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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | T H U R S D A Y, J A N . 21, 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,880 $1.

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In the News Chinese

Homeland Security Sec-

retary-nominee Alejandro
Mayorkas says that he in-
tends to halt all border wall
construction and won’t com- Sanctions 28
mit to keeping the current
fencing in place. ... A6 Trump-Era
President Donald Trump
granted pardons to 73 indi-
viduals and commuted the Beijing bars Pompeo, other
sentences of an additional
70 in the final hours of his former admin officials from
presidency. ... A8 entering country, doing
business with China
Texas Republicans are pre-
paring a volley of legal chal- BY CATHY HE
lenges to push back against
the incoming administration’s As President Joe Biden was sworn in
progressive agenda. ... A4 to office, the Chinese Communist
White House chief of staff Party (CCP) imposed sanctions on
Ron Klain has ordered a former Trump administration of-
freeze on federal regulations ficials, including former Secretary
until they can be reviewed by of State Mike Pompeo and former
appointees of President Joe national security adviser Robert
Biden. ... A3 O’Brien, in response to their tough-
Joe Biden is sworn in as U.S. president during his inauguration on the
House Republicans Ted PRESIDENCY West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2021. on-China policies.
Budd and Mike Garcia want

Biden Sworn In as 46th

federal health officials to
issue new guidance to stop The former U.S. officials
thousands of unused CCP
virus vaccines from being
sanctioned were involved in
thrown out in New York,
Washington state, and else-
where. ... A7
President of the United States the Trump administration’s
response to threats posed
by the CCP.
Treasury Secretary-nom- Biden touches on some of his priorities in inaugural speech: the CCP virus
The announcement came a day
inee Janet Yellen is urging pandemic, racism, the climate, domestic terrorism, and white supremacy after Pompeo declared the CCP’s
lawmakers to provide further
fiscal support to avert “a lon- NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES repression of Uyghur Muslims in
ger, more painful recession.”. BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV in shortly before Biden. the Xinjiang region a “genocide.”

... A7 Biden, 78, succeeds President Don- The Chinese regime sanctioned
oe Biden took the oath of of- ald Trump, who skipped the inau- 28 people on Jan. 20. A foreign min-
A climate-change lawsuit
in Baltimore against energy fice at noon on Jan. 20 to be- guration. Vice President Mike Pence istry spokesperson accused them
producers seeking damages come the 46th president of the attended the ceremony alongside of “seriously violated China’s sov-
for the supposed effects of United States. former Presidents Barack Obama, ereignty,” adding that they were
global warming should be The inauguration took place amid George Bush, and Bill Clinton. “responsible” for “a series of crazy
heard in federal court, the unprecedented circumstances. The “We’ll press forward with speed moves” which “seriously disrupted
outgoing Trump administra- president delivered the inaugural and urgency for we have much to do China-U.S. relations.”
tion said. ... A2 address standing before a virtually in this winter of peril and significant Vice President Kamala Harris and hus- Among those sanctioned are high-
empty National Mall, due to security possibilities, much to repair, much band Doug Emhoff walk up Pennsylva- level officials in former President
A group of 17 House Re-
publicans has pledged to
concerns stemming from the breach to restore, much to heal, much to nia Avenue to enter the White House Donald Trump’s administration,
work with President Joe of the U.S. Capitol two weeks ear- build, and much to gain,” Biden said. on Jan. 20, 2021. including Pompeo; O’Brien; former
Biden to achieve bipartisan lier. Instead of the customary crowd, The inaugural address, though not White House trade adviser Peter
agreements. ... A4 organizers planted thousands of formally a policy speech, offered a and white supremacy. He then Navarro; former deputy national
American flags on the mall. glimpse into Biden’s priorities. Af- called for unity. security adviser Matthew Pottinger;
Federal prosecutors have Chief Supreme Court Justice John ter addressing the pandemic, Biden “My whole soul is in this, bring- former Secretary of Health and Hu-
filed one of their first con- Roberts administered the oath. Vice touched on the issues of racism, cli- ing America together, uniting our man Services Alex Azar; former U.S.
spiracy cases, against three
President Kamala Harris was sworn mate change, domestic terrorism, Continued on A2 Continued on A9
people allegedly affiliated
with a paramilitary organi-
zation, over the breach of the
U.S. Capitol. ... A6
Surgeon General Jerome More Regions Survey Finds
Adams has confirmed that
the incoming Biden team re-
quested that he step down of China Enter Favored by
ahead of President Joe
Biden’s inauguration. ... A7 Lockdowns Bipartisan
Beijing detects new UK virus
variant cases; outbreaks
The job losses from boosting BY MARK TAPSCOTT
the federal minimum wage to worsen in northern China
$15 would be “very minimal,” BY NICOLE HAO Americans are deeply divided on
Treasury Secretary nominee many major issues facing the coun-
Janet Yellen says. ...A18
Authorities in Beijing announced try, although a new national survey
Workers at several compa- that COVID-19 cases linked to the finds six big proposals are favored
nies are being offered money UK variant of the CCP (Chinese by super-majorities in both politi-
if they get vaccinated against Communist Party) virus have cal parties.
the CCP virus, amid reluctance been detected for the first time in Medical workers collect information from people to be inoculated with a CCP virus “The research clearly shows that
from some to receive the new the city. vaccine in Beijing on Jan. 15, 2021. these are the policies that an over-
shots. ...A19 Earlier this month, several locales whelming number of Americans,
said they detected individual trav- is unclear whether there have been Beijing’s Latest Outbreak regardless of political party, want,”
OPINION elers from overseas who tested pos- other outbreaks of the UK variant in On Jan. 20, the Beijing government George Barna, director of the Cul-
Lawrence Solomon: The itive for B.1.1.7, the new UK-derived the country, nor exactly how many said all schools from day care to tural Research Center (CRC) at
‘Monstrous Hybrids’ That virus strain that officials say is more people were detected with the mu- high school level would be shut Arizona Christian University, said
Control Us...A13 transmissible. tated virus. down beginning on Jan. 23. in a statement accompanying the
But the recent outbreak in Bei- Meanwhile, several more regions Students who have not completed release of the survey.
Wang Youqun: What Will jing’s Daxing district appeared to in northern China went under lock- their terms will continue their classes “There is a clear path to unity and
WHO Experts Find During
be the first cluster of infections. down in an attempt to curb the online. The others will start their win- healing in these common-ground
Their Wuhan Trip?...A14
Due to the lack of transparent infor- spread of COVID-19, the disease ter break earlier. Normally, Chinese issues.”
Salena Zito: Our American mation from Chinese authorities, it caused by the virus. Continued on A9 Continued on A3
Treasures Hidden in Plain
Sight... A17
Supporters in Capitol React to Biden’s Inauguration, Amid Heavy Security
Seolleongtang, Korea’s
violence and unrest during the Jan. TRUMP LEAVES
thick, milky-white ox bone
soup, gets its color from hours 6 Capitol breach.
and hours of boiling. ...B1 WASHINGTON—As Joe Biden took The Capitol area in Washington
the oath to serve as the 46th presi- appeared largely abandoned, with “We will be
A farmer-cook’s case—and dent of the United States, some of small groups of supporters gather-
advice—for eating locally, back in some
wherever you are. ...B2
his supporters showed up at the ing along the surrounding streets. form,” then-
U.S. Capitol to celebrate in person, In one section, a local bar played President
despite the area being highly mili- Biden’s inaugural speech live as a Donald
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. tarized and fortified. small crowd of supporters and me- Trump told
READEPOCH.COM There were multiple layers of dia stopped to listen. supporters
fencing around the Capitol and the “I’m extremely excited to be at at Joint Base
Published in New York, White House, as well as security least part of something small,” Ni- Andrews.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
checkpoints. Authorities said they The scene on one side of the U.S. Capi- cole Lee told The Epoch Times. “It’s Read more on A4
were worried about a repeat of the tol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2021. Continued on A2

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.


Biden Sworn
In as 46th
President of the
United States
CONTINUED FROM A1 Court justices attended the
ceremony. Pop singer Lady
people, uniting our nation, Gaga performed the nation-
and I ask every American al anthem.
to join me in this cause,” Biden, a Democrat, took
Biden said. office amid the ongoing
“Uniting to fight the foes CCP virus pandemic. More
we face: anger, resent- than 400,000 Americans are
ment and hatred, extrem- reported to have lost their
ism, lawlessness, violence, lives to the virus. All of the
disease, joblessness, and attendees, with the excep-
hopelessness. With unity, tion of the speakers, wore
we can do great things, im- masks. A portion of the seat-
portant things.” ing was arranged with social
Biden, who campaigned distancing in mind.
on undoing much of Trump’s The Democrats will control
legacy, was expected to sign both the House and Senate President Joe Biden prepares to sign a series of executive orders in the Oval Office on Jan. 20, 2021.
a list of nearly two dozen during at least the first two
executive actions later in years of Biden’s term. A pre- the pandemic, and reorient- evictions and foreclosures tion, including a specific list on critical race and criti-
the day, including an order view of the president’s first ing the government around and the pause of federal stu- of environmental actions. cal gender theory training
stopping the construction actions suggests he’ll take Biden’s vision of “equity.” dent loan payments. The president was expected for federal employees and
of Trump’s signature border advantage of the Democratic The president was ex- The president’s first-day to sign a separate executive contractors. Such training
wall, rejoining the Paris Cli- advantage to enact a list of pected to reengage the executive actions also in- order focusing on the envi- is based on a Marxist theory
mate Agreement, and can- left-wing priorities. His first World Health Organization clude a presidential mem- ronment, which features the that reinterprets society and
celing the travel ban Trump legislative request, a CCP (WHO). Trump quit the or- orandum canceling his cancellation of the presiden- history based on the concept
put in place to protect the virus relief bill, featured the ganization after alleging it predecessor’s deregulation tial permit for the Keystone of “struggle,” pitting races
nation from radical Islamic $15 minimum wage man- helped the Chinese regime mechanisms, which includ- XL pipeline, among other and sexes against each other
terrorism. date long promoted by Sen. cover up the outbreak of the ed a requirement that two actions. by labeling them either as
Earlier in the day, Trump Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a CCP virus. existing federal regulations Another first-day execu- “oppressors” or “oppressed.”
delivered a farewell address Democratic socialist. Biden Biden was also expected be slashed for each new tive order defines what On immigration, Biden
at Joint Base Andrews before sent an immigration bill pro- to sign a series of executive regulation. Trump has of- “equity” is and orders the was expected to withdraw
boarding Air Force One en posal to Congress ahead of actions and letters address- ten lauded the deregulation federal government to work Trump’s order on excluding
route to Florida. The presi- the inauguration that would ing the pandemic and the framework he put in place toward “equity for all—in- noncitizens from the census
dent told supporters he “will afford legal status to millions related economic problems. as the single biggest reason cluding people of color and count, to direct the govern-
be back in some form.” of illegal aliens. The actions include: a man- for the resurgent economy. others who have been his- ment to preserve the De-
Biden, accompanied by date for masks to be worn Biden’s White House chief torically underserved and ferred Action for Childhood
his wife First Lady Jill Biden, Executive Actions on all federal properties, of staff, Ron Klain, issued marginalized.” Arrivals program—which
descended the steps to the Ahead of the inauguration, an order creating the posi- a memo freezing all new On the cultural front, the granted temporary immi-
balcony of the Capitol just Biden’s transition team pre- tion of COVID-19 response Trump-administration first-day agenda included gration status to children
over 40 minutes prior to viewed a list of executive coordinator, the restora- regulations so they can be the cancellation of Trump’s brought to the United States
noon. Sen. Amy Klobuchar actions the president was tion of the National Secu- reviewed. 1776 commission, which illegally—and to rescind a
(D-Minn.) and Sen. Roy scheduled to sign later in the rity Council Directorate for Biden was expected to sign sought to counter negative Trump directive that gave
Blunt (R-Mo.) delivered the evening. The actions largely Global Health Security and an order directing the fed- narratives about the found- the Department of Home-
opening speeches.  Law- focus on undoing former Biodefense, as well as a re- eral government to review ing principles of the United land Security a broader
makers from both chambers President Donald Trump’s quest for federal agencies all regulatory actions taken States. Biden was also ex- scope for detaining and de-
of Congress and Supreme achievements, addressing to extend moratoriums on by the Trump administra- pected to rescind the ban porting illegal aliens.

Baltimore’s Lawsuit Against Energy Companies Supporters in DC React to

Biden’s Inauguration Amid
Belongs in Federal Court, Supreme Court Hears Heavy Security

MATTHEW VADUM Kavanaugh told government CONTINUED FROM A1 Abel described the mood
attorney Brinton Lucas of on Inauguration Day and
A novel climate-change the U.S. Department of Jus- a huge thing, but I don’t get the days leading up to it as
lawsuit brought by Balti- tice, who argued in favor of to be there [inside].” solemn.
more in state court against the companies, in what was Lee, who came out with “All week its been sort of
energy producers seeking the Trump administration’s her family to show support the calm before the storm,
damages for the supposed final scheduled appearance for Biden, said she felt the but it seems like the storm
effects of global warming before the Supreme Court. heavy military presence isn’t going to come,” he said.
should be heard in federal Lucas disagreed, saying, was a bit overboard but “I haven’t seen any large-
court, the outgoing Trump “we don’t think that [an] ‘or- noted that authorities “had scale violence or anything.”
administration urged the der remanding a case’ can to make a statement.” Washington Mayor Muriel
Supreme Court. really be susceptible to any “It sucks, but for the safety Bowser said on Jan. 15 that
The hearing came as the ambiguity here.” of everybody to enjoy some even after the presidential
incoming administration Justices Elena Kagan and small part of it, I’m for it,” inauguration, the city would
of President Joe Biden pre- Clarence Thomas expressed she said. have to maintain height-
pares to reverse President The Supreme Court in Washington, on Nov. 4, 2020. skepticism of Lucas’s state- An estimated 25,000 mem- ened security. When asked
Donald Trump’s pro-energy ments. bers of the National Guard if the extensive security
independence policies. Me- ment in the case known as al statute that applies when Kagan told Lucas, “I guess came from all 50 states to be measures around the city
dia reports indicate Biden BP PLC v. Mayor and City “any officer (or any person I don’t understand your ar- stationed at the Capitol. The would be reversed after the
will have the United States Council of Baltimore lasted acting under that officer) of gument.” number of Guard troops inauguration, Bowser said,
rejoin the 2015 Paris Agree- 75 minutes, exceeding the the United States or of any Thomas told Lucas he mobilized in Washington far “We are going to go back to
ment on climate change, in scheduled 60 minutes. Only agency thereof, in an official “may or may not be right exceeds the number of U.S. a new normal.”
which nearly 200 countries eight of the nine justices or individual capacity, for on the statutory reading of forces in Afghanistan, which Some said the military
pledged to reduce emis- participated in the hear- or relating to any act under this, but ... I can’t avoid the have been reduced to 2,500. presence wouldn’t impact
sions claimed to contribute ing. Justice Samuel Alito color of such office.” odd sense that it seems as The troops were authorized anything.
to global warming. recused himself. The companies argued though we are ... smuggling to use lethal force in sup- “I’m fine with all that,”
Biden also is expected The hearing centered on a that Baltimore was trying into ... appellate review ... port of law enforcement in said Rebecca, who declined
to revoke the permit for jurisdictional question—as to impose liability on them other issues that are not the Capitol and city. to give her last name. “That
the 1,200-mile Keystone opposed to the merits of the for exploring and produc- necessarily the issues that In the days leading up isn’t going to take away
XL Pipeline on his first day lawsuit itself—that could ing fuels at the direction of are front and center like fed- to the inauguration, roads from the fact that we have a
as president, a move that reportedly affect 19 other federal officials when they eral officer.” were barricaded, stores woman who is in the high-
experts say will eliminate similar cases state and local produced fuels offshore un- The lawyer for Baltimore, were boarded up, and mil- est leadership position ever.”
thousands of jobs. governments filed against der federal leases that gave Kannon Shanmugam, said itary vehicles were seen Travel around the city or
Relying on the disputed energy providers that are government officials a say his client favors efficiency in throughout the area. The access to the Capitol is dif-
theory of man-made global pending in other courts. in their operations. At Bal- judicial proceedings. Capitol building itself was ficult. The Metro announced
warming, Baltimore in 2018 BP and the other energy timore’s request, the district “Our rule would enable surrounded by high fencing that it would close 13 sta-
sued an array of companies companies that are defen- court transferred the law- courts of appeals to re- with barbed wire. tions  inside the security
that produce so-called fossil dants in the lawsuit want suit back to state court. The solve these appeals more “I didn’t escape my coun- perimeter. And the National
fuels—oil, coal, and natural this case and others like it companies appealed and efficiently where a court try for this, it’s like a war Mall stated it would imple-
gas—claiming they knew heard in federal court, not the U.S. Court of Appeals for concludes that there is an zone,” a longtime D.C. resi- ment a temporary public
that consumption of their state court. the 4th Circuit ruled in fa- easier ground for removal dent originally from Viet- closure beginning at 11 a.m.
products would lead to Under federal law, cases vor of the city, court watcher than the often fact-intensive nam said. on Jan. 15 through at least
global warming. filed in state court can be Amy Howe summarized at federal-officer ground and One Biden supporter who Jan. 21, at the request of and
Baltimore seeks com- “removed” to federal court. SCOTUSblog. there would be delay only showed up in person said he in cooperation with the U.S.
pensation for various inju- One of the energy compa- Oral arguments were in a case in which a federal had to walk all the way from Secret Service.
ries, claiming that climate nies, Chevron, had the heard in the case on Jan. 19, court stays the state court a far corner of Washington As Biden’s speech was
change has hurt the city case transferred to a U.S. the Trump administration’s proceedings on remand near Maryland in order to playing live, one person on
by raising sea levels and by district court in Maryland, last full day in office. which would occur only get to the Capitol. the street held up a sign that
causing heat waves and “ex- citing eight separate legal “I think this is a close call when the court determines “It’s a militarized zone for read: “This looks like Pyong-
treme precipitation.” grounds, including the so- in this case ... but there are that a defendant is likely to miles,” Richie Abel told The yang, there are only police
Telephonic oral argu- called federal officer remov- also problems,” Justice Brett succeed on its appeal.” Epoch Times. and military. No civilians.”

FCC Asks Supreme

Court to Roll Back
Media Ownership
MATTHEW VADUM der the dead weight” of ownership
The Federal Communications The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals
Commission urged the Supreme prevented the FCC from loosen-
Court to relax rules limiting owner- ing ownership rules, directing the
ship of local media outlets, arguing regulator to study the potential
that the restrictions are obsolete effects of the changes on female
and unneeded. and minority ownership in the
Telephonic oral argument in FCC media sector.
v. Prometheus Radio Project and Pai had justified the challenged
National Association of Broadcast- rule change, which permitted
ers v. Prometheus Radio Project, broadcasters to combine with a A worker at a San Francisco Chronicle printing facility arranges stacks of freshly printed newspapers, in this file photo.
which were consolidated and heard newspaper in the same market
together, lasted 81 minutes, ex- and own two of the top four sta- ership rules should be repealed and crowd out another’s,” Stewart said. a substantial effect. And the mere
ceeding the scheduled 60 minutes. tions in a city. that its local television rules should National Association of Broad- possibility that there could be such
The hearing took place on Jan. 19, “The media ownership regula- be relaxed. casters’ attorney Helgi Walker said an effect is not a sufficient basis for
the Trump administration’s last full tions of 2017 should match the me- “The profusion of new media concerns about concentrated me- foregoing regulatory changes that
day in office. dia marketplace of 2017,” he said at outlets, particularly through ca- dia ownership are overblown. we would otherwise deem to be
Republicans lost majority control the time, according to Variety, add- ble and the internet, alleviated “Amazon gets to own the Wash- very desirable.”
of the FCC on Jan. 20, when Chair- ing that the FCC was “dragging the ... viewpoint diversity concerns ington Post today. No one thinks Speaking for the respondent ad-
man Ajit Pai stepped down with broadcast rules into the digital age.” that had originally justified the that’s the end of democracy. It’s vocacy groups, lawyer Ruthanne
the inauguration of President Joe Deputy Solicitor General Mal- restrictions. It further found that certainly not the end of democracy Mary Deutsch said the FCC had
Biden. Democrats are expected to colm L. Stewart advanced the the rules disserved the public in- if a local broadcaster can buy a lo- not “engaged in reasoned decision-
have a 3–2 majority when a replace- same line of reasoning during oral terest by preventing economically cal newspaper and keep it alive,” making.”
ment is appointed. arguments. efficient combinations that would Walker told Justice Samuel Alito. “Based on zero information about
It’s been the position of the “Section 202(h) of the Telecom- provide consumers better broad- Justices Sonya Sotomayor and female ownership and a nonsensi-
Republican-controlled FCC that munications Act of 1996 reflects cast service.” Elena Kagan challenged Stewart. cal analysis of badly flawed data
as local media outlets face grow- Congress’s conclusion that in In response to a question from “I’m a bit confused. It seems to on minority ownership, the agency
ing competition from the inter- light of intervening competitive Justice Clarence Thomas, Stewart me that the FCC for decades has repeatedly assured the public that
net, current ownership restric- developments, broadcast cross- said tougher regulation of broad- been saying that minority and consolidation would do no harm
tions are obsolete, especially ownership restrictions adopted cast media has been urged by some women ownership ... consider- to either,” she said.
the ban on owning a newspaper in an earlier era may no longer be because “the broadcast spectrum ation of it is in the public interest,” “The government now asks for
and broadcast outlet in the same warranted,” Stewart said. is scarce, not as many people can Sotomayor said. deference. It says that the uncer-
market. Democrats tend to favor “To ensure that such restrictions broadcast on the frequencies as Kagan said, “Were you saying tainty was acknowledged, predic-
stronger restrictions to reduce do not remain in force simply would like to, and, therefore, it’s we don’t think the changes in the tion is hard, and it argues essential-
concentrated ownership of media through inertia, Congress required necessary to have a federal agen- rules will affect female and minor- ly that because no harm was shown,
properties, but want rules that fa- the FCC to reexamine those rules cy that allocates the spectrum and ity ownership or we don’t have evi- there was nothing to be waived. But
vor women and minorities. every four years and to repeal or decides how it can best be used to dence of this?” because the no-harm findings here
The National Association of modify any rules that no longer serve the public interest.” “We were saying the evidence is were wholly arbitrary, to defer on
Broadcasters argued in a brief that serve the public interest,” he said, But such enhanced regulation of fragmentary,” Stewart replied, “but this record would only encourage
“the broadcast and newspaper in- adding that in 2017, the FCC deter- cable and the internet isn’t needed based on the evidence we have, our agencies to do sloppy work to avoid
dustries continue to struggle un- mined that some of its media own- “because one person’s voice doesn’t best assessment is there will not be making tough choices.”


Survey Finds Proposals New White House Chief of Staff

Orders Freeze on New Regulations
Favored by Bipartisan
Supermajorities IVAN PENTCHOUKOV consultation with the OMB
Director,” the memo states.
White House chief of staff Biden’s transition team had
Ron Klain ordered a freeze advised ahead of time that
CONTINUED FROM A1 proportion of Biden voters on federal regulations in Klain would issue the memo,
(86 percent) see virtue in his first official act on Jan. describing the measure as a
The survey interviewed a pursuing this outcome. 20, putting the brakes on way to halt any last-minute
demographically balanced • Reduce federal debt: An any new and pending rules regulations rushed by the
sample of 1,000 adults im- increasing number of until they can be reviewed Trump administration.
mediately following the citizens are worried about by appointees of President “This action will allow the
Nov. 3, 2020, election. The the future economic ef- Joe Biden. Biden Administration to
margin of error for the sur- fects of the rapidly rising Then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden visits an In a memo sent to the heads prevent any detrimental so-
vey is 3 percentage points. U.S. government debt. aluminum manufacturing facility in Manitowoc, Wis., on Sept. of executive agencies and called midnight regulations
21, 2020.
The six issues that at- The idea of significantly departments, Klain said that from taking effect, while en-
tracted the support of at reducing the federal gov- rules that have been sent to suring that urgent measures
least two-thirds of respon- ernment’s debt has wide- from 62 percent of voters cent of Biden supporters. the Office of the Federal Reg- in the public’s interest can
dents who identified as Re- spread support: Three- who said they backed Similarly, increasing the ister but not yet published in proceed,” a fact sheet from
publicans and Democrats quarters of all adults (77 Trump, compared to 87 number of members of the the Federal Register should the transition team stated.
included the following: percent) approve of the percent of those who fa- high court, as advocated by be withdrawn until they are Klain’s memo is part of a
idea, spread evenly be- vored Biden. Overall, the many liberal Democrats, reviewed. battery of executive actions
• Increasing manufactur- tween pro-Trump (82 proposal drew support only generated support For rules that have been that Biden was expected to
ing jobs within the U.S.: percent) and pro-Biden from 74 percent. overall from 47 percent of published or otherwise is- sign. Other directives in-
More than four out of (78 percent) voters. • Developing and enforc- the respondents, although sued but haven’t taken ef- clude an order stopping the
five Americans (83 per- • Reduce federal income ing more stringent envi- 61 percent of Biden voters fect, Klain asked the heads construction of Trump’s bor-
cent) support the idea of taxes for individuals: ronmental standards was liked the proposal. of agencies to consider der wall, the withdrawal of
expanding the domestic Three-quarters of adults backed by 53 percent of In a separate statement, postponing the date on the travel ban meant to pro-
manufacturing base. This (73 percent) want a de- Trump voters and 85 per- CRC said its survey results which the rules become tect the United States from
idea has strong and nearly crease in their personal cent of Biden supporters. reflect an emerging trend in effective by 60 days. Dur- terrorism, the rejoining of
identical levels of biparti- income taxes imposed The overall national figure American public opinion, in ing the postponement, the Paris climate accord,
san support, with 87 per- by the federal govern- was 69 percent support. which respondents often ex- Klain asked the agencies to and re-engagement with the
cent of those who voted ment. While Trump voters • Strict enforcement of ex- press support for conflicting consider opening a 30-day World Health Organization.
for Donald Trump and were slightly more excited isting immigration laws policies. comment period. Biden took the oath of of-
84 percent of those who about this possibility (79 attracted the backing of “The research shows that “For those rules that raise fice at noon on Jan. 20, be-
voted for Biden in favor. percent), almost three- 84 percent of Trump sup- the people want an active no substantial questions of coming the 46th president
• Restore the nation’s in- quarters of Biden voters porters and 54 percent of government—one that will fact, law, or policy, no fur- of the United States.
frastructure: Four out of (72 percent) expressed Biden voters. Nationally, take action and get things ther action needs to be tak- The regulations that are
five adults (81 percent) their support, as well. the proposal drew the done in a variety of life di- en; and for those rules that frozen as a result of Klain’s
support the notion of • Increase school choice: A support of 64 percent of mensions (education, eco- raise substantial questions memo will be reviewed by
“heavily” investing in large majority of Ameri- respondents. nomics, government pro- of fact, law, or policy, agen- the director of the Office
improving the national cans (73 percent) want to • Substantially reducing cess, etc.),” it said. cies should notify the OMB of Management and Bud-
infrastructure. This com- give parents more school the number of federal “Yet, government ac- (Office of Management and get (OMB). Biden nomi-
mitment draws lofty and choices for their children. government regulations tion never happens in a Budget) Director and take nated Neera Tanden to lead
equal levels of support That desire is equally found support among 74 vacuum: Changes in the further appropriate action in the OMB.
from Trump voters (83 strong among Trump percent of Trump sup- law and public policy al-
percent) and Biden vot- supporters (75 percent) porters and 58 percent of ways come at a cost. The
ers (84 percent). and Biden backers (72 Biden backers. Overall, 62 implications of many of the
• Make Social Security and percent). percent of those surveyed desired changes identified
Medicare financially sol- expressed enthusiasm for by the survey respondents
vent: Restoring financial Another four issues gained the proposal. [are] that those actions will
solvency to both Social majority support from re- conflict with some of their Ron Klain,
Security and Medicare is spondents in both parties, At the other end of the expressed desires, such as former White
House Ebola
another win-win proposi- but not quite supermajori- results, repealing the U.S. having fewer government response
tion, with 8 out of 10 adults ties: Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe regulations, the elimina- coordinator,
backing such a concept. v. Wade decision that legal- tion of federal government testifies in
More than three-fourths • Reducing racial dis- ized abortion received sup- debt, a balanced budget for Washington
of Trump voters (78 per- crimination through le- port from just 50 percent of the feds, and lower personal on March
cent) and an even higher gal means drew support Trump voters and 38 per- income tax rates.” 10, 2020.

Trump Leaves
17 GOP Representatives Tell Biden They’re Washington, Tells
Supporters: ‘We
Committed to Working With Him Will Be Back in
Some Form’
More than a dozen Republican
members of the House of Rep- President Donald Trump on
resentatives wrote to President Jan. 20 left Washington for Flor-
Joe Biden on the morning of his ida, hours before President Joe
inauguration, pledging to work Biden was sworn in.
with him to achieve bipartisan “It’s been a great honor. The
agreements. honor of a lifetime. The greatest
The 17 newly elected represen- people in the world, the greatest
tatives said they’re hopeful they home in the world. We’ve had
can work with Democrats on be- an amazing four years. We’ve
half of the American people. accomplished a lot. We love the
“After two impeachments, American people, and, again,
lengthy inter-branch investiga- it’s been something very spe-
tions, and, most recently, the hor- cial,” Trump told reporters out-
rific attack on our nation’s capital, side the White House.
it is clear that the partisan divide “I just want to say goodbye,
between Democrats and Repub- but hopefully it’s not a long-
licans does not serve a single term goodbye. We’ll see each
American,” the group wrote. other again.”
“The constituencies we rep- Trump and First Lady Melania
resent showcase the variety of Trump exited the White House
thought across our great nation. at approximately 8 a.m. They
From Texas to California and were headed to Trump’s Mar-
from Oklahoma to New York, a-Lago resort in Palm Beach.
Americans are tired of the parti- During a stop at Joint Base
san gridlock and simply want to Andrews in Maryland, where
see leaders from both sides of the Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas) walks through the Canon Tunnel to the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 12, 2021. Trump transferred from Marine
aisle work on issues important to One to Air Force One, the presi-
American families, workers, and the aftermath of the coronavirus Franklin (R-Fla.), Andrew Gar- Republicans in the House to sign dent told a crowd of supporters:
businesses. pandemic.” barino (R-N.Y.), Carlos Gimenez the letter. “We love you. We will be back in
“We hope to work with you to The group features several Re- (R-Fla.), Yvette Herrell (R-N.M.), Many other Republicans also some form.
extend targeted, meaningful publicans who voted to impeach Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa), Young said they would work with Biden “I will always fight for you. I
coronavirus relief for families and President Donald Trump last Kim (R-Calif.), Nicole Malliota- in the coming years. will always be watching. I will
businesses, protect Americans week, including Reps. David Va- kis (R-N.Y.), Mariannette Miller- “I look forward to working be listening.”
with pre-existing conditions, ladao (R-Calif.) and Peter Meijer Meeks (R-Iowa), Barry Moore with President Biden to unite Trump announced previously
strengthen and modernize our (R-Mich.). (R-Ala.), Jay Obernolte (R-Calif.), the country, grow the economy, that he would skip Biden’s in-
infrastructure, enforce our an- Also signing the letter were Burgess Owens (R-Utah), and and quickly distribute COVID-19 auguration. He didn’t give a
titrust laws against emboldened Reps. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas), Jerry Carl (R-Ala.). vaccines and fully #ReopenA- reason.
technology monopolies, and re- Stephanie Bice (R-Okla.), Madi- Van Duyne told Politico that merica,” Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.) Trump was the first sitting
store our economy struggling in son Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Scott she invited all 44 newly-elected wrote in a tweet. president since Andrew John-
son to skip all inaugural cer-
emonies of his successor, ac-
cording to the White House
Texas Set to Bring Volley of Lawsuits Against Biden Administration Historical Association. Presi-
dent Woodrow Wilson skipped
LYNDA M. GONZALEZ/THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS POOL the public ceremony for his suc-
TOM OZIMEK up for a flurry of legal challenges. cessor but did accompany the
Robert Henneke, general coun- successor, Warren Harding, to
As President Joe Biden assumed sel at the TPPF, told the San Anto- the Capitol.
office and two newly elected nio Express-News that he expects Biden’s pared-down inaugu-
Georgia Democrat senators were the Biden administration to “pick ration featured few guests. Or-
sworn in on Jan. 20, Texas Repub- up where the Obama administra- ganizers say the small event was
licans prepared to mount a flurry tion left off.” due to the pandemic.
of legal challenges to push back “Litigation challenging uncon- Trump said in Washington
against the incoming adminis- stitutional action from the Biden and in Maryland that serving
tration’s progressive agenda. administration will be a central as president was the “honor of
The Biden administration has issue,” Henneke told the outlet. a lifetime.”
signaled a left-leaning agenda “Where the new administration He mentioned some of his ad-
on energy, taxes, immigration, seeks to go out of bounds of what ministration’s achievements,
health care, and other priorities. powers have been delegated to it, including creating the Space
Biden has vowed to rejoin the or enacts policies and rules that Force, a new branch of the U.S.
Paris Climate Accord and take aren’t supported by data and sci- military, bringing unemploy-
far-reaching steps on climate ence, I expect that we’ll be chief ment to lows not seen in de-
change, including seeking to cut Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks at a press conference at the Texas Capitol in among those challenging those cades prior to the pandemic,
greenhouse gas emissions by half Austin, Texas, on May 18, 2020. type of policies.” and pouring money into the
by 2030 and effectively ending Meanwhile, a recent national military. He also noted that sev-
them by around 2050, sparking claimed, “I go into the office, I sue rights, or private property rights survey shows that most Republi- eral COVID-19 vaccines were
existential fears from the fossil the federal government, and I go or the right to earn a living.” cans want congressional leaders developed in less than a year,
fuel industry, a key economic pil- home,” said on Jan. 16 that the The Lone Star State sued the ad- to challenge Biden on important thanks to support and funding
lar in Texas. Biden White House can expect ministration of President Barack issues. from his administration.
Biden has also proposed sweep- a spate of legal challenges from Obama dozens of times to stop “A majority of Republicans Trump thanked supporters,
ing immigration reform that the Lone Star State. initiatives such as the Clean Pow- (59 percent) want their party’s his family, friends, and staff. In
would create a pathway to citi- “A new crop of Texas-led law- er Plan or to end the Affordable leaders to ‘stand up’ to Biden,” Maryland, he told the crowd:
zenship for more than 11 million suits awaits Joe Biden’s White Care Act, the signature health according to the Pew Research “People have no idea how hard
illegal immigrants, and plans to House,” Abbott wrote in a tweet plan known as Obamacare. Center, while “a sizable major- this family worked, and they
roll back Trump’s corporate tax on Jan. 16. The conservative Texas Public ity of conservative Republicans worked for you. They could have
cuts and raise income tax. “Texas will take action when- Policy Foundation (TPPF), which (69 percent) favor GOP leaders had a much easier life.”
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who— ever the federal government filed the Affordable Care Act standing up to Biden, compared “Have a good life. We will see
while serving as the state’s at- encroaches on states’ rights, or challenge that is now before the with 44 percent of GOP moder- you soon,” he said, walking off
torney general—famously pro- interferes with constitutional U.S. Supreme Court, is gearing ates and liberals.” the stage.


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Julie Schroeder, owner of Color Me Mine in Minneapolis, on Dec. 30, 2020.

Small-Business Owner: ‘Fallout by

Next Year Will Be Shocking’

CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON more important than a person’s life!

I hope that you burn in hell for all
MINNEAPOLIS—The ramifications eternity.”
of the forced shutdowns on thou- In a Facebook post, Schroeder ex-
sands of small businesses in Min- plained that she was too afraid to
nesota is going to be huge, says Julie report the card to law enforcement
Schroeder, who owns two craft stores in case they cited her for opening her
in the Minneapolis metro area. business.
“The fallout by this time next year “First of all, I haven’t taken a pay-
will be shocking,” she told The Epoch check in over a year, and I spent all
Times on Dec. 30, 2020. my [retirement]. So how that’s greedy
Schroeder owns two Color Me and selfish, I don’t know,” she said.
Mine franchises—small craft shops “Do they want to pay my staff? Be-
where customers come in, select a cause I have three staff, [and] this is
piece of pottery, and paint it in the their full-time job. And everything
store. The store then fires it for them. I make first goes to wages. So I don’t
The main money-maker for Schro- know how that’s greedy and selfish.”
eder is from groups of people coming During the same timeframe over
in and painting together as a social the Christmas holiday, the Build-a-
activity. Bear store in the Mall of America was
But the constant closures imposed profit-and-loss summary on Quick- couldn’t open the door, and I had open, which Schroeder says doesn’t
by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a Dem- Books and revealed that she was nothing online at that point to shop make sense.
ocrat, has left her financially stripped $200,000 down. from.” “And there’s kids all over in there,
and caused the demise of one of her “I’m 57, so for me to make that up During the ensuing days, Schroed- building bears. It’s the same thing,”
businesses and the loss of eight em- at a pottery store … and that’s in nine er and her staff frantically put all the she said.
ployees. months,” she said, “for me to make items onto Shopify so people could During springtime, Schroeder con-
On June 2 last year, Schroeder had that up over the years is, I don’t know order online and pick it up. While it tacted every principal and superin-
to permanently close her store in how that’ll work. I’ll make it up when did bring in some business, it was an tendent of every school in the district
Rochester, Minnesota, after being I sell the stores, I suppose, because added expense to set up and operate. to ask if their e-newsletters to par-
unable to sustain the losses. they’ll have a value.” She received some federal Pay- ents can mention that her “Paint and
“I was bleeding money,” she said. That’s assuming she can continue check Protection Program money, Learn” educational activity packs for
“What people don’t realize is that you to weather the capricious lockdowns but all of it was used for staff payroll children are available.
don’t close it and cut all your losses.” and rebuild her stores. at her three stores. At the end of the “I got zero responses,” she said.
Clay Clark, investor and author first six-week complete shutdown, “I, over 11 years, have been at every
of “Fear Unmasked—Discover the there was no money left and barely carnival, have given every donation
Truth about the Coronavirus Shut- any customers were out and about. that they asked for. I work a lot with
People don’t realize down,” said the shutdowns have re- In July, people were finally able the schools.”
the extraordinary sulted in countless urban areas now to come into the store to purchase For now, Schroeder and her hus-
expense of running looking like dystopian movie scenes. items. band are reassessing the risk each
“Small-business owners have put “So you could come in and shop month. She’s determined to hold
a small business, their entire life-savings and have your pieces and take them home to onto her business, but she’s tired of
even a pottery stu- invested years of their lives into paint, which did help a bit because not being able to plan and of being
starting and building a business it’s easier to buy in the store than it called “nonessential” for months on
dio. It’s not just a that these heartless and tyrannical is online,” Schroeder said. end.
little hobby. I have governors and mayors are destroy- “My customers are so supportive, “The mental health part for me has
full-time people. ing with their unconstitutional man- but they can’t keep me going. ... They become a real issue. When you’re told
dates,” Clark told The Epoch Times just can’t keep me going on just grab- you’re nonessential for 10 months,
Julie Schroeder, business owner, via email. bing some to-go stuff.” you really start to think that you just
Minneapolis “China’s leadership should be The people she leases the current don’t matter,” she said.
proud. Many communist-controlled two stores from are doing what they “And you look at the science ... the
Schroeder had a lease through governors and mayors have done can, but they have bills to pay, too. graphs are identical in every state.
2024, which was for $250,000. She their part to execute the ‘Great Re- “And it’s not their fault that we The virus is going to do what it’s go-
had to negotiate a buyout, which cost set’ flawlessly.” closed, either—they’d have me open. ing to do, and it’s sad. But the states
her entire retirement fund of $50,000. The “Great Reset” refers to a World It’s the government’s fault,” she said. that have stayed open, the graph is
“The woman who owns the build- Economic Forum idea that the pan- “If you’re going to say, ‘You have to exactly the same. So unfortunately,
ing lost big, too,” she said. demic can be used to reshape global be closed,’ then look at each month the stupid virus is just going to do
The rent at her two remaining loca- relations and economies. last year and give me a check for ev- what it’s going to do. We can’t stop it.”
tions, in Eagan and Woodbury, totals ery month. That would be fair. But for She said she feels like moving away
$10,500 per month. Extraordinary Expense some reason, these other big compa- from Minnesota due to government
“I can’t make a $10,500 rent pay- Schroeder’s tumultuous year be- nies, they can just move right along.” overreach in its response to the pan-
ment every month from my hus- gan in March when Walz launched In December, right before Christ- demic.
band’s income—it’s not even pos- the first round of lockdowns, which mas, Schroeder was ordered to com- “I can’t tell you how disappointed
sible—much less pay all my staff, and was initially for two weeks to “flat- pletely shut down again. And despite I am in my state,” she said.
order stuff, and pay for the utilities ten the curve” but ended up lasting many supporters who backed her “People don’t realize the extraor-
and all of that. It’s just impossible. six weeks. reopening, the detractors stand out. dinary expense of running a small
And I think people are shocked when “That’s my second busiest time of Among other hate messages, she business, even a pottery studio.
they find out my rent—they think I’m the year because it’s spring break,” received a Christmas card with the That’s really what I want people to
paying $500, they really do.” Schroeder said. “We could do curb- note, “You greedy [expletive], your understand. It’s not just a little hobby.
Schroeder had just completed her side drop-off and pickup, but we love of the almighty dollar is NOT I have full-time people.”

Homeland Security Nominee Refuses to Commit

to Keeping Current Border Wall

CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON ing in the United States, as well

as broadening the asylum system
WASHINGTON—The nominee to and dismantling many of the pro-
head the Department of Home- cesses Trump put in place to curb
land Security under President illegal border crossings.
Joe Biden intends to swiftly halt Under Biden, Mayorkas would
all border wall construction and end the Migrant Protection Pro-
won’t commit to keeping the cur- tocol (MPP) program, which was
rent fencing in place. launched in January 2019 to help
“President-elect Biden has stem the flow of meritless asylum
committed to stop construction claims that were clogging up the
of the border wall—it would be system by the hundreds of thou-
my responsibility to act on that,” sands. The MPP program forces
Alejandro Mayorkas told the Sen- asylum seekers to wait in Mexico
ate Committee on Homeland Se- while their asylum case is adjudi-
curity and Governmental Affairs cated. Prior to its implementation,
during his confirmation hearing thousands of illegal immigrants
on Jan. 19. were released into the United
“And I have not looked at the States to await their cases, most
question of what we’d do with failing to appear in court.
respect to the wall that already On his first day in office, Biden is
has been built. And I look for- expected to present an immigra-
ward to studying that question, tion reform package that Mayor-
understand the costs and benefits kas said “once and for all fixes, I
of doing so.” think, what we all can agree is a
Congress recently appropri- broken immigration system.”
ated $1.4 billion for border wall Biden’s platform on immigra-
construction in the 2021 National U.S. workers build the new 13-mile border wall construction project in the desert between Sunlad Park, New Mexico, tion during the election includ-
Defense Authorization package, and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico, on Jan. 8, 2021. ed increasing the refugee cap to
which Mayorkas said he would 125,000 per year (from 18,000) and
examine to “see what the oppor- He said Border Patrol agents The council’s president, Bran- grants and we are also a nation vastly expanding government
tunities are to discontinue any have told him that “a diverse ap- don Judd, has said border agents of laws. ... When people present resources for all immigrants;
such obligation, if in fact, the law proach to border security” is nec- are grateful for the new fencing, themselves at our border, we rescinding bans on travel from
permits, and act accordingly.” essary, which means border wall which comes with access roads, apply the laws of our nation to terror-prone countries; halting
During the Trump administra- might help in some areas, but in lighting, and technology, and that determine whether they qualify enforcement of laws around le-
tion, more than 450 miles of bor- others, more agents or technology a wall is the only way to end the for relief under our humanitarian gal employment; and promoting
der fencing have been construct- would be more effective. humanitarian crisis on the bor- laws, or whether they don’t.” union organization.
ed along the U.S.–Mexico border, “I look forward to studying the der. More than 67,000 illegal immi- An effort to decrease detention
much of which has replaced old challenges at the border and Mayorkas’s nomination hearing grants were apprehended at the and Immigration and Customs
or ineffective barriers. developing a sophisticated ap- took place as a caravan of 9,000 U.S.–Mexico border in November Enforcement interior enforce-
Mayorkas served as head of proach to meet those challenges,” Hondurans continued to march 2020, compared to 33,500 appre- ment efforts is also expected, al-
U.S. Citizenship and Immigra- Mayorkas said. toward the United States after hended in November 2019. though Mayorkas said he opposes
tion Services during President The National Border Patrol breaking through the Guatema- Mayorkas would be largely re- defunding the agency completely.
Barack Obama’s first term and Council, which endorsed Trump lan border. sponsible for carrying out Biden’s If the Senate committee votes to
then deputy secretary of the De- for president, has said border When asked what his message immigration agenda, which calls advance Mayorkas’s nomination,
partment of Homeland Security fencing is essential to slow illegal to the caravan was, Mayorkas for a large amnesty of at least 11 it will head to a full vote on the
during his second term. crossings and keep agents safe. said, “We are a nation of immi- million illegal immigrants liv- Senate floor.


Federal Graham Calls on McConnell

Prosecutors to ‘Unequivocally’ Denounce
File First Trump Impeachment

Charges Over Senate Republican leader Mitch

McConnell (R-Ky.) should con-
US Capitol demn the fresh effort to impeach
President Donald Trump, Sen.
Breach Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said
late Jan. 19.
“What we need right now is Sen.
JANITA KAN McConnell to unequivocally say
Oath Keepers carrying rifles walk along as demonstrators protest the shoot- the second impeachment of Don-
Federal prosecutors have filed ing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 10, 2015. ald Trump after he leaves office
one of their first conspiracy cases is not only unconstitutional, it Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) holds
against three people allegedly about 30–40 of us. We are sticking initial misdemeanor charges such is bad for the country,” Graham, a press conference on Capitol Hill in
affiliated with the paramilitary together and sticking to the plan,” as trespass, Michael Sherwin, the the chairman of the Senate Judi- Washington on Oct. 24, 2019.
organization known as the Oath Watkins allegedly says, in an audio acting U.S. attorney for Washing- ciary Committee, said during a
Keepers over the Jan. 6 breach of recording obtained by the FBI. ton, said earlier this month. virtual appearance on Fox News’
the U.S. Capitol. At another point of the recording, He added that after the ar- “Hannity.”
In a criminal complaint filed Watkins is claimed to have said: rest, prosecutors have the ability “Stand up and fight back,” he It will further
on Jan. 19, prosecutors allege that “We are in the mezzanine. We are to then indict these individuals on added. divide the country.
Thomas Edward Caldwell, 65, of in the main dome right now. We more serious offenses. McConnell’s office didn’t imme-
Clarke County, Virginia, had a are rocking it. They are throwing “After these criminal charges are diately respond to a request by The Sen. Lindsey Graham
leadership role in Oath Keepers grenades, they are fricking shoot- filed via criminal complaints, that Epoch Times for comment.
and conspired with others to “forci- ing people with paint balls. But we allows us that allows law enforce- The House of Representatives said. “A third of the Republicans
bly storm” the Capitol building. The are in here.” ment across the United States to impeached Trump last week over will leave the party.”
complaint also names Donovan The three individuals were identi- arrest people from Dallas to Ar- alleged incitement of insurrec- A conviction requires a su-
Crowl, 50, from Ohio, and Jessica fied by authorities using a combina- kansas, to Nashville, to Cleveland tion. Democrats and some Re- permajority; the Senate will soon
Watkins, 38, from Ohio, as alleged tion of videos, photographs, media to Jacksonville. That’s what’s hap- publicans claim Trump incited be 50 Republicans and 50 Demo-
co-conspirators in that plan. Crowl reports, and social media posts. pened over the past several days,” the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capi- crats. The Senate voted last year to
and Watkins allegedly were part of Watkins and Crowl had given in- Sherwin said. “After those charges tol during his speech that day on acquit Trump in his first impeach-
the group. terviews with media following the are filed, then we have the ability The Ellipse. Trump has called his ment trial.
The three individuals and oth- breach in which they confirmed to then indict these individuals remarks “totally appropriate,” and McConnell has said the Senate
ers had communicated with one their affiliation with Oath Keepers. on more significant charges. And a timeline shows that the vio- will hold an impeachment trial
another in advance of the breach The group members were each that’s exactly what has happened.” lence at the Capitol started before and that he may vote to convict
and planned their attack, FBI charged with conspiracy, conspira- The top prosecutor for the dis- Trump finished speaking. Trump.
Special Agent Michael Palian al- cy to impede or injure officer with- trict also said he directed federal Graham, a leading voice among “While the press has been full
leged in his affidavit. Palian said out lawful authority, destruction of prosecutors to build “seditious Republicans condemning the of speculation, I have not made a
he had reviewed footage of the Jan. government property, obstruction and conspiracy charges” against new impeachment, said on Jan. final decision on how I will vote,
6 event and observed eight to 10 of an official proceeding, restricted some rioters and protesters, related 19 that America “needs to heal.” and I intend to listen to the legal
individuals wearing paramilitary building or grounds violent entry, “to the most heinous acts that oc- “A second impeachment of Don- arguments when they are pre-
equipment attempting to enter the and disorderly conduct on Capitol curred in the Capitol.” ald Trump after he leaves office sented to the Senate,” McConnell
Capitol building. grounds. “These are significant charges won’t heal the country, it will fur- wrote last week in a letter to col-
These individuals were wear- If convicted, each individual fac- that have felonies with a prison ther divide the country,” he said. leagues, part of which was made
ing helmets, reinforced vests, and es a maximum penalty of six years term of up to 20 years,” Sherwin “As to the Republican Party, if public by the senator’s office.
clothing with Oath Keeper para- in prison and fines. added. we throw in the towel, or are per- McConnell didn’t agree to pres-
phernalia, Palian said, and were The criminal complaint filed on The FBI and DOJ have opened ceived to having thrown in the sure from Democrats to start the
operating in an “organized and Jan. 19 amends the charges sepa- at least 200 cases in connection towel, and not fighting against trial on Jan. 13, saying a “fair or
practiced fashion” as they forced rately filed against Caldwell, Crowl, to the U.S. Capitol breach, when this impeachment, the Repub- serious trial” couldn’t conclude
their way to the front of the crowd and Watkins. Crowl and Watkins groups of rioters and some protest- lican Party, as [Sen.] Rand Paul before Trump leaves office on
gathered around a door to the U.S. were arrested in Ohio on Jan. 18, ers stormed the Capitol building said, will ‘crack up.’” Jan. 20.
Capitol. while Caldwell was arrested in Vir- when lawmakers were counting Paul (R-Ky.) last week said Re- The trial can’t start regardless
During the breach, Watkins kept ginia on Jan. 19, according to the electoral votes. Mayhem on the publican senators backing a con- until the House transmits the
communication with other mem- Justice Department (DOJ) website. Capitol grounds left five people viction of Trump would destroy article of impeachment. It still
bers of the group in which she gave So far, a large proportion of cases dead—including three for medi- the Republican Party. hasn’t done so, Senate President
updates about the breach. charged in connection to the Jan. cal reasons—and dozens of police “If Republicans go along with Pro Tempore Chuck Grassley (R-
“We have a good group. We have 6 Capitol breach were opened on officers injured. it, it will destroy the party,” Paul Iowa) said Jan. 19.

Yellen Urges
Congress to ‘Act Big’
on Relief Despite
Debt Burden
EMEL AKAN trillion. And Biden has committed
to policies that could add trillions
WASHINGTON—During her Sen- more in the year ahead.
ate confirmation hearing on Jan. “What we’re seeing is that even
19, Treasury Secretary nominee though the amount of debt relative
Janet Yellen championed President to the economy is going up, the in-
Joe Biden’s economic policies and terest burden hasn’t,” Yellen said,
urged lawmakers to provide fur- in response to concerns about the
ther fiscal support to avert “a lon- debt burden.
ger, more painful recession.” She noted, however, that in the
“Over the next few months, we longer run, the country should
are going to need more aid,” Yellen “put the federal budget on a path
said in her opening remarks. that is sustainable.”
“Neither the President-elect, Yellen said it’s not the right time Secretary of the Treasury nominee Janet Yellen speaks at The Queen in Wilmington, Del., on Dec. 1, 2020.
nor I, propose this relief package to raise taxes when the pandemic
without an appreciation for the is still depressing the economy. She on corporate taxation” to assure cal advantage, including forced believe that she is the best person
country’s debt burden. But right agreed, however, with Biden’s pro- U.S. competitiveness. technology transfers. And these for the job.
now, with interest rates at historic posal to repeal parts of the 2017 Yellen also defended raising the practices, including China’s low la- “The good news is Chair Yel-
lows, the smartest thing we can tax cuts. She said she believes in federal minimum wage to help bor and environmental standards, len knows that going small on
do is act big.” a “fair and progressive tax code American workers. She claimed are practices that we’re prepared economic relief would be a big
Yellen served as chair of the where wealthy individuals and that job losses would be very to use the full array of tools to ad- mistake. Chair Yellen is exactly
Federal Reserve from 2014 to corporations pay their fair share.” minimal from boosting the mini- dress,” she said, adding that the the right person to lead the Trea-
2018; if confirmed, she will be the President Donald Trump’s tax mum wage. United States should also work sury Department,”  Senate Fi-
first woman to serve as Treasury reform reduced the corporate tax During the hearing, the former with like-minded nations to ad- nance Committee member Ron
secretary. rate to 21 percent from 35 percent, Fed chair also commented on dress these challenges. Wyden (D-Ore.) said during the
“Economists don’t always agree, to boost the competitiveness of China, describing it as “the most Yellen will be a key official in ad- hearing.
but I think there is a consensus U.S. corporations and to prevent important strategic competitor” vising Biden whether to roll back Yellen came under criticism re-
now: Without further action, we them from shifting profits to low- to the United States. Trump’s recent order that bans cently after her financial disclosure
risk a longer, more painful reces- tax jurisdictions. China is guilty of “horrendous investments in Chinese military forms revealed that she made mil-
sion now—and long-term scarring Yellen defended increasing tax human rights abuses,” she said. companies. lions of dollars giving speeches to
of the economy later,” Yellen said rates for corporates, but she also “We need to take on China’s abu- In his final weeks in office, Wall Street banks, raising concerns
during the hearing. raised alarms about competition sive, unfair, and illegal practices. Trump took swift action to curb that these fees create conflicts of
Biden has presented a $1.9 trillion among countries to reduce corpo- China’s undercutting American Beijing’s access to lucrative interest. She has received more
stimulus proposal that provided a rate tax rates. companies by dumping products, U.S. capital markets amid pres- than $7.2 million in speaking fees
general outline of the next admin- She said she would work with erecting trade barriers, and giving sure from the Treasury Depart- from investment banks and large
istration’s economic priorities. Re- the Organization for Economic illegal subsidies to corporations. ment and Wall Street. corporations in the past two years.
publican senators have raised con- Co-operation and Development It’s been stealing intellectual prop- Yellen  is expected  to receive “I don’t believe I have any con-
cerns about the nation’s mounting “to try to stop what has been a de- erty and engaging in practices confirmation easily in the Senate. flict of interest,” Yellen said at the
debt, which is now more than $21.6 structive global race to the bottom that give it an unfair technologi- Democrats and some Republicans hearing.


GOP Reps. Surgeon General Jerome Adams Confirms

Budd, Garcia: Biden Team Asked Him to Resign
Stop Throwing TOM OZIMEK He said he next turned his at-
tention to fighting the opioid
Away Unused Surgeon General Jerome Adams
has confirmed that the incom-
epidemic, including by issuing a
surgeon general’s advisory that
CCP Virus ing Biden team requested he
step down ahead of President Joe
encouraged more people to carry
the opioid overdose-reversing drug
Vaccines Biden’s inauguration.
Adams made the announcement
“Working across government
in a tweet on Jan. 20, several hours and with amazing advocacy orga-
MARK TAPSCOTT before Biden took the oath of office. nizations on the ground—many
“I’ve been asked by the Biden led by parents who had lost their
House Republicans Ted Budd of team to step down as Surgeon Gen- own children to opioid overdose—
North Carolina and Mike Garcia eral,” Adams wrote. “It’s been the we were able to increase Naloxone
of California want federal health A health worker carries syringes for administering CCP virus vaccines in New honor of my life to serve this Na- availability nationwide by over
officials to issue new guidance to York on Jan. 15, 2021. tion, and I will do all I can to ensure 400 [percent], and save countless
stop thousands of unused CCP everyone has an equal opportunity lives,” he wrote.
virus vaccines from being tossed disposal of the vaccines and cried such disposal practices, to achieve and maintain health.” After the COVID-19 pandemic
into the garbage in New York, to ensure that as many Ameri- saying, “There is no reason that Biden’s pick for Adams’s replace- reached America’s shores, Adams
Washington state, and elsewhere. cans are vaccinated as quickly states need to complete, say, vac- ment is former Surgeon General said he “sought to communicate
“In New York, unused vac- as possible, without having to cinating all health care providers Vivek Murthy, who has advised the rapidly evolving science on this
cines sat in freezers and some overcome unnecessary and in- before opening up vaccinations Biden on the COVID-19 pandemic. deadly adversary, and arm people
were even thrown away because efficient bureaucratic obstacles. to older Americans or other es- Adams, who holds the rank of with the knowledge and tools they
vaccine providers feared Gover- “Reopening America should pecially vulnerable populations’ vice admiral in the Commissioned needed to stay safe.”
nor Cuomo’s mandate on which be the top priority of our gov- and that states should not ‘leave Corps of the U.S. Public Health Ser- “I wasn’t always right—because
priority groups should be vac- ernment. In order to do that, we vaccines sitting in freezers.’” vice, was confirmed by the Senate no one was, and this virus con-
cinated first,” Budd and Garcia must encourage state and local Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the in 2017 to serve as surgeon general tinues to humble all of us—but I
told Centers for Disease Control officials to cut red tape and en- Brown University School of Pub- under the Trump administration. was always sincere in my efforts to
and Prevention (CDC) Director sure that unused vaccine doses lic Health, told NBC News recent- His four-year term was set to expire speak to every day Americans, and
Dr. Robert Redfield in a letter on are not going to waste. We urge ly that “this kind of thing is pretty in September. address the terrible health inequi-
Jan. 19. you to do everything in your rampant. I have personally heard In a post on Facebook, Adams re- ties this virus exposed,” he wrote.
The CCP virus, commonly power to ensure that more Amer- stories like this from dozens of flected on his time in office, noting Looking forward, Adams struck a
known as the novel coronavi- icans are able to be vaccinated as physician friends in a variety of that his “tenure started with three unifying tone, saying he hopes “we
rus, entered the United States quickly as possible.” Budd and different states. Hundreds, if not category 5 hurricanes barreling can focus more on what unites us,
from China early in 2020, and Garcia said. thousands, of doses are getting down on our citizens.” and rise above what divides us.”
has since resulted in the deaths A CDC spokesman didn’t im- tossed across the country every “I immediately deployed to wit- “Because Americans working to-
of more than 400,000 Ameri- mediately respond to a request by day. It’s unbelievable.” ness the devastation first hand, gether can overcome any obstacle
cans, the vast majority of whom The Epoch Times for comment. The vaccines are being pro- and to lead our Public Health Ser- or adversary. I stand at the ready
were elderly and suffered one The problem that prompted duced by Pfizer and Moderna, vice Officers as we helped with the to help in our mutual quest for re-
or more co-morbidities such as the letter to Redfield originated with a third vaccine being de- response,” he wrote. “I saw the best covery, resilience, and health, and
cancer or flu. in the requirement that the vac- veloped by Johnson & Johnson of our Nation coming together in thank you from the bottom of my
“And in the state of Washing- cine doses produced by Pfizer that’s based on a different ap- the worse of times, to help those heart, for the opportunity to serve,”
ton, an employee at a multicare must be kept in extremely-low- proach to preventing the CCP who’d lost everything.” he wrote.
facility explained how some un- temperature refrigeration units. virus expected to be approved JIM WATSON/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
used vaccines were thrown away State officials in New York and by the Food and Drug Adminis-
at the end of shifts because the Washington state have issued in- tration in the near future.
strict state guidelines made it dif- flexible priority groupings of in- President Joe Biden has set
ficult to vaccinate others outside dividuals and the order in which a goal of 1 million Americans
the designated priority group,” they are to receive the vaccines. being vaccinated daily, and he
the congressmen told Redfield. When not enough members hopes to see 100 new vaccination
“These examples are just two of each group arrive at their ap- centers being opened around the
of many taking place across pointed times and places to re- country as soon as possible.
our country,” Budd and Garcia ceive vaccinations, the unused But to reach what medical
continued. “With hundreds of doses can’t be administered to experts consider to be herd im-
millions of Americans yet to other individuals and  report- munity, the United States must
be vaccinated, it’s unthinkable edly are thrown out at the end vaccinate at least 1.8 million in-
that unused doses are going to of the day. dividuals daily between now and
waste.” Budd and Garcia pointed out the end of July.
The two congressmen encour- to Redfield in their letter that
aged Redfield to issue prompt former Health and Human Re- Contact Mark Tapscott at
new guidance on the proper sources Secretary Alex Azar de- Surgeon General Jerome Adams at the White House on March 5, 2020.

McConnell Seeks

to Preserve
Filibuster in
Senate Power-
Sharing Talks
ZACHARY STIEBER spokesman for McConnell,
told news outlets in a state-
U.S. Senate leaders failed on ment.
Jan. 19 to reach an agree- “Discussions on all as-
ment on sharing power in pects of the power-sharing
the upper congressional agreement will continue
chamber and will continue over the next several days.”
negotiating as the body of- Schumer’s spokesman
ficially becomes split 50–50. said the Democrat and
A key issue in negotiations McConnell had a “substan-
is the filibuster. Senate Re- tive conversation,” making Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) (L) and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) during a joint session
publican leader Mitch Mc- progress on confirming of Congress in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
Connell (R-Ky.) is trying to Cabinet nominees from
ensure the preservation of newly inaugurated Presi- for each party and gave on Jan. 18, McConnell said back the Senate.
the rule, which requires 60 dent Joe Biden and details committee chair positions he felt the need “to address A simple majority vote
votes to end debate on is- on how an impeachment Discussions on to the party that controls the threats to the legislative would end the filibuster.
sues, through the next two trial for President Donald all aspects of the the White House. It also al- filibuster.” The Democrat-controlled
years. He pressed his case
while meeting with Senate
Trump, who exited office
on Jan. 20, will proceed
power-sharing lowed party leaders to dis-
charge a measure or nomi-
“As you know, we all re-
sisted the direct calls of
Senate in 2013 voted to end
the filibuster on most judi-
Democratic leader Chuck once the House of Repre- agreement will nation from a committee in President Trump to destroy cial nominations. No Re-
Schumer (D-N.Y.). sentatives sends over its continue. the event of tied vote. the Senate by eliminating publicans voted in favor of
“During today’s meet- impeachment resolution. Negotiations on power- the legislative filibuster ending it; Sen. Joe Manchin
ing, Leader McConnell ex- The spokesman told out- Doug Andres, spokesman for sharing in the Senate are when we controlled the (D-W.Va.) was one of three
pressed his long-held view lets that Schumer wants to Sen. Mitch McConnell taking place as three Dem- House, the Senate, and the Democrats to side with Re-
that the crucial, longstand- adopt a power-sharing res- ocrats, Georgia Sens.-elect White House,” he said. publicans.
ing, and bipartisan Senate olution from 2001 “without Jon Ossoff and Raphael Trump pushed Republi- In 2017, the Republican-
rules concerning the leg- extraneous changes from Warnock, and Kamala Har- can senators to vote to end controlled Senate extend-
islative filibuster remain either side.” ris replacement Alex Padil- the filibuster because he ed the action to Supreme
intact, specifically during That resolution set the la, are slated to be sworn in said Schumer and fellow Court nominations to push
the power share for the next membership of each com- this week. Democrats would eventu- through the nomination of
two years,” Doug Andres, a mittee at an equal number In a letter to colleagues ally end it when they took Justice Neil Gorsuch.


Trump Grants Pardons California Rep. Ruiz Tests

to 73 People, Commutes Positive for COVID-19
Sentences of 70 More ISABEL VAN BRUGEN nia electoral results. Both
objections failed to get a
Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.) simple majority in either
MIMI NGUYEN LY been an important leader in said on Jan. 19 that he tested chamber.
the conservative movement positive for the CCP virus, a According to ABC News,
President Donald Trump and is known for his politi- day before the presidential Reps. Bonnie Watson Cole-
granted pardons to 73 indi- cal acumen.” inauguration. man (D-N.J.), Adriano Es-
viduals and commuted the Bannon in August 2020 de- Ruiz said in a statement paillat (D-N.Y.), Chuck
sentences of an additional scribed his arrest as a “po- on Twitter that he had tak- Fleischmann (R-Tenn.),
70 in the final hours of his litical hit job” to “stop and en multiple tests for the Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.),
presidency. intimidate people” from sup- Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist and former CCP virus in recent days Brad Schneider (D-Ill.), and
After landing in Florida porting a private U.S.–Mex- executive chairman of Breitbart News, at his home in Washing- ahead of the swearing-in Lou Correa (D-Calif.) have
after departing Washing- ico border wall. Trump said ton on Aug. 23, 2019. of President Joe Biden and also tested positive for CO-
ton hours ahead of Presi- at the time of Bannon’s arrest Vice President Kamala VID-19 since the breach.
dent-elect Joe Biden’s in- that he felt “very badly.” members of the Detroit probation to three years’ Harris. “I was forced to spend
auguration, White House “I feel very badly. I haven’t community, including Alice imprisonment, reflecting “After receiving an initial several hours in a secure
deputy press secretary been dealing with him for Johnson, Diamond and Silk, the conduct as an aberra- negative result over the but confined location with
Judd Deere announced a very long period of time,” and pastor Paula White, sup- tion from these individu- weekend, this morning I dozens of other members of
that Trump granted a full Trump told reporters. “I port his commutation. als’ otherwise law-abiding tested positive for COVID- Congress,” Schneider said
pardon to Al Pirro, former don’t like that project. I Broidy, a former top fund- lives. Messrs. Farha, Bere- 19,” he wrote. in a statement issued last
husband of Fox News host thought it was being done raiser for Trump during the day, Kale, Behrens, and Clay The Democratic congress- week. “Several Republican
Jeanine Pirro. for showboating reasons.” 2016 campaign, pleaded are described as devoted to man said he has mild symp- lawmakers in the room ad-
Pirro, who once represent- Rapper Lil Wayne, also guilty in October 2020 to their family and their com- toms, is feeling well “over- amantly refused to wear a
ed Trump as a real estate known as Dwayne Michael violating lobbying laws by munities, and have weath- all,” and will self-isolate for mask ... even when politely
lawyer, served 11 months in Carter Jr., was granted a full attempting to influence the ered their convictions with- the recommended time. asked by their colleagues.”
prison after being convicted pardon. Carter was pros- administration on behalf out complaint.” “Thank you everyone for Correa, 62, didn’t shelter
decades ago of conspiracy ecuted on federal weapons of Chinese and Malaysian The pardon power ap- the well wishes,” he said. in place with colleagues
and tax evasion after pros- charges and “pled guilty to interests. plies to federal crimes and Ruiz is the latest member on Jan. 6; his office said
ecutors said he improperly possession of a firearm and Trump also granted full is one of the broadest pow- of Congress to test positive he stayed outside to help
deducted more than $1 mil- ammunition by a convicted pardons to  Todd Farha, ers available to a president. for the disease in recent the U.S. Capitol Police. His
lion in personal expenses felon, owing to a conviction Thaddeus Bereday, William The decision to pardon isn’t days, following the Jan. test was routine, and came
as business write-offs to over 10 years ago,” accord- Kale, Paul Behrens, and reviewable by other branch- 6 breach of the U.S. Capi- nearly a month after Cor-
reduce his tax bill. He and ing to the White House an- Peter Clay, figures who are es of government, and the tol building during a joint rea had received Pfizer’s
Jeanine Pirro, who hosts nouncement. The announce- “widely cited as a case study president doesn’t have to session of lawmakers to COVID-19 vaccine.
the Fox News show “Jus- ment notes that Carter has in overcriminalization,” and provide a reason for issuing count and certify Electoral Several U.S. Capitol police
tice with Judge Jeanine,” since “exhibited this gener- who have attracted broad a pardon. College votes for the 2020 officers have also contract-
divorced in 2013. osity through commitment support for their pardons, Individuals not on the presidential election. ed the CCP virus since the
The full list of presidential to a variety of charities, according to the White list of pardons and com- The incident disrupted Jan. 6 incident, according to
pardons and commuta- including donations to re- House announcement. mutations—but who were debates in both the House Bloomberg.
tions includes former White search hospitals and a host “In 2008, Messrs. Farha, frequently discussed on so- and Senate as lawmakers It isn’t clear, however,
House chief strategist and of foodbanks.” His pardon is Bereday, Kale, Behrens, cial media prior to the White were forced to shelter in whether the Congress
ex-Breitbart chairman Steve supported by football coach and Clay were criminally House announcement—in- place or evacuate, and po- members or Capitol Police
Bannon, as well as rappers Deion Sanders and business- prosecuted for a state regu- clude WikiLeaks founder lice and security attempted officers contracted COV-
Lil Wayne and Kodak Black, man Brett Berish. latory matter involving the Julian Assange,  former to regain control. ID-19 on Jan. 6. Individu-
ex-Detroit Mayor  Kwame Rapper Kodak Black, also reporting of expenditures CIA employee and whistle- Ruiz on Jan. 6 voted als can pick up the virus up
Kilpatrick, and former known as  Bill Kapri,  was to a state health agency,” blower Edward Snowden, against the objection to to 14 days before symptoms
Trump fundraiser Elliott sentenced to 46 months in the announcement of their and Joe Exotic, a former zoo Arizona and Pennsylva- appear.
Broidy. prison for making a false pardon reads. operator who was convicted HANDOUT/BIDEN INAUGURAL COMMITTEE VIA GETTY IMAGES
Trump granted Ban- statement on a federal docu- “The expenditures re- on charges of animal abuse
non a full pardon. Bannon ment and has served nearly ported were based on ac- and an attempted murder-
had pleaded not guilty to half of his sentence. The tual monies spent, and the for-hire plot.
fraud charges relating to White House announce- reporting methodology was Trump in his last week in
fundraising for a private ment noted that Kapri’s reviewed and endorsed by office didn’t hold any pub-
border wall project. He was commutation is supported those with expertise in the lic events. The president
released on bail in August by many religious and com- state regulatory scheme. instead issued a number of
2020 and was scheduled to munity leaders, and that he Notably, there was no evi- memorandums and execu-
stand trial in May 2021 prior was involved in “numerous dence that any of the in- tive orders, including order-
to the pardon. philanthropic efforts” prior dividuals were motivated ing the declassification of
The release from the White to his conviction. by greed. And in fact, the previously confidential doc-
House said of Bannon: Former mayor of Detroit, sentencing judge called the uments related to Crossfire
“Prosecutors pursued Mr. Kilpatrick has served about likelihood that there was Hurricane, the FBI’s investi-
Bannon with charges relat- seven years of a 28-year pris- any personal financial mo- gation of his 2016 campaign.
ed to fraud stemming from on term for his role in a rack- tivation ‘infinitesimal.’ Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.) speaks during the event “Latino Inau-
his involvement in a politi- eteering and bribery scheme “The judge imposed a Reuters contributed gural 2021: Inheritance, Resilience, and Promise,” hosted by
cal project. Mr. Bannon has while in office. Prominent range of sentences from to this report. the Biden Inaugural Committee, on Jan. 19, 2021.

More Regions of
China Go Under
Lockdown as
Outbreaks Worsen
CONTINUED FROM A1 and guests in Chaoyang district
who came into contact with him
schools start winter break one week had tested positive.
before the Lunar New Year, which Then, in late December, a clus-
falls on Feb. 12 this year. ter outbreak occurred in Shunyi
The city is also requiring a lon- district.
ger quarantine period for travel- The latest official announcement
ers from abroad. At a Jan. 19 press stated that nearly a dozen people
conference, officials said people contracted the disease through
from overseas have tested positive neighborhoods, colleagues, and
in Beijing and other cities for COV- relatives—including a 63-year-old
ID-19 after their 14-day quarantine. female and her 46-year-old male
Thus, the government decided family member who live in Dax-
to extend the quarantine period. ing district.
People from overseas must isolate The Beijing Center for Disease People line up outside a hospital to get tested for the CCP virus, in Beijing on Jan. 14, 2021.
for 14 days at quarantine centers, Control and Prevention said at a
then seven days at home or a quar- Jan. 20 press conference that the counties, and cities said on Jan. The report also criticized two information from authorities about
antine center, and finally another two people with no recent travel 19 they would ban residents from other hospitals in Hebei, two in the outbreak.
seven days at home. history had contracted the UK vari- leaving their homes, a day after Shenyang city of Liaoning, and “We only know the official an-
Meanwhile, people within China ant. But officials didn’t explain how the provincial capital of Harbin eight in Chaoyang city in Liaon- nouncement. What’s the real scale
who live in areas designated as me- they could have contracted the new halted all public transportation ing, for not following protocols to of the outbreak? We don’t know,”
dium or high risk for contracting virus strain. in Hulan district. contain the virus. Tan said.
the virus aren’t allowed to enter the Also on Jan. 20, authorities desig- A report by state-run media Tonghua and Gongzhuling in Also, in two villages of Heilongji-
capital, except with special approv- nated the Tiangongyuan commu- Health Times also hinted at severe Jilin Province announced on Jan. ang, officials transported all resi-
al from the Beijing government. If nity where they live as a high-risk outbreaks within hospitals in Hebei 19 that both cities would be fully dents to quarantine centers.
they are approved, they and the region for contracting the virus, and Liaoning provinces. locked down, meaning no incom- An insider in the area, who identi-
Beijing residents they will interact with no one allowed to leave the It noted that a woman hired to ing or outgoing transportation fied himself only by his surname
with must complete the four-week area. Meanwhile, all residents of take care of a patient at the Shiji- would be allowed. Sun out of fear that authorities
quarantine. Daxing district would be required azhuang Gaocheng People’s Hos- Tonghua resident Ms. Tan told the would punish him for speaking to
The capital has seen new cluster to take nucleic acid tests. pital began exhibiting COVID-like Chinese-language Epoch Times foreign media, said the local out-
infections since at least Dec. 14 of symptoms on Jan. 1. She took a test that the residential compound she break was very severe—and there
last year—when a 27-year-old man Outbreaks in Other Regions on Jan. 3, which came back positive lives in was among the first areas were more cases than what author-
working in Hong Kong returned Wangkui county of Suihua city, the following day. The media report affected when authorities sealed ities publicly announced.
to Beijing and tested positive for Heilongjiang Province, was des- criticized the hospital for the delay off parts of the city several days ago. According to Sun, nearly all fami-
COVID-19 after the mandatory ignated on Jan. 20 as a high-risk in administering the test, which Residents weren’t allowed to visit lies in those two villages had at least
14-day quarantine. Authorities region. may have allowed the woman to neighbors in other buildings. one household member who had
later said restaurant waitresses Five neighboring districts, spread the virus further. Tan was frustrated at the lack of tested positive for COVID-19.


Alibaba’s Chinese Regime Sanctions Trump-Era

Ma Makes Officials Over Tough China Policies
First Public CONTINUED FROM A1 wan. Craft had been scheduled to

visit the island last week but ended
Ambassador to the United Na- up speaking to Taiwan President

in 3 Months
tions Kelly Craft; David Stilwell, Tsai Ing-wen via teleconference
former assistant state secretary instead, when it was canceled due
for the Bureau of East Asian and to transition efforts. The high-level
Pacific Affairs; and Keith Krach, visits, as well as the Trump admin-
SHANGHAI—Alibaba Group former undersecretary of state for istration’s increased engagement
founder Jack Ma made his first economic growth, energy, and and arms sales to the democratic
public appearance since Octo- the environment. island, angered Beijing, which
ber 2020 on Jan. 20, speaking to John Bolton, Trump’s previous views Taiwan as part of its territory.
a group of teachers by video, and national security adviser, and In one of his final acts as sec-
easing concern about his unusual Jack Ma, then-chairman of Alibaba Group, arrives at the Tech for Good sum-
Stephen Bannon, who previ- retary of state, Pompeo declared
absence from the limelight and mit in Paris on May 15, 2019. ously served as Trump’s White that the regime has committed
sending shares in the e-commerce ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
House chief strategist, also were “genocide and crimes against
giant surging. sanctioned. humanity” against Uyghurs
Speculation over Ma’s where- Those sanctioned and their and other Muslim minorities in
abouts has swirled in the wake of immediate family members are the far-western Xinjiang region.
news this month that he was re- barred from entering mainland Biden’s pick for secretary of state,
placed as a judge in the final epi- China, Hong Kong, and Macau, Antony Blinken, told a Senate
sode of a reality TV show, and amid according to the spokesperson. hearing on Jan. 19 that he agreed
a regulatory clampdown by Beijing The individuals and “companies with the designation.
on his sprawling business empire. and institutions associated” with He also acknowledged the grave
The billionaire, who commands them will also be restricted from threat posed by the regime and
a cult-like reverence in China, doing business with China, the pledged to work with allies to push
hadn’t appeared in public since statement added. back against Beijing.
Oct. 24, 2020, when he blasted The former U.S. officials sanc- The CCP’s persecution campaign
China’s regulatory system in a tioned were involved in the Trump in the region, perpetrated through
speech at a Shanghai forum. That administration’s response to its network of internment camps
set him on a collision course with threats posed by the CCP. These and mass surveillance system, has
officials and led to the suspen- include sanctions on CCP officials drawn international condemna-
sion of a blockbuster $37 billion for rights abuses in Xinjiang and tion. Under the pretext of combat-
IPO for Alibaba’s financial affiliate Stock activity of the Alibaba Group Holding (top C) is displayed at the Exchange Hong Kong, banning U.S. invest- ing “extremism,” the regime has
Ant Group. Square towers in Hong Kong on Nov. 4, 2020, after Chinese authorities’ last- ments into Chinese companies detained more than 1 million of
Until then, Ma had often ap- minute decision to suspend the IPO of fintech giant Ant Group the night before. with ties to the military, and con- the region’s inhabitants, and sub-
peared in public, speaking at vincing allies to block Chinese jected them to forced sterilization,
conferences and other events, al- Alibaba’s Hong Kong-listed authorities, but remains some 11 telecom giant Huawei from 5G forced labor, and torture.
though less frequently than in 2019 shares jumped to finish 8.5 percent percent below levels prior to the networks around the world over Beijing, which denies the
due to the coronavirus pandemic. higher on the news, which was first cancellation of the Ant IPO. national security threats. atrocities, lashed out at Pompeo
Alibaba and his charitable foun- reported by Tianmu News, a media The topic “Jack Ma makes his Azar and Krach last year visited during a foreign ministry press
dation both confirmed that Ma, a outlet backed by the government first public appearance” and his Taiwan, becoming the highest- briefing on Jan. 20, calling him
former English teacher, participat- of Zhejiang, the province where video address to the teachers soon level U.S. officials to visit since the a “doomsday clown,” while de-
ed in an online ceremony for rural Alibaba’s headquarters are based. began trending on China’s Twit- United States switched formal re- scribing the designation as a
teachers organized by the founda- The company’s American Deposi- ter-like Weibo, triggering heavy lations to China in 1979 from Tai- “piece of wastepaper.”
tion on Jan. 20. They declined to tary Receipts (ADRs) rose nearly 5 discussion. ANDREW HARNIK/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
provide further comment. percent. Although Ma has stepped down
In the 50-second video, Ma, The video also contained foot- from corporate positions and earn-
wearing a navy pullover, spoke age, dated Jan. 10, of Ma visiting ings calls, he retains significant in-
from a room with grey walls, a large with colleagues a school in Tonglu fluence over Alibaba and Ant, and
painting, and floral arrangements. county, part of Hangzhou city, the promotes them globally at busi-
It wasn’t clear where the room was. capital of Zhejiang. ness and political events. He also
“It was good to see that Jack Ma “Jack Ma’s reappearance has giv- continues to mentor management
has resurfaced—my assumption en investors peace of mind after talent in the “Alibaba Partnership,”
was that he decided (with some a lot of rumors, allowing them to a 35-member group of company
encouragement) to take a tem- pile into the stock which had been a managers.
porarily lower profile after mak- laggard in the market,” said Steven The company plans to raise at
ing comments that annoyed the Leung, sales director at brokerage least $5 billion through the sale of
government,” said Dan Kern, chief UOB Kay Hian in Hong Kong. a U.S. dollar-denominated bond
investment officer of Alibaba inves- The stock has erased losses suf- this month.
tor TFC Financial Management in fered after Alibaba became the
Boston, whose funds hold positions target of an antitrust investigation By Brenda Goh U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the National Press Club in
in the stock. launched last month by Chinese From Reuters Washington on Jan. 12, 2021.

‘Precious’ Free Speech in UK Universities Under Threat

From Cancel Culture: Former Secretary of State
MARY CLARK to seek, receive and impart infor-
mation and ideas through any me-
The UK’s former secretary of state dia and regardless of frontiers.”
told British lawmakers on Jan. 19 However, he said the rights en-
that free speech is under severe shrined in Article 19 are “under
threat in the country’s universities threat in the very institutions
from the “cancel culture” move- where it should be most trea-
ment. sured—our universities.”
“Today, there’s a corrosive trend In support of the need for his bill,
in our universities that aims to pre- Davis cited research published in
vent anybody hearing ideas that December 2020 by an open dis-
groups disagree with or would be cussion advocacy organization,
offended by,” said Conservative MP Civitas.
David Davis, while introducing his The research shows that in the
Freedom of Speech (Universities) period from January 2017 to August
private members bill to the House 2020, all 137 universities it looked
of Commons. at had allowed free speech to be
“Today, the cancel culture move- censored.
ment think that it’s reasonable to The censorship had occurred, ac-
obliterate the views of people they cording to Civitas, in controversies
disagree with,” he said. around free speech that took place
He said the primary reason the on or near campuses, within uni-
United Kingdom can be called a versities’ restrictive policies, codes
great nation is summed up in a of conduct, and society groups, and
single word—the word “freedom,” under influence from external
which he subdivided into several pressure groups. The Radcliffe Camera building at Oxford University in England, in this file photo.
specific freedoms. The research found that 48 (35 TOLGA AKMEM/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
These include, he said, “freedom percent) of the universities stud- protect the most fundamental of our
of action, freedom of assembly, ied fell into the “most restrictive” freedoms, the right to free speech.”
freedom of thought, freedom of category of censorship. The issue of censorship in Brit-
belief, freedom of speech, freedom This group included the top three ain’s universities came under the
under the law.” in Britain’s elite Russell Group uni- spotlight in 2020 when, amid Black
But he said that among those, versities, namely Oxford, Cam- Lives Matter protests across the
the freedom of speech, which was bridge, and St. Andrews. country, the University of Edin-
preserved by Parliament’s Bill of The Russell Group didn’t respond burgh bowed to pressure.
Rights in the late 1600s, is by far to a request for comment. Due to perceived connotations of
the most important. Civitas found that a further 70 racism in remarks made 260 years
Of “all these freedoms, the most (51 percent) of the universities it previously by its namesake David
precious is freedom of speech,” he studied had curbed free speech Hume, one of Scotland’s most laud-
said. in “moderately restrictive” ways ed philosophers, it renamed one of
“It’s been fundamental to the de- and the remaining 19 (14 percent) its campus buildings.
velopment of our culture, our soci- had “permitted some restrictions Earlier that year, Secretary of
ety, our literature, our science, and to free speech in its actions and State for Education Gavin William-
our economy.” regular policies.” son said that “if Britain as a nation
Davis also said the right to the “free Davis characterized the curbs Conservative MP and former Secretary of State David Davis in London on is to prosper, it needs a vibrant,
exchange of ideas” had fostered the in universities as “disastrous” and Feb. 6, 2019. academically curious, and intel-
nation’s wealth even more than the said, if not tackled, the impact on lectually diverse university sector.”
exchange of goods, and democracies academic freedom will be “cata- tections not being widely known popular wasn’t censored. Writing in The London Times at
around the world had long followed strophic.” and universities not always up- He said free speech is needed to the time, he said that every uni-
the UK’s example in upholding it. He said the proposed bill is need- holding their duties,” he said. preserve democracy. versity should promote “unam-
He quoted Article 19 of the Dec- ed despite laws already being in While the bill wouldn’t protect “The right to free speech is the biguous guidance” on academic
laration of Human Rights, which existence protecting free speech. those who for example incited vio- foundation stone of our democracy. freedom and free speech “explicitly
reads, “Everyone has the right to “While in the UK, we theoretical- lence, Davis said, it would make To stand idly by while this founda- recognizing that this may some-
freedom of opinion and expression; ly have laws protecting freedom of it incumbent upon universities to tion is being eroded is a dereliction of times cause offense.”
this right includes freedom to hold speech, in practice, they’re buried ensure that speech that was merely duty. This bill makes it the absolute “If universities don’t take action,
opinions without interference and in education acts, resulting in pro- controversial, challenging, or un- duty of every university authority to the government will,” he said.


Germany Uyghur Repression: UK’s Johnson Says

Extends Genocide Attribution ‘Judicial Matter’
Existing ALEXANDER ZHANG ghur population in China?”
Johnson responded by saying,
Lockdown British Prime Minister Boris John-
son on Jan. 20 deflected criticism
“The attribution of genocide is a ju-
dicial matter, but I can say for myself
Until February of his government’s stance on the
plight of China’s Uyghur Muslim
that I regard what is happening in
Xinjiang and what’s happening to
minority and said the attribution the Uyghurs as utterly abhorrent.”
MEILING LEE of genocide is “a judicial matter.” He said the government had taken
A day earlier, Johnson’s govern- steps “against what is happening,”
Germany will extend its ongoing ment instructed lawmakers from including measures to “prevent
COVID-19 lockdown measures the ruling Conservative Party to British commercial engagement
until Feb. 14 amid fears of a new vote down an amendment to the with goods that are made by forced
virus variant and continued at- Trade Bill that would have given labor in Xinjiang.”
tempts to bring infection rates Outdoor seating from a temporarily shuttered cafe is stacked and locked at UK courts power to revoke trade Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab
down. The existing lockdown was Gendarmenmarkt square during the second wave of the CCP virus pandemic deals with countries responsible announced last week that the UK
supposed to expire at the end of in Berlin on Jan. 20, 2021. for genocides. would take a series of measures to
this month. The measure was defeated by a ensure UK businesses and public
German Chancellor Angela usually occur faster than scientists margin of just 11 votes, with 319 bodies don’t allow goods produced
Merkel met with the country’s can comprehend them. According Conservative MPs voting in line with slave labor from Xinjiang in
state leaders on Jan. 19, deciding Merkel said that to Nature, “researchers have cata- with the government to reject it, and their supply chains.
to keep most “nonessential” busi- Germany may con- loged more than 12,000 mutations 308 MPs—including 33 Conserva- But lawmakers from both the
nesses and schools closed. in SARS-CoV-2 genomes” since the tive rebels—voting to support it. ruling and opposition parties have
Merkel told reporters after the
sider closing its bor- pandemic began. At Prime Minister’s Questions said the measures are inadequate
meeting that Germany may con- ders to neighboring SARS-CoV-2 is another name for on Jan. 20, Ian Blackford, the Scot- and that targeted Magnitsky sanc-
sider closing its borders to neigh- countries that don’t the CCP virus. tish National Party’s Westminster tions should have been imposed on
boring countries that don’t take The UK and South African vari- group leader, said Johnson’s posi- Chinese officials responsible for the
action to stop transmission of the take action. ants have been found to spread tion on the so-called “genocide abuse in Xinjiang.
CCP virus. The country shares bor- much more easily, but it has not amendment” had left his claims In July 2000, the UK government
ders with nine European nations. quickly throughout the country, been seen to cause a higher per- about the UK’s global leadership introduced new sanctions to tar-
“We need to make sure that undoing mitigation strategies centage of fatalities. less believable. get individuals involved in human
everyone around us is doing the taken so far to contain the disease. A report by Public Health Eng- “Genocide isn’t a matter of history, rights abuses or organized crime.
same,” Merkel said. “Otherwise, In addition, a new variant of the land “found no statistically signifi- it is happening in our world right But so far it hasn’t used the new pol-
we have to look at measures such CCP virus was found in 35 patients cant difference in hospitalization now. The international community icy tool to target Chinese officials.
as entry restrictions.” in a hospital in Bavaria that dif- and 28-day case fatality” between has stood idly by as Uyghur Mus- On Jan. 19, the Trump adminis-
Additional measures were also fered from the UK and South Afri- the UK variant and the common lim men, women, and children are tration declared that the Chinese
added to the lockdown, including can strains, according to Bavarian CCP virus. “There was also no forced into concentration camps regime has committed “genocide”
corporations allowing their staff to news outlet BR24. significant difference in the like- in China’s Xinjiang Province,” he and “crimes against humanity”
work from home until March 15, Lab work on the new variant is lihood of reinfection between said in the House of Commons, via against Uyghur Muslims.
and an updated mask mandate, still being conducted to find out variant cases and the compara- video link. Last July, the United States im-
meaning surgical masks must be if the mutation has any clinical tor group.” Noting that the outgoing U.S. Sec- posed sanctions on four Chinese
worn when using public transport significance. CCP virus cases continue to re- retary of State Michael Pompeo had officials involved in human rights
or shopping indoors. Cloth masks, “At the moment we have discov- main high in Germany in spite of officially declared Beijing’s repres- abuses against the Uyghurs, in-
scarves, or bandannas will no lon- ered a small point mutation ... and strict lockdown measures imple- sion of Uyghurs a “genocide,” and cluding the Xinjiang region’s Party
ger be sufficient. it is absolutely not clear whether it mented since November, with the Biden’s team “agrees with his view,” Secretary Chen Quanguo, who is a
Calls for stricter mask-wearing will be of clinical relevance,” said country recording over 2 million Blackford asked, “Is the prime min- member of the Chinese Commu-
come as a result of concerns by Clemens Stockklausner, deputy virus cases, 47,263 deaths, and ister prepared to follow that lead? nist Party’s powerful Politburo.
scientists that the United King- medical director at Garmisch- 1.71 million people who have re- Is he prepared to stand up today
dom and South African strains Partenkirchen Clinic. covered as of Jan. 19, according to and clearly state that genocide has Lily Zhou and Cathy He
observed in Germany may spread Virus mutations aren’t rare and Johns Hopkins University. been committed against the Uy- contributed to this report.

India Arrests 12, Including 2 Chinese Women,

for Circulating Malicious App on WhatsApp
VENUS UPADHAYAYA are harassing defaulters can
also blackmail them into
NEW DELHI—India arrest- becoming spies or involved
ed two Chinese women and in other criminal activities,
10 others accused of oper- such as smuggling or human
ating a fraud racket in New trafficking.
Delhi that officials say duped “So, certainly, there is ma-
40,000 people through a ma- jor espionage and a bigger
licious app being circulated geopolitical angle to this
on WhatsApp. and it needs to be seriously
This is the most recent inci- looked into,” said Pandya,
dent of cybercrime involving who authored the book
Chinese-made mobile appli- “Radicalization in India.”
cations, some of which may
be linked to Chinese espio- Data War
nage, police said. The issue of small loan apps
The app helped the ac- penetrating the Indian mar-
cused collect the personal ket becomes a large-scale
data of unsuspecting people security threat for India.
for illegitimate purposes. Because the apps are made-
Victims were lured by the of- in-China, the personal infor-
fer of lucrative returns from mation fed by the app users
an online multilevel market- can thus feed metadata into
ing campaign; they alleg- the Chinese artificial intel-
edly were offered $41 (3000 ligence system.
rupees) of daily commission Prof. Madhav Nalapat, a
for spending 30 minutes New Delhi-based strate-
on the app—called New- gic analyst told The Epoch
World—promoting internet Times over the phone that
celebrities on Facebook, In- the Chinese are developing
stagram, and YouTube. artificial intelligence (AI) in
The malicious app, once People on their phones in Mumbai, India, on Nov. 10, 2019. a big way, and they want to
downloaded, hacked into use AI methods to promote
“Indian users’ devices and “They used more than 40 of 20 and 40. of Usanas Foundation, an operations ran in China as their control within China as
also pushed them to follow shell companies and a large Yi Bai (alias Dennis) was Udaipur-based think tank, early as 2012, but the Chi- well as outside as well.
Social Media (FB, Insta & number of Bank accounts, arrested by cyber police in told The Epoch Times. nese regime clamped down “Artificial intelligence is a
YT) accounts of unknown Crypto-Wallets, etc., to laun- Hyderabad during a raid “Then, definitely, people on the industry in 2016 and machine fed by metadata.
origin and control,” Depu- der and siphon the cheated on a call center, for illegally will be lured, and that saves asked the small loan appli- So India has been a very
ty Commissioner of Police money,” the DCP Cyber- running money-lending mo- a lot of time if you get easy cations, called Peer-2-Peer rich treasure trove of meta-
(DCP) Cybercrime of Delhi crime unit said. bile applications, the Indian money, small amounts (P2P) apps, to clear out- data for the Chinese, and the
Police Anyesh Roy said on Meanwhile, Google re- media outlet DNA reported of funds for your regular standing loans and exit the United States as well,” said
Jan. 15. moved 60 made-in-China on Dec. 26. needs. This is a very strong industry. Nalapat.
The network then sent instant loan apps from its Fifteen people were arrest- factor about why people are It was then that these lend- “For example, about 80
them social media videos play store on Jan. 15 in re- ed in three different cities attracted to these instant ers turned their attention to- percent of the gaming indus-
to like and social media sponse to a complaint by the in India (Hyderabad, Delhi, small loans,” said Pandya. ward India. try, the online gaming in-
accounts to follow, and for Hyderabad Police. and Bengaluru). During the He said that India cur- The vulnerability of the In- dustry in the United States,
every such action, the users While the apps were Chi- raids, the police also seized rently has a huge market for dian users and the Indian is actually controlled by
were paid 8 cents (6 rupees), nese-made, they were up- more than 2 crore rupees small loan-based apps, as security system to these Chinese entities. And when
according to India Times. loaded in India, The Times of (about $271,000) in cash, The the internet data is cheap, small loan apps is high Americans click onto this
If the users opted for a VIP India reported. Weeks ago, Times of India reported. an extremely high segment because of the low level game, artificial intelligence
membership, the number Indian investigative agen- of the population owns of tech literacy among the can give you a fairly good
of tasks assigned and the cies asked Google to remove Booming of Instant Loan Android phones, and the people, Pandya said. idea what makes them upset,
amount paid for every activ- 300 apps from its store. Racket society is fast turning into “There is also a very ex- what makes them sad, what
ity exponentially increased. The agencies were review- As the COVID-19 pandemic a consumerist economy treme level of illiteracy and makes them happy. And the
The users were made to pay ing how these apps lure and led to extensive job losses that’s reeling from an eco- lack of awareness about the same thing goes on in India.”
$14 to $684 (1,000 to 50,000 dupe unsuspecting people, in India after the lockdown nomic recession because of pernicious impact of such Nalapat said AI can be
rupees) for obtaining VIP and harass them for missing was imposed in March the pandemic. apps,” he said. used to map populations
status. repayment deadlines, even 2020, people needed credit, To the companies offer- Pandya said that though and to map their reactions to
“The malicious App also by a few hours or a day. Six and that’s when the made- ing such loans, since the such incidents come un- various messages and mes-
induced users to pay for people in India killed them- in-China instant loan apps amounts are small and der the heading of cyber- saging, and it can thus tailor
VIP accounts to earn more. selves because of being pub- started to gain traction in the come with a huge interest crimes, there’s a high possi- messages and messaging in
These payments were never licly humiliated by such Indian market. rate, they don’t cause much bility of them being linked ways that you can fan “the
honored and were siphoned app-running operations, the Apps that arrange small loss to the company if a de- to wider Chinese espionage flames of hate.”
off,” the DCP Cybercrime Times of India said. instant loans became very fault occurs, according to activities. He described it as an ir-
unit said in a message on On Dec. 25, 2020, India ar- popular because they don’t The  News Minute, an In- “We also know about how regular warfare tactic that
Twitter. rested a Chinese man who check the creditworthi- dian media outlet that has China has been conducting aims at winning by using
The police froze $819,000 managed companies that ness, don’t consume time, documented the criminal intelligence and influence every means. “Oh, it’s a
(6 crores) from several bank operated at least 11 apps and no definite loan agree- operations of a few Chinese operations across the world huge vulnerability for de-
accounts and also recovered offering small loans at ex- ment is required, unlike companies operating these with these digital media mocracies, and therefore
$34,125 (25 lakhs) from the tremely high interest rates regular banks when giving small-loan apps. platforms,” he said. faultlines can be expanded
arrested Chinese nationals. to Indians between the ages loans, Abhinav Pandya, CEO The report said the same Chinese operations that significantly,” he said.



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THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021 • A13

Google’s New York office in lower Manhattan in New York City on March 5, 2018.

The ‘Monstrous Hybrids’ That Control Us


LAWRENCE SOLOMON As examples of monstrous hybrids,

Jacobs cited the Mafia and street gangs
Conservatives are confused who run businesses while ruling ter-
about how to view the ritories they control, police officers who
tech giants, which have abuse their authority by soliciting bribes,
become so powerful in so and companies that obtain commercial
many areas of our lives. monopolies through collusion with gov-
Should the Facebooks, ernment officials. Jacobs didn’t discuss Big
Twitters, and Googles be Tech; she published “Systems of Survival”
seen as private companies and thus be in 1992, before Big Tech was granted the
left alone to be disciplined by the free immunity from prosecution that helped
market? Or should they be seen as de fac- catapult it to dominance. But Big Tech em-
to monopolies, and thus proper targets bodies everything Jacobs saw as ruinous
for government control? to society.
Jane Jacobs, one of the great public Instead of staying in its commercial
intellectuals in the last half of the 20th lane, Big Tech became a political player,
century, coined a term in her bestseller, took on functions of government, and
“Systems of Survival,” that describes otherwise acted as guardians.
what big tech companies have become— In a leaked video of a Google meet-
“monstrous hybrids.” ing that took place shortly after Donald pagandists for the left, enforcing the left’s
Jacobs, who made Toronto her home Trump’s 2016 win of the presidency, the A man holding a cellphone agenda of political correctness, cancel
after leaving the United States over the company’s leaders, from co-founders crosses Pennsylvania Ave. culture, and identity politics while com-
Vietnam War, described two broad Larry Page and Sergey Brin on down, overlooking the U.S. Capitol in promising the public’s privacy and right
moral foundations for society—one seem of one mind in their determina- Washington on Feb. 3, 2019. to free speech. If anything, Big Tech’s
based on guardianship, the other on tion to counter the populist movement role in society has become more conse-
commerce. Each has distinct character- and Trump voters, whom they viewed as quential as guardians—they effectively
istics, or moral syndromes, as she called “extremists.” Brin asked how Google could became arbiters of election integrity by
them, and each is legitimate. The guard- ensure a “better quality of governance and deciding what information voters should
ians—these include politicians as well decision-making.” CEO Sundar Pichai be able to see and when they could see
as public and private police forces, the promised that Google would develop ma- it—than as commercial enterprises.
courts, NGOs, clerics, and most govern- chine learning and artificial intelligence to To deem the big tech giants simply as
ment employees—tend to shun trading, neutralize what they saw as “misinforma- actors in the free market because they once
dispense largesse, deceive for the sake of tion” shared by “low-information voters.” happened to have been incorporated be-
the task, and exert force. Google made good on its vow, as since trays a confusion born of willful blindness.
reported in countless venues, among Conservatives weren’t always so con-
them a major Wall Street Journal inves- fused. After “Systems of Survival” was
Instead of staying in its tigation that showed Google blacklists published a generation ago, its analy-
conservative sites and hides information sis was enthusiastically embraced by
commercial lane, Big Tech from those using its search engine to paragons of free-market conservatism. A
became a political player, took promote its own agendas. Forbes magazine review by a Cato Insti-
on functions of government, and Facebook likewise acts as a wing of tute scholar concluded that “the essence
the Democratic Party by censoring infor- of good public policy is keeping the two
otherwise acted as guardians. mation that would hurt the Democrats syndromes as separate from each other
and, in its words, by deciding prior to the as possible.” A Reason magazine review
These characteristics work well in pro- 2020 election “to run the largest voting agreed that “trying to mix the two syn-
tecting society, and they differ entirely from registration campaign in U.S. history— dromes, or to apply them to inappropriate
the traits that dominate commercial moral- with a goal of helping more than 4 million activities, produces institutional, social,
ity, which include shunning force, coming people register to vote.” Unsurprisingly, and moral breakdown.”
to voluntary agreements, and competing this campaign operated to get out the Today’s conservatives need to clear the
and dissenting for the sake of the task. Democratic vote. cobwebs from their minds and see the
When these moral syndromes are pret- Twitter’s censorship efforts extended to big tech giants for what they are: mon-
ty much followed—when guardians stick blacklisting the New York Post, America’s strous hybrids that need to be brought to
to their lane of protecting society and oldest daily newspaper, to hide alleged heel if the rest of us are to enjoy the liber-
commercial enterprises stick to making evidence of corruption by the Biden family ties that we once took for granted.
profits—society functions well. But when from the public. And when conservatives Like this article? Share it
guardians move into the commercial migrated to Parler to escape Big Tech’s with your friends and family. Lawrence Solomon is a columnist, author,
lane, or vice versa, they create hybrids censorship, Apple, Google, and Amazon Use the camera on your and executive director of the Toronto-
with characteristics of both syndromes. acted in unison to shut Parler down. smart-phone to scan this code based Consumer Policy Institute, founded
The results can be monstrous. Big Tech unquestioningly acts as pro- and receive a shareble link. by Jane Jacobs. 

ist who went to Wuhan to investigate the

What Will WHO Experts Find epidemic, was sentenced to four years in
prison; and citizen journalist Fang Bin
has disappeared, with many suspecting

During Their Wuhan Trip? that he’s been detained by authorities.

The CCP has repeatedly retaliated against
Australia, which proposed an independent
investigation into the source of the virus.
The Chinese regime has banned imports
NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES of Australian barley, imposed tariffs of
WANG YOUQUN 107.1 to 212.1 percent on Australian wine,
Members of blacklisted six Australian beef suppliers,
On Jan. 14, a team of experts from the the World and placed other restrictions on imports of
World Health Organization was finally Health Organ- Australian coal, cotton, and lobster.
allowed to travel to Wuhan and investigate ization team The CCP continues to blame other
the origin of the CCP virus, commonly investigating countries as the source of the virus. On
known as the novel coronavirus. The an- the origins March 12, 2020, Chinese foreign minis-
nouncement issued by the National Health of the CCP try spokesperson Zhao Lijian posted a
Commission on Jan. 11 contained only a virus pan- tweet claiming, without evidence, that
demic board a
short sentence. It didn’t mention the length the virus was brought into Wuhan by the
bus following
of the trip, nor did it specify a detailed itin- their arrival at U.S. Army. After that, the “blaming” wars
erary. The trip takes place more than a year Wuhan Tianhe commenced. Chinese state media have
after the virus first emerged. It has since International claimed, on different occasions, that the
spread to 191 countries and regions. Airport in virus originated in Italy, Spain, Germany,
Can WHO experts find the source China on Jan. France, India, Bangladesh, Australia,
of the CCP virus in Wuhan? 14, 2021. Italy, Russia, Greece, and Czech Republic.
I think it’s unlikely. The reasons are Since the Australian government pro-
as follows: posed in April 2020 that an independent
First, tracing the virus origin and tracing global investigation into the source of
who’s responsible for its global spread are the virus be conducted, the international
closely linked. If Wuhan is found to be the again for more than seven months. Why voices. Yan Limeng, a virologist at the community has begun the research.
source of the pandemic, but the CCP al- did it take so long? Some experts believe University of Hong Kong School of Public In early July 2020, the Independent
lowed virus carriers to fly from Wuhan to it was to clean up all the evidence at the Health, fled to the United States to reveal Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and
other parts of the world—causing at least scene of the virus outbreak. the truths about the CCP virus. Officials Response was set up, with former Prime
93 million infections and more than 2 mil- Since the outbreak in 2020, the U.S. from the Ministry of National Security Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark
lion deaths reported to date—the CCP will Health and Human Services Depart- went to her hometown of Qingdao to and former President of Liberia Ellen
be held accountable. This is something the ment repeatedly offered to send experts harass her family. She said that since mid- Johnson Sirleaf serving as co-chairs.
CCP is absolutely unwilling to face. to China, but was rejected time and time May 2020, the CCP has attacked her on the Some experts and officials outside of
again. In the end, China agreed that the internet, spread rumors, and destroyed her China have raised the possibility that the
U.S. experts could go to China with the reputation. The CCP set up a fake Facebook CCP virus leaked out of a virology lab in
WHO expert team. In February 2020, after account with her name and resume, she Wuhan.
The CCP will definitely do a nine-day trip, Canadian Bruce Aylward, alleged. The CCP lied about her being kid- The CCP will definitely do everything
everything possible to conceal team leader of the WHO China Joint Mis- napped in the United States, and claimed possible to conceal the truth about the
the truth about the source of the sion, was asked by reporters in Geneva that she was lying and mentally ill. Yan’s source of the virus—deceit is in its nature.
why he didn’t go through quarantine after mother was subsequently arrested. But nothing can be kept hidden forever.
virus—deceit is in its nature. visiting Wuhan. His answer accidentally The CCP has brutally clamped down The truth will eventually come to light.
revealed the fact that he hadn’t been to on those Chinese citizens who requested
On May 19, 2020, under strong pressure any “dirty areas” of the Wuhan hospital. to investigate the source of the virus and Wang Youqun graduated with a doctor-
from the international community, the In other words, the expert group only hold leaders accountable. For example, ate in law from the Renmin University of
World Health Assembly passed a resolu- went where the CCP allowed and any- Ren Zhiqiang, former business tycoon China. He once worked as a copywriter for
tion to investigate the source of the virus. thing they saw and heard was carefully and “red princeling,” was sentenced to Wei Jianxing (1931–2015), a member of the
WHO experts requested to visit Wuhan, arranged. 18 years for his outspoken criticism of CCP Politburo Standing Committee from
but the CCP dragged its feet again and Also, the CCP will silence all relevant the CCP; Zhang Zhan, a citizen journal- 1997 to 2002.








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

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Is Ruling Our World ABOUT US

The Epoch Times is a media

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Sabotaging Education and independent journalism.

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The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of cal interests and the pursuit of
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We endeavor to educate read-

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1. Communist Elements itself up in opposition to traditional newspapers promoting the gay rights tant topics, seeking to broaden
in Primary and Secondary education, thereby mutating educa- movement could be distributed on and uplift minds. We believe that
Education tion and ultimately ruining students. a high school campus, but religious rational, balanced debate is key
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b. The Destructive Nature c. Ruining Students’ Moral an elementary school music teacher racy and a compassionate
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On April 20, 1999, two students at from teaching Christmas carols
Student-Centered Education Columbine High School in Colorado because of alleged violations of the As an independent media out-
(cont.) murdered 12 students and one teacher separation of church and state. [23] let, we use our freedom to inves-
One tenet in the theory of student- and injured at least 20 more in a care- Teaching and test materials in tigate issues overlooked—or
centered instruction is that students fully planned massacre. The tragedy the United States have undergone avoided—by other media outlets.
should choose what they learn, shocked the nation. People wondered extensive revision due to the anti- We seek to highlight solutions
according to their own interests. why the two students would carry out theist orientation of the education and what’s good in society rather
The theory also states that teach- such a cold-blooded attack, gunning system, in combination with decades than what divides us.
ers should educate students only in down their classmates and a teacher of political correctness. In 1997,
what the students are interested in. they’d known for years. Diane Ravitch, an education histo- We report respectfully, compas-
Every teacher hopes to make learn- By comparing social phenomena rian, was a member of the National sionately, and rigorously.
ing enjoyable, but children have in different historical periods, edu- Assessment Governing Board, which
limited knowledge and experience, cators noticed that up to the 1960s, administered federal tests in schools. We stand against the destruc-
making them ill-equipped to dis- common problem behaviors among She noticed that passages in reading tion wrought by communism,
cern what is important to learn and U.S. students were minor, like tardi- tests had been scrubbed by editors to including the harm done to cul-
what isn’t. While there are different ness, talking in class without per- remove white males as heroes or any tures around the world.
methods of instruction, teachers mission, or chewing gum. After the references to Christianity. The maxim
We are inspired in this by our
must take responsibility for guid- 1980s, there were worse problems, that “God helps those who help
own experience. The Epoch
ing students so they can broaden like excessive drinking, drug abuse, themselves” was changed to “People
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the scope of their interests beyond premarital sex, pregnancy, suicide, should try to work things out for
bring honest and uncensored
that which attracts their immedi- gang activity, and even indiscrimi- themselves whenever possible.” [24]
news to people oppressed
ate attention. Simply catering to the nate shootings, which have only On the one hand, the American
by the lies and violence in
superficial interests of students, as increased in frequency since Col- public education system ejected
communist China.
advocated by “student-centered” umbine. These downward trends are belief in God from schools under the
instruction, encourages permanent a concern to millions in the United pretext of upholding the separation We still believe journalism is a
infantilization. States and other countries, but few of church and state. On the other noble vocation, but only when it
Studies have found that there is understand the real roots of these hand, evolution, with its unresolved genuinely seeks to serve its com-
now a tendency in American soci- developments, and no one is able to gaps, was held to be a self-evident munities and help them to flour-
ety for adults to remain in a state of prescribe an appropriate treatment truth to be instilled in children who ish. In all that we do, we will hold
adolescence longer than in other for the disorder. had no mental preparation or de- ourselves to the highest stand-
populations. In 2002, the National The distortion and the downward fense. Children tend to believe in the ards of integrity. This is our
Academy of Sciences, Engineering, spiral of the moral standards of authority of their teachers. promise to you.
and Medicine defined adolescence American youth are no accidents. Parents with religious beliefs
as a period from 12 to 30 years of age. teach their kids to respect others,
Research supported by the MacAr- Atheism and Evolution but children who are instilled with CONTACT US
thur Foundation went even further Fred Schwarz, a pioneer of anti- the theory of evolution are likely to
and said, based on traditional mark- communist activism, observed, “The challenge the religious education The Epoch Times Association Inc.
ers of adulthood, a person nowadays three basic tenets of Communism given by their parents. At the very 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
may not be considered an adult until are atheism, evolution, and eco- least, they will no longer take their New York, NY 10001
age 35. [20] The education system nomic determinism.” [21] All three parents’ religious instruction as Advertising
and media are directly responsible key elements of communist ideol- seriously. The result is that education
for this extended period of adoles- ogy have been adopted in American pulls children away from parents
cence that many adults have found public schools. with religious beliefs. This is the Subscriptions
themselves in. The divine created humankind and most challenging problem that fami-
One of the excuses given by pro- laid down the moral standards that lies with religious beliefs face when it General Inquiries
gressive educators for lowering should regulate human life. Belief in comes to their children’s education,
teaching requirements is that with the divine lays the foundation of mo- and it’s the evilest aspect of the anti-
Letters to the Editor
higher enrolments in secondary rality for society and underpins the theistic education system.
and post-secondary schools, and existence of the human world. Com-
with students coming from across munism forcibly spread atheism and Notes
society, the average level of attain- the theory of evolution in schools 20. Diana West, “The Death of the
ment cannot be as high as it was as a means of destroying morality. Grown-Up: How America’s Ar-
in the past. This understanding is This is to be expected in communist rested Development Is Bringing
wrong. In a democratic society, the states like China and the former So- Down Western Civilization”
object of public schooling is to allow viet Union, but in the United States, (New York: St. Martin’s Press,
those who otherwise wouldn’t have it was carried out covertly. 2008), Kindle Edition.
the means to receive an education Under the pretext of separation of 21. Fred Schwarz and David Noebel,
the opportunity to do so—not to church and state, leftists oppose the “You Can Still Trust the Com-
lower academic standards, which teaching of creationism in American munists ... to Be Communists”
causes everyone’s learning to suffer. public schools, while on the other (Socialists, Statists, and Progres-
Progressivism claims that “useless” hand promoting the theory of evolu- sives Too) (Manitou Springs, CO:
classical subjects such as Greek tion. This education inevitably leads Christian Anti-Communism
and Latin should be replaced with the number of religious believers Crusade, 2010).
more contemporary subjects, but in to decline, as children are indoctri- 22. Stein v. Oshinsky, 348 F.2d 999

the end, most schools don’t end up nated with the idea that the theory of (2nd Cir. 1965); Collins v. Chan-
introducing high-quality courses in evolution is scientific truth and not dler Unified School District et al.,
subjects useful for modern life, such to be questioned. 644 F.2d 759 (9th Cir. 1981).
as mathematics, economics, and Since the 1960s, courts around the 23. John Taylor Gatto, “The Under-
modern history. The curriculum and
teaching-method reforms advocated
by progressive educators deceive
United States have shut down Bible
study in public schools, again under
the pretext of separation of church
ground History of American
Education: A Schoolteacher’s
Intimate Investigation Into the
students who are not yet well-in- and state. An appeals court ruled in Problem of Modern Schooling”
formed, as well as parents who defer 1981 that students enjoyed freedom (Baltimore: Odysseus Group, Get the
to schools, teachers, and so-called
of speech, unless the speech was
a prayer, at which point it became
2000), chap. 14.
24. Diane Ravitch, “Education after
independent news
Some teaching methods proposed unconstitutional. [22] the Culture Wars,” Daedalus 131, you won’t find
by progressive education are useful In 1987, students in Alaskan public no. 3 (Summer 2002), 5–21.
when applied to some subjects and schools were told not to use the word anywhere else.
areas of learning. However, when “Christmas” since it contained the See next edition for the next
we look at the progressive education word “Christ.” They were also told installment. Subscribe and get the
movement and its specific back- they couldn’t exchange traditional insights only The Epoch Times
ground and outcomes, it becomes Christmas cards or presents. In 1987, To purchase the books, visit can provide, delivered to your
clear that progressive education sets a federal court in Virginia ruled that door every week.

Chinese Citizens Don’t Trust

Homegrown COVID-19 Vaccines:
‘Let the Leaders Take It First’

HUANG TSE VID-19 vaccine instructions on Weibo,

in which 73 side effects were listed; he
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) called the Chinese vaccine the most un-
has recently touted homegrown vaccines safe vaccine in the world. The Weibo post
and mandated millions to be vaccinated has since been deleted by censors.
against the CCP virus. The concerns over Chinese-made vac-
But most people in the mainland, cines are well-founded. In December,
including experts, have stayed away at least 16 Chinese employees from a
and raised concerns about the safety major state-owned enterprise stationed
of Chinese-made vaccines, especially at Lunda Norte Province in Angola were
since several pharmaceutical compa- infected with the CCP virus, and they
nies are still conducting clinical trials had all received the vaccines developed
for their products. by Sinopharm, according to a report
Chinese media reported that the cen- by Radio Free Asia. About 300 Chinese
tral government planned for 50 million workers from Tianjin Electric Power
vaccinations, with 25 million people Construction Co. were diagnosed with
receiving the first dose before Jan. 15, COVID-19 around the same time in
2021, then receiving a second dose be- Pančevo, Serbia, the report said.
fore Feb. 15, 2021. Most of the infected workers received
According to a report by The Epoch vaccines made by Sinopharm before
Times, local authorities in Zhenjiang they left China. Taking the vaccine was
City, Jiangsu Province, didn’t get the a requirement for Chinese citizens work-
COVID-19 vaccine after mandating that ing abroad.
residents must be vaccinated. In Shang- THE EPOCH TIMES Recently, Chinese officials announced
hai, medical staffers as well as ordinary (Above) Chinese health care workers and vol- that vaccines would be administered
citizens are concerned about the safety unteers register people to receive a CCP virus for free. However, there’s a catch. Coro-
of the vaccine. vaccine jab at a mass vaccination center for naVac, a new vaccine manufactured by
More than 90 percent of medical staff Chaoyang District in Beijing on Jan. 15, 2021. state-run drugmaker Sinovac Biotech,
(Left) Another Chinese-made COVID-19 vac-
in Shanghai Yangpu District Tradition- cine by Sinovac is already in use, although it
set an age limit, allowing people between
al Chinese Medicine Hospital refused hasn't been approved. The approval code on its the ages of 18 and 59 to take the vaccine.
to receive the vaccines. package shows "TBA." December 2020. Authorities claimed the vaccine is await-
Zhang Wenhong, director of the ing “further clinical trials.” This move
Department of Infectious Diseases at has once again raised questions about
Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan CCP officials and don’t want to be test the safety and effectiveness of home-
University in Shanghai, said at a meeting subjects for the COVID-19 vaccine. grown vaccines.
on Dec. 22 that many medical workers The development of a vaccine usually Fourth, every step of a vaccine’s de-
refuse to be vaccinated and asserted that involves three phases of clinical trials. velopment, production, transportation,
“it is the leading cadres who should get How many people participated in the and storage is crucial and demands strict
vaccinated first,” Chinese online media trials? What are the detailed results? regulation. But China’s communist so-
National Daily Business reported. Chinese authorities approved the use ciety has fostered corruption from top to
Many Chinese netizens echo the of COVID-19 vaccines in July 2020, bottom, and officials’ lack of transparen-
infectious disease expert’s statement before the final stage of clinical trials cy has caused distrust among the people.
of “Let the leaders get it first.” What’s was completed. Any cure or preventative treatment can’t
behind this statement? State-run firm Sinopharm didn’t pro- be guaranteed.
First, the Chinese people don’t trust vide any breakdown of its clinical trial At least four major vaccine scandals
data, nor disclose the size of its testing were exposed between 2007 and 2018:
sample for its COVID-19 vaccine. The the 2010 Shanxi vaccine; the 2013 hepati-
Lancet published a report on CoronaVac, tis B vaccine that led to injury and death
The Book You’ve Been a COVID-19 vaccine developed by the
Beijing-based pharmaceutical company
of infants in southern China; the 2016
Shandong tainted vaccine; and the 2018
Waiting for... Sinovac; the clinical trial data was am-
Changsheng Bio-Technology vaccine
scandal. Problematic vaccines in China
Second, Dr. Sean Lin, former U.S. Army have become a norm.
microbiologist and former lab director of
the viral disease branch at Walter Reed
Army Institute of Research, told The
Epoch Times that it’s very risky for China The statement ‘Let the leaders
to roll out its inactivated vaccines prema- go first’ has been heard before,
turely because all vaccines the country and it’s a phrase that haunts the
has developed are still in clinical trials.
Lin said: “Inactivated vaccines are city of Karamay in Xinjiang.
very risky. Will all the viruses be killed?
In the process of killing, many chemi- The communist elites are busy studying
cal components are added. What are politics, creating policies, and making
the side effects of these chemicals?” In money through corruption. They don’t
other words, the “inactivated vaccines” have the time, energy, or frame of mind to
could end up injecting live virus direct- do the right thing. Counterfeiting is very
ly into the human body or cause toxic common under the CCP regime.
side effects. Therefore, even if Chinese leaders were
Dr. Mei-Shang Ho, an epidemiologist to “go first,” they may just be injected
from the Institute of Biomedical Scienc- with glucose or saline water, and not the
es under the Academia Sinica in Taipei, actual vaccine.
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, Taiwan, told The Epoch Times that The statement “Let the leaders go first”
inactivated vaccines pose a threat. Ho has been heard before, and it’s a phrase
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be was part of Taiwan’s SARS (severe acute that haunts the city of Karamay in Xinjiang.
on this country’s academia’s respiratory syndrome) vaccine research On Dec. 8, 1994, a fire broke out in a
in 2003 featuring inactivated whole theater in Karamay during a perfor-
list of required reading.”
virus vaccines. She found that patients mance attended by high-level officials,
had Antibody Dependent Enhancement local authorities, and students. Witness-
(ADE) after being vaccinated, which es claimed that a woman who helped

means that the vaccines amplified the organize the event and was possibly a
infection or triggered harmful immuno- government official told everyone in
pathology. the theater: “Let the leaders go first!”


She said that Taiwan will never devel- As a result, all the government officials
op these whole virus vaccines, nor will it survived.
use them. But 322 others didn’t make it out alive,
Third, information about the effective- among them 288 primary and middle
ness and side effects of the Chinese- school students. After a CCTV reporter
The specter of communism did not made vaccines hasn’t been widely publi-
cized by authorities.
revealed the incident 12 years later, the
journalist’s documentary film about the
China’s State Council announced at a fire was censored and banned from pub-
disappear with the disintegration of the press conference on Dec. 31, 2020, that lic broadcast by Chinese authorities.
Sinopharm’s inactivated vaccine had People have witnessed the shameless-
Communist Party in Eastern Europe been granted “conditional approval” by ness and coldness of the CCP leaders.
China’s Drug Administration. The vac- Now that Chinese officials are requir-
cine had an efficacy rate of 79.34 percent, ing the vaccination of citizens as CO-

according to state media reports. Is the VID-19 continues to surge in the country,
information reliable? What are the vac- the people are telling their leaders to get
cine’s side effects? it first. It sends a strong signal that people
It’s noteworthy that a recent trial of don’t trust the leaders.
CoronaVac in Brazil reported only about U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
a 50.4 percent effective rate, just enough said: “The biggest lie that they [CCP] tell
to pass the 50 percent threshold set by is to think that they speak for 1.4 billion
the World Health Organization for regu- people who are surveilled, oppressed,
latory approval. and scared to speak out.”
On Jan. 5, Chinese vaccine expert Tao It’s time for the entire Chinese popula-
Lina posted a photo of Sinopharm’s CO- tion to realize this point.

tables, at the fire ring, or across the

front porches, like people used to do
until backyard decks eliminated that
neighborly connection.
But they realize that, in their 60s, they
cannot keep it up in the way it needs, so
they placed the court up for sale last week.
“It frustrates me that I cannot do the
things I did at 26, but that is the reality
of aging,” Bob said, his voice cracking.
“So, before I move any slower, and before
anything starts to wear down, I think, out
of love for this court, we need to sell her to
someone who will love and preserve her
for future travelers and future generations.”
The Lincoln Motor Court is the last of
its kind on this legendary highway that
stretches from Times Square to San Fran-
cisco. Because of the separate-cottage lay-
out, it’s perfect for nostalgic reasons but also
a safe place to stay during the pandemic.
“We listed it for $265,000 last week with
Howard Hanna real estate,” Debbie said.
Too often in our culture, we discard
our treasures, including the innovators
like the motor courts that paved the way
for the bigger, faster, shinier models that
came after them. The old way may not
be any of those things anymore, but it
still holds an important value to remind
people of what came before.
It also holds value because it’s a peaceful
The motor court structure consists of 12 individual cabins encircling the central office—a concept created to house middle-class families vaca- place where you can hang your hat for a
tioning along America’s highways. night and meet people from all across the
country as you banter across the 12 front

Our American Treasures porches. Or where you can just watch and
listen to the passing trucks and cars and
wonder where they are off to next.

Hidden in Plain Sight Salena Zito has held a long, successful

career as a national political reporter.
Since 1992, she has interviewed every
U.S. president and vice president, as
well as top leaders in Washington, D.C.,
SALENA ZITO “Motor courts are often a forgotten LHA. The result: An unrealized enthu- including secretaries of state, speakers
part of American history, but not only siasm of people looking for something of the House and U.S. Central Com-
MANNS CHOICE, Penn.— did they provide a number of firsts for that reminds them of simpler times has mand generals. Her passion, though, is
There is a little burst of their customers, including things like emerged and brought visitors from all interviewing thousands of people across
wonder that road trav- indoor plumbing, electricity, and central around the world. the country. She reaches the Everyman
elers experience when heating, they were also innovators for To run a place like this and live here— and Everywoman through the lost art of
they head west out of their time,” Bob said. “Linoleum was they raised both their daughters in the shoe-leather journalism, having traveled
Bedford, climb Tulls Hill, introduced to the motor court. Wall-to- main house at the center of the court— along the back roads of 49 states.
and are welcomed by the wall carpeting was first introduced to the takes dedication, a passion for history
Lincoln Motor Court at the crest. It’s a motor court. Spring mattresses were first and preservation, and a lot of gumption.
burst of wonder up for sale. introduced to the motor court.” It’s clear the Altizers love this court.
The motor court is a concept that is When the Altizer family first purchased They love the cabins; they love the people
both familiar and foreign to the modern the motor court in the 1980s, there were who come to their home office to check
eye: part motel, part cabin, delightfully several others scattered around Bedford in or take a tour; and they love when
welcoming as 12 detached cabins all form County. Continue west along the Lin- new friendships are struck at the picnic
a semicircle around the central office, coln Highway and you’ll see a whimsical
nestled cozily among scores of pine trees. string of cabins from a long-closed motor
Long before the orange-roofed Howard court in Schellsburg, not far from the

Johnson’s dotted America’s highways or entrance to Shawnee State Park.
Holiday Inns opened at interchanges of “We moved here from the Washington,
our newly constructed interstates, the D.C., area and essentially just wanted
middle-class family had nowhere to stay to raise our family in a small town and
on vacation other than tourist camps. run our own business,” Debbie said. “We
Lincoln Motor Court owners Debbie were in our 20s, pretty naive and ideal-
and Bob Altizer explained that tourist istic, and bought it overnight, knowing Dear Readers, ink on paper is a rare thing nowadays
camps didn’t have much other than a nothing about running a motor lodge.” considering how much people live in the digital world.
parking space and outhouses to offer this
new generation of travelers until some
We put a lot of pride into making this printed paper,
enterprising farmers turned portions each story carefully crafted. It is our honor to deliver it
of their fields into tiny coves of cabins The motor court is a concept
to you, to keep you informed, our dear readers.
and a main house. that is both familiar and
“And thus, the motor court was born,” foreign to the modern eye. We believe our paper is truthful and uplifting.
they said in unison.
“We estimate that our motor court was We hope our paper brightens your day.
built in 1940, based on the number of The first decade was tough. The motor
people who have come back to see the court had an unsavory reputation. The “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Please do not send
place they stayed on their honeymoon history of the Lincoln Highway and all of the paper to the recycle bin after you finish reading.
just before being shipped off during the the adventure, history, and nostalgia that
beginning of World War II,” Debbie said. went along with it was untapped. And
Each cabin is lovingly preserved from they struggled. PASS IT ON TO YOUR NEIGHBOR, A FRIEND, OR A RELATIVE.
the era, beginning on the outside, where “Things started to change around 1994
two red-and-white metal chairs are wait- when the dormant Lincoln Highway As-
ing for the occupants to sit a spell while sociation rekindled and decided to hold
they lazily watch cars zoom past on U.S. their meeting in the front yard of our
30, America’s first coast-to-coast two- motor court,” Bob said.
lane highway. From that moment on, as the LHA
The insides are equally welcoming, grew its efforts to bring awareness to the
especially for those travelers who are history of the highway, along with tour-
obsessed with midcentury modern ists and amateur road warriors looking to
architecture. The bedroom is encased in relive traveling the nation’s first transcon-
knotty pine; the bright turquoise (or pink tinental road for automobiles, the Altizers
or yellow, depending on which cabin you have benefited from that growing interest
choose) sink and tiles in the bathrooms in the part of America outside large cities.
are a delight for purists; and the original
linoleum floors are, too.
Soon, PBS made a colorful and compel-
ling documentary that featured them. Peace of Call us
They were the original tiny house be-
fore the tiny-house fad came along.
There came the popularity of the books
and Facebook groups created around the Mind
in the
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The Lincoln Motor Court in Manns Choice, Pa.


vulnerable, while keeping businesses

and schools open. There’s lots of evidence
the trio, and the 53,000 physicians and
public health scientists who signed the
document, were right.
Does dangerous and illegal content ex-
ist? Yes. Is there a place for moderation?
Of course. Has Section 230, the law that
undergirds moderation, inspired internet
innovation? Yep. But is Section 230 per-
fect? I don’t think so. Can web and content
platforms deliver differentiable, pro-con-
sumer value by curating the user experi-
ence? Absolutely. Apple, for example, uses
its app store to encourage security, privacy,
family-friendliness, and high quality.
Big problems arise, however, when these
firms claim universal standards and neu-
tral terms of service, but then apply them
opaquely or arbitrarily. Or even weapon-

Digital Duplicity: The ize them against political opponents.

After both major app stores removed
Parler on Jan. 8, Amazon dealt a poten-
tially fatal blow by giving it one day to

Social Media Purge Exposes vacate its AWS cloud servers. Other hard-
ware and software vendors, and even its
lawyers, then fell in line with Big Tech and
refused them service. Unsavory charac-

Net Neutrality’s True Goal ters surely exist on Parler. But uniquely?
No way. The internet is full of people with
awful, or merely wrong, ideas.
It’s top-down mistakes that are the most
destructive. Bad decisions from politi-
cians or, say, dominant content platforms
BRET SWANSON How’d we get here? Paradoxically, the video traffic, the headline battle was eco- scale unpredictably to millions of people.
smart refusal to adopt Silicon Valley’s nomic. Ardent activists, however, con- Censorship is itself a dangerous top-
Commentary strict net neutrality rules fueled their rise sistently warned of a deeper, potentially down mistake. Free speech and plural-
to astronomical power. With minimal apocalyptic, threat to democracy. ISPs, ism, on the other hand, help us learn and
For nearly two decades, regulation of U.S. networks, broadband they said, might one day censor disfa- grow. Viewpoint diversity is the crucial
Silicon Valley made net and mobile firms invested nearly $2 tril- vored political speech. error-correcting code of civilization, and
neutrality its highest lion in infrastructure, far more per capita The blocking and throttling never a big reason the internet is history’s great-
policy priority. Under the than any nation. The resulting bandwidth came to pass. Not political or otherwise. est generator of wealth and knowledge.
banner of a “free and open” explosion fueled the unprecedented Without net neutrality rules, ISPs still Entrepreneurs are building (and
internet, Google, Facebook, and Twitter success of smartphones, video streams, committed to fair treatment. And today millions of users fleeing to) alternative
sought regulations to ensure the uninter- cloud computing, software-as-a-service, the U.S. generates and consumes more outlets, apps, and channels. That’s the ge-
rupted flow of information by treating and a million apps. Now we’re in the internet traffic than any nation, two to nius of the internet—unlimited space to
every bit equally. middle of a $300-billion upgrade to 5G three times more, in fact, than many of innovate and choose. Bitcoin and crypto
Or so they said. wireless. our large peers. communities are just one important new
Beginning on Jan. 8, these firms and Then a funny thing happened. Social path to decentralized independence.
others executed an unprecedented digi- media firms themselves began blocking As freedom-seekers launch their own
tal purge of the social media and video and throttling at the content layer. In the websites, servers, and streams, the ag-
accounts of their political rivals. After Censorship is itself a dangerous name of rooting out “hate” and “mis- gressive censors will hunt them, de-
several years of accelerating suspensions top-down mistake. Free speech information,” they started suspending, manding cancellation everywhere along
and suppressions, this time YouTube, and pluralism, on the other demonetizing, deboosting, and shadow- the communications stack, eventually
Facebook, and Twitter permanently banning. They cited terms of service and reaching the core of the network. And
banned a number of high-profile conser- hand, help us learn and grow. moderation principles. The rationales then we will have come full circle. They
vatives and de-platformed thousands of were usually vague, however, and their will demand that ISPs block, throttle, and
others, at least temporarily. Many of these Launched as an academic exercise in targets nearly always political enemies erase. And that government, under the
accounts had nothing to do with the hei- the early 2000s, the supposed rationale or free thinkers who complicated the of- guise of net neutrality, enforce their truth.
nous events at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Yet, for strict net neutrality was to prevent in- ficial narrative. There were few standards, Facebook’s head of Instagram on Jan.
their histories are erased. ternet service providers (ISP) and mobile merely caprice. 11 finally admitted it: “We’re not neutral.”
Shopify, Twitch, Reddit, and other on- carriers from “blocking and throttling” In 2020, they accelerated moderation Net neutrality was never about in-
line services and forums followed social content. Without a return to telephone- efforts, placing warning labels on sup- ternet freedom. It’s about information
media’s lead. Then something bigger hap- like common carriage regulation under posedly false views on COVID-19 and dominance.
pened: when app stores and cloud service Title II of the Communications Act, they climate, two of the most complex topics
providers joined the cascade by discon- said ISPs would discriminate and the imaginable. Google suppressed three Bret Swanson is president of the technolo-
necting Parler, a fast-growing competitor magic of the internet would be lost. eminent epidemiologists over their Great gy research firm Entropy Economics and a
of Twitter, they opened an explosive new With Silicon Valley and ISPs haggling Barrington Declaration, which called visiting fellow at the American Enterprise
front in the information wars. over the price of carrying floods of new for focused protection of the elderly and Institute. From RealClearWire.


Treasury Nominee Yellen:

Job Losses From $15 Minimum
Wage Would Be ‘Very Minimal’
Congressional budget office estimates 1.3 million jobs
would be lost

ZACHARY STIEBER Raising the minimum wage would in-

crease the cost of doing business signifi-
The job losses from boosting the federal cantly, devastate the opportunity to de-
minimum wage to $15 would be “very velop new jobs in rural America, and affect
minimal,” Treasury Secretary nominee people trying to enter the workforce, Scott
Janet Yellen told lawmakers on Jan. 19. said, calling it an “existential threat” to
“In terms of potential job loss, there’s both restaurants and employees.
now a large economic literature on this, Harsh restrictions imposed to try to
and much of it suggests that raising mini- curb the COVID-19 pandemic have led
mum wages ... researchers often look at to millions of job losses over the past year,
what happens if one state raises its mini- some of which haven’t returned yet. “People tell me that’s going to be hard to
mum wage and a neighboring state leaves “Right now, we have millions of Ameri- Janet Yellen, President Joe pass, Florida just passed it. As divided as
it alone to see how businesses fare in the can workers who are putting their lives on Biden’s nominee for Treasury that state is, they just passed it. The rest
two different places with different treat- the line to keep their communities func- secretary, speaks in Wilm- of the country is ready to move as well
ments, and the findings are that job loss tioning, and sometimes even working ington, Del., on Dec. 1, 2020. should be a national minimum wage of
is very minimal, if anything,” Yellen told multiple jobs and aren’t earning enough $15 an hour. No one working 40 hours a
members of the Senate Finance Com- to put food on the table,” said Yellen, who week should live below the poverty line,”
mittee in Washington during a partially chaired the Federal Reserve during the President Joe Biden told a press confer-
virtual confirmation hearing. Obama and Trump administrations. “And ence in Delaware, at the time.
“So I think that the likely impact on jobs they’re suffering in countless ways, es- If the federal The plan’s fate in the Senate is uncer-
is minimal. That’s my reading of the re- pecially during this pandemic and re- tain, as other Republicans besides Scott
search.” ally struggling to get by, and raising the government have expressed reservations.
The nonpartisan Congressional Bud- minimum wage would really help many mandates a universal “If the federal government mandates a
get Office estimated last year that raising of those workers.” $15 minimum wage, universal $15 minimum wage, many low-
the minimum wage to $15 an hour would Scott disagreed with the nominee, tell- income Americans will lose their current
wipe out a minimum of 1.3 million jobs. ing her: “I would say that there is no doubt many low income jobs and find fewer job opportunities in
“By increasing the minimum wage to that when you artificially increase the Americans will the future,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) said
$15 an hour, it could shutter somewhere minimum wage, you are going to perma- lose their current in a statement. “The best thing that the
around 3.7 million jobs, on the high end. nently decrease the number of jobs in the federal government and states can do for
The last thing this economy needs, as we economy.” jobs and find fewer economic growth right now is to quickly
attempt to recover, is a loss of 1.3 to 3.7 Biden unveiled a $1.9 trillion CCP (Chi- job opportunities vaccinate as many Americans as possible
million jobs,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) told nese Communist Party) virus plan last in the future. and fully reopen this economy.”
Yellen, before prompting her answer by week that includes an increase in the If confirmed, Yellen would be the first
asking what she thought. federal minimum wage. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) woman to lead the Treasury Department.

Companies Dangle Incentives to Spur

Employees to Get COVID-19 Vaccine


Workers at several companies are being of-

fered money if they get vaccinated against
COVID-19, amid reluctance from some to
be vaccinated.
Dollar General is giving hourly workers
who get a COVID-19 vaccine the equiva-
lent of four hours of pay. The company said
it’s one way to remove barriers to getting
vaccinated. Salaried workers are receiving
additional store labor hours.
Instacart, the grocery delivery platform,
is doling out a $25 payment to workers if
they get vaccinated.
“Our goal with the introduction of our
new Vaccine Support Stipend is to ensure
that, when the time comes, Instacart shop-
pers don’t have to choose between earning
income as an essential service provider
or getting vaccinated,” Instacart founder
Apoorva Mehta said in a statement.

Polls show a significant

portion of Americans won’t
get a COVID-19 vaccine or are
leaning against getting one. of how quickly they were developed. information,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the
A woman receives a Staff members at Gracedale, a nursing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
And Trader Joe’s will pay employees the COVID-19 vaccine home in Northampton County, Pennsyl- told reporters in a call earlier this month,
equivalent of two hours of work for each at Gillette Stadium in vania, were told last month they’d get $750 adding that data shows the vaccines are
dose of a vaccine they get. The only two Foxborough, Mass., if they receive both doses. “safe and effective” despite a higher rate of
authorized COVID-19 vaccines require on Jan. 15, 2021. The county’s council said officials at adverse reactions in those injected when
two doses spaced apart by several weeks. Gracedale believe “there may be some reti- compared to flu vaccines.
The company is also promising to adjust cence on the part of some staff to be inocu- In Texas, workers at Houston Methodist
schedules so workers can get vaccinated. lated with the COVID-19 vaccination due Hospital learned they would receive $500
COVID-19 is the disease caused by in part to the rapidity of its development.” if they get vaccinated.
the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. Polls show a significant portion of Ameri- “Eligibility criteria will include getting a
Few companies or other entities have so cans won’t get a COVID-19 vaccine or are COVID-19 vaccination, fulfilling our obli-
far required vaccinations. leaning against getting one. The vaccines gation as health care workers to lead the
“We understand the decision to receive received the fastest authorizations in his- community,” Marc Boom, CEO of the hos-
the COVID-19 vaccination is a personal tory; most vaccines take 10 years or more pital system, stated in an internal memo
choice, and although we are encouraging to develop. circulated online.
employees to take it, we are not requiring “I am definitely concerned that health Los Angeles Fire Chief Ralph Terrazas
them to do so,” Dollar General said in a care workers are electing to wait to get was more creative. Firefighters who get
statement. vaccinated. And to me, it really makes it vaccinated, he said in a memo, would be
But hospitals and others are also nudging exceedingly important that we get correct entered into a raffle that includes prizes
employees to get a shot, amid widespread information to health care workers and that such as Airbnb gift cards, Canary cameras,
skepticism of the vaccines in part because we quickly dispense with myths and mis- and Aventon fixed-gear bicycles.


FedEx Express Unveils

Plan to Lay Off up to 6,300
Employees in Europe
FedEx Corp’s express unit on Jan. 19 Weak shipment sales in Europe over
announced a plan to lay off between the past few years have led to sluggish
5,500 and 6,300 employees in Europe, as growth in the TNT unit and weighed on
it nears the completion of the network FedEx’s results.
integration of its TNT Express unit. The plan is expected to result in sav-
Shares of the package delivery firm ings of between $275 million and $350
were up about 1 percent at $254.76 in million on an annual basis beginning
morning trade. in fiscal 2024, FedEx said, adding that
FedEx acquired European operator it expects to incur severance charges of
TNT Express, which specializes in ship- between $300 million and $575 million
ments between businesses, in 2016 as through fiscal 2023.
A drone is used to survey a corn research field in College Station, Texas, on May 23, 2018. part of its plan to expand in Europe. FedEx Express uses a global air-and-
The duplication from two European ground network to speed delivery of

FAA Approves Fully networks connecting similar geogra-

phies will result in job cuts across opera-
tional teams and back-office functions,
time-sensitive shipments.

By Sanjana Shivdas & Ankit Ajmera 

Automated Commercial the company said. From Reuters


Drone Flights
WASHINGTON—A Massachusetts com- er aircraft. They are housed in base stations
pany has been granted approval to operate that allow for autonomous charging and to
commercial drone flights without a person process and transmit the data they collect
directing the machine and keeping it in from aerial surveys.
sight. The FAA has allowed companies to oper-
It’s the first time that the Federal Aviation ate drones beyond the line of sight of op-
Administration (FAA) has allowed fully erators, but a person on the ground had to
automated commercial drone flights. be nearby. Lisa Ellman, a lawyer for the
American Robotics Inc. touted the ad- company and executive director of the
vantage of its machines as being able to Commercial Drone Alliance, said allow-
operate continuously without “expensive ing expanded operations beyond the sight
human labor.” The Marlborough, Massa- of an operator “is critical for the industry
chusetts, company said Jan. 15 it has tested to truly take off.”
fully automated drones for four years. According to documents posted Jan. 14
CEO and co-founder Reese Mozer said by the FAA, the drones, which fly along
there could be a $100 billion market in planned routes, will be limited to altitudes
providing drone services to industries below 400 feet (122 meters) in rural areas.
such as energy and agriculture, but that The FAA will allow them to have a maxi-
FAA safety requirements have restricted mum takeoff weight of 20 pounds (nine
their use. kilograms).
The company said its Scout drones have A FedEx plane carrying a first batch of Pfizer/BioNTEch COVID-19 vaccine, at Los Angeles
technology to stay a safe distance from oth- From The Associated Press International Airport on Dec. 13, 2020.
A20 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2021


In Our Own Words

The Woman Behind the Hotline

Dear Epoch VIP, One of my favorite parts of the job is being able to
get the firsthand feedback from you, our readers—
I started working for The Epoch Times back in 2011 as a including hearing your support and seeing your
reporter for the Chinese-language edition of the paper. reaction to our media.
In 2017, I switched over to the customer-facing side of For example, a subscriber sent us a letter saying
the business. Having been a psychology major back in that when he first saw our newspaper he sat down
college, I wanted to go back to the people side of things. for a while because of being in shock—he couldn’t
Like many career moves, this one came with a huge believe that a newspaper like this still existed! And
learning curve. his letter isn’t the only one I remember. We keep all
When a lot of people talk about customer service, your letters and put them up around our New York
maybe they think it’s talking to customers on the office so we can be reminded every day of why we do
phone, or maybe over email, but it’s actually more what we do.
complicated than that. So many dots have to be For me, my job is not about money or fame or
We take your connected to make it work—from hiring, to training,
to quality control, to keeping up with changes in
power. It’s about the subscriber who calls in and we
can hear in his voice how worried he is about the
feedback very the entire company. In short, things were a lot more state of this country. It’s about the subscriber who
complicated than I first thought. breaks into tears on the phone because she was so
seriously. Usually We’ve grown in the last few years because of the concerned about things that she couldn’t sleep.
when you send support from readers like you. On the hotline, we’ve
been trying to hire more people to reduce wait times
I can relate to these subscribers because I came
from a communist country: China. My parents, who
feedback ... we read which then create more efficient workflows to better had been arbitrarily detained in China, sent me here
accommodate our customers. We’re also trying to to the United States at the age of 17 because they
your messages one provide more technical support for problems with wanted me to enjoy this country’s freedom. I don’t
our digital products as we recently just launched our want the same things that have happened to the
by one and give digital subscriptions and our app. We’ve also been Chinese to happen to people here—even though in
serious thought working on more self-service tools to help you better some ways, I think they already have.
help yourself (like our newly updated Help Center I want to end by telling you that especially because
to areas for page, I am an immigrant from China, I really appreciate
And your feedback has been super valuable in telling the freedom I enjoy in this country. Because of that,
improvement. us whether we’re heading in the right direction. I want the best for this country and its people, and I
We take your feedback very seriously. Usually when will do my part by supporting a media that I believe
Teresa You you send feedback (or if other departments forward us has the interests of this
Manager, Customer Service your feedback), we read your messages one by one and country and its people at
give serious thought to areas for improvement. Because heart: The Epoch Times.
we don’t want to be just any other corporate company
doing customer service, we hope to really get connected In Truth and Tradition,
with every one of our readers, every one of you.
You are so important to us. And because of that, Teresa You
we really value making you happy. The Epoch Times

What Our
My husband and I look forward to the paper every week.
Say (23) I think the world would be a better place if everyone
would take the time to read The Epoch Times!

The Epoch Times provides a A great textual and visual look at I’ve been a reader of The Epoch Reading The Epoch times is like
fresh, honest read in journalism investigation and truth telling. Times now for about a year. a breath of fresh air. Not only are
covering all the latest, up-to-date I particularly appreciate the After and during the events from the articles well-written, they are
news, opinions and health-related infographics provided for Spygate, December 2019, I’ve come to depend packed with great information.
information. It’s relevant and Russian collusion, Obamagate, on real reporting from this paper. I have learned so many wonderful
truthful... No spin. I’ve introduced CCP virus and so on. I also look Their news is up-to-date, vetted and things in Mind and Body, however
a number of my friends and forward to the Crossroads program. corroborated. The writers that report the first thing I read is Conrad
business associates to it and they, After I get an earful of sensational the information keep you learning Black in the Opinion section. My
too, trust it and love it. news and mainstream bias, I like to new things and interested in learning husband and I look forward to the
contrast that with The Epoch Times’ more. Ever since I started reading paper every week. I think the world
reporting to give myself more depth it I’ve found that it is hard to put would be a better place if everyone
of understanding. I want to be a part every issue down; furthermore, the
would take the time to read The
of the solution when it comes to range of coverage is wide in just
Epoch Times!
solving social issues in this country, the right increments and without
I’m not looking to play a game of drowning me in information that I KELLY MCCUNE FLANAGAN

telephone - spreading opinions, learn within a deep dive into each

gossip and sensational headlines story. The video documentaries
from corporate media. are my top favorite!
The American People NEED TO
WAKE UP!! The great Patriots who
founded the GREATEST NATION Just when I thought newspapers were I was impressed by the well-rounded Honest, fair, informative, great
ON THE PLANET are under dead and that I would never read one reporting. MUCH more than just layout, comprehensive selection
attack by the LEFTISTS who are again, The Epoch Times becomes the political viewpoints, editorials and of topics. Excellent overview of
aligned with the CCP! WAKE UP news that makes me feel good as I am fact-based reports. international and local news.
AMERICA!!! informed about my world. DAVID HEISNER SVETLANA KOGAN



Eating Close to Home For Colorful Winter Cooking,

A farmer-cook’s case—and advice— Mix and Match Your Roots
for eating locally, wherever you are.
Look for a ‘Winter Pebbles’ medley
at your local market, or put together your own.

See B2 See B2



Unlike clear bone broths,

seolleongtang is an opaque,
creamy white, achieved by
boiling—not simmering—
the bones, coaxing out
all of the flavor, collagen,
marrow, and fat.

Korean Bone Broth

to Soothe the Soul
JUDY JOO one has come for.

Seolleongtang, this nourishing, long-boiled
t’s 3 a.m. on a December’s night in ox bone soup, is the signature dish on the menu
Korea’s creamy, 1997, and I’m sitting in Gammeeok, a
cozy restaurant on 32nd Street, Kore-
at Gammeeok. One of Korea’s most traditional
dishes and beloved wintertime soups, it’s pos-
milky-white ox atown in New York City. Despite the
hour, the restaurant is buzzing, full
sibly the tastiest, most satisfying bone broth
you’ll ever try.
bone soup, gets its of late-night revelers wanting a bit of sus-
tenance after a long night of drinking.
Seolleongtang’s most notable quality is its
color: a creamy, milky white. In fact, the com-
It’s bitterly cold outside, and I’m tucked monly used Hanja (Sino-Korean) characters
characteristic color into a comfy corner table with some friends. for the dish literally translate to “snowy thick
The rustic, blond wooden décor gives the soup.” This color comes from boiling a medley
from hours and hours restaurant the homely feel of a hanok, a
traditional Korean house, and a savory,
of bones for hours and hours, coaxing out all
of the flavor, collagen, marrow, and fat. The
of boiling beefy aroma fills the air.
In the back, an open Korean-style hearth,
longer it cooks, the richer the flavor, and the
thicker and milkier the broth becomes.
called a buttumak, boasts two gigantic black Since the primary ingredient of seolle-
cast iron pots, called gamasot, settled over ongtang is bones, rather than meat, it was
roaring fires. An elderly man stands next initially a cheap peasant food, a staple dur-
to the cauldrons with a long, dark wooden ing trying times.
paddle and slowly stirs the silky, milky-white
liquid inside—the magical broth that every- Continued on B4


CRYSTAL SHI try—and the call of nostalgia—she found

Eating I
n September 2018, Andrea Bemis em-
barked on a life-changing journey—
one that brought her closer than ever
to home.
whether at
herself revisiting the kinds of simple, down-
home recipes her grandmother cooked.
“The spirit of this book,” Bemis writes, “is
connectedness.” In a time when we’re all
craving a little more of that, she offers an

Close to Bemis, an organic farmer, food blogger

(, and cookbook
author living in north central Oregon,
had an epiphany earlier that year, while
a farmers
market or
through a
CSA share,
will help
inspiring path through food.
“I hope it encourages you to get out there,
get to know what grows in your region, and
get to know your people,” she writes. “Take

grabbing a can of coconut milk from her feed you what you will and what you can, and most
pantry: Despite a decade of farming and a well while of all, celebrate your home.”
long-held dedication to local, sustainable supporting In this excerpt from the book, Bemis
eating, she still had no idea where many of your shares her tips and tricks for eating locally,
the ingredients in her kitchen came from. community. wherever you are, plus a recipe for a cozy,
Inspired to deepen her relationship with adaptable pot roast, a perfect winter meal
A farmer-cook’s case— her local food system and community, she from the market.
gave herself (and her thousands of blog
and advice—for eating readers and Instagram followers) a chal-
lenge: For 30 days, cook and eat using only
Andrea Bemis’s Advice for
locally, wherever you are ingredients from within a 200-mile radius Eating Locally
of home. The experiences and lessons from
her “local thirty” journey, as she called it, Go In on Stuff With Friends
stuck with her long after. If a CSA share is too much for you, share
Bemis shares them in her new cookbook, it with another family member or friends.
“Local Dirt”—along with four seasons of Divide and conquer. If you can’t make it to
simple, adaptable recipes for home cooks the market, cover a friend’s gas money and
inspired to follow along. give them a list to do it for you. Get them
Some experiences were completely new, back the next week. Go in on a meat share
leading to new discoveries and friendships: or a whole animal. Work with each other.
milking a cow and tasting the revelation
that is fresh, raw milk; butchering a pig for Ask All the Questions
the first time with the help of a local pig One of the biggest challenges I faced was
farmer; spending a day on the open ocean sourcing cooking staples like oil, salt and
reeling in 30-pound albacore with a trio of pepper, spices, citrus, and grains. But with
tuna fishermen. the help of the internet, social media, and
Others took her back to her roots. Since asking all the questions, I was able to find
“Local Dirt:
many international ingredients were not what I needed, for the most part. And when I
Recipes for locally available, she took a break from couldn’t? I allowed myself a few exceptions.
Eating Close exploring global cuisines to newly appre-
ciate classic American food, rooted in the Chest Freezers Are Rad
to Home” by
Andrea Bemis self-sufficient ethos of American farmers, For so many reasons. They allow you to
(Harper Wave, homesteaders, and homemakers. Follow- buy and store a quarter, half, or full animal
$32.99). ing the contents of her pared-down pan- from a local farmer at a lower price than



For Colorful Winter Cooking, Mix and Match Your Roots

in aptly-named root cellars, along with tleman made an offer on the entire sack.
Look for a ‘Winter squash, sides of bacon, apples, and what- The offer was accepted, and the pebbles
Pebbles’ medley at your ever else they could squirrel away. were gone.
The pandemic has made us contemplate “Oh well, next week I guess,” I said.
local market, or put various end-of-the-world scenarios, and “Unfortunately, that’s it for the season,”
brought out the inner “prepper” in many he replied. They were now out of turnips
together your own people. It sounds fun and romantic, but and storage radishes for the year, which
the diet could get old, and any viable at- means the Winter Pebbles could no longer
ARI LEVAUX tempt to live off the land would mean be complete.
coming to terms with turnips, and some So there I was, forced by fate to do what
I was on the hunt for the Winter Pebbles, of the other harder-to-appreciate roots, I could have done all along: buy a bunch
an assortment of turnips, potatoes, car- including celeriac, rutabaga, and Jerusa- of different roots, and mix them together
rots, beets, parsnip, and winter radishes lem artichoke. myself.
that some enterprising farmers at the mar- I had been thinking about Winter Peb- But I kept wondering: What was the gen-
ket sell as a mix. They look like a basket of bles a lot after they first caught my eye, tleman going to do with that huge sack of
gleaming jewels. They remind me of Fruity and had decided to buy some at the next Winter Pebbles? It’s one thing to buy a small
Pebbles, the breakfast of Flintstones. market. Alas, my farmer friend broke the amount of Winter Pebbles and cook them
Storage crops are typically harvested in sad news: Early that morning, as he was right away, but storing a diverse assortment
the fall and kept cool and fresh all winter. transferring the Winter Pebbles from their of root crops in the same bag like that can A medley of winter roots, simply roasted until
Homesteaders would store these tubers burlap sack into their quart cartons, a gen- be risky. soft, creates an array of delicious flavors.

if you bought all of that in individual cuts. Stockpile the Staples Substitutes Exist
We stockpiled our own pork as well as local During downtime from the farm, I’m busy Like many of us, thanks to Samin Nosrat,
beef, albacore tuna, and chicken in our I think of eating gathering local nuts, oils, vinegars, legumes, I’ve learned that most successful meals are
chest freezer. and grains. That way, when we get back composed of a balance of salt, fat, acid, and
Every morning while I’m drinking my first locally as an from our CSA drop in Portland at 7 p.m. on heat. I’m a recipe person, so I keep finding
cup of coffee, I go out to the freezer and opportunity a Tuesday in September, it’ll be easy to look awesome recipes, but these days I look at
pick one item to put in the fridge to thaw. in the fridge and say, OK, the pork chops the ingredients more as food groups, which
Each package takes a couple of days, but for us all to are thawed and we have some potatoes allows me to swap in local foods.
when you put something new in the fridge strengthen our and lettuce—dinner is pan fried pork chops, So, if a recipe calls for coconut oil, I use
every day, there is a constant rotation of roasted potatoes with hazelnuts, and a real butter or a local nut oil. If it calls for
thawed meat ready to go for your dinner. connection to simple oil-and-vinegar-dressed salad. halibut, but I have rainbow trout, I try it
Chicken thighs tonight, tuna loin tomorrow, our food, but Plan Ahead with rainbow trout. If it calls for cumin
burgers on Friday. and turmeric, I try using a bunch of leafy
Also, freezing fresh food is the easiest way it’s just as much I’m not a huge fan of meal prep, but
herbs instead for a pop of flavor. It won’t be
spending just a few hours one afternoon
to preserve it. In addition to pretty much about deepening a week is worth it to get organized. I hit up the same flavor, but it will fulfill the same
any kind of meat, most fruits and veggies purpose in the overall dish.
keep very well in the freezer, and it’s merely our bonds with the farmers market and make sure to stock
I experiment with chopped or dried local hot
up on veggies, protein, and ingredients that
a matter of packaging them in freezer bags each other. are easy to jazz up our meals with. Bring an peppers rather than cracked black pepper
or paper and tossing them in there. (A lot iced-down cooler to the market with you so for the heat in some of my dishes. I live in
easier than sanitizing jars and firing up your Andrea Bemis, author, wine and orchard country, so I found folks
“Local Dirt” you can keep your goods fresh while you go
pressure canner for an afternoon, but I’m all for an afternoon drive out to a local farm, producing local fruit vinegar that I can use
for that too if you have the time.) orchard, dairy, fish market, U-pick berry instead of lemon juice or rice vinegar.
You can get a small chest freezer at your patch, wild mushroom honey hole, etc., for I use a spiralizer to make noodles out of any
local appliance store for less than $200. If weekend recreation. sturdy vegetable (sweet potatoes, zucchini,
you’re living in a small space, double up and I make it fun—I hit the road on weekends regular potatoes, eggplant) for pasta dish
use the chest freezer as a countertop too. with some of my market goodies and stop recipes. I sub local honey for sugar in my
Big ones are more expensive, but the value along the way at different farm stands and baking recipes and morning coffee.
they add by allowing you to preserve a large wineries for tastings. I then try to find a Do It Together
amount of food is well worth it. beautiful spot to post up for a picnic with I think this is the most important tip. I’m
Cooking Locally Is About Getting Back to my newfound ingredients. not eating locally alone. I often share
Basics On Sunday, I take stock of my market haul meals (simple ones at that) and enjoy the
I sometimes overcomplicate recipes or add and what I’ve got at home and spend some company of good friends and neighbors. I
too many ingredients. Don’t get me wrong, time planning my meals for the week. think of eating locally as an opportunity for
getting creative in the kitchen is one of my Sunday is a good day to cook a big piece us all to strengthen our connection to our
favorite pastimes, but eating locally has of meat or veggie stew for dinner and food, but it’s just as much about deepening
brought me back to simplicity. Roasted then have leftovers for a different meal our bonds with each other.
chicken and veggies, a simple late-summer later in the week (chicken salad, pulled
Excerpted from the book “Local Dirt”
soup, farm-fresh meatloaf, fruit for dessert, pork sandwiches, veggie tacos, pot roast by Andrea Bemis. Copyright 2020 by
carrots for snacking, fresh herbs for omelet). This is also when I take the time Andrea Bemis. Published on October
seasoning rather than exotic spices. Cooking to rehydrate and cook local dried legumes 13, 2020 by Harper Wave, an imprint of
with a limited number of fresh ingredients and store them in the fridge for a quick HarperCollins Publishers.
can produce surprisingly delicious results. weeknight dinner. Reprinted by permission.


What I love about a simple pot roast is that you can

usually pick up all the ingredients at your local farmers
market. It’s a meal that most of the community has
contributed to.
Our pot roast features meat from our ranching friends
Tim and Keely Jefferies, vegetables from our farm and
neighboring farms, and wine from a local winemaker.
When [my husband] Taylor and I sit down to this
humble meal, we feel the company of the familiar
faces and voices of everyone who has contributed to
our dinner.
Localize It: Any root vegetables will work here—beets,
sweet potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, or celery root.
2 tablespoons cooking fat
1 (3-pound) bone-in chuck roast, trimmed
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 large onions, chopped
2 teaspoons dried thyme
1 cup dry red wine (like a Cabernet or Pinot Noir)
6 cloves of garlic, chopped Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the onions
2 cups beef broth and thyme to the pot. Sauté until they are translucent You can pick up all the
and beginning to soften, about 8 minutes. ingredients for this humble
2 bay leaves
Return the roast to the pot. Add the red wine, garlic, pot roast at your local Don’t get me wrong,
2 large carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces farmers market.
beef broth, and bay leaves; bring the mixture to a
2 parsnips, cut into 1-inch pieces (no need to simmer. getting creative in the
Place the lid on the pot and transfer it to the oven.
2 pounds potatoes, cut into 2-inch pieces Cook for 1 1/2 hours or until the roast is almost Excerpted from the book kitchen is one of my
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. tender. “Local Dirt” by Andrea favorite pastimes, but
Add the carrots, parsnips, and potatoes to the pot. Bemis. Copyright 2020 by
In a large Dutch oven or other heavy-bottom lidded
pot, heat the cooking fat over medium-high heat. Cover and bake for an additional hour or until tender. Andrea Bemis. Published eating locally has brought
Remove and discard the bay leaves. Shred the meat on October 13, 2020 by
Sprinkle the chuck roast with the salt and pepper. Add
using two forks. Harper Wave, an imprint of
me back to simplicity.
the roast to the pot; cook for about 5 minutes, turning
it to brown it on all sides. Remove the roast to a plate Serve the roast over the vegetables, drizzled with the HarperCollins Publishers. Andrea Bemis, author, “Local Dirt”
and set aside. cooking liquid. Reprinted by permission.

and of tasting the flavors of the land, or

the terroir, if you will. You may not be able WINTER PEBBLE TART
It’s a way of getting to to pronounce it, but you’ll know it when
know what’s local in you taste it. SERVES 4 can skip this part and proceed with the roots)
Visit your market and keep your eyes 1 large potato, sliced into 1/2-inch rounds Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
winter, and of tasting the peeled for your local “Winter Pebbles” mix,
1 large carrot, sliced into 1/2-inch rounds Toss the sliced roots in oil and season with salt and
or create your own by choosing from dif-
flavors of the land, or the ferent stands. 1 medium parsnip, peeled and sliced into 1/2- pepper. Arrange them in a single layer on a baking
inch rounds pan. Roast until golden and tender, about 40 minutes.
terroir, if you will. Tossed in olive oil, salt, and pepper, Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
and roasted at 350 until soft, those com- 5 Brussels sprouts, sliced in half
bined roots create an array of delicious In a thick-bottomed saucepan on medium heat,
1 small red onion, sliced into 1/2-inch rounds cook the sugar in 2 tablespoons of water, stirring as
Each type of tuber will have different stor- flavors. The bitter flames of turnips and necessary to prevent burning, until the mixture is
age needs. Radishes, for example, do better radish create a sharp contrast to the 1/4 cup olive oil
amber colored, about 8 minutes. Turn off the heat, add
in plastic bags, while potatoes, garlic, and sweet, mellow carrots. Maybe next time Salt and pepper the vinegar and a pinch of salt, and stir it in.
many others prefer mesh. If you’re buying you’ll skip the turnips. Or add some of 1/3 cup sugar Pour the vinegar into a 9-inch pie pan. Scatter the
a large volume of roots and planning on the honorary root crops, like squash or rosemary and sage over the caramel. Arrange the
2 tablespoons water
storing them, it’s actually wiser to buy and Brussels sprouts. sliced roots artfully atop the herbs, using pieces to
store them separately. If that is not enough micromanagement 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar stuff the holes. Sprinkle with the onion slices and
for you, here is a recipe for a root tart from 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped crumbled goat cheese, and cover the whole thing
Cooking Your Roots Kate, the co-inventor of Winter Pebbles. 1 tablespoon fresh sage, chopped
with the rolled dough. Bake it at 400 for another 20
Winter Pebbles is more of a way of cook- minutes, or until the dough is nicely crusted.
ing than a specific mix of roots. It’s a way Ari LeVaux writes about food in 10-ounce piece of goat cheese, crumbled
Remove from the oven to cool, and invert the pan over
of getting to know what’s local in winter, Missoula, Mont. 1 rolled piece of pie dough or pizza dough (or you a plate to serve.

Korean Bone Broth

to Soothe the Soul
Seolleongtang, Korea’s creamy, milky-white ox bone soup,
gets its characteristic color from hours and hours of boiling
Continued from B1 lies in what he calls “babysitting the served in an unassuming earthenware
broth.” During these long hours of cook- bowl called a ttukbaegi. Gammeeok also
Anything from cow feet, knuckles and ing, someone must watch and continu- offers each table a ttukbaegi full of sliced
legs, head, tongue, gristle, to even intes- ously stir the broth, skimming it and scallions and a ceramic urn full of home-
tines can be thrown into the mix, and adding water at just the right times. made kkakdugi radish kimchi, which is
the broth is continuously skimmed of I vividly remember that no matter what cut tableside with scissors.
any impurities. Although inexpensive to hour of the day I went to Gammeeok,
make, the soup is rich in nutrients, espe- there was always someone standing
cially protein and calcium, and a deeply over the pots, watching their contents
savory flavor. intently, stirring the soup with care. It is But the real secret to
a meticulous process, a labor of love, but
Murky Origins the resulting creamy, silky broth is worth his recipe, he says,
The origins of seolleongtang, much like the effort.
the broth itself, are somewhat cloudy. lies in what he calls
One theory dates the soup back to Finishing Touches ‘babysitting the broth.’
Korea’s Joseon dynasty (1392—1910). Once the broth is ready, some simple in-
During this time, nationwide sacrificial gredients are added to complete the soup.
ceremonies were held every lunar new HER O
K Traditionally, rice was added, but A Waiting Game
year to pray for a bountiful harvest. The wheat noodles were introduced after the Gammeeok’s longevity on New York
sacrifice was called seonnongje Korean War, due to a rice shortage City’s restaurant scene is a testament
(seonnong meaning “venerated and an abundance of white flour. to the popularity of seolleongtang, and
farmer”), and was performed In fact, the government forced Choi’s much loved recipe: He celebrated
on a sacrificial altar. One certain soups to be served Gammeeok’s 30th anniversary last year.
altar was built in Bojewon, with wheat noodles instead (Note that the restaurant moved to a new
a medical facility used of rice, to reduce demand. location on 32nd Street.)
to aid the poor, in what Thus, a tradition was To this day, Choi still enjoys a bowl of
is now in modern-day created, and to this day his seolleongtang 3 to 4 times a week.
Seoul. you’ll often find noodles He says that he is especially passionate
Pigs and oxen were served in seolleong- about the “purity” of his broth, and the
usually slaughtered, tang. natural, deeply savory flavor derived
and the king himself Sliced boiled beef is only from the best ingredients.
always attended these another typical add-on. I asked him why he feels that Gam-
honored rituals. As a re- Historically, off-cuts meeok’s seolleongtang is so loved.
sult, large crowds often of meat were tossed in, “We are a culture of broths,” he said.
gathered, bringing along but nowadays, brisket “All Koreans crave broth.”
with them hearty appe- is commonly used. Choi I am no exception. Even as I write this
tites. The king wished to takes pride in his choice of story in London, I cannot wait until I can sit
feed these citizens who had beef: He only uses meat from at Gammeeok again for a piping-hot bowl
traveled so far and long, and large cattle weighing at least of seolleongtang. But for now, I will have to
thus requested that the cooks in- 900 pounds. These bigger cows babysit my own broth on my own stove.
vent dishes to feed as many people are fattier, and boast nicer marbling, A proper seolleongtang needs to be
as possible with few ingredients— thus adding a rich, beefy flavor to the boiled for at least 10 hours; as a result,
namely the sacrificial ox. Seonnong- broth. I have only made it a few times at home.
tang—tang meaning soup—was thus Seolleongtang is also served with a Still, if you can sacrifice half a day, it’s a
A bowl of seolleongtang
created. Over time, the pronunciation of myriad of side condiments. Notably, salt worthy endeavor, as you can make a big
with sliced boiled beef,
seonnongtang changed to seollongtang noodles, and green onions. is always only added at the table, never batch to freeze and enjoy time and time
for ease, and the romanization evolved during the cooking process, so each again. It is the perfect soup to make
into seolleongtang. diner can season their soup as they pre- during lockdown—make no bones
Another theory is that the Mongols fer. Korean red chile flakes (gochugaru) about it.
brought the dish over during their inva- or black pepper are also options, but the I am even finding the whole process
sions of Korea in the 13th century, during vital garnish is freshly sliced scallions, somewhat meditative: gently skimming
the Goryeo dynasty. A Mongolian text- with diners usually scooping heaping the broth, watching it slowly cloud over. In
book published later in the Joseon era, spoonfuls at a time. the end, the reward is a bowl of comforting
during King Yeongjo’s rule (1724—1776), Kimchi, specifically radish kimchi goodness, from modest beginnings made
documented the Mongols making large (kkakdugi), is an essential side dish, as its rich with time and patience, warming and
quantities of soup by boiling cows, goats, sharp tang and spice nicely cut the rich- restoring you from the inside out.
or sheep in water, and later seasoning ness of the soup. A little bit of the kimchi
it with salt, to feed their armies. The juice can also be added to the broth, to Judy Joo is a chef, restaurateur, author,
Mongolians also had a dish of sliced and give it a fresher taste. and TV personality. Her newest book is
boiled beef with scallions, called sulen, Conventionally, seolleongtang is “Judy Joo’s Korean Soul Food.”
that could have eventually evolved into
seolleongtang in Korea. COURTESY OF GAMMEOK
Whatever the historical origin, the
humble soup has become a source of
national pride for Seoul, so much so that
the city’s government has placed it on
the Seoul Future Heritage list, declaring
it worthy of preservation.

An elderly man stands

next to the cauldrons
with a long, dark wooden
paddle and slowly stirs
the silky, milky-white
liquid inside—the magical
broth that everyone has
come for.
A Master’s Secrets
Hyung Kee Choi, a Seoulite and
founder of Gammeeok restaurant, with
locations in New York City and New
Jersey, researched and developed his
legendary seolleongtang recipe for
years before opening his fi rst restaurant
in New York in 1990.
He uses a combination of 80 percent
cow knuckles and 20 percent cow feet—
he says the feet are essential to achieving
his signature thick, gelatinous broth—
and soaks and washes the bones well to
remove any blood before he boils them.
He then places the bones in a well-used
and seasoned gamasot and boils them
over high heat for 10 to 12 hours.
But the real secret to his recipe, he says, Giant pots of seolleongtang boiling away at Gammeok.

A proper seolleongtang requires boiling out the blood. Drain and rinse the bones
beef bones for at least 10 hours, with well again.
constant babysitting to skim impurities, Place the bones in a large pot with
add water, and maintain the right heat. enough water to cover, and then set over
Still, it’s a worthy endeavor, as you can high heat. Bring to a boil and cook for
make a big batch to freeze and enjoy time about 10 minutes. Place a large colander
and time again. in a sink and drain the bones, discarding
I was eager to use Mr. Choi’s winning the hot water and scum. Repeat once
formula of cow’s feet and knuckles, but more.
found that it can be very hard to source Meanwhile, place the brisket into a
these types of bones at non-Asian medium pot with enough water to cover,
butchers. Thus, I had to settle for using then set over high heat and bring to a boil.
oxtails and marrow bones. The oxtails Lower the heat and simmer for about 10
add some meat into the broth, and are not minutes, or until just cooked through.
traditional, but it was still a successful Remove the meat using tongs and allow
combination. to cool. Once cooled, slice the meat thinly
This recipe calls for boiling the bones for on a cutting board, wrap with plastic
12 hours, but you can go longer, too. I wrap, and store in the fridge until ready
have an electric stove, so I filled my pot to use.
of bones with water, covered it with a Once you have boiled and drained your
lid, and let it gently boil overnight. In the bones for a second time, rinse the bones
morning, I added water and continued to with cold water and clean the pot well.
babysit the broth for the rest of the day. In Place the clean bones in the clean pot
the end, I had a gorgeously creamy, silky, and fill with water to cover the bones by
milky-white soup, full of rich, beefy flavor. about 3 inches. Put back on the stove
A note on using organic bones: Toxins are over high heat and bring to a boil. Skim off
stored in fatty tissues and marrow, and if any fat, scum, and other impurities. Cook
the animal has been given hormones and at a low boil until the liquid is reduced by
antibiotics, you may be compromising the a third. You must continuously boil—not
nutritive quality of your soup. simmer—the bones to get a milky white
broth, so adjust the heat as necessary to
5 1/2 pounds oxtails, organic maintain a low active boil.
1 pound beef marrow bones, organic Add water to keep the liquid at the same
level, and continue boiling, repeating this
1 pound beef brisket, organic, process of skimming and adding water as
trimmed necessary, for 12 hours (or longer—it just
keeps getting better and better!), until
TO SERVE the broth is very white, creamy, and thick.
Rice or thin wheat noodles (somyeon) Remove from the heat and allow to cool,
then place the pot in the fridge overnight.
Chopped scallions
In the morning, use a spoon to remove
Korean radish kimchi (kkakdugi) the layer of fat that solidifies on top of the
Kosher salt soup. Carefully remove the bones using a
large slotted spoon, and strain the soup
through a fine mesh strainer. Pick out any
Place all of the bones in a large bowl and pieces of meat and reserve.
wash them under cold water. Fill the Return the soup to the pot and reheat
bowl up with cold water until the bones over high heat. Stir in the sliced brisket
are fully submerged. Place the brisket in and any of the reserved oxtail meat. Pour
another bowl and cover with cold water. the soup into bowls and serve with rice,
Allow the bones and brisket to soak at chopped scallions, radish kimchi, and
Serve your soup with rice, scallions, radish kimchi, and kosher salt, to season to taste. room temperature for 3 hours, to draw kosher salt on the side.




Prep Time: 5 minutes
covered, for 20 minutes.

Simple and Satisfying Cook Time: 30 minutes

Meanwhile, prep your other ingredients: Separate
the eggs, dividing the yolks and whites into two
bowls. Whisk 1/2 teaspoon rice vinegar into the
yolks, then whisk 1/2 teaspoon rice vinegar into the
CRYSTAL SHI & CICI LI protein of choice. In this version, diced
tomatoes add some welcome brightness.
Egg drop soup, or dan hua tang—literally This recipe calls for making your own 12 cups water, divided Cut the tomatoes into 1-inch cubes. Mince the
“egg flower soup”—is a Chinese home basic chicken stock for the base, which scallions, keeping the white and green parts
1/2 pound chicken bones, some meat attached
cooking staple. It’s simple, quick, and is easy if you plan ahead: When cook- separate.
6 thin slices ginger
comforting, especially as the weather ing other dishes that require cutting In a small pan over low heat, add the extra-light olive
turns colder. chicken meat off the bone, leave a bit FOR THE SOUP oil and the white parts of the scallions. Cook until
The “flower” refers to the soup’s charac- of meat on the bones and save them for aromatic, about 1 minute. Set aside.
6 eggs
teristic soft, wispy ribbons of egg, formed your future stock. Store-bought or pre- Now, make the soup: After the chicken stock has
by slowly pouring in beaten eggs near viously homemade chicken stock works 1 teaspoon rice vinegar, divided
simmered for 20 minutes, discard the chicken bones,
the end of the cooking process. They add great, too. 2 tablespoons extra-light olive oil ginger, and any impurities.
color and texture to the simple chicken Finally, two pieces of advice for the 5 tomatoes Turn the heat to high. Add the tomatoes and cook
broth base, slightly thickened with corn- perfect eggy swirls: Separate your yolks until softened, about 3 minutes. Skim off any foam.
4 stalks scallions, white and green parts
starch and made fragrant with ginger, and whites before streaming them in, to Add the scallion oil and season with salt, sugar, and
scallions, and white pepper. create ribbons of two distinct colors for white pepper to taste.
Egg drop soup is very adaptable, so a prettier presentation; and add a dash 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste
In a small bowl, make a cornstarch slurry by mixing
feel free to throw in other ingredients, of rice vinegar to both, for super soft and 1/2 teaspoon sugar together 3 tablespoons cornstarch and 3 tablespoons
such as quick-cooking vegetables or your silky results. 1/2 teaspoon white pepper water until smooth. Pour the cornstarch slurry into the
3 tablespoons cornstarch soup in a circular motion and stir until thickened.

3 tablespoons water Bring the soup back to a boil. Slowly pour in the egg
whites in a circular motion, then do the same with the
Drizzle of sesame oil egg yolks. Stir gently. Top with the green parts of the
scallions and a drizzle of sesame oil, and serve.
tomatoes Make the chicken stock: In a large pot over high
add welcome heat, add 6 cups of water and the chicken bones. NOTE:
brightness to this Cover, bring to a boil, and let boil for about 3 minutes. You can also use 6 cups store-bought or previously
simple egg drop Drain and discard the water; this will remove blood homemade chicken stock, and use less salt to season
soup. and other impurities, and any gamey flavor. the soup as needed.
Return the bones to the pot over high heat, and add Recipe by CiCi Li, the producer and presenter of “CiCi’s
the remaining 6 cups of water and the ginger. Cover, Food Paradise” on NTD. Join her in discovering the
bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer, world of Asian home cooking at

It’s simple, quick, and comforting,

especially as the weather turns colder.

Call for Food Writers

Are you an experienced food writer? We’re looking to commission
stories about unique, time-honored food traditions and recipes from
across the country—and around the world. If interested, send your
pitch, author bio, and 2 to 3 writing samples to S!


one doing a bank job Millard’s overtake
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
13. The lizard family the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
equation to get the solution in the middle.
14. Hand out There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
15. Supposes, old style lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 “Declare this contract,” Cy the Cynic said,
20. Pub order and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 showing me today’ s North-South cards.
21. _____ in plain sight “You’re at four spades. West leads the
queen of hearts.”
26. Ab machines, e.g. I said I would play low from dummy, ruff
27. Geologist’s tool the third heart and take the K-Q of trumps.
If trumps broke 3-2, I would draw the last
28. “... you get the idea”: trump and play a low club from both hands
Abbr. in case of a 4-1 break. If East won and led a
diamond, I could take the ace and run the
29. Lens cover? clubs to discard diamonds.
32. Paving stone “What if trumps split 4-1?” the Cynic
33. Dolly ___ of “Hello, “Then I start the clubs at Trick Six,
Dolly!” hoping they break 3-2,” I said. “When a
defender ruffs, I win any return and go to
34. Minor the ace of trumps to finish the clubs.”
38. “Man is a ___-using Hard 1 - 1 Solution
animal”: Thomas Carlyle “My plan was the same,” Cy said. He filled
39. Sight from Messina in the East-West cards. “But East was
40. “Do-It-Yourself Tor- Millard Pringle is a quiet little man who
nado Kit” manufacturer often gets lost in the maze of defensive
41. Gently persuade “When dummy played low on the
42. Vacant. second heart,” Cy said, “Millard played the
ace! I hope I never find out why. He then led
43. Gather on the sur- a diamond. Make four spades now.”
face, chemically
45. National fruits of You hold: { A 8 5 K 4 2 6 2
Jamaica yAQ 7 32. You open one club, and your
Hard 2 - 1 Solution partner bids one spade. North in today’s
48. Certain Japanese deal raised to two spades with this hand.
Across 37. Sky box? 74. Choir part 49. Small fry Do you agree with thatcall?
1. Turkish porter 40. Critical 75. Like an angry cleric? 50. Burg
ANSWER: I agree. In my experience, raising
a major-suit response with decent three-
6. Acid neutralizer 43. 5th in NYC, e.g. 80. Encounter card support in a suitable hand is a winning
56. Cords from sheep
12. Popular side 44. Meadow 81. “Brilliant!” action. Anyway, no other bid is attractive.
46. Fortune 82. “Peter and the Wolf” 58. ___ Day A rebid of two clubs would promise a
16. Black
59. 1933 Physicist Paul six-card suit. A bid of 1NT with two low
17. Sounded like a Persian 47. Ollie North’s claim to bird diamonds doesn’ t appeal.
18. Dough fame 83. “Against All ___” who shared the Nobel North dealer
19. Side-by-side, e.g. 51. Yoga class need 84. Go by, as time Prize with Schrodinger Neither side vulnerable
22. June honorees 52. Family address 85. Varieties 61. Not now
23. “... came a-bubblin’ 53. Knave 62. V.I.P.
crude, ___ that is,...” 54. Aussie “bear” Down 63. Bring to mind Easy 1 - 1 Solution
24. “St. ___ Stylites” 55. Biz bigwig 1. Lead, as a department 64. What’s left behind
(Tennyson poem) 57. Bedouin 2. Erode 65. Coasts
25. Arapaho foe 59. Kind of line 3. Crumble 66. Doofus
26. Sound of contempt 60. Physics, chemistry, 4. Some colonists 67. Courted
27. Pipe joint et al. 5. Caustic cleaner
72. Margin
30. Pub game 66. Lawn mower’s path 6. Hindu’s ambrosial drink
31. Assessment that may 68. Departure announce- 7. Faithful, in old poetry 73. In this way
determine how well you ment 8. Auspicious fishes 74. Friend in war
work with others 69. Mins. and mins. 9. Bristle 76. Unagi, at a sushi bar
35. “Childhood’s ___” 70. Refuse 10. “My Name Is Asher 77. Part of a cell nucleus
Kiss 71. Rice porridge ___” (Chaim Potok novel) 78. End
36. Run the show 73. Lipton product 11. Midmonth time 79. Frequently, in verse Easy 2 - 1 Solution



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.









Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,

in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.



were going — THROUGH
fancy new fireplace
Costs of installing their

darn good shaving cream.
three days, peanut butter is
like peanut butter for two or
If you don’t mind smelling


Tasting Notes ...................................

Wines are rated on a 100-point scale. Wines are chosen for

review because they represent outstanding quality or value, and
the scores are simply a measure of this reviewer’s enthusiasm
for the recommended wine.

Poliziano 2019 Rosso di Montepulciano, Tuscany, Italy ($19):

You wouldn’t expect to find some of Italy’s greatest values in red wine
in the hallowed vineyards of Tuscany, yet there it is, the Montepulciano
district that lies south of the Chianti region and east of the Montalcino
district. Montepulciano hasn’t caught up to its neighbors in popularity,

It’s high time to return hence why the prices lag a bit. Poliziano is one of the finest producers
to natural cork as the from the region. The rosso is its base wine, 80 percent sangiovese
primary wine closure, and 20 percent merlot, and it has plenty of oomph. Showing notes of
especially for age- black cherry, plum, and spice, it’s an excellent match for grilled poultry,
worthy red wines. sausages, and red pasta sauces. While not exactly cheap, the quality far
surpasses the price. Best Value. Rating: 91.

WINE TALK Chappellet 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon, Pritchard Hill ($250):

The Cork Problem

There are a handful of Napa Valley cabernets that are deserving
of iconic status, having demonstrated over decades that they
are anything but a fluke of nature. Pritchard Hill is Chappellet’s
contribution to the pantheon of truly great Napa Valley cab. This is

the 20th anniversary for this iconic cab from the iconic 50-year-old
ROBERT WHITLEY and stab my hand because of the force winery located off the Silverado Trail along the eastern side of the
required to simply get the cork to move valley. The 2017 is rich, deep, and impressive, with polished tannins
despite its muscular structure; dark-fruit notes of blackberry, cassis,
You may recall the issue of so-called cork a fraction of an inch. I’ve bent several of
and blueberry; and remarkable depth and length. It’s a wine for the
taint that ravaged the wine industry not my less-sturdy corkscrews. ages. Rating: 100.
so long ago. Extracting a cork from a bottle of wine
Many natural corks were infected with shouldn’t be that difficult, and it definitely
a compound called TCA (short for trichlo- shouldn’t be dangerous. There are compos- Duckhorn 2019 Sauvignon Blanc, Napa Valley ($32):
roanisole, which forms through interac- ite corks that work, permitting soft entry
Consistently among the finest sauvignons produced in California, the 2019
tions between plant phenols, chlorine, and with the corkscrew and easy extraction, Duckhorn follows in that vein, showing beautiful aromas of citrus, tropical fruit,
mold). TCA was a huge problem until re- but they are few and far between. and peach; exquisite balance; and impressive length with a subtle note of wood
cently, spoiling many bottles of wine, in- My solution is a return to natural corks for spice on the finish. Rating: 93.
cluding some of the most expensive, with wineries that insist on having a cork in the .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
an unpleasant, musty aroma. bottle. The cork industry has cleaned up its
The TCA issue prompted many winer- act and solved most of the problems that Château Lassègue 2017 Saint-Émilion Grand Cru, Bordeaux, France ($60):
ies to switch to screwcap closures despite promoted the spread of TCA. At the wine Château Lassègue is a Right Bank gem operated by vignerons Pierre and
initial resistance from the distribution competitions I oversee, we open thousands Nicolas Seillan. This, the chateau’s flagship wine, is sourced from the hillsides
chain, which feared a consumer backlash of bottles over the course of a weekend. We surrounding the chateau and is undoubtedly one of the finest values in Bordeaux
because screwcaps had previously been have seen a dramatic drop in the number today. The 2017 vintage is nearly equal parts merlot and cabernet franc, with
used mostly for cheap wines or jug wines. of wines rejected because of TCA, from a hint of cabernet sauvignon in the blend. The nose offers a hint of violets and
Some producers of fine wine resisted the double digits at the peak of the problem spice, leading to a palate that is supple and smooth, with richly layered red-fruit
transition and moved away from natural to less than 1 percent today. aromas and a subtle note of wood spice. It needs another few years in the cellar
corks to what are described as “composite” It’s high time to return to natural cork as to be at its best, but it will be worth the wait. Rating: 93.
corks made up of various materials. Now the primary wine closure, especially for .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

we have a different problem. age-worthy red wines. Tinto Figuero 12, 2017 Tempranillo, Ribera del Duero, Spain ($31):
Many of the composite corks are dif-
ficult to work with and, in some cases, To find out more about Robert Whitley Though a bit pricy for a crianza (aged 12 months in barrel), it’s what’s in the
dangerous because of the sheer force re- and read features by other Creators bottle that counts. This is a richly layered, beautifully structured red from Ribera
quired to extract them from the bottle. Be Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the del Duero that is drinkable now but has the guts for the long haul. With complex
careful when you encounter one of these Creators Syndicate website at Creators. aromas of blackberry, blueberry and raspberry, and a dash of sweet oak vanillin,
it’s a crowd pleaser. Rating: 92.
monstrosities. I’ve had the lever on the com. Email Robert at whitleyonwine@
corkscrew slip off the top of the bottle Copyright 2020

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