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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | M O N D A Y, J A N . 2 5 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,882 $1.

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In the News China Sends

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito

has introduced legislation to
amend the U.S. Constitution
Planes Into
to limit the Supreme Court to
nine justices. ... A3 Taiwan Air
The Arizona Republican
Party has voted to approve
Space 2 Days
resolutions to censure the
state’s Republican Gov. Doug
in a Row
Ducey, former Sen. Jeff Flake,
and Cindy McCain, the widow
of the late Sen. John McCain.
... A3 TAIPEI, Taiwan—Chinese military
planes including 12 fighter jets en-
Facebook has removed tered Taiwan’s air defense identifi-
more than 78,000 profiles cation zone for a second day on Jan.
on both Facebook and Insta- 24, the Taiwan government said,
gram, due to content related
as tensions rise between the two
to QAnon and “militarized so-
cial movements.”. ... A3
states just days into U.S. President
Joe Biden’s new administration.
A Native American tribe
called on the Biden admin-
istration to “immediately Just days into Joe Biden’s
amend” an executive order
“to provide an exception for presidency, China made
energy permits and approvals its largest-scale military
on Indian lands.” ... A8 incursion this year. It sent
US–CHINA A farmer inspects a grain drill while planting soybeans near Dwight, Ill., on April 23, 2020.
Mexican President Andrés another fleet of fighter jets
Manuel López Obrador says into Taiwan air space
that President Joe Biden
would send $4 billion to Cen-
Future of US–China Trade Deal on Jan. 24.
tral American countries. ... A7
Officials in New Mexico Uncertain as Beijing Lags Behind Target The Chinese communist regime
claims the self-ruled island as a
part of its territory and has repeat-
have expressed alarm over
Biden’s 60-day pause on new China met only 58 percent of its purchase target of all US goods under the edly threatened to use military
oil and natural gas leases and force to bring the island under its
permits to drill. ... A5
phase one trade deal despite large purchases in recent months fold. Taiwan is a de facto nation-
A group of Kentuckians JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES state, with its own democratically
that includes three grand ju- BY EMEL AKAN structural commitments,” she said elected government, military, cur-

rors from the Breonna Taylor on Jan. 21, in a written response to rency, and constitution.
case have filed a petition to ASHINGTON—Chi- questions from the Senate Finance Beijing’s coercion intensified under
impeach the state’s attorney na has fallen short on Committee following her confirma- the former Trump administration,
general. ... A8 meeting its pledges in tion hearing this week. which elevated engagement with
Arizona Republican Party
the “phase one” trade The phase one trade deal signed in Taiwan through more arms sales and
Chairwoman Kelli Ward, agreement signed last year, and January 2020 requires Beijing to buy the lifting of restrictions on U.S. con-
an ally of former President the Biden administration will soon an additional $200 billion worth of tact with Taiwanese officials.
Donald Trump, has been re- commence a review of the deal to U.S. goods and services during 2020 On Jan. 23, China made its largest-
elected. ... A8 determine a proper policy response. and 2021, compared to 2017 levels. scale military incursion this year,
Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Analysis of Chinese trade data by A container ship sits in a berth at the when the Chinese regime sent 13
CHINA Yellen said there would be no imme- the Peterson Institute for Interna- Port of Oakland in Oakland, Calif., on military aircraft—eight bombers,
diate moves to lift punitive tariffs on tional Economics (PIIE) showed that June 20, 2018. four fighter jets, and an anti-sub-
CCP virus outbreaks in
China’s capital of Beijing and
Chinese imports that were imposed China has met about 58 percent of marine plane—to fly over Taiwan’s
its financial hub of Shanghai by the Trump administration. its purchase target of U.S. goods cov- $100.0 billion, compared with the southwest waters.
continue to worsen; more “We are closely monitoring Chi- ered by the phase one deal. target of $173.1 billion,” the PIIE Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said
neighborhoods have entered na’s adherence to all of its Phase “Through December 2020, Chi- stated in its report. that the next day, China sent six J-10
lockdowns. ... A9 One commitments, including both na’s total imports of covered prod- China met only 64 percent of fighters, four J-16s, two SU-30s, a
the purchase commitments and ucts from the United States were Continued on A2 Continued on A9
Rep. Michael McCaul is
urging President Joe Biden
to address concerns posed PRIVACY RUSSIA
by popular Chinese video-
sharing app TikTok, as Biden
promised on the campaign DIA Buying Rubio Criticizes
trail. ... A9 McKinsey for
Phone Response to
The United States has seen Location Arrest of Putin
its manufacturing activity
surge to its highest level in Data Without Critic
nearly 14 years in early Janu-
ary, as well as an unexpected
increase in sales of previously

owned homes in December. Defense Intelligence Agency Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says seri-
... A17 says it does not see the ous questions are surfacing about
Carpenter decision as applying “McKinsey’s core values and corpo-
The U.S. Senate Finance
Committee has unanimously to purchasing data for rate culture” following the famous
approved Janet Yellen’s nom- intelligence purposes international management consult-
ination as the first woman ing firm’s order barring its Moscow
Treasury secretary, indicat- BY ZACHARY STIEBER office employees from joining the
ing that she will easily win full in Carpenter v. United States that the telligence purposes.” growing protests in Russia against
Senate approval. ... A17 A U.S. intelligence agency is buying government improperly obtained Wyden is planning to introduce the arrest of Alexei Navalny.
phone location data without using cell phone location records from legislation that would help protect Navalny was arrested last week as
OPINION warrants, according to a newly re- wireless carriers serving Timothy Americans against warrantless he returned to Russia from Berlin,
Brad Bird: On the Efforts to
leased document. Carpenter, a criminal suspect, be- searches of cell phone records and where he was recovering from his
Silence Tucker Carlson, Sean In a memo dated Jan. 15 to Sen. cause it violated his Fourth Amend- other data. On the Senate floor last poisoning five months ago by a mil-
Hannity... A13 Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the Defense ment rights by not securing a war- week, he said it was “important that itary-grade nerve agent known as
Intelligence Agency (DIA) said rant before obtaining the records. the American people are told if the Novichok. Navalny is one of Russia’s
Thomas Del Beccaro: The analysts had searched U.S. device The DIA said it “does not construe government is using legal loopholes most prominent critics of Russian
Reason Biden Is Already Fail- location data five times in the past the Carpenter decision to require a in the law and the warrant require- President Vladimir Putin. His Jan.
ing as President... A14 2 1/2 years. judicial warrant to purchase or use ment of the Fourth Amendment.” 17 arrest sparked demonstrations on
John Mills: The Constitution- The Supreme Court ruled in 2018 commercially available data for in- Continued on A5 Continued on A2
al Process Didn’t Stop Fraud;
We Need to Do That...A16
Gov. Noem to Introduce Bill to Ban Abortions of Down Syndrome Babies
pitals reveal costs and pric- BY LORENZ DUCHAMPS FOR THE 2020 RNC VIA GETTY IMAGES
choose to have an abortion without
ing, but will consumers take excessive government restriction.
advantage?. ...B1 South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem an- “I look forward to the day when the
“It’s pure
nounced on Jan. 23 that she’ll intro- Supreme Court recognizes that all politics over
St. Ignatius offers guidance
duce a bill to her state’s legislature preborn children inherently possess public safety,”
on sticking to long-term goals
for self-growth. ...B7 on Jan. 25 that would ban abortion a right to life,” Noem said on Twitter. former U.S.
of babies based solely on a diagnose “To that end, on Monday I will intro- Customs
of Down syndrome. duce a bill that bans abortions based and Border
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. The Republican governor made on a Down syndrome diagnosis.” Protection
READEPOCH.COM the decision on the 48th anniversary Statistics indicate that women with Commissioner
of the U.S. Supreme Court’s land- Down syndrome-related pregnancy Mark Morgan
Published in New York, mark ruling in Roe v. Wade, which South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem speaks have a high abortion rate. Though said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
ruled that the Constitution pro- during the Republican National Con- data is limited, the most recent data Read more on A6
tects a pregnant woman’s liberty to vention on Aug. 26, 2020. Continued on A6

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

Rubio Rips

McKinsey for
Response to Arrest
of Putin Critic
CONTINUED FROM A1 officials and the Russian govern-
ment about the demonstrations
Jan. 23 that The Associated Press protesting Navalny’s arrest.
said led to the arrest of more than “The initial guidance is also rad-
3,000 people by Russian police. ically different from what Ms. Liz
In an unusual statement issued Hilton Segel, the managing part-
early on Jan. 24, Rubio made pub- ner for McKinsey’s North America
lic a letter in which he blasted operations, outlined to my office
McKinsey & Company Global just a few months ago,” Rubio said Caption ssimaio. Nequodit offictis nectame ndebis ullupta con cus. Nequod eicto que omnis et vent
Managing Partner Kevin Sneader in his letter. eumquam niet que dollitAndipsum sit, voloria ndessita dolutem facestorenim ha
after Sneader’s firm told its Mos- “To help my office’s understand-
cow office employees they were ing of the situation, please de-
forbidden from participating in scribe how the initial ‘no partici-
“illegal” demonstrations. pation’ guidance was determined,
The firm subsequently issued a and whether any McKinsey em-
statement saying its employees ployee consulted with anyone in Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is escorted out of a police station, following a court ruling that he be jailed for
are free to participate in “legal” Vladimir Putin’s regime before or 30 days, in Khimki, outside Moscow, on Jan. 18, 2021.
protest demonstrations. after the guidance was sent. Simi-
“It strains credulity to believe larly, did any McKinsey employee The U.S. State Department con- and convicted in 2014 of money- “The free world has seen their
the managing partner of Russia consult with anyone in the Putin demned Navalny’s arrest and laundering, but he has insisted bravery. The Kremlin must release
and CIS incorrectly characterized establishment before or after the those of the demonstrators, say- the case against him was false. Alexei Navalny immediately,
how McKinsey policy sought to revised guidance was sent? ing, “We call on Russian authori- His arrest upon returning from along with the thousands of Rus-
interact with the Putin regime in “With every new report of McK- ties to release all those detained Berlin violated the terms of his sians they’ve unjustly arrested in
his original email,” Rubio wrote. insey & Company’s work with for exercising their universal suspended sentence in the mon- the last 24 hours.
“Despite efforts to correct pub- authoritarian regimes, I grow rights and for Navalny’s imme- ey-laundering case, Russian au- “The United States should im-
lic perception now, this episode increasingly concerned about its diate and unconditional release. thorities claimed. mediately rally an international
raises serious questions about work on behalf of the U.S. Gov- “We urge Russia to fully cooper- In a related development on Jan. response to impose Magnitsky
McKinsey’s core values and cor- ernment.” ate with the international com- 24, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) called sanctions on those leading the
porate culture,” he said. “It is no Rubio’s views are especially sig- munity’s investigation into the on President Joe Biden to impose crackdown on protesters and
secret that McKinsey maintains nificant because he’s the ranking poisoning of Aleksey Navalny new sanctions on Russia in re- invoke the provisions of the
close business ties to Russian gov- Republican on the Senate Select and credibly explain the use of a sponse to Navalny’s arrest and to Chemical Weapons Convention to
ernment agencies and Kremlin- Committee on Intelligence and is chemical weapon on its soil. lead an international coalition to inspect Russian facilities that pro-
linked companies.” considered a potential contender “The United States will stand protest the Putin regime’s actions. duced the nerve agents involved
Rubio told Sneader that the for the 2024 Republican presiden- shoulder-to-shoulder with our “Vladimir Putin is a coward who in Navalny’s poisoning. It’s time
firm’s actions contradicted what tial nomination. allies and partners in defense of fears the strength and resilience the freedom-loving world cut off
he was told was the company’s Some of the demonstrations on human rights—whether in Rus- of the Russian people. Tens of all avenues of support for Putin’s
policy by another senior execu- Jan. 23 to demand Navalny’s release sia or wherever they come under thousands of Russians took to the corrupt regime.”
tive last year, and raises ques- from prison were held in the Sibe- threat.” streets because they’re fed up with
tions about whether there were rian region of Russia, where tem- Navalny has long been targeted Putin and refuse to be silenced by Contact Mark Tapscott at
consultations between McKinsey peratures reached 50 below zero. by Putin. The critic was charged his tyrannical regime,” Sasse said.

State Department Examining Trump Future of US–China Trade Deal

Administration’s Designation of Houthis as Terrorists Uncertain as Beijing Fails to Meet
Phase One Targets
CONTINUED FROM A1 tration’s trade policies and urged
The Biden administration is re- the incoming administration to
viewing the designation of the its purchase commitment for keep tariffs on China.
Houthis as a terrorist group that U.S. farm goods, 60 percent for “We transformed the way
was made late in former President manufactured products, and 39 people think about trade, and
Donald Trump’s term. percent for energy products, ac- we transformed the way the
“The State Department has initi- cording to the report. models are,” Lighthizer told The
ated a review of Ansarallah’s ter- U.S. farm exports have been Wall Street Journal in an inter-
rorist designations,” a spokesper- crucial for the phase one deal, view. “My hope is that that will
son told news outlets. as China was the largest export continue.”
“We will not publicly discuss or market for U.S. agriculture in 2017 The Trump administration
comment on internal delibera- before the trade war began. U.S. maintained tariffs on nearly
tions regarding that review; how- farmers were particularly hard $370 billion worth of Chinese
ever, with the humanitarian crisis hit by Beijing’s retaliatory tariffs. goods, citing China’s unfair trade
in Yemen, we are working as fast as China has a fifth of the world’s policies, including intellectual
we can to conduct the review and population, but it has only one- property theft, forced technol-
make a determination.” tenth of the world’s arable land. ogy transfers, government sub-
The State Department believes That means the country is heav- sidies for domestic companies,
that the Houthis, an Islamic clan ily dependent on imports of farm and restricting foreign access to
Houthi supporters hold up their weapons during a demonstration against the
also known as Ansarallah, “bears products, particularly soybeans, Chinese markets.
United States’ decision to designate the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organiza-
significant responsibility for the tion, in Sanaa, Yemen, on Jan. 20, 2021.
cotton, sorghum, wheat, and nuts. The trade deal doesn’t fully ad-
humanitarian catastrophe and Under the phase one agreement, dress these longstanding struc-
insecurity in Yemen,” but wants China was required to increase tural issues.
to make sure the United States is said in a statement at the time. tion hearing that the Houthis its U.S. farm purchases by $12.5 During the signing of the phase
“not impeding the provision of hu- “The designations are also in- “overthrew a government” and billion in 2020 and by $19.5 billion one agreement, then-president
manitarian assistance.” tended to advance efforts to “have committed atrocities and this year from the 2017 baseline Donald Trump said he would re-
achieve a peaceful, sovereign, human rights abuses.” level of nearly $24 billion. tain U.S. tariffs as a bargaining
and united Yemen that is both free “What’s also a fact though is that Last year, the Department of chip for the second phase of the
from Iranian interference and at the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen Agriculture expressed disap- deal. After the pandemic, howev-
We will not publicly peace with its neighbors. Progress pushed back against the Houthi pointment over Beijing’s slow er, he expressed hesitation about
discuss or com- in addressing Yemen’s instability aggression, has contributed to progress on meeting its pledges negotiating a phase two agree-
can only be made when those re- what is, by most accounts, the in the trade deal. ment with China, especially af-
ment on internal sponsible for obstructing peace are worst humanitarian situation that In order to satisfy the deal, Bei- ter Beijing’s mishandling of the
deliberations re- held accountable for their actions.” we face anywhere in the world, jing has accelerated its purchases COVID-19 outbreak.
garding that review. The Trump administration was and one aspect of that situation sharply in recent months despite It’s unclear whether the United
aware of concerns that the desig- is that about 80 percent of the the pandemic. It’s unclear how States will make progress on re-
Spokesperson, nations might affect the humani- Yemini population right now is in the Biden administration would solving trade issues with Beijing
Biden administration tarian situation in Yemen but areas controlled by the Houthis. compel Beijing to follow through under the Biden administration.
said it was going to put in place Whether we like it or not, we have on its promises. Some experts have expressed
Then-Secretary of State Mike measures that would reduce that to find ways to get assistance to Yellen, in her response to sena- skepticism over whether the Chi-
Pompeo on Jan. 10 announced the impact. them if we’re going to do anything tors, stated that the Biden admin- nese regime can truly commit to
designation of the Houthis as a for- Several nonprofits said the des- about addressing the situation,” istration would “engage in a com- structural reforms.
eign terrorist organization, along ignation would have a negative he said. prehensive review of all aspects Yellen said in her written state-
with the designation of three of impact. “So my concern, deep concern of the Trump Administration’s ment: “The economic dimension
its leaders as specially designated “This policy, in the name of tying about the designation that was trade policies toward China, in- of U.S.-China competition is cru-
global terrorists. up the Houthis, will actually tie made, is that, at least on its sur- cluding how completely Beijing cial. And we will take on the chal-
“These designations will pro- up the aid community and inter- face, it seems to achieve nothing has lived up to the terms of the lenge of China’s abusive, unfair,
vide additional tools to confront national diplomacy. The opposite particularly practical in advancing Phase One Agreement.” and illegal practices.”
terrorist activity and terrorism by is needed—effective pressure on the efforts against the Houthis and “As part of his review, [Biden] She criticized China for “un-
Ansarallah, a deadly Iran-backed all parties to the conflict to cease to bring them back to the negoti- is going to consult with allies to dercutting American companies
militia group in the Gulf region. using civilians as hostages in their ating table while making it even galvanize collective pressure. We by dumping products, erecting
The designations are intended to war games,” David Miliband, head more difficult than it already is to need a different approach that ac- barriers, and giving illegal sub-
hold Ansarallah accountable for of the International Rescue Com- provide humanitarian assistance tually brings meaningful pres- sidies to corporations” as well
its terrorist acts, including cross- mittee, said in a statement. to people who desperately need it.” sure on China,” she said. as engaging in policies that give
border attacks threatening civilian Biden’s secretary of state nomi- He proposed a review of the des- On Jan. 11, then-Trade Rep- Chinese companies “an unfair
populations, infrastructure, and nee, Anthony Blinken, told sena- ignation to make sure it isn’t im- resentative  Robert Lighthiz- technological advantage” over
commercial shipping,” Pompeo tors during his recent confirma- peding humanitarian assistance. er praised the Trump adminis- U.S. businesses.

Amendment to
Prevent Supreme
Court Packing
MATTHEW VADUM al commission to look at a court
system he described as “out of
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W. whack.” In October, Speaker of
Va.) introduced legislation on Jan. the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
22 to amend the U.S. Constitution said that because the U.S. popula-
to limit the Supreme Court to nine tion has increased over the past
justices, the numerical cap that century and a half, more justices
has been in place for well over a may be needed to sit on the Su-
century, in order to prevent Demo- preme Court.
crats from enlarging the court’s In the lead-up to the November The Supreme Court in Washington on Dec. 10, 2018.
membership. election, Democrats accused Re- ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES
Amending the Constitution is publicans of a double-standard sired policy result is a never-end-
no easy task. The amendment for moving expeditiously on Bar- ing proposition. Once this door is
bill must pass by a two-thirds rett’s nomination and vowed to opened, respect for the Supreme
supermajority in both houses of pack the Supreme Court with Court as an independent arbiter of
Congress and then be ratified by additional justices in order to cases and controversies would fall
three-quarters of the states, or 38 dilute the power of the court’s away as it became another parti-
of the 50 states, to become part of conservative-majority bloc, a san branch of government.
the Constitution. move they argued would make “We should preserve our inde-
The move comes after then- it easier for big-government legis- pendent judiciary by closing the
President Donald Trump’s con- lation favored by the political left door to court-packing. Ratification
servative constitutionalist nomi- to survive court scrutiny. of this amendment would stop the
nee, Amy Coney Barrett, was A group of GOP senators also co- Democrats’ current desire to pack
confirmed before Election Day, sponsored Capito’s bill, S.J. Res 4. the courts. It would also remove
replacing the liberal Ruth Bader They are Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.), the temptation for either party to
Ginsburg, who died in September. Kevin Cramer (N.D.), Marsha attempt to restructure the court
Filling the seat quickly in an Blackburn (Tenn.), Todd Young in a partisan way in the future.”
election year enraged many (Ind.), Mitt Romney (Utah), Mike President Franklin D. Roos-
Democrats, given the precedent Crapo (Idaho), Pat Toomey (Pa.), evelt, a Democrat, tried to pack
of Merrick Garland. Following Thom Tillis (N.C.), Rob Portman Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) leaves after the weekly Senate Republi- the Supreme Court in the 1930s
the election-year death in 2016 of (Ohio), John Cornyn (Texas), and can Policy Luncheon for votes on the Senate floor at the U.S. Capitol in Wash- after it struck down as unconsti-
Justice Antonin Scalia, the then- Mike Braun (Ind.). The bill was in- ington on Jan. 24, 2019. tutional a series of his legislative
Republican-majority Senate re- troduced in the previous Congress initiatives, but lawmakers from
fused to take up then-President on March 25, 2019, but lapsed. stated: “The Supreme Court of the for generations, and destroying his own party viewed the move
Barack Obama’s nomination of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and five United States shall be composed the foundations of our democratic as a political bridge too far when
Garland to the Supreme Court. other Senate Republicans intro- of nine justices.” system.” the public expressed its disap-
He has since been nominated by duced their own proposed con- “Make no mistake,” Cruz said at Capito explained her rationale proval of court-packing. Court-
President Joe Biden to become his stitutional amendment in Octo- the time, “if Democrats win the for the new bill in a statement. packing legislation died, though
attorney general. ber last year to prevent Democrats election, they will end the filibus- “A nine Justice court has worked the justices later dropped much
Biden flirted with the idea of from packing the Supreme Court ter and pack the Supreme Court, for our country for more than 150 of their opposition to Roosevelt’s
court-packing during the recent if Biden won the White House and expanding the number of justices years,” she said. government-enlarging New Deal
campaign but didn’t endorse it, Democrats recaptured the Senate. to advance their radical political “Increasing that number in a legislation and upheld the various
saying he would create a nation- That proposed amendment simply agenda, entrenching their power partisan effort to achieve a de- laws’ constitutionality.


Sen. Jeff Flake Over 78,000 Facebook, Instagram

(R-Ariz) during
a hearing on Users Removed for QAnon,
Capitol Hill in
Washington on
‘Militarization’ Policy Violations
Dec. 6, 2017.
JACK PHILLIPS across the service,” Twitter said
on Jan. 11, citing the violence at
Facebook removed more than the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
78,000 profiles on both Facebook The coordinated purge started on
and Instagram, saying they had the same day Twitter announced it
posted QAnon content and con- will permanently suspend the ac-
tent related to “militarized social count of President Donald Trump.
movements” since August 2020. Germany’s Chancellor Angela
“We continue to strengthen our Merkel, Mexico President Andrés
enforcement by identifying ad- Manuel López Obrador, conserva-
ditional militarized social move- tives, and civil liberties groups such
ments, new terms associated with as the Electronic Frontier Founda-
QAnon and how people attempt tion and American Civil Liberties
to skirt our detection, including Union decried Trump’s suspension.
Arizona Republicans Censure called in to express his support.
In a short call, Trump called
focusing more on Facebook pro-
files used to organize and promote
The QAnon movement follows
clues from cryptic messages post-

Ducey, Flake, McCain on Arizonans to help Ward get

reelected as chair of the state’s
these movements and groups on
our platform,” Facebook said in an
ed to anonymous imageboards. A
prominent aspect of the theory al-
Republican Party, saying that he update on Jan. 19. leges that global elites are part of a
gives her his “complete and total The company added that “these satanic pedophile ring.
IVAN PENTCHOUKOV endorsement,” due to her stances groups are constantly working to Prominent pro-Trump figures,
on a number of issues. avoid our enforcement and we’ll including former national secu-
The Arizona Republican Party The party censured “She is a terrific person. She is a continue to study how they evolve rity adviser Michael Flynn, who
voted on Jan. 23 to approve res- Ducey for impos- person I know. You’ll never find in order to keep people safe.” embraced some of QAnon’s slo-
olutions to censure the state’s ing restrictions in anybody as dedicated to every Facebook added that “as of Jan- gans, and Flynn’s attorney Sidney
Republican Gov.  Doug Ducey, aspect we’re all dedicated to,” uary 12, 2021, we have identified Powell—who filed a number of
former Sen. Jeff Flake, and Cindy response to the CCP Trump said. over 890 militarized social move- third-party lawsuits related to the
McCain, the widow of the late virus that ‘restrict Ward played a central role in ments to date and in total, removed November 2020 election—were
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). personal liberties,’ Trump’s fight to protect election about 3,400 Pages, 19,500 groups, also purged from Twitter.
The party censured Ducey for integrity, filing lawsuits in Ari- 120 events, 25,300 Facebook pro- Last week, the social media com-
imposing restrictions in response the Arizona Repub- zona to question the accuracy of files and 7500 Instagram accounts. pany suspended several Antifa-
to the CCP (Chinese Communist lic reported. the election results in the state. We’ve also removed about 3,300 linked accounts related to riots
Party) virus that “restrict personal She ultimately fended off several Pages, 10,500 groups, 510 events, on Inauguration Day.
liberties and force compliance to auguration. challengers, winning 51.5 percent 18,300 Facebook profiles and One of the most prominent ac-
unconstitutional edicts,” the Ari- Flake had responded to the cen- of the vote to 48.5 percent against 27,300 Instagram accounts for vio- counts suspended was “The Base.”
zona Republic reported. sure resolutions when they were challenger Sergio Arellano in the lating our policy against QAnon.” It was first reported by journalist
The Republicans censured first introduced, writing on Twit- second round of voting. A Facebook spokesperson told Andy Ngo.
Flake, saying he “condemned ter, “If condoning the president’s During a speech prior to the Fox Business last week that in all, “Our comrades w The Base (@
the Republican Party, rejected behavior is required to stay in the votes, Ward promoted herself as about 78,000 Facebook and Insta- TheBasebk), an anarchist social
populism, and rejected the inter- Party’s good graces, I’m just fine an anti-establishment Republi- gram accounts were deleted as of center in Brooklyn, NY of 9 years
ests of the American people over being on the outs.” can that aims to continue Trump’s Jan. 12 of this year. now took this Twitter thing seri-
globalist interests,” while the state Officials in Ducey’s office and vision to put America first. Other Big Tech companies such ously,” Antifa Sacramento wrote
party said McCain, who endorsed the McCain Institute didn’t re- “The decision is ours. Are you as Twitter and Google’s YouTube on the platform. “Reaching a plat-
Joe Biden for president, “has sup- spond to a request for comment going to reelect me and show the have also removed tens of thou- form of 17k followers they pushed
ported globalist policies and can- by press time. state, the country, and the world sands of accounts related to the a very specific line where politics
didates” and “condemned Presi- During the same meeting, that we are an America first Arizo- movement in recent weeks. were never blurred. Today, Twitter
dent Trump for his criticism of her the Arizona GOP voted to re- na, or will we go back to the dark “These accounts were engaged took their account down, and now
husband and erroneously placed elect Kelli Ward as the party’s days before Trump?” she said. in sharing harmful QAnon-asso- theres a void.”
behaviors over actual presidential chairwoman. Ward won after ciated content at scale and were
results.” an endorsement from former Janita Kan contributed primarily dedicated to the propa- Zachary Stieber contributed
The three attended Biden’s in- President Donald Trump, who to this report. gation of this conspiracy theory to this report.

Amazon Trying to Block Voting by Mail

in Unionization Election

Amazon is seeking to block mail-

in votes in an upcoming union-
ization vote.
Workers at a warehouse in Bes-
semer, Alabama, are scheduled
to vote soon on whether to union-
ize, with ballots being sent out
on Feb. 8. The National Labor
Relations Board said earlier this
month that the vote would take
place entirely by mail because of
the COVID-19 pandemic.

We believe that
the best approach
to a valid, fair and
successful elec-
tion is one that is
conducted manu-
ally, in-person.
Amazon spokesperson

“A mail ballot election will en-

franchise employees who cannot
enter the voting location for health
reasons or due to positive COVID
tests,” the board said in its ruling.
“In addition, a mail ballot election
will protect the health and safety of
voters, Agency personnel, the par-
ties’ representatives, and the public People protest working conditions, outside of an Amazon warehouse fulfillment center on Staten Island, N.Y., on May 1, 2020.

Amazon filed a motion on Jan.

21 that seeks to delay the election
so it can take place in person, with
no votes by mail.
In a filing, Amazon said the
board’s decision doesn’t specify
what constitutes an outbreak. The
company added that the board’s
acting regional director “reached
the remarkable conclusion that
any level of infection or poten-
tial infection among employees
counts as an ‘outbreak.’”
Approximately 2.9 percent of
Amazon’s 7,575 employees and
third-party workers tested posi-
tive for COVID-19 in the two
weeks ending on Jan. 7, Amazon
said. The company contests that
that percentage doesn’t constitute Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in A woman works at a distribution station at the Amazon fulfillment center on
Washington on Oct. 22, 2019. Staten Island, N.Y., on Feb. 5, 2019.
an outbreak.
If it does, then “facilities will be
in a constant state of ‘outbreak’ un- strongly favors in-person elec- azon workers in Delaware voted to join the Retail, Wholesale and rary,” they said. “A union contract
less and until the virus all but dis- tions but said that approximately that year not to join a union. Department Store Union. The is in writing, negotiated upon, and
appears, with no manual elections 90 percent of votes since March Amazon’s owner is Jeff Bezos, union declined to comment. It Amazon would need to legally fol-
occurring until that unknown 2020 have taken place by mail one of the richest men in the world. has not publicly remarked on the low the guidelines and there are
time,” Amazon said in a filing, because of the pandemic. The second-largest employer in scheduled vote, though it linked mechanisms to hold them legally
alleging that an election by mail If one of six unique circum- the United States has struggled to an article about the situation accountable to us as workers.
could “disenfranchise dozens or stances are present in a facility, with worker safety. The National on its website. There’s no other way to have this
hundreds of voters.” then a remote vote would be or- Council for Occupational Safety Organizers of the unionization type of relationship with Amazon
“We believe that the best ap- dered, the board decided. Those and Health regularly lists Amazon effort and Amazon set up compet- outside of having a union.”
proach to a valid, fair and suc- circumstances include a current among the most unsafe workplac- ing sites to make their cases. Amazon alleged that workers
cessful election is one that is con- COVID-19 outbreak at a facility, an es in the country. Organizers said having a union would have to pay hundreds of
ducted manually, in-person,” an increase in the 14-day trend of new “Six worker deaths in seven “would give us the right to collec- dollars in dues. “Why pay almost
Amazon spokesperson told news confirmed COVID-19 cases, and an months; 13 deaths since 2013. tively bargain over our working $500 in dues? We’ve got you cov-
outlets. “We will continue to insist inability to carry out an in-person Reports of a high incidence of sui- conditions including items such as ered with high wages, health care,
on measures for a fair election, and election that abides by mandatory cide attempts; workers urinating safety standards, training, breaks, vision, and dental benefits, as well
we want everyone to vote, so our state or local health orders. in bottles and workers left with- pay, benefits, and other important as a safety committee and an ap-
focus is ensuring that’s possible.” The vote at the Bessemer ware- out resources or income after issues that would make our work- peals process. There’s so much
The board didn’t respond to a house is slated to be the first on-the-job injuries,” the council place better.” MORE you can do for your career
request for comment. In a state- unionization vote in an Amazon said in 2019. “Amazon sometimes addresses and your family without paying
ment last year, it said its policy facility since 2014. A group of Am- This year’s unionization vote is issues at work but it’s all tempo- dues,” the site states.


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Dems, Union Leaders Cheer Biden’s Firing

of Labor Board Lawyer

MARK TAPSCOTT job he was appointed to do

independently and free from
Democratic lawmakers political influence.”
and their traditional labor Other Republicans on the
union allies are cheering education and labor commit-
President Joe Biden’s firing tee echoed Foxx, with Rep.
of the National Labor Rela- Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) tell-
tions Board’s (NLRB) general ing The Epoch Times: “This
counsel even though Peter is an unprecedented and
Robb’s four-year term had divisive action that literally
nine months left. comes right off the lips of
House Education and La- President Biden saying that
bor Committee Chairman he was calling for unity in the
Bobby Scott praised Biden in country. He literally spins off
a statement issued Jan. 20 for the teleprompter to cut out
seeking Robb’s resignation; from underneath the labor
Robb was fired after declin- board their general counsel.
ing to resign. “It’s always been precedent
“It has taken just one day for every single president be-
for President Joe Biden to fore Biden that they allowed
deliver his first major vic- every general counsel—re-
tory for American workers. gardless of their political af-
As General Counsel of the filiation or appointment—to
National Labor Relations finish out their term.”
Board, Peter Robb has con- Similarly, Rep. Ron Wright,
sistently neglected his statu- a Texas Republican, told The
tory duty to uphold workers’ President Joe Biden speaks about the COVID-19 response as Vice President Kamala Harris looks on in the State Dining Room of the Epoch Times that “firing
right to stand together and White House on Jan. 22, 2021. Mr. Robb from his Senate-
negotiate for better working confirmed, four-year ap-
conditions,” Scott, a Virginia vote to join a union today and dented since the NLRB was Business and Big Labor, and this NLRB.” pointment speaks volumes
Democrat, said. violated the stated purpose of created in 1935 during Presi- finally, a general counsel Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), to how unserious President
“His refusal to uphold the the National Labor Relations dent Franklin D. Roosevelt’s had the nerve and the cour- Scott’s counterpoint on the Biden and his administration
Board’s mission during this Act—to encourage collective New Deal. The general coun- age to stand up and fight for education and labor panel are about truly uniting our
deadly pandemic—includ- bargaining,” Trumka said in sel position requires Senate employee rights.” as ranking minority mem- government and the nation.”
ing unlawfully halting union a statement. confirmation. Mix was referring to NLRB ber, decried Robb’s firing as “The Biden administration
representation elections and Robb earned such intense “A general counsel who was cases defending individual political interference by the seems to be wasting no time
failing to hold employers ac- opposition from labor leaders serving during the Truman employees’ rights such as not Biden administration. with their unprecedented
countable for violating the that the resignation request administration who had time having to pay union dues as “President Biden’s con- move in favor of Big Labor,
law—has left workers pow- was delivered to him a mere left in his term was asked to a condition of employment tinuous calls for unity and and the Congressman looks
erless to protect themselves 23 minutes after Biden was resign and complied, but and their rights to demand civil discourse upon taking forward to having these de-
against unsafe workplaces, inaugurated, according to never before has the general elections to decide whether his oath of office are already bates in the Education and
meager wages, and other National Right to Work Foun- counsel for the NLRB been to decertify a union as their proving to be empty aspi- Labor Committee,” Wright
forms of abuse.” dation (NRTWF) President fired, so this is a first,” Mix representative, among oth- rations,” Foxx told The Ep- said.
AFL-CIO President Richard Mark Mix. said. ers. och Times on Jan. 22. “This On the same day Biden
Trumka described Robb as Mix told The Epoch Times “The reason they had to get “We’ve got several cases outrageous ultimatum that fired Robb, he named NLRB
“a union-busting lawyer by on Jan. 22 that Biden has re- rid of Robb is because he has pending at the NLRB that General Counsel Robb step member Lauren McFerran as
trade” who, as the NLRB’s ceived millions of dollars in issued several complaints are specifically about giving down from his four-year Sen- the board’s new chairman,
chief lawyer, “mounted an union campaign cash and that give individual work- workers the right to exercise ate appointment less than 10 replacing John Ring, who was
unrelenting attack for more in-kind contributions in the ers the right to act under the the privileges and powers months before the expiration named to the post in 2018.
than three years on workers’ course of his 50-year career NLRB Act.” they were granted under the of his term is unacceptable Republicans still hold a 3–1
right to organize and engage as a Washington politician, The NRTWF head said National Labor Relations Act and flouts the National Labor majority on the NLRB.
in collective bargaining.” including tenure as a sena- prior to Robb’s appointment of 1935,” Mix said. Relations Act.”
“His actions sought to sty- tor, vice president, and now in 2017 by President Don- “Richard Trumka and the Foxx said Biden should Contact Mark Tapscott
mie the tens of millions of president. ald Trump, the NLRB “only rest of the Big Labor leaders rescind Robb’s termination at Mark.Tapscott@
workers who say they would Biden’s action is unprece- recognized two parties, Big were desperate to get rid of and allow him to finish the

New Mexico Officials Express Alarm Over White Defense Intelligence Agency
House’s 60-Day Pause on Oil Leases Buys Phone Location Data
Without Warrants, Memo Says
CONTINUED FROM A1 rity’s inspector general last
Officials in New Mexico year said it was investigat-
have expressed alarm over There are circumstances, ing whether the department
President Joe Biden’s 60-day he said, “in which the gov- used commercial databases
pause on new oil and natu- ernment, instead of getting to get location data on Amer-
ral gas leases and permits to an order, just goes out and icans without a warrant.
drill, saying the industry is purchases the private re- The National Security
tied to spending on educa- cords of Americans from Agency warned Pentagon
tion and other programs in these sleazy and unregu- employees last year that
the state. lated commercial data bro- location data “can be ex-
“During his inaugura- kers who are simply above tremely valuable and must
tion, President Biden spoke the law.” be protected.”
about bringing our nation Avril Haines, the new “It can reveal details about
together. Eliminating drill- director of national intel- the number of users in a
ing on public lands will cost ligence, told Wyden during location, user and supply
thousands of New Mexicans her recent confirmation movements, daily routines
their jobs and destroy what’s hearing that she wasn’t up to (user and organizational),
left of our state’s economy,” date on data collection. She and can expose otherwise
Carlsbad Mayor Dale Jan- said that, if confirmed, she unknown associations be-
way told The Associated would “seek to try to pub- tween users and locations,”
Press on Jan. 22. “How does licize essentially a frame- the agency said in a memo
Pump jacks operate at dusk near Loco Hills, N.M., on April 23, 2020.
that bring us together? En- work that helps people un- it published in August 2020.
vironmental efforts should derstand the circumstances Ways to limit tracking risks
be fair and well-researched, Environmental efforts must out to state education initia- of a plan designed to halt under which we do that and include disabling location
not knee-jerk mandates that always be balanced with tives and other programs. “attack[s] on federal lands the legal basis that we do services settings on devices,
just hurt an already impov- consideration of economics “It really has the opposite and waters, establishing that under.” giving applications as few
erished state.” and fairness,” he wrote. intent,” said Robert McEn- national parks and monu- Other agencies may have permissions as possible,
In an op-ed, Janway wrote Gov. Michelle Lujan Grish- tyre, spokesman for the New ments that reflect America’s also used location data in and disabling advertising
that the Department of In- am’s office told the news Mexico Oil and Gas Associa- natural heritage, banning investigations. The Depart- permissions to the greatest
terior “did not limit existing outlet that the administra- tion, according to the AP. “It new oil and gas permitting ment of Homeland Secu- extent possible.
oil and gas operations un- tion is reviewing the federal means some natural gas is on public lands and waters, SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
der valid leases, and many action. not going to be captured, modifying royalties to ac-
companies have stockpiled “Certainly we all under- and that’s not what opera- count for climate costs, and
drilling permits, so much stand the critical impor- tors want to do. They want establishing targeted pro-
of the work going on in our tance of this industry to New to capture it and send it to grams to enhance reforesta-
oilfields will hopefully con- Mexico’s bottom line and of market.” tion and develop renewables
tinue for some time.” the imperative to diversify Environmental groups on federal lands and waters
“We call upon all of New our state economy and ener- praised Biden’s executive with the goal of doubling
Mexico’s elected officials to gy portfolio,” Lujan Grisham action. offshore wind by 2030.”
oppose all proposals that go spokeswoman Nora Meyers “Any step toward fixing the Some Republicans on so-
in the direction of eliminat- Sackett said in an email, broken federal oil and gas cial media, responding to
ing drilling on public lands. without elaborating. leasing program is a step the AP’s report, noted that
Such an outcome would only The AP noted that  New in the right direction,” said New Mexico voted in favor of
punish poorer states such Mexico’s oil production Mark Allison, director of the Biden over President Donald
as New Mexico by moving happens on federal land group New Mexico Wild, AP Trump.
more operations over to and amounts to hundreds of reported. The Epoch Times reached A sign for the U.S. Cyber Command, National Security Agency,
states with more privately- millions of dollars in fund- According to Biden’s tran- out to the White House for and Central Security Service, near the entrance to the NSA’s
owned land, such as Texas. ing each year, which is doled sition office, the move is part comment. headquarters in Fort Meade, Md., on Feb. 14, 2018.

Michigan Rep. Upton Unanimously Censured

by County GOP for Impeachment Vote


A Michigan county’s Republican

Party voted to censure Rep. Fred
Upton (R-Mich.) for his vote to im-
peach former President Donald
Trump earlier this month.
During the Allegan County Re-
publican Convention, members
voted Jan. 21 “censure and con-
demn” Upton in a unanimous vote,
according to a statement, adding
that Upton “ignored the voice of
his voters in Allegan County” by
voting for Trump’s impeachment.
“The unanimous voice vote was
confirmed during a meeting of
the Executive Committee im-
mediately following the conven-
tion by another unanimous voice
vote,” the group said. “The AGOP
Issues Committee is charged with
making recommendations for
further action.”
Upton represents Allegan Coun-
ty, which is part of Michigan’s 6th
Congressional District.
Upton, in response, said, “I al-
ways said I’d support President
Trump when I agreed with him
and disagree when I thought he House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) presides over a vote to impeach President Donald Trump for the second time, in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol in
was wrong. Congress should not Washington on Jan. 13, 2021.
tolerate any effort to impede the
peaceful transfer of power. forward, this should be a party Members of the House alleged of a president who isn’t in office thony Bouchard announced last
“I’ve gone to bat for southwest that can include a lot of different Trump incited violence during his any longer. week that he will run against her,
Michigan every day I’ve been in opinions, ideas, and viewpoints,” speech before a group breached Meanwhile, Rep. Liz Cheney noting Trump’s massive victory
Congress, bringing jobs, economic according to Upton’s communica- the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. For his (R-Wyo.), the daughter of former margin in Wyoming and Cheney’s
growth, and opportunities to our tions director Josh Paciorek. part, Trump condemned the riot- Vice President Dick Cheney and “long-time opposition” to the for-
region of the state. And that is ex- Upton’s office didn’t respond to a ers and violence, while asserting member of the House Republican mer president.
actly what I’m going to keep doing.” request for comment by press time. that his speech was fine. A number leadership, has perhaps faced the “Wyoming taxpayers need a voice
Upton “has been making calls The move to censure Upton of Republicans in Congress have most significant criticism from in Congress who will stand up to
and reaching out to local party comes amid a growing backlash backed his assertions, with an in- her own party after she voted to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats,
folks to listen to them and hear against the 10 Republicans who creasing number of GOP senators impeach. and not give them cover. That’s why
them, knowing they might dis- voted with Democrats to impeach saying that it’s not constitutional Cheney now has a challenger af- I’m running for Congress,” Boucha-
agree with his stance, but to move Trump. to conduct an impeachment trial ter Wyoming GOP state Sen. An- rd said in a statement.


Former South Dakota Governor Will

Border Patrol Propose Bill to Ban Abortions of
Down Syndrome Babies
Head: Biden
Administration CONTINUED FROM A1 abortion will be one of the key
topics discussed during the 2021
Made America available released in a study by
Obstetrics & Gynecology shows
South Dakota legislative session.
Meanwhile, the Biden–Harris
Less Safe that about 67 percent of U.S. preg-
nancies where it is suggested the
administration released a state-
ment on the 48th anniversary of
Within Hours baby would be born with Down
syndrome end in abortion.
Roe v. Wade stressing that the ad-
ministration is committed to “cod-
Data from countries in Europe ifying Roe v. Wade and appointing
JACK PHILLIPS also show high Down syndrome judges that respect foundational
termination rates, and in some precedents like Roe.”
Former U.S. Customs and Border cases they exceed 90 percent. In “In the past four years, repro-
Protection Commissioner Mark Mark Morgan, former Border Patrol chief, testifies at a Senate homeland 2015, Denmark reported that 98 ductive health, including the
Morgan accused the Biden ad- security committee hearing in Washington on April 4, 2019 percent of people who received a right to choose, has been under
ministration of making the Unit- SANDRA SEBASTIAN/AP PHOTO positive test for Down syndrome relentless and extreme attack,”
ed States less safe within hours of terminated their pregnancy. the statement reads. “We are
President Joe Biden being sworn South Dakota generally bans deeply committed to making sure
in last week. abortions at 20 weeks. People everyone has access to care—
“With the stroke of a pen, Presi- seeking abortions also need to including reproductive health
dent Biden made this country less wait a period of 72 hours and get care—regardless of income, race,
safe,” Morgan told Breitbart News counseling before having the zip code, health insurance status,
on Jan. 23. “It’s pure politics over procedure. or immigration status.”
public safety.” Earlier this month, Noem was The Trump administration over
“Look, I know what our team said joined at the governor’s house the past four years enacted poli-
to the transition team,” Morgan for the state of the union address cies and laws that were pro-life. As
said. “I know the facts and data and by Fox News contributor Rachel part of his administration’s efforts,
analysis that was provided. I know Campos-Duffy and her husband, former President Donald Trump
what they told them and gave them former Wisconsin Rep. Sean called for defunding Planned Par-
that showed that the wall works.” Duffy. The Duffys were invited enthood and late-term abortions.
Morgan said he believes the ad- by Noem to speak about their Trump also nominated three pro-
ministration didn’t speak to experts daughter Valentina, who was life judges to the Supreme Court.
with the Border Patrol about which born with Down syndrome. Roe v. Wade was the 1973 Su-
policies should remain. He cited ex- “Every single life is precious, re- preme Court 7–2 decision rul-
ecutive orders ending the Migrant Migrants hoping to reach the U.S. border walk alongside a highway in Chiquim- gardless of what situation the fam- ing that the Constitution of the
Protection Protocol (MPP), also ula, Guatemala, on Jan. 16, 2021. ily is facing,” Noem said. “I think United States  protects a preg-
known as the “Remain in Mexico” Valentina, right here, her little face nant woman’s liberty to choose
program, as well as one that ended The Department of Homeland Se- The administration also said that shows what a blessing that she is to have an abortion without ex-
border wall system construction. curity (DHS) said on Jan. 20 that for 100 days, it will halt deporta- to this family, and they’re going cessive government restriction.
“So this was this is something the agency will “cease adding in- tions for some illegal immigrants. to be here talking to the people of It struck down many U.S. federal
we’ve been saying was the most dividuals into the program” under DHS will “pause removals for South Dakota and our legislators and state abortion laws.
dangerous thing that he’s been the MPP. certain noncitizens ordered de- about how important that bill is.”
saying all along, that he was go- “The legalization provisions in ported to ensure we have a fair and According to a social media post Masooma Haq and Zachary
ing to get rid of on Day One, and that bill apply only to people al- effective immigration enforcement and her appearance on Fox News, Stieber contributed to this report.
that’s what he did,” the former ready living in the United States,” system focused on protecting na- ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES
commissioner said. “That policy the agency said. tional security, border security, and
[MPP] alone attributed to the abso- The MPP program was launched public safety.”
lute reduction of [migrant] families in January 2019 to help stem the “The pause will allow DHS to en-
coming up from Central America.” flow of meritless asylum claims sure that its resources are dedicated
Officials with the Department of that were clogging up the system to responding to the most pressing
Homeland Security didn’t immedi- by the hundreds of thousands. challenges that the United States
ately respond to a request by The The MPP program makes asylum- faces, including immediate opera- South Dakota
Gov. Kristi
Epoch Times for comment. seekers wait in Mexico while their tional challenges at the southwest
Noem speaks
“It’s just frustrating what I’m see- asylum case is adjudicated. Prior border in the midst of the most during a
ing right now,” Morgan said. “To to its implementation, thousands serious global public health crisis campaign
me, it’s all politics. It’s all about of illegal immigrants were released in a century,” the statement reads. event in
politics. And our country’s less into the United States to await their “Throughout this interim period McDonough,
safe because of it, and it’s just dis- cases, most of whom failed to ap- DHS will continue to enforce our Ga., on Jan.
gusting.” pear in court. immigration laws.” 3, 2021.

Seattle Interim
Police Chief
Announces Tougher
Policy on Protest

Seattle Police will get tougher on

There was no
people who vandalize and destroy discussion about
property during protests, the de- what they were
partment’s interim police chief
announced on Jan. 23, ahead of fighting for.
a scheduled demonstration. Adrian Diaz,
Seattle Interim Police Chief interim police chief, Seattle
Adrian Diaz’s announcement Members of Antifa counter-protest at the “”Demand Free Speech”” rally in Washington on July 6, 2019.
comes follows a protest during The activists are alleged to be
which buildings were damaged members of the anarcho-com- what type of social justice mes- revenge for police murders, im- in 2020 and released.
and vandalized in the downtown munist group  Antifa  and other sage. That cannot happen. That perialist wars, and fascist massa- In a recent interview with The
area of the city, including a federal far-left groups, who have taken level of direct action cannot occur. cres,” read a banner they marched Epoch Times’ “American Thought
courthouse, on the day of Presi- advantage of a number of peaceful And we are going to immediately under, while others carried a ban- Leaders” program, Ngo raised
dent Joe Biden’s inauguration. protests calling for police reform address those issues.” ner reading “We are not govern- concerns over Twitter’s lack of
On Jan. 20, people dressed by creating a scene of civil unrest The Seattle Police Department able,” which was dotted with an- enforcement of its policies when
in black were seen  marching and engaging in violence, lighting didn’t respond to a request for archy symbols. it failed to stop Antifa planning
into the iconic Pike Place Mar- fires, looting, and damaging prop- more details on the new policy Eight people were arrested in and promoting riots on the social
ket, with  video from the after- erty during the summer last year. and enforcement by press time. Portland on charges that include media platform prior to the riots.
math showing broken windows at Many law enforcement officers The violence and property de- rioting and reckless burning. “In Seattle and Portland, there
a Starbucks. A group of black-clad were injured during operations struction in Seattle occurred Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) were simultaneous riots that were
activists marched along the street to quell the violence and protect alongside similar protests and ri- has urged President Joe Biden to pre-planned and organized, and
carrying a tattered American flag public safety. oting in Portland, Oregon. condemn the recent actions of the also advertised weeks ahead of
upside down, with the anarchy Diaz told reporters during a con- In Portland, black-clad activists rioters. White House press secre- time on Twitter,” Ngo said.
sign spray-painted on it and kick- ference that he wasn’t sure what with their faces covered broke tary Jen Psaki said on Jan. 23 that “Twitter  did nothing to take
ing over garbage containers. cause the rioters were fighting windows and the glass door at she hadn’t spoken to Biden about down some of these accounts that
Seattle police posted photos for, adding that he didn’t believe the state Democratic Party’s busi- the recent unrest. were promoting these riots.”
of the aftermath of the riots that violent protesters and vandals are ness office, spray-painting an Independent reporter Andy Ngo, Some of these accounts were ul-
shows multiple vandalized shops promoting a cause. anarchist symbol over the party who has been closely monitoring timately suspended following the
and buildings. The department said “The events of breaking windows sign, video posted on social media and reporting on Antifa in Port- inauguration day riots, Ngo said
at the time that police had arrested at a variety of different locations shows. Some of them tipped over land, said some of the rioters who on Jan. 22.
one person for property damage, a with no meaning,” Diaz told re- garbage containers and lit the con- were arrested at the most recent
woman for assault, and a man for porters. “There was no discussion tents on fire, according to reports. Portland riots were arrested at pre- Tom Ozimek contributed
burglary and property damage. about what they were fighting for, “We don’t want Biden. We want vious Black Lives Matter protests to this report.

Mexican President: Biden Will Pledge Republican Senator: Canceling

Keystone XL Means Oil Goes to China,
$4 Billion to Central American Countries Other Countries, or Less Safe Rail
JACK PHILLIPS IVAN PENTCHOUKOV Rounds said the decision will
divert a lot of the oil onto rail cars,
President Joe Biden spoke with Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) criti- displacing grain shipments from
Mexican President Andrés Manuel cized President Joe Biden’s revo- his state. He also lamented the
López Obrador, with the Mexican cation of the permit for the Key- loss of 10,000 future jobs, includ-
leader saying the White House stone XL pipeline, saying the oil ing 2,000 Americans who were on
would send $4 billion to Central that would have traveled through the job when Biden signed the ex-
American countries. the pipeline will go to China or ecutive order gutting the project.
López Obrador on Jan. 23 said another country or be shipped Keystone XL is the fourth phase
that Biden pledged the billions to to the United States by rail, which of construction of the Keystone
help development in Guatemala, Rounds said is less safe. pipeline, which adds a branch
Honduras, and El Salvador to stem “Look, they’re going to pump connecting terminals in Hard-
migration from Central America the oil, and it’s going to go some- isty, Alberta, and Steele City, Ne-
to Mexico. place. It’s too valuable not to, braska, through a shorter route
According to a summary of the and we still need the oil. So, it’s using a larger diameter pipe.
call from the White House, the two either going to be shipped to It has drawn attention since
spoke about a review of “bilateral other countries, including China, environmentalists singled out
cooperation on a range of bilateral which has not the same type of the project as a symbol of the
and regional issues, particularly President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador gives his daily morning environmental regulations that fight against fossil fuels and for
regional migration.” Biden also briefing in Mexico City on June 10, 2020. we have when it comes to the natural preservation. After Presi-
“outlined his plan to reduce migra- CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON/THE EPOCH TIMES processing of that oil, or it could dent Barack Obama temporar-
tion by addressing its root causes, come back down into the United ily delayed the project in 2015,
increasing resettlement capacity States to the specific locations President Donald Trump issued
and lawful alternative immigration where they actually know how a presidential permit in 2017 to
pathways, improving processing at to process it, to actually do that allow the project to go forward.
the border to adjudicate requests crude oil,” Rounds told Fox News Biden revoked Trump’s order
for asylum,” and reversing some of in an interview aired on Jan. 23. on Jan. 20.
the Trump administration’s “draco- “This was the most efficient TC Energy Corp. is planning to
nian” policies. way to do it. It’s still going to get eliminate more than 1,000 con-
“The two leaders agreed to work moved, but now they’re probably struction jobs related to the halt
closely to stem the flow of irregular going to have to go to rail cars, of the pipeline expansion proj-
migration to Mexico and the United and when you go to rail cars, ect. According to the Association
States, as well as to promote devel- it’s not as safe. And so, this was of Oil Pipe Lines’ CEO Andy Black,
opment in the Northern Triangle of simply the most efficient way to the move is tantamount to “killing
Central America,” the readout said. move about 830,000 barrels of 10,000 jobs and taking $2.2 billion
“They also recognized the impor- crude oil per day, that now will in payroll out of workers’ pockets
tance of coordination to combat the probably go either by rail or it’ll [and] is not what Americans need
COVID-19 pandemic.” go to another country.” or want right now.”
In June 2019, the Mexican presi- A group of Africans from Angola and Congo illegally arrive in Mexico after
crossing the Suchiate River on tube rafts from Tecun Uman, Guatemala, near TONI L. SANDYS-POOL/GETTY IMAGES
dent signed a deal with former Pres-
Hidalgo City, Mexico, on June 27, 2019.
ident Donald Trump under which
Mexico agreed to take steps to curb
illegal immigration. Trump, in re- counts were suspended. Pipeline. The long-disputed project
turn, withdrew a threat to place “How can you censor someone: was slated to carry about 800,000
tariffs on Mexican products. ‘Let’s see, I, as the judge of the barrels of oil per day from Alberta’s
Over the past several months, Holy Inquisition, will punish you oil sands to the Gulf Coast.
López Obrador had refused to because I think what you’re saying The White House, citing the call
acknowledge Biden as the pres- is harmful.’ between the two leaders, said Biden
ident-elect and also defended “Where is the law, where is the acknowledged Trudeau’s disap-
Trump after he was banned from regulation, what are the norms? pointment with the decision.
Twitter, Facebook, and other so- This is an issue of government, “It’s not always going to be per-
cial media platforms. this is not an issue for private fect alignment with the United
“I don’t like anybody being cen- companies.” States,” Trudeau said, according to
sored or taking away from ... the Biden, meanwhile, spoke with AP. “That’s the case with any given
right to post a message on Twitter or Canadian Prime Minister Justin president, but we’re in a situation
Face[book]. I don’t agree with that, I Trudeau last week, coming after where we are much more aligned
don’t accept that,” said López Obra- Trudeau expressed disappoint- on values and focus. I am very
dor, The Associated Press reported ment that Biden issued an execu- much looking forward to working Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on
earlier this month after Trump’s ac- tive order halting the Keystone XL with President Biden.” Sept. 24, 2020.


National Guardsmen gather at a security checkpoint near the U.S. Capitol in

Washington on Jan. 19, 2021.

4 Governors Order National

Guard Troops Out of DC
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron speaks during a press conference in Frankfort, Ky., on Sept. 23, 2020.
SAMUEL ALLEGRI should be graciously praised, not
subject to substandard conditions.”

Breonna Taylor Grand Jurors Four governors have ordered their

local National Guard troops to
return to their respective states
DeSantis said on “Fox&Friends”
that the assignment was a “half-
cocked mission at this point.” He

Among Petitioners Seeking to following accounts of thousands

of them saying they had been
“banished” to the parking garage
added that the Guard troops weren’t
there as House Speaker Nancy Pe-
losi’s (D-Calif.) servants, referring to

Impeach Kentucky AG of the U.S. Capitol.

Republican governors Chris
Sununu of New Hampshire, Ron
the 600 Texans who were deployed
to Washington.
The National Guard released a
DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott statement saying that it will coor-
of Texas, and Greg Gianforte of dinate the return of around 15,000
ZACHARY STIEBER including several computers. was unfairly treated by the police. Montana have said they’re call- troops during a five- to 10-day pe-
The new petition against Cam- While Walker was charged with ing their Guard members home. riod, leaving about 7,000 Guard
A group of Kentuckians that in- eron also claims he breached the attempted murder of a police of- More than 20,000 Guard troops troops in Washington until the end
cludes three grand jurors from public trust and failed to comply ficer, the charge was dropped sev- were sent to Washington following of the month.
the Breonna Taylor case on Jan. with his duties “for misrepresent- eral months later. the breach of the U.S. Capitol on On Jan. 21, photos showing the
22 filed a petition to impeach the ing to the nation the findings of the Cameron’s office didn’t imme- Jan. 6 and ahead of President Joe thousands of troops holed up in the
state’s attorney general. Grand Jury.” diately respond to a request for Biden’s inauguration. parking garage circulated on the
According to a statement an- Cameron presented the findings comment about the new petition. Abbott wrote on Jan. 22 on Twit- internet. The troops were later al-
nouncing the petition, Attorney of the Taylor grand jury to the pub- “The Grand Jurors did not ter that he had “instructed General lowed to return to the Capitol.
General Daniel Cameron, a Re- lic in September 2020. The grand choose this battle,” Kevin Norris to order the return of the “Yesterday, dozens of senators
publican, incited an insurrection jury indicted one of the three po- Glogower, representing the group Texas National Guard to our state.” and congressmen walked down
by financing, directing, and/or lice officers involved in the raid seeking the impeachment, said DeSantis also announced on our lines taking photos, shaking
permitting robocalls that called on Taylor’s apartment but couldn’t in a statement. “This battle chose Twitter that he ordered the Flori- our hands, and thanking us for our
for marching to the U.S. Capitol charge the other two because their them. These are randomly select- da National Guard to return from service. Within 24 hours, they had
on Jan. 6. use of force was justified, accord- ed citizens who were compelled Washington. no further use for us and banished
ing to Cameron. to sit on a grand jury and were ter- “Last night, I ordered our Adjutant us to the corner of a parking ga-
Officers raided the house in ribly misused by the most pow- General to bring Florida National rage. We feel incredibly betrayed,”
March 2020. They fired their weap- erful law enforcement official in Guard soldiers home from the Na- a Guardsman told Politico.
The Grand Jurors ons after Taylor’s boyfriend, Ken- Kentucky. It is truly a testament tional Capital Region,” he wrote. Five thousand troops were re-
did not choose this neth Walker, shot and wounded to the Kentucky Constitution that Sununu also proceeded to do portedly suddenly ordered to va-
Sgt. Jon Mattingly. Taylor was fa- they are able to be here today and the same, mentioning that they cate the Capitol to take their rest
battle. ... This battle tally shot during the incident. to expose injustice and demand were treated with “substandard” during their shifts in a nearby park-
chose them. Activists and Taylor’s family public accountability.” conditions. ing lot with no internet reception,
took issue with the way the find- Taylor family attorney Benjamin “I’ve ordered the immediate re- a single electrical outlet, and one
Kevin Glogower, attorney
ings were presented, arguing that Crump said in a statement that the turn of all New Hampshire Nation- bathroom, with the temperature
the grand jury wasn’t given the House committee should “serious- al Guard from Washington D.C.,” dropping low to the 40s at night.
A group linked to the Republi- opportunity to properly review ly review this petition and hold AG Sununu wrote on Twitter. “They did The move provoked widespread
can Attorneys General Associa- the case, which sparked rioting. Cameron accountable for his role an outstanding job serving our na- criticism from lawmakers of both
tion sent the robocall that said, in Cameron later agreed to comply in misleading the public and the tion’s capital in a time of strife and parties.
part, “We will march to the Capi- with an order to release grand jury grand jurors, and denying justice
tol building and call on Congress transcripts under pressure from for Breonna Taylor and her family.”
to stop the steal.” Cameron told the family and others. The Lou- Kentucky House Speaker David
reporters recently that he wasn’t
aware of the robocall, which didn’t
isville Metro Police Department
released more than 4,000 pages
Osborne, a Republican, said in a
statement that notice of the peti- ‘Your Order Is a Direct Attack’:
call for violence.
Former President Donald
from its investigation into the
shooting, showing in depth what
tion was received, adding that he
would “reserve further comment
Utah Tribe Seeks Exemption From
Trump was impeached  this
month for incitement of insurrec-
had happened.
The files showed that the nar-
until our attorneys review it and
the committee on committees has
Biden Drilling Pause
tion over a speech he gave on Jan. rative of a no-knock warrant an opportunity to act.”
6. Trump hadn’t finished speak- being served was incorrect, as Two other impeachment peti- JACK PHILLIPS per day of natural gas, according to
ing before violence began at the officers had announced them- tions have been filed in Kentucky a document the tribe filed with the
U.S. Capitol building, eventually selves and banged on the door this month. Separate groups filed A Native American tribe called on Bureau of Indian Affairs in 2017, Re-
culminating in forced entry into before barging inside when no petitions against Gov. Andy Bes- the Biden administration to “im- uters reported.
the building, the destruction of one answered. They also high- hear, a Democrat, and state Rep. mediately amend” a White House The tribe added that the order was
various rooms, and theft of items lighted how Walker thought he Robert Goforth, a Republican. executive order “to provide an ex- issued “in violation [of] our govern-
ception for energy permits and ap- ment-to-government relationship,”
provals on Indian lands.” as well as of previous federal direc-
“The Ute Indian Tribe and other tives about coordinating with Na-
Ward Reelected as Arizona GOP Chairwoman energy-producing tribes rely on en-
ergy development to fund our gov-
tive American tribal governments.
The Jan. 20 executive order sus-
After Trump Endorsement ernments and provide services to our pended the authority of Interior De-
members,” the Ute Indian Tribe said partment offices to issue new fossil
SAMIRA BOUAOU/THE EPOCH TIMES in a letter to Acting Secretary of the fuel permits and leases—a move
JANITA KAN who aims to continue Trump’s Interior Scott de la Vega last week. that could be a first step in deliver-
America First vision. She played “Your order is a direct attack on our ing on Biden’s campaign promise to
Arizona Republican Party Chair- Trump’s call during the party economy, sovereignty, and our right ban all new federal drilling permits.
woman Kelli Ward, an ally of for- meeting. to self-determination. Indian lands “The Order does not impact ex-
mer President Donald Trump, “The decision is ours. Are you are not federal public lands. isting ongoing operations under
was reelected to the role on Jan. going to reelect me and show the “Any action on our lands and in- valid leases and does not preclude
22, fending off several challengers state, the country, and the world terests can only be taken after ef- the issuance of leases, permits,
for the role, after Trump endorsed that we are an America first Ari- fective tribal consultation.” and other authorizations by those
her for another two-year term. zona, or will we go back to the dark One of Biden’s orders requires specified. In addition, any actions
She won 51.5 percent of the vote, days before Trump?” Ward said. the agency to “conduct a review necessary in the event of an inci-
to 48.5 percent for challenger Ser- She added that the culture of the monument boundaries and dent that might pose a threat to hu-
gio Arellano in the second round change must also be extended to conditions of the Grand Staircase- man health, welfare, or safety will
of voting. the Republican National Commit- Escalante, Bears Ears, Northeast continue,” the Interior Department
In a short call last week, Trump tee across the country. Canyons, and Seamounts Marine said in the statement.
called on Arizonans to reelect “This election cycle exposed that Then-GOP Senate candidate Kelli National Monuments” and will be Other Native American tribes—
Ward, saying that he gives her we have too much cronyism from Ward in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Aug. done “in consultation with other including the Mandan, Hidatsa,
his “complete and total endorse- top to bottom, too many backroom 28, 2018. agencies and Tribal governments, and Arikara Nation in North Da-
ment,” due to her stances on a deals, too many to send unsigned, to determine whether restoration kota—are also big producers of
number of issues. cowardly letters, and too many at- but following several inspections, of the monument boundaries and oil and gas and might push back
“She is a terrific person. She is a torneys who aren’t there for the a state judge refused to allow the conditions would be appropriate,” against the order.
person I know. You’ll never find right reasons,” she said. additional review of more ballots according to a statement from the Some GOP lawmakers, mean-
anybody as dedicated to every Ward played a central role in because the court didn’t believe Interior Department on Jan. 21. while, said the move to suspend
aspect we’re all dedicated to,” Trump’s fight to protect election there was enough evidence of error. The Epoch Times has reached out oil and natural gas drilling will im-
Trump said, in his first post-White integrity, filing lawsuits in Ari- On the same day, Arizona Re- to the agency for comment. peril tens of thousands of American
House endorsement. zona to question the accuracy of publicans voted to censure Sen. The Ute tribal lands produce jobs and raise energy prices for U.S.
During a speech prior to the vot- the election results in the state. Her John McCain’s widow, Cindy Mc- about 45,000 barrels of crude oil families.
ing, Ward promoted herself as an lawsuit asked the court to inspect Cain, former Sen. Jeff Flake, and per day in the Uintah Basin, along
anti-establishment Republican hundreds of  duplicated ballots, Gov. Doug Ducey. with about 900 million cubic feet Reuters contributed to this report.

Outbreaks Worsen
in Beijing, Shanghai
NICOLE HAO the doors of about 360,000 resi-
dents of the city’s Dongchang
Officials in China’s capital of district.
Beijing and its financial hub of People from Dongchang district
Shanghai announced new CCP commented under the posts of
(Chinese Communist Party) vi- state-run media People’s Daily
rus infections this weekend and and Xinhua on Chinese social
locked down dozens more neigh- media platform Weibo, pleading
borhoods. for food and necessary medicines.
Meanwhile, the northern prov-
inces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Beijing
Hebei also reported more CO- On Jan. 24, Beijing’s city govern-
VID-19 cases on Jan. 24, as did ment announced that a resident
southern China’s Guangdong from the Yunlifang community
Province and eastern China’s Ji- in Daxing district was diagnosed
angsu Province. with COVID-19. This was the first
Seventy-two Chinese regions announced diagnosis in Yunli-
were designated as high- or fang. Authorities swiftly desig- People line up to be tested for COVID-19 in Beijing on Jan. 23, 2021.
medium-risk for virus spread nated the Ronghui community
by local governments on Jan. 24, in Daxing district as a high-risk sue for us is that we can’t go out to brave long lines amid the cold authorities announced are locat-
which means residents in those region, while two villages in Shu- to work but need to buy the food weather. ed about 6 to 15 miles away from
areas aren’t allowed to leave their nyi district were designated as that has become so expensive,” the areas Ms. He described. Of-
homes and no public transporta- medium-risk. Wu said. She said that sometimes Shanghai ficials haven’t announced any in-
tion can operate. Local authorities had already there is no food available to buy. Also on Jan. 24, the Shanghai city fections in the regions mentioned
Some locals also reported lock- locked down five communities Residents from the Ronghui government designated the Guixi by Ms. He.
downs in neighborhoods that in Daxing on Jan. 19, adding 11 residential compound, where residential compound in Huang- “It’s definitely that [authorities]
weren’t noted by local govern- more communities and villages. the regime announced dozens pu district a medium-risk region. diagnosed some residents with
ments, leading them to suspect “They sealed our doors at 6 a.m. of infections, told the Chinese- As of press time, officials had an- COVID-19 in our areas, but they
that authorities were covering up this morning and told us that language Epoch Times that all nounced four medium-risk sec- didn’t announce it,” He said.
outbreaks. all villagers cannot leave our residents have been relocated to tors in the Huangpu and Baoshan Ms. Wang, from the Jing’an dis-
In many cases, authorities didn’t homes,” a resident of Haizijiao centralized quarantine centers. districts. trict, said that she heard about a
give people enough time to pre- village in Daxing surnamed Wu “They [officials] didn’t allow us to However, Shanghai residents woman who suddenly lost con-
pare, leading many people to not (pseudonym) told the Chinese- bring our pets, but would quaran- told the Chinese-language Epoch sciousness while lining up to buy
have enough food to eat, sick peo- language Epoch Times in a phone tine us for 21 days,” one resident Times that more regions in the medicine at a local pharmacy on
ple not having access to medicine, interview on Jan. 23. said. “I had to leave a lot of cat city than that have been locked Jan. 21.
and babies without sufficient for- Wu added that all residents in food, dog food, and water for my down. “The outbreak is in the busiest
mula to drink, according to social Daxing are being ordered to take cat and dog. I hope they won’t die.” “They locked down the areas by areas of Shanghai. We are scared.
media posts. a COVID-19 test daily. She and her Meanwhile, since Jan. 22, all Dahuakou and Lingshi roads in The only thing we can do is to
Tongliao city in Jilin Province, fellow villagers were tested three residents in the Dongcheng and Baoshan district, close to the bor- avoid going out,” Wang said.
for example, was locked down just times in recent days. Xicheng districts—with a total der to Putuo district, and Zhabei Many of the interviewees from
three hours after authorities an- “There’s no announced infec- population of more than 2 mil- Park in Jing’an district,” Ms. He Shanghai said they don’t believe
nounced the decision on Jan. 18. tion from our village, but we were lion—have been required to take said on Jan. 23. the official announcements have
On Jan. 22, local officials sealed locked down at home. The key is- nucleic acid testing. Many had The medium-risk regions that been fully transparent.

China Sends Military Planes Into Taiwan US Lawmaker Urges Biden to Keep
Promise to Address TikTok Risks
Airspace 2 Days in a Row
CONTINUED FROM A1 Under the Trump administra-
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), tion, U.S. officials sounded the
Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft, and the top Republican on the House alarm that Chinese tech hard-
two Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft Foreign Affairs Committee, is ware and software could be ex-
into the same airspace. urging President Joe Biden to ad- ploited by Beijing for spying, cit-
Taiwan’s air force was sent up to dress concerns posed by popu- ing China’s national intelligence
respond, it said. lar Chinese video-sharing app law that mandates companies
“Airborne alert sorties had been TikTok. and individuals to cooperate with
tasked, radio warnings issued, “I encourage the Biden admin Chinese intelligence efforts when
and air defense missile systems to stick to its concerns about CCP needed.
deployed to monitor the activity,” [Chinese Communist Party] so- TikTok isn’t the only Chinese
the ministry said. cial media companies like Tik- mobile app that has drawn U.S.
The U.S. State Department voiced Tok, which put our personal data concerns. On Jan. 5, Trump
concerns after China breached the & nat’l security at risk,” McCaul signed an executive order ban-
island’s air defense zone on Jan. 23. stated via Twitter on Jan. 23. The ning U.S. transactions with eight
“We urge Beijing to cease its mil- lawmaker pointed to Biden’s re- Chinese apps, including Ant
itary, diplomatic, and economic marks made during a campaign Group’s Alipay, Tencent QQ, and
pressure against Taiwan and in- stop in Minnesota last year. WeChat Pay.
stead engage in meaningful dia- On Sept. 18, 2020, Biden said In October last year, Sen. Marco
logue with Taiwan’s democrati- that TikTok was a “matter of Rubio (R-Fla.) introduced a mea-
cally elected representatives,” Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen (C) listens while inspecting military troops genuine concern,” given the app’s sure (S.4869) aimed at safeguard-
in Tainan, Taiwan, on Jan. 15, 2021.
State Department spokesperson popularity in the United States ing U.S. national security from
Ned Price said in a statement on and the potential for China to high-risk foreign mobile apps, in
Jan. 23. Washington ended its diplomat- against” any official interactions access U.S. user data. He also particular those from China.
“We will continue to assist ic ties with Taipei in favor of Bei- between the United States and said that, if elected president, he Under his proposal, apps de-
Taiwan in maintaining a suf- jing in 1979, but has maintained a Taiwan. She also called on the would get cyber experts to “go fined as “high-risk foreign soft-
ficient self-defense capability. robust relationship with the island U.S. government to “prudently into it deeply” to get the “best ware” would come with a warn-
Our commitment to Taiwan is based on the Taiwan Relations Act and properly handle issues relat- solutions” to deal with the risks ing label alerting users about
rock-solid and contributes to the (TRA), which was signed into law ing to Taiwan.” associated with the app. data and security risks, such as
maintenance of peace and stabil- by former President Jimmy Carter Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Af- In August last year, then-Pres- the software’s ownership and
ity across the Taiwan Strait and in April 1979. The TRA authorizes fairs thanked the United States for ident Donald Trump ordered country of origin.
within the region.” the United States to provide the its support via Twitter on Jan. 24. ByteDance, TikTok’s China- Companies that own the high-
Chinese jets violated Taiwan’s island with military equipment “Based on shared values & in- based parent company, to divest risk software would be required
airspace about 380 times in 2020 for its self-defense. terests, we’re committed to our from the app within 90 days. A to submit certain corporate in-
and have continued to carry out It remains to be seen how Biden partnership with the #US in month later, Trump approved a formation, such as what user data
such incursions on a nearly daily will maintain U.S.–Taiwan rela- furthering peace & stability in partnership deal in principle— are being accessed and internal
basis this year, according to Tai- tions. the #IndoPacific,” the ministry TikTok would be allowed to content moderation policies, to
wan’s Ministry of National De- Biden’s pick for Secretary of added. continue operating in the Unit- both the Federal Trade Commis-
fense. State, Anthony Blinken, said dur- Taiwanese lawmaker Wang ed States and ByteDance would sion and the Justice Department.
ing his Senate nomination hear- Ting-yu applauded the State De- create a new company called KEVIN DIETSCH/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
ing on Jan. 19 that Beijing would partment for its powerful state- TikTok Global, with U.S. compa-
be making a “grievous mistake” ment, via a Jan. 24 Facebook post. nies Oracle and Walmart having
if it decided to use military force He added that it was worth watch- stakes in the company.
against Taiwan. ing any concrete military or politi- While both U.S. companies
“We need to make sure that they cal actions the U.S. government have remained committed to the
[Taiwan] have the means to de- might take next with regards to September 2020 deal, the part-
ter aggression,” Blinken said. He Taiwan. nership hasn’t been formalized.
added that he would like to see Wang said he believed the Chi- Meanwhile, TikTok filed a law-
“Taiwan even more engaged in nese Communist Party was “test- suit against Trump’s order in Au-
the world.” ing” the new Pentagon chief with gust last year; the ban was tempo-
On Jan. 21 in a daily brief- its large-scale military incursion rarily blocked after a federal judge
ing, China’s foreign ministry against Taiwan on Jan. 23. issued a preliminary injunction
spokesperson Hua Chunying On Jan. 22, the Senate con- on Sept. 27, 2020.
voiced opposition to Taiwan’s de firmed Lloyd Austin as the new Earlier this month, the U.S.
J-10 fighter jets of China’s Air Force facto ambassador to the United secretary of defense. government and TikTok agreed Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas),
aerobatics team perform an aerial States, Hsiao Bi-khim, attending to an extension until Feb. 18 for during a House Committee on For-
display during the Singapore Airshow Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Reuters contributed both sides to submit documents eign Affairs hearing on Capitol Hill in
on Feb. 9, 2020. Hua said China was “firmly to this report. in the court battle, according to Washington on Sept. 16, 2020.

India, China Wage War of Words About

Chinese Village on Indian Land


NEW DELHI—China is defend-

ing the construction of a village on
land in India’s state of Arunachal
Pradesh, saying that the Beijing
regime has “never recognized” the
border area as a part of India.
The Chinese village of 101 houses
sits along the Tsari Chu river in the
border state, according to the U.S.-
based imaging company Planet
Labs. Construction was completed
2.5 miles into Indian territory last
year, as India and China engaged
in a tense military standoff in the
far north, Himalayan region of
The construction is a matter of
grave concern for India, New Delhi
Television (NDTV) reported on
Jan. 18. The Indian External Affairs
Ministry said in a statement the
same day that the Indian gov-
ernment is aware of the Chinese
“ramping” up infrastructure de-
velopment in the region and is tak-
ing necessary measures.
“We have seen recent reports on
China undertaking construction
work along with the border areas
with India. China has undertaken
such infrastructure construction
activity in the past several years,”
the Ministry of External Affairs Arunachali tribal women in Jaswant Garh, Arunachal Pradesh, India, near the Indo–Chinese border, in this file photo.

The ministry said it’s taking all has also served in the region dur- no roads,” he said.
necessary measures to protect ing his career and who founded In- The Chinese have already built a
the territorial integrity and sov-
The Chinese dia’s Defense Intelligence Agency, network of roads on the other side
ereignty of India and is stepping constantly told The Epoch Times that the Chi- of the border, Ering said.
up infrastructure development on come out with nese don’t do anything randomly He gave the example of Arunachal
the Indian side. and everything for them is a long, Pradesh’s remotest town, Anini,
Meanwhile, the Chinese Ex- innovative drawn-out strategy. which is 20 miles away from the
ternal Affairs ministry noted the methods in the “As late as 2005, the Chinese nearest Indian military post and
construction in a statement on pursuit of their ambassador said the whole of another 62 miles (100 kilometers)
Jan. 21 but said it doesn’t recog- Arunachal belongs to China. How to the Line of Actual Control (LAC),
nize Arunachal Pradesh as a part strategic mis- do you say that? Are you ruling is which is unmanned.
of India. sions by means the world? Or are you still suffer- “Now, when there is a gap of 100
“China’s position on the east sec- fair and foul. ing from that irrational, Middle kilometers, the Chinese have al-
tor of the China-India boundary, or Kingdom syndrome? Chinese have ready constructed roads, because
Zangnan region (the southern part Retired Lt. Gen. the thing that they own the world,” you can see through the Google
of China’s Tibet), is consistent and Kamal Davar Davar said. [maps] they went right into Dibang
clear. We have never recognized China’s statements reflect their valley. That is going to be a very se-
the so-called Arunachal Pradesh “deceit and disregard” for humani- rious threat for all of us until and
illegally established on the Chi- tarian and international norms, unless we build infrastructure,
nese territory,” Chinese Foreign he says. Indian army personnel stand guard at until and unless we build roads,”
Ministry spokesperson Hua Chu- The report of the construction of Bumla pass, at the Indo–Chinese bor- Ering said.
nying told a media briefing. the 101 houses follows other recent der, in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, “So if the Indian government
While there’s a history of clashes reports of China settling Han Chi- India, in this file photo. doesn’t build roads, then I think we
between the Indian army and Chi- nese and Tibetan members of the may lose Arunachal,” said Ering.
na’s People’s Liberation Army in Chinese Communist Party along (Line of Actual Control) to obtain He expressed hope that newly
the Tsari Chu river valley has since the border with India to further its information.” elected U.S. President Joe Biden
1959, there are areas that are a part expansionist agenda, according will support India.
of the official map of India, yet are to NDTV. Historically Complex Border “Let us hope that the United
under Chinese control. ”Like it used fishermen in the Ninong Ering, a former federal States president will also take con-
Indian retired Maj. Gen. G.G. South China Sea, China uses ci- minister of the Indian government cern about what China is doing to
Diwedi, who has served in the re- vilian resources—herders and and a current lawmaker in the India,” he said.
gion, told The Epoch Times over grazers—as the tip of the spear legislative assembly of Arunachal
the phone that because control of to intrude into Indian-patrolled Pradesh, told The Epoch Times Protests Against New Village
the area is in dispute, international Himalayan areas,” Dr. Brahma by telephone that his state has al- After reports emerged about the
norms prohibit construction there. Chellaney, a geopolitical analyst ways been a target of the Chinese new Chinese village, anti-China
He said India and China have vari- and a noted syndicated writer, told because they consider it a part of protests broke out in the Upper
ous agreements to regulate con- NDTV. south Tibet. Subansiri district in Arunachal
duct with respect to the disputed Davar said: “The Chinese con- “The Chinese are really [exple- Pradesh, where the houses were
border. stantly come out with innovative tive] off, they are really angry with built. People carried placards and
“The basic issue is that in the dis- methods in the pursuit of their us because we gave a kind of sol- banners and shouted pro-India
puted territory, we don’t make any strategic missions by means fair ace to his holiness the Dalai Lama and anti-China slogans, NDTV re-
permanent construction. While and foul. when he had come to Tawang. And ported. The banners read “long
we may patrol because our percep- “Their modus operandi embrac- that’s the reason why they are al- live India” and “go back China,”
tion [of the border] is different, we es clandestine measures employ- ways against us,” said Ering, who according to the images and videos
don’t do any construction work,” ing seemingly innocent Tibetan was also a member of the lower available in the media.
he said. and nomads in areas close to the house of the Indian parliament Ering said the people of the state
Another Indian military veteran, Indian border, who are then uti- for 10 years. are very patriotic, and the region
retired Lt. Gen. Kamal Davar, who lized to wander across the LAC Arunachal Pradesh is home to always has been under the “Indian
the historic Tawang Monastery, the format.”
largest Buddhist monastery in In- “People are completely patriotic,

dia and the second-largest after the the national feeling is there. Bharat
Potala Palace in Lhasa, with which Mata ki Jai (Long Live Mother In-
it was connected. It belongs to the dia) and JaiHind (Victory to India)
Gelug school of Vajrayana Bud- are always there in our mouths. So
dhism and when the Dalai Lama we are completely nationalistic,”
escaped to India in March 1959, he said Ering. He says he’s written
settled at the Tawang monastery a letter to Indian Prime Minister
for a month before meeting with Narendra Modi about the Chinese
the Indian government. road, in the unmanned territory
Arunachal Pradesh, which has a between the Debang valley and
684-mile-long boundary with Chi- the LAC.
na, has set up about 20 to 25 mili- Meanwhile, the Chinese state-
tary posts along this border. Ering run Global Times called India’s
said that the Chinese have already response “hype by Indian media”
occupied some Indian land in the and cited a Chinese expert who
past few decades and it’s important said the Indian media is seeking
to have a check on their ongoing to create anti-China sentiment in
activity, to halt further aggression the country.
and intrusions. “China and India haven’t demar-
“There has to be a check. Now, cated the borderline of this area
there’s no check. They are still yet. So they cannot accuse China
engrossed in incursions and of building a village on the Indian
they always do this because we side,” Qian Feng, director of the re-
don’t have any border on the search department at the National
Demonstrators shout slogans as they protest China’s claim of six districts in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, border. It’s completely jungle in Strategy Institute at Tsinghua Uni-
in New Delhi, India, on April 25, 2017. Arunachal Pradesh and there are versity, told the media outlet.

Estonia to Get 1st Female Prime Minister Chairwoman of the Reform Party Kaja

as Government Deal Clinched Kallas arrives at a polling station during

parliamentary elections in Tallinn,
Estonia, on March 3, 2019.

TALLINN, Estonia—Estonia’s two
biggest political parties say they
have clinched a deal to form a new
government to be led by a female
prime minister for the first time
in the Baltic country’s history,
replacing the previous Cabinet
that collapsed into a corruption
scandal earlier this month.
The party councils of the the
opposition, center-right Reform
Party and the ruling left-leaning
Center Party were expected on
Jan. 24 to vote in favor of joining
a Cabinet headed by Reform’s
prime minister-designate and
chairwoman Kaja Kallas.
Both parties are set to have
seven ministerial portfolios in the
14-member government, which
would muster a majority at the
101-seat Riigikogu Parliament.
A joint statement said the Re-
form Party and the Center Party
“will form a government that will
continue to effectively resolve the
COVID-19 crisis, keep Estonia
forward-looking and develop all
areas and regions of our country.”
Earlier this month, President
Kersti Kaljulaid, who is expected
to appoint Kallas’ Cabinet in the
next few days, said tackling Esto-
nia’s worsening coronavirus situ-
ation and the economic turmoil makers, Kallas, 43, will become European Union commissioner. Ratas, to form a three-party coali- November 2016, Ratas won’t be
caused by the pandemic should the first female head of govern- Kaja Kallas took the reins at the tion without the Reform Party. part of the new Cabinet. Local
be an immediate priority for the ment in the history of the small Reform Party in 2018 as its first Ratas and his Cabinet resigned media reported earlier that he
new government. Baltic nation of 1.3 million which female chair. on Jan. 13 over a scandal involving could become the parliamentary
Kaljulaid tasked Kallas to form regained its independence amid The government formation marks a key official at his Center Party speaker in March.
the government as her pro-busi- the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. the second such attempt for Kallas suspected of accepting a private Estonia has been a member of
ness and pro-entrepreneurship A lawyer and former European in less than two years as she failed donation for the party in exchange the European Union and NATO
Reform Party emerged as the Parliament lawmaker, she is the to bring about a Reform Party-led for a political favor on a real estate since 2004.
winner of Estonia’s March 2019 daughter of Siim Kallas, one of government after the 2019 election. development at the harbor district
general election. the Reform Party’s creators, a for- That paved the way for the archri- of the capital, Tallinn. By Jari Tanner
Pending approval from law- mer prime minister and a former val Center Party and its leader, Juri Estonia’s prime minister since From The Associated Press


UK Detects 77 Cases of South African COVID

Variant, 9 of Brazilian Strain
ALEXANDER ZHANG we possibly can to stop them Britain has the highest death
from spreading,” he said during toll in Europe from COVID-19,
LONDON—The United Kingdom an interview on BBC television. at close to 100,000, and has been
has detected 77 cases of the South Oxford professor Anthony in lockdown for most of January,
African variant of COVID-19, the Harnden, deputy chair of a sci- with hospitals struggling to cope Travelers arrive
health minister said on Jan. 24, entific committee on vaccination with record numbers of seriously at Heathrow
while urging people to strictly that advises the government, said ill patients. Airport in
follow lockdown rules as the best the South African and Brazilian The government has attributed London on Jan.
precaution against Britain’s own variants are of concern because the high transmission rates that 17, 2021.
potentially more deadly variant. COVID-19 vaccines may not be led it to impose the lockdown in
Matt Hancock said all 77 cases effective against them. part to a highly contagious vari- evidence remains uncertain, a how much more deadly,” he said
were connected to travel from “The new variants abroad are ant first identified in southeast message Hancock reemphasized on Sky News.
South Africa and were under a real worry. The South African England and now prevalent in on Jan. 24. “In a way, for all of us, that
close observation, as were nine and the Brazilian Amazonian many areas. “The scientists do think that it doesn’t matter, what matters is
identified cases of a Brazilian ones, there are hints that there Prime Minister Boris Johnson may be more deadly, and they’ve we have got to get this virus un-
variant. will be vaccine escape,” he told said on Jan. 22 that the English put various estimates on that der control and the only way you
“They are under very close ob- Sky News, adding that new vari- variant may be associated with from about 10 percent more do that is by stopping the social
servation, and we have enhanced ants would continue to appear a higher level of mortality, al- deadly to a bit more than that, contact and following the rules,”
contact tracing to do everything around the world. though scientists have said the we are not exactly certain about he said.



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MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2021 • A13

An ad features Fox News personalities, including Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, in New York on March 13, 2019.

On the Efforts to Silence

Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity
BRAD BIRD of 62, I don’t fear retribution from those bastions of popular culture.
who might wish to silence me for defend- Just as yin needs
Fox News Channel’s political ing my American colleagues. Attack on Free Speech
commentators Tucker Carlson After a lifetime of seeking and report- yang in Chinese Whatever your nationality, you will recall
and Sean Hannity are under at- ing the truth as best I could—not always philosophy for that the First Amendment in the U.S. Bill
tack, with many calling for their succeeding, at times being in error, but balance and of Rights protects freedom of speech and
removal from the airwaves. having won many awards for my body of freedom of the press, which covers TV
While this is perhaps a predict- work, which includes five books—I de- harmony, so too news and commentary. The United States
able extension of cancel culture’s cided, inspired by the brilliant books and does democracy has been the world’s bulwark of free
ongoing persecution of those who uphold columns of Conrad Black, to speak up need divergent speech for 245 years, since 1776.
traditional values, the attack on these and defend traditional values, our basic In modern history, the only affront to
men is a particularly offensive attempt at freedoms, and others who embrace them. views for a healthy freedom of speech in America similar to
censorship—a line in the sand. And since my late father, Clayton Bird, intellectual life what we see today occurred during the
This is because they’re among the few fought to defeat fascism and protect our post-war period of McCarthyism in the
remaining voices in North American freedoms in World War II as the pilot of a late 1940s and early 1950s when people
journalism with the courage and commit- Halifax bomber, I also owe him, and his suspected of harboring communist sym-
ment to report views and facts that chal- peers, a great debt of gratitude. pathies were removed from their jobs.
lenge the wisdom of progressive thinking. William L. Shirer, an esteemed war-time
They also defended and respected Presi- Thriving on Diversity radio reporter and author of the best-
dent Donald J. Trump, who was endlessly Democracy, like nature itself, thrives on selling “The Rise and Fall of the Third
and unjustly attacked and maligned by diversity. Just as monoculture in agricul- Reich” about Hitler’s destructive rule,
most in the media who betrayed the tradi- ture is scorned as damaging to soils and was among those silenced.
tion of fair and balanced reporting. crops alike, so too does a single voice in Today the situation is reversed. It’s
Carlson and Hannity have been ac- democracy lead to sterility and rot. We progressives, some clearly sympathetic
cused, among other things, of spreading need a rich panoply of opinions like a to the Antifa-Marxist fringe of the Demo-
“harmful propaganda and downright meadow needs grasses, shrubs, and wild- cratic Party, who are doing the persecut-
fiction,” according to one source. flowers, so they can help each other grow ing, and they do so with impunity. We
This is rich, considering what the and thrive. We need progressive voices to saw this last summer when Antifa and
mainstream media has been doing in help society evolve and improve—but we related groups toppled statues, injured
recent years. We need to understand this also need conservative views to protect hundreds of police officers, burned
clearly: Carlson and Hannity make no the wisdom we’ve inherited. cruisers and private businesses, and
pretense of being objective newscast- Just as yin needs yang in Chinese phi- actually took control, for many weeks,
ers such as the late Walter Cronkite or losophy for balance and harmony, so, too, of portions of inner cities such as Seattle.
the current Lester Holt. They’re com- does democracy need divergent views for Yet they were allowed this rampage in di-
mentators who present their opinions in a healthy intellectual life, for testing ideas rect violation of the law. The mainstream
the same way the acclaimed William F. and rejecting those that prove unfit and media insisted these were “peaceful pro-
Buckley once did. fallacious and embracing those that pass tests.” Thanks to Carlson and Hannity,
The problem is that people who want tests of reason and utility. we got some sanity on this madness.
just the facts can’t get them anymore in The truth emerges not from a single In his inaugural address, President
the legacy media, such as The New York source—surely we learned that from Joe Biden correctly declared that “The
Times, because it’s so tainted by woke- Pravda’s propaganda in the Soviet Union American story depends not on any one
ness, political correctness, and the anti- and from the Chinese regime’s current of us ... but on all of us.” Yes it does, and
Trump parade. So they turn to Carlson, censorship—but from a multiplicity of that includes all of your voices, our voices,
Hannity, and others such as Laura Ingra- competing viewpoints that challenge including those of Carlson and Hannity.
ham for relief and common sense. each other, allowing the best to prevail. Biden is right, so don’t censor them, help
I don’t know Carlson or Hannity per- You don’t have to agree with all that them and others carry on their good and
sonally, and I’m not in the pay of either of Carlson and Hannity say. I don’t, and they necessary work.
them. I have never spoken or communi- don’t expect us to. What matters is that
cated in any way with either of them. I’m they give many millions of people a differ- Brad Bird is an award-winning Cana-
an independent Canadian writer, a semi- ent perspective to that in the mainstream dian reporter and editorial writer with
retired reporter/editor with more than media; they offer a conservative point of Like this article? Share it a master’s degree in political studies. His
40 years of experience, including work view to balance and question the progres- with your friends and family. book “Me and My Canoe” (Pemmican
in war zones and positions in Canada at sive creed of those who now dominate Use the camera on your Publications) relates his many wonder-
both large daily (Winnipeg Free Press) our elected offices, the halls of academia, smart-phone to scan this code ful experiences paddling the Mississippi
and small weekly newspapers. At the age legal institutions, public schools, and the and receive a shareble link. River to New Orleans.

The Reason Biden Is

Already Failing as President

THOMAS DEL BECCARO who is head of the White House Domes- For those who voted for Trump, the
tic Policy Council; Ron Klain, who is start of the Biden presidency, if it ulti-
Presidents have two jobs. Biden’s chief of staff; or even John Pod- mately includes a Senate impeachment
The first, and most vis- esta, who has been a Democratic power trial, couldn’t be starting more divisive-
ible, is being the head broker for years. Others believe it will ly. They will be lost to Biden forever. For
of the executive branch, be Vice President Kamala Harris, who independents who want to see Wash-
and the second is being some believe will be president within ington actually fix existing problems,
the head of his political four years, and will be the last person in it will be viewed as a partisan—and
party. Successful presi- the room with Biden after meetings. possibly quite ugly—diversion from the
dents usually have working control Speculation aside, the period in important business at hand.
over their political party. Joe Biden, between the election and when a presi- Many Democrats in Congress deem
however, has barely taken office and his dent takes office is known as the inter- impeachment essential either because
presidency is already in jeopardy—from regnum. Normally during that period, they fear a return of Trump or because
members of his own party. there’s a transition process and also, they hate him that much.
Most people, when they view the importantly, a process by which the President Joe Biden signs an executive order as Altogether, impeachment spells more
presidency, focus on the more visible incoming party comes together, gets on Vice President Kamala Harris looks on during division and the likely derailing of any
aspects of that job. Presidents have very the same page, and plans for the first an event at the White House on Jan. 22, 2021. honeymoon period Biden could have.
high profiles, live in the White House, 100 days. Newly elected presidents often It will signal that unity won’t be on the
hold press conferences, meet with have the greatest say in that process. agenda—something many Biden voters
foreign officials, and sign legislation— get those dollars, intensely to hand out wanted.
among many, many other duties. So those dollars (in the form of elections), Biden wants a honeymoon period, but
many duties, in fact, that many believe and nearly as intensely not to be taxed he knows he can’t stop impeachment.
it’s a younger man’s job. Impeachment spells more for those dollars. That competition is, In other words, the Democratic Party
Recent history has featured energetic division and the likely by its nature, divisive. didn’t come together after Election Day
presidents. From Bill Clinton, to George derailing of any honeymoon The more money spent, the greater on a single agenda. That also means
W. Bush to Barack Obama, in recent our division. that Biden simply isn’t in control of
memory, the White House has been period Biden could have. Not satisfied with record spending, his own party—and that means he’s
occupied by much younger men. It’s many Democrats in Congress, includ- already failing as president.
true that Donald Trump is in his 70s By all accounts, Biden is already ing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have
but there is little question he had more proving not to be up to the second huge spending plans. The most liberal Thomas Del Beccaro is an acclaimed
energy than most anyone. aspect of his job—running his politi- wing of the party wants outright social- author, speaker, Fox News, Fox Busi-
Many have questioned whether cal party. Some of that is his fault and ist policies and programs. Rep. Alex- ness, and Epoch Times opinion writer,
Biden, because of his age and condi- some of it is the nature of what I call andria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie and former chairman of the California
tion, will be up to that job. How little The Divided Era—the period from the Sanders want full speed ahead on those Republican Party. He is the author of the
he campaigned and how few times he mid-1990s to now, which features ever- socialist plans; Biden likely wants a historical perspectives “The Divided Era”
spoke, and how little he now speaks growing division. slower pace. With Sanders in charge of and “The New Conservative Paradigm.”
to the press, has fed into those doubts. The stakes in American politics are the Senate Budget Committee, who will
Meanwhile, his gaffes give rise to differ- growing with every increase in govern- win that battle is open to question.
ent concerns. ment spending. The federal government More immediately, however, is the
All in all, many suppose that there spent nearly $2 trillion more in 2020 issue of the impeachment. Never in
will be a someone or perhaps several than it did in 2019—even more if you our history has such a divisive measure
behind the Biden throne. The possibili- consider Federal Reserve policies. As been pushed by the party of an incom-
ties include Biden’s wife Jill; Susan Rice, Americans, we compete intensely to ing president.








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,
Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor

How the Specter of Communism Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor


Is Ruling Our World The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
and independent journalism.
Sabotaging Education Standing outside of politi-
cal interests and the pursuit of
profit, our starting point and our
The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of goal is to create a media for the
“How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by public benefit, to be truly respon-
Chapter Twelve sible to society.
the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.”
We endeavor to educate read-
ers about today’s most impor-
tant topics, seeking to broaden
and uplift minds. We believe that
rational, balanced debate is key
1. Communist Elements 1. “Emotional stress, shock, or one else?” for fostering a healthy democ-
in Primary and de-sensitization, to break down “Do you believe in an after-life?” racy and a compassionate
both intellectual and emotional [36]
Secondary Education resistance” Obviously, these questions
d. Psychological 2. “Isolation, whether physical have nothing to do with study- As an independent media out-
Manipulation (cont.) or emotional, from familiar ing. They are designed to probe let, we use our freedom to inves-
sources of emotional support the students’ outlook on life, their tigate issues overlooked—or
Moral Relativism in resistance” religious beliefs, and their per- avoided—by other media outlets.
Americans who attended 3. “Cross-examining pre-existing sonalities. Some of the questions We seek to highlight solutions
schools in the late 1970s may values, often by manipulating are aimed to elicit particular and what’s good in society rather
remember an imagined scenario peer pressure” reactions and can have a negative than what divides us.
many teachers brought up in 4. “Stripping the individual of impact on teens.
class, which went like this: As a normal defenses, such as We report respectfully, compas-
ship sinks, the captain, several reserve, dignity, a sense of pri- sionately, and rigorously.
children, a pregnant woman, vacy, or the ability to decline
and a gay man get in a lifeboat. to participate” Values clarification classes We stand against the destruc-
tion wrought by communism,
The lifeboat is overloaded and 5. “Rewarding acceptance of are conducted in a neutral including the harm done to cul-
one person must be let go. The the new attitudes, values, and
teachers would ask the students beliefs—a reward which can be or a ‘nonjudgmental’ way, in tures around the world.
to discuss and decide who must simply release from the pres- which the teacher does not We are inspired in this by our
get off the lifeboat, giving up his sures inflicted on those who distinguish between right and own experience. The Epoch
or her life. The teacher would not resist, or may take other sym-
comment on or judge the stu- bolic or tangible form” [33] wrong, but rather searches Times was founded in 2000 to
bring honest and uncensored
dents’ comments. for what feels good for an news to people oppressed
Sowell notes that the sessions individual. The focus of values by the lies and violence in
encourage students to rebel
against the traditional moral val- clarification ‘is on the feelings communist China.
Some students who attended ues taught by their parents and of the individual, rather than We still believe journalism is a
society. Classes are conducted on the requirements of a
death education classes have in a neutral or a “nonjudgmen-
noble vocation, but only when it
functioning society or the genuinely seeks to serve its com-
committed suicide. For the tal” way, in which the teacher munities and help them to flour-
same 1990 program, ABC does not distinguish between requirements of intellectual ish. In all that we do, we will hold
right and wrong, but rather analysis,’ Thomas Sowell wrote.
interviewed one student at searches for what feels good for
ourselves to the highest stand-
ards of integrity. This is our
Columbine High School who an individual. The focus of values promise to you.
said her suicide plans were clarification “is on the feelings It is said that death educa-
of the individual, rather than on tion can help students establish
directly related to the death the requirements of a functioning the right attitude in the face of CONTACT US
education she received there. society or the requirements death. However, some students
of intellectual analysis.” [34] who attended these classes have The Epoch Times Association Inc.
She said the classes made committed suicide. For the same 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
death seem glamorous, ‘very 1990 program, ABC interviewed New York, NY 10001
exciting, [and] very appealing.’ one student at Columbine High Advertising
Common activities of death School who said her suicide plans
education classes included were directly related to the death
This story was often used in education she received there. She Subscriptions
the values clarification classes asking the students to draw said the classes made death seem
that emerged in the 1970s. This their own tombstones, select glamorous, “very exciting, [and] General Inquiries
kind of lesson was also applied their own coffins, arrange their very appealing.” [37] Although a
in affective education, the Lions causal relationship has not been
Quest drug-prevention program, own funerals, and write their established scientifically, it is
Letters to the Editor
and sex education. own obituaries. Students were certainly reasonable for parents
William Kilpatrick, author asked the following questions: to suspect and fear that by expos-
of the 1993 book “Why Johnny ing psychologically immature
Can’t Tell Right From Wrong: ‘How will you die? When will students to confronting informa-
And What We Can Do About It,” you die? Have you ever known tion on death and suicide, some
described such classes as hav- anyone who died violently?’ students may be more likely to
ing “turned classroom discus- develop depression and hopeless-
sions into ‘bull sessions’ where ness, which may contribute to
opinions go back and forth but Death and Drug-Prevention reasons for committing suicide.
conclusions are never reached.” Education
Kilpatrick wrote: In September 1990, the U.S. Notes
“It has resulted in classrooms television channel ABC aired a 32. William Kilpatrick, “Why
where teachers act like talk show program that concerned many Johnny Can’t Tell Right from
hosts, and where the merits of viewers. In it, a school takes Wrong and What We Can Do
wife swapping, cannibalism, students to a morgue as part of its About It” (New York: Simon
and teaching children to mas- “death education” and students & Schuster, 1993), 16–17.

turbate are recommended topics view and touch corpses. [35] 33. Thomas Sowell, “Inside
for debate. ... For students, it has Common activities of the American Education: The
meant wholesale confusion about death education classes includ- Decline, the Deception, the
moral values: learning to ques- ed asking the students to draw Dogmas” (New York: The Free
tion values they have scarcely
acquired, unlearning values
taught at home, and concluding
their own tombstones, select
their own coffins, arrange their
own funerals, and write their
Press, 1993), 36.
34. Ibid., 48.
35. 20/20, “Death in the Class-
that questions of right and wrong own obituaries. Students were room,” ABC, August 30, 1991.
are always merely subjective. ... It asked the following questions: 36. Sowell, “Inside American Get the
has created a generation of moral
illiterates: students who know
“How will you die?”
“When will you die?”
Education,” 38.
37. “Death in the Classroom.”
independent news
their own feelings but don’t know “Have you ever known anyone you won’t find
their culture.” [32] who died violently?” See next edition for the next
Sowell understood that these “When was the last time you installment. anywhere else.
sessions utilized the same tech- mourned? Was it expressed
niques developed in totalitarian in tears or silent pain? Did To purchase the books, visit Subscribe and get the
countries to brainwash people: you mourn alone or with some- insights only The Epoch Times
can provide, delivered to your
door every week.


Election judges verify and count ballots at the Denver

Elections Division building in Denver on Nov. 3, 2020.

People gather on Capitol Hill to protest the presidential

election results, in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.

The Constitutional Process Didn’t

Stop Fraud; We Need to Do That
JOHN MILLS many things. Republican apparatuses (the Party and ried away by the psychology of the mob,
First and foremost, I learned about a the elected executive and legislative there needs to be a complete investiga-
As soon as the Nov. 3, stunning lack of knowledge, passion, and Republicans at the state levels) in the six tion and responsibility assigned for the
2020, election started participation in the voting process by contested states. unlawful actions on Jan. 6 for all partici-
looking odd in the early most non-progressives at the county and pants on all sides.
morning hours of Nov. state level. I learned further that all elec- Fraud and the Constitutional Process What has quickly been apparent is
4, my laser focus for this tions are predominantly a local event, I read, analyzed, and re-read the 12th that the riot at the U.S. Capitol was the
election was to ensure and federal law and guidance is actually Amendment and U.S. Code Title 3 to equivalent of the Reichstag Fire. The
that we ran a completely very sparse on the voting process. prepare numerous point papers at the riot is being used as a pretext for harsh
constitutional process. It wasn’t about I’m finding that few really care to un- request of others. The stark reality is that censorship and purges by social media–a
former President Donald Trump or Presi- derstand the election process and simply we did follow the constitutional process modern “blacklisting.” Although respect-
dent Joe Biden, it was about fully exercis- assume someone else is taking care of it. for this election. At the same time, there ed personalities attempt to stand against
ing the guidance on elections given in The answer is yes, someone else is taking was massive, corporate-level fraud in the the media led mob, many succumb to
the 12th Amendment and Title 3 of the care of the process. This “someone else” process. this false narrative that Trump caused
United States Code. is people, methods, and processes that Bafflingly, these two components— the violence.
My journey with more fully under- are questionable. the constitutional process and election The consequent coordinated purge by
standing the election process began Finally, I learned that if anyone wants fraud—aren’t mutually exclusive. This social media of accounts is simply un-
in late 2019, in the aftermath of the to be upset about the outcome of the does not mean the constitutional process American and demands transparency
Virginia General Assembly election Nov. 3, 2020, election, they need to focus is broken or faulty. In retrospect, I like to and review.
debacle. From this journey, I learned their time, attention, and energy on the observe that the constitutional process Simultaneously, the House speaker
graciously allows for the imperfect na- led a second impeachment vote and the
ture of Man (and Woman) in an incred- case has been handed to the Senate for a
ible calculus to arrive at the best possible trial, which will happen after the presi-
The Book You’ve Been decision in a democratic republic.
I was contacted daily by multiple
dent has left office, questionable in its
Waiting for... groups and personalities seeking an
exact, step-by-step, technical manual
This unreasoned, hateful pursuit of
Trump does little to heal American so-
sequence for what would happen. Few ciety and is what Third World countries
liked my answer. The reality is that the do after an election coup. This frenzy
12th Amendment and U.S. Code Title against free speech and Trump is totali-
3 give some sequence, but mainly they tarianism disguised as moral outrage—
provide parameters. very similar to what happened to former
President Park Geun-hye in South Korea.
NOW Involved in the Process
BIGGER SIZE, We need to demand absolute The “conspiracy” theories I was frankly
EASIER TO READ transparency over every step swamped with over the past few months
FORMAT of the voting process. for the most part started with a kernel of
truth. Many of the people sharing these
were very-well-educated, well-informed,
Could Vice President Mike Pence have and well-meaning. They live outside
sent the electors back to the states for the veil of classified knowledge of the
clarification from the state legislatures? departments and agencies of the U.S.
Yes, I believe he could have, and it still government and other vestiges of the
would have been within the spirit and in- swamp.
tent of the letter he released. In the end, They are well-meaning people trying to
he didn’t; that wasn’t unlawful nor did it make sense out of what happened.
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, violate the Constitution. Instead of waiting for things such as
There was massive evidence of fraud martial law, fleets off the coast, military
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be in the election process, arguably best action to seize voting machines, and so
on this country’s academia’s summed up in the third Navarro re- on, I suggest we need to demand abso-
port. Media, the courts, and the ex- lute transparency over every step of the
list of required reading.”
ecutive branch seemed patently unin- voting process.
terested in following up on any of the Every single ballot needs to be optically
evidence. scanned to ascertain its validity. Every

It’s a crucial and possibly the key role single ballot passed through needs to be
of the judicial branch to compel the observed by multiple bipartisan observ-
release of evidence primarily held back ers double-checking the voting tallies.


from public review by the county and The voting machines need to be as dumb
state sworn election officials. They didn’t as possible and only count votes, with
and the six key states adopted unstop- none of the insane proportional alloca-
pable inertia, despite noteworthy, heroic tion of votes. We need absolute transpar-
exceptions, as it appeared many on the ency over the election machine compa-
The specter of communism did not Republican side wanted to push the con-
tention over the final election outcome to
nies and their ownership.
Americans voted reasonably well be-
someone else. Again, the “someone else” fore the 2002 Helping America Vote Act,
disappear with the disintegration of the syndrome struck. which created this train wreck. Let’s help
ourselves and ensure every one of us gets
Communist Party in Eastern Europe Totalitarianism in Disguise involved in the local election process.
With the chaos at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. Despite the constitutional process that
6, 2021, hundreds of thousands of Trump appears to have allowed a victor with

supporters came to be associated with considerably fewer votes, if we get deci-
violence. sively involved, the best is yet to come for
Were members of BLM and other radi- the United States.
cal groups responsible for initiating the
violence? Perhaps—and there have been Col. (Ret.) John Mills is a national secu-
arrests and charges made in Washing- rity professional with service in five eras:
ton and at other riots around the country. Cold War, Peace Dividend, War on Terror,
Was this a set up by Antifa? Possibly. World in Chaos, and now—Great Power
Did some Trump supporters try to calm Competition. He is the former director of
and defuse the violence? Yes. Even if true cybersecurity policy, strategy, and interna-
that some Trump supporters were car- tional affairs at the Department of Defense.
than 24 million people in the United States,

US Factory Activity Near with the death toll exceeding 400,000.

The survey’s measure of services indus-
try employment fell to a six-month low in
early January.

14-Year High; Home Record Low Inventory

In a separate report on Jan. 22, the National

Sales Rose in December

Association of Realtors said existing-home
sales increased 0.7 percent to a seasonally
adjusted annual rate of 6.76 million units
last month. Economists had forecast sales
would decrease 2.0 percent to a rate of 6.55

WILLIAM DESHAZER/REUTERS million units in December.
ASHINGTON—U.S. Home resales, which account for the bulk
manufacturing activ- of U.S. home sales, surged 22.2 percent on
ity surged to its highest a year-on-year basis. They totaled 5.64 mil-
level in nearly 14 years lion in 2020, the most since 2006. Sales in
in early January, but December increased in the Northeast and
bottlenecks in the supply chain caused South. They were unchanged in the Mid-
by the COVID-19 pandemic are driving west and declined in the West.
up prices and signaling a rise in inflation Cheaper mortgages and an exodus to
in the months ahead. suburbs and other low-density areas from
Other data on Jan. 22 showed an un- city centers as companies allow employ-
expected increase in sales of previously ees to work from home and schools shift
owned homes in December. Manufactur- to online classes because of COVID-19
ing and the housing market are helping to are underpinning demand for housing.
anchor the economy, which is being bat- About 23.7 percent of the labor force is
tered by a wave of coronavirus infections. working from home. The pandemic has
But the pandemic is causing labor short- disproportionately affected lower-wage
ages at construction sites and factories, earners.
which could erode some of the strength in But housing supply remains a challenge.
the manufacturing and housing sectors. While the government reported on Jan.
21 that homebuilding and building per-
mits surged in December to levels last
seen in 2006, builders are complaining
The pandemic is gumming up about higher lumber prices and persistent
Line workers spot weld parts of the frame on the flex line at Nissan Motor Co.’s automobile man-
the supply chain, resulting ufacturing plant in Smyrna, Tenn., on Aug. 23, 2018. shortages of labor and land, and they said
in manufacturers paying “delayed delivery times had put upward
pressure on home prices.”
more for materials, and they new orders received by factories raced up and remain elevated beyond the an- In December, there were a record low
are passing on the higher to its highest level since September 2014. ticipated boost from the drop of weak 1.07 million previously owned homes on
production costs to consumers. The surge in demand reflected both ex- readings in March and April from the the market, down 16.4 percent from No-
isting and new customers, “with some calculation. vember and 23 percent from a year ago,
clients reportedly committing to orders The strength in manufacturing helped leading to an acceleration in house price
Data firm IHS Markit said its flash U.S. previously placed on hold.” That led to to lift business activity. The survey’s flash inflation. The median existing house price
manufacturing PMI accelerated to a read- manufacturers hiring more workers early composite PMI Output Index, which tracks jumped 12.9 percent from a year ago to
ing of 59.1 in the first half of this month, this month. The survey’s factory employ- the manufacturing and services sectors, $309,800 in December. House prices in-
the highest since May 2007, from 57.1 in ment index increased to 54.8 from 52.2 in rose to a reading of 58.0 early this month creased 9 percent in 2020.
December. December. from 55.3 in December. While its flash ser- At December’s sales pace, it would take
Economists had forecast the index would But the pandemic is gumming up the vices sector PMI increased to 57.5 from a record low 1.9 months to exhaust the
slip to 56.5 in early January. A reading supply chain, resulting in manufacturers 54.8 in December, the pace of new busi- current inventory, down from 2.3 months
above 50 indicates growth in manufac- paying more for materials, and they are ness growth softened at the start of 2021. in November, and 3.0 months a year ago.
turing, which accounts for 11.9 percent of passing on the higher production costs to The services sector, which accounts for A six- to seven-month supply is viewed as
the U.S. economy. Manufacturing is being consumers. The survey’s gauge of prices more than two-thirds of U.S. economic a healthy balance between supply and
supported by businesses rebuilding inven- received by factories vaulted to its highest activity, has borne the brunt of the pan- demand.
tories and a shift in demand towards goods level since July 2008. demic, with severe disruptions to restau-
from services because of the pandemic. This mirrored other manufacturing rants, bars, and other businesses that at- By Lucia Mutikani
The IHS Markit survey’s measure of surveys, suggesting inflation could pick tract crowds. COVID-19 has infected more From Reuters

Yellen Nomination Sails

Through Senate Panel; What People Are Saying
Final Vote Set for Monday

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Senate Finance

Committee on Jan. 22 unanimously ap-
proved Janet Yellen’s nomination as the
first woman Treasury secretary, indicating
that she will easily win full Senate approval, I read The Epoch Times daily. I congratulate you and
but Republicans called for her to work with I still like hard papers […] and The Epoch Times for the work
them in developing economic policies. I still like to grab that paper in you are doing, especially with
The full Senate will vote on Yellen’s nomina- my hand, but I get more printed regard to keeping the menace of
tion on Jan. 25, Senate Majority Leader Chuck
versions of stories than ever the communist threat in front of us.
Schumer said on the Senate floor, which if suc-
cessful will allow her to get to work promptly before. You guys have done an DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA
on President Joe Biden’s economic agenda. Military and intelligence analyst and
amazing job, and really—I think former deputy assistant to the president
Her nomination was approved 26–0 in there’s such a void in media,
the evenly split committee, with concerns
expressed by Republicans about Biden’s Janet Yellen, President Joe Biden’s nominee to especially newspapers. They
be Treasury secretary, speaks in Wilmington, slant so solidly one way that
ambitious plans for massive coronavirus
Del., on Dec. 1, 2020.
relief spending, infrastructure investment, there are very few papers that
and tax hikes failing to sway them against I can really feel that I can rely on,
the former Federal Reserve chair. of their signature 2017 tax cuts.
“I have very strong disagreements with Yellen told senators they needed to “act big” and The Epoch Times is one.
Dr. Yellen on a number of her positions, on the proposed $1.9 trillion stimulus pack- SEAN HANNITY I rely on The Epoch Times
particularly in the tax policy arena, but she age or risk a longer recession and long-term Talk show host newspaper for factual and
has committed to us that she will work with economic scarring, job and revenue losses. unbiased news coverage.
us,” Republican Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) Her remarks represent a new attitude to-
said after the vote. ward government debt among some econo- LARRY ELDER
“And I think the strong vote on our side mists and policymakers: Focus on the inter- Best-selling author, attorney,
and talk show host
to support her today is an indication that est rate being paid and the returns it will
we want to engage.” generate, rather than the overall amount
Biden has proposed a $1.9 trillion corona- borrowed. In recent months, Treasury’s
virus relief plan and has pledged to invest interest outlays have fallen from pre-pan-
$2 trillion in infrastructure, green energy demic levels due to lower rates. The Epoch Times is a
projects, education, and research to boost In written answers to senators’ questions,
great place where you can
American competitiveness. Yellen said she would study raising tax
At Yellen’s confirmation hearing before rates for “pass-through” small businesses understand traditional
the committee on Jan. 19, Republicans ex- including sole proprietorships, imposing values in a way and in a tone It’s our favorite paper. It’s the first
pressed concerns over the price tag and a new minimum corporate tax and rais- and through content that is one we read. Thank you so much
increased debt. ing capital gains taxes on the wealthy. She accessible. It’s smart. for your reporting of the news.
A full confirmation vote just days after also endorsed an effective carbon pricing
Biden took office would put the 74-year-old system and financial regulation to combat CARRIE SHEFFIELD PAUL GOSAR
Columnist and broadcaster U.S. representative for Arizona
Ph.D. economist quickly to work on a deep systemic risks from climate change.
economic crisis sparked by the coronavirus With Yellen still awaiting confirmation,

Learn more at

pandemic. Yellen was previously chair of the Biden administration on Jan. 20 named
the Federal Reserve from 2014 to 2018. Andy Baukol, a longtime career interna-
tional finance official, as acting Treasury
Concerning Comments secretary. A confirmation hearing for Dep-
Yellen’s confirmation hearing on Jan. 19 uty Treasury Secretary nominee Wally Ad-
highlighted some Republican lawmak- eyemo has not yet been scheduled. TRUTH AND TRADITION
ers’ concerns about her role in executing
Biden’s economic policies, including a big- By David Lawder & Andrea Shalal
ger federal debt burden and repealing parts From Reuters


15. Sovereign The key card
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
20. “Ay, ___ inch a king”: the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
Shak. equation to get the solution in the middle.
©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
There may be more than one “unique” so-
21. Jump lution but, there may also be “equivalent” “My partner disliked my bidding in this deal,”
26. Pants measure solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 a fan writes. “She said I should have tried for
and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28
27. Large grocery store a grand slam. Something is wrong with her
logic or my play. I didn’t take even 12 tricks.”
purchase? North might have had a different hand for
28. District in southern her raise to three spades. If her king of clubs
Peru were the king of hearts, seven spades would
be cold. South could have probed, starting
29. Refuse with a red-suit cue bid.
32. Challenge for a My fan says West led the ten of clubs
against six spades: jack, queen, ruff. South
barber drew trumps, tried unsuccessfully for a 3-3
33. “The Scarlet ___” diamond break, lost a heart finesse to West’s
king and lost a second heart at the end.
(classic James Hurst
short story) MAKEABLE
34. Safe, on board The slam was makeable. South draws
trumps with the A-J and leads dummy’s
38. A way Hard 1 - 1 Solution
king of clubs: ace, ruff. She takes the ace,
39. Theater award queen and king of diamonds. When West
discards, South leads dummy’s seven of
40. “___ but my tongue, clubs and discards a heart: a loser-on-
___ not my soul that loser. West takes the eight but must lead
swore”: Euripides a heart from the king or yield a ruff-sluff.
Never bid an iffy slam without the seven
41. Press release? of clubs!
42. Airbnb accommoda-
tions? You hold: k 4 j 9 7 5 i J 9 7 2
43. Production line char- h A Q 6 4 3. Your partner opens one
acteristic spade, you respond 1NT and he rebids
three spades. What do you say?
45. Higher on the repul- ANSWER: Partner’s jump-rebid
siveness scale Hard 2 - 1 Solution in his own suit promises a good six-
card suit (rarely, a seven-card suit)
Across 37. Blowgun missile 75. 1582 refinement of 48. Put up, as a picture with 15 to 17 high-card points. It’s
1. “All-American prep” 40. Nashville sound the Julian version 49. Top-of-the-line possible you have a game if his hand
is ideal — he might hold A K 10 9 7 6,
brand 43. ___ for tat 80. Stare at 50. Canning supply 3 2, A K, K 8 2 — but the odds are against
6. Open-heart valve job 44. Pearl Harbor garland 81. Been happening 56. Hunts for food that. Partners never hold ideal hands.
12. Sail support 46. “I’m ___ Sexy” (1992 82. Auto-club suggestion 58. Yellow, for one Pass and hope he wins nine tricks.
South dealer
16. Top scout #1 hit) 83. Costner role 59. Angler’s basket N-S vulnerable
17. Microscopic creature 47. Reset 84. Burger topping 61. Turkey club?
18. Indiana town where 51. Bibliographical suffix 85. Nanking, 1937 62. Brownie ingredients, kJ 8 7 6
Cole Porter was born sometimes j8 4 3
52. “___ I but known!” iK 8 3
19. Ollie North’s former 53. Sound of delight Down 63. Parody hK J 7
rank 54. Car type 1. Abdominal cavity 64. Rococo
Easy 1 - 1 Solution WEST EAST
22. Showy flower 55. Slave 2. Bob, for one 65. Brought up k5 3 k4
23. Pep 57. Month after Adar 3. Certain discrimination 66. About 1% of the jK J 10 2 j9 7 5
i10 6 iJ 9 7 2
24. Above the strife. 59. Massenet’s “Le ___” 4. Furthermore atmosphere h10 9 8 5 2 hA Q 6 4 3
25. Pop-ups, e.g. 60. Doctor’s stick 5. Congeal 67. Stuff to the gills
26. Open tract 66. Greek marketplace 6. Crackpot 72. Thus kA K Q 10 9 2
27. Alliance that once 68. Some household 7. Islamic leader 73. Computer symbol jA Q 6
iA Q 5 4
included Ukr. heads 8. Freight weight 74. Puzzler’s favorite ox hNone
30. Flower-scented oil 69. Always, poetically 9. “Ouch” preceder 76. “+” thing
South West North East
31. Promissory notes, e.g. 70. It comes before long 10. 2, on an ATM 77. “32 Flavors” DiFranco 2h Pass 2i Pass
35. “... a rose by ___ other 71. Take turns 11. Mekong River land 78. “Modern” word 2k Pass 3k Pass
6k All Pass
name...” 73. Italian ___ 12. Wore starter
36. Swelter 74. “The King and I” role 13. Gained a share of 79. Be off base Easy 2 - 1 Solution Opening lead —h10



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.






Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.


when her products were
nery store didn’t like it
The owner of the statio-


continue that counts.
not fatal: it is the courage to
Success is not final, failure is

Contact the Puzzle Master @:

A20 | MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2021


In Our Own Words The Woman Behind the Hotline (Part 2)

A Ray of Hope
Dear Epoch VIP, But because there was a media like The Epoch Times,
I felt less alone. It finally seemed like there was someone
To say that The Epoch Times is a special media to me out there listening to me—to my parents—and hearing us.
would be an understatement. It’s been there for me When I was in high school, my parents (who had
ever since I was a little girl in China, and one of the few returned from labor camp by then) sent me to the
places where I know I can read the truth, regardless of United States as an exchange student. They told me
what the government’s media outlets may say or do. to enjoy the freedom in America since by then, we all
When I was nine, my parents were arrested before knew too well what a country without freedom for its
my own eyes from our home in Beijing. They weren’t people was like.
criminals: just Falun Gong practitioners. The American people that I’ve come across since
My mother, a hospital worker, had just been looking then have been very nice, friendly, and helpful, and it’s
for a spiritual practice, a way to live around her had a wonderful effect on me. But at the same time, it’s
many illnesses. My father, a professor and Chinese always felt like some of them didn’t really know what
Communist Party (CCP) member, followed suit after was going on outside of America.
he saw my mother’s improvement in health. In China, all of the elites and intellectuals—
When I was younger, my mom would tell me stories including those I saw on the news when I was
about how people would commit suicide during the younger—always said that due to differences in
It finally seemed Cultural Revolution because they were so humiliated. And ideology, sooner or later there will be armed conflict
before that, how the landlords had all of their money taken between China and America. If you watch Chinese
like there was away, simply because everyone had to be “the same.” state-run news, the narrative (though it fluctuates
My parents used to tell me these stories about other based on the CCP’s diplomatic needs) has always
someone out people, but when the Falun Gong persecution began, been anti-American.
there listening it finally happened to them too—even though my
dad was a Party member who taught communism,
It’s not the Chinese people themselves, of course,
that have something against America. But many
to me—to my socialism, and Marxism in school.
In an instant, my parents were handcuffed and taken
Chinese people live in this environment where they’re
being brainwashed, and every day they’re being told
parents—and away from me to a labor camp, to a place I had no idea
about. A place that the news never talked about. I had
that America is the enemy. It was so strange to me that
Americans, and the American government, didn’t
hearing us. no idea what the authorities would do to my parents
and it worried me.
seem to have any reaction to this at all.
A media doesn’t just keep things that people know
Teresa You I saw the brutal treatment of Falun Gong about from being forgotten, like with my parents;
practitioners in labor camps for the first time in the it also brings into view things that people didn’t
Manager, Customer Service
Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times (via previously know about, that they should know. That is
a VPN). Though this knowledge made me extremely why I take my job at The Epoch Times very seriously—
scared and gave me nightmares, it also brought a sense so that the people I’ve met in America can have the
of security in finally knowing the kind of place my knowledge they need to protect their freedom, and the
parents were taken to and that people like my parents people living in fear in China
were not forgotten. They wouldn’t just disappear, no can have the knowledge they
matter how much the CCP wanted them to. need to win it back.
Having lived through this experience, I can say
there’s no platform in China that gives a voice to the In Truth and Tradition,
human rights victims. For all the people who are
persecuted and their loved ones—it’s really a very Teresa You
alienating experience. The Epoch Times

What Our
I can depend on The Epoch Times to stick to the story
Say (24) until they can tell it from its beginning to its finality.
So whenever my friends discuss only the surface layers
of issues, I provide the missing details and depth needed
to give the complete view of the stories we discuss.

The Epoch Times offers solid, fact- I needed objective, balanced and I thoroughly enjoy this newspaper. When the sensational headlines
based journalism, honest opinion focused news and ET delivers! They It has several interesting sections, surrounding any popular news story
and a wealth of useful knowledge, have broadened that to include the all of them truthful and uplifting. burn out and all the mainstream
keeping me informed every day. It arts, literature and everyday living. I feel it is honest in its reporting. and global media pack up their
is such a refreshing newspaper that I am both pleased and encouraged vans and leave, The Epoch Times
covers the truth and traditions of that journalism is still alive and well. stays to uncover the facts and to
our American heritage.
WILLIAM W SIMS tell a complete story. I have never
experienced a news source more
committed to investigation. I can
depend on The Epoch Times to
stick to the story until they can tell
it from its beginning to its finality.
So whenever my friends discuss
Epoch Times is a refreshing, even- This is the first newspaper I have been I’ve been very impressed with the only the surface layers of issues,
handed look at current events. Plus willing to pay to receive and am thrilled discussion of topics that I didn’t I provide the missing details and
very interesting and informative with its content, and the people who realize I wasn’t seeing in most of the depth needed to give the complete
articles on an array of subjects. write for it. I was so impressed, I have news. Often conservative issues. Also view of the stories we discuss.
I enjoy it so much! referred all I know to it and even contains items that appeal to those Reading The Epoch Times is like
DENA FARAGHER WAYMAN purchased it for my elderly neighbor of us who believe that America is seeing in 3D when all other reports
and passed it on to an awesome WWII a blessed country because of her are flat and incomplete.
vet who should be featured in this good citizens. And that we have a DAVID JENSEN
paper. Love this paper! responsibility to do good in the world.



WHO Changes Definition An Old Approach

of ‘Herd Immunity’ to a New Year’s Resolution
Public health policies, public percep- Saint Ignatius offers guidance on holding to long-term
tion potentially affected as terminology goals for self growth.
See B2 See B7




New rules
make it easier
to price shop for
health care.

Hospital Prices Just Got

a Lot More Transparent
JULIE APPLEBY for care—before they seek it.
New rules Consumers should be able

The new data requirements go well beyond to see the tremendous
ospitals face the new year with the previous rule of requiring hospitals to post variation in prices for
require hospitals new requirements to post price their “chargemasters,” hospital-generated the exact same care
information they have long sought list prices that bear little relation to what among hospitals and
reveal costs and to obscure: the actual prices nego- it costs a hospital to provide care and that get an estimate of
what they will be
tiated with insurers and the dis- few consumers or insurers actually pay.
pricing, but will counts they offer their cash-paying customers. Instead, under the new rule put forward
charged for care—
before they seek it.
The move is part of a larger push by the Trump by the Trump administration, “these are
consumers take administration to use price transparency to the real prices in health care,” said Cynthia
curtail prices and create better-informed con- Fisher, founder and chairman of Patient
advantage? sumers. Yet there is disagreement on whether
it will do so.
Rights Advocate, a group that promotes price

What’s the Scope of the Intel?

Here’s what consumers should know:
Each hospital must make Each hospital must post publicly
online—and in a machine-readable
available the specific costs format easy to process by comput-
for 300 common and ers—several prices for every item
and service they provide: gross
‘shoppable’ services. charges; the actual, and

most likely far lower, prices

As of Jan. 1, facilities must publicly post on their they’ve negotiated with
websites prices for every service, drug, and item insurers, including de-
they provide. Next year, under a separate rule, identified minimum
health insurers must take similar steps. A related and maximum negotiat-
effort to force drugmakers to list their prices in ed charges; and the cash
advertisements was struck down by the courts. price they offer patients who
With the new hospital rule, consumers should are uninsured or not using their
be able to see the tremendous variation in prices insurance.
for the exact same care among hospitals and
get an estimate of what they will be charged Continued on B4

WHO Changes
Definition of
Herd Immunity
Public health policies, public

Behind the perception potentially affected

as terminology changes

Subscription JOSEPH MERCOLA medical organizations haven’t

signed on to WHO’s skewed defi-
n a shocking reversal that’s akin nition of herd immunity. The U.S.
to redefining reality, the World Centers for Disease Control and
Your subscription will not only provide you with Health Organization has changed Prevention, for instance, in their
accurate news and features, but also contribute its definition of herd immunity. Vaccine Glossary of Terms, de-
to the revival of American journalism and help Herd immunity occurs when fines community immunity, also
enough people acquire immunity to an known as herd immunity, as fol-
safeguard our freedoms for future generations. infectious disease such that it can no lows:
longer spread widely in the community. “A situation in which a suffi-
We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we When the number susceptible is low cient proportion of a popu-
enough to prevent epidemic growth, lation is immune to an in-
strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that herd immunity is said to have been fectious disease (through
lets you form your own opinions. reached. Prior to the introduction of vac- vaccination and/or prior ill-
cines, all herd immunity was achieved ness) to make its spread from
via exposure to and recovery from an person to person unlikely.
We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where infectious disease. Even individuals not vacci-
the faithful representation of our current events Eventually, as vaccination became nated (such as newborns and
won’t just be important for the people of today, but widespread, the concept of herd im- those with chronic illnesses)
munity evolved to include not only are offered some protection
also for the generations to come. The records we the naturally acquired immunity that because the disease has little
keep now will directly inform the foundations of the comes from prior illness, but also the opportunity to spread within
history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish— temporary acquired immunity that can the community.”
occur after vaccination. The Mayo Clinic, as of Jan. 6,
and this knowledge is what drives us. The WHO, however, quietly revised 2020, also stated, “There are two
this concept in an Orwellian move that paths to herd immunity for CO-
Learn more at totally removes natural infection from VID-19 — vaccines and infection,”
the equation. noting:
Redefining Herd Immunity “Herd immunity can also be reached
In June 2020, WHO’s definition of herd when a sufficient number of people in
immunity, posted on one of its COV- the population have recovered from a
ID-19 Q&A pages, was in line with the disease and have developed antibodies
TRUTH AND TRADITION widely accepted concept that has been against future infection. For example,
the standard for infectious diseases for those who survived the 1918 flu (influ-
decades. Here’s what it originally said, enza) pandemic were later immune to
courtesy of the Internet Archive’s Way- infection with the H1N1 flu, a subtype
back Machine: of influenza A.”
“Herd immunity is the indirect pro-
tection from an infectious disease that In a 2020 JAMA Patient Page on herd
happens when a population is immune immunity, Dr. Angel Desai, associated
either through vaccination or immunity editor of JAMA Network Open, and Dr.
developed through previous infection.” Maimuna Majumder with Boston Chil-
It should be noted that “immunity de- dren’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
veloped through previous infection” also explain that herd immunity may be
is the way it has worked since S _ E /S achieved via natural infection
humans have been alive. and recovery:
Your immune system
isn’t designed to get “Herd immunity may
vaccines. It’s de- be achieved either
signed to work through infec-
in response to tion and recovery
exposure to an or by vaccina-
infectious agent. tion … Achieving
Apparently, ac- herd immunity
cording to WHO, through infection
that’s no longer the relies on enough
case. As of October people being infect-
2020, here’s their up- ed with the disease
dated definition of herd and recovering from it,
immunity, which is now “a during which they develop
concept used for vaccination”: antibodies against future in-
“‘Herd immunity,’ also By changing the
definition of ‘herd
known as ‘population im- Naturally Acquired
immunity’ the WHO
munity,’ is a concept used would seem to set a Immunity Is Longer
for vaccination, in which a singular course for policy Lasting
population can be protect- makers. Public health officials of-
ed from a certain virus if a ten state that vaccination
threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd offers you a chance to acquire immunity
immunity is achieved by protecting people to an illness without having to get sick
from a virus, not by exposing them to it. from it. What they don’t typically men-
“Vaccines train our immune systems tion, aside from the risks inherent in all
to create proteins that fight disease, vaccines, is that the resulting immunity
known as ‘antibodies,’ just as would from vaccination is not the same as that
happen when we are exposed to a dis- achieved via natural infection.
ease but—crucially—vaccines work Many vaccines do not provide long-
without making us sick. Vaccinated lasting or lifelong immunity. Vaccines
people are protected from getting the only confer temporary artificial im-
disease in question and passing it on, munity and sometimes they fail to
breaking any chains of transmission.” do that. This is why booster shots are
needed. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder
This perversion of science implies that and president of the National Vaccine
the only way to achieve herd immunity Information Center (NVIC), explains
is via vaccination, which is blatantly un- why this is so problematic using the
true. The startling implications for soci- example of measles:
ety, however, are that by putting out this
false information, they’re attempting to “What the medical literature shows is
change our perception of what’s true and that baby boomers and the generation
not true, leaving people believing that before us acquired natural immunity,
they must artificially manipulate their which is qualitatively superior. It’s
immune systems as the only way to stay longer-lasting than vaccine-acquired
safe from infectious disease. immunity.”
“Vaccine-acquired immunity is not
CDC, Others Haven’t Adopted the same as naturally acquired immu-
WHO’s Skewed Definition nity. That has been the problem from
As of this writing, other high-profile the very beginning with the creation

“An influenza pandemic occurs when a What if COVID-19, which causes only mi-
new influenza virus appears against which nor symptoms in the majority of people—
the human population has no immunity, and causes no symptoms in others—has
resulting in several, simultaneous epidem- already spread throughout communities
ics worldwide with enormous numbers of such that natural herd immunity exists?
deaths and illness.” WHO quickly dismisses this possibility,
This definition was changed in the month stating:
leading up to the 2009 swine flu pandemic,
removing the severity and high mortal- “Attempts to reach ‘herd immunity’ through
ity criteria and leaving the definition of a exposing people to a virus are scientifically
pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a problematic and unethical. Letting COV-
disease.” ID-19 spread through populations, of any
age or health status will lead to unnecessary
Data sug- Th is switch in defi nition allowed WHO infections, suffering, and death. The vast
to declare swine flu a pandemic after a majority of people in most countries remain
gests some mere 144 people had died from the infec- susceptible to this virus. Seroprevalence
tion, worldwide, and it’s why COVID-19 is surveys suggest that in most countries, less
areas may still promoted as a pandemic even though than 10 percent of the population have been
have already there is enough data to suggest the le- infected with COVID-19.”
thality of COVID-19 is on par with the
reached the seasonal flu. Th is contradicts data suggesting that
Another example of WHO conveniently some areas may already have reached the
herd immu- changing former truths occurred in June herd immunity threshold (HIT). Accord-
nity threshold. 2020. During a press briefing, Maria Van ing to The New York Times, more than a
Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead for the dozen scientists said in interviews that
COVID-19 pandemic, made it very clear the HIT for COVID-19 is likely 50 percent
that people who have COVID-19 without or lower. “If that’s true, then it may be pos-
any symptoms “rarely” transmit the dis- sible to turn back the coronavirus more
ease to others. In a dramatic about-face, quickly than once thought,” the Times
WHO then backtracked on the statement reported, and perhaps without the need
just one day later. for a vaccine.
On June 9, 2020, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive Herd immunity is calculated using repro-
director of WHO’s emergencies program, ductive number, or R-naught (R0), which
quickly backpedaled Van Kerkhove’s state- is the estimated number of new infections
ment, saying the remarks were “misinter- that may occur from one infected person.
preted or maybe we didn’t use the most R0 of below 1 (with R1 meaning that one
elegant words to explain that.” person who’s infected is expected to infect
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one other person) indicates that cases are
for those who aren’t aware, is the biggest declining while R0 above 1 suggests cases
funder of WHO, and Bill Gates, along with are on the rise.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the Na- It’s far from an exact science, however, as
tional Institute for Allergy and In- a person’s susceptibility to infection varies
fectious Diseases (NIAID), are depending on many factors, including their
among those who have stat- health, age, and contacts within a com-
ed that life can’t return to munity. The initial R0 calculations for CO-
normal until there is a VID-19’s HIT were based on assumptions
vaccine against CO- that everyone has the same susceptibility
VID-19. and would be mixing randomly with others
“Humankind has in the community.
never had a more “That doesn’t happen in real life,” Dr.
urgent task than Saad Omer, director of the Yale Institute
creating broad im- for Global Health, told The Times. “Herd
munity for coronavi- immunity could vary from group to group,
rus,” Gates wrote on and subpopulation to subpopulation,” or
his blog in April 2020. even ZIP code.
“Realistically, if we’re When real-world scenarios are factored
going to return to normal, into the equation, the HIT drops signifi-
we need to develop a safe, ef- cantly, with some experts saying it could
fective vaccine. We need to make be as low as 10 percent to 20 percent. In
billions of doses, we need to get them fact, as the Times suggested, it’s possible
out to every part of the world, and we need that herd immunity for the pandemic is
all of this to happen as quickly as possible.” “ahead of schedule.”
Gates has even stated he “suspect[s] the Researchers from Oxford, Virginia Tech,
of these vaccines. They have never under- COVID-19 vaccine will become part of the and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medi-
stood how to make vaccines mimic natu- routine newborn immunization sched- cine are among those that found when in-
rally acquired immunity exactly.” ule” and has gone on record saying the dividual variations in susceptibility and
“I think the most shocking part, when- U.S. needs disease surveillance and a na- exposure are taken into account, the HIT
ever I go into the medical literature, is un- tional tracking system that could involve declines to less than 10 percent. By that
derstanding how much they do not know vaccine records embedded on our bodies number, and using WHO’s estimate that
about the functioning of the immune sys- (such as invisible ink quantum dot tattoos less than 10 percent of the population has
tem, about how infections confer immu- described in a Science Translational Medi- already been infected, the HIT could al-
nity and how vaccines stimulate artificial cine paper). ready be met or quickly approaching—all
immunity.” Your immune Vaccine passports, which will be attached via naturally acquired immunity.
system is to cellphone apps that track and trace
WHO Also Changed your COVID-19 test results and vaccina- Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of
the Definition of ‘Pandemic’ designed tion status, are already here and expected An osteopathic physi-
The WHO had previously changed the to become “widely available” during the cian, best-selling author, and recipient
definition of “pandemic,” in a way that
to work in first half of 2021. The rollout of widespread of multiple awards in the field of natural
could have affected how we classify CO- response to COVID-19 vaccination, coupled with track- health, his primary vision is to change
VID-19. The WHO’s original definition ing and tracing of COVID-19 test results the modern health paradigm by provid-
of a pandemic from May 1, 2009, speci- exposure to and vaccination status, raises concern that ing people with a valuable resource to
fied simultaneous epidemics worldwide an infectious in the future, government authorities will help them take control of their health.
“with enormous numbers of deaths and have the tools for biometric surveillance This article was originally published on
illnesses:” agent. and additional tracking and tracing.


The value
of a vaccine
should be weighed
against the cost
of natural

Hospital Prices Just Got

a Lot More Transparent
New rules require hospitals reveal costs and pricing,
but will consumers take advantage?
Continued from B1 this rule requires, may push the more
In addition, each hospital must make expensive hospitals in an area to reduce
available, in a “consumer-friendly for- prices in future bargaining talks with in-
mat,” the specific costs for 300 common surers or employers, potentially lowering
and “shoppable” services, such as hav- health spending in those regions.
ing a baby, getting a joint replacement, It could also go the other way, with
having a hernia repair, or undergoing a lower-cost hospitals demanding a raise,
diagnostic brain scan. driving up spending.
Those 300 bundles of procedures and Bottom line: Price transparency can
services must total all costs involved— help, but the market power of the various
from the hardware used to the operating players might matter more.
room time, to drugs given and the fees of In some places, where there may be one
hospital-employed physicians—so pa- dominant hospital, even employers “who
tients won’t have to attempt the nearly im- know they are getting ripped off” may
possible job of figuring it out themselves. not feel they can cut out a big, brand-
Hospitals can mostly select which name facility from their networks, no
services fall into this category, although matter the price, said Anderson.
the federal government has dictated
70 that must be listed—including cer- Is the Rule Change a Done Deal?
tain surgeries, diagnostic tests, imaging New rules put in place by the Trump administration to help consumers price shop for health care The hospital industry went to court,
scans, new patient visits, and psycho- services could shake up the hospital business. arguing that parts of the rule go too far,
therapy sessions. violating their First Amendment rights
Who Will Use This Info? interest in the new data, said James Gel- and also unfairly forcing hospitals to dis-
Will Prices Be Exact? Zack Cooper, an associate professor of fand, senior vice president at the ERISA close trade secrets. That information, the
No. At best, these are ballpark figures. public health and economics at Yale, Industry Committee, which lobbies industry said, can then be used against
Other factors influence consumers’ doubts that the data alone will make on behalf of large employers that offer them in negotiations with insurers and
costs, like the type of insurance plan much of a difference for most consumers. health insurance to their workers. They’ll employers.
a patient has, the size and remaining “It’s not likely that my neighbor—or want to know how much they are pay- But the U.S. District Court for the
amount of the annual deductible, and me, for that matter—will go on and look ing each hospital compared with others District of Columbia disagreed with the
the complexity of the medical problem. at prices and, therefore, dramatically in the area and how well their insurers hospitals and upheld the rule, prompting
An estimate on a surgery, for example, change decisions about where to get stack up in negotiating rates, he said. an appeal by the industry. On Dec. 29,
might prove inexact. If all goes as expect- care,” he said. For some employers, he said, it could the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District
ed, the price quoted likely will be close. Some cost information is already made be eye-opening to see how hospitals of Columbia affirmed that lower-court
But unexpected complications could add available by insurers to their enroll- cross-subsidize by charging exorbitant decision and did not block the rule.
to the cost. ees, particularly out-of-pocket costs for amounts for some things and minimal In a written statement last week, the
“You’ll get the average price, but you elective services, “but most people don’t amounts for others. American Hospital Association’s general
are not average,” said Gerard Anderson, consult it,” he added. “The rule puts that all into the light,” counsel cited “disappointment” with the
a professor of health policy and manage- That could be because many consum- said Gelfand. “When an employer sees ruling and said the organization is “re-
ment at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg ers carry types of insurance in which these ridiculous prices, for the first time, viewing the decision carefully to deter-
School of Public Health who studies they pay flat-dollar copayments for such they will have the ability to say ‘no.’” That mine next steps.”
hospital pricing. things as doctor visits, drugs, or hospi- could mean rejecting specific prices or “Hospitals are fighting this because
Tools to help consumers determine in tal stays that have no correlation to the the hospital entirely, cutting it out of the they want to keep their negotiated deals
advance the amount of deductible they’ll underlying charges. employer plan’s insurance network. But, with insurers secret,” said Fisher. “What
owe are already available from many Still, the information may be of great typically, employers can’t or won’t limit these rules do is give the American con-
insurers. And experts expect the addi- interest to the uninsured and to the in- workers’ choices by outright cutting a sumer the power of being informed.”
tional information being made available creasing number of Americans with high- hospital from an insurance network.
this month will prompt entrepreneurs to deductible plans, in which they are respon- More likely, they may use the informa- Julie Appleby is a senior correspondent
create their own apps or services to help sible for hundreds or even thousands of tion to create financial incentives to use who reports on the health law’s imple-
consumers analyze the price data. dollars in costs annually before the insurer the lowest-cost facilities, said Anderson mentation, health care treatments and
For now, though, the hospital require- begins picking up the bulk of the cost. at Johns Hopkins. costs, trends in health insurance, and
ments are a worthy start, say experts. For them, the negotiated rate and cash “If I’m an employer, I’ll look at three policy affecting hospitals and other medi-
“It’s very good news for consumers,” discount information may prove more hospitals in my area and say, ‘I’ll pay the cal providers. This article was originally
said George Nation, a professor of law useful, said Nation at Lehigh. price for the lowest one. If you want to go published on Kaiser Health News, which
and business at Lehigh University who “If I have a $10,000 deductible plan and to one of the other two, you can pay the is a national health policy news service.
studies hospital pricing. “Individuals it’s December and I’m not close to meet- difference,’” said Anderson. It is an editorially independent program
will be able to get price information, ing that, I may go to a hospital and try to of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Founda-
although how much they are going to use get the cash price,” said Nation. Will Transparency Reduce Spending? tion, which is not affiliated with Kaiser
it will remain to be seen.” Employers, however, may have a keen Revealing actual negotiated prices, as Permanente.


Herbs to Boost Immunity—Deliciously

Take healthy foods to new and potent places with herbs that help keep you healthy
Garlic is a potent immune-boosting spice
Immunity takes on increased importance that can help reduce the severity of cold
in the midst of COVID-19, cold winter days, and flu symptoms. Garlic is
and cold and flu season. Luckily, food can H U T T ER S T also an anti-inflamma-
M A N5
play an integral and delicious role in boost- tory and can help stimu-
ing our ability to fight disease. late the immune system.
A nutrient-poor diet increases our sus- Studies have shown that
ceptibility to illness. While no one food garlic can even lower blood
can improve the health of a person with pressure. Garlic can easily be
inadequate eating habits, there are ingre- incorporated into dishes with
dients that can offer a meaningful boost other immune-boosting spices for a
to someone with a diet rich with fresh, supercharged meal. While some people
healthy foods. hibits fungal growth, and may swear by eating raw garlic to fight a cold,
An easy and tasty way to increase the even suppress tumor cell growth. Ginger combats there isn’t evidence to show that consum-
immune-boosting properties of any meal is For the best absorption, pair turmeric with nausea; garlic is anti- ing raw garlic trumps cooked.
with spices. Some spices can help lower in- healthy fat and black pepper, which acti- inflammatory. Overall, spices are a great way to help
flammation and keep the immune system vates the curcumin. One caveat is that for support the immune system during these
humming along. Others can help warm the the best effects, turmeric needs to be con- trying times. However, it’s important to
body from the inside out, helping to stave sumed in larger amounts, and should thus remember that you can’t out spice a bad
off any chills as the weather gets colder. be incorporated quite frequently. Luckily, diet! Fortunately, spices can make eating
turmeric is a fun and easy spice to integrate nutritious foods exciting and new. Try to in-
Tumeric into your diet. Some spices corporate herbs in your diet daily—they’re
Tumeric is a bright spot, literally, in the world sure to enhance your health and spice up
of spices. With its distinctive yellow, turmeric Ginger can help lower your plate.
is a bold spice with a long list of researched Ginger is a warming herb that helps com-
therapeutic uses. Among other things, it helps bat nausea. It has also been used in Chi- inflammation Sacia Ashe is a dancer, health food lover,
to lower inflammation in the body, which nese medicine to help heal ailments such and keep the and blogger who has a passion for well-
means that the immune system can fight in- as the common cold and arthritis. Studies ness. Through sharing recipes, glimpses
vaders instead of misfiring and attacking the have revealed that ginger has antioxidant immune sys- into her own life, and wellness tips and
body, aka, chronic inflammation. and anti-inflammatory properties, which products, she strives to help others find
Curcumin, turmeric’s most important can help the body fight off bacteria and
tem humming a life that aligns with their values and
compound, fights against free radicals, in- manage inflammation. along. health vision.

Sweet Foods
That Can Help
You Manage
are delving into
coffee’s many
Blood Sugar
Retrain your taste buds
with a gradual change
from added sugars to
naturally sweet foods

Fruit offers a real alternative to sugary

snacks—once you’ve given your taste buds a
chance to reset.


Cutting sugar from your diet isn’t easy.

Sugar cravings kick hard and can be dif-
ficult to ignore. Worse, sugar is lurking in
a number of products that you may never
Although it might be difficult, limiting
sugar is an essential component of good
health. And if you’re trying to control blood
sugar or battling a condition such as heart
disease or diabetes, it’s essential.

Coffee Boosts Survival Cutting sugar cold-turkey is nearly im-

possible. Added sugars take sweetness to
a level that can’t be matched by natural

in Colorectal Cancer Patients foods. So, regardless of the “sweet foods”

you eat, it seems like the sensation you seek
is unreachable.
Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory Artificial sweeteners can make it even
harder. These products are often signifi-
properties, and can protect against disease cantly sweeter than sugar and can make
cravings even stronger.
Does coffee help you get through the feine sensitivities, moderation should effect from coffee in seven U.S. stud- Instead, try cutting sugar incrementally.
day? If so, you may be poised to live a be exercised. That being said, for the ies. But the health benefits of coffee Cut out products with added sugars that
longer, healthier life thanks to these colorectal cancer patients enrolled in may offer a veil of protection for both don’t taste sweet. Next, try cutting back on
truly magical beans. this study, the benefits increased the body and mind. the amount of sugar you add to coffee or tea
Coffee, one of the world’s most popu- more coffee they consumed. or the amount of soda you drink each day.
lar beverages, is revealing a range of The impressive life-extending and Coffee for Disease Over time, your taste buds will adjust,
potential health benefits. Loaded with cancer-delaying benefits were observed Prevention, Longer Life and naturally sweet foods such as apples,
antioxidants, coffee has been shown at 2 to 3 cups daily, however the great- Coffee consumption was the focus of a berries, and even plain yogurt can hit you
to imbue anti-inflammatory proper- est measure of benefit was observed in meta-analysis of the PubMed and Web with the sweetness you’re looking for.
ties and disease protection when con- patients who consumed four or more of Science research databases through Here’s a list of some naturally sweet foods
sumed in moderation. cups each day. March 2019 reviewing 40 studies in- that can help manage blood sugar, reduce
Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Researchers posit that these benefits volving nearly 4 million individuals. the risk of illness, and add some healthful
Institute published a large observa- may be related to coffee’s ability to de- Researchers found that intakes of sweetness to your diet:
tional study nested within a clinical tri- crease blood insulin levels by sensitiz- around 3.5 cups of coffee per day low-
al of novel drug treatments for patients ing tissues to the effects of insulin, or to ered the risk of all-cause mortality, r Apples
with colorectal cancer. The study, pub- coffee’s antioxidant, anti-inflammato- results that were irrespective of age, r Pears
lished in the journal JAMA Oncology, ry, and antiangiogenic (tumor-inhibit- weight, alcohol consumption, smok- r Berries
analyzed dietary patterns and long-term ing) effects. ing status, and caffeine content of the r Melons
health outcomes for a cohort of patients coffee. r Mangoes
who had completed phase three of the Another impressive benefit of cof- r Grapes
randomized clinical trial sponsored by fee involves its ability to stabilize the r Dark chocolate (in small servings)
the National Cancer Institute. body’s insulin response. In a meta- r Chia seeds (for chia pudding)
Data was collected from more than Patients who reported analysis published in the American r Nuts
1,500 patients being treated for ad- drinking two to three Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Care r Sweet potato
vanced or metastatic colorectal can- journal, which included 28 studies in- r Plain yogurt (with nuts/nut butter/berries)
cer. Dietary intake and lifestyle ques- cups of coffee a day volving more than 1.1 million people, r Flavored whey protein (usually has arti-
tionnaires were obtained during and coffee consumption was shown to be ficial sweetener, but does have plenty of
post-treatment, then correlated and were likely to live inversely associated with the risk of nutritional value to help with a craving)
analyzed for patterns over time. longer overall and Type 2 diabetes, another effect that was r Chewing gum
Specific analysis of coffee intake was dose-dependent and applied to both
included, with participants being ex- had a longer time caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee Each of these items is naturally sweet and
cluded from the coffee cohort for ab- types. can help you get over a craving. Remember
errant caloric intake (less than 600 or
before their disease to give your taste buds time to recalibrate
more than 4200 calories for men; or less worsened. Coffee: Good for Energy and Mood because these items are much less sweet
than 500 or or more than 3500 calories While the energy-boosting effects of than straight sugar or other sweeteners.
for women) and if cancer had worsened coffee are legendary, did you know that Give yourself a couple of weeks to adjust: a
or death had occurred within 90 days Coffee’s Anticancer Effects coffee can also improve your mood? small sacrifice for a much healthier future.
of enrollment. Final data analysis was While this study highlights the associa- A 2011 study showed that coffee can
performed on information from 1,171 tion between daily coffee consumption stimulate the release of dopamine,
patients. and improved outcomes in patients the neurotransmitter associated with
Patients who reported drinking 2 to with metastatic colorectal cancer, enhanced mood effects, in the brain. Your taste buds will
3 cups of coffee a day were likely to live the authors point out that association That said, some people also experience
longer overall and had a longer time doesn’t equal causation and further a drop in mood after the coffee buzz adjust, and naturally
before their disease worsened com- study is needed to determine if there wears off. sweet foods such as apples
pared to those who didn’t drink coffee. is a causal relationship. To learn more about the holistic ben-
In good news for the caffeine-sensitive, According to senior author, Dr. Kim- efits of coffee, explore the scientific ab- and berries can hit you
the anticancer benefits were observed mie Ng, “Although it is premature to stracts on
in both caffeinated and decaffeinated recommend a high intake of coffee as a with the sweetness you’re
coffee drinkers. potential treatment for colorectal can- The GMI Research Group is dedicated looking for.
These results confirmed the findings cer, our study suggests that drinking to investigating the most important
of prior studies on coffee’s effects on coffee is not harmful and may poten- health and environmental issues of
cancer and add scientific weight to cof- tially be beneficial.” the day. Special emphasis will be Mohan Garikiparithi holds a degree in
fee’s growing reputation as a disease- Since coffee’s anticancer effects have placed on environmental health. Our medicine from Osmania University (Uni-
fighting superfood. But can more of a been demonstrated on a variety of dif- focused and deep research will explore versity of Health Sciences). He practiced
good thing be too much? ferent cancers, including colorectal, the many ways in which the present clinical medicine for over a decade. Dur-
liver, breast, head, and neck cancers, its condition of the human body directly ing a three-year communications program
Another Cup of Coffee? potential as an anticancer treatment is reflects the true state of the ambient in Germany, he developed an interest in
Despite such promising research find- attracting attention from researchers. environment. This work is reproduced German medicine (homeopathy) and
ings, many believe that drinking mul- A meta-analysis examining coffee and distributed with the permission other alternative systems of medicine. This
tiple cups of coffee each day can lead consumption and colorectal cancer of GreenMedInfo LLC. Sign up for the article was originally published on Bel
to ill health. For individuals with caf- risk detected a significant protective newsletter at Marra Health.


most potent effect when used either before

or immediately after exercise. Pre-exercise,
its central function is to build energy, con-
jure positive imagery, and inspire move-
ment. Pieces such as Vangelis’s Chariots of
Classical music
Fire, the title track of the eponymous mov-
may not have the ie, with its pulsating underlying rhythm
thumping beats most and familiar cinematic link to glory, can
people consider essential work particularly well.
to a workout playlist, but For a post-workout application, the mu-
it does have what you sic needs to be calming and revitalizing
need to take your mind in order to expedite the body’s return to a
off the pain. resting state. An archetypal piece for this is
Erik Satie’s Gymnopédie No. 1, a timeless
piano solo that envelopes the listener and
treats tired muscles to a sonic massage.
To optimize your choice of classical music
for exercise, it’s important to think of the en-
ergy that will be expended during different
segments of a workout. The warm-up and
stretching will be at a relatively low intensity
and the session then builds gradually toward
its heart-pumping zenith, with a period of
warm-down and revitalization to end.
Music selection—of any genre—should
ideally follow the path of energy expendi-
ture in a workout session (see the list below
for some suggestions). Likewise, a particu-
lar piece could be saved for those segments
that the exerciser finds most arduous, like
high-intensity cardio.
Overall, whether classical music and
exercise are a good match is something
each of us needs to decide—musical taste
is very personal. But why not mix it up a
little? Variety in exercise keeps us fresh

Classical Music Could and invigorated, so consider a switch in

musical accompaniment to keep yourself
moving. Swap the rave music for Ravel and

Upgrade Your Exercise Playlist substitute breakbeat with a glorious blast

of Beethoven.
And if you want some inspiration, here
is a playlist compiled by Brunel University
London research assistant Luke Howard:
Classical music helps us exercise by distracting us from our pain and fatigue
1. Boléro, by Maurice Ravel, with an av-
erage tempo of 70bpm, is excellent for
COSTAS KARAGEORGHIS, DAWN time pass a little faster. Scientists refer to the mental preparation before you move. The
ROSE & ELIAS MOUCHLIANITIS “dissociative effects” of music, meaning that gentle start, with a tempo close to resting

it helps to distract the mind from internal The role of heart rate, belies the transcendent power
or many people, an essential fatigue-related symptoms. Recent  neu- any workout of this classic.
part of any exercise regime is roimaging work by our group has shown 2. Juba Dance, from Symphony No. 1 in E
the music that accompanies it. the propensity for music to reduce exercise music is to minor, by Florence Price, is an engaging
Whether you’re a runner, a rower, consciousness—essentially, the parts of the symphonic piece that will gently elevate
or a bodybuilder, there’s a good brain that communicate fatigue communi- dull the pain, the heart rate during a warm-up phase. It
chance you have a favorite selection of tunes cate less when music is playing. raise the ends with an exhilarating crescendo, leav-
and some headphones to help you through. And although music can’t reduce exercis- ing you suitably ready for what’s to come.
The right choice of music can inspire, en- ers’ perceptions of exertion at very high work spirits, and 3. Part IV. Finale, Allegro Assai, Symphony
ergize and provide much needed distrac- intensity, it can influence the mood-related No. 40 in G minor, by Wolfgang Amadeus
tion. Elite athletes of every discipline are areas of the brain right up until the point
possibly make Mozart, is a rousing musical work for low-
often seen deep in thought, their ears cov- of voluntary exhaustion. So an aesthetically time pass a to-moderate intensity segments of your
ered by snazzy headphones in the moments pleasing piece, such as the finale of the Wil- workout. It features what is known as a
ahead of a big match or race. So what is it liam Tell Overture, won’t affect what you feel little faster. “Mannheim rocket,” a roller coaster of
about music that helps us to push our bod- when your lungs are burning on the tread- a melody, which will get the heart and
ies toward or through physical discomfort? mill, but might influence how you feel it. lungs pumping.
We’ve been exploring this question using In essence, pleasant music can color one’s 4. Prélude to Act 1 of Carmen, by Georges
a variety of scientific methods. So far, most interpretation of fatigue and enhance the Bizet, has a rip-roaring tempo (128bpm)
of our focus had been on various forms of exercise experience. that whisks you through any demanding
popular music, including rock, dance, hip- It doesn’t stop at feelings and percep- high-intensity segments of your workout.
hop, and R&B, but recently we have been tions though. Music can also have an “er- The exquisite melodic and harmonic fea-
considering the benefits of classical music gogenic” or work-enhancing effect. The tures of this piece enable you to dissociate
as an auditory aid to exercise. psychologist Mária Rendi used slow and from the pain.
As a genre, it is easy to see why classical fast movements from Beethoven’s Sym- 5. Concerto No. 1 in E Major, Op. 8, ‘La Pri-
music appears to be overlooked in terms phony No. 7 in A major (op. 92) to examinee mavera,’ by Antonio Vivaldi, is great for
of people’s choice of workout soundtrack. how music tempo influenced sprint rowingg a warm-down, and keeping a spring in
It often lacks a rhythmic “groove,” and performance over 500 meters. Her findingss yyour stride as you gradually return to-
when there are lyrics, they’re not easy to indicated that both kinds of music led to o ward a resting state. The beautifully or-
sing along with. faster sprint times compared to a no-musicc cchestrated strings give this opus a pro-
Yet there’s an inherent and timeless control, with the faster tempo (144 beatss nounced recuperative quality.
beauty attached to many pieces from the per minute) leading to a 2.0 percent per--
classical repertoire that might justify their formance improvement, and the slowerr Costas Karageorghis is a professor of
use. Think of the scintillating majesty of one (76bpm), a 0.6 percent improvement.. ssport and exercise psychology and the
Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony . divisional lead for sport, health, and
So how can we tap into the beauty of such Classically Trained exercise sciences at Brunel Univer-
music and use the sonic peaks and troughs Some members of our team often listen n sity London. Dawn Rose is a senior
to our advantage during a workout? First, to classical music during a daily run. Wee researcher at the Lucerne University of
we must understand what the benefits of find that classical music fires the imagina-- Applied Sciences and Arts in Switzer-
any music might be in the context of physi- tion and generally augments the running land.
la Elias Mouchlianitis is a postdoc-
cal exercise. experience, particularly when enjoyed toral research fellow at Brunel University
The role of any workout music is to dull the in tandem with an inspiring landscape. London. This article was first published
pain, raise the spirits, and possibly make But perhaps classical music has the on The Conversation.

We’re All Monastics Now

We might be stuck at home, but that doesn’t mean we can’t grow

LEO BABAUTA internet distractions, or you can practice opening in compassion,

open to the opportunity to use with compassion meditations.
My Zen teacher Susan recently Lockdown the beautiful solitude for medi- This is a great opportunity to
told a group of her students at can be a time tation, reading, writing, con- deepen into mindfulness and
the end of a Zen meditation re- templation, and journaling. It practice, to learn to face head-
treat, “We’re all monastics now.” of endless can be a time of practice. on the uncertainty and fears
In this pandemic, we’re in an If you’re feeling the anxiety of that arise in us, and to connect
era of isolation, retreat. We’re internet the moment, it can be a time of to the humanity going through
also in an era of heightened distractions, near breakdown and freneti- this rather than disconnect
uncertainty. cism, or it can be a moment to from them.
This can be a terrible thing and or the oppor- slow down and be still. Practice We’re all monastics now—how
drive us to loneliness and distrac- mindfully with whatever feel- will we use this time?
tion—or it can be a time of prac- tunity to grow ings are coming up.
tice, reflection, and deepening. through beau- You can go to the latest memes Leo Babauta is the author
We can choose to see ourselves and viral videos (which are of six books, the writer of “Zen
as monks deepening into the tiful solitude. fun!), or you can find a text and Habits,” a blog with over 2 mil-
stillness of a monastery. study it. lion subscribers, and the cre-
It’s our choice. We can choose to see ourselves as You can get caught up in frus- ator of several online programs
If you’re staying home these monks deepening into the stillness tration with how others are act- to help you master your habits.
days, it can be a time of endless of a monastery. ing during this crisis, or you can Visit

Ready to Try an Old Approach

to a New Year’s Resolution?
Saint Ignatius offers guidance on holding to long-term goals for self growth
GORDON RIXON patiently and deliberately to grow in love his gratitude for life and opportuni-
and service despite imperfection. ties to serve in a project larger than
Making and breaking New Year’s resolu- Ignatius relates his self-driven determi- himself. Acknowledge strengths,
tions is a familiar and discouraging annual nation to preach to pilgrims in Jerusalem. vulnerabilities, positive and negative
ritual for many people. His intention, however, wasn’t well re- feelings, and areas of encouragement
Almost inevitably, in a few short weeks, ceived by church authorities, who thought and discouragement as gifts.
maybe around now, many find they are he was poorly prepared. This rejection led I Be open to the light of a larger per-
unable to meet their goals of self-improve- him to further his education and become spective. Call upon the assistance
ment, be it keeping a positive attitude, im- more flexible about how he understood his of a higher power to reveal the big
proving one’s health, or looking for the best role in serving God. picture that holds together the pieces
in people. Some might even feel dimin- He writes about how he was easily pro- of the journey through the day. Expect
ished as a result of this failure. voked to self-righteous anger. Once he to be surprised by new insights.
The problem, I believe, is that most people took offense when a fellow traveler made I Focus on the events of today.
set their resolutions without identifying a an insulting comment about the Virgin Create a story that links the episodes
practical path for the journey. Mary. Only the stubborn donkey he was of the day and your goals together.
As a scholar of systematic theology, I be- riding saved him from pursuing the other Ignatius would move beyond just
lieve that Saint Ignatius of Loyola, a 16th- traveler and acting on a murderous rage. listing strengths, weakness, and
century Spanish courtier, provides insight- In the sharing of his story, Ignatius doesn’t feelings to discover how they ad-
ful guidance. He managed to reverse his Unflinching about want his biography to become the center vanced or impeded his goal to serve
life’s direction to pursue a spiritual path. relating his own faults, of attention. He provides an example of God and others.
Ignatius encourages moving beyond the isolated facts of his life I Identify the moments of darkness
Who Was Ignatius? individuals to reflect on journey to reflect on their interconnected and discouragement that resist be-
Born in 1491, Iñigo, later known as Igna- their desires, resources, meaning and a way of looking beyond. ing drawn into your story. Ask what
and vulnerabilities
tius, was the youngest son of a minor noble as a way to grow.
As the scholar of renaissance rheto- episodes disrupt your understanding
family in the Basque region of Spain who ric Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle suggests, of yourself and the world. Find new
left home at the age of 18 to win his place Ignatius is using the story about himself perspective by deepening your com-
at the royal court. to redirect his readers’ attention to God mitment to a higher purpose.
More than a decade later, as he lay con- and a higher purpose. Unflinching about
fined to bed recuperating from injuries suf- relating his own faults, Ignatius encour- Much like the beliefs in other religions, Ig-
fered in the Battle of Pamplona against the ages individuals to reflect on their desires, natius turns to his faith to find a new per-
French, he daydreamed about potential resources, and vulnerabilities as a way spective during difficult moments. Christi-
future exploits at court or service to God to grow. anity and other religious traditions such as
and humanity. Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and
It was at that time that he started to no- Practical Guidance from Ignatius Judaism help find purpose in a compas-
tice the subtle development of his feelings. In the “Spiritual Exercises,” his manual for sionate and merciful love that inspires and
When he dreamed about courtly heroism prayer guides, Ignatius suggests a five-step guides day-to-day actions, each in their
he later felt depleted, but when he reflected daily process, known as the “Examen,” as a own way.
on serving God he felt a deep, lasting, and way to tell and retell life-transforming sto- As a Christian, Ignatius looked espe-
energizing peace. By ries. These, I believe, are practical recom- cially to the example of compassionate
Reflection about his growing self-aware- mendations that could help people realize self-sacrifice in Jesus’s death on the cross
ness led him to make a radical change in incorporating their resolutions in the New Year. to hold difficult moments in a higher faith
the direction of his life. He chose to put discouraging perspective. By committing to accept the
aside his quest for glory to serve God and I Start with a realistic, accurate, and cost of positive action in the face of his own
creation, especially his fellow humans, moments encouraging assessment of your failings or opposition by others, Ignatius
whether friends or strangers. current situation. Ignatius would was able to move through obstacles and
He met a group of university students
into the flow always begin his moments of reflec- find encouragement and strength to ad-
who became his companions. In 1540, they of a larger tive self-assessment by reaffirming vance his story.
together founded the Society of Jesus, com- GREEN CHAMELEON/UNSPLASH Finally, reflect on how your story offers
monly known as the Jesuits, a community story, Ignatius direction and energy to move forward to
of priests and brothers that became known learned how the next day. By incorporating discour-
throughout the world for spiritual develop- aging moments into the flow of a larger
ment, preparatory and university educa- to move story, Ignatius learned how to move beyond
tion, and justice advocacy. the shame and confusion caused by failure
beyond the and misdeeds to a healthy sense of sorrow.
Challenges Before Ignatius shame and It helped Ignatius find a higher purpose.
This path wasn’t smooth for Ignatius. In Like Ignatius, many of us may need to
the course of his work, he suffered many confusion revise our resolutions and reflect on how
setbacks, such as suspicion and rejection we may proceed, even when we feel dis-
by church authorities, but he came to a bet-
caused by couraged.
ter understanding of himself and his path failure and
through those challenges. Gordon Rixon is an associate professor
As Ignatius narrates in an account of his misdeeds to a of systematic theology at Regis College
life, which he related to a fellow Jesuit just healthy sense Sticking to our long-term goals requires dedi- in Massachusetts and the University of
before his death, the key isn’t to become cation and perseverance, and sometimes the Toronto in Canada. This article was first
suddenly perfect but to learn how to walk of sorrow. ability to tell ourselves a better story. published on The Conversation.


We Can’t Control What Happened—

Only What Happens Next
Our only real power is the ability to choose how we respond to the vagaries of life

JAY HARRINGTON which is devilishly hard to internalize,

is that we have no power over external
e all know people like circumstances. Our power resides, exclu-
this: When something sively, within ourselves.
bad happens, the first At no point in my lifetime has that
thing they do is blame message been more urgent and salient
someone or something than the challenging year of 2020. From
else. It gets old, right? COVID-19 and political/cultural unrest
But let’s be honest: We are all that to economic uncertainty and prolonged
person, at least some of the time—and isolation, we have been buffeted by relent-
probably more often than we’d like to less challenges—mostly not of our own
admit. I certainly count myself among making—during this tumultuous year.
those who, despite knowing better, For many of us, myself included, the
catch myself taking credit when things notion of relinquishing control, of let-
go well and looking for a scapegoat ting go, in the face of these circumstanc-
when they don’t. es seems counterintuitive and counter-
We can all benefit from holding a mir- productive.
ror up to ourselves to examine whether But letting go doesn’t mean sitting idly
our own action or inaction played a role by. It means recognizing that we can do
when things do not go our way. But many nothing to affect what happened, but a
times bad things happen that are, in fact, great deal to impact what happens next,
completely outside of our control. So There is much in life we have no control over, but that doesn’t matter as much once be it in our personal lives or in the world
what then? we learn to choose our thoughts and emotions. around us.
A natural and understandable re- When we try to control the uncon-
sponse is to lament the unfairness of it can say clearly to myself which are ex- trollable, we rob ourselves of the
all. Blame it on bad luck. Accept that the ternals not under my control, and which ability to experience joy, be present, be
deck is stacked against us. Believe that have to do with the choices I actually available, and make a difference mov-
we are defective in some way. control. Where then do I look for good ing forward.
It’s OK to have these feelings. But it’s and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, Every time we are faced with such a
how we act in response to negative cir- but within myself to the choices that are challenge, we can—and must—choose
cumstances, in spite of our feelings, that my own ...” how to respond. These are the “crux” mo-
will determine the arc of our lives. Will More recently, American theologian ments in life that determine our happi-
we be dragged down, ladened with regret One of life’s most Reinhold Niebuhr captured the same ness. In rock climbing, the most difficult
and recrimination? Or will we rise above, sentiment in the Serenity Prayer, written part of every climb is called the crux. It’s
recognizing that we have little control important les- in 1933, which encourages us, in part: the spot on the rock face at which most
over what happens, but absolute control sons is that we climbers fail.
over how we react to what happens? “To accept the things I cannot change; Push on or back down? The choice
This stark, binary choice plays a big role have no power Courage to change the things I can; is ours.
in determining whether we live empow- And wisdom to know the difference.
ered, enriching lives, or fatalistic, power-
over external cir- Living one day at a time; Jay Harrington is an author, lawyer-
less ones. And it’s a choice that we, as a cumstances. Our Enjoying one moment at a time; turned-entrepreneur, and runs a north-
species, have grappled with for millennia. Accepting hardships as the pathway to ern Michigan-inspired lifestyle brand
Thousands of years ago, Greek Stoic power resides, peace ...” called Life and Whim.  He lives with his
philosopher Epictetus wrote: exclusively, wife and three young girls in a small town
“The chief task in life is simply this: to A Year of Externalities Like No Other and writes about living a purposeful,
identify and separate matters so that I within ourselves. One of life’s most important lessons, outdoor-oriented life.


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