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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | M O N D A Y, M A Y 3 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,952 $1.

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In the News GOP Senators

The number of document-

Seek to Stop
ed so-called breakthrough
COVID-19 cases has climbed
World Bank
above 9,000, according to
the Centers for Disease Con-
From Funding
trol and Prevention. ... A8
The company that’s over-
seeing the 2020 election China continued to receive
audit in Maricopa County has more than a billion dollars
claimed that a court released
its security plan to the public.
in financing annually in
... A8 the past few years
The Utah Republican Party By EMEL AKAN
has voted against censur-
ing Sen. Mitt Romney for WASHINGTON—China, the world’s
his votes to convict former second-largest economy, has been
President Donald Trump on exploiting the World Bank by receiv-
impeachment charges. ... A4 ing low-cost loans meant for poor
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds nations, and it’s time to stop this
has signed a bill that prohib- practice, a group of prominent China
its the state’s localities from critics in the U.S. Congress say.
requiring landlords to accept
federal rental assistance
vouchers. ... A3
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange as the Chinese Every dollar loaned to
California is giving 76,000 WALL STREET music-streaming service Tencent Music launches its IPO on Dec. 12, 2018. China is a dollar spent on
inmates, including violent and
strengthening the CCP’s
repeat felons, the opportunity
to leave prison earlier. ... A2
A group of Senate Repub-
Chinese Companies Hold Record grip over the Chinese people.
Sen. Tom Cotton
licans has introduced a bill
that would allow individuals
with concealed carry privi-
IPOs in US, Despite Tensions The Chinese economy has grown
rapidly over the past four decades, yet
leges in their home state to SAMUEL CORUM/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES the World Bank still considers China
exercise those rights in any Chinese companies Even as the U.S. Congress begins a developing nation and despite U.S.
other state with concealed to tighten the reins on Chinese objections sends it development aid.
carry laws. ... A5 continue to raise companies listed on U.S. stock ex- To cut Beijing’s access to low-
billions in US-based changes, Chinese companies con- rate debt financing, Sens. Chuck
FBI agents have mistak- tinue to seek American capital. Grassley (R-Iowa), Marco Rubio
enly raided a home in Alaska IPOs, posing risks Firms based in China have raised (R-Fla.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Ted
trying to find a laptop stolen
for US investors record amounts of equity capital Cruz (R-Texas), and Rick Scott (R-
from House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi’s office during the Jan. through initial public offerings Fla.) reintroduced on April 30 the
6 breach of the Capitol, the By FAN YU (IPOs) on U.S. exchanges this year. World Bank Integrity Preservation
owners allege. ... A2 There are certainly reasons for A U.S. flag fies in front of the U.S. Capi- Act of 2021.
News Analysis Chinese companies to be hesitant tol in Washington on April 29, 2021. “China has been lending develop-
Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech Despite ongoing political tensions to list here. Some Chinese compa- ment money outside its borders to
have submitted a request to between the United States and nies were recently delisted from Corp. In March, the Securities extend its influence for years while
the European drug regula- China, the world’s two biggest U.S. stock exchanges, such as the and Exchange Commission (SEC) taking in U.S. taxpayer dollars via
tor for the approval of their
economies are becoming increas- three major Chinese state-owned announced it would begin to World Bank loans,” Grassley said
coronavirus vaccine to be
extended to include children
ingly intertwined financially, telecom providers and energy implement the Holding Foreign in a statement.
aged 12 to 15. ... A11 especially on the IPO front. firm China National Offshore Oil Continued on A9 Continued on A3

A group of House Republi-

cans is questioning whether JASON REDMOND/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
political interference contrib- MEDIA SUPREME COURT

NYT, Washington
uted to what they describe
as questionable results from Supreme Court
Post, NBC
the recently completed 2020
Census. ... A7 Asked to Rein
President Joe Biden’s son Retract Incorrect In EPA
Reporting on
Hunter Biden continues to
own a stake in a Chinese in- By MATTHEW VADUM
vestment company. ... A6
Giuliani’s Contact West Virginia and 18 other states
With FBI are asking the Supreme Court to
review the scope of the Environ-
Chinese firms have raised
record amounts of equity By JANITA KAN mental Protection Agency’s regu-
capital through initial public latory authority over greenhouse
offerings on U.S. exchanges The New York Times, The Wash- An election worker opens envelopes containing vote-by-mail ballots for the Aug. 4 gases after an appeals court struck
this year, amid ongoing politi- ington Post, and NBC News have Washington state primary at King County Elections in Renton, Wash., on Aug. 3, 2020. down a Trump-era rule months ago
cal tensions between the two retracted earlier reporting that in- on carbon dioxide emissions from
countries. ... A1 ELECTIONS
correctly stated former New York coal-fired power plants.
Thousands of Falun Gong
Mayor Rudy Giuliani was directly
warned by the FBI that he was tar-
Over Two-Thirds of Voters Cast 2020 “The case, if granted, would be the
biggest climate question to reach the
practitioners in Taiwan gath-
ered in Liberty Square in Tai- geted by a Russian intelligence in- Ballots Early or by Mail: Census Bureau Supreme Court in more than a de-
pei to commemorate almost fluence operation. cade,” according to Bloomberg Law.
three decades since the spiri- The stories came out after feder- By JANITA KAN nontraditional methods, accord- In Massachusetts v. EPA (2007), the
tual practice Falun Gong was al investigators executed a search ing to figures released last week. Supreme Court gave the agency the
made public. ... A9 warrant at the home and office of The Census Bureau says that more The survey, a supplement of the power to regulate greenhouse gases.
the former New York mayor. The than two-thirds of voters cast their Current Population Survey, found The Jan. 19 decision by the U.S.
OPINION searches were allegedly linked to ballots by mail or before Election that the increase in nontraditional Court of Appeals for the D.C. Cir-
Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine, Day for the 2020 presidential election. voting was driven by mail-in voting cuit was a victory for left-wing envi-
James E. Fanell: A Friend in while Giuliani said he believes The bureau, in a new report, found more than doubling to 43 percent. ronmentalists that helped clear the
Need Is a Friend Indeed...A13 the search warrant was issued be- that 69 percent of voters nationwide Some states, such as New Jersey, way for the then-incoming Biden
Andrew Davies: As the EU cause he allegedly failed to file with took advantage of the expansion mailed ballots to all eligible voters administration to impose new re-
Showed Britain, You Can Have the Department of Justice (DOJ) for of mail and early-voting options during the 2020 election. Such elec- strictions on the energy sector.
Socialism or Democracy, but representing a Ukrainian national in numerous states—a significant tion regulation changes were reflect- The Clean Air Act “lacks the strait-
You Can’t Have Both...A14 or office. He has since denied any jump over the previous election. ed in the survey results where the jacket” that former President Donald
wrongdoing. In 2016, about 40 percent of voters percentage of voters opting for early Trump’s EPA claimed narrowed the
Austin Bay: Reviving Obama’s
Continued on A6 cast their ballots through these Continued on A4 Continued on A3
Iran Nuclear Deal Means War,
Not Peace...A16
Soaring Lumber Prices Add Nearly $36,000 to the Price
We’ve abandoned the dis-
tinction between adult and of a New Home: NAHB MANCHIN OPPOSES
child—and our kids are pay-
ing for it. ...B1 By TOM OZIMEK one of the bright stars of the garding the cost and availability of DC STATEHOOD BILL
Many people have a mistak- recovery from the pandem- lumber, appliances, and other build- “[Congress] should
en prejudice against produce Skyrocketing lumber pric- ic recession. ing materials,” NAHB Chairman propose a
from the freezer. ...B7 es that have tripled over While homebuilder sen- Chuck Fowke said in a statement. constitutional
the past 12 months have timent remains optimistic, At the onset of the health crisis, “the amendment
added $35,872 to the cost of as indicated by the NAHB mills stopped producing,” said Dustin and let the
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. an average new single-family Housing Market index, head- Jalbert, senior economist and lumber people of
READEPOCH.COM home, according to new analysis by winds due to rising building costs industry specialist at Fastmarkets in America
the National Association of Home have pulled the index down from Burlington, Massachusetts. “As soon vote,” Sen. Joe
Published in New York, Builders (NAHB), with the price recent highs. as they saw 20 million unemployed, Manchin said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
spike threatening to hobble the mo- “The supply chain for residential they shut down production.” Read more on A6
mentum of the U.S. housing market, construction is tight, particularly re- Continued on A7

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.


76,000 California
Violent, Repeat Felons
Get Earlier Releases
SACRAMENTO—California is spend in the camp—regardless of
giving 76,000 inmates—including the severity of their crime—count-
violent and repeat felons—the op- ing toward a month reduction from
portunity to leave prison earlier their prison time.
as the state aims to further trim The changes were approved last
the population of what was once week by the state Office of Ad-
the nation’s largest state correc- ministrative Law.
tional system. “The goal is to increase incentives
More than 63,000 inmates con- for the incarcerated population to
victed of violent crimes will be practice good behavior and follow
eligible for good behavior credits the rules while serving their time,
that shorten their sentences by and participate in rehabilitative
one-third, instead of the one-fifth and educational programs, which
sentence reduction that had been will lead to safer prisons,” depart-
in place since 2017. That includes ment spokeswoman Dana Simas
nearly 20,000 inmates who are said in a statement. “Additionally,
serving life sentences with the pos- these changes would help to reduce San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, Calif., on June 29, 2020.
sibility of parole. the prison population by allowing RICH PEDRONCELLI/FILE PHOTO VIA AP
incarcerated persons to earn their decision, starting when the state
way home sooner.” began keeping lower-level felons
Simas provided the emergency in county jails instead of state
The changes were regulations and estimates of how prisons. In 2014, voters reduced
many inmates the new policy will penalties for property and drug
approved last week affect at the request of The Associ- crimes. Two years later, voters ap-
by the state Office of ated Press. proved allowing earlier parole for
Administrative Law. Simas said the department was most inmates.
granted the authority to make the Before the COVID-19 pandemic
changes through the rulemak- hit, the population had dropped
The new rules took effect on May ing process, as well as provisions to 117,00 inmates. In the last year,
1, but it will be months or years allowed under the current bud- 21,000 more have left state pris-
before any inmates go free earlier. get. By making them emergency ons—with about half being held
Corrections officials said the goal regulations, the agency could im- temporarily in county jails.
is to reward inmates who better pose the new rules without public Officials announced in mid-
themselves, while critics said the comment. April that they will close a second
move will endanger the public. The department must submit prison as a result of the dwindling
Under the change, more than permanent regulations next year. population, fulfilling a promise
10,000 prisoners convicted of a They will be considered a public State Sen. Jim Nielsen (R-Tehama) during a news conference in Sacramento, made by Newsom. California
second serious, but nonviolent hearing and an opportunity for Calif., on April 28, 2020. Correctional Center in Susanville
offense under the state’s “three public comment. will close by July 2022. Officials
strikes” law will be eligible for re- Kent Scheidegger, legal direc- reality just a giveaway.” at greater risk and there seems to announced last fall that Deuel
lease after serving half their sen- tor of the Criminal Justice Legal Republican state Sen. Jim be no end to the degree to which Vocational Institution in Tracy,
tences. That’s an increase from Foundation that represents crime Nielsen, who once headed the he wants to do that.” east of San Francisco, will close
the current time-served credit of victims, said the notion that the state parole board, criticized Gov. California has been under court by this October.
one-third of their sentence. credits are for good behavior is a Gavin Newsom’s administration orders to reduce a prison popula- Many Democratic lawmakers
The same increased release time misnomer. for unilaterally deciding to make tion that peaked at 160,000 in 2006 and advocacy groups have been
will apply to nearly 2,900 nonvio- “You don’t have to be good to get the changes. and saw inmates being housed in calling for further releases or
lent third strikers, the corrections good time credits. People who lose “He’s doing it on his own author- gymnasiums and activity rooms. shorter sentences. In early April,
department projected. good time credits for misconduct ity, instead of the will of the people In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court for instance, Californians United
Also as of May 1, all minimum-se- get them back: They don’t stay through their elected represen- backed federal judges’ require- for a Responsible Budget said the
curity inmates in work camps, in- gone,” he said. “They could be a tatives or directly through their ment that the state reduce over- state should shutter at least 10 more
cluding those in firefighting camps, useful device for managing the own votes,” Nielsen said. “This is crowding. of its 35 prisons.
will be eligible for the same earlier population if they had more teeth what I call Newsom’s time off for The population has been de-
release, with every month they in them. But they don’t. They’re in bad behavior. He’s putting us all clining since the high court’s From The Associated Press

Oregon Lawmaker Who Let Protesters Into FBI Raided Wrong Home Looking for
State Capitol Charged in Breach Pelosi’s Stolen Laptop, Couple Says
TOM OZIMEK ciated Press. “At this time, and
FBI agents raided a home in Alas- until it reaches the public realm,
Oregon state Rep. Mike Nearman, a ka trying to find a laptop stolen we can’t discuss the details.”
Republican, faces criminal charges from House Speaker Nancy Pe- The Huepers were in Washing-
for allegedly allowing demonstra- losi’s (D-Calif.) office during the ton on Jan. 6, but say they were
tors to breach the state Capitol in Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol but no closer than 100 yards from the
December. misidentified the home’s owner, entrance.
Nearman has been charged with she and her husband allege. “We were at most within a
official misconduct and criminal Paul and Marilyn Hueper, who hundred yards of the front of the
trespass, both misdemeanors, fol- own the Homer Inn & Spa, were building. I mean we were in a sea
lowing an investigation of his al- shocked when agents barged into of a million people, so we’re far
leged role in a protest that turned their home on April 28 with guns enough back. Then I started to
violent at the Oregon State Capitol drawn.  The agents separated kind of understand what the pro-
in Salem on Dec. 21, according to a the couple and began looking cess of what they were looking
court filing with the Marion County through the house.  They dis- for, you know again the case of
District Attorney that was obtained closed that they thought Mari- mistaken identity,” Paul Hueper
by Oregon Public Broadcasting. lyn Hueper was inside the U.S. said on KSRM.
An aide at Nearman’s office didn’t The Oregon Capitol. Capitol on Jan. 6, when Pelosi’s A spokesman for Pelosi con-
immediately respond to a request laptop was stolen. firmed in January that a com-
by The Epoch Times for comment. House floor, agreed to several safety “I think almost right off the bat, puter was stolen from her office.
The charges stem from an inci- measures, including giving the leg- they said, ‘Well, you probably He said that it “was only used for
dent in which groups demanding
The misconduct islature 24 hours notice before plan- know why we’re here,’ or some- presentations.”
an end to ongoing COVID-19 re- charge Rep. Mike ning to enter the Capitol building, thing like that. It’s like, yeah, no, Pelosi later brushed aside con-
strictions in Oregon gained access Nearman faces is and vowed not to let any unauthor- not really. And they said, ‘Well, cerns for the computer, which
to the state Capitol as lawmakers ized people inside in the future. we’re here for Nancy Pelosi’s lap- she said “happened to be one
were deliberating on COVID-19 punishable by a On April 30, following the an- top.’ And I said, ‘Oh,’” Marilyn that we used for Zooms and stuff
relief measures. maximum of 364 nouncement of criminal charges Hueper told KSRM radio. like that, I think. But she also
Surveillance footage released by days in prison and a filed again Nearman, Oregon Agents showed the couple a said that trying to sell the com-
the Capitol in the aftermath of the House Majority Leader Barbara photograph of a woman they puter to a hostile foreign power
incident showed what appears to be $6,250 fine. Smith Warner renewed calls for thought was Marilyn Hueper. could ‘jeopardize all kinds of
Nearman walking out a side door of Nearman’s resignation. But almost immediately, the cou- information.’”
the building, with a protester rush- on one other. As chemical irritants “Given today’s charges, it’s clear ple spotted key differences, such FBI agents previously focused
ing through the open door to catch filled the air, police retreated, and that he’s got to go. I urge every one as the woman inside the Capitol on another suspect, Pennsylva-
a secondary door Nearman had just around 50 people forced their way of my colleagues, in every caucus, having detached earlobes while nia woman Riley June Williams,
walked through. While a second into the Capitol’s vestibule. to call this out for what it is and join Marilyn Hueper’s are attached. in their attempt to recover the
protester held the outside door, the Following the incident, some me in demanding that Nearman “I’m like, ‘Wait a minute. Is that device. An agent claimed that
two individuals started waving for lawmakers and groups called for resign immediately,” Smith War- her? That’s clearly not me. Why Williams meant to send the
other demonstrators to join them, Nearman’s resignation, though the ner said in a statement, according did you not show me this to start computer to a friend in Russia
the footage shows. legislature declined to act on the to Oregon Live. with?’” Marilyn Hueper said. who would then sell it to Russian
Police arrived on the scene and calls until a criminal investigation The misconduct charge Nearman The FBI has acknowledged the intelligence officials.
pushed the protesters back outside, concluded. State House Speaker faces is punishable by a maximum raid but said it couldn’t immedi- But Williams’ lawyer, and a
but the door was being held open Tina Kotek, a Democrat, stripped of 364 days in prison and a $6,250 ately confirm anything else. friend of hers, said that the story
from the outside and the officers Nearman of his committee assign- fine, while the trespass charge car- “While individuals are free had been fabricated by the ac-
were unable to close it. A stand- ments in January and invoiced him ries a maximum penalty of 30 days to speak about their interac- cused’s abusive ex-boyfriend.
off between police and protesters for $2,000 to cover the costs of fixing in jail and a $1,250 fine. tions with the FBI, we do not, as FBI agents searched Williams’s
ensued,  with officers struggling the damage to the building, accord- Nearman is scheduled to appear a matter of practice, discuss or home and apartment and came
to fend off surges in the doorway ing to the Statesman Journal. before a judge for an arraignment describe any contact we have or up empty, her lawyer later told
and both sides using pepper spray Nearman, in a letter read on the on May 11. allegedly have with individuals,” the court.

GOP Senators Propose Curbs on A Chinese laborer works at a

construction site on reclaimed land,
part of a Chinese-funded project in
Low-Rate World Bank Loans to Beijing Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Feb. 24, 2020.


CONTINUED FROM A1 And since the beginning of this

year, China was already approved
The proposal would “provide for a  $600 million loan  from
a short-term and longer-term the World Bank.
means to take away the status As of March 31, the bank’s cumu-
that allows China to receive loans lative lending to China was nearly
and halt loans to any country like $66 billion.
China that exceeds the World “For too long, Beijing has been
Bank graduation thresholds or allowed to exploit the World The solution to dis-
poses a risk to religious freedom,” Bank’s limited resources even agreement is ... not
Grassley added. though they should not qualify compelled ideologi-
According to World Bank poli- for assistance,” Rubio said in the
cy, countries are eligible to bor- statement. “This bill also reaffirms cal uniformity
row from the International Bank America’s continued commitment by government bu-
for Reconstruction and Develop- to religious freedom worldwide.”
ment (IBRD), an institution of the Similar legislation was intro-
bank, until they reach a certain duced in December 2019 to block Lawsuit filed by Alliance
income threshold, which is called the World Bank from issuing more Defending Freedom
a Graduation Discussion Income funding to the Chinese Commu-
threshold. nist Party (CCP).
The United States led other coun-
tries in the establishment of the
IBRD in 1944, and today, it’s the
The Chinese econ- largest shareholder of the World
omy has grown rap- Bank Group.
idly over the past “Under no circumstances
should American taxpayers be is engaged in an ongoing genocide the World Bank to end these Chinese lenders, for example,
four decades, yet on the hook for World Bank loans against the Uyghurs. They exploit loans, which are contrary to were given the freedom to cancel
the World Bank still to countries actively repressing international finance for their hu- its own guidelines and the de- loans or accelerate repayment if
considers China a religious minorities, especially man rights atrocities,” Cruz said, mands of justice,” Cotton said they disagree with a borrower na-
to Communist China, which is according to the statement. in the statement. “Every dollar tion’s policies.
developing nation committing genocide against “The World Bank has also con- loaned to China is a dollar spent Through its so-called “debt-trap
and despite U.S. Uyghur Muslims,” Scott said in tributed to the Belt and Road ini- on strengthening the CCP’s grip diplomacy,” the Chinese regime
the statement. tiative, in which the Chinese Com- over the Chinese people.” has also grown its influence on
objections sends it China is also the world’s largest munist Party utilizes coercive debt The Chinese Communist regime religious freedom and human
development aid. creditor, accounting for almost 65 traps to advance their interests.” has come under fire for using debt rights overseas.
percent of official bilateral debt. Most BRI projects are financed as a tool to gain political and eco- The U.S. Commission on Inter-
China reached that threshold in In recent years, China has lured mainly through a wide range of nomic leverage over other na- national Religious Freedom in its
2016 and was expected to reduce many poor countries into a debt Chinese local government and tions and silence them about the annual report released on April
its borrowing from the bank since trap through its Belt and Road Ini- state-controlled institutions. And regime’s human rights violations. 21 stated that Beijing’s economic
then. The World Bank sharehold- tiative (BRI), which is one of the some are co-financed by the World In addition, a new study led by and geopolitical influence over-
ers agreed in 2018 that the loans world’s most ambitious and con- Bank and other multilateral devel- AidData, a U.S. research lab at seas had negatively affected rights
to China would fall below a billion troversial development programs. opment banks. the College of William and Mary, and freedoms in other countries.
dollars a year. China, however, Since its launch in 2013, the BRI The World Bank has also funded showed that China’s loan contracts “Tactics include harassment,
continued to receive more than has poured billions of dollars into projects in Xinjiang, such as the with emerging countries have un- intimidation, and detainment of
$1 billion of financing annually emerging countries to help build Technical and Vocational Educa- common secrecy provisions, col- human rights activists, ethnic and
for the fiscal years of 2019 and massive infrastructure projects. tion and Training Project. lateral arrangements, and debt religious minorities, and other crit-
2020, according to the IBRD data. “The Chinese Communist Party “The United States must urge renegotiation restrictions. ics and dissidents,” the report said.


19 States Ask Supreme Court to Rein

in EPA Powers Over Coal Plants
CONTINUED FROM A1 into an enterprise that is—at appeals court ignored a February
best—legally uncertain. 2016 stay on the rule instituted by
breadth of the agency’s authority “The appeals court ruling seeks the Supreme Court, which the co-
when creating the 2019 regula- to transform EPA from serving alition says “should have hinted
tion, the appeals court found. The as an environmental regulator that the high court viewed exist-
2019 rule would have forced states into a central energy planning ing law as limiting EPA’s author-
to make coal-fired units more ef- authority—yet it was never de- ity—not expanding it.”
ficient over time, but lacked bind- signed to have so much power The legal issue, according to the
ing CO2 reduction goals. over states and the livelihood of petition, is whether in approving
The Appeals Court ruling vio- American families.” “42 U.S.C. § 7411(d), an ancillary
lates the U.S. Constitution’s sep- The petitioners are West Vir- provision of the Clean Air Act, did
aration of powers doctrine and ginia, Alabama, Alaska, Arkan- Congress constitutionally autho-
will wreak havoc on the economy sas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, rize the Environmental Protection
American Electric Power’s Mountaineer coal power plant, including cooling
and the rule of law if the Supreme Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Agency to issue significant rules—
tower and stacks, in New Haven, W.Va.
Court fails to act, West Virginia At- Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Okla- including those capable of reshap-
torney General Patrick Morrisey homa, South Carolina, South Da- ing the nation’s electricity grids
said in a statement on April 29. kota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. and unilaterally decarbonizing a regional or even national level, Court review. There are no stan-
“This wildly expansive power to The respondents are the EPA and virtually any sector of the econo- forcing dramatic changes in how dards in effect right now, and the
regulate factories, hospitals, and its administrator, Michael Regan. my—without any limits on what and where electricity is produced, Biden administration has been
even homes has tremendous costs The Supreme Court petition the agency can require so long as as well as transforming any other clear that any future standards
and consequences for all Ameri- filed by the state-based coalition it considers cost, nonair impacts, sector of the economy where sta- will start from a clean slate,”
cans, in particular West Virginia’s claims the lower court inappro- and energy requirements?” tionary sources emit greenhouse Vickie Patton, general counsel for
coal miners, pipeliners, natural priately interpreted Section 111 The appeals court is “wrong,” gases. Power to regulate factories, the Environmental Defense Fund,
gas producers and utility work- of the Clean Air Act as authoriz- the petition states. Its ruling al- hospitals, hotels, and even homes told reporters.
ers as well as the countless others ing EPA “to sidestep Congress to lows “EPA to dictate huge shifts in would have tremendous costs and “These state Attorneys General
who rely upon their success,” said exercise broad regulatory power most sectors of the economy even consequences for all Americans; seem to be wasting taxpayer mon-
Morrisey, a Republican. that would radically transform though nothing in the statute EPA’s steps on remand and every ey just to attack our nation’s clean
“If EPA lacks such expansive au- the nation’s energy grid and force approaches the clear language regulation under the statute to air laws,” she said.
thority, as we argue, the Supreme states to fundamentally shift Congress must use to assign such follow will be shaped by this new The Epoch Times reached out to
Court should make that clear now. their energy portfolios away from vast policymaking authority—as- and wildly expansive authority.” EPA Press Secretary Nick Conger
Any further delay will impose coal-fired generation,” according suming, of course, it can delegate An environmentalist group said for his reaction to the legal filing.
costs the energy sector can never to a summary provided by Mor- enormous powers like these in there’s no reason for the high “We have no comment as this
recoup and force states to sink risey’s office. the first place.” court to get involved. is pending litigation,” he replied
even more years and resources The petition also asserts that the EPA now can “set standards on “There is no basis for Supreme by email.

Iowa Governor Signs Law Letting Landlords Refuse Section 8 Vouchers

IVAN PENTCHOUKOV The Des Moines Register report- come for the beneficiaries being aged properties. Opponents of the Iowa measure in court.
ed that the governor signed the $12,577 annually. law claim that it’s racist. “It is a discussion that I would
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds has signed bill. The state legislature’s web- Landlord groups advocated for “When you reduce the number of need to have with the Department
into a law a bill that prohibits the site didn’t say whether the bill was the law’s passage. landlords that are willing to accept of Justice, but I would clearly be-
state’s localities from requiring signed, and the governor’s web- “We try to train our members on the voucher, that just creates one lieve that we are within our rights
landlords to accept federal rental site didn’t feature an update on the advantages of accepting Sec- more hurdle for ... our most vul- to demand that these communities
assistance vouchers. the matter. The governor’s office tion 8, or housing choice vouch- nerable population,” Des Moines cooperate with what we are doing,”
Both chambers of the state’s leg- didn’t immediately respond to a ers, but our preference is that it Community Development Director Fudge told MSNBC on March 17. “If
islature approved the bill in March. request for an update. would remain a voluntary pro- Chris Johansen told the Register. they want to get into a fight about it,
The law states that counties can’t More than 39,500 people in gram,” Iowa Landlords Associa- HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge we’re ready to fight them about it.”
enact laws that prohibit landlords Iowa used federal housing choice tion Executive Director Andrew claimed in an interview in March According to the Register, three
from refusing to rent “to a person vouchers in 2020, according to Lietzow told the Register. that “fair housing is the law of the cities in Iowa currently have lo-
because of the person’s use of a fed- the Department of Housing and The landlords argued that ac- land” and suggested that the Iowa cal ordinances compelling land-
eral housing choice voucher issued Urban Development (HUD). The cepting the vouchers led to more bill is “a violation of the law.” Fudge lords to accept federal housing
by the United States Department of average voucher was worth $439, inspections and trouble recovering said she may get the Department vouchers: Des Moines, Iowa City,
Housing and Urban Development.” with an average household in- the money spent on fixing dam- of Justice involved to challenge the and Marion.


that the most likely cause was directed

microwave energy.
“Overall, directed pulsed RF (radio fre-
quency) energy, especially in those with
the distinct early manifestations, appears
to be the most plausible mechanism in ex-
plaining these cases among those that the
committee considered,” the report found.
The report didn’t suggest that micro-
wave energy was part of a deliberate
scheme targeting U.S. personnel, but not-
ed that “the mere consideration of such
a scenario raises grave concerns about a
world with disinhibited malevolent actors
and new tools for causing harm to others,
as if the U.S. government does not have
its hands full already with naturally oc-
curring threats.”

The Senate Intelligence

Committee intends to get
to the bottom of this.
Sens. Mark Warner and Marco Rubio

Rubio and Warner said in their statement

that the Senate Intelligence Committee
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) speaks alongside a bipartisan group of members of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington on Dec. 1, 2020.
has “already held fact-finding hearings on
these debilitating attacks, many of which
result in medically confirmed cases of
Senators Vow to Probe Apparent Traumatic Brain Injury, and will do more.”
Director of National Intelligence Avril
Haines didn’t deny the reports of the at-
Rise in ‘Havana Syndrome’ Directed- tacks when questioned last week, and told
the Senate Armed Services Committee
she couldn’t discuss the issue openly be-

Energy Attacks Against Americans cause it involved classified information,

CNN reports. Haines called the issue of
the mysterious attacks “critically impor-
tant,” adding that “across the intelligence
GRAEME JENNINGS-POOL/GETTY IMAGES community, frankly, leaders are focused
TOM OZIMEK Their statement comes after media re- on this issue.”
ports saying incidents bearing the hall- CIA Director William Burns, during his
The leaders of the Senate Intelligence marks of “Havana syndrome” attacks confirmation hearing before the Senate In-
Committee vowed to “get to the bottom” had taken place in Washington, includ- telligence Committee in late February, com-
of mysterious directed-energy attacks ing just outside the White House and in mitted to investigating the phenomenon.
dubbed “Havana syndrome,” which are re- Miami. One of the alleged energy attacks “I will make it an extraordinarily high
portedly on the rise and have been linked took place on the south side of the White priority to get to the bottom of who’s re-
to brain-damaging injuries. House in November, and is believed to sponsible for the attacks and to ensure
Committee Chairman Sen. Mark Warner have sickened a White House aide, CBS that colleagues and their families get the
(D-Va.) and Vice Chairman Sen. Marco reports. care they deserve,” including treatment at
Rubio (R-Fla.) confirmed in a joint state- U.S. authorities have struggled to under- Walter Reed National Medical Center and
ment on April 30 that there’s an apparent stand the mysterious attacks since they Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) speaks during a the National Institutes of Health, Burns
rise in the incidence of directed-energy were first noted in 2016, when diplomatic hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on April said at the time.
attacks on U.S. personnel. and intelligence personnel in Cuba first 21, 2021. Warner and Rubio said in their statement
“For nearly five years, we have been began reporting disturbing symptoms in- that they welcomed renewed investigation
aware of reports of mysterious attacks on cluding head pressure or vibration, and head,” reads a State Department-spon- by the CIA into the incidents, noting that
United States Government personnel in dizziness, sometimes followed by visual sored study into the phenomenon by the it was important “to better understand the
Havana, Cuba, and around the world,” problems and cognitive difficulties. National Academy of Sciences. technology behind the weapon respon-
Rubio and Warner wrote. “This pattern of “For some of these patients, their case A 19-person committee of medical and sible for these attacks.”
attacking our fellow citizens serving our began with the sudden onset of a loud scientific experts involved in the study “Ultimately, we will identify those re-
government appears to be increasing. The noise, perceived to have directional fea- considered chemical exposures, infectious sponsible for these attacks on American
Senate Intelligence Committee intends to tures, and accompanied by pain in one or diseases, and psychological issues as be- personnel and will hold them account-
get to the bottom of this.” both ears or across a broad region of the ing behind the symptoms, but concluded able,” they said.


Over Two-Thirds of Voters Cast 2020 Ballots

Early or by Mail: Census Bureau
CONTINUED FROM A1 alleged that the changes were
made in violation of the U.S. Con-
or by-mail options increased ex- The bureau found stitution and resulted in numer-
ponentially to 92.3 percent in 2020 that 69 percent of ous irregularities.
from 7.9 percent in 2016. States voters nationwide Several Republican states have
such as California and Vermont, since enacted or are considering
which also mailed ballots to all took advantage legislative measures in an attempt
voters, saw a 35 percent or greater of the expansion to protect the integrity of the ballot
shift to mail-in and early voting. of mail and early- box in response to the concerns
The data also found that the raised during the 2020 election.
rate of nontraditional voting in voting options in Georgia implemented a number An election worker sort vote-by-mail ballots for the presidential primary at
Arizona, Texas, Montana, Ne- numerous states. of changes to the way its residents the King County elections facility in Renton, Wash., on March 10, 2020.
vada, Utah, Colorado, Oregon, vote, including requiring photo
Washington, Hawaii, Maryland, adopted to prevent crowding at or state-approved identification voting, drop boxes, and prevent- remembered for having taken
and the District of Columbia was polling booths amid the CCP to vote absentee by mail. The law ing election officials from entering place during a pandemic,” the
82.9 percent or greater. But Colo- virus pandemic. These policies, also mandates that secure drop- consent agreements. Census Bureau said in its release.
rado, Oregon, and Washington some of which were implemented boxes be placed inside early vot- The survey also found states that “As the above findings indicate,
didn’t see a significant shift in the at the last minute or without ap- ing locations with constant sur- recorded an increase in nontradi- the methods of voting used by
rate, as those states had already proval from state legislatures, veillance and it expands early tional voting methods in 2020 also those casting a ballot were signifi-
allowed for all-mail elections in became the subject of multiple voting across the state. saw a larger change in turnout be- cantly different from prior elec-
the past. lawsuits filed by President Don- Similarly, Florida’s legislature tween the 2016 and 2020 elections tions, though the magnitude and
The change in voting behav- ald Trump, his campaign, and last week passed a similar law set- compared to the remaining states. nature of the changes varied from
ior was partly driven by policies a number of Republicans, who ting out guidelines for methods of “The 2020 election will long be state to state.”

Utah GOP Votes Against Censure of Romney Over Impeachment Votes

IVAN PENTCHOUKOV publican to vote for impeachment The booing ramped up after resolution states. “The Utah Re-
during the first trial, and was one Romney said he wasn’t a fan publican Party censures Mitt
The Utah Republican Party vot- of seven Republicans to do so in of Trump’s “character issues,” According to a final Romney for his votes to convict
ed narrowly on May 1 against the second impeachment trial. prompting Romney to ask “aren’t tally, 711 delegates President Trump in two U.S. Sen-
censuring Sen. Mitt Romney Earlier in the day, Romney was you embarrassed?” Utah GOP ate impeachment trials which de-
(R-Utah) for his votes to convict booed when he appeared on Chairman Derek Brown eventu-
voted to censure nied the President due process,
former President Donald Trump stage during the convention. In ally walked up to the mic to ask Romney, while 798 allowed falsified evidence, did
on impeachment charges in 2020 a video shared by The Salt Lake the crowd to be respectful. voted against. not provide adequate time for
and 2021. City Tribune, Romney was met “I understand that I have a few an investigation, and did not fol-
According to a final tally shared by a raucous crowd of mixed folks who don’t like me terribly and Representatives Chris Stew- low the U.S. Constitution which
by KUTV reporter Michael Lock- cheers and boos upon walking much. I’m sorry about that, but art, John Curtis, Burgess Owens, states a President may only be
lear,  711  delegates to the Utah up to the podium. I express my mind as I believe is and Blake Moore and Censuring impeached for high crimes and
GOP’s organizing convention “So, what do you think about right. I follow my conscience as Senator Mitt Romney.” misdemeanors.”
voted to censure Romney, while President Biden’s first 100 days?” I believe is right,” Romney said “Mitt Romney voted to pro- Trump has vowed to mount pri-
798 voted against. Romney said, before pausing and before proceeding to criticize ceed with the unconstitutional mary challenges against the Re-
The U.S. Senate acquitted thanking the crowd repeatedly President Joe Biden. impeachment and convict Pres- publicans who voted to impeach
Trump at the conclusion of both as the competing cheers and The resolution was titled “Reso- ident Trump despite the lack of and convict him. Romney isn’t up
trials. Romney was the only Re- jeers continued. lution Thanking Senator Mike Lee evidence and due process,” the for reelection in 2022.

May Day Rioters Carry Out Violent Acts in Portland, Seattle


A riot in Portland, Oregon, took

place on May 1, a day that holds
significance for communists and
other far-left ideologues.
A group of more than 100 indi-
viduals, many carrying shields,
gathered in Shemanski Park be-
tween 9 and 10 p.m. and marched
to City Hall, where they began
smashing windows and using
spray paint to scrawl various mes-
sages on the building.
Police officers declared a riot
and ordered the crowd to dis-
perse, but the mob instead began
marching in the streets, block-
ing traffic, and damaging private
businesses. Some members of the
crowd used umbrellas to obscure
the crimes being committed.
Most of the group wore all-
black with coverings obscuring
their faces, a tactic commonly
employed by far-left anarcho-
communist group Antifa. Known
Antifa accounts were promoting
the “direct action” event on social
media prior to it happening. Ad-
ditionally, people who have been
arrested at previous riots in Port-
land and people who have been
linked to Antifa were at the riot
on May 1. Portland Police respond to a riot declaration following the police shooting of a homeless man in Portland, Ore., on April 16, 2021.
Meanwhile, a group near the PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU

federal Immigration and Cus- records show; it’s currently sched-

toms Enforcement facility in uled to start on May 18. Conditions A combination
south Portland swelled to over Police officers of his release stipulated that he not of photos
60 people just before midnight. declared a riot and commit any other crimes. shows
As officers tried to make an arrest, “We appreciate those who en- damaged and
a man in the crowd pulled out a
ordered the crowd gaged in their First Amendment vandalized
knife. The officers used muni- to disperse, but the rights this afternoon in a peaceful buildings, and
a hammer
tions, prompting him to flee. He mob instead began manner. Once again, under the
and slingshot
was soon caught and arrested. cover of darkness, several dozen
At least five people were arrested
marching in the people decided to damage and
found on
a rioter, in
on charges including riot, crimi- streets, blocking destroy multiple businesses in Portland,
nal mischief, and disorderly con- traffic, and dam- our downtown area resulting in a Ore., on May
duct. One of the men was found to riot,” Portland Police Chief Chuck 1, 2021.
be carrying a hammer and a hand aging private Lovell said in a statement.
sling along with instructions for businesses. “The situation became extreme- mize further damage and arrest paint-filled eggs, and other ob-
making a sling. ly dangerous when a man bran- some of the criminals involved.” jects at officers, and threw lit flares
Kristopher Donnelly, who has dished a knife at officers when In Seattle on May 1, police offi- into the road, the Seattle Police
been arrested at least four times at officers were simply doing their cers arrested 14 people for crimes Department said in an incident
riots, was among those taken into job. The officers appear to have ex- ranging from property destruc- summary.
custody. He was charged by feder- ercised restraint and professional- tion to assault and reckless driv- The department didn’t identify
al prosecutors with civil disorder. ism and safely apprehended this ing committed during violent anyone who was arrested, only
The man’s federal trial has been suspect. I am proud of all of our demonstrations. giving their ages and the charges
delayed twice by a judge, court employees who worked to mini- Rioters threw bottles, rocks, they face.

Sen. Cornyn, Senate GOP Introduce Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill

TOM OZIMEK advance this important legisla- cise that constitutional right in also respecting states’ rights to set to working with my colleagues to
tion for law-abiding gun owners other states, consistent with those their own laws. I’m happy to again advance this proposal through
A group of Senate Republicans, nationwide.” state’s laws, without having to ob- support this bill,” Grassley said. the Senate.”
led by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Joining Cornyn in launching tain a separate permit,” Hagerty At the same time, the bill re- The bill is co-sponsored by 27
have introduced a bill that would the Constitutional Concealed said. “The constitutional right of spects states’ authority to set other Senate Republicans, includ-
allow individuals with concealed Carry Reciprocity Act were Sens. self-defense should not disappear their own concealed carry laws, ing Senate Minority Leader Mitch
carry privileges in their home Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), Chuck while traveling or temporarily liv- as it does not establish national McConnell (R-Ky.).
state to exercise those rights in Grassley (R-Iowa), and Jim Inhofe ing away from home.” standards for concealed carry While many states honor con-
any other state with concealed (R-Okla.). The idea behind the legisla- nor does it provide for a national cealed carry permits from other
carry laws. The measure would allow in- tion is to treat state-issued con- concealed carry permit. states, some—including Califor-
“This bill focuses on two of our dividuals with concealed carry cealed carry permits like drivers’ “The Constitutional Con- nia, New York, and Maryland—
country’s most fundamental privileges in their home state to licenses, where people can use cealed Carry Reciprocity Act is do not, which effectively bans the
constitutional protections—the conceal carry in any other states their home-state license to drive common-sense legislation that carry of handguns by nonresi-
Second Amendment’s right of that also allow it, while respecting in another state but must follow protects law-abiding citizens’ dents visiting their state.
citizens to keep and bear arms specific state restrictions around the other state’s speed limit or right to self-defense and to keep The protection of Second
and the Tenth Amendment’s right the types of firearms and loca- road laws. and bear arms when traveling Amendment rights has drawn
of states to make laws best-suited tions they can be carried in. “This bill reduces confusion and between states that allow con- renewed scrutiny since President
for their residents,” Cornyn said “Law-abiding Tennesseans legal inconsistencies for respon- cealed carry,” Inhofe said. “I am Joe Biden, who has repeatedly
in a statement. “I look forward to who are permitted to carry a sible gun owners when they travel glad to join Sen. Cornyn in intro- called for tougher gun restric-
working with my colleagues to firearm should be able to exer- outside of their home state, while ducing this bill and I look forward tions, took office.

News without spin, for you to
form your own opinion.

and Deep Dive Evening News News Today


Hunter Biden Still

Owns Stake in
Chinese Firm

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter

Biden continues to own a stake in a
Chinese investment company, which
undermines the promise the presi-
dent made on the campaign trail that
his family would be free of foreign
business dealings.

The younger Biden in-

vested $420,000 in BHR
in 2017, his lawyer said
in a previous statement.
He also sat on the firm’s
board of directors.
The younger Biden, who was involved
in a number of business deals while
his father was vice president, includ-
ing in China, retains a 10 percent stake
in a Chinese private equity firm called
Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment
Fund Management Co. (BHR), accord- Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) (R) talks to Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) as they walk the Senate floor to the House chamber on the U.S. Capitol in Wash-
ing to business records available online. ington on April 28, 2021.
BHR is co-owned by the state-controlled
Bank of China.
The Daily Caller News Foundation first
reported on Hunter Biden’s holding.
President Biden, while a candidate
Manchin Opposes DC Statehood Bill,
for office, promised Americans that
no member of his family “will have
an office in the White House, will sit
in on meetings as if they are a Cabinet
Says ‘Let the People of America Vote’
member, will, in fact, have any business SAMUEL CORUM/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

relationship with anyone that relates TOM OZIMEK either because the bill would repeal the
to a foreign corporation or a foreign enabling statute for the amendment, or
country.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said on April because the bill would lead to the unrea-
The president was inaugurated in 30 that he doesn’t support legislation that sonable result of allowing the reduced fed-
January. would make Washington, D.C., the na- eral district to participate in the Electoral
The younger Biden invested $420,000 tion’s 51st state, dealing a blow to the ini- College,” she said.
in BHR in 2017, his lawyer,  George tiative, which Republicans have panned Norton said she expects Congress would
Mesires, said in a previous statement. as an unconstitutional power grab. quickly move to repeal the 23rd Amend-
Hunter Biden also sat on the firm’s “If Congress wants to make D.C. a state, ment to prevent the reduced federal district
board of directors. He hadn’t received it should propose a constitutional amend- from participating in the Electoral College.
a return on his investment as of 2019, ment. It should propose a constitutional The effort for Washington statehood,
Mesires said at the time. amendment and let the people of Amer- which would endow its citizens full rep-
“Hunter makes the following commit- ica vote,” Manchin told West Virginia’s resentation in Congress and control over
ment: Under a Biden Administration, MetroNews in an April 30 radio interview. issues that affect the district, was started in
Hunter will readily comply with any and Last month, the House passed H.R. 51— 2013 by Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and has
all guidelines or standards a President the Washington, D.C. Admission Act—in been championed by Norton in the House.
Biden may issue to address purported a vote of 216–208, backing congressional Carper and fellow Democrats say it’s con-
conflicts of interest, or the appearance Democrats’ view of “no taxation without sistent with what the Founding Fathers envi-
of such conflicts, including any restric- representation.” But Republicans see the sioned for America and fair representation.
tions related to overseas business in- legislation as an unconstitutional ploy to A U.S. flag fies in front of the U.S. Capitol in “This isn’t a Republican or Democratic
terests. In any event, Hunter will agree add two more Democratic senators. Washington on April 29, 2021. issue; it’s an American issue because the
not to serve on boards of, or work on lack of fair representation for Washington
behalf of, foreign-owned companies,” found that Washington statehood would residents is clearly inconsistent with the
Mesires wrote. require a constitutional amendment, add- values on which this country was found-
The White House and Mesires didn’t Manchin said prior ing that he views the 23rd Amendment of ed,” Carper said in a statement in January.
immediately return requests by The Ep- the U.S. Constitution as the main obstacle. In mid-March, prior to a hearing on
och Times for comment.
analyses of the matter “Every legal scholar has told us that, H.R. 51, ranking member of the House
White House press secretary Jen Psa- found that Washington so why not do it the right way and let the Oversight and Reform Committee Rep.
ki told reporters on Feb. 5 that Hunter statehood would require people vote to see if they want to change?” James Comer (R-Ky.) echoed Republican
Biden “has been working to unwind his Manchin said, referring to a constitutional sentiment about the bill when he called it
investment, but I would certainly point a constitutional amend- amendment. unconstitutional and a bid to tip the scales
you—he’s a private citizen—I would ment. He views the 23rd While Manchin didn’t explicitly men- in Democrats’ favor.
point you to him or his lawyers on the Amendment as the tion a repeal of the 23rd Amendment in “D.C. statehood is all about Speaker Pe-
outside on any update.” the interview, H.R. 51 provides for expe- losi and liberal democrats consolidating
main obstacle. dited consideration of a joint resolution their power to enact radical policies na-
that would repeal the 23rd Amendment, tionwide like the Green New Deal, packing
The measure, which is backed by Presi- which gave D.C. three Electoral College the Supreme Court, and eliminating the
dent Joe Biden, faces daunting odds in votes in presidential elections. filibuster,” Comer said in a statement.
the evenly split Senate, as the legislative Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D- “The Democrats’ bill is unconstitutional
filibuster would require buy-in from at D.C.), a former tenured professor of con- and no amount of testimony can change
least 10 Republican senators, assuming stitutional law who has long championed that basic fact. The bill does not address
all Democrats vote for it. Manchin’s dec- Washington statehood, issued a statement the financial burden that would fall on the
laration of opposition to the measure casts on April 30 insisting that making Washing- District if statehood was granted or other
a further shadow of doubt on its fate. ton into the 51st state wouldn’t require a practical implications. H.R. 51 doesn’t rest
Manchin said in the interview that he and repeal of the 23rd Amendment. in sound policy and is a dangerous po-
his staff had taken a “deep dive” into the bill “Even though the 23rd Amendment does litical power grab that will ensure more
and its background, including a review of not need to be repealed before Washing- government intrusion into Americans’
Hunter Biden addresses the virtual Demo- conclusions reached by the Department of ton statehood, some scholars have argued daily lives.”
cratic National Convention, in this screen- Justice (DOJ) under previous administra- that the 23rd Amendment would be nulli-
shot taken on Aug. 20, 2020. tions. He said prior analyses of the matter fied under the Washington statehood bill, Masooma Haq contributed to this report.


NYT, Washington Post, NBC NBC News correction reads.

The press offices of The NY Times, the Post,

Retract Reports That Giuliani Got

and NBC News didn’t respond by press time
to The Epoch Times’ questions about the
corrections. Giuliani’s office didn’t respond
FBI Russia Briefing to a request for comment by press time.
In two statements on Twitter, Giuliani
called for the Post and NY Times to reveal
CONTINUED FROM A1 “An earlier version of this article misstat- their sources for the incorrect information.
ed whether Rudolph W. Giuliani received a “On a Saturday, the Washington Post
The Post was the first to report the incor- formal warning from the F.B.I. about Rus- added this correction to their defamatory
rect information. It also incorrectly stated sian disinformation. Mr. Giuliani did not story about me,” Giuliani wrote on Twitter.
that One America News had also received receive such a so-called defensive brief- The New York Times Building in New York on “The Washington Post and the NYT must
June 30, 2020.
a similar warning from the FBI. ing,” the correction states. reveal their sources who lied and targeted
“This version has been corrected to re- Meanwhile, NBC News elaborated on an American Citizen. #msnbc, #cnn forgot
move assertions that OAN and Giuliani why it corrected the story, saying that a “The report was based on a source famil- to mention the corrections today. #fak-
received the warnings,” the correction second source disputed the assertions of iar with the matter, but a second source enews #badpeople.”
appended on the article states. the first source as the briefing was only now says the briefing was only prepared In a separate statement, he wrote:
The NY Times made its correction on a prepared for Giuliani and not delivered for Giuliani and not delivered to him, in “Where did the original false information
story about Giuliani’s alleged role in the 2019 to him. Both sources were anonymously part over concerns it might complicate come from? @MSNBC @CNN @nytimes I
recall of ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch. cited in the article. the criminal investigation of Giuliani,” the couldn’t quite hear your apology?”

Soaring Lumber
Prices Add Nearly
$36,000 to Cost of
New Home: NAHB

But the pandemic drove demand for

housing in low population density ar-
eas and for home office space, while the
Fed kept interest rates near zero, driving
mortgage rates down to historic lows.
This confluence of factors turned out
to be a boon for housing, with surging
demand pushing housing inventories
to record lows.
Lumber producers have struggled to
catch up with the bustling homebuild-
ing activity, with lumber prices jumping
more than 300 percent year-on-year to
record highs.
“The logging operation, the shipping of
the logs to the mill, the shipping of the
finished product, getting workers back
on the job, it’s not like flipping a switch
to bring those back online,” Jalbert said.
This lumber price increase has also
added nearly $13,000 to the market value
of an average new multifamily home,
NAHB said in a post. This translates into
The U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 2, 2020. households paying $119 a month more
to rent a new apartment, the associa-
tion said, adding that its representatives

GOP House Members Question Possible on April 29 held a “productive” virtual

meeting with White House staff from
the Domestic Policy Council, National

‘Political Interference’ in Census Economic Council, and the Office of the

Vice President.
“The discussion covered mill capacity
issues, mill worker shortages, and how
MICHAEL A. MCCOY/GETTY IMAGES soaring lumber prices are exacerbat-
ZACHARY STIEBER ing the housing affordability crisis and
putting the American dream of home-
A group of House Republicans is question- ownership out of reach of millions of
ing whether political interference contrib- households,” NAHB said in a statement.
uted to what they describe as questionable The association called on the White
results from the recently completed 2020 House to hold a summit on lumber and
Census. building material supply chain issues
The lawmakers on April 30 pointed to the and to temporarily remove the 9 percent
discrepancy between projections of census tariffs on Canadian lumber to help re-
numbers last year and the final figures, and duce price volatility.
also that the Census Bureau referred them “The administration was noncommit-
to the White House when questioned about tal on both requests but the door remains
the apportionment count. open for future talks,” NAHB said.
“While Democrats falsely accused the In the short term, mills are moving to-
Trump Administration of using the Census ward meeting the demand boom.
process for political gain, President [Joe] “The lumber industry is going to hit
Biden has done just that,” the group wrote production capacity this summer, but
to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. things will calm down in 2022,” Jalbert
While lumber prices should come back
to earth, headwinds remain. Resources
Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) at a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 24, 2020.
While Democrats falsely remain constrained and Washington
has to conduct trade negotiations with
accused the Trump Ad- gained two seats and five others gained one respond to a request by The Epoch Times Canada, which provides the United
ministration of using the seat, while New York, California, Illinois, for comment. States with about 30 percent of its lum-
Census process for politi- Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Some Democrats have also questioned ber, according to Jalbert.
Virginia each will lose one seat. the final numbers, including officials in “There’s going to need to be more in-
cal gain, President [Joe] But final population numbers for multiple Washington. vestment in the industry to meet this
Biden has done just that. states diverged widely from estimates the New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the demand,” he said.
bureau released late last year. Trump administration may have had “a But while lumber prices have
Group of House Republicans led New York, for instance, was estimated to chilling effect” on illegal immigrants an- surged,  the cost of concrete has re-
by Rep. James Comer
have 19.3 million residents. The state’s final swering the census. He says he doesn’t think mained stable, with more homebuild-
tally was 20.2 million. Texas, on the other the count was accurate and asked New York ers considering this alternative to keep
“Even as President [Donald] Trump hand, was estimated to have over 29.3 mil- State Attorney General Letitia James, an- costs down.
sought to ensure the accuracy of the 2020 lion residents, but its final tally was under other Democrat, to explore legal options Insulating concrete forms (ICFs),
Census apportionment results by exclud- 29.2 million. to challenge the count. which are polystyrene forms that are
ing illegal aliens from the apportionment “Remarkably, the differences benefit tra- The bureau, in response to Cuomo’s com- stacked in place and then filled with
count, President Biden reversed course, ditionally blue states—which gained popu- ments, directed The Epoch Times to a re- concrete to form a solid wall, have be-
deciding to dilute American citizens’ rep- lation compared to the estimates—over red cent statement. come “a highly popular alternative to
resentational interests by rescinding this states which tended to lose population com- The release included a statement from wood framing,” NAHB said.
commonsense measure. Several liberal pared to the estimates,” House Republicans Ron Jarmin, acting director of the bureau, “Home builders are not likely to leave
states with sanctuary policies may have said in their letter. saying that “the completeness and accu- behind traditional ‘stick-built’ homes
lost more congressional seats if illegal im- “This trend calls into question whether racy of these first 2020 Census results are without good reason,” NAHB said in a
migrants had not been included in the ap- there was any political interference with comparable with recent censuses.” post. “But with lum ber prices now add-
portionment base.” the apportionment results released by the “We had numerous quality checks built ing nearly $36,000 to the price of an aver-
Population numbers for each state gar- Census Bureau,” they said. into collecting the data, and we have con- age single-family home and with recent
nered through the census, a once-per-de- The group, led by House Oversight Rank- ducted one of the most comprehensive re- advancements in building technology in
cade query of Americans, is used to tally ing Member James Comer (R-Ky.), asked views in recent census history during data other areas, certain framing methods at
how many seats in the House of Represen- Raimondo for documents and communica- processing. We are confident that today’s least deserve a look.”
tatives each state receives. tions on a range of issues by May 14. 2020 Census results meet our high data
The newly released figures show Texas The Census Bureau didn’t immediately quality standards.” Reuters contributed to this report.


Crime, Pro-Life, our brave Military and

Voters Advance 2 Republicans, No Vets, and will ALWAYS protect your Second
Democrats in Texas Special Election Democrats had hoped to flip the seat af-
ter former President Donald Trump drew a
Runoff Race smaller number of votes in the district than
he did in 2016. Trump won the district by 3
JACK PHILLIPS of the runoff hasn’t yet been announced. points in 2020, down from 12 points in 2016.
The district covers some southeastern “Although a Democrat is not advancing
Two Republicans will advance to a runoff parts of Fort Worth along with some rural to the runoff, yesterday’s incredibly close
as the top two vote-getters in the race for areas. The race was seen as the first com- margins showed that voters are invested
Texas’s 6th Congressional District, after petitive federal election since President Joe Texas state Rep. Jake Ellzey. in electing Democrats, and are fighting
no one in the 23-candidate field won an Biden took office. for the representation their communities
outright majority of votes on May 1. “Democrats have come a long way to- COVID-19 complications, although he had deserve,” Texas Democratic Party Chair-
Republicans Susan Wright, wife of the ward competing in Texas but we still have battled cancer for years. man Gilberto Hinojosa said in a statement
late Rep. Ron Wright, finished with 19 per- a way to go,” Sanchez said in a statement. “It’s been challenging at times, but the on May 2.
cent of the vote, while Jake Ellzey garnered “Unfortunately, tonight we came up short, work goes on and he would want me to “The new Democratic South is rising, and
14 percent. Democrat Jana Lynne Sanchez and two Republicans will be competing do what he did, which is engage with vot- we will continue to rally our movement to
finished third with 13 percent and con- to represent this Congressional district.” ers, hear what they have to say, and talk to take back our state—including as we look
ceded on May 2. On May 1, Wright issued a statement after them, so that is what we are doing,” Susan toward the 2022 governor’s race,” Hinojosa
The development will ensure that a Re- her victory: “Let’s go win this!” She also Wright said, according to local media, re- added. “We’re ready to build Democratic
publican will win the seat to represent used a hashtag for “Make America Great ferring to her late husband. power, ready to defeat Texas Republicans,
the northern Texas district following Ron Again,” Trump’s campaign slogan. Trump had endorsed Wright, telling sup- and ready to elect leaders who defend our
Wright’s death earlier this year. The date On Feb. 7, then-Rep. Ron Wright died of porters she “will be strong on the Border, rights and put Texans first.”

Firm Overseeing Arizona Election Audit Says Court

Released Security Plan to Public

The Florida-based firm that’s over-

seeing the 2020 election audit in
Arizona’s largest county on April
30 claimed that a court released
its security plan to the public, de-
spite knowing it was meant to be
shielded from public view.

The Arizona
Democratic Party
agreed that one
exhibit, which
gave an overview
of the security for
the audit, should
be withheld from
the public.
Cyber Ninjas submitted a slew of
documents to the Maricopa Coun-
ty Superior Court in response to
a recent ruling by Judge Daniel
Martin, who rejected an attempt
to file the documents under seal
because of their sensitive nature
Workers review ballots during an audit of the 2020 election in Phoenix on April 29, 2021.
and ordered them filed by noon
local time on April 29.
But even the plaintiffs in the it online for anyone to see. with the proposed motion and be sealed and not made available didn’t immediately respond to
case, the Arizona Democratic Par- At 11:02 a.m., about an hour they were waiting for approval. to the public, the Court released requests by The Epoch Times for
ty, agreed that one exhibit, which before the deadline, lawyers for At 3:32 p.m., Cyber Ninjas filed the Exhibit D9 to the public via Mari- comment.
gave an overview of the security Cyber Ninjas informed Martin’s stipulation. Three minutes later, copa County’s Clerk of the Supe- Martin was appointed by a Dem-
for the audit, should be withheld judicial assistant that the exhibit the judicial assistant responded, rior Court website,” Cyber Ninjas ocratic governor. He took over the
from the public. shouldn’t be publicly released. “Thank you.” lawyers wrote in the request for case, an attempt to block the audit
The seven-page plan appeared They offered to send over a stipu- Additionally, the court’s clerk a hearing. by Arizona Democrats, after an-
on the website of the court on April lated motion saying as much. said in an entry from 3:20 p.m. that The exhibit began to appear on other judge had recused himself.
29; it was available for anyone to The court, approximately 30 it received the stipulation and that the internet after 6 p.m. and later On April 28, Martin rebuffed a bid
view and download. The Epoch minutes later, asked for the mo- the exhibit would be sealed. that evening, a local media outlet to immediately halt the audit.
Times obtained the plan while it tion. Lawyers drafted the motion But the security plans, known published an article describing The audit started on April 23 and
was publicly accessible. and sent it to all parties involved. as Exhibit D9, were still released details of the exhibit. is scheduled to continue until May
According to a request for an The court at 12:58 p.m. asked to the public. The request was for an emer- 14. Workers are reviewing ballots
emergency hearing, the court about the motion, and lawyers “Although the Court had knowl- gency status conference regarding cast and machines used in Mari-
was aware the filing was meant promptly informed the assistant edge since 11:02 am that the Par- what happened. copa County in the 2020 presiden-
to be shielded but still published that all parties had been provided ties agreed that Exhibit D9 should The court and Cyber Ninjas tial election.


effective, and Johnson & Johnson’s

to be 66.9 percent effective.
America In an April 27 letter, Reps. Doug
Lamborn (R-Colo.) and Jeff Duncan
The Johnson & Johnson shot was First Legal (R-S.C.) warned Education Secre-
tested after variants began circu-
lating, unlike the others. Pursuing Lawsuit tary Miguel Cardona about push-
ing CRT in the education system.
As of April 30, over 100 million Against Critical “Simply put, the teachings of Crit-
Americans have been fully vac-
cinated against the CCP virus. Race Theory: ical Race Theory want to reject the
principles established in our Con-
Fully vaccinated means getting
two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna
Stephen Miller stitution and our individual God-
given rights, and instead divide
vaccine or the single-shot Johnson individuals into competing racial
& Johnson vaccine. ALLEN ZHONG identity groups while doing little to
Also on April 30, the number of help minority students advance,”
adverse events reported to the pas- America First Legal (AFL) is seek- they wrote in the letter.
sive Vaccine Adverse Event Report- ing to pursue a lawsuit to stop AFL is a legal group founded by
ing System (VAERS) was updated, critical race theory (CRT) train- Trump-era officials to promote the
reaching over 133,000. ing, according to Stephen Miller, America First agenda and push
The system, which federal au- a former adviser to then-President back against leftist radical move-
A man receives a dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Detroit on April 6, 2021.
thorities encourage people to sub- Donald Trump. ments in the United States.
mit reports to, now has reports of “We’re also looking for plain- Several high-profile officials
At Least 9,245 Americans 3,607 post-vaccination deaths.
There were also 2,527 recorded
tiffs—if we can find them—who are
willing to stand up and file suit on
from the Trump administration
including former White House
Tested Positive for COVID-19 life-threatening cases, over 1,600
cases of permanent disability, and
critical race theory,” he said during
an interview with Fox News.
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, for-
mer acting U.S. Attorney General
After Vaccination; 132 Dead nearly 8,500 cases where patients
required hospitalization.
Miller encouraged federal work-
ers who have been compelled to
Matthew Whitaker, and former
Director of the Office of Manage-
The CDC says on its website that participate in CRT training to join ment and Budget Russ Vought
“VAERS has not detected patterns the effort. joined the AFL board of directors
ZACHARY STIEBER Additionally, not all breakthrough in cause of death that would in- “Go to our website and tell us along with Miller.
cases will be identified, because dicate a safety problem with CO- what happened to you,” he said. AFL filed a lawsuit against the
The number of documented so- of a lack of testing. VID-19 vaccines.” The White House and the Justice Biden administration and joined
called breakthrough COVID-19 “These surveillance data are a Agency physicians, along with Department didn’t immediately two other lawsuits within one
cases has climbed above 9,000, ac- snapshot and help identify pat- regulators from the Food and Drug respond to requests by The Epoch month of its establishment.
cording to the Centers for Disease terns and look for signals among Administration, review each case Times for comment. For decades, left-leaning lawyer
Control and Prevention (CDC). vaccine breakthrough cases. As report of death. Critical race theory—which es- organizations such as the Ameri-
As of April 16, 9,245 people had CDC and state health departments “A review of available clinical pouses the idea that race is not can Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
tested positive for COVID-19 at shift to focus only on investigating information including death cer- natural, but socially constructed have been pushing liberal agen-
least two weeks after getting their vaccine breakthrough cases that tificates, autopsy, and medical re- to oppress and exploit people of das through legal fights in vari-
final COVID-19 vaccine, the health result in hospitalization or death, cords revealed no evidence that color—is an offshoot of the Karl ous courts. The ACLU reportedly
agency reported. About 9 percent, those data will be regularly updat- vaccination contributed to patient Marx-influenced critical theory so- raised just under $120 million in
or 835, required hospitalization, ed and posted every Friday,” the deaths,” the CDC said in an April cial philosophy that was promoted online donations and its members
and 132 died. agency said in a statement. 27 statement. by the Frankfurt School of thought. increased  to 1.84 million from
Of the hospitalized patients, 241 A breakthrough case means a WAGNER MEIER/GETTY IMAGES
Trump signed an executive order 400,000 within a year and a half
were said to be asymptomatic or person gets COVID-19 despite banning CRT training in federal after Trump won the 2016 presi-
having an illness not related to CO- being vaccinated and having two agencies in September 2020 with dential election.
VID-19, and 20 of the deaths were or more weeks elapse since his or the White House describing it as However, legal efforts from the
reported as asymptomatic or not her final dose. Two of the three “anti-American propaganda.” conservative side to push back the
related to the disease, caused by vaccines authorized for use in the However, this socialist ideology left-leaning agenda are relatively
the CCP virus. United States require two doses. has been embraced by President small and not at the same level.
The numbers are from 46 U.S. The CDC says the vaccines are Joe Biden and his administration. Miller urged Republicans and
states and territories. It’s not clear still effective, noting that the He reversed Trump’s September conservatives to fight back instead
which four states aren’t submit- breakthrough cases represent a 2020 executive order right after he of just focusing on “raising their
ting breakthrough case figures to small percentage of those who came into the White House and families, living their lives, pursu-
the CDC. have been vaccinated. A laboratory technician prepares pushed CRT training on all fronts. ing their dreams.”
The numbers are likely an un- Clinical trials reviewed by drug vials of the AstraZeneca/Oxford The Biden administration’s efforts “We have to save our country
dercount because the CDC’s regulators showed Pfizer’s vac- COVID-19 vaccine at the Institute triggered widespread pushback and fight back, just like they [the
surveillance system is passive cine to be 95 percent effective in of Technology in Immunobiology in from federal and state Republican hardcore leftists] do. Instead of
and relies on voluntary reporting preventing infection by the CCP Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on February lawmakers, conservatives and re- fighting to destroy, we will fight
from state health departments. virus, Moderna’s to be 94 percent 12, 2021. lated organizations, and parents. to rescue,” he said.
MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021 CHINA | A9

Chinese Companies
Hold Record IPOs in
US, Despite Tensions
CONTINUED FROM A1 the company had since denied
such speculation. ByteDance
Companies Accountable Act to previously wanted to list the
enforce more stringent disclo- entire company either in the
sure rules on foreign compa- United States or in Hong Kong
nies whose stocks trade in the before the Trump administra-
United States. Such efforts to tion raised security concerns
gain more transparency and last year regarding TikTok.
greater oversight of Chinese Didi Chuxing, China’s No. 1
companies have bipartisan po- ride-hailing app, is a sure bet
litical support in Washington. for an IPO in the United States
However, these actions have later this year. Didi has a long
had little effect on the parade list of famous backers including
of Chinese companies lining Tencent, Alibaba, Japan’s Soft-
up to hold their IPOs on U.S. Bank, Toyota, and Uber, is one The New York Stock Exchange on March 9, 2021.
exchanges. of China’s biggest tech unicorns,
and has already confidentially on U.S. exchanges is close to 30 cially large companies striving still access a large, liquid stock
filed a form S-1 in anticipation percent of the Shanghai market, for global relevance. The Chi- exchange in Hong Kong.
of a New York Stock Exchange 37 percent of the Shenzhen mar- nese onshore market is largely While Chinese companies
The U.S. stock listing. Uber’s stake in Didi was a ket, or 16 percent of China’s two retail, with individual investors may be incentivized to list in
market is an ocean result of it selling its own China biggest markets combined. holding the greatest number the United States, U.S. investors
subsidiary to Didi in 2016. By comparison, the total mar- of shares. The U.S. market is should remain wary.
compared to Hello TransTech, a bicycle- ket cap of the U.S. stock market dominated by institutions, such Information transparency and
China’s pond. sharing platform, is another was $49 trillion as of March 31, as mutual funds and ETFs, pen- disclosure integrity are not on
Chinese company preparing according to Siblis Research. sions, insurance companies, par with U.S. peers, especially for
Since drugmaker Qilian In- for a U.S. offering, according to So what does this mean? For hedge funds, and banks. There smaller less well-known Chinese
ternational Holding Group Ltd. a South China Morning Post one, moving these U.S.-listed is a positive reputational impact companies. Even after China
became the first Chinese com- report. Hello is backed by Ant Chinese companies back to to having majority institutional allows U.S. regulators to examine
pany to take its shares to Nasdaq Group and has an estimated China would be problematic— holders, in addition to other audit workpapers, there are no
this year, Chinese companies valuation of $5 billion, according their scale would crowd out tangible impacts such as a less guarantees those workpapers are
have raised around $4.4 billion to its latest round of financing. available capital from other Chi- volatile stock price (institutions original or factual.
through March 31 in 20 separate So why do so many Chinese nese companies. It’s clear that turn over their holdings less fre- Take Luckin Coffee, the infa-
IPO transactions, according to companies continue to list their obtaining capital from abroad is quently than retail investors). mous U.S.-listed coffee chain
data from Deloitte & Touche. The stock on U.S. exchanges, despite a key financial strategy for many So the threat of increased that collapsed last year due to
largest IPO was the $1.6 billion clear regulatory risks? In short, Chinese companies, and by regulatory oversight is real, and financial fraud, as an example.
share issuance by RLX Technol- market access and the associated extension, the Chinese Com- some firms may be delisted. But The Luckin fraud wasn’t uncov-
ogy Inc., a maker of e-cigarettes. liquidity. munist Party (CCP). The size of Chinese companies to date still ered by its auditors. In fact, its
This is an extraordinary pace The U.S. stock market is an Chinese onshore markets would view the benefits of listing in the auditor, Ernst & Young, argued
considering that last year during ocean compared to China’s need to expand significantly to United States as outweighing the that it held no responsibility
the same quarter, there were only pond. The total market value of accommodate these companies. risks. From China’s perspective, since the statements and records
six U.S. IPOs raising $370 million all Chinese-domiciled compa- By comparison, the size of capital it behooves the CCP to reach it received from the company
from Chinese companies. nies traded on U.S. exchanges pools and diversity of investors in an agreement with the SEC on were falsified. So even granting
And there are several high-pro- amounted to $1.9 trillion as of the United States is unmatched. cross-country accounting and the SEC with workpapers and
file Chinese IPOs on the horizon. April 30, according to an analy- The Federal Reserve issued a auditing inspection quickly, if other company documents to ex-
One such potential IPO is sis by The Epoch Times using white paper called “Why Do U.S. only to keep the cash flowing. amine wouldn’t have uncovered
ByteDance’s Douyin, the short- Bloomberg data. Cross-Listings Matter” in 2008. One way some companies Luckin’s fraud.
form video social app that is the The value of China’s entire While the paper is dated, its have hedged their bets is by Institutional Investor magazine
Chinese version of TikTok. Re- stock market is about $11.7 tril- conclusions remain relevant. The having a dual listing. Several of summed up the collective inves-
uters reported that ByteDance lion in total. That’s the sum of Fed found that “U.S. investors China’s biggest technology gi- tor sentiment in this rhetorical
internally discussed listing the market capitalization of the sharply increase their holdings ants, including, Alibaba, question last year: “They’re eager
Douyin on the New York Stock Shanghai Stock Exchange of $6.5 in foreign stocks that cross-list on and Baidu, are listed both in the to reap the benefits from invest-
Exchange and has been devis- trillion, plus the market value of a U.S. exchange, a phenomenon United States and in Hong Kong. ing in China’s enormous market,
ing a legal structure that would the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of we term the ‘cross-listing effect.’” This way, if U.S. regulators do bar but can they trust the numbers,
meet the requirements of both $5.2 trillion. That means the val- Having a U.S. capital base is these companies from American the disclosures, and the honesty
U.S. and Chinese regulators. But ue of Chinese companies listed important for companies, espe- exchanges, foreign investors can of China’s companies?”

Thousands Gather in Taipei to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day


FRANK FANG tion that began on April 28. Orga- said the event serves as a rebuttal
nizers set out color-coordinated to the communist regime’s arro-
TAIPEI, Taiwan—About 5,200 Fa- mats to create the outline of the gance. At the start of the persecu-
lun Gong practitioners in Taiwan image, although their task became tion, former Chinese leader Jiang
adorned in colorful outfits gath- more difficult because of rain dur- Zemin confidently claimed that
ered to sit in the iconic Liberty ing the two days before the event. Falun Gong would be “eradicated”
Square in Taipei on May 1, creat- The weather cleared by April 30, in three months. But more than
ing an immense image to com- and on May 1, the sun emerged two decades later, the discipline
memorate almost three decades from behind the clouds at noon is still attracting new adherents,
since the spiritual practice Falun while participants were sitting Huang said.
Gong was made public. on their assigned mats waiting She added that it was in 1994,
The participants were arranged for aerial photos to be taken. two years after Li introduced the
to form a short phrase in tradi- Shortly after, a ring of light, discipline, that the first group
tional Chinese characters. The known as a 22-degree halo, ap- of Taiwanese began practicing
message wished the founder of peared around the sun, dazzling Falun Gong.
the practice, Li Hongzhi, a happy the participants below. Wu Ching-hsiang, a retired ar-
birthday and highlighted the 29th chitect who created the blueprint
anniversary of the day that Falun Tradition for the image, told The Epoch About 5,200 people gather to take part in a character formation at Liberty
Gong was introduced to the pub- Even after staging the annual event Times that the purpose of depict- Square in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 1, 2021.
lic in China. for more than 20 years, Taiwanese ing two heavenly beauties was to
Li introduced the spiritual dis- adherents are still seeking to make convey a sense of universal jubila- being played [by the organizer], I he was impressed by how orderly
cipline in northeastern China 29 improvements, Huang Chun-mei, tion associated with the day. found a moment of serenity.” adherents were when they filed
years ago on May 13, which is also the event organizer and deputy Holding such an event that in- Tung says said her mental and to their spots in the formation.
his birthday. Since 2000, the date chairwoman of the Taiwan Dafa volves thousands of people dur- physical health have improved It was the first time that Liu had
has been celebrated by Falun Gong Association, told The Epoch Times. ing the pandemic wouldn’t have dramatically since taking up the seen the event in person, though
adherents and supporters as World This year marked the first time been possible without the success practice, compared to other people he had seen pictures of the past
Falun Dafa Day. that the image involved so many of the Taiwanese government in in her age group. On top of this, her events online.
The discipline, also known as Chinese characters—14—which preventing the spread of the CCP skill as a designer has improved, Liu expressed concern for the on-
Falun Dafa, consists of five medi- made coordination of the partici- (Chinese Communist Party) virus, she said, adding that she often gets going persecution of the practice in
tative exercises and moral teach- pants more challenging, according which causes the disease COV- inspiration that seems to come China, describing it as “extremely
ings centered on the principles of to Huang. In addition, the image of ID-19, Wu added. from nowhere. inhumane.”
truthfulness, compassion, and lotus seed buns was used for the After the character forma- Jackie Lin, 48, a production plan- Taipei City counselor Lin Ying-
forbearance. first time. tion ended, adherents stood ning manager at a semiconductor meng called on Taiwanese peo-
Other adherents, who wore pink The decades-old tradition didn’t in long lines to perform  Falun company, said he has taken part ple and neighboring countries to
capes and hoods, formed two lo- originate on the island. It started Gong’s meditative exercises. in the annual character formation condemn the Chinese Commu-
tus seed buns. These buns, also in China in the 1990s, when Falun many times since 2014. He said he nist Party (CCP) over its human
known as “longevity peaches” Gong adherents could still openly Falun Gong has found a new purpose in life be- rights violations, including those
in Chinese, are a common item practice and hold public activi- One participant, Debbie Tung, 28, cause of the practice. perpetrated against Falun Gong
served at birthdays for seniors to ties. But after the Chinese regime a designer in graphic design and Many locals stood nearby to practitioners and Christians.
celebrate their accomplishments launched a nationwide persecu- visual arts, said she has taken part watch as the event was unfolding. “I hope that Taiwan can be a safe
in having reached a ripe old age. tion campaign involving mass in the annual event at least four Mrs. Wu, a housewife, said it was harbor for all the different ethnic
Above the Chinese characters arrests and hateful propaganda times after she started practicing her second time seeing the char- groups and people oppressed [by
were two heavenly beauties—im- in July 1999, this activity has been Falun Gong. acter formation at Liberty Square. Beijing],” Lin said in an interview
ages of angels often associated kept alive by overseas adherents. “I was blown away the first time I She described the scene as a “spec- with the Taiwanese edition of The
with traditional Chinese culture. Aside from celebrating Li’s took part in it,” Tung said. “I found tacular and grandeur” display. Epoch Times. “I hope that we can
The formation was the result of birthday and commemorating it very peaceful. As I was sitting Another local, Mr. Liu, a sales- continue to provide assistance to
three days of intensive prepara- World Falun Dafa Day, Huang there and listening to the music person in the auto industry, said people persecuted by the CCP.”
A10 | WORLD MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021


“We haven’t heard anything,” he said.

“Of course, we probably wouldn’t, but my
instinct is to be skeptical at present.”
Earlier on May 2, UK Foreign Secretary
Dominic Raab told the BBC that he be-
lieved Zaghari-Ratcliffe was being held
“unlawfully” by Iran.
“I think she’s been treated in the most
abusive, tortuous way,” Raab said. “I think
it amounts to torture the way she’s been
treated and there is a very clear, unequivo-
cal obligation on the Iranians to release her
and all of those who are being held as lever-
age immediately and without condition.”

Reports that a prisoner

swap deal has been
reached are not true.
Ned Price, spokesman,
U.S. State Department

The announcement by state TV comes

amid a wider power struggle between
hardliners and the relatively moderate
government of Iranian President Hassan
Rouhani. That conflict only has grown
sharper as Iran approaches its June 18
presidential election.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Ja-
Spokesman Ned Price takes questions from reporters during a press briefing at the State Department in Washington on March 31, 2021. vad Zarif, who pushed for the 2015 nuclear
deal under Rouhani, has seen himself em-

US Denies Iran’s Claims of Prisoner,

broiled in a scandal over frank comments
he made in a leaked recording. Zarif’s name
had been floated as a possible candidate in
the election, something that now seems

Cash Swap; UK Downplays unlikely as even Iran’s supreme leader has

apparently criticized him.
Tehran is now negotiating with world
powers over both it and the United States
CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS returning to the nuclear deal, which saw it
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates—The Unit- Iran and our interlocutors all the time, but limit its uranium enrichment in exchange
ed States on May 2 immediately denied a so far there’s no agreement.” for the lifting of economic sanctions. Iran
report by Iranian state-run television that Tehran holds four known Americans has not held direct negotiations with the
deals had been reached for the Islamic now in prison: Baquer and Siamak United States during the talks, however.
Republic to release U.S. and British pris- Namazi, environmentalist Morad Tah- Iran says $20 billion of its oil revenue
oners in exchange for Tehran receiving baz and Iranian-American businessman has been frozen in countries like South
billions of dollars. Emad Shargi. Iran long has been accused Korea, Iraq, and China under U.S. sanc-
Even after an initial American denial, of holding those with Western ties as pris- tions since 2018.
an anchorwoman on Iranian state TV still oners to be later used as bargaining chips U.S. National security adviser Jake Sul-
repeated the announcement. in negotiations. livan said on May 2 that no deal had been
“Some sources say four Iranian prisoners Despite the American denials, there have reached with Iran in Vienna.
are to be released and $7 billion are to be been signs that a deal on prisoners may “There is still a fair distance to travel to
received by Iran in exchange for releasing be in the works based on Iranian officials’ close the remaining gaps,” he said on ABC’s
four American spies,” the anchorwoman remarks in recent weeks. “This Week” program. “And those gaps are
said. She described the claimed deal as Although no formal proposal for a swap over what sanctions the United States and
coming due to congressional pressure on has yet been presented to officials in Wash- A staff member removes the Iranian flag from other countries will roll back. They are over
President Joe Biden and “his urgent need ington, let alone been signed off on by the the stage, after a group picture with foreign what nuclear restrictions Iran will accept
to show progress made in the Iran case.” White House, the specificity of the reports ministers and representatives in Vienna on on its program to ensure that they can
State TV didn’t identify the Iranians that from Iran suggested that working-level July 14, 2015. never get a nuclear weapon.”
Tehran sought to be freed. consideration of a deal is at least underway. As the negotiations continue, Iranian
State Department spokesman Ned Price State TV also quoted sources as saying a Embassy in London in 2009. diplomats there have offered encouraging
immediately denied the Iranian state TV deal had been reached for the United King- That came after she completed a five-year comments, while state TV quoted anony-
report. dom to pay 400 million pounds ($552 mil- prison sentence in the Islamic Republic mous sources striking maximalist posi-
“Reports that a prisoner swap deal has lion) to see the release of British-Iranian after being convicted of plotting the over- tions contradicting them. That even saw
been reached are not true,” Price said. “As woman Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. throw of Iran’s government, a charge that Abbas Araghchi, the Iranian deputy foreign
we have said, we always raise the cases of British officials downplayed the report. she, her supporters, and rights groups deny. minister leading the talks, offer a rebuke on
Americans detained or missing in Iran. We The Foreign Office said the country con- While employed at the Thomson Reuters Twitter last week to Iranian state television’s
will not stop until we are able to reunite tinues “to explore options to resolve this Foundation, the charitable arm of the English-language arm, Press TV.
them with their families.” 40-year-old case and we will not comment news agency, she was taken into custody “I don’t know who the ‘informed source’
Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain told CBS’ further as legal discussions are ongoing.’’ at the Tehran airport in April 2016 as she of Press TV in Vienna is, but s/he is cer-
“Face the Nation” that “unfortunately, that Last week, Zaghari-Ratcliffe was sen- was returning home to Britain after visit- tainly not ‘informed,’” Araghchi wrote.
report is untrue. There is no agreement to tenced to an additional year in prison, ing family.
release these four Americans.” her lawyer said, on charges of spreading Richard Ratcliffe, the husband of Za- By Jon Gambrell & Isabel Debre
“We’re working very hard to get them “propaganda against the system” for par- ghari-Ratcliffe, told The Associated Press Reuters contributed to this report.
released,” Klain said. “We raise this with ticipating in a protest in front of the Iranian he was not aware of any swap in the works. From The Associated Press


GERMANY INDIA more than 200 seats in the reform have led to multiple
294-seat state assembly, deaths around the country.
Over 90 German Prime Minister election commission of- — From Reuters
Police Injured in Modi’s Ruling ficials said. Final counting
May Day Riots Party Loses for some seats was still EL SALVADOR
Crucial Indian — From Reuters New Salvadoran
At least 93 police officers
were injured and 354 pro- State Election Congress Ousts
testers were detained after COLOMBIA
Attorney General
traditional May Day rallies The incumbent chief
in Berlin turned violent, minister’s party in India’s Colombia’s in Latest Purge
the city’s top security of- West Bengal state has President
ficial said. defeated Prime Minister Withdraws Tax The party of El Salvador’s
More than 20 differ- Narendra Modi’s party President Nayib Bukele has
ent rallies took place in in a state election held as Reform After voted to remove the coun-
the German capital and COVID-19 cases surged to Protests try’s top prosecutor, part
the vast majority of them Police and protestors clash during the “Revolutionary May Day crisis levels. of an intensifying political
were peaceful. However, Demonstration” in Frankfurt on May 1, 2021. Modi has been criticized Colombian President Ivan purge that has rocked the
a leftist march of 8,000 for focusing on the elec- Duque said that he would Central American country
people through the city’s tions instead of making withdraw a proposed tax and drawn international
Neukoelln and Kreuzberg violence toward police. restrictions, authorities the pandemic his top reform after sometimes criticism.
neighborhood, which — The Associated Press said. priority. violent protests and The vote shortly after
has seen clashes in past About 15 people, includ- Some experts blame the widespread lawmakers’ midnight to dismiss Attor-
decades, turned violent. BELGIUM ing protesters and police, federal election commis- opposition. ney General Raul Melara
Protesters threw bottles were injured in clashes, sion for allowing rallies Duque said that the followed a new legislative
and rocks at officers and Belgian Police police spokeswoman Ilse and voting in which large law would be revised to majority’s votes to kick out
burned garbage cans and Detain 132 in Van de Keere said. crowds flouted rules on remove some of its most all of the judges on the con-
wooden pallets in the Virus Restrictions About 2,000 revelers and social distancing and controversial points—in- stitutional chamber of the
streets. protesters had massed in mask-wearing. cluding the leveling of nation’s supreme court.
Berlin state interior Protest the park for the second Mamata Banerjee, 66, sales tax on utilities and Ruling party lawmakers
minister Andreas Geisel time in a month, and is set to be the chief of some food—but the gov- accused Melara, whose of-
condemned the throwing Police have detained 132 police used water cannons West Bengal for the third ernment had previously fice wields significant pow-
of bottles and rocks, the people who took part in an and tear gas to disperse time after her Trinamool insisted it could not be er to conduct investigations,
burning barricades on the illegal party in a Brussels them. Congress party won a two- withdrawn. of lacking independence.
streets, and especially the park to protest COVID-19 — The Associated Press thirds majority, taking Protests against the — From Reuters
MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021 WORLD | A11

India Hospital
Fire Kills 18
COVID-19 Patients
NEW DELHI—A fire in a CO- main closed until May 9, except
VID-19 hospital ward in western for those that provide essential
India killed 18 patients early on services such as grocery stores.
May 1, as the country is grappling People are not supposed to leave
with the worst outbreak yet. their homes, except for a hand-
The same day, India set yet an- ful of reasons like seeking medi-
other daily global record with cal care or going to the airport
401,993 new cases, taking its tally or railroad stations. Daily wage
to more than 19.1 million. Another earners and small businesses are
3,523 people died in the past 24 expected to suffer a further blow
hours, raising the overall fatali- to their livelihoods.
ties to 211,853, according to the Separately, 12 COVID-19 pa-
Health Ministry. Experts believe tients, including a doctor, on
both figures are an undercount. high-flow oxygen died May 1 at a
hospital in New Delhi after it ran
out of the supply for 80 minutes,
said S.C.L. Gupta, director of Batra
Thirty-one other Hospital. Gupta said the hospital
Gujarat police personnel stand guard at the entrance of the Patel Welfare COVID Hospital after a fire broke out over-
patients were has been facing irregular oxygen
night, in Bharuch near Ahmedabad, India, on May 1, 2021.
supply from manufacturers for
rescued from the more than a week, but it exhaust- SAM PANTHAKY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

blaze by hospital ed it completely for the first time. A policeman and oxygen to India last week,
workers and He said the hospital tank was re- (L) escorts a along with some materials need-
filled with enough oxygen for 12 relative (C) to ed for India to boost its domestic
firefighters. hours and it will again be looking identify the production of COVID-19 vaccines.
for replenishment. mobile phone Additionally, a CDC team of
The fire broke out in a COVID-19 The New Delhi television news of his sister, a public health experts was ex-
ward on the ground floor of the channel also said an attorney for health worker pected to be on the ground soon
Welfare Hospital in Bharuch, a the Batra hospital complained to who died in a to help Indian health officials try
town in Gujarat state, and was a New Delhi court that is hearing fire at the Patel to slow the spread of the virus.
extinguished within an hour, petitions by several hospitals on Welfare COVID Other nations have also sent as-
police said. The cause is being the issue. Hospital, in sistance, and the Indian air force
Bharuch near
investigated. Hospitals in the Indian capital airlifted oxygen containers from
Thirty-one other patients were have been complaining of emer- India, on May
Singapore, Dubai, and Bangkok.
rescued from the blaze by hospi- gencies caused by irregular oxy- 1, 2021. A German military aircraft with
tal workers and firefighters and gen supplies from manufacturers 120 ventilators departed for India
their condition was stable, police due to the sudden rise in demand health system by adding hospital pitals and died in the car on April on May 1, and plans were being
officer B.M. Parmar said. Late last caused by the massive spike in beds, resolving issues in produc- 30, The Times of India newspaper made for other flights with more
month, a fire in an intensive care infections. tion, storage and transport of oxy- reported. supplies. Also on board was a
unit killed 13 COVID-19 patients Faced with an unprecedented gen, and tackling the shortage of The United States has joined a team of 13 that will help prepare
in the Virar area, on the outskirts COVID-19 surge that has filled essential medicines. growing list of countries restrict- to set up a mobile oxygen produc-
of Mumbai. hospitals and crematoriums, In a now-familiar scene, tele- ing travel from India, the White tion unit that will be flown to In-
India’s capital extended its Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision images showed a woman House said, citing the devastating dia next week, the German news
week-old lockdown by another government described the pan- gasping for breath in her car rise in COVID-19 cases and the agency dpa said.
week to curb the explosive surge demic as a “once-in-a-century cri- while her family looked for a hos- emergence of potentially danger-
in virus cases, Arvind Kejriwal, a sis.” Modi held a Cabinet meeting pital bed on the outskirts of New ous variants. The Epoch Times staff
top elected official said on Twitter. on April 30 that discussed steps Delhi. The 33-year-old woman The U.S. also began delivering contributed to this report.
All shops and factories will re- to save the country’s crumbling couldn’t find room at three hos- therapeutics, rapid virus tests, From The Associated Press

Pfizer, BioNTech Seek EU’s OK to Use COVID-19 Vaccine on Kids

LONDON—Pfizer Inc. and BioN- showed their vaccine to be safe ference to our vaccine campaign, United States and more than 13,500 Other COVID-19 vaccine manu-
Tech have submitted a request to and effective. The children will if approval is granted,” he said on have been hospitalized, according facturers, including AstraZeneca,
the European drug regulator for continue to be monitored for lon- the sidelines of a visit to a vaccine to a tally by the American Academy Moderna, and Johnson & John-
the approval of their coronavirus ger-term protection and safety for manufacturing plant in the Ger- of Pediatrics. That’s more than die son, are also studying whether
vaccine to be extended to include another two years. BioNTech and man town of Reinbek. from the flu in an average year. A their shots can safely be used in
children 12 to 15 years old, in a Pfizer have previously requested Most COVID-19 vaccines be- small number have also developed children.
move that could offer younger and their emergency use authoriza- ing rolled out worldwide are for a serious inflammatory condition The COVID-19 vaccine made by
less at-risk populations in Europe tion with the U.S. Food and Drug adults, who are at higher risk from linked to the coronavirus. Pfizer and BioNTech was the first
access to the shot for the first time. Administration also be extended the coronavirus. Immunizing children against one to be granted a green light by
In a statement on April 30, the to children 12 to 15 years old. Children represent about 13 per- COVID-19 might also give authori- the EMA last December, when it
two pharmaceutical compa- German Health Minister Jens cent of COVID-19 cases document- ties more confidence in reopening was licensed for anyone 16 and
nies said their submission to the Spahn welcomed the news that ed in the United States. And while schools, since getting children to over across the 27-nation EU bloc.
European Medicines Agency is the vaccine might soon get the children are far less likely than comply with physical distancing
based on an advanced study of green light for older children. adults to get seriously ill, at least 268 and mask-wearing has sometimes By Frank Jordans
more than 2,000 adolescents that “This can make a further real dif- have died from COVID-19 in the been challenging. From The Associated Press

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A12 MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021

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MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021 • A13

A medical worker observes COVID-19 patients inside a makeshift care facility in a sports stadium in New Delhi on May 2, 2021.

A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed


JAMES E. FANELL been on this list before, the timing of this

announcement, given all the other seem-
n the 3rd century BC, the Roman ingly adversarial decisions and actions,
poet Quintus Ennius wrote “Amicus is threatening to undo the trust that had
certus in re incerta cernitur,” which been built up these past four years.
translated means “a sure friend is However, by far the worst decision
known when in difficulty.” After involved the current deadly surge of People line up
two millennia, this statement is now be- the COVID-19 virus across India. With while waiting
ing discussed from Delhi to Washington hundreds of thousands of new cases and to receive a
by those who are wondering whether the thousands of deaths each day, India’s dose of the
current U.S. administration is really a medical infrastructure has been pushed Covishield
true friend to the people of India. to the limit, with reports of overflowing vaccine, out-
Recent events have Indians wonder- hospitals and critical shortages of oxy- side the Moti
ing if, rather than build on the previous gen, medical supplies, and ICU beds. Lal Nehru
administration’s whole-of-government While the Modi administration will Medical
College in
approach to the Indo-Pacific—which face its own public for this situation, there Allahabad,
perforce showed the importance of the was a clear need for urgent international India, on May
United States and India drawing closer support. Very quickly, the UK, France, 1, 2021.
together—the Biden administration may Germany, and even China and Pakistan
instead be indulging in siloed, bureau- all offered help. Unsurprisingly, Russia
cratic decision-making that risks under- swiftly announced it was arranging for to the American people. Number two, To get through this, the Biden admin-
mining carefully built trust. shipments of oxygen and medicine. the American people, this country has istration will have to realize that it can’t
The first major event was earlier this Meanwhile, on the U.S. side, the Febru- been hit harder than any other country treat India in a siloed fashion, with each
month when the USS John Paul Jones ary 2021 implementation of the Defense around the world—more than 550,000 department making its own points for its
conducted a Freedom of Navigation Op- Production Act (DPA) resulted in a ban deaths, tens of millions of infections in own reasons, possibly influenced by spe-
eration (FONOP) in the western Indian on the export of the raw materials (some this country alone. cific lobbies. In Delhi, swipes from the
Ocean near the Maldives. The United 35 that come from America) used for the “It is not only in the U.S. interest to see Navy, or the departments of the Treasury
States has conducted similar FONOPs making of antivirus vaccines. This ban Americans vaccinated, but it is in the or State aren’t seen in isolation, they’re
in the region. Unfortunately, given that adversely affected India’s pharmaceuti- interests of the rest of the world to see seen as a pattern.
this occurred so soon after the Quad cal industry and degraded, if not pre- Americans vaccinated.” The short-term gain of treating India as
Leaders Summit, the 7th Fleet’s standard vented, it from producing vaccines for its One can understand why Indians a true friend is clear ... saving lives. The
press release needlessly generated undue own people and saving lives. would be stunned. India has been a long-term gain is the furtherance of a
negative attention. team player in the fight against CO- strategic partnership that saves the world
While the United States FON program, VID-19. During the surge of the virus in from the destructive ideology and ac-
which has been in existence since 1975, the United States in 2020, at the request tions of the Chinese Communist Party—
is designed as a legal challenge to U.S.
Will this be considered a new of the United States, India exported 50 something we can only do together.
assessed excessive maritime claims and administration’s ‘beginner’s million capsules of hydroxychloroquine It’s time for America to demonstrate
isn’t directed toward any one nation, mistake’ (even though this is to America and has exported tens of mil- that those words from over 2,000 years
Delhi still has been left wondering why lions of free vaccine doses worldwide, in ago remain true today: A friend in need
the current administration in Wash-
supposed to be a tried and tested part on the assumption that raw materi- is a friend indeed. India was there when
ington is treating India the same as the foreign policy team), or will it als would continue to flow. the United States was in need, now it’s
People’s Republic of China, a stated be taken as a glimpse at the true It’s not surprising that one respected America’s turn.
strategic competitor. and normally U.S.-friendly Indian news
Two other actions from the current U.S. thinking of the leadership? panel show anchor said, “The Russians Jim Fanell, a retired U.S. Navy captain, is
administration also caused bewilder- are sending us oxygen; now convince us currently a government fellow at the Ge-
ment, and even growing resentment, While the Biden administration has we shouldn’t buy their missiles.” neva Centre for Security Policy in Switzer-
among the people of India. The first was justified the blanket export ban as being Over the weekend, the Biden adminis- land, and a former director of intelligence
the recent announcement by the State part and parcel of the DPA, Delhi was left tration suddenly woke up, and now there and information operations for the U.S.
Department putting India on notice that wondering why the Biden administration are tweets of support and promises of Pacific Fleet. His nearly 30-year career as
it will face potential sanctions for not al- had not sought to exempt India from this delivery of needed supplies. Apart from a naval intelligence officer spanned an
lowing “religious freedom”—something law, especially after many requests by the lives needlessly lost, it’s unclear how unprecedented series of afloat and ashore
that is especially galling for India, which Indian diplomats. much reputational damage has been assignments across the Indo-Pacific,
has a tradition of religious liberty and When asked why the United States done. Will this be considered a new specializing in the People’s Republic of
has been a courageous host to the Dalai blocked the already-agreed-upon administration’s “beginner’s mistake” China’s navy and its operations. A recog-
Lama for over sixty years. delivery of raw materials for making (even though this is supposed to be a nized international public speaker and
Second, the administration’s Treasury vaccines to India, U.S. State Department tried and tested foreign policy team), or accomplished writer, Fanell also is the
Department added India to its currency spokesman Ned Price said: “Number will it be taken as a glimpse at the true creator and manager of the Indo-Pacific
manipulation watch list. While India has one, we have a special responsibility thinking of the leadership? Security forum Red Star Rising/Risen.

As the EU Showed Britain, You Can Have

Socialism or Democracy, but You Can’t Have Both

ANDREW DAVIES a crucial level of checks and balances on

government is removed.
On April 28, the EU Donald Trump understood this, which
voted to ratify the post- is why he pulled America out of many of
Brexit trade deal by a its global “obligations” and sought to give
margin of 660-5, with power back to the U.S. Congress. He knew
32 abstentions. But this that democratic accountability doesn’t yet
overwhelming majority exist anywhere above the national level.
approved the deal begrudg- The left understands that the most effec-
ingly, as a failure to meet the deadline tive way to gain public consent for eroding
would have resulted in the UK leaving the hard-fought-for democratic rights of
the trade bloc on a “no-deal” basis and the people is through an overwhelming
becoming subject to World Trade Organi- global crisis—and COVID fever was strong
zation tariffs on trade. The Palace of Westminster, seen from east, with Victoria Tower and the House of Lords on the left, enough to convince the president as well.
EU Commission President Ursula von and Big Ben and the House of Commons on the right. At the end of 2019, Donald Trump’s
der Leyen sought to explain to her col- electoral lead looked unassailable. Yet
leagues why ratification of the post-Brexit eign Affairs Margot Wallstrom said she ing member of the EU. by March 2020, he had been convinced
trade deal was so important: “It will give us “cannot forgive them for this.” She was In 1943, Monnet wrote: “There will be to start putting America’s economy on
the tools we need to ensure full and faith- referring to the British politicians who no peace in Europe if the States rebuild life-support, committing it to a process he
ful compliance with the obligations [of the had succumbed to pressure from the themselves on the basis of national had never heard of until two months ear-
deal], which both sides signed up to.” renegade Nigel Farage and allowed their sovereignty ... The States of Europe must lier, when the Chinese Communist Party
While some Brexiters voiced concerns people to exercise their democratic rights, therefore form a federation or a European took the lead in a strategy of “lockdowns,”
that the deal conceded too much to Brus- with 52 percent voting to leave the EU. entity that would make them into a com- which was enthusiastically endorsed by
sels, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the That democratic process, which Farage mon economic unit.” the World Health Organization.
vote marked the “final step in a long jour- once hailed as “an epic triumph for the Europe would soon be saved from Nazi Now that Trump momentum is gone—at
ney, providing stability to our new relation- people against the political classes,” was Germany by the free nations of the United least for now—and Joe Biden has rushed
ship with the EU as vital trading partners, unforgivable to Wallstrom and was a his- States and the UK. However, Monnet’s to sign the United States back into legally
close allies, and sovereign equals.” toric mistake according to an EU resolu- view remained the same: that countries— binding international commitments,
Surprisingly, Britain’s chief negotia- tion that has just been passed. rather than the evil ideologies that had which will necessarily make the U.S. gov-
tor, Lord Frost, also used the same term The EU has many democratic-sounding perverted the Axis States—are intrinsi- ernment weaker and more dependent on
“sovereign equals.” But the EU is a politi- institutions—such as its parliament based cally unstable and thus dangerous. organizations outside of its control.
cal union rather than a sovereign entity, in Strasbourg—but its laws are solely made A more recent view questioning the Yet American exceptionalism has saved
and its member nations no longer enjoy by the EU Commission, which comprises viability of nation-states is the notion that the rest of the world from itself on many
the level of sovereignty that Brexit is sup- one political appointee from each of its re- they aren’t big enough to deal with global occasions. If that’s swapped for socialism,
posed to have returned to Britain. maining 27 member states. The people of environmental threats and pandemics. which country will be there for the world
In the debate leading up to the vote, the Europe only get to vote for members of the Because of this claim, governments are to turn to when another idea goes wrong?
EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Bar- European Parliament (MEPs), who have pressured to make legally binding inter-
nier, expressed a feeling shared by many very little power to change anything. national commitments. Andrew Davies is a UK-based video
within the European Parliament: “This is This is not an administrative oversight Yet bodies such as the World Health producer and writer. His award-winning
a divorce. It’s a warning.” Meanwhile the awaiting reform. The EU began as a Organization and the U.N.—which spon- video on underage sex abuse helped
former president of the European Coun- socialist experiment in which a suprana- sored the Paris Agreement on climate Barnardos children’s charity change UK
cil, Donald Tusk, called Brexit “one of the tional state was to be created that would change—are not democratically elected. law, while his documentary “Batons,
most spectacular mistakes in history.” dismantle and replace the nation-states The more power that is ceded to them, Bows and Bruises: A History of the Royal
When the UK formally left the bloc on of Europe. This was confirmed by  Jean the less power voters have to question Philharmonic Orchestra” ran for six years
Jan. 31, 2019, Swedish Minister of For- Monnet, the first president and a found- how their lives are being governed, and on the Sky Arts Channel.








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

SPECIAL SERIES: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World
Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief

The Chinese Communist

Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

YOUR Travel Editor

Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor

Party’s Global Ambitions
Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor

Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of “How the Specter of EPOCHSHOP.COM
Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries The Epoch Times is a media
on the Communist Party.” organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
and independent journalism.

CHAPTER 3. Unrestricted Warfare Standing outside of politi-
With Chinese Communist cal interests and the pursuit of
Characteristics profit, our starting point and our
goal is to create a media for the
a. The CCP’s Global public benefit, to be truly respon-
Propaganda Operations sible to society.

We endeavor to educate read-

The World’s Largest ers about today’s most impor-
Propaganda Machine (cont.) tant topics, seeking to broaden
The CCP’s foreign propaganda appara- and uplift minds. We believe that
tus attempts to blend in by recruiting rational, balanced debate is key
mainly local reporters and presenters. for fostering a healthy democ-
A video call between Xi Jinping and racy and a compassionate
the Washington, D.C., bureau of CCTV society.
America in February 2016 showed that
the majority of the journalists em- As an independent media out-
ployed there were not Chinese. [119] let, we use our freedom to inves-
But the CCP’s propaganda department tigate issues overlooked—or
drives the content they report. China’s avoided—by other media outlets.
state-run media thus produces local Front pages of the China Daily (L), the Beijing News (C) and the Global Times (R) featur- We seek to highlight solutions
packaging in the target country, us- ing the Notre-Dame Cathedral disaster, in Beijing on April 17, 2019. and what’s good in society rather
ing local faces and voices to spout the than what divides us.
Communist Party’s thinking and con- the CCP, and listeners are made to feel As long as the West still regards the
flate the regime with the Chinese peo- that Americans themselves are express- CCP media as legitimate, the West We report respectfully, compas-
ple. It uses locals abroad to spread the ing their support for the CCP. will continue to lose in the informa- sionately, and rigorously.
CCP’s stories and the CCP’s voice—not Globally, CRI operated 33 such sta- tion war. In 2018, the U.S. Department
China’s true stories and not the voices tions in at least fourteen countries in of Justice ordered Xinhua and China We stand against the destruc-
of the Chinese people. 2015. By 2018, it had 58 stations in 35 Global Television Network to register tion wrought by communism,
The Party also provides scholarships countries. [121] The control and opera- as foreign agents in the United States. including the harm done to cul-
to young foreign journalists, includ- tions are carried out via local Chinese It was a step in the right direction but tures around the world.
ing in the areas of food and education, companies, making it legal, although far from sufficient, the problem being
We are inspired in this by our
so that they can study or be trained in many people are unhappy about the the lack of reciprocity in the first place.
own experience. The Epoch
mainland China and, at the same time, Party hiding its propaganda. Under the More recently, the U.S. government has
Times was founded in 2000 to
be instilled with the CCP’s views on banner of democracy, the CCP advo- taken stronger action to counteract the
bring honest and uncensored
journalism. cates for communism and attempts to CCP’s propaganda narratives. Starting
news to people oppressed
In many situations, the CCP’s pro- manipulate its audience into adopting in March 2020, the U.S. State Depart-
by the lies and violence in
paganda appears unsuccessful due to its views by exploiting loopholes in the ment began placing restrictions on
communist China.
its crude narratives, which damage its laws of free societies. It uses democracy PRC-controlled media outlets operat-
credibility. However, it uses a raft of tac- to destroy democracy. ing in the United States, such as nam- We still believe journalism is a
tics, including using foreign media as The China Daily‘s inserts are another ing them foreign missions and limit- noble vocation, but only when it
its mouthpiece, ruthlessly attacking any important part of the CCP’s external ing the number of staff they can hire. genuinely seeks to serve its com-
media and individuals that criticize the propaganda campaign. China Daily Trump administration officials such as munities and help them to flour-
CCP, and forcing support for the CCP. previously published pro-CCP news Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have ish. In all that we do, we will hold
inserts in The Washington Post using a been especially vocal in their criticism ourselves to the highest stand-
layout style that could give readers the of the Communist Party’s attempts to ards of integrity. This is our
impression that it was The Washington win the propaganda war. promise to you.
The CCP can send its own Post’s content, as the text indicating The Communist Party also excels in
that the insert was an advertisement controlling overseas Chinese-language
undercover people into was placed in an inconspicuous loca- media. Through coercion and entice- CONTACT US
tion. [122] The CCP struck similar deals ment, the CCP has recruited a large
Western media or train with more than thirty other newspa- number of Chinese-language media, The Epoch Times Association Inc.
foreigners into being pers, including The New York Times, including some Taiwanese-founded 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Tele- media that previously had a strong New York, NY 10001
mouthpiece reporters graph, and Le Figaro. tradition of anti-communism. The Advertising
for the Party’s media. On Sept. 23, 2018, China Daily also CCP-sponsored World Chinese Media
inserted a four-page supplement that Forum is used as a platform to com-
looked like ordinary news and com- municate the Party’s instructions to Subscriptions
Aligning the World’s mentary in the local Iowa newspaper Chinese media around the world. More
Media With the CCP Des Moines Register. The material at- than 460 overseas Chinese media ex- General Inquiries
In 2015, the foreign ministers of 10 coun- tacked the U.S. president and the pend- ecutives from more than 60 countries
tries condemned the CCP for building ing trade deal, in what some called an and regions attended the 9th World
Letters to the Editor
artificial islands in the contested wa- attempt to influence the upcoming Chinese Media Forum held in Fuzhou
ters of the South China Sea. At the same midterm elections. [123] on Sept. 10, 2017.
time, a radio station in Washington, When it comes to information war- An example of the impact of this me-
D.C., claimed that external forces had fare, the CCP’s totalitarian regime has dia-control work can be found in the

attempted to fabricate the facts and ag- several advantages over other coun- reporting of The China Press (called
gravate tensions in the South China Sea. tries. The Party blocks media from Qiao Bao in Mandarin), a California-
It failed to mention the CCP’s takeover all democratic countries, but is able based Chinese-language media out-
efforts. The station, WCRW, repeats a to insert its state-run media in demo- let that carries CCP propaganda in
great deal of content favoring the posi- cratic societies. The CCP prevents me- the United States. The China Press’s
tion of the CCP—and curiously, it runs dia inserts from free countries being lengthy reports during the CCP’s 19th
no advertising. Its only customer is a added to its own media, but the CCP National Congress in 2017 were almost
Los Angeles company, G&E Studio Inc., can insert its content into the media identical to those published by official
itself 60 percent controlled by China from free societies. CCP media serve Party media. [124]
Radio International (CRI) in Beijing. the Party first and foremost, and West-
G&E broadcasts its programs in Chi- ern journalists will never hold execu- Notes
nese and English on at least 15 U.S. sta- tive roles in their Party mouthpieces. 119. “Chinese President Xi Jinping Visits With
tions, covering Salt Lake City, Philadel- The CCP can, however, send its own CCTV America via Video Call,” CGTN, Feb. 19,

phia, Houston, Honolulu, and Portland, undercover people into Western media 2016.
among others. [120] The biggest benefit or train foreigners into being mouth- 120. Koh Gui Qing and John Shiffman, “Beijing’s
of this operation is to conceal the role of piece reporters for the Party’s media. Covert Radio Network Airs China-Friendly News

TED ALJIBE/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Across Washington, and the World,” Reuters,
Nov. 2, 2015.
121. Lim and Bergin, “Inside China’s Audacious.”
122. James Fallows, “Official Chinese
Propaganda: Now Online From the WaPo!” The Get the
Atlantic, Feb. 3, 2011.
123. Donnelle Eller, “Chinese-Backed
independent news
Newspaper Insert Tries to Undermine Iowa Farm
Support for Trump, Trade War,” The Des Moines
you won’t find
Register, Sept. 24, 2018.
anywhere else.
124. Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, “Beijing Builds
Its Influence in the American Media,” Foreign
Policy, Dec. 21, 2017.
Subscribe and get the
insights only The Epoch Times
A Chinese coastguard ship sails along the area of a joint search and rescue exercise can provide, delivered to your
between Philippine and U.S. coastguards near Scarborough shoal in the South China Sea See next edition for the next door every week.
on May 14, 2019. installment.

Fauci Was Worst


Choice to Helm
COVID Response
ROGER L. SIMON Zhengli—aka “Bat Woman” for her many
trips to find virus samples in bat caves—
In what’s supposed to be denied U.S. allegations last month that the
a major scoop, the Daily Chinese military was involved with the lab.
Mail just published, Interestingly, Shi was one of the five
“Worrying new clues team leaders of the above-mentioned the results certainly are clear.
about the origins of Co- project with ... Col. Cao. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Also unclear is the extent that the
vid: How scientists at Wu- Must be a mix-up somewhere, no? Or director of the National doctor knew the Chinese military was
han lab helped Chinese army the Big Lie. Institute of Allergy and involved with the Wuhan lab. It would
in secret project to find animal viruses.” So where’s Dr. Anthony Fauci in all Infectious Diseases, be interesting to find out, although, with
It may not be quite that big—the Gate- this—the most highly paid employee of speaks to reporters at Cao on the board and so prominent in
way Pundit revealed some of this infor- our federal government, who changes his the White House on the lab’s activities for so many years, it’s
mation a year ago—but there are signifi- mind more often than a ditzy housewife April 13, 2021. hard to imagine Fauci, a frequent visitor,
cant new facts, including that a People’s in a ‘50s sitcom? wouldn’t have had some idea, whether or
Liberation Army colonel, Cao Wuchun, The answer may lie in something called not he chose to acknowledge it.
who is on the board of the Wuhan Insti- “gain of function” research. If you’re un- I hasten to point out I absolutely don’t
tute of Virology, studied epidemiology familiar with the term, it’s bio-speak—a think COVID-19 was promulgated on
at Cambridge, the very seat of advanced euphemism of sorts—for repurposing an purpose. It’s most likely the accidental
experimental science in the United King- animal virus so it can be contracted by a product of ongoing “gain of function”
dom. Think Stephen Hawking. (Have the human. research at the Wuhan lab, which, as
“Five Eyes” gone blind?) You could call it the devil’s work—the Fauci undoubtedly also knew, was being
Having finished his studies, Cao is now kind of thing Dr. Mengele might have criticized for its lax security measures.
a Chinese regime adviser on bioterror- done if he were still with us. The Chinese Communist Party—for its
ism. The DM added, “He was second-in- Some of this research is for defensive continued “gain of function” research
command of the military team sent into use, but other aspects inevitably are,
The man the and its obfuscation of the ensuing CO-
the city under Major General Chen Wei, the well ... which would you rather die from, mainstream media VID disaster—is to blame for everything
country’s top biodefence expert, to respond a nuclear bomb or a carefully designed idolizes ... took our that happened after that. So far, they
to the new virus and develop a vaccine.” biological weapon that affected the have escaped retribution.
Suspicious, no? entire globe and never went away? I’d
taxpayer dollars Fauci, of course, kept his mouth shut on
But wait, there’s more, as they say: go with the former. It would at least be and sent them to the matter. Don’t bite the hand that feeds
“Documents obtained by The Mail on instantaneous. Wuhan to support you or, more precisely, that you fed.
Sunday reveal that a nationwide scheme, “Gain of function” experimentation— Trump was saddled with Fauci as the
directed by a leading state body, was nightmarish as it is—has been going on
the lab and, whether director of the U.S. National Institute of
launched nine years ago to discover new in more countries than we would want to intentionally or Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the
viruses and detect the ‘dark matter’ of know, but, thankfully, the United States not, help continue more unfortunate occurrences of our time.
biology involved in spreading diseases.” outlawed it domestically in 2014. That such a person should have be-
The DM goes on to tell us a Chinese This must not have sat well with Fauci.
this research. come, and still is, the public face of our
scientist who published the first genetic The man the mainstream media idol- fight against COVID-19 would make a
sequence on COVID-19 (now more ac- izes and has appeared on almost as good sequel to a film about yet another
curately than ever called the CCP virus many magazine covers as Jacqueline doctor ... Strangelove.
by The Epoch Times) apparently found Kennedy took our taxpayer dollars and
143 new diseases in the first three years sent them to Wuhan to support the lab Roger L. Simon is an award-winning
of the project. and, whether intentionally or not, help novelist, Oscar-nominated screenwriter,
All this while the best known Chinese continue this research. co-founder of PJ Media, and now a col-
virologist (at this point), professor Shi The exact details of this are unclear, but umnist of The Epoch Times.

The Book You’ve Been

Waiting for... Reviving Obama’s Iran
Nuclear Deal Means War,
Not Peace


FORMAT April 27 was an explosive
Tuesday for the Middle
East, explosive diplo-
matically in Vienna
and Washington, but
literally explosive in one
incident: the drone boat
attack on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea oil
port of Yanbu.
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, In Vienna, Austria, talks involving
Iran, Britain, France, Germany, China,
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be and Russia resumed, with the United Former President Barack Obama, standing
on this country’s academia’s States participating “indirectly.” The with former Vice President Joe Biden, talks
stated goals are twofold: Convince the about the Iran nuclear deal on July 14, 2015.
list of required reading.”
Iranian dictatorship to end its nuclear
weapons-development violations of
the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action transiting the Persian Gulf’s Strait of

(JCPOA), the official name of former Hormuz, a chokepoint Tehran routinely
President Obama’s 2015 “Iran nuclear threatens to close.
deal”; and convince the United States The attack may have done little dam-


to revive the JCPOA, from which then- age, but for Tehran, it served as military
President Donald Trump’s administra- and economic strategic “propaganda by
tion withdrew in 2018. the deed.”
In Washington, high-ranking Israeli Who conducted the attack? Yemen’s
and U.S. diplomats held what diplomats Houthi rebels have launched Red Sea
The specter of communism did not call frank discussions. The Jerusalem
Post quoted Israel’s ambassador to the
boat attacks. I’ll wager an Iranian Quds
Force officer controlled the operation.
United States, Gilad Erdan, as saying: The Houthis have a cause, but one Iran
disappear with the disintegration of the “We made our clear opposition to the callously exploits as Tehran attacks
return to the JCPOA. ... It is a flawed and Saudi Arabia through its “Yemeni rear.”
Communist Party in Eastern Europe bad agreement, and returning to the The Yemen war and the Yanbu attack
same deal makes it less likely to reach illustrate the Iranian regime’s intrinsic
a better one in the future.” violent nature. The regime is also utter-

Meanwhile, back in Yanbu, an un- ly corrupt. Iranians claim the mullahs
manned, remotely piloted speed boat and Revolutionary Guards are more
loaded with explosives targeted the corrupt than the shah they overthrew
port. The Saudis claim they destroyed in 1979.
the robot kamikaze. However, one The corrupt regime wages numerous
source reported the blast damaged slow wars, first and foremost against
a ship. Israel and the Gulf Arab states, but they
The Saudi’s East-West pipeline, which also target the Great Satan, the United
transports crude from eastern oil States.
fields, terminates in Yanbu. Tank- Iranian agents conduct or finance
ers loading in the Red Sea port avoid violent meddling operations in at least

has a distinctively male skeleton: The But that would have to include the tribe
male pelvis is clearly distinguishable itself. Must we now say that, contrary to
from that of a female, the angle of the all human experience, there can never
legs to the perpendicular is male and not be a gap between saying something is so
female, the upper body is broader and and it’s automatically being so?
stronger, the shape of the head is differ- Delusion, fraud, error, misjudgment—
ent. The voice, the musculature, the re- all now to be excluded from human life,
productive organs, body, and facial hair according to these modern ENC-style
are all different. And below the surface scoundrels.
are even more profound differences in Think about the consequences: If say-
body chemistry, brain, and so on, and, ing something is so makes it so, we’ll
in fact, every single cell in the body is no longer have any protection against
marked as male. We’re seeing a male. unscrupulous male sports mediocrities
But the bullies tell us that we must say who can’t resist the chance to cheat their
we’re seeing a female, or we’ll be labeled way to a world title competing against
a bigot, transphobic, and guilty of hate women, or men who just want to avoid
speech, we’ll be social outcasts, and our the draft, or male predators who want
jobs may be threatened—all classic ENC access to naked females in locker rooms,
scoundrel tactics. or incarcerated male felons who think
Resisting ENC-style bullying means life would offer more and be less danger-
refusing to lie about what we see. What ous in a women’s prison, or men who
we certainly do see is a man so unhappy just want to grab any other of a variety of
Protesters gather in New York's Times Square near a military recruitment center to protest a ban about being a man that he wishes he privileges reserved for females.
on allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military on July 26, 2017. were a woman. We see someone who What we really need now is a realistic
feels that he’s in spirit a woman. We see and humane discussion of what society
a man who asks that we treat him as if can and should do to accommodate

Hans Christian he were a woman. But we don’t see a

woman. Well now, say the scoundrels,
we’ll tell you what you really see. How
dare you refuse to say what we tell you
people who have gender dysphoria,
consistent with not harming or unduly
burdening everyone else. Destroying
female athletics and abolishing privacy

Andersen on the to say? Their bizarre view is the only one

they will allow. We must see things their
way, or else!
for females are real harms and need to be
taken seriously as significant parts of the
discussion. But this much-needed delib-

Cancel Culture
eration is exactly what the bullies won’t
allow: They claim the right to veto it. How
did they get that right?
In what other area of human Andersen’s tale has only two scoun-
life do we accept that if drels, and they’re soon exposed. We’re
someone thinks or claims that not so lucky: We have a more powerful
JOHN M. ELLIS everyone believe that if they can’t see the and numerous set of canceling bullies,
Emperor’s clothes, they must be either
something is so, it must be so? including the Big Tech billionaires. In
When I read Hans Chris- unfit for their job or unusually stupid. their arrogance, they claim that nobody
tian Andersen’s story The point is that if you can make people What could justify this belligerent at- may have any opinion but theirs.
“The Emperor’s New sufficiently panicked about losing their tempt to control other people’s minds? But when you see a powerfully built
Clothes” many years reputations and livelihoods, you can There’s only one possible support for it, male athlete at the top of the podium af-
ago, I was at first not make them say and believe anything, no and that lies in their claim that if a man ter a female athletic event, with two un-
impressed. How could matter how idiotic. thinks he’s a woman, that makes him happy females occupying the lower spots
anyone not see that a naked They’ll say what they are told to say, for one. That supposedly justifies the bullies either side of him, just remember those
man had no clothes on? fear of being canceled. Sound familiar? forbidding any other opinion, under pain people in Andersen’s story, all bullied
But the story was often then interpreted The best example of how Emperor’s of cancellation. into saying that they’re seeing clothes on
as being about appearance and reality, New Clothes (ENC) tactics now work is Could anything be more absurd? In the naked man in front of them.
and nobody needed to look beyond ap- transgenderism. what other area of human life do we
pearances to see that the Emperor was If you’ve learned Andersen’s lesson, accept that if someone thinks or claims John M. Ellis is a distinguished profes-
naked. you know that you must stick to what that something is so, it must be so? If a sor emeritus at the University of Califor-
What Andersen’s story is really about is you see and not let anyone frighten you man thinks he’s a dog, is he? If he thinks nia–Santa Cruz and the author of several
something quite different. Long before into saying that you see something that he’s Napoleon, does that make him books, the most recent of which is “The
the term was invented, he understood you don’t. so? Then perhaps anyone who thought Breakdown of Higher Education: How
the cancel culture. The crux of the story Suppose, then, that we see someone Elizabeth Warren lied when claiming It Happened, the Damage It Does, and
is that two scoundrels manage to make who appears in every respect a man. He she was Cherokee should be canceled. What Can Be Done.”

30 different countries. The regime uses information trove documenting the

transnational criminal operations, such regime’s failure to comply with key
as narcotics smuggling and human JCPOA nuclear weapons development
trafficking, as a source of income. provisions.
So let’s return to the JCPOA and U.S. The economic sanctions imposed
economic sanctions imposed on Iran by the Trump administration frustra-
after the Trump administration with- ted Iran’s ability to finance war and
drew from the inane and unverifiable terror. Trump’s withdrawal from the
agreement. JCPOA was the predicate action that
Incorporating “comprehensive” in made the Abraham Accords possible—
the JCPOA’s name was reprehensibly Nobel Prize-worthy peace treaties
dishonest, for the Obama deal wasn’t between Israel and the UAE and other
comprehensive. Follow the JCPOA’s Arab states.
timeline and you discover the Obama If President Joe Biden revives Obama’s

Behind the
administration gave Tehran’s bad guys lousy deal, expect war, not peace. Re-
billions in cash before they officially vival of the JCPOA would also confirm
agreed to the slimy deal. that the Democratic Party’s hard-left,
anti-Israel media and academic wing
dictates Slow Joe’s foreign policy.

Iran’s ayatollahs call Israel a “one-
If President Joe Biden bomb state.”
revives Obama’s lousy deal, The Israelis know an existential threat
expect war, not peace. when they hear one. If the Biden ad-
ministration caves, Israel won’t.

The ayatollahs used Obama’s payoff Austin Bay is a colonel (ret.) in the Your subscription will not only provide you with
cash to wage war in Yemen and Syria. U.S. Army Reserve, author, syndicated accurate news and features, but also contribute
In May 2018, I wrote that the JCPOA columnist, and teacher of strategy and to the revival of American journalism and help
failed to penalize the Iranian regime’s strategic theory at the University of
violent troublemaking and its criminal Texas–Austin. His latest book is “Cock- safeguard our freedoms for future generations.
operations, a grievous flaw. I wrote that tails from Hell: Five Wars Shaping the
column a week after Israel released an 21st Century.” We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we
EU DELEGATION IN VIENNA VIA GETTY IMAGES strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that
lets you form your own opinions.

We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where

the faithful representation of our current events
won’t just be important for the people of today, but
also for the generations to come. The records we
keep now will directly inform the foundations of the
history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish—
and this knowledge is what drives us.

Learn more at


Representatives of the European Union, Iran, and others attend the Iran nuclear talks at the Grand
Hotel in Vienna on April 15, 2021.


15. Former Serbian capital
Use the four numbers in the corners, and A walk in the park?
20. “ ___ on Down the the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
Road” equation to get the solution in the middle.
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
There may be more than one “unique” so-
24. Stretch of land lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
26. Incenses solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 “My marriage has been idyllic,” a club player
27. Jacob’s first wife and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 confided to me, “like a walk in a park. But
when my husband and I play bridge, it’s like
28. Goofed Jurassic Park. Something goes wrong, and
29. 2 on a touch-tone he turns into a beast.”
My friend was declarer at today’s 6NT in
30. Carrier to Oslo a duplicate event.
31. Gym equipment “I took the ace of clubs,” she told me,
32. “Amazing Grace” “and thought I might make an overtrick.
But when I led a diamond to dummy’s ace,
ending East discarded, and I couldn’t make six.
33. New York’s ___ Island My husband was irate. He growled that I
should have played the six of diamonds to
38. 1991 Wimbledon safeguard the slam. That never occurred to
champ me. At duplicate, I thought I had to try for
39. Drug addict 13 tricks.”
40. 1998 N.L. M.V.P. Hard 1 - 1 Solution UNCOMMON
42. Level, in London Safety plays are uncommon at duplicate.
43. “While” attachment At a “normal contract” — one most pairs
will reach — you play for the maximum
47. Morley of “60 Min- number of tricks. But here, North-South
utes” had reached 6NT with only 29 high-card
points. Most pairs would stop at game or
49. ___ line (major axis of maybe six diamonds.
an elliptical orbit) I agree with my friend’s husband. Since
50. Actress Thompson plus 1,440 will surely be a good result,
South should play safe.
et al
51. Sciences’ partner
53. Habitués You hold: kA 10 7 3 2 jA J 5 3 iA 6
54. “Red ___ in the Sun- h7 5. Your partner opens one club, you
Hard 2 - 1 Solution bid one spade, he rebids two clubs and
Across 41. Time pieces? 84. Convention handout 56. Tick (off)
you try two hearts. Partner then rebids
three clubs. What do you say?
1. Altar in the sky 44. Confucian path 85. G.I. chow in Desert 57. Red Rose, once ANSWER: Partner has a minimum
4. Concerning 45. ___ record Storm 58. Food stat. opener, probably with seven clubs. If he
11. Kind of wrench 46. Towels off 86. Visionaries has Q, K 6, 7 5 3, A K 9 8 6 4 2, five clubs
59. Spartan would be a good contract, 3NT would be
16. Label 48. Casa chamber 87. More stylish 60. What’s left iffy, maybe needing a 2-2 club break. You
17. Luger, e.g. 52. A.A.R.P. members 88. “Pygmalion” opens 61. Skunk have no correct bid. You might pass the
buck by bidding three diamonds.
18. Actress Téa 55. Doodler’s aid with it 66. Spoiler South dealer
19. Really good one 58. Kind of element 67. Future atty.’s exam N-S vulnerable
21. Hails 62. Giant syllable Down 69. Birch relative NORTH
22. City on the Yamuna 63. Took a load off 1. Aleutian island kA 10 7 3 2
70. Half-and-half half jA J 5 3
River 64. Rightful 2. Buzzed 71. 44th President of the iA 6
Easy 1 - 1 Solution h7 5
23. Marker letters 65. Actress Scala 3. “Happy Days Are Here United States
24. Slow, in music 66. Fidgety Again” composer WEST EAST
75. Favor one side? kJ 4 kQ 8 6 5
25. Secret associates 68. Trim trails 4. Some batteries 76. Handed-down history j10 8 jQ 9 7 6 2
iQ J 4 2 iNone
31. The 51st Psalm 72. Plows 5. Cardinal letters 77. Bygone blade hJ 10 8 3 2 hQ 9 6 4
34. Requirements for 73. Baseball card stat. 6. Mortgage org. 78. Shaker ___, OH. SOUTH
some postgrad work, 74. “___ fair in love and 7. Like the Matterhorn 79. Candy striper’s co- kK 9
jK 4
briefly war” 8. Move, as a plant workers: Abbr. iK 10 9 8 7 5 3
35. Decryption org. 78. Gossipy Hopper 9. Consumed 80. “The Addams Family” hA K
36. Halifax clock setting: 79. Mary Shelly’s inspira- 10. To be, in Barcelona cousin South West North East
1i Pass 1k Pass
Abbr. tion 11. Utterly lost 81. Common female 3i Pass 3j Pass
37. Potato Head piece 83. “___ words were never 12. Have down cold middle name 3 NT Pass 6 NT(!) All Pass
38. Hits spoken” 13. Crescendos 82. Cabinet dept. Easy 2 - 1 Solution Opening lead —hJ



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.






Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

“ - -


their front entrance and
They got a new chime for


philosophy only ridiculous.
are dangerous; those in
the errors in religion
Generally speaking,

Contact the Puzzle Master @:

A20 | MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021

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Want More Time for Your Is Frozen Food Healthy?

Meaningful Work? Many people have a mistaken prejudice against
The days flow by and our deeper mission is produce from the freezer.
often forgotten—but that can change.

See B3 See B7




Am I We’re
living in a time
when parents are
supposed to be our

Supposed children’s best


to Be My
Kid’s Friend?
We’ve abandoned
the distinction
between adult and
child—and our kids
are paying for it

NANCY COLIER at or hated by my kid; it’s going to cause friends—and parents.

a huge problem.” Moms and dads hang out with their kids
arents often ask me for advice It is precisely I usually smile and say “yes.” as if they’re hanging out with peers. When
in managing their children’s This seems to confuse the parent, as there’s a disagreement, parents believe
use of technology, usually the because we love our if they want a solution that doesn’t cre- we’re supposed to negotiate with our kids
amount of time the child uses children that we ate disagreement—a policy that’s easy to as if we’re negotiating with equals. Par-
it, or the kind of tech the child implement. I then deliver the following, ents of 7-year-olds report to me (with a
is using. need to be able to sometimes surprising news alert: “As a straight face) all the reasons their child
I suggest they set limits and guidelines parent, you’re not supposed to be your doesn’t agree with their decisions regard-
for incorporating those limits. The parent
tolerate their not child’s friend.” ing the child’s behavior.
then says something like, “But if I do what liking us all the time. We’re living in a time when parents
you’re suggesting, I’m going to be yelled are supposed to be our children’s best Continued on B2

Liver Damage Is Off the Charts Drinking alcohol

can lead to a num-
Alcohol and fructose fuel surge in liver disease amid pandemic lockdown ber of health risks
in the short- and
JOSEPH MERCOLA or five to six drinks daily from March linger said the pandemic “super-
2020 to March 2021, an amount that charged” already rising rates of liver

Rates of alcoholic liver disease have raises the risk of severe liver disease. disease, which are now also show-
soared 30 percent in the last year at Speaking with NPR, University of ing up in younger populations.
the University of Michigan’s health Michigan liver specialist Dr. Jessica “We’re seeing kids in their late 20s
system, a rise doctors blame on Mellinger said, “In my conversa- and early 30s with a disease that we
higher amounts of alcohol intake tions with my colleagues at other previously thought was kind of ex-
during the pandemic. Anecdotal re- institutions, everybody is saying the clusive to middle age,” she said.
ports suggest that some patients in- same thing: ‘Yep, it’s astronomical.
creased drinking to a bottle of wine It’s just gone off the charts.’” Mel- Continued on B6
B2 MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021


When there’s a disagreement, parents believe we’re supposed to negotiate with our kids
as if we’re negotiating with equals.

Am I Supposed to Be
My Kid’s Friend?
We’ve abandoned the distinction
between adult and child—and our kids
are paying for it

Continued from B1 one to stop me if I got to the end of the

earth and was going to dive off.”
I see parents whose children under Our kids may scream and throw
the age of five get an equal vote in set- things, but they also want us to know
ting up the rules of the house, which things they don’t know. They want us

Men’s Versatile Polo includes the rules that will apply to the
children. I hear the delight of parents
who are friended by their kids on so-
to stick with our wisdom despite their
railing, to be willing to tolerate their
rants in service to their best inter-
cial media. We’re spoon-fed the message ests—to take care of them in ways
that we’re supposed to be buddies with they can’t yet take care of themselves.
Sign up to our newsletter and our kids and that they should like us, all Our kids want us to demonstrate
the time. And that we’re bad parents if fierce grace.
save 10% off your first order. they’re upset by our decisions.
We’ve thrown away the distinction be-
We, too, feel our best when we walk
the walk of fierce grace.
tween adult and child. This has under- Often children don’t know what’s
mined our ability to share the wisdom of best for them, and almost never do our adult experience. We’re choosing to they know what’s best for them when
be our children’s playmates rather than it comes to technology use. It’s hard
do what’s best for them. enough for us grownups to realize
As parents, we’re taking the easy what’s best for ourselves, and children
path, the path of least resistance, tell- have front brains that are not any-
ing ourselves that if our kids like us, where near fully developed.
then we must be doing this parent- Allowing children to make their

What People Are Saying ing thing right. In the process of trying

to be friends with our kids, however,
we’re giving away our authority, de-
own rules around technology is like
handing an opioid addict a bottle of
oxycontin and asking him to write his
priving them of the experience of be- own prescription, need or not. Young
ing taken care of, and denying them children and teenagers should not get
the serenity, trust, and confidence that an equal vote in matters that relate
arises from knowing we can stand our to their technology use, nor in many
ground and protect them even when other matters.
it incites their anger. It is precisely be- As parents, we usually possess at
cause we love our children that we least two or more decades of experi-
need to be able to tolerate their not ence than our children. Put simply,
I read The Epoch Times daily. I congratulate you and liking us all the time. we know things they don’t. We can
I still like hard papers […] and The Epoch Times for the work tell them this truth. This is why our
I still like to grab that paper in you are doing, especially with kids are not equal in matters that re-
my hand, but I get more printed regard to keeping the menace of quire discipline or hard choices. These
versions of stories than ever the communist threat in front of us. Allowing children are often situations that overwhelm
their brains’ pleasure centers, hor-
before. You guys have done an DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA to make their mones, and inexperienced thinking.
Military and intelligence analyst and Remember this: It’s okay for your
amazing job, and really—I think former deputy assistant to the president own rules around
there’s such a void in media, child to be upset with you; it’s okay
especially newspapers. They
technology is if they don’t like the decisions you
make; it’s okay if your child is mad at
slant so solidly one way that like handing you for setting limits and sticking to
there are very few papers that an opioid addict a those limits.
I can really feel that I can rely on, You’re allowed to say “no.”
bottle of oxycontin It takes great courage to say “no.”
and The Epoch Times is one. You’re not a bad parent if your child
SEAN HANNITY I rely on The Epoch Times and asking him goes through periods when he or she
Talk show host newspaper for factual and to write his own doesn’t like you—and maybe even
unbiased news coverage. says she hates you for a while. It prob-
prescription, need ably means you’re doing your job.
LARRY ELDER Your role as the authority in your
Best-selling author, attorney, or not. child’s life is critical. The more you as-
and talk show host
sume that role, the more you’ll feel the
When we’re driven by the desire or wisdom of your own authority.
responsibility to be liked, we’re giving Being the authority doesn’t mean
ourselves an impossible task. We sim- turning a deaf ear to your child’s
The Epoch Times is a ply cannot prioritize being liked and anger, disappointment, or feelings.
simultaneously raise healthy, sane hu- We can listen to our kids’ emotions
great place where you can
man beings who can tolerate frustra- and thoughts while simultaneously
understand traditional tion and disappointment. We are setting holding our ground on what we know
values in a way and in a tone It’s our favorite paper. It’s the first ourselves up for suffering and failure. is best for them. Being the authority in
and through content that is one we read. Thank you so much We strive to be liked for giving them your kid’s life doesn’t mean being cal-
accessible. It’s smart. for your reporting of the news. what they want while denying our- lous or insensitive, but it does mean
selves the dignity of providing our being brave enough to stay strong in
CARRIE SHEFFIELD PAUL GOSAR kids with what they really need. We’re the face of their fury or resentment.
Columnist and broadcaster U.S. representative for Arizona
opting for the easiest, most pleasur- Your role is to be the grown-up in
able option over the deeper, more the parent-child relationship, to be

Learn more at

thoughtful and satisfying choice. loving in your willingness to do what’s
We are also, in this friending-over- best for your kids. Your role is not to be
parenting process, failing our kids. your child’s friend.
Our kids need boundaries and guide-
lines. A woman I work with—who Nancy Colier is a psychotherapist, in-
TRUTH AND TRADITION was raised by a parent who, above all, terfaith minister, author, public speak-
wanted to be her friend—put it this er, and workshop leader. For more
way: “I never felt like there was some- information, visit
MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021 B3


Want More Distractions

are inevitable, but

Time for Your

taking them lightly
will let you get back to
your important task
with the shortest

Meaningful Work?

The days flow by and So one good answer is to create struc-

ture. Create spaces to deal with all the
our deeper mission things in your life:
is often forgotten— r Bill Pay Mondays
r Inbox Zero Tuesdays
but that can change r Admin Fridays
r House Chore Party Saturdays
r Email and Messages Happy Hour—
LEO BABAUTA daily at 4 p.m.

r Morning Planning and Intentions
member of my Fearless Training r Monthly Taxes Day
Program has a full-time busi- r Meaningful Work Play Time at 10 a.m.
ness that she loves, but it isn’t daily
the meaningful work she’d r And so on
like to do in the world. She
struggles with finding enough time for You don’t need these specific spaces;
that meaningful work. your structure will be different than
Can you relate to this? The rest of our these. But if you have a space for all the
life fills up all the space—how can we stuff, you can relax and know that it will
find enough time to focus on what’s re- be taken care of at its assigned time.
ally important? With structure, you can then create
This is a common problem for anyone intentional space for your meaningful
who wants to launch a new venture, work.
volunteer, create art, write a book, or
build an audience or a brand. How do we Create Even More Space
create the time when we’re already busy Let’s say you’re so busy that you can only
and overloaded? find 30 minutes a week for your mean- SERGEY TINYAKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK

ingful work. That’s a great start!

Maybe you can create more time by get disrupted. Our kid interrupts want- r Get more sleep. Shut down earlier
bundling your emails and messages into ing a snack. Our spouse interrupts with and let yourself relax into deep,
It can feel overwhelming a certain hour each day. Maybe you can their latest frustration. A message comes nourishing sleep.
free up some time by hiring a babysitter, in that sidetracks us. r Get outdoors daily. Go for a walk or
when it’s a huge pile of a house cleaner, or someone on Craigslist And then we can get frustrated or an- run, enjoy the quiet beauty of nature.
to haul away your junk for you. Someone gry. That’s normal. Give yourself a breath r Take a hot bath. Drink some tea
stuff and seemingly not to answer your customer service emails, or two, and some compassion. while doing nothing else. Take some
enough time. or an administrative assistant to take Then let it go. Relax, breathe, and ac- space.
care of routine tasks. cept the interruption as just a natural r Any kind of self-care is helpful: a nap,
Or maybe you can eliminate or simplify part of the chaos of life. It doesn’t have to yoga, a workout, therapy, talk with a
I’m going to share some ideas in this some things to create more space. Get derail you completely. See the gift in the friend, get a massage, meditate.
article: out of commitments. Tell people no. Ask interruption. Find the gratitude for hav-
for postponements. ing this person in your life. More space, more relaxing, more nour-
1. Create structure for all the stuff in your Sometimes we can cut out distractions, Then simply return to the meaningful ishing.
life such as social media or video watching task, with your whole self.
2. Create even more space or news/website reading. If we’re honest, Bring Freedom, Joy,
3. Really pour yourself into it there’s a lot of wasted time in our days and Energy to Every Activity
4. Bring some zen to disruptions and that can be streamlined for the sake of We can feel trapped because we’re
frustrations what’s truly important. craving freedom, but our day job isn’t
5. Replenish yourself Get creative. Sometimes it takes a little
If we’re honest, there’s allowing for it. We can feel drained and
6. Bring freedom, joy, and energy to any time investment to simplify, but then it a lot of wasted time in discouraged because our day job feels
activity pays off in space in a week or two. draining, stressful, dull.
our days that can be But it doesn’t have to be that way. We
These are all meant to address various Really Pour Yourself Into It streamlined for the sake can bring joy and freedom to any activ-
problems we face when we’re making Once you have the space, it can be hard ity, including our routine work.
time for our meaningful work. You can to focus. All the other stuff is calling to of what’s truly important. What would it be like to do the activ-
decide which ones apply to your life. you. Maybe you spend the first 20 min- ity you normally experience as suffo-
Let’s take a look! utes of the 40 minutes you’ve carved cating with a sense of freedom and joy?
out just getting ready. Maybe the whole Replenish Yourself What if you could do the dull routine
Create Structure in Your Life focus block gets pushed back until later It can be hard to find focus when we’re activities with vitality? What if you
Our lives can feel overwhelming, with because you feel something else is more drained, anxious, exhausted, or feeling could be lit up in any moment you
too many things to do. We have chores, urgent. resigned and resentful. We just don’t liked?
small tasks, messages to answer, bills to Create the structure to make the mean- have the focus or capacity to face any- This is a possibility few people allow
pay, dishes to wash, people to contact, ingful work happen. Sometimes it means thing. themselves. I encourage you to explore it.
and much more. So how do we handle all doing it on a video call with someone So it can be a great act of leadership to What could your life be like, bringing
of this? else and each of you does your meaning- recognize this and take care of it. This is freedom and joy to anything you liked?
First, it can feel overwhelming when ful work on mute for an hour. an act of generosity to yourself and your
it’s a huge pile of stuff and seemingly not But when you’re in the focus block of meaningful work. Leo Babauta is the author of six books;
enough time. time, pour yourself into it. Give it your Recharge your batteries, give yourself the writer of Zen Habits, a blog with
Second, the small stuff will overwhelm full being. Be all in. nurturing and nourishment, and replen- more than 2 million subscribers; and
all the available space, because it always ish yourself so that you can return with the creator of several online programs
feels urgent when we’re feeling behind Bring Some Zen to Disruptions full life force. to help you master your habits. Visit
and overwhelmed. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we Some ideas:

A Simple, Natural Approach to a Better Memory


MAT LECOMPTE It also helps you filter out all the unimport-
ant stuff you may have picked up that day.
Brain games, crosswords, hobbies, and Memory consolidation also happens dur- Memory
conversation can all help your memory, ing sleep, which basically means memories consolidation also
but you should prioritize getting a better can be stored and grouped together. This
night’s sleep. process usually occurs during stage two happens during
A good sleep might be one of the best sleep, a lighter sleep stage that occurs a
things you can do to build a strong memory couple of hours before waking up. sleep, which
and improve your ability to think and recall But think about this: If you’re waking up basically means
information. early or not moving through the stages of
Sleep influences memory function in sev- sleep because of going to bed too late, you memories can be
eral ways. The first and most obvious is that it could be missing out on, or at least com-
makes it a lot easier to pay attention. Fighting promising, this important process.
stored and grouped
to stay awake can make learning nearly im- Getting 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep together.
possible, and caffeine can only help so much. each night can do wonders for your memory.
Being well-rested is the best way to stay It may involve some changes to your routine,
alert and focused. like setting a bedtime and wake time. Your
Your brain is better prepared to learn af- body will adjust in a relatively short period.
ter a good night’s sleep, as well. The infor- When it does, you may realize a notice-
mation you learn each day is temporarily ably improved memory.
stored in the hippocampus, where it can
take up a lot of limited space. Sleep helps Mat Lecompte is a health and wellness
shrink and store these memories, so more journalist. This article was first published Sleep plays a crucial role in restoring focus and con-
space is available for the next day. on Bel Marra Health. solidating memory.
B4 MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021


and hosting parties with girlfriends, and I

loved seeking the sense of completion that
finalizing a collection could bring. I spent a
significant amount of money and managed
to rationalize each purchase.
I believed my collection would increase
in value and never considered that it might
decrease. I parted with the baskets because
they reminded me of a different time in
my life and I no longer found them useful.
I’ve eliminated other collections that were
simply taking up space: collectible plates,
jewelry, dishes, and books—and it’s been

How to Part With Collectibles

Here are a few thoughts on how to ap-
proach parting with a collection:

1. Keep a piece.
When I sold my baskets, I kept a few that
I use. If you have a collection in storage—
for example, Hot Wheels, you could create
a small display of your favorites that you
actually enjoy seeing as you pass by, and
part with the rest.

2. Seek collectors.
Find your kindred spirits. There are many
ways to sell your collection: online, at a

Declutter Your
garage sale, or through an auction house
It can be hard to part with or flea market. See any money you make
collections we spent a lot of as a bonus as you part with your collec-
money creating, even though tion. Even if the collection has decreased in
the value has dropped—

Collectibles With the

monetary value, the sentimental value may
along with our interest. be equally important to the new owner.

3. Embrace change and release guilt.

‘Longaberger Principle’
Our interests and preferences change over
time. We grow. We expand our interests,
our values shift, and our tastes change.
Remember the joy you felt while collect-
ing, and release the guilt you may attach to
the dollars you spent and will not be able
to recover.
Those things we once pursued with passion can My collection was packed and stored for
a while, and whenever I saw the boxes, I
often feel difficult to let go despite our new interests felt bad. I was happy to free the space and
release the energy. I also released the guilt
for the money I had invested.
JENNIFER TRITT thrilled he’s ready to part with some sports Longaberger baskets

memorabilia and work-related mementos, became quite the col- 4. Define value more broadly.
s my love and I prepare to even though he’s holding onto the comic lectable, though the Value extends beyond the price you can
downsize and move, we’re books and Hot Wheels for now. He may lat- trend has passed, along fetch for an item or a collection. What you
sorting through our belong- er decide that he’s ready to part with them. with the value. It’s a once loved, but wish to release, someone
ings once again. We’ve com- This is a personal process, and there’s no pattern that can teach else may love and treasure. Focus on the
an important principle
pleted much decluttering over need to rush decisions. fun you had amassing your collection, and
about our relationship
the years as we’ve grown to embrace a min- to material things. move on to pursuing your new interests.
imalist lifestyle. We examined our belong- The Longaberger Principle Live in the present.
ings with discerning eyes and parted with Last night I coined the phrase “the Longa-
what we no longer used or cherished. berger lesson” when we discovered, with 5. Find joy in giving.
Our living space is functional, open, and shock, that some items he thought would Seek friends or other folks who would ap-
peaceful. In my experience, decluttering be in great demand failed to garner any preciate your collection. Enjoy watching
stuff helps to declutter the mind and open bids on eBay. I had a similar experience, the joy
j on their faces when they receive.
the heart. Having less to do allows us to be. early in my decluttering, when I decided Consider donating or selling if you can’t
In this fresh space, we can explore new in- to let go of my once-treasured Longaberger find a friend or acquaintance who’s in-
terests and find new meaning in our lives. baskets. terested.
We’ve donated clothing, kitchen items, I found an auction house that was about Id
do believe that minimalists can be col-
furniture, art, and books. We’ve invited our to host a Longaberger auction and antici- lectors.
lect Although I’ve shifted my priority
college-aged kids to take what they want. pated making big bucks. The amount of from things to experiences, I continue to
We’ve eliminated dumpsters full of un- money that I made on my collection would collect refrigerator magnets from my trav-
necessary paperwork and sorted through have paid for one basket during the heyday els. Looking at them makes me smile
mementos and keepsakes, holding onto of my collecting. as I think about the associated visit.
the most precious. This experience and resulting deflated
Now we’re looking at furniture and col- feeling got me thinking. Why do we col- Jennifer Tritt is an academic
lectibles. We’re giving furniture that won’t lect? How do we arrive at the decision to counselor at a community college,
fit into our new home to family members part with our collections? What is the true has recently adopted a minimalist
who’ve expressed interest. We’re planning value of a collection? lifestyle, and is passionate about
a garage sale and attempting to sell some I collected baskets because I thought sharing her experiences. This article
items on eBay. they were beautiful, many of them were was originally published on
I’m doing my best not to push, and I’m useful, I enjoyed comparing collections


Want to Be More Creative? Go for a Walk.

Get creative juices flowing through moving your arms and legs
CONAN MILNER I was often stuck with writer’s’ block. I I was working on,” Tamashiro said.
learned that if I stood up and took a 10-min- Tamashiro says he still goes for walks ev-
Walking is as healthy as it is simple. This Lots of writers ute walk outside, I would return refreshed ery chance gets, and it continues to inspire
easy, natural movement has proven neu- use walking and ready with a fresh approach to the story his creativity. He says walking proved to be
rological and physiological benefits, but it DG STOCK/SHUTTERSTOCK a reliable tool when he wrote his first book.
can also help you to think more creatively. to stimulate “A brisk walk always helped me clarify
For author Nita Sweeney, walking helps ideas and come up with new approaches,”
spark ideas in her writing. She says the new ideas he said.
rhythmic movement and the physical dis- or to refine Walking can also help with other creative
tance away from her work provide clarity endeavors. Jeff Wilson, host of “Real Rail
to concepts that previously seemed too dif- the ones Adventures” on PBS, said that when he was
ficult to articulate. a music major in college studying classical
“Once I let go of the thing I’m worried
they’re strug- piano, he used to practice hard for a couple
about or trying to figure out, often a solu- gling with. of hours and then take a break with a long
tion will arise. It will often just pop up into walk, no matter the weather.
my consciousness,” she said. “I always came back to the instrument
Sweeney is not alone. Lots of writers fresh and ready to play, with some of the
use walking to stimulate new ideas or to problems I’d been experiencing in my play-
refine the ones they’re struggling with. ing ironed out from having just thought a
Tim Tamashiro says he began walking bit about them,” Wilson said.
when he was the host of “Tonic,” a music Wilson found that, when it came to walk-
show on Canadian radio. Tamashiro said ing and music, he was in good company.
short walks would help him find the words Ludwig Van Beethoven, Gustav Mahler,
he needed to fill the program. Few things can get and Benjamin Britten all took long walks
“My daily routine would have me writing creative ideas flowing to spark their compositional ideas.
12 to 16 short stories that I would prepare as pleasantly as going “Creativity is encouraged by walking,”
for the radio show. As you could imagine, outside for a walk. Wilson said.
MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021 B5

Exposure to
Household Chemicals
Affects Gut Microbiome
Research finds children at greater risk for chemical
exposures and resulting consequences

A study out of Washington State University,

in collaboration with Duke University, has
found the first evidence linking exposure
to household chemicals with impacts on
the gut microbiomes of children.
Published in the journal Environmental Avocado, olive oil, legumes, whole grains, nuts,
Science and Technology Letters, the pio- seeds, fruits, and veggies are anti-inflamma-
neering study could lead to better aware- tory foods with healthy cholesterol.
ness of the hazards of repeated exposures
to common chemicals generally regarded
as safe for use in the home. Using Cholesterol
Chemicals at Home: A Veiled Threat
The study, based in North Carolina and
to Reduce
funded by the U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency and the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, sought
to gauge the average toddler’s exposure to Foods that offer a dose of
semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) the ‘good’ cholesterol can
in the indoor environment.
Researchers measured levels of SVOCs in help counteract the ‘bad’
urine, blood, and fecal samples obtained
from 69 children between the ages of 3 and MAT LECOMPTE
6 years. Mothers and children were en-
rolled as a cohort from participants in the Here’s a crazy concept: You may be able to
larger Newborn Epigenetics Study (NEST). More Chemical Exposures: reduce inflammation by increasing cho-
Medical data for each child was obtained A study has linked Fewer Healthy Microbes lesterol.
from NEST records. exposure to household Children, especially toddlers, are more Now, why would you want to increase
Among the chemicals detected in the chemicals with impacts vulnerable to ingesting environmental cholesterol? Doesn’t high cholesterol con-
children’s biological samples were phthal- on the gut microbiomes toxins for many reasons, including closer tribute to atherosclerosis, high blood pres-
ates, found in consumer plastics and per- of children, which may proximity to carpets, dirt, and dust, and a sure, and inflammation?
sonal care products like soap and lotion, increase their risk of tendency to put toys and household items It most certainly can.
and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances some diseases. into their mouths. But remember, not all cholesterol is cre-
(PFASs), found in the coatings on cook- Kids are also at greater risk from toxic ated equal.
ware, carpets, and furnishings, as well as exposure due to their smaller size, dietary First, you’ve got low-density lipoprotein—
in paint, cleaning products, and more. habits, and inability to modify their envi- LDL—cholesterol. This is the bad stuff. It’s
ronment. It’s up to adults to protect them, the stuff that can accumulate along arte-
Toddlers More Susceptible which begins with awareness of the causes rial walls and blood vessels to boost blood
to Chemical Exposures and effects of chemical exposures. pressure, increase the risk for heart disease,
Extensive data was collected from mothers Gardner hopes the study will prompt and contribute to inflammation.
regarding their child’s home environment, more research into diagnostic tools for On the other hand, there is high-density
diet, health, and behavior, with dietary detecting chemical exposures, as well as lipoprotein, or HDL cholesterol. It’s the
questions limited to potential exposures probiotic interventions to improve health “good” cholesterol you hear about, and it
to PFAS and phthalates. Common sources outcomes. “Gaining a more holistic un- picks up excess cholesterol and transports
of dietary exposure to these chemicals in- derstanding of the interactions between it to your liver, where it is eventually ex-
clude foods in single-use plastic or micro- human-made chemicals, the gut microbi- creted as waste.
wavable packaging, and frequent restau- Gaining a ome, and human health is a critical step in New research has revealed that more
rant meals, as many restaurants serve food advancing public health,” she said. HDL may lead to less inflammation.
that has been stored in plastic containers. more holistic
Blood and urine samples were analyzed for understanding Are Microbes the Key to Human Health?
44 SVOC biomarkers, including organophos- The human microbiome refers to the collec-
phate esters, parabens, phenols, antimicro- of the tion of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, People were 23 percent less
bials, phthalate compounds, and PFASs. Fe- interactions viruses, parasites, and protozoa living in
cal samples were tested for the presence of and on the human body. It’s estimated that likely to have a cardiovas-
bacterial and fungal colonies that indicate between there are 200 times more microbial genes
cular event over a 10-year
the health of the human gut microbiome. in the human body than human genes. Not
After analyzing the samples, researchers human-made acknowledged by science until the 1990s, period for every 22 percent
found that children with higher levels of chemicals, much of the functioning of the microbiome
certain chemicals in their bloodstream had remains to be discovered. increase in the anti-
lower amounts of specific bacterial colonies the gut Put simply, the microbiome is responsible inflammatory capabilities
and less bacterial diversity in their gastro- for supporting human life. So far, science
intestinal tract. Specifically, higher levels of microbiome, has credited the bacteria in our bodies with of HDL in their blood.
PFASs in the blood correlated to a reduction and human helping digest food, metabolizing vitamins
in types and numbers of certain bacterial and minerals, regulating the immune sys-
strains, and increased phthalates were as- health is a tem, and protecting the body from diseases A recent study published in Circulation,
sociated with reduced fungal populations. critical step caused by unhealthy microbes. the American Heart Association journal,
Many autoimmune diseases, such as has shown that HDL cholesterol can fight
The Microbiome Works in advancing rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclero- inflammation in blood vessels and help
to Maintain Balance sis, are associated with dysfunction in the doctors identify patients at higher risk for
Researchers were surprised to discover the public health. microbiome. You may even be the recipi- cardiovascular events.
presence of several types of dehalogenating Courtney Gardner,
ent of ancestral bacteria in the form of a The research uncovered that HDL could
bacteria in the guts of children with high lead author
microbiome inheritance that functions not contribute to anti-atherosclerotic function
levels of chemical exposures. Dehalogenat- of the study
unlike the passing of DNA from generation in a number of ways that are not reflected
ing bacteria are a class of bacteria often to generation. by simple cholesterol measurements. They
used to remediate persistent chemical con- Dietary support for the microbiome is one include:
taminants in the soil and groundwater. De- of the most powerful ways to please your
halogenating bacteria are not commonly microbes. Fruits, vegetables, and seeds E HDL’s anti-inflammatory abilities were
found in the human gut. like flax and chia, high in soluble fiber, 32 percent higher in those who had a
According to the study, this appears to are excellent prebiotics that not only boost “healthy” level in their blood.
be an attempt by the microbiome to self- the immune system but also balance the E People were 23 percent less likely to have
regulate an environment under attack from microbiome. For more information about a cardiovascular event over a 10-year pe-
chemicals. According to Courtney Gard- the microbiome, consult GreenMedInfo. riod for every 22 percent increase in the
ner, lead author of the study, “Finding the com, the world’s most widely referenced, anti-inflammatory capabilities of HDL
increased levels of these type of bacteria evidence-based natural medical resource. in their blood.
... means that, potentially, the gut micro-
biome is trying to correct itself.” The GMI Research Group is dedicated to How do you get more HDL cholesterol to
According to Gardner, the correlation be- investigating the most important health reduce LDL cholesterol and help reduce
tween chemical exposure and less abundant and environmental issues of the day. the risks of a heart attack or stroke? It’s
bacterial organisms in the gut was the most Special emphasis will be placed on envi- relatively simple: Eat more foods that can
pronounced takeaway from the study, and ronmental health. Our focused and deep boost HDL and limit those that contribute
potentially the most concerning. With our research will explore the many ways in to LDL deposits.
scientific understanding of the mi- which the present condition of the human Anti-inflammatory foods like avocado,
crobiome still limited, what we don’t body directly reflects the true state of the olive oil, legumes, whole grains, nuts,
know could hurt us. ambient environment. This work is repro- seeds, fruits, and veggies are good for HDL
“These microbes are perhaps not duced and distributed with the permis- levels. On the other hand, cutting sugary
the main drivers [of health] and may sion of GreenMedInfo LLC. Sign up for the snacks can help reduce LDL and the in-
have more subtle roles in our biology, but newsletter at flammation it creates.
it might be the case that one of these mi-
crobes does have a unique function, and For links to the studies referenced in this story, Mat Lecompte is a health and wellness
decreasing its levels may have significant please find it online at journalist. This article was first published
health impacts,” Gardner said. author-greenmedinfo or on Bel Marra Health.
B6 MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021


Liver Damage
Is Off the Charts
Alcohol and fructose fuel surge in liver
disease amid pandemic lockdown

Continued from B1 This can progress to steatohepatitis, years, according to research published in
which is characterized by inflammation Scientific Reports.
Alcoholic liver disease was also up 30 per- and progression to advanced scarring (cir- In addition, excessive alcohol use in-
cent from 2019 to 2020 at Keck Hospital of rhosis) and liver failure. About 35 percent creases your risk of chronic disease and
the University of Southern California, with of problem drinkers will develop advanced other health problems, such as the follow-
other hospitals, including Northwestern liver disease. As noted in an article pub- ing noted by the CDC:
University and Harvard University, report- lished in Alcohol Research:
ing 50 percent increases in admissions for r High blood pressure
alcoholic liver disease since March 2020. “This stage of liver disease can lead to the r Poor school or work performance
Overall, 4.5 million U.S. adults are di- development of fibrosis, during which there r Stroke
agnosed with liver disease each year, is excessive deposition of extracellular ma- r Liver disease
and 44,358 die as a result. It’s likely that trix proteins. The fibrotic response begins r Digestive problems
increased alcohol consumption is worsen- with active pericellular fibrosis, which may r Cancer (breast, mouth, throat, esopha-
ing the already growing epidemic of liver progress to cirrhosis, characterized by ex- gus, liver, and colon)
damage being triggered by poor diet, in- Overall, 4.5 cessive liver scarring, vascular alterations, r Learning and memory problems, includ-
cluding high consumption of fructose and and eventual liver failure.” ing dementia
seed oils high in omega-6 polyunsaturated million U.S. r Heart disease
fatty acids (PUFAs). While, historically, alcohol-related liver r Mental health problems, including de-
adults are cirrhosis has been regarded as a condition pression and anxiety
Lockdowns Increased diagnosed with that develops after two or three decades of r Social problems, including lost produc-
Hazardous Alcohol Use heavy drinking, it’s increasingly showing tivity, family problems, and unemploy-
Doctors’ anecdotal reports of patients’ in- liver disease up in 20- and 30-year-olds. In the 25 to 34 ment
creased alcohol usage during the pandem- age group, death from cirrhosis more than r Alcohol dependence, or alcoholism
ic were confirmed by multiple studies. In
each year, and tripled between 1999 and 2016, according
a study published in Psychiatry Research 44,358 die as a to research published in the British Medical Nonalcoholic Liver Damage
earlier this year, University of Arizona Col- Journal. The rise in alcohol-related deaths Also on the Rise
lege of Medicine researchers found that result. overlapped with a rise in binge drinking in Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
over the six-month period from April to the United States that correlates with the is the most common chronic liver disease
September 2020, “hazardous alcohol use 2008 financial crisis. in developed countries. It’s character-
and likely dependence increased month At the time, researchers suggested that ized by a buildup of excess fat in your liver
by month for those under lockdowns com- the loss of opportunity and psychologi- that’s not related to heavy alcohol use.
pared to those not under restrictions.” cal burden may have driven some people Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise,
“This increase in harmful alcohol use and to abusive drinking—likely foreshadow- weight, and smoking all play important
related behaviors is likely to have prolonged ing what was to come with the COVID-19 roles in exacerbating (as well as reducing)
adverse psychosocial, interpersonal, occu- pandemic. your chances of developing some form of
pational, and health impacts as the world liver disease.
attempts to recover from the pandemic Additional Risks of While alcohol consumption certainly
crisis,” they wrote. Excessive Alcohol Intake doesn’t help liver health, the rise in NAFLD
If you’ve increased alcohol intake over is likely related even more to increased in-
stress, fear, or anxiety related to current take of toxic industrially processed seed
events, it’s possible your health could be oils, often referred to as “vegetable oils.”
affected. About 90 percent of people who Examples of seed oils high in omega-6
We're seeing kids in drink excessively don’t have an alcohol PUFAs include soybean, cottonseed, sun-
use disorder, according to the CDC. This flower, rapeseed (canola), corn, and saf-
their late 20s and early doesn’t mean that their health isn’t being flower. Omega-6 is considered to be proin-
damaged by excessive drinking, however. flammatory because of the most common
30s with a disease that Drinking alcohol can lead to a number variety, linoleic acid, which will radically
we previously thought of health risks in the short and long term. increase oxidative free radicals and cause
Alcohol depresses your central nervous mitochondrial dysfunction if not eaten in
was kind of exclusive to system, which slows down the commu- the proper proportion with omega-3 fatty
middle age. nication between your brain cells. Your acids, according to an editorial published
limbic system, which controls emotions, is in the BMJ journal, Open Heart. Eating
Dr. Jessica Mellinger, liver specialist, also affected. This is why alcohol consump- more omega-3 appeared to counteract
University of Michigan tion lowers your inhibitions. the pro-inflammatory nature of omega-6.
Your prefrontal cortex, a brain region As researchers noted in the journal Nutri-
Alcohol is a physiological associated with reasoning and judgment, ents, “In addition, a few studies suggested
An editorial published in The Lancet depressant. It depresses also slows in response to alcohol, leading that omega-6 PUFA is related to chronic
Gastroenterology & Hepatology likewise your central nervous to more impulsive behavior and poor judg- inflammatory diseases such as obesity,
system, which slows
noted that sales in United Kingdom alcohol down the communication
ment. In the long-term, alcohol consump- nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and car-
stores increased by 31.4 percent compared between your brain cells. tion promotes not only fatty liver disease but diovascular disease.” As mentioned, at the
to the previous month, in March 2020—the also weight gain and disruption of your gut root of the harmful biochemical reactions
month the UK went into lockdown. It cited microbes, according to research published triggered by seed oils is linoleic acid, which
a survey conducted by Alcohol Change UK, by the American Physiological Society. is an 18-carbon omega-6 fat.
which found that 1 in 5 of those who drank It’s well known that altering the balance It’s the primary fatty acid found in PU-

alcohol daily said they had increased the of bacteria in your digestive tract can FAs and accounts for about 80 percent of
amount they were drinking during the weaken your immune system, making you the fatty acid composition of vegetable
lockdown. The liver is at risk from heavy more prone to inflammation and disease. oils. Omega-6 fats must be balanced with
alcohol consumption in part because it’s Chronic alcohol abuse, in particular, is also omega-3 fats in order not to be harmful,
where ethanol is metabolized. Steatosis, or known to cause neuronal dysfunction and but this doesn’t happen in most Ameri-
fatty liver disease, which is diagnosed when brain damage, and each additional gram of cans’ diets. The Open Heart research
at least 5 percent of the liver weight is fat, is alcohol consumption per day is associated mentioned above suggested that a 1:1 ratio
often the liver’s first sign of heavy drinking. with aging your brain an additional 0.02 with omega-3s may be the healthiest way
MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021 B7

to consume omega-6 fats, but processed

seed oils are ubiquitous in processed foods
while more expensive omega-3s are much
harder to come by. To make matters even
worse, most of the omega-6 that people eat
has been damaged and oxidized through

Fructose Also Driving Liver Damage

When fatty liver occurs in the absence of
significant alcohol consumption, it is often
driven instead by excess sugar, which is
why this condition is now found even in
young children.
This is one reason why eliminating pro-
cessed fructose and other added sugars
from your diet is so important. Fructose af-
fects your liver in ways that are very similar
to alcohol. Unlike glucose, which can be
used by virtually every cell in your body,
fructose can only be metabolized by your
liver, as your liver is the only organ that has
the transporter for it.
Since all fructose gets shuttled to your
liver, if you consume high amounts of it,
fructose ends up taxing and damaging
your liver in the same way alcohol and
other toxins do. The way your liver metabo-
lizes fructose is also very similar to that
of alcohol, as both serve as substrates for
converting carbohydrates into fat, which
promotes insulin resistance, dyslipidemia
(abnormal fat levels in the bloodstream),
and fatty liver, notes an article published
in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics.
Fructose also undergoes the Maillard
reaction with proteins, leading to the for- Frozen fruits and
mation of superoxide free radicals that can vegetables are
result in liver inflammation similar to ac- picked and frozen
etaldehyde, an intermediary metabolite of when they’re in sea-
ethanol. Reducing your intake of fructose son, which can cost
and seed oils while increasing your intake less than buying out-
of-season produce.
of healthy fats is a powerful way to support
your liver health.
It’s also important to avoid nearly all pro-
cessed foods and fast foods, as virtually
all of them contain these toxic oils and/
or fructose. The easiest way to do this is to
Is Frozen Food Healthy?
prepare the majority of your food at home Many people have a mistaken prejudice against produce from the freezer
so you know what you’re eating.

How to Support Your Liver Health LYNN JAFFEE flavor have taken a hit, but the point is
The best way to avoid alcohol-induced that foods that are frozen properly can
damage to your liver is to abstain from If you’re like me, you may think of the food be eaten months and even a year or more
drinking it, especially heavily. Alcohol- in your freezer as second rate, a fallback after they were put into the freezer.
induced cirrhosis and NAFLD can be choice when you can’t think of what to
reversed in their early stages by quitting make or didn’t get to the grocery store. I’ve How do you freeze properly? Some
drinking and cutting out processed fruc- always thought that frozen food was just simple guidelines include making sure
tose and seed oils. Nicotinamide adenine not as good as fresh, so I did a little re- your freezer is at least 0 degrees F or
dinucleotide (NAD)—the dietary precur- search, and what I found was surprising. colder, allowing cooked foods to cool
sor of which is niacin, vitamin B3—is also In some cases, frozen food is actually before freezing them, and wrapping
important if you have alcoholism. healthier than fresh. Wait, what? It’s true; foods to be as airtight as possible to avoid
People with chronic alcoholism are at while just-picked fruits and vegetables freezer burn.
risk for niacin deficiency, both due to a are the best, frozen produce can be just
reduction in dietary intake of niacin and as nutritious, and sometimes more so
interfering with the conversion of tryp- than fresh. That’s because unless you
tophan to NAD. Small doses of NAD (not have your own garden or buy from the Foods that are
time-released) can be incredibly helpful farmer’s market, the produce you buy
when provided while weaning off alcohol. has been harvested before it’s fully ripe. frozen properly can
The treatment helps to curb cravings for It’s then packaged, transported, and
alcohol, detox the body, flush alcohol (or stocked at your grocery store. be eaten months and
other drugs) out of the system, and relieve The reality is that produce typically los- even a year or more
withdrawal symptoms. As a potent anti- es most of its nutrients, such as vitamins
oxidant, NAD also helps to create energy and minerals, in the first three days after after they were put
in cells’ mitochondria. it’s been picked. By contrast, frozen pro-
Choline, an essential nutrient, also sup- duce is picked when it’s ripe and flash- ST
A S E L L E R /S H U T T E R
into the freezer.
ports normal liver function and liver health, frozen within hours of being harvested.
helping it to maintain membrane integ- A 2013 study looking at the nutritional
rity and manage cholesterol metabolism, value of fresh and frozen produce Frozen foods can save you money.
including low-density lipoproteins (LDL) found that both were nutrition- Frozen fruits and vegetables are
and very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), ally similar on the day they were picked and frozen when they’re
helping to move fat out of your liver. purchased. However, after five in season, which can cost less
By enhancing secretion of VLDL in your days, the frozen food actually than buying out-of-season pro-
liver, required to safely transport fat out, had higher levels of vitamin A, duce. In addition, freezing food
choline may protect your liver health, ac- vitamin C, and folate than the can help reduce food waste. In-
cording to research looking at preventing produce kept in the refrigerator. stead of tossing those leftovers
fatty liver disease among cattle. Unfortu- Here are a few other things you that you won’t eat for a couple
nately, an estimated 90 percent of the U.S. may not know about frozen food: of days, you can toss them into
population is deficient in choline, accord- the freezer. You can also freeze in
ing to an article published in Nutrition You can refreeze frozen food small or single portions.
Reviews. You can increase your intake by that’s been thawed. This is true, but
consuming more choline-rich foods, such only if the food was thawed properly One word of caution. While frozen
as organic pastured egg yolks, grass-fed in the refrigerator—not sitting out on produce tends to hold onto its nutritional
beef liver, wild-caught Alaskan salmon, the counter. Food that’s been thawed by value longer than fresh, some pack-
and krill oil. Arugula is also an excellent sitting out rapidly produces bacteria that Fresh, in-season produce aged frozen vegetables and many frozen
source. can make you sick, so this is actually is often flash-frozen meals can be high in sodium. The good
Further, avoid exposure to glyphosate, never a good idea. But it’s good to know within hours of being news is that today food manufacturers
the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, that if you’ve properly thawed a frozen harvested. are listening to the demands of consum-
as much as possible, as it’s been linked to item and then changed your mind, it can ers who want low-sodium, low-calorie,
fatty liver disease as well. Magnesium, vita- go back into the freezer. Refreezing may whole-grain, and plant-based frozen
min C, and milk thistle are also important change the flavor or texture, but it’s safe meals. The bottom line is that fresh or
for ongoing liver health. to eat. frozen, you need to read the label.
Milk thistle contains silymarin and sily- Don’t get me wrong; during the sum-
bin, antioxidants that are known to help While we’re talking about bacteria, you mer I eat most of my produce from a
protect your liver from toxins and even help should know that freezing doesn’t kill it. shared community garden. However,
regenerate liver cells. If you believe you While ideal conditions for bacteria are when there’s more than we can eat, I
have an alcohol use disorder or are drink- between 40 and 140 degrees F, freezing won’t hesitate to put batches of pesto
ing excessively due to pandemic-related bacteria just makes it inactive. If there or loaves of zucchini bread made with
stress and anxiety, seek professional help. was bacteria present in your food when ingredients from the garden into the
you put it into the freezer, it’ll still be freezer to enjoy at a later date. I now
Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mer- there when you thaw it out. know that if frozen correctly, these foods An osteopathic physician, best- are as nutritious in January as the day I
selling author, and recipient of multiple Frozen food doesn’t expire. That’s froze them back in August.
awards in the field of natural health, his right, you may find a package of frozen
primary vision is to change the modern peas or corn buried deep in your freezer Lynn Jaffee is a licensed acupunctur-
health paradigm by providing people from a decade ago, and if it’s been stored ist and the author of “Simple Steps: The
with a valuable resource to help them take properly, it would be okay to eat. Would I Chinese Way to Better Health.” This article
control of their health. This article was eat it? Probably not, but it wouldn’t make was originally published on Acupuncture-
originally published on me sick. Chances are that the quality and
B8 MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021


Avoid This Common Retirement Health Risk

s sedentary lifestyles become more ment. They then measured daily average fering the dangers of occupation-induced
prevalent in the Western world, totals of sedentary time and amount of sitting, active workstations, which showed
many are quick to proclaim that time spent in prolonged (30 or more min- Older adults a positive effect on energy expenditure and
sitting is the new smoking. utes) and highly prolonged (an hour or be- who are less physical activity in overweight or obese indi-
Research published last year  yond) sedentary phases at each time point. viduals, are one option that can help.
in the journal Occupational & Environmental sedentary
Medicine shows that the transition to retire- Greater Risks With Prolonged The GMI Research Group is dedicated to in-
ment is marked by a sharp rise in sedentary Sedentary Time Than Bouts have superior vestigating the most important health and
time, which is likely to be sustained for at least The findings showed that the transition to executive environmental issues of the day. Special
two years and bring about a range of health retirement came with an abrupt rise in pro- emphasis will be placed on environmental
risks and disorders. longed sedentary time in women, whereas functions health. Our focused and deep research will
The study from November 2020 warns men had a more gradual increase. explore the many ways in which the pres-
that the sharp rise of more than 20 minutes Women upped their daily total sedentary
and memory ent condition of the human body directly
a day in the average sedentary time among time by 22 minutes, prolonged sedentary time compared reflects the true state of the ambient en-
new retirees appears to be maintained two by 34 minutes, and highly prolonged sed- vironment. This work is reproduced and
or more years later. The risk is more gradual entary time by 15 minutes in the transition, with their distributed with the permission of Green-
for men but the long-term pattern for both while the numbers stayed at the higher level counterparts MedInfo LLC. Sign up for the newsletter at
sexes is similar, earning them the same of sedentary time in post-retirement years.
harmful impact. The steepest rise in sedentary time was seen who are fond of
in women retiring from manual jobs. For links to the studies referenced
Sitting on the Ill Effects Men, on the other hand, had more to- sitting. in this story, please find it online
of Sedentary Lifestyle tal and prolonged sedentary time versus at
Previous studies have highlighted the ad- women, and while there was no change greenmedinfo or
verse effects of sedentary behaviors, such observed during the transition, there was
as increasing the risk for cardiometabolic a gradual climb of 33 minutes in prolonged
diseases and metabolic syndrome, while sedentary time from pre- to post-retire-
light physical activity reduced it.Excessive ment periods.
daily sitting time has also been linked to The changes persisted two or more years
all-cause mortality. after the subjects retired, according to
Unfortunately, physical activity isn’t al- the observational study. The researchers
ways a popular choice among retirees, with warned that prolonged sedentary time is
45 percent of American retirees reporting “more harmful for health compared with
no physical activity, according to research sedentary bouts.” In a related study, the daily
published in the American Journal of Pre- amount of sitting during free time increased
ventive Medicine in 2019. from 4 1/2 hours to six hours on average dur- F
In the November 2020 study, research- ing retirement transition. The time spent


ers set out to determine if the increased watching television increased specifically.

daily sitting

total sedentary time experienced by many While having a sedentary routine may

time has

retirees includes extended sitting time and lead to significant health risks and condi- been linked

if the patterns are sustained over time. tions, as shown by’s to all-cause

The team studied 689 out of the 908 eligi- study abstracts on “sitting sickness,” physi- mortality.
ble participants in the Finnish Retirement cal activity comes with
and Aging Study, an ongoing study of retir- great rewards, includ-
ing Finnish municipal workers. Eighty-five ing for the elderly. Older
percent of the subjects were women and adults who are less seden-
had administrative or professional roles, tary have superior executive
with 63 years as the average retirement age. functions and memory com-
The team had the subjects wear an activ- pared with their counterparts
ity tracker for at least 10 hours while awake who are fond of sitting.
for seven consecutive days and nights, For those who haven’t
twice—once before and once after retire- yet retired and are suf-

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