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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | T U E S D A Y, A P R I L 6 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,933 $1.

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In the News Suicide Rates

Corporate leaders’ push-

Fell to 5-Year
back against Georgia’s new
voting law is “economic Low in 2020
blackmail” and disinforma-
tion, Senate Minority Leader Experts say COVID-19,
Mitch McConnell says. ... A5 overdoses may mask
true figure
Increasing the corporate
tax rate by 8 percent won’t BY TOM OZIMEK
drive companies out of the
United States, President Joe
New data shows suicide deaths
Biden says. ... A3
across the United States dropped
A group seeking to exam- in 2020, although the full picture
ine ballots cast in the 2020 remains unclear, say experts, who
election shouldn’t be granted worry that a sharp rise in fatal drug
access to the original ballots, overdoses and possible cause-of-
Georgia’s secretary of state death misclassification in people
says. ... A4 who had COVID-19 at the time of
Utah Gov. Spencer Cox has their suicide, may be masking the
signed a bill that requires bio- true number.
logical fathers to pay half of the
medical costs associated with
pregnancy and delivery. ...A7 AAS questioned whether
The FBI is warning that the misclassification in cause-
production or possession of SUPREME COURT Google’s headquarters in New York on Jan. 25, 2021. of-death reporting left some
fake COVID-19 vaccine record
cards is illegal. ... A2 suicides out of the equation.
The Supreme Court has
dismissed a lawsuit from for-
mer President Donald Trump
SCOTUS Rules in Favor Preliminary data in a report in the
Journal of the American Medical
that asked the justices to al-
low him to block critics on
Twitter. ... A7
of Google in Copyright Case Association (JAMA)—based on fig-
ures from the National Center for
Health Statistics (NCHS) National
Vital Statistics System (NVSS)—
A former adviser to Rep. Oracle sought about $9 billion in damages in a case involving shows that there were 2,677 fewer
Matt Gaetz says that FBI deaths by suicide in 2020 than a
agents approached him with Google’s use of code from Java program year earlier.
false allegations, causing him MANDEL NGAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Even as the overall number of
to believe that the recent BY MATTHEW VADUM Google LLC v. Oracle America Inc., deaths in the United States last
claims against his ex-boss

court file 18-956. The case came to year jumped by nearly 20 percent,
are also untrue. ... A6
oogle didn’t infringe the court on appeal from the U.S. deaths by suicide fell to a five-year
The man who allegedly Oracle’s copyright when Court of Appeals for the Federal low of 44,834. That’s down from
rammed a car into a barrier it used that company’s Circuit. 47,511 in 2019, 48,344 in 2018, 47,173
at the U.S. Capitol may have programming code in Justice Clarence Thomas filed a in 2017, 44,965 in 2016—and up
been suffering from drug the Android cellphone operating dissenting opinion in which he ac- slightly from 44,193 in 2015.
abuse or mental illness, his system, the Supreme Court ruled cused the court majority of shying The JAMA report is based on pre-
family says. ... A8 April 5 in overturning a lower court away from crucial legal issues in the liminary death certificate data from
A Florida jail was evacuated ruling that favored Oracle. case; Justice Samuel Alito joined Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a dis- the NCHS/NVSS, with final official
after a reservoir leak was dis- Android is the most popular cell- the dissent. Justice Amy Coney Bar- senting opinion, which was joined by mortality data to be published by
covered near a wastewater phone operating system in the world. rett, who wasn’t yet a member of the Justice Samuel Alito, in a 6–2 ruling. the Centers for Disease Control and
containment area in Manatee Oracle had been seeking $9 billion court when the case was heard tele- Prevention (CDC) later this year.
County. ... A8 in damages in the decade-old litiga- phonically on Oct. 7, 2020, didn’t er programming language. Google, Some are sure to see the data as a
tion between the tech companies participate in the case. without permission, copied a por- surprise, given the many predictions
CHINA that could have changed the rules Austin, Texas-based Oracle tion of that program that enables a that pandemic-related lockdowns
A province in the Pacific is of the road for the software industry. America Inc., owns the copyright programmer to call up prewritten would exacerbate mental health
refusing to bow to pressure Justice Stephen Breyer wrote the for Java SE, a computer program software that, together with the conditions and drive suicide rates
from Beijing by continuing to 6–2 decision for the high court in that uses the popular Java comput- Continued on A3 Continued on A6
support Taiwan. ... A9
Chinese officials are avoiding TAIWAN INFRASTRUCTURE BILL
COVID-19 vaccinations by cit-
ing a range of health reasons, US, Australia Blunt Urges Biden
leaked documents show. ...A9
Preparing to Cut Infrastructure
BUSINESS Package by 70
GameStop Corp. has in- ‘Contingencies’ Percent for ‘Easy Win’
creased the value of new
stock it may sell from $100 Around Possible BY TOM OZIMEK
million to $1 billion, the com-
pany says. ... A17 Taiwan Conflict Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) on April 4
The Consumer Financial BY DANIEL Y. TENG accused Democrats of padding the
Protection Bureau is pro- infrastructure plan with unrelated
posing to allow homeowners Australia and the United States are pet spending projects, while urging
struggling from the pandemic working on “contingencies” if there President Joe Biden to pare it down
to be evaluated before mort- is an outbreak of conflict around by around two-thirds, saying it
gage firms initiate foreclo- Taiwan, according to a senior U.S. would then easily win Republican
sures. ... A17 diplomat. backing and give the White House
Michael Goldman, charge Taiwanese soldiers take positions alongside domestically made M110A2 self-pro- the coveted badge of bipartisanship.
OPINION d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Biden campaigned on being able
pelled guns during the annual Han Kuang military drills in Taichung on July 16, 2020.
Roger L. Simon: Virtue Signal- Canberra, told The Australian to work across the aisle and broker
ing Replaces Baseball as Ameri- National University’s (ANU) Na- Goldman said. In recent months, Chinese mili- big deals on Capitol Hill on issues
ca’s National Pastime...A13 tional Security Podcast last week “And when you look at strategic tary jets have also made near- that were important to the coun-
that Australia and the United States planning, it covers the range of con- daily incursions into Taiwanese try, but on his recent $2 trillion
Diane Dimond: Readers to
are working closely together on se- tingencies that you’ve mentioned, airspace, with the largest being in pandemic relief bill, he won zero
Politicians: You’re Not Listen-
curity issues. of which Taiwan is obviously an late March, when 20 Chinese mili- backing from Republicans, who
“I think we’re committed as al- important component.” tary planes entered Taiwan’s Air railed against its “liberal wish-list”
Bonner R. Cohen: Cyberse- lies to working together, not only Beijing’s hostile rhetoric toward Defence Identification Zone. spending items and denounced
curity of Wind Power a Growing in making our militaries interoper- Taiwan has increased over the past Goldman said working together the legislative process around its
Concern...A16 able and functioning well together year, since the reelection of Presi- with allies would be the key to main- adoption as nakedly partisan.
but also in strategic planning,” dent Tsai Ing-wen. Continued on A11 Continued on A4

Thomas Becket’s life, death,

sainthood, and legacy are ex- ANTIFA

plored in the first large UK
show dedicated to the saint. DHS Watchdog Finds Mistreatment of Illegal Immigrants
at Holding Facility
Dostoevsky’s “Demons”

BY ZACHARY STIEBER Arizona, last year uncovered the
predicted the fall of Russia to
socialism, but the book could violations, which were made public
have been written about to- A Department of Homeland Secu- in a report published last week by “It was just
day. ...B2 rity (DHS) detention facility took the DHS Office of Inspector Gener- not safe
an average of more than three days al. ICE is a federal law enforcement anymore for
to respond to sick call requests and agency that’s a component of DHS. me. I had
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. didn’t enforce COVID-19 pandemic Watchdog officials directed a already been
READEPOCH.COM precautions, a watchdog found. livestream video walk-through of the on borrowed
An unannounced remote in- La Palma Correctional Center staff fire illegal immigrant holding site, in- time,” journalist
Published in New York, spection of the Immigration and chemical agents at detainees who are specting detainee housing units, the Andy Ngo said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) La protesting in a housing area, in Eloy, kitchen, and medical units, among Read more on n A2
Palma Correctional Center in Eloy, Ariz., on April 13, 2020. Continued on A6

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.


FBI Warns Against

Making, Buying
Fake COVID-19
Vaccination Cards

The FBI is warning that the production

or possession of fake COVID-19 vaccine
record cards is illegal, and could be pun-
ishable by fines or imprisonment of up to
five years, or both.
“The Department of Health and Hu-
man Services, Office of Inspector General
(HHS-OIG) and the FBI are advising the
public to be aware of individuals sell-
ing fake COVID-19 vaccination record
cards and encouraging others to print
fake cards at home,” an FBI notice reads.
“Fake vaccination record cards have been
advertised on social media websites, as
well as e-commerce platforms and blogs.”

Do not buy fake vaccine

cards, do not make your
own vaccine cards.
A flight attendant checks on passengers on a Baltimore-bound flight from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport on April 20, 2020. FBI

Fauci: Federal Government Won’t Vaccination record cards are used to

provide COVID-19 vaccine recipients
with information about the type of vac-

Mandate ‘Vaccine Passports’ cine and when to get a second dose. Buy-
ing a fake card or using false information
could put people in danger of contracting
the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) vi-
ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES rus, which causes COVID-19.
JACK PHILLIPS “If you did not receive the vaccine, do
not buy fake vaccine cards, do not make
Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the U.S. National your own vaccine cards, and do not fill-
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in blank vaccination record cards with
said that the federal government won’t man- false information. By misrepresenting
date the usage of so-called vaccine passports yourself as vaccinated when entering
for travel and businesses, after White House schools, mass transit, workplaces, gyms,
officials said the Biden administration is or places of worship, you put yourself and
working with private firms to potentially others around you at risk of contracting
advise on such a system. COVID-19.”
Using an official government agency’s
seal would be a crime, the announce-
ment warns, and could be punishable
I doubt that the federal under Title 18 U.S. Code, Section 1017, as
government will be the well as other pertinent laws.
The notice also advises the public not to
main mover of a vaccine post their vaccine cards on social media
passport concept. websites so that information isn’t stolen
or used to commit fraud.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director, U.S. National Last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases spoke out at a press conference against
the idea that Americans looking to re-
The concept of a document or app that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci during a public vacci- sume travel will need to have a “vaccine
could be an individual’s proof of vaccina- nation event at the National Cathedral in Washington on March 16, 2021. passport” that proves inoculation. On
tion or a negative test result for COVID-19, the April 2, he signed an executive order
disease caused by the CCP virus, has become certain activities, while German officials an executive order to prevent businesses and that banned businesses in Florida and
a flashpoint in what civil liberties groups say announced they’re planning to allow cer- government institutions from using vaccine the state’s government from requiring
would be significant overreach and a viola- tain individuals who are vaccinated against passports. He called on the state legislature people in the state to use vaccine creden-
tion of Americans’ privacy. the CCP virus certain privileges over those to pass a law doing the same. tials to go about their business.
Fauci told Politico on April 5 that “I doubt who aren’t. And last week, the American Civil Lib- “We’re not supportive of that. I think
that the federal government will be the main White House press secretary Jen Psaki ad- erties Union (ACLU) waved a red flag over it’s something that people have certain
mover of a vaccine passport concept.” dressed the report, saying the administra- the usage of such a system, saying it could freedoms and individual liberties to
“They may be involved in making sure tion would instead “provide guidance” to potentially imperil Americans’ privacy, say- make decisions for themselves,” the
things are done fairly and equitably,” he said, private partners. ing that particularly low-income individu- governor said.
“but I doubt if the federal government is going “There is currently an interagency pro- als who don’t have access to a smartphone “It’s completely unacceptable for either
to be the leading element of that.” cess that is looking at many of the questions would suffer the most. the government or the private sector to
He said he expects that certain businesses around vaccine verification, and that issue “We don’t oppose in principle the idea of impose upon you the requirement that
and maybe schools will require them. will touch many agencies, as verification is an requiring proof of vaccination in certain you show proof of vaccine to just simply
“I’m not saying that they should or that issue that will potentially touch many areas contexts. But given the enormous difficulty be able to participate in normal society.”
they would, but I’m saying you could fore- of society. That’s guidance we’ll provide,” she of creating a digital passport system, and the DeSantis said that people shouldn’t
see how an independent entity might say, told reporters in late March. compromises and failures that are likely to need to show proof of inoculation against
‘Well, we can’t be dealing with you unless “A determination or development of vac- happen along the way, we are wary about the CCP virus to go to a game, movie,
we know you’re vaccinated,’” he said. “But cine passport or whatever you want to call the side effects and long-term consequences theme parks, or other social events.
it’s not going to be mandated from the federal it will be driven by the private sector. Ours it could have. We will be closely watching “You want the fox to guard the hen-
government.” will more be focused on guidelines that can developments in this area,” the ACLU wrote. house? I mean give me a break,” he said.
A report from The Washington Post last be used as a basis, and there are a couple of Republican strategists told The Hill that “I understand, kind of, how some folks
month suggested that the White House was key principles that we are working from.” they will highlight certain Democrats push- can embrace the idea, and I’m not saying
considering working on a system to support Some governors have already started to ing for vaccine passports as a talking point it’s all necessarily done for bad purpos-
the passports. Some countries including push back, including Florida Gov. Ron De- to win back the House or Senate during the es, but I think ultimately it would create
Israel and Iceland have mandated them for Santis, a Republican, who last week signed 2022 midterms. problems in the state.”


Andy Ngo, Journalist Who Covers However, over time, Ngo became known
to Antifa followers and had to stop going to

Antifa, Reveals Why He Left the riots and demonstrations. In 2019, Ngo was
attacked by a mob of Antifa adherents and

United States was hospitalized, although some members of

the media accused him of faking his injuries
even while he was hospitalized.
JACK PHILLIPS for people to take to the streets in masses to “I was challenging the narrative that they
reject that outcome, and in Portland, many had, the dominant narrative that they had
Journalist Andy Ngo, who for years has been people chose to manifest their frustration within both the local press and therefore in
documenting the anarcho-communist through violence and destruction.” the national press, as well,” he said.
group Antifa, revealed why he left the United “There was just this overall, not just a shift Andy Ngo, a Portland-based journalist, after Earlier this year, Ngo told The Epoch Times
States earlier this year. in the attitudes in the public toward left-wing unidentified Rose City Antifa members attacked that Antifa isn’t merely an ideology, as some
Ngo, who is the editor for The Post Millen- political violence, but also the hollowing out him in Portland, Ore., on June 29, 2019. U.S. intelligence officials have said in recent
nial, told Fox News that he left the country and weakening of law enforcement institu- years and months. FBI Director Chris Wray
amid threats of violence against not only him tions,” he said, adding that mainstream news land and Seattle, the coverage from the local told a panel in 2020 that it was more of an
but his family members. outlets allowed such rhetoric to flourish. press was not the honest picture about who ideological movement than an organization.
“It was just not safe anymore for me. I had “These extremist, radical, unfounded ideas these masked militants actually were. Antifa is “more than an idea,” Ngo said. “It’s
already been on borrowed time,” he said, were given space to propagate in our papers “The way they were described, they were also a movement.” It has groups that are or-
adding that there was an “escalation of safety of legacy, in our homes and ... through broad- lionized and described essentially as heroes ganized into formal groups, he said, and that
concerns.” cast and radio, and of course to online news who are protecting their communities be- includes Rose City Antifa, “the oldest Antifa
Ngo said that when he was covering the sites. That helped to really radicalize the left, cause police don’t protect people, because organization in the U.S.,” which is based in
far-left group after the 2016 election, “the in my opinion. police are racist and transphobic and ho- Portland, Oregon, the epicenter of the move-
response to that Democratic outcome was “After every riot that was occurring in Port- mophobic.” ment’s violent activity.

Florida Democrats Defend DeSantis Against Attack

From ‘60 Minutes’

ZACHARY STIEBER Beach officials.

“Here’s some of the options: We
Several Florida Democrats are chal- can do more drive-through sites, we
lenging a report by the CBS News can give more to hospitals, we can
program “60 Minutes” that attempt- do the Publix, we can do this. They
ed to paint the state’s vaccination calculated that 90 percent of their
partnership with the Publix grocery seniors live within a mile and a half
store chain as nefarious. of a Publix. And they said, ‘We think
The program on April 4 explored that would be the easiest thing for
the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in our residents,’” he said.
Florida, which has experienced “60 Minutes” omitted 356 words
a similar COVID-19 death rate to from DeSantis’ 423-word answer.
California and other states despite The reporter then repeated her
having much looser restrictions. “pay for play” accusation.
“I just disabused you of the narra-
tive. And you don’t care about the
facts,” DeSantis said.
I just disabused you Jared Moskowitz, a former Demo-
of the narrative. cratic state senator who now runs
the state Division of Emergency
And you don’t care Management, said in a tweet on
about the facts. April 4 that Publix was recom-
mended by his agency, “as the other
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pharmacies were not ready to start.”
“No one from the Governors office
In one heated exchange, a report- suggested Publix. It’s just absolute
er pressed Gov. Ron DeSantis on malarkey,” he wrote.
the use of Publix stores to admin- In a statement on April 5, Palm Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando on
ister vaccines, claiming the fact Beach County Mayor Dave Kern- Feb. 26, 2021.
that Publix contributed $100,000 er, also a Democrat, said the “60
to his political action committee Minutes” reporting was “inten- edly penned by President George in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South made the initial call when pay for
before the chain was chosen could tionally false.” W. Bush’s former commanding Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia play happened in my district. I and
be seen as evidence of a “pay-for- “I know this because I offered to officer. However, the documents to do our part to help our commu- so many others fought for equitable
play” scheme. provide my insight into Palm Beach were later found to be forged. An nities emerge from the pandemic,” distribution of the vaccine in Black
DeSantis called the allegation “a County’s vaccination efforts and 60 internal probe found that staffers it stated. + Brown communities.”
fake narrative,” offering a lengthy minutes declined,” he said, adding failed to do due diligence in vetting Florida had administered over Others said another focus of the
explanation of what had unfolded. that he and other officials asked the the documents, and a number of 10.5 million COVID-19 vaccine program, DeSantis’s prioritization
It included state officials reaching governor to expand the state’s part- workers resigned. CBS also aired doses as of April 5, one of the highest on vaccinating seniors, turned out
out to pharmacies besides CVS and nership with Publix, not the other footage from Italy when reporting totals in the nation. COVID-19 is the to be the right move, and that the
Walgreens because those two com- way around. on COVID-19 hospitalizations in disease caused by the CCP virus. Republican was being attacked
panies were tasked with delivering “We asked and he delivered,” New York City last year. Other officials said the reporting because of signs he could run for
vaccines to long-term care facilities. Kerner wrote. “They had that infor- Publix, in a statement to news on April 4 regarding Florida was president in 2024.
Publix was the first to say it was mation, and they left it out because outlets, called the suggestion of a concerning. “Seniors were prioritized for vac-
ready for the second set of distri- it kneecaps their narrative.” link between campaign contribu- Nikki Fried, Florida’s Democratic cine, DeSantis was criticized for
bution and administration. CBS News and “60 Minutes” didn’t tions and the vaccination efforts commissioner of agriculture, said breaking from CDC and he turned
DeSantis also said he visited immediately respond to requests “irresponsible.” the program “is exposing the na- out to be right,” Florida GOP Vice
four different Publix stores dur- by The Epoch Times for comment. “We are proud of our pharmacy tion” to the governor’s “failings & Chairman Christian Ziegler said in
ing a trial run and found feedback The program has aired false in- associates for administering more corruption.” a tweet. “Now, in the name of 2024,
was overwhelmingly positive, and formation before; in 2004, it broad- than 1.5 million doses of vaccine to State Rep. Michele Rayner-Gools- the media is generating a new nar-
that he solicited advice from Palm cast documents that were alleg- date and for joining other retailers by, a Democrat, wrote on Twitter, “I rative to attack.”


Supreme Court Biden Claims Higher Tax Won’t Drive

Corporations Away
Rules Google
ZACHARY STIEBER “If that’s the package, a bunch
Didn’t Violate of more borrowed money plus
A proposed increase in the undoing the tax relief that drove
Copyright Law corporate tax rate won’t drive our economy to a 50-year high—
companies out of the United I can’t imagine that will be very
When It Used States, President Joe Biden said appealing to many Republi-
on April 5, as he vowed not to cans,” added Senate Republican
Oracle Code negotiate with Republicans over Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
the higher rate. in Kentucky on April 5.
for Android Speaking to reporters after ar- One analysis found no evi-
riving on The Ellipse in Wash- dence “of widespread benefits
CONTINUED FROM A1 ington, Biden said there’s no of any kind resulting changes
evidence that increasing the in corporate behaviors” due to
computer’s hardware, will carry rate to 28 percent will harm the the lower corporate tax rate, al-
out a large number of specific economy or spur companies to though House Republicans said
tasks, Breyer wrote for the court. look abroad. last year the rate cut spurred job
Google’s offices in downtown Manhattan on Oct. 20, 2020.
About 100 Google engineers “The tax was 36 percent, and creation and economic growth.
worked more than three years to it’s now down to 21 percent. Biden could struggle to get
create Google’s Android platform was copyrightable. the two companies attempted to The idea that that—it’s bizarre, enough votes for his package
software, tailoring the Android “Given the rapidly changing negotiate a license, but they were we’re talking about a 28 percent because even a single Demo-
platform to smartphone technol- technological, economic, and unsuccessful ... Google simply de- tax that everybody thought was crat defection in the 50-50
ogy. To build the platform, Google business-related circumstances, cided to use Oracle’s code anyway. just fair enough for everybody,” Senate would kill the bill if
wrote millions of lines of new code. we believe we should not answer Instead of creating its own he said. Democrats decide to pursue the
Because Google wanted millions of more than is necessary to resolve declaring code—as Apple and “Here you have 51 or 52 corpo- reconciliation route, cutting out
programmers, familiar with Java, the parties’ dispute,” Breyer wrote. Microsoft chose to do—Google rations in the Fortune 500 that the need to draw support from
to be able easily to work with its “To the extent that Google used copied verbatim 11,500 lines of haven’t paid a single penny in 10 Republicans.
new Android platform, it also cop- parts of the Sun Java API to create Oracle’s declaring code and ar- taxes for three years? Come on, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
ied code from the Java SE program. a new platform that could be read- ranged that code exactly as Oracle man. Let’s get real.” said April 5 that he didn’t want
The copied lines of code are part ily used by programmers, its use had done. It then advertised An- Biden’s $2 trillion infrastruc- to raise the corporate rate back
of a tool called an Application Pro- was consistent with that creative droid to device manufacturers as ture plan includes raising the to 28 percent, preferring a small-
gramming Interface, or API, Breyer ‘progress’ that is the basic con- containing ‘Core Java Libraries,’” corporate tax rate from 21 per- er increase to 25 percent.
wrote, explaining that an API was stitutional objective of copyright and was sued by Oracle. cent, where it has been since for- “As the bill exists today, it
a tool that “allow[s] programmers itself,” he wrote. The Supreme Court “wrongly mer President Donald Trump’s needs to be changed,” Manchin
to use ... prewritten code to build Oracle reacted to the ruling, say- sidesteps the principal question 2017 tax cut slashed the rate said during a radio show. “If I
certain functions into their own ing it means “the Google platform that we were asked to answer: from 35 percent. don’t vote to get on it, it’s not go-
programs, rather than write their just got bigger and market pow- Is declaring code protected by Biden also wants to impose ing anywhere.
own code to perform those func- er greater. The barriers to entry copyright? I would hold that it is,” a 15 percent minimum tax on “There’s six or seven other
tions from scratch.” higher and the ability to compete Thomas wrote. large companies.  The tax in- Democrats who feel very strong-
Lower courts considered wheth- lower.” “The majority purports to save creases would fully pay for the ly about this. We have to be com-
er Java SE’s owner could copyright “They stole Java and spent a de- for another day the question infrastructure plan in 15 years, petitive, and we’re not going to
the portion that Mountain View, cade litigating as only a monopolist whether declaring code is copy- the White House claims. throw caution to the wind.”
California-based Google copied, can,” Oracle said in a statement. rightable. The only apparent rea- Republicans have largely op- White House press secretary
and if so, whether Google’s copy- “This behavior is exactly why regu- son for doing so is because the posed the proposal. Jen Psaki told reporters in Wash-
ing nonetheless constituted a “fair latory authorities around the world majority cannot square its funda- “What the president proposed ington several hours later that
use” of that material, which would and in the United States are exam- mentally flawed fair-use analysis this week is not an infrastruc- the administration is “open to
free Google from copyright liabil- ining Google’s business practices.” with a finding that declaring code ture bill. It’s a huge tax increase, hearing ideas and proposals
ity. In his dissent, Thomas chastised is copyrightable.” for one thing. And it’s a tax in- from members and we encour-
The Federal Circuit ruled for the court majority for not address- Google welcomed the new court crease on small businesses, on age them to put them forward.”
Oracle, finding Google’s copying ing the copyright issue directly. ruling. job creators in the United States Transportation Secretary Pete
wasn’t a “fair use.” He noted that Android founder “Today’s Supreme Court deci- of America,” Sen. Roger Wicker Buttigieg said on April 4 that the
The Supreme Court disagreed, Andrew Rubin “understood that sion in Google v. Oracle is a big win (R-Miss.), the ranking member administration’s plan would
finding that Google’s copying con- the declaring code was copy- for innovation, interoperability on the Senate Commerce, Sci- see corporations pay their “fair
stituted a fair use and that it wasn’t righted, so Google sought a cus- & computing,” Kent Walker, the ence, and Transportation Com- share at a rate, by the way, that
necessary to reach the question of tom license from Oracle. At least company’s senior vice president mittee, said on NBC’s “Meet the would be lower than it’s been for
whether the copied material itself four times between 2005 and 2006, for global affairs, wrote on Twitter. Press” on April 4. most of my life.”

Blunt Urges Biden to Cut Infrastructure Package by

70 Percent for ‘Easy Win’ on GOP Backing

CONTINUED FROM A1 what appears to be—will be—an-

other incredibly partisan bill.”
Now that Biden has unveiled the Blunt, in a statement, called the
next big bill—another $2 trillion American Jobs Act a “so-called
package, nominally about infra- ‘infrastructure’ plan that spends
structure but actually padded less than a third on transporta-
with climate change and social- tion infrastructure and is paid for
program spending, Republicans with job-destroying tax hikes as
argue—the issue of bipartisanship the economy begins recovering
is again coming into focus. from the pandemic.”
Energy Secretary Jennifer Gran- He told Wallace that around $615
billion of the American Jobs Act
can actually be considered direct-
ly infrastructure-related, adding
My advice for the that paring the proposal down to
White House has that amount would win Republi-
can backing.
been, take that “I think there’s an easy win here
bipartisan win, do for the White House if they would
this in a more tra- take that win, which is make
this an infrastructure package,
ditional infrastruc- which is about 30 percent—even
ture way. if you stretch the definition of
infrastructure some—it’s about
Sen. Roy Blunt 30 percent of the $2.25 trillion
they’re talking about spending,”
holm said in an interview on CNN Blunt said.
on April 4 that, while Biden would “My advice for the White House Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) speaks alongside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) (L) and Sen. John Thune
prefer to win Republican backing has been, take that bipartisan (R-S.D.) to the media at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Dec. 8, 2020.
for the infrastructure plan, he’d win, do this in a more traditional
likely back the same procedural infrastructure way,” Blunt said, Biden said on March 31 that the infrastructure, including a $174 U.S. manufacturing, bolster the
strategy of “reconciliation” that adding that the Biden administra- American Jobs Act is “the largest billion investment in the electric nation’s electric grid, enact na-
Democrats used with the Ameri- tion would still have all the tools American jobs investment since vehicle market that sets a goal of tionwide high-speed broadband,
can Rescue Plan to get the Ameri- needed to pass a separate package World War Two.” a nationwide charging network and revamp the nation’s water
can Jobs Act passed without the with additional spending priorities “It’s not a plan that tinkers by 2030. systems to ensure clean drink-
need for any GOP votes. at a later time. around the edges. It’s a once- Congress will also be asked to ing water.
Responding to questions from “I think it’s a big mistake for the in-a-generation investment in put $400 billion toward affordable Biden aims to put corporate
Chris Wallace on Fox News Sun- administration,” he said. “If we’d America, unlike anything we’ve housing and community-based America on the hook for the tab,
day about bipartisanship on Capi- go back and look at roads and seen or done since we built the care for aging Americans and which is expected to grow to a
tol Hill and Republican concerns bridges and ports and airports, interstate highway system and people with disabilities. combined $4 trillion once he rolls
about big bills adding to public and maybe even underground wa- the space race decades ago,” the There is $213 billion provided to out the second part of his econom-
debt, Blunt said, “We’ve seen one ter systems and broadband, you’d president said. build and retrofit affordable and ic plan in April.
incredibly partisan bill from the still be talking about less than 30 The American Jobs Act calls for sustainable homes along with
new administration followed by percent of this entire package.” $621 billion to rebuild the nation’s hundreds of billions to support Reuters contributed to this report.

Georgia Secretary of State Asks Court 34 Shot, 8 Murdered in Chicago

Not to Give Petitioners Access to Ballots Over the Weekend
JESSICA MCGOWAN/GETTY IMAGES ZACHARY STIEBER cially violent, with 16 shootings
ZACHARY STIEBER and a spate of homicides.
Chicago saw a violent weekend, The violence started before 1
A Georgia voting integrity group with 30 shootings between Fri- a.m., when a 38-year-old man
that seeks to examine ballots cast day evening and Sunday night. driving eastbound on West 37th
in the 2020 election shouldn’t be Thirty-four people were shot Street heard gunshots and felt
granted access to the original bal- and eight were murdered, ac- pain. A bullet had gone through
lots, the state’s secretary of state cording to statistics from the his rear window and struck his
said in a new filing. Chicago Police Department. right arm. The man was taken to
Giving plaintiffs in the court case The incidents took place be- Mercy Hospital in good condition.
access to the original ballots would tween 6 p.m. on April 2 and 11:59 Five more shootings were re-
violate recent updates to the Geor- p.m. on April 4. Two additional ported before 7 a.m.
gia Open Records Act, Secretary of shootings took place on Friday In one of the killings, two males
State Brad Raffensperger said in an afternoon. were driving northbound on
April 2 motion in Fulton County The violence started at ap- North Humboldt Drive around
Superior Court. proximately 2:18 p.m., when a 8 p.m. when two males ap-
The office of Raffensperger, a Re- 19-year-old man was shot in the proached the vehicle on sepa-
publican, said he takes no position 5000 block of West Monroe. He rate orange dirt bikes and be-
on the merits of the case, but “re- was taken to a hospital and was gan shooting as they passed the
spectfully requests that the Court last reported in good condition. vehicle. A 19-year-old in the car
permit Petitioners to inspect ballot Fulton county workers count absentee ballots at State Farm Arena in Atlanta No suspect was in custody. was struck in the neck and pro-
images only, and deny Petitioners’ on Nov. 6, 2020. Another shooting occurred nounced dead at Stroger Hospi-
request to inspect and scan bal- JESSICA MCGOWAN/GETTY IMAGES less than an hour later in the tal. The other man survived but is
lots.” to transparent elections.” 4000 block of West Potomac. A in critical condition at St. Mary’s
“This result is consistent with “If the November 3, 2020, elec- male victim of unknown age Hospital.
Georgia law, and appropriately tion controversy does not justify “heard shots and felt pain.” He Another murder took place just
balances Petitioners’ interests in unsealing the ballots, then what was treated for a gunshot wound before midnight. A 45-year-old
inspecting ballot images with the ever would? Ballots have no voter to the foot. No suspects were in male was found on the ground
State’s and the public’s interest in information, so there is nothing custody. with multiple gunshot wounds to
maintaining the security and in- secret about them as the brief tried Two other shootings unfolded his chest on South Throop Street.
tegrity of confidential ballots,” the to imply,” he added. “The ballots on April 2, including a 54-year- “The victim was unable to com-
filing states. belong to the people of Georgia, old male being struck in the leg municate details regarding the
The amicus brief was filed in Fa- not Brad Raffensperger. Citizens and taken to Loyola Hospital in incident due to the severity of
vorito et al. v Cooney et al. like us should not have to spend serious condition. his injuries,” police said in an
Garland Favorito, head of a vot- thousands of dollars and hours of Six additional shootings took incident summary. The man was
ing integrity group called VOTER our time to sue officials so we can place on April 3 before 6 a.m. transported to the hospital and
GA, along with other voters, filed see what should be public records In one case, around 1:20 a.m., declared dead.
the case, alleging there were ab- in the first place.” a green SUV with an unknown No suspects are in custody for
normalities in how ballots were Raffensperger said in a statement number of occupants began any of the shootings that took
counted in Georgia in the 2020 Georgia Secretary of State Brad on April 5 that some media outlets shouting gang slogans before place over the weekend.
presidential race. Raffensperger holds a press confer- were mischaracterizing the mo- opening fire at a 25-year-old male The previous weekend saw 23
The petition cited multiple poll ence in Atlanta on Nov. 6, 2020. tion. who was trying to pump gas in shootings, 30 people shot, and
workers who said they observed “The paper ballots have been the 7700 block of South Kedzie. three murders.
unusual occurrences during ballot he’s inclined to order the ballots sealed, and recent updates to the The victim was struck and rushed Most major U.S. cities, includ-
counting and noted that Election unsealed and reviewed by experts Georgia Open Records Act allow to the hospital. ing Chicago, saw a spike in the
Day observers at State Farm Arena hired by Favorito. Fulton County for the public disclosure for ballot Easter Sunday proved espe- murder rate in 2020.
in Atlanta were led to believe that officials didn’t immediately return images only (not ballots). In fact, KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
counting was over for the night, a request for comment. A county we worked with the Georgia legis-
only to resume after all observers official on April 5 told the court in lature to make sure ballot images
had left. a document that she objects to the could be made available for review.
Election officials failed to com- proposed order to unseal election Nonetheless, it is our responsibility
ply with state law that requires the materials. to protect the security and confi-
government to treat similarly situ- Raffensperger in the new filing dentiality of the ballots according
ated individuals in a similar man- asked Amero not to let the group to the requirements of the Georgia
A Chicago
ner, the petitioners said, asking the examine the ballots without con- Elections Code,” he wrote.
Police officer
court to give them access to ballots sidering his brief. “We welcome the public disclo- monitors the
to ensure the election results were Favorito told The Epoch Times in sure of these ballot images, and scene after
correct. an emailed statement: “Secretary simply request that the judge set a shooting
The judge hearing the case, Hen- of State Raffensperger never ceases up a process to prevent any party in Chicago
ry County Superior Court Judge to amaze me. He is now officially from creating and spreading false on March
Brian Amero, said last month that on record in adamant opposition information.” 14, 2021.

McConnell: Corporate Pushback Against Georgia Voting

Law Is ‘Economic Blackmail’ and Disinformation

Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mc-

Connell (R-Ky.) on April 5 admon-
ished corporate leaders for their
criticism of Georgia’s new voting
law, accusing them of falling for
“absurd disinformation” and  of
“dabbling in behaving like a woke
parallel government.”
“Our private sector must stop
taking cues from the Outrage-
Industrial Complex,” McConnell
said in a statement. “Americans do
not need or want big business to
amplify disinformation or react to
every manufactured controversy
with frantic left-wing signaling.”
The top Republican in the Sen-
ate said the discussion around SB
202, or the Election Integrity Act
of 2021, has become unmoored
from fact.
“There is no consistent or factual
standard being applied here,” Mc-
Connell said. “It’s just a fake narra-
tive gaining speed by its own mo-
mentum. ... Businesses must not
use economic blackmail to spread
Dozens of CEOs and corpora-
tions—including Atlanta-based
Delta Air Lines and Coca-Cola—
have railed against SB 202, alleg-
ing voter suppression. Last week,
dozens of black business executives
from around the country, includ- The U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 2, 2020.

neth Frazier and former American they amount to voter suppression

Express chief executive Kenneth that will hit communities of color
Chenault, released a joint letter in
Americans do not especially hard.
The New York Times urging corpo- need or want big President Joe Biden has also
rate America to stand up forcefully business to amplify weighed in, criticizing SB 202 as
to oppose it. “a blatant attack on the Constitu-
“There is no middle ground here,” disinformation or tion and good conscience,” add-
Chenault said in the letter. “You ei- react to every man- ing: “What I’m worried about is
ther are for more people voting, or ufactured contro- how un-American this whole ini-
you want to suppress the vote.” tiative is. It’s sick.”
Broadly, Georgia’s voting law versy with frantic Biden also described the law as
institutes more stringent require- left-wing signaling. “Jim Crow on steroids.” speaks in
ments around voting, including McConnell responded to Biden’s New York
more rigorous voter ID laws, lim- Senate Minority Leader Mitch comment in his statement saying on Nov.
its on the use of ballot boxes, and that opposition to SB 202 was part 7, 2019.
giving the Georgia legislature more of “a coordinated campaign by
control over its elections. Propo- powerful and wealthy people to across the state, addressing a key pass a sweeping bill that would let
nents say the measures are nec- mislead and bully the American Democrat concern. them rewrite all 50 states’ election
essary improvements to shore up people.” Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp also laws and turn the Federal Election
integrity and build confidence in “The President has claimed re- refuted Biden’s characterization Commission into a Democrat-run
the state’s elections. Opponents, in- peatedly that state-level debates of the law. partisan body,” McConnell said.
cluding the business leaders, argue over voting procedures are worse “It is obvious that neither Presi- “This power grab is impossible
CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES than Jim Crow or ‘Jim Crow on dent Biden nor his handlers have to defend, so the left wants to de-
steroids.’ Nobody actually believes actually read SB 202, which I signed flect. Instead of winning the de-
this,” McConnell said. “Nobody into law yesterday,” Kemp said in bate, they want to silence debate
really thinks this current dispute a statement emailed to The Epoch by bullying citizens and entire
comes anywhere near the horrific Times. “This bill expands voting states into submission.”
racist brutality of segregation. But access, streamlines vote-counting The legislative thrust he was pre-
there’s an old cynical saying that procedures, and ensures election sumably referring to was H.R. 1, the
‘history is just the set of lies agreed integrity.” For the People Act of 2021, which
upon.’ And a host of powerful McConnell, in his statement on passed the Democrat-controlled
people and institutions apparent- April 5, said corporations protest- House on March 3 on a largely
ly think they stand to benefit from ing the law could “invite serious party-line vote of 220–210, with all
parroting this big lie.” consequences” if they “become a Republicans and one Democrat—
The  reforms included in SB vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack Rep. Bennie Thompson of Missis-
202 include requiring photo or our country.” sippi—voting against it. The bill
state-approved identification to Citing data that over 70 percent awaits action in the Senate.
vote absentee by mail. They also of Americans, including a major- Democrats—and other propo-
mandate that secure drop boxes ity of Democrats, support voter ID nents—have framed the bill as a
be placed inside early voting loca- requirements, McConnell argued crucial step against voter suppres-
tions, with constant surveillance. that the opposition to SB 202 was a sion, while Republicans—and oth-
The law also shortens the election way to build support for Democrat- er opponents—argue it weakens
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) talks to reporters in the Rus- cycle for runoffs from nine weeks led efforts to reform election laws. security measures and makes elec-
sell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington on March 16, 2021. to four, and expands early voting “Washington Democrats want to tions more prone to fraud.

News without spin, for you to
form your own opinion.

and Deep Dive Evening News News Today

Suicide Rate Fell to 5-Year Low in 2020 But

COVID-19, Overdoses May Mask True Figure: Experts

higher. But subject matter experts

say it’s too early to jump to conclu-
sions—and not just for the obvious
reason that the data is preliminary
and subject to change.
The American Association of
Suicidology (AAS), in a statement
commenting on the newly released
report, called it a “very promising
estimate” that it hopes is an indica-
tion of a trend in lowered suicide
deaths in the United States—and
an encouraging sign that suicide
prevention efforts are bearing fruit.
The association questioned
whether misclassification in cause-
of-death reporting left some sui-
cides out of the equation.
“We do not know if some suicides
are being masked by COVID deaths
in 2020, meaning some of those
2,677+ people who would have died
by suicide, instead died by COVID
or had COVID at the time of their
suicide and were characterized as
such by coroners/medical examin-
ers,” the association stated. JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES

Questions have been raised “Overdose deaths also increased

before about the accuracy of in 2020, and it is often hard to dis-
deaths-due-to-COVID reporting We do not know tinguish some overdoses from sui-
and, given the fact that the JAMA if some suicides cides, again possibly masking the
report shows that most of the are being masked true number,” the AAS wrote.
17.7 percent rise in over-the-year Yet another factor could be the
deaths in 2020 was attributed to by COVID deaths established historical pattern of
A sign for an
COVID-19, even a small fraction in 2020, meaning suicides falling in times of crisis,
of misclassified deaths could have only to spike again in subsequent
an effect on the nominal number
some of those 2,677+ years.
phone on the
Golden Gate
of suicides. The JAMA report in- people who would “We should be cautious in cel- Bridge in San
dicated COVID-19 as the cause have died by suicide, ebrating this decrease too early as Francisco,
of death for 345,323 people in the the data points from 2019 and 2020 in this file
United States last year. instead died by CO- do not necessarily indicate a trend,” photo.
The suicidology association also VID or had COVID the association said. “We may see
wondered about another aspect at the time of their a delayed increase in suicides in metrics suggest despair may still anxiety, depression, and suicide
of the JAMA report’s numbers, 2021 or 2022, similar to what we be running high. thoughts in certain demographics.”
namely the surge in “unintention- suicide. witnessed following the financial “So while a lowered rate of sui- People struggling with suicidal
al injuries,” which were largely American Association collapse in 2008.” cides is a good signal, it doesn’t thoughts or in crisis can call the
driven by drug overdose deaths. of Suicidology The association also stated there necessarily indicate a lowered level National Suicide Prevention Life-
After staying mostly flat around are “very poor mechanisms” in of despair in the country,” the as- line at 800-273-8255 for free and
the 170,000 mark for three years, place in the United States for sociation said. “In fact, many recent confidential support, or visit the
that number jumped 11 percent gauging the number of suicide reports have shown higher levels associated website for helpful re-
to 192,176 in 2020. attempts, and noted that some of mental health issues, including sources.


Juliana Manzanarez, an attorney

representing several detainees, told Former Gaetz Staffer Says FBI Agents
12 News that he wasn’t surprised by
the report findings.
Contacted Him With ‘Baseless’ Claims
“Some of the things that were
listed in the report are not new ZACHARY STIEBER to a request for comment.
and unfortunately people that are The briefing from Nelson was
in detention have to deal with that,” A former adviser to Rep. Matt the latest effort to refute allega-
the attorney added. Gaetz (R-Fla.) on April 5 said tions against Gaetz and his office.
ICE said in a statement that it FBI agents recently approached After the allegations first became
is “committed to ensuring that all him with allegations he knew to public through an anonymously
those in our custody reside in safe, be false, causing him to believe sourced report in The New York
secure, and humane environments that the recent claims against his Times, Gaetz went on Fox News
and under appropriate conditions ex-boss are also untrue. to say his family were victims of
of confinement.” Agents went to the home of an extortion attempt.
“Many practices initiated at La Nathan Nelson on March 31 to “Over the past several weeks,
La Palma Correctional Center detainees protest in a housing area on April Palma, such as the 14-day quar- question him about accusations my family and I have been vic-
13, 2020. antine period, resulted in reduced against Gaetz, which reportedly tims of an organized criminal
detainee-to-detainee exposure include a claim that he paid for extortion involving a former
among the general population, and sex with a minor. But the agents DOJ official seeking $25 million,
DHS Watchdog Finds this aspect was acknowledged in asserted to Nelson they were told while threatening to smear my
the OIG draft report,” the agency that he’d resigned from Gaetz’s name. We have been cooperating
Mistreatment of Illegal stated. “ICE takes issue with the office because of knowledge with federal authorities in this
accuracy of other findings in the about wrongdoing. matter and my father has even
Immigrants at Holding Facility draft report which relied on un- “Nothing could be further from been wearing a wire at the FBI’s
corroborated allegations and lack the truth. Neither I nor any other direction to catch these crimi-
of appropriate context regarding member of Congressman Gaetz’s nals,” Gaetz said in a statement.
CONTINUED FROM A1 of the 1,223 detainees test positive medical staffing.” staff had any knowledge of illegal “The planted leak to the New
for the disease on Aug. 19, 2020. CoreCivic, a company that helps activities,” Nelson, who worked York Times tonight was intended
other areas. Officials also reviewed The medical unit, which was criti- manage the facility, said the report with Gaetz for more than six to thwart that investigation. No
surveillance footage from various cally understaffed, took an average included numerous falsehoods years when he was a state law- part of the allegations against me
places inside the facility, and inter- of 3.35 days to respond to detainee about the facility. maker and another four years in are true, and the people push-
viewed ICE personnel, detainees, sick call requests and neglected to “We operate every day in a chal- Congress, told reporters during ing these lies are targets of the
and facility employees. fill some prescriptions. The facil- lenging environment that was a press conference. ongoing extortion investiga-
The inspection, which ran from ity didn’t consistently provide re- made all the more difficult by a “This baseless claim against tion. I demand the DOJ imme-
August to November 2020, “iden- quired care for illegal immigrants pandemic with which the entire me leaves me further convinced diately release the tapes, made at
tified violations of ICE detention in segregation, and didn’t consis- world has and continues to strug- that the allegations against Con- their direction, which implicate
standards that threatened the tently record when medicine was gle with,” a spokesperson told news gressman Gaetz are likewise fab- their former colleague in crimes
health, safety, and rights of detain- given or when medical visits were outlets. “We always appreciate the ricated and merely an attempt to against me based on false allega-
ees,” the watchdog report stated, conducted. feedback and accountability that discredit a very vocal conserva- tions.”
adding that “detainee reports and Additionally, the facility “did our partners provide, and we strive tive,” Nelson added. Documents published by the
grievances allege an environment not give timely responses to most every day to do better in our service Nelson said his departure in Washington Examiner indicated
of mistreatment and verbal abuse, detainee grievances and, in some to them and the people in our care.” the fall of 2020 was planned and a group tried to obtain $25 mil-
including in response to peaceful cases, did not respond at all.” A follow-up inspection in January he wanted people to know what lion from Gaetz’s father, former
detainee protests of the facility’s Detainees complained to watch- found improved compliance with he believes to be true based on state Sen. Don Gaetz, in return
handling of the pandemic.” dog officials about alleged exces- pandemic-related standards. his encounter with the agents. for making Rep. Gaetz’s “future
The correctional facility didn’t sive use of force, including the use He said he remains “loosely af- legal and political problems go
enforce ICE precautions such as of pepper spray, pepper balls, and filiated” with Gaetz’s office as away.”
the recommended use of face cov- chemical agents. Officials con- an unpaid adviser. He said he Don McGee, a Florida lawyer
erings and didn’t meet standards firmed that such substances have The article “Georgia Republican hasn’t spoken to Gaetz in several allegedly involved in the scheme,
Announces Primary Campaign Against
for medical care, segregation, been used to end protests, such as Gov. Kemp,” published on April 2,
months. has denied Gaetz’s counter-ac-
and communication of detainee one on April 13, 2020. misstated the office for which John King The FBI referred The Epoch cusations. Another man, former
grievances. An image from surveillance vid- is running. He is seeking another Times to the Department of Air Force officer Bob Kent, said
term as Georgia insurance and safety
That lack of enforcement may eo showed facility staff deploying fire commissioner.
Justice when asked about the on April 5 he was part of the
have contributed to a COVID-19 the agents to bring an end to the The Epoch Times regrets the error. reported Gaetz investigation; the group but denied that what hap-
outbreak that saw some 17 percent protest. DOJ didn’t immediately respond pened amounted to extortion.

Portland School Delays Vote on Changing Mascot

to Tree Over Racism Concerns

ZACHARY STIEBER is representative of Ida B. Wells

Barnett’s legacy.”
The adoption of a new mascot for There was “loud and clear sup-
a Portland, Oregon, high school port” across the school for the new
has been delayed because officials choice, she said.
believe using a tree could be con- The vote on the resolution was
nected to the history of lynching in delayed, though, because Portland
the United States. Public Schools Board of Educa-
Ida B. Wells-Barnett High tion Director Michelle DePass was
School, which was recently re- worried about trees being used for
named from Woodrow Wilson lynchings in the past.
High School, is also in the process “I’ve heard from a couple of
of changing its mascot to an Ever- community members now about
green from a Trojan. the idea of using a tree—which, of
course, I mean, personally, I love
evergreens, I’m from Oregon—but
using a tree that’s used to lynch
We were looking at people in our mascot, if there was
the symbolism more any consideration as to the imagery
there, that we’ve all seen from peo-
as a tree of life than ple hanging from trees and using
a tree of death. And this mascot,” she told the meeting.
you could certainly “Because I think that, you know,
everyone comes with blind spots.
take it either way. And I think that might have been
a really, really big blind spot. That An image from Google Street View shows Ida B. Wells Barnett High School in Portland, Ore.
Martin Osborne, member, Port-
land Public Schools Board of just wasn’t considered,” she added.
Education Filip Hristic, the principal of the appropriate choice for us in re- the United States history is fraught The vote on the resolution to
school, told board members that sponse to his legacy. And in choos- with different ways that it can be adopt the evergreen as a mascot
“Evergreens are characterized by Wells-Barnett’s family has been ing the mascot, as we looked around taken. So ... our choice of the ever- was ultimately delayed after mem-
the life-giving force of their foliage, supportive of promoting the legacy our community to see what is most green had nothing to do with the bers said they wanted to consult
the strength of their massive trunk, of Wells, although he hadn’t spoken prominent, what is most reflective horrible history of lynching in the Wells’s family members about the
and the depth of their roots—in an to them about the mascot issue. of where we are, evergreen seemed United States. Lynching trees typi- decision.
individual tree and as a forest of “Ida Wells has a very particular like an obvious choice.” cally are not evergreens. “Ida B. Wells Barnett devoted
trees,” Ellen Whatmore, a teacher connection to Woodrow Wilson, Hristic added that “the last thing “We were looking at the symbol- her life to stopping lynching as
and mascot committee member at which we thought was a wonder- I would want is to inadvertently ism more as a tree of life than a tree she described it as ‘our national
the school, read from a resolution ful counterpoint to the history that cause harm, or to in any way be of death. And you could certainly crime.’ And so it seems prudent,
during a March 30 meeting. we were trying to both surface and associated with what she devoted take it either way, depending upon just to before we make this sort of
“They provide shelter and sus- move away from. And it was some- her life to fight against,” telling De- your position.” long term, lasting decision, to just
tenance. They have histories that body who stood strong and stood Pass that she was “raising, clearly, DePass said she wanted the board check in, since it wasn’t considered
preclude us and will continue in proud against what Woodrow Wil- an important question.” “to do our due diligence” and im- as part of the earlier discussions.
perpetuity after we are no more. son and many others, like him have Martin Osborne, another board plored her white colleagues to side That’s what I’d be most comfortable
This symbolic choice is ground- promoted,” he said. member, responded by saying: “The with her “in disrupting situations, with,” board member Julia Brim-
ed in the spirit of Portland, and “And so we felt like she was a very idea of symbolism and imagery in practices that are racist.” Edwards said.

Supreme Court Dismisses Lawsuit Utah Law Requires Fathers to Pay

Half of Pregnancy Costs
Over Trump Blocking Critics on Twitter
ZACHARY STIEBER determine a fetus is not viable
Biological fathers in Utah are now or that giving birth to the child
The Supreme Court moved on legally required to pay half of the would put a mother at serious
April 5 to dismiss a lawsuit from medical costs associated with the risk, and cases of rape and incest.
former President Donald Trump mother’s pregnancy and delivery, Republican Rep. Brady Bram-
that asked the justices to allow him under a measure recently signed mer, who sponsored the Utah
to block critics on Twitter. into law by Republican Gov. Spen- measure, said he had grown
The nation’s highest court agreed cer Cox. frustrated with the number of
with the Department of Justice merely “anti-abortion” measures
(DOJ), which told it in January going through the Legislature and
that the case would become moot wanted to pursue a measure that
when Joe Biden was sworn in as The law will only would make it easier to bring life
president. apply to fathers into the world.
“That transition will moot this whose paternity “We want to help people and ac-
case, as then-President Biden will tually be pro-life in how we do it as
have no ability to control the use of can be confirmed. opposed to anti-abortion,” Bram-
Donald J. Trump’s personal Twit- mer said. “One of the ways to help
ter account. Because this case The legislation received wide- with that was to help the burden
warrants review but will become The Supreme Court in Washington on Sept. 21, 2020. spread support in the GOP-con- of pregnancy be decreased.”
moot  pending such review, the trolled chamber. According to Utah’s Planned
Court should follow its established Under the new law, fathers are Parenthood Association and
practice of granting certiorari and required to pay 50 percent of a sponsors of the bill, the state ap-
vacating the judgment,” the DOJ mother’s insurance premiums pears to be the first in mandating
said in a filing. and other pregnancy-related prenatal child support.
Under Trump, the DOJ had asked medical costs—including the The move has been applauded
the Supreme Court to overturn a hospital birth of the child—that by pro-life activists, saying it
ruling from the 2nd Circuit Court of aren’t paid by another person. will protect the lives of unborn
Appeals, which, in 2019, ruled that The new law only applies to children by supporting women
Trump violated the First Amend- fathers whose paternity can be through their pregnancy.
ment when he prevented some us- confirmed. Abortion activists and Demo-
ers from viewing or commenting If an abortion is performed cratic lawmakers have questioned
on his Twitter posts. without the consent of the father, whether the new law will actually
Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey he won’t be financially respon- help to cover costs and whether it
Wall said in the 2020 petition that sible unless the termination of will actually meet women’s needs.
the appeals court erred by not the pregnancy was necessary to “In the grand scheme of things,
making a distinction between the prevent the death of the mother having a child and raising them
president’s official communica- or if the pregnancy was the result to adulthood is going to be a lot
tions on Twitter and the personal of rape. more money,” Planned Parent-
nature of his decision to prevent In March last year, former Utah hood spokeswoman Katrina
Then-President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House on Dec.
certain users from interacting 7, 2020.
Gov. Gary Herbert signed into law Barker said.
with him. House Bill 136, which would ban
The Supreme Court agreed with abortion in the state after 18 weeks The Associated Press
the DOJ’s latest position, vacating “The disparity between Twitter’s of Trump in early January, while gestation, with some exceptions. contributed to this report.
the appeals court judgment and control and Mr. Trump’s control is the Republican was still in office. The exceptions to the 18-week From NTD News
remanding the case to the court stark, to say the least. Mr. Trump “The petitions highlight two im- JEFFREY D. ALLRED/DESERET NEWS VIA AP
with instructions to dismiss it as blocked several people from inter- portant facts. Today’s digital plat-
moot. acting with his messages. Twitter forms provide avenues for histori-
The lawsuit was brought by a barred Mr. Trump not only from cally unprecedented amounts of
group of users who were blocked interacting with a few users, but speech, including speech by gov-
by Trump, along with the Knight removed him from the entire plat- ernment actors. Also unprecedent-
First Amendment Institute at Co- form, thus barring all Twitter us- ed, however, is the concentrated Utah Gov.
lumbia University. ers from interacting with his mes- control of so much speech in the Spencer J.
Cox speaks
In a concurring opinion, Justice sages. Under its terms of service, hands of a few private parties. during a
Clarence Thomas agreed with the Twitter can remove any person “We will soon have no choice briefing at
dismissal but said it was “rather from the platform—including the but to address how our legal doc- the Utah
odd to say that something is a President of the United States— trines apply to highly concentrat- Capitol in
government forum when a private ‘at any time for any or no reason,’” ed, privately owned information Salt Lake
company has unrestricted author- wrote Thomas, a George H.W. Bush infrastructure such as digital City on Jan.
ity to do away with it.” nominee, referring to Twitter’s ban platforms.” 8, 2021.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott at Globe Life Field

in Arlington, Texas, on Oct. 20, 2020.

Texas Governor
Declines First-Pitch
Invite Over MLB
Moving All-Star Game
From Georgia

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he declined

to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at
the Texas Rangers’ home opening game
because of Major League Baseball’s de-
cision to move the All-Star Game from
Atlanta in response to Georgia’s sweeping
new voting laws.
Abbott thanked Neil Leibman, MLB’s
chief operating officer, for the invitation.
“I was looking forward—until Major
Law enforcement investigate the scene where a vehicle charged a barricade at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on April 2, 2021. League Baseball adopted what has turned
out to be a false narrative about the elec-
tion law reforms in Georgia, and, based
US Capitol Attacker May Have Suffered on that false narrative, moved the MLB
All-Star Game from Atlanta,” he wrote
in a letter.

From Drugs or Mental Illness: Family “It is shameful that America’s pastime
is not only being influenced by partisan
political politics, but also perpetuating
false political narratives.”
SCREENSHOT VIA THE EPOCH TIMES Texas won’t seek to host any MLB special
ZACHARY STIEBER events and Abbott is forgoing all future
participation in league events, although
The man who allegedly rammed a car into he maintains respect for the Texas Rang-
a barrier at the U.S. Capitol on April 2 may ers, whose home opener was on April 5
have been suffering from drugs or mental against the Toronto Blue Jays.
illness, his family says. MLB didn’t immediately respond to a
request by The Epoch Times for comment.
The league on April 2 announced it was
moving its All-Star Game and amateur
Green posted on Facebook player draft from Georgia in retaliation for
that he had left his job due lawmakers passing a law that proponents
say strengthens election safeguards but
to ‘afflictions’ and to seek has been criticized for allegedly making
‘a spiritual journey,’ and it harder to vote.
that he was facing ‘fear, MLB Commissioner Robert Manfred Jr.
said the move was “the best way to dem-
hunger, loss of wealth.’ onstrate our values as a sport,” adding that
the league “fundamentally supports vot-
Noah Green, 25, was violently ill the night A screenshot of Noah Green’s Facebook account. ing rights for all Americans and opposes
before he allegedly carried out the attack, restrictions to the ballot box.”
brother Brendan Green told the Washing- mates drugged him with Xanax in 2019. ing properly on April 5 to send an inquiry. He didn’t specify which provisions in
ton Post. Green experienced hallucinations, heart Farrakhan has a history of racist remarks the law he opposed.
Brendan, who had agreed about two issues, and suicidal thoughts, his brother against white people and Jews. The group The move was cheered by some, includ-
weeks prior to let his brother move into said, adding that those might have stemmed doesn’t appear to have remarked publicly ing people around the league.
his apartment in Virginia, later received from drugs or mental illness. on the attack. “Baseball is our national pastime and
a text message from Noah stating, “I’m Green posted on Facebook that he followed In a statement to The Washington Post, preserving the right to vote is a pillar of
sorry but I’m just going to go and live and the Nation of Islam and its radical leader Green’s family said he was “not a terrorist by our American democracy,” Baltimore
be homeless.” Louis Farrakhan, according to posts ar- any means” but that he was suffering from Mayor Brandon Scott and Baltimore
Noah Green played football for Christo- chived before the technology giant removed “depression and potential mental illness,” Orioles CEO John Angelos said in a joint
pher Newport University, but began showing the account. He wrote last month that he had citing head injuries during his time playing statement. “The City of Baltimore and
signs of mental instability, such as when he left his job due to “afflictions” and to seek football as a possible source. the Birds of Baltimore applaud MLB’s
claimed a group of teammates and room- “a spiritual journey” and was facing “fear, While Green’s social media presence was patriotism in supporting voting rights,
hunger, loss of wealth.” He also claimed that scrubbed, an online profile remains from his and encouraging everyone to use this
government agencies were poisoning him time playing football. In it, Green describes moment to fight for fair elections and
and described the U.S. government as the having nine siblings, dreaming of a vacation register eligible Americans to vote and
“#1 enemy of Black people.” to Jamaica, and wanting to meet Malcolm X. make their voices heard.”
“What is viewable of Greene’s [sic] social After crashing the vehicle into a security But the decision drew backlash from
media presence suggests he might have been barrier, Green exited the car with a knife others, including against corporations
very troubled, but terrorism should not be in his hand and started to run aggressively such as Delta and Coca-Cola that have
ruled out (both scenarios can be true at toward an officer, Pittman said. He was criticized the law.
once),” Rita Katz, director of the SITE Intel- shot dead. A group of Georgia lawmakers asked
ligence Group, wrote on Twitter. One officer died following the attack: Wil- Coca-Cola to immediately remove their
Robert Contee, the Washington police liam “Billy” Evans was an 18-year veteran of products from their offices, while former
chief, told reporters on April 2 that the in- the U.S. Capitol Police. The other officer was President Donald Trump called for boy-
cident “does not appear to be terrorism- being treated at a hospital. cotts against corporations that went pub-
related, but obviously we’ll continue to in- “Please keep Officer Evans and his family lic with their opposition to SB 202.
vestigate to see if there’s some type of nexus in your thoughts and prayers,” Capitol Police “Don’t go back to their products until
An undated photograph of Noah Green along those lines.” Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said in a they relent,” Trump said. “We can play
obtained from social media. The Nation of Islam’s website wasn’t work- statement. the game better than them.”


Florida Jail Meanwhile, Acting Manatee County Ad-

ministrator Scott Hopes told reporters at an
floodwater in the vicinity of the jail should
the Piney Point site be breached.

Evacuated Over April 4 news conference that officials “moved

the medical unit and all personnel to the sec-
“The reasoning for that is just to create
better security for us within the facility on

Concerns of ond floor, which puts them well over 10 feet

above the base level.” But those plans were
the upper level and to give us enough bed
space for the remaining 721 inmates,” War-

‘Catastrophic scrapped and Wells ordered the inmates be

bused to another location, Warren told the
ren told the Herald.
The main concern regarding Piney Point

Flooding’ Bradenton Herald.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on April 4 de-
is the amount of phosphogypsum, which is
“radioactive waste” in the pond from pro-
clared a state of emergency as county offi- cessing phosphate into a state that it can be
JACK PHILLIPS A reservoir near the old Piney Point phosphate cials evacuated residents near a phosphate used for commercial fertilizer, according to
mine, in Bradenton, Fla., on April 3, 2021. processing plant over the weekend. Officials the Center for Biological Diversity.
A Florida jail was evacuated over the week- warned that a pond filled with toxic waste- The water being pumped out of the site is a
end amid concerns of potentially “cata- level of the Manatee Jail.” water could collapse “at any time.” mix of seawater, rain runoff, and stormwater,
strophic flooding” after a reservoir leak Details about where they will be housed “A portion of the containment wall at the state and county officials said.
was discovered near a containment area in weren’t provided due to security concerns. leak site shifted laterally,” Manatee County “The water meets water quality standards
Manatee County. “[Manatee Sheriff Rick] Wells and staff are Public Safety Director Jake Saur told WSTP for marine waters with the exception of pH,
Manatee County Jail public information still in constant communication with offi- after a “significant leak” was discovered at total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and total
officer Randy Warren told news outlets that cials on the situation. We aren’t expecting the Piney Point processing plant. Saur fur- ammonia nitrogen,” the state said in a state-
345 inmates will be taken to “an undisclosed more than a foot of water on jail property, ther cautioned that “structural collapse could ment. “It is slightly acidic, but not at a level
secure location in order to free up bed space in the worst-case scenario,” Warren told occur at any time.” that is expected to be a concern, nor is it ex-
for the remaining 721 inmates on the upper NewsChannel8. The sheriff’s office expects up to one foot of pected to be toxic.”

How One Renegade Province in the Pacific Is Standing

Up to Beijing’s Pressure, Bribes, Belt and Road

In September 2019, two Pacific na-

tions—the Solomon Islands and
Kiribati—decided to drop diplo-
matic recognition of Taiwan in
favor of the People’s Republic of
China (PRC). The move was the
latest step in the Beijing regime’s
continuing efforts to chip away at
Taiwan’s international standing.
In the face of the Solomon Is-
lands’ national government’s de-
cision, Daniel Suidani, the premier
of the Islands’ most populous re-
gion, Malaita Province, has con-
tinued to stand firm in his support
for Taiwan, despite pressure from
federal colleagues and Beijing.
“What we have seen with the
PRC’s involvement in other coun-
tries in the region is that every-
thing looks quite good at the start,
but at the end of the day, the coun-
tries eventually find it difficult to
handle the problems that come
with dealing with China,” he told
The Australian.
“As far as Malaita goes, we don’t Caption ssimaio. Nequodit offictis nectame ndebis ullupta con cus. Nequod eicto que omnis et vent eumquam niet que dollitAndipsum sit, voloria ndessita
want any help from the PRC, as we dolutem facestorenim ha
don’t want to have any constraints
put on our independence.”
Upon winning the provincial
election in June 2019, Suidani said
he was approached by agents act-
ing on Beijing’s behalf and was The Parliament House building in Honiara, Solomon Islands, on April 24, 2019.
offered 1 million Solomon Island WANG ZHAO/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

dollars (U.S. $125,200) to switch local Chinese embassy, particu-

allegiance to the PRC from Taiwan. larly for referring to Taiwan as the
“I received the offer by phone, As far as Malaita Republic of China, which implies
and they told me where they were goes, we don’t that the island is a self-governing
and said they wanted to meet with want any help entity separate from Beijing.
me to discuss it,” he said. “I knew “Such divisive statement from
I needed to take a strong stance from the PRC, as a provincial premier threatens
against such an offer, and I drove to we don’t want to the unity of the country at a time
where they were staying so I could when we need to work together in
tell them that I do not accept.”
have any con- keeping COVID-19 from entering
“When I arrived, I made up my straints put on our our borders and not politicize the
mind that it is not right for me to independence. virus,” Foreign Affairs Minister Jer-
even go up and see them. I called emiah Manele said in a statement.
and said I was not for sale and they Daniel Suidani, A spokesperson from the Chi-
should keep their money.” premier of Malaita Province, nese embassy responded with
Suidani said he wasn’t able to Solomon Islands the statement, “The claims and
comment on whether other politi- actions by the Malaita provin-
cians received bribery offers, but “Let us remind ourselves that cial leaders are illegitimate, in-
if Beijing was willing to approach China or the PRC is no ordinary appropriate, and entirely wrong. Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare (R) and Chinese Premier
him, then it was likely other lead- country like many other countries It breaches the sovereignty and Li Keqiang inspect honour guards during a welcome ceremony at the Great
ers were being propositioned. He of the world. They have a global territorial integrity of China and Hall of the People in Beijing on Oct. 9, 2019.
believes the PRC may have helped ambition to dominate the world,” hurts the national feelings of the
fund election campaigns for par- he told a crowd at the provincial Chinese people.” push into the region via propa- South Pacific beyond foreign aid
liamentarians, which may have assembly. Days later, Suidani told The Aus- ganda, foreign aid, and infrastruc- and diplomatic relations, trans-
spurred the national Parliament’s “For instance, China overwhelm- tralian that the federal government ture investment under the Belt and forming it into “another South
decision to switch diplomatic rec- ingly targets destitute countries seized a shipment of medical sup- Road Initiative (BRI). China Sea.”
ognition. like Solomon Islands that cannot plies from Taiwan, calling it an “act The BRI is Beijing’s trillion-dol- “We have seen reports that China
The prospect of Beijing interfer- pay their debts and loans. China of defiance.” lar, global infrastructure funding is interested in reopening this ra-
ing in the Solomon Islands’ de- has confiscated parts or entire With the Solomon Islands and scheme that has been criticized for dar station in Kiribati and build-
mocracy didn’t dampen Suidani’s seaports from countries that are Kiribati choosing to align with leaving developing countries laden ing a naval base in the Western
resistance. unable to pay their debts.” Beijing, the remaining South Pa- with debt. Province of Solomon Islands,” he
Just a month after the diplomat- In June 2020, during the initial cific island nations to retain dip- The United States and Australian said during the 2019 Pacific Islands
ic switch occurred, Suidani, with outbreak of COVID-19, Suidani ap- lomatic relations with Taiwan are governments have responded to Dialogue.
fellow leaders’ support, launched proached Taiwan for assistance in Tuvalu, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Beijing’s efforts in the Pacific with “I certainly don’t want to see the
the Auki Communique, rejecting its pandemic response. and Palau. their own counter-initiatives. Pacific turned into another South
the Chinese Communist Party’s The move sparked a strong re- Efforts to isolate Taiwan on the Taiwan Foreign Affairs Minister China Sea, with us one day all
(CCP) ideology and its Belt and sponse from the Solomon Islands diplomatic world stage come as Joseph Wu has warned that Bei- sighing that it is too late for us to
Road Initiative. foreign affairs minister and the Beijing continues its soft power jing could eventually militarize the do anything.”

Chinese Officials Trying cine or have unspecified illnesses.

The vaccination acceptance is no
the Chinese vaccines the regime
has rushed to distribute. The lead-
In southern Hainan Province, a
local town called Wancheng told
to Dodge COVID-19 more sanguine in the Tai’an Oc-
cupation Education Center, the
ing vaccine maker, state-owned
Sinopharm, announced plans on
residents they wouldn’t be able to
take buses or go to restaurants and
Vaccinations, Citing Health county’s major technical college,
where around a third claimed to
March 28 to conduct third stage
trials overseas to observe how long
supermarkets without vaccination
have an allergic constitution and protection from the virus would “If you don’t take vaccines, it will
Reasons: Leaked Documents many said they were recovering last. In Hong Kong, at least 12 lo- affect your children’s schooling,
from the seasonal flu. cals have died following Beijing’s work, joining the military, and
EVA FU allergy, pregnancy, recent surgery, The low participation rate from Sinovac shots. housing in the future,” according
or a cold, according to a chart that the officials, who have been tasked Neither company has made its to a notice that has since gone vi-
As the Chinese regime races to in- summarizes the region’s vaccina- with “leading by example” in Chi- clinical data public, although the ral on Chinese social media. The
oculate tens of millions through tion efforts. na’s vaccination drive, appears to World Health Organization on officials later apologized amid
coercive policies and a propaganda Allergy stood out as the top rea- signal a greater lack of enthusiasm March 31 vouched for efficacy the backlash and rescinded the
blitz, some local officials are qui- son, cited 22 times. Twenty people within the country. levels being above 50 percent— mandate.
etly dodging the shots themselves. also cited high blood pressure The regime has been promoting the minimum bar for a vaccine’s Mr. Wu from China’s central
Amid Beijing’s aggressive vac- while five mentioned diabetes— its homegrown vaccines at home public use. city of Wuhan recently received a
cine push, dozens of officials from even though both are chronic and abroad, shipping free doses “We know nothing about this text from his local neighborhood
parts of Liaoning, a province in diseases that would mark them to 69 countries and celebrating a vaccine,” a mainlander surnamed committee and his workplace
northeastern China, have cited as highly vulnerable to the CCP record of 100 million administered Li told the Chinese-language NTD, telling him to get the vaccine on
various health reasons not to take (Chinese Communist Party) virus. across China by the end of March. an affiliate of The Epoch Times. a certain date.
the Chinese COVID-19 vaccine, In Tai’an County, which has ju- Gao Fu, head of the country’s Cen- “There’s no third stage trial data Both he and his father, a gov-
internal documents obtained by risdiction over the town, only four ter for Disease Control and Pre- nor analysis on whether it can pro- ernment official, consider it un-
The Epoch Times reveal. people in the 56-member Housing vention, recently told state media duce antibodies at all, whether we necessary, he said, citing a his-
In a town called Xintai, located and Urban-Rural Development they were aiming to vaccinate 70 can still get infected or infect oth- tory of issues with past Chinese
in the center of the province, only Bureau consented to being inocu- to 80 percent of the Chinese popu- ers. We know nothing. vaccines.
three out of 66 officials have got- lated, with three people excusing lation to achieve herd immunity. “We are better off simply hav- Another retired Beijing official
ten vaccinated, with another two themselves over “poor health.” Some overzealous officials have ing a few bowls of chicken soup also expressed concerns about
on the registration list—showing In the county’s political and legal gone door to door to vaccinate at home to boost our immunity, possible adverse reactions.
a dismal willingness rate of less affairs committee, a well-funded residents and even threatened to don’t you think?” “A lot of common people are
than 10 percent. CCP organ that has direct over- blacklist the uncooperative. The Amid public skepticism, the re- worried about this, and so am I,”
Fifty government officers and sight over the court system, one program has meanwhile been gime has been drumming up the he told The Epoch Times in a re-
those with the local judicial of- person mentioned toothache. In riddled with questions about vac- pressure. State media anchors cent interview.
fice and law enforcement gave Tai’an’s fiscal service center, some cine quality. have endorsed vaccination slogans
reasons such as underlying illness, said they’re taking Chinese medi- Still very little is known about urging people to “lend an arm.” Luo Ya contributed to this report.


evacuation centers, but rescue op-

UK Offers Twice- erations have been made difficult
Weekly COVID-19 after five bridges collapsed and
falling trees blocked some roads,
Tests to Everyone BNPB spokesman Raditya Jati said.
in England A continuing storm had also
halted evacuations in some places,
ALEXANDER ZHANG AUTHOR local authorities said.
Hundreds of houses and other
Everyone in England will be of- facilities such as a solar power
fered free rapid COVID-19 testing plant were damaged, BNPB said.
twice a week beginning April 9, Ships and motorboats sank as the
the UK government announced cyclone set off waves as high as 6
on April 5. meters (almost 20 feet).
The Department of Health and Powerful currents continued
Social Care (DHSC) said this is to flow through villages in the
a “significant step forward” that Malaka district on Timor island
“paves the way for businesses and on April 5, even though the rain
society reopening” as the ongo- had stopped. Some residents there
ing CCP virus lockdown is gradu- hauled themselves to their roofs to
ally eased. escape the rising floodwaters.
“As we continue to make good “We had to dismantle the zinc
progress on our vaccine program roof. We went out through the
and with our roadmap to cautiously back door and pulled ourselves out
easing restrictions underway, regu- with a rope,” Agustina Luruk, 36,
lar rapid testing is even more im- Villagers return to check their damaged homes after a flash flood in Lembata, East Flores, Indonesia, on April 5, 2021.
told Reuters as she and her three
portant to make sure those efforts daughters waited to be evacuated
are not wasted,” Prime Minister by the side of a muddy road.
Boris Johnson said.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock
said one in three people who have
Tropical Cyclone Kills at Least President Joko Widodo offered
his condolences and ordered
speedy disaster relief efforts.
COVID-19 don’t show symptoms The Seroja cyclone hit the Savu
but could still be infectious, so rapid
testing “is going to be fundamental
113 in Indonesia, East Timor sea southwest of Timor island early
on April 5, Indonesia’s weather
in helping us quickly spot positive agency said.
cases and squash any outbreaks.” Within 24 hours, the cyclone’s in-
“Reclaiming our lost freedoms MALAKA, Indonesia—Floods were missing, after the cyclone feared bodies had been washed tensity could strengthen, bringing
and getting back to normal hinges and landslides triggered by tropi- brought flash floods, landslides, away. yet more rain, waves, and winds,
on us all getting tested regularly,” cal cyclone Seroja in a cluster of and strong winds amid heavy “We are using rubber boats to although it was moving away from
he said. islands in southeast Indonesia and rain over the weekend, disaster find bodies at sea. In several vil- Indonesia, the agency said.
But Allyson Pollock, professor of East Timor have killed 113 people, agency BNPB said. lages, flash floods hit while people Dwikorita Karnawati, the agen-
public health at Newcastle Uni- with many still unaccounted for In East Timor, which shares the were sleeping,” Thomas Ola Lan- cy’s head, said that the cyclone
versity, told The Epoch Times, “It’s and thousands displaced, officials Timor island with Indonesia, at goday, deputy head of Lembata would be weakening in the next
a hugely expensive and incoher- said on April 5. least 27 people were killed by land- district government, told Reuters two days.
ent policy and not a public health At least 86 deaths were report- slides, flash floods, and a falling by phone.
strategy.” ed on several islands in Indone- tree, while 7,000 were displaced, About 30,000 people have been By Yos Seran &
The mass testing will use lateral sia’s West and East Nusa Teng- its government said. impacted by floods in Indonesia, Agustinus Beo Da Costa
flow devices, which can produce a gara provinces, while 71 others On Lembata island, authorities some already taking shelter in From Reuters
result in less than 30 minutes with-
out the need for laboratory testing.
The mass testing program has
been criticized by some medical
experts, who are worried that it Taiwan Reports New Incursion by Chinese Jets Into Defense Zone
could backfire due to the limited AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
accuracy of the technology, espe- TAIPEI, Taiwan—Taiwan’s De- April 4 that the Chinese aircraft
cially with self-administered tests. fense Ministry on April 5 report- carrier Liaoning, accompanied
A study in the British Medical ed a new incursion by China’s air by five escort ships, had transited
Journal (BMJ) showed the pilot force into the island’s air defense the Miyako Strait on their way to
in Liverpool missed 60 percent of identification zone, made up of the Pacific.
cases and 30 percent of those with eight fighter jets and two other Although China’s air force hasn’t
the highest viral loads. aircraft, one of which flew through flown over Taiwan itself, the flights
The BMJ said in a November 2020 the strategic Bashi Channel. have ramped up pressure, both
editorial that the program was “an Chinese-claimed Taiwan has financial and physical, on the is-
unevaluated, under-designed, and complained over the past few land’s air force to ensure its aircraft
costly mess.” months of repeated missions by are ready to go at any moment in
It said the mass testing program China’s air force near the island, what security officials describe as
shouldn’t continue or be used as a concentrated in the southwestern a “war of attrition.”
basis of whether people should self- part of its air defense zone near the The Chinese regime views dem-
isolate until it has been externally Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands. ocratic Taiwan as its own territory
and independently scrutinized. Late last month, Taiwan re- A Chinese J-16 fighter jet performs in the sky in Changchun, China, on Oct. and has never renounced the use
“Recent analysis from NHS Test ported 20 Chinese aircraft were 17, 2019. of force to bring the island under
and Trace shows that for every 1,000 involved in one such incursion. its control.
lateral flow tests carried out, there In the latest incident, Taiwan’s south of Taiwan through the Bashi While there was no immediate While Taiwan’s air force is well
is less than one false-positive re- Defense Ministry said four Chi- Channel that connects the Pacific response from China’s Defense trained, it’s dwarfed by that of
sult,” the government said. nese J-16 and four J-10 fighters were to the South China Sea. Ministry, the flights coincided China’s.
involved, as well as an early warn- Taiwan’s air force sent up a com- with other Chinese military ac-
Lily Zhou and Simon Veazey ing plane and anti-submarine air- bat air patrol to warn the Chinese tivity to Taiwan’s north. By Ben Blanchard
contributed to this report. craft, the latter of which flew to the aircraft away, the ministry added. Japan’s Defense Ministry said on From Reuters


RUSSIA seen as a direct threat to the
based in The Hague. López Obrador would
Osmani-Sadriu, post-war have gotten a shot of the king, his actions suggest
Putin Signs Law he wants to shore up his
Kosovo’s seventh president AstraZeneca vaccine last
Allowing Him 2 and its second female one, week, based on his address position with the Jordanian
More Terms as had the backing of the left- in a borough in the city’s public after being removed
wing Self-Determination center, where he lives in an from the royal succession.
Russia’s Leader Russian — From Reuters
President Movement, or Veteven- apartment at the National
Vladimir dosje!, which won Kosovo’s Palace.
Russian President Vladi- Putin in Feb. 14 early election in a — The Associated Press GERMANY
mir Putin has signed a law Moscow landslide. The party now
allowing him to potentially on March holds the three top posts: JORDAN German CDU
hold onto power until 2036, 27, 2021. the president, the speaker, Chairman Calls for
a move that formalizes and the prime minister. Estranged Prince
Harder Lockdown
constitutional changes en- six-year term ends. The 120-seat parliament, — The Associated Press Hamza Defies
dorsed in a vote in 2020. He has argued that which convened in an ex- Measures
The July 1 constitutional resetting the term count traordinary session for two MEXICO
Jordan’s Military
vote included a provision was necessary to keep his days, gave 71 votes for Vjosa in Voice Recording Armin Laschet, chairman
that reset Putin’s previous lieutenants focused on their Osmani-Sadriu, the former Mexico’s President of Angela Merkel’s Christian
term limits, allowing him work instead of “darting parliament speaker, in the Now Says He Won’t Jordan’s estranged Prince Democrats and her would-
to run for president two their eyes in search for pos- third round of voting, while Get COVID-19 Hamza said in a voice be successor as chancellor,
more times. The change sible successors.” 11 votes were invalid. recording that he would said that Germany needed
was rubber-stamped by the — The Associated Press Two opposition parties Vaccine disobey orders by the army harder lockdown measures
Kremlin-controlled legis- and the ethnic Serb mi- not to communicate with to break a rise in coronavi-
lature, and the relevant law KOSOVO nority party boycotted the Mexico’s president said he the outside world after he rus infections.
signed by Putin was posted voting. won’t get a COVID-19 vac- was put under house arrest Germany, despite months
April 5 on an official portal Kosovo Gets New In November, the 38-year- cine because his doctors and accused of trying to of restrictions, has seen a
of legal information. President, Its 2nd old Osmani-Sadriu tem- told him he still has a high destabilize the country. rise in infections.
The 68-year-old Russian Female Leader porarily replaced former level of antibodies from The half-brother of King The statements by Las-
president, who has been in President Hashim Thaci, when he was infected in Abdullah and former heir chet, premier of Germany’s
power for more than two a guerrilla leader during January. to the throne said in the re- most populous state of
decades—longer than any Lawmakers in Kosovo have Kosovo’s war for indepen- “I have sufficient levels of cording released by Jordan’s North Rhine-Westphalia,
other Kremlin leader since elected and sworn in a new dence from Serbia in the antibodies, and right now it opposition that he wouldn’t follow comments from an-
Soviet dictator Josef Sta- president for a five-year late 1990s, who resigned isn’t indispensable for me to comply after being barred other prominent politician
lin—said he would decide term, the Balkan nation’s after facing charges for war get vaccinated,” said Presi- from any activity and told to who called for a shorter and
later whether to run again second female leader in the crimes and crimes against dent Andrés Manuel López keep quiet. even harder lockdown.
in 2024 when his current post-war period. humanity at a special court Obrador. While Prince Hamza isn’t — From Reuters

COVID-19 Death Risk on the Rise for Australia, US

Young, Middle Aged Adults in Brazil: Study ‘Contingencies’
Around Possible
Taiwan Conflict
The risk of death in young and middle- CONTINUED FROM A1
aged adults in Brazil after contracting
COVID-19 is on the rise, researchers have taining power in the Indo-Pacific region.
found. “One thing that we’re determined to
The researchers noted that Brazil is cur- do is we’re not going to get out in front
rently suffering a “deadly surge” of CO- of our allies,” he said.
VID-19 infections, which has been attrib- “In fact, we’re going to move with
uted to the spread of a new strain known them because that really is the secret
as P.1 (B. sauce of our power in the Indo-Pacific.”
They examined public COVID-19 data In December 2020, Taiwanese Foreign
from the southern Brazilian state of Pa- Minister Joseph Wu called on Australia
rana—the largest state in the southern half to stand up for democracy and defend
of the country—which has seen a total of the island against potential threats.
553,518 positive cases from September “Australia has been a very powerful
2020 through March 17. element or actor in the Indo Pacific,” he
told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.
“I see like-minded countries like Ja-
pan and Australia and India and the
Medical professionals United States can also work together
have suggested that lim- to prevent China from further expan-
ited vaccines and the P.1 Australian Prime Minister Scott Mor-
variant that first emerged rison in 2020 called the Indo-Pacific
People wait in line outside a Caixa Econômica Federal bank in São Gonçalo, Brazil, on May 5, 2020. region the “epicenter of rising strate-
in the city of Manaus late
gic competition” while announcing a
last year, coupled with the January 2021,” the researchers said. there were approximately 4,150 fatalities 10-year, $270 billion funding package
UK variant, have contrib- “Taken together, these preliminary in March, compared to 1,823 deaths in into upgrading the Australian Defence
uted to the rise. findings suggest significant increases in January. For those aged between 20 and Force.
case fatality rates in young and middle- 29, fatalities spiked from 242 to 505. One of the main focuses will be to
aged adults after identification of a novel Local doctors also told CNN last week give the military more long-range
Their report, published on medRxiv on SARS-CoV-2 strain circulating in Bra- that young Brazilians are getting sicker strike power to influence the “calculus
April 2 ahead of peer review, found that the zil, and this should raise public health after being infected with COVID-19 than of cost” for an adversary if it decided to
proportion of patients who died either held alarms.” during previous waves of the pandemic. attack Australia.
steady or declined between September It’s unclear what is driving the growing The P.1 strain features mutations asso- The Biden administration meanwhile
and January. However, starting February, infection rate among Brazil’s younger ciated with higher viral infectivity and last month sought to assure Taiwan that
fatality rates rose for almost all groups over population. Medical professionals have greater resistance to antibodies—though the United States would support its ally
age 20. suggested that limited vaccines and the experts caution that more study is needed by establishing a Coast Guard Working
From January to February, these rates P.1 variant that first emerged in the city to verify the “fitness” of the mutant virus. Group. The United States has tradition-
tripled among COVID-19 patients aged of Manaus late last year, coupled with the “Last year, we had more critical elderly ally been the largest arms supplier to
20 to 29, from 0.04 percent to 0.13 percent, UK variant, have contributed to the rise. patients. Now it’s completely distinct. Taiwan as well.
and doubled among those aged 30 to 39, Government data shows that last month, We’re dealing with a substantial number War game analysts believe an at-
40 to 49, and 50 to 59. more than 2,030 Brazilians aged 30 to 39 of severe patients in their 30s to 50s,” Dr. tack on the island from Beijing could
“Individuals between 20 and 29 years of died from COVID-19, the disease caused Anne Menezes from Manaus’s Getulio be around the corner, with one expert
age whose diagnosis was made in Febru- by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Vargas Hospital told Al Jazeera. believing the regular incursions into
ary 2021 had an over three-fold higher risk virus. That’s roughly double the number Taiwanese airspace, are in fact simula-
of death compared to those diagnosed in recorded in January. Of those in their 40s, Reuters contributed to this report. tions of a purported invasion.


Philippines’ Defense Chief Says “completely normal” for Chinese vessels to

fish in the area and take shelter near the reef
Beijing Intends to Occupy More during rough sea conditions. It added, “No-
body has the right to make wanton remarks
South China Sea Areas on such activities.”
An international tribunal invalidated Bei-
jing’s claim to 90 percent of the South China
MANILA—The Philippines’ defense chief na in two days as he repeated calls by the Sea in 2016, but the Chinese Communist
says Beijing is looking to occupy more areas Philippines for the Chinese boats to leave Party said it does not recognize the ruling
in the South China Sea, citing the continued Whitsun Reef, which Manila calls the Ju- and has built artificial islands in the dis-
presence of Chinese vessels that Manila be- lian Felipe Reef, located within its 200-mile puted waters equipped with radar, missiles
lieves are manned by militias in disputed exclusive economic zone. Philippines Defense Secretary Delfin batteries, and hangars for fighter jets.
parts of the strategic waterway. Chinese diplomats have said the boats an- Lorenzana speaks during a meeting at the Pen- “They have done this (occupy disputed
“The continued presence of Chinese chored near the reef—numbering more than tagon in Washington on April 1, 2019. areas) before at Panatag Shoal or Bajo de
maritime militias in the area reveals their 200, based on initial intelligence gathered Masinloc and at Panganiban Reef, brazenly
intent to further occupy (areas) in the West by Philippine patrols—were sheltering from “I am no fool. The weather has been good violating Philippine sovereignty and sov-
Philippine Sea,” Defense Secretary Delfin rough seas and that no militia were aboard. so far, so they have no reason to stay there,” ereign rights under international law,” Lo-
Lorenzana said in an April 4 statement, us- On April 3, Lorenzana said there were still he said. renzana said in his statement.
ing the local name for the South China Sea. 44 Chinese vessels at Whitsun Reef, despite The Chinese Embassy in Manila respond-
It was the second statement by Lorenza- improved weather conditions. ed to Lorenzana’s comments, saying it was From Reuters

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A12 TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021

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TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021 • A13

Atlanta’s Truist Park would have been the site of the 2021 All-Star Game had Major League Baseball not pulled out.

Virtue Signaling Replaces Baseball

as America’s National Pastime


By moving the All-Star

Game out of Atlanta,
the morally narcissistic
ignoramuses who run
Major League Baseball
have inadvertently given
us the defining moment
in the ultimate decline and fall of the
United States of America as we know it.
In a sense, we should be grateful to
them for the wake-up call, even if the
likelihood of it being heard and respond-
ed to isn’t sufficiently great. The symbol-
ism is perfect.
Forget the actual details of the Georgia
voting law they claim to be protesting. (Left) Cardboard cutouts of fans in an otherwise empty stadium face the field during a baseball game in Atlanta on July 30, 2020.
Facts are immaterial. The national pas- (Right) An event to register Gen Z voters, in Compton, Calif., on Sept. 19, 2020.
time has joined the ranks of the “woke”
virtue signalers. racy and freedom, but that is no more. have read the Frenchman way back in wrong, but this should give one pause.
Yes, that national pastime has scarcely Like any good moral narcissist (i.e., he or some Harvard bull session. I put in the “allegedly” because it is pro
been what it was for some time, but then she who virtue signals) we are no longer lib- But just who is this godfather of woke? forma, but this has more than the usual
what is? Basketball and football are also in erty and freedom lovers. We are now woke. Well, there’s a lot of convoluted gradu- ring of truth. The interview, behind The
decline. No sports are left, really, at least Woke, however, isn’t an American idea. ate school rhetoric, but it turns out the Sunday Times paywall, has become, not
spectator sports. Neither were, completely, the Declara- reality of the man may not be very flat- surprisingly, the No. 1 topic of the so-
Virtue signaling itself has become our tion of Independence and the Bill of tering. Rumors of a certain amount of called intellos of Paris.
national pastime. Rights. To some extent, they came from perversion have surrounded Foucault But we don’t have to get lost in those
Everyone, at least that percentage of the Europe, influenced, as many readers for some time, but now testimony has intellectual gyrations. We have our own
country who voted for the current presi- know, by John Locke, among others, but surfaced that is distinctly “unwoke.” traditions and country to defend.
dent, practice it on a daily or even hourly they were developed and enhanced in I have never done this before. In fact, America has been led astray, far astray, so
basis, like a catechism. a uniquely American way by Jefferson, I despise the idea of trigger warnings in far we are in danger of never coming back.
The president himself we could call the Madison, et al. The Federalist Papers general, but if you are easily nauseated, I The time to stop this insanity is long past.
virtue signaler-in-chief. He began his were a flower of the Enlightenment. would suggest you move on before read- But, in their abject stupidity, MLB execu-
“virtuous” journey in law school where Not so woke. Its antecedents are en- ing the following: tives may have given us a second chance.
he was almost ejected for plagiarism, tirely European and have little to do with “French-American professor Guy Sor- Our disgust with them should wake
begged to stay in, and then later told us he democracy and freedom and everything man accused French philosopher Michel us up. In their disrespect for millions of
graduated at the top of his class. (He actu- to do with a kind of neo-Marxist, top- Foucault of being a ‘pedophile rapist’ in an people, they are emblematic of the ig-
ally graduated at the bottom, as would down power game of a fascistic nature. interview with The Sunday Times. Sor- norant group think and conformity that
any plagiarist, if they graduated at all.) The American idea and woke are, in es- man, a friend of Foucault, said that the phi- comprises the woke.
And then there were numerous other sence, opposites. losopher sexually abused Arab children As the law of physics dictates, their mo-
“virtuous” cases of plagiarism, including Perhaps I’m being a bit snobbish, but while living in Tunisia in the late 1960s. ronic action deserves—in fact, demands
from the British politician Neil Kinnock, I’d wager the MLB executives who just “Stating that he learned of the situation and awakens—an equal and opposite
but no matter. Our great legal scholar exercised their supposedly anti-racist when he visited Foucault, Sorman said: reaction.
president knows the Georgia election law druthers have never heard of the man ‘The young children were running after But it shouldn’t be moronic on our end.
is wrong. Not only is it wrong, it’s racist. many believe is the godfather of woke— Foucault to say, what about me? Take It should be definitive.
So he led the charge in moving the its John Locke, so to speak—the French me, take me. They were 8, 9, 10 years old. Indeed, we should break that law of
game out of Atlanta and essentially gave philosopher Michel Foucault. Foucault was throwing money at them physics, increase the force in any way
permission to league executives to make I’m skeptical our virtue signaler-in- and would say, ‘let’s meet at 10 p.m. at the possible and smash the woke completely
their reactionary move. chief has ever heard of him either, or usual place.’ He would make love there to pieces before they destroy all that is
The result: Baseball is virtually dead perhaps only vaguely, although I imag- on the gravestones with young boys. The good in our country and the world.
from virtual signaling. Call it murder by ine some of his more educated Cabinet question of consent wasn’t even raised.’”
idiotic ideology. members, those who made it through Now, admittedly, just because the godfa- Roger L. Simon is an award-winning
But baseball is just a game and America law school without plagiarizing, such ther of woke was allegedly a very sick and novelist, Oscar-nominated screenwriter,
is no such thing. It was once the beacon as Anthony Blinken, are familiar. And deeply evil man, a monster, really, doesn’t co-founder of PJ Media, and now a col-
of all humanity when it came to democ- Chuck Schumer may have pretended to necessarily mean all its precepts are umnist of The Epoch Times.

with elected officials so all views can be ing in a voter’s mind on election day.

Readers to Politicians: considered.

Well, judging from the amount of mail
I’ve gotten, citizens are, indeed, contact-
From Pat Wittorf in Oklahoma: “As for
contacting my representatives, I do that
with sufficient regularity that I have a

You’re Not Listening! ing their representatives. The problem?

Politicians are ignoring them.
“I email my U.S. Senators frequently to
encourage them, or at least make them
mental image of their staff seeing my
email address and muttering, ‘Not her
A defeated Cindy Merrill appears to
aware that there are other points of view have given up trying to get someone to
out there,” Sara Karl wrote. “I have not listen to her opinions.
DIANE DIMOND got a response in over a year, not even “We can’t debate,” she wrote. “If we try
A warning to their form letters.” Karl believes her we’re called racists.”
A few weeks ago, this column elected officials are too consumed with A Mr. Gato emailed to say: “They know
focused on the need for citizens politicians reelection to care about what she thinks. what we want. And too many of them are
who are unhappy with the everywhere: “Same here in N.J.,” wrote L. Grace. too corrupt with their own power and
state of our political and justice Beware. The tide “I do get a response, but it is a canned, egos to care. We must keep speaking out!”
systems to speak up about their elitist political speech extolling the vapid Carl Morris made an intriguing point
concerns. of apathy is lifting, virtues of the very thing I am writing by suggesting many of us are victims of
Your opinion can’t be counted if and dismissive against.” “learned helplessness.” He wrote, “The
you stay silent, I wrote. Or as one of my treatment has a Steve Robel in North Carolina declared public is being trained/gaslighted into
A man readers put it, “We now have the govern- that voters absolutely must “Hold them feeling like no matter what they do they
crosses ment that we have earned but not the way of sticking in accountable while they are in office.” are wrong and will be punished, so they
Pennsylva- government our children deserve.” a voter’s mind on Robel supports term limits. may as well give full control to someone
nia Avenue Apathetic mainstream voters have Gregstocks2005 emailed to say: “Our else.” Never a good idea, I say.
overlook- election day.
allowed a minority of outspoken activ- government officials both local and feder- Messages of political dissatisfaction
ing the U.S. ists to dominate the national conversa- al, are nothing more than echo chambers, came in from across America. Yet many
Capitol in
tion on myriad topics: defunding police, busy listening to one another. They are expressed determination to keep politi-
ton on Feb. immigration, selective prosecutions, not interested in either their constituents’ cians’ feet to the fire. From Ohio, Robert
3, 2019. federal spending, and lots more divisive voices, or the voices of common people.” Runkle advised, “Even if they ignore
issues. I urged citizens to get in touch And reader Thomas Spencer appears you keep writing, calling, and emailing.
SAMIRA BOUAOU/THE EPOCH TIMES ready to give up trying to contact his Flood their offices with calls and mail!”
representatives. Texas Patriot Gal wrote: “We didn’t get
“With little or no response from them into this mess in 1 or 2 cycles. It will take
I know they do what they like,” he says. time and diligence to get it back on track,
“Most of the time I receive an email but the freedom in the United States of
justifying their actions with the invisible America is worth fighting for and we can
middle finger hidden in the words.” Ouch. make the changes necessary.”
So, what are the citizens supposed to If you are unhappy with the direction
do when their own member of Congress the U.S. is taking, get involved. Write.
won’t listen or respond? Reader Sally Call. Demand transparency and a
Grave said she wrote directly to the response. And let your politicians know
speaker of the House. you are a motivated voter.
“I have tried to contact Pelosi to com-
plain about her actions but because I Diane Dimond is an author and investiga-
am not a resident of California I cannot,” tive journalist. Her latest book is “Thinking
she said. Outside the Crime and Justice Box.”
Well, that doesn’t seem right, does it?
If Pelosi controls the House of Represen-
tatives, shouldn’t she be responsive to all
A warning to politicians everywhere:
Beware. The tide of apathy is lifting, and
dismissive treatment has a way of stick-








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As an independent media out-

SPECIAL SERIES: HOW THE SPECTER OF COMMUNISM IS RULING OUR WORLD A U.N. police officer stands let, we use our freedom to inves-
at an empty entrance at
tigate issues overlooked—or

Chapter Seventeen:
the United Nations in New
York on Sept. 22, 2020. avoided—by other media outlets.
We seek to highlight solutions
and what’s good in society rather
than what divides us.

Globalization and Communism We report respectfully, compas-

sionately, and rigorously.

We stand against the destruc-

tion wrought by communism,
The Epoch Times here serializes was so entrenched in the U.N. that the including the harm done to cul-
an adaptation from the Chinese U.N. Secretary organization acted as a veritable front tures around the world.
of “How the Specter of Communism General Trygve group for the Soviet Union. FBI Direc-
Is Ruling Our World,” a new book We are inspired in this by our
Lie at Hunter tor J. Edgar Hoover stated in 1963 that
by the editorial team of the “Nine College in New own experience. The Epoch
communist diplomats assigned to the
Commentaries on the Communist York on April 24, Times was founded in 2000 to
U.N. “represent the backbone of Rus-
Party.” 1946. bring honest and uncensored
sian intelligence operations in this
news to people oppressed
country.” [10]
by the lies and violence in
3. Political Globalization Even after the collapse of the
communist China.
Soviet bloc, the communist legacy
Political aspects of globalization remained widespread in the U.N. We still believe journalism is a
include increased cooperation among The Wall Street Journal reported in noble vocation, but only when it
states, the emergence of interna- 1991, on the eve of the Soviet col- genuinely seeks to serve its com-
tional bodies, and the formulation of lapse: “Many of those working within munities and help them to flour-
international agendas and treaties. the Secretariat, or at missions in its ish. In all that we do, we will hold
Following the emergence of such vicinity, argue that communism left ourselves to the highest stand-
international institutions, as well as a legacy within the U.N. bureaucracy. ards of integrity. This is our
rules and regulations that transcend ... ‘It works like a scorpion’s stinger,’ promise to you.
national borders, these organizations says one U.N. professional. ‘The
have developed into bases of inter- scorpion—East Bloc socialism—dies.
national power, weakening national But the stinger remains poisonous, CONTACT US
sovereignty and eroding the cultural, which likely has a great deal to do and strikes new victims.’ ... [Over the
social, and moral foundations of indi- with Hiss’s involvement. These con- years,] Westerners who worked at the The Epoch Times Association Inc.
vidual nations. In the name of pro- ventions have been used to directly or U.N. ... found themselves surrounded 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
moting world peace and international indirectly promote communist ideas by what many have called a commu- New York, NY 10001
understanding, globalist institutions and expand communist power. nist mafia.” [11] Advertising
aim to consolidate power for the The heads of many important Today, the CCP uses the U.N. as a
gradual advancement of the commu- U.N. agencies are communists or propaganda platform. For example,
nist program. fellow travelers. A number of secre- top U.N. officials, including the Subscriptions
The communist specter promotes taries-general have been socialists secretary-general, have promoted the
and uses international organiza- and Marxists. For example, the first, CCP’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR), a General Inquiries
tions to bolster the strength of left- Trygve Lie, was a Norwegian socialist global infrastructure and investment
ist factors, promoting the Marxist who initially received strong sup- initiative, as a way to tackle poverty
Letters to the Editor
philosophy of struggle and commu- port from the Soviet Union. His most in the developing world. In reality, the
nist regimes’ twisted definitions of important task was to advocate for initiative is a means for the CCP to
human rights and freedom. Global- bringing the PRC into the United expand its international hegemony.
ism promotes socialist ideas on a Nations. OBOR has left many countries in
global scale, including attempts to His successor, Dag Hammarsk- debt crises; Pakistan, for example,
redistribute wealth and form a world jold of Sweden, was a socialist and requested a $6 billion bailout from
government to eventually bring all of a sympathizer for a global com- the International Monetary Fund
humanity under totalitarian rule. munist revolution. Hammarskjold because of the country’s debt result-
often fawned over high-ranking CCP ing from OBOR loans. Others have
a. Expanding Communist official Zhou Enlai. The third secre- been forced to cede control of critical
Political Power Through the UN tary-general, U Thant of Burma (also infrastructure to the PRC. Sri Lanka
The United Nations, the largest in- known as Myanmar), was a Marxist had to lease its strategic port of Ham-
ternational organization, was estab- who believed that Lenin’s ideals were bantota to Beijing for 99 years to pay
lished after World War II to strength- consistent with the U.N. Charter. off its debt. Moreover, the initiative
en cooperation and coordination The sixth secretary-general, Boutros enables the CCP to exert control over
among countries. As a supranational Boutros-Ghali of Egypt, began his po- the politics and economies of partici-
entity, the U.N. has been used by litical career in the regime of Gamal pating countries, while undermin-

communist forces in their goal of Abdel Nasser and was formerly the ing human rights and democracy in
weakening and abolishing nation- vice president of the Socialist Interna- those countries. [12]
states. From its establishment, the tional. [9] Considering this, it’s easy to
U.N. was compromised by the Soviet- understand why the heads of com- Notes
led communist bloc, and it has served
as a tool to advance the interests of
communist regimes.
munist regimes regularly receive the
highest courtesy from the U.N.
The highest mission of the U.N. is to
9. William F. Jasper, “Global Tyranny ...
Step by Step: The United Nations and the
Emerging New World Order” (Appleton,
When the U.N. was founded and its The One Belt, maintain world peace and security.
charter drafted, the Soviet Union was One Road Its peacekeeping forces are overseen
Wis.: Western Islands Publishers, 1992),
chap. 4.
Get the
one of the sponsoring countries and
a permanent member of the Security
initiative is by the under-secretary-general for
political and peacebuilding affairs. 10. J. Edgar Hoover, as quoted in G. Edward
independent news
a means for
Council, playing a decisive role. The
the Chinese Of the 14 individuals who held this Griffin, “Fearful Master: A Second Look at
the United Nations” (Appleton, WI: Western
you won’t find
secretary-general of the 1945 U.N. position from 1946 to 1992, 13 were
Conference on International Orga- Communist Soviet citizens. Though the Soviet Islands, 1964), 48. anywhere else.
nization was Alger Hiss, a U.S. State Party to Union used “safeguarding world 11. Amity Shlaes, “Communism Becomes
Department official and important expand its peace” as its slogan, the regime never Cronyism at the U.N.,” The Wall Street Subscribe and get the
adviser to President Franklin D. Roo- international relinquished its attempt to expand Journal, Oct. 24, 1991. insights only The Epoch Times
sevelt. Less than five years later, Hiss hegemony. communist power, and it had no can provide, delivered to your
was convicted of perjury in connec- interest in contributing to world door every week.
OBOR has See next edition for the next installment.
tion with the charge of being a Soviet peace. Its real aim was to hijack the
spy. The U.N. Charter and conven- left many U.N., using it as a pro-socialist orga-
countries in
tions contain “back doors” that are nization to advance the communist To purchase the books, visit Epoch-
beneficial to communist regimes, debt crises. movement. Communist influence


(Left) Workers check the quality of newly manufactured wind turbine blades at a factory in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China, on July 31, 2018. (Right) Wind turbines are shown on a wind
farm in Colorado City, Texas, on Jan. 21, 2016.

Cybersecurity of Wind Power

a Growing Concern
BONNER R. COHEN some states, its percentage is likely to affected the industry’s focus on ad-
Whether carrying continue rising. The more wind instal- dressing cybersecurity,” Weiss said.
The Biden White House’s March lations that come into service, the more “Consequently, it may take a real test to
29 announcement that it will out cyberattacks cybersecurity challenges their integrat- demonstrate that wind turbine cyber
expedite the development of from afar or ed control systems and related tech- vulnerabilities can cause damage to
offshore wind projects along spying from up nologies will pose. For cybercriminals critical equipment such as gear boxes.”
the Atlantic coast of the United and terrorists, wind power—whether SCADA is a computer system that re-
States underscores the adminis- close, America’s offshore or land-based—makes for an ceives real-time data in order to control
tration’s commitment to move the adversaries have inviting target. that system.
nation away from fossil fuels to increased a lot to gain from Cyberattackers generally exploit pre-
dependence on renewable energy. ‘Significant Cybersecurity Concerns’ viously known vulnerabilities. The vul-
But the prospect of giant wind tur- the expansion of “As wind becomes an ever-increasing nerabilities of wind-energy equipment
bines sprouting up in coastal waters wind power. part of the ‘smart grid’ landscape, the are well-known among bad actors, as
stretching from New England to Florida bidirectional communication upon their repeated attacks attest. While
may further complicate cybersecurity which wind energy equipment is reliant cybersecurity is a concern to all energy
concerns that are already being raised also introduces significant cybersecu- producers connected to the grid, the
about wind power. rity concerns,” a July 2020 report by the Biden administration’s plans to expand
Wind energy recently surpassed 7 U.S. Department of Energy concluded. wind power—offshore and on land—
percent of U.S. power production and, “Standards for communications, entail risks that the public may not fully
thanks to generous taxpayer subsidies equipment, and security practices are appreciate.
and renewable energy mandates in currently underdeveloped or absent The White House has set a target of
from the wind industry. Cybersecurity 30 gigawatts of wind capacity by 2030,
standards specific to the wind indus- nearly double the forecasts by the end
try currently do not exist. The wind of the decade. Currently, the United
The Book You’ve Been industry largely depends on standards
developed for other energy systems and
States has two small offshore wind
installations—a 30-megawatt facility off
Waiting for... technologies, meaning that the specific
cybersecurity needs of wind energy
Block Island, Rhode Island, and a pilot
project off the coast of Virginia that
technologies are not well understood.” hasn’t yet come online.
Underscoring the seriousness of the Coastal wind turbines recently re-
problem, the DOE report, “Roadmap ceived another boost when Rep. Elaine
for Wind Cybersecurity,” makes several Luria (D-Va.) established the bipartisan
additional points: Congressional Offshore Wind Caucus.
“In addition to helping us avoid the
NOW I Cyber incidents targeting wind en-
ergy systems have already occurred,
most severe impacts of climate change,
expanding offshore wind energy would
BIGGER SIZE, just as with other aspects of the En- create long-term job opportunities for
EASIER TO READ ergy Sector, and will likely increase in countless Americans,” Luria said in a
FORMAT sophistication and number.
I The wind plant life cycle involves

many parties; effective cybersecurity Chinese Interest

practices are difficult to establish, American wind installations, with
maintain, and trace through the their potential to serve as a gateway
supply chain from construction to to the nation’s power grid, have al-
operation to repowering to decom- ready caught the attention of Beijing.
missioning. Houston-based GH America Energy is
I Wind generation assets require ro- a wholly owned subsidiary of Chinese
bust cybersecurity practices to ensure Guanghui Industry Investment Group,
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, continued integration with the bulk which, since 2015, has purchased some
electric system. 140,000 acres of land about 200 miles
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be I Wind energy technologies and devel- west of San Antonio, Texas.
on this country’s academia’s opments are highly diverse; no single The Xinjiang-based parent company is
cybersecurity strategy can apply to all a massive conglomerate with extensive
list of required reading.”
wind plants. holdings in real estate, liquified natu-
I Effective, available cybersecurity ral gas, transportation, and chemicals.
options may be cost-prohibitive for Guanghui’s billionaire founder, CEO,

some wind installations. and Communist Party member, Sun
I Few specific cybersecurity standards Guangxin, wants to erect hundreds of
specific for wind exist. wind turbines and perhaps several giant


I Few incentives for wind energy solar arrays in the Devils River area of
stakeholders have been established West Texas. Sun’s Devils River property
to prioritize cybersecurity over other happens to be located near Laughlin Air
investments (e.g., reliability, perfor- Force Base, a training center for pilots.
mance, etc.). If Sun’s project comes to fruition,
The specter of communism did not I Cyber threat, vulnerability, incident,
and mitigation sharing is limited
Chinese-owned wind turbines reach-
ing hundreds of feet into the air will
among wind energy stakeholders. be in close proximity to a U.S. military
disappear with the disintegration of the I The current market offers few and base. As Daniel N. Hoffman, a former
underdeveloped wind-specific cy- chief of station with the CIA, wrote in
Communist Party in Eastern Europe bersecurity services, products, and the Washington Times on Aug. 13, 2020:
strategies. “GH America would use the cover of a
windmill farm renewable energy busi-

Joseph M. Weiss, an international ness to spy on behalf of China’s ruthless
authority on cybersecurity, control dictatorship.”
systems, and system security, confirms Whether carrying out cyberattacks
that wind turbines have been targeted, from afar or spying from up close,
though the attacks haven’t been widely America’s adversaries have a lot to gain
reported. The attackers went after from the expansion of wind power.
wind installation SCADA (Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition) networks Bonner R. Cohen, Ph.D., is a senior fellow
and wind turbine gearboxes, he said. at the National Center for Public Policy Re-
“The lack of public awareness of wind search and a senior policy analyst with the
farm cyber incidents has negatively Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

Malaysian Ex-PM Najib Appeals

Graft Conviction in 1MDB Saga
PUTRAJAYA—A Malaysian court on April Defense lawyers say Najib has been
5 began hearing an appeal by ex-Prime denied a fair trial. One of his lawyers,
Minister Najib Razak to overturn his con- Farhan Read, told The Associated Press
viction and 12-year jail sentence linked that the high court judge made “serious
to the massive looting of the 1MDB state misdirections” in the trial.
investment fund that brought down his Najib’s defense team earlier sought a
government in 2018. one-month postponement to give it more
The appeal came more than eight months time to obtain documentary evidence
after a high court found Najib guilty of but the three-member appellate bench
abuse of power, criminal breach of trust, rejected the application.
and money laundering, making him the Last July, Najib made brief remarks un-
first Malaysian leader to be convicted. He der oath before his sentencing, saying
has said he was misled by rogue bankers he wasn’t aware of the 42 million ringgit
and that the case against him is political. ($10 million) channeled into his bank ac-
counts from SRC International, a former
A GameStop store in New York on Feb. 2, 2021. 1MDB unit.
But the judge ruled that Najib’s argu-
Defense lawyers say Najib Razak ment that he was duped by Malaysian fu-

GameStop to Capitalize has been denied a fair trial.

The ruling was part of the first of sev-
gitive financier Low Taek Jho into believ-
ing the money was part of a donation by
the Saudi royal family, to keep Najib from

on ‘Stonks’ Rally With eral corruption trials against Najib that

are linked to the 1MDB scandal, which
sparked investigations in the U.S. and
being suspicious of 1MDB plundering,
was far-fetched and a weak fabrication.
Investigators have identified Low as the

$1 Billion Stock Sale Plan several other countries. U.S. investigators

alleged that over $4.5 billion was stolen
from 1MDB and laundered by Najib’s as-
mastermind behind the looting of 1MDB
and he remains at large.
Najib’s second and third trials involv-
sociates. ing some of the remaining charges are
Najib, 67, arrived at the Court of Appeal ongoing. His wife and several officials
GameStop Corp on April 5 increased the Grapevine, Texas-based GameStop ad- early April 5 but didn’t speak to report- from his party and previous government
value of new stock it may sell from $100 dressed the extreme gyrations in its shares ers. Najib, who set up 1MDB shortly af- have also been charged with graft related
million to $1 billion, as the U.S. video game in the last three months, which have swung ter taking office in 2009, has denied all to 1MDB corruption.
retailer seeks to capitalize on a surge in its from as low as $19.94 to as high as $347.51. wrongdoing and his sentence was stayed
shares from a Reddit-driven rally this year. “During this time, we have not experi- pending the appeal. From The Associated Press
GameStop stock has rampaged over 900% enced any material changes in our finan- MOHD RASFAN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

higher since January in highly volatile trad- cial condition or results of operations that
ing as amateur investors organized on social would explain such price volatility or trad-
media sites such as Reddit staged a stubborn ing volume,” GameStop said.
buying spree, winning out over Wall Street “Investors that purchase shares of our
hedge funds that had shorted its shares. common stock in this offering may lose
The company has not sold any new shares a significant portion of their investments
since the frenzy started, mainly because if the price of our common stock subse-
security laws prevented it from doing so quently declines.”
without disclosing its latest financial in- GameStop had registered in December
formation, Reuters reported in February. with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Malaysia for-
mer prime
Commission (SEC) to sell $100 million
worth of stock through an at-the-market Najib Razak
GameStop said it may sell up offering (ATM), which it never deployed. (C) arrives
The company said on April 5 that global at the court
to 3.5 million shares worth no sales for the nine-week period ending April of appeal in
more than $1 billion, and use 4 rose about 11 percent. Putrajaya on
the proceeds to hasten its shift “A lot of interested parties have been ask- April 5, 2021.
ing about when GameStop would do some-
to e-commerce. thing like this,” Telsey Advisory Group ana-
lyst Joseph Feldman said.
GameStop reported fourth-quarter earn- “The stock has remained elevated, so the
ings on March 23, and on April 5 it pub- company is taking advantage of the access
lished unaudited sales results for its fiscal to capital.”
first quarter to date, to bring investors up
to date with its financial situation.
GameStop said it may sell up to 3.5 mil-
The prospectus for the new $1 billion
ATM offering filed with the SEC replaces
the previous $100 million proposal. The
Need to Adjust Your Epoch
lion shares worth no more than $1 billion,
and use the proceeds to hasten its shift to
e-commerce in an overhaul being led by
ATM program allows GameStop to sell
stock over a prolonged period of time. Times Email Preferences?
billionaire Ryan Cohen, GameStop’s big- By Uday Sampath Kumar
gest shareholder, and board member. & Joshua Franklin
In a regulatory filing for the offering, the From Reuters
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WASHINGTON—A U.S. consumer watch- payments faster while establishing some
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homeowners who have fallen behind on fications are consumer-friendly,” he told
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their mortgage payments due to the CO- reporters.
VID-19 pandemic to have an opportunity to The agency found that as of February,
be thoroughly evaluated before mortgage there were nearly 3 million homeowners
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firms initiate foreclosure. behind on their mortgages, with an esti-
The proposed rule changes by the Con- mated 2.1 million mortgages in forbear-
sumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), ance and at least 90 days delinquent. If
which are subject to public consultation current trends continue, there may be 1.7 My Account
before they can be adopted, would give bor- million such loans in September 2021, the
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The Epoch Times, 229 W 28th St, Fl.5, New York, NY 10001
gence ahead of evicting homeowners who sure that servicers and borrowers have the the bottom of our emails.
With social media censorship sidelining many important
default. tools and time to work together to prevent headlines, our Breaking News email is how we make sure
Servicers play a critical role in the mort- avoidable foreclosures as existing emer- you get the latest developments that our reporters have
curated from around the world. It’s our way of keeping you
gage-finance ecosystem, receiving pay- gency protections for homeowners begin truly informed so that you can make the decisions that
ments from borrowers and passing them on to expire later this year. align with your values. We hope you enjoy our coverage.
Manage your email preferences here
to investors, tax authorities, and insurers. Last week, the CFPB issued an enforce-
“Millions of families are at risk of losing ment bulletin to warn mortgage servicers
their homes to foreclosure in the coming that the consumer watchdog would closely
months, even as the country opens back monitor how servicers engage with bor-
up,” CFPB Acting Director Dave Uejio said rowers.
on April 5.
“Our proposal is aimed at allowing ser- By Katanga Johnson
vicers to get borrowers into affordable From Reuters


10. In physics, having no 4NUMBERS CONSTRUCTED BY C. CHANG
particular directional Ups and downs
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
characteristics the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
equation to get the solution in the middle.
11. Beach There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
12. Tie up lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
“I hear things at the observatory are looking
solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28
13. Appraise and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28
up.” — graffiti
Today’s South picked up a 22-point hand
14. Parrot and got to 3NT. When West led the deuce of
15. Solemn stretch clubs, South thought things were definitely
looking up. East took the ace — declarer
20. Hoo-ha followed with the four — and led a low spade.
26. Nahuatl speaker South took the ace and cashed the king
of clubs, and matters began to go downhill
27. Write-up when East threw a heart. South next took
28. Foolish the ace of diamonds, overtook his queen
with the king and cashed the jack, hoping
32. Shank for a 3-3 break. When East threw another
33. Lot of loot heart, South led the ten of hearts from
dummy. East grabbed his ace and led
34. Well-chosen another spade, and with careful defense,
36. Hit the slopes South was doomed: He won eight tricks.
37. 1850s Indian soldier Hard 1 - 1 Solution
38. Crack I look down on South’s play. When East
plays the ace on the first club, South can
39. “Men always hate follow with the queen.
most what they ___ South wins the spade shift, takes
the king of clubs and A-Q of diamonds,
most”: Mencken and leads a low club. He reaches
40. Selection of un- dummy with the ten of clubs to run the
diamonds, winning five diamonds, two
dressed furs clubs and two spades.
42. Entangle
43. PBS matters You hold: k J 10 5 4 2 j A Q 7 3 2
44. Risk taker i 10 9 h A. Your partner opens one
club, you bid one spade, he rebids two
45. Like a depth finder clubs and you try two hearts. Partner then
Hard 2 - 1 Solution
Across 37. SpaceX vehicle 72. Patterned fabrics 46. Two cents worth rebids three clubs. What do you say?
ANSWER: This problem is uneasy.
1. Smidgens 73. Legal 47. Can You might make four hearts — partner
39. Squeeze (out)
5. Egg-shaped 74. Arch above a monas- 51. Pours liquor over and might have three-card support — but
40. Hireling game chances are uncertain at best. Pass.
10. Stellar tery door ignites Incidentally, although a new-suit bid by
41. Cheerful tune
16. District 75. Most wise 52. Most ethereal responder is regarded as forcing, some
42. Bipolar pairs would treat your two hearts as not
17. Electrician 76. Intimidate, with “out” 53. Really good forcing.
47. Warhead type (abbr)
18. Wrap 77. “Chariots of Fire” beat 54. Procession South dealer
48. “Thanks ___!” N-S vulnerable
19. Social _____ it for Best Picture 55. Boded
49. A word before meal NORTH
21. Take up the slack 56. Approves of k9 3
50. Fustian 59. Deficiency of vigor j10 4
22. Assaulted a la Moe Down
53. In the least 60. 2 or 3, to 6
iK J 6 4 2
23. “Alea iacta ___” (“The 1. Amphibian with gills Easy 1 - 1 Solution h10 8 5 3
54. Subway alternative 2. Musical passages 61. Job
die is cast”) WEST EAST
57. Sycophant’s answer 3. It may be covered with 62. Harvard, Yale, Brown, kQ 8 6 kJ 10 5 4 2
24. Put forward j9 8 jA Q 7 3 2
25. A real pain in the joints 58. Malicious look icons etc. i8 7 5 3 i10 9
29. Nutcase 59. Singer DiFranco 4. Shiny material 63. Sellout hJ 9 6 2 hA

30. Menagerie 60. Unfair? 5. Control 64. Theories SOUTH

61. Air fare is a ___ kA K 7
31. Home of the Railroad 6. Appointed ruler 65. Greek promenade jK J 6 5
64. Panama and others iA Q
Museum of Oklahoma 7. Upper cruster 66. “What’s your sine?” hK Q 7 4
32. Getaway 67. Churchill’s sign 8. “Beethoven’s ___” subj.
South West North East
35. “Ghost Whisperer” 68. Beat for Byron (Brahms’ First Symphony, 70. Yodeler’s perch 2h Pass 2i Pass
skill 69. Flash jocularly) 71. Addis Ababa’s land: 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass

36. Sloppy digs 70. Certain mail 9. Unit of work Abbr. Easy 2 - 1 Solution Opening lead — h 2



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.


2 6





Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.
Answer “ -



the — “ATMOS-FEAR” Clothesline
because they didn’t like
Transylvanian restaurant
They left the vampire’s


man, but in the occasion.
Heroism is not only in the

Contact the Puzzle Master @:

A20 | TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021

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The True End of Education Dostoevsky’s Crystal Ball

Today, we mistakenly think that the aim of education As Dostoevsky’s “Demons” predicted the fall of
is utilitarian and servile. It’s not. Russia to socialism, the book could have been written
about today.

See B6 See B2



In the early 1200s, 12 stained glass windows, about 30 feet tall, were made to depict the events of Thomas Becket’s life and death, including miracles attributed to him. The series of windows, called the
“miracle windows,” surround where Becket’s now-lost shrine was once placed. This particular window (L, the top half of the window, R, the bottom half) shows how Becket helped ordinary people.


A Window Into Thomas Becket’s Life,

Death, Sainthood, and Miracles
The exhibition: ‘Thomas Becket: Murder and the Making of a Saint’ at The British Museum, London

LORRAINE FERRIER Storming into the cathedral, the focuses on Becket’s life and legacy, how
knights abruptly interrupt the glorious he rose and fell, and how 350 years after
Three short It is Dec. 29, 1170, at Canterbury Cathe- sound of monks singing and chanting he died, he was once seen as a traitor by
years after dral in southeast England, one of the Vespers, evening prayers. The knights King Henry VIII.
most important places of worship in the shout: “Where is Thomas Becket, traitor Stunning pieces of jewelry, sacred reli-
his death, country. The archbishop of Canterbury, to the king and the kingdom?” quaries, illuminated manuscripts, and
in 1173, Thomas Becket is settling down for din- Pandemonium ensues. an 800-year-old stained glass window
Becket ner in the Archbishop’s Palace after a Becket grabs one of the cathedral’s from Canterbury Cathedral are some
busy day. pillars in another attempt to resist ar- of the items that shed light on Becket’s
became St. It is a day like any other, yet an ex- rest. Enraged, one of the knights raises intriguing life and legacy.
Thomas of traordinary event is about to happen, a his sword high over his head, and then
heinous act of sacrilege that will affect strikes the archbishop. The other knights From Clerk to Archbishop
Canterbury. the king, country, and much of Europe for follow his lead, until England’s most Becket’s parents came from Normandy
centuries to come. powerful churchman lies lifeless in a and settled in England after the Norman
Five vivid eyewitness accounts, some of pool of blood. Conquest. His father was a merchant of
them graphic, help us re-create the scene. His murder shook Europe. Three short no notable wealth. He was educated in
Outside Canterbury Cathedral, four of the years after his death, in 1173, Becket Merton Priory in southwest London, and
knights of King Henry II have just arrived became St. Thomas of Canterbury. then he studied in Paris for a few years.
from Normandy, France, home of the royal On his return to England, Becket began
court. They traveled to England with an ‘Thomas Becket: Murder and the working as a clerk for Theobald of Bec,
express purpose: to avenge the king. Making of a Saint’ the archbishop of Canterbury.
The whole Barging their way into the palace, the Becket’s life and martyrdom has fascinat- Becket was charming, intelligent, and
view of the ed many for centuries. The British Mu-
knights demand Becket’s arrest. He had an authoritative presence. These
fifth window
displaying a few refuses to cooperate. Becket’s monks seum in London hopes to open in May its qualities impressed the archbishop to
of the miracles persuade him to take refuge in the cathe- new exhibition: “Thomas Becket: Murder such an extent that he put his clerk for-
attributed to dral. But the sanctity of the church will and the Making of a Saint.” ward for the role of royal chancellor.
St. Thomas not protect him from the knights’ blood- Remarkably, the exhibition is the first
Becket. thirsty rage. large UK show dedicated to the saint and Continued on B4


2021 NTD 8TH

Chinese Vocal

Bolshevik revolutionaries attacking the czarist police in the early days, 1917, of the Russian
Revolution. From Edward Alsworth Ross’s “The Russian Bolshevik Revolution,” 1921.


the Foundations:
From Fyodor
JEFF MINICK a real-life incident of a revolutionary

murdered because he wanted out of

VOCAL.NTDTV.COM arly in March, I was sucker

punched by a Russian. A dead
the movement—but by the end of the
novel, the pages are littered with more
Russian, as a matter of fact. bodies than at the close of “Hamlet.”
GOLD AWARD REGISTER Let me explain. Some of the key figures in this move-
+1–888–477–9228 Late in December, I made ment are Stepan Trofimovitch Ver-
NEW YORK Oct. 2021 VOCAL㗥GLOBALCOMPETITIONS.ORG a New Year’s resolution to read at least
six classics that were new to me in the
hovensky, a school teacher and liberal
idealist who unintentionally helped
coming year. Sir Walter Scott’s “Ivan- create some of these radicals; his son
hoe” was my first choice, and I found Pyotr Verhovensky, who is a leading
that excursion into the days of King figure among the revolutionaries; Ivan
Richard and Robin Hood an agreeable Shatov, who initially is a member of
adventure. the group but comes to despise their
Next up for investigation was Fyodor ideas; and the charismatic Nikolay
Dostoevsky’s “Devils,” the Constance Stavrogin, who tests the limits of mo-
Garnett translation that had sat un- rality while acting as a skeptical com-
opened on my shelf for years. Long ago, mentator on the plans of the radicals.
I’d read “Notes From the Underground,“
The Brothers Karamazov,” and “Crime
and Punishment,” and I later taught
these last two books to my Advanced When the Russian
Placement Literature students.
And so I began “Devils,” unfazed by Revolution occurred,
the novel’s length—almost 700 pag-
es—and inspired to make my march many contemporaries
through that story by the book’s blurb, of that event pointed to
which proclaimed that the novel cen-
tered on a group of radicals and revolu- Dostoevsky as a prophet,
tionaries in 1860s Russia, a “prophetic
account of modern morals and politics, a prognosticator who had
with its fifty-odd characters, amazing foretold this upheaval.
events and challenging ideas.”
For almost 200 pages, I read of love
affairs and intrigue, listened in on bi- Difficulties
zarre conversations, and met strange “Devils” is not an easy read. First, the
characters like those who inhabit all Russian names ring unfamiliar in the
the books I’ve read by Dostoevsky. “So ears of most of us, and so many char-
where are the radicals?” I kept asking acters step in and out of the story that
myself, and was shocked when the for a while keeping track of them was
Ying and Yang by Sandra Kuck author revealed that several of them difficult for me.
were already planted in the story. Like Moreover, as I wrote above, the
real revolutionaries, they had hidden blurb mentions “fifty-odd characters,”
themselves away until the time came referring, of course to the number, but
to put their plans into action. if we remove that hyphen, the descrip-
That was the punch that knocked me tion would be just as apt. Here are
to the canvas. odd souls indeed, men and women
Now let’s look at “Devils.” very different from fictional American
characters then or now.
The Plot Dostoevsky’s Russians dash from
The above subhead is a double enten- self-pity to anger, from love to hatred,
dre, for here I will briefly summarize a in the blink of an eye. The stiff up-
complicated plot that in fact involves per lip and restraint associated with
Original artworks, canvas wraps, a plot. Also titled “The Demons,” “The such American characters like Natty
Devils,” or “The Possessed,” depend- Bumppo in “The Leatherstocking
and prints of Award-winning oil ing on the translator, “Devils” involves Tales” or even the obsessed Captain
paintings now available at a group of conspirators in a fictional Ahab in “Moby Dick” stand in stark
provincial town that has links to other contrast to the nervous tics of the in-
cells of those seeking to overthrow the habitants of Dostoevsky’s novels.
InspiredOriginal.Org/Store government. A tip: Readers who decide to under-
Composed primarily of atheists, take reading “Devils” might consider
socialists, idealists, adventurers, and using the online sites that distill the
criminals, this collection of radicals plot, themes, and characters of this
intends to seize control of society and novel as guides for this journey.
begin the process of leading the Rus-
sian people toward a heaven on earth. Prophecies and Philosophies
Eventually, a sort of rebellion takes Despite these stumbling blocks, “Dev-
place. At first, a few people are mur- ils” has much to say to our own time.
dered or commit suicide—Dostoevsky When the Russian Revolution oc-
based the execution of one man on curred, many contemporaries of

At one point, Pyotr Verhovensky

tells Stavrogin: “A teacher who laughs
with children at their God and at
their cradle is on our side. The lawyer
who defends an educated murderer
because he is more cultured than his
victims and could not help murdering
them to get money is one of us … The
juries who acquit every criminal are
ours. The prosecutor who trembles
at a trial for fear he should not seem
advanced enough is ours, ours. Among
officials and literary men we have
lots, lots, lots, and they don’t know it
Sound familiar?

Apparently, Dostoevsky could foretell the

future. A portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky, In ‘Devils,’
1872, by Vasili Perov. Tretyakov Gallery. a collection of
that event pointed to Dostoevsky radicals intend
as a prophet, a prognosticator who
had foretold this upheaval. I would
to seize control of
go even further than these men and society.
women of letters and declare “Dev-
ils” a crystal ball in which the author
predicted the totalitarian movements Ultimate Goals
of the last 100 years, with their statist Near the end of “Devils,” one of the
philosophies, their utopianism, and radicals confesses his part in the at-
their willingness to murder, often on tempted uprising. When asked what
a grand scale, to advance an agenda was “the object of so many murders
and to seize power. and scandals and dastardly outrages,”
In “Part Two: Chapter Seven: A he replies: “It was with the idea of
Meeting,” for example, we encounter systematically undermining the
a gathering of “the flower of the red- foundations, systematically destroying
dest Radicalism of our ancient town.” society and all principles, with the idea
This assemblage discuss subjects as of nonplussing everyone and making
diverse as the family (“a superstitious hay of everything, and then, when
form”), a moral compass (“There’s no society was tottering, sick and out of
such thing as moral or immoral”), joint, cynical and skeptical though
and “the division of mankind into filled with an intense eagerness for
two unequal parts,” with one-tenth, self-preservation and for some guiding
an elite, acting as governors while the idea, suddenly to seize it in the hands, Dostoevsky depicted demons, possessed by revolutionary furor, attacking the foundations of civiliza-
others “have to give up all individual- raising the standards of revolt….” tion. An engraving, “The Temptation of St. Anthony,” circa 1480–90, by Martin Schöngauer. The Met-
ity and become, so to speak, a herd, Sprinkle this explanation with some ropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
and through boundless submission, of the obscenities used by today’s
will by a series of regenerations attain radicals, and you could well be listen-
primeval innocence, something like ing to a member of Antifa spelling out Jeff Minick has four children and a growing platoon
the garden of Eden.” that organization’s goals. of grandchildren. For 20 years, he taught history,
This year marks the 150th anniver- literature, and Latin to seminars of homeschooling
The More Things Change, sary when installments of “Devils” students in Asheville, N.C. He is the author of two
the More They Remain the Same first began to appear in “The Russian novels, “Amanda Bell” and “Dust On Their Wings,”
As Pyotr Verhovensky says, “It’s a new Messenger.” Given humanity’s various and two works of nonfiction, “Learning As I Go” and
religion, my good friend, coming to catastrophes since then, we are appar- “Movies Make The Man.” Today, he lives and writes in
take the place of the old one.” ently a race of slow learners. Front Royal, Va. See to follow his blog.

Original artworks, canvas wraps,

art posters, and framed prints of
Award-winning oil paintings
now available for purchase at

I n s p ire d O r i g i n a l .O rg

1 2



A Window Into Thomas Becket’s

Life, Death, Sainthood, and Miracles
Continued from B1 Becket was appointed archbishop purchase these ampullae filled with
on May 23, 1162, and consecrated on this concoction they called St. Thomas’s
It was as chancellor that Becket and King June 3. But Henry’s idea did not go as he Water.
Henry II became firm friends, enjoying planned. Becket resigned as royal chan- Several artifacts in the exhibition dem-
the pleasures of the royal court, includ- cellor later that year, and he fully em- onstrate how the water was used. One
ing hunting and traveling together. braced his responsibilities as archbishop. astonishing ampulla depicting Becket
As royal chancellor, Becket had a lav- flanked by two knights is on display.
ish lifestyle, living in opulent homes and From Friend to Firm Foe The knights have their swords drawn as
traveling to France on his own ships. In just a few years, a firm rift would form if they have been caught the moment
When the archbishop died on April 18, between the king and the archbishop— before they strike the archbishop.
1161, Henry wanted Becket to become Becket would stay loyal to the church
archbishop. The king had a political mo- and its interests while Henry still hoped
tive for appointing his friend: He wanted to restore the crown’s power. The fallout

This 13th-century
Becket to be both chancellor and arch- English ampulla would lead to Becket’s murder. For the first time, one of
bishop so that he could have a close ally shows Thomas In the years prior to Becket’s death,
in the church. Ultimately, as king, Henry Becket between two the problems between the two men the 30-foot-tall stained
wanted to reduce papal dominance and knights. worsened. In October 1164, Henry sum- glass windows will leave
restore sovereign power to the state, as it moned Becket to the King’s Council
had been during the reign of his grand- where, among other accusations and de- Canterbury Cathedral to
father, Henry I. mands, he was ordered to relinquish all
At the time, Rome exerted dominance non-landed property and to make his
be installed in The British
over much of England. For instance, accounts from when he was chancellor Museum exhibition.
most of England was educated by the available for scrutiny. He refused to ac-
church. In addition, any crime commit- cept the council’s decisions.
ted by an ordained churchman was tried In 1165, Becket fled to north-central Detailed scenes of pilgrims using St.
in the church court and was not under France, where he spent six years exiled Thomas’s Water are depicted on some
the crown’s jurisdiction, regardless of at Pontigny Abbey. During that time, of Canterbury Cathedral’s stained glass
the crime committed. Henry’s son, Henry the Young King, was windows, called “miracle windows,”
THE BRITISH LIBRARY crowned (becoming joint sovereign) by made in the early 1200s. The series of
the archbishop of York, Becket’s rival. 12 windows once surrounded Becket’s
Becket was furious: Coronations were shrine in Canterbury Cathedral’s Trinity
traditionally presided over by the arch- Chapel. Becket’s shrine no longer exists,
bishop of Canterbury. but seven of the windows do and show
Becket appealed to the pope, and after the miracles that  occurred in the three
intense negotiations, Henry and Becket years after he died.
spoke for the first time in years. Henry The cathedral’s miracle windows are
promised to restore Becket as arch- the only known media to show Becket’s
bishop of Canterbury and assured him miracles. The stories on the windows
that it was safe for him to return home to must have been “reassuring and uplift-
England. ing” to the pilgrims who had journeyed
But before Becket left France, he wrote to the cathedral, said Leonie Seliger,
to the archbishop of York and two of the director of stained glass conservation at
bishops present at the recent coronation, Canterbury Cathedral, in the exhibition
excommunicating all three. This action press release.
may have proved fatal for Becket. For the first time, one of the 30-foot-tall
The archbishop of York and the two stained glass windows will leave Can-
bishops traveled to Henry’s court in terbury Cathedral to be installed in The
Normandy and told the king what had British Museum exhibition. The chosen
happened. Henry was incensed: “What window is the fifth in the series of 12 that
miserable drones and traitors have I shows several stories of healings.
nurtured and promoted in my house- Last year, researchers working on the
hold who let their lord be treated with windows in preparation for the exhibi-
such shameful contempt by a low-born tion made a startling discovery. Looking
clerk!” he said, according to one of at the window under a microscope, they
Becket’s biographers. realized that some of the glass panels
To this day, no one knows if Henry were in the wrong order. They deduced
himself sent his knights to Canterbury. A that, when the window was restored
commonly held belief is that the knights in the 1660s, the craftsmen must have
set off on their own accord, after hearing made the mistake when the window was
the king’s angry outburst. reconstructed. For the first time in over
350 years, the window can be seen as it
A Window Into Becket’s Miracles was intended.
After Becket’s death, Canterbury Cathe-
dral became an important pilgrimage The Stories of the Miracles
site, with many seeking cures for their The window in the exhibition shows
diseases. In medieval times, illness was depictions of common folk being healed.
believed to be divine retribution for sins, At the top of the window,  in the left-hand
and so saints were often sought for teardrop, Ralph de Longeville sits next
a cure. to Becket’s tomb, where an attendant
At the cathedral, monks filled ampul- bathes his legs in St. Thomas’s Water,
An illumination shows Becket’s martyrdom on an English manuscript, mid- lae, often pewter flasks, with Becket’s after which he is cured of leprosy. Be-
1180s, containing Alan of Tewkesbury’s “Collection of St. Thomas Becket’s diluted blood that they believed had low the four teardrop panels showing
Letters,” and John of Salisbury’s “Life of St. Thomas Becket.” miraculous properties. Pilgrims could Longeville, Goditha of Hayes enters on
TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021   B5

3 4



Details from the fifth “miracle window” at Canterbury Cathedral shows pilgrims
seeking cures: 1) Ralph de Longeville has leprosy, and Goditha of Hayes has dropsy;
2) Etheldreda comes with a high fever, and Saxeva from Dover suffers from painful arms and
a stomachache; 3) Eilward of Westoning recovers from blindness and castration; and
4) monk Hugh is purged of an illness.


the left; her stomach appears swollen

from dropsy. Moving along to the right
of the window, she’s seen leaving the
tomb, looking slimmer and healed of her
The second story (from the top) of
the window shows a group of women
traveling to Becket’s tomb. Among them
is Etheldreda who suffered from a high
fever, and Saxeva who had painful arms
and stomach. Both women are depicted
as being healed.
In the third panel from the top of the
window, Eilward of Westoning is de-
picted. This is the only known medieval
artwork to depict a castration. Eilward
had been blinded and castrated as pun-
ishment for stealing. Remarkably, after
he prayed at Becket’s tomb, his eyesight
returned, as did his testicles.
Interestingly, “The ineffectiveness
of surgeons and physicians is a theme
in the miracles of St. Thomas,”  said
expert of medieval visual culture M.A.
Michael, on the Getty website. This is
especially clear in the bottom story of
the exhibition’s miracle window. In the
left-hand teardrop, Hugh, a monk from
Jervaulx Abbey in Yorkshire, north-
east England, is bedridden and being
attended to by a lay physician. Hugh’s
story progresses in the top teardrop,
where he’s at Becket’s tomb, sipping St.
Thomas’s Water. In the right teardrop,
his illness can be seen being purged by
a sudden and violent nosebleed.

The Legacy of St. Thomas

of Canterbury
On July, 12, 1174, a remorseful Henry
walked barefoot three miles to Canter-
bury Cathedral, confessing his sins in
an act of penance. When he entered the
cathedral, he ordered the bishops, who
had been present when Becket was mur-
dered, to each flog him five times with
a rod. He then commanded each of the
80 monks to flog him with the rod three
times. Henry’s blood spilled on the spot
where Becket died.
Before Henry’s penance, his wife,
Eleanor of Aquitaine, and two elder
sons were plotting against him with
his archrivals William II of Scotland
and Louis VII of France to take over his
land. After Henry repented at Becket’s
tomb, miraculously nothing came of the
rebellion, and his sons sought Henry’s On the southern side of Canterbury Cathedral’s Trinity Chapel, seven stained glass “miracle windows” depict the miraculous healings
forgiveness. that were said to have taken place at St. Thomas of Canterbury’s tomb between 1170 and 1220. The fifth of these windows is part
From that day, Henry often prayed at of a new exhibition at The British Museum.

Becket’s legacy traveled far and even

prompted England’s first visit by a head
of state: Louis VII. The French king’s
14-year-old son, Prince Philip, was grave-
ly ill, prompting the king to make the
pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral in
the hope that St. Thomas of Canterbury
would heal his son. Philip recovered.
Even now, Becket’s martyrdom is
remembered by world dignitaries. Last
year, on the 850th anniversary of Beck-
et’s murder, President Donald Trump
said: “Thomas Becket’s death serves
as a powerful and timeless reminder
to every American that our freedom
from religious persecution is not a mere
luxury or accident of history, but rather
an essential element of our liberty.”

The British Museum’s exhibition

“Thomas Becket: Murder and the
(Left) Thomas Becket’s murder is depicted on an alabaster altarpiece panel, around 1425–50, in England. The sculpture would
Making of a Saint” is due to open in May,
probably have been part of a sequence of similar sculptures showing scenes from Becket’s life and death.
pending COVID-19 restrictions. To find
out more, visit (Right) French reliquary casket showing the murder of Thomas Becket, about 1180–1190.


TRADITIONAL CULTURE Since ancient times and until recently, education has meant the for-
mation of character. “The School of Athens” fresco by Renaissance

The End of Education

artist Raphael depicting the Platonic Academy, a famous school in
ancient Athens founded by the philosopher Plato in the early fourth
century B.C. In the center are Plato and Aristotle, in discussion.

SEAN FITZPATRICK form the whole person according to were. He informed me that one of ditional anthropology that includes
timeless, intrinsic values, rather than his sheep down in the barn had hoof treatment of the human as a spiritual
The school should always have as train all people to conform to a con- rot to the point where he had to shoot being in possession of appetites, in-
its aim that the young man leave it temporary set of uniform, economic it with his revolver, and the carcass tellect, imagination, and will; thus,
as a harmonious personality, not standards. Thus, education responds needed to be disposed. “You look it cultivates wonder as the root of
as a specialist. This in my opinion to the universal truths of man rather like you could use the experience,” inquiry and the beginning of wis-
is true in a certain sense even for than to the specific particulars of the he told me matter-of-factly, and he dom. At its worst, it cuts people off
technical schools … The develop- multitude. When first things are put G.K. Chesteron was right. After some brief instruc- from divine and moral agency and
at work at Crisis
ment of general ability for inde- first, the rest tends to fall into place. tion, he left me, a city kid, with the is reduced to a set of objectives and
pendent thinking and judgment The Common Core standards are filthy, inconceivable task of haul- operations geared toward gainful
should always be placed foremost, far too common to address the hu- ing a 200-some pound dead sheep employment; thus, subordinating
not the acquisition of special man core. It shrinks learning into over hill and dale to the dump at the the higher inclinations of man to the
knowledge.—Albert Einstein a one-size-fits-all centralized set of crack of dawn. acquisition of functional and worka-

informational sessions designed to The second time was at night. day knowledge.
here are at least two sens- achieve success by narrowing the “There’s a ewe giving birth to a Such an “education” leaves stu-
es of the word “end”—the focus to basic facts for measurable lamb in the barn,” the headmaster dents prepared for a limited life,
one being fulfillment of recall. This requires a reduction of told me. “I want you to stay with her and not prepared at all to live in the
an aim, the other, the the human to empirical calculus in until the lamb can stand.” Down I contemplation of truth for its own
death or failure of some- a lowest-common-denominator tramped with a flashlight. Blood sake—which is the end of education.
thing. A large part of the crisis in paradigm—which is so far from last week and this week, birth. A This philosophical mindset goes be-
education today is that the aim, the the end of education, it only serves full circle was completed that was yond mere knowledge, rising above
fulfillment, or end of education is so to bring an end to education. educational—and not because I the accumulation of facts to a frame-
mistaken in schools and the world was studying to be a sheep farmer. work whereby all things might be
at large that it effectively takes on its ‘A Call to Something Education is about furnishing understood in their proper relation
other meaning: an end, or a failure, Higher Than Ourselves’ such real lessons in reality—pure to one another—a vision that is not
of education. Real education lifts the intellects of teaching moments that corrobo- only the end of education but the end
One major source of this misun- all students to the highest aspira- rate the readings and lectures on of human life as well.
derstanding of education’s purpose tions of man, encompassing a stu- the true, the good, and the beauti- “The whole point of education,”
is that education is seen as utilitar- dent’s capacity for imaginative and ful, and prepare students for the hu- wrote English author G.K. Ches-
ian. The purpose of education, how- emotional appreciation of reality, man condition, for life and death. terton, “is that it should give a man
ever, is not servile. It is liberal. That as well as for analytic and scientific The whole But to achieve this, education must abstract and eternal standards, by
is, education is not for the sake of a habits of mind. It is that cultivation be governed with exceptional care which he can judge material and
career; it is for the sake of charac- of mind which, as John Henry New- point of that cultivates experiences that both fugitive conditions.” Education as-
ter. The aim of education is to bring man says, “implies an action upon complement and confirm a curricu- cends to excellence in cultivating the
people to more perfect knowledge our mental nature, and the forma- education is lum and fosters genuine character virtues, leading toward that interior
of themselves in the context of the tion of a character.” that it should in an atmosphere of friendship: ex- knowledge and exterior knowledge
highest realities, and when it devi- For the ancients, the ends of action periences in classrooms, on playing which comprehends the order of re-
ates from that end, education ends. and of education were the confor- give a man field, in the woods, or any place least ality, both visible and invisible. To
mance of the soul to reality for the expected—like a sheep pen. Educa- know the whole truth of things and
Education Today sake of wisdom. For the moderns,
abstract tion can happen anywhere, and it to think well for the sake of living
Modern schooling strategies tend the ends of action and of educa- and eternal happens best when it points students well is the excellence that education
to apply broad-based benchmarks tion are the conformance of reality toward encounters with real life that strives for: to gain self-rule and the
to arm students with 21st-century to the soul by means of technique. standards, by are informative and formative. habit of virtue.
skills before marching them off like Excesses of technique and overspe- which he can This approach involves launching Education has descended to con-
money-making militants to collab- cialization, however, dull the desire students into interactions with real- sidering man’s excellence as consist-
orate, innovate, and compete in a to experience through the distance judge material ity by leading them in a relationship ing of mere means rather than ends.
21st-century global economy. The they create from reality and life, and that balances hardship and friend- The modern mantra is to work rigor-
prevalent Common Core initiative thereby dull the ability to learn. and fugitive ship. English teachers should spur ously and vigorously for the sake of
is especially retrograde and degrad- Dr. John Senior, who headed a conditions. students to undertake Shakespeare, living well—which is to say, to gain
ing, developing and implementing storied program at the University of and then congratulate them when self-sufficiency and the marks and
comprehensive statistics together Kansas in the 1970s called the Inte- G.K. Chesterton, they share a thought on a sonnet accoutrements of worldly success.
with assessment systems to measure grated Humanities Program, and English author before peers. Coaches should push There is far more to living, however,
student performance, to ensure that whose legacy is gaining attention their charges in facing physical fears, than making a living. The current
all students are equally provided and traction in various spheres of and then acknowledge a young ath- concept of worldly success is for the
with a program of prepackaged ex- academia, once wrote: “Education lete when they bloody their nose sake of economic excellence, while
pectations designed to meet the re- is not the acquisition of marketable on a rugby pitch. Choir directors education’s end is for the sake of hu-
quirements of colleges and careers. skills, or self-improvement, culture, should demand perfection, and then man excellence. Anything less than
But the end of education, of true personal fulfillment, or even knowl- honor a student for singing beau- the latter educational end is a par-
education, is not to get a degree or edge—though these benefits nor- tifully at Mass. Camping leaders ticipation in the end of education.
a job or a financial portfolio. It is a mally occur; but, essentially, it is a call should command excellence, and
Marxist principle that man is de- to something higher than ourselves.” then praise a youngster for telling Sean Fitzpatrick serves on the fac-
termined by his technologies, his I remember being summoned to a story around a fire. ulty of Gregory the Great Academy,
means of production, and an “edu- things higher than myself at the Education pursues its end when a boarding school in Elmhurst, Pa.,
cation” modeled after commercial boarding school I attended. The first it dwells in what all people should where he teaches humanities. His
culture is not leading out (e-ducere) time was at six o’clock in the morn- know as knowers—the truth. The writings on education, literature,
but digging in. The world sorely ing. I was awakened by the head- result of this is not necessarily “use- and culture have appeared in a
needs to go back to school, as in, go master, who stood below my bunk in ful,” but it is good and beautiful and number of journals including Cri-
back to schooling. rubber boots. None of my five room- humanizing. sis Magazine, Catholic Exchange,
The aim and end of education is to mates were stirring, but the birds At its best, education assumes tra- and the Imaginative Conservative.


2. 3. 4.

1. Rockers Lou (Olivia Cooke) and Ruben (Riz Ahmed) coming to grips with the reality that their profession has damaged Ruben’s hearing, in “Sound of Metal.” 2. Ruben Stone (Riz Ahmed, C)
begins to get the hang of sign language. 3. Joe (Paul Raci, L) and Ruben (Riz Ahmed) have a facing-reality talk. 4. Ruben Stone (Riz Ahmed) tries to convince his girlfriend Lou (Olivia Cooke) not
to leave him. 5. Dr. Paysinger (Tom Kemp, L) conducts a hearing test on Ruben Stone (Riz Ahmed). 6. Ruben Stone (Riz Ahmed) behind his drum kit.

Riz Ahmed plays Ruben Stone, a for- Ruben exit this movie in a cloud of Lou’s
Mark Jackson grew up in Spring Val- mer heroin addict with bleached-blond power chords and shrieked vocals, accom-
ley, N.Y., where he attended a Waldorf hair and many tattoos, who drums in a panied by his own drum-kit bash-ery?

school. At Williams College, his pro-
fessors all suggested he write pro-
White-Stripes-like two-person band with
fessionally. He acted professionally his girlfriend Lou (Olivia Cooke) who’s got Performances

for 20 years instead. Now he bleached-blond eyebrows, and many self- Ruben is not an easy character to like: an
writes professionally about harm cutting scars on her forearms. edgy, hair-trigger temper in an aggressive,
acting. In the movies. They appear to have done rather well, arrogant, dismissive, hyper type-A person-
living a nomadic life touring the USA in ality. It’s easy to be thoroughly annoyed
a well-appointed, cozy Airstream RV that with him until at least halfway through the
doubles as a recording studio on wheels. film. If there was ever someone who has to
When Ruben’s world suddenly goes silent learn the hard way, it’s him.

Don’t Take after many ignored warning signs, their

relationship, both personal and profes-
sional, is immediately on thin ice. Hearing
Armchair quarterbacking is easy; to roll
one’s eyes when we can predict the outcome
of certain actions is facile. Teaching is hard.

Your Soundscape tests are taken; there’s a possible expensive

surgical option that Ruben, in a complete
state of denial, decides will be a tidy fix to
this temporary setback.
And so it becomes easy, watching “Sound
of Metal,” to appreciate the wisdom and
patience of good teachers (like Joe) who can
see the mistakes and the pain coming but

for Granted But Lou, recognizing the warning signals

of an imminent addict-relapse stemming
from Ruben’s heightened stress levels, in-
don’t interfere in the process.
There’s also a sense that Ruben is trying
hard to learn and change. And so Ahmed’s
sists he go another route. In the form of a is a virtuoso piece of acting. He walks a fine
MARK JACKSON ‘Sound of Metal’ rural farm-and-school community of recov- edge of being off-putting and yet generating
ering addicts who also happen to be deaf. just enough likability for us to root for him.
I love the sound of metal. That is, the un- Darius Marder
muffled rumble of V-8 and V-twin engines Fork in the Road of Life
of American muscle cars and Harley-Da- Starring The pervading philosophy of this commu-
Riz Ahmed, Olivia Cooke,
vidson motorcycles, respectively. I own a Paul Raci, Lauren Ridloff,
nity, espoused eloquently by deaf 12-step ‘Sound of Metal’ has been
bike of significant loudness. I also used to Mathieu Amalric counselor and community leader Joe (Paul
drum in a rock band. I sometimes worry Raci), is that theirs is not a disability, and nominated for a Best
about … my ears. Rated silence is a reality to be embraced—cel-
Early in my riding career, like an addict
ebrated even—and not run from, especially
Picture Academy Award.
needing a stronger fix, I took the baffles out Running Time not run from in the addictive state of mind
of my exhaust pipes. Crossing Manhattan’s 2 hours that Ruben is displaying. Olivia Cooke as Lou is tasked, on the one
George Washington Bridge at rush hour was Release Date There’s an extended period of dissonance, hand, with the challenging portrayal of a
an immediate, literal power trip. When cars Dec. 4, 2020, when Ruben slowly acclimatizes and ac- woman with enough low self-esteem to have
and trucks hear that infernal din encroach- on Amazon Prime Video; cepts his situation, learning a new lifestyle, had self-harm issues, along with the code-
in cinemas May 17
ing on their six o’clock, they part like the sign language and all, of how to be deaf. pendent-addictive connection to an addict,
Red Sea—you sail through an hour’s worth Throughout most of the film, though, Ru- and on the other, someone with enough
of traffic jam in ten minutes. It’s like having ben clings desperately to his old life, sneak- self-awareness to try to evolve beyond her
Thor’s hammer connected to your throttle ing into Joe‘s office to research online, bor- dependency on Ruben. It’s pretty masterful.
hand. Loudness is power; power is addictive. rowing from Peter to pay Paul, obsessing, The third main character in this film is the
After a month of that, even with earplugs, and contemplating selling his beloved RV sound design. It depicts and simulates how
my ears started complaining. I also real- for money to get the operation. losing one’s hearing happens. It also func-
ized I’d become one of those super-loud However, the seeds are planted early tions as a powerful reminder for hearing
bikers people tend to hate. I put the baffles that this will be a spiritual journey. As it people not to take life and its run-of-the-
back in the pipes. But many Americans also is said in faith-oriented literature: When mill sounds for granted—coffee dripping,
love that sound and will stand at attention one leaves the shore and heads out on the birdsong, wind, talking on the phone.
on their porch and salute you even if you stormy seas (like the boats leaving the Grey It brings to mind Albert Einstein’s obser-
weren’t in the military like you should have Havens in “Lord of the Rings”), one should vation that there are only two ways to live
been. Hmmm ... I should quit it. But I don’t be prepared to not see land for a long time. life: One is as though nothing is a miracle;
wanna. Just yet. Meditation is introduced, along with the the other is as though everything is a mir-
concept that if one can learn to embrace acle. Part of the path of spiritual cultiva-
When the Ears Can’t and cherish the deep, cozy silence—that tion and evolution is learning to cherish ev-
Handle the Profession gift will be forever. As opposed to the fickle erything in the moment for its miraculous
“Sound of Metal” is about a metal drum- and potentially addictive information com- wonderment. It seems like a no-brainer.
mer (“metal” = a form of hard rock music) ing to us through the five senses. But go have your hearing taken away by
who loses his hearing. Ten minutes into the Will Ruben get the surgery? Will it res- “Sound of Metal,” and you will go home
film, and after seeing the lead character urrect his old life, such as it was, with the with a heightened appreciation of the subtle
experiencing familiar symptoms of hearing intense assault and battery of his ears? noisescape around you.
loss, I noticed a state of denial coming on; I The couple’s Will he reconnect with Lou? Will there The film also brings up the understand-
suddenly didn’t want to watch it anymore. well-appointed RV. be a resolution of the dissonance? Will the ing that it’s only by way of experiencing
Luckily, I had a job to do. journey into silence be completed—or will hardship that we ever really change for
the better. We often hear people say they
wouldn’t trade their bouts with cancer for
anything, knowing how far they were able
to evolve spiritually. It’s the universal law
of “No loss, no gain.” The riches hidden be-
hind pain and sacrifice are always more
desirable than the unawakened state. As
Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not
worth living.”
That said, should I maybe sell the bike ...
? I feel like Saint Augustine, saying, “Dear
Lord give me quiet pipes. But don’t give
them yet.” Or was it chastity? I’m pretty
sure it was chastity. Similar deal.
“Sound of Metal” has been nominated
for a Best Picture Academy Award, and Riz
Ahmed and Paul Raci have been nomi-
nated for Best Actor and Best Supporting
Actor Oscars, respectively.


Biopic About Self-Determination and Self-Reliance


IAN KANE self-indulgent.

For example, there’s a humorous scene
erendipity is astounding. I recently where Chris shows up at a run-down day-
began watching a series of motiva- care center in Chinatown to drop off his
tional videos, and once in a while son. The place is run by a Chinese woman
they feature a black gentleman who speaks broken English and seems to
with a distinctively deep voice, think that having the kids watch TV all
but I never see his name. One of the things day is educational. When he complains
he says over and over is that you have to do about that, as well as that the daycare’s
things yourself because the cavalry isn’t sign outside spells “Happiness” as “Hap-
coming to save you. I kept wondering why pyness” (the film’s title), she responds in
they’d intertwine his parts of the videos some fast-talking Cantonese, and we get
with scenes from a movie featuring Will the gist of what she’s intimating.
Smith and his son Jaden. Curious, I looked The more dramatic scenes are handled
up Smith’s filmography (well, scoured equally well, such as when Chris and his
through it, actually) and found out that the son get kicked out of their low-rent apart-
film was titled “The Pursuit of Happyness.” ment and have to spend their nights
I also discovered that it’s a biographical sleeping in a scummy (and dangerous)
piece covering the rags-to-riches life of a subway bathroom. Despite their circum-
man named Chris Gardner. stances, Chris’s ever-positive spirit rises
And guess what! After watching the up: His destiny has been decided. to the occasion: He portrays the bath-
film, I looked up Gardner and discovered But when Chris reveals his new dream room to his son as a cave where they’re
that he was the man who has affected me to Linda, their divide ruptures and she hiding out from dangerous creatures.
in all of those motivational videos. walks out on both her husband and their One of the things that I really appreci-
son. Instead of wallowing in despair, ated about this film is that it never pulled
an ambitious fire engulfs Chris, and out the tired and worn-out race card
through much effort, he scores an in- found in so many movies that portray
ternship with a major brokerage firm. blacks struggling. Chris’s story simply
‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ However, there’s a catch: He’ll have (Top) Father and son Will and reveals that with inner fortitude and
should compel many folks to not only survive but strive through Jaden Smith play father and son self-reliance, anybody can make it in this
a six-month unpaid internship to earn in a story of a man working hard to great country, no matter where they’re
to feel more than inspired. his shot at a paid position. He also has to achieve his dream. from on the socioeconomic spectrum.
compete with other hungry interns. (Above) Christopher (Jaden
The actors’ performances were also
A New Dream Smith, L) and Chris Gardner (Will spectacular, with Smith turning in a riv-
Helmed by director Gabriele Muccino, Hard Work and a Positive Attitude Smith) struggle to keep a roof over eting portrayal of Chris Gardner. Smith
the film is set in San Francisco during The rest of the film covers his many their heads. never becomes overly dramatic to make
the early 1980s. Salesman Chris Gardner ups and downs as he struggles to keep scenes feel impactful. Instead, he regis-
(Will Smith) has invested virtually all of himself and his son from falling into ters subtle emotions in both his facial ex-
his money in bone marrow scanners. He homelessness, and works his behind off ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ pressions and his body language. Smith’s
lives with his wife, Linda (Thandie New- at the firm, while maintaining a positive son Jaden, as well as Thandie Newton,
ton), and young son, Christopher (Jaden outlook about his slim prospects. Director were also excellent as his wiser-than-his-
Gabriele Muccino
Smith). Through the opening scenes, we Much of the film features Chris run- years son and angry ex, respectively.
can see that Linda constantly nags Chris ning from place to place, either with his Starring “The Pursuit of Happyness” should
Will Smith, Thandie Newton,
and isn’t supportive of him in the least. son, a briefcase, or one of his devices, in Jaden Smith compel many folks to feel more than
One day, Chris is walking the city the “pursuit” of happiness, both literally inspired. It’ll make you feel like you can
Running Time
streets to sell his medical devices when and figuratively. 1 hour, 57 minutes
take on the world—and win. I think that’s
he spies an elegant, red sports car. The This film has many outstanding scenes, a pretty good message to broadcast in
car’s expensively suited driver steps out, some tragic and heartbreaking, and Rated today’s tumultuous and uncertain times.
and Chris spontaneously asks the man others heartfelt and inspirational. Of
what his profession is. How can he afford course, there’s a little of that good old Release Date Ian Kane is a filmmaker and author
Dec. 15, 2006 (USA)
such a vehicle? When the man replies Will Smith comedy sprinkled in to keep based out of Los Angeles. To learn more,
that he’s a stockbroker, Chris’s eyes light things from becoming overly serious or visit


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