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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | W E D N E S D A Y, M A Y 19 , 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | NO. 2,964 $3.

In the News Supreme Court
NEWS Rules Against
A Texas county lieutenant
says that sex traffickers can Warrantless
be “anyone” and continuing
to rescue victims is worth it Searches for
if even one life can be saved.
... A4 Handguns
Delta Air Lines is requir- By MATTHEW VADUM
ing all new employees to get
COVID-19 vaccines, becoming The Supreme Court unanimously
one of the first U.S. companies rejected Biden administration argu-
to mandate the shots. ... A5 ments in a case from Rhode Island
The nine campuses of the that police should be allowed to
University of California sys- enter homes without a warrant to
tem will no longer consider seize handguns.
standardized testing scores The ruling in the case, Caniglia v.
as part of the admission pro- Strom, court file 20-157, came May 17.
cess, beginning this fall. ... A7 Erich Pratt, senior vice president
The Chinese regime is
of Gun Owners of America and the
heavily relying on Twitter and Continued on A3
Facebook to broadcast its
state propaganda to a global
audience, reports say. ... A10
Sheriff’s search and recovery deputy Don White explains how he searches for
UK Prime Minister Boris
Johnson says that there’s BORDER SECURITY the dead bodies of illegal immigrants, in Brooks County, Texas, on May 13, 2021.
“nothing conclusive” at the mo-


ment to suggest England needs
to delay its reopening. ... A9
Around 2,500 Falun Gong
practitioners paraded through
A Deadly Trek Around a
Manhattan on May 13 to mark
World Falun Dafa Day. ... A10
Pastors in China’s Christian
Border Patrol Checkpoint
churches are now preach-
ing the Chinese Communist 70 miles north of the border, a deputy searches for the
Party’s ideology as the regime
pushes communism onto reli- bodies of illegal immigrants who died from the elements
gions. ... A11
A U.S. Space Force com-
By CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON So far in 2021, 33 bodies have

manding officer was removed been catalogued in the Brooks
from his post after publishing a ROOKS COUNTY, Tex- County Sheriff’s Office’s “death
book that warned of the spread as—Every week, deputy book.” The pages are filled with
of Marxism and critical race sheriff Don White heads photos of bodies in varying stag-
theory in the military. ... A1 out on remote ranch- es of decomposition, including



lands to search for the bodies of DUVAL skeletons.

illegal immigrants. 281 KLEBERG With the hottest months yet to
OPINION Brooks County is about 70 miles come, this year is shaping up to
north of the U.S.–Mexico border, Border Patrol Falfurrias be busy—on par with 2012, when
Rob Natelson: Defending the Checkpoint
Constitution: Limits on Federal but it’s also where most of the bod- 129 bodies were discovered. Last
Authority ... A13 ies turn up. year, 34 bodies were found. MATT YORK/AP PHOTO
The only way to skirt the Border BROOKS Encino White, 68, volunteers his time
Roger Kimball: The Way We JIM HOGG COUNTY
Patrol checkpoint on U.S. Route and equipment to do the job; he
Live Now ... A17
281 is to be dropped off south of it, aims to spend around 100 days

Cheng Xiaonong: Why walk north on private ranchland, STARR per year searching for “the lost,”
Has ‘Global Warming’ Disap- sometimes for days, and then get WILLACY as he calls them.
peared? ... A15 281
picked up again—the next desti- Ranchers, local law enforce-
nation is usually Houston. HIDALGO ment, and Border Patrol agents
White said many illegal aliens also find bodies, but White says,
FEATURES who are trying to evade capture
are dropped near the county line MEXICO “I search the areas no one else
searches, to find the ones no one
Thomas Jefferson wrote Workers examine ballots cast in Mari-
his rules for life in “A Deca- 12 miles south of the checkpoint. Continued on A8 copa County in the 2020 election.
logue of Canons for Observa-
tion in Practical Life.” ... B1 ELECTION INTEGRITY


Film star Audrey Hepburn
had such timeless style that
her iconic looks have endured
for decades. ... B9 TRAFFICKING,
Space Force Officer Removed in Maricopa
G.K. Chesterton’s poet- RESCUING After Denouncing Marxism County
ry—though less known than
his fiction or his journalism— B y JACK PHILLIPS mander of the 11th Space Audit Lacks
speak most boldly to us today.
... B8
See Page A4
A U.S. Space Force com-
Warning Squadron.
“Lt. Gen. Stephen Whit-
Researchers continue to manding officer was re-
moved from his post af-
ing, Space Operations
Command commander,
Authority: Expert
grapple with questions about
the value of vaccines versus ter publishing a book that relieved Lt. Col. Matthew B y MARK TAPSCOTT
natural immunity. ... C1 warned of the spread of Lt. Col. Lohmeier of command of the
Marxism and critical race Matthew 11th Space Warning Squad- A Department of Justice (DOJ) of-
Muscles that surround Lohmeier. ron, Buckley Air Force Base,
theory in the military. ficial with a lingering ethics prob-
our spine play many essential
roles in our everyday move-
The Space Force confirmed Colorado, May 14, due to loss lem is on tenuous constitutional
ment. ... C5 that it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew of trust and confidence in his abil- ground in questioning the audit of
Lohmeier, a former instructor and ity to lead,” the Space Force said in 2020 presidential election returns
How to teach your kids fighter pilot, of his role as com- Continued on A4 for Arizona’s largest county, ac-
about money, no matter their cording to legal experts.
age. ... D7 “Election officials targeted by the

Throughout history, young ECONOMY Department of Justice need to real-

males have undergone various ize they are dealing with partisans
tests to mark their entry into Biden’s ‘Build who will twist the law for the sake of
manhood. ... B4 political power,” J. Christian Adams
Back Better’ Plan Continued on A5

Could Shrink
the Economy, US–ISRAEL
Analysts Say
Published in New York,
Washington, Houston, Chicago, B y EMEL AKAN
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.


WASHINGTON—President Joe
Biden is calling on Congress to
Photos of people who have died due to opioid addiction.
“As our great
(USPS 21-800) is published approve more than $4 trillion in
weekly by The Epoch ally and the
Media Group, 9550 Flair
infrastructure and social welfare Drug Overdoses: The Epidemic Inflamed by the Pandemic
Dr. Suite 411, El Monte packages as part of his “Build Back only shining
CA 91731-2922. Periodical Better” agenda. While his ambitious B y BOWEN XIAO tion. And, in February, he found his example of
postage paid at El Monte,
plans aim to spur economic and job childhood best friend dead from an democracy in
CA and additional mailing the Middle East,t,
offices. POSTMASTER: growth, analysts predict the pro- RICHMOND, Va.—Jerry Barton lost opioid overdose. Israel deservess
Send address changes to posed spending and tax increases everyone around him to opioids. Before the pandemic and the our full support,”
28th Street, Floor 5,
would shrink the U.S. economy in First, he lost his sister. Then, his girl- lockdowns hit, Barton had been 21 Sen. Rick Scottt said.
New York, NY 10001. the long term. friend. Later, he lost a close friend months clean from drugs. But the Read more on A9
Continued on A6 from suicide stemming from addic- Continued on A6

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.
A2 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


Dear reader, We need to understand what

s states lift lock- happened if we are going
downs, their cost to have the best possible
is becoming opportunity to prevent it
The 12-month period from happening again.
ending in May saw the highest number of drug House Intelligence Committee ranking
overdoses—81,000—ever recorded. member Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), urging
Overdoses are estimated to have increased by President Joe Biden, in a letter, to order a
nearly 18 percent when comparing the weeks be- whole-of-government investigation into
fore and after the implementation of state-man- the origins of the CCP virus.
dated stay-at-home orders.
Read on A1 about a center in Richmond, Virginia,
that is trying to make a difference, and how addicts
have overcome challenges during the pandemic.
Meanwhile, in Brooks County, Texas, the dangers
of crossing the U.S. border illegally can be seen.
Epoch Times reporter Charlotte Cuthbertson 34 GOP Lawmakers Press
went along with deputy sheriff Don White as he
traveled to remote ranchlands in search of the bod- Pelosi to Lift House Mask
ies of illegal immigrants. Mandate
So far this year, the Brook’s County Sheriff’s Office Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) led a group of 34 Repub-
has recorded 33 found bodies. Read the story on A1. lican lawmakers in urging House Speaker Nancy
The Supreme Court earlier this week ruled Pelosi (D-Calif.) to end pandemic-related restric-
against the administration in a case where police tions on the House floor, including staggered voting

seized guns in a home without a warrant. Read the and mask-wearing.
story on Page A1. In a letter, Gibbs and his GOP
And the Chinese regime is using Twitter and colleagues called on Pelosi
Facebook to widely broadcast its propaganda CHILDREN to end COVID-19-related
restrictions on House op-
around the world. Read the story on page A10.
While Facebook allows Chinese communist pro- RESCUED erations, referencing an an-
nouncement by the Centers
paganda to be spread, it has limited the reach of The The U.S. Marshals Service has re- for Disease Control and
Epoch Times, which exposes the Chinese regime. ported that 387 missing children— Prevention saying that
a record high number—were recov- vaccinated individuals
Jasper Fakkert ered by the agency in 2020. generally no longer need
Editor-in-chief to wear masks in any set-
tings, indoor or outdoor.

ZERO Monthly Child Tax Credit

Payments to Start for Most
Families on July 15: Biden
The state of Texas
recorded zero deaths
among people with CO-
VID-19 for the first time
We’re not counting since March 2020, Gov.
Greg Abbott says. Sen. Rubio: UFO Sightings Should Be
on vaccine Taken Seriously
mandates at all. 19 States Urge Biden to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said that members of Congress
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director, Reinstate Keystone and other officials need to seriously investigate UFOs and the
Centers for Disease Control and XL Pipeline After potential threat they pose.
Speaking to CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” the Florida Republican The Biden administration has announced that
Prevention, telling NBC’s “Meet Colonial Pipeline American families will begin receiving monthly pay-
the Press” that any vaccine described a “stigma on Capitol Hill” where some lawmakers
Hack “are very interested in this topic,” but some “kind of giggle when ments from an expanded child tax credit starting
mandates will be locally, not July 15.
federally, driven. Nineteen GOP-led you bring it up.” However, he cautioned, “I don’t think we can
President Joe Biden, in a statement, said that

states have called on allow the stigma to keep us from having an answer to a very
fundamental question.” about 90 percent of families who have children
President Joe Biden to will get the tax relief automatically as part of the
reinstate the Keystone The senator said he wants the Pentagon to come up with a
process to take UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, seriously. American Rescue Plan, which was passed by Con-
XL pipeline following a gress and signed into law by Biden earlier this year.
ransomware attack that shut “I want us to have a process to analyze the data every time
it comes in,” Rubio said. “That there be a place where this is Biden, meanwhile, said Congress should pass the
down the Colonial Pipeline for several American Families Plan, an infrastructure-related
days, triggering gas shortages and a cataloged and constantly analyzed, until we get some answers."
proposal worth about $2 trillion, to provide “relief
spike in prices. for years to come.”
The coalition of states, led by Mon-
tana Attorney General Austin Knud- Amazon Security
sen, said the administration needs to Guards Accessed
reinstate construction of the Keystone
Over 1,100 people in America pipeline—which would stretch from Mailbox During Union
have been hospitalized with the Gulf Coast to Canada—after Biden Election, Worker Says
COVID-19 after being fully issued an executive order halting the Two Amazon security guards unlocked
vaccinated against the virus project early on in his presidency. The a mailbox that was used to hold mail-in
that causes it, while at least order drew considerable condemna- ballots for a unionization election, a worker
223 have died, according to the tion from Republicans and industry has told a hearing.
Centers for Disease Control groups, who argued that tens of thou- Kevin Jackson, who works at an Amazon facility in Bessemer,
and Prevention. sands of jobs would be lost. Alabama, said he witnessed the guards go to the mailbox and
use keys to open one of its doors, Bloomberg reported.

800 %
Jackson was speaking during ongoing hearings on post- We are very vulnerable.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says that the election objections. The attempt to unionize workers at the
amount of fentanyl that U.S. border warehouse failed last month, but the Retail, Wholesale, and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), saying during an
agents intercepted on the southern Department Store Union asked the National Labor Relations interview with radio program “The Cats Roundtable”
border increased by 800 percent in Board to hold hearings to address what it described as a tainted that the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack has exposed
April from the same month a year ago. election. The union said that employees were asked if and how “existential”-level vulnerabilities in America’s fuel
they had voted, and were told to use the mailbox, which was in and electrical grid, and arguing that the Democrats’
front of the building, to cast their ballots. Green New Deal would make the problem worse.

Microsoft board members determined in 2020 that Bill
Gates had to step down from the company's board while
they were investigating an alleged prior relationship
the billionaire had with a female Microsoft employee Portland Police Union
that was deemed inappropriate. President Says City Is ‘On the
The Wall Street Journal reported, citing people Sen. Blackburn Seeking to Reinstate Precipice of a Gang War’
familiar with the subject, that the board members
hired a law firm in 2019 to investigate the relation- Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy The president of Portland, Oregon’s police union said
ship after an engineer at the company claimed Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) introduced legislation that in a statement that the city is on the brink of war.
that she'd had a sexual relationship over several would reinstate former President Donald Trump’s Migrant “We need to talk about the elephant in the room:
years with Gates. Protection Protocols policy to curb the recent surge of illegal gun violence. We are on the precipice of a gang war,”
Gates resigned on March 13, 2020, before immigrants at the border. said Daryl Turner, head of the Portland Police As-
the investigation was finalized, soon after his The bill, called “Make the Migrant Protection Protocols Man- sociation.
reelection to the board seat. datory Act,” would require migrants who cross the southern Police in the state’s largest city have responded to
border without proper documentation to remain in Mexico until 357 shootings this year as of May 9, an increase of
their case is heard. more than 100 percent from the year-earlier period.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 A3

“We need more safe and
Andrew Giuliani Connecticut is
the son of former clean energy sources. offering $1,000 to
New York Mayor And that includes the people who secure
Stephen Gregory, Publisher Rudy Giuliani, says Keystone XL Pipeline.” employment after
that he’s running for BONUS being unemployed for
Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief Austin Knudsen,
governor of New York. attorney general, Montana at least two months.
Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor

Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor
Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor


The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
ing the truth through insightful
and independent journalism.

Standing outside of politi-

cal interests and the pursuit of
profit, our starting point and our
goal is to create a media for the
public benefit, to be truly respon-
sible to society.

We endeavor to educate read-

ers about today’s most impor-
tant topics, seeking to broaden
and uplift minds. We believe that
rational, balanced debate is key
for fostering a healthy democ-
racy and a compassionate

As an independent media out-

let, we use our freedom to inves- The Supreme Court in Washington on April 17, 2021.
tigate issues overlooked—or
avoided—by other media outlets. GUN RIGHTS
We seek to highlight solutions
and what’s good in society rather
than what divides us.

We report respectfully, compas-

sionately, and rigorously.
Supreme Court Rebuffs
We stand against the destruc-
tion wrought by communism,
including the harm done to cul-
Biden Admin on Warrantless
tures around the world.

We are inspired in this by our

own experience. The Epoch
Searches for Handguns
Times was founded in 2000 to
bring honest and uncensored Community caretaking
news to people oppressed doctrine doesn’t justify The Supreme
by the lies and violence in
communist China.
warrantless searches in the Court today
home, which may implicate smacked
We still believe journalism is a the constitutionality down the
noble vocation, but only when it
genuinely seeks to serve its com- of ‘red flag’ laws hopes of gun
munities and help them to flour- grabbers
ish. In all that we do, we will hold CONTINUED FROM A1 across the
ourselves to the highest stand-
ards of integrity. This is our affiliated Gun Owners Foundation,
promise to you. praised the decision. Erich Pratt, senior
“The Supreme Court today smacked vice president, Gun
down the hopes of gun-grabbers Owners of America
CONTACT US across the nation,” he said.
The Epoch Times Association Inc. “The Michael Bloombergs of the
world would have loved to see the A Los Angeles Police Department officer displays guns that were turned in by
229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7 residents, in Los Angeles on Dec. 5, 2020.
Supreme Court grant police the au-
New York, NY 10001
thority to confiscate firearms without
Advertising a warrant. But the Supreme Court Cranston, Rhode Island, home. the home,” Thomas wrote. unanimously ruled that the Fourth The argument escalated. He pro- “It does not.”
Subscriptions Amendment protections in the Bill of duced an unloaded gun and said, Thomas wrote that the federal dis- Rights protect gun owners from such “Why don’t you just shoot me and trict court ruled in favor of the po-
invasions into their homes.” get me out of my misery?” lice and the 1st Circuit expanded on
General Inquiries Bloomberg, the billionaire former Worried he might be suicidal, his this, stating that police “often have New York mayor, is an activist and wife asked police to conduct a wel- noncriminal reasons to interact with
Letters to the Editor major funder of gun-control groups. fare check. The husband went to a motorists” on public highways. The The case came before the high local hospital briefly after police as- appeals court “extrapolated” from
court for oral argument two months sured him they wouldn’t take his two the Cady ruling “a freestanding
ago as President Joe Biden and con- handguns. community-caretaking exception
gressional Democrats began press- After he left, they seized his guns that applies to both cars and homes.”
ing for aggressive new restrictions on without a warrant, telling the wife his The appeals court’s community
Second Amendment gun ownership life and others could be in danger if caretaking rule “goes beyond any-
rights, including controversial “red they left the guns in the home. The thing this Court has recognized,”
flag” laws, which allow gun seizures police refused to return the weap- Thomas wrote.
from law-abiding gun owners with ons and Caniglia sued, arguing the The acknowledgment that “police
limited due process, in the wake community caretaking exception officers perform many civic tasks in
of highly publicized deadly mass shouldn’t apply inside “the home–the modern society was just that—a rec-
shootings in March at a Boulder, most protected of all private spaces.” ognition that these tasks exist, and
Colorado, supermarket and at At- During telephonic oral arguments not an open-ended license to perform
lanta-area spas. on March 24, Department of Justice them anywhere.”
Police generally cannot conduct
searches of private property without SUPREME lawyer Morgan Ratner supported the
city of Cranston’s position, arguing
In a separate concurring opin-
ion, Justice Samuel Alito wrote that
consent or a warrant.
COURT’S OPINION police have to be free to act in poten- the Supreme Court is “properly

In Cady v. Dombrowski, the Su- tial emergencies. reject[ing] the broad ‘community
preme Court held in 1973 that police “Although there have been a lot of caretaking’ theory.”
may conduct warrantless searches questions this morning about wheth- At the same time, he noted that the

related to “community caretaking er this is emergency aid or exigent cir- case implicates “another body of law
functions,” but only for “vehicle ac- cumstances or community caretak- that petitioner glossed over: the so-
cidents.” Since then, the principle ing or something else, the label you called ‘red flag’ laws that some States
has become “a catchall for a wide give it is not nearly as important as the are now enacting.”
Get the range of responsibilities that police
officers must discharge aside from Associate Justice
principle. And the key principle is if
someone is at risk of serious harm and
Such laws, he wrote, “enable the
police to seize guns pursuant to a
Clarence Thomas.
independent news their criminal enforcement activi-
ties,” the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals
it’s reasonable for officials to intervene
now, that is enough,” Ratner said.
court order to prevent their use for
suicide or the infliction of harm on
you won’t find stated in the Caniglia case. “The question today
is whether Cady’s
Writing the Supreme Court’s four- innocent persons.”
The community caretaking doc- page opinion in the case, Justice Although this particular decision
anywhere else. trine holds that police don’t always acknowledgment of Clarence Thomas noted the Cady v. doesn’t address those issues, “provi-
operate as law enforcement officials these ‘caretaking’ Dombrowski precedent, which he sions of red flag laws may be chal-
investigating wrongdoing, but some- duties creates a indicated applied to police “respond- lenged under the Fourth Amend-
Subscribe and get the
times as caretakers to prevent harm standalone doctrine ing to disabled vehicles or investigat- ment, and those cases may come
insights only The Epoch Times that justifies
can provide, delivered to your in emergency situations. ing accidents.” before us.”
Edward Caniglia has no criminal warrantless searches “The question today is whether Acting U.S. Solicitor General Eliz-
door every week. and seizures in the
history and no record of violence. Cady’s acknowledgment of these abeth Prelogar and Marc DeSisto,
He had been married to his wife home,” Thomas ‘caretaking’ duties creates a stand- attorney for Cranston, didn’t imme- wrote. “It does not.”
for 22 years when, on Aug. 20, 2015, alone doctrine that justifies war- diately respond to requests by The
they had a disagreement inside their rantless searches and seizures in Epoch Times for comment.


Lt. Michael Landrum of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in Houston on April 24, 2021.

In Growing Sex-Trafficking Industry, Rescuing

Victims Is ‘Worth It if We Can Save One Life’
Traffickers and predators The definition of sex trafficking, are certain clues in their postings then we will target them a second
employ masterful In Texas according to Immigration and that lead us to believe that they’re time, in hopes that we can get
Customs Enforcement, is that it being trafficked,” he said. “And them into treatment and recov-
manipulation techniques to alone, more involves “force, fraud, or coer- then we set up operations to target ery,” Landrum said. “Sometimes it
gain physical and mental than 79,000 cion” to induce someone into a those girls, as victims.” takes two, three times of rescuing
control of their victims children commercial sex act. For minors, When the victim arrives at the them to actually get them.”
force, fraud, or coercion need not location for the supposed job, Landrum’s team also conducts
CHARLOTTE CUTHBERTSON are being be proven—it’s implied. the officers will use surveillance undercover operations target-
trafficked for The domestic sex-trafficking in- to identify how they were trans- ing buyers. In mid-April, they
HOUSTON—Sex traffickers can dustry is growing in the United ported there. arrested 27 buyers in a two-day
be anyone, according to Lt. Mi- sex, according States. It’s well-organized and Once in the room, an under- operation.
chael Landrum of Texas’s Mont- to a study by well-networked, and predators cover officer will give the woman
gomery County Sheriff’s Office. the University employ masterful manipulation information about leaving their Staying Out
“You name it. You got every- techniques to gain mental and trafficker and getting out of the Landrum said, of the women they
where from billionaires to street of Texas– physical control of their targets. life. The officer then makes sure rescue, some stay out of the life
criminals,” he said. “We’ve seen Austin. “What we see out of the traffick- any immediate medical needs and some don’t.
everything you can think of: hus- ers, they’re very, very sophisticat- are taken care of before handing “It’s hard to break down those
bands, brothers, friends, grandfa- ed, they’re smart, and they find them to a representative from an walls. Again, we’re getting back
thers, neighbors, unknowns that victims who are in a position of anti-trafficking nonprofit group, into psychology, physiology, and
they met online.” need, and exploit them to a point who is on site with the undercover everything else that goes along
Landrum heads up the county’s where they feel like they have to officer. with it,” he said. “Plus the addic-
narcotics, vice, and human traf- conform with their traffickers and Twice a month during joint op- tion side of it, that makes it really
ficking unit. The unit is also part to please their traffickers,” Lan- erations with surrounding cities hard, because now you have a girl
of the Houston-based Human drum said. The unfulfilled needs and counties, the team will make that’s got a mental, emotional at-
Trafficking Rescue Alliance. of those victims could include contact with at least 16 potential tachment, possibly an addiction,
Landrum has worked on anti- money, friendship, or a relation- victims on average. [and you’re] trying to get her out
sex trafficking operations for sev- ship, he said. Of those, they usually rescue of a lifestyle that supports those
en years, and over that time, the In Texas alone, more than 79,000 three to five victims. two avenues.”
approach has changed markedly. children are being trafficked for The nonprofit group can help But he also gets to see those who
“There was a time years ago, where sex, according to a study by the connect the victim with hous- do get out flourish.
we addressed it simply as a criminal University of Texas–Austin. ing, health care, drug addiction “To see them three months lat-
offense of prostitution, whether it’s Before an operation, Landrum’s services, and psychological as- er—[and see they] have a job, are
buying or selling,” he said. team scours the internet for ads sistance. clean, not dealing with the vio-
“We no longer arrest people who and information related to pros- Those who decline assistance lence, not dealing with the threats
commit prostitution. We focus on titution. are still given resources they can against them—is amazing. Abso-
trying to get them into services, “We target girls that appear to use in the future to leave their lutely amazing. And that’s what
and get them out of that lifestyle be under age, or based on a pro- trafficker. makes our job fulfilling,” he said.
so that they can be rescued and file and what we’ve seen through “And if we find them again, do- “It’s worth it if we can save one
recover.” our training and experience, there ing the same thing, still in the life, life.”

CONTINUED FROM A1 ing of the American Military.” which is rooted in Marxism.”

Space Force Lohmeier had appeared on Critical race theory, which
Officer a statement to various news outlets
over the weekend.
the podcast “Information Opera-
tion” to promote his book, and
draws heavily upon Marxist
and postmodernist theories,
Relieved After “This decision was based on
public comments made by Lt.
during the show, he  criticized
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s
denounces U.S. and Western
culture as a form of oppression.
Denouncing Col. Lohmeier in a recent pod-
cast. Lt. Gen. Whiting has initi-
agenda. After Austin’s confirma-
tion, he ordered a “stand down”
Critics have said its proponents
apply the Marxist tactic of “class
Marxism, ated a Command Directed Inves- to deal with alleged extremism struggle” to divide people along
tigation (CDI) on whether these within the ranks of the U.S. mili- lines of race, gender, and ethnic-
Critical Race comments constituted prohib- tary coming after the Jan. 6 Capi- ity to label them “oppressors” and
Theory ited partisan political activity,”
according to the statement.
tol breach.
“I don’t demonize the man, but
the “oppressed.”
In recent days, a number of
Lt. Col. Lohmeier’s The “public comments” that he
made in a podcast were likely in
I want to make it clear to both
him and every service member
GOP-led states have barred
schools from using curriculum
book becomes reference to the spread of Marx-
ist ideology within the military,
this agenda—it will divide us. It
will not unify us,” Lohmeier said,
based on critical race theory
or The New York Times’ “1619
No. 1 bestseller on which was detailed in Lohmeier’s adding that Austin is promoting Project,” which critics have de-
recently self-published book, “Ir- “diversity, inclusion, and equity,” nounced as ahistorical and in-
Amazon resistible Revolution: Marxism’s which he and others have said accurate. Recently, White House
Goal of Conquest & the Unmak- are “rooted in critical race theory, press secretary Jen Psaki defend-

Producer Prices
DOJ Intervention in Maricopa Audit Lacks Surge to Record
Highs In New
Constitutional Authority: Expert York, Reinforcing
told The Epoch Times on May 18. A report by the New York Federal
Adams, a former DOJ Civil Rights Reserve showed that May manu-
Division attorney who is now pres- facturing prices in New York state
ident of the Public Interest Legal soared to record highs, providing
Foundation (PILF), was referring to yet another data point in support of
a May 5 letter from Principal Dep- the view that more consumer price
uty Assistant Attorney General Pa- inflation may be on the horizon.
mela Karlan to Arizona state Senate The monthly Empire State
President Karen Fann. Manufacturing Survey shows that
Karlan told Fann that, based on both input prices and selling pric-
news reports and complaints her es rose at a record-setting pace
in May. The survey’s prices paid
department received from un-
index hit a record 83.5 in May,
named individuals, DOJ officials are while the prices received index
concerned about “at least two issues rose to 37.1, also the highest level
of potential non-compliance with in the history of the series.
federal laws” in the audit, which was
ordered earlier this year by the state
Senate and is now counting returns. Texas, Indiana,
The two issues referenced in-
cluded worries about the security Oklahoma to
of election records and potential End Federal
voter intimidation, Karlan said.
The audit was ordered due to Unemployment
continuing questions raised by
Contractors working for Cyber Ninjas, which was hired by the Arizona state Senate, examine and recount bal- Benefits in June
Arizona supporters of former Presi-
lots from the 2020 general election at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix on May 1, 2021.
dent Donald Trump and others on Texas, Indiana, and Oklahoma have
voting processes used in Maricopa ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES announced that they will be join-
County, the state’s largest jurisdic- “This false scholarship was even ing a growing number of GOP-led
tion last November. brought to the attention of Congress states in ending the expanded fed-
President Joe Biden narrowly car- in testimony provided to the House eral unemployment benefits that
ried the county and the state with of Representatives. Editors of the were implemented during 2020’s
49.4 percent of the votes, compared Duke University publication said it pandemic relief efforts.
In a letter to the Biden adminis-
to 49.1 percent for Trump. Karlan was incumbent on Karlan to retract
tration, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said
is a former Stanford University law her false scholarship, something that the $300 weekly extra pay-
professor who testified in favor of she has not done,” Adams told Fann. ments under the president’s new
removing Trump from office during The DOJ Office of Media Relations $1.9 trillion stimulus plan will end
the 2019 House impeachment pro- didn’t respond to multiple requests on June 26, ahead of its September
ceedings. Biden appointed Karan to from The Epoch Times for comment expiration date.
the DOJ earlier this year. from Karlan regarding the veracity Indiana and Oklahoma announced
Although less than 20 percent of of her 2009 claim, as well as other similar measures on May 17, and will
the votes have been audited, audit issues raised by Adams regarding be ending the weekly payments on
officials said that they have encoun- the Maricopa audit. June 19 and June 26, respectively.

tered multiple problems, includ- Adams wrote that Karlan’s legal
ing “no chain of custody for ballots, basis for her questions to Fann is

ballot batch counts don’t match Constitutional scholar rights laws, as well as rank schol- flawed because “the Justice De-
with actual ballots, deleted data- Pamela Karlan of Stan- arly dishonesty ... [who] wants you partment has never—in the entire
bases, cut security seals, ongoing ford University greets to believe the Justice Department history of the existence of the Civil
non-compliance with subpoenas members of the com- is engaging in a normal exercise of Rights Division—interfered in or
and more” in a May 13 tweet. mittee during a short federal power under federal voting investigated an election audit be-
Maricopa County Board of Super- break in testimony law. It is not.” cause its past leadership has un-
before the House Judi-
visors Chairman Jack Sellers, a Re- Adams was referring to a 2009 derstood it has no legal authority
publican, called those allegations
ciary Committee, on
Capitol Hill in Washing- Duke University Law School to do so.” INCOME
“false and ill-informed.” ton on Dec. 4, 2019. journal article in which Karlan Karlan’s concerns about voter
President Joe Biden and
But Adams told Finn in a May 7 claimed no Voting Rights Act intimidation are also misplaced First Lady Jill Biden earned
letter that Karlan is “an ideologi- cases were filed by DOJ in five of because the relevant section of the a combined income of
cal extremist with a long history the eight years in which President law isn’t applicable to the Maricopa $607,336 in 2020, according
of partisan enforcement of civil George W. Bush was in office. audit, Adams said. to their tax return.

Ohio County Sued

Over Dominion
Delta Air Lines to Force New approach 80 percent.
Workers who choose not to get
Delta’s Voting Systems
a shot against the CCP virus may
Employees to Get Vaccine need to continue getting tested CEO said it Purchase
once a week for the illness and wouldn’t be A group run by former Trump cam-
will likely be prohibited from paign officials has sued an Ohio
ZACHARY STIEBER specific reason why they don’t working on international flights.
fair to current county for allegedly violating state
want to get vaccinated, but I’m The Equal Employment Oppor- employees law when it considered purchasing
Delta Air Lines is requiring all going to strongly encourage them tunity Commission announced voting equipment from Dominion
to make Voting Systems.
new employees to get vaccinated and make sure they understand in late 2020 that mandating vac-
against the virus that causes CO- the risks to not getting vaccinat- cinations for employees wouldn’t vaccination a The group, Look Ahead America,
requirement said that the Stark County Board of
VID-19, becoming one of the first ed,” Chief Executive Ed Bastian violate the Americans with Dis- Elections “was not transparent” in
U.S. companies to mandate the told CNN in a recent interview at abilities Act, although some em- to stay in its decision to purchase voting ma-
shots. the Delta Flight Museum in At- ployees could claim a disability
“Delta will require all new lanta, which is being used as a or a religious objection. their job. chines made by Dominion, adding
that its process in making the deci-
hires in the U.S. to be vaccinated vaccination center. For instance, if a worker signals sion was not “open to the public.”
against COVID-19, unless they “One caveat to that, though. they are unable to get a COVID-19 “Right before voting on the con-
qualify for an accommodation,” Any person joining Delta in the shot because of a sincerely held tract with Dominion,” Look Ahead
the company said in a statement. future—future employees—we’re religious practice or belief, an America’s Matt Braynard said in a
The requirement will protect going to mandate they be vacci- employer “must provide a rea- news release, “the board excluded
Delta’s employees and custom- nated before they can sign up with sonable accommodation for the the public for 18 minutes from
ers, ensuring the airline can safely the company.” religious belief, practice, or ob- their discussion and deliberations.
operate as the number of fliers in- More than 60 percent of Delta servance unless it would pose an Nothing necessitated the public’s
creases, the company stated. workers have received at least undue hardship under Title VII
“I’m not going to mandate and one vaccine dose, and Bastian of the Civil Rights Act,” the com-
force people if they have some believes the final number will mission stated.
Pelosi Extends
House Proxy
Voting for Several
ed both the 1619 Project and criti- More Weeks
cal race theory. Critical House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-
“What you see happening in Calif.) announced that the House
the U.S. military at the moment race theory, of Representatives will allow mem-
is that if you’re a conservative, which draws bers to vote via proxy until July 3.
then you’re lumped into a group
of people who are labeled ex-
heavily upon The current proxy voting period,
established last year during the
tremists, if you’re willing to voice Marxist and start of the pandemic caused by
your views. And if you’re aligned postmodernist the CCP (Chinese Communist
with the left, then it’s OK to be an Party) virus, was slated to expire
activist online because no one is
theories, this week.
going to hold you accountable,” denounces U.S. In a brief note to House mem-
Lohmeier said in the podcast. bers, Pelosi wrote, “In light of the
and Western attached notification by the Acting
After the news broke that Loh-
meijer was removed from his culture as Sergeant-at-Arms, in consulta-
tion with the Office of Attending
command, his self-published a form of Physician, that a public health
book reached the top of Amazon’s oppression. emergency is in effect due to a
bestseller list. novel coronavirus, I am hereby
The Pentagon didn’t respond to Capt. Matthew Lohmeier, 460th Operations Group Block 10 chief of training, extending the ‘covered period’
a request by The Epoch Times for stands in the Standardized Space Trainer on Buckley Air Force Base, Colo., on designated on January 4, 2021 ...
comment. July 22, 2015. until July 3, 2021.

DRUG CRISIS | Addiction increases across United States during pandemic

Drug Overdoses: The Epidemic In

The stress, isolation, and lack
of human connection brought
on by the statewide lockdowns
implemented across the country
have caused a spike in drug
overdoses and addiction

isolation, stress, and lack of human manufactured synthetic drugs were

connection took a toll on him. responsible for more overdose deaths
“It was depressing,” Barton told last year than any other substance.
The Epoch Times inside a recovery The Centers for Disease Control
home provided by The McShin Foun- and Prevention (CDC) found that
dation, a nonprofit recovery com- over 81,000 drug overdose deaths
munity organization in Virginia. “It occurred in the United States in the
bothered me a lot—it actually led to 12 months ending in May 2020, “the
my relapse.” highest number of overdose deaths
There were no in-person groups for ever recorded in a 12-month pe-
emotional support. Barton took part riod,” according to provisional data
in some online meetings, but they released in December 2020. Then-
had a lackluster atmosphere—he hid CDC Director Robert Redfield said at
his true self. Being alone amid the the time the pandemic “has hit those
lockdown, he thought he could get with substance use disorder hard.”
away with a one-time hit. John Shinholser,  president and
That soon led to him using heroin, co-founder of The McShin Recovery
crack, and cocaine. Toward the end Resource Foundation, who says he’s
of the relapse, Barton was experi- been in long-term recovery since 1982,
menting with meth and acid. said he saw “an explosion” of addicts
Numerous studies have revealed who relapsed due to the lockdowns.
a spike in drug overdoses this past “Stress goes on steroids during CO-
year. After March 19, 2020, almost VID,” he said.
62 percent of participating counties “One thing I try to impress upon
experienced an increase in overdose people is that when you discover you
submissions, according to ODMAP, a need recovery, you’ve got to get the

tracker that provides real-time sus- ‘patience lecture,’ because it takes
pected overdose data. about two to three years to repro-
Looking closer, there was an 18 gram your brain to do the right thing according to U.S. Customs and Bor- of respondents
percent increase in suspected over- on a regular basis,” he told The Epoch der Protection. said they had
dose submissions when compar- Times at his office.
There’s “You can’t even get a good Facebook “started or increased
ing the weeks before and after the Most of the illicit fentanyl in the prosthetics post out of China, but they drive tons substance use to
cope with stress or
implementation of state-mandated United States “is manufactured in when a of fentanyl to this country,” Shinhol-
emotions related
stay-at-home orders. Regina LaBelle, clandestine labs in China and pos- limb gets ser said. to COVID-19,” in
acting director of National Drug Con- sesses strong opioid properties that an August 2020
trol Policy, pointed out that illicitly make it an attractive drug of abuse,” amputated. Grappling With Pain PERCENT CDC survey.
But when Chris Berry had been battling ad-
diction since a young age. His father “The authentic me was camouflaged
your spirit is was an alcoholic, his mother a drug so well that I couldn’t find him.”
assassinated, addict. During his school years, he Drug addiction “has been my pan-
there’s not a played basketball competitively until demic for 30 years,” he said, adding
he suffered a major knee injury. He that addiction is a hidden problem
prosthetic was put on opioid-based pain medi- affecting many.
for that. cation, which served as a gateway “There’s prosthetics when a limb
drug to his addiction. gets amputated. But when your spirit
Chris Berry,
Berry moved into McShin’s recov- is assassinated, there’s not a prosthet-
recovering addict
ery lodging in February after he got ic for that,” he said. “It’s hard because
jumped and beaten by two guys for you can’t spot it as easily with the na-
$26. They ended up breaking his ked eye from a distance.”
nose. Despite his tough-guy perso- Berry said Zoom meetings during
na, Berry said he actually had a lot the lockdowns failed to help him.
of fears, and he relied on chemicals “I don’t connect that way. I need
to mask them. to hug people, I need to know that
“In that process, I lost who I was by we’re reaching each other,” he said.
becoming so many different people “I don’t know that I could have got-
and putting on so many different ten clean as a newcomer during this
Chris Berry at the McShin Foundation in Richmond, Va., on May 12, 2021. masks,” he told The Epoch Times. pandemic.”

tration’s original announcement.

Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Plan Could According to the Penn Wharton
model, the spending and tax pro-
visions of the plan would end up
Shrink the Economy, Say Analysts reducing gross domestic product
(GDP) by 0.8 percent by 2050.
While the proposal’s business tax
JIM WATSON/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES hikes decrease government debt
CONTINUED FROM A1 over the long term, it would “dis-
American Jobs Plan courage business investment and
would discourage On March 31, Biden announced
the American Jobs Plan, his $2.3
thus reduce GDP,” according to a
report by Penn Wharton analysts.
investment and trillion infrastructure proposal that Biden proposes substantial tax
dedicates the majority of spending increases on U.S. corporations to
reduce the GDP by on progressive priorities such as pay for his ambitious spending
climate change. He described his package. It aims to raise the cor-
0.8 percent in 2050, proposal as “the largest American porate tax rate to 28 percent from
according to Penn jobs investment since World War II” the current rate of 21 percent, a
in a speech in Pittsburgh on the day level that would put it above global
Wharton model of the announcement. peers and potentially reduce U.S.
His spending plan, which in- competitiveness.
cludes significant tax increases The American Families Plan,
on corporations, is  unlikely to which is the second component
gain bipartisan support on Capi- of Biden’s Build Back Better agen-
tol Hill.  Republicans earlier  la- da, consists of about $1 trillion in
beled  the infrastructure plan a projects that Biden’s infrastruc- President Joe Biden investments and $800 billion in
“Trojan horse” for progressive pri- ture plan would spend $2.7 tril- speaks in Pittsburgh on tax cuts and credits for families
orities and deficit spending rather lion over the next 10 years. This March 31, 2021. and workers, according to the
than addressing systemic issues amount is $400 billion more than White House. The new spending
with roads and bridges. announced by the White House, proposal focuses on expanding
The University of Pennsylva- as it includes clean energy tax the welfare state by providing ac-
nia’s Penn Wharton budget model credits not listed in the adminis- cess to good education, affordable


University of
California Will
flamed by the Pandemic No Longer
Change in admissions procedure
the result of a settlement in
lawsuit that alleged traditional
SAT and ACT tests are racist


The nine campuses of the Uni-

versity of California (UC) system
will no longer consider stan-
dardized testing scores as part
of the admission process begin-
ning this fall.
The change is the result of a
legal settlement of a lawsuit
Photos of people who have died due to their opioid addiction, in a tree at the brought by groups that claimed
McShin Foundation, a non-profit recovery community organization, in Rich- that the traditional SAT and ACT
mond, Va., on May 12, 2021. tests are racist.
Under the settlement, the
Two days after The Epoch Times Human Connection university, which enrolls some
spoke with him, staff members at As Shinholser gave a tour of the 225,000 undergraduate students,
McShin said Berry was found in the center and described the many pro- said it won’t consider SAT or ACT
shower from a suspected overdose. grams it offered, some recovering scores sent along with admissions
He was rushed to the hospital and put addicts came up to say hello. They applications until 2025. The uni-
on a ventilator. As of the morning of often mentioned that Shinholser’s versity further stated that it had
May 17, he was still nonresponsive. personal style, authenticity, and hu- no current plan
In a text, Shinholser said it could mor helped them stay. to consider the
take days to find out what caused the Those interviewed by The Epoch scores after 2025.
incident. He speculated that Berry Times said Shinholser and other The settlement The nine
took something spiked with fentanyl, staff members at the foundation specifies that campuses
or that it could have been a natural saved their lives by offering them a the university will no
heart attack, as he was suffering from nonjudgmental support group and can still use SAT longer use
multiple health issues. Shinholser someone they could trust. and ACT scores the test
said if Berry passed away and it was At a group session Shinholser was to determine scores to
confirmed to be an overdose, it would leading, the atmosphere was relaxed course place- determine
be the second overdose death that and the people attending were en- ment after the how to
happened in a recovery house over gaged in discussion. According to students are ac- award
the center’s 17-year history. data from 2017 to 2020, over 68 per- cepted. But the scholarships.
The economic downturn caused by cent of McShin alumni were “still nine campuses
the statewide shutdowns was also a engaged in recovery” after leaving, will no longer
Over 13 percent of respondents John Shinholser, factor. During the pandemic, adults and over 65 percent were employed. use the test scores to determine
in an August CDC survey said they president and in households with job loss or lower “These people, they’re angels,” how to award scholarships.
“started or increased substance use co-founder of incomes reported “higher rates of Berry said, referring to McShin’s The lawsuit was filed against
to cope with stress or emotions re- the McShin symptoms of mental illness than staff members. “You have to have a the university on Dec. 10, 2019,
lated to COVID-19.” Foundation, a those without job or income loss” (53 special thing inside of you to survive by several students and groups,
And a September report published nonprofit recovery percent versus 32 percent), according addiction, and then be willing to go including Chinese for Affirma-
on the JAMA Network that looked at to KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation), back into it to help somebody else tive Action, College Access Plan,
urine drug test results from 150,000 speaks during a nonprofit organization focusing on come out of it.” College Seekers, Community Co-
patients found a worrying trend: a meeting in national health issues. Many of McShin’s staff members alition, Dolores Huerta Founda-
populations diagnosed with or at Richmond, Va., on Like Berry, Barton got hooked on themselves are former drug addicts. tion, and Little Manila Rising.
risk of substance use disorders “in- May 12, 2021. opioids from a young age due to Monique Runge joined to get rid of The  Compton Unified School
creased significantly for illicit co- circumstances out of his control. her addiction to alcohol, a problem District filed a similar lawsuit on
caine, fentanyl, heroin, and meth- He had scoliosis in middle school that began in high school. Runge the same day. The two cases were
amphetamine from the 4 months and was put on opioid-based pain told The Epoch Times she was so subsequently merged.
before the COVID-19 emergency medication. Later, he got rid of his addicted that she had to take a shot The original complaints
declaration to the 4 months after addiction and became a mechanic every few hours, even during sleep. claimed that SAT and ACT tests
the COVID-19 declaration.” for 24 years until he developed a de- Otherwise, her body would shake serve as a metric of wealth and
Berry broke down repeatedly generative disc disease requiring and she would feel sick. race, rather than a predictor of
throughout the interview as he strong pain medication, reawaken- Like others, her addiction got worse college success.
recalled recovering and relapsing ing the addiction. during the pandemic lockdowns as “The mere presence of the dis-
throughout his life. One of his worst As lockdown measures started she was isolated at home. She only criminatory metric of SAT and
addiction spirals was when he found loosening up this year, Barton started ventured out to purchase alcohol, ACT scores in the UC admissions
his mother dead in 2017. He relapsed seeking help more proactively. He’s spending about $400 per week on it. process precludes admissions
within 30 minutes and took a bunch now a house leader at his recovery Runge was apprehensive at first officers from according proper
of her pain pills as he was waiting for residence, a place where recovering about living at the recovery homes, weight to meaningful criteria,
the police. addicts have access to the McShin but after meeting with Shinholser such as academic achievement
Berry said faith helped him to sur- center and its activities, as well as and other staff members, her fears and personal qualities, and re-
vive to where he is now, at the age structure and accountability within were assuaged. She now works the quires them instead to consider
of 46. the house. front desk at McShin. criteria that act as a proxy for
wealth and race and thus concen-
trate privilege on UC campuses,”
one of the two complaints stated.
On Aug. 31, 2020, the Superior
DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES Court of the State of California,
child care, and more. Child care cerns that higher tax rates would County of Alameda, ordered the
support receives the most funds shrink the economic growth. He university to stop using the test
under the plan. claimed there’s “little evidence” results for admissions or scholar-
Biden proposes to increase taxes that President Donald Trump’s ship decisions while the lawsuit
on high-income households to pay tax cuts signed into law in 2017 was pending. The university ap-
for this spending. meaningfully boosted business pealed the decision and the ap-
Penn Wharton analysts projected investments. peal remains unresolved.
that the plan would actually spend “If the tax cuts did not lift econom- As part of the settlement, the
$2.5 trillion over the next 10 years, Policies that ic growth, it is tough to argue that University of California system
about $700 billion more than the increasing them will appreciably will pay $1.25 million in attor-
administration has announced. The
are rammed hurt growth,” he wrote. Construction continues near unfin- ney fees to the lawyers who rep-
plan “would increase government through by According to Moody’s, Biden’s ished Purple Line rail tracks at the resented the plaintiffs.
debt by almost 5 percent and de- proposals would increase tax Paul Sarbanes Transit Center in Silver College Board, the developer of
one political Spring, Md., on April 8, 2021.
crease GDP by 0.4 percent” by 2050, revenues by $3.5 trillion, about the SAT test, and ACT both told
the analysts wrote in the report. party, without half of which would come from The Epoch Times that the racial
This analysis is contrary to what any support increased taxes on corporations how to pay for them. disparities in test scores aren’t a
Moody’s has projected. Moody’s from the and the other half on high-income “A lot of the big of domestic politi- function of the tests themselves,
touted Biden’s spending packages, and wealthy individuals. cal decisions of the last generation but rather a symptom of broader
saying that they would make the other, remain This week Republicans are ex- have all been enacted with zero educational issues.
U.S. economy’s growth prospects in jeopardy. pected to unveil a new counter-pro- or near-zero support from the op- JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES
“brighter” in the long term. posal to Biden’s $2.3 trillion infra- position party,” according to Nick
The Build Back Better plan “would Nick Eberstadt, structure plan. Last month, Senate Eberstadt, political economist at
increase the economy’s long-run political economist, Republicans led by Sen. Shelley the American Enterprise Institute,
American Enterprise
growth by increasing productivity Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) proposed a conservative think tank.
growth, labor force participation, a $568 billion infrastructure pack- “Policies that are rammed through
and hours worked,” Mark Zandi, age, which Democrats criticized as by one political party, without any
chief economist of Moody’s Ana- inadequate. support from the other, remain in
lytics, wrote in a report. The White House indicated that it jeopardy,” he told The Epoch Times.
Zandi, who advised progressive would move forward with its own “If one wishes to have a policy with
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) spending plans if no bipartisan deal durability and resilience, it’s much The Sather Gate on the University
during her presidential campaign, can be reached. The two parties re- better, if possible, to find a biparti- of California–Berkeley campus on
also pushed back against the con- main far apart on the priorities and san basis of support.” July 22, 2020.

A Deadly Path Around a

Border Patrol Checkpoint

Deputy Sheriff Don White

volunteers his time,
equipment, and tracking
expertise to search for those
he calls ‘the lost’—illegal
immigrants who die on
remote ranchlands


else is looking for.”

Over the past six years, White has
gained permission from local ranch-
ers to search their land. The county is
944 square miles and he reckons he
now has access to about two-thirds
of it. It might be a year or two before
White covers the same ground, but
he’ll check the more popular tracts—
along pipelines and power lines—
more frequently.
The busiest months are during
summer, as most people die from
a combination of dehydration and
hyperthermia. Water is scarce, it’s
not hard to get lost, and smugglers
will leave illegal immigrants behind Sheriff’s search
and recovery
deputy Don
White explains
I search the areas no how he searches
for the dead
one else searches, to bodies of illegal
find the ones no one immigrants, in
Brooks County,
else is looking for. Texas, on May
13, 2021.
Don White, deputy, Brooks County
Sheriff’s Office

if they’re slow or injured.

The ones that don’t travel with a
smuggler will usually be given a loca-
tion that they’ll try to reach by using
their phone to navigate.
But it’s not always the smuggler that
leaves someone behind.
“My first search was for a kid that
was left by his dad when [Border Pa-
trol] was closing in. Dad called the
Sheriff when he got to a safe place.
Kid was never found,” White wrote
on Facebook recently.
He’s sometimes given an area to
search after a 911 call comes in, but
the cell towers can’t always pinpoint a
location. Other times, a family mem-
ber will know the vague area the per-
son was traveling in as well as when
they were expected to be picked up. Sheriff’s search and group periodically fills with water. ceased, it is usually sent to the med-
Searching is slow work in scrubby recovery deputy “He actually left his phone in the
terrain. White walks at just over a Don White finds an middle of the road, 30 yards away, There’s a certain level ical examiner in Laredo, who will
send a bone sample for DNA testing
half-mile per hour, usually in a loose old deodorant bot- across the fence. He’d taken off his of satisfaction knowing to Texas State University’s “body
zig-zag pattern, looking for bones, tle while searching shoes and T-shirt—put his shoes to-
for the dead bodies that some family will farm,” a facility that researches hu-
tracks, trash, or any sign of human gether and folded up his T-shirt. He man body decomposition.
of illegal immigrants,
died ... trying to take his pants off. be feeling better due to “The last recovery was last week.
in Brooks County,
“I’m looking for, ‘Is a person’s gait Texas, on May 13, He was stressed. He was traveling my efforts. His clothing, his boots, the amount
normal?’ In other words, ‘Are they 2021. by himself, because he still had his of time he’d been out there, his loca-
feeling OK?’ They’re not dragging money, IDs, and everything else,” Don White, deputy, Brooks County tion, that all indicated who he was,”
their toes from injury or from being White said. Sheriff’s Office White said. “So he was transported
environmentally stressed,” he said. He said the man was from Tijuana, to Texas State.”
“Are their prints real deep, heavy Mexico; he’d been deported three As with other first responders and It can take up to a year and a half
heel strike, because they’re carry- times, the last time being in 2015. It law enforcement, White keeps an to process the DNA for free, so, in
ing a heavy backpack of drugs or seems he was trying his luck cross- emotional distance from what he some cases, the Argentinian group
something like that? So little things ing into Texas rather than into Cali- encounters, and black humor is a Argentine Forensic Anthropol-
like that.” fornia. way of coping. ogy Team will assist in paying for a
White also has to continually check Much of the time, White is looking “If you internalize everything, quicker DNA test and help to locate
immediately ahead for rattlesnakes, for bones. It’s rare that he’ll find an in- you’re a suicide statistic, basically,” the families.
and look still further up for wild hogs tact skeleton, as animals have usually he said. “If there’s somebody we think we
or anyone hiding from him. disarticulated a body and dragged His nonprofit, Remote know who it is for sure, then
“In years past, it wasn’t that much parts around. Once he finds a bone, Wildlands Search and they’ll step in and they’ll
of an issue, they were just trying to he’ll do his best to discern whether Recovery, raises enough pay part of the fees or
hide from you,” he said. “Now, some it’s human (some deer bones can look money to cover the gas pay all of it to get it back
of these people will try to take your
resources because they know you’re MORE DEATHS very human-like, he said), and then
move in ever-widening circles to lo-
costs of the volunteers
who help him search one
in two months or some-
times three weeks. It just
going to have a vehicle somewhere.”
They’re also the ones who don’t LIKELY AMID cate the rest of the body.
He carries various types of body
weekend per month. depends,” White said.
White has been recov-
want to be captured—more than
42,600 in April alone along the whole BORDER SURGE bags in his Jeep and has a body rack
bolted onto the rear for transport-
Identifying the Bodies
Finding a body is only the first
ering bodies for years—he
spent 21 years as a recovery
southern border. A hot summer could ing. But if it’s small enough, or just step in a long process. Deputy Don
diver, before hanging up his
“You have a whole group of people result in record a skeleton, it’ll ride in the back seat. A body can’t be released to White’s Jeep oxygen tank last year to focus
deaths in Brooks
that, no matter what, they wouldn’t County, Texas He can’t pinpoint why he has been the family until a death cer- is laden with more fully on the ground in
get an American status,” White said. drawn to body recovery for so many tificate has been issued, and gear in prepa- Brooks County.
“People already had convictions for Dehydration and years, but it may have come from a death certificate can’t be ration for any It’s a thankless job in many
hyperthermia are the
murder, pedophilia, sexual assault, main causes.
working homicide cases with the issued without the positive scenario as ways, but “there’s a certain
violence—all these serious crimes— Bexar County criminal investigation identification of the person. he searches level of satisfaction knowing

and they’re not in the groups that are division—“seeing people hurting and White usually finds males alone in that some family will be feel-
turning themselves in.” me being able to do something about aged between 19 to 40 years remote Brooks ing better due to my efforts,”
it,” he said. from Mexico, Guatemala, County, Texas. he said.
Getting Lost Perhaps that also prepared him for Honduras, or El Salvador. “In the Hispanic culture, it’s
Once someone is lost, they can eas- dealing with horrific scenes, such as Only about 30 percent of the bodies very important that they have their
ily go further off-track and be harder finding a woman tied to a windmill, he finds have an ID. loved one’s body,” he said. “They cel-
to find. Then, once dehydration and
hyperthermia are mixed in, it’s com- ILLEGAL left to die after being raped. Or an-
other young woman dead under a
“Most of the ones I find don’t have ebrate the Day of the Dead and if they
an ID because they’ve gone down don’t have the body back, then there’s
mon for them to act irrationally. ALIENS “rape tree,” with her underpants and somebody else will take their no place they can go to, to worship,
White pointed out a spot where he evaded Border around her ankles. Rape trees are identification,” he said. to say their thanks, to express their
found a man last year, next to a ranch Patrol at border known locations where smugglers “That’s heartless, because you’ve love for the individual. It’s just awful.
road less than a mile from Highway in April and others rape women and leave just stopped some family from get- “So if I’m successful at what I do,
281. He was steps from a large blue their undergarments on the tree as ting their loved one back.” then they’ll be able to settle their
barrel that a local humanitarian “trophies.” If a body is fresh or recently de- world a little.”
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 A9

French President Emmanuel
left Morocco and swam “Lead countries of the India’s COVID-19
Macron said European and world [should] withhold
to EU soil on May 17 and
African leaders have agreed
to push to redirect $100 18, worsening a dip- their attendance at the Tally Passes 25
lomatic spat between [2022 Beijing] Olympics.”
billion in IMF funds to African
states by October. MIGRANTS Spain and Morocco. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Million; Cyclone
Hampers Response
in Western States
US Republicans India’s total COVID-19 caseload
surged past 25 million as a pow-
Condemn erful cyclone complicated the
health crisis in the western states
Hamas Attack of Gujarat and Maharashtra.
COVID-19 tests were adminis-

on Israel tered to 200,000 people evacu-

ated from coastal districts of
Gujarat before the cyclone struck.
India’s total tally of coronavirus
GOP Senators Announce cases now stands at 25.23 million,
Resolution to Support according to health ministry. The
Israel’s Right to Defend Itself official total death toll is 278,719.

Amid Attacks From Hamas
A group of 19 Republican senators
unveiled a resolution on May 17 to
reaffirm the United States’ support
for Israel and its right to defend itself
against terrorist attacks, amid ongo-
ing rocket attacks from Hamas that MILLION
show few signs of abating. Egypt will allocate $500
The resolution, led by Sen. Rick Rockets are launched toward Israel from the southern Gaza Strip on May 17, 2021. million for rebuilding efforts
Scott (R-Fla.), also condemns the in the Gaza Strip following
current attacks against Israel by Israeli airstrikes, the Egyp-
tian presidency said.
Hamas, an Iran-backed and -funded terrorists and the world of the United Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.
terrorist organization that seized po- States’ strong and unwavering sup- Israeli police on May 10 fired tear-
litical power in Gaza in 2007. port of the Israeli people,” he added. As our great gas and stun grenades into the area
In the resolution, set to be intro- President Joe Biden on May 17 ex- ally and the surrounding the mosque to disperse
duced in Congress this week, the pressed his support for a cease-fire only shining the unruly rioters as innocent people Parliament Fires
U.S. Senate “opposes the escalat- and discussed U.S. communications
example of fled the area, video showed. Hamas Health Minister
ing and indiscriminate rocket at- with Egypt and other partners to- that day demanded that Israel re-
tacks by Hamas against Israel” and ward that goal with Israeli Prime democracy move its police from the area by 6 Over COVID
“mourns the loss of innocent life Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His in the Middle p.m. local time. Minutes after the Vaccine Shortage
caused by Hamas’s rocket attacks.” comments came after  28 Senate deadline, the terrorist group fired
The chamber also “urges continued Democrats led by Sen. Jon Ossoff (D- East, Israel more than 150 rockets into Israel, “Ukraine’s parliament has voted
and steadfast support for Israel” and Ga.) issued a joint statement on May deserves our triggering the Israel Defense Forces to fire Health Minister Maksym
Stepanov, accusing him of failing to
“reaffirms its strong support for Is- 16 urging “an immediate ceasefire full support. (IDF) to counter the attacks with air-
supply adequate vaccine doses.
rael’s right to peace and security.” agreement.” strikes toward terrorist targets in the Ukraine is among the European
Scott said in a statement that the Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a co- Sen. Rick Scott Gaza Strip. countries most affected by the
people of Israel have for decades signatory of the GOP resolution, At least 212 Palestinians have been pandemic and has lagged behind
endured “unyielding attacks from said in a May 17 statement: “Israel killed, including 61 children and 36 other countries in its vaccination
terrorist groups” such as Hamas is our strongest ally. President Biden women, with more than 1,400 people efforts, with only 948,330 Ukrain-
and that the United States must be should unapologetically reaffirm wounded, the Gaza Health Ministry ians having received their first
“stronger than ever” in its resolve to U.S. support of Israel and its right stated. The IDF noted that about 450 vaccine dose as of May 18 out of a
stand with Israel after Hamas and to defend itself. The left’s moralistic rockets launched by Hamas misfired population of around 41 million.
other groups fired more than 3,000 calls for a ceasefire are little more and exploded inside Gaza. Mean- [So far,] 2.3 million doses of vac-
rockets at the country. than a propaganda win for Hamas.” while, 10 people in Israel, including a cine have been delivered to Ukraine,
“I want to be clear: no country, cer- Biden’s statement contradicts five-year-old boy and a soldier, have which is hard to call the effective
tainly not the United States, would U.S. actions on May 16 to block a also been killed by Hamas’s ongoing work of the health minister,”” Prime
Minister Denys Shmygal said.
tolerate attacks like these and not joint statement from the 15-nation rocket attacks launched toward civil-
take whatever action is necessary U.N. Security Council calling for a ian areas in Israel.
to end them,” he said. “As our great cease-fire and condemnation of Is- In response to the rocket attacks At Least 57
ally and the only shining example of rael’s military response to being at- from Gaza, the Israeli military has
democracy in the Middle East, Israel tacked—a stance backed by the Chi- carried out more than 820 strikes Migrants Drown
deserves our full support.” nese Communist Party. The United against what it identified as mili- in Shipwreck
Scott also criticized anti-Israel at- States had also twice over the past tary targets belonging to Hamas and
tacks from a few U.S. lawmakers, week blocked similar resolutions. the Islamic Jihad terrorist groups, Off Tunisia
calling such attacks “disgusting and The conflict was triggered by a including training facilities, tunnel “At least 57 migrants drowned in
antithetical to American ideals.” riot on May 10, when Palestinian networks, weapons factories and a shipwreck off Tunis as they tried
“Let’s remember what we are wit- rioters and Israeli police clashed storage areas, intelligence headquar- to cross the Mediterranean from
nessing: these are terrorists ruth- in and around the Masjid al-Aqsa ters, offices, and homes of the ter- Libya to Italy, while 33 were res-
lessly attacking an ally. Defense of Mosque—a compound revered by ror operatives. According to the IDF, cued, humanitarian organization
these terrorists is unthinkable. Acts Jews as the Temple Mount, and by more than 130 terrorists, including Tunisian Red Crescent said.
of aggression toward Israel will never Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. The senior terrorist commanders, have In recent weeks, drowning inci-
be tolerated. ... It’s time for President riot also coincided with a planned been killed. dents have occurred off the Tuni-
Biden to stop cowering to the anti- Jewish nationalist march in honor Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who sian coast, with an increase in the
frequency of trips to Europe from
Israel radical left and remind these of the annual Jerusalem Day and the joined in the resolution on May 17,
Tunisia and Libya towards Italy as
ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES stated: “Israel has not just the right the weather has improved.
but the obligation to defend its citi- “Thirty-three Bengalis were
zens and its territory against the rescued [and] 57 others drowned
Iran-backed Palestinian terrorists in a boat carrying about 90 mi-
who are attacking its citizens and grants that set off from Libya
using civilians in Gaza, including towards Europe,” Red Crescent
journalists, as human shields. official Mongi Slim told Reuters.
“The United States must make More than 60 migrants have
it clear that it stands shoulder-to- died in recent weeks in similar
shoulder with Israel, and the Biden incidents off the Tunisian coast.”
administration has no place pressur-
ing Israel to use restraint or equivo-
U.S. Sen. Rick
Scott (R-Fla.) cating Israel and Hamas. I am proud
speaks during a to join Sen. Scott on this resolution
news conference to ensure Congress is clear about
at the U.S. Capitol our support of the State of Israel as
in Washington on they defend their people and their
March 5, 2021. sovereignty.”

Duterte Issues
Johnson Says ‘Nothing Conclusive’ Suggests Need to Delay Reopening Gag Order Over
South China Sea
LILY ZHOU percent more transmissible than the Blackburn, Bedford, Sefton, and President Rodrigo Duterte said
UK variant. other places,” Johnson said, referring the Philippines would not waver
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson The prime minister has previously to areas where the Indian variant is in defending its interests in the
says there’s “nothing conclusive” at warned the rise in cases of the Indian reportedly becoming dominant. South China Sea, even though
the moment that suggests England variant could risk the road map being “[We’re] just looking at those curves, he has barred his ministers
needs to delay its reopening. delayed. where they’re moving, trying to un- from talking about the situation
The prime minister said the gov- If outbreaks are limited, ministers derstand whether the Indian variant there in public.
ernment will be “letting people could opt instead to push ahead with is more transmissible, and if so, by China’s maritime conduct
know in a few days’ time.” the reopening while keeping some how much more it’s transmissible, has been a constant problem
According to Johnson’s road map areas under restrictions in an echo and also trying to understand to for Duterte, who has refrained
to exit the third national CCP (Chi- of the controversial tiered system in- what extent our vaccine program from criticizing Beijing and
nese Communist Party) virus lock- troduced in 2020. has already sufficiently fortified us instead praised its leadership,
UK Prime Minister Boris hoping to secure investment.
down in England, all legal restric- Johnson speaks at a Asked on May 18 whether the date all against it,” he said.
After weeks of rebukes of
tions will be removed from June 21, press conference about will be affected, Johnson told report- “And I’m afraid we just got a few China by his ministers over the
if all goes well. the ongoing coronavirus ers the government is keeping every- more days of looking at that data.” presence of hundreds of fish-
But the prospect of freedom is outbreak, at 10 Down- thing under “very, very careful, close Health Secretary Matt Hancock has ing vessels in the Philippines’
overshadowed by concerns over ing Street in London on review.” said that the final decision on wheth- Exclusive Economic Zone, he
the Indian variant of the CCP virus, May 14, 2021. “We’re looking at all the data as it er to remove all legal restrictions as ordered them to refrain from
which some experts say may be 50 POOL/GETTY IMAGES comes in from places like Bolton, scheduled will be made on June 14. discussing the matter publicly.
A10 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

Twenty-six members of “We will continue to About 40 percent
the Thai national women’s of teachers in
volleyball team tested struggle to defend our free Hong Kong have
positive after receiving lifestyle and our freedoms.” said they intend
Chinese-made COVID-19 to leave the
vaccines. Emily Lau, pro-democracy advocate PERCENT education sector.

Thousands March Through Manhattan, Sending

Defiant Message to the Chinese Communist Regime

New Yorkers welcome

the celebration of peace
after ‘tragic moments’
in COVID-19 pandemic


EW YORK—Around
2,500 Falun Gong prac-
titioners wearing yel-
low and blue paraded
through Manhattan on
May 13 to mark a special occasion
for their faith.
The day, known as World Falun
Dafa Day, marks the introduction
of the peaceful spiritual discipline to
the public in China on May 13, 1992.
Adherents credit the teachings of the
practice’s founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi,
whose birthday also coincides with
the occasion, for helping them to live
a better life.
Such gatherings have been a rare
sight since the pandemic hit last
year. The parade, adherents said, was
meant not only for commemoration,
but also to send a defiant message
to the Chinese communist regime,
which has sought to eradicate the
group for more than two decades.
One of the largest spiritual com-
munities in China, Falun Gong,
which is rooted in ancient Chinese
culture, garnered a following of ing that he regularly joined Falun Practitioners of the “Supporting Falun Gong is sup- her house or go to sleep, all of which
around 70 million to 100 million by Gong meditations, which are free spiritual discipline porting ourselves,” said another she kept from her family.
1999. That popularity was deemed and open to the public, at Bryant Falun Gong hold a church member, who goes by the She would often try to distract her-
unacceptable to the atheist Chinese Park. When he lost his job due to the parade in New York name Richy. He believes Falun Gong self with activities such as partying
Communist Party (CCP), which then pandemic and had family issues last to celebrate World has become a target of the abuse for and travel to avoid feeling like she
launched a brutal persecution that year, the practice brought him peace Falun Dafa Day and to “being upright.” was “drowning in fear.” But with the
protest the ongoing
continues to this day. “because it was a connection with “The CCP ... persecutes anyone it pandemic, every distraction chan-
persecution of the
Millions have been sent to deten- the universe,” he said. spiritual practice by the finds disagreeable,” he said. nel became inaccessible.
tion centers, prisons, or labor camps, “We have to see [that] the oppo- Chinese Communist “No matter what they believe in, Three weeks into the pandemic,
where they’ve been subjected to tor- site of truthfulness is dishonesty, Party in China, God has placed conscience in peo- sitting alone in her backyard and
ture, slave labor, and even death by [and the opposite of] compassion is on May 13, 2021. ple’s hearts. So we all should stand feeling overwhelmed, Fiene had a
forced organ harvesting. negativity,” he said. “We have to be up in the face of injustice.” sudden desire to meditate. She re-
truthful to ourselves.” James Liu, who just came to Amer- membered the spiritual discipline
Celebration of Peace He noted the mass suppression of ica from China, said the “CCP is a a friend had mentioned a month
The group’s peaceful presence, de- Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang and regime against humanity.” earlier and decided to give it a try.
spite the ongoing abuses endured by other religious groups. “We can’t allow it to continue to She played the exercise music in
practitioners in China, left a mark on He said that even though the rul- live on like this,” he said. her dining room and did the first
the onlookers in New York. ing communist regime deems Fa- Truthfulness, exercise, which features a number
“Truthfulness, compassion, and lun Gong “a threat to their security,” Finding Life’s Purpose of stretching movements. “All of a
tolerance—you can’t have anything the group has in fact “contributed to
compassion, Hundreds of current and former sudden, I just felt energy circling
better than that,” said Anthony the success and the economy of the and tolerance— officials worldwide sent letters and through my body, and I remember
Benitez, a native New Yorker who country.” you can’t proclamations in the lead-up to just thinking in that moment, I felt
trains construction workers at OS- “We’re supposed to support each World Falun Dafa Day. Despite near- that it had been so long since I felt
HAcademy, as he watched the pa- other, because that’s what makes have anything ly 22 years of persecution in China, safe,” she said.
rade pass. The three words, which us strong. But they [the Chinese re- better than the practice has quietly thrived, The principles of the practice have
adorned a number of banners in gime] want to exclude them from that. spreading to more than 90 countries provided her with a standard to dis-
Chinese and English, are the core the society and eliminate them,” around the world, with Falun Gong’s tinguish right from wrong and, as a
principles of the practice. he said. Anthony Benitez, main text, “Zhuan Falun,” having result, “an overwhelming feeling of
Benitez, who was seeing the pa- instructor, been translated into 40 languages. clarity,” she said. She has gotten rid
rade for a second time, held an ori- Standing for Justice OSHAcademy Nicole Fiene, a 26-year-old sales of her drinking and smoking hab-
gami lotus flower that he received A number of Chinese Christians representative at a local outsourc- its, and she no longer suffers from
from a Falun Gong practitioner, from Flushing also joined the pa- ing company, was a first-time par- nightmares.
which he planned to hang in his rade to take a stance against reli- ticipant in the annual parade, after The practice, she said, has given
home. gious persecution in China. being introduced to the practice late her the guidance to “be the person
The celebration was an especially “As a Christian, we are also victims last March. I’ve always wanted to be.”
welcome change “after all these of the unlawful CCP tyrannical re- Fiene at the time was at a “very, “I finally feel that I’m fulfilling my
tragic moments that we’ve gone gime,” said Yang Shisong, a member very dark point” in her life. purpose,” she said. She pressed her
through with this virus,” he said, of the Rock Church in New York. “If you saw me, I was living a seem- palms together, a posture known as
adding that he had just had a vascu- ingly very beautiful existence, I was “heshi” in Chinese, to express her
lar operation after suffering a stroke. doing so many things, I was travel- gratitude.
“I think that we all are looking for Bystanders ing to so many places, I had so many If everyone “knew in their hearts
that peacefulness in our souls, and watch a parade by friends ... but inside, it was desolate,” that they are inherently truthful,
this is a start,” he said. practitioners of the she told The Epoch Times. “No mat- compassionate, and tolerant,” she
spiritual discipline
Ramzi, a designer who didn’t give ter what I did, I was always unsatis- said, it would help them refrain from
Falun Gong in New
his last name, said the parade made York on May 13, 2021.
fied.” committing wrongdoing, and “the
him think of “peace and security.” Fiene was also struggling with world would be a better place.”
“When I see these people, I feel mental pains and intrusive thoughts
peace in my heart,” he said, add- that made her scared to walk around Sarah Lu contributed to this report.

Fake Accounts Support Beijing’s Propaganda Campaign on Twitter

FRANK FANG Operations,” said in a statement. According to the reports, these dip- who created her Twitter account in
The report, along with a second re- lomatic accounts were attributed to October 2019, tweeted 2,036 times in
The Chinese regime is relying heavily port focusing on China’s operations Chinese Embassies, ambassadors, the nine-month period and her posts
on Twitter and Facebook to broadcast in the UK, was the result of a seven- consuls, or other embassy staff in 126 were retweeted 171,651 times.
its state propaganda globally and its month joint investigation by the Ox- countries. Chinese netizens don’t have direct
online effort has been amplified by ford Internet Institute, a department These diplomatic accounts were access to either Twitter or Facebook,
fake Twitter accounts, according to at the University of Oxford, and The highly active on Twitter. Between since both are banned in China. They
recent reports. Associated Press. June 2020 and February 2021, these do commonly use virtual private net-
“We find that the PRC [People’s Re- Before 2019, there were a total of accounts tweeted 201,382 times, and works (VPNs) to bypass China’s in-
public of China] is increasingly seek- fewer than 50 Chinese diplomatic these tweets were liked nearly 7 mil- ternet blockade to be able to access
ing to use its diplomats to amplify the accounts on Twitter, but that num- lion times, commented on a million banned websites.
outward-facing propaganda dissemi- ber has since grown exponentially to times, and retweeted 1.3 million
nation of state-backed media outlets,” 189 accounts as of March 1. As of the times. Chinese netizens don’t have direct
Marcel Schliebs, lead author of a re- same month, there were 84 Chinese For example, China’s foreign min- access to either Twitter or Facebook,
port titled “China’s Public Diplomacy diplomatic accounts on Facebook. istry spokeswoman Hua Chungying, since both are banned in China.

Tornadoes Kill 12
in China
Chinese authorities say back-to-

Communist Ideology Delivered back tornadoes killed 12 people in

central and eastern China and left
more than 300 others injured.
Eight people reportedly died in

in China’s Christian Churches Wuhan and four others in the town

of Shengze, about 250 miles east,
on May 14, local governments said.
Tornadoes are rare in China. In
July 2019, a tornado killed six peo-
GREG BAKER/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ple in the northeastern Liaoning
Chinese regime’s campaign province, and another tornado the
following month killed eight on the
to communize religion is southern resort island of Hainan.
underway in churches The actual numbers of casualties
from such events may be much
and schools higher, but are difficult to verify, as
the Chinese regime routinely sup-
presses or alters information.

Pastors in China’s Christian churches

are preaching the Chinese Communist Organ Donation
Party’s ideology following the removal Worker Exposes
of Bible-related apps and major Chris-
tian social media accounts, leading some China’s Money-
to claim that there is an effort to com- Driven Transplant
munize religious organizations on CCP- Industry
controlled land. State-run media in China have
On May 8, the two state-sanctioned been promoting a job called “organ
Protestant organizations in Beijing—the donation coordinators,” trumpet-
Beijing Municipal Three-Self Patriotic ing how people in this line of work
Movement Committee and the China are making a difference in society.
Christian Council—held a forum to cel- anonymity, told The Epoch Times. cording to Liu. The pillar of Their role is to convince families
ebrate the CCP’s 100th anniversary, ac- Pastors ordained into the Three-Self Pa- “It is not limited to mainland China, a demolished of dying patients to agree to do-
cording to a report on the organizations’ triotic Movement Church are approved because it is already reaching Hong Kong. Catholic nate their loved one’s organs—to
combined official website. by the authorities, “so they, of course, will So, for example, the Taiwan-based Pres- church is seen supply China’s booming for-profit
Pastors and church staff are required to study Xi’s ideology and prioritize reading byterian Church’s website is blocked in in Puyang, transplant industry.
in China’s The families that agree, in re-
study the CCP’s history, guide believers the Party’s documents,” the lawyer said Hong Kong,” Liu said.
central Henan turn, are paid for their consent.
to follow the Party, and follow the “sini- in a phone interview. Following this trend, copies of the Bible Province, on Liang Xin (a pseudonym), a for-
cization of Christianity,” said Cai Kui, the “Some pastors teach the Bible—it is no itself are rarely found for general sale in Aug. 13, 2018. mer organ donation coordinator
chair of the two organizations. problem—but they talk about the CCP China anymore. It was pulled from Chi- from northeast China, told The
Two other official organizations in leaders’ thoughts first,” the lawyer said. nese online shopping platforms, includ- Epoch Times that the work was
Shandong Province’s Jining city held “They are not Christians. ing the dominant Taobao,, and akin to being a salesperson, and
a praise concert at Huajiajie Church in “The CCP is actually sinicizing all home Amazon in March 2018. much of it involves using money
celebration of the 100th anniversary of churches, communizing them—in oth- The physical versions are only available to manipulate the poor into agree-
the CCP, according to another report on er words, turning them into Three-Self for sale in the state-approved Three-Self ing to donate their dying relatives’
the website. churches. The so-called sinicization of churches, along with books promoting organs.
“The Chinese regime has tightened its Christianity is communization, [because] Xi’s ideology.
control on the official churches,” said Fa- it must follow the leadership of the CCP.
ther Francis Liu from the San Francisco- But it won’t be a church if it does so ... it Illegal Repression China’s COVID-19
based Chinese Christian Fellowship of would become a deceptive organization.” “Many people no longer believe the CCP’s
Righteousness, a nonprofit organization On May 1, China’s new religious regu- propaganda, and they hope to find solace
concerned about Christianity in China. lation, Measures on the Management of and support from religion. So all religions Worsen, Officials
Thoughts from Chinese leader Xi Jin- Religious Professionals, came into effect. are deemed as disadvantageous and un- Dismissed, Clinics
ping, along with the CCP’s propaganda— It requires those who hold any formal role stable factors to [the control of] the CCP,” Lose Licenses
like claims that the pandemic originated in a religious group to pledge allegiance Liu said.
The Chinese Communist Party has
in the United States—are delivered in to the CCP and double down on the sini- The CCP embraces atheism and com-
punished tens of its officials in the
state-approved churches, Liu told The cization of religion. munizing all religions using revised wake of worsening COVID-19 out-
Epoch Times. The communization of religion was also religious regulations to ban anything it breaks across the country.
On May 2, Liu posted photos and vid- written into religious school administra- deems as unauthorized religious teach- According to reports, the lat-
eos on Twitter of a church in Wenzhou tive measures, which will come into effect ings in China, including Islam, Tibetan est outbreaks have been linked to
city, Zhejiang Province, where a pastor on Sept. 1, 2021. Buddhism, and Christianity, according cases that first showed symptoms
was teaching “the founding mission of to the U.S. Commission on International in early May.
the CCP.” Bibles Taken Down From Shelves Religious Freedom (USCIRF) in its 2021 A clinic in Liaoning and two clin-
In China, the official Christian church On April 29, subscribers of Christian annual report. ics in Anhui, which treated several
is the Three-Self Patriotic Movement public accounts on WeChat, such as the However, the regulation itself violates COVID-19 patients during that
Church, supervised by the United Front Gospel Coalition and the Great Chris- the Chinese Constitution, Chinese hu- time, have been forced to close and
Work Department. tian, were greeted with the message “The man rights lawyers point out. Article 36 fire their doctors. They also lost
their business licenses.
State security police and religious af- account is suspended and blocked.” of the Constitution explicitly states that
Liaoning dismissed three offi-
fairs bureau officials frequently raid unof- Popular Bible apps were taken down Chinese citizens enjoy “freedom of reli- cials, sent a warning to nine others,
ficial house churches that aren’t members from the Chinese App Store, according gious belief” and prevents state organs, and reprimanded three more. Of-
of the CCP-backed Three-Self Patriotic to the International Christian Concern. organizations, and individuals from com- ficials who were on a Anhui district
Association, although member churches Several websites promoting religious pelling people to believe or not believe in health commission were sacked,
have also been targeted at times. thoughts were shut down or blocked in any religion. and the district party boss and
“It is quite normal,” a human rights law- China, including state-authorized online mayor gave confessions in front of
yer in China, speaking on condition of bookshops that sell Buddhist sutras, ac- Luo Ya contributed to this report. the city’s party boss and mayor.
A12 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

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Why Has ‘Global The Ongoing

Warming’ Disappeared? Politicization of the DOJ
Cheng Xiaonong Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

See A15 See A16



A statue of George Washington overlooks the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street, on March 23, 2021.

Defending the Constitution:

Limits on Federal Authority

ROB NATELSON First: The Constitution is the legal “The Constitution does not protect the
document by which the American people sovereignty of States for the benefit of the
One of the Constitu- granted authority to certain public of- States or state governments as abstract
tion’s most important ficials, mostly (but not exclusively) federal political entities, or even for the benefit
features—limits on the officials. The Constitution specifically of the public officials governing the
central government— enumerates (lists) all powers granted. The States. To the contrary, the Constitution
has been the target of a list is long but finite. The items enumerated divides authority between federal and
propaganda campaign for include, among others, national defense, state governments for the protection of
many decades. coining money, creating and operating individuals. State sovereignty is not just
“Progressive” commentators in politics, the post office, building and maintaining an end in itself: ‘Rather, federalism se-
academia, and the media claim these limits post roads (intercity highways), regulating cures to citizens the liberties that derive
impede creative and effective solutions to foreign and interstate trade and some ac- A copy of the U.S. Constitution, during a House from the diffusion of sovereign power.’
social problems. Over the years, they’ve en- tivities associated with trade, and control hearing on Dec. 17, 2019. ... ‘Just as the separation and indepen-
listed many issues to promote their cause: of immigration. dence of the coordinate branches of the
“We can end poverty only through bold A longstanding legal rule tells us that federal powers stop when enumerated Federal Government serve to prevent the
federal initiatives!” because the Constitution lists the federal powers stop. As one of my law students accumulation of excessive power in any-
“To save the planet, we need more fed- government’s powers, any power not on once remarked, the Ninth Amendment is one branch, a healthy balance of power
eral regulation!” the list is denied. an exclamation point. between the States and the Federal Gov-
“The path to college affordability is for Second: The Constitution specifically All these constitutional restrictions ernment will reduce the risk of tyranny
the federal government to pay full tuition!” prohibits some federal activities. The pro- are anathema to “progressives.” So they and abuse from either front.’”
“The way to jump-start the economy hibitions appear mostly, but not entirely, alternate frontal attacks on the Consti-
is through massive federal stimulus in the first eight amendments of the Bill tution with claims that the document Moreover, the Founders understood that
spending!” of Rights. For example, the government is doesn’t mean what the document clearly decentralization usually improves gover-
Other issues on the list have included barred from discriminating among reli- says. They also launched the decades-long nance. A decentralized system allows states
civil rights, consumer protection, in- gions, restricting freedom of speech, in- propaganda campaign to convince us that to tailor local policies to local preferences,
equality, K-12 education, climate change, fringing the right to keep and bear arms, all power should flow from the center. local culture, and local needs. For example,
racism, and “crumbling infrastructure.” or adopting those retroactive measures But why shouldn’t it? Why didn’t the one reason the COVID-19/CCP virus re-
Whatever the malady, the prescription— called ex post facto laws. We often refer Founders establish an omnipotent cen- sponse should be executed at the state and
federal action beyond what the Constitu- to prohibitions on government action as tral authority? local levels is that health restrictions that
tion authorizes—is always the same. creating or recognizing “rights.” History provides part of the answer. make sense in densely populated New York
Just for once, I’d like to hear one of the Before 1763, the founding generation City would be ridiculous in the wide-open
propagandists admit that, in retrospect, lived happily within the British Empire. spaces of Montana or South Dakota.
too much federal intervention made a The empire was governed as an informal A final reason for decentralization is
problem worse. They would have a lot of Decentralization, not federation, leaving individual colonies much less widely understood: Political de-
examples to choose from, but I don’t ever centralization, is more consistent with a great deal of local control. But when centralization promotes human progress.
expect to hear it. with rapid human progress. British political functionaries decided to Recall some of the greatest moments in
Unfortunately, the campaign to per- centralize power in London, the founding the advance of civilization: The awaken-
suade Americans that the federal gov- generation rebelled. Once independence ing of human intellect in ancient Greece.
ernment is and should be omnipotent Third: The 10th Amendment reinforces was achieved, Americans were disinclined The quickening of trade and culture, rule
has enjoyed great success. One reason the rule that the only powers granted to adopt a constitution granting the na- of law, and rise in living standards in the
is that public school civics education to the federal government are those the tional government the omnipotence they early Roman Empire. The flowering of
often misrepresents the Constitution’s Constitution enumerates. had denied to the imperial government. arts and commerce in Renaissance Italy
meaning and the reasons behind that Fourth: The enumeration of exceptions On a broader level, the Founders under- and Germany, the beginnings of the In-
meaning. This essay helps fill the gap by to federal power (“rights”) might suggest stood that limits on the federal govern- dustrial Revolution in England, and the
explaining how the Constitution con- that the government has authority over ment, especially when checked by potent economic and technological takeoffs in
fines federal power and why it does so. everything outside the exceptions. So the states, would help preserve human free- 19th-century Europe and America.
The Constitution limits the federal gov- Ninth Amendment rules out any such dom. In New York v. United States (1992)
ernment in four general ways: suggestion. It reinforces the rule that the Supreme Court explained it this way: Continued on A18


In the crazy past 100 days, the price of rather than as magnanimity to be re-
everything from lumber, food, and gas turned in kind.
to cars and houses has soared. Yet, many The old dictum of the Roman writer
interest rates are still stuck at or below 3 Vegetius—if you want peace, prepare for
percent. war—was just too much of a downer to
Jobs are plentiful; workers are not. Is it take seriously.
a surprise when government handouts In the old days, the greater the impedi-
discourage the unemployed from taking ments to crossing a nation’s border—
a pay cut to go back to work? walls and the enforcement of laws—the
After being freed from 13 months of less likely was illegal immigration. Here
quarantine, Americans are splurging. too, the Biden administration apparently
But this huge pent-up demand is caus- rejected the ancient warnings.
ing shortages. Producers fear the Biden Stopping construction of the border
administration’s loose talk of higher wall, promising amnesties in advance,
taxes, greater regulation, and cutbacks in and damning the tough enforcement of
energy development. the previous administration has only led
Are the old principles really obsolete? to more illegal immigration.
Should we be printing money while Refusing to call the chaos at the south-
expanding government debt? Is it wise ern border a “crisis” did not mean it was
to keep interest rates close to zero and not a disaster.
to discourage employment, production, Wisdom of the ages also warned that
and thrift? This dangerous behavior used humans’ first allegiance was to their own
to ensure inflation, followed by ruinous tribe, as defined by race, ethnicity, or
stagflation. religion. That existential danger is why

Biden Administration After George Floyd was killed while in

police custody in Minneapolis, some U.S.
cities slashed police spending. Police
response times have slowed in many
multiracial nations always wisely sought
to tamp down tribal differences, and to
emphasize common ties of citizenship
and transcendent common interests.

Is Mocking Ancient places, perhaps because officers are wor-

ried about being fired for using force.
The result? In major cities such as New
York and Los Angeles, homicide and
Otherwise, a diverse country ended up
like Lebanon, Rwanda, or the former
Yugoslavia, where tribal feuding turned
bloody and barbaric.

Wisdom violent crime rates have increased by

double digits.
State and local governments believed
Yet for three months, the Biden admin-
istration has emphasized racial differ-
ences rather than our melting-pot com-
they were exempt from primeval laws of monalities. It has stereotyped America’s
deterrence that warned when criminals white population—hardly uniform in
assumed they would not be caught and terms of class and ethnicity—as some-
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON punished, then they committed more how uniformly enjoying unearned privi-
President Joe Biden delivers crimes. lege and acting systemically racist.
Human nature stays the same remarks from the South Court The same dangers of ignoring unchang- Amid such talk, the danger is that racial
across time and space. That is Auditorium at the White ing human nature apply to foreign policy. tensions will increase, hate crimes will
why there used to be predict- House on May 12, 2021. Aggressive opponents such as Iran, spike, racial demagogues will domi-
able political, economic, and North Korea, China, and Russia expect nate, meritocracy will vanish, and tribal
social behavior that all coun- that the Biden administration will ignore solidarity will replace it. And the ancient
tries understood. their brinkmanship. They assume the idea of America will unwind.
The supply of money governs administration will cut American de- When an arrogant present dismisses
inflation. Print it without either greater fenses. And Biden sounds to them more the wisdom of the past, then an all-too-
productivity or more goods and services, critical of Trump foreign policy than of predictable future becomes terrifying.
and the currency cheapens. Yet, Amer- America’s enemies. Why not take previ-
ica apparently rejects that primordial ously unwarranted risks? Victor Davis Hanson is a conservative
truism. So, Russian troops predictably mass commentator, classicist, and military his-
The United States is more than $28 on the Ukrainian border. China steps up torian. He is a professor of classics emeri-
trillion in debt—about 130 percent of When an arrogant its harassment of Taiwan. North Korea tus at California State University, a senior
the country’s annual gross domestic launches more missiles, Iran hazes U.S. fellow in classics and military history at
product. The government will run up a present dismisses ships in the Persian Gulf. And now, rock- Stanford University, a fellow of Hillsdale
$2.3 trillion budget deficit for 2021 after a the wisdom of the ets from Gaza pour into Israel. College, and a distinguished fellow of the
record $3.1 trillion deficit the year before. past, then an all-too- Apparently, the Biden administration Center for American Greatness. Hanson
The Biden administration still wants to did not believe that dictatorships and has written 16 books, including “The
borrow more—another $2 trillion in new predictable future theocracies would interpret its virtue- Western Way of War,” “Fields Without
social programs and “infrastructure.” becomes terrifying. signaling as weakness to be exploited, Dreams,” and “The Case for Trump.”

Pushing the Limits on Embryo Research


JENNIFER LAHL embryo longer, we can better understand

human development, both normal and
It’s no surprise to many abnormal. Scientists can better under-
of us that the “14-day stand birth defects and congenital dis-
rule,” which limits eases such as heart disease, and develop
research on human cures and treatments sooner.
embryos to their first two But others worry about gestating hu-
weeks of development, is man life outside the womb, called ecto-
being challenged. genesis, for longer and longer periods of
For those of us who were around dur- time, allowing the growth and harvest-
ing the Bush presidency and the time of ing of tissue and even organs.
the great stem cell debates, we always Some of this debate echoes what we
knew the 14-day rule would erode. A film are seeing played out in the debate over
I produced, “Lines That Divide,” is a great whether to receive the COVID-19 vac-
primer or refresher for those who are cine. Celebrities saying to “do your part”
curious about that time in U.S. political and get vaccinated are coming up with
and scientific division. new names for “anti-vaxxers,” such as
Will embryonic stem cells have the po- “vaccine hesitant.”
tential for developing cures for disease? Public service announcements, look-
If so, at what expense? Some argued we people’s moral consciences. ing like advertisements, are making their
would be at risk for a new form of bio- The Warnock Report led some coun- An embryologist at way into our social media feeds with
logical colonialism, where there would tries to actually put a law in place pro- the Virginia Center for wagging fingers telling people what they
be vats of human embryos available to tecting the 14-day rule—countries such Reproductive Medi- should and shouldn’t do.
researchers. as Japan, Germany, and the United cine, in Reston, Va., on The problem has always been that ethics
The ethical debate during this time Kingdom. Other countries just adopted June 12, 2019. do matter, and the more the public senses
was the tension between our moral duty it as a scientific guideline. Nonethe- that research is becoming political, the
to pursue scientific progress to develop less, for some 40 years, the international more they become skeptical of science
cures and treatments that provide heal- scientific community followed this limit, and public policy. There is that saying that
ing hope for those suffering, versus because of ethics. when you mix science with politics, you
destroying early human life to develop Now though, science has moved on. We don’t get science, you get politics.
treatments. have millions of frozen embryos, scien- If the 14-day rule is to stand, it needs to
During this contentious time, celebri- tists have created monkey-human hybrid be firmly rooted in ethics. If the 14-day
ties such as Michael J. Fox, Christopher embryos, which lived for 19 days in the rule gives way to the 28-day rule, and
Reeve, and Mary Tyler Moore took to the lab, and the 14-day rule is getting in their then to the six-week rule, and the eight-

scene and pleaded that we needed cures, way of progress. week rule, there will be no bottom, and
cures, cures. Opponents of the use of What was magical about the 14-day there will be vats and vats of human
embryos in research rejected destroying rule? The argument has always been that embryos at the disposal of the research
nascent human life for the benefit of oth- after 14 days, the embryo has its plan, community.
ers—the ends don’t justify the means. cells begin to specialize for their par-
The 14-day rule has been around for ticular mission (bone cells start to form Jennifer Lahl is the founder and president
some 40 years now. It came to us in a bones, brain cells start to form brain of the Center for Bioethics and Culture
“Report of the Committee of Inquiry into tissue), and the central nervous system and producer of the documentary films,
Human Fertilisation and Embryology,” begins to develop. The embryo starts to “Eggsploitation,” “Anonymous Father’s
chaired by Dame Mary Warnock, hence, become that which it is designed to be. Day,” “Breeders: A Subclass of Women?”
A donated human embryo
it’s often referred to as the Warnock Report. Ironically, it’s for this very reason, that is seen through a micro- “Maggie’s Story,” and “#BigFertility,”
This was the height of the break- scientists are rationalizing the expansion scope at the La Jolla IVF which was an official selection in the
throughs in assisted reproduction and of the 14-day rule to 28 days (if you think Clinic in La Jolla, Calif., on Silicon Valley International Film Festival.
the birth of Louise Brown, the first “test- it will stop at 28 days, you really aren’t Feb. 28, 2007. The clinic She is back behind the camera, producing
tube” baby born in the UK. So, creating paying attention). accepts donated embryos a film on the ethics of allowing children to
embryos in the lab was very much on The argument goes, if we can study the from around the country. medically and surgically transition.

Why Has ‘Global Warming’ Disappeared?


CHENG XIAONONG It seems that as long as a statement is

stamped with a United Nations seal, it
After President Joe Biden immediately carries a sense of author-
entered the White House, ity that leaves people in awe. In fact, the
he created a position U.N. agencies don’t represent a global
that had never existed authority, because the United Nations’
before in the history reputation isn’t good at all. It has long
of the White House— been reduced as a tool for develop-
“climate envoy”—and ing countries to blackmail developed
climate policy was elevated to a level of countries. For instance, the U.N. Human
unprecedented importance by Biden and Rights Commission has failed to stop evil
the forces behind him. regimes from committing human rights
Why is climate policy so important to abuses, such as helping the authoritarian
the leftist politicians? In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party evade justice.
climate policies of the United States and The United Nations operates according
European Union countries have all come to the rule of “one country, one vote,” and
from the same hypothesis, commonly many developing countries support the
known as “global warming.” Several claim of global warming simply because
years ago, global warming was almost a they would support any argument that
scientifically unquestionable conclusion. ends up granting them money.
But within the past few years, the global
warming hypothesis has quietly disap-
peared from various documents, slogans, PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

and propaganda associated with govern- If you try to analyze the past and
ment climate policies in those countries present of the climate policies
that had previously advocated it.
What’s wrong with the global warming of various countries, you’ll
hypothesis and what does its disappear- come to understand why ‘global
ance mean? If you try to analyze the past warming’ has disappeared.
and present of the climate policies of vari-
ous countries, you’ll come to understand
why “global warming” has disappeared. The Paris Agreement—aimed to
respond to global climate change—re-
The Origin of the Global quires developed countries to contribute
Warming Hypothesis money to developing countries to help
What exactly is global warming? them reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
According to U.S. Environmental Pro- China is also one of the beneficiaries.
tection Agency, greenhouse gases trap Not long ago, the spokesperson of the
heat and make the planet warmer. Hu- CCP’s Foreign Affairs Ministry, Zhao Li-
man activities are responsible for almost jian, stated that China would demand the
all of the increase in greenhouse gases in United States make up for the “long-over-
the atmosphere over the past 150 years. due payment to the Green Climate Fund”
Such wording indicates that the term owed to China during Trump’s term.
“global warming” isn’t a definitive, scien- The CCP can basically achieve whatev-
tifically indisputable conclusion. There- (Top) Activists remove polar bear costumes on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House er it wants in the United Nations because
fore, it can only serve as a vague concept after a protest in Washington, on Sept. 26, 2013. The polar bear has become a symbol of con- it knows how to cater to and buy out
that some people choose to believe in. cerns about global warming. (Above) The Khumbu Glacier, one of the longest in the world, in seen corrupt elites in developing countries.
Moreover, no one can prove that it’s defi- in the Everest-Khumbu region some 87 miles northeast of Kathmandu on Dec. 4, 2009. The IPCC Of course, there are also corrupt elites in
nitely human activities that lead to global has withdrawn claims the Himalayan glaciers are rapidly melting. developed countries. The CCP is able to
warming. manipulate the United Nations and other
Now that we have noticed that this term international organizations, getting
is disappearing from government docu- Mexico alone emits more heat than the with the recalculated result showing that whatever it demands, precisely because
ments, it implies that the global warming world’s annual coal-burning heat. The the Himalayan glacier won’t completely it knows how to bribe influential elites of
hypothesis may not be well grounded. cycle of ocean current climate change disappear in 2035. Instead, the disappear- various countries.
is several years or decades. Changes in ance may occur in 2350. While those developing countries get
Fluctuations in Surface ocean currents can also cause climate Can the committee’s dubious math- the money they want from developed
Temperature or Global Warming? changes, such as the El Niño phenom- ematical model accurately predict the countries by supporting the Paris Agree-
The Earth’s surface temperature is always enon in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Earth’s climate 300 years from now? Even ment, the elites in Western developed
changing. The temperature change is So far, the scientific community has a 30-year forecast isn’t reliable. countries may also have increased their
usually fluctuating, and there are natural very limited knowledge of how these “Global warming” literally means that wealth from these climate fund projects.
climate cycles. Each cycle may last sever- natural factors affect climate change, most places on Earth will continue to Just like decades of unchanged food
al decades, or even millions of years. The and scientists cannot describe or explain become hotter and hotter, and will never development projects by the U.N. Food
fluctuation of the surface temperature them clearly. However, because tempera- return to the cooler temperatures in place and Agriculture Organization for African
may be regional or global, and the factors ture changes can be measured easily on prior to it. countries, no matter how much money
causing these changes are numerous and the surface of the Earth, some people However, in 2009, it was unusually has been injected into these projects, it’ll
mostly due to natural factors, including focus on the study of surface temperature cold in many parts of the world. Since then, never improve the backward status of
solar radiation, changes in the Earth’s records while ignoring the influence of more and more people began to question agriculture in those countries—but it can
orbit, continental drift, changes in ocean all natural factors and use carbon diox- the concept of global warming. Some in definitely improve the family wealth of
currents, and orogenic movements. ide emissions to explain the short-term the scientific community also began to corrupt officials in the countries involved.
These natural factors are beyond temperature changes on the Earth, which question IPCC’s climate change report. Is global warming real or fake? Is the
human control. Of course, changes in lead to the global warming hypothesis. For example, Michael Mann, a clima- global temperature heating up or cooling
surface temperature may also be related tologist and geophysicist at Pennsylvania down? It’s always a protracted debate.
to human activities, such as greenhouse State University, has always argued in It needs to be pointed out that research
gas emissions. favor of the global warming theory. After on global warming has actually become
However, if we attribute all the changes The absurdity of the global calculating the climate for the past 1,000 an industry and a job opportunity for a
in surface temperature to human eco- warming theory lies in years, he concluded that the temperature group of people. For those people, only
nomic activities, exaggerate short-term would reach its peak at the end of the 20th by catering to the government’s attention
changes in temperature as permanent, the fact that it lacks solid century. However, an expert team from the to the negative impacts of global warm-
irreversible changes, or interpret tem- scientific validation, yet its Committee on National Statistics, National ing can they obtain research funding to
perature fluctuations as a linear trend, it advocates dare to hype it up Academies, announced that Mann’s meth- support their research institute. There-
would be seriously misleading. od violated basic mathematical principles. fore, they always align their research
There are several natural factors that to the extreme in order to What’s even more shocking is that when conclusions with government directions.
affect the surface temperature. First and indoctrinate the general public. the email communications of Phil Jones, As to why politicians advocate climate
foremost, the drift of the continental director of the UK Climate Research Centre policy—to the point it has become politi-
plates causes changes in the location and a leading advocate of global warming, cal correctness in the United States—it’s
and surface area of land and ocean, thus Can We Trust UN’s Climate Assessment? were hacked and leaked, it was discovered because this issue has a very complicat-
affecting the global atmospheric circula- In the course of human history, it has al- that he had asked a collaborator to cover up ed relationship with their political and
tion and resulting in global or regional ways been believed that climate change problems with the temperature data from economic agenda.
temperature changes. is caused by natural factors. the Chinese weather stations in order to Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore
Secondly, the orogenic movement of The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel validate global warming. The data manipu- earned a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 by
the Earth’s crust may form mountains or on Climate Change (IPCC) organized a lation not only exaggerated climate warm- advocating global warming. Two years
valleys, and changes in the topography global climate change assessment in 1990. ing, but also deleted data regarding annual later, the global warming hypothesis was
cause precipitation in the terrain and In 1992, the agency published the first rings of ancient trees that showed tempera- challenged by the reality of global cool-
even the formation of alpine glaciers. climate change assessment report, which ture changes over a long period of time. ing. The climate change report by IPCC
Thirdly, the sun is the most important announced that continuous greenhouse Moreover, many regions in the United of the United Nations, the global warm-
external energy source for the Earth, and gas emissions from human activities led to States experienced frigid weather in ing hypothesis, and Gore’s anti-carbon
its activities will affect the Earth’s surface accumulation of greenhouse gas, which in February this year, which once again dis- investment are regarded by some as a
temperature. Its short-term radiation turn is expected to lead to climate change. proved the global warming assertion. typical case of conspiracy.
fluctuations, such as sunspot activity However, before the Copenhagen Cli- The absurdity of the global warming
with an 11-year cycle and a radiation mate Conference in 2009, the media in Vested Interests Behind Global Warming theory lies in the fact that it lacks solid
change with a cycle of 20-plus years, all some countries condemned IPCC. This was Then-U.S. President Donald Trump an- scientific validation, yet its advocates
have an impact on the Earth’s climate. due to the discovery that when the com- nounced the United States’ withdrawal dare to hype it up to the extreme in order
The changes in sunspots with an 11-year mittee found that the mathematical model from the Paris Agreement on climate to indoctrinate the general public.
cycle will induce a change of 1.5 de- produced by the experts it hired showed change shortly after taking office. He be- I believe things will turn around by the
grees Celsius of the Earth’s stratospheric a tendency of temperature decline in the lieves that global warming is a hoax, and time they reach an extreme, and the truth
temperature, making high latitudes future, those same experts had deleted all he has a good basis for this judgment, as about global warming will soon emerge.
colder and low latitudes hotter. Based relevant data in the report to cover it up. discussed above.
on observations of temperature changes The organization’s 2007 prediction Let’s think about this question: Does Cheng Xiaonong is a scholar of China’s
from 1900 to 1950, this change was likely was that the Himalayan glaciers would the United States have to abide by the politics and economy based in New Jersey.
the cause of the Little Ice Age. completely disappear by 2035. But in 2010, global climate policy specified by the Cheng was a policy researcher and aide to
Lastly, the ocean currents have a huge the IPCC committee had to admit that its United Nations and follow those “politi- former Chinese Communist Party leader
impact on the Earth’s surface tempera- report had five errors in the calculation cally correct” people who trumpet the Zhao Ziyang. He also served as chief edi-
ture. The stream produced by the Gulf of of the Himalayan glacier melting rate, global warming crisis? tor of Modern China Studies.

The Ongoing Politicization of the DOJ


JEFF CARLSON & HANS MAHNCKE was one of the first known recipients
of the Steele dossier. Hennessey later
President Joe Biden over the past few admitted that, while she was at Brook-
months has added to his administra- ings, she was given an advance copy of
tion multiple Obama-era officials who the dossier.
had direct participation in “Russiagate.” Another Brookings alumni is Fiona
The latest addition is Susan Hennessey Hill, the Democrats’ star witness dur-
to the Department of Justice’s National ing the first impeachment of President
Security Division. Trump. Hill is an old friend of Christo-
Hennessey was one of the primary pro- pher Steele’s and was responsible for
moters of Russia-collusion theories dur- introducing Igor Danchenko to Steele.
ing her time at Lawfare, a blog affiliated Danchenko, who served as Steele’s
with The Brookings Institution. Notably, primary sub-source, went from years of
her outlandish claims of collusion be- working for Brookings to later becom-
tween the Trump campaign and Russia ing Steele’s main source for the dossier,
have consistently been proven wrong. feeding Steele gossip from his childhood
Prior to her appointment as senior friends in Russia, which Steele would
counsel for the DOJ’s national security then use to construct fantastical stories
division, Hennessey was the executive used in his dossier.
The Department of Justice in Washington on Sept. 22, 2017.
editor of Lawfare, where she authored While Steele’s stories have been proven
numerous anti-Trump articles. She also to be false—and Danchenko has dis-
served as the general counsel of the Law- before the FBI had even interviewed her. Trump administration and impaired the avowed details in Steele’s dossier—it re-
fare Institute and is a Brookings Fellow. Comey’s second exoneration concerned effectiveness of his presidency. mains remarkable that these individuals
Lawfare, essentially a Democratic ac- Anthony Weiner’s laptop, which had Lisa Monaco, Biden’s deputy attorney were so deeply enmeshed with the same
tivist group of lawyers led by Ben Wittes, nothing to do with Russia. general, is now the de facto head of the Brookings Institution from where Biden
was formed precisely for the purpose of Hennessey’s criticisms extended to DOJ, a position previously held by Rod is now drawing his staff.
weaponizing our laws to push the activ- many of Trump’s Cabinet picks. When Rosenstein. She somehow managed to Brookings’s efforts didn’t end with the
ists’ own agendas, with Trump often the Trump nominated Rex Tillerson as secre- sail under the radar during her confir- dossier. Less than six months after Muel-
target of their efforts. tary of state, Hennessey indirectly claimed mation process as her nomination was ler’s appointment—on Oct. 10, 2017—the
Like so many leading promoters of the that he was effectively an agent of Russia. only opposed by two GOP senators, Ted Brookings Institution published the first
Trump-Russia collusion narrative, Hen- After Trump became president, Hen- Cruz (R-Texas) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.). of two reports titled “Presidential Ob-
nessey had worked in the intelligence nessey stated that Rep. Devin Nunes But Monaco, during the final months struction of Justice: The Case of Don-
community earlier in her career. Before (R-Calif.) lacked the requisite knowledge of the Obama administration, took the ald J. Trump,” which outlined, among
joining the Brookings Institution, she to be House Intelligence Committee White House lead on the Intelligence other things, a scenario wherein Mueller
was an attorney in the Office of General chairman. It was Nunes, however, who Community Assessment, the report that would refer his obstruction findings to
Counsel of the National Security Agency. uncovered the fact that the Clinton cam- was used to both legitimize and broad- Congress, which would then take up the
On July 27, 2016, at the exact time that paign had directly hired Steele and paid cast Steele’s salacious lies about Trump. matter and continue investigating.
Christopher Steele’s dossier and informa- for his dossier. The ICA was also used as the roadmap The Brookings report also discussed
tion regarding George Papadopoulos’s Nunes, who issued a formal congres- for Russia collusion during the four years ways in which Congress could impeach
conversation with Australia’s Alexander sional memo detailing these abuses, was of the Trump presidency. Trump, mentioning the word “impeach-
Downer was being transmitted to the FBI, proven to be accurate, while Hennessey Like so many other members of the ment” a total of 90 times.
Hennessey and Wittes co-authored an was proven wrong. Obama administration, Monaco went on Norman Eisen and Barry Berke, two of
article titled “Is Trump a Russian Agent,” Hennessey also promoted other Russia- to work for CNN, where she frequently the authors of the Brookings report, were
which discussed if Donald Trump could collusion theorists and attempted to lend pushed Russia collusion narratives. later retained by House Judiciary Commit-
be subjected to Foreign Intelligence Sur- them credibility. She aligned herself with And like so many other promoters tee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.)
veillance Act (FISA) surveillance. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Nunes’s of Russia collusion, Monaco also had on a consulting basis as special oversight
Hennessey, along with Wittes, would counterpart whose own Russiagate memo previous ties to the nation’s intelligence counsel to the Democrats’ majority staff.
remain focused on promoting allega- was riddled with falsehoods, and referred community. Prior to joining the Obama As Nadler noted, the two men would
tions of Trump-Russia collusion for the to him as extremely measured. administration, she was Robert Mueller’s have a particular focus on reviewing
next four years. Carter Page, the Trump adviser who chief of staff at the FBI and also worked Mueller’s investigation and would be
Hennessey also was routinely quoted in had his life turned upside down based on closely with Mueller and prosecutor An- advising the committee. It also appears
articles on Russia collusion and was the Steele’s lies, was a frequent focus of Hen- drew Weissmann on the Enron Task Force. Nadler intended for the two lawyers to
single-source quote for an early influen- nessey, who claimed as late as December During her post-Obama years, Monaco question Attorney General William Barr.
tial article in McClatchy that was used to 2019 that Page’s rights weren’t affected as also contributed to Lawfare, the Brook- Biden himself recently relied on a
promote the theory that the intelligence a result of the FISA warrants on him. ings outlet which, as the name suggests, Brookings study to promote his econom-
community had evidence of Russia collu- At least two of the Page FISA surveil- prides itself on weaponizing the law. ic program, claiming that the institution
sion that went beyond the Steele dossier—a lance warrant applications have since Lawfare is known not only for advanc- was nonpartisan.
statement that was later roundly disproven. been deemed to have been illegally ob- ing Democratic talking points but also Brookings, however, is anything but
As a CNN analyst, she regularly es- tained, and Page has never been charged for actively making legal recommenda- nonpartisan. Brookings associates spent
poused conspiracy theories, such as her with a crime. tions (including to the FBI) through its four years pulling out all the stops to derail
claim that Trump’s son-in-law, Jared When DOJ Inspector General Michael articles, which are often later picked up Trump, most visibly by ceaselessly advo-
Kushner, was seeking a covert channel to Horowitz released his report on FISA by various Democratic interest groups— cating the Russia collusion narrative; now,
Russia, using Russian communications misconduct, detailing massive FBI apparently including a federal judge. they appear to have been rewarded with
equipment. abuses and condemning the bureau’s During the saga involving Trump’s for- top positions in the Biden administration.
In advance of her new DOJ position, leadership, Hennessey claimed the 478- mer national security adviser, retired Lt. It’s deeply troubling that Brookings
Hennessey deleted more than 39,000 page report was so insignificant that it Gen. Michael Flynn, many of Lawfare’s alumni Hennessey and Brookings
tweets; however, many have been didn’t even warrant a podcast. talking points appear to have been used contributor Monaco, both of whom were
archived. Her tweets showed the ongo- When it became known that Obama by Judge Emmet Sullivan in his quest to deeply entangled in promoting the Rus-
ing pattern of a partisan activist, who officials had made hundreds of unmask- extend Flynn’s trial—even after the DOJ sia collusion hoax, now have enormously
constantly pushed debunked Trump- ing requests on members of the Trump dropped its case. influential positions in the DOJ.
Russia narratives and attacked anyone campaign in the final months of his Lawfare also has served as something The sanctity and integrity of our Justice
who disagreed. presidency, Hennessey claimed there of a halfway house for former FBI leader- Department should be one of the most
Hennessey, along with Wittes, made was zero evidence of any abuses. ship—with Comey acting as a contribu- important goals of any administration—
outlandish excuses for FBI Director In some respects, Hennessey’s appoint- tor and James Baker, the former top legal regardless of political affiliation.
James Comey’s actions during the 2016 ment to a senior position within the DOJ counsel for the FBI, joining both Lawfare
election, claiming that Comey had to after years of promoting now-disproven and the Brookings Institution. Wittes has Jeff Carlson is a regular contributor to
make his public exoneration statement conspiracy theories is a symptom of a long held a friendship with Comey and The Epoch Times. He is a CFA Charter-
of Hillary Clinton to preempt Russian larger problem with our government. was the conduit for Comey’s memos to holder and worked for 20 years as an
disinformation. The New York Times in 2017. analyst and portfolio manager in the
Of course, there was never any evi- Monaco high-yield bond market.
dence for such a claim and, as we have Top positions at Biden’s DOJ are now Brookings
since found out, Comey’s first exon- staffed by the very people who spent four Bill Clinton’s college roommate, Strobe Hans Mahncke, Ph.D., is a lecturer,
eration of Clinton was written months years pushing Russia collusion narra- Talbott, who was the president of the author, and general counsel at a global
before he read it out on live TV—and also tives that were used to hamstrung the Brookings Institution from 2002 to 2017, investment advisory firm.

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(Left) Rockets are launched toward Israel from Gaza City, controlled by the Palestinian Hamas
terrorist group, on May 11, 2021. (Above) Rioters jump on a street sign near a burning barricade,
following the death of George Floyd, near the White House on May 31, 2020.

The Way We Live Now

Again, Daley is right, “This new Dark
Age, with its odd combination of narcis-
sism and self-loathing, is a threat nobody
saw coming.”
She ends on a note that is both admoni-
tory and hopeful.
“If the institutions that should resist—
ROGER KIMBALL Warning Signs You Might Be Sharing Of- Be that as it may, Daley is surely right universities, the arts, and democratic gov-
fice Space With Terrorists.” that the question isn’t whether you ernments—fall before it, the free society is
I take my title from An- “You notice suicide vests hanging on approve of any particular opinion but finished.”
thony Trollope’s great the coat rack,” “They only play CNN in the whether you insist that orthodoxy be The admonitory bit is patent. Unless suc-
1875 novel chronicling lobby,” “You get notified by the IDF that accepted, indeed celebrated, without cessfully resisted, the widespread attack
the activities of the rapa- you are sharing office space with terror- question or examination. on reasoned debate will end free society.
cious swindler Augustus ists, and your building is leveled shortly “Much has been said about the ‘illib- The hopeful bit is the conditional: If
Melmotte and his coterie after,” and so on. eralism’ of what now presents itself as those institutions in which we have placed
of grasping climbers and Wot larks. liberal opinion,” Daley notes, “but what our trust fail, then free society is finished.
brittle ingenues. is happening goes way beyond simple There are those, I suspect, who would ar-
Trollope saw deep into the cynical en- Russian Collusion intolerance. It is a return of something no gue that those institutions—“universities,
gine room of his society, where a deadly And the jokes just keep on coming. thinking person expected to see again in the arts, democratic governments”—have
brutishness panted just beneath the Remember the Russian Collusion the rational West: the banishment, or the already, and eagerly, succumbed, so that
painted surface of propriety. Delusion, the round-the-clock barrage of hunting down, or the deliberate ruination, the “if” is out of place.
In our story, the star is no less grasping accusations that Russia, Russia, Russia in- not just of explicit opposition but of coinci- I think of a stinging observation by the
than Melmotte, but he’s been crossed terfered in the 2016 election to accomplish dental association with a tainted position.” great German satirist Georg Christoph Li-
with Chauncey Gardiner from the movie the impossible and elect Donald Trump? Once upon a time, we trusted in vari- chtenberg, “Nowadays we everywhere seek
“Being There,” the confused puppet who, The New York Times and The Bezos ous liberal institutions—the press, the to propagate wisdom: who knows whether
serving the interests of the dominant Washington Post were on the job, break- schools, the universities—to protect the in a couple of centuries there may not exist
party’s power brokers, finds himself ing scantily sourced tales of infamy and canons of rational debate and respect for universities for restoring the old ignorance.”
president of the United States. treason that the rest of the press lapped evidence and principled disagreement. Who indeed.
This is a story with patches of light as up and the Dems in Congress fulminated But to an extent marvelous to behold,
well as expanses of shadow, so in ad- over and used as an excuse to launch those bulwarks of civilization haven’t sim- Roger Kimball is the editor and publisher
dition to the exploits of a gibbering Joe the $40 million show trial known as the ply failed to uphold the values for which of The New Criterion and publisher of
Biden, we are introduced to a number of Mueller investigation. society created and sustained them. They Encounter Books. His most recent book is
subplots, some cheering, at least in part. The infamous Steele dossier was at the have worked overtime to destroy those “Who Rules? Sovereignty, Nationalism, and
So when we read that Lt. Col. Matthew “fons et origo” of that farce, a scabrous values. the Fate of Freedom in the 21st Century.”
Lohmeier was relieved of his duties in fantasy of micturating Russian prosti-
the Space Force because he criticized the tutes and political blackmail.
influence of Marxism and critical race Soon enough, we learned that it was

theory in the U.S. military on a podcast, all paid, covertly, by the Hillary Clinton
it’s consoling to see that his book on the campaign, but that didn’t impede the
subject—“Irresistible Revolution: Marx- full-court press against Trump.
ism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking Now that he has been neutered, it’s time
of the American Military”—should climb to rearrange the furniture, so The New
to the No. 1 spot on Amazon. York Times publishes a story on May 15
about “The Hidden Ties Between Private
The Great Gold Comeback
The Bee Explains Spies and Journalists,” with the disgraced Bankruptcy of the Welfare State
Even some of the dark spots have their Christopher Steele at the center of the
amusing sides. whitewash, I mean “inquiry.”
We glance, appalled, at what is happen- Meanwhile, economic warning signs
ing in the Middle East as Hamas terror- are flashing red as unemployment and
ists, supported by the mullahs of Iran,
bombard Israel.
inflation numbers are way up and Joe
Biden blinks into the middle distance and
“There is no way I could
But right on cue, the geniuses at The Bab- gibbers that April’s disastrous jobs report
ylon Bee explain it all as the higher strategy shows that America is on “the right track.” ever properly express my
of undoing the legacy of Voldemort, i.e., the
Bad Orange Man, aka Donald J. Trump. ‘Dark Age of Unreason’ thanks to you for the Gold
But amid the comedy, there are dark
and minatory signals about the way we
live now. Comeback book and all that
But amid the comedy, there The gimlet-eyed Janet Daley identified
are dark and minatory signals one worrisome cluster in a column for
the London Telegraph called “Free soci-
you have written within it.
about the way we live now.
ety is finished if we fail to resist this new
Dark Age of unreason.” What a real treasure!
Among his many nefarious actions— Daley begins by noting the irony that
making the United States energy indepen- the collapse of Soviet Communism, one
dent, instituting economic policies that of the most evil tyrannies the world has - M.R.
brought minority unemployment to its ever seen, did not, as some observers
lowest level in U.S. history, slowing illegal predicted, usher in a new age of sweet-
immigration along our southern border ness and light but rather removed one of
to a trickle—Trump brought peace to the the supporting props of global security.
Middle East with the Abraham Accords. The resulting vacuum has fostered
As the Bee explains, all that had to confusion and disarray everywhere, but Best-selling author James R. Cook tells you why
be undone as “Biden Continues Rollback mostly, Daley argues, in the West, which
of Trump Policies Like Peace in The has been seduced into abjuring its faith the welfare state is going broke, and the outcome
Middle East.” in reason and open debate. PD\EHUXQDZD\LQÁDWLRQ
Item: “A spokeswoman for President “Public discourse,” she writes, “does not
Biden said Wednesday that he remains consist of competing arguments anymore:
committed to rolling back all of former it isn’t a proper discussion at all. It is a dia-
President Donald Trump’s policies, tribe in which one side tries to destroy, or
To receive your free copy, call – 1-800-328-1860 or go to
including peace in the Middle East. Pal- prohibit, or totally suppress the other.” or send in the coupon below.
estinians in the West Bank voiced their She warns that we are on the verge—or
collective approval by launching celebra- perhaps past the verge—of “a Dark Age Name: ______________________________________________________
tory rockets into Israel.” where reason and actual disputation are
Yes, the Bee is once again on the case. considered dangerous: where views con- Address: _____________________________________________________
A few days ago, the Israelis destroyed the trary to those being imposed by what are
building that headquartered the offices of often nothing more than activist cults can City: ______________________________ State: ______ Zip: _________
The Associated Press in the Gaza Strip. be criminalized. Not only must those who
Great cries of protest and moral oblo- now hold opinions which breach orthodoxy Home Phone:__________________ Work Phone: ___________________
quy followed from the AP. The Israelis be banned but historic figures who could
explained that the building also houses not possibly have anticipated current social Email: ______________________________________________________
offices of Hamas. attitudes must be anathematized as well.”
“We didn’t know that,” said spokesmen Daley sees a parallel between our situa- Mail to: Investment Rarities, 7850 Metro Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55425
for the AP. tion the age of religious absolutism in the or fax to: 952-851-8732
That objection was occasion for lots West, when the Church busied itself enroll-
of snickers, not least among headliners ing books by David Hume and John Locke 1-800-328-1860
writers at the Bee, who came with “Eight on its Index Librorum Prohibitorum.


other government agencies continue to

buy computer and network equipment
from China while attempting to put in
place security measures. Virtually all of
that equipment is commercial.
Despite buying billions in computers,
laptops, modems, tablets, cell phones,
routers, hard drives, and tons of other
equipment, such as GPS and internet-
enabled security cameras—with a free
backdoor to connect Beijing to U.S.
military bases—DoD has no hardware or
software vetting system. In other words,
they buy equipment without know-
ing if it’s compromised or full of malware.
If DoD is sloppy, you can imagine what
the rest of the government is like, or just
how “protected” their critical infrastruc-
ture is.
The Colonial Pipeline case raises an-
other big red flag, since “ransomware” is a
major threat in three ways. The first is that
ransomware disables computer networks,
including SCADA systems, from working
by encrypting everything with an unbreak-
able code that you have to pay to get lifted.
The second is that ransomware often
includes the theft of information before
the ransom encryption kills the network.
The stolen information is used partly as
a threat to force the network operators to
pay the bribe.
And the third matter is that even if you
pay—and Colonial has paid $5 million
in cryptocurrency that can’t be traced—
Fuel holding tanks are seen at Colonial

How to Prevent Pipeline’s Dorsey Junction Station in

Woodbine, Md., on May 13, 2021.
there is no assurance that the unlock key
will work or work effectively. Colonial ap-
parently paid the bribe early on—with-
out telling anybody—but the decryption

Another Colonial Pipeline key they got was working very slowly, if at
all. In other words, Colonial got the shaft
from the ransomware perpetrators.
Suppose that next time, the U.S. Strate-
gic Air Command is shut down?
It’s clear that commercial networks in-
STEPHEN BRYEN vices—including the U.S. Treasury, banks, Even much of the Defense Depart- cluding hardware and software—much
stock markets—health care and more. ment’s intellectual property is stored of it from foreign sources—isn’t the right
Some small-minded sages In the United States, most of the critical without encryption protection because of way to protect critical infrastructure to
in America are chortling infrastructure, other than government and the obsolete rules followed by the Penta- safeguard national security.
that people with elec- the military, is handled by private firms. gon. These rules say that if an item isn’t Adversary nations have set up elabo-
tric cars don’t have to The U.S. Congress decided in 1988, when classified, it isn’t supposed to be stored in rate and well-trained teams who focus
worry about the Colonial the first Computer Security Act was passed, an encrypted format. The National Secu- on specific targets and work full time to
Pipeline—recently shut not to require that the private sector meet rity Agency (NSA) controls encryption in take them down. And disciplined semi-
down due to a cyberattack— certain network and computer standards, the U.S. government, and the strict sepa- independent teams of hackers, like the
because they can get their “gas” from the leaving it free to decide on its own what the ration of classified from non-classified ones who have hit Colonial, are criminal
electric company. They go on to argue for right amount of protection might be. information is their mantra. operations. Yet we tolerate both.
more electric cars. To be fair, no one knows what the right While the Pentagon has begun charac- Here are a few suggestions before the
Of course, if it was the power company amount of protection is in this modern terizing some information as “sensitive, next disaster happens:
that was knocked out, the electric cars age, because no one actually knows how but unclassified,” it’s not entitled to NSA-
wouldn’t run. And power companies to protect any computer system with any sponsored encryption. Whether sensi- 1. Put in place a national program to cre-
have been knocked out. The Russians degree of certainty. tive, but unclassified information can be ate secure networks that use hardware
killed one in Ukraine, putting it offline Virtually all the computers used in the protected by law from disclosure appears built by secure vendors.
for some time. United States are made abroad, other than highly questionable, because DoD says it 2. Require all critical infrastructure
There is, unfortunately, a related argu- highly specialized supercomputers and isn’t national security information. networks to be vetted by in a third-
ment in Washington, in the CIA and the certain processors made for defense appli- party audit for security under the aegis
Pentagon. The idea? To put everything in cations. This includes not only machines of NSA or any other security agency
the cloud. In other words, create a single that perform information processing, but capable of doing it.
point of failure, ripe for attack by both specialized controllers used in manu- If DoD is sloppy, you can imagine 3. Vet all hardware before it is used by the
state and non-state actors. facturing and operating power grids and what the rest of the government U.S. Government or critical infrastruc-
The CIA has already taken the plunge; pipelines. is like, or just how ‘protected’ ture components.
the Pentagon tried in a $10 billion proj- These are known as supervisory control 4. Go after malefactors, domestic or
ect, but it’s tied up in litigation. and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. the critical infrastructure is. foreign, and impose stiff penalties on
The Department of Defense (DoD) and The same SCADA boxes that help run perpetrators.
CIA cloud ventures illustrate, better than power plants and pipelines, control water Unfortunately, this is complete non- 5. Make it clear to foreign governments
anything else, just how dumb govern- supplies, and manage transportation and sense. Probably 80–90 percent of DoD that if they sponsor or shelter criminal
ment officials are when it comes to secu- critical manufacturing are commercial information is unclassified and much of operations they will find their net-
rity. And those working in the Pentagon devices produced mostly abroad. it relates to technology and weapons sys- works destroyed.
are specialists in creating monstrosities One of the most famous SCADA sys- tems information. It’s ridiculous to say it
and single points of failure, such as the tems is made by Siemens in Germany. It’s isn’t vital to national security. So far, our government has always prom-
F-35, which is supposed to replace just the same one that runs Iran’s uranium A key example: China stole almost all the ised to make things better—though that
about everything “tactical” in the Air centrifuges and will help assure Iran can plans and data for the stealthy F-35 fighter never seems to happen—and doesn’t act
Force, even though the plane has never have nuclear weapons. plane, most—if not all—of it unclassified as if our national security was at stake.
been in combat. Crazy. While it’s possible to build some secu- and unencrypted, thereby seriously com- It isn’t clear if this will continue, but if it
When it comes to cybersecurity and rity “walls” around computer networks promising a front-line defense program does it’ll have a devastating impact on
dealing with cyberattacks, the U.S. gov- and SCADA systems, most of them have that will cost taxpayers in excess of $1.5 the United States.
ernment—even though it has spent hun- been penetrated in one way or another. trillion over its life cycle. If this information
dreds of billions of dollars since 1988—is For example, most computer networks is not related to national security, what is? Stephen Bryen is regarded as a thought
worse off today than ever. So is the critical are open and store data without any When it comes to cyberattacks, DoD and leader on technology security policy, twice
infrastructure associated with it, which protection. Operating systems, likewise, the FBI are on a little firmer ground in the being awarded the Defense Department’s
includes energy, transportation, water are commercial—off the shelf—and are sense that they understand the magnitude highest civilian honor, the Distinguished
supplies, food supply, communications, not encrypted. Network protocols and of the threat. But does the U.S. response re- Public Service Medal. His most recent
chemicals, critical manufacturing—most the internet all rest on standards that are flect the danger to U.S. national security? book is “Technology Security and Nation-
of which today is offshore—financial ser- shared globally and easily hacked. DoD, the military departments, and al Power: Winners and Losers.”

Defending the Constitution: Limits on Federal Authority

CONTINUED FROM A13 Ptolemies, Bacons, and Edisons to carry modern medicine, and invented the predicted by 20th-century science
out scientific and technological research telegraph, telephone, radio, television, authors failed to come true? In 1940,
You may have been taught about these in comparative freedom. railroad, automobile, and airplane. We speculative writers thought we’d have
events in school, but you almost cer- Decentralization also encouraged still depend heavily on basic technology colonies on the moon by now. Based on
tainly weren’t taught what they all have competition among sovereignties and created during the era of decentralization. the pace of progress over the preceding
in common: They all occurred in envi- semi-sovereignties for people and for Certainly, progress has continued since 150 years, they had every reason to think
ronments of political decentralization. talent. The most welcoming places were that time, but the rate is slower. If you so. But under government pressure,
Sometimes, the decentralization was so rewarded with the most progress. doubt it, ask yourself this: If two bicycle progress slows.
extreme that the central authorities (if, Political centralizers call themselves shop owners tried to invent the airplane Centralized power, not the Constitu-
indeed, there were any) couldn’t even “progressives.” But the name embodies a in the current regulatory state, how far tion, impedes creative and effective solu-
keep the peace. Yet society leaped ahead falsehood. Decentralization, not cen- do you think they would get? tions to social problems. The propagan-
anyway. tralization, is more consistent with rapid Or weigh the issue from another per- dists are wrong. The Founders were right.
Decentralization permitted the Aristo- human progress. spective: Automobiles, then called “road
tles and Galileos to move to neighboring Americans built modern society in an locomotives,” were invented more than Robert G. Natelson is a former constitu-
jurisdictions more hospitable to their explosion of progress during the period 200 years ago. They were first mass- tional law professor and historian who
work. It permitted ethnic and religious when the Constitution’s constraints on produced more than a century ago. Why serves as senior fellow in constitutional
groups, such as the Jews and Huguenots, federal authority were still honored. Dur- are we still driving them instead of using jurisprudence at the Independence Insti-
to escape persecution and continue ing that period, Americans, along with more exotic modes of personal transpor- tute in Denver. He is the author of “The
productive lives in relatively tolerant those living in a politically fragmented tation—such as household flying vehi- Original Constitution: What It Actually
Holland and England. It allowed the Europe, tamed electricity, developed cles? Why have so many of the advances Said and Meant” (3rd ed., 2014).


The specter of communism did not disappear with the

disintegration of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe

The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of

“How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” a new book by
the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.”


hough the communist re- Yet its root purpose is to destroy, by nature. If people abandon evil and
gimes of Eastern Europe whatever means, everything that is choose compassion, they can return
have disintegrated, the spec- traditional, whether it be faith, reli- to the divine. What awaits on the op-
ter of communism has not gion, morality, culture, the institution posite side is evil personified—the
disappeared. On the con- of the family, art, pedagogy, or law— devil. The choice resides solely with
trary, this evil specter is already rul- whatever it takes to have man fall into the individual.
ing our world, and humanity must not a moral abyss and be damned. Many fundamentally kindhearted
harbor a mistaken sense of optimism. Communism and its various muta- people have unknowingly become
Communism is neither a trend of tions are now found around the world. the communist specter’s agents or
thought, nor a doctrine, nor a failed China and Cuba publicly proclaim the targets of its manipulation—
attempt at a new way of ordering hu- themselves to be led by communist what Vladimir Lenin called “useful
man affairs. Instead, it should be un- regimes. Even the United States—the idiots.” Though society as a whole has
derstood as a devil—an evil specter leader of the free world—has fallen ended up on the verge of destruction
forged by hate, degeneracy, and other prey to attacks by the evil specter. because of the specter’s inducements
elemental forces in the universe. Europe embraces socialism, and and temptations, very few people have
In another dimension, not visible Africa and Latin America are envel- willingly pledged their souls to the
to us, it took the form of a serpent, oped in communist influence. This is devil and chosen to deliberately cor-
then that of a red dragon, and it keeps the startling reality humankind now rupt mankind. For most, the kindness
company with Satan, who hates God. faces: The evil specter’s conspiracy to innate in human nature remains, giv-
It exploits low-level beings and de- destroy humankind is on the verge ing them an opportunity to rid them-
mons to wreak havoc on humankind. of success. selves of the specter’s influence.
The goal of the specter is to ruin hu- The purpose of this book is to set
manity. While the divine offers sal- out this complex and tangled issue in
vation, communism tells people not plain language as truthfully as pos-
to believe in the divine, attacks hu- When a person’s kind sible. Then people will be able to see
man morality so as to make people the communist specter’s tricks. More
abandon tradition, and causes people thoughts emerge, the importantly, this book seeks to pres-
to disregard the divine’s instruction divine will help free ent the moral, cultural, and artistic
and, ultimately, to be destroyed. traditions that the divine laid down
The communist evil specter, with its him from the devil’s for mankind. Individuals may then
countless mutations, is full of guile. choose between the divine and the
Sometimes it uses slaughter and vi-
control. But the pro- evil specter for themselves.
olence to destroy those who refuse cess of seeing the devil When a person’s kind thoughts
to follow it. Other times, it takes re- emerge, the divine will help free
course in the language of “science” for what it is requires him from the devil’s control. But the
and “progress,” offering a wonderful that one think deeply process of seeing the devil for what
blueprint of the future in order to de- it is requires that one think deeply
ceive people. Sometimes it presents and discern clearly. and discern clearly. This book seeks
itself as a profound field of learning to reexamine the tides of history over
and makes people believe that it is the the last several centuries and, from a
future direction of mankind. Other Humans instinctively desire to ben- high level and with a broad perspec-
times, it uses the slogans of “democ- efit themselves and avoid danger. tive, assess the multifarious masks
racy,” “equality,” and “social justice” Instinct urges them to escape from and forms the devil has adopted in
to infiltrate the fields of education, suffering, to make a name for them- order to occupy and manipulate our
media, art, and law, bringing people selves, to establish prosperous enter- world.
under its banner without their aware- prises, or merely to enjoy life. It is hu- The goal of this effort is not to simply
ness. At yet other times, it calls itself man to have these thoughts. However, recount history, but to understand
“socialism,” “progressivism,” “liberal- if humans distance themselves from how we can stop the devil from ever
ism,” “neo-Marxism,” and other leftist the divine, the evil specter can latch ruling the world again. This relies
terms. onto and intensify these thoughts to on each individual’s enlightenment,
Sometimes it holds up seemingly control them. proactive abandonment of evil, and
righteous banners such as pacifism, The hubris of the specter’s revolt return to the traditions and way of
environmentalism, globalism, and against divinity also makes those it life that the divine laid down for man.
political correctness. Other times, it controls experience a sense of hubris. The divine will triumph over the
supports vanguard art, sexual libera- These individuals then try to play God devil. Which side we stand on will
tion, legalization of drugs, homosexu- through the wielding of power, capi- determine our eternal destiny.
ality, and other indulgences in human tal, and knowledge, with the aim of
desires, giving the mistaken impres- ruling the fates of millions and influ- This concludes the Preface.
sion that it’s part of a popular trend. encing the course of history through
Extremism and violence aren’t its social movements. See next edition for the next install-
only expressions—sometimes it pre- Humans are created by the divine ment. To purchase the books, visit
tends to care for the welfare of society. and have both good and evil in their

The Readers’ Turn

If you would like to submit a letter to the editor, please contact us: 
Mail: The Epoch Times 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7, New York, NY 10001

Pushing Back Against the CCP Economy

It is important to me that all are “wrong,” and liberal/pro-
The Chinese Communist yond devious. It seems they labs? If not, we should stop it
Americans pay serious atten- gressive Democrats are going
Party is the biggest external will stop at nothing to become immediately.
tion to a very important recent to instinctively insist that they
threat to the United States the world’s greatest power, I don’t know how the Inter-
development in the world of are “right.” I want to urge “both
and the world. They have overtaking the U.S. national Olympic Commit-
politics. It appears to me that sides” to take a long, hard
bought their way into our Their handling of the tee deals with the countries
there have been many well- look at this and to try to be as
corporations, education coronavirus to date vividly it chooses for the Olympic
respected and well-admired objective as possible about
system, media, sports, and demonstrates that although Games. However, I think our
ECONOMISTS, some of whom how “true” that it is or is not.
entertainment. They saber- we don’t yet know if the virus Congress and the IOC should
are conservative Republicans Personally, I would love it if
rattle against Taiwan and getting out was intentional or work together to cancel the
and some of whom are liberal/ our federal government could
build up their presence in accidental, we do know that 2022 Olympics to be held in
progressive Democrats (which safely spend more on federal
the world both militarily and the CCP hid the information China. I hope there is not a
I happen to be) who have stat- government social programs
influentially. And in Alaska, for a long time and then made signed, unbreakable contract
ed that our huge national debt that would help everyone in
they came with an intent to no attempt to keep it from the that allows China to continue
and huge federal government the middle and lower classes
intimidate the United States. world. They still have not al- to hold the Olympics. If not, I
budget deficits do NOT pose who are trying hard to lead
If I had been the leader of lowed transparency about the believe the U.S. and possibly
any real danger or threat to the responsible and productive
the U.S. contingent [at the Wuhan lab. While it is hard the United Nations, if they are
current and future well-being lives. However, I would not love
Alaska talks], when they be- to know the true numbers of strong enough to take such a
of our economy and our coun- it if doing so would hurt and
gan to intimidate and disre- worldwide deaths due only to stand, should consider can-
try. However, not all respected bankrupt our country.
spect us, I would have gotten coronavirus, it is still a large celing it. If it can be canceled,
economists are saying this.
up, told the rest of our group number and is incredibly sad. I think it should be, and too
Obviously, conservative
we were leaving, and walked Additionally, the CCP has bad if China loses a ton of SINCERELY,
Republicans are going to STEWART B. EPSTEIN
out. They have the upper hand unleashed this virus to gain money.
instinctively insist that they NEW YORK
in many respects because economic advantage.
they are so calculating, plan Has the U.S. stopped fund- E. WILLIS
very long term, and are be- ing work in these Chinese ARIZONA

Good News Section

Thank you for putting the clever man or woman did hard
good news section [“Inspiring work and managed to reach
My Opinions News”] summary at the top
of the home page. It is nice to
even further. Oftentimes, we
would know the person or their
I read with interest the letters and thousands of people out read real news know that the value good role models over family. As another example,
in the The Readers’ Turn and of work because of it. They’re 2020 election was fraudulent bad, and to set the tone for what the paper would report when
I am impressed by the good paying people not to work and with enough red states is normal, or at least should be, someone invented something
intentions of the fair-minded with unemployment checks. recounting true ballots we in our lives. new and useful. In general, the
people. There are articles They’re trying to pass gun know beyond a shadow of a But may I make a small paper celebrated the building
covering most everything in legislation to take guns away doubt that the election should suggestion for making it even of a better future.
the government that requires from the honest people and be corrected by replacing Joe better yet? Good news can even happen
our attention: hunters. As they speak, they Biden with Donald Trump. The good news often involves to people who are just living
People in the present ad- cannot form a sentence with- There has to be a way people who are especially regular lives. Good news can
ministration like John Kerry out the word racism. legally to do this because it burdened in life due to illness speak to us personally. People
consulting with enemies dur- They continue blaming the is the result of the election or tragedy, and then some good are always looking for role mod-
ing the Trump administra- Trump administration for the by the majority of the voters. Samaritan helps them out. els, and those role models apply
tion, Hunter Biden in business mob violence at capitol on It could be a Supreme Court Hence, the good news often even in our daily lives when
with China while his father Jan. 6. decision providing politics is has a component of bad news nothing bad has happened.
was a vice president and still The Supreme Court failed not present. (that a person was burdened One more example of some-
doing the same today. to look at the true election In any event, four years is by something bad). How about thing good happening for all
The southern border cri- results. The FBI withholding too long to put up with the go- reporting on good news? of us: The Epoch Times.
sis that the administration evidence on Hunter Biden ings on of the present fraudu- As some generic examples ... Good work.
refuses to acknowledge. that could very well affect the lent administration. I would my hometown paper used to
All the free spending sitting president. like to see some proper legal report when someone got a big SINCERELY YOURS
Democrats using our money The FBI raided Rudy Gi- action to replace this present promotion. So some already THOMAS WALKER LYNCH
to further their agenda toward uliani’s home to find more administration and soon.
communism and trying to tell false accusations concerning
us it is good for the country. Donald Trump. GARY ELEY
They shut down oil pipelines Most people who listen to or ARIZONA Jean Chen’s Article
The article “A Mom’s Research: can wake up and we can come
Why Are Many Elites Leftists?” together for the cause of saving
published in the May 5–11, 2021, our country. It is only through
edition of The Epoch Times is prayer and getting back to the
Looking Behind the Woke Curtain excellent and well-worth read- Bible that by God’s grace, He
ing, and should be read by every can save us from the evil that
My son is currently work- curriculum in the name of black community should be American. Thank you, Jean, for encroaches on our freedoms
ing hard to finish a 15-page equality and anti-racism. offended by what the real your honest research and bring- everyday. God bless you, Jean.
paper that is a requirement Dig a bit under the surface thoughts behind the poli- ing this information to light. I God bless America!
for his high school language and hear what those in cies reveal. have sent your article to many
arts class. Imagine if at the liberal leadership are really While in high school, I had people hoping our country JANE BUELL
end of the school year the saying. “Blacks really can’t the pleasure of getting to
teacher announced that in handle upper level math” know a young man named
the coming years the 15- and “blacks aren’t good at Quincy. Quincy was incred-
page assignment will be math.” Again, how offensive! ibly smart, hard working,
changed to only a 10-page Blacks should not tolerate and driven. During his high
‘A Mom’s Research’
essay because they are the liberal elite belittling school career, he aced all In her well-researched opinion residence IN the White House,
expecting five new black their race in this way. the high-level math and sci- [“A Mom’s Research: Why Are where he slept and conducted
students in the class. What ence courses as well as AP Many Elites Leftists?” in the the distribution of U.S. indus-
a shocking and offensive classes, earning the coveted May 5–11 edition], Jean Chen try-produced war materials to
proposal—how belittling it Dig a bit under the surface valedictorian award. After spotlights much of the corrup- U.S. “Allies”—including com-
would be toward the black and hear what those in high school, he attended tion extant in American politics munist Russia. This while U.S.
students. The proposed liberal leadership are really MIT and pursued a ca- circa 2021, and historically, forces in the Pacific theatre
“anti-racist” policy would saying. ‘Blacks really can’t reer in math and science. what was directly responsible were starved of (and dying)
actually under the surface handle upper level math’ Quincy was a son of a bus for the plight of what remains of because of shortages of ALL
be a horrendous judgment and ‘blacks aren’t good driver and also was black. the American Republic—from war materials, while Hopkins
on the black community. at math.’ The anti-racist policies that the radical Woodrow Wilson saw to it that communist Russia
Let me give you some real- are being propsed today “Progressive” era that foisted was inundated with U.S. made
life examples of “anti-racist” Last, colleges and uni- in our country would be the bogus Federal Reserve act guns, ammo, tanks, trucks,
policies that under the sur- versities are giving prefer- tremendously offensive to on sovereign American citi- planes, food, et al.
face are really racist. ential admission to those Quincy. Just imagine liberal zens; made individual income The so-called “elites” Chen
There has been a great of color not based on their elites saying: “Don’t worry, tax the law of the land; and calls out were and still are a
ruckus from the Left regard- academic achievements or Quincy, we won’t require destroyed states’ (legislatures’) tiny minority of the U.S. popu-
ing the new voting require- community involvement or you to take upper-level math rights by enacting direct elec- lation (in 2021, just over 5,000
ments in Georgia. Step back leadership, but based solely courses, we know its too tions of federal senators. Wood- members—this in a nation of
and read under the surface on the shade of their skin. hard for people like you.” row Wilson made no bones some 328 million). A so-called
and see the true judgments This is touted as aniti-racist “Don’t worry, Quincy, we about his intense dislike of the “NGO” (nongovernmental
of those who oppose the policy, but again look a bit know you aren’t resourceful U.S. Constitution. organization) whose members
requirements. They are the behind the curtain and enough to get an ID so don’t And as Chen relates, “Ameri- have literally infested EVERY
real racists. What they are what it is really being said is worry about it any more.” can” so-called “elites’’ have agency, bureau, and depart-
really saying behind their that blacks as a group aren’t “Quincy, we know you can been providing ongoing (gen- ment of the U.S. federal govern-
huffs and puffs is that they gifted enough to go to col- not really get into college on erational) largesse (MUCH of it ment since 1921 when it was
really don’t believe blacks lege, and they can’t measure your own merit. MIT will let via rank-and-file U.S. TAXPAY- founded goes by the oh-so-
have the life skills to ob- up so they have to artificially you in just because of the ERS) directly to communist/ innocuous name of the Council
tain an ID and they are not be given admission. The way you look.” socialist/Bolshevik totalitarian on Foreign Relations (CFR).
resourceful or responsible black community should be Let’s wake up America and regimes. For example, the FDR Hopefully, Jean Chen will re-
enough to get IDs. Blacks offended at being classified recognize the true racists administration was infested search and zero-in on the per-
should be tremendously hurt as a unqualified group that in our country. The black with outright Soviet “players” nicious end-game of the CFR
by these hidden accusations. can’t make it on their own. community should no longer such as Harry Hopkins, whom and expose it thoroughly in the
Second, public schools in These are just three ex- tolerate being belittled in Franklin D. Roosevelt made pages of The Epoch Times.
Virginia are proposing that amples of liberal “anti-rac- such an offensive way. “lend-lease czar’’ as WWII
upper-level math courses ist” policies that are actually erupted. Hopkins (darling of E. T. DANIEL
should be taken from school tremendously racist. The HEIDI FARLEY Joseph Stalin) actually took up UTAH
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 | A21










13. Keep going Don’t quote me
Keres – Petrosian (1959),  Black to
15. Simple fastener play & mate.  Petrosian known as a ©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
20. “Oxford Blues” star, very solid & cautious player finds a
1984 beautiful sacrifice! “All the ‘fake news’ and false quotes are
going to ruin the internet,” Cy the Cynic
24. “Don’t ___” (“Hitch- complained to me in the club lounge.
hiker’s Guide” motto) “Who is saying that?” I asked.
26. Botanical seed cover “According to Wikipedia,” Cy shrugged,
“Thomas Edison said it.”
27. “... and they were ___ You can’t believe everything you read
afraid” about certain bridge “rules.” In today’s deal,
28. Letter-shaped girder West led a spade against 3NT, and declarer
won and led a club from dummy. East
29. Air Force domain followed with the nine, thereby allowing
30. “Velvet” attachment South to make his game. When South’s
queen won, he led another club and played
31. “Chiquitita” quartet low from dummy, bringing down the ace.
32. Entre ___ He won the spade return and had 11 tricks:
33. Aide: Abbr. five clubs and two of everything else.
38. Other: Fr. SUSPICION
39. Iran’s ___ Shah Defenders often play “second hand low,”
but any so-called rule must be viewed
Pahlavi with suspicion. East won’t beat 3NT if
40. Buzzing pest South’s clubs are Q-x-x, so East should
42. Chemistry Nobelist assume they are Q-x.
Then East prevails by putting up the
ace on the first club and returning a spade.
43. Plum variety CONSTRUCTED BY C. CHANG
The clubs are blocked, and dummy’s only
entry is removed. South wins only seven
47. Words of dismay Use the four numbers in the corners, and tricks.
49. Emphatic type: Abbr. the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an
50. Italian painter Guido equation to get the solution in the middle. DAILY QUESTION
There may be more than one “unique” so- You hold: k 9 7 6 3 j A K 4
51. Shore soarer lution but, there may also be “equivalent” i A K 7 4 h Q 8. Your partner opens
53. Scraps solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 one spade, and you respond 2NT, a
and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 conventional forcing raise. Partner next
54. Brown coat bids three hearts. What do you say?
Across 38. JFK’s final resting 83. Inched 56. “Bloom County” ANSWER: As most pairs agree, your
1. Tre + tre place 84. Undying character partner’s three hearts shows a singleton
4. Arrests 41. Amateurish 85. Haul heart. The idea is to let you judge
57. Censorship-fighting whether you have a slam-friendly holding
11. Adam’s-apples’ op- 44. Long time: Abbr. 86. Wedding wear org. opposite his singleton. You should be
posites 45. “The Thin Man” dog 87. Adam Sandler’s 58. “Bean limousine” encouraged. Cue-bid four diamonds, but
don’t plan to commit to slam; your trump
16. Mil. training site 46. Ball material Zohan 59. Galena support is weak.
17. “On the ___” (Danny 48. Suffix with conces- 88. Get it wrong 60. Up for grabs South dealer
sion 61. Sought office N-S vulnerable
Kaye movie) Down
18. City on the Allegheny 52. 12 A.M. and 12 P.M. 66. ___ rasa (clean slate) NORTH
55. Brains 1. Scattered 67. Rat tail? kA K
19. Distributors 2. Repeat j7 6 2
21. Sealy rival 58. Sycamore 69. Not suitable Hard 1 - 1 Solution i8 2
62. London’s Old ___ 3. “The heat ___!” 70. Grounds hK 7 6 5 3 2
22. Faux pas 4. Charlemagne’s do-
63. ___ Arbor 71. Con artist WEST EAST
23. Tell it like it isn’t main: Abbr. kQ 10 8 4 kJ 5 2
64. Wine: Prefix 75. Irritate jQ 9 5 jJ 10 8 3
24. Coke competitor 65. 500-pound bird 5. “___ for apple...” (ce- 76. Hit the road iJ 9 5 iQ 10 6 3
25. It may be coin-oper- hunted to extinction real jingle line) 77. M.I.T. grad: Abbr. hJ 10 4 hA 9
ated 66. Fib 6. Charlottesville sch. 78. XLI quintupled SOUTH
31. Septic tank worker 68. Nonstop 7. Bea of stage fame 79. Thor Heyerdahl’s first k9 7 6 3
jA K 4
34. Daughter of Cadmus 72. Filmdom’s Mr. Chips 8. Greet and seat ill-fated papyrus craft iA K 7 4
35. Jeanne d’Arc, e.g.: 73. Obstacle 9. Like some vbs. 80. Wallace of “E.T.” hQ 8
Abbr. 74. “Vissi d’___” 10. TV’s “Emerald Point 81. Archipelago unit: South West North East
36. Cattle genus 78. ___ the Barbarian ___” Abbr. 1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
37. “Seeing red” feeling 79. Rejection 11. Rocket top 82. “___ recall ...” Easy 1 - 1 Solution Opening lead —k4



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers 1-9
so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.






6. Qxf4  Rh1#
5. Kf1  Qxf4+
4. Be2  Rh7
3. Rfc2  Qh4
2. hxg3  hxg3


Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column, each row, and
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.






Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,
in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words.



Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.


the creek was — BOUND
finally able to jump over
The baby bunny that was


speech, the better.
would have said the more
I think Thomas Jefferson

Contact the Puzzle Master @:

A24 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


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Audrey Hepburn’s The Last Bard: G.K. Chesterton

Oscar-Winning Fashion
Some stars, like Audrey Hepburn, had such timeless Chesterton’s poetry—though less known than his
styles that their iconic looks have endured decades fiction or his journalism—especially his bardic epics,
after their death. speak most boldly to us today.
See B9 See B8




TIMELESS WISDOM Portrait of Thomas Jefferson Onward and

by Rembrandt Peale, 1800.
Some Advice
for Graduates

Congratulations! The big day is here!

You’re receiving your high school
diploma and are now off to college,
to enter the workforce or military
service, or to learn a trade such as
welding or auto repair. For at least 13
years, you’ve advanced from kinder-
garten to cap-and-gown, learning the
language arts, mathematics, history,
and science.
Diploma in hand, you now find
yourself ready to take a big step into

Make appreciation
No. 1 on your post-
graduation checklist.
Or maybe you’re graduating from
college. You’ve spent four years or
more going to classes, taking tests
and writing papers, and acquiring
new knowledge and skills. You stand
on the threshold of a world outside
the cloistered halls and classrooms of
your universities, hoping your degree
will act as your passport to this new
Whether you’re primed and eager
to embrace this major change in your
life, or whether you’re shy and a little
fearful of what awaits you, here are
some tips to help you succeed, to ease
your passage on this grand journey.

Practice Gratitude
Make appreciation No. 1 on your
post-graduation checklist.
Did Aunt Cecily send you a check
for commencement? Write her a
thank you note. Did Mom and Dad
have your back, attend your soccer
games and school plays, talk you up
when you were down, and have your
back when you got into a jam? Sit
them down some evening and tell
them face-to-face how grateful you

Rules for Life

are for their love and concern. Did

Thomas a teacher, a Scout leader, or a coach

inspire you to become a better person

than you ever thought possible? Go to
those people and tell them what they
meant to you, how they helped you
pursue your dreams.
Make this spoken acclamation of
In 1825, about a year before he passed away, Jefferson offered life advice gratitude a lifelong habit, even in
in ‘A Decalogue of Canons for Observation in Practical Life’ times of horrible distress. For the
past six months or so, I wake each
morning, pour my first cup of coffee,
and thank God for another day, for
my children, grandchildren, family,
and friends, and then throw in a few
prayers for others I know who have
JOSHUA CHARLES be the portal to one of eternal and inef- either requested them or who are fac-

fable bliss.” ing trials and troubles.
oward the end of his life, Thomas Adore God.
Jefferson wrote several letters of In short: Honor God and your parents, Continued on B3
advice to young people, several Reverence follow the Golden Rule, love your country
of whom had been named after more than yourself, and don’t complain
him by admiring parents. and cherish about the misfortunes of life. This is the
One was a young man named Thomas your parents. path to eternal life.
Jefferson Smith, whose father had written In the same letter, Jefferson provided the
the aged former president in the hope he’d Love your young boy with a more practical set of ad-

offer his young son some life advice. His vice worth pondering. He called it “A Deca-
words were powerful:
neighbor as logue of Canons for observation in practical
yourself, life,” playing off the Ten Commandments
“Your affectionate and excellent father of the Bible (the “Decalogue”). The rules
has requested that I would address to you and your (with some commentary) were as follows.
something which might possibly have a country more
favorable influence on the course of life 1. ‘Never put off till to-morrow what
you have to run, and I too, as a namesake, than yourself. you can do to-day’
feel an interest in that course … Adore God. No doubt this is a vice many of us struggle
Reverence and cherish your parents. Love Thomas Jefferson, with—traditionally it was associated with
your neighbor as yourself, and your coun- to Thomas Jefferson things such as sloth (at worst), or procras- During their 20s, young people
try more than yourself. Be just. Be true. Smith tination (at best). may work a variety of jobs. No
Murmur not at the ways of Providence. So matter the work, diligence and
shall the life into which you have entered, Continued on B2 excellence will pay off.
B2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


Thomas Jefferson’s In 1825, about a year before he passed away,

Rules for Life

Jefferson offered life advice in ‘A Decalogue of
Canons for Observation in Practical Life’


Continued from B1

Jefferson makes clear that whatever it is we Accepting the

know needs to be done, to the extent we can reality of a
do it today, we should do so. Staying on top
of our daily tasks is one of the best ways of situation, no
avoiding the long-term stress caused by
procrastination. matter how
2. ‘Never trouble another for what you
can do yourself’ is one of the
To many modern people, this may sound a bit
harsh, as if Jefferson is suggesting we should
first steps to
never reach out for help. But that would be dealing with
a misreading. In fact, Jefferson suggests we
first take stock of what we can do ourselves, it rationally.
do it, and to the extent that falls short, then
ask for help. In my own life, and observing the
lives of many others, the sense of “earned ac-
complishment” is crucial to a healthy sense
of identity. We’re more capable of tackling the
challenges of life after developing a healthy
confidence in ourselves—a confidence that is
secure enough to ask for help when needed.

3. ‘Never spend your money

before you have it’
My, this is timely! Americans are famously
debt-ridden, as is our government. In fact,
no entity in the history of the world has
accumulated as much debt as the United
States federal government. Likewise,
kewise, Ameri-
cans tend to save at a far lowerr rate than (for
example) Germans, Chinese,, and Koreans.
Not only does such a habit prevent
revent us from
enjoying things we may occasionally
sionally want,
but it means we have less maneuverability
in a crisis. Many of us spend d more money
than we have to, and do not fully appreci-
ate the extent to which we can moderate
our desires, and find great wealth
ealth in being
content. For those who need to work on this
vice, a good first step is Jefferson’s
erson’s advice:
only spend what you alreadyy have.

4. ‘Never buy what you do not want,

because it is cheap; it will bee dear to you’
By “want,” Jefferson doesn’t mean “desire,”
but “lack.” So his advice is that
at if we don’t
lack something, we shouldn’t ’t buy more
of it just because it’s cheap.

5. ‘Pride costs us more than n hunger,

thirst and cold’
The third and final page of Jefferson’s inscriptions contained “A Decalogue of Canons for
There’s a famous saying from m the Bible, observation in practical life.”
“Pride goes before the fall.” In Scrip-
greatest angel, Lucifer (“Light Bearer”),
who afterward was known as Satan
(“Adversary”). It also preceded
eded the
fall of Adam and Eve, which inflicted
calamity on the human race. e. That’ss
why in Christianity, and many any other
religious traditions, humility ility is so
Humility is not thinking of ourselves
as less than we are, but thinking
ng of our-
selves as we are—understandingding both
our strengths, but our limitations
ations as
well. Recognizing we are creatures,
not the Creator. Acknowledgingging tha
there is much more we don’t know
now than
we do know. Humility opens us up to
a world of enlightenment and d growth
in virtue—pride makes everythingything in
our life depend exclusively onn one of the
smallest of things: ourselves.

6. ‘We never repent of having

ng Page 2 of Jefferson’s inscriptions featured Mather Brown’s portrait of Thomas Jefferson,
a poem. 1786.
eaten too little’
Have you seen America’s waistline

Enough said. 9. ‘Take things always by

their smooth handle’
7. ‘Nothing is troublesome For any objective, there are easy and hard
that we do willingly’ ways to achieve it. Choose the easy way—

I think this rule goes well with ith Jefferson’s which doesn’t mean no effort. It means
earlier advice to “Murmur nott at the ways of minimal wasted effort.
Providence.” Accepting the reality
ality of a situa- A bronze statue
of Jefferson,

tion, no matter how unpleasant, nt, is one of the 10. ‘When angry, count ten, before you
first steps to dealing with it rationally.
ationally. If we measuring nearly speak; if very angry, a hundred’
see every circumstance—especially
pecially our tri- 6 feet 3 inches, at All of us know what it feels like to be angry,

als—as an opportunity for growth,

wth, then truly Monticello. but then recognizing when we calm down,
nothing can stop us from growing,
wing, and even things are often not as bad as they seem.
our troubles become a pathwayy to excellence. But even if they are as bad as they seem (or
worse), getting our emotions under control
8. ‘How much pain have cost st us the evils is a necessary first step in being able to ap-
which have never happened’ d’ proach the problem rationally.
This is for the worrywarts outt there (myself
included). Every so often it’s good to re- Joshua Charles is a former White House
flect on all the things we weree wor- r speechwriter for Vice President Mike
ried would happen, and didn’t. n’t. Or Pence, a No. 1 New York Times best-selling Thomas Jefferson inscribed flyleaves in
in the alternative, reflect on thee bad author, historian, columnist, writer/ Cicero’s De Re Publica, published in 1823, with
things that happened, but how ow we ghostwriter, and public speaker. Follow advice to Thomas Jefferson Smith, the son
overcame them. Then the truth th of Jefferson’s him on Twitter @JoshuaTCharles or see of Samuel Harrison Smith, an old friend and
advice will sink in. political ally.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 B3

Onward and
Some Advice
for Graduates
Continued from B1

This thanksgiving kick-starts the day in a

positive direction.
Don’t wait, as I did, for decades to prac-
tice daily gratitude. Try it now, and you
may find this appreciation of people,
events, and life becomes a shield against
despair and fear of failure.

Strive for Excellence

You attended a prestigious college and ma-
jored in English literature. For two sum-
mers, you interned at publishing houses
and hoped to find a position in that in-
dustry. During the spring of your senior Take Charge of Your Self spect of what writer Peter Dale Wimbrow Look at life as
year, you submitted a dozen applications It’s easy to foist off our failures on others, calls “the man in the glass,” put character an adventure,
to places such as Simon & Schuster and Push to excel pointing a finger at a supervisor or a parent ahead of fame and riches, and see where and it will
Random House, but no one was hiring. So and blaming them for our shortcomings. destiny leads you. be one.
instead you end up as a barista in a coffee
at whatever I’ve known men and women, old as well as
shop, taking orders day after day for mocha job you do. young, who complain of losing the game Joy and Happiness: The Difference
lattes and cold brews. You’re wondering if of life because a father deserted the family We often confuse these two terms.
you’re a failure, if your expensive degree Always. Your when they were 12 years old or who talk We’ll hear people say “I just want to be
has any worth or meaning, if your future diligence and constantly of promotions lost because the happy,” but those who utter these words
is over before it’s even begun. boss simply didn’t like them. are confused. Happiness is transitory, a
Stop right there. hard work But I’ve also known many other people fleeting byproduct of some event, a house
Besides looking at the positives—you’re who overcame the obstacles of their past: a built on sand. It depends for its existence
working, you’re paying your way—don’t
will pay off in woman who had a terrible mother but who on external circumstances—a promotion
try to second-guess your future. You’re 23 unexpected early in adulthood consciously decided to at work, a surprise birthday party, the un-
years old, and life with all its surprises is live her own life with joy as her foundation expected visit of a friend—and then van-
still unfolding before you, though you may ways. stone; a man imprisoned for burglary who ishes.
not comprehend it. on his release trained as a welder, recon- Joy rests on a more solid foundation. It is
During our 20s, many people, includ- PD-US
nected with his family, and led an entirely an internal state of emotional well-being
ing me, work a variety of jobs. From the different life; a drunk who lost a great job, that can bring us peace and deep pleasure,
time I left graduate school at age 24 until gave up the bottle, and found less lucrative that is lasting, and that we can experience
I turned 30, I worked as a clerk in three work but made peace with himself. on a daily basis. Some find this joy in their
bookstores, a painter in an apartment So don’t play the “blame game.” Legally, religious beliefs, some in the work they do,
complex, an apartment manager, a dish- you are an adult, and the first mark of that and some by force of will. Whatever the
washer, a house parent along with my wife stage in life is responsibility. Many of your case, a deep, interior sense of joy will help
in a sorority, and a waiter. Some of these contemporaries may spurn duty and re- you celebrate your victories and carry you
jobs I liked—as a waiter, I loved carrying sponsibility, but you have the option of through your defeats.
my tips home every night—and some were taking on this mantle while still young.
less than satisfactory. “Character is destiny,” Command yourself, and you’ve taken a Make Your Life an Adventure
But my wife and I scrimped and saved, said ancient Greek giant step forward toward success. By this piece of advice, I don’t mean you
and soon had enough money in the bank philosopher Heraclitus. need to climb Mount Everest, join a rodeo,
to buy a business. Achievements and Reputation or parachute from an airplane.
My point: Push to excel at whatever job We live in a place and a time where we What I do mean is that if we look at life as
you do. Always. Your diligence and hard associate success and prestige with an adventure, we make it so. The mundane
work will pay off in unexpected ways. If money and fame. The wealthy among us, tasks of life take on a new and different
nothing else, you can go home at night, our sports and movie stars, and some of meaning if we remember we are part of
look in the mirror, and take pride in the day. our politicians receive acclaim for their an incredible world. We look at our loved
Jeff Minick has four wealth, power, and fame. ones with new eyes; we experience minor
Accept the Normality of Fatigue children and a grow- Far more rarely do we applaud people disasters like a car failing to start with a
Being an adult means being tired a lot of ing platoon of grand- for the content of their character. We may jaunty insouciance, rather than filling the
the time. Very tired. children. For 20 years, recognize hypocrisy in a senator caught front yard with blue language; we look for
You’re a mom with a toddler and a he taught history, stealing from his campaign fund or moral ways around obstacles, rather than letting
6-month-old baby, and all you want to do literature, and Latin failing in a movie producer mistreating them stop us.
is collapse into bed at night. You’re a car- to seminars of home- women, but those who practice the virtues Commencement is often regarded as an
penter working 10-hour shifts four days a schooling students rarely make the evening news. ending, but the word itself means begin-
week who’s married to that mom, and all in Asheville, N.C. He Nevertheless, I urge you to construct a ning. You are at the beginning of the great-
you want to do is crash into sleep beside her. is the author of two moral code and refuse to violate it. Build a est adventures, a path filled with comedy
All sorts of books and articles emphasize novels, “Amanda Bell” reputation for honesty, goodwill, and clean and some tragedy, a path only you will ever
the importance of sleep for our health, but and “Dust on Their living. Those of us who have violated such travel.
here’s the truth: for most adults, that com- Wings,” and two works a code, including me, know well the cost Writing these recommendations re-
modity is as hard to come by as a pot of of non-fiction, “Learn- this failure exacts. Guard your reputation minds me to live them more fully myself.
gold. Adults are the providers, the ones ing as I Go” and “Mov- as you would defend a loved one. So keep in mind that though we are all on
responsible for paying the mortgage, cloth- ies Make the Man.” “Character is destiny,” said the Greek our own individual journey, we have com-
ing and feeding the children, and making Today, he lives and philosopher Heraclitus. Notice that he mon tools at hand that make that journey
the tough decisions. Long hours of sleep writes in Front Royal, doesn’t distinguish between a bad and a more pleasurable and more meaningful.
are rarely on the agenda. Va. See JeffMinick. good character. If you want the respect of May your futures be bright—and filled
Accept being tired as a given for grownups. com to follow his blog. others, and especially if you want the re- with adventures!

Don’t We All? know. While I did so, he just sat there qui-
etly. I kept expecting a plea for money, but
it never came.
have, or how loaded you are with problems,
even without, or very little to share, you can
give help. Even if it’s just a kind word, you
encounter, Kenny walked into my wife’s
nonprofit organization’s office and handed
her $50, because he wanted to show his
As the silence continued, something inside can give that. appreciation for all we had done for him.
ALLEN STARK of me said, “Ask him if he needs any help.” You never know when you may see some- Shortly thereafter, he was placed in a
I was sure that he would say yes, but I one who appears to have it all. They may be nursing home after having received treat-
One day, a few years ago, after a hard day’s obeyed the inner voice. “Do you need any waiting on you to give them what you don’t ment for his cancer. Within the next year,
work, I had taken the family car to the car help?” I finally asked. have—a different perspective in life, a word Kenny slowly began to lose his battle with
wash and had gone to pick up my wife He rose and turned toward me. It was of hope, a change that only you, through cancer and asked me to become his execu-
from work. I was sitting in the car with the then I noticed a large abscess on the side loving eyes, can see. tor, making all the decisions for his care
window rolled down when I saw, coming of his face, somewhat obscured by the and final days, during which time he reaf-
across the parking lot, what society would baseball cap. He answered my question firmed his faith and made peace with his
consider a bum. He was wearing dirty with three simple but profound words that family, whom he had become estranged
clothes and a dirty ball cap, and had just I will never forget. We are prone to look for As the silence continued, from over the years due to past drinking
come from the direction of the dumpster. wisdom from those who have higher learn- problems.
There are times when you feel generous, ing and have accomplished great things. I something inside of me Had I been sent to minister to Kenny, or
but then there are other times when you expected nothing except an outstretched said, ‘Ask him if he needs was Kenny sent to minister to a soul who
are just too tired and don’t want to be both- grimy hand. The three simple words he had grown too comfortable in himself?
ered. This was one of those “don’t want to spoke left me momentarily speechless. any help.’ Maybe God spoke to Kenny’s spirit that day
be bothered” times. “Don’t we all?” he said. and said: “Go minister to that man sitting
I began thinking: “I hope he doesn’t ask I was feeling high and mighty, at least A short time later, I learned from my wife in the car. That man needs help.”
me for money. We are going out for dinner more successful than this “bum,” until that the man wasn’t a homeless stranger Don’t we all?
and I have just enough money.” those three words hit me like a ton of bricks. wandering the streets. He was, in fact, A special note: Next time the Relay/Walk
He didn’t ask. He came over next to where “Don’t we all.” Kenny, the janitor who worked for the of- for Life comes around, put on your walking
I was parked and sat on the steps leading up Yes, I needed help. Maybe not for mon- fice complex where my wife’s address was. tennis shoes and join the survivors who’ve
to the second level of the building. Looking etary or health reasons, but I needed help. He was given a small room by management made it through their cancer treatment.
over and seeing that my car window was I reached in my wallet and gave him the for his work. As I came to know Kenny, I Cancer survivors will make the first lap.
down, he spoke. “That’s a nice car.” money I was going to use for dinner. But learned that he had gone through some I used to watch episodes of the “Survivor”
Although his clothes were torn and dirty, those three little words kept repeating in very troubling times. I was able to bring television show, but when I watched my
he had a polite way about him. my mind. him food and clothing from time to time wife and other cancer survivors take that
I said thanks, stepped out of the car, No matter how much you have, no matter and share conversations with him. first lap, I was there cheering them on. It
and walked around to the opposite side, how much you have accomplished, you After receiving his social security check was the greatest survivor episode I’ve ever
pretending to inspect it—for what, I don’t need help, too. And no matter how little you one month, about a year after our first watched.
B4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

The Academic Abuse of Quantity Over


ne of the most profound problems
in the field of education is that it has
become too superficial.
With efficiency preoccupations to “cover”
as many “core” subjects as possible and
equip young minds with the data of a rapidly-
changing, money-driven world, skimming
the surface of things through fast-moving
textbooks, condensed texts, abridged works,
PowerPoints interfaces, and soundbites has
become something of an epidemic. The
mentality has become more about sailing
through the mandated material, checking
the boxes, imparting the facts, and getting
the grade to make the grade—teaching pri-
marily to the test, rather than to the truth.
Gone are the attitudes of the philosophical
Athenian Academy, where learning was lei-
surely and lingered over to allow the mind to
steep in goodness, truth, and beauty.

Rushing through a work

doesn’t impart a sense
of that work. It’s the
difference between the
experience of a footpath
and an interstate

This fast-food, career-oriented approach is

often packaged as striving for a more tradi-
tional model of learning, often called clas-
sical education, even though this approach
is far from classical. Such schools pack a
catalog of very grand material into a very
narrow calendar, applying these courses to
students who are unprepared to appreciate
them—especially in the time period allotted.
Though always well-intentioned, it’s rarely
effective to foist too much on too young of a
mind too quickly. Not only is it ineffective: It’s
inappropriate. One might even call it, to put
it in strong terms, a type of academic abuse
that might destroy the appetite and aptitude
for study.

The Leisure of Learning

I have had the privilege of teaching classical
literature for 20 years. Despite what might be
imagined, I don’t move through the material
more quickly with each passing year because
I know it so well and am, therefore, able to PUBLIC DOMAIN
cover more and more ground and more and
more works. It’s quite the opposite—I move group of minds and hearts. And a proper all, is rooted etymologically in the word for a sense of that work. It’s the difference be-
more slowly. Every year I find that I have introduction takes time. and the idea of leisure. Reading and study tween the experience of a footpath and an
more to say, more to teach, and more to share I also become a better teacher every year, that is rigorous doesn’t have the same life interstate highway. It’s better to arrange for
about these texts so dear to me now—these and I have come to believe that reading and or foster the same love as reading and study the intimate, positive, and even powerful
old friends I have made—and every year I teaching a great work is an art best taught that’s leisurely. experience of a single great text rather than a
relish introducing them properly to a new at a natural, comfortable pace. School, after Rushing through a work doesn’t impart passing, lukewarm, and rushed overview of

Rediscovering a Lost Tradition: Male Rites of Passage

JEFF MINICK ship and how to treat a woman. can serve as a springboard into manhood.
Coach Tom became a major figure in my A young male out of high school leaves his
During his high school years, my youngest son’s life, so much so that my son invited family and friends (separation), enters boot
son played point guard on a homeschool Tom and his wife to his wedding. camp (transition), and after completing a
basketball team in Asheville, North Caro- Looking back at those days, I realize today serious of rigorous tests, graduates and
lina. His coach, Tom, was a physician and a even more than I did then the gifts Tom was becomes a full member of the group—the
father of four boys, two of whom were also giving to his players. He was not only teach- Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy, or Coast
on my son’s team. He was a great coach who ing high school students how to play bas- Guard—with the rights and privileges that
took no guff from the boys, ran disciplined ketball: He was helping boys become men. come with that distinction (reincorporation).
practices, and knew the game well enough And this military training does work in
to produce winning teams during the entire Initiation Rites precisely this manner. A nephew of mine,
time my son played for him. Throughout human history, young males a mediocre student who spent a good deal
underwent various tests marking their en- of time in his teenage years playing video
try into manhood. Once they had passed games, joined the Army shortly after high
these tests, which often involved proving school. Now, just a few years later, he is, by
Throughout human their prowess as hunters and warriors, the any definition of the word, a man. He is a
other men of their tribe or community wel- trained medic and a parachutist, as well as
history, young males comed them into their ranks. In the Maasai an infantryman; pays his own way; and is
In “Meditations,” Roman emperor Marcus
underwent various tests tribe of Kenya, for example, a young male Aurelius thanks not only his father and grand- recently married and now has a child.
was welcomed to full manhood once he had father for the life lessons they taught him, but On the other hand, some of our young
marking their entry killed a lion with a spear. A warrior in the also many other teachers and guides. males appear lost, muddled as to the mean-
Middle Ages was first a page, then a squire, ing of manhood and unsure when that tran-
into manhood. and—once he had earned his spurs—was specifically male steps toward maturity. sition occurs. Does manliness come with
ultimately dubbed a knight. Both Native graduation from high school or college?
For away games, Tom, as well as several Americans and pioneers often earned their The 3 Stages of Change With a job or profession? With marriage?
other parents, would drive the team to claim to manhood by the skills they demon- In “Coming of Age: The Importance of Male The birth of a child?
cities like Winston-Salem and Greenville. strated in hunting. Later, many male teenag- Rites of Passage,” husband-and-wife team
Unlike those other moms and dads, how- ers marked their entrance into adulthood Brett and Kate McKay discuss the meaning Creating a Way
ever, he would spend his hours in the car by working and providing for their families. of this marker of manhood, its near-total The McKays give their readers—particular-
talking to the boys about a variety of sub- Though today we have no universal rite absence from today’s culture, and ways ly fathers—some excellent suggestions for
jects: world politics, moral rectitude, and of passage into manhood, some rituals still for fathers and mentors to revive such rec- creating rituals celebrating the attainment
saving money, to name a few. He became mark this event. Earning a driver’s license ognition of this transformation of boys to of manhood. Various religious faiths offer
well known among both parents and play- at age 16, becoming a legal adult and able to men. They write that traditional rites of pas- confirmations or bar mitzvahs as entryways
ers for these conversations, or, as some vote at 18, and being able to buy a beer in a sage include three distinct phases for this into adulthood, and the McKays point out
players called them, classes. One “class” bar at age 21 are all steps taken on the road change: separation from a tribe or group, that these ceremonies become even more
in particular that impressed my son was to manhood. Of course, these same land- transition through a series of ordeals, and significant when the parents help make
a discussion of the qualities they should marks are rites of passage for girls, losing reincorporation into the group. them so through discussions of manliness
look for in a wife. Another involved court- any meaning they might possess as being As the McKays point out, today’s military and maturity.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 B5

John Senior wrote in his book “The Death Some things are simply not measurable,

Quality “The School of

Athens” by Raph-
ael, 1510–1511.
of Christian Culture”:
“You do not improve or advance a child
intellectually or morally by force-feeding ma-
ture and ... decadent ‘adult’ fare. You do not
What lies in
the balance
and those things are often of immeasurable
value. Though reactions to the utilitarian in-
sipidity that dominates modern curricula are
important, it’s equally important not to over-
improve or advance a high school curricu- of teaching react. A return to the classics is necessary. A
lum by running trial heats of college courses revival of studying the great works is needed.
over it. ... In an age so concerned with civil the classical But when the strategy for that return and
rights, we should not overlook the rights of
works of revival is interpreted as pounding through
as much excellent material as is possible—or
In this passage, Senior applies a sharp cri- Western impossible, in some cases—there’s a pendu-
tique against those educational models that lum swing into an opposite extreme of error.
launch into the deep waters of academia be- Civilization
fore their students are equipped to do so with is whether More or Less?
any efficiency, let alone enjoyment. They’re Less can be more, if done well, and “cover-all-
not hard to find: reading lists, curricula, and their the-bases” learning can very quickly become
AP courses that take on timeless works in less
time than they warrant in order to cover as
experience is the opposite of learning if done poorly. Again
from Senior: “At Princeton ... the students
much ground as possible. a slog or a joy. in the four-year college normally took five
Classical education, on the other hand, courses per year; the exceptionally bright
should never be about cramming. An in- ones were permitted to take four, on the
troduction to the great works at a young age grounds that for them it was really worth-
is one thing, but well-meaning classical in- while to go slow.” Though not keeping with
culcation is quite another. Classical educa- the current “fast-track” mentality, doesn’t
tion goes beyond curriculum. It also implies this notion ring true on a human level?
a traditional approach in education that’s Who actually reads “The Iliad,” “The Odys-
proportionate and appropriate to the age-old sey,” “The Oresteia,” and “The Aeneid,” as well
human realities of teaching and learning. as a little Sophocles, Plato,
Attempting to do too much in too short a and Dante on the side in the
time fails to take that proportion and that span of a few short weeks?
propriety into account. It’s a pedagogy that Or, if they do—unless they
conflates quantity with quality, which isn’t a are of remarkable intelli-
sound pedagogical principle simply because gence and discipline—who
it can’t help but do injustice to works—and is able to read them mean-
students—that deserve better. The rigors ingfully? These are works
required in flying through works of great to be meditated over, to be
length and substance can never be calcu- studied and savored–not
lated to provide a meaningful experience stuffed. They need space and
from studying those texts so hastily. time to proclaim themselves
and sink into the mind, es-
The Wrong Measuring Stick Reading a pecially upon first contact. Flying pell-mell
A large part of the current problem obtrud- great work through the best that has been thought and
ing into classical education is the prevalent is best said can be damaging and runs the terrible
desire, even pressure, to make education done at a risk of making the experience burdensome
a measurable quantity, with the mentality slow, com- or irksome to a young mind.
that more is better. One of the signs of this pace.
What lies in the balance of teaching the
in mainstream educational models is the classical works of Western Civilization is
exaggerated importance given to the arts of whether their experience is a slog or a joy.
mathematics over the arts of the muses. The Any undertaking that’s challenging and
prevalent emphasis laid on mathematics and hurried tends to be overbearing and un-
empirical sciences in many curricula is curi- pleasant. The great books are great because
ous, however, since there is no essential they are challenging and, in approaching
reason for its preference over more them, students must be given time to en-
philosophic or poetic disciplines— Classical counter and engage them: to enter into
subjects that call for meditation education their world, to learn their language, and
rather than mechanical problem should never to discover their secrets. Education that
solving, which is precisely the be about moves through a classical curriculum as
rub when the modern concern cramming. though it were crossing items off a list isn’t
for measurable goals is applied to allowing the curriculum to form and inform
the traditional humanities. students. Such overfilled, marathonic edu-
Is a school’s merit ever judged ac- cational programs are too aggressive—even
cording to its literature program instead abusive—for they make reading difficult
of its STEM program? Generally speaking, material simply difficult instead of diffi-
no—but why not? There are some soci- cult yet delightful, and rattle young learners
etal trends that dictate the preoccupation away from the love of learning.
with measurable and manipulative objec-
tives, given that many fortunes are earned Sean Fitzpatrick serves on the faculty
through engineering and technical fields. of Gregory the Great Academy, a boarding
several. Taking the time required to do some- Because of this, the precise and material school in Elmhurst, Pa., where he teaches
thing well is well worth it, and it’s the classical have overridden the imprecise and imma- humanities. His writings on education,
mode of education. terial in a battle that should be balanced in literature, and culture have appeared in a
education, with each side given the space number of journals, including Crisis Maga-
Quantity Versus Quality and time to settle into minds and imagina- zine, Catholic Exchange, and the Imagina-
As the late University of Kansas professor tions awakening to formation. tive Conservative.


The McKays also recommend we invent when young men are also awash in confu-
private ceremonies that celebrate this pas- sion about the meaning of manhood itself.
sage, occasions preceded by a time of train- Our culture frequently delivers contradic-
ing, increased responsibilities, and a bond- tory messages to them. On one hand, we
ing of father and son. These might range want them to display what were once con-
from an 18th birthday party of special rec- sidered feminine virtues: to become more
ognition to a father-and-son camping trip. If caring, more open with their emotions, and
the father is absent from the child’s life, they to be more tender and kind. Yet we also want
offer a number of alternative suggestions for them to be tough, to carry the weights given
“personal rites of passage,” such as joining them by duty and life without complaint,
the military or Peace Corps, taking a mission and to step up and defend others weaker
trip, or undertaking other endeavors to help than themselves.
with a transition to manhood. As a result, many men in their 20s and
When I was living in Asheville, I knew a even their 30s may not think of themselves
dad who devised a special manhood cer- as “real men.”
emony for each of his sons. He assembled We can change this situation. If we train up
their friends and their mentors, like coaches, our sons and grandsons to practice the vir-
teachers, pastors, or Scout leaders around a tues, to accept responsibility for their lives,
bonfire at his church, and there those who and to work hard, we are giving them the
had influenced his son’s life would speak compass and map that will help them find
in praise of his accomplishments and offer their way through a broken culture.
advice on the responsibilities and duties that For some who join the armed forces, military boot camp serves as a transition to manhood. Above, And if we then provide those same young
now awaited him as a man. I attended two of recruits run sprints during a U.S. Navy boot camp session in Great Lakes, Ill., on Oct. 24, 2018. men with some specific time and occasion
these ceremonies and spoke at one of them, when we declare them members of the
and both times the words of the older men his friend Mentor took the boy under his Major Plumley, played by Sam Elliott—two manhood tribe—a road trip, a festive and
and the shining, proud face of the young wing and instructed him, which is of course experienced warriors who provide the much meaningful party, a bonfire where they are
man deeply moved me. where we get the word “mentor.” younger men in their command with sage surrounded by mentors and male friends—
Again and again in movies, we see this advice and set an example in courage for they will leave home and enter the world
Others of the Tribe same phenomenon. “Secondhand Lions” them on the battlefield. knowing they are men.
Notice that in this celebration the father tells the story of two crusty old uncles who In the opening pages of “Meditations,” To act like men, our sons need to hear the
alone did not initiate his son into manhood. take in their nephew, Walter—who has no fa- Marcus Aurelius thanks his father and words, “Today, you are a man.”
He asked other adult male mentors to take ther and a negligent mother—and raise him grandfather for the life lessons they taught
part in this ceremony of transition. to be a man. In “Hoosiers,” a movie about a him, but also includes a number of other Jeff Minick has four children and a growing
In another article, “Why Fathers Shouldn’t small-town basketball team in Indiana that teachers and guides to whom he’s indebted platoon of grandchildren. For 20 years, he
Initiate Their Sons Into Manhood,” the McK- goes on to win the state championship, we for his training and education. Here is yet taught history, literature, and Latin to semi-
ays recommend this course of action. They meet newly arrived coach Norman Dale, another sterling example of the importance nars of homeschooling students in Ashe-
point out that throughout Western literature played by Gene Hackman, who drills the of other men in the life of a boy on his journey ville, N.C. He is the author of two novels,
and the films of the last century, men other team in fundamentals, disciplines them to manhood. “Amanda Bell” and “Dust on Their Wings,”
than their fathers acted as guides for young for misbehavior, and teaches them the val- and two works of non-fiction, “Learning as
males. They note, for example, the absent ue of hard work and team play. “We Were Making Men in Confusing Times I Go” and “Movies Make the Man.” Today,
Odysseus didn’t teach his son Telemachus Soldiers” gives us Lieutenant Colonel Hal The general absence of some ritual signaling he lives and writes in Front Royal, Va.
the meaning and ways of manhood. Instead, Moore, played by Mel Gibson, and Sergeant the beginning of manhood comes at a time See to follow his blog.
B6 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


Austin Hutton's diary from sixth grade.


(Left) Former teacher Hugh Brittain, 78. (Middle) Some pages from Austin Hutton’s diary, which dates back to sixth grade. (Right) Hutton with his youngest son, AJ.

Blast From the Past

After 33 years, man is reunited with his 6th-grade diary
LOUISE BEVAN grade, AJ, Hutton was curious to see wheth- “It’s like putting a puzzle together,”

er there were many similarities between his she told CBC.
retired Canadian teacher, who son’s life and the life of his sixth-grade self. Brittain, paying the postage fees him-
couldn’t bear to throw away “I was girl crazy,” Hutton recalled. “I don’t self, sent manila envelopes to destinations
unclaimed diaries from his know if [writing the diary] changed me, but across Canada, making the days of many
classes’ creative writing proj- it did give me a chance to see I’m still the of his former students.
ects in the 1980s, has tracked person I was then. Receiving his creative writing assignment
down many of his former students. “I still like my outdoors, I still think wom- from Brittain, a letter to his grown-up self,
With the help of social media, Hugh Brit- en are wonderful, but I love my wife.” former Havelock student Ted Dakin mar-
tain, 78, sent the time capsules, replete with Brittain had made a habit of keeping all veled at the “simpler life” of his childhood
preteen secrets, opinions, and ambitions, creative writing projects not collected by
I had no years. “Your biggest concerns were getting
back to their original owners. students at graduation. Staying true to his idea what I’d to school on time, going to baseball practice,
One of them was Austin Hutton, 45, who word that the diaries were private, he never lots of chaos among the kids,” he reflected.
now lives in Fort St. John, British Colum- once read them. Likewise, he never threw written, what In his letter, Dakin described his future
bia. Brittain was his sixth-grade teacher them out. mattered wedding in great detail and his future wife
at Havelock Elementary School in New A respected and admired teacher, Brit- as a “dirty blond with sparkling blue eyes.”
Brunswick. tain retired in 1995. He managed to return to me back Dakin admitted this description had been
Receiving his diary back from Brittain in a number of diaries at a school reunion, based upon a girl in his class at the time.
the mail, according to Hutton, was both reports KCTV5, but was left with 26. then. It was Dakin plans to stop by and see his former
exciting and emotional. The school was closed and demolished like getting teacher on his next visit home. “I’m blown
“I had no idea what I’d written, what mat- in 2016. away that he would keep these all these
tered to me back then,” Hutton, who wrote In early 2021, the retired teacher decided a window years,” he said.
his diary back in 1988, told CBC. “It was to try again. Though not very social media Likewise, for Hutton, Brittain’s impulse
like getting a window on your childhood.” savvy, by his own admission, he posted a
on your to keep and eventually return the diaries
His diary, which bore a stark warning on shout-out on a Beaconsfield School Days childhood. was as moving as the diary itself.
the front cover with green ink—“My diary. Facebook page, sharing photos of the dia- “I get goosebumpy thinking how he held
Top secret. Keep out!”—contained fascinat- ries in their sealed, named manila enve- Austin Hutton onto them all these years, looked us up
ing snapshots of life. Hutton was mowing lopes, representing his classes of 1978, ’82, across the country, and sent them out,” he
lawns and saving his hard-earned dollars ’83, and ’88. said. “The joy and the love that he put into
to buy a bicycle. He even documented an Among many delighted responses, the this ... the kindness. It’s just unbelievable.”
early crush, writing a girl’s phone number friend of a former Havelock student reached
between the pages of the memoir. out. Cher Raynes of Saskatchewan turned Share your stories with us at emg.
The diary also reminded Hutton of a self- detective, contacting former students, their, and get
given nickname: “Honky Tonk Hutton,” friends, and their relatives, amassing email your daily dose of inspiration by signing
reports Alaska Highway News. addresses for a nationwide trail of Havelock up for the Epoch Inspired newsletter
Now a father of four with a son in sixth graduates. at

tually made their way to the United States.

DEAR NEXT GENERATION The point I’m trying to make is for all of
us—no matter how young or old we are,

Be Curious, Get to Know People

or where we come from—to get to know
people on a personal level. Be curious, ask
questions to understand viewpoints, lis-
ten, and agree to disagree. Every person is
unique and every person has a story.
« Advice from our readers was an international ship in the port just our entire class signed up for a library One organization I worked for encour-
by observing shoppers and listening to card that day. Anyway, I would visit my aged employees during in-house training
to our young people them talk in a different language. Our library several times a week. I checked to sit with people from other departments
parents raised my sister and me to be out books on different topics—geography, to get to know them as well as the chal-
Dear next generation, tolerant of other people (culture, race, psychology, history, etc. lenges they faced in their role at work.
religion, etc.), and school and church re- Talking about naval ships in the port, Every once in a while, I still think about
Born in 1957, and raised in a divided Ger- iterated that as well. I remember an evening with friends the two British sailors. Not too long after
many, I was fortunate to have lived in West At an early age, I became interested in downtown when we met a couple of we met in my hometown, their ship was
Germany where the historic processing of other countries and cultures, and soaked sailors from the British Royal Navy. Our part of the fleet deployed to the Falkland
what had happened under the Nazi regime up everything that was “different” and group soon expanded to also include an Islands during the brief war. I often wonder
was part of my high school curriculum. We new. Together with family and friends, American soldier who was stationed in if they ever made it home.
were taught about the war, what led up to I took trips to other European countries my hometown. We spent hours talking
it, and the atrocities that were commit- as well as to the former Soviet Union and about our countries, sharing what life —Sigrid Alexander, Colorado
ted. One of the things I remember vividly a couple of Asian countries. This was, of was like for us on a daily basis, and so
to this day were the films taken by Allied course, prior to cellphones and social much more.
soldiers during the liberation of the con- media; and I still cherish those personal During my work life, I met so many dif- What advice would you like to
centration camps. We were shown this experiences. ferent people from other backgrounds give to the younger generations?
original footage in school. and countries. One former colleague was
We call on all of our readers to share the
During a couple of trips to other Euro- one of the Vietnamese boat people; his timeless values that define right and
pean countries as a teenager, I ran into parents had fled an oppressive Vietnam wrong, and pass the torch, if you will,
people who wanted nothing to do with and made a new life for themselves in
me because I was German. While I rec-
Every person is unique and a free country. One lady I worked with
through your wisdom and hard-earned
experience. We feel that the passing down
ognized as a teenager the inhumaneness every person has a story. together with her family had fled the for- of this wisdom has diminished over time,
of what the Nazis had engaged in, it took mer Yugoslavia after the collapse of the and that only with a strong moral founda-
me many years and conversations with Soviet Union. tion can future generations thrive.
my American husband to come to grips I got my library card when I was in sixth During a trip here in the United States,
Send your advice, along with your full name,
with my homeland’s history and not feel grade. One of our teachers had arranged my husband and I met an older woman
state, and contact information to NextGen-
ashamed of being German. with the head of a nearby library for a who, growing up in Poland, watched with or mail it to:
I grew up in a seaport where interna- “training session” on how to access the her family, from a forest, while Nazi sol-
tional merchant and naval ships docked catalog with index cards and where to diers burned down their small village. She Next Generation, The Epoch Times, 229
on a regular basis. You always knew there find individual books on the shelf. I think and her family hid in the woods and even- W. 28th St., Floor 7, New York, NY 10001
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021   B7


(Left) Inside the newly restored Royal Chapel at the Château de Versailles on
April 20, 2021. The restoration started in Autumn 2017. (Top right) The newly
restored Royal Chapel at Versailles. The chapel is taller than the surrounding
buildings to highlight the importance of the church and the divine rule of the king.
Indeed, the gold-trimmed roof shimmers as if it were the crown of Versailles and
of France. (Above right) The Royal Chapel before its three-year restoration.


The Royal Chapel at Château de Versailles:

A Divine Beacon Fit for a Sun King

A renewed sense of grandeur has returned ing palace buildings, reminding everyone chitecture. And touches of gold leaf highlight
to the Royal Chapel at Versailles, after a that the divine rules even the king. the ornate leadwork on the chapel roof.
three-year restoration project. The main walls, ornamented with Corin- Sunlight pours into the chapel through
In the 17th century, the Sun King, Louis thian pilasters (architectural façade features large Gothic-style windows that are a com-
XIV, personally directed the creation of this that give the appearance of columns), form bination of clear and stained glass.
grand chapel. In doing so, he established a the body of the building and support the Inside the chapel, the soft vertical lines of
conduit between the heavens, the French upper level, which is lined by a balustrade the arches and columns gently allure the eye,
monarchy, and hence the people of France and 30 statues. Sixteen different sculptors leading one’s attention from the chapel floor
for generations to come. carved these statues, depicting Christian through the mid-level columns, before settling
In 1687, the king’s architect Jules Hardou- figures or allegories of Christian virtues— on the spectacular vaulted ceiling covered
in-Mansart began work on the chapel, and all to inspire man. with paintings portraying the Holy Trinity.
after he died, the building was completed Behind the statues, Gothic-style buttresses,
in 1710 by his brother-in-law, the architect topped with eternal torches, arch upward to To find out more about the restoration
Robert de Cotte. the heavens. The buttresses support the steep, of the Royal Chapel at the Château de
The chapel stands taller than the surround- hipped slate roof typically seen in French ar- Versailles, visit

The south side of the restored chapel. Eternal

torches can be seen at the top, and beneath
them are statues depicting Christian figures
and allegories of Christian virtues.


1. A stone carver restores the stonework

to its former glory.
2. Craftsmen gilded the ornate leadwork
back to its original state.
3. An artist attentively gilds the lead sculptures
as part of the Royal Chapel restoration project.
4. A detail of one of the elegant stained
glass windows, surrounded by splendid
golden frescoes.
5. The dove representing the Holy Trinity
and the golden fleur-de-lis of the French
monarchy are some of the rich motifs seen
throughout the stained glass windows of the
Royal Chapel as a reminder that the right to
rule is a gift bestowed by God. Colonnades of Corinthian columns stretch up to the incredible painted ceiling that portrays the Holy Trinity. In the
6. A detail of the ornate gilding inside center is “God the Father in His Glory” by Antoine Coypel, in the apse is “The Resurrection” by Charles de La Fosse,
the Royal Chapel. and above the Royal Gallery is “The Descent of the Holy Ghost” by Jean Jouvenet.
B8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


The True Victory of Holy Devotion

‘The Martyrdom of St. Denis’ PUBLIC DOMAIN


came across a painting by the 19-cen-
tury French academic painter Léon
Bonnat titled “The Martyrdom of St.
Denis.” At my first glance, this paint-
ing was a gruesome representation of
a beheading. As I looked longer, however,
I became morally inspired.

Who Was Saint Denis?

As legend has it, Saint Denis (Dionysius)
was converted to Christianity under the
Apostle Paul. After Paul’s death, Pope
Clement I sent Dionysius with several other
bishops to Gaul to convert pagans to Chris-
tianity. However, the bishops were arrested
in France by the Roman emperor, who was
set on persecuting Christians.
Soldiers were instructed to take the
captured bishops and behead them on
the slopes of Montmartre. The soldiers
followed the orders and decapitated the
prisoners in their custody.

The angel carries a

palm branch and laurel
crown, which represent
Saint Denis’s victory
over death.

When they got to Dionysius, however,

his faith was so great and so deep that he
stayed alive after he was beheaded. Dio-
nysius picked up his severed head, which
continued to recite psalms, and walked for “The Martyrdom
two miles to his final resting place. of Saint Denis,”
circa 1880, by Léon
‘The Martyrdom of St. Denis’ Bonnat. Panthéon,
Paris, France.
Saint Denis is shown in the middle of the
lower half of the composition. He has just
been beheaded. But instead of lying on the head separated from his body suggests As the legend says, even after decapi- In reciting the psalms, he is genuinely fo-
ground lifeless, he bends over to pick his that the things his head represents are also tation Saint Denis’s head recited divine cused on God, and death doesn’t concern
head up from the ground. A halo surrounds separated from his body. words. His devotion completely influenced him. He is unafraid of death, and this fearless-
his head, and light shines where his head What, then, does the body represent? The his consciousness, wisdom, ego, intelli- ness in God is what brings him true victory.
used to be. body is often associated with carnal desires gence, rationality, and so on. He was so The result of Saint Denis’s holy devotion
The executioner is shown to the right of and pleasures. The mind tries to control the committed to holiness while alive that his astonishes his executioner. How might we
Saint Denis. He has dropped his bloodied body, but often the body distracts the mind. dedication continued after his head was use our faith to astonish those who wish
ax and leans back in surprise. Another fig- Is it the case that this depiction of Saint separated from his body. us harm?
ure behind Saint Denis throws his hands Denis may provide us with the moral lesson Interestingly enough, his dedication to
up in disbelief. that the mind must separate itself from the the holy life also seems to influence his The traditional arts often contain spiritual
The executioner has had a busy day: On carnal distractions of the body? Is this what body. Bonnat depicts the moment that representations and symbols the mean-
the bloodied steps lie two decapitated bod- is necessary to lead a holy life? Saint Denis’s body reaches down to pick ings of which can be lost to our modern
ies at the right and left edges of the com- Let’s take a closer look at the head itself. up his head. A light shines where his head minds. In our series “Reaching Within:
position. A second decapitated head, at There are two decapitated heads: Saint- once was. How does his body know where What Traditional Art Offers the Heart,”
the bottom right of the design, has a halo Denis’s and another’s at the bottom right. his head is? we interpret visual arts in ways that may
around it, suggesting that it most likely be- The head at the bottom right is grayer in Is it his devotion to the divine that har- be morally insightful for us today. We do
longed to one of the bishops. color, making it look more lifeless, and it monizes and somehow connects his body not assume to provide absolute answers to
An angel coming down on a cloud can has a thin halo. In contrast, Saint-Denis’s and mind, the two things that, above, we questions generations have wrestled with,
be seen at the top right. The angel carries head has more color and even looks at his suggest are separate? And does the light but hope that our questions will inspire
a palm branch and laurel crown, which body, and the halo around his head is com- that shines where his head used to be rep- a reflective journey toward our becom-
represent Saint Denis’s victory over death. pletely filled with golden light. resent his devotion? Does this light guide ing more authentic, compassionate, and
The fullness of the halo likely represents his spirit, his soul? courageous human beings.
The True Victory of Holy Devotion a greater dedication to the holy life; other- Is it this type of devotion that brings true
First, I find it necessary to ask, What does wise, why paint the two halos and heads victory, represented by the angel? Saint De- Eric Bess is a practicing representational
the head represent? The head can represent differently? If this is the case, then a greater nis could have fought back, argued, and artist and is a doctoral candidate at the
consciousness, wisdom, ego, intelligence, commitment to the holy life provides life pleaded for his life. None of these would Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual
rationality, and so on. Having the saint’s where there would otherwise be death. have guaranteed him success. Arts (IDSVA).


The Last Bard: G.K. Chesterton

KENNETH LAFAVE is today less known than his fiction or his ment, to see all ages in a sort of splendid
journalism, and yet it is his poems, and in foreshortening. …[I]t telescopes history.”
A “bard,” goes the standard definition, is a Chesterton’s particular the bardic epics, that speak most The importance of Chesterton as bard
“declaimer of heroic or epic verse.” Once a boldly to us today. The shorter poems ad- is precisely this: that he links the modern
tradition in every culture (think Homer),
poetry is today dress a variety of subjects, from the nature world to the Christendom that preceded
the bard has all but disappeared. The last less known of the devil (“The Aristocrat”) to the mean- it. He will not let the past go, because he
to write in English was a rotund, bespec- ing of vanity (“Ecclesiastes”) to the modesty knows that the present is its issue. “Honor
tacled Londoner, widely known in his time than his of Jesus’s birth (“A Christmas Carol”). thy father and thy mother” is for him a cul-
and deserving of greater recognition today. fiction or his The language is clear and direct, though tural admonition as well as a filial one.
G.K. Chesterton (1874–1936) enjoyed it sometimes surprises. For example, “Ec-
a fabled career in journalism. It was for journalism, clesiastes” concludes with: “One thing is The Magic of Being Unforgettable
witty and incisive columns in the Illus- needful everything/ The rest is vanity of “The Ballad of the White Horse” was Chester-
trated London News that he was primarily and yet it is his vanities.” Thus in 11 words, Chesterton ton’s bardic masterpiece, nearly 2,700 lines of
known, along with some fiction, in par- poems, and in summarizes the Old Testament preacher verse arranged in 4- to 6-line rhyming stan-
ticular the Father Brown detective stories. with a philosophical insight that suggests zas, recounting the battle fought by King
Along the way, Chesterton also managed to particular the Parmenides. Alfred the Great against Danish invaders.
pen several volumes of Catholic apologet- By contrast, the longer bardic poems, es- Novelist and screenwriter Graham Greene
ics, including an urgent plea for religious
bardic epics, pecially “The Ballad of the White Horse” (“The Third Man”) compared it favorably to
conservatism in his book-length essay, that speak and “Lepanto,” demand a sacrifice of lei- T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land,” and it moved
“Orthodoxy,” and perhaps the finest lay sure, the willingness to exchange one’s even the anti-Catholic journalist Christo-
consideration of Saint Thomas Aquinas most boldly to need to understand for a mighty view of pher Hitchens to recognize Chesterton’s
ever written in English. us today. history. A bard sings that strand of tradi- “magic faculty of being unforgettable.”
tion known as legend. “It is the chief value The shorter, more circumspect “Lepanto”
Insights and Legends of legend,” Chesterton wrote, “to mix up seems almost written for our current con-
He also wrote verse. Chesterton’s poetry the centuries while preserving the senti- dition. Its subject is the 1571 naval battle
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 B9


Audrey Hepburn’s Oscar-Winning Fashion:

‘Roman Holiday’ and ‘Sabrina’
TIFFANY BRANNAN fected. However, after her death, Givenchy complete with a short but still feminine
clarified that he created the famous black haircut. At the film’s beginning, Sabrina
Some stars had such timeless styles that cocktail dress. Fairchild wears simple clothes and a po-
their iconic looks have endured decades nytail, as a chauffeur’s (John Williams)
after their death. One such star is Audrey At the Oscars daughter.
Hepburn, whose admired and imitated “Roman Holiday” competed at the 1954 However, she comes back from cook-
style began on the silver screen. Academy Awards ceremony, which was ing school in Paris with not only recipes
Hepburn’s first two American films were the second time the Oscars were nation- but also a glamorous new look, including
“Roman Holiday” (1953) and “Sabrina” ally televised. Gene Tierney presented the Givenchy’s three designs. When she re-
(1954). These movies were successful on awards for Best Costume Design. Instead turns from Paris, she is wearing a dark gray
all levels, becoming box office hits, earning of just listing the nominees, that category suit with a pencil skirt, a white turban hat,
Audrey Hepburn with her 1954 Oscar for critics’ acclaim, and garnering recogni- was presented as a mini fashion show to and her signature kitten heels. The French
Best Actress in “Roman Holiday.” tion at major awards ceremonies. “Roman the strains of Jerome Kern’s “Lovely to poodle is an optional accessory!
Holiday” was nominated for ten Academy Look At.” A different up-and-coming ac- When the man she secretly loves, David
Awards, including Best Picture, and it won tress, including the then-unknown Kim Larrabee (William Holden), invites her to
three. One of its wins was Best Actress for Novak, modeled a dress from each of the his parents’ party, she wears a stunning
newcomer Audrey. nominated films. white strapless gown with a train like a
“Sabrina” was nominated for six Oscars, This charming idea was not repeated peacock’s tail.
including a second Best Actress nod for the next year, when Bob Hope and Jane The most popular style from this film
Audrey Hepburn, and it won one award. Wyman presented the Black-and-White was the black cocktail dress Sabrina wears
For both films, the Academy recognized award from Hollywood and Nina Foch when going out with Linus Larrabee (Hum-
not only Miss Hepburn’s great acting talent announced the Color award in New York. phrey Bogart), David’s older brother. It has
but also her influential, unique style. Both At both ceremonies, Edith Head strode up a full skirt and a fitted, sleeveless bodice;
films won Best Costume Design, Black- to the stage in her ballgown and signature she wears it with a crown-like cap and
and-White, which was an obvious tribute blue-tinted glasses, which enabled cos- black shoes. This dress’s high neckline
to Audrey’s gowns. tumers to discern how colors would look became so iconic that the style was called
in black-and-white. a Sabrina neckline after this film.
Fashion at the Oscars Full-figured actresses were popular in the
The Best Costume Design category was 1950s, but petite starlet Audrey Hepburn
created in 1948, 20 years into the Acad- demonstrated that the feminine fashions
emy Awards’ existence. It was originally of the era were flattering on slender forms,
divided into two subcategories: Color Films Refreshingly, fashions too. Most importantly, 1950s styles comple-
American costume designer Edith Head (R)
and Black-and-White Films. The award from the late 1930s mented the female form without exploiting
was reduced to one category in 1957 and it. Full skirts and wide belts accentuated a
holds her Oscar as actor Marla English models 1958 before being split again for the next through the mid-1950s feminine figure without being revealing.
the ballgown that Head designed for Audrey several years, combining for good in 1967. Refreshingly, fashions from the late 1930s
Hepburn to wear in “Roman Holiday.”
When these two Paramount productions
focused on modest and through the mid-1950s focused on modest
PUBLIC DOMAIN won Best Costume Design, they were in traditional beauty, which and traditional beauty, which was attrac-
the black-and-white subcategory of the still tive while remaining wholesome.
separated award. was attractive while
Period pieces often win Oscars for Best remaining wholesome. ‘Seal of Approval’ Glamour
Costume Design because their historical American films released during 1934–
settings provide the opportunity for elabo- 1954, when the Motion Picture Produc-
rate and unusual attire. However, when the The Costumes tion Code operated, ensured that all films
Best Costume Design awards were sepa- In films with current settings, Costume were acceptable for everyone, and one of
rated into two categories based on color Design awards were usually based on the standards was for decent costumes.
versus black-and-white, costumes from women’s fashion, since male costumes Outfits from movies with a Production
films with modern settings could better rarely deviated from standard suits. Code Administration Seal of Approval
compete. In “Roman Holiday,” Audrey Hepburn were guaranteed to be decent as well as
Since Technicolor film was still more ex- wears six outfits plus a nightgown, robe, glamorous.
pensive in the 1950s, studios often opted and oversized pajamas. However, three No one is a better example of modesty’s
to save it for lavish musicals and dramatic outfits are seen only for a few seconds dur- attractiveness than Audrey Hepburn. She
historical pieces, in which vibrant colors ing the opening montage of Princess Ann’s never wore low necklines, yet she is consid-
would be more effective. Thus, most con- European travels. Her most memorable ered one of the most beautiful, fashionable
temporary stories were filmed in black- costume is a ballgown that she wears at women of all time. Instead, elegant styles
and-white and dominated that subcategory the embassy, looking very royal indeed. complemented her lithe figure.
of the Best Costume Design award. She wears a lovely white ensemble in the Beautiful, modest costumes are just one
Edith Head was credited as the costume final scene. of the reasons why Code films are so uplift-
Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in 1953’s
“Roman Holiday.” Hepburn is in the simple outfit designer for both “Roman Holiday” and Surprisingly, she wears her simplest outfit ing and inspiring. However, their contribu-
that she wears three different ways in the film. “Sabrina.” However, it has since been for most of the film but styles it in different tion was more than aesthetic. By highlight-
revealed that she doesn’t deserve all the ways. It comprises a long-sleeved white ing traditional femininity and masculinity,
PUBLIC DOMAIN credit for Audrey Hepburn’s costumes in blouse with a tie at the neck and a full skirt costumes from the Joseph Breen Era of
“Sabrina.” with a wide belt. When exploring Rome Hollywood added to the positive depic-
Hubert de Givenchy, who became Hep- the next day, she cuffs up the sleeves to tion of traditional societal, romantic, and
burn’s personal designer and friend, cre- her elbows and doffs the white tie, leav- marital roles, which are so endearing in
ated her three most iconic outfits in this ing the collar open. She eventually cuffs these movies. Here’s to “sealed” glamour!
movie. She visited his Parisian atelier be- the sleeves up to her shoulders and adds
fore filming began. When young Givenchy a colorful neck scarf. She also trades her Tiffany Brannan is a 19-year-old opera
heard that Miss Hepburn was coming to formal black shoes for Roman sandals. Add singer, Hollywood history/vintage beau-
see him, he assumed it was Katharine Hep- the famous pixie cut that she gets at the be- ty copywriter, travel writer, film blogger,
burn. Although he was too busy to design ginning of her day in Rome, and you have and ballet writer. In 2016, she and her
original costumes for the then-unknown the perfect ensemble for a Roman holiday sister founded the Pure Entertainment
Audrey, she chose three items from his new à la Audrey Hepburn! Preservation Society, an organization
collection for the film. In “Sabrina,” Audrey’s char- dedicated to reforming the arts by rein-
Audrey Hepburn as the princess in her most Miss Head later said that Givenchy con- acter again undergoes an ap- stating the Motion Picture Produc-
royal costume of “Roman Holiday.” tributed some design ideas, which she per- pearance transformation, tion Code.
For more
arts and culture
articles, visit

in their palaces. Chesterton introduces with a wreath.)

him with a riot of color and sound: And he sees across a
weary land a straggling
“Torchlight crimson on the copper kettle- road in Spain,
drums, Up which a lean and foolish knight for-
Then the tuckets, then the trumpets, then ever rides in vain,
the cannon, and he comes. And he smiles, but not as Sultans smile,
Don John laughing in the brave beard and settles back the blade....
curled, (But Don John of Austria rides home from
Spurning of his stirrups like the thrones the Crusade.)”
of all the world,
Holding his head up for a flag of all the The “lean and foolish knight” is Don John
free.” transformed into Don Quixote. The West
may wane, yet it lives on in the story of
Victory and Loss … and Victory its struggle, even when disguised as the
While the poem, like the battle, concludes bardic satire of tilting at windmills. While
in victory, there is an underlying sense of the story lives, the West owns a heartbeat.
loss. The majority of Christian leaders have The only remaining threat would be the
not even bothered to fight, as if they are in- erasure of that story, via the banning of
different to what belief they serve, provided books, the toppling of statues, and the cen-
their wealth goes untouched. The West may sorship of ideas.
have repelled an invader, but the fabric of And surely, no one would do that.
its culture is unraveling. And then … hope
appears in the most unlikely form. It is an Former music critic for the Arizona Re-
oddity of history that Miguel de Cervantes public and The Kansas City Star, Kenneth
off the coast of Greece that saw a Turkish G.K. Chesteron fought in the battle of Lepanto. Chesterton LaFave recently earned a doctorate in
fleet defeated by a tactically inferior force at work at Crisis gives him the last verse: philosophy, art, and critical thought from
of Spaniards, Genoese, and Venetians. Magazine. the European Graduate School. He is the
The hero, minor nobleman Don John of “Cervantes on his galley sets the sword author of three books, including “Expe-
Austria, comes forward to lead the battle back in the sheath riencing Film Music” (2017, Rowman &
when kings and queens choose to stay safe (Don John of Austria rides homeward Littlefield). 
B10 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

Moving Forward: 7 Tips for Parents

A simple, old-fashioned summer provides
an opportunity to detox from too much
screen time and the pressures of a less
than ideal learning environment.

Out of Hibernation Be Kind to Yourself

Speaking of pressure, you may be surprised
also leave you with a deeper
sense of gratitude, or a
sion in your heart. Everyone
has been through this
after all this time, how challenging social- need to reignite your in their own way and
BARBARA DANZA izing and a more hectic day-to-day life seem sense of gratitude. will have different
to be after “staying home” so much. Just Journaling about understandings
As states lift emergency restrictions put like atrophied muscles need to be gradually the things you’re about the best
in place over a year ago, and we begin to worked back to full strength, so too do your grateful for each way to move
emerge from this hibernation and get back socializing muscles need time to get back in morning or just forward, dif-
to “normal,” we may want to recognize that shape. So, have patience with yourself, give before you go ferent outlooks
a period of transition, for ourselves and our yourself grace, and take baby steps back to to bed can have on what the
family members, may be needed. Here are being the social butterfly you once were. a surprisingly future holds,
some ideas that may be helpful for parents positive impact and different
to consider. Take Lessons With You on your outlook senses of fear
There are certainly lessons to be gleaned on life. and hope. Think
Take Your Time from what we’ve all been through. Take twice before you
It’s just about summertime. Take advantage time to process what they are for you and Refresh Life pass judgment on
of the opportune timing by embracing a take them with you into the future. Per- Any time life takes a others and do your
simple, old-fashioned summer complete haps your priorities in life have become turn, it’s an opportunity best to be the kind per-
with cookouts, running through the sprin- clearer to you, or your career aspirations to view it as a refresh. See MO
MA _
son you want others to be.
C T I O N /S H U T T E
kler, time at the pool or beach, trips to the have changed, or you’ve been thinking this new chapter as a fresh start.
library, copious amounts of ice cream, about where you should raise your family. When you make a fresh start, you usually Seize the Day
backyard campouts, and whatever else Maybe your understanding of your chil- want to keep what’s good, clear out what’s Finally, recognize how precious the time
makes summer a joy to you and your family. dren’s educational needs has improved. not, and step off on the right foot. Let go of you have is and seize the day. Make the
Allow your kids time to detox from what Challenging times like these can provide whatever weighs you down and enjoy life best of your children’s childhood, your
was likely way too much time in front of valuable lessons you’ll want to reflect on refreshed. time together as a family, and the oppor-
computer screens this school year and the and take with you. tunity to do what you’ve always felt com-
pressures of masks, fear, isolation, and a Reconsider Judgment pelled to do. Make the most of each day.
learning environment that may not have Practice Gratitude As the world intermingles more and more, Aim for the highest possible vision you
been ideal. The perspective gained after this time may maintain empathy for others and compas- can conjure.


Teen, 16, Goes Into Tree-Tapping Business,

Gets Own Brand of Maple Syrup in 100 Stores
LOUISE BEVAN initially skeptical, claiming, “You can go the small hours, often staying in the sugar
to Walmart and buy a gallon of Mrs. But- shed until 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning on a
An entrepreneurial teen with a soft spot for terworth’s for seven bucks,” but he came school night. “This is what I want to do for the
maple syrup is inspiring others by running around when his son branched off on his rest of my career,” he said. “I don’t even eat
a thriving company at the age of 16. own solo venture, which soon turned into breakfast in the morning—get up and go.”
High school junior Will Wanish started a fruitful business model. From Milwaukee to the Twin Cities of
out tapping maple trees in his own back- Will’s taps siphon maple sap into 300-gal- Minnesota, Will’s syrup and related prod-
yard in Colfax, Wisconsin. In 2019, he used lon tanks, where the 100 percent pure syrup ucts have earned themselves spots on the
money earned working at a neighbor’s dairy is heated, collected, and bottled after school shelves of 100 grocery stores with the help
farm to build his first steel sugar shed. hours. Todd and Heather, Will’s parents, of Heather’s amazing marketing skills. Will Wanish got started tapping trees in his
Securing a microloan from a regional joke that they are the “unpaid interns.” The Wanish Sugar Bush also sells stock own backyard.
business fund, he furnished the shed with teen’s grandfather also lends a hand; friends through its website.
$30,000 worth of specialized equipment, and neighbors pitch in when production For the ambitious teen, the only way is “We are excited for this adventure,” said
allowing him to collect sap from around gets busy. up. Will, who is keen to work on his wood Todd and Heather, both of whom look for-
3,000 taps on 1,000 trees on land owned by “No, he’s not your normal 16-year-old,” management and stay on top of advances ward to many seasons of making, bottling,
his grandparents and neighbors. local dairy farmer Dane Suvada said. in tapping technology, is aiming for 20,000 and selling the fruits of their son’s hard labor.
This is how his company, Wanish Sugar Describing her son as “full speed all day,” maple taps within 15 years.
Bush, was born. “This is all I think about,” Heather recalled Will never taking naps, “I want to become more known and have Share your stories with us at
Will told Kare 11. even as a young boy. Todd added, “The blan- it become as big as possible,” he told The, and get your
It was Will’s uncle who first ignited his kets would fly off the bed and the feet were Chippewa Herald. “People will tell you that daily dose of inspiration by signing up for
nephew’s passion for maple syrup in 2017, spinning before they even hit the ground.” you work too much, but you need to start the Epoch Inspired newsletter at TheEp-
tending 800 trees. Will’s father, Todd, was Today, Will thinks nothing of working into young.”


91-Year-Old A Job, a Fresh Start—and Hope

Police Officer A Texas community pulls through for a man who
was homeless for four years
Inspires LOUISE BEVAN for close to five months—until he got an
Arkansas A Texas community came through for a
idea and asked Hodges for a job. When one
became available, she didn’t hesitate.
Community homeless man in need after a social media
post shared his story.
Since early March, Smith has been busing
tables six days a week.
Kenneth Smith went from sitting outside It’s a chance, he said, to change his life for
JENNI JULANDER an Outback Steakhouse to busing tables the better. “This is a whole new beginning
for the same restaurant—but most impor- that God has blessed me with,” he told ABC,
A 91-year-old Arkansas police officer tantly, he found hope. “so I’m trying to get on this right good track
is inspiring those around him with his It all started with a gift card. that He wants me to stay on.”
upbeat work ethic and attitude of loving A concerned customer saw Smith dozing Knowing Smith’s need to be still greater,
others. in a chair outside the eatery, approached Hodges took to social media and posted
After having served in law enforce- him, and asked if he was OK. Smith admit- on the Fort Worth Foodies Facebook page,
ment for nearly five decades, police ted he wasn’t. querying about affordable lodging.
officer L.C. “Buckshot” Smith plans to Smith turns 92 this month. “I’ve been homeless for a good four years,” “I’ve recently employed a homeless gen-
keep on working. he later told NBC. He’d been left wondering, tleman,” she posted. “He is wonderful and
Despite his age, Buckshot is still on duty when someone says I know everybody, “How am I going to get a meal? Who am I works very hard ... He is just trying to get a
with the Camden Police Department, in Buckshot knows everybody.” going to turn to? Who can I ask?” fresh start.”
the city where he was born and raised, Buckshot, who turns 92 this month, at- The sympathetic customer handed him a Netizens responded and surpassed her
reported THV-11 News. tributes his health and longevity to stay- $100 gift card for the restaurant. expectations, donating cash, a bicycle, and
Buckshot told the TV station that when ing active and eating well. Thus, swapping his chair outside for a clothes for Smith. They even paid for six
people ask him when he is going to re- “I eat a lot of vegetables,” he said. “I don’t booth inside, Smith got to chatting with the weeks at an extended-stay hotel close to
tire, he tells them, “When the good Lord eat too much fast food.” venue’s partner, Laura Hodges, a mother of the steakhouse, along with groceries and
says so.” Buckshot’s work ethic is also an inspira- three, who was moved by his story. She said kitchen supplies.
After 46 years with the Ouachita County tion to the other police officers, particu- she didn’t want him to go hungry. “All they wanted to do was throw assis-
Sheriff’s Office, Buckshot retired. Howev- larly the young recruits at the Camden Hodges gave him continued sustenance tance out there and resources in any way
er, it didn’t last long, as four months later, Police Department. COURTESY OF LAURA HODGES that they possibly could,” Hodges said. “I’m
he was back at work to join the Camden “This gun and this badge don’t make blown away by the generosity of people. It’s
police, the report stated. a police officer. You got to want to do it,” absolutely amazing.”
“I feel like, I live longer at my age to keep Buckshot told THV-11 News. Smith’s new job has since sparked a
on working,” Buckshot told the outlet. According to the report, Lt. Jamario dream: He hopes to run his own food ser-
The elderly hero isn’t only motivated to Bush, who has been with the Camden vice one day. For now, though, he is saving
work to stay active. Rather, he says it is his Police Department for eight years, him- for a car and, eventually, a home.
passion to serve people. self “looks up to” Buckshot. “I sometimes walk out them doors and
“I love people. I love to help people,” Bush said Buckshot actively talks to the glance at the chairs,” said Smith. “I be like,
he said. new recruits, giving them a “life lesson ‘Man, I used to sit in those chairs.’
The nonagenarian officer is a bit of a on how to get into police work and how “God is good. If He can do it for me, He
community grandfather, the kind of to stay in police work.” can do it for anybody else.”
man who knows everyone, and every-
one knows him. Share your stories with us at emg. Share your stories with us at
Mike Sherman, a Camden resident and, and get, and continue to
a good friend of Buckshot, according your daily dose of inspiration by signing get your daily dose of inspiration by sign-
to THV-11 News, said: “The thing with up for the Epoch Inspired newsletter at ing up for the Epoch Inspired newsletter at
Buckshot is he’s been around so long, Kenneth Smith.

Week in
Sunshine WHAT
by Thomas Hall Shastid
Thou dancing sunbeams through the happy day
Dost cheer me on my onward path through life,
You show to me more clear my stumbling way
And lighter make my almost ceaseless strife.
Thou art to me a greater friend indeed, n May 20, 1862, President Abraham
Than others I have loved up to this hour;—
They are oft but a wildly growing weed— HITS THE Lincoln signed the Homestead Act into law.
This consequential legislation led to the
But thou art like a shining summer flow’r.
The world could not exist if not for thee,
The Ice-King would possession then obtain;
expansion of the American West and allowed
all citizens, including former slaves, women, and
The light and beauty from all things would flee, immigrants, to become landowners. Under this
And naught but lasting, dark’ning chaos reighn. Act, Americans were granted 160-acre plots of
But now we have the cheerful, glittering light TORYCHEMISTRY/SHUTTERSTOCK
land for a very small fee.
That keeps the universe alive and bright. Lincoln explained the purpose of the
Homestead Act in a speech on July 4, 1861,
saying it was “to elevate the condition of men,
to lift artificial burdens from all shoulders and
to give everyone an unfettered start and a fair
Conversation chance in the race of life.”

about the
weather A family

is the last
poses with
their wagon
refuge of the in Loup Val-
ley, Neb., on
unimaginative. their way to
their new
OSCAR WILDE (1854–1900), homestead,
IRISH WRITER in this file

By Aidan Danza, age 14



HIGH CLOUDS (45,000–16,500 feet)
Cirrus clouds are very high clouds that are thin Cirrostratus are also thin and wispy, but in a Cirrocumulus clouds cover most of the sky and
and wispy. When they are scattered about the different way. While cirrus clouds are often are usually patchy. They look like small grains or
ho needs sky, they signal good weather, but when there are separated from each other, cirrostratus clouds ripples. These clouds mean fair weather in most
a modern, weather more of them, this denotes that warmer, stickier often blanket the sky. Often, they indicate that of the world, but in the tropics, they signal an
app when you can weather is coming. rain or snow will come between 12 and 24 hours. approaching hurricane.
just peek at the
sky to predict the MIDDLE CLOUDS (20,000–6,500 feet)
in the clouds. Altocumulus clouds are whiteish to gray in color Altostratus clouds are grayish-blue clouds that Nimbostratus clouds are dark gray clouds that
and dot the sky. One part of the cloud is often cover the whole sky with no gaps. The sunlight are very thick and cover the whole sky. Usually,
darker than the other. They signal fair weather emitted through the clouds isn’t sufficient to they are so thick that sunlight doesn’t filter
but, if they are observed on a particularly humid cast shadows. Altostratus clouds are a sign of through. They are one of the rain clouds, and
day, they could mean a thunderstorm will come rain coming. when you see them, rain is falling or will fall
later in the afternoon. very soon.

LOW CLOUDS (below 6,500 feet)

Stratocumulus clouds are low, puffy, Stratus clouds are very plain clouds that have no Cumulonimbus clouds are towering, dark gray Cumulus clouds look like cotton balls in the sky.
patchy clouds that are gray to white in features, no patchy parts, and no gaps. They are clouds. They are formed when warm and wet air They are often the clouds we look for shapes in.
color. They forecast fair weather for the present on overcast days but only ever produce rises very high into the atmosphere. They build Cumulus clouds forecast a fair, sunny, nice day.
moment, but may signal a storm might be mist or drizzle. They can signal a coming storm, for a while, and finally, all the energy contained
on the way. though. in these clouds is released in the form of a short
period of very heavy rain and thunderstorms.

1 2 3
1 Rainy season (7)

4 5 6
2 Battering wind (4)
3 Source of a tornado (11)
7 8

5 Temperature-related (7)
6 Dirty whirlwind (4,5)
9 10 7 Weather change line (5)
13 Almost rain (7)

11 12 13 15 May kill spring veggies (5)

17 Frost (4)
19 Morning moisture (3)
15 16


(+, - AND X) to build an equation to get the solution in the middle. There may be
more than one “unique” solution but, there may also be “equivalent” solutions. 18 19
For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28

Easy puzzle 1 Medium puzzle 1 Hard puzzle 1 20

2 7 15 18 2 35
12 78 14 R E
S M Across
2 5 11 15 2 25
Z R R 1 Hot and damp (5) 11 Really cold rain (5)
R A I N U 3 Makes it hard to see (3) 12 Some springtime mornings (4)
+ − × ÷ + − × ÷ + − × ÷ L D V

4 Fast as _____! (9) 14 Spring plantings need this! (4)
T R R L O 7 Will still harm spring plantings (6) 15 Not cloudy, but not sunny either (4)
Solution For Easy 1 Solution for Medium 1 Solution for Hard 1 M I S T F R E E Z E O
8 Not quite rain (4) 16 Air force (4)
(15 − 11) × 15 + 18 2 × 2 + 35 − 25
9 Springtime weather event (5) 18 Winter storm (8)
7+5+2−2 G D L I G H T N I N N
(15 + 11) × (18 − 15) 35 + 2 + 2 − 25 A U O

10 Not sunny (6) 20 It goes up and down (11)

B12 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

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The Why and How ‘Different’ Is Needed

of Core Strength When ‘Normal’ Is Broken
Muscles that surround our spine play How we helped our children
many essential roles in our everyday resist the allure of screens in a
movement. screen-addicted world.
See C5 See C7


Ginger has high

Natural Immunity
levels of anti-
tory phyto-


Researchers continue to grapple with questions Help Face
over value of vaccines versus natural immunity Seasonal
Much of our triggered by allergies
immune response
can be unpleasant,
still remains a but there are
mystery to
modern pleasant ways
science. to relax it


As the weather warms and trees

and grasses bloom, the challenges
Vaccine’s can offer of seasonal allergies rise. The con-
specific protection but dition is called allergic rhinitis or
studies suggest there hay fever and affects 19.2 million
may be unintended U.S. adults and 5.2 million chil-
consequences to our dren. Many doctors lean heavily
immune system.
s on prescription drugs to alleviate
If you suffer from allergies, it’s
important to understand what is
happening inside you. Once you do,
you can see why it’s a good idea to
eat foods that trigger metabolic and
immune actions that can reduce
your dependence on medication.
To give an example, consider one
of the less acknowledged symp-
toms. You’re likely familiar with the
common symptoms of sneezing,
stuffy or runny nose, watery and
itchy eyes. However, a sizable num-
ber of people with allergies also ex-
perience noticeable brain fog.

inflammation may
impede learning in
school-age children.
This is because the inflammatory
response triggered by an allergic
reaction can affect your brain. It
can interfere with sleep and cause
CONAN MILNER stuffiness in your middle ear. This

n the United States, everyone, 16 inflammation can lead to feelings
years of age and older, is now eligible of dizziness or brain fog. Data also
for the COVID-19 vaccine. suggests that allergies have a signif-, the agency behind icant effect on cognitive function.
the Affordable Care Act, recently sent out For example, research has found
Both vaccines an email announcing the “good news.” that allergy-linked inflammation
and infection They said the new shot was “an impor- may impede learning in school-age
trigger the body tant tool to help end the pandemic, and children, cause disturbed cogni-
it’s your best protection from getting CO- tive function in areas requiring sus-
to develop
VID-19.” tained attention, affect short- and
But is it really the best? long-term memory and informa-
which special tion processing, and may cause sig-
Y-shaped An alternative form of immune secu-
rity hardly gets any attention, but it may nificant fatigue and mood changes.
proteins. One study found evidence to sup-
have benefits that any one of the COVID
shots now available under emergency port a close relationship between
use authorization do not. And many of an allergic response, inflammatory
us may already carry this protection, no cytokines, and sleep as potential
shot required. mediators. There are several natu-
ral options available for people who
Natural immunity (the inborn process experience seasonal allergic reac-
of catching a virus and recovering from tions. The following five foods are
it) has been common knowledge for among those that help reduce the
many years. The process has also shown symptoms and inflammation as-
to produce significant antibody protec- sociated with allergies.
tion against COVID-19. According to re-
search funded by the National Institutes Can Reduce Seasonal Allergies
of Health (NIH) and published in January Ginger has a long history of me-
in the journal Science, the immune sys- dicinal use, including as a natural
tems of “more than 95 percent of people remedy for digestive and respira-
tory conditions. High levels of an-
Continued on C2 ti-inflammatory phytochemicals

Continued on C4
C2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

Natural Immunity:
Planned Giving Consultant Needed
The Epoch Times is hiring planned giving consultant/firm.
If interested, please contact Lisa at
Public Health’s
Forgotten Ally
Researchers continue to grapple
with questions over value of
vaccines versus natural immunity


Continued from C1 of serious illness, hospitalization, and
potentially death.
who recovered from COVID-19 had du- “The high price of natural immunity,
rable memories of the virus up to eight that is, occasionally severe and fatal dis-
months after infection.” ease, is a risk not worth taking,” Offit said.
We ask you to share with at least 5 friends. Symptoms don’t have to be severe The better question, says Offit, is wheth-
for protection to be strong. One study er vaccines are good enough. Can this
screened individuals who had recovered medical intervention provide an immune
from a mild case of COVID-19 and found response that can eliminate disease,
that immune “cells not only persist but without subjecting the population to the
continuously differentiate in a coordi- risks associated with acquiring natural
Classifieds nated fashion well into convalescence, immunity?
into a state characteristic of long-lived, “Well, we have the answer for measles.
212-244-3395 Ext 1067 self-renewing memory.” When we added a second dose measles
vaccination recommendation in 1991
The Underground Church in America Graphic Designer for American Health ... we eliminated measles in the United
The Underground Church in America is available Formulations Inc. States by the year 2000. The only reason
in print or eBook at
Priced at just $9 USD.
F/T in Hauppauge, NY. Design or create graphics
to meet specific commercial or promotional needs,
Rhinovirus triggers that it has come back recently is because
of the critical number of parents who
such as packaging, displays, or logos; Design and
create marketing and personalized brochure, leaflet,
an interferon response have chosen not to vaccinate their chil-
dren,” Offit said.
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CoV-2 replication. missing from Offit’s story. Published
in the American Journal of Epidemiol-
20 minute flight to Nassau & 45 minutes to Florida ogy, researchers found that the natural
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$9.5M   Call: Marilyn 321-256-0426 67-78 223rd Pl Oakland Gardens But is it better than a vaccination? One immunity of the baby boomers plays a 3 bedrooms 1 bath. No flip tax. Sublet allowed study from Denmark doesn’t think so. It substantial role in the elimination of U.S.
Video: after 2 years. Pet friendly. Washer/Dryer in the unit. suggests that vaccine-induced immunity measles cases.
Joosoo Kim for COVID-19 may perform slightly better In a 2019 interview, Barbara Loe Fisher,
Licensed Salesperson
HomeSmart Premier Living Realty than natural immunity, which was found co-founder and president of the National
Attention NY Probate Attorneys (347)898-0304 to prevent reinfection about 80 percent of Vaccine Information Center, says this
Urgent! Seeking New York lawyer who assisted the time (compare that to the 95 percent stronger, longer-lasting natural immu-
Mrs. Joyce Crystal (now deceased) from Seaford,
Delaware in 2003 with an important matter Outside Sales - Protected Territory Opportunity effectiveness that vaccine makers claim). nity protection that our elder generation
regarding her will and the Crystal building or Competitive compensation opportunities furnishing However, researchers admit that big un- carries can’t necessarily be replaced by
property at 47 West Street and/or 2nd Avenue and traditional values material to families via local business knowns still remain. For example, the more vaccines.
East 43rd Street in Manhattan. Please contact Dawn owners. Great training with established 80-year-old study did not look att the sever- “We never were vaccinated,
Waehler at 302-249-6904 (cell), or email company. Travel three nights. Let your work and your ity of reinfections from
om either but we a are contributing to
Charlotte Scott at family values join forces! Apply today immunity method. It may the conc
concept of what looks
still be too soon to tell
ell how like vaccine-acquired
vac herd
natural immunity stacks immunity. When we die,
up next to the protective you won’t
wo have that bar-
Legal Notice promises of Pfizer’s,, Mod-
erna’s, or Johnson andnd John-
rier any
anymore,” Fisher said.
“Vaccine-acquired immuni-
son’s jabs, because the
he disease ty is not the
th same as naturally
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A they guard against is still so new. acquired im immunity. That has
Liquor, Wine & Beer has been applied MINED, for On Premise Liquor has been Liquor, Wine & Beer has been applied for Meanwhile, strong comparative Human been the problem from the very
for by the undersigned to sell Liquor, applied for by the undersigned to sell by the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine
Wine & Beer at retail under the Alcoholic Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail in & Beer at retail under the Alcoholic Bev- data is lacking. immunity has beginning with the creation of
Beverage Control Law at 233 Smith St., a Tavern under the Alcoholic Beverage erage Control Law at 153 155 Amster-
Brooklyn, NY 11201. Kings County, for Control Law at 2222-2224 8th Ave., dam Ave., New York, NY 10023. New
But when it comes to vaccina- developed these vaccines. They have never
on premise consumption. Smith Street
Food & Beverage Inc.
New York, NY. New York County, for on
premises consumption. Fox Harlem, LLC
York County, for on premise consump-
tion. 153 Amsterdam Rest LLC
tion protection for viruses we’ve alongside many understood how to make vac-
d/b/a The Fox. known about for generations, different viruses. cines mimic naturally acquired
immunity exactly.”
& Beer has been applied for by the under- LICENSE, NUMBER TO BE DETER- Premise Liquor has been applied for by superior.
signed to sell Wine & Beer at retail under MINED, for On Premise Liquor has the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer
the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at been applied for by the undersigned to & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under In a March 2020 video, Dr. Paul Offit, Eroding Trust in Natural Immunity
611 Bergen St., Brooklyn, NY 11238. sell Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at
Kings County, for on premise consump- in a Tavern under the Alcoholic Bever- 275 Mulberry St., New York, NY 10012. director of the Vaccine Education Center Vaccines allow an avenue for immunity
tion. House of Solomon LLC. age Control Law at 43 Clinton St., New New York County, for on premises con-
York, NY. New York County, for on prem- sumption. 275 Mulberry Restaurant LLC
and professor of pediatrics at Children’s without the risks that come with catch-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A ises consumption. The Crossett Group, and Major Management TCZ LLC as Mgr. Hospital of Philadelphia, addressed the ing the wild disease. But, to be fair, the
LICENSE, NUMBER “PENDING” for LLC d/b/a Cafe Skye.
liquor, beer, wine and Cider has been NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A potency difference between natural im- treatment comes with its own set of risks.
applied for by the undersigned* to sell NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, NUMBER PENDING, for On
liquor, beer, wine and cider at retail in LICENSE SERIAL # PENDING, for On Premise Liquor has been applied for by munity and vaccine protection using One problem is that vaccines may ac-
a Seasonal Tavern under the Alcohol
Beverage Control Law at 68 E Bayview
Premise Liquor has been applied for by
the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer
the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer
& Cider at retail in a Restaurant under
himself as an example. Offit explained tually spread disease. In 2019, The As-
Ave., Ocean Bay Park, NY 11770, Suf- & Cider at retail at a Art Exhibition/Tav- the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at that the measles antibodies he developed sociated Press reported that more polio
folk County for on premises consump- ern under the Alcoholic Beverage Con- 150 W. 10th St., New York, NY 10012.
tion. *The Corner FI Inc, DBA: The Corner trol Law at 299 South St., Pier 36, New New York County, for on premises con- when he caught the disease as a child in cases in four African countries were now
York NY 10002. New York County, for sumption. 150 West Tenth Street LLC
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A on premises consumption. Lighthouse and Major Management TCZ LLC as Mgr.
the 1950s are “probably threefold greater caused by vaccine than by the wild virus.
LICENSE, NUMBER PENDING, for liquor, Immersive USA Inc. d/b/a Immersive Van d/b/a ZZ’s. than what children will get if they get a Another concern is that vaccines may
wine and beer has been applied for by the Gogh Exhibit New York
undersigned* to sell liquor, wine and beer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A vaccine.” leave us more vulnerable to diseases
at retail in a bowling establishment under NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A LICENSE, SERIAL # 1335649, for
the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at LICENSE, NUMBER 1333980, for Liquor, Wine & Beer has been applied for But acquiring this top-grade protection other than the ones we get vaccinated
11249 maple ridge rd., medina, NY
14103 in Orleans County for on prem-
Restaurant Wine has been applied for
by the undersigned to sell Beer, Wine
by the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine &
Beer at retail under the Alcoholic Bever-
comes with a big catch: an increased risk against. The phenomenon is known as
ises consumption. *CHRAME INC. DBA & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under age Control Law at 1479 York Ave., New
PENDING the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at York, NY 10075. New York County, for on
1472 York Ave., New York, NY 10075. premise consumption. Copri Corp.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A New York County, for on premises con-
LICENSE, NUMBER PENDING, for liquor, sumption. Kobe Sushi Japanese Cui- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A
wine and beer has been applied for by the sine 88 Inc. LICENSE, NUMBER PENDING, for Tavern
undersigned* to sell liquor, wine and beer Wine has been applied for by the under-
at retail in a bar/tavern under the Alco-
holic Beverage Control Law at 13 river
LICENSE, NUMBER 1334586, for
signed to sell Wine, Beer & Cider at retail
in a Tavern under the Alcoholic Bever-
st., Oneonta, NY 13820 in Otsego County Restaurant Wine has been applied for age Control Law, at 97 W. 32nd St., New
for on premises consumption. *AUGUST by the undersigned to sell Wine, Beer & York, NY 10001. New York County, for


Cider at retail in a Restaurant under the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 2199
Broadway, New York, NY 10024. New
York County, for on premises consump-
on premises consumption. Takumi Taco
LLC d/b/a TBD.


Humility and Modesty Help
wine and beer has been applied for by tion. 2199 Restaurant Corp. LICENSE, NUMBER 1335602, for
the undersigned* to sell liquor, wine and
beer at retail in a restaurant under the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 214
Bouchard Dr, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
LICENSE, NUMBER 1335317, for On
Premises Liquor has been applied for by
Restaurant Wine has been applied for
by the undersigned to sell Beer, Wine &
Cider at retail in a Restaurant under the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 1571
the Body Adjust to Heat
in Clinton County for on premises con- the undersigned to sell Liquor, Beer, Wine Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11207. Kings
& Cider at retail in a Restaurant under the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 99-12
County, for on premises consumption.
Marthita’s Kitchen 2 Corporation Solar Term: ‘Grain Buds’ (May 21 to June 4)
Alstyne Ave., Corona, NY 11368. Queens
LICENSE, NUMBER 1334271, for On Cuencanito Deli & Pizza Rest Inc. LICENSE, NUMBER PENDING, for Tav-
Premise Liquor has been applied for by ern Wine has been applied for by the MOREEN LIAO becoming plump but are not yet ripe.
the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A undersigned to sell Wine, Beer & Cider
& Cider at retail in a Bar/Tavern under LICENSE, NUMBER 1335436, for On at retail in a Bar/Tavern, under the Alco-
As we prepare to enjoy the fruits of
the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at
88-06 Roosevelt Ave., Jackson Hgts., NY
Premises Liquor has been applied for by
the undersigned to sell Liquor, Beer, Wine
holic Beverage Control Law at 300 E.
5th St aka 86 2nd Ave., New York, NY
A solar term is a period of about two our labor, yang is at the extreme on
11372 Queens County, for on premises & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under 10003. New York County, for on prem- weeks and is based on the sun’s position earth and in our bodies, so we must
consumption. Roca Bar Corp. the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at ises consumption. Sushibym2 LLC d/b/a
11 Doyers St., New York, NY 10013. New Sushi by M. in the zodiac. Solar terms form the tra- also take care to protect ourselves from
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A York County, for on premises consump- ditional Chinese calendar system. The the potential negative impacts of this
LICENSE, NUMBER 1334813 for On tion. Blue Agave NY Inc. d/b/a Pulqueria. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A
Premise Liquor has been applied for by LICENSE, NUMBER PENDING, for Tavern calendar follows the ancient Chinese extreme state.
the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Wine has been applied for by the under-
& Cider at retail in a Restaurant under LICENSE, NUMBER 1335319, for signed to sell Wine, Beer & Cider at retail belief that living in accordance with na- This solar term’s name, “Grain Buds,”
the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at Restaurant has been applied for by the in a Bar/Tavern, under the Alcoholic Bev-
161-21 Crocheron Ave., Flushing, NY undersigned to sell Beer, Wine & Cider at erage Control Law at 57 7th Ave.South,
ture will enable one to live a harmoni- is xiao man in Chinese. The meaning
11358. Queens County, for on prem-
ises consumption. Bluemoon Queen Inc.
retail in a Restaurant under the Alcoholic
Beverage Control Law at 832 Clarkson
New York, NY 10014. New York County,
for on premises consumption. Sabor
ous life. This article series explores each of “xiao” is a little bit, while “man” can
d/b/a Bloomy 7 Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203. Kings County, Argentino Corp. d/b/a Sabor Argentino. solar term, offering guidance on how to mean replenishing, full, or content-
for on premises consumption. Silver
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Chicken & Seafood Restaurant LLC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A best navigate the season. ed. Contented can refer to the feeling
LICENSE, NUMBER TO BE DETER- LICENSE, NUMBER 1304061, for On farmers have when seeing their hard
MINED, for On Premise Liquor has been NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Premises Liquor has been applied for by
applied for by the undersigned to sell LICENSE, SERIAL # 1335588, for Wine the undersigned to sell Liquor, Wine, Beer Solar Term: ‘Grain Buds’ work about to come to fruition. An-
Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider at retail in & Beer has been applied for by the under- & Cider at retail in a Restaurant under
a Tavern under the Alcoholic Beverage signed to sell Wine & Beer at retail under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at other meaning is fullness, which refers
Control Law at 155 2nd Ave., New York, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 69 New St., New York, NY 10004. New
NY. New York County, for on premises 413 E. 12th St., New York, NY 10009. York County, for on premises consump-
2021 Dates: May 21 to June 4 more directly to the crop.
consumption. 949 Grand Bar, LLC d/b/a
The Long Pour.
New York County, for on premise con-
sumption. Woman In Wine LLC.
tion. Brooklyn Beef Inc. d/b/a El Toro
Mexican Grill.
Looking at the natural world, we see Shennong, one of the three sage rul-
that the grains of summer crops are ers of ancient China, was born during
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 C3

(WHO) changed its definition of herd

immunity. The term describes a point at
which enough people become immune
to a disease to erase its risk, and it previ-
ously included those who had acquired
their antibodies through natural infection
along with vaccinated individuals. But
the WHO’s new definition now says herd
immunity happens exclusively through
Part of the reason officials may dismiss
natural immunity’s influence is that, un-
like a vaccine, natural immunity devel-
opment can vary from one individual to
the next. That’s why the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
says people who have tested positive for
COVID and recovered are still urged to
get the shot.
“At this time, experts do not know how
long someone is protected from getting
sick again after recovering from COV-
ID-19. The immunity someone gains from
having an infection, called natural immu-
nity, varies from person to person. Some
early evidence suggests natural immunity
may not last very long,” the CDC states.
But the agency
gency is also known to inflate
the vaccine’s
e’s virtues. In
Decemberr 2020, the
CDC stated ed that the
Pfizer vaccine
cine demon-
strated benefit
nefit for those
with evidence
ence of prior
fection, but
the health agency was
“virus interference,” and it was demon- Different later forced
d to admit the
strated in a study published in a January people face claim was made in error
2020 issue of the journal Vaccine. The different when a U.S. S. congress-
study explored virus interference by com- risks from man pointed ted out that
paring cases of viral respiratory infections COVID-19 the study demonstrated
among Department of Defense personnel and other no such benefit.
based on whether or not individuals got viruses due sug- Vaccine-
There is reason to sug
to ailments
an influenza vaccine. gest that natural immu- induced
like diabe-
The flu shot didn’t raise the risk of all tes that are nity to COVID-19 may immunity for
respiratory infections but it was “signifi- linked to have some unique merit, may perform
cantly associated with unspecified coro- more severe just as the immune sys- slightly
navirus.” In other words, those getting the infections. tem demonstrates with better than
flu shot were more likely to get sick with a similar diseases. Like natural
coronavirus. the vaccine (which ex- immunity.
Meanwhile, the natural immunity we perts already expect to RAUL VALCARCEL
develop from some diseases may give us require booster shots in SHUTTERSTOCK
protection from new diseases. A recent the near future) no one
study published in the Journal of Infec- knows how long natural immunity may
tious Diseases shows that human rhinovi- YURCHANKA SIARHEI/SHUTTERSTOCK last for SARS-CoV-2, the virus said to cause
ruses, the cause of the common cold, “trig- COVID-19. But a study published last year
gers an interferon response that blocks Antibodies are that could protect the population. in the journal Nature showed that patients
SARS-CoV-2 replication. Y-shaped proteins “The most compassionate approach that who recovered from the first SARS out-
“Mathematical simulations show that the body uses to iden- balances the risks and benefits of reaching break in 2003 still possessed long-lasting
this virus–virus interaction is likely to tify and neutralize for- herd immunity, is to allow those who are memory T-cells for the virus 17 years later.
have a population-wide effect as an in- eign objects, including at minimal risk of death to live their lives Those T-cells, developed naturally sev-
viruses like COVID-19.
creasing prevalence of rhinovirus will re- normally to build up immunity to the vi- eral years ago, may still contribute to pub-
duce the number of new COVID-19 cases,” rus through natural infection, while better lic health. Researchers detected SARS-
researchers reported. protecting those who are at highest risk. CoV-2-specific T cells in individuals with
Although the media likes to portray vac- We call this Focused Protection,” states no history of SARS, COVID-19, or contact
cination as a black-and-white issue, char- An increasing the declaration, signed by more than with individuals who had SARS and/or
acterizing people as either for or against 43,000 medical practitioners and more COVID-19.
the treatment, individual examples are prevalence than 14,000 public health scientists. But officials say even those who have
usually more complex. Health experts in of rhinovirus More than 99 percent of people who test- developed their own immune protection
particular often favor some vaccines over ed positive for COVID-19 have survived, against COVID-19 still need a drug indus-
others. will reduce suggesting that the natural protection try intervention. Everyone is encouraged
And much of the public health com- built against this virus could be enormous. to get the shot, but pushing naturally im-
munity have more faith in the power of the number For these individuals, the risk of disease mune individuals toward this treatment
natural immunity than officials would of new may have already been conquered. But may actually push them toward greater
like to acknowledge. One example is the officials don’t seem very interested in ex- risk with no benefit to public health. One
Great Barrington Declaration, a docu- COVID-19 amining this influence, or rewarding the survey study found that people with prior
ment written by infectious disease epi- antibodies that have been earned the old- COVID-19 illness experience significantly
demiologists and public health scientists.
cases. fashioned way. increased incidence and severity of side
Last year, before any vaccine was avail- Journal of For example, Canada’s Federal COVID effects after receiving the COVID-19 vac-
able, this declaration proposed an end Infectious Diseases Immunity Taskforce believes the use of cine compared to those who did not have
to the devastating lockdown measures passports “will be restricted to immunity the disease beforehand.
that characterized the official COVID-19 conferred by vaccines, as there is more Researchers found that the mRNA
response by giving natural immunity a scientific evidence for immunity from vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) caused
chance to flourish. The proposal called vaccines than from natural immunity.” milder, less-frequent systemic side ef-
for more protective measures among the It’s as if natural immunity has been fects, compared to viral vector vaccines
vulnerable, while the vast majority could removed from the conversation. In June (Johnson and Johnson), which resulted
live as normal, developing the antibodies 2020, the World Health Organization in more local reactions.


Grain Buds, which this year falls on ingredients and place it in a sealed con-
May 21 through June 4. tainer in the freezer. Whenever you feel
Shennong was believed to be an over- itchy skin, use the cold cloth to cool and
seer of harvests and medicinal herbs. In cleanse it.
fact, he left to history the first medici- Those who are in their first three
nal herb book, “Shennong’s Root and months of pregnancy need to be care-
Herbal Classic.” ful of getting skin diseases, as these may
From this book, we learn that the weaken the immune system for both
best time to pick and process herbs is mom and baby.
Grain Buds. The ancient Chinese used
to make herbal teas and ointments dur- Seasonal Foods
ing this time of year. Artichoke, broccoli, celery, tomato, wa-
ter chestnut, yam, and all bitter veg-
Watch That Yang Heat etables are good to eat, to bring balance.
In the Chinese spiritual “Grain Buds” Starfruit, lemon, lime, melons, and all
text “Bagua” (“The Eight is the best time citrus fruits are also good for this time.
Trigrams”), Grain Buds is to pick herbs come from the balance of Living in Harmony With Those suffering from skin prob-
purely yang in all six of its for teas and yin and yang. ‘Grain Buds’ lems should avoid seafood, especially
trigrams. This reflects that ointments. W hen yang becomes Going to bed late and getting up early shellfish.
yang is at its zenith and yin is stronger than yin, traditional help our body to adjust to the temper-
extinguished. Chinese medicine doctors re- ature more easily during this season. Epoch Times contributor Moreen Liao
For our health, we are reminded to be gard this person as having “heat” in Humility and modesty in temperament; is a descendant of four generations of
careful with our heart, blood vessels, the body. When yang is far stronger meditation and gentle exercise; and a traditional Chinese medicine doctors.
and skin, as they can easily be damaged than yin, one is said to have “fire” in lot of herbal tea can also help. She is also a certified aromatherapist,
at this time. the body. For those who have skin irritation, one former dean of the New Directions In-
In the Taoist system, it is believed These heat-related conditions are very can make an herbal tea with chamo- stitute of Natural Therapies in Sydney,
that there is both yin and yang in our common during this solar term, leading mile, peppermint, comfrey, witch ha- Australia, and the founder of Ausgani-
bodies, regardless of whether we are to skin problems such as dryness and zel, melon, or peppermint. Soak a clean ca, a certified organic cosmetic brand.
male or female. Good health is said to skin irritation. hand towel in a tea made from these Visit
C4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


Foods to
Help Face
Inflammation triggered
by allergies can be
unpleasant, but there
are pleasant ways to
relax it
Continued from C1

may have contributed to the positive ef-

fects ginger had in an animal study to
suppress proinflammatory cytokines and
mast cell activation, which reduces the
symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
Another lab and human study dem-
onstrated that a special variety of Japa-
nese green tea (Benifuuki green tea) and
ginger extract had a significant effect on
suppressing cytokines and delayed-type
allergies that come on one to three
days after exposure. Eleven
weeks after starting the study,
those taking Benifuuki tea
had a reduced incidence of
itchy eyes, runny nose, and
throat pain.
The results suggested a
consecutive month of drink-
ing green tea with ginger ex-
tract could reduce the symptoms
of seasonal rhinitis without affecting the Bee pollen
normal immune response. Ginger holds is an anti-
several other benefits, including protect- inflammatory.
ing against DNA damage after exposure INNAKREATIV/
Antioxidant Power of Vitamin C One of curcumin. The researchers measured na-
to free radicals. In one landmark study Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. consequence sal airflow resistance and found curcumin
published in the Journal
J of the Ameri- When you think of foods high in vitamin C of allergies alleviated nasal congestion, sneezing and
can College of Nutrition in 2012, ginger yyou might first think of citrus fruits like or- is brain fog rhinorrhea. Past laboratory study suggested
demonstrated d the ability to reduce anges and grapefruit. However, other good caused by curcumin may have a significant effect on
several inflammatory
mmatory markers. sources include bell peppers, strawberries, the way symptoms of seasonal allergies.
Of course, ginger has other broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and black cur- induced Researchers from this human study con-
studied therapeutic
apeutic effects rants. inflammation cluded, “This pilot study provides the first
unrelated to allergies as well. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that’s affects the evidence of the capability of curcumin of
The most common
m on use for an essential cofactor in several enzymatic brain. improving nasal airflow and modulating
ginger is in alleviating
ng symp-
symp- reactions and has been linked with a low- immune response in patients with AR.”
toms of nausea sea and vomiting. ered risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and
One study from om the University of Miami coronary heart disease. Further evidence Salmon May Lower Allergic Sensitivity
Vitamin C
showed that ginger has the potential to suggests it may be an adjunctive therapy Wild-caught Alaskan salmon is high in
is a natural
replace nonsteroidal
teroidal anti-inflammatory antihistamine. to reduce heart injury after heart attack or omega-3 fatty acids. There are three iden-
drugs in patients
ents with knee osteoarthri- NIKCOA/
a cardiac procedure. tified forms of omega-3 fats: alpha-linolenic
tis. It was also as effective as pain medi- SHUTTERSTOCK You may be familiar with studies that show acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and
cation in helping women with primary that regular use can modestly shorten how docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is found
dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps) and long you have the common cold. But did you mostly in plants, while DHA and EPA are
was effective against exercise-induced know that vitamin C may also help reduce found in fatty fish and seafood.
muscle pain. your symptoms of seasonal allergies? Your body typically converts ALA to DHA
One study published in 2018 used intrave- at levels not nearly enough for brain and
Benefits of Bee-Made Superfoods nous vitamin C on patients heart health. Some studies have found the
The honeybee produces valuable with allergy-related respi- conversion rate is less than 0.5 percent. In
natural foods that some have ratory symptoms. Over 50 other words, to get enough EPA and DHA to
called “superfoods.” These percent of the study partici- Nature has have an anti-inflammatory effect on diseas-
include royal jelly, propolis, pants only used vitamin C. several es such as asthma and allergies, you need
and bee pollen. Bee pollen is The researchers found that to eat foods rich in EPA and DHA.
the pollen honeybees collect the observations suggested compounds that Studies have also suggested a higher in-
from plants and bring back to that “intravenous high dose take of omega-6 fatty acids is linked to an
the hive. vitamin C reduces allergy- help offer relief increased incidence of seasonal allergic
Analysis has shown bee pollen con- Turmeric can related symptoms.” Vita- from allergies. responses. Omega-6 fats can be found in
tains eight of the nine essential amino open up your min C is a natural antihis- processed seed or “vegetable” oils such as
acids and these may be up to seven times sinuses. tamine and antioxidant. Histamine is one safflower, corn, soy, and sesame oils. In oth-
higher than found in an equal weight of NUM LPPHOTO/
of the inflammatory mediators that trigger er words, most—if not all—processed foods.
other high protein foods. Bee pollen is also symptoms common in a seasonal allergic There is also an association between tak-
high in bioflavonoids, vitamin B complex, response. Some people find relief from their ing omega-3 fats during pregnancy and a
and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. It has tradi- allergic symptoms when taking over-the- reduced incidence of seasonal allergies in
tionally been used for increasing energy, counter antihistamine drugs. infants and children, suggesting there is
including by some Olympic athletes. a protective association. A cross section-
Analysis of the compounds nds found in Treat Allergic Rhinitis With Turmeric al, population-based study of 568 adults
bee pollen reveals they havee anti- Turmeric, which is from the ginger family, showed that those with a higher omega-3
inflammatory, antimicrobial, al, is a common spice that’s also used in tra- index had a decreased risk of allergic rhi-
and antifungal properties es ditional medicine. Historically, it was used nitis.
in the body and free radical al in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chi- Interestingly, they also found those with
scavenging potential. Bee e nese medicine. The main active ingredient a higher dietary intake of ALA experienced
pollen mediates wound in turmeric is curcumin, which gives this some of the same reductions. A more recent
healing, has anti-cancer rootstalk its yellow color. study analyzed the association between the
properties, and can stimu- Curcumin has anti-inflammatory, anti- Mediterranean diet, high in omega-3 fatty
late the immune system. Further
urther evalu- Omega-3 ffats septic, antitumor, and antioxidant prop- acids, and chronic inflammatory diseases
ation shows it can inhibit the mast cell are an anti- erties. When used in an animal model, such as seasonal allergies.
activation that triggers seasonal allergic inflammatory. curcumin inhibited the release of hista- They postulate that the solubility and
reactions. SEA WAVE/ mine from mast cells and demonstrated a uptake of certain phytochemicals may im-
Bee pollen can also be used to help “marked inhibition of allergic response in prove when consumed with omega-3 rich
desensitize your body to your seasonal animals treated with curcumin, suggesting foods. This may explain the mechanism of
allergies. For maximum effectiveness, a major role for curcumin in reducing the action behind omega-3 fats’ and fat-soluble
begin taking bee pollen each day at least allergic response,” according to the study micronutrients’ role in the development of
six weeks before you commonly begin published in Molecular Nutrition and Food allergic inflammation.
showing allergy symptoms. Continue Research.
taking it throughout the season. The bee A more recent human study published More Ways to Ease Seasonal Allergies
pollen helps to stimulate the production of in Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunol- Seasonal allergies affect several body sys-
antibodies, which in turn helps eliminate ogy engaged 241 patients with symptoms tems, so using a multifaceted approach
your allergic reaction. of allergic rhinitis (AR) to test the efficacy increases the potential that you’ll reduce
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 C5

Core Strength:
Why It’s Important
and How to Maintain It
The muscles that surround our spine play wide-
ranging, essential roles in our everyday movement
ANDREW LAVENDER athletic activities like running, jumping,
tackling, and lifting weights.
Many people have become more sedentary
in recent times with lockdowns and work- Some Signs That Your Core 
ing from home because of the COVID-19 Might Need Help
pandemic. As with other muscles, if we don’t use our
If you’re moving less, this may have af- core muscles enough, they become weak.
fected your core strength. Or, When our core becomes weak, Exercising on a Swiss ball is a great way to improve core strength.
you may just be thinking you our movements are less sup-
need to improve it. ported, which can put pressure core muscles to some degree, to really core muscles at the side of the torso,
So, what exactly is the core? on other parts of our bodies. target the core, we can look to some spe- called the obliques, even further with
And why is it important to have
The core Weakness in the core mus- cific exercises such as traditional sit-ups a side plank.
good core strength? muscles play a cles can be associated with or abdominal crunches. These exercises You can also try getting into a push-up
lower back pain, particularly work well to strengthen the muscles on position and raising one leg at a time
What Is the Core? fundamental among older people. the front of the torso and carry a very low from the hip while keeping the knee
The core consists of the mus- role in Knee pain is another pos- risk of injury. straight.
cles in your midsection, or sible sign that core muscles Modified versions can enhance the You can make this more challenging
torso, surrounding the spine stabilizing are too weak. Research has effects. For example, exercising on an by raising the opposite arm at the same
and pelvis. This includes the shown a core strength training unstable surface such as a Swiss ball can time, so your only points of contact are
abdominal muscles at the the spine program with physiotherapy increase the demands on the muscles. the ball of one foot and the other hand.
front, but also muscles within and pelvis. has a greater effect on reduc- Think of how much your ankle moves This is a good workout for your core,
the lower back, and around ing knee pain than standard when you stand on one leg, for example. which is working hard to keep you in
your sides. physiotherapy alone. Being in this unstable position forces the position. You can make it easier by doing
The core muscles aren’t considered pow- If you haven’t been exercising for a while, muscles of your lower leg to work harder this on hands and knees.
erful, but they play a fundamental role in and you’re experiencing lower back pain or to keep your balance. It’s similar to the Any exercise that activates the core
stabilizing the spine and pelvis. They’re also knee pain, it may be a sign your core muscles way your muscles tighten when you’re muscles more than usual will help im-
key to maintaining good posture. have become too weak and it’s time to do walking on a slippery surface. prove core strength. Sit-ups, crunches,
These functions are important to ensure some work on strengthening them. So, when you do sit-ups while sitting on and planks will target these muscles di-
you can move your limbs easily. Your core The good news is, we can improve core a Swiss ball or a BOSU ball, you find you rectly, and adding unstable surfaces like
also protects you against injury. People with strength with exercise. And there’s no one must engage your core muscles to stay on Swiss balls can enhance the activation.
a weaker core are more likely to sustain a exercise that is best; you can choose what- the device. This increases the intensity But remember, other types of physi-
back injury, and core muscle strengthening ever approach works best for you. of the exercise. cal activity, like going for a jog or doing
is often an important part of rehabilitation If you do have back or knee pain, or have The traditional crunch or sit-up pre- squats, can help your core strength too.
after a back injury. recently had a baby, consult your doctor or dominantly works the muscles at the
We use our core muscles while perform- physiotherapist before getting started. front of the torso, the rectus abdominis, Andrew Lavender is a senior lecturer
ing daily tasks like getting up from a chair, commonly known as the abs. at the school of science, psychology
standing, walking, vacuuming, and lifting How to Strengthen Your Core: Some A standard plank is also good for your and sport at Federation University
things. Exercises to Do at Home abs, and engages other muscles of the Australia. This article was first
The core muscles are also important for While walking and running do activate the torso as well. And you can engage the published on The Conversation.


COVID During Pregnancy Poses Little

Risk to Newborns, Research Shows
mothers tested positive for this coronavirus However, babies born to mothers who had
New data out of Sweden during pregnancy or childbirth. had COVID-19 were more likely to be ad-
reveals no justification We were able to do this because, during
the pandemic in Sweden, the separation of
mitted to neonatal care and to experience
respiratory problems. This, though, can be
to separate newborns mothers and infants at birth has only been explained by the higher number of preterm
practiced if either was unwell, with breast- births in the COVID-19 group than in the
from mothers infected feeding allowed if following strict hygiene comparison group. We found no direct link
with COVID-19 procedures. between maternal infection and neonatal
respiratory infection or pneumonia.
Analyzing a Year’s Data That said, our study adds to the evidence
MIKAEL NORMAN Our study looked at daily reports made to that women testing positive for COVID-19
three Swedish registries: the National Qual- are at increased risk of preterm birth. In our
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, ity Register for Pregnancy, the National study, 8.8 percent of women who were
there has been great concern about how to Quality Register for Neonatal Care, COVID-positive during pregnan-
protect the most vulnerable—particularly and the Communicable Diseases cy delivered preterm, compared
newborns. In past pandemics, newborn Register. By cross-referencing Separating with 5.5 percent of those who
babies and young people have been at an these, it was possible to monitor babies from were COVID-negative.
increased risk of disease and death. and report outcomes for babies their mothers We also found that CO-
This has probably influenced COVID-19 during both the first and second at birth poses VID-19 in the mother wasn’t
guidelines in hospitals and health care waves of COVID-19. other risks. associated with the death of Babies born to women who’ve had COVID-19
systems. Altogether, we captured the out- the child. Seven infants born to don’t need to be separated from their mothers.
A recently published global survey found comes of 92 percent of all babies born mothers who had had COVID-19
that newborns were being separated from in Sweden between March 11, 2020, and died, all from causes unrelated to CO- in the COVID-19 group were breastfeeding
their mothers in half the world’s countries Jan. 31. This accounted for almost 90,000 VID-19, with none of these infants testing their babies at hospital discharge, with 99
last year as a precautionary measure if the births, making this one of the largest data- positive for the disease. There was also no percent of their infants testing negative. The
mother had tested positive for COVID-19. sets on this subject to date. We found that difference in the mortality rate of those ba- small number of infants that were infected
Separating a baby from its mother at birth 2,323 babies were born during this period bies born to mothers who were COVID-posi- showed no signs of infection.
can have negative consequences for the to mothers who had tested positive for CO- tive and COVID-negative during pregnancy. Although not all countries are like Swe-
health of both the mother and baby. This VID-19 during pregnancy, with 642 mothers den—there are population differences
must be weighed against the possible ben- (28 percent) testing positive at the time of No Need to Separate as well as country-specific differences in
efits of keeping them apart. delivery. Our study, therefore, supports a recommen- health care and COVID-19 levels—our
Yet more than a year into the pandemic, All babies born to mothers who had tested dation that babies born to women who have work should reassure pregnant women in
the outcomes for babies born to mothers positive were themselves tested between tested positive for COVID-19 while preg- other countries (and their families) that a
who have had COVID-19 remain largely 12 and 24 hours after birth. For babies ad- nant or during delivery do not need to be COVID infection during pregnancy poses
unknown and unreported, putting great mitted to a neonatal unit, COVID-19 tests routinely separated from their mothers at a low risk.
stress on families and healthcare providers. were repeated at 48 and 96 hours after birth. birth. Babies are very unlikely to be infect-
With this in mind, my colleagues and I— Only 21 babies (0.9 percent) tested positive ed or to suffer ill health as a result of their Mikael Norman is a professor of pediat-
working with the Public Health Agency of for COVID-19, most without displaying any mother having or having had COVID-19. rics and neonatal medicine at Karolinska
Sweden—tried to gain a better understand- symptoms. A few babies were treated for Our research also showed that breastfeed- Institutet in Sweden. This article was first
ing of the potential risks to babies whose reasons other than COVID-19. ing seems to be safe: 94 percent of women published on The Conversation.

symptoms and reactions. As with most to the triggers. There are several ways clothes. Vacuum your home, including are triggered from the histamine release.
health conditions that affect your im- to help, including limiting outdoor ac- the furniture, regularly. Ideally, you’ll
mune system, it’s crucial to start with a tivities to times when pollen counts are want to use a HEPA filter vacuum clean- Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of
healthy gut. lowest. This is usually in the late after- er, leave your shoes at the door to avoid An osteopathic physician,
Allergic reactions begin in the immune noon, since on an average day pollen bringing pollen into your home, and use best-selling author, and recipient of
system when a relatively harmless pro- counts peak beginning midmorning. a HEPA air filter to reduce your exposure multiple awards in the field of natural
tein triggers an overreaction, producing Limit outdoor time when the weather is to allergens. health, his primary vision is to change
antibodies to attack the allergen. Your warm, dry, and windy, as pollen counts Nature has also provided several com- the modern health paradigm by provid-
diet and gut health play crucial roles in may be higher. pounds that help offer relief from allergic ing people with a valuable resource to
optimizing your immune function. Wear gloves while gardening and avoid rhinitis and seasonal allergies by sup- help them take control of their health.
Of course, a strategy that helps reduce touching your eyes. When you’re finished porting your immune system and block- This article was originally published
symptoms is to reduce your exposure outdoors, take a shower and wash your ing allergic symptoms, many of which on
C6 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021

Lessons From Our


Minimizing Journey
Here are 10 things we learned when identity
theft forced us to reset our lifestyle

or years, my family and I strug- Buying a home
gled with overloaded sched- may be part of the
ules, overwhelming debt, and so-called American
feeling enslaved to our four- dream, but you can
bedroom, three-bath home find your
with an excess of possessions. The things own path.
we thought we owned really “owned” us,
and living in bondage to them rendered dictates its definition of “normal” doesn’t ing us with the mentality of “you better
us ill, exhausted, and miserable. mean we have to conform to its de- hold onto it in case you need it someday.”
To be honest, we didn’t even know what mands. When pursuing the prescribed What we have learned is that there is no
all we owned or how severely our lives ideal of expected behavior requires us to need to hold onto things we don’t need
were affected by these things until an go deep into debt, overburden our lives today. With each new day comes new
unexpected identity theft crisis forced us with excess, and keep our noses to the provision, and our faith has taught us
to face reality. grindstone, that dream can become a that we’ll always have what we need.
Since then, we’ve sold our home, nightmare. We no longer own a home but
released about 90 percent of our physi- rent instead, and that’s OK. Being debt- 6. The freedom of owning less quickly
cal possessions, eliminated 100 percent free means far more to us than knowing eases the pain of letting go. As difficult
of our debt, and discovered a new and we’re meeting someone else’s ideal. as it is to release certain things, the sting
profound peace. only lasts a short time. The dread and
We are now a few years into this jour- 5. Hoarding is not necessary. Both my separation anxiety ahead of time is the
ney and have learned a few things. Here husband and I come from parents who most vexing part, and we’ve found that
are 10 lessons our minimizing quest has were born in the 1920s and early 1930s. once it’s out of sight, we don’t even miss it.
taught me. They grew up in an entirely different The relief of being rid of emotionally and
time, when supplies and money were physically heavy baggage is liberating.
scarce. They were well-meaning in rais-
7. Peace is a trustworthy guide. The
process of minimizing generates many
Fear of knowing conflicting emotions. Making the right
decisions often requires careful con-
where we stood sideration and soul-searching. Take
kept us from asking your time to identify choices that calm
your spirit and always follow the path to
the hard questions peace.
and facing the facts. 8. You only need to see the next
step. When it became clear that we
would need to sell our home to get out
1. The hardest trials can pro- of debt, the only thing we knew for sure
duce the most desperately is that we needed to get in touch with a
needed change. When realtor and list our house on the market.
we found out some- What we were going to do next or where
one had stolen our we were going to go afterward was a
identity, we felt complete mystery.
blindsided and vio- But by the time the house sold a few
lated. This tribula- months later, these questions were an-
tion was alarming swered, and our next step had come into
and long-lasting. view. When we started out, I wanted a
But despite the flashlight to illuminate the whole road
suffering—or ahead of us. What I found is that I can’t
more accurately, take step two before step one anyhow,
because of it—we and the only thing I need to see is the
had the very catalyst next step in front of me. When it’s time
we needed to propel to know more, the guidance will be
ourselves from a life of ma- there. Leaps, when taken in faith, will
terial abundance to a truly land you where you need to be.
abundant life.
9. There is a huge difference between a
2. Embracing real- want and a need. On our journey, it be-
ity is the first step Sometimes the came necessary for us to live in tight quar-
toward changing your things we buy end ters for a span of time after we sold our
life. Coming face-to- up owning us. home and were waiting for our rental to
face with identity theft become available. We learned quickly that
forced us to examine we only needed a small handful of items
each one of our debts, to survive each day. Most of what we had
develop a stark picture of surrounded ourselves with was entirely
where we stood overall, unnecessary to have a meaningful life.
and acknowledge the sever-
ity of how much we owed. 10. Physical possessions are not the
Even though nothing had only things that need to be mini-
changed—and our debt still mized. Unhealthy relationships, exces-
remained—knowing the sive obligations and commitments, a
specific reality of our situation cluttered mind, and emotional toxins
gave us a sense of control and are equally detrimental to our lives, and
helped us find the fortitude to sell they need to be pruned until balance
what we had to and pay what we and wellness are achieved.
owed. Fear of knowing where we
stood kept us from asking hard
questions and facing the facts
regarding our financial situation.
Once we owned up to what was
The process of
real, the truth set us free and minimizing generates
gave us the necessary courage
to take the next step. many conflicting
3. No one can change your
life except you. Change is
hard. Sometimes it seems You can read our story and find an
easier to perpetuate what in-depth dive into the lessons we have
is familiar and feels safe, learned in our book, “Biblical Minimal-
despite the misery it inflicts ism: Following Jesus from a Life of Abun-
on our lives. As much as we dance to a More Abundant Life.”
would all love to have some- Though we’re all different and our
one come in and do the heavy paths are diverse, I believe the desire
lifting—pun intended—of mini- for peace is common to us all. Wherever
mizing for us, we’re the only ones you’re on your journey, I wish you well.
who can make those decisions
and let go of what’s burdening Cheryl Smith blogs at Biblical Minimal-
our lives. ism, where she shares her family’s journey
to relinquish excess and deepen their
4. ‘The American dream’ doesn’t connection to Christ. Her book, “Bibli-
have to be your dream. Just cal Minimalism,” is now available for
because the world around us purchase.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 C7

‘Different’ Is Needed When ‘Normal’ Is Broken

How we learned to be a ‘ScreenStrong Family’ in a screen addicted world
JULIE CHRISTIAN me with the same skepticism. Even my We are a different family. What matters little boys were. My oldest son started
mother and father were critical of my to us is different than what matters to coming home with cards and letters from
“I don’t want to go to school today,” choices. It was difficult for my husband other families. And because of that, my his teachers thanking him for his hard
my 10-year-old son whined. Jacob was and me to stand firm in our commit- kids are always going to be different from work and pleasant attitude in school.
the most naturally curious of my three ment, but we had seen the difference in other kids. And because we keep them My boys are in middle school now,
children. He loved going to school. His our children and our family. My hus- away from screens and fill their lives and sometimes it is difficult for them to
words were a warning that something band, a juvenile probation officer, had with other, more beneficial activities to begin friendships when they don’t have
was amiss. seen the impact of years of gaming and replace that time, they are always going the common ground of a smartphone or
“Why don’t you want to go to school?” I screen use in his caseload of juveniles. to stand out. video games. But they’ve learned a valu-
asked. “What’s wrong?” We had been given a glimpse of the fu- I am more than three years into this able lesson.
“I don’t have any friends.” His face ture, and we chose not to allow our sons journey, and it’s true. Being a Screen-
remained downcast as he picked at his to go down that path. Strong family has closed some doors, but
fingers. After much thought and quite a bit of opened many others. Our kids don’t par-
“What about Peter?” Peter had come prayer, I realized that we live in a soci- ticipate in popular “gaming” clubs, and
over to our house for a few days over the ety in which social media, video games, they aren’t in on the conversations with My children are
summer when his mother had to work. movies, and other screen-based enter- their peers on social media. But what
Back then they were best friends. tainment penetrate every aspect of our they are doing is inviting their friends different in a
“Peter is a popular boy now. He plays lives. Adults and kids share lives that over to celebrate their birthday in their
Fortnite. So do all the other kids. They revolve around the consumption of mas- cool new treehouse that they built them- good way. They
don’t want to be friends with me because sive amounts of screen-based entertain- selves. They are lending out books to are becoming the
I don’t play it.” ment. Most of our social engagements neighborhood kids and sharing sidewalk
I couldn’t believe my ears. Just a year begin and end with discussions about chalk with the girls across the street. thinkers and leaders
before, Peter had been the new boy at social media, movies, and what we’ve Over time, my children stopped wor-
school who moved from another school watched or plan to watch. rying about their popularity. They were
of tomorrow.
because he had been bullied. And now, If I continue to eschew these things, my so busy doing the things that kids are
he was accepted into a group of boys who kids will always be the “odd” kids in the supposed to do, they forgot to care. They
spent most of their free time out- class at school who don’t know came home exhausted, with scuffed It’s OK to be different.
side of school gaming, and the latest Fornite dances, or knees, dirty clothes, and lots of stories to Life isn’t a popularity contest, and
their free time in school who don’t watch the most share with us. someday how many friends come to their
making fun of my non- popular YouTube chan- In the beginning of this journey, there birthday party on a Saturday afternoon
gaming child. nels. My kids won’t were parents who smiled to our faces won’t matter. What will matter is what
It was early in our know about the latest and then criticized us behind our backs. they stand for and what they work hard
screen-free journey, TikTok trends, and But those same parents began to ex- to accomplish. And the interesting thing
and I was tempted to they won’t be noti- perience the negative consequences of is, that when they stand for and accom-
acquiesce. fied of social gather- screen time and excessive gaming in plish positive things, more and more
But I was com- ings via Snapchat. their own homes. Family members who people want to be their friends.
mitted, even if it They will not be told us we’d taken things too far began My children are different in a good
meant my son lost popular. And I had to to witness an appreciable difference way. They are becoming the thinkers
friends faster than his force myself to be OK between our children and the children of and leaders of tomorrow. And eventually,
ex-friends could press with that. With no access our relatives who hadn’t made the same when the kids busy playing with their
the fire button on a game to screens, they most likely changes. screens want to be friends with my kids,
controller. I had removed will never be the “cool kids” at Over time, the same parents who “tsk- there’s plenty of room in our treehouse.
screens near the end of his their school. tsked” at our extreme choice secretly
third-grade year. There I thought back to my own came to us with their embarrassing Julie Christian is a ScreenStrong Ambas-
were so many positive ben- Taking devices away childhood. Had I been one of stories. One mom’s 11-year-old daughter sador and mom of four children. Screen-
efits from the change that I from children cre- those “cool kids?” In hindsight, posted provocative dances on TikTok. Strong is an organization that helps
ates more space for
couldn’t fathom going back to them to be children. I think my friends and I were One relative’s son dropped out of college parents empower their children to gain the
the way things were. In only a pretty cool, and we all turned out after losing his scholarship because he benefits of screen media without the toxic
few months without screens, to be cool adults for sure, but we stayed up all night gaming. consequences of overuse that threaten
Jacob’s reading skills in- certainly were not part of the in The same people who complained healthy mental and physical develop-
creased by more than a grade crowd. But being in the popu- about how different I was forcing my ment. The ScreenStrong solution promotes
level. His brother’s tantrums diminished lar crowd isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. children to be were now complimenting a strong parenting style that proactively
and then disappeared. Our lives became I realized I didn’t need to take steps to us on our children’s behavior and wish- replaces harmful screen use with healthy
almost normal, and more peaceful. If my make my kids cooler, I needed to begin ing their kids were a little less like every- activities, life skills development, and
son was unpopular, I thought, so be it. educating my kids on why being uncool one else’s. People in church came up to family connection. This article was repub-
Then, the other parents began treating in today’s society is better. us to tell us how kind and respectful our lished from

Feeling Young Can Reduce the

Aging Effects of Stress, Research Suggests
SARAH COWNLEY protective effect was strongest among the and improve health, including lowering
oldest participants. the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.
New research shows how feeling young Participants “Generally, we know that functional Further studies are needed to help deter-
can protect people from the physiological who recorded health declines with advancing age, but we mine what kind of interventions would
ravages of stress. People who feel younger also know that these age-related functional work best, but health care providers are
have a greater sense of well-being, less in- more stress health trajectories are remarkably varied. encouraged to help promote positive views
flammation, and better cognitive function, As a result, some individuals enter old age on aging.
according to research. They also have a in their lives and very old age with quite good and intact These types of interventions, combined
lower risk of hospitalization. had a steeper health resources, whereas others experi- with stress management training, could
According to a study published by the ence a pronounced decline in functional improve both physical and mental health,
American Psychological Association, feel- decline in health, which might even result in need and reduce the risk of illness and disease.
ing younger may help adults handle stress for long-term care,” said study lead author So, if you are middle-aged or older, don’t
as they age. Researchers analyzed three
functional Markus Wettstein. dwell on your age. Focus on the age you
years of data from 5,039 participants in the health. “Our findings support the role of stress as feel, and start doing activities that can help
German Ageing Survey who were aged 40 a risk factor for functional health decline, you feel younger!
and older. particularly among older individuals, as
The survey included questions about the well as the health-supporting and stress- Sarah Cownley earned a diploma in
stress in people’s lives and their functional buffering role of a younger subjective age.” nutritional therapy from Health Sciences
health. This included how much they were In other words, those with a younger Academy in London, and she enjoys help-
limited in daily activities such as walking, subjective age seemed better protected ing others by teaching healthy lifestyle
bathing, and dressing. against the toll stress normally inflicts on changes through her personal consulta-
Participants were also asked, “How old People who feel biological aging. tions and with her regular contributions
do you feel?” younger have a greater to the Doctors Health
There are a few ways researchers and oth- sense of well-being, Health Interventions Press. This article
ers look at age. There is chronological age, less inflammation, The results of this study suggest that in- was originally pub-
which is the age we refer to when asked and better cognitive terventions aimed at helping people feel lished on Bel Marra
how old we are. And then there is biological function. younger could reduce stress Health.
age, which is how old our body is in terms
of its overall condition. And then there is
subjective age, which is how old we feel.
It was found that, on average, participants
who recorded more stress in their lives had
a steeper decline in functional health over
three years. The link between stress and
health decline was also found to be stron-
ger for chronologically older participants.
Since there is a relatively large volume
of research that links the biochemical ef-

fects of stress to an overall acceleration of

biological age, this part of the study is fairly
well established. The interesting part of
the study showed that participants who
“felt” younger seemed to have a protective
buffer. Among those who felt younger than
their chronological age, the link between
stress and health decline was weaker. This
C8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


We have all
experienced the
rejuvenating effect
of being near water.
Now researchers have
begun to study it.

Blue Is the You may have heard about the healing plug in a recording of a gentle rainstorm,
potential of green spaces. In the past 20 waves on a beach, or a mountain stream.
years, a great deal of research has dis- I never get to the end of any of them be-

New Green
covered the benefits of spending time in cause I’ve drifted off to sleep. And I’m
natural green spaces, such as the woods sure I’m not alone—these recordings
and parks. Scientists have discovered work because the sound of water is
that spending time outdoors in green soothing and produces a sense of calm.
landscapes, called forest bathing, can Also, people tend to be more active
help lower your blood pressure, decrease when they’re around water, and that’s a
Research has affirmed stress, boost your immune re-
sponse, and help ease feelings
good thing. Walking along a
lakeshore or strolling along
the psychological of depression.
Now, scientists are begin- There are
a beach, kayaking, swim-
ming, and paddling are all
benefits of green ning to examine the effects
of water-based environments a number examples of ways that wa-
ter inspires people to move
on your health. One study of intuitive their bodies. And water
spaces, but what surveyed 18,000 people in 18 activity can be emotion-
reasons that ally healing, too, as in the
countries. The results, while
about blue spaces? self-reported, found that be-
ing near the water helps to
being near case of surf therapy or scuba
programs that help veterans
promote mental and physi- water is so with post-traumatic stress.
LYNN JAFFEE cal well-being. Other research Water is also restorative
has documented that people beneficial. when it’s an intentional
When I need to relax, I think about a par- who live near the water have a component of a landscape,
ticular beach in the Caribbean. I’ve only lower risk of premature death and expe- especially in urban areas. A water fea-
been there once, but it’s so profoundly rience a decreased risk of being obese, as ture is relaxing, visually pleasing, pro-
beautiful that I go back to it time and well as reporting being in better mental motes activity, and can actually help to
again in my mind. health than people who don’t live near cut the heat. When you think about it,
The lush hillside above gives way to water. the fountains in Rome, the River Walk
over a half-mile of clean white sand. The There are a few reasons why being near in San Antonio, the canals of Venice
beach is punctuated with just enough blue space is so therapeutic. One of the or Amsterdam, or the Tidal Basin in
palm and sea grape trees to give you best-known books on this phenomenon Washington all enhance not only the
some shade from the Caribbean sun. is “Blue Mind: The Surprising Science landscape, but also the quality of life
And the fineness of the sand extends far That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or for the people in those cities.
into the water, turning it into a turquoise Under Water Can Make You Happier, And finally, the beauty of water is that
blue that looks like it’s lit from beneath. Healthier, More Connected, and Better it doesn’t matter what shape it takes
Why am I telling you this? Well, be- at What You Do,” by Wallace J. Nichols. in order to be therapeutic. It can be a
cause this beach is my happy place. If you really want to dive into the topic, pond, river, waterfall, ocean, or a foun-
Even though I can’t go there every day, I Nichols will give you an ocean of infor- tain—all of these water features are
can conjure it up in my mind. My body mation about the therapeutic benefits attractive and make you feel better. I
doesn’t know the difference between real of being near water. instinctively know how healing water
and imagined, so it reacts as though I’m While the research is early, there are a can be when I walk along the creek that
lying on a blanket on the sand, listening number of intuitive reasons that being runs by my house.
to the waves gently lapping at the shore. near water is so beneficial, and one is
And there’s more. My beach is just one that the sound of moving water is re- Lynn Jaffee is a licensed acupuncturist
of the countless bodies of water through- laxing. Listening to the rain, a babbling and the author of “Simple Steps: The
out the world that are considered to be brook, or waves splashing against the Chinese Way to Better Health.” This
blue spaces. But before talking about the shore is peaceful. I know firsthand that article was originally published on
blue, let’s talk about the green. when I have a hard time falling asleep, I

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Tips for Teaching Your Kids To Save Money on Gas,

About Money Drive Smarter
No matter your kids’ age, setting a good example is While the price of gasoline remains out of our control,
probably the most important thing you can do. we can control how often we visit the filling station.

See D7 See D7



Hundreds of
varieties of
horta, edible
wild greens,

The most typical preparation of horta is also the simplest: boiled until tender, seasoned with salt, and served with generous drizzles of olive oil and lemon juice.

Eat Your Greens, the Greek Way

MIHAELA LICA-BUTLER Passing down ages-old knowledge, Passing down

grandmothers teach their grandchildren ages-old
n Greece, eating horta is a way of how to forage for horta in the wild, because knowledge,
life. Though their name may liter- they know the best grow along mountain grandmothers
ally translate to “weeds,” these wild slopes and hillsides, in olive groves, and on teach their
edibles are considered far from that— fertile plateaus. Armed with pocket knives
how to forage
they’re valuable delicacies. and baskets or tote bags, they hunt for just for horta in the
Horta is a generic name given to a vast the right patch of young leaves, teaching wild.
variety of wild greens; some 300 edible the little ones how to discern the edible
species grow here, according to Greek from the inedible. They cut the greens just
and Mediterranean cuisine expert Diane above the soil, leaving the roots to allow the
Kochilas. Each season has its own. Spring plant to regrow, then carry their harvest
brings the greatest abundance of young back home for a feast.
greens, among them dandelion, grass lily, Greeks have been eating horta since an-
borage, and wild garlic and leeks. In the cient times. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and
summer, you will find plenty of amaranth myriad other nutritional benefits, these
leaves and purslane; while fall and winter gifts of the land provided crucial suste-
are the seasons for reichardia and wild nance during the lean, hard years of war.
chicories. You’ll never go hungry feeding
off the land. Continued on D2


How to Rise Above Your Circumstances

MARY HUNT could make a much-needed course cor-
rection (like picking up a different plane,
Shortly after takeoff, the pilot circled over Your perhaps?). So, back to the lake we flew,
the Great Salt Lake, tipping the wings ever where the captain dumped nearly an en-
so slightly so we could witness the un-
greatness tire flight’s worth of fuel.
usual reddish-purple color of the water—a will never As we deplaned, the problem became
phenomenon, he explained, that occurs evident. We’d hit a duck, or some kind of
when a particular species of algae meets be measured fowl, whose remains were splattered all
up with a certain bacteria. It was quite by wealth or over the windshield—a collision so mighty
fascinating. that it cracked the windshield. Poor pilot.
Just as he was bringing the plane level so position, but So, have you been whacked lately? Not
we could be on our way, CRACK! A loud by a duck, necessarily, but by another
kind of popping noise sent a chill up my by what it of life’s surprises? Perhaps the virus or
spine. takes to make higher prices have your already-stretched
“I believe we’ve hit something, so we financial situation screaming for mercy.
You can default to live under your circumstances, or you can will be returning to the gate,” an audibly you quit. Maybe it’s an accumulation of bad finan-
choose to do whatever it takes to rise above them, where the
shaken pilot reported. cial decisions threatening your joy.
skies are calm and clear.
But it wasn’t quite that easy. First, we
needed to get rid of a lot of weight so we Continued on D3
D2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


You can prepare this dish with any type of seasonal
wild greens: dandelion greens, shepherd’s purse,
purslane, mustard greens, spiny chicory, amaranth
leaves, and the list goes on. If you cannot find wild
greens, you can use cultivated varieties such as kale,
spinach, frisée, or collard greens.
Serve the boiled and dressed greens as is, or for a
boost, add a topping of feta or tomato-feta sauce.
1 pound wild greens (horta)
Salt to taste
2 to 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
Wash the horta thoroughly in plenty of water,
repeating several times, to remove any impurities.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, then blanch the
horta briefly. Drain through a colander, discarding the
liquid. Cool the horta in ice-cold water, which will help
maintain its vibrant green color.
Repeat this blanch-drain-cool process two more
times, using a fresh pot of water each time. This will
reduce the bitterness of the horta.
Bring another pot of water to a boil, and cook the
horta for about 10 minutes, or until soft, if you don’t
like it a bit crunchy. Remove from heat, drain through
a colander (if you want, keep the broth to drink), and
cool in ice-cold water.
Drain again, then plate and serve seasoned with salt
to taste and generous drizzles of olive oil and freshly-
squeezed lemon juice.

Eat Your Greens, the Greek Way MIHAELA LICA-BUTLER

Continued from D1 As simple as the preparation is, there are

Horta are some tricks to making horta enjoyable, to
a staple Now, even supermarkets sell them, along- As simple tame their bitter taste.
in Greek side cultivated varieties like chard and mus- At the family-owned taverna To Mourelo
households tard greens. Still, cultivated horta doesn’t
as the tou Ladomenou in Galatas, a small inland
and on
taste like “the real thing”—the wild greens preparation village in Heraklion, chef Grigoris Koudou-
that take their nutrients naturally from the nas always has seasonal horta on the menu.
land, rain, wind, and sunshine, without hu- is, there are It is never bitter.
man intervention. some tricks to “Change the water a couple of times when
Horta are a staple in Greek households and you boil them,” he told me. “You must cool
on taverna menus, with the varieties chang- making horta the horta in ice-cold water every time you
ing by the season. Whenever I dine out with change the boiling water, to maintain the
friends here in Crete, they’ll invariably order Spiny chicory. 
enjoyable, to vibrant green of the plants.” I know his trick
a plate—among many others to share. tame their now—I’ll cook better.
The most typical preparation is also the Even here in Heraklion, on Crete, I don’t There’s also more to horta than boiling:
simplest, the same regardless of the variety: forage for my own greens. I go to mom-and- bitter taste. The greens can instead be sautéed in olive
boiled until tender or still slightly crunchy, pop mini markets whose owners are more oil, as in horta tsigarista, or baked into a
then chilled in icy water, drained, and sea- than happy to recommend their freshly phyllo-crusted pie, called hortopita. Still,
soned with salt, good olive oil, and fresh foraged finds, and repeat over and over how I prefer boiled horta, the easiest and sim-
lemon juice. Slightly bitter, with earthy to cook them: wash thoroughly, discarding plest way to prepare them. If you are fully
notes, they’re served as is, or with a combo of the water several times, then boil, drain, committed to the horta lifestyle, and the
boiled zucchini, potatoes, and half a lemon. let it cool. Season with salt, drizzle with a traditional resourceful, no-waste spirit it
It’s unpretentious, honest food, light and generous amount of olive oil and freshly embodies, don’t discard the broth from the
nourishing. squeezed lemon juice, and serve. last boil. I dare you to drink it—it’s like an
The most challenging part of the process earthy-bitter, medicinal, herbal tea.
How to Prepare Horta at Home is the cleaning. It may take up to half an
There are no set-in-stone recipes for horta, hour to pick out the dead leaves, grass, A former military journalist, Mihaela
nor rules for the varieties you can use. Fol- twigs, and dirt from the horta. As Nefte- Lica-Butler is a senior partner at Argo-
low your heart—and whatever seasonal ria, the owner of a mini-market across the philia Travel News. Besides her work as a
leafy greens are available near you, whether road, always tells me, “Wash, wash, wash!” PR pro and travel journalist, she spends
foraged yourself or purchased from your It’s sweet how she repeats it every time, her time writing children’s fairy tales and
local farmers market. although I know it; it feels maternal. cookbooks.


Better—and Faster— MAKES ONE 14-INCH PIZZA

4 teaspoons olive oil, divided
2 teaspoons cornmeal
although a food processor is ideal). Turn on
machine. Pour yeast mixture through feed
tube. Process until dough cleans inside of

Than Delivery
work bowl. If dough sticks, add more flour,
1 package dry yeast a tablespoon at a time. If dough is crumbly,
add water a teaspoon at a time. When you
1 teaspoon sugar reach desired consistency, process dough
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons warm water until uniformly supple and elastic, about 40
MARY HUNT My homemade gourmet-style pizza was 2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
Roll dough immediately on heavily floured
out of the oven, sliced, and partially con- Salt board into a 14-inch circle. If dough resists,
There are some who consider pizza the sumed before the doorbell rang. It’s dif- 1 clove garlic, finely minced let rest 5 minutes to relax gluten, and then
perfect food. It has complex carbohy- ficult to give an unbiased opinion on the try again.
3/4 pound Roma tomatoes, sliced thinly
drates, vegetables, dairy, and protein. OK, homemade versus the commercial product Transfer dough to pizza pan. Work the
maybe “perfect” is stretching it a bit, but I because, well, I am anything but impar- 2 ounces Parmesan cheese, grated edge to form rim. Brush with remaining oil.
remember when pizza was something you tial. Just let me say that there’s nothing like 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped Sprinkle on minced garlic, and cover with
shouldn’t eat too much of because it might the taste of fresh tomatoes, fresh basil, and Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Rub 1 an even layer of tomato slices. Sprinkle with
spoil your dinner. Now it is dinner. freshly grated Parmesan cheese on this teaspoon olive oil over a 14-inch pizza pan, Parmesan cheese.
Millions of families rely on pizza because freshly baked no-rise homemade dough. and sprinkle with cornmeal. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes until crust is crisp
it is quick and convenient. But is it? To find As for the time factor, I beat Domino’s Stir yeast and sugar into warm water, and let and golden-brown. Sprinkle with fresh basil.
out, I conducted a less-than-scientific test by a full 20 minutes. And the cost? Mine: stand until foamy (2 to 3 minutes).
earlier this week. less than $4. Domino’s: $26, including tip. NOTE:
Combine flour, salt, and 1 teaspoon olive You could use a bottled sauce, your
Homemade for the win! oil in food processor bowl fitted with favorite toppings, and mozzarella cheese
metal blade (this dough can be made with to customize to your taste and available
Mary Hunt is the founder of Everyday- an electric mixer or in a bread machine,
My homemade gourmet-, a frugal living blog

style pizza was out of the and the author of the book “Debt-Proof There’s
nothing like the
Living.” Mary invites you to visit her at
oven, sliced, and partially her website, where this column is archived taste of fresh
complete with links and resources for all tomatoes,
consumed before the recommended products and services. fresh basil, and
freshly grated
doorbell rang. Mary invites questions and comments at Parmesan, “Ask cheese on
I ordered a large 14-inch thin-crust to- Mary.” Tips can be submitted at Tips.Ev- this freshly
mato and cheese pizza from Domino’s for This column will baked no-rise
delivery. As soon as I hung up the phone, I answer questions of general interest, but homemade
went to work on my homemade pizza with letters cannot be answered individually. dough.
a no-rise crust. Copyright 2021
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 D3


It’s Moving Day!

MATT FOWLER as your newspaper seed pots. Then, place

When it comes to transplanting your seed- Since your

a seed pot directly into the hole. This is the
real benefit of these biodegradable pots: We
lings to the garden or an outdoor container seedlings have don’t have to worry about disturbing the root Your Seedlings
from indoor pots, there isn’t a definitive an- system of our plants.
swer on the best timing. lived their entire Make sure the base of the seedling is

It’s not how tall the plant is that determines even with or higher than the level of the
its readiness for transplanting. The general lives indoors, soil around the pot, so that the next rain
rule of thumb is that your seedling should they need to be doesn’t drown it. Use the soil from the hole
have four or more complete leaves, which you dug to fill around the edges of your pot
the plant can use to sustain itself. The leaves acclimated to the so it fits snugly in the hole. Water the plant
that were the first to appear and have the and all the soil you loosened around it to
shape of the seed itself are not considered
harsh realities of help it settle. That’s it—you have the start
complete leaves, nor are leaves that are living outside, of a garden!
curled or still holding onto the seed coat. Continue planting the rest of your seed-
You won’t want to rush moving your plants or they will go lings, paying attention to the spacing in-
outside. Keep an eye on your weather fore- into shock. structions on your seed packet. You don’t
cast, making sure the outside temperature have to do it all in one day: Spread out the
is going to stay above freezing and that no messy fun of working in the soil with your
monsoons are coming to drown your plants. budding gardener.
If the forecast looks clear and your seed- Keep your plants watered, as the wind
lings have their complete leaves, then it’s and the sun will dry out the surrounding
time to get ready for the big move. soil faster than you think possible. Consider Place a newspaper seed pot
directly in the hole.
covering the soil with a 2-inch-thick layer
Harden Off Your Seedlings of mulch, to provide a buffer against the

Since your seedlings have lived their entire sun’s hot rays and help protect all the liv-
lives indoors, they need to be acclimated to ing organisms in your garden. Simply cover

the harsh realities of living outside, or they the soil with leaves, grass clippings, or even
will go into shock. entire sheets of newspaper, surrounding
For the next five days, set your tray of seed- your seedlings all the way to the base of
lings outside in partial sun for a few hours their stems.
each day. On the first day, I recommend
starting by placing your plants outside in Looking Ahead
partial sun for two hours and then bringing This is an exciting time in the life of a garden,
them back inside. Give them plenty of water but the work of caring for it has only just
and let them rest until the next day. On day begun. So make it fun: The excitement of a
two, put them in partial sun for four hours, garden will last throughout the season if you
and then bring them back inside, give them find creative ways to involve your budding
plenty to drink, and let them rest. Follow gardeners. How about painting large rocks
this pattern, adding two hours each day, to place as a label for each type of plant? Or
until day five, when the seedlings will be adding something pretty to your garden, Use the soil from the hole you dug
outside for 10 hours. such as a hummingbird feeder or some to fill around the edges of your
This process, called hardening off, will get flowers? pot so it fits snugly in the hole.
your seedlings ready to fully live outside. Have them make a special note on the cal-

endar to mark when the plants went into
Loosen the Soil and Plant Your the garden. Encourage them to measure
Seedlings the plants the same day each week, or even
Keep your plants watered,
If you have been following along in our as the wind and the sun will
take pictures of them, to track just how much
Growing Gardeners series, you should re- dry out the surrounding they grow.
member from last week’s article how im- soil faster than you think Gardening can put sweat on your brow,
portant it is that your seedlings have the possible. dirt under your fingernails, and an ache
food necessary to grow strong and healthy. in your back, but the pure joy in seeing the
That means that before transplanting them, fruits of your labor growing before your eyes
you should have first prepared your soil by is immeasurable.
amending it with compost.
The amending process also loosens the Matt Fowler, MBA, Ph.D., enjoys writing
soil, and is a better alternative to the extreme about his experiences at The Abundant
option of tilling. Tilling does loosen the soil, Farm, an intentional farming operation
but it also destroys the homes of all the life in southeastern Illinois on the Crawfish
within it, and dries it out. Creek. The farm challenges the family in the
Once your soil has been amended, have building of a homestead by growing food, Cover the soil with a 2-inch-thick
your little helper take a small shovel to the products, and character while teaching layer of mulch.
amended area and dig a hole the same size health and bounty to others.

decide if you like the picture you see. If not,

EVERYDAY CHEAPSKATE create a plan to change it.
Your troubles
How to Rise Above Pare Down
It’s difficult to fly high when you are weighed
are brilliant
Your Circumstances
down with heavy debt and other obligations.
Maybe maintaining too many cars or having
too much stuff in your life is holding you back. disguised as
Take stock, and then unload some weight. impossible

Continued from D1 Smile on Purpose situations.

Regardless of how you are feeling, greet the
Whatever your circumstances, you have a next person you see with a smile and sincere
choice: You can default to live under them, or pleasantry. Force it, if you must. Soon, it will
you can choose to do whatever it takes to rise become heartfelt.
above them, where the skies are calm and clear.
Some people allow problems and pressures Do Not Dwell on Problems
to control their lives. Their problems have Refuse to worry unless you have a pencil and
nothing to do with the troubles themselves, paper in hand. With those tools, worrying
but with how they view those circumstances. automatically becomes a planning session.
Want to climb up on top of your situation Write down positive ideas.
rather than allow it to crush you? Here are Mary Hunt is the found-
some practical ways to do it: Don’t Be Fooled by Disguises er of EverydayCheap-
Your troubles are brilliant opportunities dis-, a frugal liv-
Anticipate guised as impossible situations. Those who ing blog, and the author
Think about what’s coming up. Plan ahead. recognize this truth are experts at living of the book “Debt-Proof
Don’t get financially blindsided. Figure out above their circumstances. Living.” Mary invites you
when your car registration is due, when you to visit her at her web-
need to pay your property taxes, or when you Choose Joy site, where this column
need to buy new tires. Stop being surprised by One thing that distinguishes you from the is archived complete
the inevitable. Learn how to grow a garden, cook from scratch, animal kingdom: You can control your atti- with links and resources
and perform repairs and maintenance on your tude. You choose your thoughts. So, for today, for all recommended
own cars and home.
Become Self-Reliant choose joy. products and services.
Our modern society has made us dependent What you can do matters much more than Mary invites questions
on others for almost everything. Learn how it to $0 as quickly as possible. Then add its what you can’t. Focus on getting through the and comments at Every-
to grow a garden, cook from scratch, and per- payment to the regular payment of the next mess—or if it’s not going away, find a way to
form repairs and maintenance on your own debt in line. Repeat until all are paid. Then joyfully persevere. Your greatness will never contact, “Ask Mary.”
cars and home. Now, you’ll be able to do for tackle your mortgage. be measured by wealth or position, but by Tips can be submitted
yourself what you’ve been paying others to what it takes to make you quit. at Tips.EverydayCheap-
do, should you need to make a quick course Educate Yourself As for that duck’s unfortunate encounter This column
correction. Most people don’t know enough about their with the plane, once we dumped the fuel, de- will answer questions of
own financial reality—what they earn, what planed, and re-planed, we were back in the general interest, but let-
Shed the Debt it takes to live, or how much, if any, is left once air flying full-speed ahead above the circum- ters cannot be answered
There is no doubt that debt can weigh you the bills are paid. Write down your monthly stances, achieving an on-time arrival. individually. Copyright
down. Start with your smallest debt, and get bills. Compare them to your income. Then, That was one determined pilot! 2021
D4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


It’s OK to Drape freshly

poached and
Active Time: 20 minutes

Slurp Your chilled shrimp over

a shrimp cocktail-
inspired gazpacho
for a light spring or
summer meal.
Total Time: 20 minutes, plus chilling time

Vegetables 4 cups tomato juice

1 1/2 cups grape tomatoes, chopped
1 medium red onion, finely chopped
1 English cucumber with skin, seeded,

1 large celery stalk, diced
hen spring and sum- 1 medium carrot, finely diced
mer bring warm days, 1 medium red bell pepper, stemmed and
I keep our meals light seeded, diced
and garden-fresh with a 1 small jalapeño pepper, stemmed and
minimum of cooking. Cold seeded, minced
soups, abundant salads, tapas, and anti-
pasti are elevated to dinner course level, 1 large garlic clove, minced
providing simple and refreshing nourish- 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
ment, while greedily taking advantage of 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
the farmers market bounty.
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
The trick to eating this fresh is to provide
enough substance to call these dishes a 2 teaspoons drained prepared horseradish,
main course—and for this, I often turn to or to taste
shrimp. Shrimp are versatile and packed 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
with protein, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
adding the necessary nutritional oomph
1 teaspoon kosher salt
to top off a light meal. They require mere
minutes to cook in a pan or on the grill, 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
which is ideal for busy schedules and keep- 1/4 cup Italian parsley or cilantro leaves,
ing the heat out of the kitchen. They can chopped
also be poached ahead of time and served
chilled, such as in this gazpacho soup.
1 pound jumbo (16/20) shrimp, peeled and
deveined, tails intact

SKETCH MASTER/ SHUTTERSTOCK dients, such as horseradish, lemon, and 1 lemon, quartered
The trick to eating this Worcestershire sauce. Freshly poached 2 bay leaves
and chilled shrimp are draped over the
2 teaspoons salt
fresh is to provide enough rim of the glass to top this soup off and
provide protein. You can serve this as a Combine all of the soup ingredients except
substance to call these main course or divvy it up between small the parsley in a large bowl. Mix to blend and
dishes a main course— glasses for a light appetizer. I can’t think then taste for seasoning. Cover the soup and
of a better way to slurp my vegetables, refrigerate for at least 2 hours or up to 6 hours to
and for this, I often turn can you? chill and allow the flavors to develop.
While the soup is chilling, poach the shrimp. Fill
to shrimp. Lynda Balslev is a cookbook author, a large saucepan with water. Add the lemon,
food and travel writer, and recipe bay leaves, and salt. Bring to a boil over high
Gazpacho is a cold tomato soup of Span- Shrimp are developer based in the San Francisco heat. Remove the pan from the heat and add
ish origin that is traditionally blended Bay Area, where she lives with her the shrimp. Cover the pot and let stand until the
packed with shrimp turn pink and are opaque through the
with an arm’s-length list of vegetables. Danish husband, two children, a cat,
Despite the abundance of produce, gaz-
pacho is unfailingly filling and satisfy-
PROTEIN,IRON, and a dog. Lynda studied cooking at
Le Cordon Bleu Ecole de Cuisine in
center, 4 to 5 minutes. Drain the shrimp and rinse
under cold water to stop the cooking process.
ing—even for meat-eaters—and a perfect
antidote to a warm day.
OMEGA-3 Paris and worked as a personal chef,
culinary instructor, and food writer in
Refrigerate until use.
Remove the gazpacho from the refrigerator 15
This version takes inspiration from a
shrimp cocktail, with the tomato juice
FATTY ACIDS. Switzerland and Denmark. Copyright
2021 Lynda Balslev. Distributed by
minutes before serving. Stir in the parsley and
taste again for seasoning. Ladle the soup into
glasses or small bowls, and drape the shrimp over
base infused with cocktail sauce ingre- Andrew McMeel Syndication. the edges. Garnish with a celery stalk if desired.


Do Trees Need to Be Painted?

JEFF RUGG tures the cells, and that area of cambium
cells dies. That side of the trunk may de-
Q: I am planting some 6- to 10-foot-tall velop a large crack called a frost crack.
fruit trees and a couple of small shade Sunscald and frost cracks are more likely
trees. Is there really a benefit to painting to develop on thin, barked trees such as
the tree trunks or wrapping them in that beech, birch, cherry, maple, and small
spiral wrap stuff? fruit trees. The problem with painting or
A: How many trees do you see in nature wrapping newly planted trees is that they
that are painted or wrapped? Tree trunks may not grow their own protective layer of
don’t normally need to be painted or thicker bark very quickly. The warmer and
wrapped in plastic pipe, wire, or cloth. sunnier the climate, the more likely the
However, there are times when tree wrap trees will need protection from sunscald
can help protect the tree. from painting or wrapping. And the colder
Trees have bark to protect the live cam- the climate, the more likely the trees will
bium tissue growing right under the bark. need protection from sunscald and frost
This cambium tissue needs protection cracks. Wrap young and newly planted
from mammals eating it, from insects bor- trees each fall and unwrap them each
ing through it, and from sunlight heating spring until the bark develops a thick layer.
it or sunburning it with ultraviolet light. Trees with thin bark may be nibbled
When a tree grows from a seed in a sunny on by rodents, especially in regions with
location, it produces thicker bark on the heavy snow cover. Each fall, thin-barked
sunny side of the tree. When we buy a tree trees and fruit trees can be wrapped in
that was growing in a field, we rarely plant wire mesh, cloth, or paper tree wraps to
it facing the same direction it was growing prevent rodent damage. The wraps should
in the field. The small trees you are planting be removed in the spring to prevent insects
are probably growing in pots and have been and disease organisms from hiding behind
moved so many times no one can know the wrap and damaging the tree.
which way they were oriented in the past. Thin-barked trees can be protected from
Sunlight can damage the cambium layer rabbits and some boring insects by paint-
if a tree is planted so the thin side of bark ing the trunks. Use a latex paint. Oil paints
is oriented toward the sun. The damage can be toxic to trees. You can use the paint
is called sunscald. Trees growing close right out of the can, or you can dilute the
together in a field shade each other, but paint up to 1 part paint and 4 parts water.
when they are planted by themselves in The thicker the paint, the more protection
a landscape, the trunk may be exposed there is. There are companies that make
to the sun. Sunscald can also happen if a tree trunk paint that you can find online.
lot of low branches are pruned off a tree. When a tree has thick bark, it does not
Ultraviolet light can damage the tree in need to be protected by paint. Rows of
the spring and summer. During the winter, large street trees are painted because
the sun warms the south- or southwest- someone thinks they look pretty.
facing side of the trunk during cold winter The warmer and sunnier the
days. The cells begin to grow as they warm climate, the more likely the trees Email questions to Jeff Rugg at info@
up in the sunshine, and they start consum- To find out more about
ing their antifreeze sugars. Within hours, will need protection from sunscald Jeff Rugg and read features by other
water in the cells freezes at night as the Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists,
temperature drops below freezing and the
from painting or wrapping. visit the Creators Syndicate website at
cells have less sugar to use as antifreeze. Copyright 2021 Jeff Rugg.
Ice in the cells and between the cells rup- Distributed by Creators Syndicate.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 D5

light off and on. A vibrating collar is also a

good way to get her attention.
For additional training suggestions, visit

Dogs communicate with

one another primarily
through body language,
so many trainers feel it’s

Q: Mulan, my 2-year-old Siamese mix, re-

cently started sucking my clothing, though
she doesn’t chew holes. She’s especially
drawn to my wool sweaters. Why does she
do this?
A: Wool sucking is common among Sia-
mese, Burmese, and related breeds and
mixes, so it’s probably an inherited be-
havior. Cats that suck fabric most often
choose wool, followed by cotton and then
It may be that the lanolin in wool reminds
Mulan of her mother’s nursing her, or that
With kind, consistent training, deaf dogs can learn hand signals and become wonderful family pets. the soft texture induces her to knead the
ASK THE VET fabric, which leads to sucking. Another
theory is that stress may play a role.

Use Hand Signals to Train a Deaf Dog You can interrupt Mulan’s wool sucking
by distracting her with an interactive toy,
such as a laser pointer, Mylar cat teaser, or
feather on a fishing pole. Offer alternative
LEE PICKETT I’m talking with someone in the room or signs so Eva can master “walk,” “go potty,” oral stimulation, such as a dog chew toy.
on the phone. So, I recommend all dogs “car,” “mealtime,” and other common Make feeding sessions more fun by let-
Q: We’re enchanted by Eva, a sweet, young learn hand signals. concepts. ting Mulan hunt for her food. Hide small
Dalmatian available for adoption through To teach Eva, take her to a group obe- Positive reinforcement using praise, food meals throughout your home, or put some
the nearby Dalmatian rescue. Our only dience training class taught by someone treats, and other rewards will be your most kibble inside a food puzzle or feeder that
concern is that she is deaf. If we adopt her, experienced with deaf dogs. You’ll learn effective training tool. Praise Eva by smil- opens when she manipulates it.
how will we train her? the standard hand signals for come, sit, ing and either clapping or using the ASL When Mulan cuddles in your wool-clad
A: Deafness is inherited in some breeds, stay, lie down, and other actions. sign for “good.” arms without sucking your sweater, reward
including Dalmatians, especially those I think you’ll be happiest if you join a To gain Eva’s attention indoors, tap your her with a cat treat. Gradually lengthen the
that are mostly white and have blue eyes. small group where you’ll receive individ- foot on the floor and give her a hand signal. time until she receives the treat.
Fortunately, with kind, consistent train- ual attention when you need it. Be sure, When she’s sleeping, awaken her gently If Mulan chews holes in your sweaters and
ing, deaf dogs can learn hand signals and however, that there are several other dogs by holding a treat in front of her nose and these recommendations don’t help, make
become wonderful family pets. and people in the group so Eva learns to lightly petting her. an appointment with her veterinarian.
Dogs communicate with one another ignore distractions and focus on you. When she’s outdoors, she should be
primarily through body language, so many Supplement Eva’s standard dog training leashed or within a fenced yard. Her iden- Lee Pickett, VMD, practices companion
trainers feel it’s actually easier for them to with American Sign Language, or ASL, tification tag should say, “Eva is DEAF” and animal medicine in North Carolina.
learn hand signals than spoken words. I’ve which consists of hand motions, facial provide your phone number and address. Contact her at Copyright
found hand signals help me silently com- expressions, and body movements. Be To call her when she’s outside, use a 2021 Lee Pickett, VMD. Distributed by
municate with my own hearing dogs while sure everyone in the family uses the same flashlight or laser pointer, or turn the porch


Add a Walk-In Closet to Your Master Bedroom

JAMES DULLEY they cannot be on the same wall. Walk-in
closets tend to get a bit messy at times, and
Dear James: We created a master bedroom it’s best not to have a mess on the floor of the
from two smaller bedrooms. Now, we want closet be the first thing someone sees when
to build a walk-in closet into a corner. How they enter the bedroom.
big should one be, and how should we build The closet door should open outward
it? —Aaron M. into the room so it does not block access
to items in the closet. Keep this in mind
Dear Aaron: A walk-in closet is found in when you decide which way you want the
almost every master bedroom these days. closet door to swing. If it’s near the room
This is a pretty simple do-it-yourself project entrance or the bathroom door and swings
because you just have to build a framed the wrong way, it can be in the way and
shell, cover it with drywall, and hang a become an annoyance.
decorative pre-hung interior door. Once you have the location and size of the
Because it is such a popular feature, some walk-in closet determined, plan on the type
builders and remodelers try to fit a walk-in of storage you desire inside the closet. A shelf
closet into a bedroom or house that is too is often located above a closet rod and is typi-
small for it. This not only looks odd but cally 14 inches deep for larger items.
also isn’t very functional. By taking space Closet rods for hanging long dresses should
away from the rest of a small bedroom, the be about 70 inches from the floor and 12
functionality of the entire bedroom can be inches from the closet wall.
compromised. There should be about 5 inches of clearance
After combining two bedrooms, you above the rod to a shelf to make it easy to
should have plenty of room for a decent- hang clothes. For hanging shirts, jackets, and
sized walk-in closet. It should have a mini- pants, one rod can be located above another.
mum depth of 4 feet from the door. It should Leave about 44 inches between them.
be the full height of the bedroom to pro- Plan for adequate lighting in the closet. A
vide room for shelves. The minimum width built-in switch in the door jamb is best so
depends on the type of storage (shelves, the light goes out automatically when the
cabinets, built-in drawers, etc.) you choose. door is closed and cannot accidentally be
It should provide enough space to turn left on. Also install override switches on
around once you are in there. the outside and inside of the closet. Install
Before proceeding with your walk-in closet full-spectrum compact fluorescent bulbs
design, do some preliminary planning for for efficiency and for the truest colors.
the master bedroom layout. Plan to have the
bedroom, closet, and bathroom doors open Send your questions to Here’s How, 6906
up in an area along a wall or in a corner. This Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45244, or
creates a traffic zone that will be somewhat visit To find out more about
separate from the rest of the bedroom, where James Dulley and read features by other
the furniture and bed are located. Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists,
You should not put the walk-in closet door visit the Creators Syndicate website at
across from the bedroom entrance door if Copyright 2021

CALLING Dear Readers,

Did you build, fix, design, or craft something that you’re especially proud of?
Whether it’s a small decoration or an ambitious renovation, we’d love to hear about it!

We’re looking to spotlight inspiring home projects from our readers that showcase
valuable do-it-yourself skills and spirit. Tell us about yours—the product, process,
challenges, and rewards.
Send your story, a photo of yourself, and at least one photo of your project, along with

DIYERS your full name, state, and contact information, to, or mail it to:
Home, The Epoch Times, 229 W. 28th St., Floor 7, New York, NY 10001.
D6 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


who are under their full retirement age and

making more than about $19,000 per year.
But if you are under your full retirement
age and living overseas, you won’t get your
Social Security check for any month you
work over 45 hours, no matter how much
money you make. There are exceptions
to this rule. The most common is this: If
you work for a U.S. corporation overseas,
then you are subject to the more lenient
earnings penalty rules that apply to U.S.
If you are getting Social Security disabil-
ity benefits while living overseas, the same
rules apply to you as to people living in
this country. That means, for example, that
your claim will be periodically reviewed
to make sure you are still disabled.
If you are a U.S. citizen living overseas,
the benefits you receive are subject to the
same income tax payments that apply to
U.S. residents. If you aren’t a U.S. citizen,
the SSA will automatically withhold a por-
tion of your benefits to cover possible tax
obligations—although there are some ex-
ceptions to that rule.
Most people living overseas have their
benefits sent by direct deposit to a bank
in the country where they are living. On
page 27 of the booklet mentioned earlier in
this column, there is a long list of countries
Before you pack your bags and head to some foreign land to live, read up on the relevant Social Security rules.
that have an international direct deposit
treaty agreement with the United States.
Assuming you have moved to one of those
SOCIAL SECURITY AND YOU that prevent benefits from being sent to countries, you will have no problem get-
Vietnam and most of the republics that ting your benefits electronically.

What Happens to Your formerly made up the Soviet Union (places

such as Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, etc.).
There are some exceptions to those Social
If you need to conduct some kind of So-
cial Security business once you are living
overseas, you obviously can’t just drive

Social Security Check Security restrictions, if any of those remote

places are beckoning you in retirement.
If you are not a U.S. citizen but you have
across town and visit your local Social Se-
curity office. But every U.S. embassy and
consulate has a person on staff who is

If You Live Abroad? lived in this country legally and worked

and earned Social Security benefits, then
the rules get a little more complicated. I
trained to handle Social Security business.
So, they are a good source of information
and help. Or, assuming you have internet
will briefly explain some of them. access, you can use the SSA’s website.
TOM MARGENAU If you are a citizen of one of the 23 coun- One final point. Your Medicare cover-
tries that have Social Security treaty agree- age only works while you are living in the
Maybe it’s because COVID-19 restrictions ments with the U.S. (they are listed in the United States. So, if you move to a foreign
are easing up a bit. And some people prob- aforementioned booklet), then you also country and think you will be there for
ably have a bad case of wanderlust. I’m can get your benefits anywhere in the good, you might as well cancel the parts of
sure others are just thinking about retir- world—with the same restrictions that ap- Medicare for which you pay a monthly pre-
ing and returning to their homeland. Or ply to U.S. citizens outlined above. You’ll mium. These are usually Part B (medical
perhaps still others see some of the same find the list of countries on page 5 of the insurance) and Part D (drug insurance).
websites I do that entice you with head- booklet. The list includes most European The key to understanding all of this is
lines similar to this one I recently read: countries as well as places such as Israel, reading that booklet I mentioned. I will
“Live like royalty on your Social Security Australia, Japan, and South Korea. warn you that it can be a little daunting at
check in Belize!” Page 6 of the booklet has another list first, just because there are so many rules
Anyway, I’ve received more than a few of countries. If you are a citizen of one of and so many potential variables to those
The Treasury
emails lately from folks who want to know those countries, you can get your Social rules depending on your citizenship sta-
Department doesn’t
what happens with their Social Security allow any federal Security benefits while living outside the tus, the kind of benefit you are getting, and
benefits once they pack their bags and government checks U.S., but only if you are receiving Social where you plan to live. Just be patient, and
head to some foreign land to live. to be sent to North Security retirement or disability benefits. I think it will all sink in eventually.
Anyone planning to do that needs to Korea or Cuba. If you get Social Security dependent or sur- Other than that, bon voyage! And send
read a booklet that the Social Security vivors benefits, then the rules really get me a postcard from one of those pretty
Administration produces called “Social messy—way too complicated to explain golden beaches in Belize.
Security—Your Payments While You Are in the short space of this column. Please
Outside the United States.” You can find it refer to the booklet for more information. Tom Margenau worked for
online at the SSA’s website, SocialSecurity. If you aren’t a citizen of one of the coun- 32 years in a variety of positions for the
gov. Just click the “Publications” link near You will learn tries listed on pages 5 and 6 of the booklet Social Security Administration before
the bottom of the homepage. but you are receiving U.S. Social Security retiring in 2005. He has served as the
Once there, pull down the “Topics” menu that if you are benefits, then as a general rule, those ben- director of SSA’s public information
and you’ll find the booklet under the “Gen- a U.S. citizen, efits will stop once you have been outside office, the chief editor of more than 100
eral Information” section. the country for more than six months. SSA publications, a deputy press officer
By reading that publication, you will the rules are If you are getting Social Security benefits and spokesman, and a speechwriter for
learn that if you are a U.S. citizen, the rules while living overseas, you are generally sub- the commissioner of Social Security. For
are pretty simple. You can get your Social pretty simple. ject to the same rules and regulations that 12 years, he also wrote Social Security
Security benefits almost anywhere in the apply to Social Security beneficiaries in the columns for local newspapers, and
world. However, the Treasury Department United States. And some of the rules are recently published the book “Social
doesn’t allow any federal government even more restrictive. For example, there Security: Simple and Smart.” If you have
checks to be sent to North Korea or Cuba. is an earnings penalty that applies to So- a Social Security question, contact him at
And there are Social Security restrictions cial Security beneficiaries in this country


PERSONAL FINANCE parents and their wishes.

No. 2, she should be thinking about
and working on tangible career steps ev-
Help Her ery single day. I’m pretty sure she could
find a part-time job out there to put a

Get Back little extra money in her pocket. When

she’s not earning some cash, she should
be focusing on long-term career goals.
Out There Sending out resumés and filling out
applications for full-time employment
needs to be a priority.
DAVE RAMSEY The last thing I’ll suggest may sound a
little strange, but trust me on this one.
Dear Dave, Right now, your daughter also needs
Our daughter recently moved back in some kind of physical activity on a regu-
with us after she lost her job and her lar basis. Exercise stimulates the mind,
apartment. She hasn’t been able to find and she really needs that right now. It’ll
full-time work yet, and she had nowhere also be great for her body.
else to go. My husband and I are nearing This young lady has been through a
retirement age, so we want to do the best Come up with an approach that allows your daughter a little time to heal and stressful experience. She needs some
and smartest thing to help her get back regain her dignity, but also includes a plan, expectations, and a move-out date. understanding and support right now.
on her feet. What do you suggest? At the same time, you don’t want to let
—Joan to an agreement on a forward-thinking her slide into bad habits and participate
plan that falls somewhere in the middle. in promoting negative behavior. Step in,
Dear Joan, I’m talking about something that allows She should be help her get her life back on track, and
First, you need to define what helping your daughter a little time to heal and re- thinking about get her out in the world again. All three of
your daughter really means. What does gain her dignity, but also includes a plan, you will be glad you did!
it look like? In my mind, you haven’t expectations, and a move-out date. and working on —Dave
helped her if she’s still living at home two If I were in your shoes, there would
or three years from now. Going to those be requirements attached to her living tangible career Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions,
lengths is called being an enabler. At the at home again. One is that she would steps every host of The Dave Ramsey Show, and
same time, you shouldn’t just show her respect and abide by your household a best-selling author, including
the door and wish her good luck. You rules. If she’s going to live in your home, single day. “The Total Money Makeover.”
and your husband together should come she should be expected to respect her Follow Dave at
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 D7


To Save Money on Gas, Drive Smarter



Yesterday, I filled up at the gas station,

and I was shocked. Shocked! Cost to fill
up? $64.12. I really haven’t been hiding
under a rock. It’s just that I don’t often fill
the one vehicle I share with my husband,
so it wasn’t until I handed over $64.12 that
the runaway cost of gasoline got personal.
Have you noticed? At the time of writing,
gas prices jumped more than 9 percent in
the past month and 22.5 percent above last
year at this time, and they’re not expected
to slow down anytime soon.
Believe me, as I pulled away, I renewed
my resolve to employ every gasoline-con-
servation technique and tip known to hu-
mankind. I thought perhaps you could use
a reminder as well.

Combine Errands
Instead of running to the dry cleaners to-
night, the drugstore tomorrow, the post
office the next day, and the doctor next
Tuesday, combine those errands into one
trip. Plan ahead because it’s all those short
trips that can really whack the gas mileage.

Get Technical
Learn to drive as if there’s an egg in be-
tween the gas pedal and the floor. Break it
and you die. This means gentle and gradual Slow Down While the price of gasoline remains out of Employ
pressure on the gas—no sudden accelera- Gas mileage decreases rapidly above 60 our control, we can control how often we visit as many
tion or “floor boarding.” miles per hour. If you drive 70 mph instead Each 5 mph the filling station. So, how low can you go? of these
of 55 mph, experts say you could be burning Could you cut one complete fill-up during gasoline-
Carpool and Other Alternatives up to 17 percent of your fuel just to get there a
you drive over the coming month? That’s my goal. I’ll keep conserving
tips as you
Whenever possible, walk or ride a bike. few minutes sooner. In fact, each 5 mph you 60 mph is you posted. can, to limit
Most of your trips are within just a few drive over 60 mph is likely equal to paying
miles of your home anyway, so cut down an additional 20 cents per gallon of gas. likely equal Mary Hunt is the founder of Everyday-
your trips
to the gas
your car mileage and get some exercise to paying an, a frugal living blog and station.
at the same time. Can’t avoid a car trip? Tire Care the author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.”
Whenever possible, share a ride with a co- Bald tires are not only a driving hazard, additional Mary invites you to visit her at her website,
worker, neighbor, or family member. but they also burn more fuel. Keeping your where this column is archived complete with
tires properly inflated is an easy way to im-
20 cents per links and resources for all recommended
Pass on Premium prove your gas mileage by up to 3 percent, gallon of gas. products and services. Mary invites ques-
High-octane fuels aren’t necessarily bet- which could save 5 cents per gallon. tions and comments at EverydayCheap-
ter for your car. In fact, unless your car’s, “Ask Mary.” Tips can
manual specifically calls for premium fuel, Trunk Lite be submitted at Tips.EverydayCheapskate.
your car might not be benefitting from it at For every 100 pounds of excess weight in com. This column will answer questions
all. Read that manual. Chances are good your trunk, your car loses about 2 percent of general interest, but letters cannot be
you can skip the premium and pocket the of its fuel economy. Empty everything but answered individually. Copyright 2021
difference. the required safety equipment.


Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Money

CARRIE SCHWAB-POMERANTZ or gift, say 10 percent, toward their but they don’t always equate that with
savings goal. That’s a good start. (You being financially responsible. If you
Dear Readers: Moms these days can fill You might be can always match their savings to help started their money lessons early, hope-
a lot of roles—from nutritionist to chauf- surprised at them along!) fully they’ve already established some
feur to nurse to counselor. We’re called E Make saving tangible for even the good habits. Now is the time to prepare
on to be experts in everything from how much youngest children by decorating them for the upcoming transition to the
caring for physical wounds to healing separate jars for each savings goal and real world of saving, budgeting, credit—
broken hearts. On top of that, many of us financial helping them track their progress. even investing. Use this list as a starting
hold down full-time jobs! Now I’m going knowledge E Teach the value of money by giving a point:
to add one more responsibility to the list: young child a dollar to buy a snack,
financial coach. Think you don’t have you already pay for it, get a receipt, keep the change E Savings: Help working teens set up
time to add one more thing to your busy and put it toward a savings goal. direct deposit to put part of every pay-
impart to check into a savings account.
Actually, you might be surprised at how your kids Middle Schoolers E Budgeting: Whether with an online
much financial knowledge you already By middle school, kids are ready to han- tracker or on paper, have your teens
impart to your kids just in the everyday just in the dle some money of their own. Whether record every purchase they make for a
things you do. After all, kids are always everyday it comes from an allowance, gifts, or week or two. Then take it a step further
watching and learning from us—even eventually a part-time job, it’s only by by having them complete a monthly
when we’re unaware of it. So my thought things you do. managing their own money—and mak- budget planner to really see where
is that when it comes to money, a little ing their own mistakes—that kids will their money is going.
conscious awareness on the parts of learn to make good saving, spending and E Credit management: Once you explain
moms—and dads—can make the finan- budgeting decisions. Here are some easy the pluses and minuses of credit cards,
cial lessons we teach our kids that much ways to give them real-world experience: give your older teen some hands-on
more effective. experience.
Still skeptical? Here are some practical E Help your preteen open a savings ac- E Investing: There’s a lot to talk about
ways you can increase your kids’ finan- count. (You’ll need their Social Security here, but experience is the best teacher.
Instilling the savings
cial knowledge from the early years until habit in kids from
number.) Shop for one with no fees— Introduce some basic concepts about
they’re ready to set off on their own. a young age is a another good lesson. Talk about interest long-term investing, risk, and not bet-
great start to their and explain how compound interest ting everything on a single stock.
Early Years financial education. works. Your bank manager might be
I’m all for starting to teach kids about willing to help out. That might get the No matter your kids’ age, setting a good
money at an early age. I believe even kids to listen more closely. Again, en- example is probably the most important
children as young as 3 to 5 can begin to courage them to save at least 10 percent thing you can do. If you’re open about
learn a bit about saving and spending— of any money they receive. your own financial challenges and make
and have fun doing it. As your kids get E Decide together what your kids will be money conversations a part of everyday
older, you can involve them in budget- responsible for paying for—whether life, your kids will be more comfortable
ing, smart credit management, even something essential like school lunch- and confident when dealing with money.
investing. And it doesn’t have to take a lot es or extras like a movie with friends. And the lessons won’t stop when
of time. It will be up to them to make sure they they’re off on their own. Your good ex-
Instilling the savings habit in kids have the money when they need it. ample will continue on, and chances are
from a young age is a great start to their E Let kids plan a trip or night out. Give they’ll be coming back to discuss their
financial education. Add to that a begin- them a budget, something like $1,000 own money issues with you—as well as

ning awareness of spending, and you’ll for a family vacation or $75 for a special other of life’s challenges—knowing they
really give them a boost. Try these simple dinner. Have them research and esti- can rely on Mom’s good counsel.
activities to get started: mate expenses. Help them be creative
and make trade-offs to stay within Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, a certified
E Have your kids choose something they budget. financial planner, is president of the
really want. Put a price tag on it, and Charles Schwab Foundation and author
help them set aside a portion of any T
Teenagers of “The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances
money they get from an allowance Teens want freedom and independence,
T After Fifty.”
D8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021


1/3 of Americans Are Losing Sleep Over Money


JOHN DELONY Money is just

a resource
Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Or do that allows
you bolt awake at 2 a.m. every morning with you to live a
a racing heart? According to a recent survey meaningful
from our research team at Ramsey Solutions,
you’re probably worried about money. In the are the
first quarter of 2021, Americans listed “per- foundation of
sonal finances” as their top stressor. In fact, that life.
one in three of us loses sleep over it.
That’s millions of hours of lost sleep across
our neighborhoods, our cities, and our
But stress itself isn’t the enemy. Anxiety
is like an alarm: It alerts you to something
in your environment that makes you feel
unsafe, disconnected, or out of control. It’s
your brain and your body’s way of protect-
ing you (even though it doesn’t necessarily
feel that way).
The good news is that by getting connected
with people and changing your thoughts
and actions, you can begin to transform
your bank account and your mental health.
Here are a few practices that will help you
get started.
surveyed, we found that Americans with living in a loneliness epidemic. People are
Take Responsibility for consumer debt are twice as unhappy with your emergency fund for life, both the good
Your Personal Finances Going their lives as people who are debt-free. and the bad times. If you’re stressed about
One of the most painful data points that (further) into If you owe money to anyone for any rea- money, grab a cup of coffee with an old
emerged from the state of personal finances son, get out of debt as quickly as possible. Do friend. Go for a walk with your spouse. Go
study is that a third of Americans believe debt when whatever it takes. Get a second or a third job, back to church. After all, money is just a re-
they won’t ever recover from the financial and work extra until you can say goodbye to source that allows you to live a meaningful
setbacks of the pandemic. I know that the you’re in a debt forever. life—and relationships are the foundation
horrors of the past year have been devastat- bad financial of that life.
ing. I’ve personally talked to thousands of Save an Emergency Fund Take responsibility, don’t take on debt,
you on the radio. If you’re scared or hurting, situation is Hard times will come, so instead of worry- build an emergency fund, and connect with
my heart goes out to you. ing about them, we must do our best to be real people in real life. You are worth being
But here’s the reality: You cannot edit the
like drinking prepared. This is where an emergency fund well in every area of your life, including your
past. The only question that matters is what salt water comes in. An emergency fund doesn’t com- finances. Don’t put this off any longer!
you will do next. Change begins when you pound your money, and it doesn’t get you
look in the mirror, own your grief, and de- to quench more shiny toys in your garage. But it does Dr. John Delony is a mental health expert
cide to do things differently. Don’t sweep your thirst. help you sleep. It does help you laugh a little with doctorates in counselor education and
your money stress under the rug, or wait bit easier and breathe a bit deeper. supervision and higher education admin-
for some government official to come to Once you’re debt-free except for your istration from Texas Tech University. Prior
the rescue. Starting today, chart a different home, save enough money to cover three to joining Ramsey Solutions in 2020, John
path for your future. to six months of expenses. That way, when worked as a senior leader, professor, and
you lose your job or your HVAC unit is on researcher at multiple universities. He also
Never Take On Debt the fritz, you’ll be faced with an inconve- spent two decades in crisis response, walk-
Going (further) into debt when you’re in a nience—not a crisis. ing with people through severe trauma.
bad financial situation is like drinking salt Now as a Ramsey Personality, he teaches
water to quench your thirst. It looks good Invest In People on relationships and emotional wellness.
at first, but it will kill you. Of the people we In addition to a financial disaster, we are Follow Delony at

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