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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | M O N D A Y, J A N . 11, 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,872 $1.

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In the News Pompeo Lifts

President-elect Joe Biden

has promised to “defeat” the
National Rifle Association
on US Contact
while he’s in office. ... A6
With Taiwan
A spokesperson for House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has
confirmed that a laptop was
stolen from a conference room Pompeo said the
belonging to her office amid restrictions had been put
the chaos at the Capitol. ...A5
in place in an attempt to
West Virginia Delegate appease Beijing
Derrick Evans is resigning
after being charged for his in- BY CATHY HE
volvement in the Jan. 6 breach
of the U.S. Capitol. ...A5 The United States will remove all “self-
Twitter’s decision to perma- imposed restrictions” on contact with
nently ban President Donald Taiwanese officials, Secretary of State
Trump is “un-American” and Mike Pompeo announced on Jan. 9,
parallels censorship under laying the groundwork for closer re-
communist China, Secretary of lations with the democratic island.
State Mike Pompeo says. ...A7
A number of conservatives
have left Twitter in recent Today’s statement
days following the suspension Passengers are stopped at the entrance of a railway station in Shijiazhaung, in northern China’s recognizes that the U.S.–
of President Donald Trump’s CCP VIRUS Hebei Province, on Jan. 7, as the city cuts outside transport links and bans residents from leaving.
account. ... A8 Taiwan relationship need
not, and should not, be
Sen. Pat Toomey says that
President Donald Trump
“committed impeachable of-
Chinese Regime Struggles to shackled by self-imposed

Contain Virus Comeback

fenses” in connection with the
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Jan. 6 breaching of the U.S.
Capitol by protesters. ... A5
The announcement, made during
The petition to recall Cali- Cities issue lockdowns, discourage travel for upcoming holiday, as locals the final days of President Donald
fornia Gov. Gavin Newsom
complain of skyrocketing prices and inhumane quarantines Trump’s term, marks the latest move
has exceeded a million sig-
natures, organizers say. ... A6 to deepen ties with the self-governed
STR/CNS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES island. The Chinese regime views
A social media post, pur- BY NICOLE HAO Beijing city government, said at a Taiwan as part of its territory, to be

portedly from a top Justice press conference on Jan. 8. brought under its control, by force
Department official, floating reas of Hebei, Liaoning, China’s central government and if necessary, and opposes any U.S.
presidential pardons for those Heilongjiang, Henan, and local officials are urging people not official contact with the island.
involved in the Jan. 6 breach
Ningxia provinces, as well to make “unnecessary” trips for the The secretary lifted decades-old
of the U.S. Capitol is fake, the
department says. ... A7
as Inner Mongolia and Lunar New Year holiday, in a frantic “complex internal restrictions” that
Beijing, announced that they entered effort to try to contain the disease. have regulated diplomats, service
The Centers for Disease “wartime” mode over the weekend For the country’s most impor- members, and other officials’ inter-
Control and Prevention has because of surges in COVID-19 cases. tant traditional holiday, hundreds actions with their Taiwanese coun-
rejected the notion that there “Wartime” mode typically means of millions of Chinese travel home terparts, according to a statement.
Residents are tested for the CCP virus
is a new variant of COVID-19 that restrictions are placed on when for the holidays to reunite with “The United States government
in Shijiazhuang, in northern China’s
that originated in the United residents can leave their homes, their families, making it the larg- took these actions unilaterally, in an
Hebei Province, on Jan. 6, 2021.
States. ... A3
and almost all public facilities, such est annual human migration event attempt to appease the communist
A lone Indian national flag as schools, stores, stadiums, and on Earth. Lunar New Year falls on window starting later this month. regime in Beijing,” Pompeo said.
seen amid the many American parks, are closed. Feb. 12 this year. “No more.”
flags on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6 “At present, diagnosed patients China Railway, a major state-run Tight Control He ordered executive agencies to
has sparked an online spat be- and cluster outbreaks are hap- train operator, said it expects to More than a dozen provinces and treat so-called “contact guidelines”
tween two Indian politicians, pening all around the country,” transport as many as 407 million regions across China, including on Taiwan previously issued by the
while netizens reacted and Xu Hejian, a spokesperson for the passengers nationwide over a 40-day Continued on A9 Continued on A9
took sides in the discussion.
... A10

China’s Ministry of Com- Man Who Parler CEO

merce has issued new rules in
a bid to push back on sanctions
Posed for ‘Prepared to
and restrictions imposed by
Take Full Legal
foreign governments against
Chinese companies. ...A9 Photos at Action’ After
The United States will re-
move restrictions on con-
Desk in Tech Companies
tact with Taiwanese officials
to foster closer ties with the Pelosi’s Office Target Platform
self-ruled island. ... A1

BUSINESS BY EMEL AKAN Parler founder and CEO John Matze

U.S. employers shed jobs said his company is “prepared to
last month for the first time WASHINGTON—A man photo- take full legal action” after several
since April, cutting 140,000 graphed sitting at an aide’s desk in big tech companies suspended the
positions as COVID-19 con- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Protestor Richard Barnett sits inside the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the social media network from their
tinues to weaken the U.S. during the Washington protests on U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. services, according to an email.
economy, according to the Jan. 6 has been arrested and faces John Matze, Parler’s founder, told
Labor Department.. ... A17 multiple charges, according to fed- ing in a restricted building and taking mail and leaving a quarter The Epoch Times in an email that
eral officials. grounds without authority. He is on the desk. he believes Apple, Google, and
OPINION Richard Barnett from Arkansas also charged for violent entry and Protesters stormed the Capitol on Amazon had acted in bad faith and
Rob Natelson: There Is No was arrested this morning in Little disorderly conduct on the grounds Jan. 6, interrupting a joint session that the social media platform is
Constitutional Ground for Rock, Arkansas, said Ken Kohl, first of the U.S. Capitol and for theft of of Congress that was held to count considering legal action.
Impeachment of President assistant for the U.S. Attorney’s Of- public money or public property. electoral votes and confirm the Responding to accusations that
Trump... A13 fice in Washington, on Jan. 8. Photos of Barnett that went viral presidential election winner. Parler was enabling “threats of
Stephen Moore: Coronavi-
Kohl told reporters during a on social media showed him casu- Derrick Evans, a Republican violence and illegal activity,” Ma-
rus for Dummies... A14 conference call that Barnett was ally sitting with his foot on a desk member of the West Virginia House tze said these companies are using
charged with entering and remain- inside Pelosi’s office. He was seen Continued on A3 Continued on A3
Chen Simin: What Lurks Be-
hind China’s Food Crisis...A16

A chain reaction in your gut

Supreme Court to Consider California Policy on Nonprofits TRUMP ORDERS FLAGS
can leave you vulnerable to BY MATTHEW VADUM Harris’s conduct in office. Current-
ly, a U.S. senator representing the
chronic inflammatory dis-
ease. ...B1 The Supreme Court has agreed to Golden State, Harris is scheduled
Embrace what the winter
hear an appeal from two conser- to be sworn in as vice president on “As a sign of respect
season offers, rather than la- vative charities that fundraise in Jan. 20. for the service and
ment what it takes. ...B6 California, challenging demands The case is Americans for Pros- sacrifice of United
by that state for a list of financial perity Foundation v. Becerra, and States Capitol
contributors, which the Trump a companion case, Thomas More Police Officers
DON’T DELAY. Brian D. Sicknick
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. administration argues violates Law Center v. Becerra, which have
and Howard
READEPOCH.COM the two tax-exempt groups’ con- been consolidated and will be Liebengood, and all
stitutionally protected freedom of heard together by the court on a Capitol Police Officers,”
Published in New York, association. date that’s yet to be decided. The the declaration states.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
The appeals concern then-Cal- The Supreme Court in Washington on Trump administration had urged Read more on A2
ifornia Attorney General Kamala Jan. 10, 2021. Continued on A4

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

New Law Cracks Down on Shell Companies

to Combat Corruption

MIAMI—For years as a federal

prosecutor in New York, Daniel
R. Alonso led teams that had to
search through a maze of anony-
mously owned corporate entities
to expose criminal activity.
“It required all kinds of shoe-
leather investigating to identify
who was really behind these shell
companies,” recalled Alonso.
“You’d have to subpoena bank
records and lawyers, as well as
human sources, and even then
you frequently hit a dead end.”
Now, thanks to a watershed
overhaul of U.S. money launder-
ing laws, locating the proceeds
from foreign bribery, drug traf-
ficking and financing for ter-
rorists could be as easy as a few
The new legislation quietly
passed by Congress last month
after a decade-long fight is the
most sweeping banking reform
of its kind since passage of the Pa-
triot Act, in the aftermath of the
Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
For the first time, shell compa-
nies will be required to provide
the names of their owners or face
stiff penalties and jail sentences.
The information will be stored
in a confidential database acces-
sible to federal law enforcement The Department of the Treasury in Washington on Sept. 19, 2017.
and shared with banks who are CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES

often unwitting accomplices to funds furtively transferred into

international corruption. a U.S. bank account.
“It’s not an overstatement that It’s not an over- “Congress was late to acknowl-
this law is a game changer in statement that edge that secrecy is alive and well
some serious ways,” said Alonso,
who is now in private practice ad-
this law is a game in the United States,” said David
P. Weber, a former U.S. Treasury
vising clients on foreign corrup- changer in some investigator who was one of two
tion and anti-money laundering serious ways. experts to review the Panama Pa-
issues. pers before publication. He now
The Corporate Transparency Daniel R. Alonso, is a forensic accounting professor
Act was tucked into a defense federal prosecutor at Salisbury University in Mary-
spending bill first vetoed by land. “Kleptocrats and corrupt
President Donald Trump and has long been a magnet for dirty foreign officials did not need se-
then overridden by Congress on money. But the tools to prevent cret bank accounts in Switzer-
New Year’s Day. abuse by bad actors haven’t kept land. They were right here.”
It was introduced by Rep. pace with technology and a pro- Less touted, the law also dra-
Carolyn Maloney, a New York liferation of instant, online trans- matically expands awards for
Democrat, in 2010 and early on actions across borders. whistleblowers. Specifically, in-
faced opposition from banks and The new law seeks to strength- dividuals who come forward with
business groups worried about en controls by creating a regis- evidence of financial malfea-
red tape as well as states such as try managed by the Treasury sance are entitled to receive up to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney
Delaware and Wyoming, which Department that will contain 30 percent of money seized by the (D-N.Y.) walks past journalists at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 14, 2020.
reap important revenues from the names of the true owners of Treasury or Justice Departments
the registration every year in the both domestically-created shell when their information leads to demand foreign bank account en up real estate prices in major
United States of nearly 2 million companies as well as foreign ones successful law enforcement ac- records when they suspect cities like New York, Miami and
corporations and limited liability conducting business in the U.S. tions. Previously, awards were criminal activity. And the law Los Angeles.
companies. Creating a shell company in capped at $150,000. also extends oversight to the But nobody expects crime and
But a string of international fi- states like Delaware requires “This could end up being the se- trade in high-value antiquities. corruption to stop. One weakness
nancial scandals involving soc- little more than a payment of cret sauce,” said Michael Nadler, Expensive artwork—a frequent of the law, says former Treasury
cer’s governing body FIFA and a $90 fee and a one-page letter a recently retired federal pros- vehicle to hide the proceeds of investigator Weber, is that it will
the 1MDB development bank listing the entity’s the name, P.O. ecutor in Miami who has brought corruption—may also be brought push crimes further into the
from Malaysia, as well as the Box and a registered agent who is charges against dozens of cor- within the reach of anti-money darkness, away from the United
leaking of the so-called Panama frequently a law firm dedicated to rupt Venezuelan officials. “It has laundering laws pending a study States to less reputable jurisdic-
Papers, eventually softened criti- churning out companies in bulk. the potential to weaponize low- the government must produce tions where secrecy remains.
cism by revealing the prominent The true owners are rarely listed, ranking company officers who within a year. “In many ways,” he said, “this is
role played by secretive shell their identities hidden under a have access to sensitive client While it may take some time for like a multi-million dollar game
companies in hiding the pro- web of subsidiaries. But once cre- information and see criminal the law’s impact to be felt, experts of whack-a-mole.”
ceeds from illicit activity. ated, the entities can be used to behavior.” believe it will drive away from the
The U.S. financial system—the purchase legitimate assets, such The Justice Department will United States some of the dirty By Joshua Goodman
world’s largest and most stable— as real estate, using ill-gotten also have expanded powers to money from abroad that has driv- From The Associated Press

Trump Orders Flags to Half-Staff to Honor Capitol Police Officers, Law Enforcement

IVAN PENTCHOUKOV Department since April 2005. Our to pick out a spot for a plaque in
thoughts and prayers go out to his Sicknick’s honor. Funeral services
President Donald Trump or- family, friends, and colleagues. also will be held at the Capitol,
dered U.S. flags across the na- We ask that his family, and other according to his father.
tion and abroad to be flown at USCP officers’ and their families’ Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a mem-
half-staff until Jan. 13 in honor privacy be respected during this ber of the Senate’s Republican
of the “service and sacrifice” of profoundly difficult time,” ac- leadership, said that he will “be
law enforcement, the U.S. Capitol cording to the office. interested in finding out if there
Police (USCP), and the two USCP The cause of Liebengood’s death was a connection with Officer Li-
officers who died in the wake of hasn’t been released. It’s unclear ebengood.”
protests at the Capitol on Jan. 6. if the death is related to the unrest U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli
“As a sign of respect for the ser- on Jan. 6, during which the other Babbitt was shot and killed by a
vice and sacrifice of United States officer, Sicknick, suffered injuries. law enforcement officer amid the
Capitol Police Officers Brian D. Sicknick died at about 9:30 p.m. chaos inside the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Sicknick and Howard Lieben- on Jan. 7, according to the depart- Videos from the scene suggest a
good, and all Capitol Police Of- ment. Sicknick was “injured while lack of communication between
ficers and law enforcement across physically engaging with protest- the officers, said Mark Lomax, a
this great Nation, by the authority ers,” according to the USCP. former director of the National
vested in me as President of the “He returned to this division of- Tactical Officers Association.
United States by the Constitution fice and collapsed,” the depart- “There were police on the pro-
and the laws of the United States The American flag flies at half-staff at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 9, 2021. ment’s announcement states. testers’ side, engaged and em-
of America, I hereby order that “He was taken to a local hospi- bedded with these individuals,”
the flag of the United States shall United States and its Territories fices, and other facilities abroad, tal, where he succumbed to his Lomax said. “It did not seem like
be flown at half-staff at the White and possessions until sunset, including all military facilities injuries.” a threatening situation for the of-
House and upon all public build- January 13, 2021,” the president and naval vessels and stations.” Sicknick’s father said Vice ficers.”
ings and grounds, at all military said in a proclamation. The U.S. Capitol Police has con- President Mike Pence and House
posts and naval stations, and on “I also direct that the flag shall firmed the “off-duty” death of of- Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the Epoch Times reporter
all naval vessels of the Federal be flown at half-staff for the same ficer Liebengood on Jan. 9. family on Jan. 8 to offer their con- Jack Phillips, The Associated
Government in the District of length of time at all United States “He was assigned to the Senate dolences. During the call, Pelosi Press, and Reuters contributed
Columbia and throughout the embassies, legations, consular of- Division, and has been with the invited the family to the Capitol to this report.

Parler CEO ‘Prepared to Take Full Legal Action’ After

Big Tech Companies Target Platform

recent events to “go after Parler,”

even though “there is no evidence
Parler was used to coordinate the
“Parler has no groups-style fea-
ture, and Facebook was the num-
ber one tool for coordinating meet-
ups for that event,” Matze said.

They will NOT win!

We are the worlds
last hope for free
speech and free
John Matze,
founder and CEO, Parler

The targeted moderation by

these companies against Parler
came after civil unrest and acts of
violence marred a largely peaceful
protest at the U.S. Capitol on Jan.
6. A group of rioters and a minor-
ity of protesters waving American
and Trump flags illegally stormed
the Capitol building as lawmakers
were counting electoral votes in
a joint session of Congress. The
mayhem on the day left five peo-
ple dead, including one police offi- Parler founder and CEO John Matze in Washington on June 11, 2019.
cer, and dozens of officers injured. OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

In response to the Capitol trend the same day Parler was ists, Christians, black, white, etc.
breach, a number of Silicon Valley banned from Google ... the double They want to keep their monopoly
technology companies ramped standard is obvious,” he said. over speech. They want us fight-
up their policing of statements The big tech suspension came ing. They don’t want us working
and comments from President after Parler rose to become the together. They don’t want us work-
Donald Trump, conservatives, number one application in Ap- ing with each other, they want us
and other voices they say may ple’s app store on Jan. 9, following hating one another.”
cause harm. Twitter on Jan. 8 Twitter’s suspension of Trump’s Unbalanced policing of user
permanently removed Trump’s personal account. Matze said his content and certain political
account on its platform and justi- social media network had around views has raised concerns over
fied its censorship by saying the 20 million accounts at the time First Amendment rights and the
president had violated its “Glorifi- the companies suspended them. lack of checks and balances on
cation of Violence Policy” after he Mobile app analytics company decisions made by big tech com-
posted a message urging protest- Sensor Tower told The Wrap in a panies. Discussions over limit-
ers to remain peaceful and leave statement that Parler saw approxi- ing or eliminating liability pro-
the Capitol. The Trump campaign mately 182,000 first-time down- tections under Section 230 of the
Twitter account has also been re- loads in the United States on Jan. 1996 Communications Decency
moved. 8, which is up 355 percent on Jan. Act for tech companies that have
Parler, which has attracted a Social media website Parler displayed on a screen in Arlington, Va., on July 7. The app saw about 268,000 in- engaged in censoring or political
2, 2020.
large following of classical liberal stalls across U.S. app stores since conduct have been heavily dis-
and conservative-leaning users, Jan. 6, the statement said. cussed in the past year.
appeared to have been targeted “We have suspended Parler from form’s  alleged lax approach to Matze said on his Parler account Twitter’s move to remove
for lacking a system to “implement the App Store until they resolve violent content posted by its users. late Jan. 9 that he believes Ama- Trump’s account has received
robust moderation for egregious these issues,” the statement said. Parler disputes this claim. zon, Google, and Apple coordi- widespread scrutiny. U.S. Depart-
content.” Apple didn’t immediately re- Amazon also didn’t immediate- nated to “try and ensure they don’t ment of Housing and Urban De-
Apple said in a statement to spond to The Epoch Times’ ques- ly respond to The Epoch Times’ have competition.” velopment Secretary Ben Carson,
media outlets on Jan. 9 that they tions about the ban. questions about the suspension. “They will NOT win! We are the State Secretary Mike Pompeo, and
believe Parler had “not taken ad- Similarly, Amazon told Parler Matze said he believes these worlds last hope for free speech former United Nations Ambassa-
equate measures to address” the that they would be shutting Par- companies are also operating and free information,” he said. dor Nikki Haley likened Twitter’s
proliferation of “threats of vio- ler’s servers at midnight Jan. with a double standard. “This is a battle against all of move to conduct by the commu-
lence and illegal activity.” 10, over what it says is the plat- “Twitter let ‘Hang Mike Pence’ us. Liberals, conservatives, athe- nist regime in China.


Man Who Posed for Photos at Researchers have

Desk in Pelosi’s Office Arrested been monitoring
U.S. strains.
CONTINUED FROM A1 investigate the events.
“We will continue to investigate Spokesman, Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention
of Delegates, was one of the pro- all allegations of criminal activity,”
testors who stormed the Capitol. D’Antuono said.
Evans has been charged with Michael Sherwin, acting U.S. spreading in our communities
entering a restricted area and attorney for the District of Co- and may be 50 percent more
entering the Capitol, according lumbia, announced on Jan. 7 that transmissible,” the report stated.
to Kohl. more than 50 people were charged “Aggressive mitigation must
U.S. Capitol Police have also lo- within 36 hours, related mostly to be used to match a more ag-
cated a pickup truck with an Ala- the breach of the Capitol during the gressive virus; without uniform
bama license plate registered to protests in Washington this week. implementation of effective face
Lonnie Coffman. In the truck, po- Of those cases, more than 40 masking (two- or three-ply and
lice found 11 Molotov cocktails as have been filed in the D.C. Supe- A site tester administers a swab to a man in his car, at Echo Park Stadium in well-fitting) and strict social dis-
well as firearms and an M4 Carbine rior Court, which includes several Parker, Colo., on Dec. 30, 2020. tancing, epidemics could quickly
Assault rifle, Kohl said. Coffman’s firearm cases. In addition, 17 in- worsen as these variants spread
detention hearing is scheduled for
Jan. 12.
dividuals have been charged in
federal court in D.C. related to CDC Says It Hasn’t Seen ‘USA and become predominant.”
The White House didn’t imme-

Variant’ of COVID-19
Another protestor, Mark Leffin- crimes committed at the Capitol, diately respond to a request for
gwell, was charged with entering as of Jan. 9. comment.
the Senate side of the Capitol and SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
Several new variants of CO-
pushing officers. He is also accused VID-19 have been detected in
of punching an officer in the hel- ZACHARY STIEBER emergence of a particular variant recent weeks, including B.1.1.7 in
met and chest. in the United States, as has been the UK. While that variant is more
“Today’s charges are just the re- A federal health agency has re- seen with the emergence of B.1.1.7 easily transmitted than the main
sults of the extensive work done by jected the notion that a new vari- in the United Kingdom or B.1.351 COVID-19 strain, it doesn’t appear
the FBI and our partners over the ant of COVID-19 that originated in South Africa,” he added. to be deadlier, authorities say.
last few days. And we are far from in the United States exists. The White House Coronavirus U.S. officials said the UK strain
done,” Steven D’Antuono, assistant “Researchers have been moni- Task Force told states in a report has been detected in the United
director in charge at FBI Washing- toring U.S. strains since the pan- last week that there may be a States, but currently makes up a
ton Field Office, said during the demic began, including 5,700 “USA variant” of COVID-19. small percentage of total cases.
conference call. samples collected in November “This fall/winter surge has been Both the United States and Unit-
He said the FBI deployed hun- and December,” a Centers for at nearly twice the rate of rise of ed Kingdom this week recorded
dreds of people, including spe- Disease Control and Prevention cases as the spring and summer their highest daily death tolls
cial agents, bomb technicians, Protestor Richard Barnett sits inside spokesman told news outlets on surges. This acceleration suggests from the CCP virus this week.
evidence response teams, and the office of House Speaker Nancy Jan. 8. there may be a USA variant that The U.S. toll topped 4,000 for the
tactical and specialty teams, as Pelosi, at the U.S. Capitol in Wash- “To date, neither researchers has evolved here, in addition to first time, while the UK recorded
well as intelligence analysts to ington on Jan. 6, 2021. nor analysts at CDC have seen the the UK variant that is already 1,325 deaths on Jan. 7.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenge

to California Requiring Nonprofit Donor Lists

the high court to take the case in

a friend-of-the-court brief.
Americans for Prosperity
Foundation (AFPF) and its sis-
ter organization, Americans for
Prosperity, are influential liber-
tarian-conservative nonprofits
funded by businessman Charles
Koch and his late brother David
Koch that have chapters across
the country. The Thomas More
Law Center—not to be confused
with the Chicago-based public
interest law firm, the Thomas
More Society—is a conservative
Christian public interest law firm
based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The center is represented by the
Alliance Defending Freedom.
“All Americans should be free
to organize around deeply held
beliefs,” Emily Seidel, CEO of
AFPF, said in a statement. “Strip-
ping citizens of their privacy is a
tool wielded by some in political
power to silence their opposition
and stifle individuals from en-
gaging in educational and chari-
table efforts.
“Tens of thousands of Ameri-
cans each year participate in
AFPF’s educational programs,
which inspire them to make a
greater impact in their commu-
The Supreme Court in Washington on Dec. 11, 2020.
nity and our country.
“Their rights—as well as the
rights of every person who par-
ticipates in organizations that
seek to reform our justice system,
protect the rights of our veterans,
or make progress on other issues
as diverse as Americans them-
selves—are at stake. The court’s
decision to hear the case signals
the importance of these founda-
tional civil liberties.”
California regulations require
charities to file a copy of their
IRS Form 990, an informational
return for tax-exempt organiza-
tions, annually with the state.
Schedule B to the form contains
the names and addresses of the
top donors. While the form is
made available to the public,
Schedule B donor information California Attorney General Xavier Becerra speaks to the media in Sacramento, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks at The Queen in Wilmington, Del.,
must be kept confidential, under Calif., on March 27, 2018. on Dec. 23, 2020.
pain of federal civil and criminal
penalties. When a Schedule B is past been harassed and been the a statement. “This information cases.
released to the public, identifying victims of reprisals when their helps the state protect consum- “The justices will weigh in on
information about the donor is The charities con- names became public. ers from fraud and the misuse of the First Amendment rights of
redacted. cerned refuse to A U.S. district court agreed their charitable contributions. students and charitable orga-
Since about 2005, California has file their docu- with the charities and prelimi- We look forward to defending our nizations, as well as sentencing
demanded that charities file with narily enjoined California from rules before the Supreme Court.” reductions for inmates serving
the state unredacted Schedule B ments with the requiring petitioners to submit President-elect Joe Biden has time for small amounts of crack
documents, giving state officials California gov- their Schedule B forms. The U.S. said he plans to nominate Becer- cocaine,” court watcher Amy
the names of donors. The state’s Court of Appeals for the 9th Cir- ra to be secretary of the U.S. De- Howe writes at SCOTUSblog.
policy is to keep the information
ernment because cuit reversed. partment of Health and Human “Perhaps just as notably, the
confidential but there are no legal they don’t trust its California Attorney General Services. justices did not act on several
penalties for breaching confiden- officials to keep Xavier Becerra, a Democrat Harris, who was Becerra’s pre- high-profile petitions that they
tiality. named as respondent in the law- decessor as the state’s attorney considered at Friday’s confer-
The charities concerned refuse the information suits, was dismissive. general, was respondent in the ence, involving (among other
to file their unredacted Sched- secret. “California’s donor reporting lawsuits while she held that post. things) abortion, a dispute over
ule B documents with the liberal, rules simply require charities to Her Senate office didn’t immedi- the Pennsylvania Supreme
Democratic Party-dominated provide the state, on a confiden- ately respond to a request by The Court’s extension of the deadline
California government because tial basis, the same information Epoch Times for comment. for absentee ballots for the 2020
they don’t trust its officials to about major donors that they On the same day, the Supreme election, and the right to sue the
keep the information secret. They already provide to the federal Court granted writs of certiora- president under the Constitu-
say that their donors have in the government,”  Becerra said in ri, or review, in a total of 14 new tion’s emoluments clause.”


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West Virginia Lawmaker Resigns After Being Charged

for Involvement in Capitol Breach

ZACHARY STIEBER constituents and fellow West

Virginians,” he stated.
West Virginia Delegate Der- “I hope this action I take
rick Evans said on Jan. 9 that today can remove any cloud
he was resigning after being of distraction from the state
charged for being involved Legislature, so my col-
in the Jan. 6 breach of the leagues can get to work in
U.S. Capitol. earnest building a brighter
In a letter to West Virginia future for our state. And
Gov. Jim Justice, a Republi- more importantly, I hope it
can, Evans said he was re- helps to begin the healing
signing effective immedi- process, so we can all move
ately, news outlets reported. forward and come together
as ‘One Nation, Under God.’”
Evans was one of three
men charged in federal
Evans was one court on Jan. 9 for allegedly
of three men being involved in the breach
of the Capitol.
charged in federal The 35-year-old was
court on Jan. 9 charged  with one count
of knowingly entering or
for allegedly be- remaining in a restricted
ing involved in building or grounds with-
the breach of the out lawful authority, and
one count of violent entry
Capitol. and disorderly conduct on
Capitol grounds. The first
Evans, also a Republican, charge carries a prison term
issued a statement calling of up to one year. Protesters storm the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
the past few days “a diffi- According to an affidavit
cult time for my family, col- submitted with the criminal the midst of a large crowd said, according to the court vandalizing!” Today, I had the opportu-
leagues and myself.” complaint, Evans streamed outside closed double doors document. When the group After news of his involve- nity to film another event
“So I feel it’s best at this live to his Facebook page on at the Capitol. Evans soon entered, he added: “We’re in, ment in the breach oc- in DC,” he wrote. “I want to
point to resign my seat in Jan. 6. The video showed starts to chant “Our House! we’re in! Derrick Evans is in curred, Evans told followers assure you all that I did not
the House and focus on my him joining and encourag- Our House!” before relaying the Capitol!” At one point, he on Facebook that he was on have any negative interac-
personal situation and those ing the crowd that entered that police officers were try- fist-bumped a U.S. Capitol a bus headed back to West tions with law enforcement
I love. I take full responsibil- the Capitol. ing to stop the group. Police officer and said, “We Virginia. nor did I participate in any
ity for my actions, and deep- An FBI special agent About a minute later, the will respect you, all right!” “As many of you know, for destruction that may have
ly regret any hurt, pain or wrote in the affidavit that crowd begins to force their He also shouted: “No de- the last few years, I have trav- occurred. I was simply there
embarrassment I may have the video, which Evans lat- way into the entrance. struction of anything! No eled across the country to as an independent member
caused my family, friends, er deleted, showed him in “We’re going in!” Evans vandalizing property, no film many different events. of the media to film history.”

Laptop From Pelosi’s Office Stolen During GOP Sen. Toomey Says Trump
Capitol Breach, Spokesman Confirms ‘Committed Impeachable Offenses’
JACK PHILLIPS session of Congress that was con-
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) said that vened to count the Electoral Col-
A spokesperson for House Speaker President Donald Trump “com- lege votes. After the building was
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) confirmed mitted impeachable offenses” secured, the session concluded
that a laptop was stolen from a in connection with the Jan. 6 with the certification of former
conference room belonging to breaching of the U.S. Capitol by Vice President Joe Biden as presi-
her office amid the chaos at the protesters. dent-elect. A group of eight sena-
Capitol building on Jan. 6. tors and 140 House members ob-
“It was a laptop that was only jected to the counting of one or
used for presentations,” Pelosi more slates of electors who cast
spokesman Drew Hammill wrote I do think the their votes for Biden.
in a Jan. 10 statement. president com- During the joint session, Toom-
Following a Trump rally and mitted impeach- ey argued on behalf of counting
march to the Capitol, the build- Biden’s electors from Pennsyl-
ing was breached as protesters able offenses. But vania, saying that the objection
pushed past police who were try- I don’t know what would “overturn the results of
ing to block them from entering the the presidential election.”
building while lawmakers inside
is going to land on “Even if Congress did have
debated counting Electoral College the Senate floor, if the Constitutional responsibil-
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) speaks to media at the U.S. Capitol in
votes to confirm Joe Biden’s victory.
Washington on Jan. 7, 2021. anything. ity to judge the worthiness of a
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) state’s election process, which
wrote on Twitter that a laptop OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
Sen. Pat Toomey it does not, rejecting Pennsyl-
was taken from his office dur- vania’s electoral votes would
ing the incident. “I do think the president com- still be wildly out of proportion
Michael Sherwin, the acting U.S. mitted impeachable offenses. to the purported offenses and
attorney for Washington, said it But I don’t know what is going to very damaging to our republic,”
will likely take “several days to land on the Senate floor, if any- Toomey said in a speech on the
flesh out exactly what happened, thing,” Toomey, a member of the Senate floor.
what was stolen, what wasn’t,” ac- Senate Banking Committee, said The White House didn’t imme-
cording to Politico. He noted that in a Jan. 9 interview on Fox News. diately respond to a request for
“items, electronic items were sto- Toomey, who isn’t seeking re- comment.
len from senators’ offices, docu- election in 2022, isn’t the first Trump’s term in office con-
ments and materials were stolen, Republican to speak against cludes at noon on Jan. 20.
and we have to identify what was the president in the aftermath Should a House impeachment
done to mitigate that [damage].” of the breach of the U.S. Capitol. vote succeed, the move would
“We have to do a full review of Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said he send the articles of impeach-
what was taken, or copied, or even would “definitely consider” any ment to the Senate, where the
left behind in terms of bugs and impeachment articles brought concurrence of two-thirds of
listening devices, etc.,” Rep. Ru- against Trump, while Sen. Lisa the senators present would be
ben Gallego (D-Ariz.) told Politico. Murkowski (R-Alaska) called on required to convict and remove
The House Chief Administra- Damage is seen inside the U.S. Capitol early on Jan. 7, 2021, after protesters the president to resign. the president.
tive Office stated that “at this breeched security and entered the building. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi If convicted, the president
time, there have been no indica- (D-Calif.) urged her Demo- would be barred from holding
tions that the House network was onstrators to breach the Capitol or congressional phones and various cratic caucus in a letter on Jan. federal office.
compromised” and said the office commit acts of violence. other devices. One reporter with 8 to return to Washington as SARAH SILBIGER-POOL/GETTY IMAGES
issued commands to lock laptops Trump struck a different tone The Blaze posted a photograph of she appears poised to have the
and computers, and shut down on Jan. 7, saying, “A new admin- what purported to be a computer Democrats move forward with
wired network access. istration will be inaugurated on from Pelosi’s office with emails impeaching President Donald
Republican and Democrat- Jan. 20 ... My focus now turns to “still on the screen.” Trump for a second time.
ic members of Congress have ensuring a smooth, orderly, and What else might have been tak- Pelosi and a number of prom-
blamed President Donald Trump seamless transition of power. This en during the chaos isn’t known. inent Democrats allege that
for inciting the violence and chaos moment calls for healing and rec- Some information technology Trump incited the protesters
that left at least four people dead, onciliation.” experts worry that intruders may who breached the U.S. Capitol.
including a U.S. Air Force veteran Hours later, before he was have planted malicious software In a speech to a massive crowd
and a U.S. Capitol Police officer. banned by Twitter, Trump wrote on computers, although it isn’t of supporters that day, the pres-
Three died due to medical rea- that his 75 million supporters “will clear that devices were the focus ident asked them to march to
sons, D.C. police said. not be disrespected or treated un- of any particular attention. protest near the Capitol and
Before the protesters breached fairly in any way, shape or form,” The man who was photographed “to peacefully and patriotically
the Capitol, Trump held a speech describing them as “patriots.” sitting in a chair in Pelosi’s office make your voices heard.”
and repeated assertions of elec- The demonstrators who broke has been arrested, officials said. The president didn’t say any- Rep. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.)
tion fraud and irregularities, al- into the Capitol posted several thing about breaking into the during a hearing on Capitol Hill in
though he didn’t call on the dem- photographs of themselves using Reuters contributed to this report. building. Washington on Dec. 10, 2020.


Capitol Police stand guard as people gather on Capitol Hill to protest election
results in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.

US Capitol Police Announce

Death of Off-Duty Officer
JACK PHILLIPS dent Mike Pence and House Speak-
Volunteers sort recall mail to oust California Gov. Gavin Newsom at Capital Campaigns Inc. in Newport Beach, Calif., er Nancy Pelosi called the family
on Jan 4, 2021. The U.S. Capitol Police has con- on Jan. 8 to offer their condolences.
firmed the “off-duty” death of one During the call, Pelosi invited the
of its officers on Jan. 9. family to the Capitol to pick out a

Petition to Recall California The department said in a state-

ment that the “Capitol Police is
deeply saddened by the off-duty
spot for a plaque in Sicknick’s honor.
Funeral services also will be held at
the Capitol, according to his father.

Gov. Newsom Exceeds death on January 9, 2021, of Officer

Howard Liebengood, age 51.”
“He was assigned to the Senate
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member
of the Senate’s Republican leader-
ship, said that he will “be interested

1 Million Signatures Division, and has been with the

Department since April 2005. Our
thoughts and prayers go out to his
in finding out if there was a con-
nection with Officer Liebengood.”
“But mostly I’m interested in
family, friends, and colleagues. reaching out to both of these fami-
We ask that his family, and other lies. These are people we saw every
ZACHARY STIEBER is that somebody has to have a USCP officers’ and their families’ day, particularly Officer Lieben-
wake-up call for the governor, or privacy be respected during this good, who was very much assigned
The petition to recall California It is not a matter we’re going to go exactly down the profoundly difficult time,” accord- to the Senate side of the building.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has exceeded of IF we are go- road I saw in 2003, where Gray ing to the office. And, you know, you have that
a million signatures, organizers ing to reach our Davis didn’t understand and the The cause of death has not been loss. You have four other deaths of
said. people demanded a change, and released. people who got involved in some-
“The people are being heard loud goal necessary they got a pretty radical change The death follows days after thing that they absolutely should
and clear, and it is not a matter of that will trigger a with Arnold Schwarzenegger,” a Capitol Police officer died Jan. not have gotten involved in,” Blunt
IF we are going to reach our goal
necessary that will trigger a re-
recall election of Issa said.
Davis, a Democrat, was the
7 due to injuries while on duty as
officers responded to unrest at the
told CBS News on Jan. 10.
Meanwhile, a U.S. Air Force vet-
call election of Newsom, it is just Newsom, it is just first California governor to be re- Capitol a day earlier. The officer, eran, Ashli Babbitt, was shot and
when we cross the finish line,” Or- when we cross the called. Schwarzenegger, a Repub- Brian Sicknick, died at about 9:30 killed by a law enforcement officer
rin Heatlie, the lead proponent of
the effort to remove the Democrat,
finish line. lican, received the most votes to
replace Davis.
p.m., according to the depart-
ment, adding that it “expresses
amid the chaos.
The videos suggest a lack of com-
said in a statement. Orrin Heatlie, retired Yolo Those behind the recall cam- its deepest sympathies to Officer munication between the officers,
About nine weeks remain for County Sheriff’s sergeant paign say California under New- Sicknick’s family and friends on said Mark Lomax, who was execu-
organizers to gather 500,000 ad- som is doing badly, citing the high their loss, and mourns the loss of tive director of the National Tactical
ditional signatures, which would ately respond to requests by The number of homeless people, the a friend and colleague.” Officers Association and is CEO of
qualify the petition for a vote by Epoch Times for comment about high cost of living, and the harsh He was “injured while physically the consulting firm Lancer Cobbs.
Californians. March 17 is the the petition. restrictions on businesses amid engaging with protesters,” accord- “There were police on the protest-
deadline. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said the COVID-19 pandemic. ing to the USCP. “He returned to ers’ side, engaged and embedded
Heatlie called the recall cam- last month that the recall cam- Anne Hyde, who is helping to this division office and collapsed,” with these individuals,” he said.
paign a “literal steamroller and paign has “huge momentum” lead the effort, told The Epoch the department’s announcement “It did not seem like a threatening
Gavin Newsom’s failed policies are and warned Newsom, a first-term Times that Newsom dining out reads. “He was taken to a local situation for the officers.”
being run over and flatten[ed] by governor who previously had been at an expensive restaurant while hospital, where he succumbed to
the People of California who will the state’s lieutenant governor and repeatedly recommending that his injuries.” Reuters and AP contributed
no longer be held hostage to his San Francisco’s mayor, to take it people stay home during the pan- Sicknick’s father said Vice Presi- to this report.
dictatorial failed policies.” seriously. demic created a backlash.
Newsom’s office didn’t immedi- “I think the important thing “Clearly, you can pinpoint it
to his appearance at the French
Laundry ... and now you’re starting
to see it translated into an absolute Biden Says He Will ‘Defeat the
spike in signatures,” she said.
“To me, it is a nonpartisan issue,”
NRA’ While in Office
said Alan Johnson, a volunteer SUSAN WALSH/AP PHOTO
who was helping open mail re- ZACHARY STIEBER
sponses. “I’ve never found myself
to be partisan, but I try to judge President-elect Joe Biden on Jan. 8
things based on principle, and promised to “defeat” the National
with good policy, you get good Rifle Association while he’s in office.
results. With bad policy, you get Biden’s official Twitter account
bad results. And there’s a whole was responding to former Rep.
lot of bad policies coming out of Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.), who
Sacramento. That should not be was among 14 people wounded in
partisan.” a shooting rampage by Jared Lee
Loughner in Tucson in 2011; six
California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a news conference at the Cali- Drew Van Voorhis contributed people died in the attack. Giffords
fornia Justice Department in Sacramento, Calif., on Sept. 18, 2019. to this report. had recounted how her life and
community “changed forever.”
“But the attack did not break President-elect Joe Biden speaks
me—or the people I represented during an event at The Queen in
Wilmington, Del., on Jan. 8, 2021.
Cruz, Hawley Respond After Biden Compares Them in Congress. We came together,
turned pain into purpose, and
to Nazi Propagandist found hope in each other,” she that a Biden administration, if
wrote, adding that she contin- officials get their way, “will ban
ues to work to “achieve a safer and confiscate the most-com-
ZACHARY STIEBER Think about that for a moment. nents literal Nazis does nothing America.” monly-owned rifle in the United
Let it sink in. Because I raised to bring us together or promote Biden responded, saying: “Your States” and “will arbitrarily limit
Two prominent Republican sena- questions in the format pre- healing. This kind of vicious perseverance and immeasurable the number of guns that can be
tors challenged President-elect scribed by the laws of the United partisan rhetoric only tears our courage continue to inspire me bought per month,” among other
Joe Biden after he compared States about the way elections country apart,” he said. and millions of others. I pledge to measures.
them to an infamous Nazi pro- were conducted in the state of Biden’s team didn’t immedi- continue to work with you—and Biden’s website says he has a
pagandist. Pennsylvania, just as Democrats ately respond to a request by The with survivors, families, and ad- plan to end “our gun violence
Biden on Jan. 8 said Sens. Ted did about other states in 2001, Epoch Times for comment on the vocates across the country—to epidemic” and boasts that he
Cruz (R-Texas) and Josh Haw- 2005, and 2017, he is calling me senators’ remarks. defeat the NRA and end our epi- has taken on the NRA twice and
ley (R-Mo.) are “part of the big a Nazi. Biden, who regularly said dur- demic of gun violence.” won, referring to his help passing
lie.” He then recounted being “This is undignified, imma- ing the 2020 campaign that he The NRA, which has more than 5 the Brady Handgun Violence Pre-
told that Joseph Goebbels, Adolf ture, and intemperate behavior would work to unite the country million members, seeks to protect vention Act in 1993 and in passing
Hitler’s minister of propaganda, from the President-elect. It is if elected, was upset that Haw- and educate people about their a 10-year ban on some weapons
falsely said that more people were utterly shameful. He should act ley and Cruz objected to electoral Second Amendment rights. and magazines the following year.
killed in the bombing of Dresden like a dignified adult and retract votes from Arizona and Pennsyl- While the association didn’t im- “As president, Joe Biden will de-
than were really dead. these sick comments. And every vania during the Jan. 6 joint ses- mediately respond to a request feat the NRA again,” the site states.
“And our papers printed that. Democrat member of Congress sion of Congress. for comment on Biden’s post, its Some of the proposals include
Our papers printed it. That’s a big should be asked to disavow these The senators pointed to election lobbying arm recently published banning the manufacture and
lie,” he said. disgusting comments.” irregularities and said it was the an article that says Biden would sale of so-called assault weapons
In a statement in response, Cruz took to Twitter to call only forum in which they were “begin a concerted attack on the and high-capacity magazines, re-
Hawley said: “President-elect Biden’s comments “really sad.” able to raise concerns. rights of American gun owners” stricting the number of guns one
Biden has just compared me and “At a time of deep national di- Biden has previously compared after being inaugurated. person may buy per month to one,
another Republican Senator to vision, President-elect Biden’s President Donald Trump to Goe- “We must be ready for the on- and prohibiting people convicted
Nazis. You read that correctly. choice to call his political oppo- bbels and Hitler. slaught,” the post reads, adding of hate crimes from owning guns.

Pompeo Says Twitter’s Ban on Trump ‘Un-American,’

Compares It to CCP Censorship

Twitter’s decision to permanently

ban President Donald Trump is
“un-American” and parallels cen-
sorship under communist China,
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
said on Jan. 9.
“Silencing speech is dangerous.
It’s un-American. Sadly, this isn’t
a new tactic of the Left. They’ve
worked to silence opposing voices
for years,” he wrote in a tweet.
“We cannot let them silence 75M
Americans. This isn’t the CCP,” he
added, referring to the Chinese
Communist Party’s weaponiza-
tion of technology and social
media to monitor and suppress
Earlier, Twitter stated that
it has  permanently removed
Trump’s account from its plat-
form, saying the company identi-
fied “risk of further incitement of
violence” upon review of how his
recent tweets “are being received
and interpreted on and off Twitter.”
Facebook similarly blocked
Trump until at least Jan. 20.
In response to Twitter, Trump
condemned the tech giant, say-
ing the company “has gone fur-
ther and further in banning free
Trump vowed that he “will not The suspended Twitter account of President Donald Trump appears on an iPhone screen in San Anselmo, Calif., on Jan. 8, 2021.
be silenced.” He said his team has CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON/THE EPOCH TIMES

been negotiating with Twitter’s but it should concern everyone

competitors and is also looking when companies like Facebook
into options to build a separate We cannot let and Twitter wield the unchecked
platform. them silence 75M power to remove people from
Republican lawmakers and platforms that have become in-
Trump allies have criticized Twit- Americans. This dispensable for the speech of bil-
ter’s actions as censorship and isn’t the CCP. lions—especially when political
abuse of power. realities make those decisions
“Big Tech’s purge, censorship, Secretary of State easier,” the statement reads.
Mike Pompeo
[and] abuse of power is absurd Twitter also has banned ac-
[and] profoundly dangerous,” counts of lawyer Sidney Powell and
Rep. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrote on Trump’s former national security
Twitter. adviser Michael Flynn. The waves
“If you agree [with] Tech’s cur- of Twitter bans have prompted
rent biases (Iran, good; Trump, some users, including radio hosts
bad), ask yourself, what happens Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh,
when you disagree?” he said. “Why to make a voluntary exit.
should a handful of Silicon Valley Pompeo’s message strikes a simi-
billionaires have a monopoly on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the State Department in Washington on lar tone to that of former United
political speech?” Jan. 4, 2021. Nations Ambassador Nikki Hal-
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) voiced ey, who also invoked the Chinese
similar concerns. their actions will only stoke new cy group American Civil Liberties regime’s censorship of those it
“Even those who oppose Trump grievances that will end up fuel- Union, also put out a statement, deemed enemies.
should see the danger of having a ing the very thing they claim to be saying Twitter’s decision “should “Silencing people, not to mention
small [and] unelected group with trying to prevent.” concern everyone.” the President of the U.S., is what
the power to silence [and] erase Kate Ruane, senior legislative “We understand the desire to happens in China, not our coun-
anyone,” he said in a tweet. “And council for the progressive advoca- permanently suspend him now, try,” she wrote in a tweet.

DOJ Says Social Media Offer of Feds Arrest Man in Horned Helmet Who
Pardons for Capitol Breach Is Fake Entered Capitol During Jan. 6 Protest
GQ PAN “Please be advised that the in- SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

formation circulating on social SAMUEL ALLEGRI

A social media post purportedly media claiming to be from Act-
from a top Justice Department ing Pardon Attorney Rosalind Federal police have arrested the
(DOJ) official floating presiden- Sargent-Burns is inauthentic and shirtless man in a horned fur
tial pardons to those involved should not be taken seriously,” a headdress whose photo inside
in the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. department spokesperson said. the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 spread
Capitol is fake, the department “The Justice Department’s Of- widely on the internet.
said on Jan. 9. fice of the Pardon Attorney does
The post appears to have orig- not have a social media presence
inated from a Parler account and is not involved in any efforts
claiming to be the official social to pardon individuals or groups Chansley has
media page of Acting Pardon At- involved with the heinous acts been charged with
torney Rosalind Sargent-Burns. that took place this week in and
It states that President Donald around the U.S. Capitol.” ‘knowingly enter-
Trump “is strongly considering” The clarification comes as fed- ing or remaining
pardoning “all patriots” who eral prosecutors released details in any restrict-
stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. of some of the first group of peo-
The account then asks that ple charged for their involvement ed building or Jake Angeli (C) entered the Capitol during a protest with his painted face and
horned hat in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
anyone who wants a presiden- in the breach on the Capitol, in- grounds without
tial pardon to respond to the post cluding a Republican West Vir-
with information including their ginia state delegate who filmed
lawful authority.’ length, with an American flag tied ried off the podium, while wear-
name, their city, and a list of a himself making his way into the just below the blade,” the state- ing a “Trump” hat and waving at
“crime you think you need to building, a 60-year-old Arkan- The man was identified as ment reads. the camera and smiling.
be pardoned for,” along with an sas man who was seen in widely 32-year-old Jacob Anthony He has been charged with “It is alleged that on Jan. 6, 2021,
explanation of why they believe circulated photos putting his Chansley, also know as Jake An- “knowingly entering or remain- Johnson illegally entered the Unit-
they should be pardoned. foot on a desk in House Speaker geli, from Arizona. ing in any restricted building or ed States Capitol and removed the
“Please share to anyone who Nancy Pelosi’s office, and an Ala- He was arrested on Jan. 9, ac- grounds without lawful author- Speaker of the House’s lectern
may need it, we are trying to bama man who allegedly drove cording to a Justice Department ity, and with violent entry and from where it had been stored
stay off the MSM so that the left a pickup truck with 11 Molotov statement, which described him disorderly conduct on Capitol on the House side of the Capitol
does not learn of the President’s cocktails to the Capitol. as wielding a spear and an Ameri- grounds.” building. A search of open sources
plan,” the post reads, adding that “The U.S. Capitol is one of the can flag. Two other men were charged led law enforcement to Johnson,
Trump needs the list by Jan. 12, most iconic buildings in our “It is alleged that Chansley was and taken into custody. who is allegedly seen in a widely
before the House can vote to im- country and a symbol of the identified as the man seen in The man who was seen swiping circulated photo inside the Capitol
peach him again. Constitution and people we have media coverage who entered the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s lec- carrying the lectern,” the Justice
In a statement, a DOJ spokes- sworn to protect, and its destruc- Capitol building dressed in horns, tern in a viral photo was arrested Department said in a statement.
person said the post isn’t from tion will not be tolerated,” Steven a bearskin headdress, red, white, in Florida. Adam Johnson, 36, was Also arrested was 35-year-old
Sargent-Burns or anyone from M. D’Antuono, assistant director and blue face paint, shirtless, and arrested Jan. 8 by U.S. Marshals. Derrick Evans from West Virginia.
the Office of the Pardon Attor- in charge of the FBI Washington tan pants. This individual carried He was identified on social media He also was taken into custody
ney. Field Office, said in a statement. a spear, approximately 6 feet in from a photo as the man who car- on Jan. 8.

Chicago Shooter Who Killed 3 Posted Social Media Rants


CHICAGO—A man who po-

lice say killed three people and
wounded four others during a se-
ries of shootings in and around
Chicago posted nonsensical and
expletive-laced videos in the days
and hours leading up to the at-
Investigators on Jan. 10 were
trying to determine a motive for
the Jan. 9 attacks in which police
say 32-year-old Jason Nighten-
gale apparently chose his victims
at random. Police killed Night-
engale in a shootout just north
of the city about four hours after
authorities say he shot his first
victim in the head in a South Side
parking garage.
Those killed included a 30-year-
old University of Chicago student
from China named Yiran Fan,
Anthony Faukner, 20, and Ai-
sha Nevell, 46, a security guard.
Wounded were a 77-year-old
woman, 81-year-old woman, and
a 15-year-old girl, according to
Chicago Police Superintendent
David Brown. Another woman
was shot in the neck in Evanston, Chicago and Evanston police investigate a crime scene after a gunman went on a shooting spree before being killed by police during a shootout in Evanston, Ill.,
police in the suburb said. on Jan. 9, 2021.
Authorities didn’t release many CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT VIA AP

details about Nightengale, a hit anyone, authorities said. He him, he had always been a good
Chicago man whose LinkedIn then went across the street to an guy and funny guy,” Taylor said.
page listed work over the years IHOP restaurant, where he shot “Something had to happen in
as a janitor, security guard, and a woman in the neck. She was in order for him to break him like
forklift operator. But a series of critical condition, Evanston po- that.”
disturbing videos posted to Face- lice Chief Demitrous Cook told University of Chicago officials
book over two years under Night- reporters. said Fan was working toward a
engale’s middle name, Oliver, of- Nightengale left the restaurant doctorate in a joint program be-
fered clues as to his state of mind. and was confronted by officers in tween the university’s schools
In one posted Jan. 7, Nighten- a parking lot, leading to a shoot- of business and economics, and
gale held a gun to the camera and out in which he was shot and that his family in China had been
muttered unintelligible state- killed, Cook said. notified of his death.
ments as he appeared to be driv- Evanston police Sgt. Ken Cart- “We know that this shocking in-
ing. A police official who spoke on Jason
er said Nightengale appeared to cident brings grief to our entire
condition of anonymity because Nightengale, have a connection to Evanston, community and concern for the
he was not authorized to speak in a 2018 but he didn’t have further de- wellbeing and safety of others,”
publicly about the investigation booking photo tails. He said on Jan. 10 that an the university said in a news re-
confirmed it was Nightengale in from the outside agency would take over lease. “In the days ahead we will
the video. Chicago Police the investigation, since Evanston come together as a community
“No music. No. No music,” Department. police were involved in the fatal to mourn, and to lift up fellow
Nightengale says in the video, his shooting. members of our community in
speech slurred. “I don’t need no From there, Nightengale went Chicago police released an this difficult and very sad time.
seat belt. I’m coming, girl.” to another nearby building October 2018 booking photo of Please join us in wishing consola-
He posted dozens of other short A series of disturb- and stole a car from a man he Nightengale that was taken af- tion and healing for our student’s
videos, including several in the ing videos posted knew. He then opened fire at a ter he was charged with mul- loved ones.”
hours before the first attack, to Facebook over convenience store, killing the tiple driving-related offenses, Brown said the information
which were viewable until the 20-year-old man and wounding including driving on a suspend- he shared at the news confer-
page was taken down Jan. 10. In two years under the 81-year-old woman in the ed license. His criminal record ence was preliminary and could
one, he says, “I’m going to blow Nightengale’s mid- head and neck. The woman was started in 2005 and included ar- change. He said investigators had
up the whole community.” In in critical condition. rests for gun and drug violations, little information about Night-
another, Nightengale appears to
dle name, Oliver, After leaving the store, Night- aggravated assault, and a 2019 engale but plan to release more
groove to the Bee Gees’ “Staying offered clues as to engale shot a 15-year-old girl domestic battery case, accord- details as they get them.
Alive” while laughing. his state of mind. who was riding in a car with her ing to WLS-TV. “When you hear this whole
The shootings began shortly mother, leaving the girl in critical An attorney for Nightengale story, it seems that you have a
before 2 p.m. Jan. 9 with the kill- condition, police said. He then couldn’t be located on Jan. 10. crystal ball of what he’s doing
ing of Fan, who was shot in the went back to the convenience Friends were shocked to hear of next, and we all know we don’t
head while sitting in his car in a store and fired on officers who the shootings, describing Night- have a crystal ball where he goes
parking garage in the Hyde Park were investigating the earlier engale as a devoted father to twin next nor do we have this on any of
neighborhood, Brown said. shooting. None of them were in- girls, who had a charismatic per- our” police surveillance cameras,
After that, Nightengale “just jured, Brown said. sonality and a sense of humor but Brown said. “We are responding
randomly” walked into an apart- Nightengale then drove about who had been through tough to the scene as these crimes are
ment building a block away, 10 miles north to Evanston, times. happening, getting information,
where he shot the female secu- which borders Chicago, where Tommy Taylor remembered and again, he’s going to the next
rity guard and the 77-year-old police responded to a report of meeting Nightengale at a mov- while we are trying to keep up
woman, who was getting her shots that had been fired inside ies-in-the-park event in Rogers with what’s happened previ-
mail, Brown said. The guard was a CVS. Nightengale had appar- Park, a Chicago neighborhood ously.”
pronounced dead at a hospital, ently walked into the pharmacy, that borders Evanston. They hung
and the other woman was hospi- announced that he was robbing out over the years. By Sophia Tareen
talized in critical condition. it, and fired off shots that didn’t “From all the years I knew From The Associated Press

Prominent Conservatives Abandon Twitter, Citing Censorship


JACK PHILLIPS be so arrogant as to censor our The wave of censorship prompt-

President.” ed a warning from the American
A number of conservative media “I’m withdrawing from Twit- Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
figures have left Twitter in recent ter as of right now,” he added. Twitter’s decision to suspend
days following the suspension of “Please join me on Parler @Lou- Trump from social media sets
President Donald Trump’s ac- DobbsTonight, God bless you and a precedent for tech companies
count. America.” to silence voices, Kate Ruane, a
Greg Gutfeld, Rush Limbaugh, Last week, Twitter, Facebook, senior legislative counsel at the
Lou Dobbs, and Mark Levin all and other tech firms announced ACLU, said in a statement.
have left for different platforms. they were suspending Trump’s “We understand the desire to
“Okay, this IS my last tweet: access to the platforms. Several permanently suspend him now,
CNN tries to get FNC [Fox News] prominent conservatives’ ac- but it should concern everyone
banned. Apple targets Parler. Pub- counts were also deleted. when companies like Facebook
lishers dump writers. music labels Limbaugh appeared to delete his and Twitter wield the unchecked
drop artists. twitter bans/removes Twitter page, without comment. power to remove people from
thousands. tech companies join Twitter in a statement on Jan. platforms that have become in-
hands. this redefines who the true 8 argued that Trump violated its dispensable for the speech of
rebels are. if you like the purge, terms of service, citing the breach billions—especially when po-
you’re the servant,” Gutfeld wrote of the U.S. Capitol building on litical realities make those deci-
on Twitter. Jan. 6. Radio talk show host and conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh, in this sions easier,” the ACLU statement
Levin wrote: “I have suspended “After close review of recent file photo. reads.
my own Twitter account in protest Tweets from the @realDon- “President Trump can turn his
against Twitter’s fascism. I ask all aldTrump account and the con- platform largely used by conser- Parler CEO John Matze said it press team or Fox News to com-
my followers to join me now on text around them, we have perma- vatives, was banned by Google’s was a “coordinated attack” by municate with the public, but oth-
Parler and Rumble.” nently suspended the account due and Apple’s app stores, respec- large tech companies to “kill com- ers ... who have been censored by
Dobbs also said: “I don’t be- to the risk of further incitement of tively. Amazon also confirmed it petition.” social media companies—will not
lieve any American should ever violence,” Twitter said in a state- would suspend Parler from using “You can expect the war on com- have that luxury. It is our hope that
tolerate those who deny us free- ment. its Amazon Cloud Services start- petition and free speech to contin- these companies will apply their
dom of speech or who would ever It comes as Parler, a social media ing on Jan. 10. ue, but don’t count us out,” he said. rules transparently to everyone.”

ficials over the erosion of for the recent arrests of 53

freedoms in Hong Kong and Hong Kong activists, former
placing Chinese companies lawmakers, and politicians.
on a trade blacklist were They were arrested for their
President Donald Trump’s involvement in a primary
“bullying acts.” vote in July last year to deter-
On Jan. 10, the Commerce mine which pro-democracy
Ministry published the tran- candidates would run in Leg-
script of a media Q&A session islative Council (LegCo) elec-
involving an unidentified tions. That vote is now said to
official. That official said the constitute “subverting state
new rules were introduced power” under the national
in response to an unnamed security law.
“country,” that promoted In November last year,
“unitarianism” and “prohib- Trump issued an order ban-
ited economic exchanges be- ning U.S. investments in Chi-
tween [Chinese] citizens with nese companies designated
relevant countries.” by the Pentagon as having
The Chinese regime has fre- ties to the Chinese military,
quently accused the Trump citing threats to the U.S. na-
administration of “unitarian- tional security.
ism,” especially during the Some of the well-known
2018–2019 trade war. Chinese companies black-
The U.S. Commerce De- listed under the Trump
partment didn’t immediately administration included
respond to a request by The Chinese tech giant Huawei
Epoch Times for comment. and 152 of its affiliates, semi-
In August last year, the conductor chipmaker SMIC,
Trump administration surveillance camera maker
blacklisted 11 Hong Kong Hikvision, and drone manu-
and Chinese officials, among facturer DJI.
A couple walks along the Huangpu River in Shanghai on Aug. 28, 2020. them Hong Kong leader Chen I-hsin, professor
Carrie Lam, for their roles emeritus of the Department
in implementing Beijing’s of Diplomacy and Interna-

Chinese Regime Introduces draconian national security

law, which punishes vaguely
defined crimes such as sub-
tional Relations at Taiwan’s
Tamkang University, told
Taiwanese daily newspaper

New Commerce Rules in Response version and secession with

a maximum penalty of life
China Times that China’s
new rules are a warning to
President-elect Joe Biden that

to US Sanctions Four months later, 14 more

officials within China’s rub-
ber-stamp legislature who
he shouldn’t follow Trump’s
footsteps in sanctioning Chi-
nese entities.
were involved in implement- Chen said because the Chi-
ing the law were also targeted nese rules won’t have juris-
FRANK FANG The Ministry will then de- sponse to such foreign laws. with U.S. sanctions. diction in the United States,
termine whether the legisla- Chinese individuals or en- Last week, Secretary of their effect will be limited.
China’s Ministry of Com-
If a foreign law tion affects China’s “national tities that either fail to “truth- State Mike Pompeo warned But Beijing may resort to its
merce issued new rules on is determined to sovereignty, security, and de- fully report” how they face that the U.S. might impose usual tactics of sanctioning
Jan. 9 in a bid to push back be ‘unjustified,’ velopment interests.” If the foreign restrictions in doing more sanctions on individu- U.S. officials or denying visas
on sanctions and restrictions foreign law is judged to be business or comply with for- als and entities responsible to Americans as retaliation.
imposed by foreign govern- China’s State “unjustified,” China’s State eign laws despite the injunc-
ments against Chinese com- Council can issue Council can issue an injunc- tion could be fined, accord- NOEL CELIS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

panies and individuals. an injunction for tion against “recognition, en- ing to the new rules.
An order on “unjustified” forcement, and compliance” While the order didn’t
foreign legislation published Chinese com- with the foreign laws. identify any specific foreign
on the Ministry’s website panies against In addition, Chinese in- country, Chinese state me-
instructs Chinese entities to ‘recognition, en- dividuals and entities that dia were quick to point to the
report within 30 days if they suffer “significant losses” for United States.
are affected by foreign laws forcement, and noncompliance with foreign On Jan. 9, China’s hawk-
that “improperly prohibit or compliance’ with laws are entitled to receive ish state-run media Global
restrict” Chinese citizens, “necessary support” from Times said in an article that
companies, and organiza-
the foreign laws. Chinese authorities, accord- the new order is Beijing’s
tions from conducting “nor- ing to the order. “legal self-defense against
mal economic, trade, and The order also states that notably the U.S. bullying of
related activities with a third Beijing may “take necessary China.” It added that U.S. Commerce Ministry officials answer questions during a press
state or its citizens.” counter-measures” in re- sanctions on Chinese of- conference in Beijing on Dec. 30, 2020.

China Adds Areas in ‘Wartime Mode,’ Curbs Pompeo Lifts Restrictions on US

Contact With Taiwan Officials
Travel Amid Virus Resurgence

CONTINUED FROM A1 wouldn’t make such calls the social platform Weibo Chinese-language Epoch State Department as null We look forward
if things are not especially that some stores refused Times that his family was and void. to broadening
Beijing, Shanghai, north- bad.” to sell him food unless he forced to move to a quar- The United States doesn’t the Taiwan-U.S.
eastern Shandong Prov- “The government is call- bought multiple items at the antine center after being have a formal diplomatic re-
ince, eastern Anhui Prov- ing for people to celebrate same time. isolated at home for seven lationship with Taiwan, but partnership in
ince, Hebei Province, and the New Year locally. ... But “The grocery store asked days. Authorities said that’s maintains unofficial ties with the months and
southern Fujian Province, if it comes to the point where me to order flour, cooking because he and his wife had the self-ruled island under years ahead.
have issued statements they force people to stay oil, and rice if I want to buy recently returned from an- the 1979 Taiwan Relations
telling residents to mini- where they are, then they vegetables and eggs. More- other city. Act (TRA). Taipei Economic and Cul-
mize travel, and, for those would have completely lost over, I have to wait for deliv- “My grandma is 80 years The TRA authorizes the tural Representative Office
who must, to follow quar- control over the virus.” ery because the store won’t old, and both my parents United States to provide the
antine procedures. deliver unless more than 100 have diabetes and hyper- island with military equip- administration. Last year, it
Over the weekend, city Shijiazhuang people from my residential tension. They are vulner- ment for its self-defense, and approved several large arms
governments across the Meanwhile, Shijiazhuang, compound also order food,” able to being infected with set up a nonprofit corporation sales to Taiwan and increased
country also announced a a city of 11 million in north- he wrote. COVID-19. Now the officials called the American Institute engagements with the island.
new rule requiring those ern China, continued to see At a village inside the city, have forced all five of us to in Taiwan (AIT), which is now “We’ve stood by our friends
who wish to travel during new infections amid a severe hundreds were ordered by leave our home and move to the de facto U.S. embassy on in Taiwan,” Pompeo said in a
the holiday to get prior ap- outbreak. authorities to isolate them- a quarantine center. Other- the island. Jan. 7 tweet. “Over the past 3
proval from their employers. At a Jan. 10 press confer- selves at three schools that wise, they will order police Pompeo also ordered that years, the Trump Adminis-
For example, Meizhou city ence organized by the city had been converted into to detain us,” Wang said in the executive branch’s rela- tration authorized more than
in Guangdong Province is- government, officials or- quarantine centers. an interview on Jan. 9. tions with Taiwan are to be $15 billion in arms sales to
sued a notice on Jan. 8: “All dered all residents to take a With no heat or bedding, Wang added that the of- exclusively handled by AIT. Taiwan. The Obama Admin-
staff and workers in the city’s second nucleic acid test for villagers at Xiaoguozhuang ficial in charge of epidemic “Today’s statement recog- istration? $14 billion dollars
government departments, COVID-19 in the next two in Gaocheng district strug- control in his area told him nizes that the U.S.-Taiwan in sales over 8 years.”
state-run enterprises, and days, and that residents can’t gled to stay warm as tem- that the outbreak in nearby relationship need not, and American arms sales are
private companies should leave their homes for anoth- peratures dropped below Dongguang county is very should not, be shackled by vital to Taiwan amid the es-
not leave Meizhou city for er seven days. Only couriers freezing. severe.” As of press time, self-imposed restrictions of calation of tensions in the
Lunar New Year. ... If you and medical staff who have “The children kept on authorities had made no of- our permanent bureaucra- region. According to Tai-
really need to leave, you a special pass can travel on crying all night because of ficial announcement about cy,” he said. wan’s Ministry of National
must get approved from the the streets freely. Last week, the cold,” a villager Liu Lin the outbreak in Dongguang. The Taipei Economic and Defense, Chinese jets violat-
management team of the the city entered lockdown. (pseudonym) told the Chi- Meanwhile, an official who Cultural Representative Of- ed Taiwan’s airspace about
company/department.” Initially, authorities had nese-language Epoch Times answered the phone at the fice, the island’s de facto em- 380 times in 2020 and have
The latest travel warning is allowed over 60 large-scale on Jan. 8. “They [government Nanpi Center for Disease bassy in the United States, continued to carry out such
a telltale sign that “the out- grocery stores to remain officials] said our village is Control and Prevention welcomed the announce- incursions at least six times
break is at least worse than open for customers on Jan. a high-risk region for con- confirmed to  The Epoch ment, saying it reflected the in 2021.
officials have said on the 10. However, state-run Chi- tracting the virus, and all Times that all families with “strength and depth” of the U.S. Ambassador to the
surface,” according to a Mr. na National Radio reported 4,000-plus villagers would members who recently had relationship. United Nations Kelly Craft
Xu, a Hubei Province native late that day that all grocery be sent to quarantine cen- traveled out of town needed “We look forward to broad- also will visit Taiwan for
who works in Guangdong. stores in the city were closed ters step by step.” to be isolated at quarantine ening the Taiwan-U.S. part- three days next week, be-
“Usually at year-end, and people could only order centers, but he refused to nership in the months and coming the third senior U.S.
commoners all head home online. Other Regions provide further details about years ahead,” it said in a official to visit the island in
to reunite with families, so Food prices skyrocketed as Wang Qiang (pseudonym) the local outbreak. statement. less than six months.
the Chinese New Year is the a result. from Nanpi County, Cang- The United States has deep-
most important thing,” he Shijiazhuang resident zhou city, in northern Chi- Eva Fu contributed ened its relationship with Frank Fang contributed
said in an interview. “They Gong Huo complained on na’s Hebei Province, told the to this report. Taiwan during the Trump to this report.

Solo Indian Flag at Capitol Hill Rally Sparks

Political Spat in India

n national flag seen amid the

many American flags on Capitol
Hill on Jan. 6 sparked an online
spat between two Indian politi-
cians, while netizens reacted and
took sides in the discussion.
An Indian American named
Vincent Xavier Palathingal, a
Republican Party member who
attended the rally because he be-
lieves the U.S. presidential election
was fraudulent, was seen carrying
the flag, the Indian news website
The Quint reported.
Palathingal said he attended to
show that the United States isn’t a
racist country and respects diver-
sity, he told New Delhi Television
(NDTV). However, the image of the
Indian flag triggered a debate be-
tween two noted politicians of the
ruling and the opposition parties.
“Why is there any Indian flag
there?” Varun Gandhi, a young
Indian politician of the ruling
BJP party, wrote on Twitter. “This
is one fight we don’t need to par-
ticipate in.”
In response, Shashi Tharoor, a
noted politician with the oppo-
sition Indian National Congress
party, linked the incident to In-
dian protests and denounced what People gather on Capitol Hill to protest the election results in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
he called “the same mentality as MARK ZOU/THE EPOCH TIMES
that Trumpist mob.” sity,” he said. “The world has to
“That flag there is a warning to know that America is not the rac-
all of us,” Tharoor wrote in a reply The world has to ist country it is portrayed as, that
to Gandhi’s message on Twitter. know that America is the Republican Party is not white
Meanwhile, netizens weighed in not the racist coun- supremacist. If they were racist,
on the debate, with one sharing a they would not allow me to carry
photo of Palathingal with Tharoor try it is portrayed as, the Indian flag. It was actually
from a 2015 event in Washington. that the Republican showing more respect.”
Palathingal and Tharoor both are Palathingal, who, according to
originally from the southern In-
Party is not white his Facebook profile, is the execu-
dian state of Kerala. supremacist. tive director of the IndoAmerican
A day after the protests, respond- Center, told the media that he
Vincent Xavier Palathingal,
ing to Tharoor’s and Gandhi’s executive director,
would want Tharoor to focus more
messages, Palathingal shared IndoAmerican Center on domestic issues and avoid such
pictures of other countries’ flags controversies.
from the rally. “Tharoor is a very good orator,”
“American patriots—Vietnam- he said. “I would want him to take
ese, Indian, Korean & Iranian a bigger role and rescue the Con- People march to Capitol Hill to protest the election results in Washington on
origins, & from so many other gress party in the shape it is in to- Jan. 6, 2021.
nations & races, who believe mas- day, instead of getting into such
sive voter fraud has happened controversies.” and broke into the Capitol build- that day turned out.
joined rally yesterday in solidarity Palathingal, who describes him- ing in a very difficult exercise ... “I carry my Indian-American
with Trump. Peaceful protestors self as a Trump loyalist and is a crawling on the wall like military ancestry. I consider this as my sol-
who were exercising our rights!” member of the President’s Exports people. They opened the door and emn responsibility to be a spokes-
he said. Council, says that he’s attended some others in their excitement person for Indian Americans in
Palathingal said in an interview many Trump rallies. got in,” he said. the Republican Party. I am show-
with NDTV that his presence was “There is a lot of patriotic fervor “You cannot brand this beauti- ing that we are more inclusive,
to highlight that the Republican there, a lot of bands, music, na- ful, nice, patriotic rally as bad. We more diverse. I am showing the
Party isn’t a white supremacist tional anthem singing. ... Some believe [the miscreants] were not same fervor as Americans from
party. miscreants we believe were plant- really our people.” other countries,” he said.
“There is nothing to be ashamed ed by the opposition, BLM (Black Palathingal also said that he “I am not regretting my decision
of. We are celebrating our diver- Lives Matter) people who got in loves India and he regrets the way to carry the flag.”

KYRGYZSTAN have been rounded up ago from Germany after travel disrupted by Storm
and nearly all opposition two months of treatment Filomena. The blizzard
Once-Jailed political figures have been for COVID-19. has been blamed for four
Nationalist Wins driven into exile or jailed. The treatment “was not deaths.
Kyrgyzstan Though demonstrations medically urgent” and — The Associated Press
have ebbed over the past should have taken place
Presidency five months, social media during Tebboune’s last stay NEW ZEALAND
videos showed hundreds in Germany, the presiden-
A nationalist politician of protesters on Sunday cy said in a statement. New Zealand
who was released from carrying red and white — From Reuters Central Bank
prison amid protests that opposition flags at small
overthrew Kyrgyzstan’s rallies in Minsk, chanting SPAIN
Says Data System
president in 2019 has been for Lukashenko to resign. Hacked
elected as his replacement. — From Reuters Spain Shovels
Voters on Jan. 10’s election Out of Snowdrifts New Zealand’s central
that gave Sadyr Zhaparov ALGERIA
Left by Storm bank said that one of its
a landslide 79 percent Presidential candidate Sadyr Zhaparov waves after casting his data systems has been
victory also approved a ballot at a polling station in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on Jan. 10, 2021.
Algerian Filomena breached by an unidenti-
referendum to change the President Returns fied hacker who potentially
constitution to give the to Germany Emergency crews in accessed commercially
presidency more power. tion of involvement in the A new draft constitution central Spain cleared 500 and personally sensitive
The vote followed the kidnapping of a regional for Belarus, which Presi- to Be Treated roads and rescued over information.
ouster of the previous governor, spearheaded dent Alexander Lukash- for COVID-19 1,500 people stranded in A third-party file shar-
president in October. Jeenbekov’s removal from enko has touted as a Complications their vehicles, allowing ing service used by the
The ex-Soviet Central office. solution to a political crisis Madrid and other areas Reserve Bank of New
Asian nation sank into tur- — The Associated Press but the opposition rejects to slowly shovel out of the Zealand to share and store
moil after a parliamentary as a sham, will be drawn Algerian President Ab- country’s worst snowstorm sensitive information had
election that was swept by up this year, Lukashenko delmadjid Tebboune in recent memory. been illegally accessed, the
pro-government parties. BELARUS said in an interview to be flew back to Germany for After recording 50 Wellington-based bank
Opposition supporters ac- broadcast. treatment in hospital for centimeters (20 inches) of said in a statement.
cused authorities of rigging
Lukashenko Belarus has seen protests complications in his foot snow in the Spanish capital Governor Adrian Orr
the vote and forced Presi- Promises New since an Aug. 9 presidential resulting from a corona- between the night of Jan. said the breach has been
dent Sooronbai Jeenbekov Belarus Draft election which Lukash- virus infection, the presi- 8 and Jan. 9, Madrid and a contained. The bank’s core
to step down on Oct. 15. enko says he won but the dency said. large swathe of the country functions “remain sound
Zhaparov, who was im-
Constitution by opposition says was stolen. Tebboune, 75, had re- remained impassable with and operational,” he said.
prisoned in 2017 on convic- End of This Year Thousands of protesters turned home two weeks roads, rail lines, and air — The Associated Press
11, 2021
WORLD  ||  A11

South Korean Delegation in Iran A seized South Korean-flagged tanker is escorted by Iranian

Over Seized Ship, Frozen Funds Revolutionary Guard boats on the Persian Gulf, on Jan. 4, 2021.
Iranian state television acknowledged that Tehran seized the oil
tanker, MT Hankuk Chemi, in the Strait of Hormuz.


TEHRAN, Iran—A South Korean
diplomatic delegation arrived in
Iran on Jan. 10 to negotiate the
release of a vessel and its crew
seized by Iranian forces amid
an escalating financial dispute
between the countries, Iranian
state-run media reported.
The South Korean-flagged tanker
was seized by Iran’s Revolutionary
Guard in the crucial Strait of Hor-
muz as Iranian officials have been
pressing South Korea to release
some $7 billion in assets tied up
in the country’s banks as a result
of U.S. sanctions. It appeared the
Islamic Republic seeks to boost its
leverage over Seoul ahead of South
Korea’s pre-scheduled regional
trip, which included a stop in Qatar.
Iran maintains the tanker and
its 20-member crew were stopped
in the mouth of the Persian Gulf
because of the vessel’s “environ-
mental pollution,” a claim reject-
ed by the vessel’s owner. The crew,
which includes sailors from Indo-
nesia, Myanmar [Burma], South
Korea, and Vietnam, remain in
custody at the port city of Bandar
Abbas, near the Strait of Hormuz.
A South Korean diplomat based
in Iran met with one of the crew ship, were meeting separately Hemmati to discuss the trapped agreement, continues a freeze on purity levels of 90 percent.
members, a South Korean, two in Delhi, India, to negotiate the funds, semi-official Mehr news $7 billion from Iran’s oil exports Iran has a record of seizing
weeks ago, according to South release of the Burmese sailors agency reported. In recent weeks, in two Korean banks. Tehran has foreign ships traveling near the
Korean Foreign Ministry Spokes- aboard, according to a semi-of- Hemmati has complained that been calling on Seoul since July strategic Strait of Hormuz as a
man Choi Young-sam. The crew ficial ISNA news agency. Iran was struggling to transfer 2020 to release the money. method of gaining advantage in
member told the diplomat he Iran’s state-run media an- some $220 million held in South President Donald Trump with- sanctions talks.
and 19 other sailors were all were nounced First Vice Foreign Minis- Korean banks to pay for COVID-19 drew the U.S. from the Iran nu- In 2019, Iran held a British tank-
safe and hadn’t suffered any mis- ter Choi Jong-Kun’s arrival with a vaccines through COVAX, an in- clear deal in 2018, calling it “one er for two months after the United
treatment. photo showing him meeting with ternational program designed to of the worst and most one-sided Kingdom seized an Iranian tanker
South Korea has requested that his Iranian counterpart. It wasn’t distribute coronavirus vaccines transactions the United States has that was suspected of carrying oil
Iran provide evidence to back up clear how long the visit would last. to participating countries. ever entered into.”  Two weeks to Syria in violation of European
its claim that the South Korean The South Korean delegation, The seizure occurred as South ago, Iran ramped up uranium Union sanctions.
ship violated environmental pro- including representatives from Korea, in accordance with sanc- enrichment levels at Fordo, its
tocols, he added. Seoul’s Central Bank, were set tions reimposed by the United key underground nuclear facility, By Amir Vahdat. The Epoch
Diplomats from Iran and Myan- on Jan. 11 to meet with Iran’s States in 2018 after withdraw- bringing the country a technical Times contributed to this report
mar, which had 11 citizens on the Central Bank chief Abdolnasser ing from the Obama-era nuclear step away from weapons-grade From The Associated Press

UK to Roll Out CCP Virus Tests for Asymptomatic People

ALEXANDER ZHANG last spring. Under the new restric- our disposal to find these indi- cessful in finding positive cases workplace is safe.”
tions, people are told to stay at viduals without symptoms and quickly.” The UK government’s mass test-
Rapid regular CCP virus testing home, but those who can’t work support them and their contacts to He encouraged employers to ing program has been criticized
for people without symptoms will from home are allowed to travel isolate in order to break the chains work with local authorities to scale by some medical experts. The
be made available across England to work. of transmission,” said Susan Hop- up testing among their workers, as weekly medical journal BMJ said
starting this week, the UK govern- Health Secretary Matt Hancock kins, chief medical adviser for the “every positive case found is help- in a November 2020 editorial that
ment said on Jan. 10. said that targeted asymptomatic National Health Service’s Test and ing to stop the spread.” the program was “an unevaluated,
Local authorities are encouraged testing and subsequent isolation Trace service. UK Business Secretary Kwasi under-designed, and costly mess.”
to prioritize people who can’t work is “highly effective in breaking The community testing will Kwarteng encouraged more The editorial said that the mass
from home during the lockdown chains of transmission.” use lateral flow devices, which employers to take up the test- testing program shouldn’t contin-
in their community testing drive, The government said that rough- can produce a result in less than ing offer, saying that the expan- ue or be used as a basis of whether
the Department of Health and So- ly one in three people who have 30 minutes without the need for sion of asymptomatic testing people should self-isolate until it
cial Care said in a statement. contracted the CCP (Chinese laboratory testing. for those unable to work from has been externally and indepen-
Last week, Prime Minister Boris Communist Party) virus, which Hancock said that lateral flow home will enable the UK to keep dently scrutinized.
Johnson put all of England under causes the disease COVID-19, tests, which have been used to its economy “on the move while
the third national lockdown since don’t display any symptoms. identify over 14,800 COVID-19 giving individuals in key sectors Lily Zhou and Simon Veazey
the COVID-19 pandemic began “We need to use everything at cases, have been “hugely suc- complete confidence that their contributed to this report.



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to Reject the CCP the Word The Epoch Times
A12 MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021



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MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 • A13

President Donald Trump speaks at the Save America rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.

There Is No Constitutional Ground

for Impeachment of President Trump
ROB NATELSON ors” had a clear legal meaning and no This criminal-law usage arose in
other clear meaning, then we would It turns out that England, but it was followed in America
Any effort to impeach expect the legal meaning to control. In as well. For example, in my research, I
President Donald Trump this respect, the phrase “high misde- ‘high misdemeanor’ uncovered several congressional stat-
for comments made to meanors” would be like other recognized was, in fact, a utes passed in the 1790s that designated
Washington demon- legal terms in the Constitution: “Habeas precisely defined serious crimes as “high misdemeanors”
strators would be flatly Corpus,” “Equity,” “bail,” “Privileges and and imposed penalties accordingly. As in
unconstitutional. Immunities,” and so forth. legal term: It meant England, Congress labeled lesser crimes
The Constitution permits The Trump impeachment proceedings ‘serious crimes merely as “misdemeanors.”
impeachment and removal of the presi- inspired me to undertake a comprehen- not meriting the So a “high misdemeanor” was a serious
dent for “Treason, Bribery, or other high sive survey of founding-era legal sources crime not meriting the death penalty. The
Crimes and Misdemeanors.” There’s no to see if “high misdemeanors” had a de- death penalty.’ icing on the cake from this conclusion
reasonable claim that Trump’s speech, fined legal meaning. If it did, that would was that it resolved some other questions
which largely focused on disputed, but resolve the long-standing debate. that had puzzled scholars as well. And it
credible, claims of election irregularities, In constitutional research, the sources explained the structure of the Constitu-
was treasonous or involved a bribe. And frequently don’t yield overwhelming, tion’s Impeachment Clause: the words
in the absence of proof of deliberate in- one-sided evidence for an indisputable “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes
citement to riot, it wasn’t a “high Crime.” result. But it happened here. I was very and Misdemeanors” provide one exam-
So, as in the former Trump impeach- surprised by this outcome, which contra- ple of a high crime (treason), one example
ment, the only potential basis for remov- dicted what I had written previously. Nev- of a high misdemeanor (bribery), and
al from office would be commission of a ertheless, I quickly admitted my mistake include generic clauses covering other
“high ... Misdemeanor.” (We know from and duly published the new findings. crimes in the same two categories.
founding-era evidence that in the Con- It turns out that “high misdemeanor” Observe what is excluded from the
stitution, the adjective “high” modifies was, in fact, a precisely defined legal grounds for impeachment. Congress
“Misdemeanor” as well as “Crime.”) term: It meant “serious crimes not merit- may not impeach and remove for a minor
The previous impeachment proceed- ing the death penalty.” crime. Nor may it do so because an officer
ings were marked by a debate over the Here’s the background: is reckless, negligent, or has obnoxious
meaning of the phrase “high misde- In 18th-century England and America, political opinions. The constitutional
meanor.” Each of the four academic the legal word “misdemeanor” technical- penalty for those breaches is, for lesser
experts who testified at the House of ly included all crimes of any level of grav- officers, removal by the president and, for
Representatives Judiciary Committee ity. The most serious misdemeanors were the president and vice-president, reelec-
offered their own definitions. The pros- denominated felonies (or high crimes). tion defeat.
ecutors and the president’s defense team Felonies traditionally were punishable by It’s significant that in the two years
offered their definitions, too. death. The most serious felony was trea- since these findings were published,
This disagreement reflected an aca- son, and a person convicted of treason no scholar has even attempted to rebut
demic dispute that had been going on usually suffered a particularly horrible them. Nor can they be convincingly
for many years. Based on incomplete death: a man was drawn and quartered; a rebutted, given the volume and consis-
surveys of the founding-era record and woman was drawn and burned. tency of the evidence.
on British impeachment trials, research- Lesser felonies—at common law there While debate over the meaning of the
ers had reached very different conclu- were nine of them—traditionally were term continued, the House of Represen-
sions about the meaning of “high misde- punished by hanging. Examples are tatives could reasonably assume that
meanor.” murder, rape, burglary, and robbery. noncriminal behavior could constitute
Unfortunately, however, almost no (Happily, I can report that by the time a “high misdemeanor.” But that’s no
researcher (including me) had thought of the founding, first offenders often longer true. Now we can say unequivo-
to examine the sources that might define received more lenient sentences.) cally that whatever you may think of the
the phrase authoritatively. Those sources Serious offenses other than treason president’s speech, it’s not a basis for
were 18th-century English and Ameri- and felony were punished by prison time impeachment.
can law books. and by heavy fines rather than by death.
The Constitution is first and foremost These offenses included, among others, Robert G. Natelson is a leading originalist
a legal document—the “supreme Law of bribery, attempted murder, assisting a scholar who served as a law professor for
the Land.” Most of its framers were law- duel, certain kinds of blackmail, and 25 years. He is a senior fellow in constitu-
yers, as were most of those who explained so forth. Offenses in this category were Like this article? Share it tional jurisprudence at the Independence
it to the general public. Moreover, at the called great misdemeanors, great mispri- with your friends and family. Institute in Denver. His research articles
time, the American general public was sions, or high misdemeanors. Use the camera on your on the Constitution’s meaning have been
unusually knowledgeable about law. Lesser offenses were simply called smart-phone to scan this code cited repeatedly by justices and parties in
Thus, if the phrase “high misdemean- “misdemeanors.” and receive a shareble link. the Supreme Court.


(Left) Hundreds of unemployed Kentucky residents wait in long lines outside the Kentucky Career Center for help with their unemployment claims in Frankfort, Ky., on June 19, 2020. (Right) Nearly
empty streets in a popular Manhattan shopping district on April 26, 2020.

Coronavirus for Dummies

ployment rates are almost twice as high as
the rates in states that have minimal or no
lockdowns: Nebraska 3.1 percent, South
Dakota 3.5 percent, Iowa 3.6 percent, Utah
4.3 percent, and Alabama 4.4 percent.
No. 6: The blue states of America, led by
STEPHEN MOORE weight or with preexisting health issues. potentially long-term damage to the local Democratic governors and mayors, have
For young and healthy people, the risks and state businesses and workers. An- tragically turned a health crisis into an
We are now almost one remain minuscule. other way to put this is lockdowns do not economic crisis.
year from the dark days No. 2: Lockdowns have had very flatten the curve of the virus, but they do My New Year’s wish is that Democratic
when the coronavirus limited efficacy in reducing death rates flatten the economy and put millions of governors stop the misery of soup lines
first hit these shores. from the virus. I recently examined the Americans in long unemployment lines. and unemployment lines and small-
Why are the politi- correlation between the stringency of business bankruptcies and open up their
cians making the same business lockdowns in states and their stores, restaurants, shopping centers,
policy mistakes today corresponding death rates. The relation- and schools—now.
that they made nine months ago? The ship is slightly positive. In other words, Haven’t we learned anything
300,000+ deaths are an act of nature, but strict lockdowns have NOT been a smart about how to combat this Stephen Moore is an economics journal-
the virus’s death and despair have been strategy to stop the spread of the disease. virus without slamming shut ist, author, and columnist. The latest of
compounded by acts of man—i.e., fool- Sequestering the elderly and the infirm many books he co-authored is “Trumpo-
ish politicians. is a much more effective strategy—some- our economy? nomics: Inside the America First Plan to
Haven’t we learned anything about thing New York, New Jersey, and Michi- Revive Our Economy.” Currently, Moore
how to combat this virus without slam- gan failed to do. No. 5: Almost all of the severe lockdowns is also the chief economist for the Institute
ming shut our economy? Yes. And so, in No. 3: The factor most associated with are in blue states with Democratic gov- for Economic Freedom and Opportunity.
the hopes that these errors of govern- death rates from the virus is the popula- ernors, and these are the states with very
ment are corrected, I present some well- tion density of an area. Pandemics are high unemployment rates. Here are the
established truths about how to keep us primarily urban diseases. If you want to unemployment rates in blue states with
safe from the virus: minimize your health risks, get out of the severe lockdowns: New Jersey 10 percent,
No. 1: Yes, COVID-19 is a very danger- big cities like Chicago or New York. Nevada 10.1 percent, New York 8.4 per-
ous disease for those over the age of 70 No. 4: The only statistically significant cent, Connecticut 8.4 percent, and Cali-
and for those who are severely over- impact of lockdowns is SEVERE and fornia 8.2 percent. These blue-state unem-








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,
Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor

How the Specter of Communism Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor


Is Ruling Our World The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
and independent journalism.
Desecrating the Arts Standing outside of politi-
cal interests and the pursuit of
profit, our starting point and our
The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of goal is to create a media for the
“How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by public benefit, to be truly respon-
Chapter Eleven
the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.” sible to society.

We endeavor to educate read-

ers about today’s most impor-
tant topics, seeking to broaden
and uplift minds. We believe that
3. Communism’s intellectual men and women on the displayed “works” turned out to rational, balanced debate is key
Sabotage and Abuse of Art basis of radical Communism,” as be empty, white walls. for fostering a healthy democ-
well as “the immediate expropria- A major figure of the postwar racy and a compassionate
b. Communist Elements tion of property (socialization) and German avant-garde, Joseph society.
Behind the Avant-Garde the communal feeding of all” and Beuys, covered his head with
Movement (cont.) “the erection of cities of light, and honey and gold leaf and murmured As an independent media out-
Works of art contain the messages gardens which will belong to soci- nonstop for three hours to a dead let, we use our freedom to inves-
their creators wanted to convey. ety as a whole and prepare man for hare in his arms in the 1965 work tigate issues overlooked—or
Artists during the peak of the a state of freedom.” [16] “How to Explain Pictures to a Dead avoided—by other media outlets.
Renaissance conveyed compas- Dadaism’s criticism of tradition Hare.” In Beuys’s view, anyone We seek to highlight solutions
sion and beauty to their audiences. evolved into surrealism in France, could be an artist. One anecdote and what’s good in society rather
Compare this to contemporary as represented by the communist goes that a frustrated questioner than what divides us.
artists, who exude negative and André Breton, who advocated once shouted at him, “You talk
dark messages. Modern artists revolution. He was against the about everything under the sun, We report respectfully, compas-
abandon their own thoughts and supposed suppression brought by except art!” Beuys reportedly sionately, and rigorously.
allow themselves to come under reason, culture, and society—a responded, “Everything under the
the control of low-level and ghostly view typical of the modern artists sun is art!” [17] We stand against the destruc-
entities. They themselves are often in Europe at the time. tion wrought by communism,
incoherent and confused, and their The artistic movements that including the harm done to cul-
works are similar—dark, negative, extended these principles include tures around the world.
hazy, gray, depressed, decadent, abstractism, minimalism, pop art, Marcel Duchamp advocated
We are inspired in this by our
and disordered. and postmodernism. Abstractism the idea that anything own experience. The Epoch
is about the emotional expression
of rebellion, disorder, emptiness,
could be called art. The Times was founded in 2000 to
dadaist movement is itself bring honest and uncensored
and escapism. The ugly trampling
Schools of modern art invert news to people oppressed
of moral values is evident in these a communistic project, as by the lies and violence in
conventional aesthetics; they “-isms” in the arts today. At their
evidenced by the manifesto communist China.
most outrageous, these artists
take ugliness as beauty; and create works that openly desecrate of the Berlin dadaists, who We still believe journalism is a
they aim to shock, even to the religious figures like Jesus Christ. called for an ‘international noble vocation, but only when it
point of being as ghastly as the Not all modern artists support
leftwing politics, but there is a clear revolutionary union of all genuinely seeks to serve its com-
artist’s imagination allows. munities and help them to flour-
ideological commonality with creative and intellectual ish. In all that we do, we will hold
communist thought—that is, the men and women on the ourselves to the highest stand-
After impressionism came ex- rejection of the divine, and the aim
pressionism and fauvism, followed to replace the divine as the starting basis of radical Communism.’ ards of integrity. This is our
promise to you.
by Pablo Picasso’s cubism. In 1944, point for understanding human
Picasso joined the French Com- life. These “-isms” came to exert In 1961, Piero Manzoni, a key
munist Party. In his letter “Why I increasing influence in the public figure of the avant-garde, claimed CONTACT US
Became a Communist,” he wrote: sphere and ultimately have led to he had put his own feces in ninety
“My joining the Communist Party the complete marginalization of cans, called them artwork, and put The Epoch Times Association Inc.
is a logical step in my life, my work classical art. them up for sale under the name 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
and gives them their meaning. ... “Merda d’artista” (“Artist’s [Exple- New York, NY 10001
In my own ways I have always said tive]”). In 2015, one of the cans Advertising
what I considered most true, most was sold in London for a record
just and best and, therefore, most Modern artists abandon price of 182,500 pounds, or about
beautiful. But during the oppres- $240,000—more than a hundred
sion and the insurrection, I felt that
their own thoughts and times the price of its weight in gold.
that was not enough, that I had to allow themselves to come He also signed his name on the General Inquiries
fight not only with painting but under the control of low- bodies of nude women as part of a
with my whole being.” [14] series he called “Sculture viventi”
Picasso encouraged a break with
level and ghostly entities. (“Living Sculpture”).
Letters to the Editor
the classical methods of painting. They themselves are often
For him, everything was a piece of incoherent and confused, and Notes
dough to be picked up and shaped 14. Pablo Picasso, “Why I Became
as he pleased. The eerier his works their works are similar—dark, a Communist” (1945), as
became, the happier he appeared negative, hazy, gray, depressed, quoted in “Picasso, the FBI,
to be. The process of creating decadent, and disordered. and Why He Became a Com-
monstrous images is the process of munist,” Meyer Schapiro
destroying an image, to the point Collection at Columbia Univer-
where no one can understand it. c. The Inversion of Traditional sity’s Rare Book & Manuscript
Even Georges Braque, the modern Aesthetics: The Ugly as Art Library, Feb. 24, 2010, accessed
artist who co-founded cubism with The numerous schools of modern July 11, 2018.
Picasso, on viewing Picasso’s “Les art that have appeared and de- 15. Robert Hughes, “The Shock of
Demoiselles d’Avignon,” was “hor- veloped share several things in the New: The Hundred-Year
rified by its ugliness and intensity.” common: They invert conventional History of Modern Art—Its Rise,
Picasso had been “drinking tur- aesthetics; they take ugliness as Its Dazzling Achievement, Its
pentine and spitting fire,” acting beauty; and they aim to shock, Fall” (London: Knopf, 1991), 24.

more like a carnival performer even to the point of being as ghastly 16. Richard Huelsenbeck and Raoul
than an artist, he said. [15] as the artist’s imagination allows. Hausmann, “What Is Dada-
Marcel Duchamp, an early mem- Duchamp signed his name on a ism and What Does It Want in
ber of the dada art movement, also urinal and named it “Fountain,” to Germany?”, in Charles Harrison
sought to subvert and rebel against
tradition with his display and use
of readymade objects. He repur-
be put on display for the public in
New York. Though the object was
never shown publicly, Duchamp’s
and Paul Wood, “Art in Theory,
1900–2000: An Anthology of
Changing Ideas,” 2nd ed.
posed found or factory-made items action was considered a clever joke (Malden, Mass, Oxford: Black-
and turned them into so-called art among his peers in the art world, well Pub, 2003). Get the
installations. Duchamp, who was
called the father of conceptual art,
and later artists and academ-
ics have thought it the height of
17. Joseph Beuys, as quoted in
“Joseph Beuys: The Revolution
independent news
advocated the idea that anything creativity. This is the environment Is Us,”, Feb. 23, 1993. you won’t find
could be called art. The dadaist in the art world, whereby classical
movement is itself a communistic easel painting has been marginal- See next edition for the next anywhere else.
project, as evidenced by the mani- ized and installation art has risen installment.
festo of the Berlin dadaists, who to prominence. In 1958, Yves Klein Subscribe and get the
called for an “international revo- held his exhibition “The Void” at To purchase the books, visit insights only The Epoch Times
lutionary union of all creative and the Iris Clert Gallery in Paris. The can provide, delivered to your
door every week.


farmers work
in a wheat
field in Chiping
County, Shan-
dong Province,
China, on March
15, 2017.

What Lurks Behind China’s Food Crisis

CHEN SIMIN trolled by others, according to a Xinhua Administration of Customs. Based on that quite poor. For example, Yuan invented
report on the conference, But in reality, rate, China imported a record high of over the double harvest rice method, although
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has again em- China’s food production self-sufficiency 100 million tons of soybeans in 2020. rice output increased by only 2.07 percent
phasized the need for food security. rate slipped to 86 percent in 2019—which is In addition, from January to October, in the past 20 years.
“Efforts should be made to ensure food below the 90 percent safety line set by the China imported 7.82 million tons of corn, The Rural Development Report also
security and strengthen food produc- Chinese regime—from 96 percent in 2013. which is at least 3 million tons more than pointed out that in addition to arable land,
tion year by year,” Xi said at the Chinese In 2020, China has bought 92.8 million in 2019. China’s total corn imports for China’s food production depends on an-
Communist Party’s (CCP) annual central tons of soybeans from January to Novem- 2020 are estimated at 10 million tons, and other important factor: manpower. It takes
rural work conference held on Dec. 28 ber, up 17.5 percent year-on-year, and expected to further increase in 2021. farmers to tend the land. But under the
and 29, 2020. monthly soybean imports reached histori- The regime claims there’s no food CCP’s urbanization policies, people from
Xi said ensuring food security means cally high levels for six consecutive months, shortage and doesn’t allow people to rural areas continue to move to the city.
that China’s food supply shouldn’t be con- according to data from China’s General hoard grains. Meanwhile, the regime has The report predicted that by 2025, the
snapped up a massive amount of im- urbanization rate across China will be
ported soybeans and corn. The data also 65.5 percent. Conservative estimates are
shows that imports of soybeans, being that the migrant population moving to
China’s crop with the largest supply and urban centers from rural areas will grow
demand gap, have been increasing year by 80 million. Therefore, the proportion of
after year. China’s corn imports may fol- people engaged in agriculture will drop to
low the same trend. about 20 percent.
CCP agricultural officials have claimed At the same time, the proportion of the
that the main reason for the spike in country’s rural population who are 60 and
soybean imports in 2020 was the high older will rise to 25.3 percent, or about 124
demand to feed the country’s pig herd. million people. The aging population will
The Book Although agricultural officials don’t treat
soybeans as food, they emphasize that “the
create another social problem.
While the CCP claims to care about agri-
You’ve Been degree of dependence on foreign producers cultural production, the Party doesn’t care
is extremely low.” In China, the main staple about the lives of farmers. The unfair treat-
Waiting foods are rice, wheat, corn, and soybeans. ment of Chinese farmers is well known, in-
for... cluding against many who practice Falun
Gong, a spiritual meditation that has been
China doesn’t have enough food severely persecuted by the Chinese regime
since 1999., a U.S.-based
to eat. If other countries don’t website that serves as a clearinghouse on
sell it to us, we will be in trouble. information about the persecution, has ex-
tensively reported on the CCP’s protracted
Yuan Longping, Chinese agricultural expert suppression of Falun Gong adherents in
China’s vast rural areas. Countless num-
In August last year, a Chinese think bers of farmers have been forced off their
tank released its annual Rural Develop- land, with incalculable economic losses.
ment Report, which stated that “China Take Jilin Province, a major grain-pro-
is expected to have a food supply gap ducing region, for example. Authorities
of about 130 million tons by the end of in Jilin, which is one of the three major
2025.” Rice, corn, and wheat will be about “golden corn belts” in the world, are among

25 million tons short, it said. the most avid persecutors of Falun Gong
In an interview with state broadcaster adherents. Many local farmers who prac-
CCTV in April last year, Yuan Longping, a tice Falun Gong have been arrested, ha-

Chinese hybrid rice expert, also revealed rassed, sent to brainwashing classes, and
that “China doesn’t have enough food to deprived of their contracted land because
eat,” and “if other countries don’t sell it to they refused to renounce their faith. These
us, we will be in trouble.” farmers grow corn and soybeans that are


While authorities keep saying that grain important to the country’s food supply.
production has increased every year, Chi- Chinese internet users have often said
na’s food security is still often questioned, that China’s food crisis is a combination
and the loss of arable land is mentioned as of “internal and external troubles.” The
the biggest concern. internal troubles are related to China’s
The specter of communism did not China’s arable land is decreasing every
year due to desertification and urban
agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and
they are actually far greater than the exter-

disappear with the disintegration of the land expansion. Historically, to further

economic development, cities have often
nal troubles, which are the result of broken
international supply chains.

Communist Party in Eastern Europe

taken over the best arable land. So-called Looking at it from another perspective,
experts have pointed out that despite the the CCP’s concern about China’s food
continuous decline of its arable landmass, crisis solely stems from the regime’s need
China has maintained a constant increase for stability. The Chinese people, on the

ORDER NOW! of grain production per acre, meaning the

utilization rate of arable land is increas-
ing. The argument is that the higher the
other hand, are genuinely worried about
a famine because they’re still trauma-
tized by memories of the scores of people
utilization rate of arable land, the higher who died of starvation during the famine
the annual output per unit of arable land caused by the CCP’s “Great Leap Forward”
in terms of production technology. in the 1950s.
The consequence is that this kind of
practice exhausts the farmland and Chen Simin is a freelance writer who
causes the quality of the soil to decline. In often analyzes China’s current affairs.
other words, China’s arable land isn’t only She has been a contributor to The Epoch
extremely limited, but the soil quality is Times since 2011.

(Left) Andrew Walcott, owner of Fusion East Caribbean & Soul Food restaurant, at the restaurant in East New York neighborhood of New York City on Jan. 7, 2021. Walcott had to furlough four employ-
ees at his restaurant just before Christmas, after the state stopped allowing indoor dining. (Right) A couple eats inside a plastic bubble dining pod in a restaurant in Arlington, Va., on Dec. 18, 2020.

US Loses 140,000 Jobs,

First Monthly Decline Since April
WASHINGTON—U.S. employers shed jobs habits will likely mean that a portion will be still getting whacked.” percent. Its upgrade was based in part on
last month for the first time since April, gone for good. Business travel, for example, Under financial pressure, consumers the expectation that the Biden administra-
cutting 140,000 positions, clear evidence may not return to pre-pandemic levels. as a whole spent less during the holiday tion will implement more stimulus.
that the economy is faltering as the viral Most other industries added jobs in De- shopping season than in previous years, The monthly jobs report shows that the
pandemic tightens its grip on consumers cember, with manufacturers, construction based on debit and credit card data tracked nation has 3 million fewer jobs than it did
and businesses. companies, and higher-paying professional by JPMorgan Chase. Such spending was four years earlier. That makes President
At the same time, the unemployment rate services such as architecture, engineering, 6 percent lower in December compared Donald Trump the first president since Her-
stayed at 6.7 percent, the first time since and accounting hiring more workers. The with a year ago. That was worse than in bert Hoover (1929–1933), early in the Great
April that it hasn’t fallen. huge disparities among industries are sure October, when card spending was down Depression, to preside over a net loss of jobs.
The Jan. 8 figures from the Labor Depart- to exacerbate economic inequality, given just 2 percent from the previous year. All the job losses during the Trump ad-
ment depict a sharply uneven job market, that most of the job losses are in lower-paid The $900 billion financial aid package ministration occurred after the pandemic
with losses concentrated among restau- industries, while middle- and higher-paid that Congress enacted last month should struck. Before then, the unemployment rate
rants, bars, hotels, and entertainment ven- workers have largely remained employed. also help propel a recovery, economists say. had reached a 50-year low of 3.5 percent.
ues, many of them affecting low-income It will provide a $300-a-week federal jobless In Europe, a resurgence of the virus has
employees, while most other sectors are benefit on top of an average weekly state also led to renewed lockdowns and possibly
still adding workers. Still, the nation has benefit of about $320. In addition, millions a sharp economic contraction in the final
nearly 10 million fewer jobs than it did be- The pandemic will likely of Americans stand to receive $600 pay- three months of the year. In the 19 coun-
fore the pandemic sent it into a deep reces- continue to weaken the ments, and the Treasury Department said tries that use the euro currency, government
sion nearly a year ago, having recovered economy through winter and on Jan. 7 that 8 million of those payments programs have helped prevent mass layoffs.
just 56 percent of the jobs lost in the spring. were going out this week. Still, the unemployment rate in the eurozone
The pandemic likely will continue to perhaps early spring, and Goldman Sachs has upgraded its forecast was an elevated 8.3 percent in November.
weaken the economy through winter and further job losses are possible for economic growth this year to a robust
perhaps early spring, and further job loss- in the coming months. 6.4 percent from its previous estimate of 5.9 From The Associated Press
es are possible in the coming months. But
many economists say that once coronavi-
rus vaccines are more widely distributed, Andrew Walcott had to furlough four em-
a broader recovery should take hold in ployees at his restaurant, Fusion East in the
the second half of the year. An incoming Brooklyn borough of New York City, just
Biden administration, along with a now
fully Democratic-led House and Senate,
also would be expected to push more res-
before Christmas, after the state stopped
allowing indoor dining. He has shifted to
takeout and delivery. Yet, customers aren’t
What People Are Saying
cue aid and spending measures that could even allowed into his restaurant to pick up
accelerate growth. their food; they have to wait for it outside.
For now, the renewed surge in virus cases, “That’s a hard sell when it’s snowing out-
as well as cold weather, has caused millions side and it’s 25 degrees in New York City,”
of consumers to avoid eating out, shop- Walcott said.
ping, and traveling. Re-imposed busi- In September, his restaurant was allowed
ness restrictions have shut down numer- to seat diners up to 25 percent of capacity.
ous restaurants, bars, and other venues. With that, along with takeout and delivery
Economists at TD Securities estimate that and a food truck, his revenue reached 60 I read The Epoch Times daily. I congratulate you and
more than half the states have restricted percent of pre-pandemic levels. He brought I still like hard papers […] and The Epoch Times for the work
gatherings to 10 or fewer people, up from back half his 15-person staff. I still like to grab that paper in you are doing, especially with
about a quarter in September. New York But after last month’s layoffs, only Walcott my hand, but I get more printed regard to keeping the menace of
and California, among others, placed strict himself, plus a manager and a head chef,
versions of stories than ever the communist threat in front of us.
new limits on restaurants last month. with occasional part-time help, are left.
New viral cases continue to set daily re- “It’s really horrible,” he said. “You still got before. You guys have done an DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA
cords. And on Thursday, the nation regis- to pay rent, you still got to pay insurance, Military and intelligence analyst and
amazing job, and really—I think former deputy assistant to the president
tered more COVID-19 deaths in a single day you still got to pay real estate taxes. You still there’s such a void in media,
than ever before, topping 4,000. The virus have fixed bills every month.”
is surging in several states, with California, The data suggest that the pandemic econ- especially newspapers. They
the largest state, hit particularly hard. Sky- omy is continuing to benefit some sectors, slant so solidly one way that
rocketing caseloads there are threatening with transportation and warehousing add- there are very few papers that
to force hospitals to ration care. ing nearly 47,000 jobs. E-commerce firms I can really feel that I can rely on,
Last month, restaurants, bars, hotels, ca- also ramped up hiring. Delivery jobs rose
sinos, movie theaters, and other entertain- 37,000. and The Epoch Times is one.
ment venues shed nearly 500,000 jobs, the “We’re seeing huge rotation here,” said SEAN HANNITY I rely on The Epoch Times
most since April, when nationwide shut- Brian Bethune, an economist at Tufts Uni- Talk show host newspaper for factual and
downs triggered 7.6 million layoffs. While versity. “The higher-paying goods-produc- unbiased news coverage.
those employers will regain some jobs as ing industries are doing well. Unfortunate-
the economy recovers, changing consumer ly, the leisure and hospitality industries are LARRY ELDER
Best-selling author, attorney,
and talk show host

The Epoch Times is a

great place where you can
understand traditional
values in a way and in a tone It’s our favorite paper. It’s the first
and through content that is one we read. Thank you so much
accessible. It’s smart. for your reporting of the news.
Columnist and broadcaster U.S. representative for Arizona

Learn more at


The New York State Department of Labor in Brooklyn on Sept. 28, 2020.


12. Beam of light Sleeping sickness
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
13. Wrist bones the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
14. Doughy equation to get the solution in the middle.
©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
There may be more than one “unique” so-
15. Flip-flop lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
“I’m so good at sleeping I can do it with my
20. Cut taker solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28
eyes closed.” — graffiti
and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28
24. Eyeball Cy the Cynic, who dates at least
25. TV monitor? three women a week, had contacted a
matchmaking service.
26. La-la preceder “They had me fill out a profile,” Cy told
27. Bandage me. “It turns out that the only thing I’m
28. Mall binge compatible with is sleep.”
Cy gave four hearts a somnolent play as
29. Cut off today’s South. He won the first diamond,
30. Île de la Cité locale led a trump to dummy and returned a spade
to his queen. West took the king, and the
31. Billiard table shape defense cashed two diamonds and led a
33. Unexpected movie club. Cy took dummy’s ace, came to the ace
ending, e.g. of spades, led a trump to dummy and ruffed
a spade, but when West discarded, the
37. Jay and Ollie Cynic couldn’t avoid a club loser. Down one.
38. Helmet for a hog? Hard 1 - 1 Solution
39. “Chicken Run” char- Cy must play with his eyes wide open. After
acter he wins Trick One, his best chance is to
40. Baby carrier? lead the A-Q of spades.
West wins, and the defense takes two
42. Howler diamonds and leads a club again, but
44. “And they’re ___!” Cy wins, ruffs a spade, leads a trump to
(racetrack cry) dummy and ruffs a spade. He can draw
trumps and pitch his losing club on the
47. Go (for) good fifth spade.
48. Family
49. Manages You hold: k J 10 9 3 j 2 i K 6 5
50. Food processor h K Q 9 7 5. Your partner opens one
51. Dried coconut meat heart, you respond one spade and he
Hard 2 - 1 Solution rebids two hearts. The opponents pass.
59. Ruhr city What do you say?
Across 41. Holiday mo. 74. Nonpareil 61. Terrorist’s weapon ANSWER: This decision is close. You
1. “That’s not in the 43. Favoring 75. Big club could try for game by bidding 2NT. If
script!” evoker 62. Vacation locale, with your partner had an ideal minimum
45. “OBO” in the UK 76. Study of conscious, “the” hand such as 4 2, A 9 6 5 4 3,
6. Wheels with history 46. It may be tapped direct experience A Q, A 8 2, he would raise to 3NT, and you
13. Tabby 63. European peak
47. Business meeting 83. Board insert 64. Drop
could expect nine tricks. But partners
16. Short poem 84. 7-piece Chinese rarely have exactly what you need. Your
17. “A Clockwork Or- technology 65. Like some Christians disciplined call is a pass.
ange,” e.g. 52. In poor health geometric puzzle 66. Maximum South dealer
53. “Hey!” follower 85. Hot spot N-S vulnerable
18. Hearth residue 67. Sandwich alternative
19. How one plays a com- 54. Stout 86. Calypso offshoot 68. Czech diacritical NORTH
87. Cares for k8 7 6 5 2
puter game 55. “Bruce Almighty” 69. “The ___ Man” jQ J 10
21. Sorority letter role 88. Electric motor sound (Charlton Heston film) i7 4 2
22. Personal driver? Easy 1 - 1 Solution hA 4
56. Supplement, with 70. About
23. Right this minute “out” Down 74. “Web ___” (ESPN WEST EAST
24. Many a tournament kK 4 kJ 10 9 3
57. Pick 1. Chic tuna segment showing great j5 4 3 j2
25. Anatomical cavities iQ J 10 9 iK 6 5
58. Oft-read article 2. Rather, for one fielding plays)
29. Cutting along dotted hJ 8 6 3 hK Q 9 7 5
lines 60. And 3. Ignited 76. “Every child. One
32. Buckaroo 63. Took the cake? 4. O.K. Corral Clanton voice” org. kA Q
34. Wane 64. Fill, as in a tire 5. Agency 77. It may be tipped jA K 9 8 7 6
iA 8 3
35. Blacken 67. Warehouse owner, 6. Extraordinary 78. Like some scientists h10 2
36. Very often 7. Wino 79. ___-di-dah South West North East
37. Common soccer 71. Bowls 8. Show 80. “___ Gang” 1j Pass 2j Pass
score 72. Wheelchair access 9. Act of civility 81. African antelope 4j All Pass
38. That vessel 73. Worn-down pencil 10. Ball of yarn. 82. Starchy tuber Easy 2 - 2 Solutions Opening lead —iQ



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.







Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. Unscramble these Jumbles,
one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.



replacement but would
about a positronic brain
The android was nervous


than that of an oyster.
importance to the universe
The life of man is of no greater

Contact the Puzzle Master @:

A20 | MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021


In Our Own Words

In the Footsteps of My Grandfathers

Dear Epoch VIP, As an opinion editor, I hold our editorials to the
same rigorous standards of fact-checking as we do
Sometimes when I look around and see our staff with our news. It’s important to hear from a variety of
working hard out in the field or back at the office, perspectives, but these opinions must have a basis in
I can’t help but think of my grandfathers. One was a fact. One key thing we strive for in our opinion section
paramedic and the other a paratrooper in World War is to focus only on issues, and to avoid criticizing or
II, fighting for the freedoms we cherish. attacking people. We aim to help people understand
While our goal is to report the news and inform the important issues of our time, not to make enemies. Adam
readers of important events as they unfold, the It’s sad to think that the noble profession of Ainsworth
tasks involved are many and the skills required are newspaper journalism could be on the verge of Opinion Editor
diverse. Producing a daily newspaper requires a extinction. That’s why I’m grateful to be surrounded
great deal of coordination and discipline. At times by a staff of professionals who not only take their
it feels like we too are fighting a battle, one against a craft seriously, but who constantly strive to improve
powerful force of misinformation. their skills and enrich the newspaper we produce
Like soldiers, much training is involved as we every day. This process starts by putting the reader
become proficient with investigating stories, first in all that we do.
shooting photos, and planning each day’s reports to With your continued support, we’ll innovate
be informative and engaging. a new way forward based on hard work and
Some challenges we face also seem like impossible determination. After all, it’s what got us this far.
missions. For instance, in the early days we stayed up all You the reader also play an important role
night working on the paper’s inaugural and subsequent in shaping our paper. You are what holds us
editions. Another challenge was finding enough funding up and keeps us going. By listening to you,
to keep growing our readership as the vast majority of we learn where we can do better. You
advertising dollars go to a few giant tech firms. But no are a critical part of our improvement
matter how hard it’s been, it’s been worth it. cycle, and we hope you continue to
There’s something special to me about working watch us grow and move forward in
at this newspaper that goes beyond the sacred pursuit of the truth.
responsibility of informing the public. The Epoch Most of all, you remind us of the
Times provides me with an endless pursuit of self- great responsibility we have and that
improvement and elevation in my skills. Jobs like this countless eyes are watching. I enjoy
are becoming harder to find. reading all the letters you send. I look
Though what I’m doing is nowhere near as intense forward to hearing from each and every
as jumping out of a plane or taking enemy fire, I like to one of you.
think that the reason my grandfathers fought, and the Thank you for your trust.
reason why I fight today, is the same: to resist tyrannical
propaganda and defend against the devastation of In truth and tradition,
socialism and communism. I get inspired whenever I’m
reminded of the fact that, in my own small way, I am Adam Ainsworth
carrying on in my grandfathers’ footsteps. The Epoch Times

What Our I always go to The Epoch Times to gather facts to

Say (22) determine truth by the outstanding due diligence of
fine journalists. I encourage you, the people, to use your
“FREE WILL” and get the truth from The Epoch Times.

Love, love, love! Not only can I get My 89-year-old father, a staunch The Epoch Times reports the truth I had given up newspapers a long
an impartial view on what the latest conservative his entire life, became as to what is actually happening on time ago...The L.A. Times, New
story is, but I can learn so much incorrigible to talk to. We could not the home front in America as well as York Times, Washington Post, et
more about stories that should discuss anything political because he with world wide news. al. Turned my attention to media
be reported but aren’t. The Epoch hated Trump so much. How can this be? Not one radio station in our country outlets for awhile but most only
Times goes the extra mile. I finally realized it was how he was getting reports what is actually happening reported just a fraction of important
in our world. All are too interested in
his information, through the MSM. news versus agenda-driven drivel.
the so-called organized protest mobs
I shared The Epoch Times with him. At The Epoch Times caught my
attempting to disrupt America and our
first he didn’t understand - how could all American History. Keep up the great attention with their advertisements
the tv stations and the local newspaper job of reporting the real news. of extensive coverage available of
be saying the exact same things if they topics NOT covered in the media
weren’t true? (I wonder that myself). so I thought I’d give it a try on a trial
Within a couple weeks he started subscription. And now you would
Honest reporting when most of to look at things differently! Thanks have to cut off my right arm to give
the media has become a political Epoch Times for allowing me to discuss If you are a reader of social media it up! It’s a weekly newspaper...
platform to push an agenda. Like world events once again with my best and local news, I can only tell you and believe me it takes a week
the old days when you believed friend, my father. that you’re being propagandized! to read through all the amazing
that the reporters did their job of As a Latin American Citizen, I value features and sections including
investigating a source for the truth DOUG SCHNICK my independence and our freedom.
worldwide inside information
of a story and not hype for ratings. Even more, I look at many news
as well as biographies of people
The Epoch Times has kept my faith media social networks and I always
in real news, not fake news and go to The Epoch Times to gather making a positive difference in the
word of mouth hearsay. If it wasn’t facts to determine truth by the world. This newspaper will change
for this paper I wouldn’t read one. outstanding due diligence of fine the way you look at journalism...
Thanks to The Epoch Times and journalists. I encourage you, the REAL journalism...and nothing can
all the hard work your staff does!! In confusing, trying times, it’s nice to know people, to use your “FREE WILL” and compare to its authenticity and
Awesome!! I can count on this paper to print the truth. get the truth from The Epoch Times. accuracy. Brilliant!



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How Your
Gut Health
Affects Your
Disease Risk
It is the interplay
between us as
individuals and the
environment in which
we live that dictates
our clinical destiny.
Alessio Fasano, director, Center for
Celiac Research at Massachusetts
General Hospital

A chain reaction in your gut can of proteins that affect the lining of your

intestinal tract. Fasano’s paper specifically
he critical importance of gut addresses the role of zonulin-mediated gut
leave you vulnerable to chronic health is getting more attention. permeability in the pathogenesis of chronic
A significant proportion of your inflammatory diseases. Gut permeabil-
inflammatory disease immune system resides in your
gastrointestinal tract, which
ity refers to how easily substances mov-
ing through the digestive tract can leak
G /S
means optimizing your gut microbiome through the intestinal wall. If the intestinal
ST will have far-reaching effects on your physi- wall is “leaky,” these substances seep into
K cal health and emotional well-being. the body and can trigger inflammation.
Gut Mounting scientific evidence also con- Research across several fields—including
bacteria are tinues to suggest a large component of human genetics, the gut microbiome, and
also involved nutrition centers on nourishing health- proteomics (the study of proteins)—suggests
in your antiviral promoting bacteria in your gut (and else- gut permeability plays a key pathogenic role
defense, recent where in and on your body). Take care of in the development of chronic inflammatory
research these beneficial bacteria and you’ll keep diseases (CIDs). Zonulin, meanwhile, plays
shows. harmful microbes in check and shore up a key role in gut permeability.
your protection against chronic disease.
Bacteria, Not Genes,
Disease Begins in Your Gut Rule Your Health Destiny
Research has linked ADHD, autism, learning Aside from the microbes themselves, Fasa-
disabilities, obesity, diabetes, Parkinson’s no writes that the condition of your intesti-
disease, and other conditions to the health of nal mucosa—the inner lining of the intesti-
the gut microbiome. A 2020 scientific review nal wall where much of the gut microbiome
by Alessio Fasano, director of the Center for resides—is of critical importance.
Celiac Research at Massachusetts General “It plays a pivotal role through its dynam-
Hospital, goes so far as to say that all inflam- ic interactions with a variety of factors com-
matory disease begins in the gut. ing from our surrounding environment,
Part of the blame is laid on excessive including microorganisms, nutrients,
hygiene. In other words, we’re “too clean” pollutants, and other materials,” Fasano
for our own good. This “cleanliness” strips explains.
away a healthy microbiome and leaves Fasano points out that we simply don’t
room for unwelcome bacteria to grow. have enough genes to account for the
Your diet also plays a crucial role in your myriad chronic diseases that can beset us.
microbiome and can affect several factors,
including the release of zonulin, a group Continued on B2

How Your
Gut Health
Affects Your
Behind the Disease Risk
Subscription A chain reaction in your gut can
leave you vulnerable to chronic
Your subscription will not only provide you with inflammatory disease
accurate news and features, but also contribute
to the revival of American journalism and help
Continued from B1 Interestingly enough, the zonulin
safeguard our freedoms for future generations. pathway misinterprets gluten as a
Genes also cannot explain the tim- potential harmful component of a
We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we ing of disease onset. To solve these microorganism. That’s why gluten
mysteries, we must look to the micro- triggers zonulin release. While not
strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that biome, he says. mentioned by Fasano, the herbicide
lets you form your own opinions. “It is the interplay between us as glyphosate also triggers zonulin, and
individuals and the environment in is 10 times more potent than gluten.
which we live that dictates our clinical The subsequent permeability al-
We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where destiny,” writes Fasano. lows microbiota-derived antigen and
the faithful representation of our current events As the innermost layer of the intesti- endotoxin to migrate from the lumen
won’t just be important for the people of today, but nal wall, your mucosal mucosa comes (the hollow tube at the center of the
in direct contact with the food you eat intestinal tract that food and waste pass
also for the generations to come. The records we and contaminating substances you through) to the lamina propria (the
keep now will directly inform the foundations of the ingest. Zonulin can cause the intesti- connective tissue that is part of the mu-
history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish— nal mucosa to become too permeable, cous membrane lining your intestine),
leading to leaky gut. thereby triggering inflammation.
and this knowledge is what drives us. “Pre-clinical and clinical studies As the process continues to worsen
have shown that the zonulin family, a (No. 3 in the graph), your adaptive
Learn more at group of proteins modulating gut per- immune response kicks in, trigger-
meability, is implicated in a variety of ing the production of proinflamma- CIDs, including autoimmune, infec- tory cytokines, including interferon
tive, metabolic, and tumoral diseases. gamma and tumor necrosis factor al-
These data offer novel therapeutic pha. These cytokines further worsen
targets for a variety of CIDs in which gut permeability, thus creating a
the zonulin pathway is implicated in vicious cycle. Eventually (No. 4), mu-
TRUTH AND TRADITION their pathogenesis,” Fasano writes. cosal tolerance is completely broken,
However, while zonulin is a bio- resulting in the onset of a chronic
marker of gut permeability and plays inflammatory disease.
a pathogenic role in many chronic
inflammatory diseases, it should be
noted that not all CIDs are caused by
leaky gut.
By reseeding your
Proposed Chain of Events
Leading to CID gut with beneficial
The graphic below was included in bacteria, you can keep
Fasano’s review but originated from
an earlier paper, titled “Zonulin, a pathogenic microbes
Regulator of Epithelial and Endothe-
lial Barrier Functions, and Its In- and fungi in check
volvement in Chronic Inflammatory and prevent them
Diseases.” It was co-written by Fasano
and Craig Sturgeon and details the from taking over,
“proposed chain of events leading to and optimizing your
chronic inflammatory disease.”
Under normal circumstances, a vitamin D will help
healthy homeostasis is maintained
in your gut lining such that when an avoid leaky gut.
antigen is encountered, no excess im-
mune reaction occurs. Antigens are
molecules or molecular structures that Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
alert your body to an outside pathogen Linked to Leaky Gut
and trigger an immune response. The specific chronic inflammatory
Under No. 2 in the graph, gut dysbio- disease that ultimately emerges at the
sis is setting in (i.e., an imbalance in end of all this depends in part on your
the number and diversity of your gut genetic makeup, in part on the types of
microflora), causing excess produc- exposures you’ve had, and in part on the
tion of zonulin, which, in turn, makes composition of your gut microbiome.
the gut lining more permeable. “The pathogenesis of a variety of
According to Fasano, the two most CIDs seems to involve mutually influ-
powerful triggers of zonulin release enced changes in gut permeability/Ag
are bacteria overgrowth and gluten. trafficking, immune activation, and
Zonulin is produced in response to bad changes in composition/function of
bacteria—it helps flush the bacteria out the gut microbiome,” Fasano writes.
by opening up the tight junctions—so A chain reaction starting from an
bacteria overgrowth makes sense. But imbalance in the number and diversity
why does it respond to gluten? of your gut microflora (aka gut dysbio-

sis) spurs the release of zonulin, which by many gut bacteria within that
leads to leaky gut, which causes the group—that unlocks the immune-
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. protective cascade. That molecule, the
These cytokines then cause in- researchers noted, is not difficult to
creased gut permeability and spur a isolate and could become the basis for
vicious loop that leads to a massive in- drugs that boost antiviral immunity
flux of dietary and microbial antigens in humans.”
triggering the activation of T cells, While the findings still need to be
warns Fasano. replicated and confirmed, they point
T cells play a central role in the to the possibility that you might be
adaptive immune response and if able to enhance your antiviral im-
they are being over-activated because munity by reseeding your gut with
of a massive influx of antigens, they Bacteroides fragilis and other bacteria
can damage healthy tissues. in the Bacteroides family.
“Depending on the host genetic These bacteria initiate a signaling
makeup, activated T cells may remain cascade that induces the release of
within the GI tract, causing CID of the interferon-beta that protect against
gut … or migrate to several different viral invasion by stimulating immune
organs to cause systemic CID.” cells to attack the virus and causing
Chronic inflammatory diseases virus-infected cells to self-destruct.
associated with dysregulation of the “Specifically, … a molecule that
zonulin pathway include: resides on the bacterium’s surface
triggers the release of interferon-beta
r Autoimmune disorders such as by activating the so-called TLR4-TRIF
Celiac disease, Type 1 diabetes, in- signaling pathway,” Harvard explains.
flammatory bowel disease, multiple “This bacterial molecule stimulates an
sclerosis, and ankylosing spondy- immune-signaling pathway initiated
litis by one of the nine toll-like receptors
r Metabolic disorders such as obesity, (TLR) that are part of the innate im-
insulin resistance, nonalcoholic mune system.”
fatty liver disease, gestational dia-
betes, hyperlipidemia and Type 2 The Role of Vitamin D
diabetes Recent research also highlights the Vitamin D Required for Tight est, most effective, and least expensive
r Intestinal diseases such as irritable role of vitamin D in gut health and Junction Maintenance way to make a significant impact on
bowel syndrome, non-celiac gluten systemic autoimmunity. The review Better known is how vitamin D sup- your gut microbiome. Healthy choices
sensitivity, and environmental en- article, published Jan. 21, 2020, in ports intestinal and immune cell include lassi (an Indian yogurt drink),
teric dysfunction (a chronic disease Frontiers in Immunology, notes: defenses in the gut. In fact, vitamin cultured grass-fed organic milk
affecting the proximal intestine) D is one of the crucial components products such as kefir and yogurt,
r Neuroinflammatory diseases required for maintaining tight junc- natto (fermented soy) and fermented
such as autism spectrum disorder, tions. vegetables of all kinds.
schizophrenia, major depressive This is important for the health of Although I’m not a major proponent
disorder and chronic fatigue/myal- Gut permeability the intestinal epithelium, the single of taking many supplements (as I
gic encephalomyelitis cell layer that lines the interior of the believe the majority of your nutrients
r Brain and liver cancers
refers to how easily small and large intestine (colon) of the need to come from food), probiot-
substances moving gastrointestinal tract. ics are an exception if you don’t eat
Gut Microbes Influence Genes, As explained in this review: fermented foods on a regular basis.
Can Alter Cancer Risk through the digestive “The intestinal epithelium is in Spore-based probiotics, or sporebiot-
While the inclusion of cancer on that tract can leak through constant interaction with the exter- ics, can be particularly helpful when
list may seem odd at first glance, some nal environment. Adequate barrier you’re taking antibiotics. They’re also
researchers believe the gut micro- the intestinal wall. integrity and antimicrobial function an excellent complement to regular
biome may actually end up being a at epithelial surfaces are critical in probiotics.
game-changer for cancer prevention maintaining homeostasis and pre- Sporebiotics, which consist of the cell
and treatment. “Autoimmune diseases tend to share venting invasion or overcolonization wall of bacillus spores, will help boost
Not only have gut bacteria been a predisposition for vitamin D deficien- of particular microbial species. your immune tolerance. And because
shown to influence gene expression, cy, which alters the microbiome and A healthy intestinal epithelium and they don’t contain any live bacillus
turning some genes on and others off, integrity of the gut epithelial barrier. intact mucus layer are critical to pro- strains, only its spores—the protective
research published in 2018 found gut “...Vitamin D deficiency may con- tect against invasion by pathogenic shell around the DNA and the work-
microbes actually control antitumor tribute to autoimmunity via its effects organisms, and vitamin D helps to ing mechanism of that DNA—they are
immune responses in your liver, and on the intestinal barrier function, mi- maintain this barrier function ...” unaffected by antibiotics.
that antibiotics can alter the compo- crobiome composition, and/or direct
sition of immune cells in your liver, effects on immune responses.” Vitamin D May Contribute
triggering tumor growth. As noted in this review, vitamin D to Autoimmune Disease
Certain gut bacteria also promote has several direct and indirect regula- According to the authors, vitamin D
inflammation, which is an underlying tory effects on your immune system, deficiency may contribute to autoim- Autoimmune
factor in virtually all cancers, whereas including promoting regulatory T mune disease by affecting the micro-
other bacteria quell it. The presence cells (Tregs), inhibiting differentia- biome and the immune system in the diseases tend to share
of certain gut bacteria has even been tion of Th1 and Th17 cells, impairing following manner: a predisposition for
shown to boost the patient’s response development and function of B cells,
to anticancer drugs. reducing monocyte activation, and 1. Vitamin D deficiency or supple- vitamin D deficiency,
One way in which gut bacteria stimulating antimicrobial peptides mentation changes the microbi-
improve the effectiveness of can- from immune cells. ome, and manipulation of bacterial which alters the
cer treatment is by activating your That said, the relationship between abundance or composition impacts microbiome and
immune system and allowing it to vitamin D and autoimmunity is disease manifestation.
function more efficiently. Researchers complicated. Aside from suppressing 2. Lack of vitamin D signaling due to integrity of the gut
have actually found that when these an immune response that could run dietary deficiency can impair physi-
specific microbes are absent, certain amok, vitamin D also appears to im- cal and functional barrier integrity
epithelial barrier.
anticancer drugs may not work at all. prove autoimmune disorders by the of the gut, thereby allowing bacte- Frontiers in Immunology
way it affects your microbiota compo- rial interactions to either stimulate
Gut Bacteria Are Part sition and gut barrier. or inhibit immune responses.
of Your Antiviral Defense The review cites research showing 3. Your innate immunologic defenses Antibiotics, as you may know,
Gut bacteria are also involved in your that your vitamin D status alters the may be compromised if you are indiscriminately kill your gut bacte-
antiviral defense, recent research composition of your gut microbiome. deficient in vitamin D. ria, both good and bad. This is why
shows. As reported by Harvard Medi- Generally speaking, vitamin D defi- secondary infections and lowered
cal School on Nov. 18, 2020: ciency tends to increase Bacteriode- How to Optimize immune function are common side
“For the first time, Harvard Medical tes and Proteobacteria, while higher Your Gut Microbiome effects of taking antibiotics. Chronic
School researchers have … identi- vitamin D intake tends to increase All of this information should really low-dose exposure to antibiotics
fied the specific population of gut prevalence of Prevotella and reduce drive home the point that optimizing through your food also takes a toll
microbes that modulates both local- certain types of Proteobacteria and your gut flora and vitamin D level is on your gut microbiome, which can
ized and systemic immune response Firmicutes. of crucial importance for good health. result in chronic ill health and in-
to ward off viral invaders. The work While research is still slim when it By reseeding your gut with beneficial creased risk of drug resistance. Last
… pinpoints a group of gut microbes, comes to vitamin D’s impact on gut bacteria, you can keep pathogenic but not least, you also need to avoid
and a specific species within it, that bacteria, especially in patients with microbes and fungi in check and things that disrupt or kill your micro-
causes immune cells to release virus- autoimmune disease, vitamin D prevent them from taking over, and biome, and this includes:
repelling chemicals known as type 1 deficiency and autoimmune diseases optimizing your vitamin D will help
interferons. are known comorbidities and vitamin avoid leaky gut. r Antibiotics, unless absolutely
“The researchers further identi- D supplementation is often recom- Regularly eating traditionally fer- necessary
fied the precise molecule—shared mended for these patients. mented and cultured foods is the easi- r Conventionally raised meats and
other animal products, as these
animals are routinely fed low-dose
antibiotics, plus genetically engi-
neered and/or glyphosate-treated
r Processed foods (as the excessive
sugars feed pathogenic bacteria)
r Chlorinated and/or fluoridated
Take care of r Antibacterial soap and products
these beneficial containing triclosan
bacteria and you’ll
keep harmful Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of
microbes in An osteopathic physi-
check. cian, best-selling author, and recipi-
ent of multiple awards in the field of
natural health, his primary vision is to
change the modern health paradigm
by providing people with a valuable
resource to help them take control of
their health. This article was originally
published on


Lycopene Lowers Risks for

Neurodegenerative Diseases
The red pigment in fruits and vegetables reveals varied benefits against several diseases

id you know that guava and
tomato are just two of the
lycopene-rich fruits and
vegetables that can protect
your brain and reduce your
risks for cancer, heart disease, and bone
Lycopene is the pigment in red fruits
and vegetables such as pink gua-
va and tomatoes. It is an important nutri-
ent scientists are currently testing in the
prevention and suppression of neuro-
degenerative diseases. Past research
has shown lycopene to have antioxi-
dant properties, which are effective in
fighting other diseases such as cancer,
precursors to heart diseases, and bone

Neurodegenerative Disease
Lycopene demonstrated antioxi- Foods
dant properties in protecting the rich in
neural system in vitro, and the lycopene are
consumption of lycopene-rich generally red in
fruits and vegetables is recom- color, though
mended as a pre- asparagus bucks
ventive strategy the rule.
for neurodegenera-
tive diseases, according
to a review and meta-
analysis published in Ath-
In addition to suppressing oxida-
tive stress and inflammation in the
brain, lycopene restores changes associ-
ated with neurodegenerative disorders,
epileptic conditions, aging, brain hem-
orrhages, spinal cord injury, and neu-
ropathy. It also prevents proteinopathies,
neuroinflammation, apoptosis, cerebral
edema, and synaptic dysfunction in the
brain, according to a review published showing that higher lycopene intake age markers threefold and oxidized lipid quirement for lycopene, sources suggest
in Neurochemistry international. (between 9 milligrams (mg) and 21mg levels fivefold. Tomato juice (338 mg per consuming from 8 mg to 21 mg per day
Lycopene also ameliorated neuroin- per day) reduced the incidence of day) treatment for 20 days also reduced for optimal health.
flammation, oxidative stress, amyloid prostate cancer. The prostate cancer inflammation (an underlying risk factor
genesis, and memory loss in an Alzheim- risk declined 18 percent with increas- for cardiovascular disease and diabetes) Top Fruits and Vegetables
er’s-induced mice model, through medi- ing consumption of lycopene (intake of in a controlled trial of 106 overweight Highest in Lycopene
ating cell signaling pathways related to tomatoes and watermelon) in a study of and obese females. (By milligrams per cup)
inflammation, and thus could be effec- 404 participants. Guava consumption was shown to 1. Tomato Puree (50)
tive in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, In addition, researchers have found have significant effects on heart health 2. Sun Dried Tomatoes (25)
found an animal study published in The lycopene-rich foods such as tomatoes af- risk in 120 patients with high blood pres- 3. Guavas (8.6)
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. fected rates of a variety of other cancers. sure. Specifically, the study found a 9.9 4.  Fresh Tomato (7.3)
In a meta-analysis including 15 studies percent net decrease in total cholesterol, 5. Watermelon (6.9)
of 644 animals, lycopene supplementa- 7.7 percent decrease in triglycerides, and 6.  Pink Grapefruit (3.3)
tion significantly reduced the incidence, blood pressure lowered (systolic by 9 7.  Papaya (2.7)
number, and growth of liver cancer. points and diastolic by 8 points) with an 8.  Red Bell Peppers (0.5)
Researchers are delving In their comprehensive review of the 8 percent net increase in high-density 9.  Persimmon (0.3)
into the varied ways literature, scientists attested to tomato lipoprotein cholesterol after 12 weeks of 10. Asparagus (0.05)
lycopene’s preventive action against the guava fruit treatment. 11. Red Cabbage (0.02)
lycopene counteracts formation and development of lung can- 12. Mangos (0.01)
cer as well. Lycopene supplementation Bone Health
disease and strengthens in lung and liver tumor-induced mice In another study, 370 men and 576 Sensitivities to Nightshade Vegetables
the body. reduced experimental tumor metastasis women (70 to 80 years of age) from the Some people may experience chronic
in vivo by decreasing tumor invasion, Framingham Osteoporosis Study com- pain and inflammation from sensitivity
proliferation, and angiogenesis. pleted a food frequency questionnaire to foods called “nightshade” vegetables.
In their in vitro study of mice, research- In a pooled analysis of 21 studies, the in 1988 to 1989 and were followed for 17 That is because they can contain glycoal-
ers found lycopene to be effective in group that consumed the most tomato years for bone fractures. kaloids such as solanine in potato and
reducing oxidative stress, which is con- products had the lowest risk for gastric Results showed that subjects with higher eggplant, tomatine in tomato and capsa-
sidered a major cause of Alzheimer’s dis- cancer. In a study of U.S. adults, tomato lycopene intake had a significantly lower icin in garden peppers as well as wheat
ease, by reducing cell apoptosis through (86 percent lower risk) and lycopene (79 risk of hip and nonvertebral fractures. To- lectin or chitin-binding lectins found in
activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway. percent lower risk) intake was inversely mato and tomato products, as rich sources tomatoes and red pepper.
Researchers studied 6,958 participants related to all cancer deaths. of lycopene, have been shown to decrease Reactions should be monitored for
aged older than 50 years to assess the im- Guava leaf extract has been shown bone loss, which significantly lowers the their effect on the digestive system and
pact of carotenoids on mortality risk from to have a strong anticancer effect by risk for fractures in vivo and in vitro stud- arthritic symptoms, and triggering foods
Alzheimer’s. High levels of lycopene, lu- preventing and stopping the growth ies of postmenopausal women. should be avoided completely (if the sen-
tein, and zeaxanthin were found to lower of cancerous cells in in-vitro studies of sitivity continues) or slowly brought back
the risk of Alzheimer’s mortality. In an animal induced cancers. into the diet one by one if tolerated. Pes-
Alzheimer’s-induced mice study, oxida- ticide-treated and genetically modified
tive stress biomarkers were measured Cardiovascular Disease Risk (GMO) foods are the most problematic
with two treatments—lycopene and In a meta-analysis of 14 studies, high
The group that consumed and buying non-GMO and organic night-
lycopene combined with vitamin E. dietary lycopene was significantly as- the most tomato products shade vegetables is essential.
The combination was synergistic in sociated with low risk for cardiovascular Lycopene gives fruits and vegetables,
significantly decreasing memory impair- disease, stroke, and coronary heart dis- had the lowest risk for such as tomatoes, guavas, watermelon,
ments and improved three oxidative ease. Similarly, in an overview of 23,935 gastric cancer. and red bell peppers, their reddish hues
stress markers for Alzheimer’s. In a rat patients, mortality from coronary heart and packs a punch for its neuroprotec-
study, researchers demonstrated that disease and cerebrovascular disease was tive, anticancer, bone protective, and
lycopene, a natural carotenoid, lowered significantly lower for those who had In vitro and clinical studies of osteo- heart-healthy properties. To read more
aluminum-induced hippocampal lesions high tomato and lycopene intake, illus- blast cells found the intake of a lycopene- about the impact of guavas and tomatoes
by inhibiting oxidative stress-mediated trating their cardioprotective abilities. rich tomato sauce (5 mg and 10 mg) in on your health, see’s
inflammation and apoptosis in the brain. A systematic review and meta-analysis 39 postmenopausal women resulted in research database on lycopene.
Similarly, lycopene was found to be of 21 studies showed that increasing the no significant bone density loss with
very effective against age-induced cog- intake of tomatoes and lycopene products the treatment and better bone turnover The GMI Research Group is dedicated to
nitive impairment, memory loss, and has positive effects on blood lipids, blood results compared to those in the non-to- investigating the most important health
cognitive defects while reversing age-as- pressure, and endothelial function, which mato sauce control group, showing that and environmental issues of the day.
sociated neuronal damage and synaptic make them valuable nutritional strategies tomato sauce can be used to lower risk of Special emphasis will be placed on envi-
dysfunction in brain synapses by miti- to fight cardiovascular diseases. bone loss and to prevent osteoporosis. ronmental health. Our focused and deep
gating oxidative stress and inflammation In a human study of 142 patients with research will explore the many ways in
markers in a mouse model. cardiovascular disease, lycopene supple- Top 12 Lycopene Food Sources which the present condition of the human
mentation (7 mg per day) for four weeks So which fruits and veggies are reliable body directly reflects the true state of the
Cancer Risk increased serum lycopene levels more lycopene sources? Boost your lycopene ambient environment. This work is repro-
Twenty-six studies of 563,299 partici- than four times, significantly improved levels by increasing your consumption of duced and distributed with the permis-
pants with 17,517 documented cases tissue oxygenation and blood flow, and the top foods found in the list below. Al- sion of GreenMedInfo LLC. Sign up for the
of prostate cancer were meta-analyzed, reduced inflammatory oxidative dam- though there is no daily minimum re- newsletter at


Water Exercises as
Effective as Gym Workouts
Exercising in water is softer on the joints and still lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease

MARKOS KLONIZAKIS small veins. The mechanism behind these

findings isn’t very clear. However, it’s likely
Swimming, aqua-aerobics, and other wa- that this is because exercise can increase
ter-based exercises are popular for people the production of nitric oxide in our bod-
aged 55 and older to keep fit without put- ies. This is a key component for preserving
ting strain on the joints. A new study shows endothelial function in both small veins
these forms of exercise could also help re- and arteries. So the greater the nitric oxide
duce cardiovascular disease. production, the better arteries, and small
Previous studies show that water-based veins can work.
exercises have many benefits, including Endothelial function for the exercise
improving gait, balance, and mobility. It’s groups were also significantly better than
also thought to offer benefits as part of re- the function in the inactive group. This sug-
habilitation programs for peripheral arte- gests that for older adults, all exercise plays
rial disease, in which arteries in the legs, an important role in protecting against
stomach, arms, and head narrow. cardiovascular disease, whether it’s per-
But while water-based exercises are formed in or out of water.
shown to have benefits for other aspects
of health, until now there’s been limited Exercising at Every Age
evidence on whether it’s as beneficial on re- Cardiovascular disease remains a main
ducing cardiovascular disease risk for older cause of death for older people. While ex-
adults and improving their heart health. Exercising in water can who regularly performed high-intensity ex- ercise—either alone or alongside a healthy
improve balance and ercise, such as CrossFit. This was to ensure diet—can protect against cardiovascular
mobility with less risk that all the exercise regimes we compared disease, older people often don’t get as
for older adults. were as similar as possible and because much exercise as they should. For exam-
Water-based exercises high-intensity exercise can be difficult to ple, statistics show that only 13 percent of
perform in water. women over 75 meet daily physical activity
have many benefits, Our participants were exercising on av- recommendations for their age group.
erage four times per week, for at least six There are many reasons why older people
including improving gait, months. We compared people who trained might not exercise, including fear of in-
balance, and mobility. in the water against those who trained in a jury and lack of confidence in using exer-
gym or took exercise classes, and those who cise equipment. But this could mean that
did a mixture of both types of exercises. We they’re missing out on important heart
Our latest study explored the long-term also compared this data against a reference benefits that can protect against cardio-
effects of regular, water-based aerobic ex- group who didn’t exercise at all. vascular disease. This is why promoting
ercise on cardiovascular health. We proved In order to see what effect exercise was hav- forms of exercise that older people feel
for the first time that they’re as effective as ing on cardiovascular health, we measured comfortable doing—and that they want
other types of aerobic exercise for lowering how efficient the inner vein lining (endothe- to do—need to be explored and promoted.
cardiovascular disease risk for older people. lium) of their small veins and large arteries
Our study enrolled 80 people over the age were. Endothelium is crucial for minimizing
of 55 with normal blood pressure and with- cardiovascular disease risk at any age.
out pre-existing clinical conditions, such We found that all three modes of exercise
as diabetes. We avoided recruiting people offer similar benefits to our arteries and Exercise plays an
important role in
protecting against
cardiovascular disease, in
or out of water.
Water exercises
are easy on the
bones and joints. This is why our findings may be particu-
larly important, as we’re the first to directly
show that water-based exercise is as good
for cardiovascular health as exercising in
a gym, for the older age group. This means
people can choose a form of exercise that
causes less pain, stress, or strain on joints,
but will still benefit their heart health. This
may be especially good news for people
who may be more frail, or for those who are
afraid of handling gym equipment.
More research will be needed to better
understand why water-based exercise
causes these benefits to veins and arteries.
But our findings suggest that water-based
exercise is an enjoyable way to protect
against cardiovascular disease.

Markos Klonizakis is a reader in clinical

physiology at Sheffield Hallam University
in the UK. This article was first published
on The Conversation.

Gained Weight on the Diet That Your Friend Swore By?

We are far too different in body and lifestyle for one diet to work for everyone

LYNN JAFFEE Each food has an inherent energetic While practitioners of Chinese medi-
temperature, which translates into how cine have long known that food therapy
I have never been much of a dieter, al- it will affect your body. For example, gin- is based on creating an individualized
though there are times in my life when I ger is considered to be a warming food, diet, food scientists are now conducting
probably should have been. I have, how- while mint is cooling. In practice, if you research that suggests the same thing.
ever, tried tweaking my diet based on a were struggling with hot flashes, you would The  results of an Israeli study  of the
friend’s recommendation or an article I choose energetically cooling foods and blood sugar levels of 800 people docu-
have read, only to have it backfire. Either avoid those that heat you up. mented that different people responded
my digestion tanked, or my energy took a differently to eating the same food. The re- Each of us

vacation, leaving me sluggish and tired. Foods also have an action or impact searchers suggest that, like Chinese food
This phenomenon seems to happen to on your body. For example, depending therapy, successful dieting and healthy has specific
many people. They read about a miracle on your needs, you can choose foods that eating depend on meals tailored to the nutritional

food or foolproof diet, only to gain weight moisten, nourish blood, build up your qi individual and their unique biology. In-
or feel like crap. So what’s going on? (energy gained through food and breath- stead of wondering what you were doing needs that vary
Chinese medicine has long had the an- ing), or drain dampness. wrong when you gained weight on the diet
from person to

swer, and it seems that Western researchers that your friend swore by, understand that
are now catching on, too. The key to eating How you prepare food can change its the foods you need are different from the person.
the right is in tailoring your diet to your properties. Raw fruits tend to be cool foods others need.
unique needs. This is true for a couple of and moistening. However, dried fruits are
reasons. First, each of us has specific nutri- warmer and less dampening. In addition, Lynn Jaffee is a licensed acupunctur-
tional needs that vary from person to person. if you’re struggling with your digestion, ist and the author of “Simple Steps: The
Second, foods have specific properties that cooking your vegetables in a soup or stir Chinese Way to Better Health.” This article
make them good for some kinds of health fry makes them far easier to digest, allow- was originally published on Acupuncture-
conditions, but not for others. For example: ing you to extract more energy from them.


To Beat the Winter Blues,

For me, this is the first year that I won’t be
going home to be with my family in New
Jersey for the holidays, and I’m really sad to

Think Like a Norwegian

not be doing that. But I’m trying to focus
Norwegians instead on the fact that that means
enjoy the warmth instead of flying cross-country and
of homes and running around seeing all my family
friends in winter, but members, this year I can actually
still head outdoors have a really restful holiday and
Embrace the season and seek despite the cold focus
on expressing my love for my
by sending things in the mail
and dark.
out what it offers, rather than and organizing Zoom calls. So those
are some of the opportunities I’ll be try-
lamenting what is lost ing to take advantage of this year. And this
idea of finding the opportunity in difficult
MELISSA DE WITTE things isn’t just from a wintertime mind-
set—it’s backed by a lot of psychological
You might find inspiration for handling research, including work out of the Stan-
the dark months ahead from Norwegians, ford Mind & Body Lab, like Alia Crum’s
according to Kari Leibowitz. work on stress mindsets.
Leibowitz, a doctoral candidate in so- Another big part of this mindset is get-
cial psychology at Stanford University, has ting outside—Norwegians love to be active
studied how Norwegians cope with winter in the winter, and even have the saying,
and “polar nights,” the period beginning “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only
on Nov. 21, when the sun sets in Norway bad clothing.” Given that we’re all stuck at
and doesn’t rise again for another two home right now, prioritizing bundling up
months. She spent a year at the University and moving and spending time outdoors
of Tromso, located 200 miles north of the even in “bad” weather will be really im-
Arctic Circle, to better understand how didn’t see it so much as something to sur- portant for keeping up people’s spirits and
people survive—and actually, thrive—in vive—they saw it as an opportunity for lots mood this winter.
such extreme and unusual conditions. of things they loved: outdoor activities like
She found that people with a positive cross-country skiing but also special, cozy
wintertime mindset—which encompasses time indoors. Instead of the polar night be-
their thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes to- ing a time of darkness, I actually learned It’s about focusing on
ward the season—is positively associated that it is a time of incredible light—blue
with their well-being, including life satis- light for a few hours a day, really pretty what we can control
faction and personal growth. sunset colors as the sun skirts below the
Leibowitz is researching psychological horizon, and, of course, incredible North-
and trying to make the
and social forces in health care, with a fo- ern Lights. They really showed me that it’s best of a bad situation.
cus on the doctor–patient relationship. She possible to love winter, and there I learned
also works with psychologist Alia Crum to love winter myself. Kari Leibowitz, researcher,
in the Stanford Mind & Body Lab, where A positive Stanford University
they study how mindsets can make a posi- Ms. De Witte:  And what did you learn
tive difference to emotional and physical wintertime about their well-being? Ms. De Witte: Is there anything you would
well-being. mindset was Ms. Leibowitz: In our cross-sectional, cor- like to add about how your research applies
Here, Leibowitz discusses some of her relational survey of Norwegians at three to these current times?
findings—data from her survey of 238 Nor- associated different latitudes—Oslo, Tromso, and Ms. Leibowitz: The thing I like about mind-
wegians recently published in the Inter- Svalbard—conducted at the end of Janu- sets is that they have room for complex-
national Journal of Wellbeing—and how with every ary, we found that a positive wintertime ity—it’s not just telling people to look on
their approach to winter and the indoors metric of well- mindset was associated with every metric the bright side, think positive, or find the
might offer comfort during these challeng- of well-being we looked at, including life silver lining.
ing times: being we satisfaction, positive emotions, psycho- I think it’s really important to let people
logical flourishing, and personal growth. mourn and grieve and not diminish the
Melissa De Witte: What did you learn from
looked at, In other words, people in Norway who extremely real hardships people are fac-
studying, and living with, Norwegians? Is including life had more positive wintertime mindsets ing. Instead, it’s about focusing on what we
there anything that you were surprised to also tended to be happier overall. can control and trying to make the best of
discover about them, and yourself? satisfaction, a bad situation. So if you hate how early it
Kari Leibowitz:  I learned so much how positive Ms. Witte: How might this mindset help gets dark out, you can try to focus instead
delicious brunost—a special, slightly cara- people as they shelter in place during the on how it’s a chance to light candles and
melly brown cheese that they often eat on emotions, pandemic? get cozy earlier, how it might help you get to
waffles—is and how good reindeer hot- Ms. Leibowitz: It might be especially easy bed earlier—something I’m forever trying
dogs are. How to dress appropriately for psychological to love winter in Tromso—it’s magical, sur- and failing to do—or even how it can be
winter weather—all- flourishing, rounded by snowy mountains and fjords. nice to watch the sunset from your window
wool base layers But I think the people in Tromso have strat- while you’re working.
are key—and and personal egies for making winter wonderful that I encourage people to start small and find
how to forage people can use wherever they are. People one or two things they like about this win-
for blueberries.
growth. in Tromso see winter as full of opportuni- ter, maybe one or two things they are doing
But I also learned Kari Leibowitz, ties, whereas in the U.S. we tend to only to make this challenging season an oppor-
that—surprise—Nor- researcher, Stanford focus on the ways winter limits us and the tunity, and to focus on those. And I person-
wegians love winter! This University things we can’t do. ally will be thinking about this winter as
was genuinely surprising Of course, when we shelter in place, a kind of hibernation, a time dedicated to
to me—I grew up on the there’s a lot we can’t do and it’s easy to fo- quiet and rest and reflection, and that kind
Jersey Shore hating win- cus on that. And I’m not suggesting that of mindful pause can help us come out the
ter. people deny this reality or ignore all of the other side of the pandemic with a clearer
I originally went to suffering and loss and things we’re missing sense of what’s important to us and how
understand how they this year. But given that we’re all stuck in we want to live our lives.
survived during the a situation no one wants to be in, how can
winter. But peo- we focus on a) what opportunities might This article was originally published
ple in be present? and b) the things that we do by Stanford University. Republished via
Nor- enjoy about the winter season, to bring us under Creative Commons
way a little bit of comfort? License 4.0.


Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real

When our thoughts scare us and we need to make them stop


took a deep dive into  fear  after The more
someone I love dearly, a close fam-
ily member, began experiencing
afraid I
a physical symptom. We’ve been became,
unable to get to the bottom of it;
the doctors have not been particularly the more
concerned, and so we’ve resorted to just frantically I
managing the symptom best we can.
I haven’t been particularly worried, as- researched
suming it was just one of the umpteen
physical symptoms that come for seem- the internet,
ingly no reason and then go for seemingly reading every-
no reason, without our ever really know-
ing why or what it was all about. thing available
On a recent Friday afternoon, I was hav-
ing a conversation with this person, and
on the condi-
she casually mentioned another symp- tion I had
tom that she experiences. She had never
brought this to my attention because she diagnosed.
just assumed everybody felt the same
In that moment, I was slightly alarmed
by the symptom she mentioned as it was
definitely not a sensation most people
have and certainly not one that people
get on a regular basis. It was also, I knew,
a symptom associated with some pret-
ty terrible things. I said nothing about
my concern but calmly inquired more
into her experience, like when does she
get this sensation and what if anything
brings it on. On the outside, I probably
appeared quite nonchalant, but on the
inside, a small tsunami was forming
in my chest.
Immediately following our conversa-
tion, I made a beeline to search the in-
ternet. I feverishly punched in her symp-
toms. What I found was, not surprisingly,
both horrifying and terrifying. Her symp-
toms happened to be the first two on ev-
ery list for one, particularly dreadful and
life-destroying condition.
Within three hours of our initial conver-
sation, I was paralyzed with information.
I had three symptoms to work with now,
three symptoms that were the first three
on every list describing the early signs of
one particular horrifying fate. Fear had
taken me hostage. Sometimes our mind fills in the missing pieces with a terrifying story we can’t stop telling ourselves.
The more afraid I became, the more
frantically I researched the internet, read- which felt real, inarguable, and true. fear and creating frightening storylines
ing everything available on the condition I was the only one who knew that she that appear indisputable, there’s also no
I had diagnosed, looking for anything that had all three symptoms. Other family match for the human mind.
would give me a different list of symptoms members knew of one or another, but I The tragic part is that by creating its nar-
or at least a list where her symptoms were was the keeper of the full truth, the only ratives of terror, the mind is at some level
further down from the top. one who knew the whole of it. When I trying to calm us down, to understand
I read about treatments, now and future, did finally break and tell another family the unknown. The mind tries to protect
trial studies, ways that people self-care member, he dismissed my fears as ridicu- us from the fear of what could happen
once diagnosed, the psychological effects lous, irritating, a case of bad hypochon- by creating a certainty of what will hap-
of the disease, how early one should start dria. I was to blame for my fear. His impa- pen, which paradoxically can feel less
taking the medication, and what the final tience felt like an abandonment of sorts. I frightening.
stages look like. I read testimonials from felt terrified and deeply alone in my fear. In this recent episode, my mind was
people living with the disease, everything I couldn’t share my fears with the person desperately searching to find proof for
I could get my hands on. By Sunday night, whom they were about because I didn’t its wrongness, evidence that showed its
I had five doctorates in this condition. want to frighten her; I couldn’t speak with thoughts were mistaken. And yet, the
I was in a state of panic, heartbroken, anyone else in the family because they more my imagined storyline was con-
and truly unable to get OK. If a moment were angered by my fear; I couldn’t speak firmed, the more frantically I searched
of serenity appeared, I would remember with her doctor about it because I didn’t to find something else to explain the
the shock of what I knew, that this person want to set off further testing and thus unknown.
I love beyond anything, beyond every- speed the road to the eventual diagnosis. I
thing, had no future. I would remember was totally isolated; my thoughts had built
that I could never be happy again. Each a bubble of terror in which I was trapped
moment I spent with my family member and alone. We can, in fact, choose
that weekend felt like the last, weighted And then something miraculous hap-
with melancholy and finality. pened, perhaps because I couldn’t bear to live in the questions,
I was living a narrative of fear and de- another moment of being so afraid, or
spair I had written in less than 48 hours. perhaps just because. Grace appeared
to not know, and
I was sure the worst thing I could ever and I heard the following: Your mind is not fill in the blanks.
imagine happening was happening. inflicting violence on you! And what fol-
I wondered how it was possible that I chose the free- lowed from there was simply, Stop! Stop!
I had spent my whole life working on dom and self-compas- Stop! Something in me stood up for me. Our mind is often the perpetrator of un-
accepting reality as it is, and yet here I sion that comes with I knew that probability was still on my imaginable violence—on ourselves. Our
was screaming, “No, this reality is the saying, and believing, side and the fear I was living might well thoughts are the great instigator of terror,
one reality that’s not OK! This reality, I “I simply don’t know. be false evidence appearing as real. yelling fire over and over again when a
cannot bear.” That’s the truth.” With this realization, I was able to halt hint of smoke is detected. At some point,
I was in a thought-constructed hell, my mind’s projections into the future and the suffering that we self-inflict can be-
ALTAFULLA/SHUTTERSTOCK reexperiencing a reality that didn’t and come too much and an act of grace or self-
might never exist. compassion occurs, when we say: “Stop,
I recognized that I knew nothing other stop torturing me. Stop creating stories of
than three facts and didn’t need to go one terror. The truth is I don’t know, that’s all.”
day or even five minutes into the future. I Life is challenging enough without add-
could decide to live right here, now, and ing any of our own terrifying storylines
construct no storyline at all. to it. We can, in fact, choose to live in the
Discomfort remained, mild  anxiety, questions, to not know, and not fill in the
but without the narrative connecting blanks. When we leave the dots not con-
the dots, I was remarkably OK. With the nected and sit with the fear that may or
sudden awareness of how I was tortur- may not exist with what is, we feel a great
ing myself, believing my thoughts, I was relief. Not only relief from the self-inflict-
able to disembark from my mind’s terror ed violence of the terrifying storyline, but
train. I refused to participate in terrify- also from the need to close up reality and
ing myself; I chose the freedom and self- know—everything—even if it’s nothing
compassion that comes with saying, and we want to know.
believing, “I simply don’t know. That’s
the truth.” Nancy Colier is a psychotherapist, in-
For organizing and generating ideas, terfaith minister, author, public speaker,
there’s no match for the human mind. and workshop leader. For more informa-
And simultaneously, for whipping up tion, visit


Decide in
2021 to appre-
ciate all the
good around
us in a more

Simple Decisions to Make 2021 Better than 2020

Here are 12 things you can do to make the year ahead better for everyone
JOSHUA BECKER let’s decide to no longer complain about time. Let’s give it freely in 2021—whether where a difference in opinion was often
the small stuff. people ask for it or not. regarded as a difference in principle. It

t’s time to turn the page on 2020. And rarely is. Everyone will benefit—both
thankfully so. 3. Appreciate more. 7. Waste less. sides—if we decide now to argue less and
What should we expect for 2021? Well, I thought 2020 would be the year I got ev- Seems like we all learned the value of understand more.
my guess is everything will start to feel a erything I wanted. Now, I know 2020 was another day and another opportunity—
bit more normal. But I’m not in control of the year to appreciate everything I have. because too many had their last one taken 11. Save more.
the world, so how would I know for sure? Decide now to carry that forward into from them in 2020. Let’s decide now to With the overnight shutdown/collapse
I am not in control of the world, how- 2021 and appreciate all the good around not waste any day, any moment, or any of many businesses and a worldwide
ever, I am in control of myself—and you us in a more intentional way. amount of energy remaining. economy, 2020 showed the importance of
are in control of yourself. So even though having some financial savings in reserve.
we can’t control everything around us, 4. Connect more. 8. Thank more. If you haven’t made saving a priority, de-
we can control some things. In 2020, we lost the ability to connect Decide now to say “thank you” more of- cide to do it now.
At the very least, we can control how we with others in-person—at coffee shops, ten. You will feel better for it and so will
interact with the world around us. And churches, restaurants, concerts, sporting the recipient. Win-win. 12. Love more.
many times, that makes all the difference. events, and even some family gatherings. Love your spouse. Love your kids. Love
To that end, in an effort to make 2021 a bet- Let’s never overlook the opportunity to 9. Compete less. your friends. Love your co-workers. Love
ter year for everyone, here are 12 decisions connect with others again. One thing is for sure—we’re all in this your neighbor. Love. The world needs
we can all make as the new year begins: world together. As a result, it’s too easy to more of it.
5. Own less. see the world as competition against one
1. Smile more. When everything is taken away, we see another. Instead, let’s remember we’re on What does 2021 hold? I have no idea.
I think we all miss seeing smiles in public what is most important. When it comes the same team, all trying to be the best ver- But with these 12 decisions as my reso-
spaces. Once the masks are off, decide to to recognizing what activities contribute sions of ourselves. If you want to compete, lutions for 2020, I’m ready for just about
show more of those pearly whites every to quality of life, accumulating physical compete against who you were yesterday anything. Because life is more than the
chance you get. stuff pales in comparison to the actual life- rather than the stranger down the street. circumstances surrounding me.
giving pursuits we are being forced to go
2. Complain less. without. Decide now to own less in 2021. 10. Understand more. Joshua Becker is an author, public
2020 was a year of dealing with life-and- Not only was 2020 marked with a pan- speaker, and the founder and editor of
death issues on an almost daily basis. 6. Encourage more. demic and economic downturn, in many Becoming Minimalist, where he inspires
In some ways, all the things we used to 2020 was a hard year for everyone! And all parts of the world (including my own) it others to live more by owning less. Visit
complain about seem so small now. So of us needed encouragement from time to was a year of political strife and division

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