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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | F R I D A Y, M A R C H 19 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | N O . 2 , 9 21 $1.

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In the News Daring School

The U.S. intelligence com-

munity has assessed that
violent extremists in the
country are posing a “height-
ened threat” in 2021, an un-
Nigerian Army
classified threat assessment
shows. ... A7 BY DOUGLAS G. BURTON

The IRS is extending the Bandits are kidnapping masses of

deadline for taxpayers to file students and teachers with impu-
their taxes to May 17. ... A4
nity in Nigeria’s wild northwestern
Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. states, prompting calls for the tem-
Anthony Fauci have clashed porary closure of schools.
over whether people need to Students heading into class on
continue wearing masks due March 15 at 9:00 a.m. at an ele-
to the CCP virus. ... A2 mentary school in Rama village in
Iowa’s General Assembly Birnin Gwari, 40 miles west of Ka-
has approved a bill that would duna City, were confronted by ban-
let residents carry and pur- dits on motorcycles who abducted
chase guns without a permit. three of their teachers and drove
... A3 off to their forest refuge nearby, ac-
cording to media reports.
The House has passed the
Violence Against Women
Act, a bill designed to pro-
tect women from domestic Police hold up warning banners to pro-democracy supporters gathering ahead of court This copycat mass
violence. ... A8 US–CHINA appearances by dozens of dissidents charged with subversion, in Hong Kong on March 1, 2021. kidnapping by bandits on
The European Union’s drug the most vulnerable citizens
regulator says that the As-
traZeneca CCP virus vaccine
is “safe and effective” follow-
Lawmakers Voice Support for Sanctioning is happening all over again
and is appalling.
ing reports of death and ad-
verse effects. ... A11
Chinese and Hong Kong Officials David Otto, consultant, Geneva Centre
for Security and Strategic Studies

A House resolution that Just a day earlier, an abduction at

would remove a deadline State Department to sanction 24 officials over Chinese the Government Science Second-
for states to ratify the Equal ary School at Ikara, in Kaduna state,
Rights Amendment is “bra- Communist Party’s crackdown on Hong Kong’s freedoms was thwarted by security guards
zenly unconstitutional,” Rep. ALEX WROBLEWSKI/GETTY IMAGES who responded promptly to dis-
Tom McClintock says. ... A2 BY FRANK FANG holding the Chinese government tress calls from students, accord-

House Minority Leader accountable,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley ing to the Stefanos Foundation, a
Kevin McCarthy has filed .S. lawmakers from both (D-Ore.) and Rep. James McGovern Christian NGO.
a resolution to remove Rep. sides of the aisle have ex- (D-Mass.), who lead the Congres- Yet, 39 students and faculty at the
Eric Swalwell from the House pressed support for the sional-Executive Commission on Federal College of Forestry Mech-
Intelligence Committee over State Department’s de- China, on March 17. anization who were abducted the
alleged ties with a Chinese cision to sanction 24 Chinese and “We will continue to speak in morning of March 12 have been
Communist Party spy. ... A5 Hong Kong officials over Beijing’s defense of the Hong Kong people less lucky. They were spending their
Facebook says that it has continued clampdown on Hong against the oppression of an au- seventh day of captivity under a for-
implemented changes that Kong’s freedoms. thoritarian system.” est canopy, according to a police
seek to reduce the reach of, “The timing of the announcement Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) speaks at a Secretary of State Antony Blinken commissioner who spoke to The
and in some cases ban, groups sends a clear signal that the U.S. Senate hearing in Washington on April said in a statement that the sanctions Epoch Times.
that violate its policies. ... A6 government remains serious about 11, 2019. Continued on A9 Continued on A10

The National Association NEW YORK
of Manufacturers has urged
President Joe Biden to adopt
a tough China policy to ensure
a level playing field for Ameri- University Plans
can businesses. ... A9
Extra Graduation
Japan’s popular messaging
app LINE recently admitted Ceremonies
that its users’ personal data
stored on its server in Japan Based on Race,
could be accessed by China-
based contractors. ... A9
Income, Gender Women compete in the women’s
60-meter hurdles final during the 2020
Critics see leftist Toyota USATF Indoor Championships
BUSINESS in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Feb.
indoctrination sowing 15, 2020.
Corporate “woke-ism” is Miles of unused pipe, prepared for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, sit in a lot division and imposing
fueling a populist surge in the outside Gascoyne, N.D., on Oct. 14, 2014. CONGRESS
Republican Party that threat- segregation with
ens to upend its longstanding ENERGY ‘multicultural graduation’ Female Athletes
pact with big business, an in-
sider says. ... A17 21 States Sue Biden Administration BY MATTHEW VADUM Denied Chance to
U.S. jobless claims rose to Over Revoking Keystone XL Permit Columbia University in New York Testify to Senate Panel
770,000 last week, suggest- is planning to conduct six addi-
ing that layoffs remain high BY JANITA KAN The lawsuit argues that only Con- tional graduation ceremonies for
About Equality Act
despite the U.S. economy’s gress has the power to regulate inter- students according to their race, BY MARK TAPSCOTT
steady recovery from the A coalition of states has filed a law- state and international commerce, ethnic backgrounds, income level,
pandemic. ... A17
suit against President Joe Biden and including granting or rejecting per- and other self-identifications—a Three present and former Connecti-
his administration over the presi- mits for oil pipelines that cross an move that critics labeled as undo- cut high school biological female
dent’s decision to revoke a permit international border. ing the work of the civil rights era athletes were barred from testify-
Betsy McCaughey: The Bor- for the Keystone XL pipeline. “Since his first day in office, Presi- and taking a step toward re-segre- ing on March 17 before the Senate
der Crisis May Be Coming to Led by Texas and Montana, 21 dent Biden has made it his mission gating society. Judiciary Committee hearing on the
Your Kids’ School... A13 states have jointly filed a lawsuit to undo all the progress of the previ- The school’s website provides de- Equality Act that recently passed
against Biden arguing that the presi- ous administration, with complete tails of upcoming graduation cer- the House of Representatives. The
Brian Cates: Why Haven’t the
Durham or Hunter Biden Inves- dent didn’t have the authority to uni- disregard for the  Constitutional emonies for Native, Asian, “Latinx,” Equality Act prohibits discrimina-
tigations Ended Yet?...A14 laterally change an energy policy that limits on his power. His decision and black students scheduled for tion on the basis of sex, sexual ori-
Congress had set when he revoked to revoke the pipeline permit is not late April for Columbia College, entation, and gender identity.
Cal Thomas: Now Come the the permit on his first day in office. Continued on A7 Continued on A3 Continued on A5
Taxes... A16


Most K-12 Parents Former ICE Chief: ‘Whole Nation a BLINKEN ON

The tiny Hawaiian island
of Kauai, home to 67,000
residents, has a relaxed and
welcoming feel. ...B4
Want Schools to Sanctuary’ for Illegal Immigrants BOYCOTTING BEIJING
Few places match the mod-
ern energy of Cairo, Egypt’s
Reopen: Poll
BY ZACHARY STIEBER fice, President Joe Biden “For now, we’re
capital, which serves as a gi- just listening to
ant, open-air museum. ...B1 Actions taken by the Biden issued a slew of executive
Republicans overwhelmingly want administration have creat- orders on immigration and the concerns
we’ve heard
schools to reopen, and most Demo- ed a “sanctuary” for illegal border security. expressed from m
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. crats and independents do as well, immigrants, shielding them Aside from halting border many countriess
READEPOCH.COM according to a recently released poll. from immigration enforce- Former ICE wall construction, the ad- around the world,”
Some 94 percent of Republican ment across the nation, ac- Acting Director ministration issued a memo Secretary of State
Published in New York, respondents to a Gallup survey said cording to Tom Homan, for- Tom Homan. to temporarily suspend de- Antony Blinken said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
they support providing in-person mer acting director of Immigration portations of illegal aliens, a key Read more on A2
Continued on A4 and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Continued on A6

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

Resolution Axing Deadline to Ratify Equal Rights

Amendment ‘Brazenly Unconstitutional’: Rep. McClintock


The House on March 17 adopted

a resolution that would remove
a deadline for states to ratify the
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA),
a move that Rep. Tom McClintock
(R-Calif.) called “brazenly uncon-
The resolution to repeal the ERA’s
ratification deadline passed 222–
204, with four Republicans join-
ing all Democrats in voting for the
measure. The amendment would
abridge the U.S. Constitution by
adding language that bans dis-
crimination on the basis of sex.
But besides substantive debate
around the merits of the amend-
ment, there is the question of a
deadline for its ratification—one
that both the Department of Jus-
tice (DOJ) and a federal court have
stated has long since passed.
McClintock on March 17 cited
the late Supreme Court Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, one of the The U.S. Capitol in Washington on March 8, 2021.
biggest advocates of the amend- ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES

ment, as saying that it was time to the 14th Amendment already af- “Section 1: Equality of rights un- state to ratify—and the final one
start the process from the begin- fords equal rights to all citizens, der the law shall not be denied or required to meet the threshold for
ning and renew the discussion on which implicitly includes women. abridged by the United States or by adding it to the Constitution.
its merits. Some have argued that the amend- any state on account of sex. One of the ERA’s opponents,
“This measure is brazenly un- ment could potentially even weak- “Section 2: The Congress shall Washington-based pro-life orga-
constitutional,” McClintock said. en protections for women by ne- have the power to enforce, by ap- nization National Right to Life, in-
“If the majority were serious, they gating the enactment of laws that propriate legislation, the provi- sists that the deadline to pass the
would reintroduce the ERA and benefit only women. Others have sions of this article. amendment expired decades ago
debate it openly and constitution- argued that, since the amend- “Section 3: This amendment and that congressional resolutions
ally as Ginsburg suggests.” ment doesn’t specify women, its shall take effect two years after that seek to revive it are unconsti-
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), language could be used to upset the date of ratification.” tutional.
chairman of the House Judiciary traditional gender norms, and it The fight over the ERA began al- Douglas Johnson, National Right
Committee, argued that Congress could pave the way for more per- most a century ago. The amend- to Life’s senior policy adviser, told
has the authority to extend or re- missive laws on abortion. ment was first proposed in Con- CNN that the idea that the act  has
move any deadlines it chose to set Speaking on the House floor gress in 1923 and was passed in been ratified or is close to ratifica-
previously. ahead of the vote, Rep. Vicky 1972, where it then went to the An activist holds a copy of the U.S. tion is “political theater.”
“We are on the brink of making Hartzler (R-Mo.) called the mea- states for ratification, according Constitution during a news confer- “The Constitution does not em-
history and no deadline should sure “a path that has already to the Alice Paul Institute. Con- ence calling for the ratification of the power Congress to employ time
Equal Rights Amendment on Capitol
stand in the way,” Nadler said. proven to be a threat to women’s gress gave the states a seven-year travel to resuscitate a 42-year-dead
Hill in Washington April 30, 2019.
Supporters of the ERA, includ- privacy, safety, and equality.” deadline, which was then extend- amendment,” Johnson told the
ing President Joe Biden, see it as “Don’t take it from me. Talk to ed until 1982, but only 35 states outlet, adding that the congressio-
an important provision to protect the nine women in California had ratified the amendment, fall- vocates of the ERA, ruling that the nal resolution is part of a “political-
women’s rights under the Consti- who were sexually harassed in ing short of the necessary 38 state deadline to ratify it “expired long pressure campaign to intimidate
tution. a women’s shelter by a biological ratifications, or three-quarters of ago” and three states’ recent ratifi- the federal courts into permitting
In a March 17 statement, Biden male identifying as a woman,” the 50 states, as required by the cations of the amendment arrived them to air-drop the long-expired
noted that he supported the ERA Hartzler said. “The Equal Rights Constitution. too late to count. ERA into the Constitution.”
when he was a young senator. Amendment would not only In January 2020, the DOJ issued In 2020, Virginia, Illinois, and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), the
“Nearly 50 years later, it is long codify inequality for women but a legal opinion arguing that the Nevada sued the archivist of the sponsor of the resolution to repeal
past time that we enshrine the also destroy the rights of the un- deadline to ratify the ERA had United States to compel the pub- the ratification deadline, said, “We
principle of gender equality in our born. ERA advocates have been already expired despite recent lication and certification of the demand that we be put into the
Constitution,” he said. unequivocal about their support efforts to revive the proposed ERA as the 28th Amendment to Constitution.”
Opponents have raised various for abortion and using the ERA to amendment. the Constitution. The three states
arguments against the measure, overturn pro-life laws.” Just weeks ago, a federal district recently ratified the ERA, with Janita Kan and The Associated
including that it is superfluous, as The text of the ERA reads: judge dealt a further blow to ad- Virginia claiming to be the 38th Press contributed to this report.

Sen. Paul, Fauci Clash Over ‘Listening to Concerns:’ US Secretary of State Doesn’t Rule
COVID-19 Mask Requirements Out Boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics

JACK PHILLIPS disagree[s]” with Paul’s state- ZACHARY STIEBER

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and in- In January, Paul said during a The U.S. secretary of state on
fectious disease expert Dr. An- Fox News interview that people March 17 didn’t rule out a U.S.
thony Fauci clashed over whether who have been vaccinated should boycott of the 2022 Beijing Win-
people need to continue wearing discard their masks. ter Olympics.
masks due to the CCP virus. “If you’ve had the disease or “We’ve heard the many con-
“You’re telling everyone to wear you’ve been vaccinated and cerns around the world about the
a mask,” Paul said. “If we’re not you’re several weeks out of your prospect of those Olympics given
spreading the infection, isn’t it second dose, throw your mask the actions that China has taken
just theater? You have the vaccine away and tell Dr. Fauci to take a both at home in terms of its abuse
and you’re wearing two masks, leap because, once you have im- of human rights when it comes to
isn’t that theater?” munity, you don’t need to do this,” the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, other
Fauci then accused Paul of en- the Kentucky Republican said at minorities, or, of course, what’s
gaging in “theater” and stated the time. happening in Hong Kong, the
that emerging COVID-19 variants This week, Fauci suggested that increasing tensions as a result
are a good reason “for a mask.” three-feet distancing between of its actions with regard to Tai-
“You’re making policy based on schoolchildren, rather than six wan,” Secretary of State Antony Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a virtual meet and greet
conjecture,” Paul said, saying that feet, could be good enough fol- Blinken told an outlet in Japan with U.S. Embassy staff at the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Tokyo on
Fauci wants people to wear masks lowing a study that was published while traveling. March 16, 2021.
“for another couple of years.” last week. “And we’ve heard a lot of those
In recent weeks, Fauci has faced The CDC stated in updated concerns, and we will continue
increasing criticism for making guidance on March 8 that fully to talk to other countries around genocide assessment. Beijing Olympics.
predictions about the virus that vaccinated people don’t have to the world to hear what they’re The CCP is also carrying out oth- White House press secretary
ultimately didn’t materialize wear a mask or physically dis- thinking, and at the appropriate er human rights abuses, such as Jen Psaki said on Feb. 25 that the
while also repeatedly issuing tance themselves from others time we’ll decide what to do. But the persecution of the Falun Gong United States hasn’t made a “final
warnings about the CCP virus who are also fully vaccinated or for now, we’re just listening to the spiritual group and a continued decision” on the country’s par-
spreading due to a relaxation in those who are unvaccinated but concerns we’ve heard expressed crackdown on Christians. ticipation in the Olympics, adding
lockdowns. “are at low risk for severe COV- from many countries around the Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) recently that it would look for “guidance
“You’ve been vaccinated and ID-19 disease.” world.” asked Biden to meet with him to from the U.S. Olympic Commit-
you parade around in two masks “There are some activities that A number of prominent voices discuss his efforts to relocate the tee.” Earlier in the month, Psaki
for show,” Paul told Fauci. “If you fully vaccinated people can be- in the United States have urged 2022 Games. signaled that there were no plans
already have immunity, you’re gin to resume now in their own the Biden administration to con- “Under no circumstance should to boycott the Games.
wearing a mask to give comfort to homes,” CDC Director Rochelle P. sider a full or partial boycott of the global community give Com- Blinken and Biden’s national se-
others. You’re not wearing a mask Walensky said in a press release. the Winter Olympics, given how munist China an international curity adviser Jake Sullivan are set
because of any science.” “Taking steps towards relaxing the Chinese Communist Party platform to whitewash its crimes, to meet with Chinese officials in
According to the Centers for certain measures for vaccinated (CCP) is committing what U.S. which is what will happen if they Alaska on March 18. It will be the
Disease Control and Prevention persons may help improve CO- officials have described as a are allowed to host the 2022 Olym- first high-level in-person meet-
(CDC), individuals who have VID-19 vaccine acceptance and genocide against the Uyghurs, a pic Games in Beijing,” Scott wrote. ing between the two nations since
been vaccinated are advised to uptake.” predominantly Muslim Turkic Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) re- Biden took office.
still wear a mask. ethnic group. cently floated an economic and
Fauci responded that “masks Meiling Lee contributed Both President Joe Biden and diplomatic boycott, while allow- Cathy He and Frank Fang
are not theater” and he “totally to this report. Blinken have agreed with the ing athletes to participate in the contributed to this report.

University Plans
Extra Graduation
Ceremonies Based on
Race, Income, Gender
CONTINUED FROM A1 of graduation gatherings. Mary
Grabar, resident fellow at the Al-
Columbia Engineering, General exander Hamilton Institute for
Studies,  and Barnard College. the Study of Western Civilization
Another ceremony, “FLI Gradua- and the author most recently of
tion” is for “first generation and/or “Debunking the 1619 Project,” sees
low income community,” and the the multiplicity of graduation cer-
“Lavender” graduation is intended emonies as the inevitable product
for the “LGBTIAQ+ community.” of leftist indoctrination in the edu-
Because of continuing pandem- cation system.
ic-related restrictions, the events “This is the logical outcome of
are expected to take place online. replacing literary classics with
‘multicultural literature’ and
American and World history with
histories of various groups. What A woman walks on the Columbia University campus in New York on March 9, 2020.
Congratulations category are they reserving for SAUL LOEB/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
are in order for lib- white students who are neither of events that abolished slavery,
erals and Colum- gay nor first generation? ‘White secured civil rights, defeated com-
Privileged?’ Of course, these will munism and fascism, and built the
bia University for be the pariahs, and that has been most fair, equal, and prosperous
successfully bring- the plan all along,” she told The nation in human history.”
ing segregation Epoch Times. Asked by The Epoch Times if Co-
“The plan is to sow division and lumbia University was concerned
back by packag- implement demonization. that it appeared to favor re-seg-
ing it as ‘diversity “I saw it coming when I started regating the races by hosting all
teaching in the 1990s. This is the these various gatherings, a uni-
inclusion.’ logical outcome.” versity spokesperson responded
Candace Owens, Conservative commentator Can- with an emailed statement.
conservative commentator dace Owens mocked the ceremo- “Columbia marks graduation ev-
nies in a tweet. ery spring with a university-wide
“In honor of Columbia’s di- “Congratulations are in order for Commencement ceremony and
verse student community and liberals and Columbia University Class Days for the graduates of
complementing the school- and for successfully bringing segrega- each of our schools,” the spokes-
University-wide graduation cer- tion back by packaging it as ‘diver- person said.
emonies, we are proud to also of- sity inclusion.’ Just one question: Then-President Donald Trump speaks during the White House Conference on “These events bringing togeth-
fer Multicultural Graduation Cel- which ceremony do bi-racial chil- American History at the National Archives in Washington on Sept. 17, 2020. er all of our graduates and their
ebrations, which provide a more dren attend?” she wrote. families are a high point of ev-
intimate setting for students who Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also it’s peddled by HR departments cades of left-wing indoctrination ery academic year. The smaller
self-identify in a variety of ways,” criticized the university’s plans on at corporations, and the Biden in our schools” that has “gone on celebratory events held for par-
a university webpage states. his Twitter page in a series of posts. administration has embraced it far too long.” ticular communities are in addi-
“These events invite community “The endpoint of critical race under the guise of ‘racial equity.’” “Propaganda tracts, like those tion to, not instead of, the main
members to reflect on personal theory: segregation. Critical race At the White House Conference of [the late communist profes- Commencement and Class Day
growth and community experi- theory is the belief that people on American History on Sept. 17, sor] Howard Zinn,” are used graduation ceremonies. In most
ences that have impacted their have value based on the color 2020, President Donald Trump in schools “to make students instances, these smaller, multi-
time as students through to gradu- of their skin, and that our race rejected what he called a false, ashamed of their own history,” cultural gatherings evolved from
ation. All students are invited to defines everything about us. It’s cynical version of American his- the president said. ceremonies originally created by
participate in these celebrations.” not just false—it’s dangerous.” he tory now being taught in schools. “The left has warped, distorted, alumni and students.
The university is also offering wrote. There is a “left-wing cultural and defiled the American story “The gatherings are voluntary,
participants a “multicultural “The problem is not just one revolution” underway that “is de- with deceptions, falsehoods, and open to every student who wants
graduation gift (e.g., stole, tassel, ‘woke’ university embracing dis- signed to overthrow the American lies. to participate, and have become a
pin, or other gift).” crimination. Revolution,” said Trump, who also “Nothing could be further from highly anticipated and meaning-
Critics weren’t buying Colum- “Critical race theory is being said “left-wing rioting and may- the truth. America’s founding set ful part of the Columbia gradua-
bia’s explanation for the gaggle pushed on our kids at school, hem are the direct result of de- in motion the unstoppable chain tion experience.”

Democrat Congressman to Introduce Iowa House Passes Bill to Let Residents

Resolution to Expel Rep. Greene Buy, Carry Guns Without Permits
JACK PHILLIPS that requires residents to pass a
Iowa’s House of Representatives background check before buying
A Democratic lawmaker said he will approved a measure on March 17 a gun, according to state Rep. Beth
introduce a resolution to expel Rep. that would allow Iowans to pur- Wessel-Kroeschell, a Democrat.
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) from chase and carry firearms without “Background checks are the
Congress. a permit, sending the measure to foundation of any effective effort
Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) said the Senate for consideration. to reduce gun violence and keep
Greene should be removed from House File 756 passed 60–37, with guns out of the wrong hands,” she
office because she “had previously all Republicans voting for it, along added.
supported social media posts call- with Democratic state Rep. Wes Moms Demand Action and Stu-
ing for political violence against the Breckenridge. Republicans have dents Demand Action, both part
Speaker of the House, members of a majority in the Senate and pre- of Everytown for Gun Safety, also
Congress, and former President viously passed a similar piece of came out in opposition to the bill.
Barack Obama.” According to his legislation through a committee. “This bill would repeal the laws
office in a statement on March 18, Iowans currently must get a per- that help keep handguns out of
he said about 72 Democrats support mit to buy a handgun, even if the the hands of convicted felons, do-
the resolution. sale is private. mestic abusers, and other people
For Congress to expel a member, it Under the proposal, that re- with dangerous histories who
requires a two-thirds majority; that quirement would be annulled. can’t legally have guns. Lawmak-
would require the support of a num- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) speaks during a press conference on Cap- Individuals would still have to fol- ers voted to put our communities
ber of Republicans in the House. itol Hill in Washington on Feb. 5, 2021. low federal law and go through an in danger today,” Katie Albrecht,
Greene criticized Gomez’s resolu- instant background check to buy a volunteer with Iowa Moms De-
tion in a March 18 statement to The these things do not represent me,” from licensed sellers each time mand Action, said in a statement.
Epoch Times. Greene said in February. “They do they purchase a gun. They could Holt countered that the legis-
“There is nothing more threat- There is nothing not represent my district, and they choose to get a permit instead, lation contains provisions that
ening to Democrats than strong more threatening do not represent my values.” which is issued by sheriff depart- would actually strengthen laws
Republican women,” she said via to Democrats than Greene also criticized several Re- ments and is good for five years. that prevent criminals from gain-
a spokesperson. “Democrats are publican House members who voted Sales between individuals ing access to guns.
trying [to] overturn the will of the strong Republican along with Democrats in the effort wouldn’t require a background Mark Olivia, director of public
American people who voted for both women. to remove her from the committees. check. Additionally, to carry a affairs at the  National  Shoot-
myself and Congresswoman Miller- “There were 10 that voted for weapon, people wouldn’t need ing Sports Foundation, told The
Meeks. This is a continuation of the Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene impeachment against President to have a permit. Epoch Times that laws restrict-
House Democrats’ war on women!” [Donald] Trump and they definitely “These proposals recognize that ing gun ownership have dubious
The freshman lawmaker was refer- “represents a direct threat against paid the price. They heard from the right to keep and bear arms is origins.
ring to a House panel’s investigation the elected officials and staff who Republican voters. There were 11 a fundamental right, not a privi- “The history of gun control laws
into the Iowa congressional race be- serve our government.” that voted against me yesterday and lege, and that Iowans should not really has its roots in Jim Crow-
tween Rep. Marianne Miller-Meeks House Democrats already led a that’s something that our leaders be required to get a permission era racist laws that are designed
(R-Iowa) and Democrat Hita Hart. successful effort to strip Greene of should be very upset about,” she said slip and pay a fee in order to pur- to deny people their rights,” he
Miller-Meeks won the race by six her political committee assignments at the time, adding that when “you chase a firearm and practice their said. “Your permit is your Sec-
votes. over her previous social media posts have Republicans in the ranks voting fundamental Second Amend- ond Amendment right. The idea
Gomez, in his statement about and comments. Previously, Greene against one of their own, opening ment rights,” state Rep. Steven of having to get a permit to be able
the resolution, echoed comments denounced the move as a form of the door for Democrats to go after Holt, a Republican who sponsored to exercise your Second Amend-
made by fellow Democrats weeks “cancel culture” that is intended to every single Republican next, that the bill, said on the House floor ment right to keep and bear arms
ago, saying that Greene’s com- silence conservative voices. really is a big betrayal and that could before the vote. is antithetical to what your rights
ments and the fact she is in office “These were words of the past, and cost us the majority in ’22.” Iowa is one of 22 states, along are as an American at birth.”

IRS Extends Tax Filing Deadline by a Month Dan Bongino

to Fill Rush
Radio Slot
The Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) this week announced tax- IVAN PENTCHOUKOV
payers have an additional month
to file their taxes. Conservative talk show host
The previous deadline was Dan Bongino will take up the
April 15. The new deadline is radio slot previously filled by
May 17. the late-talk show giant Rush
Limbaugh,  Cumulus Media’s
Westwood One announced in
a March 17 press release.
Even with the new The show will launch on May
deadline, we urge 24 and run from 12 p.m. to 3
taxpayers to con- p.m., as did Limbaugh’s mas-
sively popular program. Lis-
sider filing as soon teners will be able to tune into
as possible. Bongino’s show nationwide,
including the major radio mar-
Chuck Rettig, kets in New York, Los Angeles,
commissioner, IRS Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco,
and Washington.
“This continues to be a tough “The Dan Bongino Show
time for many people, and the will tackle the hot political is-
IRS wants to continue to do ev- sues, debunking both liberal
erything possible to help taxpay- Internal Revenue Service headquarters in Washington on April 27, 2020. and Republican establishment
ers navigate the unusual circum- rhetoric. As a former Secret Ser-
stances related to the pandemic, any forms or call the IRS for the most important tax filing season IRS,” House Ways and Means vice agent and NYPD officer,
while also working on important automatic extension, but pen- in recent memory, and taxpayers Committee Chairman Richard Bongino is uniquely positioned
tax administration responsibili- alties, interest, and additions to cannot get the help they need E. Neal (D-Mass.) and Oversight to provide commentary and
ties,” IRS Commissioner Chuck their tax will start accruing after from the IRS. Returns received Subcommittee Chairman Bill analysis that directly questions
Rettig said in a statement. the new deadline. by the IRS have fallen signifi- Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a re- the philosophical underpin-
“Even with the new deadline, The extension only applies to cantly behind last year’s num- cent joint statement. nings of both the Left and Big
we urge taxpayers to consider fil- federal filings, but several states bers. On top of all that, once it Rettig told legislators last Government Republicans,” the
ing as soon as possible, especially have already announced exten- is signed into law, the American month that there were no plans press release stated.
those who are owed refunds. sions to align with the new fed- Rescue Plan will change the tax to extend the deadline. Since he left the Secret Ser-
Filing electronically with direct eral date. laws applicable to unemploy- Doing so, he said at the time, vice in 2011, Bongino has sky-
deposit is the quickest way to get Top Democrats had pushed ment benefits received in 2020 “creates a lot of confusion for tax- rocketed to the top of the charts
refunds, and it can help some the IRS to extend the deadline, and reported on returns filed payers,” he said. among talk show hosts nation-
taxpayers more quickly receive which was done last year, citing during this filing season. Individuals always have the wide. His podcast was down-
any remaining stimulus pay- the backlog in filings in the ser- “Taxpayers need more time option to file for personal exten- loaded 117 million times in 2020
ments they may be entitled to.” vice’s system. to file accurate returns and get sions. In those cases, they have and ranked in the top two slots
Taxpayers don’t need to file “We stand in the midst of the their questions answered by the until Oct. 15 to file. among all podcasts on Apple
during the post-election period.
“I’m excited to embrace the
immense power of radio to con-

Most Republicans, Democrats nect with my listeners live for

three hours every day,” Bongino

Want Schools to Reopen: Poll said in a statement. “This is an

incredible privilege, and I pledge
to honor the trailblazing work of
CONTINUED FROM A1 those who came before me.”
Since launching his podcast
schooling to K-12 students. They Some 94 percent in 2019, Bongino has provided
were joined by 80 percent of in- of Republican, 80 some of the most in-depth talk
dependents and 62 percent of percent of inde- show coverage of the so-called
Democrats. Spygate scandal, dedicating
Parents who are working were pendents, and 62 dozens of episodes to the issue.
particularly supportive of re- percent of Demo- Prominent media figures
opening schools for in-person crats said they sup- and politicians congratulated
instruction. Among that group, Bongino for landing the legend-
82 percent want schools to re- port providing in- ary radio slot.
open, versus 71 percent of those person schooling First grade students practice their handwriting at the Green Mountain School in
Woodland, Wash., on Feb. 18, 2021.
Bongino is an investor in the
who are not working. Parler social media app. Parler
Among those working, 13 per-
to K–12 students. was knocked offline earlier this
cent said they opted for reduced dicates that three feet is fine, Dr. Officials will be hearing about year after Amazon revoked its
work hours to help their children centage points. Anthony Fauci, a top medical ad- the “best practices from across hosting services.
learn online. Seven percent said The survey was done shortly viser to President Joe Biden, said the country on how to do this Limbaugh died at the age of
they either quit or took leave after the Centers for Disease over the weekend. safely and how to do it quickly, 70 on Feb. 17. He was diagnosed
from a job to assist their kids. Control and Prevention (CDC) More schools have been re- because we know there are great with lung cancer last year, caus-
A full nine out of 10 respon- released updated guidance on opening in recent weeks. Nearly examples out there,” he said. ing him to miss hosting the
dents living in the Northeast how schools should go about half of American K-12 students “We know students learn best show. Limbaugh’s wife, Kath-
want schools to welcome stu- reopening. were in “traditional” five-day-a- from students, teachers learn ryn, announced his death on air.
dents back, as well as 83 percent Some critics, including re- week, in-person instruction as of best from teachers, and states News of Limbaugh’s cancer
of Midwest residents, 78 percent searchers whose research the March 14, according to research will learn best from states on how diagnosis prompted President
of people living in the South, and agency used, said the CDC’s rec- tracking organization Burbio. to safely reopen schools quickly,” Donald Trump to award him
72 percent of those in the West. ommendations were too strict. In Another 30 percent were at- he said, adding: “As a parent the Presidential Medal of Free-
The findings are from Gallup’s one example, the CDC said six tending “hybrid” schools, where and as an educator, I know the dom during his February 2020
COVID-19  probability-based feet of social distancing should students attend in-person but value of in-person learning. And State of the Union Address in
web panel survey, which was be maintained whenever pos- not every day of the week. for those of you that are parents front of the joint session of Con-
conducted between Feb. 14 and sible, even though its director Secretary of Education Miguel here, you know there’s no sub- gress.
Feb. 21. The random sample in- had last year told her local school Cardona told reporters in Wash- stitute for in-person learning. So The Conservative Political Ac-
cluded 860 adults with K-12 stu- district that three feet was suf- ington on Wednesday that he is I’m excited to get to work mak- tion Conference held in Febru-
dents. The margin of sampling ficient. convening a National Reopening ing sure we can safely reopen our ary inducted Limbaugh into the
error was plus/minus five per- Newly published research in- Summit next week. schools as quickly as possible.” Conservative Hall of Fame.

News without spin, for you to
form your own opinion.

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and Deep Dive Evening News News Today

Amazon Can Afford to Treat Workers Better,

Union Organizer Tells Senators

ZACHARY STIEBER “I think that’s the role of the gov-

ernment, not picking who gets this
An Amazon warehouse employee and who gets that and what is too
in Alabama who is seeking to con- much money,” he said. “I think if
vince her co-workers to unionize the government gets in that busi-
told senators on March 17 that the ness, I think that will do more
company can afford to treat its harm than good.”
workers better. Several experts told senators
“Amazon brags it pays workers during the hearing that income
above the minimum wage. What inequality has become worse in
they don’t tell you is what those jobs recent years because of loose an-
are really like. And they certainly titrust regulations and a payment
don’t tell you that they can afford system that encourages CEOs to
to do much better for the workers,” take short-term risks.
Jennifer Bates told the Senate Bud- Robert Reich, a former economic
get Committee in Washington. adviser to former President Barack
While Amazon began paying all Obama and secretary of labor dur-
workers at least $15 an hour in 2018, ing the Clinton administration,
employees at the Bessemer site say called for higher taxes on the most
working conditions need improve- wealthy, stronger labor protections,
ment as they press to become the and more vigorous use of antitrust.
company’s first U.S.-based union. “Ultimately, the trend toward
Workers receive two 30-minute widening inequality in America
breaks during a 10-hour shift, which will be reversed only when the
includes the time it takes to get to vast majority, whose incomes have
and from the bathroom or cafeteria; stagnated and whose wealth has
Bates said she’s on her feet for most People protest working conditions at an Amazon warehouse fulfillment center in Staten Island, N.Y., on May 1, 2020. failed to increase, join together to
of the time, constantly walking and demand fundamental changes in
climbing stairs. Some workers no- looking out for us?” Bates said. opposes unionization, arguing it ard pay, Sanders said. the rules,” he said.
ticeably limp from climbing four The first talk of unionization came already treats its workers well, and “If he was with us this morning, I However, Scott Winship, director
sets of stairs in the facility; its eleva- one day during a break, when one telling employees they could buy would ask him ... ‘You are worth ... of poverty studies for the Ameri-
tors aren’t available for human use. worker posited that conditions more belongings with money they $182 billion, you’re the wealthiest can Enterprise Institute, told the
“We the workers deserve to be would be better with a union, ac- would spend on union dues. person in the world. Why are you hearing that the current levels of
treated with dignity and respect, cording to Bates. An Amazon spokesperson didn’t doing everything in your power to wealth inequality don’t constitute
and deserve to be given the same Bates is among the workers advo- immediately return a request for a stop your workers in Bessemer, Ala- a crisis and encouraged lawmak-
commitment that we give to the cating for joining the Retail, Whole- response to Bates’s testimony. bama, from joining a union?” ers to focus more on emphasizing
job every day we go in. We give sale, and Department Store Union. Senate Budget Chairman Ber- Ranking Republican Sen. Lind- upward mobility.
100 percent at work, but it feels Workers are currently engaged in a nie Sanders (I-Vt.) condemned sey Graham (R-S.C.) differed in his “Many policies that would re-
like we’re being given back only mail-in election. Votes are due to be Bezos during the hearing, noting remarks, saying he sees the govern- duce inequality or short-term pov-
30 percent. We’re committed to counted on March 30. that Bezos has become $77 billion ment’s role as making sure there’s a erty might be counterproductive in
make sure the customers get a Amazon didn’t have a representa- richer during the pandemic. That level playing field in terms of regu- terms of increasing upward mobil-
nice package, the whole product tive at the hearing after declining to growth came as Bezos denied lations and taxes, and education ity or reversing declines in associa-
in a couple of days. But who is send CEO Jeff Bezos. The company workers paid sick leave and haz- opportunity. tion of life,” he said.


Female Athletes Denied Chance to Testify

to Senate Panel About Equality Act

Swalwell, CONTINUED FROM A1 track and field competitions.

then a member “The Connecticut Interscholastic
of the Dublin, Christiana Holcomb, of the Alli- Athletic Conference began allow-
Calif., City ance Defending Freedom, provid- ing boys who identify as girls to
Council, at an ing legal counsel for the women, compete in girls’ sports. As a result,
October 2012 told The Epoch Times it was the during all four years of high school,
student event. majority Democrats who prevent- I was forced to compete against two
ed the athletes from testifying. biological boys identifying as girls,”
House GOP Leader Files “It is disgraceful that Democrats Selina Soule said in her prepared
refused to hear from Selina, Chel- testimony, which was provided to
Resolution to Remove Swalwell sea, and Alanna on the harms that The Epoch Times.
From Intelligence Committee they face from a law like the Equal-
ity Act. Our clients have lost out
“In that time, these two biological
males won 15 women’s state cham-
Over Chinese Spy Allegations on state championships, podium
spots, and opportunities to ad-
pionship titles in track and field,
titles that were previously held
vance in competition because they by nine different girls. And in just
JACK PHILLIPS whom he met more than eight were forced to compete against bio- three years, these biological males
years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen logical males,” Holcomb said. set 17 new individual meet records, Alanna Smith.
House Minority Leader Kevin Mc- in nearly six years—to the FBI. To Democrats and Republicans records which we girls had no hope
Carthy (R-Calif.) filed a resolution protect information that might be blamed each other. of breaking.” took that honor. Losing a state
on March 18 to remove Rep. Eric classified, he will not participate in When asked by The Epoch Times Alanna Smith, who is a junior at championship is hard, but losing
Swalwell (D-Calif.) from the House your story,” Swalwell’s office told if the majority side refused to al- Danbury High School, said in her one because the race isn’t fair is gut-
Intelligence Committee, following Axios in December. low the women to testify, a spokes- testimony that she loves “training wrenching,” Mitchell said.
reports that Swalwell may have But the resolution from McCar- man for the Democrats, who asked and competing. The thrill of com- “I have watched this happen over
been compromised by an alleged thy declared that Swalwell “has not to be named, said: “No, they peting against girls like myself who and over again on the track in Con-
Chinese Communist Party spy. not denied public reporting that were not barred by the majority. train hard is rewarding. I compete necticut—so many girls have been
“Swalwell engaged in a years- a suspected Chinese intelligence The minority was able to call two to be the best, to be the fastest, to impacted—missing out on their
long relationship with a suspect- operative helped raise money for witnesses, and they chose the wit- be a champion on a level playing chance to advance in competition
ed Chinese spy, and his conduct Representative Swalwell’s politi- nesses that testified today.” field.” or take home a gold medal. It isn’t
makes clear he has no place serv- cal campaigns” and “other trouble- Republican committee spokes- The problem, Smith said, is “it’s fair and it isn’t right.
ing on the committee in charge of some elements of public reporting.” man Taylor Foy told The Epoch hard to ignore the physical differ- “We need separate sports cat-
America’s top secrets,” McCarthy Swalwell said on March 18 that Times that the original negotiation ences between us and biological egories based on biological sex in
said, referring to allegations that McCarthy’s resolution was a bid between the committee majority males when they are lined up with order to fairly compete. This is what
he was involved in a relationship to “deflect” from McCarthy’s “sup- and minority on witnesses sought us in the starting blocks. Mentally Title IX was intended to protect
with a woman—known as Fang port for QAnon.” McCarthy has re- what is known as a “consensus we know the outcome before the and preserve. If biological males
Fang or Christine Fang—accused peatedly denounced the QAnon hearing,” in which both sides get race even starts. We train so hard are permitted to compete in female
of spying for the CCP. movement. three witnesses and a say on the to compete, and yet the biological sports, there will no longer be fe-
McCarthy told Punchbowl News “Meet the New McCarthyism,” other side’s selections. males that compete against us rob male sports as we know it.”
that “if an individual could not get a Swalwell also wrote. “Multiple When the consensus hearing us of titles, podium spots, and op- The only student who testified for
clearance in the private sector, they sentences in resolution state ‘Swal- talks broke down over Democrat- portunities to advance because the Equality Act was 16-year-old
shouldn’t be on Intel,” referring to well has not denied. ...’ Yet fails to ic objections to the proposed Re- they have inherent physical ad- Stella Keating from Washington
the House Intelligence Commit- include multiple FBI statements of publican witnesses, the structure vantages over us.” state, who told the committee “my
tee. Previously, he called on Dem- ‘no wrongdoing’ and did nothing reverted to a traditional format in “That biological unfairness pronouns are she/her” and that she
ocrats, including House Speaker but ‘cooperate.’” which the minority was only able doesn’t go away because of what is transgender.
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to remove Officials haven’t charged Swal- to provide two witnesses. someone believes about gen- Keating said she fears attending
Swalwell from the panel. well with any wrongdoing; he That forced the Republicans to der identity. All girls deserve the college in a state that doesn’t pro-
Last year, Axios reported that previously said he’s no longer in use witnesses who could address chance to compete on a level play- vide equal protection to transgen-
Fang helped in fundraising ef- contact with Fang. the broad spectrum of issues pre- ing field, but we should not be side- der individuals.
forts for Swalwell, whose district When Pelosi was asked about sented by the Equality Act rather lined in our own sports,” she said. “Right now, I live in a state where
encompasses part of California’s removing Swalwell in December, than those addressing only spe- The third woman athlete who I have equal protection under the
Bay Area, during his 2014 cam- she said, “I don’t have any concerns cific issues such as questions about wanted to testify was Chelsea law. And as a high-school sopho-
paign. Fang ultimately left the about Mr. Swalwell. ... In terms of women’s athletics, Foy said. Mitchell, a former student at Can- more, I’m starting to look at col-
United States in 2015 following a Mr. Swalwell, in the spring of 2015, The committee hearing was ton High School in Connecticut. leges. And all I can think about is
federal investigation. the leadership of the House and the called to consider a Senate version “I lost four state championships this: less than half of the states in
And, according to the report, committee were informed that of the House-passed Equality Act, because our state policy ignores our country provide equal protec-
Fang also allegedly targeted other overtures from a Chinese person which redefines sex as a flexible the biological reality and physical tion for me under the law,” she said.
Democrats in California. It was were being made to members of and chosen identity rather than advantages of males over females “What happens if I want to attend
also reported that at the time of Congress. When that was made fixed biological characteristics. in sport,” she said in her written college in a state that doesn’t pro-
the Axios article, Swalwell’s fam- known to the members of Con- The state of Connecticut has used testimony. tect me? Right now, I could be de-
ily members were still Facebook gress, it was over.” the former definition for several “Four times I was the fastest fe- nied medical care or be evicted for
friends with Fang. Swalwell’s office didn’t respond years, with a result that two biologi- male across the finish line, but I simply being transgender in many
“Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provid- to a request by The Epoch Times cal males were able to compete in didn’t get the gold medal or the states. How is that even right? How
ed information about this person— for comment by press time. what were previously female-only state title—the males in my race is that even American?”

Former ICE Chief: ‘Whole Nation a Sanctuary’

for Illegal Immigrants

aspect of ICE’s mandate. Texas

Attorney General Ken Paxton
sued the administration, and a
federal judge in Texas temporar-
ily blocked the executive order;
the judge’s suspension of the or-
der has now been extended in-
definitely as the case continues
to play out in court.
The Department of Homeland
Security also has issued new ICE officers
guidelines for ICE agents that pro- apprehend
hibit them from apprehending a criminal aliens
large proportion of the illegal alien involved in
population unless agents first get the illegal
permission from their field office narcotics
leadership. trade, in
“What Joe Biden and this ad- Boston on Nov.
ministration has done is made 4, 2019.
our whole nation a sanctuary city,”
Homan told The Epoch Times.
He said deportation relies on de-
tention—otherwise, illegal aliens
tend to abscond.
“That’s why there’s 672,000 fu-
gitives who’ve been ordered re-
moved and haven’t left, and they
can’t be found,” he said.
Homan, who worked under the
Obama–Biden administration
during the 2014 and 2015 border
surge, said detention was a key felony convictions, still wouldn’t for the Biden administration to charges, and many more. 103,000 interior arrests, about
factor. capture that population in sanc- say public safety threats are a Most of the posts highlight 90 percent of which had a crimi-
“We stopped it by building de- tuary cities. ICE tries to gain cus- priority when they haven’t done aliens who were released from nal conviction or charge. Those
tention facilities and detaining tody of illegal aliens in  jail set- anything about sanctuary cities. jails in sanctuary cities such as arrested included aliens with
people until they saw a judge. So tings to reduce risk and resources. “Sanctuary cities ... have been re- New York, San Francisco, Hous- criminal charges or convictions
he forgot all the lessons learned, Instead, sanctuary cities often leasing sexual offenders every day ton, and Chicago. for 1,837 homicide offenses, 37,247
and now, he’s trying to stop deten- release illegal immigrant crimi- for the past several years. They’re Before the new changes, Homan assault offenses, and 10,302 sexual
tion,” Homan said. nals back into communities with- not going to change,” Homan said. said ICE had already prioritized assault or sex offenses.
“The [administration] is turning out communicating with ICE. In The ICE Alerts Twitter account public safety threats. “Every crime committed by
immigration law enforcement on those cities, local and state poli- hasn’t posted since Jan. 21, 2021, In fiscal year 2020, the agency an illegal alien is a preventable
its head.” ticians have introduced policies the first full day of the new admin- removed almost 186,000 indi- crime,” Homan said. “If we had
that prohibit law enforcement istration. The account was previ- viduals, of which 92 percent had true border security, true im-
Sanctuary Cities from cooperating with ICE, when ously used to post notices about criminal convictions or pending migration enforcement ... thou-
Homan said ICE’s new priorities, the agency asks them to hold a illegal immigrant fugitives who criminal charges, according to sands of crimes every day could
which narrow the agency’s focus subject to transfer custody. were wanted for crimes against ICE’s end-of-year report. be prevented—because they’re
to illegal aliens with aggravated Homan said it’s “meaningless” children, rape, assault, weapons ICE also conducted more than not here.”


been involved with prosecuting Facebook to Add Warnings, Limit Visibility

people in the medical industry.
“If confirmed, I will work with of Groups That Violate Platform Rules
you to strengthen our Medicare
and Medicaid lifeline, to reduce ISABEL VAN BRUGEN temporarily barred from posting in
the cost of health care and pre- any group, and will be banned from
scription drugs, and ensure we Facebook announced on March 17 both creating new groups, and invit-
are accountable, spending re- that it has implemented a number ing others to groups.
sources wisely and effectively. of changes on the social media plat- The changes come a week before
And I won’t forget the other ‘H’ form that will reduce the reach of, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
in HHS—human services. I want and in some cases ban, groups that is set to testify at a hearing on mis-
to work with you supporting our violate its policies. information in front of the House
vulnerable children, those in The tech giant said in a statement Energy and Commerce Committee.
foster care, strengthening Head that it has taken action to curb the Facebook has come under in-
Start, and expanding access to spread of “harmful content, like creasing scrutiny over censorship
child care. Finally, we must re- hate speech and misinformation,” of its users’ speech. Facebook has
store faith in our public health and is making it harder for certain repeatedly claimed its platform
Xavier Becerra, nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, institutions. That starts with put- groups to operate or be discovered. doesn’t favor one political viewpoint
answers questions during his confirmation hearing before the Senate
ting science and the facts first and “When a group repeatedly breaks over another.
Finance Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on Feb. 24, 2021.
showing respect for our career our rules, we take it down entirely,” Facebook whistleblower Ryan
workforce,” he said at the time. the announcement from Facebook’s Hartwig, who lifted the lid on the
California’s Becerra Biden noted during his an-
nouncement of the appoint-
vice president of engineering, Tom
Alison, stated.
social media giant’s pattern of
censoring conservatives, told The
Narrowly Confirmed as ment that Becerra had 25 years
of experience as a member of
As part of the changes, Facebook
will notify users who want to join a
Epoch Times’ “American Thought
Leaders” program on Feb. 28 that
Biden’s Health Secretary Congress.
“Xavier spent his career fight-
group if the group has previously
approved posts that violate the plat-
censorship at the company has be-
come “outrageous.”
ing to expand access to health form’s “community standards.” Us- Hartwig, a former content mod-
ZACHARY STIEBER Medicare-for-all, and embrace of care, reduce racial health dispar- ers can then opt to review the group erator at a third-party company
radical policies on immigration, ities, protect the Affordable Care before joining. that provided services to Facebook,
The Senate on March 18 nar- abortion, and religious liberty, Act, and take on powerful special The social media platform stated made news in June 2020 when he
rowly confirmed Xavier Becerra render him unfit for any position interests who prey on and profit it will also remove political and alleged that moderators were told
as health secretary, due to Sen. of public trust, and especially for off people’s health—from opioid civic groups from all group recom- to enforce the social media plat-
Susan Collins (R-Maine) cross- HHS Secretary,” a group of Re- manufacturers to Big Tobacco,” mendations. form’s policies selectively to allow,
ing the aisle and voting with publican senators and House he said. “While people can still invite under certain circumstances, con-
Democrats. members wrote to President Joe “During the pandemic, he’s friends to these groups or search tent that demonized the police or
Collins joined all the Demo- Biden last month. protected the safety of frontline for them, we have now started to white males.
crats present in the 50–49 vote. Becerra previously served as healthcare workers, rooted out expand these restrictions globally. “I saw that Facebook gave excep-
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) California’s attorney general. His fraud from bad actors taking This builds on restrictions we’ve tions to, essentially, silence con-
missed the vote. appointment as health secretary advantage of people, and stood made to recommendations, like servatives,” he said in an interview
Collins announced last week caused confusion because the up for homeowners trying to pay removing health groups from these during the Conservative Political
her intention to vote for Becerra. roles have little to do with each their mortgage during the devas- surfaces, as well as groups that re- Action Conference (CPAC) in Or-
“Although there are issues other. tating economic crisis.” peatedly share misinformation,” the lando, Florida.
where I strongly disagree with “You’re a very highly trained at- LEIGH VOGEL/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
company stated. Hartwig, who worked for nearly
Mr. Becerra, I believe he merits torney—great, impeccable cre- When a group begins to violate the two years for Cognizant, a firm
confirmation as HHS Secretary. dentials. I’m a physician. What platform’s community standards, hired by Facebook to handle part
I look forward to working with would you as the attorney think if Facebook will show them lower in of its manual content policing, said
the Department to achieve bi- I, the physician, were nominated its recommendations list, making it in the interview that Facebook
partisan results on behalf of the to be the United States attorney less likely that people will discover provided guidance on a number of
American people,” she said in a general as opposed to Merrick those groups, Alison said. occasions that he said was biased
statement, referring to the De- Garland? You would say the guy’s Group administrators and mod- in favor of left-leaning causes and
partment of Health and Human not qualified,” Sen. Bill Cassidy erators will also be required by perspectives.
Services. (R-La.) told the nominee during Facebook to “temporarily approve Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said at
Republicans for weeks had said his confirmation hearing in Feb- all posts when that group has a sub- the CPAC event last month that cen-
they opposed approving Becerra, ruary. stantial number of members who sorship by Big Tech is “probably the
arguing he wasn’t qualified. Becerra highlighted his expe- have violated our policies or were biggest problem that we face right
“Mr. Becerra’s lack of health- rience as a congressman, tell- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) part of other groups that were re- now in this country, as a party.”
care experience, enthusiasm ing senators during the hearing questions Xavier Becerra during his moved for breaking our rules.”
for replacing private health in- that he helped pass the Afford- confirmation hearing in Washington Further, users who repeatedly vio- Tom Ozimek contributed
surance with government-run able Care Act. He also noted he’s on Feb. 23, 2021. late platform rules in groups will be to this report.

21 States Sue Biden Administration

Over Revoked Keystone XL Permit
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper in
only unlawful but will also devastate the Washington on Oct. 10, 2018.
livelihoods of thousands of workers, their
families, and their communities,” Paxton
said in a statement on March 17.
Bipartisan Group
“This administration continues to tout of Senators Seeks
imaginary green-energy jobs, without any
recognition that their actions in the real
to Ease Partisan
world will make it impossible for hard-work- Rancor
ing Americans to put food on the table.”
The 1,200-mile Keystone XL, which was to ZACHARY STIEBER
be constructed as an extension to an existing
pipeline system, was designed by TC Energy A new bipartisan group of 20 sena-
Corp. to transport approximately 830,000 tors convened behind closed doors in
barrels of oil from Canada and Montana to Washington on March 17 to discuss a
junctions in the middle of America and to range of issues, including infrastruc-
refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast. ture, in a bid to avoid the partisan ran-
The permit to construct a 1.2-mile seg- cor that has bedeviled Congress since
ment of the pipeline that was revoked had President Joe Biden took office.
been approved by President Donald Trump “I think it was very valuable for us
in 2019. to get together, and everyone is so
The oil sands  pipeline’s construction Miles of unused pipe, prepared for the Keystone XL pipeline, sit in a lot outside Gascoyne, N.D., on very committed to working together
and operation were modeled to create and Oct. 14, 2014. on a host of issues,” Sen. Susan Col-
sustain thousands of jobs and advance the lins (R-Maine) told reporters after
United States’ energy independence. It was the meeting.
also designed to improve commercial rela- Pipeline is an empty virtue signal to his “These revenues would particularly ben- “I could tell you that we solved all the
tions with Canada and provide tax revenues wealthy coastal elite donors. It shows Biden’s efit poorer rural areas, providing a much- world’s problems and that we straight-
to high-poverty areas. contempt for rural communities in Mon- needed influx of resources to fund impor- ened out Congress. But that would be
In his executive order signed in January, tana and other states along the pipeline’s tant public and community services.” an overstatement.”
Biden said the revocation was necessary path that would benefit from and support Revocation of the permit, the states con- The group is split evenly between
because the pipeline “disserves the U.S. the project,” Knudsen said in a statement. tinued, will cost them and their communi- Democrats and Republicans. While
national interest.” Other critics have said that the ban ties “tens of millions of dollars in annual Democrats hold the tie-breaking vote
“The United States and the world face a wouldn’t stop oil from being produced, and tax revenue” and business and job oppor- in the 50–50 Senate, gridlock is all but
climate crisis,” the order stated. “At home, that it would be transported by rail or truck tunities for residents. guaranteed without agreement from
we will combat the crisis with an ambitious instead of through the pipeline. The states are asking the federal court in both sides of the aisle to reach the
plan to build back better, designed to both The states argue that Biden hadn’t con- Texas to declare that the Biden adminis- 60-vote threshold to end a filibuster
reduce harmful emissions and create good sulted with them before making his deci- tration had acted unlawfully and uncon- and bring a bill to the floor for a vote.
clean-energy jobs. Our domestic efforts sion, “nor did he consider the far-reaching stitutionally when he revoked the permit The bloc started late last year when
must go hand in hand with U.S. diplomatic consequences his decision would impose and seek to block the Biden administration many of the members got together
engagement. Because most greenhouse gas on Plaintiffs.” from enforcing its order to revoke the Key- to influence COVID-19 relief nego-
emissions originate beyond our borders, “The pipeline States, as well as their stone XL permit. tiations. They succeeded in punch-
such engagement is more necessary and counties, local communities, and school The White House and Justice Department ing through partisan gridlock; their
urgent than ever. districts stood to gain tens of millions of didn’t immediately respond to a request by framework was adopted by Demo-
“Leaving the Keystone XL pipeline per- dollars in tax revenue from the construc- The Epoch Times for comment. cratic leaders, and stayed mostly intact
mit in place would not be consistent with tion and operation of the Keystone XL. The other states that have joined in the in the final version of last year’s $900
my administration’s economic and climate The total estimated property tax from the lawsuit include Alabama, Arizona, Arkan- billion legislation.
imperatives,” Biden added. Keystone XL project in the first full year of sas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky,
Montana Attorney General Austin Knud- operations would be approximately $55.6 Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska,
sen argued that there is no “perceived en- million spread across 27 counties in just North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Car-
vironmental benefit to [Biden’s] actions.” three States—Montana, South Dakota, and olina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, I think it was very
“His attempt to cancel the Keystone XL Nebraska,” the lawsuit states. and Wyoming. valuable for us to get
Sen. Susan Collins

Domestic Violent Extremism Poses ‘Elevated Threat’ “We came together because we saw
that there was a void, we thought the
in 2021, Intel Community Says public was asking for additional COV-
ID relief, and leadership on both sides
determined that it wasn’t going to hap-
JANITA KAN Antifa and similar groups as “domestic ter- he told lawmakers during a hearing in the pen for different political reasons. And
rorism.” However, Biden’s attorney general, House Homeland Security Committee that we thought that needed a response,”
The U.S. intelligence community has as- Merrick Garland, has stopped short of ap- individuals who self-radicalize online and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) told
sessed that domestic violent extremists pose plying the same label to those violent ac- carry out attacks pose the most serious threat reporters on March 17. “We’re here to
a “heightened threat” in 2021, according to a tors, instead focusing on prosecuting the to the homeland. be problem-solvers. I see this group as
new unclassified threat assessment. hundreds of people involved in the Capitol “We assess that the greatest threat to the having a role potentially in everything
The brief unclassified summary—assem- breach on Jan. 6. homeland, to us here domestically, is not one that is coming before the Senate.”
bled by the Office of the Director of National U.S. officials in recent weeks have issued organization, certainly not one ideology, but While those in the group largely de-
Intelligence (ODNI), the Department of Jus- warnings about threats of domestic violent rather lone actors largely self-radicalized on- clined to outline what was discussed
tice (DOJ), and the Department of Homeland extremism, including FBI Director Christo- line who pursue soft targets using readily specifically during the meeting, they
Security (DHS)—found that domestic ex- pher Wray, who testified this month that “do- accessible weapons,” Wray said last year. indicated that the conversations will
tremists, motivated by a range of ideologies, mestic terrorism has been metastasizing,” in Many of these domestic extremists use so- help as the upper chamber tries to
are seen as risks for violence. particular militia violent extremism as well cial media platforms or small websites with hammer out agreements on a new
The intelligence community found that ex- as racially motivated violent extremism. The a targeted audience to recruit members, infrastructure bill, whether to alter
tremists motivated by biases against minor- DHS has also announced almost $2 billion in plan and rally for support for in-person ac- filibuster rules, and possibly to craft
ity populations and perceived government state and local preparedness grants, with at tions, and disseminate information that further pandemic relief.
overreach “will almost certainly” drive more least $77 million allocated to directly combat contributes to the radicalization of indi- Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.)
“radicalization and mobilization to violence.” domestic violent extremism. viduals, the summary found. said the group discussed the divisions
Meanwhile, sociopolitical developments The summary provided a similar assess- The intelligence community also assessed that have split the Senate, even as the
such as the narrative of fraud in the 2020 ment on racially or ethnically motivated vio- that “escalating support from persons in the country faces “international challeng-
presidential election and the Jan. 6 breach lent extremists and militia violent extremists United States or abroad, growing perceptions es” and “climate change.”
of the U.S. Capitol “will almost certainly spur (MVE), stating that they present the most of government overreach related to legal or “We need to find ways to get to unity,”
some [domestic violent extremists] to try to lethal threats. It found that some racially policy changes and disruptions, and high- he told reporters.
engage in violence this year.” motivated extremists are “most likely” to profile attacks spurring follow-on attacks and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), a key
The assessment was conducted after Presi- “conduct mass-casualty attacks against ci- innovations in targeting and attack tactics” moderate, said earlier this week that
dent Joe Biden in January tasked the DNI to vilians,” while militia groups would be “typi- could increase the likelihood or lethality of the meeting was about relationship
assess the threat of domestic violent extrem- cally targeting law enforcement and govern- domestic violent attacks in America. building and maintenance.
ism following the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. ment personnel and facilities.” According to the summary, domestic vio- “It’s not just one and done or it’ll fall
Capitol. Biden and Democrats elevated the “The IC assesses that the MVE threat in- lent extremists are defined as U.S.-based in- apart,” he said, adding that keeping
issue following the violence on that day, leav- creased last year and that it will almost cer- dividuals who “conduct or threaten activities relationships “makes it easier to talk
ing critics concerned that the new admin- tainly continue to be elevated throughout that are dangerous to human life in violation about everything.”
istration may limit their focus on assessing 2021 because of contentious sociopolitical of the criminal laws of the United States or Part of the agenda was to see
domestic threats to the Jan. 6 events without factors that motivate MVEs to commit vio- any state; appearing to be intended to in- “whether there’s a willingness to
attention to the violence unfolding across the lence,” the intelligence officials wrote. timidate or coerce a civilian population; and forge bipartisan compromises or
country over the summer in 2020, triggered Among  racially motivated extremists, influence the policy of a government by in- whether the Democratic members
by the death of George Floyd. white supremacists are the most likely to timidation or coercion, or affect the conduct feel they have to endorse whatever
White House press secretary Jen Psaki at have international connections with indi- of a government by mass destruction, assas- the White House would say,” Collins
the time described the review as a “fact-based viduals with similar ideological beliefs. The sination, or kidnapping, as per the definition said before the group met.
analysis” that could be used to shape policy. summary states that these extremists “fre- of domestic terrorism” under federal law. Biden and the White House have
Extremism motivated by different world quently communicate with and seek to in- The assessment didn’t take into account claimed to be open to negotiating with
views and political ideologies has posed an fluence each other.” However, the summary people who engage in “advocacy of political Republicans on key issues but backed
ongoing threat to the United States and has noted that only “a small number” of such or social positions, political activism, use of the partisan passage of his $1.9 trillion
prompted multiple FBI investigations into extremists have traveled abroad to network strong rhetoric, or generalized philosophic COVID-19 relief bill. Before the pas-
individuals in recent months. with like-minded individuals. embrace of violent tactics,” as those actions sage, he met with some Republican
The riots last summer, perpetrated by an- The assessment also found that lone of- may be constitutionally protected. lawmakers, but they described their
archist extremists who caused significant fenders or small cells of domestic extremists The summary identified a number of do- ideas as being shot down by his chief
economic, property, and human destruction, from different ideologies are “more likely to mestic violent extremist groups including of staff, Ron Klain.
had brought the issue of domestic extremism carry out violent attacks in the Homeland racially or ethnically motivated extremists, Besides infrastructure and the fili-
back into the public consciousness. than organizations that allegedly advocate anti-government/anti-authority extrem- buster, the Senate is weighing pro-
Then-Attorney General William Barr over a DVE ideology.” This finding echoes Wray’s ists, animal rights environmental extrem- posals on immigration and election
the summer had characterized actions by assessment from September 2020, when ists, and more. reform.


House Reauthorizes
Violence Against
Women Act
MIMI NGUYEN LY Such grants helped fund initia-
tives to address domestic violence
The House of Representatives on and child abuse, including funding
March 17 passed  the Violence the investigation and prosecution
Against Women Act (VAWA), a of alleged violent crimes against
bill  designed to protect women women, shelters, and rape preven-
from domestic violence. tion and reeducation programs.
The bill passed the chamber by Supporters said the reauthoriza-
a vote of 244–172, with 29 Repub- tion would also boost spending for
licans joining Democrats. training law enforcement and the
President Joe Biden had intro- courts, according to The Associ-
duced the original VAWA in June ated Press.
1990 when he was the chairman The legislation also would pro-
of the Senate Judiciary Committee. hibit people who were previously
A subsequent version of VAWA convicted of misdemeanor stalk-
was included in the sweeping ing from possessing firearms. The
crime bill in 1994 signed by then- provision had generated opposi-
President Bill Clinton. Congress tion from the NRA, which contin- The U.S. Capitol in Washington on Feb. 8, 2021.
has reauthorized the act three ues to oppose the bill today.
times since—in 2000, 2005, and “The NRA did not score the legis- those against the perpetrators to advance VAWA. I’ve talked to we’ll see the House version come
2013. lation until last Congress because with guns who are their intimate both Republicans and Democrats over,” Ernst said. “What we’re hop-
Biden on March 17 issued a state- it never impacted Second Amend- partners and the dating violence, here in the Senate, about how we’re ing to show is that we have enough
ment in support of the bill’s reau- ment rights,” Jason Ouimet, execu- it does not have to be intimate. moving, what we’re all working on Republican support on our bill and
thorization. He urged the Senate to tive director of the NRA Institute We do everything we can to give VAWA.” that we’re willing to work with
also pass the bill and said the mat- for Legislative Action, said in a security and protection,” she said “Last year, things got derailed Democrats on this. And hopefully
ter shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It’s statement to media outlets. at a March 17 press conference on with VAWA because of gun control. by combining forces we can come
instead “about standing up against “However, Speaker Pelosi and VAWA. I really hope that the effort will try up with the 60 votes needed and
the abuse of power and preventing anti-gun lawmakers chose to insert The legislation expired at the end to find the level of support. I think pass a good, modernized bill that
violence.” gun control provisions into this bill of 2018. The House passed the bill it’s critically important that we ad- will work for the Senate hopefully
The bill aims to reduce domestic in 2019 to pit pro-gun lawmakers to reauthorize VAWA in 2019, with vance VAWA,” she said, adding that [more] than the House bill does.”
and sexual violence and improve against it so that they can falsely 33 Republicans joining Demo- she is working on a portion of the She noted of the VAWA bill in the
the response to it through a variety and maliciously claim these law- crats, but it wasn’t taken up in the bill concerning Native American last Congress: “We ran into hiccups
of grant programs. makers don’t care about women. majority-Republican Senate due to tribes. with some of the gun issues and
The original act established “This is Washington at its filthiest. partisan disputes in Congress over Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) told re- that’s a big one for a number of
the  Office on Violence Against It’s proof that anti-gun lawmakers issues related to extra provisions porters on Capitol Hill that sena- us—stripping away people’s con-
Women within the Department care more about smearing oppo- introduced to the bill, including tors are working on a version of stitutional rights is not something
of Justice. The office was respon- nents than passing meaningful on the gun control matter. VAWA that’s different from the that we should be doing. So why
sible for implementing the law legislation.” Most Republicans voted against House bill. don’t we just kind of backtrack a
and, along with the Department Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (R-Texas) the measure in the last Congress. “We have Lisa Murkowski now, little bit and figure out where we
of Health and Human Services threw support behind the provi- Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) who is working on the tribal por- can agree?”
(HHS), providing grant programs sion on guns. told a reporter on Capitol Hill: “I tion. And so she will be ironing out
to state and local governments, “[The bill] is based on prevention think it’s fair to say that there is some of the difficulties we had last The Associated Press
nonprofits, and universities. and intervention and protecting a good strong interest in trying year so we’ll get it introduced and contributed to this report.


UAW Rejects Ford’s Plan to Build New Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Anto-
nio Gramsci.
Vehicle in Mexico Instead of Ohio President Joe Biden, in one of his
first executive actions in the White
JACK PHILLIPS ment included a “reference to a House, rescinded Trump’s ban of
$900 million investment and a critical race theory in federal work-
The United Auto Workers (UAW) new product for OHAP,” the letter places. Trump’s September 2020
union said that Ford Motor Co.’s stated. Moore said that the firm executive order declared that “un-
plan to build a new vehicle in is investing in the plant and will American” and “divisive concepts”
Mexico instead of Ohio might be a increase Super Duty truck pro- should no longer be promoted in
violation of the auto manufactur- duction there. any diversity and inclusion train-
er’s contractual commitments. “While conditions upon which ing for federal employees.
the 2019 Administrative Letter In place of the Trump order,
were based have changed, the Biden issued an executive order
Company is investing in the of his own, stating that it’s now the
We expect the plant and increasing production policy of the federal government
company to honor of Super Duty trucks at OHAP,” to pursue “a comprehensive ap-
Moore wrote. proach to advancing equity for all,”
its contractual Reuters reported that in No- and that federal agencies should
commitments to Students at Hillsborough High School wait in line for a temperature check
vember, Ford said it intended to before entering the building, in Tampa, Fla., on Aug. 31, 2020.
revise any steps taken in accord
this membership produce another electric vehicle with Trump’s order within 60 days.
model in Cuautitlan, Mexico, as DeSantis said teachers who are
and when it fails
to do so we will
well as the Mustang Mach-E.
Ford spokesperson Kelli Felker
DeSantis Doesn’t Want Florida credentialed in teaching civics
education would receive a $3,000
take action. didn’t say whether Ford would
keep its agreement to invest in Schools Teaching ‘Hate’ With bonus, and earn the “Civic Seal
of Excellence.” Teachers would
Gerald Kariem, vice president, the Ohio plant. be trained by civics “coaches,”
United Auto Workers “We are always looking at our ‘Critical Race Theory’ through in-person seminars and
options,” Felker told the Detroit remote learning.
“We 100 percent reject the Free Press. “We still plan to invest ISABEL VAN BRUGEN proposal to make Florida the na- “It’s not going to be ideological
company’s decision to put cor- $6 billion and create and retain tional leader in civics education,” or faddish curriculum that you
porate greed and more potential 8,500 jobs in America during the Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis an- DeSantis said. “That was provided see some of these other states,”
profits over American jobs and course of this four-year contract,” nounced on March 17 that his ad- to the state last year through the DeSantis said. “They’re trying
the future of our members. We she said. “We are invested in [the] ministration will seek to prohibit CARES Act and subsequent ad- to make people view each other
expect the company to honor its Ohio Assembly Plant and our the teaching of “unsanctioned ditional federal appropriation, so based on race. I want to do the
contractual commitments to this dedicated workforce there.” narratives like critical race theory” the money’s there. opposite. I want to treat people as
membership and when it fails to Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) in the state’s schools. “We will invest in actual solid, individuals. I want to treat people
do so we will take action,” UAW criticized Ford’s decision. The Republican governor told true curriculum, and we will be based on character.
Vice President Gerald Kariem “In 2019, Ford made a commit- reporters during a press brief- a leader in the development and “But when you put this curricu-
said. “We are intensely exploring ment to invest $900 million at ing that he was looking to re- implementation of a world-class lum in, it ends up creating more
our options at this time.” its Avon Lake, OH plant - NOW, form state’s school curricula to civics education,” he added. divisions,” he said of critical race
In the letter, Kariem said Ford it’s reportedly moving the entire “expressly exclude ... critical race The governor’s announcement theory. “And so, I think we under-
in 2019 committed $900 million project to ... Mexico,” he wrote theory” because it “teaches kids comes amid a heated debate over stand some of the things that are
for a plant in Avon Lake, Ohio on Twitter this week. “This is to hate their country.” critical race theory and its role in not working in other parts of the
(OHAP), and would include a unacceptable. At today’s Senate DeSantis stressed that he is seek- America’s social, cultural, and eco- country and we don’t want that
next-generation Ford model to Finance Committee hearing, I ing legislative authorization to im- nomic institutions. to come to Florida.”
be added to the production lines called on Ford to keep its promise plement the statewide measure, Last month, the Chinese Ameri- “This Civic Literacy Excellence
in 2023. While that would have to Ohio workers.” named the Civic Literacy Excel- can Citizens Alliance of Greater Initiative will build on the success
secured “employment well into General Motors in 2019 stopped lence Initiative, even though it isn’t New York condemned critical of the Florida Civics and Debate
the foreseeable future” for auto production of the Chevrolet Cru- necessary to do so. race theory, describing it as an Initiative that we launched last
workers, he blasted Ford for not ze at its factory in Lordstown, “There’s no room in our class- outgrowth of the European Marx- year and I look forward to work-
“honor[ing] its promise.” Ohio, which affected hundreds rooms for things like critical race ist school of critical theory that ing with the Florida Legislature
“Ford management expects us of jobs in the area. theory. Teaching kids to hate their interprets American social and to make it a fixture in schools
to just hang our heads and accept President Joe Biden, whom the country and to hate each other is political life through the lens of a across our state,” DeSantis said
the decision,” Kariem wrote in a UAW endorsed for president in not worth one red cent of taxpayer power struggle between the race on Twitter.
letter dated March 12. “But let me 2020, has reportedly sought to money,” he said. of the oppressor and that of the Elsewhere, Republican lawmak-
be clear, we are making a differ- focus on U.S. car manufacturing He noted that federal money oppressed. ers in Arkansas, Georgia, New
ent choice.” as part of his plan to create new from the latest COVID-19 relief “From its very roots, CRT is rac- Hampshire, Oklahoma, and West
Ford plant manager Jason auto industry jobs. bill would be used to push civ- ist, repressive, discriminatory, and Virginia have said that they aim
Moore issued a letter to Avon Lake It’s not clear what vehicle Ford is ics education “with foundational divisive,” the organization wrote, to ban the teaching of critical race
workers after UAW’s letter and planning to manufacture in Mex- concepts” as opposed to “unsanc- noting that the CRT framework theory in schools, workplaces, and
said the conditions surrounding ico. Company officials didn’t im- tioned narratives like critical race is heavily influenced by promi- government agencies.
the expansion at the Ohio plant mediately respond to a request by theory.” nent communist, materialist, and
had changed. The 2019 agree- The Epoch Times for comment. “We’re releasing a $106 million humanist thinkers such as Karl GQ Pan contributed to this report.

US Lawmakers Voice
Support for Sanctions
on Chinese, Hong
Kong Officials
CONTINUED FROM A1 ther cement Beijing’s control over
the territory by reducing Hong
reflect Washington’s “deep con- Kong’s democratic representation.
cern” about Hong Kong’s autono- Among the 24 officials sanc-
my, after China’s National People’s tioned are Wang Chen, a mem-
Congress approved a draft plan ber of the Chinese Communist
earlier this month to change Hong Party’s (CCP) 25-person Politburo,
Kong’s electoral system. the Chinese regime’s top ruling
group; and Tam Yiu-chung, the
only delegate from Hong Kong sit-
ting on the standing committee of
We will continue the National People’s Congress.
to speak in defense The standing committee was re- Hong Kong pro-democracy activists are escorted into a van as they leave the Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, the
sponsible for drafting the CCP’s day after appearing at the West Kowloon Court on the charge of conspiracy to commit subversion, in Hong Kong
of the Hong Kong draconian’s national security law, on March 2, 2021.
people against which has allowed the pro-Beijing
the oppression of Hong Kong government to inten- Kong and Macau Affairs Office. nancial institutions on notice. necessary countermeasures.”
sify its crackdown on local activ- The latest sanctions represent Should these institutions main- China’s hawkish mouthpiece
an authoritarian ists and opposition figures. an update to the Hong Kong Au- tain relationships with the 24 offi- Global Times warned in an edito-
system. A total of 14 vice chairs of the tonomy Act, which was signed into cials named in the report, they too rial published on March 17 that the
standing committee were sanc- law by former President Donald must face strong financial penal- United States will “run up against
Sen. Jeff Merkley tioned, including Cao Jianming Trump in July last year. The law ties from the United States,” the a stone wall” in bilateral talks if
and Zhang Chunxian. serves to punish individuals or senators stated. it refuses to “change its attitude.”
The planned changes to Hong Additionally, several officers companies responsible for re- Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.) took Secretary of State Antony Blink-
Kong’s electoral law give a pro- from Hong Kong’s National Se- stricting Hong Kong’s freedoms, to Twitter to say that the Biden ad- en and national security adviser
Beijing committee power to ap- curity Division were sanctioned, as well as banks that do business ministration should do more after Jake Sullivan met with China’s for-
point more of Hong Kong’s law- including Li Wai-wah, a super- with them. sanctioning the 24 officials. eign minister Wang Yi and senior
makers. The move will reduce intendent of the division. Edwin Also on March 17, Sens. Chris In response to the sanctions, the foreign policy diplomat Yang Jie-
the proportion of those who are Lau, a deputy commissioner of Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Pat Toom- Hong Kong government accused chi in Anchorage on March 18. The
directly elected and ensures that the Hong Kong Police Force and ey (R-Pa.), the original co-sponsors the United States of “interfering” meeting marks the first in-person
only those determined to be truly the head of the division, also was of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, in the city’s affairs. meeting between top officials of
loyal to Beijing are allowed to run sanctioned. said the latest sanctions were “a In a daily briefing on March 17, the two countries since Biden took
for office—effectively shutting op- The 24 officials joined 10 who necessary step to support the free- China’s foreign ministry spokes- office.
position figures out of the political were sanctioned in October 2020, doms of the Hong Kong people.” person Zhao Lijian said the sanc- U.S. lawmakers have called
process. including Hong Kong leader Car- “The State Department’s action tions were a “grave interference on Blinken and Sullivan to be
The plan has since drawn inter- rie Lam and Xia Baolong, who under the Hong Kong Autonomy in China’s internal affairs.” Zhao tough when they meet with the
national criticism that it will fur- heads the State Council’s Hong Act yesterday has put foreign fi- warned that China “has taken Chinese officials.


US Manufacturers Call on The group also called on Biden

to actively talk to trusted trad-

Biden to Be Tough on China ing partners in the Americas and

Asia-Pacific, to strengthen sup-

Trade Issues ply chain ties and address human

rights and labor concerns.
In response to the group’s letter,
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) took
FRANK FANG recruitment programs to facili- to Twitter to say that any discus-
tate the transfer of technology to sion between Biden and Beijing
A Washington-based trade group China—to fulfill its ambitions to should address China’s theft of
representing the U.S. manufac- be a technology powerhouse. intellectual property.
turing sector has urged President Former President Donald In January, a Chinese profes-
Joe Biden to adopt a tough China Trump, in an effort to tackle sor at the Massachusetts Institute
policy to ensure a level playing China’s unfair trade practices, of Technology was arrested and
field for U.S. businesses. imposed tariffs on a long list of charged for failing to disclose
“For manufacturers, China has Chinese imports, including alu- his work with entities tied to the
long been a hub for unfair indus- minum and steel, which sparked Chinese Communist Party. In
trial subsidies and government- the U.S.–China “trade war.” the same month, a senior NASA
fueled overcapacity in areas like The two sides signed a phase scientist pleaded guilty to lying
steel and aluminum that distort one trade deal in January 2020, Then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden visits an aluminum manu- about his ties to a Beijing-backed
global markets,” the National requiring China to buy an addi- facturing facility in Manitowoc, Wis., on Sept. 21, 2020. talent program.
Association of Manufacturers tional $200 billion in U.S. goods The group’s letter comes as Sec-
stated in a letter sent to Biden and services during 2020 and the playing field for manufactur- retary of State Antony Blinken
on March 17. 2021, compared to 2017 levels. ers and workers in the United and national security adviser
“China continues to promote However, a report published in
China continues to States.” Jake Sullivan met with Chinese
discriminatory industrial poli- January found that China has promote discrimi- The group has several recom- Foreign Minister Wang Yi and se-
cies, forced technology transfer, bought just 58 percent of what it natory industrial mendations, one of which was for nior foreign policy diplomat Yang
and intellectual property theft promised under the deal. the United States to apply “clear, Jiechi in Anchorage, Alaska, on
that harm manufacturers and “The new strategy must include policies, forced consistent pressure” on China March 18. The meeting marked
workers in the United States.” all available tools, including tar- technology trans- to fulfill its trade and economic the first in-person meeting be-
In the past decade, China’s geted bilateral engagement, as- fer, and intellectu- commitments under the phase tween top officials of the two
communist regime has created sertive U.S. leadership in global one trade agreement. countries since Biden took office.
large state-owned enterprises in institutions, and close, coordi- al property theft. “Assertive global leadership to On March 12, Sullivan said that
several industries such as alu- nated engagement with allies and National Association ensure that the United States— he didn’t expect the phase one
minum, steel, and solar panels partners,” the group wrote. of Manufacturers not China—is writing the rules trade deal “to be a major topic of
through hefty government sub- “Strategic use of legislative and for the post-pandemic global conversation” in Anchorage.
sidies. At the same time, Beijing enforcement tools will be critical economy and trading system to U.S. lawmakers have called on
has resorted to espionage to steal to pressure China to change its benefit manufacturers and work- Blinken and Sullivan to be tough
U.S. trade secrets and also job- economic behavior and to level ers in America,” the group wrote. on the Chinese officials.

LINE Messaging App Exposed Users to Data Access by China-Based Company

ALEX WU and information stored on servers find out,” a government official give them free access to user in-
in Japan, including users’ names, responsible for overseeing privacy formation, nor will it cooperate
Japan’s popular messaging app phone numbers, emails, and even regulations told Reuters. with monitoring or censorship.
LINE recently admitted that its the contents of the communica- The popular Japanese app cur- Regarding privacy, such as user
users’ personal data stored on its tion between users. rently has more than 194 million data and message content, LINE
server in Japan could be accessed The foreign access to the person- users across 230 countries, includ- Taiwan said that it has never pro-
by China-based engineers that the al data of Japanese nationals may ing 86 million users in Japan and vided any personal information
company had outsourced to. In an have been in violation of Japan’s 21 million users in Taiwan. of Taiwan users or users in other
official response, LINE admitted Personal Information Protection The company has said it countries to the Chinese govern-
that user data had been accessed Act, which requires that if user’s changed its data authorizations ment. The global user data, in-
more than 32 times and that it is personal information is trans- in late February this year, which cluding Taiwan users, is stored in
now setting up a committee to ferred to a foreign third party, user makes it impossible for Chinese servers in Japan and South Korea
rectify the situation. consent is required. engineers to view user informa- but not in China. Judging from the
According to a report by Japan’s LINE’s parent company, Z Hold- tion. LINE also stated that it will current login records, the person-
public broadcaster NHK, LINE ings, stated that four Chinese en- pany to investigations and rectify explain how it manages user per- al data of Taiwanese users has not
had outsourced its system main- gineers were involved in the data the situation, according to Japan’s sonal data in a simpler way going been exposed to any unauthor-
tainance since 2018 to a company breach, but it is still investigating TV Asahi. forward. ized access, the company said.
in Shanghai, which allowed four whether any data was abused. Z “We can’t say yet if Line breached LINE Taiwan expressed on LINE Taiwan has apologized
China-based engineers to access Holdings has also said it will set regulations or not, and we are March 17 that LINE will not co- publicly for the unease and se-
to Japanese users’ personal data up a committee within the com- conducting an investigation to operate with any government to curity concerns among its users.
A10 | WORLD FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021

Daring School Abductions Embarrass Nigerian Army

CONTINUED FROM A1 “There are more than 10 large
bandit gangs,” Salisu Hassan, a
The 30 college students and nine spokesman for Sheikh Ahmad
staff members, chiefly Christian Gumi, who negotiated recent re-
women, were taken from their leases of three mass abductions
dormitories at around 3 a.m. and of college students, told The Ep-
brought to the forest by bandits och Times. “Each of the gangs
riding motorcycles, according to has between 300 and 500 armed
Umar Muri Musa, commissioner members.
of police for Kaduna state. “The Mallam (Sheikh Gumi) has
served as an intermediary with
the gangs to arrange an amnesty
in return for the bandits to lay
It would be advis- down their arms and surrender.
able to declare the But because the Nigerian authori-
North unsafe for ties refuse to negotiate with the
bandits, everything has become
boarding schools a disaster.”
until an effective Critics of the sheikh’s nego-
tiations have called his efforts a
solution is imple- surrender to criminals and ap-
mented to safe- peasement.
guard victims of The uptick of bandit attacks as
well as the government’s con-
these incidents. tinuing fight with ISIS allied
David Otto, consultant, insurgencies in its three north-
Geneva Center for Security Nigerian soldiers and police officers stand at the entrance of the Federal College of Forestry Mechanization in Mando, eastern states portends a turn for
and Strategic Studies Nigeria, on March 12, 2021, after a gang stormed the school and abducted at least 30 students. the worse, according to Nigeria
“We have synergy between the declared in the North West, North “Nigeria is quickly fading as
army and the police in the search Central, and North East while a a failed state,” Kyle Abts, a co-
for the students, and we are work- plan is instituted. It would be ad- founder of the International
ing round the clock to get the kid- visable to declare the North un- Committee on Nigeria, told The
nap victims back to the school,” safe for boarding schools until an Epoch Times.
Musa said. effective solution is implemented
A viral video shows the Forestry to safeguard victims of these in-
College hostages being struck cidents.
with a switch and pleading for “But that may be only half the Nigeria is a coun-
authorities to make a deal with solution—because bandits will try ravaged by
the kidnappers. The video, posted simply target other schools.” militants and com-
by the kidnappers and shown on The bandit raids on schools in
Nigerian TV, shows masked ban- Birnin Gwari and the Forestry pletely pillaged.
dits dressed in military fatigues College were the latest of a series There is total war
and guarding the hostages with of mass abductions, apparently and absolute crisis.
AK-47 assault rifles. The abduc- for ransoms.
tors have demanded 500 million Gunmen on motorcycles kid- Sayo Ajiboye,
Naira (approximately $1.3 mil- A view shows personal items belonging to students of the Federal College napped 279 schoolgirls in neigh- founder, Mission Africa
lion) in ransom, the Stefanos of Forestry and Mechanisation, who were abducted by gunmen, in Kaduna, boring Zamfara state on Feb.
Foundation reported. Nigeria, on March 12, 2021. 27 and returned them after a few “Nigeria’s steady descent into
Authorities aren’t negotiating SCREENSHOT VIA YOUTUBE days after a negotiated settle- lawlessness also may be linked
a ransom, Musa said. However, nation in Africa, Nigeria is a bell- ment. to a genocide against Christians.
President Muhammadu Buhari wether for the continent and a key One week earlier, bandits dra- The bandits, often wearing mili-
told state governors in a Feb. 26 U.S. ally in the region, security gooned 42 students and faculty tary fatigues, are using revenues
tweet to stop paying ransoms to experts say. from an all-boys boarding school from abductions to fund their
bandits. “This copycat mass kidnapping in central Niger state. forced removal of farmers from
“State Governments must re- by bandits on the most vulner- In December 2020, more than rural areas, many of which are
view their policy of rewarding able citizens is happening all over 300 schoolboys were abducted Christian.”
bandits with money and vehi- again and is appalling,” David in Katsina, Buhari’s home state, Sayo Ajiboye, founder of Mis-
cles,” Buhari said. “Such a policy Otto, a security consultant at the even as he was visiting. Contra- sion Africa, wrote in an email to
has the potential to backfire with Geneva Centre for Security and dicting claims of security spokes- The Epoch Times: “Nigeria is a
disastrous consequences. States Strategic Studies, told The Epoch men that the government doesn’t country ravaged by militants and
and Local Governments must Times from Buea, Cameroon.. pay ransoms, “there is always a completely pillaged. There is total
also play their part by being pro- “This is despite President Mo- ransom,” Otto said. war and absolute crisis.
active in improving security in & hammed Buhari issuing an ul- “The Fulani [terrorists] are mak-
around schools.” timatum saying each successive Bandit Gangs ing a desperate last-ditch bid for
The college is less than three mass kidnap incident must be The makeup of the bandit gangs is a homeland and will fight to fin-
miles away from the 1st Division the last—clearly an embarrass- a matter of contention, with Mus- ish. Even so, Nigeria is a beautiful
headquarters of the Nigerian ment to the effectiveness of the lims contending that the bandit nation of great people. I am per-
army and a military training entire Nigerian security architec- gangs are composed of criminals sonally and positively shocked at
academy, and just 12 miles from Students kidnapped from the Fed- ture from the state to the Federal from both Christian and Muslim the resilience of the people in the
the center of Kaduna City, a met- eral College of Forestry Mechani- Department of Security Services backgrounds, whereas Christian face of this massive insecurity.
ropolitan area. zation, in an undisclosed location, (DSS), the Nigerian Police Force, activists insist that most gangs Pressed down but not forsaken,
held under armed guard, in a video the Nigerian Civil Defense Force, are made up of radicalized Mus- they are finding a way through a
‘Embarrassment’ released by the kidnappers on March and local vigilantes. lims from the Fulani ethnicity, to wild space littered with episodic
As the richest and most populous 12, 2021. “A state of emergency should be which Buhari also belongs. violence.”

Mexican Army Seizes Shipment of Fake Russian Sputnik V Vaccines


JACK PHILLIPS government and kept cold while

investigations were carried out
Mexican officials have seized a to determine the source of the
shipment of fake Sputnik V CO- batch. An investigation between
VID-19 vaccine that was intended Russian and Mexican authorities
to be transported via a private air- will take place, and a number of
craft to Honduras. Honduran citizens have been ar-
rested, officials said.
The Russian Direct Investment
Fund, which financed the devel- Mexican officials
An investigation opment of the vaccine, told Rus- announced that
between Russian sian state-affiliated news outlets they had seized a
that “analysis of the photographs shipment of fake
and Mexican au- of the seized batch, including the Sputnik V COVID-
thorities will take design of containers and labels, 19 vaccine that
was intended to be
place, and a num- suggests that it is a fake substance
transported via a
that has nothing to do with the
ber of Honduran original vaccine.” The organization
private aircraft to
citizens have said that the vials were “designed
been arrested, and packaged as Sputnik V.”
State-run Russian media, in fake vaccine.” Reports of blood disorders have adults by the end of May.
officials said. recent days, have cited officials Mexico began vaccinating peo- prompted more than a dozen na-
as saying that there is an alleged ple with Sputnik V in February tions to suspend the use of Astra- Reuters contributed
According to a March 17 state- disinformation campaign brew- and has received 400,000 doses Zeneca’s vaccine but on March to this report.
ment from the government, offi- ing against the vaccine in a bid to so far. 18, the European Union’s drug
cials found about 5,775 fake doses discredit the Kremlin. At the same time, the United watchdog said that after an in-
of the Russian vaccine inside two The Russian Direct Investment States announced it would begin vestigation it’s still convinced the
ice chests that were aboard a pri- Fund stated: “This is an example sending 4 million doses of Astra- benefits of that vaccine outweigh
The article “WHO Scientist:
vate aircraft at the Campeche In- of possible provocations against Zeneca’s vaccine to Mexico and the risks. ‘No Documented Death’ Linked to COVID-
ternational Airport. Photos taken Sputnik V just as Russian offi- Canada as part of a loan deal, Re- The United States doesn’t need 19 Vaccine,” published on March 18,
by government officials, who cials warned last week. Mexican uters reported. White House press the AstraZeneca vaccine, which gave an incorrect date for a news
conference where WHO scientist Soumya
worked with armed forces, showed government stopped and pre- secretary Jen Psaki later con- hasn’t been approved by the Swaminathan spoke. The conference
them stowed alongside soft drinks vented this provocation possibly firmed the move to reporters. U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- was held on March 15, 2021.
and sweets in the plane. aimed at discrediting Sputnik “It is not fully finalized yet but tration, to meet its target of hav- The Epoch Times regrets the error.
The vials were seized by the V vaccine through shipment of it is our aim,” she said. ing enough doses for all U.S.
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021 WORLD | A11

UK Could Use Overseas Territories

for Space Launches, Experts Say A person walks through snow in Falkland,
Scotland, on Feb. 9, 2020.


LILY ZHOU to space launches from Britain
owing to the island’s location.
The UK can use its overseas territo- Spots near the equator can take
ries to get ahead in the space race, the most advantage of the Earth’s
according to experts, as it prepares orbiting speed so that less propel-
to launch spacecraft from home lant is needed to launch a bigger
soil for the first time. spacecraft.
Some of the British overseas This disadvantage, Clark said,
territories are “positioned in in- can be compensated for by the
credibly strategic spots,” Robert UK’s overseas territories.
Clark, a research fellow at the “The overseas territories that I
Henry Jackson Society, a London- mentioned, for example, espe-
based think tank, told The Epoch cially the Ascension islands, are
Times on March 16. extremely close to the equator.
Diego Garcia is [also] close to the
equator,” he said, adding that they
are “geographically and strategi-
Experts have called cally placed to help with UK space
for the UK to de- more broadly.”
velop its own space “These are capabilities that, for
example, other European space
capabilities as powers don’t necessarily have.”
space becomes Mark Hilborne, a lecturer in the
more contested Defence Studies Department at
King’s College London, also set his
both commercially eyes on these islands. He told The
and militarily. Telegraph on March 9 that the UK
can plant sensors on these terri-
“For example, Diego Garcia in tories to monitor satellites from
the British Indian Ocean territo- adversaries. modern defense in terms of intel- year onwards, they’re looking at The review laid out an integrated
ry, the Ascension Islands, and the “It’s sort of theoretical footprint ligence, surveillance, and recon- launching their own International space strategy “which brings to-
Falklands. These are ... perfectly on the ground, and that will give naissance. Integrated with cyber- Space Center, and the incorpora- gether military and civil space pol-
suitable for things like space-based you coverage of different areas,” space, it will give the UK “a much tion of their civil and military tech- icy for the first time.” Clark said he
programs, and satellites, and radar he said, noting that the UK could more clear understanding” from nology will only potentiate the role thinks it’s the right time for the UK
facilities,” he said. help fill in gaps in the Southern the intelligence aspect, Clark said. that Chinese military will have in to take such an approach, which
Experts have called for the UK to Hemisphere not covered by the With China completing its Bei- space,” he said. will “be to meet the challenges that
develop its own space capabilities United States to get “an overall Dou satellite-based navigation BeiDou, Clark added, is “funda- I mentioned China will pose to the
as space becomes more contested picture of what’s in space and system, the West has recognized mental to Chinese space ambitions space domain going forwards from
both commercially and militarily. who’s doing what.” that demilitarisation of space is in- going forwards more broadly, and a military perspective.”
In the biggest military spending “From a military perspective ... creasingly impossible, or, as some it really heralds the fact that China Another thing that needs to be
boost since 1991, Prime Minister if China does things, we need to say, delusional. is an ever-increasing space power.” discussed further, Clark said, is
Boris Johnson announced in No- know about it, and the same with Clark said that space has already In the Integrated Review of Se- how to devise a particular set of
vember last year that the UK will Russia.” been militarized for a while, and is curity, Defence, Development, internationally agreed laws and
establish its first Space Command, increasingly militarised by Russia and Foreign Policy published on treaties that can limit and safely
and launch satellites and its first New Approach Meets Challenges and China, in particular. March 16, the UK government coordinate military activities in
rocket from Scotland in 2022. China Will Pose “If we look at the Chinese space promised to make the UK a mean- space, and will suit the benefits of
However, there’s a limitation Space plays a significant role in program, particularly from next ingful actor in space. all parties concerned.

AstraZeneca Vaccine Deemed ‘Safe’ by EU Agency After Countries Suspend Use

JACK PHILLIPS lem related to specific batches of baseline incidence since COVID-19 weigh its risks—and its use should prompting Denmark to suspend
the vaccine or to particular manu- itself is resulting in hospitalizations continue to save lives.” usage of the vaccine.
The European Union’s drug regu- facturing sites,” the agency said in with thromboembolic complica- The announcement came after Some European nations such as
lator announced March 18 that a statement. “However, the vaccine tions, the strength of any associa- Spain, Germany, Italy, France, and Greece and Belgium have contin-
the AstraZeneca CCP virus vac- may be associated with very rare tion is uncertain.” Sweden joined a list of countries ued using the vaccine. Australia,
cine is “safe and effective” follow- cases of blood clots associated with In a separate news briefing on to suspend using the AstraZeneca Canada, and India have also con-
ing reports of recipients develop- thrombocytopenia, i.e. low levels March 18, the World Health Or- shot. In Italy, a local prosecutor in tinued to use it. The vaccine has not
ing blood clots or even dying after of blood platelets (elements in the ganization Regional Director for the Piedmont region said a crimi- yet been approved for use in the
getting the shot. blood that help it to clot) with or Europe, Hans Kluge, called on nal manslaughter probe would be United States by health regulators.
The European Medicines Agency, without bleeding, including rare EU countries to use the vaccine opened into the death of a 57-year- The United Kingdom, where
in essentially clearing the vaccine cases of clots in the vessels draining for now. old music teacher who reportedly AstraZeneca developed the vac-
for usage, said the Oxford-Astra- blood from the brain (CVST). “As of now, we do not know died hours after receiving the shot, cine, has criticized EU countries
Zeneca shot isn’t associated with “The number of reported events whether some or all of the con- while prosecutors said they seized for suspending usage, with some
an increase in the overall risk of exceeds those expected, and cau- ditions have been caused by the about 400,000 doses of the vaccine. officials saying the move may have
developing blood clots, and the sality although not confirmed, can- vaccine or by other coincidental Before that, a 60-year-old Dan- been political in nature.
benefits of using the vaccine con- not therefore be excluded. How- factors,” Kluge said. “At this point ish woman died after developing The  AstraZeneca shot is the
tinue to outweigh its possible risks. ever, given the rarity of the events, in time, however, the benefits of what Danish health officials de- world’s most widely used COV-
“There is no evidence of a prob- and the difficulty of establishing the AstraZeneca vaccine far out- scribed as “unusual symptoms,” ID-19 vaccine.

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A12 FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021

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FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021 • A13

Border Patrol agents arrest seven illegal immigrants who tried to evade capture near Penitas, Texas, on March 15. 2021.

The Border Crisis May Be

Coming to Your Kids’ School


The Biden administration

is scrambling to shelter
thousands of unaccom-
panied minors crossing
the southern border
from Central America.
The media are declaring the
crush at the border a “crisis.”
Truth is, this crisis could be heading
to your school district. If your kids are
in public school or you pay school taxes,
you need to know the facts.
The media show photos of young
migrant children. Don’t fall for that.
Three-quarters of these unaccompanied without English skills ever graduate. (Left) Students from Mar- posite—fostering a permanent under-
minors are young men ages 15 to 17. They will struggle, but so will our own jory Stoneman Douglas High class working for low wages.
Think tattoos, not teddy bears. kids. This migration wave is hitting School leave school together In the Chicago suburbs, these young
These teens are carrying the name and schools just as they’re reopening after in Parkland, Fla.,. on April 20, teens labor nights in meatpacking
phone number of a relative in the United the pandemic. Students have missed an 2018. plants and auto parts plants, come
States who will sponsor them. A few entire year of school activities. (Right) Elementary school home at 6 a.m. when their shift ends,
students are welcomed back
weeks after surrendering to border offi- For school districts with tight bud- and then go to school two hours later
as New York’s public schools
cials, they’ll board buses to Los Angeles, gets, the added costs of educating these reopen for in-person learning on almost no sleep, according to a
Houston, or New York City—the three young newcomers will mean an end on Sept. 29, 2020. ProPublica expose. No wonder they
most frequent destinations—or else- to art classes, band and orchestra, and fall asleep in class and age out of high
where in the United States where their other enrichment activities. school before getting a diploma. The
sponsor lives. School districts in four states will likely Dickensian era of child labor is be-
It’s the beginning of a hard road. The be most affected—Florida, California, ing resurrected in our country today,
law requires them to go to school. But Texas, and New York. But Connecticut thanks to open borders.
they’ve endured trauma on their trek also has Central American communities Teens who fail to get a diploma are
and missed months or years of school- and will likely be receiving minors. almost doomed to poverty. Nearly half
ing. Few speak English, and many don’t In 2014, New York City schools rolled the Central American adult migrants
know Spanish, only Mayan. out the red carpet for 1,662 migrants in the United States don’t have a high
from Central America, committing a school diploma. Their education levels
whopping $50 million for special pro- are lower than other immigrants or the
grams. At the time, parents asked the U.S.-born population. And no surprise,
Truth is, this crisis could be question they should be asking again they are also poorer.
heading to your school district. now: Why is the federal government Worst of all, allowing this wave of mi-
allowing this influx of needy students gration to continue now will cripple our
If your kids are in public school when New York City already has chal- public schools and further set back our
or you pay school taxes, you lenges? Over half of city students read kids, just when they’re struggling to get
need to know the facts. below grade level. back on the learning track.
President Joe Biden seems oblivious. Message to Biden: close the border,
Last week, he announced a program protect our schools, and put our own
Their education will cost thousands of to enable Central American children kids first.
dollars a year more than for the average to apply for admission to the United
student because they’ll need linguistic States from their home country. That Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D., is a political
experts, tutors, psychological counsel- would spare them the dangerous trek. commentator, constitutional expert, syn-
ing, vaccinations, and other support. But it doesn’t alleviate the strain on our Like this article? Share it dicated columnist, and author of several
They also consume most of a class- schools. with your friends and family. books, including “The Obama Health
room teacher’s attention, leaving the rest The Democratic Party pays lip service Use the camera on your Law: What It Says and How to Overturn,”
of the class to make do with less. to reducing economic inequality. But smart-phone to scan this code and “The Next Pandemic.” She is also a
Even so, only 66 percent of students their open border policy is doing the op- and receive a shareble link. former lieutenant governor of New York.

They haven’t leaked anything to the about that, Mueller handed that decision

Why Haven’t the media about their investigation and even

during the intense media scrutiny that
followed the publication of The New York
to the DOJ, Attorney General William
Barr, and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.
Both Barr and Rosenstein publicly

Durham or Hunter Post’s laptop story in October 2020, they

refused to leak anything.
Even though the media has known
about the Hunter Biden investigation
expressed surprise and disappointment
that Mueller and his team of indepen-
dent prosecutors declined to make their
own charging decision.

Biden Investigations since the laptop story broke, not one me-
dia outlet has been able to crack the FBI’s
wall of silence in the past four months.
Why do you suppose that is?
Reluctantly, Barr and Rosenstein then
did Mueller’s job for him and made the
decision to dismiss the charge rather
than make the indictment.

Ended Yet? Now, let’s look at the other investigation

that’s claimed to not be real or to have
become a moot exercise.
A special counsel’s office (SCO) makes
And yet, here we are just two years
later after these very high-profile public
events at the end of Mueller’s probe and
everybody in the media seems to be suf-
and unseals its own indictments. It can fering from some strange kind of collec-
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE VIA AP investigate and prosecute cases with its tive amnesia.
BRIAN CATES own prosecutors completely apart from I’m sure Durham was informing Barr,
the Department of Justice (DOJ). I’m and now Merrick Garland, of the prog-
It’s widely assumed in much of quite frankly surprised at the number of ress of his work. But giving someone up-
the media commentary I’ve media reporters and pundits who don’t dates on your progress and asking them
seen in the past few months seem to understand this. for permission to do your job are two
that neither the Durham The popular—and wrong—under- different things, and it would be great if
special counsel’s office nor the standing of how an SCO functions is that the media stopped confusing the two.
federal investigation into Hunter while it can do its own independent in- This idea that Durham must run each
Biden’s tax affairs are real. vestigations and can build cases against of his charging decisions by Garland for
Pundits and commentators make it targets, if the SCO wants to proceed with an official thumbs-up or thumbs-down
clear in their pronouncements that they criminal indictments, suddenly the at- before he can proceed to file his own
believe neither investigation is credible torney general and the DOJ take over at independent indictment is absurd.
or, if they ever were, they were subsumed that point and begin approving or reject- Yet that’s what many people have been
by politics long ago. ing the charging decisions of the special led to believe.
If it’s true that both always were or soon counsel. And it’s not true.
became bogus investigations, this brings That is flatly false. By all indications, Durham isn’t Mueller
up a relevant question: Since President You would have a major political 2.0, and I don’t think he has any plans to
Joe Biden is now safely installed in the John Durham, then scandal of epic proportions if an SCO punt any of his charging decisions to the
White House, and there’s no longer any the U.S. attorney for assigned to investigate former top DOJ DOJ so Garland can make them for him.
reason to keep up the pretense that any- Connecticut, in 2018. officials for criminal conduct wanted to And as with the Biden investigation,
thing is happening, why are both inves- bring charges against one or more of the ever since the Durham SCO was formally
tigations continuing? Why haven’t they former officials, but the attorney general announced last November, and while it
been ended yet? forbid them from doing it. was expanding its number of prosecu-
Counter to most of the media pontifica- Such a scandal would directly lead to tors, not one journalist has had any suc-
tions about this ongoing federal investi- calls for that attorney general to be im- cess getting any leaks out of that office.
gation, I’m convinced they are quite real. peached for obstruction of justice. I find the silence compelling. While
While a federal probe of a presidential While this silence Nobody seems to remember how the this silence seems to tell many media
candidate’s family during an election is seems to tell many Mueller special counsel investigation observers that the Durham investigation
a very politically sensitive endeavor— ended with one of the most unusual isn’t real, that same silence tells me the
especially if that candidate happens to media observers developments ever. opposite.
win the election and assume office as that the Durham Special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe Not only is it real, Durham is still coming.
the president of the United States—the investigation isn’t real, ended with his unwillingness to decide
agents and officials handling the Hunter whether then-President Donald Trump Brian Cates is a writer based in South
Biden investigation have thus far been that same silence tells should be charged with obstruction of Texas and author of “Nobody Asked For
completely professional about it. me the opposite. justice. Instead of coming to a resolution My Opinion ... But Here It Is Anyway!”








Chapter Sixteen: The Communism Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

Behind Environmentalism Travel Editor

Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor
Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

The Epoch Times here serializes

an adaptation from the Chinese ABOUT US
of “How the Specter of Communism
Is Ruling Our World,” a new book The Epoch Times is a media
by the editorial team of the “Nine organization dedicated to seek-
Commentaries on the Communist ing the truth through insightful
Party.” and independent journalism.

Standing outside of politi-

1. Communism and the cal interests and the pursuit of
Environmental Movement profit, our starting point and our
(cont.) goal is to create a media for the
public benefit, to be truly respon-
b. The Marxist Roots of sible to society.
Environmental Movements We endeavor to educate read-
Eastern tradition views human beings ers about today’s most impor-
as the spirit of all matter and one of tant topics, seeking to broaden
the Three Talents (heaven, earth, and and uplift minds. We believe that
human beings), while Western reli- rational, balanced debate is key
gions teach that man was created by for fostering a healthy democ-
God in his own image. Thus, human racy and a compassionate
life is endowed with higher value, society.
purpose, and dignity. Nature exists
to nourish humankind, and humans As an independent media out-
have an obligation to treasure and let, we use our freedom to inves-
care for the natural environment. ence on Environment and Develop- conflict leads to ecological crisis. [15] tigate issues overlooked—or
In the eyes of atheists and materi- Indonesian activ- ment. He was deeply influenced by The last century has proven wrong avoided—by other media outlets.
alists, however, human life has no ists roll a giant his cousin, Anna Louise Strong, a the Marxist prediction that capital- We seek to highlight solutions
such special quality. Engels wrote in inflatable globe on well-known pro-communist journal- ism would collapse in on itself. On the and what’s good in society rather
one of his essays, “Life is the mode of the street during ist who supported the Chinese com- contrary, it continues to prosper. To than what divides us.
existence of protein bodies.” [6] In this a “clean air, save munist movement and was buried in keep up the fight against capitalism
view, human life is no more than a climate” cam- China. Strong described himself as and private business, communists We report respectfully, compas-
configuration of proteins, no different paign in Jakarta, “a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in hijacked legitimate environmental sionately, and rigorously.
Indonesia, on Nov.
in any essential manner from animals methodology.” [10] concerns and created an environ-
16 2007. We stand against the destruc-
or plants—thus, it is only logical that Strong came to occupy an important mentalist ideology rooted in Marxist
humans may be deprived of freedom, place in the global environmental theory, adopting the new rallying cry tion wrought by communism,
and even their lives, for the supposed movement. The views espoused by of “ecological collapse.” including the harm done to cul-
cause of protecting nature. the U.N. agency led by Strong appear tures around the world.
In the update to his 1840s book on almost identical to Marxist theory; d. Ecological Socialism
We are inspired in this by our
organic chemistry, German chemist the preamble to the report of the 1976 As its name suggests, ecosocialism is
own experience. The Epoch
Justus von Liebig criticized British World Conference on Human Settle- an ideology combining ecology and
Times was founded in 2000 to
farmers for using imported guano as ments read: “Private land ownership socialism. Inserting typical social-
bring honest and uncensored
a fertilizer. British agriculture had is a principal instrument of accumu- ist demands, such as “social justice,”
news to people oppressed
benefited from the bird manure, an lating wealth and therefore contrib- along with ecological concerns is an
by the lies and violence in
efficient fertilizer, and crop yields utes to social injustice. Public control attempt to advance socialist ideology
communist China.
had significantly increased. By the of land use is therefore indispensable.” in new ways.
middle of the 19th century, the Brit- [11] Strong lived in Beijing after his re- A good illustration of ecosocialism We still believe journalism is a
ish had ample high-quality food tirement, but died in Canada in 2015. is “The Ecosocialist Manifesto,” writ- noble vocation, but only when it
sources. Von Liebig listed various Natalie Grant Wraga, an expert on ten in 2001 by Joel Kovel and Michael genuinely seeks to serve its com-
arguments against overreliance on the Soviet Union’s disinformation tac- Löwy. Kovel was an anti-Vietnam War munities and help them to flour-
the imported fertilizer, among which tics, wrote in a 1998 article: “Protec- activist and later psychiatry professor ish. In all that we do, we will hold
was the impact that collecting the tion of the environment has become who ran unsuccessfully for the Green ourselves to the highest stand-
guano had on island bird popula- the principal tool for attack against the Party presidential nomination in ards of integrity. This is our
tions, as well as its long-term unsus- West and all it stands for. Protection 2000. Löwy, a sociologist, is a member promise to you.
tainability. He also objected to the of the environment may be used as a of the Trotskyist Fourth International.
longer lifespans and larger families of pretext to adopt a series of measures In the manifesto, the authors resolve
the well-fed British populace, argu- designed to undermine the industrial to “build a movement that can replace CONTACT US
ing that more people meant more base of developed nations. It may capitalism with a society in which
environmental damage. [7] also serve to introduce malaise by common ownership of the means of The Epoch Times Association Inc.
Marx carefully studied von Liebig’s lowering their standard of living and production replaces capitalist owner- 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
work when writing “Das Kapital” implanting communist values.” [12] ship, and in which the preservation New York, NY 10001
and used his arguments to attack the and restoration of ecosystems will be Advertising
capitalist system. Marx praised von tradition c. Ecological Marxism a fundamental part of all human ac- advertisenow@epochtimes.com
Liebig’s work for having “developed views At the juncture of the 19th and 20th tivity.” They did not view ecosocialism
from the point of view of natural sci- human centuries, British scientist Arthur as merely a branch of socialism, but Subscriptions
ence, the negative, i.e., destructive, beings as Tansley originated the ideas of ecol- rather as the new name of socialism Help.TheEpochTimes.com
side of modern agriculture.” [8] Marx the spirit of ogy and the ecosystem. Tansley was in a new era. [16] General Inquiries
regarded any effort to create wealth all matter, the first chairman of the British Eco- Help.TheEpochTimes.com
by using natural resources as a vi- logical Society, and while attending Notes Letters to the Editor
cious cycle, with the conclusion that while University College, London, he was
Western 6. Friedrich Engels, “Notes and Fragments,” lettertoeditor@epochtimes.com
“a rational agriculture is incompatible deeply influenced by Darwinian zo-
religions in Dialectics of Nature, trans. Clemens Dutt
with the capitalist system.” ologist Ray Lankester. [13] Both were (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1883),
After Vladimir Lenin and his Bol- teach that Fabian socialists. Lankester was a fre- 295–311, accessed via Marxists Internet
shevik Party launched their 1917 coup man was quent houseguest and friend of Marx; Archive on April 30, 2020.
in Russia, they quickly promulgated created he once wrote to Marx saying that he
the Decree on Land and the Decree was studying “Das Kapital” (Marx’s 7. Brian Sussman, “Eco-Tyranny: How
on Forests to nationalize land, forest, by God in 1867 text) “with the greatest pleasure the Left’s Green Agenda Will Dismantle
water, mineral, animal, and plant re- his own and profit.” [14] America” (Washington, D.C.: WND Books,
image. Thus, 2012), 8–9.
sources, and prevent the public from The originating links between eco-
using them without authorization. human life logical ideas and Marxism appear to 8. Karl Marx, as quoted in Sussman, “Eco-
American meteorologist and author is endowed emerge in these connections between Tyranny,” 10.
Brian Sussman wrote in his 2012 book with higher Tansley, Lankester, and Marx. While
9. Ibid., 11–15.
“Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green environmentalism is an ideology
Agenda Will Dismantle America” value, concerned with protecting the envi- 10. Maurice Strong, as quoted in Grace
that Marx and Lenin’s ideas form purpose, ronment against general damage and Baumgarten, “Cannot Be Silenced” (Grand
the basis of those of today’s envi- and dignity. misuse, ecology concerns the rela- Rapids, Mich.: WestBow Press, 2016).

ronmentalists. In their view, no one tionship between living things and 11. Sussman, “Eco-Tyranny,” 35.
has the right to profit from natural their environment, and thus provides
resources. “Whether it’s saving the the theoretical basis for defining the 12. Natalie Grant Wraga, as quoted in
forests, whales, snails, or the climate, harm done to the environment. Eco- Vernon, “The Marxist Roots.”
it all comes back to a deep-rooted
belief that the quest for such profit is
immoral and will ultimately destroy
Marxism takes these ideas a step fur-
ther, adding the concept of ecological
crises to augment its arguments about
13. John Bellamy Foster, “Marx’s Ecology
in Historical Perspective,” International
Socialism Journal 96 (Winter 2002).
the planet unless ground to a halt,” the economic collapse of capital-
Sussman wrote. [9] ism. It seeks to expand the supposed 14. Ray Lankester, as quoted in Lewis Get the
S. Feuer, “The Friendship of Edwin Ray
The global environmental move-
ment has involved a large number
conflict between the bourgeoisie and
the proletariat by adding an inher-
Lankester and Karl Marx: The Last Episode independent news
in Marx’s Intellectual Evolution,” Journal of
of thinkers, politicians, scientists, ent conflict between production and the History of Ideas 40, no. 4: 633–648. you won’t find
social activists, and media personali- the environment. This is the theory
ties. This text does not have sufficient of double crisis or double conflict. In 15. James O’Connor, “Natural Causes: anywhere else.
space to enumerate their thoughts, Marxist theory, the primary conflict Essays in Ecological Marxism” (New York:
speeches, and actions in full, but one of capitalism is between productive The Guilford Press, 1997).
Subscribe and get the
figure cannot be ignored: Maurice forces and the relations of production, 16. Joel Kovel and Michael Löwy, “The First insights only The Epoch Times
Strong, the founder and first execu- while the secondary conflict happens Ecosocialist Manifesto,” September 2001 can provide, delivered to your
tive director of the U.N. Environment between the environment of produc- door every week.
Programme. Strong, a Canadian, also tion (the ecosystem) and the produc- See next edition for the next installment.
organized U.N. conferences including tive forces (capitalism). In a Marxist
the 1972 Conference on the Human view, the primary conflict leads to To purchase the books, visit Epoch-
Environment and the 1992 Confer- economic crisis, while the secondary Shop.com


A woman

Now Come the Taxes works on tax

returns at the
Service Center
CAL THOMAS can revive them to tempt GOP members in Covington,
into going along with their spending Ky., in this file
The front-page headline plans. photo.
in Monday’s Wall Street Unrestrained by a Republican majority
Journal said: “Biden in either house of Congress, or a Republi-
weighs how to pay for can president, Democrats have the votes
Agenda.” Who purchas- to push legislation through, at least until
es something they know the 2022 election, showing little con-
they can’t afford, and then cern for voter anger. It doesn’t matter to
worries about paying for it later? Only them that the Trump tax cuts produced
government. tremendous economic results for busi-
After less than two months in office, nesses that then create jobs and hire
President Joe Biden and a majority Dem- workers. Democrats cling to the false
ocrat Congress have engaged in record notion that more spending and higher growth. If corporations must pay more emerge from the pandemic, it should
spending with insufficient money to pay taxes solve everything. If it did, would it in taxes, they are less likely to hire and stay at 21 percent and Biden should keep
for it. That may be about to change. not have by now? lay off current employees. Anytime is a his hands off the money we earn.
Bloomberg.com reports the president The left—and that is what today’s bad time to raise taxes but raising them What’s needed is a nonpartisan panel
wants to raise individual income taxes, Democratic Party represents—believes while people are still struggling with the to conduct a top-down review of all
as well as taxes on corporations (and that by spending more it can addict consequences of government shutdowns government spending, eliminating waste
expand the estate tax) to pay for another more people to government, enhancing is immoral. and reforming outdated programs that
round of spending on infrastructure and the careers of politicians. In various ads The Washington Post said this about are outdated, or can be better done by
programs and policies dear to liberal and fundraising appeals over the years, raising the corporate tax rate: “Some tax the private sector. Don’t look for Demo-
hearts. We are already hearing the man- Democrats have claimed that electing experts, business groups and Republican crats to do that. It isn’t their nature.
tra Democrats have used for decades to Republicans will lead to canceled Social lawmakers say raising the rate could Republican hands aren’t clean when it
justify tax hikes: The rich must pay their Security checks and other government damage U.S. competitiveness. Countries comes to spending, either. Voters not
“fair share.” They never tell us what is benefits. They never speak of individual around the globe have both recently and addicted to government will have to de-
fair, or the amount of confiscation they responsibility, liberty, or the proper role over the past several decades joined the mand more fiscal responsibility. As with
wish to impose. It is always a moving of government. Oh, how we need term United States in reducing tax rates to at- nations of the past, massive debt and
target. limits, but that would mean career politi- tract corporate investment ... The average high taxes have contributed to national
As mentioned in previous columns, the cians would have to vote for them, which tax rate among countries is 24 percent, decline.
federal government doesn’t lack rev- they will never do. according to the Tax Foundation, a right-
enue; it lacks self-control when it comes Democrats will likely begin with rais- leaning think tank. Just last year, nine John Calvin Thomas has been a syndicat-
to spending. Some Democrats are even ing corporate taxes, because they have countries, including France, lowered ed columnist, author, and radio commen-
talking about the return of earmarks, been successful in portraying corpora- their corporate tax rates.” tator for more than 35 years. His latest
those add-ons to legislation that Re- tions as evil and greedy. Trouble is, those The current federal corporate tax rate book is “America’s Expiration Date: The
publicans voted to ban when they had a corporations hire people and employees is 21 percent. Then-President Donald Fall of Empires and Superpowers and the
House majority. Democrats think they also pay taxes, contributing to economic Trump cut it from 35 percent. As we Future of the United States.”

Super Straight: The Latest Sexual Identity

JENNIFER LAHL and the Super-Size Me film from 2004. straight. Royce was fed up with being
Now, added to the transgender word salad called transphobic because he only dates
You’ve probably heard of fight is the newest sexual identity, Super women, as in real women (cisgender or cis)
Curtis Mayfield’s Super Straight. who were born women. He also refuses to
Fly soundtrack for the Kyle Royce, a TikTok social media call a transwoman a woman, since they
film of the same name, personality and influencer, started a are biologically male and not female. And
Rick James’s Super Freak, stir when he introduced the term super he pushes back on the transphobic label
because he will not date a “woman” who
has or had a penis.
The fallout began when he first posted
The Book You’ve Been his video on TikTok, declaring himself
super straight. His video had more than 2
Waiting for... million likes before TikTok pulled it. Tik-
Tok also banned Royce’s account, as well
Kyle Ross, the founder of the Super Straight
as the hashtag #superstraight.
Royce then posted the video on YouTube. ity that is rooted in biology, versus ideol-
His videos have been integral in the take- ogy. It rejects the notion that a transman (a
off of the Super Straight movement, which biological woman) is a man and a trans-
is catching on and growing rapidly, with woman (a biological male) is a woman,
others launching campaigns on Twitter, and people who are cis aren’t transphobic
NOW Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and even
a LGBS Super Straight group, for Lesbians,
for not being sexually attracted to trans
BIGGER SIZE, Gays, Bisexuals, and Straights, the “T” for Why do we need a new identity classifi-
EASIER TO READ “transgender” being intentionally omitted. cation of super straight and supersexual?
FORMAT Royce’s viral video explicitly identifies
himself as Christian, giving more fuel to
On one hand, this can be seen as total
parody or absurdity. But given how quickly
the Trans Rights Activists (TRAs) to claim the TRAs have moved to shout down with
Royce is just a right-wing hater. But others slurs of transphobia and bigotry and hate
played the Nazi card. speech those who disagree with them,
I believe we do need to keep saying as
loudly and clearly as possible that biologi-
Seems people just can’t miss an cal sex is real.
opportunity to brand people as We need to boldly defend material real-
ity and unapologetically resist the peer
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, transphobic just because they pressure that insists we play make-believe
aren’t attracted to trans people. or indulge nonsensical tropes like “men
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be can have vaginas” and “women can have
on this country’s academia’s TRAs didn’t waste any time with their penises.”
claims that “the ‘super straight’ trend on It has been super fun to see how super
list of required reading.”
social media (where users claim a ‘new fast super straight has taken off. I think
sexuality’ which demands the same people are beginning to wake up to the
respect as those with marginalized sexual realities of the trans ideology movement

identities) is actually just blatant trans- and how it isn’t about human rights for
phobia mocking LGBTQ people and their trans-identifying individuals, but how it
activism.” is a movement that seeks to obliterate the


Snopes got in on the act, too, with fact- sexes, male and female, and force people
checking the question, “Did the ‘Super to deny human biology.
Straight’ Trend Originate with Nazis on It isn’t wrong that a man or woman isn’t
4chan?” They gave this claim an unproven sexually attracted to a trans person, and to
rating with a caveat that “regardless of label this as hate or bigoted or transphobic
The specter of communism did not who started it, be aware that the social
media trend is strongly associated with
minimizes what true hate and bigotry are.
As for me, I identify as super straight, not
transphobia now.” out of hate or bigotry, but out of reason,
disappear with the disintegration of the Seems people just can’t miss an op- science, and facts.
portunity to brand people as transphobic Follow me on Twitter. I am Super
Communist Party in Eastern Europe just because they aren’t attracted to trans Straight @JenniferLahl
So, what is super straight and why do we Jennifer Lahl is the founder and president

need a new sexual identity? of the Center for Bioethics and Culture and
First, the super straight movement de- producer of the documentary films, “Egg-
fines supersexual, like heterosexual or ho- sploitation,” “Anonymous Father’s Day,”
mosexual, as a “sexual orientation based “Breeders: A Subclass of Women?” “Mag-
on the sexual, emotional, and romantic gie’s Story,” and “#BigFertility,” which was
attraction only toward biological men an official selection in the Silicon Valley

(adult human males) and or biological International Film Festival. She is back
women (adult human female).” It doesn’t behind the camera, producing a film on the
acknowledge a sexual orientation toward ethics of allowing children to medically and
transmen or transwomen and is a sexual- surgically transition.

Republican Insiders Say Corporate ‘Woke-ism’

Threatens Pact Between GOP and Big Business


walks past
A lobbying and communications outfit the elephant
with deep ties to GOP leadership argued logo of the
in a recent memo that the rise of “woke Republican
CEOs embracing avant-garde social agen- Party in
das” is fueling a populist surge in the Re-
on July 18,
publican Party that threatens to upend its 2016.
longstanding pact with big business.
There’s “trouble ahead for the tried-and-
true coalition of Republicans and corpo-
rate America—and the issues they care
about,” CGCN Group wrote.
That coalition has, for years, pushed back
against what it saw as big government, an-
ti-free market policies, the authors argued.
But as more members of the Republican
old guard retire and young up-and-comers
hardened by battles on the barricades of
America’s culture wars gain more influ-
ence in the GOP, the memo’s authors see
the stirrings of a realignment within the
party that they characterize as an “anti-big
business bent.”
“Whether on issues related to technol-
ogy and social media, immigration, taxes,
trade, and much else, congressional Re-
publicans—many of whom are under the
age of 50—are gravitating more and more
to the views and demands of their conser- Donald Trump. pointed to the bevy of companies that an- Dictatorship of Woke Capital: How Political
vative base,” they wrote. “Big Business over the past four years has nounced they would withhold donations Correctness Captured Big Business,” told
“As noted, ‘woke-ism’ is a central target of increasingly signed up for leftist politics,” to Republicans who supported Trump’s The Epoch Times’ “Crossroads” that Amer-
GOP voters, and their younger leaders are Strassel wrote in a recent op-ed, pointing election challenges. ican big business had traditionally served
attacking what they perceive is its unholy to examples like “‘wokewashing,’ peddling “Business titans are positioning them- as a free-market-loving shield against what
grip on the nation’s major social, cultural, causes or figures for brand benefit—think selves as arbiters of political speech and he said was a long, leftist march for control
and economic institutions.” Nike’s Colin Kaepernick commercial or activity—by withholding essential services of the institutions of Western civilization.
The policy implication of this shift, the Lacoste’s replacement of its crocodile logo to conservative individuals, companies, But that’s changed, Soukup said, arguing
memo argues, is a Republican Party “in- with endangered species.” and groups,” she wrote. “They’ve turned that the left “effectively took over business
creasingly unwilling to listen simultane- “Some was spinelessness, caving in to themselves into political entities, raising within the last decade.”
ously to corporate priorities on, say, tax the liberal mob—think Goldman Sachs’s constitutional and antitrust questions.” Soukup urged conservatives to take ac-
and trade policy, alongside their CEOs’ refusal to finance fossil-fuel projects. Some She said that corporate America was tion to save American big business from
latest cultural forays.” was strategic—Twitter and Facebook at- “moving from captives of wokeness to falling deeper into the grip of the “woke”
While the memo did not offer specifics on tempting to ward off regulation with ever- active accomplices.” movement.
how executives are playing social justice changing policies on ‘misinformation.’” Big business abandoning its role as a bul- As for CGCN’s advice for corporations,
politics, the “sharp left turn” of corporate This trend veered more sharply to the wark against anti-free market impulses “the business community needs to rethink
America—in the words of Wall Street Jour- left, she wrote, when some companies— and big government encroachment is an how it engages the GOP on issues they con-
nal editorial board member Kimberley Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube—banned argument increasingly being made by sider fundamental, because their list of pri-
Strassel—is a phenomenon that has come Trump or clamped down on his content, critics who accuse corporate America orities and the GOP’s may not always over-
increasingly into the limelight over the and others—like Stripe and Shopify—re- of falling into the clutches of the “woke” lap in the same way it once did,” he said.
past four years, and surged to the forefront stricted his ability to process campaign movement.
after the deplatforming of former President contributions or do business. She also Stephen Soukup, author of the book “The Joshua Philipp contributed to this report.

US Jobless Claims Rise to

770,000 With Layoffs Still High Need to Adjust Your Epoch
WASHINGTON—The number of Ameri-
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Department showed that jobless claims
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Welcome, John!
previous week. Including separate federal and income prospects will improve and,
programs that are intended to help workers combined with fiscal support, will provide
displaced by the health crisis, 18.2 million a powerful lift to the economy.’’
Americans were receiving some form of At the same time, the nation is still rough- My Account
jobless aid in the week of Feb. 27, down by ly 9.5 million short of the number of jobs it
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fuel more spending. An extension of $300 were closed. So were 39 percent of bars,
weekly unemployment benefits into early 32 percent of gyms and other sports and
September will provide support, too, along recreation businesses, and 30 percent of
with money for vaccines and treatments, restaurants.
school reopenings, state and local govern-
ments, and ailing industries ranging from By Paul Wiseman
airlines to concert halls. From The Associated Press


12. High-strung
Use the four numbers in the corners, and Cy’s partner problems
13. Spread rumors the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
14. Pig out equation to get the solution in the middle.
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
There may be more than one “unique” so-
15. 4 o’clock silver lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
20. “Dry” in a bar solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 Cy the Cynic’s social life — he usually dates
and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 at least three women a week — had hit
27. “To Autumn,” e.g. a rocky patch, so Cy sent his profile and
28. College V.I.P. photo to a local lonely hearts club.
30. Commonly “Did they respond?” I asked him.
“They returned my photo,” the Cynic
31. “Kapow!” growled. “They said they weren’t that
33. Design detail lonely.”
34. Chamber group, Cy also has trouble keeping partners; all
it takes to keep him happy is perfection.
maybe When Cy was today’s West in a penny
37. 100 bani game, he led a heart against five clubs, and
East took the king and ace and led the jack
38. Piercer of diamonds.
39. They make old TVs
Declarer won and cashed the A-K of
40. What a keeper may Hard 1 - 1 Solution trumps. When Cy showed out, South got to
keep dummy with the ace of spades, led a trump
to his nine and took the rest. Making five.
41. Settles “I’m getting too old to play this game
45. “The ___” (sci-fi flick) alone,” Cy muttered.
47. Rajah’s wife The bidding marks South with at least
10 minor-suit cards. His pattern is probably
48. Christmas ___ 1-2-5-5. To protect his trump holding,
49. “I need to know how East must lead a spade at Trick Three. He
much food to order,” for removes South’s only dummy entry before
South learns about the trump position.
50. Zig or zag DAILY QUESTION
You hold: { K 9 6 A K 6 5 J 4
51. “C’est la ___!” y J 5 4 3. Your partner opens one
52. “A Midsummer diamond, you respond one heart and he
Hard 2 - 1 Solution bids one spade. What do you say?
Night’s Dream” quartet
ANSWER: Your hand has enough strength
Across 37. Desktop publisher’s 79. Half a dozen 56. Airplane in flight, to invite game but not quite enough to
1. Frank Morris’s specialty need 80. Secondary effect often force, especially if your partner believes in
opening lightish distributional hands. Bid
9. Char. of Jell-O pudding 42. Reply to “Shall we?” 84. Scrape (out) 57. Anthropoid 2NT, suggesting 11 or 12 points, balanced
13. Period 43. Yeanling producer 85. Kenny G’s sax 58. Complete array pattern and a trick in the unbid suit. If
16. Balustrades 44. Paris bisector 86. Summer quencher 59. Black bowling ball your partner doesn’t bid again, you may be
where you belong.
17. Awesome 45. Wacko 87. Lo-___ material South dealer
18. “ ___ got a brand new 46. Far-right 88. Like Easter eggs 60. Tartare E-W vulnerable
pair of roller skates” (K. 53. Besmirch 89. Babbles 61. Well-kept secret, for
McPhee) 54. “Electronic babysit- some
19. Junior varsity athlete ter” Down 66. “I ___ You Now,” mas-
21. Irish ___ 55. Pacific ___ 1. Gossip seur’s song Easy 1 - 1 Solution
22. Knock off 56. “Are you for real?!” 2. Russian alternative 67. Med research org in
23. Leprechaun’s land 58. Dwells on to excess 3. Pond denizen Bethesda, MD
24. “... for what ___ 62. Class B violent felony 4. “... cakes and ___?”: 69. Twofold
worth” 63. Legal org. Shak. 70. Eat away at
25. “48 ___” (1982 Nick 64. Bluenose 5. Cassis-flavored aperitif 71. Punishes, in a way
Nolte movie) 65. Behind the scenes 6. A while ago 75. Go to a different
26. Beat 68. Mediterranean sailing 7. Wrinkly fruit state?
29. One whose ‘win’ is ship 8. Nicholas I or II 76. From square one
challenged 72. U.N. workers’ grp. 9. “Fake” things under- 77. N.Y.C. cultural center
32. The loser gets left in it 73. ___ fat yogurt classmen have 81. Pea’s place
35. Charge 74. Muslim holy man 10. Candidate for an 82. Up-to-date
36. Terrific, in slang 78. Portfolio part, in brief award 83. Conclude Easy 2 - 2 Solutions



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.







Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.









Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,

in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

“ ”


WAS “SNOW” WONDER Thinking cap
the total accumulation —
strong winter storm, so
They predicted a very

didn’t have television then.
saving France in 1946 - I
I might have had trouble
A20 | FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021

‘You and I have

a rendezvous with destiny.’ – Ronald Reagan

s a nation, we are once again facing the light and see justice restored in our nation.
same darkness that President Reagan In history, communist regimes have fallen
faced decades ago, one that we because their people ultimately decided that they
thought that we had fought off—the had had enough. There’s no reason to believe
specter of communism. that the socialist forces we see in America today
We at The Epoch Times are far too familiar with won’t be defeated in the same way.
this beast. Many of us are survivors of communist
regimes and know their methods well.
This is why we’ve been able to keep going for
two decades, despite being one of the Chinese We at The Epoch Times want
Communist Party’s biggest media targets. We to give you more than just-the-
work for nobody and nothing other than our
readers and our mission of Truth and Tradition.
facts journalism. We want to
Now, when the United States has once again make sure we are all on the
reached a point of decision, of whether we right side of history.
shall preserve the last best hope of man on
earth or take the first step into a thousand The Epoch Times will continue to report as
years of darkness, we at The Epoch Times we always have—with integrity and the best
want to give you more than just-the-facts interests of our readers in mind. It is our duty
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Mother Nature’s Hidden Gems Return to Kauai:

A bit of research can reveal often-overlooked places A Salve for the Soul
that offer a variety of environments to meet any The tiny Hawaiian island, home to 67,000 residents,
preference. has a relaxed and welcoming feel.

See B6 See B4



Exploring Ancient Wonders

The Pyramids
and the Nile
TIM JOHNSON over thousands of years of history, the city

serves as a giant, open-air museum. I’m
eaded west, we cross the broad here to explore it all, taking a trip back in
expanse of the Nile, so storied time as I travel all over town, from the color
in our collective knowledge of chaotic markets to impromptu boat rides
and memory, from carrying on the river to a climb deep inside the pyra-
the baby Moses in a basket mids themselves.
to running red in the biblical plagues. But
today, nothing feels so ancient, the surface
below buzzing with small boats, busy with
the flow and urgency of day-to-day life. The Pyramids at
Leaving the cacophony of Cairo’s center
behind, the traffic on the highway remains Giza were erected
thick, maintaining its languid pace, the four
lanes spreading to six, or even eight, as every-
in a relatively short
one looks for an angle, pushing to get ahead. window of time by three
And then, just like that, the dusty outer
districts fall away, the endless march of successive pharaohs—in
half-finished high-rises ceasing at the edge less than a century.
of the sand. Sitting in the back of a minivan,
the only guest for this day’s tour, I crane my
neck to see out the window. Three unmis- While they date back to around 2500 B.C.
takable peaks rise from the desert floor, and were built with eternity in mind, the
their image so familiar yet almost surreal Pyramids at Giza were erected in a rela-
in person, this iconic trio standing here in tively short window of time by three suc-
the same place for some 4,500 years. cessive pharaohs—in less than a century.
Pharaoh Khufu (also known as Cheops)
An Open-Air Museum built the first and largest, the Great Pyra-
I’m in Egypt, exploring Cairo and Giza. mid, whose base covers 13 acres of land
Now home to more than 20 million peo- and which once rose to a height of 481 feet.
ple—Africa’s largest city, and one of the It stood as the tallest man-made structure
largest metropolises in the world—few in the world for about 4,000 years.
places match the modern energy of Egypt’s
capital. But all that’s new is a mere patina Continued on B2

How the
Pyramids at Giza
were built remains
a mystery.
B2 FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021


Behind the
Subscription The reconstructed solar barque of Khufu.

Your subscription will not only provide you with

accurate news and features, but also contribute
Exploring Ancient Wonders
to the revival of American journalism and help
safeguard our freedoms for future generations.

We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we

The Pyramids
strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that
lets you form your own opinions.

We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where

and the Nile
the faithful representation of our current events Continued from B1 porting and stacking the stones would
won’t just be important for the people of today, but have required herculean efforts, and a
Once surrounded by a complex that in- number of hypotheses for how this was
also for the generations to come. The records we cluded temples and chapels, the pyra- done exactly have been posited. And
keep now will directly inform the foundations of the mids were built as burial tombs, con- the Great Pyramid is aligned to within
history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish— taining everything the pharaohs would 1/15th of one degree of the four cardi-
need in the afterlife as gods. There were nal directions (north-south-east-west),
and this knowledge is what drives us. even pits containing “solar boats,” which leading to a variety of theories about
some scholars believe were designed to how the ancients achieved this remark-
Learn more at ferry the pharaohs, together with the able achievement in astronomy.
sun god Ra, across the heavens. The Arriving there in the minivan, my
EpochSubscription.com Khufu ship found in the complex has guide has few answers but plenty to
been recognized as the world’s oldest show me. First, I ride a camel. After driv-
intact ship, and it could still sail today ing around the pyramid complex to take
despite being thousands of years old. photos from a variety of angles, we pass
a vendor pulling a chain of dromedaries
TRUTH AND TRADITION Building the Pyramids and pull over to negotiate a reasonable
Today, we still don’t quite understand price. I approach the animal with some
the engineering mastery that built them. trepidation—I have a mixed history with
The Great Pyramid includes blocks camels, having once been bitten by one
weighing as much as 15 tons—2.3 mil- at a festival in Rajasthan. In that case,
lion of them. Archaeologists note that a the animal’s flat, blunt teeth hadn’t
paid workforce living in a nearby tem- even broken my skin, but, shocked, I
porary city did most of the work. Com- had reeled back, tripping over my own
munities across the Old Kingdom put feet and falling flat onto the sand.
forth both workers and other resources, Once, these beasts of burden were
such as food. But many of the details the “ships of the desert,” hauling hu-
remain a mystery. mans and cargo for vast distances. Their
Both the quarrying of the stone and documented presence in Egypt actu-
its actual assembly present questions. ally predates the pyramids, going all the
While copper tools used at the time way back to the Early Dynastic period,
would’ve made quick work of the lime- which began around 3100 B.C. Today,
stone used for most of the construction, the ride is short. I climb on its back, with
the pyramids also include thousands of some trepidation, and hang on tight as
tons of hard granite, which came from the animal makes the lurching transi-
Aswan, some 500 miles away. Trans- tion from sitting to standing. We make

The Great
Sphinx of Giza
faces from west
to east.

Ying and Yang by Sandra Kuck

Original artworks, canvas wraps,

and prints of Award-winning oil
paintings now available at

FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021 B3

The entrance to the Pyramid of Khufu on the Giza Plateau. The Khan el-Khalili souk.

a little loop, in the shadow of the Great with fervor tonight. boarding a covered boat for a spin on
Pyramid. I browse awhile before getting direc- Few places this famous river.
Next, I go inside. Climbing up to the tions, getting a little lost several times It’s a natural wonder, of course.
entrance, scrambling over big limestone before I reach my destination. Pushing match the One of the world’s longest rivers, the
blocks, I can’t quite believe I’m using open a small door reveals a whole new Nile stretches more than 4,000 miles,
this Wonder of the Ancient World as my world that feels like a secret club. Set- modern energy through 10 African countries, from Lake
jungle gym. Entering, the cheer of a sun- tling into a table at the Naguib Mahfouz of Egypt’s Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea. But
ny day quickly disappears and I proceed Café, so-named for the late Nobel lau- the history here is even more remark-
through an airless tunnel, feeling rather reate, I order up a mixed grill of lamb capital. able. Simply put: Without the Nile, there
claustrophobic as I proceed through the and chicken, paired with rice, brought would’ve been no ancient Egypt.
tight confines of an ascending passage- to the table by a server in a fez. Musi- The river was its lifeblood. Regular
way to the Grand Gallery. Arriving, I ap- cians play traditional instruments. Men flooding provided nutrient-rich soils,
preciate that this is a once-in-a-lifetime and women smoke shisha. The night which fed and clothed the populace and Toronto-based writer
moment. But, finding no treasure, I’m stretches out and I’m in no hurry to get fueled economic development. People Tim Johnson is always
eager to get back to the warm breezes back to my hotel. built irrigation channels and grew cot- traveling, in search of
blowing fresh air outside. The city seems to have a million mar- ton, flax, wheat, and beans—as well as the next great story.
kets. Another day, I spend a hot after- papyrus, which they used to make paper. Having visited 140
Adventures in Cairo noon at a textile bazaar, wading into The Nile was their source of drinking countries across all
After a stop to see the Great Sphinx of an ocean of humanity under towering water and their bathtub. The pharaohs seven continents, he’s
Giza, my adventures in Cairo continue. minarets. An unofficial guide offers an used its resources to build empires. tracked lions on foot
The city reveals itself, bit by bit, always a unofficial tour and leads me through And the river is still the heart and soul in Botswana, dug for
new surprise around every corner. Cairo the mayhem, eventually leading me up of this nation, with 95 percent of today’s dinosaur bones in
is what I like to call a “late city,” where a back staircase to the top of a mosque, Egyptians still living within a few miles Mongolia, and walked
denizens are never eager to get to bed. I above the rooftops, the call to prayer of it. Cutting a swath through modern among a half-million
like late cities, they suit me. Visiting the sounding out in competition with the Cairo, we cruise the Nile, rolling un- penguins on South
bazaar at Khan al-Kahlili well into the din of the crowd below. der bridges and past high-rise hotels. Georgia Island. He
evening, I find a night market crammed And I finally find my way back to the Soon, the sun begins to set. Another contributes to some of
with locals, the stalls piling their stock- Nile. After wandering among mummies busy night is about to begin. But for the North America’s largest
in-trade high, layer upon layer, on each at the Egyptian Museum, just off Tah- moment, I relax on the boat’s weathered publications, including
side of the passageways. People have rir Square, I make my way to the Cor- cushions and watch the orange meld CNN Travel, Bloom-
bought and sold items in this place since niche, bartering a little with one of the Camels were once known as with the oncoming gloaming, feeling berg, and The Globe
the 1300s, and they continue to do so many small-tour operators there before “ships of the desert.” very far from home in all the right ways. and Mail.

Oil on canvas
Size: 29 1/2 x 39 1/2 in

Original artworks, canvas wraps,

art posters, and framed prints of
Award-winninvg oil paintings
now available for purchase at

I ns piredOrigina l.Org
B4 FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021

Return to Kauai
A salve for the soul

didn’t expect to feel a lump in my Mainland
throat, but as the plane touches down
along the lush green fields of Kauai, I
travelers to
feel a rush of emotion. Like so many, Kauai must
I’ve missed the ability to travel. Most-
ly, though, I missed some of my favorite also first
places—and Kauai is one of them. spend the first
Granted, things are different right now.
I’m wearing a mask, as is everyone around three days of
me, and we’ve followed Kauai’s strict travel
protocols. their visit at a
‘Resort Bubble.’
Travel Requirements for Hawaii
To visit the Hawaiian Islands, travelers
must follow the Hawaii Safe Travels pro-
gram. To bypass the state’s mandatory
10-day quarantine, travelers to the islands
can present a negative COVID-19 test taken
within 72 hours of departure.
Before traveling to Hawaii, all visitors
need to register for Hawaii Safe Travels,
the state’s online portal. After receiving
a negative COVID-19 test result, travelers
need to upload it to their Safe Travels ac-
count. Then, they’ll receive a QR code to
be presented upon arrival at the airport.

Travel Requirements for Kauai

Due to its small size and limited hospital
space, Kauai has its own additional re-
quirements. While all visitors must pres-
ent a negative pre-travel COVID-19 test as
part of the Hawaii State Travels program,
mainland travelers to Kauai must also first
spend the first three days of their visit at a JANNA GRABER

“Resort Bubble.” vaccination program, so Kauai’s Mayor doors in Kauai. The island has miles of hik-
This modified quarantine program al- Kawakami has requested this requirement ing trails, beaches, and coastal scenic paths.
lows guests to enjoy time at a specific re- be removed on April 5, but this hasn’t been
sort, but they must stay on that property. formally announced yet. Princeville
Participating Bubble Resorts pick guests There are 10 Resort Bubbles on the is- Kauai has dozens of beautiful towns and
up from the airport, as travelers can’t rent land. I can heartily recommend The Cliffs locations to choose from, but there are
a car until released from quarantine. at Princeville, where I’ve stayed multiple several main regions that are popular with
At the Bubble Resort, guests will take a times. The resort has condos, with full kitch- travelers, including Princeville, Poipu, and
second PRC or antigen COVID-19 test after ens, overlooking Kauai’s North Shore. They Waimea.
72 hours. With a negative test result, visitors will arrange to have your personalized gro- Princeville is located on the lush North
are then released from quarantine. cery purchase in your condo when you ar- Shore of Kauai and is home to many luxury
Kauai has seen recent success in its rive, and there are food trucks on property resorts. It’s also home to the tiny commu-
two nights a week. They also have a medical nity of Hanalei Town, which is quintessen-
service to offer COVID-19 tests at the resort, tial Kauai. I spent an afternoon shopping in
(Above) The gour- with results available in 15 minutes. Hanalei’s small boutiques and art galleries,
met treats at Holey Grail and then visited the historic Waioli Huiia
Donuts in Hanalei Town. Island Time on Kauai Church and Mission House.
Yes, there are several steps to go through Hanalei has several popular restaurants
to visit, but it’s all worth it to be in Kauai. and food trucks, like Hanalei Tara & Juice
(Left) Kauai Coffee Com- Even with the additional travel require- Co., which serves authentic Hawaiian food
pany’s more than 4 million
ments, my pace has already settled into “Is- and products from a local farm family. Af-
coffee trees benefit from
the rich volcanic earth and land Time.” The tiny island, home to 67,000 ter a yummy Hawaiian lunch, I buy a se-
cool trade winds. residents, has a relaxed and welcoming feel. lection of Taro Donuts from nearby Holey
Kauai does seem a little different right now, Grail Donuts. They are like delicious works
(Below) Electric bikes of course. While many restaurants, shops, of art. If I wasn’t so full, I would also stop
make pedaling up hills and activities are open again, others are still for a shave ice filled with macadamia nut
JANNA GRABER much easier while enjoying closed, waiting for more travelers to return. ice cream at Wishing Well Shave Ice.
the Kauai Coastal Trail.
Though they are very welcoming, like the Another popular destination nearby is
rest of us, Hawaiians are weary. They’ve the historic Princeville Ranch. Although I
been fighting this thing for a year now won’t have time to visit during this trip, I’ve
and have worked hard as a community. been several times for their popular Ride,
Wearing masks when in public is a local Hike, and Swim adventure.
mandate and everyone follows it. After a gentle horseback ride in the shad-
Several locals told me: “We are a mask- ow of the dramatic Hanalei Mountains, you
wearing community. Here it’s not just can take a short hike to an 80-foot waterfall
about safety, but also a sign of respect for for a picnic and a swim. It’s a great way to
each other, especially our elders.” see the island’s nature up close. Just wear
Happily, it’s easy to follow the guidelines, your swimsuit under your clothes and take
and you can spend most of your time out- a towel and sunscreen.

Aquarium Encounters Offers

Play With Sea Creatures
FYLLIS HOCKMAN the feeding was to be done.
Instructor Dan intoned, “I’ll open the win-
Decked out in snorkel equipment and wet- dow and see how fast you guys can swim.”
suit—getting into and out of which was “Cool,” said my ever-eager 10-year-old
admittedly the most challenging aspect snorkel companion. Fortunately, his
of the whole experience–I entered the shark-challenged swimming capabilities
200,000-gallon coral reef tank. It was filled remained untested.
with large and small residents—more than Once back on land, I found touring the
50 species of fish, sharks, and eels—into grounds almost as spectacular. Walking
whose life I was about to intrude at the around the complex, I felt like I had entered a
Aquarium Encounters complex in magical forest of tropical plants, mangroves,
Marathon, Florida. and palm trees surrounding multiple pools
In the tank, I swam with of a wide variety of fish from grouper to sting-
tarpon, common snook, rays to angelfish and parrotfish to turtles,
French grunts, permit fish, sharks, and spiny lobsters. The extensive ed-
horse-eyed jack, and assorted ucational signage everywhere would satisfy
friends. The cownose rays were especial- the most eco-curious of visitors.
ly playful. At every turn I was greeted by Throw food in one lagoon and rainbow
another underwater inhabitant: puffers, parrotfish appear from nowhere and
porcupine and butterfly fish, snappers and brighten up the water immediately and
groupers—not that I really had any idea as immeasurably. A surprising thrill!
to their individual identities at the time. Carousing with stingrays in their private
Copperband The sharks here are behind a Plexiglas pool, I felt snuggled most of the time, as if
butterfly fish. shield and fed through small holes, so I by a soft lightweight blanket caressing my
ASAWINIMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK carefully followed the instructions on how body. As lions travel in “prides” and fish in
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021 B5

In normal times, Kauai Coffee Com-

pany offers tours and has a small onsite
museum. Currently, self-guided tours are After a gentle
available. As a passionate coffee lover, I’m horseback ride in
enthralled by the tidy rows of trees, some
with small white blossoms, as well as the the shadow of the
estate’s hilltop views of the coast.
dramatic Hanalei
Beaches in Kauai Mountains, you
One of the most popular reasons to visit
Hawaii is to spend time at the beach, and can take a short
Kauai doesn’t disappoint. Some of the best
snorkeling and swimming beaches are Ke’e
hike to an 80-foot
Beach, Poipu Beach, Haena Beach Park, waterfall for
Anini, and Salt Pond.
If you plan to swim at any beach in Kauai, a picnic and a
it’s important to ask for local advice before swim.
you go. At certain times of the year, there
are large swells and rip currents that can
be dangerous. It’s best to swim at a life-
guarded beach.

Poipu Beach Park

That’s why I spent several afternoons at
Poipu Beach Park on the South Shore. This JANNA GRABER

lovely beach and park is a local favorite,

and it’s especially good for families with
children. There is a lifeguard on site, along
with restrooms, picnic tables, and showers.
The crescent-shaped beach slopes gradu-
ally and has a protected lagoon for swim-
ming. There’s even a bodyboarding site near
the front of the park for older kids and adults.
The reef, which acts as a protective barrier
in the lagoon, also promises good snorkel-
ing. Grabbing my snorkel gear, I head into
the water. The ocean is rich with sea life. I
see tiny angelfish, sea cucumbers, sea ur- JANNA GRABER
chins, and more. I even heard the sounds
of a large parrotfish crunching on the coral.
In the protected bay, there are few waves,
so I allow myself to simply float face-down,
watching the scene below.
Slowly, I feel all the stress and tension I’ve
been carrying around this past year leave
Ke Ala Hele Makalae An aerial view of the my body. I let it all go, and simply float, soak-
(Kauai Coastal Trail) Napali Coast. ing in the sights and sounds around me.
During this trip, I was excited to explore Tomorrow, of course, there will be more
Ke Ala Hele Makalae, the multi-use coastal challenges to face. But here, right now, I’m
trail which follows Kauai’s scenic Royal in Kauai, and it’s a moment to savor.
Coconut Coast.
After picking up a rental at Eco e-Bikes Janna Graber has covered travel in more
Kauai, I meet up with Tommy Noyes at Ly- than 55 countries. She is the editor of
dgate Beach Park for a ride. A passionate cy- three travel anthologies, including “A Pink
(Top) Treats from grocery stores in Kauai.
clist, Tommy has been instrumental in the Suitcase: 22 Tales of Women’s Travel,” and
path’s development. He explains how the is the managing editor of Go World Travel (Above) Hanalei Town in Princeville on Kauai’s north shore has
path was started by paving a short coastal Magazine. restaurants, food trucks, and shops.
walking trail near Kapaa, taking advantage
of abandoned railroad bridges.
Since then, Kauai residents have worked
together to create the path while preserving
and protecting the land. Today, it covers
The tiny island,
eight miles in two segments that are used home to 67,000
by locals and visitors alike.
Biking the trail is an opportunity to see residents, has
the island’s coastal landscape. At times, a relaxed and
the path meanders through quiet neigh-
borhoods; other times, it follows the shore. welcoming feel.
Eventually, we pedal higher to the top of the
hills overlooking the dramatic coastline.
With an e-bike, climbing the hills are
no problem, and I enjoy every minute of
the ride. Later in the week, I return sev-
eral times to walk the trail, even at sunrise
and sunset. Many small restaurants and
shops line the trail, so it’s easy to spend
time along the trail.

Kauai Coffee Estate

Another day, I visit the largest American
coffee grower—Kauai Coffee Company.
Their more than 4 million coffee trees ben-
efit from the rich volcanic earth and cool The beach at
trade winds. Poipu in Kauai.


but ironically considered a dining delicacy.

Whether just traversing the grounds or
In the tank, actively participating in an underwater ad-
I swam with venture, Marathon’s Aquarium Encounters
is a thoroughly interactive experience that
tarpon, common leaves you ever more appreciative of the
many denizens of the deep.
snook, French
grunts, permit Fyllis Hockman is a freelance writer. To
read features by other Creators Syndicate
fish, horse- writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators
Syndicate website at Creators.com. Copy-
eyed jack, and right 2021 Creators.com
assorted friends.

For more information:


“schools,” a group of stingrays is a “fever,” is going to force them. They’re big—and

and a bunch of sharks is a “shiver.” I clearly well—also they’re sharks.
was surrounded by a fever of stingrays. The African-spurred tortoises are the third- (Left) A flurry of different
There are multiple touch tanks and feed- largest species of tortoise in the world and it’s types of fish greet under-
ing options. At Big Shark Bay, the sharks— difficult to distinguish them from the huge water visitors at Aquarium
relatives, I assume, to those in the coral reef boulders sharing their exhibit. And then Encounters in Marathon, Fla.
tank—react to a sound and light show that there are the incredibly bizarre-looking, (Right) Visitors to Aquarium
brings them to an area to be fed and petted. colorful, very distinctly shaped lionfish, who Encounters in Marathon, Fla.,
But if they don’t choose to respond, no one are terribly destructive to the environment carefully feed the sharks.
B6 FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021

Mother Nature’s Hidden Gems


ure, it’s great to ooh and aah
at the grandeur of the Grand
Canyon, be overwhelmed by the
blistered desert floor and extinct
volcanic craters in Death Valley,
and hear the thunderous roar of Niagara
Falls. But Mother Nature also has created
countless other treasures throughout
the country that while less well-known
are no less magnificent and wondrous in
their ways.
No doubt some of these natural hidden
gems are located within an easy auto-
mobile drive from where you live. A bit
of research can reveal often-overlooked
places that offer a variety of environ-
ments to meet any preference.
Coastal Louisiana, for example, is the
setting for tours of brooding swamps
where alligators like to hang out and
fishing for fresh- and saltwater prey off
piers, from the shore, in inland bodies of
water and at sea.
Its location along a major migration
route also provides a treasure-trove of
opportunities for birdwatchers. The Cre-
ole Nature Trail in Lake Charles alone is
home to more than 400 species of winged
life, including waterfowl, wading birds,
and raptors.
Bottlenose dolphins rather than high-
flyers are an attraction off Gulf Shores than 2,000 feet within less than a half- wood forests.
and Orange Beach, Alabama. Kayak and mile. This sheer drop creates the condi- Even without leaving the confines of
other tours through the waterways of Mother Nature also tions for more than 300 waterfalls, 100 of Branson, visitors can experience this
Bon Secour Bay provide close-up and has created countless which are accessible to the public. beauty in some unusual ways. Ziplines
personal encounters with dolphins and Continuing to wander in search of and other adrenaline-boosting trips car-
other resident wildlife. other treasures water, we come to Table Rock, Taneyco- ry riders through a cloud of tree branch-
Gulf State Park provides an introduc- mo, and Bull Shoals lakes nestled in the es. The Runaway Mountain Coaster at
tion to the nine different ecosystems throughout the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. Adding the Mountain Adventure Park allows
found in the area. A good way to experi- country that while to their pristine appeal is their location people to choose to pass by the foliage at
ence the diversity is to walk or bike along just outside of the excitement and go-go speeds more than 30 miles an hour or to
the 28-mile backcountry trail. less well-known are entertainment of Branson. use the brake to slow the descent.
A very different water-related experi- While most people visit that popular Farther west, Utah is known as home to
ence awaits visitors to the northwest-
no less magnificent playland for the stage performances, five of the most magnificent and most-
ern corner of South Carolina, which is and wondrous in thrill rides, and other amusement park visited national parks in the country:
referred to as “Upstate.” It boasts the attractions it offers, some in the know Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands,
highest concentration of waterfalls in their ways. also take advantage of the surrounding Capitol Reef, and Zion. Far fewer people
the United States. This proliferation is beauty and recreation. The Ozarks are an make their way to another natural attrac-
caused by the Blue Ridge Escarpment, ancient mountain range that while worn tion that is as inviting as it is unique.
a geographical phenomenon where the down by time and nature still are home The Fishlake National Forest is home to
mountains dramatically plummet more to verdant peaks surrounded by hard- a grove of aspen trees that might appear

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FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021   B7

visitors with a camera who chance upon


it is how to stop shooting scene after
Fishlake National The main attraction is a herd of some
Forest in Utah.
200 Roosevelt elk that spend the spring
and summer munching on blackberries
and peering back at humans who come
to watch them. In June, visitors see new
calves, and in September, rutting elk
battle it out in the meadows to establish
their dominance.
Those magnificent animals, which can Roosevelt elk graze at the Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area on the
weigh as much as 1,200 pounds, share their coast of Oregon.
habitat with many other creatures. Among
frequent sightings are black-tail deer, coy-
otes, bald eagles, and red-tailed hawks.

If none of these natural settings is close
to your home, many others likely are. A
few clicks on a computer can result in a
selection with something-for-everyone
diversity and appeal.

Victor Block is a freelance writer. To read

features by other Creators Syndicate writ-
ers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syn- The Louisiana wetlands.
dicate website at Creators.com. Copyright
2021 Creators.com

When You Go

(Below) A couple enjoys TourLouisiana.com; GulfShores.com;
fishing in Lake Charles, La. LakeHartwellCountry.com;
(Below right) Missouri’s ExploreBranson.com;
Table Rock Lake offers Utah.com/fish-lake-national-forest;
all manner of outdoor myodfw.com/jewell-meadows-wildlife-
activities. area-visitors-guide
Wildcat Falls near Greenville, S.C.

normal at first glance yet are anything

but. Called the Pando, a Latin word that
translates to “I spread,” all of the ap-
proximately 47,000 trees are genetically
identical and share a single root system.
Estimates of the age of the grove stretch
back as far as 1 million years, and some in-

dividual trees are more than 130 years old.

Another attraction is the “quaking aspens,”
named for their leaves that stir easily in


even a gentle breeze. This fluttering sound,
emitted by tens of thousands of trees, ac-
counts for the nickname “Trembling Giant”
by which this unique grove is known.
Fauna rather than flora is the attraction
at a wildlife refuge hidden on Oregon’s
coast and unknown to even many resi-
dents of the state. The 2,940-acre Jewell
Meadows Wildlife Area lives up to its
name in beauty, and the challenge facing


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B8 FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2021

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