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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | M O N D A Y, M A R C H 2 2 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,922 $1.

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In the News US Should

Approximately 1 in 6 U.S.
adults have been fully vacci-
nated against the CCP virus,
federal data show. ... A8
Shootings and murders
in China:
have significantly increased
in Portland, Oregon, since May
2020, following the death of Most emerging markets
George Floyd, data show. ...A4 indexes have nearly 40
The United States is set to percent direct allocation to
open another facility to deal Chinese stocks and bonds
with a surge in unaccompa-
nied minors over the southern BY EMEL AKAN
border, the Biden administra-
tion says. ... A8 WASHINGTON—The Trump admin-
House Administration Com- istration took swift action in its final
mittee Chairwoman Zoe Lof- months to ban investments in com-
gren and two other Democrats munist Chinese military companies,
on the panel have a conflict of in an effort to curb Beijing’s access to
interest, Republicans say. ...A2 the lucrative U.S. stock market. How-
ever, more work needs to be done to
Commissioners in a Michi- protect U.S. capital markets and criti-
gan county have voted unani-
cal technologies, according to a panel
mously to hand count every
ballot cast in an upcoming Illegal immigrants climb up an embankment after running across the shallow of China experts.
primary. ... A7 SOUTHERN BORDER Rio Grande from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, into El Paso, Texas, on March 17, 2021.

Julia Letlow has won a spe- The Trump administration

cial election in Louisiana for
the U.S. House seat of her late
husband, former Rep.-elect
Biden Administration Announces in January banned
investing in 44 companies
Luke Letlow. ... A5
The special election to fill
the Louisiana U.S. House seat
Tougher Border Policies identified by the Pentagon
as ‘communist Chinese
military companies.’
vacated by Rep. Cedric Rich- Breaking with administration immigration policy, DHS Secretary Mayorkas
mond is heading to a runoff. There’s a need to modernize U.S.
... A7
says: ‘We are expelling families. We are expelling single adults.’
laws and export controls, Nazak
Housing and Urban De- DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES Nikakhtar, partner at law firm Wi-
velopment Secretary Mar- BY JACK PHILLIPS & Chuck Todd, the host, about wheth- ley Rein LLP and former assistant
cia Fudge may have violated CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON er the policy encourages parents in secretary at the U.S. Department

an ethics law by endorsing Mexico and other countries to send of Commerce, said on March 19 at
Democrats in a Senate race, epartment of Homeland their children alone to the border. a hearing by the U.S.–China Eco-
experts say. ... A6 Security (DHS) Secretary “We have a short-term plan, a me- nomic and Security Review Com-
Alejandro Mayorkas says dium-term plan, and a long-term mission (USCC).
A restaurant owner in
the U.S.–Mexico border plan, and the president and I have The United States should come
Michigan has been arrested
for defying state pandemic
is closed, although unaccompa- spoken to this repeatedly. Please to terms with the reality that busi-
restrictions and ignoring a nied children who unlawfully remember something: That Presi- ness dealings with Chinese firms
court order, the state attor- cross into the United States won’t dent [Donald] Trump dismantled Secretary of Homeland Security have aided the growth of China’s
ney general says. ... A7 be turned back. the orderly, humane, and efficient Alejandro Mayorkas speaks during the military-industrial complex for the
“We are expelling families. We are way of allowing children to make daily press briefing at the White House past four decades, Nikakhtar said
Spectators from abroad will expelling single adults. And we’ve their claims under United States on March 1, 2021. during her testimony.
be barred from attending the made a decision that we will not law in their home countries,” the “Maintaining the status quo can-
postponed Tokyo Olympics,
expel young, vulnerable children. I secretary said, without elaborating. Biden’s immigration policies also not be our strategy going forward,”
officials say. ... A11
think we are executing on our plans Mayorkas’s appearance followed have been blasted by Trump admin- she said.
,” Mayorkas told NBC News’ “Meet a week in which the press began istration officials and Republicans, Nikakhtar said a recent analy-
the Press” on March 21. criticizing the Biden administra- who have said that they’re weak and sis by the Commerce Department
More than 200 Chinese Mayorkas was then asked by tion’s border policies. President Joe Continued on A3 Continued on A3
vessels manned by military
personnel have encroached JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES
on Phillipine territory, spark- TRANSGENDER TAXES
ing tensions between the two
nations. ... A9
Noem Most Americans
Another housing bubble Feel Overtaxed,
looms as China attempts to
slowly navigate itself out of a
Asks for Oppose Any
pandemic. ... A9
Changes to New Taxes:

Now is the time to focus on

Transgender Rasmussen Polls
the root causes of February’s
outages and let the full body

of evidence speak to the rela- Most Americans say they’re being

tionship between regulation
Critics say South Dakota taxed too much and oppose any
and grid reliability, experts governor is trying to mollify new taxes, according to two new
say. ... A17 corporate interests polls, which come as the Biden ad-
ministration considers funding op-
Investment flows into U.S. BY JANITA KAN tions to pay for big-ticket programs.
equity funds jumped to a five-
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem addresses the Conservative Political Action Confer- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen re-
week high last week, data from
Refinitiv Lipper show. ...A17
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on ence held in the Hyatt Regency in Orlando on Feb. 27, 2021. cently said that President Joe Biden
March 19 sent a bill that would bar is looking at raising taxes on wealthy
biological males from participat- The legislation,  House Bill their biological sex.” Americans and corporations—and
ing in women’s sports back to state 1217, which aims to “promote con- In a letter to state legislators, may consider an outright wealth
Robert B. Chernin: American legislators for changes. tinued fairness in women’s sports,” she reiterated her commitment to tax—to pay for future programs, as
Exceptionalism Versus the Peo- Noem, who previously said she passed in the state House in Febru- advance HB 1217 but added that attention turns to funding measures
ple’s Republic of China...A13 was “excited” to sign the bill, ex- ary. The state Senate subsequently the  wording of the bill required for the next big legislative push—an
Newt Gingrich: The People of
pressed concern that the measure passed the bill in early March. The several changes in its “style” and infrastructure plan.
Arizona Versus the Democrat in its current form contains “vague language of the bill specifies that “form” before she could sign it. Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.)
Machine...A14 and overly broad language” that “a team or sport designated as be- Among her suggestions for chang- confirmed in an  interview with
could have “significant unintended ing female is available only to par- es include limiting the operation The Sacramento Bee that Biden is
Mark Bauerlein: An America- consequences.” ticipants who are female, based on Continued on A5 Continued on A2
First George Soros...A16

Federal Judge Claims Democrats Are Close to Controlling All Major News Outlets
Before attempting to lower
your anxiety, you should under- CHUNG I HO/THE EPOCH TIMES

stand your anxiety routines, a BY ZACHARY STIEBER wrote that the ruling is “a threat to
new book suggests. ...B1 American Democracy” and must
Our cultural obsession with
novelty runs counter to our
A federal judge last week said that
the Democratic Party is close to
controlling the press as he detailed
be overturned.
“The increased power of the press
is so dangerous today because we
natural inclination for simplic- “[Trump will]
ity. ...B2 what he described as shocking bias are very close to one-party control
against Republicans. of these institutions. Our court completely
D.C. Circuit Court Judge Laurence was once concerned about the redefine
DON’T DELAY. the game,”
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. Silberman outlined his opposition institutional consolidation of the
READEPOCH.COM to the Supreme Court’s key deci- press leading to a ‘bland and ho- spokesman
sion in 1964 in New York Times v. mogenous’ marketplace of ideas. It Jason Miller
Published in New York, Sullivan, which has since protected turns out that ideological consoli- said.
A copy of The Wall Street Journal
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
many media outlets from lawsuits. newspaper for sale at a newsstand on dation of the press (helped along by n A2
Silberman, a Reagan appointee, Feb. 19, 2020. Continued on A6

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

House GOPers Say Iowa Election Challenger’s

Counsel Has Conflict of Interest
MARK TAPSCOTT sociation’s (ABA) Model Rules of
Professional Conduct clearly pro-
House Administration Commit- hibit an attorney from engaging
tee Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren in representation that involves ‘a
(D-Calif.) and two other Demo- concurrent conflict of interest,’” the
cratic members of the panel have Republicans told Lofgren.
a conflict of interest because each “Such a conflict exists here: You,
is represented by Marc Elias, the Mr. Aguilar, and Ms. Scanlon serve
lawyer for two Democratic candi- as triers of fact and law on the tribu-
dates in 2020 election results being nal charged with deciding election
challenged before the Lofgren pan- contests, and Mr. Elias represents
el, according to Republican critics. you; Ms. Hart and Ms. Underwood
are parties to election contests be-
fore the Committee, and Mr. Elias
represents them.
The conflict of inter- “Your interests are quite clearly
‘directly adverse’ to one another,
est consists of the and Mr. Elias’ ability to offer ad-
fact that Elias simul- vice to both sides certainly ‘will be
taneously represents materially limited by [his] respon-
sibilities to another client,’ namely
Lofgren and two you, Mr. Aguilar, Ms. Scanlon, and
other Democratic the parties to the election contests
committee members, before the Committee. Rule 1.7(a).
“We are gravely concerned that
as well as Hart. these serious conflicts of interest
and ethical lapses on the part of
“We write to bring to your atten- Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) leaves the Senate chamber, on Capitol Hill in Washington on Feb. 3, 2020. counsel compromise the work of
tion to a serious conflict of interest ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES this committee, and, more spe-
regarding Marc Elias, an attorney sists of the fact Elias simultane- cifically, demonstrate further that
with the law firm Perkins Coie,” ously represents Lofgren and two the Democratic Members of this
Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), the other Democratic committee committee operate not in search
ranking minority member of the members—Reps. Pete Aguilar of of the truth but solely in search of
administration committee, wrote California and Mary Gay Scanlon partisan, political gain.”
in a March 19 letter to Lofgren. of Pennsylvania—as well as Hart. Davis, Loudermilk, and Steil
“In the election contests current- Rep. Rodney Democrat Rita Hart is challeng- urged Lofgren “to take immediate,
ly before us, Mr. Elias simultane- Davis (R-Ill.) ing the November 2020 election of affirmative steps to ensure that
ously represents Members of the speaks to Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks in this committee follows a fair pro-
Committee, the triers of fact and members of the Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District cess for all parties involved in this
media at the
law, and parties to these contests, by six votes. Miller-Meeks’s victory election contest and guarantees to
U.S. Capitol in
an arrangement clearly prohib- Washington on was certified by state election of- all parties involved that counsel
ited by attorney ethics rules and March 13, 2020. ficials following a recount. Hart’s will provide only true, accurate,
obligations.” challenge is now before the admin- and candid information to the
Also signing the letter were the istration panel, which has oversight tribunal considering this contest,
other two Republicans on the filing “redundant and misleading ocratic presidential candidate Hill- jurisdiction for federal elections. this committee.”
committee, Reps. Barry Louder- information” and ordered to pay ary Clinton, whose campaign paid Elias also represents Rep. Lauren A spokesman for Lofgren didn’t
milk of Georgia and Bryan Steil legal and punitive costs of their for the opposition research firm he Underwood (D-Ill.) whose elec- respond to a request for comment
of Wisconsin. opponents in the case. hired, Fusion GPS. tion last November by more than by press time, nor did spokesmen
Elias and the Seattle-based The Elias firm was representing It was Fusion GPS that produced 5,600 votes is being challenged for any of the other five Demo-
Perkins Coie law firm frequently the Democratic Senatorial Cam- the discredited Steele dossier con- before the Lofgren committee by crats on the administration pan-
represent Democratic campaigns paign Committee and the Demo- taining multiple false allegations Republican Jim Oberweis. Un- el. A spokesman for Elias couldn’t
and candidates in election law and cratic Congressional Campaign against former President Donald derwood represents a suburban be reached.
ethics cases. He and colleagues Committee in a lawsuit against Trump that was at the center of the Chicago district that was once
from the firm were recently Texas officials in the case that Russiagate scandal. represented by GOP Speaker of Congressional correspondent
sanctioned by the U.S. Court of prompted the sanctioning. The conflict of interest high- the House Dennis Hastert. Mark Tapscott can be reached at
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for Elias also represented 2016 Dem- lighted by the Republicans con- “Rule 1.7 of the American Bar As- mark.tapscott@epochtimes.nyc.

Most Americans Feel Overtaxed, Oppose Any Trump Plans Social Media Return
New Taxes: Rasmussen Polls With ‘His Own Platform,’ Adviser Says
Former President Donald Trump Miller said that
considering raising the excise tax will set up his own social me- Trump’s platform
on fuel and possibly adding a car- dia platform and will return to
bon tax to help pay for the infra- posting online in two to three will ‘completely re-
structure plan, which so far has no months, his adviser and spokes- define the game’ and
official price tag, but which ana- man Jason Miller said in a new attract ‘tens of mil-
lysts have projected at between $2 interview.
trillion and $4 trillion. For years, Trump favored Twit- lions’ of users.
Biden himself confirmed in a re- ter and had amassed nearly 90
Signs are posted
cent interview that he’s looking to in front of an million followers before the social attention to Georgia on Monday
raise taxes. H&R Block tax media platform suspended him [March 22],” as there is a “big en-
But appetite among Americans preparation in January. Facebook, YouTube, dorsement coming.”
for any new taxes—regardless of office in Oak- Twitch, Snapchat, and others also In an interview last month,
spending goal—is flagging, accord- land, Calif., on moved to suspend the former Trump said he’s “negotiating
ing to a new Just the News/Rasmus- April 15, 2019. president; meanwhile, Trump with a number of people, and
sen poll. It shows that 52 percent of hasn’t indicated that he would there’s also the other option of
U.S. respondents said they oppose It comes as Biden has vowed to cans, who expect Democrats to use other social media websites building your own [social me-
raising taxes at the present time. get Democrat votes for a tax hike, craft the bill with reconciliation— favored by conservatives such as dia] site.” He added, “Because we
Raising taxes for infrastructure including a corporate tax cut roll- the budget process that would let Gab, MeWe, or Parler. have more people than anybody.
spending got the most support (28 back and an increase in taxes on it bypass the 60-vote legislative Miller told Fox News on March I mean you can literally build
percent), followed by initiatives wealthier Americans. filibuster. 21 that he expects Trump will your own site.”
that would reduce climate change “Anybody making more than “I think the Trojan horse will be “[return] to social media in two “I really wanted to be somewhat
(19 percent), with deficit and debt $400,000 will see a small to a sig- called infrastructure. But inside or three months” with “his own quiet. They wanted me very much
reduction coming last (16 percent). nificant tax increase,” Biden said, the Trojan horse will be all the tax platform” that will “completely on Parler, you know they had a
A second poll, carried out by Ras- when asked by ABC News’ George increases that Sen. [Rick] Scott and redefine the game” and attract phony report that the man who
mussen, sought to gauge whether Stephanopoulos if he would raise others have been talking about,” “tens of millions” of users. was in there didn’t—I mean just
Americans feel they’re paying taxes on higher earners who ben- Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mc- Miller, who is Trump’s most the opposite, they really wanted
“their fair share” of taxes. efited from former President Don- Connell (R-Ky.) said March 16 at a prominent spokesman, didn’t me on Parler,” Trump said.
“Compared to people who make ald Trump’s tax cuts. press conference. elaborate or offer a possible name Trump speculated that Parler
more or less than you, do you pay “If you make less than $400,000, McConnell said he expects for the social media venture. wouldn’t be able to handle the
more than your fair share of taxes?” you won’t see one single penny in Democrats to use budget recon- Since Twitter suspended his amount of traffic he would bring
respondents were asked, with 51 additional federal tax.” ciliation, as they did with the $1.9 account, the former president to the website. “Mechanically,
percent of American adults indi- When asked if he would get any trillion pandemic relief package, has instead opted to release they can’t handle” the number of
cating they believe they are pay- Republican support for his tax which cleared the Senate with zero press statements via advisers users, he noted in the interview.
ing more than their fair share of plan, Biden replied that he “may Republican support. and email. For the most part, The former president provided
taxes. The percentage of Ameri- not get it.” “They have one more of those Trump has released statements a lengthy interview last week,
cans who feel overtaxed is down “But I’ll get the Democratic votes available to them, and my suspi- endorsing his favored political saying that he hasn’t decided
from 59 percent last year, which for a tax increase,” the president cion is they will try to jam every- candidates for the 2022 midterm whether he will run for the White
was the highest level since 2008 of said. “If we just took the tax rate thing they can into that bill and elections. House in 2024.
people saying they’re being taxed back to what it was when [George call it an infrastructure bill,” Mc- Also in the interview, Miller “First thing is for us, we have
too harshly. W.] Bush was president—the top Connell said. “I fully expect that’s said that Trump still holds a con- to see what we could do with the
The Rasmussen poll also showed rate paid 39.6 percent in federal tax- what they’ll try to do, and that’s siderable amount of sway in the House,” Trump said. “I think we
that just 27 percent of Americans es—that would raise $230 billion.” because I don’t think there’s going Republican Party. have a very good chance at taking
said they don’t believe they’re pay- Biden’s proposed tax increases to be any enthusiasm on our side “He’s already had over 20 sena- back the House. We were going
ing more than their fair share of may be part of the infrastructure for a tax increase.” tors, over 50 members of Con- to lose 15–25 seats the last time,
taxes, while 22 percent said they’re bill, which has already received gress call ... or make the pilgrim- [until] I got involved. I worked
not sure. pushback from Senate Republi- GQ Pan contributed to this report. age to Mar-a-Lago,” he said. “Pay very hard.”

Bayer Won’t
Appeal Roundup
Cancer Verdict
to Supreme Court
MATTHEW VADUM also is widely used by farmers in the
United States and Brazil on crops
Chemicals giant Bayer AG won’t genetically engineered to with-
appeal a $20.5 million jury verdict stand its herbicidal effect.
against it over Roundup, a weed- Glyphosate is used to control a
killer containing glyphosate whose variety of grasses and broadleaf
use a California school grounds- weeds. The chemical “is used on
keeper said gave him cancer. about 298 million acres of agricul-
Dewayne Anthony Lee Johnson, tural cropland every year and is
who worked for the Benicia Unified effective and affordable,” the U.S.
School District, sued Monsanto Co., Environmental Protection Agency
claiming he developed non-Hodg- (EPA) stated in November 2020. An employee adjusts Roundup products on a shelf at a store in San Rafael, Calif., on July, 9, 2018.
kin lymphoma after being soaked The EPA and European regulators
in Roundup, which has been on have found that glyphosate “poses year for $63 billion. “Bayer and Monsanto saw the Without admitting liability, Bayer
the market since 1976 and contains no significant cancer risks to the The jury awarded Johnson $289 writing on the wall—the Johnson agreed in June 2020 to pay as much
glyphosate, the most popular her- general public, based on currently million, which a judge reduced to verdict was grounded in science as $10.9 billion to resolve tens of
bicide in the United States. Bayer approved, food-crop uses and the $78 million. and careful application of Califor- thousands of lawsuits claiming
acquired Roundup with its 2018 levels of dietary exposure expected The California Court of Appeals nia law, and the Supreme Court was Roundup causes cancer, The Ep-
purchase of Monsanto. in the general population (includ- further reduced the award to $20.5 never going to upset the verdict,” och Times previously reported. The
The day of the accident, “the ing residues in drinking water and million, and last year, the Califor- Johnson lawyer Brent Wisner told agreement should bring closure
sprayer broke, and I got drenched beverages),” according to a 2019 nia Supreme Court refused to re- Reuters. to about three-quarters of current
in the [herbicide], I didn’t think that article in Environmental Sciences view that decision. The Johnson Last month, Bayer reached a $2 Roundup litigation, Bayer said.
much about it,” Johnson told Time Europe. award set off a frenzy of lawsuits billion settlement that will cover About $8.8 billion to $9.6 billion
magazine in 2018. Glyphosate has been deemed a over Roundup. future legal claims in which par- will be paid to settle current law-
“I washed up in the sink as best probable human carcinogen by the Bayer told reporters its decision ties assert that Roundup has caused suits, while $1.25 billion will be set
I could and changed my clothes. International Agency for Research not to seek review from the nation’s cancer. Under the plan, Bayer will aside for a separate class agreement
Later, I went home and took a good on Cancer (IARC), which is part of highest court reflected a “strategic provide $2 billion over four years. to cover potential future lawsuits.
long shower but I didn’t think, ‘Oh the World Health Organization. consideration” that a $25 million Future individual claimants could Werner Baumann, CEO of Bayer,
my god, I’m going to die from this In 2018, a San Francisco jury judgment in a separate lawsuit, receive as much as $200,000 under said at the time that the settlement
stuff.’ Then I got a little rash. Then unanimously ruled against the for- Hardeman v. Monsanto, was better the deal. “resolves most current claims and
it got worse and worse and worse. mer Creve Coeur, Missouri-based suited for Supreme Court review, Glyphosate will stay on the mar- puts in place a clear mechanism
At one point, I had lesions on my Monsanto, which Bayer Aktienge- Reuters reported. Bayer is currently ket. Bayer has agreed to seek per- to manage risks of potential future
face, on my lips, all over my arms sellschaft, a multinational pharma- appealing that judgment to the U.S. mission from the EPA to provide litigation.”
and legs.” ceutical and life sciences company Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. a reference link on product labels
In addition to its use in gardening based in Leverkusen, Germany, The company is also appealing a so consumers can locate scientific Zachary Stieber contributed
and groundskeeping, glyphosate purchased and absorbed that same third jury verdict in California. studies on the weedkiller. to this report.

DHS Secretary: Border Is Closed but Children US Government Should Further Limit
Won’t Be Expelled Investments in China: Panel
CONTINUED FROM A1 and FTSE, have about 38 percent
that’s based on publicly available and 43 percent China allocation,
encourage illegal immigration. data shows that U.S. public and respectively, in their emerging mar-
The Trump administration’s private equity investments in Chi- ket indexes. Many exchange-traded
Migrant Protection Protocol nese- and Hong Kong-domiciled funds (ETFs) and other passive in-
(MPP) program has been touted companies from 1992 through the vestment funds benchmark their
as the most effective measure end of 2020 totaled $2.3 trillion in investments against these major
to deter illegal border crossings market value. indices.
and meritless asylum claims. But U.S. investments in state-owned Tolle’s company, which is an
Biden moved to rescind a series enterprises totaled more than $152 emerging market index provider, is
of Trump-era policies starting on billion, while investments in com- the opposite because it’s freedom-
Jan. 20, including MPP, and also panies that are tied to the People’s weighted and hence excludes some
indicated that he supports ex- Liberation Army (PLA) totaled near- of the autocratic countries such as
panded pathways to citizenship ly $55 billion, the analysis shows. China. The company’s equity strat-
for illegal immigrants. “These facts refute the notion that egy uses personal and economic
But Mayorkas said the border is prohibiting capital flows to China freedom metrics as primary factors
not open. makes no difference,” Nikakhtar in the investment selection process.
“In the meantime, we will not said. “Limiting capital will abso- “My company is here with the
expel into the Mexican desert, for lutely slow the growth of the Chi- private market solution for inves-
example, three orphaned chil- nese military-industrial complex, tors who care about these issues,”
Dozens of Central American migrants are expelled from the United States to
dren whom I saw over the last and our initiatives may even prompt Tolle said in her testimony, “but
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, by way of the Paso del Norte–Santa Fe international
two weeks. We just won’t do that. bridge, from El Paso, Texas, on March 18, 2021. some of our allies to do the same.” we are a very small drop in a very
That’s not who we are,” he said on Former President Trump issued large, very deep ocean. And I can
March 21. an executive order in November say with a high degree of confidence
Under an anti-trafficking law, Texas, more than 10,000 border photos from the Mexican side of last year that prohibited investing in that policy solutions are needed if
unaccompanied minors from crossers were apprehended last the border. companies with ties to the PLA. The investments in Chinese companies
Central America and other non- week, with over 2,000 on March “I respectfully ask US Customs current ban covers 44 companies are to be restricted in any meaning-
contiguous countries haven’t 18 alone. and Border Protection to stop identified by the Pentagon as com- ful way.”
been turned back into Mexico In an interview last week with blocking media access to their munist Chinese military companies Tolle also disagreed with people
for decades. ABC News, Biden said the border border operations,” Moore wrote (CCMCs). who claim that it’s impossible to do
is closed and called on people not on Twitter on March 19. “I have Nikakhtar suggested that the emerging markets indexing without
to show up at the border. photographed CBP under Bush, U.S. Congress consider additional China.
“We are safely processing the Obama and Trump but now - zero amendments to the National De- “It is possible. We do it, and ex-Chi-
We have a short- children who do come to our access is granted to media. These fense Authorization Act to further na ETFs do it,” she said. “Emerging
term plan, a border. We strongly urge, and the long lens images taken from the improve the Pentagon’s CCMC markets have no shortage of secu-
message is clear, not to do so now. Mexican side.” designation authority, by expand- rities that would easily meet mini-
medium-term I cannot overstate the perils of the Meanwhile, there have been re- ing the definition of CCMCs. mum size and liquidity require-
plan, and a long- journey that they take,” Mayorkas ports that Border Patrol officials In her testimony, she also stressed ments for index inclusion.”
term plan, and said. have been muzzled by DHS of- the existing challenges in identify- Following Trump’s executive
Mayorkas told CNN later on ficials about the situation at the ing emerging technologies and order, the fund issuers and asset
the president and March 21 that the agency set up border. recommended that the U.S. govern- managers asked index providers to
I have spoken to three new facilities in the past The Epoch Times reported last ment “consider imposing licensing drop some of the blacklisted Chi-
this repeatedly. week. week about how the Mexican car- requirements for only exports of nese companies from their indexes.
“We established three new facili- tels are using wristbands on the il- emerging technologies to entities Restricting U.S. investment in
Department of Homeland ties last week. ... We are working legal immigrants as a way to track and/or countries that pose the most Chinese military companies “will
Security Secretary Alejandro on the system from beginning to payments and border crossings. significant national security risks.” likely have minimal impact on the
Mayorkas end. We are working around the If an individual can’t pay the re- underlying behavior of these firms,”
clock 24/7,” he said. “We have dealt quired fee to cross, the cartel has Freedom Weighted Index said Ryan LaFond, deputy chief in-
In February, Border Patrol ap- with surges in the past, and the details of their family members Many of the CCMC companies are vestment officer at hedge fund Al-
prehended more than 100,000 men and women of Department of at home, as well as their contact publicly traded on stock exchanges gert Global.
illegal border crossers, almost Homeland Security will succeed.” details in the United States. around the world. Through public Speaking at the hearing, LaFond
triple those of last February, ac- At the same time, members of On March 21, The Epoch Times pension and retirement funds, said there are better channels of ad-
cording to Customs and Border the media have raised red flags observed two van loads of mostly Americans are transferring wealth dressing the problem.
Protection (CBP). More than 9,200 about how the administration is family units being dropped off by to these blacklisted companies from “Rather than restricting invest-
were unaccompanied minors, handling press access. Getty Im- Border Patrol at a local NGO tent the United States. ments, regulators could enhance
almost 19,000 were individuals ages photographer John Moore facility in downtown McAllen, Speaking at the USCC hearing, the disclosure requirements for
within a family unit, and nearly over the weekend said that the Texas, across the road from the Perth Tolle, founder of Life + Lib- U.S.-listed firms and work with
69,000 were single adults. press has been provided “zero ac- Greyhound bus station. It’s un- erty Indexes, said that most emerg- global regulators to enhance dis-
In the busiest sector for illegal cess” to the border, and photogra- clear when the individuals crossed ing markets indexes have nearly 40 closure requirements across the
crossings, the Rio Grande Valley, phers have been forced to shoot the border. percent direct allocation to China. globe,” he said.

Murders, Shootings Skyrocketed in Portland

Following George Floyd’s Death

Shootings and murders signifi-

cantly increased in Portland, Or-
egon, starting in May 2020 and
have been plaguing the city since.
The death of George Floyd in po-
lice custody that month in Min-
neapolis triggered nationwide
protests and riots, with Portland
seeing escalating violence that
eventually culminated in nightly
clashes between federal officers
and insurgents.
Shootings rose 173 percent after
the riots, while murders spiked 255
percent in the months following
the unrest, according to Portland
police data analyzed by the Mary-
land Public Policy Institute.
Sean Kennedy, a visiting fellow at
the institute, told The Epoch Times
that he sees a clear connection be-
tween the spike in violence and
the demoralization, disempow-
erment, and defunding of police
following Floyd’s death.
“When the police stand down,
criminals step up is the simplest
way to put it,” Kennedy said.
Fifty-one excess homicides took
place in Portland between June
and February, according to his
analysis. According to the Portland
Police Bureau’s website, the city
has seen 104 shootings in January,
Portland police officers and Oregon state troopers arrest a man they say was armed with a rifle during a protest in Portland, Ore., on Nov. 4, 2020.
up from 50 in January 2020; and 75
in February, up from 38 in Febru-
ary 2020. in our community. This is the most
Rioters in Portland attacked pressing public safety issue we face
the U.S. courthouse shortly after
When the police right now.”
Floyd’s death, prompting the fed- stand down, crim- Wheeler said earlier this month,
eral government to send reinforce- inals step up is after Portland saw its 20th homi-
ments to protect the building. For cide of the year, that he will seek
weeks afterward, clashes between the simplest way $2 million to bolster the response
federal officers and rioters played to put it. to shootings and murders. An in-
out and made news around the terfaith group had written to city
world. Hundreds of insurgents Sean Kennedy, commissioners, including the
visiting fellow, Maryland
were arrested while several officers Public Policy Institute
mayor, requesting immediate ac-
were sued for alleged excessive use tion to address gun violence.
of force. “Cuts to the Police Bureau cre-
Federal and city officials eventu- investigating shootings specifi- ated a vacuum that undermined
ally reached a deal to scale back cally,” he said. public safety and the very com-
federal involvement and send Police officials, under the direc- munities whose voices the Coun-
state troopers to help local law en- tion of Portland Mayor and Police cil—and our community—seek to
forcement. Rioters and protesters Commissioner Ted Wheeler, a amplify,” they wrote.
turned their sights on other build- Democrat, announced last month Wheeler convened former and
ings, including police stations and the formation of the Enhanced current elected officials on March Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler speaks to the media at city hall in Portland, Ore.,
businesses. This continues to this Community Safety Team. 15 for a press conference to con- on Aug. 30, 2020.
day. The team, much like the disband- demn the continued riots and said
Police officials have said that ed Gun Violence Reduction Team, authorities are taking a more hard-
911 calls are going unanswered, is going to focus on gun violence. line stance against them, pointing
in some cases for hours, because “Our communities can’t wait,” to the kettling tactics police used
so many officers are tasked with Portland Deputy Chief Chris Da- against rioters who had begun
dealing with the unrest—a major vis said in a statement at the time. smashing windows.
concern in trying to respond to the “The mayor has made it clear that “Recent riotous activity and
spate of shootings. this is a top priority and that we destruction of property by self-
In an emailed statement, Port- need to start right away. So I think described anarchists do not sup-
land Sgt. Kevin Allen told The Ep- this is a step in the right direction port the calls for social justice
och Times that the causes of gun toward addressing this unaccept- and system reform,” Multnomah
violence and homicides are varied able gun violence we’re seeing in County Sheriff Mike Reese said
and complex. our city.” during the briefing. “They only
“There’s no one cause that we can Multnomah County District At- simply damage private property
point to. But it’s extremely concern- torney Mike Schmidt announced from businesses already suffering
ing. For months we have had addi- around the same time that his of- from the economic slowdown due
tional detectives assigned to the fice had initiated 26 cases related to COVID-19, and they disrupt vi-
Homicide Division to help solve to gun violence in the first 18 days tal public safety and government
these cases. Additional detectives of February, saying: “I am surging services that our community re-
have also been working out of the our resources in the district at- lies on. Responding to these events
Assault Detail. In fact, just recently torney’s office in response to the pulls away resources from public Portland police officers guard the Portland Police Bureau North Precinct amid
some were branched off to focus on escalating gun violence occurring safety priorities.” riots in Portland, Ore., on Aug. 10, 2020.


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gender identity. But showing em- unrealistic in the context of col-

pathy does not mean a biological- legiate athletics.”
ly-female-at birth woman should “South Dakota has shown that
face an unbalanced playing field our student-athletes can compete
that effectively undermines the with anyone in the country, but
advances made by women and for competing on the national stage
women since the implementation means compliance with the na-
of Title IX in 1972.” tional governing bodies that over-
Noem’s decision to send the see collegiate athletics. While
bill back for changes has drawn I certainly do not always agree
criticism from proponents of the with the actions these sanction-
bill, who assert that the gover- ing bodies take, I understand that
nor is backtracking or limiting collegiate athletics requires such a
the bill because of pressure from system—a fifty-state patchwork is
the South Dakota Chamber of not workable,” she argued.
“Moments like this are impor-
tant. They tell you about the char-
acter of the person and whether Noem expressed
or not they are presidential. If you concern that the
can’t stand up to the chamber of measure in its
commerce, how the hell will you
stand up to China?” Terry Shil- current form con-
lings, president of the American tains ‘vague and
Principles Project Foundation, overly broad lan-
said in a Twitter response to No-
em’s letter. guage’ that could
South Dakota Chamber of Com- have ‘significant
Members of the University of Mary Washington women’s soccer team during a practice in Fredericksburg, Va., on April merce President David Owen told
16, 2015. The Federalist that his associa-
unintended con-
tion has been pressuring Noem sequences.’
to veto the bill, arguing that the
South Dakota’s Noem Sends bill could jeopardize the state’s
corporate interests.
“Employers view the workforce
She also explained that she was
worried that the bill would al-
low students to be sued for using

Transgender Sports Bill Back as a place of inclusion,” Owen told

the publication. “They’ve made
it clear to us they won’t support
performance-enhancing drugs
and also creates “an unwork-
able administrative burden on

to Legislature groups that help pass laws that

blindly discriminate in certain
schools,” for collecting the annual
verification forms.
Rep. Rhonda Milstead, a Re-
Noem’s communication office publican member of the South
SDLEGISLATURE.GOV didn’t respond to a  request for Dakota House of Representatives
CONTINUED FROM A1 South Dakota schools and at the comment by press time. and a prime sponsor of the bill,
high school level are governed by In a separate statement on March previously told an audience at
of the bill to elementary and sec- the South Dakota High School Ac- 20, Noem said she had been ex- the Conservative Political Action
ondary school athletics, modify- tivities Association, a creature of ploring “litigation to defend Title IX Conference that it’s important to
ing language about civil liability, South Dakota law. The proposed and fairness in girls’ sports at ALL protect women’s sports because
and removing a requirement that revisions will also remedy the levels,” since November last year. allowing biological males to com-
requires schools to obtain annual vague language regarding civil lia- “To pursue that strategy, I’m ask- pete would send a message to girls
verification forms on a student’s bility and the use of performance- ing legislators to pass a new bill on and females that “they aren’t im-
age, biological sex, and whether enhancing drugs,” Noem wrote in Veto Day, or I will call a special ses- portant.” It would also send a mes-
the student had taken any perfor- her letter. sion. Let’s protect girls’ sports & fix sage to biological males who are
mance-enhancing drugs. “Overall, these style and form the concerns with 1217,” she wrote. transgender that it is “OK to be
“The proposed revisions limit clarifications protect women In her letter, Noem said she superior and almost to bully.”
House Bill 1217 to elementary and sports while also showing em- Rep. Rhonda Milstead, Republican was limiting the bill to K–12 ath- “I don’t think that’s the message
secondary school athletics, which pathy for youths struggling with member of the South Dakota House letics because she believes the we want to send to any child in this
are primarily conducted among what they understand to be their of Representatives. approach that HB 1217 “takes is country,” she said.


People stand in
Former FDA Chief Says freshly painted
circles, six feet
Social Distancing Mandate apart, as they
wait in line

‘Wasn’t Based on Clear outside a store

in Denver
on March
Science’ 23, 2020.


Former Food and Drug Adminis-

This six-foot dis-
tration Commissioner Scott Got- tancing require-
tlieb said that the six-foot social ment has probably
distancing mandate that was em-
ployed across much of the United been the single
States and the world to deal with costliest mitiga-
the CCP virus pandemic “wasn’t tion tactic.
based on clear science.”
“This six-foot distancing re- Scott Gottlieb, a public dispute between Dr. An- masks, isn’t that theater?” schools, three-foot distancing
quirement has probably been the former commissioner, Food thony Fauci, the head of the U.S. Fauci responded by saying that is sufficient if other health safe-
single costliest mitigation tactic and Drug Administration National Institute of Allergy and “masks are not theater” and that guards are in place. Studies have
that we’ve employed in response Infectious Diseases, and Sen. Rand he “totally disagree[s]” with Paul’s found that there is a low transmis-
to COVID ... and it really wasn’t suggested that masks may also be Paul (R-Ky.), who also is a physi- statement. sion of the virus in schools.
based on clear science. ... We safely removed. cian, about whether masks should Gottlieb said “both [Paul and “These include universal and
should have re-adjudicated this “We now know that the vaccines be worn after a recipient is vacci- Fauci] made valid points,” but correct use of masks, physical
much earlier,” he said in an inter- dramatically reduce your chance nated for the CCP virus, which noted that “Senator Paul was distancing, hand washing, and
view with CNBC. of both contracting COVID and causes the disease COVID-19. right, we need to see light at the respiratory etiquette, cleaning to
Amid the relaxation of CCP becoming symptomatic to the “You’re telling everyone to wear end of the tunnel and have guid- maintain healthy facilities and
(Chinese Communist Party) vi- point where you are going to have a mask,” Paul told Fauci, who has ance that prescribes an environ- diagnostic testing with rapid
rus  guidelines—including one a bad outcome; we also know it re- faced increasing pushback over ment where people can start doing and efficient contact tracing in
from the Centers for Disease Con- duces asymptomatic disease and his statements in the press. “If things again.” combination with isolation in
trol and Prevention (CDC) saying reduces transmission ... we are we’re not spreading the infection, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle quarantine and in collaboration
it’s safe for schoolchildren to have seeing that in the data,” he said. isn’t it just theater? You have the Walensky said on March 19 that with local health departments,”
three-foot distancing—Gottlieb Gottlieb also was asked about vaccine and you’re wearing two new studies have shown that in Walensky told CNN.

Letlow Wins Louisiana Special House Election to Replace Late Husband


IVAN PENTCHOUKOV ment. “What was born out of ond Amendment, at the Border, January that she would run for
the terrible tragedy of losing my and for our Military and Vets. the seat vacated by her husband.
Republican Julia Letlow, the husband, Luke, has become my Louisiana, get out and vote to- “I am running to continue the
widow of a Louisiana congress- mission in his honor to carry the day—she will never disappoint!” mission Luke started—to stand
man-elect who died last year torch and serve the good people the former president said in a up for our Christian values, to
from complications related to the of Louisiana’s 5th District. statement on March 20. fight for our rural agricultural
CCP (Chinese Communist Party) “I am humbled that you would Luke Letlow died in December communities, and to deliver
virus, won a special election on entrust me with the honor of your 2020—just days before he was to real results to move our state for-
March 20 to replace him in the vote and the privilege to serve be sworn into office—from a heart ward,” she said in a statement at
U.S. Congress. you in Congress. A simple thank attack that was “likely related to the time.
Letlow topped 11 other con- you doesn’t fully encapsulate the thromboembolic phenomena Letlow’s victory marks the first
tenders to receive 65 percent of Julia Letlow, then-candidate for Lou- depth of my gratitude.” caused by COVID-19,” the doc- successful post-presidential
the vote in the 5th Congressio- isiana’s 5th Congressional District, Former President Donald tor in charge of the hospital where Trump endorsement of a con-
nal District race, according to the on Jan. 14, 2021. Trump endorsed Letlow on he was being treated confirmed gressional candidate. The former
Louisiana Department of State. March 10 and boosted her again in an email. He was 41. president has also endorsed Re-
“This is an incredible moment during the election on March 20. COVID-19 is the disease caused publican candidates in five U.S.
and it is truly hard to put into “Julia Letlow is outstanding and by the CCP virus. Senate races and one other U.S.
words,” Letlow said in a state- so necessary to help save our Sec- Julia Letlow announced in House race.


HUD Secretary
Endorses Democrats
at White House,
May Have Violated
Ethics Law

The newly sworn-in secretary of the De-

partment of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment may have violated an ethics law
by endorsing Democratic candidates in
a Senate race.
Housing Secretary Marcia Fudge, a
former U.S. representative, in her first
press conference in office, told reporters
on March 18 that she had two friends
who were considering running for the
Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Rob
Portman (R-Ohio).

Experts said Fudge’s re-

marks may have violated
the Hatch Act, which
bars federal employees
from using their posi-
tions while engaged in
political activity.
The New York Times building in New York on June 30, 2020.
“Tim Ryan, of course, is thinking about
it. I understand that Nan Whaley is think-
ing about it. I mean, I think we’re going to
put a good person in that race no matter
Federal Judge Claims Democrats Are Close
who we choose, but they’re both friends.
I think we have a good shot at it. I know
people have written off Ohio. I haven’t
to Controlling All Major News Outlets
written off Ohio. I believe we can win the
Senate race,” she said. ROBYN BECK/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

Ryan is a U.S. representative, and Whal- CONTINUED FROM A1

ey is the mayor of Dayton, Ohio. Both are
Democrats. economic consolidation) is the far greater
Experts said the remarks may have threat,” he said.
violated the Hatch Act, which bars fed- “Although the bias against the Republican
eral employees from using their positions Party—not just controversial individuals—
while engaged in political activity. is rather shocking today, this is not new; it
“Under the Hatch Act, if you are giving is a long-term, secular trend going back at
an official policy talk at the White House, least to the ’70s. (I do not mean to defend
you cannot talk about the prospects for or criticize the behavior of any particular
the Democratic Party or Republican Party politician). Two of the three most influen-
in an Ohio Senate race. It’s completely in- tial papers (at least historically), The New
appropriate and would violate the Hatch York Times and The Washington Post, are
Act,” Richard Painter, the top White House virtually Democratic Party broadsheets.
ethics lawyer during George W. Bush’s ad- And the news section of The Wall Street
ministration, told the Washington Post. Journal leans in the same direction.
Noah Bookbinder, president of Citizens
for Responsibility and Ethics, said, “It is
entering a dangerous territory when an
official starts talking about a specific race The increased power of
and about which party can win and about the press is so dangerous
their own party.” today because we are very
The White House, the  Department Media gather in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2017.
of Housing and Urban Development, and close to one-party control
the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) didn’t of these institutions. ble exceptions to the outlets he mentioned: Silberman was writing a partial dissent
immediately return requests by Te Epoc Fox News, The New York Post, and the Jour- in the case of Liberian government offi-
Times for comment. Judge Laurence Silberman nal’s editorial page. cials Christiana Tah and Randolph Mc-
OSC is the office charged with reviewing “It should be sobering for those concerned Clain versus Global Witness Publishing,
possible Hatch Act violations. “The orientation of these three papers is about news bias that these institutions are an organization that investigates human
Fudge told The Epoch Times in an followed by The Associated Press and most controlled by a single man and his son. Will rights abuses.
emailed statement that she shouldn’t have large papers across the country (such as the a lone holdout remain in what is otherwise a “It should be borne in mind that the first
answered the question. Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, and Bos- frighteningly orthodox media culture? After step taken by any potential authoritarian
“When I was discussing getting relief to ton Globe). Nearly all television—network all, there are serious efforts to muzzle Fox or dictatorial regime is to gain control of
the American People and the American and cable—is a Democratic Party trumpet. News. And although upstart (mainly on- communications, particularly the delivery
Rescue Plan from the briefing room on Even the government-supported National line) conservative networks have emerged of news. It is fair to conclude, therefore,
Thursday, I answered a question from a Public Radio follows along.” in recent years, their visibility has been de- that one-party control of the press and
reporter related to Ohio politics,” she said. The news outlets mentioned didn’t im- cidedly curtailed by Social Media, either by media is a threat to a viable democracy. It
“I acknowledge that I should have stuck mediately return requests for comment. direct bans or content-based censorship,” may even give rise to countervailing ex-
with my first instinct and not answered The judge also expressed concern about he wrote. tremism,” Silberman said.
the question. I take these things seriously the influence that Big Tech wields over The uniformity of news bias has a political “The First Amendment guarantees a free
and I want to assure the American people how news is distributed, referencing how impact, the judge said, pointing to author press to foster a vibrant trade in ideas. But
that I am focused on meeting the needs Twitter limited the spread of a New York Tim Groseclose’s 2011 book “Left Turn.” a biased press can distort the market-
of our country.” Post article about President Joe Biden’s The George Mason University professor place. And when the media has proven
OSC officials found that multiple offi- son Hunter Biden. said in his book that he found that the way its willingness—if not eagerness—to so
cials in the Trump administration vio- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey later told law- outlets report more favorably on Demo- distort, it is a profound mistake to stand
lated the Hatch Act, including former makers that what happened was a mistake. crats aids the party’s candidates by 8 to 10 by unjustified legal rules that serve only
adviser Kellyanne Conway. Silberman added that there are few nota- percent in a typical election. to enhance the press’ power.”


Royal Caribbean to Accept will inevitably evolve over time.”

Celebrity Cruises, which is
that in Florida, I think that that’s
more than just a private decision.”

Only Vaccinated Passengers owned by Royal Caribbean, also

announced it will restart cruis-
The World Health Organization
(WHO) has urged countries not to

on Next Caribbean Cruise es in June that leave from St.

use a CCP virus vaccine passport
system due to how vaccines are
It isn’t clear if the company will being rolled out and distributed
JACK PHILLIPS crew, will be available to adult expand the vaccination require- worldwide. And meanwhile, CCP
guests who are fully vaccinated ment for future cruises. mouthpiece the Global Times
Passengers who travel aboard against COVID-19,” the cruise op- The announcement comes as suggested earlier in March that
Royal Caribbean International erator said in a statement. some companies and elected the Chinese regime should build
and its subsidiary, Celebrity Passengers who are under the officials have posited COVID-19 A Royal Caribbean International an international “vaccine pass-
Cruises, will have to be vaccinated age of 18 have to test negative for “vaccine passports” for air travel fleet in the Port of Miami on Dec. port” system.
for the CCP virus when cruises re- the CCP virus, the release added. or other services. Some Repub- 23, 2020. “Chinese experts noted on
sume in June, officials said. “The vaccines are clearly a licans and civil liberties propo- Tuesday that China can help by
Royal Caribbean will provide game-changer for all of us, and nents have raised red flags about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last sharing its experience with and
cruises to the Bahamas and Mexi- with the number of vaccinations such measures, saying they would week said  that “vaccine pass- provide technical support to the
co in June, the company said. and their impact growing rapidly, essentially create separate classes ports” would be a “terrible idea” WHO to organize the issue,” the
“Travelers looking ahead to we believe starting with cruises of citizens. for his state. Global Times wrote. “China is the
their summer vacations can book for vaccinated adult guests and Former UK Prime Minister “We are definitely not going to most experienced country in us-
their roundtrip cruise as soon as crew is the right choice,” Michael Tony Blair recently stated that require anything from the state’s ing a health code system in the
Wednesday, March 24 and set sail Bayley, president and CEO of the “world is moving in this direc- perspective. That is totally off the world, while the WHO is the most
starting June 12. The new itiner- Royal Caribbean, stated. “As we tion,” adding that he couldn’t see table,” DeSantis, a Republican, proper organizer for the matter to
aries departing through August, move forward, we expect this re- another way of this,” in reference told reporters on March 18. “If I ensure independence, fairness,
which will sail with vaccinated quirement and other measures to so-called immunity passports. have businesses that want to do and data security.”

Michigan Pizzeria Owner Arrested for Defying State

COVID-19 Restrictions

A restaurant owner in Michigan was

arrested on March 19 for defying
state CCP virus pandemic restric-
tions and ignoring a court order, ac-
cording to the state attorney general.
Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, owner
of Marlena’s Bistro and Pizzeria in
Holland, Michigan, was taken into
custody following a traffic stop for
failing to comply in a civil case filed
by the Michigan Department of Ag-
riculture and Rural Development.
State officials said she kept her
restaurant open for indoor dining
when it was banned, didn’t comply
with capacity limits, and didn’t en-
force any mask-wearing rules amid
the pandemic. The department then
suspended her food license on Jan.
20, but she remained open, accord-
ing to a statement.
The small-business owner drew
media attention last week over her
decision to resist the state orders.
A judge has characterized her ac-
tions as “selfish,” adding that she (Left) Small-business owner Marlena Pavlos-Hackney talks on the phone at her restaurant Marlena’s Bistro & Pizzeria, in Holland, Mich., on March 18, 2021.
was putting the community at risk Michigan State Police arrested Pavlos-Hackney on March 19, 2021. (Right) Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel speaks during a news conference in Lan-
in the middle of a pandemic. sing, Mich., on March 5, 2020.
Pavlos-Hackney said her ac-
tions were intended to stand up timidate me or put fear in me.” But we the people have to fight for effort had raised nearly $150,000
against authoritarianism and to “I’m going to keep fighting for our existence and keep working. So for Pavlos-Hackney’s legal fees as
safeguard individual liberty and American freedom and my con- I encourage I decide they are not going to close of early March 21.
freedoms. The 55-year-old had fled stitutionally protected rights,” she everyone, busi- me down.” “America is the Land of the Free
communism in her home coun- said. ness owners, An administrative judge in Feb- and the Home of the Brave, and
try of Poland in 1983 and arrived Pavlos-Hackney had initially ruary ruled to continue the sus- together with like-minded Patriots
in America in 1988. She became a closed her restaurant for about three other people— pension of Pavlos-Hackney’s food like YOU, we can overcome and beat
citizen of the United States in 1992 months in compliance with state stand up and license and a warrant for her arrest back Socialism!” the description on
and opened her business in Michi- orders after the pandemic hit, she fight for your was subsequently issued. She was the GoFundMe page states.
gan as she worked toward achieving told Beck. But she decided to reopen given until March 18 to turn herself Meanwhile, the community orga-
the American dream. after she felt Gov. Gretchen Whit- freedom before in but failed to do so. nized a “road rally” on March 21 in
“We the people, small-business mer had “overextended her power.” it’s going to be “This owner has continued to will- support of Pavlos-Hackney.
owners, like I told you, have to Pavlos-Hackney felt that the orders fully violate the state’s food laws, “We will also have a ROAD RALLY
fight. I will fight for freedom [for] resembled edicts of authoritarian
taken away. public health orders, and the order taking place all over the city. The
the American people. And I en- governments that she was familiar Marlena of the court—a dangerous act that Lakeshore REVOLUTION from we
courage everyone, business own- with, according to a GoFundMe Pavlos-Hackney, may have exposed dozens of diners the people! Please tell everybody its
ers, other people—stand up and page opened in support of the res- restaurant owner and employees to the virus follow- time to DEFEND OUR REPUBLIC
fight for your freedom before it’s taurant owner. ing the discovery that one of Mar- against the over reach of state (and
going to be taken away,” Pavlos- “So I decided, we, the small-busi- lena’s customers tested positive for local) government,” the group said
Hackney told Fox News’ Tucker ness owners, have to take control the virus within two days of eating on Facebook.
Carlson last week. against this tyranny. Because we the there,” Michigan Attorney General Pavlos-Hackney currently re-
In a separate interview with Glenn people have to have jobs to be able Dana Nessel said. mains in Ingham County Jail, where
Beck, she told the radio host that to survive,” she said. “Government Pavlos-Hackney has since re- she has been denied bail until she
she’s staying strong because she and government entities have job ceived a wave of support from the agrees to follow judge orders, ac-
refuses to let the government “in- security because they are a service. community. The crowdfunding cording to online arrest records.


Michigan Louisiana Special Election

to Replace Biden Appointee
County Votes Heads to Runoff
Count Ballots The special election to fill the Louisiana U.S.
in Upcoming House seat vacated by Democratic Rep. Cedric
Richmond is heading to a runoff after none of
Primary, Ulparita ssimaio. Nequodit offictis nectam the contending Democrats secured enough
votes on March 20 for an outright victory.
Democratic state Sens. Troy Carter and Karen
Eschewing Peterson will face off in April; Carter received
36 percent of the vote to Peterson’s 23 percent,
Machines according to the Louisiana Department of State.
A total of at least seven Democrats and several
ZACHARY STIEBER Republicans competed for the Bayou State’s 2nd
Congressional District seat. Richmond left his
Commissioners in a Michigan post to serve as a White House adviser under
county late last week voted unani- tually agreed upon, appears to put Election workers President Joe Biden.
mously to hand count every bal- the county in violation of state rules, check tapes The 2nd Congressional District, which in-
lot cast in an upcoming primary, Hand counting, but there was hope that state offi- from voting cludes most of New Orleans, has been one of
avoiding the use of Dominion Vot- which was eventu- cials would understand the unique machines to the safest Democratic districts for more than a
ing Systems machines. issues the county is dealing with. verify that century. From 1891 until the 1960s, Democrats
Antrim County commission-
ally agreed upon, “The state says we can’t. But let they contain kept a hold over the district through voter sup-
ers voted against a proposal from appears to put the them come and tell us that we the correct pression and by disenfranchising black voters,
signatures after
county clerk Sheryl Guy to appor- county in viola- can’t, given our circumstance,” Ed
polls closed
including through poll taxes and subjective lit-
tion $5,080 to reinstall election Boettcher told colleagues. “We’re eracy tests. After regaining their franchise in the
management system software on
tion of state rules. going to say we’re going to hand
in the general
1960s, black voters began to back Democrats.
election, at Ford
a computer and tabulators for the count them and let the state tell Field in Detroit The district has been majority-black since 1984.
county, which would enable use “If we use them, we have to delete us we can’t.” on Nov. 3, 2020. The only Republican to hold the seat since
of the Dominion machines in the them, which is contradictory to a There was also discussion about 1891 was Rep. Joseph Cao from 2009 to 2011.
May 4 primary. court order,” Commissioner Terry borrowing tabulators from the Richmond defeated Cao and had served in
Guy wanted to pay Pro V&V, a VanAlstine said before the vote. state or renting some from Elec- Congress since 2011.
testing and verification firm, to up- “We can’t delete the data that’s on tionSource, a Grand Rapids-based Before joining the White House, Richmond
date the management system. She the machines. If you use the cur- election equipment and service had endorsed Carter.
said officials can’t use the equip- rent machines, they need to be provider. Richmond was named the co-chair of the
ment because of a forensic audit swiped, they need to be cleared. “But I don’t want to do that unless Biden transition team in September 2020. Biden
done as part of a court case that And we can’t do that.” I’m forced to,” Guy said. appointed Richmond to served as the director of
was brought against the county, That left commissioners with The motion included directing the White House Office of Public Engagement
alleging fraud in the 2020 election. several options: approving the the county lawyer to draft a letter to and a senior White House adviser.
The plaintiff pointed to how the purchase of new machines, esti- the state alerting it to the decision. During his tenure in Congress, Richmond
county initially reported a victory mated to cost around $150,000; “The ballots will be exactly as served as the chairman of the Congressional
for candidate Joe Biden before flip- asking the court to allow the use they are now. We’re just going to Black Caucus from 2017 to 2019.
ping the results in President Don- of the machines in the upcom- count them manually instead of The Louisiana special election on March 20
ald Trump’s favor by thousands of ing primary; or resorting to hand with the machine. But we want to also included a contest for the 5th Congres-
votes, citing a human error. counting the ballots. make sure they’re going to certify sional District seat left vacant by the death of
Commissioners expressed con- “We need to buy these new ma- it,” Boettcher said. Republican Rep.-elect Luke Letlow. Letlow’s
cern that reprogramming the ma- chines and stop playing games,” Requests for comment to Do- widow, Julia Letlow, also a Republican, won
chines and then using them would Commissioner Christian Marcus minion, Pro V&V, and the office of the special election with 65 percent of the vote.
violate a judge’s order in the case, said at one point. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Letlow was endorsed by former President Don-
Bailey v. Antrim County. Hand counting, which was even- weren’t immediately returned. ald Trump.

US Opening New Facility to Hold up

to 2,000 Unaccompanied Minors Illegal aliens cross the Rio Bravo river in
El Paso, Texas, on March 19, 2021.


ZACHARY STIEBER border without an adult will be
sent to the facility when the site
The United States is set to open an- is ready to safely receive them,
other facility to deal with the surge ORR said in a statement. The site
in illegal immigrants, President Joe will be used as a stop before unac-
Biden’s administration announced companied minors are transferred
March 20. to ORR shelters, “where children
The new facility is in Pecos, Texas. receive educational, medical,
It will initially hold about 500 mental health, and recreational
children, with the potential to ex- services until they can be unified
pand to 2,000, according to the De- with families or sponsors without
partment of Health and Human undue delay.”
Services’ Office of Refugee Reset- ORR officials are struggling to
tlement (ORR). handle the influx of unaccompa-
nied minors crossing the southern
border since Biden took office in
January, and have had to open
ORR officials are or reopen a number of detention
struggling to han- centers.
“While ORR has worked to build
dle the influx of up its licensed bed capacity to
unaccompanied almost 13,500 beds, additional
minors crossing the capacity is urgently needed to
manage both enhanced COV-
southern border ID-19 mitigation strategies and
since Biden took of- the increasing numbers of [unac-
fice in January, and companied minors] referrals from
DHS,” the agency said.
have had to open or Department of Homeland Secu-
reopen a number of rity (DHS) agents apprehend those
detention centers. who illegally cross the southern The U.S. government also illegal border crossers. The Biden Senators who visited the border
border from Mexico. opened or reopened temporary administration is still expelling last week decried the conditions
HSS is utilizing both short- and holding facilities in Midland and some crossers but is allowing any they witnessed and urged the ad-
The ORR is legally required to long-term options to deal with the Carrizo Springs. Both facilities minors without adults to enter the ministration to take action.
care for unaccompanied minors surge, including expanding capac- have dealt with COVID-19 out- country. Biden also ordered a halt “The number of unaccompa-
until they’re united with a sponsor, ity, reducing the time it takes to breaks, while the former was to the Remain in Mexico program, nied children arriving at our
typically a parent or relative, while unify a child with a sponsor, and ordered to stop using water for which made asylum seekers wait southern border is at a level we
their cases are processed. establishing emergency sites to human consumption because of in Mexico until their claims could have never seen before,” Sen.
The Target Lodge Pecos North decrease overcrowding in other integrity concerns. be heard. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.)
property will house illegal immi- facilities. The surge in unaccompanied Biden administration officials said in a tweet. “My visit to a mi-
grants in solid structures. Addi- In one example, the agency minors stems from the Biden ad- told reporters in a call on March grant children’s facility in El Paso
tional semi-permanent structures reached an agreement with of- ministration changing protocol 18 that Customs and Border Pro- yesterday underscores the need
may be added, although the office ficials in Dallas to house male from the Trump era. Under Title tection had 4,500 unaccompanied to unify our message, secure our
tries to place children in solid ones. teenagers in a convention center 42 powers, officials in the previ- minors in custody while ORR had border, [and] fix the humanitar-
Children who illegally cross the for up to 90 days. ous administration expelled all over 9,500. ian crisis we are facing.”


A woman receives Bilateral defense trade increased
a Moderna Pentagon Chief from near zero in 2008 to $15 bil-
COVID-19 vaccine
at a church in
Hints at Sanctions lion in 2019.
At the meeting between Austin
Landover, Md., on If India Buys and Singh, the two countries agreed
March 18, 2021.
Russian Missile to deepen defense cooperation, in-
telligence sharing, and logistics.
System “India is an increasingly impor-
tant partner in rapidly shifting in-
TOM OZIMEK ternational dynamics. I reaffirm our
commitment to a comprehensive
Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin urged forward-looking defense partner-
India to reconsider its potential ship with India as a central pillar
purchase of a Russian missile sys- of our approach to the Indo-Pacific
tem, hinting to the longtime U.S. region,” Austin said.
ally that the move could trigger The Pentagon chief’s visit to New
U.S. sanctions. Delhi is the first visit to India by
“We certainly urge all our allies a top member of President Joe
and partners to move away from Biden’s administration. It follows
Russian equipment ... and really a meeting on March 12 between
avoid any kind of acquisitions that leaders of Australia, India, Japan,
About 1 in 6 US Adults Are Fully Vaccinated would trigger sanctions on our be-
half,” Austin said in New Delhi on
and the United States, which to-
gether make up the four Indo-Pa-
Against CCP Virus March 20, responding to a question
from a reporter about India’s plans
cific nations known as the Quad.
The Quad is seen as a counter-
to buy the Russian S-400 anti-air- weight to China, which critics say
craft weapon system. is flexing its military muscle in the
ZACHARY STIEBER than 156.7 million doses. Of cination,” Biden said in a speech The thorny issue of India’s planned South China Sea, East China Sea,
these, most, or 121.4 million, have at the White House last week. purchase of the S-400 was widely and Taiwan Strait and along its
Approximately 43 million adults been administered. “Today, 65 percent of people aged expected to come up during Aus- northern border with India.
in the United States have been The vast majority of the doses 65 or older have received at least tin’s visit to India, where he met his The U.S.–India security part-
fully vaccinated against the CCP delivered and administered are one shot, and 36 percent are fully Indian counterpart, Defence Min- nership enjoys strong bipartisan
virus, the disease that causes from Moderna or Pfizer-BioN- vaccinated. And that’s key—be- ister Rajnath Singh. support in Washington, and it has
COVID-19, according to newly Tech, which require two doses. cause this is a population that The pair discussed ways to expand grown significantly since the early
updated federal data. The Johnson & Johnson one- represents 80 percent of the well military engagement between their 2000s even though trade agree-
As of March 20, nearly 43,036,820 shot vaccine makes up 2.1 mil- over 500,000 COVID-19 deaths respective countries, underscoring ments have been a sticking point.
adults had been fully vaccinat- lion of the doses administered, that have occurred in America. the strengthening defense ties be- But in recent years, relations be-
ed, according to the Centers for with another 2.1 million distrib- “Tomorrow, we will hit 100 tween the United States and India, tween the countries have been
Disease Control and Prevention uted but not yet injected. Regu- million doses our administra- which are both worried about China driven by a convergence of interests
(CDC). That’s equal to about 13 lators authorized that vaccine tion has administered. But I’ve flexing its military muscle in the to counter China.
percent of the U.S. population, or last month. always said: That’s just the floor. Indo-Pacific region. More recently, India drew closer
about 1 in 6 adults in the country. Only Pfizer’s vaccine is cur- We will not stop until we beat Austin said that, while he and to the United States following its
Three COVID-19 vaccines have rently allowed to be used for this pandemic. Next week, I will Sing discussed the missile defense months-long military standoff with
been authorized for use by drug anyone under the age of 18. It announce our next goal to put system, they didn’t discuss poten- China along its disputed border
regulators in the U.S. Two require is authorized for use in 16- and shots in arms.” tial sanctions. in eastern Ladakh, where deadly
separate doses spaced several 17-year-olds. Fully vaccinated people can es- “We are aware of the fact that they clashes erupted last year. Tensions
weeks apart. Only about 57,000  16- and chew wearing masks and social have expressed interest in acquiring between the nuclear-armed Asian
Of those fully vaccinated, 22.3 17-year-olds have been fully vac- distancing when gathering with the system,” Austin said, adding that giants have eased after the two
million are 65 years of age or cinated. others who are fully vaccinated, they had not “acquired an S-400 sys- countries pulled back troops from
older, which is 40 percent of the President Joe Biden, before en- or people who aren’t but who “are tem yet, so there would be no reason one area of contention.
elderly population. tering office, announced a goal at low risk for severe COVID-19 for sanctions to be on the table.” The military tensions between
The elderly and those with un- of getting 100 million shots ad- disease,” according to the CDC. The United States opposes India’s the two neighbors at that time had
derlying serious medical con- ministered in his first 100 days PETER CZIBORRA/REUTERS
purchase of the S-400, with U.S. of- stoked fears of a larger confronta-
ditions are most vulnerable to in office. That was achieved by ficials on the record as saying that tion.
experiencing severe symptoms day 60. Biden has said he believes the Russian system can be used to Pentagon Press Secretary John
from COVID-19, according to the United States can double his collect intelligence on American Kirby said in a readout from Austin
the CDC. original goal. systems if both exist side by side in and Singh’s meeting that “both sides
In addition to those who have Critics note that the trajectory a given country’s arsenal. exchanged perspectives on shared
been fully vaccinated, roughly of doses administered was al- The United States and India have challenges confronting the region
36 million have received one ready heading toward 1 million steadily ramped up their military and committed to further strength-
dose but not the second. That per day on average before the relationship in recent years and en their broad-ranging and robust
includes nearly 15 million in the president was sworn in. signed a string of defense deals and defense cooperation.”
upper age group. “Eight weeks ago, only 8 percent A vial of the Oxford-AstraZeneca deepened military cooperation. In
The federal government and of seniors, those most vulnerable COVID-19 vaccine in Basingstoke, 2019, the two sides concluded de- The Associated Press
its partners have delivered more to COVID-19, had received a vac- England, on Feb. 4, 2021. fense deals worth over $3 billion. contributed to this report.

Beijing Delicately Navigating Another Philippines Says

220 Chinese Boats
Housing Bubble Have Encroached
in South China Sea
FAN YU ippine defense chief on March
21 demanded that more than
News Analysis 200 Chinese vessels he said were
Real estate is one market that manned by militias leave a South
proved to be resilient during China Sea reef claimed by Manila,
2020 as the CCP virus pandemic saying their presence was a “pro-
ravaged the world. vocative action of militarizing the
The Chinese real estate market area.”
has been especially buoyed by “We call on the Chinese to stop
high prices and booming sales. this incursion and immediately re-
The official National Bureau call these boats violating our mari-
of Statistics data showed that time rights and encroaching into
property sales exceeded $2.6 tril- our sovereign territory,” defense
lion last year after a brief pause minister Delfin Lorenzana said.
initially because of the CCP Authorities said the Philip-
(Chinese Communist Party) pines coast guard had reported
virus pandemic. that about 220 vessels, believed
This trend has been encour- to be manned by Chinese mari-
aged by years of loose monetary time militia personnel, were seen
policy out of CCP headquarters moored on March 7 at Whitsun
pre-pandemic. While the re- Reef, which Manila calls Julian
gime in Beijing has been more Felipe Reef.
conservative than the United Foreign minister Teodoro Loc-
States in its stimulus programs sin, when asked whether he would
during the pandemic, the Chi- file a diplomatic protest over the
nese economy has nominally boats, told a journalist on Twitter:
been healthier rebounding A woman crosses a bridge near apartment and office complexes in Beijing on Dec. 1, 2020. “Only if the generals tell me. In my
from the crisis. watch, foreign policy is the fist in
The resulting price surges have housing and a stock market per- Financial institutions in the United States and other foreign the iron glove of the armed forces.”
increasingly raised the specter spective, would undermine the southern city of Shenzhen were markets become unattractive The vessels are fishing boats
of a massive housing bubble, stability of its rule. So it needs told by regulators to investigate due to high inflation or cur- believed to be manned by Chi-
especially among Tier 1 cities to slowly inflate the market in “the flow of business loan funds rency devaluation, investors nese military-trained personnel,
such as Shanghai, Beijing, and a controlled manner, by loos- into property,” according to a may direct their funds to China according to Philippines security
Guangzhou. ening and tightening liquidity March 16 Yicai Global report. and potentially pouring into its officials.
To be clear, the overheating going into the real estate market Authorities were concerned that domestic real estate market.
market has mostly been an issue as needed. some individuals falsified busi- In a regulatory action focused
among Tier 1 or Tier 2 cities, and Currently, China is in one of ness loan applications to funnel on personal events, authori-
in locations near high-quality those real estate “tightening” proceeds into real estate. ties in certain cities (including The vessels’ pres-
schools and good transportation phases. Similar mandates were issued Shanghai) are restricting home ence in the area
options. Elsewhere in China, in China regulates real estate by local regulators in Beijing, purchases from individuals who
lower-tier cities, rural areas, and sales more closely than the Guangzhou, and Shanghai to have recently divorced. raises concern
certain cities in the Northeast, United States. There are laws crack down on consumer and That’s due to local laws in about overfishing
there are swaths of homes and governing every facet of home business loan proceeds going Shanghai and Beijing, where and the destruc-
apartments sitting empty. buying—how many homes a into real estate improperly. each family is only permitted to
The housing bubble also has family can purchase, where Interest rates on consumer purchase two properties maxi- tion of the marine
given rise to a surge in debt, both they can purchase, and how the and business loans were cut mum, a restriction imposed in environment, as
from consumers as well as prop- purchases must be funded. during the pandemic to assist recent years to control housing well as risks to
erty developers. Overall Chinese In December, regulators at the small businesses reeling from prices in these cities. Local me-
debt at the end of 2020 reached Central Economic Work Confer- demand shocks as a result of dia report that such restrictions safe navigation.
350 percent of the country’s GDP. ence, which sets the agenda for widespread lockdown. caused many couples to tempo-
In many ways, the Chinese China’s economic development China also fears that loose rarily file for divorce so they can The vessels’ presence in the area
housing market is a creation path, introduced caps for loans monetary policy in the United purchase two homes each as raises concern about overfishing
of the CCP. The Party needed related to housing, mortgage, States and other nations could individuals, with the intention and the destruction of the ma-
a way for its citizens to gain and real estate development at amplify its domestic housing to remarry later and effectively rine environment, as well as risks
wealth—aside from the domes- domestic banks. bubble. Former Chinese finance “grandfather” their housing pur- to safe navigation, a Philippine
tic stock market, which has its In China’s biggest real estate minister Lou Jiwei warned that chases. Authorities are investi- cross-government task force said
own issues—and the property submarkets, authorities are the rapid expansion of the Feder- gating closing that loophole. late on March 20.
market has been a critical source clamping down on liquidity al Reserve’s balance sheet could “We’re all very optimistic that China’s foreign ministry didn’t
of provincial and local revenues illegally flowing into real estate. have negative spillover effects on property prices in this area will immediately respond to a request
arising from taxes and fees. The recent curbs remind one of China’s macroeconomy, accord- continue to grow ... a divorce is for comment on March 21, while
But Beijing has been careful a particular quote from Chinese ing to a policy report published the most efficient way to get to calls to the Chinese embassy in
to manage the bubble. It can’t leader Xi Jinping from 2017, that by the journal Public Finance our (investment) goal,” a man Manila seeking comment went
afford to burst the bubble as the homes “are for living in, not for Research earlier this month. named Wu Xin said in a report unanswered.
wealth destruction, both from a speculation.” The premise is that as the on the Sixth Tone website. An international tribunal invali-
dated China’s claim to 90 percent
of the South China Sea in 2016, but
Beijing doesn’t recognize the rul-
lomatic presentations in front of sense of assertiveness, with Sina, ing. The Chinese regime has built
Chinese Media Spin US–China the media are aimed at a domestic a Chinese news portal, declaring, islands in the disputed waters in
audience.” She said the depart- “This first-round battle made a recent years, putting airstrips on
Spat in Alaska as Diplomatic ment will continue to “lay out our good play and is the prelude to a some of them.
common interests and principles new stage of China–U.S. relation- Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, the
Win for Beijing from the United States.” ship.” Philippines, and Brunei all claim
Some critics, however, believe Hu Xijin, chief editor of the na- parts of the sea.
EVA FU States does not have the qualifica- that the heated comments should tionalist state-run tabloid Global In January, the Philippines pro-
tion to say that it wants to speak to wake Americans up to the funda- Times, said the fallout should tested at a new Chinese law allow-
China’s state-controlled media China from a position of strength.” mental differences between the teach the United States and its al- ing its coast guard to fire on foreign
are on the offensive after top Biden While President Joe Biden on two political powers. lies to be more respectful toward vessels, describing it as a “threat
administration officials and their March 19 expressed pride in his The public blowup in Alaska is the regime. of war.”
Chinese counterparts clashed team for how they handled the a “serious provocation,” signaling “The Chinese delegation has The United States has repeat-
during their first in-person talks matter, mainland-controlled that “in the future, the CCP will shown the few U.S. allies how Chi- edly denounced what it called
in Alaska. media have uniformly cheered no longer abide by the rules set by na is dealing with the U.S. China the Chinese regime’s attempts to
The two-day meeting, cover- on their officials’ confrontational the United States,” said Wang He, has publicly refuted the U.S., and bully neighbors with competing
ing an array of issues that have approach, while snickering at the a Chinese political affairs com- for those U.S. lackeys who try to interests, while Beijing has criti-
strained relations between the United States. mentator. bite China, please behave,” he cized Washington for what it calls
two countries, got off to a rocky Zhao Lijian, a Chinese foreign wrote in an op-ed. interference in its internal affairs.
start on March 18, with Chinese ministry spokesperson, insisted The regime, following the con- The Whitsun Reef is within Ma-
officials reacting angrily to criti- at a March 19 press conference clusion of the meeting, has con- nila’s exclusive economic zone,
cisms of the Chinese Commu- that the U.S. side “failed to keep The public blowup tinued to assert that its affairs in the task force said, describing the
nist Party’s (CCP’s) human rights to the set time limit and provoked in Alaska is a ‘seri- Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and site as “a large boomerang-shaped
abuses and economic coercion. disagreements first,” thus bring- Tibet are “untouchable red lines” shallow coral reef at the northeast
Lashing out over what they de- ing a strong “smell of gunpowder
ous provocation,’ and that the United States should of Pagkakaisa Banks and Reefs.”
scribed as “unwarranted criti- and drama” to the meeting—a He said. not interfere. The task force vowed to contin-
cisms,” the Chinese diplomats narrative that other Chinese me- Gordon Chang, a U.S.-based ue “to peacefully and proactively
aired bitter denunciation that dia soon amplified. The fact that the Biden admin- China expert and the author of pursue its initiatives on environ-
veered off the usual diplomatic State-run People’s Daily pro- istration remains eager to seek “The Coming Collapse of China,” mental protection, food security
proceedings, extending the allot- moted red posters featuring ag- cooperation with the Chinese challenged the approach of U.S. and freedom of navigation” in the
ted two-minute opening remark gressive Chinese remarks from regime on areas such as climate lawmakers who have so far re- South China Sea.
for each speaker to a diatribe of the meeting in both English and change in the face of the fiery mained supportive of maintain-
roughly 20 minutes. With the Chinese. Reference News, a news exchange plays right into the re- ing good relations with Beijing. The Associated Press
translation, what was initially site under the state newspaper gime’s hands and would make “Policymakers say China is too contributed to this report.
intended to be an eight-minute Xinhua, said the United States the U.S. side lose its advantage, big to shun. No. China is too bel- From Reuters
photo-op went on for more than “made an empty show” and “ex- he wrote in a commentary for The ligerent, too dangerous, too evil to PHILIPPINE COAST GUARD/
an hour. posed its lack of confidence” by Epoch Times. deal with. Didn’t we just see that in NATIONAL TASK FORCE-WEST PHILIPPINE SEA VIA AP

Wang Yi, China’s foreign min- visiting other allies prior to the “[The] CCP is more cunning and Alaska?” Chang wrote on Twitter
ister and state councilor, particu- meeting to “create pressure.” evil than most people can imag- on March 21.
larly took issue with the United ine. This round of talks was the “There is, after the Alaska Meet-
States’ sanctioning of 24 Chinese Posturing in Battle CCP’s way of testing the waters, ing, no longer any point talking to
officials over Beijing’s clampdown U.S. State Department deputy and now, it has a clear picture China’s regime. Beijing told us in
on freedom in Hong Kong on the spokesperson Jalina Porter told of the United States’ intentions,” no uncertain terms that we must
eve of the talks. reporters on March 19 that the Wang said. accept its barbarism, aggression, Some of the 220 Chinese vessels are
Senior Chinese foreign policy of- Biden administration is aware Following the meeting, Chinese and criminality. What more do we seen moored at Whitsun Reef in the
ficial Yang Jiechi said, “The United that Beijing’s “exaggerated dip- media have trumpeted a growing need to hear?” South China Sea on March 7, 2021.
A10 | WORLD MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021


U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (R) speaks with Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh before the guard of honor in New Delhi on March 20, 2021.

US, China Engage in Dueling Narratives

Over Quad, India

VENUS UPADHAYAYA diplomat and a professor at the National

University of Sciences and Technology
NEW DELHI—The United States, India, in Islamabad, wrote in an analysis pub-
Australia, and Japan came together for lished on the RIAC website that the Quad
their first virtual meeting of the Quadri- is responsible for the widening gap be-
lateral Security Dialogue (Quad) on March tween India and Russia, which, for the
12, while U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd first time ever, didn’t hold their annual
Austin visited India to boost strategic ties summit last year.
and address common goals in the Indo- “Moscow communicated severe con-
Pacific region. cerns on New Delhi joining the Indo-Pa-
China, Russian, and Pakistan responded cific initiative and Quad, thereby leaning
to the meeting with lobbying and rhetori- more towards the U.S.,” said Awan, who
cal pushback. is also a nonresident fellow of the Beijing-
Austin, who arrived in India on March 19 based Center for China and Globalization.
for a three-day visit, called the U.S.–Indo “By joining Quad, ... India is entirely
partnership a “central pillar” of American in the American block, which is against
policy for the Indo-Pacific. In a statement, China.”
the Pentagon noted the joint efforts of India (L–R) A monitor displaying a virtual meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden, Jap-
and the United States toward developing a anese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Is QUAD the Asian NATO?
“partnership to protect the Indo-Pacific.” and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during the virtual Quadrilateral Secu- An opinion piece published by the Global
rity Dialogue, at Suga’s official residence in Tokyo on March 12, 2021.
Talk of China dominated both the Quad Times on the day of Quad’s virtual summit
gathering and Austin’s New Delhi visit. defined the alliance as an “Asian NATO,”
Without directly naming China, Austin to have a coordinated strategy to counter while saying that Quad can’t replicate
told a group of reporters traveling with him Quad. NATO because of China’s economic clout
to India, “I think working together with “China and Russia have both criticized in the region and because of “internal di-
like-minded countries who have shared the Quad in public and sought, unsuccess- vergence.”
interests is the way you check any aggres- fully, to persuade India to refrain from join- “While the U.S. is trying to contain Chi-
sion in any region.” ing the group, [while] the Pakistani govern- na through the Quadrilateral Security
Meanwhile, in the Quad summit’s joint ment has not said much publicly,” he said. Dialogue, known as Quad, or the “Asian
statement, the leaders of the four nations NATO,” such ambition is impossible to re-
emphasized an Indo-Pacific “anchored by Counternarratives alize,” read an article by The Global Times,
democratic values and unconstrained by Ian Hall, the deputy director of Griffith Asia citing the different demands and political
coercion,” which pointed directly at China. Institute in Brisbane, told The Epoch Times and religious situations in the region.
Since the Biden administration started in an email that China will try to “divide Smith said the comparison of Quad to
defining its China policy and expressing Jeff Smith, research the Quad and disrupt coordination.” an Asian NATO isn’t particularly helpful.
continuity of the Quad alliance, the Chi- fellow for South Asia, In an analysis published early last year “The Quad is not a formal treaty alliance.
nese media have downplayed the Quad The Heritage by India’s Observer’s Research Foundation, It does not have a dedicated purpose or a
and cautioned India about losing its stra- Foundation. Chen Chenchen, the deputy director of dedicated bureaucracy. ‘Asian NATO’ is
tegic autonomy to its partnership with the the Institute of China’s Economic Reform generally a description used by critics of
United States. and Development at Renmin University of the Quad, although it’s a peculiar line of
In its pursuit of a counter-narrative to China, wrote that Chinese leader Xi Jinping attack given that many experts view NATO
Quad’s “free, open, accessible, diverse and has called upon Chinese agencies and ex- as the most successful alliance organiza-
thriving Indo-Pacific,” China is joined by perts in public diplomacy to tell the “China tion in modern history,” he said.
Pakistan and Russia, whose media and stories well” since he first came to power. “The ‘Asian NATO’ boogeyman is gen-
think tanks have carried reports and op- There are more than 2,000 think tanks erally conjured to suggest the Quad is an
eds against the alliance, particularly about in China, according to Chen, which, along over-militarized organization designed
India’s central role in it. with overseas Chinese media, overseas to contain China’s rise. It is also used as a
“Russia is worried about India slowing By joining think tanks, Chinese enterprises, and Chi- warning to India against moving too close
down defense purchases from Moscow and Quad, ... India is nese expats, construct Chinese diplomacy to the Quad, given New Delhi’s historical
switching instead to Washington, which abroad. aversion to treaty alliances,” he said, add-
would be expected, the closer India and entirely in the Taken together, the experts refer to these ing that neither line of attack has proven
the U.S. come together in a defense and American block, institutions and individuals as China’s lob- persuasive.
security alliance,” Madhav Das Nalapat, which is against bying base. In today’s context, these China
vice chair of the Manipal Advanced Re- lobbyists are working against the Quad.
search Group and editorial director of ITV China–a close A search for the topic “Quad” on the
Media, told The Epoch Times in an email. ally of Russia website of Chinese state mouthpiece The
He said that China wants India to con- Global Times lists more than 15 stories
tinue with its former non-alignment for-
and Pakistan. published immediately before and after
eign policy, which was characterized by Zamir Ahmad Awan, the March 12 summit—with all running
non-participation in the strategic affairs of professor, National around a central narrative of economic
the bipolar world, “so that no other country University of Sciences and ruin for the members, particularly India.
will come to its assistance should Beijing Technology Coinciding with Austin’s visit, The Glob-
decide to launch a major kinetic attack ei- al Times ran an opinion piece originally
ther by itself or together with Pakistan.” published under the headline “India Will
Jeff Smith, a research fellow for South Not Downgrade as a US Appendage Like
Asia at the Washington-based Heritage Japan Since New Delhi Seeks Major Power Chinese J-15 fighter jets on the deck of the Lia-
Foundation, told The Epoch Times that Autonomy.” oning aircraft carrier during military drills in the
China, Pakistan, and Russia don’t appear Zamir Ahmad Awan, a former Pakistani South China Sea on Jan. 2, 2017.
22, 2021
WORLD  ||  A11

Tokyo Olympics Organizers Bar Overseas Spectators

TOKYO—At last, it’s official after
countless unsourced news reports
and speculation: spectators from
abroad will be barred from the post-
poned Tokyo Olympics when they
open in four months.
The decision was announced
March 20 after an online meeting
of the International Olympic Com-
mittee, the Japanese government,
the Tokyo government, the Interna-
tional Paralympic Committee, and
local organizers.
Officials said the risk was too great
to admit ticket holders from over-
seas during a pandemic; the Japa-
nese public has also opposed fans
from abroad. Several surveys have
shown that up to 80 percent oppose
holding the Olympics, and a similar
percentage opposed fans from over-
seas attending.
Japan has attributed about 8,800
deaths to COVID-19 and has con-
trolled the virus better than most
“In order to give clarity to ticket
holders living overseas and to en-
able them to adjust their travel
plans at this stage, the parties on
the Japanese side have come to the
conclusion that they will not be able International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach (C on screen) speaks while Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee President Seiko Hashimoto (R) and
to enter into Japan at the time of the Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike (L on screen) listen during a five-party meeting of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo on March 20, 2021.

the Tokyo organizing committee the National Stadium in Tokyo.

said in a statement. The relay will be a test for the
Organizers said 600,000 tickets
Officials said Olympics and Paralympics, which
were sold to fans from outside Japan. the risk was too will involve 15,400 athletes enter-
They have promised refunds, but this great to admit Tokyo 2020
ing Japan. They will be tested before
will be determined by so-called Au- leaving home, tested upon arrival in
thorized Ticket Resellers that handle ticket holders Olympic Games Japan, and tested frequently while
sales outside Japan. These dealers from over- CEO Toshiro they reside in a secure “bubble” in
Muto speaks
charge fees of up to 20 percent above seas during during a press
the Athletes Village alongside Tokyo
the ticket price. It isn’t clear if the fees conference Bay, or at venues or training facilities.
will be refunded. a pandemic; after a Tokyo Athletes won’t be required to be
Toshiro Muto, the CEO of the orga- the Japanese 2020 executive vaccinated to enter Japan, but many
nizing committee, said organizers public has also board meeting will be.
were not responsible for money lost in Tokyo on During the March 20 meeting,
on flights or hotel reservations. He opposed fans Sept. 15, 2020. Bach and others were given a re-
said these didn’t involve any “con- from abroad. minder about earthquake-prone
tract arrangement with Tokyo.” is still a possibility they may be able maintain the same number—per- northeastern Japan—and Japan
Organizing committee President to enter into Japan,” Muto said. “But haps we will have to reduce the num- in general.
Seiko Hashimoto, who appeared solely as spectators for watching ber. That is the consensus. That is the A strong earthquake shook Tokyo
in seven Olympics as an athlete— games—no, they will not be allowed premise,” he said. and triggered a tsunami warning as
she won bronze in speedskating in to make an entry.” Overall, Japan is officially spending Bach and others made introductory
1992—said there was pressure to The financial burden of lost ticket $15.4 billion to organize the Olym- remarks before the virtual meeting.
wait longer to make a decision. But sales falls on Japan. The local or- pics. Several government audits say The strength was put a 7.0 by the U.S.
she said fans could now plan. She ganizing committee budget called the actual cost may be twice that Geological Survey and the location
also lamented the move. for $800 million income from tick- much. All but $6.7 billion is public was in northeastern Japan, an area
“So the fact that spectators are et sales, the third-largest income money, and a University of Oxford hit by a huge earthquake and tsuna-
not able to attend the games from source in the privately financed study says these are the most expen- mi in 2011. About 18,000 were killed
abroad—that is very disappointing budget. Any shortfall in the budget sive Olympics on record. in that tragedy 10 years ago.
and it’s regrettable,” she said. “It was will have to be made up by Japanese About 4.45 million tickets were “I think the screen is shaking. Have
an unavoidable decision.” government entities. sold to Japan residents. Organiz- you noticed the screen is shaking,”
IOC President Thomas Bach called “The ticketing revenue will be in ers are expected next month to Tamayo Marukawa, Japan’s Olym-
it a “difficult decision.” the decline,” Muto said. “That is very announce the capacity at venues, pic minister, said as she made her
“We have to take decisions that clear at this point.” which now will be populated by only presentation from Tokyo, talking
may need sacrifice from everybody,” Muto also hinted at more cuts for local residents. remotely to Bach visible on a screen
he said. people on the periphery of the Olym- The ban on fans from abroad comes in Switzerland. “We’re actually in the
Muto seemed to rule out fans enter- pics. He also said volunteers from just days before the Olympic torch re- midst of an earthquake right now.”
ing who may have received tickets overseas would “be dealt with in the lay starts March 25 from Fukushima Officials there said there were no
from deep-pocketed sponsors. same manner” but said details would prefecture in northeastern Japan. It immediate reports of damage.
“If they are part of the operation be forthcoming later. will last for 121 days, crisscross Japan
of the games, if they are somewhat “But as far as other people related with 10,000 runners, and is to end on By  Stephen Wade
involved in the operation then there to the games or whether we should July 23 at the opening ceremony at From The Associated Press

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A12 MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021

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MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021 • A13

May’s full Moon, known as the Full Flower Moon sets behind the Statue of Liberty in New York City on May 7, 2020.

American Exceptionalism vs.

the People’s Republic of China

ROBERT B. CHERNIN pandemic, the United States imports

almost all antibiotics from China. Like-
The collision between wise, almost all the fentanyl (a synthetic
American exceptional- opioid) that has killed hundreds of thou-
ism and Chinese com- sands of Americans (and devastated tens
munism will define the of millions more) comes from China. The
21st century. The winner same influence is seen across education,
will likely determine what media, and entertainment, where Chi-
the globe looks like for the nese money is used to influence both the
next hundred years—and beyond. content and messaging of what America
What exactly is American exception- learns, hears, and sees, and, more impor-
alism? It’s a term frequently used but tantly, what we don’t.
rarely defined. At its core, it’s about China recently opened yet another
individual liberties and a shared set of front in its Cold War against America.
values. But what are these values, and After issuing the world’s first digital
what makes them so central to a unique- COVID-19 passport earlier this month,
ly American experience? Is our Ameri- China began lobbying the World Health
can system truly different from all other Organization to appoint them to head a
nations? To understand what American global coronavirus passport system. The
exceptionalism is, one must first under- result of such a system would of course tionalism—all designed to protect the
stand what it’s not. For that, there’s no be a worldwide, Chinese-led surveil- Two paramilitary police liberties and rights of the minority from
better example than the People’s Repub- lance state, the implications of which are officers patrol in the area the will of the majority. The world that
lic of China. beyond frightening. south of the Great Hall of China seeks to lead is one defined by
China proclaims itself to be “the By contrast, American exceptionalism the People during the sec- state dictums and state control, and is
people’s” republic. Yet its idea of “for is centered on the preeminence of three ond plenary session of the our exact opposite.
the people” is very different from ours. fundamental core values: the individual, National People’s Congress Until we accept that the CCP is an
Founded through a proletarian, revo- freedom of will, and the merits of assum- in Beijing on March 8, 2021. existential threat and represents to the
lutionary movement, it’s a state-con- ing personal responsibility. 21st century what the Soviet Union rep-
trolled, top-down system of governance First is the affirmation that our indi- resented to the 20th century, the United
that’s hostile to the very hallmarks of vidual liberties—freedom to speak as we States has no hope of prevailing in this
American exceptionalism. The Chinese choose, freedom to pray to God in our epic collision of ideologies. If America
Communist Party (CCP) controls almost own way, and the right to gather freely has any hope of victory in this new Cold
every aspect of the life of its citizens— with our family and friends without fear War, it will require a renewed focus on
from where you can work to how many of government interference—comes what once helped us become the leader
children you can have. Most of all, it’s from nature, not from government. The of the free world—American exception-
about obedience—to whatever directive second is the moral requirement that alism, and a recentering on the liberties
the state issues. we all have a responsibility to help each and shared values upon which this coun-
In truth, the very name, the People’s other—and not because government try was founded.
Republic, is at best a misnomer. What tells us we must. Third, and perhaps The history of American exceptional-
do the people of China have to do with most important, is that the legitimacy ism versus the People’s Republic of China
anything other than to be good citizens of government comes from the consent will be written by whoever emerges vic-
and do what the government tells them? of the governed and is supposed to be torious, as has always been the case. Let’s
Otherwise, they risk ending up missing from the bottom-up, not the other way hope we’re the ones writing the history
or being sent to a camp for “reeducation.” around. books when the time comes.
That the CCP has launched a new Cold It’s these shared values, with clear Ju-
War against America is undeniable. Chi- deo-Christian roots, that makes America Robert B. Chernin is chairman at the
nese money and influence now permeate exceptional, and uniquely different from China proclaims American Center for Education and
every aspect of American life. Economi- any other country in the world. itself to be ‘the Knowledge.
cally, China owns $1.1 trillion dollars There’s a reason America is history’s
of U.S. debt. They directly or indirectly longest continuous democratic consti- people’s’ republic.
control more than 2,400 U.S. companies, tutional republic (we have never really Yet its idea of
cutting across our most vital sectors in- been a democracy). At the center of it ‘for the people’
cluding finance, technology, agriculture, all is a separation of powers, a system of
and pharmaceuticals. checks and balances, and most impor- is very different
As we learned during the height of the tantly, the ideals of American excep- from our own.

The People of Arizona vs. the Democrat Machine


NEWT GINGRICH federal election laws to override their

People deposit their mail-
state’s election laws.
Early this month, Demo- in ballots for the presi- Even more Arizonans (70 percent) reject
crats pushed through dential election at a ballot the idea that the federal government
President Joe Biden’s collection box in Phoenix should override Arizona’s voter ID laws.
$1.9 trillion pork barrel on Oct. 18, 2020. While H.R. 1 does not universally abolish
COVID-19 bill with only voter ID laws, it opens the door to doing so.
Democratic support. Then, According to the survey, 69 percent of Ari-
House Democrats passed zona’s believe voters should show photo ID
H.R. 1, the so-called “For the People Act,” to cast ballots—either in-person or by mail.
in a totally partisan 234—193 vote. As to the restructuring of the FEC, 77
There is a reason you are seeing all percent of Arizonans oppose the effort to
these party-line votes. It is because the make it a partisan body. The same per-
Democratic Party is not operating as centage of Arizonans reject the idea of a
individuals representing distinct districts “New York City-style” campaign finance
of Americans. The Democratic Party of the Democrats’ “For the Corrupt Politi- system that funnels taxpayer dollars to
is operating as a machine—a machine cians Act,” the legislation would change political candidates.
designed to drive a single agenda and the membership to five, so that which- If these numbers don’t move Kelly and
impose it nationwide. ever party was currently in power could Sinema to break away from the Democratic
In vote after vote, we are watching Dem- control the body charged with enforcing Machine on H.R. 1, however, McLaughlin’s
ocrats, many of whom represent politi- election law. How is this in the spirit of survey revealed a few more key results:
cally mixed, diverse districts and states, making elections fair and just?
falling in line to vote for whatever Speaker If all this isn’t enough, H.R. 1 will also E Sixty-nine percent of Arizonans be-
Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader create a tax-funded revenue stream for fed- lieve H.R. 1 benefits the politicians—
Chuck Schumer tell them to—with no eral campaigns, which effectively means not the people.
regard for what the people they represent that conservative taxpayers in Florida will E Sixty-three percent want their Senators
back home want. No Democratic senator be paying for the re-election campaigns to vote against the bill.
or House member seems to care or ques- of radical Democrats in California—and E And 52 percent say they are less likely
tion what is in these bills. They are simply Democrat taxpayers will be footing the bill to vote for a senator who votes in favor
doing what they are told. for Republicans in red states. of H.R. 1.
Soon, the U.S. Senate will vote on These measures are just crazy—and
H.R. 1. As I have been saying for weeks, deeply unpopular with Americans. Arizona is just one example. McLaughlin
it should be called the “For the Corrupt Increasingly, we are going to see has also done surveys for West Virginia,
Politicians Act.” Among other things, Democratic members of the House and Montana, and the whole country on H.R. 1,
this bill will nationalize federal elections, the Senate put in the position of having which I will discuss in a following column.
overriding state election laws across the to decide whether to vote for the people The American system was designed to
country. This includes circumventing they represent or the Harris-Biden-Pelosi- resist and break political machines like
some state voter ID laws that are intended Schumer Democratic Machine. the one Kamala Harris, Biden, Pelosi, and
to protect the integrity of elections. It will Just consider the decisions Democratic Schumer are building. This system will be
also prohibit requiring identification, Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema of tested when H.R. 1 comes to the Senate.
notarization, or witnesses for absentee Arizona will have to make when H.R. 1 Democrats across the country are go-
ballots in every state. comes to the Senate for a vote. ing to have to decide whether they will
The bill also moves to politicize the First, according to recent surveys about vote with their people or with the Demo-
Federal Election Commission—the Like this article? Share it H.R. 1 by McLaughlin & Associates, only cratic Machine.
bipartisan entity that regulates federal with your friends and family. 32 percent of Arizonans are even aware
campaign funding. Currently, the com- Use the camera on your that this federal election takeover bill Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served as
mission has six members—three Repub- smart-phone to scan this code exists. An overwhelming 66 percent of House speaker from 1995 to 1999 and ran
licans and three Democrats. In the spirit and receive a shareble link. Arizonans say Congress should not pass as a presidential candidate in 2012.








Chapter Sixteen: The Communism Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

Behind Environmentalism Travel Editor

Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor
Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

The Epoch Times here serializes

an adaptation from the Chinese The remains of a ABOUT US
of “How the Specter of Communism new home con-
Is Ruling Our World,” a new book struction site that The Epoch Times is a media
by the editorial team of the “Nine was set on fire organization dedicated to seek-
Commentaries on the Communist presumably by ing the truth through insightful
Party.” members of the and independent journalism.
Earth Liberation
Front (ELF) in San Standing outside of politi-
1. Communism and the Diego, Calif., on cal interests and the pursuit of
Environmental Movement Sept. 19, 2003. profit, our starting point and our
(cont.) goal is to create a media for the
public benefit, to be truly respon-
e. Making Green the New Red sible to society.
When environmentalism entered pol- We endeavor to educate read-
itics, green politics, or ecopolitics, was ers about today’s most impor-
born. Green parties, now established tant topics, seeking to broaden
in many countries, are the result of and uplift minds. We believe that
green politics, which typically extends rational, balanced debate is key
beyond environmental protection to for fostering a healthy democ-
include left-wing programs such as racy and a compassionate
social justice, feminism, anti-war ac- g. Ecoterrorism than on sound science. [25] society.
tivism, and pacifism. Global Greens, There are many branches of radical In 2007, six Greenpeace members
for instance, is an international orga- environmentalism, including deep broke into a British coal power plant As an independent media out-
nization associated with the Green ecology, ecofeminism, social ecology, and were subsequently sued for let, we use our freedom to inves-
Party, and its 2001 charter is heavily and bioregionalism, with some being causing damage worth about 30,000 tigate issues overlooked—or
influenced by Marxist ideology. [17] extremely radical. The most well- British pounds. They admitted to avoided—by other media outlets.
After the fall of communist regimes in known include groups such as Earth attempting to shut down the power We seek to highlight solutions
Eastern Europe, many former com- First! and Earth Liberation Front, plant, but claimed that they were and what’s good in society rather
munist party members and remaining which utilize direct action—often doing it to prevent even greater dam- than what divides us.
communist forces joined or estab- destructive acts known as ecoterror- age (an environmental crisis due to
lished green parties, strengthening ism—to stop activities they consider greenhouse gases). The court cleared We report respectfully, compas-
the leftist character of green politics. damaging to the environment. the six of wrongdoing. Before this, sionately, and rigorously.
Former Soviet leader Gorbachev also Earth First! was named in 1979, Greenpeace had chalked up several
tried and failed to re-enter politics. He and its slogan is “No compromise in court wins over actions such as dam- We stand against the destruc-
then switched to environmentalism defense of Mother Earth!” The group aging a fighter jet and nuclear sub- tion wrought by communism,
and established Green Cross Interna- targets logging operations, dam marine equipment, and occupying including the harm done to cul-
tional. Gorbachev has often promoted construction sites, and other projects Britain’s largest waste incinerator. [26] tures around the world.
the establishment of a world govern- using direct action and “creative civil The strategy of radical environmental
We are inspired in this by our
ment to prevent ecological disaster. [18] disobedience.” One of the group’s organizations such as Greenpeace is
own experience. The Epoch
Many communist parties in the well-known tactics is called tree to use any means necessary to achieve
Times was founded in 2000 to
West are directly involved in envi- sitting, in which members sit under their goals. On this point, radical envi-
bring honest and uncensored
ronmental-protection movements. or climb up trees to prevent logging. ronmentalism is highly consistent with
news to people oppressed
Jack Mundey, a union activist and These operations have attracted many communism. Traditional Marxism-Le-
by the lies and violence in
co-founder of Australia’s green ban leftists, anarchists, and others seeking ninism uses the promise of an eventual
communist China.
movement, was a member of the to rebel against mainstream society. utopia to justify killing, arson, and
Communist Party of Australia. His As Saul In 1992, some of the more radical robbery. Similarly, under the banner of We still believe journalism is a
wife was the national president of the members started a branch called environmentalism, communists play noble vocation, but only when it
Party from 1979 to 1982. [19] Alinsky Earth Liberation Front (ELF), copying up environmental crises to legitimize
said, it is genuinely seeks to serve its com-
the ELF name from the Environmental violent and illegal tactics. munities and help them to flour-
f. Manipulating the Rhetoric necessary Life Force group that was disbanded in In the above example, lawyers for ish. In all that we do, we will hold
of Environmentalism to hide 1978, as well as adopting its guerrilla the six Greenpeace members suc- ourselves to the highest stand-
Starting mass movements is one of the true tactics, particularly arson. In Decem- cessfully persuaded the jury to accept ards of integrity. This is our
communism’s strategies for spreading purposes of ber 2000, ELF perpetrated a series their criminal behavior as legitimate, promise to you.
its influence across nations and the of crimes on Long Island, New York. demonstrating that society can be
world. Many environmental organiza- a movement The radicals smashed hundreds of misled into accepting specious and
tions mobilize large numbers of people and windows and spray-painted graffiti in groundless arguments. All of this is CONTACT US
to take part in environmental protec- mobilize a housing development and at the cor- part of the abandonment of univer-
tion campaigns. They have lobbied and people on a porate offices of McDonald’s, and set sal values and is an indication of the The Epoch Times Association Inc.
hijacked government institutions to large scale fire to 16 buildings in a condominium moral downslide of society. 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
formulate and enforce unreasonable development, as well as at least four New York, NY 10001
to act in
agreements and regulations. They have luxury homes. The main justification Notes Advertising
also created violent incidents in order support for the arson was that the homes were
17. Bob Brown and Peter Singer, “The advertisenow@epochtimes.com
to silence the general public. of local, the “future dens of the wealthy elite”
temporary, Greens” (Melbourne: Text Publishing Subscriptions
As the radical leftist Saul Alinsky and were being built over forest and Company, 1996), 55.
stated, it is necessary to hide the true plausible, wetlands. While committing these Help.TheEpochTimes.com
purposes of a movement and mobi- or benign direct actions, ELF used the slogan “If 18. Mikhail Gorbachev, “We Have a Real General Inquiries
lize people on a large scale to act in you build it, we will burn it.” [22] Emergency,” The New York Times, Dec. 9, Help.TheEpochTimes.com
goals. When 2009.
support of local, temporary, plausible, In 2005, the FBI announced that ELF
people Letters to the Editor
or benign goals. When people be- and other extremist organizations 19. “Jack Mundey,” Sydney’s Aldermen,
become lettertoeditor@epochtimes.com
come accustomed to these moderate were a serious terrorist threat to the City of Sydney website, accessed April 30,
forms of activism, it is relatively easy accustomed United States, having claimed involve- 2020.
to get them to act for more radical to these ment in more than 1,200 criminal
aims. “Remember: once you organize incidents since 1990, causing tens of 20. Saul Alinsky, “Tactics,” in “Rules for
moderate Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic
people around something as com- forms of millions of dollars in property dam-
Radicals” (New York: Vintage Books, 1971).
monly agreed upon as pollution, then age. [23] The organization’s actions
an organized people is on the move. activism, it have long since exceeded the limits of 21. Zombie, “Climate Movement Drops
From there it’s a short and natural is relatively normal political protest or differences Mask, Admits Communist Agenda,” PJ
step to political pollution, to Pentagon easy to get in views. Communist ideology has Media, Sept. 23, 2014.
pollution,” Alinsky wrote. [20] them to act exploited hatred to turn some envi- 22. Dan Barry and Al Baker, “For ‘Eco-
A variety of leftist groups use for more ronmentalists into terrorists. Terrorism’ Group, a Hidden Structure and
environmentalism as ideological radical aims. Public Messages,” The New York Times, Jan.
packaging to carry out street actions h. Greenpeace: Not a Peaceful Story 8, 2001.
advocating revolution. For example, Greenpeace was established in 1971
if a country has a “people’s climate and is the largest environmental 23. Noel Moand, “A Spark That Ignited a
Flame: The Evolution of the Earth Liberation
movement,” you can infer that it is organization in the world, with offices

Front,” in “Igniting a Revolution: Voices in
a product of communist parties. In in more than 50 countries and annual Defense of the Earth,” eds. Steven Best and
the United States, the organizations revenues of more than $350 million. It Anthony J. Nocella, II (Oakland, Calif.: AK
involved include the Communist is also one of the more radical envi- Press, 2006), 47.
Party USA, Socialist Action, the ronmental organizations.

Maoist Revolutionary Communist Greenpeace co-founder Paul Wat- 24. Paul Watson, as quoted in Leslie
Party USA, the Ecological Society of son, who left the organization in 1977, Spencer, Jan Bollwerk, and Richard C.
Morais, “The Not So Peaceful World of
America, the Socialist Workers Party, said: “The secret to [former chair-
Greenpeace,” Forbes, November 1991,
Socialist Alternative, the Democratic man] David McTaggart’s success is
Socialists of America, and so on. Such the secret to Greenpeace’s success:
accessed via the Heartland Institute. Get the
groups hosted the People’s Climate
March, parading with a sea of red
It doesn’t matter what is true, it only
matters what people believe is true. ...
25. Ted Thornhill, “Humans Are NOT
to Blame for Global Warming, Says
independent news
flags through major American cities, You are what the media define you to Greenpeace Co-founder, as He Insists There
Is ‘No Scientific Proof’ Climate Change Is
you won’t find
including the nation’s capital. Slo- be. [Greenpeace] became a myth, and
gans at these events have included a myth-generating machine.” [24] Manmade,” Daily Mail, Feb. 27, 2014. anywhere else.
“System change, not climate change,” Patrick Moore, another co-founder, 26. John Vidal, “Not Guilty: The Greenpeace
“Capitalism is killing us,” “Capital- was committed to environmental Activists Who Used Climate Change as a Subscribe and get the
ism is destroying the environment,” protection, but left the organization Legal Defence,” The Guardian, Sept 10, insights only The Epoch Times
“Capitalism is killing the planet,” and after 15 years, saying it had taken “a 2008.
can provide, delivered to your
“Fight for a socialist future.” [21] sharp turn to the political left.” It had door every week.
With more and more communist developed into an extremist organi- See next edition for the next installment.
and socialist elements strengthening zation displaying hostility toward all
environmentalism, “green peace” has industrial production and reflecting To purchase the books, visit Epoch-
made a full transition to red revolution. an agenda based more on politics Shop.com

An America-First George Soros



A few years ago, a friend

passed along a warn-
ing from his mother,
an attorney in the Bay
Area who was worried
about the upcoming elec-
tion. Although a political
liberal, she didn’t fear the Republicans,
of course (not in San Francisco), only
the candidates from the far left who
were up for local offices such as district
“Soros is behind it all,” she told her
son, and the candidates she had in mind
came right out of the radical ranks.
It was the first I’d heard of Soros
money reaching so far down to local
levels. I took it as but one more episode
in a long history of conservative dis-
may—not because it seemed that the
tremulous fingers of Soros reached into
everything, but because Republicans
had nothing to block them. No point
getting indignant over the machina-
tions of the left, I thought, not after so
many years of being outmaneuvered
by them on the ground, in the culture
spheres, in media, in corporate Ameri-
ca (where leftists run human resources

offices), in the academy, the public conservative agenda.

A Democratic Party activist school system... The Swamp did its reactionary work,
distributes information pam- At that moment, as my friend de- to be sure, but compare how the incom-
phlets to residents in Coplay, scribed a fresh tactic underway, to ing Trump people treated the Obama
Pa., on Oct. 29, 2020. complain about Big Left money going people to how the incoming Biden
into small races would be whiny and people handled the Trump officehold-
fruitless. ers. Trump’s personnel office left many
The real question was this: Why are Obama people in place for months (and
conservatives always outflanked and often longer), but not Biden’s. The first
on defense and playing catch-up? Why was kid gloves, the second, “Pack up
can’t the right scheme and plot as can- and get out—Now!”
nily as the left? In 2018, Democrats in
California allegedly used ballot har-
vesting to swing longstanding conser-
vative districts, a brilliant move that It’s all too clear that a
should have launched a strong Re- wider strategy is needed, a
publican counter-offensive, but by the Soros network for the right.
George Soros arrives to deliver a speech on the evidence of 2020, Republicans learned
sidelines of the World Economic Forum annual nothing from it.
meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 24, 2019. Their local efforts after losing the With leftist money and strategy plant-
House in 2018 showed little advance, as ing leftists into lower posts in states and
far as I could see, and I can’t recall any cities across the nation, a Republican
commentators on the right taking their governor will have the same Swamp
The Book You’ve Been eyes off the races for offices in Washing-
ton, D.C., and insisting on pushing local
problem President Donald Trump
faced every time. November 2016 was a
Waiting for... gains. The riots of the summer showed,
however, how important mayors and
conservative triumph at the top alone.
It’s all too clear that a wider strategy is
district attorneys are, while the poor needed: a Soros network for the right.
performance of the Georgia secretary Trump has the money and popularity
of state proves the impact lesser state to do it, the energy and charisma, too.
offices can have on outcomes. It’s easy Imagine a conservative blitzkrieg in
to mock Stacey Abrams, but does any- Chicago targeting its hapless mayor—
one doubt that she ran circles around rallies, commercials, door-to-door
NOW Republicans all summer and fall?
The Soros strategy of hitting lo-
campaigning nonstop, voter registra-
tion, entertainment, free food ... all of
BIGGER SIZE, cal races fits perfectly with the leftist it highlighting the incompetence of
EASIER TO READ playbook of institution-conversion by Democrat leaders, the pernicious iden-
FORMAT changes in personnel. It says: You don’t
need to reform an institution to alter its
tity politics, the ongoing violence. Bring
to Chicagoans a tidal wave of publicity
values or philosophy or goals—just get showcasing the utter lack of ethics in
the right people in place and the other the Smollett case. Put the left on de-
transformations will follow. That goes fense, get out in front of them, make
for city councils, school boards, human them react, make them wonder what’s
rights commissions, election bodies, coming next.
and so on. Conservatives, on the other This is the best thing that Trump can
hand, believe that rules and norms do at the present moment. November
hold those institutions to a firm course. 2024 is a long time away, and besides,
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, They respect traditions and suspect the what makes anyone think that a second
progressivist impulse to “evolve.” Trump administration would drain the
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be But leftists don’t care. They do what Swamp any better than the first one
on this country’s academia’s they want, the past be damned. In did? We need smaller victories, lots of
2004, while serving as mayor of San them. There are too many leftist hacks
list of required reading.”
Francisco, Gavin Newsom ordered the in offices of low visibility—try attend-
city clerk to issue marriage licenses to ing a school board meeting and listen
same-sex couples, even though it vio- to the conversation when social issues

lated state law that defined marriage as come up—but those figures often end
a union of man and woman. That didn’t up having a not-insignificant impact.
hurt him at all, obviously. It helped his Moreover, they got in the door not


career, and conservatives have had to through their own meager political tal-
sit back and stew. But then, what were ents, but through a relentless machine
their options? that so far has met little resistance.
If a regulation or policy or law exists, Remember, too, that the politics they
and the person appointed to uphold espouse often doesn’t have the support
The specter of communism did not or apply it refuses to do so, what’re ya
gonna do? Appealing to the courts is
of the majority of voters in the city or
county. It’s the actions of leftist money
one choice, but that takes time and that have clouded that divergence, and
disappear with the disintegration of the money. Appealing to public opinion the actions of conservative money,
takes longer, and the attention span of copious and well-aimed, could clear
Communist Party in Eastern Europe the electorate is short. It needs constant the air.
reinforcement. This is low-hanging fruit, President
Hence, the value of big money in local Trump. The time is right, the woke

ORDER NOW! races. Once you have your candidate

in place, the burden falls on conserva-
tives, who are from thence onward in
left is estranging a growing number
of Americans. Pick an upcoming race,
any race, make the plunge, and let’s see
a reactive mode. Isn’t this the signal what happens.
failure of the Trump administration?
Not the wrong ideas or policies or mes- Mark Bauerlein is an emeritus profes-

saging, just the wrong people. I don’t sor of English at Emory University. His
mean the Swamp, either. I mean the work has been featured in The Wall
political appointments, the incapacity Street Journal, The Weekly Standard,
to secure the right individuals to do the The Washington Post, the TLS, and the
job of implementing a genuine populist Chronicle of Higher Education.

reliability when they joined an organized

market, where the grid operator dis-
patches power plants based on dynamic
regional transmission conditions, unlike
the previous operation of those plants
that poorly reflected grid conditions. The
southern states who remain holdouts
from organized markets would be wise
to inquire about the growing reliability
advantage of markets, especially when it
comes to extreme weather events.

5. The monopoly model is increasingly

disadvantageous for grid reliability. The
monopoly model has always stifled in-
novation and elevated costs unnecessar-
ily, but it was serviceable on the reliability
front. That’s because past power plant
decisions were easy, such as choosing to
build a coal or gas-fired plant and then
operating them simply, often at a steady
state. However, as the generation mix
relies more on diverse and unconven-
tional resources, like renewables and
storage, keeping the lights on requires
dynamic, complex decisions. With this
in mind, consumer groups, indepen-
dent monitors and grid operators in the
great plains and midcontinent areas are
increasingly concerned by the inflex-
ible operations and misaligned invest-
ments of monopoly utility power plants
An electrical grid in from grid-operating conditions. In fact,

Five Truths About Grid Springerville, Ariz., in

this file photo.
they are engaging states to encourage
regulators to address reliability concerns
as the generation mix evolves.

Reliability and Deregulation Some have suggested that the regula-

tory tools of the past are best positioned
to meet future reliability challenges. In-
dependent grid monitors say otherwise,
noting evidence of a growing market ad-
vantage where reforms should enhance
DEVIN HARTMAN & BETH GARZA preferences are suppressed by adminis- ity-enhancing innovation relative to mo- competition and choice. The only ques-
trative rules, whereas reforms to integrate nopolies. In recent years, this compelled tion is whether political responses fall
Commentary consumers into the market would pro- Texas generators to have industry-leading victim to the false security of state-sanc-
duce more voluntary demand reduction reliability performance, especially for tioned monopolies, or if policymakers are
Before electricity had been restored last and more selective involuntary customer extreme weather like heat waves. These brave enough to empower competitive
month, false claims proliferated as swiftly outages. This would have avoided much results are predictable, as some competi- American enterprises to unleash the grid
as the outages themselves. Misguided of the economic and public health conse- tive power companies base executive of the future.
criticisms included excessive blame lev- quences witnessed in February. bonuses off the ability to produce power
ied at wind power, while others have during price spikes. Simply put, aligning From RealClearWire.
fallen into the trap of blaming “deregula- 2. Competitive generators are regu- the profit motive with generation output
tion” of the power industry. That’s dead lated, especially for reliability purposes. is a potent and effective reliability policy. Devin Hartman is the director of energy
wrong for two reasons: power markets National generator reliability standards and environmental policy at the R Street
aren’t “deregulated” for reliability pur- are developed by the North American 4. Organized electricity markets have a Institute.
poses and the data show that competitive Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) superior reliability track record. This ap-
markets have a superior reliability record and approved by the Federal Energy plies even in areas where monopoly utili- Beth Garza is a resident senior fellow of
to the monopoly utility model. Regulatory Commission (FERC) for all ties own the generation. Monopoly states, energy and environmental policy at the R
Now is the time to focus on the root generators, irrespective of their competi- like Louisiana, have seen improved Street Institute.
causes of February’s outages and let tive or monopoly status. Preliminary data
the full body of evidence speak to the indicate that the causes of most generator
relationship between regulation and grid outages in February are linked to insuffi-
reliability. To that end, there’s five truths cient weatherization and natural gas fuel
to go by: supply. Addressing this through market
rules to incent voluntary behavior versus
1. February’s generator outages and
rotating “blackouts” affected market
and monopoly states. Three grid opera-
mandatory reliability standards is where
the fair debate on the merits of regula-
tion reside. The FERC is already exploring
Need to Adjust Your Epoch
tors implemented rotating outages across
much of the Midwest and South, of which
two are comprised predominately of
making winter weatherization standards
mandatory. Times Email Preferences?
generators owned by monopoly utilities. 3. Competitive markets produce su- TheEpochTimes.com
The other, Texas, deserves more focus perior reliability behavior. Upon the
because of the greater number and dura- introduction of mass competitive power
tion of customer outages. Paradoxically, a ownership in the 1990s, competitive It’s fast and easy from our customer portal!
key lesson in Texas is that it’s not enough generators immediately began to reduce Access our email preferences dashboard in three easy steps.
of a market. That is, consumers’ reliability power plant outages and invest in reliabil-
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ended March 17, buoyed by optimism over day Fed policy meeting at which the central
a massive stimulus package and on expec- bank signaled its intent to keep rates near
tations that the Federal Reserve’s monetary zero until at least 2024, also predicting a
Welcome, John!
policy stance would remain dovish. fast economic recovery from the pandemic.
U.S. equity mutual funds pocketed a net
inflow of $20.1 billion in the week, which
marked a sixth straight week of net buying, My Account
data from Refinitiv Lipper showed. U.S. money market funds
The inflows were led by U.S. small-cap see net sales of $5.3 billion,
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Among sector funds, investors turned net 19, with banks leading the way after the Fed (ePaper)
buyers of tech funds last week, purchasing let expire a temporary capital buffer relief
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tractive at lower valuations after witnessing stress in the funding mark. You can also unsubscribe
SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES Meanwhile, investors bought $9.72 billion from a newsletter by
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The Epoch Times, 229 W 28th St, Fl.5, New York, NY 10001
U.S. Taxable bond funds had an inflow the bottom of our emails.
With social media censorship sidelining many important
of $7.9 billion, while U.S. municipal funds headlines, our Breaking News email is how we make sure
saw an inflow of $9.3 billion. you get the latest developments that our reporters have
curated from around the world. It’s our way of keeping you
Investors turned net buyers of U.S. High truly informed so that you can make the decisions that
yield funds, buying $260 million, after align with your values. We hope you enjoy our coverage.
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dumping $5.5. billion in the last week.
On the other hand, U.S. money market
funds see net sales of $5.3 billion, the first
outflow in six weeks.

By Gaurav Dogra &

Patturaja Murugaboopathy
The New York Stock Exchange on March 9, 2021. From Reuters


12. Affluent area outside Choosing a suit
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
a city the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
13. Nonanalytic equation to get the solution in the middle.
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
There may be more than one “unique” so-
14. Altar screen lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
If at first you don’t succeed, find out if
15. Like some grins solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28
second place wins anything. A dummy-play
and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28
20. Alliance principle: When you can succeed by setting
24. Ear part up either of two long suits, retain the option
of trying both.
26. Congress can over- Today’s West led the ace and a second
ride it trump against six spades, a start that looked
27. Black good for the defense. In fact, it wasn’t, but
South went down anyway. He next led the
28. Fowl place king and another diamond.
29. “In one ___ and out West discarded, and South took
the other” dummy’s ace and tried the hearts: A-K and
a third heart. This time East showed out, and
30. To this day declarer was short one entry to dummy to
31. Eat like a bird set up and cash the fifth heart. He ruffed one
32. Nut job club in dummy and threw one on the queen
33. Put up a stake of diamonds but lost a club at the end.
Hard 1 - 1 Solution
38. Spirit NOT EASY
39. “Poetic ___”: ancient South must try the hearts first: A-K,
Icelandic work heart ruff, club ruff, heart ruff. Then he
can take three diamonds to discard a
40. Gloomy club and pitch his last club on the good
42. “‘___ the night before fifth heart. If hearts broke 5-1, South
Christmas...” could still try the diamonds, succeeding
if that suit broke 4-2 or 3-3.
43. “Cogito, ___ sum” This week: which suit?
47. Follow as a result
49. A while back DAILY QUESTION
You hold: kK Q 10 j A K 7 3 2 i A
50. Half-baked Q 7 6 3 h None. You open one heart,
51. Calculations made your partner bids one spade, you jump to
while high, for short? three diamonds and he returns to three
Hard 2 - 1 Solution hearts. What do you say?
53. Unstable particles ANSWER: Don’t get carried away.
Across 41. Kind of oil 79. Like a seadog’s face 54. All excited Your jump-shift was forcing to game and
1. Venom source 44. Pasture 83. Like some cereals 56. Square promised great strength, so you need
57. “Abominable” one only bid three spades now. If you have
4. Small sunfish 45. Sensed 84. “Pure ___” (Lorde a slam, your partner can get you there,
11. Endures 46. Lifework album) 58. Cohort but if his hand is weak — which is quite
16. Communist dictator 48. Was a passenger 85. ___’wester 59. Disproportionate possible — you need to rest no higher
60. Place than game.
17. Survive 52. Recognition response 86. They’re entered in East dealer
18. Cough up 55. A tenderfoot may tie court 61. “Double Fantasy” N-S vulnerable
19. Arguable one 87. Idiosyncrasy artist
21. Cats, e.g. 58. Act cautiously 88. Lunkhead 66. Reservoir in New kK Q 10
jA K 7 3 2
22. Window part 62. “Get it?” York iA Q 7 6 3
23. 1965 Ursula Andress 63. Tax pro, for short Down 67. Pack hNone
Easy 1 - 1 Solution
film 64. Blackbird 1. Intensifies, with “up” 69. Skin problem WEST EAST
24. Radium discoverer 65. “___-Up Girl” (1944 2. Rani’s wear 70. Let go kA 4
jQ 10 9 5
k5 3
j8 4
25. “A thousand times Betty Grable film) 3. Billiards relative 71. “Swiss” vegetable i4 iJ 10 9 8 5
75. Artist Bonheur hK J 10 9 4 2 hA 7 6 3
no!” 66. Genuflections of a 4. Harland Sanders’ hon.
31. Certain test controls sort rank 76. “Aeneid” figure SOUTH
77. ___ probandi kJ 9 8 7 6 2
34. What’s more 68. Bank’s written guar- 5. Wish undone jJ 6
35. Lobster eggs antee 6. “Fast cash” site 78. Elephant grp. iK 2
hQ 8 5
36. 1 billion years, in 72. 24 sheets of paper 7. Ecto- followers 79. Journalist’s question
astronomy 73. Greek consonant 8. Concise 80. Rush East South West North
Pass Pass 3h Dbl
37. As well 74. “100 years young” 9. Covered by vines 81. CWO4’s superior, in 4h 4k Pass 6k
38. Armorial bearings cookie 10. Common Market: the Navy All Pass
expert 78. Fertilizer type Abbr. 82. Matter for a judge Easy 2 - 1 Solution Opening lead — k 5



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.







Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.
28 Print your
answer here:
“ -


making — “MOO-MOOS” Losing Streak
her own clothing and was
The cow decided to create





whereof they are uttered.

according to the matter
Words must be taken

Contact the Puzzle Master @: Feedback@EpochTimes.com

A20 | MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021

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Help America find a better news source, like these people did:

I rely on The Epoch Times I congratulate you and I love reading The Epoch Times has been
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Best-selling author, attorney, of the communist threat in our future. as sanctity for human life.
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Military and intelligence analyst and former
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What Our Now I truly feel as if I can breathe while reading the news as
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The Epoch Times has made it communicated, ET presents the The Epoch Times is the best Finally!!! Years ago I swore off the
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You Need Less Variety Than Pandemic Babies Raise

You Think. Embrace It. Worrying Questions
Our cultural obsession with novelty runs coun- Researchers call for greater focus on how COVID-19
ter to our natural inclination for simplicity. has affected child development.

See B2 See B5





in Your When

Habits anxiety
strikes, we can
ward it off better if
we take a moment
to contemplate
Before trying the habits that
feed it.
tips to lower
your anxiety,
a new book
encourages you
to understand
your anxiety

KIRA M. NEWMAN Implementing tips and tools skips an im- reduce stress or satisfy emotional needs,

Counter Anxiety portant step, Brewer argues. Before we can he says. Unfortunately, many of these ef-
don’t know about you, but I’m a little try to change anything, we have to spend forts are short-term only, and don’t always
tired of reading the same tips over and With Mindfulness some time observing our anxiety-related benefit us long-term. Eating comfort foods
over about how to calm down and ŀ $".&-(:$ -#1$+ 8(-3. habits. Only then—by showing our brain may be one example. Our habits exist in
destress. I want other options besides 3'$/1$2$-3,.,$-3 viscerally how unrewarding these habits loops that consist of a trigger, a behavior,
slowing my breathing when my chest are—can we move on to actually creating and a result. For example:
feels heavy, or questioning the worst-case ŀ ""$/3 -# ++.7(3 new ones.
scenarios running through my head. 3.!$3'$1$ “Unwinding Anxiety” offers a three- TRIGGER: Feel anxious
That’s why psychiatrist Judson Brewer’s ŀ -6$23(& 3$9.51 step process to help you do exactly that, BEHAVIOR: Eat something sweet
new book “Unwinding Anxiety” is so re- !.#(+92$-2 3(.-2Ċ backed up by Brewer’s extensive hab- RESULT: Be distracted from anxiety
freshing. Yes, it has tips—but they come $,.3(.-2Ċ -# it research. While many wellness books Sometimes anxiety can trigger a habit loop,
later in the book. In fact, his main point is 3'.5&'32 can feel overwhelming, his approach but it can also be the result in a habit loop:
that tips alone won’t help those of us who ŀ .3$7' 3(2 is reassuring in its simplicity and en-
struggle with anxiety. ' //$-(-& gaging enough to feel like it just might TRIGGER: Feel unmotivated at work
Brewer shows how anxiety exists inside work. BEHAVIOR: Read news
the habits of our everyday lives—and hab- RESULT: Feel anxious about the state of the
its are sticky. Habits like shallow, tense STEP 1 Map Out world
breathing don’t go away just because Anxiety Habits But the most pernicious anxiety-related
we tell ourselves to breathe. As crazy as If you struggle with anxiety, it’s habit is this basic pattern, which many of
it sounds, our brain is attracted to these likely that anxiety has become a us fall into, where anxiety reinforces itself:
anxiety habits because they create some habit for you, Brewer writes. Many
sense of reward. of our habits were meant to help us Continued on B4

New research has
Exercise Spurs Molecular Change revealed a wider
picture of the sweeping
impacts exercise has
Exercising spurs thousands of biochemical reactions that on our biochemistry.
scientists still know little about
JOSEPH MERCOLA to changes in a remarkable 9,815 bolic pathways.

molecules in your blood. This gives a glimpse into why

In the most comprehensive study to The findings reveal exercise does the very straightforward act of
date of the molecular changes that oc- far more than simply raise your getting moving is associated with
cur in your body due to exercise, re- heart rate and cause you to break so many benefits to your physical
searchers have seen “an orchestrated a sweat. Physical activity leads to a and mental health, from boosting
choreography of biological processes.” system-wide molecular response your immune system to protecting
Researchers at Stanford University in your body, including changes in cognitive function.
found that one exercise session leads inflammatory markers and meta- Continued on B6
B2  MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021


What People Are Saying You Need

Less Variety
I read The Epoch Times daily. I congratulate you and
Than You Think.
I still like hard papers […] and
I still like to grab that paper in
my hand, but I get more printed
versions of stories than ever
The Epoch Times for the work
you are doing, especially with
regard to keeping the menace of
the communist threat in front of us.
Embrace It.
before. You guys have done an
amazing job, and really—I think
Military and intelligence analyst and
former deputy assistant to the president
Our cultural obsession with
there’s such a void in media,
especially newspapers. They novelty runs counter to our
slant so solidly one way that
there are very few papers that
natural inclination for simplicity
I can really feel that I can rely on,
and The Epoch Times is one. JOSHUA BECKER We wear 20 percent of our clothes 80

SEAN HANNITY I rely on The Epoch Times percent of the time.
Talk show host newspaper for factual and he first time I ever heard about We use 20 percent of our kitchen gad-
unbiased news coverage. someone eating the same gets 80 percent of the time.
meal every day was from the We watch 20 percent of the same chan-
LARRY ELDER family practice doctor in Wis- nels 80 percent of the time.
Best-selling author, attorney, consin who delivered my son And, generally speaking, we eat 20
and talk show host
and soon became a valued friend. The percent of the same food 80 percent of
doctor—old enough to be my father—ate the time.
a taco salad every day for lunch. Just think about what you have had
A few years later, I was at another to eat for breakfast over the past week.
The Epoch Times is a friend’s parents’ house and he showed Most likely, you’ve eaten the same cou-
me their basement pantry loaded with ple of meals. Or how about lunch?
great place where you can
shelves of canned tuna. He told me that My breakfast these days, when I eat
understand traditional his dad, a professional fisherman, ate it, is two eggs and four strips of turkey
values in a way and in a tone It’s our favorite paper. It’s the first a tuna sandwich every day for lunch. bacon. My lunch consists of rotisserie
and through content that is one we read. Thank you so much I didn’t give the idea much thought chicken or a salad (with chicken).
accessible. It’s smart. for your reporting of the news. beyond occasionally being jealous that And I know I’m far from alone in these
my doctor friend ate a taco salad every kinds of habits. According to one study
CARRIE SHEFFIELD PAUL GOSAR day for lunch. Mmm. conducted in Great Britain by Whole
Columnist and broadcaster U.S. representative for Arizona
Life continued, Foods Market, al-
10 years passed, SEBASTIAN COMAN PHOTOGRAPHY/UNSPLASH most  33 percent
and I picked up a of us eat the same
Learn more at EpochSubscription.com copy of Tim Ferris’s lunch every day.
book “The 4-Hour Here’s the real-
Body.” ity: We tend to
In his chapter on eat many of the
TRUTH AND TRADITION “Rapid Fat Loss,” same foods over
he offered a pass- and over again.
ing sentence when And yet, we con-
asked about bore- tend that variety
dom with the lim- is the spice of life.
ited food options We are inundated
in his prescribed with advertising
diet: “Most people messages from
vastly overestimate childhood on-
the variety of their ward that urge
meals.” us toward what is
My mind imme- new, novel, and
diately raced back upgraded. We are
to my role models taught that stick-
in Wisconsin from We tend to overvalue variety and indul- ing with the same
so many years ago, gence, which can create unrealistic thing, whether it
both of whom had expectations for mealtime. More impor- be fashion or food,
chosen to eat the tant than our food experience is our is all but uncouth.
same meal every experience connecting with other people. We think repeti-
day for lunch. They tion reflects poorly
had discovered a on how cultured
routine that worked well for them. or creative we are, that it says something
Rather than fighting against routine about how sophisticated our palate or
in their diet, they had embraced the adventurous our spirit. Instagram and
practice. advertising encourage us to want for
It’s worth noting that this isn’t an ar- something new every day, whether that
ticle about nutrition, it’s an article about be meal or material item.
the patterns of our daily lives and how But that message overlooks the real
to create these more consciously for our benefit of leaning into the reality that
own well-being. While some meals are we crave stability in our meals. There is
certainly healthier to repeat daily than something tried and true in eating the
others, this article is about the benefits same side with soup. And that truth shows
of simplicity in our lives. in the fact that most of us have a stable
of staple meals we trot out regularly.

Why You Should Say Yes

Instagram and to Meal Routine
Speaking at a conference several years
advertising encourage ago, I was asked by a mother how to keep
us to want for down food waste and costs in her home.
I was already a convert to meal rep-
something new every etition, so I answered: “Accept the fact
that you eat less variety of foods than
day, whether that be a you think. Don’t fight against it. Don’t
meal or material item. believe society’s pressure that you need
to be dreaming up something new for
every meal. Find your family’s favor-
You Could Already Be There ite meals and serve them often. You’ll
As a writer and overall promoter of the lower your monthly food costs, waste,
benefits of minimalism, I have often and time spent in preparation.”

Men’s Versatile Polo

seen how people overestimate the num- Of course, if your recycling is over-
ber of material possessions they need. flowing with processed food packages,
So when I read the sentence in Tim’s you will want to incrementally convert
book that “most people vastly overes- your family toward more fruit, vegeta-
timate the variety of their meals,” I be- bles, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean

Sign up to our newsletter and

lieved it. proteins. But regardless of that, consider
I have seen “overestimating variety” the benefits to us (and our families) of
to be true in clothing, entertainment, establishing a regular meal rotation:
save 10% off your first order. books, linens, and any number of other
examples. Why not food? 1. Money savings. When you begin to
The Pareto principle is proven true establish a weekly routine of your fam-
over and over again—roughly 80 per- ily’s favorite meals, you save money by
www.ShenYunDancer.com cent of the effects come from 20 percent wasting less, learning the correct por-
of the causes. tion size, recognizing sales and good
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021 B3

If You Want
Sleep, Avoid
the Late-
Night Snack

When you settle into a movie or watch your

favorite team play, you might want to hold
off on the snacks. It’s not so much about
the extra calories but about how it could
impact sleep.
Eating in the evening doesn’t help you
sleep, even if it makes you feel tired. A big
A weekly dinner at 8 p.m. will likely lead to tossing
pizza night lets and turning until 4 a.m. Even a snack can
everyone get really hold you back from getting some good
prices, and knowing which spices or 2. Determine your good at making a shuteye.
condiments to purchase. family’s favorites. family favorite and Your body naturally starts to prepare
Embracing a Take each person offers a doughy for sleep when the sun starts going down,
2. Time savings. Not only does a weekly meal routine into account. Are platform to try whether or not you realize it. Your micro-
routine of meals save time hunting for there specific meals new things. biome, hormones, and organs all enter a
recipes or new ideas, but we become (whether that everybody likes? sleep-preparation phase so that you can
more and more efficient at preparing If so, those are obvious enter unencumbered slumber each night.
each of the meals that we do enjoy. daily or places to start establishing
This “time saved” may be more pre- weekly) a routine. I’d recommend identifying
cious during specific seasons of life five or six family favorites.
(when you have young children at home, promotes If you can’t get that much agreement The first step is to try
for example), but extra time in the day in your family, be sure to think about
can be appreciated by everyone.
simplicity, those with pickier palates and what ac- to avoid a big calorie
reduces stress commodations can be made.
dump within about
3. Better health. A thought-out and in-
tentional routine of meals offers greater and anxiety, 3. Write out a weekly schedule.  three hours of bedtime.
opportunity to align our diets with nu- removes Take into account your weekly commit-
tritional recommendations. ments. Does someone have volleyball
decision practice on Tuesday night? Youth group Filling up the tank with a bunch of calo-
4. Less food waste.  According to the on Wednesday? Or a business meet- ries, however, sends the complete opposite
USDA, about 133 billion pounds of food fatigue, and ing on Monday? Factor in both the time signal. So, even though you may feel physi-
is wasted each year in the United States. frees us to you have to prepare and the time to sit cally and mentally tired, the digestion and
That’s about 364 million pounds a day, down and eat. absorption of nutrients and calories turn
equivalent to about a pound of food, or pursue more My family loves tacos on Tuesdays. your body back up to full blast.
one-third of the daily calories that each And we serve pizza on Sunday eve- Think of it this way: You’ve just filled up
American consumes. This waste takes a important nings, because my son typically works with gas. But unlike your vehicle, you can’t
toll on our household budget. things than late and my wife and I take my daughter just turn it off. You’re up and running until
to church that night. the food has been processed.
5. Weight control. Many people who eat answering
the same lunch every day attest that the ‘What’s for 4. Don’t sacrifice health.
practice is helpful in weight control, Eating foods you enjoy doesn’t mean
contending they eat less because of it. dinner?’ sacrificing healthy habits. If you’re A good strategy is to go
It’s called “school cafeteria syndrome,” serving pizza or pasta, pack it with
and according to researchers, it really vegetables, or add some to the side. If heavy on your calories
works in reducing the amount of food you encounter resistance, you incre-
we eat. When you eat to appease your mentally upgrade the nutrient density
through the morning
hunger and fuel your body, rather than of your weekly pizza over time, another and afternoon, then light
entertain your taste buds, you’ll natu- benefit of repetition.
rally eat a more appropriate amount. I actually find it easier to eat well for dinner.
when a routine is established because
6. Fewer failed recipes. As I will men- we intentionally include fruits and veg- What can you do? The first step is to try
tion in a moment, there’s still room for etables every evening. to avoid a big calorie dump within about
trying new foods and recipes, and I rec- three hours of bedtime. You can plan to
ommend it with young kids at home. But 5. Don’t sacrifice eat dinner a little bit earlier, or if that isn’t
establishing a stable routine of meals variety for simplicity. an option, you can alter how you consume
each week and experimenting with few- Rare is the family for whom a week’s calories during the day.
er new recipes means fewer failed meals. schedule doesn’t vary. Variety in meals A good strategy is to go heavy on your
That means avoiding the dishearten- is inevitable, and it can also be sched- calories through the morning and after-
ing experience of spending hours pre- uled. You can decide that every Monday noon, then light for dinner. Front-loading
paring a meal, only to have it flop at the is new-recipe day, or you can choose calories may help you get better sleep.
dinner table. variety when you eat out. If you are feeling peckish in the evening,
Establishing a meal routine five nights it’s best to turn to nutritious and easily di-
7. Benefits for kids. The more children of the week still leaves room for plenty gestible options. Things like carrot sticks,
see specific foods in front of them, the of gustatory variety. fruit, or even a little bit of air-popped pop-
more likely they are to learn to enjoy corn are good options.
them. Creating a routine certainly 6. Proc
Proceed with trial, Sleep trouble can be caused by a variety of
doesn’t eliminate all “eat your vegeta- error, and adjustments.
err factors, and food timing is certainly one of
bles” negotiations at the dinner table,
able, If you discover that one meal them. Try minding your meal times during
but people generallyy appreci- takes
t longer to prepare than the day for better sleep at night.
ate things more when they you
y want, change it. If one
become more familiar.
miliar. meal is no longer enjoyed by Mat Lecompte is a freelance health and
Meal repetition also your
y family, pick a new one. wellness journalist. This article was first
sets an expectation on If you discover that a routine published on Bel Marra Health.
and can help compell a works well for one month

picky child to expand d but then you want to make

their palate. a new one, go for it.
The goal is to find some-
8. Greater simplicity.  y.  CK
thin that works for your
Embracing a meal rou- u- RA /S H UT TE family and saves you time and
tine (whether daily orr MA XIM money.
weekly) promotes simplic- c-
ity, reduces stress and anxi-
xi- Eat. Repeat.
ety, removes decision fatigue,
igue, One of my favorite things about mini-
and frees us to pursue more re important malism is that removing unneeded
things than answering “Wh “What’s for things typically leaves me with bet-
dinner?” While eating some ter stuff, whether that be meals or
meals too often can be shoes. Minimalism also removes dis-
How to Implement unhealthy, those that traction, and gives me more money,
a Meal Rotation offer a good variety of time, energy, and peace.
How do we go about this in our own vegetables, protein, We all have our favorite foods. Accept
unique families? Here are some and carbohydrates are that and embrace eating the foods you
thoughts to get you started: good to repeat. most enjoy over and over again. You’ll
be grateful every time you sit down to
1. Start on your own.  eat—and you’ll save money and time
If you eat lunch every day at the office, along the way.
it’s easy to choose your one or two fa-
vorite meals and repeat them each day. Joshua Becker is an author, public
The same is true for breakfast if you eat speaker, and the founder and editor
it alone. As mentioned above, break- of Becoming Minimalist, where he Your body doesn’t store food for later. It
fast and lunch are where I embrace the inspires others to live more by owning digests it all right away, in a process that can
most routine. less. Visit BecomingMinimalist.com keep you awake.
B4 MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021


How Anxiety Hides in Your Habits

Before trying tips to lower your anxiety, a new book encourages you
to understand your anxiety routines
Continued from B1 ness in your chest, the lump in your r RAIN: This is a mindfulness practice
throat, how little you get done at work where you Recognize and relax into
TRIGGER: Feel anxious that afternoon. Our brain is the present moment; Accept and allow
BEHAVIOR: Worry (ruminate on what’s The good thing about this approach it to be there; Investigate your bodily
wrong, what could go wrong, etc.) is that moments of anxiety become an
attracted to sensations, emotions, and thoughts;
RESULT: Feel more anxious opportunity to learn about yourself, these anxiety and Note what is happening.
not something to be afraid of, and not a r Noting: This is a practice of labeling
What reward could we possibly get out of failure in your quest for calm. (Self-judg- habits because what experiences are predominant in
a self-perpetuating anxiety cycle? Well, ment, apparently, seems to go hand-in- they create some your mind moment to moment, includ-
Brewer says, the act of worrying can hand with anxiety.) ing any of your senses (hearing, touch,
sometimes feel good—or at least better If you have trouble being aware of hab- sense of reward. sight), thinking, or feeling.
than just sitting with our anxiety. Worry- its in real time, you can also look back on r Loving kindness: The practice of send-
ing sometimes (rarely) allows us to come your day or your week to see the effects ing kind, caring thoughts to people,
up with solutions, which makes it seem of a particular behavior. If your anxiety including yourself, and feeling that
productive. We think we’re solving prob- made you snap at your partner, how did sense of warmth in your body.
lems. Some of us are afraid we’ll be un- that feel? Rather than analyzing it, just
prepared for the future if we don’t worry, try to re-experience it in your body. To reinforce these habits, Brewer sug-
and worry gives us a sense of control, Over time, Brewer suggests, our brain gests you can apply techniques from step
even when all we do is churn through the will naturally become disenchanted 2—but this time, instead of observing
same fears over and over. with our anxiety habits without us hav- the detrimental effects, you observe how
One of the studies Brewer contrib- ing to use so much willpower, allowing good it feels in your body to be curious or
uted to (currently under peer review), more space for new habits to form. generate loving feelings.
explored the effects of mindfulness- Brewer is a habit expert—much of his re-
based stress reduction among a group STEP 3 Create New Habits search has focused on smoking and eat-
of doctors. The intervention used an This step is where most other advice ing disorders. Although his book is about
app to help doctors become aware of begins: the healthy habits and behaviors anxiety, the overall framework could apply
worry habit loops. For the doctors, this that we want to engage in. But it makes to many habits in our lives. His insights re-
awareness reduced their burnout and sense that there isn’t much room for veal why so many of our good intentions to
cynicism. these new behaviors until our brains exercise, meditate, and otherwise improve
But mapping out your habits is just the detach from the old ones. don’t translate into action. Brewer gives us
first step. Brewer suggests a variety of mindful- tools we can use to work with our brains,
ness-related behaviors that you could in- rather than have our brains work according
STEP 2 Work With sert into your habit loops when a trigger to anxiety-creating habits.
Your Brain’s Reward System arises, many of which may be familiar to
As Brewer says, our brain stores a “re- you already: Kira M. Newman is the managing editor
ward value” for different people, places, of Greater Good. Her work has been pub-
and things we encounter. The more r Curiosity and mindfulness: Rather lished in outlets including The Washing-
rewarding our brain thinks a behavior is, than judging yourself for being anx- ton Post, Mindful magazine, Social Media
the stronger the habit around it will be. ious, or getting obsessed about where Monthly, and Tech.co, and she is the
But reward values can become skewed your anxiety is coming from, just get co-editor of The Gratitude Project.  This
or outdated. For example, we might have curious. What does it feel like, and article was originally published in Greater
developed a passion for cake as an anx- where? How does it change? Brewer Good online magazine.
ious teen—but in adulthood, we now find even recommends saying “Hmmm!”
ourselves in a queasy sugar coma after out loud to yourself, to encourage that
three slices. sense of curiosity.
“The only sustainable way to change r Breathing: Tune in to the breathing sen-
a habit is to update its reward value,” sations in your body. Breathe into places
writes Brewer. That means taking a where anxiety shows up, and breathe out
fresh look at how a habit is affecting us anxiety. See how things change.
now. And we need to do this over and
over, each time we repeat the habit in
our daily life, until our brain updates its
reward value and stops being drawn to
the habit.
What does this mean in practice? Take a moment

Once you’ve identified your habits that to probe how

support anxiety, you need to be mind- anxiety feels in
ful when they occur. If you’re anxious your body.
and you start worrying about the future,
make a mental note; observe the tight-

Dry Eye Disease Harms More Than Vision

Study links dry eye disease with broader health concerns and other conditions

SARAH COWNLEY tion and work productivity. The findings

suggest people with dry eye disease have
Patients suffering from dry eye disease face problems carrying out daily activities and
vision problems, and new research shows work productivity due to adverse effects on
Dry eye how this condition can also harm physical visual function.
disease causes and mental health. The study shows that Dr. Parwez Hossain, who led the study,
a sensation of these patients have a lower quality of life said: “This study provided some very use-
grittiness in the compared to those without symptoms. ful information on the burden that dry eye
eye. Dry eye disease is a condition that can af- disease places on patients. As well as con-
fect people of any age but is most prevalent firming the impact on work and social lives,
in women and older people. It’s estimated we also discovered that the extent of the
that up to a third of adults over the age effects are consistent with the severity of
of 65 have the condition, which includes symptoms. We also found that participants
symptoms such as irritation and redness with dry eye disease symptoms were a lot
in the eyes, blurred vision, and a sensation more likely to suffer from other comorbidi-
of grittiness in the eye. ties, twice as many suffered from arthritis,
This new study, led by the University of hearing loss or irritable bowel disease com-
Southampton, explored how dry eye dis- pared to the cohort without symptoms.”
ease affects the lives of adults in the UK. Researchers do note that some environ-
It included 1,000 patients with the condi- mental factors could impact the symp-
tion and 1,000 without. All patients were toms patients with dry eye disease may
required to answer a questionnaire from encounter. While all participants in the
the National Eye Institute about their visual study reported similar digital screen use
function and a EuroQol questionnaire on levels and reading, those with dry eye
health-related quality of life. Participants disease symptoms reported more expo-
who declared that they had experienced sure to environmental factors such as air
dry eye were required to answer further conditioning, forced heating, or air pollu-
questions to assess the severity of their tion. More research is needed to confirm
symptoms. whether these factors could contribute to
It was found that a higher proportion of the disease or be noticed more by sufferers.
participants with dry eye disease had prob-
lems with mobility and experienced more Sarah Cownley earned a diploma in
difficulties in their day-to-day activities nutritional therapy from Health Sciences
People with dry eye disease compared to patients without the condi- Academy in London, and she enjoys help-
have problems carrying out tion. The study also revealed that they were ing others by teaching healthy lifestyle
more likely to suffer from depression and changes through her personal consulta-
daily activities and work anxiety. tions and with her regular contributions
productivity due to adverse Patients with the most severe symptoms to the Doctors Health Press. This article
were more likely to report a negative im- was originally published on Bel Marra
effects on visual function. pact on their social and emotional func- Health.
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021 B5

Babies Raise
Researchers call for
greater focus on how
COVID-19 has affected
child development


social contact,
abies born after and responsive with families was considerably most common factor leading a child to
March 11, 2020, caregiving. affected by very high caseloads be referred to a child protection service.
will have only known and the barriers created by social Development We sadly under-invest in the most vul-
a world in the grip of a distancing measures. takes nerable children at the best of times. We
pandemic. They may never Many expressed concerns about their should be extremely concerned about
have met anyone who isn’t their parent, ability to monitor children’s develop- place at an them in times like these.
or they may only ever have seen their ment and refer families to specialist sup-
grandparents from a distance. They cer- port services when parents were experi- extraordinary The Baby Blind Spot
tainly will not have had the same oppor- encing mental health problems. rate during Babies need stimulation, social contact,
tunities to interact with other children as On top of that, friends and family have and responsive caregiving, and all of
those born in the years before. had their ability to visit loved ones and a baby’s first these will have been affected during
What are the implications for these their babies drastically curtailed. year. the pandemic in complex ways, but we
pandemic children? As researchers, Social support from friends, family, lack good evidence about how this is
while we do think that most babies community groups, and professionals playing out.
will have had an opportunity to thrive, is normally considered vital not only Oxford Brookes University has conduct-
there’s still a lot we don’t know, and because it provides infants with variety, ed a study focused on how the pandemic
we are clear that the first months and stimulation, and opportunities for learn- is affecting children of the youngest ages,
years of life are vitally important for a ing, but also because it’s good for the and in due course will provide us with
child’s long-term health, development, well-being of parents, on whom babies much-needed insights. But it’s a concern
and well-being. are so dependent. that even now, a year in, we have very
Development takes place at an extraor- So in these circumstances, what can poor information about how babies and
dinary rate during a baby’s first year parents do to help their babies? The evi- preschoolers have been affected by the
when the brain doubles in size. This early dence suggests that the key to optimal momentous events that have taken place.
development depends crucially on ex- development is play and stimulation, This highlights a key point: Despite babies
perience, and particularly social experi- those back-and-forth interactions be- being among the most vulnerable in society
ence, which stimulates, tunes, and hones tween caregivers and babies. and most dependent on nurturing care and
the brain’s unfolding architecture. Following a child’s lead when they stimulation, their needs are almost always
A stimulating, varied, and responsive take an interest in some item, nam- the last to be noticed. The recent Working
environment supports the development ing objects, talking, laughing, singing, for Babies report called this the “baby blind-
of language, cognition, and emotional and reading—all simple, no-to-low cost spot” with good reason.
and social competencies. This depen- activities—keep babies learning and At this point in the pandemic, we are
dence on environmental input makes the developing even when the world outside desperately in need of good data to under-
brain exquisitely flexible and capable of is in difficulty. stand how babies have been affected and
adaptation. But, by the same token, it also may continue to be affected in the coming
means that babies are highly susceptible Babies at Risk years. It’s clear that the time has come to
to the negative impacts of adversity. There are good reasons to be concerned step up in our responsibility for all of the
One thing we also know with great about infant and early child develop- babies born into these strange times.
certainty is that parental stress and men- ment during this time and, like so many
tal health problems pose serious risks to other things, these risks will not be The key to optimal child
Sunil Bhopal is an academic clinical lecturer
children’s later development, affecting evenly distributed. development is play and in pediatrics at Newcastle University in the
their language and cognitive develop- The lack of support structures, the stimulation, those back- UK, and Pasco Fearon is the chair of devel-
ment, their emotional well-being, and economic pressures, and the drastic and-forth interactions opmental psychopathology at the University
putting them at risk of depression and reduction in professional contact with between caregivers and of California–Los Angeles. This article was
anxiety themselves. health visitors and social workers during babies. first published on The Conversation. 
the pandemic is almost certainly plac-
ing large numbers of babies at greatly
increased risk of harm, including risk of
maltreatment and even death.
One thing we also The effects of abuse on child develop-
know with great ment are profound and long-lasting,
including long-term physical disability,
certainty is that emotional distress, and mental health
concerns. To give a striking exam-
parental stress ple, nearly half of all adult mental health
and mental health conditions are associated with a history
of childhood maltreatment.
problems pose serious In normal times, maltreatment affects
risks to children’s approximately 12 percent to 23 percent of
children. Children in economically dis-
later development. advantaged circumstances are five times
more likely to be subjected to abuse. In
the United Kingdom, 51,510 children
Unfortunately, support systems for were on a child protection plan in March
babies and their families have been pro- 2020 when the pandemic began.
foundly disrupted by the pandemic. As is During the pandemic, local authori-
sadly often the case, it’s the most vulner- ties reported more than 300 serious
able and disadvantaged children who incidents of injury and death involving
depend on these services and support children between April and October
networks the most. 2020—up by a fifth from the same time
For example, many health visitors, who in 2019. An increased proportion (almost
provide advice and resources and who 40 percent) involved children under the
are often the main source of support and age of 1.
connection to health services for fami- We also know that rates of domestic
lies with young babies, have been rede- violence have increased greatly during
ployed into the frontline COVID-19 re- the pandemic and babies are profoundly
sponse during the pandemic. Those who affected by this.
remained have reported that their work Indeed, domestic violence is the single
B6 MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021


Exercise Spurs Molecular Change


Continued from B1

‘Omics’ Reveals
Molecular Choreography
The term “omics” is used in the field of
biological sciences to describe the study of
large sets of biological molecules. Pro-
teomics, for instance, refers to the study of
proteins within a cell, while metabolomics
refers to molecules in the blood that influ-
ence metabolism, and genomics delves
into molecules related to gene expression.
While previous omics studies have looked
into how exercise affects specific areas,
such as metabolomics, the featured study,
published in Cell, took it a step further.
“We performed longitudinal multi-
omic profiling of plasma and periph-
eral blood mononuclear cells including
metabolome, lipidome, immunome,
proteome, and transcriptome from 36
well-characterized volunteers, before
and after a controlled bout of symptom-
limited exercise,” the researchers stated.
In other words, researchers look at Exercise
molecular changes across a large swath science has
of the body’s vast biochemical systems entered a new
before and after 36 people exercised. era of molecular
This is the most comprehensive study biology. aerobic fitness level, leading This was true even among people with
to date of the molecular changes that the researchers to suggest it may risk factors for cardiovascular disease,
occur in your body due to exercise, be possible to use a blood test to and every additional 15 minutes of daily
providing an unprecedented glimpse monitor fitness level. exercise reduced all-cause mortality by
into the details of the body’s physiologi- Thousands of molecules were correlat- another 4 percent.
cal response. The study demonstrated ed with aerobic fitness level, researchers On the other hand, people who were
that “an orchestrated choreography of found, after looking at those who per- inactive had a 17 percent increased risk
biological processes” occur, including formed better on a treadmill endurance of mortality even compared with those
those relating to: test. The test measured peak VO2 as a who exercised for just 15 minutes a day.
proxy for aerobic fitness. This test mea- This means that you don’t have to log
r Energy metabolism sures your body’s ability to transport and two hours on the treadmill or at the
r Oxidative stress use oxygen. gym to get meaningful results—ben-
r Inflammation Molecules linked to fitness also serve eficial changes happen in far less time.
r Tissue repair as markers of immunity, metabolism, Researchers are still pinning down the
r Growth factor response and muscle activity. extent of these changes, but when they
Research shows “At this point, we don’t fully under- encompass 9,815 molecules, suffice it to
The study subjects were between the that exercising stand the connection between some of say they’re significant.
ages of 40 and 75, with a mix of fitness these markers and how they are related Lack of time is one of the most common
levels and health. Some participants for 15 minutes a to better fitness,” Snyder said. There is excuses used for not exercising, but the
were insulin resistant. The volunteers also limited application of that insight, changes in the featured study occurred
completed a treadmill endurance test day lowers all- should it develop, given that such mo- in about 10 minutes. Other studies have
lasting about eight to 12 minutes, with cause mortality lecular profiling would currently be too found exercise benefits after just seven
blood draws occurring before and two expensive and extensive for doctors to minutes of moderate-intensity activ-
minutes after the session, along with 15, by 14 percent use in clinics. ity, including improvements in muscle
30, and 60 minutes later. and extends life However, with further research, it may strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness.
Blood draws also took place before and after be possible to detect which biomarkers
a period of rest, which acted as the control. expectancy by are most useful for determining fit- A New Era of Exercise Science
“Everybody knows exercise is good for you, ness levels based on those that are most As researchers delve deeper into how
but we really don’t know what drives that at three years. highly correlated with peak VO2 results. molecular biology intersects with exer-
a molecular level,” Michael Snyder, professor “It gave us the idea that we could de- cise physiology, there will be exciting
and chair of genetics at Stanford University, velop a test to predict someone’s level of advancements in understanding how
said in a statement. “Our goal at the outset fitness,” study author Kévin Contrepois, exercise is crucial to human health.
was to conduct a highly comprehensive director of metabolomics and lipidomics Exercise science has entered a new era,
analysis of what’s happening in the body just in Stanford’s Department of Genetics, and using metabolomics and other omics
after exercising.” said. “Aerobic fitness is one of the best technologies, researchers will likely be
In all, 17,662 molecules were measured, measures of longevity, so a simple blood able to advance to more personalized
9,815 of which changed in response to test that can provide that information exercise interventions rather than generic
exercise, with some going up and oth- would be valuable to personal health recommendations like “get at least 150
ers going down. Certain molecules also monitoring.” minutes of exercise per week.”
spiked immediately after exercise then While other fitness tests exist—grip Already, more specialized techniques
quickly dropped, while others remained strength, for instance, may be associ- such as blood flow restriction (BFR)
heightened for an hour. ated with your risk of heart attack and training are being adopted by the NFL
A sample circuit-style workout,
“It was like a symphony,” Snyder told stroke—a blood test for fitness would al- and other major professional sports or-
developed by Brett Klika, a
The New York Times. “First, you have the low you to monitor how changes in your ganizations for recovery and rehabilita-
performance coach for the
brass section coming in, then the strings, fitness routine are working, and adjust tion. BFR training improves strength and
Human Performance Institute in
then all the sections joining in.” accordingly. builds muscle using very light weights,
Orlando, Fla., and Chris Jordan,
while, metabolically, it decreases your
director of exercise physiology
risk for sarcopenia and most other age-
Molecular Changes at the Human Performance Extend Your Lifespan related diseases, making it particularly
Institute, is as follows.
Varied by Timing, Health Status in Just Minutes a Day useful for the elderly.
One intriguing finding was how different Each exercise is performed The featured study’s findings are impres- Other types of exercise, like yoga,
the metabolic changes were in individu- for about 30 seconds with sive, in part because of the magnitude of with its unique combination of physical
als depending on their health status, par- 10 seconds allowed for changes prompted by just one brief session movement, breathwork, and meditation,
ticularly relating to insulin resistance, transitions. This adds up to of exercise. “I had thought, it’s only about may be particularly beneficial for brain
which plays a role in virtually all chronic an approximately seven- nine minutes of exercise, how much is function, while other more targeted exer-
diseases. In those with insulin resis- minute workout, which may going to change?” Snyder said. “A lot, as it cises, like deadlifts, also have their place.
tance, a reduced inflammatory response be repeated in its entirety two turns out.” The Stanford University researchers are
was noted, and there was a dampened or three times. The exercises In terms of “bang for your buck” when following up on their study with plans
immune response after exercise. should be done in the order it comes to your health, exercise is one of to establish whether molecular data
Significant differences were also noted given, as they’re selected to the most effective uses of time. Some of the could be used to determine which types
depending on when the blood was allow opposing muscle groups biochemical changes induced by exercise of exercise, such as resistance or endur-
drawn, with the researchers describing to alternate between resting are already well established and may affect ance training, are best for individuals, as
an “intense flurry of molecular activ- and working. This gives an cancer risk and the following pathways: certain people may have higher aerobic
ity” in the body in the first two minutes example of how you can fit endurance, for instance, while others
post-exercise. In those first minutes, mo- exercise in even if you’re at r Insulin-like growth factor have a molecular profile that may favor a
lecular markers of inflammation, tissue home and/or very short on time. r Epigenetic effects on gene expression different type of training.
healing, and oxidative stress, which is a and DNA repair For now, since such individualized target-
byproduct of metabolism, rose sharply. ŀ Jumping jacks (total body) r HIF 1-alpha ing isn’t available, the important take-home
Further, in the first couple of minutes, ŀ Wall sit (lower body) r Oxidative stress and antioxidant message to remember is just how immense
molecular markers suggested the body ŀ Pushup (upper body) pathways the effect of exercise is on your body at
tended to metabolize amino acids for ŀ Abdominal crunch (core) r Heat shock proteins an individual level. It’s important to take
energy, but then switched to the sugar ŀ Step-up onto chair (total r Testosterone advantage of its massive health-boosting
glucose at about 15 minutes after the body) r Negative regulator of myostatin potential by getting active and making
workout. “The body breaks down glyco- ŀ Squat (lower body) r Immunity physical fitness a regular part of your life.
gen [a form of stored glucose] as part of ŀ Triceps dip on chair (upper r Chronic inflammation and
its exercise recovery response, so that’s body) prostaglandins Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mer-
why we see that spike a little later,” Sny- ŀ Plank (core) r Energy metabolism cola.com. An osteopathic physician, best-
der said. ŀ High knees/running in selling author, and recipient of multiple
place (total body) Insulin resistance research has also awards in the field of natural health, his
ŀ Lunge (lower body) shown that exercising for 15 minutes primary vision is to change the modern
Could a Blood Test Reveal ŀ Pushup and rotation a day, or an average of 92 minutes per health paradigm by providing people
Your Level of Fitness? (upper body) week, lowers all-cause mortality by 14 with a valuable resource to help them take
A strong correlation was found among ŀ Side plank (core) percent and extends life expectancy by control of their health. This article was
a set of molecules and an individual’s three years compared to being inactive. originally published on Mercola.com
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021 B7

What Is Asparagus Good For?

This delicious perennial offers delicate flavors and exceptional nutrition

JOSEPH MERCOLA vitamin K and calcium, nutrients es- cantly lowering the effects of BPA.
sential in maintaining bone health. Asparagus is Asparagus stem extracts were found to
sparagus officinalis belongs to a Adequate levels of vitamin K in the body considered one of have dermatological benefits as well. A
the oldest cultivated
large genus of plants grown for ensures effective absorption of calcium, vegetables.
2018 study from Environmental Health
ornamental purposes, though lowering the risk for bone fractures. and Preventive Medicine shows that
it’s one of the few members of asparagus extracts may help prevent
this family that’s cultivated for Studies Done on Asparagus photo aging by inducing the expression
food. Since its domestication, asparagus The active components of asparagus of HSP70 during UV-B irradiation.
has become a favorite for its sweet flavor have been the subject of numer-
and tender quality, which allows it to be ous scientific studies, mainly fo- Asparagus Fun Facts
prepared in various ways. You can steam, cusing on steroidal saponin con- Asparagus is considered one of the
poach, roast, or add a handful of its stalks tent. In a 1997 study from Planta oldest cultivated vegetables, with
to soups and frittatas for added texture. Medica, researchers isolated two the earliest documentation dating
oligofurostanosides from aspara- back to 200 B.C., with Cato the Elder
Health Benefits of Asparagus gus seeds, which were found to discussing its culture and cultivation.
Asparagus is one of the first vegetables to have cytotoxic effects on human Pliny the Elder also noted that aspara-
come up each spring. The part we eat of leukemia cells. This coincides with a gus needed “the most delicate attention”
this perennial plant is the shoot it sends 2010 study published in Phytochemistry when it came to its farming. It was first in-
up that will eventually go to seed. If you Reviews, where triterpene and steroid troduced in North America in the 1700s by
keep breaking off the shoots, the plant saponins triggered apoptosis (pro- European settlers, and is now cultivated
keeps trying to go to seed and sends up grammed cell death) in tumor cells and across the country in gardens.
more shoots. Aside from its delectable cytoskeleton disintegration.
taste, asparagus offers numerous vita- Summary
mins and minerals, including calcium, The wealth of nutrients offered by as-
folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, paragus is truly remarkable, especially
potassium, and vitamins A, K, and C. It since it is so nutritionally balanced.
also contains trace amounts of niacin Asparagus is Ongoing studies are revealing that this
and vitamin E. Because of these nutri-
ents, adding asparagus to your diet may
one of the first vegetable may have more benefits for the
human body than we’re currently aware
offer the following benefits: vegetables to come of. Luckily, it’s a tasty vegetable with a
 Improved cardiovascular health—In a long list of ways to prepare it, making it
2017 study from Nutrients, it was stated up each spring. an in-season favorite.
that numerous vegetables (including
asparagus) may protect and support Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mer-
heart health. This may be due to the high Asparagus officinalis extracts may cola.com. An osteopathic physician, best-
amounts of dietary fiber and vitamins in also protect against oxidative stress and selling author, and recipient of multiple
these vegetables. liver and kidney damage as reported in awards in the field of natural health, his

Healthier fetal development—As one a 2018 animal study from Toxicology Re- primary vision is to change the modern
of the best plant-based sources of folate, ports. Wistar rats were co-administered health paradigm by providing people
asparagus may help lower the risk of bisphenol A (BPA) and asparagus offici- with a valuable resource to help them take
miscarriage and neural tube defects in nalis extract (AOE), with BPA inducing control of their health. This article was

unborn children. oxidative stress in both the liver and originally published on Mercola.com.
Lower osteoporosis risk—Asparagus kidneys. AOE provided the rats with liver
contains considerable amounts of both and kidney tissue protection, signifi- References: For a full list of references,
please find this article at Theepochtimes.


Amt. Per Serving

CALORIES 22 4 to 5 thick asparagus spears

1 avocado, halved, pitted, and peeled 16 fresh
TOTAL FAT 0.22 g mint leaves, chopped
1/2 lime
2 tablespoons coconut oil
CHOLESTEROL 0 mg Himalayan salt, to taste
SODIUM 14 mg
Cut away about 2 inches of the base of each
TOTAL CARBOHYDRATES 4.11 g asparagus spear.
Shave the entire asparagus into thin strips from
DIETARY FIBER 2g bottom to top with a vegetable peeler, reversing your
grip and rotating as necessary to shave as much as
SUGAR 1.3 g possible.
Divide the asparagus strips among four salad plates.
PROTEIN 2.4 g Cut each avocado half into four sections. Place two
wedges on each salad.
Vitamin A 50 ЂG | Vitamin C 7.7 mg Sprinkle the mint leaves. Squeeze lime juice over the
salad, drizzle evenly with the oil, and sprinkle with salt.
Calcium 23 SG | Iron 0.91 mg
Recipe adapted from Epicurious

Add Fiber to Beat Diverticulitis

through your digestive system more easily. rienced the pain of diverticulitis. To keep
MAT LECOMPTE If you have diverticulitis, of course, that it that way, including more fiber in your
may sound like it can make things even diet, getting more exercise, and limiting
Diverticulitis can be excruciatingly pain- more painful. And it can. So, here’s the processed foods may help. Whole grains, fruits, and
ful. But adding some bulk to your diet may process on how to do it with as little pain vegetables offer your
help tame symptoms and stop them from as possible. Mat Lecompte is a freelance health and body the fiber it needs to
occurring. It’s possible that bulk may pre- Flare-ups are often treated with a liquid wellness journalist. This article was first run well and reduce the
vent diverticulitis from ever affecting you. diet and rest. This hopefully results in less published on Bel Marra Health. pain of diverticulitis.
What’s bulk? The one and only fiber. stimulation and rubbing along the intesti-
Diverticulitis is when little pouches that nal wall to limit inflamed diverticula. Once
grow along your intestines—called diver- symptoms have resided, it’s time to start
ticula—become infected and inflamed. It’s slowly boosting fiber.
entirely possible that you’ve got diverticula Easing back into a high-fiber diet is the
and don’t even know it. Often, they are way to go. You would begin by going with
harmless and go completely undetected. easily digestible low-fiber food. White
Other times, they can turn into diverticu- bread, eggs, and even some meat are
litis that can result in painful flare-ups or staples. Once the digestive system is re-
continuous pain. introduced to solid foods for a couple of
Early signs that you may have diverticula days, you can start increasing fiber.
include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are
thin stools, and pain in the belly. Diverticu- where you’ll get it. After a few days—and

litis would be marked by these symptoms even a slight bout of bloating and consti-
in addition to abdominal pain. pation as your body adjusts—the fiber will
Although there are a host of risk factors begin to soften and bulk up stool to help it
for diverticulitis, including weight and move through you.
activity levels, one potential fix is adding The result, hopefully, is a lower risk for
more fiber to your diet. Fiber is an indigest- painful flare-ups. Ultimately, you should be
ible compound in plant-based foods that aiming for 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day.
helps add bulk to stool and helps it pass You are very lucky if you’ve never expe-
B8 MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021

Nature Can Boost Teens’ Pandemic Well-Being

Outdoor activities offer children an important way to build mental resilience

LAURA OLENIACZ more access to natural spaces in general.”

The results show a link between well-
utdoor play and nature-based being and outdoor recreation trends. They
activities can help buffer also show that the negative impacts of the
some of the harm the COV- pandemic affected teens’ well-being and
ID-19 pandemic has had on participation in outdoor recreation regard-
the mental health of adoles- less of race, gender, age, income commu-
cents, a new study suggests. nity type, or geographic region.
Researchers said the findings point to Kids who didn’t get outside as much saw
outdoor play and nature-based activities declines in well-being, but those who got
as a tool to help teenagers cope with major outside both before and during the pandem-
stressors like the pandemic, as well as future ic maintained higher levels of well-being.
natural disasters and other global stressors. “This tells us that outdoor recreation can
They also underscore the mental health im- promote well-being for kids when it hap-
plications of restricting outdoor recreation pens, and can potentially take away from
opportunities for adolescents, and the need well-being when it doesn’t,” Stevenson said.
to increase access to the outdoors.
“Families should be encouraged that Outdoor Play Can Do a World of Good
building patterns in outdoor recreation can Teens who had high rates of outdoor play
give kids tools to weather the storms to before the pandemic were more resistant
come,” said Kathryn Stevenson, assistant to negative changes in social well-being.
professor of parks, recreation, and tour- Those who got outside frequently before
ism management at North Carolina State the pandemic were more likely to experi-
University and co-author of the paper in ence a lesser decline in well-being, regard-
the International Journal of Environmental Few of us could have “We know that a lot of outdoor activities less of participation during the pandemic.
Research and Public Health. imagined that teenagers that kids engage in happens during school, And, for teens able to play outside or get
“Things happen in life, and getting kids would one day be denied the in youth sports leagues or clubs, and those involved in nature-based activities during
outside regularly is an easy way to build opportunity to walk outside things got put on hold during the pandem- the pandemic, their well-being was on par
some mental resilience,” Stevenson said. with friends. ic,” said lead author Brent Jackson, a gradu- with pre-pandemic levels.
In a survey conducted from April 30 to ate student in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and “Kids who were able to continue partici-
June 15, 2020, the researchers asked 624 Conservation Biology Program. “Based on pating in outdoor play and nature-based
children and teenagers between the ages our study, they were getting outside less— activities had subjective well-being levels
of 10 to 18 years to report their participation we think not being in school and having that were similar to what they were before
in outdoor recreation both before the pan- those activities really contributed to that.” the pandemic, but kids who weren’t able
demic and after social distancing measures to participate saw much greater declines,”
went into effect across the United States. Benefits Across the Board Jackson said.
They also asked participants about their When they broke down recreation by type, The study’s findings also point to strat-
subjective well-being, a measure of hap- the researchers saw participation in out- egies to help kids navigate future global
piness, and mental health. door play activities such as sports, biking, stressor events, as well as the importance of
The findings reveal the pandemic had an going for walks, runs, or skating declined ensuring access to outdoor recreation. They
impact on the well-being of many teens in Children who by 41.6 percent; nature-based activities help define the risks associated with poli-
the survey, with nearly 52 percent report- got outside such as camping, hiking, fishing, hunt- cies that reduce kids’ ability to get outside.
ing declines in subjective well-being. The ing, and paddling dropped by 39.7 percent; “Going outside and participating in ac-
researchers also saw declines in teens’ abil- both before and outdoor family activities declined by tivities that provide exposure to nature,
ity to get outside, with 64 percent report- 28.6 percent. In those early months of the physical activity, and safe social interaction
ing their outdoor activity participation fell
and during pandemic, about 60 percent of teens said during the pandemic were really power-
during the early months of the pandemic. the pandemic they spent time outside once a week or less. ful in terms of improving kids’ resilience,”
Despite these declines in outdoor activity “We saw declines in all three types of Jackson said.
participation, nearly 77 percent of teens maintained outdoor recreation participation,” Jack-
surveyed believed that spending time out- higher levels of son said. “Nature-based activities had the This article was originally published by
side helped them deal with stress associ- lowest participation before and during the NC State. Republished via Futurity.org
ated with the COVID-19 pandemic. well-being. pandemic, which may point to the need for under Creative Commons License 4.0.

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