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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | M O N D A Y, J A N . 18 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,877 $1.

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In the News US to Witness

A lawyer who represented

the Trump campaign in a legal
challenge to the Pennsylvania Inauguration
election results was forced
out of his post as a law pro-
fessor at Chapman University
This Week
in California. ... A3 Unprecedented measures
put in place in DC will make
Fifty-five people in the
United States have died after
the event likely the smallest
receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, inauguration in history
according to the Vaccine Ad-
verse Event Reporting Sys-
tem. ... A5
Gun sales in the United Joe Biden is set to be sworn in as
States set a record in 2020, president on Jan. 20 amid unpar-
FBI statistics show. ... A3 alleled security measures and the
Data on the citizenship pandemic lockdown, making it one
status of U.S. Census respon- of the most untraditional inaugura-
dents won’t be finalized or re- tions in U.S. history.
leased until after President
Donald Trump leaves office,
the Census Bureau says. ... A6 Certainly, the country was
Los Angeles County pub- in worse shape and people
lic health officials say the UK Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on the were more on edge in 1861
COVID-19 strain has been CCP INTERFERENCE South Lawn of the White House on Dec. 12, 2020. with Lincoln. There’s no
found in the county. ... A7
comparison to that.
The city of Washington
has been highly militarized,
including fences, barricades,
DNI: China ‘Sought to Influence’ David Pietrusza,
political historian and author

2020 US Federal Elections

security checkpoints, and
heavily armed guards, ahead Like many predecessors, Biden is
of President-elect Joe Biden’s going to be sworn in on the steps of
inauguration. ... A8 the Capitol building. But the tradi-
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe alleges CIA management tional parade down Pennsylvania
Rep. Lou Correa says that Avenue, which normally draws hun-
he has tested positive for CO- pressured analysts to withdraw their assessment on China’s actions dreds of thousands of Americans, has
VID-19 and will miss Biden’s
inauguration. ... A5 OLIVIER DOULIER-POOL/GETTY IMAGES been canceled, to be replaced by a
BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV actions as election interference be- virtual parade. Inaugural balls have

A spokesman for Trump cause they disagreed with the poli- been canceled as well.
says the president has not irector of National In- cies of President Donald Trump. The viewing stand near the White
yet decided who will repre- telligence (DNI) John The Washington Examiner pub- House has been dismantled, mak-
sent him during the upcoming Ratcliffe assessed that lished Ratcliffe’s letter and the om- ing this event likely the smallest
impeachment trial. ... A4 China interfered in the budsman report on Jan. 17, 10 days inauguration in history, in terms
Biden’s administration will 2020 federal elections, according after publishing an original report of physical attendance. While a low
release White House visitor to a letter transmitted to Congress. on the documents. The ODNI didn’t turnout is expected, the event will
logs to the public, a spokes- In the letter, Ratcliffe alleges that immediately respond to requests be unusually tight in security and
woman says. ... A4 intelligence about China’s elec- from The Epoch Times to authen- law enforcement.
The leader of Black Lives
tion interference was suppressed ticate the documents. This inauguration is unique in its
The CIA logo at the agency’s headquar-
Matter Utah has disavowed the by management at the CIA, which “Based on all available sources ters in Langley, Va, on Jan. 21, 2017. own way, according to David Pi-
“racial justice” activist who was pressured analysts to withdraw of intelligence, with definitions etrusza, political historian, author,
arrested for participating in the their support for the view. consistently applied, and reached The report by Zulauf was sent to and expert on presidential electoral
breach of the U.S. Capitol. ...A5 Citing a report by the Intelligence independent of political consider- Congress on Jan. 7 alongside an in- history.
Community’s analytic ombudsman ations or undue pressure—that the telligence community assessment In terms of people being so on edge,
CHINA Barry Zulauf, the director of national People’s Republic of China sought of interference in the 2020 election. the flooding of troops and security
intelligence said that some analysts to influence the 2020 U.S. federal In the report, Zulauf states that the into Washington, and the COVID-19
After Chinese regulators
were reluctant to describe China’s elections,” Ratcliffe wrote. Continued on A2 Continued on A3
scuttled the IPO for fintech
giant Ant Group, it remains
unclear whether foreign inves-
tors will have recourse. ...A9
A COVID-19 superspreader Wuhan US Government
has been detected in north-
Directed to Find
eastern China as hospitals
in one Chinese province are
Virology Lab Ways to Minimize
overwhelmed amid a surge in
cases. ... A9 Scientists Purchases of
BUSINESS Had CCP Chinese Goods,
People won’t be able to start Virus-Like Services
filing taxes until Feb. 12 to allow BY CATHY HE
additional time for the testing
of systems following tax law Illness in President Donald Trump on Jan. 15
changes, the IRS says. ...A17
U.S. retail sales fell for a third
Autumn 2019 directed federal agencies to look at
ways to reduce purchases of goods
straight month in December as BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV and services from China, in a bid
renewed measures to slow the to guard against espionage risks
spread of COVID-19 triggered Several researchers at the Wuhan Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli inside the Wuhan Virology Lab in Wuhan, Hubei Prov- posed by the regime.
job losses. ...A17 Institute of Virology fell ill with ince, China, on Feb. 23, 2017. Trump instructed departments
symptoms similar to those caused and agencies to conduct a review
OPINION by the CCP virus in the autumn origin of the CCP virus, commonly ment wasn’t informed about the vi- and propose “regulatory and policy
James Gorrie: Will Biden of 2019, contradicting claims by a known as the novel coronavirus. rus until Dec. 30 of that year from changes, including potential exec-
Unwind Trump’s China Poli- senior researcher from the facility The Chinese Center for Dis- Taiwan. utive actions” to “minimize” the
cy?... A13 who said there were no infections ease Control reported a cluster of Little is known about the first procurement of Chinese goods and
among the staff scientists. pneumonia-like cases of unknown patients who caught the virus; the services, national security adviser
Josh Hammer: Trump’s The revelation is part of a fact sheet origin on Dec. 21, 2019. But months CCP hasn’t eliminated a connec- Robert O’Brien said in a statement.
Parting Shot to China Should
released by the U.S. State Depart- later, new evidence emerged sug- tion to the Wuhan Institute of Vi- The move is the latest in a flurry
Be Full US Recognition of Tai-
wan... A14
ment on Jan. 15, which slams the gesting that Chinese authorities rology (WIV), which isn’t far from of actions in the final days of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were aware of the first CCP virus the seafood market that initially Trump administration to focus on
Yang Wei: Chinese State for obsessive secrecy around the case on Nov. 17. The U.S. govern- Continued on A9 Continued on A2
Media Is Celebrating the Unit-
ed States’ ‘Downfall’... A16
Free Flow of Water at Issue in India–China Skirmish
Walking is the very best REP. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE
form of exercise and a neuro- BY VENUS UPADHAYAYA Abhijit Iyer-Mitra, a senior research
logical tonic, experts say. ...B1 fellow with the New Delhi-based In-
NEW DELHI—The India–China bor- stitute of Peace and Conflict Studies, “Americans’
A research review has ce- der standoff that intensified with a told The Epoch Times over the phone. rights are being
mented the case for vitamin stripped,
bloody skirmish in June of last year On its 73rd Army Day, India hon-
C as a standard therapeutic and they
for viral infections. ...B6 was actually a Chinese pilot project to ored on Jan. 15 its 20 soldiers killed in
aren’t being
test a global expansion strategy based the June 15, 2020, bloody clash in the heard by
on the stoppage of trans-border riv- Galwan valley, which Iyer-Mitra said the people
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. ers, an Indian defense analyst says. occurred in response to the stopping they elected
READEPOCH.COM “[China] blocked the water of the of the Galwan river 100 meters on the to represent
Galwan river, and there was a mas- Chinese side of the disputed border. them,”
Published in New York, sive build-up, I suspect, in response He said India’s action saved the in- Greene said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
to the massive infrastructure build- A satellite image of the point where the terests of the wider world. Read more on A2
up that started in 2019 [by India],” Galwan River meets the Suyok River. Continued on A11

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.


A woman enters a building housing Employment Development Department

offices in Los Angeles on May 4, 2020.

California Unemployment Benefits

Fraud Might Top $9 Billion
GQ PAN the EDD paid up to $4 billion to
A paramilitary police officer stands guard in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Sept. 8, 2020. fraudsters, including a Sacramen-
A security firm investigating Cali- to-area woman, who previously
fornia’s fraudulent pandemic un- worked for the EDD and collected

China ‘Sought to Influence’ employment claims warned that

the scope of the fraud could be
more than twice as much as pre-
$21,000 in unemployment ben-
efits using the name and Social
Security number of Democratic

2020 US Election, Director of viously estimated.

At least 10 percent of unemploy-
ment claims before the state Em-
Sen. Dianne Feinstein. The scam
wasn’t exposed until Bank of
America, which administers the

National Intelligence Assesses ployment Development Depart-

ment (EDD) installed controls last
October may have been fraudu-
EDD’s benefit debit cards, flagged
the unemployment claims made
in the senator’s name.
lent, according to Blake Hall, In addition, hundreds of mil-
founder and chief executive of the lions of dollars in unemployment
CONTINUED FROM A1 used to support those policies.” politicize intelligence by our lead- company, the Los Angeles benefits went to prison and jail
Neither the ombudsman re- ers or analysts.” Times reported. Hall’s company inmates, many of whom weren’t
analysts working on Russia and port nor the letter from Ratcliffe The report states that the ana- was hired by the EDD in October held in California, according to a
China applied different stan- includes details on China’s med- lysts who assessed Russia’s elec- and has blocked nearly 470,000 law enforcement task force led by
dards to their reporting on elec- dling. Zulauf redirected an inter- tion interference had complained phony claims since. district attorneys.
tion interference. While labeling view request by The Epoch Times that the intelligence community Hall told the LA Times that the “The volume of fraud as well
Russia’s activity as clear election to the ODNI, which didn’t im- management was reluctant to de- amount of fraudulent payout be- as the types of inmates involved
interference, the analysts were re- mediately respond to an emailed liver their assessments to govern- tween March and September 2020 is staggering,” the district at-
luctant to do the same for China. request. ment clients because the work was might reach $9.8 billion. The EDD torneys wrote in a letter to Gov.
“Given analytic differences in The analytic ombudsman’s re- not “well received.” has sent out $113 billion in unem- Gavin Newsom. They added that
the way Russia and China ana- port assesses that politicization oc- “Analysts saw this as suppres- ployment benefits since March, inmates on death row, those serv-
lysts examined their targets, Chi- curred in relation to both Russia’s sion of intelligence, bordering on when the CCP virus pandemic hit ing life sentences and life without
na analysts appeared hesitant to and China’s election interference. politicization of intelligence from California. possibility of parole, rapists, child
assess Chinese actions as undue Zulauf assessed that neither intel- above,” Zulauf wrote. He added that a lot of those molesters, human traffickers, and
influence or interference,” Zulauf ligence community leaders nor The Epoch Times previously funds went to foreign crime or- other violent criminals, were re-
wrote. analysts are at fault, blaming the documented a multi-pronged ganizations that filed unemploy- ceiving unemployment checks,
“These analysts appeared re- hyperpartisan atmosphere in the election influence campaign ment claims with stolen identity and that many of those checks
luctant to have their analysis on United States instead. linked to the Chinese Communist information, and used “money were sent out of state.
China brought forward because “In most cases, what we see is Party (CCP). mules” in the United States to pick According to a December anal-
they tended to disagree with the the entire system responding In a Dec. 3 op-ed, Ratcliffe said up benefit debit cards sent out by ysis obtained by the LA Times,
Administration’s policies, saying in to and resisting pressures from the CCP “poses the greatest threat the EDD. more than 2,000 claims deemed to
effect, I don’t want our intelligence outside, rather than attempts to to America today, and the greatest “When the Russians and the Ni- be at high or moderate risk of fraud
threat to democracy and freedom gerians and the Chinese are the were from inmates of the Florida
worldwide since World War II.” players on the field, they are going Department of Corrections or
“The intelligence is clear: Beijing to put up some points,” Hall said. county jails in that state. Overall,
intends to dominate the U.S. and “This is a very sophisticated cyber- the report estimates that some $42
the rest of the planet economically, attack that’s being run at scale.” million in claims went to out-of-
militarily, and technologically,” It was previously estimated that state prison and jail inmates.
he wrote. “Many of China’s major
public initiatives and prominent
companies offer only a layer of CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS

camouflage to the activities of the President

Chinese Communist Party.” Donald Trump
Congress certified Joe Biden as speaks to the
the president-elect on Jan. 7. In the media before
two months leading up to the cer- boarding Air
Force One to
tification, Trump challenged the
visit the U.S.–
outcome of the election in seven Mexico border
states, citing unconstitutional wall in Texas,
Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) speaks to media at the U.S. Capitol in Washing- changes to election laws and po- at Joint Base
ton on Jan. 27, 2020. tentially illegally cast votes. Andrews,
Md., on Jan.
12, 2021.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Trump Directs Government to

Review Ways to Minimize Purchases
Temporarily Suspended by Twitter
of Chinese Goods, Services
JACK PHILLIPS unapproved by the internet police,
they are now subject to false accu- CONTINUED FROM A1 not to disclose their cooperation.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R- sations of ‘inciting violence’ simply The Chinese regime “remains
Ga.) announced her personal for having a conservative view ... a range of threats posed by the free to coerce and coopt PRC man-
Twitter account was temporarily the censorship has got to stop.” Chinese Communist Party (CCP). ufacturers and services providers
suspended by the social media Greene said that the posts U.S. officials have long sounded to target the United States Govern-
company. flagged by Twitter asserted the alarm that Chinese technology, ment for espionage and informa-
According to a statement from that Georgia Secretary of State both software and hardware, may tion advantage,” he said.
her office on Jan. 17, the Repub- Brad Raffensperger and his chief be used by Beijing for spying, citing The adviser added that some
lican freshman congresswoman operating officer, Gabriel Ster- security laws that mandate com- of this activity could further the
said the San Francisco-based ling, were responsible for alleged panies to cooperate with Chinese regime’s military goals under its
company claimed she made voter fraud in the state on Nov. 3 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) intelligence when asked; all firms “military-civil fusion” strategy,
posts that could lead to a “risk of and during the Jan. 5 Senate run- outside the U.S. Capitol in Washing- are ultimately beholden to the which seeks to harness private
violence.” off elections. ton on Jan. 4, 2021. CCP. Security concerns have been industry to spur China’s military
Officials at Twitter didn’t re- It came more than a week af- raised over a bevy of technologies, modernization.
spond to a request for comment ter Twitter suspended President violent threats. from Chinese-made drones to tele- Citing the Chinese regime’s ef-
by press time. Donald Trump’s account follow- Parler has since filed a lawsuit com equipment giant Huawei to forts to steal U.S. government per-
“Just days after the Silicon Valley ing his remarks to supporters in against AWS to restore its service, social media apps such as TikTok. sonnel data and military plans,
Cartel launched a multi-front at- Washington on Jan. 6, as the U.S. while arguing that AWS is engag- Federal agencies are al- O’Brien said the United States
tack to chill free speech in America Capitol was breached during a ing in monopolistic practices. The ready barred from buying goods needs to take “corresponding ac-
by deplatforming President Don- joint session of Congress. Later, suit noted that Twitter is a major or services from five Chinese firms tions to protect American inter-
ald Trump and purging an un- Trump called on demonstrators client of AWS. including Huawei and surveillance ests.” In 2014, Chinese hackers
known number of conservatives, not to engage in violence and law- In her statement, Greene called equipment makers Hikvision and breached the U.S. Office of Person-
Twitter has decided to suspend lessness. on Congress to protect free speech Dahua. nel Management, which resulted
my personal account without ex- Meanwhile, social media plat- on social media platforms. O’Brien referred to China’s 2017 in the theft of roughly 23 million
planation,” Greene said in a state- form Parler, which was champi- “Americans’ rights are being National Intelligence Law that “ob- records of federal employees.
ment. “The borderline monopo- oned by right-wing commentators, stripped and they aren’t being ligates individuals, organizations, “We must adjust our regulations
listic stranglehold a few Big Tech was suspended by Amazon Web heard by the people they elected and institutions to assist the PRC and policies and take other nec-
companies have on the American Services (AWS) earlier this month. to represent them,” she said. “And [People’s Republic of China] se- essary actions to reduce the risk
political discourse is out of control. Amazon said the platform failed with Big Tech silencing them, they curity and intelligence services in of PRC technical and human es-
“If a conservative dares to utter to moderate users’ content and literally can’t be heard. The cen- carrying out a wide variety of intel- pionage activities directed at the
a political opinion that is deemed asserted that some users made sorship has got to stop.” ligence work,” and requires them Federal Government,” he said.

Trump Lawyer Ousted as

Law School Professor
MATTHEW VADUM call my failure to punish and specifics of confidential per-
fire him,” Struppa wrote. sonnel matters and will make
A lawyer who represented the Struppa also said, “This no further statements on this
Trump campaign in a legal week has also demonstrated matter.”
challenge to the Pennsylvania that this country has a great In a statement the next day,
election results was forced out deal of work to do for social Eastman accused members
of his post last week as a law justice and equity.” of the university’s board of
professor at Chapman Uni- Lisa Leitz, a professor of trustees of publishing “false,
versity in California for rep- peace studies at Chapman, defamatory statements about
resenting President Donald was one of 169 faculty mem- me without even the courtesy
Trump as a client. bers who signed an open let- of contacting me beforehand
But what especially earned ter addressed to the univer- to discuss.”
the ire of left-wing activists at sity demanding Eastman be “Had they bothered to
the famous conservative legal fired. She told a local media discuss the matter with me,
scholar’s school was that John outlet that Eastman’s ap- they could have learned that
C. Eastman spoke alongside pearance at the rally and his every statement I have made Constitutional scholar John Eastman during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on June 4, 2013.
the president at the Jan. 6 Trump campaign activities is backed up with documen-
“Stop the Steal” rally in Wash- have damaged the university. tary and/or expert evidence, campaign. “when he threatened & pres- ocrats rammed through an
ington. Violence began at the “It associates us with a rac- and solidly grounded in law,” In November, it pledged sured [Georgia Secretary of article of impeachment based
U.S. Capitol during certifica- ist insurrection against the Eastman wrote. to spend a minimum of State Brad Raffensperger] to on the phone call, approving
tion of the presidential elec- U.S. democracy, and it under- Eastman’s lawsuit that drew $500,000 on advertising at- overturn the will of Georgia it 232–197 in the U.S. House
tion results while the rally was mines the credibility of every political heat was one of sev- tacking the law firms of Jones voters.” of Representatives without
still going on at the other end faculty member,” she said. eral legal challenges to elec- Day and Porter Wright Morris “How does that make you the customary committee
of the Washington Mall. There On Jan. 13, Struppa an- tion results in multiple states and Arthur for representing feel? Tell them,” the tweet hearings.
is no evidence that Eastman, nounced  that a settlement brought by Trump’s cam- Trump and the Pennsylvania states. Mitchell was forced out
or Trump, did anything un- had been reached with East- paign and Trump supporters. Republican Party, a legal pub- In fact, Trump didn’t de- from her law firm, Foley and
lawful by speaking at the rally. man and that he would be With just over a week before lication reported. mand that Raffensperger, Lardner, where she was a
Nevertheless, Chapman leaving his post “effective Inauguration Day, the  Su- “These firms are architect- a Republican, tamper with partner.
University President Daniele immediately.” preme Court on Jan. 11 threw ing Donald Trump’s unwar- election results or threaten The New York State Bar
Struppa promptly denounced Struppa wrote that East- out a number of requests for ranted and dangerous attacks him. A leaked recording of Association is considering
Eastman for engaging in man’s departure “closes expedited consideration of on our democracy. ... Their the Jan. 2 telephone call re- disbarring Trump lawyer
constitutionally protected this challenging chapter for the claims. The case, known employees should resign in vealed that Trump merely and former New York Mayor
free speech.  Struppa ac- Chapman and provides the as Trump v. Boockvar, is still protest,” the group wrote in informed the state official of Rudy Giuliani. Democrats
cused  Eastman in a Jan. 8 most immediate and certain pending in the high court. a tweet. how many votes he needed have also said they may press
statement of playing “a role path forward for both the The Lincoln Project doxxed to secure Georgia’s electoral to have pro-Trump attorneys
in the tragic events in Wash- Chapman community and Intimidation the lawyers of both firms on votes. Sidney Powell and Lin Wood
ington, D.C., that jeopardized Dr. Eastman.” Intimidating lawyers has be- Twitter, posting their Linke- “I just want to find 11,780 disciplined.
our democracy.” “Chapman and Dr. East- come an important weapon dIn pages and the names and votes,” Trump said on the le- Contacted by The Epoch
“Eastman’s actions are man have agreed not to en- in the left’s arsenal in the contact information of attor- gally privileged call that was Times, Eastman commented
in direct opposition to the gage in legal actions of any Trump era. neys helping Trump. an attempt to settle ongoing briefly.
values and beliefs of our in- kind, including any claim For example, the Lincoln On Jan. 3, the Lincoln Proj- litigation. “I can’t talk about the agree-
stitution. He has now put of defamation that may cur- Project, a super PAC founded ect urged Twitter users to Despite an absence of evi- ment other than what is in my
Chapman in the position of rently exist, as both parties by Republicans opposed to call attorney Cleta Mitch- dence of “high crimes and statement and the Universi-
being publicly disparaged for move forward,” he wrote. Trump, has targeted lawyers ell’s Milwaukee “home of- misdemeanors,” a constitu- ty’s statement,” he said.
the actions of a single faculty “The university is not able for harassment for providing fice” because she was on the tional requirement for im- “But yes—I think there are
member, and for what many to comment further on the legal services to the Trump conference call with Trump peachment, on Jan. 13 Dem- reprisals.”

Gun Sales Surged in 2020 on Pandemic

Anxiety, Political Uncertainty
US Prepares for One of the Most Unusual
Inaugurations in History
TOM OZIMEK the publication.
Gun sales in the United States set a the November election, research- CONTINUED FROM A1
record in 2020, FBI statistics show, ers  found that concerns about
in a year scarred by the COVID-19 the pandemic drove a surge in gun pandemic, “there’s no really great
pandemic and marked by social sales in California and increased precedent for that,” he told The Ep-
and political tensions. owners’ propensity to store their och Times.
In 2020, federal authorities car- firearms loaded and not locked. But there are different examples
ried out more than 39.5 million People who bought firearms dur- in history where things didn’t go
firearms background checks, ing the outbreak cited concerns like clockwork and weren’t un-
which serve as a proxy for gun over lawlessness, prisoner releases, eventful, he said.
sales. the government going too far, gov- According to historians, Abra-
Staff at the National Instant ernment collapse, and gun stores ham Lincoln’s first inaugural was
Criminal Background Check closing, according to the study. the most stressful one, as the threat
System (NICS) processed nearly 4 “Violence is a significant public of war hung heavy in the air. Six
million checks in December, the health problem that has become weeks after his inaugural speech,
busiest month on record. Since it entwined with the coronavirus the Civil War, which claimed about
was begun in 1998, the NICS sys- pandemic,” the researchers wrote, 2 percent of the American popula-
tem has processed more than 300 noting that the virus itself and “ef- tion, erupted.
million checks, including over 1.5 forts to lessen its spread have com- “Certainly the country was in Security around the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 15, 2021.
million denials. pounded this burden.” Lockdown- worse shape and people were
But while the gun sales trend has related isolation, unemployment, more on edge in 1861 with Lincoln. day after Congress certified Biden off, so to speak, but you also miss
seen a steady rise since 2005, when and a sense of hopelessness—fac- There’s no comparison to that,” Pi- as the winner of the 2020 election. the tradition of graciousness.”
nearly 9 million checks were done, tors the researchers said contrib- etrusza said. Trump won’t escort Biden in a For more than 200 years, the tra-
the past year saw extraordinary ac- ute to violence—all intensified While security ahead of the Civil motorcade to the Capitol, which is dition of inauguration parades,
tivity, with almost 40 percent more amid the outbreak. War was a big deal, measures that another break from tradition. How- celebrations, and displays of pa-
checks compared to 2019. Regardless, firearms manufac- have been put in place this year in ever, it isn’t the first time a president triotism have continued despite
While gun sales tend to spike turers have benefited from the preparation for Biden’s inauguration has refused to attend the inaugura- scattered protests, including at
in election years, experts say new windfall. also are unprecedented, he noted. tion of his successor. Trump’s 2017 inauguration.
trends were visible in 2020, a year “There has never been a sus- This is the first time an inaugura- John Adams, the second president “The pomp and pageantry are
marked by pandemic anxiety, so- tained surge in firearm sales quite tion has been declared a National of the United States, left Washing- as American as you can get,” Gizzi
cial unrest, and political uncer- like what we are in the midst of,” Special Security Event, not days ton before Jefferson’s inauguration said.
tainty. Jim Curcuruto, research director before, but a full week before the in 1801. “Hearing the orchestras, seeing
Mark Hanish, Ammo’s president for the National Shooting Sports actual event. The situation that year was very the president and vice president
of global sales and marketing, told Foundation, told the Financial Authorities have taken aggressive divided, and in some ways similar waving from the cars, sometimes
the Financial Times in an inter- Times. measures in the city amid growing to 2021. Jefferson’s supporters char- getting out and marching with the
view ahead of the election that One of the factors that may have concerns that the civil unrest and acterized his opponent, Adams, as crowd—all of that is something
part of the surge in gun sales was played into the gun sales surge violence observed on Jan. 6 may a lover of monarchy, while Adams’s that’s so richly American to the
among people who previously ahead of the November election be repeated during inauguration supporters pictured Jefferson as a point that it’s timeless. When that
didn’t own firearms, because of a was the fear of losing gun rights week. As many as 25,000 National radical. Some say Adams didn’t is removed, it takes a little bit of the
combination of the pandemic, the in the event of a victory by Pres- Guard members from all 50 states, attend Jefferson’s inauguration to mystique of the transition away,”
election, and concern about “civil ident-elect Joe Biden, who has three territories, and the District of prevent any violence at the event. he added.
unrest and uncertainty.” called for a number of measures, Columbia will be stationed in the John Quincy Adams, the sixth This year’s inauguration, accord-
“In past [election] run-ups, your including prohibiting online gun nation’s capital. U.S. president, left Washington a ing to Gizzi, is most compared to
traditional folks who were already sales and incentivizing states to The security measures have day before, declining to attend An- the fourth and final inauguration
gun owners would purchase more. introduce “red flag” laws and gun- brought the city to almost a com- drew Jackson’s ceremony in 1829. of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was
This is brand new people,” he told licensing regimes. plete halt. More than a dozen Metro Other presidents who didn’t watch sworn in on Jan. 20, 1945, at the
stations around the National Mall their successors take the oath of of- White House on the portico over-
and U.S. Capitol building were fice were Martin Van Buren (1841) looking the backyard.
closed in the days before the inau- and Andrew Johnson (1869). Roosevelt preferred to hold a
guration; the streets of Washington It’s “unfortunate” that Trump isn’t simple ceremony because of World
are eerily empty. attending the ceremony, John Gizzi, War II, which claimed the lives of
A man loads Buses, streetcars, and other forms Newsmax’s chief political colum- hundreds of thousands of Ameri-
a magazine of public transportation, even bi- nist, told The Epoch Times. can citizens. That presidential in-
into a Sig cycles, have been shut down. Most “As someone who’s witnessed, auguration lasted only 15 minutes.
Sauer P320
stores are closed, and many have not only the transfer of power, but This time, there won’t be a lot of
compact semi-
auto pistol at been boarded up. the tradition of the incoming presi- pomp because of the coronavirus,
a gun shop in President Donald Trump said dent paying tribute to the outgoing Gizzi said.
Richmond, earlier that he wouldn’t attend president, that is something that
Va., on Jan. the swearing-in ceremony of Biden. surely is going to be missing,” he Kay Rubacek from NTD TV
13, 2020. He made the announcement one said. “You miss not only the hand- contributed to this report.

Trump Hasn’t Chosen Impeachment Defense Biden White

House Will Make
Team, Campaign Spokesman Says Visitor Logs Public:
A spokesman for President Don-
ald Trump’s campaign says the President-elect Joe Biden’s ad-
president hasn’t yet decided who ministration will release White
will represent him during the up- House visitor logs to the public,
coming impeachment trial. a spokeswoman says.
“President Trump has not yet “For the sake of clarity—The
made a determination as to Biden–Harris Administration
which lawyer or law firm will will return to the policy of re-
represent him for the disgrace- leasing White House visitor logs.
ful attack on our Constitution Also true that visitors will be lim-
and democracy, known as the ited for some time because safety
‘impeachment hoax,’” J. Ho- during the pandemic is top pri-
gan Gidley, a Trump campaign ority,” Jen Psaki, the incoming
spokesperson, said in a state- White House press secretary,
ment on Jan. 17. said in a Jan. 15 statement.
“We will keep you informed.” She issued the statement after
Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPil-
claimed on Jan. 16 that he was low, left the White House after
going to help defend the presi- meeting with President Don-
dent during the trial. ald Trump. Lindell was holding
“I’m involved right now ... that’s mysterious notes that appeared
what I’m working on,” Giuliani to include the words “martial law
told ABC News. Giuliani, who if necessary.”
was at the White House on Jan. Psaki said she wouldn’t expect
16, didn’t respond to an inquiry. Lindell to be at the White House
The House of Representatives President Donald Trump speaks to supporters from the Ellipse, near the White House, on Jan. 6, 2021. during the new administration.
impeached Trump on Jan. 13; She had earlier on Jan. 15 re-
lawmakers allege Trump incited tally appropriate.” into session. The upper congres- Pat Cipollone, Jay Sekulow, and fused to answer directly when
the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capi- It isn’t clear when the impeach- sional chamber is scheduled to Alan Dershowitz. asked whether the Biden ad-
tol, in part through his speech ment trial will start, since House be on break until Jan. 19. None have said so far that ministration would publish visi-
that day in Washington. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Trump is set to leave office on they’ll represent Trump again. tor logs.
A timeline shows Trump was is keeping secret for now when Jan. 20, when President-elect Joe Dershowitz told the Boston Her- Trump’s administration an-
still speaking to supporters the body will transmit the arti- Biden is sworn in. ald last week that he wouldn’t be nounced in 2017 it would keep
when protesters began breaking cle to the Senate. Even if it were Trump was impeached in 2019. part of Trump’s defense team. the logs of who visited the White
through police lines some two transmitted, Senate Majority In a trial in 2020, he was repre- “I’m going to be defending him House secret. The decision was
miles away, and the president Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) sented by a number of lawyers, in the court of public opinion,” because of “the grave national se-
has defended his speech as “to- has declined to call the Senate including White House counsel he said. curity risks and privacy concerns
of the hundreds of thousands of
visitors annually,” a White House
SCREENSHOT/THE EPOCH TIMES spokesperson said at the time.

Parler CEO: ‘No Indication’ Big Presidents before President

Barack Obama had similar

Tech’s Warnings Were ‘Deadly policies.

Obama’s White House re-
leased visitor logs, even after a
Serious’ Until Last Minute court ruled that the logs could
be shielded from public view. The
court ruling came after watch-
JACK PHILLIPS way to contact them. OK, so Google dog Judicial Watch sought access
is out. Apple ... we called our rep, records from most of 2009. Judi-
Parler CEO John Matze, whose so- and they basically shrugged it off cial Watch’s effort came because
cial media company is still reeling and made no indication that this that time period was before the
after Amazon Web Services (AWS) was deadly serious, despite ... their Obama administration released
suspended the company’s ac- email being very serious.” logs. The Obama administration
count, said there was no indication Matze alleged that “Amazon, as records are still available online.
from Amazon, Apple, or Google usual, [was] basically saying, ‘Oh, I An appeals court last year af-
before they pulled their services. never saw any material problems. firmed that the Trump admin-
After the violence at the Capitol There’s no issues.’” istration could keep the identi-
on Jan. 6, Apple and Google re- “You know, they played it off very Parler founder and CEO John Matze speaks to The Epoch Times’ Jan Jekielek ties of visitors to both the White
moved the Parler app from their nonchalantly. And so we had still on “American Thought Leaders” in 2019. House and Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
respective Google Play and Apple even, you know, on the 8th and resort in Florida shielded.
App Store apps. And on Jan. 11, the 9th, you know, we had no real rights to both. We will resolve any ler’s demonstrated unwillingness “Compelled disclosure of the
AWS removed Parler from its serv- indication that this was, you know, challenge before us and plan to and inability to remove from the visitor logs would affect a presi-
ers after giving the upstart “free deadly serious,” he said. welcome all of you back soon. We servers of Amazon Web Services dent’s ability to receive unfet-
speech” social media platform a Parler’s services are currently of- will not let civil discourse perish!” (‘AWS’) content that threatens the tered, candid counsel from out-
short notice. fline until it finds a new hosting Officials at Amazon didn’t im- public safety, such as by inciting side advisors and leaders, both
“It’s very, very interesting that service. On Jan. 17, a message from mediately respond to a request by and planning the rape, torture, domestic and foreign, who were
they all, on the exact same day Matze appeared on the The Epoch Times for comment. and assassination of named pub- aware that their visits to the White
without previously indicating, front page, saying, “Hello world, is Parler last week filed a lawsuit lic officials and private citizens.” House would be subject to public
they never indicated to us that this thing on?” against AWS, demanding that the Before the Big Tech firms moved disclosure,” the court stated.
there was any serious or material “Now seems like the right time firm reinstate the social media against Parler, the social media In another case, the White
problem with our app,” Matze told to remind you all—both lovers company’s service while alleging platform was the fastest-growing House settled with groups and
Fox News in an interview on Jan. and haters—why we started this that AWS engaged in monopolistic one at the start of the year. published some logs pertaining
17. “But on the same day, you know, platform,” Matze wrote. “We be- practices. “We were No. 1 on the App Store. to several federal agencies.
all on the same day, they send us lieve privacy is paramount and “This case is not about suppress- We were above Facebook, we were In a tweet in 2019, Psaki, a
these very threatening notices. free speech essential, especially ing speech or stifling viewpoints. above TikTok, we were above You- White House spokesperson
“So we said, ‘OK, let’s call this. on social media. Our aim has al- It is not about a conspiracy to Tube, above Instagram, above during the Obama administra-
Let’s see what you know, let’s see ways been to provide a nonparti- restrain trade,” AWS said in re- every app on the App Store in the tion, said publishing logs was “a
what Google said. Oh, they actual- san public square where individu- sponse on Jan. 13. United States,” Matze said. “We headache at the time, but good
ly never emailed us and we have no als can enjoy and exercise their “Instead, this case is about Par- were No. 1 before we got the ax.” for democracy.”


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55 People Have Died

in US After Receiving
COVID-19 Vaccines:
Reporting System
ZACHARY STIEBER heavy. Soon after, he stopped
breathing. A nurse declared a
Fifty-five people in the United do-not-resuscitate order.
States have died after receiving While Moderna and Pfizer
a COVID-19 vaccine, according didn’t immediately respond to
to reports submitted to a federal requests for comment,  Abigail
system. Capobianco, a spokeswoman for
Deaths have occurred among the Food and Drug Administra-
people receiving both the Mod- tion (FDA), told The Epoch Times
erna and the Pfizer-BioNTech via email, “Any reports of death
vaccines, according to the Vac- following the administration of
cine Adverse Event Reporting Sys- vaccines are promptly and rigor-
tem (VAERS), a federal database. ously investigated jointly by FDA”
The system is passive, meaning and the Centers for Disease Con- Health care workers administer a COVID-19 vaccination at Ritchie Valens Recreation Center in Pacoima, Calif., on Jan.
reports aren’t automatically col- trol and Prevention (CDC). 13, 2021.
lected and must be filed. VAERS Officials at the agencies work
reports can be filed by anyone, with health care providers to ob- fore being vaccinated. She said he this case, but we don’t believe at
including health care providers, tain medical histories and clinical was admitted to an intensive care this time that there is any direct
patients, or family members. follow-up information and con- Deaths have oc- unit with a diagnosis of acute id- connection to the vaccine,” the
VAERS reports “often lack de- duct a clinical case review, she curred among iopathic thrombocytopenic pur- company said. “There have been
tails and sometimes can have said, adding, “It is important to people receiving pura, a blood disorder, allegedly no related safety signals identi-
information that contains er- note that it is generally not possi- caused by a reaction to the vac- fied in our clinical trials, the post-
rors,” according to the reporting ble to find out from VAERS data if a both the Moderna cine. He eventually died. marketing experience thus far, or
system’s website. Still, reports on vaccine caused an adverse event.” and the Pfizer- “He was a pro-vaccine advo- with the mRNA vaccine platform.
VAERS represent “only a small Health officials on the VAERS BioNTech vac- cate, that is why he got it himself,” To date, millions of people have
fraction of actual adverse events,” website caution that a report to Neckelmann wrote. “I believe that been vaccinated and we are close-
the site states, although under- the system doesn’t prove a vac- cines, according people should be aware that side ly monitoring all adverse events in
reporting is believed to be less cine caused the adverse event; to the Vaccine effects can happen, that it is not individuals receiving our vaccine.
common for serious events. proof that the event was caused good for everyone, and in this It is important to note that serious
In some cases, patients died by the vaccine is not required in
Adverse Event Re- case destroyed a beautiful life, a adverse events, including deaths
within days of being vaccinated. order for the system to accept the porting System. perfect family, and has affected so that are unrelated to the vaccine,
One man, a 66-year-old senior report. many people in the community. are unfortunately likely to occur
home resident in Colorado, was In addition to the deaths, people cans have received a COVID-19 Do not let his death be in vain, at a similar rate as they would in
sleepy and stayed in bed the day have reported 96 life-threatening vaccine. Federal health officials please save more lives by making the general population.”
after getting Moderna’s vaccine. events following COVID-19 vacci- have said that adverse events are this information news.” A Pfizer spokesperson told The
Early the next morning, he “was nations, as well as 24 permanent being investigated but that the Pfizer told news outlets in a Epoch Times via email earlier this
observed in bed lying still, pale, disabilities, 225 hospitalizations, vaccines are still safe. statement that no evidence cur- month that the company “closely
eyes half open and foam coming and 1,388 emergency room visits. “These are safe and effective rently shows a link between that monitor[s] all reports following
from mouth and unresponsive,” Neither the CDC nor the FDA vaccines. We have good data to death and its vaccine. vaccination.” Moderna hasn’t re-
the VAERS report states. “He was has a central database of reported show that,” Messonnier said. “Pfizer and BioNTech are aware sponded to requests for comment
not breathing and with no pulse.” adverse events. Nancy Messonni- One death following a vaccina- of the death of a health care pro- on its involvement in monitoring
In another case, a 93-year-old er, director of the CDC’s National tion attracted attention earlier fessional 16 days after receiving serious adverse events in people
South Dakota man was injected Center for Immunization and Re- this week. Gregory Michael, a a first dose of BNT162b2,” Pfizer who get its vaccine.
with the Pfizer-BioNTech vac- spiratory Diseases, said on Jan. 6 56-year-old medical worker at said in a statement. “It is a highly The updated VAERS data came
cine on Jan. 4 around 11 a.m. that severe allergic reactions to Mount Sinai Medical Center in unusual clinical case of severe after Norway changed its COV-
About two hours later, he said he COVID-19 vaccines were happen- Miami, was injected on Dec. 18, thrombocytopenia, a condition ID-19 vaccination guide to direct
was tired and couldn’t continue ing at a rate of 11.1 per million vac- 2020. Sixteen days later, he died. that decreases the body’s ability officials not to give “very frail”
with the physical therapy he was cinations, compared to the rate of Michael’s wife Heidi Neckel- to clot blood and stop internal people the vaccines, citing 13
doing. He was taken back to his 1.3 per million flu shots. mann said on Facebook that her bleeding.” deaths among people who were
room, where he said his legs felt As of Jan. 15, 10.5 million Ameri- husband was “very healthy” be- “We are actively investigating vaccinated.


Black Lives Matter Utah Leader Disavows

Activist Charged in Capitol Breach
expressing support for the move- acquittal of George Zimmerman in Rep. Lou
ment. He founded a group called the killing of black teenager Tray-
The leader of Black Lives Matter Insurgence USA, whose website von Martin. Hundreds of Black (D-Calif.)
during a House
Utah is disavowing the “racial jus- says its founding was spurred by Lives Matter demonstrations have Judiciary
tice” activist who was arrested for the death of George Floyd, a ral- involved violence. Committee
participating in the breach of the lying point for Black Lives Matter, Local chapters are run separately hearing on
U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. and advocates against police bru- from the national movement. Scott Capitol Hill in
tality, another point in alignment said the Utah chapter makes mem- Washington
with the so-called racial justice bers sign contracts promising not to on July
movement. Sullivan is “one of the incite violence or destroy property. 28, 2020.
He seems like few black men organizing for ra- Video footage from the Capitol
he’s kind of a loose cial justice in Utah,” his personal
website says.
showed Sullivan calling to burn
the Capitol down as he entered
Rep. Correa Announces
Scott sought to distance Black the building with dozens of others COVID-19 Diagnosis,
Says He’ll Miss Inauguration
Lex Scott, founder of Black Lives Matter from Sullivan. She on Jan. 6. He told The Epoch Times
Lives Matter, Utah said he never joined the Utah chap- that he took steps to blend in with
ter, attended a meeting, or helped protesters supporting President
“We do not want to be associated with its mission. Donald Trump because he has a
with John Sullivan,” Lex Scott, the “He seems like he’s kind of a loose reputation of being an anti-fascist, ZACHARY STIEBER rea said in a statement.
founder of Black Lives Matter Utah, cannon. So we’ve just been distanc- or a member of the far-left, anar- Because Correa entered isola-
told Fox News. ing ourselves from him—but he’s cho-communist network Antifa. Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) has tion, he won’t be able to attend
Sullivan was charged last week like this thorn in my side that won’t Black Lives Matter and Antifa often tested positive for COVID-19, Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20.
with being on restricted grounds, go away,” she said. “John is a new participate in events together. and will miss President-elect Joe “While this diagnosis will
civil disorder, violent entry, and activist. He got here in June, be- Antifa activists also have at- Biden’s inauguration. prevent me from attending the
disorderly conduct after he admit- cause a lot of bandwagon trendy tempted to distance themselves Correa, 62, tested positive on much-anticipated inauguration
ted to being inside the Capitol while people came in.” from Sullivan, calling him a “likely Jan. 15, nine days after he and of President-elect Joe Biden, I
protesters stormed the building. Black Lives Matter was founded infiltrator.” other legislators had gathered in look forward to working with
Sullivan has repeatedly posted in 2013 by self-described Marxist Sullivan on Jan. 6 also urged U.S. Washington for a joint session of the new administration to unite
online about Black Lives Matter, activists who were angered by the Capitol Police officers to leave their Congress to count electoral votes. our country and help the mil-
posts, telling them they would be He didn’t shelter in place with lions of people devastated by
hurt if they didn’t. He was near colleagues on Jan. 6 when pro- the pandemic. Americans need
Ashli Babbitt, a pro-Trump Air testers stormed the U.S. Capitol; help, and that help is finally on
Force veteran, when she was shot his office said he stayed outside the way,” he said.
dead while trying to climb into the to help the U.S. Capitol Police. Dozens of members of Con-
Speaker’s Lobby. The test was routine. It came gress have tested positive for
Sullivan, who was wearing a nearly a month after Correa had COVID-19 over the past year; all
ballistic vest and a gas mask and received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vac- have recovered or are currently
entered the Capitol through a cine. in quarantine.
broken window, described him- “In my community, everyone Rep.-elect Luke Letlow (R-La.),
self as armed at one point during knows someone affected. CO- who tested positive, died from a
the mayhem, according to court VID-19 has hit us hard, and for heart attack that a doctor said
filings. He has claimed to be an months, families have struggled was likely related to the disease.
independent journalist, although while our community attempts Correa is the fifth House mem-
he lacked press credentials, the FBI to contain the virus. Even in ber to test positive since Jan. 6.
said. Sullivan was released without quarantine, I will continue to The others were Reps. Pramila
bail on Jan. 15. work for them and ensure my Jayapal (D-Wash.), Brad Schnei-
struggling neighbors in Central der (D-Ill.), Bonnie Watson Cole-
Petr Svab contributed Orange County have the assis- man (D-N.J.), and Chuck Fleis-
John Earle Sullivan, in a mugshot. to this report. tance they need to survive,” Cor- chmann (R-Tenn.).

Twitter Says Chinese Regime Tweets Denying Forced

Labor in Xinjiang Don’t Violate Rules
TOM OZIMEK workers at factories in Xinjiang,
speaking about how “a lot of our
A Twitter spokesperson told Fox living habits have been changed
News on Jan. 14 that recent tweets and improved.”
by China’s communist regime de- The video is characteristic of the
nying the existence of forced labor type of propaganda materials pro-
in Xinjiang Province and accus- duced by the Chinese regime in
ing the United States of making up seeking to whitewash its repres-
lies about the documented human sive actions in Xinjiang. The BBC
rights violations there don’t break reported on such misinformation
the social media platform’s rules. efforts after being granted stage-
Chinese foreign ministry spokes- managed access to several intern-
person Hua Chunying posted a se- ment camps in 2019.
ries of tweets on Jan. 14, claiming “We were being taken into places
that forced labor “is the biggest lie that appeared to have been care-
of the century aimed to restrict and fully spruced up—with satellite im-
suppress the relevant Chinese au- ages revealing that much of the se-
thorities and companies and con- curity infrastructure had recently
tain China’s development.” been removed,” BBC reporter John
But according to widespread in- Sudworth wrote. He described
vestigative reporting, China’s com- detainees, with “smiles fixed in
munist authorities have ramped place,” speaking of volunteering to
up their suppression of ethnic have their “thoughts transformed”
Uyghur minorities in the Xinji- and performing choreographed
ang region. This includes mass music and dance routines meant to
internment of around 1 million impress on journalists that inmates Workers walk by the perimeter fence of what is officially known as a vocational skills education center in Dabancheng in
people, compulsory reeducation previously “infected by extremism” the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, China, on Sept. 4, 2018.
programs, highly intrusive human were being “reborn” thanks to their NOAH BERGER/AP PHOTO

and digital surveillance, religious internment. the potential for clarification, re-
suppression, enforced sterilization A Twitter spokesperson told Fox demption, and learning. And sets
of women, and forced labor. News that China’s foreign ministry a precedent I feel is dangerous: the
An extensive investigation by The tweets didn’t violate the company’s power an individual or corpora-
Associated Press, which included rules. tion has over a part of the global
interviews with some 30 former Twitter did not respond to a re- public conversation,” Dorsey wrote
detainees, found that China’s quest for comment by press time. on Twitter.
communist officials subjected Twitter recently removed  a “I do not celebrate or feel pride
hundreds of thousands of Uyghur post by the Chinese Embassy in in our having to ban [Trump] from
women to pregnancy checks and Washington claiming that Uyghur Twitter, or how we got here. After
forced them to undergo steriliza- women have been de-radicalized, a clear warning we’d take this ac-
tion procedures and abortions. “emancipated” from extremism, tion, we made a decision with the
The Chinese regime has rejected and were no longer “baby-making best information we had based on
the accusations, claiming that the machines.” The post linked to an threats to physical safety both on
camps are vocational training cen- article by state mouthpiece China and off Twitter. Was this correct?
ters and that the associated pro- Daily, denying allegations of forced “I believe this was the right de-
grams are meant to curb religious sterilization in Xinjiang. cision for Twitter. We faced an
A sign hangs at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco on Jan. 11, 2021.
extremism and prevent terrorism. Twitter said the post “violated the extraordinary and untenable cir-
One of Chunying’s tweets also Twitter rules” but didn’t provide cumstance, forcing us to focus all
accused the United States of mak- details. content on its platform has been divides. The company alleged that of our actions on public safety.
ing up lies and taking “egregious Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in the spotlight for years, including Trump had incited violence. Offline harm as a result of online
actions” that violate international criticized the Chinese Embassy concerns about what some argue Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, in a speech is demonstrably real, and
trade rules and “damage the inter- tweet that claimed Uyghur women is a double standard. tweet on Jan. 13, acknowledged what drives our policy and en-
ests of companies and consumers were “emancipated.” Recently, Twitter shut down that the company’s decision to forcement above all.”
all over the world including those “Uyghur women are not ‘eman- the account of President Donald remove Trump was divisive and Twitter’s move to ban Trump
in the U.S.” cipated’ by forced abortions and Trump in the wake of the Capitol set a dangerous precedent. was met with criticism from world
A propaganda video with cheer- sterilizations,” Pompeo wrote in breach last week, sparking al- “Having to take these actions leaders, including the president of
ful music accompanied Chu- his tweet. legations of suppression of free fragment [sic] the public conver- France and the chancellor of Ger-
nying’s tweets, featuring smiling Twitter’s conduct in restricting speech and exacerbating partisan sation. They divide us. They limit many.

Biden Priorities for First 10 Days in Office Census Bureau: Citizenship Data Won’t Be
Released Until After Trump Leaves Office
Include ‘Systemic Racism,’ ‘Climate Crisis’ ZACHARY STIEBER means the data may never see the
IVAN PENTCHOUKOV Data on the citizenship status of The bureau attributed the delay
U.S. census respondents won’t be in reporting the data to a Jan. 15
A preview of the executive ac- finalized or released until after court order in a lawsuit brought by
tions that President-elect Joe President Donald Trump leaves the National Urban League. The
Biden will take shortly after as- office, putting his push to exclude order stipulated a 21-day stay. But
suming the presidency shows illegal immigrants from appor- Department of Justice attorneys
that “the racial equity crisis” and tionment in jeopardy, the Census told the court in a filing in the case
the “climate crisis” are among his Bureau says. before the order that the bureau
top four priorities for the first 10 Trump in 2019 ordered executive wouldn’t be in a position to final-
days in office. agencies to share with the bureau ize the apportionment data or citi-
“We face four overlapping information about U.S. citizens and zenship information “until many
and compounding crises: the noncitizens, after an attempt to add weeks after January 20.”
COVID-19 crisis, the resulting a citizenship question back to the “To the extent such population
economic crisis, the climate cri- census was stymied by litigation. counts or estimates are developed
sis, and a racial equity crisis,” In a separate order last year, the after the change of Administra-
according to a Jan. 16 memo by president ordered the government tion but prior to the end of the
incoming White House chief of to exclude illegal aliens from the stay, Defendants would provide
staff Ron Klain. calculations used to apportion Plaintiffs with 7 days’ detailed no-
“All of these crises demand ur- President-elect Joe Biden speaks during an announcement at The Queen in congressional seats. tice prior to reporting or publicly
gent action.” Wilmington, Del., on Jan. 16, 2021. But the Census Bureau failed to disclosing them,” the bureau said.
Klain noted that the executive meet its statutory deadline for sub- The White House hasn’t imme-
actions will be “bold” but said, On the same day, the president- mitting the apportionment data, diately responded to requests for
“the legal theory behind them is elect will impose a mask man- and on Jan. 16 said it wouldn’t comment.
well-founded.” Biden will ‘will date on federal property and have the information on citizen- Trump’s attempt to gather in-
In his first full week in office, take significant interstate travel. The mandate is ship ready before President-elect formation on citizenship and
Biden “will take significant early early actions to ad- part of Biden’s “100 Day Mask- Joe Biden takes office on Jan. 20. exclude illegal immigrants from
actions to advance equity and ing Challenge,” according to the Reports, estimates, or data re- apportionment data was widely
support communities of color vance equity and memo. The list of actions on the lating to Trump’s two executive opposed by Democrats, who
and other underserved commu- support communi- first day also includes an exten- orders “will not be finalized, re- feared losing seats in the House of
nities,” Klain said. Biden will also ties of color.’ sion of nationwide restrictions on ported or publicly disclosed prior Representatives and, subsequent-
move “to address the climate cri- evictions and foreclosures. to the change of Administration ly, Electoral College votes, if aliens
sis with the urgency the science On Jan. 21, Biden’s second day on January 20, 2021,” the bureau weren’t counted. A flurry of litiga-
demands.” estimated 1.3 million jobs. The in office, the president-elect “will stated. tion tried to prevent the gathering
Klain says congressional action president-elect plans to intro- sign a number of executive ac- It also said that neither the Cen- and exclusion from happening,
will be necessary to deliver on the duce his legislative priorities for tions to move aggressively to sus Bureau nor the Department of but the Supreme Court ruled last
president-elect’s agenda and cit- a CCP virus recovery bill in the change the course of the CO- Commerce will report or publicly month that what the Trump ad-
ed an immigration bill that Biden coming weeks. VID-19 crisis and safely reopen disclose any population counts or ministration was doing was legal.
will send to Congress on his first On Inauguration Day, Biden schools and businesses, includ- estimates relating to the popula- Since then, the bureau an-
day in office. will take roughly a dozen execu- ing by taking action to mitigate tion as of April 1, 2020, “including nounced that it wouldn’t meet the
Last week, Biden introduced tive actions, including an order spread through expanding test- counts or estimates of the illegal Dec. 31, 2020, statutory deadline
his legislative priorities for tack- for extending a pause of federal ing, protecting workers, and alien/undocumented immigrant for handing in numbers used to
ling the CCP virus pandemic. student loan payments, rejoin- establishing clear public health population, prior to the change of apportion congressional seats—it
The proposed legislation in- ing the Paris climate accord, standards,” the memo states. Administration.” couldn’t give a date by which the
cludes an apparently unrelated and canceling President Donald Klain noted that the list of ac- Biden opposes most of Trump’s numbers would be ready—and the
mandate for a $15 federal mini- Trump’s ban on travel from na- tions isn’t exhaustive, with more immigration agenda, including Census Bureau director ordered
mum wage, which Congress tions posing a terror threat to the actions expected to be added to the effort to exclude illegal immi- workers to stop complying with
has estimated will wipe out an United States. the to-do list in the coming days. grants from apportionment. That Trump’s citizenship mandate.

Facebook Temporarily Bans Ads for Gun Accessories,

Protective Equipment

JANITA KAN policies, such as blocking

accounts from creating live
Facebook says that it’s videos or events.
temporarily banning ads Facebook’s announce-
that promote firearm acces- ments come as many Big
sories and protective gear Tech companies ramp up
in the United States until efforts to police content that
after President-elect Joe they claim could lead to
Biden’s inauguration. potential harm offline. The
companies’ latest round of
content policing was an-
nounced in response to the
Facebook has civil unrest and acts of vio-
lence at the U.S. Capitol on
been ramping up Jan. 6 that marred other-
its content polic- wise peaceful protests.
ing and other Much of the modera-
tion has impacted con-
measures in re- servatives, people who
cent days leading are deemed supporters of
up to Biden’s inau- President Donald Trump,
and the president him-
guration. self. Trump has since been
suspended on most main-
In an update, the plat- stream social media plat-
form’s policymakers said forms following the Capitol
the move, which will last breach.
through Jan. 22, was made The targeted moderation
“out of an abundance of An employee in Facebook’s “War Room,” during a media demonstration in Menlo Park, Calif., on Oct. 17, 2018. by Facebook, Twitter, and
caution.” The company others have raised con-
didn’t respond to a request measures in recent days the Steal” slogan following er threats in Washington, as mented specific measures cerns  over First Amend-
for comment by press time. leading up to Biden’s inau- the Nov. 3 election. well as in states across the to reduce opportunities ment rights and the lack
Facebook said it has al- guration. The social media compa- country. for abuse in groups. These of checks and balances on
ready banned ads for weap- Last week, the platform ny said that the move is an “In the lead up to Inaugu- measures include: block- decisions made by these Big
ons, ammunition, and fire- said  it was removing all attempt to remove content ration Day, we have imple- ing the creation of any new Tech companies. Efforts to
arms enhancements such content that contained the that “could incite further mented a series of addi- Facebook events that occur limit or eliminate liability
as silencers, and the move phrase “stop the steal.” The violence during these next tional measures to continue in close proximity to  the protections under Section
expands the ban for acces- phrase  was used by sup- few weeks.” Content will be preventing attempts to use White House, the U.S. Capi- 230 of the 1996 Commu-
sories such as gun safes, porters of President Don- removed under the compa- our services for violence,” tol building, and any state nications Decency Act for
vests, and gun holsters in ald Trump to question the ny’s “Coordinating Harm” Facebook officials said in a capitol buildings through tech companies that have
the United States. integrity of the 2020 general policy. statement. Inauguration Day; and re- engaged in censoring or
The social media platform election. Trump supporters The company said on Jan. The platform has also stricting features for users political conduct have been
has been ramping up its held multiple rallies across 15 that it was also tracking paused ongoing political in the United States based heavily discussed in the
content policing and other the country under the “Stop signals of violence and oth- advertising and has imple- on repeat violations of its past year.

UK Strain of CCP Virus Found in Los Angeles, GOP Rep. Meijer Says Impeachment
as California Officials Report 700 Daily Deaths Vote May Have Ended His Career
Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) said on Elected officials, he said, “un-
Public health officials in Los An- Jan. 17 that joining with nine House derstand their own elections,”
geles County said that the UK Republicans in voting to impeach and Trump voters “will hold any-
COVID-19 strain discovered late President Donald Trump may have one who votes for impeachment
last year was found in the county, ended his political future. accountable.”
warning that a surge of the CCP In an interview on ABC News’ Before House members voted
virus will continue into the near “This Week,” Meijer, a first-term on the article of impeachment
future at the very least. Republican, told host George charging Trump with “inciting
The B.1.1.7 strain of the CCP Stephanopoulos said he doesn’t violence,” Deputy Minority Whip
virus—a novel coronavirus that regret it. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), urged his col-
emerged in Wuhan, China, in “I may very well have [ended my leagues not to join the Democratic-
2019—was first found in the UK career], but I think it’s also im- led effort, warning that it would
several months ago, and officials portant that we have elected lead- only further divide the country.
believe it’s more contagious. How- ers who are not thinking solely “I can think of no action the
ever, officials have said that there about what’s in their individual House can take that is more likely
are no signs suggesting that it’s self-interest, not what is going to to further divide the American
more deadly, although the new be politically expedient, but what people than the action we are
variant could hamper efforts to we actually need for our country,” contemplating today,” he said.
curb the spread of the virus. Nurses attend to a CCP virus patient in the intensive care unit at Providence Meijer said. “Emotions are clearly running
Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center in Tarzana, Calif., on Dec. 18, 2020.
Los Angeles County on Jan. 16 “The president brought some high, and political divisions have
surpassed 1 million overall CCP ROBYN BECK/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES necessary energy. He brought never been more apparent in my
virus cases, officials said. some necessary ideas. He shook lifetime. We desperately need to
“The presence of the U.K. vari- the tree. He was a change agent,” seek a path toward healing for the
ant in Los Angeles County is trou- he said of Trump. “The challenge American people.”
bling, as our healthcare system is was he didn’t know when to stop, Cole also warned about the dan-
already severely strained with and he didn’t draw a line, and to ger of rushing the impeachment
more than 7,500 people currently me, political violence is the line proceedings without necessary
hospitalized,” Barbara Ferrer, that we must draw.” due-process safeguards.
county public health director, said Meijer’s comments came after “In moving ahead now, the
in a statement. Jason Miller, chief strategist for majority is foregoing an investi-
Last week, the U.S. Centers for the Trump campaign, warned last gation, committee hearings, fact
Disease Control and Prevention week that Republicans who back witnesses, and expert witnesses,”
(CDC) said the more contagious the impeachment of Trump would Cole said. “They’re foregoing an
UK strain has been detected in at likely be voted out of office. opportunity for members to ask
least 10 states so far, including New “If you’re a Republican House questions, to review the evidence,
York, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. member, or you’re a Republican to hear new pieces of evidence,
The B.1.1.7 variant was previously senator, I don’t know how else to and to consult with experts on im-
discovered in San Diego and San say this: you are probably self-se- peachment and the constitution.
Bernardino counties in California. lecting to end your political future And they’re forgoing an opportu-
It was first reported by state au- if you vote for the impeachment nity for the president, as accused,
thorities in a rural area in Colo- Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer speaks at a press of President Trump,” Miller said to be heard.”
rado, hours away from Denver. Of- conference in Los Angeles on March 4, 2020.
ficials said in December—when it
was found—that the patient hadn’t rienced over the summer,” Ferrer surfaces multiple times a day. We
traveled. stated on Jan. 16. need to use the tools at hand to
Federal health officials warned “This more contagious variant keep each other from becoming
that models have shown that the makes it easier for infections to infected,” she stated.
B.1.1.7 strain of the virus has the spread at worksites, at stores, and California as a whole is strug-
potential to increase “the U.S. pan- in our homes. We are in the midst gling with the CCP virus. On Jan.
demic trajectory in the coming of a public health emergency, so 15, officials told the San Francisco
months” and “warrants universal please do everything you can to Chronicle that the Golden State re-
and increased compliance with protect yourselves and those you corded 700 deaths from the virus
mitigation strategies, including love.” in one day, the highest since the
distancing and masking.” Ferrer said that people who can start of the pandemic.
As a result, “our community is work from home should do so, add- Officials noted that vaccination
bearing the brunt of the winter ing that there should be no “crowd- efforts appear to be falling behind,
surge, experiencing huge num- ing anywhere.” and only about a third of doses allo-
bers of cases, hospitalizations and “Wash your hands every hour cated to the state have been used so Then-Republican congressional candidate Peter Meijer speaks at a cam-
deaths, five-times what we expe- and wipe down frequently touched far, according to the SF Chronicle. paign event in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Oct. 14, 2020.


Highly Militarized
Ahead of Biden’s
JANITA KAN photographed sleeping in build-
ing hallways.
Fences with coiled barbed wire, The increased number of Na-
security checkpoints, barricades, tional Guard members will be
and heavily armed guards are there to supplement the already
what you would expect in a mili- ramped-up forces  from the
tary encampment for a warzone, FBI, U.S. Secret Service, Depart-
not in downtown Washington. ment of Homeland Security, U.S.
But these are only some of the Capitol Police, and D.C.’s Metro-
measures that have been put in politan Police Department.
place in preparation for Presi- Before resigning from office,
dent-elect Joe Biden’s inaugura- former Acting Department of
tion next week. Homeland Security Secretary
Federal authorities have said Chad Wolf said in a statement
they’re tracking an “extensive” on Jan. 11 that he had instructed
amount of “concerning online the U.S. Secret service to begin Virginia National Guard soldiers are issued their M4 rifles and live ammunition on the east front of the U.S. Capitol in
chatter” about potential threats National Special Security Event Washington on Jan. 17, 2021.
to the inauguration, including operations for the inauguration MICHAEL M. SANTIAGO/GETTY IMAGES
armed protests, potential threats from Jan. 13. they’re staying in the Capitol.
linked to the Capitol breach, and The  Transportation Security They’re platooning and camping
other types of potential threats. Administration (TSA) has also in the Capitol. So I understand
The fortification of the city, par- increased its security measures that last week, we weren’t pre-
ticularly around the White House ahead of the inauguration. TSA pared, and that was a real prob-
and U.S. Capitol, began over the Administrator  David Peko- lem, and I regret everything that
past few days and is expected to ske said in a statement that the happened last week with that, but
ramp up nearing Jan. 20. agency is currently processing going forward, this week, I think
Videos by reporters, workers, hundreds of names with law we—there’s a danger of overre-
and residents in the area show enforcement agencies as part of acting,” he said.
street closures, workers put- a risk assessment. The agency Others are worried that the D.C.
ting up miles of barricades and will also add additional layers lockdown could hurt businesses
fencing, shops and offices being of security at all three D.C.-area already struggling due to pan-
boarded up, and an increased airports. demic lockdowns.
military presence. Military ve- “Those security layers include Vice President Mike Pence dur-
hicles can be seen parked on more law enforcement and ing a security briefing on Jan. 14
downtown streets, and armed explosives detection canine said the Trump administration
guards are checking identifica- teams, random gate screening, is committed to ensuring a safe
tion for people leaving and enter- increased number of Federal Air transition of power to Biden.
ing the city. Marshals on certain flights, and “We all lived through that day—
The locked-down city has been additional Visible Intermodal Fences block off the South Lawn of the White House on Jan. 16, 2021.
January 6. And as the president
separated into “Green” and “Red” Prevention and Response teams made clear yesterday, we are
zones as part of the 2021 Presi- to provide greater security pres- committed to an orderly transi-
dential Inaugural Subcommit- ence at certain rail transporta- cized the way the government tion and to a safe inauguration.
tees’ transportation plan. The tion hubs,” Pekoske said. and authorities have reacted to The American people deserve
U.S. Secret Service has posted a D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and The heightened the events on Jan. 6, noting that nothing less,” Pence said.
list of all the street closures on its security officials have also urged security in the civil liberties of the individual The U.S. Capitol Police on Jan.
website, many of which began at Americans to stay home to watch nation’s capital can be lost “very quickly” dur- 16 announced that it had ar-
6 a.m. on Jan. 16, and are sched- the inauguration virtually. ing times of crisis. rested a man at an inaugural
uled to end at 6 a.m. on Jan. 21. A “We know this is the right re- is a telltale sign “You know government. They security checkpoint on Jan. 15
number of bridges and interstate quest for our public safety and that authorities either underreact or overreact. So who had presented a non-gov-
highways into Washington are our public health,” she said on I think there was too little secu- ernment-issued credential. The
also scheduled to close at 6 a.m. Jan. 15.
and officials are rity obviously last week, and now man, Wesley Allen Beeler, 31, of
on Jan. 19. D.C. officials estimate the in- extremely worried we’re going to become a milita- Virginia, was carrying a hand-
As many as 25,000  National auguration will cost roughly that the civil un- rized zone,” Paul said in an inter- gun in plain sight in his vehicle,
Guard  members  from all 50 $45 million due to the increased view with Fox News’ “Ingraham and a search of his car revealed
states, three territories, and the security measures. So far, Con- rest and violence Angle.” numerous rounds of ammuni-
District of Columbia will be sta- gress has approved $34.9 million, observed on Jan. 6 “And they’re checking con- tion, authorities said.
tioned in the city next week, the Christopher Rodriguez, director may repeat gressmen as they come in to see He’s been charged with  car-
U.S. Army confirmed, which is an of D.C.’s Homeland Security and if they have a sharp pencil or a rying a pistol without a license,
increase of 5,000 from numbers Emergency Management Agen- next week. sharp pen. So, it’s gotten ridicu- possession of an unregistered
earlier this week. The number of cy, said in a press conference on lous. And so we’ll see what hap- firearm, and possession of un-
guardsmen sent to Washington Jan. 15. pens, and whether it’s perma- registered ammunition.
exceeds the number of U.S. forces Rodriguez said the amount nent. But most people who write Beeler told media following
in Afghanistan, which has been was keeping in mind deficits that about civil liberties say that in his release on Jan. 16 that he
reduced to 2,500, the Pentagon the district had run “because of times of war, or in times of stress, was working as hired security in
said on Jan. 15. the heightened number of first or in times of crisis, you lose your downtown Washington, accord-
National Guardsmen were amendment demonstrations” civil liberties very quickly.” ing to The Washington Post. He
given the authorization to be seen throughout 2020. He also noted that once Ameri- said he had forgotten that his fire-
armed on Jan. 12 in order to In 2017, security for President can’s civil liberties are lost, “it’s arm was in his truck when he left
support law enforcement in the Donald Trump’s inauguration very difficult to get them back.” home in Virginia, where he has a
Capitol and the city, according cost around $27 million, ac- “Because government, once it license to carry.
to a statement by the D.C. Na- cording to Rodriguez—around grows large, never wants to give “I pulled up to a checkpoint af-
tional Guard. The authorization $7 million more than the $19.995 up on this. But yes, we have to ter getting lost in D.C. because
came after a request by federal million approved by Congress. resist this. And we have to have I’m a country boy,” he told the
authorities. Troops have been on security, obviously. But I think newspaper. “I showed them the
24-hour watch in the U.S. Capi- Civil Liberties living in a wartime state with ... inauguration badge that was
tol, and off-duty troops have been Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) has criti- we have troops in the Capitol, given to me.”


Woman Who Allegedly Posed With Pelosi’s

Nameplate During Capitol Breach Is Charged
ZACHARY STIEBER woman the FBI says is Hernan- a lawyer, according to informa-
dez outside the Capitol on Jan. tion about the case from the U.S.
The woman who was spotted 6, holding the nameplate and an District Court for the District of
holding House Speaker Nancy American flag. Columbia.
Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) nameplate dur- FBI agents found that Hernan- Hernandez is one of five women
ing the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. dez posted a video to her Snap- to be charged with participating
Capitol has been charged. chat showing her inside the in the Capitol breach, accord-
Emily Hernandez was seen Capitol and holding the name- ing to court records.  Authorities
inside the Capitol holding the plate. They also received photos have arrested over 125 people
nameplate, according to an im- appearing to show Hernandez at and have identified more than
age published in a court filing the scene. 200 suspects.
from the FBI. The nameplate is estimated to Pelosi told reporters last week
At least three tipsters contacted cost $870 to replace. that the Capitol breach was “an A woman identified by the FBI as Emily Hernandez holds a nameplate taken
the bureau after seeing the image Hernandez was hit with five armed insurrection against from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office in the U.S. Capitol in Washington on
broadcast by a news outlet. One charges on Jan. 15, including il- America.” She led the House in Jan. 6, 2021.
recognized Hernandez through legally entering the Capitol, dis- impeaching President Donald
their association on social media; orderly conduct, and stealing a Trump over claims that he in- strate peacefully. Cleveland Meredith drove to
a high school friend of Hernandez thing of value of the United States. cited the breach. Trump and his A Colorado man, meanwhile, Washington with guns and am-
confirmed the woman’s identity She faces jail time if convicted. supporters have defended the was charged last week after au- munition, authorities said. He
to the FBI. Hernandez couldn’t be reached president, noting that he on Jan. thorities say he threatened to kill was ordered held without bond,
A different photo showed a for comment; she hasn’t retained 6 called for protesters to demon- Pelosi. pending trial.

Ant Group’s Scuttled

IPO Leaves Foreign
Investors in the Dark
FAN YU by Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) regulators are more than
News Analysis skin deep.
Early investors in China’s fintech Ant has a sprawling business
giant Ant Group thought they encompassing asset manage-
were in line for a massive pay- ment, insurance, lending, and
day—that is, until Ant’s highly mobile payments. Its most fa-
anticipated initial public offering mous product is Alipay, the popu-
last year was suddenly scuttled lar online payments platform.
by Chinese regulators. While regulators have stopped
Venture capital and private short of directly demanding a
equity firms such as Silver Lake breakup of Ant, deep overhauls
and Carlyle Group believed they are necessary. It may need to set
had a winner in the bag. After up a separate holding company to
all, they were early investors in a house its lending and credit busi- People visit a showroom of Ant Financial in Hangzhou, eastern Zhejiang Province, China, on June 8, 2018.
massively valuable startup, and nesses, ensure it has sufficient
the IPO process was a familiar capital, adhere to banking regula- ments in Ant look troubling. next steps, the report said, citing ing rounds (Series A and B) were
playbook almost guaranteed to tions, and build up its compliance A number of foreign inves- people close to the investors. seeded by domestic Chinese
make money for early investors. and governance functions. Ant is tors contributed more than $10 No information regarding Ant’s investment firms including
The success of Ant’s $35 billion reportedly coming up with a plan billion into a Ma-controlled IPO likelihood, potential form of Chinese Investment Corp. and
blockbuster IPO was a foregone and timetable for its restructur- offshore subsidiary of Ant called restructuring, or an estimated the National Council for Social
conclusion. ing process, according to a recent Ant International, in a pre-IPO timing have been provided to Security Fund. Those rounds
Until suddenly, it wasn’t. Bloomberg report. fundraising round in 2018, ac- these investors. were raised at much lower valua-
By now, Ant’s failed IPO and All of this could make Ant— cording to a recent Financial In addition, these investors ap- tions. For example, the April 2016
founder Jack Ma’s rhetoric lead- whatever its final form—a far less Times report. pear to have very little recourse. Series B round led by China’s
ing up to it have all been well valuable company. What valua- The investors who contrib- The offshore entity the foreign Primavera Capital and China
documented. Institutional and tion Ant will ultimately generate uted into the Ant International investors invested in holds no Investment Corp. was raised with
retail investors who were slated is too early to determine. But financing are high profile. They voting rights nor any claim to pre-money valuation of $55.5
to purchase shares in the IPO in the most severe scenarios, it include U.S. private equity firms Ant’s commercial assets. billion, according to Crunchbase
were stuck with little more than could be a fraction of its pre-IPO Carlyle Group and Warburg Ant Group has held three estimates. These earlier Chinese
disappointment or perhaps, in valuation, purportedly eclipsing Pincus, venture capital firm equity financing rounds, with investors have a much smaller
hindsight, relief. Their initial $300 billion. Silver Lake, U.S. asset managers the most recent one (Series C, chance of losing money on their
deposits have been refunded by That staggering valuation T. Rowe Price and BlackRock, raising $14 billion) in 2018 head- investments.
underwriting banks. hinged upon Ant’s nimble fintech Swiss investment bank Credit lined by major international As for Ant, the company has
In the weeks that have followed, growth potential. And it had at- Suisse, as well as sovereign funds investment firms including the provided no public update on
Ant’s prospects have grown in- tracted billions of venture capital Temasek and GIC of Singapore, above-mentioned Ant Inter- how it plans to address Beijing’s
creasingly dim. Initially, it was funding from some of the world’s and Malaysia’s state fund Khaza- national financing, according concerns. And if the Chinese
believed that Ant could return to leading investors, including War- nah Nasional Berhad. to data from Crunchbase. The Communist Party’s ultimate goal
public markets within months, burg Pincus, Silver Lake, Sequoia Since the IPO was called off Series C round was raised with is to cut Ma down to size, more
after some superficial restruc- Capital, Carlyle Group, and sev- in November 2020, those Ant pre-money valuation of approxi- government obstacles could ap-
turing. But it’s becoming more eral sovereign wealth funds. International investors have mately $136 billion. pear in front of Ant, Alibaba, or
evident that the cuts demanded Today, these investors’ invest- received very little clarity on The company’s first two financ- Ma himself.


CCP Virus Wuhan Virology Lab Scientists

Outbreaks Had CCP Virus-Like Illness in
Autumn 2019, US Says
in Northern

Continue to
was thought to be the origin of
the outbreak.

“The U.S. government has
reason to believe that several
researchers inside the WIV be-
came sick in autumn 2019, be-
NICOLE HAO fore the first identified case of
the outbreak, with symptoms
The CCP virus outbreak in Hebei consistent with both COVID-19
Province continues to worsen as People line up to be tested for COVID-19 outside a hospital in Beijing on Jan. and common seasonal illnesses,”
5, 2021.
two hospitals reportedly had large the State Department fact sheet A worker inside the Wuhan Virol-
numbers of medical staff members reads. “This raises questions ogy Lab in Wuhan, Hubei Province,
who have tested positive for CO- centers. But the hospital didn’t ex- meant to isolate infections and about the credibility of WIV se- China, on Feb. 23, 2017.
VID-19, the disease caused by the plain why they were being removed. prevent COVID-19 from spreading, nior researcher Shi Zhengli’s
Chinese Communist Party virus. “Don’t come to visit our hospital. the outbreak continues to advance public claim that there was ‘zero
Meanwhile, authorities detected Our situation is very bad now,” a beyond city borders and into other infection’ among the WIV’s staff accounting of their previously
a superspreader in Jilin Province hospital telephone receptionist provinces and regions. and students of SARS-CoV-2 or unreported illness,” the depart-
and scrambled to find all those who told The Epoch Times. The person SARS-related viruses.” ment said.
were in contact with the person in declined to elaborate, only noting Superspreader in Jilin The State Department pointed The State Department claims
recent days. that the facility lacked the capacity Chinese state-run Xinhua reported out that accidental viral out- that the WIV was conducting re-
Public transportation throughout to treat any more patients. on Jan. 17 about a superspreader, breaks aren’t new in China, in- search on viruses similar to the
the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Calls to different departments of a 45-year-old man surnamed Lin, cluding the 2004 SARS outbreak CCP virus as early as 2016. The re-
Liaoning, and Hebei, as well as the the Gaocheng Chinese Medicine who had transmitted the virus to at in Beijing which originated in a gime has been secretive about the
Beijing and Inner Mongolia regions Hospital went unanswered. least 102 people in the province. Lin lab. The department added that research and the State Depart-
were suspended. Over 50 million Meanwhile, a copy of an internal is a lecturer on healthy eating hab- any meaningful investigation of ment is demanding transparency.
people are currently under some Hebei government document, is- its and travels frequently to give lec- the origins of the outbreak must “WHO investigators must have
form of lockdown. sued on Dec. 4, 2020, that details tures on behalf of different health include interviews with the re- access to the records of the WIV’s
emergency plans to respond to food companies. searchers in the Wuhan lab who work on bat and other corona-
Hebei Province an outbreak was obtained by The According to the Jilin provincial fell ill in the fall of 2019. viruses before the COVID-19
In a phone interview, Amy Wang, Epoch Times.  Marked as “not health commission, Lin contracted outbreak. As part of a thorough
who currently lives overseas but is for public disclosure,” the docu- the virus from infected passengers inquiry, they must have a full ac-
originally from Gaocheng district, ment, from the Office of the Hebei who sat in the same train car while counting of why the WIV altered
Shijiazhuang city—a current virus Leading Group for Response to the traveling on Jan. 5 to Harbin city, The U.S. govern- and then removed online records
hotspot—recalled that her family Epidemic, laid out three possible the provincial capital, from Nancha ment has reason to of its work with RaTG13 and other
members informed her that many scenarios for a potential surge in county in Heilongjiang Province. viruses,” the department said.
medical staff at the Gaocheng COVID-19. Xinhua reported that Lin also vis- believe that several The WIV, while claiming to be
People’s Hospital and Gaocheng Scenario 3 was the most serious, ited Gongzhuling, Tonghua, and researchers inside a civil institution, has worked on
Chinese Medicine Hospital were which would be community spread Changchun cities in Jilin Prov- the [Wuhan Institute secret projects with the Chinese
diagnosed with COVID-19. occurring in the main urban areas ince and several other cities in military, including classified ani-
She asked that her current lo- of two or more major cities of the Heilongjiang by taking buses and of Virology] became mal experiments since at least
cation information be withheld, province. trains. Authorities said the people sick in autumn 2019, early 2017, the United States has
for fear that her family members Despite the document describ- who attended Lin’s recent lectures before the first iden- learned.
still living in Gaocheng could be ing prevention measures, today’s in Jilin came from different parts “The United States and other
punished by authorities if they outbreak already has the charac- of the province. tified case of the donors who funded or collabo-
found out about her speaking to teristics of the third scenario—with Jilin officials are treating him as outbreak. rated on civilian research at the
the media. Shijiazhuang and Xingtai experi- a superspreader and plan to isolate WIV have a right and obligation
“If one doctor or nurse is diag- encing upticks in cases. any of his close contacts at quaran- U.S. State Department to determine whether any of our
nosed, the whole department that A second document issued by tine centers. research funding was diverted to
he/she works in would be closed a special Shijiazhuang team in On Jan. 17, at least 17 neighbor- “The CCP has prevented inde- secret Chinese military projects
quickly and all patients would be charge of traffic rules during quar- hoods in Changchun, Tonghua, pendent journalists, investiga- at the WIV,” the department said.
removed to a quarantine center,” antine, dated Jan. 5, detailed “three and Gongzhuling were designated tors, and global health authorities The Chinese communist regime
she said. lines of defense” to block travel and as “medium-risk regions” for virus from interviewing researchers took more than two months to
The Epoch Times was able to set up security checkpoints in dif- spread and were fully locked down. at the WIV, including those who alert about the outbreak of the
contact several patients at the Gao- ferent parts of town, focusing on Residents aren’t allowed to leave were ill in the fall of 2019. Any CCP virus. The regime knew
cheng People’s Hospital, who con- areas with cluster infections, bus their homes at all. credible inquiry into the origin of about human-to-human trans-
firmed that they were removed from stations, and railway stations. the virus must include interviews mission in late 2019 but didn’t in-
the facility and taken to quarantine While those measures were Alex Wu contributed to this report. with these researchers and a full form the world until Jan. 20, 2020.


Guatemala Tries to
Block US-Bound
Caravan of 9,000
Honduran Migrants
soldiers blocked part of a caravan
of as many as 9,000 Honduran mi- The government
grants on Jan. 16, at a point not far of Guatemala
from where they entered the coun- regrets this viola-
try seeking to reach the U.S. border.
The soldiers, many wearing tion of national
helmets and wielding shields sovereignty.
and sticks, formed ranks across
a highway in Chiquimula, near Guatemalan President
the Honduras border, to block the Alejandro Giammattei
procession of migrants.
Guatemala’s immigration agen- dozen control points on highways,
Migrants hoping to reach the U.S. border walk alongside a highway in Chiquimula, Guatemala, on Jan. 16, 2021.
cy distributed a video showing a and may start busing more mi-
couple of hundred men scuffling grants back to Honduras, as it has
with soldiers, pushing and run- done before, arguing they pose a cheering people streaming in, turning them to the border. But On Jan. 14, Mexican officials
ning through their lines, even as risk to themselves and others by while border agents looked on Guatemala may start busing more said they had discussed migra-
troops held hundreds more back. traveling during the coronavirus and tried to keep them from migrants back to Honduras. tion with U.S. President-elect Joe
Guatemalan President Alejan- pandemic. blocking traffic. The migrants leave with little cer- Biden’s pick for national security
dro Giammattei issued a state- Governments throughout the The Honduran migrants walked tainty about how far they will make adviser, Jake Sullivan, and raised
ment calling on Honduran au- region have made it clear they deeper into Guatemala, driven by it. Regional governments have re- “the possibility of implementing a
thorities “to contain the mass exit won’t let the caravan through. deepening poverty and the hope cently appeared more united than cooperation program for the de-
of its inhabitants.” On Jan. 15, the Mexico continued to drill thou- of a warmer reception if they can ever in stopping their progress. velopment of northern Central
migrants entered Guatemala by sands of National Guard members reach the United States border. Francisco Garduño Yáñez, head America and southern Mexico, in
pushing past about 2,000 police and immigration agents on its However, several previous at- of Mexico’s National Immigration response to the economic crisis
and soldiers posted at the border; southern border, in a show of force tempts at forming caravans have Institute, said in a Jan. 15 state- caused by the pandemic and the
most entered without showing the meant to discourage the caravan been broken up by Mexico, Gua- ment that his country has “to recent hurricanes in the region.”
negative coronavirus test that from crossing into Mexico. temala, and Honduras. guarantee our national territory” When hundreds of Hondurans
Guatemala requires. On Jan. 15, two groups of more On Friday, the migrants had set and called for “an orderly, safe and tried to form a caravan last month,
“The government of Guatemala than 3,000 Honduran migrants out at about 4 a.m. from San Pedro legal migration with respect for authorities stopped them before
regrets this violation of national each pushed their way into Gua- Sula, young men and entire fam- human rights and with humani- they even reached the Guatemala
sovereignty and calls on the gov- temala without registering, a por- ilies carrying sleeping children. tarian policies.” border. Other attempted caravans
ernments of Central America to tion of a larger migrant caravan Some quickly caught rides while On Jan. 13, the 11-nation Re- last year were broken up by Gua-
take measures to avoid putting that had left the Honduran city others walked along the highway gional Conference on Migration temalan authorities before they
their inhabitants at risk amid of San Pedro Sula before dawn. A escorted by police. “expressed concern over the expo- reached Mexico.
the health emergency due to the third group entered Guatemala Before the large breach on Jan. sure of irregular migrants to situ-
pandemic,” Giammattei said in on July 16. 15, Guatemalan authorities had ations of high risk to their health By Sonny Figueroa &
the statement. Video shared by the Guatemala reported picking up only small and their lives, primarily during Claudio Escalon
Guatemala has set up almost a Immigration Institute showed groups of Hondurans and re- the health emergency.” From The Associated Press


Mexico Publishes clude purported intercepted text

messages between the leader of

Heavily Redacted Probe

the H-2 cartel based in the Pa-
cific coast state of Nayarit and a
top aide, who allegedly served as
of Exonerated General go-between with the general.
In one exchange, Daniel Silva
Garate told his boss, Juan Fran-
MEXICO CITY—One day after U.S. case as “fabricated” and his cisco Patrón Sánchez, that he’d
Mexico angered U.S. officials by government released the docu- been picked up by men with short,
publishing an entire 751-page U.S. mentation U.S. prosecutors sent military-style haircuts and was
case file against former Defense when they released Cienfuegos as taken to Defense Department
Secretary Salvador Cienfuegos, a diplomatic concession to Mexico headquarters in Mexico City for
the Mexican prosecutors who ex- and sent him to face investigation a meeting with “The Godfather.”
onerated him released their own at home. Silva-Garate tells his boss the
version—but with so many pages The U.S. Department of Justice “The Godfather” told him “Now
wholly blacked out it was almost said releasing the full report of ev- we are going to do big things with
impossible to tell what they’d idence violated a legal assistance you … that what you have done is
found. treaty and called into question small-time.”
The report released Jan. 17 by the whether the U.S. can continue to Then-Mexican Secretary of Defense Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda in Mexico Patrón Sanchez says he wants
Mexican Attorney General’s Office share information. City on Sept. 14, 2016. unmolested routes to ship drugs
included a 226-page stretch with That further embittered security from Colombia and Silva Garate
every page blacked out, followed relations strained by the Mexican and relying on what Cienfuegos “The Godfather.” texts back, “He says that as long as
by a 275-page stretch of blacked- government’s decision to restrict officially declared in income. López Obrador has leaned heav- he is here, you will be free … that
out pages. U.S. agents and remove their im- For example, one of the few leg- ily on the military for a wide range they will never carry out strong
In the few sections with less munity even after Cienfuegos was ible documents is a report by an of projects well beyond security operations,” or raids.
redacting, all names and images returned home rather than facing army communications officer and his government apparently Silva Garate tells his boss the
were blacked out. trial in the United States. (name redacted) saying that no reacted to military outrage at “The Godfather” told him that,
The officials appeared to be The president said that while Army BlackBerries had been of- Cienfuegos’s arrest, complain- “You can sleep peacefully, no op-
struggling to control the damage many Mexicans see U.S. courts ficially assigned to Cienfuegos or ing they had not been briefed eration will touch you.”
to the reputation of the justice as “the good judges, flawless ... in anyone else. adequately on the case by U.S. Other exchanges describe The
system after prosecutors took just this case, with all respect, those The 751-page file that U.S. au- officials beforehand. Godfather purportedly offering
five days to completely absolve the that did this investigation did not thorities shared with Mexico Cienfuegos was arrested in Los to arrange a boat to help transport
retired general of U.S. allegations, act with professionalism.” consists largely of intercepted Angeles in October, but the U.S. drugs, introducing the traffickers
backed by years of investigation, In the newly released Mexican BlackBerry messenger exchang- government dropped its charges to other officials and acknowledg-
that he aided drug traffickers in report, what little was visible ap- es between since-slain traffickers against him in November after ing helping other traffickers in the
return for bribes. peared to have involved asking describing dealings with a person Mexican officials threatened to past.
President Andrés Manuel López the army to investigate whether they identify as Cienfuegos, often restrict U.S. agents.
Obrador on Jan. 16 dismissed the the accusations were credible, referring to him by the nickname The released U.S. documents in- From The Associated Press

UK May Ease CCP Virus Lockdown From March, Foreign Secretary Says
ALEXANDER ZHANG spring, perhaps March, if we’ve of England under a month-long spread faster than the old variant. on Jan. 17 that ministers were
succeeded in hitting those targets national lockdown in early No- The current national lockdown considering adopting rules al-
The United Kingdom may begin and we’ve made progress so far, vember, saying he had “no alter- began on Jan. 6, when Johnson ready in place in some Asian
easing existing CCP virus lock- we can start to think about the native” because the virus was said the local tiered system had countries, which require incom-
down measures in March, should phased transition out of the na- spreading even faster than the failed to hold back a surge of the ing travelers to quarantine in ho-
the vaccine rollout goes to plan, tional lockdown,” he said. worst-case scenario predicted new mutant virus. tels under supervision.
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab “I think it’s fair to say it won’t by the government’s scientific The UK has since tightened trav- Asked if the government would
said on Jan. 17. be a ‘Big Bang’ if you like. It will advisers. el restrictions further, banning adopt the measure, Raab said all
Raab told the BBC’s “Andrew be done phased, possibly, back When the lockdown ended on travelers from southern African potential measures are under re-
Marr Show” that the government through the tiered approach that Dec. 2, many places in England countries, South America, and view but “they’ve got to be work-
plans to vaccinate 15 million—or we had before.” were put in higher tiers than be- Portugal to prevent new variants able.”
88 percent—of those most at risk The UK adopted a three-tiered fore the lockdown. first detected in South Africa and “I think there is a challenge in its
of dying from the CCP virus by system of COVID-19 restrictions Less than three weeks later, the Brazil from entering the country. work abilities and deliverability,
Feb. 15, followed by another 17 in October. The three tiers—me- government created a new ‘“tier Johnson said on Jan. 15 that he but we need to look at that very
million in early spring, which will dium, high, and very high—were four” for London and southeast will close all travel corridors with carefully based on the experience
protect 99 percent of those most categorized by the infection rates England, which was equivalent other countries on Jan. 18 “to pro- of other countries,” he said.
at risk. of the areas. to the November lockdown, af- tect us against the risk of as yet
“I think it’s true to say that when But soon afterward, Prime Min- ter detecting a new variant of unidentified new strains.” Lily Zhou and Simon Veazey
we get to a situation in the early ister Boris Johnson put the whole the CCP virus which was said to There were newspaper reports contributed to this report.

Free Flow of Water at Issue The Indus river gushes through mountains next
to the Srinagar Leh highway bordering China, in
Gagangir, India, on June 19, 2020. As many as

in India–China Skirmish, Expert Says 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a “violent face-
off” with Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley
along the Himalayas on June 15, 2020.



“We made it very, very clear that

stopping water is a cause for war.
We’ll kill, and we’ll be killed, to
prevent the stoppage of water,”
he said.
“The Chinese are going to use
this as a precedent to start block-
ing all the waters of all the rivers
that originate in Tibet.”
The Galwan valley has more
geopolitical value than any in-
trinsic agricultural or mineral
value, he said, and India con-
fronted Chinese aggression to
give a strong message that there’s
no way the regime will be allowed
to get away with its plans.
“The point is if they take one
inch, what is to prevent them from
taking a whole foot. If they built a
dam here, what’s to prevent them
from damming all the other riv-
ers. So the value of Galwan is geo-
political,” Iyer-Mitra said.
The Tibetan plateau is a major
water supplier to the world, and
all 10 of the major river systems of
Asia—including the Indus, Sutlej,
Brahmaputra, Irrawady, Salween,
and Mekong—originate in the Ti-
betan plateau. They together con-
stitute a lifeline for more than 2
billion people, according to the
New Delhi-based Manohar Par-
rikar Institute for Defense Studies
and Analyses. that, Iyer-Mitra said. ‘Fight for Water’ we could not go [like] sensitive
“If we accept the principle that “India’s infrastructure con- Iyer-Mitra said what happened military areas, which they would
the Galwan river can be blocked,
We made it very struction started literally within a in Galwan can’t be called a war, not allow us to go and that was at
then they will block the Brahma- very clear that month of this government taking but it was a “fight for water.” Two the height of Doklam,” he said.
putra, they will ultimately block stopping water is oath for the second time in 2019. days after the conflict, the flow of Another standoff between In-
the Irrawady,” Iyer-Mitra said. India is saying we can prolong the water resumed. dia and China occurred in June
“They will block all the Southeast a cause for war. negotiations just so that we can He said the Indian experts 2017 in the high-altitude Doklam
Asian rivers, and the Southeast We’ll kill and we’ll finish building our infrastruc- aren’t clear on what kind of struc- plateau, a tri-junction between
Asian rivers are much more de- be killed to pre- ture,” he said. ture the Chinese built to block the India, China, and Bhutan. China
pendent on the Himalayas than When the bloody Galwan in- river; he called it a “rudimentary was aggressively attempting to
we are.” vent the stoppage cident happened, India had just dam” and said the water was extend a road on the plateau, and
India’s response saved the of water.ç finished building a 65-yard-long stopped just to intimidate the India acted to stop it on Bhutan’s
whole of Southeast Asia as well bridge on the Galwan River, and Indian establishment. behalf.
as Bangladesh, he said. Abhijit Iyer-Mitra, research India’s impetus to improve its “The point is what we have seen Iyer-Mitra, who said small in-
fellow, Institute of Peace and
“It’s purely geopolitical—the infrastructure on the border was is, before the dam, the water flow cidents like the “fight for water”
Conflict Studies
strategic control of water,” he the primary reason behind the is the same as, after the dam. in Galwan can sometimes have
said. “If India allowed it in Gal- Chinese aggression. The bridge This means there is absolutely “disproportionate effects,” com-
wan, they could then start doing While China has built a lot of was meant to consolidate India’s no [ongoing] attempt at blocking pared it with the assassination
it everywhere.” infrastructure on its border with footprint in the region and threat- it. There is also no diversionary of  Archduke Franz Ferdinand
India in Ladakh, it’s objecting to ened Beijing’s agenda. channels or outlets to take water of Austria that provided the spark
India’s Infrastructure Building India’s buildup of infrastructure The bridge was also important away,” Iyer-Mitra said. for World War I
Indian Army Chief Gen. M.M. on its side, Iyer-Mitra said. for the movement of the Indian He said that he extensively trav- “In this case, you know, it was
Naravane, in his speech at the “The Chinese are saying we infantry in the sensitive region eled around Tibet and studied the stopping of a much bigger
73rd Army Day on Jan. 15, said will keep our entire existing in- and for protecting a 158-mile suspected river diversions or stop- Chinese block by small action,
that when China tried to change frastructure. You don’t build any road that linked India’s access page but didn’t find any evidence. which nobody will thank India
the “status quo on borders” last new infrastructure, and we’ll also to remote military posts in the “What we saw in Galwan, when for, nobody will. But it doesn’t
year in Galwan, India gave it a not build any new infrastructure,” Karakoram Pass. our troops were killed, was the matter,” he said.
“befitting reply.” he said. “They want to freeze the Three weeks after the Galwan first evidence of some kind of wa- “That is a huge service we have
“We are committed to finding advantage we have.” incident, India’s defense minis- ter stoppage that we had seen. In done not just to India, but to Ban-
the resolution of our disputes Two to three years ago, India ter, Rajnath Singh, held a meeting every other dam that I saw per- gladesh and all the Southeast
through discussions and political absolutely had no infrastructure with officials from the country’s sonally on the ground in Tibet, as Asian countries, because it’ll
efforts, but no one should com- there, and the current govern- Border Roads Organization to ac- well, as I’ve seen from the satel- make China think long and hard
mit the mistake of testing our ment, led by Prime Minister Na- cess infrastructure development lite. I’ve seen a lot more from sat- about blocking any more rivers
patience,” Naravane said. rendra Modi, is trying to correct in the border regions. ellite because there were places ever again,” he said.



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A12 MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021



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MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021 • A13

People walk by the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 2, 2020.

Will Biden Unwind

Trump’s China Policy?

JAMES GORRIE cess to U.S. stock markets and indexes, ings with China, the fact is that he views
as important as those things are. Will China as a competitor, not an adversary.
With the Trump adminis- Biden’s presidency undercut Trump’s Will he change his view? If so, such a
tration ending with Joe hard-line approach to trade with China? shift in perspective could make a world
Biden’s inauguration on Or will he choose a middle way? In either of difference when it comes to forming a
Jan. 20, it’s quite likely case, Biden needs a strategy that encom- new China policy.
that much of President passes protecting intellectual property
Donald Trump’s com- rights, keeping a closer eye on academic Will Biden Abandon Taiwan?
prehensive China policy exchange programs, closer relations with This is particularly important regarding
will go with him. That includes Trump’s Taiwan, and even such “minor” things as U.S.–Taiwan relations. On Jan. 9, Secre-
executive order that mandates delisting internet apps. tary of State Mike Pompeo announced
Chinese companies from U.S. capital Let’s look at recent news for China that restrictions limiting contacts
markets. apps, for example. Trump’s latest ex- between Taiwan and U.S. officials will
In fact, it’s almost a fait acompli. ecutive order adds bans on the popular be removed. This effectively means an
apps WeChat and TikTok. Many experts Then-Chinese Vice Chairman Xi Jinping official recognition of Taiwan as a sover-
Wall Street’s Priorities have identified Chinese apps as vectors accompanies then-Vice President Joe Biden eign state, a key part of America’s “One
This can be said with confidence be- for data and identity theft, as well as for to view an honor guard during a welcoming China” policy, which only recognized
cause even though U.S. investment and tracking anti-China activity. But in a ceremony inside the Great Hall of the People the Beijing government as the govern-
retirement accounts are heavily invested Biden administration, it’s not certain that in Beijing on Aug. 18, 2011. ment of China and Taiwan.
in fraudulent Chinese companies, Amer- this executive order—like the previous Prior to this change in diplomatic
ican money managers have a strong one—will be recognized or acted upon. policy, the Trump administration sold
financial motivation to ignore Trump’s As far as Trump’s steep 25 percent Will Biden Curtail Academic, more defensive arms to Taiwan in one
order. Big Chinese money and the lure of tariff on Chinese manufactured goods is Research Exchanges? year than Obama did in eight years. The
an open Chinese market to U.S. financial concerned, it’s thought that Biden won’t A significant part of China’s IP theft ap- idea is to enable the island nation of 23.5
services and global investment firms are reverse them and others—at least not paratus is its deep and pervasive academic million people to deter an invasion from
driving their behavior. initially. The rationale is that the new relationship with U.S. universities and re- mainland communist China.
Both promise to deliver great finan- president will use them to cut a new searchers. Through various initiatives such What’s more, given that the CCP now
cial windfalls to Wall Street investment trade deal with China, perhaps with the as the Confucius Institutes and the Thou- has Hong Kong under its boot heel, it’s
banks. In fact, even though the execu- participation of European nations. sand Talents program, the Chinese regime not unreasonable to presume that Beijing
tive order specifically identifies how U.S. has been able to gather enormous amounts plans a similar fate for Taiwan. Indeed,
capital markets are enabling China’s of IP and technological innovation. the CCP leadership has declared that as a
military and industrial growth to pose Too often, key scientists became Chi- main geopolitical objective.
growing threats to America both at home Will a Biden–Harris administra- nese assets. Will the United States revert to the
and abroad and undermine U.S. finan- tion rise to the challenge that the Under the Trump administration, uni- One China policy? What will the Biden
cial stability, Wall Street doesn’t care. CCP poses to the United States? versities began to kick Confucius Insti- administration say or do if China in-
Biden has the opportunity to prove his tutes, which are essentially CCP indoctri- vades Taiwan? Will we see a return to the
mettle up front by enforcing Trump’s ex- We’ll soon find out. nation and IP gathering centers, off of their United States enabling the rise of China
ecutive order and reining in the big invest- campuses. The Thousand Talents program as the dominant global power, or will
ment banks. It would also send a message If past is prologue, multilateral agree- is literally a means by which the best and Biden challenge the CCP?
to both allies and China alike, Biden’s ments tend not to favor the United States. brightest scientists and researchers in We don’t know. Perhaps a simpler ques-
political Achilles heel, that he has a clear That may or may not be the case; it the United States are paid handsomely to tion will do: Will a Biden–Harris admin-
understanding of the present challenges remains to be seen. relocate to China to do their work. istration rise to the challenge that the
and is unencumbered by the past. It also remains to be seen how Biden Of course, the CCP has reaped enor- CCP poses to the United States?
But if those things don’t happen, it would plans to stop the Chinese from steal- mous technological rewards from both of We’ll soon find out.
free up the U.S. financial community’s ing U.S. intellectual property, which is these programs.
singular priority, which is making money, estimated to be between $225 billion and James Gorrie is a writer and speaker
even at the expense of national security. $600 billion per year. The Trump admin- China: ‘A Competitor, Not an Adversary’ based in Southern California. He is the
With a Biden administration now im- istration made IP protection a big part of As vice president of the eight-year Obama author of “The China Crisis.”
minent, insiders predict, however, that the its China trade policy. administration under which these efforts
executive order will be short-lived. Others But will Biden, with his deep financial flourished, why should we expect a Presi-
say that it may never be put into full effect. ties to China and the Chinese Commu- dent Biden to behave any differently?
nist Party (CCP), be willing or able to con- Biden is perceived as the best president
Undercutting the Trump Legacy tinue protecting the United States from the CCP could wish for. Regardless of
But there are more aspects to Trump’s the CCP’s longstanding policy of IP theft? how much or how little money the in-
China policy than blocking China’s ac- Let’s hope so. coming president has made in his deal-

Trump’s Parting Shot to China Should

Be Full US Recognition of Taiwan

JOSH HAMMER imports are the sort of moves that would Trump had both the instinct and cour-
be all too easy for a longtime China dove age to change course. He can help solid-
President Donald Trump’s such as Joe Biden to quickly reverse. ify those gains by ending the one-China
two greatest foreign In order to help box in his successor policy, converting the de facto embassy
policy accomplishments and secure the continuity of our long- that is the American Institute in Taiwan
both involve depar- overdue recalibration with our preemi- into an official embassy, and formalizing
tures from outmoded nent 21st-century geopolitical threat, all relevant diplomatic channels to the
paradigms that had, for there is one farewell action above all that Taiwanese government. Taiwan is every-
decades, enraptured bipar- would stick in the craw of the Chinese thing the PRC is not: It is a free-market-
tisan neoliberal elites: unprecedented Communist Party, or the CCP, and re- oriented, pro-Western bastion that, with
Arab-Israeli rapprochement in the dound to America’s substantive benefit. proper Western fortification, would do
Middle East and an assertive China con- Trump ought to formally recognize wonders to keep the People’s Liberation
tainment strategy in the Asia-Pacific. Taiwan (also known as the Republic of Army at bay due to its strategic position.
On the former front, Trump boldly China) as an independent state, distinct It would meaningfully deter Jinping’s
departed from the misbegotten “inside- from the Beijing-based regime—and he menacing “wolf warrior diplomacy” and
out” conflict resolution approach, which must do so, with all the diplomatic ac- A demonstrator holds flags of Taiwan and the help anchor a comprehensive China con-
elevated to the forefront the need for coutrements that such a formal recogni- United States in support of Taiwanese Presi- tainment strategy spreading from South
dent Tsai Ing-wen during a stopover after her
Israeli capitulation to Palestinian-Arab tion entails, posthaste. visit to Latin America, in Burlingame, Calif., on
Korea and Japan through the Philippines
intransigence; on the latter front, Trump There are few territorial disputes about Jan. 14, 2017. and down all the way to Australia.
became the first president since Richard which the CCP is more adamant than And much like Trump’s moving of the
Nixon’s famous 1972 trip to China to its insistence that both mainland China U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv
openly call into question our relation- and Taiwan are part of a single, unified ing has now been decisively disproven to Jerusalem, a formal christening of
ship with that ascendant, hegemonic Chinese state—with the Beijing-based by history. The PRC under CCP Gen- an American embassy in Taipei is an ac-
Communist regime. People’s Republic of China, or PRC, as eral Secretary Xi Jinping is a rapacious tion that would be politically difficult
The key difference is that, as Trump the sole legitimate representative of that hegemony that commits genocide to undo.
prepares to ride off into the sunset, prog- state. It has also been de facto, if not against unwanted minorities, operates Earlier this week, John Fund of Na-
ress on the latter is likely at greater risk quite official, U.S. policy since the Jimmy a nonpareil system of Orwellian state tional Review reported that many U.S.
of a prompt post-inauguration reversal Carter administration. As with most surveillance, steals intellectual proper- officials have been urging Trump to
from his Democratic successor. The other Carter-era foreign policy initiatives ty, commits predatory trade practices, officially recognize Taiwan. It would be a
physical moving of the U.S. embassy in that are remnants of a capitulatory Cold and unleashes deadly pandemics upon fitting capstone to the first presidency in
Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, one War posture, this stance is misguided the world. a half-century to recognize the PRC for
of the Trump administration’s myriad and counterproductive: It is past time Worse, that same much-lauded post- the arch-foe that it is.
displays of staunch friendship with the for the United States to formally repudi- 1972 economic liberalization has both
Jewish state, is unlikely to be undone. ate the “one-China policy” and open an made Americans complicit in CCP Josh Hammer, a constitutional attorney
Nor would any sane politician seek to embassy in Taipei. crimes against humanity—think of by training, is an opinion editor, a podcast
nix the Abraham Accords, the series of The one-China policy was predicated Disney filming its recent “Mulan” film contributor, and a syndicated columnist.
landmark peace deals between Israel upon the belief that, through appease- partially in Xinjiang, where a genuine
and Islamic nations that the administra- ment and economic liberalization, the genocide is currently unfolding against
tion helped negotiate. PRC could become less authoritarian Uyghur Muslims—and contributed to
But pugnacious China-skeptical and ultimately better “integrated” into the hollowing out of our industrial base,
rhetoric, hardline opposition to Hua- the much-ballyhooed “liberal world the loss of mass blue-collar jobs, and the
wei’s emergent 5G telecommunications order.” Whatever merit such an idea concomitant proliferation of drug over-
network, and harsh tariffs on Chinese might have had as a theoretical mus- doses across the American heartland.








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,
Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor

How the Specter of Communism Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

Is Ruling Our World ABOUT US

The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
Sabotaging Education and independent journalism.

Standing outside of politi-

cal interests and the pursuit of
The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of profit, our starting point and our
“How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by goal is to create a media for the
Chapter Twelve public benefit, to be truly respon-
the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.”
sible to society.

We endeavor to educate read-

ers about today’s most impor-
tant topics, seeking to broaden
1. Communist Elements effect, been committing an act of tional researcher in New York City, and uplift minds. We believe that
in Primary and Secondary unthinking, unilateral educational wrote, “Pick up a fifth-grade math rational, balanced debate is key
Education disarmament.” [2] or rhetoric textbook from 1850 for fostering a healthy democ-
The report quoted analyst Paul and you’ll see that the texts were racy and a compassionate
a. Dumbing Down Students Copperman as saying, “For the first pitched then on what would today society.
The United States is a constitution- time in the history of our coun- be considered college level.” [5]
al republic. Presidents, lawmakers, try, the educational skills of one To avoid making the American As an independent media out-
town mayors, and school-district generation will not surpass, will education system look bad, in let, we use our freedom to inves-
committee members are all elected not equal, will not even approach, 1994 the College Board redefined tigate issues overlooked—or
by the voting public. Whether those of their parents.” the scores of the SAT. When the avoided—by other media outlets.
such a political framework can be The report cites some shocking modern form of the SAT began to We seek to highlight solutions
pursued in a manner that is truly findings: In addition to U.S. stu- be adopted in 1941, the average and what’s good in society rather
beneficial to all depends not only dents’ grades often ranking near score of the language exam was 500 than what divides us.
on the moral level of the people, but the bottom compared to those of points (out of a possible 800 points).
also on the level of their knowledge students in other nations, 23 mil- By the 1990s, the average score had We report respectfully, compas-
and discernment. If voters are not lion American adults were func- dropped to 424 points; the College sionately, and rigorously.
well-versed in history, political and tionally illiterate—that is, they only Board then redefined 424 as 500
economic systems, and social is- possessed the most basic reading, points. [6] We stand against the destruc-
sues, they will have difficulty elect- writing, and comprehension skills. The decline in the quality of tion wrought by communism,
ing officials whose platforms are The rate of functional illiteracy education is not just reflected in including the harm done to cul-
based on the long-term and fun- was 13 percent among 17-year-olds the decline in students’ literacy. tures around the world.
damental interests of the country and reached as high as 40 percent Due to a lack of basic knowledge,
We are inspired in this by our
and society. This jeopardizes the among certain less affluent groups. the critical thinking faculties of
own experience. The Epoch
country’s future. American students have fallen
Times was founded in 2000 to
In 1983, a group of experts com- sharply. American scholar Thomas
bring honest and uncensored
missioned by the U.S. Department Sowell observed: “It is not merely
news to people oppressed
of Education wrote the report A Na- In addition to U.S. students’ that Johnny can’t read, or even that
by the lies and violence in
tion at Risk after eighteen months Johnny can’t think. Johnny doesn’t
of research. The report stated: grades often ranking near the know what thinking is, because
communist China.
“For our country to function, bottom compared to those of thinking is so often confused with We still believe journalism is a
citizens must be able to reach some students in other nations, 23 feeling in many public schools.” [7] noble vocation, but only when it
common understandings on com- The reason for the decline of genuinely seeks to serve its com-
plex issues, often on short notice million American adults were grades is not that students today munities and help them to flour-
and on the basis of conflicting or functionally illiterate—that is, are not as intelligent as before, but ish. In all that we do, we will hold
incomplete evidence. Education because communism is quietly
helps form these common under-
they only possessed the most carrying out a war against the next
ourselves to the highest stand-
ards of integrity. This is our
standings, a point Thomas Jefferson basic reading, writing, and generation, using the education promise to you.
made long ago in his justly famous comprehension skills. system as its weapon. Charlotte
dictum: ‘I know no safe depository Thomson Iserbyt, a former senior
of the ultimate powers of the soci- policy adviser to the U.S. Depart- CONTACT US
ety but the people themselves; and From 1963 to 1980, scores on the ment of Education, wrote in 1999:
if we think them not enlightened Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the “The reason Americans do not The Epoch Times Association Inc.
enough to exercise their control university entrance examination, understand this war is because it 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
with a wholesome discretion, the declined dramatically, with the has been fought in secret—in the New York, NY 10001
remedy is not to take it from them average verbal score dropping by schools of our nation, targeting our Advertising
but to inform their discretion.’” more than 50 points, and the aver- children who are captive in class-
Individuals with little knowledge age math score dropping by nearly rooms. The wagers of the war are
and poor critical thinking abilities 40 points. “Many 17-year-olds do using very sophisticated and effec- Subscriptions
are unable to recognize lies and de- not possess the ‘higher order’ intel- tive tools.” [8]
ception. Thus communism targets lectual skills we should expect of General Inquiries
education in order to ensure the them. Nearly 40 percent cannot Notes
next generation of students will be draw inferences from written mate- 2. National Commission on Excel-
Letters to the Editor
foolish and ignorant—and vulner- rial; only one-fifth can write a per- lence in Education, “A Nation
able to manipulation. suasive essay; and only one-third at Risk” (Washington DC: U.S.
can solve a mathematics problem Department of Education, 1983).
requiring several steps.” [3] 3. Ibid.
In the 2008 book “The Dumb- 4. Mark Bauerlein, “The Dumbest
The reason for the decline of est Generation: How the Digital Generation: How the Digital Age
grades is not that students today Age Stupefies Young Americans Stupefies Young Americans and
are not as intelligent as before, and Jeopardizes Our Future,” Jeopardizes Our Future” (New
Emory University professor Mark York: Tarcher, 2008), chap. 1.
but because communism is Bauerlein compiled data on the 5. John Taylor Gatto, “Dumbing Us
quietly carrying out a war against knowledge gaps of American Down: The Hidden Curriculum
the next generation, using the students in the subjects of history, of Compulsory Schooling” (Ga-
civics, math, science, technology, briola Island, BC, Canada: New
education system as its weapon. fine arts, and more. He gave the Society Publishers, 2005), 12.
example of the history exam in 6. Charles J. Sykes, “Dumbing
The report makes these addition- the 2001 National Assessment of Down Our Kids: Why American
al points: Educational Progress, on which 57 Children Feel Good About Them-

“The educational foundations percent of students scored “below selves but Can’t Read, Write, or
of our society are presently being basic” and only 1 percent achieved Add” (New York: St. Martin’s
eroded by a rising tide of medioc- an “advanced” score. Surprisingly, Press, 1995), 148–9.
rity that threatens our very future on a multiple-choice question that 7. Thomas Sowell, “Inside Ameri-
as a Nation and a people. ... If an
unfriendly foreign power had at-
tempted to impose on America the
asked students to select which
country had been a U.S. ally during
World War II, 52 percent chose Ger-
can Education: The Decline, the
Deception, the Dogmas” (New
York: The Free Press, 1993), 4.
mediocre educational performance many, Japan, or Italy instead of the 8. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, “The
that exists today, we might well Soviet Union. Results in other areas Deliberate Dumbing Down of Get the
have viewed it as an act of war. As
it stands, we have allowed this to
were equally disappointing. [4]
The decline in the quality of
America: A Chronological Paper
Trail” (Ravenna, OH: Conscience
independent news
happen to ourselves. We have even education in the United States is Press, 1999), xvii. you won’t find
squandered the gains in student obvious. Since the 1990s, the term
achievement made in the wake of “dumbing down” has appeared in See next edition for the next anywhere else.
the Sputnik challenge. Moreover, many books on education and has installment.
we have dismantled essential sup- become a concept American edu- Subscribe and get the
port systems which helped make cators cannot avoid. John Taylor To purchase the books, visit insights only The Epoch Times
those gains possible. We have, in Gatto, a senior teacher and educa- can provide, delivered to your
door every week.


pressed its opposition.

Protesters On Jan. 12, Xinhua posted another
breach the article, titled “Ministry of Foreign Af-
U.S. Capitol in fairs: Opposing U.S. Suppression and
Washington on Sanctions Against Cuba in the Name
Jan. 6, 2021. of Anti-terrorism.” The article cited the
ministry’s spokesperson Zhao Lijian at
a press conference, who said the United
States “is the biggest destabilizing factor
threatening global peace and security.”
Zhao also posted his statement on
Twitter, most likely to show off his “wolf
warrior” diplomacy skills.
After the virus pandemic unleashed
by the CCP, Americans should be more
aware of and on guard against the
CCP’s deception. It’s also the time for
those who still buy into the appease-
ment strategy in dealing with the CCP
to think twice.
Early in 2020, the CCP tried to use the
pandemic to seek hegemony, but was
exposed and called out by the Trump
administration. The CCP then fell into
international isolation.
After the storming of the Capitol and
the ensuing crisis for the United States,
the CCP felt like it finally had an oppor-
tunity to attack U.S. democracy.
The CCP obviously believes that the
United States is in a hopeless situation.

Chinese State Media Xinhua’s “well deserved!” comment was

followed by another commentary that
asked in its headline, “Why Is Trump in
Another Impeachment Crisis?”

Is Celebrating the This article stated that “impeachment

is also a manifestation of the intensify-
ing struggle between the parties. Demo-
crats want to leave a shameful record for

United States’ ‘Downfall’ Trump, making it difficult for him to run

for office again in four years,” and “in
the time before the new president takes
office, there may be armed protests
throughout the United States.”
Xinhua seemed to eagerly look forward
YANG WEI deputy director of the international to great chaos in the United States. On
The CCP leadership department at Xinhua. As with most Jan. 12, it published a third article on its
Chinese state-run media is celebrating articles that run in state media, his com- homepage, “U.S. Presidential Inaugura-
“the downfall of the United States” fol- seems to think the mentary likely isn’t his personal opinion tion Security Raises Concerns, Washing-
lowing news of the Jan. 6 breach of the United States is but a reflection of how the CCP’s senior ton Enters State of Emergency.”
U.S. Capitol building. really losing it, and officials think. The unprecedented level of excitement
Xinhua published a Jan. 12 commen- The article starts out: “The ‘beacon’ that expressed by Chinese state media actu-
tary titled “On the Collapse of America that this is another is the United States, which claims to be ally stems from the excitement among
as a ‘Beacon’: Well Deserved!” Being a opportunity for the benchmark of Western democracy, top CCP leaders. These attitudes are
mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist the CCP to pursue has fallen. ... In the live video broadcast, equivalent to openly challenging the
Party (CCP), it can be assumed that the I saw that the symbol of the beacon— United States.
Xinhua article reflects the attitude of top hegemony. Capitol Hill—has fallen. ... Let American On Jan. 10, a Xinhua article, titled
CCP leaders toward the United States. democracy fall from the altar.” “Ruan Zongze: China and the U.S. Are
The article’s author, Wu Liming, is In recent days, Xinhua’s coverage of Now Facing a Window of Opportunity,”
U.S. news has been mainly fanning the had quite a different tone. It quoted parts
flames and gloating about the ensu- of a Jan. 8 speech by Ruan Zongze, dep-
ing political turmoil. The commentary uty director of the state-run Xi Jinping
The Book You’ve Been directly refers to the United States as
a “failed country,” saying “the United
Thought on Diplomacy research center.
The article proposed that “after Joe
Waiting for... States can no longer lead the world,”
and that the Capitol incident was “well
Biden takes power, U.S. foreign rela-
tions will be amended, and so will Sino-
deserved!” U.S. relations.” It also called for “mutual
This obviously reflects the sentiments respect, non-interference in internal
of senior CCP officials. On Jan. 11, affairs, and collaboration toward the
during a Party study session on the same goal.” Ruan said he was looking
implementation of the Fifth Plenary forward to “the old times” of U.S.–Chi-
Session, paramount leader Xi Jinping na relations.
declared that they were entering the In just two days, Chinese senior offi-
“new stage of a historical leap,” of cials’ attitudes seemed to have changed
“strengthening,” and “time and power drastically. They put aside the preten-
is on our side,” we “dare to struggle,” tious call for “mutual respect” and open-
and are “good at struggle.” ly provoked the United States. It seems
The CCP leadership seems to think that the CCP leadership has returned to
the United States is really losing it, and the old path of serious misjudgment.
that this is another opportunity for the While most Americans don’t have a
CCP to pursue hegemony. They can’t chance to read Xinhua’s articles, the
even wait until Jan. 20, when a new U.S. CCP’s attitude will soon be reflected in
administration will be inaugurated, various international events. The United
and can’t hold back their opinion. Dur- States and Western countries will surely
ing the past year, these CCP officials be watching. The game of confrontation
have been really embarrassed, and now between the United States and China
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, they feel they finally have an opportu- will be the main theme in 2021.
nity to vent. The outcome depends entirely on how
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be It isn’t difficult to imagine what atti- America responds.
on this country’s academia’s tude the CCP will adopt toward the new At critical moments in history, every-
U.S. administration and what bargain- one must make a choice. From the per-
list of required reading.”
ing chips it will offer once it has the op- spective of the general trends of history,
portunity. In fact, the CCP has acted up how do people view all events that are
frequently. North Korea and Iran have unfolding?

restarted their nuclear testing, and the
CCP will undoubtedly try to play the Yang Wei has been following China
role of an intermediary. When U.S. Sec- affairs for many years. He has been


retary of State Mike Pompeo recently contributing political commentary on
designated Cuba as a state sponsor of China for the Chinese-language Epoch
terrorism, the CCP immediately ex- Times since 2019.

The specter of communism did not

disappear with the disintegration of the
Communist Party in Eastern Europe

from China’s
official news
agency Xinhua
report from
the National
People’s Con- gress at the

Great Hall of
the People in
Beijing, in this
file photo.

processing returns.
Americans who want refunds as soon
as possible should file electronically with
direct deposit. After filing, they can check
the IRS tool “Where’s My Refund” to find
out when their refund is due.

To avoid delays in processing,

people should avoid filing paper
returns wherever possible.

The IRS expects that 90 percent of taxpay-

ers will receive refunds within 21 days of
(Left) IRS headquarters in Washington on Sept. 19, 2018. (Right) House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) during filing if they file electronically.
a hearing at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on March 3, 2020. “To avoid delays in processing, people

IRS Delays Start of Tax Filing

should avoid filing paper returns wherever
possible,” the IRS said.
Last year’s average refund was more than

Season to Feb. 12
House Ways and Means Chairman Rich-
ard Neal (D-Mass.) said in a statement that
he’s disappointed with the delay.
“While I am disappointed that this
year’s filing season will begin later than
usual, I recognize that the IRS has faced
ZACHARY STIEBER cording to the agency. prepare for this as well as delivering Eco- extraordinary challenges throughout the
“If filing season were opened without nomic Impact Payments in record time,” COVID crisis. It’s a relief to know that de-
People won’t be able to start filing taxes the correct programming in place, then IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said in a spite contending with the distribution
until Feb. 12, the Internal Revenue Service there could be a delay in issuing refunds statement. of two rounds of economic impact pay-
(IRS) said on Jan. 15. to taxpayers. These changes ensure that “Given the pandemic, this is one of the ments, facility closures, and other disrup-
The delay will give the agency time to do eligible people will receive any remain- nation’s most important filing seasons ever. tions, the agency will be able to begin ac-
additional programming and testing of ing stimulus money as a Recovery Rebate This start date will ensure that people get cepting returns within the next month,”
systems following tax law changes imple- Credit when they file their 2020 tax return,” their needed tax refunds quickly while also he said.
mented late last year. it said in a notice. making sure they receive any remaining “It is also encouraging that the IRS ex-
The changes were made to give most While taxpayers can usually start filing stimulus payments they are eligible for as pects taxpayers who file electronically at
Americans another round of direct pay- returns in January, the start of tax season quickly as possible.” the beginning of the season and claim re-
ments after Congress passed a $900 billion occasionally has been delayed. People making $72,000 or less can still fundable tax credits to receive their refunds
COVID-19 relief package. “Planning for the nation’s filing season enter information immediately, using IRS by the first week of March. I urge taxpayers
The IRS needs to do programming to process is a massive undertaking, and Free File. Providers will accept completed to complete their returns and file electroni-
make sure its systems run smoothly, ac- IRS teams have been working non-stop to returns and hold them until the IRS begins cally as early as possible.”

COVID-19 Pressures US Retail Sales; Manufacturing Shines


WASHINGTON—U.S. retail sales fell for Though economic growth is slowing, in- that will bring back demand, are all fac-
a third straight month in December as flation is stirring, with a fifth report from the tors that will boost inflation over coming
renewed measures to slow the spread of Labor Department showing the producer months,” said Rubeela Farooqi, chief U.S.
COVID-19 triggered job losses, further price index for final demand increased 0.3 economist at High Frequency Economics
evidence that the wounded economy lost percent in December after nudging up 0.1 in White Plains, New York.
considerable speed at the end of 2020. percent in November.
The downturn in sales reported by the “Additional government spending, as By Lucia Mutikani
Commerce Department on Jan. 15 is, how- well as a fuller reopening of the economy From Reuters
ever, unlikely to push the economy back
into recession, with other data showing
production at factories accelerating last

month. There is also cautious optimism
that nearly $900 billion in additional pan- A woman walks past an empty retail space in
demic relief provided by the government at Manhattan on Sept. 14, 2020.
the end of December will offer a backstop.
The ebbing economic momentum, which have decreased by 0.5 percent in November.
appears to have spilled over into the new “There were plenty of culprits ruining the
year, could persuade the U.S. Congress to holiday spirit, including a frightening health Dear Readers, ink on paper is a rare thing nowadays
agree to President-elect Joe Biden’s am- situation, rising layoffs, and a looming lapse considering how much people live in the digital world.
bitious $1.9 trillion fiscal stimulus plan, in jobless benefits,” said Lydia Boussour, a
which includes bolstering the response to senior U.S. economist at Oxford Econom-
We put a lot of pride into making this printed paper,
the virus and direct relief to households ics in New York. “Biden’s ambitious fiscal each story carefully crafted. It is our honor to deliver it
and small businesses. agenda could juice up household spending to you, to keep you informed, our dear readers.
“That should make Congress more will- during the delicate vaccine rollout phase.”
ing to deal on Biden’s wish list,” said Steven In a second report on Jan. 15, the Universi- We believe our paper is truthful and uplifting.
Blitz, chief U.S. economist at TS Lombard in ty of Michigan said its consumer sentiment
New York. “Critical to Biden’s story is that index slipped to 79.2 from a final reading of We hope our paper brightens your day.
the virus itself is creating the downturn, 80.7 in December.
not any fundamental problems with the “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Please do not send
economy, and this is what needs to be done Job Losses the paper to the recycle bin after you finish reading.
to address it.” The steep declines in core retail sales
Retail sales fell 0.7 percent last month. prompted economists to cut their consumer
Data for November was revised lower, to spending and GDP growth estimates for the PASS IT ON TO YOUR NEIGHBOR, A FRIEND, OR A RELATIVE.
show sales tumbling 1.4 percent instead fourth quarter. The government reported
of 1.1 percent as previously reported. Sales last week that the economy shed jobs in
rose 2.9 percent on a year-on-year basis. December for the first time in eight months.
The monthly decline in sales was led by a Further job losses are likely in January as
4.5 percent plunge at restaurants and bars, new claims for unemployment benefits
after many authorities banned indoor din- surged in the first week of the month.
ing over the holiday season. Online sales Rampant coronavirus infections and de-
tumbled 5.8 percent. Receipts at electronics lays by the government to approve more
and appliance stores dropped 4.9 percent. money to help businesses and the unem-
ployed are behind the loss of economic mo-
mentum. Growth estimates for the fourth
quarter are around a 5 percent annualized
Manufacturing is clearly rate, largely reflecting an inventory build,
weathering this wave of
confirmed COVID-19 cases better
which is boosting manufacturing.
The economy grew at a 33.4 percent rate Peace of Call us
than occurred earlier this year.
in the third quarter after contracting at a
31.4 percent pace in the April-June quarter. Mind
Ryan Sweet, senior economist,
Moody’s Analytics
In a third report, the Federal Reserve said
manufacturing production rose 0.9 percent in the
last month after advancing 0.8 percent in
November. That was the eighth straight Mountains
Consumers also cut spending at sport-
ing goods, hobby, musical instrument, and
book stores as well as beverage stores. That
monthly gain in factory production. Manu-
facturing is being supported by a shift in
demand toward goods from services.
Are you concerned about: ŽĨǁĞƐƚĞƌŶE͘tĞ͛ƌĞƚŚĞŽŶůLJĮƌŵŝŶ
offset a 1.9 percent rebound in sales at auto Production at factories increased at a 11.2
dealerships and a 2.4 percent increase in percent rate in the fourth quarter. ͻ ŝǀŝůƵŶƌĞƐƚ͍ tEƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjŝŶŐŝŶƚŚŝƐƚLJƉĞŽĨƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ͖
receipts at clothing stores. There were also “Manufacturing is clearly weathering this ͻ 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚƚƌĂǀĞů ĚŝƐĐƌĞƚĞůLJŚĞůƉŝŶŐĐŽƵŶƚůĞƐƐĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐĮŶĚ
gains in sales at building material stores as wave of confirmed COVID-19 cases bet- ƌĞƐƚƌŝĐƟŽŶƐ͍ ƚŚĞŝƌƐĂĨĞŚĂǀĞŶĂŶĚƌĞƚƌĞĂƚƐ͘tŚĞŶůĂǁĂŶĚ
well as health and personal care outlets. ter than occurred earlier this year,” said ͻ ŚĂŽƐŝŶLJŽƵƌƚŽǁŶ͍ ŽƌĚĞƌďƌĞĂŬĚŽǁŶǁŚĞƌĞLJŽƵůŝǀĞ͕ǁŚĞƌĞǁŝůů
Excluding automobiles, gasoline, build- Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody’s
ing materials and food services, retail sales Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
tumbled 1.9 percent last month, after a “Manufacturers are busy, as there is a need
downwardly revised 1.1 percent decline in to rebuild inventories and demand for con- 828-773-8090 ŶĂĸůŝĂƚĞŽĨ<ĞůůĞƌtŝůůŝĂŵƐ
November. These so-called core retail sales sumer goods remains strong, for now.” WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůƐ͘ĂĐŚŽĸĐĞ

correspond most closely with the consum- A fourth report from the Commerce De-

er spending component of gross domestic partment showed business inventories www retreatrealty net
product. They were previously estimated to increased 0.5 percent in November.


15. Car crime Use the four numbers in the corners, and Return the lead?
the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
16. Cousin of “ahem” equation to get the solution in the middle.
There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
19. Resinous deposit lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 “The human body has seven trillion nerves,”
23. “Baloney!” and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 Cy the Cynic grumbled to me, “and she
manages to get on every one of mine.”
25. Be sick Wendy, my club’s ardent feminist, and
26. “Idomeneo” heroine Cy, a shameless chauvinist, are constantly
at odds. As today’s West in a penny game,
27. Housetops Wendy led the ten of diamonds against 3NT.
Dummy played low, and Cy, East, took the
28. Based on two main king and returned a diamond.
South won, led a club to dummy and let
beats to the measure the ten of hearts ride for a finesse. When
29. “Bald” bird Wendy won, she led a spade. The Cynic took
his queen and ace, but South had the rest
30. Strip blubber and made game.
32. Wisecrack BALLISTIC
33. Hit head-on “Couldn’t her diamonds have been Q-10-
Hard 1 - 1 Solution 9-8?” Cy asked me. “If I return her suit and
34. Numbskull it’s wrong, she complains. If I’d shifted and
that had been wrong, she would have gone
35. Willie of country ballistic.”
Cy had nine points, dummy had 12, and
music South had shown 16. If Wendy had good
36. Bombazine, e.g. diamonds, she couldn’t have a side entry
as well. Cy’s best chance is to hope Wendy
39. Big-time parties has an entry outside diamonds. If Cy shifts
to a low spade at Trick Two, he defeats the
40. Addicts contract.
41. Accurately pitched DAILY QUESTION
You hold: k K J 10 j Q 10 8
42. Zipped i A 6 5 3 h Q 10 7. Both sides
44. Forest clearing vulnerable. The dealer, at your left, opens
Hard 2 - 1 Solution one diamond. Your partner overcalls one
Across 39. Tracks 76. Ticked off 46. Full “bird” off. heart, and the next player passes. What
do you say?
1. Campaigner, for short 43. Making brighter 77. A loop doesn’t 49. Augur ANSWER: Presumably, your partner
4. Ancient Balkan region have any 51. Cooking direction didn’t enter the auction, vulnerable, just
45. Cuts into pieces, as to hear the sound of his own voice. He
10. Absorbed a pizza 78. Khartoum’s land, 52. Kind of race should have a good hand or a good suit or
14. Area code 801 area 47. Hammer’s end French style both. You may well have a game. To start,
53. Blobby protozoans cue-bid two diamonds to suggest heart
16. Admired oneself 48. ___ Fjord, Norway 79. “M.S. Found in a support and game interest.
17. Aquarium attraction Bottle” writer 54. Carlsbad attraction South dealer
50. Eastern European N-S vulnerable
18. What a polite tennis 55. Trued up
51. Overpowered Down
player is noted for? 56. Break NORTH
53. Some mites 1. Purplish kK J 10
20. Not duped by 60. Scintillas jQ 10 8
57. University V.I.P. 2. Suffix with psych- iA 6 5 3
21. Seventh heaven 61. “I believe” in Latin Easy 1 - 1 Solution hQ 10 7
58. Timothy Leary stash 3. Johns
22. A bunch
59. Doing evil 4. Rare trick-taker 62. Reddish-brown gem WEST EAST
24. Make a move k6 4 kA Q 9 5 2
25. Plane posting? 62. ___ Laurence Olivier 5. That ship 63. Trouble jK 7 4 j6 3 2
64. Cruel landlord? i10 9 8 7 iK 2
28. Hangout 6. Gun 65. Puffed up h9 6 5 2 h8 4 3
30. Mid-Eastern pastry 65. “Moulding” or 7. “Wheel of Fortune” 66. Crowning SOUTH
dough “moustache” purchase k8 7 3
67. Galba’s predecessor jA J 9 5
31. Religious splinter 69. Nota ___ 8. Anatomical cul-de-sac iQ J 4
70. Professional talker 68. “Family” diagram
groups 9. A diuretic alleviates it hA K J
32. 1,000 trillionth 74. Trojan ally, in the 10. Dig, pig-style 71. Rumania’s 100 Bani
South West North East
37. Improvement “Iliad” 11. Wears a mask to bed 72. “30” to an editor 1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
38. Not many 75. Near the tonsil 12. Clear 73. Extinct flightless bird Easy 2 - 1 Solution Opening lead —i10



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.







Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

Print the answer here:


for years and liked being —
The horses had been married


are determined to be so.
and men are great only if they
achieved without great men,
Nothing great will ever be

Contact the Puzzle Master @:

A20 | MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021


In Our Own Words

The Woman Behind the Hotline

Dear Epoch VIP, One of my favorite parts of the job is being able to
get the firsthand feedback from you, our readers—
I started working for The Epoch Times back in 2011 as a including hearing your support and seeing your
reporter for the Chinese-language edition of the paper. reaction to our media.
In 2017, I switched over to the customer-facing side of For example, a subscriber sent us a letter saying
the business. Having been a psychology major back in that when he first saw our newspaper he sat down
college, I wanted to go back to the people side of things. for a while because of being in shock—he couldn’t
Like many career moves, this one came with a huge believe that a newspaper like this still existed! And
learning curve. his letter isn’t the only one I remember. We keep all
When a lot of people talk about customer service, your letters and put them up around our New York
maybe they think it’s talking to customers on the office so we can be reminded every day of why we do
phone, or maybe over email, but it’s actually more what we do.
complicated than that. So many dots have to be For me, my job is not about money or fame or
We take your connected to make it work—from hiring, to training,
to quality control, to keeping up with changes in
power. It’s about the subscriber who calls in and we
can hear in his voice how worried he is about the
feedback very the entire company. In short, things were a lot more state of this country. It’s about the subscriber who
complicated than I first thought. breaks into tears on the phone because she was so
seriously. Usually We’ve grown in the last few years because of the concerned about things that she couldn’t sleep.
when you send support from readers like you. On the hotline, we’ve
been trying to hire more people to reduce wait times
I can relate to these subscribers because I came
from a communist country: China. My parents, who
feedback ... we read which then create more efficient workflows to better had been arbitrarily detained in China, sent me here
accommodate our customers. We’re also trying to to the United States at the age of 17 because they
your messages one provide more technical support for problems with wanted me to enjoy this country’s freedom. I don’t
our digital products as we recently just launched our want the same things that have happened to the
by one and give digital subscriptions and our app. We’ve also been Chinese to happen to people here—even though in
serious thought working on more self-service tools to help you better some ways, I think they already have.
help yourself (like our newly updated Help Center I want to end by telling you that especially because
to areas for page, I am an immigrant from China, I really appreciate
And your feedback has been super valuable in telling the freedom I enjoy in this country. Because of that,
improvement. us whether we’re heading in the right direction. I want the best for this country and its people, and I
We take your feedback very seriously. Usually when will do my part by supporting a media that I believe
Teresa You you send feedback (or if other departments forward us has the interests of this
Manager, Customer Service your feedback), we read your messages one by one and country and its people at
give serious thought to areas for improvement. Because heart: The Epoch Times.
we don’t want to be just any other corporate company
doing customer service, we hope to really get connected In Truth and Tradition,
with every one of our readers, every one of you.
You are so important to us. And because of that, Teresa You
we really value making you happy. The Epoch Times

What Our
My husband and I look forward to the paper every week.
Say (23) I think the world would be a better place if everyone
would take the time to read The Epoch Times!

The Epoch Times provides a A great textual and visual look at I’ve been a reader of The Epoch Reading The Epoch times is like
fresh, honest read in journalism investigation and truth telling. Times now for about a year. a breath of fresh air. Not only are
covering all the latest, up-to-date I particularly appreciate the After and during the events from the articles well-written, they are
news, opinions and health-related infographics provided for Spygate, December 2019, I’ve come to depend packed with great information.
information. It’s relevant and Russian collusion, Obamagate, on real reporting from this paper. I have learned so many wonderful
truthful... No spin. I’ve introduced CCP virus and so on. I also look Their news is up-to-date, vetted and things in Mind and Body, however
a number of my friends and forward to the Crossroads program. corroborated. The writers that report the first thing I read is Conrad
business associates to it and they, After I get an earful of sensational the information keep you learning Black in the Opinion section. My
too, trust it and love it. news and mainstream bias, I like to new things and interested in learning husband and I look forward to the
contrast that with The Epoch Times’ more. Ever since I started reading paper every week. I think the world
reporting to give myself more depth it I’ve found that it is hard to put would be a better place if everyone
of understanding. I want to be a part every issue down; furthermore, the
would take the time to read The
of the solution when it comes to range of coverage is wide in just
Epoch Times!
solving social issues in this country, the right increments and without
I’m not looking to play a game of drowning me in information that I KELLY MCCUNE FLANAGAN

telephone - spreading opinions, learn within a deep dive into each

gossip and sensational headlines story. The video documentaries
from corporate media. are my top favorite!
The American People NEED TO
WAKE UP!! The great Patriots who
founded the GREATEST NATION Just when I thought newspapers were I was impressed by the well-rounded Honest, fair, informative, great
ON THE PLANET are under dead and that I would never read one reporting. MUCH more than just layout, comprehensive selection
attack by the LEFTISTS who are again, The Epoch Times becomes the political viewpoints, editorials and of topics. Excellent overview of
aligned with the CCP! WAKE UP news that makes me feel good as I am fact-based reports. international and local news.
AMERICA!!! informed about my world. DAVID HEISNER SVETLANA KOGAN



Children’s Hospitals Grapple Landmark Publication on

With Wave of Mental Illness Vitamin C for COVID-19
Social distancing directly interferes with the Research review cements case for vitamin C
social connection at the heart of many therapies. as a standard therapeutic protocol.

See B5 See B6




Your Way to

have shown
that walking can
relieve depression,
reduce anxiety, and
boost our creative and

CONAN MILNER with her husband, in groups, with her dog, and
Walking is the

whenever or wherever she finds an opportunity.
n 2007, author Nita Sweeney suffered one She says the rhythm of walking heals her. There is something
very best form devastating loss after another. That year,
seven of her close friends and family mem-
“I don’t know the science, but I know that there
is something that happens when I feel the sway about slowing down
of exercise and bers died.
Sweeney already struggled with chronic
and rhythm of my body and my arms swing,”
she said.
to the pace of the
a neurological depression and bipolar disorder. But with so This feeling has carried Sweeney through walk that lets things
many loved ones passing away in such a short three full marathons, 26 half marathons, and
period of time, she fell to new depths, both men- more than 60 shorter races. Her running is slow drop away in a way
tonic, experts tally and physically. (and mixed with lots of walking), but Sweeney that they don't with
“I was just emotionally paralyzed, and I isn’t driven by speed, medals, or even physical
say started to gain a lot of weight,” she said. “I was
in such bad physical shape that even walking
fitness. For her, it’s a “mental health journey.”
In her book, “Depression Hates A Moving
other exercise.
around the block was kind of a stretch.” Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Nita Sweeney, author
Sweeney finally climbed out of her despair by Me Back From the Brink,” Sweeney describes
putting one foot in front of the other. From 2007 how she was able to find emotional balance
to 2017, she went from barely being able to get one step at a time.
out of bed, to walking every day and clocking
many miles per week. Today, she walks alone, Continued on B3


Behind the
Subscription We
always have
the magic of a
fresh start available
to us—in any day,
Your subscription will not only provide you with any hour, any
accurate news and features, but also contribute moment.
to the revival of American journalism and help
safeguard our freedoms for future generations.

We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we

strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that
lets you form your own opinions.
We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where

A New Year Is a
the faithful representation of our current events
won’t just be important for the people of today, but
also for the generations to come. The records we

Beautiful Fresh Start

keep now will directly inform the foundations of the
history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish—
and this knowledge is what drives us.

Learn more at
The New Year gives us a major reset, but we
can invoke a fresh start anytime

LEO BABAUTA Start again. And find gratitude that

you get to start again, over and over.
TRUTH AND TRADITION t the beginning of every year,
it’s like a blank slate: The year Practicing With the
can be whatever you want it Blank Slate of a New Year
to be. We’re a bit into the new year, and you
This is freeing, exhilarat- might have already started to lose the
ing, magical. freshness of this year. Don’t. We’re at
Take advantage of it, my friends. the very beginning, and we can do
Of course, we always have the whatever we like with this year.

2021 NTD 8TH

magic of a fresh start available to us— What would make this an amazing
in any day, any hour, any moment. year for you?
Every morning is a beautiful fresh What is possible for you this year?
start! In fact, right this moment, you Who would you like to be?
International have the opportunity of a fresh start.
We should take advantage of these
opportunities to see the freshness of
Chinese Vocal the moment in front of us.
Fresh starts are always
I recently was talking with my Zen

teacher and admitted I hadn’t been possible. Every time you
studying as much as I’d committed
to doing. She advised: “Start at one.” fail at a goal, fall off a
Basically, in basic breath meditation,
where you might count your breaths, new habit, or give in to
your mind will get distracted and temptation, you can just
wander. And then you can simply
start at one. dust yourself off and try
Start at One—this is one of my man-
tras this year.
Let’s look at how to practice with
this during each day, and a couple
ways you can take advantage of Start- Take a notebook and pen, and spend
ing at One as we look at this beautiful 30 minutes thinking about this fresh
year in front of us. space, and writing out some notes.
Is this the year you finally write
Practicing a Fresh Start your book, launch something, create
in Each Day something? Grow your business to a
Every morning, you get to ask new level, launch a new mission, help
yourself: others in a big way? Tackle something
hard and scary and meaningful?
r What would I like to do with this Are there new habits you want to
incredible day? create?
r What would make today incredible This is your year, to use however you
for me? like. What magic can you create?
r What am I feeling called to do to-
day? What’s most important? Putting It Into Action
Once you have an idea of what
You can wipe the slate you’d like to do or create, it’s
clean of whatever hap- time to make it actually
pened the day before happen.
(no matter what it Write it down and commit
was), and just start to it. Tell others and prom-
anew. ise to report to them weekly.
And then you get Adjust your plan each week,
a couple hours into with the blank slate of the
it, and maybe you new week. Do a review each
find yourself off course. month, and get yourself back on
You’ve gotten distracted, or track with each fresh month.
caught up in busywork. One small step at a time, make it

VOCAL.NTDTV.COM Start again.

Take a breath, and imagine this
happen. One fresh start at a time.

next moment is a blank slate. Leo Babauta is the author of six books,
GOLD AWARD REGISTER What is most important right the writer of Zen Habits, a blog with over
+1–888–477–9228 now? What would you like to do 2 million subscribers, and the creator
NEW YORK Oct. 2021 VOCAL㗥GLOBALCOMPETITIONS.ORG with this incredible hour in front
of you?
of several online programs to help you
master your habits. Visit

Walking Your
Way to Emotional
Continued from B1

“I know there are physical benefits. When The psychological

I stop walking, I gain weight. When I walk
again, I lose it. It’s that simple,” she said. freedom that comes
“But for me, it’s more emotional than
physical. There is something about slow- with walking can
ing down to the pace of the walk, that lets create an inner
things drop away in a way that they don’t
with other exercise.” spaciousness and
There is evidence to validate Sweeney’s
experience. Studies have shown that walk-
healing that is
ing can relieve depression, reduce anxi- beyond compare.
ety, and boost our creative and cognitive
function. Dr. Carla Marie Manly, clinical
When you add in the proven physical psychologist
benefits that come from walking, it almost
sounds too good to be true. The 2015 re-
port from Harvard Medical School titled,
“Walking for Health: Why this Simple
Form of Activity Could Be Your Best Health
Insurance,” discusses solid science that
shows walking can lower your blood pres- Manly takes her own medicine. Her morn- you walk, you’ll get smarter. If I’m wrong,
sure, fight heart disease, reduce the risk for ings always begin with a walk in a nearby you’re just going to be in great shape,’”
Type 2 diabetes, and help you lose weight. park. If there’s a break in her client schedule, Charles said.
she’ll grab another five- to 10-minute walk Other aspects of walking also contrib-
around the block to clear her head and move ute to your health with every step. Proper
her body. heel-to-toe form stimulates the receptors
“For me, a day without a walk is like a day in the bottoms of your feet to relieve stress
without water.” throughout your body and pump oxygen-
Getting the arms and ated blood up to your brain. The swinging
legs and moving like The Best Exercise of your arms stimulates your lymphatic
We all know we should move more, but we system to pump waste out of your blood.
that is a neurological may dismiss walking because it seems far In short, regular walking makes you bet-
too basic to be a viable or effective fitness ter equipped to handle life.
tonic. It is as close to a option. It doesn’t seem to provide enough
gosh darn panacea as of a challenge to make a difference. Movement Motivation
Dr. Eugene Charles, a Manhattan-based One of the best things about walking is how
we have. chiropractor and director of the Applied Ki- easy and accessible it is. All you need is a
nesiology Center of New York, says his pa- dry path (or a treadmill) and a decent pair
Dr. Eugene Charles, chiropractor
tients are usually more interested in Zumba, of shoes.
and director, Applied Kinesiology Whether it’s crawling,
walking, or running, this
cross-fit, Pilates, hot yoga, or other exercises The hardest part, however, is getting
Center of New York
cross-lateral motion helps of the moment than they are with walking. started.
align both your body’s But Charles says walking should be ev- Sweeney says her depression and bipolar
structure and your brain, eryone’s primary exercise. He recommends disorder can still hold her down, but if she
Walking for Peace of Mind by bridging its right and 45 minutes a day for those who want to can find some momentum for a walk, she
It’s clear we don’t walk as much as we used left hemispheres. lose weight, 30 minutes for those trying to knows things will get better.
to. In the past, we had no choice. Unless you maintain their weight, and a walk any time “You just have to push back a little. It
owned a horse or canoe, walking was the you’re feeling down. Charles says walking doesn’t have to be that much,” she said.
only way to get around. With the rise of cars will make all of your other physical endeav- “If I can just get myself moving at all, then
and a growing distance between home and ors that much better—even if you’re already everything else conspires to help me move
work, walking for more than a short distance very active. wherever I’m heading.”
has become quaint, almost obsolete. It’s no “I believe all exercise is good, but walk- Of course, there are also benefits from
longer a reasonable option when you have ing is the best, because it really suits the strenuous exercise that leaves you huffing,
places to go and people to see. human frame,” Charles said. “Getting the puffing, and sore the next day. But it doesn’t
Modern transit allows arms and legs and moving like that is a have to be part of your walking routine.
us to cover far more neurological tonic. It is as close to a gosh Charles says to take it easy, especially if
ground in less darn panacea as we have.” you’re in pain, weak, or just starting out.
time. But while The swinging If the goal of exercising is a more func- “You can make it as sublime, peaceful,
walking may of your arms tional mind and body, Charles says walk- and rhythmic as you want. It’s really up to
not be practical stimulates your ing accomplishes this better than anything you,” he said. “Even if you walk at a snail’s
for daily travel, lymphatic system else. He describes walking as a way to tune pace, it’s still healthy for you.”
it could help us to pump waste out up your mind and body. Walking makes
better handle our of your blood. you stand up straighter, it increases cir-
hectic schedules. culation to the entire body and sets it to a
One reason walk- soothing rhythm. It also improves balance
ing has become a priority for Swee- and coordination. Proper heel-to-toe form
ney is that it helps her work off anxiety. Walking does all this by engaging what
“It’s a way for me to calm down,” is known as the “cross-crawl” mechanism,
stimulates the receptors in
she said. “I just need a little bit of where your right arm and left leg (and vice the bottoms of your feet to
the rhythm, not much, but I just versa) move back and forth in tandem.
feel better.” This symmetrical crossover pattern is relieve stress throughout
Clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Ma- what babies develop as they learn to your body and pump
rie Manly says that, psychologically crawl, and is found to be essential
speaking, “walking is simply amaz- to both their physical and cogni- oxygenated blood up to
ing.” She points to research proving tive development.
that walking as little as 12 minutes can Charles says whether it’s your brain.
elevate your mood for several hours. crawling, walking, or run-
“When we walk, we are actually able ning, this cross-lateral motion
to leave our troubles behind on physi- helps align both your body’s structure and Seasoned walkers often advise that you
cal and metaphorical levels,” Manly your brain, by bridging its right and left get more out of your walk if you leave your
said. “The psychological freedom that hemispheres. gadgets behind. Let your arms swing. Let
comes with walking can create an in- “My opinion is that walking stimulates your mind wander. Notice the details in
ner spaciousness and healing that is the cerebellum, which helps with memory, the world around you. Enjoy the moment.
beyond compare.” cognition, and can prevent Alzheimer’s Caleb Backe, a personal trainer and well-
Manly observed walking’s heal- and Parkison’s. I tell my patients, ‘If ness expert for Maple Holistics, says walk-
ing power when she worked ing works best when we take the chance to
with juveniles on probation. unplug. He prefers to walk in silence.
She would often do “walk “Walking in silence with yourself, ideally
and talk” therapy with One of the best in a natural setting, allows for true intro-
these kids, and saw them things about spection,” he said. “You’ll recognize a good
thrive with the sense of walking is walk when you get back home and feel like
freedom that walking how easy and a better version of yourself.”
delivers. accessible it is. Sweeney is part of a walking group to
“Their troubles help keep her motivated and to provide

and issues felt less a sense of community. But she says these
pressing when group walks are no replacement for her
they were outside quiet walks alone, which she considers
walking with “almost sacred.”
me,” she said. “It’s a special time with myself,” she said.
“Adults can “I like walking with my husband, but there’s
benefit in the something about just being out there alone
same way.” that is a respite from the craziness of life.”


Our Resilience Factor

we humans have
adapted to focus
more on bad
The ability to adapt to hardship will decide life experiences
whether we can rise up to meet to life’s challenges than good ones.



ccording to conventional wisdom,
every person on the planet faces
challenges, even though it some-
times seems that a chosen few
skate through life unscathed.
The truth is, at some point or another,
events—a broken heart, family confl icts,
a health crisis, job loss, money problems,
political upheaval—will bring us to
our knees.
The good news is that it’s possible to sur-
vive (and even thrive) afterward as long as
we’re resilient. Resilience is the ability to
adapt in the face of adversity or change and
recover well from hardship and tragedy.
Our resilience can deepen if we face the “The Resilience Factor:
stresses of life. 7 Essential Skills for
My favorite go-to source for boosting Overcoming Life’s
my personal resilience is a terrific book Inevitable Obstacles,” by
published over a decade ago that is full of Drs. Karen Reivich and
timeless wisdom and useful tools. “The Re- Andrew Shatté.
silience Factor: 7 Essential Skills for Over-
coming Life’s Inevitable Obstacles,” by Drs.
Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatté, is based r When faced with adversity, listen to your One of the easiest ways coming adversity. The ultimate message is
on proven ways to counteract negative and thoughts; pay attention to what you say to build resilience and for us to minimize what has gone wrong in
defeatist thought patterns. to yourself in that situation, and then begin being nicer to our- the past so that we can build, expand, and
We all remember how Eeyore from the Win- analyze how those thoughts affect your selves in troubling times improve the good things that are already
nie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne wallowed behavior and feelings. is to ask what we would in our lives.
say to a friend who hap-
in dreary and pessimistic thoughts in sharp r Avoid negative thoughts and self-talk that One of the easiest ways to build resilience
pened to be in the same
contrast to his upbeat and optimistic friend undermine your resilience. situation. and begin being nicer to ourselves in trou-
Tigger. How annoying that tendency was, r Identify your deep or hidden beliefs, and bling times is to ask what we would say to
though his friends would cheer him up over then measure how and when they help a friend who happened to be in the same
and over again without complaint. or hurt you. situation. Chances are we would be kinder,
Unfortunately, we humans have adapted r Avoid imaginary “what if” thoughts and not as critical, and less judgmental to some-
to focus more on bad life experiences than the misperception that every failure or one else than we would be to ourselves.
good ones. Why? Because our brains want us mistake is (or will be) catastrophic.
to “overlearn” from situations like betrayal, r If you feel emotionally overwhelmed Marilyn Murray Willison has had a
bullying, deprivation, and disappointment or stressed, do your very best to remain varied career as a six-time nonfiction
so that we can program ourselves to avoid calm and focused. author, columnist, motivational speaker,
those events in the future or react quickly to r Flip your counterproductive thoughts and journalist in both the UK and the U.S.
them when and if they reappear. into more resilient ones. She is the author of The Self-Empowered
The human brain tries to help us solve Woman blog and the award-winning
problems by 1) understanding their origin, While this is definitely not a traditional memoir “One Woman, Four Decades,
2) challenging the way we think about fu- motivational book, it does have useful “re- Eight Wishes.” She can be reached at
ture problems, and 3) helping us become silience quotient” activities, charts, and To find out more
more resilient in the face of adversity. Ac- tests to help readers evaluate and improve about Marilyn and read her past col-
cording to Reivich and Shatté, there are different areas of their life. The goal is to umns, please visit the Creators Syndicate
easy steps to help us build our own resil- help us understand our beliefs, improve website at Copyright 2020
ience bank account: our reactions, and become better at over-

When Empathy Hurts, Compassion Can Heal

A new study shows compassion training can help us cope with other peoples’ distress
ADAM HOFFMAN Their brain activity was also recorded us- pattern: Before the training, participants that the participants were less likely to
ing an fMRI machine, a device that tracks showed activity in an “empathic” network feel distressed themselves. According to
Empathy can be painful. real-time blood-flow in the brain, thereby associated with pain perception and un- Klimecki and her colleagues, this suggests
Or so suggests a growing body of neu- enabling the scientists to see what brain pleasantness; after the training, activity that the training allowed participants to
roscientific research. When we witness areas were active in response to viewing shifted to a “compassionate” network that stay in touch with the negative emotion
suffering and distress in others, our natu- the videos. has been associated with love and affiliation. from a calmer mindset. “Compassion is a
ral tendency to empathize can bring us They found that the compassion training Their new brain-activation patterns more good antidote,” says Klimecki. “It allows
vicarious pain. led participants to experience significantly closely resembled those of an “expert” who us to connect to others’ suffering, without
Is there a better way of approaching more positive emotion when viewing the had meditated every day on compassion being too distressed.”
distress in other people? A recent study, distressing videos. In other words, they for more than 35 years, whose brain was
published in the journal Cerebral Cortex, seemed better able to cope with distress scanned by the researchers to provide a
suggests that we can better cope with oth- than they did before the training—and point of comparison. This result suggests
ers’ negative emotions by strengthening they coped better than a control group that that the training brought about fundamental
our own compassion skills, which the re- did not receive the compassion training. changes in the ways their brains processed The main takeaway
searchers define as “feeling concern for an- “Through compassion training, we can distressing scenes, strengthening the parts is that we can shape
other’s suffering and desiring to enhance increase our resilience and approach that try to alleviate suffering—an example
that individual’s welfare.” stressful situations with more positive af- of neuroplasticity, when the brain physically our own emotional
“Empathy is really important for under- fect,” says Klimecki. evolves in response to experience.
standing others’ emotions very deeply, but The positive emotional approach was ac- Negative emotions did not disappear af-
reactions, and can
there is a downside of empathy when it companied by a change in brain activation ter the loving-kindness training; it’s just alter the way we feel
comes to the suffering of others,” says Olga
Klimecki, a researcher at the Max Planck
and respond to certain
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain situations.
Sciences in Germany and the lead author
of the study. “When we share the suffering
of others too much, our negative emotions The main takeaway is that we can shape
increase. It carries the danger of an emo- our own emotional reactions, and can al-
tional burnout.” ter the way we feel and respond to certain
The research team sent study partici- situations. In other words, says Klimecki,
pants to a one-day loving-kindness medi- “Our emotions are not set in stone.”
tation class, which utilized techniques and So is taking a compassion course like
philosophies from Eastern contemplative the one offered through this study the
traditions. Participants, none of whom only way to build compassion? No. Re-
had prior meditation experience, prac- search suggests you can cultivate a com-
ticed extending feelings of warmth and passionate mindset through encourag-
care toward themselves, a close person, a ing cooperation, practicing mindfulness,
neutral person, a person in difficulty, and refraining from placing blame on others,
complete strangers, as a way of developing acting against inequality, and being recep-
their compassion skills. tive to others’ feelings without adopting
Both before and after the training, par- those feelings as your own.
ticipants were shown videos of people in
distress (e.g., crying after their home was Adam Hoff man is a Greater Good edi-
flooded). Following exposure to each video, torial assistant. This article was origi-
the researchers measured the subjects’ nally published on Greater Good online
emotional responses through a survey. Through the cultivation of compassion we can change the way we respond to certain situations. magazine.

Children’s Hospitals Grapple

With Wave of Mental Illness
Social distancing directly interferes with the social connection at the heart of many therapies


Krissy Williams, 15, had attempted sui-

cide before, but never with pills.
The teen was diagnosed with schizo-
phrenia when she was 9. People with this
chronic mental health condition per-
ceive reality differently and often experi-
ence hallucinations and delusions. She
learned to manage these symptoms with
a variety of services offered at home and
at school.
But the pandemic upended those
lifelines. She lost much of the support
offered at school. She also lost regular
contact with her peers. Her mother lost
access to respite care—which allowed
her to take a break.
On a Thursday in October, the isolation
and sadness came to a head. As Krissy’s
mother, Patricia Williams, called a men-
tal crisis hotline for help, she said, Krissy
stood on the deck of their Maryland
home with a bottle of pain medication in
one hand and water in the other.
Before Patricia could react, Krissy
placed the pills in her mouth and

The higher demand for

child mental health ser-
vices caused by the pan-
demic has made finding
a bed at an inpatient unit
more difficult.

Efforts to contain the spread of the nov-

el coronavirus in the United States have
led to drastic changes in the way children
and teens learn, play, and socialize. Tens in the number of patients who thought Krissy Williams, pic- supply. Children’s National in D.C. cut
of millions of students are attending about or attempted suicide. Clinicians tured with her brother, five beds from its unit to maintain single
school through some form of distance also mentioned spikes in children with lives with schizophre- occupancy in every room, said Dr. Ad-
learning. Many extracurricular activi- severe depression and those with autism nia. The disruption to her elaide Robb, division chief of psychiatry
ties have been canceled. Playgrounds, who are acting out. school and health ser- and behavioral sciences.
vices caused by COVID-
zoos, and other recreational spaces have The number of overdose attempts The measures taken to curb the spread
19 worsened her men-
closed. Kids like Krissy have struggled to among children has caught the attention tal health. In October, she of COVID-19 have also affected the way
cope, and the toll is becoming evident. of clinicians at two facilities. Andrews tried to take her own life. hospitalized children receive mental
Government figures show the propor- from Wolfson Children’s said the facil- health services. In addition to provid-
tion of children who arrived in emergen- ity gives out lockboxes for weapons and ers wearing protective equipment, some
cy departments with mental health issues medication to the public—including par- hospitals like Cincinnati Children’s
increased 24 percent from mid-March ents who come in after children attempt- rearranged furniture and placed cues on
through mid-October, compared with ed to take their life using medication. the floor as reminders to stay 6 feet apart.
the same period in 2019. Among preteens Children’s National Hospital in Wash- UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital in
and adolescents, it rose by 31 percent. ington, D.C., also has experienced an Pittsburgh and other facilities encourage
Anecdotally, some hospitals said they’re uptick, said Dr. Colby Tyson, associate children to keep their masks on by of-
seeing more cases of severe depression director of inpatient psychiatry. She’s fering rewards like extra computer time.
and suicidal thoughts among children, seen children’s mental health deteriorate Patients at Children’s National now eat
particularly attempts to overdose. due to a likely increase in family con- in their rooms, a change from when they
The increased demand for intensive flict—often a consequence of the chaos ate together.
mental health care that has accompa- caused by the pandemic. Without school, We’re all social Despite the need for distance, social
nied the pandemic has worsened issues connections with peers, or employment, interaction still represents an important
that have long plagued the system. In families don’t have the opportunity to beings, but part of mental health care for children,
some hospitals, the number of children spend time away from one another and they’re [teen- clinicians said. Facilities have come up
unable to immediately get a bed in the regroup, which can add stress to an with various ways to do so safely, in-
psychiatric unit rose. Others reduced already tense situation. agers] at the cluding creating smaller pods for group
the number of beds or closed psychiatric “That break is gone,” she said. therapy. Kids at Cincinnati Children’s can
units altogether to reduce the spread of The higher demand for child mental
point in their play with toys, but only with ones that
COVID-19. health services caused by the pandemic development can be wiped clean afterward. No cards
“It’s only a matter of time before a has made finding a bed at an inpatient or board games, said Dr. Suzanne Sam-
tsunami sort of reaches the shore of unit more difficult. where their pang, clinical medical director for child
our service system, and it’s going to be Now some hospitals report running at peers are their and adolescent psychiatry at the hospital.
overwhelmed with the mental health full capacity and having more children “I think what’s different about psychi-
needs of kids,” said Jason Williams, a “boarding,” or sleeping in emergency reality. atric treatment is that, really, interaction
psychologist, and director of operations departments before being admitted to is the treatment,” she said, “just as much
of the Pediatric Mental Health Institute the psychiatric unit. Among them is Terrie Andrews, psychol- as a medication.”
at Children’s Hospital Colorado. the Pediatric Mental Health Institute at ogist and administra- The added infection-control precau-
“I think we’re just starting to see the tip Children’s Hospital Colorado. Williams tor of behavioral health, tions pose challenges to forging thera-
of the iceberg, to be honest with you.” said the inpatient unit has been full since Wolfson Children’s Hos- peutic connections. Masks can compli-
Before COVID, more than 8 million kids March. Some children now wait nearly pital in Florida cate the ability to read a person’s face.
between ages 3 and 17 were diagnosed two days for a bed, up from the eight to Online meetings make it difficult to build
with a mental or behavioral health condi- 10 hours common before the pandemic. trust between a patient and a therapist.
tion, according to the most recent Na- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medi- “There’s something about the real rela-
tional Survey of Children’s Health. cal Center in Ohio is also running at full tionship in person that the best technol-
A separate survey from the Centers for capacity, according to clinicians, and ogy can’t give to you,” said Robb.
Disease Control and Prevention found 1 had several days in which the unit was For now, Krissy is relying on virtual
in 3 high school students in 2019 reported above capacity and placed kids in the platforms to receive some of her mental
feeling persistently sad and hopeless—a emergency department as they waited to health services. Despite being hospital-
40 percent increase from 2009. be admitted. In Florida, Andrews said, ized and suffering brain damage due to
The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be up to 25 children have been held on sur- the overdose, she is now at home and in
adding to these difficulties. A review of gical floors at Wolfson Children’s while Carmen Heredia good spirits. She still has fun, like try-
80 studies found that forced isolation and waiting for a spot to open in the inpatient Rodriguez is a reporter ing to beat her mother at Super Mario
loneliness among children correlated psychiatric unit. Their wait could last as for Kaiser Health Bros. on the Wii. But being away from
with an increased risk of depression. long as five days, she said. News, which first her friends, she said, has been a hard
“We’re all social beings, but they’re Multiple hospitals said the usual sum- published this article. adjustment.
[teenagers] at the point in their develop- mer slump in child psychiatric admis- KHN’s coverage of “When you’re used to something,” she
ment where their peers are their reality,” sions was missing last year. “We never these topics is sup- said, “it’s not easy to change everything.”
said Terrie Andrews, a psychologist and saw that during the pandemic,” said ported by The John A. If you have contemplated suicide or
administrator of behavioral health at Wolf- Andrews. “We stayed completely busy Hartford Foundation, someone you know has talked about it,
son Children’s Hospital in Florida. “Their the entire time.” Gordon and Betty call the National Suicide Prevention Life-
peers are their grounding mechanism.” Some facilities have decided to reduce Moore Foundation, line at 1-800-273-8255, or use the online
Children’s hospitals in New York, Colo- the number of beds available to maintain and The SCAN Foun- Lifeline Crisis Chat, both available 24
rado, and Missouri all reported an uptick physical distancing, further constricting dation. hours a day, seven days a week.


founder and scientific director of the Alli-

Landmark Publication on ance for Natural Health, announced the

launch of an international vitamin C cam-
paign in response to the landmark review,
which “puts all the arguments and science

Vitamin C for COVID-19 in one, neat place.”

As noted by Verkerk, there are several rea-
sons to take supplemental vitamin C. First,
your body can’t make it. Second, most people
Research review cements case for don’t get sufficient amounts from their diet,
and, third, your body’s requirement for vita-
vitamin C as a standard therapeutic protocol There is ample min C can increase 10-fold whenever your
immune system is challenged by an infec-
evidence to tion, disease, or physical trauma.
JOSEPH MERCOLA the use of vitamin C and other supplements In fact, the Nutrients review points out
show that

in the treatment of COVID-19, citing lack of that it’s common for hospitalized patients
egardless of what the main- clinical evidence, we now have a landmark supplements to have overt vitamin C deficiency, defined
stream media wants you to review recommending the use of vitamin as a blood level at or below 11 umol/L. This is
think, many are starting to re- C as an adjunctive therapy for respiratory like zinc, particularly true for older patients and those
alize that vitamin C (ascorbic infections, sepsis, and COVID-19. vitamin C, hospitalized for respiratory infections.
acid) and vitamin D both have The review was published Dec. 7, 2020, in According to the authors, “Vitamin C con-
an enormous amount of research showing the journal Nutrients. It was co-written by and vitamin centrations are three to 10 times higher in
they provide important immune function Dr. Paul Marik who, in 2017, developed a the adrenal glands than in any other organ.
enhancements, and that your immune func- groundbreaking vitamin C-based treatment D can help It is released from the adrenal cortex under
tion is your frontline defense against all ill- for sepsis. Marik is now heading up the Front prevent and conditions of physiological stress (ACTH
ness, including COVID-19. Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, which stimulation), including viral exposure, rais-
The following was reported in the paper has developed a highly successful treatment treat COVID- ing plasma levels fivefold.”
“Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Func- for COVID-19. 19, but we’re In his action alert, Verkerk notes:
tioning Immune System Is an Important The COVID-19 protocol was initially dubbed “Taking vitamin C as a preventative and
Factor to Protect Against Viral Infections,” MATH+ (an acronym based on the key com- prevented then upping your intake if you’re infected
published April 23, 2020: ponents of the treatment), but after several is a no brainer. So is using vitamin C intra-
“The role nutrition plays in supporting tweaks and updates, the prophylaxis and from learning venously for those with acute respiratory
the immune system is well-established. A early outpatient treatment protocol is now about these infections, or sepsis, in critical care.
wealth of mechanistic and clinical data show known as I-MASK+ while the hospital treat- “So much so, that we argue—given the now
that vitamins, including vitamins A, B6, B12, ment has been renamed I-MATH+, due to the benefits by available evidence—that doctors and other
C, D, E, and folate; trace elements, includ- addition of the drug Ivermectin. Vitamin C re- health professionals who avoid recommen-
ing zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, and mains a central component of the treatment. the federal dations on vitamin C in relation to COVID
copper; and the omega-3 fatty acids eicosa- The two protocols are available for down- government. disease prevention and treatment, should be
pentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid load on the FLCCC Alliance website in mul- considered medically negligent …
play important and complementary roles in tiple languages. The clinical and scientific Rob Verkerk, “There is ample evidence to show that sup-
supporting the immune system.” rationale for the I-MATH+ hospital proto- founder and scientific plements like zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin
“Inadequate intake and status of these col has also been peer-reviewed and was director, Alliance D can help prevent and treat COVID-19, but
nutrients are widespread, leading to a de- published in the Journal of Intensive Care for Natural Health we’re prevented from learning about these
crease in resistance to infections and as a Medicine in mid-December 2020. benefits by the federal government.
consequence an increase in disease burden.” As explained in the Nutrients review ab- “Because supplements are not, and can
stract: never become, FDA-approved, they cannot
High-Dose Vitamin C “There are limited proven therapies for claim to have an impact on disease, even
Acts as Antiviral Drug COVID-19. Vitamin C’s antioxidant, anti-in- when we know they can. This nonsense
As explained by Dr. Andrew Saul, editor-in- flammatory and immunomodulating effects has to stop.”
chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News make it a potential therapeutic candidate,
Service, at extremely high doses, vitamin C both for the prevention and amelioration How Vitamin C Works
actually acts as an antiviral drug, effectively of COVID-19 infection, and as an adjunc- As mentioned, the Nutrients review details
inactivating viruses. tive therapy in the critical care of COVID-19. vitamin C’s mechanisms of action and how it
His Tokyo presentation, “Orthomolecular “This literature review focuses on vitamin helps in cases of infectious disease, including
Medicine and Coronavirus Disease: Histori- C deficiency in respiratory infections, includ- the common cold, pneumonia, sepsis, and
cal Basis for Nutritional Treatment,” high- ing COVID-19, and the mechanisms of ac- COVID-19. For starters, vitamin C has the
lights the fact that when used as a treatment, tion in infectious disease, including support following basic properties:
high doses of vitamin C—often 1,000 times of the stress response, its role in preventing
more than the U.S. Recommended Dietary and treating colds and pneumonia, and its N Anti-inflammatory
Allowance (RDA)—are needed. role in treating sepsis and COVID-19. N Immunomodulatory
It’s a cornerstone of medical science that “The evidence to date indicates that oral N Antioxidant
dose affects treatment outcome, but this vitamin C (2-8 g/day) may reduce the inci- N Antithrombotic
premise isn’t accepted when it comes to vi- dence and duration of respiratory infections N Antiviral
tamin therapy the way it is with drug therapy. and intravenous vitamin C (6-24 g/day) has ELNUR/SHUTTERSTOCK

Most vitamin C research has used inadequate, been shown to reduce mortality, intensive
low doses, which don’t lead to clinical results. care unit (ICU) and hospital stays, and time
“The medical literature has ignored over on mechanical ventilation for severe respira-
80 years of laboratory and clinical studies tory infections ...
on high-dose ascorbate therapy,” Saul notes, “Given the favorable safety profile and low
adding that while it’s widely accepted that cost of vitamin C, and the frequency of vita-
vitamin C is beneficial in fighting illness, min C deficiency in respiratory infections, it
controversy exists over to what extent. may be worthwhile testing patients’ vitamin
“Moderate quantities provide effective C status and treating them accordingly with
Vitamin C deficiency, and
prevention,” he says. “Large quantities are intravenous administration within ICUs and
COVID-19 share many
therapeutic.” oral administration in hospitalized persons of the same risk factors,
with COVID-19.” including male gender,
Landmark Paper Puts Vitamin C darker skin, older age,
on COVID-19 Treatment Map International Vitamin C and comorbidities such
While health authorities and mainstream Campaign Launched as diabetes, high blood
media have ignored, if not outright opposed, In a Dec. 16, 2020, action alert, Rob Verkerk, pressure, and COPD.

Beneficial antiviral effects apply to both the ment of Critically Ill COVID-19,” posted on
innate and adaptive immune systems. When
you have an infection, vitamin C improves
your immune function in part by promot-
the preprint server Research Square August
10, 2020 (updated Sept. 23, at which point it
was renamed), shows the 28-day mortality
Kidney Toxins Created
ing the development and maturation of T-
lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that
rates between critically ill COVID-19 patients
given high-dose IV vitamin C (HDIVC) com-
by Meat Consumption
is an essential part of your immune system. pared to those given a placebo. CLINT BUSTRILLOS/UNSPLASH

Phagocytes, immune cells that kill patho- The Nutrient review also summarizes MICHAEL GREGER
genic microbes, are also able to take in findings from other COVID-19 trials using
oxidized vitamin C and regenerate it to vitamin C, as well as a few case reports: A diet rich in animal-sourced foods
ascorbic acid. “In the UK, the Chelsea and Westminster like meat, eggs, and cheese can con-
hospital ICU, where adult ICU patients were tribute to heart disease, stroke, and
Vitamin C Actions Against COVID-19 administered 1 g of intravenous vitamin C death through a biochemical pro-
With regard to COVID-19 specifically, vita- every 12 h together with anticoagulants, has cess that clogs arteries with plaque.
min C helps downregulate inflammatory reported 29 percent mortality, compared Atherosclerosis is the formal term
cytokines, thereby reducing the risk of a to the average 41 percent reported by the for plaque collecting on and hard-
cytokine storm. It also reduces inflamma- Intensive Care National Audit and Research ening the arterial walls. Animal
tion through the activation of NF-ljB and by Centre (ICNARC) for all UK ICUs … foods increase the production of an
increasing superoxide dismutase, catalase, “The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Ex- atherosclerosis-inducing substance
and glutathione. Epigenetically, vitamin C pert Group (FLCCC), a group of emergency called Trimethylamine N-oxide
regulates genes involved in the upregulation medicine experts, have reported that, with (TMAO).
of antioxidant proteins and downregulation the combined use of 6 g/day intravenous With the help of certain gut bacte-
of proinflammatory cytokines. vitamin C (1.5 g every 6 h), plus steroids and ria, the choline and carnitine found
Vitamin C also upregulates expression of anticoagulants, mortality was 5 percent in concentrated in animal products
Type-1 interferons, your primary antiviral two ICUs in the US (United Memorial Hos- can get converted into TMAO.
defense mechanism, which SARS-CoV-2 pital in Houston, Texas, and Norfolk Gen- Cholesterol is a primary cause of
downregulates. eral Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia), the lowest atherosclerosis, but TMAO appears
Vitamin C eliminates ACE2 upregulation mortality rates in their respective counties. to accelerate the process. Research
induced by IL-7. This is particularly notewor- “A case report of 17 COVID-19 patients who led by Stanley Hazen, an endocri-
thy, as the ACE2 receptor is the entry point for were given 1 g of intravenous vitamin C every nologist and head of preventive car- used for decades to  treat  chron-
SARS-CoV-2 (the virus’ spike protein binds 8 h for 3 days reported a mortality rate of 12 diology and cardiac rehabilitation at ic kidney failure. Indeed, those
to ACE2). percent with 18 percent rates of intubation the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, tells us who eat vegetarian diets  form 
Vitamin C also appears to be a powerful and mechanical ventilation and a signifi- TMAO appears to increase the abil- less than half of these uremic toxins.
inhibitor of Mpro, a key protease (enzyme) cant decrease in inflammatory markers, ity of inflammatory cells within the Those aren’t the only uremic tox-
in SARS-CoV-2 that activates viral nonstruc- including ferritin and D-dimer, and a trend atherosclerotic plaque in the artery ins, though. TMAO, which, as we’ve
tural proteins. towards decreasing FiO2 requirements. walls to bind to bad LDL cholesterol. discussed, comes from the break-
The graph below, from the Nutrients review, “Another case of unexpected recovery This can make the cells more prone down of choline and carnitine found
illustrates the key ways in which vitamin C following high-dose intravenous vitamin to gobble up cholesterol. mostly in meat and eggs, may be in-
ameliorates the pathology seen in COVID-19. C has also been reported. While these case The findings provide researchers creasing heart disease risk in kidney
reports are subject to confounding and are important insight on how choles- patients as well.
not prima facie evidence of effects, they do terol causes heart disease. How TMAO seems to down-reg-
illustrate the feasibility of using vitamin C for TMAO does more than worsen ath- ulate reverse cholesterol transport,
COVID-19 with no adverse effects reported.” erosclerosis, contributing to strokes meaning it subverts our own body’s
and heart attacks. It also contrib- attempts to pull cholesterol out of
How Much Vitamin C Do You Need? utes to heart and kidney failure, note our arteries, according to research
As detailed in the introduction of the Nutri- researchers at the Cleveland Clinic. done in France and Federal Flumi-
ents review, primates and humans are de- If you look at diabetics after a heart nense University in Brazil.
pendent on an adequate supply of vitamin C attack, a really high-risk group, near- And, indeed, the worse our kidney
from fruits and vegetables. Gorillas need 4.5 ly all who started out with the most function gets, the higher our TMAO
grams a day, while smaller primates weigh- TMAO in their bloodstream went levels rise, and those elevated levels
ing around 7.5 kilos need about 600 mg per on to develop heart failure within correlate with the amount of plaque
day. This gives us a clue as to what the human 2,000 days, or about five years. In clogging up their arteries in their
requirement might be, and it’s quite a bit comparison, only about 20 percent heart. But once the kidney is work-
higher than the daily recommended intake. of those starting out with medium ing again with a transplant, your
According to the authors: TMAO levels in the blood went into TMAO levels can drop right back
“The EU Average Requirement of 90 mg/ heart failure and none at all in the down. So, TMAO was thought to be
day for men and 80 mg/day for women is low TMAO group. a kind of biomarker for declining
to maintain a normal plasma level of 50 So, those with heart failure have kidney function—until a paper was
umol/L, which is the mean plasma level in higher levels of TMAO than con- published from the Framingham
UK adults. This is sufficient to prevent scurvy trols, and those with worse heart Heart Study, which found that “el-
but may be inadequate when a person is un- failure have higher levels evated choline and TMAO
der viral exposure and physiological stress. than those with lesser levels among individu-
“An expert panel in cooperation with the stage heart disease. als with normal renal
Swiss Society of Nutrition recommended If you follow people [kidney] function
Clinical Evidence that everyone supplement with 200 mg ‘to fill with heart failure predicted increased
The Nutrients review also includes clinical the nutrient gap for the general population over time, as re- risk for incident de-
evidence for the role of vitamin C in COV- and especially for the adults age 65 and older. searchers in Nor- velopment of CKD
ID-19, noting that early oral supplementa- This supplement is targeted to strengthen the way did, within six [chronic kidney
tion might help prevent a mild case from immune system.’ The Linus Pauling Institute years, half of those disease].” This sug-
developing into something more serious. recommends 400 mg for older adults (&gt;50 who started out with gests that TMAO is
In patients with critical symptoms, intrave- years old). the highest TMAO both a biomarker and
nous administration of vitamin C has been “Pharmacokinetic studies in healthy volun- levels were dead. This NAN H
itself a kidney toxin.
X I W E I/ U N S P L A S
shown to speed up recovery, reducing both teers support a 200-mg daily dose to produce finding has since been rep- Indeed, when you follow
ICU stays and mortality. a plasma level of circa 70 to 90 umol/L. Com- licated in two other independent kidney patients over time and
Interestingly, vitamin C deficiency, and plete plasma saturation occurs between 1 g populations of heart failure patients. assess their freedom from death,
COVID-19 share many of the same risk fac- daily and 3 g every four hours, being the high- The question is, why? It’s probably as the Cleveland Clinic did, you
tors, including male gender, darker skin, est tolerated oral dose, giving a predicted peak unlikely to just be additional athero- discover those with higher TMAO,
older age, and comorbidities such as dia- plasma concentration of circa 220 umol/L. sclerosis, since that takes years. For even controlling for kidney func-
betes, high blood pressure, and COPD. All “The same dose given intravenously raises most who die of heart failure, their tion, lived significantly shorter lives.
of these subgroups are at increased risk for plasma vitamin C levels approximately ten- heart muscle just conks out or there’s This indicates this is a diet-induced
severe COVID-19 and, according to the re- fold. Higher intakes of vitamin C are likely to a fatal heart rhythm. Maybe TMAO mechanism for progressive kidney
view authors, all “have also been shown to be needed during viral infections with 2–3 has toxic effects beyond just the ac- scarring and dysfunction, “strongly
have lower serum vitamin C levels.” g/day required to maintain normal plasma celerated buildup of cholesterol. implying the need to focus preven-
Commenting on the clinical evidence sup- levels between 60 and 80 umol/L. Whether tive efforts on dietary modulation,”
porting the use of vitamin C in the treatment higher plasma levels have additional benefit wrote the researchers in an article
of COVID-19, the authors write: is yet to be determined, but would be con- published in Circulation Research.
“There are currently 45 trials registered on sistent with the results of the clinical trials The worse our kidney What might that look like? For investigating vitamin C with discussed in this review.” people concerned about this issue,
or without other treatments for COVID-19. In While high-dose vitamin C regimens typi- function gets, the it would mean eating fewer foods
the first RCT to test the value of vitamin C cally call for intravenous administration, if that are dietary sources of TMAO
in critically ill COVID-19 patients, 54 venti- treating a viral infection at home (be it CO- higher our TMAO generation, such as some species of
lated patients in Wuhan, China, were treated VID-19 or something else), you could use oral levels rise, and deep-sea fish, eggs, and meat.
with a placebo (sterile water) or intravenous liposomal vitamin C, as this allows you to take It also depends on what kind of gut
vitamin C at a dose of 24 g/day for 7 days … far higher doses without causing loose stools. those elevated levels bacteria you have. You can feed a
“The more severely ill patients with SOFA You can take up to 100 grams of liposomal correlate with the vegan a steak, and they still don’t
[sequential organ failure assessment] scores vitamin C without problems and get really really make any TMAO because they
≥ 3 in the vitamin C group exhibited a reduc- high blood levels, equivalent to or higher amount of plaque haven’t been fostering the carnitine-
tion in 28-day mortality: 18 percent versus than intravenous vitamin C. I view that as eating bacteria. Researchers are
50 percent in univariate survival analysis an acute treatment, however. I discourage clogging up their hoping, though, that one day, they’ll
(Figure 2). No study-related adverse events people from taking mega doses of vitamin arteries in their heart. find a way to replicate “the effects of
were reported.” C on a regular basis if they’re not actually the vegetarian diet ... by selective
Figure 2 below, from version 1 of the study, sick, because it is essentially a drug—or at prebiotic, probiotic, or pharmaco-
“High-Dose Vitamin C Infusion for the Treat- least it works like one. What about kidney failure? People logic therapies.”
Saul, who has worked with and recom- with chronic kidney disease are at a
mended vitamin C for most of his profes- particularly “increased risk for the Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM, is a
sional life suggests taking “enough vitamin development of cardiovascular dis- physician, New York Times bestsell-
C to be symptom-free,” whatever dosage that ease,” notes Wilson Tang (Cleveland ing author, and internationally
might be. When you’re well, you typically Clinic) in the Journal of the Ameri- recognized professional speaker on a
don’t need more than the 200 mg to 400 mg can Society of Nephrology. number of important public health
recommended in the quote above. The cause is thought to be because issues. He has lectured at the Confer-
of a diverse array of uremic toxins. ence on World Affairs, the National
Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mer- These are toxins that would nor- Institutes of Health, and the Interna- An osteopathic physician, best- mally be filtered out by the kidneys tional Bird Flu Summit, testified be-
selling author, and recipient of multiple into the urine but may build up in fore Congress, appeared on “The Dr.
awards in the field of natural health, his the bloodstream as kidney function Oz Show” and “The Colbert Report,”
primary vision is to change the modern declines. When we think of uremic and was invited as an expert witness
health paradigm by providing people toxins, we usually think of the toxic in defense of Oprah Winfrey at the
with a valuable resource to help them take byproducts of protein putrefying in infamous “meat defamation” trial.
control of their health. This article was our gut, which is why specially for- This article was originally published
originally published on mulated plant-based diets have been on

Sunscreen Chemical May Play a Part in Breast Cancer

Benzophenone-3 is a common incredient in sunscreens, but there are safer alternatives
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY levels of BP-3 exceeded the Federal Drug protection against epithelial tumors from

Administration’s guidance for chemicals L E K /S H U T T E R S T O C K
the chemical BP-3 but had spindle cell tu-
he common sunscreen ingredi- at a threshold of toxicological concern, and mors with more aggressive properties. A
ent benzophenone-3, also known the Centers for Disease Control found BP-3 high-fat diet during puberty, on the other
as oxybenzone or BP-3, can play a in 98 percent of adult urine samples. hand, completely blocked any protec-
role in the development of mam- BP-3 is also a suspected endocrine tive effect of BP-3 and caused epithe-
mary gland tumors, according to disrupting chemical (EDC). These lial tumors to grow more aggres-
new research in mice. substances   interfere with hor- sively. The last treatment, a high-fat
“Our set of results suggest caution in monally regulated processes the diet during adulthood, promoted
using BP-3 and the need to dig deeper to body uses for a wide range of aggressive epithelial tumors.
understand what it can do in mammary functions, including mammary Interestingly, the researchers
glands and tumorigenesis,” says Richard gland development. also found that before tumors
Schwartz, professor in the microbiology Using a mouse model in which appeared, BP-3 increased the
and molecular genetics department at the mammary glands lacked growth of normal breast cells on
Michigan State University, who has been a gene often mutated in human all diets, a known correlate of more
researching the interaction of diet and can- breast cancer as a proxy for women aggressive cancers.
cer cell growth and proliferation for more growing from puberty into adult- “BP-3 will likely not have the same
than 12 years. hood, the researchers put the mice impact on groups of women with di-
“This is the first published result that under three distinct dietary regimes: a etary differences, and that’s an important
makes a convincing case that BP-3 can lifelong low-fat diet, a high-fat diet during question to ask when designing experi-
change cancer outcomes.” puberty switching to a low-fat diet during ments that study the effects of EDC’s and
reproductive years, and vice versa. A common ingredient in cancer,” Schwartz explains. “In balance,
The experiment split mice on these three sunscreen may cause these results suggest that there are enough
diets into two groups. One of these groups was the disease many people bad effects from BP-3 overall that we be-
The effects of BP-3 fed BP-3 daily at a dose equivalent to a heavy use sunscreen to avoid— lieve it calls for the precautionary principle.
application of sunscreen on a beach day. cancer. “When there are alternatives, stay away
varied depending Over the course of a year and a half of from BP-3,” recommends Schwartz, who
on when the mice treatment, the researchers collected tu- notes that zinc oxide and titanium dioxide
mors from the mice and found robust evi- creams are good candidates.
were fed a certain dence for the adverse effects of diet and The Breast Cancer and the Environment
BP-3 on breast cancer development. Research Program housed in the National
type of diet. “You never know what you’re going to Institute for Environmental Health Sci-
find in experiments like these,” Schwartz ences (NIEHS) and the National Cancer
The study appears in Oncotarget. says. “I was prepared to see no difference Institute (NCI) funded the research.
Schwartz and coauthor Sandra Haslam, at all from BP-3 in any of our diets, but we The grant supporting Schwartz’s bench
professor emeritus in the physiology de- found that even a relatively brief exposure research also encompassed areas of epide-
partment, previously conducted successful to a high-fat diet during puberty is enough miology and outreach. Epidemiologists at

experiments in mouse models that eluci- to allow BP-3 to cause a change in the out- the University of Cincinnati are studying
dated a relationship between diets high come for cancer.” a cohort of young women at varying ages
in saturated animal fats with higher inci- Nearly all mice developed two kinds of and levels of BP-3 to track any reproduction
dence and shorter latency of breast cancer. aggressive breast cancer tumors. The first, abnormalities. A breast cancer advocacy
“We were excited about the results of our known as epithelial tumors, retain many of group, the Huntington Breast Cancer Ac-
diet experiments, but the [the National the properties of normal mammary gland tion Coalition, is generating messages for
Institute for Environmental Health Sci- cells. The second, known as spindle cell tu- women in New York with help from the
ences (NIEHS)] was interested in funding mors, lose most of the properties of normal grant, and Schwartz collaborated with
a chemical study, so we decided to combine cells and develop into a deadly, often triple health science communication research-
the two,” Schwartz says. negative form of breast cancer known as ers at Michigan State University.
The researchers landed on BP-3, a ubiq- claudin-low breast cancer. When available, zinc
uitous and easily absorbed chemical. A re- The effects of BP-3 varied depending on oxide and titanium This article was originally published
cent report in the Journal of the American when the mice were fed a certain type of dioxide creams are better by Michigan State University. Republished
Medical Association found that after just diet. For example, mice given a lifelong alternatives to sunscreens via under Creative Commons
one heavy application of sunscreen, blood low-fat diet surprisingly acquired some with BP-3. License 4.0.


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