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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | T H U R S D A Y, J A N . 2 8 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,885 $1.

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In the News Biden Promptly
The Federal Reserve is
warning that the U.S. economy Trump’s Border
is a long way from recovery as
the resurgence of COVID-19 Security
weighs on economic activity
and the labor market. ... A2 Measures
Then-Acting FBI Direc- A quick reversal of the
tor Andrew McCabe was Trump administration’s
aware of crucial exculpatory policies loosens border
evidence regarding the firing
of FBI Director James Comey security, enforcement
when he opened an investi-
gation into President Donald
Trump over Comey’s removal,
documents show. ... A3 WASHINGTON—The Biden admin-
istration has been swift to bring
Facebook has hired Roy its immigration and border secu-
Austin, former Obama admin- rity pledges to fruition in the White
istration official and a member House.
of President Joe Biden’s tran-
White House press secretary Jen
sition team, as the company’s
vice president of civil rights Psaki said during a Jan. 21 briefing,
and deputy general counsel, “Immigration, we consider, is part
the agency says. ...A2 of racial equity—which is a broad
issue, but that’s how the president
A memorandum by the has spoken about that crisis over the
A NASA Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle, or drone aircraft, is stored inside
Biden administration halting past several months.”
most deportations for 100 NATIONAL SECURITY a hangar at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Va., on Sept. 10, 2013.
Psaki said President Joe Biden is
days affects 85 percent of all
focused on addressing four crises,
criminal alien deportations,
a new analysis shows. ... A4
A landlord suffering eco-
Beijing Building Military Drones including the pandemic, unemploy-
ment resulting from lockdowns, the
climate, and racial equity.
nomic hardship is suing Los
Angeles over its pandemic-
related moratorium prevent-
to Rival US in War: Leaked File On day one, the administration
signed executive orders and issued
memos to temporarily suspend de-
ing the eviction of commercial Document from China’s Ministry of National Defense details plan portations of illegal aliens, reverse
tenants for non-payment of
former President Donald Trump’s
rent. ... A3 to develop and produce long-range drones that can rival top US models ban on travel from terror-prone
The Supreme Court has SCREENSHOT VIA THE EPOCH TIMES countries, halt border wall con-
denied a request to reimburse BY EVA FU military drones. struction, stop adding people to the

a non-union member whose To accomplish that goal, the re- “Remain in Mexico” program, pre-
fees were unconstitutionally he Chinese regime has gime detailed a plan to design one to serve and fortify the Deferred Ac-
extracted by a government been actively growing its two types of small, long-range mili- tion for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
union. ... A7 fleet of unmanned air- tary drones and establish a factory program, and release a sweeping
Apollo Global Manage- craft to spy on and com- to produce 1,000 drones per year. immigration package to Congress
ment CEO Leon Black is pete with adversaries such as the The document stated there would that includes amnesty for millions
stepping down from his posi- United States, a leaked document be a 130 million yuan (about $20 of illegal immigrants.
tion after an investigation into from China’s Ministry of National million) investment to create the Biden’s actions took place as a
his ties to sex offender Jeffrey Defense reveals. drone-making firm that would be- caravan of 9,000 Hondurans clashed
Epstein. ... A7 The July 2017 document, supplied gin production by the end of 2018. with the Guatemalan army in a bor-
A lawmaker in Texas has
to The Epoch Times by a trusted “Implementation of the program der province.
introduced a measure that source, describes Beijing’s ambi- will arm our national defense with
would allow state residents tion to dominate what it called “full the latest combat power in future ‘Remain in Mexico’ Stopped
to discuss, debate, and vote dimensional warfare”—referring to vertical warfare and make it ca- The change that will likely have the
on independence from the control over sea, land, air, space, pable to contend with U.S. military An illustration of the military drone as biggest impact on border security
United States. ... A8 and the electromagnetic spectrum weapons, giving it marked military outlined in a leaked document from Chi- and illegal crossings is Homeland
where military equipment commu- significance,” the document states. na’s Ministry of National Defense, dated Security’s order to stop adding illegal
Turkey and Greece have
nicates—by developing advanced Continued on A9 July 2017. Continued on A5
resumed talks aimed at ad-
dressing long-standing mari-
time disputes, ending a five- CCP VIRUS US–CHINA
year hiatus after months of search on the origin of the virus,
or allow outside investigators to
tension in the eastern Medi-
terranean. ... A10
China Sought conduct their probes. Pompeo Calls on Biden to Acknowledge
Animal, Human The Epoch Times obtained leaked CCP’s Role in Pandemic After Memo Release
BUSINESS documents that show the Chinese
Roughly four times the num-
Samples in CCP regime sought to investigate the BY ISABEL VAN BRUGEN to the COVID-19 pandemic by the
source of the virus via testing ani- geographic location of its origin,”
ber of global working hours Virus Origin Probe: mal and human biological samples. Former Secretary of State Mike the document states.
were lost last year due to the
pandemic, compared to those Leaked Documents Said investigation and its results
have not been previously disclosed
Pompeo is calling on the Biden “Such statements have stoked
administration to acknowledge unfounded fears and perpetuated
lost in the 2009 financial cri-
sis, the International Labour BY AMBER LI to the international community. the role of the Chinese Communist stigma about Asian Americans and
Organization says. ...A18 This comes to light as the Chinese Party (CCP) in the COVID-19 pan- Pacific Islanders and have contrib-
Since the CCP virus first emerged regime faces criticism for its lack demic, hours after the White House uted to increasing rates of bullying,
Working from home has from Wuhan city in late 2019, the of transparency and delaying the released a memoran- harassment, and hate
been surprisingly successful Chinese regime has been reluctant arrival of international experts into dum condemning the crimes against AAPI
for global banks during the
to share information about its re- Continued on A9 use of references “by I’ve called it the persons.”
first year of the coronavirus STR/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
the geographic loca- While the memo
pandemic but is losing its ‘Wuhan virus’
effectiveness, prominent in- tion of its origin.” doesn’t directly name
dustry executives say. ... A18 The remarks on Jan. almost ever since its former President Don-
26 followed shortly af- inception. ald Trump, Biden
ter President Joe Biden Mike Pompeo, has  been critical of
signed the memo that former secretary of state his predecessor for
Lawrence Solomon: How to condemns rising rac- calling COVID-19 the
Reform Big Tech... A13 ism, xenophobia, and intolerance “China virus.” He said it has led to
Patrick M. Wood: Decoding
against Asian Americans and Pa- racial discrimination against Asian
Social Media Censorship by cific Islanders in the United States. Americans.
the Issues... A14 “The Federal Government must “I’ve called it the ‘Wuhan virus’
recognize that it has played a role in almost ever since its inception,”
Michael Walsh: Our Pan- furthering these xenophobic senti- Pompeo said during an appear-
demic Fears Are Killing What Health workers in protective gear walk out from a blocked off area after spraying dis- ments through the actions of po- ance on “Fox News Primetime,”
Makes Life Worth Living...A16 infectant in Shanghai’s Huangpu district on Jan. 27, 2021. litical leaders, including references Continued on A6

Bitter flavors make food ENERGY

interesting. These recipes—
from a cuisine that has long Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn Tapped to Head US Army Pacific
embraced bitterness—prove
it. ...B1 BY TOM OZIMEK proved for promotion to four-star exception of the Korean Peninsula. SUED OVER BAN ON LEASING
general, has been serving as deputy In recent years, Flynn command- “The law is clear.
For a reminder of life in
Pentagon officials announced that chief of staff, G-3/5/7, U.S. Army. ed the 25th Infantry Division in Ha- Presidents don’t
winter, seek out local mush-
rooms—or better yet, grow
Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn, the younger Under the new assignment, Flynn waii, after which he became deputy have authority to
your own. ...B3 sibling of former national security will be posted at the headquarters of command general of the U.S. Army ban leasing on
adviser Michael Flynn, is being as- the U.S. Army Pacific at Fort Shafter, Pacific Command, according to his public lands,”
signed to head U.S. Army Pacific. Hawaii, where he will serve as com- biography. Western
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. The chief of staff of the Army made manding general. Flynn is a graduate of the U.S. Na- Energy Alliance
READEPOCH.COM the announcement as part of a range The U.S. Army Pacific is the Army val War College, where he earned President
of general officer assignments, ac- component unit of the U.S. Indo–Pa- master’s degrees in national secu- Kathleen
Published in New York, cording to a Jan. 25 statement from cific Command and provides over- rity and strategic studies. He also Sgamma said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
the Department of Defense. sight and control of Army operations obtained a master’s degree in joint Read more on A3
Flynn, who was previously ap- in its area of responsibility, with the Continued on A4

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

Facebook Hires Biden Transition,

Obama-Era Official as VP of Civil Rights

Facebook has hired Roy Austin,

an Obama administration vet-
eran and a member of President
Joe Biden’s transition team, as
the social media company’s vice
president of civil rights and dep-
uty general counsel.
Austin had been a civil rights
prosecutor and served as a De-
partment of Justice (DOJ) super-
visor before becoming a deputy
assistant to President Barack
Obama in the Office of Urban
Affairs, Justice, and Opportunity
in 2014. In 2017, he went into pri-
vate practice as a criminal defense
and civil rights attorney at Harris,
Wiltshire & Grannis.
In November, Biden named
him as one of the volunteers on
the Agency Review Team for the
DOJ in his transition.
It isn’t clear what Austin’s spe-
cific responsibilities will be at
Facebook; the company didn’t
immediately respond to a request
by The Epoch Times for further
details, and an attempt to reach
Austin for comment was unsuc-
“I am delighted to welcome Roy
to Facebook as our VP of Civil
Rights. Roy has proved through-
out his career that he is a passion-
Employees work in Facebook’s “War Room,” in Menlo Park, Calif., on Oct. 17, 2018.
ate and principled advocate for
civil rights—whether it is in the CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES

courtroom or the White House,” rather than to exacerbate it. I

Jennifer Newstead,  Facebook’s could not pass up the opportunity
general counsel, said in a Jan. 11 Austin’s appoint- to join a company whose products
release. ment under- are used by so many and which
“I know he will bring the same scores the close- impacts the civil rights and liber-
wisdom, integrity, and dedication ties of billions of people, in order
to Facebook. It’s hard to imagine ness of Facebook to help steer a better way forward.”
anyone better qualified to help to the Biden His referral to “underrepresent-
us strengthen and advance civil ed groups” raises the specter of
rights on our platform and in our
administration. political bias, as the underlying
company.” reasoning has been tied to tech
Austin’s appointment under- election for measures such as bal- companies enforcing their con-
scores the closeness of Facebook lot drop boxes and mail-in voting, tent rules unevenly.
to the Biden administration. described as tools to make vot- Facebook moderators were told,
Former Facebook associate gen- ing safer amid the CCP (Chinese for instance, that prohibited “hate
eral counsel Jessica Hertz, who Communist Party) virus pan- speech” against certain groups
was the Biden transition’s general demic. The grants violated elec- was to be left alone, as long as it
counsel, is his new White House tion laws and were distributed un- aligned with the company’s agen-
staff secretary. Jeffrey Zients— evenly, favoring Democrat-heavy da, according to a 2018 memo to
Biden’s coronavirus czar—served areas, according to The Amistad moderators working at Cognizant, Roy Austin, then-White House deputy assistant to the president for the Office
on Facebook’s board of directors Project of the Thomas More So- a firm that at the time contracted of Urban Affairs, Justice, and Opportunity, in Washington on Feb. 11, 2015.
from 2018 to 2020. Austin Lin, a ciety, a constitutional litigation with Facebook to shoulder part of
former program manager at Face- organization. the content policing. to Nazism, Facebook also placed company that seems to interpret
book, was on one of Biden’s agen- Austin, who is to be based in “Anything that is DELETE per people on the list such as populist its own policies unevenly.
cy review teams before reportedly Washington, was to start his role our Hate Speech policies, but is commentator Paul Joseph Watson Google tweaked its products
being tapped for a deputy role at at Facebook on Jan. 19, the com- intended to raise awareness for and conservative activist Laura to promote what the company
White House’s Office of Manage- pany said. Pride/LGBTQ” was to be tempo- Loomer. considered the interests of “his-
ment and Administration. Erskine “I am excited to join Facebook rarily allowed, the post stated, Facebook quietly responded torically marginalized” groups,
Bowles, a former Facebook board at this moment when there is a specifying that “this may occur to backlash by removing the ex- according to insider documents
member, reportedly advised the national and global awakening especially in terms of attacking ception from the publicly avail- and recordings.
transition team. happening around civil rights,” straight white males.” able version of its policy, but this The approach aligns with the
Hertz, Zients, and Lin used to Austin said in the release. In 2019, Facebook updated its change was never communicated tenets of the quasi-Marxist criti-
hold roles in the Obama admin- “Technology plays a role in near- policy to allow “threats that could to its content moderators, and, in cal theory, which divides society
istration. Bowles served as Presi- ly every part of our lives, and it’s lead to death” against those on the practice, the exception remained into oppressors and the histori-
dent Bill Clinton’s chief of staff. important that it be used to over- company’s list of “Dangerous In- in place, according to Zach McEl- cally oppressed based on charac-
Facebook Chief Executive Mark come the historic discrimination dividuals and Organizations.” roy, who used to work as a Face- teristics such as race and gender
Zuckerberg gave $500 million to and hate which so many under- Aside from groups such as the book moderator at Cognizant. along the lines of Marxism’s class
election officials ahead of the 2020 represented groups have faced, Ku Klux Klan and individuals tied Facebook isn’t the only tech division.

Fed Sets Cautious Tone as Economic Momentum Slows

EMEL AKAN Fed’s Dec. 16 meeting, however, tinue to deliver powerful support “We’ll need to see actual prog- unemployment rate for the end
the economy’s momentum has to the economy until the recovery ress. And when we see ourselves of 2021 was reduced to 5 percent
WASHINGTON—The Federal reversed due to resurgence of is complete.” getting to that point, we’ll com- from 5.5 percent projected in
Reserve said on Jan. 27 that the the virus, which has prompted The central bank doesn’t pre- municate clearly about it to the September.
U.S. economy is a long way from a series of renewed lockdown dict any interest rate increases public. So nobody will be sur- Gross domestic product is ex-
recovery as the resurgence in measures. through 2023, according to its prised when the time comes,” he pected to grow by 4.2 percent
COVID-19 cases has weighed on The economy lost 140,000 jobs previous statements. said. (median) this year, compared to
economic activity and the labor and retail sales declined for the To reduce the economic dam- Powell also raised concerns a 4.0 percent growth projected
market. third consecutive month in De- age caused by the pandemic, the about the slowness of the rollout in September. The central bank
After the conclusion of the cen- cember. Weekly initial jobless central bank has been buying of the vaccines and the arrival of expects the economy to expand
tral bank’s two-day policy meet- claims also remain elevated as at least $80 billion per month new virus strains. by 3.2 percent and 2.4 percent in
ing, Fed officials announced companies struggle to recover, in Treasuries and $40 billion in “There’s nothing more impor- 2022 and 2023, respectively.
that they would hold the tar- especially in the leisure and hos- mortgage-backed securities since tant to the economy now than Meanwhile, the Fed’s inflation
get range for the federal funds pitality sector. June last year. people getting vaccinated,” he projection rises to 1.8 percent in
rate at zero to 0.25 percent, as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Last month, the committee ad- said. “We have not won this yet.” 2021, from 1.2 percent last year,
the pandemic continues to pose set a cautious tone about the near- opted qualitative outcome-based Restrictions on bars and restau- and reaches 2 percent in 2023.
“considerable risks to the eco- term outlook, given concerning guidance for its asset purchases. rants throughout the country due When asked about Janet Yel-
nomic outlook.” virus trends in the United States. The central bank announced that to the pandemic caused nearly len, who was sworn in on Jan. 26
“The pace of the recovery in eco- “A resurgence in recent months it would continue to increase its 400,000 job losses in December. as secretary of the Treasury De-
nomic activity and employment in COVID-19 cases, hospitaliza- asset holdings at the current pace “Although there has been much partment, Powell said, “I have the
has moderated in recent months, tions, and deaths is causing great “until substantial further prog- progress in the labor market since highest respect and admiration
with weakness concentrated in hardship for millions of Ameri- ress has been made toward the the spring, millions of Americans for Secretary Yellen. And I’m sure
the sectors most adversely affect- cans and weighing on economic Committee’s maximum employ- remain out of work. The economic that we’re going to have a good
ed by the pandemic,” the Federal activity and job creation,” Powell ment and price stability goals.” downturn has not fallen equally working relationship together.”
Open Market Committee (FOMC) said at a virtual press conference Medium-term prospects have on all Americans, and those least Powell said he didn’t discuss
statement read. after the FOMC meeting. substantially improved with the able to shoulder the burden have emergency lending programs
The Fed released its economic He noted that the economy is a rollout of the vaccines, but Powell been the hardest hit,” Powell said. with the Treasury Department
forecasts last month, upgrading long way from the Fed’s employ- reiterated that it’s “premature” to The Fed’s revised forecasts re- yet, but reiterated that Fed’s emer-
its outlook for the labor mar- ment and inflation targets, and talk about tapering off asset pur- leased in December show that gency lending tools will remain
ket and the economy. Since the hence the central bank “will con- chases. the median projection for the available if the need arises.

Los Angeles
County Sued Over
Commercial Eviction
MATTHEW VADUM landlords who hold a mortgage.”
Iten and his wife jointly own a
A small landlord suffering eco- one-half interest in an approxi-
nomic hardship is suing the county mately 2,600-square-foot commer-
of Los Angeles over its pandemic- cially zoned rental property. From
related moratorium preventing the the late 1970s to the mid-2000s, he
eviction of commercial tenants for operated a successful auto repair
nonpayment of rent. shop on the site. Following his
The lawsuit, Iten v. County of Los retirement and his son’s running
Angeles, which was filed Jan. 19 in of the business for a few years, he
U.S. District Court for the Central decided to lease the property, and
District of California, alleges the in August 2015, he entered into a
county is violating the contracts five-year standard commercial
clause of the U.S. Constitution. lease agreement with an auto re- A woman wearing a mask walks past a wall bearing graffiti asking for rent forgiveness amid the COVID-19 pandemic,
Former Marine and Vietnam pair company. on La Brea Avenue in Los Angeles on May 1, 2020.
veteran Howard Iten is a retired In September 2016, that lessee
auto mechanic who depends on entered into a sublease with an- cial tenants that have fewer than during an interview with The Ep- toriums “have all been focused on
rental income from his sole com- other auto repair company, which 10 employees have 12 months from och Times. residential moratoriums, and by
mercial property, which is located does business as a franchisee of the end of the moratorium period The moratorium itself is unfair to and large, the reason why they’ve
in the City of Lawndale in Los An- a nationally recognized auto re- to pay rent that came due during landlords, he said. all lost so far is because the courts
geles County. pair firm. It has fewer than 10 the moratorium. “There is no mechanism in the or- see a fairly close connection be-
The problem is his current ten- employees. This means Iten can’t even try to dinance to assure any sort of partial tween fighting the pandemic by
ant is an auto repair franchisee In March 2020, the county issued recover the overdue rent until 12 income stream to landlords, mean- stay-at-home orders and eviction
who has refused to pay much of a residential and commercial evic- months after the moratorium’s ex- ing that if a tenant says ‘I can’t pay moratoriums to keep people in
his rent during the current pan- tion moratorium on an emergency piration—currently, Feb. 28, 2022. because of COVID, I don’t have to their homes.”
demic, even though his business basis. The eviction moratorium, In April 2020, Iten’s tenant in- show documentation, I just simply “No court has yet to address
has been fully open  the entire which took the form of an ordi- formed him that it was adversely say I can’t pay, then not only can whether the connection between a
time; the tenant is several thou- nance, has been extended and affected by the pandemic and was you not evict me but also I don’t commercial eviction moratorium
sand dollars in arrears. amended several times, including unable to pay the rent. Iten want- have to pay rent, and there is no and pandemic efforts is now too
“I think it’s wrong that the bur- in September, October, and No- ed to terminate the tenancy but way that you can force me to pay attenuated. Just because a com-
den is placed on property own- vember, and most recently on Jan. couldn’t because of the moratori- you anything during the morato- mercial tenant is evicted does not
ers, while tenants can take advan- 5 of this year. The current eviction um, so when the lease and sublease rium period.’ mean that there is necessarily or
tage of the situation,” Iten said in ban runs through the end of Feb- expired in the fall, he negotiated a “So for a lot of landlords who even likely going to be a person on
a statement provided by his law- ruary and is likely to be extended. new five-year lease with the tenant are small like Mr. Iten, being de- the streets or put into substandard
yers at Pacific Legal Foundation, a In its current form, the moratori- to increase the chances of someday prived absolutely of the right to housing.”
public interest law firm headquar- um forbids the charging of interest recovering the past-due rent. an income stream is a huge im- The Los Angeles County Coun-
tered in Sacramento. or late fees on rents or amounts that Damien M. Schiff, a senior attor- pairment of the economic value sel’s office didn’t immediately re-
“At least I owned my property free come due during the moratorium ney at PLF handling the lawsuit, of these lease contracts.” spond to a request by The Epoch
and clear. I sympathize with those period. It provides that commer- expressed optimism about the case Lawsuits against various mora- Times for comment.

McCabe Aware of Exculpatory Evidence Biden Administration Sued for Halting

Oil, Gas Leasing on Federal Lands
Before Opening Obstruction Probe Into
Trump, Documents Show JACK PHILLIPS

AP PHOTO/JACQUELYN MARTIN The Biden administration was

IVAN PENTCHOUKOV sued on Jan. 27 over its executive
order to halt oil and gas leasing on
Then-Acting FBI Director Andrew federal lands and waters.
McCabe was aware of crucial ex- The lawsuit was filed in  the
culpatory evidence regarding the U.S. District Court in Wyoming
firing of FBI Director James Com- by the Western Energy Alliance,
ey when he opened an obstruc- a group representing fossil fuel
tion of justice investigation into producers on federal lands. They
then-President Donald Trump say President Joe Biden exceeded
in mid-May of 2017 over Comey’s his authority with the recent order.
removal, according to documents “The law is clear. Presidents don’t
declassified by Trump during his have authority to ban leasing on President Joe Biden speaks in the
last days in office. public lands. All Americans own State Dining Room of the White
Trump fired Comey on May 9, the oil and natural gas beneath House on Jan. 26, 2021.
2017, roughly three weeks after public lands, and Congress has di-
Comey told Congress that the rected them to be responsibly de- Petroleum Association of Amer-
FBI was investigating Russian veloped on their behalf,”  Alliance ica said in a separate statement:
interference in the 2016 elec- President Kathleen Sgamma said “Do not be fooled, this is a ban
tion, as well as alleged links be- in a statement, according to The [on drilling]. The Biden admin-
Then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe listens during a Senate Intelligence
tween Moscow and the Trump Washington Times. “Drying up istration’s plan to obliterate the
Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 11, 2017.
campaign. McCabe opened an new leasing puts future develop- jobs of American oil and gas ex-
obstruction of justice investiga- ment as well as existing projects at plorers and producers has been
tion into Trump a week later, on stein had made the decision to risk. President Biden cannot sim- on clear display.”
May 16, 2017, citing Trump’s pub- appoint a special counsel a week ply ignore laws in effect for over What’s more, according to Sgam-
lic comments about the firing as The DAG stated that prior to May 16, 2017, and that the half a century.” ma, the order would also put at
well as Comey’s memos, which based on conversa- execution of the appointment was The executive order, Sgamma risk $8.8 billion in conservation
stated, among other things, that thrown off by Comey’s firing. In said, violates the Mineral Leasing revenue that is funded in part by
the president had asked the FBI
tions he had with the another declassified portion, Mc- Act, the National Environmental mineral development on federal
director for loyalty. AG as early as Janu- Cabe wrote that Rosenstein had Policy Act, and the Federal Lands property.
But McCabe was aware, from a ary 2017, he knew looked into removing Trump via Policy and Management Act. “Biden’s ban is an overreach
conversation with then-Deputy the 25th Amendment and had The lawsuit argues that the meant to satisfy the environ-
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
Director Comey was assumed he might have had the administration’s suspension of mental left, but it would seriously
four days earlier, on May 12, 2017, going to get fired. support of Attorney General Jeff the federal oil and gas leasing pro- harm the livelihoods of tens of
that the Justice Department had Sessions and Homeland Security gram is “an unsupported and un- thousands of westerners and put
Andrew McCabe,
been planning to fire Comey since Secretary John Kelly. necessary action that is inconsis- at risk millions more as state ser-
then-acting FBI director
January that year, according to a Trump had considered hiring tent with the Secretary’s statutory vices become unfunded,” she said.
memo by McCabe obtained by Kelly for the FBI director position, obligations” and is “both arbitrary The order doesn’t affect existing
Just The News. that the evidence Mueller col- another newly declassified por- and capricious.” oil and gas leases, which can last
“The DAG stated that based on lected was insufficient to estab- tion of the memo shows. The Biden executive order sets 10 years, officials have said.
conversations he had with the AG lish that Trump had obstructed McCabe wrote: “The President up a “pause on entering into new The Interior Department stated
as early as January 2017, he knew justice. had requested that they interview oil and natural gas leases on pub- the pause “won’t impact existing
Director Comey was going to get Among the newly declassified Sec. Kelly. The DAG informed the lic lands or offshore waters to the operations or permits for valid, ex-
fired,” McCabe wrote in the memo. memos is a set of typed notes, in AG that he did not believe Sec. extent possible” and will launch isting leases, which are continuing
One day after McCabe approved which McCabe described the May Kelly would be a good candidate a “rigorous review of all existing to be reviewed and approved.”
the opening of the investigation 16, 2017, meeting during which for many reasons and stated that leasing and permitting practices Republicans in Congress have
into Trump, Rosenstein appointed he revealed the existence of the making him FBI Director would related to fossil fuel development signaled they will work to stop
Robert Mueller as special coun- Trump probe to Rosenstein. A be a strategy of disruption. The on public lands and waters,” ac- Biden’s agenda.
sel to investigate allegations of more redacted version of the DAG told me that if Sec. Kelly were cording to the White House. “Pie-in-the-sky government
collusion between the Trump memo was previously obtained placed in the job, the DAG would The White House said the move mandates and directives that re-
campaign and Russia. Muel- by Judicial Watch in 2019. The request Sec. Kelly’s resignation.” is an attempt to “tackle the climate strict our mining, oil, and gas in-
ler completed the investigation notes had shown that Rosenstein An internal review by the De- crisis.” dustries adversely impact our en-
nearly two years later, finding no offered to wear a wire to record partment of Justice’s Office of In- Republicans and industry lead- ergy security and independence,”
evidence to establish that anyone Trump; Rosenstein has since said spector General determined that ers said the order would harm the Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-
in the campaign colluded with he made the offer in jest. McCabe authorized a self-serving U.S. economy and result in thou- Wash.), a member of the GOP’s
Russia. In addition, then-Attorney The newly declassified portion leak to the press and then lied sands of job losses. leadership in the House, said in a
General William Barr concluded of the memo shows that Rosen- about the matter to cover it up. Dan Naatz of the Independent statement this week.

Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn, Brother of Michael Biden Administration

Order Would
Flynn, Tapped to Lead US Army Pacific Suspend 85 Percent
of All Criminal
Alien Deportations:
CONTINUED FROM A1 Capitol in the background.” Analysis
Piatt, in a follow-up statement
campaign planning at the Na- to The Washington Post, denied
tional Defense University. making that statement during the ZACHARY STIEBER
His awards and decorations in- call, while other Pentagon offi-
clude the Distinguished Service cials also denied that Piatt had The memorandum from President
Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze expressed reservations about Joe Biden’s administration halting
Star, and the Defense Meritorious deploying the National Guard, most deportations for 100 days affects
Service Medal. members of which arrived sev- 85 percent of all criminal alien depor-
Flynn, along with other Pen- eral hours after the call to help tations, according to a new analysis.
tagon staff, faced scrutiny in secure the Capitol. While a federal judge in Texas on
recent days over the deploy- “I did not make the statement Jan. 26 blocked the order from going
ment of National Guard troops or any comments similar to what into effect, if it does ultimately sur-
to the U.S. Capitol as a mob was attributed to me by Chief vive court challenges, it would stop
breached the building on Jan. Sund in The Washington Post ar- immigration officers from deport-
6. Washington city officials and ticle—but would note that even in ing about 85 percent of illegal im-
the Capitol Police have claimed his telling he makes it clear that migrants, the Center for Immigration
that the Pentagon was slow in neither I, nor anyone else from Studies (CIS) found. Sex offenders,
responding to a request for [the Pentagon], denied the de- domestic abusers, and fraud crimi-
help from the National Guard ployment of requested person- nals would be among those avoiding
in quelling the violence. Flynn nel,” Piatt told The Washington removal from the United States.
told The Washington Post he Post in the statement. “Essentially, this memo is an at-
was in the room for several Flynn told The Washington Post tempt to abolish immigration en-
minutes during a call when lo- he left the room before the meet- forcement,” Jessica Vaughan, who
cal officials made the request ing was over, expecting that then- performed the CIS’s analysis, told
for National Guard support. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy The Epoch Times.
Then-Capitol Police Chief Ste- would soon order the National The memo directs immigration
ven Sund, who has since resigned, Guard to be deployed. enforcement agencies to focus on
told The Washington Post in a Jan. “I entered the room after the people who recently crossed into the
10 interview that a top Army of- call began and departed prior United States illegally, who are sus-
ficial on the call, later identified as to the call ending as I believed a pected of terrorism or espionage, or
Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, the direc- decision was imminent from the who were convicted of an aggravated
tor of Army staff, said, “I don’t like Secretary and I needed to be in felony. Vaughan said the percentage
the visual of the National Guard my office to assist in executing the Lt. Gen. Charles A. Flynn and his staff during a base visit in Poznan, Poland, of criminal aliens who actually will
standing a police line with the decision,” Flynn told the outlet. on Dec. 16, 2019. be targeted will, in reality, be less
than 15 percent because of so-called
sanctuary jurisdictions that limit
their cooperation with Immigration
Blinken Makes First Calls as Secretary of State and Customs Enforcement.
The order, signed by Acting Depart-
CARLOS BARRIA/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ment of Homeland Secretary David
IVAN PENTCHOUKOV est cabinet agency, represents a Pekoske, will “result in a very sharp
great responsibility,” the Ameri- decrease of deportations compared
Secretary of State Antony Blink- can Foreign Service Association to “those under former Presidents
en made the first calls of his ten- (AFSA) said in a statement after Donald Trump and Barack Obama,”
ure on Jan. 26, speaking with his he was confirmed. “As we have according to Vaughan.
counterparts in Canada, South done for his predecessors, AFSA “I was surprised at how far he de-
Korea, Mexico, and Japan, ac- extends our congratulations and cided to go because he had been
cording to the Department of welcome to Secretary Blinken. talking as if he wanted to pursue
State. We wish the secretary and his a moderate course, obviously dif-
The U.S. Senate confirmed team the best of luck in the years ferent policies, but claimed to not
Blinken earlier the same day. He ahead. AFSA and its members want to in a radical way,” she added.
made the first call to Canadian pledge to work alongside them “But this is really a reckless and ex-
Foreign Minister Marc Garneau. to strengthen the career For- treme order.”
According to a readout of the eign Service and protect and The Biden administration didn’t
call, Blinken “looks forward to enhance the institution that is immediately respond to a request
working closely with Foreign American diplomacy.” by The Epoch Times for comment.
Minister Garneau to revitalize Blinken, during his confirma- U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, a
our economies and strengthen tion hearing in the upper cham- Trump appointee, blocked the policy
the broader North American ber last week, told senators he from going into effect for two weeks,
partnership and to address would reengage with Congress after Texas Attorney General Ken
shared challenges, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks at the State Department in on key foreign policy initiatives. Paxton challenged it in court. The
COVID-19 and climate change, Washington on Jan. 27, 2021. Regarding the Chinese Com- judge said Biden’s administration
among many others.” munist Party (CCP), which didn’t give “any concrete, reasonable
dent [Joe] Biden’s commitment preserving “peace, security, and Pompeo has described as the justification for a 100-day pause on
to strengthening U.S. alliances,” prosperity for a free and open greatest threat to the United deportations.”
the readout states. Indo-Pacific region and across States, Blinken said former White House press secretary Jen
Blinken said for- In the call with Mexican For- the world.” He also stressed the President Donald Trump “was Psaki told reporters last week that
mer President eign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard, importance of the trilateral U.S.– right in taking a tougher ap- the order halting deportations for
Donald Trump the pair discussed cooperation Japan–South Korea alliance. proach to China.” some immigrants “will allow the
around the CCP virus pandemic. Blinken, a longtime aide to “I disagree very much with the administration to review and reset
‘was right in tak- Blinken also emphasized “our Biden, was approved by a vote of way that he went about it in a enforcement policies and ensure that
ing a tougher ap- shared interest in security and 78–22 in the upper chamber. His number of areas, but the basic resources are dedicated to the most
economic integration, as well predecessor is former Secretary principle was the right one, and pressing challenges, and that we have
proach to China.’ as our focus on an orderly and of State Mike Pompeo. I think that’s actually helpful a fair and effective enforcement sys-
humane approach to migration.” His confirmation was wel- to our foreign policy,” Blinken tem rooted in responsibly manag-
“Secretary Blinken highlighted In his calls with the Republic comed by most Democrats and said. He didn’t elaborate on what ing the border and protecting our
the importance of continued tri- of Korea Foreign Minister Kang some Republicans, as well as the steps he would take to counter national security and public safety.”
lateral U.S.-ROK-Japan coopera- Kyung-wha and Japanese For- U.S. Foreign Service political as- the CCP. In another briefing on Jan. 25, Psaki
tion, underscored the continued eign Minister Toshimitsu Mo- sociation. said the message to migrants at the
need for the denuclearization of tegi, Blinken emphasized the “Leadership of the Depart- Jack Phillips contributed border “is that this is not the right
North Korea, and stressed Presi- importance of the alliances for ment of State, our nation’s old- to this report. time to come.”


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Biden Promptly Dismantles

Trump’s Border Security Measures


immigrants to the Migrant Protec-

tion Protocol (MPP) program, also
known as “Remain in Mexico.”
The MPP program makes asylum-
seekers wait in Mexico while their
asylum case is adjudicated.
The program has been touted as a
breakthrough in stopping the phe-
nomenon of “catch-and-release,”
in which hundreds of thousands of
illegal immigrants claimed asylum
upon entry into the United States.
Before the Remain in Mexico pro-
gram was implemented, those in-
dividuals, regardless of the merits
of their asylum claim, would be
quickly released into the United
States with a court hearing often
scheduled for years down the track,
for which most failed to turn up. A group of
The “catch-and-release” phe- illegal aliens
is appre-
nomenon was a major driver of the hended
caravans and border crisis of 2019, by Border
when 1 million illegal immigrants Patrol after
entered the United States over the crossing
southern border. from Mexico
Trump introduced MPP late in into Yuma,
2019, which was expanded across Ariz., on April
the southern border and now re- 12, 2019.
sults in 90 percent of illegal border-
crossers either being quickly de- The council’s president, Brandon Biden’s order requires the State Most DACA recipients currently On Jan. 22, the state of Texas sued
ported, or being sent back to Mexico Judd, has said border agents are Department to make a plan to pay most taxes, but cannot receive the Biden administration over the
to await their asylum claim. The ef- grateful for the new fencing, which review the visa applications that most federal benefits. The DREAM action.
fect has been fewer illegal crossings comes with access roads, lighting, had been denied during the dura- Act would have generated about $1 In the suit, Texas Attorney Gen-
and fewer meritless asylum claims. and technology. tion of the Trump administration’s billion in extra tax revenue, but re- eral Ken Paxton asks the federal
travel ban. cipients would have received about court to declare Pekoske’s memo
Wall Construction Stopped Travel Ban Rescinded $27 billion in new benefits, such unlawful and to block the defen-
Biden signed an executive order Also on day one, Biden took execu- DACA and Amnesty as Obamacare subsidies, child tax dants from executing the order.
hours after his inauguration that tive action to revoke a travel ban Another Jan. 20 executive order credits, Medicaid, and food stamps. “On its first day in office, the Biden
terminated the emergency declara- that Trump had placed on several ordered the DHS to continue the The CBO estimate excluded state Administration cast aside congres-
tion on the southern border and put terror-prone countries that had DACA program, which Trump re- and local government budget im- sionally enacted immigration laws
an immediate halt on border wall consistently failed to provide “ter- scinded in September 2017, calling pacts. and suspended the removal of il-
construction. rorist, criminal, or identity infor- it executive overreach and asking Beyond the DACA population, legal aliens whose removal is com-
“It shall be the policy of my Ad- mation” for their travelers. Congress to grant a pathway to citi- Biden has promised an amnesty pelled by those very laws,” the law-
ministration that no more Ameri- Biden called the ban discrimi- zenship for recipients. and pathway to citizenship to the il- suit states. “In doing so, it ignored
can taxpayer dollars be diverted to natory against both Muslims and “I have a love for these people, and legal immigrants currently residing basic constitutional principles
construct a border wall,” the execu- African nations and “a stain on our hopefully now Congress will be able in the United States—an estimated and violated its written pledge to
tive order states. “I am also direct- national conscience.” to help them and do it properly,” 11 million to 25 million people. work cooperatively with the State
ing a careful review of all resources The countries on the travel ban Trump said at the time. He also supports free health care of Texas to address shared immi-
appropriated or redirected to con- list were Eritrea, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Congress has yet to provide a per- for illegal immigrants. Biden said he gration enforcement concerns. This
struct a southern border wall.” Libya, Burma (also known as Myan- manent solution, and the program will reverse Trump’s public charge unlawful reversal will cause Texas
Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s pick mar), Nigeria, North Korea, Soma- has been the subject of court wran- rule, which currently prohibits non- immediate and irreparable harm if
to head the Department of Home- lia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Venezu- gling ever since. U.S. citizens and permanent resi- it is not enjoined.”
land Security (DHS), said he hasn’t ela, and Yemen. Each nation had DACA was introduced through an dents from accessing food stamps Immigration and Customs En-
looked at what he’d do with the cur- tailored restrictions. Countries such executive order by former President and other welfare benefits. He also forcement (ICE), the agency tasked
rent border wall, including the pos- as Somalia, for example, have had Barack Obama in 2012 as a tempo- states he would give green cards to with interior enforcement, as well
sibility of removing portions of it. no government for decades to issue rary measure that gave recipients a foreign students who obtain a doc- as investigations into child sex traf-
“I look forward to studying that basic documents such as birth cer- renewable, two-year reprieve from toral degree in the United States. ficking and other crimes, has for
question, understand the costs and tificates and driver licenses, making deportation, as well as work authori- In the event of an amnesty, stud- years prioritized the removal of
benefits of doing so,” he told the it impossible to vet travelers. zation and access to social security. ies predict at least six times the orig- criminal aliens.
Senate Committee on Homeland Under Trump, the DHS reviewed “Now, let’s be clear, this is not inal number of eligible individuals In fiscal 2020, ICE’s Enforcement
Security and Governmental Affairs almost 200 countries between amnesty, this is not immunity, this would become citizens, based on and Removal Operations con-
during his confirmation hearing March and July 2017 to identify is not a path to citizenship—it’s not chain migration, in which citizens ducted almost 186,000 removals
on Jan. 19. those that needed to provide more a permanent fix,” Obama said at can bring in family members. of individuals, of whom 92 percent
Congress recently appropriated information with visa applications the time. The Center for Immigration Stud- had criminal convictions or pend-
$1.4 billion for border wall con- to satisfy U.S. authorities that the Since its inception, around ies issued a report showing that each ing criminal charges, according to
struction in the 2021 National De- individual is not a security or pub- 800,000 illegal immigrants have new legal Mexican immigrant, for ICE’s end of year report.
fense Authorization package, which lic-safety threat. been enrolled in the program. example, sponsored 6.38 additional ICE also conducted more than
Mayorkas said he would examine One criterion was document in- DACA recipients must have ar- legal immigrants, based on the 1996 103,000 interior arrests—just un-
to “see what the opportunities are tegrity—for example, whether a rived in the country illegally before to 2000 cohort of immigrants. der 30 percent fewer than in fiscal
to discontinue any such obligation, country issued passports with an their 16th birthday and must have 2019, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
if in fact, the law permits, and act embedded chip or not, or whether been under 31 when they applied for Suspending Deportations Approximately 90 percent of those
accordingly.” the country could provide evidence DACA status, among other criteria. The DHS on Jan. 21 issued a memo arrested had a criminal conviction
Mayorkas served as head of U.S. that their citizens are who they say The average age of DACA recipi- to suspend deportations of illegal or charge, according to the report.
Citizenship and Immigration they are. ents is over 25 and those at the aliens for 100 days, with the ex- Those arrested included aliens with
Services during President Barack Other criteria include whether maximum age are now 39. Eighty- ception of those who have “either criminal charges or convictions for
Obama’s first term and then dep- the country is a known or poten- one percent of the recipients are engaged in or are suspected of ter- 1,837 homicide offenses, 37,247 as-
uty secretary of the Department tial terrorist safe haven; whether Mexican, but some come from rorism or espionage.” sault offenses, and 10,302 sexual as-
of Homeland Security during his it’s a participant in the Visa Waiver countries as far flung as Pakistan DHS Acting Secretary David Pe- sault or sex offenses.
second term. Program; and whether it regularly and the Philippines. koske said that instead, the depart-
During the Trump administra- fails to receive its nationals who are Only a few randomly selected ment will surge resources to the Other Actions
tion, more than 450 miles of border subject to orders of removal from DACA recipients were vetted southern border “as it is confront- In a call with Mexican President
fencing were constructed along the United States. through background checks dur- ing the most serious global public Andrés Manuel López Obrador
the U.S.–Mexico border, much of The department then spent seven ing the original intake, and by health crisis in a century.” Biden on Jan. 23, Biden said his plan in-
which has replaced old or ineffec- weeks working with countries to 2018, more than 2,100 recipients has tapped Pekoske as acting sec- cluded “increasing resettlement
tive barriers. help them meet the criteria. had since had their eligibility re- retary until Mayorkas is confirmed capacity and lawful alternative
The National Border Patrol Coun- In September 2017, Trump is- scinded due to criminal convic- by the Senate. immigration pathways,” as well as
cil, which endorsed Trump for sued a proclamation modifying tions and gang activity, according “In light of those unique circum- improved processing at the border
president, has said border fencing his original order, which, after a to the DHS. stances, the Department must for asylum-seekers.
is essential to slow illegal crossings legal battle, was upheld by the U.S. The Congressional Budget Office surge resources to the border in Biden on Jan. 20 signed an execu-
and keep agents safe. Supreme Court. ran a cost estimate of a pathway to order to ensure safe, legal, and tive order to include illegal aliens in
citizenship for a slightly expanded orderly processing, to rebuild fair the census-based apportionment of

DACA cohort in response to the and effective asylum procedures federal funding and congressional
introduction of the DREAM Act in that respect human rights and representation.
July 2017. due process, to adopt appropriate The president also unveiled a
The bill was introduced to the public health guidelines and pro- sweeping immigration reform
Senate by Sen. Lindsey Graham tocols, and to prioritize respond- package for Congress, which in-
(R-S.C.) and the DREAM stands for ing to threats to national security, cludes a mass amnesty, the broad-
Development, Relief, and Educa- public safety, and border security,” ening of asylum criteria, an increase
tion for Alien Minors. Pekoske said. in refugee admissions, and more
The CBO estimated that 3.25 mil- The memo said the department federal programs for immigrants.
lion illegal aliens met the basic eli- can’t respond to all immigration It also promised a $4 billion, four-
gibility criteria, but, based on DACA violations or remove all persons year interagency plan to address
application rates, about 2 million unlawfully in the United States, and “the underlying causes of migration
would apply and be approved. it intends to prioritize terror threats, in the region,” including by increas-
Using that calculation, the CBO illegal immigrants who entered the ing assistance to El Salvador, Gua-
estimated that the DREAM Act United States from Nov. 1, 2020, and temala, and Honduras.
would have generated a net cost those who have been convicted
A group of 10 Haitians illegally crosses the Suchiate River on a tube raft from of $26 billion over the ensuing 10 of an aggravated felony who are Ivan Pentchoukov contributed
Tecun Uman, Guatemala, to Hidalgo City, Mexico, on June 28, 2019. years. deemed a public safety threat. to this report.


Measures Slow
US Economic
EMEL AKAN California played a big
part in the labor market
WASHINGTON—The U.S. downturn last month, ac-
economy’s momentum has cording to Anderson.
reversed in recent weeks as The Golden State recorded
spikes in coronavirus cases 52,200 job losses in Decem-
have forced a series of re- ber, accounting for 37 per-
newed stay-at-home orders cent of the national total.
and business closures. The unemployment rate
While states such as in California rose to 9.0
California, New York, and percent—compared to 6.7
Michigan have begun to percent nationwide—due
ease restrictions, econo- to large job losses in the ac- People wait for an international flight at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York on Jan. 25, 2021.
mists are still pessimistic commodation and foodser-
over the near-term outlook. vice industries. of $300 weekly extra unem- round of saving,” he wrote. borders. The fund’s head of then things could improve
It will be months before The surge in virus cases ployment insurance, and Economists predict that markets, Colin Teichholtz, much better,” she said in a
access to vaccines is wide- and colder weather con- a new round of Paycheck a new round of stimulus, told Financial Times that Jan. 26 statement.
spread enough to help bring ditions are causing con- Protection Program (PPP) even if only partially en- markets and policymak- She cautioned, however,
the pandemic under con- sumers to avoid shopping, loans for small businesses. acted, would boost the eco- ers should be prepared for if virus mutations retard
trol and allow economic ac- eating out, and traveling. In his first week in office, nomic growth forecasts for “a much worse” economic vaccinations, that could
tivity to rebound, according Retail sales were down 0.7 President Joe Biden an- this year. outcome as the damage have an effect on the world
to forecasters. percent month-over-month nounced the “American from the pandemic is still economy.
The U.S. economy shed in December, marking the Rescue Plan,” with a head- New Threat far from over. The U.S. equity markets
140,000 jobs in December third straight month of de- line value of $1.9 trillion to While a bigger fiscal stimu- The new virus has been are trading near record
2020, the first time since clines. Restaurant and bar kick start the next round of lus and faster vaccination detected in more than 30 highs. Investors see the
the labor market recovery sales saw a 4.5 percent drop stimulus talks in Congress. brighten the outlook for this countries, including the new variant of the virus as
began in May 2020. Unem- from November, and sales The administration’s new year in the United States, a United States. According “a known unknown,” ac-
ployment claims remain were down more than 21 plan would send checks of new wave of pessimism is to the Centers for Disease cording to Nick Reece, se-
elevated as restrictions percent from the same pe- $1,400 to individuals. sweeping Europe due to Control and Prevention, nior analyst and portfolio
on restaurants, bars, and riod last year. “These protections can concerns about the new this variant exhibits rapid manager at Merk Invest-
other businesses pressure The U.S. economy is ex- lead to some generous out- variant of coronavirus and growth and could become ments.
employers to slash jobs. pected to see additional comes,” Carl Tannenbaum, its potential damage to the the predominant variant in The new variant is “likely
Another 900,000 Ameri- job losses in January as a chief economist at North- economy. the United States by March. not going to impact the
cans filed for initial jobless result of the slowdown in ern Trust, said in his weekly UK Prime Minister Boris It isn’t clear if the current market in the same way the
claims last week. economic activity. Ana- economic commentary. Johnson warned last week vaccines will be less effec- initial onset of COVID did
“The recent sharp rise in lysts believe a fiscal policy “Married households with that the new variant might tive against the new variant. back in late February and
initial weekly jobless claims response will continue two children, earning up to be associated with a higher Gita Gopinath, the IMF’s March last year,” Reece told
caused by renewed shelter- to provide some support $150,000, would qualify for a level of mortality. chief economist, described The Epoch Times.
in-place mandates and until the economic recov- hefty payment of $5,600. The Element Capital, one of the current environment as “With regards to the po-
business closures is thrust- ery gains steam. majority of last year’s eco- the world’s largest macro “a race between a mutating tential economic impact,
ing the U.S. labor market re- Congress approved in De- nomic impact payments hedge funds, also cau- virus and vaccinations.” the response, both from a
covery into reverse,” Scott cember a $900 billion relief were saved or used to pay tioned that continental “And a lot depends on the health policy standpoint
Anderson, chief economist package, including a $600 down debt, and with com- Europe could face a deep outcome of this race. So, if and fiscal relief standpoint,
at Bank of the West, said in direct payment to many merce still restricted, this economic blow as the vari- we have better news on are fairly well known and
a note to clients. Americans, three months would likely foster another ant spreads beyond UK vaccinations, faster rollout, understood,” he said.


privately operated prison

Pompeo Calls on Biden to facilities. Geo Group indi-
Acknowledge CCP’s Role in cated in a previous state-
ment that this was because
Pandemic After Memo Release federal prison populations
have experienced a decline,
in particular, due to the
CONTINUED FROM A1 CCP officials in early De- CCP (Chinese Communist
cember 2019 knew that the Party) virus pandemic.
emphasizing the impor- virus had appeared in Wu- “This decline and other
tance of recognizing where han, but sat on the infor- factors may result in future
the virus first emerged. It’s mation for six weeks. They decisions by the Federal
common to name a virus arrested those who tried to Bureau of Prisons to not
after its place of origin. warn of the danger, accusing renew additional BOP con-
“It began in Wuhan. It is, in them of spreading “rumors,” tracts,” the company said in
fact, a virus that came from and employed the regime’s a separate statement.
that place. We know that the rigorous censorship system Some critics and civil
Chinese Communist Party to prevent media coverage rights groups pointed out
covered that up. We know and to delete any mentions that the order doesn’t end
that they disappeared doc- of it from social media. the federal government’s
tors and journalists who “This virus has now de- The federal prison complex in Terre Haute, Ind., on Aug. 28, 2020. reliance on immigration
wanted to write about it and stroyed thousands and thou- detention centers that are
were told they couldn’t,” sands and thousands of lives,” privately operated.
Pompeo said. Pompeo continued. “Eco- Biden Orders DOJ to End Use of The order about private
“These are important nomic toll that is unequaled prisons was signed along-
things,” he added. “The Amer- in an awfully long time, and Federally Funded Private Prisons side three other orders
ican people need to know it began in a place—Wuhan, aimed to promote racial
them because they matter. China—and the CCP did ev- equity. Biden and other
They matter for our health, for erything it could to give itself JANITA KAN position on private prison correctional system.” Democrats have long
our safety, for economic pros- the time to respond to it on its facilities as in 2016, when One of the private op- claimed that systemic rac-
perity, and for our security, own terms, and it didn’t do President Joe Biden direct- then-Deputy Attorney erators of federal prisons, ism exists in the United
and I hope and I’m counting what it was supposed to do.” ed the federal government General Sally Yates or- Geo Group, characterized States and the president has
on this next administration “It [CCP] had a duty to the on Jan. 25 to cease its reli- dered the federal Bureau Biden’s order as a “political made addressing the issue
to do what the American world to let us know that this ance on federally funded of Prisons to “decline to statement.” one of his administration’s
people demand of them and [COVID-19] indeed had hu- private prisons, a move renew that contract or sub- “Given the steps the BOP priorities.
continue to confront the Chi- man-to-human transmission that renews an Obama-era stantially reduce its scope had already announced, Biden has signed a num-
nese Communist Party.” and that it had begun, that policy. in a manner consistent today’s Executive Order ber of orders and measures
this threat had begun. That Under the executive or- with law and the overall merely represents a politi- in what his administration

was enormously costly to the der, the attorney general decline of the bureau’s in- cal statement, which could says would advance “equity
American people and those must decline to renew mate population. carry serious negative un- and support communities
are facts, so yes, I hope this Justice Department (DOJ) “The goal of the Justice intended consequences, of color and other under-
administration and everyone contracts with privately Department is to ensure including the loss of hun- served communities.”
in the world will acknowl- operated facilities. consistency in safety, se- dreds of jobs and nega- His other orders direct
edge where it began and “To decrease incarcera- curity, and rehabilitation tive economic impact for the Department of Housing
how the CCP misbehaved,” tion levels, we must reduce services by operating its the communities where and Urban Development
he added. profit-based incentives to own prison facilities,” Yates our facilities are located, to address any discrimi-
“We have to put in place incarcerate by phasing out said at the time. which are already strug- nation in federal housing
processes to make sure that the Federal Government’s Yates’s memo was rescind- gling economically due policies, condemn cases
something like this can never reliance on privately oper- ed in 2017 by then-Attorney to the COVID pandemic,” of racism and xenophobia
emanate from China again.” ated criminal detention General Jeff Sessions, who a company spokesperson against Asian Americans
Then-Secretary of State Mike The Epoch Times refers facilities,” Biden wrote in said the memo “changed said in a statement. and Pacific Islanders amid
Pompeo speaks during a news to the virus by the name of his order. long-standing policy and Over the past few months, the CCP virus pandemic,
conference at the U.S. State the party responsible for re- The rule would essen- practice, and impaired the the federal government had and attempts to strengthen
Department in Washington on leasing it to the world: the tially require the DOJ to Bureau’s ability to meet the already announced that it relationships with tribal
Sept. 21, 2020. Chinese Communist Party. maintain the same policy future needs of the federal wouldn’t renew contacts for communities.

Supreme Court Won’t Make Government Unions

Give Back Unconstitutional Dues

MATTHEW VADUM issue in the future.

“And of course, these re-
While Mark Janus won fund cases are only a small
a landmark legal victory part of the Foundation’s
in 2018 outlawing public- Janus enforcement efforts,
sector unions’ collection as Foundation staff attor-
of forced agency fees from neys are also litigating over
nonmembers, the Supreme a dozen cases challenging
Court has denied his fol- current union schemes to
low-up request to have his restrict workers from stop-
money reimbursed, without ping union dues in violation
granting him a hearing. of the Janus precedent.”
The new ruling in which At the same time, the
the high court refused to Supreme Court dismissed
consider the petition for cer- other cases also seeking the
tiorari in Janus v. AFSCME, refund of forced agency fees
which bears the same title from unions, among them,
of proceeding as the land- Mooney v. Illinois Educa-
mark ruling, came on Jan. tion Association, Danielson
25. The court didn’t explain v. Inslee, Ogle v. Ohio Civil
why it acted. No justices in- Service Employees Associa-
dicated they dissented from tion, Lee v. Ohio Education
the decision. Association, and Casanova
The ruling, which leaves v. International Association
in place a decision by the of Machinists.
7th Circuit Court of Ap- The Epoch Times previ-
peals, is a victory for the ously reported on one of
labor movement. It came those cases, Danielson v.
after the Supreme Court Inslee, which came from the
overturned Abood v. Detroit 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Board of Education (1977) Writing for a unanimous
in Janus’s earlier lawsuit in Union activists and supporters rally against the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Janus v. AFSCME case, in Foley Square in New York on three-judge panel in a 20-
2018, holding that public- June 27, 2018. page decision, Obama
sector unions couldn’t col- appointee Jacqueline H.
lect forced agency fees from circumstances, a private Epoch Times. country who simply want Nguyen determined the
nonmembers to finance party that acts under color But the National Right to the freedom to choose for union had collected the
their collective bargain- Janus sought of law ... may defend on the Work Foundation, which, themselves whether or not agency fees in good faith
ing activities without in- damages from ground that it proceeded in along with Liberty Justice to fund union activities with and shouldn’t have to re-
fringing the First and 14th good faith” and acted “rea- Center of Chicago, repre- their hard-earned money. turn them.
AFSCME for the sonably” based “on estab- sents Janus, was disappoint- “However, Monday’s or- The union is “not required
Janus sought damages agency fees it lished law.” ed by the ruling. ders don’t stop the over a to forecast changing winds
from AFSCME for the agen- unconstitution- Apart from Illinois-based “Leaving the lower court dozen other ongoing cases at the Supreme Court,” she
cy fees it unconstitutional- Council 31 of the American decisions in place allows brought by Foundation staff wrote.
ly extracted from him but
ally extracted Federation of State, County, union officials to profit from attorneys seeking well over “It is true that, under cur-
a U.S. district court ruled from him, but a and Municipal Employees their wide-scale violation of $100 million in refunds for rent law, the employees suf-
against him, finding that U.S. district (AFSCME), the respondents rank-and-file government public workers who were fered a constitutional wrong
the union enjoyed a so- were Simone McNeil, in her employees’ First Amend- forced to fund union activi- for which they may have no
called good faith defense court ruled official capacity as acting di- ment rights,” National Right ties prior to Janus.  viable means of compensa-
that shielded it from dam- against him. rector of the Illinois Depart- to Work Foundation Vice “The fact that some of tion if the good faith defense
ages when it acted under the ment of Central Manage- President Patrick Semmens those cases present distin- prevails,” Nguyen wrote.
Illinois agency-fee statute ment Services, and Illinois told The Epoch Times in a guishing facts and that the “Nonetheless, it would not
that at the time was con- Attorney General Kwame statement. Supreme Court often agrees be equitable to order the
sidered valid, according to Raoul, a Democrat. “While we are disappoint- to hear cases even after pre- transfer of funds from one
a summary in the petition. “We are pleased with the ed the Supreme Court de- viously declining to hear innocent actor to another,
The 7th Circuit affirmed court’s decision,” Annie clined to take up this issue cases presenting similar is- particularly where the latter
the trial court and held Thompson, senior press ... we will continue to stand sues, suggests that the jus- received a benefit from the
that “under appropriate secretary for Raoul, told The with workers across the tices could still rule on this exchange.”

Biden Appoints Former Obama Official to Key Role Apollo CEO Leon Black
Stepping Down After Review
in National Security Council of Ties to Jeffrey Epstein
MIMI NGUYEN LY United Nations. Israel’s “political existence ZACHARY STIEBER is Les Wexner, founder of L
On detail from the De- as a state is the cause for Brands, who gave Epstein
President Joe Biden has ap- partment of State, he was Bitar had served Palestinian dispossession Apollo Global Management power of attorney and in-
pointed lawyer Maher Bitar the foreign affairs officer in as general coun- and statelessness—of ul- CEO Leon Black is stepping stalled him as a trustee of
to be the National Security the Office of the Special En- sel to Democrats timate responsibility to- down from his position after his foundation.
Council’s senior director for voy for Middle East Peace. ward the refugees. Israel’s the conclusion of an investi- According to Dechert,
intelligence programs. Bitar previously worked on the House In- rejection of their right to gation into his ties to sex of- Black “compensated Epstein
Bitar has served as gen- with the  United Nations telligence Com- return remains the main fender Jeffrey Epstein. for his work in amounts that
eral counsel to Democrats High Commissioner for mittee and as a obstacle to finding a du- The probe, conducted were intended to be propor-
on the House Intelligence Refugees in Malaysia and rable solution.” by Dechert LLP, found no tional to the value provided
Committee and as a top le- the U.N. Relief and Works top legal adviser Greenfield wrote: “The job evidence that Black or any by Epstein.”
gal adviser to its chairman Agency for Palestinian Ref- to its chairman of Senior Director for Intel- other employee at Apollo The men’s relationship
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) ugees in Jerusalem. ligence at the National Se- was involved with Epstein’s deteriorated beginning in
since 2017. He graduated with a doc-
Rep. Adam Schiff curity Council is supposed criminal activities, accord- 2016 because Black refused
“I am thrilled to see him torate in law from George- since 2017. to go to an intelligence ing to a report on the inves- to pay Epstein tens of mil-
in his new post, though we town University in 2012, professional. How did an tigation made public in a lions of dollars that Epstein
will certainly miss him on and previously graduated organizers of a  Palestine anti-Israel activist go from security filing. thought he had earned. Black
the committee,” Schiff told from Georgetown Univer- Solidarity Movement (PSM) helping host a conference “There is no evidence that last paid Epstein in 2017.
Politico. “I can’t think of sity’s Edmund A. Walsh conference in 2006 at the for an organization whose Epstein ever introduced Epstein repaid a portion of
anyone more suited to the School of Foreign Service university, he wrote, accus- speakers have supported Black, or offered to intro- loans from Black in 2018 but
role than Maher.” in 2006. ing PSM of being an “anti- Islamic terrorism to a top duce Black, to any underage never repaid the balance.
In 2020, Bitar played a He had also received Israel propaganda group.” intelligence job?” woman,” the report stated. They stopped communi-
major role during then- a Master of Science in The Jewish Virtual Library Michael Ellis, former Re- Epstein was convicted in cating before Epstein was
President Donald Trump’s Forced Migration from Ox- calls PSM an umbrella or- publican political opera- 2008 for soliciting prostitu- charged with sex trafficking.
first impeachment, serv- ford University’s Refugee ganization that brings to- tive, previously held the po- tion of a minor. He died in Epstein tried repeatedly to
ing as a senior member in Studies Centre while on a gether university-affiliated sition of NSC senior director prison in 2019 after being ingratiate himself to other
the Democrats’ House im- scholarship. anti-Israel groups with a for intelligence programs. charged with child sex traf- senior executives at Apollo,
peachment team. The Sen- In a report published by goal to “portray the Pales- The role involves oversee- ficking and other crimes. and Black apparently helped
ate ultimately voted to ac- FrontPageMag on Jan. 26, tinian cause as a struggle ing the coordination and Authorities ruled his death introduce him to the execu-
quit Trump on two articles investigative journalist for justice against the ‘rac- communications between a suicide. tives. But Dechert said there’s
of impeachment. Daniel Greenfield noted ist’ state of Israel.” the White House and the Black’s relationship with no evidence of any other ex-
Bitar’s latest appoint- multiple indications that At the 2006 conference, intelligence community, Epstein dated back to the ecutive retaining Epstein.
ment by Biden marks his Bitar has held anti-Israel Bitar ran a session  that including the director of mid-1990s. They met through In a Jan. 25 letter that was
return to the NSC. He pre- views. described how to portray national intelligence, on a mutual friend, and Black also published with the fil-
viously served as the NSC Bitar was on the execu- Israel as being detrimental multiple issues. “was impressed” by Epstein’s ing, Black noted the report’s
director for Israeli and tive board of Georgetown to the Christian population, The NSC serves to advise connections to prominent findings, said he condemns
Palestinian affairs during University’s  Students for Greenfield wrote. Separate- and assist the president to figures. Black paid Epstein Epstein’s conduct, and ex-
the presidency of Barack Justice in Palestine (SJP) ly, Greenfield noted that a coordinate national secu- $158 million from 2012 to 2017 pressed regret for ever being
Obama. group, a pro-Palestinian photo in a Georgetown rity matters among federal for services including advice involved with the man.
Before that, he was  a college organization that University’s yearbook in government agencies. on trust and estate planning Black plans to retire as CEO,
deputy to Samantha Power has been accused of be- 2006 appears to show Bitar The agency and the and philanthropic endeavors, though he will remain chair-
while she was at the NSC as ing a far-left hate group dancing in front of a banner White House didn’t im- the investigation found. man of the Apollo board.
the director for multilateral that espouses anti-Jewish reading “Divest from Israel mediately respond to a re- Black is one of a number Black and others decided
affairs and human rights, and anti-Israel sentiments, Apartheid.” quest for comment from of wealthy individuals who to appoint Marc Rowan, co-
and later when she was Greenfield noted. The SJP Bitar in one paper for Ox- The Epoch Times on Bitar’s paid Epstein for his financial founder, to be CEO as soon
the U.S. ambassador to the group was among the main ford University wrote that appointment. services. Chief among them as Black retires.


Sen. Ernst
Demands Agencies
Stop End-of-Year
Spending Sprees
MARK TAPSCOTT quest, and while the documents
don’t answer all of these ques-
Federal agencies again went on tions, they do give greater insights
wasteful “use-it-or-lose-it” spend- into how bureaucrats are manag-
ing sprees in 2020 but still ended ing your money,” Ernst said in her
the year with more than $800 bil- statement.
lion in unspent funds, Sen. Joni “But in typical Washington
Ernst (R-Iowa) said on Jan. 26. practice, these budget justifica-
She expects a repeat of that per- tions are only available to a select
formance come September. few, and not YOU the taxpayer ...
“The federal government ends who actually pays the bills.”
every fiscal year with a mountain Ernst cited three examples of
of unspent money. The total for wasteful use-it-or-lose-it spend-
last year added up to more than ing, asking why the agencies Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) speaks at a press conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Dec. 15, 2020.
$800 billion! And 2021 is expected made the following expenditures JOSHUA ROBERTS/REUTERS
to be nearly the same, with all of of tax dollars: of digital and grassroots develop-
that taxpayer cash sitting idle ment for the White Coat Waste
and for no purpose,” Ernst said • Why did the EPA pay $1.5 mil- Project, a nonprofit educational
in a statement naming the U.S. Of- lion for unused parking spaces? foundation that opposes animal
fice of Management and Budget • Why were tens of thousands of testing.
(OMB) as the latest recipient of her dollars sunk into an underwater “Taxpayers have a right to know
monthly Squeal Award. sculpture garden, nearly 60 feet how much money the NIH and
She selected OMB because it beneath the surface of the Gulf other agencies waste on boondog-
refuses to make public the an- of Mexico that will be visited by gles like forcing kittens to eat cat
nual spending requests and jus- more fish than people? meat purchased from China’s wet
tifications that the White House • Why was nearly $635,000 used markets, getting animals drunk
agency receives from federal in part to support a study to de- and high in labs overseas, and
agencies. Ernst believes making termine if chimpanzees recog- watching monkeys check them-
those justifications public would nized themselves in a mirror? selves out in the mirror,” Burr told
be an incentive against wasteful The Epoch Times.
end-of-year spending by agency The chimpanzee study was “Thankfully, Senator Joni Ernst’s
officials who fear their budgets funded by three separate National Squeal Award series provides
will be cut by Congress if they Institutes of Health (NIH) grants. a  roadmap  of reckless govern-
don’t spend it all. Researchers involved in the study ment spending that helps tax-
“Meanwhile, these same federal said fewer than half of the tested payers and Congress hold Uncle The U.S. Capitol in Washington, on Feb. 4, 2020.
agencies that cannot find ways chimpanzees passed the mirror Sam accountable for wasting our
to spend all the money they’ve tests under a more stringent re- hard-earned money,” Burr said. to increase transparency and ac- James Lankford (R-Okla.) was the
been given will once again come quirement for acceptable indica- Ernst is a co-sponsor of legisla- countability in government by primary sponsor of the measure.
to Congress, hat in hand, asking tors of self-recognition. tion that would require OMB to providing taxpayers more infor- Major provisions of Ernst’s Cost
for budget increases. The fiscal A senior congressional aide who make public the budget requests mation on official activities. Openness and Spending Trans-
insanity cycle continues. requested anonymity told The Ep- and justifications by federal Ernst was a co-sponsor of the parency Act (COST) were included
“If these agencies already know och Times that researchers have agencies. That legislation was in- Taxpayer Right to Know Act that in the 2021 defense appropriation
they’re not going to spend all the been conducting such tests for at troduced last year by Sen. Gary became law last month and re- bill, with a result that the Depart-
money they’re given, why the least five decades. The aide point- Peters (D-Mich.) and Sen. Rob quires the federal government ment of Defense must disclose to
heck are they asking for more?” ed to a January 1970 edition of Sci- Portman (R-Ohio) and is expected to maintain and publish a con- taxpayers the cost of all research
she asked. ence Magazine that described one to be re-introduced in the 117th tinuously updated list of all fed- and development projects.
“Agencies submit budget jus- such study. Congress. eral programs and assessments of
tifications to Congress as part Ernst’s efforts were lauded on She also succeeded in gaining how they are working or failing to Contact Mark Tapscott at
the President’s annual budget re- Jan. 26 by Mackie Burr, director passage of two measures designed meet their official objectives. Sen.

Texas Lawmaker’s Proposal Would Let State House Republicans Seek Briefing on
Residents Vote on Secession Continued Guard Presence in DC
Republican House members are We are seeking
A lawmaker in Texas this week seeking an explanation as to why clarification and
introduced a measure that would the National Guard will keep at
allow state residents to discuss, least 5,000 troops in Washington justification on be-
debate, and vote on  indepen- until mid-March, as requested by half of the National
dence from the United States. the U.S. Capitol Police. Guard men and
State Rep. Kyle Biedermann, Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.)
a Republican, filed House Bill submitted a letter along with 11 women that have
1359, also known as the Texas other House Republicans to Act- kept us safe.
Independence Referendum Act. ing Secretary of the Army John E.
Voters would choose in a refer- Whitley requesting a briefing on Rep. Michael Waltz
endum on Nov. 2, 2021, whether the deployment.
the state should leave the United “We would like to request a members will remain in the city
States and “establish an inde- briefing on the threat assess- through mid-March, a spokes-
pendent republic,” the act states. ments and all relevant intelli- man for the agency confirmed.
If voters say yes, a committee gence regarding the U.S. Capitol “As we continue to work to meet
would be formed to study the Complex,” the letter reads. the final post-inauguration re-
matter and make recommenda- “Our intention is for the brief- quirements, the National Guard
tions regarding the best way to Texas state Rep. Kyle Biedermann. ing to cover the ongoing threats has been requested to continue
break away from the rest of the to the Capitol, justification of the supporting federal law enforce-
country, including advice on right to decide their own future. as an independent nation.” decision for a significant troop ment agencies with 7,000 mem-
how to amend the state Consti- This is not a left or right political Texas seceded from the United presence through mid-March, bers and will draw down to 5,000
tution to accommodate the pro- issue. Let Texans Vote!” States in 1861, joining the Con- and plans for troop utilization through mid-March,” Maj. Matt
posed nation and recommenda- The lawmaker said the state federacy, and rejoined the Unit- during the time period.” Murphy told The Epoch Times in
tions for issues that would have Constitution allows Texas to ed States after the Civil War. “As you know better than any- an email.
to be negotiated with the U.S. remove itself from the United A number of movements in the one, our National Guard men and “We are providing assistance
government such as a common States. past few decades have attempt- women are deployed on short no- such as security, communica-
travel agreement. Specifically, Article 1, Section ed to secede. In 2009, then-Gov. tice and pulled away from their tions, medical evacuation, logis-
“This Act simply Lets Texans 2 states: “All political power is Rick Perry, a Republican, refer- families and jobs,” the letter states. tics, and safety support to state,
Vote. This decision is too big to inherent in the people, and all enced the idea when he told re- “Further, the Guard has endured district, and federal agencies.”
be monopolized solely by the free governments are founded porters: “We’ve got a great union. unprecedented stress on the force The U.S. Army didn’t immedi-
power brokers in our Capitol. on their authority, and instituted There is absolutely no reason to in the past year given COVID-19, ately respond to a request by The
We need to let Texans’ voices for their benefit. The faith of the dissolve it. But if Washington social unrest, natural disasters, and Epoch Times for comment.
be heard!” Biedermann said in people of Texas stands pledged to continues to thumb their nose at ongoing overseas requirements. On Jan. 21, 5,000 troops were
a statement. the preservation of a republican the American people, you know, The National Guard should be reportedly suddenly ordered to
“Voters of all political persua- form of government, and, subject who knows what may come out used as an option of absolute last vacate the Capitol to take their
sions in Texas can agree on one to this limitation only, they have of that?” resort. We are seeking clarification rest during their shifts in a nearby
thing, Washington D.C. is and at all times the inalienable right Even if voters decide to secede, and justification on behalf of the parking lot with no internet recep-
has been broken. Our federal to alter, reform, or abolish their succession may not be allowed. National Guard men and women tion, a single electrical outlet, and
government continuously fails government in such manner as The Supreme Court ruled in 1869 that have kept us safe over the past one bathroom, as temperatures
our working families, seniors, they may think expedient.” that a state may not secede un- month and year,” the request states. dropped to the low 40s at night.
taxpayers, veterans, and small The Texas Nationalist Move- less it has the consent of other More than  20,000 National The move provoked sharp criti-
business owners. For decades, ment noted the filing, saying it states, or through revolution. Guard troops were sent to Wash- cism from lawmakers of both
the promises of America and our “would give Texans an oppor- And then-Supreme Court Jus- ington following the breach of the parties.
individual liberties have been tunity to head to the polls in tice Antonin Scalia, a Reagan U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and ahead of
eroding. It is now time that the November of 2021 and start the appointee, said in a letter in 2006 President Joe Biden’s inauguration. Zachary Steiber contributed
People of Texas are allowed the process of reasserting our status that “there is no right to secede.” At least 5,000 National Guard to this report.

China Sought Animal,

Human Samples in CCP
Virus Origin Probe
CONTINUED FROM A1 ed Feb. 26, 2020, the Hebei supplied the animals sold at
Province Health Commis- the market.
China to investigate the vi- sion forwarded the notice In the internal investiga-
rus’s origins. from the National Health tive report dated Jan. 22,
Commission to the health de- 2020, the National Institute
Collecting Samples partments of all cities within for Viral Disease Control and
China’s National Health its jurisdiction, as well as the Prevention at China’s CDC
Commission issued a no- Hebei CDC, and gave instruc- reported that 33 of the 585
tice on Feb. 25, 2020, to the tions on how to execute the samples taken from items
health commissions of all national authority’s directive. and floor surfaces in the sea-
Chinese provinces, regions, The Hebei Health Commis- food market tested positive
and municipalities, as well sion put local health depart- for the CCP virus.
as the Xinjiang Production ments and police bureaus The report stated that 31 of
and Construction Corps, a in charge of collecting the the 33 samples that tested
CCP-run paramilitary or- samples from human con- positive were from the west- A man wearing protective gear walks past shops in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, on May 18, 2020.
ganization with jurisdiction tacts. Sample collection and ern section of the market,
over some cities and land in testing of wild animals and which was found to have wild Since the start of the CO- conspiracy theories about to the WHO, Garrett Grigsby,
far-western Xinjiang. their environment were del- animal trading. VID-19 pandemic in late the origin of the virus, alleg- urged China to share data
The notice called for coop- egated to local forestry and A total of 139 samples were 2019, China has been with- ing that it came from outside from studies it had conduct-
eration in virus tracing by agriculture departments. taken from bamboo rats, holding information on the of China. ed on the virus.
testing wild animals, the hu- A third document shows porcupines, turkeys, rab- virus from the international Last March, Zhao Lijian, a Grigsby pointed out that
mans who came into contact that Shijiazhuang, the capi- bits, and other animals at scientific community. spokesman of China’s foreign it had been eight months
with them, and the animals’ tal of Hebei Province, for- the breeding farms, as well Chen Wen, minister of the ministry, first suggested on since W HO member
environment or habitat. warded the instructions as the farm environment, Chinese embassy in the UK, Twitter that the virus was states adopted Resolution
The sampling of close hu- to the city’s county health which all tested negative told the BBC in April 2020 introduced by the U.S. Army WHA73.1, which called for
man contacts included throat departments as well as the through nucleic acid testing, that demands for an inde- into Wuhan. Throughout continued investigations
swabs and blood samples, city’s CDC on Feb. 29, 2020, according to the report. pendent international in- 2020, Chinese state media into “the zoonotic source
and those of animals includ- telling them to execute the China’s CDC previously an- vestigation into the origin blamed imported frozen food of the virus and the route of
ed throat and anal swabs, the provincial directive. nounced on Jan. 26 last year of the virus were “politically packaging as the cause of lo- introduction to the human
notice stated. China’s National Health that it had picked up animal motivated” and claimed that cal outbreaks. population.” The resolution
Blood samples were to be Commission didn’t respond samples from the Huanan a probe would divert atten- In January 2021, the Chi- also stated that it was cru-
sent to local Chinese cen- to a request for comment by market between Jan. 1 and tion and resources from deal- nese regime finally agreed cial that Chinese authori-
ters for disease control and press time. Jan. 12 for an investigation, ing with the pandemic. to allow a team of experts ties give the team of WHO
prevention (CDC) for safe- The Epoch Times previous- but never announced the test While blocking outside in- from the World Health Or- experts access to all analy-
keeping until they could be ly reviewed a leaked docu- results. The CDC didn’t men- vestigations, the regime also ganization (WHO) into the sis of animal, human, and
tested for COVID-19 anti- ment from China’s national tion the animal testing in the required that any research country to investigate the environment samples taken
bodies. Other samples were CDC that contained detailed internal report. on the virus conducted by virus origins. in Wuhan as well as “care-
to be tested using COVID-19 testing data of samples taken Chinese scientific profes- The team of experts arrived givers, former patients, and
nucleic acid testing by local from the Huanan Seafood Lack of Transparency sionals must receive ap- in Wuhan on Jan. 14, more lab workers for interviews.”
laboratories, and the results Wholesale Market, a live From CCP proval from a government than a year after the initial Asked about the internal
would be sent to local police animal and seafood market Though most experts say the task force before publication, outbreak in the city. documents about China’s
bureaus. in Wuhan, where authorities virus is likely to have origi- according to a leaked March On the first day of an an- investigation, the WHO said
The notice was labeled “not initially suspected the out- nated in animals, it’s still un- 2020 notice obtained by The nual meeting of the WHO Ex- in an email: “We will provide
to be disclosed.” break began. The CDC also clear how and when exactly Associated Press. ecutive Board on Jan. 18, the more info on the work of the
In another document, dat- took samples from farms that the virus jumped to humans. China has also pushed head of the U.S. delegation team once we have it.”

Chinese Residents Tell of More COVID-19 Cases Beijing Building Military Drones to
than Officially Announced
Rival US in War, Leaked File Shows
NICOLE HAO identified as close contacts ment Zone—which has been
of the teacher. designated as a high-risk re- CONTINUED FROM A1 in China, holds around 70 models to be clones of U.S.
Residents in the CCP (Chi- Shanghai has 16 districts. gion for contracting the CCP to 80 percent of the global drones due to their resem-
nese Communist Party) Authorities have so far virus—several residents said While the file doesn’t re- market share as of October blance to the Predator and
virus hotspots of Shanghai only reported infections in to their knowledge, that veal the cost for making 2020, according to market Reaper models manufac-
and Harbin say they know three of them: Huangpu, there were more than 100 such drones, a 2017 direc- research firm Drone Indus- tured by San Diego-based
of many more infections Baoshan, and Changning. workers at the Zhengda food tive from the Party’s Equip- try Insights. firm General Atomics.
than what officials have an- But the above-mentioned company who tested posi- ment Development Depart- In the combat arena, how- In recent months, DJI has
nounced, according to inter- interviewees and other tive for COVID-19. Most of ment described a project ever, China has a long way faced scrutiny from the
views with The Epoch Times. residents spoke of infec- the workers live in Yutian. that matches the descrip- to go. The current engine United States for copyright
The financial hub of tions they were aware of in As of press time, officials tion of the drone program, types found in Chinese infringement issues and
Shanghai announced on three other districts: Jing’an, said 79 Zhengda workers with an estimated budget military drones, such as pis- for security vulnerabilities,
Jan. 24 that the famous Xuhui, and Hongkou. tested positive for COVID-19. of around 6 million yuan ton and turboshaft engines, which the U.S. Army warned
tourist site City God Temple A resident in nearby Min- ($927,859) to build a proto- are unfit for long flights and could be exploited by the
would be closed due to the gliu Xincheng residential type and publish a flight test high altitude, the leaked Chinese regime to control
local outbreak. The govern- compound, Li Liang (pseud- report by 2020. document stated. It fur- the vehicle or hijack data.
ment also locked down more
The government onym), told the Chinese- The Chinese defense de- ther noted that Beijing has The Justice Department
residential compounds and locked down language Epoch Times that partment document de- “made some breakthroughs has prosecuted multiple in-
streets—though it didn’t an- more places people who don’t work for the scribes such drones as in replicating Rotax 914,” a dividuals for conspiring to
nounce any COVID-19 cases food company were also di- critical to “whether a nation four-stroke, four-cylinder export drone-related tech-
in those regions. in Shanghai, agnosed in recent days in the could engage in modern-day turbo-charged engine built nologies to China.
This led to local suspicion though it didn’t Limin Development Zone. combat.” by Austrian company BRP- In August 2017, Chinese
that authorities were cover- announce any “All residential compounds “In future warfare, seizing Powertrain that it said has national Sun Fuyi was sen-
ing up the outbreak in those in the zone are locked down. more information resourc- been the world’s leading tenced to three years in
areas. COVID-19 cases Nobody can go out. There es while controlling and engine system. prison over a scheme to
One Shanghai resident told in those regions. are people in my residential restricting other nations’ Officials at BRP-Powertrain procure high-grade carbon
the Chinese-language Epoch compound were also in- information will be a key didn’t immediately respond fiber, which has applications
Times that the family mem- The Epoch Times couldn’t fected with the CCP virus,” component for competing to an emailed request by The in drones and other aero-
ber of a nurse who works at independently verify the in- Li said. with nations during peace- Epoch Times for comment. space technologies, for the
Yangpu District Central Hos- formation about COVID-19 On Jan. 26, some resi- ful periods, and an important The file also mentions four Chinese government.
pital tested positive for CO- cases, but local authorities dents in the No. 4 and No. combat strategy in times of drone models currently de- In August 2016, Califor-
VID-19. It’s unclear whether did require that residents of 5 buildings of Li’s complex war,” it said, citing “low ployed in the U.S. Air Force: nia resident Man Wenxia
the nurse also tested positive, the above-mentioned areas were diagnosed with CO- costs” and the “ability to fight RQ-1A Predator, MQ-9 Reap- was sentenced to 50 years
but the hospital quarantined take COVID-19 tests. VID-19 and the building in a dangerous environment” er, MQ-9A Reaper, and RQ-4 in prison for attempting to
a large number of nurses as A Shanghai netizen also doors were sealed off after as some of the features that Global Hawk. It described export military equipment,
a preventative measure, ac- shared a video with The the patients were moved make the drones desirable. the last one, developed by including a drone, on behalf
cording to the interviewee. Epoch Times that he said away, Li said. These cases The project called for col- Virginia defense tech firm of the Chinese military.
A second resident said that shows a construction field haven’t been disclosed by laboration with a number Northrop Grumman, as the In 2014, two Taiwanese na-
a piano teacher who gave les- in Pudong district. The ne- Harbin authorities. of Chinese engineering and most advanced one used in tionals pleaded guilty to their
sons in Xuhui district was tizen explained that authori- Li complained that his aeronautical universities. the U.S. military. That model roles in conspiracy to traffic
recently diagnosed. He had ties are planning to build a family and neighbors had Zhejiang University, one of is known for its ability to fly at parts from a small drone
contact with more than 100 makeshift hospital that will been forced to line up in the the schools named, houses altitudes of up to 60,000 feet known as “RQ-11B”—manu-
students from Jan. 10 to Jan. treat COVID-19 patients. cold weather to take nucleic an institute for drone devel- for more than 30 hours. factured by U.S. defense con-
18, according to the source. Harbin is the capital city acid tests twice. “It’s very opment that has received The new drone, the docu- tractor AeroVironment—and
All residents spoke on the of northeastern China’s Hei- cold,” Li said. roughly 100 million yuan ment states, should be able manuals for the RQ-4 Global
condition of anonymity, longjiang Province. On Jan. 26, the tempera- ($15.5 million) for projects to fly for more than 24 hours Hawk drone.
fearing reprisal for speak- On Jan. 26, the provincial ture in Harbin ranged from from the Chinese air force with a carrying capacity of 6 A retired University of Ten-
ing to media. government announced minus 28 degrees Celsius to and other state agencies. kilograms (13.2 pounds). nessee professor in 2009 re-
On Jan. 23, director of that most of the newly di- minus 12 degrees (about mi- China-made commercial Two lines of Chinese mili- ceived a 48-month sentence
Shanghai’s health commis- agnosed COVID-19 patients nus 19 degrees Fahrenheit to drones have dominated tary drones, Wing Loong after admitting to illegally
sion Wu Jinglei was asked were from three towns in 11 degrees), according to the the world market. Shen- and Caihong (also known as exporting 15 different de-
about the piano teacher Suihua city. weather forecast. zhen-based dronemaker Rainbow) made by subsid- fense materials to a Chinese
during a press conference. However, the outbreak in Li said he didn’t know the DJI, which has come under iaries of state-run aerospace national. The data he trans-
Wu denied that there was Harbin has worsened dra- real scale of the outbreak, U.S. sanctions for providing firm Aviation Industry Corp. ported involved a U.S. Air
such a COVID-19 case, but matically this week. but felt scared that the vi- “high-technology surveil- of China, also were cited in Force project to develop an
later admitted that authori- In Yutian community lo- rus was quickly spreading lance equipment” that en- the document. Military ex- advanced form of weapon
ties had tested 82 people cated in the Limin Develop- among his neighbors. able human rights abuses perts have suspected some system drone.


India Honors
Soldiers Killed
Fighting Chinese
at Galwan

NEW DELHI—On the occasion of In the clash at

its 72nd Republic Day on Jan. 26, Galwan that India
India honored its soldiers mar- calls Operation
tyred in a bloody conflict with
the People’s Liberation Army in Snow Leopard, 20
Galwan valley on June 15, 2020, Indian soldiers
and for the first time ever gave and an unknown
a detailed description of what
transpired between the two number of Chinese
armies in the trans-Himalayan soldiers lost
heights of Ladakh. A man walks past a mural depicting portraits of Indian soldiers killed in a hand-to-hand fight with their Chinese coun-
In the clash at Galwan that In-
their lives. terparts on June 15, 2020, in a market area in New Delhi on Aug. 31, 2020.
dia calls Operation Snow Leop-
ard, which occurred due to an ing the Republic Day celebrations soldiers, he in the true spirit of was some positivity shown in the It was launched as a rival to
Indian bridge project on the Gal- on Jan. 26. service before self, continued ninth-round meeting. Analysts China’s PUBG Mobile, which was
wan River, 20 Indian soldiers and “Col Santosh Babu was de- to resist the enemy’s attempt to said that as China continues to banned in India after the Galwan
an unknown number of Chinese ployed in Galwan Valley (eastern push back the Indian troops. De- send signs of goodwill to help incident, reported Indian media.
soldiers lost their lives. Ladakh) during Operation SNOW spite being grievously injured, he cool things down, India’s cease- The app contributes 20 percent of
The commanding officer of the LEOPARD, and was tasked to es- leads from the front, in hand to less provocative moves would its revenue to the welfare of the
16 Bihar Infantry Battalion, Col. tablish an Observation Post in the hand combat till his last breath.” leave an impression to the world Indian army through a charity.
Santosh Babu, who was stationed face of the enemy,” read the life The citation awarded to him and also the Chinese people that Madhav Nalapat, a New Delhi-
along with his soldiers in Galwan, sketch released by India’s Minis- and available in the Indian media they have no intention of resolv- based strategic analyst, earlier
was posthumously awarded In- try of Defense. said Babu and his soldiers were ing the border dispute and main- had told The Epoch Times in an
dia’s second-highest gallantry “Undaunted by the violent and involved in hand-to-hand com- taining peace and stability along interview that online games are
award, the Mahavir Chakra, by aggressive action by an over- bat with the PLA soldiers. Along the border,” a Global Times ar- a part of the “data war” that feeds
President Ram Nath Kovind dur- whelming strength of enemy with Babu, five others from the ticle stated. the metadata of the artificial in-
Galwan conflict were given war- However, reports about the gal- telligence operations of China.
time awards posthumously. lantry awards to be given to the “Artificial intelligence is a ma-
Meanwhile, Chinese state- Galwan heroes started appearing chine fed by metadata. So India
run media outlet Global Times in the Indian media as early as Jan. has been a very rich treasure
slammed India for awarding 11, when leading Indian daily Hin- trove of metadata for the Chi-
what it called “perished soldiers” dustan Times quoted anonymous nese, and the United States as
during the time of military talks sources on the matter. well,” Nalapat said.
between the two countries. Mili- Ahead of its Republic Day, India “For example, about 80 per-
tary commanders on both sides also launched FAU-G (Fearless and cent of the gaming industry, the
engaged in the ninth round of United Guards), a mobile action online gaming industry in the
corps commander-level talks game whose first storyline is based United States, is actually con-
on Jan. 24. The talks ended the on the Galwan Valley incident. trolled by Chinese entities. And
next day, and the Chinese media Launched on Jan. 26 by Akshay Ku- when Americans click onto this
blamed Indian media for report- mar, a Bollywood superhero, the game, artificial intelligence can
ing about the awards after the mobile game has already crossed give you a fairly good idea of what
military talks ended. more than 1 million downloads makes them upset, what makes
“Many Chinese experts pointed on the Google app store and had them sad, what makes them hap-
out on Monday that despite no more than 282,000 reviews on the py. And the same thing goes on
A satellite image of Galwan Valley in Ladakh, India, on June 9, 2020. significant breakthroughs, there first day of the launch. in India.”

Turkey, Greece Resume Talks on Maritime Putin: World Risks ‘Fight of All
Disputes After 5 Years Against All’ in ‘Grim Dystopia’
Amid Growing Crises
Greece resumed talks aimed at JACK PHILLIPS “We need [to] ensure develop-
addressing long-standing mari- ment following a different path—
time disputes on Jan. 25, ending Russian leader Vladimir Putin one that is positive, balanced, and
a five-year hiatus after months of warned that society risks a return constructive,” he said.
tension in the eastern Mediter- to world war if there’s no interna- Russia currently finds itself amid
ranean. tional effort to ease existing global growing internal tensions after
The neighboring NATO mem- tensions and imbalances. Moscow arrested Putin critic Alexei
bers are at odds over claims to Speaking at the World Econom- Navalny after he returned to Russia
Mediterranean waters and ener- ic Forum’s virtual Davos Agenda from Germany.
gy rights, air space, and the sta- conference on Jan. 27, he offered a During the Davos address, Pu-
tus of some islands in the Aegean grim prediction and noted that the tin seemingly made reference to
Sea. They made little progress in current era shows parallels to the sanctions and embargoes; several
60 rounds of talks from 2002 to 1920s and 1930s before the “cata- countries have placed sanctions
2016. strophic World War II.” on Russia.
Plans for resuming talks foun- “Nowadays, such a heated con- “The use of trade barriers, ille-
dered last year over Turkey’s flict is not possible, I hope,” Putin gitimate sanctions, restrictions in
deployment of a seismic survey said. “Because it will mean the end the financial, technological and in-
vessel in contested waters and Representatives of Turkey and Greece attend a meeting as part of the bilat- of our civilization. formation spheres—such a game
disagreements over which top- eral talks on the maritime disputes in Istanbul on Jan. 25, 2021. “But I’d like the reiterate that the without rules is dramatically in-
ics they would cover. The vessel situation might develop unpredict- creasing the risks of the unilateral
was withdrawn to Turkish shores “The United States welcomes ... The agenda for the new talks, ably and uncontrollably if we sit on use of military force, which is very
last year. the commitment of both govern- which lasted more than three our hands doing nothing to avoid it. dangerous,” Putin said.
Ankara and Athens agreed this ments to this process,” U.S. State hours, wasn’t disclosed. Another There’s a possibility that we might Putin also faces an uncertain re-
month to resume the talks in Is- Department spokesperson Ned round of talks is expected to be experience an actual collapse in lationship with U.S. President Joe
tanbul, in a test of Turkey’s hopes Price said on Twitter. held in Athens, a Greek diplo- global development that might Biden, whom he spoke with earlier
of improving its relations with The exploratory talks are meant matic source said, without pro- result in a fight of all against all.” this week.
the European Union, which has to reach common ground on dis- viding any further details. Such a prospect, he said, would After their first phone call, Putin
supported EU-member Greece puted issues to allow for formal Despite the technical disagree- result in a “grim dystopia.” formally submitted a bill for the
and threatened sanctions on negotiations. But, despite agree- ments, both sides voiced guard- Wealth inequality, political po- Russian parliament to extend the
Turkey. ing to resume talks, Ankara and ed optimism, though they were larization, and international ten- New START nuclear treaty with the
As the talks resumed, French Athens still appeared to disagree still trading barbs in the days sions will exacerbate the problem, United States by five years, accord-
Defense Minister Florence over the topics to be covered in ahead of the Jan. 25 meetings. he said, and on top of that, the CCP ing to Russian media.
Parly said France will present the run-up to the meeting. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mit- virus pandemic is placing even “The presidents expressed satis-
proposals to Greece for the re- Athens has said it will discuss sotakis said last week Greece more strain on society. faction following today’s exchange
newal of its fleet of frigates, and only the demarcation of exclu- would approach the talks with “The coronavirus pandemic has of diplomatic notes on an agree-
had finalized a 2.5-billion-euro sive economic zones and con- optimism but “zero naivety,” become a major challenge to man- ment to extend the New START
($3.04 billion) deal for Greece’s tinental shelf in the Aegean Sea while Turkish President Tayyip kind, and it has accelerated struc- Treaty,” Putin’s office announced
purchase of 18 Dassault-made and eastern Mediterranean, not Erdogan said he hoped the re- tural changes, the preconditions after his call with Biden, TASS re-
Rafale fighter jets. issues of “national sovereignty,” sumption of talks would herald for which were already in place,” ported.
“Under the strong leadership of while Ankara has said it wants all a new era. he said. “We have every reason to “International topics included
our president, the solution to all issues, including air space and Analysts have said an imme- believe that the tensions might be the United States’ unilateral with-
problems, including the Aegean, the Aegean islands, on the table. diate breakthrough is unlikely aggravated even further. drawal from the Open Skies Treaty,
is possible and our will for this is Greek government spokesman given decades-old policy differ- “International institutions are problems of keeping in place the
strong,” said Turkish presidential Christos Tarantilis said on Jan. ences, but that resuming dia- weakening, regional conflicts are Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
spokesman Ibrahim Kalin, who 25 that Greece was “attending logue is an important first step multiplying, the global security on the Iranian nuclear program,
was part of the renewed talks. the talks in good faith and ex- after EU pressure on Ankara. system is degrading.” Ukrainian settlement, as well as
Washington welcomed the pects Turkey to act similarly,” He called for an increase in dia- Russia’s initiative to call a sum-
talks, saying it backed efforts reiterating the Greek position By Tuvan Gumrukcu logue between different nations mit of the United Nations Security
to reduce tension in the eastern that the talks are unofficial and & Renee Maltezou and groups to avoid a possible Council permanent members,” the
Mediterranean. focused on maritime zones only. From Reuters worldwide conflict. Kremlin said.

UK’s Johnson Promises Plan for

Phased Easing of England Lockdown UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks
during a press conference at 10 Downing
Street in London on Jan. 27, 2021.



British Prime Minister Boris John-

son has promised to publish a
plan in a month’s time for lifting
England out of the current CCP
virus lockdown.
He told Parliament on Jan. 27
that the government intends to
review the lockdown measures
in mid-February, once the most
vulnerable had been offered the
first dose of a vaccine for the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) virus,
commonly known as the novel
The government will then pub-
lish its plan for taking the country
out of lockdown when Parliament
returns from recess in the week
commencing Feb. 22.
“Our aim will be to set out a
gradual and phased approach
towards easing the restrictions
in a sustainable way,” he said in
a statement to lawmakers.
With the official death toll from
the CCP virus in the UK passing
the 100,000 mark on Jan. 26, the
government has come under pres-
sure for past and present handling
of the pandemic.
In the meantime, the govern-
ment is under pressure from some
quarters, including a group of more deadly. their consequences for jobs, liveli- tion rates, but “we do not yet have ther surge that would overwhelm
backbench Tory MPs, to provide Under the new restrictions, hoods, and most tragically of all, enough data to know exactly how the NHS,” he said.
a route out of lockdown. people may only leave home for the life chances of our children,” soon it will be safe to reopen our Johnson also said it will not be
The ongoing England-wide limited reasons, such as to shop Johnson told Parliament. society and economy.” possible to re-open schools im-
lockdown, the third since the for essentials, to work if they can’t “We will not persist for a day But he said “the overall picture mediately after the February half-
pandemic began last spring, work from home, to exercise, to longer than is necessary, but nor should be clearer by mid-Febru- term holidays.
started on Jan. 6 after the dis- seek medical assistance, or to es- can we relax too soon, because if ary,” with more information avail- He expressed hope that schools
covery of a new variant of the cape domestic abuse. we do, we run the risk of our NHS able on the effect of vaccines in could be safely reopened from
CCP virus in southeast England, Primary and secondary schools [National Health Service] com- preventing hospitalizations and March 8, “with other economic
which Johnson said is up to 70 have been closed to all pupils ex- ing under still greater pressure, deaths, as well as the effect of the and social restrictions being re-
percent more transmissible than cept children of key workers, with compelling us to re-impose every current restrictions in driving moved thereafter as and when the
the original variant. all lessons moved online. restriction and sustain those re- down infections. data permits.”
On Jan. 22, Johnson announced “I know everyone yearns to strictions for longer.” “So we will then be in a better
that evidence suggests the new know how much longer we must He said the current measures position to chart a course out of Simon Veazey contributed
variant could be up to 30 percent endure these restrictions, with all appear to have reduced infec- lockdown, without risking a fur- to this report.

India Retains Ban on 59 Chinese Apps, Including TikTok

NEW DELHI—India has decided The companies, which include to the companies informing them have. Ensuring the privacy and se- lowed a skirmish with Chinese
to retain its ban on video app Tik- ByteDance’s popular video-shar- of its decision, the source said. curity of all our users remains to troops at a disputed Himalayan
Tok and 58 other Chinese apps ing app TikTok, Tencent Holdings’ It wasn’t immediately clear until be our topmost priority,” it stated. border site when 20 Indian sol-
after reviewing responses from WeChat, and Alibaba’s UC Brows- when the ban would be in place. UC Web declined to comment. diers were killed.
the companies on issues such er, were asked in July 2020 to re- The Times of India newspaper re- Beijing condemned the ban on In September 2020, India
as compliance and privacy, two spond to 77 questions amid rising ported late on Jan. 25 that the ban Jan. 27. banned another 118 mobile apps,
sources with direct knowledge of tensions between India and the is permanent. The extension of the ban comes including Tencent’s popular video
the matter told Reuters on Jan. 26. Chinese regime following a border India’s IT ministry didn’t im- days after Indian and Chinese game PUBG, as it stepped up the
When it first imposed the ban clash between the two nations. mediately respond to a request troops were involved in a “minor pressure on Chinese technology
in June 2020, India’s ministry A government panel looking into for comment. face-off” in a disputed stretch of companies following the standoff
of electronics and information the app ban decided, after review- TikTok said in a statement it is their shared border in the eastern at the border.
technology (IT) gave the 59 apps ing the responses, that there will evaluating the notice and will re- Himalayas. The 118 apps continue to be
a chance to explain their position be no change in the country’s po- spond to it. The ministry’s June 2020 order banned and no decision has been
on issues including whether they sition for now as the ban was in the “We continually strive to com- stated that the apps were “preju- reached on them yet.
censored content, worked on be- interest of India’s national security ply with local laws and regula- dicial to sovereignty and integrity
half of foreign governments, or and sovereignty, one source said. tions and do our best to address of India, defense of India, security By Sankalp Phartiyal
lobbied influencers. The government has sent notices any concerns the government may of state and public order.” It fol- From Reuters



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THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2021 • A13

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks via video conference during a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 29, 2020.

How to Reform Big Tech

Regulating Facebook et al. would only make things worse

LAWRENCE SOLOMON than 150 million pieces of content that

have been debunked by our third-party
Republicans and Demo- fact-checkers,” Zuckerberg proudly cited,
crats agree that Big Tech among other examples he provided to
has become too power- Congress to demonstrate Facebook’s
ful and needs to be re- record in keeping the internet safe for
formed. Even Facebook’s those needing to be shielded from unsafe
Mark Zuckerberg concurs. views. “In addition, we’re blocking new
“At Facebook, we don’t political and issue ads during the final
think tech companies should be making week of the campaign, as well as all polit-
so many decisions about these important ical and issue ads after the polls close on
issues alone,” he testified to Congress in election night.”
October 2020. “We stand ready to work Zuckerberg reported that Facebook
with Congress on what regulation could took down 250 million pieces of content
look like.” that violated its policies in the first half of
But should the reforms take the form of 2020 alone.
regulation? In asking for Facebook and Big Tech’s ability to control what the
the rest of the tech sector to be regu- public can see, or not, would remain
lated, Zuckerberg is taking a leaf from that if it were regulated, due to a 1978
the father of monopoly regulation in the U.S. Supreme Court decision that held thetical to worry about.
United States, Samuel Insull, who to ev- that corporations have the right to take The U.S. Capitol in Wash- The only way now to limit Big Tech’s
eryone’s shock more than a century ago wholly ideological positions unrelated to ington on Oct. 30, 2019. political power is for Big Tech to become
demanded that government regulate his their business interests. The 5–4 decision, Small Tech—for Facebook, Google,
Chicago electric utility monopoly. which upended 200 years of precedent, Twitter et al. to be forced to disgorge
Although other U.S. electric monopo- determined that corporations were en- their many acquisitions in aid of limit-
lies initially blanched at the thought, titled to the same First Amendment free- ing competition, and to be stripped of
they soon came to see it as pure ge- speech rights as natural persons, despite their government-granted advantages
nius. Unrestrained by competition, the strong dissents that proved prescient. through deregulation, making them
electric utilities became more dominant Supreme Court Justice William small enough to no longer pose an out-
than ever. Working closely with their Rehnquist, later to become chief justice, sized threat in the political arena.
government regulators to set rules for the warned of the dangers to political life These ill-earned advantages include
industry, the utility monopolies kept out by giving corporations the right to use their ability to infringe on copyright.
competitors, guaranteed their profits, their economic power to obtain benefits “The Tech Giants have figured out a
and entrenched their power. Few ques- unimagined in the corporate charters way to use all the great music of everyone
tioned the legitimacy of the electric mo- that created them. Dissents by other from all time, without reporting an art-
nopolies until Margaret Thatcher broke justices stated that governments have ist’s number of plays or paying a [exple-
up the UK’s monopoly in 1990, unleash- been sensible in “preventing institutions tive] cent to the musicians,” laments
ing lower rates and improving service which have been permitted to amass singer Neil Young. They also include
through competition. wealth as a result of special advantages Section 230 of the Communications De-
If governments regulate Big Tech while extended by the State for certain eco- cency Act, which exempts the technology
otherwise leaving them intact, the result nomic purposes from using that wealth sector from the liability that constrains
would be worse than the status quo. The to acquire an unfair advantage in the other publishers. And they include gov-
tech giants would have the stamp of gov- political process.” ernment cash and tax subsidies on a level
ernment approval, and they would more They also criticized the majority’s mini- unavailable to others.
easily influence regulators and legisla- mization of the fear that “the relative Cutting Big Tech companies down to
tors to craft rules that effectively barred voice of corporations [could be] over- size and deregulating the pieces that
competitors—even without a formal whelming or even significant in influ- result would enable free-market compe-
regulatory regime, they have convinced encing referenda.” tition to be tech’s disciplinarian, rather
pliant politicians through lobbying and Prescience aside, that unfair advan- than the government regulation that
donations to enact rules that discrimi- tage granted to corporations, barring Zuckerberg champions.
nate against upstarts. an amendment to the Constitution or Power would then flow away from the
Worst of all, today’s handful of Big Tech a Supreme Court reversal, is now set Like this article? Share it tech giants and, by default, to the people.
giants would maintain the outsized in stone. Big Tech is constitutionally with your friends and family.
influence over political decision-making entitled to wield the untoward political Use the camera on your Lawrence Solomon is a columnist,
that they so prize. power that four justices warned about smart-phone to scan this code author, and executive director of the
“We’ve displayed warnings on more and that five justices deemed too hypo- and receive a shareble link. Toronto-based Consumer Policy Institute.

issues represent in aggregate?

Decoding Social Media In short, globalization.

All companies who are deeply aligned
with globalization will do whatever is

Censorship by the Issues

necessary to protect and promote their
own globalist agenda. This would in-
clude almost all Big Tech companies, but
also a host of global corporations such as
banks, airlines, big box stores, insurance
MARK LENNIHAN - POOL/GETTY IMAGES companies, payment processors, and
PATRICK M. WOOD of China as being the source of the internet service providers.
virus, and have suggested different and Conversely, they will censor and suppress
Free speech is under fero- more traditional medical treatments any opposition to their globalist agenda.
cious attack by Big Tech for those who contract COVID-19. The COVID-19 narrative of control is
social media platforms. While the Great Barrington Declara- a global phenomenon. So are universal
This is generally viewed tion—which advocates against lock- vaccines, populism, and global warming.
as an attack against con- downs—has attracted signatures of The Hunter Biden scandal could have
servatives on that basis 727,140 citizens, 13,290 medical and exposed potentially massive corruption
alone. Consequently, the public health scientists, and 40,199 in the globalization world, and was thus
reverse side of that coin views Big Tech as medical practitioners, any who dare to seen as worthy of being covered up, if not
left-wingers in cahoots with Democratic speak against the Big Tech narrative buried completely.
operatives, both of whom have ganged are immediately censored. A doctor draws the CCP virus vaccine into a If this conclusion is correct, then
up to gain a political advantage. 2. Vaccine criticism. Expect immediate syringe at Long Island Jewish Medical Center censorship isn’t merely persecution of
I believe these are incorrect views censorship for speaking or writing in New York on Dec. 14, 2020. (mostly) conservatives, but is rather an
that hide the real nature of the censor- about the dark side of vaccines. Dr. outright promotion of a globalist agenda
ship problem. Joseph Mercola’s website, for instance, climate accord and global warming are that’s necessarily destructive to the
lost about 99 percent of its Google routinely and heavily censored, even United States.
search engine traffic for writing about though large numbers of physicists, It’s not an issue of left versus right,
Big Tech’s censorship alternative medicine and the negative atmospheric scientists, and climate conservative versus liberal, or Democrat
effects of vaccines. Robert F. Kennedy experts have written that man isn’t versus Republican. Rather, it’s anti-
algorithms are issue-specific Jr., who founded and directs Children’s responsible for global warming or that American, period. And herein lies the
and not person-specific. Health Defense, sued Facebook in 2020 it’s not a “crisis.” In addition, many real threat to national security.
for censoring alternative information academic scandals have been exposed
Big Tech censorship isn’t just an Ameri- about vaccines. Indeed, anyone criti- over the use of corrupted and manipu- Patrick M. Wood is the founder and
can problem. Journalists, broadcasters, cal of vaccine issues is destined to be lated climate data. director of Citizens for Free Speech, a
and vocal citizens are being “disap- heavily censored. 6. Hunter Biden’s Ukraine and China nationwide non-profit organization
peared” with equal effort all around 3. Globalization criticism. Citizens, jour- dealings. During 2020, this entire affair dedicated to protecting and defending
the world. Thus, it’s obviously wrong for nalists, and broadcasters who address was deeply buried and censored across the First Amendment of the U.S. Consti-
Americans to think in terms of conserva- the issues of globalization, such as the social media and search engines. Those tution. He’s also the editor of Technoc-
tive versus liberal, left-wing versus right- World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” who tried to bring it to light were ostra- racy News & Trends, a worldwide journal
wing, or Republican versus Democrat. or the United Nations, can expect to be cized and harassed to maintain silence. dedicated to critical analysis of technoc-
Looking at censorship of free speech censored. They’re quickly labeled as racy and globalization. Wood has au-
from a global perspective gives a different “conspiracy theorists” even for quoting The point of listing these issues is to thored four books, including “Technoc-
and more accurate view of what’s really text taken directly off the World Eco- demonstrate that media censorship is racy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global
going on. In addition, putting the cen- nomic Forum’s website and blog. about certain globalist-related issues and Transformation” and “Technocracy: The
sored individuals aside, examining the 4. Populism. The very large political not necessarily about political affiliation. Hard Road to World Order.”
issues being censored is more revealing. movement that swept President Don- While it’s true that most of the above
So, what kind of issues are being cen- ald Trump into office in 2016 is rou- issues are raised by conservatives and
sored? tinely censored in all its forms. It’s also libertarians, it’s not exclusively so.
routinely attacked as extremist, hate- To reiterate, Big Tech’s censorship
1. COVID-19 criticism. Many experts, promoting, and a threat to national algorithms are issue-specific and not
scientists, and medical professionals security. person-specific.
around the world have been critical 5. Global warming. Critics of the Paris If this is the case, then what do these








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Is Ruling Our World ABOUT US

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The Role of Teachers’ Unions topics they learned in class with wrote. Examples of such jargon in- As an independent media out-
Chapter Nine of this book discussed their parents. clude values clarification, “behavior let, we use our freedom to inves-
how communism manipulates and Courses such as values clarifica- modification,” “moral reasoning,” tigate issues overlooked—or
utilizes unions. Teachers’ unions tion education attempt to separate “decision-making,” “higher-order avoided—by other media outlets.
have become one of the key reasons students from their parents. A par- critical thinking skills,” and “hu- We seek to highlight solutions
behind the failure of American ent of a student taking the Quest manism.”  [54] and what’s good in society rather
education. These unions do not care class commented: “It seemed as if than what divides us.
about raising the quality of educa- the parents were always put in a bad
tion, instead acting as professional light. The story would be about a fa- We report respectfully, compas-
organizations that reward failure, ther and his son, say; and the father Major American teachers’ sionately, and rigorously.
protect incompetence, and sacrifice was always overbearing, always too unions are well funded and We stand against the destruc-
conscientious teachers who aspire to strict, always unfair.” Oftentimes,
make a contribution and who truly the subtext of such courses is “your
have immense influence; they tion wrought by communism,
dedicate themselves to teaching parents don’t understand you, but are ranked among the most including the harm done to cul-
students. we do.” [51] powerful political lobby groups tures around the world.
In the article “How Teachers’ Sometimes, due to legal require-
Unions Handcuff Schools,” City ments, students must first obtain
in the country, and they have We are inspired in this by our
become the primary obstacle own experience. The Epoch
Journal editor and writer Sol Stern parental consent before they can
Times was founded in 2000 to
gives the example of Tracey Bailey, a participate in certain activities. On that hinders positive reform bring honest and uncensored
former high school science teacher such occasions, teachers or admin-
who won the National Teacher of the istrative staff may use misleading within the education system. news to people oppressed
by the lies and violence in
Year Award in 1993. At the time, the and ambiguous words to make it
communist China.
chief of the American Federation of very difficult for parents to know the For decades, American educa-
Teachers called Bailey to say how details of what they’re agreeing to. If tors have created a dazzling array We still believe journalism is a
pleased he was that a union mem- parents complain, school authorities of terms such as constructivism, noble vocation, but only when it
ber had won the honor. Bailey later or the school district have methods cooperative learning, experiential genuinely seeks to serve its com-
dropped his membership and now of dealing with the complaint: pro- learning, deep understanding, munities and help them to flour-
believes that big teachers’ unions crastinating, shirking responsibil- problem-solving, inquiry-based and ish. In all that we do, we will hold
are a primary reason for the failure ity, or taking a superior stance. For outcome-based education, person- ourselves to the highest stand-
of American public education. He example, they might say that parents alized learning, conceptual under- ards of integrity. This is our
holds that unions are simply special do not have the professional knowl- standing, procedural skills, lifelong promise to you.
interest groups protecting the status edge of educators, that other school learning, student–teacher interac-
quo and pillars of “a system that districts are doing the same thing, tive instruction, and so on. There
too often rewards mediocrity and that only your family is complain- are too many to list. Some concepts CONTACT US
incompetence.” [49] ing, and so on. appear sensible at first glance, but
Major American teachers’ unions investigation into the context of the The Epoch Times Association Inc.
are well funded and have immense terms and where they lead to reveals 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
influence; they are ranked among that their purpose is to discredit tra- New York, NY 10001
the most powerful political lobby Another key goal of communism ditional education and advance the Advertising
groups in the country, and they have is the removal of the child from dumbing down of education.[55]
become the primary obstacle that
hinders positive reform within the his or her parents as soon as Notes Subscriptions
education system. For example, the he or she is born, having the 49. Sol Stern, “How Teachers’ Unions
California Teachers Association, community or nation raise the Handcuff Schools,” City Journal, General Inquiries
under the American Federation of Spring 1997.
Teachers, uses its huge war chest child instead. This is not an 50. Troy Senik, “The Worst Union
Letters to the Editor
collected from members to push easy feat, but things have been in America: How the California
for legislation and make political quietly moving in this direction. Teachers Association Betrayed
donations. In 1991, California sought the Schools and Crippled the
to add Proposition 174 to its state State,” City Journal, Spring 2012.
constitution, allowing families to Most parents don’t have the time or 51. William Kilpatrick, “Why Johnny
use school vouchers provided by the resources to engage in a prolonged Can’t Tell Right from Wrong and
state government to choose the best argument with the school or school What We Can Do About It” (New
schools for their children. However, district. Moreover, a concerned York: Simon & Schuster, 1993), 39.
the California Teachers Association parent is generally only a problem 52. Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex
blocked the proposition and even for the few years before their child’s Newman, “Crimes of the Educa-
threatened schools into revoking graduation. In the meantime, the tors: How Utopians Are Using
their contracts with a hamburger child is almost held hostage by the Government Schools to Destroy
franchise that had donated $25,000 school, and parents don’t dare to America’s Children” (Washing-
to support the proposition. [50] offend the school authorities. When ton, D.C.: WND Books, 2015),
parents do protest educational prac- chap. 14.
The Exclusion of the Family From tices, school authorities may label 53. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, “The
Children’s Education them as extremists, troublemakers, Deliberate Dumbing Down of

Another key goal of communism religious bigots, fanatics, fascists, America: A Chronological Paper
is the removal of the child from his and so on. By doing so, school Trail” (Ravenna, Ohio: Con-
or her parents as soon as he or she authorities deter other parents from science Press, 1999), xvii.
is born, having the community or voicing an objection. [52] 54. Phyllis Schlafly, ed., “Child
nation raise the child instead. This is
not an easy feat, but things have been
quietly moving in this direction.
In the preface to her book “The
Deliberate Dumbing Down of
America,” Iserbyt argues that
Abuse in the Classroom”
(Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books,
1984), 14.
In communist countries, students America is engaged in a secret war, 55. Valerie Strauss, “A Serious Rant
from the “bourgeoisie” class are in which the wagers use sophisticat- about Education Jargon and Get the
encouraged to sever their relation-
ships with their parents. In addition,
ed tools such as “Hegelian dialectic
(common ground, consensus and
How It Hurts Efforts to Improve
Schools,” The Washington Post,
independent news
exam-centric education extends compromise),” “gradualism (two Nov. 11, 2015. you won’t find
the time that students must spend steps forward; one step backward),”
in school, thus reducing the impact and “semantic deception (redefin- See next edition for the next anywhere else.
parents can have on their children. ing terms to get agreement without installment.
In Western countries, different ap- understanding).” [53] Schlafly, in the Subscribe and get the
proaches are used to exclude the in- foreword to her book “Child Abuse To purchase the books, visit insights only The Epoch Times
fluence of the family from children’s in the Classroom,” cited an invasive can provide, delivered to your
door every week.


(Left) Signs on a store front inform customers of capacity limits during the CCP virus pandemic, in New York on Jan. 20, 2021. (Right) The Broadway theater district in Manhattan stands mostly empty
and closed as CCP virus restrictions keep performances closed on Dec. 22, 2020.

Our Pandemic Fears Are Killing

What Makes Life Worth Living
MICHAEL WALSH whether on purpose or by accident. fun, of course, if you’re part of the herd sus out of the U.S. public and pave the way
Not that it matters. The Biden ad- that’s culled) into an all-purpose bogey- for the Stalinist conformity to which the
The unconstitutional ministration is no more going to hold man to instill terror into weak-hearted public is now exhorted and commanded.
lockdowns provoked by communist China responsible for its safety-firsters willing—literally—to Perhaps worst of all, affecting our very
the CCP (Chinese Com- malignant carelessness—or its deliberate trade everything that makes us joyfully humanity, is the notion of “social distanc-
munist Party) virus have malignity—than Hunter Biden will ever human for the imaginary security of a ing,” which has cruelly separated both
dragged on for almost a come clean about his business dealings slave’s muzzle. individuals and generations, instructing
year now, with little sign in China and Ukraine. Land of the free and home of the brave, people to regard their fellow human being
of the “pandemic” letting Indeed, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., the indeed. Dissent, formerly the “high- not as a fellow child of God but a radioac-
up. “Two weeks to slow the spread” and new president, is more likely to thank est form of patriotism” on the left, is tive nightmare as likely to kill you as look
“15 days to flatten the curve”—lies from than blame the Chinese for helping him now tantamount to treason. Media and at you. Children in particular have been
the moment they were uttered, as any- to oust Trump, while the robinettes in government types are openly calling taught the most useful lesson the ruling
one with an ounce of sense knew—have the mainstream media chirp happily in for “re-education” of Trump supporters, class behind this monstrous policy could
molted into months and soon enough the background. Republicans, conservatives, or anybody hope for: fear, obedience, and submission.
into years. Make no mistake: The thoroughly who disagrees with the “progressive”
Meanwhile, the media has been content dishonest legacy media, which now func- program. Anyone even vaguely associ- Sacrificing for What?
to celebrate—excuse me, “mourn”—the tions as the apparatchik propaganda wing ated with the events of Jan. 6 on Capitol Has it been worth it? By any unemo-
mounting death toll attributed to CO- of the Democratic Party, bears the brunt Hill is apparently now subject to ar- tional and rational consideration, the
VID-19 as long as it could damage the of the blame for the widespread devasta- rest. Disagreement is now insurrection. answer is no.
Trump administration, now driven from tion caused not by the Chinese bug but in Democrats now want not only “unity” This seems a cruel question, to which a
a militarily occupied Washington, D.C. the destructive overreaction to it. but unanimity—or else. cruel trade-off must be the answer. But
Almost everything that has happened this Through its constant fear-mongering so what? Civilizations and societies have
past year, it seems, could be blamed on the and goalpost-moving, the media has been making that choice since the begin-
CCP virus, exported from Wuhan, China, transformed a fairly normal herd cull (no ning of history. The Spartans pitilessly
Perhaps worst of all, affecting sacrificed their weak newborns that their
our very humanity, is the notion armies might remain strong. At Masada,
of ‘social distancing.’ 960 Jewish rebels holding out against the
The Book You’ve Been might of Rome chose death by their own
hands rather than submit to the emperor.
Waiting for... Public Life Dying
The current viral death count—as we
During the horrific Sack of Rome in
1527, which effectively ended the Italian
now know, very generously defined Renaissance, a handful of Swiss Guards
as the death of anyone who dies hav- spirited the Pope across the Tiber and
ing tested positive on the way to the into the safety of the Castel Sant’Angelo—
grave—stands at roughly 420,000, which Hadrian’s old mausoleum—at the cost of
amounts to 0.00127 of the estimated U.S. most of their lives.
population of 330 million. Or, to take As I write in my new best-seller, “Last
NOW just “cases” (the new benchmark, which
is a function of increased testing, not
Stands,” “if nothing is worth dying for,
then what are we living for?” After a
BIGGER SIZE, increasing infection): there have been year of COVID, during which we have
EASIER TO READ 25.3 million cases in the United States, of surrendered our civil liberties and our
FORMAT which .0166 of that number have died.
Is this “unacceptable”? If so, why? To
way of life to a handful of intellectually
mediocre and morally reprehensible bu-
reverse the maxim attributed to Sta- reaucrats—some unelected—what have
lin, a million deaths are a tragedy, but we got to show for it? We live, effectively,
one death is a statistic—and one that under house arrest.
has been psychologically weaponized To take just one example of what we’re
against the American people. risking “to save just one life”: the theaters
Music, art, dance, theater, motion pic- in ancient Greece were enormous spaces,
tures—all are now closer to death than seating upwards of 15,000 citizens. Far from
the obese 85-year-old diabetics with heart simple entertainment—that concept was
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, conditions and other comorbidities who essentially unknown to the ancients—they
make up the lion’s share of deaths directly were the centers of the Greek polis: com-
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be attributed to the virus. Ditto public gath- munal, religious, cultural, and moral ritu-
on this country’s academia’s erings—except, of course, for the violent ri- als in which the whole city took part.
ots by members of Black Lives Matter and The Homeric stories of the interactions
list of required reading.”
Antifa, vengeful anarchists and fascists us- between gods and men were familiar to
ing the cover of the pandemic to settle old the spectators, but it was each playwright’s
scores or simply to break and burn stuff. unique handling of the material that

Other real victims are the hospitality provided both the drama and the civic
sector, including airlines, travel agents, instruction necessary to pass on the values
hotels, restaurants, and bars, which have of Greek civilization to the next generation.


long been the targets of the “climate The Greeks, in their battles with the
change” lunatics and Luddites. And don’t Persians and even with other Greeks,
forget, crucially, churches and syna- were prepared to sacrifice themselves for
gogues, which militant atheists have long their unique culture, which in one form
wished to shutter, since the very thought or another lasted thousands of years;
The specter of communism did not of a God is anathema to them.
Nearly our entire public life—the things
today, we are prepared to sacrifice our
culture in order to win for ourselves a
that make life worth living—has been shut few more years of home imprisonment.
disappear with the disintegration of the down, ruined, put out of business, and And then thank our betters for it as we
burned to the ground in total defiance bequeath our children nothing.
Communist Party in Eastern Europe of the Constitution. Not to mention the This is cowardice, not courage. This is
security of our electoral system, whose selfishness, not altruism. This is the fruit of
safeguards in many states were summar- an irreligious nation with a vaguely defined

ily junked during the recent presidential “hope” for the future, but no stake in it.
election. If and when everything reopens, This is, alas, America in the Year of Our
it will be under the conditions of the “new Lord 2021.
normal,” which means that in practice,
they will never, ever, ever let us go. Michael Walsh is the editor of The-Pipe-
In retrospect, many things cost Donald and the author of “The Devil’s
Trump the election but the thing that most Pleasure Palace” and “The Fiery Angel,”
did him in was the CCP virus and, far both published by Encounter Books. His
worse, his decision to put the self-aggran- latest book, “Last Stands,” a cultural study
dizing Anthony Fauci on national televi- of military history from the Greeks to the
sion for weeks on end to frighten the beje- Korean War, was recently published.

Biden’s Keystone Shutdown Damages

an Alliance, Boosts Unemployment,
and Raises Energy Prices
CONRAD BLACK think this action, it can easily and with-
out embarrassment resurrect Keystone
As a number of commen- XL within the framework of a continent-
tators who have gener- wide, ecologically sound energy policy.
ally praised the concilia- If such an alternative were pursued, an
tory tone of President excellent arrangement is available, and
Joe Biden’s inaugural neither country would emerge from it
address have remarked, with any embarrassment at all.
there were some inconsis- But whatever Canadians think of
tencies in the espoused goals. it, surely Americans also will wish to
Most alarming was his promise of the know if this is the level of prudent con-
pursuit of unity, while decrying the exis- sideration that the new administration
tence within the United States of a large is giving to important initiatives that
number of racists and various classes of will affect U.S. employment, energy
sociopaths. This incites the inference that prices, and close relations with allied
the unity he seeks to achieve will be by countries.
the subjugation of those with whom he It has the appearance of internal agita-
disagrees, which isn’t in the nature or the tion from the Sanders–Ocasio-Cortez
declared national purposes of the United Green New Deal claque persuading the
States. president that this is a relatively pain-
Thus the goal of full employment, which less way to virtue signal ecologically. It’s
was achieved by President Donald Trump nothing of the kind; it is a stupid idea
but has been shattered by the shutdowns A U.S. Marine (R) judges members of Canada’s Peel Regional Police honor guard during the 11th of questionable international legality
most vocally demanded by the Democrats annual honor guard competition on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 14, 2013. (given the arrangements between the
in response to the coronavirus pandemic, two countries), runs contrary to the
is again endorsed as a goal on the same This is an insane initiative. It is negative interests). And Canada is now being re- United States’ strategic interest in every
day that the president halted the Keystone for the American environment, for U.S. warded for incurring the economic and respect, and justifies profound discon-
XL pipeline and all oil and natural gas energy costs, for the strategic and finan- political wrath of America’s only rival certion about the new administration’s
exploration and production on federal cial interests of the United States, and in the world by this apparently mind- capacity for informed decision-making.
lands, thus throwing more than 20,000 it’s a severe provocation to the country’s less Keystone XL shutdown, a tokenistic And it dilutes the very favorable
people out of work. closest ally and largest trading partner. gesture to the U.S. environmental lobby impression Secretary of State Antony
Shutting down Keystone XL also flies in They haven’t exchanged a shot in anger that has no possible complaint against Blinken made in his confirmation ap-
the face of the announced goal of rebuild- since 1815. This isn’t how alliances are this project and seems not to have given pearances at the Senate Foreign Rela-
ing alliances. The United States has no rebuilt and the response in Canada is ex- a thought to its consequences. tions Committee last week.
closer ally, geographically or otherwise, actly as it would be in the United States if Biden is spouting the same nonsense
than Canada, and indeed, it requires a the roles were reversed. Canadian Prime that Obama did about green jobs, as Conrad Black has been one of Canada’s
skilled dialectician to distinguish, by Minister Justin Trudeau has long been transportation secretary-designate Pete most prominent financiers for 40 years,
listening to them, an American from a friendly with Biden, and the Canadian Buttigieg did last week. Readers will and was one of the leading newspaper
northern state and an English-speaking government and the Canadian media remember the Obama administration’s publishers in the world. He’s the author of
Canadian. left no one in any doubt that they favored $528 million boondoggle on solar power authoritative biographies of Franklin D.
In stopping the pipeline, Biden not only the election of Biden just as fervently as converter Solyndra. Roosevelt and Richard Nixon, and, most
assured the layoff of the 11,000 American the American media did in their almost recently, “Donald J. Trump: A President
workers on the project, but also, with his unanimous and vehement partisanship. Reversal Possible Like No Other,” which has been repub-
other actions, a reversion of the United If the Biden administration wishes to re- lished in updated form.
States into the category of energy import- Canada Will Respond
ers, inevitably to some extent from unreli- The world will take note of how this
able countries, and higher energy costs administration treats its closest ally, and
for Americans. Canada will be obliged to respond to it. It
need hardly be emphasized that the cor-
Breaking Faith
He’s also breaking faith with America’s
closest neighbor, largest trading partner,
relation of forces between the two coun-
tries is one-sided.
TC Energy, which is building the
What People Are Saying
and longest-standing ally. In 1938 and pipeline, promises that all jobs will be
1940, it was agreed that Canada would unionized and has made a generous al-
take every possible measure to ensure location as well as environmental reas-
that there could be no attack upon the surances to indigenous groups. There is
United States through Canadian airspace already extensive agitation in Canada to
or Canadian waters and the United States impose tariffs on selected U.S. oil-based
undertook to come to Canada’s defense if products.
it were attacked. This was the first such ar- That would increase some costs to
rangement either country had made. Canadians but would also provide a I read The Epoch Times daily. I congratulate you and
They fought side-by-side in Italy and at modest spur to the Canadian oil indus- I still like hard papers […] and The Epoch Times for the work
D-Day and across Europe in World War try, which if the termination of Key- I still like to grab that paper in you are doing, especially with
II; Canada was a founding member of the stone XL isn’t revisited, will be in a very my hand, but I get more printed regard to keeping the menace of
United Nations and of NATO and gave aid beleaguered condition. There is also
versions of stories than ever the communist threat in front of us.
to Western Europe in amounts propor- discussion in Canada of retaliating in
tionate to the United States through the areas where the United States is more before. You guys have done an DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA
Marshall Plan. It was one of the first pow- vulnerable, in particular digital services. Military and intelligence analyst and
amazing job, and really—I think former deputy assistant to the president
ers to respond in support of the American This could be a serious inconvenience to there’s such a void in media,
position in the Korean War and Gulf War. the United States.
It abstained from the Vietnam War and This thunderbolt lands on Canada at a especially newspapers. They
the Iraq War but there are few Americans time when its relations with China have slant so solidly one way that
today who would reproach it for that. been reduced to a very fragile and snap- there are very few papers that
Shutting down construction of Keystone pish condition by Canada detaining on a I can really feel that I can rely on,
XL will cause the loss of more than 40,000 U.S. extradition request Meng Wanzhou,
jobs in Canada, which is the equivalent of chief financial officer and daughter of and The Epoch Times is one.
approximately 320,000 jobs in the United the founder of the Chinese telecom- SEAN HANNITY I rely on The Epoch Times
States. The Keystone XL pipeline itself will munications giant Huawei. The Cana- Talk show host newspaper for factual and
be emission-neutral when and if it opens dians could easily have failed to detain unbiased news coverage.
in 2023, unlike the rail, road, and river her, fumbled, warned her, or otherwise
traffic that would attempt to move some insured that she slipped away. LARRY ELDER
of the same oil at greater cost and much But instead, they stood by an extradi- Best-selling author, attorney,
and talk show host
greater environmental danger. tion treaty (which doesn’t serve Canada’s

The Epoch Times is a

great place where you can
understand traditional
values in a way and in a tone It’s our favorite paper. It’s the first
and through content that is one we read. Thank you so much
accessible. It’s smart. for your reporting of the news.
Columnist and broadcaster U.S. representative for Arizona

Learn more at


Miles of unused pipe, prepared for the Keystone XL pipeline, sit in a lot outside Gascoyne, N.D., on
Oct. 14, 2014.


The survey’s present situation measure, The economy shed jobs in December for
based on consumers’ assessment of current the first time in eight months.
business and labor market conditions, fell to “Jobs are harder to get or not as plentiful for
a reading of 84.4 from 87.2 in December. The a second month in a row and we will see if this
expectations index based on consumers’ means a second month of negative payroll
short-term outlook for income, business, jobs is in store for the markets in the report for
and labor market conditions increased to January due out next Friday,” said Chris Rup-
92.5 from a reading of 87.0 in December, key, chief economist at MUFG in New York.
suggesting households foresee conditions The share of consumers expecting an in-
improving in the near term. crease in income fell to 14.4 percent from
15.7 percent last month. The proportion an-
ticipating a drop declined to 14.2 percent
from 14.6 percent in December.
Jobs are harder to get or not as More consumers expected to purchase
plentiful for a second month homes and motor vehicles in the next six
months. Though buying plans for major
in a row and we will see if household appliances were little changed,
this means a second month of more expected to purchase refrigerators
negative payroll jobs is in store and washing machines.
The pandemic has disproportionately af-
for the markets in the report for fected lower-wage earners mostly in the
January due out next Friday. services industry. It has fueled a migration
People shop at the Citadel Outlet mall in Commerce, Calif., on Dec. 3, 2020. from city centers to suburbs and other low-
Chris Rupkey, chief economist, MUFG er-density areas as Americans seek more
space for home offices and schooling. Re-

US Consumer President Joe Biden has unveiled a $1.9

trillion recovery plan from the pandemic.
The new Biden administration has pledged
cord-low mortgage rates are also boosting
the housing market.
But supply is failing to keep up, leading to
a surge in house prices, which economists

Confidence Edges to speed up and simplify the distribution

of vaccines.
More than 25 million people have been
infected by the virus, with the death toll
and realtors warn could put homeowner-
ship out of the reach of many first-time buy-
ers. A separate report on Jan. 26 showed the
S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller 20-metro-area

Higher; House over 420,000 since the pandemic started

in the United States in early 2020. About
6 percent of the U.S. population has so far
been vaccinated. Economists said though
house price index jumped 9.1 percent from
a year ago in November after rising 8.0 per-
cent in October.
Robust house price inflation was corrobo-

Prices Accelerate Biden’s rescue plan was facing resistance

from some lawmakers, that was unlikely
to affect the recovery from the pandemic.
“It is not likely we will see any household
rated by a third report showing the Federal
Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) house
price index surged a seasonally adjusted
11.0 percent year-on-year in November after
and business subsidy plan passed before increasing 10.3 percent in October.
WASHINGTON—U.S. consumer confi- consumer confidence despite the prospect March or April,” said Joel Naroff, chief The FHFA’s index is calculated by using
dence rose moderately in January while of further fiscal aid and a brighter health economist at Naroff Economics in Holland purchase prices of houses financed with
lingering concerns about the COVID-19 situation,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. Pennsylvania. “That should be early enough mortgages sold to or guaranteed by mort-
pandemic led to a further deterioration in financial economist at Oxford Economics to get us through the year, even if there are gage finance companies Fannie Mae and
households’ perceptions of the labor mar- in New York. significant cuts to the subsidies.” Freddie Mac.
ket, raising the risk of a second straight The Conference Board’s consumer confi- “Demand for homes remains strong and
month of job losses. dence index increased to a reading of 89.3 Labor Market Still Shaky with inventories at historic lows, home pric-
But the survey from the Conference Board this month from 87.1 in December. The slight The survey’s so-called labor market differ- es will likely continue to accelerate over
on Jan. 26 showed consumers more than gain likely reflected nearly $900 billion in ential, derived from data on respondents’ coming months, until supply can catch up,”
willing to buy homes and automobiles in additional pandemic relief provided by the views on whether jobs are plentiful or hard said Rubeela Farooqi, chief U.S. economist
the next six months, indicating that the government at the end of December, which to get, deteriorated to a reading of minus at High Frequency Economics in White
housing market and manufacturing indus- lifted consumers’ near-term expectations. 3.2 this month from minus 1.9 in Decem- Plains, New York.
try will continue to underpin the economy. The cut-off date for the survey was Jan. 14. ber. That measure closely correlates to the
“The slow rollout of the vaccines and the Economists polled by Reuters had forecast unemployment rate in the Labor Depart- By Lucia Mutikani
still-raging pandemic continue to depress the index to be little changed at 89 in January. ment’s employment report. From Reuters


Fragile Recovery Seen in

Global Labor Market After
Huge 2020 Losses: ILO
GENEVA—Some 8.8 percent of global work- the global financial crisis of 2009,” Guy Ryder,
ing hours were lost last year due to the pan- ILO director-general, told a news briefing.
demic, roughly four times the number lost in “I am pleased to say that there is some
the 2009 financial crisis, but there are “ten- relatively good news in all of this, that we
tative signs” of recovery, the International do see tentative signs of recovery—these
Labour Organization (ILO) said on Jan. 25. signs are fragile, they are uncertain and
The losses compared with the previous the prospects are notably uneven,” he said.
year were equivalent to 255 million full- But it’s “particularly concerning” that
time jobs and included an “unprecedented” 71 percent of the job losses, or 81 million
114 million workers joining the ranks of people, came in the form of inactivity, Ryder
the unemployed, and others whose work- said. “These people have simply dropped Laborers work at Hung Viet garment export factory in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam, on Dec. 30, 2020.
ing hours were reduced due to restrictions, out of the labor market. Either they are un-
the U.N. agency said. able to work, perhaps because of pandemic
“These massive losses resulted in an 8.3 restrictions, or social obligations or they workers were most affected, while the hard- real risk of a lost generation,” the agency said.
percent decline in global labor income have given up looking for work,” he added. est-hit sectors were accommodation, food “While there is still a high degree of un-
(before support measures are included), And more hours will be lost this year and services, retail, and manufacturing, it said. certainty, the latest projections for 2021
equivalent to $3.7 trillion or 4.4 percent of possibly next. “There are some sectors—there are the fi- show that most countries will experience
global gross domestic product (GDP),” the “All scenarios project that working hour nancial sectors, the information technology a relatively strong recovery in the second
ILO said in its seventh report on the crisis losses will continue, in other words, the sectors—which have actually continued half of the year, as vaccination programs
since March. financial and social distress for millions to grow in the course of 2020,” Ryder said. take effect,” the ILO said.
“This has been the most severe crisis for the of people will continue through 2021 and Employment loss among 15- to 24-year-
world of work since the Great Depression of beyond that,” Ryder said. olds stood at 8.7 percent compared with 3.7 By Stephanie Nebehay
the 1930s. Its impact is far greater than that of ILO data show that women and younger percent for adults, and “highlights the all too From Reuters

Working From Home Losing Its Effectiveness, Bank Execs Say


Working from home has been surprisingly Now, she said, executives are facing the
successful for global banks during the first likelihood that COVID-19 and its variants
year of the coronavirus pandemic but is might persist for a long time.
losing its effectiveness, two prominent “The world is going to have to figure out
industry executives said on Jan. 26 at a how to adapt,” Erdoes said.
virtual meeting of the World Economic Staley also told the event—which is be-
Forum. ing held virtually this year, rather than in
“It’s remarkable it’s working as well as it the Swiss ski resort of Davos, due to the
is, but I don’t think it’s sustainable,” said coronavirus—that the world economy
Barclays Chief Executive Jes Staley. could experience a boom after the pan-
Mary Erdoes, who runs asset and wealth demic similar to the “Roaring 20s” that
management for JPMorgan Chase & Co., followed the 1918 flu pandemic. Pent-up
added, “It is fraying. It is hard.” (Left) Barclays CEO Jes Staley takes part in the Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit in New York demand was widespread and could power
For employees to focus, Erodes said: “It on Feb. 8, 2017. (Right) Mary Callahan Erdoes, CEO of J.P. Morgan Asset & Wealth Management, growth, he said.
takes a lot of inner strength and sustain- attends the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 24, 2019. “You could have a robust second half to
ability (without) the energy that you get the year,” Staley said, followed by an “ex-
from being around other people.” institutions seek to have and should have.” Erdoes said executives believed that plosion of demand.”
Staley said: “It will increasingly be a He predicted that more people would part of the initial success of working from
challenge to maintain the culture and come back to offices to work, but with home was due to adrenalin from having By David Henry & Iain Withers
collaboration that these large financial flexibility to work from home. to adapt so quickly. From Reuters

Top Oil Companies Sharply Oil pumpjacks are

seen at the Huntington

Slow Search for New Fossil Fuels

Beach Oil Field in Hun-
tington Beach, Calif.,
on April 20, 2020.



The top five Western oil and gas companies

sharply slowed the search for new fossil fuel
resources last year, data from Oslo-based
consultancy Rystad Energy show.
The five companies are Royal Dutch Shell,
BP (British Petroleum), France’s Total, Exx-
onMobil, and Chevron.
Acquisitions of new onshore and offshore
exploration licenses for the top five Western
energy giants dropped to the lowest in at
least five years because of the epidemic,
Rystad Energy analyst Palzor Shenga said.

The transition of the energy

system will take a long time be-
cause of its size, complexity, and
amount of infrastructure requir-
ed to keep it running efficiently.
Darren Woods, CEO, ExxonMobil

“Acquiring additional leases comes with

a cost, and it demands some work commit-
ments to be fulfilled. Hence, companies
would not want to pile up on additional
acreages in their non-core areas of opera-
tions,” Shenga said.
Global oil demand encountered an un- Energy transition, regulation, and the UK and European Union are, for example, roads by 2030.
precedented collapse of 8.8 million barrels electrification of cars also are consider- targeting net-zero greenhouse gas emis- Darren Woods, ExxonMobil’s CEO, ex-
per day in 2020, according to the Interna- ations of some big energy companies. sions by 2050, CNBC reported. pressed more optimism in an email deliv-
tional Energy Agency (IEA). Last September, BP agreed to pay Equinor Last month, Japan announced that it ered to all company employees in October.
IEA also anticipated capital investment $1.1 billion to purchase 50 percent inter- would stop the sale of new gasoline-pow- “The transition of the energy system
in the energy sector to fall by 18 percent in est in the Empire Wind and Beacon Wind ered cars by the mid-2030s, but the sale of will take a long time because of its size,
2020, with the largest drop in spending on projects from Norway’s Equinor. hybrid gas-electric cars will still be permit- complexity, and amount of infrastructure
new oil and natural gas supply. “This is an important early step in the de- ted after 2015. required to keep it running efficiently,” he
Of the five companies, BP saw by far the livery of our new strategy and our pivot to California announced last September to suggested.
largest drop in new acreage acquisition truly becoming an integrated energy com- end the sale of new gasoline- and diesel- The IEA projected that oil and gas would
in 2020. CEO Bernard Looney outlined a pany,” Looney said in a statement at the time. powered passenger cars in the state by remain at 53 percent of the global energy
strategy to reduce oil output by 40 percent In recent years, governments and com- 2035, becoming the first U.S. state to com- mix in 2040, decreasing from the current
or 1 million barrels per day by 2030; the panies worldwide have announced goals mit to doing so. 60 percent or so, Woods said.
company has rapidly scaled back its ex- to reduce their environmental footprint The European Union aims to have at least
ploration team in recent months. and move away from fossil fuels. Both the 30 million zero-emission vehicles on its Reuters contributed to this report.


US Core Capital Goods

Orders Rise in Boost to
WASHINGTON—New orders for key spending in the government’s gross domes-
U.S.-made capital goods increased for an tic product measurement. They gained 0.5
eighth straight month in December, point- percent in November.
ing to solid growth in business spending The data came ahead of the government’s
on equipment in the fourth quarter and snapshot of fourth-quarter gross domestic
likely helping to underpin the economic product on Jan. 28. According to a Reuters
recovery. survey of economists, GDP likely increased Traders work
Orders for non-defense capital goods ex- at a 4.0 percent annualized rate last quarter. on the floor
at the New
cluding aircraft, a closely watched proxy for The anticipated sharp deceleration in York Stock
business spending plans, rose 0.6 percent growth from a record 33.4 percent pace of ex- Exchange on
last month, the Commerce Department pansion in the July–September period would May 26, 2020.
said on Jan. 27. These so-called core capital reflect the exhaustion of nearly $3 trillion in
goods orders advanced 1.0 percent in No- pandemic relief money from the government
vember. Last month’s increase was in line
with economists’ expectations.
and a flare-up of coronavirus infections.
The government provided nearly $900 IMF: ‘Complacency’
Core capital goods orders surged 1.8 per-
cent year-on-year in December. Demand
has shifted away from services like travel
billion in additional fiscal stimulus at the
end of December, which is likely to jolt con-
sumer spending in January after it slowed
Permeating Markets on
and hospitality towards goods like motor
vehicles, electronics, and medical equip-
in the last two months. President Joe Biden
has unveiled a recovery plan worth $1.9 Continued Monetary Support
ment during the COVID-19 pandemic. That trillion, although there is resistance from
has contributed to boosting production at some lawmakers.
factories, though output remains about 2.6 The economy contracted at a 31.4 per- WASHINGTON—A “sense of complacen- ations in some sectors and some asset
percent below its pre-pandemic level. cent rate in the second quarter, the deepest cy” is permeating markets as investors, classes—in credit, and some riskier seg-
Manufacturing, which accounts for 11.9 since the government started keeping re- betting on continued accommodative ments of credit, in many bond markets
percent of the economy, is also being sup- cords in 1947. It plunged into recession last monetary policy, are stretching asset and of course in equity markets—it is an
ported by businesses rebuilding depleted February. Business investment on equip- prices, risking a sudden market correc- environment that is stretched to some
inventories. In December, core capital ment rebounded strongly in the third quar- tion, the International Monetary Fund degree, but easy financial conditions
goods orders were lifted by demand for ter after five straight quarterly declines. (IMF) warned on Jan. 27. are an intended outcome of the easing
machinery and primary and fabricated Orders for durable goods, items ranging The rollout of COVID-19 vaccines has of monetary policy,” Tobias Adrian,
metal products. But orders for computers from toasters to aircraft that are meant to boosted expectations of a global recov- director of the IMF’s Monetary and
and electronic products fell while bookings last three years or more, gained 0.2 per- ery and helped prompt a surge in asset Capital Markets Department, said in an
for electrical equipment, appliances, and cent in December after rising 1.2 percent prices, despite rising infections and per- interview.
components barely rose. in November. sistent uncertainties surrounding the The report also cautioned that an un-
Shipments of core capital goods increased Durable goods orders were restrained by economic outlook, the world’s largest even distribution of coronavirus vac-
0.5 percent last month. Core capital goods a 1.0 percent decline in orders for trans- multilateral lender said in its Global Fi- cines could further exacerbate global
shipments are used to calculate equipment portation equipment, which followed a 1.9 nancial Stability Report. financial instability.
REBECCA COOK/REUTERS percent increase in November. Stretched asset valuations in some Advanced nations have prepurchased
Orders for civilian aircraft plunged 51.8 per- areas are largely contingent on govern- large amounts of vaccines while de-
cent. This was despite Boeing reporting on ment lifelines. Policymakers should be veloping nations “lag significantly” in
its website that it had received 90 aircraft or- prepared for the risk of a market correc- obtaining them, setting the stage for
ders in December, up from 27 in November. tion, which could exacerbate financial stronger economies to lift restrictions
The government recently lifted a vulnerabilities that have so far remained sooner than others.
20-month grounding of Boeing’s best- at bay, such as rising corporate debt and If central banks in recovering Western
selling 737 MAX jets that came after two weakness in nonbank financial institu- economies start to normalize monetary
crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. tions, the IMF said. policy, that could imperil capital flows
Orders for motor vehicles and parts rose Even so, policymakers should continue in frontier and developing markets, and
1.4 percent in December after accelerating to provide support until a sustainable raise the cost of external financing, the
2.8 percent in November. economic recovery takes hold, as vaccine IMF warned.
UAW union member Carrie Attwood works at underdelivery may jeopardize the global
General Motors' Detroit-Hamtramck assembly By Lucia Mutikani recovery, the fund said. By Pete Schroeder
plant in Michigan, on July 27, 2011. From Reuters “We do certainly detect stretched valu- From Reuters
A20 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2021


In Our Own Words The Woman Behind the Hotline (Part 2)

A Ray of Hope
Dear Epoch VIP, But because there was a media like The Epoch Times,
I felt less alone. It finally seemed like there was someone
To say that The Epoch Times is a special media to me out there listening to me—to my parents—and hearing us.
would be an understatement. It’s been there for me When I was in high school, my parents (who had
ever since I was a little girl in China, and one of the few returned from labor camp by then) sent me to the
places where I know I can read the truth, regardless of United States as an exchange student. They told me
what the government’s media outlets may say or do. to enjoy the freedom in America since by then, we all
When I was nine, my parents were arrested before knew too well what a country without freedom for its
my own eyes from our home in Beijing. They weren’t people was like.
criminals: just Falun Gong practitioners. The American people that I’ve come across since
My mother, a hospital worker, had just been looking then have been very nice, friendly, and helpful, and it’s
for a spiritual practice, a way to live around her had a wonderful effect on me. But at the same time, it’s
many illnesses. My father, a professor and Chinese always felt like some of them didn’t really know what
Communist Party (CCP) member, followed suit after was going on outside of America.
he saw my mother’s improvement in health. In China, all of the elites and intellectuals—
When I was younger, my mom would tell me stories including those I saw on the news when I was
about how people would commit suicide during the younger—always said that due to differences in
It finally seemed Cultural Revolution because they were so humiliated. And ideology, sooner or later there will be armed conflict
before that, how the landlords had all of their money taken between China and America. If you watch Chinese
like there was away, simply because everyone had to be “the same.” state-run news, the narrative (though it fluctuates
My parents used to tell me these stories about other based on the CCP’s diplomatic needs) has always
someone out people, but when the Falun Gong persecution began, been anti-American.
there listening it finally happened to them too—even though my
dad was a Party member who taught communism,
It’s not the Chinese people themselves, of course,
that have something against America. But many
to me—to my socialism, and Marxism in school.
In an instant, my parents were handcuffed and taken
Chinese people live in this environment where they’re
being brainwashed, and every day they’re being told
parents—and away from me to a labor camp, to a place I had no idea
about. A place that the news never talked about. I had
that America is the enemy. It was so strange to me that
Americans, and the American government, didn’t
hearing us. no idea what the authorities would do to my parents
and it worried me.
seem to have any reaction to this at all.
A media doesn’t just keep things that people know
Teresa You I saw the brutal treatment of Falun Gong about from being forgotten, like with my parents;
practitioners in labor camps for the first time in the it also brings into view things that people didn’t
Manager, Customer Service
Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times (via previously know about, that they should know. That is
a VPN). Though this knowledge made me extremely why I take my job at The Epoch Times very seriously—
scared and gave me nightmares, it also brought a sense so that the people I’ve met in America can have the
of security in finally knowing the kind of place my knowledge they need to protect their freedom, and the
parents were taken to and that people like my parents people living in fear in China
were not forgotten. They wouldn’t just disappear, no can have the knowledge they
matter how much the CCP wanted them to. need to win it back.
Having lived through this experience, I can say
there’s no platform in China that gives a voice to the In Truth and Tradition,
human rights victims. For all the people who are
persecuted and their loved ones—it’s really a very Teresa You
alienating experience. The Epoch Times

What Our
I can depend on The Epoch Times to stick to the story
Say (24) until they can tell it from its beginning to its finality.
So whenever my friends discuss only the surface layers
of issues, I provide the missing details and depth needed
to give the complete view of the stories we discuss.

The Epoch Times offers solid, fact- I needed objective, balanced and I thoroughly enjoy this newspaper. When the sensational headlines
based journalism, honest opinion focused news and ET delivers! They It has several interesting sections, surrounding any popular news story
and a wealth of useful knowledge, have broadened that to include the all of them truthful and uplifting. burn out and all the mainstream
keeping me informed every day. It arts, literature and everyday living. I feel it is honest in its reporting. and global media pack up their
is such a refreshing newspaper that I am both pleased and encouraged vans and leave, The Epoch Times
covers the truth and traditions of that journalism is still alive and well. stays to uncover the facts and to
our American heritage.
WILLIAM W SIMS tell a complete story. I have never
experienced a news source more
committed to investigation. I can
depend on The Epoch Times to
stick to the story until they can tell
it from its beginning to its finality.
So whenever my friends discuss
Epoch Times is a refreshing, even- This is the first newspaper I have been I’ve been very impressed with the only the surface layers of issues,
handed look at current events. Plus willing to pay to receive and am thrilled discussion of topics that I didn’t I provide the missing details and
very interesting and informative with its content, and the people who realize I wasn’t seeing in most of the depth needed to give the complete
articles on an array of subjects. write for it. I was so impressed, I have news. Often conservative issues. Also view of the stories we discuss.
I enjoy it so much! referred all I know to it and even contains items that appeal to those Reading The Epoch Times is like
DENA FARAGHER WAYMAN purchased it for my elderly neighbor of us who believe that America is seeing in 3D when all other reports
and passed it on to an awesome WWII a blessed country because of her are flat and incomplete.
vet who should be featured in this good citizens. And that we have a DAVID JENSEN
paper. Love this paper! responsibility to do good in the world.



The Dark Arts of Winter Bring a Taste of

Mushroom Gardens Chiang Mai to Your Kitchen
For a reminder of life in winter, seek out local Khao soi, a rich coconut-curry noodle soup, is a
mushrooms—or better yet, grow your own. Northern Thai specialty you can make at home.

See B3 See B4



Case for
Embrace the season’s
bitter greens, complex
and invigorating,
with three regional
Italian recipes

he holidays have come and
gone, as have the rich, stodgy
foods of the season. When
you’re surrounded by
Christmas lights, deco-
rations, and jolly music, all you
crave are fatty meat stews, warm-
ing creamy soups, and decadent
chocolate cakes.
But now that the festivities are
over, what are left are winter’s
frigid temperatures, cold, clear
skies, and biting winds. This
is when I find myself craving
foods that reflect the season:
crisp, clear, and bitter.
A taste for bitterness is the
last acquired in the develop-
ment of the human palate, as
in nature, bitterness is usu-
ally associated with poison-
ous foods. Babies instinctively
love anything sweet and fat,
a way of stocking up essential
calories to survive.

Continued on B2

This is when I find

myself craving foods
that reflect the season:
crisp, clear, and bitter.

Orecchiette with broccoli rabe, or cime di

rapa, is a classic Apulian dish, combining
the southern region’s typical pasta and
most representative winter greens.

Call for Food Writers

Are you an experienced food writer? We’re looking to commission
stories about unique, time-honored food traditions and recipes from
across the country—and around the world. If interested, send your
pitch, author bio, and 2 to 3 writing samples to S!


The Case for

Embrace the sea-
son’s bitter greens,
complex and
invigorating, with
three regional
Italian recipes
Continued from B1

As we grow up, we realize that not all

bitter foods kill us. We find they can be
interesting, palatable, and even exciting.
So, we move from milk chocolate bars to
an appreciation for dark, with a sprin-
kling of sea salt. We crave a well-brewed
coffee in the morning, or a hoppy craft
beer to end the day. Our palates become
more refined, and we gladly nibble on
walnuts and olives, no longer push away
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, dande- Grilling radicchio
lion greens, radicchio, artichokes, and turns the crisp,
grapefruit. bitter leaves
meaty and
Benefits of Bitter smoky.
Bitter ingredients make food interesting.
Fresh lemon or grapefruit peel balances
the sweetness of white chocolate, just
as dark caramel gives a deeper note to
a chocolate ganache. A dusting of un-
sweetened cocoa powder works magic
on fatty meat stews, not to mention how
a bitter-tart cranberry relish can uplift a GRILLED RADICCHIO TARDIVO PIZZA DI SCAROLA (ESCAROLE PIE)
roast turkey.
Bitterness plays especially well with
Radicchio tardivo, with its slender, creamy white Despite this recipe’s name, don’t expect a traditional yeast in 3 tablespoons of warm water with a pinch
umami and fat. Shavings of Parmigiano stalks and curly, flaming purple leaves, is the pizza with tomato sauce and mozzarella. This classic of sugar, then pour it into the well. Add the salt and
Reggiano, for instance, are a perfect most spectacular specimen of the many Italian regional dish, belonging to the Neapolitan tradition, olive oil.
partner for thinly sliced raw artichokes, varieties, hailing from the Veneto region of is more like a stuffed focaccia or a savory pie, with a
or a peppery, feathery salad of radicchio Knead together the dough, adding the remaining water
northern Italy. Slightly bitter, it has a crisp, clean, fluffy crust made with a potato bread dough. a few tablespoons at a time, until you have an elastic
and arugula. Salt-cured prosciutto or wintery flavor, with a texture that is crunchy and
Escarole is the protagonist of the filling, its bitterness and not sticky dough. Transfer to a bowl greased with
Spanish jamón Iberico behave similarly juicy when raw and satisfyingly meaty when
olive oil, cover with a damp towel, and leave to rise for
tamed by supporting Mediterranean flavors: pine
in balancing bitter flavors. cooked. Use it to make a risotto with a creamy
nuts, black olives, capers, and anchovies, along with about 2 1/2 hours, until it doubles in size.
Fat also tames the bitterness of many cheese like taleggio, or roast it in the oven with
the ubiquitous extra-virgin olive oil and chile pepper. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: Rinse the escarole
vegetables, making them easier to ap- orange zest.
If you want to skip the dough, the filling is also under running water and separate the leaves. Bring a
preciate. A creamy blue cheese, such My favorite way to use radicchio, though, is to
delicious on its own. Serve it as a side dish to a grilled large pot of water to a boil, salt the water, and blanch
as gorgonzola, complements radicchio grill it on a scorching hot grilling pan until nicely
the escarole for 3 minutes. Drain and squeeze well to
pork chop, or atop a slice of garlic-rubbed toast, all
beautifully. Stir a few pieces into a radic- charred. The smokiness enhances its meaty
crowned with a soft-boiled egg. remove any excess water. Roughly chop the escarole
chio risotto—or swap it for a few dollops texture, making this not just a seasonal side dish
and set aside.
of sweet, milky mascarpone—or toss a but a protagonist of the winter table. SERVES 6 TO 8
Pour the olive oil in a large pan along with the garlic,
bowl of pasta with stewed radicchio and Dress it with plenty of extra-virgin olive oil and a FOR THE DOUGH anchovies, and chile pepper flakes to taste. Heat
taleggio. drizzle of balsamic vinegar, whose mild sweetness
the oil over low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring to
and tang are perfect complements to radicchio’s 2 medium potatoes (about 7 ounces total)
Nuts work as well, so be generous with dissolve the anchovies.
walnuts and hazelnuts when you make bitterness. 4 cups all-purpose flour
your next raw kale salad. When the garlic cloves are golden, remove them from
SERVES 4 1/8 teaspoon active dry yeast
the pan. Add the chopped escarole and toss to coat in
Extra-virgin olive oil, which has a 1 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons water, divided
2 heads radicchio tardivo the oil, then add the capers, olives, and toasted pine
naturally bitter note, is typically the nuts. Adjust the seasoning as needed.
fat of choice for Italians. Blanched or 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Pinch of sugar
boiled bitter greens, such as turnip 2 teaspoons fine sea salt Turn the heat to medium and cook for about 20
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar minutes, tossing every 5 minutes or so to distribute
tops, escarole, or kale, gain so much 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Salt the ingredients evenly, until the escarole has
flavor when sautéed in a garlicky, chile-
absorbed all the liquid and is coated with the oil. Set
infused olive oil. Freshly ground black pepper FOR THE FILLING aside and let cool completely.
4 heads escarole
Rinse the radicchio tardivo heads under running Now, assemble the pie: When the pizza dough has
water, then quarter them lengthwise. 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil doubled in size, generously grease a deep, 10-inch
2 cloves garlic, crushed round baking pan with olive oil and preheat the oven to
Bitter ingredients Heat a non-stick griddle pan over medium heat. 375 degrees F.
When the griddle pan is hot—it should sizzle and 4 oil-packed anchovy fillets, chopped
make food interesting. hiss when you throw a few drops of water in it— 2 tablespoons salt-packed capers, rinsed
Scrape the dough onto a floured surface and divide it
into two parts, one slightly bigger than the other.
add the radicchio quarters. Grill the radicchio on
3 tablespoons pitted black olives Roll out the bigger half with a rolling pin so that it’s big
each side until wilted and nicely charred all over.
The Italian Way 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted enough to cover the bottom and edges of your baking
Arrange the radicchio on a large serving plate,
Italians tolerate bitterness better than pan, then transfer it into the pan. Arrange the cooled
drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic Salt
many. Think about our love for amaro, a filling on top.
vinegar, then season with salt and pepper. Serve
bitter liqueur that often closes a meal— Red chile pepper flakes to taste
immediately. Roll out the remaining dough to slightly bigger than
Amaro Lucano or Amaro Averna, for First, make the dough: Peel the potatoes and boil the pan, and cover the filling. Seal all around the edges
example—or acts as a key ingredient in them in a small pot of water until you can easily pierce and trim the excess dough.
an aperitivo drink, such as Campari. We them with a knife. Drain the potatoes, then rice them, Drizzle with some extra-virgin olive oil to grease the
took this love affair with the bitter so far or mash them with a fork. Set aside to cool. surface, then pierce the dough all over with a fork.
as to concoct Cynar, a liqueur made from
Sift the flour onto a wooden surface and make a well Bake the pizza di scarola for about 50 to 55 minutes,
13 herbs and plants, including artichoke, in the center. Add the riced potatoes. Dissolve the until the top is golden. Serve warm or cold.
the epitome of bitterness.
Now that your CSA box is brimming
with bitter leaves, it’s the perfect moment
to delve into bitterness, the Italian way—
putting a bottle of your best extra-virgin
olive oil to good use.
Grill radicchio tardivo until nicely
charred and drench it with extra-virgin
olive oil. Dress escarole with Mediter-
ranean flavors and stuff it into a savory
pie. Twice-cook turnip greens and serve
them with fresh orecchiette, tossing it all
together with garlicky olive oil.
Bitter flavors will make these winter
days more bearable, and definitely more

Giulia Scarpaleggia is a Tuscan born and

bred food writer, food photographer, and
author of five cookbooks, including “From
the Markets of Tuscany.” She is currently
working on her sixth. Find her online at Radicchio tardivo is the most spectacular Bitter escarole, tamed by a medley of Mediterranean flavors, is the protagonist of this
her blog, specimen of the many Italian varieties. savory Neapolitan pie.


The Dark Arts of Winter Mushroom Gardens

For a reminder of life in
winter, seek out local
mushrooms—or better
yet, grow your own Mushrooms
come in all kinds
ARI LEVAUX of shapes and

s the dark days of the year chase
us indoors, we look for ways to
stay connected to the earth.
Seed catalogs, house plants,
frozen broccoli from last
year’s garden—all reminders that life
goes on, and will come back around.
Let’s add mushrooms to the list of
wintertime ways to plug into the cycle
of life. They can be grown anywhere,
which is why small mushroom farms
Cime di rapa, or turnip greens, are often called are sprouting up everywhere, like
rapini or broccoli rabe in the United States. mushrooms after a rain, connected
via a large subterranean brain.
At the farmers market a few months
ORECCHIETTE CON LE CIME back, I bought mushrooms from a
DI RAPA (ORECCHIETTE serious-looking grower with a stand
WITH BROCCOLI RABE) full of differently shaped and colored
shroomage. They were displayed in
Cime di rapa, turnip greens—also called rapini or baskets like floral arrangements, each
broccoli rabe—are the most representative vegetables type of mushroom with a different

of the Apulian winter, piled on the market stalls and shape and color, including lion’s mane,
dinner tables of this Southern Italian region. chestnut, and several varieties of oyster.
They are the protagonists of a regional dish, The mushroom grower was noticeably
orecchiette con le cime di rapa. The flowers and cleaner than the dirt farmers, and after
the most tender leaves are boiled along with fresh I learned a bit more about mushroom
orecchiette, the local, ear-shaped pasta made just farming, that made sense.
with semolina flour and water, and then tossed in Our mushroom grower only works They are fun and satisfying to grow,
an anchovy and garlic-infused olive oil, spiced with with mushrooms that grow on sawdust- like any garden. You watch it develop
chile. Apulian olive oil is usually quite bitter, a perfect based “woody substrates,” which are and change, and you get so many
complement to the bitter greens.
Mushrooms don’t dirt-free, which explains why he looked mushrooms. We brainstormed for
This dish is topped with breadcrumbs fried in olive oil, cleaner than his dirt-farming neighbors. friends to give kits to as presents.
which have always been considered the poor man’s
cheese. They add color, flavor, and a satisfying crunch.
need light to grow, Wherever you are, locally grown
Cooking Advice mushrooms and grow kits are probably
If you want to go the extra mile, serve the orecchiette which makes them As we paid, my son asked if the mush- available at the local farmers market.
with burrata, the local cheese with a filling of shredded
an obvious part of a rooms could be eaten raw. So keep your eyes peeled. They will
mozzarella and cream.
“I believe mushrooms should be brighten your winter.
SERVES 4 well-rounded winter cooked to do justice to their flavors, On the longest, darkest night of the
and also to make their nutrients more year, we left grow kits on the doorsteps
1 1/2 pounds broccoli rabe garden, and also a accessible,” said the grower. “Mush- of friends. A few weeks later, a jar of
1 pound fresh orecchiette (or substitute dried)
bit more of a science room cells have rigid walls that keep mushroom pâté showed up on our
5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided the nutrients from being absorbed, but own doorstep, made by one friend who
1 clove garlic, crushed
project. heat will break down these walls and had successfully grown and harvested
release the nutrients.” her own mushrooms from the kit. She
4 oil-packed anchovy fillets, chopped
He left us with a final tip for cooking. said the recipe came to her in a dream,
Red chile pepper flakes to taste Mushroom Growing 101 If you want more of a raw feel to the which seems fitting. These are, after all,
1/4 cup breadcrumbs Mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of under- mushrooms, he suggested, give them the days of darkness. And these are the
ground fungal mycelia, don’t need light to a light sauté in oil or butter with white dark arts.
grow, which makes them an obvious part wine or balsamic vinegar, and serve
of a well-rounded winter garden, and also them on a salad, where you can still feel Ari LeVaux writes about food in Mis-
Clean the broccoli rabe: Remove the most rigid stalks, a bit more of a science project. that raw freshness while also accessing soula, Mont.
then rinse under running water and rip into large Family farms, you could argue, are all of the nutrients.
pieces. kind like a giant compost pile, where I was looking to serve my mushrooms
Bring a large pot of water to boil, salt it as you would bacteria move freely from dirt to com- with meat, so I wanted something lustier.
to cook pasta, and plunge the broccoli rabe into post to crops. This is not an unsafe situ- I ended up cooking them in butter, with
the water. Submerge with a spoon and cook for 10 ation, as bacteria and fungus spores minced onions and nutmeg, deglazing
minutes or until soft. are everywhere, and we live with alternatively with dry sherry and chicken PEYLA’S DREAM PATE
Into the same pot, add the orecchiette and cook until them—a truth that is especially obvi- stock, and finishing with a squeeze of
al dente, according to package instructions. (If using ous on the farm. lemon and a few drops of cream. Smooth, thick, and meaty without the aid of
dried orecchiette, which requires a longer cooking But mushroom growers, while riding I cooked them with sliced button cream cheese, this pâté is lovely on toast or
time, first remove the broccoli rabe from the pot and the same chaotic life-forces, must be mushrooms to bulk it up, like I always crackers. If you don’t have a food processor and
set aside, before cooking the orecchiette in the same vigilant against contamination, so the do with precious or semiprecious fun- have to chop, you might not achieve pâté status.
water.) wrong spores don’t take hold. While a gal fruiting bodies. You end up with In that case, call it a mushroom salad.
In the meantime, pour 4 tablespoons of extra-virgin farmer plants seeds in dirt that is es- more, and it won’t dilute the flavor.
olive oil into a large pan, followed by the garlic and sentially an extension of the compost MAKES ABOUT 1 CUP
anchovies. Add chile pepper flakes to taste. Heat the pile, a mushroom grower inoculates 1/2 pound oyster or chestnut mushrooms
oil over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes, until the substrate under aseptic conditions.
garlic is golden and the anchovies melt. 1/4 cup olive oil
There is an important distinction, our
Drain the orecchiette and broccoli rabe and toss them grower shared, between commercial
Let’s add mushrooms 1/2 teaspoon salt
into the pan with the garlicky olive oil. mushroom varieties like white button to the list of wintertime 1/2 teaspoon pepper
In a smaller pan, toast the breadcrumbs with one and portobello, which both belong to 3 cloves garlic, chopped coarsely
tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil for 5 minutes, until species agaricus, and the varieties that ways to plug into the
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
golden brown. most small growers like himself prefer. cycle of life.
Agaricus grows on compost, which 1 teaspoon lemon zest
Sauté the orecchiette with the broccoli rabe for
2 minutes over medium heat, tossing well to coat could be made of a lot of different things, 1/2 cup chopped green onions
with the garlicky olive oil. Sprinkle with the toasted including manure, which raises the Grow Your Own
breadcrumbs and serve immediately. question of where the manure was col- Last fall, the mushroom farmer began Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
lected. If it’s from the stable at the track selling mushroom growing kits at the Toss the mushrooms in the olive oil, salt, pepper,
where the racehorses do their business, indoor farmers market. The rough size and garlic on a baking sheet, and bake for 15
there could be antibiotics, steroids, and and shape of a loaf of bread, these logs minutes. Let cool.
other chemicals. Whether the nitrogen of compressed wood chips and mush- Add the lemon juice and zest and green onions,
comes from manure or chemical urea, room mycelia are wrapped in plastic and puree in a food processor, or by chopping. A
using compost adds uncertainty. and ready to sprout when spritzed. blender makes it too smooth.


This classic regional pasta dish is finished

with a toss in an anchovy- and garlic-infused, A grower’s advice: Cooking mushrooms does better justice to their flavors, and makes Mushroom grow kits make great gifts.
chile-spiked olive oil. their nutrients more available.

A Taste of
SumaTe TreeKajornSaK/ShuTTerSTocK

Chiang Mai
Khao soi, a rich coconut-curry
noodle soup, is a Northern
Thai specialty you can make
at home
Kevin RevolinsKi

Growing up in a small town in the Midwest,

my only understanding of curry was the yel-
low powder in a standard issue wedding-gift
spice rack. That powder originated in India, a
combination of seasonings that were meant
to travel well and mimic fresh curries. Many
British returning to the British Isles from the
then-colonized subcontinent hoped to bring
home flavors they had grown to love.
I never really had a hankering for the blend,
and wrongly understood “curry” to mean
just that. Years later, the world of curry as
a broader category of dishes opened up to
me. I learned that Indian, Thai, and Japanese
curries existed, and bore little resemblance
to the golden powder. My favorite of them
all, perhaps, is often referred to as Northern
Thai curry.
Khao soi, a yellow, rich, soup-like sort of co-
conut milk-based curry, is a popular dish in
the Chiang Mai region of Thailand. It’s typi-
cally made with chicken (gai), but also beef
in some cases, and served with springy egg
noodles and a crown of crispy fried noodles
on top. Its spice-heat is fairly mild, typically,
but it isn’t to be confused with the equally
yellow curry from the south, which is often Khao soi is
blisteringly hot. served with
springy egg
noodles and
Gathering Ingredients an assortment
Ironically, a cooking class in Krabi, a province of toppings,
in the south, is where I first learned to make a including a
couple of common Thai curry pastes, the so- crown of crispy
called red and green, themselves varying in fried noodles.
recipe depending on whose kitchen you are
in. The golden khao soi actually begins with
the basic red paste (prik gaeng kua); its yellow
color comes from curry powder and turmeric.
If you are deep into DIY here, by all means,
you can make your own curry paste at home,
gathering a long list of ingredients that in-
cludes chiles, garlic, galangal, and ... shrimp
paste, an essential, odiferous umami bomb
you don’t want to have left over in the back of
the fridge unless you have hazmat protocols.
The process is time-consuming more than
anything. Don’t feel like you are cheating if you
buy the paste pre-made: In Thailand, home
cooks often buy the paste at a fresh market,
where it is shaped into large mountains and
is priced by the kilo.
Red curry paste is standard in most Asian
groceries—Lobo and Mae Ploy brands, for
instance. If you get to Thailand (or find a good Freshly made
importer), look for a brand called Nam Jai. I curry pastes
can always find pastes with no preservatives for sale at a
and an ingredient list that is entirely made up Thai market.
of actual foods—even without MSG, if that is
not your thing. A single 100-gram packet of
paste is perfect for a batch that serves four. Khao soi (noRtheRn thai CoConut CuRRy noodle soup)
But different brands may come in varying
amounts, so you may need to adjust in the
recipe below, based on their suggestions on ServeS 4 In a large pot or wok over medium heat, add the curry
the packaging. For the Curry paste, Thai chiles (if using), and enough coconut milk
to dilute the paste and melt it, so that it releases its
There is a learning process with curry paste. 3 to 4 tablespoons (one 3.5-ounce/100-gram aromas. Do not burn it!
Determine if it carries the spice level you de- packet) red curry paste
sire, and adjust as needed. You can always add Then add 1 cup of coconut milk and let that mix in
3 cups coconut milk (two 13.5-ounce cans will and start to bubble. Stir in the palm sugar, curry
a couple of chopped Thai chiles to the paste give you a bit more than this; you can either powder, and turmeric powder, and then add the
when you first melt it into the coconut milk. save some for the next round or add it all to your remaining coconut milk, chicken broth, and meat.
Roasted or dried chilies added in mid-cooking batch) Turn the heat down a bit to let it simmer for another
can help, too, but be careful, as they can get 15 minutes. Add the fish sauce to taste. It should be
1 to 3 Thai chiles, minced, halved, or left whole
pretty spicy. (optional, for more heat) a little salty, not bland.
My wife leaves the chiles whole or halved. Prepare your noodles according to package
I prefer to mince them completely and add 1 tablespoon palm sugar
instructions, distribute them among four bowls, and
them at the beginning, so that the heat spreads 1 teaspoon curry powder ladle in the curry.
evenly. My belief is I get more heat from fewer 1 teaspoon turmeric powder Now comes the fun part: Accessorize! Top each bowl
chiles this way (scientific studies still pend- with thinly sliced shallots, chopped pickled mustard
1 to 1 1/2 cups chicken broth (Maggi is a popular
ing). They freeze very well, and I have a good greens, and a squeeze of fresh lime. Add a bit of
brand with the Thai)
supply at all times. cilantro strewn on top, along with some crispy fried
Chicken legs are the most common form 1 pound chicken legs or cut up breast meat (or noodles for crunch.
of meat for khao soi, but I chop up breast and pork or beef, or halved fresh mushrooms)
Note: I haven’t found a satisfactory packaged option
thigh meat. Beef is an option, as are vegetarian 2 tablespoons fish sauce (or more to taste) for crunchy noodles (similar to chow mein noodles),
alternatives, such as mushrooms. Chicken 1 16-ounce package Chinese-style egg noodles
and typically will fry up fresh noodles myself. Start
of the woods (a foraged, wild mushroom) is with cheap dried egg noodles, cook them, and pat
fantastic. Vegetarians, be aware of the shrimp For Garnish them dry. Heat about an inch of oil in a deep pot until
paste and fish sauce. very hot, then place the cooked noodles, one serving
Thinly sliced shallots at a time, in the oil in a loose tangle; they’ll crisp right
In a perhaps blasphemous attempt to make
Chopped pickled mustard leaves up. Any moisture in the noodles will spatter up, so use
my curry a bit healthier, I add broccoli. But
Lime wedges
a screen for the pot. Use tongs to turn the mass of
steam it first and add it after cooking the khao noodles over once, and then, once they’re light golden
soi separately, so its sweetness doesn’t change Cilantro brown, to pull it out and lay it on paper towels to drain.
the curry flavor. Crispy fried noodles (see Note) Does it all sound complicated? Be patient: It’s worth it!
Khao soi is served with egg noodles. Buy
them fresh, dried, or even frozen. I like Twin
Marquis, a U.S.-made brand that comes frozen Kevin Revolinski is an avid traveler, craft beer enthusiast, and home cooking fan. He
at local Asian markets, in packs of four serv- is the author of 15 books, including “The Yogurt Man Cometh: Tales of an American
ings, ready after two minutes of boiling. In Teacher in Turkey” and his new collection of short stories, “Stealing Away.” He is based
desperation, we’ve used linguine. in Madison, Wis., and his website is

Dive Into American Cocktail


2 new books guide the curious

imbiber through unique local
drinks, bars, and traditions across
the country


With a lock on most of the top 20 drunk-

est cities in America, Wisconsin might
know a little something about alcohol. The origin
While many likely think this means stories are as
beer, a book recently published by the
University of Wisconsin Press focuses interesting as
on the Badger State’s love of cocktails.
“Wisconsin Cocktails” is the latest the recipes
work of state resident Jeanette Hurt, are delicious.
a well-known food and drink writer.
While I often associate her with cheese,
she’s also authored the well received
“Drink Like a Woman: Shake. Stir. Con-
quer. Repeat.”
As Hurt writes in her preface, “We
have cocktails that are so unique to
Wisconsin that if we ask for them a by the state government, the “offi- ment, a bucket-list bar, and several Though yet
certain way, whether we’re in Las Vegas cial” cocktail of Wisconsin is a brandy other cocktail bars you shouldn’t miss. to be taken
or Orlando, Manhattan or Miami, the cocktail, causing out-of-state fans of the Quotes and anecdotes from characters up by the
bartender will go, ‘Oh, are you from whiskey version to groan. While it’s not he’s met along the way stand out along- state gov-
Wisconsin?’” the only brand used, California-based side the main text, and each chapter
the “official”
Chapter one is dedicated to the old Korbel can thank Wisconsin for con- ends with 2 or 3 detailed recipes. cocktail of
fashioned. Though yet to be taken up suming half of their total annual pro- Consider New Hampshire’s pages and Wisconsin
duction. the Hulk Smash, a rye-based cocktail is a brandy
Hurt covers the myriad variations with chartreuse, mint bitters, and fresh cocktail.
on the recipe (a Milwaukee distillery mint and juices, a creation of Sarah
FOOL’S GOLD owner offers a gin-based version), the Maillet of 815, a bar in Manchester.
techniques for making them, and the Georgia, famously home to Coca-Cola,
“Wisconsin Cocktails” fascinating theories of the Badger State’s includes the Uppercut, a mix made with
Gaz Regan selected the Fool’s Gold for his 2015 “101
shunning of whiskey for brandy. A bourbon, spiced rum, vermouth, and
(University of Korbel booth at the 1893 World’s Fair? a Coca-Cola reduction by Miles Mac-
Best New Cocktails” for being “weird and wonderful,” Wisconsin Press,
and I picked it for this book because the ingredients An abundance of German immigrants? quarrie of Kimball House in Decatur.
are not easily acquired (not unlike visiting Hawaii), No spoilers; read and find out. Hawaii unsurprisingly includes the Blue
and tracking them down is an adventure in itself—and Besides the state cocktail, the bloody Hawaii, but also Fool’s Gold, a recipe
once you do, you’re in for a delicious reward. mary and the batter-rich Tom and Jerry from Jen Ackrill at Top of Waikiki in
merit their own chapters. Garnishing Honolulu: a blend of gin, bourbon, and
1 ounce St. George Dry Rye gin bloody marys is a competitive sport in two specialty liqueurs bringing banana
1 ounce Buffalo Trace bourbon Wisconsin: Each “comes with its own and bitter orange flavors.
3/4 ounce Bittermens Amère Nouvelle meal on top,” notes Hurt, and a beer The collection features more than 100
chaser. The origin stories are as interest- recipes, and an index lists the cocktails
1/4 ounce Giffard Banane du Brésil
ing as the recipes are delicious. both geographically and by their pri-
Garnish: lime peel Other chapters cover ice-cream drinks mary liquor. The introduction includes
to hot mixes: hot toddies and Tom and the back story of cocktails and their
Stir the ingredients with ice until chilled; strain into a Jerrys for those long winters, and Wis- history in the United States as well as
chilled coupe glass and serve up, garnished with the consin peculiarities from the brandy some interesting trivia. Did you know
Author Jeanette Hurt.
slush to the cherry bounce, a potent that bars in Michigan and Kentucky
Recipe reprinted with permission from “United States tradition of soaking Wisconsin Door cannot use producer-branded glass-
of Cocktails” by Brian Bartels. Published by Abrams. County cherries in booze for a month ware or coasters? Or that Massachu-
or six to be drunk around the holidays. setts doesn’t have happy hour? (Perish
Each chapter offers a collection of great the thought!)
recipes from various Wisconsin-based “I love discovering new worlds,”
mixologists, from “classic” representa- Bartels writes, “and that happens
tions of drinks to a number of modern every time we walk into a bar, where
creations, such as a coffee julep made colorful characters and infinite stories
with Japanese whiskey and garnished await.” Indeed, bars, clubs, taverns, and
with coffee beans. speakeasies bring people together with
Non-alcoholic or “virgin” cocktails are drinks, and Bartels does a fine job of
I love discovering not left out, including a no-booze old balancing recipe book with story book.
fashioned. But if you think some of the
new worlds, and book’s cocktails indeed sound old-fash- Kevin Revolinski is an avid traveler, craft
that happens every ioned, try out the many new Wisconsin beer enthusiast, and home cooking fan.
cocktails, which range from abundant He is the author of 15 books, including
time we walk into a variations on classics to a few dessert- “The Yogurt Man Cometh: Tales of an
leaning drinks from Kohler, namesake American Teacher in Turkey” and his
bar, where colorful of the kitchen and bath fi xture empire, new collection of short stories, “Stealing
characters and and home of The American Club resort Away.” He is based in Madison, Wis.,
and some world-class golf courses. and his website is
infinite stories await. “United States of The book ends with a section on cock-
Cocktails: Recipes, Tales, tail and cheese pairings. What should KIRIENKO OLEG/SHUTTERSTOCK
Brian Bartels, author, “The United
and Traditions from All 50 you pair with a $200/pound, 20-year-
States of Cocktails”
States” by Brian Bartels old cheddar?
(Abrams, $24.99). The lovely hardcover edition, with
beautifully liquored-up photography,
looks good on a coffee table or bar top.

Cocktails of Our Nation

Writer Brian Bartels zooms out for a
broader view of American cocktails in
his all-encompassing volume “United
States of Cocktails: Recipes, Tales, and
Bartels’ stories are a testament to how bars, Traditions from All 50 States.” (Need-
clubs, taverns, and speakeasies bring people
together with drinks.
less to say, an old fashioned glass marks
LUCKYRACCOON/GETTY IMAGES Wisconsin on the map.)
Bartels is a Wisconsinite, naturally,
and cut his teeth and limes as a bar-
tender in Madison. But for a decade, he
served as managing partner and bar
director of a bar-training program in
New York. A lot of time and travel went
into this volume: Indeed, Bartels “trav-
eled everywhere throughout the United
States to corral the information you are
about to read,” he writes in the intro,
“seeing the bars, trying the cocktails,
and talking to the locals about what
makes each state unique.”
Bartels divides the country into four
main sections: the Northeast, South,
Midwest, and West, and each state A blue Hawaii
within gets a chapter, highlighting a cocktail.
particular spirit, the oldest establish-


8. Protective wall
Use the four numbers in the corners, and Getting creative
9. “Arabian Nights” hero the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
10. Treatable equation to get the solution in the middle.
There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
11. “Beasts and Super- lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
Beasts” author solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 A good defender takes all the tricks that
12. United Nations mem- and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 are there. A great defender takes some
that aren’ t there. He creates problems for
ber since 1993 declarer.
13. The Big Apple Test your creativity. Cover today’s
14. “Witchi-___-To” (Jan South and East cards and defend as West.
When you lead the king of spades against
Garbarek-Bobo Stenson 3NT, East plays the deuce, declarer the
Quartet) eight. South surely held A-J- 8. If you lead
16. Change, as a clock another spade, he will win two spade tricks.
How do you defend?
23. Effect of gravity The actual West was world-class. He led
24. Rent the nine of hearts!
28. “Adios!”
30. “Alita: Battle Angel” From declarer’ s perspective, East might
Salizar have held the king of hearts and West the
31. Mine entrance Hard 1 - 2 Solutions ace of clubs. Then, if declarer finessed in
hearts, East would win and return a spade,
32. Crossbeam setting up the suit while West had the ace
33. Morgan Freeman role of clubs as an entry.
34. 1990 comedy “___ So South took the ace of hearts and
forced out the ace of clubs. He ducked
Patrol” East’ s spade return, won the third spade
35. Big name in synthe- and took his minor-suit winners but was
sizers still one trick short. When he led a heart,
West produced the king and a high spade
40. Certain conjunction, for down one.
in a poem or a text That’s creativity.
41. Promulgate You hold: {KQ10764 K9 J962
43. “Adam’s ___” y2. You deal and open two spades, a weak
45. Blow it Hard 2 - 1 Solution two-bid. Your partner responds 2NT. What
do you say?
Across 36. Pea jacket? one 47. Bank portfolios ANSWER: Partner’ s 2NT is a conventional
1. Primatologist’s study 37. Check 80. Hacienda hand, 48. Airport curb queue forcing inquiry. Partnerships agree on
5. “April Love” singer 38. Pile maker maybe 49. Stay away from various methods. For instance, opener
might artificially rebid three clubs to show
Boone 39. Gumbo vegetables 81. Guy’s date 50. Frigid a poor hand and a poor suit. In one common
8. “Foxy Brown” Grier 42. “___ Charles” (Bark- 82. Become very thin 51. Stage signal method, opener shows a “feature”: a side
11. In the mail ley’s nickname) 83. Go on and on 52. Time ace or king. If that is your agreement, bid
three hearts.
44. Pastoral place 84. Conductor De Waart 56. Lithic leader
15. Algae-killing chemical North dealer
46. Employment that 85. Able 57. Quirky N-S vulnerable
17. Trappist beverage
58. Put down
18. Calculus calculation comes with legal 86. Chemistry Nobelist
60. Surveyor’s tool
19. Act of dressing and immunity Hahn
61. Cause of sweet-clover
grooming oneself 53. Low card 87. Established
disease Easy 1 - 2 Solutions
20. Free (of) 54. “Phooey!” 88. Half ems (print) 63. Abolishes
21. Flightless bird 55. Persist 89. Lays down the lawn 66. Dust remover
22. Sought by many em- 56. “Arkeologist” 67. Spot
ployees, but never truly 59. “Broadway Joe” after Down 68. Because
achieved being a Jet 1. Be part of the cast of 69. Knitter’s coils
25. One wanting 62. Goathead sticker 2. Call 73. Sister of Urania
26. Swiftly 64. Thumbs-up vote 3. Pass over 74. Deserved
27. “Into the Woods” 65. Ease 4. Must be chewed 75. Olympic racers
(2014) director Marshall 70. Away 5. Pillar of the mining 77. Get ___ shape
29. Tesla Powerwall, e.g. 71. Quick community 78. Neural system
33. Govt. property 72. Cautious gamblers 6. Bet 79. Fed
overseer 76. Chuck Yeager was 7. “Pretty Little Liars” 80. In favor of Easy 2 - 1 Solution



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.









Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,

in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

“ - ”


“M*A*S*H” were home
ters seen on the TV show
The mobile living quar-
SINGE iPhone 4

imposed without legislation.
of taxation that can be
Inflation is the one form

The Busy Parent’s Guide to

Packing Healthy Kids’ Lunches
A conversation with Laura Fuentes of MOMables

BARBARA DANZA kids’ favorites more nutritious.

Having some of their favorites made with
ids’ lunches have become some- fresh ingredients helps me know that they
what of a moving target this past are getting the fuel they need for the day
year, as parents juggle varying while enjoying what’s packed for lunch.
school schedules and situa-
tions. What better time than a THE EPOCH TIMES: What are some of your
new year to take a fresh look at what we’re favorite choices to pack in a lunchbox?
packing—or serving at home—for lunch? MS. FUENTES: When it comes to making
I asked Laura Fuentes, cookbook author my kids’ lunches, they love anything to do
and founder of, a food blog with quesadillas, baked mini quiches, and
and family meal-planning service, for her grilled cheese. Typical, right?! To add a little
tips and advice on offering our kids easy extra nutrition, I try to add chopped veg-
and healthy lunches. Here’s what she said. gies to the quesadillas and mini quiches,
while options like the grilled cheese can
THE EPOCH TIMES: What are the key ele- be packed with a side of vegetable soup or
ments of a healthy lunch for kids? raw veggies and dip.
LAURA FUENTES: Regardless of dietary pref- For at-home lunches (and for adults), I’m all
erences, the best school lunches are those about bowls built with a base of rice or lettuce,
that are packed with nutrition, tasty, and topped with veggies and a serving of protein—
easy to prepare—all of which help ensure usually whatever is leftover from dinner—and
that the lunchbox comes home empty. a sauce to drizzle with, of course! The best school lunches and make sure they are getting a balance.
I like to make sure each packed lunch is a are those that are packed Meal plan. While we often meal plan
balance of healthy carbs, fats, and quality THE EPOCH TIMES: What healthy snacks do with nutrition, tasty, and our dinners, it’s important to also plan out
protein to keep them satiated and focused you recommend for kids? easy to prepare. lunches. This is as simple as selecting a few
for the rest of the school day. MS. FUENTES: Both my second cookbook, lunch ideas your family likes, with ingredi-
“The Best Homemade Kids’ Snacks on the ents similar to what you might be using for
THE EPOCH TIMES: What are some of your Planet,” and my fifth cookbook, “Clean dinner so you can combine shopping lists
go-to strategies for ensuring your kids eat Treats for Everyone,” are filled with real- and spend less time cooking. In this way,
a healthy lunch each day? food snacks parents can easily make ahead you’ll know when to prep ingredients and
MS. FUENTES: It’s easy to grab prepackaged for their kids. Know what avoid that situation of figuring out what to
lunch foods and snacks, but in the long run, My kids have inspired the creation of de- make for lunch the morning of.
we parents know it’s not the best option. licious recipes like energy bites, no-bake your kids Prep ahead. Taking 1 to 2 hours at the
Having a variety of lunches in place adds chocolate chip blondies, and homemade beginning of the week to chop veggies,
variety to our kids’ meals and nutrition. fruit roll-ups, for example.
like. You prep salads, and cook grains and meats
I usually plan three different lunch items For store-bought ideas, I prefer sliced fruit know your can save so much time during the week.
per week that include fresh ingredients and veggies with a dip, nuts, trail mixes, Instead of spending hours in the kitchen
as well as leftovers. This ensures that no dehydrated foods, or fruit leather. kids better every night to bring a meal to the table and
food goes to waste and lunches are often than anyone, pack lunches, it’s more like 30 minutes once
prepped ahead of time. THE EPOCH TIMES: How can parents make you learn how to do healthy meal prep for
I’m a big fan of bulk cooking and freez- packing lunches for their kids each day as including the week.
ing, so one-time prep leads to many future easy as possible? Pack leftovers. There is no better way to
lunches! MS. FUENTES: Know what your kids like. which foods use last night’s leftovers than for a hot ther-
I also recreate kid-favorite foods with You know your kids better than anyone, in- they prefer. mos lunch! Not only does this save time,
healthier ingredients. Blending veggies cluding which foods they prefer. Choosing but nothing goes to waste, and hot lunches
into tomato soup or baking nuggets instead options that are similar to foods they like Laura Fuentes, founder, are always a nice switch-up from the usual
of frying are some of the ways I make my can help you pack a variety in the lunchbox MOMables cold lunches.

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