ADDA, said tence of 25 years to life if they are Initiative, also known as Proposi-
“For decades, those who profit off plined, even fired, in a statement. The collective convicted of three violent or seri- tion 57, was passed by state voters
incarceration have used their enor- by our new boss? bargaining agent for prosecutors ous felonies,” according to Shouse in 2016 with a vote of 64.5 percent
mous political influence–cloaked claims about 800 members. California Law Group. in favor.
in the false veil of safety–to scare Eric Siddall, vice president, “Los Angeles County prosecutors The law also doubles the prison Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye,
the public and our elected officials Association of Deputy have been placed in an impossible term for individuals convicted of who was appointed in 2010 by then-
into backing racist policies that District Attorneys position,” ADDA Vice President any California felony who have two Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Re-
created more victims, destroyed Eric Siddall added. violent felony or serious felony pri- publican, noted in the court’s opin-
budgets, and shattered our moral con to follow the law and restrain “Do we follow our legal and ethi- ors. So-called second strikers are ion that the proposition doesn’t
compass. That lie and the harm it him and his office “from forcing cal responsibilities and risk getting given a sentence whose duration mandate that parole necessarily
caused ends now.” compliance by this County’s Dep- disciplined, even fired, by our new is doubled. be granted to prisoners.
The case, filed on Dec. 30, 2020, uty District Attorneys ... with un- boss? Or do we follow his policy di- Gascon ordered deputy district “The evaluation of an inmate’s
with the Superior Court of the State lawful portions of recently-enacted rectives and risk losing our Cali- attorneys “to dismiss pending suitability for parole and the pro-
of California for the County of Los Special Directives.” fornia State Bar Cards and, by ex- strike priors, special circum- cesses involved in conducting that
Angeles, is known as Association of ADDA officials explained the ra- tension, our ability to practice law stance enhancements, gang en- evaluation remain squarely with-
Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA) tionale behind the lawsuit. anywhere in the state? We’re asking hancements, firearm allegations, in the purview of the Department
for Los Angeles County v. Gascon. “While an elected District Attor- a court to answer those questions.” and certain other ‘felony prior’ and the Board of Parole Hearings,”
ADDA asks the court to force Gas- ney has wide discretion in deter- The lawsuit focuses on Gascon’s enhancements.”  His directives she wrote.

Trump Can Ban Immigrants Pelosi’s House Defaced With Graffiti, Fake
Who Can’t Pay for Health Care,
Federal Court Rules Blood, Pig Head: Reports
TOM OZIMEK illegal and the plaintiffs were TOM OZIMEK
likely to succeed on the merits of
A federal appeals court in Califor- the case. The San Francisco home of House
nia ordered the lifting of a ban on In a 2–1 decision, the Ninth Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was
President Donald Trump’s proc- Circuit Court disagreed, with reportedly vandalized overnight on
lamation that blocks immigrants U.S. Circuit Judge Daniel Collins Jan. 1, with messages scrawled on
from entering the United States if writing in the opinion that the the garage door and what appeared
they lack health insurance or the proclamation did not contradict to be a pig’s head and blood on the
means to pay for hospital bills. established law. driveway, according to multiple re-
In a Dec. 31, 2020, opinion, the “We turn first to whether the ports and images shared on social
Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals district court correctly held that media.
in San Francisco said that Trump Plaintiffs were likely to succeed A spokesman for the San Fran-
acted within his authority when, on the merits of their ultra vires cisco Police Department told Fox
in October 2019, he signed  the cause of action, which alleges News that officers responded to a
Proclamation on the Suspension that the Proclamation exceeds report of vandalism around 2 a.m.
of Entry of Immigrants Who Will the President’s delegated author- Jan. 1 at a residence purported to
Financially Burden the United ity, conflicts with congressional be Pelosi’s home.
States Healthcare System. judgments embodied in the INA “Unidentified suspect(s) had
The ruling  reverses a federal [Immigration and Nationality painted graffiti on the garage door Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) heads to her office on Capitol Hill
court decision to block the imple- Act], and violates the separation and left a pig’s head on the side- on Dec. 28, 2020.
mentation of the president’s order, of powers,” Collins wrote. walk,” the police said, according
delivering a win for proponents of “We conclude that Plaintiffs to the report, which noted that au- crease the size of pandemic-related who actually need it,” McConnell
tighter controls over immigration. have not demonstrated a likeli- thorities didn’t confirm who the relief payments to $2,000 from the said on the Senate floor.
Trump’s order restricts entry of hood of success as to any of their house belongs to. current $600. Pelosi led House The “Cancel Rent?” message likely
immigrant visa applicants who challenges to the Proclamation,” “It’s a fairly cowardly way to go Democrats in passing a bill on Dec. refers to calls for rent forgiveness
can’t prove that they either will he wrote, adding that “the dis- about expressing your opinion,” 28 to boost the amount of direct re- and eviction moratoriums, which
acquire qualifying health care trict court abused its discretion in said neighborhood resident Audrey lief. While it passed the Democrat- have proliferated on social media
coverage within 30 days of entry granting the preliminary injunc- Carlson, in remarks to San Fran- ic-majority House with a 275–134 and at demonstrations across the
or have the ability to pay for rea- tion enjoining the Proclamation’s cisco news outlet KRON, adding vote, Senate Majority Leader Mitch country in the wake of the pandem-
sonably foreseeable health care implementation.” that she witnessed earlier protests McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked a re- ic-related economic fallout.
expenses. The president said in In a dissenting opinion, U.S. outside Pelosi’s house. quest for unanimous consent for Universal basic income, mean-
the proclamation that American Circuit Judge A. Wallace Tashima “I don’t think that this is a useful the bill. while, is a proposal that gained
taxpayers bear the costs associ- said he agreed with the district way to go about it, and it’s a terrible The newly signed $920 billion CO- attention during the Democratic
ated with providing health care court ruling, arguing that Trump’s start to this new year when we’re VID-19 relief package includes $600 primaries, championed by Andrew
to uninsured immigrants, coming proclamation “has no nexus to na- hoping for less anger and hatred checks, but both President Donald Yang, the tech entrepreneur who
in the form of higher taxes, high- tional security, addresses a purely than we’ve had to deal with for the Trump and Democrats want to competed for the party’s presiden-
er premiums, and higher fees for domestic concern (uncompen- last year.” raise that amount to $2,000, argu- tial nomination in the 2020 election
medical services. sated health care costs), lacks any Photos on social media, report- ing that many Americans are in cycle. The supposed aim of the pro-
After Trump issued the proc- conceivable temporal limit, and edly from the scene, showed spray- dire need of the extra money after posal, which is for the government
lamation, seven U.S. citizens works a major overhaul of this na- painted messages on the garage pandemic lockdowns ravaged the to pay everyone a monthly or yearly
sued, claiming the order unfairly tion’s immigration laws without door that read “$2K” with a line economy. McConnell branded the income, is to help displaced work-
blocked their family members the input of Congress—a sweep- through it, “Cancel Rent?,” “We $2,000 relief payments as “social- ers who can’t keep up with labor
from immigrating to the United ing and unprecedented exercise of want everything!,” and “UBI!” an ism for the rich” on Dec. 31, and market developments, mostly auto-
States. A district judge in Or- unilateral Executive power.” apparent reference to universal ba- Republicans blocked unanimous mation and immigration, or other-
egon  issued a nationwide pre- Trump, in 2016, campaigned on sic income. An “A” inside of a circle consent requests to pass or hold a wise disenfranchised individuals.
liminary injunction in the case in tighter immigration controls and was also scrawled on the garage vote on the bill for a fourth day on Critics denounce the idea as a tac-
November 2019, blocking imple- vowed to curb illegal immigration door, a symbol commonly attrib- Jan. 1. tic to destroy individual responsi-
mentation of Trump’s order while into the United States, including uted to the anarchist movement. “Borrowing from our grandkids bility and freedom, pave the way for
the lawsuit continued, arguing by means of his signature U.S.– The “2K” reference could relate to do socialism for rich people is a more government dependency, and
that the proclamation was likely Mexico border wall project. to Pelosi’s handling of efforts to in- terrible way to get help to families usher in socialism.


Pelosi Reelected as House

Speaker in Tight Vote
CONTINUED FROM A1 en incumbents lose during CCP virus pandemic relief
the 2020 general election package. Trump pushed to
they wouldn’t support Pe- and didn’t defeat a single increase individual pay-
losi for Speaker last Con- Republican representative. ments as part of that pack-
gress, 5 House Democrats One House race in New age to $2,000, while calling
just went back on their York is still being decided, for the removal of spending
promise and handed Pe- and there’s a vacancy in he deemed wasteful, includ-
losi the gavel for two more Louisiana after GOP Rep.- ing $10 million for gender
years of her failed and radi- elect Luke Letlow, 41, died programs in Pakistan.
cal leadership,” the House after a heart attack follow- Democrats took up
Republicans said in a state- ing an operation related to Trump’s call to boost the
ment apparently aimed at contracting COVID-19. individual payments. Re-
the progressive squad. Pelosi, 80, recently sug- publicans blocked the effort.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R- gested anew that these Republican congressional
Calif.), who served as the would be her final two years strategist Brian Darling, for-
House Minority Leader as speaker, referencing a mer senior counsel to Sen. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) presides over the year’s opening session, in Washington on
during the last session, ran statement she made two Rand Paul (R-Ky.), told The Jan. 3, 2021.
against Pelosi. He will again years ago in which she said Epoch Times that Pelosi’s
lead the House Republicans she would step aside after win represents a tempo- set that they can’t get the so- the 117th Congress, which jority in decades because ...
as the minority leader. All this period. rary truce in the House cialist Green New Deal and would be disastrous for tax- her embrace of radical poli-
of the Republicans voted for The speaker’s election Democratic caucus between legislation to federally de- payers and the country.” cies hurt the left in Novem-
McCarthy. came three days before the Democratic socialists such fund the police implement- The TPA chief added that ber, as they lost numerous
Pelosi has led the House joint session on Jan. 6, dur- as Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) ed,” said Darling, who heads “despite all the bickering key moderate districts and
Democrats since 2003 and ing which Congress would and more moderate liberals. Liberty Government Affairs and complaining about failed to oust a single sitting
was widely expected to re- vet the Electoral College “Democrats have some in the nation’s capital. Pelosi’s leadership, the Republican. Impeachment,
tain her post despite a quiet votes for the presidential temporary unity going into Taxpayers Protection Democrats fell in line and the border wall, and the an-
effort to oust her. Democrats election. Dozens of House the new Congress,” Darling Alliance (TPA) President ignored the election, which ti-police crusade were very
held a 222–211 edge over Re- Republicans have commit- said, “but not many think David Williams predicted saw a strong gain by Repub- unpopular, especially in the
publicans ahead of the vote, ted to lodging objections the peace between the left that Democratic unity will licans in the House of Rep- swing districts.
and the anti-Pelosi effort to the Democratic electors flank of the party led by Rep. continue in the Democratic resentatives.” “That’s why ‘moderate’
counted on absences which from states in which Presi- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez socialists’ favor, noting that Heritage Action for Ameri- Democrats Jared Golden
could give the GOP the edge. dent Donald Trump has dis- (AOC) will hold for more “this is a clear signal that ca Executive Director Jessica and Conor Lamb voted
No Democrat stepped for- puted the outcome. than a few months. the progressives want their Anderson told The Epoch against her.”
ward to challenge Pelosi During the last session, “Policy will divide the cau- agenda such as a Green Times that Pelosi resumes
ahead of the vote. Congress enacted and cus, and it will not be long New Deal and Medicare for the speakership “with the The Associated Press
The Democrats saw a doz- Trump signed a $900 billion before the AOC squad is up- All front and center during thinnest Democratic ma- contributed to this report.


Markets Eye High-Stakes Georgia percent. And the Dow Jones

Industrial Average gained
Election, Joint Session of Congress 7.2 percent.
Approval and distribution
of vaccines, combined with
CONTINUED FROM A1 A split government is ideal ing the overall cost of stim- a stimulus deal in Congress
for the markets because it ulus above $1 trillion, which have boosted market con-
The new Senate currently would make tax increases seemed a red line for many fidence in recent weeks.
stands at 50 Republicans and other major legislative Republican senators. However, economists are
and 48 Democrats. Should overhauls much less likely, “Unless the Senate still cautious as the re-
Democrats win both Geor- according to them. It also switches to Democratic newed virus surge and
gia runoffs, that would put means that the two sides of control on the results of the lockdown measures could
the balance at 50–50. If the aisle will have to con- Georgia election, we do not reduce economic activity
there were a Biden admin- tinue to work together on see much scope for further again. Forecasters believe
istration, the Democrats future stimulus bills. stimulus,” Ryan wrote. the economic recovery is
would control the chamber “Our base case is that Re- Another crucial event will Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. David Purdue (R-Ga.) wave dependent on how quickly
because Kamala Harris as publicans will win at least take place on Jan. 6, when to the crowd during a rally in support of Purdue and Sen. Kelly the vaccines are distributed.
vice president (and presi- one of these seats, keeping the joint session of Congress Loeffler (R-Ga.) in Augusta, Ga., on Dec. 10, 2020. Economists reduced their
dent of the Senate) would control of the Senate,” Brett convenes to formally count projections last month for
break any ties. Ryan, senior U.S. economist Electoral College votes. Meanwhile, Trump sup- lin quote in Peter Stone’s economic expansion and
Analysts, however, expect at Deutsche Bank, said in a The session “is shaping up porters from across the ‘1776’: ‘We must indeed all jobs growth in the first
Republicans to hold onto recent report. to be a very contentious” country are planning to hang together, or most as- quarter of 2021, but raised
the majority in the Senate. However, if Democrats due to competing slates of hold a large rally in Wash- suredly we shall all hang them for the following
That would remove a lot of take both seats, he predicts electors and other objec- ington on the same day. separately.’” quarters of 2021, accord-
uncertainty for markets, there would be an addition- tions, according to a note by “Trump supporters intend The pandemic didn’t stop ing to a survey by The Wall
according to the analysts al fiscal stimulus package, Michael Cembalest, chair- to mount primary challeng- the U.S. stock market’s re- Street Journal.
of Wells Fargo Institute. which would boost the eco- man of market and invest- es against GOP politicians cord-setting rally in 2020. Countering uncertain-
“A likely split government nomic growth forecast for ment strategy at J.P. Morgan that do not support Jan. 6 The benchmark S&P 500 ties arising from lockdown
in the U.S. would lessen next year. It would also end Asset Management. Joint Session objections,” index finished with a gain measures are low-interest
the scope for potentially the “ongoing debate around More than 100 Republi- Cembalest wrote in his of 16.3 percent for the year. rates, as well as elevated
disruptive policy changes, raising the recently legislat- can House members and note to clients. “How will The Nasdaq composite, savings rate and household
better aligning recoveries ed stimulus payments from at least 13 GOP senators most GOP politicians vote recorded its best annual income, which are expected
on Main Street and Wall $600 per person to $2,000.” have vowed to challenge in the Joint Session? I don’t gain since 2009, thanks to to support consumer-led
Street,” the analysts said in This would, absent offsets, Electoral College results know, but I’m reminded of the performance of tech- growth in the United States,
their 2021 outlook report. cost about $400 billion, rais- in several states on Jan. 6. the following Ben Frank- nology stocks, rising 43.6 according to analysts.

6-Person Team Briefs Hundreds of State Lawmakers on Election Irregularities

IVAN PENTCHOUKOV & nonprofit election integrity watch- legislatures to meet to investigate to release another report on Jan. 4. including in Michigan, Arizona,
ZACHARY STIEBER dog, the meeting included an ad- the election and consider decerti- Trump’s legal team and a handful and Georgia. The team argued
dress by President Donald Trump. fying their state election results,” of third parties are litigating chal- that the mounting evidence of
A six-person team that included Nearly 300 legislators heard from Phill Kline, who heads the Thomas lenges to the election in court in election theft and malfeasance
Rudy Giuliani and Peter Navarro the president, Navarro, and More Foundation’s Amistad Project six battleground states. Dozens of necessitated that the legislatures
briefed hundreds of state lawmak- Trump’s lawyer, Giuliani. and who hosted the call on behalf U.S. senators and House members assert their constitutional right
ers about evidence of election irreg- John Eastman and John Lott were of of the group, said in a statement. have committed to lodging objec- to appoint presidential electors.
ularities, during a Jan. 2 meeting. also part of the briefing. Eastman “The integrity of our elections is tions to electoral slates from those None of the legislatures have so
The virtual meeting included represented Texas in the now-dis- far too important to treat cavalierly, states when Congress counts the far followed the team’s advice.
legislators from Arizona, Georgia, missed interstate challenge to the and elected officials deserve to have Electoral College votes on Jan. 6. Trump has called on his sup-
Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, outcome of the election, while Lott, all relevant information at their Democrats have criticized the porters to descend on Washington
and Wisconsin, Navarro said dur- a senior adviser for research and disposal as they consider whether efforts and say the election ran when Congress counts the elector-
ing an appearance on Fox News. statistics for the Department of Jus- to accept the reported results of the smoothly, apart from a small num- al votes. Some of the senators who
“These legislators, they’re hot, tice, authored a recently released 2020 elections, especially in states ber of voter fraud cases. committed to objecting to the Elec-
they’re angry, they want action,” report on election theft. where the process was influenced Navarro also suggested that a toral College votes that day said
said Navarro, the White House Legislators were briefed on by private interests.” special counsel may be appointed they will do so unless Congress
director of trade and manufactur- evidence of alleged voter, ballot, Navarro released a report on to investigate if fraud had occurred. appoints a special commission to
ing policy. “We gave them the re- and election fraud, which can be Dec. 21 that summarized and “I would not be surprised to conduct a 10-day emergency audit
ceipts. We explained exactly how viewed on a webpage hosted by Got categorized evidence of election see a special counsel on this,” of the election.
the Democrat Party, as a matter of Freedom? theft. In the Jan. 2 interview, he Navarro said. Individual state legislatures
strategy, stole this election from “This information should serve as said the report “shows beyond a Trump’s legal team testified would then vet the findings and
Donald J. Trump.” an important resource for state leg- shadow of a doubt this election before several panels and com- have the opportunity to convene
According to Got Freedom?, a islators as they make calls for state was stolen” and that he planned mittees from state legislatures, and vote on a new set of electors.

‘I Will Be There’: Trump Announces He’ll Join

‘Historic’ Rally on Jan. 6
JACK PHILLIPS this time with a twist. ... We will
not be wearing our traditional
President Donald Trump on Jan. Black and Yellow. We will be in-
3 said he will join the rally on Jan. cognito and we will spread across
6 and march as the joint session downtown DC in smaller teams.
of Congress convenes to count And who knows ... we might dress
the Electoral College results. in all BLACK for the occasion. The
Trump for weeks has been urg- night calls for a BLACK tie event,”
ing his supporters to attend the Proud Boys chairman Enrique
event. Tarrio wrote on Parler.
“I will be there. Historic day!” The joint session of Congress
the president wrote at around will include objectors from both
10:30 a.m. Jan. 3. It’s the first time the House and Senate. Over the
Trump has said he’ll join the Jan. weekend, about a dozen senators
6 events. joined Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)
On Jan. 1, Trump confirmed in announcing that they would
more details about the event. object to states’ electoral votes,
“The BIG Protest Rally in Wash- after at least 50 House represen-
ington, D.C. will take place at tatives led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-
11.00 A.M. on January 6th. ... Ala.) pledged to do the same.
StopTheSteal!” Trump wrote on The challenge requires at least
Twitter, adding that it “will be a House member and a senator
wild.” to carry out, triggering two-hour
The District of Columbia police debates for each state. Then, to
department said there will be a overturn a state’s electoral votes,
number of downtown street clo- a simple majority vote is needed
sures in light of the rallies and in both the House and Senate.
events. On Jan 3, Brooks told Fox News
The closures will be focused that the momentum to challenge
primarily on the National Mall President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive at the White House on Dec. 31, 2020. the electoral votes appears to be
and around the White House, ac- growing in Congress.
cording to a map from the police from their residence,” D.C. police protect the public and National Boys also announced they would “The momentum to fight against
department. said in a news release on Jan. 1. Park Service resources by ensur- attend the rallies and might dress voter fraud and election theft is
“The decision to restrict ve- The U.S. Park Police confirmed ing that safety protocols are in in all-black clothing to imitate rapidly gaining,” he said. “And
hicles will be based upon public to USA Today that several permits place for permitted events and the anarcho-communist group as a consequence, the numbers
safety and if safe to do so, vehicles for the rallies and marches have other First Amendment activi- Antifa, with whom they have fre- that we had who were support-
will be allowed to enter the re- all been approved. ties,” the agency said in a state- quently clashed. ive yesterday are almost always
stricted area if they are on essen- “The Park Police is committed ment on Dec. 31. “The ProudBoys will turn out supplemented by reinforcements
tial business or traveling to-and- to working with its partners to The right-wing group Proud in record numbers on Jan 6th but today and the next day.”


ment, they trigger a withdrawal

Meadows: Over 100 House from the joint session, a two-hour
debate, and a vote in each house. A
Members Plan to Object to simple majority would uphold an
objection, nullifying a state’s elec-
Electoral Votes toral votes, or potentially leading to
the votes going to Trump instead of
Democratic presidential nominee
CONTINUED FROM A1 commit to objecting—two groups Joe Biden.
of representatives joined the effort. Democrats and some Republi-
late last week that 141 Republican Republican Missouri Reps. Jason cans have expressed hostility to-
House members have announced Smith, Billy Long, Sam Graves, and ward the planned challenges.
plans to object. Vicky Hartzler said they will object “The egregious ploy to reject
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who to “protect the integrity of each vote electors may enhance the political
opposes President Donald Trump, cast by every law-abiding Missou- ambition of some, but dangerously
said during a podcast that he be- rian.” They alleged that some states, threatens our Democratic Republic.
lieves upwards of 100 members will such as Georgia and Nevada, failed The congressional power to reject
end up objecting. to follow their own election laws. electors is reserved for the most ex-
Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) said Republican Pennsylvania White House chief of staff Mark Meadows talks to reporters at the White treme and unusual circumstances.
Jan. 2 that he was on a call with Reps.  Guy Reschenthaler, Dan House on Oct. 21, 2020. These are far from it,” Sen. Mitt
House Minority Leader Kevin Meuser, Glenn Thompson, Mike Romney (R-Utah) said late Jan. 2.
McCarthy (R-Calif.), Trump, and Kelly, Lloyd Smucker, John Joyce, and circumvented the state legisla- Fleischmann (R-Tenn.),  Kevin Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Ala.) wrote in
“TONS of Jan. 6 election objectors.” and Fred Keller also said they ture’s clear constitutional author- Hern (R-Okla.), and William Tim- a tweet: “The GOP’s latest effort to
“This is a pivotal moment. Those would challenge votes. ity,” they said in a joint statement. mons (R-S.C.), and Rep.-elects By- delegitimize the election is a bra-
who aren’t with us are against us “Unfortunately, the many un- A slew of others also said in recent ron Donalds (R-Fla.) and Kat Cam- zen, unconstitutional attempt to
- history will be unforgiving,” he lawful actions undertaken by the days that they’re going to object— mack (R-Fla.). overturn the will of the American
said, using a hashtag for “Stop the Pennsylvania Governor’s office, Reps.  Clay Higgins (R-La.), Joe Objections have to be in writing people.
Steal.” the Secretary of State, and what has Wilson (R-S.C.), Randy Weber (R- and need support from at least one “But make no mistake: Joe Biden
After Hawley’s Dec. 30 announce- been described as a rogue Penn- Texas), Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), member of each congressional will be the next President of the
ment—he was the first senator to sylvania Supreme Court exceeded John Rutherford (R-Fla.), Chuck chamber. If they meet the require- United States.”


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Appeals Court
Gohmert’s Lawsuit
Against Pence
JANITA KAN tially confirming Biden’s elector-
al victory. Kernodle found that
A federal appeals court has dis- Gohmert couldn’t show a legally
missed a lawsuit filed by Rep. Lou- recognizable injury to support
ie Gohmert (R-Texas) and other standing, while the other plain-
Republicans seeking clarity on tiffs identified an injury that could
Vice President Mike Pence’s au- not be linked to Pence.
thority in determining which “We need say no more, and we
Electoral College votes to count affirm the judgment essentially for
during the Jan. 6 congressional the reasons stated by the district
joint session. court,” the panel wrote in their
The power of Pence’s role as the ruling. “We express no view on
president of the Senate to count the underlying merits or on what Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) on Capitol Hill in Washington on June 25, 2019.
or reject electoral votes has been putative party, if any, might have
disputed. standing.” Pence’s lawyer from the Justice House member and one senator.
In an unsigned decision, a In their suit, Gohmert and other Department told the court that the If the objection for any state meets
three-judge panel of the  U.S. Republicans argued that the U.S. The power of vice president was not the proper this requirement, the joint session
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Constitution outlines the protocol Pence’s role as the defendant to the lawsuit. pauses and each house withdraws
Circuit on Jan. 2 affirmed a lower for when alternate slates of elec- “These plaintiffs’ suit is not a to its own chamber to debate the
court decision to throw out the tors are presented to the president
president of the proper vehicle for addressing question for a maximum of two
case that aimed to prevent Demo- of the Senate. They say the presi- Senate to count those issues because plaintiffs hours. The House and the Senate
cratic presidential nominee Joe dent of the Senate has “exclusive or reject electoral have sued the wrong defendant,” then vote separately to accept or
Biden from being declared the authority and sole discretion un- the lawyer wrote. “The Vice Presi- reject the objection, which re-
winner on Jan. 6 until a slew of der the 12th Amendment to deter- votes has been dent—the only defendant in this quires a majority vote from both
election irregularities and fraud mine which slates of electors for a disputed. case—is ironically the very per- chambers.
allegations is transparently and state, or neither, may be counted.” son whose power they seek to pro- If both candidates receive less
independently resolved. On Dec. 14, Republican electors mote. The Senate and the House, than 270 electoral votes on Jan. 6,
The lower court judge, U.S. Dis- in seven states cast alternate votes not the Vice President, have legal then a contingent election is trig-
trict Judge Jeremy Kernodle, on for President Donald Trump, set- interests that are sufficiently ad- gered in which each state’s delega-
Jan. 1 ruled that the Republican ting up a new challenge for Con- verse to plaintiffs to ground a case tion in the U.S. House of Repre-
plaintiffs lacked standing, or the gress for when it counts the elec- or controversy under Article III.” sentatives casts one en bloc vote
legal right, to bring an action that toral votes. This comes as Republican law- to determine the president, while
would prevent Pence from poten- Responding to the claims, makers from both houses of Con- the vice president is decided by a
gress are preparing to challenge vote in the U.S. Senate.
electoral votes cast for Biden. On The efforts have been criticized
Jan. 2, a group of 11 Republicans, by Democrat and Republican
led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), colleagues, who say such actions
announced their intention to join could threaten the democratic Re-
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) to object public. Meanwhile, proponents
to Biden votes from several con- of the challenge say it is needed
tested states. to protect election integrity and
The lawmakers are expected to ensure the legitimacy of any sub-
face an uphill battle, with critics sequent administrations.
arguing that the strategy of adopt- Pence, who will be presiding
ing the alternative Republican over the joint session, said on Jan.
electoral votes is a long shot, as 2 that he “welcomes efforts”  by
many of the alternative votes lawmakers to challenge electoral
haven’t been authorized by state results, according to a statement
officials. sent by his chief of staff to reporters.
Objections to any state’s votes
Vice President Mike Pence attends a rally in support of Georgia Republican during the joint session must be Mimi Nguyen-Ly contributed
senators in Savannah, Ga., on Dec. 4, 2020. made in writing by at least one to this report.


Prevention, people who exit

Senate Majority Leader quarantine after seven days
McConnell’s House Vandalized should have tested negative
for COVID-19.
After Relief Measure Fails COVID-19 is the disease
caused by the CCP (Chinese
SAMUEL ALLEGRI our politics for acts like this. Communist Party) virus.
Kentuckians deserve better Moore told reporters at
The home of Senate Major- and the Democrats should the Capitol: “I didn’t get a
ity Leader Mitch McCon- join us in condemning this negative test. No, I did not,
nell’s (R-Ky.) in Louisville, act of vandalism.” because I got the CDC quar-
Kentucky, was found van- The governor of Kentucky antine timeframe.”
dalized on Jan. 2. called the vandalism “rep- She said Brian Monahan,
Spray paint on the front rehensible.” the attending physician of
door read, “Weres [sic] my McConnell commented Congress, cleared her to
money,” while “Mitch Kills on his recent blocking of return.
the Poor” was scrawled over the increase to the direct Monahan said in a state-
a window. payments: “Socialism for ment that the “highest possi-
The messages likely re- rich people—that’s what ble safeguards” were put into
fer to the Senate’s failure Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi place, including a portion of
to approve an increase in and Senator Sanders have Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) speaks during the Democratic National Convention at the Wisconsin the viewing gallery that had
the amount of money being sketched out. A terrible way Center in Milwaukee, Wis., on Aug. 17, 2020. plexiglass placed around it.
sent to individuals to help to help those who need it. That area enables “members
cope with the coronavirus
pandemic, from $600  to
Experts across the political
spectrum agree.” Republicans Critical of Democrats who are in quarantine status
to fulfill their Constitutional
“I’ve spent my career
“Our colleagues who pur-
port to be the champions of for Allowing Moore to Vote After duties,” he added. He cited
federal guidance that says
fighting for the First
Amendment and defending
vulnerable Americans now
say that what struggling Positive COVID-19 Test so-called essential workers
can ignore the recommend-
peaceful protest. I appreci- people really need is for ed quarantine times if they
ate every Kentuckian who Congress to stop focusing are not showing symptoms
has engaged in the demo- on targeted relief for them ZACHARY STIEBER Moore’s decision. House passed rules that al- and “additional precautions
cratic process whether specifically and to instead “Nancy Pelosi is so power- lowed proxy voting, but those are implemented to protect
they agree with me or not,” send thousands of dollars Republicans criticized hungry that she brought rules expired as a new House them and the community.”
Sen. McConnell said in a to people who don’t need Democrats for coaxing a COVID-positive House was sworn in on Jan. 3. House Republican leader
statement in response to the help,” McConnell said Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) Member to Washington to Because Democrats Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.),
the vandalism. “This is dif- on Dec. 31. to travel to Washington on vote for her for Speaker,” lost over a dozen seats, their who tried to convince some
ferent. Vandalism and the House Speaker Nancy Pe- Jan. 3 to vote for the speaker Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) majority dropped by 38 to Democrats to back his bid
politics of fear have no place losi’s San Francisco house of the House of Representa- wrote in a tweet. 11. That stoked speculation for speaker, said late Jan. 2
in our society. was also vandalized  on tives despite recently testing Rep. Daniel Webster (R- that Pelosi’s bid for speaker during an appearance on
He added: “My wife and I Jan. 1. Written on the ga- positive for COVID-19. Fla.) said, “For months, was in jeopardy, leading to Fox News that Pelosi was
have never been intimidat- rage door were the mes- Moore tested positive for Democrats didn’t show up Moore showing up to vote. “so scared” about not being
ed by this toxic playbook. sages “2k,” “cancel rent!” the disease on Dec. 28; fed- to DC to work on a budget Moore wrote in a statement elected as speaker.
We just hope our neighbors “We want everything,” and eral health guidance rec- or COVID-19 relief, but now that she was feeling good. “She’s actually calling a
in Louisville aren’t too in- “UBI!”, an apparent refer- ommends quarantining for that Pelosi’s speakership is “My quarantine is over member back that hasn’t
convenienced by this radi- ence to universal basic in- a minimum of seven days on the line, fulfilling ones and I am medically cleared that’s only voted by proxy
cal tantrum.” come. An “A” inside of a after a positive test result. [sic] constitutional duties is to travel and work on be- for the last four months that
The Republican Party of circle, a symbol commonly Republicans blamed Rep. all of a sudden important ... half of Wisconsin’s Fourth just announced they had
Kentucky wrote on Twitter: attributed to the anarchist Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), even if they’re sick!?” Congressional District,” she COVID in the last week,” he
“Vandalism is reprehensi- movement, was also writ- who was vying for another During the last Congress, wrote. According to the Cen- said. “Why would that per-
ble and there’s no place in ten there. term as House speaker, for the Democratic-controlled ters for Disease Control and son be coming back?”

Supreme Court Refuses Louisiana’s Emergency

Request to Reinstate Sex Offender ID Law

MATTHEW VADUM charged him with altering designation would inform

an official identification card law enforcement that they
The Supreme Court turned to conceal his designation are dealing with a sex of-
down an emergency request as a registered sex offender, fender and thereby reduce
from Louisiana urging it contrary to state law. the unnecessary disclosure
to freeze a state Supreme Reinstating the law pend- to others during everyday
Court ruling that struck ing appeal was important, tasks,” he wrote, adding that
down a requirement that a Louisiana Attorney General the sex offender registry and
sex offender’s status be an- Jeff Landry, a Republican, notification is already “avail-
nounced in large letters on said when his office filed able to those who have a need
state-issued identification, the state’s emergency ap- to seek out that information.”
while the state pursues an plication Dec. 11. He said if Justice William J. Crain,
appeal of the decision. the Supreme Court failed to also a Republican, filed a
The unsigned refusal- grant the stay, “sex offend- dissenting opinion.
of-stay decision came late ers in Louisiana will be able The “speech at issue ... is
on Dec. 30, 2020, in a case to move unnoticed through not First Amendment-pro-
known as Louisiana v. Hill. our communities.” tected speech,” he wrote.
The Supreme Court didn’t The state’s brief said the “The speaker is the gov-
explain why it denied the law should be reinstated ernment: the words are
emergency application, pending appeal because stamped by a governmen-
which began in front of Jus- “the danger is not theoreti- tal agency on a government-
tice Samuel Alito but was cal. Children die when re- issued identification card in
then referred to the full cidivistic sex offenders hide The Supreme Court in Washington on March 10, 2020. accordance with a govern-
court. The state previously their status.” ment-enacted statute. ...
indicated that it intended at “Under the Louisiana Before that, on Oct. 30, use more discreet labels in siana from the rest of the Any reasonable observer ...
some point to file a petition Supreme Court’s decision, 2019, a state district court the form of codes that are country,” Genovese wrote. would readily ascertain the
for certiorari with the high both law enforcement and quashed the state’s bill of known to law enforcement.” “Forty-one other states do speaker is the government,
court, which is the usual way the public will lack an essen- information against Hill, The Supreme Court of not require any designation not the defendant.”
a party initiates an appeal to tial tool for identifying sex finding that the law at issue Louisiana agreed, ruling on the identification cards of Louisiana Solicitor Gen-
the court. offenders in the community was unconstitutional on 6–1 on Oct. 20, 2020, that sex offenders.” eral Elizabeth Baker Murrill
According to the Lafayette who violate the law by, for its face. Opponents of the the state law compelled “The branded identifi- told The Epoch Times in an
Parish Sheriff’s website, the example, visiting schools law had characterized it as speech, in violation of the cation card is compelled email, “We are disappointed
respondent in the Supreme or parks, volunteering as a forcing an offender to wear a First Amendment to the U.S. speech, and it is a content- that the Court did not grant
Court proceeding, Tazin Ar- teacher, renting in an area “scarlet letter” that needless- Constitution. based regulation of speech the stay. We intend to ex-
dell Hill, 43, now residing in where the individual is not ly humiliates the individual. Louisiana’s sex-offender that consequently must pedite filing a petition for
Duson, Louisiana, was con- legally permitted to live, “The requirement that the registration rules differ pass strict scrutiny,” the certiorari and will continue
victed in Louisiana on June coaching youth sports or offender have ‘sex offender’ from those enforced by other justice wrote. “While the to defend this law, a law
25, 2010, of having “carnal volunteering at YMCA, or written on his official state states and the federal gov- state certainly has a com- which performs an impor-
knowledge of a juvenile.” He otherwise interacting with identification is not the least ernment, according to the pelling interest in protect- tant function of providing
was released from prison on children. restrictive way to further the majority opinion, written by ing the public and enabling critical information to the
Nov. 25, 2013. “Online registries are State’s legitimate interest of Justice James T. Genovese, law enforcement to identify public about convicted sex
Hill cut out the words “SEX insufficient to protect the notifying law enforcement,” an elected Republican. a person as a sex offender, offenders.”
OFFENDER” that appeared State’s interests in those that court stated. “It could be The Pelican State’s “spe- Louisiana has not adopted Hill’s counsel of record,
in orange capital letters from contexts because people can accomplished in the same cific requirement to carry the least restrictive means Richard John Bourke, de-
his ID card that he’s required easily give a false name and way that some other states a branded identification of doing so. clined to comment to The
to carry with him. The state deny their status.” utilize. Louisiana could card distinguishes Loui- “A symbol, code, or a letter Epoch Times.

High Share of Health Care Workers Reluctant Lankford: Proposed Electoral

to Get COVID-19 Vaccine: Reports Commission Would Review 2020 Voting
MICHAEL CIAGLO/GETTY IMAGES ZACHARY STIEBER tors, five House members, and five
TOM OZIMEK Supreme Court justices. Eventually,
An electoral commission being pro- Congress, acting on the decision of
Reports and studies have emerged posed by a group of 11 Republican the panel, awarded the disputed
showing that a relatively high per- senators would look at alleged ir- electoral vote and the presidency
centage of those working in health regularities in the Nov. 3, 2020, elec- to Republican Rutherford Hayes.
care settings are reluctant or refus- tion process, Sen. James Lankford The group of 15, which would be
ing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. (R-Okla.) said. given subpoena power, wouldn’t
A research project tracking the Lankford is among the senators decide the election, Lankford said.
public’s attitudes and experi- who have pledged to object to elec- In a written statement, Lankford
ences with COVID-19 vaccina- toral votes during the Jan. 6 joint said millions of Americans “still
tions has found that nearly one- session of Congress, unless Con- have significant questions” about
third of health care workers are gress authorizes a commission to the Nov. 3 election, referencing re-
“vaccine-hesitant,” saying they review the 2020 election process. ports of problems with voting ma-
probably or definitely wouldn’t “They’re gathering all the infor- chines, double voters, and different
get a COVID-19 vaccine even mation and they’re challenging rules for mail-in ballots versus in-
if it were available for free and every single thing that’s out there. person ballots.
deemed safe by scientists—a fig- I mean, everything from Sharpies “These are not questions that exist
ure slightly higher than the share on ballots in Arizona, to suitcases of in the dark corners of the internet,
of the general population. A nurse gives a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to a health ballots under tables in Georgia, to but ones I hear at the grocery store,
A December survey published care worker at the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in Aurora, laws that were changed to individu- the gas station, through text messag-
by the Kaiser Family Founda- Colo., on Dec. 16, 2020. als that were dead or that moved or es, and on phone calls. For the sake
tion vaccine attitude tracking from out of state that voted,” Lank- of the nation’s unity, these questions
project shows an increase in the than the general population, ac- morial Medical Center told NPR ford said during a Jan. 2 appearance should not be ignored,” he said.
percentage of the general public cording to the survey. At the same earlier in December that around on Fox News. The proposal by the Republicans
saying they would definitely or time, a handful of reports have half the nurses in the facility “All those things demand us to be is still within the Electoral College
probably get a COVID-19 vaccine, emerged showing high rates of wouldn’t get the vaccine. able to take a look at. We have got system, Lankford said.
which now stands at 71 percent, frontline health care staff refus- Harvard epidemiologist Marc to take it seriously about this mo- “We’re demanding that we have
up from 63 percent in September. ing to get the shot. Lipsitch told The Los Angeles Times ment, because there were so many a good, hard, serious, professional
At the same time, 27 percent of Earlier this week, Ohio Gov. that a high percentage of vaccine areas that are out there. Some are look at this, then the states in our
the general population is “vac- Mike DeWine said that about 60 refusals may be problematic. rumor, some are fact. But those are system of government, according
cine-hesitant.” percent of the nursing home work- “Our ability as a society to get facts, we have to be able to resolve the Constitution, actually pick the
Vaccine hesitancy is highest ers in his state have so far opted back to a higher level of functioning and determine if this election is president through the Electoral
among Republicans (42 per- not to get a COVID-19 vaccine. depends on having as many people settled? And then what do we do College. So we’re not trying to take
cent), people aged 30 to 49 (36 “We aren’t going to make them, protected as possible,” Lipsitch told from here on out.” that over,” he said.
percent), and rural residents (35 but we wish they had a higher the outlet. Arizona officials have said the “We’re doing our constitutional
percent), followed by essential compliance,” DeWine said at a Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the use of Sharpies didn’t cause bal- duty, and laying this out, giving it
workers (33 percent), according Dec. 30 press briefing, in refer- National Institute of Allergy and lots to be rejected, while officials back to the states and say, ‘States, if
to the survey. The lowest vaccine ence to nursing home staff, The Infectious Diseases, said in Decem- in Georgia acknowledged that poll you want to reevaluate where you’re
hesitancy is among Democrats Columbus Dispatch reported. ber that between 70 and 75 percent workers counted ballots for over an sending, and who you’re sending,
(12 percent), those aged 65 and His remarks came as Ohio had of Americans would need to get the hour on election night after observ- then you can choose to do that.’ But
over (15 percent), and members just experienced its deadliest vaccine in order to “get that um- ers and media went home. Lawyers the states have to be able to make
of households with serious health month of the pandemic, with the brella of herd immunity.” for President Donald Trump’s cam- that decision.”
conditions (22 percent). report noting 2,426 deaths from Two COVID-19 vaccines have paign alleged last month that 1,500 Lankford and the other senators
The chief concerns among those COVID-19 in December. been authorized for emergency dead voters in Nevada cast ballots want a 10-day emergency vote au-
who are hesitant to get a COVID-19 California and Texas are also ex- use in the United States, one while multiple states are accused dit completed by the commission,
vaccine are worries about possible periencing a high rate of health care from Pfizer and the other from of counting votes from voters who paired with a delay of the joint vote-
side effects, with 59 percent citing worker refusals, reports indicate. Moderna, with scientific panels had moved away. counting session.
this as a major reason, followed Public health officials said that deeming both products safe and The proposed commission would “Once completed, individual
by a lack of trust in the govern- around 50 percent of frontline effective, and that the benefits be modeled on one formed in 1877 states would evaluate the Commis-
ment to ensure vaccine safety workers in Riverside County in the outweigh the risks. to resolve electoral issues in the sion’s findings and could convene a
and effectiveness (55 percent), Golden State have chosen not to get The issue of vaccines is the sub- election the previous year. Three special legislative session to certify a
and concerns that the vaccine is the vaccine, the Los Angeles Times ject of longstanding controversy, in states—Florida, Louisiana, and change in their vote, if needed,” the
too new (53 percent), according reported, while more than half the part because some see the inocula- South Carolina—had reports of senators said in a joint statement.
to the survey. hospital workers at California’s St. tion push, driven by the impera- voter fraud, leading to a contested If the joint session takes place
Meanwhile, the share of “vac- Elizabeth Community Hospital tive of achieving herd immunity as election without a clear winner. without the completed audit, the
cine-hesitant” health care work- opted against getting the shot. quickly as possible, as an infringe- The commission, which began on senators plan on objecting to elec-
ers, at 29 percent, is slightly higher In Texas, a doctor at Houston Me- ment on personal liberties. Feb. 1, 1877, comprised five sena- tors from disputed states.

Romney Opposes
Republican Senators’
Plan to Challenge
Electoral College Votes
JANITA KAN regularities in the 2020 election
“exceed any in our lifetimes,” they
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Jan. said, adding that this “deep dis-
2 called efforts by his Republican trust” of U.S. democratic processes
colleagues to challenge the Elec- “will not magically disappear” and
toral College results on Jan. 6 an “should concern us all,” whether or
“egregious ploy” that “danger- not elected officials or journalists
ously threatens our Democratic believe the allegations.
Republic.” “It poses an ongoing threat to
Romney, who has had a turbulent the legitimacy of any subsequent
relationship with President Donald administrations,” the senators
Trump, offered his criticism in a wrote in their statement, while
statement about a plan by at least calling on Congress to appoint Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Sept. 21, 2020.
12 Republican senators to object an electoral commission to con-
to Electoral College votes cast for duct an emergency 10-day audit “Congress, not voters in the re- this requirement, the joint session that they expected Democrats and
Democratic presidential nomi- of the election results. They said spective states, would choose our pauses and each house withdraws a few Republicans to vote against
nee Joe Biden in several contested they would object to the Electoral presidents,” Romney said. to its own chamber to debate the them but added that “support for
states during the Jan. 6 joint session College results if the audit didn’t Cruz’s joint statement was signed question for a maximum of two election integrity should not be a
in Congress, when valid votes are take place. by Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), hours. The House and the Senate partisan issue.”
set to be counted. In his statement, Romney criti- James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve then vote separately to accept or re- “A fair and credible audit—con-
“The egregious ploy to reject cized Cruz and other Republican Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy ject the objection, which requires a ducted expeditiously and complet-
electors may enhance the politi- senators for their efforts, saying (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R- majority vote from both chambers. ed well before January 20 would
cal ambition of some, but danger- their plan to “restore trust in the Tenn.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.). If both candidates receive less than dramatically improve Americans’
ously threatens our Democratic election” was “nonsense.” Meanwhile, Sens.-elect Cynthia 270 electoral votes on Jan. 6, then a faith in our electoral process and
Republic. The congressional pow- “This argument ignores the wide- Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall contingent election is triggered in would significantly enhance the
er to reject electors is reserved for ly perceived reality that Congress is (R-Kan.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), which each state’s delegation in the legitimacy of whoever becomes
the most extreme and unusual an overwhelmingly partisan body; and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) in- U.S. House of Representatives casts our next President. We owe that
circumstances. These are far from the American people wisely place dicated that they also planned to one en bloc vote to determine the to the People,” the Republican
it,” Romney said. greater trust in the federal courts join. They’ll be sworn in on Jan. 3, president, while the vice president is senators said.
His statement comes after where judges serve for life. Mem- several days before the joint session. decided by a vote in the U.S. Senate. Vice President Mike Pence, who
a group of 11 Republican senators bers of Congress who would sub- Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) was Earlier on Jan. 2, Sens. Pat Toom- will be presiding over the Jan.
announced on Jan. 2 their intention stitute their own partisan judge- the first senator to announce his ey (R-Pa.) and Lisa Murkowski 6 session, said on Jan. 2 that he
to challenge Electoral College votes ment for that of the courts do not plans to object earlier this week, (R-Alaska) issued statements to welcomed efforts by lawmakers
from contested states. The group, enhance public trust, they imperil while dozens of House members say that they also opposed any at- to challenge Electoral College re-
led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), said it,” he said. have said they would object to the tempts to challenge election college sults, according to a statement sent
the 2020 election “featured unprec- The Utah senator added that he Electoral College results. results on Jan. 6. by his chief of staff to reporters.
edented allegations of voter fraud, was concerned that if Congress Objections to any state’s votes Similarly, Senate Democrats re- In December, Romney boycotted
violations, and lax enforcement of were to actually reject electoral col- during the joint session must be buked efforts by their Republican a Senate hearing examining elec-
election law, and other voting ir- lege votes, then challenges could made in writing by at least one colleagues. tion  “irregularities,” saying he
regularities.” happen every time a lawmaker’s House member and one senator. The group of Republican senators didn’t think it would be “produc-
The allegations of fraud and ir- preferred candidate loses. If the objection for any state meets acknowledged in their statement tive” at this stage.


States Slow
to Administer

The slow administration of CO-

VID-19 vaccines is due to states,
President Donald Trump at the White House on Dec. 31, 2020. President Donald Trump said late
Jan. 1.
A resident of the John Knox Village Continuing Care Retirement Community
Senate Overrides Trump’s Veto “Some States are very slow to
receives the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine, in Pompano Beach, Fla., on
inoculate recipients despite suc-
of NDAA, 13 Members Uphold Veto cessful and very large scale dis- Dec. 16, 2020.
tribution of vaccines by the Fed-
ALLEN ZHONG missed the opportunity to get eral Government. They will get it gency use authorization from drug in terms of receiving fewer doses
rid of Section 230, which gives done!” he wrote in a tweet. regulators in December. than they were told they’d get.
The Senate voted to override unlimited power to Big Tech Out of 12.4 million doses distrib- Even Biden acknowledged that “I had to lower the allocations
President Donald Trump’s veto companies,” he stated in a Twit- uted as of Dec. 30, just 2.8 million Operation Warp Speed, Trump’s to meet the releasable doses that
of the National Defense Authori- ter post. have been injected, according to all-of-government effort to speed were presented to me,” the opera-
zation Act (NDAA) for 2021. Trump vetoed the NDAA on data from the Centers for Disease the development of vaccines and tion’s leader, Gen. Gus Perna, said
The upper house on Jan. 1 Dec. 23 for a number of reasons, Control and Prevention. therapeutics, “deserves some last month.
passed the bill without the presi- including wasteful spending Some states have administered credit” for getting the vaccines In Missouri,  Health Director
dent’s signature with an 80–13 overseas and a failure to remove fewer than a quarter of the doses produced so quickly. Randall Williams said at a briefing
vote—the first time a Trump veto Section 230—the liability shield they’ve received. In California, for But some experts are trying to that there’s a gap when compar-
had been overridden. The debate that protects social media com- instance, just 294,281 doses have figure out how to speed up the ing the number of doses the state
over the bill was ended earlier panies. been given, out of more than 1.4 administration of the vaccines, has received to the number it’s ad-
in the day with the same result. He said he’s unhappy with million received. especially the doses that have al- ministered. Half the doses went to
Thirteen senators voted to sus- the bill also because it requires Trump earlier this week told ready been given to states, even as long-term care facilities, he said,
tain Trump’s veto of the bill, in- the renaming of historic mili- states to “get moving” with injec- administration officials say they’re and the state’s partnership with
cluding Republicans Ted Cruz tary installations, restricts the tions. hopeful the pace catches up to the Walgreens and CVS just started
(R-Texas), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Josh president’s ability to use military Trump administration officials projections this year. on Dec. 28, “so there’s going to be
Hawley (R-Mo.), Mike Braun (R- construction funds for national said they expected to pass out “We need to do essentially the a little bit of a lag there.”
Ind.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Mike emergency use, and contradicts about 20 million doses by the end kind of things we’re doing in our “I just got off the phone with the
Lee (R-Utah), and John Kennedy his efforts to bring the U.S. troops of 2020. hospital. In our hospital, we’ve executive director for the long-
(R-La.). back from overseas. Officials previously said they vaccinated 12 people every 30 term care facility association. We
Across the aisle, supporters “For all of these reasons, I can- expected to circulate double that, minutes,” Dr. Paul Offit, a mem- think we’ll have middle January,
were Sens. Bernie Sanders (I- not support this bill,” Trump said with 20 million people being inject- ber of a federal vaccine advisory all those vaccines, the initial vac-
Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), in a statement on Dec. 23. ed by the time the new year came. panel, said Dec. 31. cines, should be administered, or
Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Ed Markey The president emphasized that Democratic presidential nomi- Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the shortly thereafter,” Williams said.
(D-Mass.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), despite his veto, he’s a strong nee Joe Biden is among those National Institute of Allergy and One issue stems from the “com-
and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.). supporter of the military. criticizing the delayed distribu- Infectious Diseases, said the same plex process of preparing the vac-
The House voted on Dec. 28 “No one has worked harder, or tion and injections. day that states and counties were cines” and training people how to
to override Trump’s veto with a approved more money for the “The Trump administration’s behind on giving the shots be- administer them, North Carolina
322–87 vote. military, than I have—over $2 plan to distribute vaccines is fall- cause they lacked resources. Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, told
Senate Majority Leader Mitch trillion,” he wrote in his state- ing behind, far behind,” Biden told Asked if the federal government reporters this week.
McConnell (R-Ky.) indicated ment. “During my 4 years, with a press conference in Delaware should take over vaccine admin- Joneigh Khaldun, Michigan’s
early this week that his chamber the support of many others, we this week. “As I long feared and istration efforts, Fauci told NBC’s chief medical executive, said in
would vote to override Trump’s have almost entirely rebuilt the warned, the effort to distribute “Today” show, “Rather than step- a separate briefing: “There is no
veto. He urged the Senate Repub- United States military, which and administer the vaccine is not ping in and taking over, it would question this is the most massive
licans to pass the bill, breaking was totally depleted when I took progressing as it should.” maybe be better to give more re- vaccination effort that we have
away from the president. office. With funding and backing from sources and work with them, in ever undertaken in this country.
The president said Republicans “My Administration has taken the federal government, Pfizer and tandem with them.” “I think it is the operational chal-
lost a chance to abandon Section strong actions to help keep our Moderna developed COVID-19 Some governors have pointed lenges of it, that means that it is
230 after the Senate override. Nation safe and support our ser- vaccines in record time, starting in to early miscommunication from moving slower than any of us actu-
“Our Republican Senate just vice members.” January 2020 and receiving emer- Operation Warp Speed officials ally wanted to.”

Georgia Data Shows Over 30,000 of Trump’s Votes

Removed, Another 12,173 Switched to Biden: Data Scientists

ALLEN ZHONG time-series election data in the Peach State.

shows Trump’s votes were “We scanned 113,130 as of
Georgia election data indi- decrementing in various moments ago, we’ve adju-
cates that more than 30,000 counties instead of increas- dicated 106,000 plus [93.7
votes were removed from ing as they do normally. percent] of those,” he can
President Donald Trump At least 30,593 votes were be seen saying in a video
and another 12,173 votes allegedly removed from clip. “The only ballots that
were switched to Democrat- Trump as result, includ- are adjudicated are if we
ic presidential candidate Joe ing 17,650 votes in Dough- have a ballot with a contest
Biden, data scientists testi- erty County, 7,008 votes in on it in which there’s some
fied on Dec. 30 during a Dodge County, and 5,935 question as to what, how
state Senate hearing. votes in Putnam County. the computer reads it. So
Lynda McLaughlin from The removals happened at the vote review panel then
the Data Integrity Group, the county level and were determines voter intent.”
along with data scientists hard to observe at the state However, the unofficial
Justin Mealey and Dave level because the decre- results that were used in
Lobue, presented the re- ments were offset by accu- the analysis by the group
sults before the Georgia rate data uploaded by other should be published after
Senate Judiciary Subcom- counties. the adjudication process,
mittee on Elections. “I want to make that very, according to a Dominion
Mealey worked as an very clear that at no point tally and reporting user
electronic warfare techni- in an incremental process, guide, which is available on
cian in the U.S. Navy for 9 should you decrement it,” Employees of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections process ballots in Atlanta on the website of the Colorado
1/2 years and was a former Mealey said. Nov. 4, 2020. secretary of state’s office.
CIA contractor as a data The group said a huge It is unlikely that the ad-
analyst and programmer number of Trump’s votes challenging the results in perger and his office have vember election. judication process would
for the National Counter- were also observed being various courts. denied vehemently that Poll workers can reject or cause Trump’s votes to de-
terrorism Center. He cur- switched to Biden in a sepa- The Data Integrity Group systemic election fraud oc- validate ballots during the crease.
rently works for one of the rate event. didn’t name any state offi- curred during the Novem- RTR process. In a widely However, there is a step
“big four” accounting firms A “clear example of vote cial, county official, or re- ber election. circulated video, an elec- called “auditing” in the
as a programmer. switching” happened in lated voting machine man- tions supervisor in Coffee RTR process after the bal-
Lobue is a data scientist Bibb county, they said. ufacturers for wrongdoing. Ballot Tallying Process County demonstrated how lots are adjudicated and
with over a decade of ex- At 9:11 p.m. local time, They emphasized that the Under Question Dominion voting software data is published and sent
perience in a number of Trump received 29,391 analysis is not partisan. The experts said during the allows votes to be changed to the secretary of state and
industries. votes as Biden simultane- “The analysis we’re going Dec. 30 hearing that they through an “adjudication” media data port. It appears
“What we have here is we ously received 17,218. How- to be reviewing is purely believed the removals and process. The process allows that adjustments can still
actually have fraud that ever, in the next reported scientific, not based on switching could have hap- the operator to add vote be made during the “audit-
we can prove in this elec- time update, Trump’s any political affiliation, pened during the Results marks to a scanned ballot ing” step if needed after the
tion, there was fraud in votes became 17,218, while red, blue, left, or right. The Tally & Reporting (RTR) as well as invalidate vote unofficial results are made
Georgia’s election, we can Biden’s changed to 29,391. objective really focuses on process. marks already on the ballot. public.
prove it with data,” Mealey In this single event, 12,173 numbers, data, and ma- The Epoch Times was un- Accordding to a state- The user manual doesn’t
said. “The voting will of the votes were switched, ac- chine network systems,” able to verify the allegation ment from Richard Barron, provide detailed informa-
people of Georgia is not re- cording to the data scien- Lobue stated. independently. director of Fulton County tion about what specific
flected in what was certified tists. The Georgia secretary of Based on information Board of Election and Reg- changes, if any, can be
by the Secretary of State.” State-certified election state’s office didn’t respond published on Dominion istration, ballot adjudica- made during the auditing
According to their analy- results show Trump lost to a request for comment Voting Systems’  website, tions happened substan- process, including whether
sis, which was published Georgia by 12,670 votes. from The Epoch Times. Sec- Georgia used Dominion tially in the county, which ballots can be added or sub-
online as early as Dec. 24, The Trump campaign is still retary of State Brad Raffens- products during the No- has the largest population tracted during that process.

Portland Mayor Calls Out ‘Antifa Radicals’ Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths
After New Year’s Eve Riot ‘Far Exaggerated,’ Blames CDC
for Bad Statistics
The mayor of Portland, Oregon,
promised to bring an end to the President Donald Trump on Jan.
violence caused by “anarchists 3 questioned the accuracy of the
and Antifa radicals” following official nationwide CCP virus
a New Year’s Eve riot in the city cases and death counts, saying
that’s been rocked for months by that the Centers for Disease Con-
near-daily protests and riots. trol and Prevention (CDC) has
“My good faith efforts at de- exaggerated the numbers.
escalation have been met with “The number of cases and
ongoing violence and even scorn deaths of the China Virus is far
from radical Antifa and anar- exaggerated in the United States
chists,” Ted Wheeler said during because of [the CDC’s] ridiculous
a press briefing on Jan. 1. “In re- method of determination com- Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
sponse, it will be necessary to use pared to other countries, many vention Director Dr. Robert Redfield
additional tools and to push the of whom report, purposely, very speaks at a hearing on Capitol Hill in
limits of the tools we already have inaccurately and low,” Trump Washington on Sept. 16, 2020.
to bring the criminal destruction wrote on Twitter. “‘When in
and violence to an end.” Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler speaks to the media at city hall in Portland, Ore., doubt, call it Covid.’ Fake News!” of beds, running out of trained
Authorities in Portland declared on Aug. 30, 2020. According to the CDC, nearly personnel who are exhausted.”
a riot near the federal court- 337,000 Americans have died of Trump responded to Fauci
house shortly before the start risk to the future of our commu- also targeted officers with “paint COVID-19, and more than 19.4 on Twitter, saying: “Something
of the new year, after a crowd of nity,” the mayor said. “It’s time to balloons” that likely had “been million people were infected by how Dr. Fauci is revered by the
about 80 to 100 protesters clashed push back harder against those laced with a caustic substance the end of 2020. The agency says LameStream Media as such a
with police, smashed windows, who are set on destroying our as it caused burning to the skin,” on its website that the statistics great professional, having done,
and threw firebombs, accord- community, and take more risks adding that several officers suf- are based on the most recent they say, such an incredible
ing to a Portland Police Bureau fighting lawlessness.” fered injuries. numbers reported by states, ter- job, yet he works for me and the
(PPB) statement. Wheeler said he’s in contact Multiple videos shared on Twit- ritories, and other jurisdictions. Trump Administration, and I
The riot was declared at about with Multnomah County District ter by reporter  Andy Ngo also “Data are dependent on juris- am in no way given any credit
11 p.m. after the crowd gathered Attorney Mike Schmidt to actively show businesses, including a dictions’ timely and accurate re- for my work. Gee, could this just
earlier in the night in the area work on cases together to ensure Chase bank and Starbucks, de- porting,” the CDC website states. be more Fake News?”
of Southwest Avenue and South- “people are held accountable for stroyed during the violence. A It adds that counting exact num- Earlier this week, a pair of Min-
west Main Street, with some in their criminal conduct.” crosswalk sign near the Justice bers of COVID-19 cases “is not nesota legislators called for a na-
the crowd engaging in violence. The mayor addressed three Center was also set ablaze in just possible” due to the symptoms of tionwide audit of the COVID-19
At least two Molotov cocktail- points he’s committed to work- one of a number of fires spotted COVID-19 not appearing imme- death count after they allegedly
style firebombs and large fire- ing toward, including increasing in the area. diately, delays in reporting and found evidence that people who
works were hurled and launched penalties, developing a clear plan “Antifa smashed up a Chase testing, infected individuals not died from other causes were add-
at riot police, the Mark O. Hat- to address anarchist violence bank and numerous other busi- getting tested or seeking medi- ed to the state’s pandemic death
field Federal Courthouse, and both inside and outside Portland, nesses in downtown Portland cal care, and differences in how totals.
the Multnomah County Justice as well as having rioters convicted after starting fires outside the completely states and territories Republican state Rep. Mary
Center, police and video footage of criminal destruction meet with Justice Center,” Ngo wrote in the report their cases. Franson and state Sen. Scott Jen-
confirm. business owners affected by riot- description of one video. Authori- Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading sen said during an interview with
Some rioters also attempted to ers and looters. ties also confirmed that several member of the White House Fox News that a team they en-
break into the justice center but “These people need to hear, and businesses had been damaged, pandemic task force, objected listed to examine data provided
failed to do so. to understand, the social and hu- and reports of the damage were to Trump’s comments on Jan. 3, by Minnesota’s health depart-
Violence erupted in the city man consequences of their irre- currently being compiled. saying the numbers are not fake. ment found that COVID-19 was
last spring following the police sponsible actions,” Wheeler said. Multnomah County Sheriff “All you need to do is go out into blamed for some deaths that were
custody death of George Floyd “All of them should be required Mike Reese said during a press the trenches,” Fauci said in an in- clearly unrelated.
in Minneapolis. Wheeler said it’s to engage in public services like briefing that the violence dur- terview with ABC News. “Go to “We found clear-cut examples
now time to “push back harder” litter pick-up and graffiti abate- ing the New Year’s Eve riot was the hospitals and see what the from the Minnesota Department
and bring the violence to an end ment.” “criminal and reprehensible,” health care workers are dealing of Health’s own files—public re-
by increasing penalties on those During the New Year’s Eve riot, adding that it was a focused at- with. They are under very stress- cords—of suicide, a drowning, an
set on destroying the community. officers were targeted with large tack on the Justice Center, a pub- ful situations in many areas of the auto accident where the passen-
“Lawlessness and anarchy rocks, bricks, and frozen water lic safety facility that protects the country. The hospital beds are ger was ejected from the vehicle,”
come at great expense and great bottles, PPB officials said. Rioters community. stretched, people are running out Franson said.

China Announces New UK Variant Virus Cases;

Superspreaders Appear in Multiple Cities


CCP virus outbreaks in areas of

northern China continued to wors-
en over the weekend as authorities
announced that they had detected
patients infected with the new vi-
rus variant that first emerged in
the United Kingdom.
The metropolis of Shanghai
and southern Guangdong Prov-
ince each reported a patient who
tested positive for B.1.1.7, the new
UK-derived virus strain. Both were
students in the UK who returned
to China in December last year.
After genome sequencing, it was
confirmed that they had the new
strain, which is more contagious.
Meanwhile, Shenyang and Da-
lian authorities provided details
about local superspreaders who
had spread the virus to dozens of
Locals told The Epoch Times that
they knew of cases that their local
governments didn’t announce,
leading them to suspect that au-
thorities have been covering up
the outbreak.

Over the weekend, authorities an-
nounced more cases in Heihe of People line up for the COVID-19 test in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, on Jan. 2, 2021.
Heilongjiang Province; Dalian and
Shenyang cities in Liaoning Prov- STR/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

ince; Beijing; and Shijiazhuang in fected with the virus in Beijing,

Hebei Province. and the government doesn’t dare
According to Shenyang authori-
A lot of people to report any details,” Li said.
ties, all who were infected in this have been infect- She said authorities don’t want
latest wave had contact with a ed with the virus to reveal the real scale of the out-
woman surnamed Yin, who ar- break, which could damage their
rived in Shenyang from South in Beijing, and image, but they issued strict lock-
Korea on Nov. 29, 2020. the government down policies in order to stop the
State-run newspaper The Paper doesn’t dare to re- outbreak and save their reputation.
created a map that showed how Li also questioned officials’ nar-
Yin’s contacts became infected, port any details. rative that many of the infections
including her granddaughter, Li, Beijing resident were people who recently traveled
roommates, the medical staff who overseas.
treated her at the hospital for CO- “I wonder why these people were
VID-19, and patients who were in latest diagnosis was an 8-month- healthy when they were outside of
nearby beds. old infant. The child’s mother and China, but they were infected after
In Dalian, a 34-year-old patient grandmother had tested positive they came to China?” Li said.
surnamed Jin spread the virus to at on Dec. 31. Ming Xuan (a pseudonym) is a
least 33 others, according to local But most of the cases authorities student at Jinzhou Normal College, A medical worker takes a swab sample from a child to test for COVID-19, in
health officials. have disclosed in past days are re- a school to train teachers located in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, on Dec. 31, 2020.
At a press conference on Jan. lated to a 31-year-old woman who northeastern Liaoning Province.
3, Zhao Lian, vice director of the was diagnosed on Dec. 24, 2020. He told the Chinese-language Ep- tested positive for COVID-19,” that a resident in neighboring
Dalian health commission, said och Times on Jan. 2 that his school Ming said. Nangong was diagnosed with
that Jin operates a clothing booth Unreported Cases has been fully locked down since The Epoch Times couldn’t verify COVID-19. The county alerted its
inside a local mall and contracted Ms. Li from Beijing told the Chi- Dec. 27 and has not allowed any the infection Ming mentioned, but residents to stop going to Nangong.
the disease at the venue. nese-language Epoch Times student to leave the campus during checked with other students, who However, Nangong authorities
Jin participated in a family gath- that the outbreak in Beijing was the winter break. confirmed that the college was ful- didn’t announce any infections.
ering after experiencing symp- far worse than officials have an- “We heard that a university stu- ly locked down and nobody knew That day, Shijiazhuang in Hebei
toms and spread the virus to 10 nounced, noting that she heard of dent from another city came back when students could go back home also confirmed a new patient, but
of the 11 family members who more diagnosed patients found in to Jinzhou with a negative nucleic for the winter break. the National Health Commission
were there. Shunyi and Chaoyang districts. acid test and without any symp- On Jan. 3, Qinghe county in Xing- didn’t announce the two diag-
Beijing authorities said the “A lot of people have been in- toms. But after he came here, he tai, Hebei Province, announced nosed cases in Hebei.

NYSE Begins to Delist Chinese Telecom Giants in Compliance With Trump’s Order

CONTINUED FROM A1 decision to remove seven Chinese

firms from its indexes. look at
under section 1237(b) of the Na- “I was proud to work with the products in
tional Defense Authorization Act, Trump Administration on their a China
the annual defense spending bill. Executive Order to prohibit in- Unicom shop
The three Chinese telecom firms vestment in Chinese military in Beijing, in
to be delisted are on the Pentagon firms, and MSCI’s decision to re- this file photo.
list. Other Chinese companies move these dangerous companies
include telecom giant Huawei, from their indexes is a result of
semiconductor chipmaker SMIC, that good work,” Rubio said in a
defense contractor AVIC, railcar- statement from his office.
maker CRRC, and surveillance Rubio warned against any
camera maker Hikvision. changes to future U.S. policy, “If
NYSE added that the three com- any future Administration were to
panies have “a right to a review” reverse course, it would be a clear
the delisting decision. signal that they are putting the in-
MSCI Inc., FTSE Russell, S&P terests of the Chinese Communist
Dow Jones, and Nasdaq have all Party and Wall Street above the
announced plans to remove some interests of American workers and
Chinese companies from their mom and pop investors.”
indexes, in compliance with the On Dec. 30, Keith Krach, under- man rights abuses,” Krach stated. Hong Kong, and rising tensions Hong Kong, citing national se-
executive order. secretary of state for economic China Telecom is also under in the South China Sea. curity and privacy.
On Jan. 2, China’s commerce growth, energy, and the envi- fire from the U.S. Federal Com- Separately, Trump signed a This year, more than a dozen
ministry condemned the delist- ronment, warned investors via munications Commission, which law last month that would kick U.S.-listed Chinese companies
ing and said it would take “neces- Twitter about potentially funding said last month that it had begun Chinese companies off U.S. stock have gone private as U.S. authori-
sary measures” to safeguard the “malign Chinese companies.” He the process of revoking the com- exchanges unless they adhere to ties intensified their scrutiny, in-
interests of its companies. pointed to a list put together by pany’s authorization to operate U.S. auditing standards. The bill cluding Sina Corp, an internet
Roger Robinson, a former White the State Department, listing Chi- in the United States. had passed both houses unani- firm that was the first Chinese
House official who supports curb- nese military-linked companies The companies couldn’t be mously. company to list its shares in the
ing Chinese access to U.S. inves- as identified by the Commerce reached for comment on a public Currently, the Chinese regime United States.
tors, noted that the delisting was Department and Pentagon, along holiday in China. blocks overseas regulators, in- Several other tech firms, such as
“a modest step, but at least an with the major stock and bond in- Ties between Washington and cluding the Public Company Ac- and NetEase, have pur-
awakening to national security dices that include them. Beijing have grown increasingly counting Oversight Board and sued secondary listings this year
and human rights-related risk.” “The Chinese Communist Par- antagonistic over the past year the Securities and Exchange in Hong Kong.
U.S. lawmakers have previous- ty’s threat to U.S. national secu- as the world’s top two economies Commission, from inspecting
ly applauded Trump’s executive rity extends into our financial sparred over Beijing’s handling of full audit reports of publicly Reuters and Epoch Times
order. Last month, Sen. Marco markets. Investors shouldn’t be the COVID-19 outbreak, imposi- traded companies headquar- staff Cathy He contributed
Rubio (R-Fla.) welcomed MSCI’s funding China’s military or its hu- tion of a national security law in tered in mainland China and to this report.

Indian Farmers’ Protest Sparks Vigorous

Debate, a Sign of Democracy, Experts Say


so I don’t see this hurting India’s

image. However, India has a large
diaspora that is active and inte-
grated into the countries they live
in.” The upside of a big diaspora is
they help India and its image, the
downside is that countries around
the world and governments will be
interested in what is happening
in India.
The protestors have urged mem-
bers of Parliament (MPs) in the
United Kingdom to ask Prime
Minister Boris Johnson not to visit
India until their demands are met.
Johnson is scheduled to visit New
Delhi on Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s invitation to be
the chief guest at India’s Jan. 26
Republic Day celebrations.
In response, Tanmanjeet Singh
Dhesi, a Sikh MP in the British Par-
liament, asked Johnson to convey
to Modi the “the heartfelt anxieties
of our constituents” when the two
meet in New Delhi.
Seven lawmakers in the U.S.
Congress, among them six Demo-
crats and a Republican, also wrote
to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,
asking that he address the matter
with the Indian administration.
India called remarks by foreign
leaders and lawmakers about the
farmers’ protests “ill-informed” Indian farmers demonstrate against the central government’s recent agricultural reforms, at the Delhi–Uttar Pradesh state border on Dec. 27, 2020.
and “unwarranted,” and said it’s MANDEL NGAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
an internal issue. nificant increase in the amount
of produce, and states like Bihar
Need for Agricultural Reforms This is what opted out. Other states such as Ut-
The protesters are objecting to re- democracy is: tar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gu-
forms that Modi enacted in late jrat, and Karnataka have already
September to deregulate India’s
chaos, discus- relaxed some regulatory aspects
agricultural industry and provide sions, debates, of the APMC laws.
the farmers with more autonomy and in the end, Pande said corporate houses are
to sell their goods to independent profit-driven and would mostly be
purchasers, rather than to govern- consensus, not interested in commercial crops
ment-sanctioned buyers. diktat. such as cotton and jute.
Experts said the reforms are “Why would a corporate entity
actually needed and what is hap- Aparna Pande, director, even want to produce foodgrains,
Hudson Institute’s Initia-
pening is a challenge often seen there is no money in that,” she said,
tive on the Future of India
whenever a government in a func- and South Asia adding that India also needs to en-
tional democracy tries to enact sure that foodgrains are produced,
mass reforms. purchased at a certain price, and
“Agricultural reforms are need- stored for delivery to the poor.
ed, and the basic principle behind Professor Madhav Nalapat, a
the reform is good. The problem New Delhi-based strategic analyst,
as always with reforms is building told The Epoch Times that he sees Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks during a press conference in New
consensus before you undertake a need for more changes that will Delhi on Feb. 25, 2020.
massive reforms. Maybe a pilot provide Indian farmers with more
project should have been started professional choices, whether in their interests. Outdated regula- stood in the unique Indian con-
first,” Pande said. agriculture or other endeavors. tions help those who are resistant text, in which some Indian states
“In a state like Bihar, which abol- “The problem that I’m seeing is to change.” produce food crops while the oth-
ished APMCs [Agricultural Pro- that they are planting crops that ers produce cash crops. Those who
duce Market Committee] years ago people don’t want to eat anymore, Need for Deregulation produce cash crops are heavily
but no corporates go there, why and maybe they can make more Further decentralization and reliant on food-producing states.
would they go to states like Punjab money by planting different types deregulation—a process that the
and others,” she said, noting the of crops,” he said. country started in the 1990s to Deadlock Over Negotiations
concern of protestors who fear the “And they may be happier if some empower elected local self-gov- The Modi government has made
reforms will lead to the hijack of of them either go for different ernments in rural and urban ar- various outreach attempts to the
the market by corporate entities. types of crops or for different pro- eas—are needed, Pande said. protesting farmers, but farmers’
APMCs, which were established fessions,” since regulation locks “Why is it that the urban areas, unions have labeled the outreach
under the APMC Act of India, op- “people into a system for decades as well as the village panchayats as propaganda. They have asked
erate under the country’s state and decades and decades,” he said. [local self-governments], have less the government to first include
government. These committees “Conditions change and new money and less control on what scrapping the reform laws in the
Volunteers cook
help regulate a Minimum Support opportunities emerge, but often they can spend and how they agenda of the discussions.
breakfast as farmers
Price (MSP) and ensure payments continue to demonstrate regulation prevents people from can get taxes than they did in the A meeting is scheduled between
are timely to the farmers through against the central shifting as they block the new op- 1990s?” Pande said. She said de- the two sides on Jan. 4, although
auctions in the APMCs. government’s recent portunities. For example, com- centralization genuinely works the protestors have threatened to
Before the current reforms, the agricultural reforms puters were opposed for years by when the local self-governments take firm steps if the government
farmers could sell their crops only while blocking a highway many political parties as was do- and the states have the power to doesn’t decide in their favor, by
in the markets of the APMCs. How- at the Delhi–Haryana ing airline and rail reservations adapt a wider law to their specific scrapping the three reform laws
ever, these markets started to lose state border in Singhu, through the internet. There’s still contexts. introduced in September and giv-
their sheen in the 1990s because India, on Dec. 30, 2020. opposition to e-commerce among While “genuine decentraliza- ing a legal guarantee for a mini-
they couldn’t keep pace with a sig- those who believe it will harm tion” is challenging, it’s a dire need mum support price.
in the Indian governance system. Pande said to overcome the
she said. India is a big country with deadlock in negotiations, a will-

varied geographical, climatic, and ingness to negotiate by follow-

agricultural crop cycles, and re- ing democratic approaches and
sources; reforms are needed but practices is needed, adding that
they need to be decentralized to healthy negotiations would mean
allow states to work out specific identifying immediate needs and
solutions, she said. what can be achieved gradually
Nalapat said he’s also in favor of within specific time frames.
“genuine deregulation.” She said this gradual application
“I am in favor of decentralization of reforms is also essential because
of decision-making. And I trust the there can be “no one answer” for
citizens in India to be as sensible all Indian states where climate, ir-
as citizens anywhere else,” he said. rigation facilities, soil types, and
By genuine deregulation, he land productivity vary drastically
means a “system that is neutral from each other.
between players and transparent.” Nalapat expressed optimism that
“Even if deregulation takes place the deadlock in negotiations will
on paper, sometimes vested inter- be eventually settled.
ests seek to sabotage it in practice. “Farmers are a treasure for the
Such forces need to be eliminated country, and it is certain that the
and this is a work in progress,” he deadlock will be resolved, al-
said. though in India, matters some-
Pande says the larger application times take a bit longer than in
of reforms also needs to be under- some others,” he said.

Italian Government Totters as Conte, Renzi Divide Deepens

ROME—Italian Prime Minister
Giuseppe Conte faces a show-
down with his coalition partner
and former premier Matteo Renzi
this week that could bring down
his government even as it strug-
gles to contain the COVID-19
Long-strained relations be-
tween the two men have deterio-
rated markedly in recent weeks,
with Renzi calling for radical
changes to plans to reboot the
economy while also demanding
that Conte cede his control over
the secret services.
The prime minister has resisted
the pressure, saying last week
that he was prepared to confront
Renzi in parliament, effectively
challenging him to act on his
recent threats and abandon the
coalition, thereby triggering an
ill-timed crisis.
Renzi told Il Messaggero news-
paper over the weekend that he
wouldn’t back down and dis-
missed suggestions that Conte
could persuade a limited number
of opposition politicians to prop
up the government if his small
Italia Viva party walked away.
“If he has decided to go to par-
liament and see the numbers, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte departs from a meeting at the EU summit in Brussels on July 20, 2020.
we accept the challenge,” Ren-
zi said. “If ... he goes under, we new consensus. fication, in terms of the content If all else fails, national elec-
have several different solutions Conte’s two main coalition and structure of the government,” tions would have to be held
that can be assessed by parlia- At this point, it is allies, the Five Star Movement Luigi Zanda, a senior PD senator, some two years ahead of time,
ment and the head of state.” difficult to move and center-left Democratic Party told Corriere della Sera on Jan. 3. but such an outcome would
A political source said matters ahead without a (PD), have both urged restraint If the government falls, the co- appear highly unlikely given
could come to a head at a cabi- but appeared resigned to an alition parties could seek to draw the COVID emergency in Italy,
net meeting expected for Jan. 7, real clarification. eventual face-off with Renzi, who up a new pact and agree on a new which has registered 74,985 CO-
when Conte was expected to ask Luigi Zanda, senior senator, is looking to carve out a strong team of ministers, with or without VID-19 deaths, the highest toll
ministers to support his econom- Italy’s Democratic Party identity for his group, which is Conte as prime minister. Alter- in Europe and the fifth-highest
ic recovery plan. If Italia Viva’s struggling in the opinion polls natively, the head of state could in the world.
two ministers refused, the prime at around 3 percent. try to put together a government
minister would go to parliament “At this point, it is difficult to of national unity to confront the By Crispian Balmer
and start work on trying to find a move ahead without a real clari- health and economic crisis. From Reuters


London Police Arrest 17 at Hyde Park

Anti-Lockdown Rally
ALEXANDER ZHANG Protection Regulations and taken the old variant.
into custody.” Under tier four rules, which are Police officers
UK police arrested 17 anti-lock- Officers urged those in the area broadly equivalent to the national patrol The
down protesters in London’s Hyde “to leave immediately,” the force lockdown in England in Novem- Victoria
Park on Jan. 2 on suspicion of said. ber, people must stay at home ex- Embankment
breaching CCP virus restrictions. At 4:40 p.m., police said that cept for limited exceptions, and in London on
Officers arrested four people the majority of protesters had individuals can only meet one Dec. 31, 2020.
who had gathered in Hyde Park left Hyde Park, but 17 people had person from another household
near Marble Arch at around 1 been arrested on suspicion of in an outdoor public space. of tier four rules across London gathering in central London.
p.m. local time under Health breaching CCP (Chinese Com- In the run-up to the new year, during the night. Commander Paul Brogden said:
Protection Regulations, the Met- munist Party) virus rules. the government ran a public The police issued fixed pen- “We are still dealing with the stark
ropolitan Police said on Twitter. London was put under “tier information campaign urging alty fines to 217 people, and five reality of fighting a deadly virus.
At 2:35 p.m., police reported four,” the strictest COVID-19 re- people to stay at home on New people were reported for con- I urge Londoners to continue to
that officers were continuing to strictions in England, on Dec. 20, Year’s Eve. sideration of a possible £10,000 keep themselves and their fami-
“engage with groups of people” because it was one of the regions The Metropolitan Police said on ($13,676) fine for organizing large lies safe by staying at home.”
who had gathered in the area, most affected by a new variant of New Year’s Day that officers at- gatherings.
and that “a number of people the CCP virus, which the govern- tended calls to 58 unlicensed mu- In addition, four people were Lily Zhou contributed
have been arrested under Health ment has said spreads faster than sic events and parties in breach arrested on New Year’s Eve for to this report.

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MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2021 • A13

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Sept. 21, 2020.

McConnell and GOP Senators Must

Stop Deserting Their Constituents

ROGER L. SIMON forensic computer expert Russell Rams-

land about the Antrim County Michigan Are elections even
Excuse me, but if I get an- machines was also either entirely false
other text message from or discredited (in a real way, not by some going to mean any-
Mitch McConnell asking media outlet yelling “debunked”). thing in the future?
for money—I seem to get One doubts a single member of Con-
one roughly every five gress from either party has anything
minutes, and one came near the technical expertise to make
10 seconds after midnight that or similar determinations for
to welcome 2021—telling me that things themselves. (Ironically, probably a good Supporters of President
are desperate for the GOP and that if I number of people out there among the Donald Trump rally at the
don’t donate another $50 (to be matched “deplorables” actually could.) U.S. Capitol in Washing-
at 5X, of course, or is it 7X?) all will be Not only that, but this same cabal of ton on Nov. 14, 2020.
lost, because I’m an “important patriot” senators must have limned all the testi-
for whom a “critical deadline” has been mony about election fraud, from mail-in as never before, with its power over us,
“extended” (who writes these things?), I voting, to trucked-in voting, to ballots conscious and unconscious, escalating
will leave the Republican Party forever suddenly appearing from under a table every day and our elections being only a
and register as an independent. after everybody went home, to absentee part of that story, and a fragile one.
Or maybe move to New Zealand. ballots being absconded with and prob- With an increasingly unchecked China
OK, I’m exaggerating—but not by a lot. ably shredded, and other possibilities in the ascendancy, our world is chang-
Frankly, these endless messages and so multitudinous at this point that the ing before our eyes, minute by minute.
emails are nauseating, especially when sworn affidavits stacked on top of each Transnational elites are in the process of
emanating (supposedly) from the major- other would reach somewhere near the taking over. Are elections even going to
ity leader of the U.S. Senate, who seems to top of the Capitol Dome. mean anything in the future? Will they
be, deliberately or not, so far out of touch Obviously, this investigation never hap- happen in any way other than Soviet?
with the wishes of his constituency he pened. So what gives? How monumental is the transition we
may as well be in another galaxy. Are these reluctant senators simply are undergoing, which is explained in an
That only 12 senators, with Josh Hawley abject cowards, trying to protect their extraordinary video by Catherine Austin
(R-Mo.) leading the way, have stood up committee assignments, or are they Fitts I happened to watch on New Year’s
to say they would question the results more aligned with the deep state than Eve (hey, the restaurants close at 10).
of our presidential election, when CNN they would like us to know or even wish Fitts, an investment banker and former
reports that at least 140 House members to acknowledge to themselves? Do they assistant secretary of housing and urban
have said they would, does not speak well really want business as usual? development for housing under Bush 41,
for what was once known as “the world’s McConnell would seem to have more has some rather astonishing and, frank-
greatest deliberative body.” than a whiff of that. ly, scary things to say about where these
Or perhaps they know something we But the rest do not have to go along. Do elites—what she calls “Mr. Global”—are
don’t—like who won. they need a reminder that the Demo- taking us.
That’s hard to imagine—we all know crats protested the Electoral College Even if what she is saying in this vid-
the judiciary is not interested in, or may certification of the last three Republican eo—essentially, that the United States is
even be allergic to, finding out—but per- presidents—Donald Trump in 2016 and on the cusp of joining China in its “social
haps a secret cabal of senators has made George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004? credit” system and that our freedoms are
a forensic investigation of the Dominion There’s nothing new in this, except maybe about to vanish, if they haven’t already—
voting machines (said, under oath by its the search for the truth in what happened were only partially true, it normally
CEO, not to be connected to the internet; and the promise of a better tomorrow. would be of paramount concern to sena-
the CEO also alleged there was never a And that truth is bigger than Trump, tors, were the Senate really “the world’s
relationship between Dominion and the larger than life though he may some- greatest deliberative body.”
devised-for-Chavez Smartmatic). times be—much bigger. But apparently, they can’t even deal
That investigation would have to be suffi- It speaks to the nature of what we are with making elections transparent.
cient to assure us that a man named Jovan as a functioning democratic republic. On the other hand, we can. Don’t
Pulitzer, who was able to hack said ma- Can we actually have elections that the forget that.
chine in seconds, live, over the internet, in majority of the public trusts? We clearly Like this article? Share it
front of a Georgia legislative committee on don’t trust this one. with your friends and family. Roger L. Simon is an award-winning
Dec. 30, was some kind of magician pull- More than that, we are in a monumen- Use the camera on your novelist, Oscar-nominated screenwriter,
ing an electoral rabbit out of his hat. tal transitional phase in human history smart-phone to scan this code co-founder of PJ Media, and now a col-
And this assumes the testimony of when technology is dominating our lives and receive a shareble link. umnist of The Epoch Times.


charges of fraud have been made. How-

ever, there are issues that transcend the
choice of a president.
Regardless of the outcome of the elec-
tion, what we do now matters. Each of
us must make a choice on fundamental
things. Communism seeks to gain con-
trol of the world and to silence voices
that oppose it. In thousands of ways in
our daily lives, we see a struggle play-
ing out between good and evil. How
do we respond? Do we choose good or
evil? Truth or falsehood? In making this
choice, we decide our destiny.
History will measure each one of us
precisely, and, in the end, history will
side with those who align with good-
ness and truth.
As for The Epoch Times, our faith
in the future and our pursuit of truth
won’t change.
Courage will be needed as a pan-
0demic that has recently shown signs
of worsening might get much worse. 
Try to protect yourself by following the
advice of your doctor.

History will measure each one

of us precisely, and, in the end,
history will side with those who
align with goodness and truth.

Happy New Year, At the same time, we should be aware

that this pandemic carries a message.
Its origin lies with the Chinese Com-

as We Face 2021 Together

munist Party, and each case of infection
is a reminder of how harmful the CCP is
to the world.
The world has an alternative to the CCP’s
malice. History has suggested that in
past pandemics, those who had a strong
faith in the divine had a better chance
EDITORIAL BOARD of the new year may be dulled by of surviving. In China, we see the CCP
controversy and apprehension. But The ball drops to ring in the seeking to uproot humankind’s relation
Happy New Year! we should take heart: In the most im- new year in a mostly empty to the divine, by persecuting the faithful.
We usually look forward portant matters, our destiny is in our Times Square in New York We at The Epoch Times will face
with some joy to the begin- own hands. City on Jan. 1, 2021. any difficulties with you. With faith
ning of a new year, as it brings The United States faces an unprec- and courage, we can emerge from the
the hope of unrealized possi- edented political crisis. The presiden- troubles besetting 2021 with new hope
bilities. In 2021, though, the joy tial race is still not settled, and serious for the future.








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,
Travel Editor
Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor

How the Specter of Communism Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

Is Ruling Our World ABOUT US

The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
Corrupting the Legal System and independent journalism.

Standing outside of politi-

cal interests and the pursuit of
The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of profit, our starting point and our
“How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by goal is to create a media for the
Chapter Ten public benefit, to be truly respon-
the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.”
sible to society.

We endeavor to educate read-

ers about today’s most impor-
tant topics, seeking to broaden
3. How Communism couples due to her beliefs. She was prisons, including those with out- and uplift minds. We believe that
Warps the Law in the West later jailed for five nights for defying standing warrants for arrest. Local rational, balanced debate is key
a U.S. federal court order to issue police are barred from cooperating for fostering a healthy democ-
c. Twisted Court Interpretations the documents. [30] In fact, the and communicating with federal racy and a compassionate
court had violated her constitution- agents to enforce immigration laws. society.
Legalizing Drug Abuse  (cont.) al right to freedom of belief. Com- This poses a serious security risk
Governments anticipate that legal- menting on the clerk’s case, former for the public. In July 2015, illegal As an independent media out-
izing drugs would generate billions governor of Arkansas and former immigrant José Inez García Zárate let, we use our freedom to inves-
of dollars in revenue. But it’s not Republican presidential candidate shot and killed a young woman who tigate issues overlooked—or
hard to see that as greater numbers Mike Huckabee called the Supreme was walking along a pier in San avoided—by other media outlets.
of people become addicts, lose Court’s ruling on marriage “judicial Francisco. Zárate had a history of We seek to highlight solutions
their desire to work, and suffer poor tyranny.” [31] crime: He had been charged with and what’s good in society rather
health, productivity will fall, and As of 2019, 28 countries and ter- seven felonies involving drugs and than what divides us.
the aggregate wealth created by ritories had officially acknowledged robbery, and possession of weap-
society will shrink. It is self-evident or accepted same-sex marriage, onry, and had been deported five We report respectfully, compas-
that legalizing drugs cannot in- including the United States, the times. Under San Francisco’s sanc- sionately, and rigorously.
crease government revenue in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, tuary laws, officials released Zárate
long term. Furthermore, judging Spain, Norway, Denmark, Finland, from custody three months before We stand against the destruc-
what is right or wrong shouldn’t be Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, Aus- the fatal shooting, rather than trans- tion wrought by communism,
based on economic profit, but on di- tralia, New Zealand, and Canada. ferring him to federal immigration including the harm done to cul-
vine standards. Traditional moral- The law has the power to reinforce authorities, who had requested tures around the world.
ity sees the human form as sacred morality or influence its movement custody of him for deportation.
We are inspired in this by our
and created in the divine likeness. in a new direction. To legalize be- When a criminal stands trial,
own experience. The Epoch
Western religions believe the body is havior that deviates from traditional extremely strict standards are
Times was founded in 2000 to
the temple of the Holy Spirit, while moral values is the same as having placed on the prosecution. This is
bring honest and uncensored
in the East, it was believed that the the government and laws train the ostensibly to protect the legitimate
news to people oppressed
body can be improved through people to betray morality and dis- rights of the suspect, but often the
by the lies and violence in
cultivation to become a Buddha or obey divine commandments. result is that criminals are able to
communist China.
a Tao. Drug abuse, then, is an act of take advantage of loopholes in the
desecration. law. Cunning suspects—or those We still believe journalism is a
According to a report by the Los who enjoy status or privileges, who noble vocation, but only when it
Angeles Times, one of the impor- Traditional morality sees the understand the law and regulations, genuinely seeks to serve its com-
tant figures lobbying for the legal- human form as sacred and or who hire capable attorneys—can munities and help them to flour-
ization of marijuana in the United drag out the legal process, at great ish. In all that we do, we will hold
States is a wealthy progressive. [26] created in the divine likeness. cost to the judicial system. It can be ourselves to the highest stand-
In March 2017, six senators wrote a Western religions believe the body very difficult to bring guilty sus- ards of integrity. This is our
letter to the U.S. State Department pects to justice.
requesting that this individual be
is the temple of the Holy Spirit, Influenced by the spread of
promise to you.
investigated for using his founda- while in the East, it was believed “sexual liberation,” verdicts in cases
tion to promote progressivism that the body can be improved involving sex crimes often cite find- CONTACT US
abroad and subvert conservative ings in research by Alfred Kinsey or
governments. [27]
through cultivation to become a activists who follow him to argue The Epoch Times Association Inc.
The legalization of drugs is an Buddha or a Tao. Drug abuse, then, that the damage caused by sex 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
additional step toward encouraging is an act of desecration. abuse is little or nonexistent. Many New York, NY 10001
people to lose their inhibitions and cases have been settled by reducing Advertising
cut themselves off from the divine. the sentences of sexual predators.
As society experiences turmoil and Under the influence of political [32] Many ordinary criminals also
economic downturns, communists correctness, criticism of the chaos have had their original sentences Subscriptions
seize opportunities to gain political that our society finds itself in— reduced, ostensibly owing to budget
power. whether from the people, civil shortages or on account of prison- General Inquiries
associations, or religious groups in ers’ rights. The real motivation,
Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage particular—can easily be escalated though, is to use political correct-
Letters to the Editor
Schlafly listed 12 methods judges to the level of politics or law, and re- ness to weaken the power of the
use to undermine morality: rewrite sult in restrictions on free speech or law, disturb social order, and pave
the Constitution, censor acknowl- other punishments. Following the the way for further expansion of
edgment of God, redefine mar- legalization of immoral behavior, government.
riage, undermine U.S. sovereignty, those who make any comments or
threaten property rights, promote criticisms on related issues are often Notes
pornography, foster feminism, accused of violating laws, such as 26. Patrick McGreevy, “Billionaire
handicap law enforcement, invite those concerning gender discrimi- Activists like Sean Parker and
illegal immigration, interfere with nation. The law has been twisted George Soros Are Fueling the
elections, take over parental rights, into a means of strangling people’s Campaign to Legalize Pot,” Los
and impose taxes. [28] ability to make moral judgments. It Angeles Times, Nov. 2, 2016.
The book of Genesis describes the is essentially promoting homosexu- 27. Sen. Mike Lee, “GOP Senators Call
destruction of Sodom. One of the ality and encouraging people to give on Sec. Tillerson to Investigate
sins the doomed city’s residents themselves to endless desire and State Department Meddling,”
indulged in was homosexuality. This degeneracy. March 14, 2017.
is the origin of the term “sodomy,” 28. Schlafly, “The Supremacists.”
meaning sexual relations between d. Restricting Law Enforcement 29. Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644

men. Those with basic knowledge of Under liberal influence, many (2015).
the Bible know that homosexuality judges or legislative agencies delib- 30. Todd Starnes, “Kentucky Clerk:
goes against the will of God. erately curtail the legitimate power ‘This is a fight worth fighting,” Fox
In June 2015, the Supreme Court of law enforcement, effectively News, Sept. 3, 2015.
ruled in a 5–4 decision that same-
sex marriage is a right guaranteed
by the Constitution. [29] When the
turning a blind eye to crime. The
communist specter’s aim in doing
this is to paralyze the state appara-
31. Fox News, “Attorney for Kim Davis
Speaks Out, Huckabee Blasts ‘Ju-
dicial Overreach’ in Case,” Sept.
ruling was passed, the U.S. presi- tus in order to stir up social turmoil, 8, 2015.
dent at the time changed the ban- which in turn creates excuses either 32. Stop the Kinsey Institute Coali- Get the
ner on the White House’s official
Twitter account to the rainbow flag
for the expansion of government, or
the necessary conditions for a coup
tion, “Kinsey Helped Undermine
Laws Protecting Women & Chil-
independent news
in support of LGBT rights. The Su- or revolution. dren,” accessed on April 20, 2020. you won’t find
preme Court’s ruling prohibited the Many states have passed far-left
13 states that still banned same-sex laws, a typical example being “sanc- See next edition for the next anywhere else.
marriage from enforcing their laws. tuary” policies. Among other provi- installment.
In August 2015, a clerk in Rowan sions, sanctuary cities often prohibit Subscribe and get the
County, Kentucky, refused to issue federal immigration officials from To purchase the books, visit insights only The Epoch Times
marriage certificates for same-sex arresting illegal immigrants in local can provide, delivered to your
door every week.

Trump Should Declassify How Chinese

Communist Party Interfered in Our Election


Politicians tackle debts and

deficits, politicians deal
with planning and zon-
ing, politicians struggle
with their civil service.
Statesmen, or states-
women, however, are the
politicians who take hold, grasp, and
define the seminal moments of our
times. They map out the course of history
through surgical words and key actions.
These words and actions stand to drive
the statesman/stateswoman to glory,
and with luck and historical hindsight,
will even earn the begrudging respect of
political foes and ideological opponents. (Left) President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House on Dec. 12, 2020. (Right) Chinese policemen stand guard in Jinan,
Lincoln gifted the world with the Get- Shandong Province, China, in this file photo.
tysburg Address, 272 words that were
backed with surgical action—blood Will the Western ideal bring about a Beijing has learned from Russian Presi- he couldn’t elaborate more on what is
and treasure spilled to forge a nation new Confucianism, a merged ideal that dent Putin’s playbook. Using KGB-like classified information.
together and to free the slaves. Roosevelt includes Eastern thoughts of forbearance tactics, the fascists appreciate that they
spoke of and gave America a “New Deal” and detachment, coupled with West- can’t match American might through a Classified Information
that has lasted over three-quarters of a ern values of capitalism, multi-ethnic direct toe-to-toe confrontation, so they Therein lies the key—classified infor-
century, while Eisenhower cautioned democracy, and human rights; or are we now aim to corrupt the North American mation.
an innocent nation to beware of “the heading toward a “1984” or “Fahrenheit continent from the inside out. Now that the CCP has infiltrated the
Military-Industrial Complex.” President 451” world of neofascist communism When the West used both its culture core of American democracy, it’s no
Reagan, the truest and last important anchored by technological and econom- and its intelligence infrastructure to dis- longer sufficient or acceptable that only a
voice of the modern presidency in the ic control, and fueled by the tyrannic rupt communism, we offered the Eastern small cadre of U.S. intelligence and mili-
20th century, tore down the Soviet Em- methods developed through the -isms Bloc democracy, the rule of law, human tary defense officials, running around
pire without firing one bullet in active brought on by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and rights, and capitalism. Many former East- scared in D.C., be the only good folks
combat, and told Mr. Gorbachev, before then later re-weaponized by the Chinese ern Bloc countries have flourished under apprised of the CCP’s real and appre-
any New York Times pundit ever foresaw regime and Putin? The stakes couldn’t be this new direction, and we say many, hended threat toward our way of life. Too
the end of the Soviet Empire, to “Tear any higher for any aspirant of freedom because unfortunately, Putin and Beijing many Americans are now dead because
down these walls.” and democracy. have stopped their respective homelands of Communist Party negligence.
Wunderbar—still music to my ears! President Donald Trump’s appointment and many satellite nations from progress- There can and should be a method of
The symbiotic convergence between and continued support of Secretary of ing and advancing toward the human rapidly declassifying enough of the raw
“East and West,” caused through tech- State Mike Pompeo followed his better ideal of freedom and democracy. intel to prepare and educate U.S. society
nological and financial integration, has instincts and wisdom as they relate to the Worse, our communist and fascist in respect to the CCP’s existential threat,
reached an inflection point of no return. Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Unfor- torturers have now pivoted “the game” while at the same time protecting U.S.
East and West are converging and creat- tunately, CCP enthusiasts within his own to give the West a taste of the same sources and intelligence-gathering meth-
ing one culture, one world. Whether administration and White House slowed tactics they’ve force-fed on dissidents odologies. With all due respect, represen-
we like it or not, it could be argued with him in January 2020, on the grounds that and human rights advocates, who are tatives and senators who sit on the intel-
some legitimacy that the combination the United States needed a new trade deal continuously sidelined in the streets ligence committees no longer hold enough
has now become unstoppable. with China, a delay that lost America the of Beijing and Moscow—the tactics credibility and respect, notwithstanding
The defining issue of our era is this: opportunity to follow best practices and are well-known—disruption, violence, any political party affiliation, with their
Which of the two dominant ideologies survive the COVID-19 pandemic in the infiltration, repression, and lies through own voters, to be the filters and dissemi-
will prevail in this, our latest bout with same manner Taiwan, New Zealand, and the mediums of force, state-controlled nators of information to their constituents.
neofascist communism? Australia have done. media, technology, and corruption. That train left the station a long time ago.
With these same tactics and means In fact, in the middle of the Russia in-
of planning and deliberation, Beijing vestigation, in May 2019, when so much
and Putin aim to further murder our disinformation against the president was
democracies from the inside—and sadly being aired across the continent, Trump
enough, they might pull it off. actually gave Barr sweeping powers
to declassify intelligence in the Russia
CCP Infiltration probe review. The chattering classes were
This is where our president has the op- obviously upset that true facts about the
portunity to act quickly and decisively “so-called collusion” would see the light
to work toward bringing an end to the of day with the U.S. public and sought to
destructive influences of the CCP’s cor- dispel the presidential authority to “clas-
The Book rosive political corruption methods.
The facts and infiltration are indis-
sify and declassify” information. Inter-
estingly enough, the “executive’s” power
You’ve Been putable. On Dec. 5, 2020, China expert in this regard appears to be sacrosanct,
Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming notwithstanding the false protests of the
Waiting Collapse of China,” publicly exposed mainstream media.
for... the varied methods used by the Chinese
Communist Party to corrupt the 2020
Experts agree that the president, as
commander-in-chief, is ultimately
presidential election. responsible for classification and declas-
Chang confirmed that during the general sification. When a person lower in the
election, the CCP tried to unseat Trump. chain of command handles classification
He said there “was a massive disinforma- and declassification duties—which is the
tion campaign conducted, especially by established methodology—it’s essential-
the Chinese Foreign Ministry, which is offi- ly because they have been delegated to
cial—and [confirmed by] the Global Times, do so by the president directly, or by an
which is the Communist Party tabloid.” appointee chosen by the president. The
Chang said “there were the troll and majority ruling in the 1988 U.S. Supreme
bot farm operations, which were actually Court matter Department of the Navy v.
quite massive. There was the Spamou- Egan addressed this line of authority.
flage Dragon network, which attacked Clearly, the president can declassify.
the president on Twitter, Facebook, Handing over that authority to an act-

YouTube. And we know that Twitter took ing AG, seeking that “We, the People”
down 174,000 fake Chinese accounts in finally all get to hear and learn the full
June alone. So they really went after the truth about the CCP’s conduct in our

Republican candidate.” 2020 elections within the next 20 days—
Frighteningly, Chang also confirmed pursuant and subject to a careful review
that “the Chinese military—the People’s that has assumed the proper protocols to
Liberation Army—actually based an in- protect intelligence-gathering assets and


telligence unit in the then-open Houston tools is critical, if not existential.
consulate. From there, they used artifi- It seems to be the least we should all
cial intelligence and big data to identify expect in words and deeds from a true
Americans likely to participate in Antifa statesman.
protests. And then they sent them videos The coming words and actions on this
through Tik-Tok on how to riot.” issue would very well stand the test of
The specter of communism did not It isn’t only academic experts on the time—just as the words and actions of
Chinese Communist Party that have Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Rea-
disappear with the disintegration of the opined on CCP interference. In fact, prior gan cemented the future and continued
to the election, then-Attorney General standing of the American experience.
Communist Party in Eastern Europe William Barr confirmed that the CCP
was directly involved in corrupting the Joel Etienne is a human rights attorney
presidential election. and television producer who specializes

ORDER NOW! Indeed, in a Sept. 2, 2020, interview on in public affairs. Etienne represented The
CNN, AG Barr was asked about election Epoch Times in its communications with
security and who was the most assertive CBC regarding the network’s negative
or aggressive nation in this regard. portrayal of The Epoch Times.
“I believe it’s China,” Barr said. “China
more than Russia right now.”
When asked why he made that assess-
ment, Barr said he had “seen the intel-
ligence” clearly suggesting that the CCP
was a greater threat than Russia. “That’s
what I concluded,” he said, adding that

businesses and consumer activity around

the country, some economists now see a
chance that overall U.S. employment has
fallen this month for the first time since
April, when 20.8 million people lost jobs
in a single month.
While payrolls have risen each month
since then, the total level of employment
remains roughly 10 million jobs below its
pre-pandemic level.
Aneta Markowska, chief financial econ-
omist at Jefferies, said the company’s in-
house economic activity index, which
tracks the recovery through high-frequen-
cy measures, has fallen to a three-week low,
led by weakness in measures of consumer
spending and employment.
“Taken at face value, our data suggest fur-
ther downside for retail sales and raise the
prospect of an outright contraction in De-
cember employment,” Markowska wrote.
“However, with more fiscal stimulus on the
way, we expect the negative momentum to
reverse in January.”
The Labor Department will issue Decem-
ber’s employment data on Jan. 8, 2021.

Pandemic Relief Tussle

The latest report’s end date—Dec. 26—was
when as many as 14 million people were
set to lose jobless benefits provided by a
$3 trillion pandemic relief bill enacted in
the spring. That was a cliff that lawmak-
ers had raced to avoid by passing a nearly
$900 billion supplemental package in the

US Jobless Claims Dip

People line up outside a days before Christmas, including $600 pay-
Kentucky career center ments to most individuals and extensions
hoping to find assistance of unemployment benefits and eviction
with their unemploy-
ment claim in Frankfort,

But Show Recovery Ky., on June 18, 2020. Trump, however, railed against the deal
negotiated by his own Treasury secretary,
demanding higher payments to individu-
als, and did not sign it into law until Jan. 3

Has Long Way to Go after pressure from senior lawmakers in

his Republican Party.
It was unclear whether that lapse had a
material effect on last week’s data or what
effect it might have on the level of claims

in the current week and into the new year.
ewer Americans sought unem- economic expansion that had fostered the of people exhausting benefits rather than “The new stimulus package is a life pre-
ployment benefits last week, but strongest job market in generations. It also finding new work. server, but containing the virus is the only
the modest drop did little to dispel brought down the global economy, dashing The elevated level of claims aligns with way to completely end the economic cha-
concerns that the U.S. job market hopes for a second straight decade of unin- other recent weak economic reports, in- os,” AnnElizabeth Konkel, economist at
and wider economy face an ardu- terrupted growth and widening prosperity. cluding a decline in consumer confidence Indeed Hiring Lab, said in a note. “Even
ous recovery from the devastation inflicted to a four-month low in December and then, a full recovery will have to clear the
by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. drops in both consumer spending and in- hurdle of mounting long-term joblessness.”
The final major economic data point for a come last month.
year that saw a recession of historic magni-
While prospects for the With persistently high COVID-19 infec- By Dan Burns
tude erupt out of nowhere stood as a fitting economy later in 2021 are tion levels forcing renewed restrictions on From Reuters
reminder for both how far the recovery has upbeat, the economy and labor
progressed and how much more it has to go.
While new claims for benefits reported
market will have to navigate
by the U.S. Labor Department on Dec. 31 some difficult terrain between
dropped for the second week in a row to a

What People Are Saying

now and then, and we expect
seasonally adjusted 787,000 in the week
ended Dec. 26, from 806,000 a week before,
claims to remain elevated.
it left them at roughly the level they were
three months ago and with little indication Nancy Vanden Houten, lead U.S.
that they would show material improve- economist, Oxford Economics
ment any time soon.
The arrival of effective COVID-19 vac- Jobs Drop in December?
cines and additional federal pandemic aid The report also showed that as of the mid-
have set the stage for a brighter 2021. But dle of last month, more than 19.5 million
economists agree the still-raging epidemic people were receiving some form of jobless
and the fractured government response aid, including from emergency measures
to it means more difficult months ahead extended by the latest coronavirus aid bill I read The Epoch Times daily. I congratulate you and
before improvement takes hold. that was passed by Congress and signed I still like hard papers […] and The Epoch Times for the work
“While prospects for the economy later by President Donald Trump. Those emer- I still like to grab that paper in you are doing, especially with
in 2021 are upbeat, the economy and labor gency programs now account for roughly my hand, but I get more printed regard to keeping the menace of
market will have to navigate some diffi- two-thirds of all ongoing jobless assistance.
versions of stories than ever the communist threat in front of us.
cult terrain between now and then and we As of Dec. 19, 2020, the number of people
expect claims to remain elevated,” Nancy continuing to draw benefits under regular before. You guys have done an DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA
Vanden Houten, lead U.S. economist at state unemployment insurance programs Military and intelligence analyst and
amazing job, and really—I think former deputy assistant to the president
Oxford Economics, said in a note. declined to 5.219 million, the lowest since there’s such a void in media,
COVID-19’s unexpected appearance late March, from 5.322 million the week before.
last year and rapid spread in early 2020 Economists took little solace from that de- especially newspapers. They
brought an abrupt end to a record-long U.S. cline, however, seeing it more the result slant so solidly one way that
there are very few papers that
I can really feel that I can rely on,
1st Trucks Cross New Customs and The Epoch Times is one.
SEAN HANNITY I rely on The Epoch Times
Border With UK to France Talk show host newspaper for factual and
unbiased news coverage.
CALAIS, France—Moments after Britain proved in seconds. “The future, I don’t LARRY ELDER
completed its divorce with the European think it will be difficult,” he said before Best-selling author, attorney,
and talk show host
Union, the first trucks hauling goods across continuing his journey toward Britain.
the new customs border presented their Cast as the dawn of a newly indepen-
clearance documents to French agents be- dent “global Britain,” the UK’s exit from
fore loading onto a train to pass through the world’s biggest trading block means
the Eurotunnel. the return of customs formalities on the The Epoch Times is a
A barcode on Romanian driver Toma island nation’s frontier with Europe for the
great place where you can
Moise’s paperwork was scanned and ap- first time in several decades.
REUTERS/PASCAL ROSSIGNOL Freight flows through the Eurotunnel’s understand traditional
Calais terminal were extremely light in the values in a way and in a tone It’s our favorite paper. It’s the first
early hours of the new year. and through content that is one we read. Thank you so much
British and European businesses have accessible. It’s smart. for your reporting of the news.
warned of carnage at the border as they
learn to navigate a wall of red tape and CARRIE SHEFFIELD PAUL GOSAR
Columnist and broadcaster U.S. representative for Arizona
paperwork that threatens to disrupt the
smooth flow of nearly 1 trillion euros in

Learn more at

annual trade.
Yann Leriche, chief executive of Getlink,
which operates the Eurotunnel, told Re-
uters that tweaks to customs procedures
might be necessary but that there would
The first trucks leave Eurotunnel’s new cus- be no chaos in the weeks ahead. TRUTH AND TRADITION
toms border in Calais, France, just after mid-
night, as Britain formally exits the European By Richard Lough
Union, on Jan. 1, 2021. From Reuters


11. Conceal Back to the future
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
12. Non-earthling the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
13. Outside of town equation to get the solution in the middle.
©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
There may be more than one “unique” so-
14. Estate extent lution but, there may also be “equivalent” Cy the Cynic defines the future as the time
15. Clad in a cape solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 when you’ll wish you had been more careful
and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28
20. Their assets and now. Cy should know: As declarer, he plays
without a care.
liabilities may be moles: At four hearts, Cy took the ace of spades
Abbr. and then the queen of trumps, expecting 10
27. Tavern offering easy tricks. When East threw a spade, the
Cynic led a diamond from dummy. East won
28. Basis for a WWII and led a spade, and Cy ruffed and took the
code A-K of trumps.
Cy then ducked another diamond, hoping
30. British big shot East had held A-J doubleton. But East’s
31. Account inspection queen won, and Cy lost a club and a trump.
33. “Evening out” me- TRICK TWO
mento After Trick Two, Cy had no future: He
34. Graphic ___ must lead a diamond, not a high trump.
East wins and leads a high spade, and Cy
37. “___ true!” Hard 1 - 2 Solution ruffs and takes a high trump. If East-West
38. Kind of deer followed, Cy would be safe.
When East discards, Cy ducks another
39. Window covering diamond. East wins and leads a spade,
40. “Down in front!” and the Cynic ruffs with the ten. West can
41. Cake topper overruff and lead a club, but Cy wins in his
hand, leads a trump to dummy and ruffs a
45. Tabby treat diamond to drop the ace. He draws trumps
47. “The ____” award- and pitches his club loser on the king of
winning magazine
You hold: k A 9 6 5 j Q 4
49. Poop i K 5 3 2 hA 7 3. Your partner opens
50. Cover an upper one diamond, you respond one spade and
surface Hard 2 - 2 Solution he bids two hearts. What do you say?
ANSWER: Partner has “reversed”
Across 42. Turned blue, maybe 79. Ring king 51. Yours and mine and promises a strong hand — in some
1. Collector of antiquities 43. Unduly 80. Harmless 52. Discouraging words styles, strong enough to force to game.
Since you have four useful honors, at
9. ___ Major (constella- 44. Shenanigan 84. Whip 56. Transparency least a small slam is certain. Jump to
tion) 45. U.S.S.R. successor 85. “My word!” 57. Music of Java and four diamonds to show good support and
13. Engine part 46. Rationalization 86. Leaf stems Bali slam interest. If partner bids four spades
next, you will cue-bid five clubs.
16. “Carmen” role 53. Asian tongue 87. “... came to pass at 58. Insurrections East dealer
17. Sense 54. 1960 Copland com- the ___ of forty days” 59. All Wellesley gradu- Both sides vulnerable
18. Andean stew veg- position (Genesis 8:6) ates NORTH
etable 55. Sonny & Cher, e.g. 88. Played for a sap 60. Part of Scand. kA 9 6 5
jQ 4
19. Pathogenic bacteria 56. Like centenarians 89. Buoyancy, on a global 61. Forest female iK 5 3 2
21. Coffee ___ 58. Tools used by snipers scale 66. Bye word hA 7 3
Easy 1 - 1 Solution
22. Comics cry and golfers 67. 1957 Treaty of Rome WEST EAST
23. Lesotho loot 62. Attention org. kQ 7 kK J 10 8 3 2
Down jJ 8 7 5 jNone
24. Indignation 63. Worldwide workers’ 1. Flummoxed 69. Ancient stone monu- i10 9 8 7 iA Q J
hQ 10 5 hJ 9 8 4
25. .com alternative grp. 2. Memory methods ment
26. Eastern economic 64. Miscellany 3. A short-billed rail 70. Havens SOUTH
bloc 65. Parapet gunport 4. “Can I ___ you?” (in 71. Second part jA K 10 9 6 3 2
29. Before birth 68. Philippine moola 75. Brazilian people i6 4
Austin) hK 6 2
32. Tibetan monk 72. Address book no. 5. “I see!” 76. Some votes
35. Wild thing? 73. Faint 6. Tennyson work 77. “Pilot” starter East South West North
1k 2j Pass 2k
36. Addict’s “itch” 74. 10,900-foot Euro- 7. Aria, e.g. 81. Unmatched Pass 3j Pass 4j
All Pass
37. Beyond the point of pean peak 8. Fox or turkey follower 82. Family member
no return 78. Wan’s preceder 9. “The X-Files” whatsit 83. “___ so fast!” Easy 2 - 1 Solution Opening lead —kQ



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.







Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits
Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

Print answer here:


which was a —
pinata for the party
They made a giant


backward to their ancestors.
to posterity, who never look
People will not look forward

Contact the Puzzle Master @:

A20 | MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2021


In Our Own Words

An Editor’s Perspective Dear Epoch VIP, also an important part of my job. We appreciate those
who are watching out for us and letting us know when
For my whole life I’ve distrusted the media and always we make mistakes. Creating an open forum with our
felt something terribly wrong was happening behind readers in the comments section has helped us better
the scenes. I made it a point to ignore as much as I could understand what people care about and has provided
and rely on my intuition to figure things out. But I was valuable insight and information. Aside from that,
neglecting important knowledge and information about I believe that providing a place for the people to speak
the state of the world. It wasn’t until I started educating is crucial for a free society that is increasingly under
myself on the nature and danger of communism that attack and being silenced.
Tom Lewis I really started putting the pieces together. I’m very grateful to see the support and encouragement
Editorr When I got the opportunity to work for The we get from those who truly value and understand
Epoch Times, I knew right away the vast what we are doing. The letters of support we get from
potential of what I could achieve by our readers provide powerful boosts to morale and
becoming part of the media. are cherished by our staff. They are a heartwarming
As an editor, I am responsible source of inspiration that lets us know we are on
f maintaining a high quality of
for the right path. Reading how others have clarity on
r in line with the values the terrible dangers of communism gives me great
comfort in knowing we are not alone in our efforts to
o The Epoch Times: Truth and
protect freedom against tyranny. I am proud to stand
Tradition. These values are not
with each one of our allies in this fight.
m a branding slogan, but
It is my hope that our work at The Epoch Times can
fundamental principles that
help to restore the public’s trust in the media and
define the reason why our serve as a foundation for others to build on. The media
media was established and
m is protected in the First Amendment because of its
our goal. To uphold this goal,
o vital function of providing accurate information and
I take my work at The Epoch holding those in power accountable. I believe that
TTimes seriously. faith in the Fourth Estate must be restored, or we will
While at The Epoch Times, lose an important aspect of what maintains social
II’ve been able to fulfill my order and stability.
dream of helping to inform As things seem to inch closer to the edge and
and change the world for the spiral out of control, I hope that The Epoch Times
better. It’s very satisfying to can hold the line and provide the rational wisdom
see the immediate impact and we need to pull things
results of our efforts and how back from the brink. I’ll
they help to build an informed certainly try my best.
populace ready to navigate the
cultural and political pitfalls in In Truth and Tradition,
ttoday’s society.
That said, listening to the Tom Lewis
ffeedback from our readers is The Epoch Times

What Our I always go to The Epoch Times to gather facts to

Say (22) determine truth by the outstanding due diligence of
fine journalists. I encourage you, the people, to use your
“FREE WILL” and get the truth from The Epoch Times.

Love, love, love! Not only can I get My 89-year-old father, a staunch The Epoch Times reports the truth I had given up newspapers a long
an impartial view on what the latest conservative his entire life, became as to what is actually happening on time ago...The L.A. Times, New
story is, but I can learn so much incorrigible to talk to. We could not the home front in America as well as York Times, Washington Post, et
more about stories that should discuss anything political because he with world wide news. al. Turned my attention to media
be reported but aren’t. The Epoch hated Trump so much. How can this be? Not one radio station in our country outlets for awhile but most only
Times goes the extra mile. I finally realized it was how he was getting reports what is actually happening reported just a fraction of important
in our world. All are too interested in
his information, through the MSM. news versus agenda-driven drivel.
the so-called organized protest mobs
I shared The Epoch Times with him. At The Epoch Times caught my
attempting to disrupt America and our
first he didn’t understand - how could all American History. Keep up the great attention with their advertisements
the tv stations and the local newspaper job of reporting the real news. of extensive coverage available of
be saying the exact same things if they topics NOT covered in the media
weren’t true? (I wonder that myself). so I thought I’d give it a try on a trial
Within a couple weeks he started subscription. And now you would
Honest reporting when most of to look at things differently! Thanks have to cut off my right arm to give
the media has become a political Epoch Times for allowing me to discuss If you are a reader of social media it up! It’s a weekly newspaper...
platform to push an agenda. Like world events once again with my best and local news, I can only tell you and believe me it takes a week
the old days when you believed friend, my father. that you’re being propagandized! to read through all the amazing
that the reporters did their job of As a Latin American Citizen, I value features and sections including
investigating a source for the truth DOUG SCHNICK my independence and our freedom.
worldwide inside information
of a story and not hype for ratings. Even more, I look at many news
as well as biographies of people
The Epoch Times has kept my faith media social networks and I always
in real news, not fake news and go to The Epoch Times to gather making a positive difference in the
word of mouth hearsay. If it wasn’t facts to determine truth by the world. This newspaper will change
for this paper I wouldn’t read one. outstanding due diligence of fine the way you look at journalism...
Thanks to The Epoch Times and journalists. I encourage you, the REAL journalism...and nothing can
all the hard work your staff does!! In confusing, trying times, it’s nice to know people, to use your “FREE WILL” and compare to its authenticity and
Awesome!! I can count on this paper to print the truth. get the truth from The Epoch Times. accuracy. Brilliant!



The Best Way to Keep Up Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Is to Slow Down Reverses Signs of Aging
Our hectic urban lifestyle is devouring our Hyperbaric chambers allow those inside to absorb
time and energy with little upside. oxygen directly into the plasma and tissue of the body.

See B4 See B6




no right way
to find or live
forgiveness; any
path to and version
of it will do.


Really Is
When ‘letting it go’
and ‘burying the
hatchet’ fail, what

Forgiveness asks us
to stop looking at
the other person and
resolve ourselves to
the fact that the past
is the past.


e often hear that for- exists and forever matters. Not forgiving
giveness is an act of Forgiveness is, in part, a will- is a way of validating and honoring our
kindness for ourselves, ingness to drop the narrative own hurt.
that if forgiveness ben- on a particular injustice and We especially believe this when the
efits the one we are for- stop telling ourselves over and one we believe hurt us won’t take re-
giving, that’s an added benefit. And yet over again the story of what sponsibility for their actions or claim
this other person did and how
one of the obstacles we face in forgiving we were injured. they did nothing wrong.
someone is that we do not wish them Not forgiving becomes a way of hold-
well and, in fact, we want them to suffer ing on to our rightness—remaining
because of what they did. justified in our version of the truth and
The idea that the other person could maintaining our sense of having been
feel better due to our forgiveness is chal- treated unjustly.
lenging and precisely what we want to Our lack of forgiveness, as we imagine
prevent. it, continues to prove the other person
We imagine that not forgiving them is wrong. This legitimizes our pain. In-
a form of punishment, a way of being in deed, it is the validity of our suffering
control of a situation that we didn’t feel that we are trying—often desperately—
we had control over.  At a primal level, to confirm and have confirmed.
we imagine that not forgiving is a form of
wound care, proof that our suffering still Continued on B3


the Positive
An optimistic outlook does more than
lift the spirit, it helps heal the body

Behind the
MARILYN MURRAY WILLISON tivity has healing powers.

In Dallas, Dr. Wendy Schlessel Harpham
ixty-five years ago, Dr. Norman has written several books designed to help
Vincent Peale revolutionized people who are coping with cancer. Three
the publishing world with his decades ago, she was a practicing internist

enormously popular book when diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lym-
“The Power of Positive Think- phoma, a cancer of the immune system.
ing.” Fifty-one years later, the equally Over the next 15 years, she dealt with eight
popular book and video “The Secret” relapses of her cancer, but she has now
proposed the same argument: that fo- been in remission for more than a decade.
cusing on the things that we want (i.e., Harpham makes sure to:
Your subscription will not only provide you with being positive or optimistic) can pay big
accurate news and features, but also contribute dividends. r Do something good for someone else
to the revival of American journalism and help Some people have interpreted this at- every day.
titude as meaning that tangible material r Keep a daily gratitude journal.
safeguard our freedoms for future generations. items (a bigger home, a new car, etc.) r Surround herself with supportive
will come their way if they just focus people who lift her spirits.
We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we on that object long enough and hard r Watch funny, inspiring, or elevating
enough. But new studies indicate that movies.
strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that the major benefit of thinking positively
lets you form your own opinions. has less to do with our assets than our
immune system.
Judith T. Moskowitz, a professor of
We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where medical social sciences at Northwestern
the faithful representation of our current events University’s Feinberg School of Medi- A positive view of aging
won’t just be important for the people of today, but cine, is being hailed as the scientific pa-
tron saint of positivity. She has helped
can have a beneficial
also for the generations to come. The records we train patients who are coping with a va- impact on both health
keep now will directly inform the foundations of the riety of physical challenges to focus on a
history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish— set of eight skills to create and maintain outcomes and longevity.
positive emotion. Years earlier, she and
and this knowledge is what drives us. her colleagues at the University of Cali-
fornia–San Francisco found that using In one of her books, “Happiness in a
Learn more at these skills helped newly diagnosed HIV Storm: Facing Illness and Embracing
patients combat their infection more Life as a Healthy Survivor,” she en- effectively. courages people who are dealing with
As most of us know, it’s no easy task cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or any
to remain calm, feel happy, and expe- prolonged illness to do all they can to
rience satisfaction while coping with overcome their disease and live life to
a health crisis. But Moskowitz and her the fullest. Harpham opens our eyes
TRUTH AND TRADITION colleagues encouraged their patients to the opportunities for happiness in
in both San Francisco and Chicago to life despite medical problems, and even
study and retain at least three of the fol- because of illness.
lowing eight skills, and to practice one Becca Levy and Avni Bavishi of the
or more of them every single day. Yale School of Public Health published a
study in the Journal of Gerontology that
r List a personal strength and how you demonstrated the benefits of an upbeat
have used it. outlook on life. They found that a posi-
r Practice mindfulness. Focus on the tive view of aging can have a beneficial
here and now. impact on both health outcomes and
r Recognize and practice small acts of longevity. The bottom line is that being
kindness on a daily basis. positive tends to lower blood pressure,
r Start a daily gratitude journal. reduce incidents of heart disease, con-
r Set an attainable goal and note your tribute to better weight control, and have
progress. a positive effect on blood sugar levels.
r Write down a minor stress in your life, Even if you tend to pessimistically see
and list ways to think of it positively. the glass as half empty, I can’t help but
r Recognize at least one positive epi- feel that these findings are really some-
sode or occurrence every day. thing to smile about.
r Savor that event. Then, either log it in
your private journal or tell someone Marilyn Murray Willison has had a
else about it. varied career as a six-time nonfic-
tion author, columnist, motivational
Moskowitz was gratified to discover that speaker, and journalist in both the UK
people with AIDS, Type 2 diabetes, and and the U.S. She is the author of The
other chronic illnesses seemed to live Self-Empowered Woman blog and the
longer if they demonstrated positive award-winning memoir “One Woman,
emotions. Obviously, the next step was Four Decades, Eight Wishes.” She can
to see whether others could be taught be reached at To
skills that would trigger positive emo- find out more about Marilyn and read
tions. According to Jane E. Brody of The her past columns, please visit the Cre-
New York Times, Moskowitz is not the ators Syndicate webpage at creators.
only physician who believes that posi- com. Copyright 2020


One of the best

ways to stay
positive is to
keep a gratitude


The Practice
of Year-End
Deepen the lessons of
the previous year with a
dedicated review


What Forgiveness Really Is When I wrote up a journal entry on all of it, I

reflected on what this year has been like for me.

Continued from B1 how we were injured. LEO BABAUTA

It’s a decision to let the past be, to leave
We think that forgiving the other person When we need it imperfect and not what we wish it had Every year, I like to close the year
implies we are now OK with what they someone else been. Forgiveness means that we stop by reflecting on my past. I find that
did, or even that what they did is OK on a the “shoulda, coulda, woulda beens” and it deepens my learning, and it makes
grander scale. Our perception is that for- to change in relinquish the idea that we can create a me more appreciative of the power of
giveness announces that what happened better past. a year.
is no longer relevant, significant, or alive.  order for us Forgiveness also suggests an openness to I spent about an hour writing a jour-
It’s as if we’re allowing the past to be done, to be OK, we meeting the current moment with a fresh nal entry on the previous 12 months.
and thus to move out of mind and heart, approach. We are able to be with the other It was a great practice. To really reflect
which can feel intolerable. are a pris- person without our feelings about the past on the year, I had to remember every-
Perhaps most troubling, however, is that affecting the present. We can respond to thing about it. Here’s how I did it:
we believe forgiveness lets the other person
oner shackled what’s happening at the moment and not
“off the hook.” We equate it with absolution— to anger and react through the residue of anger and re- r I went through my travel history in
excusing the other from blame, guilt, or re- sentment from the past. my Tripit account, making a list of
sponsibility for what they did. We imagine resentment. When we forgive, we stop employing the all my trips. You might store your
it sets them free from the burden of suffering present moment to correct, vindicate, vali- trip information in email or some
that we believe they caused. date, or punish the past. We may forever be other place, so you’ll probably want
And so the question follows: What is for- changed by the past, but are ready to find to search for your travel-related
giveness, and what is it not? what’s possible right now, with our eyes messages on there.
Forgiveness is not saying ... open and our heart available. r I looked through the files on my
Forgiveness requires us to choose to computer that were created in the
r You were not hurt by what the other guide our attention away from the other last year. On a Mac, you go to the
person did. person, away from what they did or didn’t “all my files” view and it’s sorted by
r Your pain is gone. do, or needed to do. “date last opened.” This gives me
r You are back to being the person you It takes the focus off of them, off of wait- an idea of what I might have been
were before it happened. ing for and wanting them to be different, working on.
r Life can now pick up where it left off and moves it toward ourselves, our own r I reviewed my Amazon orders for
because you feel as if what happened experience, and our heart. 2020. It was interesting to see the
never happened. different books I’ve purchased and
r You no longer believe the other per- the different interests (OK, obses-
son is responsible for causing harm. sions) I’ve had over the year.
r You excuse the other person’s be- r I skimmed my credit card state-
havior. Forgiveness means that ments, looking for any interesting
r You no longer view what happened we lose interest in or purchases that stood out.
as important. r I looked over journal entries, Google
r You share the blame for what hap- simply give up the fight Docs, and notes (using Evernote
pened. or Apple’s Notes program). This
r You can forget what happened.
to have the other under- showed me various notes or things
stand what they’ve I’ve been working on.
The way many of us view forgiveness is
flawed. We say “forgive and forget,” but done, or get that we All of this showed me what I’ve been
when we forgive, we don’t forget. matter. working on, what I’ve been obsessed
Forgetting is not an inherent part of for- about, what I’ve been learning, what
giving, nor should it be. Neither is “burying I’ve read, where I’ve gone, and who I
the hatchet.” When we bury the hatchet, We stop trying to get compassion or ac- spent time with. As I looked over all of
the hatchet is still there, just under a bunch knowledgment out of the other, stop try- this, I took notes if something struck
of denial. Buried or not, we still need to find ing to get them to see and know our pain. me as noteworthy. You don’t have to
peace with what’s happened. Forgiveness means that we lose interest go through as much data, but it’s in-
The same holds when we are flippant in or simply give up the fight to have the teresting.
about forgiveness, encouraging ourselves other understand what they’ve done, or When I wrote up a journal entry
and others to “just let it go.”  Forgiveness is get that we matter. on all of it, I reflected on what this
not a small affair that we can rationalize, We stop struggling to get some- year has been like for me. It helped
intellectualize, manipulate, or bully our- thing back from the other and take on the me deepen my learning that seemed
selves into feeling. role of our own caring witness. We offer sporadic and unconnected until I
Forgiveness is different for every human ourselves the compassion that we’ve tried reflected back on all of it.
being that lives it. so hard to get from the other. This practice helped me to see what
For some, it comes on suddenly, bless- True forgiveness means acknowledg- I’ve done over the last year, and it kind
edly, without having to think about or try ing that our suffering matters—to us, the of amazes me. I would never have
to create it.  For others, it’s a more deliberate Nancy Colier is a psy- one who’s lived it—whether or not the other guessed that I’d have done all of that.
process that requires effort and practice. chotherapist, interfaith person ever agrees. I didn’t plan it, it just ended up being
And for others, it’s a permanent destination minister, author, public We do all of this with or without the oth- what I was moved to do.
that, once discovered, never slips away. speaker, workshop lead- er’s awareness. Forgiveness is an inside job. I also was able to see how I’ve
But it can also be a feeling that ebbs and er, and author of several Forgiveness, ultimately, is about freedom. changed over the last 12 months. In
flows. There’s no right way to find or live books on mindfulness When we need someone else to change small steps, I’ve become a different
forgiveness; any path to and version of it and personal growth. in order for us to be OK, we are a prisoner person. The Leo from a year ago would
will do. And yet, despite the fact that there She is available for indi- shackled to anger and resentment. want to be friends with me, I think.
are infinite kinds of forgiveness, there are vidual psychotherapy, We cling to the hope that we might get I highly recommend this year-end
aspects of forgiveness essential to its ba- mindfulness training, the empathy we crave, but with our at- practice, as a way to close out the year
sic nature. spiritual counseling, tention focused outward, we bleed out and say goodbye to all that you’ve
public speaking, and our own power. We never use our capac- been through.
What Forgiveness Is workshops, and also ity for self-compassion. What we want
Forgiveness is, in part, a willingness to drop works with clients via from the one we can’t forgive is, most of- Leo Babauta is the author of six books
the narrative on a particular injustice and Skype around the world. ten, love. Forgiveness is ultimately about and the writer of Zen Habits, a blog
stop telling ourselves over and over again For more information, choosing to offer ourselves love—and with over 2 million subscribers. Visit
the story of what this other person did and visit with it, freedom.


enriching life. Today’s crisis has served as

a catalyst for change.
And change is sorely needed. We have
all seen the statistics. Rates of depression,
suicide, and drug and alcohol abuse have
skyrocketed across many segments of the
population in recent years. Societal pres-
sure to keep up can exacerbate individual
mental health challenges.
Exhausted, pressured, restless, search-
ing—these are what we feel while running
in the rat race.

Rates of depression, suicide,

and drug and alcohol abuse
have skyrocketed.
How do I know? For years, I was sprinting
to keep up with the pack.
What changed? I finally identified what
mattered to me and embraced a more
minimalist lifestyle, which allowed me to
find the space and time necessary to strive
for things—and by “things” I mean experi-
ences, relationships, beliefs, and values—
that are necessary to cultivate a contented
and fulfilled life.

Live a Life That’s True to Yourself

Perhaps you’re feeling the weight, too. If

The Best Way to Keep

so, of course you’re not alone. We all are
these days, to one extent or another. What’s
Few things will required to bring about positive change is
improve your quality of slowing down and taking stock. As yourself
life as quickly as get- the following questions.

Up Is to Slow Down
ting out of the rat race Are you living to work, or working to live?
for more and bigger. Are you sacrificing your time, energy, and
relationships now, in hopes of some idyllic
retirement in the future that may never
Are you surrounding yourself with people
Our hectic urban lifestyle is devouring who lift you up or drag you down?
Do you live in a place that makes you
our time and energy with little upside happy?
Are you chasing short-term highs by ac-
NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY quiring more physical things, or are you
JAY HARRINGTON tates, and expectations of others. He wasn’t pursuing new and novel experiences that
interested in “keeping up with the Joneses” bring real happiness?
Henry was a bright student and attended of his day. He wrote: Is it your own desires, or the expectations
Harvard, where he studied Greek, Latin, “Why should we be in such desperate of others, that are keeping you from making
and German. After graduating, he wasn’t haste to succeed, and in such desperate big changes?
sure what to do next. After a period of drift- enterprises? If a man does not keep pace Transformation is not easy. I know this
ing, he founded a school with his brother, with his companions, perhaps it is because from experience. But I can say with cer-
but the venture failed a few years later. he hears a different drummer. Let him step tainty that there’s only one way off the he-
He subsequently met a mentor who intro- to the music which he hears, however mea- donic treadmill, and it’s by taking a leap of
duced him to Transcendentalism, an ide- sured or far away.” faith into a more minimalist, intentional,
alistic philosophical and social movement. and purpose-driven lifestyle.
Henry began to think deeply and write March to the Beat of Your Own Drummer Once you regain your footing, and start
about what it means to live a good life. When we look back on this time, I believe following a beat that’s uniquely yours,
Still a young man, Henry decided to that one of the cultural shifts that’s iden- you’ll come to realize that everything you
Are you retreat from the city—its noise and tified as a silver lining of the COVID-19 were chasing was never going to make you
living to work, distractions—to live and work on pandemic will be that large numbers of happy. You’ll see clearly, perhaps for the
land owned by his mentor outside people found a drummer that led them in first time, that passion for life comes from
or working of Concord, Massachusetts. a direction away from the unhealthy norms
Henry David Thoreau
its simplest pleasures.
to live? on June 18, 1856.
Henry, as you may have guessed, of today’s society. Instead of striving to keep Slow down and determine what really
is Henry David Thoreau. His men- up, they decided to slow down, because matters to you. The only thing worth keep-
tor, Ralph Waldo Emerson. In his they, too, feared not living. ing up with is your own vision of a life
masterwork, “Walden,” Thoreau describes Shifts in mindset are leading to shifts in well lived.
what led him to pursue a simpler existence: location. There must be more to the great
“I went to the woods because I wished to exodus from big cities to small towns than Jay Harrington is an author, lawyer-
live deliberately, to front only the essential a desire for more physical space alone. Up- turned-entrepreneur, and runs a north-
facts of life, and see if I could not learn what rooting oneself and one’s family is no small ern Michigan-inspired lifestyle brand
it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, endeavor. Like Thoreau, more people are called Life and Whim.  He lives with his
discover that I had not lived.” seeking to live deliberately, having realized wife and three young girls in a small town
For Thoreau, to “live” was to live on his that trying to “keep pace with compan- and writes about living a purposeful,
own terms, not based on the norms, dic- ions” is not the path to a rewarding and outdoor-oriented life.

Decluttering Tips From the Minimalist Home

Use these 7 strategies to create a home that pushes you forward instead of weighing you down
JOSHUA BECKER it. Organized clutter is still clutter and you sure to physically touch every item. If your make it more useful and clinging to a past
should never organize what you can discard. first thought is, “I have too much stuff to mistake won’t change the fact that it was a
Exactly two years ago, “The Minimalist touch every item,” then you have too much mistake. Count the full cost, consider the
Home” was published. Tip No. 3: Simplify walls.  stuff and need this process even more. Ev- benefit-to-burden ratio for everything you
Since then, the book has sold more than Walls can be overstuffed just like closets ery item you touch can be left, relocated, or intend to keep, and minimize as much as
100,000 copies, has appeared on every major and drawers. Often, they are full of out- removed. Work as hard as you can to put you can.
bestseller list, and has been translated into dated objects, dusty knickknacks, or wall items in that third pile.
nine different languages. I am so, so grateful hangings purchased only because they Tip No. 7: Focus on the gains,
for the interest and support it has received. color coordinate with the couch. Simpli- not the subtractions.
To celebrate its two-year anniversary, fied walls are curated spaces that display A minimalist mindset is all about how
here are seven decluttering tips you can images with meaning. They communicate Simplified walls are owning less creates an opportunity to live
find in the book: what matters most to you. Less is more more. Minimalism isn’t about removing
when it comes to decorations, too. curated spaces that display things you love. It’s about removing the
Tip No. 1: Identify the purpose things that distract you from the things
of a room and get rid of anything Tip No. 4: Start with the easier images with meaning. you love. It’s about living more by own-
that doesn’t serve that purpose.  spaces and move on to harder ones. They communicate what ing less. So focus on the benefits and make
The importance of determining a purpose The central process of “The Minimalist even more progress than you ever dreamed
for the rooms in your home cannot be over- Home” and the Clutterfree App is that de- matters most to you. possible.
stated. Once you are clear on what you want cluttering works best when you start with If you want more help with your room-by-
each room to accomplish, it becomes easier the easier spaces and build up the skills and
Less is more when it room, step-by-step declutter process, get a
to decide what stays and what goes. For confidence to tackle harder spaces later. So comes to decorations, too. copy of “The Minimalist Home,” (you may
example: If the purpose of your bedroom take your focus off the garage and attic, and be able to find a copy at your local library).
is rest, does the television on the dresser move it to an easier place to start: the living It has helped people all over the world to
promote or detract from that goal? room and bedrooms. Easiest to hardest, Tip No. 6: Count the ‘clutter cost.’ declutter their home and refocus their life.
starting with the most lived-in areas first. It can be hard to get rid of things you spent a
Tip No. 2: Distinguish between lot of money on. But keeping things you no Joshua Becker is an author, public speak-
minimizing and organizing. Tip No. 5: Choose one of three longer wear, use, or love has a cost—every er, and the founder and editor of Becom-
A minimized home is a home that is first of options for every object: remove it, object carries a burden as well as a benefit. ing Minimalist where he inspires others to
all purposeful. A room can be tidy or orga- relocate it, leave it. The burden of clutter is money, time, focus, live more by owning less. Visit Becoming-
nized and still have too much stuff inside As you declutter any area in your home, be energy, and space. Keeping an item doesn’t

With Diabetes?
Pay Attention
to Your Heart
Diabetes and prediabetes
come with an increased
risk of heart disease

Type 2 diabetes raises your odds of devel-

oping heart disease, so it is imperative to
start paying attention to your heart health
immediately if you have a diabetes diagno-
sis. Even those who have prediabetes are
at risk and should be focusing on a healthy
cardiovascular lifestyle.
Prediabetes is a result of poor blood sugar
levels in the body. Unchecked, over time
it could become Type 2 diabetes. This el-
evated blood sugar, which is present in
Arsenic is a naturally occuring mineral; pollution and industrial use has increased the amount both prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes, can
of arsenic in our food. harm blood vessels and the nerves that
keep your heart and blood vessels func-

The Effects of Too tioning properly. Over time, this can lead
to heart disease.
Patients with diabetes often have other
conditions that threaten the heart such as

Much Arsenic in the Diet high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and
obesity. These health problems, collectively
known as metabolic syndrome, can boost
the likelihood of blood clots as well as cause
damage to the arteries in the heart.
Arsenic toxicity is linked to cancer and diabetes “Managing the risk of heart attack and
stroke is less about managing diabetes
and impairs immune function than it is about reducing the risk factors
that go along with diabetes,” says Matthew
Freeby, an assistant clinical professor of
MICHAEL GREGER medicine and director of the Gonda Dia-

betes Center at the David Geffen School of
ven at low-level exposure, ar- Medicine at UCLA.
senic is not just a class I car- One of the earliest, most serious, and
cinogen, but may also impair most common heart problems in those
our immune function and in- with diabetes is heart failure. Diabetes has
crease our risk of cardiovascu- been found to worsen heart failure while
lar disease and diabetes. heart failure can also complicate diabetes
When people hear about arsenic, they treatment.
think of it as an acute poison, and, indeed, a “We only have so many tools at hand for
tiny amount—a hundred milligrams, about lowering your blood sugars, and some of
one-tenth the weight of a paperclip—could these are medications that should not be
kill you in an hour. But, there is also chron- used if you have heart failure,” says Freeby.
ic arsenic poisoning, where even a dose
10,000 times as small can be harmful if Lifestyle Changes
you’re exposed day-after-day for years at a By making some simple lifestyle changes,
time as I discuss in my video “The Effects the risk of heart disease can be reduced,
of Too Much Arsenic in the Diet.” Chief and overall health can be improved.
among the concerns is cancer. Weight reduction should be the first prior-
As a class I carcinogen, arsenic is classi- velopment and susceptibility to infections ity for those looking to reduce their risk. By
fied at the highest level of things known to  If you’re pregnant, early in life.” Indeed, a study out of New simply losing 5 to 10 pounds, you can have
cause cancer in humans. Other class I car- arsenic can pass  Hampshire on infant infections in rela- a positive effect on your heart.
cinogens are asbestos, cigarette smoke, to your baby. tion to prenatal arsenic exposure found Eating right is also extremely important
formaldehyde, plutonium, and processed that the more arsenic the mom was ex- for those with prediabetes and Type 2 di-
meat (the consumption of bacon, ham, hot posed to during pregnancy, the higher abetes. By understanding the foods that
dogs, deli meat, and the like). So, arsenic is the baby’s risk of infection during infancy. are harmful and which can increase your
pretty bad, to say the least, implicated in However, “it’s unknown whether arsenic- health, you can help to manage blood sugar
tens of thousands—or even hundreds of induced epigenetic changes are trans- levels improving overall health. Cutting
thousands—of cancer cases worldwide generational”—that is, whether changes sugar out of the diet is the first place to start
every year. in gene expression can impact the health when looking at changing eating patterns.
Of course, cancer is our number-two of not only your own children but your Exercise is often overlooked for those with
killer. What about heart disease, our lead- grandchildren as well. Regardless, arse- diabetes, but it is one of the most important
ing cause of death? “Long-term exposure nic exposure isn’t good for mom’s health, aspects of healthy living. By finding an ac-
to low to moderate arsenic levels was as- as it is associated with increased blood tivity that you enjoy, you will want to get
sociated with cardiovascular disease in- pressure. up and get moving every day. Don’t aim to
cidence and mortality,” meaning heart Hold on. If arsenic suppresses immune do too much too soon or you’ll risk injury.
attacks and strokes. system function, then, as a silver lining, Focus on simply getting started and slowly
Arsenic is also considered an immu- Arsenic is would we, for example, have fewer al- increase intensity as you go. This can not
notoxicant, meaning it’s toxic to our im- considered lergies, which is a kind of over-reaction only make you feel great, but it will help
mune system. How do we know that? of the immune system? Apparently not. with weight loss, reduce stress levels, and
There’s a virus called varicella, which an immuno- Those with higher arsenic levels tend keep the heart healthy.
is what causes chickenpox the first time to  have  higher  rates of food allergies,
we get it. Our immune system is able to toxicant, tend not to sleep as well, and tend not to Mat Lecompte is a freelance health and
stamp it down but not stamp it out. The meaning it’s feel as well. When people were asked how wellness journalist. This article was first
virus retreats into our nerve cells where they would rate their health, those report- published on Bel Marra Health.
it lies in wait for our immune function toxic to our ing “excellent” or “very good” tended to COEN VAN DE BROEK/UNSPLASH
to dip. have lower levels of arsenic, compared to
And, when it does, the virus re-emerg- immune those who reported their general health
es and causes a disease called shingles. system. condition as “good,” “fair,” or “poor,” who
We’ve all been exposed to the virus, but tended to have higher arsenic levels.
only about one in three of us will get What about diabetes? Studies support
shingles because our immune system is an association between ingested arsenic
able to keep it at bay. However, the virus and diabetes. Population studies can’t
can slip its muzzle as we get older or im- prove cause and effect, though.
munosuppressed, for instance, if we’re We know arsenic is a carcinogen. We
given arsenic chemotherapy. know it causes cancer. What more do we
Shingles is a common side effect, be- need to take steps to decrease our exposure?
cause the arsenic drugs not only kill the
cancer but also some of our immune cells, Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM, is a
too. That’s at high doses, though. Might physician, New York Times bestselling
even low doses of arsenic, like the kind author, and internationally recognized
we’re exposed to in our daily diet, im- professional speaker on a number of
pact our immune function? Researchers Studies important public health issues. He has
tested the levels of arsenic in the urine lectured at the Conference on World Af-
of thousands of Americans, along with support an fairs, the National Institutes of Health,
their levels of anti-virus antibodies, and, and the International Bird Flu Summit,
indeed, they found that the more arsenic
association testified before Congress, appeared on
the subjects had flowing through their between “The Dr. Oz Show” and “The Colbert
bodies, the lower their defenses. Report,” and was invited as an expert
And, if you’re pregnant, arsenic can  ingested witness in defense of Oprah Winfrey at
pass to your baby, possibly increasing the arsenic and the infamous “meat defamation” trial.
risk of miscarriage or infant mortality, This article was originally published Find exercise you enjoy doing so you will get
and “may affect an infant’s immune de- diabetes. on up and move.


Hyperbaric oxygen sessions are used therapeutically for several conditions but research suggests they could be used far more widely.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Reverses Signs of Aging
Hyperbaric chambers allow those inside to absorb oxygen directly
into the plasma and tissue of the body
JOSEPH MERCOLA ty’s Sackler School of Medicine, explained: Dr. Amir Hadanny, chief medical re-

search officer of the Sagol Center for Hy-
yperbaric oxygen treatment Evidence sug- “Today telomere shortening is consid- perbaric Medicine and Research at the
may be a practical method ered the ‘Holy Grail’ of the biology of Shamir Medical Center, an author of the
for slowing down the hands
gests telomere aging. Researchers around the world are featured 2020 study, added that lifestyle
of time, suggests research length may trying to develop pharmacological and modifications and intense exercise have
from Tel Aviv University environmental interventions that enable previously been found to slow telomere
and the Shamir Medical Center in Israel predict mor- telomere elongation. Our HBOT protocol shortening, but HBOT appears to be
published in the journal Aging. bidity and was able to achieve this, proving that the another viable option:
At its foundation, aging represents a aging process can in fact be reversed at “In our study, only three months of
progressive loss of physiological capacity mortality. the basic cellular-molecular level.” HBOT were able to elongate telomeres at
due to biological deterioration. This leads rates far beyond any currently available
to impaired functions and increased Telomeres and Cellular interventions or lifestyle modifications.
vulnerability to diseases, including can- Senescence: Keys to Aging? With this pioneering study, we have
cer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Evidence suggests telomere length may opened a door for further research on the
disease, and others. Hyperbaric oxygen predict morbidity and mortality, with cellular impact of HBOT and its potential
treatment (HBOT), the Aging study sug- shorter telomeres linked to an increased for reversing the aging process.”
gests, may target two key cellular hall- risk of premature death, but the link is Cellular senescence is also known to
marks of aging—shortening of telomeres controversial. play a role in cellular aging, and the ac-
and cellular senescence. “This uncertainty is actually due to a cumulation of senescent cells is believed
Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide se- kaleidoscope of biological and technical to be an integral part of the aging pro-
quences at the end of each chromosome. factors, including preanalytical issues cess, even potentially acting as a causal
Sometimes compared to the plastic tip on (e.g., sample matrix), poor standardiza- factor in age-related disease.
a shoelace, telomeres help protect DNA tion of techniques used for their as- Research is underway to develop
by preserving chromosome stability and sessment, and dependence of telomere therapeutic strategies to interfere with
preventing chromosomes from interact- structure upon genetics, epigenetics, cellular senescence, including eliminat-
ing with neighboring chromosomes. environment and behavioral attitudes, ing senescent cells. HBOT has emerged
Cellular senescence is when your cells which may be present at a variable extent as one potential strategy.
don’t want to grow and divide anymore in various physiological or pathological
because of DNA damage, like shortened conditions,” researchers wrote in the An- Not Necessarily a
telomeres. nals of Translational Medicine in 2018. Clear-Cut Fountain of Youth
Still, despite the controversy, telomere It’s important to take the study’s limi-
60 Hyperbaric Oxygen Sessions shortening has been associated with a tations into account when evaluating
Slow Down Aging Burns are one of the 23 percent higher risk of all-cause death, whether HBOT is truly a fountain of youth,
The research team has been exploring common ailments more along with an increased risk of certain as the researchers imply. It was a small
the benefits high-pressure oxygen thera- effectively healed with cancers, including glioma, neuroblasto- study, which means the results should be
pies at different concentrations inside a hyperbaric oxygen ma, ovarian, endometrial, lung, kidney, replicated in a larger sample of subjects.
pressure chamber for years, with stud- treatment. bladder, skin, and testicular. Also, as mentioned, the use of telomere
ies showing such treatments improved length as a marker for aging is in itself
stroke, brain injury, and lowered brain controversial. The study also measured
function caused by aging. telomere length on immune cells called
The current study looked at hyperbaric T cells, which may fluctuate depending
oxygen treatment on healthy adults aged on a number of environmental condi-
64 and over to determine its effects on the tions, such as exercise.
normal aging process at a cellular level. It’s a positive sign that HBOT also
Thirty-five subjects were exposed to a se- decreased cellular senescence in T cells,
ries of 60 hyperbaric oxygen sessions over a but as noted by Steve Hill, who serves
90-day period. Blood samples, which were on the board of directors for LEAF, a
analyzed for immune cells, were collected nonprofit promoting increased healthy
before, during, and after the treatments. human lifespan:
Two exciting results were found. “The problem with interpreting these
The first was that telomeres at the end results as rejuvenation or age reversal is
of chromosomes grew longer instead of that T cells are a poor choice of cell type
shorter, at a rate of 20 percent to 38 per- to use for this kind of thing due to their
cent depending on the type of cell. highly dynamic nature. Unfortunately,
The second was that the amount of se- they are a popular cell type to use in
nescent cells decreased significantly, by 11 these sorts of studies, due to the ease of
percent to 37 percent depending on cell type. collection from the bloodstream.
In a Tel Aviv University news release, “These particular immune cells can
study author Dr. Shai Efrati of the universi- have large variance in their telomere

length based on the demand for cellular mitochondrial dysfunction is a major

replication at that particular time. benefit, considering most chronic and
“T cell populations replicate rapidly in degenerative diseases involve mitochon-
the face of pathogens, and with each rep- drial dysfunction. Unfortunately, con-
lication, the telomeres shorten, meaning ventional medicine still reserves HBOT
that telomere lengths can vary in these for a limited number of conditions, such
cell populations from day to day. Infec- as certain brain injuries and serious
tion and other environmental factors wounds, as well as the following:
can play a key role in the status of T cell
telomeres, and this is why they are not r Severe anemia
overly useful as aging biomarkers.” r Brain abscess
This isn’t to say that HBOT isn’t useful, r Bubbles of air in your blood vessels
as other experts agree HBOT can have r Burns
significant benefits for longevity. One of r Carbon monoxide poisoning
the reasons I’m fascinated by HBOT, in Telomeres are r Crushing injury Different locations and types of pain indicate
particular, is because of research dem- often com- r Deafness, sudden different ailments, from the aching pain of
onstrating its ability to improve mito- r Decompression sickness arthritis to the throbbing of a headache or gout.
chondrial function. However, it should pared to the r Gangrene

be viewed as one component of healthy r Infection of skin or bone that causes
aging, not necessarily a magic bullet that plastic bind- tissue death
will stop it in its tracks. ings at the end r Nonhealing wounds, such as diabetic

Pain so
foot ulcer
How Does Hyperbaric of shoelaces r Radiation injury
Oxygen Therapy Work? because they r Skin graft at risk of tissue death

Your Doctor
HBOT has long been used as a treatment r Traumatic brain injury
for decompression sickness that can keep our chro- r Vision loss, sudden
occur among scuba divers. When you sit
mosoms from
Pinpoint a
in a hyperbaric oxygen therapy cham- In the United States, there are only 14
ber, you breathe air that has 2 to 3 times ‘fraying.’ conditions for which insurance will pay
greater air pressure than normal, which for HBOT, whereas there are up to 100

allows your lungs to absorb more oxygen. approved indications for HBOT interna-
This, in turn, increases the amount of tionally, according to Sonners.
oxygen in your blood, which is transport- From my perspective, it’s medically rep-
ed throughout your body, fighting patho- rehensible and inexcusable for a doctor to
genic bacteria and stimulating the release not treat patients with diabetic neuropa- How well you can talk to
of healing growth factors and stem cells. thy, infections in the distal extremities, or
Dr. Jason Sonners, a chiropractor who peripheral vascular disease with HBOT, your doctor about arthritis
has worked with HBOT for more than as it will in most cases prevent the need pain will affect how
12 years, explains that oxygen can be for amputation. Other conditions that
viewed as a nutrient. Your body needs may benefit from HBOT include: capably it can be treated
it to carry out its regular functions and,
when tissue is injured, it needs even r All autoimmune conditions
more oxygen for healing. r Neurological conditions, including MAT LECOMPTE
Most healthy individuals have some- HBOT can be concussion, traumatic brain injury,
where between 96 percent and 98 per- used to help dementia and post-stroke Chronic pain caused by arthritis can be
cent oxygen in their hemoglobin, which r Musculoskeletal injuries, including debilitating for many people. Discussing
means your capacity to increase your speed healing broken bones, disk herniations, and the pain with a doctor and putting symp-
oxygen level is between 2 percent and 4 torn muscles and tendons toms into words can help you get better
percent, were you to breathe medical- of any inflam- r Any condition involving mitochondrial treatment for the specific pain you may be
grade oxygen, for instance. However, matory con- dysfunction experiencing.
you can increase your oxygen level far r Any condition involving damaged Many people find it hard to communicate
beyond that if your body is under pres- dition, and microcirculation with their doctor about how much pain they
sure. According to Sonners: r Any condition that can benefit from are feeling. Because of this, The Arthritis
“Two main laws govern how that works:
it’s known capillary growth Foundation created a guide with suggestions
Boyle’s Law and Henry’s Law. Basically, to facilitate r Chronic infections for expressing pain and discomfort through
as you take a gas and exert pressure on it, r Subacute infections words. It includes questions such as “What
you make the size of that gas take up less wound healing does the pain feel like?” or “How does the pain
space. As a result of that pressure, you and cell sur- Researchers are also looking at HBOT in affect your life?” and specific details to share.
can then dissolve that gas into a liquid. cancer treatments in a number of differ- The foundation suggests being as specific
“An easy example is a can of seltzer. vival. ent ways. For example, using HBOT may as possible when describing what your pain
They’re using carbon dioxide and water. allow you to use less radiation or chemo- feels like. This can help doctors pinpoint the
But basically, you can pressurize that therapy and still get the same outcome. exact problem. For example, if a dull or ach-
can, so you can put carbon dioxide into Or, it may allow the patient to tolerate ing pain is expressed, they know it could be
that can. As a result of that pressuriza- higher amounts of radiation by speeding due to muscle strains or arthritis. A descrip-
tion, you can dissolve molecules of the healing between sessions. tion of shooting, tingling, or burning might
carbon dioxide into the water. HBOT is also showing promise for point to nerve pain as the cause. Stabbing
“In the hyperbaric version of that, we’re treating COVID-19 via a number of or sharp joint pain could suggest injuries to
using oxygen, and the can is the chamber. beneficial effects, including reversing a bone, muscle, or ligament, and throbbing
But as a result of dumping excess oxygen hypoxia, reducing inflammation in the could be a headache, abscess, or gout.
inside that chamber, you can dissolve that lungs, increasing virucidal reactive oxy- They suggest rating your pain on a scale
into the liquid of your body ... directly into gen species, upregulating HIF-increasing from 1 to 10, with zero being pain-free and
the tissue and the plasma of your blood. host defense peptides, and reducing pro- 10 being unimaginable. This can help a
“The oxygen in your blood is carried by inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6. physician to determine the dosage and
hemoglobin. The plasma that carries your Typically, hospitals will only provide type of pain medication you may need.
red blood cells that holds the hemoglobin HBOT if you have one of the 14 approved “Some patients come in the door with an
normally does not carry oxygen. We rely indications. If you’re interested in HBOT eight on the pain scale, and they’re function-
wholly on red blood cell oxygen-carrying for other medical or longevity purposes, al. Other patients walk in with a three and
capacity. But inside the chamber, you you’ll need to look into the private sector for they’re disabled,” said Dr. Thelma Wright,
could literally bypass the red blood cell treatment. The International Hyperbaric medical director of the Pain Management
oxygen-carrying capacity altogether, and Association (IHA) and Hyperbaric Medical Center at the University of Maryland Reha-
you can absorb oxygen directly into the International (HMI) are two organizations bilitation and Orthopedics Institute.
plasma and tissue of the body.” that may direct you to more local centers.
You can also learn more on HBOTusa.
HBOT Fights Mitochondrial and com which is Sonner’s primary educa-
Oxidative Stresses, COVID-19 tion website where you can find a list of
HBOT can be used to help speed healing treated conditions, research, the benefits Many people find it hard
of any inflammatory condition, and it’s of HBOT in athletics, testimonials, and to communicate with their
known to facilitate wound healing and much more.
cell survival. doctor about how much
A small study involving 10 healthy men Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mer-
also revealed that a single 45-minute An osteopathic physician, best- pain they are feeling.
HBOT session reduced levels of metabol- selling author, and recipient of multiple
ic stress-related biomarkers, including awards in the field of natural health, his
attenuating mitochondrial and oxidative A decompression primary vision is to change the modern Keep a Pain Journal
stresses and relieving metabolic bur- chamber commonly used health paradigm by providing people By being more aware of your pain and
dens, which suggests it may be useful for for scuba divers is another with a valuable resource to help them take learning how to communicate your
treating metabolic diseases. way people get hyperbaric control of their health. This article was symptoms, your physician will be better
The fact that HBOT protects against oxygen treatment. originally published on equipped to offer tailored treatment to your
needs. Many specialists suggest keeping a
pain journal and tracking when the pain is
felt, and making notes if it is worse during
certain times of the day.
Keeping notes of treatments that you have
tried to ease pain can also be helpful for
your physician. In your journal, note any
pain management, including over-the-
counter pain medicine, heat or ice, or rest
that made a difference to your pain levels.
By keeping in contact with your doctors
regularly and taking control of your treat-
ments by tracking progress, you may be
able to find the exact treatment for your
chronic pain. Just be aware that it could
take a while to find relief, but communicat-
ing your pain will help get you closer to a
solution quicker.

Mat Lecompte is a freelance health and

wellness journalist. This article was first
published on Bel Marra Health.


The Power of Small Changes

Winter is a time to take stock of our lives and consider making changes


am a gardening geek. I love to get If you are
outside in the spring to see what
plants are peeking through the wet,
wanting to be a
still-frozen ground. To me, there is little healthier,
nothing better than seeing a new
flower on a carefully-tended plant or a think about
vegetable ripe for the picking in my com-
munity garden.
taking baby
When I moved a few years ago, I steps
inherited a small shady garden under
a healthy looking pine tree. The garden
had been untended for several years,
and was an overgrown mess. At first, just
looking at the space felt overwhelming,
but my strategy to slowly pick away at
what I could do in small amounts of time
paid off. I began by clearing out an inva-
sive ground cover. Then I sprinkled the
garden with a few shade-loving hostas
and ferns. And finally, I had the pleasure The still of winter is a natural time for contemplation and taking stock of ourselves.
planting a few colorful specimens in the
front of the garden for show. It took me a As with my garden, I suggest a differ- that yup, yes, yay! you can do this.
couple of years, but now when I look out ent strategy for getting healthy. It’s a Supported by the surgeon general, the
my back door, I see an inviting space that plan of making small changes slowly. A American Heart Association, the Ameri-
has color and texture. ENK
O M A R Y N A /S H U T T E R S
lifestyle overhaul can feel overwhelm- can Cancer Society, and a whole host of
Why am I writing about gardening in KH K ing and be hard to maintain, but many other agencies, the small change strategy
the heart of winter? Yes, the Chinese small changes over time can yield big may very well offer the pathway to col-
believe that the winter solstice is the results. And this is backed up by a lectively improving the health of people
seed of spring. But that’s not it. It’s large body of research, with some all over the world. If you are wanting to
because the deepest part of win- studies suggesting that mak- be a little healthier, think about taking
ter is by nature cool, dark, nour- ing small tweaks can actually baby steps–small changes, slowly, and
ishing, and inward-looking. Not extend your life by years. one at a time.
that it’s a time for navel-gazing, A small change strategy gives
but this time of year compels you a better chance of success
us to take stock of our lives and for a couple of reasons. First,
think about change. It’s the it’s realistic. You’re not trying
stuff of New Year’s resolutions. to overhaul your diet, exercise Even making one small
Unfortunately, most people who
vow to make changes at this time
daily, do something for stress re-
lief, and quit smoking all at once.
change can have an
of the year either don’t do so, or only Second, even making one small impact.
stick with their new regimen for a short change can have an impact. Research
time. For proof, just look at the jam packed has documented that even small modi-
parking lot at your local health club dur- fications in your diet have a very real Lynn Jaffee is a licensed acupunctur-
ing the first week of January. A month later and positive effect on your health. And ist and the author of “Simple Steps: The
many of those cars will be gone, a sign of A “small change” strat- finally, by switching things up in a small Chinese Way to Better Health.” This article
frustration and abandoned New Year’s egy gives you a better way and sticking with it, you gain a sense was originally published on Acupuncture-
resolutions. chance of success. of self-efficacy, which is the knowledge

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