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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | T H U R S D A Y, M A R C H 2 5 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,925 $1.

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In the News Mexican

Forty-two million people

from Latin America and the
Caribbean region want to im-
Biden to
migrate to the United States,
a new survey finds. ... A4 Blame for
Arizona’s attorney general
has threatened to sue the
Border Surge
Biden administration over a BY BOWEN XIAO
provision in the $1.9 trillion
rescue plan that bars states
As the number of illegal immigrants
from using its funds to offset
tax cuts. ... A7
arriving at the southern border con-
tinues to surge, Mexico’s president
Most Democratic and Re- cast blame this week on President
publican members of Con- Joe Biden’s policies, saying he cre-
gress don’t interact with news ated certain “expectations” that are
sources from across the aisle, ultimately spurring illegal immi-
a study finds. ... A6 grants into making the trip.
A group of GOP attorneys
general has filed a lawsuit
against the Biden adminis- They see him as the
tration over its executive ac-
tion pausing new oil and gas migrant president.
drilling on federal land. ... A2 Mexican President
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey
has signed into law a bill that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (R) visits National Guardsmen
will provide civil remedies for DEFENSE deployed at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 29, 2021. President Andrés Manuel López
victims of human trafficking. Obrador said at a March 23 press
... A8 conference that Biden has caused
President Joe Biden and
former President Barack
Congress Told Not to Brand the surge at the U.S.–Mexico bor-
der.  Border Patrol apprehended
Obama discuss a range of
issues over the phone on a
regular basis, press secretary
Christians in Military as Extremists 100,441 illegal border-crossers
along the southern border in Feb-
ruary, according to Customs and
Jen Psaki says. ... A7 Border Protection (CBP). The num-
China’s threatened inva- Army training manual identifies evangelical Christians ber reflects a 28 percent increase
over the previous month.
sion of Taiwan is more immi-
nent than most people real- and Catholics as ‘extremists’ “Expectations were created that
with President Biden’s government,
ize, a U.S. admiral says. ... A9
SCREENSHOT VIA ARMEDSERVICES.HOUSE.GOV there would be a better treatment of
Ukraine’s health agency BY MARK TAPSCOTT screenshot of an unclassified slide migrants. This has caused Central

has reported that a female from a U.S. Army training manual. American migrants, and also from
military member died after slide used in a Depart- The slide is entitled ‘Religious Ex- our country, to want to cross the
receiving AstraZeneca’s CCP ment of Defense (DOD) tremism’ and it purports to identify border thinking that it is easier to
virus vaccine. ... A11 training manual identi- religious extremists,” Michael Berry do so,” he said.
China and Russia are de- fies Catholics and evan- told the House Armed Services Com- López Obrador’s comments on
veloping their air power ca- gelical Christians as “religious ex- mittee, during a hearing on March 24 the situation come as the Biden
pabilities to catch up to the tremists,” along with members of titled “Extremism in the Military.” administration sent officials to
Western alliance, a UK de- the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Berry is general counsel to the Mexico and other countries to
fence official says. ... A9 Hamas, according to a Marine Michael Berry, general counsel to the First Liberty Institute (FLI), a Plano, discuss the increasing number of
Biden says that North Ko- Corps officer. First Liberty Institute, at a hearing in Texas-based public interest law firm illegal immigrants at the border.
rea’s test of a short-range “First Liberty also obtained a Washington on March 24, 2021. Continued on A2 Continued on A5
missile system was “business
A North Carolina state sen-
ator has accused the state’s Supreme Court Biden Considering
Board of Elections director of
breaking the law ahead of the Considers Seizing Executive Actions
2020 election. ... A8
Guns in Homes on Gun Control:
Lara Trump has confirmed
that she is considering a run Without Warrant Psaki
for the U.S. Senate in North BY MIMI NGUYEN LY
Carolina. ... A2 Biden administration
The Wisconsin Assembly supports taking guns without The Biden administration is con-
has approved a resolution warrant under community sidering a range of potential actions
authorizing an investigation on gun control, including executive
of the 2020 presidential elec-
caretaking doctrine to avoid actions, following the recent shoot-
tion. ...A7 risk of harm ings in Atlanta and Boulder, Colo- A worker removes razor wire from the security fencing around the U.S. Capitol in
rado, White House press secretary Washington on March 20, 2021.
Regal Cinemas movie the-
“We are certainly considering a
aters will reopen in the United The Supreme Court seemed skeptical
of government arguments that the
range of levers, including working
through legislation, including exec-
Outer Perimeter Fencing of US
States in early April, the com-
pany says. ... A19 “community caretaking” exception utive actions to address not just gun Capitol Taken Down
to the Fourth Amendment’s warrant safety measures but violence in com-
Businesses across America requirement should be expanded to munities.” Psaki said, when asked BY MASOOMA HAQ remain in place, as will the Nation-
are increasingly offering a allow police to seize guns without a about whether there will be new al Guardsmen. USCP stated they
range of incentives to cus-
warrant in a person’s home. executive action on gun violence. The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) an- are working with “congressional
tomers who show proof of
COVID-19 vaccination. ... A19
The case comes as President Joe She didn’t provide a definitive an- nounced on March 24 that all fenc- stakeholders and law enforcement
Biden and congressional Demo- swer about whether President Joe ing around the outer perimeter of partners to strengthen our security
crats press for aggressive new re- Biden would propose legislation to the U.S. Capitol complex has been posture.”
strictions on Second Amendment repeal liability protection for gun removed, as there is no credible Over the weekend, House Ser-
Alex Newman: CCP Seeks gun ownership rights, including manufacturers, something he had threat at this time. geant-at-Arms Timothy P. Blodgett
to Redefine ‘Human Rights’ in controversial “red flag” laws, which promised during his presidential “Affected roads have reopened. acknowledged that there was no
Attack on America...A13 allow gun seizures from law-abid- campaign. The USCP is ready to quickly ramp “credible threat” that warranted
Newt Gingrich: The Ameri- ing gun owners with limited due “There remain a range of options up security at a moment’s notice if the outer fencing.
can People Versus the Demo- process, in the wake of highly pub- under consideration. And obvi- needed,” USCP wrote on Twitter. Blodgett wrote in an email to staff
cratic Machine...A14 licized deadly mass shootings at a ously, tragedies like last night and The fencing closer to the Capitol that the inner layer of fencing will
Continued on A3 Continued on A6 Building, the inner perimeter, will Continued on A4
Frank Miele: Open Borders:
An Assault on Common Sense...
FEATURES Newsom Recall Helps to Protect Sen. Graham Introduces
Veal blanquette, a classic
French white stew, is the per- Constitutional Rights: Activist Bill to ‘Stop Asylum
Abuse’ on Border EFFORTS TO STEM
fect recipe to carry us from
winter to spring. ...B1 BY TOM OZIMEK politicians who he said curtail BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV
constitutional freedoms. “I think the best
For the Easter table, a cake thing to do is to
that’s pure nostalgia. ...B2 Cordie Williams, dubbed Williams, who found- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) pro-
the Megaphone Marine ed  1776 Forever Free, an posed an immigration measure on put someone
who ... speaks
for his activism and mili- organization that advocates March 24 that aims to close loop- for me, doesn’tt
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. tary background, said the for constitutional rights, told holes in the asylum system and have to check
READEPOCH.COM campaign to recall Califor- NTD’s “Focus Talk” pro- change policies that may be con- with me,”
nia Gov. Gavin Newsom Gov. Gavin gram  that the recall cam- tributing to the escalating crisis on President Joe
Published in New York, can serve as a template and Newsom. paign has amassed more the southern border. Biden said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
inspire other states to push than 2.1 million signatures, Upon taking office in January, Read more on A33
back against the actions of Continued on A5 Continued on A5

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

14 States Sue Biden Administration Over Oil,

Gas Leasing Moratorium

JACK PHILLIPS tally friendly,” Wyoming said in

its complaint.
A group of Republican attorneys Biden administration officials
general filed a lawsuit against the have argued that oil and gas firms
Biden administration over its ex- have numerous undeveloped leas-
ecutive action pausing new oil and es to use, saying that about 14 mil-
gas drilling on federal land. lion acres are available in western
states and 9 million acres are avail-
able offshore.
“This will not affect oil and gas
By executive fiat, production or jobs for years to
Joe Biden and his come,” White House press secre-
administration tary Jen Psaki said on March 24
when asked about the lawsuit.
have single-hand- According to the text of Biden’s
edly driven the order, the “Secretary of the Inte-
rior shall pause new oil and natu-
price of energy up. ral gas leases on public lands or in
Louisiana Attorney General offshore waters pending comple-
Jeff Landry tion of a comprehensive review
and reconsideration of Federal
In their lawsuit, filed on March oil and gas permitting and leasing
24 in the District Court for the practices in light of the Secretary
Western District of Louisiana, 13 of the Interior’s broad stewardship
state attorneys general sought to responsibilities over the public
end the suspension of issuing new Pump jacks operate at dusk near Loco Hills in Eddy County, New Mexico, on April 23, 2020. lands and in offshore waters.”
oil and gas leases on federal land The moratorium has triggered
and water. President Joe Biden to restore regular federal drilling ergy up—costing the American many of whom despise America’s heavy criticism from the oil indus-
signed the executive orders as part auctions. The attorneys general people where it hurts most, in greatness.” try and from producing states that
of his attempt to address climate also want other suspended lease their pocketbooks,” Louisiana At- Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, receive half of the revenues gen-
change on Jan. 27. Wyoming’s orders to move forward in places torney General Jeff Landry, who Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, erated from federal lands drilling
attorney general filed a separate such as Montana, Utah, Colora- is leading the suit, said in a state- Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, within their borders.
lawsuit in a court in its own state. do, Nevada, Oklahoma, and New ment. “Biden’s executive orders Texas, Utah, and West Virginia The Department of the Interior
The lawsuits allege the adminis- Mexico. abandon middle-class jobs at a joined the suit. didn’t respond to a request for
tration’s leasing pause violates the “By executive fiat, Joe Biden and time when America needs them “The real consequences of the comment by press time.
Mineral Leasing Act that requires his administration have single- most and put our energy security action are far from certain and
quarterly lease sales and sought handedly driven the price of en- in the hands of foreign countries, far from uniformly environmen- Reuters contributed to this report.


Marine Corps Officer Warns Congress Against Classifying

Christians in Military as ‘Religious Extremists’
CONTINUED FROM A1 Smith (D-Wash.) told the hearing the Washington Post, the New York
in his opening statement: “If you Times, Politico, NPR, and the New
that specializes in First Amend- serve in the military, you pledge an Yorker magazine, just to name a
ment and religious freedom cases. oath to the U.S. Constitution and few, skewered the SPLC for, among
Berry is also an officer in the Ma- to the laws of this country. If you other things, corruption, harass-
rine Corps Reserves, although he disagree with that Constitution ment, racism, and a widening cred-
presented his testimony in his and you disagree with the laws of ibility gap.”
capacity as a civilian. this country so strongly that you Fallon also noted that Cronin
“Included among those listed are no longer think our government is claimed 37 of those arrested in con-
al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Ku Klux legitimate, then you have no busi- nection with the Jan. 6 breach of the
Klan as groups that use or advocate ness serving in the U.S. military U.S. Capitol were either U.S. military Lara Trump attends the Women for America First Summit at Trump Inter-
violence to accomplish their objec- and you should get out now.” veterans or reservists. national Hotel in Washington on Oct. 5, 2018.
tives and are therefore rightly clas- Two issues were particularly “There are 18 million U.S. military
sified as extremists,” Berry told the
prominent in witness testimony
and committee members’ com-
veterans. Thirty-four were rioters.
This means that 17,999,966 of us
Lara Trump ‘Absolutely’
“But also included are Evangeli-
cal Christianity and Catholicism,
ments, the lack of credible data
about the extent of any extremism
were not. That’s one out of 529,000,”
Fallon said.
Considering US Senate Run
who most assuredly do not advo-
cate violence. Surely, the fact that
in the ranks, and the lack of what
constitutes impermissible expres-
Smith rejected Fallon’s comments,
however, as “logically absurd” be-
in North Carolina
Evangelical Christians and Catho- sion of views and actions on behalf cause veterans arrested during or
lics hold fast to millennia-old views of those views. after the Jan. 6 riot don’t represent IVAN PENTCHOUKOV
on marriage and human sexuality Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), the the full scope of the problem.
does not make them extremists who panel’s top Republican, told the “We don’t know how large a prob- Lara Trump is still considering a She would have
are unfit to serve. hearing at the outset that “it is im- lem this is. That’s why we’re having run for the U.S. Senate in North immediate atten-
“At a time of turmoil and instabil- portant to point out that we lack this hearing,” Smith said. Carolina, her home state.
ity, during which our nation faces any concrete evidence that violent Cronin told the committee in re- “I am still considering it, abso-
tion and interest
many external threats, [this] mes- extremism is as rife in the military sponse to a question from Rep. Jim lutely,” Trump, daughter-in-law of from across the
sage is inappropriate and offensive as some commentators claim.” Langevin (D-R.I.) that recruitment former President Donald Trump, state. She’s very
to our service members and those Rogers said “extremism was a efforts by extremist groups target- told Fox News on March 23.
they defend.” factor” in the separation of only ing active and retired military in- Rumors of a potential run by beloved here down
The training manual that Berry nine soldiers from the U.S. Army dividuals “is indeed becoming an Lara Trump were revived after in North Carolina.
referred to is used in Secretary of in 2020, and he noted that “since increasing problem.” retiring Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.)
Defense Lloyd Austin’s recently 2018, 17 Marines have been sepa- Asked by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) voted in favor of convicting former Michael Whatley, chairman,
North Carolina GOP
ordered “stand-down” to identify rated for extremism, gang or sepa- for his view on the use of lists of pro- President Donald Trump in the
and root out extremists in the U.S. ratist activities.” hibited organizations, Berry said: Senate impeachment trial.
military. Austin’s order came in the “That’s 17 out of 200,000. While I “They can be dangerous. Labeling Trump publicly nudged her to auto plants are now going back
wake of the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. agree that this number ought to be evangelical Christians and Catho- run during impromptu remarks to Mexico when under Donald
Capitol, in which some of the par- zero, this is far from the largest mili- lics as ‘extremists’ is opening Pan- he delivered at a dog rescue fun- Trump they actually came here
ticipants were military veterans. tary justice issue facing our armed dora’s box.” draiser held at the Mar-a-Lago re- to America,” she said.
Austin said, in a DOD video ex- services,” Rogers said. Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) ex- sort in Florida earlier this month. “He got people back to work in
plaining his reasons for the stand- “Earlier this year, 151 overwhelm- pressed concern that a DOD effort North Carolina GOP Chairman America. He got things back up
down that all military members in ingly liberal organizations, in- against extremism will play into Michael Whatley told The Epoch and running. Joe Biden is turning
each of the branches are required cluding Human Rights Watch, the the hands of Chinese Communist Times that Lara Trump would be it all around.”
to view, that “there is not a single ACLU, and SPLC Action [Southern Party efforts to damage the U.S.’s the candidate to beat if she decid- Former President Trump won
doubt in my mind that you take seri- Poverty Law Center Action Fund], image overseas. ed to run. That view is shared by North Carolina by 1.3 percent in
ously your oath to the Constitution urged Congress not to expand do- “There is an active propaganda a number of Trump insiders and 2020.
and that you serve this country with mestic terrorism charges. campaign being prosecuted by pollsters. Lara Trump, who is married to
honor and dignity and character.” “The organizations said, ‘We urge the Chinese Communist Party “She would have immediate at- Eric Trump, is a native of Wilm-
Even so, according to Austin in the you to oppose any new domestic right now attempting to portray tention and interest from across ington, North Carolina.
video, the stand-down is needed terrorism charge, the creation of a our country as an evil racist hells- the state,” Whatley said. “She’s Earlier this month, former
because of “extremism and extrem- list of designated domestic terror- cape with no authority to lecture very beloved here down in North Trump adviser Corey Lewan-
ist ideology, views, and conduct that ist organizations, or other expan- them on human rights. I worry that Carolina.” dowski told The Epoch Times
runs counter to everything that we sion of existing terrorism-related we may be playing into our adver- Lara Trump has been making that he believes it may not be a
believe in.” authorities.’” sary’s hands, and I do worry it will regular media appearances and good idea for Lara Trump to run
Austin claimed in the video that The committee heard from only undermine our ability to fight and filming episodes of her own po- because the system in Washing-
the presence of extremist views “is two other witnesses, Audrey Kurth win wars in the future,” Waltz said. litical talk show. She regularly ton is broken.
not new to our country and, sadly, Cronin, an American University Smith concluded the hearing by defends her father-in-law and cri- “My problem is, Washington is
it’s not new to our military.” He professor of international security, saying “there are demagogues on tiques the Biden administration. so fundamentally broken that I
didn’t provide in the video any ex- and Lecia Brooks, chief of staff for both sides” and that he “is very con- In her March 23 appearance on don’t know if it’s a good thing any-
amples of such individuals. the Southern Poverty Law Center cerned about over-reactions.” Fox News, Lara Trump comment- more,” Lewandowski said. “I think
The training materials used in (SPLC), a liberal advocacy group of- “If we are targeting people and ed on the first press conference of Lara Trump—and she would be
Austin’s stand-down and present- ten criticized by conservatives for shutting them off from jobs and Joe Biden’s presidency. an amazing United States sena-
ed by Berry during the hearing defining “extremism” so broadly everything for something they said “I’d like to ask him, maybe, I tor if she decided to run, because
purported to present credible de- as to include conventional politi- 20 years ago. There’s no reference don’t know, does he think any of she would win—she has more in-
scriptions of extremist ideologies, cal groups that clearly are not. point, no structure to that and it be- his policies so far have benefited fluence and more opportunity to
conduct, reasoning, and identifying The newest Republican member comes just this excuse to shove your the American people? Because, drive a narrative today being on
characteristics. of the committee, Rep. Pat Fallon point of view down somebody’s so far, we’ve seen energy jobs the outside than being stuck in a
Committee Chairman Adam of Texas, pointed out that “recently throat,” he said. leave America, we’ve seen the broken system.”

Biden Administration Tells Supreme Court Police Can Seize

Guns in Homes Without a Warrant, to Prevent Suicide


Boulder, Colorado, supermarket

on March 22 and at Atlanta-area
spas on March 16.
In the case at hand, the Biden ad-
ministration argued for expanding
government power, telling the Su-
preme Court that police should be
allowed to enter homes without a
warrant to seize handguns.
The case, Caniglia v. Strom, court
file 20-157, is on appeal from the
1st Circuit Court of Appeals. Oral The Supreme
arguments on March 24 lasted 102 Court in
minutes, exceeding the allotted 60 Washington on
Nov. 5, 2020.

A reasonable
search requires
a warrant unless
there is consent or
a true emergency.
Shay Dvoretzky,
attorney for the plaintiff

The community caretaking doc- LAURA BUCKMAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

trine holds that police don’t always of serious harm and it’s reasonable to make split-second decisions.
operate as law enforcement offi- for officials to intervene now, that “Every single day on average
cials investigating wrongdoing, but is enough,” Ratner said. there are 65 suicides” by gunshot,
sometimes as caretakers to prevent The justices seemed to be and police “can help prevent that,”
harm in emergency situations. searching for a legal test to cover he said, adding that Dvoretzky’s
Police generally cannot conduct Caniglia’s situation, posing a long position would make police back
searches of private property with- series of hypothetical questions away from suicide checks.
out consent or a warrant. about what situations might jus- The lawyer replied, “If they’ve
In Cady v. Dombrowski (1973) tify police entering a home with- been told that the person is sui-
the Supreme Court held that police out a warrant. cidal, they cannot get in touch
may conduct warrantless searches Warrantless home entries are with the person, they cannot get
related to “community caretaking unreasonable in the absence of in touch with a mental health pro-
functions,” but only for “vehicle ac- exigent circumstances, Cani- fessional, I think in that situation
cidents.” Since then, the principle glia’s attorney, Shay Dvoretzky, they could go in.”
has become “a catchall for a wide told the court. Marc DeSisto, attorney for Cran-
range of responsibilities that police “The Fourth Amendment pro- ston, said: “An absolute prohibition
officers must discharge aside from tects the home in a special way. against warrantless entry is wrong.
their criminal enforcement activi- ... A reasonable search requires a “Community caretaking in the
ties,” the 1st Circuit stated in the Police stand watch outside a home in Mesquite, Texas, on July 9, 2016. warrant unless there is consent or home without a warrant should
Caniglia case. a true emergency,” Dvoretzky said. be allowed when it is objectively
Edward Caniglia has no crimi- The husband went to a local protected of all private spaces.” The problem with the rule the reasonable to do so.”
nal history and no record of vio- hospital briefly after police as- During oral arguments, Depart- other side proposes is it would al- Justice Samuel Alito told DeSisto
lence. He had been married to his sured him they wouldn’t take his ment of Justice lawyer Morgan Rat- low police “to go into the home that people are concerned that
wife for 22 years when, on Aug. two handguns. After he left, they ner supported the city’s position, without a warrant in situations the caretaking exception “doesn’t
20, 2015, they had a disagreement seized his guns without a warrant, arguing that this case was “funda- that would essentially blow up nu- seem to have any clear boundar-
inside their Cranston, Rhode Is- telling the wife his life and others mentally different from most of the merous other Fourth Amendment ies. And when you tell us that it can
land, home. could be in danger if they left the court’s other Fourth Amendment doctrines that this court has held include getting a cat down from a
The argument escalated. He pro- guns in the home. cases because the question is not are very important to protect the tree, that fortifies that concern.”
duced an unloaded gun and said, “After the officers falsely repre- act now or get a warrant first. It’s sanctity of the home.” The lawyer replied that “the
“Why don’t you just shoot me and sented to Mrs. Caniglia that Pe- act now or not at all.” Justice Clarence Thomas asked touchstone” of the Fourth Amend-
get me out of my misery?” titioner had consented, she led There’s no warrant process in if a police officer enters a home ment is “reasonableness.”
She then spent the night at a the officers to the guns,” Caniglia many non-investigatory situations, and finds someone unconscious “The text and the meaning and
motel. She tried to reach him by stated in a brief. from welfare checks on elderly res- on the floor, if that person could the spirit of the Fourth Amend-
telephone and became concerned The couple and a lawyer asked idents to intervention in current sue the police. ment is not offended by caretaking
when he didn’t pick up. She told the police to return the guns, and suicide threats, she said. “If he goes in without an objec- activity to the most vulnerable at
police her husband might be sui- their requests were refused. “Although there have been a lot tive basis and just happens to have the most vulnerable times, so long
cidal and asked them to conduct a The husband sued, but the dis- of questions this morning about guessed correctly that she did need as the intrusions are reasonable
welfare check. trict and appeals courts allowed whether this is emergency aid or help, that would not absolve the when weighed against the privacy
The police called the husband, the search under the community exigent circumstances or commu- officer of liability,” Dvoretzky said. interest,” DeSisto said.
whom they said “sounded fine.” caretaking exception. The husband nity caretaking or something else, Justice Brett Kavanaugh quipped “Our nation doesn’t abandon
He told police his “just shoot me” argued in his Supreme Court brief the label you give it is not nearly as that developing legal tests to cover those in need. Police officers
comment happened because he that the exception shouldn’t be ap- important as the principle. And the various situations was “great,” but cannot turn their backs and walk
“couldn’t take it anymore.” plied inside “the home–the most key principle is if someone is at risk said in the real world, police have away.”

Biden Says Harris Will Lead Efforts to Stem Border Surge


BOWEN XIAO Border Patrol apprehended López Obrador said on March 23.
100,441 illegal border-crossers Biden’s changes to immigration
President Joe Biden announced along the southern border in Feb- policies have triggered a surge in
on March 24 that Vice President ruary, according to  Customs and illegal crossings, especially by
Kamala Harris will be tapped to Border Protection. The number unaccompanied minors, more
lead the administration’s efforts reflects a 28 percent increase over than 11,000 of whom were being
in stemming the influx of illegal January. kept in overcrowded facilities as
immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico An ongoing immigration policy of March 23.
border. tracker by the Heritage Foundation Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
Biden told reporters that Harris found that Biden has rolled back proposed an immigration mea-
was the “most qualified” person almost all of former President Don- sure on March 24 that aims to close
to handle the task. It comes as ald Trump’s immigration policies. loopholes in the asylum system
the administration faces growing The White House and the Biden and change policies that may be
pressure over how it’s handling administration have repeatedly contributing to the escalating crisis
a surge at the border that started refused to use the word “crisis” on the southern border.
after Biden was sworn into office. when describing the historical Graham’s bill would require
“This increase has been conse- increase of illegal immigrants asylum-seekers from the Northern
quential, but the vice president has crossing the U.S.–Mexico border. Vice President Kamala Harris (L) and President Joe Biden meet with Cabinet Triangle countries—Guatemala,
agreed ... to lead our diplomatic Reporters have in recent weeks members and immigration advisers at the White House on March 24, 2021. Honduras, and El Salvador—to
effort and to work with those na- been pressing the administration apply for refugee status at asylum
tions to accept the returnees and on this. people to make the trek,” Harris policies, saying he created certain centers outside the United States.
enhance migration enforcement Later, Harris thanked Biden for told reporters. “expectations” that are ultimately The proposal would also afford
at their borders,” Biden said. appointing her and described “I look forward to engaging in di- spurring illegal immigrants into equal treatment to unaccompa-
“It’s not her full responsibility what’s happening at the border as plomacy with government, with making the trip. nied minors from the Northern
job, but she is leading the effort a “challenging situation.” the private sector, with civil soci- “Expectations were created that Triangle as those from Canada and
because I think the best thing to do “While we are clear that people ety, and the leaders of each in El with President Biden’s government Mexico. Under the current law, un-
is to put someone who ... speaks for should not come to the border Salvador, Guatemala, and Hondu- there would be a better treatment accompanied minors from Mexico
me, doesn’t have to check with me. now, we also understand that we ras to strengthen democracy and of migrants. This has caused Cen- and Canada are returned to their
She knows what she’s doing, and I will enforce the law and that we the rule of law and ensure shared tral American migrants, and also home countries.
hope we can move this along,” he also—because we can chew gum prosperity in the region.” from our country, to want to cross
told reporters, according to pool and walk at the same time—must Meanwhile, Mexico’s president the border thinking that it is easier Ivan Pentchoukov
reports. address the root causes that cause cast the blame this week on Biden’s to do so,” President Andrés Manuel contributed to this report.

Outer Perimeter Fencing of US Capitol Taken Down,

but USCP Ready at ‘Moment’s Notice’

remain as the Architect of the

Capitol makes security repairs,
Roll Call reported.
The fencing and National Guard
troops were utilized after the U.S.
Capitol was breached on Jan. 6
during a joint session of Congress
in which members were tasked
with counting electoral votes to
confirm the winner of the Nov. 3,
2020, presidential election.
The Electoral College vote cer-
tification process was temporar-
ily halted, but after the Capitol
was secured, members worked
into the early morning hours to
proclaim President Joe Biden the
The FBI opened an investiga-
tion into the breach and has made
hundreds of arrests in the wake
of the incident. Both Republicans
and Democrats condemned the
violence and called for in-depth
investigations into the breach.
Soon after the Jan. 6 breach,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-
Calif.) called for an investigation
like that of the 9/11 Commission.
Talks with senior House Republi-
cans about a bipartisan commis-
sion have all but ended. National Guardsmen open a gate in the perimeter fence to allow a colleague onto the U.S. Capitol grounds, in Washington on March 8, 2021.
Republican leaders said they
object to the makeup and scope 25: “Any commission that we es- Meanwhile, Senate Minority in this committee process we’re has held a hearing on the mat-
of the speaker’s proposed com- tablished has to be nonpartisan Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) doing now, and they chose not to ter, told Politico. “As I look at our
mission, which would consist of not just bipartisan, in order to has said the speaker’s proposal do that at this point, but I would officers on the front lines, they
seven Democrats and four Re- have legitimacy and be able to let for the commission was “partisan hope they would join us, make it can’t wait a year for some sug-
publicans, with only the Demo- the American people know what by design.” bicameral and bipartisan.” gestions about what we can do
crat members having subpoena happened that horrible day and Portman said various Senate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) better.”
power. how to ensure it doesn’t happen committees are already probing said while she supports Pelosi’s The speaker has recently indi-
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), again. what happened on Jan. 6, and he idea for the commission, she cated that the investigation would
ranking member of the Senate “If we’re going to do a commis- hopes House members will join wants more immediate answers. be done by three House commit-
Homeland Security Committee, sion, I hope it will include some the effort. “I like the idea of a 9/11 com- tees: Administration, Appropria-
said any investigation like that of outside experts, because that “But we already have that hap- mission, but we also want to have tions, and Homeland Security (all
the 9/11 Commission would need might be the advantage of a com- pening, at least here on the Sen- something intermediary here,” chaired by democrats), instead of
to be fair. mission is to have some expertise ate, we actually reached out to Klobuchar, chair of the Senate’s a bipartisan investigation like that
Portman told reporters on Feb. from outside the Congress.” the House to ask them to join us rules committee, which already of the 9/11 Commission.


Poll: 42 Million From Latin America,

Caribbean Want to Migrate to US
JACK PHILLIPS The poll comes as a surge of il- Donna, Texas. The following day,
legal immigrants have attempted the Biden administration’s De-
A new survey found that 42 mil- to cross the U.S.–Mexico border partment of Homeland Security
lion people from Latin America in recent weeks; White House of- (DHS) released photos showing
and the Caribbean region want ficials have advised the people long lines to the bathroom, chil-
to immigrate to the United States. that the border is closed and not dren sleeping in fenced-off areas,
“There are 33 countries in to come. and small children in play areas.
Latin America and the Carib- Some reporters have accused
bean. Roughly 450 million adults the White House of a lack of
live in the region. Gallup asked transparency over the border fa-
them if they would like to move
Some reporters have cilities, with some pointing out
to another country permanently accused the White that the media wasn’t denied ac-
Border Patrol agents arrest seven illegal immigrants who tried to evade cap-
if they could,” said Gallup CEO House of a lack of cess during the Trump, Obama,
ture near Penitas, Texas, on March 15. 2021.
Jim Clifton, whose company or Bush administrations.
conducted the poll, in an arti-
transparency over Other polls have suggested that
cle on March 24. “A whopping 27 the border facilities. Americans increasingly disap- DHS Secretary Alejandro May- immigration policies.
[percent] said ‘yes.’ This means prove of how President Joe Biden orkas and other White House of- “I’ve been to border facilities
roughly 120 million would like This week, a Democratic con- is dealing with the border situa- ficials have said former President under the Obama admin and
to migrate somewhere. gressman whose district lies tion. A Reuters/Ipsos poll released Donald Trump’s immigration pol- Trump admin. The media was
“Of those who want to leave along the border released strik- last week found that only 41 per- icies are the reason for the surge always allowed to join us. It is only
their country permanently, 35 ing images showing children in cent of Americans support Biden’s in migration and how children are the Biden administration that has
percent—or 42 million—said cramped quarters and sleeping handling of immigration, while being housed. But Republicans engaged in a media blackout,”
they want to go to the United on the ground in a runoff facil- 45 percent don’t support how the have said that it’s because Biden Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrote on
States.” ity operated by Border Patrol in issue is being handled. rescinded several of Trump’s key Twitter on March 23.


Giving you the truth that must be told.

and Deep Dive Evening News News Today

Newsom Recall Shows States Can Do More to Protect

Constitutional Rights: Activist

more than enough to place an

election on the ballot and poten-
tially force Newsom from office.
“This is a shot across the bow
that folks aren’t going to take
tyranny anymore,” Williams
said, arguing that Newsom acted
like an authoritarian in enforcing
COVID-19 lockdown policies that
Williams said were discrimina-
tory and encroached on people’s
constitutional rights.
“The moment the government
starts to cross that line, that’s when
patriots and Americans, and Cali-
fornians, needed to push back.”
California is one of 20 states
that have provisions that allow
voters to recall elected officials
and repeal or pass laws by placing
them on the ballot. While recall
attempts are not uncommon in
the state, they rarely win enough
support to get on the ballot, and
even fewer succeed. In 2003, un-
popular Democratic Gov. Gray
Davis was recalled and replaced
with Republican Arnold Schwar-
But a year of whipsaw pandem-
ic lockdowns, crushing job losses
from business closures, shuttered
schools, and the disruption of Demonstrators shout slogans while carrying a sign calling for the recall of California Gov. Gavin Newsom during a protest against his pandemic orders in Hun-
daily life has soured Californians. tington Beach, Calif., on Nov. 21, 2020.
People have many grievances—
from California’s wallet-sapping officials had verified 1,188,073. the recall effort as political ex- his mind.
taxes to a raging homelessness County election officials have tremists, calling them “folks that “Bustamante reneged and got
crisis that continues unabated until April 29 to complete signa- This is a shot quite literally enthusiastically into the race,” South said. “And
despite billions in spending. ture verification, with just under across the bow support QAnon conspiracies.” it gave credibility to the recall.”
Newsom, given his role as gover- 1.5 million petition signatures re- that folks aren’t While the recall is backed by Voters will face two questions
nor, has become the target of that quired to authorize the election. state and national Republicans, on the ballot—whether they want
resentment. This has been further As final confirmation of the sig- going to take tyr- organizers argue that they have a to recall Newsom and, if so, who
exacerbated by the fallout from nature count is pending, Newsom anny anymore. broad-based coalition, including should replace him.
a multibillion-dollar fraud scan- has kicked off his campaign to many independents and Demo- So far, three Republicans have
dal at the state unemployment defeat the recall last week, ac- Cordie Williams, founder, crats. thrown their hats in the ring—for-
1776 Forever Free
agency, and Newsom weather- knowledging the election was all But framing the recall campaign mer San Diego Mayor Kevin Faul-
ing a public shaming for dining but inevitable. as a partisan exercise may only coner, former Rep. Doug Ose, and
out with friends and lobbyists at In an interview on ABC’s “The work if Democrats don’t place an businessman John Cox.
an exclusive Napa, California, View” on March 16, Newsom said alternative to Newsom on the bal- “Americans want their free-
restaurant last fall while telling he’s “worried” about the recall lot and so add to its credibility. dom,” Williams said. “Americans
residents to stay home for safety. and characterized the initiative “Hell no, we don’t want a Dem- want choice, and I think you’re
“You look at Newsom’s [admin- as an attack on California’s pro- ocrat on the replacement line. starting to see that in the cities
istration], the only thing you can gressive policies. We’ve seen this movie before, and where governors are getting a
think is that it’s not only socialist, “If you look at the list of griev- we know how it turns out,” said little bit too tyrannical.”
it’s not only communist, but it’s ances from the proponents of this Garry South, a former adviser to People are starting to push back,
not leadership at all,” Williams campaign, it goes to our values, Davis, in remarks to the Los An- Williams said, “and that’s the
said. it’s less about me, it’s more about geles Times. Davis was ousted American way.”
Recall organizers said they’ve California and our values, Demo- by Schwarzenegger after Lt. Gov.
collected more than 2.1 million cratic Party values,” Newsom told Cruz Bustamante initially said he The Associated Press
signatures and, as of March 22, the outlet, labeling organizers of wouldn’t run, but later changed contributed to this report.


Graham Mexican President Says Biden

Introduces to Blame for Border Surge

Asylum Abuse’ It’s not the first time Mexico’s

president has criticized how
on Southern Biden has handled immigration
policy. On March 1, López Obrador
Border Ulparita ssimaio. Nequodit offictis nectam said both countries should work
together to stem the flow, after a
CONTINUED FROM A1 virtual meeting with Biden.
“They see him as the migrant Mexican President Andrés Manuel
President Joe Biden revoked a president, and so many feel López Obrador during a briefing at
host of Trump-era immigra- they’re going to reach the Unit- Presidential Palace in Mexico City
tion measures that had largely ed States,” López Obrador said of on March 24, 2021.
stemmed the flow of illegal aliens Asylum seekers, most from Honduras, walk toward a U.S. Border Patrol Biden. “We need to work together
into the country. The changes checkpoint after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico, near Mission, Texas, on to regulate the flow, because this large line of male illegal immi-
triggered a surge in illegal cross- March 23, 2021. business can’t be tackled from grants waiting to be processed,
ings, especially by unaccompa- one day to the next.” while another photo shows small
nied minors, more than 11,000 of a bunch of B.S. This is policy border in the coming days. The White House and the Biden children inside a playpen as a TV
whom were being kept in over- choices that were ill-conceived Unlike the Trump administra- administration repeatedly re- is showing children’s shows.
crowded facilities as of March 23. that have blown up in the Biden tion, which actively sought out fused to use the word “crisis” when The photos were released after
Graham’s bill would re- administration’s face.” press coverage of border con- describing the historical increase Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas)
quire asylum-seekers from the The Secure and Protect Act cerns, the Biden administration of illegal immigrants crossing the and Project Veritas separately
Northern Triangle countries— of 2021 would also extend the has barred press access to border U.S.–Mexico border. Reporters released photos of children sleep-
Guatemala, Honduras, and El amount of time illegal alien fami- operations. have in recent weeks been press- ing on the floor next to each other.
Salvador—to apply for refugee lies can be detained together; The White House is under in- ing the administration on this. Cuellar told Axios that they’re be-
status at asylum centers outside currently, officials are limited creasing pressure to address An ongoing immigration policy ing kept in “terrible conditions”
the United States. The proposal to holding families together for the influx of unaccompanied tracker by the Heritage Founda- and said the CBP should transfer
would also afford equal treat- a maximum of 20 days. The bill minors. Early in his term, Biden tion found that Biden has rolled them to facilities operated by the
ment to unaccompanied minors would also authorize the hiring of issued an exemption on Title 42 back almost all of former Presi- Department of Health and Hu-
from the Northern Triangle as 500 new immigration judges and deportations for unaccompanied dent Donald Trump’s immigra- man Services.
those from Canada and Mexico. necessary support staff to handle minors. The Trump administra- tion policies. Earlier this month, the De-
Under the current law, unac- a backlog of roughly 1 million im- tion had used Title 42 authority Recently, CBP officials released partment of Homeland Secu-
companied minors from Mexico migration cases. to send back illegal aliens, due to photos of crowded temporary fa- rity said the Federal Emergency
and Canada are returned to their Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) co- concerns over the spread of the cilities being used to process ille- Management Agency would be
home countries. sponsored the bill. CCP (Chinese Communist Party) gal immigrants who crossed the sent to the border to “support a
“The Biden administration has Graham introduced the bill as virus, commonly known as the U.S.–Mexico border in the midst of government-wide effort over the
lost control of the southern bor- the Biden administration strug- novel coronavirus. a recent surge in migration. next 90 days to safely receive,
der. It’s time to regain control gles to deal with a surge of illegal “That spread like wildfire The photos, which were taken in shelter, and transfer unaccom-
and you have to deal with the aliens across the southern border. throughout Central America. a Donna, Texas, overflow facility, panied children who make the
dynamic that led to the border Republicans in the House and Word is out that an unaccompa- show what appear to be children dangerous journey to the U.S.
being overrun,” Graham said at Senate have sought to draw at- nied child will not be sent back sleeping shoulder-to-shoulder on southwest border.”
a press conference in Washington tention to the crisis, while a group under Title 42. They will remain floor mats under what appear to
on March 24. of more than a dozen Republican in the United States,” Graham be emergency blankets—and on Jack Phillips contributed
“This is not Trump’s fault. That’s senators are planning a trip to the said. benches. Another photo shows a to this report.

Biden Considering Executive Actions on Gun Control: Psaki



the shootings in Atlanta are just

reminders of how vital it is to move
forward on gun safety measures in
a range of formats. But I don’t have
an update on when those execu-
tive actions or what steps might be
next at this point,” she said.
A shooting on March 21 at a King
Soopers supermarket in Boulder,
Colorado, left 10 people dead, in-
cluding a police officer. The alleged
shooter was identified as Ahmad Al
Aliwi Alissa, 21. Officials refused to
comment when asked about the
weapon the suspect used.
The suspect’s 34-year-old broth-
er, Ali Aliwi Alissa, told The Daily
Beast that his brother was mentally
ill, disturbed, and paranoid, as well
as “very anti-social.” He added that
his sibling didn’t commit the shoot-
ing for political or ideological rea-
sons, blaming what happened on
mental illness.
In a statement released on March
22, Biden expressed that he wanted
prompt action on gun control.
“I don’t need to wait another min-
ute, let alone an hour, to take com-
monsense steps that will save the
lives in the future and to urge my Health care workers walk out of a King Soopers grocery store after a gunman opened fire in Boulder, Colo., on March 22, 2021.
colleagues in the House and Senate DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES

to act,” he said. “We can close the votes of both Republicans and expressed condolences over the
loopholes in our background check Democrats in the House. This is not shooting and accused gun con-
system, including the ‘Charleston and should not be a partisan issue; We are certainly trol advocates of having “already
loophole.’ That’s one of the best this is an American issue. It will considering a rushed to politicize this horrific
tools we have right now to prevent save lives—American lives—and range of levers, situation—even as most of the sa-
gun violence.” we have to act,” Biden said. “We lient facts remain unknown.”
The “Charleston loophole” is a should also ban assault weapons including working “It is our longstanding rule to wait
provision in federal law that al- in the process. through legisla- for all the facts to be known before
lows gun sales to proceed if a “We can ban assault weapons and tion, including making any policy statements,” the
background check hasn’t been high-capacity magazines in this group wrote.
finalized in three days. The term, country once again. I got that done executive actions. The mass shooting in Boulder
used by gun control activists, refers when I was a senator. It passed. It Jen Psaki,
came days after a gunman opened
White House press secretary Jen
to a mass shooting in Charleston, Psaki speaks during the daily press
was law for the longest time, and it White House press secretary fire on local businesses in Atlanta,
South Carolina, on June 17, 2015. briefing at the White House on brought down these mass killings. in which eight people—including
Biden also said that he believes March 17, 2021. We should do it again.” six of Asian descent—were killed
the Senate “should immediately The National Rifle Association, at three separate massage parlors.
pass the two House-passed bills meanwhile, quoted from the Sec- Atlanta shooting suspect Robert
that close loopholes in the back- or transfer guns. The second bill, ond Amendment in a Twitter post Aaron Long, 21, claimed responsi-
ground check system.” the Enhanced Background Checks late on March 22: “A well-regulated bility and reportedly told officers
The House approved two mea- Act of 2021 (H.R. 1446), would close militia, being necessary to the se- that his actions weren’t racially
sures on March 11 on gun sales. the “Charleston loophole” by ex- curity of a free state, the right of the motivated, but were because he
The first bill, the Bipartisan Back- tending the background check pe- people to keep and bear arms, shall wanted to end his sexual addiction.
ground Checks Act of 2021 (H.R. riod to 10 days. The two measures not be infringed.”
8), expands background checks are pending before the Senate. In a statement late on March 23, Zachary Stieber and Jack Phillips
on people who are seeking to buy “These are bills that received the gun rights advocacy group contributed to this report.


hope for and expect.”

Most Members of Congress Kaur believes people, includ-
ing members of Congress, should
Don’t Consume News From work to consume news from varied
Across the Aisle: Study “Say you read New York Times,
Washington Post, all the time, you
should read Epoch Times or other
ZACHARY STIEBER publications to broaden your hori-
zon and understand the issues that
Most Democratic and Republican People are choos- you might not be aware of if you
members of Congress don’t inter- ing sides and stick- just stick to the sources on one of
act with news sources from across ing with it. the sides,” she said.
the political aisle, according to a Limitations of the study include
new study. Harleen Kaur, co-founder, not being able to see what users are
While no Democrats interact Ground News reading and sharing from Twitter.
more than half the time with right- There were a few surprises in
leaning news sources on Twitter, cent, Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) at Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) reads a copy of The Hill newspaper prior to a news the data. Users that are painted
5.3 percent of Republican mem- 34 percent, and Rep. Susie Lee (D- conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Feb. 15, 2018. by some as not balanced were
bers interact more than half the Nev.) at 21 percent right. actually found to have a pretty
time with left-leaning sources. The average Democratic mem- the Los Angeles Times, while Re- data provided by Media Bias/Fact balanced news diet, Kaur noted,
Republicans with the most ber of Congress interacted with publicans were most likely to con- Check,, and The Me- identifying Jack Posobiec of One
left-leaning news diets were Sen. just 4 percent of right-leaning news sume news from Fox News, The dia Bias Chart. America News and Tucker Carlson
Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), with sources and 60 percent left ones; Wall Street Journal, and Breitbart. “Everybody talks about that we of Fox News as examples.
76 percent of interactions with the average Republican’s news diet The study was conducted by are more divided than ever before, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
sources from across the aisle, included 22 percent of left-leaning Ground News using its new bot, and that’s evident in the news that (R-Ga.), who had the most right-
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) at sources, with the majority com- Blindspotter. It analyzed a user’s people are consuming,” Ground leaning news diet, had Posobiec
67 percent, and Sen. Marco Rubio ing from outlets considered in the last 3,200 tweets as of March 11 and News co-founder Harleen Kaur among her top three influencers,
(R-Fla.) at 65 percent. center. tabulated the content a user re- told The Epoch Times. “People according to the study. On the left,
Democrats with the most right- The top news sources among plied to, liked, tweeted, or shared. are choosing sides and sticking Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)
leaning interactions were Rep. Democrats were The New York Ground News has its own rating with it rather than having a more had the most left-leaning news
Dina Titus (D-Nev.) with 46 per- Times, The Washington Post, and of news sources, drawn from bias balanced news diet that we should consumption.

Biden: North Korea’s Missile Test ‘Business as Usual’

IVAN PENTCHOUKOV ing to the Defense Department, State Antony Blinken last week Tae-keung said on Facebook that Kim Yo Jong’s statement was
it’s business as usual. There’s no pressed China to use its “tre- he was told by agency officials issued as Blinken and Defense
President Joe Biden said on new wrinkle in what they did.” mendous influence” to convince from Seoul’s spy agency that the Secretary Lloyd Austin arrived in
March 23 that North Korea’s test Asked if the weapons test would Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear North fired two cruise missiles Asia for talks with U.S. allies Ja-
of a short-range missile system is affect diplomacy, Biden chuckled program. off its western seaport of Nampo pan and South Korea about North
“business as usual.” and walked away. The short-range tests conducted around 6:36 a.m. on March 21. Korea and other regional issues.
The reclusive communist re- The missile test was conducted over the weekend aren’t a viola- Ha, an executive secretary of the Former President Donald
gime conducted the test, its first just days after Kim Yo Jong, the tion of any U.N. Security Coun- National Assembly’s intelligence Trump, who met with Kim Jong
since Biden took office, over the sister of North Korean leader Kim cil resolutions, according to the committee, which regularly re- Un three times during his four
weekend, according to two senior Jong Un, threatened the United White House officials. ceives closed-door briefings years in office, was the first U.S.
White House officials who briefed States and South Korea for con- South Korea’s Defense Ministry from the spy agency, said he was president to set foot on North Ko-
reporters on the condition of ano- ducting joint military exercises. said it detected two cruise missile told that the U.S. and South Ko- rean soil. Pyongyang appears to
nymity. North Korea has ignored offers launches from North Korea’s west rean militaries had detected the have not conducted any nuclear
Biden, when asked if the test was from the Biden administration to coast on March 21. launches but had agreed not to or long-range missile tests since
a provocation, said: “No, accord- resume negotiations. Secretary of South Korean lawmaker Ha publicize them. 2017.

“We ask that you confirm that the Ameri-

can Rescue Plan Act does not prohibit States
from generally providing tax relief,” wrote
the coalition, led by Georgia, Arizona, and
West Virginia.
In her response, Yellen asserted that
nothing in the American Rescue Plan Act
prevents U.S. states from enacting a broad
variety of tax cuts.

[The Biden administra-

tion] forgot that the states
created the federal gov-
ernment, not the other
way around.
Arizona Attorney General
Mark Brnovich

“That is, the Act does not ‘deny States the

ability to cut taxes in any manner what-
soever.’ It simply provides that funding
received under the Act may not be used
to offset a reduction in net tax revenue re-
sulting from certain changes in state law,”
Yellen wrote. “If States lower certain taxes
but do not use funds under the Act to offset
those cuts—for example, by replacing the
lost revenue through other means—the
limitation in the Act is not implicated.
President Joe Biden, flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris, speaks during a listening session with Georgia Asian American and Pacific Islander “It is also important to note that States
community leaders at Emory University in Atlanta on March 19, 2021. choosing to use the federal funds to offset a
reduction in net tax revenue do not thereby
forfeit their entire allocation of funds ap-
Arizona AG Threatens to Sue Biden propriated under this statute.
“The limitation affects States’ ability to
retain only those federal funds used to off-
Over Rescue Plan Act Provision set a reduction in net tax revenue resulting
from certain changes in state law.”
Yellen noted that the Treasury is working
to craft further guidance to address the is-
ISABEL VAN BRUGEN could prohibit states from using federal In a letter on March 16, the attorneys sues raised by the coalition.
funds to pay for tax cuts. general argued that the prohibition is Ohio became the first state to sue Biden’s
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich The stipulation of President Joe “unclear, but potentially breath- administration over his pandemic rescue
threatened on March 23 to sue the Biden Biden’s sweeping relief package taking”—airing concerns that plan, arguing on March 17 that the pro-
administration over a provision in the $1.9 highlighted by the 21 attorneys any tax cut could be construed vision holds a “gun to the head of states”
trillion pandemic rescue plan that could general states, “A state or ter- as taking advantage of the pan- by blocking them from cutting taxes, and
bar states from using its funds to offset ritory shall not use the funds demic relief funds. exceeds the authority of Congress.
tax cuts. provided under this section Signing on to the letter were “[States] can either have the badly needed
“Looks like we will see the Biden admin- or transferred pursuant to this Arizona, Georgia, West Virgin- federal funds or their sovereign authority to
istration in court. It forgot that the states section to either directly or in- ia, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, set state tax policy,” Republican Ohio Attor-
created the federal government, not the directly offset a reduction in the Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, ney General Dave Yost said in his lawsuit.
other way around,” the Republican attorney net tax revenue of such state or Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, “But they cannot have both. In our current
general said on Twitter. territory resulting from a change Arizona
Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, economic crisis, that is no choice at all. It is
In his Twitter post, Brnovich shared a in law, regulation, or adminis- Attorney South Carolina, South Dakota, a metaphorical ‘gun to the head.’”
letter from Treasury Secretary Janet Yel- trative interpretation during the General Mark Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. The White House didn’t respond to a re-
len addressed to him and Republican at- covered period that reduces any Brnovich. The group listed over a dozen in- quest by The Epoch Times for comment by
torneys general from 20 other states. That tax (by providing for a reduction stances of states currently consid- press time.
letter was a response to the states after in a rate, a rebate, a deduction, a credit or ering new tax credits or cuts they believe
they questioned the provision from the otherwise) or delays the imposition of any could be jeopardized simply because of The Associated Press
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 that tax or tax increase.” the relief funds. contributed to this report.


Commission authorized all voters

Wisconsin Assembly to count themselves as “indefinite-
ly confined” amid the COVID-19
Authorizes Investigation pandemic. That designation let
voters who wanted to fill out absen-
Into 2020 Election tee ballots avoid in-person voting.
President Joe Biden was certified
the winner of Wisconsin by about
ZACHARY STIEBER to make laws and to conduct over- 20,000 votes over former President
sight of Wisconsin officials, directs Donald Trump.
The Wisconsin state Assembly has the Assembly Committee on Cam- Republicans last month ordered
approved a resolution authoriz- paigns and Elections to investigate an audit of the election from the
ing an investigation into the 2020 the administration of elections in nonpartisan Legislative Audit
presidential election. the state, focusing in particular on Bureau. Also this year, the assem-
In a party-line 58–35 vote, the elections conducted after Jan. 1, bly passed a resolution accusing
lower chamber on March 23 ap- 2019. county clerks of failing to enforce
proved Assembly Resolution 15, The resolution grants the panel certain voting laws.
which says in part that “the integri- subpoena power to compel testi- A woman casts her ballot on the first day of in-person early voting for the Nov. Auditors with the bureau will go
ty of our electoral process has been mony and gather documents, Rep. 3, 2020, elections in Milwaukee on Oct. 20, 2020. out and look for information but
jeopardized by election officials Joe Sanfelippo, a co-sponsor, told “they don’t necessarily have the
who, either through willful disre- reporters before the vote. “I think that this is going to be an tion an attempt to “delegitimatize public hearings or receive the pub-
gard or reckless neglect, have failed “This is important because over open and honest discussion and I the election results of November.” lic input,” Assembly Speaker Robin
to adhere to our election laws by, at the past year, year and a half, we’ve can’t understand why any elected “Republicans seem to be making Vos told reporters on March 23.
various times, ignoring, violating, heard allegations of improprieties official in the state would not want a concerted effort ... to undermine “They’re going to do the behind-
and encouraging noncompliance being done, specifically state laws to talk openly and publicly about the public’s confidence and trust,” the-scenes work which is very
with bright-line rules established on the books not being followed,” the administration of elections in he added. valuable,” Vos added. “We’d like
by the statutes and regulations he said. their areas.” Wisconsin judges rejected a to have one that is a more public
governing the administration of Sanfelippo hopes that subpoenas In a separate news conference, number of lawsuits challenging process where people can actually
elections in Wisconsin.” won’t be required. which was conducted virtually, the election results and methods come in and we can do a better job
The resolution, which notes that “I would expect that we really state Assembly Minority Leader used to conduct the election, such investigating than just having a
the duty of the state legislature is don’t have to come to that,” he said. Gordon Hintz called the resolu- as how the Wisconsin Elections simple hearing.”

Biden Consults Regularly With Obama on ‘Range of Issues,’ Psaki Says

IVAN PENTCHOUKOV course of President Biden’s presi- would all know. He’s a recogniz- can Rescue Plan, there are still mil-
dency.” able figure. lions of people who should be able
President Joe Biden and former Psaki made the remarks in re- “But I expect, given former Presi- to get Medicaid but their governors
President Barack Obama discuss a sponse to a question from a re- dent Obama’s work on the Afford- are still resistant, and that expan-
range of issues over the phone on a porter who asked if Obama had able Care Act, President Biden’s sion still hasn’t taken place in some
regular basis, according to White visited the White House, point- commitment to expanding access big states with a lot of people.”
House press secretary Jen Psaki. ing out that the former president to health care throughout his pres- Obama broke an unspoken tra-
“Well, I will say, having a unique was participating in an Affordable idency, that, you know, it’s an issue dition for former presidents and
view of this question, they were Care Act event at around the time they’ll talk about.” regularly criticized then-President
not just the president and vice Biden was highlighting the legis- At the 11th anniversary event, Donald Trump upon departing
president, they are friends, and President Joe Biden greets for- lation’s 11th anniversary. Obama praised Biden for ex- the White House in 2017; he cam-
they consult and talk about a mer President Barack Obama after “That can be done over the panding the measure, commonly paigned for Biden actively in 2020.
range of issues,” Psaki said dur- Biden’s inauguration at the U.S. Capi- phone, it turns out,” Psaki said, known as Obamacare, as part of Biden has appointed a number
tol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2021.
ing a press briefing at the White about Biden’s communications the COVID-19 stimulus package. of Obama-era officials to senior
House on March 22. “I would ex- with Obama. “I think if Presi- “We’ve still got more work to do,” positions at the White House and
pect that continues through the dent Obama had been here, you Obama said. “Even with the Ameri- federal agencies.


New Arizona State

Law Provides Civil
Remedies for Human
Trafficking Victims

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey on March 23

signed into law a bill that will provide civil
remedies for victims of human trafficking.
The legislation, H.B. 2116, is backed by
state Attorney General Mark Brnovich
and state Rep. Shawnna Bolick, and re-
ceived unanimous legislative support.
It will allow human and sex trafficking
victims to take civil action against their
perpetrators and anyone else who con-
tributes to their abuse.
“Human and sex trafficking victims
can now seek civil remedies against their
perpetrators as a result of legislation we
worked with [Bolick] to enact. Proud to
help survivors obtain justice and help
rebuild their lives,” Brnovich said in a
Twitter post.
“Society needs to do everything we can
to assist victims of this horrific crime and
help them rebuild their lives,” he said in
a separate statement. “Our office will
continue to be at the forefront of obtain- Protesters gather at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
ing justice for victims of trafficking, and
this law provides an additional resource
for survivors to hold their traffickers ac-
countable for the lives they’ve thrown
into chaos.”
DOJ Refers Prosecutor’s Capitol Breach
Previously in the state, human and sex
trafficking victims were only addressed
in criminal statutes and weren’t permit-
Interview to Internal Watchdog
ted to take civil action against the per-

The attorney general’s office said that JANITA KAN

it has, since 2015, prosecuted or is cur-
rently prosecuting 282 cases involving Former Acting U.S. Attorney Michael
330 defendants that are connected to sex Sherwin could face an internal review
trafficking, child sex trafficking, sexual over comments he made during a recent
exploitation of minors, or illegal enter- interview about the Jan. 6 breach of the
prises and money laundering in the traf- U.S. Capitol, a department lawyer told a
ficking arena, such as massage parlors. judge on March 23.
Many massage parlors are known to il- John Crabb, the chief of the criminal di-
legally offer sexual services and are com- vision for the U.S. attorney’s D.C. office,
monly staffed by those who have fallen made the comments after a federal judge
victim to human trafficking rings. admonished the department over recent
The forced labor and human trafficking disclosures to the media about the ongoing
industry is estimated to be worth $150 investigation into the Capitol breach. One
billion worldwide, according to the U.N.’s of the disclosures was Sherwin’s television
International Labour Organization. interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” while
Republican lawmaker Bolick praised the other was a New York Times report that
Ducey’s decision to enact the legisla- cited anonymous sources.
tion, saying it has been an honor to work
with the attorney general and his staff
to combat human and sex trafficking in Michael Sherwin, then-acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, speaks during a news con-
the state. Crabb acknowledged ference at the Department of Justice in Washington on Jan. 12, 2021.
“Justice for trafficking victims doesn’t that both media dis-
end when perpetrators are sentenced for closures likely violate “The department has already taken steps will support that.”
their crimes. This new law allows victims with respect to both of those.” Under federal law, sedition includes a con-
to recover the economic losses they suf- DOJ policy. During his rebuke, Mehta said he was “sur- spiracy to overthrow the U.S. government, or
fered during the time their perpetrators prised ... to say the least” to see Sherwin to oppose the authority by force, or prevent,
were committing the crime, but more “These types of statements in the media make public comments about a pending hinder, or delay the execution of any law of
importantly, it addresses the host of re- have the potential to affect the jury pool and criminal investigation. the United States. These charges carry a pen-
lated physical and mental damages that the rights of these defendants,” U.S. District “Let me just say at the outset that I am sur- alty of up to 20 years imprisonment.
occur as a result of being trafficked,” she Judge Amit Mehta said during a hearing in prised, I’m being restrained in my use of ter- So far, none of the more than 400 cases
said in a statement. the case against 10 members and associates minology, to say the least, to see Mr. Sherwin the Justice Department opened in relation
Separately on March 23, Texas Gov. of the Oath Keepers paramilitary group, who sitting for an interview about a pending case to the Jan. 6 breach have charged sedition.
Greg Abbott said that recent decisions are charged with conspiracy. in an ongoing criminal investigation,” the But a small number of the defendants have
made by the Biden administration on “Let this hearing serve as notice on the judge said, according to The Hill. been charged with conspiracy, including
the U.S.–Mexico border are embolden- Department of Justice that I will not toler- Sherwin, who was overseeing the Capi- individuals affiliated with militia groups.
ing human traffickers to “ramp up their ate continued publicity in the media that tol breach investigation until last week, Sherwin said of those 400 defendants that
criminal operations.” I believe affect the fair trial rights of these told “60 Minutes” that he believes that the more than 80 percent of the individuals were
“Recent decisions by your administra- defendants.” evidence obtained by federal investigators charged with trespassing on the U.S. Capi-
tion are emboldening dangerous car- Crabb acknowledged that both media so far would likely allow the federal gov- tol, while about 100 individuals have been
tels, smugglers, and human traffickers disclosures likely violate DOJ policy and ernment to prove cases of sedition against charged with assaulting federal and local
to ramp up their criminal operations,” that both matters have been referred to some individuals. police officers.
the governor said in a letter to the White the department’s Office of Professional “I personally believe the evidence is Sherwin didn’t immediately respond to a
House. “In many cases, these criminals Responsibility. trending toward that, and probably meets request by The Epoch Times for comment.
entice unaccompanied minors into in- “We understand and we share the court’s those elements,” Sherwin said. “I believe
humane conditions and expose them to concerns about the media contacts and dis- the facts do support those charges. And I The Associated Press
abuse and terror.” closures that have been made,” Crabb said. think that, as we go forward, more facts contributed to this report.


North Carolina Senator Accuses Elections lots and made it easier for absentee ballots to
be handed in at early in-person voting sites.
Director of Breaking Law in Easing Following the settlement deal, the two Re-
publican members of the North Carolina
Voting Requirements elections board resigned. Ken Raymond said
in his resignation letter that lawyers with the
state attorney general’s office didn’t explain
TOM OZIMEK during the COVID-19 pandemic, in viola- all the implications of the settlement before
tion of the state constitution. he signed off.
A North Carolina state senator accused North Carolina’s Democratic-controlled “It is impossible to have true bipartisanship
the director of the state’s Board of Elec- elections board unanimously authorized An election worker carries a large stack of when both sides of the political aisle do not
tions (BOE) of breaking the law ahead of Bell to enter into the agreement, which intro- absentee ballot applications at the Mecklen- have the important and vital information
last November’s general election by agree- duced a number of rule changes that Senate burg Board of Elections office in Charlotte, needed to make the right decisions,” Ray-
ing to a settlement that changed the rules Republicans on March 23 argued amounted N.C., on Sept. 4, 2020. mond wrote.
around voting—allegations that the official to modifications to state election laws, which The settlement deal also prompted ac-
has denied. they said are constitutionally the sole pur- “I do not believe we broke the law, and the cusations from Republican legislative
“In my heart, you broke the law,” Sen. Bill view of the state General Assembly. courts have held that we did not break the leaders that election officials had cut a
Rabon, a Republican, told BOE Executive “This was nothing but an unprecedented law,” she said. backroom deal to favor left-leaning can-
Director Karen Brinson Bell, at a Senate hear- effort to usurp the North Carolina General Krawiec remained unconvinced, saying, “I didates and causes.
ing on March 23. Assembly,” Republican Sen. Joyce Krawiec just find it amazing that you still believe that Republican legislative leaders and Presi-
Rabon’s allegations of unlawful conduct said at the March 23 hearing. you didn’t change a law.” dent Donald Trump’s campaign challenged
were in reference to Bell entering into Bell pushed back against the claim that The settlement delayed by six days the the changes in court, arguing they overruled
an agreement in September 2020 with a laws were broken, saying, “The rules were date set in state law by which absentee bal- state laws. But while a federal trial judge’s
union-affiliated group to settle a lawsuit changed, but the laws were not changed.” lots postmarked by Election Day could be ruling in October led state board officials to
that sought to ease some voting require- She said it was a state attorney that negoti- received and still count. It also relaxed the alter their guidance on witness information,
ments. The group argued that restrictive ated the settlement details and that courts rules about witness information require- the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately left the
absentee rules burdened the right to vote ultimately upheld the rule changes as legal. ments on the outer envelopes of absentee bal- ballot deadline extension in place.

Chinese Threat
to Taiwan Closer
‘Than Most Think’:
US Admiral
FRANK FANG bill, is aimed at securing advanced
military capabilities to deter Chi-
Taiwan is facing a more imminent na’s military threats in the Indo-
threat from a possible Chinese in- Pacific region. The PDI is akin to
vasion than most people realize, the European Deterrence Initia-
U.S. Adm. John Aquilino said dur- tive, which was launched in 2014
ing a  hearing  over his nomina- to enhance U.S. military readiness
tion to become commander of the in Europe.
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (IN- INDOPACOM has proposed that
DOPACOM) on March 23. Congress should provide the PDI
Aquilino, who if confirmed with around $27 billion in addi-
would succeed Adm. Philip Da- tional spending from 2022 to 2027,
vidson  as commander of U.S. including $4.6 billion for the fiscal
forces in the Pacific, was asked year 2022. The money would be
during the Senate Armed Services spent on new weapons such as a
Committee hearing about David- missile defense system on Guam Taiwanese sailors salute the island’s flag at the Tsoying naval base in Kaohsiung on Jan. 31, 2018.
son’s recent comment that Beijing and collaboration with allies in
could invade Taiwan in the “next the region. ment for the island’s defense. be impacted given Taiwan’s strate- Chang Che-ping said in a press
six years.” Aquilino said the Chinese re- However, the United States has gic location, according to Aquilino. conference on Oct. 27, 2019, that
In response, Aquilino, the com- gime has its eyes set on Taiwan, maintained a longstanding policy In terms of Taiwan’s self-de- the Harpoon missiles would allow
mander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which Beijing claims is a part of of “strategic ambiguity”—mean- fense, Aquilino applauded the is- the island’s military to destroy half
declined to endorse the estimate, its territory. ing not clearly stating whether the land for investing in the Harpoon of any Chinese invasion force, ac-
saying that there were “many “They view it as their number U.S. government would come to missile system. cording to Taiwanese media.
numbers out there” ranging from one priority. The rejuvenation of defend Taiwan in the event of a “I’m encouraged by the capa- The Harpoon missile sale was
“today to 2045,” but warned of the the Chinese Communist Party is Chinese attack. bilities that they’re investing in, one of more than 10 arms sales to
imminent threat against the self- at stake,” Aquilino said. Aquilino hinted that the U.S. mil- in an indigenous fashion for their Taiwan approved by the Trump
ruled island. Taiwan is a de facto independent itary wouldn’t stand idly by in such defense. The example I would administration. In November last
“My opinion is, this problem is country with its own democrati- an event because that would “im- give you is the Harpoon system. year, it approved the sale of a $600
much closer to us than most think,” cally elected officials, military, pact the credibility of the United I thought that was very thought- billion package of advanced drones
Aquilino said. “We have to take this constitution, and currency. Cur- States as a partner in the region.” ful and the right capability for one to the island.
on, put those deterrence capabili- rently, Washington doesn’t have If the Chinese regime were to example,” Aquilino said. Taiwan would be most vulner-
ties like PDI in place in the near formal diplomatic ties with Taipei seize Taiwan, Aquilino said that The Harpoon Coastal Defense able to a Chinese invasion in the
term and with urgency.” but has maintained a robust rela- would “negatively impact” the System was part of a $2.37 billion spring. According to Aquilino,
The Pacific Deterrence Initiative tionship with the island under the United States’ standing in the U.S. arms sale to Taiwan approved spring would be the best time of
(PDI), created under the 2021 Na- Taiwan Relations Act, which au- region and its ability “to operate by the Trump administration in the year for the Chinese military to
tional Defense Authorization Act, thorizes the United States to sup- freely in that area.” October last year. invade, considering light, weather,
the Pentagon’s annual spending ply Taiwan with military equip- Additionally, global trade would Taiwan’s Vice Defense Minister and sea conditions.


China, Russia Have what appeared to be a very large

air-launched ballistic missile,” the

Caught Up With West IISS said in its recent report “The

Military Balance 2021,” which was

in Air Power: UK Minister published in February.

China continues to develop hy-
personic missile systems, and is
likely developing a replacement
ALEXANDER ZHANG ter but surpass us.” bomber with “a low-observable
“We’ve seen China build multiple design,” the report said.
China and Russia are developing highly effective systems that chal- “At the same time, the air force
capabilities to counter and sur- lenge Western warfighting. Pro- is fielding more J-10C Firebird,
pass the air power of the Western ducing J-20 fifth-generation fight- J-16, and J-20 combat aircraft
alliance, a British defense official ers, Y-20 heavy transport aircraft, while increased numbers of Y-20
has warned. armed stealth UAVs [unmanned heavy transports mean that the
“Thirty years ago, the UK and aerial vehicles], not to mention the air force has effectively doubled
its Western allies appeared un- world’s most modern surface-to-air its heavy transport fleet in the last
challenged in the air domain,” missiles,” he said. Chinese J-15 fighter jets being launched from the deck of the Liaoning air- four years.”
said Jeremy Quin, Britain’s min- Both China and Russia are now craft carrier during military drills in the Yellow Sea, off China’s east coast, Gen. Sir Patrick Sanders, com-
ister for defense procurement, on exporting advanced air technolo- on Dec. 23, 2016. mander of the UK’s Strategic
March 24 in reference to the first gies to many North African, Mid- Command, said earlier this month
Gulf War in 1991. dle Eastern, and Asian countries, gets, and they continue at this pace, liver the Tempest fighter jet in col- that China and Russia are “gain-
“Today, our adversaries have he said. we could find ourselves locked out laboration with Sweden, Italy, and ing a decisive advantage in military
caught up. But a major national He predicted that, by 2040, of the skies,” he said. potentially Japan. information-age technologies.”
and international endeavor is now Western air forces will be con- “We have to preserve our freedom A prototype for an uncrewed “The consequence has been a
underway,” he told the Combat Air fronted by adversaries armed to protect ourselves and cannot fighter aircraft, known as Mos- succession of strategic surprises,
Power conference hosted by the with high-end artificial intelli- accept large parts of the world be- quito, is also being developed. the erosion of strategic advan-
Royal United Services Institute, a gence-assisted precision weapon coming potentially out of bounds.” According to the International tage, and the loss of initiative. Un-
London-based defense think tank. systems and “a range of surface- Quin said the UK needs “highly Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), checked, it is not unthinkable that
Quin said that, since the 1991 to-air and hypersonic missiles capable systems” to counter these another London-based think tank, we will find ourselves vulnerable
Gulf War, “the likes of Russia and that have greater maneuverabil- “highly capable threats.” China’s air force has continued to in time to a fait accompli, where we
China have studied our strengths ity, greater lethality, and a greater He said the UK government will integrate more advanced systems. have capitulated without a shot be-
in the air and begun developing range than ever before.” invest more than 2 billion pounds “In October, a modified H-6 ing fired,” he wrote in The Times of
the capabilities to not only coun- “If we fail to outmatch these tar- ($2.74 billion) to develop and de- bomber was observed carrying London on March 13.

9 Countries Summon Chinese Envoy Over Xinjiang Row

EVA FU the heels of coordinated Western Daniel Twining of the U.S. non- ment Beaune told France Info ra- anyone who speaks out.”
sanctions on March 22 from the profit International Republican dio. “When you are summoned as U.S. Secretary of State Antony
Nine U.S. allies in Europe have United States, the UK, Canada, Institute—who got on Beijing’s an ambassador, you pay a visit to Blinken said after a meeting with
summoned China’s ambassadors and the European Union to punish blacklist last year for supporting the foreign ministry.” NATO allies in Brussels that the
in protest after Beijing slapped Beijing’s repressive policy in Xinji- Hong Kong—calling it “a badge “In our relations with China, Chinese aggressive action has
sanctions on a dozen European ang. It marked the first of its kind of honor.” there is no room for insults and heightened the importance of a
officials, researchers, and institu- that the EU imposed on China in Ann Linde, the foreign minister attempts at intimidation against strong international alliance.
tions that have been vocal about three decades. for Sweden, called the Chinese elected officials of the Republic and The sanctions “make it all the
the regime’s human rights abuses. In apparent retaliation, the Chi- sanctions “unacceptable.” Swe- researchers,” French Foreign Min- more important that we stand
The “sanctioning of members nese foreign ministry singled out den’s “support for human rights ister Jean-Yves Le Drian said. “We firm and stand together, or else
of Parliament and scientists is 10 individuals and four entities for remains unchanged, which was stand up for those who embody risk sending the message that bul-
absolutely incomprehensible,” sanctions, accusing them of “mali- communicated by State Secretary freedom of expression and democ- lying works,” he said in a speech
German Foreign Minister Heiko ciously spread[ing] lies and disin- Rydberg to China’s ambassador to- racy. Always and everywhere.” on March 24.
Maas said in a March 23 statement formation” and harming Chinese day,” she said in a March 23 tweet. Adrian Zenz, a German schol- The strained ties between the
after meeting with the Chinese sovereignty. The ban would block In France, Chinese ambassador ar known for his studies on the EU and China could jeopardize a
ambassador in Berlin. “While we the individuals and their fami- Lu Shaye also drew fire for the em- Xinjiang concentration camps, bilateral investment deal that the
sanction abuses of human rights, lies—among them eight European bassy’s inflammatory comments expressed concerns that Beijing EU is set to vote on early this year,
Beijing sanctions democracy. We politicians and two scholars, two defending the regime’s policies. He might be “fundamentally shifting” which comes after seven years in
cannot accept this.” subcommittees under the Europe- called the Paris-based researcher its strategy. Instead of flat denial of the making.
At least eight other countries, an Parliament and the EU—from Antoine Bondaz “mad hyena” and evidence on its human rights viola- Bondaz, who has since added the
including France, Denmark, Bel- entering China and restrict associ- “little thug” after China imposed tions, “they now feel untouchable insulting terms to his Twitter bio,
gium, Estonia, Lithuania, the Neth- ated entities from doing business sanctions on him and others. about it all,” he wrote in a March described the countries’ speaking
erlands, Sweden, and Italy, have with the country. Lu, upon being summoned, ini- 24 tweet. up as “a symbol of solidarity” in the
also called in the Chinese envoys The aggressive response from tially cited “scheduling issues” for “Beijing’s strategy is to simply 28-country European Union bloc to
to register their complaints during Beijing has prompted an outpour- a delay in talks. crush and silence any global op- counter Beijing’s threats.
the past two days. ing of support toward the target- “Neither France nor Europe is a position to its atrocity by inflicting “United wills form a fortress,” he
The Chinese measure came on ed individuals and entities, with doormat,” Europe Minister Clé- crushingly punitive measures on said, quoting a Chinese idiom.

Nigerians Criticize US Ambassador as Slayings

of Christians Continue
DOUGLAS G. BURTON called a gaffe by some Nigerian
Two weeks after the U.S. ambas- “The visit by the U.S. Mission
sador to Nigeria’s controversial Nigeria was seen by many as a
visit to a Muslim cleric, the na- right step, but in the wrong direc-
tion’s lawless central states have tion,” according to the Nigerian
been roiled by violence, includ- website Opera News, “owing to
ing several attacks on Chris- the fact that Lagos State has a
tian farmers, sparking concern Royal Highness—Oba Rilwan
among activists about the direc- Akinlolu, the traditional ruler in
tion of U.S. policy in Nigeria. Lagos who exercises traditional
In the most notable among authority over everybody living
the incidents, a band of alleged in Lagos, compared to the Sar-
Muslim militants attempted on kin Fulani of Lagos, Alh. [Dr.]
March 20 to gun down the gov- Mohammad Abubakar Bambado
ernor of Benue state as he was de- II that only controls a minority
parting his farm in south-central tribe in Lagos.”
Nigeria by automobile. The U.S. Mission said in a
“This past weekend, the Benue tweet: “The U.S. firmly believes
State Governor, Dr. Samuel Or- that diversity is a strength, not
tom,  was attacked  and barely a weakness. Mission Leader-
escaped death,” Kyle Abts, co- ship appreciated the discussion
founder of the International with the Sarkin Fulani of Lagos
Committee on Nigeria, told The on how to promote inter-ethnic
Epoch Times.  “Since he made dialogue and understanding.”
his assault public, declaring the
attack was clearly by Fulani mili- Tilt Toward Muslims?
tants, he has been harassed by Some Nigerian activists from A burned Roman Catholic church in Kizachi, Nigeria, on March 18, 2021.
the Fulani National Movement the killing fields of Kaduna state
(FUNAM) claiming responsibil- in north-central Nigeria, where ic relationship with the Nigeri- of attacks by the Fulani gunmen men from the community in an
ity, saying ‘We shall assassinate thousands of Christian farmers an government, which should al- since the beginning of this year,” ambush, with one other wound-
you soon.’ have been slain by Fulani ethnic low for  mutual criticism and Sunday Williams, chief of the ed by gunfire, according to Paul
bandits or terrorists, say the visit advisement. As  the United Kizachi community, said. Musa, the leader of the young
was objectionable. States promotes its values and “Since January 1, we have lost adult community of Kizachi.
“We all saw this in the news. It beliefs, it has a vital role to pro- 23 people to Fulani attacks. No “The Fulani have been attack-
Visits with the U.S. was an outrage. And understand- mote democracy and the rule of government assistance has come ing our community to take over
ably so,” Vincent Bodam, 51, a law in Nigeria. Visits with the U.S. to protect my people from being the land for grazing,” David Isha-
ambassador and the businessman in Lagos, told The Ambassador and the U.S. Mis- killed by Fulani from January to ya, an elder of the Kizachi, said.
U.S. Mission should Epoch Times in an email. “This sion should be with the actual March.” “The Fulani want to displace
be with the actual was the first time for such a visit leaders and victims who have suf- Ibrahim Simon, an eyewitness us and take over our land. They
to an unknown Fulani chief by fered and endured at the hands of from Kizachi, said: “I heard a killed our people, burned our
leaders and victims any U.S. ambassador. We were violent Fulani militants.” loud shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ [‘God is houses and clothes; our food also
who have suffered not even told of the reason for the great!’] in a Fulani voice. Within burned, we don’t have access to
and endured at the visit nor the outcome. Sectarian Violence a minute were rapid gunshots. I our land, and many may soon die
“The only time in my recollec- Northeast of Lagos, in the bad- narrowly escaped that night. of hunger.”
hands of violent Fu- tion this happened was when the lands of Kaduna state, sectarian “The weather was cold, we slept Ishaya said: “We want the
lani militants. then-U.S. secretary of state, John killings forced an evacuation of 800 very early that day, the attackers American government to assist,
Kerry, snubbed the then-Presi- farmers in the Kauru Local Gover- came around 10:45 p.m., and the because we are Christians. The
Kyle Abts, co-founder, dent Goodluck Jonathan and nance area over the weekend. attack lasted for more than an Nigeria government can’t help us.”
International Committee went straight to see the Sultan Suspected Fulani militants hour. The attackers were many, Due to strictly enforced gun
on Nigeria
of Sokoto in 2014.” killed 12 unarmed Christian more than 150.” control laws in Nigeria, most
Bodam, who is also a politician farmers and left some elderly vic- The Nigerian army arrived at rural farmers are unarmed, al-
“Meanwhile, on March 5, the from southern Kaduna state, tims to die in their burning houses about 12:45 a.m., an hour after though the cattle-herding Fulani
U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, viewed the visit as a return of the on March 18, according to Law- the attack ended, Zongo told The people carry assault rifles on a
Mary Beth Leonard, was host- Obama administration’s Muslim- rence Zongo, founder of a crisis Epoch Times. regular basis.
ing the Muslim Fulani leader of friendly policy toward Nigeria. website called He said that a Nigerian army “The people in Kizachi don’t
Lagos, Alhaji Mohammed Bam- “Ever since Jonathan declined The rural village of Kizachi, officer who accompanied him have arms like the Fulani,” Zon-
bado in Lago. support for same-sex marriage near Kamaru in the Kauru Local to the scene said that “everyone go said. Only a few people with
“No one opposes diploma- in Nigeria, Obama refused to sell Governance Area, approximately should protect themselves [be- hunting skills have locally made
cy, but how does  a discussion arms to Nigeria to fight Boko Ha- 45 miles east of Kaduna city, has cause] the Nigeria army can’t be single shell shotguns for shooting
with  a  leader  from  the south- ram. He tacitly supported [Presi- been the scene of numerous ter- everywhere.” monkeys.
west of Nigeria promote peace dent Muhammadu] Buhari and ror attacks, Zongo said. The officer advised the villagers “One hunter in Kizachi told me,
and development in  a  vola- never stepped his foot in Nigeria,” Three others were killed in a ter- to “stop killing each other” and to ‘This is a genocide to our people.
tile area far removed from his he said. rorist ambush on March 21, Zongo protect themselves, Zongo said. Christians should be trained to
influence?” Abts said: “The U.S. Embassy told The Epoch Times in an email. On March 21, suspected Fulani use AK-47 like Fulani. We can’t be
The diplomat’s outreach was exists because it has a diplomat- “The community faced a series tribesmen killed three young burying our people daily.’”


That reduction in troops has al-

UK Military Revamp: ready prompted criticism from
former army leaders.
Fewer Troops, More Robots, The government is pumping
money into developing military
and New-Look Marines space and cyber capabilities,
along with unmanned aerial
“All services recognize the im-
SIMON VEAZEY ing with the rest of government— portance of Unmanned Aerial
must think and act differently,” Systems, which is why we will
The United Kingdom will shrink said Wallace. “They will no longer also develop combat drone
its troop levels to record lows as be held as a force of last resort, swarm technologies,” Wallace
the Ministry of Defence puts its but become more present and said.
faith in technology, automation, active force around the world.” The number of tanks is also
and cyber and space capabilities Despite a 14 percent boost in to be reduced, raising more
in its long-awaited revamp. spending, there will be a drop in concerns among some military
The Defence Command paper, troop levels to historic lows. analysts.
published March 22, is billed as “The British Army had 1,200
the biggest shake-up to the mili- main battle tanks at the start of Royal Marines come ashore as they take part in Exercise Joint Warrior in Dun-
tary since the Cold War. the first Gulf War, 1990,” Robert drennan, Scotland, on April 26, 2018.
The plan includes swarming The Army’s in- Clark, a military analyst at the
drones, a new ship for protect- creased deployabil- Henry Jackson Society, told The as the “grey zone.” According to Clark, special
ing undersea cables, and for the Epoch Times. They will be joined by another forces will tackle this kind of war-
Royal Marines to be repurposed ity and technological “It is now going to be reduced special ops regiment: the Rang- fare in collaboration with both
as a commando-style force de- advantage will mean from its current 227 to just 148. ers. MI6 and GCHQ.
ployed overseas in the teeth of that greater effect So that’s enough for two armored “It’s a much more light foot- “You are blending traditional
geopolitical storms. regiments,” he said. “It’s not even print, expeditionary in nature, capabilities and non-convention-
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace can be delivered by a token force amount.” deployment capability the Ma- al capabilities with intelligence
said the blueprint “marks a shift fewer people. “The U.S., for instance, and rines will have going forward,” and cyberspace. So it’s very in-
from mass mobilization to in- several of our significant part- said Clark. teresting, going forward.”
formation age speed, readiness, Ben Wallace, ners have seriously questioned He says this forward-deployed In the navy, a new spy ship is
and relevance for confronting the UK defence secretary the UK’s ability to sustain an ar- presence can counter the state- being built to counter the grow-
threats of the future.” mored commitment going for- based threats that the UK govern- ing threat to undersea internet
It comes as part of a broader for- “The Army’s increased deploy- ward.” ment now regards as the major cables, and undersea drones
eign policy review that includes ability and technological advan- Meanwhile, the Royal Marines security threat. will replace the fleet of 13 mine-
a pivot toward the pacific and to tage will mean that greater effect are becoming SAS-style special Special operations forces will sweepers.
state-based threats and compe- can be delivered by fewer people,” operations forces—the Future also be used to tackle the so- Overall, reactions to the plans
tition. Wallace told members of Parlia- Commando Force. called grey zone activity. have been mixed, says Clark. He
The navy and its carriers re- ment. “I have therefore taken Instead of waiting on home That refers to enemy action that thinks that the plans may have
main the center-piece of that the decision to reduce the size soil ready to leave at a moment’s falls short of war from China’s been over-hyped, leaving some
pivot to Asia, which was already of the Army from today’s current notice, they will be deployed South China Sea aggression and people underwhelmed.
outlined last week. strength of 76,500 trade trained overseas, hustling for geopoliti- island-building, to Russia’s disin- “There’s so much excitement
“The UK Armed Forces—work- personnel to 72,500 by 2025.” cal footholds in what is known formation campaigns on Twitter. and build-up,” he said.

Female Military Member Dies After COVID-19 Vaccine,

Showed No Side Effects: Officials

Ukraine’s health agency has report-

ed that a female military member
died after receiving AstraZeneca’s
CoviShield CCP virus vaccine, but
stressed that the public shouldn’t
jump to conclusions.
The agency said the woman
didn’t complain of any side effects
before her death. She died about
two days after receiving the shot,
officials said on the health minis-
try’s website.

The agency said

the woman didn’t
complain of any
side effects before
her death. She died
about two days after
receiving the shot.
The woman had underlying
heart problems and other under-
lying health conditions. Her cause
of death is being investigated, the
health ministry said. Laboratory technicians unbox packages during the production of Oxford University’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate, AZD1222, at Catalent’s facility in Anagni,
The same batch of vaccines was Italy, on Sept. 11, 2020.
used to administer shots to nine
other people without any prob- tries after reports of blood clots and Health (NIH) said in a statement the most accurate, up-to-date effi- letter, we could not just let it go un-
lems, officials said, as reported by deaths. Later, the European Medi- that it and other agencies are “con- cacy data be made public as quickly answered.”
Reuters. cines Agency and the World Health cerned by information released by as possible.” The AstraZeneca vaccine has not
Ukraine’s army also con- Organization stated that the data AstraZeneca on initial data from its Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of yet been approved for emergency
firmed on March 23 that the ser- available doesn’t suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial.” the National Institute of Allergy use by the U.S. Food and Drug
vicewoman had died. According to vaccine caused their deaths. “The DSMB [Data and Safety and Infectious Diseases, said in Administration. The company has
Reuters, it’s the first death reported However, some health officials Monitoring Board] expressed con- an interview with STAT: “The Data said it plans to file an application
since Ukraine started vaccination in other countries, including the cern that AstraZeneca may have in- and Safety Monitoring Board were with the FDA in the coming weeks.
in February after getting the Cov- United States, raised concerns on cluded outdated information from concerned that the data that went The vaccine is used widely in the
iShield vaccine. March 23 that positive trial results that trial, which may have provided into the press release by [AstraZen- UK, across the European continent,
Earlier this month, the Astra- released by AstraZeneca earlier an incomplete view of the efficacy eca] was not the most accurate and as well as in other countries includ-
Zeneca vaccine was suspended this week for its vaccine may have data,” the NIH said. “We urge the up-to-date data. That is what the ing India and Thailand.
in Germany, Spain, Italy, France, used incomplete data. company to work with the DSMB to DSMB communicated to AZ in a The company didn’t respond to a
and some other European coun- The U.S. National Institutes of review the efficacy data and ensure rather harsh note. Having seen that request for comment by press time.

UK Toughens Asylum Rules to Tackle Illegal Immigration

ALEXANDER ZHANG ries, and in shipping containers— be jailed for life, she said. ish public is not fair or generous over those in desperate need.
having put their lives in the hands Patel stressed that Britain has al- when it comes to helping those in “It is not fair to the British people
The United Kingdom will carry out of criminal gangs that facilitate il- ways celebrated “those who have need,” Patel said. either, whose taxes pay for vital
“the most significant overhaul” of legal journeys to the UK. To stop come to the UK lawfully and helped “But the British public also rec- public services and an asylum
its asylum system in decades to ad- the deaths, we must stop the trade build Britain.” ognize that for too long parts of system which has skyrocketed in
dress the challenge of illegal im- in people that causes them. Since 2015, the UK has resettled the immigration system have been cost—now costing over £1 billion
migration, Home Secretary Priti “For the first time, whether peo- nearly 25,000 refugees and wel- open to abuse. [$1.37 billion] this year,” she said.
Patel said. ple enter the UK legally or illegally comed more than 29,000 close “Access to the UK’s asylum system The main opposition Labour
The government’s New Plan for will have an impact on how their relatives through refugee family should be based on need, not the party said the failings of the
Immigration, described by Patel asylum claim progresses.” reunions, according to the Home ability to pay people smugglers.” immigration system have been
as “fair but firm,” will make it more The government will “make ev- Office. Patel said Britain’s immigra- caused by the Conservative gov-
difficult for migrants entering the ery effort to remove those who Britain also created a pathway to tion system is “collapsing under ernment’s “lack of compassion
UK illegally to stay in the country. enter the UK illegally having trav- citizenship for millions of British the pressure of parallel illegal and competence.”
“Because while people are dy- eled through a safe country first in National (Overseas) status hold- routes to asylum, facilitated by In addition, the new plans “will do
ing, we have a responsibility to which they could and should have ers after Beijing imposed a dra- criminal smugglers.” She said next to nothing to address criminal
act,” Patel told the House of Com- claimed asylum,” Patel said. conian national security law on these illegal routes are “deeply gangs and abandons people in dan-
mons on March 24. People smugglers will face Hong Kong. unfair,” as they advance those ger,” said Nick Thomas-Symonds,
“People are dying—at sea, in lor- harsher sentences and can now “Nobody can say that the Brit- with the means to pay smugglers Labour’s shadow home secretary.

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A12 THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021

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THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 • A13

A facility believed to be a forced labor camp where Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities have been detained for “reeducation,” in Artux, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China, on June 2, 2019.

CCP Seeks to Redefine ‘Human Rights’

in Attack on America
ALEX NEWMAN ed States last year was the government’s was a violation of human rights isn’t im- counsel for the Raoul Wallenberg Centre.
alleged failure to sufficiently protect mediately clear. The Dutch Parliament also passed a
Under the guise of high- people from the CCP virus unleashed on Another alleged human rights abuse in motion last month finding that the treat-
lighting alleged “human the world by the CCP itself. Yes, seriously. the United States: People of African heri- ment of the Uyghur minority in China
rights” abuses in the Citing the high death toll from the pan- tage were more likely to be killed by po- constitutes a “genocide.”
United States, a new demic and America’s advanced medical lice than those of European heritage. The Now that is real racism and a real
report set to be released technology, the regime argued that this report ignored the obvious explanations human-rights violation!
soon by the Chinese Com- proved the U.S. government was “incom- well known to researchers—black Ameri- In discussing the report, “research
munist Party aims to com- petent” and was failing in its duty to pro- cans are far more likely to be involved in fellow” Lu Xiang at the CCP’s Chinese
pletely redefine the very concept of rights. tect the alleged “human right” to “health.” the criminal justice system, in part due to Academy of Social Sciences, widely cited
This is extremely dangerous. “In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic the larger number of fatherless homes— in CCP media, even compared Western
Of course, the irony of having the most wreaked havoc around the world, posing and presented the data point without concerns about the ongoing Uyghur
murderous dictatorship in all of hu- a major threat to human security,” says a context as proof of widespread racism genocide in western China to lies by Na-
man history accuse the freest nation in preview of the 15,000-Chinese-character among U.S. law enforcement. tional Socialist (Nazi) Minister of Propa-
human history of being a serial human report offered by CCP propaganda or- This is a basic logical fallacy that a well- ganda Joseph Goebbels.
rights abuser is off the charts. Literally, no gans. “It went out of control in the United educated elementary student should With no apparent sense of irony, the
government in world history has slaugh- States following the government’s reck- be able to detect. In reality, studies and upcoming CCP report goes on to cite
tered as many people as the CCP over its less response.” surveys show that America is among “money in politics” as a supposed hu-
decades in power. And no government in Of course, the CCP is very familiar with the least racist societies on the planet. man rights violation.
human history has protected key free- the U.S. Constitution, whereby people and Studies also show that American police Of course, in free countries, citizens
doms of as many people as the American states retain most powers for themselves officers are actually less likely to shoot are allowed to participate in the politi-
experiment. while granting a few limited authorities to black suspects than white suspects. cal process by supporting candidates or
Naturally, the upcoming CCP report, their agent known as the federal govern- issues of their choice, whether that be
expected to be released shortly after the ment. And under that Constitution, as the with their money, their time, their media
U.S. government releases its own human CCP knows very well, the federal govern- outlets, or their speech.
rights report on China, has been almost ment doesn’t have totalitarian CCP-style The real danger of the CCP report The real violation of real rights, obvi-
universally ridiculed or ignored in the powers to fight the virus with tyranny. ously, is that the CCP regime does not
West. But it is no laughing matter. Ignore Instead, the Constitution protects God- is that it is just the tip of the allow its victims to participate in politics
the hypocrisy for now, if you must. But given rights from infringement by the fed- iceberg in a global campaign or govern themselves by choosing their
there is a very real threat to genuine hu- eral government by limiting federal power. to completely redefine the very own leaders.
man rights buried in the report that goes Ironically, though, even the states that Now that is a real human rights violation.
far beyond semantics. used the most vicious and draconian concept of rights—not as God- At a media briefing on the subject, a
The real problem is global. Unfortunate- policies to “fight” the CCP virus—think given, but as government-granted. spokesman for the CCP’s foreign minis-
ly, the CCP-backed campaign to replace California and New York, among oth- try blasted America’s record.
in people’s minds real rights with gov- ers—had similar or worse outcomes than “We hope the U.S. will abandon double
ernment-granted privileges has allies in states such as Florida and South Dakota Real Violations by CCP standards, and face up to serious human
high places around the world—and even that didn’t weaponize the virus against Meanwhile, the irony of having the CCP rights issues such as racism and violent
in America, at some of the nation’s most individual freedoms. suggest that American government of- law enforcement, and take concrete
prestigious “educational” institutions and In other words, protecting real rights ficials are “racist” in their alleged viola- measures to protect human rights,” the
in the halls of government. At the forefront is perfectly compatible—and almost al- tions of human rights defies belief. Just spokesman said.
are the CCP’s allies around the world and ways associated with—better health and this month, the Montreal-based Raoul Like any successful propaganda effort,
its operatives in the United Nations. economic outcomes. Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights the CCP attack on America’s “human
The CCP attack on America, titled “The In its upcoming report, pre-release pre- and the D.C.-based Newlines Institute rights” situation does contain some ele-
Report on Human Rights Violations in views show that the CCP also faulted the for Strategy and Policy concluded that ments of truth.
the United States in 2020,” is the latest Trump administration for “bullying inter- the CCP is currently engaged in a geno- In fact, during the pandemic, gover-
version of an annual screed by the re- national organizations” and “promoting cide against the minority Uyghur ethnic nors, and mayors—especially Democrats
gime’s State Council Information Office. isolation and unilateralism” in the face of group in Western China. in blue states—ruthlessly trampled on
It was launched as a response to U.S. the pandemic. That’s a reference to Presi- “China, as a state, is committing acts of the constitutionally guaranteed human
criticism of the CCP’s record. Each year, dent Donald Trump’s decision to stop genocide against the Uyghurs with the rights of citizens. But that isn’t what the
the CCP gets more and more unhinged funding and supporting the CCP-backed intent to destroy, in whole or in part, the CCP report means.
in its criticism of the United States. leader of the disgraced World Health Or- group as such, as exemplified by state-or- In previous years, the CCP also made its
ganization (WHO), which helped Beijing chestrated mass internment, forced birth agenda clear in its “reports” on alleged “hu-
Phony Concerns peddle its lies about the CCP virus. prevention and campaigns of eradica- man rights” violations in the United States.
At the top of the CCP’s list of supposed How ending funding for a CCP mouth- tion,” explained principal report author
“human rights” concerns about the Unit- piece in a United Nations bureaucracy Yonah Diamond, who serves as legal Continued on A16

The American

On health care, by 89 percent, Ameri-

cans from both sides of the aisle favor
cutting prescription drug prices through

People Versus the

consumer choice and private sector
competition. The same percentage says
insurance should cover all pre-existing
conditions. Eighty-five percent of Ameri-

Democratic Machine
cans want more choice and competition
to lower health insurance premiums.
On voting integrity, 85 percent of Amer-
icans say mail in ballots must require sig-
nature verification to be counted. Eighty-
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) speaks four percent say only American citizens
during her weekly news conference on Capitol should be able to vote in elections, and 81
NEWT GINGRICH Hill in Washington on Dec. 4, 2020. percent say photo identification should
The Democratic be required for all voting—in-person and
Earlier this week, I wrote about and make amendments, and debate the absentee.
how congressional Democrats machine can amendments on the floor. This is how you On the economy, 87 percent support a
in Arizona (and other politically only run if the make bipartisan legislation that works for, “Made in America” tax credit for compa-
mixed states) are going to have American people and has the support of, most of Congress. nies who manufacture in the United States.
to make a choice about whether When I was speaker of the House, And 82 percent say we must demand fair-
they will serve the people they remain in the dark. I spent most of my time listening to ness in trade with communist China.
represent—or the Democratic ma- members, learning what they needed for In other areas, 87 percent support
chine that’s running Washington. their districts, and helping to make sure mandatory deportation for noncitizens
Specifically, I was pointing out provi- that the overall agenda had the support who are in criminal gangs. Eighty-six
sions in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s H.R. 1 of Republicans—and as many indepen- percent of Americans support term limits
that are deeply opposed by most Arizo- dents and Democrats as we could bring for members of both chambers of the
nans. The bill is largely geared toward over. Listen, learn, help, and lead—that Congress. And a full 85 percent support
keeping Democratic politicians in power was my method. protecting religious freedom from gov-
(and their allies well paid) in perpetuity— This isn’t the method Pelosi and Senate ernment interference.
despite the will of the American people. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are using. Eighty-one percent of Americans sup-
This got me thinking more deeply They are building a machine. In a machine, port school choice for every American
about how the American people as a leadership introduces legislation (which child—as well as anti-trust legislation to
whole feel about the broader agenda only a handful of insiders have seen) and regulate Big Tech to protect competition,
of the Democratic machine—which calls for a vote. There is no amendment free speech, and privacy.
is largely being hidden behind slickly process. There is no debate. You vote with Finally, 80 percent of Americans say we
named legislation and a complicit the machine, or you are punished. should fully fund (not defund) our police
national news media that benefits more This is what we saw when H.R. 1 passed and law enforcement.
from helping the machine than inform- the House (with no Republican support), If you go down this list of 80 percent-plus
ing the American people. and when President Joe Biden’s $1.9 tril- support issues and consider where the
First, let me explain what I mean by the lion political payoff bill became law (also Democratic machine is on most of these, it
Democratic machine. with no Republican votes). becomes apparent that the 2022 midterm
In a normal, healthy Congress, each Now, this machine can only run if the elections will become much larger than
individual member is there to serve the American people remain in the dark. If simply Republicans versus Democrats.
interests of his or her constituents. The more Americans see what Democrats It seems to me that 2022—and potential-
leadership has some significant power, are doing, it’s going to be more and more ly 2024—will be defined as the American
but ultimately the leadership needs its difficult for Pelosi to impose her will. This people versus the Democratic machine.
members’ support to operate effectively. is because much of the modern Demo- I have faith that the American people
Leadership understands that some mem- Like this article? Share it cratic agenda is totally opposed by most will win.
bers simply can’t vote for some things, with your friends and family. Americans.
because each district and state is unique. Use the camera on your Consider these issues that McLaughlin Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served as
To navigate this, leadership will in- smart-phone to scan this code & Associates uncovered in a national House speaker from 1995 to 1999 and ran
troduce legislation, let members read it and receive a shareble link. survey form Jan. 29—Feb. 2. as a presidential candidate in 2012.








Chapter Sixteen: The Communism Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

Behind Environmentalism Travel Editor

Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor
Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

The Epoch Times here serializes

an adaptation from the Chinese David Bellamy ABOUT US
of “How the Specter of Communism attends the
Is Ruling Our World,” a new book Chelsea Flower The Epoch Times is a media
by the editorial team of the “Nine Show at Royal organization dedicated to seek-
Commentaries on the Communist Hospital Chel- ing the truth through insightful
Party.” sea in London on and independent journalism.
May 18, 2009.
Standing outside of politi-
2. Climate Change cal interests and the pursuit of
profit, our starting point and our
b. ‘Consensus’ in Climate Science
goal is to create a media for the
‘Disaster Consensus’ Overstated public benefit, to be truly respon-
in IPCC Report (cont.) sible to society.
David Deming, a geologist and geo- We endeavor to educate read-
physicist at the University of Oklaho- ers about today’s most impor-
ma, obtained the 150-year historical tant topics, seeking to broaden
temperature data for North America and uplift minds. We believe that
by studying ice cores and wrote an rational, balanced debate is key
article about his research, which was for fostering a healthy democ-
published in Science. After publica- racy and a compassionate
tion, Deming said “a major researcher society.
in the area of climate change” sent
him an email saying, “We have to get As an independent media out-
rid of the Medieval Warm Period,” expresses doubts about the consensus In the 1990 documentary “The Green- let, we use our freedom to inves-
according to Deming’s testimony at dogma, he or she immediately faces house Conspiracy,” Michaels recount- tigate issues overlooked—or
a U.S. Senate hearing in 2006. The tremendous pressure from peers and ed how he once asked an editor why avoided—by other media outlets.
Medieval Warm Period refers to a pe- academic institutions. Some people one of his papers had been rejected We seek to highlight solutions
riod of unusually warm weather that have even argued that global warm- for publication, and was told that his and what’s good in society rather
began around AD 1000 and persisted ing skeptics should be prosecuted or work was subject to a higher evalua- than what divides us.
until a cold period in the 14th century criminalized. Those who have lived in tion standard than that of others. [51]
known as the “Little Ice Age.” More a communist totalitarian society have According to the 1990 IPCC report, We report respectfully, compas-
than 780 scientists from 462 institu- had similar experiences when ques- the understanding at the time was sionately, and rigorously.
tions in 40 countries had contributed tioning communist party dogma. that the extent of global warming was
to papers over the course of 20 years The late David Bellamy, a well-known equivalent to natural changes in cli- We stand against the destruc-
saying that the Medieval Warm British botanist and president of The mate. Therefore, although Michaels’s tion wrought by communism,
Period existed, Deming testified. Wildlife Trusts who wrote dozens point of view was different from that including the harm done to cul-
However, erasing this period from of books and papers during his ca- of many others, it could not be re- tures around the world.
the historical curve of climate change reer, publicly stated that he did not garded as heretical. However, the goal
We are inspired in this by our
strengthens the claim that any warm- believe in the consensus dogma of of establishing a false consensus had
own experience. The Epoch
ing today is unprecedented. [45] global warming. The Wildlife Trusts already been set, and everyone had to
Times was founded in 2000 to
Though hundreds of scientific responded with a statement expressing get on board.
bring honest and uncensored
papers refute the IPCC’s alleged dissatisfaction and ousted him several
news to people oppressed
consensus, their assertions have been months later when his term expired.
by the lies and violence in
marginalized in the current academic [46] Environmentalists who previously
and media environment. showed him respect began to cast as-
The natural trajectory is the communist China.
persions on his mental capacity. [47] establishment of a global
We still believe journalism is a
The late William Gray, a renowned super-government—that is, noble vocation, but only when it
professor, was a pioneer of American communism—for the ostensible genuinely seeks to serve its com-
In communist countries,
hurricane research. After he criticized purpose of saving the earth and munities and help them to flour-
crude political interference the consensus dogma about human-
in science is common. In humankind from a fabricated ish. In all that we do, we will hold
induced global warming, his research ourselves to the highest stand-
Western countries, the politics proposals were repeatedly rejected. [48]
or greatly exaggerated crisis.
ards of integrity. This is our
of environmentalism is In “Climate of Extremes: Global promise to you.
being used to interfere with Warming Science They Don’t Want In March 2008, scientists who
You to Know,” co-author Patrick J. Mi- doubted the consensus dogma on
academic freedom.
chaels, former president of the Ameri- climate issues held a private academ- CONTACT US
can Association of State Climatologists ic event in New York. Many of these
c. Establishing Dogma in and a climatologist at the University scientists said they had encountered The Epoch Times Association Inc.
the Scientific Community of Virginia, listed numerous examples various obstacles when trying to pub- 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
The hype generated by communist of environmentalists suppressing sci- lish their research in academic jour- New York, NY 10001
forces around climate change is in- entific opinion in order to reach their nals. Meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo, Advertising
tended not only to pave the way for a alleged consensus. Because Michaels former chairman of the American
global government, but also to destroy asserted that changes in the climate Meteorological Society’s Committee
research ethics in the scientific com- would not necessarily lead to disas- on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Subscriptions
munity. ter—and this stance was inconsistent said that some of his colleagues dared
Climatology is a young subject with the consensus dogma—the not attend the meeting out of fear it General Inquiries
with only a few decades of history. governor of Virginia instructed him to might affect their employment. He
Yet the hypotheses surrounding stop speaking on global warming as a believed that there was “very likely a
Letters to the Editor
global warming have been prema- state climatologist. Michaels ultimate- silent majority of scientists in clima-
turely taken as fact. The media has ly chose to resign. [49] tology, meteorology, and allied sci-
been keeping global warming in ences who do not endorse what is said
the headlines and covering up the to be the ‘consensus’ position.” [52]
inaccuracies in the underlying sci-
ence. Governments pour funds into No matter the academic Notes
researching the global warming reputation of a scientist, once
hypothesis while marginalizing other he or she publicly expresses 45. U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee
on Environment and Public Works, “Full
findings. The media and politicians doubts about the consensus Committee Hearing on Climate Change and
label the prediction of catastrophic dogma, he or she immediately the Media,” 109th Cong., 2nd sess., Dec. 6,
climate change as “scientifically faces tremendous pressure from 2006.
proven” and spread it worldwide as
unassailable doctrine. Thus, thinking peers and academic institutions. 46. Jonathan Leake, “Wildlife Groups Axe
on the matter has been largely unified Bellamy as Global Warming ‘Heretic,’”
among the general public, and this Washington state assistant clima- Sunday Times Online, May 15, 2005.
has planted convoluted notions of tologist Mark Albright was dismissed 47. Christopher C. Horner, “Red Hot Lies:
right and wrong in people’s minds. from his position following an inci- How Global Warming Alarmists Use

If carried to its conclusion, the dent involving misleading statements Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You
natural trajectory is the establishment given by the mayor of Seattle, who Misinformed” (Washington, D.C.: Regnery
of a global super-government—that had asserted that “the average snow Publishing, 2008), 78–79.
is, communism—for the ostensible pack in the [Cascade Mountains]

48. Ibid., 73–74.
purpose of saving the earth and hu- has declined 50 percent since 1950.”
mankind from a fabricated or greatly Albright began sending his colleagues 49. Patrick J. Michaels and Robert C.
exaggerated crisis. Destroying the old data that showed the snow pack in the Balling Jr., “Climate of Extremes: Global
world by any means is a basic strategy Cascades had been growing, rather Warming Science They Don’t Want You to
of communism. than declining, since the 1970s. The Know” (Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, Get the
2009), x–xiii.
No matter the academic reputation
of a scientist, once he or she publicly
state climatologist at the time de-
manded that Albright begin submit- 50. James Taylor, “Associate State
independent news
US CONGRESS ting his emails for vetting before they Climatologist Fired for Exposing Warming
Myths,” The Heartland Institute, June 1,
you won’t find
were sent, and when Albright refused,
he was stripped of his title. [50] 2007. anywhere else.
In communist countries, crude 51. Hilary Lawson, dir., “The Greenhouse
Scientist David political interference in science is
Deming testifies Conspiracy” (UK: Channel 4 Television, Subscribe and get the
common. In Western countries, the 1990), posted on YouTube by ZilogBob on insights only The Epoch Times
before the Sen-
ate Committee politics of environmentalism is being Feb. 16, 2015. can provide, delivered to your
on Environment used to interfere with academic free- door every week.
and Public Works dom. Academic research that casts See next edition for the next installment.
on Capitol Hill in doubt about the consensus dogma is
Washington on rarely seen in academic journals, a To purchase the books, visit Epoch-
Dec. 6, 2006. phenomenon that began in the 1990s.

America as the ultimate protection for all Unfortunately, the U.N. and many of its

CCP Seeks to Redefine other rights, including those that the CCP
refuses to acknowledge even exist.
Switzerland, with some of the high-
member governments (and even a grow-
ing segment of influential voices in Amer-
ica) come down firmly on the side of the

‘Human Rights’ in est gun-ownership rates on Earth, also

has among the lowest murder rates.
Meanwhile, nations such as Venezuela
and Mexico, where private gun owner-
CCP’s perverse view of rights, rather than
the American and Christian view.
The U.N. view is extremely dangerous,
and the global body frequently echoes

Attack on America ship has long been virtually illegal, have

among the highest murder and crime
rates on the planet.
CCP-style talking points about free
speech or gun rights in America suppos-
edly being a “violation” of human rights.
The real violation of human rights is the But this isn’t new. In Article 29 of the
CCP’s total denial of its victims’ right to U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human
CONTINUED FROM A13 keep and bear arms. But then again, dic- Rights, the global body even claims that
If the effort to tatorships and tyrants never trust their “these rights and freedoms may in no
For example, a similar report released in victims with weapons. case be exercised contrary to the purpos-
2012 pointed to “violations such as the redefine rights is es and principles of the United Nations.”
view that the U.S. government exercises successful—and it The Threat: Real Rights Versus That would be the equivalent of having
lax firearm possession control, causing is already making Fake Rights a First Amendment that prohibited using
rampant gun ownership.” The real danger of the CCP report isn’t one’s free speech or freedom of assembly
Despite numerous polls showing over- great progress—true that Americans will suddenly read the or right to petition in order to criticize
A grand- whelming public support for the constitu- human rights could document and revolt against their sup- Congress. It is self-evidently absurd.
mother tionally guaranteed right to keep and bear be lost forever, posedly oppressive government. Nor is As if to highlight the absurdity of its
and grand- arms, the CCP report even argued that there a serious risk that the CCP’s hypoc- own position, on Feb. 22, the U.N. “Hu-
daughter hug U.S. authorities were ignoring the “com- written out of the risy would be taken seriously, though the man Rights Council” gave a platform to
through a plaints of the U.S. people” and “multiple history books. regime’s talking points and the “woke” CCP State Councilor and Foreign Minis-
plastic drop protests” supposedly demanding that “the mob’s ramblings are increasingly diffi- ter Wang Yi, marking the first time that
cloth hung up government strictly control the private cult to differentiate. a CCP leader addressed the increasingly
on a home- possession of arms.” Rather, the danger is that the CCP discredited U.N. body. Incredibly, the
made clothes This year, the CCP report is again expect- screed is just the tip of the iceberg in a regime was elected to serve another term
line during ed to demonize the Second Amendment global campaign to completely redefine on the disgraced U.N. body last year.
Day Weekend
for supposedly producing “gun violence.” the very concept of rights—not as God- “Increasing people’s sense of gains,
in Wantagh, The argument, though, is absurd—es- given, but as government-granted. happiness and security is the fundamen-
N.Y., on May pecially as the United States has a lower Indeed, the regime in communist tal pursuit of human rights as well as the
24, 2020. murder rate than most of the world, and China and its totalitarian allies around ultimate goal of national governance,”
gun-rights have always been regarded in the world use “human rights” as a pretext Wang declared at the 46th session of the
AL BELLO/GETTY IMAGES to control the lives and restrict the liber- U.N. body, claiming to support “peace,
ties of their victims. development, equity, justice, democracy
For instance, under the guise of a “hu- and freedom.”
man right” to a government-controlled Wang, who claimed the CCP operates
education, tyrants indoctrinate children “the most representative democracy,”
with lies and prohibit alternatives. also suggested that a slight increase in
Under the guise of a “human right” the Chinese people’s standard of living
to government-provided “health care,” in recent years is evidence of the regime’s
tyrants hijack control of medical systems devotion to human rights.
and restrict individual freedom, making Most incredibly, perhaps, Wang de-
their victims completely dependent on scribed Beijing’s murderous scheming in
their abusers. Xinjiang and Tibet as “shining examples
Under the guise of a “human right” to a of China’s human rights progress.” Yes,
“decent standard of living,” tyrants seize seriously. Apparently, genocide is a “shin-
control of whole economies—and the ing example” of “human rights,” at least
people who make up the economy. in the CCP’s understanding of the term.
These are all known as “positive rights,” “The Chinese government attaches
and they all purport to require that the high importance to the promotion and
government do something to you or for protection of human rights,” Wang told
you at the expense of others that you the regime’s propaganda megaphone
couldn’t ethically do on your own. Xinhua “news” agency, which according
As an example, you could never go rob to whistleblowers doubles as an intelli-
your neighbor and claim you needed his gence-gathering front.
money for your college or your health Other brutal dictatorships on the U.N.
care. But if you have a “positive right” to Human Rights Council echo those pre-
college or health care, government can posterous claims on a regular basis.
The Book You’ve Been be authorized to go take your neighbor’s
wealth to spend on you. What Next?
Waiting for... Importantly, because they depend on
government, all of these “positive rights”
If the effort to redefine rights is success-
ful—and it’s already making great prog-
can also be revoked by government on a ress—true human rights could be lost
whim, using flimsy pretexts. forever, written out of the history books.
Obviously, this is an extremely danger- Such a development would leave the
ous view of “human rights.” people of the world at the mercy of often-
By contrast, the traditional American times brutal governments subscribing
and Christian concept of rights rooted in to the CCP-backed grotesque perversion
NOW the Bible and Western traditions couldn’t
be more different.
of rights that literally flips the concept
on its head.
BIGGER SIZE, Perhaps the most significant difference Instead of having a duty to protect the
EASIER TO READ is that these genuine human rights are God-given, unalienable rights of the
FORMAT unalienable. Think freedom of speech,
freedom to own property, the right to
individual, tyrants everywhere would be
empowered to oppress and abuse their
worship God according to the dictates victims in the name of “human rights.”
of one’s conscience, the right to protect Increasingly, like the CCP, governments
one’s family and property, and so on. and international outfits are already
These are all “negative” rights, in that peddling the notion that gun rights and
they entail freedom from abuses, coer- self-defense aren’t rights, but violations of
cion, and more. Just like you can protect rights. Similarly, even free speech is now
your property from a robber, you can being painted as a violation of people’s sup-
delegate authority to a sheriff to help you posed “human right” not to be offended.
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, protect your property. With help from corrupted education
As America’s Founding Fathers de- systems and dictator-dominated inter-
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be clared in the Declaration of Indepen- national organizations, a major transfor-
on this country’s academia’s dence, individuals are “endowed by their mation is already happening around the
Creator” with these “unalienable rights.” world and even in America—especially
list of required reading.”
That means these rights exist indepen- in the minds of younger generations.
dent of government. Millions of children now are being
Because government didn’t and doesn’t conditioned to demand their supposed

grant these rights, it has no legitimate “right” to tax-funded college, health care,
authority to revoke or restrict them. abortion, and transgender surgeries,
Instead, the government’s role is lim- while, at the same time, demanding cen-


ited to the protection of these God-given sorship and draconian curbs on religious
rights from infringement. The Declara- liberty in the name of “human rights.”
tion of Independence even argues that This is a recipe for catastrophe. If it con-
this is the very reason governments are tinues, the next generation of Americans
instituted. may look at the CCP’s silly reports and
The specter of communism did not The timeless words and principles in
that document echoed statements made
actually take them seriously.
It’s time to fight back on the battlefield
years earlier on the subject by Sam Adams, that matters: the essence and definition
disappear with the disintegration of the widely known as the “Father of the Ameri- of human rights. The genocidal CCP
can Revolution.” In the first letter circulat- must not be allowed to win.
Communist Party in Eastern Europe ed by his Committees of Correspondence The surest way to do that is by Ameri-
in 1772, Adams laid out his case. cans returning to a true understanding
“Among the natural rights of the Colo- of rights—God-given and unalienable—

ORDER NOW! nists are these: First, a right to life; Second- as enumerated in the nation’s founding
ly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together documents.
with the right to support and defend them
in the best manner they can,” he wrote. Alex Newman is an award-winning inter-
He also argued that the “Rights of the national journalist, educator, author, and
Colonists as Christians” could be “best consultant who co-wrote the book “Crimes
understood by reading and carefully of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using
studying the institutes of the great Law Government Schools to Destroy America’s
Giver and Head of the Christian Church, Children.” He also serves as the CEO of Liber-
which are to be found clearly written and ty Sentinel Media and writes for diverse pub-
promulgated in the New Testament.” lications in the United States and abroad.

A Border Patrol creased or lose their jobs altogether.

agent checks This is all contradictory and non-
an illegal sensical. Out of one side of her mouth,
immigrant’s Jacobson tells us that Biden will work to
wrist bands, “expand safe and legal avenues to the
which are used
by Mexican
United States,” but out of the other side
cartels to she “wants to be clear” that nothing in
control human U.S. policy is intended to “suggest that
smuggling into anyone should make the dangerous
the United trip to try and enter the United States in
States, near an irregular fashion. The border is not
Penitas, Texas, open.”
on March 15, I suppose the videos of Latin Ameri-
2021. cans streaming across the border into
the United States are just some deep fake
production of QAnon or Roger Stone (pick
your favorite conservative scapegoat!).
Jacobson went so far as to complain
that the Mexican cartels were some-
how misleading migrants into believ-
ing that the border is open. Again, this
complaint—the official position of the
U.S. government—violated the common
sense that Thomas Jefferson had prom-
ised the American republic. Anyone who
has watched video of the border in the
past week knows full well that the border
is open and the crisis is real. We hold
these truths to be self-evident.

Open Borders: An Assault

But the Biden team doesn’t get it. In-
stead of Trump’s “America First” policy,
we now have a federal government that
intends to take responsibility for the

on Common Sense “hopes and dreams” of foreign nationals.

Not just that, but to do so while under-
mining Americans.
Don’t forget the Democrat plan to grant
amnesty to upwards of 20 million illegal
ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES aliens. That’s the equivalent of adding
FRANK MIELE free speech. Nowhere is it more appar- 10 times the population of Montana to
ent than in the Biden administration’s our nation, and essentially it means that
“We hold these truths to bizarre insistence that the border—like voters in Montana and elsewhere will
be self-evident ...” its notion of gender—is fluid, transitory, be reduced to second-class citizens. If
So begins one of and apparently altogether optional. our elected leaders can dilute the vote of
the most pivotal pro- An open border represents a funda- Americans by engineering a new elector-
nouncements in the mental threat to the social contract be- ate whenever convenient to do so, either
advancement of human tween the governed and the government through amnesty or through weakening
liberty. With those words, because it leaves the people unprotected. Roberta Jacobson, election rules so that anyone can vote,
Thomas Jefferson threw down a gauntlet Just as the governed owe allegiance to special assistant to then consent of the governed is no more
at the feet of not just the king of England, the government, so too the government the president and than a cheap parlor trick.
but also at Parliament and the entire owes its allegiance to the people. Not coordinator for the The patience of the American people is
southern border
entrenched elite who, up until then, any people, not the people of the world, being tested. Will common sense pre-
ambassador, speaks
had reserved power unto themselves by but the people of the nation. The “safety during the daily press vail? Or is it too late?
dint of their education, upbringing, and and happiness” of the people must be briefing at the White
wealth. the guiding principle of any government, House on March 10, From RealClearWire.
No more, Jefferson insisted. By declar- yet clearly the willingness of the U.S. 2021.
ing the truths of equality and of unalien- government to turn a blind eye to the Frank D. Miele is a columnist and author.
able rights to be “self-evident,” Jefferson influx of noncitizens into the country is His new book is “How We Got Here:
freed the common people from the yoke a direct threat to the health and safety of The Left’s Assault on the Constitution.”
of oppression they had too long labored the people.
under—including the oppression of be- Roberta Jacobson, who was the U.S.
ing told what to think by their “betters.” ambassador to Mexico and is Biden’s “co-
This, in sum, is the genius of American ordinator for the southern border,” gave
democracy, that it was based on “Com- a press conference last week to explain
mon Sense,” not just the pamphlet by what the administration was doing to
Thomas Paine but the very concept itself.
The American people had discovered
that they were well enough equipped by
“change our immigration system,” but
she might as well have been honest and
said it was to explain what they are doing
Need to Adjust Your Epoch
their creator to take on any task, meet
any challenge, confront any oppressor.
They could think for themselves. That
to change our country at its core.
“We can’t just undo four years of the
previous administration,” Jacobson said,
Times Email Preferences?
was the key. but it looks like they are doing exactly
Because Jefferson and the other Found- that. Whereas the Trump administration
ing Fathers gave voice to this revolution- worked tirelessly to halt illegal immigra-
ary idea, they were granted authority by tion, the Biden team is rolling out the red It’s fast and easy from our customer portal!
the people to conduct a Revolutionary carpet. Border wall? Construction halt- Access our email preferences dashboard in three easy steps.
War, deriving (as the Declaration of In- ed. “Remain in Mexico” policy? Aban-
dependence would have it) their powers doned. Catch and release? Restored, with
“from the consent of the governed.” busloads of illegal aliens being shipped 1. Log In Log in to your account at
It’s that same consent that has been the across the country, many almost assur-
foundation of our democracy for the past edly infected with COVID-19. Click on your name in
245 years, but it must not be taken for Jacobson said the United States was 2. Click the top right-hand corner of the page
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granted. Jefferson posited that “when- investing billions of dollars into Central
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destructive of these ends, it is the Right conditions would improve in those na- 3. Email Newsletter “Email Newsletters”
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its foundation on such principles, and mined trek to our border. The ambas-
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organizing its powers in such form, as sador claimed that this infusion of cash
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their Safety and Happiness.” immigration, which she said are “corrup- Welcome, John!
Jefferson was right to caution that tion, violence and economic devastation
governments shouldn’t be changed exacerbated by climate change.”
lightly, but we must also be cautious of Really? Sending $4 billion into the
entrenched power and ask whether the kleptocracies of Guatemala, El Salva- My Account
people’s consent can be corrupted by a dor, and Honduras is going to make for
government that has grown hostile to its less corruption? In what universe? Our
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it seems that common sense has been spend $4 billion to end violence in Chi- Unsubscribe
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supplanted by doctrine and dogma—a cago, where Democrat policies saw gun (ePaper)
dangerous condition, especially when violence and murder jump by 50 percent
the people are sufficiently educated to in 2020.
rebuff doctrine with facts. What such policy claims represent is a You can also unsubscribe
This conflict naturally results in a seri- utopian worldview that is divorced from from a newsletter by
ous breach of the consent of the governed, common sense. Jacobson thinks condi- clicking Manage your Copyright © 2021 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved.

as a people who can’t trust their govern- tions “compel” people to migrate whereas email preference here at
The Epoch Times, 229 W 28th St, Fl.5, New York, NY 10001
ment to tell the truth will eventually ques- common sense provides clear evidence the bottom of our emails.
With social media censorship sidelining many important
tion whether that government is legiti- that U.S. policies for decades have acted as headlines, our Breaking News email is how we make sure
mate. That breach is currently as dramatic a magnet to attract migration. you get the latest developments that our reporters have
curated from around the world. It’s our way of keeping you
as it has ever been since the Constitution From her press conference, it’s obvious truly informed so that you can make the decisions that
corrected the errors of the original Ar- that those policies won’t change for the align with your values. We hope you enjoy our coverage.
Manage your email preferences here
ticles of Confederation in 1787. better. They will get worse. We are going
You need look no further than the to be “rethinking asylum processing to
dispute over the legitimacy of the last ensure fair and faster consideration.” Ac-
election to know that the people’s “con- cording to Jacobson, this is all supposed
sent” is being put to the test, but you can to provide “hope for families,” but not
also witness that strain in policy debates American families, who will foot the bill
about transgenderism, gun control, and and very possibly see their wages de-

The Berenstain Bears Could Curb

the ‘Stimulus’ Crowd’s Enthusiasm

JOHN TAMNY having what money can be exchanged for.

People like the fruits of production, but
Commentary Irwin and the economists he listens to are
calling for a scenario whereby government
“‘Besides,’ added Papa, depresses the producers in order to stimu-
‘sometimes the price of late the depressed as the path to growth.
things goes up, like gas. Oh well, not only is there no growth in
The price of gas for our car the above scenario, it’s also not one that
went up twenty cents just would logically appeal to the depressed.
last week! Maybe the same thing happens If to some degree their depression is a
with teeth.’” – Jan & Mike Berenstain, “The consequence of a lack of money, then it’s
Berenstain Bears and the Tooth Fairy,” p. 8. in truth rooted in a lack of material goods.
Sister Bear has just lost a tooth. It had Remember, Sister Bear doesn’t want a
been loose for a time, and it finally came dollar as much as she wants marbles,
out in this children’s book series about candy, ice cream, or Bearbie accessories.
first experiences. Mama and Papa Bear All of which explains how deadening
tell her to put the tooth under her pillow so government spending is to economic
the Tooth Fairy can replace it with money. growth. It’s not just that it’s perhaps a
There’s quite a bit of economic learning work disincentive, as some point out.
that can be had from this simple story. It’s What’s really awful about government
learning that seemingly never reached all spending is that it shrinks the dollar hold-
manner of economists, politicians, and ings of those most capable of saving (the
the journalistic enablers of each. stimulated) and shifts them to those most
A woman shops at a store in New York on Feb. 27, 2020.
In Sister Bear’s case, word on the street capable of consuming (the depressed).
is that a quarter is no longer the going To the typical economist, this scenario is
rate for a lost tooth. The Fairy now hands in ways that economists no longer can. it’s remembered that the sole purpose grand, since economists believe con-
out dollars. Sister Bear’s musings are a reminder that of money is to facilitate the exchange of sumption drives economic growth. No,
The quote from Papa Bear up above no one wants “money,” buys and sells market goods. Money doesn’t instigate investment is the source of growth, and
explains why. Sometimes money doesn’t with “money,” or lends and borrows with production; rather it’s a consequence of government spending logically shrinks
stretch as far. More specifically, amid “money.” In truth, the movement of mon- production. the very investment that drives down the
periods of currency devaluation, which ey signals the movement of actual market Applied to lawmakers and central cost of most everything.
was the definition of inflation for the goods. In other words, we want money be- bankers, they can’t create new wealth. Please keep this in mind the next time
longest time, money no longer purchases cause of what it can be exchanged for. The They can only redistribute wealth already politicians, economists, journalists, or all
as many market goods as it used to. failure of economists and journalists to created. For them to pass out dollars to three react with elation to major spend-
Economists think economic growth internalize this statement of the obvious others, they must extract dollars from ing plans. Not only do they not stimulate
causes inflation as demand outpaces sup- is the source of all manner of economic those who created the wealth in the first economic growth, they logically slow
ply, but they miss the basic truth that all misunderstanding. place. There’s no new demand. There’s the process whereby goods and services
demand begins with supply. These things Consider a recent column by New York only a shift of demand. are rendered more and more affordable.
balance. In reality, economic growth cor- Times economic journalist Neil Irwin. Ir- In short, the wealth redistribution that
relates with falling prices for much that win is elated that the trillions of so-called doesn’t stimulate also doesn’t help those
was formerly out of reach, since growth is “stimulus” spending since the tragic it’s billed to help.
a consequence of investment, and invest- lockdowns began has awoken lawmakers Investment, not consumption, Paraphrasing Irwin, “people like hav-
ment is all about producing exponentially to their “leading role” in economic aid; a is the source of growth, ing what money can be exchanged for.”
more for exponentially less. role that will push the Fed aside. Actu- and government spending Government spending means people get
Inflation is currency devaluation. Period. ally, neither the Fed nor lawmakers can fewer things. How sad for those strug-
Which speaks to another highly useful stimulate economic growth. Sister Bear logically shrinks the very gling, and how sad for Sister Bear.
economic lesson within this slim chil- shows why. investment that drives down
dren’s book. Before the tooth came out, She once again desires money for what the cost of most everything. From RealClearWire.
Sister Bear had already begun to think it can be exchanged for, but money is only
“about what she could get with that dollar.” desirable insofar as there is production John Tamny is the editor of RealClear-
Would it be accessories for her “Bearbie,” to exchange it for first. If anyone doubts Irwin gleefully observes that “people Markets, vice president at FreedomWorks,
or marbles, or a giant marker, a jumbo this, they need only take their dollars to like having money,” so the answer is and a senior economic adviser at Tore-
lollypop, or maybe a milkshake? The pos- the Amazon River forests or to Antarctica seemingly to give them money. Growth ador Research and Trading. His new book
sibilities were endless. to see how much their dollars will pur- will follow. No, it’s not that simple. is titled “When Politicians Panicked: The
What’s important about Sister Bear’s chase them. Without production, money What Irwin misses is that people don’t New Coronavirus, Expert Opinion, and a
thoughts is that they explained “money” quite simply serves no function when “like having money” as much as they like Tragic Lapse of Reason.”

bank taking aggressive action to prevent will be directed to finance the produc-
Yield Curve Control: Another bond yields from rising—to 0.3 percent in
Spain or 0.6 percent in Italy.
tive economy and put to work to invest in
industry and provide credit to households.
Recipe for Stagnation This is evidence of a massive bubble.
If the ECB wasn’t there to repurchase all
However, that doesn’t happen.
Market participants know that the shape
eurozone sovereign issuances, what yield of the yield curve is manipulated, and that
DANIEL LACALLE would investors demand for Spain, Italy, or risk is hidden, so most of the funds go to
YCC doesn’t Portugal? Three, four, five times the cur- liquid short-term assets and to refinanc-
Commentary rent level on the 10-year? Probably. That’s ing zombie firms that are already in high
reduce the risk why developed central banks are trapped debt. Overcapacity is perpetuated, risky
Central banks don’t of a crisis; it in their own policy. They can’t hint at asset inflation soars, those that are already
manage risk, they dis- simply disguises it normalizing even when the economy is indebted are refinanced eternally, and
guise it. You know you recovering strongly, and inflation is rising. low-interest rates push high liquidity to
live in a bubble when a by manipulating Market participants may be happy the least productive parts of the economy.
small bounce in sovereign the price of thinking these actions will drive equi- It’s no coincidence that the number of
bond yields generates an immediate pan- sovereign bonds. ties and risky assets higher, but they also zombie firms has soared in the period
ic reaction from central banks trying to make economic cycles weaker, shorter, since YCC was implemented. It’s even less
prevent those yields from rising further. and more abrupt. of a coincidence that unproductive debt
It’s particularly evident when the alleged Central banks have exhausted tools has ballooned.
soar in yields comes after years of their such as repurchasing bonds and cutting Allowing rates to adjust to reality
having been artificially depressed with rates; the diminishing returns are evident. through free float would be more effective
negative rates and asset purchases. It’s Now they look to Japan, of all places, to at transferring liquidity to the productive
scary to read that the European Central look at yield curve control (YCC) policies. segments of the economy and strengthen-
Bank (ECB) will implement more asset Many articles hail the Bank of Japan’s ing the recovery. It would also reduce the
purchases to control a small move in yields curve control strategy as a big success. It incentive to overspend from governments.
that still left sovereign issuers’ bonds with has managed to keep bond yields inside Central banks say they don’t cut rates but
negative nominal and real interest rates. a narrow range of around zero percent just follow market demands. If that’s the
It’s even scarier to see that market par- since it adopted its YCC policy in 2016. case, let them float freely. But they won’t.
ticipants hail the decision to disguise risk However, all this has done is disguise YCC will likely be openly implemented
with even more liquidity. No one seemed risk and lead the economy to massively by the ECB and the Federal Reserve, but
to complain about the fact that sovereign indebted stagnation. it’s already de facto in place. It won’t solve
issuers with alarming solvency prob- Why? The central bank applies constant anything, just make bubbles larger and
lems were issuing bonds with negative changes in its purchases of sovereign the economy weaker.
yields. No one seemed to be concerned bonds with different maturities to prevent Just like in Japan, it won’t prevent a
about the fact that the ECB bought more the yield curve from steepening and bond crisis nor make the economy better
than 100 percent of net issuances from yields from rising above a certain level, prepared to face it. It won’t lead to stron-
eurozone states. The thing that shows which could cause an economic crisis as ger economic recoveries, either. The only
what a bubble we live in is that market risk-off takes over. thing that YCC does is perpetuate bloated
participants find it logical to see a central There’s a deeply flawed view of markets government spending and zombify the
in this theory. YCC doesn’t reduce the risk economy at the expense
of a crisis; it simply disguises it by manipu- of real wages and the productive sectors.
lating the price of sovereign bonds, the Once YCC fails, like all other financial
alleged lowest risk asset. As such, market repression tools, central banks and gov-
participants always take significantly more ernments will say it didn’t work because
risk than they want to or should, because they didn’t do enough. It’s never enough
the price of risk and the shape of the curve when they use other people’s money.
The euro sign in front is artificially managed by the central bank.
of the European Central The idea behind YCC is that savers will Daniel Lacalle, Ph.D., is chief economist at
Bank in Frankfurt/ stop purchasing or selling sovereign bonds hedge fund Tressis and author of “Freedom
Main, Germany, on when they perceive that the economic cy- or Equality,” “Escape from the Central Bank
Oct. 26, 2014. cle is changing, and that investors’ funds Trap,” and “Life in the Financial Markets.”

we will be able to operate profitably in our

biggest markets.”
Regal had closed all of its theaters in early
2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
company reopened the venues in mid-2020
but closed them in early October, citing
challenging restrictions and key market
Major markets, including New York City,
never let Regal reopen, and officials hadn’t
provided guidance on when they would
let the theaters welcome customers back.
Some states and cities are rolling back
restrictions as the number of COVID-19
cases, hospitalizations, and deaths drop
sharply and as an increasing number of
Americans receive COVID-19 vaccines.
COVID-19 is the disease caused by
the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) vi-
rus, also known as the novel coronavirus.
Cinemark draws about 75 percent of its
revenue from the United States.
The company plans to reopen its UK the-
aters in May.
Cinemark on March 23 also announced
that it reached a deal with Warner Bros. Pic-
tures Group that will give Regal an exclusive
45-day window to screen the group’s movies.
Regal is the second-largest theater chain in
the United States. AMC, the largest, started
Regal Cinemas LA Live in Los Angeles on Oct. 5, 2020. opening nearly every location on March 19.
About 98 percent of AMC theaters, in-
cluding more than 40 in California, were

Regal Cinemas to Reopen US reopening that day, while more opened

their doors on March 22.
“It was exactly one year ago that we closed
all AMC locations in the United States. It

Movie Theaters Next Month gives me immense joy to say that by the end
of next week we expect that 99 [percent]
of our U.S. locations will have reopened,”
Adam Aron, AMC’s CEO, said in a statement.
“As we have done at all of locations [sic]
ZACHARY STIEBER The reopening will continue on April 16 “With the health and safety of our cus- around the country, AMC is reopening and
with “Mortal Kombat.” tomers, staff, and communities as our operating with the highest devotion to the
Regal Cinemas movie theaters will reopen “We have long-awaited this moment top priority, we continue to take all the health and safety of our guests and associ-
in the United States in early April after be- when we can welcome audiences back to necessary precautions and abide by our ates through our AMC Safe & Clean policies
ing closed for most of the past year. our Regal theatres and restore our essential CinemaSafe guidelines to confidently pro- and protocols, which were developed in
The phased reopening will start on April role within the communities we serve,” vide a safe and comfortable experience. consultation with Clorox and with current
2, with a limited number of theaters wel- Mooky Greidinger, CEO of Cineworld, Re- With capacity restrictions expanding to 50 and former faculty at the prestigious Har-
coming customers for “Godzilla vs. Kong.” gal’s parent company, said in a statement. [percent] or more across most U.S. states, vard University School of Public Health.”


More Businesses Offer Perks for

Proof of Vaccination: Free Donuts
and Rides, Dine-In Discounts
TOM OZIMEK have launched similar tactics to promote
vaccinations. Rumbleseat Bar & Grille, a
Businesses across the United States are restaurant in Chicopee, Massachusetts,
increasingly leaning into the vaccination said in a Facebook post in early February
effort, offering a range of freebies and in- that it will offer a 20 percent discount for
centives to customers who show proof of dine-in meals to customers with proof of
getting a COVID-19 shot. vaccination. Oak and Reel, a Detroit res-
Security experts note, however, that the taurant, offered customers a 50 percent
information on vaccine record cards—cur- discount on dine-in meals.
rently the only proof of vaccination—con- “We want to encourage people to get the
tains sensitive information that bad actors vaccine and celebrate those who have,” A container ship sailing through the Suez Canal in Egypt on Nov. 17, 2019.
could exploit; they urge people to be mind- Oak and Reel chef and owner Jared Gad-
ful when flashing the cards—and definitely baw said, according to the Detroit Free
not share photos of them on social media.
Three separate vaccines against the CCP
virus have been approved in the United
Major corporations are also looking to
encourage people to get vaccinated, with
Sagging Oil Price Surges
States, and a fourth emergency use ap-
plication is expected soon for AstraZen-
eca’s version. Over 128 million doses have
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg recently
announcing a global campaign to get 50
million people “a step closer to getting CO-
6 Percent as Grounded
been administered as of March 23, with
the highest administration rates in New
VID-19 vaccines,” including by expanding
the use of chatbots and other tools to en-
Ship Blocks Suez Canal
Mexico, Alaska, Connecticut, and the Da- courage people to register for a shot. Others
kotas, according to the Centers for Disease will help people travel, with Lyft and Uber
Control and Prevention (CDC). offering to provide free transportation to NEW YORK—Oil prices jumped about but it has been partially refloated, with
Looking to help the vaccination rollout vaccination centers, according to the Wall 6 percent on March 24 after a ship ran traffic along the fastest shipping route
build more steam, many companies—in- Street Journal. aground in the Suez Canal, and worries from Europe to Asia expected to resume
cluding Amtrak, Dollar General, Instacart, Generally, to qualify for the perks—like that the incident could tie up crude ship- soon, port agent GAC said on March 24.
McDonald’s, and Target—have offered in- Krispy Kreme’s free donut—people need ments gave prices a boost after a slide “It’s one of those wild cards that is
centives to their employees to get the vac- to show their vaccination cards, which in- over the last week. unique to the crude oil industry,” said
cine, including paid leave, footing the bill clude their name and date of birth and are The crude benchmarks, U.S. crude, and Bob Yawger of Mizuho in New York.
for rides to and from administration sites, currently the only proof anyone has that London-based Brent added to gains after “Once you think you have everything
and cash payments. they’ve been vaccinated. U.S. inventory figures showed a further nailed down, I can guarantee one thing:
Some businesses are now taking that a The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has rebound in refining activity, suggesting You don’t.”
step further and starting to offer their cus- warned people not to be careless with dis- U.S. refiners are mostly recovered from Oil prices were also supported by U.S.
tomers vaccine perks. playing the cards, urging them in a blog the cold snap that slammed Texas in Energy Information Administration data
Krispy Kreme announced on March 22 post not to post selfies of themselves hold- February. that showed refinery runs recovering af-
that it will offer a free Original Glazed ing the document. Brent crude gained $3.69, or 6.1 percent, ter a winter storm shut Texas refineries
doughnut “anytime, any day, every day for “The self-identifying information on it to $64.48 a barrel by 12:53 p.m. EDT (1653 in February.
the rest of the year” for customers in the makes you vulnerable to identity theft and GMT), after tumbling 5.9 percent the pre- “The refiners are coming out of mainte-
United States who display a vaccine card. can help scammers create phony versions,” vious day. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) nance and recovering from the power out-
Some local food and beverage retailers the BBB said. climbed $3.49, or 6 percent, to $61.25, ages. The expectation is now that they’re
GRANT HINDSLEY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Sandra Guile of the International As- having lost 6.2 percent on March 23. getting back to work, we will see crude
sociation of Better Business Bureaus told The gains appeared to stabilize the inventories trending lower in the coming
“Good Morning America” recently that market that had slumped from early this weeks,” said Phil Flynn, senior analyst at
“some unsavory individuals out there” month when prices hit their highest lev- Price Futures Group in Chicago.
will use the information on vaccine cards els this year on expectations for demand Italy, France, and other European coun-
and will “try to open up credit cards, buy recovery. Those hopes have since been tries have reimposed movement restric-
cellphones, go shopping.” dashed as European nations reentered tions. But German Chancellor Angela
Jake Milstein, a cybersecurity expert and lockdowns amid another wave of the Merkel said she was reversing a decision
chief marketing officer at CI Security, told pandemic. for a stricter Easter shutdown. Germany
NBC5 Chicago that the information on Oil has recovered from historic lows is Europe’s biggest oil consumer.
vaccine cards is of value to criminals and reached in 2020 as OPEC and its allies OPEC and its allies, known as OPEC+,
urged caution. made record output cuts. On March 23, meet on April 1 to consider whether to
A patient receives a card showing when they “This is why on the black market and on both benchmarks touched their lowest unwind more of their output cuts.
received their first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 the dark web, health care records sell for since February.
vaccine at the Amazon Meeting Center in Seat- more than identity records,” Milstein told A giant container ship has been block- By Laila Kearney
tle on Jan. 24, 2021. the outlet. ing the Suez Canal for more than a day, From Reuters
A20 | THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021

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Olive Oil Helps This What You Should Know

Lemon Tart Shine About Cooking With Wine
It’s the key to an extra bright filling and easy crust—no In basic terms, when cooking with wine,
rolling or chilling required. use one that’s clean, fresh, and young.

See B3 See B8



Light Enough
for Spring Serve veal
blanquette over
rice with sweet
peas, for a dish that
Ease into the season carries you from
with blanquette de winter to spring.

veau, a classic dish

of delicate veal in a
comforting cream


eal blanquette is a classic white
stew from the French reper-
toire, made with tender veal
chunks cooked “en blanquette”
in a broth with vegetables and aromatics.
Finished with a creamy, mushroom-stud-
ded sauce of tangy crème fraîche and zesty
lemon juice, it brings together all the com-
forts of a winter stew, but with the bright-
ness we yearn for in a spring dish. This is
the perfect recipe to carry us from cold to
warmer days.

What Is Cooking en Blanquette?

The word “blanquette” comes from the
color white—“blanc” in French—which
describes the color of the meat and of the
sauce. Indeed, in most classic French stews,
such as beef bourguignon, the chunks of
meat must be browned beforehand—but
this isn’t the case in veal blanquette. The
meat should remain “white.”
Cooking “en blanquette” thus describes
cooking meat or fish in broth with aromat-
ics to prevent it from browning or getting
any type of sear. The meat or fish is then
reserved on the side, and the broth is bol-
stered with a white roux (butter and flour)
and enriched with white crème fraîche and
egg yolk before the meat or fish is returned
to the stew.
If you aren’t familiar with cooking en
blanquette, boiling meat in a broth may
sound like an odd or counter-intuitive
process. But you will soon realize the
slow simmering gives the veal a unique
tenderness and develops more delicate
flavors, compared to other brown stews.
Blanquettes are much-beloved dishes in
France, whether made with fish, poul-
try, or even ham—but veal blanquette,
or blanquette de veau, remains a favorite
for most.

Continued on B4

For the Easter Table, a Cake That’s Pure Nostalgia

FAITH DURAND nostalgia for me is only matched by how the Karo bottle. It’s a very quick and easy
easy it is to make and how fun it is to eat. recipe, and it whips up sweet and gooey
Easter is perhaps my favorite food holi- For as long as I can remember, my mom like the inside of a marshmallow, while also This cake is nothing short
day. It’s the day that the food of my people has made this cake on Easter. It really light and melt-in-your-mouth. (Pro tip: Use of pure American ingenu-
comes out: Slovenian and Czech braided couldn’t be easier—just start with an an- a spatula warmed with hot water to get the
bread, fried krofi, and sausage with sau- gel food cake (store-bought, naturally, al- sticky icing to spread smoothly. Just keep a ity, in my mind—a sweet
erkraut. though you can make one yourself if you tall glass of hot water next to the cake and
But also? This cake. This cake is nothing have time and want to flex your baking scrape and warm the spatula as you go.) and sticky confection of
short of pure American ingenuity, in my muscles). This doesn’t have to be neat or polished in angel food cake, marsh-
mind—a sweet and sticky confection of Then you slather it with marshmallow any way; best to just spackle the cake by
angel food cake, marshmallow icing, and icing. The marshmallow icing my mother slapping on the icing. mallow icing, and all the
all the jelly beans you can handle. It’s a little and I use is a version of the fluffy frosting
bird’s nest for your Easter table, and its deep recipe sometimes found on the back of Continued on B2
jelly beans you can handle.


This dish can

easily be a main with
a poached or fried
egg on top, but is just
as comfortable on
the sidelines next to
a protein.

The finished orzo is

always flavorful since
it’s cooked in broth,
but lighter and quicker
cooking than risotto.

This Easy
CHRISTINE GALLARY Cooking orzo this way soon became rou-

tine, and I made this dish often after I was
hen I was growing up, The finished married. It paired so well with seafood or

eating out usually meant with meats, and if we added enough veg-
going to an Asian restau- orzo is always etables, became both our starch and our
rant or an American fast flavorful since vegetable side all in one dish. Spinach is a
food joint. Our very rare great stir-in, but I now prefer it with frozen

Orzo Makes
visits to sit-down, non-Asian restaurants it’s cooked peas, lemon zest, and Parmesan, since those
were big deals, and we mostly went to chain are always in my kitchen.
restaurants. One favorite was the Macaroni in broth, The ingredients are really flexible, but

Me Do a
Grill, and I always ordered the exact same but lighter the one thing I always do is make sure that
dish: salmon with a side of sun-dried to- the onion isn’t just cooked until softened,
mato orzo pasta. and quicker but cooked until golden-brown before the
I ordered it not because I loved the cooking than orzo is added. The browned onion imparts

Happy Dance
salmon, but because that orzo was just so a deeper, more savory flavor, so I never
delicious. Flecked with spinach and sun- risotto. rush that step.
dried tomatoes, the tender pasta wasn’t The finished orzo is always flavorful since
drowned in tomato or cream sauce like it’s cooked in broth, but lighter and quicker
most of the other dishes at the restaurant, cooking than risotto. Vegetable broth works
and I couldn’t get enough. great here if you want to keep it vegetarian,
This was the first dish I ever tried to recre- Christine Gallary is but since it’s a dominant flavor in the orzo,

ate by taste memory. I remembered little bits food editor-at-large make sure you go with one you really like
of sweet onion and feeling like the orzo was for, the taste of.
cooked in some kind of broth or stock. So I a nationally known This dish can easily be a main with a
browned some onion in olive oil, toasted the blog for people who poached or fried egg on top, but is just
orzo in the oil, then added canned chicken love food and home as comfortable on the sidelines next to
broth a little at a time until the orzo was ten- cooking. Submit any a protein.
der. After I stirred in some spinach (I skipped comments or questions Stir often once the orzo goes in to make
the sundried tomatoes), I took a taste and did to editorial@thekitchn. sure it cooks evenly and doesn’t burn, but
my first happy dance in the kitchen. It tasted com. Copyright 2021 treat it as a meditative practice, maybe
like I was at Macaroni Grill! Maybe this was Apartment Therapy. with a glass of wine in hand and some
an early sign that I would eventually develop Distributed by Tribune tunes playing in the background. Happy
recipes for a living. Content Agency, LLC. dancing optional.


SERVES 4 AS A MAIN DISH; 6 AS A SIDE vegetable broth Add the garlic and orzo to the pot and cook until Taste and season with more lemon juice and kosher salt
fragrant and toasty-smelling, about 2 minutes. Add as needed. Serve garnished with chopped parsley and
1/2 medium yellow onion 3/4 cup frozen peas
the broth and the remaining 3/4 teaspoon kosher more Parmesan cheese if desired.
Coarsely chopped fresh parsley leaves, for salt, and scrape up any browned bits from the bottom
3 cloves garlic
garnish (optional) of the pot with a wooden spoon. Bring to a boil over RECIPE NOTES
3 tablespoons unsalted butter or olive oil medium-high heat. Leftovers can be refrigerated in an airtight container
Dice the onion. Mince the garlic cloves. up to four days. Add a little water or broth to loosen
1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided Reduce the heat to maintain a simmer and cook
Melt the butter or heat the olive oil in a large saucepan uncovered, stirring frequently to keep the orzo from when reheating.
1 medium lemon over medium heat until shimmering. Add the onion sticking, until the orzo is tender and almost all of the To cook 16 ounces orzo, use 4 tablespoons butter or
1 1/2 ounces Parmesan cheese, finely grated and 1/4 teaspoon of the kosher salt and cook, stirring liquid is absorbed, 10 to 12 minutes. If the orzo has olive oil, 1 small yellow onion, 4 garlic cloves, 1 box low-
(about 3/4 cup or scant 1/2 cup store-bought occasionally and reducing the heat as needed so the absorbed all the liquid before it’s ready, add water 2 sodium broth, 1 cup water, 2 ounces Parmesan cheese,
grated), plus more for serving if desired onions don’t burn, until very soft and light golden tablespoons at a time as needed. 1 cup frozen peas, and 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt.
brown, about 10 minutes. Remove from the heat. Add the frozen peas and the Use the same amount of lemon zest and lemon juice,
12 ounces dried orzo pasta (about generous 1
Meanwhile, finely grate the zest of the lemon (about 1 Parmesan and stir until the peas are just heated and cook in a Dutch oven or large heavy-bottomed pot.
1/2 cups)
1/2 packed teaspoons), then juice half the lemon. If through and the cheese is melted, about 1 minute. Stir Four cups of baby spinach can be used in place of the
1 (32-ounce) box low-sodium chicken or needed, finely grate Parmesan cheese. in the lemon zest and 2 teaspoons of the lemon juice. peas; stir until wilted.



Table, a Cake That’s
Pure Nostalgia
SERVES 6 TO 10 ADULTS Once the corn syrup comes to a boil, remove from
the heat. Turn on the stand mixer to medium speed,
and very slowly and carefully drizzle the hot syrup
2 large egg whites into the egg whites. Add salt and vanilla extract,
Continued from B1 and whip until stiff peaks form and the bowl has
1 cup light corn syrup
cooled to lukewarm. Use icing immediately.
Then sprinkle the cake with sweetened co- 1/4 cup sugar
conut. If you want to make it taste a little 1/4 teaspoon salt ASSEMBLE THE CAKE:
more sophisticated, lightly toast the coco- Coconut and jellybeans turn this simple cake 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Set the angel food cake on a platter or cake stand.
nut first (I like the nuttiness this gives). Or into a festive bird's nest. Use a warmed spatula to roughly spread the
go super old-school and leave the coconut FOR THE CAKE marshmallow icing over the cake’s top and sides.
pure white. 1 angel food cake (12 to 14 ounces) Optional: Toast the coconut by spreading in a
The crowning touch, naturally, is the Pure nostalgia, and pure fun. large skillet over low heat. Toast for about 3
addition of jellybeans (or Cadbury Easter 2 cups sweetened flake coconut minutes or until golden brown, stirring frequently,
Eggs, also a favorite!). This is a fabulous Faith Durand is the editor-in-chief at 1 cup jellybeans or candy eggs and adjusting heat if you see dark or burnt spots.
place to involve children in cooking—let, a nationally known blog Let cool.
them place the candy where they like (try for people who love food and home cook- MAKE THE MARSHMALLOW ICING:
Sprinkle the coconut evenly over the cake. Decorate
to get at least a few on the cake; obviously ing. Submit any comments or questions Whip the egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer with jellybeans or candy eggs. The cake can be
where they are most likely to place jelly- to Copyright until they form soft peaks. served immediately or held overnight at room
beans is in their little mouths). 2021 Apartment Therapy. Distributed by Meanwhile, bring the sugar and corn syrup to a boil temperature. For best freshness, cover it with a
It’s really the simplest cake, but so festive. Tribune Content Agency, LLC. over medium heat. cake dome, but this isn’t necessary.

Chicken and Rice, Persian-Inspired An Irresistible

Snack for Passover

and Beyond
Transform plain chicken thighs into an
easy, Persian-inspired chicken and rice DIANE ROSSEN WORTHINGTON
dish with a beautiful golden color and
a wonderful fragrance. If you have saf- This festive morsel is truly addicting. I wit-
fron, do add that optional pinch; just a nessed its power in my own kitchen with
little will enhance the flavor and aroma my husband nearby all day long, looking
of the dish. to sneak small handfuls. Then I took it
This double-batch recipe makes one meal to friends who finished their portions so
for tonight and one to keep in your freezer quickly I couldn’t believe it. It was then that
for another night. I realized the appeal of this delicious snack.
While this is a fun bite to have around
EatingWell is a magazine and website during our eight days of Passover, it’s
devoted to healthy eating as a way of life. equally desired any other time of the year.
Online at Copyright 2021 Serve it to friends with a cocktail, or your-
Eating Well, Inc. Distributed by Tribune self while you are on the computer or play-
Content Agency, LLC. ing games, or bring it as a hostess gift once
we’re gathering again.

This double-batch
recipe makes plenty of food
to enjoy leftovers later. I witnessed its power in
my own kitchen with my
LEMON CHICKEN AND RICE husband nearby all day
long, looking to sneak
PREP & COOKING TIME Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Coat two 8-inch- with foil. (Label one and freeze for up to one
square baking dishes or foil pans with cooking month.) Bake the remaining casserole, covered,
small handfuls.
Active Time: 50 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 35 minutes spray. for 30 minutes.
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet Uncover and continue baking until a thermometer My friend had shared this recipe with
over medium-high heat. Add 4 chicken thighs, inserted in the thickest part of the chicken registers me, and after I reworked it to get the pro-
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided and cook, turning once, until both sides are lightly 165 degrees F and the onions are starting to brown portions right, I offered it to some friends
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (1 1/4 to browned, about 4 minutes. Transfer the chicken around the edges, 5 to 10 minutes more. Garnish who all loved it.
1 1/2 pounds), trimmed to a plate and set aside. Repeat with the remaining with parsley and lemon slices, if desired.
chicken thighs. Pour off all but about 1 tablespoon Diane Rossen Worthington is an authority
2 large onions, thinly sliced fat from the pan. TASTY TIPS
on new American cooking. She is the
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided Add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and onions Instead of freezing half, you can bake the full
author of 18 cookbooks, including
to the pan and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt. recipe in a 9-by-13-inch baking pan. In Step 6,
3 cloves garlic, minced
bake, covered, for an additional 10 minutes.
“Seriously Simple Parties,” and a James
Cook, stirring, until soft and golden, 12 to 15 Beard Award-winning radio show host.
2 teaspoons ground turmeric minutes. Stir in garlic, turmeric, paprika, and To make ahead: This double-batch recipe makes
You can contact her at SeriouslySimple.
1 teaspoon paprika saffron, if using; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. one meal for tonight and one to freeze for up to
Transfer the onions to a plate and set aside. one month (Step 5).
com. Copyright 2021 Diane Rossen
Generous pinch of saffron (optional) Worthington. Distributed by Tribune
Return the pan to medium-high heat and add To cook from frozen: Thaw overnight in the
3 cups shredded cabbage (about 1/2 small Content Agency, LLC.
cabbage. Cook, stirring, until wilted, about 3 refrigerator, then bake as directed, adding an
head) minutes. Stir in rice, lemon juice, the remaining additional 10 minutes of baking time once
4 cups cooked brown rice, preferably 1/4 teaspoon salt, and half of the reserved onion. uncovered.
basmati or jasmine Continue cooking until the rice is well coated and
heated through, 5 to 7 minutes.
Recipe nutrition per serving: 273 Calories, Total MATZO NUT SNACK
1/4 cup lemon juice Fat: 9 g, Saturated Fat: 2 g, Cholesterol: 49 mg,
Divide the rice mixture between the prepared Carbohydrates: 29 g, Fiber: 3 g, Total Sugars: 2 g,
2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley Protein: 17 g, Sodium: 194 mg, Potassium: 307
baking dishes; nestle 4 of the reserved chicken MAKES ABOUT 10 CUPS
(optional) mg, Iron: 1 mg, Folate: 28 mcg, Calcium: 39 mg,
thighs in each dish. Top each with half of the
4 sheets matzo, broken into 1-inch pieces
1 lemon, sliced (optional) remaining cooked onions. Cover both dishes Vitamin A: 202 IU, Vitamin C: 15 mg.
1 pound or 3 cups raw mixed nuts
3 large egg whites
CHANTAL LAMBETH 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Line a large-rimmed
baking sheet with parchment paper. Toss matzo and
nuts in a large bowl to evenly distribute.
Whisk egg whites in a medium bowl until frothy. Add
soy sauce, honey, salt, pepper, and smoked paprika,
and whisk until thick, making sure honey is evenly
blended. Pour over nuts and matzo and fold to coat.
Make sure that all the nuts and matzo pieces are
coated with the mixture.
Spread out on prepared baking sheet and bake,
This easy lemon stirring occasionally, until caramelized, about 35 to
tart uses olive oil 40 minutes. After 20 minutes with potholders, stir
in both the crust the mixture with a metal spatula so that all can be
and the filling. evenly browned. Watch carefully toward the end so
the mixture doesn’t burn.


Remove from oven and cool. When cool, using the
metal spatula, scrape the mixture off the parchment
pepper and place into an airtight container.

Helps This SERVES 8 firm to touch, 30 to 35 minutes, rotating the

pan halfway through baking.
Advance preparation: This can be made five days
ahead and covered in an airtight container. (Good

Lemon Tart
FOR THE CRUST luck saving it for five days!)
1 1/2 cups (7 1/2 ounces) all-purpose FOR THE FILLING
flour About 5 minutes before the crust is finished

Shine baking, whisk sugar, flour, and salt in a medium Use parchment paper on the sheet pan so it is easy
5 tablespoons (2 1/4 ounces) sugar to remove the food.
saucepan until combined.
1/2 teaspoon table salt Whisk in eggs and yolks until no streaks of egg It’s important to make sure every nut and matzo
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil remain. Whisk in lemon zest and juice. Cook piece is covered on all sides with the egg white
AMERICA'S TEST KITCHEN over medium-low heat, whisking constantly blend.
2 tablespoons water
and scraping the corners of the saucepan, until Make sure to store this in an airtight container so it
Most lemon tart recipes feature butter in FOR THE FILLING the mixture thickens slightly and registers 160 stays fresh.
both the crust and the filling, but here 1 cup (7 ounces) sugar degrees, 5 to 8 minutes.
we use extra-virgin olive oil instead. It Off heat, whisk in oil until incorporated. Strain DIANE ROSSEN WORTHINGTON/TNS

makes the crust a snap: Just mix the flour, 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
the curd through a fine-mesh strainer set over
sugar, and salt with the oil and a little 1/4 teaspoon table salt a bowl. Pour the curd into a warm tart shell.
water until a soft dough forms; crumble 3 large eggs plus 3 large yolks TO FINISH
it into the tart pan; press it into the sides
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest plus 1/2 Bake until the filling is set and barely jiggles
and bottom; and bake it right away—no cup juice (3 lemons) when the pan is shaken, 8 to 12 minutes. Let
rolling or chilling required.
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil the tart cool completely on a wire rack, at least
Using olive oil in the filling doesn’t com- 2 hours.
promise its firmness or sliceability, because FOR THE CRUST
Remove the outer metal ring of the tart pan.
the filling gets plenty of structure from the Adjust the oven rack to the middle position and Slide a thin metal spatula between the tart and
protein in the eggs. Olive oil does, however, heat oven to 350 degrees F. the pan bottom, then carefully slide the tart
allow lemons’ acidity to come to the fore in Whisk flour, sugar, and salt together in a bowl. onto a serving platter.
a way that butter doesn’t. That means we Add oil and water and stir until a uniform dough Cut the tart into wedges, wiping the knife
can use a bit less juice and still enjoy plenty forms. clean between cuts if necessary, and serve.
of bright lemon flavor. Using your hands, crumble three-quarters of (Leftovers can be wrapped loosely in plastic
the dough over the bottom of a 9-inch tart pan wrap and refrigerated for up to three days.)
For 25 years, confident cooks in the know with a removable bottom. Press the dough to
have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for even thickness in the bottom of the pan. RECIPE NOTES
rigorously tested recipes developed by Crumble the remaining dough and scatter it Use a fresh, high-quality extra-virgin olive oil
professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 evenly around the edge of the pan, then press here; our favorite is California Olive Ranch
at-home recipe testers. See more online at the crumbled dough into the fluted sides of Everyday Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Copyright pan. Press the dough to even thickness. Make sure that all your metal equipment—
2021 America’s Test Kitchen. Distributed by Place the pan on a rimmed baking sheet and saucepan, strainer, and whisk—is nonreactive, These festive morsels combine mixed nuts and
Tribune Content Agency, LLC. bake until the crust is deep golden brown and or the filling may have a metallic flavor. matzo pieces in a savory-sweet coating.


Stew 1 2 3

Light Enough
for Spring
Ease into the season
with blanquette de
veau, a classic dish
of delicate veal in a
comforting cream
sauce 4 5

Continued from B1 1. Make the bouquet garni.

Because it only requires one pot and one 2. Prepare the clove-studded
onion, carrots, and fennel.
broth, cooking en blanquette also happens
to be easier and less labor intensive than 3. Simmer the veal with the
other stews involving browning the meat broth and aromatics, then the
first. That said, choosing the right cut of additional vegetables.
veal and understanding how the flavors 4. Cook the mushrooms sepa-
of this unique stew are built are essential rately in butter.
to making this deliciously classic stew in
your own kitchen. 5. Remove and reserve the
Here’s how it’s done. veal and vegetables while you
finish the sauce.
Choosing the Right Cut 6. Bring everything together
Compared to beef, veal is more fine grained and garnish with parsley to
and has a more delicate texture and flavor, serve.
which makes it perfect for cooking en blan-
quette. The usual pieces of choice are flank,
neck, breast, shoulder (most affordable),
and collar (less common, but exquisite). For
this recipe, I use boneless shoulder, but it’s
common to use different cuts of veal to get
different textures in the final dish.
No matter which cut you choose, slice the
veal into 2-inch chunks—no smaller, as
the cubes will shrink slightly as they cook. While browned
Using chunks of this size ensures they will
hold up to the 2 hours of simmering, and
meat is often
will turn extremely tender, not break apart. key to building
It is also essential to salt the veal at least 2
hours before you start cooking, to allow depth of flavor
the salt to penetrate deep into the meat. in a stew, veal
Building the Flavor blanquette must
While browned meat is often key to build-
ing depth of flavor in a stew, veal blanquette rely on other
must rely on other ingredients for flavor. We ingredients for
call these other ingredients “la garniture
aromatique” (aromatic garnishes), which flavor.
are: a bouquet garni, a clove-poked onion,
and the vegetables.
Bouquet garni, translating to “garnished
bouquet,” is a bundle of fresh herbs, typi-
cally parsley, thyme, and bay leaf, all tied
up together with cooking twine. This clas-
sic element of French cuisine is often used Audrey Le Goff is a French
to flavor broths, soups, and stews. In a veal food writer, photogra-
blanquette, a bouquet garni offers aromatic pher, and creator of the
flavors to the stewing broth, the meat, and food blog Pardon Your
the vegetables. French, where she shares
The idea of tying together herbs, instead recipes and stories from
of simply throwing them in the stew, is to her beloved home country,
prevent them from scattering in the dish. France. She is the author
Once finished cooking, you can easily re- of the cookbook “Rustic
move the herb bundle instead of retriev- French Cooking Made
ing sprigs one by one, or even accidentally Easy” (2019). She currently
leaving a few leaves behind. For veal blan- lives in Niagara, Canada. 6
quette, using a bouquet garni allows you to
use a good amount of herbs to lend fragrant
floral notes to the dish, without altering the
texture and presentation of the signature VEAL BLANQUETTE
velvety white sauce.
This is one of those crowd-pleasing stewed dishes that FOR THE ROUX should be fork tender.
The Vegetables tastes even better reheated the next day. Serve it over 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room Meanwhile, melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large
Following the same rule as for the meat rice with sweet peas, or boiled potatoes. temperature frying pan over medium heat. Add the mushrooms,
and the sauce, the vegetables tradition- seasoned to taste with salt and black pepper, and cook
ally found in a veal blanquette are meant SERVES 4 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
for about 10 minutes, until the mushrooms are cooked
to be white: onions and button or cremini 2 pounds trimmed, boneless veal shoulder, cut and lightly browned. Set aside.
mushrooms. Over time, however, more into 2-inch chunks
1 egg yolk With a large slotted spoon, drain the meat and vegetables
vegetables have slipped into the recipe,
Salt and freshly ground pepper and reserve on a plate covered with foil to prevent them
and nowadays, you will rarely find a veal 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice from drying. Discard the bouquet garni and onion.
blanquette made without carrots. Along 6 cups vegetable broth (low sodium) 1/3 cup crème fraîche In a small bowl, mix together the butter and flour with a fork.
with carrots, celery is also often added to
1 bouquet garni (5 parsley sprigs, 2 to 3 thyme Chopped parsley, to serve Pour about 1/4 cup of the hot broth into the paste and whisk
build flavor in the broth. I myself prefer fen-
sprigs, and 2 bay leaves) until smooth. Pour the mix into the hot broth in the Dutch
nel, which has a similar texture but brings About 2 hours before cooking, pat the veal cubes dry
oven and whisk to combine. Simmer for about 10 minutes
even more aromatic notes to the dish. 1 medium onion, peeled and poked with 6 cloves with paper towels and season them well with salt and
over moderate heat, whisking often, until the sauce thickens
While the other vegetables are simply 4 medium carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch black pepper. Let rest to near room temperature.
slightly. Taste-test the sauce: no floury taste should remain.
added to the simmering broth to cook, pieces In a medium Dutch oven, cover the veal with the broth
mushrooms are sautéed on the side in but- In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, egg
and bring to a simmer over moderately high heat. Make
ter and added to the stew at the end of cook- 1/2 fennel bulb, cut in half yolk, and crème fraîche. Pour about 1/4 cup of the hot
the bouquet garni: Tie the parsley, thyme, and bay
broth into the crème mixture to temper it, then whisk
ing. Sautéing the mushrooms is to obtain a leaves together with cooking twine and add the bundle
FOR THE MUSHROOMS into the sauce in the Dutch oven.
nice sear. You want the mushrooms to be to the pot, along with the onion. Simmer over low heat
golden and slightly caramelized, so they for 1 hour, occasionally skimming the fat that may form Add the veal, vegetables, and mushrooms, and keep
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
deliver all their flavor. If you skip this step from the top of the broth with a large spoon. over low heat until the meat is hot again. Season the
2 cups cremini mushrooms, quartered stew with salt and pepper to taste.
and simply stew them in the broth, they After 1 hour, add the carrots and fennel and simmer
will turn rather rubbery and bland in flavor. Salt and pepper to taste for another 45 minutes. Test the texture of the veal; it For serving, sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley.


You Too Can Brew

When it comes to homebrewing, it’s easy
to get started—the hard part is stopping
KEVIN REVOLINSKI There’s a certain
satisfaction in
You may not have realized it, but Prohibi- brewing your own
tion didn’t entirely end in 1933: Brewing beer at home.
your own beer also became illegal under
the constitutional ban, but the practice
wasn’t made legal when commercial
sales of alcohol resumed. Actually, you
can thank Jimmy Carter for your home-
brew, and, in turn, the craft brewing
California Sen. Alan Cranston worked
homemade beer into a transportation
bill in 1978, and when President Carter
signed HR 1337—and when the law went
into effect Feb. 1, 1979—it was game on
for homebrewers. (Well, legally, anyway,
and according to the Feds. On the state
level, Mississippi and Alabama didn’t
sign on with the idea until 2013.)

Homebrewing Goes Mainstream

Learning to brew while in college in does well in
1970, a young Charlie Papazian would
go on to become an icon in the brewing bad economic
world. He founded Zymurgy magazine, times, and
the American Homebrewers Association,
and the Great American Beer Festival, being stuck
and eventually published “The Complete
Joy of Homebrewing” in 1984 (now in its
at home only
4th edition), often considered the bible of increased the
I’ve written brewery travel guidebooks ambitions.
to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota,
featuring every brewery in each state
(at the moment it was published; often
one or two behind the count 10 minutes
later). And the origin stories of these
brewing superheroes were almost always
“a hobby gone out of control.”
Here’s generally how the story goes: It
starts on the kitchen stove, then moves
to the garage and a turkey-fryer burner,
usually at the behest of an annoyed
housemate or spouse (who likely pur-
chased the starter brew-kit as a Christ-
mas gift). Let this be a warning to you if
you choose to accept this mission.

Join the Club

Find a homebrewers’ club near you.
Having support from fellow hobby-
ists increases the fun, and you may
end up exchanging final products with
new friends. In Madison, the Madison
Homebrewers and Tasters Guild actually
founded one of the best and oldest craft
When you start
beer festivals in North America: Great buying stainless-
Taste of the Midwest. steel multi-barrel
The American Homebrewers Associa- tanks, you might
tion hosts an annual Big Brew for Nation- want to think about
al Homebrew Day, held on the first Sat- moving out of the
urday of May, and in 2020, the pledged kitchen.
31,300 brewing gallons were triple those
of the highest recorded year. Homebrew- fermenter, and add the yeast. Then follow and rarely got to do it at work,” he said.
ing does well in bad economic times, and seven days in an airtight container, then Walts recommends “How To Brew:
being stuck at home only increased the conditioning in bottles for at least seven Everything You Need to Know to Brew
ambitions. more days. “I can’t usually wait. After Great Beer Every Time” by John J. Palm-
Wisconsinite Dean Danner has been the minimum time, I’m drinking it,” said er. The first edition is free on Palmer’s
retired just over two years, and when Danner. website, and a greatly expanded and up-
the lockdown came in 2020, he needed “The hardest part is getting the equip- dated 4th edition came out in 2017. “It’s a
something to do. An avid birder and
My advice ment sterilized,” he added. But even that great start for broadly understanding the
photographer, he lamented, “You can would be to is made easier by using the included processes of brewing.”
only take so many pictures of birds in no-rinse sterilizing powder in water. So “My advice would be to focus on, one,
your yard.” He’d talked about homebrew- focus on, one, after an initial kit investment of about whatever you find fun, and two, fermen-
ing for a long time, and so his son got him whatever $90, each new batch costs $20 to $30 and tation,” said Walts. Certain beers can’t
a two-gallon BrewDemon system. His produces two gallons, the equivalent of be made with extracts—“anything that
first brew was the Arizona-based Demon you find fun, about 21 standard cans of beer. requires Munich malt has starch that
Brewing Co.’s Prophecy Ale: “Really, I This is stage one of the out-of-control needs to be enzymatically converted”—
was actually surprised how good it was.” and two, part. You can change malt extracts for but that doesn’t mean you have to go
The kit came with his first recipe, but fermentation. actual grain and grind your own, us- beyond the basics.
he’s since purchased others, including ing a portable grain mill that sits atop “You can make equally good beer with
the ingredients for a recent batch of dop- Joe Walts, Octopi a five-gallon bucket. Upgrade to a glass extracts, plus steeped bags of specialty
pelbock. “They come in two cans,” he Brewing carboy instead of plastic; larger vessels; grain versus all-grain,” Walts said, “but
said, referring to malt extract, a concen- that turkey-fryer burner out in the back- you may want to switch to all-grain at
trated wort—just add water. “Following yard for the boil. After all, Larry Bell of some point because it’s fun.” You can
directions, it was pretty easy. I may invest the massively successful Bell’s Brewery even culture your own yeast. Tempera-
in better equipment. I’m just happy get- started with a homebrew shop in 1983 ture control, another important aspect of
ting something I can drink.” and opened the brewery two years later. the process, may incline you to upgrade
The process is straightforward: Boil wa- Consult your local homebrew supply equipment, but “a used fridge or chest
ter, add the malt extract, move it all to the store about options. If you don’t have freezer with a temperature controller is
COURTESY OF CRAFT A BREW a shop in town, any not-so-local store as good as anything.”
likely ships. (A popular one is Northern So, aspiring homebrewers, you have
Brewer.) options: starting from basic stovetop
boiling with malt extracts. That’s how
As Long As We’re Having a Good Time they hook you. When you start buying
Even professional brewers, who in many stainless-steel multi-barrel tanks, you
cases slowed down or stopped entirely, might want to think about moving out
returned to homebrewing last year, and of the kitchen. Don’t say you weren’t
some never quit at all. Joe Walts, a profes- warned.
sional brewer now working in the lab and
as process improvement specialist for Kevin Revolinski is an avid traveler, craft
Octopi Brewing in Waunakee, Wiscon- beer enthusiast, and home cooking fan. He
sin, says he continued with the hobby, is the author of 15 books, including “The
making at least a batch for Thanksgiving Yogurt Man Cometh: Tales of an American
each year and perhaps two or three more Teacher in Turkey” and his new collec-
besides. tion of short stories, “Stealing Away.” He is
Look for a homebrew starter kit from your local supply store—or one that ships, “For the first eight-ish years after going based in Madison, Wis., and his website is
like this kit from Craft a Brew. pro, it was because I loved creating recipes


make nylon Trials and errors
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
13. Beethoven’s “Moon- the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY

light ___” equation to get the solution in the middle.

There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
14. Captain Ahab sup- lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
porter solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 “Your honor,” the District Attorney intoned,
and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 “we will prove that South committed a
16. Iced treat felony. He lost a cold game.”
21. High spots “Proceed,” the judge instructed, and the
court kibitzed the evidence.
23. Uniform “At four spades,” the DA said, “South
27. Upper house member: ruffed the second diamond (not best
defense), drew trumps and led a heart:
Abbr. seven, king, nine. He next let the queen
28. “Are we there ___?” of clubs ride,and West won and returned
a club. Declarer then led a second heart
29. Rumble to dummy’s queen and lost two hearts.
31. Animals’ backs Down one.
32. Gulf leader “After South draws trumps, he must
lead a low club toward the queen. West
33. Like some mail must take his king or lose it, and South
36. Arista later discards dummy’s low hearts on the
Hard 1 - 1 Solution A-J of clubs.”
37. Romania’s basic cur-
rency unit OMNISCIENT
“My client isn’t omniscient,” South’s counsel
38. “48___” roared. “He couldn’t know how the cards lay.”
39. Passé South was guilty. If he leads a club to
40. Manipulate dummy’s queen and finds East with the
king, South can be sure that West has the
43. Anxious ace of hearts for his opening bid, so South
44. Carnival site will be safe. He must cater to the ace of
hearts with East and the king of clubs with
45. Point West.
46. Latish lunchtime
48. UN Trade org. You hold: {J1095 3 6 3 2 7
49. Indian maids y A J 6 3. Your partner opens one
Hard 2 - 1 Solution diamond, you respond one spade and he
50. Docs for dachshunds jumps to three clubs. What do you say?
Across 41. 1999 Pulitzer Prize- 83. Carpenters and roof- 51. Ben Jonson wrote one ANSWER: Partner’s jump-shift is forcing
1. “Raiders of the Lost winning play ers, at times to himself to game, so you must bid again. To rebid
three spades might work by keeping you
Ark” crawlers 42. Nut 84. Cleaves 56. Muumuu accessory below 3NT, which might be your best
5. Appetizers 47. Caused Nicholas II’s 85. Fraternal organiza- 57. Large amount contract. Still, to suppress the club support
12. Web page technology abdication tion of Civil War Union would be questionable. Raise to four clubs.
58. Appraiser Your partner’s hand might be 2, A K, A Q 8
that facilitated dynamic 52. R-rated veterans (Abbr.) 59. Go this way and that 6 4, K Q 10 9 5.
web pages 53. Flushed 86. 181-square-mile 60. The near or foresee- West dealer
54. ____ d’Azur country in the Pyrenees Neither side vulnerable
15. “Common Sense” able future
pamphleteer 55. Wood choppers of old 87. Flophouse in London
61. Sartre novel
17. Cornmeal pancake 60. Blame
62. Cast off
18. The buck stops here 64. Obeys Down
63. Watch part Easy 1 - 2 Solutions
19. Loft 65. “Walk the dog” per- 1. With speed
formers 2. Zen enlightenment 66. 6 x 9 in. book
20. Tenacious
22. Over 68. 1940 Disney classic 3. Miners 67. Boot leathers
24. Prickly pear cactus 70. Gel 4. Impertinent person 69. Kind of football
25. Prior to 71. Pack animal 5. Soldier in the 82nd 70. Hot sauce
26. Lenox ___ Fishmarket 73. Enraged one may need one 72. Grace word
27. Sensualist 74. Extended stay ac- 6. Bang-up 74. A tablet maker
30. Sundance film commodation option 7. Uncool sort 75. Young salmon
32. High guy in Dubai 77. Like an isosceles 8. Crack 76. “The Art of Love” poet
34. Smack, on the street triangle 9. Friend 78. Whup
35. Decorative 81. Artfully escape 10. Scratch (out) 79. Purge
38. Time piece 82. Opposite of paleo- 11. Cathartic drug 80. Human rights agcy. Easy 2 - 1 Solution



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.








Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,

in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

“ - ”


— “PREFER-RENTS” Many happy returns
because it was their
instead of buying one
They leased a home

as for justice.
inflicted for love as much
and every punishment is
All pain is a punishment,


Wine of the Week


Barefoot Bubbly, Brut Cuvée,
California ($9):
There are numerous sparkling wines
made in California that rival French
Champagne in quality, but most sell
When cooking with wine, use one that’s clean, fresh, and young.
WINE for $20 to $50 a bottle. And cheaper
bubblies can be a bit sweet for most
Champagne lovers. This wine won’t

What You Should Know About make you think of the Champagne
district in France, but it’s nicely
balanced between sugar and acid, and

Cooking With Wine it has a lovely aroma and aftertaste.

DAN BERGER the wine I splash in the stew, especially if cently and remains sound. But if a wine Only one ingredient varied: the wine. In the
it’s the right color for the dish. begins to taste oxidized or vinegary, forget first preparation, he used a simple wine;
When a recipe calls for a cup of white wine, it. It could ruin the dish. the second had a moderate-quality wine;
the cook who wrote that suggestion likely And don’t take cookbooks literally. Some and the last had a great wine.
wasn’t referring to a $50 bottle of chardon- older cookbooks say to use “sauterne.” There Rice discovered that the kind of wine
nay. In basic terms, when cooking with If the dish is to be cooked is no such thing. French Sauternes, with a used was immaterial in the dishes calling
wine, use one that’s clean, fresh, and young. only a few minutes after capital S and a final S, is a sweet dessert for long cooking but important for short
Indeed, historically, the phrase “cooking wine. Decades ago, the term “sauterne” in cooking times.
wine” conjures up bad images, including adding the wine, use a some cookbooks simply meant a dry white. A key point: Adding wine to a dish just
wine with salt added, wine that’s gone bad If a dish calls for wine, check its cooking before turning off the heat means less
but that some folks still cook with, and even
better-quality wine. You time to see how good the wine should be. evaporation, meaning the wine isn’t as
wines of the wrong color. may be impressed. Dishes that call for a long simmer or reduc- compromised. A poor wine cooked for a
Decades ago, cooking wine often con- ing the liquid over hours call for a modest short time may leave an unattractive ele-
tained salt—a practice that goes back to Pasta sauces with tomatoes and beef or wine. But if the dish is to be cooked only a ment, such as an alcoholic flavor.
when mansions had cooks. Owners wanted pork call for tart red wines; light, off-dry few minutes after adding the wine, use a The longer the cooking time, the more
to make sure cooks didn’t take unauthor- white wines are no help here. Recipes that better-quality wine. You may be impressed. the alcohol will dissipate.
ized swigs. But the cooking wine of the past call for deglazing pans that have just sau- This was discovered in the 1980s by Bill
also was so poor in quality that it wouldn’t téed onions might call for a white wine, Rice, then the food editor of The Washing- To find out more about Dan Berger and
add desirable flavors to a dish. but if the onions are being added to a beef ton Post. Rice staged a dinner in which each read features by other Creators Syndicate
The best wines to cook with are those you dish, deglaze with a red. of four dishes called for wine to be added. writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators
can drink. I often find that when cooking, One basic rule says you can always cook To test whether the quality of wine was an Syndicate webpage at
I’m also sipping a glass. And usually, it’s with a young wine that was opened re- issue, Rice prepared each dish three times. Copyright 2021

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