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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | F R I D A Y, A P R I L 9 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,936 $1.

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In the News With US

President Joe Biden has an-

Push, Global
nounced several new gun con-
trol measures after two mass
shootings last month. ...A6
A mass vaccination site in
Tax Gains
Colorado was shut down after
several people experienced
adverse reactions to the BY EMEL AKAN
Johnson & Johnson vaccine,
the site manager says. ... A4
WASHINGTON—Treasury Secretary
Pennsylvania has been Janet Yellen is urging other coun-
forced to remove more than tries to support a global minimum
20,000 deceased voters tax rate for corporations, which is
from its voter rolls after a crucial for funding President  Joe
lawsuit brought by the Pub- Biden’s infrastructure proposal,
lic Interest Legal Foundation called the American Jobs Plan.
was settled. ... A7
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon
has signed a bill that requires We are delighted by
voters to present photo iden-
tification in order to vote. ...A7
the U.S. support for a
minimum corporate tax.
A Pakistani national has
been charged with smug- French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire
gling illegal immigrants from Border Patrol agents apprehend a group of illegal
Pakistan and Afghanistan into BORDER SECURITY immigrants in Penitas, Texas, on March 11. 2021. The Biden administration pro-
the United States, the Depart- poses substantial tax increases on
ment of Justice says. ... A5 U.S. corporations to pay for the $2.3
Secretary of Commerce
Gina Raimondo says that
Border Patrol Union: ‘Surge Is Unlike trillion plan aimed at boosting in-
vestment in infrastructure, clean
energy, manufacturing, housing,
the Trump administration’s
tariffs on steel and aluminum
saved American jobs. ... A4
Anything We’ve Ever Seen Before’ and other programs.
Amid concerns that a higher
corporate tax rate would hurt the
Washington Gov. Jay In- country’s market competitiveness,
slee has signed a bill restor- 172,000 border apprehensions in March include 18,600 Yellen announced on April 5 that
ing voting rights to convicted
felons. ... A6 unaccompanied minors and almost 53,000 in family groups the United States is working with
the Group of 20 (G-20) countries to
The European Court of CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON/THE EPOCH TIMES adopt a minimum global corporate
Human Rights has ruled that BY CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON “I would argue that it’s the big- income tax.

compulsory childhood vacci- gest surge that we’ve ever seen in Biden’s eight-year infrastructure
nation in the Czech Republic cALLEN, Texas—The the history of the Border Patrol,” plan is to be fully paid for by tax in-
doesn’t violate the European
sheer number of illegal Judd said during a roundtable with creases on companies spread over
Convention on Human Rights.
... A11
border-crossers that U.S. Republican members of Congress, 15 years. His proposal is to boost
Border Patrol agents Texas landowners, and law en- the federal corporate tax rate to 28
Hong Kong democracy ac- are apprehending on a daily basis forcement on April 7. percent from 21 percent.
tivist Nathan Law says that is overwhelming in itself, but the During the month of March, Bor- Yellen said if an agreement among
he has been granted political type of population makes it some- der Patrol apprehended 172,000 il- G-20 economies is reached on the
asylum in the UK. ... A10 thing never seen before, according legal aliens, according to statistics minimum corporate tax, it would
Brandon Judd, president of the
to Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, in released on April 8 by Customs and end “a 30-year race to the bottom.”
CHINA National Border Patrol Council. McAllen, Texas, on April 7, 2021. Continued on A3 Continued on A2
Billiionaire tech investor
Peter Thiel criticized major
U.S. technology companies
for being too cozy with the
Chinese Communist Party
and called on them to undo
State Employee US Will Not Offer
their Chinese ties. ... A9 Brings RICO Suit Incentives to
The U.S. Commerce De-
partment said that it was
Against Public Get Iran Back to
adding seven Chinese su-
percomputing entities to a
Sector Union Negotiating Table
U.S. economic blacklist for
assisting Chinese military
Union alleged to intimidate on Nuclear Deal
employees, lie or suppress
efforts. ... A9 BY ISABEL VAN BRUGEN
the truth about their rights,
and fight their opting out The U.S. State Department reiterated
on April 7 that the Biden administra-
Although the global econ- BY MATTHEW VADUM tion won’t offer unilateral incentives Families from Honduras and El Salvador in New York following their release from a
omy is recovering from the holding facility for illegal immigrants in McAllen, Texas, on March 30, 2021.
to get Iran back to the negotiating
COVID-19 crisis, raising inter-
est rates would hurt emerg-
An Oregon state government em- table on the 2015 Joint Comprehen- NEW YORK
ing markets, the International ployee is suing a labor union under sive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—known
Monetary Fund says. ... A17 racketeering laws over its refusal
to grant her request to opt out of
commonly as the Iran nuclear deal—
which former President Donald
NY Allocates $2.1 Billion for Illegal
U.S. jobless claims rose to
744,000 last week, signaling
paying dues, claiming the union
engaged in a pattern of fraudulent
Trump withdrew from in 2018.
“We are not and will not offer
Immigrants, Other ‘Excluded Workers’
that many employers are still
activity that victimized her and any unilateral gestures or incen- BY ZACHARY STIEBER during the pandemic.
cutting jobs amid economic
recovery. ... A17
other union members. tives to sweeten any sort of deal “During the COVID-19 pandemic,
Staci Trees of Bend, Oregon, who or to induce Iran to—back to the New York state legislators this week essential workers across the state
works for the Oregon Department of negotiating table or to a better posi- agreed to establish a $2.1 billion risked their lives to keep our state
Transportation, was required to ei- tion at that negotiating table,” State fund that will give money to illegal moving and our families safe,”
Marco Respinti: Religious ther sign a union membership card Department spokesman Ned Price immigrants and other so-called ex- Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie,
Liberty and US Foreign Policy: or pay an agency fee to Service Em- told reporters on April 7. cluded workers who lost their jobs a Democrat, said in a statement.
No Longer the Guiding Prin- ployees International Union (SEIU) Price was referring to the deal during the COVID-19 pandemic but “When unemployment rates sky-
ciple?...A13 503 when she was first hired in 2009. between Iran and six major pow- were ineligible for federal stimu- rocketed last summer, many of
Martha Rosenberg: ‘Wrong’ But in June 2018, the Supreme Court ers under which Tehran agreed to lus checks, unemployment aid, or those selfless workers were exclud-
Criminals Ruin Liberal Media ruled in Janus v. AFSCME, disrupt- limit its nuclear program in return other benefits. ed from any type of federal assis-
Narrative...A14 ing how public-sector unions fi- for the easing of U.S. and other eco- The Excluded Worker Fund will tance during this pandemic and we
nance their operations. nomic sanctions. extend a one-time payment to must take care of all New Yorkers.”
Betsy McCaughey: Ending Continued on A2 Continued on A5 workers who lost jobs or income Continued on A4
Big Tech Tyranny...A16


Glamping is an ideal way to
gather with family while trav- Rep. Lee Zeldin Announces Run Lawsuit Defends Faith
eling remains fraught with re-
strictions. ...B1 for New York Governor Objections to Working
Residents of Smith Island TAX HIKES WOULD
in the Chesapeake Bay are BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV million dollar self-congrat- BY MARK TAPSCOTT
hardy, independent, and wel- ulatory book deals, cover-
coming to visitors. ...B4 Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) ups, abuse & self-dealing,” A New York photographer repre- “One million
on April 7 announced his Zeldin wrote on Twitter. sented by the Alliance Defending jobs would be
candidacy for governor of Gov. Andrew Cuomo is Freedom (ADF) is challenging in lost in the first
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. New York in 2022. facing intense pressure to federal court state laws that force two years,”
READEPOCH.COM “I’ll bring the kind of re- resign, including from top her to photograph gay weddings NAM Presidentt
Rep. Lee
lentless, fighting spirit to- Zeldin Democrats in Washington despite her religious objections to and CEO Jay
Published in New York, wards helping to save our (R-N.Y.). and New York. Cuomo’s ad- doing so. Timmons said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
state that [Gov. Andrew] ministration is accused of One of the laws being challenged Read more on A2
Cuomo reserves for multi- Continued on A5 Continued on A3

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.

State Employee Brings RICO Suit

Against Public Sector Union Oregon Department of Transportation
building in Salem, Ore., in this file photo.



The high court held that man-

datory union membership, dues,
and fees in the public sector are a
violation of the employee’s First
Amendment rights. In Janus, the
Supreme Court overruled Abood v.
Detroit Board of Education (1977),
which held that public-sector
unions could collect forced agency
fees from nonmembers to finance
their collective bargaining activi-
ties, without infringing the First and
14th Amendments.

We decided it was
finally time to call
this what it is, and
say this is a criminal
Rebekah Millard,
attorney, Freedom Foundation

After the Janus ruling, Trees con-

tacted the union and requested her
release to allow her to opt out of pay-
ing the agency fees. ply been made up. Foundation attorney Rebekah Mil- involving SEIU Local 503 and has that fraudulently claimed Trees au-
Following several delays, SEIU fi- The legal complaint in Trees v. lard told The Epoch Times in an in- taken action in more than a dozen thorized deductions she hadn’t.
nally canceled her membership in SEIU Local 503 was filed in U.S. Dis- terview. total forgery cases involving public- “It’s time for the courts to recog-
December 2020. But Trees was ad- trict Court in Eugene, Oregon, by “If Staci Trees was the only per- sector unions on the West Coast. nize these are not isolated instances
vised by email that the union would the Freedom Foundation, a national son this had ever happened to, you “This is a pattern of behavior,” Mil- and take action to hold SEIU 503
continue deducting around $100 a nonprofit watchdog organization could conceivably blame it on inef- lard said. “This is how government accountable,” said Jason Dudash,
month in dues until at least Febru- specializing in public-sector union ficiency or incompetence, but this unions are responding to Janus—by the Freedom Foundation’s Oregon
ary 2021 because, under the terms abuses. It names SEIU Local 503, isn’t an isolated case.” intimidating employees, lying, or director. “And that’s just what this
of a new agreement she supposedly the Oregon Department of Admin- “The state law doesn’t actually re- suppressing the truth about their lawsuit is intended to do.”
signed in 2016, all memberships istrative Services and its director, quire the state to verify or to check rights, and fighting every single at- Andrea Chiapella, communica-
would be renewed automatically Katy Coba, as defendants. or even to listen if the employee tempt to opt out.” tions director for the Oregon De-
unless the worker opted out during Trees’s case is the first to invoke says, ‘Hey I never authorized this,’” “And when all else fails, they sim- partment of Administrative Servic-
an annual two-week window. the federal Racketeer Influenced Millard said. ply forge their signature on a phony es, declined to make a statement.
Trees said she has no recollection and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) “In Mrs. Trees’s case, her employer contract, locking employees into “We don’t comment on matters
of signing such an agreement and, Act, according to the Freedom literally said to her, ‘We take orders new terms they never agreed to.” involving pending litigation,” she
when she demanded to see it, she Foundation. from the union—there is nothing Millard said SEIU’s actions con- wrote in an email.
formed the opinion that not only “We decided it was finally time we can do to help you.’” travene both state and federal RICO SEIU Local 503 didn’t immedi-
had her signature been forged, but to call this what it is and say this The foundation is currently in laws because the union sent out nu- ately respond to requests by The
important personal details had sim- is a criminal enterprise,” Freedom court over four other forgery cases merous electronic communications Epoch Times for comment.

Talks Over Global Minimum Tax Pushed by Biden’s Corporate Tax Hikes Would
US Gains Momentum Cost 1 Million Jobs, Study Finds
KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS BOWEN XIAO less in 2023 and $83 billion and
CONTINUED FROM A1 $66 billion less in 2026 and 2031,
If President Joe Biden’s corporate respectively.”
“Together, we can use a global tax increases and other changes In the long run, the study found
minimum tax to make sure the to the tax code are passed un- that real wages would fall by 0.6
global economy thrives based on a changed, about 1 million jobs will percent and total labor compensa-
more level playing field in the taxa- be lost in the first two years follow- tion, including wages and benefits,
tion of multinational corporations, ing passage and economic activity would decline by 0.6 percent ini-
and spurs innovation, growth, and will also decrease, according to a tially before falling by 0.3 percent
prosperity,” she said. new economic study. after 10 years. Total compensation,
Both France and Germany, which The study by the National Asso- in the long run, would also decline
have relatively high corporate tax ciation of Manufacturers (NAM), by 0.6 percent.
rates in the OECD welcomed the conducted by  Rice University Biden’s wide-ranging proposal,
Biden administration’s proposal. economists, found Biden’s infra- the details of which were laid out in
“We are delighted by the U.S. sup- structure plans would cause a a fact sheet released by the White
port for a minimum corporate tax,” barrage of negative consequences. House on March 31, is the first
French Finance Minister Bruno Le Biden has called for a corporate tax part of a two-part economic plan
Maire told AFP. increase to 28 percent from the he aims to pass through Congress
“An agreement on international current 21 percent. in the coming months. The second
taxation is now within reach,” he “This study tells us quantitatively part of his plan features even more
President Joe Biden receives an economic briefing with Treasury Secretary
noted. “We must seize this historic what manufacturers from coast to ideals outside of the traditional
Janet Yellen in the Oval Office on Jan. 29, 2021.
opportunity.” coast will tell you qualitatively: in- infrastructure scope, such as ex-
The average statutory corporate creasing the tax burden on com- panding health insurance cover-
tax rate among Organization for foreign investment. for companies.” panies in America means fewer age, extending the expanded child
Economic Co-operation and De- Increasing the corporate tax rate The IMF has long supported a American jobs. One million jobs tax benefit, and more.
velopment (OECD) countries had to 28 percent would raise the U.S. global minimum tax, according would be lost in the first two years, Some economists  have criti-
fallen to 23.3 percent in 2020 from federal-state combined tax rate to IMF’s top economist Gita Gopi- to be exact,” NAM President and cized the package as failing to de-
32.2 percent in 2000, according to a to 32.34 percent, according to the nath. CEO Jay Timmons said in a state- liver on traditional funding, and
report by the Treasury Department. Tax Foundation, a conservative- “It is a big concern that we have ment on April 8. that it amounts to a massive federal
The report, which outlines Biden’s leaning group. This change will a large amount of tax shifting, The study calculated the effects power grab. They also found fault
“Made in America tax plan” stated make the U.S. corporate tax rate the tax avoidance, countries sending of increasing the corporate tax rate, with the administration’s broad
that the declines have resulted highest in the OECD, reducing U.S. money to tax havens, and that’s increasing the top marginal tax definition of infrastructure.
from a “collective action problem.” competitiveness. The average cor- reducing the tax base from which rate, repealing the 20 percent pass- When Biden first outlined his
Fierce competition among coun- porate tax rate among the OECD governments can collect revenues through deduction, eliminating infrastructure plan last week, he
tries to attract investments has fu- countries, excluding the United and do the necessary social and certain expensing provisions, and pitched it  as “a once-in-a-gen-
eled this “race to the bottom,” ac- States, is 23.4 percent. economic spending that’s re- other actions outlined in Biden’s eration investment in America,
cording to the report, and a better “Contrary to the proposal’s claims quired,” Gopinath told reporters. infrastructure proposal. unlike anything we’ve seen or
coordination across the globe will about a ‘race to the bottom’ on “So we are very much in favor of a Total employment, which is done since we built the interstate
prevent companies from relocating corporate tax rates, reductions in global minimum corporate tax.” tracked by the number of hours highway system and the space
to countries with lower taxes. corporate rates have plateaued for OECD officials earlier floated a worked, would also fall by 0.7 per- race decades ago.”
German Finance Minister Olaf more than a decade,” Tax Founda- minimum corporate rate of 12.5 cent initially before moderating. Senate Minority Leader Mitch
Scholz also hailed Yellen’s proposal. tion said in a report. percent. Yellen, however, proposed The reduction in hours worked McConnell (R-Ky.) recently ex-
“I’m in high spirits that with “When the U.S. cut the federal agreeing to a minimum tax rate of equals an employment loss of 1 pressed that he’s unlikely to sup-
this corporate taxation initiative, statutory corporate rate from 35 21 percent. million full-time jobs in 2023. By port Biden’s infrastructure plan
we’ll manage to put an end to the percent to 21 percent in 2017, it was World Bank President David Mal- 2026, these jobs would still be gone due to the hefty tax hikes.
worldwide race to the bottom in not leading a race to the bottom but pass warned governments against before later stabilizing. “The administration’s non-in-
taxation,” Scholz said, according moving to the average.” setting a minimum tax rate that is According to the study, the av- frastructure ‘infrastructure bill’
to Reuters. During this week’s virtual spring too high. erage annual reduction in em- looks like another Trojan horse
However, Ireland, which has meeting of the International Mon- “The critical thing is to have ployment would be equivalent to for far-left demands. Rolling back
one of the lowest corporate tax etary Fund (IMF) and the World growth for countries around the a loss of 600,000 jobs each year Right to Work laws. Imposing the
rates in the OECD (12.5 percent), Bank, IMF Managing Director world,” Malpass told BBC. over 10 years. biggest new tax hikes in a gen-
voiced concerns about a global Kristalina Georgieva also called Yellen’s proposal of a 21 percent Ordinary capital, or investments eration—killing jobs and slowing
minimum tax. The country has for “progressive taxation” and an global minimum tax “strikes me in equipment and structures, wage growth when workers need a
chosen a low tax model to attract agreement on “minimum taxation as a high corporate rate,” he said. would meanwhile “be $80 billion fast recovery,” he wrote on Twitter.

professing the state’s approved nouncing the suit.

view about marriage. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the
“Specifically, New York laws re- 8th Circuit and the Arizona Su-
quire Emilee to create photographs preme Court ruled in 2019 in fa-
and blogs celebrating same-sex vor of filmmakers and artists who
marriage because she creates brought similar challenges to laws
photographs and blogs celebrating much like those of New York.
opposite-sex marriage. The laws The ADF attorneys are asking
also prohibit Emilee from adopting the federal court to halt New York
an editorial policy consistent with officials from enforcing the laws
her beliefs about marriage. being challenged while Carpenter’s
“And the laws even make it illegal litigation proceeds through the ju-
for Emilee to post statements on her dicial system.
business’s own website explaining
her religious views on marriage or
her reasons for only creating this
wedding content.” The solution to dis-
Violation of the New York laws agreement is ... not
being challenged carries with compelled ideologi-
them unlimited liability against
Carpenter personally and against cal uniformity
her business for damages, fines of by government bu-
up to $100,000, loss of her business
license, and up to a year in jail.
The U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York in Buffalo, N.Y., on April 8, 2021. Bryan Neihart, ADF legal Lawsuit filed by Alliance
counsel for the Carpenter suit, Defending Freedom
told The Epoch Times on April 8
Photographer Challenges New York that New York’s law that prevents
the photographer from explain-
In her suit, Carpenter’s attorneys
claim the First and 14th Amend-
ing on her business’s website ments guarantee her right to ex-
Law Barring Faith Objections to why her faith prevents her from
shooting gay ceremonies is un-
press her religious views and to
determine the parameters of her
usually aggressive. artistic business.
Working Gay Weddings “It’s definitely a unique feature
about New York’s law, that it not
“Just as the government cannot
compel a lesbian baker to create a
only compels her to say things cake condemning same-sex mar-
that she can’t say because of her riage or an atheist playwright to
CONTINUED FROM A1 Civil Rights Commission decision ate some artwork for anyone— religious beliefs, but also restricts wax positively about God, New
that upheld the right of cake deco- like photographs that flout her her from saying anything,” Neihart York cannot force Emilee to convey
by Rochester artistic wedding rator Jack Phillips to decline work artistic style, celebrate obscenity, responded. messages she objects to,” according
photographer Emilee Carpenter for same-sex ceremonies. or demean others. She likewise Asked if any other states have to the suit.
in the U.S. District Court for West- Carpenter’s claims are similar to cannot promote certain views on similar statutes, Neihart said: “Emilee brings this lawsuit to
ern New York also bars her from those of Phillips in the Colorado marriage. New York finds this last “Some states do and some mu- protect her right and everyone’s
explaining on her business web- case, according to the ADF attor- type of editorial freedom too close- nicipalities do, it depends on the freedom (even those who disagree
site why working at same-sex neys. Attorneys from ADF are also minded.” jurisdiction, but I think New York’s with her) to speak and live out their
ceremonies violates her deepest representing photographers and “These laws do not simply dictate law is especially aggressive in that core convictions. Because in our
Christian beliefs. artists in similar cases in Kentucky, what she does; they dictate what it has this really vague language diverse and pluralistic country, the
The ADF is an Arizona-based Colorado, and Virginia. she says. Emilee is already will- that you can’t make anyone feel solution to disagreement is more
public interest law firm that spe- “Her faith and eye for beauty ing to work with clients no matter ‘unwelcome.’ It’s unclear how far speech by diverse speakers, not
cializes in religious freedom and shape her photography, from first who they are, including those in that could apply, and it gives gov- compelled ideological uniformity
other First Amendment liberties click to final edit. And just like other the LGBT community,” according ernment officials discretion to ap- by government bureaucrats,” the
litigation. Attorneys for the ADF artists, Emilee decides whether to to the suit. ply it as far as they want to.” suit stated.
have argued and won a dozen Su- create based on what her artwork “But not satisfied with equal Carpenter, just in the month of
preme Court decisions in recent conveys, not who asks for it,” Car- treatment, New York officials March, received six requests for her Congressional correspondent
years, including 2018’s landmark penter’s suit states. demand ideological purity, that services celebrating gay weddings, Mark Tapscott may be reached at
Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado “That means Emilee cannot cre- Emilee violate her conscience by according to an ADF statement an- mark.tapscott@epochtimes.nyc.


Border Patrol Apprehends 172,000 Illegal

Immigrants in March
CONTINUED FROM A1 Mexico, who were easy to turn very next day,” Judd said.
back across the border within a “I personally have apprehended
Border Protection (CBP). An ad- couple of hours. groups from China, from Bangla-
ditional 1,000 per day are evad- “Today ... if we make 1.2 million desh, from Russia, from Poland,
ing capture. In February, border arrests, we’re actually dealing with from Brazil. And these criminal
agents apprehended 101,000 about 800,000 to 900,000 different organizations are allowed to go
people. people.” into these countries, and they’re
Acting CBP Commissioner Troy The addition of so many unac- allowed to advertise their services
Miller said the increase “is not companied minors (18,600 in and make billions of dollars off
new.” March) and family units (com- of human misery. And it’s based
“Encounters have continued to prising almost 53,000 individuals upon our policies.
increase since April 2020, and our in March) on top of single adults “That’s wrong. That is inhumane.”
past experiences have helped us be (96,600 in March) is overwhelming, The Biden administration has
better prepared for the challenges Judd said. drawn criticism for quickly undo-
Yearly border apprehensions per month. 2021 is depicted by the blue line.
we face this year,” he said. Family units and unaccom- ing Trump-era policies—which
However, Judd said, “this surge panied minors require a huge had sharply reduced the flow of il-
is unlike anything we’ve ever seen amount of resources, including legal immigration—and creating their immigration case is being judication of their asylum claim.
before.” housing, food, transport, and the current crisis. adjudicated, rather than incentiv- If we did that, we would address
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, health care while being processed On March 24, President Joe izing illegal immigration through this issue and we would stop the
Border Patrol apprehended up to and subsequently transferred or Biden appointed Vice President “catch-and-release.” fraudulent asylum claims almost
1.5 million illegal aliens per year. released. Kamala Harris to head up the bor- He said the Trump administra- immediately,” Judd said.
“Even though we were making Additionally, most of the family der crisis response. However, she tion’s Migrant Protection Proto- Currently, only about 10 percent
1.5 million arrests, we were actu- members and unaccompanied mi- has yet to visit the border, saying cols, also known as the Remain of Central Americans who claim
ally dealing with about 400,000 nors end up staying in the United that her focus is instead on pro- in Mexico program, were working asylum are granted relief after
to 500,000 individual people— States, regardless of whether they viding more assistance to Central to that end. their case is heard. Many don’t
we were just arresting the same have a meritorious asylum claim. American countries. “I would set up courts immedi- show up for their hearings or apply
people over and over again,” Judd “You could cross the border ille- Judd said the only way to stem ately on the border to hold these for asylum once they are released
said. Most were single males from gally one day and be in Virginia the the flow is to detain people while people in custody pending the ad- into the country.

Florida Sues Biden Administration Over Continued Cruise Shutdown

ZACHARY STIEBER CDC from preventing cruises from rising number of people being vac- “We’re disappointed that this a statement.
launching from Florida and other cinated against the CCP virus. guidance for the cruise industry Monica Sebata, a former em-
The state of Florida on April 8 sued U.S. ports. If the shutdown contin- “This is not reasonable. This is appears to be nothing more than ployee of Cruiseport Destina-
the federal government over its ues, Florida will lose hundreds of not rational,” Florida Gov. Ron De- an incremental step in a far-reach- tions, told the briefing that her
prolonged shutdown of cruises, millions of dollars, if not billions, Santis, a Republican, told a press ing process to resume passenger company, which serves the cruise
arguing that trips are being run and the approximately 159,000 conference on April 8. “And this is sailings in the U.S. with no defini- industry through services such as
safely in other parts of the world state residents who work in the something that we don’t believe tive or target start date,” Port Ca- pre- and post-cruise hotel options
and that the U.S. industry is on the industry “could lose everything,” can continue any longer.” naveral CEO John Murray said in for customers, has suffered finan-
brink of financial ruin. according to the suit, which names “We are not going to sit back while a statement. cially and mentally.
The Centers for Disease Control the CDC and the Department of its administrative agency decides The Cruise Lines International Major cruise lines have been
and Prevention (CDC) is continu- Health and Human Services and to shut down an entire industry,” Association said the instructions under strain because of the shut-
ing to prevent cruises from launch- their directors. the state’s Attorney General Ashley were disappointing and urged the down.
ing from U.S. ports despite not hav- The two agencies didn’t imme- Moody said. administration to consider “the Carnival Cruise Line, the world’s
ing the authority to do so, the state diately respond to requests by The The CDC last week issued fresh ample evidence that supports lift- largest cruise company, suggested
said in the 156-page suit filed in Epoch Times for comment. guidance that informs cruise lines ing” the shutdown. on April 7 that it might withdraw its
federal court and obtained by The The CDC ordered cruises to stop of what changes they’ll have to If it doesn’t end soon, more sail- ships from the United States.
Epoch Times. departing and returning to U.S. make before cruises can resume ings will originate from the Carib- “I don’t want to move Carnival
Even if the agency did have the ports in March 2020 due to the from America’s ports. The guid- bean and elsewhere, “effectively cruise ships out of the U.S., but at
authority, its actions have been “ar- COVID-19 pandemic. The no-sail ance came on the same day the shutting American ports, closing some point, we also have to make
bitrary and capricious” and violate order remains in place despite a CDC said in updated guidance that thousands of American small sure we can sustain our business,”
federal law, plaintiffs say. drop in COVID-19 cases, hospital- fully vaccinated people could fly businesses, and pushing an en- Carnival President Christine Duffy
They’re asking a judge to bar the izations, and deaths, and a steadily outside the country. tire industry off-shore,” it said in told WESH-TV.

NY Allocates $2.1 Billion for Illegal Immigrants,

Other ‘Excluded Workers’

CONTINUED FROM A1 goods in the street,” Cole Edick of

Persist Brooklyn told lawmakers.
People can receive up to $15,600 “Pursuing asylum should be Ana’s
total; taxes will be deducted be- right, not a privilege reserved only
fore they receive the money. Work- for those who can pay for it. But
ers won’t be eligible unless they because this government has not
were making less than $26,208 yet found the courage to ensure the
in the 12 months prior to the bill basic needs of people like Ana dur-
taking effect and unless they can ing a national crisis, she has had to
prove they can still work. People put her rights on hold,” he added.
must show a valid taxpayer num- California established a similar
ber and a letter from an employer, fund in February, giving a one-
along with other papers, to get the time $600 or $1,200 payment to
maximum payments. illegal immigrants.
The Excluded Worker Fund was
ultimately included in New York’s
record $212 billion 2021-2022 bud-
The Democrats in get, which will be financed with
Albany have made it funds from the federal government
and higher taxes on the wealthy and
their priority to push large corporations.
their radical agenda. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Demo-
crat, pushed for the eligibility re-
New York State Republicans strictions.
“Just because you are undocu-
People who can’t meet the more mented doesn’t mean we don’t
stringent documentation require- care and we don’t have compas-
ments can still receive a $3,200 sion and we don’t want to help. It is Protestors march across the Brooklyn Bridge to demand funding for excluded workers in the New York state budget, in
payment, provided they prove their difficult to do it in a way that can be New York on March 5, 2021.
identity and residency. administered without fraud. And
Approximately 290,000 people that’s obviously a major concern office would verify whether the tax increases simply are unneces- veterans, teachers, and senior citi-
will get money from the fund, for us, that we protect every tax regulations and the process be- sary and economically risky.” zens, the Democrats in Albany have
according to the Fiscal Policy dollar. We ran an unemployment ing established by the fund are New York Senate Majority Leader made it their priority to push their
Institute. insurance program for citizens of constitutional. Andrea Stewart-Cousins said that radical agenda by giving a $2.1 bil-
Illegal immigrants and support- the state. There was tremendous The tax increases also drew cri- she was proud that the budget will lion taxpayer giveaway to illegal im-
ers engaged in a weekslong hunger fraud,” Cuomo told reporters in tiques. fund schools, help businesses re- migrants,” Senate Minority Leader
strike to push for the inclusion of Albany on April 7. “Despite having $22 billion more build, and protect the state’s “most Robert Ortt said in a video message.
the fund in the state’s budget. The Major proponents of providing in funds available over the next two vulnerable.” “Instead of giving people a reason to
community group Persist Brooklyn money to illegal immigrants criti- years than when the governor pro- “Working and middle-class tax- remain here in our state, this budget
shared a story with state lawmak- cized the requirements. posed the budget in January, lead- payers will receive the relief they drives ever more families, seniors,
ers during a recent public hearing “The assertion that some of ... my ers agreed to raise personal income desperately need, while the wealthi- and young New Yorkers away.
about Ana, a pseudonym, a Hondu- neighbors are just waiting for the and business taxes and to use some est New Yorkers will help their “Instead of helping Main Street
ran mother who entered the United opportunity to commit fraud is dis- portion of federal funds to inflate neighbors. This budget makes New businesses recover from the pan-
States from Mexico in early 2020. gusting,” Assemblywoman Catali- spending that likely cannot be sup- York better for all,” she said. demic, this budget increases tax-
Ana was denied asylum and, dur- na Cruz, a Democrat, told reporters. ported in the out-years,” Citizens But Republicans criticized major es on our small businesses and
ing the pandemic, “lost what mea- New York Attorney General Le- Budget Commission President An- portions of the budget. makes it even more difficult for
ger profits she was making selling titia James, a Democrat, said her drew Rein said in a statement. “The “Rather than helping families, them to survive.”


by steel and Mass COVID-19 Vaccination
Site Shut Down After Adverse
President Reactions Reported
Trump signs a JACK PHILLIPS automatically be rescheduled for
proclamation Sunday, April 11, at Dick’s Sport-
on steel A mass vaccination site at Dick’s ing Goods Park. Our goal is to con-
imports during
Sporting Goods Park in Colorado tinue to vaccinate Coloradans as
a ceremony in
Roosevelt Room was shut down after several ad- quickly as possible while keeping
at the White verse reactions to the Johnson & our patients’ safety at the fore-
House on March Johnson CCP virus vaccine, ac- front,” Centura said.
8, 2018. cording to Centura Health, which Massey told the Denver Post that
is managing the site. the number of people who experi-
More than 600 people who had enced adverse reactions was about
appointments were turned away 0.8 percent.
from the “Vaccines for All” event According to the U.S. Centers for
in Commerce City after 11 peo- Disease Control and Prevention,
ple who were administered the the Johnson & Johnson vaccine
shot developed adverse reactions is a one-dose vaccine for the CCP
during the on-site observation virus, as opposed to the two-shot
period, Kevin Massey, a spokes- Moderna and Pfizer vaccines,
Trump’s Steel, Aluminum Tariffs Saved US person for Centura Health, told which are also approved for emer-
local news outlets. gency use in the United States.
Jobs, Biden Commerce Secretary Says “Following the administration
of the J&J vaccine and during on-
Before the April 7 event, the state
health department recorded 10 re-
ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES site observation, we saw a limited actions at Colorado’s community
IVAN PENTCHOUKOV soned that the tariffs were neces- number of adverse reactions to mass-vaccination sites, according
sary to force the CCP to abandon the vaccine,” Centura Health said to the paper.
Secretary of Commerce  Gina unfair trade practices and pay a in a separate statement. “We fol- Reactions to COVID-19 vac-
Raimondo said on April 7 that the price for years of rampant intellec- lowed our protocols and, in an cines have been reported in recent
Trump administration’s tariffs on tual property theft from the United abundance of caution, made the weeks, including a Virginia man
steel and aluminum saved Ameri- States. decision—in partnership with the who suffered a reported skin reac-
can jobs. Trump had also targeted private state—to pause operations for the tion that doctors said was from the
“With respect to tariffs, there is a Chinese companies over concerns remainder of the day.” Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
place for tariffs. The 232 tariffs on national security concerns, includ- The Colorado Department of Colorado Health officials, follow-
steel and aluminum have in fact ing the potential that troves of data Public Health said some patients ing the closure of the site, stressed
helped save American jobs in the on Americans were relayed to the experienced nausea and dizzi- that getting the vaccine is “far saf-
steel and aluminum industries,” communist regime in Beijing. ness after getting the J&J vaccine, er than getting severely sick with
Raimondo told reporters at the Raimondo made the remarks while Centura confirmed that COVID-19.”
White House, marking a rare point in response to a reporter who had nine individuals were monitored European Union health of-
of agreement with the policies of U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina also prompted her to clarify the on-site and were sent home and ficials on April 7 made a simi-
the prior administration. Raimondo speaks during a daily press Biden administration’s stance on two individuals were taken to lar statement after researchers
“So what do we do with tar- briefing at the James Brady Press TikTok, a social media app that nearby hospitals out of an abun- found a “possible link” between
iffs? We have to level the playing Briefing Room of the White House on Trump had threatened to ban dance of caution. the AstraZeneca vaccine and rare
field. No one can out-compete the April 7, 2021. unless the Chinese company that “Over 1,700 patients received blood clots.
American worker if the playing owns it sold its American business their shots today, and the 640 pa- Centura Health didn’t respond to
field is level,” Raimondo contin- empted from the tariffs. Current- to a U.S. company. tients who were unable to receive a request by The Epoch Times for
ued. “And the fact is, China’s ac- ly, South Korea, Argentina, Aus- “So I would say, here’s my broad their vaccine this afternoon will comment by press time.
tions are uncompetitive, coercive, tralia, and Brazil are permanently view, and I don’t want to get into MARK LENNIHAN/ AP PHOTO
underhanded. They’ve proven exempted. The tariffs on Canada details on any particular compa-
they’ll do whatever it takes. and Mexico were lifted with the ny,” Raimondo said. “My broad
“And so I plan to use all the tools signing of the United States–Mex- view is what we do on offense is
in my toolbox as aggressively as ico–Canada Agreement. more important than we do on
possible to protect American work- During the same month in 2018, defense. To compete in the long A vial of the
Johnson &
ers and businesses from unfair Trump fired the first salvo in the run with China, we need to re-
Chinese practices.” trade war with China, imposing build America in all of the ways COVID-19
President Donald Trump in tariffs on $50 billion of Chinese we’re talking about today, and by vaccine at South
March 2018 imposed a 25 percent goods. The Chinese Communist the way, do that with our allies. Shore University
tariff on steel and a 10 percent Party (CCP) responded with retal- We have to work with our allies Hospital in Bay
levy on aluminum imports. Some iatory tariffs and the tit-for-tat has and find common ground where Shore, N.Y., on
countries were temporarily ex- escalated since. Trump had rea- we can.” March 3, 2021.

Pakistani National
Charged With
Humans Into
United States

Abid Ali Khan allegedly ran a Pak-

istan-based smuggling network to
facilitate the illegal immigration of
individuals from Pakistan and Af-
ghanistan into the United States, the
Department of Justice said on April 7.
Rep. Lee Khan, a Pakistani national, oper-
Zeldin (R-N.Y.) ated the network between January
(L) and Rep. 2015 and December 2020, the DOJ
Matt Gaetz
said. He was indicted April 7 by a
(R-Fla.) speak
to reporters federal grand jury in the Eastern
outside the District of Virginia.
West Wing “Khan allegedly accepted payment
of the White in exchange for planning and co-
House on April ordinating the international travel
21, 2020. for foreign nationals to travel from
Pakistan through multiple coun-
tries, including Brazil and the United
Rep. Lee Zeldin Announces Run for States, allegedly offered or provided
false documents for foreign nation-
als to use for travel through multiple
New York Governor countries,” the DOJ stated.
ICE’s Homeland Security Inves-
tigations in Miami, Panama, and
Brazil were involved in the inves-
CONTINUED FROM A1 the last chance to save the state. tigation.
“At the helm of NY’s downfall is Andrew The DOJ didn’t immediately re-
covering up nursing home COVID-19 Zeldin served in the New Cuomo, whose deadly nursing home order & spond to questions from The Ep-
deaths and other controversies related York state Senate for four cover-up is part of a long line of scandals, lies, och Times about how many people
to his handling of the pandemic. Several years before being elected & harassment. Cuomo has abused the power Khan’s network allegedly smuggled
women have also accused the embattled & trust granted to him & it’s time for him to into the United States. The Treasury
governor of inappropriate conduct. Cuomo to the U.S. House of Rep- immediately exit stage left,” Zeldin wrote. Department said Khan was charging
has denied wrongdoing on both fronts. resentatives. “I’m ready to go all in on this mission and as much as $20,000 per individual.
Zeldin served in the New York state Senate bring New York back from the brink and re- “This sum includes, but is not lim-
for four years before being elected to the U.S. plus grade from the pro-life Susan B. Antho- turn it to glory. For many, this feels like a last ited to, fees to procure fraudulent or
House of Representatives for the state’s 1st ny List. He received a 71 percent rating on the stand to save our state.” counterfeit documents, make payoffs
District in 2014. conservative Heritage Action scorecard and Cuomo’s approval rating fell to an all-time to corrupt officials, secure lodging
While in the state Senate, Zeldin voted a 62 percent rating by the Club for Growth, low in March, according to a poll by Emer- along smuggling route, and provide
against a gay marriage bill, supported a $250 an anti-tax group that opposes increasing son College. The same poll found that two in payments to facilitators in various
million cut to the payroll tax, opposed a gun the size of the U.S. government. three New Yorkers wanted someone new to countries,” the Treasury Department
control bill, and fought the implementation In a series of tweets announcing his run, be elected in 2022. said in an April 7 statement.
of the Common Core curriculum. Zeldin accused Cuomo of covering up nurs- Cuomo’s office didn’t respond to a request In addition to the criminal charg-
While in Congress, Zeldin received an A- ing home deaths and said that 2022 may be for comment. es, the Treasury Department has
also designated Khan’s operation
as a transnational criminal orga-
“blocking and reporting of all assets
US Will Not Offer Incentives to Get Iran held by Khan, his associates, and the
Khan TCO in the U.S., or in the pos-
Back to Negotiating Table on Nuclear Deal session and control of U.S. persons,”
the DOJ said.
CONTINUED FROM A1 that would help push both sides back on In a 2018 case, another Pakistani,
that path of mutual compliance to the deal. Sharafat Ali Khan was deported
The deal made it harder for Iran’s atomic “Ultimately, that is where we seek to go: home after serving a prison sentence
program to be used to produce nuclear compliance for compliance.” for facilitating an alien-smuggling
weapons, an ambition Tehran denies. His comments come as the United States operation from Brazil, according to
Trump pulled the United States out of the partakes in indirect talks with Tehran in Immigration and Customs Enforce-
deal in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Vienna, Austria—nearly three years after ment (ICE).
Iran, saying at the time that America would Trump abandoned the deal. Tehran has Sharafat Ali Khan helped smuggle
“not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail.” ruled out face-to-face bilateral talks with at least 100 aliens from Pakistan, Af-
He called it “a horrible one-sided deal” that the United States. ghanistan, and Bangladesh through
is “defective at its core.” Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Marco Ru- Department spokesman Ned Price speaks during South and Central America to the
a news conference at the State Department in
That prompted Tehran to begin openly bio (R-Fla.), Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), and Todd United States, according to ICE.
Washington on Feb. 23, 2021.
violating the deal’s nuclear restrictions Young (R-Ind.), leaders of several Senate “Khan and his co-conspirators
about a year later. committees or subcommittees, submitted a charged each alien between $3,000
Price echoed his remarks from last letter to the president this week urging him JCPOA is not a recipe for a sustainable Iran and $15,000 to facilitate their travel
month, in which he suggested Washing- not to reenter the nuclear deal. policy, and will not protect U.S. national to the United States. Several of the
ton would consider each side taking steps They described it as a “severely flawed security interests.” individuals smuggled by Khan’s
to resume compliance with the agreement agreement that undermines our national Separately, former Secretary of State Mike organization had suspected ties to
once they’re at the negotiating table. security interests due to its arbitrary sun- Pompeo last month warned that the United terrorist organizations,” ICE said.
“If the Iranians are under the impression sets and limited scope.” States and the Middle East would be made The United States has a footprint
that, absent any movement on their part to “Unfortunately, recent comments from less secure by rejoining the 2015 nuclear in South and Central America and
resume full compliance with the [nuclear Administration officials suggest that is ex- accord. often the biometrics of migrants are
deal], that we will offer favors or unilateral actly what the U.S. intends to offer Tehran,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki taken on U.S.-bought equipment in
gestures, well that’s a misimpression,” he they wrote. told reporters on April 6 that “a diplomatic both Panama and Costa Rica.
had told reporters. “We urge your Administration to reset its path is the right path forward, and there In 2016, six Pakistanis with sus-
“If and only if Tehran comes to the ne- approach immediately. Members of Con- are benefits to all sides.” pected ties to al-Qaeda were deport-
gotiating table would we be in a position, gress rejected the JCPOA on a bipartisan ed after being discovered in Panama
would we be prepared, to discuss proposals basis in 2015,” they wrote. “Returning to the Reuters contributed to this report. en route to the United States.

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New Mexico Eliminates Qualified Immunity

for Public Officials, Including Police
State Police
New Mexico has eliminated a legal defense patrol
known as qualified immunity, making it around the
easier to sue government employees, includ- New Mexico
ing police officers, under a new law signed Capitol in
by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on April 7. Santa Fe
The law, dubbed the New Mexico Civil on Jan.
17, 2021.
Rights Act, also allows individuals to sue
for compensation if a state or local govern-
ment employee violates the person’s “rights,
privileges, or immunities” within the scope
of their employment.

The qualified immunity

doctrine insulates govern-
ment officials from civil
liability for conduct re-
quired by the job.

“New Mexicans are guaranteed certain

rights by our state constitution,” Grisham, a
Democrat, said in a statement. “Those rights
are sacred, and the constitutional document
providing for them is the basis of all we are
privileged to do as public servants of the
people of this great state. person’s constitutional rights. recent months, with lawmakers taking action Justices Clarence Thomas and Sonia Soto-
“Indeed, good public servants work tire- The Supreme Court has said that it isn’t to abolish the concept completely. mayor had previously expressed interest in
lessly every single day to protect those rights, enough to show that the rights are violated. New Mexico follows a line of other states revisiting the doctrine, after they criticized
to ensure them, to safeguard New Mexi- Victims must also show that the action was that have abolished or limited the operation its operation.
cans. But when violations do occur, we as “clearly established,” and if they fail, the of the qualified immunity defense. Demo- Meanwhile, former President Donald
Americans know too well that the victims official could be granted qualified immu- crat-led Colorado was the first state to pass Trump’s administration, which was open
are disproportionately people of color, and nity. The “clearly established” rule, which a law that bypasses the operation of the de- to police reform, had criticized calls to elimi-
that there are too often roadblocks to fighting is seen to be problematic by critics of the fense by allowing individuals to bring civil nate qualified immunity. Trump’s last at-
for those inalienable rights in a court of law.” doctrine, requires the party suing the of- actions police officers who violate the state’s torney general, William Barr, said that in
Civil rights activists, legal scholars, and ficial to show that the facts in their case laws. The New York City Council last month situations in which an officer knowingly
lawmakers have called on the U.S. Supreme were sufficiently similar to the facts in prior also passed a similar law. and willfully violates a well-established right,
Court to revisit the doctrine, which they ar- court cases. The Supreme Court has so far refused to then it may be appropriate to hold the officer
gue prevents officials such as police officers Proponents say the doctrine is important take up any cases that present the justices civilly liable. But he said qualified immunity
from facing consequences for misconduct or to allow government officials, such as police with opportunities to revisit the issue. The is necessary to ensure police officers can do
abuse of power if their actions violate the U.S. officers, to carry out their jobs with protec- court last month turned away the chance to their job without fear.
Constitution but don’t contravene a “clearly tion from undue interference and threats of review the Supreme Court-made doctrine in Grisham on April 7 stressed that her
established” rule. liability. They also say it prevents frivolous or a case where a Cleveland man sued two po- state’s law is “not an anti-police bill.” She
The qualified immunity doctrine insulates retaliatory lawsuits against officers. lice officers who assaulted him while trying underscored that the law “does not en-
government officials from civil liability for Qualified immunity reentered the public to enter his home in 2016. The officers, who danger any first responder or public ser-
conduct required by the job. It comes from consciousness amid protests last summer wore plain clothes at the time, had mistaken vant—so long as they conduct themselves
the Supreme Court’s interpretation of 42 against police violence following George the home as a vacant home in a high-crime professionally within the bounds of our
U.S.C. Section 1983, commonly known as Floyd’s death in Minneapolis. The debate of neighborhood. constitution and with a deep and active
Section 1983, which provides a basis for whether the doctrine should still be upheld The justices didn’t give any reasoning for respect for the sacred rights it guarantees
people to sue state officials who violate a as sacrosanct has reached a crescendo in their decision. all of us as New Mexicans.”


Washington State Restores Voting Biden Announces New Gun Control

Actions, Says It’s a ‘Public Health Crisis’
Rights to Felons After Prison
MASOOMA HAQ and the right to vote will be restored
if a person is no longer in prison. President Joe Biden on April Biden is directing
Washington state is restoring voting This makes a lot easier to administer 8 announced several new gun the DOJ to issue
rights to people who have served and it also restores some amount of control measures after two mass
their prison sentence for felony dignity for our neighbors when we shootings last month, claim-
a proposed rule
convictions but may still be on pa- welcome them home,” she added. ing that shootings are a “public aimed at curbing
role and owe legal fees, under a law Republican state Rep. Jesse health crisis.” the spread of so-
signed by Gov. Jay Inslee on April 7. Young, an advocate of the bill, said “Gun violence in this country is
When the law takes effect in 2022, restoring rights to previous felons Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee an epidemic, and it’s an interna- called ghost guns.
it will restore voting rights to more should be a nonpartisan issue be- speaks at a press conference in Seat- tional embarrassment,” he said
tle on March 11, 2020.
than 20,000 people in the state, cause everyone deserves a second in a speech at the White House, viser to the gun control advocacy
according to the Brennan Center chance, as he learned watching his where he was joined by Vice Presi- group Everytown for Gun Safety
for Justice. Currently, people with mother fight and beat alcoholism. cycle to four weeks from nine and dent Kamala Harris and Attorney and currently an adviser at Gif-
felonies in the Evergreen State can Fifteen Republican representa- requires a minimum of one week General Merrick Garland. Reports fords, an organization that says it
only regain their right to vote after tives voted in favor of HB 1078. of early voting before Election Day. said several gun-control advocates works to stop gun violence.
completing all conditions of their Republicans who opposed the People who wish to vote absentee and local officials also attended. “I’ve fought my entire career to
sentence. measure argued that completing are faced with new requirements “Nothing I’m about to recom- end this violence and to pass rea-
“Today, I signed HB 1078, which probation and fulfilling “legal fi- as well. mend in any way impinges on sonable gun safety laws,” Harris
will restore voting rights for people nancial obligations” should be met Democrats have been saying laws the Second Amendment. They’re said as she introduced the presi-
who have completed their prison before the restoration of a person’s such as Georgia’s are an attempt phony arguments suggesting that dent on April 7.
sentence. This is a good day for right to vote. by Republicans to suppress votes, these are Second Amendment “The solutions exist. ... People on
democracy in Washington state,” “Beyond voting rights, first while Republicans say it is to bring rights at stake from what we’re both sides of the aisle want action,
Inslee wrote on Facebook. comes responsibility,” Republican greater integrity to the voting pro- talking about.” real people. ... So all that is left is
State Rep. Tarra Simmons, who state Rep. Jenny Graham said in cess. According to text provided by the will and the courage to act.”
introduced the legislation, said at the state House in late February. On March 26, President Joe Biden the White House, Biden is direct- Biden then called on Congress
a press conference that this was a “When somebody makes a decision criticized Georgia’s law as “a blatant ing the Department of Justice to, to take action, saying: “Enough
personal issue for her. to harm or kill another individual, attack on the Constitution and good within 30 days, issue a proposed prayers. ... It’s time for some action.”
Simmons, a Democrat, had been there is accountability that is due.” conscience.” He also labeled the law rule aimed at curbing the spread Earlier on April 8, several prom-
convicted of a felony. After her re- Meanwhile, Inslee praised his as a “Jim Crow in the 21st century,” of so-called ghost guns, or guns inent gun rights groups includ-
lease, she took the bar exam and, state for expanding voting rights referring to Jim Crow laws that that are made from build-it-your- ing the National Rifle Associa-
in November 2020, became the first with the passing of HB 1078, and enforced racial segregation in the self kits. tion (NRA) and Gun Owners of
former felon elected to the Legis- criticized states such as Georgia south. The government will also in America criticized Biden’s an-
lature. that have enacted laws for stricter Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp dis- the next two months issue a pro- nouncement.
“And there was a time where if a voter ID requirements. missed Biden’s comments, saying posed rule declaring that a pistol The latter group described
person was convicted of a felony, “While other states are restrict- “it is obvious that neither” the presi- equipped with a stabilizing brace Biden’s announcement as tyran-
they lost the right to vote forever. ing the right to vote, I’m glad that dent “nor his handlers have actually will be labeled a short-barreled ri- nical in nature.
However, over the years, the state in Washington, we are expanding read” the bill. fle, and it will publish model “red “Like a dictator, Biden is seeking
legislature has realized the social access to democracy,” Inslee said. “There is nothing ‘Jim Crow’ about flag” legislation for states. to unilaterally regulate firearms
and racial injustice is inherent in Georgia’s 95-page law adds a requiring a photo or state-issued ID Three other actions announced that gun owners currently own.
these policies,” she said. number of changes to the way to vote by absentee ballot—every April 7 by the administration in- And he’s doing this via executive
Simmons said that prior to her Georgians vote, including requir- Georgia voter must already do so clude investing in “community action—bypassing the constitu-
proposal, those who wanted their ing photo or state-approved iden- when voting in-person,” Kemp said. violence interventions” meant tional requirements which give
right to vote restored had to go tification to vote absentee by mail. “President Biden, the left, and the to curb the spike in murders and Congress the authority to pass leg-
through a complicated process and The law also mandates that secure national media are determined to shootings seen last year; issuing islation,” Gun Owners of America
weren’t allowed to miss a payment drop boxes be placed inside early destroy the sanctity and security of an annual report on firearms traf- said on April 8.
on their legal or financial obliga- voting locations, with constant the ballot box.” ficking; and nominating David The NRA, meanwhile, warned
tions. surveillance, and it expands early Chipman as the director of the after Biden’s speech that his or-
“Under House Bill 1078, there will voting across the state. Janita Kan contributed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and ders will “dismantle the Second
be no more complicated process The law also shortens the election to this report. Firearms. Chipman is a former ad- Amendment.”

Agrees to Remove
Names of Dead
Citizens From Voter
Rolls: Settlement

The state of Pennsylvania agreed to re-

move the names of deceased people from
voter rolls, an election-integrity watch-
dog group announced after reaching a
settlement with state officials.
The lawsuit, which was filed by the Pub-
lic Interest Legal Foundation in No-
vember 2020, alleged that some 21,000
registrants who had died were still on
the state’s voter rolls at the time of the
2020 presidential election. Pennsylvania
agreed to compare its voter-registration
database with the Social Security Death
Index, and then direct all county election
commissions to remove the names of
dead registrants.

The foundation said

that nearly 2,000 voters
The Wyoming Capitol in Cheyenne, in this file photo. had been dead for more
than 10 years.
Wyoming Governor Signs Bill “This marks an important victory for
the integrity of elections in Pennsyl-

Requiring Photo ID at Polls vania,” Public Interest Legal Founda-

tion President and General Counsel J.
Christian Adams said in a statement in
announcing the court’s decision. “The
MICHAEL CUMMO/WYOMING TRIBUNE EAGLE VIA AP Commonwealth’s failure to remove
JACK PHILLIPS deceased registrants created a vast op-
portunity for voter fraud and abuse. It is
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon this week important to not have dead voters active
signed into law a bill that requires voters to on the rolls for 5, 10, or even 20 years. This
present photo identification in order to vote. settlement fixes that.”
The Republican governor signed House The lawsuit was filed after the Nov. 3
Bill 75, which requires voters to present valid election and when then-candidate Joe
government-issued ID before casting a bal- Biden took a lead over President Don-
lot. Identification could include a driver’s ald Trump in Pennsylvania. Ultimately,
license, a tribal identification card, a Wyo- the Pennsylvania Secretary of Common-
ming identification card, a U.S. passport, a wealth’s office certified the election.
U.S. military card, an ID from a university or The foundation said it found that 9,212
public school within the state, or a Medicare of the 21,000 voters had been dead for
or Medicaid insurance card. more than five years, and nearly 2,000
The bill was approved by both chambers voters had been dead for more than
of the state legislature on April 1 with over- 10 years.
whelming support. The settlement stipulates that the “De-
partment of State shall transmit to each
county commission the names of the in-
dividuals registered in each respective
It is a necessary function county identified as deceased as a result
of the comparison undertaken” with the
of our Republic to provide “death data set received” from Electronic
our citizens with confi- Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon speaks in Cheyenne, Wyo., on March 2, 2021. Registration Information Center that was
dence that our elections then “compared to the full voter registra-
thing in our power to encourage (voting), Georgia recently came under intense scru- tion database ... for the purpose of iden-
are secure, fair, and valid. especially with our young people, our new tiny for passing a series of election reforms, tifying persons who are ineligible to vote
Wyoming state Rep. Chuck Gray people, our people of color, and those less including requiring state-approved identi- by reason of the registrant’s death.”
fortunate. This bill doesn’t encourage that,” fication to vote absentee by mail. The Peach In response, the Pennsylvania Depart-
said Rep. Andi Clifford, a Democrat who State has since faced corporate backlash ment of State, which didn’t agree in the
In a statement to The Epoch Times, State challenged the bill. and criticism from critics of the law, but state settlement with the number of dead vot-
Rep. Chuck Gray, a Republican who spon- The Wyoming chapter of the American officials have remained firm over the need ers alleged, said the agreement to remove
sored the legislation, described the passage Civil Liberties Union said in a statement for legislative measures to advance election the voters “includes no finding of inad-
at the time as “a victory for the citizens of that it opposes the bill but didn’t indicate integrity following the state’s contended re- equacy on the part of Pennsylvania and
Wyoming.” whether it would challenge the measure. sults in the November 2020 election. its counties,” according to the Washing-
“It is a necessary function of our Repub- The enactment of the bill comes amid Data from a recent  Associated Press ton Times. Officials didn’t immediately
lic to provide our citizens with confidence a contentious battle over voting rights poll has found that nearly three-quarters respond to a request by The Epoch Times
that our elections are secure, fair, and valid. and election integrity that was triggered of Americans agree that photo identifica- for comment.
Even though it took over 20 years for us to following the expansion of absentee voting tion should be required to vote. Seventy-two “The Department of State is pleased
pass this necessary legislation, I am proud during the 2020 election. Voter ID laws have percent of respondents reported that they that this agreement will offer Pennsylva-
that we were able to meet this important long been opposed by the Democratic Par- were in favor of requiring all voters to pro- nia’s county boards of election another
milestone for Wyoming,” he said. ty, which characterizes such laws as “voter vide photo ID in order to vote. It added that valuable tool to maintain the most accu-
Meanwhile, some Democrats in the state suppression.” They’re concerned that some those in support of the requirement were rate and up-to-date voter rolls possible,”
have argued that the law would impose un- Americans don’t hold the proper documen- mostly Republicans (91 percent). the department added in a statement.
necessary burdens on voters, which they tation needed to meet the requirement. The AP poll was conducted between Mar. The Department of State also agreed
argue would result in “voter suppression.” Meanwhile, voter ID laws are common in 26 and 29 with 1,166 adults and has a mar- to pay $7,500 to the foundation to par-
“I think when you look at how our elec- Republican-led states but usually impose gin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.6 tially cover attorneys fees and other
tion structure works, we need to do every- the requirement for in-person voting. percentage points. related costs.


Replace Confucius Institutes With eight that are scheduled to close. Of these,
44 are at American colleges and universities

‘Censorship-Free Alternatives,’ and one is at a private educational organiza-

tion, the China Institute. There are also five

GOP Lawmakers Urge CIs at K–12 public school districts.

Separately, 74 such institutes have so far
closed or are in the process of closing, ac-
ISABEL VAN BRUGEN propaganda and stifling academic expres- cording to NAS.
sion across college campuses around the “As IHEs take prudent steps to mitigate
Republican lawmakers this week urged the world. They’re funded and largely staffed by the malign aspects of Confucius Insti-
Department of Education to look to Taiwan Hanban, a nonprofit that claims to be non- tutes—often through their closure—in a
to provide “censorship-free alternatives” governmental but is directly controlled by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) speaks during globalized world, there remains high stu-
for teaching Mandarin and Chinese cul- the CCP, according to a report by the Senate a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington dent demand for studies relating to Man-
ture on U.S. campuses, in place of Chinese Homeland Security Committee’s investiga- on Oct. 26, 2020. darin language and Chinese culture and
Communist Party (CCP)-funded Confucius tions subcommittee. history,” the group said.
Institutes (CI). Steel and Blackburn are leading the ex- darin language and Chinese culture, “Taiwan can help the U.S. meet that de-
In a letter to Education Secretary Miguel pansion of the U.S.–Taiwan Education Ini- specifically those offered by Taiwan,” the mand. ‘Learning Mandarin from Taiwanese
Cardona, Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Calif.) and tiative, which was established by the State signatories wrote. teachers means learning Mandarin in an en-
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) led a group Department Bureau of Educational and U.S. officials under the Trump adminis- vironment free from censorship or coercion,’
of more than 20 lawmakers in calling on Cultural Affairs in December 2020. The tration criticized CIs over concerns that the according to the Director of the American
the department to pay attention to concerns initiative seeks to develop more programs institutes spread communist propaganda, Institute in Taiwan,” the lawmakers added.
regarding the presence of CIs at American to teach the Mandarin language on U.S. restrict academic freedom, and facilitate Boosting the U.S.–Taiwan Education Ini-
institutions of higher education (IHE). campuses. CCP espionage in U.S. classrooms. tiative will help safeguard academic free-
Billed as language and culture centers, “We urge the Department of Education According to the National Association of dom at America’s IHEs, they said.
the Beijing-funded CIs have drawn intense (DOE) to explore censorship-free alterna- Scholars (NAS), as of March 25, a total of 50 The DOE didn’t immediately respond to a
scrutiny over their role in spreading Chinese tives to support the instruction of Man- CIs currently exist in the country, including request by The Epoch Times for comment.

Cowboys for Trump Leader Has Partial Firearm

Rights Restored: Reports

Couy Griffin, founder of the orga-

nization Cowboys for Trump, has
had his right to have a firearm re-
instated—with limitations—with
the favorable court ruling coming
after Griffin complained of receiv-
ing death threats, according to
multiple reports.

I am going to al-
low him to have
guns at his place
of residence, giv-
en your lack of
criminal record,
and your con-
cerns about safety.
Judge Trevor N. McFadden

Judge Trevor N. McFadden of the

U.S. District Court for the District
of Columbia ruled on April 7 to
allow Griffin to keep guns, but
only in his home, according to
local outlet KOB-TV.
“I am going to allow him to have
guns at his place of residence, giv-
en your lack of criminal record,
and your concerns about safety,”
Protesters stand on the East steps of the Capitol Building after storming the grounds in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
McFadden said, according to In-
ner City Press. “You live in a rural JEENAH MOON/GETTY IMAGES

area where police response is go- weighed Griffin’s unrepentant ily with crosshairs on each of our in a protest over election integrity.
ing to be delayed. No guns in the appearance among the crowd heads including my son who was When Griffin arrived at the U.S.
car, though.” at the Capitol against his candid not even a month old,” he said, ac- Capitol, he noticed a large crowd
Griffin,  who is also a county subsequent interactions with law cording to the outlet. forming around the barricade
commissioner in New Mexico, enforcement. She noted repeatedly Griffin’s lawyers argued that even and said he was “caught up” in
was arrested by the FBI on Jan. 17 that Griffin on Jan. 6 didn’t carry if convicted of current charges, they that crowd, which pushed its way
and charged with knowingly en- weapons, commit violence, or enter are misdemeanors and wouldn’t through the barricades and into a
tering or remaining in a restrict- the Capitol. lead to him losing his gun rights. restricted area, he told agents.
ed building or grounds without “I appreciate that the charge While the U.S. attorney repre- Griffin said he and his friend
lawful entry after video footage here is that he disregarded signage senting the government in its case didn’t enter the U.S. Capitol build-
showed him breaching the Capitol about restricted areas of the Capi- against Griffin objected to restor- ing at any time and remained on
grounds on Jan. 6, according to tol on Jan. 6. But his subsequent ing his right to possess firearms, the steps outside the building dur-
the Justice Department. He denies cooperation with law enforcement McFadden ruled to allow it. He set ing the breach. During that time, he
federal charges that he knowingly Otero County Commission Chairman showed that he is not a person who the next proceeding for April 27. led a group of protesters in prayer
and Cowboys for Trump co-founder
entered barricaded areas of the has a categorical disdain and dis- Under the terms of Griffin’s re- using a bullhorn “outside the Capi-
Couy Griffin rides his horse on Fifth
Capitol grounds with the intent to Avenue in New York on May 1, 2020. regard for any and every govern- lease pending trial, he is banned tol, but up where the president is
disrupt government as Congress ment act or authority,” Howell said from visiting Washington outside inaugurated at.” Videos of the in-
convened for a joint session to cer- at the time. of court proceedings, must sur- cident and other open-source ma-
tify electoral votes. government is accusing me,” Grif- Griffin told the court on April 7 render his passport, and—prior terials corroborated Griffin’s state-
At the April 7 hearing, Griffin fin said, Inner City Press reported. that he has received death threats. to McFadden’s April 7 ruling— ments, according to the affidavit.
addressed the court, reiterating Initially held in pretrial detention, “I want my firearms back, to pro- was prohibited from possessing He said that the police never
his position that he isn’t guilty. He Griffin was released from federal tect my family,” according to In- a firearm. asked him to leave the area, and
waived his right to a jury trial and prison on Feb. 5, pending trial, and ner City Press. According to the Justice Depart- he and his friend exited the U.S.
instead requested a bench trial. returned to New Mexico. Griffin detailed the threats at an ment and an affidavit, Griffin told Capitol grounds peacefully.
“I’m not concerned about being In an order, Chief U.S. District Otero County Commission meet- FBI special agents that he had trav-
found guilty. I didn’t enter the Capi- Judge Beryl Howell overturned ing in February, KOB-TV reports. eled to the nation’s capital on Jan. 6 Janita Kan and The Associated
tol. I did not partake in what the a lower court ruling, saying she “I received pictures of my fam- with another person to participate Press contributed to this report.

Texas Man Pleads Guilty to Smuggling YouTube Suddenly Deletes Video of DeSantis’s
119 Illegal Aliens in Refrigerated Trailer
COVID-19 Roundtable
MIMI NGUYEN LY company in Laredo to a destina- JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES

tion in Sugar Land. JACK PHILLIPS

A Houston man has pleaded The business that Rhodes
guilty to smuggling 119 illegal claimed to work for told officials YouTube took down a video of
aliens into the United States, that he wasn’t an employee and a roundtable conference hosted
the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the that the company doesn’t send by Republican Florida Gov. Ron
Southern District of Texas said produce outside the Houston DeSantis, which featured for-
on April 7. area. The other two companies mer White House coronavirus
Brodrick Keith Rhodes, 32, had confirmed they had no record of task force member and medical
claimed on Jan. 12 after having the shipment. scholar Dr. Scott Atlas and the
arrived at the Freer Border Patrol When authorities inspected the three co-authors of the Great
checkpoint that he was carrying cargo area, they found the illegal Barrington Declaration.
lettuce in his semi-truck with a immigrants, who told them that “The efforts in Florida to protect
refrigerated trailer, officials said. they were taken to the truck and the elderly while permitting the
Border Patrol authorities no- told to get into the trailer, after rest of society to function nor-
ticed that the trailer was set to 30 which the truck began moving mally led to a success that has
degrees Fahrenheit (minus 1 de- and didn’t seem to stop until the been celebrated the world over.
gree Celsius) but had an internal border checkpoint. It causes major disruption to the
temperature of 68 F (20 degrees Sentencing for Rhodes is ex- lockdown narrative that the only Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at a news conference at the Jackson
C). They also noticed there were pected on July 27. He faces a way to suppress a virus is to sup- Memorial Hospital in Miami on July 13, 2020.
some discrepancies with his bill maximum federal prison sen- press rights and freedoms,” the
of lading, a document issued by a tence of 27 years and a fine of up American Institute for Economic video, one sees the YouTube Institute for Economic Research
carrier to confirm receipt of cargo to $250,000. He remains on bond Research stated. message, “This video has been stated.
for shipment. pending the court date. It added that the roundtable removed for violating YouTube’s Several weeks ago, YouTube
While Rhodes said he worked Texas in recent months has “came to serve as a tutorial in Community Guidelines.” confirmed that it removed a vid-
for a business in La Porte, Texas, stepped up its response to a re- the relationship between public YouTube officials didn’t im- eo from conservative commenta-
the document said he was trans- cent surge in the influx of ille- policy and virus mitigation.” mediately respond to a request tor Steven Crowder for allegedly
porting “lettuce” from a produce gal aliens, including by human The March 18 video featured by The Epoch Times for com- violating the platform’s content
smuggling, across the southern Atlas as well as Harvard profes- ment. YouTube, which is owned policies regarding COVID-19.
border. sor of medicine Dr. Martin Kull- by Google, hasn’t issued a public “This video violates our CO-
At the start of March, Gov. Greg dorff, Oxford professor of epide- comment on the matter. VID-19 misinformation policy,
Abbott announced the launch of miology Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and “This policy has now run afoul which prohibits content claim-
“Operation Lone Star” to combat Stanford professor of medicine of the basic needs of public health ing that the death rates of CO-
the smuggling of people and con- and epidemiologist Dr. Jay Bhat- messaging, science, and sound VID-19 are less severe or equally
traband. The operation has led to tacharya. policy decision making, even to as severe as the common cold or
referrals for more than 16,000 il- On April 7, YouTube “suddenly the point of removing a serious seasonal flu,” YouTube said in a
legal aliens to Customs and Bor- deleted the entire video from its forum of a popular government statement in March to Bloom-
der Protection and the arrests of platform,” according to the in- along with his scientific advisors berg News. “As a result, the
598 criminals by the Texas De- stitute. from Harvard, Stanford, and Ox- video was removed from Steven
partment of Public Safety. When trying to access the ford universities,” the American Crowder’s channel.”

in the far-western Xinjiang region. ally evolved into a greater call for
Thiel said he was told, “We don’t democracy such as universal suf-
know and don’t ask any questions.” frage, but protests subsided in early
“It’s some combination of wish- 2020 as Hong Kong was hit by the
ful thinking. It’s useful idiots, it’s pandemic.
CCP fifth columnist collabora- CCP officials and China’s state-
tors,” Thiel said about Google and run media have portrayed Hong
other tech companies that have Kong protesters as a “small number
chosen to remain quiet on certain of people,” among them “extrem-
China issues. ists,” “rioters,” and “violent radi-
“If you think of it ideologically or cals,” while touting that the “major-
in terms of human rights or some- ity of Hongkongers” didn’t support
thing like that, I’m tempted to say the movement. What’s more, the
it’s just profoundly racist. It’s like Chinese regime has accused West-
saying that because they look dif- ern governments of “interfering”
ferent, they’re not white people, in its “internal affairs” for voicing
they don’t have the same rights.” support for the protesters.
The CCP is committing genocide
against Uyghur Muslims in Xin- Calling Them Out
jiang, subjecting them to forced Pointing to Facebook as an exam-
sterilization, forced abortion, tor- ple, Thiel said some U.S. tech com-
ture, forced labor, and the removal panies had a difficult time taking a
of children from their families. The hard stance against China because
Chinese regime rounded up more of how they saw themselves.
than 1 million Uyghurs and is hold- “There’s something about the
ing them in internment camps—fa- ‘woke’ politics inside these com-
Tech billionaire investor Peter Thiel attends the inaugural meeting of the American Technology Council at the Eisen- cilities China touts as “vocational panies, the way they think of them-
hower Executive Office Building in Washington on June 19, 2017. training schools.” selves as not really American com-
“Even though we are ahead of ba- panies.”

Peter Thiel Calls Out Big Tech’s

sic science of AI, China is willing to To stop China’s infiltration into
apply it and turn the entire society the U.S. tech sector, Thiel has one
into a face recognition surveillance recommendation: “Keep putting a

Collaboration With Chinese

state that is far more intrusive and certain amount of pressure on Sili-
totalitarian than even Stalinist con Valley. You need to call people
Russia was. That is something we out on that relentlessly.”
are not willing to do,” Thiel said. “We need to call companies

Communist Regime At Facebook, Thiel said it was dif-

ficult for the social media giant to
take a tough stance on China be-
like Google out on working on AI
with communist China not with
U.S. military,” he said. “I think we
cause of its employee base—many should be putting a lot of pressure
of them were Chinese nationals. on Apple with its whole labor force
FRANK FANG Google not to renew a Pentagon CCP strategy involves intellectual For instance, Thiel pointed to de- supply chain on the iPhone manu-
contract in 2018, which provides property theft in order to “achieve bates among employees about the facturing in China.
Tech billionaire investor Peter Thiel the U.S. military with artificial in- military dominance.” Hong Kong protests in 2019. “Apple is one that has real syner-
criticized major U.S. technology telligence (AI) for analyzing drone Additionally, Tsinghua Univer- “The employees from Hong Kong gies with China.”
companies for being too cozy with video footage in a program called sity is among more than 60 Chinese were all in favor of the protests and The U.S. smartphone giant has
the Chinese Communist Party Project Maven. Google’s reason for universities that are under the su- free speech, but there were more made a number of controversial
(CCP) and called on them to undo not continuing the military project pervision of China’s State Adminis- employees at Facebook who were decisions related to China in recent
their Chinese ties. was that it didn’t support “the use of tration of Science, Technology, and born in China,” Thiel said. years, including moving some of its
“Since everything in China is AI for weaponized systems.” Industry for National Defense. “The Chinese nationals actually iCloud data to China-based serv-
civilian-military fusion, Google Also in 2018, Google decided to said that it was just Western ar- ers, pulling crowd-sourced app
was effectively working with the cooperate with China’s Tsinghua Turning a Blind Eye rogance and shouldn’t be taking HKmap.live from its App Store,
Chinese military, not with the University on a new AI research Thiel also said that he spoke to Hong Kong’s side, and then the rest and Apple’s CEO Tim Cook being
American military,” Thiel said dur- body. Google insiders and was told that of the employees at Facebook sort named the chairman of Tsinghua
ing an April 6 virtual roundtable Tsinghua University was also the internet search giant decided of stayed out of it. University’s School of Economics
hosted by the Richard Nixon Foun- named in the Pentagon’s 2020 re- to work with China because “they “But the internal debate felt like and Management.
dation. Former Secretary of State port on China’s military power for figured they might as well give the people were actually more anti- The map app was popular among
Mike Pompeo and former White having laboratories affiliated with technology out the front door, be- Hong Kong than pro-Hong Kong.” Hong Kong protesters to avoid di-
House national security adviser the Chinese military and ties to the cause if they didn’t give it—it would Hong Kong’s pro-democracy rect confrontation with the Hong
Robert O’Brien also took part in CCP’s military-civil fusion strategy, get stolen anyway.” movement began in June 2019 Kong Police, who have been heavily
the event. which allows the communist re- In another conversation with when millions took to the streets criticized for their violent handling
Thiel is also a co-founder of Pay- gime to leverage commercial tech- some “Google people,” Thiel said he in protest against an extradition bill of protesters.
Pal and a member of Facebook’s nologies for military development. asked whether Google’s AI technol- that would have allowed suspects Google, Facebook, and Apple
board of directors. The State Department has ogy was being used by the Chinese in Hong Kong to be sent to China didn’t immediately return requests
He was referring to a decision by warned on its website that the regime to run concentration camps for trial. The movement eventu- by The Epoch Times for comment.


Chinese Embassy in Australia Downplays Chinese


‘Rumors’ of Uyghur Abuses in Xinjiang

to Australia
Cheng Jingye
speaks to
the media
DANIEL Y. TENG “rumors” about concentration peration” to hold the event. during a press
camps, forced labor, religious “The Australian community is al- conference
The Chinese Embassy in Australia conversion, and the sterilization ready aware of the harsh realities at the
on April 7 painted a rosy picture of women. of human rights abuses and geno- ambassador’s
residence in
of life in Xinjiang Province dur- “These allegations cannot be cide being committed,” it wrote in
ing an extraordinary press event, more preposterous, and they are a Facebook post. Australia,
while warning the government in downright lies,” he said. The vid- Liberal Sen. Eric Abetz called the on Dec.
Canberra against joining the EU, eo was also aired in London last video a “sickening display of pro- 19, 2019.
UK, and the United States in sanc- month as part of a global propa- paganda,” saying there was ample
tioning Chinese officials over the ganda push. evidence of human rights abuses in forced sterilization. are provoked, we will respond in
oppression of the Uyghur ethnic Chinese Ambassador to Austra- the province. “Though the CCP tries to hide and kind,” he said.
minority group in the northwest- lia Cheng Jingye said the event “From the inquiry by the Cana- obfuscate information from Xinji- Ahead of the press conference,
ern region. was organized to “help” Austra- dian House of Commons Subcom- ang and the human rights abuses Prime Minister Scott Morrison
Local media outlets were treated lian journalists understand the mittee on International Human committed there, increasing evi- indicated the government would
to a two-hour presentation, titled situation in Xinjiang after there Rights, the horrific report from dence reveals the CCP’s intention continue speaking out on human
“Xinjiang Is a Wonderful Land,” had been “distorted coverage the BBC, and the recent and first to commit genocide against the rights issues.
featuring testimonials from Uy- about Xinjiang in certain West- independent expert application of Uyghur people,” he said. “We want a positive relationship,
ghurs and Xinjiang officials pro- ern media.” the 1948 Genocide Convention, the Cheng also warned Australia but we will have a positive relation-
moting the region’s economic “Those reports are basically truth of what is occurring in Xin- against adopting similar sanctions ship that is consistent with Austra-
growth and religious harmony. based on disinformation or mis- jiang is slowly revealing itself,” he to those introduced by the United lia acting in accordance with its
Erkin Tuniyaz, vice chairman information,” he added. told The Epoch Times in an email. States, United Kingdom, and Eu- values and its national character,”
of Xinjiang Province, claimed for- The Australian Uyghur Tangri- The senator also pointed to the ropean Union against Chinese he told reporters in Canberra.
eigners with ulterior motives were tagh Women’s Association said dropping birth rate in Xinjiang, officials involved in human rights “That would never be something
turning a blind eye to the positives the Chinese Communist Party from 15.88 percent in 2017 to 8.14 violations in the region. that we would yield for the sake of
of the region and were spreading must have been in a “state of des- percent in 2019, as evidence of “We will not provoke, but if we a relationship.”

US Adds Chinese Supercomputing Entities to Trade Blacklist Over Chinese Military Ties
The U.S. Commerce Department to its blacklist. “Supercomputing capabilities ately but don’t apply to goods from the Chinese regime’s repression
said on April 8 that it was adding The Commerce Department are vital for the development of U.S. suppliers already en route. against ethnic Musim minorities
seven Chinese supercomputing en- said the seven were “involved with many—perhaps almost all—mod- During the administration of in the region of Xinjiang.
tities to a U.S. economic blacklist for building supercomputers used ern weapons and national security former U.S. President Donald The Biden administration is still
assisting Chinese military efforts. by China’s military actors, its de- systems, such as nuclear weapons Trump, the United States added formulating its China policy and
The department is adding Tian- stabilizing military modernization and hypersonic weapons,” Com- dozens of Chinese companies to has broadly indicated that it will
jin Phytium Information Tech- efforts, and/or weapons of mass merce Secretary Gina Raimondo its economic blacklist, including continue the Trump administra-
nology, Shanghai High-Perfor- destruction programs.” said in a statement. the country’s top smartphone tion’s tough-on-China posture.
mance Integrated Circuit Design This is the first time the Biden Companies or others listed on maker Huawei Technologies, top President Joe Biden has repeat-
Center, Sunway Microelectron- administration has taken action the U.S. Entity List are required to chipmaker SMIC, and the largest edly said the United States is in
ics, the National Supercomputing to penalize Chinese companies on apply for licenses from the Com- drone manufacturer, SZ DJI Tech- “extreme competition” with the
Center Jinan, the National Super- national security grounds. merce Department and face tough nology Co Ltd. Chinese regime.
computing Center Shenzhen, the The Chinese Embassy in Wash- scrutiny when they seek permis- Those companies were sanc-
National Supercomputing Center ington didn’t immediately respond sion to receive items from U.S. tioned for a range of reasons, in- By David Shepardson. Cathy He
Wuxi, and the National Super- to requests by The Epoch Times for suppliers. cluding their role in aiding the contributed to this report. 
computing Center Zhengzhou comment. The new rules take effect immedi- Chinese military and supporting From Reuters


Northern Irish
Leaders Set Aside
Bickering to Urge
End to Violence
BELFAST—Northern Ireland’s Irish nationalist party Sinn Fein
power-sharing government put and others accused First Minister
aside factional differences on Arlene Foster’s Democratic Union-
April 8 to appeal for calm after ist Party of inflaming hostilities
more than a week of nightly vio- with their opposition to the new
lence partly fuelled by frustration trade barriers that their supporters
among pro-British unionists over feel erase part of their UK identity.
post-Brexit trade barriers. After London left the European
Hundreds of youths in the Brit- Union’s orbit at the start of this
ish province’s capital Belfast set a year, checks and tariffs were in-
hijacked bus on fire and attacked troduced on some goods moving
police with stones on April 7 in from mainland Britain to Northern
scenes reviving memories of Ireland as the province was now
decades of sectarian strife that bordering the bloc via EU member
Youths clash at the Peace Gate at the Springfield Road/Lanark Way interface in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on April 7, 2021.
claimed some 3,600 lives prior to Ireland.
a 1998 peace deal. The DUP has pointed to a police
The latest violence has injured decision last week not to prosecute tion of our young people to fall vic- Parts of the region remain deep-
55 police officers and seen boys Sinn Fein for a large funeral last tim to that path or be preyed upon ly split 23 years after the Good
as young as 13 and 14 arrested on year that broke COVID-19 regu- These are scenes by some who prefer the shadows Friday peace deal. Many nation-
rioting charges. lations. They called for Northern we haven’t seen to the light.” alists aspire to unification with
“We are gravely concerned by the Ireland’s police chief to step down in Northern Ire- Police said on April 8 that in some Ireland while unionists want to
scenes we have all witnessed on over the matter. instances, adults had stood clap- stay in the UK.
our streets,” said the compulsory Irish Foreign Minister Simon land for a very ping while youngsters committed The European Commission,
coalition, led by rival pro-Irish Coveney said a number of factors long time; they are crimes of violence. which is in talks with the British
Catholic nationalists and pro- were responsible for the anger, scenes that many Deputy First Minister Michelle government to try to ease some of
British Protestant unionists. and that the post-Brexit trading O’Neill of Sinn Fein said the the trade barriers, condemned the
“While our political positions are arrangements were clearly one people thought spreading of trouble to an interface violence.
very different on many issues, we of them. were consigned between unionist and Irish nation- “This needs to stop before some-
are all united in our support for law Foster said on April 8 that it alist communities was a dangerous body is killed or seriously injured,”
and order and we collectively state wasn’t the time to rehearse those
to history. escalation and that it was a miracle added Ireland’s Coveney on na-
our support for policing,” its state- arguments. Ireland’s Coveney nobody had died. tional Irish broadcaster RTE.
ment added. “It’s safe to say we should all know Large groups threw fireworks, “These are scenes we haven’t seen
Britain’s Minister for Northern well that when politics fail or are bricks, and petrol bombs at each in Northern Ireland for a very long
Ireland Brandon Lewis was trav- perceived to be failing, those who other late on April 8 from either time; they are scenes that many
eling to the province for talks, the fill the vacuum offer destruction side of one of Belfast’s so-called people thought were consigned
BBC broadcaster said. To the south, and despair,” she told the regional “peace walls” that have divided to history.”
Ireland’s government had urged the assembly, which was recalled to the two communities in parts of
province’s leaders to come together discuss the clashes. the city since the so-called “Trou- By Jason Cairnduff
after days of blaming each other. “We cannot allow a new genera- bles” began. From Reuters


Hong Kong Democracy Activist

Nathan Law Granted Asylum in UK
Zelenskiy Hong Kong democracy activist
visits positions
Nathan Law says he has been
of armed
forces near granted political asylum in Brit-
the frontline ain, nearly nine months after ar-
with Russian- riving in London.
backed “After several interviews in 4
separatists months, the Home Office has
during his informed me that my asylum ap-
working trip plication is approved,” he wrote
in Donbass, on Twitter on April 7.
Ukraine, on “The fact that I am wanted un-
April 8, 2021. der the National Security Law
shows that I am exposed to se- Exiled Hong Kong pro-democracy

Merkel Tells Putin to Pull Back Troops as vere political persecution and am
unlikely to return to Hong Kong
activist Nathan Law holds a placard
outside the Italian Foreign Ministry

Kremlin Accuses Ukraine of Provocations without risk,” he wrote.

Law left Hong Kong and arrived
in Rome on Aug. 25, 2020.

in the UK in July 2020, after the plicated situation in Hong Kong.”

Chinese regime imposed a dra- He suggested that “to free more
BERLIN/MOSCOW—German newed hostilities,” he said. asked if Russia would protect its conian national security law on protesters from Beijing’s authori-
Chancellor Angela Merkel told citizens in eastern Ukraine. the former British colony. tarian oppression, the Home Of-
Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘Forced to Defend’ Referring in his reply to Srebren- The legislation gives Beijing fice could consider more compre-
on April 8 to pull back the Krem- A senior Kremlin official said on ica, where 8,000 Muslim men and sweeping powers to target indi- hensive evidence when coping
lin’s military build-up near the April 8 that Moscow could under boys were killed by Bosnian Serb viduals for any acts of secession, with Hong Kong cases.”
border with Ukraine, while he, in certain circumstances be forced forces during Bosnia’s 1992–1995 subversion, and collusion with China’s foreign ministry on
turn, accused Kyiv of “provocative to defend its citizens in Donbas war, he said: “It all depends on the foreign forces, with a maximum April 8 condemned the UK’s
actions” in the conflict region. and that major hostilities could scale of the fire. If there is, as our penalty of life imprisonment. granting of asylum to Law, call-
Ukraine has raised the alarm mark the beginning of the end of president says, Srebrenica, appar- ing it “gross interference in Hong
over an increase in Russian forces Ukraine as a country. ently we will have to step in to de- Kong’s judicial system.”
near its eastern border as violence The Kremlin said in its readout of fend [them].” Also on April 8, the British gov-
has risen along with the line of the Merkel phone call that “Vladi- Ukraine and Western countries I am exposed to ernment announced the launch
contact separating its troops from mir Putin noted provocative ac- say Donbas separatists have been of a 43 million pound ($59 mil-
Russian-backed separatists in its tions by Kyiv, which is deliberately armed, led, funded, and aided by
severe political lion) dedicated support package
Donbas region. inflaming the situation along the Russians. Moscow has denied in- persecution and for Hong Kong British National
“The Chancellor demanded that line of contact.” terfering. While a ceasefire halted am unlikely to re- (Overseas) status holders and
this build-up be unwound in or- Ukraine’s President Volodymyr full-scale warfare in 2015, sporadic their families to help them settle
der to deescalate the situation,” Zelensky flew to eastern Donbas in fighting has continued. turn to Hong Kong successfully into life in the UK.
Germany’s government said in a show of support on April 8 two without risk. After the Chinese regime adopt-
a readout of a telephone call be- days after he called on NATO to lay By Thomas Escritt & ed the national security law for
Nathan Law, Hong Kong
tween Merkel and Putin. out a path for Ukraine to join the Tom Balmforth Hong Kong in June 2020, Britain
democracy activist
Russia has said its forces pose military bloc, whose expansion From Reuters launched a new visa scheme to
no threat and are defensive, and Moscow fiercely opposes. HANNIBAL HANSCHKE/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
offer BN(O) status holders a path
they would stay there as long as The rouble hit a five-month low Law thanked those who have to citizenship.
Moscow saw fit. on April 7 a day after Russia said it supported him but expressed According to the UK Home Of-
The Kremlin dismissed a Ukrai- had begun a planned inspection concerns for the fate of other fice, approximately 27,000 BN(O)
nian accusation that the build- of its army’s combat readiness in- Hong Kong asylum seekers who status holders and their family
up was intended to distract from volving thousands of drills. may be less fortunate than he has members had applied for the spe-
domestic issues, including jailed On April 8, Dmitry Kozak, a been. cial visa as of March 19.
opposition leader Alexei Navalny, senior Kremlin official, said “Some may not have enough The government estimated in
ahead of September parliamen- Ukraine’s government was like evidence to substantiate their 2020 that between 123,000 and
tary elections. “children playing with matches.” claims due to lack of media re- 153,000 Hongkongers could take
“This has nothing to do with “I support the assessment that ports or fleeing before the per- up the route in the first year, and
any detainees or anyone,” Krem- the start of military action—this secution. Fears over their claims the figure may reach between
lin press secretary Dmitry Peskov would be the beginning of the being denied, most of them live 258,000 and 322,000 over five
told Reuters. Russia has to react end of Ukraine,” the deputy head in distress and anxiety,” he wrote. years.
with caution when it has “such a of Russia’s presidential adminis- German Chancellor Angela Merkel at He wrote that he hopes his own
restless region as Ukraine near our tration said. a cabinet meeting at the Chancellery case could “help the Home Office Reuters contributed
borders with the potential for re- At a news conference, Kozak was in Berlin on March 31, 2021. understand more about the com- to this report.

European Court Rules Mandatory Vaccination

for Children Doesn’t Violate Human Rights

The European Court of Human

Rights (ECHR) on April 8 ruled
that compulsory childhood vac-
cination in the Czech Republic
doesn’t violate  the European
Convention on Human Rights and
could be regarded as being “nec-
essary in a democratic society.”

One of the parents

was fined for refus-
ing to vaccinate his
The Grand Chamber judgment,
held by a 16–1 vote, was on six
complaints against the Czech
government over its vaccination The audience
policy that mandates children to room of the
receive two vaccines—hexava- European
lent and MMR—against nine Court for
diseases. Human Rights
One of the parents was fined for in Strasbourg,
refusing to vaccinate his children. France, on April
In the other cases, the children 23, 2015.
had been rejected from preschools
after they hadn’t received one or as the rights of others” and is in into preschools, the ECHR stated rately under Article 2 of Protocol that the ruling “emphasized the
both of the mandatory vaccina- the best interest of children. that it does mean “the loss of an No. 1 (right to education) to the importance of social solidarity
tions for various reasons. The ECHR also stated that important opportunity to devel- Convention,” the ECHR said in a in society.”
The court said it recognized that there’s a “wide margin of appre- op their personalities,” but the statement. Zuzana Candigliota, a lawyer
compulsory vaccination repre- ciation” for the policy, and that the impact was limited since their According to Czech tabloid the who represented the parents, said
sents “an interference with physi- punishment for violating the rules primary school education hadn’t Blesk, the Czech Office of the the verdict is “disappointing.”
cal integrity” and therefore con- is proportionate. been affected. Government Plenipotentiary said “For us, the verdict is, of course,
cerns Article 8 (right to respect for “The fine imposed on Mr. “The Court also declared, by a the ruling “sent a message to the disappointing, as the uncritical
private life) of the human rights VavĜiþka had not been exces- majority, the complaints under world.” vaccination ideology prevailed
convention. sive,” the ECHR stated, referring Article 9 (freedom of thought and “In addition to fundamental before a thorough assessment of
But the Czech policy, the ECHR to Pavel VavĜiþka, the parent fined conscience) of the Convention in- rights, a person also has basic du- the adequacy of enforcing a po-
stated, “pursued the legitimate for not vaccinating his children. admissible and that there was no ties and responsibilities towards tentially risky intrusion on bodily
aims of protecting health as well For the children not accepted need to examine the case sepa- others,” the office stated, adding integrity, which is vaccination.”

3rd Health Minister Fired in Virus-Battered Czech Republic

PRAGUE—Czech Prime Minis- Zeman, an ally of Babis who is Blatny dismissed such criticism. “We’re waiting for EMA’s approv- strictive measures.
ter Andrej Babis fired his health known for his pro-Russian and He said he allowed the use of only al,” he said on April 7. Blatny, a specialist in pediatric
minister on April 7, the third to pro-Chinese views. Zeman asked approved vaccines to assure people Arenberger said his priority hematology, was deputy director
have been ousted during the pan- the prime minister last month to “they are safe, tested and really would be to acquire registered vac- of the University Hospital in the
demic in one of Europe’s hardest- replace Blatny over his refusal to work. And that’s the same with the cines. He said there’s an option to second largest Czech city of Brno
hit countries. allow the use of Russia’s Sputnik V drugs against COVID.” conduct “clinical trials” with Sput- before he became health minister.
Jan Blatny was replaced by Petr vaccine because it has not been ap- nik V in the country, but didn’t im- Prymula had replaced Adam
Arenberger, the director of Prague’s proved by the European Medicines mediately give further details. Vojtech in the post on Sept. 21, to
University Hospital Vinohrady, Agency, or EMA. The contentious Russian vaccine enable a different approach to the
who was sworn in by President Zeman said he approached Babis repeatedly caused the government of Prime pandemic amid surging infections.
Milos Zeman. his Russian, Chinese, and Israeli criticized Blatny Minister Igor Matovic in neigh- The latest firing comes as corona-
The move opens the way for the counterparts with a request for boring Slovakia to collapse after virus infections in the Czech Re-
possible use of Russian and Chi- help with the vaccines and re-
over his handling he orchestrated a secret deal to buy public have been in decline, with
nese vaccines, which have not been ceived a positive response from of the pandemic. 2 million Sputnik V vaccines—de- new daily cases at 5,522 on April 6,
approved by the European Union’s all of them. Israel donated 5,000 spite disagreements from his coali- the lowest number on a weekday
drug regulator. Moderna vaccines to the Czech “My decisions were always based tion partners. since Dec 14.
Babis repeatedly criticized Blatny Republic in February. on scientific data and analysis,” Blatny took office on Oct. 29 to The nation of 10.7 million has
over his handling of the pandemic, “Unfortunately, your prede- Blatny said. replace epidemiologist Roman reported 1.65 million confirmed
including imposing strict condi- cessor has blocked the process,” Babis previously said Sputnik V Prymula, who was dismissed af- infections and 27,329 deaths.
tions for the use of experimental Zeman told Arenberger at a cer- might be an option for the coun- ter he was photographed visiting
drugs to treat COVID-19 patients. emony, blaming Blatny for those try due to a slow rollout of the ap- a restaurant that should have been By Karel Janicek
Blatny was also under fire from who have died. proved vaccines from the EU. closed as part of the country’s re- From The Associated Press

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FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021 • A13

Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks about U.S. leadership in fighting the pandemic during an event at the State Department in Washington on April 5, 2021.

Religious Liberty and US Foreign Policy:

No Longer the Guiding Principle?
Freedom of religion recently has been placed by the US atop a
hierarchy of human rights. This will change, Secretary Blinken says.

MARCO RESPINTI tries, who have appointed their own am-

People visit bassadors-at-large for religious freedom
n March 30, U.S. Secretary St. Patrick’s following the American model, and have
of State Antony Blinken Cathedral co-sponsored the ministerials. It would
announced what some saw in New York be strange if the United States, having in-
as a fundamental change in City on Nov. cited other countries to co-operate, now
American foreign policy. The 27, 2020. abandoned them.
United States, Blinken said in presenting The March 30 Blinken speech accompa-
the Department of State’s 45th annual nied the publication of a strongly worded
report on human rights in the world, will report on human rights, which severely
“repudiate the unbalanced views” that criticized China, particularly for the geno-
placed religious liberty at the top of a cide waged by the CCP against Uyghurs
hierarchy of human rights. and other Turkic peoples in Xinjiang,
“There is no hierarchy that makes some which its non-Han inhabitants call East
rights more important than others,” Turkestan. Blinken assured the world that
Blinken said. the strong U.S. commitment to denounc-
Media saw it as a strong criticism of the ing human rights abuses in China will
previous administration, and of Blink- continue. Even before being confirmed by
en’s predecessor as secretary of state, the Senate as secretary of state, Blinken
Mike Pompeo, who had repeated time had publicly agreed with Pompeo on call-
and again that religious liberty was at the constantly growing, they may conflict of God, “for” or “against” any religion, or ing these CCP crimes “genocide.”
top of a hierarchical pyramid of human with each other, and trying to defend all of them. From this, all the rest comes. This is good news, but one wonders
rights. Pompeo’s approach created the all of them in the same way may lead to This first political human right stands at whether the rights of Uyghurs and sever-
conditions for promoting the Ministe- intractable impasses. I believe that yes, the foundation of all the others. al other persecuted minorities in China
rial to Advance Religious Freedom, held some basic human rights are more basic As American citizens, presumably and throughout the world will now be
twice in Washington, D.C., and a third than others, which is why we call them Blinken and Pompeo agree on the fact protected without addressing the basi-
time online due to COVID-19 (rather “fundamental,” i.e., foundational. They that this principle is enshrined (the word cally religious nature of the persecution
than in Warsaw, Poland, as planned), lay the foundation upon which others are is particularly appropriate) in the Bill of vested on them. If this would be the case,
accompanied by regional meetings, and erected. Other rights depend on them. Rights and the First Amendment of the misunderstandings on what the perse-
the admirable work of Sam Brownback They serve as a rationale, a paramount, U.S. Constitution, whose aim is to pre- cution is all about will be created and
as ambassador-at-large for international and the ultimate criterion of evaluation serve individual and corporate liberty perpetuated, to the detriment of the very
religious freedom. and order. from any possible interference by the human rights Blinken vowed to defend.
Is religious liberty really just one The most basic human right is, of state. These documents indicate religious
among a myriad of other human rights, course, the right to life. A dead person liberty is the first political human right of Marco Respinti is the editor-in-chief of
some of which may deserve more atten- does not have rights, and we only talk of a U.S. citizen. Immediately after, the First International Family News. He is an Ital-
tion than freedom of religion or belief? I human rights in relation to the living. Ho- Amendment mentions the political rights ian professional journalist, member of the
respectfully disagree. micide is the most basic violation of hu- to “freedom of speech, or of the press; or International Federation of Journalists,
Surely, there are several human rights man rights. But the first political human the right of the people peaceably to as- essayist, translator, and lecturer.
that must be protected and granted to right is religious freedom, since it allows semble, and to petition the Government
all. It’s much appreciated that a world us to freely address the most basic ques- for a redress of grievances.” That of the This article was originally published
power such as the United States renews tions of human life, and indeed the core human rights in the U.S. Constitution is by Bitter Winter, a magazine on religious
its commitment to putting human rights premise of the human condition itself. a crowded podium, but the gold medal is liberty and human rights in China.
at the top of its priorities in foreign policy. This is neither a sectarian statement nor bestowed upon religious freedom.
How different human rights stand with an endorsement of faith as such. Free- I wonder whether a competent
respect to each other is a debated philo- dom of religion or belief also protects the ambassador-at-large for international
sophical question, but it also has very freedom not to believe. It grants humans religious freedom will be appointed
practical implications. the right to address the ultimate ques- again, and the Ministerial to Advance
Particularly at a time when the list tions of human life without constraints, Religious Freedom will continue. The
of what’s considered human rights is deciding “for” or “against” the existence United States has involved other coun-

stereotypes. Moreover, his release on jogging in 2018 in Brooklyn, Iowa, and was
‘Wrong’ Criminals Ruin parole could raise disturbing questions
about New York’s judicial system. The
story was rapidly jettisoned from head-
later found dead in a cornfield? “Murdered
co-ed” stories are notoriously clickbait for
news outlets because of the sexual over-

Liberal Media Narrative lines, unlike the spa shootings, which are
still getting play, especially because the
suspect was found to be religious.
tones and the audience of college and uni-
versity readers and viewers whom the sto-
ries typically draw. But instead of a white
The Atlanta spa shootings on March 16 male perpetrator, hopefully a frat boy,
supported the dominant liberal media police arrested Cristhian Bahena Rivera,
MARTHA ROSENBERG narrative that white supremacy threat- who had been in the United States illegally,
Liberal media’s ens immigrants, people of color, women, in connection with Tibbetts’s death.
It looked like red meat for liberal, “woke” and low-wage workers, and detailed The story became radioactive. Media
media. On March 29, a 65-year-old infatuation profiles soon surfaced of the victims. give wide berth to stories about illegal
woman of Filipino descent was punched with white male But fewer profiles were written six days immigrants committing crimes in the
and kicked in New York City in broad perpetrators later when 10 died at a King Soopers United States (or joining gangs) because
daylight by an attacker who allegedly grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, even they lend credence to anti-open border
made anti-Asian statements. The attack, and perfunctory though their numbers were higher and arguments. Conservative columnist Ann
two weeks after spa shootings in Atlanta treatment of other included a police officer. Coulter’s 2016 book “Adios, America,”
that killed eight including six women of perpetrators is Why the downplay? The dead weren’t documented page after page of shocking
Asian descent, looked like it would add primarily ethnic minorities and the sus- crimes committed in the United States
fuel to news coverage of an increase in hardly new. pect was a 21-year-old Muslim American by illegal immigrants that were cavalierly
anti-Asian violence. named Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, originally ignored by mainstream media. Her book
But it wasn’t the perfect crime story. Un- from Syria. Strong coverage could encour- was ignored, too.
like the white, presumed racist arrested age Islamophobia and anti-immigrant The trial of Rivera hasn’t occurred yet,
in the spa shootings (though he and po- sentiment, according to liberal media. but the story is safely out of national news
lice denied a racial motive), the New York Like the New York City attack, the King and has become a local story.
Law attack suspect wasn’t an alleged white Soopers story quickly dissolved. As I write this, another crime story with
enforcement supremacist methodically acting out hate Two days later, another shameless at- the wrong suspect has surfaced. On April
crimes. Instead, police arrested Brandon tack occurred: an attempted carjacking 2, a U.S. Capitol Police officer died and
confer out-
side a mas- Elliot, 38, a parolee of color convicted of in Washington, D.C. that took the life of another was wounded when a vehicle
sage parlor previously killing his mother. a 66-year-old Pakistani immigrant who rammed a police barricade outside the
following a Certainly a suspect like Elliot—dis- was an Uber Eats delivery driver. Mo- Capitol building. News media were likely
shooting in turbed enough to commit matricide and hammad Anwar, a father of three, was expecting a redux of the Jan. 6 riot by con-
Atlanta on not white—couldn’t be a poster child for killed as the alleged carjackers drove his servative white people. But instead, police
March 16, anti-Asian hate. Alleged Asian hatred was car away while he was hanging on the identified the suspect—who was shot and
2021. clearly not his only issue, and highlighting outside. killed—as Noah Green, a 25-year-old Afri-
criminal suspects of color could reinforce Few could imagine a more brutal and can American.
BRYNN ANDERSON/AP PHOTO heartless crime against a powerless per- While media probe the suspect’s
son, and the story could have remained a motives and compare this U.S. Capitol
headline for weeks except for one fact: po- violence with that on Jan. 6, one fact is al-
lice arrested teenaged girls, aged 13 and ready clear. The story will evaporate soon.
15, in the lethal carjacking, not a white
male. Children allegedly killing immi- Martha Rosenberg is a former advertising
grants isn’t a story liberal media want to copywriter who knows a lot about market-
report. The girls had allegedly premedi- ing. She began as an investigative journalist
tated their carjacking crime and came and since has been on TV and radio as a
armed with a stun gun, authorities said. health expert. Martha has taught about
The story was dropped like a hot potato. drug marketing tactics at a Chicago medi-
Liberal media’s infatuation with white cal school and is part of the FDA press corps.
Like this article? Share it male perpetrators and perfunctory treat- Her book “Born with a Junk Food Deficien-
with your friends and family. ment of other perpetrators is hardly new. cy: How Flaks, Quacks, and Hacks Pimp the
Scan this code to receive Who remembers when college stu- Public Health,” exposes what goes on behind
a shareable link. dent Mollie Tibbetts disappeared while the scenes in the food and drug industries.








Chapter Seventeen: Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

Globalization and Communism

Travel Editor
Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor
Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor


The Epoch Times here serializes ABOUT US

an adaptation from the Chinese Fans react to a
of “How the Specter of Communism performance in The Epoch Times is a media
Is Ruling Our World,” a new book Wellington, New organization dedicated to seek-
by the editorial team of the “Nine Zealand, on Feb. ing the truth through insightful
Commentaries on the Communist 13, 2021. and independent journalism.
Standing outside of politi-
cal interests and the pursuit of
4. Cultural Globalization: profit, our starting point and our
A Means of Corrupting goal is to create a media for the
Humanity public benefit, to be truly respon-
As cultural exchanges and capital sible to society.
flows expand throughout the world, We endeavor to educate read-
the various deviant cultural forms ers about today’s most impor-
that communism has established tant topics, seeking to broaden
over the past century—such as and uplift minds. We believe that
modern art, literature, and thought; rational, balanced debate is key
deviant entertainment and lifestyles; for fostering a healthy democ-
and consumerism—are transmitted racy and a compassionate
globally. During this process, the tra- society.
ditions of various ethnic groups are a. Destroying the World’s tion of their base desires. As people
interrupted and severed from their [We must] Cultural Traditions indulge these desires, they move As an independent media out-
original meaning, resulting in hollow, organise the Every ethnic culture has unique away from the spiritual plane, causing let, we use our freedom to inves-
degenerate lifestyles geared toward characteristics and carries the deep them to deviate from their long-held tigate issues overlooked—or
consumption and profit, breaking intellectuals influences of its own special history. divine beliefs and traditional values avoided—by other media outlets.
down morality and society wherever and use them Despite the differences between within a few short generations. We seek to highlight solutions
they are spread. to make ethnic customs, they all observe the As communism quickly spreads and what’s good in society rather
Willi Münzenberg, the German Western same divinely bestowed universal its deteriorated ideology amid the than what divides us.
communist activist and one of the civilization values in their traditions. After the backdrop of globalization, it utilizes
founders of the Frankfurt School, Industrial Revolution, technological the herd mentality. With frequent We report respectfully, compas-
stink. Only
said: “[We must] organise the intellec- development brought about conve- exposure to news media, social me- sionately, and rigorously.
tuals and use them to make Western then, after nience, and simultaneously, tradition dia, commercials, television shows,
civilization stink. Only then, after they have was labeled by progressives as back- and films, people are bombarded We stand against the destruc-
they have corrupted all its values corrupted all ward. Measuring everything based on with various anti-traditional ideas tion wrought by communism,
and made life impossible, can we its values and its modernness, novelty, and “prog- and narratives. This creates an illu- including the harm done to cul-
impose the dictatorship of the pro- ress”—or whether it has commercial sion that such deteriorated trends tures around the world.
made life
letariat.” [22] Indeed, as described in impossible, value—is now standard. represent a global consensus. People
We are inspired in this by our
previous chapters of this book, the Communism promotes values that gradually become numb to the dam-
can we own experience. The Epoch
heritage of Western civilization has seem noble, but, in reality, are aimed age wrought by these ideologies, as
impose the Times was founded in 2000 to
been replaced by deviated modern at having humankind abandon tra- twisted behaviors come to be seen as
dictatorship bring honest and uncensored
pop culture, and its spiritual values ditional values, replacing them with fashionable and people are urged to
news to people oppressed
have been largely overturned by vari- of the homogeneous and deteriorated mod- take pride in them. Substance abuse,
by the lies and violence in
ants of Marxism. Globalization and proletariat. ern values instead. Today’s so-called sexual liberation, degenerate music,
communist China.
globalism bring this degeneracy to all common values formed by cultural abstract art, and much more are all
corners of the earth. Willi exchange in the process of globaliza- spread in this fashion. We still believe journalism is a
Globally, the United States leads in Münzenberg, tion aren’t from any particular tradi- Modern art is degenerate and noble vocation, but only when it
the political, economic, and military German tion—they are modern values. The violates all traditional definitions of genuinely seeks to serve its com-
arenas. Its unique position in these communist elements and values that are adopted aesthetics. Some people may have munities and help them to flour-
fields carries over to American popu- and co-founder by globalism must, by necessity, known this from the very start, but ish. In all that we do, we will hold
lar culture, which has been readily of the Frankfurt deviate from tradition. They include after modern artworks are constantly ourselves to the highest stand-
accepted and adopted by other coun- School only the crassest elements of exist- exhibited in major metropolitan areas ards of integrity. This is our
tries and regions. After infiltrating ing cultural heritage, as well as the and sold at high prices, and when the promise to you.
and corrupting family life, politics, aspects that can be commercialized. media frequently reports on dark and
the economy, law, arts, the media, Notions about the “common destiny strange works, normal people begin
and popular culture across all as- of humankind” and “our common to believe that they’re the ones who’ve CONTACT US
pects of daily life in the United States, future” are the results of such devi- fallen out of touch with fashion and
communism made use of cultural ated values. that it’s their taste in art that needs to The Epoch Times Association Inc.
globalization to export this corrupted The lowest standard that is rec- be updated. Gaslighted by this trend, 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
culture. Seen as the newest, most de- ognized during cultural globaliza- people learn to deny their innate New York, NY 10001
sirable trends from America, this cul- tion manifests in consumer culture. sense of what constitutes beauty, and Advertising
ture spread across the entire world. Product design and marketing, driven accept the hideous aesthetics of dete- advertisenow@epochtimes.com
Through Hollywood movies, even by economic interests, are entirely riorated art.
the inhabitants of China’s far-flung centered on appealing to consumers’ All manner of degenerate culture Subscriptions
conservative inland villages learned base instincts. The aim is to control masked as Western culture is cur- Help.TheEpochTimes.com
that single motherhood, extramarital humankind by seducing, indulging, rently being spread to every corner of General Inquiries
affairs, and sexual liberation were all and satisfying people’s superficial the world. Hollywood, in particular, Help.TheEpochTimes.com
“normal” aspects of life in the “ad- desires. has been a major carrier of various
Letters to the Editor
vanced” West. Rock ‘n’ roll became This global consumerist culture is narratives that stem from cultural
extremely popular across the world, used to corrupt tradition in multiple Marxism. The special characteris-
from Ecuador in South America, to ways. First, the unique characteristics tics of the movie industry allow it to
Malaysia in Southeast Asia, to Fiji in and meaning behind a product, as make people subconsciously accept
the Pacific Islands. In education, the originated from its ethnic culture, are its values. As described in Chapter
ideology underpinning the Common removed. In other words, tradition is Thirteen, film has the power to depict
Core curriculum created by cultural taken away from products through compelling atmospheres, narratives,
Marxists was almost instantaneously deculturalization, or standardiza- and personalities, immersing audi-
reflected in Taiwan’s secondary- tion. The more alienated a group of ences in the director’s viewpoint.
school textbooks. In the blink of an people is from their cultural heritage Hollywood movies play an enormous
eye, the Occupy Wall Street move- and faith, the more susceptible they role in shaping audiences’ values and
ment in New York was shown on become to such a simplified consum- worldview.
television screens in the remotest erist culture. Over time, through glo- In this book, we have also discussed
A child watches
mountain hamlets of India. an episode of balization, this population’s customs how cultural Marxism has taken
Cultural globalization is the hur- the TV serie and identity devolve to only the low over Western education (see Chapter
ricane that blows the deviant culture “Maitresse d’un level necessary to maintain a cheap Twelve), and, in turn, exposed for-
of the West and the Party culture homme marie” commercial culture bereft of mean- eign students studying in Western

of communist totalitarian regimes (Mistress of a ing and morality. countries to various leftist ideologies.
throughout the entire world, relent- Married Man) in Second, the globalized media indus- When they return to their coun-
lessly sweeping away the traditional Dakar, Senegal, on try and its monopolies have enabled tries, they spread these ideologies,
values that have guided humanity for May 27, 2019. communist elements to easily make which are seen as attractive because
thousands of years.
use of the degenerated ideas behind
products. They advertise the superfi-
cial cultural aspects of products and
Western countries are more techno-
logically advanced and economically
developed. Thus, invasive modern
introduce Marxist ideology while trends encounter little resistance as
promoting them. The hybridization of they spread and destroy the local Get the
cultures through globalization thus
becomes another channel for promot-
traditional culture. independent news
ing communist ideology. Notes you won’t find
Third, a global culture makes con-
sumerism the mainstream culture of 22. Willi Münzenberg, as quoted in Bernard
Connolly, “The Rotten Heart of Europe: Dirty
anywhere else.
society. Commercials, films, televi-
War for Europe’s Money” (London: Faber &
sion shows, and social media con- Subscribe and get the
Faber, 2013).
stantly bombard consumers with the insights only The Epoch Times
idea that they are not living a real life can provide, delivered to your
if they don’t consume or own certain See next edition for the next installment. door every week.
products, or seek to be entertained in
particular ways. Communism uses ReadEpoch.com
different means and entertainment to To purchase the books, visit Epoch-
prompt people to pursue the satisfac- Shop.com

“substantial barriers to entry.” The fate

Ending Big Tech Tyranny of Parler proves the point. When Parler
offered a censorship-free platform, Big
Tech united to crush it.
Some hailed Thomas’s opinion as “an
invitation to Congress to declare Twit-
LIONEL BONAVENTURE/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ter, Facebook, and similar companies
BETSY MCCAUGHEY common carriers.” But the truth is that
Democrats have no interest in the free
On April 5, Justice Clar- exchange of ideas. They’d rather deputize
ence Thomas announced Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to cen-
that the Supreme Court sor competitors.
soon will have to put an And don’t count on President Joe Biden.
end to Big Tech tyranny. A staggering 14 of his picks to serve dur-
He cited the “glaring” ing the transition or in his new govern-
problem of social media ment are Apple, Facebook, Twitter,
platforms like Facebook and Google Google, and Amazon recruits, according
wielding unlimited power to censor us- to a Daily Caller tally.
ers whose views they don’t like. Biden probably owes his presidency,
These tech giants, he argued, ought in part, to Big Tech. When the New York
to be regulated like “common carriers,” Post published a story documenting a
which are legally required to serve all Chinese company’s dealings with the
customers. AT&T can’t refuse to open Biden family, including candidate Joe
a phone account for you or limit your Biden, Silicon Valley tagged it as “dis-
conversations. Amtrak cannot pick and information.” Facebook buried it, and
choose who rides its trains. Twitter locked the Post’s account entirely.
Thomas’s opinion offers hope at a time In the weeks before the election, voters
when Democrats controlling Congress that Facebook and Google are permitted were denied information that could have
are demanding tech giants do more cen- to remove an account “at any time for influenced their choice.
soring, not less. On March 25, Democrats any or no reason.” He wrote “one person Now, with Democrats in power, there’s no
on the House Committee on Energy and controls Facebook ... and just two control chance lawmakers will classify tech com-
Commerce ordered tech CEOs to clamp Google.” They decide what viewpoints panies as common carriers. But Thomas
down on “disinformation” and silence billions of people can express or hear. says the court can apply that reasoning any
views that “undermine social justice That power, said Thomas, must be way, without waiting for Congress.
movements.” reined in when a future controversy Until then, the public will hear only
Spoken like true totalitarians. reaches the high court. These companies what the Silicon Valley wants. Last week,
Thomas’s groundbreaking announce- Big Tech’s defenders argue that because Lara Trump posted an interview with the
ment was made in the context of a case they’re private companies, they’re free
are more like former president on Facebook. Immedi-
involving Donald Trump. As president, to censor. The First Amendment was common carriers or ately, Facebook took it down, explaining,
he blocked critics from commenting on written to prohibit only government from public utilities than “further content posted in the voice of
his tweets or retweeting them. Critics silencing viewpoints. But Thomas says Donald Trump will be removed.”
sued, claiming the president’s Twit- it’s past time for the Court to get tech-
private companies. Only the high court will restore un-
ter account is a public forum. The high savvy. These companies are more like They must be open censored political discourse, an Ameri-
court ruled the case is now moot because common carriers or public utilities than to all the public. can ideal. Thomas’s opinion illuminates
Trump is out of office. Thomas con- private companies. They must be open to the way.
curred, and agreed with a lower court all the public.
ruling that Trump violated his critics’ Thomas also likened them to “public Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D., is a political
First Amendment right to be heard. accommodations” like hotels and base- commentator, constitutional expert, syn-
But Thomas said “the more glaring ball stadiums, which are legally required dicated columnist, and author of several
concern” is not what Trump did to a few to serve everyone and not discriminate. books, including “The Obama Health
critics. It’s the power of tech giants to Thomas doesn’t see Big Tech tyranny Law: What It Says and How to Overturn,”
censor or ban users entirely, even a presi- being solved by competition, as newer and “The Next Pandemic.” She is also a
dent. Thomas expressed astonishment companies emerge. He points to the former lieutenant governor of New York.

I’m a Capitalist, Mr. President, but You’re Not

The Book You’ve Been percent to 28 percent.”
That’s got it backward, but it typifies
Waiting for... Back in the day when
“Saturday Night Live”
the thinking of those whose faith is in
ever growing, more expensive, and in-
was funny, Chevy Chase trusive government.
would open the “Week- Former President Donald Trump’s re-
end Update” segment by duction in corporate tax rates persuaded
saying, “I’m Chevy Chase some businesses to move back to the
... and you’re not.” United States from overseas. They had
That line came to mind over President exited because of higher taxes.
NOW Joe Biden’s massive tax-and-spend pro-
posals, which are unlike anything since
Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody
Analytics, reacted to the Biden adminis-
BIGGER SIZE, FDR, after whom Biden appears to be tration’s tax-and-spend proposals when
EASIER TO READ modeling himself. The president thinks he told The Hill: “It takes a whole differ-
FORMAT he’s a capitalist ... but he’s not.
In a very short time, we have regressed
ent perspective on government. ... Ever
since Ronald Reagan it’s been about gov-
from President Ronald Reagan’s “Gov- ernment dysfunction, we need smaller
ernment is not the solution to our prob- government, less government. ... This is
lem, government is our problem,” and the complete opposite. It’s saying gov-
President Bill Clinton’s declaration that ernment and only government can solve
“the era of big government is over” to the problems we have because they’re so
Biden’s belief that the era of big govern- large and beyond any one of us. Infra-
ment is just beginning. structure is a collective problem.”
The obvious question then becomes, if
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, big government can solve our problems,
why hasn’t it solved them by now?
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be The obvious question then In a 2018 article, Investor’s Business
on this country’s academia’s becomes, if big government Daily quoted the Bureau of Economic
can solve our problems, why Analysis: “Some $305.6 billion returned
list of required reading.”
to the U.S. from overseas accounts (after
hasn’t it solved them by now? President Trump cut corporate tax rates).
That’s a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far

Let’s define two terms. First, capital- more than the $35 billion one year before.”
ism: “An economic system in which How is returning to the bad old days of
investment in and ownership of the higher taxes going to convince those com-


means of production, distribution, and panies that returned home to stay home?
exchange of wealth is made and main- No reporter has asked that question and
tained chiefly by private individuals or no one in the Biden administration has
corporations, especially as contrasted voluntarily offered an explanation.
to cooperatively or state-owned means Speaking of Chevy Chase, the come-
The specter of communism did not of wealth.”
Now, socialism: “A theory or system of
dian once said: “Socialism works ... [and]
Cuba might prove that. I think it’s con-
social organization that advocates the clusive that there have been areas where
disappear with the disintegration of the ownership and control of the means of socialism has helped to keep people at
production and distribution, capital, land, least stabilized at a certain level.”
Communist Party in Eastern Europe etc., by the community as a whole, usually Yes, and that level is mutually shared
through a centralized government.” mediocrity and, in some cases, mutually
The definition of what fits the Biden tax shared poverty. Capitalism raises boats

ORDER NOW! and spending blowout is the latter. Trea-

sury Secretary Janet Yellen is ratcheting
up the notion that only government is
for those who play by its rules, accompa-
nied by shared moral values, while social-
ism, especially when paired with commu-
the answer to every problem by propos- nism, sinks too many boats and hopes.
ing a global minimum tax. Axios reports
what it concludes is the rationale behind John Calvin Thomas has been a syndicat-

her thinking: “Convincing other coun- ed columnist, author, and radio commen-
tries to impose a global minimum tax tator for more than 35 years. His latest
would reduce the likelihood of compa- book is “America’s Expiration Date: The
nies relocating offshore, as Biden seeks Fall of Empires and Superpowers and the
to increase the corporate rate from 21 Future of the United States.”

IMF: Global Economy Recovering from

Pandemic but Higher Rates Would Hurt
Emerging Markets

WASHINGTON—International Monetary which might be more inclined to respond

Fund’s steering committee on April 8 said through monetary financing or the “print-
the global economy is recovering faster ing” of more money by central banks to di-
than expected from the COVID-19 crisis, rectly support government spending. Such
but warned that a spike in interest rates moves are seen as stoking inflation further
could be especially painful for emerging and eroding purchasing power.
economies. She said that efforts to grow trade would
In its communique, the International also help limit inflationary pressures.
Monetary and Financial Committee
(IMFC) stressed the importance of ac- IMF Reserves, Quotas
celerating the distribution of COVID-19 During a news conference, Georgieva said
vaccines around the world and pledged all IMFC members had strongly endorsed
to strengthen international cooperation. a $650 billion expansion of the Fund’s Spe-
cial Drawing Rights monetary reserves, es-
pecially those representing middle-income
What I took from the Distribution of the reserves would es-
meeting are two messages. pecially help these countries to bolster
One, strong support for financial resources still strained by the
pandemic, she said.
the IMF at the center of the Georgieva also said that negotiating a
global financial safety net OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES new agreement on the IMF’s permanent
and clear willingness of all in interest rates. quota resources would be difficult, but
At an economic forum during the IMF IMF member countries are showing strong
members to see us resourced and World Bank Spring Meetings, she ad- engagement in the process, including the
adequately to do our job. monished Federal Reserve Chair Jerome United States.
Powell to communicate clearly that the “What I took from the meeting are two
Kristalina Georgieva, Fed’s view is that inflation remains under messages. One, strong support for the IMF
Managing Director, IMF
control, saying markets have adopted a at the center of the global financial safety
more “exuberant” view toward inflation- net and clear willingness of all members to
“Elevated financial vulnerabilities could ary expectations, pushing bond yields see us resourced adequately to do our job,”
pose risks should global financial condi- higher. Georgieva told a news conference.
tions tighten swiftly,” the 24-member com- The IMF is forecasting that U.S. inflation The United States, which holds a control-
mittee said. “The crisis may cause extended will be 2.25 percent in 2022, only slightly ling stake in the IMF, had opposed any
scarring and exacerbate poverty and in- above the Fed’s 2 percent target. (Top) The International Monetary shareholding changes during the Trump
equalities, while climate change and oth- “This is why the very careful approach Fund building sign in Washington on administration. The last increase in quo-
April 5, 2016.
er shared challenges are becoming more that Chair Powell is taking to communi- (Above) International Monetary Funds
tas, which increased the voting shares of
pressing.” cating clearly is very helpful. Both to hold (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Geor- China, Brazil, and other emerging mar-
IMF Managing Director Kristalina Geor- these expectations in the United States gieva in Washington on Oct. 15, 2019. kets, was agreed upon in 2010 and imple-
gieva said a stronger growth outlook for from being lifted up and for the rest of the mented in 2016, during the Obama ad-
the United States has positive spillovers for world to be clear around monetary policy ministration.
the world, but some countries struggling in the United States.”
to reopen their economies could suffer Georgieva said she was concerned about By David Lawder & Andrea Shalal
if faster growth leads to quick increases the effect of inflation in emerging markets, From Reuters

US Jobless Claims up to 744K

as Virus Still Forces Layoffs Need to Adjust Your Epoch
WASHINGTON—The number of Ameri-
cans applying for unemployment benefits
rose last week to 744,000, signaling that
States have struggled to clear backlogs of
unemployment applications, and suspect-
ed fraud has clouded the actual volume of
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many employers are still cutting jobs even job cuts. TheEpochTimes.com
as more people are vaccinated against CO- By nearly all measures, though, the
VID-19, consumers gain confidence, and economy has been strengthening. Dur-
the government distributes aid throughout ing March, employers added 916,000 jobs, It’s fast and easy from our customer portal!
the economy. the most since August, and the unemploy- Access our email preferences dashboard in three easy steps.
The Labor Department said on April 8 ment rate declined from 6.2 percent to 6
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728,000 a week earlier. Jobless claims have ings reached its highest level on record. 1. Log In Log in to your account at TheEpochTimes.com
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they remain stubbornly high by historical And this week, the International Mon- 2. Click the top right-hand corner of the page
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ernment said. If you include supplemental high level of unemployment applications
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year to help the unemployed endure the “Jobless claims may bounce around week
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health crisis, a total of 18.2 million are re- to week as the recovery takes hold, but we
ceiving some form of jobless aid the week expect they will start to decline more con-
of March 20. sistently as the economy gains momen-
Economists monitor weekly jobless tum,” economists Nancy Vanden Houten My Account
claims for early signs of where the job mar- and Gregory Daco of Oxford Economics
ket is headed. Applications are usually a said in a research note. “We expect the stel-
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CHUNG I HO/THE EPOCH TIMES confirmed coronavirus cases, which
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tion rate for elderly Americans, who are email preference here at
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closed last week rose from the beginning
of March—from 38 percent to 45 percent
for bars; from 35 percent to 46 percent for
beauty shops; and from 30 percent to 38
percent for restaurants.
People wearing protective face masks walk
pass New York State Department of Labor in By Paul Wiseman
Brooklyn, N.Y., on Sept. 28, 2020. From The Associated Press


11. Man Ray’s genre
12. Vanity case? Use the four numbers in the corners, and A Mickey Mouse play?
the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
13. “Bathers” painter equation to get the solution in the middle.
There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
14. Flowery verse
lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
16. Non-stick cookware solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 Cy the Cynic says that certain keys can’t
coating and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 open locks: monkeys, donkeys and turkeys.
23. Exiter’s exclamation Cy could have used a key to his hand when
he was today’s declarer.
24. Brownie bunch, At 3NT, Cy ducked two spade leads, won
briefly the third with dummy’s ace, unblocked the
28. Basis of some divi- king of hearts, took his A-K of clubs and led
a third club.
sions East won and cashed his high spade,
30. Corn Belt state and when he next led the nine of diamonds
31. The Everly Brothers, — jack, queen, ace — the Cynic was locked
in dummy. He took two clubs and the king
e.g. of diamonds, but West won the 13th trick
32. Search (into) with a diamond. Cy was down one, and
33. “Go on ...” North left for a shot of whiskey in the club
34. Pacific ring lounge.
35. Lulu Hard 1 - 1 Solution LOW CLUB
40. Tumbler Cy turkeyed up the play. After he takes the
41. Spring king of hearts, he can jockey for position by
cashing only the ace of clubs, then leading
43. The facts of life? a low club.
45. Screw up East wins, cashes a spade and leads a
47. Not the most abun- diamond, but Cy wins in dummy, comes
to his king of clubs and discards dummy’s
dant low diamond on the ace of hearts. He can
48. Burn a bit reach dummy with the other high diamond
49. Essence to cash two more clubs, making his game.
51. Ball breaker? You hold: { A 6 5 3 K A K 6
52. Victorian ___ y 10 8 6 4 3. You open one club, your
56. Electric guitar hookup partner responds one heart, you bid one
Hard 2 - 1 Solution spade and he jumps to three clubs. What
57. Like the common cold do you say?
Across 36. ___’wester 80. Vivacity 58. Catherine the Great, ANSWER: Depending on your agreement,
1. Pipe part 37. Mermaid’s home 81. “Ragtime” author’s e.g. partner’s jump-preference may be invi-
38. “En garde” weapon monogram tational or forcing. In any case, your hand
5. “___ the Wine” (Rick 60. Noted remover of calls for a further bid. To try 3NT would
Danko song) 39. “No” vote from a 82. “___ of Fortune” locks be reasonable. A more flexible call is three
8. “The best things in life horse? 83. Cemetery sights 61. A Londoner might diamonds, showing diamond strength and
___ free” 42. Fly catcher 84. Actors’ union painting a picture of your distribution.
acquire one while dining North dealer
11. “Art” trailer 44. Rolodex abbr. 85. Opera’s intro 63. Didn’t let bygones be N-S vulnerable
15. Lightener 46. U.S. State Depart- 86. Literally, “king” bygones
17. Rule out ment, e.g. 87. Everyday article 66. High card
18. Like good wine 53. Lout 88. A.T.M. necessity 67. Nincompoop
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forms 56. Plays a part Down pants
21. Nap 59. Our revenue source 1. Sends cyberjunk 73. “Vogue” copy
22. Regulates cardio- 62. Hot time: Abbr. 2. Dogma 74. “Downton Abbey”
vascular and respiratory 64. Voice vote 3. Wear down headpiece
systems 65. Body shops 4. Word before “space” 75. Cay
25. Sculptured stone 70. Local fund-raising in geometry 77. “Balderdash!”
shafts org. 5. Free of iniquity 78. Alfalfa or buckwheat
26. Toadies’ replies 71. “D” type are used in 6. Brain wave 79. Dolly ___ of “Hello,
27. Biology class abbr. flashlights 7. A pittance in Quezon Dolly!”
29. Activity in Show- 72. 1769 stop for Captain City 80. “50 Ways to
time’s “Billions” Cook 8. Hookers? Leave Your Lover”
33. Matterhorn, e.g. 76. Plaque problem 9. Comeback transportation Easy 2 - 1 Solution



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.







Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.









Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,

in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

“ - ”


— “FOURTH-RIGHT” Corner store
president thought he was
James Madison to be U.S.
People who voted for

of those who create it.
by the good intentions
not rendered harmless
Concentrated power is
A20 | FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021

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Just 17 miles away from Mount Rushmore, another Is Living at Its Best
colossal mountain sculpture—the largest sculptural Along with being loyal to the little village where they live,
project in history—is taking shape. Smith Islanders are hardy, independent, and welcoming
to visitors.
See B4 See B4



Ranch Resort &
Rodeo is located
a short distance
from Disney


The Joy of
With Creature
Comforts 1


5 great spots to go
glamping in the US

as there ever been a better
moment in history for glam-
ping? The experience offers
all the joy of camping with
very few of its drawbacks—
the creature comforts we all crave but in
a setting that puts us in closer touch with
nature and the wide-open spaces of the
world around us. Plus, it’s an ideal way to
connect with families and groups during 1. Glamping in style at Westgate River, so every guest gets a golf cart to
a time when travel and gathering remain River Ranch in Florida. traverse the property during their stay.
fraught with restrictions. If you’re 2. West Beach Resort in The ranch recently debuted new glam-
If you’re ready to venture out into the ready to ven- Washington may offer various ping accommodations, including new
great outdoors, you’re in luck: There are wildlife sightings, including orcas. luxury glamping tents and Luxe Cones-
some great places to glamp all across the ture out into 3. The new luxury Conestoga
toga Wagons, which are replicas of the
United States, with varying amenity and large 18th-century covered wagons that
accommodation types, but all promis- the great out- wagons at Westgate River Ranch
were historically used to transfer cargo
in Florida.
ing a world of new experiences. Read on doors, you’re by horse or oxen. The high-maintenance
for five great places to glamp from sea to among us will be glad to know that
shining sea. in luck: There COURTESY OF WESTGATE RIVER RANCH
the “camping” part of glamping in the
are some wagons is a stretch—it’s more like a cozy
Westgate River Ranch, Florida hotel room that happens to be housed in-
I recently paid a visit to Westgate River great places side a covered wagon—but all the same,
Ranch Resort & Rodeo, a giant Western- visitors enjoy an outdoorsy experience
style ranch in the middle of Florida—a to glamp all with ample creature comforts.
property most people find unexpected, across the Other glamping options include Native
to say the least. It’s a short distance from American-style teepees, rail cars, and
Disney and offers a similar fantastical United States, traditional glamping tents, but classic
experience, but celebrates the magic of motel-style rooms and suites in the lodge
camping and the great outdoors rather with varying are also available, as well as cottages and
than the magic of animation and story- amenity and cabins (ideal for families) and platform
telling. camping, primitive tent camping, and
It’s one of Florida’s funkiest, most off- accommoda- RV camping.
the-beaten-path spots, yet offers a world tion types.
of activities geared toward families and West Beach Resort, Washington
groups: Think horseback riding, petting West Beach Resort, located on Orcas
farm, airboat rides (yes, you’ll see gators), Island in Washington, offers a scenic
archery and skeet shooting, an adven- beachfront site in a woodsy destination
ture park, nightly campfires and s’mores beloved for frequent sightings of whales,
kits, and even an authentic Saturday porpoises, seals, ospreys, and bald eagles.
night rodeo. It’s housed on a sprawling 3
1,700 acres adjacent to the Kissimmee Continued on B2
B2 FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021


Behind the
Subscription Fully off-the-grid glamping in the desert at Glamping Canyonlands in Utah.

The Joy of
Your subscription will not only provide you with
accurate news and features, but also contribute
to the revival of American journalism and help

safeguard our freedoms for future generations.

We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we

strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that

With Creature
lets you form your own opinions.

We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where

the faithful representation of our current events
won’t just be important for the people of today, but
also for the generations to come. The records we
keep now will directly inform the foundations of the
history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish—
and this knowledge is what drives us.
5 great spots to go
glamping in the US
Learn more at
EpochSubscription.com Continued from B1 at Glamping Canyonlands. If you’re
eager to explore, Canyonlands Na-
It’s accessible via an hour and a half tional Park and Arches National Park
ferry from the mainland and has are both less than an hour away.
both cabins and pet-friendly safari
TRUTH AND TRADITION tents equipped with beds and private Camp Long Creek
patios. RV camping and primitive tent at Big Cedar Lodge, Missouri
camping are also available. For scenic lakeside glamping, head to
While you’ll certainly feel off- Camp Long Creek at Big Cedar Lodge
the-grid here, the campground has in Missouri’s Ozark Mountains. Lo-
interactive activities for kids (think cated on Table Rock Lake and a few
face painting, treasure hunts, and minutes away from the main resort,
build-your-own-sundaes) as well as a the glamping experience at Camp Long
hot tub, a well-stocked general store, Creek varies from vintage bungalow-
and boats, kayaks, and canoes you style camp huts to cabins to luxurious
can rent to explore the waters around canvas tents complete with a private
you. There’s also ping pong, badmin- stone patio, firepit, and outdoor tub.
ton, and volleyball for a bit of friendly These lakeside digs sleep two to four.
Best of all, West Beach Resort has a
pier where guests can fish for perch,
greenling, and salmon, as well as a
fish-cleaning station if you got lucky It’s an ideal way to con-
enough to catch your own dinner.
nect with families and
Glamping Canyonlands, Utah groups during a time
For a fully off-the-grid experience
in the desert, head to this Wi-Fi-free when travel and gather-
glamping spot in Monticello, Utah. ing remain fraught with
Glamping Canyonlands has boho-in-
spired bell tents with queen-size beds, restrictions.
chairs, rugs, and LED candles, as well
as private decks where visitors can sit
and watch desert sunrises and sun- Best of all, you can bring the whole
sets. There are also toilets, showers, family to camp, even Fido: Camp
and a communal cooking area, but for Long Creek is dog-friendly and even
the rest, you’re on your own, so expect has its own dog park with agility
a true camping experience here, but equipment. Visitors also get access to
with some of the comforts and conve- the Long Creek Marina, where boat
Ying and Yang by Sandra Kuck niences of home. and watercraft rentals, fishing servic-
Monticello, the nearest town, is 15 es, water ski instruction, and sunset
minutes away, and it’s where you’ll dinner cruises on the Lady Liberty
want to stock up on food and water are available. There’s plenty to do and
since there’s no running water on-site gorgeous wilderness to explore, so


Original artworks, canvas wraps,

and prints of Award-winning oil
paintings now available at


West Beach Resort offers cabins as well as safari tents, RV camping, and primitive camping.
FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021 B3


A serene evening
glamping at Camp Long
Creek in Missouri.
visitors get the full camping experi-
ence with none of its hassles. (Top left) A sign indicates
the way to the beach at West
Beach Resort in Washington.
Mystic Quarry, Texas
Located in the heart of Texas Hill (Above left) Camp huts at
Country near the Guadalupe River Camp Long Creek in Mis-
and Canyon Lake, Mystic Quarry souri.
Resort is a modern glamping camp-
ground and resort with tiny houses,
boho-style teepees, cabins, cottages,
RV sites, and tent sites, so you get to
choose your own adventure. New
safari glamping tents are set to debut
this spring, adding another fun option
in addition to the Sioux-style teepees
inspired by the Native American
people of the Great Plains.
Several on-site accommodations are Glamping at West
Beach Resort in
dog-friendly and have full kitchens
as well as plush bedding and linens,
but you’ll still feel communion with COURTESY OF MYSTIC QUARRY COURTESY OF PITCHUP.COM

the outdoors even if you go more Skye Sherman is a

“glam” than “camping” thanks to the freelance travel writer
beautiful scenery and the clear waters based in West Palm
of nearby Canyon Lake, where you Beach, Fla. She covers
can swim, boat, enjoy water sports, news, transit, and
or simply stroll along the 80 miles of international destinations
shoreline. There are also amenities for a variety of outlets.
like bocce and volleyball courts, an
outdoor pool, rooftop deck, and other
recreational activities for campers to
enjoy (and, of course, Wi-Fi—this is a A tiny house at Mystic West Beach Resort’s
modern glampground, after all). Quarry Resort in Texas. beachside setting.

Oil on canvas
Size: 29 1/2 x 39 1/2 in

Original artworks, canvas wraps,

art posters, and framed prints of
Award-winninvg oil paintings
now available for purchase at

I ns piredOrigina l.Org
B4 FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021

The Crazy Horse Memorial: It’s

the Largest Sculptural Project in

FRED J. ECKERT A 16-ton plaster model

created by sculptor
n the Black Hills of South Dakota, Korczak Ziolkowski
less than a half-hour drive down the stands on a viewing
road from Mount Rushmore, just 17 veranda, enabling visitors
to better visualize what
miles away, another colossal moun-
his Crazy Horse Memorial
tain sculpture—the largest sculptural (seen in the background
project in history—is taking shape. a mile away) will look like
The Crazy Horse Memorial officially be- when finished.
gan taking shape in 1948. No one is predict-
ing when it will be completed.
Yet while it may be a work in progress
with likely many years to go before it’s com-
pleted, it’s far enough along that already it’s
a mesmerizing sight that draws more than
a million visitors a year.
A finished three-dimensional head of
Crazy Horse stands at the peak of a 6,532-
foot mountain silhouetted against the sky.
The sculpture is truly massive; all four of
Mount Rushmore’s gigantic presidential
heads taken together could easily fit inside
the head of Crazy Horse.
From chin to top of forehead, it’s nearly
nine stories—87 1/2 feet high, just over 58
feet wide. His nose is 27 1/2 feet long. Each a lesson in art or sculpture, won first prize His early tools consisted of a small used
eye opening and eyelid is just under 18 feet A finished in sculpture by popular vote of visitors to jackhammer and an old gasoline-powered
wide and just under 9 feet high. the 1939 New York World’s Fair. Newspaper compressor. He later acquired and began
His head is more than 17 feet taller than three- coverage of the award mentioned he had using a bulldozer and eventually more and
the Great Sphinx—and yet his head is but spent part of that summer in the Black Hills better equipment. Until he died at age 74
a part of this massive memorial. The head dimensional of South Dakota, assisting sculptor Gutzon in 1982, he spent more than three and a
of the horse that he is riding will be 22 sto- head of Crazy Borglum on the Mount Rushmore project. half decades devoting his life and nearly
ries high. An Oglala Lakota chief, Henry Standing every working hour of it to the Crazy Horse
This three-dimensional carving-in-the- Horse stands Bear, wrote to him inviting him to come Memorial.
round will be 563 feet high—that’s eight back to the Black Hills and carve a moun- His obsession with his project caused
feet higher than the Washington Monu-
at the peak tain memorial to Crazy Horse, the great his first wife to divorce him. He later mar-
ment—and 641 feet long. of a 6,532- chief and warrior of the Oglala band of La- ried a younger woman who had, at age 20,
kota Sioux who had linked up with Sitting traveled from the East Coast to the Black
Carving a Dream foot mountain Bull to annihilate a U.S. Army battalion Hills to volunteer at the project almost at
The idea for the Crazy Horse Memorial silhouetted led by Gen. George Armstrong Custer at its onset. Eventually, they had 10 children.
came about in late 1939, when a 31-year-old the Battle of Little Big Horn. Over time, all the strenuous work took
orphan son of Polish immigrants named against the sky. “My fellow chiefs and I would like the a great toll on the man. He had one back
Korczak Ziolkowski, who had never taken white man to know that the red man has operation after another, four in all. He suf-
great heroes, too,” he wrote. fered two heart attacks, one minor, one
Eight years earlier, he had written that massive. He broke fingers, broke his wrist,
same request to Borglum, who had never broke ribs, tore ligaments, ruptured a ten-
responded. But Korczak did, and work got don, and suffered hearing loss. He also suf-
underway in 1947 at the site he and Sit- fered from arthritis and the added compli-
ting Bear selected, which was very rough cations that come from advancing age. Yet,
land with lots of trees on it. He had to build he relentlessly persisted.
roads, dig wells, bring in electricity and Through it all, he never accepted a salary
build his own cabin, all while living in the or even a personal expense account for his
wilderness in a small tent. There was no efforts. To support himself and his fam-
money. ily, he raised cattle and hogs for food and
At the time of the official dedication of the sale, and designed and operated a dairy
The idea for the Crazy memorial in June 1948—attended by five of and a lumber mill. In winter months, when
Horse Memorial came the nine Indians who had fought alongside weather made working on the project im-
about in late 1939, as Crazy Horse at Little Big Horn—Korczak possible, he sometimes accepted sculp-
nearby Mount Rushmore was 40 years old and had only $174 to his tural commissions.
was well along. name. He also refused to seek federal or state

Secluded Smith Island Is Living at Its Best

VICTOR BLOCK the other two. Along with being loyal to Tylerton stands alone.
the little village where they live, Smith Capt. John Smith spotted the diminu-
Talk about hometown pride! When I Islanders are hardy, independent, and tive archipelago in 1608. Some present-
asked a grizzled waterman who lives on welcoming to visitors. day residents trace their ancestry back
Smith Island, Maryland, if he’d like to ac- That last trait is no accident. When folks as much as 12 generations to the early
company me to one of the community’s share a group of island strands encom- colonists. Most of the original settlers
other nearby villages, he replied “Nope, passing about 8,000 acres—of which only (Below left) A bucket holds were English and Welsh, and vestiges of
I’ve already been there.” 900 are habitable—it helps to develop a colorful markers that can be their Elizabethan dialect persist. I soon
While the twinkle in his eyes suggested friendly attitude. used to indicate the under- learned that “air” means “are,” and “tie-
he wasn’t completely serious, the fact Smith Island actually consists of three water location of crab traps. yum” translates to “time.”
is that residents of Smith Island in the minute islets, each occupied by a vil- (Below) Some residents
Chesapeake Bay good-naturedly tout lage. Ewell and Rhodes Point are con- trace their ancestry back to
the superiority of their tiny town over nected by a short wooden bridge while the early colonists.
Along with being loyal
to the little village
where they live, Smith
Islanders are hardy,
independent, and
welcoming to visitors.

Following in the bootsteps of their

ancestors, many men eke out their liv-
ing from the gray waters of the Chesa-
peake Bay. That means dropping traps
or trotlines for crabs during spring and
summer and dredging for oysters in fall
and winter. Because overharvesting and
pollution have depleted the bay’s oyster
population in recent decades, the island’s
economy has come to depend primarily
upon crabbing. Along with hard-shell
crabs, Smith Island is the center of the
country’s soft-shell crab industry.
The waters are thick with multicolored
FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021 B5

funds—a policy to which the Crazy Horse $12 to $35 per car admission price by the to rely on the fading memories of a few old
Memorial Foundation still adamantly ad- million-plus visitors per year plus the $125 American Indians who had known him
heres. He didn’t believe taxpayers should fee to go to the top of the mountain, plus plus great use of his imagination.
have to pay for his work. He was a deep sales of gifts, and ask why all this money Crazy Horse, they told him, used to wear a
believer in free enterprise and the private hasn’t moved progress a lot further along. It stone on his ear and tell his people that one
sector. And he didn’t trust government to doesn’t look much different today than it did day he would return to them in stone. And
fulfill his dream. when I first visited it a couple decades ago. they told him a story about Crazy Horse that
Besides the massive mountain carving, But it’s an established fact that Korczak he adapted as his design for the monument.
the site includes other key parts of his vi- had both great reverence for the American
sion: the Indian Museum of North Amer- Indians and deep sympathy for their plight.
ica; the Native American Educational and I came away from a discussion with Ruth
Cultural Center; and the Indian University Ziolkowski thinking that the same was true
of North America, operated in conjunction of her. When I mentioned to her that my The sculpture is truly
with the University of South Dakota. experience was that by far most of them massive; all four of
Korczak knew when he started, that this identify by the tribe to which they belong
work wouldn’t be finished in his lifetime, Crazy Horse’s head is more and very few object to being referred to as Mount Rushmore’s
so early on, he saw to it that all the models, than 17 feet taller than the American Indians, and fewer still attach
plans, and methods information neces- Great Sphinx.
any value to being called Native Ameri- gigantic presidential
sary to carry his work to completion were cans, she agreed and then added, “A whole heads taken together
in place. lot depends on how you say it.”
After he died and was buried at the foot could easily fit inside
of the sculpture, his wife Ruth took charge A Story in Stone
of carrying on his dream, assisted by seven Korczak saw himself as “a storyteller in
the head of Crazy Horse.
of their 10 children. She died in 2014 at age stone” and he saw the monument as a me-
87. Today, Jadwiga Ziolkowski, their fourth morial not so much to one great chief but Long after the Battle of Little Big Horn,
child, is responsible for the leadership and rather to the dignity, greatness, and spirit when most Sioux Indians had gone on the
management of the Crazy Horse Memorial, of American Indians. reservations, a white trader who spoke their
and Monique Ziolkowski, their ninth child, Standing Bear and his fellow chiefs language came across Crazy Horse on the
directs mountain carving, construction, picked the great warrior and leader Crazy plains. He mocked the chief, asking him,
and maintenance. Horse, a hero betrayed by his own people “Where are your lands now?”
“Go slowly and do it right,” Korczak had and then stabbed in the back by a white Crazy Horse looked off to the horizon, ex-
advised Ruth. Its extraordinarily slow soldier while under truce, a chief who never tended his arm over the head of his horse,
The three-dimensional Crazy
journey to completion is but one of the Horse Memorial carving surrendered, never signed a treaty, and and pointed his finger toward the distant
controversies and criticisms surrounding in-the-round is the largest never went on a reservation. lands. Then, he said with pride: “My lands
the Crazy Horse Memorial. Some critics sculptural project in the He also never permitted his picture to be are where my dead lie buried.”
charge that it has become more about the history of the world. It will taken. “Would you imprison my shadow, If you look up at that mountain not far
Ziolkowski family than about the great measure 563 feet high and too?” he once scorned a photographer. So from Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills,
warrior chief. Other critics multiply the 641 feet long. to capture Crazy Horse’s face, Korczak had just below the chin of the nine-story-high
head, you can see the still early stage of
the great chief’s outstretched arm. More
than 4,000 people could stand on that arm.
Nearly the length of a football field—263
feet long—his arm stretches out over what
will be the 22-story-high head of a horse.
His pointing finger will be 10 feet thick and
extend 37 1/2 feet.
It’s a sight you should not miss if ever you
are anywhere near this area of South Dako-
ta. In stone, high up on that mountain, what
you will see unfolding is not only the story
of a great American Indian hero but also a
fitting tribute to all American Indians.

Fred J. Eckert is a retired U.S. ambassa-

dor and former member of Congress. His
writings have appeared in many leading
publications, including Reader’s Digest
and The Wall Street Journal. He is also
an award-winning photographer whose
collection of images spans all seven conti-
nents. See his work at EckertGallery.com


For information about the Crazy Horse Memorial,

see CrazyHorseMemorial.org
For information about other South Dakota
destinations, see TravelSD.com
If you would like to learn more about Crazy Horse, I
highly recommend the book “The Journey of Crazy
Horse” by Joseph M. Marshall III (Viking, 2004).


buoys bobbing in the waves, each mark- water trails leads through creeks that
ing a wire crab “pot.” Male crabs often offer panoramic views of the scenery.
are the bait, luring females that enter They also provide opportunities for close
anticipating a mating ritual. Instead, R TESY
encounters with wildlife, including her-
they end up on someone’s lunch or din- ons, pelicans, and many other resident
ner plate. and migratory birds. Some visitors hire
Brought back to land, “peeler” a boat to try their skill—and luck—at
crabs—those about to lose their catching striped bass (known local-
protective hard cover and be- ly as rockfish), sea trout, flounder,
come soft shells—are put into and other game fish. Crab traps on
water-filled floats. As soon as Back on land, each village the Chesa-
a crustacean sheds its shell, it is built around a Methodist peake Bay.
is plucked out and prepared church that acts both as a kind
for shipment to a restaurant of unofficial governmental
or market before a new firm hub and a center of commu-
outer cover can form. nity life. Tylerton, population
Hard-shell crabs face a differ- 34 at latest count, is only two by
ent fate. Some end up at restau- four blocks in size. A five-minute
rants in Washington, Baltimore, boat ride brings you to Ewell (92
and other cities not far from the residents), which is connected to
waters where they grew up. There they Rhodes Point (home to 43) by a strip
are sprinkled with a peppery mixture of bumpy asphalt about 1.5 miles long.
of spices and steamed until the shells Locals euphemistically refer to it as Steamed
turned from blue to red. Smith Island Cake is “the highway.” Maryland
Others have a shorter trip to the Smith the official dessert of A must for visitors is to throw diet to crabs.
Island Crabmeat Co-op in Tylerton. Dur- Maryland. the wind and sample the storied Smith
ing the spring-to-fall crabbing season in Island Cake. This is a towering delicacy
normal (non-COVID19) times women of eight or nine thin layers that is desig-
gather in the nondescript little building nated as the official dessert of Maryland.
to pick succulent crabmeat out of the Most common is yellow cake with choco-
shells with speed and dexterity that are a late icing, but flavors like coconut, fig,
wonder to behold. and orange also are popular. That unique
Observing the action at the co-op by no treat is tasty, but the lifestyle of the proud WHEN YOU GO
means exhausts opportunities to sample and independent people who choose to
what Smith Island has to offer. Strolling live in such splendid isolation is reason Smith Island is 12 miles from Crisfield,
through the three towns or traveling enough to visit them. Md. Boat service to the island requires
by bicycle or rental golf cart introduces about 45 minutes. Several pleasant
a unique way of life. How many places Victor Block is a freelance writer. To read B&Bs and houses are available to rent.
have you visited where two golf carts features by other Creators Syndicate writ- At this time of COVID19 protocols,
passing by constitutes rush hour? ers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syn- it is best to check ahead about the
Another inviting way to get around is dicate website at Creators.com. Copyright boat schedule and accommodations:
by canoe or kayak. A system of marked 2021 Creators.com VisitSomerset.com or 899-521-9189.
B6 FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021

Family Fun at Majestic


Mammoth Mountain
MARGOT BLACK ready to start our epic day at the charm-

ing Stellar Brew. My main goal for this
Snowboarders or a spectacular family nature trip was to sneak in some fun learning
take in the view. escape, look no farther than activities for the kids. After a year of
Mammoth Lakes in California. online learning I wanted to ensure we
This picturesque vacation desti- were still immersing ourselves in the
nation offers travelers a stimu- joy of hands-on learning experiences.
lating scenic atmosphere where they For this reason, we spent our first day
can learn more about myriad outdoor at Mammoth in ski and snowboarding
activities. Our family had the pleasure of school. We picked up our lift tickets at
partaking in a glorious skiing, snowmo- Canyon Lodge ticket counter and began
biling, and tubing getaway in Mammoth our daily lesson. Since we were all at
during springtime that delivered all the different skill levels, we had different in-
adventure we could ever have asked for. structors and I absolutely adored mine.
Dave was a fabulous 69-year-old who
has been teaching for an impressive 40
years. Mammoth had some incredible
beginner slopes that I zipped around,
The next day, we enjoying runs such as Spring Canyon,
switched gears and spent Schoolyard, and Roller Coaster Express.
These ski lessons were an enriching way
the morning tubing at to explore Mammoth, get the lay of the
Woolly’s Tube Park. land and inspire the kids to remember
that learning can be fun.
Our dinner that evening at Bleu Market
Tucked away in California’s Sierra Ne- and Kitchen truly hit the spot after work-
vada Mountains, Mammoth Lakes is an ing up such an appetite from all that ski-
alpine community that is easily acces-

port, which is situated 10 minutes from

town. Our family stayed in a spacious
condo at the Snowcreek Resort. Our
stay here may have changed me for life
because we had a washer and dryer, and
now I don’t think I’ll ever be able to travel
again without those amenities because
they made our lodging so easy.
We got our ski rental equipment from
Black Tie Skis, who scored major mom
points not only for coming to our condo
the night before we skied for our in-
room fittings but also for their top-notch
equipment. Later that evening, we had a
delicious dinner at Giovanni’s Pizza. We
ordered their Masterpiece pizza that is
endearingly offered in a hearty “Mam-
moth” size that satisfied all the hungry
mouths in our family. Snowmobiling is only one of the adventures
The next morning, we grabbed a snow-lovers can enjoy at Mammoth Moun-
Skiers enjoy a view of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. healthy breakfast and felt like locals tain, Calif.

Original artworks, canvas wraps,

art posters, and framed prints of
Award-winning oil paintings
now available for purchase at

I nspiredOr iginal.Org
FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021 B7

ing and snowboarding. Here we enjoyed WHEN YOU GO

all sorts of divine small-plate tapas, such
as lamb meatballs and boneless short Mammoth Lakes safety guidelines:
ribs. Everyone got to sample a wide array VisitMammoth.com/responsible-travel;
of freshly prepared culinary delights Snowcreek Resort: SnowcreekResort.com;
in this epicurean marketplace with an Black Tie Skis: BlackTieSkis.com;
open-kitchen environment. Giovanni’s Pizza: GiovannisMammoth.com;
The next day, we switched gears and Stellar Brew: StellarBrew.life; Canyon
spent the morning tubing at Woolly’s Lodge: MammothMountain.com/
Tube Park. This was an excellent way to mountain/base-lodges/canyon-lodge;
take a break from skiing and give our Bleu Market and Kitchen: BleuFoods.com;
tired muscles some much-needed rest. Woolly’s Tube Park: MammothMountain.
We had so much fun screaming and com/winter-activities/woolly’s-tube-park;
twirling our way down the lanes in our Old New York Deli: OldNewYork.com;
high-speed snow tube. This is a fun-for- Snowmobile Adventures:
all-ages Mammoth activity that literally Mammothmountain.com/winter-activities/
requires zero effort, and I would recom- snowmobile-adventures; Noodle-
mend it to anybody who wants to have LY: Noodle-ly.com; Salsa’s Taqueria:
some local action without having to ski. VisitMammoth.com/restaurants/
Lunch at Old New York Deli was just
salsas-taqueria; The Warming Hut:
the ticket for our family to unwind after
snow tubing, and they definitely de-
livered on their classic Reuben sand- Black Velvet: BlackVelvetCoffee.com
wiches. Then we spent the rest of the COURTESY OF MARGOT BLACK COURTESY OF MARGOT BLACK
afternoon snowmobiling. This was one
of my favorite non-skiing snow activi-
ties because I had the opportunity to
take in breathtaking vistas in a way
that I would never have seen otherwise
because we were so deep in the woods.
Going off the beaten path during our
snowmobile excursion was an adven-
ture unlike any other.
That night, we enjoyed some warm
noodles and tasty boba at Noodle-LY, and
the next morning, we had some phenom-
enal breakfast burritos at Salsa’s Taqueria.
Then fully recharged, we hit the slopes yet
again for more amazing skiing at Mam-
moth Mountain. The Yodeler restaurant at
the base of the mountain is fun for sharing
huge pretzels and beer tastings creatively
delivered on a wood ski.
By the time we got to the Warming Hut
for dinner, we were still exhilarated from
all the adrenaline-fueled outdoor adven-
ture we had that day. This restaurant’s
cozy mountain vibe and scrumptious
dinner selections were the perfect way to (Top) Mammoth has some whole family. Whether you want to ski,
cap off our day of Mammoth-sized fun. great slopes for beginners. explore nature or just enjoy affordable These ski lessons were an
We grabbed breakfast and lavender coffee cocktails and laid-back culinary treats,
(Above) The author’s son
at Black Velvet the next morning before we jumps on a snowboard at Mammoth can do it all. enriching way to explore
departed with big smiles for miles. Mammoth Mountain, Calif. Mammoth, get the lay of
Mammoth is steeped in different op- Margot Black is a freelance writer. To read
portunities for all different levels of ex- (Above right) Skiers enjoy features by other Creators Syndicate writ- the land and inspire the
pertise, and this is just one aspect of this a cozy evening by the fire ers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syn-
world-class gorgeous resort that makes it after a day on the slopes at dicate website at Creators.com. Copyright
kids to remember that
Mammoth Mountain, Calif. learning can be fun.
such a sensational outdoor escape for the 2021 Creators.com


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