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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | T H U R S D A Y, M A R C H 11, 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | N O . 2 , 915 $1.

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In the News Biden

The Supreme Court has

agreed to a request by the
Biden administration to
Eyes Raising
dismiss an upcoming case
challenging a public-charge
rule. ... A7 Tax Rate
A lawmaker in Texas has BY EMEL AKAN
introduced a bill that would
enable prosecutors to seek WASHINGTON—The Biden admin-
the death penalty for women
istration has signaled that it could
who get abortions. ... A8
introduce gradual tax increases to
A Florida Senate commit- help pay for spending initiatives,
tee has approved a proposal drawing criticism from Republi-
to advance an election bill that cans who worry that the tax hikes
would ban the use of mail-in would hurt the economy.
ballot drop boxes. ... A7
The Senate has confirmed
Merrick Garland as attorney Tax increases are coming,
general, with 20 Republicans there’s no question about it.
joining all Democrats in ap-
proving Biden’s pick. ... A8 Rep. Kevin Brady

The Biden administration

As part of his campaign promise,
says that the U.S.–Mexico Border Patrol agents apprehend a busload of illegal
border is “not open,” while BORDER SECURITY immigrants in Penitas, Texas, on March 10. 2021.
President Joe Biden proposed rais-
calling to “expand safe and ing the federal corporate tax rate
legal avenues to the United to 28 percent from the current 21
States.” ... A2
Chinese leader Xi Jinping
Illegal Border Crossings Hit percent. And Treasury Secretary
Janet Yellen in February indicated
that the tax increases “would prob-
has told China’s armed forces
to strengthen their combat
readiness over the next five
years. ... A9
More Than 100,000 in February ably phase in slowly over time” and
would help pay for Biden’s big-
spending agenda to be proposed
later this year, including invest-
Young, healthy volunteers Border official says administration is working to rebuild ments in infrastructure, clean en-
are being deliberately infect- ergy, and education.
ed with the CCP virus in the system and border-crossers are ‘looking for a better way of life’ According to Rep. Kevin Brady (R-
first human challenge trial in CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES Texas), a lead architect of the Tax
the UK. ... A11 BY CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON border, according to Customs and Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Demo-

Alaska has become the Border Protection (CBP). crats will push for tax increases
first U.S. state to drop eligi- cALLEN, Texas—As Another 26,000 people evaded immediately after the signing of
bility requirements and al- President Joe Biden capture, according to Jaeson Jones, the $1.9 trillion relief package ap-
low anyone 16 or older to get rolled back several a former Texas Department of Pub- proved by the House Democrats on
a COVID-19 vaccination. ... A4 existing border initia- lic Safety captain who received the March 10.
tives, the number of people cross- provisional CBP data from inter- “Tax increases are coming, there’s
Five people in Illinois are ac-
cused of committing election
ing illegally into the United States nal sources, which was reviewed no question about it,” Brady told
fraud-related offenses during has skyrocketed. by The Epoch Times. Fox Business on March 9.
the Nov. 3 election. ... A4 In February—despite a week of Customs and Border Protection Acting The February number is almost “They intend to pair it with an in-
freezing weather—Border Patrol Commissioner Troy Miller (L) testifies triple the apprehensions from Feb- frastructure bill—although, right
Goods and services from apprehended 100,441 illegal bor- ruary 2020, when Border Patrol now, they’re spending almost $2
on Capitol Hill in Washington on Sept.
China’s Uygur Autonomous der-crossers along the southern Continued on A4 Continued on A3
10, 2014.
Region of Xinjiang are almost
certainly produced with

Forty House Republicans

joined all Democrats in re-
jecting Rep. Marjorie Taylor
Johnson &
Greene’s bid to delay the $1.9
trillion stimulus package be-
Johnson Appeals
fore the debate. ... A5 $2 Billion Cancer
The Los Angeles teachers
union and school district have
Verdict Over
reached an agreement on re- Baby Powder to
turning to in-person instruc- An Afghan security force personnel
tion. ... A8 Supreme Court holds a rocket-propelled grenade near
the site of a car bomb attack at Sherzad,
Pharmaceutical giant Nangarhar Province, on Jan. 30, 2021.
claims abuse of the
President Joe Biden is con-
legal system resulted in AFGHANISTAN
sidering tax increases, new The Supreme Court in Washington on Nov. 10, 2020.
fees, and a corporate tax giant award, with jury US Proposes UN
rollback to pay for an infra- FREE SPEECH misinformed about the facts
structure plan, White House Meeting With 5
press secretary Jen Psaki
says. ... A18
Supreme Court Protects Rights BY MATTHEW VADUM
Other Nations for
The U.S. economy is ex- With Official Accountability Drugmaker Johnson & Johnson is
asking the Supreme Court to review
pected to grow twice as fast
as earlier forecasts predicted,
BY MARK TAPSCOTT half of former Georgia Gwinnett a $2.11 billion jury verdict from Afghan Peace
a new report says. ... A18 College student Chike Uzuegbu- Missouri over baby powder it pro-
The Supreme Court’s 8–1 decision nam that school officials violated duced that allegedly contained as- BY VENUS UPADHAYAYA
on March 8 to require account- his First Amendment rights by bestos that caused ovarian cancer.
ability for public officials violating barring him from sharing about In addition to a vaccine used NEW DELHI—U.S. Secretary of
Rob Natelson: HR 1 Would individuals’ constitutional rights his Christian faith in a free speech against the CCP virus, which State Antony Blinken has proposed
Create Such Chaos We has huge significance beyond the zone on the campus. causes the disease COVID-19, the a U.N.-led meeting with five other
Would Need a Constitutional college campus where the case “Campus policy at that time pro- 135-year-old New Jersey-based nations to support a comprehen-
Amendment to Fix It... A13 originated, according to one of the hibited using the free speech zone company has been known for mak- sive and permanent ceasefire in
Jennifer Lahl: She’s My plaintiff’s attorneys. to say anything that ‘disturbs the ing a variety of talc-based consum- Afghanistan, in a letter to Afghan
Mother—She’s My Father... With only Chief Justice John Rob- peace and/or comfort of person(s).’” er products such as its iconic baby President Ashraf Ghani.
A14 erts dissenting, the high court held Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for powder, which is the subject of the The nations would include India,
in a case brought by the Alliance the majority in describing the policy litigation. China, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan.
Patrick Keeney: The Woke Defending Freedom (ADF) on be- Continued on A5 Continued on A3 Continued on A10
New University... A16


Wisconsin didn’t invent
fried fish, but they certainly Gaetz, Jordan Pentagon Extends National Guard
Deployment at US Capitol Through May 23
Request Hearing
have made the Friday fish fry
a cultural imperative. ...B1
on Britney Spears
Rice takes more than one
meal to master. Here are two Conservatorship

About 2,300 National Guard

Guard support through May
23, according to a Pentagon
statement. The number of
guides to making the perfect “[There will be]
pot. ...B2 BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV troops will stay in Wash- Guard troops to continue no concessions
ington at the U.S. Capitol the support mission at the whatsoever to
Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Jim for another two months, the Capitol will be about half of the Communist
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. Jordan (R-Ohio) asked the chair- Department of Defense an- the 5,100 to 5,200 currently Chinese Party,”
READEPOCH.COM man of the House Judiciary Com- nounced March 9. National patrolling the site. Secretary of
mittee on March 9 to convene a Defense Secretary Lloyd Guardsmen at They had been scheduled State Antony
the U.S. Cap- Blinken said.
Published in New York, hearing on the conservatorship of Austin approved a request to leave this weekend prior
Washington, Houston, Chicago, itol on March
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
pop singer Britney Spears. by the U.S. Capitol Police 5, 2021. to the extension. Read more on A99
Continued on A3 for continued National Continued on A6

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

Biden Administration Says Border ‘Not Open,’

While Calling for Expansion of Legal Entry

BOWEN XIAO immigration and creating business

for organized crime, according to
The Biden administration reiterated officials and internal assessments
on March 10 that the U.S.–Mexico seen by Reuters.
border is “not open,” while also ex- Detentions on the U.S. border
pressing a desire to “expand safe have surged since Biden took of-
and legal avenues to the United fice on Jan. 20. Mexico has urged
States,” as it announced the restart- Washington to help stem the flow
ing of a program to help minors be by providing development aid to
reunited with a parent legally in the Central America.
United States. “They see him as the migrant
At a daily press briefing, Special president, and so many feel they’re
Assistant to the President & Coor- going to reach the United States,”
dinator for the Southern Border Mexican President Andres Man-
Ambassador Roberta Jacobson told uel López Obrador said of Biden
reporters the United States “must the morning after a virtual meet-
build a better immigration system ing with his U.S. counterpart on
that reflects our values as Ameri- March 1.
cans.” Press secretary Jen Psaki also “We need to work together to reg-
was at the briefing. ulate the flow, because this business
Jacobson said the administration can’t be tackled from one day to the
is “rethinking asylum processing next.”
to ensure fair and faster consid- Previously unreported details in
eration,” and said President Joe the internal assessments, based
Biden is committed to seeking “$4 on testimonies and intelligence-
billion over 4 years to address the Migrants illegally cross the Rio Bravo to get to El Paso, Texas, from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on Feb. 5, 2021. gathering, state that gangs are di-
root causes of migration.” The gov- versifying methods of smuggling
ernment has already begun spe- young children, should make the unaccompanied minors in recent efficient system.” and winning clients as they eye U.S.
cific actions to undo the previous dangerous trip to try and enter the months. When asked about the high num- measures that will “incentivize mi-
administration’s policies, she said. U.S. in an irregular fashion,” she In a March 9 statement, former ber of unaccompanied minors, Ja- gration.”
She also announced the restarting said. President Donald Trump criticized cobson repeated her previous Apprehensions on the U.S.–Mexi-
of the “Central American Minors “The border is not open,” she said. the new administration’s handling points. co border in February hit levels un-
Program,” which  Jacobson said “Going forward, we will continue border security, stating, “Our coun- “It’s really important that people seen since mid-2019, and were the
helps “children to be reunited with to look for ways to provide legal try is being destroyed at the South- not make the dangerous journey in highest for that month in 15 years,
a parent who is legally in the United avenues in the region for people ern border.” the first place, that we provide them data reported by Reuters showed.
States.” This program was ended by needing protections while we con- When asked by a reporter if the alternatives to making that journey Among the U.S. steps that Mexico
the previous administration. tinue to enforce our laws. This is a situation at the border is a crisis, Ja- because it’s not safe en route,” she worries are encouraging migration
At the same time, Jacobson dis- process.” cobson sidestepped the question. said. “It’s really important that that are improved support for victims
couraged migrants from physically There were a record 3,200 migrant “I’m not trying to be cute here, but message gets out because the per- of gangs and violence, streamlin-
crossing the border in order to enter children stuck in Border Patrol fa- I think that the fact of the matter ception is not the same as the real- ing of the legalization process, and
the country. cilities as of March 8, with nearly is that we have to do what we do, ity in terms of the border not being suspension of Trump-era accords
“I want to be clear, neither this an- half held beyond the three-day le- regardless of what anybody calls open.” that deported people to Central
nouncement nor any of the other gal limit, according to CBS News. this situation,” she said. “We are all Mexico’s government is worried America.
measures suggest that anyone, es- It comes as the United States sees focused on improving the situation, that the new U.S. administration’s
pecially children and families with a surge of illegal immigrants and on changing to a more humane and asylum policies are stoking illegal Reuters contributed to this report. 


well as nearly half of the polysili- to testify but was unable to do so.
US Firms con used in solar panels. The region Rubio’s testimony was instead
also produces vast quantities of to- read by USCIRF Vice Chairman
Are Profiting matoes and tomato-based prod- Tony Perkins. Perkins, who chaired A Clark County
ucts, much of which are bought and the USCIRF under President Don- election worker
From Uyghur imported into the United States by
domestic firms.
ald Trump, is president of the Fam-
ily Research Council.
scans mail-in
ballots at the Clark
Forced Labor: “From Target to Walmart, from
lululemon [stet] to Uniqlo, from
“The CCP forbids Uyghurs and
other Turkic Muslims from follow-
County Election
Department in
Expert Amazon to Zara, the supply chain of
virtually every branded retailer that
ing traditional dietary restrictions,
performing daily prayers, growing
North Las Vegas on
Nov. 7, 2020.
sells cotton garments runs through a beard, wearing a headscarf, go-
MARK TAPSCOTT the Uyghur region,” Nova said. ing on Hajj, reading the Koran, and 90,000 Ballots in Largest Nevada
As a result, Nova explained, mil- teaching the faith to their children.
A parade of witnesses told the U.S. lions of articles of clothing sourced Using the Uyghur language is re- County Sent to Wrong Addresses,
Commission on International Reli- in whole or in part from the Uyghur stricted and frequently smeared as
gious Freedom (USCIRF) on March region of China are imported daily an expression of terrorist sympa-
Bounced Back: Report
10 that it’s all but impossible for U.S. into the United States. thies,” Rubio said in his testimony.
firms to buy goods or services from The forced labor problem is a “Since 2017, the CCP has detained PETR SVAB The entire state of Nevada re-
China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autono- major part of what USCIRF Com- more than a million Uyghurs and ported only 5,863 mail ballots
mous Region that aren’t produced missioner Gary Bauer described other Muslim minorities in Xinji- More than 90,000 ballots mailed returned undeliverable in the
with forced labor. as “communist China’s barbaric ang in political reeducation facili- to registered voters in Nevada’s 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 Gen-
That’s because Chinese Commu- treatment of Uyghur Muslims that ties.  The documented atrocities largest county were returned eral Elections combined, the brief
nist Party (CCP) authorities have rightly should be called the stain of against Uyghurs are sickening undeliverable, according to an says, referring to the U.S. Election
imposed such a pervasive system the century.” and evil: torture, forced labor, sex- analysis of election data by a con- Assistance Commission surveys.
of repressive political, economic, “Its persecution of Uyghurs is just ual violence, forced abortions, and servative legal group. Adams also took aim at the H.R.
social, and religious policies on the one more example from a long and forced sterilization. Clark County, which includes 1 election reform bill that was re-
mostly Muslim population in the egregious history of religious per- “Let us be totally clear. There is the Las Vegas metro area, made cently passed by the Democrat-
region of northwest China. secution of many other religious no ability for companies to con- the extraordinary move to mail controlled House of Representa-
“It is a practical impossibility for groups, including Protestant and duct business as usual in Xinjiang ballots to all the nearly 1.3 mil- tives.
a U.S. corporation to source from Catholic Christians, Falun Gong or where Chinese government pro- lion active voters in the county, The nearly 800-page bill would
the Uyghur region without using practitioners, and Tibetan Bud- grams have transported Uyghurs instead of just those who request- largely shift power over elec-
forced labor, which means that ev- dhists,” said Bauer, who was chief outside of the region. Put another ed them. The county justified tions to the federal government.
ery corporation that has chosen to domestic policy adviser to Presi- way, proper due diligence of their the move as helping people vote It would discard state voter-ID
stay in the Uyghur region is com- dent Ronald Reagan. supply chains is just not possible. remotely during the COVID-19 laws, allow for same-day voter
plicit in the crime of forced labor,” “Quite frankly, I’d like to know “CCP officials block it. As with pandemic. registration, ban witness signa-
Scott Nova, executive director of how American corporations can so many issues, normal business More than 450,000 voters cast ture requirements for mail-in bal-
the Worker Rights Consortium morally justify investing in com- practices do not prevail in China. their votes through the mail-in lots, and require that mail-in bal-
(WRC), told the USCIRF during a munist China at all. By doing so, The CCP refuses to play by the rules, ballots. But more than 92,000 lots can arrive as late as 10 days
March 10 hearing. they contribute to making more and it ignores international norms.” ballots were returned by the after election day (as long as it is
The WRC is an independent labor powerful a nation controlled by a In a related development, Rubio postal service as undeliverable, post stamped by election day). It
monitoring organization with in- repressive regime that has literally wrote on Twitter late on March 9 according to the Public Interest would also make it a federal crime
vestigators around the world. declared war on all people of faith.” about his concern over an apparent Legal Foundation’s (PILF) March to “communicate or cause to be
“If a corporation is importing a Another witness during the hear- softening in the Biden administra- 10 research brief. communicated” information that
good or service with content from ing told the USCIRF about receiv- tion’s attitude toward the Uyghur The number is based on data is knowingly false and designed
the region into the United States ing a growing number of inquiries genocide. provided in February by Clark to discourage voting and require
from China or third countries, from U.S. investment companies The Florida Republican noted that County Voter Registrar Joe Gloria, a plethora of other measures.
it is doing so in violation of U.S. expressing concerns about invest- Secretary of State Anthony Blinken the brief says. The Clark County Conservatives have made it
laws prohibiting the importation ments in China. had during his Senate confirmation Election Office didn’t imme- their priority to oppose the bill.
of goods made with forced labor,” “In the last roughly two months, hearing expressed agreement with diately respond to a request for “H.R. 1 does more harm than
Nova told the hearing. we have had a remarkable, a no- his predecessor’s determination comment. good for the American people
“Yet, despite the fact that the table slew of calls from investment that China was guilty of “commit- “Mass-mail balloting is a step and will leave them at a constant
crimes against humanity in the firms, big ones, little ones, boutique ting genocide and crimes against backward for American elections. disadvantage to correct election
Uyghur region have been visible firms, ones that work in sectors that humanity.” There are millions of voter regis- system errors which ultimately
to international observers for a I’ve literally never heard of before. But more recently, State Depart- tration records with unreliable impact their abilities to vote in a
period of years, a vast number of They are asking nervously not just ment spokeswoman Wendy Sher- ‘active’ address information that timely manner,” Adams said.
global corporations, particularly about Xinjiang but other sectors man described those policies in the will ultimately send ballots to the The bill “basically codifies ev-
but not only in the apparel sector, more broadly in China,” said So- past tense. wrong place in a mail election,” erything that was irregular or
continue to source goods from the phie Richardson, China director Rubio said, “I hope this isn’t an PILF President J. Christian Ad- outright wrong or the opportu-
region.” at Human Rights Watch. effort to step back from Secretary ams said in the brief. nities for fraud during last year’s
The Uyghur region produces an Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the Blinken’s previous statements.” Prior to the election, PILF criti- election and makes it the law of
estimated 20 percent of the world’s ranking Republican on the Senate cized such mass ballot mailings the land,” Indiana Attorney Gen-
cotton production, according to Select Committee on Intelligence, Contact Mark Tapscott at in states that hadn’t had such sys- eral Todd Rokita recently told Bre-
witnesses during the hearing, as was scheduled to appear in person tems already in place. itbart News.

Singer Britney Spears arrives for the

premiere of Sony Pictures’ “Once
Upon a Time in Hollywood,” at the
TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles
on July 22, 2019.

Gaetz, Jordan
Hearing on
Britney Spears’s

Her conservatorship reentered

Johnson’s baby powder on a supermarket shelf in Alhambra, Calif., on Aug. 22, 2017. the public spotlight recently with
the release of “Framing Britney
Spears,” a documentary about
Johnson & Johnson Appeals $2 Billion Cancer the controversial conservatorship
controlled by her father.
Spears has been under her fa-
Verdict Over Baby Powder to Supreme Court ther’s conservatorship since 2008.
In court papers obtained by US
Weekly last year, Spears’s attorney
said she was “strongly opposed”
CONTINUED FROM A1 verdict and arbitrary and disproportionate als cause. The Court should intervene here to her father “continuing as the
damages,” the company said in a statement to curb due-process abuses in mass-tort suits sole conservator of her estate.”
The petition in the case, known as Johnson supplied by its attorneys. and ensure that state courts give mass-tort “If the conservatorship process
& Johnson v. Ingham, court file 20-1223, was The verdict is “at odds with decades of in- defendants the same rights as everyone else.” can rip the agency from a woman
filed with the Supreme Court on March 4. dependent scientific evaluations confirming The company reiterates that its talc prod- who was in the prime of her life
The verdict came out of a 2018 trial that Johnson’s Baby Powder is safe, is not con- ucts are safe for consumer use. and one of the most powerful pop
consolidated the claims of 22 women who taminated by asbestos and does not cause Federal regulators and respected health stars in the world, imagine what
alleged the company’s talc powder caused cancer.” organizations reject calls for warnings on talc it can do to people who are less
their ovarian cancer. After a six-week trial, a The $2.1 billion award in the case “is so un- and “comprehensive epidemiological studies powerful and have less of a voice.
St. Louis jury originally ordered the company moored from any notion of proportionality or tracking tens of thousands of talc users have I’ve heard the story of those peo-
to pay $4.69 billion, but in 2020, the Missouri malice that reversal is warranted based solely found no meaningful association between ple in Florida, and I am concerned
Court of Appeals lowered the sum to $2.11 on the arbitrary size of the jury’s damages cosmetic talc use and ovarian cancer.” about access to due process for
billion, trade publication Fierce Pharma re- award,” Cory L. Andrews, general counsel The Food and Drug Administration, Na- wards,” Gaetz said in a statement.
ported at the time. Also last year, the com- and vice president of litigation for the Wash- tional Cancer Institute, and American Can- In their letter to House Judicia-
pany stopped selling talc powders in the ington Legal Foundation, said in a statement. cer Society have all reached the same conclu- ry Committee Chairman Jerry
United States. “The legal inconsistencies in this case high- sion, the company states. Nadler (D-N.Y.), Gaetz and Jor-
That court found that the plaintiffs light some of the worst abuses in our civil “Yet some plaintiffs’ lawyers have struck dan cite a project funded by the
“proved with convincing clarity” that John- justice system today,” Tiger Joyce, president on a winning formula: They first canvass Department of Justice that con-
son & Johnson “engaged in outrageous con- of the American Tort Reform Association, the country for women who were both di- cluded that “financial exploita-
duct because of an evil motive or reckless said in a statement. agnosed with ovarian cancer and among tion by conservators often goes
indifference.” “The City of St. Louis is regularly named the millions who used Petitioners’ talc prod- unchecked by courts,” and there
Company officials, according to the court, among the worst ‘Judicial Hellholes’ in the ucts. They then select a jurisdiction where is a “dire need for guardianship/
“discussed the presence of asbestos in their country and it’s no wonder. The court al- out-of-state plaintiffs can be consolidated conservatorship reform.” The
talc in internal memoranda for several de- lowed nearly two dozen plaintiffs from dif- with in-state plaintiffs for a single mass trial. project, by the National Center
cades; avoided adopting more accurate mea- ferent states who all had varying circum- They put dozens of plaintiffs on the stand to for State Courts, reviewed pub-
sures for detecting asbestos and influenced stances to be joined together in a friendly discuss their experiences with cancer, and licly reported cases of conserva-
the industry to do the same; attempted to venue of their lawyers’ choosing. The trial the jury awards billions of dollars in punitive torship exploitation, finding that
discredit those scientists publishing stud- lawyers then presented questionable scien- damages supposedly to punish Petitioners. most cases involved older people.
ies unfavorable to their products; and did tific evidence as though it were fact, unfairly “Lawyers can then follow this script and file The American Civil Liberties
not eliminate talc from the products and use prejudicing the jury in the process.” the same claims with new plaintiffs and seek Union (ACLU) has also recently
cornstarch instead because it would be more Johnson & Johnson argues in its petition new outsized awards, over and over again.” expressed concern about conser-
costly to do so.” that it has been victimized by plaintiffs’ law- It’s unclear when the Supreme Court will vatorships in light of Spears’s case.
Johnson & Johnson argues that bad science yers, who have abused the legal system. rule on whether to hear the company’s “While we do not know the de-
was relied on during the trial and that the “Today, confusion reigns in the lower appeal. tails of Spears’ conservatorship, in
company was denied due process. courts over the due process boundaries of Thomas C. Goldstein, counsel of record for general, conservators like those in
The trial was “fundamentally flawed,” and mass trials—and whether jury instructions the consumers suing Johnson & Johnson, her case have the ability to make
“numerous legal errors allowed a faulty pre- by themselves are a sufficient antidote to declined to comment to The Epoch Times decisions about all aspects of her
sentation of the facts, resulting in an incorrect the jury confusion and prejudice mass tri- on the pending litigation. life—where she lives, where and
how she spends her money, what
medications she takes, who she
spends time with, and other de-
cisions,”  Zoe Brennan-Krohn,
40 House Republicans Join Democrats to Reject Greene’s staff attorney with the ACLU’s
Disability Rights Project, said in
Efforts to Delay Stimulus Package a question-and-answer post on
the ACLU website.
SAMUEL CORUM/GETTY IMAGES Jamie Spears, the pop star’s fa-
CONTINUED FROM A1 ther, has said that he wants noth-
ing more than for his daughter to
trillion with almost no impact on the “not need a conservatorship.” The
economy.” father’s attorney recently said he
Biden’s rescue plan, which includes a has never been involved in a case
new round of stimulus checks to house- in which a conservatee “success-
holds, aid for state and local governments, President Joe fully terminated a conservator-
Biden stops to
and expansion of the supplemental unem- ship.”
answer questions
ployment benefit, has now headed to the from reporters Gaetz and Jordan state in their
White House for signature. after speaking in letter: “Ms. Spears is not alone.
Brady noted that the Biden administra- the State Dining There are countless other Amer-
tion has refused to provide an estimate Room, following icans unjustly stripped of their
about how many jobs will be created with the passage of freedoms by others with little
the rescue plan. the American recourse.
“They’re thinking before Memorial Day, Rescue Plan in “For example, Long Island
packaging tax increases on businesses, on the Senate, at the resident Daniel Gross was forced
income, perhaps on payroll, on wealth and White House on against his will into a conserva-
energy” in their forthcoming infrastruc- March 6, 2021. torship after being hospitalized
ture bill, he said, presuming that Demo- with cellulitis while visiting his
crats would move quickly without having lieve the tax cuts have created prosperity percent would reduce long-run econom- daughter in Connecticut. In what
discussions with Republicans. and opportunity for all Americans. Busi- ic output by about 0.8 percent, eliminate the judge labeled as ‘a terrible
The tax cuts of 2017, which was signed ness optimism soared to record-high levels 159,000 full-time equivalent jobs, and re- miscarriage of justice,’ Mr. Gross
into law by President Donald Trump, re- and the unemployment rate reached a 50- duce wages by 0.7 percent. was locked in a Connecticut nurs-
duced the corporate income tax rate to year low following tax reform. “This is the last thing we want to do as the ing home for 10 months despite
21 percent from 35 percent beginning in Increasing the corporate tax rate to 28 U.S. recovers from the pandemic,” Garrett his pleas for release.
2018. It also reduced the tax rates for pass- percent would raise the U.S. federal-state Watson, senior policy analyst at the Tax “Given the constitutional free-
through businesses and individuals. combined tax rate to 32.34 percent, ac- Foundation, told The Epoch Times. doms at stake and opaqueness
Progressives criticized the cuts, calling cording to the Tax Foundation, a conser- He added that phasing in a corporate of these arrangements, it is in-
it a giveaway to the rich and corporations. vative-leaning think tank. rate increase, as opposed to hiking im- cumbent upon our Committee
The Institute on Taxation and Economic This increase will make the U.S. corpo- mediately, “would in some ways be a worse to convene a hearing to examine
Policy, a left-leaning think tank, found that rate tax rate the highest in the OECD and idea, with firms delaying investment deci- whether Americans are trapped
71 percent of the benefits of tax reform in among Group of Seven (G-7) countries, sions as deductions would be more valu- unjustly in conservatorships.”
2018 went to the richest 20 percent with reducing America’s competitiveness. able against a higher corporate tax rate.” Nadler’s office didn’t immedi-
about a quarter going to the top 1 percent. The Tax Foundation’s modeling showed “It would also make those investments ately respond to a request by The
Some economists, on the contrary, be- that raising the corporate tax rate to 28 less attractive in the long-run.” Epoch Times for comment.

5 People Charged
Alaska Becomes 1st State to Open CCP With Voter Fraud in
Illinois: DA’s Office
Virus Vaccines to Anyone 16 and Older
ISABEL VAN BRUGEN Five people are being accused of
various election fraud-related cases
Alaska on March 9 became the during the Nov. 3, 2020, election, ac-
first U.S. state to drop eligibility cording to the DuPage County State’s
requirements and allow anyone Attorney’s Office in Illinois.
16 or older who lives or works The state attorney’s office said the
in the state to get a COVID-19 charges stem from investigations
vaccination. into 32 cases of alleged election
Gov. Mike Dunleavy hailed fraud, adding that most of the cases
the move to open up eligibility have been closed without investi-
as a historic step. The Republi- gation. However, the office stressed
can governor on Feb. 24 tested that several remain under investiga-
positive for the CCP virus. tion, according to a March 9 news
Dunleavy said individuals 16 release.
or older who live or work in the Those who were charged in-
state can get the Pfizer-BioNTech clude Colleen A. Kirchoff, 60, of Na-
vaccine, while the Johnson & perville; Thomas E. Wojciechowski,
Johnson and Moderna vaccines 73, of Carol Stream; and Adam P.
will be administered to individu- Butler, 51, of Lisle, officials said in
als who are at least 18 years old. the release.
“This historic step is yet anoth- Kirchoff was charged with forgery
er nationwide first for Alaska, but and perjury after she allegedly at-
it should come as no surprise. tempted to cast a ballot for someone
Since day one, your response to else, officials said in a news release.
the pandemic has been hands- Butler was charged with a count of
down the best in the nation,” forgery and one count of perjury in
Dunleavy said in a statement. election code, while Wojciechowski
“I couldn’t be prouder of Alas- was charged with one count of per-
ka’s response. From being the Alaska Gov. Michael Dunleavy in Washington on Oct. 29, 2019. jury in election code, officials said.
first state to offer widespread Two others—Darrick Kent, 43, and
testing, to maintaining one of Alaska also has one of the low- ity now in Alaska to far outpace lying conditions, and those aged Amy Kent, 41—of Austin, Texas, were
the lowest mortality rates in the est death tolls nationwide, with other states.” 55 and above. each charged with one count of per-
country, to rolling out vaccina- 301 COVID-19 related deaths as “We want to get our economy Dr. Anne Zink, Alaska’s chief jury in the election code.
tions to every willing Alaskan, of March 8, according to figures back up and running. We want medical officer, said the move “I would like to thank County Clerk
we got here by working together.” from the Alaska Department of to get our society back up and marks a “gigantic milestone.” Jean Kaczmarek and her office for
The U.S. Centers for Disease Health and Social Services Coro- running,” the governor said. The website for the Alaska De- their fine work in uncovering these
Control and Prevention (CDC) navirus Response Hub. “We want to put this virus be- partment of Health and Social alleged violations and bringing them
COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker Dunleavy encouraged all hind us—as far as possible, as Services currently states that to our attention,” DuPage County
shows Alaska leading states in “Alaskans that are think- soon as possible.” while appointments are limit- State’s Attorney Robert Berlin said
the percentage of its popula- ing about” getting vaccinated On March 3, Dunleavy opened ed, more open up regularly, with in the release.
tion to have received two doses against COVID-19 to do so, up COVID-19 vaccines for essen- new appointments added every “The charges filed today are the
of a vaccine. adding that it “gives us the abil- tial workers, people with under- Thursday. direct result of the cooperation and
professionalism displayed by the
Clerk’s Office throughout the entire
His office didn’t provide any more
Illegal Border Crossings Hit More details about the charges or the in-
Than 100,000 in February vestigation.
“The very foundation of our coun-
try is built upon fair and free elec-
CONTINUED FROM A1 the pandemic ... the COVID rate tions,” Berlin said. “Elections are a
infections down in South and Border sacred duty and while the five de-
Patrol agents
caught almost 37,000 people, Central America,” he said. “We fendants charged today represent
while in 2019, on the cusp of the recently had a hurricane, con- a busload
an infinitesimal percentage of the
most recent crisis, the number tinued violence, unemployment. of illegal 491,067 votes cast in the 2020 general
was almost 77,000. So if you put all those issues to- immigrants in election, it is important that anyone
Many of those crossing now are gether, ... you’re going to see folks Penitas, Texas, suspected of attempting to interfere
unaccompanied minors (9,457 in looking for a better way of life.” on March in any way in the election process
February), who can’t be turned Miller said he wanted to be 10, 2021. be investigated and charged where
back if they’re from a country clear that the border is not “open” appropriate.”
other than Mexico. and that migrants shouldn’t lis- and Border Protection as they The Republican governor A judge on March 9 signed arrest
Minors who cross the border ten to human smugglers who are face a surge in migration along blamed Biden’s immigration warrants for the five suspects, and
illegally are meant to be passed saying otherwise. the Southwest Border,” DHS policies, saying they invite illegal each person’s bail was set for $1,000,
to the Department of Health and “We are building an orderly Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas immigration and are contribut- reported WBBM.
Human Services (HHS) within immigration system and doing said in an email to employees ing to the crisis, which “will grow Last week, the mayor pro tem of
72 hours, but the sheer number so in a way that protects public on March 8, obtained by several increasingly worse by the day.” a Northern California city resigned
of minors has overwhelmed the health during the global COVID news outlets. Among those arrested by Bor- from office after pleading guilty to
system. Acting CBP Commis- pandemic,” Miller said. “We’re The number of illegal cross- der Patrol since Jan. 1, more than election fraud charges.  Crescent
sioner Troy Miller told media on moving as fast as we can to re- ings at the southern border has 800 criminals have been identi- City Mayor Pro Tem Alex Campbell
a March 10 call that he wasn’t go- build.” steadily risen since October 2020. fied, including 78 sex offenders entered a plea to making a false dec-
ing to discuss how long children Biden has said there’s no crisis The number of apprehensions and 62 gang members, Abbott laration of candidacy, in Del Norte
are being held in Border Patrol on the border and that “we’ll be between October 2020 and Janu- said. County Superior Court, local news
custody. able to handle it,” when asked by ary 2021 was 296,259, while the On March 6, Abbott launched outlet Wild Rivers Outpost reported,
HHS has just opened a second reporters. same period the year prior saw an operation to counter the grow- citing the city clerk’s office.
facility for the burgeoning num- On March 8, the Department 164,932 apprehensions, accord- ing crisis, activating and deploy- Separately, in Aberdeen, Missis-
ber of minors. of Homeland Security (DHS) ing to CBP data. ing National Guard troops and sippi, a judge ordered a new runoff
When asked what he thought said it’s seeking volunteers from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott held a other law enforcement officers election for a city alderman seat af-
was driving the trend, Miller said, among its agencies to assist in press conference near the U.S.– to the border to combat drug and ter more than three-quarters of ab-
“There’s certainly economic in- dealing with an “overwhelming” Mexico border on March 9, where human smuggling. sentee ballots cast in the June 2020
stability in the region that’s un- surge at the U.S.–Mexico border. he raised the alarm about a grow- Democratic runoff election were
paralleled.” “Today, I activated the Volun- ing crisis after meeting with bor- Zachary Stieber contributed found to be invalid, while a notary
“All you have to do is look at teer Force to support Customs der officials. to this report. involved in the election was arrested.

News without spin, for you to
form your own opinion.

and Deep Dive Evening News News Today

Free Speech Advocates Laud Supreme Court for Requiring

Official Accountability for Violating Individual Rights
CONTINUED FROM A1 and-frisk, denial of kosher meals
in prison, you can easily think of a
challenged in the case. The case is variety of constitutional violations
known as “Uzuegbunam et. al. v. that would benefit from this,” Wag-
Precczewski et. al.” goner told reporters on March 8, in
When officials at the school response to a question from The
backed off the policy, they then Epoch Times during a telephone
argued in federal court that Uzu- news conference.
egbunam no longer had stand- “It sure ought to. Alliance De-
ing to claim damages because fending Freedom has had over 400
his rights were no longer being victories in this space, in terms of
violated. public universities. Nobody liti-
But the court disagreed, say- gates more of these cases than we
ing: “Uzuegbunam experienced do,” said Waggoner, who has ar-
a completed violation of his consti- gued multiple cases filed by ADF
tutional rights when respondents before the Supreme Court.
enforced their speech policies “We believe this is a significant
against him. Nominal damages victory because we see time and
can redress Uzuegbunam’s injury time again where government of-
even if he cannot or chooses not to ficials will censor speech uncon-
quantify that harm in economic stitutionally, students will muster
terms.” the courage to stand and say, ‘This
The court further noted that “an is a violation of my constitutional
award of nominal damages consti- rights,’ and then college officials
tutes relief on the merits.” will quickly change the policy and
In other words, if a constitutional walk away.
violation is documented, the of- “The irony in this case is that the
fending official or institution must Georgia officials received a letter
be held accountable, even if there years’ earlier from ADF warning A woman stomps on a free speech sign after a conservative commentator spoke at the University of California–
is no demonstration of measur- them that their policy was uncon- Berkeley campus on Sept. 24, 2017.
able injury deserving of more than stitutional, and they did nothing
nominal damages. until Chike sued them, and that is see it in the stop-and-frisk con- privacy rights, a wide variety of
The accountability requirement consistent with what we see across text, or really any context where possible constitutional infringe-
also goes beyond colleges violat- the country.”
Uzuegbunam there is a policy that is alleged to ments that defy quantification,”
ing students’ free speech rights, Waggoner’s contention that the experienced violate someone’s constitutional Creeley said.
according to ADF Vice President case has big implications for situ- a completed rights, whether that violation is Ilya Shapiro, director of the Cato
Kristen Waggoner. ations involving alleged violations based on the Fourth Amendment, Institute’s Robert A. Levy Center
“So, this ensures that it’s not just of constitutional rights in other violation of his the Eighth Amendment, the First for Constitutional Studies, agreed,
discriminatory student speech arenas drew agreement from mul- constitutional Amendment or whatever. saying, “Justice Thomas was right
policies, it’s discriminatory stop- tiple legal experts interviewed on rights when “Any time a policy is violating for the near-unanimous court to
March 9 by The Epoch Times. or alleged to violate someone’s hold that government officials
SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Zack Smith, senior fellow in the respondents constitutional rights, this deci- can’t escape liability for viola-
Meese Center for Legal and Judi- enforced their sion would essentially allow the tions of constitutional rights just
cial Studies at the Heritage Foun- speech policies case to move forward even if the by changing their policies, and that
dation, said “this case does have governmental entity changes their citizens can get their day in court
wide-ranging implications” be- against him. policy and tries to get it dismissed.” even if they only ask for nominal
cause it will severely limit a tactic Supreme Court
Similarly, Will Creeley, legal damages.”
that violators have long used to director for the Foundation for Shapiro noted that the decision
avoid facing a full court review of Individual Rights in Education was the “first-ever solo dissent” by
the merits or demerits of their ac- (FIRE), which filed an amicus Roberts in his more than 15 years
tions. curiae brief in the case, said Wag- on the bench, which “continues his
Smith said “the problem in these goner “is 100 percent correct, that crusade against an engaged judi-
cases, where there is an alleged is a prediction I would confident- ciary that would make it easier for
violation of a constitutional right, ly share as well.” civil rights plaintiffs to hold state
is exactly what happened in this “The opinion deals with the nom- actors to account.”
case. A governmental entity will inal damages that are possible in Cato also filed an amicus curiae
change their policy and try to boot cases involving violations of rights brief in the case.
Supreme Court Associate Justice out the case, get it dismissed. that aren’t easy to put a price tag
Clarence Thomas in the Supreme “You see this in the First Amend- on, and that’s not just expressive Contact Mark Tapscott at
Court in Washington on June 1, 2017. ment context like here, you could rights, but it can also be civil rights,

40 House Republicans Join Democrats to Reject MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell

Greene’s Efforts to Delay Stimulus Package Says He’s Launching Social Media
JACK PHILLIPS celed me on some things” and
Several dozen House Repub- took “tens of thousands of dol-
licans joined all Democrats in My Pillow founder Mike Lindell lars” in ad revenue from him be-
rejecting Rep. Marjorie Taylor said he’s launching his own social fore he was shut down.
Greene’s (R-Ga.) bid to stall final media website after his personal The MyPillow CEO told Busi-
passage of the $1.9 trillion CO- and MyPillow accounts were sus- ness Insider that he “lost 20 re-
VID-19 stimulus package. pended by Twitter. tailers” that cost him “$65 million
The procedural tactic failed by a “Every single influencer person this year that I won’t get back.”
235–149 vote as 40 GOP lawmak- on the planet can come there. He told the outlet: “There’s your
ers joined the Democrats to vote You’re going to have a platform story. Print it right. Don’t try and
against her motion to adjourn. to speak out,” Lindell announced twist this.”
Greene had decried the stimulus last week on Charlie Kirk’s pod- It came as Dominion Voting
legislation on March 9 as a “woke cast. “We’re launching this big Systems last month filed a $1.3
progressive Blue State Bailout.” platform so all the voices of our billion lawsuit against Lindell al-
Greene also sent a warning to country can come back and start leging he defamed the firm. A key
House Republicans that should telling it like it is again.” argument in Dominion’s lawsuit
they vote with Democrats, they Lindell said that with his un- was that Lindell used election-
would be seen as joining them. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) speaks during a press conference out- named social media website, related claims to boost his brand
“I just made a motion to adjourn side the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Feb. 5, 2021. “you will not need YouTube. You and sell products.
to stop Congress from passing the won’t need these places. ... It will Lindell, meanwhile, told media
$1.9 trillion dollar massive woke or when it initially passed the be where everything can be told, outlets that he welcomes the Do-
progressive Democrat wish list,” House, underscoring the parti- because we’ve got to get our voic- minion lawsuit, as it would pro-
she wrote on  Twitter an hour The GOP has mes- san environment on Capitol Hill. es back. People will be able to talk vide him a means with which to
earlier. “The GOP has messaged saged against this Republicans call the measure and not walk on eggshells.” prove his claims.
against this ridiculous bill. We ridiculous bill. We a wasteful spending spree for Lindell said his social media Other than Lindell, prominent
should do everything to stop it. Democrats’ liberal allies that ig- website will launch in “four to conservatives including Michael
Pay attention if Rs vote to adjourn. should do every- nores recent indications that the five weeks” but didn’t elaborate Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Lin
Or with the Dems.” thing to stop it. pandemic and economy are turn- on the nature of the website or Wood were suspended by Twit-
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) ing the corner. how it would function. ter, forcing them to move to other
said on the House floor that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene “The Senate has never spent Lindell’s site would compete platforms such as Telegram.
Greene’s motion was an attempt $2 trillion in a more haphazard with the likes of Parler and Gab, And last week, former New York
to try to “delay getting aid to the billions to state and local gov- way,” said Senate Minority Leader which have attracted conserva- City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s You-
people, including their constitu- ernments. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). He said tives and supporters of former Tube account was banned from
ents who are in desperate need.” “This nation has suffered too Democrats’ “top priority wasn’t President Donald Trump. Trump uploading new content for two
The House on March 10 gave much for much too long,” Biden pandemic relief. It was their and his advisers have said he’s weeks.
final approval to the so-called told reporters at the White House Washington wish list.” considering starting his own so- “We removed content from the
American Rescue Plan. President after the Senate voted to approve In recent weeks, Greene, a cial media company. Rudy W. Giuliani channel for vio-
Joe Biden is expected to sign it the measure over the recent freshman legislator who was The former president—who was lating our sale of regulated goods
into law on March 12. weekend. “And everything in this stripped of her committee assign- suspended by Twitter, Facebook, policy, which prohibits content
The bill will provide $1,400 package is designed to relieve the ments, has employed a strategy of and others—said that Twitter has facilitating the use of nicotine,
stimulus payments to qualify- suffering and to meet the most ur- using procedural votes to delay “become very boring” in recent and our presidential election in-
ing individuals and children, gent needs of the nation, and put congressional business. days, asserting that “millions of tegrity policy,” a YouTube spokes-
provide $300 weekly unemploy- us in a better position to prevail.” people are leaving” the platform. woman said in a statement to
ment benefits until September, No Republicans voted in fa- The Associated Press Lindell, also in the interview, Bloomberg and other outlets on
and will provide hundreds of vor of the measure in the Senate contributed to this report. also said that Google “can- March 1.

Supreme Court to Hear Case of Navy Veteran Suing

NYPD Officers for Malicious Prosecution


The Supreme Court has agreed to

hear the case of a New York man
who is suing police for malicious
prosecution, after officers raided
his home without a warrant to
conduct a fruitless child abuse
investigation and held him in
custody for two days on charges
that were later dismissed.
In an unsigned  March 8 or-
der, the court agreed to review
the case known as Thompson v.
Clark, court file 20-659.
Pagiel Clark is one of four New
York Police Department (NYPD)
officers named in the lawsuit. The
other officers are Paul Montefus-
co, Phillip Romano, and Gerard
Bouwmans. The case is an appeal
from the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the 2nd Circuit, which rendered
its opinion on Feb. 24, 2020.
The case goes back seven years.
Larry Thompson, a U.S. Navy
veteran who has been a postal
worker for 20 years, lives in the
borough of Brooklyn with his
wife. At the time of the inci- The Supreme Court in Washington on June 25, 2020.
dent, the couple—who were the
proud parents of a one-week-old cians would “get in trouble” if out of the apartment building warrantless entry to his home bears the burden of proof as to the
daughter—were caring for the they didn’t make contact with and put him in jail for two days. and “by unreasonably seizing existence of exigent circumstanc-
wife’s sister, who has cognitive and examine the baby. The police According to the police, Thomp- him pursuant to legal process.” es that allegedly justify the war-
challenges. On Jan. 15, 2014, the went to Thompson’s apartment son’s “mere refusal to let them There are two issues before the rantless entry of a home. Federal
sister dialed 911 to report that and said they were investigating into his home without a warrant court, according to court docu- appeals courts disagree. The 3rd,
the baby cried when Thompson possible child abuse and needed to examine his child was suffi- ments. 6th, 9th, and 10th Circuit Courts
changed her diaper and mistak- to look at his child. cient basis to arrest and pursue The first is whether the rule en- of Appeals have held that the bur-
enly identified as signs of abuse Thompson demanded to speak charges for resisting arrest and shrined in legal precedent that den to prove exigency lies with
“red rashes” that turned out to with the officers’ superior, a re- obstructing governmental ad- a plaintiff must await “favorable the government; the 2nd, 7th,
be diaper rash. quest they refused, and then ministration,” the petition stated. termination” before bringing a and 8th Circuits have held that
Emergency medical technicians asked if they had a warrant to en- He refused offers to settle the federal civil rights action alleg- the burden to prove the absence
arrived to find the wife sitting on ter his home. The police then en- case out of court, but prosecutors ing unreasonable seizure pursu- of exigency is with the plaintiff.
the couch holding the baby safely. tered the home over Thompson’s eventually unilaterally dismissed ant to legal process requires the The Epoch Times reached out
Unaware that his sister-in-law objections, threw him to the floor, the charges against him, advising plaintiff to show that the crimi- to both sides for comment.
had called 911, Thompson asked handcuffed him, and conducted a the court that the “people are dis- nal proceeding against him has New York City Law Department
the technicians to leave and they search without seeking a warrant. missing the case in the interest “formally ended in a manner not spokesman Nicholas Paolucci
complied, according to his peti- The technicians found no signs of of justice.” inconsistent with his innocence,” told The Epoch Times, “We’ll
tion filed with the Supreme Court. abuse on the infant’s body and Thompson filed a federal civil or that the proceeding “ended in decline to comment.”
The four NYPD officers arrived took her to a hospital where the rights lawsuit claiming that a manner that affirmatively indi- Amir Ali, counsel of record for
and met with the technicians, lack of abuse was confirmed. the police violated his Fourth cates his innocence.” Thompson, couldn’t be reached
who told them that the techni- The police escorted Thompson Amendment rights through their The second deals with who for comment.


6, 2021, when insurrectionists at-

tempted to prevent the Congress
5 Arrested in Kentucky, Tennessee
from certifying the 2020 Electoral After ICE Human Trafficking Operation
College results by storming the
U.S. Capitol. Due to the heroic ac- JACK PHILLIPS
tions of USCP officers, with the
assistance of the Metropolitan A human trafficking operation car- The five were
Police Department, the National ried out by Immigrations and Cus- jailed and a
Guard, and many other of our law toms Enforcement’s (ICE) Home- $10,000 bond was
enforcement partners, the violent land Security Investigations netted
rioters were prevented from ac- five arrests in Kentucky and Ten- set for each.
complishing their goal.” nessee, officials stated on March 9.
Then-President Donald Trump In the sting, Lewis R. Harris, 52, of tors. As a result of our efforts, hu-
in the week after Jan. 6 repeatedly Memphis, Tennessee, was charged man trafficking arrests for HSI
called for peace and repeatedly with two counts of trafficking for a Nashville, which covers the entire
condemned the violence that commercial sex act and two counts states of Tennessee and Kentucky,
Members of the National Guard wear protective masks on duty outside of the took place that day. of contributing to the delinquency increased approximately 23 per-
U.S. Capitol in Washington on March 4, 2021. “The incursion of the U.S. Capi- of a minor, ICE stated. cent for fiscal year 2020 from the
tol struck at the very heart of our Others who were arrested in- previous year,” Templet said.
republic. It angered and appalled clude Kevin L. Jackson, 31, of Pa- Earlier this month, the U.S. Mar-
Pentagon Extends National millions of Americans across the ducah, Kentucky, who was charged shals Service and other law en-
political spectrum,” Trump said with two counts of trafficking for forcement agencies announced
Guard Deployment at US on Jan. 13. “I want to be very clear, commercial sex act; Abraham M. the recovery of 150 missing chil-
I unequivocally condemn the vio- Labastida, 28, of Murray, Kentucky, dren in Tennessee.
Capitol Through May 23 lence that we saw last week. Vio- who charged with two counts of “Many people don’t realize
lence and vandalism have abso- trafficking for commercial sex this but hundreds of children go
CONTINUED FROM A1 quested the Pentagon to extend lutely no place in our country and act;  Shannon L. Palmer, 44, of missing in our state every month,”
the National Guard’s support on no place in our movement.” Union City, Tennessee, charged Tennessee Bureau of Investiga-
“During this extended period, Capitol Hill beyond March 12. In a It’s unclear who or what groups with two counts of trafficking for tions Director David Rausch said
DOD officials will work with the statement, the Capitol Police said instigated the breach of the commercial sex act; and Eddie R. in a statement. “From runaways
U.S. Capitol Police to incremen- it was “extremely grateful for the building, but a video of the event Robbins, 54, of Paris, Tennessee, that may leave their home out of
tally reduce the National Guard Department of Defense and the shows a known left-wing activ- charged with two counts of traf- desperation or despair, to those
footprint as conditions allow. We National Guard support provided ist encouraging and convincing ficking for commercial sex act entangled in a custody battle, ev-
thank the National Guard for its since January 6th.” Capitol police to let trespassers along with other charges, accord- ery single one of them deserves a
support throughout this mission, Capitol Police Acting Chief Yo- through at several points. ing to the agency in a news release. fighting chance, and that’s why
as well as for its significant efforts gananda Pittman, who made The civil unrest on the Capitol The five were booked into the they also deserve our best work to
across the nation in combatting the formal request, on March grounds included the shooting Obion County Jail in Union City, help them.”
the COVID-19 pandemic,” the 3 told  the House Legislative death by Capitol Police of a wom- Tennessee, and a $10,000 bond was According to the agency, most of
department announced. Branch Subcommittee in her an who was part of the throng of set for each, officials said. the 150 children recovered will re-
At a press conference on March prepared testimony that the people who entered the Capitol The nature of the operation ceive services from the Tennessee
9, Pentagon press secretary John level of existential threats to the and clashed with police; three wasn’t disclosed in the ICE news Department of Children’s Services,
Kirby said the extension serves U.S. Capitol and the surround- other protestors reportedly died release. which might mean they are placed
to address law enforcement con- ing area “are increasing,” citing from medical conditions. Mean- “Human traffickers use diverse in foster homes or group homes, or
cerns and support the Capitol Jan. 6, when the Capitol building while, a U.S. Capitol Police officer forms of force, fraud and coercion get other care.
Police. was breached as congressional who had protected lawmakers to control and exploit their vic- GREGORY BULL/AP PHOTO
“It’s not just about a threat as- proceedings were underway to during the riot was confirmed tims,” ICE’s Homeland Security
sessment, it’s about assisting and certify the results of the 2020 dead by the department on Jan. Investigations Nashville Special
supporting capabilities that the presidential election. 7. The FBI “cannot disclose the Agent in Charge Jerry C. Templet
Capitol Police may now lack and The violence occurred amid oth- cause of death.” Jr. said in a statement.
may need to look at improving on erwise peaceful protests that were National Guard members were He added that “early recognition
their own,” he said, adding that taking place in surrounding areas, deployed after the Jan. 6 Capitol of human trafficking can help save
Capitol Police and their capabili- calling for election integrity. breach, and more than 20,000 victims’ lives.”
ties “may not be at the level where “On the Capitol Complex, the were on hand during the Jan. “Our agents work with local, state
[they] need to be, given the fact level of existential threats to the 20 inauguration of President Joe and federal law enforcement part-
that we’re in sort of a new envi- U.S. Capitol and Grounds are in- Biden. Officials also set up a non- ners to aggressively investigate hu- U.S. Immigration and Customs
ronment in this country.” creasing as well,” she said. “This scalable fence topped with razor man trafficking cases, assist the Enforcement officers detain a man
The Capitol Police last week re- was abundantly clear on January wire around the Capitol facility. victims and arrest the perpetra- during an operation, in this file photo.

Supreme Court
Agrees to Dismiss
Case Challenging
Trump-Era Public
Charge Rule
JANITA KAN ernment for subsistence, by receiv-
ing assistance such as food stamps
The Supreme Court has agreed to or Medicaid.
a request by the Biden administra- The case stemmed from a rule
tion to dismiss an upcoming case adopted by the  Department of
challenging a public-charge rule Homeland Security (DHS) in 2019
that requires prospective immi- that expanded the definition of
grants to be able to support them- “public charges” in the Immigra-
selves financially. tion and Nationality Act (INA). That
The court last month agreed to rule required the DHS to consider A U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services official leads immigrants as they recite the Oath of Allegiance during a nat-
hear the federal government’s cash benefits and certain non- uralization ceremony in Los Angeles on Feb. 24, 2021.
appeal of a lower court decision cash benefits when determining
against the Trump-era immigra- an immigrant’s admissibility in the The appeals court in that case, At the time when the rule was them make ends meet.”  House
tion rule that restricts the eligibil- United States. cited as U.S. Department of Home- introduced, Ken Cuccinelli, then- Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
ity of new immigrants who are Meanwhile, the rule considered land Security v. New York, affirmed acting director of Citizenship and said in a statement on Jan. 22,
deemed to likely become “public a person a public charge if they the preliminary injunction issued Immigration Services, said that the 2020, that the rule leaves the door
charges” if they receive visas. receive at least one government by the district court but restricted rule was critical because the ad- open for discrimination and un-
The Justice Department in- benefit for more than 12 months its application to states of New ministration wanted to “see people certainty.
formed the court in a filing on in a three-year period. York, Connecticut, and Vermont. coming to this country who are The Biden administration has
March 9 that all parties agreed to The rule was challenged by states, This ruling prompted the Trump self-sufficient.” taken similar steps in several other
ask the court to dismiss the case, cities, and advocacy groups around administration to file a request—or “That’s a core principle of the immigration cases. In February,
signaling that the White House is the country, and had resulted in a petition for a writ of certiorari—to American dream. It’s deeply em- the administration asked the top
likely to overturn the rule. In early several preliminary injunctions the top court asking it to review the bedded in our history, and particu- court to cancel oral arguments in
February, President Joe Biden had to block its enforcement while the appeals court decision. larly our history related to legal im- two cases separately challenging
issued an executive order mandat- cases played out in court. Some of The respondents in the case in- migration,” he said. former President Donald Trump’s
ing a review of the public charge those injunctions were lifted by clude the states of New York, Con- Meanwhile, opponents of the border wall and “remain in Mexi-
rule that aims to assess the effects the appeals court, while a pair of necticut, Vermont, and New York rule  say it discourages immi- co” policies.
and implications of such policies. injunctions issued by a New York City, as well as immigrant advo- grants and their families from ac- The requests come after the ad-
A “public charge” refers to an in- district court judge were lifted by cacy groups including Make the cessing necessities such as health, ministration took action to undo
dividual who is likely to become the Supreme Court pending a rul- Road New York and Catholic Legal food, and housing programs that both policies, possibly rendering
primarily dependent on the gov- ing from an appeals court. Immigration Network Inc. supplement their wages and “help the challenges moot.

Judge Dismisses Trump Campaign Lawsuit Florida Senate Advances Bill Banning
Against NY Times Drop Boxes for Mail-In Ballots
ANNA MONEYMAKER-POOL/GETTY IMAGES JACK PHILLIPS crease the requirements for voters
JACK PHILLIPS to obtain mail ballots and restrict
A Florida Senate committee ap- the usage of drop boxes following
A judge on March 9 dismissed proved a reworked elections bill the 2020 election. Republicans and
a defamation lawsuit from the that would ban drop boxes used former President Donald Trump
campaign of former President for mail-in ballots. have asserted that mail-in ballot-
Donald Trump against The New The panel on March 10 voted 4–2 ing increases the chance for po-
York Times over its 2019 opinion to approve the proposal, known tentially fraudulent activity and
article “The Real Trump-Russia as Committee Substitute Senate irregularities.
Quid Pro Quo.” Bill 90, which would—among oth- In Florida, Democrats and voter
New York Judge James d’Auguste er initiatives—prohibit an imme- rights advocates argue that there
allowed the NY Times to dismiss diate family member from picking should be no tinkering with a sys-
the lawsuit on March 9, which had up a voter’s ballot. It would also tem that isn’t broken, asserting
sought millions in damages. require vote-by-mail ballots to be that political motives are behind
Max Frankel, the former ex- requested during each election the efforts in the Sunshine State
ecutive editor of the paper, had cycle instead of every two elec- and elsewhere.
alleged in an opinion piece that tion cycles. “Changing the vote-by-mail pro-
Trump had “an overarching deal” The bill also increases the re- cess, especially following a major
with “[Russian President] Vladi- quirements for voter identifica- election, makes no sense unless
mir Putin’s oligarchy” during the tion when requesting a mail-in you’re looking for ways to confuse
2016 election. President Donald Trump listens during a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the ballot via telephone, and would voters into not voting or to make
The article was seemingly part of White House on July 31, 2020. prevent election officials from it harder, so they don’t vote,” said
a continuous media-driven cam- SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES sending mail-in ballots to people Trish Neely on behalf of the League
paign to tie Trump to Putin. How- who hadn’t requested them first. of Women Voters of Florida, as re-
ever, in 2019, then-special counsel The measure’s sponsor, Sen. ported by The Associated Press.
Robert Mueller found that Trump’s Dennis Baxley, a Republican, The bill also drew critical feed-
campaign didn’t collaborate with stated that the proposed changes back from local election supervi-
Moscow after a months-long in- are designed to safeguard future sors in Florida.
vestigation. elections. “I’m at a loss for words,” Pasco
D’Auguste, a Democrat, pro- “I am all about staying ahead of County Supervisor of Election
vided three reasons why the whatever problems could devel- Brian Corley, a Republican, told
suit should be dismissed. First, op,” Baxley told Fox35 on March Politico. “It’s a solution looking for
he said, the opinion article 10. “So, it’s not that there was a a problem.”
was  “nonactionable opinion,” debacle, and we have to fix it. Do The move comes weeks after
and he made note of “the overall we have to wait for a debacle? Why Gov. Ron DeSantis called for a
context in which the article was can’t we take something that is crackdown on some of Florida’s
published, in the opinion section working well and put guardrails voting laws, including restricting
of the newspaper.” on it and keep it safe?” drop-box usage and stopping vol-
Second, “the challenged state- He elaborated on the bill and unteers from gathering and deliv-
ments are not ‘of and concerning’ why he’s pushing it, telling Polit- ering vote-by-mail ballots, which
plaintiff, which is a necessary el- ico: “I just want to maintain that is colloquially known as “ballot
ement for a defamation action,” chain of evidence from the time harvesting.”
he wrote. “Further, a corporate People walk past the New York Times building in New York on July 27, 2017. they vote to the time until they get About 4.8 million Floridians vot-
entity has no standing to sue over counted so we don’t have a mis- ed by mail in November, account-
statements that concern an entity’s position of sanctions.” Trump–Russia probe within the hap.” He said: “You can mail it or ing for about 44 percent of the 11
employees or affiliates, but not the Previously, Trump’s campaign FBI and Department of Justice, bring it to the office. That’s it.” million votes cast in the state.
entity itself.” filed lawsuits against CNN and agreed there was no intelligence The Senate decision comes amid
In elaborating, the judge said The Washington Post over simi- that Trump or his campaign col- a push by lawmakers in various The Associated Press
Frankel’s column was about lar Russian collusion stories. The luded with the Kremlin. states, including Georgia, to in- contributed to this report.
Trump’s family members and as- lawsuit against CNN was dis- “Last summer, we went over the JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES
sociates and not about the cam- missed last year. intelligence, and we all unani-
paign itself. The Epoch Times has reached mously agreed that there was
“Third, even if Mr. Frankel’s com- out to Trump’s team for comment. no intelligence from the intelli-
mentary was actionable as factual Throughout his presidency, gence community that reflected
assertions, and even if such asser- Trump repeatedly pilloried stories actual, real Russian collusion
tions were of and concerning the and narratives that alleged he col- with the Trump campaign, but
Trump campaign, the complaint luded with Russia, frequently de- there was intelligence that it was
fails to allege facts sufficient to scribing it as the greatest political created by the Hillary Clinton
A poll worker
support the requirement that the “witch hunt” in U.S. history. campaign, and that there was places mail-in
Times published the challenged Director of National Intelli- no proper predicate for Crossfire ballots into an
statements with actual malice,” gence John Ratcliffe this week Hurricane to begin,” Ratcliffe, a official ballot
according to D’Auguste’s ruling. said that former  U.S. Attorney Trump appointee, said during an drop box in
The judge, however, denied the John Durham, who was leading appearance on Fox News’ “Sun- Doral, Fla., on
NY Times’ “application for the im- a probe into the origins of the day Morning Futures.” Oct. 19, 2020.

LA Teachers, School District Reach Tentative Deal

to Reopen Classrooms
ZACHARY STIEBER Those students would have “the
opportunity to return to campus
The Los Angeles Unified School for peer interaction, social-emo-
District and its teachers union tional learning, and lessons for
have reached a tentative agree- college and career exploration,”
ment on returning to in-person according to a summary of the
instruction, about a year after stu- agreement.
dents began learning remotely. The teachers union had resist-
ed what it described as a “pre-
mature” return to classrooms,
stemming from fears of the vi-
The deal would rus. Studies show that reopening
require all stu- schools for in-person instruction
hasn’t led to a significant increase
dents and staff in community transmission of
to be tested for the illness. The Centers for Dis-
COVID-19 before ease Control and Prevention last
month recommended a return to
returning to their physical classes, if certain steps
campus and sub- were taken.
mit to weekly test- Approximately 47 percent of
K-12 students in the United States
ing thereafter. have returned to five-day-a-week
in-person classes as of March 8,
The deal would require all stu- according to the tracking website
dents and staff to be tested for Burbio. California is lagging, sit-
COVID-19 before returning to ting last in Burbio’s state-by-state
their campuses and submit to in-person index.
weekly testing thereafter. Masks “Most of the state’s large dis-
and social distancing will be tricts have no plans to return
A special education teacher conducts class remotely, in Los Angeles on Sept. 8, 2020.
required. Teachers and other students in March,” Burbio said
school workers wouldn’t have to in a blog post.
return to work inside schools un- safe,” Superintendent Austin goals. It’s our shared commit- starting with elementary schools The tentative Los Angeles
til they had the opportunity to get Beutner and United Teachers ment to the highest safety stan- next month. With this agree- agreement itself wasn’t released.
a COVID-19 vaccine, according to of Los Angeles President Cec- dards and spirit of trust and col- ment with our teachers, we are According to details obtained by
the agreement. ily Myart-Cruz said in a joint laboration we will take with us ready to begin to bring students the Los Angeles Times, the agree-
COVID-19 is the disease caused statement. back to schools.” back safely.” ment has no set date for a return
by the CCP (Chinese Communist “As we have both stated for While the agreement is subject Elementary school students to physical classes.
Party) virus. some time, the right way to re- to approval by the Los Angeles would go to school every day in Middle and high schools
“The agreement provides for open schools must include the Unified Board of Education and the morning or afternoon un- could remain closed until May
the reopening of schools when highest standard of COVID safety ratification by the union’s mem- der a hybrid model, while stu- and when students do return,
Los Angeles County is in the red in schools, continued reduction bership. Kelly Gonez, the board’s dents in middle and high school they’d start by continuing to
tier according to the state school of the virus in the communities president, signaled her support. would keep learning virtually for learn online even though they’d
guidelines, that all staff have ac- we serve, and access to vaccina- “Exciting news!” she said on now. The agreement will allow be physically present in their
cess to the COVID vaccine and tions for school staff. This agree- Facebook. “LA Unified will be any student to continue learning schools, aside from a single
that schools are kept clean and ment achieves that shared set of reopening in a hybrid model, outside the classroom. period each day.


seriously.” 20 Senate Republicans Join

Similar legislation was filed
in the last legislative term by Democrats to Confirm Merrick Garland
state Rep. Tony Tinderholt, but as Attorney General
it failed in the Judiciary and Civil
Jurisprudence Committee.
Republicans in Texas control JACK PHILLIPS
both legislative chambers as
well as the governor’s mansion. The Senate on March 10 confirmed Garland got the
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick last month Merrick Garland as attorney gen- support of Senate
listed two abortion-related bills eral in a 70–30 vote, with 20 Repub-
in his legislative priorities. licans joining all Democrats in ap-
Minority Leader
Senate Bill 8, or the Heart Bill, proving President Joe Biden’s pick. Mitch McConnell
would restrict abortion after a The nomination came about five and the ranking
heartbeat is detected in an un- years after Garland’s failed nomi-
born baby, while Senate Bill 9, nation to the Supreme Court by Republican on the
or the “Abortion Ban Trigger,” then-President Barack Obama. At Senate Judiciary
would ban abortions if the Su- the time, the Senate, which was Committee Sen.
preme Court reverses Roe v. controlled by Republicans, denied
Wade. Garland a hearing or a vote. Gar- Chuck Grassley.
An ultrasound machine sits next to an exam table in an examination room at
Whole Woman’s Health of South Bend in South Bend, Ind., on June 19, 2019.
The bills were among those land has served on the U.S. Court
that reflect “the principles and of Appeals for the District of Co- death penalty, illegal immigration,
values of the Texas conserva- lumbia Circuit Court since 1997. and gun laws.
Texas Proposal Would Allow tive majority,” Patrick said in a
Garland, 68, received the sup-
port of Senate Minority Leader
“Ensuring the Senate has time
to debate these issues and get an-
Death Penalty for Having or The proposals drew criticism
from Planned Parenthood, one
Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and the
ranking Republican on the Senate
swers is the same thing that Senate
Democrats did for Bill Barr,” Cotton
Performing Abortions of the nation’s largest abortion
Judiciary Committee Sen. Chuck
Grassley (R-Iowa).
wrote on Twitter. “We’re not going
to have one standard for Trump’s
“Lt. Gov. Patrick wants to ban “I’m voting to confirm Judge Gar- nominees and another for Biden’s.”
abortion at six weeks—before land because of his long reputation When asked by Cotton about
ZACHARY STIEBER to any other human person,” the most people even know they as a straight shooter and a legal ex- whether illegally crossing the U.S.
bill continues. It would “rescind are pregnant. Planned Parent- pert,” McConnell said on the floor border is a crime, Garland replied
A lawmaker in Texas has intro- all licenses to kill unborn chil- hood will never stop fighting to before the vote. “His left-of-center that “the president has made clear
duced a proposal that would dren by repealing discrimina- protect patients and their access perspective has been within the that we are a country of borders
enable prosecutors in the state tory provisions.” to reproductive health care, in- legal mainstream. Let’s hope our and with a concern about national
to seek the death penalty for Part of the legislation would cluding abortion. Just when we incoming attorney general applies security,” but stated he didn’t know
women who have abortions. direct the state attorney general think state leaders can’t go any that no-nonsense approach to the “of a proposal to decriminalize but
HB 3326 would abolish abor- to use the existing criminal code lower, Dan Patrick throws out serious challenges facing the De- still make it unlawful to enter.”
tion in Texas, state Rep. Bryan against people who perform or this list—nothing more than partment of Justice and our nation.” “I asked Judge Garland whether
Slaton, a Republican, wrote in a have abortions, including laws a political stunt and a weak In his confirmation hearing sev- the Department of Justice has au-
social media statement. against criminal homicide. In attempt to save face with his eral weeks ago, Garland said his thority to deny gun sales indefi-
“The bill will end the discrimi- Texas, homicide can be pun- base,” Dyana Limon-Mercado, first briefing as attorney general nitely to individuals who have not
natory practice of terminating ished by the death penalty. executive director of Planned would focus on the Jan. 6 Capitol been found to have any back-
the life of innocent children, and Abortion is the termination Parenthood Texas Votes, said breach and its investigation. So far, ground check red flags. He said
will guarantee the equal protec- of an unborn child or a fetus. in a statement. more than 300 suspects have been he doesn’t know,” Cotton also said,
tion of the laws to all Texans, no According to the Kaiser Family BRYANSLATON.COM arrested on a variety of charges in while also blocking his quick con-
matter how small,” he added. Foundation, more than 55,000 connection to the incident. firmation.
The bill, formally known as the abortions were performed in “I intend to make sure that Criminal justice reform and
Abolition of Abortion through Texas in 2018, the most recent we look more broadly to look at voting rights would also be on
Equal Protection for All Unborn year for which figures were where this is coming from, what his agenda list, Garland told the
Children Act, states that Texas is available. other groups there might be that senators.
a free and independent state and “It is time for Texas to protect could raise the same problem in “I regard my responsibilities with
that “the sanctity of innocent the natural right to life for the the future,” he said during the respect to the Civil Rights Division
human life created in the im- tiniest and most innocent Tex- hearing. In the 1990s, as U.S. at- as at the top of my agenda priorities
age of God ... should be equally ans, and this bill does just that,” torney, Garland investigated and lists. So you have my commitment
protected from fertilization to Slaton said in a statement. “It’s led prosecutions after the bomb- to do everything I can in this area,”
natural death.” time Republicans make it clear ing of the Oklahoma City federal Garland said during the hearing.
From the time of conception, that we actually think abortion building in 1995. After Garland’s confirmation as
an unborn child “is entitled to is murder. Unborn children are But Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) last attorney general, Biden and Sen-
the same rights, powers, and dying at a faster rate in Texas week said Garland refused “to an- ate Democrats will now be able
privileges as are secured or than COVID patients, but Texas swer basic questions” during the to fill the vacancy on the D.C.
granted by the laws of this state isn’t taking the abortion crisis Rep. Bryan Slaton. hearing relating to his views on the Circuit Court.

Xi Orders China’s
Military to Strengthen
Combat Readiness
EVA FU level of combat training and abil-
ity to win.”
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is tell- Years of continual spending
ing China’s armed forces to fo- growth have made China the
cus on strengthening its combat world’s second-largest military
readiness over the next five years spender after the United States.
because of domestic and interna- In a 2020 report, the U.S. Depart-
tional uncertainties. ment of Defense described both
In  a March 9 address to del- the Chinese army and navy forces
egates during Beijing’s annual as the largest in the world, noting
legislative sessions, Xi, who that the Chinese military, known
heads the Central Military Com- as the People’s Liberation Army,
mission, said that ensuring its “is developing capabilities to pro-
armed forces are prepared for vide options for the [People’s Re-
war should be the nation’s lead- public of China] to dissuade, deter,
ing military objective. or, if ordered, defeat third-party Military delegates leave after China’s rubber-stamp legislature’s conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on
“The current security circum- intervention during a large-scale, March 8, 2021.
stances of our country are largely theater campaign.” LEO RAMIREZ/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
unstable and uncertain,” he said. Over the coming year, Beijing edly called the regime’s claim to
He instructed the armed forces to plans to spend more than 1.38 Taiwan a “red line” issue that
“heighten their sense of urgency” trillion yuan ($212 billion), an in- can’t be crossed. Foreign Minis-
and “hurry up” to accomplish the crease of about 6.8 percent from ter Wang Yi on March 7 told the
annual military objectives as out- 2020, according to Wu Qian, the Biden administration to undo
lined in the 14th Five Year Plan, the spokesperson for China’s Ministry Chinese leader Xi former President Donald Trump’s
country’s latest policy roadmap. of National Defense. Jinping attends “dangerous practice” of support-
the opening
Introduced in Beijing on March In an interview with Chinese session of the
ing Taiwan, an action he said was
5, the proposal calls for the co- media on March 7, Wu justified National Peo- “playing with fire.”
operation between the military the boost in military spending as ple’s Congress at Adm. Philip Davidson, head of
and civilians, or what it termed necessary for both “self-defense the Great Hall of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, ex-
“civil-military fusion,” to equip and protecting world peace,” say- the People in Bei- pressed concern that the Chinese
the armed forces with artificial in- ing it was “beyond reproach.” jing on March 5, military may be making “vast ad-
telligence-powered weapons and China faces homeland security 2021. vances” in both its size and ca-
other cutting-edge technologies. challenges that “cannot be over- pabilities to supplant the United
“The Chinese military as a looked,” Wu said, including “ris- Beijing is currently holding a cause of pests; more than 90 per- States on the world stage.
whole must make ready to meet ing hegemonism, power politics, month-long military exercise cent of Taiwan’s pineapple exports He described the Indo-Pacific
with various complex and dif- unilateralism”—wording that through March 31 in a zone with went to China last year. region as the “most consequen-
ficult circumstances, and reso- Beijing frequently invokes when a radius of roughly 3.1 miles in the Wu, the national defense tial region for America’s future,”
lutely defend national sover- referring to the United States— South China Sea, vowing that they spokesperson, warned Taiwan in where the United States’s deter-
eignty, safety, and development among threats he said would un- “will not lose an inch of the land late January that “independence rence posture “must demonstrate
interests,” Xi said. dermine China. that our ancestors left to us.” means war.” the capability, the capacity, and
His order expands upon his “The world is far from peaceful, Chinese warplanes have intrud- He reiterated the same position the will to convince Beijing un-
January command, in which he therefore our national defense ed into the air defense identifica- in the March 7 interview, saying equivocally the costs of achieving
called on the regime’s military must scale up,” he said. tion zone of Taiwan, a self-ruling that the Chinese Communist Par- their objectives by the use of mili-
to “focus on preparing for war, While the Chinese regime has island that the regime claims as ty “reserves the option to deploy tary force are simply too high.”
deepen the transformation of denied that it’s seeking to pursue part of its territory, on a near-daily all necessary measures” to bring “They’ve long said they want to
military training, build a new hegemony, it has grown more ag- basis since the start of this year. Taiwan under its fold, including be that by 2050. I’m worried about
type of military training system, gressive in the Taiwan Strait and Last week, it abruptly banned the using military force. them moving that target closer,”
and comprehensively improve the the South China Sea. import of Taiwanese pineapple be- Chinese diplomats have repeat- he said.

Blinken Says ‘No Concessions Whatsoever’ to Beijing US Lawmakers Introduce

Ahead of Meeting With Top Chinese Officials Legislation to Combat China’s Forced
FRANK FANG June 2019 report published by a
U.S. Secretary of State Antony London-based people’s tribunal.
Blinken said on March 10 he in- A bipartisan group of U.S. law- The report concluded, after a year-
tends to lay out in “very frank makers has introduced legisla- long investigation, that the stat-
terms” the United States’ “deep tion in the Senate and the House ed-sanctioned practice of forced
objections” to the Beijing regime’s to stop China’s state-sanctioned organ harvesting was happening
behavior in a meeting with top practice of forced harvesting of or- on a “significant scale” in China,
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) gans for transplant from prisoners with Falun Gong practitioners be-
officials next week. of conscience. ing the main source of organs.
He added that the United States “Organ harvesting is an egre- Adherents of Falun Gong, a spiri-
won’t make any concessions to giously barbaric and inhumane tual discipline that’s also known
China to get its cooperation on act that has no place in our world,” as Falun Dafa, have been the tar-
implementing the Paris climate Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), the gets of persecution by the Chinese
agreement. prime sponsor of the House ver- regime since 1999.
Blinken and national security ad- sion, said in a March 9 statement. Additionally, the legislation
viser Jake Sullivan will meet with “We must do more to put an end would mandate that the State
the top CCP official in charge of to the horrific abuse by interna- Department report annually on
foreign affairs, Yang Jiechi, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before the House Committee On tional human trafficking gangs, forced organ harvesting in foreign
China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi Foreign Affairs on Capitol Hill in Washington, on March 10, 2021. terrorist organizations, and even countries, and identify foreign of-
in Anchorage, Alaska, on March some governments—China’s com- ficials and entities responsible for
18—the first high-level in-person cide; Blinken has said he agreed munist regime in particular—who forced organ harvesting. These of-
meeting between the two coun- with this declaration. The secretary kill innocent people and sell their ficials and entities could then be
tries since President Joe Biden took Blinken said the confirmed that he would raise the organs for profit. subjected to possible U.S. sanc-
office. meeting is an CCP’s abuses in Xinjiang in the “Our legislation would empower tions under the legislation.
Blinken, at a House Commit- opportunity to meeting next week. the U.S. State Department to iden- The legislation would also pro-
tee on Foreign Affairs hearing on Blinken said the United States tify and expose organ harvesters hibit the U.S. export of organ
March 9, said the meeting is an layout ‘many con- would respond first by “speak- and traffickers across the world transplant surgery devices to these
“important opportunity for us to cerns that we have ing out forcefully” on the issue with the goal of punishing perpe- foreign entities responsible.
lay out in very frank terms, many and would work to build a “coali- trators through effective sanctions The House bill (H.R.1592) was
concerns that we have with Bei-
with Beijing’s tion of like-minded countries who and travel restrictions.” co-sponsored by Reps. Thomas
jing’s action.” action.’ share these deep concerns about The legislation, the Stop Forced Suozzi (D-N.Y.) and Vicky Hartz-
Reiterating previous remarks, human rights abuses in China.” Organ Harvesting Act, would ler (R-Mo.), while the Senate bill
Blinken described China as deal or other matters, Blinken re- In addition, the United States authorize the U.S. government (S.602) was introduced by Sens.
the United States’ “most conse- sponded, “No concessions what- would be calling for the regime to to deny or revoke passports for Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Chris
quential relationship,” saying the soever to the Communist Chinese open up Xinjiang to investigators people who engage in the illegal Coons (D-Del.).
regime “uniquely has an ability Party.” from the United Nations, he said. purchase of organs. “There is growing evidence that
militarily diplomatically, economi- He said that the meeting won’t There are also a number of prac- Under Section 301 of the Na- the Chinese Communist Party has
cally, to undermine the interna- be a “strategic dialogue” and there tical actions “that we can and tional Organ Transplant Act, the and continues to harvest organs
tional rules-based system.” were no plans at this stage for fol- should do,” Blinken said. They in- commercialism and private sale from persecuted religious groups,
“So we’re going to be very mak- low-up engagements, adding that clude sanctions and visa restric- of human organs are banned. prisoners of conscience, and in-
ing very clear to our counterparts any future talks would be “based tions on those responsible for the China has been one of the top mates,” Cotton said in a statement.
in China, the deep concern objec- on the proposition that we’re see- rights violations, barring exports destinations for transplant tour- “This bill will identify and pun-
tions that we have to some of the ing tangible progress and tangible of U.S. technology that aids in the ism, while Beijing has promoted ish CCP members involved in
things that they’re doing, and to outcomes on the issues of concern repression, and banning imports its narrative in U.S. newspapers forced organ harvesting. It’s past
see if they will address those con- to us.” of goods made from forced labor that organs are sourced from vol- time to hold Beijing accountable
cerns,” he said. from Xinjiang. untary donations. The Chinese for these heinous acts.”
Blinken also said he would “ex- Responses to Genocide in Xinjiang The Trump administration im- regime announced that it would Similar legislation was intro-
plore whether there are avenues The secretary faced multiple ques- posed sanctions on several CCP stop sourcing organs from ex- duced in the previous session of
for cooperation.” When later asked tions on how the Biden adminis- officials over their roles in oversee- ecuted prisoners starting on Jan. Congress in December last year.
by a congressman whether the sec- tration will respond to the CCP’s ing the persecution in the region 1, 2015, and claimed that it would This year, four different counties
retary was “contemplating conces- repression against Uyghurs in and banned all cotton and tomato executively rely on a new system in the state of Virginia have passed
sions” to the CCP in exchange for Xinjiang, which the Trump ad- products from Xinjiang, citing the of voluntary donations. resolutions condemning China’s
cooperation on the Paris climate ministration designated a geno- use of forced labor. Beijing’s claim was refuted by a forced organ harvesting.


A member of Afghan security forces stands guard at the site of an attack in Kabul on Dec. 20, 2020.

US Proposes UN Meeting With 5 Other

Nations for Comprehensive Afghan Peace

CONTINUED FROM A1 Contradictions and Challenges

Experts said the situation inside Afghanistan
Many of these nations are regional adver- is tough. Those invited have different stakes
saries with competing stakes, and experts in the region and have often contradicted
say that a positive outcome will be difficult each other on global platforms, while some
to negotiate as, meanwhile, the security invitees have also sponsored terrorism in the
threat will only intensify. India will be in- region—their genuinely coming together for
cluded in the international Afghan peace peace is unlikely.
process for the first time. “Once again, the U.S. is repeating the same
“First we intend to ask the United Nations mistakes. All the players which have been
to convene Foreign Ministers and envoys brought to the tables, some of them are the
from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, India, real culprits and the villains in Afghanistan.
and the United States to discuss a unified First of all, Pakistan, as I mentioned, is the
approach to supporting peace in Afghani- devil’s advocate in Afghanistan, while shel-
stan. It is my belief that these countries tering all the terrorist groups,” Pandya said,
share an abiding common interest in a adding that other invitees also are sponsors
stable Afghanistan and must work together of terrorists inside Afghanistan.
if we are to succeed,” Blinken wrote in his “If you bring them on board, and if you ask
letter to Ghani last week, according to Af- U.S. Army soldiers retrieve their duffel bags after returning home from a nine- them for the solution, how is it going to suc-
ghan broadcaster TOLO News. month deployment to Afghanistan, at Fort Drum, N.Y., on Dec. 10, 2020. ceed? Now you have Turkey, [which] is also
Though Turkey wouldn’t be invited to the an accomplice of Pakistan.”
U.N. meeting, Blinken in his letter informed incorporate all the parties and come to a Pakistan’s Interservice Intelligence (ISI) is
Ghani that the U.S. administration will consensus,” Pandya said. outlined as the “principal and the underlying
ask Turkey to host a senior-level meeting cause of pertinent war against Afghan and
between the Afghan government and the Stakeholders those who seek to help them,” in a recent
Taliban in the coming weeks to finalize a Anil Trigunayat, a geopolitical analyst with paper by Canada’s first resident ambassador
peace agreement. expertise in the Middle East and a former to Afghanistan, Chris Alexander.
The letter comes as the United States senior Indian diplomat, said the Biden ad- “The regional conflict—and its resolu-
prepares to withdraw a remaining 2,500 ministration is aware of the stakeholders tion—is no longer about Afghanistan and
troops from Afghanistan by May 1, a year playing positive as well as spoiler roles inside Pakistan alone. It is about the credibility
after the Trump administration and the Afghanistan. An attempt to bring everyone of international institutions, including the
Taliban signed an agreement at Doha to together could mean different things for dif- UN and NATO,” Alexander wrote in a paper
start a political process to finish the war. Secretary of State ferent invitees. published by the Ottawa-based Macdonald
In his letter, Blinken had asked for “ur- Antony Blinken deliv- “Pakistan has been playing both sides. Iran Laurier Institute. “It is also about the future
gent leadership” from Ghani in the com- ers remarks at the is an important neighbor of Afghanistan. of proxy war as an instrument of policy–at
ing weeks, amid a fragile security situation State Department Russians are keen to have a say in the out- a time when Russia’s Putin, Turkey’s Erdo-
inside Afghanistan. in Washington on come,” Trigunayat said. “Apart from strate- gan, Iran’s Khamenei, and others are eager
“Even with the continuation of financial March 3, 2021.. gic reasons for a big power, Afghanistan is a to mimic ISI impunity.”
assistance from the United States to your ANDREW CABALLERO-
major source and problem of narcotics for
forces after an American military withdraw- GETTY IMAGES the Russian youth. India’s 1st-Time Entry
al, I’m concerned that the security situation “The U.S., on its part, is keen to leave Af- India has finally been included in the Afghan
will worsen and that the Taliban could make ghanistan, and paradoxically other countries peace process after six months of diplomatic
rapid territorial gains. I’m making this clear do worry about [the U.S.] exit while they did efforts—and despite the efforts of Moscow,
to you so that you understand the urgency not quite like [its] presence.” He added that for a Chinese ally, to keep the South Asian na-
of my tone regarding the collective work any success to be achieved, all stakeholders tion out, according to exclusive sources cited
outlined in this letter,” Blinken wrote. will need a common plan for peacekeeping by Indian Express. Efforts to keep India out
Whether the attempt to bring so many Many of these and security. were at the behest of Pakistan, an Indian ad-
stakeholders onto the same platform will nations are re- “[The] U.S. wants to leave ASAP but would versary, the daily reported.
be successful is yet to be seen, but all will not like to abdicate as a defeated power. Harsh Pant, an expert on Asia security is-
be closely watching what the United States gional adversar- Also, it wants some sense and semblance sues and the head of the strategic studies
does, Aparna Pande, director of the Hudson ies with com- of a graceful exit. China and Russia are P5 program at the Observer Research Founda-
Institute’s Initiative on the Future of India peting stakes, members, have to be on board for the U.N.- tion in New Delhi, told The Epoch Times:
and South Asia, told The Epoch Times over led process and a viable outcome.” “India is [now] formally talked of as a country
a chat platform. and experts Pande said the United States is trying to that needs to be brought into the picture. For
“If the U.S. plans on leaving Afghanistan say that a posi- bring different adversaries on the same plat- a long time, the idea was that India can be
without any military presence or support, form “especially those who disagree ... so that ignored [in terms of] what happens in Af-
then each of these countries will make
tive outcome they speak with each other and this way find ghanistan. It is increasingly becoming clear
their own plans. If the U.S. plans on hav- will be difficult a way out.” that it can’t be ignored.”
ing a long-term presence, even if small, then to negotiate as, However, there are major pitfalls to con- Pandya said India is getting closer to the
these countries will behave differently,” said sider, according to Pandya, and there is a high United States, and Russia has no option but
Pande, who is based in Washington. meanwhile, likelihood of it not succeeding. to get closer to Pakistan. India, according to
By getting different stakeholders on the the security “I feel that this is some kind of a half- him, is the only regional power that genu-
same platform, the Biden administration threat will only hearted attempt to undo what Trump was inely wants durable peace in the region.
is trying to show the world that its foreign doing and to reassert the American role in “India has almost nothing to gain from it
policy will use diplomacy, according to Ab- intensify. the geopolitical domain,” said Pandya, who except some formal participation because
hinav Pandya, an India-based analyst on is CEO of the India-based think tank Usanas Taliban leadership will continue to be con-
terrorism and radicalization with expertise Foundation. trolled by Pakistan,” Pandya said, adding that
on Afghanistan issues. “And by inviting countries like Russia, after the United States leaves Afghanistan,
“So we are trying to get Iran on board, we China, Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan to decide the training of militant groups operating
are trying to get Turkey on board, we are the future of Afghanistan, the U.S. is also lay- inside India’s Kashmir will likely be shifted
trying to get Russians on board. Now we ing the foundation for the new great game in to Afghanistan, which has already begun.
are trying to get China on board. So this Afghanistan involving the countries men- “If India thinks that by such conferences
is just to convey an image that, no, we are tioned above trying to occupy the place left they will get some leverage with the Taliban,
not very isolationist, we are just trying to by the U.S.” they are living in a fine illusion.”

Healthy Adults Voluntarily Infected With CCP Virus

in 1st Human Challenge Study

Young, healthy volunteers are be-

ing deliberately infected with the
CCP virus in the first human chal-
lenge trial in the United Kingdom,
with the aim of advancing research
into effective vaccines and treat-
ments for COVID-19.
The trial will enable researchers
to assess the smallest amount of the
CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
virus needed to “cause infection
and elicit an immune response” in
the volunteers, so as to better un-
derstand the route of infection and
the mode of transmission.
The virus being used is the origi-
nal strain “produced by” a team
of scientists, according to the re-
“We expect these studies to offer
unique insights into how the vi-
rus works and help us understand
which promising vaccines offer
the best chance of preventing the
infection,” Clive Dix, interim chair
of the UK Vaccine Taskforce, said
in a February press release.
The 90 volunteers—aged be-
tween 18 and 30 and who have
been screened for potential health
risks—are being observed in a
“safe and controlled environment”
and closely monitored 24/7 by sci- A patient receives a COVID-19 vaccine at Salisbury Cathedral in Salisbury, England, on Feb. 11, 2021.
entists and medically trained per-
sonnel, according to the UK gov- will be vaccinated in the near fu- are still learning more about how


ernment, which is investing 33.6 ture. What could possibly be the long vaccines protect against CO-
million pounds ($43.7 million) in
The answer is reason behind actively infecting VID-19 in real-world conditions.”
the study. not to make healthy people while the same data The Food and Drug Administra-
The UK human challenge study more people could be garnered through other, tion (FDA) “cautions against use
will end in May. Participants must less risky means?” of hydroxychloroquine or chloro-
test negative twice for the CCP vi- sick, but to al- Dr. Lee Merritt, an orthopedic quine for COVID-19 outside of the
rus before they are allowed to go low the already surgeon and a member of Amer- hospital setting or a clinical trial”
home, and will continue to be approved test- ica’s Frontline Doctors, said it and says it hasn’t “approved iver-
monitored for a year. doesn’t make sense for the studies mectin for use in treating or pre-
Opponents of the study question ed drugs that to be conducted now when scien- venting COVID-19” even though
if it’s necessary considering that work. tific data shows the use of certain the regulatory agency hasn’t re-
COVID-19 vaccines and treatments federally approved drugs can treat viewed data supporting the use of
are already available. Dr. Lee Merritt, COVID-19. ivermectin.
In an op-ed in Forbes, William orthopedic surgeon “The answer is not to make more Merritt also says that the vac-
Haseltine, a former professor at people sick, but to allow the already cines are experimental because the
Harvard Medical School wrote: approved tested drugs that work— phase 3 trials of Pfizer-BioNTech
“There is no need to actively in- ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and Johnson & Johnson are still on- Dr. William Haseltine speaks at the
fect healthy individuals when we along with [vitamin] D and zinc,” going and won’t be completed until Lupus Foundation of America National
are going to have real comparison Merritt told The Epoch Times. “The January 2023, and Moderna’s won’t Gala, at Gotham Hall in New York on
Oct. 8, 2013.
data to work with from the millions real crime is covering up treatment be completed until October 2022.
of people already vaccinated and we know works.” All three COVID-19 vaccines
the hundreds of millions more who Merritt claims that hydroxychlo- have been granted an emergency vent COVID-19, to look at potential
roquine (used in combination with authorization, meaning the vac- treatments and study the immune
zinc) and ivermectin prescribed for cines only need to show that they response.”
human consumption can prevent “may be effective” and are issued “There are so many unknowns
and treat COVID-19, but govern- only when there are “no adequate, about this disease,” Merritt said.
mental health agencies are pro- approved, and available alternative “To now go to human transmis-
moting vaccines as the only option to the product for diagnosing, pre- sion studies when you haven’t
Hydroxychloroquine to reduce the risk of severe illness. venting, or treating the disease or completely sorted out what you’re
tablets sit on a counter However, the Centers for Disease condition,” according to the FDA. dealing with, I think is premature
at Rock Canyon Phar- Control and Prevention states that Researchers said that the goal and not what we need to be doing
macy in Provo, Utah, on people may still get infected and of the human challenge trial is to right now. We need to absolutely
May 20, 2020. transmit the virus to others after eventually “study how vaccines get a handle on whether this is even
vaccination. Furthermore, “experts work in the body to stop or pre- out in the world anymore.”



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to Reject the CCP the Word The Epoch Times
A12 THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2021

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THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2021 • A13

Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks as other House Democrats listen during a news conference on the For the People Act at the east front of the U.S. Capitol, in Washington on March 3, 2021.

H.R. 1 Would Create Such Chaos We Would

Need a Constitutional Amendment to Fix It
ROB NATELSON Many have argued that H.R. 1 is entirely More importantly, H.R. 1’s “solutions”
unconstitutional because it “federalizes” H.R. 1’s pretense go far beyond anything needed to rem-
H.R. 1—the bill for federal election administration. But the truth is edy them. In other words, the bill isn’t
takeover of elections that much more complicated. H.R. 1 contains of regulating “congruent and proportional.” Rather,
just passed the House some sections that are perfectly constitu- presidential it’s a federal sledgehammer purportedly
of Representatives—is tional—even if not well advised. But they elections is just fashioned to kill a gnat, but really made
a constitutional night- are intertwined with provisions that are to bash the rest of us.
mare. If the Senate ap- clearly (or arguably) unconstitutional. that—a pretense. The third constitutional provision
proves it, we almost certain- This intertwining would take decades of cited by H.R. 1 is the elections clause
ly will need a constitutional amendment litigation to unravel. (which is more accurately called the
to clean up the mess. H.R. 1 cites at least three constitutional “times, places, and manner clause”). In
This has happened before: In 1970, clauses to support it. One is the guarantee the Constitution, this is Article I, Section
we had to enact the 26th Amendment clause (Article IV, Section 4), by which 4, Clause 1. H.R. 1’s reliance on the elec-
to cure congressionally caused voting the United States guarantees each state a tions clause is somewhat better grounded
chaos. This time, though, the situation republican form of government. But H.R. than its reliance on the guarantee clause
would be even worse. 1 has nothing to do with the guarantee or the 14th Amendment. The elections
H.R. 1 is one of those massive bills (in clause. In the Constitution, the phrase clause reads as follows:
this case, 791 pages) that no one reads “republican form” means a government “The Times, Places, and Manner of
in their entirety until people try to apply that follows the rule of law, is ultimately holding Elections for Senators and Rep-
them. Then, everyone throws up their grounded in all or in some portion of the resentatives, shall be prescribed in each
hands aghast, shouting, “What were they citizenry, and has no king. State by the Legislature thereof; but the
thinking when they passed this thing?” Republics have never adopted any par- Congress may at any time by Law make
The answer, of course, is that “they” ticular voting rules. Historically, in fact, or alter such Regulations, except as to the
(those who passed it) weren’t thinking limited and unequal suffrage has been Places of chusing [sic] Senators.”
about much of anything—at least not the norm for republics. Essentially, the elections clause gives
about anything defensible. H.R. 1 also cites Section 5 of the Congress power to override state laws on
This essay will outline just a few of 14th Amendment. This grants Congress such mechanics as 1. the time of election,
the constitutional problems in H.R. 1. authority to enforce certain legal stan- 2. polling places, 3. registration rules, 4.
You can bet there are more where they dards (such as equal protection of the percentages required for victory, 5. the
came from. laws) against state governments. But the nature of the ballot, and 6. congressional
H.R. 1 purports to change many, many Supreme Court tells us that Congress may districting. The elections clause can at
aspects of federal elections. Others have not use Section 5 as an excuse to massively least partially support some of H.R. 1’s
summarized those aspects in detail. rewrite state law or change the federal- rules. An example is the mandate that
Among them: state balance. The Court emphasizes that states use mail-in ballots—a mandate
Section 5 is only “remedial,” not “substan- that would be stupid, but probably consti-
E Requiring states to set up “indepen- tive.” It adds that a law passed under Sec- tutional for congressional elections.
dent” redistricting commissions to tion 5 must be “congruent and proportion- But beyond that, there are many prob-
draw congressional districts. (Note the al” to the problem it purports to address. lems with using the elections clause to
quotation marks: “independent” com- H.R. 1 recites alleged disparities among support H.R. 1. For one thing, that clause
missions don’t stop politics; they just groups in voting and says the bill is applies only to congressional elections.
hide politics from public view.) designed to address them. But such It grants no power over presidential
E Institutionalizing permanently the disparities, without other evidence, don’t elections. The Supreme Court has ruled
mail-in ballot irregularities we just prove unconstitutional discrimination. repeatedly that state legislatures have
went through in the 2020 presidential KEREM YUCEL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES almost complete control over presidential
election. elections. Indeed, the court reaffirmed the
E Imposing restrictions on campaign classic case on the subject just last year. So
contributions and free speech. H.R. 1’s pretense of regulating presidential
E Enfranchising felons. elections is just that—a pretense.
E Subsidizing with federal money the Nor can the bill’s mail-in ballot rules
voter registration of Democratic Party apply to state elections. If the mail-in
constituencies, such as college stu- mandate is valid as to congressional
dents. elections, states still could use traditional
E Preventing states from using tradi- People wait in line to cast ballots for all the other electoral contests.
tional methods of ensuring election their ballots in Minneapo-
integrity and voter privacy. lis on Nov. 3, 2020. Continued on A16

She’s My Mother—She’s My Father

JENNIFER LAHL > Women have babies and men do not, Are the kids all right like Hollywood and
And now, we are nor can they. the media want us to believe? The sad
If you’ve seen the 1974 > You can’t be born in the wrong body, answer is, probably not.
movie “Chinatown,” you looking at a world you are born in the body you get at I like to say this is one of the largest
may recall that great where we will be birth. social experiments of our time, with our
scene in which detective told to live with > Sex must not be conflated with gen- learning as we go. What studies we do
Jake Gittes (Jack Nich- der. Being a man or being a woman is have show that the children aren’t neces-
olson) confronts Evelyn Dayara’s fantasy of connected to biological sex. sarily all right, and they are searching
Mulwray (Faye Dunaway) transgender women > Liking feminine or masculine things for and finding, thanks to DNA testing,
about the identity of the woman he be- having babies, has nothing to do with our XX or XY their biological parents and half-siblings.
lieves is Evelyn’s father’s mistress. chromosomes. Adults are getting what they want, with
It’s a famous scene, with Jake shout- lest we are called little consideration of the best interests
ing at Evelyn, “Who is she?” with Evelyn transphobes and I recently wrote about a new study done of the children.
responding, “She’s my daughter.” Gittes become canceled. showing that the majority of transgender And if and when Dayara is able to give
slaps her. “She’s my sister.” Gittes slaps women will want uterine transplants so birth using his sperm, using a uter-
her again. that they can more fully express their fem- ine transplant, with estrogen rushing
“She’s my daughter and my sister.” inine characteristics, such as menstruat- through his male body (he will still have
Spoiler alert: Mulwray was raped by ing, getting pregnant, and giving birth. XY chromosomes and will be biologi-
her father when she was 15. The young The new wave of the “modern fam- cally male in every cell of his body), what
woman, Katherine, is, in fact, not Ev- ily” with men having babies, which is a effect will this all have on any children
elyn’s father’s mistress, but she is both movement of gay men actually not hav- produced this way?
Evelyn’s daughter and her sister. It can be ing babies, but rather buying eggs from And how will this child explain his odd
confusing to unpack this scene. one woman and renting the womb of relationship with his mother, or should
Fast forward to today, to real life, and DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES another woman, so that they can delude I say, his father? Like Faye Dunaway in
not a Hollywood film or make-believe, themselves into thinking that they had “Chinatown,” when asked, who is this
with the very confusing news story of the baby. person, the child will respond, “He’s my
a transwoman physician. Dr. Jesnoor In fact, one case concerning a “throu- father. He’s my mother. He’s my father
Dayara, in Gujarat, India, has frozen ple” of dads is making news as the judge and he’s my mother.”
his sperm so that when he undergoes has allowed the three to be listed on
sex-reassignment surgery sometime later their son’s birth certificate. Of course, Jennifer Lahl is the founder and president
this year, the child he hopes to give birth we know three men can’t make a baby, of the Center for Bioethics and Culture
to as a woman will be biologically his. but this little boy was born via assisted and producer of the documentary films,
It can be confusing to unpack this reproduction using the eggs from one “Eggsploitation,” “Anonymous Father’s
story, too! woman and the womb of another. Day,” “Breeders: A Subclass of Women?”
Dayara’s claim is, while he was born No mention of the genetic mother or and “Maggie’s Story,” and “#BigFertil-
male, he has always felt like a woman. He the birth mother on this birth certificate, ity,” which was an official selection in the
feels he was “born in the wrong body.” #WomenErased again and another child Silicon Valley International Film Festival.
Let us be clear on a few fundamental without a sliver of an identity or idea of She is back behind the camera, producing
points on human biology and human where he or she came from. a film on the ethics of allowing children to
sexual reproduction: And now, we’re looking at a world medically and surgically transition.
where we will be told to live with
> Men have testes that produce sperm Dayara’s fantasy of transwomen having
and women have ovaries that pro- LGBT activists and their babies, lest we are called transphobes
duce eggs. supporters rally in support and become canceled.
> There are no “her sperm” and “his of transgender people on But what about the children born with
eggs.” There is only his sperm and the steps of New York City all these strange new ways and into this
her eggs. Hall on Oct. 24, 2018. new version of what family looks like?








Chapter Fifteen: Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief

The Communist Roots of Terrorism

Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,
Travel Editor
Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor
Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

The Epoch Times here serializes

an adaptation from the Chinese A man claim- ABOUT US
of “How the Specter of Communism ing to be an Al-
Is Ruling Our World,” a new book Qaeda mem- The Epoch Times is a media
by the editorial team of the “Nine ber addresses organization dedicated to seek-
Commentaries on the Communist a crowd gath- ing the truth through insightful
Party.” ered in Yem- and independent journalism.
en’s southern
province of Standing outside of politi-
3. The Communist Origins Abyan on Dec. cal interests and the pursuit of
of Islamic Extremism 22, 2009. profit, our starting point and our
goal is to create a media for the
While the Soviets and Chinese com-
munists funded many terrorist orga- public benefit, to be truly respon-
nizations in the Middle East, actually sible to society.
introducing communism in areas We endeavor to educate read-
with deeply held religious beliefs ers about today’s most impor-
proved a steep challenge. The Soviet tant topics, seeking to broaden
Union’s efforts to directly export so- and uplift minds. We believe that
cialist revolution to the Muslim world rational, balanced debate is key
met with mixed and often temporary for fostering a healthy democ-
results. racy and a compassionate
While there were multiple Soviet- society.
aligned states in the Middle East, only abroad in the United States for two incarcerated. These two books,
South Yemen and Afghanistan were years in the late 1940s and joined the covering his views on the Qur’an, As an independent media out-
under communist rule for varying Muslim Brotherhood after his return Islamic history, Egypt, and Western let, we use our freedom to inves-
lengths of time during the Cold War. to Egypt. [12] society, laid out in full his advocacy tigate issues overlooked—or
In 1979, the Soviet Union launched an Qutbism can be described as the of anti-secular, anti-Western extrem- avoided—by other media outlets.
invasion of Afghanistan and occupied pursuit of violence to destroy the old ism. At one point, Qutb was released We seek to highlight solutions
the country for 10 years in an attempt society dominated by “jahiliyyah.” from prison, but stayed in Egypt and and what’s good in society rather
to prop up the communist regime it As a religious term, jahiliyyah means was jailed again. In 1966, he was than what divides us.
had recently helped rise to power. In ignorance of religious truth, and it convicted and hanged for his involve-
1989, the Soviets gave up and with- originally referred to society before ment in the conspiracy to assassinate We report respectfully, compas-
drew from the country. the spread of Islam. Qutb called Nasser. Qutb walked proudly up to sionately, and rigorously.
upon Muslims to lay down their lives the gallows and toward becoming a
in the struggle against jahiliyyah, religious martyr. We stand against the destruc-
which would supposedly usher in tion wrought by communism,
The ideological source of bin humanity’s liberation. To articu- including the harm done to cul-
Laden’s Islamic extremism can late his ideas on this struggle, Qutb tures around the world.
be traced back to Sayyid Qutb, a reinterpreted both the meaning of Qutbism can be described
as the pursuit of violence We are inspired in this by our
man who has been described as jahiliyyah and the Islamic concept
own experience. The Epoch
the Karl Marx of radical Islam. of jihad. to destroy the old society Times was founded in 2000 to
Upon mention of jihad, many im- dominated by ‘jahiliyyah.’ bring honest and uncensored
mediately think of “holy war,” but As a religious term. news to people oppressed
However, while communism itself in Arabic, jihad simply means to
by the lies and violence in
failed to establish control over the struggle or to fight. In mainstream
communist China.
Muslim world, it did much to influ- Islam, it can be taken to mean Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of
ence the creation and development of internal conflict (self-perfection) or al-Qaeda following the death of bin We still believe journalism is a
contemporary Islamic extremism. defensive jihad. [13] Qutb, however, Laden, believed Qutb’s execution was noble vocation, but only when it
Following the 9/11 attacks, the extended this definition to include what ignited the fire of jihadi extrem- genuinely seeks to serve its com-
threat of Islamic extremism gained proactive and unbridled use of vio- ism. [18] Islamic extremists often cite munities and help them to flour-
prominence, with the actions of lence in the “holy war” of jihad and Qutb’s teachings and regard them- ish. In all that we do, we will hold
Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda laid out its theoretical foundations. selves as his “intellectual descen- ourselves to the highest stand-
terrorist group becoming front-page [14] Qutb’s philosophy held that any dants,” as observed by West Point ards of integrity. This is our
news. But the ideological source of social system that abided by secular counter-terrorism expert William promise to you.
bin Laden’s Islamic extremism can be laws or ethics was an anti-Islamic McCants. [19] Middle East expert Has-
traced back to a man who has been jahiliyyah. He saw jahiliyyah as the san Hassan, in a 2016 report on the
described as the Karl Marx of radical greatest obstruction for both Mus- ISIS terrorist group, quoted a saying CONTACT US
Islam. [9] lims and non-Muslims, preventing popular among ISIS supporters about
them from fulfilling Islamic values the origins of the terrorist group’s The Epoch Times Association Inc.
a. Sayyid Qutb: The Marx and law. Even a society that claimed essential doctrine: “The Islamic State 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
of Islamic Extremism itself Muslim could still be jahili- was drafted by Sayyid Qutb, taught by New York, NY 10001
At first glance, it may seem far-fetched yyah. Qutb considered the Egyptian Abdullah Azzam, [and] globalized by Advertising
to suggest a relationship between social system in which he lived to Osama bin Laden.” [20]
radical Islam and communism, be one in which jahiliyyah was Notes
given that Muslims believe in Allah dominant, so he believed it must be Subscriptions
and the prophet Mohammed, while overthrown. [15] 9. Paul Berman, “The Philosopher of
Islamic Terror,” New York Times Magazine,
communism is atheistic and aims to This interpretation of jihad and March 23, 2003. General Inquiries
eradicate faith in religions. In fact, jahiliyyah mirrors the Marxist phi-
the theory and methods of modern losophy of struggle along class lines. 10. Raymond Ibrahim, “Ayman Zawahiri
and Egypt: A Trip Through Time,“ The Letters to the Editor
Islamic extremism are closely linked Qutb claimed that the old society of
Investigative Project on Terrorism, Nov. 30,
to Marxism-Leninism. jahiliyyah had been forced on people
The pioneer of radical Islam and and, in the process, had robbed them 2012.
modern jihad was Sayyid Qutb, an of their freedom. These enslaved 11. Robert R. Reilly, “The Roots of Islamist
Egyptian liaison for the local Mus- people—analogous to the working Ideology,” Centre for Research Into Post-
lim Brotherhood to the Communist class in Marxism—had the right to Communist Economies, February 2006, 4.
International and the Egyptian com- Sayyid Qutb wage jihad to overthrow the oppres-
12. Berman, “The Philosopher.”
munist party. [10][11] Qutb’s ideas drinks a cup of sion of jahiliyyah. Qutb advocated
were steeped in communist logic water behind jihad as the means of liberation for 13. Andrew McGregor, “Al-Qaeda’s
and rhetoric. Born in 1906, Qutb bars in Cairo, in all mankind, Muslim as well as non- Egyptian Prophet: Sayyid Qutb and the
studied socialism and literature 1966. Muslim. [16] When Qutb’s writings War on Jahiliya,” Terrorism Monitor 1, no. 3
in the 1920s and 1930s. He studied were published, many mainstream (May 4, 2005).
-/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Muslim leaders thought he had gone 14. A. E. Stahl, “‘Offensive Jihad’ in Sayyid
too far and condemned his ideas as Qutb’s Ideology,” International Institute for
heresy. [17] Counter-Terrorism, March 24, 2011.
Qutb had long had contact with
Nasser, leader of the socialist-leaning 15. McGregor, “Al-Qaeda’s Egyptian

Free Officers Movement and later Prophet.”
the long-serving president of Egypt. 16. Stahl, “‘Offensive Jihad.’”
In 1952, Nasser launched a military
coup overthrowing the Muhammad 17. McGregor, “Al-Qaeda’s Egyptian

Ali dynasty, Egypt’s pro-Western
monarchy. This socialist-revolu- 18. Dale Eikmeier, “Qutbism: An Ideology
tionary coup was said to have been of Islamic-Fascism,” Parameters, vol. 37,
planned by Qutb and the Muslim issue 1.
Brotherhood together with Nasser. Get the
19. William McCants, “Problems With the
However, while Qutb hoped Nasser
would establish an Islamic regime,
Arabic Name Game,” Combating Terrorism independent news
Center, May, 22, 2006.
Nasser instead took the path of secu-
20. Hassan Hassan, “The Sectarianism
you won’t find
larization and in 1954 began sup-
pressing the Brotherhood. of the Islamic State: Ideological Roots
and Political Context” (Washington, D.C.:
anywhere else.
Qutb and the Brotherhood pre-
Carnegie Endowment for International
pared to assassinate Nasser, but the Peace, June 2016), 26. Subscribe and get the
plot failed, and Qutb was imprisoned. insights only The Epoch Times
He was severely tortured during can provide, delivered to your
his first few years in prison, but as door every week.
conditions relaxed, he was allowed See next edition for the next installment.
to write. Qutb wrote his two most
important works—“In the Shade of To purchase the books, visit Epoch-
the Qur’an” and “Milestones”—while

by social justice activists.

The Woke New University How did we arrive at such a juncture?

The problem arises from the fact that,
according to Pluckrose and Lindsay, “the
progressive left ... rejects objective truth
as a fantasy dreamed up by naive and/
STEPHEN MATUREN/GETTY IMAGES or arrogant Enlightenment thinkers who
PATRICK KEENEY underestimated the collateral conse-
quences of Modernity’s progress.”
Historically, universi- The authors are scathing about the
ties were institutions canons of social justice, particularly the
devoted to the pursuit Foucauldian insistence that all of history
of truth. It was a search is reducible to power relations. Wher-
guided by Socratic ever we look, goes the argument, we
humility and Pascal’s encounter illicit power and oppression.
dictum that “we know too Ultimately, any form of authority—in-
much to be skeptics and too little to cluding the intellectual kind—is illegiti-
be dogmatists.” Contrary to romantic mate. Reason and science are nothing
myths, there was never a time of cozy more than the daydreams of privileged
accord in university life, and academic white men who have used their position
disputations are well-known for their to maintain power and status. Likewise,
ferocity. the Western canon is merely the scrib-
But until recent years, intellectual blings favored by the powerful to main-
opponents could respectfully disagree. tain their status and privilege.
Professors believed in argumentation The authors compare liberalism with
and disputation—what the Greeks the siren call of the social justice activ-
called the dialectic—as the way to truth. ist: “Liberalism respects people both
Scholars kept in mind the Biblical in- payer. The brazen commercializing of as individuals and as members of the
junction “Come, let us reason together.” A pedestrian walks on research labs has led to the predictable human race. It does not respect identi-
Professors engaged in civil debate, the University of Minnesota corruption of science. ties or collectives per se; it values the
avoiding ad hominem attacks while campus in Minneapolis Simultaneously, the misguided belief individual and the universal; the human
recognizing superior reasoning and on April 9, 2019. that university courses must be prof- and humanity.”
better evidence. Disagreements could, itable from a business and industry Pluckrose and Lindsay urge us to main-
of course, be explosive. Nevertheless, perspective furthers the notion that the tain a belief in liberalism and “stand up
there was a tacit agreement about intel- university’s primary function is prepar- to something with a lot of power.”
lectual norms, including the spirit of ing students for careers. At day’s end, the quest for social justice
generosity. One listened respectfully None of this is news. But the past hasn’t produced liberally educated men
to intellectual adversaries, conceding decade has seen a militant turn toward and women but indoctrinated wokesters
when they had a better argument or making universities bastions of woke parroting banalities about racism, sex-
better evidence. political correctness. The university’s ism, transphobia, Islamophobia, or other
Western universities are currently quest for truth is now passé; its new mis- modes of oppression. Meanwhile, those
suffering from a series of self-inflicted sion is to seek “social justice,” an alarm- who challenge or scorn such shibboleths
wounds that mock such old-fashioned ing development that threatens the are de-platformed or canceled. In the
liberality. Notable is the abandonment university as never before. name of diversity, hiring committees ig-
of objective truth and the growth of In their book, “Cynical Theories: How nore scholarly merit and hire candidates
an enervating relativism that refuses Activist Scholarship Made Everything based on non-scholarly criteria such as
to maintain distinctions of enduring about Race, Gender, and Identity,” Helen race, ethnicity, or gender.
worth. There is a narrowing of accept- Pluckrose and James Lindsay state the The university is at a weird juncture.
able views and a rancorous intolerance case baldly: “There is a problem that In the name of social justice, everyone
for ideas that fail to conform to the There is a begins in our universities, and it comes in the university community is on edge.
prevailing orthodoxies. narrowing of down to Social Justice.” Even distinguished professors know that
The widespread embrace of a thera- acceptable views The authors claim that the quest for their careers can be ended by a disgrun-
peutic education model has infan- social justice is leading universities to tled undergraduate or a spiteful appa-
tilized students by indulging them with and a rancorous the precipice by a toxic admixture of ratchik. That professors are now answer-
“trigger warnings” and “safe spaces.” intolerance for ideas postmodernism and the Old Testament able to undergraduates and bureaucrats
The arrival of a managerialist class of that fail to conform righteousness of social justice warriors. is a sure sign that something is amiss.
administrative busybodies undermines Social justice has seeped from the cam- The quest for social justice seems in-
the university’s educative mission, to the prevailing pus into the broader society to become nocuous. After all, who can be opposed
while adding a costly burden to the tax- orthodoxies. the culture wars’ driving force. to justice? But social justice is no mere
The authors believe that the secular, harmless diversion, but a subversive top-
liberal, and democratic societies born pling of the university’s historic mission.
of the Enlightenment are still the tem- As Pluckrose and Lindsey urge, we
The Book You’ve Been plate to measure human prosperity and
happiness. The well-being of democratic
need the courage to defend liberal
values in scholarship, activism, and
Waiting for... societies is intricately bound with the
university’s fate. Ultimately, in defend-
everyday life. This is a tall order given
our cultural moment. But such nerve
ing the liberal university, one protects is necessary to save both the university
the core values and culture of liberal and liberal civilization itself.
democracies, including “respect for the
value of viewpoint diversity and honest Patrick Keeney, Ph.D., is an academic,
debate [and] respect for evidence and columnist, and associate editor of C2C
reason.” Journal.
NOW They state that “we have reached a
point in history where liberalism and
BIGGER SIZE, modernity at the heart of Western civili-
EASIER TO READ zation are at great risk on the level of the
FORMAT ideas that sustain them.”
In brief, it is liberal democracy itself,
not just the university, that is under siege

H.R. 1 Would Create Such Chaos

“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, We Would Need a Constitutional
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be
on this country’s academia’s Amendment to Fix It
list of required reading.”
HOW THE CONTINUED FROM A13 paign finance lawsuits also will long

Here’s still another elections clause If H.R. 1 becomes “law,” we will have
problem: If Congress wished to erect two choices: We can suffer years, and
an independent commission to draw perhaps decades, of election confusion,


congressional districts, it probably litigation, and likely corruption. Or we
could do so. But instead, H.R. 1 orders can adopt a constitutional amendment
the states to erect such commissions. to straighten things out.
This violates a well-settled Supreme Because Congress is unlikely to
Court rule called the noncommandeer- propose such an amendment unless it
The specter of communism did not ing doctrine, which generally forbids
the federal government from ordering
extends congressional “reform” even
further, the only way to obtain one
states to adopt, or not adopt, measures. would be to call a convention of the
disappear with the disintegration of the In particular, Congress can’t direct the states to propose it. For several reasons,
states to change their own governmen- holding a convention of the states would
Communist Party in Eastern Europe tal structures. Yet, H.R. 1 purports to be a very good idea. But we shouldn’t
direct the states to do just that. have to confuse and corrupt our elec-
H.R. 1 also seeks to impose campaign tions to bring about a convention.

finance regulations. In recent years, the
courts have assumed that campaign fi- Robert G. Natelson, a former consti-
nance is within the “Manner of Holding tutional law professor, is senior fellow
Elections.” But the issue has never been in constitutional jurisprudence at the
litigated squarely. And as the author of Independence Institute. He is the author
a widely cited research study of the elec- of widely-cited articles on the Elections
tions clause, I can report that 1. it does Clause and the Guarantee Clause. The
not authorize campaign regulations, first was relied on by Chief Justice John
and 2. its history instructs us to interpret Roberts in a 2010 case and the second
it narrowly. by Justice (then Judge) Neil Gorsuch in
So if the Senate passes H.R. 1, cam- a 2014 case.

Philosophy for Laymen:

Second Thoughts About Left and Right

WILLIAM BROOKS the capacities of either side: think- Common people sense the need for
ing about the left-right spectrum rather a bottom-up renewal of their fortunes.
In a 1946 essay on the than from it.” We need to begin assessing political
subject of “Philosophy Sartwell contends that the least use- and cultural movements according
for Laymen,” the late ful way of thinking about the nature of to whether they propose to dismantle
British philosopher the present left–right divide is as a battle hierarchy and renew opportunity rather
Bertrand Russell noted between “state” and “capital” or “public” than reinforcing the present iron alli-
that, throughout the his- versus “private” economic sectors. Since ance between Chinese communism
tory of civilization, human the development of the industrial revo- and global corporatism.
beings have faced two different kinds of lution and multinational corporations, For such an endeavor, we can no lon-
problems. large-scale private resources have flowed ger depend on established schools and
On the one hand, said Russell, mankind toward political power, and political universities. Today, ordinary citizens
had to acquire the practical knowledge power has sought to control the flow of glean more about “human wisdom”
and techniques needed to sustain life in British philosopher Bertrand Russell, an essential resources. The power of the and “common sense” from conversa-
our natural environment. In that regard, avowed socialist and a member of the Fabian socialist state and the corporation has tions between long-haul truck drivers
we have enhanced the quality of our Society, in 1954. become mutually reinforcing. and talk-radio hosts than they do from
lives through the methods of science. To As the state’s power expands into the lectures on critical theory at Ivy League
accomplish this, we have trained large ably similar in nature and origin. Both realm of business, capital becomes universities.
numbers of capable specialists in rather are grounded in Marxist ideology and more concentrated and more capable Since the early 1990s, multi-partisan
narrow technical fields. ascended to power under tyrannous of exercising a wide variety of powers. cabals of globalists from all points on
Our second problem, Russell cautioned, socialists such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Witness the present powerful alliance the political spectrum have claimed
has been mistakenly regarded as less Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and between big media and socialist politi- to be about furthering democracy and
important. It’s the question of how best Mao Zedong. All destroyed the societies cal administrations in the West, or the promoting the advantages of free-mar-
to employ science and technology in the they captured and cost the lives of mil- cozy relationships between the Chinese ket economics. But the means used to
best interests of individuals and society. lions of innocent victims. Communist Party, global corporations, achieve these goals are impacting ordi-
For Russell, this included such “burning and progressive politicians. Together they nary people in ways essentially similar
issues as democracy versus dictatorship, Left–Right Ambiguity combine socialist principles with corpo- to the tragic consequences of a Maoist
capitalism versus socialism, international The words left and right first began to rate capitalism to enrich one another and revolution. Globalized economic and
government versus international anar- be used as political labels shortly after maintain the Beijing regime at the top of financial systems are paving the way
chy, free speculation versus authoritarian 1789 in the French National Assembly. our world hierarchy. for an ideological mutation that will put
dogma.” Those who supported the monarchy sat free people back on the road to serfdom.
to the right of the speaker. Those who Renewed Commitment In short, globalization has become a
An Absence of Philosophical Guidance believed all power should emanate from to Independent Thought powerful tool for creating vertical power
On issues such as these, science provides the people sat to the left. The center was In the decades following Russell’s lament structures and separating ordinary peo-
no decisive guidance. The kind of knowl- occupied by those who sought a balance about the disappearance of “wisdom” ple from their traditional cultures. Our
edge that helps us deal with this “second between the two positions. from Western culture, our progressive rul- last best hope for an antidote remains in
problem” is provided by a wide survey of Our contemporary notion of the left– ing class has proven to be anything but a the hearts and minds of free-thinking
human history and a fuller understand- right paradigm took on a more economic meritocracy. As Sartwell pointed out: “The men and women. Only a renewed com-
ing of the sources of misery or content- and cultural dimension as socialism mainstream left is a technocratic elite, mitment to independent thought, work,
ment as they have appeared over time. assumed a prominent role in European with a cult of science and expertise and faith, family, and nation can produce
Advanced skills and techniques in agri- politics. The term “left” was soon applied an ear for the unanimous catchphrase.” the energy and confidence required
culture, manufacturing, transportation, to those who favored the redistribution of Instead of an increasingly incoherent to see us through these tortured and
and communication have not in them- wealth through political action. Socialists and simplistic identity-politics-driven uncertain times.
selves guaranteed human happiness or proposed to replace private property and left–right framework for social analysis,
wellbeing. Knowledge and skills can be the free market with public goods and more careful thought should be given to William Brooks is a writer and educator
used for either good or evil. As Russell state planning. the troubling re-emergence of the same based in Montreal. He currently serves
points out, the same men who tamed the Significant ambiguities in the left–right hierarchical wealth and power arrange- as editor of ”The Civil Conversation” for
horse to pull a plow also employed the lexicon arose from this double origin. For ments that dominated life in the Euro- Canada’s Civitas Society and is an Epoch
animal to make war and enslave peace- example, advocates of popular democ- pean Dark Ages. Times contributor.
able populations. racy over authoritarian oligarchy don’t
The history of civilization has demon- necessarily favor socialist planning. Like
strated that the development of “common those in Canada’s new Peoples’ Party or
sense” and “human wisdom” requires the U.S. MAGA movement, many remain
more than technical expertise. At the convinced that the spirit of enterprise
very least, shared exposure to subjects and free-market principles will, overall,
such as history, literature, philosophy, be of greater benefit to ordinary working
and religion is needed to develop a moral people.
compass and to make informed choices In this sense, the ideas advanced by
about the best way to live our lives. the so-called “right” are more like those
Over the last 100 years, “progressive” of Canada’s first governing party, John
educators have denied young people A. MacDonald’s Liberal-Conservatives,
access to the traditional intellectual tools who combined the principles of popular
required for sound philosophical devel- democracy with free-market econom-
opment. The result of this, said Russell, is ics and Anglo-American constitutional
that the human race has become divided principles.
into “rival groups of fanatics, each group While the historical “left” began in
firmly persuaded that its own brand of opposition to aristocratic authority, it’s
nonsense is sacred truth, while the other now highly uncertain that socialists will
side’s is damnable heresy.” continue to support popular democracy
unless electoral procedures can be per-
Our Bogus Political Spectrum manently manipulated in their favor.
Writing in a 2014 edition of The Atlantic, As was the case in the 2011 Canadian
American philosopher Crispin Sartwell election, when Stephen Harper’s Conser-
pointed out that the West was more vative Party won a parliamentary major-
divided than ever by political ideology, ity, and in the 2016 U.S. election, when
and any hope for a return to civility in our conservative Republicans took back
political discourse appears to be a “pipe Congress and the presidency, desires ex-
dream.” The last seven years have proven pressed by existing citizens through fair
this view to be prophetic. and honest elections threaten to reverse
Among the reasons for our present the plans of socialist administrations.
division is a tendency to see the world Therefore, the political left, who once Ying and Yang by Sandra Kuck
through the lens of a bogus paradigm. championed the ideal of “power to the
Since World War II, most Westerners have people,” has become an economic and
come to view politics on a spectrum that cultural oligarchy that must employ
lines up communism on the far left and top-down governance to enforce global,
fascism on the far right. Social democ- Beijing-inspired regulatory policies
racy and reform liberalism are imagined against the wishes of Western middle and
to face classical liberalism and conser- working classes.
vatism on opposite sides of the political
center. Sartwell described this model as Ongoing Incoherence
“conceptually confused, ideologically Like Russell, the aforementioned Sartwell
deceptive and historically contingent.” proposed a more coherent, philosophical
Few among our “woke” illuminati examination of our political divisions.
recognize that the alleged opposites, “Transcending partisanship,” he wrote, Original artworks, canvas wraps,
communism and fascism, are remark- “is going to require what seems beyond
and prints of Award-winning oil
paintings now available at


Attendees at a Make America Great Again rally in Murphysboro, Ill., on Oct. 27, 2018.


(Left) President Joe Biden speaks in the State Dining Room of the White House on March 2, 2021. (Middle) White House press secretary Jen Psaki speaks at the White House on March 4, 2021.
(Right) Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.) (R) joins House Democrats to announce their “Make It In America” agenda at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on May 4, 2011.

Biden Mulls Funding Infrastructure

Plan With Tax Increases, Corporate
Tax-Cut Rollbacks, New Fees
TOM OZIMEK the corporate tax cuts,” Psaki said. “So, cer- so let’s get on with it,” he added. pretty good about that.”

tainly, those are policies that he supports.” At a White House press briefing the day She added that Biden is optimistic the
resident Joe Biden is consider- Rep. John  Garamendi (D-Calif.) con- after Biden’s infrastructure meeting, Psaki infrastructure plan will win bipartisan
ing tax increases, new fees, and firmed that Biden is considering boosting didn’t provide more specifics on the discus- backing.
a corporate tax rollback to pay taxes as a way to pay for the infrastructure sions, but said that rolling back tax cuts “The president believes that there is a
for an infrastructure plan that’s plan. Garamendi attended a March 4 meet- may be on the menu. path forward on a range of issues where
now taking shape, according to ing at the White House, where the president “I don’t have any more details. We don’t there’s been a history of bipartisan support,
White House press secretary Jen Psaki and and a number of bipartisan lawmakers dis- even have a package that is being proposed including infrastructure,” she said.
a California Democrat familiar with the cussed the bill. at this point, and when we get to that point “Infrastructure improvements are not a
discussions on the matter. He told the Sacramento Bee that the ideas I’m sure we’ll have this discussion,” Psaki Democratic issue, they’re not a moderate
Biden floated a $2 trillion infrastructure considered at the meeting included raising said at a briefing on March 5. “Obviously, issue, a progressive issue, a conservative is-
bill while campaigning, although his ad- the excise tax on fuel, which he said “hasn’t the President has talked in the past about sue. The American people want their roads,
ministration has so far declined to specify been raised in 20 years;” some form of a different revenue raisers, whether it’s roll- rails, and bridges to be reformed. He feels
a price tag. In remarks to “Axios on HBO” user fee for electric vehicles on highways ing back certain tax cuts, but we’re just not there’s a path forward,” she said.
on March 8, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) since their owners aren’t subject to fuel at that point in the internal policy discus- Psaki said that, at this point, “there’s no
suggested the package could cost as much taxes; and a carbon tax. sions right now.” bill that’s being considered. He’s having
as $4 trillion, adding that he would oppose He did not provide more specifics on the discussions to hear ideas, hear good ideas
taking on more debt to fund such a pro- proposed taxes, nor on the overall cost of from members of both parties. And once
posal but would instead insist on tax hikes. the package. we have a bill, we’re happy to have the dis-
Manchin told the outlet that he supports “No price tag right now, because we’re go- Biden floated a $2 trillion cussion on how we move it forward.”
a range of tax increases, including repeal- ing at this from the bottom up,” Garamendi infrastructure bill while Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.), the top Re-
ing “a lot of” President Donald Trump’s tax told the outlet. “We’ll say, ‘what’s the cost campaigning, but recently, publican on the House Transportation
cuts and raising the corporate tax rate to of broadband, what’s the cost of repairing and Infrastructure Committee and one
“at least” 25 percent from the current 21 bridges?’ and go from there.” Sen. Joe Manchin suggested of the participants in last week’s infrastruc-
percent. In an interview with the news outlet the package could cost as ture meeting at the White House, said the
At a March 8 press briefing at the White Cheddar on March 8, Garamendi said the much as $4 trillion. plan must be bipartisan and that a funding
House, Psaki was asked about Manchin’s idea of a carbon tax was met with a favor- mechanism is needed.
insistence that “any big infrastructure able response from one of the Republicans “It cannot be a ‘my way or the highway’
package should be paid for” rather than at the March 4 meeting, fueling his opti- In his interview on Axios, Manchin also approach,” Graves said, referring to pre-
taking on more debt, whether Biden sup- mism that the legislation could be shaped said that he’ll block Biden’s infrastructure vious Democratic legislation. “A highway
ports this view, and if he sees corporate tax in bipartisan fashion. bill unless more effort is made to include bill cannot grow into a multitrillion-dol-
increases as one way to do that. “We’re talking about funding mecha- Republican voices. lar catch-all bill, or it will lose Republican
Psaki responded by saying that Biden gen- nisms. One of them, in a direct way that Asked about Manchin’s comments, Psaki support.”
erally supports increases in taxes but “we would reduce emissions, that’s the carbon suggested that the West Virginia senator During his presidential campaign,
don’t have a bill or a package yet, so we can tax, to be used fully for infrastructure— will likely come through in the end. Biden pledged to invest $2 trillion in fixing
have that conversation once we get there.” well, maybe,” he said. “Senator Manchin and Senator Sanders highways, bridges, and airports; building
“One of the items that he spoke about in his “Or maybe partly refunded. There’s an- and a range of Democrats in between just climate-resilient homes; wiring cities for
Build Back Better agenda was making sure other issue out there, 100 percent refund- voted to support a $1.9 trillion package that broadband internet; and encouraging the
that people paid their fair share—whether able carbon tax on transportation fuels. is the most progressive piece of legislation manufacturing of fuel-efficient cars and in-
it’s highest income or rolling back some of Now we’ve got things we can talk about, in history,” she said. “So I would say we feel stalling electric vehicle charging stations.

The OECD’s closely watched December wearing a mask or social distancing.

US Economy Set to report, one of two main economic outlook
products bridged by the March 9 interim
Boone said the combination of vaccines,
fiscal stimulus, and reopening of the econ-

Grow Twice as Fast as projections, had predicted that the U.S.

economy would grow by 3.2 percent; the in-
terim report raises estimates for economic
omy in the United States is expected to “sig-
nificantly boost the recovery as people are
able to return to shop, dine, and travel.”

Earlier Predicted: OECD output this year to 6.5 percent.

“Sizable risks remain,” the report cautions,
however. Chiefly, slow progress in vaccine
America’s above-expectation economic
expansion will also help power global output
one percentage point above December pre-
rollout and the emergence of new vaccine- dictions—to 5.6 percent, the OECD predicts.
resistant mutations of the CCP virus. The $1.9 trillion relief bill that recently
TOM OZIMEK If the risks materialize, the OECD pre- cleared the Senate provides up to $1,400 di-
Stimulus without dicts weaker recovery, larger job losses, rect payments to most Americans, extend-
The United States’ economy is expected and more business failures. ed emergency unemployment benefits, as
to grow twice as fast as earlier forecasts vaccinations won’t “Faster progress in vaccine deployment well as hundreds of billions for COVID-19
predicted, according to a new report, which be as effective in all countries would enable restrictions to vaccines and treatments, schools, state and
rests its optimistic outlook on the huge dose because consumers be lifted more quickly and enhance confi- local governments, and ailing industries.
of fiscal stimulus and accelerating vaccine dence and spending,” the OECD said. “It’s a remarkable, historic, transforma-
rollout. won’t go out doing “COVID is still the dominant driver of the tive piece of legislation which goes a very
“The significant fiscal stimulus in the normal things. It’s world economic outlook,” Laurence Boone, long way to crushing the virus and solving
United States, along with faster vaccina- the combination the OECD’s chief economist, told reporters our economic crisis,” House Speaker Nancy
tion, could boost U.S. GDP growth by over at a press briefing. She said that, despite Pelosi (D-Calif.) said on March 9.
3 percentage points this year, with welcome of health and fiscal the upgrade to economic projections, she Republicans have opposed the bill, call-
demand spillovers in key trading partners,” policy that matters. remains “very concerned that we’re not ing the American Rescue Plan excessive
the Organization for Economic Coopera- doing enough to accelerate the recovery.” and wasteful.
tion and Development (OECD) wrote in its Laurence Boone, chief While the fiscal support is “appropriate,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McCon-
so-called interim March report, released economist, OECD she said the pace of vaccinations isn’t fast nell (R-Ky.) said the package is too big at
on March 9. enough to “consolidate the recovery,” and a time when the virus is showing signs of
she urged haste. easing and the economy is poised to come
“Stimulus without vaccinations won’t be “roaring” back.
as effective because consumers won’t go And rather than working across the aisle
out doing normal things,” Boone said. “It’s toward unity, as Biden promised, McCon-
the combination of health and fiscal policy nell said Democrats are “ramming through
that matters.” what they call ‘the most progressive do-
The Centers for Disease Control and Pre- mestic legislation in a generation,’” citing
vention (CDC) says that as of March 9, more the White House chief of staff.
than 61 million people in the United States “They explained their intent very clearly:
have received at least one dose of the CO- to exploit this crisis as ‘a tremendous op-
Congressional staffers wait
in the corridor outside the VID-19 vaccine, or about 18.4 percent of the portunity to restructure things to fit our
Senate chamber during a population. Just over 32 million, or around vision,’” McConnell said.
delay in work on the Demo- 9.7 percent, have received two doses. New The American Rescue Plan is the first
crats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 CDC guidance issued March 8 says fully COVID-related relief bill that has had zero
relief bill, in Washington on vaccinated Americans can gather with support from Republicans in the House or
March 5, 2021. other vaccinated people indoors without Senate.

Most Voters Think Lockdown States

Did Worse Economically Than More
Open Counterparts: Poll


A majority of registered American voters

believe states that imposed more stringent
lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19
have done worse economically than those
that remained relatively more open, ac-
cording to a new poll.
The Just the News Daily-Scott Rasmus-
sen poll, published March 9, shows that
53 percent of respondents agreed with the JAMES NORD/AP PHOTO

statement that “states that imposed strict

lockdowns generally had more economic
problems than states with fewer restric-
tions.” Only 21 percent disagreed.
The survey of 1,200 registered voters was
conducted by Scott Rasmussen using a
mixed-mode approach from March 4 to 6.
The outbreak of the CCP (Chinese Com-
munist Party) virus prompted near-
universal restrictions, although some
stricter than others, with red states such
as South Dakota, Florida, and Texas lean- (Left) A woman walks through an almost-deserted Times Square in the early morning hours in New York City on April 23, 2020. (Top right) Nevada
ing toward greater individual discretion Gov. Steve Sisolak speaks during a news conference on the state's response to the coronavirus outbreak at the Grant Sawyer State Office Building in
and their Republican leaders stressing Las Vegas, on March 17, 2020. (Bottom right) South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem gives a State of the State address in Pierre, S.D., on Jan. 8, 2019.
personal responsibility over top-down
“We are not going to have any more lock- employment rates in 2020—all of them on Feb. 27. However, another likely dynamic for
downs in the state of Texas,” Gov. Gregg Republican-led—were Nebraska, South Noem is among a handful of governors why unemployment is higher in blue
Abbott told Dallas radio host Mark Davis in Dakota, and Utah, according to a recent to have bucked the trend of imposing states than in red states has to do with
November 2020, when the Lone Star State government report. And while blue states strict lockdowns to curb the spread of the fact that blue states tend to be more
was seeing virus cases and deaths surge as occupy the bottom rungs of the overall the virus. reliant on service industries, especially
the predicted second wave hit the country. 2020 unemployment table, they also saw Given the lack of historical precedent or ones related to travel, leisure, and hos-
“Our focal point is going to be working to the highest over-the-year growth in job- controlled trials to support the argument pitality, which have been hit by the pan-
heal those who have COVID, get them out lessness between December 2019 and for widespread lockdowns, debates over demic disproportionately hard.
of hospitals quickly, make sure they get December 2020. their efficacy have largely been split along This may explain why Kansas, which
back to their normal lives.” One theory is that blue states are strug- political lines. has had restrictions roughly on par with
Some blue states, such as heavily tour- gling with higher unemployment because other blue states, has fared relatively bet-
ist-reliant Nevada, also were reluctant to they took more aggressive steps in fight- ter. Its economy is driven by manufactur-
tighten the screws too much for fear of ing the pandemic, with Democratic gov- ing, contributing around $28 billion in
economic damage. Nevada’s Democratic ernors tending to impose more stringent COVID didn’t crush the quarterly GDP compared to accommoda-
Gov. Steve Sisolak, for instance, has re- restrictions than their Republican coun- economy. Government crushed tion and food services, which contribute
peatedly asserted that containing the vi- terparts. around $4 billion in quarterly GDP. That
rus is largely up to individuals. A study of lockdown measures in states the economy. dropped to $2.5 billion in the second
“Some people are going to ask, ‘Why not was carried out by researchers at the per- South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem quarter of 2020, at the height of the lock-
limit retail, or casino resorts, or restau- sonal finance site WalletHub in October downs, while manufacturing remained
rants right now?’ That’s a fair question,” 2020. It concluded that the states with unchanged.
he said in November 2020. “That is the the most rules tended to have the highest Former President Donald Trump re- Hawaii, on the other hand, which in De-
tightrope of trying to balance controlling unemployment rates. peatedly accused Democrat governors cember 2019 had the lowest unemploy-
the COVID-19 spread, protecting our hos- South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who has and mayors of using the lockdowns to ment rate at 2.1 percent but in December
pitals from surges, and at the same time, resisted imposing the kind of lockdowns snuff out the economic boom fueled by 2020 topped the unemployment table at
not destroying and shutting down our that have been seen in other parts of the his low-tax, deregulation agenda. 10.3 percent, looked much different in
economy.” country, recently blamed pandemic-relat- Noem told the conference that sidestep- industry contribution to GDP. Arts, en-
ed restrictions for hurting the economy. ping the push for deeper lockdowns was tertainment, recreation, accommodation,
Unemployment Lower in Red States “COVID didn’t crush the economy. Gov- why South Dakota had the lowest unem- and food services accounted for nearly $9
Federal economic data speaks in support ernment crushed the economy,” Noem ployment rate in the nation in Decem- billion of Hawaii’s GDP in 2019, compared
of the findings of the poll. said at the Conservative Political Action ber 2020 and why the state’s economy is to manufacturing, which contributed just
The top three states with the lowest un- Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, booming. $1.7 billion.


via a blog post that Hafnium, a state- White House national security adviser
sponsored hacking group operating from Jake Sullivan wrote via Twitter on March
China, exploited flaws in its Exchange 4 calling on network owners to apply the
Server software. Three versions of the patches quickly while offering recom-
software were affected—2013, 2016, and mendations if their systems were compro-
2019—and the U.S. software giant released mised.
emergency security patches to address the “This is an active threat,” said White
security holes. House press secretary Jen Psaki on March
Microsoft explained that the Hafnium 5. “Everyone running these servers—gov-
hackers were using the flaws to access ernment, private sector, academia—needs
email accounts and install malware to to act now to patch them.”
“facilitate long-term access to victim en- “We are concerned that there are a large
vironments.” number of victims and are working with
Soon after, U.S.-based cybersecurity our partners to understand the scope of
firm FireEye reported that the hacking this,” Psaki added.
group targeted a number of American The FBI said on March 7 that it was “work-
targets, including “U.S.-based retailers, ing closely with our interagency and private
local governments, a university, and an sector partners to understand the scope of
engineering firm.” the threat.”
On March 7, the EBA, an EU financial reg- On March 8, the U.S. Department of

EU Banking ulator, announced that its email systems

were compromised by the cyberattack.
“As the vulnerability is related to the
EBA’s email servers, access to personal
Homeland Security’s cybersecurity agency
took to Twitter asking “all organizations
across all sectors” to follow its guidelines
to address vulnerabilities within their Mi-

Regulator Hit data through emails held on that servers

may have been obtained by the attacker,”
the EBA said in a statement.
crosoft Exchange Server software.
At a daily briefing on March 3, China’s for-
eign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin

by Suspected On March 8, the organization released

another statement saying that its investiga-
tion was ongoing.
“At this stage, the EBA email infrastruc-
rejected Microsoft’s claims. He added that
media and companies should not “make
groundless accusations.”
There have been previously known Chi-

Chinese Hackers ture has been secured and our analyses

suggest that no data extraction has been
performed and we have no indication to
nese cyberattacks against U.S. entities.
In February 2020, the U.S. Department
of Justice indicted four members of the
think that the breach has gone beyond our Chinese military for hacking the online
email servers,” it stated. systems of U.S. credit-reporting company
FRANK FANG The EBA wasn’t the only known victim. Equifax in 2017. The hackers stole names,
The Microsoft logo The city government of Lake Worth Beach birth dates, and social security numbers
The European Banking Authority (EBA) during a product launch in Florida said that its email server was for about 145 million Americans.
is the latest victim of a large-scale cyber- event in New York City down for about three days since March 3 The U.S. Office of Personnel Management
hacking attack connected to the Chinese on May 2, 2017. as a result of the cyberattack, according to was the target of a Chinese cyberattack in
regime against Microsoft’s email and cal- the local daily Palm Beach Post. 2015, which resulted in the theft of data
endar server. The cyberattack has also drawn the of about 4.2 million current and former
Early last week, Microsoft announced concerns of the Biden administration. federal employees.
A20 | THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2021

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The Journey to Perfect Rice Bring This Diner Staple Home

Two guides to building rice-cooking confidence: loosey- for St. Patrick’s Day
goosey and painfully specific.
A corned beef hash bound by creamy potatoes and
woven in a web of cabbage.

See B2 See B5



At a typical Friday fish fry, your beer-battered, deep-fried fish comes with a side of coleslaw, maybe a slice of rye bread and pad of butter, and likely French fries or another form of potato.

In Wisconsin, Fridays
Are for Fish Fries
A brief history of the beloved state tradition
KEVIN REVOLINSKI nence out of respect toward the cruci-
fi xion of Christ. In the 9th century, Pope

isconsin didn’t invent fried Nicholas I made it specifically a meat Dip a fillet in flour, then
fish, but they certainly have issue. Fish—who may be offended they beaten eggs, and then
made the Friday fish fry a don’t rate as flesh—were still allowed,
cultural imperative. Few restaurants, tav- as they weren’t the meat of a warm- into bread crumbs.
erns, or supper clubs—or for that matter, blooded animal. Ergo, they became a
church basements—skip the tradition favored Friday protein source. No, the
Drop it into the fryer
during Lent, the Christian 40-day period fish allowance wasn’t a secret deal be- and deliver to diners—
of preparation for Easter, but the meal has tween the Vatican and Big Fish. Still, it
taken on a life of its own. Let me explain. doesn’t explain the frying. maybe even with a little
From the early days of Christianity, beer under the table.
Fridays were considered days of absti- Continued on B4

Call for Food Writers

Are you an experienced food writer? We’re looking to commission
stories about unique, time-honored food traditions and recipes from
across the country—and around the world. If interested, send your
pitch, author bio, and 2 to 3 writing samples to S!


The Journey
to Perfect Rice
2 guides to building
rice-cooking confidence

have nothing but tough love for those
who claim they can’t cook a pot of
rice. Quit acting so helpless. Cook the
rice. If you screw it up, consider what
went wrong and adjust. Like you do
when making a sandwich. Which is much
easier to screw up than a pot of rice.
Not mushy, sticky, or starchy, neither
crunchy nor burnt, my rice is perfect. Sure,
once in a while you faceplant. Heck, I can
screw up a box of macaroni and cheese.
But it’s easier than baking bread, or mak-
ing your own noodles from scratch. The
variables in rice-making are manageable:
heat, time, and moisture. To these laws of Rice is a journey,
the physical universe, the rice abides. not a single meal
Nobody wants too many learning experi- commitment. Take
ences along the way, but rice is a journey, not note of what you did
a single meal commitment. It’s about learn- each time and make
ing where you want to go with your rice, and adjustments.
figuring out how to get there. Do you like it YELLOWRAIL/
al dente? A little soggy? Take note of what
you did each time and make adjustments.
You’ll quickly run out of variables to tweak
and learn what not to do, like stir the rice,
which would be like stirring a cake while cover it with about an inch of water, and even insert a knife if I suspect low water,
it’s baking. It would kill the living, breathing cook it until it’s perfect. That’s not what we and scrape the bottom, and perhaps taste a
structural integrity of a pot of rice. As you But if you know did in sushi class, but whatever. grain of rice from the top. If it’s chewy, that
understand the finite universe of factors and With a tight-fitting lid, place the pot on means you’re close and can turn it off and
tricks, your confidence will rise.
your rice, you high. Don’t stir it. When it boils, turn it let it sit until mealtime, slowly puffing up.
Too many cooks have never felt confi- don’t need down to low. Don’t stir it. After about 15 If the rice on top is too crunchy and seems
dent in their rice. So they buy rice cookers, minutes you can turn it off and forget about in danger of drying out, add a tablespoon
even though they only make rice once to measure it. And don’t forget to not stir it. or two of water and replace the lid.
every six months, which is part of the or watch the If the rice burns, perhaps because you for-
problem. If you cook it every day, sure, get to turn it off, then you must act quickly, And a Painfully Specific One
buy a rice cooker. It will make perfect rice clock. Just as with any burn. If it’s merely a pleasing I know that getting thrown off the deep end
every time. But if you know your rice, you shade of brown, turn off the heat, give it a isn’t always the best teaching method for
don’t need to measure, or watch the clock. watch the rice, splash of water, replace the lid and forget everyone, so I want to offer the stubbornly
Just watch the rice, preferably in a heavy- preferably about it for a while. When you remember, helpless this painfully specific recipe for
bottomed pot. Eventually your observa- it will be perfect. It’s magic. baked rice. It comes from my mother-in-
tions will become understanding. in a heavy- But if you smell actual blackened burned, law. It’s not only fool-proof, but smart-al-
dump and remove the rice as quickly as eck-proof; it’s most customizable; and most
A Loosey-Goosey Guide
bottomed pot. possible, transferring it into a different pot impressively, it breaks not one but two of
I prefer white rice, which is often starchy, like Eventually your or a bowl. Don’t scrape the bottom or move my cardinal rules. Not only does she get
jasmine or sushi rice. If it makes the water any burnt material to the new vessel. As away with both infractions, but they prob-
milky, I’ll rinse it several times, dumping observations long as the burned aroma has not impreg- ably even help make it the dish that it is.
and replacing the cloudy water and stir- will become nated the clean grains, you’ll be fine. She rinses not a single grain of rice, which
ring in between loads, and sometimes let- If the rice is a bit crunchy, add what looks is admittedly something of a rice snob’s
ting it soak for a minute, which reduces the understanding. like the right amount of water, the exact feel practice. And she stirs it just before serv-
cooking time, not that I keep track. I learned of which you can only learn from experi- ing—which technically isn’t an infraction,
about rinsing, among other things, in sushi ence, by feeling the rice and adding what as stirring is only prohibited during the
class, 35 years ago, and still do it. you think it needs. Just be nice to those cooking process, but still. At the very least
I think it’s this rinsing practice that got me grains of rice, and they’ll be nice to you. this recipe bends my rules, which you can
away from measuring and timing, as the Most of the time, everything goes smooth- do if you know them by heart.
rice absorbs water during rinsing, which ly and I end up with perfect, no-stress rice.
makes it impossible to keep track. So I sim- Some will judge me, but my loosey-goosey Ari LeVaux writes about food
ply wash the rice until it rinses clean, then process includes a peak along the way. I’ll in Missoula, Mont.

Repurpose a Favorite Savory OLIVE OIL CAKE

Ingredient for Cake That’s SERVES 8 TO 10

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
minutes. Remove the side of the pan and let cake cool
completely, about 1 1/2 hours. Cut into wedges and

Simple yet Sophisticated 1 teaspoon baking powder

3/4 teaspoon salt


3 large eggs For the best flavor, use a fresh, high-quality extra-
virgin olive oil. Our favorite supermarket option is
AMERICA'S TEST KITCHEN 1 1/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar California Olive Ranch Everyday Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

One of the most attractive aspects of mak- We wanted our olive 1/4 teaspoon grated lemon zest If your springform pan is prone to leaking, place a
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil rimmed baking sheet on the oven floor to catch any
ing a cake with oil rather than butter is the oil cake to have a light, drips.
way it expedites the mixing process: There’s 3/4 cup milk
Leftover cake can be wrapped in plastic wrap and
no waiting for butter to come to room tem- fine-textured and plush Adjust the oven rack to the middle position and heat stored at room temperature for up to three days.
perature and then beating it with sugar
before you even start to add the rest of the crumb, with a subtle but oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9-inch springform
ingredients. The batter is ready to go into noticeable olive oil flavor. Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt together in a bowl.
the oven in 5 minutes flat, and the cake
comes out just 40 minutes later. Using a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment,
whip eggs on medium speed until foamy, about 1
With many oil-based cakes, you simply with a tiny bit of lemon zest. minute. Add 1 1/4 cups sugar and lemon zest, increase
whisk the dry ingredients in one bowl, A bit of advice: Don’t panic when it puffs. speed to high, and whip until mixture is fluffy and pale
whisk the wet ingredients in another, The cake will puff up during baking, but yellow, about 3 minutes.
and then combine the contents of the two don’t worry. This is just air released by Reduce speed to medium and, with the mixer running,
bowls. The dry ingredients were all-pur- the cake batter getting trapped beneath slowly pour in oil. Mix until oil is fully incorporated,
pose flour, baking powder, and salt, and the the layer of melted sugar, which adds a about 1 minute. Add half of the flour mixture and
wet ingredients were eggs, milk, and olive crackly-sweet crust for a touch of sweet- mix on low speed until incorporated, about 1 minute,
oil. Also on the list: sugar and lemon zest. ness and sophistication. The cake will scraping down the bowl as needed.
We wanted our olive oil cake to have settle once it cools. Add milk and mix until combined, about 30 seconds.
a light, fine-textured and plush crumb, Add remaining flour mixture and mix until just
with a subtle but noticeable olive oil fla- For 25 years, confident cooks in the know incorporated, about 1 minute, scraping down the bowl
vor. Whipping the sugar with the whole have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for as needed.
eggs, rather than just the whites, pro- rigorously tested recipes developed by Transfer batter to a prepared pan; sprinkle remaining
duced a fine texture that was airy but professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 2 tablespoons sugar over the entire surface. Bake until
sturdy enough to support the olive oil-rich at-home recipe testers. See more online at cake is a deep golden brown and a toothpick inserted in
batter. To emphasize the defining flavor, Copyright the center comes out with few crumbs attached, 40 to Because this cake is made with liquid fat
we opted for a good-quality extra-virgin 2021 America’s Test Kitchen. Distributed by 45 minutes. instead of solid, it will keep longer than its but-
olive oil and supplemented its fruitiness Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Transfer pan to a wire rack and let cool for 15 ter-based counterparts.

Too many cooks have

never felt confident
in their rice.

This savory
bloody mary
cocktail mix
is perfect
for breakfast
or brunch.

Bloody Marys
in a Snap

A delicious bloody mary can be a pain to

make, especially if you’re making a bunch
of cocktails at a time. Instead, I find it easier
to make a big pitcher of this mix ahead of
time. That way, when you’re ready to serve
a few cocktails, all you need to do is salt
the rim of a glass, add ice, vodka, and this
savory bloody mary cocktail mix and you’re
good to go!
The hardest part will be deciding what
fun ingredients you’ll garnish your glass
PERFECT BAKED RICE with: a celery stick, cherry tomatoes, olives,
I once had a basketball coach who

liked to remind us that “practice

Kary Osmond is a Canadian recipe
doesn’t make perfect; perfect developer and former television host of
practice makes perfect.” In that the popular daytime cooking show “Best
spirit, this recipe will get you Recipes Ever.” Her easy recipes include
accustomed to making good rice. helpful tips to guide you along the way,
And will make you totally intolerant and her love of plant-based cooking
of a single mushy grain of rice. offers healthy alternatives to some of
Each gloriously flavored and supple your favorite dishes. Learn more at
batch of this rice is so decadent you Copyright 2021 Kary
could binge on it plain, like a tub of Osmond. Distributed by Tribune Content
vanilla ice cream. I like to throw a Agency, LLC.
handful of fast-cooking veggies and
maybe some prepared proteins on
top. It’s very customizable. But try
to keep it simple.
Each gloriously flavored and supple batch of this rice is so deca-
1/4 pound onion, finely minced
dent you could binge on it plain, like a tub of vanilla ice cream.
2 tablespoons butter or oil MAKES ABOUT 8 COCKTAILS black pepper
1 cup long-grain white rice, such 1.89 liters tomato juice Place the ingredients in a large mason jar
as jasmine or jug and mix well. Store in the fridge until
2 tablespoons grated fresh horseradish
ready to use.
1 3/4 cups boiling water or chicken stock or veggie stock
3 teaspoons Sriracha sauce
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 2 tablespoons green olive juice
Gently sauté the onions and butter in a bakeable vessel with a tight-fitting lid. Stir in the rice. Add 1 tablespoon lime cordial Rim the edge of a large glass with salt.
the boiling water or stock. Bake for 20 minutes with the lid on. Remove from the oven and let it rest Add ice, 1 ounce of vodka, 3/4 cup bloody
2 tablespoons vegan Worcestershire
for 15 minutes. Fluff before serving, if you wish. mary cocktail mix.
Or perhaps, turn off the oven and let it rest there, where it can slowly develop a delicious golden 1 teaspoon salt Stir, garnish, and enjoy. If you like things
bottom. Don’t burn it, but let it get close. Why stop at breaking just two rules at once? 1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked spicy, add extra hot sauce..


Upping Your The result is a delicious

quite strong when fresh, but its flavor fades
and bite softens with cooking, so don’t be

Mash Game
deterred by the amount in the recipe.
This is a lovely side dish to accompany
side of potatoes, with meat and stews. The potatoes are left un-
an extra dimension of peeled, and their nutrient-rich skins fleck
LYNDA BALSLEV this side dish, adding flavor and texture. Peel
fragrance, flavor, and bite. the potatoes if you prefer a smoother texture.
What could be better than a rich and
creamy bowl of mashed potatoes? How you cut away the skin, a milky white inte- Lynda Balslev is a cookbook author, food
about a bowl of mashed potatoes infused rior is revealed, softly redolent with celery. and travel writer, and recipe developer
with celery and horseradish? Celery root can be eaten raw and grated into based in the San Francisco Bay Area,
This fluffy bowl piles on the roots, with salads, and when cooked, it’s a non-starchy where she lives with her Danish husband,
celery root and horseradish joining the mix. alternative or complement to potatoes in two children, a cat, and a dog. Lynda
The result is a delicious side of potatoes, mashes, gratins, and soups. studied cooking at Le Cordon Bleu Ecole
with an extra dimension of fragrance, fla- Horseradish is also a root and belongs de Cuisine in Paris and worked as a
vor, and bite. to the mustard family, which explains its personal chef, culinary instructor, and
Celery root, also known as celeriac, is the peppery bite. Horseradish is often grated This fluffy bowl of mashed potatoes piles on food writer in Switzerland and Denmark.
dark horse of root vegetables. Don’t let its raw and folded into sauces and garnished the roots, with celery root and horseradish Copyright 2021 Lynda Balslev. Distributed
gnarly, bulbous exterior put you off. Once over meats. Sharp and nutty, horseradish is joining the mix. by Andrew McMeel Syndication.


PREP & COOKING TIME 1/2 cup sour cream, plus more as needed thoroughly and discard the bouquet garni.
Active Time: 10 minutes 4 tablespoons finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano Transfer the vegetables to a large bowl, add the butter,
Total Time: 55 minutes cheese, divided and mash with a potato masher. Stir in the sour cream,
3 tablespoons finely grated peeled fresh
2 tablespoons cheese, 2 tablespoons horseradish,
1 1/2 pounds Yukon gold potatoes, cut into horseradish, divided
and the pepper. If too thick, mix in more sour cream to
1-inch pieces your desired consistency. Add salt to your taste and
1/2 teaspoon pepper mix well. Transfer the potatoes to a buttered 2-quart
1 1/2 pounds celery root, peeled, cut into 1-inch baking dish.
Don't let celery Horseradish is Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
root's gnarly, also a root and Combine the potatoes and celery root in large pot and Mix the remaining 2 tablespoons cheese and 1
bulbous exterior belongs to the 1 bay leaf cover with cold water. Tie the bay leaf and thyme sprigs tablespoon horseradish in a small bowl. Sprinkle over
put you off. mustard family, 3 thyme sprigs with kitchen string to make a bouquet garni and add top of potatoes. Transfer the potatoes to the oven
which explains to the pot along with 1 tablespoon salt. Bring to a boil and bake until the top is tinged golden brown and
its peppery bite. Salt
and simmer, partially covered, until the potatoes and the potatoes are heated through, about 25 minutes.
1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened celery root are very tender, about 20 minutes. Drain Serve warm.

In Wisconsin,
Fridays Are
for Fish Fries
A brief history of
the beloved state Surely fried
tradition fish must
have origins
Continued from B1 as far back
Who Fried It First? as someone
Surely fried fish must have origins as far back
as someone burning their finger on hot oil
burning their
and having a Eureka moment. The Greeks finger on hot
used frying as early as the 5th century BCE
and the Egyptians were likely frying foods oil and having
at least two millennia before that—but likely a Eureka
with animal fats. Did the Greeks use olive oil
early on? The Romans sure didn’t care for it moment.
as it became rancid fast.
Much of this frying origin story is left to
archaeologists and historians to translate
and debate over, but at the very least, we
know that fish pieces dipped in flour and
fried in sesame oil appear in a 13th-centu-
ry Egyptian cookbook, while fried fish in
egg batter can be found in Spanish Arabic
cookbooks from the same time period,
perhaps the influence of the Moors on the
Iberian Peninsula.
But often Portugal is credited with bring-
ing peixe frito, fried fish, to the larger world.
An early adopter of the Maritime Empire
model, Portugal sailed the seven seas, ferry- ESY OF
ing merchants and Christian (read: Friday They’d then save cold leftovers to eat on sociated with the lagers that long defined
fish-eater) missionaries to faraway lands. Shabbat to abstain from cooking, accord- the beer culture of the Midwest, but in the
Portuguese ships arrived in Japan in ing to their own religious customs. The 1920s when Prohibition was the law of the
the 16th century, opening up trade batter helped keep the fish overnight, land, the taverns needed an alternative
and cultural exchanges and in- and the olive oil they used gave it a revenue source.
troducing what would become lighter flavor. When the Marranos Lake Michigan, and so many other local
known as tempura. The term fled to the UK as refugees during fishing holes, had a massive supply of fresh
applied to Japanese frying the 16th century, the fried fish product. Frying it had already proved popu-
techniques was taken from dish followed with them. Thomas lar in Europe, and preparing large amounts
“quatuor anni tempora”—“four Jefferson himself wrote of eating was fairly easy: Dip a fillet in flour, then beat-
annual seasons” in Latin—re- “fried fish in the Jewish fashion” en eggs, and then into bread crumbs. Drop it
ferring to the Ember Days, a during a trip to London. into the fryer and deliver to diners—maybe
Catholic practice of three days even with a little beer under the table.
of fasting, abstinence, and prayer Beer and Fish Prohibition ended, but the meal proved to
at the beginning of each of the four But then how did fish fry come to be be so beloved that supper clubs and other
seasons, not merely Lent. such a cultural norm in the upper Mid- taverns and restaurants continued the
Even the British classic fish and chips west? Two factors: the predominance of tradition, and today many establishments
took its fish roots from Portugal. Claudia Christian fast-keepers looking for a Friday offer fish on all Fridays of the year. (Some
Roden’s “The Book of Jewish Food” in- alternative, and the dark days of Prohibition. places have even added Wednesdays. I’m
forms us that under threat of persecution Catholic immigrants such as the Poles, looking at you, Dexter’s Pub.)
A fish fry plate with
during the Inquisition in Portugal, many Germans, and Irish settled in these areas,
tartar sauce at
Portuguese Marranos, Sephardic Jews, ate Toby’s Supper Club especially in and around Milwaukee. Ger- Today’s Fish Fry
fried fish on Fridays, giving the appearance in Madison, Wis. mans, who came to Wisconsin in abun- The meal often is an all-you-can-eat serv-
of following Christian abstinence rules. dance in the 19th century, are often as- ing of cod, walleye, or, if you’re lucky, lake

Bring This Diner Staple Home for St. Patrick’s Day

AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN around the sides, we returned the skillet
to the heat to brown the hash. Flipping the The finished hash was bound by
We wanted a recipe for this diner staple that hash in sections with a spatula gave us con-
was easy to make in every home kitchen. trol over how much browning was achieved creamy potatoes and woven in a web of
In a large bowl, we tossed together 1/2- and allowed browning on both sides. The
inch cubes of cooked corned beef from the finished hash was bound by creamy pota-
cabbage, with salty, tender corned beef
deli counter, unpeeled russet potatoes, and toes and woven in a web of cabbage, with and subtly sweet carrots in every bite.
carrots, which offered pretty pops of color. salty, tender corned beef and subtly sweet
We also added shredded cabbage and sliced carrots in every bite.
onion and combined the entire mixture with CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE HASH
garlic, thyme, a few spices, and vegetable oil. For 25 years, confident cooks in the know
We transferred the contents of the bowl have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for SERVES 4 TO 6 over medium heat (skillet will be very full, but
to a nonstick skillet and cooked them, cov- rigorously tested recipes developed by pro- contents will cook down). Cover and cook until
ered, until the potatoes were tender. We fessional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 1 pound russet potatoes, unpeeled, cut potatoes are tender, 15 to 20 minutes, stirring
then removed the skillet from the heat and at-home recipe testers. See more online at into 1/2-inch dice occasionally.
mashed the ingredients into a solid mass Copy- 12 ounces cooked corned beef brisket, Remove skillet from heat and, using a potato
with a potato masher. right 2021 America’s Test Kitchen. Distrib- cut into 1/2-inch dice masher, mash ingredients into a coarse,
After adding little nubs of butter all uted by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. cohesive mass. Spread corned beef mixture
3 cups shredded green cabbage
STEVE KLISE into an even layer and place butter pieces
1 cup thinly sliced onion along the sides of the skillet all around the
2 carrots, peeled and cut hash. Return to medium heat and cook,
into 1/2-inch dice (1/2 cup) uncovered and undisturbed, until well browned
on the bottom, 5 to 7 minutes.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Flip spatula-size portions of hash and lightly
2 garlic cloves, sliced thin
repack in the skillet. Cook until browned on the
2 teaspoons coarsely chopped fresh second side, about 2 minutes. Flip again and
thyme brown the bottom once more, about 2 minutes.
2 teaspoons pepper

1 1/2 teaspoons dry mustard NOTES

1 teaspoon table salt Corned beef is sold both raw and fully cooked.
Purchase fully cooked corned beef from the
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
deli counter—ask the butcher to slice it 1/2-
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 16 inch thick. You can also use cooked corned
pieces beef left over from a boiled dinner.

Toss potatoes, beef, cabbage, onion, carrots, About one-quarter of a head of green cabbage
oil, garlic, thyme, pepper, mustard, salt, and will yield 3 cups.
You can use leftover corned beef from another meal, but the recipe tastes just as good when allspice together in a large bowl. Transfer Serve with hot sauce and a fried egg, if
using store-bought corned beef. mixture to a 12-inch nonstick skillet and set desired.

The beer in the batter releases a bit of carbonation when it hits the fryer, giving a lifting lightness
to what will be a crunchy coating.


Slipping your fish some beer thin layer. Whisk until it’s smooth.
might seem like overdoing it, but If the batter is too thick, you will
The fish fry at Essen Haus the beer in the batter releases a end up with soggy breading.
Restaurant and Bar in bit of carbonation when it hits the Mix the remaining flour with
Madison, Wis., includes the fryer, giving a lifting lightness to seasoned salt, pepper, garlic
option of a side of German- what will be a crunchy coating. powder, and paprika, and spread
style potato pancakes— out on a plate large enough to
highly prized and insisted 1 pound perch fillets (or cod,
accommodate a piece of fish.
upon by certain diehards. haddock, or walleye), patted
dry Dry off each piece of fish using a
paper towel and season with salt
1 egg, beaten lightly and pepper.
perch or even bluegill. Beer-battered and 1 teaspoon baking powder Set up the assembly line: the
deep-fried, your fish comes with a side of
fish pieces, the plate of flour,
coleslaw, maybe a slice of rye bread and Prohibition ended, but the 1 3/4 cups flour, divided
and then the bowl of batter, all
pad of butter, and likely French fries or an- 12 ounces beer (pilsner,
other form of potato, especially German-
meal proved to be so beloved amber, or light ale)
leading to your pot of hot oil.
Coat the fish first with the flour
style potato pancakes—highly prized and that supper clubs and other 1 teaspoon salt (or go full and then the batter, allowing for
insisted upon by certain diehards. Sconnie and use Lawry’s excess batter to drip off. Then
American Serb Hall, a favorite in Milwau- taverns and restaurants seasoned salt) lower the fish gently into the
kee, won’t be doing dine-in this year, but oil so you don’t splash yourself.
cod, pollock, and perch are available for
continued the tradition, and 1 teaspoon black pepper
Fry for 3 to 4 minutes watching
1 teaspoon garlic powder
drive-through, walk-up, or delivery. The today many establishments for a golden crust, then remove
Archdiocese of Milwaukee keeps a calen- 1 teaspoon paprika with tongs and place on a paper
dar for its parish fish fries ( offer fish on all Fridays of towel to drain excess oil. Thicker
pieces of cod or haddock may
Parish/fish-fry), and Visit Madison rounds the year. Add oil to a deep cast-iron kettle, require a couple extra minutes in
up its favorites ( such as a Dutch oven—at least the oil. Work in batches, without
3 inches deep but never more overcrowding, so that the pieces
Kevin Revolinski is an avid traveler, craft than half full—and heat it to 375 don’t stick to each other or to the
beer enthusiast, and home cooking fan. degrees F. bottom of the pot.
He is the author of 15 books, including For the batter, whisk together the Serve with French fries or potato
“The Yogurt Man Cometh: Tales of an egg, baking powder, and 1 cup of pancakes, coleslaw, a slice of
American Teacher in Turkey” and his flour. Then add the beer gradually, light rye bread, tartar sauce,
new collection of short stories, “Stealing adjusting the beer amount so that and a lemon wedge. Pairs nicely
Away.”  He is based in Madison, Wis., and the batter is just thick enough to with a brandy Old Fashioned or a
his website is stick to the back of a spoon in a German pilsner.

Rice, Noodles, and Lots of Lucky Green PISTACHIO AND VEGETABLE


DIANE ROSSEN WORTHINGTON SERVES 6 minutes or until soft. Add zucchini

1/4 cup pistachios and continue sauteing for about
I often find myself looking for side dishes 3 to 4 minutes or until cooked but
that can accompany main courses without 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided slightly crisp. Season with salt and
overpowering them. This is a recipe that 1 1/4 cups long-grain white rice pepper.
does just that. 1 1/4 cups fine egg noodles When rice and noodles are cooked,
Rice and noodles combined with toasted add all vegetables, pistachios, 2
pistachios, leeks, and zucchini is one of 3 cups chicken or vegetable broth
tablespoons parsley, and the mint.
my favorite year-round side dishes. It also Salt Toss with a fork, taste for seasoning,
is a two-in-one dish since the veggies are Freshly ground black pepper and garnish with remaining tablespoon
already in the rice. And it is perfect for St. of parsley. Serve immediately.
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
Patrick’s Day, with lots of green peeking
1 medium leek, finely chopped
through the rice and noodles. TASTY TIPS
Look for long-grain rice for this recipe. It 1 medium zucchini, cut into 1/2- If you can find toasted pistachios,
has slender grains that stay separate and inch dice skip the first step.
fluffy after cooking, which works well for 1/2 cup petit pois, defrosted To make this a vegetarian main
side dishes or as a bed for sauces. Long- 3 tablespoons finely chopped course add sautéed tofu pieces and
grain rice is fairly bland, so any flavorings parsley, divided use vegetable stock.
added to it mingle nicely. There are other 1 tablespoon finely chopped This may be prepared up to 2
exotic long-grain rice varieties like bas- mint hours ahead and kept at room
mati or jasmine rice, but they are more Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. temperature. Reheat carefully in top
aromatic and have a nutty flavor. I prefer Toast pistachios in oven for 5 part of double boiler above hot water
plain old American long-grain rice for minutes or until lightly browned. over medium heat for 10 minutes.
this recipe. Reserve. Make this into a cold salad the next
Simple egg noodles work best for this day by adding some vinaigrette to
recipe because they cook up in the same In a medium saucepan heat 2 the leftover portion. Cold shrimp
amount of time as the rice, arriving at a tablespoons of the oil on medium or chicken pieces would be a nice
point where they’re soft but not mushy heat. Sauté the rice and egg noodles
for about 3 minutes or until evenly
while maintaining their distinctive fla- coated and very lightly browned. Lemon zest adds an extra flavor
vors. Look for fine egg noodles for this Add the broth, salt, and pepper and component.
recipe. Diane Rossen Worthington is an author- This two-in-one side increase heat to medium-high heat.
dish is perfect for St. Diane Rossen Worthington is an
Through years of rice-making, I have ity on new American cooking. She is the Stir with a fork. Lower the heat,
Patrick’s Day, with authority on new American cooking.
found that sautéing the rice in oil for a few author of 18 cookbooks, including “Seri- cover, and simmer 15 to 18 minutes, She is the author of 18 cookbooks,
minutes until the kernels just become light ously Simple Parties,” and a James Beard lots of green peeking or until cooked through and the
through the rice and including “Seriously Simple Parties,”
brown adds additional richness. In this Award-winning radio show host. You liquid has evaporated. and a James Beard Award-winning
recipe, we also sauté the noodles to add can contact her at Meanwhile, in a medium skillet heat radio show host. You can contact her at
extra texture and flavor. Sautéed leeks and Copyright 2021 Diane Rossen Worthing- the butter and remaining oil over Copyright 2021
zucchini along with toasted pistachios add ton. Distributed by Tribune Content medium heat. Add the leeks and Diane Rossen Worthington. Distributed
a delightful crunch. Agency, LLC. saute, stirring occasionally, about 3 by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


5. Army member Find the criminal
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
6. Canadian cop the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
equation to get the solution in the middle.
7. Advance There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
8. Track lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 The late Alfred Sheinwold, who founded
9. “If only ___ listened ...” and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 this column as “Sheinwold on Bridge” 60
10. Kind of calendar years ago, wrote wonderful columns in
which he asked the reader to “find the
11. Tolerate criminal”: discern which player had erred.
12. Burdened In some deals, it’s hard to find a law-
abiding citizen.
13. Perimeter In today’s deal, South’s 2NT was bold,
14. Echelon but he judged that the play would be easier
when West was known to have most of
15. Lip the missing honors. When West led the
20. Through five of spades, South let it ride to his ten
and next led a heart. West played low, and
26. 2011 Microsoft acqui- dummy won.
27. Slip by South next lost to the ace of diamonds.
28. Filled to excess Hard 1 - 1 Solution West continued with the ace and jack of
spades, but South had nine tricks: a heart,
32. Goggle four diamonds, two spades, two clubs. Find
33. Plot part the criminal(s).
West and South were guilty. West must
34. Cousin of calypso grab the first heart to lead the A-J of
36. Silvery gray spades. South has only seven fast tricks,
and West gets three spades and the red-
37. Grating suit aces.
38. “Chicago Hope” actor South can always succeed. If he puts up
dummy’s queen on the first spade, West
39. Culmination can’t beat 3NT.
40. “Hangin’ With Mr.
___” You hold: {Q3 KJ104 KQ953
42. Ran y K 9. Bothsides vulnerable. The dealer,
Hard 2 - 1 Solution at your right, opens one heart. What do
43. “We’ll take a cup of you say?
Across 36. Reply to a captain 61. Zigzag, e.g. kindness yet for ___...” ANSWER: To act with your 14 points is
1. ___-European 37. Auto with an odd 64. ‘The Preserver,’ in 44. Tibet’s capital
tempting, but no call is attractive. Your
spade support is inadequate to double,
5. Simple folk number of doors Hinduism 45. Lift up you lack the strength to overcall 1NT, and
10. Eyelets homonym 39. Venom carrier 67. Clearasil target to try two diamonds has more to lose than
46. It comes in sticks to gain. Pass. Your best chance for a profit
16. Inquires (about) 40. Short cloak? 68. Really love is to wait and hope the opponents get too
47. ‘Harper Valley ___’
17. Present 41. Book after II Chroni- 69. Imagine high and run into a bad break.
51. Coruscated West dealer
18. Bowls cles 70. Jack Benny and N-S vulnerable
52. Malicious behavior
19. Experienced again 42. Academic attainment Henny Youngman, e.g.
53. All shook up
21. Backwoods accom- 47. Pudding fruit 72. More densely covered
48. Stockings with a type of shade tree 54. Comeback
22. “A closed mouth 49. Chowderhead 73. Birth 55. Tipped off Easy 1 - 1 Solution
gathers no foot,” e.g. 50. Dotted line? 74. Galley notation 56. Woodlands
23. ___ compos mentis 53. Zodiac animal 75. Oddball 59. Indolent
24. Middle Eastern heads 54. “So few,” of fame 76. 1987 Nick Nolte 60. Tormentor
of state 57. “... above our poor movie 61. Committee head
25. Public servant with power to ___ or detract”: 77. Sen. Kennedy and 62. Online publication
great experience Gettysburg Address others 63. Part of a balance
29. Remains 58. Leave behind 64. Aspect
30. “Billy the ___” 59. ‘One Wild ___’ (1951 Down 65. Inactive
31. Not of the cloth comedy) 1. Nazareth native 66. Rest stop sight
32. Heating fuel 60. “Green Acres” struc- 2. Razzed 70. “Cross my heart,” e.g.
35. Fingers ture 3. 10’s and 20’s, e.g. 71. The “I” in T.G.I.F. Easy 2 - 1 Solution



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.








Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,

in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

“ - ”


SUBJECT “MAD-HER” As quick as lightening
have avoided the —
brought it up. He should
She got angry when he

economic self-interest?
nobler somehow than
political self-interest is
Is it really true that

This has put downward pressure on all

Buying wines priced in the $10-and-under brack-

ets. Wine consumers, hard-hit economi-
cally by the pandemic, are now happy to

Good-Quality, trade down.

Fred Franzia, president of Bronco Wine
Co., the man who developed the idea of the
$2 wine bottle for Trader Joe’s, has long be-

Inexpensive lieved, as did Adams, that a bottle of wine

should be on every table in America.
Moreover, the deep-discount Grocery

Wines Has Never Outlet chain, with 350 locations in six

states, now carries more overstocked and
private label wines than it ever has. Every
bottle is sold at a huge discount.

Been Easier DAN BERGER

As if that weren’t enough evidence, a sig-
nificant trade dispute between Australia
and China has led to China instituting tar-
The late wine author Leon Adams once said iffs on Aussie wines. That created a glut
that in a best-of-all-worlds situation, dry of Australian wine, some of which now is
wine should be as cheap as milk. headed for the United States and England
We may be reaching a point where that’s at discounted prices.
true. The overwhelming volume of wine
in the United States today has kept prices
for much of it very fair. The evidence is ev-
erywhere. Wineries report they
Three of the last four wine-grape crops
in California were huge. The 2019 harvest
have more wine in
was so large that about 10 percent of the inventory than at any
grapes grown were never harvested! There
were no buyers. time in their history.
Wineries report they have more wine in
inventory than at any time in their history. Additionally, many of the nation’s retail
Young millennials, who had been ex- wine shops have so much inventory that
pected to buy a lot of wine in 2019 and they have reduced their costs for shipping
2020, seem more smitten with alternative wine direct to consumers. Many consum-
beverages, from craft beer to ciders, hard ers can have their wines delivered for the
Trader Joe’s Charles Shaw wines, known as “Two-Buck Chuck,” lemonade to upscale whiskies, flavored equivalent of $1 to $2 per bottle, which eas-
recently dropped back down to their original $1.99 price tag. hard seltzers to super-premium tequila. ily covers the discount they get by ordering
The COVID-19 pandemic, which forced online.

a shutdown of most restaurants and bars, In order to compete, many large grocery
devastated on-premise wine sales, creating chains are increasing discounts for six-
large unsold inventories of older vintages. bottle purchases.
Meanwhile, two of the nation’s most pop- All this has led many wineries to reduce
ular wine brands are continuing to grow in their shipping costs for direct-to-consumer
the under-$7 price niche. sales, in many cases waiving shipping costs
The famed Charles Shaw wines at the completely. One large Sonoma County win-
Trader Joe’s grocery chain in many states ery even hired two additional web design-
has spawned a number of other ultra-bar- ers to retool their websites and then added
gain wines, including a decent dry wine, additional employees to handle increased
at prices we haven’t seen in years. The direct-to-consumer sales.
Charles Shaw brand (“Two-Buck Chuck”) Buying good-quality wine today for a lot
had been selling for $2.49 a bottle, but the less than $10 a bottle has never been easier.
chain recently dropped its price back to its
original $1.99. To find out more about Dan Berger and
And E. & J. Gallo’s line of excellent Bare- read features by other Creators Syndicate
foot wines (most sell for about $7!) doubled writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators
E. & J. Gallo’s affordable line of Barefoot wines doubled in sales in in sales in the last six years to nearly 19 mil- Syndicate webpage at
the past six years. lion cases! Copyright 2021

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