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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | T U E S D A Y, M A Y 18 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,963 $1.

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In the News Supreme Court

New York Gov. Andrew

to Consider
Cuomo has largely ended in-
door masking requirements
for people who have received
a COVID-19 vaccine . ... A3
Abortion Ban
Court will consider
Over 1,100 people in the
whether all restrictions on
United States have been
hospitalized with COVID-19 abortions prior to viability
after being fully vaccinated, are unconstitutional
and more than 220 have died, By MATTHEW VADUM
according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Preven-
tion. ... A4 The Supreme Court has decided to
hear a Mississippi case that could
U.S. gasoline prices have allow states to ban abortions after
stabilized, but stations across 15 weeks of gestation.
the southeast remain without The case will probably be heard
fuel. ... A3 in the fall of this year. It comes as
A COVID-19 vaccine pro- Democrats and President Joe Biden
duced in a partnership be- intensify their push to expand the
tween Sanofi and GlaxoSmith- Supreme Court from its current
Kline showed strong results nine members, in part to protect
in a new trial, the companies abortion rights.
announced. ...A4
The Biden administration
has announced that Ameri- ECONOMY Consumers pump gas at a Costco gas station in Atlanta on May 11, 2021. The abortion debate has
can families will begin receiv- divided our country for
ing monthly payments from
an expanded child tax credit
starting July 15. ... A4
As Prices Rise, Fed Continues over 50 years, and many of
us believe the decision to
Lou Barletta, ally of former
President Donald Trump, has
announced that he’s running
to Dismiss Inflation Worries review is long past due.
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves


for governor of Pennsylvania.
... A5 US businesses are cant improvement in labor markets. Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves
From gas to groceries, Americans hailed the court’s decision, saying
Sen. Ron Johnson says that raising prices for their have started to see price increases a review of the nation’s abortion
the Green New Deal would
goods and services at a in recent weeks as the economy re- laws was “long past due.”
make the U.S. energy grid opens. Used car and truck prices, “The sanctity of life. The future of
more vulnerable to cyberat- rate not seen since the for example, surged 21 percent year- our children. Mississippi is at the
tacks. ... A7 over-year, including a 10 percent forefront of protecting both. And
late 1970s, early 1980s
The Israeli military has de- increase in April alone. that is what is at stake in the case
stroyed a 9.3-mile “terror tun- By EMEL AKAN Surveys also show that U.S. busi- we have been praying the U.S. Su-

nel” network used by Hamas nesses are raising prices for their preme Court would decide to hear,”
forces as part of its effort to ASHINGTON–Al- goods and services at a rate not the Republican governor said on
reduce terror groups’ ability to though inflationary seen since the late 1970s and early social media.
launch strikes against Israel. pressures keep build- 1980s, when inflation was running It is the second abortion-related
... A10 ing in the U.S. economy, at double-digit rates. case the high court has decided to
The European Union and
economists believe Federal Reserve Thirty-six percent of small busi- A sign on a restaurant advertises that take up since Justice Amy Coney
the United States have de- officials are unlikely to tighten mon- ness owners reported that they raised the business is hiring, in Annapolis, Barrett’s arrival on the bench last
cided to temporarily suspend etary policy before seeing signifi- Continued on A3 Md., on May 12, 2021. Continued on A2
measures at the heart of a
steel tariff dispute. ... A10
Groups alleging human NATION CHINA
rights abuses against mi-
norities in China are calling Associate Chinese
for a full-blown boycott of
the 2022 Winter Olympics of Rep. Gaetz Regulators on
in Beijing. ... A11
Pleads Guilty Mission to Rule
Lawyers for Rudy Giuliani
have asked a federal judge to in Federal Sex Over Technology
block a review of data from
his phones. ... A6 Trafficking Case Giants
A former Customs and By ZACHARY STIEBER By FAN YU
Border Protection officer
has pleaded guilty to illegally An associate of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R- Commentary
bringing a Mexican woman into Fla.) pleaded guilty to child sex traf- Beijing has begun to rein in Chi-
the United States, the Justice ficking and other charges on May People drink and eat at Truck Yard beer garden in Houston on April 9, 2021. na’s technology companies, issu-
Department says. ...A7 17, agreeing to cooperate fully with ing fines and instructing firms to
U.S. prosecutors in a larger-scale PANDEMIC change their corporate structure
A Texas cafe owner is ask-
ing a federal court to tempo- investigation. due to anti-competitive behavior
rarily block the Small Busi- Magistrate Judge Leslie Hoffman
accepted the guilty plea from Joel
Texas Records Zero COVID-19 and other transgressions.
But a common thread across
ness Administration from
prioritizing its grants for cer- Greenberg, a former tax collector Deaths for 1st Time Since March 2020 recent regulatory actions against
tain business owners. ... A7 for Seminole County in Florida, at the technology sector, regardless
federal court in Orlando. By ZACHARY STIEBER shows zero newly reported fatali- of the allegations on the surface,
The court “found the facts suffi- ties; the last reported deaths among is the Chinese Communist Party
cient to allow the defendant to plead The state of Texas recorded zero those with COVID-19 were on May (CCP)’s desire to control them
Daniel Lacalle: The US Con- guilty” after Greenberg acknowl- deaths among people with COV- 12, when two people died. and their data.
sumer Is Not Happy...A14 edged that he signed an 86-page ID-19 on May 16 for the first time Texas also on May 16 saw the There’s been increased scrutiny
Christopher Ferrara & plea agreement and admitted to since March 2020, Gov. Greg Ab- fewest COVID-19 cases in over 13 over China’s technology industry.
Charles LiMandri: Packing the facts set forth in the document. bott said. months, the lowest seven-day CO- It materially kicked off last year
the Supreme Court: An At- Greenberg, who was placed “Today Texas reported: 0 Covid VID-19 positive rate ever, and the with the halting of Ant Group’s IPO.
tempt to Stamp Out Religious in the custody of U.S. Marshals related deaths—the only time that’s lowest number of people hospital- Then Beijing regulators announced
Liberty?...A16 pending sentencing, was associ- happened since data was tracked in ized with COVID-19 in 11 months, guidance around regulating finan-
ated with Gaetz. In 2017, the con- March, 2020,” the Republican said Abbott said. cial tech companies, to prevent
Theodore Dalrymple: Older gressman promoted Greenberg as on Twitter. According to state officials, 388 any from becoming too powerful
Art Focused on the Beautiful;
a potential congressional nominee. A dashboard run by the Texas De- cases were newly confirmed, with and to protect the interests and
Modern Art Often Looks at the
Disturbing...A17 Continued on A6 partment of State Health Services Continued on A5 Continued on A9


Marriage has always been
an important foundation of ‘Game Is Not Over’: Emily Lau Says of Hongkongers’ Fight for Democracy
traditional culture. In ancient
China, weddings were marked By FRANK FANG & JAN JEKIELEK lifestyle and our freedoms to Washington-based nonprofit

by many rites. ...B1 but in a peaceful and non- Freedom House, Hong Kong saw
Acting Appreciation 101: So In Hong Kong, the struggle violent way,” Lau said in its score for civil liberties drop to
you think acting is easy. Here’s for democracy and free- a recent interview on The 37 this year from 45 in 2017. “We’re not
what it actually takes. ...B7 dom will continue despite Epoch Times’ “American The significant drop in the score counting on
the local government’s re- Thought Leaders” program. is in part due to a draconian na- vaccine
pression of opposition fig- Hong Kong, a former Brit- tional security law that the Chinese mandates
DON’T DELAY. Emily Lau.
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. ures, activists, and press ish colony, has seen a dras- regime imposed on Hong Kong at all,” CDC
READEPOCH.COM freedom, said Hong Kong’s tic deterioration of press last year. Since then, a local me- Director
“Iron Lady,” Emily Lau. and other freedoms as the dia newsroom was raided by the Dr. Rochelle
Published in New York, “I can tell you the game is Chinese Communist Party police, many activists and opposi- Walensky said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
not over. We will continue to (CCP) has tightened its grip tion figures have been detained and Read more on n A6
struggle to defend our free over the city. According Continued on A9

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.


rity of the medical profession and professed interest in ‘women’s

society by allowing abortions after health’ is pure gaslighting,” the
15 weeks’ gestational age only in district court stated in its ruling.
medical emergencies or for severe “No, legislation like H.B. 1510 is
fetal abnormality.” closer to the old Mississippi—the
The petition states that surgical Mississippi bent on controlling
abortion after 15 weeks “carries women and minorities. The Mis-
inherent medical threats to the sissippi that, just a few decades
mother.” The risk of the mother dy- ago, barred women from serving
ing is 35 times more likely at 16 to on juries ‘so they may continue
20 weeks than at 8 weeks, “and the their service as mothers, wives,
relative risk of mortality increases and homemakers’”—a reference
by 38 percent for each additional to a Mississippi legal precedent
week at higher gestations.” from 1966.
“It is undisputed in the medical
literature that a human fetus de-
velops neural circuitry capable of
detecting and responding to pain America cannot be
by 10–12 weeks after the last men-
strual period,” it states. a humane, civilized
“At 14–20 weeks, spinotha- society if its courts
lamic circuitry develops that can preclude lawmak-
support a conscious awareness
of pain.” ers from imposing
During the time period cov- reasonable limits on
ered by the law, “the human fe- the taking of inno-
The U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on May 4, 2020. tus is likely capable of conscious
pain perception in a manner cent life.
that becomes increasingly com-
Supreme Court to Consider plex over time.”
“We know so much more about
Lynn Fitch, attorney general,

the development of unborn chil-

Mississippi’s 15-Week Abortion Ban dren today than 1993—much less
1972,” Reeves said in an apparent
“The Mississippi that, in Fannie
Lou Hamer’s reporting, sterilized
reference to Roe v. Wade, after the six out of ten black women in Sun-
Supreme Court decided to hear flower County at the local hospi-
CONTINUED FROM A1 The legal issue to be examined The Supreme Court took its time the Mississippi case. tal—against their will. ... And the
isn’t the constitutionality of the deciding whether to hear the ap- “Honestly, the abortion debate Mississippi that, in the early 1980s,
fall gave the conservative bloc a Kentucky statute as such, but peal of the case from Mississippi, has divided our country for over was the last State to ratify the 19th
6–3 majority on the court, giving standing—that is, whether a state known as Dobbs v. Jackson Wom- 50 years, and many of us believe Amendment—the authority guar-
pro-life activists hope. attorney general vested with the en’s Health Organization, court the decision to review is long anteeing women the right to vote.”
The first was Cameron v. EMW power to defend state law should file 19-1392, which was filed with past due.” The lawyer representing the clin-
Women’s Surgical Center, as The be permitted to intervene after the court in April 2020. Mississippi argues that viability ic said in court filings that there
Epoch Times reported on March a federal court of appeals invali- The court indicated that it will is “not an appropriate standard for was no reason for the Supreme
29. The case revolves around Ken- dates a state statute when no other limit the scope of the appeal assessing the constitutionality of Court to consider the case.
tucky’s 2018 ban on dilation and state actor will defend the law. and consider only Question 1 as a law regulating abortion.” The “In an unbroken line of decisions
evacuation (D&E) abortions on In theory, the Supreme Court stated in the petition for certio- state says its ban is intended to over the last fifty years, this Court
unborn, living children. could overturn Roe v. Wade, the rari, or review, that the state filed safeguard the health of the mother has held that the Constitution
Then-Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, 1973 ruling that made abortion with the court. That question is, and baby. guarantees each person the right
a Republican, signed the law, the lawful throughout the United “whether all pre-viability prohi- “America cannot be a humane, to decide whether to continue a
Human Rights of Unborn Children States, but narrowing its reach bitions on elective abortions are civilized society if its courts pre- pre-viability pregnancy,” lawyer
Act, which stopped D&E abortions seems more likely. The court could unconstitutional.” clude lawmakers from imposing Hillary Schneller wrote.
after 11 weeks of pregnancy and also take aim at the Planned Par- No justices stated in the un- reasonable limits on the taking of Mississippi’s argument was
was subsequently enjoined by enthood v. Casey (1992) ruling, signed order that they disagreed innocent life,” Mississippi Attor- “based on a misunderstanding
federal courts. After the succeed- which held that states can’t impose with the decision to hear the case. ney General Lynn Fitch, a Repub- of the core principle of” prior Su-
ing administration of Gov. Andy significant restrictions on abortion Mississippi’s petition to the Su- lican, has argued. preme Court rulings, she said.
Beshear, a Democrat, refused to before a fetus becomes viable for preme Court notes that the state The federal district court that “While the State has interests
defend the statute in court, Ken- life outside the womb. The Casey enacted H.B. 1510, the Gestational found against Mississippi excori- throughout pregnancy, ‘before
tucky Attorney General Daniel ruling didn’t specify when viabil- Age Act in 2018, which “protects ated state lawmakers for passing viability, the State’s interests are
Cameron, a Republican, indicated ity occurs but suggested it was at the health of mothers, the dignity the law at issue, H.B. 1510. not strong enough to support a
that he wanted to do so. about the 24-week gestation mark. of unborn children, and the integ- “The Mississippi Legislature’s prohibition of abortion,’” she said.


Supreme Court Issues Ruling on

Unanimous Jury Verdict Requirement
JACK PHILLIPS Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Louisiana serving life in prison af-
Sotomayor—dissented. ter he was convicted by a divided
The U.S. Supreme Court on May Kavanaugh w rote t hat jury on charges including aggra-
17 reiterated that the Constitu- the  court’s “well-settled retro- vated rape, two counts of aggra-
tion requires unanimous jury activity doctrine” led to the con- vated kidnapping, and five counts
verdicts for state criminal trials, clusion that the decision doesn’t of armed robbery stemming from
but it doesn’t apply retroactively, apply retroactively, and it “tracks a crime spree in 2006.
which denies relief to thousands the Court’s many longstanding The jury divided 10–2 on most of
of inmates who were found guilty precedents on retroactivity.” the robbery charges and 11–1 on
via divided juries. the remaining charges. Edwards,
The court ruled 6–3 to reaffirm who had confessed to police, was
last year’s decision that the Con- sentenced to life in prison without
stitution requires a unanimous It is assuring that the the possibility of parole.
The justices of the Supreme Court pose for a group photo at the Supreme
conviction. However, this time In the dissent, Kagan wrote that Court in Washington on April 23, 2021.
around, the Supreme Court ar- Supreme Court up- the decision in 2020 “comes with
gued in its majority opinion that held the rule of law. a promise, or at any rate should,”
it didn’t necessitate reopening adding: “If the right to a unani- nal trials: Oregon and Louisiana, Landry, a Republican, said in a
closed cases. Jeff Landry, attorney general, mous jury is so fundamental—if with Louisiana changing its law statement. “At a time when crime
Justice Brett Kavanaugh pro- a verdict rendered by a divided in January 2019. rates are through the sky and at-
vided the majority opinion and jury is ‘no verdict at all’—then Louisiana Attorney General Jeff tempts to erode law and order are
was joined by Chief Justice John During arguments, several jus- Thedrick Edwards should not Landry said the May 17 ruling was incessant, it is assuring that the
Roberts and Justices Clarence tices noted the very high bar that spend his life behind bars over necessary. Supreme Court upheld the rule
Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gor- past cases have set to making two jurors’ opposition. I respect- “Today, the Supreme Court reaf- of law.”
such, and Amy Coney Barrett. The similar new rules retroactive. fully dissent.” firmed long-final convictions in-
three members of the liberal wing The decision came in the case of Only two states allowed nonu- volving rape, murder, child moles- The Associated Press contributed
of the court—Justices Stephen Thedrick Edwards, an inmate in nanimous jury verdicts in crimi- tation, and other violent crimes,” to this report.

Bill Gates Left Microsoft Board Before Conclusion of Probe Into Affair With Employee
SAMUEL ALLEGRI “Microsoft received a concern years ago which ended amica- incredible children and built a New Year’s Day in 1994. Melinda
in the latter half of 2019 that Bill bly,” a spokeswoman for the bil- foundation that works all over the Gates briefly worked for Micro-
Microsoft board members deter- Gates sought to initiate an inti- lionaire told the WSJ, adding that world to enable all people to lead soft and was ultimately made
mined in 2020 that Bill Gates had mate relationship with a compa- his “decision to transition off the healthy, productive lives.” general manager of information
to step down from the company’s ny employee in the year 2000,” a board was in no way related to They didn’t provide any other products before leaving the com-
board while they were investigat- Microsoft spokesperson told The this matter. In fact, he had ex- details about the split. pany in 1996.
ing an alleged prior relationship Epoch Times in a statement. “A pressed an interest in spending According to WSJ, the divorce The two started the Bill and Me-
the billionaire had with a female committee of the Board reviewed more time on his philanthropy had been in the works for years, linda Gates Foundation in 2000
Microsoft employee that was the concern, aided by an outside starting several years earlier.” partly driven by Melinda’s con- and have donated tens of billions
deemed inappropriate. law firm, to conduct a thorough This comes after the billionaire cerns about her husband’s deal- of dollars to various causes.
The Wall Street Journal re- investigation. Throughout the in- on May 3 said in a tweet that he ings with convicted sex offender According to Forbes maga-
ported,  citing people familiar vestigation, Microsoft provided and his wife of 27 years, Melinda Jeffrey Epstein, who died in a zine, Bill Gates is the fourth-
with the subject, that the board extensive support to the employ- Gates, are getting divorced. New York federal jail cell in Au- richest person in the world. Me-
members hired a law firm in 2019 ee who raised the concern.” “After a great deal of thought gust 2019 while awaiting trial on linda Gates was No. 5 on Forbes’
to investigate the relationship af- Gates resigned on March 13, and a lot of work on our relation- federal charges related to sex traf- world’s most powerful women list
ter an engineer at the company 2020, before the investigation was ship, we have made the decision ficking. compiled in 2020.
claimed that she’d had a sexual finalized, soon after his reelec- to end our marriage,” a statement The Gateses started dating in
relationship over several years tion for the board seat. from the two said. “Over the last 1987 after meeting at a trade show Jack Phillips contributed
with Gates. “There was an affair almost 20 27 years, we have raised three in New York. They got married on to this report.

As Prices Rise,
Fed Dismisses
Inflation Worries
CONTINUED FROM A1 than a decade. The index jumped
by 4.2 percent for the 12 months
average selling prices in April, up 10 ending in April, compared to 2.6
percentage points over the March percent in March. That was the
reading, according to the National largest monthly gain since Sep-
Federation of Independent Busi- tember 2008.
ness. This was the highest level A 25.1 percent spike in energy
since 1981, when it was 43 percent. costs drove much of the increase,
Price increases were most common with gasoline prices surging 49.6
in wholesale and retail businesses, percent and energy commodities
according to the survey. rising by 47.9 percent in April.
The Fed officials have repeatedly Meanwhile, car rental prices, air-
said the price increases are “tran- line fares, and hotel rates are also
sitory,” with the expectation that surging as they continue to ben-
inflation will eventually moderate efit from economic reopening and
back to the central bank’s 2 per- pent-up demand.
Shoppers walk on the street near Herald Square in New York on June 25, 2020.
cent target. Worldwide commodity shortages
The upward pressure on prices due to supply chain disruptions
is “caused by this artificial shut- have also led to higher prices for “If sustained, we would expect the raising concerns that the central
down in the economy, which should many raw materials from lumber rhetoric from the Fed around infla- bank may end up waiting too long
have never happened,” according and grains to iron ore and copper. The Fed officials tion expectations to shift towards before reacting to inflation.
to Lance Roberts,  chief invest- In a speech on May 12 at the have repeatedly cautious optimism going forward,” The Fed officials should start to
ment strategist at RIA Advisors. In National Association of Business said the price Deutsche Bank economists stated voice more concern about the infla-
an interview with NTD Business, Economics Symposium, Fed Vice in a report. tion risk, according to Democratic
Roberts said the government has Chairman Richard Clarida repeat- increases are “As of now, however, we do not economist Larry Summers, who
created this “pressure cooker” by ed the Fed’s “transitory” rhetoric ‘transitory,’ with expect the Fed to express much served as Treasury secretary un-
compressing economic activities about the inflation expectation. concern about the recent rise in in- der President Bill Clinton and as a
during the pandemic. “Over the next few months,
the expectation flation expectations nor alter their top economic adviser to President
“Now they’re all about to get re- 12-month measures of inflation that inflation will messaging with respect to the near- Barack Obama.
leased at one time, and unfortu- are expected to move above our eventually mod- term policy trajectory.” “All the evidence is that inflation
nately, this is going to really put the 2 percent longer-run goal, largely The Fed signaled that it would is a terrible thing for the poor,”
Fed into a box,” he said. reflecting, I believe, transitory erate back to the keep rates near zero through 2023 Summers said during a webinar
While some price increases could factors such as a run of year-over- central bank’s 2 and ruled out any tapering of asset hosted by the Council on Foreign
be transitory, he said, many Ameri- year comparisons with depressed percent target. purchases in the near term before Relations.
cans, especially those living pay- service-sector prices recorded last seeing significant improvement in “The Fed has traditionally acted
check to paycheck, would be hit by spring as well as the emergence of the labor market. and spoken in ways that were de-
inflation. some supply bottlenecks that may Since March last year, the central signed to preempt inflation fears.
“They’re going to curtail spending limit how quickly production can bank has been pumping unprec- Today, the Fed speaks in a way that’s
and that’s going to impact economic rebound in certain sectors,” he said. edented amounts of money into designed to preempt the idea that
growth,” Roberts said. Economists don’t expect Fed of- the system by buying large sums the Fed might have inflation fears.”
The consumer price index soared ficials to change this rhetoric un- of Treasury bonds and mortgage-
last month above economists’ ex- less the increase in prices proves backed securities in the market. Tom Ozimek contributed
pectations and by the most in more sustainable. Prominent economists have been to this report.

US Gasoline Prices Begin Stabilizing but Stations Cuomo Ends New tween small groups or individuals
unless all patrons within the busi-
Slow to Restock After Pipeline Back Online York’s Indoor
Mask Mandate for
ness, or a separate designated part
of the establishment, present proof
ZACHARY STIEBER Vaccinated People Patrons can use the state’s Excel-
sior Pass, a vaccine passport sys-
Gasoline prices in the United ZACHARY STIEBER tem, use a different digital applica-
States stabilized over the week- tion, or show a paper document.
end, but stations across the south- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo New York has increasingly begun
east remain without fuel, even on May 17 largely ended indoor treating the vaccinated and un-
after Colonial Pipeline brought masking requirements for people vaccinated differently. Major sta-
its 5,500-mile fuel conduit back who have been vaccinated against diums, for instance, are requiring
online. COVID-19. unvaccinated fans to sit separately
The average price per gallon in The state is authorizing business- from those who have gotten a CO-
the United States on May 17 was es to continue to require masks, VID-19 shot. And a reopening of
$3.04, which was the same aver- but in most settings, vaccinated the Tribeca Festival will only allow
age as May 15. people won’t be required to don vaccinated attendees, the governor
Prices jumped in the wake of the coverings. announced on May 17.
Colonial taking its Texas-to-New However, unvaccinated persons “We do want to say directly: 100
Jersey pipeline offline earlier this still must wear masks indoors, percent [capacity] at Radio City
month after being cyberattacked. and the New York Department of Music Hall. So if I’m not vaccinat-
The national average increase Health is recommending masks ed, I can’t go,” he said. “If you’re
was eight cents per gallon, accord- Motorists fill up gas cans at a Shell station in Charlotte, N.C., on May 12, 2021. for everybody in “settings where vaccinated, yes, you come to Ra-
ing to the American Automobile vaccination status of individuals dio City Music Hall. And if you’re
Association (AAA). The hardest- is unknown,” Cuomo’s office said. unvaccinated, that’s your choice.
hit states—such as Georgia, North But you can’t go into the Radio
Carolina, and South Carolina— City Music Hall with vaccinated
saw prices jump by as much as 21 people.”
cents in just a few days. If you are vaccinated, Cuomo had previously an-
“The Southeast will continue to you are safe. nounced that many capacity re-
experience tight supply this week strictions would end in New York
as terminals and gas stations are New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and surrounding states.
refueled,” Jeanette McGee, a AAA Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), who is
spokesperson, said in a statement. Cuomo, in a press conference, challenging Cuomo in the 2022
“Over the weekend, gas prices cited how the Centers for Disease gubernatorial election, said he
started to stabilize, but are ex- Control and Prevention (CDC) disagrees with Cuomo’s approach.
pected to fluctuate in the lead up abruptly last week changed its “Andrew Cuomo is wrong to be
to Memorial Day weekend.” recommendations to state that pushing Vaccine Passports on
The group projects that 34 mil- fully vaccinated people don’t need New Yorkers,” he said on Twitter.
lion Americans will take a trip 50 to wear face coverings indoors in “Privacy and freedom may not be
miles or more from their home many settings. anywhere on his priority list, but
between May 27 and May 21, a 52 “By the CDC guidance, immu- they are on mine, which is why
percent increase from the sum- nocompromised people, unvac- there would be no implementation
A fuel holding tank at Colonial Pipeline’s Linden Junction Tank Farm in Wood-
mer of 2020, but about a 10 percent bridge, N.J., on May 10, 2021.
cinated people should continue to of Vaccine Passports in NY right
decrease from 2019. wear a mask and social distance. now if I was Governor.”
The people who do venture out But if you are vaccinated, you are JEFFREY D. ALLRED/DESERET NEWS VIA AP
will see prices that are as high as Illinois, Hawaii, and Washington stations in South Carolina, 40 safe—no masks, no social distanc-
they have been since 2014. are seeing prices as high as $4.13 percent of the 6,639 stations in ing,” he said.
“This is going to be an expensive per gallon. Georgia, and roughly a quarter The Democrat initially resisted
summer for motorists. However, Colonial resumed normal op- of stations in Virginia, Maryland, altering his state’s guidance, say-
we do not expect it to deter trav- erations on May 15, several days and Tennessee. ing officials needed to review the
elers from hitting the road. AAA after it initiated a restart of its Some 16,315 stations were with- CDC’s updates.
finds that despite the higher pump pipeline, which delivers 2.5 mil- out fuel on May 13. Consistent with the CDC’s guid-
prices, Americans still take their lion barrels of fuel per day to ma- Gas demand is falling along with ance, New York will still require
road trips but just may not travel jor markets such as New York, the number of stations out of fuel, masks for every public transporta-
as far as originally planned, or go Texas, and Florida. according to Patrick De Haan, an tion rider and all people who enter
to their planned destination and But 11,667 stations remained analyst with GasBuddy. nursing homes, homeless shelters,
spend a little less,” McGee said. unable to service customers as Prices are already falling in correctional facilities, schools, and
Gas in some states, primarily in of midday May 15, according to some areas and may trend lower health care buildings.
the Midwest, remains between GasBuddy. That included about in the coming days but may start The state isn’t letting private busi- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks
$2.72 per gallon and $2.85 per gal- half of the 5,373 stations in North going back up around Memorial nesses eliminate a requirement to the media at a news conference in
lon. Western drivers and those in Carolina, 45 percent of the 3,084 Day, he said. of six feet of social distancing be- Manhattan on May 5, 2021.

223 People Have Died With COVID-19 After

Getting Fully Vaccinated: CDC

ZACHARY STIEBER altered previous masking guid-

ance, saying fully vaccinated peo-
Over 1,100 people in the United ple can go without masks in many
States have been hospitalized with indoor settings.
COVID-19 after being fully vacci- “We now have science that has
nated against the virus that causes really just evolved even in the last
it, and more than 220 have died, two weeks that demonstrates that
according to new figures from a top these vaccines are safe, they are
U.S. health agency. effective, they are working in the
population, just as they did in the
clinical trials, that they are work-
ing against our variants that we
The numbers could have here circulating in the United
also be undercount- States, and that, if you were to de-
velop an infection even if you got
ed because ‘national vaccinated, you can’t transmit that
surveillance relies infection to other people,” Walen-
on passive and vol- sky said on ABC’s “This Week.”
If people are vaccinated, “they’re
untary reporting.’ safe,” she said.
She also said health officials
The number of hospitalizations are trying to figure out how a CO-
among the fully vaccinated is up VID-19 outbreak occurred among
to 1,136, and the number of deaths the New York Yankees, who were
among the same population is 223 mostly vaccinated.
as of May 10, according to the Cen- “I would consider that, when you
ters for Disease Control and Pre- look at the details that I’m aware
vention (CDC). A pharmacist with the Memorial Healthcare System receives a Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine in Miramar, Fla., on of, seven of those eight were com-
The statistics published by the Dec. 14, 2020. pletely asymptomatic. The eighth
CDC are an accumulation of re- was a mild case. They were detected
ports from 46 U.S. states and ter- or Pfizer vaccine. gram, people who haven’t been after getting their final shot. The on routine testing that generally
ritories. Which locations haven’t Of the people who died after vaccinated but who die of heart at- numbers were again from 46 U.S. doesn’t happen in many other pop-
shared breakthrough numbers being fully vaccinated, 42 were tacks or other causes while testing states and territories and said to be ulations. This is the vaccine work-
isn’t clear. asymptomatic or not related to positive for the CCP virus are typi- a likely undercount. ing,” she said. “This means that you
The numbers could also be un- COVID-19, according to the CDC. cally listed as a COVID-19 death. COVID-19 is caused by the CCP didn’t get infected—or you didn’t
dercounted because “national sur- Additionally, 342 of the hospital- The death rate among the fully (Chinese Communist Party) virus. get a severe infection. You didn’t
veillance relies on passive and vol- izations were asymptomatic or not vaccinated is “extraordinarily low” Clinical trials showed the Pfizer require hospitalization. You didn’t
untary reporting, and data might related to COVID-19. when taking into consideration vaccine to be 95 percent effective in require death [sic], and most likely
not be complete or representative,” “Many, many hospitals are the death rate of COVID-19 itself, preventing infection by the virus; those people were not transmitting
according to the CDC. screening people for COVID when Walensky said. the Moderna shot to be 94 percent to other people.”
Breakthrough metrics refer to they come in, so not all of those 223 Some 115 million people had effective; and the Johnson & John- A ninth team member has tested
cases, hospitalizations, or deaths cases who had COVID actually died been fully vaccinated as of May 10. son shot to be 66.9 percent effective. positive, an official said on May 16.
among people who have seen of COVID. They may have had mild The CDC had been sharing the The Johnson & Johnson vaccine “We’re just doing the best we can
two or more weeks elapse since disease, but died, for example, of number of so-called breakthrough was studied later than the others. with it,” manager Aaron Boone said.
receiving the final dose of a CO- a heart attack,” CDC Director Dr. COVID-19 cases, but is no longer. No other shots are currently “Fortunately, he’s another one that
VID-19 vaccine—the single-shot Rochelle Walensky said on CNN’s The agency had said that 9,245 authorized for use in the United feels good. So we’ll just continue to
Johnson & Johnson vaccine or the “State of the Union” on May 16. people as of April 16 tested positive States. try and be vigilant and handle it as
second shot of either the Moderna Under the usual counting pro- for the disease at least two weeks The CDC last week dramatically best we can.”

Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments to Sanofi-GSK COVID-19 Vaccine Shows

Positive Results in New Trial
Start for Most Families on July 15: Biden ZACHARY STIEBER vaccine candidate last year after
ZACH GIBSON/GETTY IMAGES interim results from a combined
JACK PHILLIPS A COVID-19 vaccine produced in phase 1/2 trial showed it trig-
a partnership between Sanofi and gered an “insufficient response”
The Biden administration on May GlaxoSmithKline showed strong in older adults, one of the groups
17 announced that American fami- results in a new trial, the compa- most at risk from COVID-19 of se-
lies will begin receiving monthly nies announced on May 17. vere disease or death. They said at
payments from an expanded child Interim results from a phase 2 the time they would start a phase
tax credit starting July 15. trial showed the development of 2 trial in February 2021.
President Joe Biden, in a state- antibodies against the CCP (Chi-
ment, said that about 90 percent of nese Communist Party) virus in
families who have children will get 95 to 100 percent of volunteers,
the tax relief automatically as part of who ranged in age from 18 to 95. These positive data
the American Rescue Plan, which “With these favourable results, show the potential
was passed by Congress and signed we are set to progress to a global
into law by Biden earlier this year. Phase 3 efficacy study. We look of this protein-
The president, meanwhile, said forward to generating additional based adjuvanted
Congress should pass the American data and working with our part- vaccine candidate.
Families Plan, an infrastructure- ners around the world to make
related proposal worth about $2 our vaccine available as quickly Roger Connor, president,
trillion, to provide “relief for years as possible,” Thomas Triomphe, GlaxoSmithKline
IRS headquarters in Washington on April 15, 2019.
to come.” executive vice president and
Republicans have balked at the head of Sanofi Pasteur, said in The vaccine isn’t expected to be
price tags of the American Families a statement. ready until the fourth quarter.
Plan and the infrastructure mea- “These positive data show the The upcoming phase 3 trial will
sure known as the American Jobs potential of this protein-based enroll more than 35,000 adults
Plan, saying that both proposals adjuvanted vaccine candidate in from a variety of countries. It will
contain too many provisions that the broader context of the pan- be randomized and double-blind
aren’t related to traditional infra- demic, including the need to ad- and test against some CCP virus
structure such as roads, bridges, dress variants and to provide for variants.
water pipes, and electrical lines. booster doses,” added Roger Con- Many COVID-19 vaccines au-
Some critics have said the bills are nor, president of GSK Vaccines. thorized in countries around the
tantamount to stimulus packages The trial involved 722 volun- world so far use messenger RNA
and would lead to a rise in inflation, teers in the United States and or a modified virus delivery sys-
which would thereby raise the cost Honduras, with roughly equal tem. In contrast, the Sanofi-GSK
of goods and services for all Ameri- numbers of adults in two age shot utilizes a copy of the CCP vi-
cans. groups: between 18 and 59, and rus spike protein as the antigen,
The American Families Plan 60 and older. Volunteers were giv- which helps the body recognize
would extend most of the child tax en two injections 21 days apart, and fight off the virus if a person
credit expansion until 2025, which with antigen dose levels ranging becomes infected.
is backed by most Democrats in from 5 to 15 micrograms. European Commission Presi-
Stimulus checks are prepared for printing at the Philadelphia Financial Cen-
Congress. ter, in this file photo.
U.S. government money helped dent Ursula von der Leyen told
Republicans have also said that fund the study. reporters last month that protein-
infrastructure bills won’t be passed Full results will be published in based COVID-19 vaccines have
with GOP support if they include The Biden-backed American Child Tax Credit will be made regu- a peer-reviewed journal, the firms “quite a potential” and could be
any changes to the 2017 tax cuts that Rescue Plan, passed to deal with larly from July through December stated. added to the commission’s stock
were passed by Congress in 2017 the economic downturn amid the to eligible taxpayers who have a The companies reformulated the of authorized jabs.
and signed into law by President CCP virus pandemic, increased main home in the United States for Fifteen COVID-19 vaccines have
Donald Trump. They also said these the maximum credit amount from more than half the year. The total received emergency authorization
bills shouldn’t increase the corpo- $2,000 to $3,600 for kids under the of the advance payments will be or approval in at least one country,
rate tax rate. age of 6. For children older than 6, up to 50 percent of the Child Tax according to the Regulatory Af-
“Senate Republicans are not in- $3,000 will be doled out. Credit,” the IRS said last week in fairs Professionals Society, with
terested in revisiting the 2017 tax The law also made the tax credit a statement. “Advance payments another 57 in varying stages of
bill. I think the president and vice fully refundable, which would allow will be estimated from information development. About a dozen are
president understand that,” McCo- low-income families to be eligible, included in eligible taxpayers’ 2020 in late-stage trials, including shots
nnell told reporters last week after according to the Internal Revenue tax returns (or their 2019 returns if from CureVac/GSK, the Center for
meeting with Biden at the White Service (IRS). the 2020 returns are not filed and Genetic Engineering and Biotech-
House. “Advance payments of the 2021 processed yet).” nology, and Vaxxinity.

ago, it’s slipping away from us,” he said.

“Our way of life changed dramatically
during the pandemic,” Barletta added,
blaming the state’s Democratic governor
for a heavy-handed approach to COVID-19
restrictions that he said made things “so
much worse.”
“They had a disastrous response to the
pandemic. Wolf squeezed our small busi-
ness owners and put hardworking Pennsyl-
vanians on the unemployment line. These
politicians kept our kids out of school for
far too long. And who knows the long-term
damage of that?” Barletta said.
Falling COVID-19 infection and death
counts, along with updated public health
guidance from the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention, have fueled calls for
states to roll back restrictions.
Wolf recently defended his decision not to
lift all COVID-19 restrictions until Memo-
rial Day, May 31, after some Republicans
argued they should be lifted on May 28 to
boost Pennsylvania’s economy and help
the hospitality industry, which has been hit
especially hard by the pandemic.
“I’m not trying to play games. Maybe
we should have done it May 15. Maybe we
should wait until Sept. 1. I don’t know. What
is the right time? I’m trying to do the best
that I can,” Wolf said at a press conference
Then-Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) addresses supporters in Hazleton, Penn., on May 15, 2018. last week, according to local outlet News 8.
Barletta also accused Wolf and “his liberal
friends in DC” of trying to end the produc-

Republican Lou Barletta Launches tion of coal, oil, and natural gas, which Bar-
letta said would destroy thousands of jobs.
“We need to take back our natural re-

Bid for Pennsylvania Governorship sources from the elites and turn on the
energy powerhouse that Pennsylvania can
be,” Barletta said.
Wolf’s administration in early May solidi-
fied its intention to begin imposing a price
TOM OZIMEK Democrat, is barred from running for re- on greenhouse gas emissions from power
election in 2022 due to term limits. plants, a move that could make Pennsyl-
Lou Barletta, a Republican who was We need bold In a campaign launch video, Barletta vania the first major fossil fuel state to
endorsed by former President Donald leadership to touted his record as a successful business- adopt a carbon pricing policy. The regula-
Trump for a U.S. Senate seat in 2018, has help get Penn- man, vowed to boost the state’s economy, tory scheme is a key part of Wolf’s climate
announced that he’s running for governor oppose efforts to suppress fossil fuels, change agenda. Opponents say the move
of Pennsylvania. sylvanians back fight illegal immigration, take measures would devastate coal and natural gas jobs
“I’m in! I’m running for Governor of the to work, our to shore up election integrity, and make and hurt local businesses.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” Barletta, neighborhoods safer. In his campaign video, Barletta also
65, said in a tweet on May 17. “We need bold
students back “We grew our company to the largest of vowed to oppose efforts to defund the
leadership to help get Pennsylvanians back in the class- its kind in the Commonwealth,” he said, re- police or “put sanctuary cities in our
to work, our students back in the classroom, room, and our ferring to the pavement marking company hometowns,” while promising to fight for
and our businesses booming again!” that he founded in 1984. election integrity.
Barletta, who represented the state in businesses “We created good-paying jobs for hard- So far, Barletta’s only declared opponent
the U.S. House from 2011 to 2019, lost his booming again! working Pennsylvanians,” Barletta said, in the Republican primary is Joe Gale, a
Senate bid to incumbent Sen. Bob Casey highlighting his service as mayor and Montgomery County commissioner.
Lou Barletta, gubernato-
(D-Pa.). Previously, he had served as mayor member of the U.S. House. State Attorney General Josh Shapiro
rial candidate for Penn-
of Hazelton, Pennsylvania. sylvania
“But the Pennsylvania we all grew up will be seeking the Democratic Party’s
Pennsylvania’s governor, Tom Wolf, a with, the one we all knew just a few years nomination.


Texas Records Zero COVID-19 Deaths for 1st

Time Since March 2020
CONTINUED FROM A1 those vaccinated against the CCP ing President Joe Biden, for rolling
virus has continued rising. back the mask mandate and lifting
another 208 cases probable, or Just under 123 million Americans all capacity restrictions on busi-
believed but not confirmed. were fully vaccinated against the nesses in March. Biden and one of
Texas has seen nearly 2.5 million virus as of May 17. Over half of the his top medical advisers, Dr. An-
confirmed cases and approximate- population of Texas had received thony Fauci, claimed the move was
ly 422,000 probable cases since at least one dose as of May 16. ill-timed and could result in a spike
March of 2020, with almost 50,000 in infections and other metrics.
people dying with COVID-19, the The latest statistics show that the
disease caused by the CCP (Chi- prediction didn’t materialize. A
nese Communist Party) virus. Texas also saw the new working paper indicates why.
Some 2.7 million patients have fewest COVID-19 Using anonymized smartphone
Pedestrians walk down South Congress Avenue in Austin, Texas, on March
recovered from COVID-19, officials data, they found “no evidence that
estimate. cases in over 13 the Texas reopening led to sub- 3, 2021.
Deaths among those with the ill- months. stantial changes in social mobility,
ness have dropped sharply in the including foot traffic at a wide set of ing the five weeks following the nated people stop wearing masks
United States in recent months, Abbott imposed harsh restric- business establishments in Texas.” reopening.” in most settings. Unvaccinated
hitting a 10-month low of about tions in the summer of 2020, such They also analyzed COVID-19 case The Centers for Disease Con- people, the health agency advised,
625 per day last week. as a statewide mask mandate, data and found “no evidence that trol and Prevention followed the should still don face coverings in
Cases and hospitalizations have but later rescinded the orders. He the Texas reopening affected the lead of Texas and other states last indoor settings and some outdoor
also fallen, while the number of drew criticism from some, includ- rate of new COVID-19 cases dur- week, recommending fully vacci- environments.

News without spin, for you to
form your own opinion.

and Deep Dive Evening News News Today

Associate of Rep. Gaetz Pleads Guilty to Child Sex

Trafficking, Agrees to Cooperate With Feds
CONTINUED FROM A1 Attorney David
Webster (R)
Greenberg, Gaetz said, had “been looks on while
a disruptor” at the Seminole Fritz Scheller,
County Tax Collector’s Office. Joel Greenberg’s
Gaetz’s office didn’t respond to a attorney, speaks
request for comment from The Ep- to the press
after Greenberg,
och Times. The congressman has a former tax
said in response to news reports collector in
about the federal probe that he has Seminole
done nothing wrong. A spokesman County, pleaded
told news outlets that Gaetz didn’t guilty to six
seem to be named or referenced in federal charges,
the plea agreement. including a child
“Congressman Gaetz has nev- sex trafficking
er had sex with a minor and has charge, at
never paid for sex,” the spokes- the United
person said. “Mr. Greenberg was States Federal
Courthouse in
first indicted for falsely accusing
Orlando on May
someone else of sex with a minor. 17, 2021.
That person was innocent. So is
Congressman Gaetz.”
Fritz Schiller, Greenberg’s attor-
ney, told reporters in April, after
suggesting his client would plead
guilty, that Gaetz “is not feeling
very comfortable today.”
“The emphasis in the last few
days is on the Matt Gaetz-Joel
Greenberg relationship, right?
Wouldn’t it be obvious to assume
that he would be concerned?”
Schiller said. such as “school” or “food.” crimes, he contacted the girl and guilty that he endured an eight-
Greenberg pleaded guilty to six One of the girls whom Greenberg asked her to lie. month long string of attacks on
out of the 33 counts filed against Greenberg plead- paid was a minor under the age of Greenberg was initially indicted his character just one week af-
him by prosecutors. According ed guilty to six out 18, according to the plea docu- with stalking and illegally using ter he announced his run for tax
to the lengthy plea agreement, of the 33 counts ment. The minor, who was not someone else’s identity as part of collector.
Greenberg used at least four ac- named, had an account on a web- a scheme to smear a political op- The developments in the Green-
counts—including a Venmo ac- filed against him site representing her as an adult. ponent, Brian Breute, last year. berg case, he said, have left him
count—to pay for commercial by prosecutors. Greenberg introduced the minor Greenberg allegedly wrote letters heartened.
sex acts. He used at least to other adult men who engaged to Breute’s place of employment, “I have personally a renewed
From December 2016 to Decem- in sex acts with her. a school, representing himself as hope and satisfaction with our
ber 2018, Greenberg conducted four accounts to Greenberg abused his office by an anonymous concerned student federal system,” Breute said. “I’d
more than 150 transactions total- pay for commer- using a state database to look up who knew of Breute engaging in like to say the same thing about
ing over $70,000. All of the transac- and investigate sexual partners, sexual misconduct with another our state system, frankly.”
tions involved Greenberg paying
cial sex acts. authorities said. On Sept. 4, 2017, student. The probe later widened Breute called on Gov. Ron De-
women for sex. he looked up the minor because to include other allegations. Santis to initiate an investigation
Greenberg often portrayed the he suspected she was underage. Breute told reporters on May 17 into all state agencies that are re-
spending from his Venmo as go- When Greenberg learned last outside of the federal courthouse sponsible for overseeing the Semi-
ing toward everyday expenses, year that he was charged with where Greenberg later pleaded nole County Tax Collector’s Office.

CDC Chief: ‘We’re Not Counting Giuliani Lawyers Ask Judge to Block
Review of Data From His Phones
on Vaccine Mandates at All’
Lawyers for Rudy Giuliani have I know the criminal
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director asked a federal judge to review law, and I do not
of the Centers for Disease Control the “constitutionality and legal- violate it.
and Prevention (CDC), said May 16 ity” of the federal government’s
that the federal government isn’t conduct in its investigation be- Rudy Giuliani,
“counting on vaccine mandates at fore the appointment of a special former New York City mayor
all” and that any such mandates master after several of Giuliani’s
will be locally driven. devices were seized when his Giuliani was serving as Trump’s
Her remarks come days after apartment was searched by fed- personal lawyer and was an attor-
the CDC updated its guidelines eral investigators. ney to several other high-profile
to state that individuals who have “The validity of the 2019 covert individuals when the 2019 war-
been fully vaccinated against CO- warrant, and the handling of the rant was used, Costello wrote in
VID-19, the disease caused by the information obtained by the pros- the letter.
CCP (Chinese Communist Party) ecutor are serious questions that “In addition, in the original war-
virus, “can resume activities that must be resolved before any fur- rant for the iCloud account, there is
you did prior to the pandemic” ther damage is done,” Giuliani law- a non-disclosure order based upon
and no longer have to wear a mask yers Robert Costello and Arthur an allegation made to the issuing
or socially distance in most indoor CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky speaks to the press at the Hynes Conven- Aidala wrote in a letter unsealed Court, that if Giuliani were in-
and outdoor settings. tion Center FEMA Mass Vaccination Site in Boston on March 30, 2021. on May 17 that was sent last week to formed of the existence of the war-
“We’re not counting on vaccine U.S. District Judge for the Southern rant, he might destroy evidence or
mandates at all. It may very well The CDC chief, in a separate in- ago for sporting events, Madison District of New York Paul Oetken. intimidate witnesses,” the former
be that local businesses, local terview on “Fox News Sunday,” Square Garden, the Times Union The attorneys argued that the mayor’s attorneys stated.
jurisdictions will work toward noted that several colleges have Center, and the City University of “fruits of the 2019 search were “Such an allegation, on its face,
vaccine mandates. That is going asked that students be vaccinated New York. certainly used in some part to se- strains credulity. It is not only
to be locally driven and not feder- before the fall semester. New York The American Civil Liberties cure the 2021 largely duplicative false, but extremely damaging to
ally driven,” Walensky told NBC’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo said May 17 Union in late March voiced con- search warrant and subsequent Giuliani’s reputation. It is not sup-
“Meet the Press.” that students attending public cerns about such proposals, say- seizures. It is for those reasons that ported by any credible facts and is
“We were pretty clear when we universities in the state must be ing that they would likely violate it is premature to consider a special contradicted by Giuliani’s efforts
lifted it that the science right now fully vaccinated to return to in- Americans’ privacy—namely if master before these critical issues to provide information to the Gov-
tells us that it is safe for vaccinated person classes. there is a centralized, digitized are resolved.” ernment. We should be allowed
people to take off their masks,” On the topic of private firms system. The group noted that in- The attorneys are calling on the to question the Government as to
Walensky told host Chuck Todd. asking people to provide proof of dividuals who don’t have a smart- court to rule on their filing before what basis it had, if any, to make
“We also said that this virus has vaccination in the future, Walen- phone with an app saying they a special master is appointed to that assertion.”
given us many curve balls over sky said that she believes it’ll be are vaccinated could be excluded review the contents seized during Giuliani had denied any wrong-
the last 16 months. We’ve also said “industry-by-industry.” from certain services. the raid on Giuliani’s apartment. doing during an interview with
that the more circulating virus “I can also see how difficult it White House press secretary Jen Costello and Aidala said federal Fox News in early May, saying the
that we have, the more likely it is might be,” she added. Psaki signaled last month that the investigators shouldn’t begin to ex- warrant appeared to be based on
that variants will emerge.” States including Wyoming, Biden administration won’t sup- amine electronic material seized the suspicion that Giuliani violated
KEVIN C. COX/GETTY IMAGES Montana, Arizona, Texas, and port or develop CCP virus vaccine from Giuliani—a former attor- the Foreign Agents Registration
Florida have blocked the usage passports. ney of former President Donald Act by allegedly lobbying on be-
of vaccine passports, while legis- “The government is not now, nor Trump—until they provide more half of Ukrainian officials. The law
latures in Indiana and Iowa have will we be supporting a system information about a “covert war- requires people to notify the U.S.
passed bills blocking them. Simi- that requires Americans to carry rant” they executed in 2019 that Department of State if they are act-
lar measures are being proposed a credential. There will be no fed- targeted Giuliani’s iCloud account. ing as a foreign agent.
in Michigan, Tennessee, New Jer- eral vaccinations database and no According to the letter, the ma- “I know the criminal law and
sey, and New Hampshire. federal mandate requiring every- terial obtained via the iCloud ac- I do not violate it,” Giuliani said,
New York and some parts of one to obtain a single vaccination count was used to obtain a warrant adding at the time that he believed
California, meanwhile, have credential,” Psaki said during a for the April search of his apart- the April raid of his apartment was
rolled out programs for digital White House press conference. ment. Federal investigators seized politically motivated.
CCP virus and testing passports. several of Giuliani’s smartphones, The Department of Justice didn’t
The Centers for Disease Control and New York’s Excelsior Pass was Jack Phillips contributed laptops, and other devices, Guil- respond to requests for comment
Prevention in Atlanta on Oct. 5, 2014. implemented several months to this report. iani confirmed at the time. from The Epoch Times.

Cafe Owner Seeks to

Sen. Ron Johnson Says Green Temporarily Block
Biden Admin From
New Deal Would Make US Grid More Prioritizing Certain
Groups for Grants
Vulnerable to Cyberattacks JANITA KAN

DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES A Texas cafe owner is asking a fed-

TOM OZIMEK eral court to temporarily block the
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) says from prioritizing its grants for certain
the Colonial Pipeline cyberat- business owners.
tack and ensuing shutdown Philip Greer, the owner of Greer’s
have exposed “existential” vul- Ranch Cafe, has filed a temporary
nerabilities in the United States’ restraining order seeking to imme-
fuel and electrical grid. diately stop the SBA from prioritiz-
The senator called vulnera- ing women, veterans, and socially
bilities “a devil of a problem” for and economically disadvantaged
which there’s no easy fix, while business owners for its $28.6 bil-
arguing that the Democrats’ lion Restaurant Revitalization Fund.
Green New Deal would make Greer argued in a motion, filed by
the problem worse. America First Legal (AFL), the SBA
Colonial Pipeline, which deliv- has already received 147,000 appli-
ers approximately 45 percent of cations from women, veterans, and
the fuel consumed on the East socially and economically disad-
Coast, halted operations last vantaged business owners who re-
week after revealing it had been quested a total of $29 billion in relief
targeted by hackers. The shut- funds. This means the funds will be
down affected gasoline supplies, depleted before other groups can be
with some people waiting for considered for relief.
hours at gas stations—a situation “Mr. Greer and his restaurant
made worse by panic buying. respectfully seek a temporary re-
Colonial Pipeline announced straining order to bring an immedi-
on May 15 that it has returned its ate halt to these unconstitutional
systems to “normal operations.” race and sex preferences,” the AFL
Johnson was asked by John attorneys wrote.
Catsimatidis, host of the radio A fuel holding tank at Colonial Pipeline’s Dorsey Junction Station in Washington on May 13, 2021. According to SBA regulations, so-
program “The Cat’s Roundtable” cially disadvantaged individuals are
about the possibility of future believe that criminals who did ality, and don’t make ourselves Norman (R-S.C.) said in a state- those “who have been subjected to
attacks on the nation’s critical the attack are living in Russia.” more vulnerable with the Green ment following the deal’s rein- racial or ethnic prejudice or cul-
infrastructure systems in a May “We have been in direct New Deal.” troduction. tural bias within American society
16 interview. communication with Mos- Progressive Democrats, led by “This legislation would change because of their identities as mem-
cow about the imperative for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez every aspect of American life: bers of groups and without regard to
responsible countries to take (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey what we eat, how we travel, how their individual qualities. The social
decisive action against these (D-Mass.),  reintroduced their we stay warm, and even what disadvantage must stem from cir-
We need to recog- ransomware networks,” Biden signature blueprint to address jobs we can take. This is no way cumstances beyond their control.”
said, adding that the adminis- climate change, the Green New to govern. Simply put, the Green Meanwhile,  economically dis-
nize that, harden tration would “pursue a mea- Deal, in late April—this time in New Deal is an attempt to dis- advantaged individuals are those
our grid under that sure to disrupt their ability to the form of a Senate resolution. guise socialism in the name of whose “ability to compete in the
reality, and [not] operate” and the Department Republicans have denounced environmental protections.” free enterprise system has been
of Justice (DOJ) had launched a it as a “socialist super-package.” Markey stated at a press event impaired due to diminished capi-
make ourselves new task force for prosecuting Johnson said Biden’s plan to in Washington on April 20 tal and credit opportunities as
more vulnerable ransomware hackers. adopt proposals in the Green that “the Green New Deal isn’t compared to others in the same or
with the Green Johnson said a key lesson from New Deal could make the coun- just a resolution, it is a revolu- similar line of business who are not
the Colonial attack is “how in- try’s power grid more vulnerable. tion,” adding that the proposal socially disadvantaged.”
New Deal. credibly vulnerable our fuel grid “With everybody hooking up “provides the framework we Greer, who is represented by
Sen. Ron Johnson is, our electrical grid is.” their solar panels and hooking need to confront the intersect- America First Legal and the Texas
“We are very vulnerable,” into the grid so they can get a few ing crises our country faces— Public Policy Foundation, argued
Johnson said, and called for shekels for the electricity they’re climate change, a public health that such a policy actively excludes
“Cybersecurity is a devil of more investment to shore up selling into the grid, we become pandemic, racial injustice, and entire classes of Americans not
a problem,” Johnson replied. grid resiliency. “We’re spend- more and more vulnerable,” he economic inequality.” mentioned in the “priority” group
“There are no easy solutions.” ing all these trillions of dollars said, arguing that it will create “We can transform our econ- who are also suffering significant
The Wisconsin Republican in infrastructure, let us spend “more points of contact that cy- omy and our democracy for all financial losses caused by the pan-
said part of the solution is hold- a couple of billion and pre- berattackers can exploit.” Americans by addressing the demic. He claimed that the SBA
ing cyberattackers accountable. purchase backup, large power “We really need to change the generational challenge of cli- is in fact prioritizing women and
The United States should transformers in case there’s an direction we’re headed in here. mate change,” he said. racial minority groups through its
“make them pay for these types EMP or a GMD issue with our No administration has paid suf- Ocasio-Cortez, who joined regulations.
of intrusions,” Johnson said, electrical grid.” ficient attention to the vulner- Markey at the reboot, reinforced
though he acknowledged that Johnson has long advocated for abilities of our electrical grid. the plan’s sweeping and revolu-
identifying the hackers behind enhanced measures to protect “This could be existential.” tionary zest.
such attacks is difficult. the electric grid from threats of Republicans have repeatedly “We’re going to transition to a Greer argued that
The FBI and administration of- electromagnetic pulse (EMP) opposed the Green New Deal, 100 percent carbon-free econ- such a policy active-
ficials have blamed a criminal disruptions, nuclear weapons, dismissing it as a costly and ex- omy that is more unionized,
syndicate named DarkSide for and geomagnetic disturbances treme proposal that would cost more just, more dignified, and ly excludes entire
the Colonial Pipeline attack. (GMD) such as solar storms. jobs and reduce American en- guarantees more health care classes of Ameri-
President Joe Biden said at a “We are a fossil fuel-based ergy independence. and housing than we ever have cans not mentioned
May 13 press briefing that while economy and will be a fossil fu- “True to its name, the Green before,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Do
the administration does not be- el-based economy for decades,” New Deal is the most amateurish we intend on sending a message in the ‘priority’
lieve the Russian government Johnson said in the interview. resolution in recent memory,” to the Biden administration that group who are also
was involved in the intrusion, “We need to recognize that, Environment Subcommittee we need to go bigger and bolder? suffering due to the
“we do have strong reason to harden our grid under that re- ranking Republican Rep. Ralph The answer is absolutely yes.”
tion lurches America dangerously
Former CBP Agent Admits to backward, reversing the clock on
American progress, and violating our
Bringing Mexican National most sacred and revered principles
by actively and invidiously discrim-
Into US Illegally: DOJ inating against American citizens
solely based upon their race and sex.
JANITA KAN the woman, identified as Yadira This is illegal, it is unconstitutional, it
Yesenia Trevino-SanMiguel, was is wrong, and it must stop,” the law-
A former Customs and Border her biological aunt and denied suit states.
Protection (CBP) officer has implementing the scheme to The lawsuit, which was filed last
pleaded guilty to illegally bring- help her enter the country. week, calls on the court to block
ing a Mexican woman into the According to the criminal the enforcement of any policy that
United States, according to the complaint, Walker, who initially would discriminate against certain
Justice Department. denied paying Trevino, admit- classes of Americans, arguing that
Rhonda Lee Walker, 40, of ted that she had paid Trevino for this would be necessary to “pro-
Laredo, Texas, admitted to fed- child care and housekeeping du- mote equal rights under the law for
eral prosecutors that she helped ties and that Trevino would stay Border Patrol agents arrest seven illegal immigrants who tried to evade all American citizens and promote
the illegal immigrant enter the at her residence for several days capture near Penitas, Texas, on March 15. 2021. efforts to stop racial discrimination.”
country so that she could work to take care of her children. In a statement, AFL President Ste-
for Walker as a housekeeper As a part of the plea deal, the In the 2019 fiscal year, 223 arrested continues to be a con- phen Miller argued that the decision
and nanny. charges of illegally transport- CBP employees were arrested cern,” the CBP stated in its report. on which an individual receives relief
The department said in a state- ing the woman into the United for violating state or federal “CBP is addressing employee shouldn’t be decided on race, as it
ment that on Jan. 2 that Walker States and lying to investigators laws. Among those arrested, arrests through its ongoing ef- compounds “injustice for all.”
used a colleague’s computer will be dismissed, according to drug- and alcohol-related of- forts promoting education and “This egregious violation of civil
login to help the woman, who The Associated Press. Walker fenses make up about half of resilience services to employ- rights must be stopped. The pan-
has no legal status to reside or faces 10 years in prison and a the arrests, while about 20 per- ees and their families, reduc- demic, and the closures that fol-
work in the United States, pass possible $250,000 maximum cent were related to domestic or ing the use of administrative lowed, caused extraordinary harms
through the Laredo Port of Entry fine; her sentencing is sched- family offenses. There were 10 leave or indefinite suspension to bar and restaurant owners of all
in Texas by scanning her immi- uled for Aug. 9. arrests made in relation to cor- when employees are subject to backgrounds,” Miller said.
gration documents before en- The CBP didn’t immediately ruption. CBP had about 61,000 a criminal proceeding, and by The SBA previously told The Epoch
try. When questioned by author- respond to a request by The Ep- employees in 2019. ensuring appropriate discipline Times that the agency doesn’t com-
ities, Walker falsely stated that och Times for comment. “The number of employees is applied.” ment on pending litigation.


Sen. Rubio: Some

Lawmakers Are ‘Very
Interested’ in UFO
Sightings, Should Be
Taken Seriously

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says that

members of Congress and other officials
need to seriously investigate UFOs and
the potential threat they pose.
Speaking to CBS News’ “60 Minutes,”
the Florida Republican described a
“stigma on Capitol Hill,” in which some
lawmakers “are very interested in this
topic,” but some “kind of giggle when
you bring it up.” However, he cautioned,
“I don’t think we can allow the stigma
to keep us from having an answer to a
very fundamental question.”
The senator said he wants the Pentagon
to come up with a process to take UFOs,
or unidentified flying objects, seriously.
“I want us to have a process to analyze
the data every time it comes in,” Rubio
said. “That there be a place where this
is cataloged and constantly analyzed,
until we get some answers. Maybe it has
a very simple answer. Maybe it doesn’t.” Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) speaks to the press at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on May 12, 2021.
The U.S. government is reportedly
planning to release a report regarding

Cheney Says Replacing Her With

UFO sightings to Congress next month.
The CBS News program also inter-
viewed former Navy Lt. Ryan Graves,

Stefanik Is ‘Dangerous’
who claimed he witnessed “unidenti-
fied aerial phenomena” over restricted
areas “every day” for several years.
Graves added that he’s worried they
could pose a security threat.
“If these were tactical jets from an- CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES

other country that were hanging out ZACHARY STIEBER

up there, it would be a massive issue,”
Graves said. “But because it looks slight- Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and her recent re-
ly different, we’re not willing to actually placement as the No. 3 Republican in the U.S.
look at the problem in the face. House made their cases for their brands of
“We’re happy to just ignore the fact conservatism during interviews broadcast
that these are out there, watching us on May 17.
every day.” Cheney claimed the move by House Re-
Although the thought of UFOs con- publicans to vote her out and install Rep.
jures up images of aliens or saucer- Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) as House GOP Confer-
shaped spacecraft, Graves suggested ence chair is “dangerous.”
that these objects could be technology
developed by Russia or the Chinese re-
Another former official, Luis Elizon- We are focused on mov-
do, who previously headed the Penta-
gon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Iden- ing forward but also the
tification Program, told “60 Minutes” stakes are so high.
that there were often “simple explana-
Rep. Elise Stefanik
tions” for UFO sightings. However, he
noted, others weren’t so simple, also
questioning whether China was in- “I think that we have to recognize how
volved. quickly things can unravel. We have to rec- Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) arrives at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center in Washington on May
“Is it some sort of new type of cruise ognize what it means for the nation to have a 14, 2021.
missile technology that China has de- former president who has not conceded and
veloped? Is it some sort of high-altitude who continues to suggest that our electoral In new interviews, Cheney denounced radical Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi’s poli-
balloon that’s conducting reconnais- system cannot function, cannot do the will Stefanik as “wrong” and accused her of be- cies have been. Joe Biden promised bipar-
sance?” Elizondo asked. “Ultimately, of the people,” she said. ing complicit with Trump’s election claims. tisanship, we have yet to see any bipartisan
when you have exhausted all those Cheney was ousted on May 12 because Stefanik responded by saying Cheney is legislation coming out of the Oval Office or
what-ifs and you’re still left with the fact of her increasingly critical comments about “looking backward” while “Republicans the House. So I’m proud to represent the vast
that this is in our airspace and it’s real, former President Donald Trump and the are looking forward.” majority of Republicans. And that’s why we
that’s when it becomes compelling, and Republican Party’s messaging; House Re- “We are unified and we are talking about needed to make a change of House Confer-
that’s when it becomes problematic.” publicans said she was distracting from their conservative principles. President Trump ence chair.”
The comments come as the Pentagon effort to flip the House and the Senate in is an important voice in the Republican Moving forward, Stefanik’s support of
confirmed that recent images of uniden- 2022. Among other things, Cheney has said Party. We are working as one team and vot- Trump suggests she would back him if he
tified aerial phenomena (UAP), which is the party needs to move away from Trump ers across America, certainly voters in my chooses to run in 2024. Cheney, on the other
the term the Pentagon uses for UFOs, following his claims about the 2020 elec- district in upstate New York, we believe that hand, said she will do everything she can
were taken by U.S. Navy personnel. tion, while calling the former commander- President Trump’s results, whether it was to make sure he’s not the GOP nominee for
“I can confirm that the video was in-chief “dangerous” and “anti-democratic.” the economic growth, whether it was the the third time.
taken by Navy personnel, and that the Two days later, the caucus voted in Ste- historic accords in the Middle East, whether “I will not support him and will do every-
UAPTF included it in their ongoing ex- fanik, who served on Trump’s impeachment it was being tough on China, or the bipar- thing I can to make sure that doesn’t hap-
aminations,” Pentagon spokeswoman defense team. tisan coronavirus relief packages—these pen,” she said.
Susan Gough told the Daily Caller on Stefanik thanked Trump in her remarks were significant results that helped everyday Cheney was speaking on ABC’s “This
May 14 about footage that appeared to after being voted a part of the House GOP Americans,” Stefanik said. Week” and “Fox News Sunday,” while Ste-
show an object appearing to defy the leadership team, calling him “a critical part “We are focused on moving forward but fanik spoke on Fox Business’s “Sunday
laws of physics. of our Republican team.” also the stakes are so high. Look at how Morning Futures.”

Parler Returns to Apple’s App Store versions of the platform.”

Parler added that it plans to continue its
contract, defamation, and anticompetitive

After Months-Long Ban discussions with Apple about “the optimal

way to handle this content.”
Google, in an April 20 statement to The
Associated Press, said that “Parler is wel-
OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Apple and Google removed Parler from come back in the Play store once it submits
TOM OZIMEK its app stores, while Amazon removed the an app that complies with our policies,”
platform from its web hosting service fol- although that hasn’t yet happened.
Social media platform Parler has announced lowing the Jan. 6 Capitol breach. All three
that its app has returned to Apple’s App Store companies took issue with the company’s
following months of “productive dialogue” alleged lax approach to removing violent
between the companies. content posted by its users and “repeated Adhering to Apple’s
“Millions of Parler and Apple customers violations” of their terms of service related requirements, Parler’s
may once again exercise their right to freely to such violent content.
exchange ideas and opinions on social me- Parler denied the allegations and ar-
iOS app excludes some
dia, without viewpoint discrimination,” Par- gued that the Big Tech companies had content that Parler
ler said in a May 17 statement. colluded against it while not taking any otherwise allows.
“The dialogue was complemented by a action against competitors such as Twitter
backdrop of important revelations about and Facebook, which had similar content Parler
Parler’s cooperation with law enforcement Version 2.39 of Parler’s iOS app, which on their platforms regarding the Capitol
in the weeks leading up to January 6, as well features “enhanced threat and incitement breach. Parler’s interim CEO Mark Meckler said in
as the prevalence of violent and inciting con- reporting tools,” was available for download In late March, Parler revealed that it had re- a statement on May 17 that “the entire Par-
tent on competing social media networks on Apple’s App Store. ferred “violent content and incitement” from ler team has worked hard to address Apple’s
during that period,” Parler said, adding “Adhering to Apple’s requirements, Parler’s its platform to the FBI over 50 times before concerns without compromising our core
that these “revelations” show that Parler was iOS app excludes some content that Parler Jan. 6. It also warned the bureau about “spe- mission,” calling the reinstatement “a win-
“unjustly scapegoated and deplatformed otherwise allows,” the company said. “How- cific threats of violence being planned” about win for Parler, its users, and free speech.”
shortly after January 6,” the day of the U.S. ever, that content is still visible, at the user’s the Jan. 6 incident.
Capitol breach. discretion, on the web-based and Android Parler has sued Amazon for breach of Janita Kan contributed to this report.
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 CHINA | A9

plans to go anywhere.”
Many Hongkongers who share Lau’s con-
cern have fled to other cities and regions, in-
cluding Taiwan and the UK. Among promi-
nent figures who have left the city are activist
Nathan Law and former lawmaker Ted Hui.

Press Freedom
Lau also described a current reality in Hong
Kong—people are now less willing to speak
to the media, either foreign or local. She said:
“We cannot blame people. We have to un-
derstand the pressure they are under.”
She also quoted a previous remark by Keith
Richburg—president of the Foreign Corre-
spondents’ Club in Hong Kong and director
of Hong Kong University’s Journalism and
Media Studies Centre—describing the de-
clining press freedom in the city as “death
by 1,000 cuts.”
Richburg made the remark during an on-
line program hosted by Lau that was aired
by local online television OurTV earlier this
month. He was describing a series of recent
incidents that have brought down the city’s
press freedom.
One of the incidents mentioned by Rich-
burg involved Bao Choy, a freelancer pro-
ducer with local public broadcaster Radio
Television Hong Kong, who was found guilty
and fined in April for making false state-
Secondary school students raise their phone torches as they sing ‘Do You Hear the People Sing’ from ‘Les Miserables’ while attending a rally at Edin- ments to obtain vehicle records, which were
burgh Place in Hong Kong on Aug. 22, 2019. used in her documentary examining a mob
attack on commuters at a Hong Kong metro

‘Game Is Not Over’: Emily Lau Says

station on July 21, 2019.
However, Lau said she isn’t afraid to speak
to the media, while being fully aware that

of Hongkongers’ Fight for Democracy

the Hong Kong authorities might use what
she says against her.
“I just feel that I just would not allow my-
self to be intimidated into silence,” Lau said.
“We have to stand up with dignity, to defend
TAL ATZMON/THE EPOCH TIMES what we believe in, but to take the conse-
CONTINUED FROM A1 quences—that I know.”
According to Paris-based Reporters With-
charged, a “patriotic” oath law was imple- We have to out Borders, Hong Kong’s press freedom in-
mented, and the city’s electoral system stand up with dex dropped to 80th place this year from
was overhauled to cut down the number dignity, to de- 18th in 2002.
of seats in the city’s Legislative Council to Lau also pointed to the recent attack
be directly elected by the public. fend what we against Sarah Liang, a reporter for the Hong
“Things are terrible and very difficult [in believe in, but to Kong edition of The Epoch Times, saying it
Hong Kong],” Lau said. “More people could take the conse- was “absolutely abominable.”
get arrested in the coming days, weeks, and Liang was assaulted by an unidentified
months. And people have warned me many quences—that man wielding an aluminum softball bat at
times that I could be a target.” I know. Emily Lau, former chairperson of Hong Kong’s noon on May 11. The attack left bruises on
Lau, 69, is currently a prominent pro-de- Democratic Party, in Hong Kong. both of her legs. The assault happened about
mocracy figure in the city. She was previ- Emily Lau, a month after the Hong Kong edition’s print-
ously a longtime lawmaker, from 1991 to pro-democracy advocate activist, Figo Chan, on behalf of all Hong ing plant was attacked by hammer-wielding
1997 and 1998 to 2016, as well as being the Kong protesters taking part in the move- intruders. The same printing press was set on
chairperson of the city’s opposition Demo- ment, accepted the 2019 John McCain Prize fire by four masked individuals in November
cratic Party from 2012 to 2016. for Leadership in Public Service. The award 2019. It’s widely believed that the CCP was
She was a vocal supporter of the city’s on- paid homage to protesters for “their strug- behind all three attacks.
going anti-CCP, pro-democracy movement, gle to preserve their rights and to press for “People in journalism, people in politics,
which started in June 2019 when millions democratic reform.” activists—people are very, very alarmed and
took to the streets in protest against a now- Despite being at risk of being prosecuted very scared. So you’re looking at a very anx-
scrapped anti-extradition bill. by the Hong Kong government over her ious, very apprehensive, and very unhappy
In November 2019, she and another local role in the movement, Lau said she has “no city,” Lau said.

Chinese Regulators on Mission to Rule Over Technology Giants

CONTINUED FROM A1 monopolistic practices by Ten-
cent’s music-streaming business.
business models of the country’s The sudden crackdown on Chi-
commercial banks. na’s homegrown technology sector
Then in January, the CCP an- has been heavy-handed, and is
nounced that it’s engaging with another way for CCP regime leader
many technology firms to prevent Xi Jinping to remind the powerful
“monopolies,” to promote “healthy industry that the CCP is in charge
competition,” and to make sure and their past and continued suc-
the technology firms’ growth is in cesses remain at the pleasure of the
alignment with the interests of the Party.
CCP. How these regulations benefit On the surface, the CCP wanted
the end consumer is still unclear. to rein in Jack Ma, whose larger-
In March, the State Administra- than-life stature and criticisms of
tion of Market Regulation (SAMR) regulators had become a thorn in
handed out fines of 500,000 yuan Beijing’s side. But Beijing authori-
($80,000) each—the highest per- ties actually want something far
missible under existing laws—to 12 more useful.
companies over completing acqui- Back to Ant, which is in negotia-
sitions without notifying or getting tions with regulators to reorganize
sign-off from the proper authori- the company after calling off its data is the ultimate weapon of the tech platforms. But the CCP’s road-
ties. The companies disciplined IPO last year. As part of the restruc- Attendees pass by an information age, then the power of map for control is quite clear.
included internet giants Baidu turing, the People’s Bank of China display at CES these tech giants could rival that Beijing will soon roll out its digital
and Tencent and ride-hailing firm wants Ant to hand over its user 2019 at the Las Vegas of the CCP. Then if their corporate currency. It has already imple-
Didi Chuxing. While the fines were data—the most valuable asset of Convention Center on Jan. leaders ever go rogue, that’s bad mented the social credit system
small, their significance is not. any internet company—to a state- 8, 2019. news for Beijing. So the CCP has introduced in 2018. It is putting col-
In April, after months of friction controlled credit monitoring firm sought to lessen the influence and lars around Chinese internet and
between the CCP and Alibaba, as to be managed by the central bank, power of these platforms. payment giants Alibaba, Tencent,
well its founder Jack Ma, regulators according to a recent Financial China’s recently tested digital and Baidu, all of which are forced
handed out a $2.75 billion fine— Times report, citing people close to yuan is a major step to compete to integrate government trackers
that’s dollars, not yuan—against ongoing negotiations. with these platforms and increase into consumer behavioral data.
Alibaba for engaging in “mo- As a reminder, Chinese consum- Beijing regula- the level of surveillance and data The CCP’s recent scrutiny and fines
nopolistic” practices by locking ers have adopted mobile payments tors announced harvesting of consumers. over nonfinancial tech companies
their customers into the firm’s at a much higher rate than almost guidance Legacy payment solutions, even are another warning that they
ecosystem. That’s the largest fine any other country. WeChat and digital ones, don’t quite give the must cooperate with the govern-
ever issued by a government to a Alipay can be used to pay for many around regu- CCP the level of control and data ment—Didi for taxi and location-
corporation in East Asia. goods and services. China’s tech lating financial it desires. But China’s digital yuan related data, Meituan for dining
Reuters reported in late April giants have treasure troves of user tech compa- could “create unprecedented and grocery data, for
that a massive fine is also being data on the country’s consumers. opportunities for surveillance,” ac- online shopping data, and so on.
planned for WeChat owner and Alibaba and Tencent do share nies to prevent cording to a 2020 study published In other words, when the China
mobile gaming giant Tencent. The user data with Beijing authori- any from be- by the Australian Strategic Policy Banking and Insurance Regula-
SAMR fine is expected to be in the ties when asked, and they have Institute’s International Cyber tory Commission said in January
$1.5 billion range, much smaller set up internal monitors to the
coming too Policy Centre. that it wasn’t targeting Jack Ma or
than Alibaba’s, but a significant specifications of the regulators. powerful. It’s still too early to tell what type Ant Group specifically, the regula-
amount nonetheless. The fine is But ultimately the companies still of conflict will result between the tor actually meant that it is in fact
expected to be related to alleged own and control the data. And if digital yuan and China’s consumer targeting everyone.
A10 | WORLD TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021


EU, US Agree
to Temporarily
Suspend Tariffs in
Steel Dispute
BRUSSELS—The European Union and the
United States have decided to temporarily
suspend measures at the heart of a steel
tariff dispute that is seen as one of the
major trade issues dividing the two sides.
With the decision, “we are walking the
talk in our efforts to reboot the trans-
Atlantic relationship,” said EU trade
chief Valdis Dombrovskis. It will affect
anything from steel production to Ken-
tucky Bourbon sales.
On top of suspending the measures,
both sides also said they are committed
to talks “to address global steel and alu-
minum excess capacity. We are creating
the space to resolve these issues before
the end of the year,” said Dombrovskis.
It was the second palpable step to get
back to better trade relations under
President Joe Biden after both sides in
March decided on a four-month suspen-
sion of tariffs used in the longstanding
Airbus–Boeing dispute.
“As early as December 2020, the EU
Rockets are launched toward Israel from the southern Gaza Strip on May 17, 2021.
reached out to the Biden administra-
tion with a plan for a renewed EU–U.S.
agenda, and we are pleased to see this ap-
proach bearing fruit,” Dombrovskis said.
The decision comes in time for the visit
of Biden to EU headquarters in mid-June
Israel Says Over 9 Miles of Gaza ‘Terror
to discuss a new relationship after the
bloc’s difficult relationship with former
President Donald Trump.
Tunnel’ Destroyed in Airstrikes
The issue goes back to the 2018 tariffs
that Trump placed on EU steel and alu- DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES
minum, which called the EU and other TOM OZIMEK
allies’ metals a threat to U.S. national se-
curity. The Section 232 ruling both hurts The Israeli military has announced the de-
European producers and has raised the struction of 9.3 miles of a so-called terror tun-
cost of steel for U.S. companies. nel network used by Hamas forces as part of
“The EU is not a national security threat its effort to degrade the ability of terror groups
to the U.S. But the distortions created by to launch strikes against Israel.
global excess capacity—driven largely “Our fighter jets neutralized 9.3 miles of the
by third parties—pose a serious threat to Hamas ‘Metro’ terror tunnel system over-
the market-oriented EU and U.S.,” Dom- night. That’s 9.3 miles that can no longer be
brovskis said. used for terror,” according to a statement on
Together, the EU and United States the official Twitter account of the Israel De-
would be better positioned to deal with fense Forces (IDF) on May 17.
giant steel producer China, which is seen Hostilities broke out on May 10, when
as partly responsible for the glut. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other Islamist
When Trump imposed the tariffs, Eu- terrorist groups fired long-range rockets at
rope retaliated by raising tariffs on U.S.- Jerusalem after weeks of clashes in the holy
made motorcycles, bourbon, peanut but- city between Palestinian protesters and Is-
ter, and jeans, among other items. raeli police. Hamas said its rocket assault was
The U.S. spirits industry was one of the in response to weeks of tensions over a court
first to react. case to evict several Palestinian families in
“This news couldn’t come soon enough. East Jerusalem, and in retaliation for Israeli
Distillers across the United States are police responding to Palestinian protests. Israeli soldiers fire a 155mm self-propelled howitzer toward the Gaza Strip from their position
breathing a huge sigh of relief after brac- In response, Israel has launched more along the border on May 17, 2021.
ing for a 50 percent tariff on American than 1,000 precision air and artillery strikes
whiskeys in just a matter of days,” said aimed at Hamas and other targets that are lish calm,” according to a readout of the call
Chris Swonger, president of the Distilled often built close to civilian landmarks in the released by the White House.
Spirits Council. densely populated coastal strip. We’ll do what- Netanyahu told CBS News on May 16 that
He said any extension “would have Since May 10, 192 people, including 58 ever it takes Israel would act decisively to protect its peo-
forced many craft distillers out of the EU children and 34 women, have been killed to restore ple and restore calm.
market,” one of the most lucrative mar- in Gaza, according to the Palestinian health “We’ll do whatever it takes to restore order
kets in the world. ministry. In Israel, 10 people, including one order and and quiet, and on the security of our peo-
child, have been killed, according to Israel’s quiet, and on ple in deterrence. We’re trying to degrade
By Raf Casert emergency response service. the security of Hamas’s terrorist abilities, and to degrade
From The Associated Press In a May 17 update on Operation Guardian their will to do this again,” the longtime
of the Walls, launched May 10 by the IDF in our people in prime minister said, adding that he hopes
response to what it characterized as “non- deterrence. the conflict doesn’t last long.
stop rocket fire on Israeli civilians,” the Israeli Besides destroying miles of the terror tun-
military stated that more than 820 terror tar- Israeli Prime Minister nels, the Israeli military also stated it had
gets had been struck and at least 130 terrorists Benjamin Netanyahu struck nine houses in different parts of north-
had been neutralized, while more than 3,150 ern Gaza that belonged to “high-ranking
rockets had been fired at Israel. commanders” in Hamas.
President Joe Biden spoke with Israeli Meanwhile, Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.) led a
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on May group of 29 senators in calling for an imme-
15, reiterating his strong support for Israel’s diate cease-fire agreement.
right to defend itself against missile attacks. “To prevent any further loss of civilian life
“He condemned these indiscriminate at- and to prevent further escalation of conflict
Steel is loaded onto a truck for shipping at tacks against towns and cities across Israel” in Israel and the Palestinian territories, we
the NLMK Indiana steel mill in Portage, Ind., and “encouraged continued steps to hold urge an immediate ceasefire,” the senators
on March 15, 2018. violent extremists accountable and to estab- said in a joint statement.


PM Urges ‘Heavy Dose of Caution’ “My advice is that just because you can
do something, doesn’t necessarily mean

as Restrictions Ease in England you should. As far as possible, socialize

outside, maintain social distancing, if
you’re going to hug, hug cautiously,” he
LILY ZHOU ministers to urge caution. said.
“Together, we have reached another mile- Health Secretary Matt Hancock on May
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stone in our road map out of lockdown, but 16 said there are more than 1,300 cases of
asked people to exercise “a heavy dose of we must take this next step with a heavy the Indian variant of concern, which is
caution” as indoor socializing resumes. dose of caution,” the prime minister said “relatively widespread in small numbers”
As of May 17, up to six people or people in a statement. and is becoming “the dominant strain” in
from two households are allowed to meet “We are keeping the spread of the variant British Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks Bolton and Blackburn.
indoors, and 30 people can gather out- first identified in India under close obser- about the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, at 10 He didn’t rule out the possibility of de-
doors; indoor hospitality businesses can vation and taking swift action where infec- Downing Street in London on May 14, 2021. laying the final phase of the road map, or
reopen, and the “new guidance on meet- tion rates are rising.” imposing local lockdowns in areas such as
ing friends and family emphasizes per- Johnson said the current data don’t indi- space, and fresh air.” Bolton to tackle the Indian variant, which
sonal responsibility rather than govern- cate “unsustainable pressure on the NHS,” Former chief scientific adviser Sir Mark he warned could “spread like wildfire.”
ment rules,” according to the government. and that second vaccine doses are being Walport has said that he thought it was But early lab data indicated that the CCP
This third step of the government’s accelerated to give the greatest protection “extremely important” that the govern- virus vaccines do work against the Indian
road map to exit the lockdown has been to the most vulnerable. ment has added “fresh air” to its mantra variant, according to Hancock. Ministers
overshadowed by concerns of the Indian “But now everyone must play their of “hands, face, space.” are hoping surge testing and vaccines will
variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist part—by getting tested twice a week, “People have got to be sensibly cau- allow a safe opening up of the nation, with
Party) virus, commonly known as novel coming forward for your vaccine when tious so I think,” Walport told Sky News jabs due to be extended to people over the
coronavirus, prompting Johnson and his called, and remembering hands, face, on May 16. age of 35 this week.
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 WORLD | A11

Full-Blown Boycott Pushed for Beijing Olympics

Groups alleging human-rights abus-
es against minorities in China are
calling for a full-blown boycott of the
2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, a
move likely to ratchet up pressure on
the International Olympic Commit-
tee, athletes, sponsors, and sports
A coalition representing Uyghurs,
Tibetans, residents of Hong Kong,
and others issued a statement on
May 17 calling for the boycott, es-
chewing lesser measures that had
been floated, such as “diplomatic
boycotts” and further negotiations
with the IOC or China.
“The time for talking with the IOC
is over,” Lhadon Tethong of the Tibet
Action Institute said in an exclusive
interview with The Associated Press.
“This cannot be games as usual or
business as usual; not for the IOC
and not for the international com-
The Beijing Games are set to open
on Feb. 4, 2022, just six months after
the postponed Summer Olympics in
Tokyo are to end.
Rights groups have met several
times in the past year with the IOC,
asking that the games be removed
from China. A key member in those
talks was Zumretay Arkin of the
World Uyghur Congress.
Tethong, herself, was detained
and deported from China in 2007—
a year before the Beijing Summer People walk past the logo of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics at the National Aquatics Center in Beijing on April 9, 2021.
Olympics—for leading a campaign DU XIAOYI/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

for Tibet. Black Lives Matter movement, may uments in which China has given
“The situation where we are now become allies. She acknowledged “assurances” about human rights
is demonstrably worse than it was International Olympic this as a “gloves-off” moment. conditions. Activists say the IOC
Committee President
then,” Tethong said, pointing out Thomas Bach attends
“There are obviously a lot of peo- hasn’t produced the documents.
that the IOC said the 2008 Olym- a press conference in ple who are concerned about the The IOC included human rights
pics would improve human rights Tokyo on Nov. 16, 2020. athletes and their lifelong work,” requirements several years ago in
in China. “If the games go ahead, Tethong said. “But in the end, it’s the host city contract for the 2024
then Beijing gets the international the IOC that has put them in this Paris Olympics, but it didn’t include
seal of approval for what they are position and should be held ac- those guidelines—the United Na-
doing.” countable.” tions Guiding Principles on Business
The push for a boycott comes a American skier Mikaela Shiffrin, and Human Rights—for Beijing. Par-
day before a joint hearing in the U.S. a two-time Olympic gold medalist, is is the first Olympics to contain the
Congress focusing on the Beijing spelled out the dilemma for athletes standards, long pushed for by hu-
Olympics and China’s human-rights in a recent interview on CNN. man rights groups.
record, and just days after the Unit- “You certainly don’t want to be put Last week, human rights groups
ed States Olympic and Paralympic in the position of having to choose and Western nations led by the
Committee said boycotts are inef- between human rights like moral- United States, the UK, and Germany
fective and only hurt athletes. at the United Nations. ity versus being able to do your job,” accused China of massive crimes
“People have worked to engage “We are not a super-world govern- she said. against the Uyghur minority and
with the IOC in good faith to have If the games ment,” IOC President Thomas Bach Tethong suggested coalition mem- demanded unimpeded access for
them understand the issues directly go ahead, said recently. bers might lobby the IOC’s top 15 U.N. experts.
from the mouths of those most im- then Beijing China’s foreign ministry has criti- sponsors, American network NBC, At the meeting, Britain’s U.N.
pacted—the Uyghurs at the top of cized “the politicization of sports” which generates about 40 percent of Ambassador, Barbara Woodward,
that list and the Tibetans and oth- gets the inter- and has said any boycott is “doomed all IOC revenue, sports federations, called the situation in Xinjiang “one
ers,” Tethong said. “It’s clear the IOC national seal to failure.” China has denied accu- civil society groups “and anyone that of the worst human rights crises of
is completely uninterested in what of approval sations of genocide against the Uy- will listen.” our time.”
the real impacts on the ground for ghur people. Activists have already singled out “The evidence points to a pro-
people are.” for what they A recent U.S. State Department re- IOC sponsor Airbnb for attention. gram of repression of specific ethnic
The IOC has repeatedly said it are doing. port stated explicitly that “genocide “First is the moral question,” groups,” Woodward said. “Expres-
must be “neutral” and stay out of and crimes against humanity” have Tethong said. “Is it OK to host an in- sions of religion have been crimi-
politics. The Switzerland-based Lhadon Tethong, taken place in the past year against ternational goodwill sporting event nalized and Uyghur language and
body is essentially a sports busi- director, Tibet Action Muslim Uyghurs and other minori- such as the Olympic Games while culture are discriminated against
ness, deriving about 75 percent of Institute ties in the western region of Xinjiang. the host nation is committing geno- systematically and at scale.”
its income from selling broadcast Tethong said she knows some ath- cide just beyond the stands?”
rights, and 18 percent more from letes may be opposed. But she said In meetings with the IOC, activ- By Stephen Wade
sponsors. It also has observer status others, who gained traction from ists say they have asked to see doc- From The Associated Press

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A12 TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021

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TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 • A13

The New York Stock Exchange on March 9, 2021.

ESG Investing: Politics by Other Means


RUPERT DARWALL federal agencies to suspend, revise, or

rescind (not revisit) Trump administra- Laurence D. Fink, chairman
Before Joe Biden’s election, tion regulations that conflict with, to use and CEO of BlackRock, in
environmental, social, shorthand, the ESG, and climate policies New York on Nov. 1, 2018.
and governance (ESG) of the Biden administration. The rock
investing was sweeping is the letter of the law. ERISA imposes
all before it. Wall Street tightly defined duties on plan manag-
was coming to the planet’s ers and fiduciaries to act solely in the
rescue and saving capital- interests of plan beneficiaries and must
ism at the same time. It was a self-serving set out to maximize the risk-adjusted fi-
myth. As I show in my new report, “Capi- nancial value of plan assets, considering
talism, Socialism and ESG,” published only so-called pecuniary factors when
May 13, doing well by doing good is no making investment decisions. because once the market has priced in
more than Wall Street sales patter. The essence of the DOL’s financial fac- those factors, investors must be satisfied
But since the election, financial regula- tors rule is to clarify the legal duty of plan
Climate risk with lower expected returns. As Eugene
tors have been falling over themselves managers not to subordinate the finan- disclosure is Fama, a founder of modern portfolio
playing catchup. cial interests of plan participants to other about facilitating theory, puts it, “virtue is its own reward
In early December, Fed governors vot- objectives or promote non-pecuniary since investors get lower expected re-
ed unanimously to join the Network goals. “The weight given to any pecuni-
and encouraging turns from the shares of virtuous firms.”
of Central Banks and Supervisors for ary factor by a fiduciary should appropri- non-state actors In terms of compliance with ERISA,
the Greening of the Financial System, ately reflect a prudent assessment of its to regulate virtue is a non-pecuniary benefit.
a club of central bankers and financial impact on risk-return,” the rule states. Ostensibly, much of the planned regula-
regulators established by the Banque de In a tie-break, where the pecuniary fac-
corporations and tory action is about more disclosure en-
France to implement the Paris climate tors are indistinguishable between two thereby society. abling investors to make better investment
agreement. Acting Securities and Ex- alternatives, the rule requires plan man- decisions, especially on climate change.
change Commission Chair Allison Her- agers to document why the pecuniary But the notion of climate risk requiring
ren Lee has put climate and ESG front attributes of the two alternatives cannot additional disclosure is deeply suspect.
and center of the SEC’s work. meaningfully be distinguished. Was February’s energy whiteout in Texas a
“No single issue has been more press- ESG advocates would have us believe climate change physical risk—or a climate
ing for me than ensuring that the SEC that incorporating ESG factors boosts change regulatory risk, arising from over-
is fully engaged in confronting the risks financial returns—or, as the ESG sales investment in wind and underinvestment
and opportunities that climate and ESG patter has it, “doing well by doing good.” in coal and nuclear, making the Texas
pose for investors, our financial system, Were the superiority of ESG investing grid less resilient? These are questions for
and our economy,” she said. strategies clear-cut and supported by climate risk theologians but of little real-
At the Department of Labor (DOL), it generally accepted investment theories, world relevance to investors.
was widely expected that the new ad- the rule would present little difficulty to a Much climate disclosure required by
ministration would use the Congressio- competent investment manager. Yet, ac- ESG standard-setters is systematically
nal Review Act to scrub out two late-term cording to the Biden DOL, the new rule is misleading because it treats the world as
Trump administration ESG rules gov- having a “chilling effect” on integrating a homogenous regulatory space. Climate
erning corporate retiree-savings plans ESG factors into investment decisions. regulations are made by nation-states;
under the 1974 Employee Retirement In- This isn’t surprising. Modern invest- it’s highly unlikely that a corporation’s
come Security Act (ERISA). Instead, the ment theory emphasizes the importance global footprint is coterminous with the
DOL announced that it merely intends to of portfolio diversification. The MSCI KLD borders of a state.
“revisit” the rules. Pending that process, 400 Social Index, used by BlackRock’s iS- In reality, climate risk disclosure is about
it would not be enforcing them. hares MSCI KLD 400 Social Index, consti- facilitating and encouraging non-state ac-
Why? tutes less than one-fifth of the MSCI USA tors to regulate corporations and thereby
The DOL’s position is unconventional, IMI Index. No investment theory says that Much climate society. As BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says,
to say the least. The first constitutional shrinking the universe of potential invest- it isn’t transparency for transparency’s
duty of the executive is to enforce the ment options by 80 percent is conducive to disclosure sake: “Disclosure should be a means to
law. A trio of Republican senators—Rich- producing higher returns. The 2000 deci- required by ESG achieving a more sustainable and inclu-
ard Burr, Mike Crapo, and Pat Toomey— sion by CalPERS, the nation’s largest state standard-setters sive capitalism.” The SEC is giving activist
have criticized the DOL’s decision to ab- pension fund, to divest itself of tobacco investors the green light to table share-
dicate its legal responsibility to enforce stocks is reckoned to have cost it $3 billion is systematically holder motions to force ConocoPhillips
ERISA and the rules that operationalize in lost returns. misleading because and Occidental Petroleum to set out
its provisions to protect retiree incomes. Insofar as material ESG factors boost it treats the world detailed plans for cutting Scope 3 emis-
The DOL finds itself between a rock corporate profits, ESG investment strate- sions—those emitted by their customers.
and a hard place. The hard place is gies must assume that the market fails to as a homogenous
Biden’s first executive order instructing incorporate this into higher valuations, regulatory space. Continued on A14

The US Consumer Is Not Happy ESG Investing:

Politics by

Other Means
The University of Michi- economic
gan consumer confi- stimulus
dence index fell to 82.8 check on CONTINUED FROM A13
in May, from 88.3 in blurred USA
April. More importantly, flag and sun BlackRock, the world’s largest fund
the current economic light back- manager, is pressuring companies to
conditions index slumped to ground. formulate business plans “consistent
90.8 from 97.2, and the consumer expec- Relief pro- with achieving net-zero global green-
gram concept.
tations index declined to 77.6 from 82.7. house gas emissions by 2050.”
Hard data also questions the strength ESG investing thus turns out to be
of the recovery. April retail sales were politics continued by other means.
flat, with clothing down 5.1 percent, Far from a vision of inclusive capital-
general merchandise store sales down ism, it’s the culmination of a trend
4.9 percent, leisure and sporting goods away from democratically accountable
down 3.6 percent, and food and drink law-making. In 2009, despite large
services up by just 3 percent. consumer price index for the 12 months and react accordingly. Democratic majorities in both houses
U.S. manufacturing output was also ending in April, it includes a 25 percent Two things should concern us. First, of Congress, cap-and-trade was passed
almost flat in April, rising just 0.4 per- increase in energy, a 12 percent in- the weakness of the recovery in the only narrowly by the House and died
cent month-on-month in April pushed crease in utility gas prices, a 5.6 percent middle of the largest fiscal and mone- in the Senate. After the 2010 midterm
by a 4 percent slump in motor vehicle increase in transportation services, a tary stimulus seen in decades, and sec- elections, such efforts became the
production. You may think this isn’t that 2.2 percent increase in medical ser- ond, the short and diminishing effect of purview of the administrative state
bad until you see that industrial capac- vices, etc. these programs. A $2 trillion stimulus and the Obama administration’s
ity utilization came in at 74.9 percent in package creates a very short-term effect Clean Power Plan—until the Supreme
April, significantly below the pre-pan- that lasts less than five months. Court ordered a stay on its implemen-
demic levels. I recently had a discussion with tation. Now, society is apparently to
Employment also questions the Retail sales showed an artificial former Federal Reserve nominee Judy be regulated by the top executives of
“strong recovery” thesis. Non-farm em- bump due to the wrongly called Shelton, and she stated that the recov- multitrillion-dollar index funds and a
ployment is still down 8.2 million, or 5.4 stimulus checks, only to return ery would be stronger without stimulus. handful of activist shareholders.
percent, from pre-pandemic levels, yet She’s probably right. Inclusive it is not. Americans’ savings
gross domestic product is likely to have a to stagnation. Neo-Keynesians will likely say that if are to be deployed for wider societal
full recovery in the second quarter. the above figures persist, the solution is ends, ones determined not by them
These figures are important because As consumers perceive a higher rise more stimulus, but it’s not. More money or by elected politicians but by Wall
they come after trillions of dollars of so- in prices, especially in those essential to government programs means slower Street oligarchs. The endpoint is the
called stimulus, and the entire thesis goods and services that we purchase ev- growth and weaker recoveries. socialization of American capital.
of the V-shaped recovery comes from ery day, consumption decisions become U.S. consumers aren’t happy. They Rather than being inclusive, ESG is
a view that consumption is going to more prudent and the propensity to save don’t see the official optimism about pure insider capitalism: It excludes the
soar. Reality shows otherwise. In fact, rises. This is something that we’ve seen the job market or the macro figures, many from power exercised by the few.
reality shows that retail sales showed in numerous countries. In Japan, years and the current sugar-high is likely to
an artificial bump due to the wrongly of “official” messages about the risk of lead to an abrupt sugar-low. Rupert Darwall is a senior fellow of
called stimulus checks, only to return deflation clashed with citizens’ percep- the RealClear Foundation and author
to stagnation. tion of the cost of living, and the tenden- Daniel Lacalle, Ph.D., is chief econo- of “Green Tyranny: Exposing the Total-
The rise in inflation further ques- cy to save increased—rightly so. Citizens mist at hedge fund Tressis and author itarian Roots of the Climate Industrial
tions the idea of a consumption boom, aren’t stupid, and you can tell them that of “Freedom or Equality,” “Escape from Complex” and the report “The Climate
certainly for the middle class. Why? there’s no inflation or that it’s transitory, the Central Bank Trap,” and “Life in the Noose: Business, Net Zero, and the
If we look at the 4.2 percent rise in the but they feel the increase in cost of living Financial Markets.” IPCC’s Anti-Capitalism.”








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
SPECIAL SERIES: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

The Chinese Communist
Travel Editor
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Party’s Global Ambitions EPOCHSHOP.COM


The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries and independent journalism.
on the Communist Party.”
Standing outside of politi-
cal interests and the pursuit of
profit, our starting point and our
goal is to create a media for the
Over the long course of history, hu-
CONCLUSION mankind has seen eras of splendor public benefit, to be truly respon-
and glory, but also has endured count- sible to society.
less episodes of tragedy and disaster. We endeavor to educate read-
Looking back, we find that moral rec- ers about today’s most impor-
titude ushers in clean governance, tant topics, seeking to broaden
economic prosperity, cultural bril- and uplift minds. We believe that
liance, and national strength, whereas rational, balanced debate is key
moral degeneracy signals the fall of for fostering a healthy democ-
nations and the extinction of entire racy and a compassionate
civilizations. society.
Today, humankind has reached a
zenith in material wealth, yet it faces As an independent media out-
unprecedented challenges caused by let, we use our freedom to inves-
the havoc of communism. The ultimate tigate issues overlooked—or
goal of communism is not to establish avoided—by other media outlets.
a heaven on earth, but to destroy hu- We seek to highlight solutions
mankind. The nature of communism and what’s good in society rather
is that of an evil specter forged by hate, than what divides us.
degeneracy, and other elemental forces
in the universe. Out of hate, it slaugh- We report respectfully, compas-
tered more than 100 million people, Participants in a parade carry banners encouraging people to quit the Chinese Commu- sionately, and rigorously.
trampled several thousand years’ nist Party, in this file photo.
worth of exquisite civilization, and We stand against the destruc-
corrupted human morality. peacefully resisted the Chinese Com- munist regimes and their enablers, tion wrought by communism,
The communist specter made ar- munist Party’s tyrannical rule by re- which is greatly reducing communism’s including the harm done to cul-
rangements to corrupt both the East maining steadfast in their faith and influence on the global stage. tures around the world.
and the West, adopting different strate- morality. Inspired by the editorial se- Communism is not an enemy that
We are inspired in this by our
gies in different countries. In the East, ries “Nine Commentaries on the Com- can be defeated by military force. To
own experience. The Epoch
it slaughtered people ruthlessly and munist Party,” more than 350 million free the world from its grasp, we must
Times was founded in 2000 to
forced them to accept atheism. In the Chinese have bravely renounced their start by purifying ourselves from the
bring honest and uncensored
West, it took an alternate route: infil- ties with the CCP and its affiliated or- inside. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun
news to people oppressed
trating society in covert form, coaxing ganizations, through the act of “tui Gong, wrote in his article “Pacify the
by the lies and violence in
people into abandoning their tradi- dang,” or “quitting the Party.” More External by Cultivating the Internal”:
communist China.
tional faiths and moral values. and more individuals are making a
Using communist regimes and or- heartfelt decision to free themselves “If people do not value virtue, the We still believe journalism is a
ganizations, fellow travelers, accom- from the shackles of communism. The world will be in great chaos and out noble vocation, but only when it
plices, and other agents, communism disintegration of the Communist Party of control; everyone will become genuinely seeks to serve its com-
rallied negative elements in the human is already well underway. enemies of one another and live munities and help them to flour-
world to amass formidable power. With without happiness. Living without ish. In all that we do, we will hold
this power, it subverted and established happiness, they will not fear death. ourselves to the highest stand-
control in all social spheres, including Lao Zi said, ‘If the populace doesn’t ards of integrity. This is our
politics, economics, law, education, the As long as we remain fear death, what good will it do to promise to you.
media, the arts, and culture. Today’s threaten them with death?’ This is a
humankind is in dire straits. unmoved by the devil’s great, imminent danger. A peaceful
In hindsight, the reasons for commu- facades, maintain true world is what people hope for. If CONTACT US
nism’s triumph over the past two cen- at this point an excessive number
turies are clear. When people indulge compassion, follow of laws and decrees are created The Epoch Times Association Inc.
in the material pleasures brought by to secure stability, it will end up 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
technological advancement and al- divine standards for having the opposite effect. In order New York, NY 10001
low atheism to spread, they reject being human, revive to solve this problem, virtue has to Advertising
divine mercy and turn themselves be cultivated around the world—
over to evil. Having strayed from traditional values, and only this way can the problem be
the traditions established by the di- fundamentally resolved. If officials Subscriptions
vine, much of humanity is now eas-
return to traditional are unselfish, the state will not be
ily deceived by communism and its culture, the divine will corrupt. If the population values General Inquiries
myriad ideological permutations, self-cultivation and the nurturing
such as socialism, liberalism, and deliver humankind of virtues, and if both officials and
Letters to the Editor
progressivism. from evil. civilians alike exercise self-restraint
Traditional culture shows the path in their minds, the whole nation

for humans to maintain their morality will be stable and supported by the
and gain salvation in the final epoch. The end of the Communist Party is a people. Being solid and stable, the
But with traditional culture under at- matter of divine arrangement. Should nation will naturally intimidate
tack and basic moral truths cast aside, China’s leaders take steps to dismantle foreign enemies and peace will
the link between man and the divine the Party, they will be provided with thus reign under heaven. This is the
has been severed. Man can no longer all the conditions required for a clean work of a sage.” [1]
understand divine instruction, and evil transition. In the future, they stand
reigns supreme, wreaking havoc in the to gain true authority—that which is The merciful Creator has always been
human realm. When human moral- granted by the divine. Should they watching over humankind. Disasters
ity drops below the basic standards stubbornly refuse to make this break, occur when man turns against the
required of human beings, the divine they will take the Party’s fate as their divine, and humanity can be saved
must reluctantly abandon humankind own, joining in the calamities of its fi- only by returning to our divinely be-
as the devil leads man into the abyss nal downfall. stowed heritage. As long as we remain
of damnation. The world is experiencing a revival unmoved by the devil’s facades, main-
But having reached an extreme, the of traditional culture and morality in tain true compassion, follow divine

circumstances are bound to reverse. alignment with the universal values of standards for being human, revive
It is an eternal principle in the human truthfulness, compassion, and toler- traditional values, and return to tra-
realm that evil can never defeat righ- ance. At the fore of this renaissance is ditional culture, the divine will deliver
teousness. Communism’s momentary Shen Yun Performing Arts, which tours humankind from evil. Today, whether
victory is a temporary phenomenon,
brought about by the devil, which has
intimidated people with its illusory
five continents every year. In its display
of classical Chinese dance, Shen Yun
brings universal values to audiences
or not humanity will walk this path is
the choice that we all face. TODAY
might and treacherous temptations. around the world. Notes
Man, while imperfect, innately car- The West has begun to recognize the 1. Li Hongzhi, “Pacify the External by
Get the
ries kindness, virtue, and moral cour-
age, which have been nurtured and
communist infiltration and its subver-
sion of traditional culture that has taken
Cultivating the Internal,” in “Essentials for
Further Advancement,” Jan. 5, 1996.
independent news
passed down for millennia. In this, place over the past century. Society has you won’t find
we find hope. begun to be cleansed of communist ele- This concludes The Epoch Times’
Global events are developing at an ments and deviated modern culture in serialization of “How The Specter of anywhere else.
incredible pace. Righteous elements many spheres, from law and education Communism is Ruling Our World.”
are growing stronger, and the world’s to government administration and in- Subscribe and get the
people are awakening. ternational relations. Governments are See next edition for the next insights only The Epoch Times
In China, millions of people have becoming more vigilant against com- installment. can provide, delivered to your
door every week.


Packing the Supreme

Court: An Attempt to
Stamp Out Religious
CHRISTOPHER FERRARA enough to tell the faithful how to worship.
& CHARLES LIMANDRI Or more precisely, how not to worship.
In a rare rebuke, the Supreme Court re-
If Democrats succeed in packing the U.S. cently stated in Tandon v. Newsom: “This
Supreme Court with progressives, as is is the fifth time the [Supreme] Court has The Supreme Court in Washington on Oct. 4, 2018.
their wont, what freedoms now protected summarily rejected the Ninth Circuit’s
by a conservative majority will they first analysis of California’s COVID restric-
try to cancel? tions on religious exercise.” COVID-19 regime. With the Supreme than gatherings for commerce, educa-
Gun ownership? “Deplorable” voices Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, in the case Court’s handwriting on the wall, Califor- tion, or transportation.
on social media? Citizen United’s free South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. nia has since abandoned its appeal from None of this matters to those who
speech protections? So much to undo, so Gavin Newsom, wrote, “Once more, we that injunction, along with the counties have declared war on religious liberty.
little time to do it, before losing control of appear to have a State playing favorites of Los Angeles and San Diego. The freedom of religion’s legal “winning
government. during a pandemic, expending consider- In a nutshell, the enunciated principle streak” has ignited the usual condemna-
Here’s our guess: Religious liberty. The able effort to protect lucrative industries holds that if restrictions are imposed tions from partisans and ideologues. They
first right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. (casinos in Nevada; movie studios in on individuals and society because of a accuse people of faith of “weaponizing”
Why? California) while denying similar lar- medical emergency, then worship must be the First Amendment. They accuse former
Because the court has issued a string of gesse to its faithful.” treated at least as well as numerous com- President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court
unambiguous decisions that guarantee Simply put, according to the Supreme parable secular activities. The plaintiffs appointees of using “alleged” infringe-
religious liberty during the COVID-19 pan- Court, states must not impose tougher weren’t claiming a right to disobey gener- ments on religious liberty to “trump”
demic. They’re so clear and forceful that restrictions on the houses of worship ally applicable laws; they wanted the same public health and safety restrictions.
they deeply get under progressives’ skin. than those on other industries. freedoms as shoppers in a grocery or big Justice Elena Kagan accused the court of
So upset was the notoriously liberal San In an earlier case, Roman Catholic box store, a schoolroom, or a factory. “second-guess[ing] the judgment of expert
Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of Ap- Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, the court So why were people of faith targeted officials” and of “insisting that science-
peals that it amazingly—five times—dared ruled that such restrictions ran afoul of with greater restraints than other people based policy yield to judicial edict,” even
to defy the high court’s clear directives “the minimum requirement of neutrality” who gather indoors—the homeless in though science fails to show that churches
that the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t reason when limiting the faithful to 10 or 25 in at- shelters and workers in meatpacking are unique pandemic hotspots.
JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES tendance. Similar protections were enun- operations, for example? Why, in some How paradoxical is it that peaceful
ciated in two cases brought by attorneys cases, were houses of worship ordered to worshipers have had to battle all the way
affiliated with the Thomas More Society, shut down altogether? to the Supreme Court against restrictions
South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Maybe it’s the work of influential never imposed on “peaceful demonstra-
Gavin Newsom and Gish v. Newsom. secularists carrying out an anti-religion tions” that feature arson, looting, and
Anticipating the outcome the Supreme agenda. For them, faith is “nonessential.” attacks on police stations?
Court requires in the cited cases, a Cali- Or perhaps it’s an unfounded, unscien- How sad is it that those who come in
fornia state court judge, in the case of tific belief that worshipful gatherings are peace in the name of the Lord would be
Burfitt v. Newsom, another case brought inherently more contagious. We pray— targeted by an expanded and suitably
by Thomas More Society lawyers, issued we say without irony—that elected of- politicized Supreme Court bench of 13
a preliminary injunction back in De- ficials and unelected bureaucrats aren’t justices, which the court-packing brigade
cember 2020 mandating that California motivated by the former. now demands? And that the protection of
allow Father Trevor Burfitt’s five Catholic The latter is no better. The idea that sci- the first of all constitutional rights would
California Gov. Gavin Newsom in Alameda, churches the same 100 percent capacity ence identifies worship as uniquely con- then depend on who won the last election?
Calif., on March 16, 2021. as favored businesses under Newsom’s tagious is a pseudo-scientific supersti- Even now, with one victory after another
tion. The virus is just as contagious and before the traditional bench of nine, our
travels the same distance in hair salons most cherished rights face the specter of a
and barbershops as it does in churches politically packed bench of 13—a number
The Book You’ve Been and temples. Indeed, a new study con-
cludes that virus transmission isn’t so
never associated with happy outcomes.

Waiting for... much a function of where a gathering

occurs as it is of the quality of the ventila-
Attorneys Christopher Ferrara and
Charles LiMandri both serve as special
tion, size of the space, and duration of counsel to the Thomas More Society, a
stay. Throughout this saga, gatherings national not-for-profit law firm dedicated
for worship have never been shown to to restoring respect in law for life, family,
be riskier in terms of viral transmission and religious liberty.

The Chinese Communists
FORMAT Get American Aid
NEWT GINGRICH & According to a Horizon Advisory re-
CLAIRE CHRISTENSEN port by Emily de La Bruyère and Nathan
Picarsic, as much as $419 million of PPP
Even though the Chinese Communist funds were awarded to companies that
Party (CCP) is responsible through its lab- were owned or invested in by entities in
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, oratory in Wuhan for the global outbreak communist China. To be clear: Due to
of the COVID-19 pandemic, the commu- the nature of the totalitarian system in
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be nist totalitarian dictatorship has turned China, there is no such thing as a wholly
on this country’s academia’s this worldwide crisis into a great benefit. independent business that’s free from
In the beginning of the pandemic, com- the supervision and control of the Chi-
list of required reading.”
munist China—as the world’s dominant nese Communist Party.
medical supply manufacturer—hoard- From a sample of PPP recipients, de
ed and later sold critical medical products La Bruyère and Picarsic identified more

to countries crippled by the pandemic. than 125 recipients of emergency loans
China’s “vaccine diplomacy” continues to from the Small Business Administra-
advance its Health Silk Road as it ex- tion and Treasury Department that the


ports hundreds of millions of doses of its Chinese dictatorship’s entities owned
vaccines abroad, while chiding Western or invested in. More than $1 million in
countries for “vaccine nationalism.” loans were secured by at least 32 entities
Further, as countries responded to the controlled by the Chinese regime.
pandemic, Chinese and Indian troops The report stated, “These [People’s
The specter of communism did not clashed along their disputed border in
the Himalayan region, China escalated
Republic of China] entities span State-
owned enterprises (SOEs); companies
tensions in the illegally claimed South with ties to China’s military and mili-
disappear with the disintegration of the China Sea, further tightened its totalitar- tary-civil fusion programs; companies
ian control over Hong Kong, and militar- that the US government has identified
Communist Party in Eastern Europe ily provoked Taiwan. as national security threats; companies
Exploiting a global crisis in pursuit of complicit in China’s genocide against the
its global strategy is not a novel approach Uighur minority in Xinjiang; and media

for the Chinese Communist dictatorship. outlets owned by, or that take direction
Following the 2008 financial crisis, the from, the CCP.”
CCP exploited the recession to advance For example, the U.S. Department of
its global strategy. Defense has published a list of compa-
Similarly, in the wake of the COVID-19 nies that it has identified as being con-
pandemic, as the United States rapidly nected to communist China’s military,
distributed emergency loans as part of the People’s Liberation Army. At least
the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) eight entities affiliated with companies
to help struggling businesses, the dicta- on the DOD’s list received Paycheck Pro-
torship saw an opportunity for American tection Program loans.
money and took it. Moreover, according to the report, “The

Older Art Focused on the Beautiful,

Modern Art Often Looks at the Disturbing

THEODORE DALRYMPLE logically, than bad.

“Virgin I’m not arguing for the prettification of
Notwithstanding the re- and Child” art or that art shouldn’t deal with subjects
cent disruptions caused by Dieric that are disturbing. I don’t think there can
by the COVID-19 pan- Bouts, circa be prescribed or forbidden subjects for art.
demic, we are still very 1455–1460. Among the most moving pictures
fortunate by the stan- known to me are Velasquez’s portraits of
dards of all previously ex- dwarfs and a mentally handicapped boy
isting human populations. in the Prado; they are a moral education
Those, however, aren’t the standards in themselves, for Velasquez’s love of and
by which we judge our own condition. respect for his subjects—which surely
Instead, we compare it with some ideal weren’t usual at the time—are, to me at
normal, a perfection, which never has least, evident. If these pictures disturb,
existed and never will exist. they are also of transcendent beauty.
This, perhaps, partially explains the ex- Many modern artists, especially those
traordinary bitterness with which we ap- who achieve fame, go for the disturb-
proach our modern problems; any devia- ing while bypassing the beautiful. This
tion from the perfection which is held to doesn’t imply that they are without great
be the natural state of the world isn’t only talent—clearly no one would say that of,
magnified in our minds but assumed to say, Lucien Freud.
result from someone’s wickedness. The very fact that they are talented is
“In the midst of life we are in death,” and regimes that disfigured the history mother is raddled by care and perhaps disturbing in itself, for they depict the
says the Book of Common Prayer; we of the 20th century. by illness, at the very least post-partum world in a brilliantly cold light, as if the
might usefully change this nowadays By the time Neel came to paint her pic- depression or psychosis. world were to them almost hateful, de-
to, “In the midst of privilege, we are in ture “Ginny and Elizabeth” (1975), more- Not surprisingly, the baby isn’t a happy prived of all tenderness and worthy only
grievance.” I say privilege, incidentally, over, the worst of the century was over. smiling one of the type that reduces us of exposure as cruel.
because we have done nothing to merit In the time of Bouts, by contrast, life was all to cooing soppiness—on the contrary, I don’t have an explanation for this. It
our good fortune, it was bequeathed to routinely of an incredible hardship almost it looks as if it might keep us awake all seems to me that it’s in some way de-
us by the efforts of our forerunners. for everyone, and even the best-off were night and perpetually need changing. I fensive. Expressing tenderness or love
but an illness or minor injury way from have known several cases in my career as renders you vulnerable, especially to
the kind and degree of suffering almost a doctor that ended with infanticide. mockery, as does declaring too openly
unknown to us, with no possibility of Perhaps Bouts chose to paint “Virgin what you consider beautiful.
Aesthetic cynicism leaves relief, at least none of the medical variety. and Child” so tenderly not only because A kind of aesthetic agnosticism or cyni-
the field of beauty open to To mention but one hardship relevant it was religiously required to do so, but cism renders you, by contrast, invulner-
those who do not, or cannot, to the these of the exhibition: In Bouts’s because his society had a need of calm- able, because no one can know what you
century, probably about a twelfth of ing images that provided some respite truly find beautiful.
rise above the level of kitsch. women died sooner or later in childbirth. from the harsh realities of daily life and You become like the kind of person
By 1975, maternal mortality was a tiny common experience. who is always joking, in that way, you
It’s hardly news that misery isn’t nec- fraction of what it had been, perhaps in We often need, or think we need, the can never know what he really thinks.
essarily proportional to the objective the region of a thousandth of what it was opposite of what we have. And it isn’t un- But aesthetic cynicism leaves the field of
features of the world that cause it. All the in earlier times. common these days to read that it’s the beauty open to those who don’t, or can’t,
same, I admit to having been startled by But Bouts’s picture is serene and tender, positive duty of the artist to unsettle, be- rise above the level of kitsch. No wonder
an online advertisement I received for an while that of Neel is so anxiety-ridden cause otherwise, we should descend into we are so good at ugliness.
exhibition called “Mother!” now running that it makes the observer feel deeply a tepid bath of complacency or worse.
in an art gallery in Copenhagen. anxious. If one saw Ginny and Elizabeth And, pace COVID-19, our lives are so Theodore Dalrymple is a retired doctor. He
I will overlook the installation of what in real life, one would be unsure whether safe that we have a desire to feel that they is contributing editor of the City Journal
looked to me like the amputated legs of one ought to call the doctor, the social are really no such thing, that we live con- of New York and the author of 30 books,
pregnant mothers suffering from varicose worker, or the police in order to forestall stantly on a knife-edge of danger. Good including “Life at the Bottom.” His latest
veins after their pregnancies, hanging a tragic denouement. fortune is less gratifying to us, psycho- book is “Embargo and Other Stories.”
from the ceiling in a kind of forest, and The mother in “Ginny and Elizabeth”
remark only on the two paintings repro- looks at the end of her tether. The baby
duced in the advertisement. The first, “Vir- isn’t much better.
gin and Child,” was by Dieric Bouts (circa I’m not criticizing Neel or saying that
1400 to 1475), and the second, “Ginny and mothers such as she depicts (as she does
Elizabeth,” by Alice Neel (1900–1984). also in other pictures) don’t exist and
“Objectively,” the half-millennium that therefore that her picture is unrealistic.
separated these two artists was one of We aren’t in the regions of Hieronymus
enormous improvement from the point Bosch’s fevered imagination. There is no
of view of average life chances and stan- doubt, either, that her portrait is a power-
dard of living—despite the terrible wars ful one in the expressionist mold: The


A shipment
from Shen-
zhen, China,

Behind the
of what is
believed to be
N-95 respi-
rator masks,

seized by U.S.
Customs and
Border Pro-
tection in Chi-
cago on Sept.
10, 2020.

Your subscription will not only provide you with

accurate news and features, but also contribute
identified recipients linked to People’s First, the Small Business Administration to the revival of American journalism and help
Republic of China-based ownership span should work with outside researchers and
critical and strategic industries including experts, such as Horizon Advisory and safeguard our freedoms for future generations.
aerospace and defense; pharmaceuti- RWR Advisory Group, to put together a list
cals and medical technology; legacy and of known China-affiliated companies and We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we
emerging automotive manufacturing; ensure these loans are repaid in full.
advanced manufacturing and manufac- Second, the Small Business Administra- strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that
turing components (e.g., semiconductors, tion and Treasury Department should put lets you form your own opinions.
robotics); telecommunications; financial more protections in place to ensure that
technology; entertainment; and media.” loans are not awarded in the future to enti-
Many of these industries are critical to ties affiliated with American adversaries. We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where
the Chinese Communists for advancing American businesses shouldn’t be sec- the faithful representation of our current events
their Made in China 2025 industrial plan, ond fiddle. It’s the responsibility of the won’t just be important for the people of today, but
which aims to make China the world’s U.S. government to ensure the security of
dominant high-tech manufacturer. Americans in times of crisis, not enable also for the generations to come. The records we
The plan emphasizes 10 key sectors, in- our cleverly opportunistic adversaries to keep now will directly inform the foundations of the
cluding: new-generation information profit. history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish—
technology; maritime equipment and The U.S. government must act now to
high-tech ships; high-end computerized develop the systems that will ensure the and this knowledge is what drives us.
machines and robots; aerospace; new en- American taxpayers aren’t subsidizing
ergy and energy-saving vehicles; energy the very dictatorship which wants to Learn more at
equipment; and biopharma and high- defeat them.
tech medical devices.
It’s a tragedy that loans intended to help Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served as
save American businesses ultimately aid- House speaker from 1995 to 1999 and ran
ed communist China in advancing its goal as a presidential candidate in 2012.
of replacing America as the most power-
ful country. But to be fair, these hundreds Claire Christensen is the director of research TRUTH AND TRADITION
of millions of dollars weren’t stolen—the and Chinese studies for Gingrich 360. She
money was freely handed over due to the is the co-author, with Newt Gingrich and
absence of proper protections. Ryan Ramsey, of “Electing Trump.”


12. Touch Use the four numbers in the corners, and Secondhand Rose
13. Raspy the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
equation to get the solution in the middle.
14. Fergie’s ex There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
15. Hardens solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28
The player we call Secondhand Rose was at
my club today. When the lesson on “second
23. Atlas abbr. and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28
hand low” on defense was taught, Rose
24. “Help Me Make It ___ must have been out with Jiggs the plumber.
As today’s West, Rose led a spade
the Night” against four hearts. South took the ace
27. Certain pitch and led the nine of clubs, and Secondhand
Rose ... with the ace! She then led a
29. 1965 King arrest site diamond. Dummy played low, and East
took the king. South also lost a trump to
31. Great Lakes port of Rose’s king and a second club.
entry South succeeds if Rose plays “second
hand low” on the first club. East takes the
32. “Buck” attachment king and may return a trump. A diamond
33. Swiss capital shift fails as the cards lie.

35. Join, redundantly DISCARDS

South can take the ace and lead the
37. Height: Prefix Hard 1 - 1 Solution
jack of clubs. If West wins and leads
38. Former Portuguese a diamond, South takes the ace and
cashes two clubs to pitch his remaining
colony in India diamonds.
39. German spa Rose’s defense was indicated. East-
West needed a diamond trick, and if
40. Ancient physician East had the king, a diamond lead had
to come from Rose’s side of the table —
42. Creator of a logical and quickly, before South got discards
razor on the clubs.
43. River to the Volga DAILY QUESTION
You hold: k K J 10 7 2 j 10
44. Daughter of Loki, in i K 8 5 3 hK 6 3. Your partner opens
Norse myth one heart, you respond one spade and he
Hard 2 - 2 Solutions rebids two hearts. The opponents pass.
45. Cardinal’s insignia What do you say?
Across 34. Hurricane’s center 75. Shows disdain ANSWER: This case is close. Swap
47. Zest
1. Go ballistic 36. Pianist Claudio 76. Even your king of spades for the ace and you
7. Luau dances 48. “Maybe yes, maybe could certainly bid 2NT. Some players
37. Everlasting 77. Grape or tomato, e.g. would try 2NT anyway, especially if
12. Cries of surprise 41. Hockey score 78. Antarctica’s ___ no” vulnerable with more to gain by bidding
16. Agriculturally viable 42. Cries at fireworks Coast 52. Indian tourist city and making a game. If not vulnerable,
pass. Your minimum high-card strength
17. “No bid” 46. Monthly MetroCard, 79. Exxon competitor 54. Apparition and lack of heart support suggest
18. Prohibition e.g. 80. Salad green 55. “The Day the Earth caution.
South dealer
19. Lock sites 49. Tabula ___ 81. Specks in the sea Stood Still” star Michael N-S vulnerable
20. Prescription 50. Flair 56. Some wild goats NORTH
amounts 51. Jeer Down 57. Wanderers k5
1. Spikes jJ 8 5 3 2
21. Shade of green 52. Play area 58. Heathers Easy 1 - 1 Solution iA 6
22. To be enclosed in an 53. Nutritional abbr. 2. Florida fruit hQ 10 8 7 2
3. Safe places 59. French possessive
abnormal membrane sac 54. Soaked 61. Knickknack
4. Online auction site kQ 9 8 4 kK J 10 7 2
24. Baseball manager 60. CPR pros 5. Parting words jK 4 j10
62. Deem appropriate i10 9 4 2 iK 8 5 3
Joe 63. Like some Christians 6. Hospital work hA 5 4 hK 6 3
65. Very, in music
25. ___ Hulka (“Stripes” 64. Take in 7. Cab Calloway catch-
role) 66. “The Crying Game” 67. Ninnies SOUTH
phrase kA 6 3
26. Book before Job: star 8. Fairy tale’s second 69. Crowd sound jA Q 9 7 6
iQ J 7
Abbr. 68. Soul word 70. After hJ 9
27. Cheat 69. Chicken cookers 9. Survive 71. Twitches South West North East
28. Slip (into) 73. Ancient Peruvian 10. “___ Death” (Grieg 72. Cambodian money 1j Pass 4j All Pass
30. Reporter’s asset 74. Volcano-shaped work) 74. Toronto media inits. Easy 2 - 1 Solution Opening lead —k4



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.








Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.






Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

THE “ ”


it was the — END OF
the stable on horseback,
When they returned to


the old system.
wanted to get away from
virtually all groups that
I was sympathetic to
Contact the Puzzle Master @:
A20 | TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021

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I rely on The Epoch Times I congratulate you and I love reading The Epoch Times has been
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regard to keeping the menace and hopeful about sanity and rationality, as well
Best-selling author, attorney, of the communist threat in our future. as sanctity for human life.
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Military and intelligence analyst and former
deputy assistant to the president

G i v e t h e G i ft o f Tr u t h a n d Tra d i t i o n , a t a n y t i m e

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Not Just for Kids Acting Appreciation 101

Adults, try rereading childhood classics. You’ll gain So you think acting is easy.
a more profound understanding of these stories. Here’s what it actually takes.

See B2 See B7



A pair of geese take shelter

The Many Meanings of Marriage: among reeds during adverse

weather. During the end of
the Song Dynasty, this kind
of painting symbolized the

Centuries-Old Wisdom couple who suffered together

and still loved each other.


o that they are no more
twain, but one flesh. What
therefore God hath joined
together, let not man put
asunder. —Matthew 19:6

Since biblical times, we’ve been

searching for our other halves,
wanting to ride into the sunset with
our one true love, and marrying the
love of our life. But marriage tradi-
tions through the ages have ranged
from joyous to somber. Some
ancient wedding traditions empha-
sized the challenges that awaited
newlyweds and the loss of moving
away from their families. If one
word could capture the universal
ideal of marriage success, it’s prob-
ably “harmony,” beginning with the
story of our first ancestors.

And the Lord God said, “It is not

good that the man should be alone;
I will make him an help meet for
him.” —Genesis 2:18

According to the Hebrew Bible, all of

humankind descended from Adam
and Eve. God felt that Adam needed
a partner and created Eve by taking
her from Adam’s rib. Thus, the first
couple in the world was formed.
Eve was born to nurture and ac-
company Adam, and in exchange,
Adam vowed to protect and provide
for her. They were two sides of the
same coin—born of the same body,
and through God’s blessed union,
once again brought together as one
in order to be fruitful.

If one word could

capture the universal
ideal of marriage
success, it’s probably
The True Meaning of Marriage
In ancient China, it was said that
unmarried men and women were
incomplete. Only after they found
their other half and were wedded
were they considered whole. Ac-
cording to the “Yili Zhushu,” a text
from the pre-Han Dynasty, “father
and son, man and wife, [and] broth-
ers are one body as well.” This pas-
sage illustrates the importance that
was placed on marriage in ancient
China. While brothers and fathers
and sons are bonded by blood,
husbands and wives are connected
only by love and loyalty.
In “The Book of Rites,” Confucius
says, “From the distinction between
man and woman came the righ-
teousness between husband and
wife.” Similar to biblical beliefs,
people in ancient China thought
that men and women had different
responsibilities. The husband was
expected to provide for his wife and
family, while the wife was supposed
to take care of household duties.
This exchange of responsibilities
resulted in a mutual understand-
ing and respect, which the ancients
referred to as “righteousness.”
Marriage was an important foun-
dation of society in ancient China,
and often played an important role
in clan organization and politics.

Continued on B4
B2 TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021


2021 NTD 8TH Not Just For Kids:

International Children’s Literature
Chinese Vocal
and the Rest of Us

any years ago, I hired a
young man, Kevin, to help
out part-time during the
summer in my bookshop
on Waynesville, North
Carolina’s Main Street. Kevin was about
six feet tall, a bulky kid who was a rising
senior in high school and an outstanding
student with a great sense of humor.
One afternoon, I left the store and
walked down the street to make a de-
posit at the bank. When I returned, Kevin
stood in the back of the store weeping
like a child. “Hey, man, what’s wrong?” I
asked, hurrying toward him and thinking
someone must have died. Margery Williams’s
Kevin held up a children’s book and said “The Velveteen Rabbit”
through his tears, “We’ve sold so many was published in 1922.
of these. I just wanted to see what all the
excitement was about.”
The book was Robert Munsch’s “Love
You Forever,” the touching story of a
mother’s love for her son and the return
of that love when the son cares for his
mother in her final years. Like so many
other readers, including me, this tough-
minded, funny kid broke down as he read
this story of care and affection.
As we get older, we tend to put away the
books we’ve read as children and ado-
lescents, and only retrieve those stories
when we wish to share them with out own
children. If we remain readers as adults—
and I hope we all do—we instead pick up Robert Munsch’s
some history or biography that interests “Love You Forever” has

VOCAL.NTDTV.COM us, a bestselling novel, a cookbook, or a

manual on gardening or home decora-
made grown men cry.

tion. We read for pleasure and edification,

GOLD AWARD REGISTER and leave behind the stories so dear to us
+1–888–477–9228 as children and teenagers.

Becoming Real
As both a parent and a teacher, I explored
books unfamiliar to me, or returned to
stories I scarcely remembered from my
childhood. Either I passed them by in my

What People Are Saying younger years, or they made little impres-
sion on me.
One such story I read to my kids was
Margery Williams’s “The Velveteen Rab-
bit,” and we listened to the Meryl Streep
recording as well. Had I read this classic
story in elementary school? I have no idea.
But as an adult, the passage below hit me
like a left hook:
“Real isn’t how you are made,” said the The first-edition dust
Skin Horse. “It’s a thing that happens to jacket of the 1968 novel
I read The Epoch Times daily. I congratulate you and you. When a child loves you for a long, “True Grit” by Charles Portis.
I still like hard papers […] and The Epoch Times for the work long time, not just to play with, but RE-
I still like to grab that paper in you are doing, especially with ALLY loves you, then you become Real.”
my hand, but I get more printed regard to keeping the menace of “Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he
versions of stories than ever the communist threat in front of us.
was always truthful. “When you are Real
before. You guys have done an DR. SEBASTIAN GORKA you don’t mind being hurt.”
Military and intelligence analyst and “Does it happen all at once, like being
amazing job, and really—I think former deputy assistant to the president
there’s such a void in media, wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?”
“It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the
especially newspapers. They Skin Horse. “You become. It takes a long
slant so solidly one way that time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often
there are very few papers that to people who break easily, or have sharp
I can really feel that I can rely on, edges, or who have to be carefully kept.
Generally, by the time you are Real, most
and The Epoch Times is one. of your hair has been loved off, and your
SEAN HANNITY I rely on The Epoch Times eyes drop out and you get loose in the
Talk show host newspaper for factual and joints and very shabby. But these things
unbiased news coverage. don’t matter at all, because once you are
Real you can’t be ugly, except to people
LARRY ELDER who don’t understand.”
Best-selling author, attorney, Readers may laugh, but even as I cop-
and talk show host The cover of “Anne of Green
ied this passage into this article my eyes Gables” by Lucy Maud Mont-
misted up. As an old guy, I’m loose in the gomery, published in 1908.
joints, very shabby, and yet “these things
don’t matter at all.”
The Epoch Times is a
Age Brings Depth
great place where you can
When I mentioned to others that I was
understand traditional writing this article, several people told
values in a way and in a tone It’s our favorite paper. It’s the first me they had reread childhood classics as
and through content that is one we read. Thank you so much adults and had gained a more profound
accessible. It’s smart. for your reporting of the news. understanding of these stories.
One of my sons, for example, a Harry
CARRIE SHEFFIELD PAUL GOSAR Potter fan as a teenager who when he fin-
Columnist and broadcaster U.S. representative for Arizona
ished the final volume felt as if he’d “said
goodbye to a close friend,” revisited the

Learn more at

series last year and found deeper mean-
ing, including religious insights, in this
story of Hogwarts Castle with its cast of
heroes and villains.
I knew that editor and writer Annie
TRUTH AND TRADITION Holmquist of Intellectual Takeout has a The front-cover art for the
passion for such literature, and so wrote book “Winnie-the-Pooh”
to her asking if she reread old childhood written by A.A. Milne and
favorites. She replied: illustrated by E.H. Shepard.
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 B3

propriate for both teens and adults, but

though I’d seen the John Wayne film
based on the story, and the 2010 version
with Jeff Bridges as Marshal Rooster Cog-
burn, I’d never read the book until I se-
lected it for my students, a choice based
on the recommendation of a parent.
Two qualities in “True Grit” particu-
larly attracted me. The first was Portis’s
command of the English language, his
straight-shooting descriptions and dia-
logue that are so different from much
of contemporary English literature. The
second was the character Mattie, the ad-
mirable young girl who unerringly thinks
and speaks the truth.
Like so many books for young people
with such characters, “True Grit” cele-
brates a hero with grit, bravado, a sense
of justice, and a clear-cut sense of values.

Treasures for All of Us

Recently in The Epoch Times I reviewed
“Pollyanna,” another children’s classic
new to me. Here I found a refreshing in-
nocence absent from my normal literary
fare, a belief in goodness and in searching
out reasons to be happy in life. Given the
pandemic and other troubling events of
the last year, Pollyanna’s “glad game” was
a wonderful reminder to seek the good
in each day.
Reading an old chestnut from our child-
“Well, ‘Anne of Green Gables’ and the my heart in ways that they never would hood, or even opening such a classic for
subsequent books in that series have If you loved one of have as a child.” the first time—“Treasure Island,” “The
been ones that I have picked up countless your children’s books, Jungle Book,” “Winnie-the-Pooh”—can
times. The ‘All-of-a-Kind Family’ series is why not reread it? Plain and Simple Truths bring us the same unforeseen gifts I found
another one that I still enjoy as an adult. I Like “The Velveteen Rabbit,” several of in “Pollyanna.” They may be aimed at a
actually picked up a Marguerite de Angeli the books I taught to classes of 7th- and younger audience, but such literary works
book over the weekend that I hadn’t read 8th-grade homeschoolers were also can bestow wisdom and solace on adults
in ages (‘Thee, Hannah!’). strangers to me. Mildred Taylor’s “Roll as well.
“I’ve enjoyed reading some of the Moffat of Thunder, Hear My Cry,” Jeanne Bird- So pour yourself a cup of cocoa, grab a
stories by Eleanor Estes. I especially like sall’s “The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale chocolate chip cookie, open up a copy of
the humor in these latter books—from of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very some book like “Charlotte’s Web,” and let
my point of view, the humor is such that Interesting Boy,” and Lois Lenski’s “In- the magic begin.
it would be missed by a child, because dian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison”
it is written through a child’s eyes and provided as much or more pleasure for Jeff Minick has four children and a grow-
shows how they take something very se- me as an adult as they might have in my ing platoon of grandchildren. For 20
riously that an adult would be guffawing Such literary youth. I also admired these stories and years, he taught history, literature, and
at behind his hand while trying to keep others for the virtues and truths they of- Latin to seminars of homeschooling stu-
a straight face.
works can fered young readers. dents in Asheville, N.C. He is the author
“I think that’s one of the things I really bestow One such novel that I particularly en- of two novels, “Amanda Bell” and “Dust
enjoy about children’s books as an adult— joyed teaching was Charles Portis’s “True On Their Wings,” and two works of non-
I pick up on all the hidden meanings that wisdom and Grit,” the coming-of-age story of a teenage fiction, “Learning As I Go” and “Movies
completely went over my head as a child. solace on girl who hires a U.S. Marshal and a Texas Make The Man.” Today, he lives and
I also find that some of these books have Ranger to help her track down her father’s writes in Front Royal, Va. See JeffMinick.
wonderful nuggets of truth that speak to adults as well. killer. This novel is a crossover book, ap- com to follow his blog.

Original artworks, canvas wraps,

art posters, and framed prints of
Award-winning oil paintings
now available for purchase at

I n s p ire d O r i g i n a l .O rg
B4 TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021

There are three versions of the “Up the River During Qingming” handscroll painting, made in the Qing, Song, and Ming dynasties, depicting a groom going to the bride’s home to escort her to their
wedding. Here is the Ming Dynasty version, and below center, the Qing. 


The Many Meanings of Marriage:

Centuries-Old Wisdom
Continued from B1

But the main purpose of marriage was to Similar to

raise children to become upstanding mem- biblical beliefs,
bers of society and pass down each family’s
heritage. As “The Book of Rites” says: “The people in
ceremony of marriage was intended to be a
bond of love between two [(families of dif- ancient China
ferent]) surnames, with a view, in its retro- thought that
spective character, to secure the services in
the ancestral temple, and in its prospective men and
character, to secure the continuance of the
family line.”
women had
Ancient Rituals
Due to the sacred nature of the marriage responsibilities.
bond in ancient China, there were strict rules The official proposal process involved

of etiquette surrounding it. For a marriage to the “six rites,” which originated in classi-
be considered valid, it must be approved by cal times. Since the Western Zhou Dynas-
the couple’s parents. A marriage wasn’t only ty, it was mainly practiced among the elite.
a union between the couple—it was a union But in the Tang Dynasty, it spread widely
between their two families. In fact, the par- among the common people. In order for a
ents often acted as matchmakers. Arranged couple to be considered properly married,
marriages were very common. the rites had to be performed in order.
The courting process began with a match- The first step was for the man to propose
maker introducing the two people. It was with an accompanying gift. If the lady’s
considered improper for unmarried men family chose to accept the proposal, they
and women to become closely acquainted A white jade gourd ladle could proceed to the second rite, which
from the Mogul Empire.
with each other outside of formal match- was “inquiring into the lady’s name and
In ancient times, the
making procedures. Once a match was bride and groom would birthday.” This was done to make sure the
made, the family needed to report news drink from a gourd ladle, couple didn’t have any blood relatives.
A newly wedded couple pays their respects in the wedding of the marriage to the monarch. A feast symbolizing that they Third was “the intimation of the approv-
chapel. The three-step procedure involves first paying respect was then organized, and the entire village would share the burden ing divination,” which ensured that the
to the heavens, then to the groom’s parents, and finally to one came together to celebrate the union of the of any difficulties that union would be a balanced match. The
another, sealing their status as husband and wife. new couple. might lie ahead. fourth rite involved the husband making
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 B5


A Golden Engagement
Petrus Christus, appearance several times in his un-
derdrawing, indicating that he was
a Northern creating someone’s likeness rather
Renaissance than an imaginary figure.

master Petrus Christus

Christus was a contemporary of the
LORRAINE FERRIER great Flemish painters Jan van Eyck
and Rogier van der Weyden. Born
In the painting “A Goldsmith in around 1420 in the Flemish town
His Shop,” a finely dressed couple of Baerle, now in Belgium, Christus
are eagerly purchasing a wedding worked in Bruges (in the region of
ring. The man tenderly wraps his Flanders), which at that time was the
arm around his fiancée, while she leading center of Netherlandish art.
happily gestures to the goldsmith For over 20 years, after van Eyck
who is weighing a ring on a set of died in 1441 and before Hans Mem-
scales. The goldsmith, dressed in a ling came to Bruges around 1465,
rich-red robe, concentrates on his Christus was the leading artist
customer’s request as he prepares in Bruges.
the ring for sale. Some sources believe that Chris-
On the right side of the painting tus studied in van Eyck’s studio, even
is a wall full of the goldsmith’s tools finishing some of his master’s works
and the fruits of his trade. Each one when he died in 1441. His meticu-
is meticulously rendered. Elegant lously detailed paintings certainly
pewterware pitchers are displayed mirror van Eyck’s fastidious paint-
on the top shelf. According to the ings, but the brightness that van Eyck
Metropolitan Museum of Art (The brought to his figures isn’t quite seen
Met) website, these were created for in Christus’s works.
the city’s aldermen, who would of- Nonetheless, Christus made im-
fer them to important guests. The portant contributions to Northern
bottom shelf displays an open Renaissance art. It is believed that
purse of seed pearls, and on a cloth he helped spread the Northern Re-
are many precious gems alongside naissance style of painting to Italy.
a selection of rings displayed much The pioneering style was defined by
like we’d see them in a shop today. van Eyck’s use of layer upon layer of
On the bottom shelf, behind the translucent glazes, resulting in the
gems, are some of the goldsmith’s exceptional blending and detailing
raw materials: from left to right, on his canvas.
crystal, porphyry (a rock contain- It’s not known if Christus traveled
ing large crystals), and coral. to Italy himself, but his paintings
Some of the items in the painting certainly did. According to The Met’s
look a little out of place, but they’re website, nearly half of his known
there to indicate the virtues of the paintings were commissioned by
couple’s pending matrimony. For Italians, have an Italian or Spanish
instance, in the foreground, on the provenance, or were known by Ital-
left side of the wooden bench with ian artists such as Anthony of Mes-
its wonderfully detailed grain, a sina, who was highly influenced by
discarded red girdle (like a belt) is Christus’s work.
near the woman. It is rendered as Art historian E.H. Gombrich ex-
if to enter into the viewer’s space. plains the difference between North-
The girdle traditionally symbolizes ern and Italian Renaissance art in his
chastity and a readiness to serve, book “The Story of Art”:
both seen as the contemporary ide- “It is a fair guess to say that any
als of a traditional marriage. work which excels in the representa-
On the far right side of the work- tion of the beautiful surface of things,
bench, a convex mirror reflects the of flowers, jewels or fabric, will be by
outside world where, standing in a Northern artist, most probably by
front of a row of buildings, two falcon- an artist from the Netherlands; while
ers seem to peer into the goldsmith’s a painting with bold outlines, clear
shop. The mirror indicates vanity, perspective and a sure mastery of
and the falconers represent pride the beautiful human body, will
and greed. It’s a symbolic warning be Italian.”
of the vices that have no place in the Christus mastered single-point
bounds of a happy marriage. perspective in his later paintings,
Some scholars believe that the perhaps by replicating perspective
painting is a portrait of the Bruges in Italian art owned by his patrons,
goldsmith Willem van Vleuten, who according to The Met’s website. Some
worked for the duke of Burgundy, sources believe that his painting
Philip the Good. In 1449, the year “The Virgin Enthroned With Saints
the painting was completed, the Jerome and Francis,” at Frankfurt’s
COURTESY OF THE NATIONAL PALACE MUSEUM duke commissioned van Vleuten Städel Museum, is the earliest ex-
of the Western Zhou Dynasty, which had to create a gift for his great-niece, ample of single-point perspective
no music, words of congratulation, food, Mary of Guelders, to celebrate her in Northern Renaissance art.
or drinks. marriage to James II, the king of
After the wedding ceremony, the bride’s Scotland. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
family wasn’t allowed to light candles Researchers further reinforced in New York owns five of the ap-
for three nights, so as to show their sad- the possibility that the painting is a proximately thirty Petrus Christus
ness over their daughter’s parting. At the portrait, as the artist, Petrus Chris- paintings known to exist. To find out
groom’s home, music, singing, and danc- tus, had corrected the goldsmith’s more, visit
ing was banned for three days to dem- PUBLIC DOMAIN

onstrate that he was a serious man who

could handle the responsibility of raising
a family.
There were also many traditions that
took place during the couple’s first night
under the same roof. To symbolize the
start of their new life as husband and wife,
the two drank together from a calabash,
or gourd. The gourd was broken into two
pieces, and each half was filled with wine.
A string was used to tie the two halves to-
gether, conveying that though the couple
used to be apart, fate had brought them
together. The gourd and wine typically
have a bitter taste, which signified future
offerings to the lady’s family, and the fifth hardships the couple would face. A com-
was inquiring about the date of the wed- mon tradition throughout China was for
ding. Finally, the six rites conclude with the husband and wife to each cut off a lock
the groom and bride meeting in person. of hair and tie them together to symbolize
unity and an eternal bond.
A Solemn Affair While the marriage process has changed
Nowadays, wedding ceremonies are seen as drastically over the centuries, a person’s
celebrations and are often treated like a big wedding day remains one of life’s most
party. However, during certain periods and important moments. Now that the world
places, such as China’s Zhou Dynasty, they has placed so much emphasis on the indi-
were solemn, serious affairs. As “The Book of vidual and has splintered into thousands
Rites” recounts: “At the marriage ceremony, of subcultures, finding two people who
they did not employ music, having reference both agree on the meaning and function
to the feeling of solitariness and darkness of marriage is becoming rare. But the hope
[natural to the separation from parents]. … remains universal that, God willing, each
There was no congratulation on marriage; of us will find our one perfect match and
it indicates how [one generation of] men walk arm in arm for the rest of our lives. “A Goldsmith in His Shop,” 1449, by Petrus Christus. Oil on oak panel; 39
succeeds to another.” This sentiment was 3/8 inches by 33 3/4 inches. Robert Lehman Collection, 1975; Metropolitan
present in the bleak wedding ceremonies Translated into English by Angela Feng. Museum of Art.
B6 TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021



The First
Queen of
Mary Roberts The first
queen of the

Rinehart mystery novel,

Mary Roberts
Rinehart, in


ary Roberts Rinehart
(1876–1958) almost wound
up dead just like one of her
own characters.
On the morning of June
21, 1947, a disgruntled cook named Blas
Reyes pointed a loaded gun at Rinehart
and pulled the trigger. The only thing that
saved the famous mystery writer was the
age of the bullets; the filthy and ancient
cartridges did not fire. The gun dropped
to the floor.
The household servants rushed to save
Rinehart. Her personal maid, Margaret
Muckian, and her chauffeur, Ted Falken- “The Circular Staircase”
strom, tried to subdue Reyes. They only suc- was first serialized in 1907
ceeded after Reyes tried another method to and then released as a
book in 1908.
dispatch his employer—the mad and likely
drunk Reyes placed two kitchen knives in
his hands and took a swipe at Rinehart.
Once pinned to the floor, Reyes was escort- PUBLIC DOMAIN

ed out of the house by Howard MacFarland, have rocked the small town, and before fiction. The woman
the police captain of Bar Harbor, Maine. long Innes’s summer retreat is targeted. who wrote stories
The next day, the would-be assassin took “The Circular Staircase” features a nar- about isolated man-
his own life in his jail cell. Rinehart paid ration style, called “had I but known,” that sions and summer re-
for the Reyes’s funeral and burial. came to define Rinehart’s later work. “The treats spent her years
Circular Staircase,” for example, has the alternating between
murderer hiding in plain sight all along. luxury apartments
Rinehart’s first novel created a pop-cul- in New York City and
ture sensation. After its initial publication, Washington, D.C., and
Although she was called “The Circular Staircase” was recast as the her summer mansion
‘America’s Agatha Broadway play “The Bat” in 1920. Rinehart in Bar Harbor.
and collaborator Avery Hopwood turned
Christie’ for a time, the Gothic mystery into a pulp-style yarn Rinehart’s Legacy
with the inclusion of a masked and black- Rinehart is little re-
Rinehart’s popularity clothed master criminal called the Bat. Ra- membered today. Her
once overshadowed her chel Innes was turned into Cornelia Van legacy pales in com-
Gorder, a tough woman always shadowed parison to Christie’s
British peer. by her skittish nurse, Lizzie Allen. Director larger shadow. If dis-
Roland West turned the play into a major cussed at all, Rinehart The film “The Bat
motion picture in 1926. is characterized as a writer of cozy and quiet Whispers,” which
Breast cancer had earlier tried to take West was not done with the source mate- mystery stories. In truth, she was a master is based on “The
Rinehart’s life too, and in 1947 (the same rial, either. A master of macabre storytell- of plotting who weaved intricate mysteries Circular Stair-
year as the close call with murder), she told ing, he returned to “The Bat” again in 1930 that thrilled generations of readers. case,” inspired
Bob Kane, the
the “Ladies’ Home Journal” about her deci- with the release of “The Bat Whispers.” The Her novels and short stories also show-
Rinehart’s 1930 novel future creator of
sion to undergo a dangerous mastectomy. story remained the same, but West’s second case an all-American mystery mix of “sci- Batman. Kane
Rinehart was nothing if not a survivor. “The Door” is credited with adaptation added sound and experimental entific” crimefighting, the manor-house
creating the phrase “the posing with art-
cinematography. aesthetic more common in British novels, work for the Bat-
Tragedy and Triumph butler did it,” although that Cinematographers Ray June and Robert and the hard-boiled accoutrements of the
line does not appear in the mobile, in this file
This harrowing story was but one tale in novel.
H. Planck shot the film in both 35 mm and style made famous by Dashiell Hammett photo.
the tragic and triumphant life of Rinehart. 65 mm, plus West, June, and Planck utilized and Raymond Chandler.
Born Mary Ella Roberts in Allegheny City, the then innovative technique of panning Rinehart’s novels feature corruption and
Pennsylvania (today part of Pittsburgh), to give “The Bat Whispers” an incredible violence, but they are also romantic and Rinehart’s debut
she grew up in a family beset by financial sense of excitement. One of the cinemago- humorous fantasies set in familiar worlds. effort, “The Cir-
cular Staircase,”
and emotional difficulties. Her father com- ers who fell in love with the movie was Bob Rinehart deserves new appreciation as not
remains one of
mitted suicide when she was just 19. This Kane, the future creator of Batman. Kane just a great and important writer, but also the most popu-
forced her to get serious about maturity wrote in his 1989 autobiography, “Batman as a survivor who defeated a murderous lar mystery nov-
and money matters. Rinehart graduated and Me,” that the idea of a caped crusader cook and breast cancer. els ever writ-
from the Pittsburgh Training School for disguised as a bat came from “The Bat ten. In 1915, it
Nurses. While working as a nurse, she met Whispers.” Benjamin Welton is a freelance writer appeared as a
and married Stanley Rinehart, a physician. Rinehart’s influence is much greater than based in New England. silent movie.
This marriage produced three her connection to Batman,
children. however. Although called
Following a stock market “America’s Agatha Christie” for
crash in the early 20th century, a time, Rinehart’s popularity
Rinehart turned to writing to once overshadowed her British
improve the young family’s peer, and few can dispute that
finances. She proved to be a she wrote long before Christie
maestro of the short story form and clearly influenced the Brit-
and regularly appeared in The ish grande dame of mystery
Saturday Evening Post. novels.
However, in 1907, Rinehart Rinehart’s 1930 novel “The
landed upon the genre and Door” is also credited with
the form that would make creating the phrase “the but-
her a household name in the ler did it,” although that exact
English-speaking world: the wording does not appear in
mystery novel. the novel. Rinehart sold mil-
lions of books—some stand-
‘The Circular Staircase’ “The Bat Whispers” is alone novels and some featuring recurring
Rinehart’s debut effort, “The Circular Stair- Roland West’s second characters like Cornelia Van Gorder, the
case,” remains one of the most popular adaptation of “The nurse-detective Hilda Adams (aka Miss
mystery novels ever written. The novel fo- Circular Staircase,” Pinkerton), and the international adven-
cuses on a wealthy widow named Rachel which added exciting turer Letitia “Tish” Carberry.
innovations in sound and
Innes, who is described as an adventurous All characters bore traces of Rinehart’s
cinematography. A lobby
woman: a globe trotter, a donator to causes, card for the film. real life: She lived alone after her husband’s
and a one-time socialist supporter. death in 1932 as a rich widow, she was a
Innes and her personal maid rent a man- former nurse, and, during World War I, she
sion outside of Pittsburgh for the summer. worked as a war correspondent for The Sat-
Little does the pair know that their summer urday Evening Post. In this position, the

house will become a den of intrigue and poor girl from Pittsburgh lived in Belgium
murder thanks to a mysterious criminal. and interviewed luminaries like King Al-
Outside of the mansion’s walls, jewel thefts, bert I of Belgium and Winston Churchill.
a bank heist, and cold-blooded murder In other ways, Rinehart’s life mirrored her
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 B7

Acting Appreciation 101:

‘Character Acting’ Explained


The art of acting, and especially shape-

shifting, or character acting, is largely
misunderstood and underappreciated by
nonactors. Which is no surprise; theater
is the most misunderstood of all the arts.
The seven classical arts are architecture,
sculpture, painting, music, dance, theater,
and poetry.
We know immediately that a musical
instrument is hard to master, because it’s
external to us. When we watch Itzhak Perl-
man play violin or Jimi Hendrix play elec-
tric guitar, we say, “Wow, that’s looks hard.
I could never do that.” We see world-class
ballet and say, “That’s obviously extremely
difficult. No way.” Same thing for Michel-
angelo’s most well-known sculpture, “Da-
vid” (also his architectural masterpiece
the Piazza del Campidoglio), Leonardo
da Vinci’s painting “Mona Lisa,” Handel’s
“Messiah,” and Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.”
Those are all hard to create.
But when we see an actor act ... it looks
easy. It’s supposed to look easy. And so
many people feel, deep down, that they
could do that. The problem starts with the
fact that the instruments of the actor—the
physical body and the voice—are, well, as
John Lennon put it: “Everybody’s got one.” FOX SEARCHLIGHT PICTURES

We all have these instruments. They’re (Above) Two of modern act-

built-in. Which makes most people think, ing’s top character actors
“How hard could it be?” (who also happen to belong to
the category of leading man
Plenty Hard and woman, a rare occur-
There’s a reason that acting conservatories rence): Daniel Day-Lewis,
winner of the Best Actor
like Juilliard and the Yale School of Drama award for “Lincoln,” and pre-
exist: It takes practice. The greatest stage senter Meryl Streep pose in
actor of all time, Laurence Olivier, said the press room during the
acting takes 20 years to master. Or 10,000 Oscars on Feb. 24, 2013.
hours, as author Malcolm Gladwell says, is
the universal time it takes to master any- (Right) Jon Heder completely
thing, in his book “Outliers.” The level of changed his appearance to
play the pathetic nerd Napo-
talent can shorten or lengthen that time, leon, here looking very sharp,
but either way—it takes a good, long effort. in “Napoleon Dynamite.”
Screen legend Clint Eastwood maintains
that the uninitiated think acting means,
“Don’t just stand there—do something!”
Eastwood spoke about how fiendishly dif-
ficult it is to learn to become simple. He said
it takes years to learn, and that when it comes
to acting, that well-known phrase is reversed: (and maybe they’re also naked now, with well, and a skilled actor must pick up on
“Don’t just do something—stand there.” people scrutinizing their body). And hit all the energy and wants and needs of an audi-
But you also have to be able to just stand the consonants enough to make speech ence, directing the subconscious to make
there ... and still be interesting, since the intelligible to people in the back row (while new choices and emphasize news things
cardinal rule in theater is to never be bor- standing with his or her back to the audi- each night to suit the personality of each
ing. Standing still, doing nothing, and still ence or microphone) while not sounding audience. The collective of an audience is
being interesting has to do with charisma, stilted. (And don’t forget the cardio fitness it a palpable personality to an actor. This is
which is a talent. It can’t be taught. There takes to handle all that and not get winded.) especially the case when doing comedies;
are different forms of it. People who are That non-trained civilian I mentioned at the each audience will require slightly different
drop-dead gorgeous have a certain charis- beginning of this paragraph will freak out timing on jokes to produce a laugh. This
ma, for example. That kind of beauty is god- and completely forget how to walk and talk. kind of timing is part of why it takes 10,000
like; it’s inherently fascinating. Which is The ability to laser-focus the mind for hours to master. An actor has to fail, embar-
why looks are not a big deal in the industry; extended periods of time is key for a vari- rassingly, over and over until the reactions
it’s a standard tool of the trade like height ety of reasons, one which is that an audi- to the audience become second nature.
in basketball—people want to watch it, it’s ence will naturally vibrate and respond That gives you a bit of an idea of what’s
bankable. Sit in on any top-flight New York on a subconscious level to whatever is involved in the stage actor’s craft and com-
or L.A. acting class and you’ll be floored by Sir Laurence Olivier, consid- happening onstage. Which means that if mand of the acting instruments of body
the sheer amount of physical beauty in one ered by some to be the best your mind falters on that high wire that and voice. As Laurence Olivier said, all the
room. For everyone else in there, it’s just actor of the 20th century, as is the stage, and you look down and see great Shakespearean lead roles are athletic
another day at the office. Heathcliff. the ground waaaay down there with no events. It’s extremely challenging to not
PUBLIC DOMAIN safety net—or as in this extended example, hyperventilate while doing the balcony
you realize that you are literally naked in speech from “Romeo and Juliet” in a stage
front of a thousand people and become whisper that carries to the back row.
self-conscious—the entire audience will
The true definition of immediately become self-conscious and But What About ...
feel embarrassed for you. The standard argument that attempts to
acting: disappearing so Otherwise, when the actor maintains a counter the fact that acting and theater be-
thoroughly into a role clear mind and focuses on “doing the do- long to the list of the seven great classical
ings,” which means focusing on actions (as arts, and supports the idea that anybody
that the actor becomes opposed to trying to feel feelings—that’s can do it, is: “But what about those people
unrecognizable to even why they’re called actors and not feelers), they just take off a street corner with no
the audience subconsciously thinks it’s at the prior experience and they’re brilliant?”
friends and family. zoo, seeing a species of human in its natural Most of that is showbiz publicity spin.
habitat, doing things that are universal to Woody Harrelson was declared an over-
Beautiful Charlize Theron was humans. Then, in the best instances, theater night success when he landed the televi-
But stage charisma usually has to do with unrecognizable in her star- creates life-solving gifts that the audience sion comedy hit “Cheers.” The publicity
the ability to achieve extreme inner still- ring role in “Monster.” Here members can take home with them, and machine didn’t tell you that he’d been in
ness. Which can be enhanced by learning she is at the 69th annual improve and heal their lives with. New York 10 years prior, studying and au-
to meditate. People can’t stop watching that Cannes Film Festival in 2016 And it’s not a one-way street. The audi- ditioning. This myth feeds the American
because they can’t figure out what the ac- in Cannes, France. ence communicates subconsciously as showbiz dream: Anybody can do it.
tor will do next. Why? Because the actor PHOTO BY PASCAL LE SEGRETAIN/GETTY IMAGES Laurence Olivier did say, though, about
himself or herself, in that state, doesn’t acting and showbiz: “You either know ev-
know—shouldn’t know—what’s going to erything about this business, or you know
happen next. nothing about this business.” Pure talent
(especially when combined with beauty)
Laser Focus can gain traction in showbiz. People want
Acting has been called “the ability to be to watch that. Which is why a talent scout
private in public.” was able to snag the young Matt Dillon,
We can all walk around our apartments who was lounging around a junior high
in our underwear. That’s easy. But put that hallway, cutting class.
same regular person onstage in front of a A skilled director can, using a variety
big audience or in front of a camera and of tricks and techniques (some of which
movie crew (still in their underwear) with can definitely be labeled as abusive) get
many memorized lines to speak, and also believable, realistic, and naturalistic per-
blocking (choreographed directions on the formances out of untrained actors and non-
stage or movie set), that need to be synced, actors. But that’s the movies, where you can
timing-wise, with other actors, stage light- do a hundred takes and eventually get one
ing, sound effects, and so on. Maybe throw right. That’s not theater. That’s not a pro.
in that the character must cry real tears
while on the phone looking out the window Continued on B8
B8 TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021


Acting Appreciation 101:

‘Character Acting’ Explained
Continued from B7 lead-role looks but character actor person-
alities. Which means a shy, retiring per-
‘Playing Oneself’ sonality that is most comfortable when the
as Opposed to ‘Character Acting’ actor can disappear and become unrec-
One classic acting comment and myth ognizable in a role. Daniel Day-Lewis and
that will never die is, “Oh he’s just playing Jared Leto are probably the best examples
himself—anybody can do that.” There are of this particular combo. Meryl Streep is
many different kinds of actors, and many the queen of this, but she’s not exactly shy
different subcategories of talents and skills and retiring.
that come under the acting umbrella. Such
as accents. Some actors can do them, some Character Acting
can’t. Most can. Same with impressions. So what, then, is character acting? Some
But there are essentially two different call it the quintessential acting experience;
types of actors: personality actors and it’s the true definition of acting—disap-
character actors. Jack Nicholson is a prime pearing so thoroughly into a role that the
example of a personality actor. Jack is al- actor becomes unrecognizable to even
ways Jack, whether he’s a Marine Corps friends and family. It’s to be able to be-
colonel, a psychotic writer, or a wannabe lievably play a role far removed from the In this production, Antony Sher (L) plays Lear, and Graham Turner play’s his fool. The Royal Shake-
hippie hitching a ride on the back of a chop- comfort zone of the power alley. speare Company’s production of “King Lear,” directed by Gregory Doran, at the BAM Harvey Theater.
per. Jack does not do accents. Jack doesn’t The classical understanding is that one
shape-shift. You always know it’s Jack, and becomes a character, as in you somehow has ever seen before. Thus, you bring the (Dumbledore in the “Harry Potter” mov-
you’ll watch Jack all day, because Jack’s the rise up and become one with the great role character down to you. ies), who was playing Lear, sitting in deep
epitome of charismatic. But what Jack does of Hamlet; you magically morph into some- The truth lies somewhere in between. contemplation in front of the gorilla cage.
is not easy. one else’s soul. The modern view is that One the best descriptions of the process As Sher says, it “all goes into the pot.” Sher
Every actor has what famous but reclu- we have no other soul but our own, and is in the excellent book “Year of the King,” was later delighted to discover that his Fool
sive New York acting coach Allen Savage our sensory organs produce responses in by British theater acting great Antony Sher, would emit high-pitched screams, swing
calls the “power alley.” Which is a base- us that are uniquely ours. We all process about preparing for “King Lear.” The Brit from doorways, and waddle bowlegged
ball term. Each thespian has something the world differently. And so by putting actors love to go to the zoo and pick out across the stage with his hands high in the
they do exceptionally well, for which they ourselves in various situations we would animals with similar character traits as the air. It’s very much like giving birth.
tend to get cast repeatedly. Contrary to never normally be in, such as wearing a role they’re going to play, as part of their To create a character like that and vocally
popular belief, a smart actor wants to get humpback and walking with a limp à la character development. project to the back row of the London Palla-
typecast, because an actor is a product. Shakespeare’s “Richard III,” we are our- Since Sher was playing the Fool, he picked dium theater, with its 2,286 seats, without a
That’s how you get work. Which is why it’s selves in that particular set of circum- the chimpanzee. Studied it for hours. He microphone, as it was done in classical the-
called show business. Highly business- stances. Which is, in fact, a person no one was happy to run into Michael Gambon ater ... that actually does look pretty hard.
savvy Arnold Schwarzenegger, when

his thick Austrian accent, said he wasn’t

going to because it had become his “sig-
nah-choo-uh.” Arnold is very smart. Most
Americans can now do a decent rendition
of Arnold’s accent.

Character Actor Versus Leading Man

In contrast to leading men and leading
ladies, character actors as a showbiz and
theatrical category are generally seen as
less glamorous. A leading man or woman
as a rule has the physical beauty needed to
play the love interest; whereas a character
actor typically does not. Some character
actors are known for their unusual looks. Jack Nicholson in “The Bucket List.” Nicholson almost always plays a Daniel Day-Lewis disappeared into his role as the 16th U.S. President
Yet many lead actors and actresses have role that hits his power alley. Abraham Lincoln in the biopic “Lincoln.”

Virtue of the Brush

in a Time of Chaos

“When things are chaotic to the extreme,

order must be restored.”
- “The four books” by Zhu Xi

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Ins p ired O rig inal.O rg

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