2.4 Million College Students Face Vaccine Mandate: in The News

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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | W E D N E S D A Y, M A Y 12 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,959 $3.

In the News Canada’s Senate
NEWS Approves Bill
Gas stations in multiple
U.S. states ran out of gas af-
to Combat
ter hackers attacked a pipeline
that runs from Texas to New
Jersey. ... A5 Organ Trafficking
The Biden administration’s By OMID GHOREISHI
latest Justice Department
hire deleted tens of thousands Canada’s Senate unanimously
of tweets, including some that approved a bill intended to help
alleged former President Don- combat international organ traf-
ald Trump and his campaign ficking on May 6. Bill S-204 will be
colluded with Russia in the
sent to the House of Commons for
2016 U.S. presidential elec-
tion. ... A5 deliberation by MPs before it can
become law.
A bipartisan coalition of “[Organ trafficking] is a violation
attorneys general is urging of the principles of equity, justice,
Facebook to abandon its plans and respect for human dignity. Let
to create a platform for chil- us be global leaders in the battle
dren under the age of 13. ... A4 Continued on A9
The Walt Disney Corp. is
pushing critical race theory
in its training of employees,
leaked documents show. ... A7
Chinese Communist Party PANDEMIC Columbia University in New York on May 10, 2021.

newspaper The Global Times


has called for Beijing to plan
missile strikes targeting Aus-
tralia should it join the Unit-
ed States in aiding Taiwan
against an attack. ... A10
2.4 Million College Students
Amidst the COVID-19 surge
in India, a startup is using
fuel-efficient cow dung logs
Face Vaccine Mandate
as an alternative to wood to
cremate the bodies of the poor Review of notices from 130 universities shows schools don’t
and unidentified. ... A9
accept acquired immunity as exemption from mandate
The Chinese communist re-
gime views the global climate By IVAN PENTCHOUKOV offered direct responses for why
change agenda as an oppor-

infection-conferred immunity isn’t
tunity to expand its influence
ore than 180 college being considered as an exemption.
worldwide, expert says. ...A10
and university cam- The vast majority responded by ref-
Canada’s Senate has ap- puses across the Unit- erencing their immunization ex-
proved a bill intended to help ed States are requiring emption rules, which don’t address



combat international organ more than 2.4 million students acquired immunity. When pressed

trafficking. ... A1 to produce proof of vaccination for an answer, several schools said
The United States is in the against the CCP (Chinese Com- they couldn’t offer more informa-
midst of a communist revolu- munist Party) virus to attend in- tion, while others said they are still
tion that seeks to centralize the person classes this fall, regardless Courtney Treglia, a postgraduate finalizing their policies.
power of the U.S. government of whether the students have ac- student at the Columbia University The few that responded pointed
under the control of the execu- quired immunity to the virus. Teachers College, in New York on May to guidance by the Centers for Dis- ARIZONA
tive branch, expert says. ...A1 The number of schools with a 10, 2021. ease Control and Prevention (CDC),
A group of Arizona citizens
mandate is likely to grow by then,
especially if the Food and Drug tion results in broad and lasting
which advises people to still be vac-
cinated because “experts do not yet
have filed a lawsuit against a
number of Arizona state offi- Administration grants full ap- protection from the virus, accord- know how long you are protected Lawsuit Alleges
proval for one or more vaccines in ing to an Epoch Times review of from getting sick again after recov-
cials, alleging that state elec-
tions from 2018 through 2020 the coming months. None of the more than 130 university vaccine ering from COVID-19.” Contractor Labs
were not in compliance with
election laws. ... A1
schools currently accept acquired
immunity as an exemption from
mandate notices and immuniza-
tion requirement pages.
COVID-19 is the disease caused
by the CCP virus, commonly
Used in Elections
the vaccination mandate, even Only a handful of the four dozen known as the novel coronavirus. Were ‘Out of
amid  evidence that prior infec- schools contacted for this article Continued on A6
Mark Hendrickson: The Big
Green Lie...A15 Lawsuit filed by citizens
Roger Kimball: With ‘Birth- seek writ of quo warran-
ing People,’ We Approach a
‘Brave New World’...A17
Epoch Times to against state officials

Roger L. Simon: How ‘Woke’


May Be Leading Us to Civil

Attacked by Man A group of 20 Arizona citizens filed
a lawsuit to the state Supreme Court
With Softball Bat on May 6 seeking a writ of quo war-

There are fewer lessons to

in Hong Kong ranto against a number of state of-
ficials, alleging that state elections
be taken more seriously than By FRANK FANG from 2018 through 2020 weren’t in
the lesson of play. ...B1 compliance with Arizona law.
A reporter for the Hong Kong edition The court is being asked to order
A 12-year-old prodigy is
of The Epoch Times was assaulted the state officials named in the com-
graduating from high school
with a perfect 4.0 GPA. Not
by an unidentified man wielding an plaint to be removed from the al-
only that, he’s also finishing aluminum softball bat on May 11, legedly unlawfully held seats, and
up community college. ...B6 in an attack believed to be orches- order a pro-tempore (“for the time
trated by the Chinese regime in its being”) seat to the citizens who filed
Our toxic diet is feeding latest attempt to silence reporting Sarah Liang, a reporter for the Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times, speaks to the suit, “until such time as free, fair,
diseases that can’t be cured by the publication. local media outside Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong on May 11, 2021. and secure elections can be held.”
with drugs that don’t address Sarah Liang was outside her resi- “As average citizens of Arizona,
the underlying problem. ...C1
dential building when the midday The incident is the latest in a string as part of its campaign to thwart the from all walks of life, we have dis-
It’s never too late to work attack took place. The assailant hit of attacks on Epoch Times facilities outlet’s reporting in the city. The pub- covered that our past elections in
on becoming the person you her with the bat more than 10 times and reporters in Hong Kong—all sus- lication, one of the few independent 2018 thru 2020 are out of compliance
want to be. ...C8 before fleeing in a car, leaving Liang pected of having been organized by outlets in Hong Kong, is known for per the U.S. Election Assistance
with bruises on both of her legs. the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Continued on A11 Continued on A3



Socialist Revolution Is $41,100 Tax Debt Per Chicago Resident
Published in New York,
Underway in America: By MARK TAPSCOTT
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Trevor Loudon Windy City taxpayers face the highest taxpayer bur-
THE EPOCH TIMES B y ELLA KIETLINSKA & JOSHUA PHILIPP a much higher unfunded den in the country,” the “We don’t know w who
(USPS 21-800) is published tax burden than those liv- Chicago-based nonprofit they are, wheree
weekly by The Epoch
The United States is now in the midst ing in any of the nation’s stated in a report titled they’re from,
Media Group, 9550 Flair or what their
Dr. Suite 411, El Monte of a communist revolution that other most populous cities, “Taxpayers on the Hook,” intentions
CA 91731-2922. Periodical seeks to centralize power through including New York, accord- which was made public on are,” National
postage paid at El Monte,
CA and additional mailing
bringing every element of the U.S. ing to new calculations by May 11. Border
offices. POSTMASTER: government, from the lowest levels Truth in Accounting (TIA). The new TIA report up- Patrol Council
Send address changes to to the top, under the control of the “The City of Chicago is in The Willis dates one released earlier President
The EPOCH TIMES, 229 W. executive branch, author and film-
28th Street, Floor 5,
significantly worse financial Tower above this year that found that Brandon Judd said.
New York, NY 10001. maker Trevor Loudon says. shape than it might first ap- Chicago’s Chicago ranked second to Read more on A6
Continued on A8 pear, and its taxpayers face skyline. Continued on A4

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.
A2 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021




art of the reason
The Epoch Times
was founded was to
expose propaganda,
subversion, and infiltration
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The Chinese edition of The Epoch Times, which was
Amidst local governments’ legal battle with the State Washington Governor Signs
founded in the year 2000, has become the largest inde-
of Florida over a gun law, Republican Gov. Ron DeSan-
pendent Chinese-language media outlet in the world. tis signed a bill that would expand the prohibition on Bill Mandating Critical Race
It provides uncensored news to millions of Chinese local firearm regulations. Training in Public Schools
around the world. The Epoch Times also delivers truth- Senate Bill 1884 was signed on May 7 and will take
ful reporting about the CCP in 21 other languages. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has signed into law a bill
effect on July 1.
As a result, the CCP has done everything in its power that incorporates the doctrine of “equity, cultural
It will fortify a law from 2011 that has the
competency, and dismantling institutional racism”
to shut us down. Soon after The Epoch Times was potential to make local governments
into the training for all K-12 educators across the
founded, our staff members and contributors in China pay up to $100,000 in damages
were arrested and sentenced to long prison sentences; for enforcing firearm regula-
Under Senate Bill 5044, school districts in the
in many cases, they faced torture. tions. Additionally, local of-
state must use one of the three professional learn-
Hong Kong has been relatively free over the past few ficials could face $5,000
ing days to specifically train all staff in the topics of
in fines and possible
decades, but since the passing of Beijing’s national “cultural competency, diversity, equity, or inclusion.”
removal if they pass
security law, those freedoms have been rapidly dis- Some key concepts in the bill, such as “equity,”
gun regulations.
appearing. “systemic racism,” and “antiracism,” are popular
On Tuesday, one of our reporters in Hong Kong was among advocates of critical race theory, a Marxist
attacked by a man armed with an aluminum softball outgrowth that views society through the lens of a
bat. After hitting her about 10 times, leaving her legs race-based power struggle.
bruised, the assailant fled in a car.
This attack comes just several weeks after four men,
two armed with sledgehammers, smashed printing
equipment at our print shop in Hong Kong.
The U.S. State Department condemned the assault
on our reporter saying, “attacks against journalists
are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.” It also
called for Hong Kong authorities to conduct a full in-
vestigation of the beating, along with the attack on

our printing press.
In the face of these brazen attacks, which we be-
lieve were directly orchestrated by the CCP, The Epoch
Times will not bow to pressure and will continue its [Social media giants] are

independent reporting. crushing competition, and
Jasper Fakkert
in cases like Facebook,
Editor-in-chief they’re acting like they’re
Police officers in Portland, Oregon, have responded bigger than government.
to at least 359 shootings so far in 2021.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), on concerns
Biden Reverses HHS about Facebook and its decision to uphold
Gender Identity Policy Georgia Governor Signs Bill its ban on former President Donald Trump,
Preventing ‘Defund the Police’ during an interview with Cheddar News.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has signed a bill into

law forbidding large budget cuts for local police.
Kemp said the “defund the police” movement
would endanger Georgian communities.
House Bill 286 prohibits county governing
The Biden administration has an- authorities from reducing the police budget by
Sen. Mitt Romney more than 5 percent a year or “during a rolling
nounced that it’s overturning a
Trump-era Department of Health
Censured by Utah County five-year period.” The Republican-led
and Human Services rule that ex- Republican Party General Assembly passed the bill
cluded gender identity from sex and sent it to Kemp in early April.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) has been
discrimination protections in the censured by the Republican Party of
Obamacare statute. Weber County, Utah, for voting to con-
The rule dealt with Section vict former President Donald Trump

1557 of the Affordable Care Act, in the Senate’s second impeachment Facebook Oversight Board
which made it unlawful to dis- trial earlier this year.
criminate on the basis of “race, The resolution to censure Romney, Member Criticizes Indefinite
color, national origin, sex, age, or a former presidential candidate, was Trump Suspension
disability in certain health pro- approved 116–97 by members of the The use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been
expanded to include children as young as 12. A member of Facebook’s Oversight Board has criti-
grams and activities.” Weber County GOP, County Party cized the social media platform’s indefinite suspen-
Health and Human Services Secretary Jill Koford told the Salt sion of former President Donald Trump’s account,
Secretary Xavier Becerra said Lake Tribune. saying the company’s rules are problematic.
on May 10 that the decision was NASA Criticizes China as Rocket The quasi-independent Oversight Board last week
made in light of a landmark Su-
preme Court ruling on an unre-
Detroit Police Debris Burns Up, Splashes Into Indian upheld a ban on the former commander-in-chief’s
lated topic. Chief Announces Ocean account due to his comments on Jan. 6.
Retirement “We gave them a certain amount of time to get
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has criticized China for creating their house in order,” board member Michael Mc-
Detroit’s police chief unnecessary risks as an uncontrolled core segment of its biggest Connell, a former federal judge, told Fox News.
says he is retiring and will rocket reentered Earth’s atmosphere and mostly burned up “They needed some time because their rules are a
consider challenging Gov. over the Maldives before landing in the Indian Ocean on May 9. shambles. They are not transparent. They are un-
Gretchen Whitmer in 2022. “It is clear that China is failing to meet responsible standards clear. They are internally inconsistent. So we made
Police Chief James Craig, a regarding their space debris,” the former senator said in a state- a series of recommendations about how to make
Republican, said he will voluntarily ment. their rules clearer and more consistent.”
step down on June 1. The return to Earth of the out-of-control space junk had raised
fears that the debris could fall on populated areas and cause
deaths and severe damage.

Sanders Opposes Push by Top

Biden Rolls Back Democrats to Remove Cap on SALT
Trump Proposal to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he opposes an effort
Limit Work Permits for by top Democrats to reinstate the tax deduction
on state and local taxes (SALT), which has been
Immigrants Ordered to called “a tax break for rich people in blue states.”
Be Deported House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen-
Capitol Breach Defense
The Biden administration is roll- ate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) are
Lawyers Receiving Tours
ing back an immigration policy
of US Capitol
among the Democrats who want to fully reimple- Broadway to Light Up
sought by former President ment the SALT deduction. The Republicans’ tax
Donald Trump that would have Attorneys defending suspects who reform bill in 2017, signed by then-President Donald Again in September
limited work permits for immi- have been charged with offenses re- Trump, put a limit on the amount that can be deducted on Live Broadway shows will return to the stage starting
grants with final deportation lated to the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol breach federal tax returns. Sept. 14 after an 18-month hiatus, New York Gov.
orders. are receiving crime scene tours of the “It sends a terrible, terrible message when you have Repub- Andrew Cuomo announced.
Trump on Nov. 19, 2020, pro- building in May and June. licans telling us that this is a tax break for the rich,” Sanders, a Theaters will be allowed to fill to 100 percent
posed that the Department of Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Cole nominal independent who ran for the Democratic presidential of capacity, Cuomo said. Broadway theaters are
Homeland Security revise its made the disclosure in a court filing nomination in 2016 and 2020, said on “Axios on HBO.” among New York's biggest tourist attractions.
regulations regarding employ- in late April in a case for one of the
ment authorization for immi- defendants. The letter states that
grants who have a final order of the U.S. Capitol Police have arranged
removal from the country by a five crime scene tours of the Capitol
federal judge, and are released beginning on May 3, with the last tour
from DHS custody on an order scheduled for June 4. What China is doing can
of supervision. Among the sites included in the
DHS Secretary Alejandro tour are House Speaker Nancy Pe- bring down our system.
Mayorkas announced that losi’s (D-Calif.) office; the Speaker’s Gordon Chang, China expert, telling The
President Joe Biden’s admin- Lobby, outside of which Ashli Bab- Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders”
istration will withdraw the bitt was shot and killed by a Capitol program that the Biden administration
proposal after reviewing 302 Police officer; the House and Senate needs to move faster to counter threats
public comments the depart- chambers; and the Rotunda. The U.S. posed by the Chinese Communist Party.
ment received during a 30-day Capitol is still currently closed to visi-
period. tors because of COVID-19 measures.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 A3

Arizona Gov. Doug “Go get a job and get have called
Ducey has signed back to work. That’s how on President
into law a bill that you build an economy.” Joe Biden to
Stephen Gregory, Publisher designates gun deal with the
stores as essential South Carolina REPUBLICAN U.S.–Mexico
Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief businesses. Gov. Henry McMaster GOVERNORS border crisis.
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor

Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor
Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor


The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
and independent journalism.

Standing outside of politi-

cal interests and the pursuit of
profit, our starting point and our
goal is to create a media for the
public benefit, to be truly respon-
sible to society.

We endeavor to educate read-

ers about today’s most impor-
tant topics, seeking to broaden
and uplift minds. We believe that
rational, balanced debate is key
for fostering a healthy democ-
racy and a compassionate

As an independent media out-

let, we use our freedom to inves-
Ballots are counted at the Maricopa County Election Department after the presidential election, in Phoenix on Nov. 5, 2020.
tigate issues overlooked—or
avoided—by other media outlets.
We seek to highlight solutions ARIZONA

Arizona Citizens Sue State

and what’s good in society rather
than what divides us.

We report respectfully, compas-

Officials, Allege Noncompliance

sionately, and rigorously.

We stand against the destruc-

tion wrought by communism,
including the harm done to cul-

in Past Elections
tures around the world.

We are inspired in this by our

own experience. The Epoch
Times was founded in 2000 to
bring honest and uncensored
news to people oppressed 20 citizens allege to Arizona
by the lies and violence in Supreme Court that elections The group
communist China.
have been in violation of state asserts that
We still believe journalism is a law since 2018 the contractor
noble vocation, but only when it labs that
genuinely seeks to serve its com-
munities and help them to flour- CONTINUED FROM A1
ish. In all that we do, we will hold checks to
ourselves to the highest stand- Commission [EAC],” the group of certify voting
ards of integrity. This is our citizens said in a statement obtained
promise to you. by The Epoch Times.
The group asserts that the con- equipment in
tractor labs that conduct checks to elections were
certify voting machine equipment
in elections weren’t accredited to
not accredited
The Epoch Times Association Inc.
229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
do so by the EAC in elections 2018 to do so by
through 2020. Such accreditation is the EAC in
New York, NY 10001
mandated by federal and state law.
Advertising In its statement, the citizens group elections 2018 The Arizona Supreme Court in Phoenix, in this file photo.
advertisenow@epochtimes.com said that the state of Arizona “went through 2020.
Subscriptions out of compliance in February of According to Arizona law, ma- The citizens group in the com-
Help.TheEpochTimes.com 2017 (or possibly sooner) and was chines or devices used at any election plaint redacted their individual
only recently purported to be re- may only be certified for use if they names “due to a reasonable concern
General Inquiries certified in January 2021.” As such, comply with HAVA and if those ma- for their safety.”
Help.TheEpochTimes.com any  machine certification con- chines or devices have been “tested They’re asking the state Supreme
Letters to the Editor ducted by the allegedly nonaccred- and approved by a laboratory that is Court for a full review of the matter
lettertoeditor@epochtimes.com ited contractor labs in elections 2018 accredited pursuant to the [HAVA].” within five days, and are demand-
through 2020 would be invalidated, The writ of quo warranto complaint ing a response from the respondents
according to the group. alleged that “valid, ratified, contrac- named in the suit “within 3 days of
The EAC is an independent and tual relationship between contractor completion of review and upon be-
bipartisan U.S. government agency labs and the EAC have not existed ing notified by the court.”
that was created by the Help America since 2016 and possibly earlier.” It In a courtesy notice on May 7,
Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), a federal law says, “If the contractor labs did not the citizens group informed Attor-
that made reforms to the country’s renew their contracts, then how can ney General Mark Brnovich of the
voting process. The EAC acts to de- they be allowed access to our most filing of the writ of quo warranto,
velop guidance to meet the require- critical infrastructure? How can they saying that their complaint “asserts
ments of the law. The agency also certify anything when they have not widespread usurpation” across the
adopts voting systems guidelines agreed to abide by law, and have not state that includes elections since
and provides information on elec- entered into valid contract to do so?” 2018 that, by implication, would
tion administration. Other EAC roles Two contractor labs,  Pro V&V include Brnovich on the list of “in-
include accrediting testing laborato- and SLI Compliance, are currently advertent usurpers,” although he is
ries and certifying voting systems. listed on the EAC website as having not a named respondent in the fil-
Contractors working for
The EAC refers to contractor labs as had their accreditations renewed in ing. They said they chose to avoid

Cyber Ninjas, which was
“Voting System Test Laboratories,” hired by the Arizona State
early February this year. Jerome Lo- putting Brnovich’s office “in any
and sets forth its standards and rules Senate, examine and vato, the voting system testing and situation that may be a conflict of
to be abided by in its manual for con- recount ballots from the certification director at the EAC, is- interest.”

tractor labs, which reads in part, “A 2020 general election in sued on Jan. 27 memos for each of Respondents in the suit in-
grant of accreditation is valid for a Phoenix on May 1, 2021. the contractor labs notices that their clude Gov. Doug Ducey, Secretary
period not to exceed two years.” companies “remain in good stand- of State Katie Hobbs, State Treasurer
ing” to be granted renewal of their Kimberly Yee, Maricopa Sheriff Paul
Get the accreditation.
“Due to the outstanding circum-
Penzone, Pima Sheriff Chris Nanos,
Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Tucson
independent news stances posed by COVID-19, the re-
newal process for EAC laboratories
Mayor Regina Romero, Maricopa
Recorder Stephen Richer, Superin-
you won’t find has been delayed for an extended tendent of Public Instruction Kathy
period,” he wrote in the memos. Hoffman. There are also three cor-
anywhere else. Jan. 27 was the same day that the porations commissioners, two state
Maricopa County Board of Supervi- senators, and four state representa-
Subscribe and get the sors voted unanimously to authorize tives named in the complaint.
insights only The Epoch Times a forensic audit of ballot tabulation The offices of Gov. Doug Ducey and
can provide, delivered to your equipment used in the 2020 elections Secretary of State Katie Hobbs didn’t
door every week. in the county. The board chose Pro immediately respond to requests by
V&V and SLI Compliance to conduct The Epoch Times for comment.
ReadEpoch.com the audit. A separate Senate-ordered
audit of the 2020 election in Mari- Zachary Stieber contributed
copa County is currently underway. to this report.


People walk in Millennium Park in Chicago on March 13, 2020.

Chicagoans Face Heavier Tax Burden Than

Those in Other Populous US Cities: Report

Illinois’s elected officials increase in murders for the most

have made repeated Chicago has recently available week of April
been especially 26–May 2, compared to the same
financial decisions that left period in 2020, as well as a 44 per-
the state with a debt burden hard hit in cent increase in criminal sexual as-
of $226 billion recent years saults, a 37 percent increase in rob-
by a spiraling beries, and an 82 percent increase
in thefts. The overall increase for
CONTINUED FROM A1 crime rate the period is 29 percent.
and repeated An agreement between the city
New York City among the nation’s and Chicago Teachers Union
10 most populated cities for the un-
strikes by (CTU) officials in February ended
funded tax burden it imposes on lo- public school months of intense negotiations
cal taxpayers. The new report offers teachers’ that at multiple points appeared
a more comprehensive calculation to be ending in stalemate as stu-
of what the unfunded obligations
unions. dents remained at home in virtual
actually are for each taxpayer in classes due to the pandemic.
each of those cities by including The agreement came after city
data for official subsidiaries. officials agreed to spend an addi-
“These underlying governments tional $100 million on pandemic-
A greeter for a Liberty Tax franchise outside an office in Chicago on April 18, 2016.
are essentially subsidiaries of the related safety measures, including
city and the majority of their debt thousands of classroom air filters.
falls on all city taxpayers. This re- York City fared worse with a tax- the Chicago Park District, $900 for The city’s public schools have more
port analyzes these entities to give payer burden of $68,200,” TIA said the Chicago Housing Authority, than 340,000 students enrolled.
taxpayers a better understanding in its latest analysis. $600 for the Metro Water Recla- The eight cities of the top 10 most
of their municipalities’ financial “However, when you combine the mation District of Greater Chicago, populous with lower taxpayer bur-
health and their Taxpayer Burden,” debt of these underlying govern- and $100 for the Chicago Commu- dens than Chicago and New York
the report states. ment entities, the county, the city, nity College District. include:
The data presents a comprehen- and the state, Chicago’s taxpayer These figures cover all that would Phoenix, $10,400; San Antonio,
sive picture of each of the cities’ burden skyrockets to $126,600, be needed to pay off state, city, $19,200; Houston, $24,400; Dal-
financial situations immediately while New York City’s taxpayer county, and underlying govern- las, $26,000; San Diego, $34,100;
prior to the onset of the CCP virus burden rises to $85,400,” the TIA ments’ unfunded debt for taxpay- San Jose, $41,800; Philadelphia,
pandemic in March 2020. report said. ers residing within the boundaries $45,300; and Los Angeles, $47,600.
“Our ‘Financial State of the Cit- The breakdown of a Chicago tax- of the City of Chicago. The $52,000 debt line for Illinois
ies’ report released earlier this year payer’s burden includes: $52,000 Chicago has been especially hard facing Chicago taxpayers reflects
found that Chicago ranked No. 74 for the State of Illinois, $41,100 for hit in recent years by a spiraling the fact that the state’s financial
out of the 75 most populous U.S. the City of Chicago, $19,500 for the crime rate and repeated strikes by condition ranks as the 49th worst in
cities with a taxpayer burden of Chicago Public Schools, $8,500 for public school teachers’ unions. the nation, trailing only New Jersey
$41,100, which is each taxpayer’s Cook County, $4,000 for the Chi- Chicago Police Department in the 50th place and just ahead of
share of municipal debt. Only New cago Transit Authority, $1,700 for CompStat data shows a 56 percent Connecticut in 48th place.


State AGs Urge JANITA KAN contrary to that interest,” they

wrote in their letter.
to “decreased self-esteem” and “de-
creased life satisfaction.”
Facebook to
bipartisan coalition of A Buzzfeed report that cited an The officials also argued that
state attorneys general internal company post revealed the young children also aren’t
Abandon Plan is urging Facebook to
abandon its plans to cre-
plans. The post stated that execu-
tives at Instagram were consider-
equipped to handle challenges
associated with having an Insta-
for Children’s ate a platform for children under
the age of 13.
ing building a version of the photo-
sharing app for children under the
gram account including having
an understanding of privacy, the
Instagram The group sent a letter to Face-
book CEO Mark Zuckerberg argu-
age of 13. Under the current Insta-
gram policy, users must be 13 or
appropriateness of what content
can be shared, the permanency of
ing that the use of social media can older to use the application. the content, and who has access
Bipartisan coalition be detrimental to children and that The top law enforcement officials to content shared online. They
of attorneys general the company had previously failed from 44 states and territories ex- warned that cyberbullying could
to protect the welfare of children on pressed concerns over the plan, be exacerbated by such a platform.
urge Facebook to its platforms. citing research that links the use They also cited Facebook’s his-
“The attorneys general have an of social media by young people Facebook CEO Mark torical failure to protect children in
abandon plan to interest in protecting our young- could lead to an “increase in men- Zuckerberg in Paris on the past on similar projects such as
create platform for est citizens, and Facebook’s plans tal distress, self-injurious behav- May 23, 2018. the Facebook Messenger Kids app.
to create a platform where kids ior, and suicidality among youth.” That messenger app, the attorneys
children under the age of 13 are encour- Other research cited in the letter general argue, contained a glitch
aged to share content online is found that selfie viewing has led that allowed children to circum-

Fatal Drug
US Gas Stations Run Out of Fuel Overdoses
Surged in 2020
After Pipeline Cyberattack Fatal drug overdoses spiked to
record highs in 2020 across the
United States, with pandemic-
driven isolation and loss of rou-
tine the likely factor behind the
surge in deaths.
Gasoline stations in multiple U.S. State-level fatal drug overdose
states ran dry on May 10 after hack- data covering the 12-month pe-
ers attacked a fuel pipeline that runs riod ending in September 2020
from Texas to New Jersey. show drug deaths surged at
Stations in Florida, Georgia, South least 26.8 percent in the nation,
Carolina, North Carolina, and Vir- according to the Centers for
ginia were out of fuel after customers Disease Control and Prevention.
rushed to fill vehicles following the According to data from the
cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline Co., Washington Department of
which operates the 5,500-mile con- Health, there were 1,649 over-
dose deaths in 2020, nearly 31
duit. The pipeline delivers nearly half
percent more than in the year
of all refined fuel to the East Coast. prior and a figure twice as large
as any in the past decade.

The Colonial Pipeline
delivers nearly half of
all refined fuel to the
East Coast.
Approximately 7 percent of stations
in Virginia had run out of gas late on
May 10, Patrick De Haan, an analyst
with GasBuddy, which lists prices and Attendants direct cars as they line up to fill their gas tanks at a Costco in Charlotte, N.C., on May 11, 2021. California Gov. Gavin
availability at U.S., Canadian, and Some customers were panic buying, fearing a gasoline shortage. Newsom has extended
Australian stations, said on Twitter. AP PHOTO/MARK LENNIHAN, FILE a drought emergency
At the same time, more than 2 per- cure fuel for all our stores that have declaration to 41 of the
cent of stations in North Carolina, a Gas Express and hope the pipeline state’s 58 counties.
about 1.5 percent of stations in Geor- is fully operational as soon as pos-
gia and Florida, and about 0.5 percent sible,” he said.
of stations in South Carolina had no Gov. Roy Cooper issued a state of Alabama to End
gas, he added. A small portion of sta- emergency, temporarily suspending
tions in Alabama also ran out of fuel. all fuel regulations to try to ensure Federal Pandemic
Bags covered pumps at stations adequate supply throughout North Unemployment
across Pensacola in northwest Flor- Carolina.
ida, while stations that still had gas RaceTrac, which operates some Benefits
saw long lines of drivers waiting to stations, confirmed to WSB-TV that Alabama has joined a growing
fill their gas tanks. some Georgia stations were unable list of GOP-led states that are
“It’s kind of scary when it’s raining to provide people with gas. ending participation in federal
because I don’t want to be stuck on Atlanta drivers posted pictures on pandemic-related unemployment
the side of the road with my daugh- social media of stations they’d gone programs amid concerns that the
ter with no gas,” Pensacola resident to where gas wasn’t available. benefits are leading to a shortage
Tieisha Brown told WEAR-TV. “So In North Carolina, people re- People across multiple counties in of people looking for work.
Traffic on Interstate 95 Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican
this is my second attempt and I’m ported struggling to find gas in the South Carolina told WPDE that some
passes oil storage tanks flagged the unemployment ben-
slowly but surely running low on gas Asheville area, as some stations ran stations had run dry. efits boost, which was approved
owned by the Colonial
trying to find a gas station.” Pipeline Co. in Linden,
out of fuel. A clerk at a Shell station “What we’re understanding from last March under the CARES Act
Nikki Fried, Florida’s agriculture N.J., in this file photo. in Robbinsville told a local report- our tankers is the terminals where before it was extended, as con-
and consumer services commission- er her manager told her it could be they get gas, aren’t getting the gas tributing to the labor shortage.
er, urged people in a video statement five days until a fresh supply comes which is then not able to give to
not to panic buy or hoard gas. in. Ingles CFO Ron Freeman told our tankers, who can’t give it to us
Along with the cyberattack on Co- the Citizen Times that some of the because they don’t have it,” Angel
lonial, a shortage of truck drivers for company’s stations were seeing oc- Lodice, a representative of a Circle
fuel trucks has contributed to short- casional outages. K gas station in Myrtle Beach, told
ages, she said. “We are working non-stop to pre- the broadcaster.

campaign colluded with the Krem-

DOJ’s Hire Deleted Trump–Russia lin from June 29, 2017, said: “This
Since mid- North Carolina
is actually a very big deal. It’s the Declares State of
Collusion Allegations Tweets first concrete allegation of Trump November
Emergency Over
team collusion.” 2020,
The Crossfire Hurricane investi-
Hennessey has Fuel Supplies
ISABEL VAN BRUGEN A graduate of Harvard Law School gation was taken over in May 2017
and the University of California–Los by then-special counsel and for- deleted tens North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper
The Biden administration’s latest Angeles, Hennessey previously held mer FBI Director Robert Mueller. has declared a state of emer-
of thousands gency to help ensure adequate
hire to the Department of Justice’s a position as a senior fellow in Na- By April 2019, he concluded that
(DOJ) National Security Division, tional Security Law at the Brookings there was no collusion between
of tweets from fuel supplies following the Co-
lonial Pipeline cyberattack and
Susan Hennessey, deleted tens of Institution, and worked as an attor- the Trump campaign and Russia her personal subsequent shutdown.
thousands of tweets, including some ney in the Office of General Counsel during the 2016 campaign, and Twitter Cooper issued an executive
that alleged that former President of the National Security Agency, ac- found no evidence of a criminal order that temporarily suspends
Donald Trump and his campaign cording to Lawfare. conspiracy. account, some motor vehicle regulations
colluded with Russia in the 2016 U.S. She’s expected to serve as senior So far, one FBI official, Kevin Cline- including a for truck drivers who are hauling
presidential election. counsel for the DOJ’s national se- smith, has been indicted in a probe total of 1,867 in support of emergency relief
Hennessey, a CNN legal analyst curity wing, according to Politico. by U.S. Attorney John Durham into efforts related to the shortages
and notable critic of the Trump ad- Since mid-November 2020, after the counterintelligence investiga- removed in of refined petroleum products.
ministration, announced the news the U.S. presidential election, Hen- tion. Clinesmith, a former lawyer the past 30
of her employment in a Twitter state- nessey has deleted tens of thou- for the law enforcement agency, was days. PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
ment on May 10. sands of tweets from her personal charged with altering an email that
“I’m very honored to be joining the Twitter account, including a total of was used in the surveillance of for-
extraordinary team at the Depart- 1,867 removed in the past 30 days, mer Trump aide Carter Page. He was
ment of Justice in the National Se- according to Social Blade. sentenced in February to one year of
curity Division,” Hennessey wrote. One such deleted tweet pushing probation, a $100 fine, and 400 hours
“Thank you for all the kind words.” allegations that the 2016 Trump of community service.

vent restrictions and join group Gov. Newsom
chats with strangers that weren’t An Instagram Announces New
previously approved by the chil-
dren’s parents. platform Stimulus Checks
They also took issue with a recent for young California Gov. Gavin Newsom,
“mistake” of Instagram’s algorithm
that promoted diet content to users
children in the face of a recall effort
against him, has announced
with eating disorders. is harmful that the state is projected to
“It appears that Facebook is not for myriad have a $75.7 billion surplus and
responding to a need, but instead wants to use it to provide stim-
creating one, as this platform ap-
reasons. ulus checks to about two-thirds
peals primarily to children who of its residents.
Coalition of
otherwise do not or would not have His budget proposal, if
attorneys general passed by the California leg-
an Instagram account. In short,
islature, would send $600 tax
an Instagram platform for young
rebate checks to households
children is harmful for myriad rea- making up to $75,000 as well
sons,” they wrote. as an additional $500 to fami-
Facebook, which owns Insta- lies with children, according to
gram, didn’t immediately respond a news release. The plan would
to a request by The Epoch Times also give $500 to illegal immi-
for comment. A girl browses Facebook in London, in this file photo. grant families.

VACCINE MANDATE | Growing number of college and university campuses require proof of vaccina

2.4 Million US College Students Fac

Review of notices from 130 universities
across the country show schools
don’t accept acquired immunity as
exemption from mandate

“BSU will not be offering exemp- campus news editor for Wesleyan
tion based on prior infection,” Dr. University, told The Epoch Times
Christoper Frazer, executive direc- in an email.
tor of the Wellness Center at Bridge- According to a study funded by
water State University in Massachu- the National Institutes of Health,
setts, told The Epoch Times. 95 percent of the people with prior
“For students who have already COVID-19 infections had durable
had COVID-19, we are still requir- immunity to the CCP virus lasting
ing that they be vaccinated and up to eight months.
recommend they talk to a doc- Preliminary data on vaccines sug-
tor about when it is best to do so,” gest they offer a similar level of pro-
Daniel Telles, assistant director of tection and durability. Pfizer and
media relations at the University of Moderna are already developing
San Diego, told The Epoch Times booster shots because the efficacy of
in an email. “Even if members of their vaccines drops over time. Pfizer
our university community have says efficacy diminishes to 91 percent
already recovered from COVID-19, from 95 percent in six months. The ef-
it is possible—although rare—that ficacy of the Moderna vaccine drops
to 90 percent after
infected with the vi- six months, accord-
rus that causes CO- ing to the company.
VID-19.” Both vaccine makers
“As the CDC sug- foresee that an annu-
gests, data from al revaccination may
clinical trials indi- be necessary.
cate that COVID-19 Two Columbia
vaccines can be giv- University students
en safely to people who spoke to The
with evidence of a Epoch Times on
prior SARS-CoV-2 campus in New York

600 K
infection. There- took no issue with
fore, Wesleyan Uni- Used vials of the Johnson the school not pro-
versity will require & Johnson COVID-19 viding an exemp- A woman on the cam- sense that that’s not enough for
all students, even vaccine in Thornton, Colo., tion for immune pus of Columbia Uni- them,” said Courtney Treglia, a post-
those who have on March 6, 2021. students. Both used versity in New York on graduate student who plans to teach
tested positive for similar reasoning to May 10, 2021. an in-person course in the fall.
COVID-19, or who have had posi- the CDC, saying that too much is still “I think that’s a good thing to Co-
tive COVID-19 antibodies, to be unknown about the virus. lumbia because we just don’t know
vaccinated in order to enroll in fall “I think because there is so much all of the science behind it and at
semester classes,” Olivia Drake, the that we don’t know there, it makes some point, the antibodies do go
away, so it’s a good thing, general-
ly,” said a male student, who asked say they want to “wait and see”
before taking the COVID-19
to remain anonymous. vaccine and could be forced to make
Some schools, including Califor- a decision before this fall against
nia State University, University of their current preference.
Northern Colorado, and the South-
western Community College Dis- nity, referenced guidance by the
trict, are still finalizing their vacci- CDC, which states that reinfec-
nation policies and say they haven’t tion is rare in the 90 days after
yet made a decision on how to treat the initial CCP virus infection but
students who request an exemption cautions that “the risk of severe ill-
based on acquired immunity. De- ness and death from COVID-19 far
spite the discussions, the vaccine outweighs any benefits of natural
mandates on their websites don’t immunity.”
advise students that such exemp- The statement notably conflates
tions are being considered and the risk from COVID-19 facing non-
could become available. immune people with the protec-
Fort Lewis College, one of the few tion from acquired immunity. The
schools that spoke on the record apparent intent of the statement is
Drivers in vehicles pull up toward white tents for COVID-19 vaccinations on the about their approach to students to warn people who may be consid-
campus at California State University of Los Angeles on Feb. 16, 2021. with infection-conferred immu- ering becoming infected and ac-

number of people that are able to

Border Patrol Union: Impossible to get away that we don’t even detect.”
Some of those illegal aliens who
manage to bypass Border Patrol
Protect Americans With Open Border then end up getting picked up dur-
ing a high-speed vehicle chase, or
locked in a tractor-trailer unit, or
packed by the dozens in a stash
As the number of house. Others die on ranchland
trying to get around a Border Patrol
illegal immigrants McALLEN, Texas—The most con- checkpoint, or they’re abandoned
cerning aspect of the border crisis by a smuggler because they get sick.
who evade capture is the increasing number of illegal “Everything that we’re seeing—
increases, so do the aliens who are getting away, says
National Border Patrol Council
this boat that capsized—everything
is related,” Judd said, referring to a
stash houses, high- President Brandon Judd. human smuggling operation gone
“We don’t know who they are, bad off the coast of San Diego on
speed car chases, where they’re from, or what their May 2. A total of 33 people were
property damage, intentions are,” Judd told The Ep-
och Times. “When you look at bor-
pulled from the water after a 40-
foot trawling-style boat smashed
and theft der security, when you look at the into rocks and broke apart. Three
border, we have to be able to iden- people died.
tify who’s coming into the United “As long as we continue to, in es-
States. And if we can’t do that, it’s sence, encourage people to cross
impossible to protect the American show around 42,600 escaped. That’s Seventy-six illegal our borders illegally, we’re going
public.” about 1,400 per day. immigrants are discov- to continue to see the stash houses,
In February, Border Patrol esti- On May 5, the Webb County Sher- ered in a stash house in we’re going to continue to see the
mated that around 30,000 illegal iff’s Office discovered 76 illegal im- Laredo, Texas, on May boats, we’re going to continue to
aliens crossed the U.S.–Mexico migrants locked inside a residence 5, 2021. see the semis filled with people,”
border and evaded capture; in in Laredo, Texas. Judd said.
March, it was around 37,000; and On top of that, Judd said, “it’s “It’s the most inhumane thing I’ve
the preliminary numbers for April very fair to say that there’s a large ever seen in my life as it pertains to



ce Vaccine Mandate
The Disneyland theme park in
quiring immunity as an alternative VID and recovered, the vast, vast Anaheim, Calif., in this file photo.
to getting a vaccine. majority of people have a durable
The CDC didn’t immediately re- immunity that it’s very unlikely that
spond to a request by The Epoch
Times for clarification.
you’ll be reinfected and you’ll be
protected from reinfection,” Jay Bat-
“Just like scientists don’t know tacharya, a professor of medicine at Embraces Race
how severe the COVID-19 illness Stanford University, said during a
will be for each person, scientists roundtable discussion with Florida Politics, Critical
Gov. Ron DeSantis in March.
“Even if you do get reinfected at
Race Theory
Naturally acquired
some later time, it’s very likely to be
less severe than the first time. So,
in Employee
immunity is superior yeah, it’s just like the other corona-
viruses; if you get infected, you get
to anything this
immunity and it lasts a while. Not JANITA KAN
vaccine could deliver. forever, but it lasts a while.”
So, any students During the same roundtable, Su- The Walt Disney Corp. is push-
who have been netra Gupta, an infectious disease ing the quasi-Marxist critical
epidemiologist and a professor of race theory in its training of
through infection theoretical epidemiology at the employees, teaching them that
and COVID-19 should Department of Zoology at the Uni- America has “a long history of
be exempt from versity of Oxford, noted the curious systemic racism” while urging
way in which some public health them to reflect on their “white
vaccination. experts cling to the notion that it’s privilege,” according to leaked
unknown whether there would be internal documents.
H.C. Tenenbaum, professor,
University of Toronto
durable acquired immunity after an The documents, which were
infection from the CCP virus. leaked to City Journal journal-
“What do the scientists do under ist Christopher Rufo by multiple
don’t know how long natural im- those circumstances? They look anonymous Disney employees,
munity lasts for each person. We are around to other viruses, and we had revealed that the training was
following CDC guidelines which four others circulating, we still do, part of the company’s “diversity
state that regardless of whether in- coronaviruses, to which we knew and inclusion” program called
dividuals have been sick with and from the studies that had already “Reimagine Tomorrow.” One
recovered from COVID-19, vacci- been done, that you do get immuni- of the modules in the training
nation is recommended,” Lauren ty in a very similar manner,” Gupta program relies on critical race
Savage, a media relations strate- said. “You make antibodies ... and theory, a controversial ideology
gist at Fort Lewis, told The Epoch that those do protect you, particu- that claims that the United States
Times. larly from severe disease and death, is a fundamentally racist country
“For FLC students, the benefits of forever. They don’t protect against and that one race is inherently
the vaccine include protection from reinfection, but they protect you superior to another.
severe illness and death, as well as against severe disease and death.” The module in question, called
the opportunity to get back to a nor- Regardless of how long acquired “Allyship for Race Conscious-
mal college experience.” immunity is shown to last, the NIH- ness,” includes training on top-
In addition to lasting protection, funded studies suggest that students ics such as “systemic racism,”
acquired immunity to the CCP virus with acquired immunity who pre- “white privilege,” and “microag-
is effective against its variants, ac- fer to wait and see when it comes to gressions.” It also tells white em-
cording to an NIH-funded study led getting vaccinated have the level of ployees to “examine and work
by Dr. Anthony Fauci and published immune protection needed to do so. through feelings of guilt, shame,
in late March. The immune system One in four young adults ages 18 and defensiveness to understand
cells in people with acquired immu- to 29 wants to “wait and see” be- what is beneath them and what
nity “could recognize virtually all fore taking the COVID-19 vaccine, needs to be healed” and recom-
mutations in the variants studied” according to a survey by the Kai- mends that employees challenge
and “should offer protection against ser Family Foundation. The data “colorblind ideologies and rheto-
emerging variants.” suggests that as many as 600,000 ric” such as “All Lives Matter” or
Another NIH-funded study, which students could be forced to make a “I don’t see color” because they
hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed, vaccination choice before this fall are “harmful and hurtful.”
found that COVID-19 patients had against their current preference Employees are encouraged to
“broad-based immune memory re- and, if they have immunity, with not “question or debate Black
BRUCE BENNETT/GETTY IMAGES sponse” eight months after being no proven benefit to themselves or colleagues’ lived experience” or
A student receives a infected. those around them. “rely on your black colleagues
vaccine in Las Vegas on “Naturally acquired immunity is To date, the risk of adverse nega- to educate you,” which is “emo-
Jan. 12, 2021. superior to anything this vaccine tive effects from vaccines remains tionally taxing,” the document
could deliver. So, any students who extremely low. The CDC’s Vaccine states.
have been through infection and Adverse Event Reporting System The document also tells em-
COVID-19 should be exempt from (VAERS) has logged 4,178 deaths ployees to reject “equality” and
vaccination,” H.C. Tenenbaum, pro- following a COVID-19 vaccination, equal treatment, but instead
Signage greets people fessor of laboratory medicine and although a review of the cases hasn’t embrace “equality of outcome.”
who arrive to line up for pathobiology at the University of established a causal relationship “Equality is a noble goal. Equal
COVID-19 vaccinations Toronto, told The Epoch Times. with vaccines. There have been 15 treatment and access to oppor-
at Nassau Community “There’s a vast array of evidence in cases of severe blood clots which tunities help each of us perform
College in Garden City, the scientific literature that shows are believed to have been caused by our best within a shared set of
N.Y., on Jan. 10, 2021. definitively that if you’ve had CO- the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. parameters. But we really need
to be striving for equity, where
we focus on the equality of the
outcome, not the equality of the
experience by taking individual
needs and skills into account,”
the border, but it’s being encour- Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin operation, Texas Department of according to the leaked docu-
aged. Because we have basically told The Epoch Times that on May 6, Public Safety officers referred more ment.
an open borders policy right now.” a vehicle traveling through town at than 16,000 illegal immigrants to Disney also purportedly rec-
In early May, Houston police dis- 140 miles per hour crashed through Customs and Border Protection and ommends that its employees
covered 97 illegal immigrants in a two buildings while trying to evade arrested 598 criminals, Abbott said engage in other resources such
suburban house in an alleged hu- law enforcement. on April 1. In addition, state troop- as the “21-Day Racial Equity and
man smuggling case, according to Sheriff Pinky Gonzales of Refugio ers seized 14 pounds of cocaine, 23 Social Justice Challenge,” which
the Justice Department. The illegal County, Texas, said he’s calculated firearms, and almost $1 million in is sponsored by Walt Disney
aliens were from Mexico, El Salva- When we do more than 3,000 deputy man-hours currency and arrested nine gang Imagineering. Part of that chal-
dor, and Honduras, and were aged since January to deal with cross- members involved in smuggling lenge encourages participants to
between 21 and 31. Five people have
not remove border crime. contraband, he said. fill out a self-assessment to deter-
been charged with human smug- people who “We have just been overwhelmed, Judd said he doesn’t see anything mine how privileged the individ-
gling. crossed overwhelmed with these cases. I on the horizon from the Biden ad- ual is, which includes items such
Border Patrol agents in the Lar- have 13 deputies working around ministration that will reduce the as “I have never been raped,” “I
edo sector have been involved in the border the clock, and sometimes I have to trajectory of illegal activity at the have never had an eating disor-
dismantling about 140 stash houses illegally, that call those that are off to come help border. der,” “I have never considered
since Oct. 1, 2020—a 230 percent is, in fact, an us,” Gonzales said. “When we do not remove people suicide,”  and “I have never been
increase over the total found dur- Further north, in Lavaca Coun- who crossed the border illegally, shamed for my religious beliefs.”
ing the entire previous fiscal year. open border. ty, Sheriff Micah Harmon said his that is, in fact, an open border,” he The training also recommends
“The rescued were found in very Brandon Judd, deputies have dealt with numerous said. “And I think that as the Ameri- that employees read “103 Things
poor conditions,” the sheriff’s office president, National vehicle pursuits and bailouts. can public starts to recognize and White People Can Do for Racial
wrote in a Facebook post. Border Patrol Council In one recent pursuit, a pickup realize this, I think that there’s Justice.” The reading material,
“We have seen other cases where, truck carrying 18 to 20 illegal aliens going to be a huge outcry. I think which has since been updated,
due to the heat and cramped areas, crashed into a tree and caught fire. there’s going to be a huge pushback. encourages individuals to sup-
situations like this one have led to On the state level, Gov. Greg Ab- Unfortunately, the damage has al- port “Black Lives Matter,” call for
death,” said Webb County Sheriff bott launched Operation Lone Star ready been done.” the end of qualified immunity,
Martin Cuellar. on March 6 in response to the bur- President Joe Biden and Vice Pres- promote the “defund the police”
Sheriffs and landowners from geoning number of illegal border ident Kamala Harris have said they movement, push for criminal
all over Texas are saying they’re crossings, as well as human and are concentrating on sending more justice reform, and “decolonize
stretched for resources to deal with drug smuggling throughout the aid to address the “root causes” your bookshelf,” without ex-
the new influx of illegal activity state. of illegal immigration in Central panding on the recommenda-
flowing up from the border. During the first four weeks of the American countries and Mexico. tion.

Socialist Revolution Is Underway

in US: Author, Filmmaker Loudon EZE AMOS/GETTY IMAGES

Author says a top-down ing it easier for citizens to pursue claims

of police misconduct.
centralization agenda to control During his presidential campaign, Biden
every level of US government promised to create a national police over-
leads back to the Chinese sight commission, although he recently
Communist Party suspended that plan and instead has
pushed for congressional approval of the
police reform measure.
Illegal Immigration, Massive Spending
“Therefore, the indepen- Destroying America
dence of the legislature, the Encouraging illegal immigration on the
independence of the Supreme southern border is also a communist
Court, the independence of strategy aimed to create “a massive voting
the sheriffs and the police bloc” for the Democratic Party that seeks to
must all be destroyed, and transform America into a one-party state,
the loyalty of the Army to the Loudon says.
Author and Constitution must be trans- “The whole plan is to swamp the conser-
filmmaker ferred to loyalty to the presi- vative voting base.”
Trevor dent,” Loudon said in an inter- “Most of the elections are won or lost
Loudon. view with The Epoch Times’ by 5 million votes or less,” Loudon said,
“Crossroads” program. A protester carries a sign that reads “Defund the Police” during a “Black Women Matter” march adding that 18 million to 20 million new
“And this is guided by socialists. I believe in Richmond, Va., on July 3, 2020. Democratic voters can turn conservative
it’s guided by the Communist Party of Chi- states such as Texas or Arizona “perma-
na.” The revolution uses race “rather than nently blue.”
class to overturn the existing structures of Estimates of the number of illegal im-
society and start something new,” said Loud- migrants residing in the United States
on, who is also an Epoch Times contributor. vary depending on the methodology used.
Karl Marx’s theory of exploitation divides While it has been usually estimated at ap-
people into two opposing classes: the bour- proximately 11 million, a study conducted
geoisie, with capital that oppresses the pro- at Yale in 2018, with an intention to do a
letariat, and the working class. “sanity check” on the existing estimate,
Because there’s mobility between classes, showed that the actual number of illegal
as workers can buy equity in a company or immigrants may be more than 22 million.
start their own businesses, this theory hasn’t Massive infrastructure spending will sink
gained much support, but race can be used the U.S. dollar, causing an increase in in-
to divide American society because that terest rates and destroying U.S. business,
can’t be changed, Loudon said. Loudon said.
The Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011 “The new infrastructure will be there to
sought to address social and economic absorb the workers who are displaced, so
inequality, drawing attention to the con- everybody will be put on a subsistence level
centration of wealth and political power of wage, like a universal basic income ... [it is]
people in the top 1 percent income brack- building an army of young people totally
et. Although the movement gained some dependent on the state.
momentum, it eventually failed, he said. “It is a program that Stalin would have
However, “you have multimillionaire black A protester waves a D.C. flag with Black Lives Matter spray painted on it next to a D.C. National
been proud of. It will end the energy in-
football players complaining about white Guard Humvee as during a demonstration following the death of George Floyd, in Washington on dustry as we know it in this country, it will
oppression,” he said. June 2, 2020. destroy the economy, destroy the U.S. mili-
President Joe Biden “is using race as a tary budget,” Loudon said.
way of breaking down the existing power Biden proposed a $2.3 trillion infrastruc-
structures in the military, and in society in ture package, also known as American
general,” Loudon said. Jobs Plan, which aims not only at fixing
roads and bridges, but also facilitating
Breaking Down Military and Police the shift to cleaner energy and expanded
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered in social welfare.
February a one-day “stand down” in the mil- The infrastructure package, together with
itary to assess extremism and racism within a $1.8 trillion family and education pack-
the ranks of the armed forces and directed age and the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief
military commanders to spend time talking package, amount to a total of $6 trillion in
to their troops about extremism. new spending, which is about four times
According to a Pentagon report published the total federal budget, according to Sen.
in March, domestic extremists pose a serious Mitt Romney (R-Utah).
threat to the U.S. military by seeking to add The goal of these policies is the complete
service members to their ranks and joining destruction of the U.S. constitutional re-
the armed forces to boost their combat skills. public, Loudon said, adding that the ulti-
“In addition to potential violence, white mate goal is world communism.
supremacy and white nationalism pose a Loudon predicts that the United States is
threat to the good order and discipline with- heading toward a socialist model that will
in the military,” the report states. be a cross between the Chinese system and
The goal of these policies is to create a mili- Brazil’s under former communist President
tary that is loyal to the new regime and to the Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, known as Lula.
new socialist America, Loudon said. “Brazil has a sort of racial makeup sim-
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (L) visits National Guard troops deployed at the U.S. Capitol
The majority of the lower ranks of the U.S. in Washington on Jan. 29, 2021. ilar to the United States ... Lula played
military “is primarily recruited from the those ethnic minorities off against each
white community and largely Southern. They HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES other, and he elevated some at the ex-
tend to be pretty Christian, they tend to be pense of others to bring about his revo-
pretty politically and socially conservative.” lution. ... But the ultimate model is the
Therefore, the military needs to purge or Chinese model,” said said.
minimize its lower base and bring in many The U.S. elites and globalists like the Chi-
more people of color, leftists, and people nese model because it brings an authori-
who will be loyal to the new regime, Loudon tarian state that can keep workers under
said. The leadership of the U.S. military had control while still allowing rich people
already been changed during the Obama to make lots of money, Loudon said. He
administration, when loyal generals were thinks, however, that they eventually “will
replaced with political hacks, globalists, and be lined up against the wall and shot like
leftists, he said. everyone else who bucks the system.”
Calls from radical left-wing groups such as But Loudon believes that people in the
Antifa and Black Lives Matter to “defund the United States can still stop the revolution
police” serve the same purpose, according and reverse socialist trends, and outlined
to Loudon. his strategy to do this in an article written
The intent behind the “Defund Police” for The Epoch Times.
movement is to eliminate patriotic, conser- One step is that states with Republican-
vative elements in the police forces, which led legislatures or good governors such
are largely run by patriotic people, and make as Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Ab-
the police loyal to a socialist government, bott in Texas should form a coalition of
making it more like the communist police states to counter unconstitutional actions
in Venezuela or Cuba, which can be used to Haitian migrants illegally cross the Rio Bravo in an attempt to get from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, of the federal government, but not secede,
quell revolts, Loudon said. to El Paso, Texas, on March 30, 2021. Loudon said.
Major stumbling blocks on the road to Loudon also advocates boycotting unpa-
socialism are the conservative governors triotic companies and supporting patriotic
and sheriffs, Loudon says. The county sher- companies, as well as boycotting “every-
iff is one of the most important positions thing that comes from the Chinese Com-
in America and those who are loyal to the [The battle against socialism] has to be fought munist Party of China, right now, every
Constitution can protect their counties from product, every investment.”
unconstitutional regulations imposed by the politically, intellectually, and spiritually; we’ve The battle against socialism “has to be
federal government, he said. got to understand that we’re in a battle here fought politically, intellectually, and spiri-
While Biden disagrees with calls to end tually; we’ve got to understand that we’re
the police, he urged the Senate to pass a po- between good and evil. You’ve got to choose in a battle, here, between good and evil.
lice reform bill that would ban controversial which side you are on. You’ve got to choose which side you are on.”
police tactics such as chokeholds and no-
knock warrants and eliminate qualified im- Trevor Loudon, author and filmmaker Tom Ozimek and Isabel van Brugen
munity for law enforcement officers, mak- contributed to this report.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 A9


Prime Minister
“We remain on track to Protesters
Islamic Terrorists
[removing all COVID-19 rallied across
Narendra Modi
will not attend the contact restrictions].” Burma, 100
days after the
Kill Malawian
G-7 summit in June
due to the CCP virus UK Prime Minister military coup, on Peacekeeper in
situation in India. Boris Johnson DAYS May 11.
East Congo: UN
A female peacekeeper from
Malawi was killed in an attack
Indian Startup Wants to Save Trees, by Islamic terrorists in eastern
Congo’s North Kivu Province on
May 10, the U.N. and the Ma-

Use Cow Dung Logs for Cremating Poor lawian government said.
A local civil rights group said
separately that fighters with
COURTESY OF PROJECT ARTH the Allied Democratic Forces,
Wood in short supply in an Islamic terrorist group with
Ugandan origins, attacked the
New Delhi due to increasing village of Kilia, around 11 miles
cremations during pandemic southeast of Beni, killing at
least five people. It was not
clear if that figure included
VENUS UPADHAYAYA the peacekeeper.

NEW DELHI—Amidst the deadly

COVID-19 surge in India, a startup
is using fuel-efficient cow dung
logs as an alternative to wood to
cremate the bodies of the poor and
In India, 8.2 million wood-based
cremations are done every year, for
which 16.4 million trees are cut, Iran has enriched uranium
according to Project Arth, a social to up to 63 percent purity
initiative that wants to reduce de- at its Natanz enrichment
forestation and use sustainable plant, the U.N. nuclear
cow dung-based logs. watchdog says.
With the pandemic surging in
India since April and the number
of wood-based cremations only in-
creasing, Indian media last week UK Plans to
were filled with reports about the Require Voter ID
acute wood shortage in the nation-
al capital of New Delhi. A cow dung log cremation organized by Project Arth for a COVID-19 victim in a New Delhi crematorium on
to Ensure Election
The civic authorities of Delhi have April 13, 2021. Integrity
sought assistance from its forest
department and from neighboring tar Pradesh and in [certain] vil- The UK government plans to
states but continue to face prob- lages in South India, people bring introduce requirements for
voters to show photo ID when
lems because neighboring states two cow dung plates or cow dung
casting ballots, in order to en-
are also facing a surge. cakes [cow dung dried in the sun sure the integrity of elections.
Ayush Sultania, team leader of Project Arth and used as biofuel]. Let’s say 100
offers free The Electoral Integrity Bill,
Project Arth, told The Epoch Times people are going to attend a funeral which requires voters to show
cow dung
that each cremation requires 660 to or cremation. Everyone brings two identification before being is-
logs outside
880 pounds of wood or two to three Old Seema- cow dung plates for the cremation,” sued with a paper ballot at a
trees depending on the weight of puri cremato- he said, adding that this is from polling station, is part of the
the corpse. Amid the deadly sec- COURTESY OF PROJECT ARTH
rium in New where Project Arth got the idea of Conservative government’s
ond surge, this is causing more In response to the acute short- Delhi on May using cow dung-based biomass legislative agenda set out in the
deforestation and air pollution. age of wood, a few civic bodies in 5, 2021. fuel for cremations. Queen’s Speech on May 11.
“Everyone talks about life be- Delhi have begun to link crema- “So why can’t we manufacture a “We think showing identifica-
fore death and we are trying to tion grounds with dairies for cow cow dung log? Why can’t we have tion to vote is a reasonable ap-
save people, but no one is talking dung logs, and an official order cow dung in the shape of a log?” proach to combat the inexcus-
able potential for voter fraud,”
about those 3,000 to 4,000 people has been issued by Every day in India, 520 million ki-
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s
dying daily [across India due to Delhi Municipal lograms of cow dung is wasted—35 official spokesman said.
COVID-19],” Sultania said. Amidst Corporation’s Public percent is disposed of, unhygieni-
the surge, people shrink from con- Health Department, Project Arth’s cally clogging drains and polluting
fronting the reality of the number reported the Times research found that groundwater, while 65 percent is
of deaths, because more news of India. logs made from dumped into heaps and allowed to EU Confident of
about death spreads panic, he said. decompose, anaerobically produc-
In the past week, Indian media Science Behind cow dung-based ing greenhouse gases, according to
COVID-19 Travel
have reported about unclaimed Cow Dung Logs biomass fuel had Project Arth. Certificate for
COVID-19 bodies being found in Project Arth consists high calorific value “Methane gas has an impact on
the Yamuna River in certain re- of students from the human bodies. It may reduce the
gions, as well as more than 100 Indian Institute of and produced lower oxygen levels in the environment. “The European Commission
bodies found in the Ganges River. Technology–New particulate pollution It can cause regular headaches [to expects to finish work soon on a
There are also reports about Delhi, a premier in- and less carbon those in the vicinity of a cow dung COVID-19 certificate that would
charities, policemen, and good stitute that attracts open disposal site],” Sultania said. allow vaccinated citizens to
Samaritans performing the last the best talent from oxides and nitrogen He said his team wanted to solve travel more easily this summer
rites of the unidentified COVID-19 around the coun- emissions compared this cow dung problem and also in the 27-nation bloc, the EU
executive said on May 11.
dead. Sultania said this is where try. This team’s re- to the conventional wanted to generate profit out of
The pass would allow those
Project Arth has also tried to do search found that waste while innovating techno- vaccinated, recovered from
its bit. logs made from cow wood logs. logically. COVID-19, or with negative test
A dignified cremation is consid- dung-based biomass Project Arth has created a ma- results to cross borders, after
ered extremely important in India, fuel had high calorific value, and chine to create logs out of cow more than a year of restrictions
he said, “so we started giving them produced lower particulate pol- dungs and is constantly research- that have weighed heavily on
good cremation.” lution and less carbon oxides and ing how to create new products and the travel and tourism industry.
“We collaborated with someone nitrogen emissions compared to wealth out of cow dung. Sultania Commission Vice President
who’s getting the unclaimed bod- the conventional wood logs. hopes the product will continue to Maros Sefcovic said expected a
ies from the police, and we are giv- Sultania said cow dung is ac- find greater acceptability. full roll-out of the certificates by
ing them cremations [using cow cepted in Indian culture. Even in Sultania said the project is fight- the summer.
dung logs],” he said. traditional cremations, the pyre is ing for Indian culture and applaud-
Project Arth has cremated more built over dirt coated with a thin ed Delhi’s civic bodies’ decision to
than 200 unclaimed or poor peo- layer of cow dung because it’s con- use cow dung logs for COVID-19 School Shooting
ple’s COVID-19 bodies since the sidered auspicious. This gives cul- cremations.
campaign started last month in the tural acceptability to the cow dung Project Arth is asking for dona- in Russia Kills 9
three Indian cities of Delhi, Rajkot, products, he said, just like elephant tions to support the cremations People; Suspect
and Gwalior. “In the coming days, dung products in Sri Lanka and of unclaimed COVID-19 victims
we will be doing more in Noida and Thailand have commercial value. or for the poor: donatekart.com/ Arrested
Meerut,” he said. “In the villages of India, in Ut- Enactus/Project-Arth.
“A gunman attacked a school
early on May 11 in the Russian
city of Kazan, sending students
running out of the building as
smoke poured from its win-
Canada’s Senate Approves Bill to Combat Organ Trafficking dows. At least nine people were
killed—seven 8th-grade stu-
dents, a teacher, and another
CONTINUED FROM A1 “We have often been asked in this to help curb the organ trafficking school worker—and 21 others
world to fight against the darkness happening in many places in the were hospitalized, Russian of-
against organ trafficking,”  Sen. that threatens us, to fight the good world, including in Eastern Eu- ficials said.
Salma Ataullahjan, the sponsor fight. In this chamber over the last rope, Asia, Latin America, and Footage released by Russian
of the bill, told the Senate on May 6. four years, I have seen this happen. North Africa. media outlets showed students
“This piece of legislation has I believe that Bill S-204 and Senator Testifying before the committee, dressed in black and white run-
ning out of the building. Another
been the culmination of over 12 Ataullahjan are standard-bearers former MP and secretary of state
video showed shattered win-
years of parliamentary work on in such a battle, and I ask for your for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour not- dows and billowing smoke, with
the pressing issue of organ traf- support,” Richards said. ed that there is only one country sounds resembling gunshots in
ficking,” Ataullahjan said, refer- Bill S-204 makes it illegal  for where it’s the government that is the background.
ring to previous proposals on the Canadians to get organs abroad involved in forcibly taking organs Officials said the attacker
Canadian Sen. Salma
issue that failed to become law Ataullahjan (R) and MP
without the consent of the donor, from prisoners of consciences, and has been arrested and police
when those parliamentary ses- Garnett Genuis speak and bars people involved in forced that is China. opened a criminal investigation
sions ended ahead of elections. at a press conference organ harvesting from entering “China is the only country in into the shooting. Authorities
Addressing the Senate to support in Ottawa, Canada, on Canada. the world ... where it’s run by the immediately put additional
the measure, Sen. David Richards Dec. 12, 2017. During a Senate commit- government and not in some back security measures into place in
said “the time has come to pass tee meeting on April 19, Ataullah- alley by unscrupulous people,” he all schools in Kazan, a city 430
this bill.” jan said such legislation is needed said. miles east of Moscow.
A10 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021

CHINA 1.41
Chinese military “China poses challenges unlike any other in our

China’s once-a-decade
scientists in 2015 plotted census showed the
to unleash a bioengineered nation’s history.” population increased
SARS coronavirus to at its lowest rate since
advance the communist Statement by Gen. John W. Raymond Raymond, the 1950s, growing
regime’s global political Acting Air Force Secretary John Roth, and Air Force Chief only 5.38 percent to
ambitions, experts say. of Staff Gen. Charles Brown BILLION 1.41 billion in 2020.

Climate Change Presents Opportunity for Beijing

to Expand Global Power: Chinese Professor

The global emissions

reduction agenda could help
Beijing ‘regulate and control
the social, political, and
economic environment’


The Chinese communist regime

views climate change as an op-
portunity to expand its influence
worldwide, according to a promi-
nent Chinese academic.
The global emissions reduction
agenda can boost the regime eco-
nomically and also holds “political
significance” for Beijing, Di Dong-
sheng, associate dean of the School
of International Studies at Renmin
University in Beijing, wrote in his
blog on April 27.
“It can help [us] to regulate and
control the social, political, and
economic environment,” Di said.
The regime should take a key role
in addressing global climate change,
he said, given the growing rifts be-
tween Beijing and Western powers
over a range of issues.
“The climate issue is basically the
only positive topic that China, the Smoke billows from stacks as Chinese men pull a tricycle in a neighborhood next to a coal fired power plant in Shanxi Province, China, on Nov. 26, 2015.
United States, and Europe can come
together and discuss amicably,” Di ogy worldwide, while earning po- suring these companies to transfer
wrote. litical capital by being the country it [to China] when they don’t want to
The professor gained notoriety last that sets the “green benchmark on do it, and massively subsidizing less
year when he called out Wall Street’s global development issues,” he said. innovative clean technology com-
long-standing role in influencing The professor noted that the United panies in China,” Robert Atkinson,
U.S. politics on behalf of Beijing. Kingdom led the world’s first energy president of ITIF, said during a vir-
According to his online biography, revolution through the use of coal, tual discussion on April 19.
Di has worked with various bodies while the United States pioneered Di also suggested that the regime
of the Chinese regime, including the second energy revolution on the set incentive policies to encourage
the foreign ministry and the state’s backs of oil and gas. Now, according Chinese companies to convert to
planning agency, the National De- to Di, China could be the leader in clean energy, since most enterprises
velopment and Reform Commis- the third energy revolution based on in the country are serial polluters
sion. clean energy, and “guide humanity’s and energy wasters. This would lead
Climate is one of the few issues development in a new direction.” to a significant drop in emissions,
that the United States and the re- “Within 10 short years, Chinese enhancing the Chinese regime’s
gime have said they could work to- coal-fired capacity. A Chinese worker enterprises have beaten their Euro- prestige on the international stage.
gether to resolve, even as their wider The country is also the world’s larg- walks between the pean counterparts in wind and solar
relationship has fractured in recent est emitter of greenhouse gases, ac- solar modules in energies. In these two fields, China’s Left Behind
years. counting for more than 27 percent of Dunhuang, Gansu production capacity accounts for China’s quest to increase reliance on
During the Trump administra- total global emissions. In 2019, Chi- Province, China, in over 60 percent of the world’s total,” clean energy will come at a cost to
tion, the United States progressive- na’s emissions exceeded those of the this file photo. he said. the country’s poor, Di said.
ly toughened its stance against the United States and other developed FENG LI/
China is the world’s largest man- A large segment of the Chinese
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on countries combined, a recent report ufacturer of wind turbines and so- population lacks heating in winter
a number of fronts, from Beijing’s found. In 2020, about 61 percent of lar panels. But its rise to the top in because the entire southern part of
severe human rights abuses to its China’s total energy consumption clean energy industries has been China isn’t equipped with central
rampant theft of foreign intellectual came from coal, according to official fueled by an abundance of unfair systems. Hundreds of millions of
property. The Biden administration figures. trade practices that have allowed Chinese who can’t afford private
has pledged to continue this hard- At the summit, Xi also repeated a Chinese firms to dominate foreign heating solutions are forced to en-
line approach, but has consistently pledge from last year to reach peak
Within competitors on the international dure cold winters.
said it’s also willing to cooperate emissions by 2030 and achieve net- 10 short years, market, experts say. If the regime tries to cut emissions,
with the regime on shared interests zero emissions by 2060. Lawmak- Chinese In solar power, for instance, gov- Di fears that the people’s “dream” of
such as climate change. ers and experts, however, doubt that ernment subsidies were critical in having heating in winter won’t be
Chinese leader Xi Jinping, in his Beijing will make good on any prom- enterprises helping Chinese companies domi- realized for a long time.
first appearance with President Joe ises, citing a long history of reneging have beaten nate the global market in the 2010s, Di recalled in his hometown of Qi-
Biden during last month’s global on its commitments. their according to a 2020 report by the dong city in eastern China’s Jiangsu
climate summit, said the country Washington-based Information Province, all people could do was
would “strictly limit” increasing coal Reaping Rewards European Technology & Information Founda- shiver through winter seasons when
consumption in the next five years, While Di has expressed skepticism counterparts tion (ITIF). Chinese firms dumped average temperatures dipped to the
and reduce it in the following five about the existence of man-made in wind and cheap solar panels worldwide, gut- freezing point. Qidong lies at the
years. global warming, calling it a “false ting the solar panel industry in the mouth of the Yangtze River, which
China is by far the world’s largest theory,” he nonetheless believes that solar energies. United States and other countries. crosses the south-central part of the
coal user. In 2020, it brought more Beijing should seize the opportunity By the time the United States im- country.
Di Dongsheng,
than 38.4 gigawatts of new coal-fired presented by the climate agenda associate dean,
posed anti-dumping duties on Chi- While most people who live in the
power capacity into operation, more to become a world leader in green Renmin University nese government-subsidized solar Yangtze River region can’t afford
than three times the amount built technologies. panels in 2012, it was too late to save their own heating systems, the Chi-
elsewhere. An additional 247 giga- In doing so, the regime would much of the domestic industry. nese economy isn’t strong enough to
watts of coal power is planned— stand to gain economically by China is a “leader ... in stealing support the installation of central
nearly six times Germany’s entire boosting exports of clean technol- foreign clean technologies, pres- heating to all these homes, he said.

Beijing’s Mouthpiece Calls for Missile Strikes on Australia

DANIEL Y. TENG in war once a military conflict breaks conventional warheads that target Experts, however, argue that the
out in the Taiwan Strait, and the Aus- military objectives in Australia when cancellation of the Strategic Eco-
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tralian media outlets have been ac- the situation becomes highly tense.” nomic Dialogue will have little effect
propaganda newspaper The Global tively promoting the sentiment,” Hu Hu is a vocal and often controversial on Australia, especially since talks
Times has called for Beijing to plan wrote. “I suggest China make a plan commentator on a range of issues af- between ministers and their Chinese
missile strikes targeting Australia if it to impose retaliatory punishment fecting the CCP. counterparts have been frozen since
were to join the United States in aid- against Australia once it militarily His comments come after the Na- April 2020. In addition, Australian
ing Taiwan against an attack. interferes in the cross-Strait situation. tional Development and Reform exporters are already busy pivoting
The message—which appeared in “The plan should include long- Commission suspended the China- away from the China market to avoid
an op-ed published by The Global range strikes on the military facilities Australia Strategic Economic Dia- further exposure to economic coer-
Times’ Chief Editor Hu Xijin—comes and relevant key facilities on Austra- logue, which followed after Foreign cion from Beijing.
after the CCP “indefinitely suspend- lian soil if it really sends its troops to Minister Marise Payne terminated Meanwhile, last month, Australian
ed” high-level economic talks with A Chinese submarine China’s offshore areas and combats the Belt and Road Initiative agree- Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pez-
Australia on May 6. launches a missile dur- against the People’s Liberation Army. ment signed between the commis- zullo issued a stern warning for the
“Given that Australian hawks keep ing a Sino–Russian joint “China has a strong production sion and Victorian Premier Daniel country to be strong and prepared,
hyping or hinting that Australia will military exercise, in this capability, including producing ad- Andrews, saying they were “incon- saying the “drums of war” were beat-
assist the U.S. military and participate file photo. ditional long-range missiles with sistent with Australia’s foreign policy.” ing in the region.


Epoch Times Reporter in Hong Kong REACTIONS

Attacked by Bat-Wielding Man EPOCH TIMES

Latest attack on Epoch

Times in Hong Kong
condemned by US State
Department and lawmakers

CONTINUED FROM A1 The United States

condemns the re-
cent attack commit-
reporting on corruption, political in- ted against an Epoch
fighting, and human rights abuses Times journalist.
committed by the communist regime. Attacks against
Liang was transported by ambu- journalists are unac-
lance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital ceptable and cannot
for treatment, and around 3 p.m. be tolerated. We
local time, police arrived to get her urge the authorities
account of the attack. As of 6:30 to complete a full
p.m., she was still in the hospital. investigation of this
A witness with the surname Li incident as well as
said he was coming out of a nearby the recent attack on
the Epoch Times'
restaurant when he heard a woman
Hong Kong printing
screaming, “Help me, I am being facilities.
Li said he then saw a large man —State Department
in his 40s carrying a bat jump into spokesperson
a car and flee. According to Li, the
assailant left in a black Mercedes-
Benz with the license plate number
He suggested that whoever was
behind the attack wanted to send Hong Kong police
a warning to The Epoch Times and cannot allow the
prevent the outlet from carrying She was also targeted in two sepa- concern. Guo added that there Sarah brazen and lawless
out its reporting. He denounced rate incidents over the past month. have been unidentified vehicles Liang, a attack on Epoch
the attack as brutal and inhumane,
The incident On April 26, she was stalked by an and people spotted near the facil- reporter Times journalist
adding that he would be willing to is the latest unidentified man outside a local ity recently. for the Sarah Liang to go
Hong Kong unresolved. ... Au-
testify against the attacker. in a string of metro station. Two days earlier, a Officials at the Chinese edition
edition of thorities must waste
Speaking to local media outside man who claimed to be making of The Epoch Times urged Hong
the hospital at around 2 p.m. local
attacks on a delivery entered her residential Kong Police to carry out their duty The Epoch no time bringing
Epoch Times Times, the perpetrators to
time, Liang said she believed the building and knocked on her door. to investigate all unresolved cases speaks to justice, and must
attack was premeditated because facilities and Liang declined to open her door involving the Hong Kong bureau. local media ensure safety for all
another man suddenly charged after the man failed to identify “We call on the general public in outside
toward her on May 8 at the same reporters in himself. Hong Kong to continue to support the Queen
journalists working
in Hong Kong.
location where she was assaulted on Hong Kong— The Hong Kong edition’s printing The Epoch Times,” a statement from Elizabeth —Steven Butler,
May 11. In the earlier incident, the all suspected plant was also attacked by ham- the outlet read. “The Epoch Times Hospital in Asia program coordi-
man eventually walked away after mer-wielding intruders on April will not back down and it will con- Hong Kong nator, Committee to
realizing that the bat he had hidden of having been 12, forcing the facility to suspend tinue to provide truthful coverage on May 11, Protect Journalists
beneath his clothes had fallen to the organized by operations for a few days. Less than and safeguard Hong Kong.” 2021.
ground while he was running. the Chinese two years earlier, the same printing They also called on the interna-
She urged Hong Kong leader Car- press was set on fire by four masked tional community to help “pre-
rie Lam to take note of her case as Communist individuals. The attackers haven’t vent the CCP’s escalating violence
public safety in the city seems to be Party. been found by police. It’s widely against Hong Kong media.”
deteriorating. The reporter said she believed that the CCP is behind The former British colony, once
believes the attacker is connected to both attacks. celebrated for its civil liberties, has There is no more
dangerous tactic
the Chinese Communist Party, and June Guo, director of the Hong seen a drastic deterioration of press
of silencing the
that the Chinese regime was trying Kong edition of The Epoch Times, and other freedoms as the Chinese free press than of
to intimidate her. said there’s no doubt that the CCP regime has tightened its grip over physically assaulting
was behind the assault on Liang. the city. In particular, Beijing’s im- a journalist. We
Guo urged the international com- position of a draconian national condemn this
Sarah Liang, munity to help ensure the safety of security law and other measures apparent assault
a reporter for the
Hong Kong edition
all reporters working in Hong Kong. in the past year have led observ- on reporter Sarah
of The Epoch Times, The CCP’s goal with this attack, as ers to say that Hong Kong will soon Liang, and call for
well as the others, was to force The be just another mainland Chinese a full, transparent,
shows her bruised
Epoch Times to abandon its busi- city—an outcome in direct violation and impartial
legs outside of the
ness in Hong Kong, Guo said. of Beijing’s pledge under an inter- investigation.
Queen Elizabeth
Hospital in Hong Kong The safety of staff at the outlet’s national treaty to preserve the city’s —PEN America
on May 11, 2021. printing plant has been another freedoms and autonomy until 2047.


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A12 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021

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Inspiration Hope

Are Americans Becoming The Big Green Lie

Mark Hendrickson
Victor Davis Hanson

See A14 See A15



Attacks on Christian Homeschooling

Are No Longer Subtle

CHARLOTTE ALLEN in conservative evangelical communi- reasonably subtle. That is, they didn’t

ties is a key channel for ideas to feed into come out and say directly that what they
arly in 2020, Elizabeth Bartho- Christian nationalism.” didn’t like about Christian homeschool-
let, a professor at the Harvard “The conservative evangelical educa- ing was the Christian part. Then, the
Law School, became notorious tion system has become a pipeline of Jan. 6 breach gave them an excuse to do
for advocating a “presumptive extremism,” Pagitt wrote. exactly that, usually without being able
ban” on homeschooling. On March 30, Philip Gorski, a sociology to back up their attacks with evidence.
The 3 to 4 percent of U.S. parents who professor at Yale who studies American Gorski, for example, admitted in a
chose to educate their children at home religious trends, wrote on Twitter: “Chris- subsequent tweet that he had no idea
would have to prove to educational au- tian homeschooling was—and is—often— how “big” the claimed “overlap between
thorities that “their case is justified,” and if not always—a major vector of White Christian Nationalists and Christian
if they couldn’t do so, would have their Christian Nationalism.” (Gorski has since homeschoolers” actually might be.
children sent to public schools. made his Twitter account private.) It helps the critics’ cause, of course,
An article about Bartholet in Harvard’s Doug Pagitt, progressive pastor and executive None of this should come as a surprise. that they and the media have redefined
alumni magazine, reiterating a position director of Vote Common Good, speaks at the Lin- Although opponents of homeschooling “nationalism” to mean mere patriotism or
coln Memorial in Washington on Aug. 28, 2020.
she had taken in a lengthy law-review ar- have typically raised understandable pride in America’s history and civilization,
ticle published shortly before, provoked a concerns—such as whether parents with and “Christian nation” to mean a theoc-
furor among parents and young people, a scathing critique of Abeka Publish- limited educations are equipped to teach racy, instead of a country where 65 percent
some of them Harvard graduates who ing and the Bob Jones University Press, math and reading, or whether some of the inhabitants of every ethnicity define
had enjoyed successful homeschooling which publish textbooks and other mate- parents keep their children out of school themselves as Christians and hold some
experiences. rials used by many homeschooling evan- as a pretext to abuse them—their actual formulation of Christian ideals.
Then came the coronavirus lockdown. gelical parents: “Language used in the animus as expressed in their writings is Hence the trepidation over home-
With public schools shuttering their books overlaps with the rhetoric of Chris- almost always directed at parents who are schooling textbooks from religious
brick-and-mortar classrooms and teach- tian nationalism, often with overtones of too religious for their tastes. That means publishers that teach civic virtue, assert
ers’ unions promising to keep them shut- nativism, militarism, and racism.” evangelical and other conservative Chris- that God created the world as the Book of
tered throughout the 2020–21 school year Days later, Chrissy Stroop, a writer for tians (who still account for the vast major- Genesis says, and take a dim view of such
and beyond, the percentage of home- the progressive website Religion Dis- ity of homeschoolers), along with Hasidic progressive shibboleths as feminism,
schooling households suddenly surged— patches, chimed in: “It would be remiss of Jews who educate their children in their transgender activism, the “1619 Project,”
to 5.4 percent in late April 2020 and to 11.1 us to approach the ‘where were they radi- own yeshivas. and climate alarmism.
percent by the end of September 2020. calized’ question without addressing how In her article for the Arizona Law Re- The notion that parents, Christian or
Many of the new homeschoolers were the Christian schooling and homeschool- view, for example, Bartholet referred to otherwise, should be forbidden by the
otherwise politically liberal urbanites, ing movement, along with many white what she called homeschooling parents’ government to educate their children
and the anti-homeschooling movement churches and other evangelical, LDS, and ideological commitment to “isolating in the values that they themselves hold
quickly faded as a progressive cause. ‘trad’ Catholic institutions, fostered the their children from the majority culture dear—or be forced to “expose” them to
But now the homeschooling opponents subcultures” presumably responsible for and indoctrinating them in views and values that they might find abhorrent
are back, with a new, more specific focus: the Capitol break-in. values that are in serious conflict with but are definitely in the secular liberal
Christian homeschooling. The impetus A March 2 article in Ms. Magazine fo- that culture.” “mainstream” (advocating unrestricted
was the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol cused on “extremist, white supremacist” Terms such as “indoctrinate,” “isolate,” abortion or same-sex marriage, for ex-
by disgruntled Trump supporters. It homeschooling curricula as “the product views “far outside the mainstream,” and ample)—is totalitarianism at its crudest.
quickly became identified in the media of a decades-long crusade to deregulate failure to “expose” children to “alternative And now that the gloves are off the
with “white nationalism” and then with home- and private-school education, the perspectives” or to teach them to “think anti-homeschoolers and their real aims,
“white Christian nationalism,” on the fruits of which are visible in such phe- for themselves”—those are common- it’s also part of a very specific war against
premise that white evangelical Christians nomena as QAnon, COVID denialism, places of the academic writings of home- a large number of Christians as well.
were an important voting bloc for Donald the Capitol riots ...” schooling opponents. Just to make it clear
Trump in the 2020 election, and many On April 22, numerous media outlets, whom they are talking about, these critics Charlotte Allen is the executive editor
had attended a huge Trump rally on the including The Washington Post, ran a typically throw in a sarcastic reference to of Catholic Arts Today and a frequent
National Mall that day. From there, it was (now-deleted) article from the Religion the Bible as “sacred, absolute truth.” contributor to Quillette. She has a doctor-
a quick jump to evangelical homeschools. News Service by progressive pastor Doug Until very recently, however, home- ate in medieval studies from the Catholic
On Jan. 15, the Huffington Post ran Pagitt, declaring that “homeschooling schooling opponents kept their attacks University of America.


(Far left) Protesters

attempt to pull down the
statue of Andrew Jackson
in Lafayette Square near
the White House on June
22, 2020.
(Left) The front page of
the Sovietic newspaper
Pravda, on Oct. 6, 1957.

If they destroy
people in the name
of equity, their
nihilism is justified.

Are Americans Becoming Sovietized?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ideological dissidents. as Oprah Winfrey, LeBron James, Mark rect verdict. The CIA and FBI are becom-
Recently, we learned that the Depart- Zuckerberg, and the Obamas are their ing as ideological as the old KGB.
What ultimately ended the ment of Defense is reviewing its rosters huge estates and their multimillion-dollar
nihilist Soviet system? to spot extremist sentiments. The U.S. wealth. Just as the select few of the old 9. The Soviets doled out prizes on the
Was it not that Russians Postal Service recently admitted it uses Soviet nomenklatura had their Black Sea basis of correct Soviet thought.
finally tired of the Krem- tracking programs to monitor the social dachas, America’s loudest top-down revo- In modern America, the Pulitzer Prizes
lin’s lies and hypocrisies media postings of Americans. lutionaries prefer living in Martha’s Vine- and the Emmys, Grammys, Tonys, and
that permeated every facet CNN recently alleged that the Biden yard, Beverly Hills, Montecito, and Malibu. Oscars don’t necessarily reflect the year’s
of their falsified lives? administration’s Department of Home- best work, but often the most politically
Here are 10 symptoms of Sovietism. land Security is considering partnering 6. The Soviets mastered Trotskyization, correct work from the most woke.
Ask yourself whether we are headed with private surveillance firms to get or the rewriting and airbrushing away of
down this same road to perdition. around government prohibitions on history to fabricate present reality. 10. The Soviets offered no apologies for
scrutinizing Americans’ online activity. Are Americans any different when they extinguishing freedom. Instead, they
1. There was no escape from ideological indulge in a frenzy of name-changing, boasted that they were advocates for
indoctrination—anywhere. A job in the 4. The Soviet educational system sought statue-toppling, monument-defacing, equity, champions of the underclass,
bureaucracy or a military assignment not to enlighten, but to indoctrinate book-banning, and cancel-culturing? and enemies of privilege—and therefore
hinged not so much on merit, expertise, young minds in proper government- could terminate anyone or anything
or past achievement, but rather on one’s approved thought. 7. The Soviets created a climate of fear they pleased.
loud enthusiasm for the Soviet system. Currently, cash-strapped universities and rewarded stool pigeons for rooting Our wokists are similarly defending
Wokeness is becoming our new Soviet- nationwide are hiring thousands of di- out all potential enemies of the people. their thought-control efforts, forced
like state religion. Careerists assert that versity, equity, and inclusion staffers and Since when did Americans encour- re-education sessions, scripted confes-
America was always and still is a system- administrators. Their chief task is to scan age co-workers to turn in others for an sionals, mandatory apologies, and cancel
ically racist country, without ever pro- the admissions, hiring, curriculum, and ill-considered word in a private conver- culture on the pretense that we need long-
ducing proof or a sustained argument. administration at universities. Like good sation? Why do thousands now scour overdue “fundamental transformation.”
commissars, our diversity czars oversee the internet to find any past incorrect So if they destroy people in the name of
2. The Soviets fused their press with the compliance with the official narrative that expression of a rival? Why are there now equity, their nihilism is justified.
government. Pravda, or “Truth,” was the a flawed America must confess, apologize new thought criminals supposedly guilty
official megaphone of state-sanctioned for, and renounce its evil foundations. of climate racism, immigration racism, Victor Davis Hanson is a conservative
lies. Journalists simply regurgitated the or vaccination racism? commentator, classicist, and military his-
talking points of their Communist Party 5. The Soviet Union was run by a pam- torian. He is a professor of classics emeri-
partners. pered elite, exempt from the ramifica- 8. Soviet prosecutors and courts were tus at California State University, a senior
In 2017, a Harvard study found that tions of their own radical ideologies. weaponized according to ideology. fellow in classics and military history at
over 90 percent of the major TV news Now, woke Silicon Valley billionaires In America, where and for what reason Stanford University, a fellow of Hillsdale
networks’ coverage of the Trump admin- talk socialistically, but live royally. Coke you riot determines whether you face any College, and a distinguished fellow of the
istration’s first 100 days was negative. and Delta Airlines CEOs who hector legal consequences. Politically correct Center for American Greatness. Hanson
Americans about their illiberality make sanctuary cities defy the law with impu- has written 16 books, including “The
3. The Soviet surveillance state enlisted millions of dollars a year. nity. Jury members are terrified of being Western Way of War,” “Fields Without
apparatchiks and lackeys to ferret out What unites current woke activists such doxxed and hunted down for an incor- Dreams,” and “The Case for Trump.”

Still No Evidence of Armed Insurrection on Jan. 6

JULIE KELLY mer President Donald Trump. possessing or using a dangerous weapon. Chrestman, had a weapon, a wooden ax
But was it true? In February, I exam- Here is the breakdown as of May 1: handle. He is not accused of using it.
It almost seems like the ined federal indictments filed against Prosecutors are trying hard to salvage
narrative was created in nearly 200 people charged in the Justice G Nine people with pepper spray; another myth about Jan. 6—that Officer
advance. Department’s Capitol investigation, G Nine people with a pole or flagpole; Brian Sicknick was killed in the line of
As the nation’s capi- which top officials promised would be G Four people with a riot or police shield; duty by Trump supporters. The New York
tal descended into “unprecedented” in the agency’s history. G Four people with a small baton; Times eventually retracted its original
chaos on the afternoon At the time, only 14 people faced weap- G Three people with a stick; story claiming Sicknick was murdered
of Jan. 6—including angry ons violations. Items such as a helmet, G Three people with a baseball bat; by “insurrectionists” using a fire extin-
protests both inside and outside the riot shield, and pepper spray were G Two people with a taser; guisher, but the media wasted no time
Capitol building objecting to Congress’s described by government prosecutors as G Two people with a fire extinguisher; pivoting to a new spin: Sicknick, the
final certification of the 2020 election “dangerous or deadly weapons.” G Two people with a crutch; public was told, died as a result of a reac-
results—Democratic lawmakers were Only two protestors, however, were G One person with a stun gun/walking tion to bear repellent sprayed on him by
already spinning. found to be in possession of a firearm— stick; Trump supporters during the chaos.
“This is a violent insurrection,” Rep. and neither was inside the building on G One person with a police helmet; But that isn’t true, either. The D.C. Med-
Ted Deutsch (D-Fla.) wrote on Twitter at Jan. 6. They were detained later that night G One person with a knife; ical Examiner’s office last month finally
3:40 p.m. as the mayhem escalated. “An and charged with violating Washington, G One person with a hockey stick; admitted Sicknick, 42, died of natural
attempted coup by Trump supporters at D.C.’s strict gun control laws. G One person with an ice ax. causes; nonetheless, Joe Biden’s Justice
his encouragement.” So, four months later, is there any proof Department is desperate to keep the
“This is how we make America great?” to back up the pervasive claim that Jan. Some of the weapons, no doubt, can cause storyline alive. In March, two men were
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), 6 was an “armed insurrection?” After serious harm, and those who used any charged with using a chemical spray
former chair of the Democratic National all, investigators now have a massive weapon against a police officer should, against the deceased officer. Prosecutors
Committee, wrote at 3:09 p.m. ”Violence, trove of video and social media posts to and will, be punished accordingly. also had to admit in court last week that
storming the Capitol, attempting to block document what happened during the But in many cases, the defendant sim- the spray was not bear spray, but a small
your duly elected successor by encourag- day in question; by now, clips of Trump ply is charged with carrying the weapon, can of pepper spray.
ing armed insurrection?” insurrectionists carrying guns or bragga- not using it against anyone—some pro- George Tanios and Julian Khater now
Lawmakers from both political parties docious comments on Facebook should testers testified they brought weapons sit in jail while denied bond, each facing
echoed those sentiments throughout prove beyond a doubt that an “armed for self-defense in anticipation of violent three counts of using and possessing
the day. Less than 24 hours later, House insurrection” indeed nearly toppled the engagement with agitators of Antifa or a deadly weapon, even though there is
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ce- U.S. government that day. Black Lives Matter. Richard Barnett, no proof the spray used by Khater hit
mented the emerging storyline about the the man famously photographed inside Sicknick or his colleagues—just more
events of Jan. 6. Pelosi’s office, faces two counts of posses- prosecutorial blocking to support Pelosi’s
“Yesterday, the president of the United sion of a “dangerous or deadly weapon,” stagecraft.
States incited an armed insurrection It almost seems like the narrative to wit, a walking stick that can be used as Much of Jan. 6 is a manufactured illu-
against America. The gleeful desecration was created in advance. a stun gun. In a court hearing last week, sion, another exercise in political spin-
of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of Barnett’s lawyer argued the item didn’t making for partisan gain. But no amount
our American democracy, and the vio- have batteries and wasn’t operational; of performative wishful thinking by the
lence targeting Congress are horrors that But another review of the more than a federal judge finally released Barnett media, Democrats, and several Repub-
will forever stay in our nation’s history, 400 people currently charged in the Jus- from a D.C. jail after he had served nearly licans about the existence of an “armed
instigated by the president of the United tice Department’s nationwide manhunt four months awaiting his trial. insurrection” on Jan. 6 can turn their
States,” Pelosi raged during a Jan. 7 press still fails to support the initial account In the Justice Department’s wide-rang- imagination into reality.
conference. “Justice will be done to those that hundreds of armed Trump sup- ing conspiracy case against the Proud
who carried out these acts, which were porters seized the Capitol with intent to Boys, six members face charges of “enter- Julie Kelly is a political commentator and
acts of sedition and acts of cowardice.” maim, kill, or capture the building. A to- ing and remaining in a restricted building senior contributor to American Greatness.
The “armed insurrection” mantra was tal of 44 defendants—roughly 10 percent or grounds and carrying a deadly or dan- She is the author of “Disloyal Opposition:
cited as key evidence in the Democrats’ of those facing any sort of prosecution gerous weapon.” But according to a grand How the NeverTrump Right Triedɡand
second impeachment trial against for- related to Jan. 6—stand accused of either jury indictment, only one man, William Failedɡto Take Down the President.”

side if they or their university have ever

received government grants for work on
climate change. The unspoken bias in
the media is that someone who works for
a government is an incorruptible, even
infallible, truth-teller, while anyone who
works in the private sector—especially
for an oil company—is ipso facto a venal
liar. What prejudicial rubbish!
There is, it should also be mentioned,
another similarity to Hitler’s regime, and
that is the nature of the political agenda
that the greens have. As I explained in my
article about the Green New Deal, what
the greens want is a government-imposed
reorganization of economic activity under
the direction of the government—similar
to Hitler’s Nazi, or national socialist, top-
down agenda for the German economy.
The most recent iteration I have seen
of the big lie appeared on April 26 in a daily
newsletter from The Wall Street Journal,
derived from a longer article: “$115 tril-
lion—The amount the world would need
to invest in clean technologies through
2050 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees
Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, above
preindustrial levels, according to the Inter-
national Renewable Energy Agency.”
Before I point out the untruths in this
statement, let me commend it for being

The Big Green Lie

honest and forthright in one important
respect: the candid admission that the
radical transition away from fossil fuels
will be immensely costly. $115 trillion—
wow! That’s larger than the entire planet’s
annual GDP. Beyond that, though, the
BODO MARKS/DPA/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES statement is arrogant, pretentious, and
MARK HENDRICKSON dishonest in more ways than one.
The arrogance lies in the implied cer-
Public discourse about tainty that human efforts can devise a
climate change often de- policy mix that would act like a thermo-
generates into personal stat regulating Earth’s temperature.
attacks. Those of us who
point out the many holes
in the alleged “scientific
basis” of global warming It’s socialism, not carbon
alarmism are denounced as “deniers.” dioxide, where the real
As I wrote in my article “Who Are the existential danger lies.
Ideologues?” the heart of alarmism is a
radical political agenda—namely, for a
socialistic, top-down plan that would The pretentiousness is the glib pre-
restructure our energy usage, and there- sumption that somebody even knows
fore our economy, in the name of saving what the “right” temperature is, much
the planet from a climate catastrophe. less how to attain it.
The climate change “emperor,” of The first dishonesty is the misleading
course, has no clothes. You can read some phrase “clean technology”—as if re-
of my rebuttal to the alarmists in my perature is likely to fall.” The alarmists newables were clean. They’re anything
article “Who Stole Greta’s Childhood?” thereby demolished their own case by (Top and above) Environ- but “clean” while being manufactured,
But the soundbite version is that, yes, the conceding the main point made by so- mentalists block the rails transported, and installed, and they’re
world has gotten a degree or two warmer called skeptics: that many other factors and stop a train loaded with disturbingly lethal to winged wildlife.
than in “preindustrial times,” for which besides carbon dioxide drive changes in new Volkswagen cars in The second dishonesty is the disin-
we should be thankful, since before the global temperatures. Wolfsburg, northern Ger- genuous inclusion in the article of two
Industrial Revolution, Earth was sunk in The big green lie—specifically, that many, on Aug. 13, 2019. photographs of horribly polluted air
the Little Ice Age—the coldest period of human activity is warming the globe to a in Chinese cities. Those photos were
the last 10,000 years. Yes, carbon dioxide dangerous degree requiring a radical eco- designed to create the false impression
traps heat, although it does so on a loga- nomic, social, and political transforma- that all fossil fuels cause severe air pollu-
rithmic scale—not a linear one—which tion—has many iterations. Although my tion. They deliberately conflated carbon
means that future increases in carbon invocation of “the big lie” phraseology may dioxide with pollution when, in fact,
dioxide will trap less heat. And it’s es- be harsh, it’s bluntly and plainly accurate. carbon dioxide is invisible, meaning it
sential to realize that carbon dioxide isn’t Just as Hitler’s propaganda team—and couldn’t be the source of the air pollution
the most important “greenhouse gas”— indeed, all left-wing totalitarian groups, in the photos. True, one particular fossil
that would be water vapor—and there whether communist, fascist, or social- fuel—coal—causes visible and toxic air

are multiple other factors that influence ist—employed “the big lie” technique of pollution, which is why so many utilities
the heat content of Earth’s atmosphere, incessantly repeating a falsehood until all have replaced coal with oil and natural
including everything from solar and but the most alert citizens are mesmerized gas. U.S. cities such as Pittsburgh, once
volcanic activity, ocean currents, tectonic into believing it from the sheer volume of known for sooty skies, have enjoyed
movements, cloud cover, and so on. repetition, so it is with today’s greens. clear, clean air for decades after moving
In fact, in late 2009, when President I’m by no means likening alarmists away from coal—not to renewables, but
Barack Obama and congressional pro- to the murderous and maniacal Hitler. In- to cleaner forms of fossil fuels and some
gressives were trying to pass a cap-and- deed, the average government employee nuclear power. More importantly, carbon
trade bill designed to make Americans repeating the mantra of “anthropogenic dioxide is the base of the human food
pay extra for the privilege of burning fossil climate change” today is a bureaucrat or chain: Plants live on carbon dioxide, and
fuels, some of the scientists in the global Green ballons bearing the
government-funded scientist dutifully, they, in turn, provide nourishment for
inscription “CO2” in an
warming alarmist camp were backing off not maliciously, reciting the official party exhibition hall during the animals and humans. To imply that car-
their claims of runaway warming. line. By the way, if you want to understand opening day of the Gruene bon dioxide is some sort of destructive
Looking at the most recent data how politicians can exploit scientists and Woche (Green Week) inter- pestilence is a scientific travesty.
available to them, they guessed—yes, twist scientific research into “official sci- national agriculture fair in The greatest dishonesty of the big green
“guessed,” which is all that we even the ence”—the best “science” that money can Berlin on Jan. 17, 2020. lie is the basic premise of the climate
so-called “experts” can ever do regarding buy—get a copy of Michael Hart’s book change alarmists—that our prosperity
the future—that the Earth was likely to “Hubris: The Troubling Science, Econom- is somehow sinful, and, therefore, we
cool for the next few decades. ics, and Politics of Climate Change.” don’t deserve to live in a world with more
Think about that for a second: After And—if I may digress for a moment— temperate, human-friendly temperatures
years of telling us that the more carbon the next time you hear someone cast sus- and in a more carbon dioxide-enriched,
dioxide there was in the atmosphere, the picion on the integrity of a private-sector greener world than humans had to en-
hotter Earth would get, they reversed scientist who dissents from climate dure in the harsh, wretched Little Ice Age.
themselves, saying, “Carbon dioxide change alarmism, ask yourself why no- The big green lie is several decades old.
will continue to increase, but the tem- body ever asks scientists on the alarmist It has been taught for nearly 30 years in
DON EMMERT/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES our country’s schools—thanks to federal
legislation giving the Environmental
Protection Agency oversight over schools’
environmental curriculums—which
explains why young people like Alexan-
dria Ocasio-Cortez truly believe that the
world is approaching a climate-caused
But facts are stubborn things, and I’m
still idealistic enough to believe that
truth will prevail in the end. So let’s push
back against the big green lie with all our
might and resist their suffocating, mis-
anthropic, utopian socialistic plans. It’s
socialism—not carbon dioxide—where
the real existential danger lies.

Mark Hendrickson, an economist,

Climate protesters gather recently retired from the faculty of Grove
across the street from the City College, where he remains a fellow
New York County Courthouse for economic and social policy at the
in New York on Nov. 1, 2019. Institute for Faith and Freedom.


tage they’re sitting on and are intent Avoiding War

on vacuous policy comments that are We have the upper hand and can avoid
hyper-analyzed by the CCP information this war, but the current administration
warfare machine. doesn’t seem to know it.
Furthermore, as Steven Mosher points It’s of the utmost importance that the
out in his book “Bully of Asia,” the CCP Biden administration realizes it’s facing
feels it’s their time to displace the United an immediate showdown with China.
States and become the world’s uncon- Not in 2034, but right now. America has
tested Hegemon. This means displacing the decisive control of food, energy, and
or destroying the United States—right the capital markets which the adminis-
now. Things are coming to a head now, tration must start using as tools against
not in 2034. the spiraling military preparations of the
CCP. The U.S. military enterprise and
Thucydides Trap? Maybe industrial base needs to be placed on an
The often used and hard to pronounce urgent footing to prevent war.
Thucydides Trap paradigm is often This includes forgotten World War
thrown around to describe the ap- II- and Cold War-era precepts of an in-
proaching catastrophe. Simply put, it’s dustrial base on scale. The Navy public-
the collision of a rising power with a private shipbuilding partnership needs
fading dominant power. China may be to go on a 24/7 schedule to reestablish
given the term “rising power,” but much itself and pull out of its dismal status. By
of the acceleration of the timetable for my count, there are essentially two large,
war is its dire need for what we have. So a carrier-size drydocks on the West Coast,
“desperate power” may be more apropos and these will be much needed to return
Secretary for the CCP. a battle-damaged carrier to service.
of State
Blinken at
the State
It’s No Longer In many ways, we’re back to a World
War II-era grand strategy on centers
of production, resource control, and
the ability to generate war material on
Furthermore, the “lanes” available
for large ship construction on the West
Coast are filled up by the leisurely pace
of current Navy shipbuilding and ship
in Washing-
ton on April
5, 2021.
About Taiwan, scale. Taiwan is our center of production
for chips and must be defended as our
Silicon Valley West. Would we have let
Detroit fall to the Axis in World War II
repair. There is no surge capacity as it
stands now for repair or construction.
The Panama Canal is essentially under
Chinese control already, so leveraging

It’s About Us and just shrugged our shoulders?

I urge the Biden administration to
move to the “arsenal of democracy”
mode immediately to build capacity to
East and Gulf coast shipyards isn’t a cer-
tainty. A naval crisis this is. Halsey (and
Reagan) would be confounded at the
current naval state of affairs.
It’s 1941 all over again; like Japan, deter and prevent war, but that doesn’t
seem to be the top priority for the ad-
Massive funding is needed immedi-
ately for the shipyard industrial base
China is very vulnerable from being ministration.
Turning little boys into little girls,
and shipbuilding program. One key
rule to make this an efficient ramp-up:
cut off from what it needs to survive. turning coal miners into coders, or plac-
ing William Burns as head of the CIA,
This must be multi-year appropriations
and authorizations so that funding can
an appointee with stunningly question- be wisely spent over time, not subject to
able connections, may be the priorities the horribly inefficient one-year cycles
of the administration, which doesn’t that significantly drive up costs of
JOHN MILLS impress but only emboldens the CCP. We capital projects due to extreme budget
China needs three need to come together as a nation and uncertainty.
Retired Adm. James realize the immediate existential threat The Air Force needs similar immedi-
Stavridis has a book out, things that we we’re facing. ate attention to generate overwhelming
“2034,” in which a war dominate: food, Will China go against Taiwan as their air power. The Marine Corps, Army, and
breaks out with China. energy, and access first move? Maybe, but if I was a PLA/ Space Force need right sizing and trans-
It escalates to include PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) formation also. Missile defenses need to
a nuclear exchange and to the capital planner, I’m not sure I would want to be greatly expanded for Pacific Islands,
the seizure of Taiwan. market. We control attempt the first opposed landing in CCP Alaska, and the mainland United States.
There have been a number of interest- it, they need it. We history against Taiwan. A dry run is in Once the CCP starts, nothing will be off
ing reviews as the admiral (there is a order, and northern Luzon, the largest the table.
co-author) accrues book sales based on take it for granted, island of the Philippines, looks much The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone may
his former status. Stavridis is well known they don’t. more appealing. look like a shambles now, but it will be
as a vocal senior retired officer and is The quick establishment of a “Co-Pros- un-shambled when the CCP unleashes
in what we call the retired generals and perity” trade enclave in the Philippines a nuclear strike on Seattle. Many more
admirals club, a very exclusive group. would be a much better way to exercise things need to be done, but it all starts
What the admiral misses is the gravity, the logistics and planning functions for with the resolve and clarity of the presi-
acceleration, and immediacy of Bei- complex military projections. There’s dent in power. The more we sweat now,
jing’s plans. The book should be called not much the Philippine military and the less we’ll bleed later. The more un-
“2021” because we are facing immediate government could do if a large Chinese clear we are, the more we’ll bleed later.
conflict with China. China needs three amphibious group showed up with no The window is rapidly closing on even
things that we dominate: food, energy, warning at a major beach or port (let’s the most optimistic of administration
and access to the capital market. We con- say the old U.S. Navy Base at Subic Bay). watchers and their hope of Blinken and a
trol it, they need it. We take it for granted, This action would secure the right few others maintaining successful deter-
they don’t. The Chinese Communist shoulder of PLAN access to the deep rence of a brazen China.
Party (CCP) war machine also needs ac- Pacific. The Philippine operation would If the current administration declines
cess to dual-use chips. Taiwan has them also prep the PLA/PLAN for the much to take this situation seriously, perhaps
and we desperately need them also. more difficult move on Taiwan. we need the previous administration
And then Secretary of State Antony Taiwan is no longer about unifica- back in place to protect the American
Blinken makes a comment that sows When the CCP tion—it’s about two things: securing the citizens and the nation. But the down-
confusion, saying “our purpose is not moves on the TSMC chip production industrial base river effects of the Maricopa County
to contain China.” Words matter and and securing the left shoulder of China’s election forensic recount are material
Blinken’s comment unshackles the Philippines and/or main access point to the second island for another story.
planners of the People’s Liberation Army Taiwan, they’re not chain, which includes the sovereign U.S.
(PLA) and perhaps assures conflict, just stopping. It’s about Territory of Guam and the Northern Col. (Ret.) John Mills is a national se-
like our actions with Japan in 1941. Marianna Islands. curity professional with service in five
Maybe “containing” isn’t the exact right knocking the When the CCP moves on the Philip- eras: Cold War, Peace Dividend, War on
word for the U.S. policy on China, but United States down pines or Taiwan, they’re not stopping. Terror, World in Chaos, and now—Great
an expression very close to it should be and replacing us. It’s about knocking the United States Power Competition. He is the former
used. China needs what we have, they down and replacing us. Everything will director of cybersecurity policy, strategy,
need it now, and our current administra- Everything will be be on the table including nuclear strikes and international affairs at the Depart-
tion doesn’t seem to realize the advan- on the table. against sovereign U.S. territory. ment of Defense.

Legal Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, W. 16th St., New York, NY 10011. New York trol Law at 68 E Bayview Ave., Ocean Bay Park, has been applied for by the undersigned to sell Immersive USA Inc. d/b/a Immersive Van & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under the Alco-
NUMBER 1322289 for an “on premise liquor County, for on premise consumption. Moose NY 11770, Suffolk County for on premises con- Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail in a Restau- Gogh Exhibit New York holic Beverage Control Law at 832 Clarkson
license” has been applied for by the undersigned Goose Holding Inc. sumption. *The Corner FI Inc, DBA: The Corner rant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203. Kings County, for on
to serve liquor, beer and wine at retail in the at 161-21 Crocheron Ave., Flushing, NY 11358. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, premises consumption. Silver Chicken & Seafood
restaurant under the alcohol beverage control NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, Queens County, for on premises consumption. NUMBER 1333980, for Restaurant Wine has Restaurant LLC.
law at ecib of soho llc dba Bice Cucina located SERIAL # 1333993, for Wine & Beer has been NUMBER PENDING, for liquor, wine and beer Bluemoon Queen Inc. d/b/a Bloomy 7 been applied for by the undersigned to sell Beer,
at 15 Watts street, New York, NY 10013 for on applied for by the undersigned to sell Wine & has been applied for by the undersigned* to Wine & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE,
premises consumption. Beer at retail under the Alcoholic Beverage Con- sell liquor, wine and beer at retail in a bowling NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1472 York SERIAL # 1335588, for Wine & Beer has been
trol Law at 6522 6524 11th Ave., Brooklyn, NY establishment under the Alcoholic Beverage NUMBER TO BE DETERMINED, for On Prem- Ave., New York, NY 10075. New York County, applied for by the undersigned to sell Wine & Beer
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, 11219. Kings County, for on premise consump- Control Law at 11249 maple ridge rd., medina, ise Liquor has been applied for by the under- for on premises consumption. Kobe Sushi Jap- at retail under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law
NUMBER PENDING, for wine and beer has tion. Fravima Corp.  NY 14103 in Orleans County for on premises signed to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail anese Cuisine 88 Inc. at 413 E. 12th St., New York, NY 10009. New York
been applied for by the undersigned* to sell consumption. *CHRAME INC. DBA PENDING in a Tavern under the Alcoholic Beverage Con- County, for on premise consumption. Woman In
wine and beer at retail in a bar/tavern under NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, trol Law at 155 2nd Ave., New York, NY. New NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, Wine LLC.
the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 27905 SERIAL # 1335339, for Liquor, Wine & Beer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, York County, for on premises consumption. 949 NUMBER 1334586, for Restaurant Wine has
State Hwy 28, Andes, NY 13731 in Dela- has been applied for by the undersigned to sell NUMBER PENDING, for liquor, wine and beer Grand Bar, LLC d/b/a The Long Pour. been applied for by the undersigned to sell Wine, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE,
ware county for on premises consumption. Liquor, Wine & Beer at retail under the Alcoholic has been applied for by the undersigned* to Beer & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under the SERIAL # 1332199, for Liquor, Wine & Beer has
*CATSKILLS HARVEST FOODWORKS LLC Beverage Control Law at 102 Berry St., Brook- sell liquor, wine and beer at retail in a bar/tav- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 2199 Broad- been applied for by the undersigned to sell Liquor,
DBA CATSKILLS REGIONAL HARVEST lyn, NY 11249. Kings County, for on premise ern under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law NUMBER TO BE DETERMINED, for On Prem- way, New York, NY 10024. New York County, Wine & Beer at retail under the Alcoholic Bever-
consumption. Oregano LLC.   at 13 river st., Oneonta, NY 13820 in Otsego ise Liquor has been applied for by the under- for on premises consumption. 2199 Restau- age Control Law at 153 155 Amsterdam Ave.,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, County for on premises consumption. *AUGUST signed to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail rant Corp. New York, NY 10023. New York County, for on
SERIAL # 1335355, for Liquor, Wine & Beer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, A. JOHNSON DBA PENDING in a Tavern under the Alcoholic Beverage Con- premise consumption. 153 Amsterdam Rest LLC
has been applied for by the undersigned to SERIAL # 1335396, for Liquor, Wine & Beer trol Law at 2222-2224 8th Ave., New York, NY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE,
sell Liquor, Wine & Beer at retail under the has been applied for by the undersigned to sell NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, New York County, for on premises consumption. NUMBER 1335317, for On Premises Liquor has
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 90 Uni- Liquor, Wine & Beer at retail under the Alco- NUMBER PENDING, for liquor, wine and beer Fox Harlem, LLC d/b/a The Fox. been applied for by the undersigned to sell Liquor,
versity Place, New York, NY 10003. New York holic Beverage Control Law at 233 Smith St., has been applied for by the undersigned* to Beer, Wine & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under
County, for on premise consumption. Moose Brooklyn, NY 11201. Kings County, for on sell liquor, wine and beer at retail in a restau- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 99-12 Als-
Goose Holding Inc. premise consumption. Smith Street Food & rant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law NUMBER TO BE DETERMINED, for On Prem- tyne Ave., Corona, NY 11368. Queens County,
Beverage Inc. at 214 Bouchard Dr, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 in ise Liquor has been applied for by the under- for on premises consumption. El Cuencanito Deli

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, Clinton County for on premises consumption. signed to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail & Pizza Rest Inc.
SERIAL # 1335294, for Liquor, Wine & Beer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, *DOCS ON THE WATER INC . DBA PENDING in a Tavern under the Alcoholic Beverage Con-
has been applied for by the undersigned to sell SERIAL # 1335363, for Wine & Beer has been trol Law at 43 Clinton St., New York, NY. New NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE,

Liquor, Wine & Beer at retail under the Alco- applied for by the undersigned to sell Wine & NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, York County, for on premises consumption. The NUMBER 1335436, for On Premises Liquor has
holic Beverage Control Law at 244 Mulberry Beer at retail under the Alcoholic Beverage NUMBER 1334271, for On Premise Liquor Crossett Group, LLC d/b/a Cafe Skye. been applied for by the undersigned to sell Liquor,
St., New York, NY 10012. New York County, Control Law at 611 Bergen St., Brooklyn, NY has been applied for by the undersigned to sell Beer, Wine & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under
for on premise consumption. Moose Goose 11238. Kings County, for on premise consump- Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail in a Bar/Tav- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 11 Doy-
Holding Inc. tion. House of Solomon LLC. ern under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law SERIAL # PENDING, for On Premise Liquor ers St., New York, NY 10013. New York County, We ask you to share
   at 88-06 Roosevelt Ave., Jackson Hgts., NY has been applied for by the undersigned to for on premises consumption. Blue Agave NY Inc.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, 11372 Queens County, for on premises con- sell Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail at a d/b/a Pulqueria. RejectCCP.org
SERIAL # 1335306, for Liquor, Wine & Beer NUMBER “PENDING” for liquor, beer, wine and sumption. Roca Bar Corp. Art Exhibition/Tavern under the Alcoholic with at least 5 friends.
has been applied for by the undersigned to Cider has been applied for by the undersigned* to Beverage Control Law at 299 South St., Pier NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE,
sell Liquor, Wine & Beer at retail under the sell liquor, beer, wine and cider at retail in a Sea- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, 36, New York NY 10002. New York County, NUMBER 1335319, for Restaurant has been
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 242 244 sonal Tavern under the Alcohol Beverage Con- NUMBER 1334813 for On Premise Liquor for on premises consumption. Lighthouse applied for by the undersigned to sell Beer, Wine

With ‘Birthing
People,’ We
Approach a ‘Brave
New World’
ROGER KIMBALL Babies aren’t born but designed accord-
ing to exacting specifications and “de-
I am writing on May 9, canted” at sanitary depots like The Central
Mother’s Day in the London Hatchery and Conditioning
United States. Centre with which the book opens.
I used to look askance at As with all efforts to picture future
the holiday, not because technology, Huxley’s description of the
I have anything against equipment and procedures employed at A nurse passes a preterm Most readers, I think, will hesitate
mothers—on the contrary—but because the hatchery seems almost charmingly baby to his mother, at about saying yes.
it always seemed like a Hallmark Holiday, antiquated, like a space ship imagined by Burnley General Hospital in What does that hesitation tell us?
something manufactured by corporate in- Jules Verne. Burnley, England, on May Some readers will have no hesitation
terests and glazed in a sugar of sentimen- But Huxley’s portrait of the human toll of 15, 2020. about saying yes; what does that tell us?
tality from which one could free oneself human ingenuity is very up-to-date.
only by a tithe of flowers or luncheon for I used to say that we hadn’t—not quite, Culture as Dangerous
the mothers in one’s life. not yet—caught up with the situation he PICTORIAL PARADE/GETTY IMAGES
As Huxley saw, a world in which repro-
Lately, however, I have become a describes. duction was “rationalized” and eman-
staunch partisan of the holiday. We didn’t, until very recently, inhabit a cipated from love was also a world in
This isn’t because I doubt the cynicism of world in which “mother” and “monoga- which culture in any traditional sense
the interests encouraging us to splurge on my” were blasphemous terms from which was not only otiose but dangerous, and
cards, flowers, chocolates, and luncheons, people have been conditioned to recoil in hence severely policed.
but rather because the wardens of “woke- visceral revulsion. This suspicion of culture is also a
ness” have finally got around to canceling But isn’t that precisely what the rhetoric sub-theme of that other great dystopian
the very idea of motherhood. of radicals like Pressley and Bush encour- novel, George Orwell’s “1984,” which
Thus we have Congresswoman Ayanna age? ends with the work of “various writers,
Pressley calling for an expansion of such as Shakespeare, Milton, Swift,
Medicaid to include “coverage for birthing Hatcheries A portrait of British novelist Byron, Dickens,” being vandalized by
people.” Thinkers as different as Michel Foucault and essayist Aldous being translated into Newspeak.
“Birthing people.” and Francis Fukuyama have pondered the Leonard Huxley in the When that laborious propaganda
Pressley is a freak, granted. But she advent of a “posthuman” future, eagerly or 1950s. effort is finally complete, the “original
isn’t alas an anomaly among our elected with dismay, as the case may be. writings, with all else that survived
representatives. Consider the words of her Scientists busily manipulating DNA may of the literature of the past, would be
colleague Congresswoman Cori Bush: give substance to their speculations. destroyed.”
“Black birthing people and our babies It’s often suggested that what’s most The point is that culture has roots. It
die because our doctors don’t believe our disturbing about “Brave New World” is its limns the future through its implica-
pain.” portrait of eugenics in action: its vision of tions with the past. Moving the reader
humanity deliberately divided into geneti- or spectator over the centuries, in Han-
cally ordered castes, a few super-smart nah Arendt’s phrase, the monuments of
The rejection of the word ‘mother’ Alpha-pluses down through a multitude
of drone-like Epsilons who do the heavy Continued on A18
is part and parcel of a much larger lifting.
rejection—a rejection of human Such deliberately instituted inequality
reality as traditionally conceived. offends our democratic sensibilities.
What is sometimes overlooked or down-
played is the possibility that the most
All this was fodder for fun today as vari- disturbing aspect of the future Huxley
ous commentators—and The Babylon pictured has less to do with eugenics than
Bee, of course—weighed in to ridicule the genetics.
ridiculous. That is to say, perhaps what is centrally
“Birthing people.” repellent about Huxley’s hatcheries isn’t
Funny, isn’t it? Preposterous. But re- that they codify inequality.
member, this language is coming out of Nature already does that more effective-
the mouths of the people we have elected ly than our politically correct sensibilities
to govern us. like to acknowledge.
What does that tell us about them? What Rather, what is repellent is the idea that
does it tell us about ourselves? the hatcheries should exist at all.
The rejection of the word “mother” is Are they not a textbook example of
part and parcel of a much larger rejec- Promethean hubris in action? It is worth
tion—a rejection of human reality as stepping back to ponder that possibility.
traditionally conceived. In the 17th century, René Descartes
And remember that one of the first acts predicted that his scientific method would
of President Joe Biden’s administration make man “the master and possessor of
was to insist that all federal agencies query nature.”
people about their “preferred pronouns.” Are we not fast closing in on the technol-
(I have always suspected that Biden’s ogy that proves him right?
preferred pronoun was “Xi,” but that is a
different topic.) Progress?
And Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, And this raises another question.
the third in line to the presidency, took Is there a point at which scientific
the spoon with chocolate ice cream out of development can no longer be described,
her mouth long enough to issue her own humanly, as progress?
linguistic carnage, including the rules that We know the benisons of technology.
would replace such terms as “mother,” Consider only electricity, the automobile,
“father,” “daughter,” “son,” “sister” and modern medicine. They have transformed
“brother” with “gender-neutral” terms
such as “parent,” “child,” and “sibling.”
the world and underscored the old ob-
servation that art, that “techne,” is man’s
Fly your family privately
There is a lot that could be said about the nature. භ No hassle භ No TSA භ On your own sc
attempt to force gender-specific terms into Nevertheless, the question remains
early retirement. whether, after 200 years of breathtaking zŽƵŚŽŽƐĞƚŚĞĞƐƟŶĂƟŽŶ͘tĞƌŝŶŐƚŚĞWůĂŶĞ͘
In this column, I’d just like to point out progress, we are about to become more Fly from
that it isn’t a new idea. closely acquainted with the depredations New York
of technology.
‘Mother’ as Blasphemous It would take a brave man, or a rash one,
to Florida
Consider the picture of sexual relations in to venture a confident prediction either
Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel “Brave way.
New World” (1932). For example, if, as in “Brave New World,”
I don’t myself regard “Brave New World” we manage to bypass the “inconvenience”
as a particularly accomplished work of of human pregnancy altogether, ought we
literature. to do it? (Note the moral adumbration of
But considered as a work of social-moral the word “ought.”)
prognostication, it’s a work of genius. If—or rather when—that is possible (as it
Perhaps the aspect of Huxley’s dystopian certainly will be, and soon), will it also be
fable that is most frequently adduced is its desirable?
vision of a society that has perfected what If not, why not?
we have come to call genetic engineering.
Among other things, it’s a world in which
Why should a woman go through the
discomfort and danger of pregnancy if a 877-255-2HOP
reproduction has been entirely handed fetus could be safely incubated, or cloned, Info@FlyHopscotch.com
over to the experts. elsewhere?
The word “parents” no longer describes Wouldn’t motherhood by proxy be a
a loving moral commitment but only an
attenuated biological datum.
good thing—the ultimate labor-saving


How ‘Woke’ May

Be Leading Us
to Civil War
ROGER L. SIMON the “training” for hours under instruc-
tions not to get up, even to go to the
The other day, I wrote bathroom, until they raised their hands
that “woke” was the new signaling they “got it” (i.e., effectively
conformism. joined the cult). Nature’s calling being
It is, of course, but I what it is, most eventually did.
undersold it. It’s much Although operationally similar,
more than that and more “woke” is exponentially more perilous
dangerous. than the now-defunct est training. Our A statue of Dominican friar Girolamo among other pushbacks. (Kudos to Rep.
As Tal Bachman notes at Steynonline, position in society, our livelihoods, and Savonarola in Ferrara, Italy, on Sept. Mark Green, Republican of Tennessee
it’s now our state religion, a state reli- our children’s educations and futures 25, 2018. Savonarola enforced a and Iraq War veteran, for introducing
gion in a country that—constitutional- are being held over our heads, not our 1497 version of “cancel culture” legislation to block critical race theory
on Florence, Italy.
ly and for good reason—isn’t supposed mere use of a restroom. training at U.S. military academies.)
to have one. An iron-fisted, ideologically extreme But will that be enough against a fed-
But “Wokism” is yet more than that, minority has our country under its eral government that lives and breathes
too. It’s a mass psychosis similar to thumb—play along or face ex-commu- If we extend unlimited this evil ideology and that is essentially
many that have arisen throughout his- nication. This is stronger than anything governed by a homegrown politburo—
tory when the masses followed leaders in our history and almost identical to tolerance even to those the thought that Biden acts by himself
who, in their zeal or self-interest, took what we see and have seen in totalitar- who are intolerant, if is ludicrous—determined to impose it?
them to disastrous ends. ian countries. we are not prepared As this imposition increases, the
A good example was when the Do- It’s a psychosis approaching mass “contradictions,” as the Marxists
minican friar Girolamo Savonarola—in hallucination. In Franco’s Spain, they to defend a tolerant would say, are heightened.
a 1497 version of “cancel culture”— shouted, “Viva la muerte!” (“Long live society against the What the extremist ideology of
swept up everything secular in Flor- death!”) Here we are asked to proclaim onslaught of the “woke” actually provokes is talk of—
ence from some of the most extraor- just as loudly “Black Lives Matter,” to and not just talk—secession and even
dinary paintings and sculpture of all display signs saying as much on our intolerant, then civil war.
time to the works of Boccaccio and lawns, although we never thought oth- the tolerant will Few of us have heard anything like
burned them in the so-called Bonfire erwise and always thought (naively, we be destroyed, and that in our lifetimes. But now it’s real.
of the Vanities. are told) that all lives mattered. We have been driven apart as never
Being Jewish, I am also reminded of All key aspects, most parts of them tolerance with them. before. We have been awakened in-
the bizarre tale of Sabbatai Zevi, the anyway, of our society “get it” as they Karl Popper, philosopher deed.
17th-century Sephardic rabbi who pro- did in est (i.e., now believe in ”woke”) Anything can happen and some of
claimed himself the long-awaited true or, yet more ominously, cynically say us, who would never have considered
messiah of the Jews, garnered thou- they do—the media, the corporations anything like secession and civil war,
sands of followers, and then ended up (“Better woke than broke!”), the govern- suddenly do—highly disturbing to us
leaving them completely in the lurch ment bureaucracy, the Democratic Par- as those thoughts may be.
when he converted to Islam. (Interest- ty, the Department of Justice, the FBI, MICHAEL CIAGLO/GETTY IMAGES
So why do we even tolerate “woke”?
ingly, Bachman writes that “wokism” the military (yikes!), entertainment, Bachman gives us a quotation from
resembles Islam structurally.) the university system, the K–12 system, Austrian philosopher Karl Popper that
Closer to our time, the great Italian the medical community, the scientific is remarkably apposite for our times:
director Federico Fellini, in his film community (incredibly), the religious “Unlimited tolerance must lead to
“La Dolce Vita” (1960), shows us what community (sadly), and on and on. the disappearance of tolerance. If we
seems like hundreds of people rushing All, to one extent or another, believe extend unlimited tolerance even to
about, tears streaming, trampling each in “woke” except—the people. those who are intolerant, if we are not
other, believing reports that the Ma- Most of the people anyway. prepared to defend a tolerant society
donna has been sighted. As the scene Most of what used to be called the against the onslaught of the intolerant,
progresses, the crowd grows, with common men (or women) in the street then the tolerant will be destroyed,
more and more people convinced of roll their eyes at “woke”—including and tolerance with them.”
the sighting. even some silent, but browbeaten, From Antifa to BLM (whose leader
Of course, what Fellini documents is Democrats—and do their best to move apparently identifies with the mass
more or less harmless—not so “woke.” on, although many realize that “woke” murderer Chairman Mao) to the will-
This psychosis has a political dimen- and its sister “social justice” are in fully blind talking heads of left-wing
sion and the capability of changing a essence euphemisms for an ideology cable TV, no one is as intolerant as the
society, which it has already done. far more totalitarian than any ever in ”woke” folks. They break all domestic
control of this country, communism. records in that regard.
Face Excommunication Time to stop tolerating them.
“Woke” gains adherents much in the Rebellion Brewing
manner of “est”—the cult-like Erhard How long can this gaping dichotomy Roger L. Simon is an award-winning
Seminars Training—that I attended in continue? novelist, Oscar-nominated screenwriter,
the 1970s at the behest of a movie pro- How long before they stop rolling co-founder of PJMedia, and now,
ducer interested in making a film about their eyes? editor-at-large for The Epoch Times.
it. (It never happened.) A rebellion against “woke” is brewing, Members of the Communist Party USA His most recent books are “The GOAT”
If you’re too in, you’re out. particularly in red states, some of which and other groups burn an American flag (fiction) and “I Know Best: How Moral
For est, several hundred people sat are banning or have already banned on the steps of the Colorado Capitol in Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic,
in a large conference room listening to critical race theory in their schools, Denver, Colo., on Jan. 20, 2021. If It Hasn’t Already” (nonfiction).

Sensations and Emotions a prophylactic against emotional depth.

With ‘Birthing People,’ We Emotional commitments are even more
strictly rationed than Shakespeare. (The
The question of meaning is never pur-
sued beyond the instrumental question
Approach a ‘Brave New World’ same, again, is true in “1984.”)
In the place of emotional commit-
of what produces the most pleasure.
Socrates told us that the unexamined
ments, sensations—thrilling, mind- life is not worth living. Huxley (yet again
CONTINUED FROM A17 numbing sensations—are available on like Orwell) pictures a world in which
Culture has roots. It limns demand through drugs and motion the unexamined life is the only one
culture transcend the local impera- the future through its pictures that neurologically stimulate available.
tives of the present. viewers to experience certain emotions Huxley’s imagination failed him in
They escape the obsolescence that implications with the and feelings. one area.
fashion demands, the predictability past. The monuments The fact that they are artificially pro- He understood that in a world in which
that planning requires. They speak of of culture transcend the duced isn’t considered a drawback but reproduction was emancipated from
love and hatred, honor and shame, their very point. the body, sexual congress for many
beauty and courage and cowardice— local imperatives of the Which is to say that the brave new people would degenerate into a purely
permanent realities of the human present. They escape the world is a virtual world: Experience is recreational activity, an amusement not
situation insofar as it remains hu- obsolescence that fashion increasingly vivid but decreasingly real. inherently different from one’s soma ra-
man. The question of meaning is deliberately tion or the tactile movies.
The denizens of Huxley’s brave new demands, the predictability short-circuited. He pictured a world of casual, indeed
world are designed and educated— that planning requires. “You’ve got to choose,” the Resident mandatory, promiscuity. But he thought
perhaps his word, “conditioned,” is World Controller for Western Europe pa- it would develop along completely con-
more accurate—to be rootless, with- ten everything else. tiently explains to the Savage, “between ventional lines.
out culture. The Controller shrugged his shoul- happiness and what people used to call He ought to have known that the quest
Ditto the denizens of Orwell’s night- ders. “Because it’s old; that’s the chief high art. We’ve sacrificed the high art. for “agreeable sensations” would issue in
mare totalitarian society. reason. We haven’t any use for old We have the feelies and the scent organ a pansexual carnival.
In “Brave New World,” when a relic things here.” instead.” In this area, anyway, we seem to have
of the old order of civilization—a sav- “Even when they’re beautiful?” “But they don’t mean anything.” proceeded a good deal further than
age who had been born, not decant- “Particularly when they’re beautiful. “They mean themselves; they mean a the characters who inhabit Huxley’s
ed—is brought from a reservation into Beauty’s attractive, and we don’t want lot of agreeable sensations to the audi- dystopia.
the brave new world, he is surprised people to be attracted by old things. ence.” Happy Mother’s Day.
to discover that the literary past is We want them to like the new ones.” If this seems like a prescription for
forbidden to most of the population. Huxley’s brave new world is above all arrested development, that, too, is Roger Kimball is the editor and publisher
“But why is it prohibited?” asked a superficial world. People are encour- part of the point: “It is their duty to be of The New Criterion and publisher of
the Savage. In the excitement of aged to like what is new, to live in the infantile,” the Controller explains, “even Encounter Books. His most recent book is
meeting a man who had read Shake- moment, because that makes them against their inclination.” “Who Rules? Sovereignty, Nationalism, and
speare, he had momentarily forgot- less complicated and more pliable. Promiscuity is encouraged because it is the Fate of Freedom in the 21st Century.”

SPECIAL SERIES: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World

The Chinese Communist YOUR
Party’s Global Ambitions EPOCHSHOP.COM

The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of

“How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by
the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.”


CHAPTER 3. Unrestricted Warfare that the CCP can get very critical and sensi-
tive information. They can enter a system
With Chinese Communist that controls our entire society. Everything
Characteristics will be connected to the 5G network in the
future. We are worried that the country
d. Using the Masses for Espionage that provides such equipment—China—
(cont.) controls the switch.” [172]
On Dec. 12, 2018, the U.S. Senate Judicia- For at least two decades, the CCP has used
ry Committee held a hearing about the hackers on a large scale to obtain critical
CCP’s non-traditional espionage activi- information from other countries. As early
ties. Bill Priestap, assistant director of the as 1999, CCP hackers disguised as a Falun
FBI counterintelligence division, outlined Gong overseas website attacked the U.S.
the CCP’s approach: The Party plays by the Department of Transportation. The depart-
rules when it’s advantageous, while at other ment contacted the website to investigate
times bending or breaking them to achieve the attack and traced it back to a hacker
its goals. When possible, the Party also tries from a Party-run intelligence agency. [173]
to rewrite the rules and reshape the world In June 2015, CCP hackers attacked the U.S.
according to its own requirements. [168] Office of Personnel Management, steal-
John Demers, assistant attorney general ing the data and security information of even taking foreign hostages. Six weeks af-
of the National Security Division of the U.S. more than 21.5 million Americans. Those FBI Director ter the aforementioned Su Bin was arrested
Department of Justice, testified that the affected included 19.7 million government Christopher in Canada for hacking into a U.S. military
CCP’s Made in China 2025 plan is essen- employees and 1.8 million of their family Wray speaks database, Canadian couple Kevin and Julia
tially a handbook of what to steal. He dis- members. alongside then- Garratt were arrested in China and accused
closed that from 2011 to 2018, more than 90 In November 2018, Marriott International Acting U.S. of espionage. [174]
percent of the cases of economic espionage announced that private information in- Attorney General After the arrest of Huawei’s vice president
Matthew Whi-
allegedly involving or benefiting a country, cluding the passport details of up to 500 and chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, in
taker (2nd R),
and more than two-thirds of trade-secret million guests had been stolen by hackers, then-Secretary Vancouver on Dec. 1, 2018, the Chinese Min-
theft cases, were related to the PRC. [169] dating back to 2014. U.S. Secretary of State of Homeland istry of Foreign Affairs incited a series of pro-
Michael Pompeo confirmed on Dec. 12 that Security Kirstjen tests, with the Chinese Embassy in Canada
the hacking was carried out by the CCP. Nielsen (R), and mobilizing a large number of pro-communist
Marriott is the largest hotel supplier to the then-Commerce overseas Chinese for the action. In addition,
Lawlessness is the U.S. government and military. Secretary Wilbur the PRC arrested two Canadian citizens in
Ross (2nd L) as retaliation for Meng’s arrest. [175] This was
CCP’s modus operandi. e. The Many Forms they announce a both to put direct pressure on Canada and
of Unrestricted Warfare 13-count indict- to drive a wedge between Canada and the
Any foreigner in China ment of financial
The CCP utilizes other methods of unre- United States.
may become a hostage fraud charges
stricted warfare. A few major areas are Lawlessness is the CCP’s modus operandi.
against Chinese
listed below. Any foreigner in China may become a hos-
at any time and be used telecommunica-
tage at any time and be used as a bargain-
tions manufac-
as a bargaining chip for Diplomatic Warfare turer Huawei, at ing chip for political, economic, and diplo-
The CCP’s typical diplomatic method is to the Department matic purposes. Additionally, when the CCP
political, economic, and divide and conquer. When the world criti- of Justice in threatens overseas Chinese, especially dis-
diplomatic purposes. cizes the CCP for its human rights abuses, Washington on sidents, it often uses their relatives in China
regime officials invite each country to dis- Jan. 28, 2019. as hostages.
cuss human rights separately and in pri-
The CCP’s espionage is far from limited to vate; consequently, such criticism can have Notes
intellectual property. The CCP controls all no restraining effect. Moreover, the CCP
168. U.S. Congress, Senate, Statement of
major private companies in China and uses has virtually disintegrated the interna-
Bill Priestap Before the Committee on the
them for international intelligence gather- tional norms that safeguard human rights. Judiciary, “China’s Non-Traditional Espionage
ing. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz called Huawei a The CCP used this method to escape Against the United States: The Threat and
“Communist Party spy agency thinly veiled condemnation and sanctions right before Potential Policy Responses,” 115th Cong., 1st
as a telecom company,” in a Twitter post in being admitted to the World Trade Orga- sess., Dec. 12, 2018.
2018. “Its surveillance networks span the nization. Once admitted, the CCP imme-

globe and its clients are rogue regimes such diately began using economic means to 169. U.S. Congress, Senate, Statement of
as Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Cuba. The tempt various countries, and again used John C. Demers Before the Committee on the
arrest of Huawei’s CFO Wanzhou Meng divide-and-conquer to achieve large-scale Judiciary, “China’s Non-Traditional Espionage
Against the United States: The Threat and
in Canada is both an opportunity and a breakthroughs in various areas.
Potential Policy Responses,” 115th Cong., 1st
challenge,” Cruz wrote. [170] The CCP also uses rogue tactics of hostage sess., Dec. 12, 2018.
An investigation published in January diplomacy to arrest and threaten both Chi-
2018 by the French newspaper Le Monde nese and non-Chinese until its demands 170. Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz), “Huawei is
revealed that confidential information are met. Before the PRC was granted per- a Communist Party spy agency thinly vieled
from the African Union headquarters in manent normal trade relations status by [sic] as a telecom company. Its surveillance
Ethiopia had been sent to Shanghai every the United States in 2002, regime authori- networks span the globe & its clients are rogue
night for five years, starting in January 2012. ties arrested dissidents before almost every regimes such as Iran, Syria, North Korea &
The CCP was accused of being behind the negotiation session, then used the release Cuba. The arrest of Huawei’s CFO Wanzhou
Meng in Canada is both an opportunity & a
hack. A report released by the Australian of the dissidents as a bargaining chip dur-
challenge,” Twitter, Dec. 6, 2018.
Strategic Policy Institute six months later ing the negotiations. The Communist Party
revealed that Huawei was the key provider disregards the lives of its own people, but 171. Danielle Cave, “The African Union
of the information and communications it knows that Western societies care about Headquarters Hack and Australia’s 5G
technology infrastructure at the headquar- basic human rights. Therefore, it uses the Network,” Australian Strategic Policy Institute,
ters building. [171] Chinese people as hostages to threaten the July 13, 2018.
André Ken Jakobsson, a postdoctoral fel- enemy—the United States.
172. Theis Lange Olsen and Cathrine Lakmann,
low at the Center for Military Studies in With the rapid development of the Chi-
“Huawei Now on the Danish Mark: ‘The
Copenhagen, said: “What is worrying is nese economy, the CCP has become bolder, Chinese Can Access Systems That Govern Our
Society,’” Danish Broadcasting Corporation,
Dec. 7, 2018.

173. Tang Ming 唐銘, “Zhonggong haike

weizhuang Falun Gong wangzhan, Mei yu Zhong
zunshou guoji guize” 中共駭客偽裝法輪功
網站 美籲中遵守國際規則 [“CCP Hackers
Feigned Falun Gong Websites; America Calls
on China to Observe International Rules”], The
Epoch Times, March 16, 2013.
Huawei Chief
Financial Officer 174. Dan Levin, “Couple Held in China Are Free,
Meng Wanzhou but ‘Even Now We Live Under a Cloud,’” The
leaves the New York Times, Jan. 1, 2017.
Supreme Court of 175. “Peter Navarro on China’s National
British Columbia Security Risks to US,” Fox Business, Dec. 13,
with her security 2018.
detail in Vancou-
ver, Canada, on
Jan. 23, 2020. See next edition for the next installment.

The Readers’ Turn

If you would like to submit a letter to the editor, please contact us: 
Email: lettertoeditor@epochtimes.com
Mail: The Epoch Times 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7, New York, NY 10001

There Are Alarming Trends Toward Socialism Developing Federal Government

Under the Biden Administration Spending Craze
1. Pushing God to the 4. Co-opting the education the overthrow of the U.S. The Biden administration includes funds for child
background system to brainwash government. The opera- along with Congress are on care, family and medical
Removing the phrase “un- our youth tive strategy is to divide a spending craze that will leave, universal pre-k, and
der God” from the Pledge Introducing the 1619 America by race and other continue annual deficits of free community college. It
of Allegiance in the U.S. ideology, undermining identities and “cancel” over $1 trillion. should be postponed and
House of Representatives. America’s roots in democ- those that do not fit the so- The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 looked at some time in the
Did you notice the church racy, into school curricula cialist script. Anyone who stimulus bill enacted in future.
attendance was prohibited at all levels. Then canceling does not agree to their March and the previous As an aside, the cur-
during the COVID-19 lock- the 1776 Program trying terms is “racist.” COVID-19 stimulus bill rent extra $300 per week
down, but demonstrations to fight back. Promoting in 2020 were necessary to in federal unemployment
were OK? How did Chris- critical race theory propa- 8. Taxing corporations and combat the adverse impact compensation should be
tians and Jews fare under ganda. Such brainwashing businesses until they fail of the pandemic. discontinued by the states.
communism? was common in the Soviet Then having the govern- The $2.2 trillion in- It is keeping people from
Union and under the Chi- ment take over key indus- frastructure program entering the workforce and
2. Defunding the police nese Communist Party. tries. More central power proposed by the admin- significantly hurting com-
This insane trend can only and control. istration is highly bloated panies and businesses who
lead to increased crime 5. Lying and cheating to with non-infrastructure need employees.
and violence, which is hide the real purpose of 9. Taxing workers to elements. It should be re- The current administra-
the intended outcome. government programs redistribute wealth to stricted to repairing roads, tion’s spending spree has to
That is why California and For example, infrastruc- those who do not work replacing bridges, and be curtailed, and they need
other states are releasing ture, COVID-19 stimulus. Promoting the idea of expanding broadband. This to effectively and efficiently
prisoners into the general Most of the spending in “equal outcomes for all” could reduce the infrastruc- prioritize and target their
population. Without fund- these programs is for social instead of “equal oppor- ture package to well below spending.
ing and local support, the programs and not the stat- tunity” as the underlying $1 trillion.
police will become inef- ed purpose. More Ameri- incentive for Americans. Biden’s “American Fami- DONALD MOSKOWITZ
fective. Then the govern- cans are dependent upon lies Plan “ of $1.8 trillion NEW HAMPSHIRE
ment can justify a national the federal government. 10. Federal control of guns,
police force. Sound like disabling the
the KGB? 6. Federal control of 2nd Amendment
the election process, Have you heard of the Ge-
3. Open borders usurping state authority stapo? History has shown
There are two deceitful H.R. 1, known as “For the these trends toward more This Audit Farce Must Stop If We
goals here. First, to increase People Act,” is anything central power and control
the population totally de- but. It is to increase gov- are characteristic of so-
Want Our Vote to Count in Arizona
pendent upon the govern- ernment control and rep- cialism and then commu- It is really getting old, being We saw affidavits in the
ment for their everyday resents the largest federal nism. We have a narrow forced to constantly justify hundreds and other evi-
existence. Second, to grow grab for power in history. window of time to change having doubts about the dence of bad behavior in the
voters who are beholden to this within the next two election. The people who say election. We saw several
the government that spon- 7. Corporate and media to five years. Do not stand an audit will jeopardize our states with Trump leads
sored them. This is a huge support of Black Lives by and watch America’s vote and is fraudulent are mysteriously shut down
allocation of resources to Matter demise. the same ones that forced at the same time around
illegals that should be used BLM is a Marxist orga- us to put up with a four-year midnight and then open a
to help Americans. nization committed to GERRY GIESLER investigation of the 2016 few hours later with Biden
election. Are we wrong to miraculously ahead. We saw
have our doubts? judges ignore the results and
Obama received constitutional laws violated.
The All-Out Assault on Small Businesses 69,000,000 votes, Trump re- We saw rallies, boat pa-
Thousands of small businesses country, businesses are having mind would not recognize that ceived 74,000,000 votes, and rades, and one auto rally 95
are attempting to come back a hard time finding people to fill giving people more money to Biden received 81,000,000 miles long for Trump, and it
after a very difficult year be- those jobs. Small businesses are stay at home was the biggest votes. Obama won 873 means nothing?
cause of COVID. Restaurants, having a particular hard time reason for people not returning counties, Trump won 2,497 So tell us again how Biden
and businesses in fitness, finding employees. With their to work? counties, and Biden won 477 actually won 81,000,000
service, and entertainment small margins, they have a hard The next factor is inflation. counties. Both Obama and votes and lost so many algo-
were particularly hurt the most. time competing for employees With the federal government’s Trump won 18 of 19 bell- rithms.
Online businesses like Amazon with companies like Wal-Mart. out-of-control money printing, wether counties. Biden won And tell us why we are so
did great with record sales. Big As you drive around town, prices of goods and services will 1 of 19 bellwether counties. evil and anti-American for
box stores like Wal-Mart did you will see help wanted signs soar. Small businesses will have Both Obama and Trump asking that?
very well. But small businesses everywhere. to weigh how much to increase won Florida, Ohio, and Iowa.
faced arduous restrictions by First, the biggest factor is peo- the price of goods and ser- Biden lost Florida, Ohio, and CHARLES LOPRESTO
governors and mayors that ple are making more on unem- vices and still retain customers. Iowa. ARIZONA
have essentially put them out of ployment than what they would This will lower the number of
business for over a year. Most of make by working. The federal employees a business has while
these businesses have tried just government is paying $300 in still expecting the same work
to keep their heads above water. enhanced benefits. These en- performance. The last two are
On Friday, the April jobs report hanced benefits are scheduled Democrats wanting to raise the
came out with an alarming re- to continue until September. minimum wage to $15 an hour Why States Have Begun to Wisely
sult of only 266,000 jobs created. On Friday, President Biden was and also raise the taxes on their
The expectation was 1 million. asked, “Do you believe en- business.
Ban Critical Race Theory
The results are a warning sign hanced unemployment benefits Will your favorite restaurant While the Biden adminis- did to Jews was to bar them
for all small businesses. had any effect on diminishing still be in business in a year tration is pushing critical from most professions and
There are multiple factors return to work in some catego- or two? race theory (CRT) on federal the universities. Many col-
crushing small businesses ries?” The president’s reply was employees, the military, leges in the USA currently
today. Although there are 7 “no, nothing measurable.” MICHAEL HART and in our schools, states do this to a lesser degree
million job openings across the What American in their right INDIANA
are passing legislation to to Asian college applicants
ban it from being taught in by making their admis-
their public schools. sions much harder. History
CRT rejects both color- does repeat itself, and those
Letter to The Reader’s Turn blindness and meritoc- who are ignorant of it are
I never cease to be amazed at where we are headed. And what are the expectations racy as illusions that allow doomed to repeat it.
the intelligence and ability of Some of the recent Epoch of today’s socialists et al.? Are Whites to perpetuate their The worst part of CRT is
many Americans, and with the letters I have read have ce- they happy in the thought of cultural dominance. Those that Whites cannot re-
advent of The Epoch Times and mented my thoughts regarding their children’s children living who believe in colorblind- deem themselves as they
the letters from readers pages, I the serious, rapid changes that under the yoke of communism ness and meritocracy are are born racist. It is appar-
am more impressed than ever. have come upon this country, or at worst a totalitarian dicta- branded as racist. Instead ently part of their DNA. The
Being an immigrant of over and my lifelong fear of both torship? Do people not realize of advancement through only way Whites can curry
54 years and having worked in imperialism and Godless com- what path this country is now individual merit, CRT some favor is to admit they
industry here, I have experi- munism leads me to believe on? Ah, too many awkward recommends an exclusive are racists. Following that
enced many changes in all fac- that we all should speak out questions from an old man. focus on race in hiring and logic, the FINAL SOLU-
ets of my life. My children have against the efforts of those that But my worries are not for educational opportunities. TION would be to eliminate
largely grown up here, and we seem to prefer such negativities me—they are for MY family, as It is affirmative action on Whites from society by not
now have grandchildren and to freedom. well as the families-to-come of steroids. allowing them to breed or
great grandchildren. Of course, Yet I wonder, where are all the all Americans. CRT promotes the use of putting them in special
we are all true Americans since young, powerful minds that Thank you, not only to The race to create an Orwellian camps where they cannot
our naturalization many years should and must be concerned Epoch Times, but to all the hierarchy of equality in contaminate the rest of
ago. There is no other coun- about their own futures, and great citizens who write such which some racial groups society.
try with which I am familiar the future of their children? cogent, understandable letters would be ranked as supe- The bottom line is CRT is
that compares with America. The imploring letters in the for us all to read and consider. rior to others. To the propo- an evil racist philosophy
Having watched, as a boy in Times are obviously writ- You give us hope for the future nents of CRT, that means that is designed to destroy
England, the convoys of lorries ten by somewhat older, more of this most wonderful country! Whites and Asians will the USA as we know it.
carrying young Americans experienced citizens who have God Bless America! be the ones singled out to
through our village to go to lived through what I term “the be discriminated against. COMMANDER WAYNE L. JOHNSON,
fight and die against Nazism, I halcyon days of America.” Are GEORGE VARDY When Hitler came to power, JAGC, NAVY (RETIRED)
am today very concerned about such days forever behind us? FLORIDA one of the first things he VIRGINIA
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 | A21










10. A type of loose con- Cy’s successful diet
Reshevsky -vs- Najdorf (1952), 
11. Brusque White to move, even Najdorf is not ©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
12. Encourages immune to a trap!
“I heard you’re on another diet,” I said to Cy
13. Has all the power the Cynic. He constantly battles his weight.
14. Most overcome “The 14-day diet,” Cy nodded.
“So how’s it going?”
15. Hoary “Successfully,” the Cynic said. “I finished
20. “Alice” waitress it in five days.”
Cy plays the dummy the same way:
26. Compliant one always trying to finish in a hurry. Against
27. Celebrity his four spades, West led the ten of clubs,
and Cy put up the king. East won and
28. Indian royalty returned a club, and West won and shifted
29. Jet-setters’ jets, to a low heart: queen, king. When East
returned the ten, Cy took the ace but had
once to lose another trick.
30. “___ Freischütz” WORK SPACE FIRST CLUB
(Weber opera) Cy played thoughtlessly, as usual: He
31. The Buckeyes, briefly must play low from dummy on the first
club. If West leads another club to the
32. Indian Almond tree ace, and East returns a diamond, Cy wins,
37. Kennel sound leads a trump to dummy and throws a
heart on the queen of diamonds. He has
38. “Slow down!” 10 tricks.
If West shifts to a heart at Trick Two,
40. “We ___ to parley”: Cy takes the ace. He cashes his ace of
diamonds and reaches dummy with
trumps to ruff the Q-J of diamonds. Cy
43. Trig function then leads a club, and when East takes the
Use the four numbers in the corners, and
45. Court records the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an ace, he is end-played.
47. Didn’t go straight equation to get the solution in the middle.
There may be more than one “unique” so- DAILY QUESTION
49. “Agnes of God” extra lution but, there may also be “equivalent” You hold: kQ 10 9 8 5 j A Q 5 i Q
solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 J 6 h K 5. You open one spade, your
50. Suffix with Ecuador and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 partner bids two clubs, you bid 2NT and
51. “... encourage the he rebids three clubs. What do you say?
Across 35. Salinger heroine 74. “Rugrats” dad ANSWER: Partner has shown long
___”: J.F.K. clubs but minimum values for a two-
1. Dragonflies’ class 36. Whitman’s “barbar- 75. Celebrants’ wear
52. Dove level response. (Even in a game-forcing
8. One ___ (ball game) ic” sound 76. “___ be my pleasure!” two-over-one style, many pairs treat
39. Sought a seat 55. Celtic Neptune
12. Opposite of endo- 79. About, on a memo this sequence as not forcing.) To pass is
41. D.D.E.’s predecessor 80. Bedtime request 56. French possessive possible, but most players would try 3NT.
16. Not so likely 59. Most puckery If partner has 4, 4 3 2, K 8 5, A Q J 8 3 2,
42. Keeler and Dee 83. Layer that contract will usually succeed.
17. Poop 61. Plant of the night- South dealer
44. Saturn satellite 84. Where Bhutan is
18. “The Motorcycle 46. Turns back, perhaps shade family N-S vulnerable
85. Like leftovers
Diaries” actor ___ Garcia 48. Additional military 64. Miscellany NORTH
86. Alibi ___ (excuse kQ 10 9 8 5
Bernal aid or augmentation makers) 66. Loss of willpower jA Q 5
19. Disease caused by 51. Quick glance 87. Number on a baseball 68. Disarranged Hard 1 - 2 Solutions
iQ J 6
hK 5
strep 53. “The Thin Man” card 70. “Cómo ___?”
canine WEST EAST
21. Elated 88. Help settle 71. “Winnie the Pooh” kNone k7
22. Neighbor of Mo. 54. ___ Ste. Marie author’s initials
jJ 9 7 3 jK 10 8
Down iK 10 4 3 2 i9 8 7 5
23. Blue dye 57. Bill of Rights subj. hQ 10 9 2 hA J 7 6 4
1. Ural River city 72. Intestinal division
24. Cyclades island 58. Little scurrier
2. Numerical prefix 76. Wee bit SOUTH
60. Trig. function kA K J 6 4 3 2
25. Camera type, briefly 3. Muscat’s land 77. Waste allowance j6 4 2
62. Deep ___ bend
26. Excessive bone 63. Claw 4. Easter’s beginning 78. Physics unit iA
h8 3
density 65. Battery size 5. None too soon 79. “Lord, is ___?”: Mat-
30. Reservations South West North East
67. Foreign dignitaries 6. Wee thew 1k Pass 2 NT Pass
33. ___ Today 69. Absentminded 7. Bandleader Shaw 81. “Ad hoc” lang. 4k All Pass
34. Starts a pot 73. Biblical verb suffix 8. Native: Suffix 82. “Qi” lead-in Easy 1 - 1 Solution Opening lead —h10



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.






8.  Nd3   1-0
7.  Nb1  Bd7
6.  Nb4  Na4
5.  Rxb2  axb2
4. Rb1  Ndc5
3. Nc3  a3
2. Rxb2  Qxb2
1. Ne2  Bxb2


Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.




Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

“ -


buffet and were leaving —
at the all-you-can-eat
They each ate a large meal


the strong.
the weak by pulling down
Don’t expect to build up

Contact the Puzzle Master @: Feedback@EpochTimes.com

A24 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


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10 Things to Consider Before ‘Nothing Gold Can Stay’

Summer Gets Underway by Robert Frost
Summertime offers a unique blend of joys and There is nothing like a paradox to entice the mind to
challenges for parents. The typical shakeup in daily discover a suggested secret.
rhythm and routines can leave parents scrambling.
See B10 See B9




Children are born with

a desire to play and to
engage their imagination
toward activity and
creativity. It is play for
play’s sake. 

Taking Play Seriously

A reflection on the nature and purpose of play
SEAN FITZPATRICK Play School be any such thing as dull education. In fact,

If anything is taught in the work of educa- the Greek etymology of the word “school”
here is an old story retold a hun- Old things tion, it should be play. True education draws means something like play or leisure. But
dred times from Anatole France are made the imagination toward activity and creativ- we have got a hold of the idea that school is
to Tomie dePaola about an old ity—toward engagement and enjoyment, to- a participation in work, not play.
juggler who performs his very last new again by ward play, by keeping things fresh, by mak- As a definition for “play,” the distinction
act before a statue of the Virgin ing things new, as things are seen Tom Sawyer offers should serve with strong
Mary and Christ Child in a dark church. the power of for the first time on authority: “Work consists of whatever a body
This playful spectacle of flying colored balls play, a power the one hand and is obliged to do ... play consists of whatever
was a gift of delight offered to heaven, and seen again for the a body is not obliged to do.” So be it. Play
one blessed by a delightful miracle for, as wielded by first time on the is not a participation in what is ordinarily
the story goes, when the clown falls to the other. considered to be work. Although one could
floor in death, the Child catches the last fall-
young ones Parents and say that a lot of play is very hard work, re-
ing ball. and those old teachers who quiring effort, it isn’t a burden or indolent.
The dying clown could offer nothing but play with their Play really is something one does for its
his playful frivolity. After all, the human race enough to children and own sake, as is any act closely connected
is a frivolous race; but play has a purity about be children students will to goodness, truth, and beauty. People just
it that is profound. Old things are made new teach and train. do it because play is a marvelous thing to do,
again by the power of play, a power wielded again. They will teach and all children—even young animals—are
by young ones and those old enough to be through delight simply born with that desire to play.
children again. There are fewer lessons to and toward de- But if play has anything obligatory about
be taken more seriously than the lesson of light. They will it, it is to be the playmate of wonder, for
play—of making things new, of playing well re-create as they hand-in-hand they go, encountering and
in all stages of life and learning, so that the recreate. There is no engaging the beauty of things with delight.
delights of the visible and invisible may play such thing as dull play,
a part in every soul’s journey. and neither should there Continued on B2



JEFF MINICK procedures in several decades. The ex-

Renaissance pansion of clinics and hospitals with
of artist
Men, Some believe that our age of specializa-
tion has brought an end to the Renais-
specialized staff took over those duties.
So have people with wide-ranging Leonardo da
Vinci, from an
Renaissance sance man. In medicine, law, and other
professions, practitioners now aim to
knowledge and skills become extinct?
Can our modern age still produce Re- original red
chalk drawing,
Women, develop their talents in a specific field of
concentration, a shift that has occurred
naissance men and women?
Let’s take a look and find out.
circa 1500.

and Happy in my own lifetime.

My uncle, for example, was a family Models of Renaissance Men, Women
Amateurs physician who practiced medicine in
rural Pennsylvania and then in North
When we hear the term Renaissance
man, our first thoughts might turn to
Carolina for many years. In the first 15 Italy in the 15th and 16th centuries, to
years of his career, Uncle Russ delivered men such as Michelangelo or Leonardo
hundreds of babies and performed many da Vinci.
minor surgeries. By the time he retired,
he hadn’t done either of these medical Continued on B3
B2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021

Taking Play Seriously Too often in our

society today, play
A reflection on the nature and purpose of play has a utilitarian

Continued from B1

Play exercises the imagination to recreate Sadly,

the goodness of things in a smaller way in children
order to participate one day in the good-
ness of things in a larger way. are losing
Play is both the beginning and the end
of wisdom, as it delights in truth before it the ability principle Play
is fully known and then again, once it is to play antithetical and the
known. The delight that introduces chil- to play, which is spirit of play
dren to the world, and to the work of the nowadays— never self-centered, must not be dis-
world, regains its sway once that world and but always involving missed as foolish-
its work has been undertaken and under-
which is part another, whether real or ness, but as wisdom,
stood as good, true, and beautiful. Play of the current imagined, whether sen- the highest goal of
prepares children for serious engagement, tient or insentient, whether education. Virtue is
but that labor in turn prepares people to crisis in visible or invisible. characterized not by
play again as old men. education. Besides these psychologi- force, but by facility.
Thus, wise men play for the same reasons cal and cynical obstacles Education should
that children play: to bask in the delight to play, there is a utilitar- aim for this virtu-
of truth, goodness, and beauty and, in so ian pressure in our society osity, this virtuo-
doing, to catch a glimpse or some fleet- that makes unadulterated sic play, ready and
ing flash of the eternal in the transient. play more and more unwel- rearing to rejoice
This is the great game of hide-and-seek come. We are all used to toys in the good, true,
between man and truth, and this interplay that are practical, that teach and beautiful things,
centers on the centripetal or (pardon the numbers or colors or geography uniting work and play
wordplay) theotripetal force in human ex- or some such thing, but are they in a single vision of
istence. Those who play, whether infants educational in the right way? As wisdom.
or ancients, are happy by definition, and John Keats famously remarked, Of course, play is
it is to the happy whom all should look to we hate poetry that has a palpa- something that tends
as a guide in the everyday effort of every ble design upon us, and the same to fade to some extent
day. Happiness is akin to a type of holiness can be said of toys. Toys that have after a child reaches a
and keeping many balls at play in the air teaching as an obvious pragmatic certain age, perhaps
is a symbol for a life of beatitude. end are not fun and play and educa- marking the mysteri-
“Work consists of tion ought to go hand in hand. ous boundary of child-
The Problem of Play whatever a body is Children must learn to play again, hood, when play becomes
Sadly, children are losing the ability to obliged to do … play and this should be part of the pur- less important in one’s
play nowadays—which is part of the cur- consists of whatever pose of education and childhood in life and utilitarian work
rent crisis in education. Given free time, a body is not obliged to general in the modern age of amus- comes to dominate, but
young ones often do not know what to do do,” according to ing ourselves to death, to borrow Neil play certainly never dis-
with themselves, being so accustomed to Mark Twain’s character Postman’s title. appears. It can reappear
incessant, plugged-in entertainment and Tom Sawyer. We as a society need to restore the in a flash, and adults are
distraction. Emotions, personalities, and natural progression of moving from often caught marveling at
thoughts cannot emerge or develop out fresh delights toward familiar delights in the lesson of play given by
of passivity. the procession of Shakespeare’s world the tiny teachers at their
Given experiences of the good, true, and stage: from the infant all the way to feet.
beautiful, juvenile cynics are not drawn to second childishness and mere obliv- They watch and
delight, to play. They have been reared and ion, “sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, learn even as chil-
trained in the illusion that there is little sans everything.” Education begins dren play dead, imi-
to nothing desirable outside oneself—a with teeth, with eyes, with taste, with tating the little juggler
everything—with the play that is a pro- who died even as he played, and see that

pensity for proficiency, leading on to labor, children play dead better than we die. We’re
and through that labor, on again to play, not very good at dying—and we’re no better
to delight in the mystery rather than the at sleeping or singing or playing. But little
mastery of things learned. children can sleep, sing, and play in a pure
The backyard, the classroom, the church, and beautiful way. Their silly little actions
the sports field, the dining-room table, the have about them that quality of perfection
office: all should be playgrounds of delight which is what even death itself would be in
in the same great game of redemption. The a perfect world, for, as any game well played
whole world is but a ball, a cherished toy, bears the delight of perfection in comple-
a dear plaything. tion, so too would a life well-lived bear a
similar delight in its conclusion. This is the
The Secret of Serious Play secret of profound play, of serious play.
The Book of Wisdom in the Bible says
charmingly that Wisdom was with God Sean Fitzpatrick serves on the faculty
from the beginning, playing in his pres- of Gregory the Great Academy, a boarding
ence and in his creation—a lovely thought school in Elmhurst, Pa., where he teaches
and image. And one that fits well with Pla- humanities. His writings on education,
to’s maxim that wonder is the beginning literature, and culture have appeared in a
of wisdom. Man is called, beckoned, to number of journals including Crisis Maga-
Play introduces children to the delight of the world. Nowadays, given free time, play before the cosmos just as the juggling zine, Catholic Exchange, and the Imagina-
many children don’t know what to do with themselves. clown did. tive Conservative.

LOUISE BEVAN but didn’t win, Amos’s mother was heart- Principal Michelle Newsome said
Mom of Boy broken. Brown was truly deserving of the
When a beloved school custodian missed She took to Facebook to share Brown’s accolade.
With Autism out on a $10,000 community prize, one story. “He’s our rock-steady fella here at White
mom decided to one-up the accolade. Brown was born and raised in Edenton. Oak. We are so lucky to have him here,”
Helps Raise Touched by the custodian’s kindness
toward her son—who has autism—the
A father of five, one of whom sadly died
in a motorcycle crash, he had once been
she said. “There isn’t a child in this build-
ing that doesn’t know who Mr. Brown is
$35,000 for entire community helped raise an incred-
ible $35,000.
a high school wrestler and football player
with ambitions to become a state trooper,
and that Mr. Brown cares for them and
loves them.”
Beloved School The check was presented to Raymond
Brown, custodian at White Oak Elemen-
Wood wrote.
Now, instead, he has been changing lives
Brown’s daughter, Dytisha Brown,
agreed, telling WITN that her father loves
Custodian tary in Edenton, North Carolina, on March
20, to his immense surprise.
within the walls of White Oak Elementary
for 15 years.
his job and even arrives before the prin-
cipal. “He makes sure the school is nice
Adrian Wood has sent all four of her chil- Touched by Wood’s post, followers be- and safe for the kids.”
dren to White Oak. Brown has especially gan asking if they could donate to the For Wood, Brown’s contribution to her
helped her 7-year-old son, Amos, fit in with kind-hearted custodian. Wood dubbed the son Amos’s quality of life is priceless.
his peers, despite the obstacles he experi- growing fund the “Famous Amos” award, “I just hope that people will look around
ences as a child with autism. and within just a week, had amassed and see ... It’s not hard to be kind, and it’s

Amos was 3 when he started school. $35,000 from around the world. not hard to recognize kindness,” she said.
Brown told WITN: “My heart went out for Thinking he was going to attend a wa- As for his plans about how the money
him; he was in Pampers when I first met terside photoshoot for his 38th wedding is going to be used, Brown said his wife
him, and I kept showing my love towards anniversary, Brown was summoned to the has her heart set on some home improve-
him. He got that, been attached to me, and picturesque location by Wood and school ments and a much-longed-for vacation
I got attached to him.” staffers. The mayor of Edenton, the chief to see family. Brown himself has modest
Brown came up with the nickname “Fa- of police, and Miss North Carolina were ambitions for his prize money: a second-
mous Amos” to bolster the little boy’s con- in attendance, as well as Brown’s family hand work truck.
fidence, and it worked. from out of town. He also wants to treat school staffers to
Fellow students noticed the bond be- Wood live-streamed the presentation of food and all the kids to ice cream.
tween Amos and the popular custodian, Brown’s “Famous Amos” award and prize
and Amos, who finds it hard to make money on social media. Share your stories with us at emg.in-
friends on his own, was soon surrounded “I was caught off-guard. To see all those spired@epochtimes.com, and continue
by love and support. people shouting and hollering, ‘Mr. Brown, to get your daily dose of inspiration by
When Brown’s name was submitted to congratulations,’ it was beautiful,” Brown, signing up for the Epoch Inspired News-
Raymond Brown with Amos. the North Carolina School Heroes contest who wore a tuxedo for the event, told Today. letter at TheEpochTimes.com/newsletter.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 B3

Though we Yet most of us are not so one-dimensional

may not be as we may suppose. A neighbor of mine, for
Leonardo da instance, a wife and mother of two daugh-
Vinci, many ters under the age of 5, is an excellent cook,
of us possess a gardener who has learned much about
skills and
hobbies that
plants this spring from an older woman,
bring joy to us and the coach of a female college cross-
and others. country team. A young man I know in
Asheville, North Carolina, is a successful
attorney, an excellent businessman, and a
loving husband and father who also teach-
es Sunday school classes for teenagers and
helps his wife homeschool their children.
My point here is this: We may not be
Leonardo da Vinci, but if we honestly as-
sess ourselves and those around us, we
find friends, family, and neighbors who are
possessed of certain skills they themselves
may not recognize as anything special. To
describe them as Renaissance men and
women may be a stretch, but they are am-
bitious amateurs who take pleasure and
pride in their projects and hobbies.

Go for It
G.K. Chesterton offers some advice that
I have loved since I first read it years ago:

Renaissance Men, Renaissance “Anything worth doing is worth doing

That retired dentist who once repaired

Women, and Happy Amateurs your teeth follows Chesterton’s advice

when he takes up carving wooden knights
and ladies for his grandchildren, statues
PUBLIC DOMAIN unworthy of a museum or art gallery, but
Continued from B1 Unsung Talents which bring joy to him and the kids. The
Not all of these multi-talented people be- quiet young teller who handles your bank-
Many of us who are vaguely familiar with long to the past. ing transactions goes home at night, picks
da Vinci, for example, think of him as a A college professor of mine, Henry Hood, up her guitar, and belts out folk and blues
painter, but he was also a scientist, an was a brilliant historian. In the several songs. She’ll never make a recording, but
inventor, and an engineer. classes I took with him, I never once saw her music brings fullness and delight to
In the story of our own country him use notes. In addition, he was an her evenings.
are figures who qualify as Renais- amateur painter, a gardener, an aficio- Suppose you yourself have dreamed of
sance men and women. In addition nado of fine wines, and played the piano, some great undertaking, such as getting
to giving us the Virginia Declaration bagpipes, and the harpsichord. Once, Dr. a pilot’s license, or something less costly,
of Rights and other writings pivotal Hood told me, “When I come home after a like learning to crochet or taking French
in our history, Thomas Jefferson was a day’s work, I practice on the harpsichord, classes at the local community college?
Austrian- president, an amateur architect, a musi- read old books, and step back into the 18th Well, what are you waiting for?
born actor cian, an inventor, and an agronomist. His century.” When we undertake such projects, from
Hedy Lamarr contemporary, Benjamin Franklin, was an In interviewing a woman recently for The Sketches of an love or long desire, we can add such at-
(1913–2000) inventor, a scientist, a diplomat, a writer, Epoch Times, I discovered in passing that automobile by Leonardo tainments to our repertoire of skills while
in 1943. da Vinci, circa 1480.
and the creator of American volunteer fire she wasn’t only a former banker and now at the same time finding deep fulfillment
GETTY IMAGES departments and public libraries. a therapist, but also spoke fluent German, in their acquisition.
Throughout history, various women was a sure shot with a rifle, and loved op- And by that pursuit, we can all become
have also won fame for their broad- era, enjoyed kayaking, and had traveled Renaissance men and women, on however
ranging interests and a multitude and lived all around the United States. Most of us are small a scale.
of talents. Hildegard of Bingen not so one-
(1098–1179) was not only an ab- The Rest of Us Jeff Minick has four children and a grow-
bess, but a composer, playwright, When we look at such people, particularly dimensional ing platoon of grandchildren. For 20
poet, and botanist. The Austrian- the historical figures, we may feel intimidat- years, he taught history, literature, and
born and later American actress Hedy ed by their accomplishments and their ex- as we may Latin to seminars of homeschooling stu-
Portrait of
Lamarr (1914–2000) was famous for her pertise in so many different areas. “I could suppose. dents in Asheville, N.C. He is the author
Thomas big-screen performances, but worked as never be a da Vinci or a Thomas Jefferson,” of two novels, “Amanda Bell” and “Dust
Jefferson well on aircraft design and radio guidance we tell ourselves, and in most cases, we’re On Their Wings,” and two works of non-
by Charles systems for torpedoes for Allied forces in probably right. There are people on this fiction, “Learning As I Go” and “Movies
Willson Peale, World War II. In 2014, years after her death, earth with such a magnitude of intelligence Make The Man.” Today, he lives and
1791. Lamarr was inducted into the National and drive that they cast their shadows over writes in Front Royal, Va. See JeffMinick.
PUBLIC DOMAIN Inventors Hall of Fame. the accomplishments of the rest of us. com to follow his blog.


The Ancient Chinese Art of Self-Improvement

JOSHUA CHARLES But more than that—the “Xunzi” insists power and profit cannot sway him, the
that the virtue required to be a gentle- masses cannot shift him, and nothing in
For many years, I’ve exhorted everyone The ‘Xunzi’ man can only be obtained by a thorough the world can shake him. He lives by this,
I know to develop a love of reading. I’m insists that knowledge of the past: “If you never hear and he dies by this. This is called the state in
particularly passionate about encouraging the words passed down from the former which virtue has been grasped.” This state
parents (to get their children into reading) the virtue kings, you will not know the magnificence of “fixity” is the ability to perceive things
and young people (while they retain their of learning.” Such a statement assumes as they are, and respond accordingly, no
youth, so they may become wise adults). required to be that experience is an essential ingredient matter the costs. “When one can achieve
What I often say is that reading is not a a gentleman in the wisdom by which virtue is obtained fixity,” it says, “only then can one respond
matter of mere pleasure—in fact, this is (hence the respect for the aged in tradi- to things. To be capable both of fixity and
the lowest form of reading. Reading, in its can only be tional Chinese culture). In other words, of responding to things—this is called the
form, is about learning so that one
highest for the idea of endless progress is absurd, and perfected person.”
ma grow in virtue. I often recom-
obtained by the belief that the new is always better is This deeply realist but aspirational stance
mend the subject of history, be-
me a thorough shortsighted. reminded me of something Jordan Peter-
cause in history we are presented
cau The “Xunzi” also affirms that the gentle- son said: “Pick up your [expletive] suffering
with countless examples of human
wit knowledge man learns for the sake of his own growth and bear it! And try to be a good person, so
conduct by which we may be in-
con of the past. in virtue—not in order to engage in vir- you don’t make it worse! ... Stand up solidly
structed in every imaginable sub-
str tue-signaling: “Students in ancient times so people can rely on you!”
ject that matters most for the well-
jec learned for their own sake, but the students That is what it is to be a virtuous person—
lived life—things like character,
liv of today learn for the sake of impressing to be a truly human person.
statesmanship, and wisdom.
sta others. Thus the learning of the gentleman When one reads texts such as the “Xunzi,”
I was joyfully reminded of this is used to improve his own person.” one encounters many examples of what I
truth when I read the first chapter
tru Likewise, the gentleman accepts that it jokingly call “2,200-year-old headlines” (or
of an ancient Chinese text called takes hard work to grow in virtue: “The gen- however old a particular text is)—mean-
the “Xunzi,” entitled “An Exhor- tleman is exceptional not by birth, but rath- ing, I am reading something whose ne-
tation to Learning.” It defines the
tat er by being good at making use of things.” cessity and substance for all of us in 2021
“Xunzi: The “gentleman” as one who constantly grows
“gentleman This could not be more different than mod- is as relevant (oftentimes more so) than
Complete iin virtue
i t according to “the Way” (an idea ern, noxious ideologies and “movements” today’s headlines. One discovers that hu-
Text,” very similar to Western notions of “natural that insist one’s virtue consists in things man nature has not changed much over
edited and law” that everyone can perceive through one need not work on or refine. thousands of years, and the ingredients for
translated reason), and its essence is contained in Joshua Charles is a The “Xunzi” also emphasizes the impor- true happiness—found only in virtue—re-
by Eric L.
the opening line: “The gentleman says: former White House tance of one’s relationships to growth in main fundamentally the same at all times,
Learning must never stop.” The “gentle- speechwriter for Vice virtue: “In learning, nothing is more expe- for all people; and the modern formula of
man” is one “[who] learns broadly and President Mike Pence, dient than to draw near to the right person.” following your whimsical and shortsighted
examines himself thrice daily, and then No. 1 New York Times As the old saying goes, “bad company cor- desires (for which others must constantly
his knowledge is clear, and his conduct is bestselling author, rupts good morals,” and that truth was no affirm you) is definitively not it.
without fault.” historian, columnist, less known to the Chinese more than two Such wisdom has perhaps never been
Self-examination—what a concept! One writer/ghostwriter, millennia ago than it is to those who retain more necessary as in times as decadent
long espoused by the greatest minds in the and public speaker. their common sense today. and indulgent as ours. May we recover this
West as well, and the opposite of the trite, Follow him on Twitter This growth of virtue, the “Xunzi” de- great tradition, the wisdom of the sages of
self-serving, endlessly indulgent banalities @JoshuaTCharles clares, ultimately leads to a personal dis- all cultures and times! May we stop limiting
to which we are constantly subjected by or see position the author calls “fixity,” which ourselves to ourselves, and learn that the
pop culture. JoshuaTCharles.com he describes this way: “For this reason, individual is foolish, but the species is wise.
B4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


A Year Later: The

Mental Impact of
Pandemic Anxiety
BARBARA DANZA anxiety and it creates distrust. So then
the question becomes “Does anyone re-

ast year I spoke to mental health ally know what they’re doing?” Because if
expert Gregory Jantz, author of “The they did, why are they destroying mental
Anxiety Reset: A Life-Changing Ap- health?
proach to Overcoming Fear, Stress, Worry,
Panic Attacks, OCD and More” about the The Epoch Times: Though children don’t
impact of lockdowns imposed to combat seem to be very prone to the virus itself,
a pandemic. At the time, he shared his their lives have been greatly impacted by
concerns about how people were han- society’s reaction to it. How do you think
dling weeks of shutdowns. our children are doing?
After more than a year of continuing Dr. Jantz: Our children are learning—
measures, Jantz revisits Americans’ men- and being conditioned with—fear.
tal health. Here’s what he said. They’ve been asked to wear a mask, and
there were long stretches of time when
The Epoch Times: When we spoke last they were not allowed in classrooms. Kids
year, Americans were some weeks into are experiencing massive academic fail-
living under various states of lockdown. ure, and we’ve interrupted normal de-
At that time, you raised the alarm on “the velopmental stages. They’re not getting
ticking time bomb” you saw in terms of the hugs, the touch, the in-person peer
the mental health impact of such mea- interaction that they need to be “normal.”
sures. Almost a year later, a variety of So the social anxiety with kids is huge
restrictive measures still exist in many because all the rules are different. For and then the virus comes along; there Gregory
parts of the country. In your observation, instance: The CDC is saying that it’s OK isn’t enough bleach to get everything Jantz,
how are people coping overall? for them to keep a three-foot distance clean enough! I have a patient who is still, advises as a
Dr. Gregory Jantz: The ticking time from each other, but they have to stay one year later, pulling into her garage first step, to
bomb is just now starting to go off. One six feet away from their teachers. after a grocery store trip and washing, “move from
out of every five Americans are saying So they’re continuing to be con- wiping every item she purchased, and ‘self’ focus
to ‘other’
that they’re experiencing significant anx- ditioned with fear; kids think then changing her clothes before she
iety, that they’re on the edge of despair. they’re being told their friends steps back into the house. Just another
Some emergency rooms are using a new aren’t safe, and certainly, their example of how pandemic fear intensi-
phrase—“COVID psychosis”—because teacher isn’t. fied any existing mental health issue that
of what they’re seeing: people break- people already had.
ing from reality because of unrelenting The Epoch Times: What, if any,
anxiety. I think we’re seeing the tip of the long-term effects should parents be The Epoch Times: How can people be-
iceberg ... sadly, we’re just at the begin- aware of possibly manifesting in their Dr. Gregory gin to let go of the mental and emotional
ning of the crisis. children? As the situation lingers, do Jantz. trauma this past year may have brought
We have more addiction than we have you have any practical advice for parents upon them?
had in the past, with alcohol sales still who wish to best support their children’s Dr. Jantz: Anxiety affects your prefron-
at record numbers. At our clinic, we see healthy growth and development despite tal lobe, where your executive function
some IT and technology professionals the circumstances? is, so it paralyzes decision-making and
who are now working from home. Over Dr. Jantz: How kids act out their anxi-
The rules lowers your willingness to take risks. So
time, their alcohol consumption has in- ety and fear can vary depending on their keep it’s going to take some courage, but you
creased, even starting at 2 or 3 p.m. in age, but like adults, they could be turn- have to push through what your current
the afternoon, while they’re still working. ing to food to cope and can experience changing, inclination is. In the treatment of anxiety,
And so we have a lot of secret addiction sleep disruption. I’ve recently worked we’re getting there is what we call “exposure therapy.”
going on—people are drinking during with someone whose 5-year-old is now For instance, if you’re feeling agoraphobic
work hours because they’re working from allowed to go back to school after nearly a conflicting because you don’t want to leave the house,
home. Just one example of how people are year, and the parent said that the child is you have got to take those 20-minute daily
not faring very well. literally screaming in fear because she’s information, walks. You have to push yourself to get out
afraid to go back to the classroom. and that in the fresh air, and keep going a little fur-
The Epoch Times: While there has been a Additionally, we’re just now starting to ther each time. We have to keep exposing
great deal of focus to attempt to curb the see research about the effects of mask makes ourselves to whatever is causing our fear.
spread of a contagious virus, do you feel wearing, both physically and emotion-
that the mental and emotional impacts ally. Expect to learn a lot more about how
two things The Epoch Times: How can we best move
of the measures put in place have been much damage has truly been done, to all happen: forward?
weighed appropriately? of us, as we tried to control the pandemic. Dr. Jantz: A great first step: Move from
Dr. Jantz: I believe if we had sincerely Unknowns “self” focus to “other” focus. Decide
considered ahead of time what this was The Epoch Times: Both adults and chil- create more you’re going to be less self-absorbed, and
going to do to mental health, and how it dren alike have faced worry, anxiety, fear, begin to reach out to others. You know,
would affect behavioral health, there are social isolation, and more for over a year. anxiety and there’s this great thing my wife started
many things that should have been done What do you expect the impact of this to that I’m also doing: We programmed a
differently. be in the long run? it creates notice that pops up daily on all our de-
I just did some work with a Canadian or- Dr. Jantz: This will have a long-term ef- distrust. vices, reminding us to reach out to one
ganization—as you know, Canada is back fect on certain people, like those who person a day.
to some pretty severe lockdowns right suffer from PTSD; there have been a lot Gregory Jantz As I discuss this, in fact, I’m looking at
now. The leaders were asking me: “What of trigger points to re-traumatize. I think a notice on my computer that simply says
do we do for our people when there are so we’re increasing the duration and inten- “one person a day.” The idea is to reach
many unknowns? They keep changing the sity of the mental health issues that peo- beyond yourself: There’s one person to-
rules, we don’t know what’s next.” ple already had, for instance, with those day that you can say a kind word to, one
And that’s happened here, hasn’t it? The who struggle with obsessive-compulsive person a day that needs encouragement,
rules keep changing, we’re getting con- disorder. one person that was put in your path for a
flicting information, and that makes two The virus was the “perfect storm” in a reason. It can be that simple—start with
things happen: Unknowns create more way—you’re already coping with OCD, just one person.


‘Self-Confidence Comes From Accomplishment’

« Advice from our readers have concerning yourself. You must charge Manhood is not “window dressing” such er. Likewise, the most important thing a
ahead in your dream or ambition, which as flaunting tattoos, body piercings, smok- mother can do for her children is to love
to our young people means collecting the essential keys, the ing, or belligerent behavior. A man is as- their father.
“magical” tools (training, degrees, certifi- sertive, not aggressive. He allows no one —Sincerely,
At the age of 97, I still remember how all cates, and work experience) to open the to “step” on him but does not initiate or John M. R. Kuhn, MD
through high school I believed I wasn’t door to accomplishing your goal. invade another’s “domain.” Being a man
smart enough to go to college. Before I had Here are some points to consider: is being a “good, kind, nice” person, one
time to seriously consider it, World War II 1. Do some self-analysis. Evaluate yourself who does what’s right. What advice would you like to give to
came along, and there I was, in the Army. honestly, objectively; unpolluted by feelings We all tend to perceive things, events, the younger generations?
The sudden change was my first major of insecurity, shyness, and low self-esteem and people through a prism of natural self-
“culture shock,” which dra- which are natural in everyone centeredness, narcissism. So, it is up to us We call on all of our readers to share the
matically impacted my nor- who breathes. to discern our own human weakness and timeless values that define right and
wrong, and pass the torch, if you will,
mal, youthful low self-esteem. 2. Self-confidence does not constantly battle it in order to think “out-
through your wisdom and hard-earned
Suddenly, I was surrounded come from outside praises. wardly,” beyond our inner self-absorbed experience. We feel that the passing down
by men from 18 to their 30s Self-confidence comes from world. The Indians say, “Don’t judge until of this wisdom has diminished over time,
who ranged from smarter accomplishment, doing you’ve walked in his shoes.” and that only with a strong moral founda-
than I to what I perceived as something well, successfully, Character, not intelligence, makes hu- tion can future generations thrive.
“ dumb.” and efficiently. mans honorable!
—Prof. Charles Callaci (ret.) Send your advice, along with your full
These comments are not to 3. How one dresses tele-
name, state, and contact information
belittle the incompetent or graphs how you want people to NextGeneration@epochtimes.com or
“unqualified” as much as to How we dress telegraphs to think of you; signs of self-re- Dear Next Generation, mail it to: Next Generation, The Epoch
help you rid yourself of any how we want people to spect relate to clothing, groom- The most important thing a father can Times, 229 W. 28th St., Floor 7, New York,
possible negatives you might think of us. ing, language, and so on. do for his children is to love their moth- NY 10001.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 B5


2 Historic Business Flops by Legendary

Entrepreneurs Reveal a Poignant Truth About Failure
Even the most successful people confront the specter of failure. The question is can we learn from it?


In this essay, I want to tell readers about industrialist
two of the last century’s big and fascinating Henry Ford
business failures. But first, some related (1863–
insights. 1947)
In her 2008 commencement address at The difference sitting at
his desk in
Harvard University, “Harry Potter” au- between a bad his office
thor J. K. Rowling famously asserted, “It is in Highland
impossible to live without failing at some- entrepreneur and Park, Mich.
thing, unless you live so cautiously that
you might as well not have lived at all—in
a good one is not
which case, you fail by default.” failure, but rather,
So many well-known businesspeople
failed before they succeeded or failed at allowing failure
something after they succeeded. Learning to sink you or to
from failure is a cardinal rule of entrepre-
neurship. The difference between a bad teach you.
entrepreneur and a good one is not failure,
but rather, allowing failure to sink you or
to teach you. The motivational speaker
Dennis Waitley said: “Failure should be
our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is
delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour,
not a dead end. Failure is something we
can avoid only by saying nothing, doing
nothing, and being nothing.”
Risk is unavoidable in an ever-changing
and uncertain world. You cannot avoid fail-
ure by trying to avoid risk. You will simply
fail in the effort and reduce your chances
for success.
The entrepreneur assembles factors of
production in the present and hopes that SPOONER & WELLS/HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES
his decisions will be validated by the future Ford set his sights on building his own rub-
market conditions he anticipates. But not ber operation there. He negotiated with the
even the smartest human being knows ev- Brazilian government, and in 1927, he fi-
erything about the tomorrow that has not nalized an agreement by which he secured
happened yet. Risk of failure is inherent 2.5 million acres along the Tapajos River, a
in any investment in an uncertain future. hundred miles south of where it flowed into
Like his father before him, candy maker the Amazon at the city of Santarem. In ex-
Milton Hershey flopped multiple times change, he would have to give the govern-
before he prospered. So did cartoonist, ment a 9 percent share of the profits. The
filmmaker, and theme park pioneer Walt centerpiece of the project would be a new
Disney. Being good entrepreneurs, they town, which the auto magnate christened
didn’t give up. They learned and they per- “Fordlandia.”
severed. Talk about thinking big! The man from
Reasons for failure include poor planning Dearborn envisioned not only a massive
or poor implementation of a plan, under- rubber-producing operation 4,000 miles
capitalization, managing people badly, from home, but also a utopian village where
lousy marketing, innovating too slowly, his Midwest American values would trans-
underestimating the competition, being form a foreign society. It was a Herculean
overwhelmed by the unforeseen, or simply challenge in every way—logistically, envi-
failing to learn from previous failures. ronmentally, culturally, and economically.
You can fail because you didn’t think big It took a small fortune and only six years
enough. You can fail because you thought before Fordlandia collapsed. The Brazilian
too big. And you can fail for any number of workers disliked American food and cared
reasons and sizes in between. even less for Ford’s ban on alcohol (even in
This excerpt from Theodore their own homes). Bugs and Henry Ford posing in the driving seat of his first car, the Quadricycle, in New York in 1910.
Roosevelt’s April 1910 “Man diseases did not approve of
in the Arena” speech in Paris the rubber trees Ford’s man- ial I am that the thought of such a venture not succeed. If fear of failure were all it
provides me with the perfect agers planted. Fordlandia would never have occurred to me, at any took for humans to fail to act, wouldn’t we
segue to the rest of this essay: closed and Ford moved op- age. But I am grateful that there are people still be living in caves? When great men
“It is not the critic who erations upriver but within in the world who are obviously more cou- like Ford and Ludwig take big chances, it
counts; not the man who a decade, those shut down, rageous and more visionary than me. inspires others to take chances too, big
points out how the strong man too. The invention of synthet- Once the plant was assembled in 1979, and small.
stumbles, or where the doer of ic rubber in the 1940s made it began producing 750 tons of cellulose I do not sneer at failures like the two I
deeds could have done them natural rubber obsolete. every single day. Nonetheless, the proj- have written about here. I marvel at them
better. The credit belongs to Ford’s grandson Henry II ect as a whole yielded losses that forced and wish that I had half the courage to try
the man who is actually in the sold everything back to the Ludwig to sell it all to Brazilian investors such remarkable ventures. It is indicative
arena, whose face is marred Brazilian government in in 1981. He devoted the remaining decade of a spirit without which humanity’s exis-
by dust and sweat and blood; Entrepreneur Daniel K. 1945 for a loss, in today’s dol- of his life to financing cancer research, tence would be dull and stagnant.
who strives valiantly; who Ludwig (1897–1992). lars, of nearly $300 million. donating hundreds of millions of dollars It is no compliment to be among “those
errs, who comes short again Daniel K. Ludwig (1897– for that purpose. cold and timid souls who neither know
and again, because there is no effort with- 1992), also a Michiganian, never gained victory nor defeat.” 
out error and shortcoming; but who does the notoriety of Henry Ford but that was
actually strive to do the deeds; who knows fine with him. He deliberately shunned the For Additional Information, See:
great enthusiasms, the great devotions; limelight his entire life. His Brazil project Fordlandia closed and “Milton Hershey Showed that Persistence
who spends himself in a worthy cause; who in the 1960s and ‘70s, though, was just as is the Key to Success” by Lawrence W.
at the best knows in the end the triumph of spectacular as Ford’s. Ford moved operations Reed
high achievement, and who at the worst, if Ludwig’s first entrepreneurial venture upriver but within a “Failure Made Disney Great” by Law-
he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, took the form of transporting lumber and rence W. Reed
so that his place shall never be with those molasses on freighters plying the Great decade, those shut “Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Hen-
cold and timid souls who neither know vic- Lakes. He was just 19 when he started the ry Ford’s Forgotten Jungle City” by Greg
tory nor defeat.” company. Over the next half century, he down, too. Grandin
The two business flops I want readers to built one of the world’s largest fortunes “Fordlandia: Henry Ford’s Forgotten
know about featured two North American by mastering the businesses of shipping What are we to make of gargantuan Rubber Empire Deep in the Heart of the
entrepreneurs operating decades apart but (he practically invented the supertanker), gambles like Fordlandia and Monte Dou- Amazon” by Morgan Dunn
in the same South American country—Bra- hotels, insurance, orange groves, oil refin- rado? The small-minded will be quick to “The Invisible Billionaire: Daniel Lud-
zil. The first was Henry Ford, the second ing, and cattle ranching. criticize, to be sure. They are probably the wig” by Jerry Shields
was Daniel K. Ludwig. To borrow again At the age of 70, long after he could have same people who dismiss the dreams of “Daniel Ludwig, Billionaire Business-
from Roosevelt, they dared greatly. retired to a life of luxury, Ludwig came up present-day entrepreneurs to explore the man, Dies at 95” by Eric Pace
Ford’s name was known everywhere a with his big Brazil idea. He bought 4 mil- deepest ocean floor or to colonize Mars.
century ago and likely still is today. When lion acres not far from the ruins of Ford- From me, however, you won’t hear any- Lawrence W. Reed is FEE’s president
the last Model T rolled off his assembly landia and planned to build a pulp paper thing but an encouraging word when emeritus, Humphreys Family senior
line in Michigan in 1927 (making way for mill. But first, he would create a model someone thinks big (especially if he does Fellow, and Ron Manners Global
its successor, the Model A), he had sold community called Monte Dourado and it with his own money). Ambassador for Liberty, having served
15 million of them for an average of a few develop local agriculture to feed the in- I am sure that neither Ford nor Ludwig for nearly 11 years as FEE’s president
hundred dollars apiece. By enriching so habitants he hoped would work in the mill. ever tried to fail. It is not a difficult task if (2008–2019). He is the author of the 2020
many people with the first mass-produced, A tall order grew much taller when Lud- you think about it. I am also sure that nei- book, “Was Jesus a Socialist?” as well as
affordable automobile, Ford became rich wig decided that rather than construct the ther man enjoyed it when it happened. But “Real Heroes: Incredible True Stories of
himself. But solving problems was always mill from scratch on site, it was more fea- I am also certain that they did not fear it. Courage, Character, and Conviction”
more interesting to him than making mon- sible to build it in Japan and ship it across Ford himself once said, “Failure is simply and “Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging
ey. Dealing with a British rubber monopoly the ocean to Brazil. That’s right. He built an the opportunity to begin again, this time the Myths of Progressivism.” His website
was the problem that gave him a big idea. entire paper mill in Japan and towed it in more intelligently.” is LawrenceWReed.com
Knowing that Brazil’s Amazon region was two giant pieces all the way to Brazil, and Do not be afraid of failure. Be prepared
packed with rubber trees that produced the then hundreds of miles up the Amazon. to learn from it. Do not fail to take a risk This article was originally published
latex he needed to make automobile tires, Perhaps it tells you how unentrepreneur- because you are afraid the dream might on FEE.org
B6 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


Hot Wheels toys, and now—with more home

time—playing simulator racing with his
friends. He also enjoys cruises and traveling.
On top of all that, the young scholar is an
He’s developed a system called Reflect
Social, which can integrate devices from 15
different manufacturers into one easy-to-
use app.
He even 3D printed his own microphones
and designed a technology that fits inside
the ears of students who are having trou-
Wimmer says he’s always been a fast learner.
ble hearing in the classroom. “I sold those
throughout worldwide,” he said.
More impressively, Wimmer has worked
on a language translating technology for
the U.S. military.
“I’ve actually done a lot, a big military con-
tract with the United States Special Opera-
tions Command. I was able to figure these
different things out ... that was definitely
an interesting experience to learn how do
In addition to completing high school, people learn languages.” Meanwhile, Mike’s
Mike Wimmer is also graduating with an parents, Melissa and Mark Wimmer, are in-
associate's degree from Rowan Cabarrus
Community College.
credibly proud of their preteen prodigy.
“He’s worked hard to reach his goals,” Me-
lissa told NBC. “When he had obstacles in
For the most part, Mike Wimmer taught (Top) Mike Wimmer's parents, Melissa his way, he figured out a way around them.”
himself programming and robotics through and Mark Wimmer. (Above) Mike Wimmer Mark is particularly pleased with his son’s
trial and error and online videos. is wrapping up his senior year. progress in developing life skills—in addi-
tion to his academic endeavors.
“That social and soft skill side of him I
think, is the part that’s really grown and re-

12-Year-Old Prodigy to ally impressed us even much more than just

the academics for sure,” he told the network.
Mark’s son grasps that communication
is key in becoming a successful business-

Graduate NC High School man. He’s recently focused on his writing,

speaking, and social adeptness.
“I can have the best technology, write the
best code, you’re the best thing,” he said.

With Perfect 4.0 GPA “But if I can’t display my idea, or display my

creation to someone else to make it relat-
able, then it has no use to the world.”
Despite all he’s got going on, Wimmer
has little trouble switching gears from kid
MICHAEL WING “And then I built this robot that could do it.” mode—having fun with friends—to high

Through trial and error, Wimmer learned school or college mode—interacting with
ike any other 12-year-old, Mike how to get around different problems and By age 7, his older peers.
Wimmer is ardent about video find solutions. He’s not afraid to fail. That’s Wimmer “We talked about the kid stuff, the racing,
games, race cars, and playing how he learns. the cars, that kind of thing,” he said. “And
sports with his friends. “I taught myself everything I know,” he was building then say, for my high school peers, I can dial
Unlike most students his age, said, and that includes programming in 12 it up. And then for my colleagues, I can dial
though, Wimmer will be graduating from different computer languages. robots up even more.”
high school in about a week—years ahead But it didn’t come without help. that could As for the future, Wimmer has still plenty
of your typical preteen. Wimmer’s parents exposed him to differ- of time to plan.
Not only is he set to graduate from Con- ent fields, yet allowed him to choose his own solve complex “I’m deciding between two colleges that
cord Academy in North Carolina on May 21, path. Meanwhile, his teachers were excited to are local in North Carolina,” he said, adding
he was also named valedictorian of his high see him excel in whatever they were teaching. puzzles. that he has also applied to a Thiel fellowship
school and has a perfect GPA of 4.0, no less. Wimmer said that, if you love what you’re to grow his startup enterprises instead of
The young upstart from Salisbury has doing, work isn’t all that taxing—even for a going to school.
always been a fast learner, he said, soak- 12-year-old. “I think what I’m doing is fun,” “So there’s just tons of different options
ing up information rapidly from his iPad he said. “I never worked a day in my life.” that I have and that’s something to think
starting at the age of 18 months. But that doesn’t mean he’s incapable of about for sure,” he said.
By age 7, Wimmer was building robots playing around like others his age. Wim-
that could solve complex puzzles. mer enjoys being a kid and cutting loose Share your stories with us at emg.inspired
“I think one of the most memorable with his friends in addition to his academic @epochtimes.com, and get your daily
achievements that I have is I’ve actually endeavors. dose of inspiration by signing up for the
built a Rubik’s Cube solver with my Lego His pastimes include basketball, swim- Epoch Inspired newsletter at TheEpoch-
Mindstorms,” he told The Epoch Times. ming, IMSA sports car endurance racing, Times.com/newsletter.


(Far left) U.S.

Marine Corps
Sgt. Angela
Cardone looks
After a month of
forward to working with her
Bogi to Hawaii’s I realized that we
beaches and
hiking trails. had the exact same
(Left) Cardone personality: super
trained Bogi
in tasks such clumsy, goofy, and
as narcotics
we worked really,
safety sweeps, really well together.
and vehicle
searches. Angela Cardone

Military Dog Retired After Injury Gets Adopted by Former Marine Partner
LOUISE BEVAN Japan, in 2017. Cardone trained the her K-9 ex-partner a forever home. with hugs, toys, and flower garlands,
dog to master narcotics detection, She contacted American Hu- Cardone and her pooch posed for
U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Angela Car- safety sweeps, and vehicle searches mane’s military program for help pictures on the beach before head-
done and her military dog Bogi be- before the pairing was made official. transporting Bogi overseas. The ing home to Kaneohe.
came inseparable after they trained Initially, Cardone hadn’t been all nonprofit came through, guiding “The first few moments of seeing
together for two years and em- that enthused to work with Bogi. Cardone through the adoption Bogi ... it was indescribable,” Car-
barked on a 15-month partnership. “She didn’t really know that many process, handling the paperwork, done said. “I never thought that this
But when Cardone was reassigned commands, she didn’t even know her funding Bogi’s trans-Pacific journey day would actually come, so it’s just a
from Japan to Hawaii, she didn’t name,” Cardone told the Daily Mail. from Japan to Hawaii, and providing really heartwarming type of feeling.”
have the chance to say goodbye. “But after a month of working with future veterinary care. Cardone is looking forward to in-
After two years of wondering, wait- her I realized that we had the exact Representatives from the organi- troducing Bogi to Hawaii’s beaches
ing, and massive amounts of paper- same personality: super clumsy, zation said they felt honored and and hiking trails, and also giving
work, Cardone was reunited with goofy, and we worked really, really thrilled to reunite the sergeant with plenty of treats, couch time, and
her former K-9 partner. well together.” At the beginning, her best friend, while giving Bogi a Starbucks puppuccinos.
Bogi, now 5 years old, had been Bogi was dependable and boost- Bogi didn’t know deserved, blissful retirement. “I’ve been looking forward to this,”
many commands,
retired from service, which allowed ed Cardone’s confidence as a dog “Sgt. Cardone and Bogi made so she told the Honolulu Star Adver-
or even its name.
the former handler to adopt the dog handler. many sacrifices in service to our tiser. “She’s the sweetest dog you’ll
to live out the rest of its days in bliss. After redeployment to Hawaii, country,” American Humane Presi- ever meet.”
“It feels wonderful, like a huge the sergeant worried she’d never dent Robin Ganzert said in a state-
weight has been lifted off my chest,” see Bogi again. ment. “Bringing them back together Share your stories with us at emg.
Cardone, 22, told People. She’d been Months passed. Then in June is the least we can do in return.” inspired@epochtimes.com, and
dreaming of a possible reunion 2020, Bogi had a severe neck inju- On Feb. 16, a tail-wagging Bogi get your daily dose of inspiration
since the day they parted ways. ry, which made the dog eligible for and Cardone were reunited at the by signing up for the Epoch
The pair was first introduced at the medical retirement. And Cardone Queen Kapi’olani Hotel in Hono- Inspired newsletter at TheEpoch-
Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni, immediately reached out to offer lulu. After showering the retired pup Times.com/newsletter.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 B7



early 700 years ago, in Septem-
ber 1321, the Italian literary
great Dante Alighieri died.
Dante wrote poetry and im-
portant theoretical works on
a wide range of topics, including moral
philosophy and political thought. For his
works, he drew inspiration from the an-
cient classics by writers such as Virgil and
In Florence, Dante sat on the Council
of Priors, a position of high governance.
His opposition to the pope’s annexing of
Tuscan land led eventually to his being
sentenced to death if he were to set foot in
Florence again.
It is believed that Dante wrote most of 2. THE BASILICA OF THE HOLY CROSS, FLORENCE 3. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, ANGERS

his best works, including “The Divine

Comedy,” his most famous, when he was
in exile. Rather fittingly, a commemora-
tive exhibition called “Dante: The Vision of
Art” recently opened at the San Domenico
Museums of Forlì, in northern Italy, the
very town that Dante fled to in 1302, from
Arezzo (80 miles southeast of Florence).
The exhibition is a joint collaboration of
The Uffizi Galleries in Florence and the
Cassa dei Risparmi of the Forlì Foundation.
The exhibition draws together around 300
artworks from world-class museum collec-
tions across the globe. The Uffizi Galleries
alone have contributed some 50 works, in-
cluding famous portraits of the poet and a
set of drawings by Michelangelo.
It’s an unprecedented exhibition, both in
scale and scope, demonstrating Dante’s in-
fluence on art from the 13th century right
through to the 20th century and how he 4. FABIO BLACO/ UFFIZI GALLERIES 5. ST. MARK’S MUSEUM, FLORENCE

inspired artists from the Middle Ages to

the Renaissance, Neoclassical, and Ro-
mantic eras.
“It’s the first time through the centu-
ries you’ll see the importance and visual
fortune of not only the ‘Divine Comedy,’
but really all the literary production of the
great poet. We’ll even zoom in on the most
famous and important Dante characters
through the centuries,” the director of
The Uffizi Galleries, Eike Schmidt, said in
a press video interview.
Included in the exhibition are first edi-
tions of “The Divine Comedy.” High-
lights also include many visual interpre-
tations of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise,
the work’s three sections. The exhibition
ends with images of Heaven inspired by
1. Portraits of Italian literary greats Giovanni Boccaccio (L) and Dante, by Andrea del Castagno, and texts by Dante or inspired by him are among
Paradise Canto XXXIII. some of the approximately 300 works in the exhibition “Dante: The Vision of Art.” 2. Coronation of the Virgin between the Angels and Saints (the
Baroncelli Polyptych), after 1328, by Giotto and Taddeo Gaddi. Tempera and gold on wood; 72.4 inches by 126.4 inches by 11.4 inches. The
The exhibition “Dante: The Vision of Art,” Basilica of the Holy Cross, Florence. 3. “Paolo and Francesca Surprised by Gianciotto,” 1819, by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Oil on canvas;
at the San Domenico Museums in Forlì, 19.8 inches by 16 inches. Museum of Fine Arts, Angers, France. 4. Portrait of Dante Alighieri, circa 1560, by Cristofano dell’Altissimo. Oi5l on
runs until July 11. To find out more, visit panel; 23.6 inches by 17.3 inches. The Gioviana Collection, The Uffizi Galleries, Florence. 5. “Final Judgement,” 1425–1430, by Fra Angelico.
MostraDante.it Tempera on panel; 41.3 inches by 82.7 inches. St. Mark’s Museum, Florence.


6. A sketch of Paradise, 1588–1592, by Tintoretto. Oil on canvas; 59 inches by 177.2 inches. Intesa Sanpaolo Collection, on loan at the Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice, Italy. 7. “Dante Reads
‘The Divine Comedy’ at the Court of Guido Novello,” 1850, by Andrea Pierini. Oil on canvas; 55.1 inches by 72 inches. Gallery of Modern Art, Pitti Palace, The Uffizi Galleries, Florence. 8. “Cain, ” 1902,
by Domenico Trentacoste. Bronze; 43.7 inches by 35 inches by 37.4 inches. The National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome. 9. “Farinata of the Urberti,” 1901–1903, by Carlo Fontana.
Marble; 72.8 inches by 41.3 inches by 36.2 inches. The National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome.
B8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


The Weight of Addiction:

Titian’s ‘Sisyphus’

ERIC BESS fices and offerings required for a husband’s to hurry to the top of the hill.

death. Then, in the underworld, he pleaded
ometimes we find ourselves ad- with the kindhearted Persephone, the wife The Weight of Our Addictions
dicted to substances, emotions, of Hades, to let him go back to his wife and Three things immediately stand out to me
and ways of thinking that keep us instruct her on the proper burial proce- in this painting: the fact that Sisyphus is
far from experiencing any sem- dure. Sisyphus’s plan worked, and he was carrying the boulder instead of pushing it,
blance of inner peace. again among the living with no intention the snake that threatens him from below,
I came across a painting by Titian of Si- of returning to the underworld. and the imposing nature of the composi-
syphus that made me reflect on the nature Intervening himself, Zeus made sure that tion’s edges. Let’s look at each element to
of our addictions. Sisyphus would not escape the next time see what moral insight they might provide.
he entered the underworld. Sisyphus was When I see Sisyphus carrying the boul-
Sisyphus Twice Cheats Death made to suffer for eternity by forever push- der instead of pushing it, I immediately
In Greek legend, Sisyphus was the sly ing a boulder uphill, only to have it fall back think of our addictions. Our addictions of-
and deceitful king of Corinth. He helped down to the bottom of the hill after reach- A self-portrait, circa ten start as small interests or desires, and
Corinth prosper commercially, but he of- ing the summit. 1562, by Titian. Titian with time, they become something outside
is considered the most
ten refused to show guests to his city the important artist of the
of our control.
decency and hospitality required by Zeus. Titian’s ‘Sisyphus’ 16th-century Venetian For instance, what may start as drinking
He would even kill his guests to prove that In the mid-16th century, the Italian Renais- school. for fun may turn into the burden of alco-
he was a king to be feared. sance painter Titian painted his rendition holism, or occasional bets on sports may
Zeus was disappointed in Sisyphus’s cru- of Sisyphus’s punishment for Mary of Hun- somehow evolve into a home’s foreclosure.
elty. Interestingly enough, Zeus was further gary, then queen of Hungary and Bohemia. Our addictions can also be subtle: A pride-
angered when Sisyphus told the river god The Prado Museum website reveals that ful thought or furtive glance that induces
Asopus where Zeus had taken the river Mary of Hungary had many images from satisfying feelings can, over time, become
god’s kidnapped daughter. Greek legends on the walls of the Great feelings that we crave, as though we are
Revealing the god’s secrets went a step too Room in the Palace of Binche, indicating actually addicted.
far, and Zeus decided it was time to pun- “the coherence of an iconographic program Like Sisyphus having to ascend the hill
ish Sisyphus. In one version of the story, whose main idea was to emphasize the repeatedly, we try to overcome our addic-
Zeus asked Thanatos, the personification misery and endless punishment of those tions repeatedly. We push ourselves to the
of death, to chain Sisyphus in the under- who rise up against the gods.” limit in an attempt to let go and be free of
world. In his painting “Sisyphus,” Titian depict- them, but we relapse, or we find that the ad-
Thanatos captured Sisyphus and pre- ed Sisyphus walking up a jagged incline. diction is deeper than we initially thought.
pared to chain him up when Sisyphus He is covered with a meager cloth, and he We then find ourselves carrying a boulder
asked Thanatos to demonstrate how the does not push the boulder to the top of the uphill again.
chains worked. Thanatos agreed to show hill but carries it on his shoulders and head, The boulder not only causes Sisyphus’s
him, and Sisyphus quickly chained Thana- causing his shoulders and head to lean for- head and shoulders to contort under its
tos instead. Sisyphus successfully escaped ward under its weight. weight, but it also prevents light from
death. The frame of the composition also im- reaching his head and chest, representa-
With Thanatos chained up, mortals no poses itself on Sisyphus’s body. The top of tive of his heart and mind. The weight we
longer died. It took Ares, the god of war, to the boulder and his feet come right to the carry from our addictions can consume
restore the balance between life and death. edge of the composition’s top and bottom, our hearts and minds, obscuring light and
Ares also trapped Sisyphus and returned further giving a sense of Sisyphus’s suf- preventing it from entering our lives.
him to Thanatos to receive his punishment focating fate. What might the snake at Sisyphus’s heel
for the second time. But before he was re- The environment is hellish. Weird “Sisyphus,” 1548–1549, represent? Along with everything else, the
turned, Sisyphus was already planning his creatures occupy the bottom left of the by Titian. Oil on canvas, snake is only there as part of Sisyphus’s
second escape from death. composition, and fire and smoke fill the 93.3 inches by 85 inches. punishment. Threatening his heel, the
Upon his death, Sisyphus asked his wife background. A snake appears to threaten Prado Museum, Madrid, snake prevents him from ever resting, from
not to provide him with the usual sacri- Sisyphus’s feet as if the threat forces him Spain. ever finding peace.
Finally, what might Sisyphus’s position
in relation to the edges of the composi-

tion represent? The edges almost serve as

a prison that amplifies Sisyphus’s lack of
Not only does the weight of the boulder
press on his head and shoulders, but the
top edge of the composition seems to add
its own weight, a weight so heavy that Si-
syphus doesn’t seem like he could stand
up straight if he wanted to.

Italian Renaissance
painter Titian painted his
rendition of Sisyphus’s
punishment for Mary of
Hungary, then queen of
Hungary and Bohemia.

The four edges of the composition encap-

sulate everything depicted. To me, they
represent the environment’s effect on Sisy-
phus. It’s not just the boulder’s weight that
Sisyphus must continuously carry, but he
must also constantly confront the restric-
tions placed on him by the environment,
and these restrictions seem to further pre-
vent him from experiencing true freedom.
Sisyphus was condemned to suffer for
eternity, but what about us? How might we
identify the true sources of our addictions?
Is there a way out of the addictions that may
frame our lives? How might we find peace
from the heavy burdens we may carry?

The traditional arts often contain spiritual

representations and symbols the mean-
ings of which can be lost to our modern
minds. In our series “Reaching Within:
What Traditional Art Offers the Heart,”
we interpret visual arts in ways that may
be morally insightful for us today. We do
not assume to provide absolute answers to
questions generations have wrestled with,
but hope that our questions will inspire
a reflective journey toward our becom-
ing more authentic, compassionate, and
courageous human beings.

Eric Bess is a practicing representational

artist and is a doctoral candidate at the
Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual
Arts (IDSVA).
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021   B9


No Place Like Home:

Edvard Grieg and Musical Nationalism
cinErAMA rElEASinG cOrPOrATiOn Public DOMAin
MichaEl kurEk home—heaven—and deep inside we
long to get there. It is like the magnetic
There are certain classical composers north that our interior compass needle
so closely identified with their country points us to.
that it feels impossible not to talk about We can observe our own feelings of not
the two in the same breath. It might not feeling that we belong anywhere in par-
matter so much with other composers. ticular at certain seasons of our life, when
Frédéric Chopin was born and raised we either have been alienated from our
in Poland but worked as a composer in home or have been transient as young
France. Handel was German but wrote adults and have not yet, for whatever rea-
some of his masterworks in England. son, been able to “put down roots.”
However, Aaron Copland is strongly as- Modern man is particularly susceptible
sociated with the United States, espe- to this sense of rootlessness and can feel
cially in works like “Appalachian Spring” mentally disoriented without a physical
and “Rodeo.” His “American sound” sense of security. I feel a bit adrift every
Self-portrait, circa
became definitive for composers like 1562, by Titian. Titian time I take the highway across several
Leonard Bernstein and film composers is considered the most states, and every exit has the same fast
like John Williams (for example, in his important artist of the food chains, restaurant chains, and gaso-
score for “Saving Private Ryan”). 16th-century Venetian line brands, and the landscape looks as if
school. it could be anywhere.
Global communications can also tend
to erase distinct cultural differences,
distinctive spoken dialects, and a sense
At least musically, Grieg of belonging to a home base.
To take satisfaction in our hometown,
helped put Norway our national music, our regional cuisine,
on the map, and his or our home sports team is a healthy and
positive way of symbolizing that we do
countrymen honor him The 1970 film “Song of have a heavenly home, and we are on a
norway” was based on
for it to this day. composer Edvard Grieg’s
journey to arrive there. In no way does
our need for such symbols imply that
life and filmed in nor- we do not want others to have their own
way, where he lived. The
Composer Edvard Grieg (1843–1907) soundtrack is Grieg’s
such symbols, or a desire to deny them
was distinctly Norwegian and even music with added lyrics. entry into heaven, or a desire for any
helped define and promote a Norwegian harm whatsoever to befall them.
identity, both for Norwegians and in the The irony of Grieg’s specific musical
eyes of the rest of the world. In orchestral nor oppressed any ethnic group. Or did he? scholarship seems utterly unable to make identity is that it is this very identity that
works like his “Four Norwegian Dances” a commonsense distinction between imparts to his work a kind of coherence
and “Peer Gynt,” he used actual Norwe- Healthy Pride healthy pride and wicked pridefulness, of language that is unique but at the
gian folksong melodies and also original Was bringing the folk music of the com- between satisfaction in one’s identity and same time universally appealing, like
melodies written in Norwegian folk style, mon people to the concert halls of high cynical accusations of xenophobia, chau- various ethnic cuisines. We do not need
baptizing them with classical music sta- art a kind of cultural appropriation or vinism, bigotry, or racism. If I wear the col- to erase our own identities or put a sushi
tus worldwide. This made him a kind of exploitation of one class by another? The ors of my school and root for my school’s roll on a slice of pizza to prove that we
favorite son and a point of great pride for Norwegians certainly did not feel that football team, does that mean I think the are people of goodwill. We can (and we
that nation, with a population about the way at the time, in part because people students in my school are a master race, used to take it for granted that we could)
same as Colorado’s and a geographic size simply did not think of folk and classical compared to students in other schools, or rejoice in and celebrate everyone’s sym-
about that of New Mexico. You might say music styles in such an adversarial way that I wish to terminate the existence of bols of heaven. Long live Norway!
that, at least musically, Grieg helped put then. And in Europe generally, classical other schools? Of course not.
Norway on the map, and his countrymen music belongs to all people in a way that American composer Michael Kurek is the
honor him for it to this day. it does not seem to in the United States. Coming Home composer of the Billboard No. 1 classical
This all seemed natural and a matter of Grieg was their homegrown boy made However, asserting that a wrong idea is album “The Sea Knows.” The winner of
course when I was a music major in col- good, from the village of Bergen. He did wrong, as I have just done, does not make numerous composition awards, including
lege. I was happy for them! Every country them proud, just as Abraham Lincoln a complete argument. Why is it right to the prestigious Academy Award in Music
deserves heroes they can take pride in, with his log-cabin roots made the people have national pride or school pride, or from the American Academy of Arts and
after all. But nowadays, so-called musical of the Midwest frontiers proud. Grieg for Norwegians to feel pride in the music Letters, he has served on the nominations
nationalism is taught in a very different made his whole nation proud. of Grieg? The “theology of place” or of committee of the Recording Academy for
way in university music departments, with But that again is a problem, nowadays. home provides an answer to that ques- the classical Grammy Awards. He is a pro-
a definite negative connotation. Cancel With every field of academe preaching the tion. According to Leonard Hjalmarson’s fessor emeritus of composition at Vander-
culture has not come after Grieg personally, gospels of globalism and decolonization, theology of place, this is because spiritu- bilt University. For more information and
to my knowledge. He neither owned slaves musicology has been no exception. Such ally we do feel that we have an ultimate music, visit MichaelKurek.com

What gOOD iS POetRY?

Public DOMAin

A Paradox and a Secret: ‘Nothing Gold Can Stay’ by Robert Frost

sEan Fitzpatrick Paradox 3 springtime is a period bursting and glis-
A leaf doesn’t transform into a leaf (isn’t tening with associations of hope and joy,
Nature’s first green is gold, there, however, a qualitative difference be- it also bears a cast of sadness: the sober
Her hardest hue to hold. tween a leaf when it is new and when it is reminder that the glory and unpolluted
Her early leaf’s a flower; old?). But it is in that brief hour of a season purity of leaves, grass, blossoms, birds, and
But only so an hour. that leaves subside to simply leaves; that young souls will all be eventually sullied
Then leaf subsides to leaf. is, the lustrous, unfurling, lush, verdant and sunken. Early stages are golden, but
So Eden sank to grief, green of spring collapses into the hardy, that precious quality is all too brief. Which,
So dawn goes down to day. sunbaked, and customary green of sum- as a final paradox, is what makes it so ab-
Nothing gold can stay. mer. So it goes every year, even as the old solutely wonderful.
legend goes that Adam and Eve were in Robert Frost’s brilliant poem is beautiful
There is nothing like a paradox to entice the the Garden of Eden only an hour before specifically because it is short, participat-
mind to discover a suggested secret. Such they fell. ing through its brevity in the mystery it both
paradoxes and such secrets lie at the heart marvels at and mourns over. And its message
of many good poems, and “Nothing Gold Paradox 4 or meditation is one that belongs in every
Can Stay” by Robert Frost stands among Dawn doesn’t go down to day (or does it?). heart as life is lived and the seasons pass,
them, with paradoxes that are alluring and If one judges by the apparent passage of the rejoicing over the newness of things and re-
a secret that is sobering. sun, it climbs every day from dawn’s east- flecting on the dulling matters of course that
robert Frost in 1941.
ern horizon up to the zenith. But though wear on everything under the sun.
Paradox 1 the sun rises and ascends in the daytime Time is both precious and short, and but
The color green isn’t gold (or is the reference sky, the precious light of dawn loses some- for the wisdom of such nuggets of golden
to the treasurable quality of both the bright thing as it gains the blinding brilliance poetry, many might fail in the challenge
green of springtime and the bright precious of high noon. There is subsidence here as to recall and realize how much we have There is nothing like
metal?). Like the prized commodity and its well—a going down, a loss, a falling away lost, how much we have, and how much
connotations, this first golden green of Na- from the bright blush of a beginning to the we stand to miss. a paradox to entice
ture is certainly hard to hold or difficult to broad fact of the way things are. the mind to discover
keep, with a fleeting, flashing verdure that The series “What Good Is Poetry?” looks
is here one day and gone the next. Paradox 5 at poems that, once memorized, bestow a a suggested secret.
Gold does stay, in fact. It’s one of the gift: an antidote to the cynicism of our age.
Paradox 2 more enduring elements (but isn’t there
A leaf isn’t a flower (or is it a comparison to a “golden” character that is passing, like Sean Fitzpatrick serves on the faculty
the delicate, radiant, flower-like beauty of the “golden ages” of the past?). Despite the of Gregory the Great Academy, a boarding For more
the first unfolding leaves?). Provocative as endurance of gold itself, nothing “gold” school in Elmhurst, Pa., where he teaches arts and culture
it is, what is clear is that there is something can stay, from luminous leaves, to rosy- humanities. His writings on education, articles, visit
exquisite being denoted—some beauty that fingered dawn, to our own fresh and sweet literature, and culture have appeared in a TheEpochTimes.
flashes forth even as it vanishes, lasting no innocence. All is seasonal and subsides. number of journals including Crisis Mag- com
longer than even an hour for all intents and All is destined to fall. All that lives must azine, Catholic Exchange, and the Imagi-
purposes. die. Everything loses its luster. And though native Conservative.
B10 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021



10 things to consider before
summer gets underway

Summertime offers a unique blend of joys While

and challenges for parents. The typical keeping
shakeup in daily rhythm and routines can
leave parents scrambling. They may begin things
to feel like their children’s personal cruise
directors as they attempt to find entertain- relaxed and
ment and activities to keep them occupied easy is the
on a day-to-day basis.
However, with just a little forethought glorious way
and planning, the joys of summer—qual-
of summer, Establish a Rhythm doubt get to that inevitable point in every A family
ity family time, hours of free play and ex- Moving from a macro perspective to a more parent’s summer life when your children adventure,
ploration, sunshine and immersion in there are micro perspective, take time to consider declare, “We’re bored!” There is really only whether it’s a
camping trip
nature, and the adventure of a getaway the rhythm of your days in the summer- one response to give them: “That’s awe-
or two—can far outweigh the challenges. benefits to time. While keeping things relaxed and some!” or a luxury
Here are 10 things to consider before maintaining easy is the glorious way of summer, there Let your children know that you think
summer gets underway. are benefits to maintaining a predictable boredom is the best thing since sliced family bonds.
a predictable and regular rhythm to the day. Children bread, as creativity and ingenuity tend
Set Up Signposts (and adults) thrive within the comfort of to emerge out of a state of boredom. Resist
What adventures will your family embark and regular predictability and regularity. It’s good for the temptation to suggest or provide an
on together this year? Whether it’s a sim- rhythm to sleep cycles and overall health. activity for them. Ignore complaints and
ple camping trip or a luxurious vacation, Rather than setting up a rigid and ambi- whining and wait for the magic to begin
stepping away from the day-to-day grind the day. tious daily routine, aim for a gentle and once they begin to figure out how to oc-
and heading out onto the open road is an simple rhythm to your days. Consider, for cupy themselves.
invaluable experience for a family. Such example, the key sections of the day: wak-
adventures strengthen family bonds, pro- ing time, morning, lunchtime, afternoon, Turn Down the Tech
vide unparalleled education (for kids and dinner time, evening, and bedtime. Any Of course, the beauty of boredom will be
adults alike), and allow for every member good habits and routines that can be incor- lost on the child who has constant access
of the family to be present with one an- porated into those sections of the day will to digital devices and video games. Give
other and focus on the same experience make for a steady and predictable rhythm your children the benefits of as low-tech
in a way that can be hard to come by in that carries everyone through. a summer as you can manage. Lay down
everyday life. rules when it comes to these and remem-
These adventures will act as the sign- Increase Responsibility ber, you’re in charge.
posts of your summer—those you’ll look It’s a new summer and your children are
forward to as they draw nearer on the cal- one year older than they were last sum- Prep Healthy Snacks
endar, and those you’ll look back at as the mer. What new responsibilities can they I don’t know what it is about summer, but
memories that defined the season. take on? What new skills can they sharpen? it seems to make kids hungry all the time.
What can they do for themselves this year Have you ever noticed that? Ensure your
Schedule Activities that they may not have been able to do last kids have access to healthy drinks and
Once your big signposts are in place, year? Summertime is a great opportunity snacks—think fruits and veggies, cheeses,
schedule any activities you or your chil- to encourage your children’s ongoing de- nuts, and other unprocessed and low-sug-
dren will participate in this summer. Turn down the tech as velopment into self-reliant and responsible ar options. Ideally, set up a system where
Camps, lessons, or regular gatherings with much as possible. adults. they can grab them snacks themselves.
friends or family should be finalized and For beverages, stick with water.
noted on your calendar. Tackle a Project
A family or household project is another Cherish These Days
Embrace Variety element that can add color and enjoyment Finally, do some math. While summer-
In addition to scheduled activities, jot to your summer. Is there a project you’ve time parenting can be both joyous and
down some ideas for outings you’ll enjoy struggled to find time to tackle? Is there a challenging, it’s always fleeting. How
throughout the summer. For example, vis- home improvement idea that the whole many more summers will you have your
its to the park, pool, beach, or library are family can get behind? Commit to complet- children at home and the need to think
simple ways to take advantage of summer ing a project this summer. these things through? Bask in gratitude for
days. Additionally, perhaps there’s a local this summer that lies ahead and the gift
museum, amusement park, or historic site Cheer On Boredom you’ve been given to make summertime
you’ve wanted to take the kids to. This may Of course, not all of your children’s time in memories together as a family. It’s truly
just be the summer to do it. summer needs to be scheduled. You’ll no a blessing.

Magic Up Your Sleeve

concentrate. Consider peaceful, classical
pieces or research playlists created with fo-
cus in mind. Some people, of course, work
better in silence, so use your own judgment
8 ways to support your children at the end of the school year and keep the individual needs of your chil-
dren in mind.

ZHUKOVVVLAD/SHUTTERSTOCK Solid Sleep and Activity Habits

BARBARA DANZA you see the pressure mounting too much, call Of course, getting sufficient sleep at night and
for a dance break. levels of activity during the day are essential
The march toward summer is on, and tradi- Pump your family’s favorite tunes and elements to optimize performance in one’s
tional schoolers and homeschooling fami- start dancing. Get those bodies moving, es- studies. If you find your children struggling to
lies alike are supporting and guiding their pecially the reluctant ones, and shake out get through the demands of this time of year,
children toward as successful a completion the druthers. The impact of a mental break check their sleep and activity habits first, and
of the school year as possible. It’s usually and physical movement may make the next adjust your lifestyle accordingly.
at this time of year when big projects must round of focus all the more productive.
be turned in, significant assessments are Mental Health Days
undertaken, and many boxes need to be Nature Walks Sometimes, kids can really benefit from step-
checked. Similarly, pay attention to the length of time ping away from school for longer periods of
It can be an overwhelming time for parents your students are working in stretches. At time. This year especially, don’t be afraid to
and children alike. To lend the most support some point, the mind and body find it diffi- call an audible and allow your child to skip
to your students as you approach the finish cult to focus and perform at levels that make school in favor of rest, fun, or whatever type
line, check your sleeves—there’s magic up trying worthwhile. By breaking up periods of of break your parenting instincts are telling
there just waiting for you to conjure. work with those of rest, relaxation, and time you he or she needs. Naturally, you should
in nature, you and your kids may find your consider carefully, specifically for older chil-
Nutritious and Fun Snacks time better spent—even if you’re spending dren, which day you choose to allow this; a
More required energy calls for better fuel. less time on the actual work at hand. Step day when a big project is due or a test is being
Prep in advance healthy and diverse snacks away from the work and step into nature. given would not be ideal, obviously.
that are easy to grab and will keep every- Nature walks offer a good
one going when deadlines approach. Math Environment Refresh reprieve. Something to
is infinitely more fun when paired with As the end of the year approaches, the study Look Forward to
popcorn; papers almost write themselves environment may not be what it was when Finally, plan rewards beyond the finish line.
when a plate of fruit and cheese is at hand; the school year started. Now is a great time to Everyone’s working hard to do their very best.
protein and nutrient-rich snacks fresh from treat your students to new pencils and pens, So, pencil in some small and great things
the oven make the diorama, the slide pre- a newly organized space, or some fun, new to look forward to when the mission is ac-
sentation, and the poster board come to- stickers or papers that will entice them across complished.
gether with greater ease and delight. the finish line. A celebration on the last day of school, a
small gift they’d enjoy, and fun summer
Dance Breaks Music for Concentration adventures that the whole family can look
The probability of being overwhelmed in- Depending on your student, some instru- forward to are some of the ways to make the
creases significantly this time of year. When mental, background music may help them effort all the more worthwhile.

Week in
from “The Mythological Zoo”
by Oliver Herford

How did Medusa do her hair?
The question fills me with despair.
It must have caused her sore distress
That head of curling snakes to dress.
JOKE?” n May 13, 1992, in a schoolhouse in northeastern
China, Mr. Li Hongzhi began teaching Falun
Gong, a spiritual discipline based on the principles
Whenever after endless toil of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.
She coaxed it finally to coil, APPARENT. By early 1999, there were 100 million people
The music of a Passing Band PUNCHLINE IS practicing Falun Gong in China alone, and
Would cause each separate hair to stand WHEN THE many could be seen practicing the slow-moving
On end and sway and writhe and spit,— meditative exercises at dawn in parks across the
She couldn’t “do a thing with it.” ALL PHOTOS BY SHUTTERSTOCK country. Today, Falun Gong is also practiced by
And, being woman and aware millions of people around the globe, in more than
Of such disaster to her hair, 80 countries and in 40 languages.
What could she do but petrify Each year, on May 13, Falun Gong practitioners
All whom she met, with freezing eye? and their supporters around the world celebrate
World Falun Dafa Day, commemorating the
practice’s introduction to the public.
Laughter is the
sun that drives
winter from
the human

FRENCH WRITER In most of the 1990s, Falun Gong adherents in China
practiced their exercises in parks all over the country.

By Aidan Danza, age 14


House wrens build their nests in ROBIN House sparrows are also extremely Canada geese nest near water. If
almost any birdhouse. A male wren will American robins are some of the common. They like to nest in manmade you have a lake in the area, it’s very
build many different nests and then most ubiquitous birds in the United cavities or nest boxes. They will often likely you will see Canada geese with
show them to its mate, who will make stuff twigs and other vegetation until babies in tow. The female will lay 2 to 8
his time the final decision, so the chosen nest
States. Everyone knows a robin, with
it’s almost filled. Then they will switch creamy-white eggs, and incubate them
of year, birds of its red-orange chest and diet of almost
builder should consider itself lucky exclusively earthworms. to finer material (feathers, string, for 25 to 28 days. The babies are born
all types, are busy if the female wren is impressed and Since they are so common, their paper, or grass) for the lining. When it’s precocial. This means that they are
building their nests and decides to lay eggs in one of its nests! nests are also easily seen. Robins build finally finished, the female will lay 1 to almost independent of their parents.
The mother will lay 3 to 10 eggs their nests just about anywhere, and 8 white to light-blue or green eggs in The goslings are covered with yellow
raising their young. Here and incubate them for 9 to 16 days. the nest and incubate them for 10 to down and they leave the nest when
they prefer trees or large shrubs. They
are some birds you might After this period, the babies are born lay light-blue eggs, which hatch in 12 14 days. they are 1 to 2 days old.
be lucky to find nesting in altricial, which means they are naked to 14 days. The babies are altricial and
and helpless, with their eyes closed. will fledge in 13 days.
your own backyard.

2 3 4
1 Joker (3)

5 6 2 Funny, but with a serious message (6)
7 3 What’s expected and what isn’t (5)
8 4 A really good time! (5,9)

9 6 Waggish (6)

10 11 12 7 “Knock knock” e.g. (4)

10 Not serious (7)
12 Boisterous partying (7)
16 Scrooge’s look (5)

15 16


(+, - AND X) to build an equation to get the solution in the middle. There may be
more than one “unique” solution but, there may also be “equivalent” solutions. 17
For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28

Easy puzzle 1 Medium puzzle 1 Hard puzzle 1 18

3 9 12 19 9 27
33 24 97 T
E Across
1 17

3 9 2 14 T
1 Sarcastic (3) 11 Coy smile (6)
4 Sheepish look (4) 13 Witch’s laugh (6)
+ − × ÷ + − × ÷ + − × ÷

5 Belly laugh (6) 14 “I know you are but what am I?” (6)
R O N I C A O I 8 On a tombstone: 15 “Surely you ___!” (4)
Solution For Easy 1 Solution for Medium 1 Solution for Hard 1
(19 + 17 − 12) × 1
O O E J T “Nothing Is Written In Stone” (6) 17 Joke prop (13)
9×3+9−3 (19 − 17) × 12 × 1 14 × 9 − 27 − 2 I G R I N A
9 Laugh in a mean way (4) 18 Boisterous fun (8)
B12 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021

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Can Cell Phones Do You Like the Person

Damage Your DNA? You Are Becoming?
Researchers question trends It’s never too late to work
in studies about low-intensity on becoming the person we
radiofrequency radiation. want to be.
See C3 See C8



Regular conflict can often be healthy,

but not when it becomes “high conflict.”

How to
Turn a Toxic
foods is
one of the
Conflict Into
key ways
to avoid
a Good One
prolific A new book
killers. explains why we get
stuck in intractable
conflicts and how to
get out of them

We’ve all been there: Locked in a

heated argument, blood pressure ris-
ing, fixated on our next point rather
Real food is than actually listening to what the
the real cure other person has to say. Even after it
for the rise ends, it doesn’t really end—we keep
of chronic ruminating on it for hours, days,
disease. weeks.

Food as
‘High Conflict’
speaks to the intense
social polarization
gripping our nation.
This is what journalist Amanda Ri-

pley refers to as “high conflict”—and
these days, we can slip into it when
we’re simply scanning our social
media feed or glancing at the news.
It often feels like our entire country
is stuck there.
That’s why Ripley wrote her new
book, “High Conflict: Why We Get


Trapped and How We Get Out.”
“High Conflict” speaks to the in-
tense social and political polariza-
Our toxic diet is feeding diseases that can’t be cured tion that is gripping our nation, yet it
also offers timeless lessons for navi-
with drugs that never resolve the underlying problem gating conflict, whether it’s interper-
sonal, professional, or political.
I spoke with Ripley at an event last
week that the Greater Good Science
Center co-hosted with Berkeley Arts
LA & Letters. Here is an edited version
of our conversation.
r. Robert Lu
s i , a pediatric
ricc endo-
e do-

D crinologist
cr inol
istt and
at the University
Francisco, has written
d professor
pr ofees
sorr emeritus
rsityy of California–San
en a num
er us
berr of eexcel-
Healthth insurance
co mpan

an ce
iess have
ave a
stted iinterest
n eerres
ing the
estt in
thee ffood
Jason Marsh: What led you to write
a book that’s a warning about certain
kinds of conflict?
lent books about health. h His
alth. His latest,
ates t, “Meta-
est, “Meta
Meta-- problem.
p ob
pr ble
m. Amanda Ripley: I started out on this
bolical: The Lure and d the
he LLies
iess of
ie of PProcessed
quest to find examples of people who
Food, Nutrition, and d Modern
Mododerern n Medicine,”
Me diccinee,” had been stuck in really ugly con-
goes deep into the detailsetailss of
of how
how changes
ho chaangess
ch flict and gotten out, just to find some
in our food supply havee damaged da amma
ged d our
ourr hope. What were the patterns? I real-
metabolic health. ized pretty quickly that I was asking
The title of his book, “Metabolical,”boliccal,” is ac- the wrong question, because it’s not
tually a portmanteau of the word words ds “meta- what the
what the argument
entt for
for fixing the
th entire
e about getting out of conflict, because
bolic” and “diabolical,” which hich capcaptures
tures food system is, and how everyone
ne can ben- conflict can be good and healthy. It’s
nicely the essence of his message. ssage. Subsidies efitt from
efi from it,
it, eeven
ven th
thee fo
od industry.”
industry.” getting out of high conflict.
“I wrote it because nothing h else
l h has High conflict can start small, but it
worked,” Lustig said. “Part of the problem
for corn The 2 Primary Keys becomes an us-versus-them kind of
is, this is such a complicated issue.” and sugar In summary, it boils down to two primary feud. It becomes all-consuming and
Lustig says with so many stakeholders, issues or key problems. The first is that the takes on a life of its own. Everything
it is critical they all have the same set of provide a medical establishment doesn’t want you to you do to get out of high conflict of-
facts so they can start working together perverse know that drugs were never intended or ten makes it worse. A sure sign of
to solve the problem. Those stakeholders designed to treat the foundational cause high conflict is that it doesn’t operate
include patients, doctors, food companies, incentive to of chronic disease. according to the normal rules of en-
the insurance industry, Wall Street, and “Modern medicine has two factions, two gagement, and it doesn’t go anywhere.
make toxic paradigms,” Lustig said. “One is treat- There is a feeling of being stuck in high
“My job was to put all of this in one vol- products. ment of acute disease, and for the most conflict, being frozen, and you just
ume so that everyone had access to the part, they’ve gotten it reasonably right. have the same fights over and over.
same information, and then we can go
from there,” he said. “I lay out in the book Continued on C4 Continued on C7
C2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021

Garlic has been right-

fully cherished for cen-
turies for its therapeutic

Need to Adjust Your Epoch

Times Email Preferences?

It’s fast and easy from our customer portal! FOOD AS MEDICINE
Access our email preferences dashboard in Three easy steps.

STEP 1 Log in to your account at TheEpochTimes.com

How Garlic Can Help
STEP 2 Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the page
Clogged Arteries
This powerful food does so much more
STEP 3 Click on the sidebar option for “Email Newsletters” than add flavor to your meal
You’ll then see a list of the Epoch Times emails you’re Garlic is one of the most powerful foods participants taking the combination
currently subscribed to—and can change your preferences around, and for good reason. Apart from had significant improvements in their
its known antibacterial, antifungal, and coronary artery calcium as well as C-
to what best fits your inbox. antimicrobial properties, garlic has reactive protein levels. The results sug-
been documented in studies to prevent gested improved heart health.
and treat cardiovascular diseases, high
blood pressure, and diabetes, to name a 3. Inhibits Nanoplaque Formation
You can also unsubscribe from a newsletter by clicking few. It’s also famed for helping to unclog In a 2004 study published in Wiener
arteries. Medizinische Wochenschrift (1946),
Manage your email preference here at the bottom of our emails. Atherosclerosis is a complex disease garlic successfully inhibited lipoprotein
in which plaque, which is made up of associated arteriosclerotic nanoplaque
fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other sub- formation. The experiments showed
stances, builds up inside the arteries. that garlic extract strongly inhibited
Copyright © 2021 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. In the long run, plaque hardens and calcium ions binding to proteohepa-
The Epoch Times, 229 W 28th St, Fl.5, New York, NY 10001
narrows the arteries, limiting the flow ran sulfate, resulting in the blunting
of oxygen-rich blood to the organs and of the formation of what is responsible
With social media censorship sidelining many important
headlines, our Breaking News email is how we make sure
the rest of the body. for “nanoplaque” composition and ul-
you get the latest developments that our reporters have The condition can lead to serious con- timately for the arteriosclerotic plaque
curated from around the world. It’s our way of keeping you
truly informed so that you can make the decisions that
ditions such as heart attack and stroke. generation.
align with your values. We hope you enjoy our coverage. Here are five ways that garlic assists in
Manage your email preferences here treating or preventing clogged arteries. 4. Protects Against Aortic Stiffness
A cross-sectional observational study
published in Circulation evaluated
healthy adults taking standardized gar-
In a 2004 study, lic powder for at least two years and a
control group, then measured the elas-
garlic successfully tic properties of their aorta.
Blood pressure levels, heart rate, and
inhibited lipopro- plasma lipid levels were similar in the
tein associated arte- groups. However, chronic garlic pow-
der consumption slowed age-related
riosclerotic nano- increases in aortic stiffness, supporting
plaque formation. the protective effects of garlic intake.

LIES KILL, TRUTH SAVES 1. Inhibits Vascular Calcification

5. Reduces Atherosclerotic
Aged garlic extract has been shown to Aged garlic extract was combined with
reduce multiple cardiovascular risk fac- supplements to check the effects on in-
We ask you to share RejectCCP.org with at least 5 friends. tors such as high blood pressure. A 2004 flammatory and oxidation biomarkers,
study published in Preventive Medicine vascular function, and the progression
evaluated its ability to inhibit vascular of atherosclerosis in a study published
calcification, which serves as a marker in Preventive Medicine.
of plaque formation in coronary arteries. In the trial, 65 subjects with intermedi-
In the double-blind, small pilot study ate risk for the disease were treated with
conducted for a year, aged garlic extract either a placebo or a capsule contain-
demonstrated the ability to inhibit the ing aged garlic extract plus vitamin B12,
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ers wrote that should their A related study published
findings be confirmed in in International Journal of
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WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 C3

Can Cell Phone Radiation

Damage Your DNA?
When it comes to the effects of low-intensity radiofrequency
radiation, the answer may depend on the research funder
MICHAEL GREGER is at risk than I am concerned about ogy in 2011 that appears to find a “dis-

brain tumors in people. When it comes turbing” and “very linear relationship”
o mobile phones cause brain to people, some population studies between the states with the most brain
tumors? Whenever a trillion- found increased cancer risk, but other tumors and the states with the most cell
dollar industry is involved— studies did not. phone subscriptions. Okay, but one could
whether it’s Big Food, Big think of lots of reasons why states like
Tobacco, Big Pharma, or Big A Question of Funding New York and Texas might have more
Telecom—there’s so much money that Could the source of funding for those brain tumors and more cell phones than
sometimes the science can get manipu- studies have anything to do with the dif- the Dakotas, and those reasons have
lated. ferent findings? Some of the studies were nothing to do with cell phone radiation.
When it comes to the potential human funded by cell phone companies. Re- Sometimes, you might even see out-
health effects of cell phone use, cer- searchers with the Department of Social right fraud with allegations that the
tainly, you might end up with a crick in and Preventive Medicine, at the Uni- academic researchers who authored two

your neck if you text excessively, or even versity of Bern in Switzerland “hypoth- of those genotoxicity papers and the very
break your neck or the neck of someone esized that studies would be less likely to review I mentioned earlier were involved
you may hit if you text while driving. show an effect of the exposure if funded in scientific misconduct—allegations
On the other hand, think of the count- by the telecommunications industry, they deny, pointing out that their lead ac-
less lives that have been saved on the which has a vested interest in portray- cuser turned out to be a lawyer working
road, because people are now able to so ing the use of mobile phones as safe.” So, for the telecom industry.
quickly phone in emergencies. they ran the numbers and—surprise,
But what about cancer? Since the turn Most of the inde- surprise—“found that the studies funded
pendently funded
of the century, there have been stud- exclusively by industry were indeed sub-
studies showed an
ies suggesting there is up to double the stantially less likely to report statistically
risk of brain tumors with long-term cell
effect while most of
significant effects…” published in Envi-
Since it’s such a
the industry-funded
phone use on the side of your head you studies did not. ronmental Health Perspectives in 2009. local effect, you can
use to talk. That’s important, because the Indeed, most of the independently
radiation only really penetrates up to a funded studies showed an effect while see why there are
couple of inches into your brain. Views most of the industry-funded studies did recommendations for
from the back of the head and the top not. In fact, industry-funded studies had
of the head show why you might de- about 10 times fewer odds of finding an using the speakerphone
velop cancer on one side of the head over adverse effect from cell phone use. That’s
the other. even worse than a similar phenomena function or a hands-
Since it’s such a local effect, you can observed in the drug industry. Studies free headset, which can
see why there are recommendations sponsored by Big Pharma about their
for using the speakerphone function or own products only had about four times reduce brain exposure
a hands-free headset, which can re- the odds of favoring the drug compared
duce brain exposure by a factor of 100 or to independent researchers according to
by a factor of 100 or
more—and this includes the option of a review published in the British Medical more.
using Bluetooth headsets. This may be Journal in 2003. Big Tobacco still reigns
particularly important in children, who supreme when it comes to Big Bias,
have thinner skulls. though.
Cell phone radiation isn’t like nuclear Why do research articles on Whenever there’s a trillion-dollar
radiation, though. It doesn’t damage the health effects of sec- industry involved, whether it’s the food
DNA directly, like gamma rays ond-hand smoke reach industry, tobacco industry, drug indus-
from an atomic bomb. How- different conclusions? try, or telecom industry, there’s so much
ever, it does appear to be able Well, it turns out that money involved that the science can get
to damage DNA indirectly by studies funded by manipulated. Take the nuclear energy
generating free radicals. In a the tobacco in- industry for example. An article in the
review study published in 2015 dustry itself had International Journal of Health Services
in Electromagnetic Biology a whopping 88 notes there was for decades “a high-
and Medicine, out of 100 times the odds of level, institutional … coverup” about
studies that looked at this, concluding it was the health consequences of Chernobyl.
93 confirmed there were not harmful, ac- The official estimates of resulting health
oxidative effects from cording to a meta- problems were 100 or even 1,000 times
the kind of low-inten- analysis published lower than estimates from independent
sity radiofrequency in JAMA (Journal of researchers.
radiation that the American Medi- Did only 4,000 people eventually die
comes out of cell cal Association). So at from it or nearly a million? It depends
phones. Another about 10 times more for on who you ask and who happens to be
review pub- telecom puts it more to- funding whomever you’re asking.
lished in Patho- wards the drug industry
physiology in end of the bias spectrum. Michael Greger, MD, FACLM, is a physi-
2009 looked at There are conflicts of cian, New York Times bestselling author,
101 studies, of interest on both sides of and internationally recognized profes-
which 49 found the debate, though. If it’s sional speaker on a number of important
that this oxidative stress translated not financial conflict, then public health issues. He has lectured at the
Using the speaker-
into DNA damage, detecting signs of phone function or a it may be intellectual, as Conference on World Affairs, the National
genotoxicity, which is damage to our headset can reduce how it can be human nature Institutes of Health, and the International
genes, DNA, or chromosomes. A much radiation our head to show bias towards Bird Flu Summit, testified before Congress,
smaller number of studies, 42, did is exposed to. evidence that supports appeared on “The Dr. Oz Show” and “The
not find a genotoxic effect. your personal position. Colbert Report,” and was invited as an
But a lot of those studies were As such, you’ll see flimsy expert witness in defense of Oprah Win-
done in petri dishes or in lab science published, like frey at the infamous “meat defamation”
animals. I’m less interested a study published in the trial. This article was originally published
in whether Mickey or Minnie Journal of Neuro-Oncol- on NutritionFacts.org

Lifestyle Tips to Help Boost Testosterone at Any Age

MAT LECOMPTE training and aerobic exercise is best. Get Enough Vitamin D Mat Lecompte is a health and wellness
Getting more sunlight or supplementing journalist. This article was first published
You may not have thought much about tes- Eat a Balanced Diet with vitamin D can also help build testos- on Bel Marra Health.
tosterone in your younger years, particular- Getting adequate levels of macronutrient terone levels. One 12-month study found
ly if you’re a woman. But as age advances, like protein, carbohydrates, and fat can that supplementing with 3,000 IU of vita-
it can move closer to the top of your mind, significantly impact hormone levels. Both min D per day could Exercising regularly,
particularly if you’re a man. food choices and total calories can influ- increase testosterone at any age, can help
Often regarded as the male sex hormone, ence testosterone. by 25 percent. raise testosterone.
testosterone is also essential to female health. Regularly dieting or overeating can dis- Optimal testoster-
Women have a lot less testosterone than men, rupt testosterone levels, so a consistent, one levels can help
but it helps all genders with disease risk, body long-term approach to eating is the best you maintain muscle,
composition, sexual function, and more. way to optimize levels. manage weight, and
Testosterone is vital for aging and elderly Eating a diverse array of lean proteins, reduce the risk of
individuals, mainly because it naturally healthy carbohydrates like fruits and whole falls. Do your best to
decreases. Here are some lifestyle tech- grains, and healthy fats can help optimize live a life that helps

niques to help optimize testosterone. testosterone levels. keep testosterone

levels up.
Get Exercise Limit Stress
Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce Finding ways to cut down on stress and get
the chances of disease and potentially boost better sleep can also help with testosterone.
testosterone. Studies have shown that peo- Long-term stress that elevates cortisol levels
ple who exercise regularly, at any age, have can reduce testosterone and lead to behavior
higher testosterone. A mix of resistance like overeating, weight gain, and fat storage.
C4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


Food as Medicine:
The Answer to
Health Crises
Our toxic diet is feeding diseases that
can’t be cured with drugs that never
resolve the underlying problem
Continued from C1 that led us down the path to where we are
today. For example, a significant part of why
I was part of that system for 40 years and medical doctors are so clueless about health
was comfortable within it. today is because Big Pharma was placed in
“But for chronic disease, Type 2 diabetes, charge of their education. The drug industry,
hypertension, lipid problems, cardiovascu- in turn, was a distinct profit-making scheme
lar disease, cancer, dementia, nonalcoholic from its inception.
fatty liver disease, polycystic ovarian dis- In 1910, Abraham Flexner, an educator,
ease—all of which are chronic metabolic wrote the Flexner Report, which turned out
diseases, all of which are mitochondrial to be a turning point in terms of creating
diseases—we don’t have anything. We have evidence-based modern medicine, while
symptomatic relief only.” simultaneously ignoring and eliminating
He gives LDL lowering agents as an ex- many health-related factors, including
ample. LDL (low-density lipoproteins) is nutrition and preventive medicine. His
sometimes referred to as the “bad choles- brother, Simon Flexner, a pathologist and
terol.” But drugs that help lower LDL levels pharmacist, was the first president of Rock-
don’t treat the metabolic dysfunction that efeller University.
caused them to rise in the first place. He One of the reasons the Flexner Report
says the same is true with hyperglycemia,
gy , eliminated certain aspects of medicine does neither is poison, and any food that
hypertension, osteoporosis, and auto- was be
because John D. Rockefeller, presi- does only one or the other, but not both, is
immune disease. dent of Standard Oil, was also in the
den somewhere in the middle. Real food, be-
“All of these, we have symptom-- pharmaceutical business. He was
ph cause it has fiber, protects your liver and
atic treatments. We don’t cure or ttrying to sell coal tar, a byprod- nourishes your gut. Processed food is often
reverse the disease; we just treat uct of oil refining, as a treat- fiberless because fiber decreases shelf life.
the symptoms. And so the dis- ment for a range of ailments. By removing the fiber from the food, it pre-
ease gets worse,” he said. So, Rockefeller was seeking vents it from going rancid, but it also makes
“It’s like giving an aspirin to new profit avenues. “He basi- it inherently unhealthy.
a patient with a brain tumor cally said we have to get drugs “In an attempt to try to increase availabil-
because they have a headache.” and especially coal tar into the ity, decrease wastage, we turned our entire
The result is treatments that hands of physicians who can
h food supply on its head in order to create
never cure the illness butt prescribe it,” Lustig said. The only
pr commodities rather than make food avail-
do cost the patient a lot way to do that was by overhauling able,” Lustig said.
of money. the medical
m system and shifting the Then, in the 1970s, Richard Nixon told
The other problem iis that
h ffocus to pharmaceuticals.
h the U.S. agriculture secretary, Earl Butts,
the food industry doesn’t Real ingre- “So that was the start of Big Pharma. That’s to come up with a plan to decrease food pric-
want you to know that vir- dients make not the story they want to tell, but that is in es, as fluctuating food prices were causing
tually all foods are intrin- real food. fact the case. political unrest. The result was the start of
sically good for you until Packaged “Same thing with dentistry. Weston Price, monoculture and chemical-driven farming.
they’re processed—and foods use perhaps the most famous of all dentists, “Now, we have nitrogen runoff destroy-
processed foods make up a unhealthy knew this back in the 1920s and ’30s and ing our environment and antibiotics in the
majority of the foods people eat. actually said that sugar was the primary feed in order to keep the animals alive, but
to extend
“Just because they call it processed food, shelf-life and driver of chronic oral disease, whether it be basically killing off their own bacteria and
doesn’t make it food,” Lustig said. add cheap periodontitis or dental caries. ours, and also creating chronic disease and
“Calling it a processed food suggests that flavor. “Everything was going in that direction destroying the environment as well,” Lustig
it is a subset of food. Michael Pollan [calls it] until 1945 with the advent of fluoride, and said.
palatable food-like substances. The fact of then promptly everything Weston Price had “It’s basically built into our Western food
the matter is, processed food is poison. Food developed up to that point got deep-sixed. In system. And we’re not going to solve health
is medicine, but processed food is poison, fact, the dentists even said that if we got rid care, we’re not going to solve chronic dis-
and there’s no medicine that can undo the of dental caries, how are we going to make ease, we’re not going to solve the economics
damage of processed food.” money? So his work was basically forgotten.” [or] the environmental problems until we
It is a fairly straightforward problem once recognize what the problem is.”
you understand that the human body is a Why You Shouldn’t Focus
biochemical entity that relies on an amaz- on Food Labels Refinement Ruins Food
ing variety of chain reactions to turn the By now, you’ve probably trained yourself While Lustig argues that the refinement
food we eat, the air we breath, and the sun- diligently to read food labels. The problem of carbohydrates is the primary culprit
shine that lands on our skin into different is that the label won’t tell you what’s been that makes processed food so bad for your
molecules, enzymes, proteins and so on. done to the food. health, I believe processed fats may be an
And that’s why people don’t get well without “This is one of the reasons why nobody’s even bigger contributor.
feeding their biochemistry. getting better because there’s nothing to Omega-6 linoleic acid (LA), in particular,
learn from the label that will actually help is a pernicious metabolic poison. If eaten in
The History of Medicine you,” Lustig said. equal measure with omega-3 fatty acids, it
In his book, Lustig does an excellent job According to Lustig, a food is healthy if is OK, but that is not what is happening. In
of presenting the history of our food and it satisfies two criteria: (1) It protects your 1850, the LA in the average diet was about 2
medical systems, and the various pressures liver; and (2) it feeds your gut. A food that percent of total calories. Today, it’s between
20 percent and 30 percent. While we do need
Many med- some omega-6, since the body doesn’t make
ical treat- it, we need nowhere near the amount we’re
ments now getting, and that has chain reactions
attempt to throughout your body.
treat dis- Lustig warns that omega-6s are proin-
eases flammatory and have enough unsaturated
caused by double bonds that if you heat them high
poor diet enough, you turn them into trans fats.
with drugs
“That’s the problem of all of these poly-
that can only
reduce the unsaturated fats. They’re not meant to be
symptoms. heated beyond their smoking point, and
we do,” he said.
Polyunsaturated fats are also highly sus-
ceptible to oxidation, and as the fat oxidizes,
it breaks down into harmful sub-compo-
nents such as advanced lipid oxidation end
products (ALEs) and oxidized LA metabo-
lites (OXLAMs). These ALEs and OXLAMs
present their own threats to your health.
One type of advanced lipid oxidation end
product (ALE) is 4HNE, a mutagen known
to cause DNA damage. Studies have shown
there’s a definite correlation between el-
evated levels of 4HNE and heart failure. LA
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 C5
In terms of addressing your health prob-
lems, your primary “treatment” will be
to make possibly significant changes to
how you shop and eat. As a general, easy-
to-follow rule, if it has a label, don’t buy it.
Real food does not have ingredient labels.
Lustig’s book also includes guidance on how
to read food labels in cases where you might
not have an option.
“We also need societal intervention. The
problem is the food industry doesn’t want
any societal intervention because this is
their gravy train. So, the question is, how
do you do this?” he said.
Normally we would do it through legisla-
tion, but the food industry has completely
co-opted the entire legislative branch; 338
out of 535 congressmen take money from
the American Legislative Exchange Council
(ALEC), and agriculture is their fourth [larg-
est] contributor after petroleum, tobacco,
and pharma.
Barring legislative success, we’re left with
litigation. Already, there are a number of
lawsuits in the works, several of which
Lustig is a part of. Ultimately, we must re-
structure the entire food system so that all
stakeholders benefit.
“And we have to demonstrate to them how
they can benefit,” Lustig said.

Subsidies Are the Biggest Hindrance to

Can the food industry make money selling
real food? Lustig believes the answer is yes,
and in his book, he details how real food
makes both financial and ecological sense.
The key is to remove subsidies, which cur-
rently grease the wheels of the processed
food industry.
“The subsidies are the single biggest block-
ade,” Lustig said. “They’re the single biggest
obstacle to being able to fix the food sup-
ply because that’s what’s making processed
food cheap. The Giannini Foundation at UC
Berkeley did a back of envelope calculation
several years ago.
“What would the price of food look like
breaks down into 4HNE even faster when The best way to if you get the antioxidants into you,” he said. if we got rid of all food subsidies? It turns
the oil is heated, which is why cardiologists ensure you are get- “The problem is as soon as you’ve taken the out that the price of food would not change.
recommend avoiding fried foods. LA intake ting proper nutrition germ out of the grain kernel, you’ve basically People say it would go up. No, it wouldn’t. It
and the subsequent ALEs and OXLAMs pro- is to cook at home reduced your antioxidant consumption by would not change except for two items. Two
duced also play a significant role in cancer. using unprocessed tenfold. So, we are antioxidant deficient items would go up: Sugar and corn [used
HNE and other ALEs are extraordinarily ingredients. because of food processing, which then for high-fructose corn syrup]. So, basically,
harmful even in exceedingly small quanti- leaves us vulnerable to the ravages of ROS that would reduce consumption of the pri-
ties. While excess sugar is certainly bad for from multiple sources including our own mary toxin in our diet that’s causing the
your health and should typically be limited mitochondria.” most trouble.
to 25 grams per day or less, I believe LA is “The food industry ... can make more
far more damaging overall. Real Food Is the Answer money doing the right thing provided we
These substances increase oxidative stress The key, then, is to eat whole food, which get rid of the subsidies or make the subsidies
and our levels of reactive oxygen species. is naturally rich in fiber and low in sugar. for real food so that they can make money
Lustig explained the risk. On a side note, free radicals are not all bad. selling the right thing. This requires the gov-
“We have a metabolic burden of reactive They’re also biological signaling molecules, ernment. There’s no way around it. That’s
oxygen species (ROS) that are doing dam- and if you indiscriminately suppress them, why this book is complete. It’s laid out for all
age if you can’t quench them. That’s why we which is the danger you run into when using the stakeholders, including government, as
have antioxidants in our body—glutathione, very high amounts of antioxidant supple- to what has to happen and why.
vitamin E—[they’re] basically the sink for ments, it can backfire. “I wrote this book for everyone to under-
those reactive oxygen species,” he said. The best way is to get your antioxidants stand the same principles all at once, so that
You can almost think of ROS as fire that from your food, and real food not only pro- we can actually have an argument and a de-
your body can use for various important vides antioxidants, but also doesn’t create bate and hopefully come to the table about
functions, including immune response. But excessive ROS, so you get help from both the facts, because until we do that, there
that fire poses a problem when you can’t Corn and sugar ends. As for the type of diet you choose, any will be no solving this problem. If everyone
put it out. are at the top of a diet can work, provided it’s right for your comes to the table, honestly, and admits to
“[ROS] is a normal byproduct of metabo- deadly food pyramid metabolism. The only diet that does not what the issue is, what the problem is, we
lism. The point is we’re supposed to be able of disease-causing work for anyone is a processed food diet. can, in fact, solve it.”
to quench them. You can only quench them ingredients. To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy
Solutions, Solutions of Lustig’s book, “Metabolical: The Lure
Now that you know the root problems, what and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition,
solutions does Lustig suggest? For starters, and Modern Medicine.” You can also find
education alone is not enough, he says. We a wealth of information on his website,
need education plus implementation. And RobertLustig.com, including media ap-
that requires a different societal response. pearances, audio recordings, video lectures,
“The way I describe it is that there’s per- books, articles, and upcoming events where
sonal intervention, which for the lack of a you can hear him speak.
better word we can call rehab, and societal
intervention, which for lack of a better word Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of
we can call laws. Rehab and laws for every- Mercola.com. An osteopathic physician,
thing that is a hedonic substance—you need best-selling author, and recipient of mul-
corn and
both,” he said. tiple awards in the field of natural health, sugar are
The first step of personal intervention is his primary vision is to change the modern essential to
figuring out if you’re sick. “And don’t ask health paradigm by providing people with the profitabil-
your doctor because they don’t know how a valuable resource to help them take con- ity of the pro-
to figure it out,” Lustig said. In Chapter 9 trol of their health. This article was origi- cessed food
of his book, he lists clues that can help you nally published on Mercola.com industry.
C6 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


Choosing a new path can be painful, but it’s

worth it.

Escaping the
Around 23 percent of male teens have tried—and failed—to break a pornography habit.
Status Quo
We are far more likely to regret the things
we didn’t do than the things we did

Innocence Lost: Our JAY HARRINGTON

In the past decade, my wife, Heather, and

Children and Pornography I have made some significant changes in

our lives.
Nine years ago, I stopped practicing law.
Eight years ago, we ditched our bricks-
We must protect our children from pornographers and and-mortar office and shifted to a virtual
business model.
safeguard romance and respect Six years ago, we moved our family from
a suburb of a large city to a small town in
JEFF MINICK statistics about our young people was a northern Michigan.

sad awakening. How, I wondered, will this Each decision was excruciatingly hard
hough I’ve practiced several exposure to pornography affect the future to make. I conjured up all types of reasons

vices in my time, pornography of marriage, relationships, and dating? not to make them. Fear is a powerful form
was not one of them. I grew up Will those most severely affected by of resistance.
in a town and a time when I pornography, those who are addicted to What if I can’t support my family? What if
didn’t even know the mean- taking their own pleasures from a screen we don’t make any friends? What if we come
ing of that word. At the private school I and watching others having sex, be able to regret our decision. What if?
attended in seventh and eighth grade, of young men to participate in a stable marriage? It’s But looking back, I can see that those fears
200 miles from home, one kid used to under the age quite possible they won’t, especially as were totally unfounded and each change we
smuggle Playboy magazines into the dor- of 18 have the 17-year-old kid watching that screen made was almost universally positive. The
mitory, and boys would look with giddy seen porn may come to think of sex as some sort of events of the past 12 months have served
wonderment at the women in those pages. mechanical act, without the presence of as a reinforcing exclamation point. When
Maybe I never developed this desire or along with love or romance. COVID-19 hit, we were already set up to

addiction because of the innocence of In fact, romance itself may simply fade work remotely from a location, Traverse City,
my childhood. away, as may the excitement of meeting Michigan, that has been a hot spot for pan-
someone who knocks you off your feet. demic relocation because of its low density
Furthermore, will the idea of wooing and and beautiful natural surroundings.
courting a woman, or being courted by a There’s no way we could have known how
Unless we take some of young women man, die in a miasmatic swamp of unreal things would play out when we made our
of the same age sexuality? Will we cease to look at others decisions. But we now know with certainty
sort of action, we will as fully human and instead view them as that our worst fears didn’t materialize. Just
be paying for this grim machines to be used? the opposite, in fact.
As I looked at some of the sites noted With the benefit of hindsight, it’s also
circumstance for decades, above, I found that, to paraphrase Silva, clear what caused me such trepidation in
kids don’t find porn as often as the porn my decision-making. I was influenced by
if not generations. finds them. In some way, then, pornogra- the tendency, shared by most of us, to prefer
phers seek out—through advertisements that things stay the way they are despite the
Things are different now. or by some other means—an audience possibility of a brighter future.
Deacon Robert Silva writes about teens of children. This is known as “status quo bias,” and it’s

and even younger boys and girls and their I’m too technologically ignorant and in- a big impediment to positive change. It’s
predilection for pornography in “Pan- ept to make recommendations regarding tempting to avoid the discomfort of change
demic feeds an epidemic” which ap- control of the pornography industry, but even if we’re not satisfied with the status quo.
peared in the Arlington Catholic Herald. it doesn’t take a genius to see the disasters Status quo bias is pervasive. It’s what stops
As he points out, many of the parents he coming down the pike. Unless we take us from pursuing new job opportunities
meets when he speaks on this topic deny of 11- to 13- some sort of action, we will be paying and keeps us in unfulfilling relationships,
their children watch online pornography. year-olds have for this grim circumstance for decades, among other things. We perceive the fear
But Silva then offers statistics such as at some point if not generations. of the unknown, no matter how unlikely
these: seen porn As parents and guardians of the young, the worst-case scenario might be, as less
however, we can all take action right now. tolerable than the insufferable status quo.
A 93 percent of young men under the age but only We can add programs and limitations to According to Seneca the Younger, “We suffer

of 18 have seen porn, along with 62 per- our children’s phones and laptops to pre- more often in imagination than in reality.”
cent of young women of the same age. vent them from seeing this smut. Even Fear causes discomfort, so we avoid it.
A 89 percent of youth admit to receiving more importantly, we can sit them down And our brains, which seek to protect us
sexual solicitation in chat rooms. and explain the personal costs of pornog- from fear, amplify the potential negative
A 20 percent of teens have sent or posted raphy in terms of self-respect and deg- ramifications of taking action and mini-
nude or seminude photographs or vid- of parents of radation. We can tell them how this “in- mize its benefits.
eos of themselves. teens know dustry” makes billions of dollars a year,
A The prime consumers of pornography how it demeans both women and men,  To overcome the fear and start taking
their children
in the United States are those aged 12 and how it has the power to destroy love. action, grab a pen and a pad and write
to 17.
are watching And while we’re at it, we can remind down:
pornography. ourselves of the same things.
Although I find that last figure difficult to 1. What you’re worried about
believe, an organization aimed to make This article was originally published 2. The potential benefits of taking action
the internet safer for children and fami- on Intellectual Takeout. 3. The consequences of inaction
lies, “Enough Is Enough,” backs up Silva’s

other data. In “Statistics: Youth & Porn,” It’s only by getting what we fear out of our
we learn that 51 percent of 11- to 13-year- heads and down on paper, and analyzing
olds have at some point seen porn, that them rationally, that we can do a proper
only 12 percent of parents of teens know cost-benefit analysis of the actions we in-
their children are watching pornography, tend and the changes we seek.
and that 23 percent of male teens have The alternative is to look back with regret.
tried to break this habit but find them- After all, it’s well documented that, at the
selves unable to stop. end of their lives, few people feel remorse-
A large majority of 18-year-olds believe ful about the actions they took, even if they
porn is too readily available and easy to didn’t turn out as intended. In most cases,
access. they rue having never taken action in the
Not surprisingly, as Silva notes, the pan- first place.
demic has brought a sharp increase in
the consumption of online pornography, Jay Harrington is an author and
which already accounts for 35 percent of lawyer-turned-entrepreneur who runs
internet downloads. a northern Michigan-inspired lifestyle
I already knew that pornography costs brand called Life and Whim. He lives
business billions of dollars annually be- with his wife and three young girls in a
cause of employees who waste work time Parents can add restrictions to their children’s computers to protect them from small town and writes about living a
by watching it, but reading through these pornography. purposeful, outdoor-oriented life.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 C7

Ms. Ripley: As a storyteller, for me, one of Mr. Marsh: You write about how acknowl- While healthy

How to the most fascinating things to realize is

that most conflicts aren’t about what they
seem to be about. They’re about that, but
they’re also about something else, which I
edging the complexity of issues can help
mitigate conflict, too. Could you share
some of those findings?
Ms. Ripley: Peter Coleman and his col-
conflict can
include a
range of

Turn a Toxic call the “understory”: the thing underneath

the conflict that nobody’s talking about.
For example, I talk about a couple who
was going to war about who was going to
leagues run something called the Dif-
ficult Conversations Lab at Columbia
where they pair up people who disagree
strongly on really controversial subjects,
high conflict
is defined by
two emotions
and fear.

Conflict Into get the crockpot as they divvied up their

possessions in their divorce. Eventually,
if you ask the right questions, you find out
that when the wife was a kid, her parents
whether it’s abortion or gun control. They
have a 20-minute recorded conversation
in which they try to come up with a state-
ment they could both publicly put their

a Good One would have a pot roast going every Sunday

in the crockpot. To her, that felt like a good
home, and the couple had gotten it off their
wedding registry, and they’d never used
names to.
Sometimes this goes badly, and they
have to end the conversation before the
20 minutes are up, but other times it goes
A new book explains it. For her, it meant something she hadn’t
yet achieved but wanted to. The husband,
well. People do experience anger and frus-
tration, but they also experience flashes
meanwhile, wanted it because she wanted of curiosity, of humor, of understanding;
why we get stuck in it so badly. He didn’t even want the divorce, they ask more questions. In the data analy-
but she did, so this was one thing he could sis of these recordings, you can literally see
intractable conflicts and go to the mat on. good conflict and high conflict. In high
A lot of this isn’t even conscious, it’s conflict, it’s the same two emotions over
how to get out of them important to note. Sometimes you get so
wrapped up trying to win the fight that you
and over and over: anger, frustration, an-
ger, frustration. In good conflict, it’s like a
don’t ask yourself—and no one asks you— galaxy of emotions.
Continued from C1 these questions. What they found is they could actually
Now, if I’m in an argument with my hus- induce good-conflict conversations by
Any time you divide humans into two oppo- band, we literally talk about the crockpot— having people (before they went in) read
sitional camps, it really brings out our worst we can skip some steps and be like, what are a short news story that was about some
conflict instincts. But maybe the most chill- we actually arguing about? That’s helpful other big controversy but acknowledged
ing pattern I’ve seen in every high conflict because you don’t spend all this time going complexity explicitly. It said there are more
is eventually everybody involved starts to back and forth about the crockpot and you than two sides to this debate; if you ask the
mimic the behavior of their enemies. They can hopefully get to [the real issue] faster. polling questions a different way, you get a
start doing the thing they got into the fight different answer, sometimes people have
to stop, almost always without realizing it Mr. Marsh: What has been the biggest internal ambivalence about this subject.
at first. There’s something really diabolical takeaway from your reporting that you’ve And it just acknowledged the truth, which
about that paradox. applied to your personal life? is you can’t divide millions of people into
There are a few conditions that seem to Ms. Ripley: The thing that has changed two buckets; humans don’t work that way.
reliably create high conflict. One of them what I do every single day is a technique Acknowledging that seemed to be conta-
is the presence of what I call “conflict en- called “looping for understanding,” which gious, and then that complexity was car-
trepreneurs.” That’s basically a person or is a form of active listening that [media- ried into the conversation.
a company that exploits conflict for their tor] Gary Friedman taught me through
own ends. It’s someone who just delights an organization he cofounded in the San Mr. Marsh: How can we have good conflict
in every twist and Francisco Bay Area called The Center for with someone who has more authority and
turn, who finds Understanding in Conflict. I went into this power than we do, who isn’t responding
meaning and ca- training thinking I know how to listen— to looping or promoting productive dis-
maraderie and Any time you divide I’ve professionally interviewed people for agreement?
connection in the many years. But it turned out acting like Ms. Ripley: There are people who, at any
conflict. humans into two you’re listening and nodding and smiling given point in their life, do not want to
With good con- oppositional camps, and going, “Mmm, I hear you,” is not lis- have good conflict. There are people who
flict, you can still tening, and people can tell the difference. want to have high conflict. They’re getting
get really angry it really brings out Looping means to really listen to the a lot out of it—maybe a sense of power,
and frustrated— person, and you try to distill what they’re maybe profit, maybe camaraderie, maybe
it can be intense our worst conflict saying into the most elegant language you meaning (often it’s meaning, attention).
and heated—but instincts. can muster. You don’t literally need to re- Especially when there’s a power difference,
there’s a feel- peat it verbatim, but you’re trying to get that’s a problem you can’t fix sometimes.
ing that it’s go- Amanda Ripley, author, the crux of what’s important to them, not In any conflict, you can change what you
ing somewhere. I journalist to you. And then—this is important, I used do—you can set boundaries, you can try
know this sounds to forget this in the beginning—you have to distance yourself from high-conflict
a little squishy, but I have no trouble telling to check if you got it right. You have to say, people and conflict entrepreneurs—but
the difference now. In good conflict, there “So it sounds like you feel like this crockpot you can’t shift to good conflict with some-
are flashes of curiosity, more questions get is really important to your idea of what a one who doesn’t want something different.
asked, and people tend to leave the con- happy home looks like, is that right?” Ask That’s a painful thing.
flict more satisfied, even if they don’t agree with curiosity. The good news, what I’ve found, is that
(that’s not actually the only goal of conflict). Curiosity is the key to the kingdom, but it people change. People can be really in
I think we need much more good conflict has to be genuine. As soon as you do this, high conflict or totally bewitched by con-
in the United States and around the world, even if you get it wrong, people will cor- spiracy theories or even extremist ide-
and much less high conflict. rect you and you keep getting deeper and ology, and then they change. So part of
deeper. Their whole expression and pos- the challenge is: How long can I stay in
Mr. Marsh: What questions can we ask ture change, even if it’s not that emotional this person’s life, if I care about them, in
ourselves to understand whether we are of an interview. They’re just so grateful to the hopes that one day there will be an
trapped in high conflict or good conflict? feel like you’re trying to get them, and it’s opening?
Ms. Ripley: Some of the questions to ask poignant because it reveals how rarely it I went into [writing this book] pretty
yourself are: Am I losing sleep over this con- actually happens. skeptical—I was not someone who’s super
flict? Do I feel happy when the other person There’s a ton of cool research on this: As into dialogue and peace—and I came out
or the other side suffers in some way, even if soon as people feel heard, they open up, the other side totally bought into the idea
it doesn’t benefit me? Do I find that when I they say more nuanced, complicated things, that there is a way to do good conflict. I’ve
discuss this conflict [even] with people who less exaggerated and extreme things, and not only seen it, I’ve been part of it, and
agree with me, I leave that conversation they’re more likely to take in information it is almost a transcendent feeling, to be
more frustrated, like nobody’s illuminating they don’t want to hear. challenged and to challenge other people
or enlightening each other at this point? I do it with my kid all the time. It’s great without losing your dignity and your sense
for parenting because it gets you out of of humanity.
Mr. Marsh: In a book about conflict, I never that trap of thinking you have to fix every-
thought I’d read so much about crockpots. thing or win the argument. Mostly what Jason Marsh is the editor-in-chief
Tell me about the crockpot metaphor in people want is to be heard, so you can give of Greater Good, which first
the book. them that and move on. published this article.
C8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021

Do You Like the


Person You Are

It is never too late to work on
becoming the person we want to be
JOSHUA BECKER am becoming. In fact, if I’m being hon-
est, I think I’m a little less patient than I
Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, is cred- was 10 years ago. I think I’m a little more
ited as first saying, “Change is the only prideful—maybe even less kind. I also
constant in life.” sometimes wonder if I was a little more
And I think he’s right. Change happens fun to be around a decade ago.”
all around us, all the time. The weather I don’t think she was expecting that
changes, leadership changes, culture answer. But her question gave me the
changes, our jobs change, our families opportunity to articulate some rum-
change—and we change. blings in my heart that I’d been feeling for
Sometimes quickly, but often slowly, awhile. Not all change is good, and I can
we change. see some changes in my life moving me
Our worldview changes, our attitudes away from the person I most want to be.
change, our goals change, our habits Either we are becoming more like the
change, our hobbies change, our fears person we want to be, we are becoming
change, our relationships change, even less like the person we want to be, or the
our bodies change. changes in our life are neutral in this re-
With that in mind, I have a question gard.
for you today: But if we’re moving further and further
Do you like the person you are becom- away from the person we want to be, it is
ing? wise to notice that as soon as possible so
the course correction can be easier, more There is perhaps alter how you chase it.
efficient, and more effective. nothing as essential Maybe you are striving to start a new
Of course, this isn’t always an easy ques- to our contentment business but are beginning to notice that
as knowing we are
If we’re moving further tion to answer. In most cases, it’s not a
becoming the person
it’s taking more time away from your fam-
simple yes or no. We may look at our ily than you imagined—and you can see
and further away from trajectory and be proud of some of the
we aspire to be.
that is not who you want to become. May-
the person we want to be, changes, but regret others. be the answer is to stop pursuing the new
We may be excelling at work but becom- business venture. Or maybe there is a dif-
it is wise to notice that as ing more demanding along thee way. ferent approach that you need to adopt in
We may be getting ahead finan- nan- chasing it.
soon as possible. cially but spending less time at
home than we used to. 3. We love to see people trying
We ask a lot of questions of ourselves We may be losing weight but be- e- to change for the better.
and each other, but one of the most self- coming more prideful or focused ed Our world loves to cheer people making
reflective and most helpful questions we on outward appearances because use positive changes. Oh, some get jealous
could ever ask ourselves focuses less on of it. and envious, and they might even try to
what we are doing, and more on who we We may be excited about specificcific ac- keep you down. But for the most part, we
are becoming. complishments but worried about the are a society that cheers for the underdog.
Because if something is changing, ways we are coping with the stress tress of Take comfort in that and know that many
there are only three possibilities: them. will see your changes and cheer for you to
It is getting better. It is getting worse. We may be making great strides des succeed.
Or the change is neutral. in some habits but faltering in oth-th-
The same is true of you and true of me. ers. 4. It’s never too late to change.
We are changing. And we are either be- In each scenario, we should ask The best time to change for the positive
come more like the people we want to ourselves: “Do I have to be givingving may have been yesterday or 10 years ago,
be, or less. up positive progress in one areaa of my but the second-best time is right now. If
Sometimes it is helpful to stop and life just to succeed in another? When I get It can feel like you’re still living (which I assume you are),
evaluate and see which direction we down to the heart of the matter, do I like too much time you’ve got time to change. And while you
are heading. the person I am becoming?” has passed, can’t change the past, you can redeem it.
I once had a friend who was very excit- If you are not happy with the person you but as long And no matter how much time you have
ed about the changes taking place in her are becoming, here are some thoughts to as a minute left, you can set an example for others.
life. They weren’t changes of employment help you change course: remains,
we can still
or external circumstances necessarily, improve
5. People are remembered most
they were deeper, heart changes about 1. You can always change. ourselves. for who they were, not what they
the way she saw the world and the way Nobody can take away your right to LALLANAN/
she began interacting with people. She change. No employer, no spouse, no toxic SHUTTERSTOCK
If the accomplishments you are pursuing
was excited to share with me the things relationship. Positive change is always are resulting in negative changes in your
she had been learning and who she was possible. You are the only person who life (which is often the case), remind your-
becoming. gets to decide who you are going to be- self that who you are is more important.
Amidst our conversation, she asked come. The people who know you best will always
me about some accomplishments she remember your character and values more
had seen in my life (the blog, books, the 2. Don’t change your goals, change than your personal accomplishments.
YouTube channel, etc.). And she inquired your habits. May we all be changing for the better.
how I felt about them. She was anxious Often the goals we pursue, when they
to hear how my view on life had changed are new, bring about these unexpected Joshua Becker is an author, public
over the past 3 to 4 years. changes that move us away from who we speaker and the founder and editor of
I responded to her question: “I’m ex- want to be. If that is the case, and you can Becoming Minimalist where he inspires
cited about the work I’m doing. But I pinpoint the pursuit drawing you away, others to live more by owning less. Visit
don’t think I always like the person I you have two options: 1. remove it, or 2. BecomingMinimalist.com

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Transforming Ricotta: Richard Thaler’s Advice for

Just Whip It a Stronger Financial Future
Whipping ricotta transforms it into an ethereal A prominent behavioral economist and Nobel laureate
spreadable cheese, ready for endless sweet or savory shares key lessons from the past year.
See D5 See D7




The Art of
This traditional
Japanese gardening
style is a beautiful way
to display small plants

“Koke” is Japanese for “moss.” And

“dama” is possibly the translation
for “ball,” or it could be “tama”
and maybe mean “marble.” Even
though there may be something
lost in translation, “kokedama” is
now considered to mean “moss
ball.” In Japan, it has been a
popular gardening style, similar
to bonsai, and it is becoming more
popular in the rest of the world.
The original style of Japanese
moss ball uses heavy clay soil that
will retain its ball shape on its own.
Moss is then wrapped around the
mud ball, where it grows naturally.
It does not need to be tied to hold
it together. Small, slow-growing
plants such as ferns can be added
to make the moss ball a flower pot.
It is a very simple planting method
for small plants. You are simply
replacing the standard plastic or clay
pot with a wrapping of moss. If the
plant would be grown in a loose pot-
ting soil, you make a ball out of the
soil and wrap it in moss, but it will
probably need to be tied to retain
the round shape. If the plant would
Once you decide to be planted into an orchid mix, such
ditch your stuff, what as the kind used for Phalaenopsis
orchids or other epiphytes, you will
do you do with it? need to tie it in place.
The moss ball pot can be admired
in a tray or hung. Many plants that
would grow in hanging baskets can
be planted in kokedama. Epiphytic
plants, including many orchids,
tillandsias, bromeliads, and vines,
grow well in hanging kokedama.
The moss used as the pot can be
alive or dead. Moss comes in many
forms, but the type known as sheet
moss is what is used. There are

How to many species of moss that grow in

sheets. If you have some in your

landscape, you can dig them up,

Get Rid
but do not dig up moss in any for-
est preserve or location that you
do not have permission. You can

Almost buy sheet moss at MossAcres.com

or MossManInc.com. It might be
called sheet moss, feather moss, or

shag moss. You can also use long-
strand sphagnum moss, which
takes a little more time to wrap
around the ball due to the many
smaller pieces.
If you are using a mud ball,
the first step is to get the soil wet
enough that it will hold together
and shape it into a ball about the

DIANA REESE overseas or to prisoners. If your town has a size of a baseball.
Little Free Library program, you can leave
he key to finding happiness books in a location near you. ontinued on D2
in your decluttering efforts If you’d prefer to sell these items, consider
is answering this question: selling them at your next yard sale. You
Once you decide to ditch can also sell books and music to a used
your stuff, what do you do book store or record store or through online
with it? marketplaces.
Unless your soon-to-be-
former possessions truly qualify as trash, Clothing and Shoes
you won’t want to set them out at the curb Clothing in good shape can often be sold or
on pickup day to clog up your local landfill. donated, and formal wear and profession-
Instead, the key is to decide whether to give al clothing may be especially in demand.

your stuff away, sell it, swap it, or recycle it. Give your fancy dresses a second life by
Here’s how to deal with a variety of items. donating them to groups that provide prom
dresses to high school girls who otherwise
Books, Music, Games, Movies won’t have a gown.
Donate books to your local library or to
programs that will ship books to soldiers Continued on D2
Japanesee moss
osss balls
balls are
becoming more popular in
the rest of the world.
D2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


Donating gently used items is both an easy and rewarding way to clear clutter. 


How to
Get Rid Almost

Continued from D1 Household Goods er. Consider this for vintage items, table-
Miscellaneous household goods, small ap- If your town has a Little ware, or even spare car or motorcycle parts.
Donate gently used professional clothing pliances, and linens do surprisingly well at Free Library program,
to organizations that provide professional yard sales, says Chris Heiska, owner of the you can leave books in a Cellphones
attire to job seekers to wear to interviews. website YardSaleQueen.com. Her advice: location near you. Ready to upgrade your phone? First, check
For regular day-to-day clothing, includ- Have an extension cord and working outlet with your wireless provider to see if you
ing warm coats and accessories, your local nearby so prospective buyers can try any- can trade in your old phone for any value.
homeless or women’s shelter may be grate- thing electronic. Some companies refurbish old phones and
ful for clothing. Many churches also orga- Shelters for homeless people and abused Miscellaneous resell or donate them. If your current phone
nize clothing donations to organizations in women are always looking for items that is in good shape, consider selling it online
need, and charity thrift shops use cloth- residents can use to set up a new home household through a phone-resale website. If it’s no
ing donations to raise funds for programs. when they leave. And animal shelters goods, small longer functional or an older model, look
Some charities will even accept clothing and humane societies will use your old for an organization locally or online that
that’s too worn or stained to sell—they turn towels, linens, and sometimes rugs to appliances, collects donated phones to raise funds—
it over to clothing recyclers. provide warmth and comfort to animals. the donated phones are sold to a recycling
If you have kids’ clothing and shoes, Call your local ASPCA, Humane Society, and linens do company, with proceeds benefitting the
consider hosting regular clothing swaps or small-animal rescue groups to find out surprisingly organization.
with families in your neighborhood who what they need.
have kids of varying ages. You’ll get rid of well at yard Eyeglasses
clothes your kids have outgrown and get Unwanted or Duplicate Gifts Many organizations collect donated glasses
some larger sizes in return. Save that brand-new stuff that just isn’t
sales. to send to people with refractive errors in
your style or that can’t be returned and low- and middle-income countries. Look
Building Supplies and Appliances donate it to the next charity auction you’re online to find a drop-off location near you,
Donate your reusable and surplus build- involved with. Somebody will want what or check in with your eyeglass provider to
ing materials and appliances to Habitat for you don’t—and you’ll get a tax deduction see if they collect old frames.
Humanity’s ReStore outlets. Proceeds help for your largesse.
fund Habitat homes. Computers and Electronic Waste
Good Furniture Diana Reese is a free- If your electronic equipment is broken
Toys, Stuffed Animals, Baby Gear You can sell furniture at a yard sale, but you lance journalist and or too old to resell, try to recycle it. Many
Donate gently used stuffed animals, toys, may not get a great price. Instead, consider writer. Better Homes municipalities have free e-waste recycling
children’s books, and blankets to a local listing it online through a local classifieds and Gardens is a events that accept computers, monitors,
church or temple. Some partner with shel- website or through your local neighbor- magazine and website printers, and more. Watch local news for
ters and food pantries to provide clothes, hood forum. devoted to ideas and announcements of used-electronics col-
toys, and household goods to families in improvement projects lection days, or find links to local recyclers
need. You can also look for an organization Specialty or Collectible Items for your home and and refurbishers online.
that distributes toys and books to emer- If you’re interested in making some money garden, plus recipes
gency organizations, children’s services, while you get rid of specialty items or col- and entertaining Plastic Kitchen Containers
hospitals, and homeless shelters. lectibles, a yard sale might not cut it. In- ideas. Online at BHG. Got lids with no bottoms, or bottoms with
Be aware: Toys, especially stuffed ani- stead, try eBay, where items that go for $50 com. Copyright 2021 no lids? Cracked or stained containers?
mals, and some baby equipment such as or more will make the investment of time Meredith Corporation. Check for the recycling number on plas-
car seats and cribs may not be accepted by and effort worthwhile, says Washington, Distributed by Tribune tics and then look online for the nearest
many charities because of recalls. D.C.-based certified organizer Scott Roew- Content Agency, LLC. recycling center that will accept them.

A GREENER VIEW Continued from D1 can hang the plant so the plant hangs crystals in the soil to help retain
to the side or straight down, and moisture, since the moss ball planter
Second, make a hole in the ball, and the ball doesn’t have to be perfectly will dry out faster than a plant in a
The Art of insert the plant roots. Reshape the
soil to hold the plant in place. Since
If you are using live moss and you
pot due to the soil being completely
exposed to the air. The balls can be
potting soil and orchid mix soil don’t want to keep it alive, you will need misted daily, but even then, they may
Kokedama hold their shape well, you can use
cheesecloth or loose, porous fabric to
to plant a shade-loving plant, since
the moss will need to remain in the
need to be dipped in water for a few
minutes each week.
hold the soil while you wrap it shade. If you are using a dead moss I have posted a video on how to
in moss. or sphagnum moss, you can grow a make kokedama balls on the video
Third, wrap the ball in moss, and sun-loving plant. You will need to be page of GreenerView.com, with bo-

use string or fish line to hold it in more careful with the water, as the nus information on making your own
place. kokedama ball will dry out quickly in kokedama ball.
Fourth, if the ball is going to be the sun and wind.
hung, you can stick a wire through You can tell when the kokedama Email questions to Jeff Rugg at info@
the ball and bend a hook in it to hold needs watering, as it will become greenerview.com. To find out more
it. If you are using string, tie the very light when it is dry. The live moss about Jeff Rugg and read features by
string to the string wrapping the ball, will lose its bright green color, and other Creators Syndicate writers and
Your moss and adjust them until the plant hangs the sphagnum moss will turn a much cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndi-
ball pot can be upright. Tie the hanger strings high lighter brown than a wet sphagnum cate website at Creators.com. Copy-
admired in a tray on the ball, not in the middle, so the moss. You can use peat moss and right 2021 Jeff Rugg. Distributed by
or hung. ball doesn’t tip over. Although, you sphagnum moss or water-retaining Creators Syndicate.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 D3

plants will thrive. To do this, you will need your seed packets for spacing recommen-
to manage your soil and what lives in it. dations, determine a good corresponding
“measuring device,” and have fun with it.
Soil Textures and Types In each spot, dig a hole about 8 inches
The building blocks of soil are sand, in diameter and 8 inches deep. Fill
silt, and clay. You and your bud- that hole about half full of compost
ding gardener can spend a little and half full of the soil that came
time feeling the soil in your gar- out of the hole. Use your shovel
den and identifying the soil type. to mix the compost and original
Sandy soils have large particles soil together, breaking up any
that feel gritty to the touch. Water hard clumps of clay soil as you
moves quickly through sandy Sandy soil. mix. When you transplant your
soils, and along with the water, seedlings into the garden, you will
important nutrients quickly flow want to put them in the middle of
through and are lost. these amended areas.
Silts have finer particles than After we move our seedlings,
sandy soils. They pack together we will talk about using a mulch
tightly, and can be really slick layer to further increase the
when wet and almost like powder organic matter that you want to
when dry. You have seen silts being Silty soil. decay in your soil. This thick layer
kicked into the air by kids as they of leaves, grass clippings, wood
shuffle their feet in the dirt. chips, or even old newspapers will
Clay soil feels hard and rough serve to protect the ecosystem
when dry and slick or sticky that is your garden. It will help
when wet. Clay soils hold large hold in moisture and insulate it
reserves of moisture and drain from the sun’s heat. Additionally,
slowly. When you are walking and mulch helps to deter weeds from
see soil that has deep cracks in it Clay soil. growing in your garden—and who
during dry times, you are looking likes to pull weeds, anyway?
at clay soil.
Loam is the ideal soil for Keeping It Natural
growing plants. It has an equal If you do an adequate job
GROWING GARDENERS balance of the other three soil of amending your soil with
types, but is also rich in decom- compost or aged manure, you
posed organic matter, humus. shouldn’t have to add synthetic

Get to Know
Loam soil looks like chocolate Loam soil. fertilizer. While liquid fertilizers or
cake when you dig up a shovelful. time-release granules might give
It’s dark and rich in color, with plenty of your plants an initial boost, they can make
air pockets and structure to hold water your soil worse over the long run by killing

Your Soil
but also drains well enough to keep your beneficial organisms that live there. Those
plants from drowning. bugs, earthworms, fungi, and microor-
ganisms all like the same growing condi-
Amending Your Soil tions as your plants: soil that is moist (not
If you will be planting a container garden wet or dry), well-aerated, and protected
or a small raised bed, you can buy gar- from the heat of the sun.
den soil or raised bed soil at your home You and your budding gardener need
improvement store. Miracle-Gro makes a only take a walk through a wooded area
good product. to see how Mother Nature amends and
If you are planting an in-ground garden, protects the soil herself. The forest floor is
Loam soil, the ideal soil for growing plants, looks like chocolate cake when you dig up a shovelful. note that your native soil will already have covered in decaying leaves and sticks that
some mix of sand, silt, and clay. If it doesn’t keep the soil moist and cool. With mini-
have a lot of humus, you can improve it mal digging, you can probably find small
MATT FOWLER with soil amendments, such as compost or bugs or earthworms under the leaf litter or

aged manure, from your home and garden in the soil.
f you have been following along Talking about store. Amending your soil should be done Taking the time to help your budding
in our Growing Gardeners series, soil vitality each year, to best provide your plants gardener learn about and process the
your seedlings should be healthy, and the soil with the nutrients they need. types of soils, and mentally moving from
with strong stems and multiple isn’t the most Remember that we want loamy soil that the concept of dirt to soil, can have a
leaves. But before we can transplant looks like chocolate cake. lasting impact. For little ones, it might
them outside, we have to prepare their exciting part You don’t have to worry about trying to be useful for them to start by thinking
new home. of gardening, amend all the soil in your garden at once. about how they wash non-living dirt off
You know how important it is to have It can also be done slowly over time, by their hands. Taking a minute to contrast
strong, healthy seedlings reaching for the but it is really amending only the areas you plan to plant, that with soil that’s alive and is its own
sun. Too often, though, gardeners don’t and then moving the placement of your self-sustaining ecosystem can open up a
recognize the link between the health of
the most plants each year. world of discussion.
their plants and the health of their soil— important part. Start by marking where you will be
and their own health, too. To produce planting your seedlings, remembering Matt Fowler, MBA, Ph.D., enjoys writing
nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, your that they will need adequate spacing. We about his experiences at The Abundant
soil must be full of micronutrients that the love to use little kid measuring devices in Farm, an intentional farming operation
plants can easily absorb in large amounts. the garden, like the length of a hand, foot, in southeastern Illinois on the Crawfish
Talking about soil vitality isn’t the most or arm. It’s not uncommon to see one of Creek. The farm challenges the family in the
exciting part of gardening, but it is really my children crouched down with face building of a homestead by producing food,
the most important part. You will need near the soil, measuring a distance from products, and character while teaching
to create an environment in which your elbow to fingertip between holes. Refer to health and bounty to others.


Is It Safe to Keep a Cat


dogs, but another friend says they’re toxic.

A: Dogs that eat grapes, raisins, or tama-
rind fruit can develop kidney damage se-

During Pregnancy? vere enough to cause kidney failure and

Grapes at “doses” of 0.32 to 2.4 ounces
per pound of the dog’s body weight and
LEE PICKETT fection. However, they do excrete nonin- raisins at 0.045 to 0.59 ounces per pound
fectious Toxoplasma eggs, called oocysts are toxic to dogs.
Q: I am planning to become pregnant, (OH’-oh-sists), in their feces during the first Initial signs of poisoning include vomit-
and a friend says I should give away my few weeks after they’re infected. ing, diarrhea, abdominal pain, excessive
cat, Myrtle, because she can transmit a More than one day is required for the drooling, lethargy, dehydration, and loss
disease that could harm my unborn child. oocysts to become infective, so you should of appetite. Immediate veterinary care is
Is this true? scoop Myrtle’s litter boxes at least once necessary to preserve kidney function and
A: Rest assured that you may keep Myrtle. daily. Wear a mask and disposable gloves, save the dog’s life.
It sounds like your friend is referring to and wash your hands afterward. Or, bet- If you take some simple Veterinary toxicologists theorize that the
toxoplasmosis, nicknamed “toxo,” a dis- ter yet, have another adult scoop the litter precautions, you can tartaric acid and potassium bitartrate in
ease caused by a one-celled protozoal boxes. safely live with your cat grapes, raisins, and tamarinds are respon-
parasite called Toxoplasma. Oocysts excreted into sand and soil are a while you’re pregnant. sible for the fruits’ toxicity in dogs.
If you are among the approximately 30 risk, so cover sandboxes when not in use, The concentrations of these chemicals
percent of the population who’s already and wash hands after outdoor play. vary with the type of grape, growing condi-
been exposed to Toxoplasma, you have Wear gloves while gardening; wash tions, and degree of ripening. That’s prob-
antibodies that will protect your unborn hands afterward; and wash all fruits, veg- ably the reason why grapes and raisins
child from the disease. Your health care etables, and herbs before eating them. sometimes cause no problems but other
provider can check your antibody levels Undercooked animal muscle, unpas- times are deadly.
and advise you. teurized milk, and cheese made from raw Fortunately, Cream of tartar, used in cooking and
If you do not have antibodies to Toxoplas- milk are important sources of Toxoplasma baking, is another term for potassium bi-
ma, you should take steps to prevent infec- exposure. Use a food thermometer to en- it’s easy to tartrate. Not surprisingly, cream of tartar
tion during pregnancy, since it can increase sure that meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish ingestion also causes vomiting and kidney
the risk of miscarriage, eye problems, and are cooked thoroughly, and don’t taste
prevent damage in dogs.
brain damage in your unborn child. food until it’s fully cooked. Wash cutting infection once While grapes, raisins, tamarinds, and
Fortunately, it’s easy to prevent infection boards and utensils in hot, soapy water, cream of tartar are safe for humans, they
once you know a little about Toxoplasma. and always wash your hands before eating. you know a are toxic to dogs, so keep them away from
A cat gets infected by ingesting the or- If you take these simple precautions, you little about your canine family members.
ganism encysted in the muscles of a ro- can safely live with Myrtle while you’re
dent, bird, or other animal. To prevent this, pregnant. Best wishes to you and your Toxoplasma. Lee Pickett, VMD, practices companion
confine Myrtle indoors to keep her from new baby! animal medicine in North Carolina.
eating wildlife, and feed her commercially Contact her at AskTheVet.pet. Copyright
processed cat food, not raw food. Q: Is it safe to give our dogs grapes as 2021 Lee Pickett, VMD. Distributed by
Cats with toxo rarely show signs of in- treats? One of our friends gives them to her Creators.com
D4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021



A Gracious Guide
to Being a Good
House Guest
MARY HUNT Specific Dates
Nail down the dates of your visit, and
It was shocking, if not surreal. The email then stick to them. When your host does
message was from a woman I’d never met not offer specific dates, that does not
and whose name I recognized only be- mean to say as long as you like. Listen for
cause, a few months earlier, she mailed subtle clues (“We’ll be super busy toward Make sure you have a clear invitation, and have given your hosts the details of your visit, before
me a book she’d written. the end of July”). you arrive.
The message announced that she
and her family were planning a road Do Not Be Vague Mind the Children sure you leave behind a fragrance—not
trip to Disneyland and would just love If the two of you plan to arrive with four Talk to your kids—before you travel—about an odor. Clean up after yourselves with-
to stay with us since (at the time) we children, two dogs, and the new kitten— manners, respect, and tidiness. Let them out being obnoxious. Don’t assume you
lived nearby and oh, wouldn’t that be spell it out. Do not assume your host will know you expect them to pick up their need to do all the laundry and clean the
so much fun. She gave a tentative date just know this intuitively. clothing and offer to help with chores. house before you leave. Just use common
they would be arriving. sense. A lovely parting gesture is to leave
Everything I know about what not to Respect Your Space Transportation a handwritten thank you and appropriate
do as a house guest, I learned from that Arriving with 16 suitcases and enough toys Make sure you have rented a car or figured gift to let your hosts know how much you
experience, from the moment they to keep the children entertained for out public transportation before your ar- enjoyed your stay.
drove up (cue music for Cousin weeks on end gives the impression rival. Should your hosts offer the use of a I have another book in my library—one
Eddie and family from “Na- When that you’ll be taking over the en- vehicle, return it clean and washed with I cherish and read often. Years ago, its au-
tional Lampoon’s Christmas you’re not in tire house. Bring only what you the gas tank full. thor, Darlene Dennis, sent it to me. You
Vacation”) to the time they your room, it need and will fit into a guest need to read “Host or Hostage: A Guide
finally departed. should look like room, and then make sure it Pitch In for Surviving House Guests.” You’ll laugh;
Full disclosure, because it did when you all stays there. You’re not stay- Do not expect your hosts to do all the work. you’ll learn; and in the process, you’ll be-
I have friends and rela- arrived. ing in a hotel, so don’t treat your See what needs to be done and offer to help. come a gracious host.
tives who read this column, friend’s home like one. When And if the hosts prefer for you to sit back and
be it known that all our other you’re not in your room, it should relax, respect their wishes. Mary Hunt is the founder of Everyday-
houseguests have been wonder- look like it did when you arrived. Cheapskate.com, a frugal living blog and the
ful. Exemplary. Do not worry. This is Tour Guides author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.” Mary
not about you. House Rules You can graciously invite your hosts to join invites you to visit her at her website, where
All homes have some rules. If your you at Sea World, but don’t expect that to this column is archived complete with links
Invitation hosts remove their shoes at the front happen. And don’t assume they will have and resources for all recommended products
It need not be engraved on parchment, door, follow suit. Don’t eat in the living discount tickets for you. Or that they will and services. Mary invites questions and
but you do need some indication that room or allow the children to jump on watch the children while you go out for a comments at EverydayCheapskate.com/
you are invited. Do not send a cryptic the furniture. Don’t go through every few hours. They are neither your babysitters contact, “Ask Mary.” Tips can be submitted at
message (“Looks like we will be in your cupboard and drawer in the house (yes, nor your tour guides. Tips.EverydayCheapskate.com. This column
area in a couple of weeks!”), hoping that they did, and to the delight of their will answer questions of general interest,
will result in an invitation. And for good- mother, who remarked that the chil- Leave a Fragrance but letters cannot be answered individually.
ness’ sake, don’t just show up. dren are just so curious). Upon your departure, you want to make Copyright 2021 Creators.com

HERE’S HOW it actually is. Include some small, higher

windows above some standard windows
to vary the focus distance. This provides
How to Design a view of both nearby objects through the
standard windows and distant objects
through the higher windows.
a Small House Instead of having typical straight walls or
hallways, consider building an area with
slightly tapered or stepped walls or ceil-
That Feels Big ings. This can create the illusion that the
room or hallway is longer than it actually
is. A curved hallway can create the same
JAMES DULLEY illusion because part of the area is hidden
from view from one end.
Dear James: We are on a strict budget Area-to-area transitions can make it feel
for our new home. It will have to be fairly like there is more to a house than there
small overall. What are some design tips actually is. For example, thick thresholds
for making the living space seem bigger and deep door/window trim add character
than it actually is? —Kellie D. and a sense of massiveness to a house. Try
extending the window trim past the wall
Dear Kellie: The modern trend in home- surface into the room. This creates a lighted
building is smaller houses. Building mate- area inside the window opening along the
rial costs are very high right now because trim, which contrasts with the shadows
of the pandemic. around the extended trim.
Efficiency is another reason for building Don’t scrimp on some of the open areas
a smaller house. Heat is lost through the such as the foyer or entrance to a stairway,
walls and ceiling, so a smaller house has even though these two areas are not par-
less outdoor surface area from which to ticularly usable floor space. Nothing makes
lose heat. a house seem smaller than a tiny foyer
If you are familiar with some of Frank that more than two people must squeeze
Lloyd Wright’s houses, you know there through around the opened front door.
are many house-design features to make Don’t forget to use the outdoors as living
a house seem more spacious. space. It is much less expensive to build
By starting with a smaller house plan, you outdoor living space per square foot than
may free up your budget enough to splurge indoor living space, and it does not require
on interior features. heating or cooling. To give it the sense of a
Unless you have an unusually shaped room instead of just a patio, include a low
lot, plan on building a square house. For stone or brick wall around its edge, and
a given amount of interior floor area, a have a large roof overhang.
square house has the least amount of wall
area. Less wall area means less building Send your questions to Here’s How, 6906
material and labor costs and lower monthly Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45244, or
utility bills. zones and private zones that are quiet. This Design the floor plan layout of the house visit Dulley.com. To find out more about
One of the first design steps to consider can be done by having some medium-sized so there are windows on at least two walls James Dulley and read features by other
is how the house can be organized into rooms complemented by some snug, cozy of each room. Size the windows appropri- Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists,
specific zones, not just rooms. Attempt to spaces. These spaces may actually be in- ately for the room. Very large windows in a visit the Creators Syndicate website at Cre-
design the house with active community cluded in one corner of another room. wall can make a room seem smaller than ators.com. Copyright 2021 Creators.com

CALLING Dear Readers,

Did you build, fix, design, or craft something that you’re especially proud of?
Whether it’s a small decoration or an ambitious renovation, we’d love to hear about it!

We’re looking to spotlight inspiring home projects from our readers that showcase
valuable do-it-yourself skills and spirit. Tell us about yours—the product, process,
challenges, and rewards.
Send your story, a photo of yourself, and at least one photo of your project, along with

DIYERS your full name, state, and contact information, to home@epochtimes.com, or mail it to:
Home, The Epoch Times, 229 W. 28th St., Floor 7, New York, NY 10001.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 D5

Transforming Ricotta: Just Whip It


am a little late to the ricotta
party. For a long while, this
Italian whey cheese has been
relegated solely to lasagnas
and other filled pasta dishes.
Aside from that, ricotta has not
played a role in much of my cook-
ing. This is likely due to unfortu-
nate first impressions, the ho-hum
results of part-skim varieties that
tend to be watery, grainy, and
lacking in character.
More recently, however, I began
dabbling in using fresh ricotta,
and it’s been revelatory. The dif-
ference between a skimmed and
watered-down version versus a
high-quality whole-milk ricotta
or a hand-dipped artisan ricotta
(besides a few extra dollars) is a
worlds-apart creamy, sweet, and
milky cheese, urging consump-
tion. To which I obliged, and
started experimenting with differ-
ent recipes. And then I whipped it.
Apparently, whipped ricotta has
been a thing, but, as I mentioned, I
am late to the party. Thank good-
ness I arrived. Whipping ricotta
transforms this creamy, slightly
grainy cheese into an ethereal ROASTED BEET AND SPRING GREEN SALAD
spreadable cheese that’s sweet savory SWEET WHIPPED RICOTTA WITH WHIPPED RICOTTA
and mild and very receptive to ad- ricotta on
ditional ingredients, such as olive this roasted MAKES 1 CUP Combine all ingredients in a The beets will release their juices while Heat the oven to 400 degrees F.
oil, honey, fresh herbs, salt, and beet and food processor and process roasting, which will mix with the olive oil Place the beets in a large Dutch oven.
pepper. It’s a protein-rich alter- spring 1 cup whole-milk ricotta until light and smooth. Taste for that creates the base for vinaigrette. Pour in the oil, stir to coat, and lightly
native to whipped cream, creme greens salad. 1 tablespoon honey seasoning and add more honey season with salt. Cover the pot, transfer
if desired. PREP & COOKING TIME
fraiche, yogurt, sour cream, and to the oven, and roast the beets until
1 tablespoon fresh lemon Active Time: 20 minutes tender when pierced with a knife, about
even a dollop of ice cream on top juice
Serve as a substitute for
of dessert. whipped cream, creme fraiche, Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes, 1 hour. Remove and cool, uncovered, in
Pinch of lemon zest or ice cream with fresh fruit and plus cooling time the pot.
To whip ricotta, use a dense,
creamy whole-milk ricotta that (optional) baked desserts. When cool enough to handle, peel
SERVES 4 the beets and cut into large bite-size
smells dairy-fresh and tastes chunks. Don’t discard the oil from the
milky and mildly sweet. Avoid wa- 3 bunches small or baby beets, 10
to 12, ends and stems trimmed, pot. Place the beets in a bowl with 1
tery, grainy, part-skim ricotta and SAVORY WHIPPED RICOTTA tablespoon of the cooking oil, and lightly
any that has a funky aroma. scrubbed clean
season with salt and pepper. Cool to
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil room temperature or refrigerate until
Lynda Balslev is a cookbook au- MAKES 1 CUP generous pinch of finely grated chilled (the beets may be prepared up to
fresh lemon zest. Salt one day in advance).
thor, food and travel writer, and 1 cup whole-milk ricotta
recipe developer based in the San Spread the ricotta in a bowl Freshly ground black pepper Pour the remaining cooking oil into a
2 tablespoons extra-virgin and use as a dip for crudites bowl (through a strainer if desired).
Francisco Bay Area, where she lives olive oil 2 tablespoons white balsamic
and bread. Stir it into cooked Whisk in the vinegar, lemon juice, and a
with her Danish husband, two vinegar pinch of salt to taste.
1/4 teaspoon salt pasta dishes as a creamy sauce.
children, a cat, and a dog. Lynda
A grind or two black pepper
Smear it on bruschetta or garlic 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice To assemble the salad, arrange a layer
studied cooking at Le Cordon toasts and top with sliced figs of mixed spring greens on serving
Bleu Ecole de Cuisine in Paris and Pinch of lemon zest or stone fruit, a drizzle of honey
4 ounces mixed spring greens, such
plates. Lightly drizzle with some of
worked as a personal chef, culinary (optional) and lemon zest, or your other as arugula, mache, baby spinach, the vinaigrette. Mound the beets on
instructor, and food writer in Swit- Combine all ingredients in a favorite toppings. Spoon a miners lettuce, frisée the greens and top with a dollop of the
zerland and Denmark. Copyright food processor. Process until dollop on cooked pizzas, roasted 1 cup Savory Whipped Ricotta whipped ricotta. Garnish with lemon
2021 Lynda Balslev. Distributed by light and smooth and taste for vegetables, and salads, such as zest and black pepper. Serve with the
Andrew McMeel Syndication. seasoning. If you like, add a the following beet salad. Lemon zest, for garnish remaining vinaigrette for drizzling.


A Quick and Easy Way to Slash the High Cost of Groceries

MARY HUNT Determine only to buy food items that are Shop Multiple Stores
on sale. And when you find a super sale, If you have the time, make the rounds to
Have you noticed? The cost of everything buy enough at the sale price to last until several stores. Get the loss leaders from a
is climbing, and not just a little bit. Lumber the next time it will be on sale. number of stores. Just don’t get drawn into
prices are up 250 percent in just the past spending more than you planned. Grab the
three months. The cost of gasoline is soar- Know Your Prices loss leaders, and run (well, make sure you
ing, with the U.S. average hitting $2.87 per It’s important to acquire a good sense of the pay for them first).
gallon—nearing $6 a gallon in California. regular prices of the food items you buy. Or
The cost of food is soaring in ways that are wish you could buy. For example, do you How to Get Started
downright shocking. have a handle on what 80/20 ground beef I know what you’re thinking: How do I wait
is per pound in your area? Without that for sales for the things we need this week,
Inflation knowledge, how will you know if $3.99 a items that are not on sale? You won’t be
What we’re experiencing is inflation— pound is a sale price or the current price? able to be 100 percent compliant right out
the cost of goods and services rising far That sign screaming “SPECIAL!!!” could of the gate. Determine to do the very best
ahead and faster than wages. The cost of be a trick. possible. That might mean waiting to buy
the things you need to live is going up while beef and substituting chicken (that is on
your paycheck stays the same. The Weekly Ad sale) this week. Remember: Eat the sales!
Every grocery store out there produces a Plan your meals around what’s on sale.
Supermarket Sticker Shock weekly ad. Look in your mailbox, at the If you have to pay full price for a few items
If you haven’t been to a supermarket in the store’s entrance, or online at The Weekly this week, get the best price you can. If you
past few weeks, get ready for sticker shock. Ad, where you will find the weekly ad (and can fulfill 75 percent of your food needs for
Nothing ruins an appetite quite like rising coming week’s ads) for every store imag- the week with items that are on sale, that’s
food prices. inable. That weekly ad allows you to sit in fantastic. Go for 80 percent next week, and
the privacy of your home without all of the continue until you’re in a routine that al-
It’s a Game marketing triggers that go on inside a retail lows you to eat the sales and eat well at the
As consumers, we are stepping onto a play- store. same time.
ing field where retailers are our opponents.
They have their playbooks, and they use Loss Leaders Mary Hunt is the founder of
every opportunity to get us to do their bid- Some of the sales will be loss leaders, which EverydayCheapskate.com, a frugal living
ding. What we need is to take a peek into means an item with a sale price below the blog and the author of the book “Debt-
those playbooks. store’s cost for that item. Why would they Proof Living.” Mary invites you to visit
do that? Why would King Soopers price hot her at her website, where this column
Plan your meals around what’s on sale. One Thing: Eat the Sales dogs at 90 percent off the regular price? To is archived complete with links and
There are myriad ways to reduce the cost of get us into the store! To make us so happy resources for all recommended products
groceries, from clipping coupons to using that we’re willing to pay full, inflated prices and services. Mary invites questions
apps that compare prices—some even giv- for the hot dog buns, potatoes salad, and and comments at EverydayCheapskate.
It’s important to acquire ing cash back. I encourage you to participate ice cream to go with them. com/contact, “Ask Mary.” Tips can be
in all of those opportunities, if that’s your submitted at Tips.EverydayCheapskate.
a good sense of the regular thing. For some, that process is too tedious Set Your Budget com. This column will answer questions
prices of the food items to be sustainable. But not to worry: There is You know how much you can afford for of general interest, but letters cannot be
one way to make your food dollars stretch so groceries for a week. Write it down. Commit answered individually. Copyright 2021
you buy. far you kick the snot out of inflation. to not going over. Bring cash. Creators.com
D6 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


pancakes served
with raspberry jam, The author’s m
Willamsen, other, Helen Mar
Nutella, butter, and n age 3
3, celebr ie
sugar, to be folded or traditional N b attiing iin her bunad,
orwegian costum
into triangles to eat e.
with your hands.


Readers share their treasured recipes n Day festi
vities in No
rway on M
ay 17, 201

Norwegian Pancakes,
a Treat for National Day and Beyond
Submitted by After visiting relatives in Norway on our
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 4, 1976, I became aware of how much the
Norwegians, too, love their flag, many flying
As the fourth child of first-generation, Ameri- it from their own flag poles. After returning The number of people this recipe
can-born Norwegians, my siblings and I do a home, I was determined to have my own serves depends on the number of
lot of celebrating with traditional Norwegian flag pole and proudly fly Old Glory in front eggs, and how many each person
wishes to eat. Use one more egg
foods from both southern and northern Nor- of my home, which I was finally able to do
than the number of people. If you
way, especially during Christmas: lutefisk in 1995. I fly a small Norwegian flag under have a crowd of 10 or more, double
and boiled potatoes, salmon, rice cream, the U.S. flag on May 17. the recipe. Leftover batter can be
and a variety of cookies. The Norwegian National Day begins with a saved for a day or two, covered with
The most beloved food, often made by all breakfast shared with family and neighbors, plastic in the refrigerator; hence, it
four generations—my grandparents, my par- which fits right into our family style. We eat can be used for snack time, a quick
ents, myself, and my children (and now even Norwegian pancakes not only on May 17 but breakfast, or dessert. Experiment
my grandchildren are learning)—is served throughout the year, especially on Saturday with the recipe, being careful to not
at breakfast, though it has been known to mornings when time is more leisurely for make them too thick.
also be eaten at dinner, at snack time, or as cooking, or whenever extended family or MAKES ABOUT 40 (10-INCH)
a dessert. What is this delicious treat? Nor- visitors gather. PANCAKES, ENOUGH TO
wegian pancakes! A large bowl of batter is prepared, and a SERVE 6 PEOPLE (6 TO 7
special 8- or 10-inch cast-iron or metal fry- PANCAKES EACH)
ing pan, long-used and seasoned, is heated
1/2 stick (4 tablespoons) butter or A stack of Norwegian pancakes—
up. Each pancake is slightly cooked on both
margarine not to be confused with French
When I was young, it sides, one at a time. A stack might be made
7 eggs crepes—ready for eating.
and kept warm in the oven before setting
was always a contest them on the table, but soon the batch will 1/2 cup sugar
be consumed and each person must wait
with siblings, cousins, patiently for a turn to be served again, mak-
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 to 3 1/2 cups milk (any percent fat)
or friends to see who ing the mouth water in anticipation.
When I was young, it was always a contest 3 cups flour (more or less) Dear Readers,
could consume the most with siblings, cousins, or friends to see who Melt butter, let cool.
Do you have a treasured family
could consume the most pancakes in one recipe that holds a special
pancakes in one sitting. sitting. As a hearty teenager, I believe 10 was
Beat eggs in a large mixer bowl until light and place in your family history,
foamy. Add sugar and salt, mix well. Alternate heritage, or traditions? We
my limit, although I’m certain others have between adding milk and flour, each 1 cup at a would be honored if you would
Oh, yes, the Swedes like to take credit for long broken that record. time, to keep batter from being lumpy. (Adding share it with us.
the original recipe and call them Swedish When I was a child, we buttered them and all the milk before the flour will cause a lumpy
pancakes, because they ruled Norway from sprinkled them with sugar, then we folded batter.) Add butter and mix thoroughly. Along with the recipe, tell
1814 to 1905. Norwegians know that the them in half three times into a triangle or This batter should be thin. Add more milk if us its story—who gave it to
Swedish claim is simply a folk tale, but then wedge shape and ate them with our hands, necessary to thin. you, its journey through the
again, I have a few Swedish immigrants in napkin ready. As we aged, homemade rasp- Heat a lightly buttered cast iron or heavy generations, and the personal
my own Norwegian ancestry from that time. berry or strawberry jam replaced sugar for metal, 8- or 10-inch frying pan. A non-stick meanings and memories it
carries. Is it a special-occasion
In 1814, Norway was ceded to Sweden by fancier and messier fare, eaten with a fork. pan will not produce a nice glossy or slightly
browned pancake, but will work. Older frying dish, or an everyday family
default from Denmark, which ruled Norway Fresh berries are now always available and favorite? Does it connect you
up until that time. On May 17, 1814, Norwe- are rolled inside the pancake, topped with pans that are seasoned make cooking easier;
to your cultural heritage, or to
gians declared themselves independent real whipping cream, usually from a can for everyone has a favorite pan. I have inherited
a certain loved one?
and signed the Constitution of Norway, but ease and fun for youngsters and grandpas my mother’s round small electric frying pan,
which works beautifully. How have you kept the recipe
continued to be ruled by Sweden until 1905. alike. Much to my shock, my grandchil-
They were hindered in their celebrations by dren have begun frying their own and then For each pancake, pour about 1/4 to 1/3 cup alive, and why is it important
Sweden, and thus, they were only truly able spreading Nutella on top, making it very un- batter into the bottom of the medium-hot pan to you to do so?
and roll the batter over the surface until the
to free themselves to wholly have an inde- Norwegian, I think. Not me, I still prefer but- batter covers the pan completely to the edges. Send your recipe and
pendent constitution in 1905. ter and sugar! As the edges begin to dry and the surface comments, along with your
National Day or Constitution Day in So this 17th of May, as we all gather to cel- begins to set, slip a metal spatula under the full name, state, and contact
Norway is celebrated all day long on May ebrate the Norwegian National Day, and the entire pancake carefully and quickly flip it over information, to home@
17, referred to by Norwegians as “Syttende Sons of Norway hold a ceremony and parade and fry on the opposite side just until set, being epochtimes.com, or mail it to:
Mai.” School children dress in traditional at the International Peace Gardens, you can careful not to overcook or burn. Regulate your
Home, The Epoch Times,
costumes, carrying flags while parading be certain that Norwegian pancakes will temperature to the pan you’re using and the
229 W. 28th St., Floor 7,
and singing through the town centers, while find their way onto our families’ tables and type of stove you’re cooking on. The pancake
New York, NY 10001.
proud parents and citizens watch, waving into our tummies, while Norway remains should have slight browning on each side.
thousands of their own Norwegian flags. forever in our hearts. Spise opp—eat up!
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021 D7


Richard Thaler’s
Advice for a
Key lessons to take away from 2020
CARRIE SCHWAB-POMERANTZ resemble video games, eliciting the same that aren’t good for you hard. It’s not unlike

rapid-fire moves. But as Thaler points out, Slick trading platforms how you might approach a diet. You purge
ear Readers: I’ve been promot- “If you want to entertain yourself, don’t play can resemble video your kitchen of candy and other sweets, and
ing the tried-and-true prin- with stocks, go find a poker game.” That games, eliciting the same you stock the fridge with veggies and fruit.
ciples of smart money man- get-rich-quick mentality is the complete rapid-fire moves. But the When it comes to investing, you can think
get-rich-quick mentality
agement for so many years it opposite of the mindset you need to be a of funds as your fruit: healthy and easy to
is the complete opposite
can be hard to come up with successful long-term investor. of the mindset you need access. You can then apply the same prin-
fresh ways to share their important mes- to be a successful long- ciple by setting up automatic deposits from
sage: Spend less. Save more. Diversify your Spread Out Your Risk With Funds term investor. your paycheck to your 401(k). This not only
portfolio as you invest for your long-term At the core of this advice are the crucial prin- takes the day-to-day decision-making out
goals. As old-fashioned as this advice may ciples of asset allocation and diversification. of your hands, but it’s also your ticket to a
sound, it remains the foundation for your By spreading out your money between not strategy known as dollar-cost averaging that
future financial success. only different companies but also different will help you navigate the stock market year
But if you still need convincing, I invite types of companies and categories of invest- in and year out, through market surges like
you to listen to the wisdom of prominent ments, you decrease your risk and increase the one we experienced recently as well as
behavioral economist and Nobel laureate your odds for long-term success. market declines.
Richard Thaler. One of my colleagues had What does this mean for individual inves- This is because, as risky as it can be to pour
the opportunity to sit down with professor tors? According to Thaler, the message is
If you’re one a huge amount of money into the stock mar-
Thaler early this year and asked him the clear: Stick with mutual funds and exchange- of the millions ket at any particular moment, it’s equally
following question: “As individuals, what traded funds. He notes that last year saw an dangerous to pull it out and find yourself on
lessons can we take from 2020 as we strive alarming increase in the number of amateur of people the sidelines for the next upswing. Multiple
to build a strong future?” investors buying shares of individual com- who jumped studies have shown that market timing—
panies. Yes, the high-flying companies are the attempt to get in and out of the market
We All Need an Emergency Fund alluring, but the reality is that they can fade into the stock at exactly the right time—is extremely dif-
Thaler’s advice was twofold. First, if you were as quickly and easily as they can soar. At some ficult to achieve. And if professional money
lucky enough to reduce your spending over point, many may come back to Earth. market for the managers can’t do it with any consistency,
the course of the past several months and Backing up just a little, it’s important to set first time last you won’t be able to either. Successful inves-
you now have extra cash, this is a unique op- realistic goals and have a plan whenever you tors often continue to invest through good
portunity to build a financial cushion. Take invest. Only after you’ve built a solid founda- year, Thaler times and bad, and automatic deposits can
enough of that money to cover a minimum tion of broad-based funds should you even help you do just that.
of three to six months’ worth of your essen- think about adding a few individual securi-
has a word
tial expenses and stash it in a safe and liquid ties—and only if you have the skill and time of caution: A Path to a Brighter Future
account. It won’t earn much, but you can be it takes to research a company’s financials, When you think about how complicated the
confident it will be there if/when you need it. management team, and strategies. Beware financial world has become, it’s easy to feel
It’s not impossible to do well by buying and of false overwhelmed. Every time you turn around,
Don’t Be Blinded by the selling individual securities—and it can be you have to make another choice—between
Stock Market Stars fun. But it’s far more likely that rapid trad- confidence. banks, brokerage houses, insurance compa-
If you’re one of the millions of people who ing—especially so-called meme stocks— nies, and investments. So my strong advice

jumped into the stock market for the first will wind up being hazardous to your long- is to simplify.
time last year, Thaler has a word of caution: term wealth. It’s a rather bold assertion to As Thaler recommends, stick to the funda-
Beware of false confidence. For months on think you know something that millions mentals. Use that money you didn’t spend in
end in 2020, the market—in particular, sev- of other investors, including institutional 2020 to build up your emergency reserves.
eral leading tech companies—was burning and professional money managers, haven’t Use mutual funds and exchange-traded
bright. But these shooting stars may soon already priced in. funds to diversify your investments. Keep
flame out. Making money in Zoom, Ama- yourself on the right path by putting your
zon, or Tesla in 2020 made investing seem Make What’s Good for You Easy and contributions on autopilot. The road to a
deceptively easy and seductive. What’s Bad for You Hard brighter future doesn’t have to be compli-
To quote Thaler: “If you were a new in- Part of the brilliance of Thaler’s work in be- U.S. economist cated. It just requires having the confidence
vestor who started in May, you may think havioral economics is the understanding Richard Thaler, to set yourself up to succeed.
you’re a genius. It is very hard to distinguish that you can’t fight human nature. We don’t recipient of the 2017
between luck and skill.” always, or even mostly, behave in a rational Nobel Prize Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, a certified
This is a crucial distinction. As I’ve pointed way. So, given that, it makes more sense to for Economics. financial planner, is president of the
out in a recent column, investing is serious work with our nature than against it. Charles Schwab Foundation and author
business that requires time, knowledge, I think of this in terms of making the things of “The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances
and discipline. Slick trading platforms can that are good for you easy and the things After Fifty.”



Don’t Most People Already Know?

DAVE RAMSEY geting. A budget is just a plan. It’s not a Still, to make your cash flow plan work,
restriction on spending, it’s a strategy for you have to do it consistently. That means
Dear Dave, what you’ll do with all your money. It’s track- sitting down every month and making a
You talk a lot about budgeting, and how ing what’s coming in and what’s going out. budget for the upcoming month. Don’t let
important it is in getting control of your When you budget every month, you’re giving the fear of what you might find stop you,
money. But don’t most people already have a your money purpose. You’re controlling your and don’t over-complicate things. It’s easy as
good idea of what they’re spending, and how money and telling it where to go, instead of writing down your income and everything
much they have in the bank, without going scratching your head and wondering where that requires money for the month, then do-
through all the time and trouble of develop- it all went. ing a little basic math. And once you have a
ing an actual budget? The word budget gets a bum rap because plan in place, stick to it! Too many people get
—Carter some people think it’ll be like putting a lazy or “forget” to do a monthly budget.
straitjacket on their spending and their Give it a shot, Carter. You’ll experience
Dear Carter, lives. But that really isn’t true at all. Bud- a sense of freedom, security, and accom-
Well, if that were true, why are people paying geting actually gives you the power to plishment like you’ve never felt before once
billions in overdraft fees every year? Why spend wisely and with purpose. Budgeting you’ve taken that first step toward gaining To make your cash
are so many people deep in debt and living even causes feelings of fear, intimidation, control of your money! flow plan work,
you have to do it
paycheck to paycheck, even without tak- and anger in some folks. Sure, it takes a little consistently. That
ing the effects of a pandemic into account? time and effort at first to create a budget Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions, means sitting down
It’s because most people don’t really know that really works. But once you get the hang host of “The Dave Ramsey Show,” and a best- every month and
where their money’s going each month. of it, and it doesn’t take long, the hard part selling author, including “The Total Money making a budget for
Let’s start with a simple definition of bud- is over. Makeover.” Follow Dave at DaveRamsey.com the upcoming month.
D8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021


An Easy Way to Stop Money Dribbling

MARY HUNT figure, and then add a zero plus a $70,000 a year, so we should be able

little. Say you spend $5 a week at to buy what we want without feel-
ost of us think of spend- the vending machine at work. That ing guilty.”
ing money in the least $5 weekly expense is about $20 a The truth is Tom makes $68,703 a
painful terms. I sup- month ($5 x 4 = $20). year, which is close, but not exactly
pose that’s only natu- Now add a zero to $20 ($200), plus $70,000.
ral. If we could see clearly how a a little (oh, let’s say $50), which is Allowing for taxes and other pay-
simple purchase fits into the big about $250 a year. Let’s check the roll deductions, his net take-home
financial picture, perhaps spend- numbers: $5 x 52 = $260. Very close! pay is something closer to $55,000.
ing money on little stuff wouldn’t Do you get it? Adding a zero to a Of that amount, their actual dis-
be quite so easy. monthly expense gives you a rough cretionary income (what they have
In his book “Pour Your Heart Into 10-month equivalent, and adding to spend after allowing for the es-
It,” Starbucks coffee founder How- a little accounts for the other two sentials of food, shelter, insurance,
ard Schultz says the average Star- months in a year. transportation, etc.) is more like
bucks customer spends $3.50 per $6,000 annually—hardly the fic-
visit and makes 18 visits per month. tional $70,000 on which they base
I’m fairly certain that most of their lifestyle.
these customers think of that as If we could see With just a little practice, Tom and
a series of $3.50 expenditures be- Sue can get real about their income
cause it’s less painful than seeing clearly how a simple by thinking in more realistic terms.
it as a $756 annual expense, spent While they might make close to
$3.50 at a time.
purchase fits into $70,000 a year, they have just $500
Now, I am not suggesting the the big financial cash to spend each month. That
Starbucks is a habit that must be makes blowing $100 here or $3.50
banished from your life. Not at all. picture, perhaps there more significant.
What I’m saying is that if you’re go- spending money on Start annualizing your spend-
ing to spend it, stop trivializing it ing and thinking of your income
as an expense so small it doesn’t little stuff wouldn’t in more realistic terms. It’s pain-
really matter. be quite so easy. ful at first, but once you get past
“It’s only pennies,” might be the the shock, it will keep you awake
way you think about it. But it’s not with your financial feet planted in
pennies. It’s dollars—756 of them Here’s another example. Jenny reality.
out of the money you have left gets her nails done every two weeks Even better, money will stop drib-
once you pay all of your bills and at a cost of $25 per visit. That’s about bling out of your life.
expenses. $50 a month. Times 10, that’s $500,
If you can get into the habit of plus a little ($75) is $575. Again, Mary Hunt is the founder of Ev-
quickly calculating the annualized let’s check the numbers: $25 x 26 = erydayCheapskate.com, a frugal
cost of things, you’ll have achieved $650. Not far off, and quite shock- living blog and the author of the
an effective way to get mindless ing when all along Jenny has been book “Debt-Proof Living.” Mary
spending under control. Using this trivializing this as just a little some- invites you to visit her at her web-
quick way to estimate the true cost thing she does for herself. Now, site, where this column is archived
of an expense as it impacts your an- don’t get me wrong. I’m not against complete with links and resources
nual income is a great tool to take nail appointments. I just want you for all recommended products
control of your mind and your bank and Jenny to know the true cost of and services. Mary invites ques-
account. what you believe are insignificant tions and comments at Everyday-
Oh, but you think you’re terrible expenditures. Cheapskate.com/contact, “Ask Small but regular purchases, such as daily cups of coffee, add up to a big
with math? Numbers give you a Most people think of their income Mary.” Tips can be submitted at annual expense.
rash? Join the club, and then un- in loose, inflated terms because Tips.EverydayCheapskate.com.
derstand that is no excuse. You can that’s the least painful approach. This column will answer ques-
train your brain to take control of Take Tom and Susan. They live tions of general interest, but letters
your spending. Let me show you. in the false security of a $70,000 cannot be answered individually.
Here’s the rule: Take a monthly annual income, as in, “We make Copyright 2021 Creators.com

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