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NEW YOR K | DC EDITION | T H U R S D A Y, M A Y 2 7, 2 0 21 Truth & Tradition VOL . X V I I I | N O . 2 , 9 70 $1.

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In the News White House

President Joe Biden says

that the U.S. Intelligence
Community believes that
Report That
COVID-19 was spread due to
a “laboratory accident.” ... A5
It’s Turning
An election auditor in Its Back on US
Windham, New Hampshire,
says that its review hasn’t Miners
found any evidence of “wide-
spread fraud.” ... A2
Biden administration will
support domestic mining
Tens of millions of Ameri- of critical minerals for EV
cans will encounter high gas-
oline prices as they travel over
batteries, officials said
Memorial Day weekend. ... A3 By EMEL AKAN

A white Florida farmer is

challenging part of the recent WASHINGTON—The White House
COVID-19 stimulus law in fed- reacted to a published report that
eral court because it hands stated President Joe Biden, to please
out federal benefits based on environmentalists, is planning to
race. ... A2 import most of the metals needed
for electric vehicle production in-
The Senate has voted to stead of sourcing from U.S. miners.
adopt an amendment that
bans the use of U.S. tax dol-
lars to fund “gain-of-func- The P4 laboratory (L) on the campus of the Wuhan Institute
tion” research in China. ... A1 Efforts to ramp up domestic
PANDEMIC of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, on May 27, 2020.
A federal judge has reject- mining and refining have
ed a motion made by CNN to met road blocks from
dismiss a defamation lawsuit
filed by Harvard University
CCP, Media Face New Scrutiny After Both environmentalists and
some Democrats.
law professor Alan Dershow-
itz. ... A4 Decried Lab Leak Theory as ‘Conspiracy’ Reuters reported on May 25 that
A study projects that labor the United States would source
unions could see an estimat- Calls for new investigation into virus origin increase, with President Joe metals for electric cars from ally
ed increase of $9.3 billion in Biden saying Intelligence Community divided on virus origin theory countries such as Canada, Aus-
dues from workers if the the tralia, and Brazil, citing two ad-
House-approved PRO Act LAURENT GILLIERON/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ministration officials with direct
passes. ... A6 By OMID GHOREISHI May 26 when President Joe Biden knowledge of the matter. This was
Republican lawmakers in issued a statement saying the U.S. contrary to what the Biden cam-

Arizona have moved to limit News Analysis Intelligence Community was divid- paign promised before the election.
the power of Arizona Secre- ntil very recently, any ed on whether the virus emerged “The plans will be a blow to U.S.
tary of State Katie Hobbs. ...A6 suggestion of the pos- from a natural source or from a lab miners who had hoped Biden would
sibility that a laboratory accident, noting that there was no rely primarily on domestically
The Beijing regime has
leak led to the COVID-19 definitive conclusion at the time of sourced metals,” the report stated.
added a former U.S. religious
official to its sanctions list in
pandemic was struck down by the statement. The plan also conflicts with the
response to U.S. sanctions on many media outlets as a “conspir- The alternative to the natural executive order signed last year by
a Chinese official for his in- acy theory.” origin hypothesis received more Director General of the World Health former President Donald Trump to
volvement in persecuting Fa- After increased calls for more mainstream recognition after 18 Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebr- expand and strengthen domestic
lun Gong practitioners. ... A8 investigation into the origin of the prominent scientists published a eyesus at the agency’s headquarters in mining of rare earth minerals and
virus, a game-changer came on Continued on A9 Geneva on May 24, 2021. Continued on A3
A group of 30 House
Republicans is urging the
Pentagon chief to fight back
against “creeping left-wing BIG TECH
extremism” in the U.S. mili-
tary. ... A7
Key House District of Columbia Sues Amazon for
Department of Homeland
Secretary chief Alejandro Democrat Supports Alleged Antitrust Violations
Mayorkas is planning to
make major adjustments to
Committee Probe By MATTHEW VADUM cording to The Wall Street Journal,
was close to completing a deal to
Immigration and Customs
Enforcement. ... A3
of CCP Virus The District of Columbia filed an acquire MGM, the Hollywood mov-
antitrust lawsuit against online re- ie-making studio.
Biden has defended his ad- Origins tailing giant Amazon, accusing the Amazon unlawfully uses price
ministration’s decision to lift Seattle-based company of using its agreements to stifle competition,
sanctions on the Nord Stream President Joe Biden asks market power to harm consumers. District of Columbia Attorney Gen-
2 pipeline. ... A5 Intelligence Community to Amazon is the world’s largest on- eral Karl Racine, a Democrat, said
Several Republicans pre- work with other agencies to line retail platform. As of May 25, in a statement.
dict that former President investigate virus origins the company had a market capi- “Amazon has used its dominant
Donald Trump will make an- talization of $1.63 trillion, and ac- Continued on A4
other bid for the presidency By MARK TAPSCOTT
in 2024. ... A2
Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) said CONGRESS
Belarus has released a Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) at the
on May 26 that she supports an in-
second video following the
vestigation into the origins of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Feb. Senate Adopts GOP Amendment Banning US
arrests of Belarusian oppo-
sition journalist Roman Pro- CCP virus—also known as the nov- 11, 2021. Funding of China’s Gain-of-Function Cell Research
tasevich and his girlfriend, el coronavirus—by the oversight
Sofia Sapega. ... A11 panel of the House Committee on but we’re going to do whatever in- By MARK TAPSCOTT my Tuberville of Alabama,
Energy and Commerce. vestigation that is appropriate.” Roger Marshall of Kansas,
“I think it’s very important that we The Colorado Democrat said she An amendment to the Mike Braun of Indiana,
investigate, especially if the virus has spoken about such an investi- Endless Frontier Act that and Thom Tillis of North
Mark Hendrickson: Guilt, escaped from some lab somewhere gation with the ranking Republican would ban the use of U.S. Carolina.
Condemnation, and Totalitar- because that, of course, has implica- on the subcommittee for oversight, tax dollars to fund “gain-of- “No funds made avail-
ian Punishment...A13 tions for international health,” De- Rep. Morgan Griffin of Virginia. function” research in China able to any federal agency,
Michael Walsh: Israelis Gette, who chairs the subcommit- Burgess, who is a medical doctor, was adopted by the Senate Rand Paul including the National In-
Should Take the Lessons of tee, said in response to comments also sits on the oversight panel. on a voice vote on May 25. (R-Ky.). stitutes for Health, may be
War to Heart...A16 by Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas). The Texas Republican had just The amendment was in- used to conduct gain-of-
“Whatever we can do, I don’t noted that “this is a novel disease, troduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) function research in China,” the
Daniel Lacalle: Inflation, think China is ever going to turn and the scientists were sometimes and co-sponsored by Republicans amendment said.
Money, and Supply Bottle-
over documents to the committee, Continued on A6 Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Tom- Continued on A7


In Alaska, salmon means
Volunteers Provide Home-Cooked Meals for COVID-19
life. The stories of the fish and
of the people have been inter- Patients in India FCC ON
twined for generations. ...B1

Ankita Sahay, CHINESE

Learn to make homemade
cheese, but don’t toss the founder of Seher,
NEW DELHI—Each of the a volunteer

whey—cook it down into a
luscious caramel. ...B2 volunteers have experienced service that
provides free,

COVID-19 closely—they had
either suffered as a victim or had nutritious meals
SUBSCRIBE TODAY. a friend or family member fall
patients and their “It is time to close this glaring
READEPOCH.COM ill during India’s first or second attendants in loophole,” FCC Commissioner
wave. Each of them decided to Bangalore, India.
Published in New York, not let depression beat them and Brendan Carr said.
Washington, Houston, Chicago,
Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
instead offered to cook for those Read more on A8
Continued on A10

Accuracy The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 as an independent newspaper with the goal to restore accuracy and
integrity in media. We have received numerous awards for our reporting, including from the Society of Professional
& Integrity Journalists, the Society for News Design, and the New York Press Association.


White Farmer
Sues Over ‘Racially
Stimulus Program
MATTHEW VADUM government to distribute $1.9 tril-
lion in federal funds. Section 1005
A white Florida farmer is chal- of the act directs the secretary to
lenging part of the recent CO- “provide a payment in an amount
VID-19 stimulus law in federal up to 120 percent of the outstand-
court because it hands out federal ing indebtedness of each socially
benefits based on the color of a disadvantaged farmer or rancher
farmer’s skin. as of January 1, 2021.”
The civil rights lawsuit, Wynn Section 1005 “assumes farmers
v. Vilsack, was filed in federal and ranchers are socially disadvan-
court in Florida on May 18 by the taged for no other reason than their
Sacramento, California-based membership in a racial group,” and
Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF), “categorically excludes other farm- The Department of Agriculture in Washington.
a national public interest law firm. ers and ranchers from loan assis- SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES
Tom Vilsack is being sued in his tance if they do not belong in a ‘so- “In our view, there is just no fit
official capacity as U.S. Secretary cially disadvantaged racial group,’” between saying there was past dis-
of Agriculture. according to the legal complaint. crimination in getting loans, and
The program allegedly violates so to remedy that, we’re going to
the Fifth Amendment’s due pro- forgive all the people who got loans
cess clause, which requires the and are minorities.”
A steep drop in U.S. government to practice equal Wynn holds multiple farm loans,
protection. including operating loans from the
beef prices and dif- Farmers and ranchers who are USDA Farm Service Agency, that
ficulty in finding black, American Indian/Alaska would be eligible for loan assis-
farm workers over Native, Hispanic, Asian, and Ha- tance under Section 1005 if he were
waiian/Pacific Islander are eligible black, American Indian/Alaska Na-
the past year re- for loan assistance regardless of tive, Hispanic, Asian, or Hawaiian/
duced Wynn’s in- whether they have suffered any Pacific Islander.
come, nearly all of racial discrimination in obtaining “But Wynn is categorically ex-
farm loans, farming, or elsewhere cluded from loan assistance under
which went toward and regardless of their present eco- Section 1005 because he is white,”
repaying federal nomic circumstances. according to the legal complaint.
PLF attorney Glenn Roper told Workers pick tomatoes at a farm owned and operated by Pacific Tomato Growers The section’s race-based prefer-
farm loans. in Immokalee, Fla., on Feb. 19, 2021.
The Epoch Times in an interview ences run contrary to the principle
that the program, which he de- of equal treatment under the law,
The plaintiff, Scott Wynn, is a scribed as “racially discrimina- and then it has to be narrowly tai- tors discriminated against them. according to PLF.
white man who has been pro- tory,” is unconstitutional. lored so it is the most restrictive ap- The proof required was minimal, The “right to equality before
ducing sweet potatoes, corn, “Whenever government is in- plication to get at that compelling critics said, which led to fraud. In the law” is “a bedrock American
soybeans, peanuts, and cattle on volved in making racial distinc- interest, and in our view, it doesn’t 2010, Congress appropriated $1.2 principle,” the law firm stated.
his own farm in Jennings, Florida, tions and drawing lines, distribut- meet either of those tests.” billion for claims that were filed “Government violates that when
since 2006. ing benefits, or imposing burdens The program brings to mind an late, in addition to the estimated it treats people differently based
Like many farmers, Wynn has on the basis of an immutable earlier program administered by $1 billion already paid out. Critics on irrelevant, immutable charac-
suffered economic harm as a result characteristic, that’s dangerous the U.S. Department of Agricul- said the Obama administration teristics like race.”
of the CCP virus, which causes the and, in our view, unconstitution- ture (USDA) that led to a class- dispensed settlement funds using The USDA press office told The
disease COVID-19. A steep drop in al,” Roper said. action lawsuit known as Pigford even looser evidentiary standards Epoch Times the disputed program
beef prices and difficulty in finding “Supreme Court has held that if v. Glickman, which was settled in than those that applied in the origi- will continue to operate.
farm workers reduced his income government is making racial dis- 1999. Black farmers claimed they nal settlement. “We will review this complaint
over the past year, nearly all of tinctions, it needs to pass what is were discriminated against by the The program in the American with the Department of Justice and
which went toward repaying fed- called strict scrutiny, which is the agency’s allocation of farm loans Rescue Plan Act “is one of the clear- will continue to move forward on
eral farm loans. most rigorous sort of evaluation and assistance. est examples of a race-based pro- debt relief for qualified socially dis-
Signed into law March 11, the that the courts do. You have to have The government agreed to pay gram that is not narrowly tailored advantaged borrowers under the
American Rescue Plan Act, Pub- a compelling governmental inter- $50,000 to black claimants who for the interest that it is supposedly American Rescue Plan,” the USDA
lic Law 117-2, allows the federal est in making racial distinctions, said the USDA loan administra- protecting,” Roper said. said via email.

‘I Believe He’ll Run’: Buzz Grows Around New Hampshire Auditor Says Audit
Trump 2024 Presidential Bid Has Revealed No ‘Widespread Fraud’
AL DRAGO/GETTY IMAGES JACK PHILLIPS that folds in ballots could be to
JACK PHILLIPS blame for the discrepancies.
One of the election auditors in- “If someone voted for all four
Several Republicans, including two vestigating inconsistencies re- Republican candidates and the
lawmakers, have predicted that for- garding local races in Windham, ballot happened to have its fold
mer President Donald Trump will New Hampshire, said that their line going through St. Laurent’s
indeed make another bid for the review hasn’t found any evidence target, then that might be in-
presidency in 2024. of “widespread fraud.” terpreted by the machines as
When asked during a Fox News “The original count, the re- an overvote, which would then
interview about Trump’s pros- count, nothing has ever been subtract votes from each of those
pects on May 25, Rep. Jim Jordan changing who gets elected,” said four Republican candidates,” said
(R-Ohio) said that “every time” he Harri Hursti, one member of the Philip Stark, another member of
has spoken to Trump, the former three-person team involved in the audit team, told WMUR-TV
commander-in-chief “says that he the audit, according to an inter- in mid-May. “Conversely, if there
wants to run.” view with CNN. “This is an exer- were not four votes already in that
“He plans to run, I think, but he cise of finding what caused the contest by the voter, a fold line
hasn’t fully committed that yet. But error, but the four winners have through that target could have
I certainly hope he does, because all, from day one, remained to be caused the machine to interpret
no president has done more of what President Donald Trump waves as he departs on the South Lawn of the White the same four winners. This has it as a vote for St. Laurent.”
he said he would do than President House on Dec. 12, 2020. never threatened that. And, again, Elaborating on the vote totals,
Trump,” Jordan said. “Best presi- if there would have been a wide- the auditors wrote in a May 22
dent I think we’ve ever had. Keep- really solid candidates across the spread fraud, which would have tweet that one machine at a school
ing his word, doing what he said, board and drive home election been uncovered [in] this, it would showed that only 28 percent of 75
doing what he was elected to do.” Best president I victories,” Nunes said. “And then have come out. There was none.” votes for each Republican candi-
Jordan said that Trump is “the think we’ve ever had. if that happens, I think Donald The audit is focused on a local date were actually counted.
kind of individual we need in the Trump would be well-positioned legislative election for several St. Laurent also noted that that
White House” because he would Rep. Jim Jordan to run in 2024.” seats. A Democratic candidate, the fold line on the ballot ap-
put “America’s interests first and Trump is planning to unveil a new Kristi St. Laurent, requested a re- peared to go through her name
standing strong for the principles until after the 2022 midterm elec- social media website, according to count after losing her race by just the most often.
that matter.” tions. After leaving office in Janu- a May 25 statement posted on his 24 votes, which was granted due “Wherever the fold happened
Mark Meadows, a former Repub- ary, he told news outlets that he “From the Desk of Donald Trump” to the slim margin of her defeat. to be was, I guess, most com-
lican congressman and Trump’s wanted to help Republicans re- website, which also accused cer- Hursti and the other auditors monly through my name,” she
former chief of staff, agreed with take the House and Senate. tain news outlets of falsely report- have suggested that folds in bal- told WMUR-TV.
Jordan’s assessment. “In my discussions with him, ing on the traffic going to the site. lots may have caused a discrep- Former President Donald
“Here’s what I will say is, the he said his priority is to ensure “It is merely a way of communi- ancy in the vote count. During Trump weighed in on the audit
American people want him to run. that we win the House and get cating until I decide on what the a hand recount, it was revealed efforts.
I believe he’ll run. And at the end the Senate back—and I know he’s future will be for the choice or es- that St. Laurent actually lost by “The spirit for transparency
of the day, it’s a time for choos- working hard,” Rep. Devin Nunes tablishment of a platform,” he said 99 votes, rather than the 24-vote and justice is being displayed
ing, and the American people will (R-Calif) told Newsmax, noting of his “Desk” site. difference tabulated by voting all over the Country by media
choose Donald Trump,” Meadows that some polls have shown that Of a possible social media plat- machines n Windham, with outlets which do not represent
said on Fox News. Trump would still have a signifi- form, Trump said, “It will happen GOP candidates—including three Fake News,” he wrote in a state-
Trump hasn’t publicly indicat- cant amount of GOP voter support soon,” which would come months other Republican candidates who ment on May 6. The former presi-
ed whether he would definitively if he were to make another bid for after his accounts on Twitter, Face- won legislative seats in the elec- dent also praised the audit being
run for president. In a recent in- the White House. book, and other tech platforms tion—receiving 300 additional conducted in Maricopa County,
terview, Trump suggested that he “It’s a long time to 2024, and I were suspended following the Jan. votes as a result of the recount. Arizona, regarding the 2020 pres-
wouldn’t make an announcement think the key will be for us to field 6 Capitol incident. The auditors have speculated idential election.

Memorial Day Weekend 2021: What

to Expect on Gas Prices, Availability Cars line up at a gas station
in Miami on May 12, 2021.


ZACHARY STIEBER the weekend, particularly in areas

where there is just high demand
Tens of millions of Americans are because of tourists.”
expected to travel over Memorial The national average is trending
Day weekend, the unofficial kick- down slightly, just off its high of
off to summer. They’ll encounter $3.04 per gallon.
high gasoline prices but, for the “I would expect that limited
most part, not experience diffi- downside to continue. Probably
culty finding fuel. not a whole lot in terms of motor-
The average price per gallon on ists aren’t going to realize as nice
May 26 remained several cents a drop as they would want to, but
above $3, ranging from as low as ahead of Memorial Day, I think
$2.71 in the South and upper Mid- the most important thing is that
west to as much as $4.17 in some we aren’t trending higher, we are
western states, according to data trending lower,” Patrick De Haan,
from the American Automobile an analyst with GasBuddy, told
Association (AAA). While the av- The Epoch Times.
erage is 17 cents higher than last The cyberattack on Colonial
month and up $1.12 from a year Pipeline earlier this month led
ago, the organization sees the to the company taking its major
price stabilizing. southeast pipeline offline, which
in turn contributed to rising prices
and gas stations running out of
fuel. More than 16,000 stations at
We’re expecting the the peak were unable to provide
national average service to customers—including
nine out of 10 stations in some While things are improving on The slow recovery from what prices, among other factors.
[price per gallon] to areas. the supply front, there are several was a nightmare for some Ameri- One wild-card factor is President
continue stabilizing. Colonial restored its operations states where drivers “are having to cans stems from higher demand Joe Biden’s administration’s en-
on May 15 for its 5,500 miles of still put some legwork into finding due to the economic recovery gagement with Iran, whose oil is
Devin Gladden, national man- pipeline, which transports some a station” with gas, De Haan said. and a dearth of tanker drivers, currently largely out of reach from
ager for federal affairs, American 2.5 million barrels per day of re- About a quarter of stations in experts say. the U.S. market due to sanctions.
Automobile Association fined petroleum products such as Georgia, North Carolina, and “A lot of those drivers during the Iran could be holding up to 69
gas, jet fuel, and heating oil. The South Carolina were without fuel pandemic switched over to deliv- million barrels at sea, according
“We’re expecting the national number of stations without gas has on May 25. About 10 percent of sta- ering for, you know, FedEx, UPS, to  estimates from E.A. Gibson
average to continue stabilizing; steadily decreased but remained tions in Virginia, Tennessee, and given all the other deliveries that Shipbrokers Ltd. cited by Bloom-
we’ve seen that over the past seven above 6,000 as of May 25, accord- Maryland remained without gas. are increasing at this moment,” berg. Citigroup offered a similar
to eight days or so, and we expect ing to GasBuddy, which tracks For people traveling over Memo- Gladden said. “There’s still a real estimate, pegging the supply at up
that trend to continue,”  Devin pricing and availability. rial Day weekend, AAA recom- challenge with gas tanker drivers.” to 65 million barrels at sea and 54
Gladden, AAA national manager The Colonial situation primar- mends that they plan ahead, call- It could take another two weeks million in storage on land.
for federal affairs, told The Epoch ily affected states between Mary- ing stations to make sure they have for the supply problems to dimin- “If there’s an agreement, and if
Times. land and Mississippi. Those states gas and utilizing apps that track ish, according to De Haan. the U.S. releases those sanctions
“However, given the number of have seen prices dip a bit in re- availability. One common-sense Looking forward, Americans on Iran’s crude oil, we could see
travelers that are expected to hit cent days as supply restrictions measure is filling up before arriv- should expect gas prices to stay more supply available to the mar-
the roads for Memorial Day week- ease, including a drop of 3 cents ing at a tourism hotspot, where around the current level through ket, which certainly would help
end, some states could see fluc- per gallon in each of Georgia and fuel may be scarce and/or more the summer because of the in- cap any potential rally in the price
tuation in their averages through Maryland. expensive. creased demand and higher oil of oil this summer,” De Haan said.

White House Denies Report That Biden Looks Homeland Security Chief
Overseas for Electric Vehicle Metals Plans ‘Significant Changes’ to ICE
as Deportations, Arrests Plunge
ZACHARY STIEBER als,” the spokesperson said.
other critical materials. Trump The Biden administration has
also allowed the Pentagon to fund The head of the Department of chosen to keep ICE for now, de-
private-sector efforts to build a Homeland Secretary (DHS) is spite calls from some Democrats
domestic refinement capability planning to make major adjust- to abolish the agency. But May-
for rare earths. ments to Immigration and Cus- orkas plans to alter its mission
The White House stated that the toms Enforcement (ICE), the agen- significantly.
Reuters report “incorrectly” char- cy’s arm in charge of immigration “I really am focused on it becom-
acterized the administration’s enforcement. ing a premier national security and
approach to building domestic Alejandro Mayorkas, the DHS law enforcement agency,” he told
manufacturing, which comprises chief, said he’s in the midst of a the Post. “I really want to elevate
“responsibly developing mineral review of ICE and expects to make all of the other work [ICE] does
sources” in the United States. “significant changes” when he’s and also ensure that its civil im-
“President Biden is focused on done. migration work is well-focused in
seizing the electric vehicle (EV) “What those changes will be, I the service of the national security
market, sourcing and manufac- am wrestling with right now, quite and public safety mission.”
turing the supply chain here in President Joe Biden signs an executive order on securing critical supply frankly,” Mayorkas told The Wash- According to the Post, ICE’s 6,000
chains, in the State Dining Room of the White House on Feb. 24, 2021.
America, and creating good-pay- ington Post. officers are averaging one arrest
ing, union jobs,” Ali Zaidi, deputy Under the Biden administration, every two months.
national climate adviser, said in a critical materials used to manu- create more resilient and secure illegal border crossings have sky-
statement to The Epoch Times. facture modern technologies such supply chains for critical and es- rocketed, hitting over 177,000 in
“Building American-made EVs as cellphones, electric vehicles, sential goods.” April. Tens of thousands of other
and shipping them around the and missiles. The order focuses on choke points illegal immigrants evade cap- What those chang-
world will include leveraging “China is actively and aggres- in the supply chains of four key ture by Border Patrol agents each es will be, I am
American-made parts and re- sively pursuing acquisitions of products, including rare earth min- month. At the same time, the num-
sources. This includes responsibly rare-earth projects or offtake agree- erals, semiconductor chips, batter- ber of deportations carried out by wrestling with
pursuing, developing, and min- ments all over the world, and non- ies for electric vehicles, and phar- ICE has hit a record low. Officers right now.
ing critical minerals and materials U.S. project owners will make the maceutical ingredients. Following deported fewer than 3,000 illegal
used for EV batteries.” best commercial decisions for their the review, administration officials aliens in April. Homeland Security Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas
However, the White House hasn’t own shareholders, not the idealistic said the White House could explore Biden altered or abolished key
ruled out working with allies and and regulated approach that U.S. various policy options, including Trump-era immigration rules,
partners to develop a resilient and miners will take—prioritizing ma- boosting domestic production and including ending the “Remain in Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.
secure EV battery supply chain. The terials for the U.S. supply chain,” working with allies to address sup- Mexico” program that saw asylum- Va.), the ranking member of the
United States will also invest in a Althaus said. ply disruptions. seekers wait in Mexico for their Senate Appropriations Subcom-
domestic supply chain for EVs that Domestic electric vehicle produc- While critical minerals includ- claims to be heard. ICE officers, mittee on Homeland Security,
involves “extraction, processing, tion depends on critical minerals ing rare earths are vital  to the meanwhile, were told in February mentioned the figure while ques-
and recycling in the United States,” such as manganese, lithium, co- economic and national security of not to deport aliens convicted of tioning Mayorkas in Washington
another administration official told balt, nickel, graphite, aluminum, the United States, it’s still unclear crimes such as assault, fraud, and during a hearing on May 26.
The Epoch Times. copper, and various rare earth ele- whether the Biden administration drug-based crimes. The softer Mayorkas replied: “I am not fa-
Pini Althaus, CEO of USA Rare ments. For some of these materi- can promote ramping up domestic approach to enforcement has miliar with the data that suggests
Earth, reacted to the Reuters re- als, the United States is fully depen- mining and refining due to road- sparked more foreigners to try to that the ICE officer, the relevant
port, stating that the decision to dent on imports. And China is the blocks from environmentalists make it into America and stay, ICE officer, conducts one arrest
source metals from other countries dominant global supplier for many and some Democrats. earning criticism from the union every two months.
“is devastating for the sector and a of these minerals. “As we strengthen our supply of Border Patrol officers. “I don’t have the data, but I will
setback towards the goal of estab- For the past few years, Beijing has chains, we will pursue strong en- An ICE spokesperson told The provide it to this committee. I will
lishing a secure domestic supply demonstrated that it could use rare vironmental standards and broad, Epoch Times previously that the say that the preliminary data that
chain.” USA Rare Earth currently earths as a retaliatory tactic. And rigorous consultations with local agency is concentrating its limited I have received does suggest that
develops the Round Top rare- early this year, the Chinese re- and indigenous communities to resources “on threats to national we are apprehending more seri-
earths deposit in Texas. gime officials signaled that China support a responsible, fair, and sus- security, border security, and ous criminals, more serious pub-
“The winner of such policy is could curb exports of rare earths tainable EV industry,” Zaidi said. public safety.” lic safety threats than previously
China, again,” he said, in a state- to cripple U.S. production of F-35 “President Biden will also make “This has allowed ICE to focus was the case, and that is what
ment denouncing Washington for fighter jets. sure no workers or communities on the quality of enforcement ac- smart and effective enforcement
making poor decisions over the To counter supply chain disrup- are left behind–working to revi- tions and how they further the is all about.”
past three decades that increased tions and address these China talize economies and create good security and safety of our com-
U.S. dependence on China for threats, Biden signed an execu- jobs in coal and power plant com- munities rather than the simple Samuel Allegri contributed
rare-earth minerals and other tive order  on Feb. 24 to “help munities.” quantity of arrests and remov- to this report.


azon is liable for four counts of vi- ing on Amazon, but also when
olating the District of Columbia’s selling across the entire online
Antitrust Act. Specifically, the retail sales market by virtue of
company is accused of forming the PPP.”
both a horizontal agreement and The resultant higher prices
a vertical agreement in restraint hurt competition and consum-
of trade, attempting monopoliza- ers as well as reduced consumer
tion, and illegally maintaining a choice, innovation, and compe-
monopoly. The D.C. government tition “among online retail sales
asks the court to order Amazon platforms, as other online retail
not to engage in anticompetitive sales platforms were not able to
conduct and to impose “struc- use lower product prices to lure
tural relief,” which could include buyers and sellers to their com-
breaking up the company. peting online retail sales platform
The complaint states that in- and capture some of Amazon’s
stead of enabling consumers to dominant market share.”
obtain the best products at the
lowest prices, “Amazon instead
causes prices across the entire
online retail sales market to We need a fair on-
be artificially inflated, both for
products sold on Amazon’s on- line marketplace
line retail sales platform and on that expands op-
its competitors’ online retail sales tions available to
For years, Amazon has required District residents.
Men work at a distribution station at the 855,000-square-foot Amazon fulfillment center in Staten Island, N.Y., on that third-party sellers (TPSs) Karl Racine, District of Colum-
Feb. 5, 2019. who want to sell their products bia attorney general
on Amazon’s online retail sales
platform execute its Business
District of Columbia Sues Amazon Solutions Agreement (BSA).
Until at least 2019 in the United
Amazon removed the PPP
clause from its BSA in March
States, the BSA included a clause 2019, replacing it with a similarly
for Alleged Antitrust Violations that explicitly prohibited TPSs
from offering their products on
worded “fair pricing policy.” The
policy allows the company to
a competing online retail sales punish third-party sellers if they
platform, including the TPS’s offer their product for a lower
CONTINUED FROM A1 The legal complaint in District “Amazon controls an even own website, at a lower price or price on a competing website.
of Columbia v. Inc. larger market share of multi- on better terms than the TPS of- Amazon told The Epoch Times
position in the online retail mar- was filed May 25 in the Superior seller online retail platforms, like fered the products on Amazon. that Racine is mistaken.
ket to win at all costs. It maxi- Court of the District of Colum- and eBay. Amazon This prohibition was called the “The DC Attorney General has
mizes its profits at the expense of bia, Civil Division, according to is, by far, the most-visited web- price parity provision (PPP), the it exactly backwards—sellers set
third-party sellers and consum- Racine. site for online retail shopping, complaint states. their own prices for the products
ers, while harming competition, Since Amazon was started, with 2.6 billion visits in a single By means of this anticompeti- they offer in our store,” a corporate
stifling innovation, and illegally founder Jeff Bezos made it clear month. Sixty-six percent of con- tive restraint, Amazon “sup- spokesperson said in a statement.
tilting the playing field in its fa- the company planned to forgo sumers start their search for new pressed competition from other “Amazon takes pride in the fact
vor,” he said. short-term profitability and in- products on Amazon, and a stag- online retail sales platforms, such that we offer low prices across the
“We filed this antitrust lawsuit stead expand its market share. gering 74% go directly to Amazon as eBay, Walmart, and even the broadest selection, and like any
to put an end to Amazon’s illegal Amazon now has an estimated when they are ready to buy a spe- TPSs’ own websites” and “arti- store, we reserve the right not to
control of prices across the on- 50 to 70 percent market share of cific product. Given its ubiquitous ficially raised the price of goods highlight offers to customers that
line retail market. We need a fair online retail sales. The next two presence in the online retail sales to consumers across the online are not priced competitively. The
online marketplace that expands largest retail platforms, Walmart. market, Amazon’s business prac- retail sales market, because TPSs relief the AG seeks would force
options available to District resi- com and eBay, each control only tices and decisions have an out- were forced to incorporate Ama- Amazon to feature higher prices
dents and promotes competition, about 5 percent, according to the sized effect on the U.S. economy.” zon’s high fees and costs into their to customers, oddly going against
innovation, and choice.” complaint. The complaint alleges that Am- product prices not only when sell- core objectives of antitrust law.”


Judge Rejects CNN’s Motion to Dismiss

Dershowitz Defamation Lawsuit
ZACHARY STIEBER the law professor was arguing ees are non-actionable because
that a president could do any- they were opinions based on tes-
A federal judge rejected a motion thing, including illegal acts, if he timony from the impeachment
made by CNN this week to dis- believed his re-election was in proceedings.
miss a defamation lawsuit filed by the public interest. Dershowitz panned the motion
Harvard University law professor But Dershowitz stated in an- as an attempt to skip a trial, argu-
Alan Dershowitz. other portion of the answer that ing the broadcaster “is essentially
CNN presented an abridged “the only thing that would make making a pitch for this Court to be
version of remarks made by Der- a quid pro quo unlawful is if the the jury and decide the case on the
showitz to the Senate during for- quo were somehow illegal.” merits right away.”
mer President Donald Trump’s CNN attempted “to falsely paint The case boils down to CNN
Attorney Alan Dershowitz speaks to the press in the Senate Reception Room
first impeachment trial, which “is Professor Dershowitz as a consti- and its paid commentators falsely
at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 29, 2020.
not accurate, to the extent that it tutional scholar and intellectual telling an audience of millions of
omitted a crucial qualification: who had lost his mind,” Dershow- people that Dershowitz went be-
that an illegal motive for a quid itz stated in his $300 million defa- fore the Senate and told members Singhal sided with the plaintiff. pure opinion, Singhal said, cit-
pro quo would be corrupt,” U.S. mation lawsuit. “that an American President can Because CNN’s abridged ver- ing an appellate court ruling that
District Judge Raag Singhal, a In its motion to dismiss, lawyers commit crimes and be immune sion of Dershowitz’s remarks found the distinction that com-
Trump nominee, wrote in his 22- for CNN stated that “Dershowitz’s from impeachment so long as the omitted a crucial qualification, ments can sometimes be a mix-
page ruling. disagreement with CNN about the president believed his reelection its commentators’ statements ture of opinion and fact and, in
At issue is a Jan. 29, 2020, broad- meaning the words he spoke on was in the public interest while “are not based upon a fair and this case, could be “reasonably
cast on CNN which featured hosts the Senate floor is just the type of he was committing the crimes,” accurate summary of Dershow- construed as defamatory.”
employed by the network, as well political debate involving matters he wrote in a reply to the motion. itz’ statement to the Senate,” “At this stage, the Court con-
as panel guests—including other of profound national importance “The complaint alleges that Singhal said. cludes that Dershowitz’ Com-
CNN employees—discussing ar- that is central to the American CNN and all of the commenta- The network’s claim of protec- plaint meets the plausibility stan-
guments made that day during values of self-governance; it is not tors knowingly lied when they tion by fair privilege is null be- dard for alleging a false statement
Trump’s impeachment trial. grounds for a defamation lawsuit.” said this and that they knew cause it didn’t correctly portray of fact,” the judge said, before not-
While Dershowitz spoke for The lawyers further said CNN’s they were lying when they said the official proceedings, accord- ing that CNN played Dershowitz’s
more than five minutes to an- reporting was protected because it. If the evidence proves plain- ing to the judge, who wrote that entire statement earlier in the day.
swer a question from Sen. Ted it was pertaining to a government tiff’s allegation, then each com- the CNN broadcasts didn’t meet Attorneys for Dershowitz and
Cruz (R-Texas) on whether “quid proceeding, that CNN “cannot be mentator committed unlawful the standard of presenting “a fair CNN didn’t respond to requests
pro quo” arrangements are used held liable for reporting—verba- defamation and CNN is both vi- and accurate report of the source for comment.
often in foreign policy, CNN fo- tim—what Dershowitz actually cariously and primarily liable for documents.” A joint scheduling report in the
cused on a single sentence from said to Congress,” and that the damages. It really is that simple,” Additionally, the remarks put case is due by June 21. Dershowitz
his answer before claiming that remarks made by CNN employ- Dershowitz said. forth by CNN employees weren’t is seeking a jury trial.

Epstein Guards Slapped With 100 Hours of Community Service in Deal With DOJ
IVAN PENTCHOUKOV people, and completing 100 hours rounds in the jail where Epstein for six days prior to being moved guilty to sex trafficking and oth-
of community service. was held. to a special housing unit where er charges over her alleged role
The two guards of the cell in which “After a thorough investigation, Epstein was placed on suicide the cell would be checked every in procuring four teenage girls
convicted sex-offender billionaire and based on the facts of this case watch days prior to the night of 30 minutes. The guard failed to fol- for Epstein to abuse between
Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide and your personal circumstances, his death. low those procedures on the night 1994 and 2004.
will have to perform 100 hours of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the The billionaire pleaded guilty of Epstein’s death. She had sought to delay the trial
community service as part of a de- Southern District of New York has more than a decade ago to two Epstein’s girlfriend and long- until at least Nov. 8, and perhaps
ferred prosecution deal with the determined that the interests of felony prostitution charges in a time associate, Ghislaine Max- to next January, because adding
Department of Justice (DOJ). justice will best be served by defer- sweetheart deal which a federal well, was subsequently arrested the sex trafficking charges to her
According to a deferred prosecu- ring prosecution in this District,” judge later determined violated on charges that she procured indictment on March 29 more
tion agreement signed by one of the agreement states. victims’ rights. He was arrested minor girls for sexual abuse by than doubled the size of the gov-
the defendants, Michael Thomas, The judge in the case still needs again in 2019 by the FBI’s Crimes Epstein. The judge in that case ernment’s case.
the DOJ will defer the prosecu- to approve the deal between the Against Children Task Force on sex earlier this month postponed Prosecutors opposed an ad-
tion for six months, contingent on DOJ and the guards. trafficking charges. the trial until the fall due to new journment but said they could
the defendant meeting a number Thomas and Tova Noel, the Three weeks prior to his death, charges having been added to the accept a March 2022 start date to
of conditions, which include not second guard, were accused of Epstein was found unconscious in cases and court protocols related avoid scheduling conflicts.
engaging in criminal activity, as- falsifying documents to conceal his cell with injuries to his neck. to the COVID-19 pandemic.
sociating only with law-abiding their failure to conduct scheduled He was placed on suicide watch Maxwell, 59, has pleaded not Reuters contributed to this report.

Biden: Some US Intel Members Believe COVID-19

Came From Chinese ‘Laboratory Accident’

President Joe Biden said on May 26 that the

U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) believes
there are “two likely scenarios” that may have
caused the CCP virus outbreak in China,
noting that a significant number of officials
believe the virus was spread due to a “labora-
tory accident.”
His statement, released by the White
House, comes amid officials saying they
don’t believe the virus developed natu-
rally—contradicting the official narrative
of the Chinese Communist Party, which
has said the virus was spread through a wet
market in Wuhan, Hebei Province, in late
2019. In recent days, a growing number of
officials, including U.S. National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief An-
thony Fauci, have suggested that the virus
didn’t develop naturally.
“After I became President, in March, I had
my National Security Advisor task the Intel-
ligence Community to prepare a report on
their most up-to-date analysis of the origins
of COVID-19, including whether it emerged
from human contact with an infected ani-
mal or from a laboratory accident,” Biden
said, adding that he wanted intelligence
agents to “redouble” their efforts in find-
ing the origin of the virus.
“As of today, the U.S. Intelligence Com- the virus may have been developed in and es- from Republicans, led by Rep. Devin Nunes Security
munity has ‘coalesced around two likely caped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (R-Calif.), the ranking House Intelligence personnel
scenarios’ but has not reached a definitive The U.S. Intelli- (WIV), a top-security laboratory located just member, said. “By contrast, little circum- stand
conclusion on this question,” the president gence Commu- miles from the aforementioned wet market. A stantial evidence has emerged to support the guard
stated. “Here is their current position: ‘while team of investigators, led by the World Health PRC’s [People’s Republic of China] claim that outside
two elements in the IC leans toward the for-
nity has ‘co- Organization (WHO), attempted to research COVID-19 was a natural occurrence, having the Wuhan
alesced around Institute
mer scenario and one leans more toward the virus’s origins in China, though many jumped from some other species to humans.” of Virology
the latter—each with low or moderate con- two likely sce- have noted that CCP officials were present The former head of the U.S. Centers for Dis- in Wuhan,
fidence—the majority of elements do not be- throughout the WHO’s efforts, and critics ease Control (CDC), Dr. Robert Redfield, a
lieve there is sufficient information to assess narios’ but has have said the regime played a significant role virologist, also told CNN earlier this year that
one to be more likely than the other.’” not reached a in the investigation. the virus likely “escaped” from the lab, not- China, on
Biden said he wanted the IC—the group definitive con- During the onset of the pandemic, the Chi- ing: “It’s not unusual for respiratory patho- Feb. 3,
of separate United States government intel- nese regime was accused of engaging in a gens that are being worked on in a laboratory 2021.
ligence agencies and subordinate organiza- clusion on this coverup of the virus’s origins and silencing to infect a laboratory worker.”
tions—to produce a report in 90 days regard- question. doctors, officials, and scientists who tried The CCP has denied that the virus’s origin is
ing the virus’s origins. to speak out. linked to the WIV and has frequently said that
Since the start of the pandemic, a number President Joe Biden “There is overwhelming circumstan- the virus was transmitted to humans from
of Republican lawmakers as well as former tial evidence ... to support a lab leak as the an animal host, although it’s not clear what
President Donald Trump have suggested that origination of COVID-19,” a May 19 report animal the country is claiming it was from.


Biden Defends Lifting Sanctions Against

Key Pipeline for Russian Gas
IVAN PENTCHOUKOV of the National Defense Authoriza- In announcing the waiver of the
tion Act, which stated the goal was sanctions, Secretary of State Ant-
President Joe Biden has defended to “minimize the ability” of Russia ony Blinken said the company had
his administration’s decision to to use Nord Stream 2 “as a tool of engaged in sanctionable activity.
lift sanctions on the Nord Stream coercion and political leverage” News of the waiver drew criti-
2 pipeline, which would carry and to stop Russia from shifting cism from both sides of the aisle.
natural gas from Russia to Ger- energy exports from Ukraine to “I am opposed to the decision
many and Europe. other countries. Russia vowed to by the Biden Administration
The president said that although continue the project at the time. to waive sanctions on NS2 AG
he opposed the project from the and Matthias Warnig,” Sen. Bob
beginning, the pipeline is now Menendez (D-N.J.) said in a state-
nearly finished. ment on May 19.
“To go ahead and impose The pipeline is now “I urge the administration to rip Workers work on the production process of pipes at the Nord Stream 2 facil-
sanctions now would, I think, off the Band-Aid, lift these waivers ity at Mukran, in Sassnitz, Germany, on Oct. 19, 2017.
be counterproductive in terms
nearly finished. and move forward with the con-
of our European relations. They gressionally mandated sanctions. waivers will be “a gift to Putin that construction, which would have
know how strongly I feel,” Biden Earlier this month, the Biden The administration has said that will only weaken the United States’ been sanctioned as a result. The
told reporters outside the White administration waived the sanc- the pipeline is a bad idea and that leverage in the lead up to the im- administration instead sanc-
House on May 25. tions against Nord Stream 2 AG it is a Russian malign influence pending Biden-Putin summit.” tioned ships that had already been
In late 2019, Congress and the and its CEO, Matthias Warnig—a project. I share that sentiment, The Biden administration pre- sanctioned under President Don-
Trump administration sanctioned known ally of Russian President but fail to see how today’s decision viously came under fire when a ald Trump.
a number of entities tied to the Vladimir Putin—which were lev- will advance U.S. efforts to counter report on the pipeline released in
construction of the $10.5 billion ied due to the company oversee- Russian aggression in Europe.” February failed to name a num- Zachary Stieber and Isabel Van
pipeline. The sanctions were part ing the construction of the project. Sen. Jim Risch (R-Wis.) said the ber of entities tied to the pipeline’s Brugen contributed to this report.

News without spin, for you to
form your own opinion.

and Deep Dive Evening News News Today

Republicans Move
to Limit Power Key House Democrat Supports Committee
of Arizona
Secretary of State
Probe of CCP Virus Origins

Republican lawmakers in Arizona embarrassed because what they

on May 25 moved to limit the power had said at the beginning wasn’t
of Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a what they ended up saying sev-
Democrat. eral weeks or months later.”
Panels in the state House of Repre- “I can think of no other area
sentatives and Senate passed mea- where that has been more pro-
sures that would make clear Attorney nounced than in where did this
General Mark Brnovich has the “sole virus originate, and the stories
authority” to defend Arizona election we are hearing now are not
laws and procedures. comporting with the stories
House Bill 2891 in part “clarifies the we heard early on” regarding
legislative intent, through January 2, how the virus first developed
2023 ... that the AG has sole authority in China.
in all election-related litigation.” The official explanation of the
It also declares that Brnovich can’t Chinese government is that the
represent or provide legal advice to virus originated in an open-air
either Hobbs or the Department of meat market in Wuhan, China,
State and bars Hobbs from spend- from bats brought in from anoth-
ing taxpayer money to hire private er region of the country and sold
attorneys. there for human consumption.
The bill was narrowly passed by the The World Health Organiza-
House Appropriations Committee in tion (WHO) originally accepted
a partisan 7–6 vote, with all Republi- the Chinese regime’s explana- Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) speaks at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Feb. 11, 2021.
cans voting for it. A similar narrow tion, but more recently has con-
vote ensued later in the day in the ceded that a lab leak can’t be de- tion with and for the Chinese government to augment the In- Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers
Senate Appropriations Committee. finitively ruled out. military. telligence Community’s efforts. (R-Wash.), the ranking Repub-
Hobbs in an earlier statement said DeGette’s comment followed a And I have asked the Intelligence lican on the House Energy and
the Legislature appeared  deter- statement made public earlier in Community to keep Congress Commerce Committee, told The
mined to “prevent me from doing the the day by President Joe Biden, fully apprised of its work.” Epoch Times on May 26 that the
job Arizona voters elected me to do.” We’re going to do who said he has directed U.S. in- Earlier work by the intelli- committee “will continue to
“Last year, we oversaw three safe, whatever investi- telligence to conduct a second gence community produced lead and urge the Biden admin-
secure, and successful statewide elec- investigation of the available no definitive conclusion, with istration and the U.S. govern-
tions with historic turnout, despite gation that is ap- evidence on the origins issue. some agencies leaning toward ment to investigate, hold China
a global pandemic, a massive mis- propriate. “I have now asked the Intel- supporting the official Chinese accountable, and get informa-
information campaign, and unprec- ligence Community to redou- explanation and others to the tion in the public domain for
edented threats against me and other Rep. Diana DeGette ble their efforts to collect and possibility of a lab leak. answers on how the COVID-19
election officials. Afterward, while analyze information that could “The majority of elements do pandemic started.
other state officials remained silent, Critics have contended almost bring us closer to a definitive not believe there is sufficient “We welcome and are encour-
we defended that election in count- from the first day of the U.S. conclusion, and to report back information to assess one to aged by the bipartisan support
less lawsuits seeking to overturn the lockdowns last year that there’s to me in 90 days,” Biden said in be more likely than the other,” within the Committee to inves-
will of Arizona voters,” Hobbs wrote. evidence the disease may have the statement released by the Biden said. tigate if COVID-19 originated in
“The fact that the legislation has been leaked, accidentally or oth- White House. “The United States will also a laboratory accident. We can’t
singled out me and my office for these erwise, from the Wuhan Insti- “As part of that report, I have keep working with like-minded leave any stone unturned,” she
unjustifiable restrictions—restric- tute of Virology (WIR). asked for areas of further inquiry partners around the world to said.
tions which expire at the end of my The WIR is closely linked with that may be required, including press China to participate in
term—make it clear what this is really the Beijing regime, which is specific questions for China. I a full, transparent, evidence- Congressional wcorrespondent
about: partisan politics.” controlled by the Chinese Com- have also asked that this effort based international investiga- Mark Tapscott may be
munist Party (CCP). The lab also include work by our National tion and to provide access to all contacted at mark.tapscott@
ROSS D. FRANKLIN/FILE/AP PHOTO does much research in coopera- Labs and other agencies of our relevant data and evidence.”

Study Projects $9.3 much the union membership

rate will increase, however, is
beck was indicted on a kickback
scheme in which he filed false
subject to debate.” worker complaints of violations
Billion in New Union Labor unions spent $791 mil-
lion on political campaigns and
of overtime rules by postal ser-
vice managers. Whitbeck is ac-

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs

Income Under PRO Act activities in 2020, almost exclu-
sively on Democratic candidates
cused by federal prosecutors of
then directing settlement funds
in Phoenix on Dec. 14, 2020. and causes, according to IAW. to members who agreed to kick
MARK TAPSCOTT servatively mean an increase Such spending would spiral to back a portion of them to him.
of $9.3 billion in dues receipts $961 million under the 2000 Brenda Walters, then secre-
Brnovich’s office didn’t immediately Labor unions could see a huge within the universe of labor assumption and to more than tary-treasurer of the Muskogee
respond to a request by The Epoch boost in revenues, estimated at organizations that file [LM-2] $1.5 billion under the 1983 as- (Oklahoma) Local Area 7 of the
Times for comment. $9.3 billion in dues from work- reports with [the Department sumption. American Postal Workers Union,
Hobbs and Republican state law- ers, if the Senate passes and of Labor’s] Office of Labor-Man- The steady decline since the AFL-CIO, embezzled more than
makers have clashed repeatedly in President Joe Biden signs the agement Standards (OLMS),” Reagan era in union member- $95,000 in union funds.
recent months over the election. House-approved PRO Act, ac- the study stated. ship has resulted, in part, due to Jeffrey Phillips, former secre-
Hobbs has continually denounced a cording to a new study. “This would allow unions to the spread of right-to-work laws tary-treasurer of the Interna-
state Senate-ordered audit of ballots The Protecting the Right to Or- increase their disbursements for passing in a majority of states tional Association of Machinists
and election machines in Maricopa ganize Act (PRO) was approved everything from politics to land- and, in part, because of aggres- and Aerospace Workers Local
County, which state lawmakers say is in March by the House of Rep- scaping, expanding their power sive efforts during President Lodge 836, stole more than
crucial to restoring voters’ confidence resentatives and is now being and influence greatly.” George W. Bush’s eight years in $57,000 from the union. His
in the election system. considered by the Senate Com- The study’s projections the Oval Office to enforce lawyer told the court that Phil-
Legislators also cited a disclosure mittee on Health, Education, assume union mem- the LM-2 financial dis- lips didn’t recall what happened
on May 25 that Hobbs had filed com- Labor, and Pensions. Biden has bership would either closure requirements. to the money, due to a medical
plaints against Brnovich and his office promised to sign the measure if be increased to levels Continuing con- condition.
with the State Bar of Arizona. it comes to his desk. not seen since 1983, victions of union Dorothy McBride, the former
“I would say the unprecedented at- The PRO Act vastly expands when, according to leaders for serious president of a Communications
tack on the attorney general, the chief the power of the National Labor DOL’s Bureau of La- offenses has also Workers of America local in New
deputy, and many high-level attor- Relations Board (NLRB) to use bor Statistics (BLS), damaged the cred- Jersey, was indicted for allegedly
neys is uncalled for,” said Republican its regulatory authority to rein- the nationwide total ibility of labor organi- embezzling more than $600,000
state Sen. Vince Leach, according to force organized labor’s efforts was 16.8 percent of all zations with workers. In from the union and using the
a report by Capitol Media. “This is re- to expand its membership after private-sector workers just the first four months funds to pay off her American
ally disconcerting and should be dis- decades of decline. or since 2000, when the Workers of 2021, 10 union officials Express and other credit cards.
concerting to the people of Arizona.” It would also nullify the 27 rate was 9 percent. assemble have been convicted or Former United Auto Workers
House Appropriations Chairwom- state right-to-work laws pres- Currently, 6.3 percent Ford vehi- indicted in such cases, Local 1320 Financial Secretary
an Regina Cobb, a Republican, said ently on the books, and enable of all private-sector work- cles at the including: Brian Rittenhouse is charged
the changes stemmed in part from unions  to collect mandatory ers are union members— Chicago United Steelworkers with embezzling $500 in union
how Hobbs has split from Brnovich dues from employees who don’t the lowest level in many Assem- Union Local 1731 Presi- funds that were labeled as in-
in litigation that they initially had wish to join a trade organization. decades—but still the bly Plant on dent Trey Huffy plead- tended to purchase T-shirts.
June 24,
agreed upon. “If enacted into law, the PRO source of $11.1 billion in 2019.
ed  guilty to stealing Linda Rogers, former secre-
“Halfway through the litigation, Act will likely result in increases annual dues revenues, more than $37,000 from tary-treasurer of the American
she’s decided to go the other direc- to the private union member according to BLS data the union. Federation of State, County
tion from the AG’s Office, from what rate. This will increase the num- cited by the study. Former Ironworkers Local and Municipal Employees (AF-
they’ve been helping her with,” Cobb ber of dues-paying members If labor union membership in- 470 Treasurer Scott Merritt took SCME) Union, and her daughter,
said, adding that Hobbs has hired out- who fund labor organizations, creases to the 2000 level, dues $50,850 from the union for his Jennifer, were convicted of em-
side attorneys in some cases but still increasing labor organization revenues would increase to personal use over a seven-year bezzling $40,455 from the local’s
bills the state. receipts and enabling unions to $13.5 billion, while an increase period. checking and savings accounts.
Democrats decried the proposed increase their disbursements,” to the 1983 level would produce Salvatore Tagliaferro, presi- Scott Rogers, president of Post-
changes, which would need approv- noted a study by the Institute a $9.3 billion increase. dent of the Local Chapter 926 of al Mail Handlers Local 314 was
al from the full Legislature and the for the American Worker (IAW). The two assumptions are nec- the United Brotherhood of Car- indicted for embezzling an esti-
signature of Republican Gov. Doug The IAW is a conservative non- essary because, as the study ex- penters and Joiners of America mated $80,000 from the union’s
Ducey to be enacted. profit that advocates for free plains, “most, if not all, labor ob- took more than $70,000 in bribes bank account. The local’s former
“We are meddling with the Con- market reforms and shouldn’t servers believe that enacting the in return for union member- treasurer, Yvette Luster, was in-
stitution,” state Rep. Randy Friese, a be confused with the AFL-CIO’s PRO Act will lead to an increase ships. More than half of those dicated on the same charge.
Democrat, told colleagues, according Working for America Institute. in the private sector union mem- members never received work
to ABC 15. “If the private sector union bership rate and those required assignments. Congressional correspondent
The bill would also move oversight membership rate returns to to pay fees. This has been widely Former National Association Mark Tapscott may be
of the Capitol Museum from Hobbs where it was within the last accepted in public comments of Letter Carriers Union Local contacted at mark.tapscott@
to the Legislative Oversight Council. several decades, this could con- on the pending legislation. How 274 Vice President Joseph Whit-

Senate Adopts GOP Amendment Banning US

Funding of China’s Gain-of-Function Cell Research


The amendment defines gain-of-

function research as “any research
project that may be reasonably an-
ticipated to confer attributes to influ-
enza, MERS, or SARS viruses such
that the virus would have enhanced
pathogenicity or transmissibility in
That’s the same definition the Na-
tional Institutes for Health (NIH) used
when implementing a funding mora-
torium on gain-of-function research
from 2014 to 2017. The moratorium
lapsed during the previous Congress.
Paul’s amendment follows a grow-
ing debate in Congress and the media
over the issue of whether the CCP vi-
rus—also known as the novel coro-
navirus—originated due to a leak,
accidental or otherwise, from China’s
Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIR), or
from transmission to humans via bat
meat sold in an open-air market in
Wuhan. The latter is the official expla-
nation of the Chinese regime.
“We don’t know whether the pan-
demic started in a lab in Wuhan or
evolved naturally,” Paul said in a state-
ment about his amendment. “While
many still deny funding gain-of-
function research in Wuhan, experts
believe otherwise. The passage of my GREG NASH/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

amendment ensures that this never ing was funded through Dr. Fauci’s
happens in the future. The U.S. Capitol in NIH and NIAID.
“No taxpayer money should have Washington on Aug. “When Dr. Paul asked Dr. Fauci
ever been used to fund gain-of-func- 6, 2020. whether he supports the NIH fund-
tion research in Wuhan, and now, we ing of the lab in Wuhan, Dr. Fauci, a
permanently have put it to a stop.” strong supporter and ardent advocate
Earlier this month, Paul and Dr. of gain-of-function research, claimed
Anthony Fauci, who heads NIH’s that the NIH ‘has not ever and does not
Sen. Rand
National Institute for Allergies and now fund gain-of-function research in Paul (R-Ky.)
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), had a the Wuhan Institute of Virology.’ at a hearing
heated exchange during a hearing “Despite Dr. Fauci’s previous deni- at the U.S.
of the Senate Committee on Health, als, there is ample evidence and back- Capitol in
Education, Labor, and Pensions, con- No taxpayer ing by the scientific community that Washington
cerning whether the Wuhan lab had money should the NIH and the NIAID, under his on May 11,
received U.S. funding directly or in- direction, funded gain-of-function 2021.
have ever research at the Wuhan Institute of
Fauci, who has been a highly visible been used to Virology. ing of U.S. leadership in critical tech- basis “a strategy for the federal gov-
and controversial adviser on the CCP fund gain- “A multitude of scientists have re- nologies through basic research in key ernment to improve national com-
virus to both President Donald Trump viewed this research and said it meets technology focus areas, such as arti- petitiveness in science, research, and
and President Joe Biden, vigorously of-function the definition for gain-of-function. ficial intelligence, high-performance innovation to support the national
denied that such funding came from research in Many of these scientists have also computing, and advanced manufac- security strategy.”
NIAID. Wuhan, and discussed the inherent dangers of turing, and the commercialization In addition, the bill directs the De-
“Gain-of-function research essen- conducting gain-of-function research of those technologies to businesses partment of Commerce to “(1) estab-
tially involves juicing up naturally- now, we per- and the risks it poses to the human in the United States,” according to lish a supply chain resiliency and
occurring animal viruses to infect manently population.” the Congressional Research Service. crisis response program to address
humans,” Paul’s office said in the have put it to The Endless Frontier Act is spon- “The bill gives the NSF the authority supply chain gaps and vulnerabili-
statement. sored by Senate Majority Leader to provide for the widest practicable ties in critical industries, (2) designate
“For years, Dr. Ralph Baric, a virolo- a stop. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and provides and appropriate dissemination of in- regional technology hubs to facilitate
gist in the U.S., has been collaborating Sen. Rand Paul
a massive increase in funding for the formation within the United States activities that support regional eco-
with Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Vi- National Science Foundation (NSF). concerning the NSF’s activities and nomic development that diffuses in-
rology Institute, sharing his discover- Schumer’s bill would boost the results of those activities.” novation around the United States,
ies about how to create super viruses. NSF’s funding from its present $8.5 In addition, the Schumer proposal and (3) award grants to facilitate de-
“During their research, Dr. Baric billion annual budget by creating would dramatically increase NSF’s velopment and implementation of
and Dr. Shi worked together to in- within it a new Directorate for Tech- work in the areas of critical technolo- comprehensive regional technology
sert bat virus spike protein into the nology and Innovation that would gies in the national security sector of strategies.”
backbone of the deadly SARS virus receive $100 billion over the next five advanced technology research.
and then used the man-made super years. The proposal also directs the White Congressional correspondent
virus to infect human airway cells. “The goals of the directorate shall be, House Office of Science and Technol- Mark Tapscott may be contacted at
“Much of the research they were do- among other things, the strengthen- ogy Policy to develop on an annual

30 Republicans Urge Pentagon Chief to ‘Fight Back’ gon efforts predating the extrem-
ist working group that “look at the
Days after that announcement,
former U.S. Navy Lt Cmdr. Steven
Against ‘Left-Wing Extremism’ in US Military social media footprint when we are
considering recruits as they come
Rogers told NTD that Austin’s order
was unprecedented, unnecessary,
MANUEL BALCE CENETA-POOL/GETTY IMAGES in,” as part of routine screening of and a dangerous road that leads to
TOM OZIMEK media posts,” including one that candidates, which he said was just “communist China.”
compared former President Don- “good common sense.” “This to me, is dangerous, it looks
Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) led ald Trump to Hitler. In announcing actions to coun- like a political litmus test, and it’s
a group of 30 House Republicans in The Republicans also objected to ter extremism in the military and a road that you would only find in
urging Secretary of Defense Lloyd some of the efforts of Bishop Gar- establishing the working group communist China or in the former
Austin to fight back against “creep- rison, a top adviser to Austin, who led by Garrison, the Pentagon Soviet Union,” Rogers said.
ing left-wing extremism” in the U.S. in April was appointed  to head said the group would “discuss the
military. the military’s newly established Department’s pursuit of scalable
Rosendale and his GOP col- Countering Extremism Working and cost-effective capabilities to
leagues said in a May 25 letter to Group, a body tasked with defining Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin screen publically available elec- GOP Republi-
Austin that they’re concerned more specifically what constitutes visits National Guard troops deployed tronic information in accessions
at the U.S. Capitol and its perimeter cans said that the
about “the growing trend of left- extremist behavior, among other and continuous vetting for national
wing extremism and politicization objectives. in Washington on Jan. 29, 2021. security positions.” nonpartisan legacy
in our armed forces,” while citing “Under the guise of reviewing ‘ex- The group “will make recom- of the U.S. military
several examples in support of their tremism’ within the ranks of the Epoch Times for comment on the mendations on further develop- ‘is now in jeopardy.’
position that the nonpartisan leg- Department of Defense, it appears letter. ment of such capabilities and in-
acy of the U.S. military “is now in that political actors such as Bishop John Kirby, the Pentagon’s press corporating machine learning and
jeopardy.” Garrison ... have been given broad secretary, denied the existence of natural language processing into Earlier in May, Republican law-
The lawmakers expressed con- freedom to both catechize and root such a program, telling reporters in social media screening platforms,” makers announced a bill to combat
cern about the firing of a Space out servicemembers who will not Virginia last week that “there’s no the Pentagon said, adding that the critical race theory in U.S. military
Force commander over his re- affirm far-left doctrines,” the law- pilot program run by Mr. Garrison group “will also ensure training training programs.
marks that diversity and inclu- makers stated. or the extremist working group to addresses issues raised by com- Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) said at
sion training in the military was While the lawmakers didn’t pro- examine social media.” manders and supervisors on ‘gray the time that critical race theory “is
“rooted in critical race theory, vide more specifics on Garrison’s “There’s no effort inside this ex- areas’ such as reading, following, a divisive ideology that threatens
which is rooted in Marxism”; about work, a report from The Intercept, tremist working group to some- and liking extremist material and to poison the American psyche.”
West Point training that they said citing internal Pentagon docu- how spy on every individual in content in social media forums “The roots of this ideology are
was “anti-police” and “racist”; ments, claimed that Garrison was the military or spend hours and and platforms.” unmistakable. Just as Karl Marx
and about the appointment and designing a social media screening hours just gleaning through social In February, the Pentagon advocated a social critical ethic of
subsequent reassignment of the program that would “continuous- media activity, just for the sake of chief  ordered a 60-day “stand- societal classism—oppressor ver-
first chief diversity and inclusion ly” monitor members of the mili- doing it. This isn’t about some sort down” by all units to address sus oppressed—this is neo-Marxist
officer in the U.S. Special Opera- tary for “concerning behaviors.” of surveillance program of our own the loosely defined problem of ideology, cultural Marxism mas-
tions Command after the surfacing Pentagon officials didn’t imme- people,” Kirby said. “extremism” in the ranks of the querading as history and designed
of “his vast trove of far-left social diately respond to a request by The Kirby did acknowledge Penta- military. to mislead,” he said.


US Calls for New

Probe Into CCP
Virus Origins Amid
Xavier Becerra,
Mounting Attention secretary
of the U.S.

on ‘Lab Leak’ Theory of Health

and Human
removes his
mask before
MIMI NGUYEN LY intelligence report.
speaking to
White House press secretary Jen the media in
The United States on May 25 Psaki, when asked about the mat- Long Beach,
urged the World Health Organi- ter on May 24, said that the Biden Calif., on May
zation (WHO) to start a new in- administration has “repeatedly 13, 2021.
vestigation into the source of the called for the WHO to support an
CCP virus, amid growing calls expert-driven evaluation of the the WHO to support an expert- tiple calls to further investigate and Prevention, said at a Senate
to investigate whether the pan- pandemic’s origins that is free from driven evaluation of the pandem- the origins of the CCP virus, in- hearing last week that it “certain-
demic may have stemmed from interference or politicization.” ic’s origins. We would certainly cluding from international sci- ly” was “one possibility” that the
a laboratory accident. “Now, there were phase one re- participate in that with all of our entists, the UK government, and CCP virus pandemic may have
U.S. Health and Human Services sults that came through. We were research—resources from the U.S. House GOP leaders, with an been a result of a lab incident.
Secretary Xavier Becerra, in re- not—during that first phase of the United States. emphasis on investigating the But she added that most corona-
marks to the virtual 74th World investigation, there was not access “But given it was an international laboratory leak theory. viruses “generally come from an
Health Assembly, called for the to data, there was not information pandemic ... we’re going to do that The United States, the European animal origin.”
WHO to launch a “transparent” provided. And now, we’re hopeful in coordination with our interna- Union, and more than a dozen A WHO spokesman, Tarik
second phase to the investigation. that WHO can move into a more tional partners, continue to press other nations have also previous- Jasarevic, asking about a follow-
“Phase 2 of the COVID origins transparent, independent phase the Chinese to release that data ly raised concerns about the WHO up mission, told Reuters on May 24
study must be launched with two investigation,” Psaki said. and information and play a con- study, pointing to the report’s sig- that the agency was reviewing the
terms of reference that are trans- structive role in the second phase nificant delay and China’s refusal recommendations from the WHO
parent, science-based, and give of the investigation.” to share crucial raw data. report at the technical level.
international experts the indepen- The WHO said in a report in Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious “The technical teams will pre-
dence to fully assess the source of We need access to March that the possibility that disease expert and head of the U.S. pare a proposal for the next stud-
the virus and the early days of the the information the CCP virus may have escaped National Institute of Allergy and ies that will need to be carried
outbreak,” he said. a laboratory was “an extremely un- Infectious Diseases, said in early out, and will present that to the
Becerra didn’t mention China or that the Chinese likely pathway.” The report, writ- May that he’s “not convinced” that director-general for his consider-
Wuhan directly, where the first- government has. ten jointly with Chinese scientists, the CCP virus pandemic came ation,” he said, referring to WHO
known human cases of COVID-19 also said that the CCP virus likely about naturally and that the possi- Director-General Tedros Adha-
emerged in December 2019. Jen Psaki, spread via an animal. bility “certainly exists” that it may nom Ghebreyesus.
The comments come after The White House press secretary The report was a culmination of have been a result of a laboratory Jasarevic, noting Tedros’s re-
Wall Street Journal reported on the U.N. agency’s joint investiga- accident. marks on March 30, said that fur-
May 23 that three researchers at On May 25, she told reporters: tion with Chinese scientists into Scott Gottlieb, former head of the ther studies would be needed in
the Wuhan Institute of Virology “We need access to the informa- the origins of the CCP virus in Food and Drug Administration a range of areas, including on the
were hospitalized in November tion that the Chinese government January and February of this year. (FDA), told CNBC on May 24 that early detection of cases and clus-
2019 with symptoms consistent has in order to make a determi- Critics have said that the WHO growing circumstantial evidence ters, the potential roles of animal
with seasonal flu and COVID-19, nation through the international investigation may lack transpar- may indicate a possible laboratory markets, transmission via the food
the disease caused by the CCP bodies that would do this inves- ency and wasn’t independent of origin, pointing to reports of the chain, and the laboratory incident
(Chinese Communist Party) virus. tigation. And that’s something the Chinese communist regime, researchers at the Wuhan lab hav- hypothesis.
The newspaper cited unnamed we’ve called for many, many which played a significant role in ing fallen ill in November 2019.
U.S. government sources familiar times. And we’ve pressed, with the CCP virus origins probe. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director Eva Fu and Reuters contributed
with a previously undisclosed U.S. our international partners for In May, there have been mul- of the Centers for Disease Control to this report.

Beijing Blacklists Former US Official Senators Move to

Close ‘Security
3,000 of its applications approved
since 2018, including on network

After US Sanctions Chinese Official for

equipment and tracking devices,
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr
Loophole’ on said on March 30. The FCC simi-
Persecuting Falun Gong Chinese State- larly greenlighted Hikvision and
Dahua applications for video sur-

FREDERICK M. BROWN/GETTY IMAGES Backed Firms veillance and facial recognition
EVA FU “The status quo is danger-
The Beijing regime has added a ous, and we need to act now to
former U.S. religious official to its A bipartisan bill aims to bar Chi- strengthen our national security
sanctions list in response to the nese state-linked firms from ex- and protect our critical infra-
United States’ sanctioning of a ploiting a “security loophole” to structure,” Rubio said.
Chinese official for his involve- enter U.S. technology markets. Markey called the legislation a
ment in persecuting followers of The Secure Equipment Act of “commonsense proposal.”
Falun Gong. 2021, introduced by Sens. Marco “In today’s increasingly con-
Johnnie Moore, a two-time Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ed Markey (D- nected world, we must animate
commissioner of the U.S. Com- Mass.), targets major Chinese tele- our technology with our values,
mission on International Reli- com providers, including Huawei, especially in the 5G networks that
gious Freedom (USCIRF), and his ZTE, Hytera Communications are critical to our future economic
family members will be barred Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision prosperity,” he said. The bill “will
from visiting mainland China, Digital Technology Company, and make sure all of our devices and
Hong Kong, and Macau, Chinese Dahua Technology Company. The equipment are safe for consumers
foreign ministry spokesperson Federal Communication Com- and secure for the United States.”
Zhao Lijian said a May 26 press mission (FCC) has flagged all five Carr welcomed the gesture in a
conference. Rev. Johnnie Moore speaks at The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s 2017 National as a threat to national security. May 24 statement, saying it was a
Moore, who has advocated on Tribute Dinner at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif., on April 5, 2017. “quick and decisive action nec-
behalf of suppressed religious essary to safeguard our national
groups in China, said it was “an the same day the United States nocent people.” security.”
honor to be sanctioned by the sanctioned Yu, cited more than Browde noted the irony behind We need to act now “It is time to close this glaring
Chinese Communist Party.” 6,600 arrests and almost 8,600 the regime’s efforts to malign the loophole,” he said. “Once we have
“The CCP [Chinese Communist instances of harassment of ad- spiritual practice.
to strengthen our determined that Huawei or other
Party] doesn’t understand the dif- herents across China in 2020. “It’s always been tragically iron- national security. gear poses an unacceptable na-
ference between ‘the truth’ and The State Department and ic that the CCP, which controls tional security risk, it makes no
Sen. Marco Rubio
a ‘lie’ but here’s some truth we USCIRF didn’t immediately re- peoples lives, terrorizes them sense to allow that exact same
know: they are weaker than they turn requests by The Epoch Times with persecution, and relent- equipment to be purchased and
want us to believe that they are,” for comment. lessly brainwashes them, makes Under the act, the FCC, which inserted into our communica-
he wrote in a statement on Twit- Levi Browde, executive director clumsy attempts to label Falun oversees all interstate and foreign tions networks.
ter. “We will not hand our world to of the New York-based Falun Dafa Gong, which is a Buddhist-based communications by radio, tele- “The presence of these insecure
the CCP to victimize the innocent Information Center, noted how spiritual practice with no mem- vision, wire, satellite, and cable, devices in our networks is the
as they please.” “throughout the 1990s, the CCP bership and is free to learn, an would cease reviewing or approv- threat, not the source of funding
The new sanction from China applauded Falun Gong’s health ‘evil cult,’” he said. “There is no ing any product or services from used to purchase them.”
followed the State Department’s benefits and moral contributions bigger cult in the world than the the named companies. A growing number of countries,
decision to punish Yu Hui, who in many public proclamations,” Chinese Communist Party.” “The Chinese Communist Party the most recent among them In-
formerly headed the Chengdu only to “reverse itself” after the According to the latest data from subsidizes these companies and dia, Ethiopia, and Romania, have
city’s branch of the 610 Office, an practice became immensely Minghui, a website set up in the exploits loopholes in our laws moved to keep Chinese entities
extra-legal task force embedded popular. United States to document the to allow malicious actors to sell out of their 5G infrastructure over
in institutions all over China to “For over 20 years, the CCP has persecution, at least 504 people compromised equipment and security concerns.
implement the persecution of sought to eliminate Falun Gong have been sentenced to jail this services in the U.S.,” Rubio said.
Falun Gong. through arbitrary detention, year through April. By “loopholes,” Rubio was refer-
Falun Gong, which teaches the torture, and widespread organ Shi Shaoping, a 50-year-old Fa- ring to regulations that the FCC
principles of truthfulness, com- harvesting, so it’s no surprise lun Gong practitioner who gradu- adopted last year mandating
passion, and tolerance, along the CCP would make significant ated with a master’s degree from U.S. telecom carriers to remove
with slow-moving exercises, had efforts to change the conversation China’s top science academy, the and replace gear from Chinese
an estimated following of 70 mil- from human rights abuses to the state-run Chinese Academy of entities deemed to be a national
lion to 100 million by 1999, before character of Falun Gong,” he told Sciences, was recently handed a security risk. The rules, however,
the regime subjected adherents to The Epoch Times. nine-year jail term for his belief. didn’t apply to equipment pur-
sweeping persecution. “But it’s all just a smokescreen He previously served a 10-year chased with private funding.
The 2020 U.S. religious free- to hide the terrible atrocities they sentence for talking to people An FCC review found that Hua- The Huawei logo at the Web Summit
dom report, which was released have committed to peaceful, in- about the persecution. wei alone has seen more than in Lisbon, Portugal, on Nov. 6, 2019.

CCP and Western Media Face New Scrutiny After

Both Decried Lab Leak Theory as ‘Conspiracy’
CONTINUED FROM A1 able to steer the narrative on the ori-
gin by denying access to basic data.
letter in Science magazine on May “Our investigators and forensic vi-
14, stating that the lab incident the- rologists have not had full access to
ory shouldn’t be ignored and that the data that is available in China.
investigation into the virus’s origin What they see is too often what the
should continue. CCP wants them to see,” he said.
The idea gained steam in mid-Feb- “So when our investigators walk
ruary, after World Health Organiza- away from an investigation in China
tion (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom saying ‘most of the evidence indi-
Ghebreyesus contradicted his own cates against the lab leak hypothesis,
agency’s report on the origin of the and therefore the lab leak hypothesis
virus. The report ruled that it was is likely untrue,’ they are not using
“extremely unlikely” that the virus good scientific methodology.”
originated in a laboratory, while Marcus Kolga, a senior fellow with
Tedros said that further investiga- the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Lau-
tion was needed. The WHO’s in- rier Institute and a disinformation
vestigation was marred by a lack of expert, said regimes like those in
transparency from Beijing and the China and Russia have departments
reported ties to China found regard- with thousands of people dedicated
ing some of the investigators. to the creation and amplification of
The month of May saw more rever- disinformation.
sals of the earlier trend to dismiss “It is certainly in the Chinese Com-
the lab origin theory, with Dr. An- munist Party’s interest to promote
thony Fauci, head of the U.S. Nation- any narrative that casts doubt on the
al Institute of Allergy and Infectious origin of the virus,” Kolga told The
Diseases, saying on May 11 that he is A worker stands inside the P4 laboratory on the campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei Prov- Epoch Times.
now “not convinced” that the virus ince, China, on Feb. 23, 2017. “If the virus did originate some-
developed naturally. His comments where other than a wet market or
were in response to a question by a But communist China was hardly he funded, Dr. Daszak would be elsewhere, I’m sure that the Chinese
staff member of fact-checking web- the only one to revert to “conspiracy” potentially culpable.” Wade made Communist Party will amplify any
site PolitiFact. Our investi- labeling throughout the pandem- this statement in a lengthy article sort of narratives that would put that
A few days later, PolitiFact quietly gators and fo- ic. The New York Times, in a Feb. published in the respected science in doubt.”
retracted a fact check it published in 3 Twitter post linking to its article journal Bulletin of Atomic Scien- He said that early into the pan-
September 2020 in which it labeled
rensic virolo- on the WHO team’s visit to the WIV tists, in which he established the demic, the Chinese regime hid in-
the claim by a Hong Kong virologist gists have at the time, wrote, “[The WIV’s] lab reasons why the lab leak theory formation about the virus and didn’t
that COVID-19 originated in a lab as not had full has been the focus of unfounded can’t be dismissed. take appropriate action to stop the
inaccurate and a “debunked con- conspiracy theories promoted by spread.
spiracy theory.” In May 2020, Fauci access to the the Trump administration about ‘Poor Science’ “Had they acted earlier, we could
had dismissed the lab leak theory data that is the pandemic’s origins.” An article For a number of years, Wade was have saved millions of lives,” Kolga
in a National Geographic interview, available in by CNN on the same day read, “A a staff member of The New York said.
saying the evidence “strongly sug- team of World Health Organization Times and the prestigious science
gests” a natural origin. China. What investigators in Wuhan are visiting journals Nature and Science. He Racist Accusations a Political Tactic
On May 24, Vox amended an edi- they see is a laboratory Wednesday that has said that another document influ- Another way the regime has influ-
tor’s note on a March 2020 article too often been the focus of conspiracies and ential in shaping the discourse on enced the conversation on the pan-
that claimed the lab leak theory had speculation about the origin of the the virus’s origin and dismissing demic is by labeling any criticism
been “debunked,” stating in its up- what the CCP coronavirus pandemic.” the lab leak theory was a March 17 of its conduct on the pandemic as
date that the “scientific consensus wants them letter by several scientists published racist, Kolga said.
has shifted.” Influential Paper in the journal Nature Medicine. The According to Kolga, the CCP
In the latest development on the
to see. One of the most influential docu- letter presented the authors’ rea- learned this tactic from the So-
matter,  the U.S. Health and Human Anders Corr, ments early in the pandemic that soning for ruling out any alternative viet Union, which labeled anyone
Services Secretary Xavier Becerra publisher, Journal shaped the discussion on the ori- to a natural origin. who was a critic of it as a fascist or
said on May 25 that there should be a of Political Risk gin of the virus was a statement Disputing the reasoning in the let- neo-Nazi.
new transparent study into the virus published by a group of scientists ter, Wade said the claims are a case “These regimes understand that
origin and investigators should be in the prestigious medical journal of “poor science.” we are very sensitive to accusations
given independence to make proper The Lancet on Feb. 19, 2020. Titled Kristian G. Andersen, the lead au- of racism because of the diversity
evaluations. The UK government “Statement in support of the scien- thor of the Nature Medicine letter, and the broad tolerance we have in
also said on May 24 that the WHO tists, public health professionals, didn’t respond to a request for com- this country. And then they engage
investigation needs to be “transpar- and medical professionals of China ment by press time. in the use of such labels and such
ent and independent.” combatting COVID-19,” it stated: Wade wrote that the letters in The accusations in order to discredit any
Previously, 14 countries, includ- “We stand together to strongly con- Lancet and Nature were political criticism of those regimes,” he said.
ing Canada and the United States, demn conspiracy theories suggest- rather than scientific. Ontario-based bar owner Alex
had raised concerns about WHO’s ing that COVID-19 does not have a “The statements were designed to Petro was the subject of scorn by
study into the virus’s origin, asking natural origin.” have a political effect, not to pres- multiple media reports and local
for a “transparent and independent The nonprofit investigative re- ent the scientific facts,” he said in politicians over a sign he put up at
analysis and evaluation” in a March search group U.S. Right to Know an email. his bar that referred to the virus
30 statement. The former head of the (USRTK) said in a November 2020 Among the reasons that a natural as “the China virus.” The criticism
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and post that, according to documents origin for the virus hasn’t yet been didn’t subside even after he clari-
Prevention, Robert Redfield, a vi- it obtained under public record re- confirmed is that scientists still fied that his sign was to criticize the
rologist, said on March 26 that he quests, the scientist who wrote the haven’t found evidence of the virus’s Chinese communist regime, which
believes the virus originated from first draft of the statement was Pe- initial animal-to-human infection. oppresses the Chinese people, and
a Chinese lab. ter Daszak, head of New York-based “The intermediary host species of that he loves the people of China.
Citing a previously undisclosed A sign out- EcoHealth Alliance. USRTK said it SARS1 was identified within four This attempt to cast any criticism
U.S. intelligence report, a Wall side of the Wall was employees of Daszak’s organi- months of the epidemic’s outbreak, of China for its handling of the virus
Street Journal article published on Street Jour- zation—which has channeled U.S. and the host of MERS within nine outbreak as racist has appeared in
May 23 reported that three research- nal’s offices on government funding for coronavirus months. Yet some 15 months after social media advertisements by Chi-
ers from China’s Wuhan Institute Sixth Avenue research at the WIV—who organized the SARS2 [SARS-CoV-2, which nese state media, seen by millions.
of Virology (WIV) sought hospital in New York, in the statement. causes the COVID-19 disease] There have also been efforts by
care with COVID-like symptoms this file photo. However, the statement published pandemic began, and after a pre- Chinese officials to pin the blame
in November 2019—about a month in The Lancet says, “We declare no sumably intensive search, Chinese for the virus on specific countries,
before the appearance of “patient competing interests.” researchers had failed to find ei- including a claim by foreign minis-
zero,” as identified by the Chinese “Daszak lacks credibility because ther the original bat population, or try spokesman Zhao Lijian that the
communist regime. The Lancet letter of Feb. 19 that the intermediate species to which virus originated in the United States
This revelation matches the con- he drafted and organized falsely SARS2 might have jumped, or any and was brought to Wuhan by the
tents of a fact sheet released by claimed no conflict of interest,” serological evidence that any Chi- U.S. Army. The State Department
the State Department in the final China scholar Anders Corr, pub- nese population, including that of summoned the U.S. ambassador
days of the Trump administration, lisher of Journal of Political Risk and Wuhan, had ever been exposed to over the incident.
which said several WIV research- an Epoch Times contributor, said the virus prior to December 2019,” A recent report by the Brussels-
ers became sick in the fall of 2019 in an email. Wade’s article reads. based International Federation of
with symptoms consistent with CO- The World Health “In fact, Daszak’s organization Wade said part of the problem Journalists said that Beijing has used
VID-19. Organization helped fund research at the Wuhan causing many members of the media its global media infrastructure “to
Beijing was quick to dismiss the headquarters in Institute of Virology. That research to be quick in dismissing any theory seed positive narratives about China
State Department’s claims in Janu- Geneva on Aug. was of coronaviruses.” besides a natural occurrence is that, in national media, as well as mobi-
ary as “conspiracy theories,” calling 17, 2020. Daszak was also part of the WHO unlike political reporters, science lizing more novel tactics such as
the fact sheet a “lie sheet.” team that conducted a fact-finding reporters aren’t fully vigilant in in- disinformation.”
mission into the origin of the virus vestigating their source’s motives. Corr says that, besides the CCP’s ef-

in China earlier this year. And he Another reason “is the migration forts, racism labels are also a result of
was among the WHO experts who of much of the media toward the left communist and socialist influence
sparked controversy due to their of the political spectrum,” he said. in the West.
ties to China. In addition to chan- “Because President Trump said “Communist influence more gen-
neling U.S. National Institute of the virus had escaped from a Wu- erally—some of which has become
Health money to WIV, his organiza- han lab, editors gave the idea little organic to Western societies and
tion received Chinese Communist credence,” Wade said. some of which shades into demo-
Party (CCP) money, he said in a 2018 cratic forms of socialism—has allied
conference sponsored by a Chinese Data Access Denied electorally with identity politics to
state media. Many scientists and China schol- become hyper-critical of race, gen-
Daszak didn’t respond to a request ars have repeatedly called on Bei- der, sexuality, post-colonial, and
for comment from The Epoch Times jing to allow a proper investigation class issues,” he said.
by press time. into the origin of the virus, which
Author and science journalist would help put an end to the divi- Isabel Van Brugen, Frank Fang,
Nicholas Wade said that if the virus sive speculation. and Zachary Stieber contributed
“had indeed escaped from research But Corr says the regime has been to this report.
A10 | WORLD THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021

Volunteers in India Provide Free,

Home-Cooked Food for COVID-19 Patients


in need of nutritious, home-
cooked meals.
Ankita Sahay, 29, a manage-
ment professional from India’s
IT city, Bangalore, started serv-
ing her home-cooked meals af-
ter seeing her cousin—who was
bedridden, alone, and in quar-
antine—ailing during COVID’s
second wave in April.
Sahay realized that there were
others in the city in quarantine
or without housemaids, or sick
senior citizens who have had no
support during the lockdown.
She started reaching out on
social media to offer her free
home-cooked food on April 26.
Today, she’s supported by 45
volunteers who have an out-
reach throughout the city and
have already served 1,500 meals.
Sahay plans soon to reach out to
four more cities with the initia-
tive she calls “Seher,” meaning
“So there are two parts to it.
One is supplying and the other
is demand, right? So I onboard
volunteers, I have a tie-up with
our packaging vendor, I buy all
the packaging materials from
that particular vendor. And I

to each of these folks who are

volunteers,” she said. Volunteers prepare
“The reason being that I do not meals to be donated to
want to differentiate between COVID-19 patients, at the
any family. The quantity that Gurudwara Bangla Sahib
goes out to each family should in New Delhi, India, on
be the same,” said Sahay, adding May 2, 2021.
that she and her husband had
initially funded the operation.
As the story became more wide-
ly known and the operation grew,
donations started pouring in.
Samantha Pasha, 52, a former
event manager and a homemak-
er, was actively involved along
with her 14-year-old adopted
daughter during last year’s lock-
Notes sent along with meals by Seher
down. The duo was supporting volunteers to Linet Rashmi while she
migrant workers with food and was recovering from COVID-19 and A home-cooked meal served to COVID-19 patients in Bangalore, India, by volun-
necessity kits. her mother was suffering from it. teers with Seher.
But then Pasha tested positive.
This year, at the time of the sec-
ond pandemic surge, Pasha was community in the city to join the fected, I feel like this is the clos- people, would you be able to give
looking for a way to do some- Sahay team, inspired by wanting est I can get to helping them out,” us some food for at least a week?”
thing from within her home, and To be completely to do good. She said the spirit of said Fatima. “Every meal I cook Subramanian said.
on April 28, she joined Sahay to honest it is a way service is woven into the lives of is with a ton of love and effort. “First day onwards, I saw that
serve “nutritious meals” to her the families of army officers. It makes me emotional to think she was sending very nutritious,
city’s inhabitants.
for us volunteers “Since the time I was married, this is helping someone heal.” very good food. The menus were
“You feel your body can’t take to cope up with we officers’ wives had to look India is going through such very thoughtful. Very nicely
that kind of beating again. I all the distress after the welfare of the families a crisis that helping in just one done,” she said, adding that
said I’m sitting at home, I’m not of soldiers. When our husbands way, such as through donations, they were always delivered on
going anywhere. But you know around us as were in border areas, looking isn’t sufficient, according to time and came with a “get well
the person in me is like, I want well, and the after each other was the done Fatima. soon” note.
to do for others. I want to do gratification is thing. Our unit was more than a “There are old people, single Like Subramanian, 47-year-old
[something] in this situation. family,” said Ramesh. She says mothers, kids who can’t even Linet Rashmi was desperate, as
Otherwise, I feel very helpless,” paramount. the same spirit translated for her order online. I feel like this was she had just recovered from CO-
Pasha said. Nazish Fatima, analytics into cooking food for patients. the best way to help them out. VID and wasn’t in a position to
“So it is therapeutic for me to and data science engineer “Basically we are all house- To be completely honest it is a look after her 77-year-old moth-
do these things. It makes me wives, and we cook for COVID way for us volunteers to cope up er, who had become infected
feel really good about myself,” patients. So you’re not doing it on with all the distress around us and was completely bedridden.
she said. Pasha cooks 84 meals a very large scale or on a com- as well, and the gratification is She came across a forwarded
per week and has been the most mercial scale. It’s basically, what- paramount,” she said. message from Sahay on What-
engaged cook out of all the ever each one can do. Whatever This spirit of doing good is sApp, contacted her, and was
volunteers at Seher, according to we cook at home, we pack it up spreading the story of Seher on provided prompt help.
Sahay. and we send it to the patient or social media. When Sahay’s “And she needed, very hygien-
Sahay said the volunteers, the attendant,” she said. mother-in-law shared her story ic, like in a liquid, semi-liquid
which include many who have a Ramesh said during a crisis on LinkedIn, it began trending; food,” said Rashmi. “Such kind
professional life and others who like the pandemic, each person one of the investors of Dunzo, of food which was very, very ap-
are senior citizens, have differ- has a choice to do something a delivery company, tagged her propriate for my mom. And for
ent schedules. and elevate the situation. company to help out Sahay. myself. Also, it was so good that
A woman walks past a
“Some are available during the COVID-19 coronavirus “Each one of us, no matter “After that Dunzo launched she recovered within 15 days,
weekend. Some available only containment zone in from whatever status of the an initiative to help people who actually.”
twice a week. Some people are front of closed shops in a society he or she is, we can do are delivering for needy. I wrote Rashmi said during that time,
available only on weekdays and street during a lockdown something. For example, you them an email and they replied,” she was battling depression and
not on weekends,” she said. to contain the surge of must be having some cook or said Sahay. The company pro- the help was “God-sent.”
coronavirus cases, in somebody working for you. If vides subsidized rates to her to “Every day, those notes just
Spirit of Doing Good Bangalore, India, on July you can only vaccinate, where help deliver food to the patients pulled me out from depression.”
Nirupama Ramesh, 60, is one of 20, 2020. there are free vaccinations, or or their attendants. There are many small and
a few wives from the veterans’ even paying, let’s say, three, four large groups around India cur-
hundred or thousand bucks for Timely, and Comes With a Note rently supplying cooked and

your maid and cook. Then, you Indu Subramanian, 83, and her uncooked food to people affect-
can imagine how many people 92-year-old husband were alone ed by the deadly second wave of
will be vaccinated! OK, that’s at home, and when the lock- the pandemic. Sahay said they
one of the things that all of us down occurred, their house- are her inspiration. Pasha said
can do,” she said. hold help couldn’t reach them. it’s “human nature” to reach out
Unlike Ramesh, 30-year-old Someone in her building put up with help whenever someone is
Nazish Fatima, an analytics and Sahay’s WhatsApp message for suffering, and the group is just
data science engineer, learned to the free food service and that’s doing that.
cook only last year amid the lock- how the senior couple reached “You can’t control what goes
down from YouTube videos and out. outside, but you can control
her mother. Fatima has become “So I was diagnosed with cervi- what goes on inside—be strong
the most eager dinner cook on cal spondylosis. And I couldn’t and be positive. Hope this food
the Seher project; she’s cooked 97 get up and my neck was [hurting] nourishes you,” is a note that
dinners in less than a month. too much. Maids are not coming Team Seher sent to Rashmi,
“As someone who isn’t a health for the last nearly one month. I which she shared with The Ep-
worker or direct family of the af- just asked her, we are two elderly och Times.
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021 WORLD | A11

Belarus Releases 2nd Confession Video Following

Forced Plane Landing in Minsk

A second video has been released

following the arrests of Belarusian
opposition journalist Roman Pro-
tasevich and his girlfriend  Sofia
Sapega on May 23.
The pair were on their way to Vilni-
us, Lithuania, from Athens, Greece,
when Belarus authorities alerted
their flight of a bomb threat, and
President Alexander Lukashenko
ordered a MiG fighter jet to escort
the plane to land in Minsk.
According to the European Hu-
manities University, a Belarusian
university in Lithuania where Sape-
ga is studying, Sapega was going
back to Vilnius to defend her master’s
thesis after her vacation in Greece
with Protasevich.
In the video, first posted on a pro-
government Telegram channel
on May 25, Sapega was sitting in a
chair, speaking at a fast pace, and
looking around as though reciting
“I am Sapega Sofia Andreevna, I
was born on Feb. 10, 1998. I am [a]
citizen of the Russian Federation, I
live in Lithuania, Vilnius. On May
23, 2021, I flew on the same plane
with Roman Protasevich. I am also STRINGER/REUTERS

editor of Telegram channel ‘Cher- vich admitting to the involvement came from abroad, from Switzer-
naya Kniga,’ which publishes private Security personnel in organizing a mass protest was land. And Athens, Vilnius, and
information about internal affairs use a sniffer dog to released a day earlier. Minsk had got the message at the
officers,” the 23-year-old student said check the luggage of “I am now in the Minsk detention same time,” he said.
in the video. passengers on the center Number 1. I can state that I Belarusian authorities said on
Sapega’s mother, Anna Dudich, Ryanair plane carrying don’t have any health issues, includ- May 24 that the threat came from
told Reuters on May 25 that she was opposition figure Raman ing heart or any other organs’ dis- the Hamas terrorist group. Lukash-
worried about her daughter’s health Pratasevich, which was ease,” he said in the video. enko said on May 26 that it doesn’t
and safety. traveling from Athens to “Police officers treat me properly matter where the threat came from,
“This is the main thing which I fear Vilnius and was diverted and according to the law. Also, I now but the plane was near a Belarusian
to Minsk after a bomb
now,” Dudich told Reuters, adding continue to cooperate with the in- nuclear power plant.
threat, in Minsk National
that  Sapega “is a very tough girl Airport in Belarus on vestigation and give a confession on “Hamas or not Hamas, it doesn’t
in a moral sense” and she will get May 23, 2021. organizing mass protests in Minsk,” matter today,” he said.
through. he said. “The crew had time to decide.
Dudich said her daughter had been Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Belar- There were 123 passengers from
going out with Protasevich for less us’s exiled opposition leader, said various countries and six crew
than six months and that she was “in that the two detainees were “clearly” Opposition blogger and activist Roman members in the air, in danger. And
the wrong place at the wrong time.” under duress. Protasevich arrives for a court hearing in the flight area, for your informa-
“My hopes are now probably based “This is terrifying. I’m worried in Minsk, Belarus, on April 10, 2017. tion, you know it well—the Belaru-
on a miracle and on the knowledge about Roman Protasevich & Sofia sian nuclear power plant is placed.
that my daughter is definitely not Sapega. I am worried about all po- es” after one of his cabinet ministers The plane diversion happened near
guilty of anything,” she said. “She
Sapega litical prisoners,” Tsikhanouskaya said she wouldn’t be surprised if the the plant,” he said.
simply showed up in the wrong place was sitting wrote on Twitter. confession had been coerced. The six-term president told Parlia-
at the wrong time.” in a chair, “Clearly, Roman is beaten in pris- Both the UK and the EU have ment that “ill-wishers” from both
Neither Dudich nor Sapega’s law- on, he & Sofia are under psychologi- summoned their respective Be- outside and inside the country were
yer have been able to contact Sape- speaking at cal pressure. Lukashenko terrorizes larusian ambassadors, requested waging a “modern hybrid warfare.”
ga since her detention, and have a fast pace, the whole country. We must fight the airlines to avoid Belarusian air- Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Pes-
not been informed of any charges and looking regime’s impunity.” space, and said they would con- kov told reporters that members of
against her, but her lawyer was told Speaking to the EU Parliament sider further sanctions. the Kremlin “see no reason to mis-
on May 25 that Sapega’s detention around on May 26,  Tsikhanouskaya ac- U.S. President Joe Biden and Cana- trust Belarus counterparts” regard-
had been extended to two months. as though cused President Alexander Lukash- dian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ing the bomb threat.
Russian Foreign Ministry said in reciting enko of turning Belarus into “a North have also said they are looking at op- “As far as we understand, they
a statement that Sapega was arrest- Korea of Europe—non-transparent, tions to further sanction Belarus. didn’t land the plane on their own
ed “in connection with the suspicion something. unpredictable, and dangerous.” Lukashenko on May 26 claimed initiative, they followed the rules in
of having committed, between Au- British Prime Minister Boris John- that the bomb threat, which the the event of a threat, and here we see
gust and September 2020, offenses son said on May 25 after the re- Belarusian authorities used to no reason to mistrust Belarus coun-
under several articles of the Belaru- lease of the first confessional video ground Protasevich’s flight, came terparts,” he said.
sian Criminal Code.” that it was “deeply distressing” to from Switzerland.
Another video showing Protase- watch and warned of “consequenc- “The information about the bomb Reuters contributed to this report.

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A12 THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021

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THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021 • A13

Students protest at Finsbury Square, under a banner reading “Capitalism isn’t working,” for a demonstration against cuts in education funding, in London, in this file photo.

Guilt, Condemnation,
and Totalitarian Punishment

MARK HENDRICKSON our speech, and our lives.

Let us briefly review a few of the guilt
We don’t hear much today trips that leftists are using to justify impos-
about the religious doc- ing tyrannical measures on the American
trine of damnation—the people to achieve their utopian vision.
belief that everlasting
punishment awaits sin- 1. White Guilt
ners. How much of that is Epoch Times contributor Larry Elder
due to religionists moderat- gave a marvelous talk last week at Prin-
ing their theological views or simply the cipia College, during which he powerfully
ongoing secularization of society is an debunked the myth of white guilt. (You
interesting question. can read more in Elder’s book “What’s
Regardless, although such harsh judg- Race Got to Do with It?” and in his inter-
mentalism may cause uncomfortable views with The Epoch Times. See also
tensions between people, it generally is Brandon Tatum’s views.)
harmless. We have a separation of church Leftists seek to impose collective guilt
and state that, while protecting the free on white Americans—many, both living
exercise of religion, doesn’t confer the and dead, who have steadfastly fought for, Sadly, success has triggered the envy,
ability of any sect to impose its doctrines promoted, and defended racial justice— Occupy Wall Street resentment, and hatred of many who were
forcibly on others. Religionists may con- for the sins of certain white individuals, participants carry on their born into societies where those cultural
demn us verbally or in their hearts, but most of whom have long been dead. Blind occupation of Zuccotti Park values and the success they tend to spawn
they have no power to control or punish to the reality that there are racists among near Wall Street in New York, have been absent. How dare those Jews
us. That’s the Creator’s prerogative, and all races, the collective condemnation of on Oct. 18, 2011. and Americans accomplish so much! They
we’ll just have to wait until we leave this an entire race is itself racist. It also illus- must be punished for such effrontery.
world to see how accurate those bleak trates the perversity of “social justice”—
pronouncements of damnation are. collectivist remedies that unjustly trample 3. Capitalist Guilt
There is, however, a doctrine of guilt, the rights of innocent individuals. Prager alluded to this, too, in his column.
condemnation, and punishment that Trying to punish so-called white guilt Anti-capitalism has been around for
threatens every American’s earthly is also unwise and counterproductive. nearly two centuries—ever since capital-
well-being and happiness. I’m referring Once you start trying to indiscriminately ist entrepreneurs found ways to lift the
to the political left’s fanatical embrace of punish a whole race of people for the past masses of people out of poverty. The
certain quasi-religious doctrines—spe- sins of others, you have opened a Pando- great Austrian economist Ludwig von
cifically, that Americans collectively are ra’s box. Think of Israelis and Arabs in the Mises published a book titled “The Anti-
guilty of various sins that merit condem- Middle East—the more they try to settle Capitalist Mentality” in 1956, in which he
nation. The progressive punishment for old scores, the more the present genera- diagnosed the feelings of inferiority that
our sins is to subject us to a stern totali- tion suffers. Do we want our children anti-capitalist intellectuals struggle with.
tarian agenda that offers the only salva- to shoulder the same burden of hatred, Many of these highly educated intellectu-
tion from our alleged sins. injustice, and violence that so devastated als just can’t stand seeing the masses of
In this humanist “religion,” progres- the lives of our ancestors, or can we love people richly reward entrepreneurs who
sives, socialists, pagan environmentalists, them enough to break the cycle of con- serve their needs and desires, while at the
et al., have assumed a moral superiority flict? (Indeed, imagine what a hostile same time placing relatively little value
that they believe confers upon them the place the world would be if white Ameri- on the intellectuals’ abstract philosophies
right to act as judge and jury, to pronounce cans were to seek vengeance against the and academic ideologies. Billionaires (un-
America and Americans “guilty” of alleged descendants of the often cruel and unjust less they’re pigging out with government
sins and to condemn and punish us by oppressions of their own ancestors.) subsidies) are society’s benefactors. They
forcing us to submit to their elitist plans. deserve our gratitude, not our hostility.
The form of that punishment—indeed, 2. Success Guilt The anti-rich-people animus stems
the only way for us to expiate our “sins” Dennis Prager wrote about this just last from gross economic ignorance, such as
in their eyes—is for us to submit to the week. Both Jews and Americans have persistent belief in the long-defunct 16th-
progressives’ own radical socialistic cen- shared a cultural history that was to a con- century Montaigne dogma, which falsely
tral economic plan that offers salvation if siderable degree shaped by their religious asserted that one man’s gain is another’s
we “transform” our society into a pro- faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Like this article? Share it loss. More than two centuries of capitalist
gressive utopia. The essence of their all- Jacob. Both of these related cultures have with your friends and family. history have shattered that fallacy.
encompassing central plan is to impose achieved outstanding success relative to Scan this code to receive
government control over our thought, other societies and cultures in the world. a shareable link. Continued on A14

Guilt, Condemnation, and Totalitarian Punishment


CONTINUED FROM A13 mental protection. The felicitous result totalitarian powers to themselves. They
is that economically advanced countries may call it “democratic socialism,” but
4. Profit Guilt pollute less than developing countries. it’s anything but democratic.
Indeed, as even Karl Marx understood, Alas, so fanatical are greens in their belief Like Marx, Lenin, and other past
capitalism excels at producing wealth, and in the evil of humanity that they remain socialist revolutionaries, today’s left
yet Marx and his followers today decry the willfully blind to two great environmental believes that the end justifies the means.
profit-making process that has made pos- blessings that have come to the present They seem to have convinced themselves
sible today’s unprecedented wealth for an generation: First, that temperatures have that by dictating a radical top-down
unprecedented number of people. modestly risen above the grimly cold Little central plan on the American people, the
It’s tragic that so many Americans Ice Age, making life safer; second, that the result will be a bright, utopian future.
don’t understand two crucial aspects CO2 enrichment of Earth’s atmosphere Don’t hold your breath.
of profits: First, profits are new wealth; over the past century has produced a huge If you want to find the utopia that the
the only way for a society to get richer greening of the planet. We should cele- A woman holds a placard reading “white priv- left desires, go to Washington, D.C., take
is through the production of additional brate, not mourn, but the funereal guilt- ilege” during a demonstration in Barcelona, a hard left, and look for it between the
Spain, on June 14, 2020.
value—value that is signaled by profits. mongers want us to mourn. unicorn farm and Atlantis. No radi-
Second, because entrepreneurs in a cal social plan animated by hatred for
capitalist system compete to best serve Condemnation when they promote their vision, they people and based on mutilations of truth
the people’s wants, while businesses in So, here’s the upshot of all the guilt trips assert that their policies are necessary can possibly bless the human race. If you
socialist systems have to produce what that leftists are foisting on us: In the grip to “save” us—and tragically often, to need to see it in black and white, check
their political rulers—a socialist society’s of their beliefs—their fanatical, unques- save us from imaginary problems (e.g., out “The Black Book of Communism”—
elite—command. Obviously, people are tioning faith in the guilt of the American wealth, success, a greening world, etc.). communism being the end of the road
going to be better off when production is people for the above-listed “offenses”— This messianic zeal has congealed into that Marx said starts with democracy
oriented toward their preferences than the left condemns all who dare to dissent a hatred of conservatives, libertarians, and passes through socialism.
the government plan’s dictates. from their catechism. We dissidents are, Republicans—literally any American The human race has suffered enough
ipso facto, bad people; thus, we deserve who dissents from the leftist agenda. The from the socialist/communist virus.
to suffer and be punished for our sins. left has become a Leninist movement, To advocate socialism today can only
There’s no nuance in the leftists’ think- embracing hatred of their political oppo- be explained by a rejection of reason
There’s no nuance in the leftists’ ing, no mitigating factors, no sense of con- nents with all the fervor that Lenin himself and an adherence to a secular faith that
thinking, no mitigating factors, text; in their view, non-leftists are wrong— mustered. elevates hope over experience. The fa-
no sense of context; in their view, period. Consequently, the United States natical adherents of this quasi-religious
gets no credit for the considerable progress Totalitarian Punishment dogma, having judged American society
non-leftists are wrong—period. we have made and continue to make. The hatred that the left feels toward their guilty of cardinal sins, have condemned
Instead, we’re deemed guilty because we political opponents is manifest in their us to a state-imposed hell that’s becom-
5. Prosperity Guilt haven’t yet fully realized our ideals. As I’ve aggressive attempts to obliterate, destroy, ing increasingly totalitarian by the day.
A core value of today’s environmental- written before, to leftists, the perfect has and smash those opponents by cancel- The good news is: We Americans aren’t
ism is the misanthropic and incredibly become the mortal enemy of the good. ing and silencing them. It’s seen in their guilty of the sins with which the left has
wrong belief that human prosperity is an If, by the way, you object to my charac- blatant effort to do an end-run around charged us. There is, then, no justification
evil that will render Earth uninhabitable. terization of leftists as “fanatical,” per- democracy by resorting to such machina- for condemnation and no need for the
These ideologues are ignorant of the en- haps “messianic” would be a more ap- tions as D.C. statehood, packing the Su- totalitarian agenda that they’re pushing.
vironmental “Kuznets curve.” It’s a total propriate adjective. Think of Sen. Edward preme Court, dictating election rules to As has ever been the case, America and
myth that the more prosperous people Markey (D-Mass.) who, when unveiling states, ramming through legislation with Americans will flourish if we remain free of
get, the more polluted their environment the grand socialist central economic zero opposition input or support, etc. dictatorial government plans and controls.
gets. The way the world really works is plan known as “the Green New Deal,” Under the intoxicating influence of
that after an initial increase of pollution described the proposal as “a mission to what I’ve termed “the three meta-errors” Mark Hendrickson, an economist,
as poor societies climb out of subsistence save all of creation.” All of creation?! If of progressivism (faith in government recently retired from the faculty of Grove
standards of living, the increasing wealth that isn’t messianic, then nothing is. competence, belief in human willpower, City College, where he remains a fellow
of those societies enables them to direct Be aware of how often leftists use the and the tyranny of good intentions), the for economic and social policy at the
wealth and effort to the cause of environ- religious language of salvation. Often, left feels perfectly justified in arrogating Institute for Faith and Freedom.








Stephen Gregory, Publisher

Jasper Fakkert, Editor-in-Chief
SPECIAL SERIES: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World Channaly Philipp, Life & Tradition,

YOUR Travel Editor

The Specter’s Strategies

Chrisy Trudeau, Mind & Body Editor

COPY Crystal Shi, Home, Food Editor

Sharon Kilarski, Arts & Culture Editor

for Destroying Humanity EPOCHSHOP.COM


The Epoch Times is a media

organization dedicated to seek-
The Epoch Times here serializes an adaptation from the Chinese of “How the Specter of Communism Is ing the truth through insightful
and independent journalism.
Ruling Our World,” a new book by the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.”
Standing outside of politi-
cal interests and the pursuit of
profit, our starting point and our

goal is to create a media for the
CHAPTER The specter of communism has been today, those who believe in creationism
working for centuries to corrupt and are ridiculed. public benefit, to be truly respon-
destroy humanity. It began by crippling Apart from their impact on the natu- sible to society.
man spiritually, divorcing him from his ral sciences, atheism and materialism We endeavor to educate read-
divine origins. From here, the specter spawned many philosophical and ide- ers about today’s most impor-
has led the peoples of the world to cast ological trends rooted in the concept tant topics, seeking to broaden
out their millennia-old cultural tradi- of struggle. The theory of evolution and uplift minds. We believe that
tions that the divine had meticulously now not only dominates the study of rational, balanced debate is key
arranged as the proper standards for biology, but also holds sway in the so- for fostering a healthy democ-
human existence. cial sciences. From Darwin’s original racy and a compassionate
Bereft of its ancient heritage, the theory came the pernicious philosophy society.
whole of human society is breaking of social Darwinism, with its concepts
down at an unprecedented pace. Mean- of “natural selection” and “survival of As an independent media out-
while, the specter’s earthly agents have the fittest” reducing the community of let, we use our freedom to inves-
exploited this societal havoc to push nations to a jungle of barbaric struggle. tigate issues overlooked—or
their nefarious agendas, masking them The demonic philosophy of struggle avoided—by other media outlets.
as “liberation” and “progress.” also has invaded the field of language. We seek to highlight solutions
Over the past 200 years or more, the A portait engraving of Ludwig Feuerbach The definitions and nuances of words and what’s good in society rather
specter’s influence has overtaken the from Die Gartenlaube, circa 1872. have been twisted to conform with than what divides us.
labyrinth of social affairs and historical atheistic and materialist thought. In
development. Its demonic influence divine commandment. The concept of British writer George Orwell’s dysto- We report respectfully, compas-
takes myriad and seemingly contra- dialectical materialism is the core tenet pian novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” sionately, and rigorously.
dictory forms, from the overt brutality of Marxism and other radical ideolo- Newspeak is an artificial language
of communist rule found in the East, gies. In recent history, the dialectical created to reinforce the Party’s control We stand against the destruc-
to the piecemeal subversion of West- theory was first articulated by German over the people. tion wrought by communism,
ern politics, culture, and mainstream philosopher Georg Hegel as a general In many ways, Orwell’s visions have including the harm done to cul-
society. set of principles for logical thought. become reality. “Freedom” has been tures around the world.
Marxism then absorbed select aspects twisted to mean a state unrestrained
We are inspired in this by our
1. The Corruption of Human Thought of Hegel’s work, while exaggerating the by morality, law, or tradition. Principles
own experience. The Epoch
In today’s world, the criteria for dis- nature of dialectical conflict. such as “all men are created equal” and
Times was founded in 2000 to
cerning good and evil have been “all men are equal before the law” have
bring honest and uncensored
inverted. Righteousness is cast as been distorted to mean absolute egali-
news to people oppressed
wickedness and vice as compassion. tarianism. “Tolerance” has been devi-
by the lies and violence in
Sinister concepts are disguised as sci- Materialism and ated to mean acceptance of all sorts of
communist China.
ence, and gangster logic is masked as warped thought and conduct. Rational
“social justice.” “Political correctness” atheism have thinking has been made a tool of nar- We still believe journalism is a
is used to impose thought control, and established the basis for row-minded empirical science. In the noble vocation, but only when it
the notion of “value neutrality” is used pursuit of equality of outcome, justice genuinely seeks to serve its com-
to render people insensitive to brutal a whole host of warped has become “social justice.” munities and help them to flour-
atrocities. The goal of communism is not to re- ish. In all that we do, we will hold
Man was created by the divine, and intellectual pretensions. solve problems, but rather, as Chinese ourselves to the highest stand-
the faithful receive divine protection. The corruption of republican leader Chiang Kai-shek ards of integrity. This is our
The specter’s first and primary aim, once said, “to expand global contra- promise to you.
therefore, is to sever the connection philosophy has gone dictions to the greatest extent possible
between man and the divine. and cause human struggle to continue
The socialist anthem, “The Interna- hand in hand with the forever.” CONTACT US
tionale,” claims that there has never corruption of science. This has been observed time and
The Epoch Times Association Inc.
been any Creator. In the 1850s, Ger- again throughout modern history.
man materialist philosopher Ludwig A cult of ‘scientific Communism incites hatred among 229 W. 28th St., Fl. 7
Feuerbach said that God was merely a the people, creates and escalates con- New York, NY 10001
projection of man’s inner nature. But
rationality’ has replaced flicts, and seizes power through violent Advertising
humanity’s traditional morality, cul- normal reason with a revolution or subterfuge. In every case,
ture, society, and reason all come from the “liberation” promised by the revo-
the divine. In the tumultuous currents type of secular religion lutionaries results in brainwashing, Subscriptions
of history, spiritual faith may be de- killing, and tyranny.
used to repress faith
scribed as a strong anchor line keeping General Inquiries
mankind from being lost to the waves. and deny morality, 2. The Subversion of Traditional
Atheism lures the arrogant into play- Culture
ing God and attempting to control the reinforcing the atheistic Mankind’s orthodox culture was im-
Letters to the Editor
fates of others and society; the leaders worldview. parted by the divine. In addition to
of communist movements are prone to maintaining the normal functioning

selfdeification. British philosopher Ed- of human society, the most impor-

mund Burke, reflecting on the blood- In the hands of the specter, materi- tant role of divinely inspired culture
shed of the French Revolution, said, alism and atheism serve as demonic is to provide a means for humanity to
“When men play God, presently they weapons used to overthrow man’s understand the divine law taught in
behave like devils.” spiritual faith, undermine human the final epoch and to be saved from
A concept closely linked to atheism morality, and destroy traditional cul- elimination.
is materialism, which denies the ex- ture. Materialism and atheism have Divinely inspired culture provides for
istence of the soul. Materialism took established the basis for a whole host strong moral protection against evil.
root during the Industrial Revolution, of warped intellectual pretensions. The specter of communism thus aims
when rapid progress in science, tech- The corruption of philosophy has gone to destroy human culture by turning
nology, and production fueled a cult of hand in hand with the corruption of people against their own traditions.
empiricism and atheism. People lost science. A cult of “scientific rational- The spread of atheism and materi-
faith in divine miracles and rejected ity” has replaced normal reason with a alism weakened the religious roots of
HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES type of secular religion used to repress civilization, giving rise to new ideologi-

faith and deny morality, reinforcing the cal movements grounded in struggle.
atheistic worldview. In secular society, the specter’s rep-
The contemporary scientific commu- resentatives undermined traditional
nity dismisses all phenomena it can- education, created degenerate modern
not explain or verify using its methods
as superstition and pseudoscience,
or ignores them entirely. Aiming to
art, promoted sexual promiscuity and
pornography, and popularized drug
use. The sinful and the revolting are
dominate academic thought and the now glorified as liberating and expres-
education system, it inundates those sive. Get the
fields with atheistic theories such as
For thousands of years, traditional
education played a key role in develop-
independent news
Darwin’s flawed theory of evolu- ing and passing on mankind’s exqui- you won’t find
tion has been widely adopted as an site culture. Students learned to work
instrument for distancing man from diligently to master professional, artis- anywhere else.
the divine. It equates man with beasts, tic, or academic skills, and to be good
undermining both his self-respect and people and citizens. Subscribe and get the
his reverence for divine creation. In insights only The Epoch Times
Charles Darwin Original Artwork: the 20th century, the theory took over See next edition for the next can provide, delivered to your
Engraved by George E Perine, circa 1875. the spheres of research and education; installment. door every week.


former Soviet Union.

In addition to military prowess, a
key element in the survival of nations
is birthrates, something that does not
bode well for Western civilization at the
moment. Were it not for the fecundity of
its women, the Roman Republic might
not have withstood three successive and
devastating defeats by Hannibal during
the Second Punic War. The Romans lost
upward of 50,000 men on a single day at
Cannae, but replacements were already
in Roman wombs by the time the few
survivors struggled home. Within less
than a generation, Hannibal and his
army were expelled from Italy.
Britain wasn’t so lucky; the British
Empire, and with it, the Pax Britannica of
the Victorian and Edwardian eras post-
Napoleon, was fatally wounded during
World War I, in which roughly 57,000
men were killed, wounded, or missing in
action on the first day of the Battle of the
Somme, which took place on July 1, 1916,
alone. Britain’s best, brightest, and fittest
from across the United Kingdom and
elsewhere were the first to volunteer to
fight for king and country, and those the
Great War didn’t kill or incapacitate, suf-
fered that fate in the Second World War.
Last year, the U.S. birth rate fell by 4
percent from 2019, to 55.8 births per
1,000 women. It’s been steadily declining
for years, and not even immigration—le-
gal or otherwise—can take up the slack.
A ball of fire erupts The American armed forces are already

Israelis Should Take the from Jala Tower

after an Israeli air-
strike, in the Hamas-
controlled Gaza City,
having a hard enough time finding
physically able young people to fill its
ranks and, with the increasing numbers
of women joining up instead of having

Lessons of War to Heart on May 15, 2020.

babies, are being forced to lower their
physical standards overall.
This raises the question: Could the
United States win a war with, say, China?
The Chinese are having their own prob-
lems finding fit young men. Earlier this
MICHAEL WALSH nothing strategic, but merely kicked is prized as “moral authority.” American year, the government complained that its
the can of resolution down the road yet foreign-policy objectives, even prior to youth are “too effeminate” to fight, but
So the Israelis have once again, in the vain hopes that the elusive the end of the Cold War, have included China seems the likeliest opponent at
again let themselves and “peace process” might someday resolve a balance of power in which nobody this point should shooting start over Tai-
much of the rest of the the conflict. loses, everybody wins, and all must have wan. And then what? Could the United
world down by call- There’s only one resolution to this fight, prizes. States hang onto its possessions in the
ing a halt to their latest however, and that’s total victory for one Such a philosophy has kept the striped- Pacific? Can the new “woke” Army and
skirmish with the “Pales- side or the other. And that’ll be the side pants set at the State Department in Navy even project overwhelming force
tinians” of Hamas, to whom that wants it more, and is willing to do expense account travel and meals for 75 anymore?
they unwisely transferred control of the whatever it takes to achieve that end. years, but it hasn’t done anything to sort
Gaza Strip in 2005. Of course, this ruthless bellicosity of- out the underlying, intractable political
The recent round of rocket-launching fends the modern sensibility that victory and historical problems, nor has it contrib-
and retaliatory air strikes accomplished is looked upon as rude and victimhood uted to the sum total of human happiness. It’s time for us to recall that
Diplomacy, it’s said, is war by other weakness is not strength and
means. But unconditional-surrender that guilt about the past is not
makes diplomacy irrelevant, which is why
conducive to a bright future.
The Book You’ve Been diplomats are so dead set against solutions.
So let’s start with this proposition:
Waiting for... What happened in Gaza was not “terror-
ism”—as far too many have been calling
As I wrote in my current bestseller
“Last Stands: Why Men Fight When All
it—but war. War is an ugly word for an Is Lost,” war is the most elemental of hu-
ugly thing, but one that’s dispositive in man activities—indeed, mankind’s natu-
the course of human events. Generals ral state. And no matter how sophisti-
as disparate as Napoleon and William T. cated modern weaponry may get, unless
Sherman instinctively understood—and and until a war is fought exclusively with
said so—that the best war is violent, nuclear weapons, the ancient masculine
NOW bloody, and as short as possible.
No lasting peace was ever won at the
virtues of courage, duty, honor, and yes,
ferocity are always going to come into
BIGGER SIZE, bargaining table; it was merely ratified play. Because when and if the apocalypse
EASIER TO READ after the war was over, as it was at the comes, what will be more prized than
FORMAT Congress of Vienna after the final defeat
of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. The war
literal toxic masculinity?
Part of fighting is the resolve to get the
between the Israelis and the Palestin- war over with as quickly and definitively
ians will be over when one side has either as possible. “If you make war, wage it
annihilated the other, or stripped it of its with energy and severity,” said Napoleon
capacity to make war. to one of his generals in 1799. “It is the
Too much of the commentary on the only means of making it shorter and con-
pro-Israel side has relied on the notion sequently less deplorable for mankind.”
that the Jews have an inviolable, perma- This is a lesson the Israelis should take
nent claim to the Holy Land. They don’t. to heart if their country is to survive.
“Extremely well “The Truth, as horrifying as it is, The ancient Hebrews took it in battle “Never again” is the national motto, and
from the Canaanites, then lost it to a it’s time an increasingly anti-Semitic world
researched and true.” shall set us free. This should be succession of conquerors, including the remembered that. As for the Americans—
on this country’s academia’s Greeks, Romans, Persians, Arabs, Turks, tied down for 20 years in perhaps the
Egyptian Muslims, Byzantines, Frankish stupidest war in its history in Afghanistan,
list of required reading.”
Christians, and the Ottoman Empire, just a place of no strategic interest to the na-
to name a few. In the matter of nation- tion—it’s time for us to recall that weak-
states, possession is ten-tenths of the ness is not strength and that guilt about

law, and no amount of Bible stories can the past is not conducive to a bright future.
change that. When you have difficulty defeating a
Which is why Israel needs to defend rabble of goatherds for lack of willpow-


and even expand its turf. Israel’s pre-1967 er—and your last total victory came in
borders were essentially indefensible, 1945—it’s time to sack your officer corps,
but the fledgling nation held on to most empty out the Pentagon, get women off
of its gains during the Six-Day War, and the front lines, bring back the male-only
added even more after the 1973 Yom draft, train warriors and not guidance
The specter of communism did not Kippur War. By any historical standard,
the Israelis have the right to hold on to
counselors, and elect an administration
that understands the nature—and, more
conquered territory for as long as they importantly, the purpose—of warfare.
disappear with the disintegration of the can maintain it, and no appeals of “in-
ternational law” can make them return Michael Walsh is the editor of The-Pipe-
Communist Party in Eastern Europe it—except by force of arms. and the author of “The Devil’s
Countries that contract, however, are on Pleasure Palace” and “The Fiery Angel,”
their way out. The Roman Empire started both published by Encounter Books. His

to shrink with Hadrian, who succeeded latest book, “Last Stands,” a cultural study
Trajan in 117 AD and promptly started of military history from the Greeks to the
pulling back from his predecessor’s ex- Korean War, was recently published.
pansion of Roman territory to its farthest
limits. Three centuries later, Rome fell. In
the east, the Byzantine Empire managed
to hold on for another 1,000 years, gradu-
ally ceding territory to the Turks and oth-
ers until its capital of Constantinople was
finally captured by the sultan Mehmet II
in 1453. Russia today is just a shell of the

Why Did I Renounce My Chinese

Communist Party Membership?

WANG YOUQUN and the people, and harms no one.” I was

telling the truth about Falun Gong.
I was once a member of the Chinese The CCP expelled a member from the
Communist Party (CCP), serving as one Party when the member spoke the truth
of the speechwriters for Wei Jianxing, a to the Party’s general secretary. I would
former member of the Politburo Stand- like to ask: Is this Party righteous or evil?
ing Committee and the secretary of I started practicing Falun Gong on May
the Central Commission for Discipline 3, 1995. As of July 20, 1999, I had been
Inspection until November 2002. practicing Falun Gong for more than four
In November 2004, The Epoch Times years. Falun Gong is a Buddhist practice
published an editorial series “Nine Com- rooted in ancient Chinese traditions. Its
mentaries on the Communist Party” that core philosophy is “truthfulness, compas-
covered the CCP from theory to practice— sion, tolerance,” and it requires a cultivator
from history to reality—stripping out all of to be a good person in strict accordance
its guises and exposing its evil nature to the with “truthfulness, compassion, toler-
world. Since then, there has been a wave of ance” wherever they are. At home, one
withdrawals from the CCP and its affili- should be a good father, husband, and son.
ated organizations, such as the Commu- In society, one should be a good citizen,
nist Youth League of China and the Young and in the workplace, a good employee.
Pioneers of China, around the globe. By that time, my practice had brought
At that time, I used a pseudonym to out the best in me in all aspects of my life.
post my statement of resignation from the It was then that the CCP treated me as a
Party on the Epoch Times website. Why RAVEENDRAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES “bad person,” kicking me out of the Party.
did I quit the CCP? I’ll briefly talk about I would like to ask: Is this Party righteous
my views. Falun Gong practitioners take or evil?
Let me start with my initial motivation part in a parade in New York on
April 18, 2021, to commemorate
to join the CCP. I joined in early 1994, Why Did I Publicly Denounce the Party?
the 22nd anniversary of the April
back when I was a doctoral candidate in 25th peaceful appeal by 10,000 Expelling me from the Party is a punish-
the Department of International Politics Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing. ment by the CCP, but not a break from it.
at Renmin University of China. When I joined the CCP, I vowed with my
Some graduates were assigned to work in life to fight for the communism advocat-
the CCP’s central organizations after get- ed by Marx. As the Chinese saying goes,
ting their doctorates. Ni Liya was assigned “God is always watching what you are
to work in the Policy Research Office of Tibetan monks hold placards doing.” God must have seen when I made
the CCP’s Central Committee and once during a protest rally in New that vow.
served as the director of the Cultural Bu- Delhi, India, on Jan. 31, 2013. I publicly declared that I renounced
reau of the Central Policy Research Office. Party membership to show God that I
Yu Hongjun was assigned to work in the had severed my ties with the atheistic
International Department of the Central brutal political campaigns during that Falun Gong, I was quarantined for in- CCP and returned to my belief in God.
Committee and once served as the deputy time. For example, in 1958, Mao Zedong vestigation. Six days later, I was expelled Only those who truly believe in God
minister. Xue Gang was assigned to the launched the Great Leap Forward. This from the Party. can be blessed and protected by God.
headquarters of the General Staff of the ultra-left policy caused a great famine on The CCP expelled me from the party
Central Military Commission and once a scale previously unseen in Chinese his- not because I made a mistake at work, not Wang Youqun graduated with a Juris
served as a military attaché abroad. tory—or even in the history of mankind. because I made a financial mistake, not Doctor from the Renmin University of
I too wanted to work in a central agency In 1996, Chen Yizi, a member of the because I made a mistake in my personal China. He once worked as a copywriter
after completing my doctorate. Neverthe- think tank of former General Secretary relationships, but simply because I wrote for Wei Jianxing (1931–2015), a member
less, the CCP has an unwritten rule that Zhao Ziyang, estimated that the number Jiang a letter on May 7, 1999. In the letter, I of the CCP’s Politburo Standing Commit-
whoever works in the central agency must of excess deaths ranged from 43 mil- said that “Falun Dafa benefits the country tee from 1997 to 2002.
be a Party member. I joined the CCP pri- lion to 46 million, based on confidential
marily because it was a job requirement. documents kept within the Party.
So, why did I quit the CCP? It’s a long According to a veteran cadre’s in-
story. I’ll try to focus on my understand- terview, the second national census
ing of the CCP. led by Yang Shangkun in 1964—with
The CCP didn’t naturally grow on Chi- Shangkun then serving as director of the
nese soil. It was built in 1921 under the General Office of the Central Commit-
control of the Communist Party of the tee—concluded that the actual number
Soviet Union, with one of its main mis- of peasants who starved to death in the
sions being to defend the Soviet Union. three-year famine was 96 million. This
The CCP and the Chinese nation don’t information was held in a confidential
share a common ancestor. Communism file by the Ministry of Public Security.
didn’t originate from the 5,000-year-tradi- When Jiang Zemin was in power, he
tional Chinese culture, but from the “Com- launched a frenzied persecution of Falun
munist Manifesto” by Karl Marx in 1848, Gong, amid which the most heinous
with the core ideology of “deceit, malice, atrocity has been the large-scale harvest-
and struggle.” There’s even a well-known ing of organs from Falun Gong practitio-
saying among CCP cadres that when they ners. On June 22, 2016, Canadian human

Behind the
die, they’ll meet Marx in “his place”—hell. rights lawyers David Matas and David
This year marks the 100th anniversary Kilgour, as well as American journalist
of the founding of the CCP. In its first 28 Ethan Gutmann, jointly prepared the
years, the CCP mainly did one thing: report “Bloody Harvest/The Slaughter,
unscrupulously subvert China’s legiti- an Update,” in which they estimated that

mate government, the Republic of China. the number of organ transplants carried
In the following 72 years, it has done one out in China was somewhere between
major thing: unscrupulously retain its 60,000 to 100,000 annually. The total
totalitarian rule of mainland China. number of transplants may have been as
high as 1.5 million for the period be-
The CCP Cares Not at All About China tween 2000 to 2016. And the main source
On Dec. 9, 1999, in Beijing, CCP leader of these organs would have been Falun Your subscription will not only provide you with
Jiang Zemin and Russian President Boris Gong practitioners. accurate news and features, but also contribute
Yeltsin signed a narrative protocol on the to the revival of American journalism and help
boundary between China and Russia, The CCP Cares Not at All
which recognized the string of unequal for Chinese Culture safeguard our freedoms for future generations.
treaties signed between the corrupt late Traditional Chinese culture is regarded
Qing government and the Tsarist govern- as a divinely inspired culture. The athe- We aim to tell you what we see, not how to think; we
ment. The Protocol unconditionally gave istic CCP prohibits the Chinese from
Russia the territory of more than 1 mil- holding any beliefs beyond those of the strive to deliver you a factual picture of reality that
lion square kilometers of northeast China Party. It deifies itself and preaches the lets you form your own opinions.
occupied by Russia. Party’s supremacy. Under the CCP’s rule,
To Jiang’s traitorous behavior, no one— the army, businesses, the media, aca-
none of the members of the Party hierar- demia, and even religions should only We believe that we live in truly epochal times, where
chy leaderships from local authorities to follow the CCP’s evil. the faithful representation of our current events
central authorities—raised objections. The CCP has distorted all the exist- won’t just be important for the people of today, but
ing religions inside China today. Shi
The CCP Cares Not at All Yinshun, vice chairman of the Buddhist also for the generations to come. The records we
About the Chinese Association of China said, “The CCP is keep now will directly inform the foundations of the
The CCP has been in power for 72 years a living Buddha and Bodhisattva, and history they’ll learn and the values they’ll cherish—
and launched dozens of bloody and the report of the 19th National Congress
of the Communist Party of China is the and this knowledge is what drives us.
contemporary Buddhist scriptures of
China.” His statement was imbued with Learn more at
the communist faith and publicly blas-
phemed against Buddhas and Dharma.
Those who are aware of my situation
may ask: You were expelled from the
CCP. That being the case, why did you
publicly declare your withdrawal from
the Party afterward? TRUTH AND TRADITION
Children were among the many who suffered I was indeed expelled from the Party.
from the failed Great Leap Forward and subse- On July 20, 1999, the day that CCP dicta-
quent famine. tor Jiang launched the persecution of


(Left) Paramilitary policemen patrol in front of the People's Bank of China, the central bank of China, in Beijing on July 8, 2015. (Right) A bitcoin mining farm in Saint Hyacinthe, Canada, on March 19, 2018.

CCP Cracks Down on Virtual Currency

to Prevent Money From Fleeing Country
ALEXANDER LIAO miners themselves; while they earn accounts at the bank used for transac- respectively, an increase of nearly 40
green energy subsidies from the govern- tions such as Bitcoin and Litecoin will percent from the previous peak.
For many years, the Chinese Com- ment, they also profit off mining with be canceled. If calculated on the basis of the unit
munist Party (CCP) has acquiesced to cheap electricity. The Central Bank of the Communist price of Bitcoin of $50,000, in November
digital currency operations in China. Large mines have huge investments, Party of China has fined China CITIC and December last year, the funds flow-
But in 2018, it began to restrict Bitcoin usually concentrated in Inner Mongolia Bank $4.5 million this year over ineffec- ing from China in the form of Bitcoin
transactions while still secretly encour- and Xinjiang, where electricity is cheap tive anti-money laundering efforts relat- overseas were $10.58 billion and $12.7
aging Bitcoin mining. However, now and the climate is cold enough. ed to cryptocurrency. Fourteen relevant billion, respectively.
that large amounts of funds are fleeing Not only does China dominate digi- persons in charge were also punished. Within the money laundering process,
the country through virtual currencies, tal currency mining globally, but their As of April 12, the Central Bank of the a “run sub-platform” was created. This
Chinese authorities seem determined to mining machine manufacturing is also Communist Party of China had fined entails using the user’s WeChat and
crack down on it. developing rapidly. Two Bitcoin mining 417 financial institutions and persons Alipay’s collection code or bank card
Cryptocurrencies represented by giants, Canaan Technology and Yibang in charge this year a total of $97 mil- to collect payments for people seeking
Bitcoin have attracted increasing atten- International, were listed on the U.S. lion, mostly related to money launder- to send capital outside of China, there-
tion in recent years due to their security, stock market in 2019 and 2020. ing and cross-border transfers through by earning a commission from taking
privacy, and decentralization. Data In other words, the majority of Bit- cryptocurrency. on the transaction. Through the use
show that the unit price of Bitcoin has coin mining occurs in China. Globally, As early as December 2013, the Central of virtual currency as the settlement
exceeded $60,000, although as of May 18, the most electricity used for Bitcoin is Bank of the Communist Party of China method, cross-border money launder-
the unit price slipped to $43,300, with a in China, the most machines used for and five other ministries and commis- ing can be carried out in secret.
market cap of $811 billion. As the price mining are in China, the most advanced sions jointly issued a notice that barred
of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies mining machines are made in China, financial institutions and payment
rises, the world’s resources invested in and the largest number of bitcoins are institutions from Bitcoin-related busi-
the virtual currency mining industry controlled in China. nesses. In April 2014, 13 banks including The CCP vigorously develops
have also increased significantly. Meanwhile, Bitcoin transactions are China’s five major banks (Industrial and blockchain technology and
The CCP doesn’t recognize virtual illegal in China. Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural
currencies and has actively taken mea- At the CCP National People’s Congress Bank of China, Bank of China, China wants to control speech in
sures to prohibit transactions via digital in March, the CCP emphasized pro- Construction Bank, and Bank of Com- future global digital technology.
currency. Instead, it introduced a digital posals to create new advantages in the munications) also announced that their Yet the original concept of
yuan controlled by the Chinese regime. digital economy and actively participate accounts would be prohibited from being
Virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, in the formulation of international rules used for Bitcoin and Litecoin. decentralization of blockchain
because of their security and privacy ad- and digital technology standards such technology runs contrary to the
vantages, have become a major concern as data security, digital currency, and Stopping Money Transfers Overseas CCP’s totalitarian characteristics.
for the CCP. The CCP operates on cen- digital taxes. Chinese media have repeatedly re-
tralized control. The CCP hopes that the digital econo- ported that cryptocurrencies are used by
Paradoxically, although the Chinese my, including blockchain, can contrib- individuals and companies to transfer In May 2020, a massive money-
Communist Party prohibits the trading ute to China’s GDP and turn the CCP huge assets and conduct money launder- laundering scheme was investigated in
of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, it into a “global leader.” That’s why the CCP ing. On May 1, cryptocurrency was listed Hangzhou, China. Authorities found
doesn’t prohibit the mining of cryptocur- doesn’t prohibit mining. as one of the illegal fundraising methods the operation had laundered more than
rencies. Blockchain technology, which the CCP intends to stop inside of China. $7 billion, collecting money through
Chinese miners account for the vast originated from Bitcoin, manages and The high liquidity of cryptocurrencies AliPay, WeChat Pay, and bank ac-
majority of the global Bitcoin industry. In protects data through encryption and such as Bitcoin cannot even match the counts. During its operations, $4.6 bil-
a study done by Statista in 2020, China decentralization. stock market. According to data from lion was sent overseas.
conducts 65 percent of the world’s bitcoin The CCP vigorously develops block- Liang Xinjun, one of the founders of There are many countries in the
mining. The United States is a distant chain technology and wants to control Fosun Group, in April 2020, the market world that suppress virtual currencies,
second, at only 7.24 percent. speech in future global digital technol- value of Bitcoin was only $158.9 billion, including the United States, the United
Mining refers to solving complex math ogy. Yet the original concept of decen- which is 3.5 percent of the Hong Kong Kingdom, Switzerland, and India.
problems in exchange for a certain tralization of blockchain technology Stock Exchange’s value. However, the Guo Wengui, the exiled Chinese bil-
number of Bitcoins. Successful mining runs contrary to the CCP’s totalitarian annual transaction volume of Bitcoin lionaire, said in a video he posted on
introduces new Bitcoins into circulation characteristics. Therefore, the CCP is is three times the trading volume of the his YouTube channel on May 7 that
and allows transactions to process se- beginning to fully suppress other digital Hong Kong Stock Exchange. he believes those countries are afraid
curely. According to Nasdaq, the Bitcoin currencies. The high liquidity of cryptocurrency virtual currencies will challenge their
mining industry brought in an average of provides very convenient conditions legal sovereign credit currency status.
$56 million per day in April. for the transnational transfer of huge But he believes the CCP’s fears are dif-
In the mining process, the operation amounts of funds. ferent. The CCP is afraid that Chinese
of computers not only consumes a lot The majority of Bitcoin mining According to the 2020 Annual Virtual money will flee overseas.
of electricity, but operators also need occurs in China. Globally, Currency Anti-Money Laundering re- In his opinion, increased riches in
to continuously update and develop port of the blockchain security com- mainland China correlate with in-
supercomputers for mining to increase the most electricity used for pany PeckShield, the value of China’s creased insecurities and threats. He
computing power. At present, a variety Bitcoin is in China, the most unregulated cross-border mobile vir- says the rich in China are always look-
of application-specific integrated circuit machines used for mining are tual currency (cryptocurrency) reached ing for ways to move their assets abroad
mining machines are continuously being $17.5 billion last year, an increase of 51 safely and secretly. For these purposes,
introduced on the market. in China, the most advanced percent from $11.4 billion in 2019. That virtual currency is best.
The formula for calculating the benefit mining machines are made in figure is growing rapidly. I think his analysis makes sense.
of mining is: the value of the obtained China, and the largest number Lu Media’s report confirmed that Virtual currencies such as Bitcoin are
cryptocurrency minus (the electricity Chinese domestic assets have been essentially decentralized currencies,
used + the cost of the mining machine). of bitcoins are controlled in transferred overseas through virtual likened to gold. Modern sovereign cur-
Chinese miners of virtual currency China. Meanwhile, Bitcoin currencies, and illegal funds have been rencies are credit currencies that can
are mainly concentrated in western transactions are illegal in China. laundered through virtual currencies. be created by the government. This is
China, in areas such as Mongolia and However, despite the strict control of the key to digital currencies.
Xinjiang. That’s because there are many CCP authorities, the number of cryp- The digital yuan developed by the
small and medium-sized hydropower The CCP authorities have recently tocurrency transactions has recently CCP uses blockchain while retaining all
stations in these areas, and because of been cracking down. The Chinese increased. the shortcomings of central control and
the lack of matching power distribu- regime has reviewed several major According to PeckShield’s calculation credit currency. Most Western financial
tion equipment, a lot of hydropower commercial banks and online financial of the flow of funds, before the official experts are not optimistic about the
is wasted, especially in summer when platforms owned by technology gi- launch of strict management from digital yuan.
flash floods erupt and hydropower sta- ants such as Alibaba and Tencent. The January to October 2020, the number of
tions readily send electricity to people supervision of cryptocurrencies has bitcoins flowing from China’s domestic Alexander Liao is a columnist and
for free. also become stricter, mainly to pre- virtual currency exchanges to foreign journalist in research on international
Electricity is cheap there due to moun- vent domestic funds from laundering countries each month was between affairs in the United States, China, and
tainous terrain and low temperatures. or transferring huge amounts of funds 89,400 and 166,900. However, in No- Southeast Asia. He has published a large
As a result, large numbers of small and through cryptocurrencies. vember and December last year after number of reports, commentaries, and
medium miners settled in the area for On April 22, China CITIC Bank issued the start of the strict control by the CCP video programs in newspapers and Chi-
their Bitcoin mining operations. Even an announcement stating that in order regime, the number of bitcoins flowing nese financial magazines in the United
the bosses of hydropower plants become to prevent money laundering risks, all abroad increased to 231,700 and 254,100 States and Hong Kong. 

Federal Overreach:
The Nation’s Most
Expensive Mud Puddle
A mud puddle located on
Just thought you might like to the farm of Arlen and Cindy
know what the federal govern- Foster in Miner County,
ment is doing on your behalf, S.D., on March 25, 2021.
how the feds are spending your
tax dollars on a crazy-sounding
lawsuit. ought not to be punished with the threat and violated the Fosters’ constitutional
The dispute pits a South Dakota of withholding federal programs other rights. The suit was filed with assistance
farm family, the Fosters, against the U.S. farmers get. from the Pacific Legal Foundation, a
Department of Agriculture. The fight is At a time when family farms are being nonprofit, pro bono group that fights
over a mud puddle. Yep, you read that gobbled up by Big Agriculture, you’d against government overreach and
right. Said mud puddle is located smack think Uncle Sam would see the value abuse.
in the middle of prime farmland. that the Fosters’ land (a total of some I spoke with the foundation’s lead at-
The USDA has decreed that the 1,300 acres) brings to both them and the torney, Tony Francois.
family may not fill in the muddy patch surrounding community. “Even if you’re an ardent environmen-
to plant more crops because it consid- By any measure, Arlen and Cindy talist, I defy you to look at this puddle
ers the 0.08 acre of land to be federally Foster have been good stewards to the and say it’s worth the money the feds
protected under the 1985 Swampbuster property, working it with their daughter, have and will spend,” he told me.
Act, which protects wetlands. No mat- son-in-law, and six grandchildren. They Francois said it’s clear that the USDA
ter that the Fosters’ puddle isn’t con- are third-generation farmers who raise made a bad decision way back when and
nected to any waterway and isn’t near cattle, corn, soybeans, and hay. They simply can’t admit it.
any other officially designated wetlands practice no-till farming and have a long “This case really is about whether Con-
property. According to their lawyer, history of conservation efforts dating gress has the power to regulate that mud
if the family dares to tamper with the back to 1900, when Arlen’s grandfather, puddle. If they do, there is no constitu-
puddle, they will lose access to crop Francis Foster, bought the land with a tional limit on what they can do,” he said.
insurance and other federal programs loan of $1,000. “The fact that dirt gets wet, so, therefore,
designed to help American farmers In 1938, as the Dust Bowl era saw farms they can ignore the U.S. Constitution?
survive. across the country decimated, Grandpa Absurd!”
Amazing, right? Now, consider that this Francis planted stands of trees to prevent The USDA says it doesn’t comment on
dispute has been going on since 2004! erosion. Today, the Fosters’ groves of pending litigation, so I can’t report to you
Imagine how many of your tax dollars trees are large and trap snow during the that side of the story.
the USDA has spent over the years argu- severe South Dakota winters. The spring These days, many Americans seem to
ing about mud. Imagine how much the These days, many melt creates a stream of water that seeps embrace the idea of more government.
family has had to spend commissioning to the lowland, thus creating the contro- The idea that dear old Uncle Sam will
surveys and filing appeals. Americans seem to versial mud puddle. take care of us with trillions in spending
The Fosters, obviously from hearty embrace the idea of But darn it, it’s their mud puddle to do seems attractive. But remember what
stock, have refused to give in to the more government. with as they please, they believe. And that the Fosters have been dealing with at the
absurdity of it all. The family’s requests includes filling it in and planting more hands of unchecked feds. Realize that
for reconsideration have been rejected by ... But remember corn if they so choose. But they can’t. more federal money means more control
the USDA, as was their appeal in 2016 to what the Fosters Undaunted, the Fosters recently filed a over your everyday lives.
the U.S. Supreme Court. But the Fosters have been dealing new federal lawsuit with the U.S. District
continue to believe the federal govern- Court in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In a Diane Dimond is an author and investiga-
ment should not dictate how a landown- with at the hands nutshell, it declares that the government tive journalist. Her latest book is “Thinking
er uses their land. And they certainly of unchecked feds. has overstepped its commerce powers Outside the Crime and Justice Box.”

Inflation, Money, and Supply Bottlenecks

DANIEL LACALLE added in both freight and air transport. transport capacity? That excess money made investors move
Ships delivered in 2020 were expected to We’ve forgotten the most important fac- from being underweight in commodities
One of the arguments most add 1.2 million 20-foot equivalent units tor, the monetary one—or at least some to overweight, generating a synchronized
used by central banks (TEUs) of capacity, with 569,000 TEUs of central banks want to make us forget it. and abrupt rally. The third key factor is
regarding the increase capacity on ultra-large container vessels, “Inflation is always and everywhere a that extraordinary measures typical of a
in inflation is that it’s according to Drewry, a shipping consult- monetary phenomenon,” explained Milton financial or demand crisis were taken to
because of bottlenecks ing firm. International Air Transport Friedman many decades ago. More supply mitigate a supply shock, generating an un-
and that the recovery in Association chief economist Brian Pearce of money is directed toward scarce assets, precedented rise in money with no added
demand has created ten- also warned that the problem of capacity be it real estate or raw materials, and the credit demand. More money in scarce
sions in the supply chain. However, the was likely to increase in 2020. purchasing power of money goes down. assets isn’t a price increase, but a decrease
evidence shows us that most commodi- One of the important side effects of the Why did they tell us that there was “no in the purchasing power of money.
ties have risen in tandem in an environ- chain of monetary stimuli, low-interest inflation” before COVID-19 if money sup-
ment of a wide level of spare capacity and rates, and fiscal stimulus programs is the ply also increased massively? What Is the Risk?
even overcapacity. increase in the number of zombie compa- The big difference between 2020 and the The history of money since the Roman
If we analyze the utilization ratio of nies, a term used to describe those compa- past years is that, previously, the Federal Empire always tells us the same thing.
industrial and manufacturing produc- nies that can’t cover their debt interest bills Reserve or the European Central Bank First, money is aggressively printed with
tive capacity, we see that countries such with operating profits. The Bank for Inter- increased money supply at or below the the excuse that “there is no inflation.”
as Russia at 61 percent or India at 66 national Settlements (BIS) has shown this levels of demand for money, measured as When inflation rises, central banks and
percent are at a clear level of structural phenomenon in several empirical studies. demand for credit and use of currency. governments tell us that it’s “transitory”
overcapacity and a utilization of produc- Ryan Banerjee, senior economist at the BIS, For example, the increase in the money or due to “multi-casual” effects. And
tive capacity that still remains several identified the constant policy of lowering supply of the United States was close to 6 when it shoots up, governments present
points lower than that of February 2020. rates as a key factor in understanding the percent with a global demand for dollars themselves as the “solution,” imposing
In China, it’s 77 percent, still far from the exponential increase in zombie companies. that grew between 7 and 9 percent. In price controls and restrictive measures
78 percent pre-pandemic level. The constant refinancing of debt from fact, the world maintains a dollar short- on exports. It’s not a theory. All of us who
In fact, if we analyze the main G-20 zombie companies also leads to the per- age of about $17 trillion, according to Luke have lived in the 1970s know it.
countries and the largest industrial petuation of overcapacity, because a key Gromen of Forest for the Trees. This keeps That’s why it’s dangerous to pursue con-
and commodity suppliers in the world, process for economic progress, such as the dollar or euro relatively stable and a glomerate stocks as an inflationary bet. Be-
we see that none of them have levels of creative destruction, is eliminated or lim- perception that inflation is low. However, cause when price controls and government
utilization of productive capacity higher ited. Low-interest rates and high liquidity there were red flags before COVID-19. intervention increases, margins collapse.
than 85 percent. There’s ample available have perpetuated or increased global There were protests all over the world, The risk of stagflation isn’t small, and the
capacity all over the world. installed excess capacity in aluminum, including Europe, against the rising cost so-called value stocks aren’t a good bet in
Inflation isn’t a transport chain problem iron ore, oil, natural gas, soybeans, and of living. The world’s reserve currencies this environment. In stagflation, com-
either. The excess capacity in the ship- many other commodities. export inflation to other countries. modities with tight supply dynamics, gold
ping and transport sector is well docu- Why does inflation rise if overcapac- and silver, high margin sectors, and bonds
mented, and in 2020, new capacity was ity is perpetuated and there’s enough What Happened in 2020? of stable currencies support a portfolio.
PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES For the first time in decades, the Federal However, most sectors underperform,
Reserve and the main central banks as we saw in the ‘70s, where the S&P 500
increased money supply well above de- generated very weak returns, significantly
mand. The response to the forced shut- below inflation.
down of activity with massive money- So what can prevent history from re-
printing generated an unprecedented peating itself?
inflationary wave. The economy didn’t Only a drastic reaction from central
collapse due to lack of liquidity or a credit banks can change it. However, the ques-
crunch, but due to the lockdowns. tion is, will central banks tighten policy
The 2020 monetary tsunami launched a when government deficits are soaring
A pressman global boomerang effect with three conse- and even a small increase in sovereign
inspects quences. First, emerging market curren- yields can generate a debt crisis?
equipment for cies plummeted against the dollar be- Will they react to what is clearly—as
printing serial
numbers on
cause their central banks “copied” the U.S. always—a monetary inflationary process?
$20 bills at the policy without the global demand that the
U.S. Bureau of U.S. dollar enjoys. The second effect was a Daniel Lacalle, Ph.D., is chief economist at
Engraving in disproportionate amount of money flow- hedge fund Tressis and author of “Freedom
Washington, in ing to risky assets joined by more flows to or Equality,” “Escape from the Central Bank
this file photo. take overweight positions in scarce assets. Trap,” and “Life in the Financial Markets.”
A20 | THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021

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A New Way to Use Whey Potato Salad, Minus the Mayo

Make your own cheese, but don’t toss the whey—cook 7 other ways to dress this backyard
it down into a smooth, rich caramel. barbecue favorite.

See B2 See B2



The deep persimmon color of fresh salmon is

one of nature’s finest hues.

In Salmon,
the Story
of Alaska

“Standing dead,” Don Honea tells me.

He laughs—Native humor is very
dry—because he is standing, clearly not
dead, in the dim light of a Yukon River
salmon smokeshack, holding up a five-
foot cottonwood log that is indeed dead.
It’s the only wood they cut to smoke their
salmon catch, and the gnarled, musty
slightly sweet
aroma of generations of cottonwood fires
sabayon is a great
seeps from the pores of the smokeshack
dairy-free alternative
timbers and varnishes the tin siding.
to whipped cream
The precision of Honea’s smoke-wood
on top of juicy
prescription reflects not just how deeply
seasonal fruits.
held this tradition is, but how important
salmon is in the vast natural empire
known as Alaska.
But while Honea has a concrete answer
regarding the best wood, he sidesteps a
perennial debate about which salmon is
best. Alaska has five kinds: king, sil-
ver, sockeye, pink, chum; all have their
virtues and fans, and this is their global

Simple I believe that salmon

went to places and

Sabayon people followed them

knowing that if salmon
were there, they could
make a life there.
Melanie Brown, fisherman
To make this airy sauce. Light and subtly sweet, it’s a
great dairy-free alternative to whipped
city of Marsala in Sicily. Though reports
vary, the recipe is said to date back to
delicate French cream, perfect for spooning over juicy the 15th century, when it was enjoyed The Honea family has operated a sum-
seasonal fruits. all throughout Northern Italy. The story mer salmon camp on the Yukon, upriver
sauce, all you need goes that it was Catherine de’ Medici’s from the tiny village of Ruby at a spot
chefs who imported zabaione to the called Big Eddy, for generations—maybe
are 3 ingredients, royal court of France, when she mar- for millennia, as Interior Alaska’s Atha-
ried King Henry II and became queen baskan people have been here since time
gentle heat, and a You can use an in 1547. immemorial. Human life has thrived
lot of whisking electric hand mixer, French sabayon traditionally swaps along the salmon-bearing inlets and riv-
the Marsala for a classic white wine— erways of the North Pacific for more than
or go the manual 10 to 15 percent ABV—be it dry, sweet, 10,000 years.
AUDREY LE GOFF or even sparkling, like Champagne. It’s Each summer and fall, the fish return,
route—as long as

thus slightly less boozy, a little airier, billions of them, fat and large, from the
f you’re looking for a new com- you’re prepared for a and subtler in flavor. ocean and migrate upstream to ancestral
panion for your summer berries, In modern France, sabayon can refer spawning grounds. Brawny and inexora-
search no further than sabayon. workout. to either a savory or sweet custard. The ble, the fish match the rivers they swim.
An Italian import adopted by savory version, made with white wine, Spinning in the clear amber waters, they
the French, sabayon is a delicate, egg yolks, lemon juice, and a pinch of are an evocative sight in their vermilion
frothy custard, made with just three The original Italian zabaione—some- salt, is often used as a frothy sauce to and chartreuse spawning coats, nature’s
ingredients: egg yolks, sugar, and wine. times spelled zabaglione—is made with accompany delicate scallops or oysters. expressionist canvas.
Rapidly whisked together over a bain- Marsala, a brandy-fortified wine—15
marie, the mixture transforms into an to 20 percent ABV—produced in the Continued on B4 Continued on B5
B2 THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021



The sauce is a fun touch, but hardly necessary. It
adds quite a bit to the cooking time. If you skip the
sauce, your cheese is ready within the hour.
1 gallon whole milk
10 tablespoons lemon or lime juice (or a blend)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons ghee or light vegetable oil
2 tablespoons sugar


In a thick-bottomed pot, heat the milk to a boil on
medium-high, stirring often to make sure nothing
sticks. When it starts to foam as it approaches
boiling, turn it off and wait for 10 minutes.
When the milk has cooled that little bit, give it a
stir to get it moving in a vortex, and add the lemon/
lime juice. The result should be immediate, as the
solid white milk breaks apart into cloud-like curds,
suspended in the almost clear, watery whey. Let it
cool for about 20 minutes, and then pour it through
cheesecloth or a nut milk bag and into a pot to
collect the whey.
Tie the corners of the cheese
cloth (or pull the cinch if
using a nut milk bag)
Making curds and whey is the first step in almost any cheese making process. and hang it in a place
where you can catch
FLASH IN THE PAN the drips. After at
least two hours, but

A New Way to Use Whey: as long as overnight,

carefully remove the
To fry the cheese,

Make Caramel Sauce carefully unwrap it from

the cheesecloth and slice
it into half-inch slabs or
cubes. Fry them slowly
drained curds.

in the oil on low-medium

ARI LEVAUX A warm bowl of curds and whey is not a heat until browned on at least two sides.
bad thing to eat. It’s a little bit sweet, thanks
I just can’t You don’t have to fry it up. Not everyone, after all,
A farmer friend gave me a box of spinach the to the lactose; a little tart, thanks to the cur- appreciates the subtle taste of the milk left over from
other week. It wasn’t long until the novelty dling agent; and slightly salty, as I add salt
wore off. By then I had added the dark green
seem to get with the acid. It’s a bit like eating cereal and
a bowl of Fruit Loops. You can spread that lemony
cheese like whipped cream cheese. You can sweeten it
foliage to ramen, salad, omelets, sandwiches, off my tuffet milk, because you have two different tex- into a bright, rich dessert, or mix it with chives, olive oil,
and anywhere else I could think to insert tures inhabiting the same bowl. You can and salt for a savory alternative. As for that whey ...
those protein- and calcium-rich leaves. and quit sweeten it, of course, but you can also turn
We finally killed the box with a large the meal in a more savory direction. I like to MAKE THE CARAMEL SAUCE
batch of saag paneer, in which I steamed
eating those drink off the whey and stir in a bit of olive Add the sugar to the whey. On medium heat, simmer
and pureed the remaining spinach, along curds and oil and minced garlic, for example, and a the whey until it cooks down to a thick, brown
with some mustard greens, and cooked touch more salt. sauce, stirring occasionally to monitor any sticking.
them with sauteed onions, garam masala, whey, and it’s I filter the curds from the whey by pouring Amazingly, it doesn’t seem to want to stick. As
the volume gets close to zero, it will begin to foam,
and browned chunks of creamy, nutty, salty cutting into it all through cheesecloth—imagine that,
turning into more of a bubbling gas than liquid. At this
homemade cheese. When the spinach ran using cheesecloth to make cheese! When the
point you can turn it off, at which point the foam will
out, I kept making this fluffy, lemony cheese. my cheese curds and whey are poured through, I tie the collapse back into a liquid with the look and thickness
It’s easy to make and has a flavor that never corners of the cheesecloth around the wad
gets old, and I feel like I’m only beginning to
output. of curds and hang it above the whey pot, so
of caramel.
Pour it over the cheese chunks or dip them into it.
explore the possibilities of what to do with I can capture the stream of draining whey.
this cheese. Alas, this exploration has been You can try to get a second curdling from

restricted by a certain step in the process that your whey. That’s how they make ricotta
I can’t stop eating. I just can’t seem to get off and other types of “whey cheese.” I’ve been
my tuffet and quit eating those curds and doing something a bit more decadent: slow-
whey, and it’s cutting into my cheese output. ly cooking down the lemon-tinged whey
Making curds and whey is the first step until it develops into a smooth brown cara-
in almost any cheese making process. You mel that’s similar in flavor and makeup to
heat the milk and add some kind of acidic dulce de leche.
agent that causes the milk to curdle. It’s I then pour this lemony caramel sauce
similar to what happens if you add both over pieces of drained cheese, which I have
lemon and honey to a cup of tea with milk, fried to a golden hue, a process that some-
but more palatable. how makes the cheese taste like the milk
When you stir that acid—in my case, lem- leftover from a bowl of Fruit Loops. Together
on juice—into that hot milk, what had been with the caramel sauce, it’s a soft, sweet,
a homogeneous liquid quickly transforms and decadent little treat made from nothing
into a thick, nearly solid curd floating in a but milk, lemon, and salt. And it’s just one
bath of clear, watery whey. Typically the of the many whey cool things you can do
curds are filtered out and drained, which with curds and whey.
makes them more dense. These curds are
the foundation of most cheeses, while the Ari LeVaux writes about food
whey has uses of its own. in Missoula, Mont. Fried cheese with whey caramel.

toasted flavor. It’s sure to have people Sour Cream

Potato Salad, Minus the Mayo guessing what the secret ingredient in
your salad is.
Sour cream and potatoes are a natural pair-
ing (think baked potatoes!). Like yogurt,
sour cream brings creaminess with the ad-
JESSE SZEWCZYK Pesto dition of tang. It can also be used in place of

Stir pesto into most things and it will be or in combination with mayonnaise.
It’s hard to beat a classic potato salad made better—and that definitely includes potato
with creamy mayonnaise. But good news salad. Pick up your favorite store-bought Vinaigrette
for the mayo-averse: The winning combina- brand to keep things easy on yourself, or The simple vinaigrette you use to dress
tion of potatoes and mayo isn’t where this if you have an abundance of basil in your your green salad every night is also a solid
backyard barbecue favorite ends. backyard, make your own. choice for your potato salad. To get the most
bang out of it, toss it with the potatoes while
Buttermilk they’re still warm, so it can soak into them
A splash of buttermilk is often added to and make each bite extra flavorful. Or, go
Good olive oil can be traditional mayo-based potato salad to bold with a vinaigrette made of bacon fat.
thin out the mayo and offset it’s full fla-
equally as rich and vor with a touch of tang, but it can also be Olive Oil
flavorful as mayo. used on its own if you’re looking for a little Yes, you can dress your potato salad with
creaminess that’s not overpowering. just olive oil. Good olive oil can be equally
as rich and flavorful as mayo. Again, toss
There are a number of condiments that Greek Yogurt it with the potatoes while still warm to
work equally well as a potato salad dress- If you already have a tub of Greek yogurt ensure they’ll absorb it easily, and toss in
ing—so whether you’re in need of a mayo in your refrigerator for your morning gra- extra spices or chopped fresh herbs too.
substitute or you’re simply in the mood to nola routine, you have one of the best
bring something different to the party this substitutes for mayo ready and waiting. Jesse Szewczyk is the studio food editor at
year, you’ve got plenty of options. You can swap in all or some of the mayo, a nationally known blog
called for in a potato salad recipe with for people who love food and home cooking.
Tahini Greek yogurt. You’ll just want to opt for Submit any comments or questions to
The sesame paste most commonly used full fat to achieve the richest, creami- Copyright 2021
There are a number of condiments that work to make hummus not only lends creami- est taste (although low-fat can be used Apartment Therapy. Distributed by Tribune
equally well as a potato salad dressing. ness to potato salad, but also adds nutty, if you prefer). Content Agency, LLC.
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021 B3

Fajitas for
a Party

Memorial Day signifies the beginning of

summer as well as honoring our soldiers
who lost their lives in battle. It’s a time
when friends and family often gather
together. This year, why not serve these
incredibly tasty fajitas? Memorial Day
weather can be tricky at best. Just to be on
the safe side this year, think about making
this Mexican-style dish from the comfort
of your kitchen.

For a party, you can

easily multiply this recipe
and add a pot of black
beans and some spicy
cooked rice to round out
llas for a fun Southwestern-style party. For (Above) Fajitas have
the menu. a party, you can easily multiply this recipe been all the rage since
and add a pot of black beans and some Tex-Mex cooking
Fajitas were all the rage a few decades spicy cooked rice to round out the menu. burst onto the
culinary scene.
back, when Tex-Mex cooking burst onto Small bowls of this colorful salsa make a
the culinary scene. Fajita comes from a pretty presentation alongside the fajitas. (Left) Serve with
word meaning “belt,” and some say that To drink? Don’t forget some ice-cold small bowls of salsa
using skirt steak with its unique string-like Mexican beer or fruit margaritas. on the side.
texture looks like a belt.
Stir-frying tender beef strips along with Diane Rossen Worthington is an
colorful vegetables and Mexican spices is authority on new American cooking. She
a quick technique that produces a pretty is the author of 18 cookbooks, including
fajita filling for warm corn or flour torti- “Seriously Simple Parties,” and a James
llas. Make sure to use a high-sided skillet Beard Award-winning radio show host.
or wok to help cook the ingredients evenly. You can contact her at SeriouslySimple.
This is a very flexible dish, since you can com. Copyright 2021 Diane Rossen
serve it rolled in flour tortillas for a quick Worthington. Distributed by Tribune
family dinner, or open-face on corn torti- Content Agency, LLC.


SERVES 4 TO 6 FOR THE FAJITAS Salt beef is lightly brown. Remove to a side dish.
FOR THE SALSA 3 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil, divided Freshly ground black pepper Add the remaining oil and the onion and toss for a
minute. Add the peppers and jalapeño chile and toss
2 large tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and finely 1 pound skirt steak or flank steak, cut into 2-inch FOR THE GARNISH
every 15 to 20 seconds for about 4 to 6 minutes or
diced by 1/2-inch strips 1 cup sour cream until the onion is nicely softened. Add the garlic and
1/2 cup corn kernels (fresh or frozen and 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced Warm corn or flour tortillas tomatoes and cook another minute. Add the lime juice,
defrosted) 1 medium red pepper, seeded and cut into thin Cilantro leaves cumin, cilantro, and reserved beef strips and bring to a
2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro
slices boil for a minute. Add salt and pepper to taste and then
Prepare the salsa. Combine the tomatoes, corn,
1 medium yellow pepper, seeded and cut into thin transfer to a serving bowl.
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley cilantro, parsley, jalapeño, lemon juice, salt,
slices and pepper in a medium mixing bowl. Cover and Serve immediately with a basket of warm corn or flour
1 jalapeño chile, seeded and minced 1 jalapeño chile, seeded and minced refrigerate for up to 4 hours. Spoon it into a serving tortillas and small bowls of the sour cream, cilantro,
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice bowl. Right before serving, add the avocado and taste and salsa on the side.
2 garlic cloves, minced
for seasoning.
Salt 1 medium tomato, peeled and diced
In a large skillet with high sides, or a wok, over medium- TASTY TIP:
Freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
high heat add 2 tablespoons of oil, swirling to coat the To save time, pick up a container of fresh pico de
1 medium ripe avocado, peeled and cut into 1/2- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin sides. When the oil is hot, add the beef strips and toss gallo salsa and then add corn and avocado to it.
inch chunks 2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro every 15 to 20 seconds for 3 to 4 minutes or until the Season to taste.

Press crumbs into an even layer covering on the

A Bright, Make-Ahead KEY LIME BARS bottom of the baking pan, then use the bottom of a
dry measuring cup to press crumbs firmly into the
pan until very flat.
Dessert for Memorial Day MAKES 16 BARS


Place the baking pan in the oven. Bake until the crust
begins to brown at the edges, 15 to 20 minutes.
Transfer to a cooling rack and let the crust cool for at
Vegetable oil spray
AMERICA'S TEST KITCHEN least 15 minutes. (Don’t turn oven off.)
5 whole graham crackers, broken into pieces (or
Key limes are smaller, yellower cousins to 3/4 cup store-bought graham cracker crumbs)
Meanwhile, in large bowl, whisk condensed milk,
the bigger, darker green Persian limes you 1/3 cup (1 2/3 ounces) all-purpose flour softened cream cheese, lime zest and juice, egg
usually see in the grocery store. They’re 1/4 cup (1 3/4 ounces) sugar yolk, and a pinch of salt until well combined and
more tart, with fragrant, floral juice, and smooth.
used to be grown widely in the Florida 1/8 teaspoon salt
Pour the filling evenly over cooled crust. Spread the
Keys, where cooks invented key lime pie 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted filling into an even layer to the corners of the pan and
as a way to use the juice. smooth the top. Transfer to the oven and bake until
To make these key lime bars, you don’t the filling is set and no longer jiggles when the pan is
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
To make actually need key limes. They can be hard shaken gently, 15 to 20 minutes.
to find and are so small that you’d have to 1/4 cup (2 ounces) cream cheese, softened Remove from the oven and let the bars cool in the
these squeeze 20 of them to get 1/3 cup of juice! 1 tablespoon grated lime zest plus 1/2 cup juice pan and on the wire rack for 2 hours. Cover the
key lime Regular Persian limes work just fine; but (zested and squeezed from 4 limes) baking pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate until
Key limes are
whatever you do, don’t use bottled lime smaller and the bars are chilled and firm, at least 2 hours or up
1 large egg yolk
bars, you juice in this recipe (fresh juice has much more tart, with to two days.
better flavor!). fragrant, floral Pinch salt Remove the bars from the refrigerator and remove
don't Then there’s toasted coconut. It’s a great juice. 1/2 cup (1 1/2 ounces) sweetened shredded the plastic. Use foil to lift the bars out of the baking
actually addition to baked goods such as cookies or BONCHAN
coconut, toasted, optional pan and transfer to a cutting board. Cut into squares.
Top squares with toasted coconut or whipped cream
bars, or as a topping for ice cream or oat- Whipped cream, optional
need key meal. It can sometimes burn when you (if using) and serve.

limes. toast it in the oven, so we like to use the FOR THE CRUST

microwave, where you can keep a close Adjust the oven rack to the middle position and heat
eye on it as it cooks. the oven to 325 degrees F. Make an aluminum foil
sling for an 8-inch square metal baking pan. Spray
For 25 years, confident cooks in the know foil with vegetable oil spray.
have relied on America’s Test Kitchen Add cracker pieces, flour, sugar, and 1/8 teaspoon
for rigorously tested recipes developed salt to food processor. Pulse until crackers are
by professional test cooks and vetted by broken into small pieces, about five 1-second pulses.
60,000 at-home recipe testers. See more Process until crackers are finely ground, about 30
online at seconds. Add melted butter and pulse until butter is
TCA. Copyright 2021 America’s Test combined with crumbs, about 10 1-second pulses.
Kitchen. Distributed by Tribune Content Remove the lid and processor blade. Use a rubber spatula
Agency, LLC. to scrape the crumb mixture into a foil-lined baking pan. Fresh lime juice gives these bars great flavor.
B4 THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021


To make this delicate
French sauce, all
you need are 3
ingredients, gentle
heat, and a lot of
Continued from B1

This French classic can sound in-

timidating to make at home—but it
shouldn’t be. After all, it’s a one-bowl
recipe that only requires three ingredi-
ents and 10 minutes of your time. Just
be sure to select a proper wine, set up
a bain-marie, and get ready for some
whisking action.

Choose the Wine

Unlike most savory recipes, in which
the type of white wine you choose real-
ly matters, a dessert sabayon welcomes
any type of white wine. Just know that
the sweeter the wine is, the more rich
and concentrated flavor the sabayon
will produce.
Sweet wines such as riesling, muscat,
or an ice wine will make for a richer- Sabayon is meant to be
tasting sabayon, perfect for topping enjoyed warm, so prep your STRAWBERRIES WITH SABAYON
fresh berries. Dry wines, such sauvi- strawberries ahead of time,
gnon blanc or muscadet, and sparkling and make it just before
wines—including Champagne—will serving. Sabayon is meant to be served warm, which means you can In a bowl, toss the strawberries with 1 tablespoon of
make for a lighter and less-sweet sa- only make it just before serving. To streamline the process, the sugar and chill for at least one hour.
bayon, better suited for topping a slice make sure you have all your ingredients measured out in front
In a large heatproof bowl, whisk together the wine
of you before you start.
of cake or ice cream in lieu of whipped and sugar for about 2 minutes, until the sugar has
cream. Taking the extra step to macerate the strawberries in sugar completely dissolved and no crystals remain.
beforehand will draw out their juices and tenderize them, as well
In a saucepan, bring an inch or two of water to a
Add Gentle Heat as make for sweeter bites. The macerated strawberries can be
simmer. Rest the bowl snugly on top. The base of the
A bain-marie is essentially the French prepared and stored in the fridge a few hours in advance.
bowl should not be touching the simmering water.
way to describe a double-boiler heating Once you get familiar with this basic recipe, get creative with
method. This method consists of bring- the fruits! Fresh, seasonal berries are perfect, but so are other Add the egg yolks to the bowl and whisk until the
mixture starts to expand and become frothy.
ing an inch or two of water to a simmer A dessert fleshy fruits such as peaches, apricots, kiwi, mangoes, or
Continue whisking—always making sure the water
in a saucepan, and resting a heatproof papaya. Sabayon is also wonderful dolloped onto a slice of cake
bowl containing the ingredients to be sabayon or scoop of ice cream, or simply served on its own in a cup, with underneath remains at a simmer and never touches
a ladyfinger or two for dipping. the base of the mixing bowl—until the mixture has
heated on top of the saucepan without welcomes any doubled in size and is thick enough to easily scoop in
touching the surface of the water. This
SERVES 6 big spoonfuls. If you have a candy thermometer, check
method applies gentle and constant type of white that the temperature of the sauce has reached 150
heat, without burning or boiling any 1 pound fresh strawberries, hulled and quartered
liquids. wine, really— 1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar, divided
degrees Fahrenheit.
In the case of a sabayon, this gentle sweet, dry, or 6 large egg yolks, at room temperature
Place strawberries into individual serving cups and
top each cup with about 2/3 cup of warm sabayon.
heat ensures that the sauce warms up
and thickens slowly but surely while even sparkling. 2/3 cup white wine (dry, sweet, or sparkling) Enjoy immediately.
you whisk it—instead of heating the egg
yolks too quickly, which could end in
scrambled eggs.

Whisk, Whisk, Whisk 1. Whisk together the wine and sugar.

Whisking is pretty much the only in- 2. Add the egg yolks. It’s a one-bowl
struction here. You can use an electric
hand mixer or go the manual route—as 3. Whisk until the mixture has recipe that only
long as you’re prepared for a workout. doubled in size, and is thick enough to
The white wine and sugar are
easily scoop in big spoonfuls. requires three
whisked together first, until the 4. Place strawberries into individual ingredients
sugar is completely dissolved. Then serving cups.
you’ll add the egg yolks and set your
5. Top each cup with warm sabayon.
and 10 minutes
heatproof bowl over the bain-marie.
Continue whisking, always making
of your time.
sure the water underneath remains at
a simmer and never touches the base 1
of the mixing bowl, and watch as the
sauce expands and becomes delight-
fully foamy.
Once the sabayon has doubled in size
and is thick and frothy, it’s ready. If you
have a candy thermometer, check that
the temperature of the sauce reaches
150 degrees Fahrenheit.

2 Ways to Serve
There are two ways of serving a sabay-
on: fresh or broiled. For the first, simply
spoon the warm sabayon sauce on top
of your fresh fruits, and voila!
For the broiled version, make sure
you place your fruits into an oven-safe 2 4
serving vessel first. Then, spoon a few
tablespoons of the sabayon on top,
followed by a sprinkle of icing sugar.
Place the vessel under the broiler or use
a kitchen torch until the top is lightly
golden and caramelized. The sabayon
will puff up slightly with the heat and
deflate as it cools.

Audrey Le Goff is a French food writer,

photographer, and creator of the food
blog Pardon Your French, where she
shares recipes and stories from her
beloved home country, France. She
is the author of the cookbook “Rustic
French Cooking Made Easy” (2019). She 3 5
currently lives in Niagara, Canada.
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021 B5

In Salmon,

the Story of Alaska

Continued from B1 salmon (with cherry pie and fresh corn).
The occasion would deserve a bless-
And each year, this return has fed count- ing—for the fish. Here’s one Alaskans
less harvesters for the winter ahead. Not have used for centuries to welcome the
just humans: Bears, eagles, and seals all summer’s first salmon, from commercial
rely on salmon, as does the forest itself, fisherwomen Emma Teal Laukitis and
fertilized by the fish carcasses the ani- Claire Neaton, the “Salmon Sisters.” They
mals discard. adapted it from a book on Native culture
The world’s largest remaining single by Hilary Stewart, who in turn adapted it 1
salmon run, ranging from 30 to 62 mil- from a traditional Native prayer.
lion fish a year, is in Bristol Bay, south- Now I will go and lay you down on this mat MISHA DUMOV, MB COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY
west of Anchorage in the Bering Sea. which is spread on the floor for you, Swimmer.
Here, salmon allowed people to survive This is your own saying when you came
crises, even in modern times. And gave a dream to my grandfathers.
“I believe that salmon went to places
and people followed them knowing that Lasting Bonds
if salmon were there, they could make a Though the human–salmon bond is
life there,” said Melanie Brown, a Bristol ancient, it thrives today. I often joke that
Bay fisherman of Yupik/Inupiaq ancestry. every Alaska household has two freez-
She works a permit area established by her ers, one for salmon and one for moose
great-grandfather in the early 20th century. (many Alaskans never tasted beef until
While the region’s Native population was they came to the Lower 48 to attend
decimated by the 1918 flu pandemic, her college). Each Alaska resident is entitled
ancestors made it through with salmon, to harvest up to 25 salmon per year for
which isn’t only high-calorie but high in personal use, and most do just that.
wellness benefits. Brown spent some of her “Our fish freezer is currently full of
downtime during this pandemic making a salmon, rockfish, halibut, yellow eye,
video for Slow Food USA about her great- and ling cod,” reported Dee Buchanon,
grandmother’s fish-head stew recipe. an Anchorage business executive who 2
“For me, I truly believe that I would came to Alaska when she was 5 and has
not be here today if not for salmon, and been fishing ever since.
how they provided for my great-grand- “The moose freezer is unplugged
parents after they were orphaned in the because we didn’t get one last year—so
1918 flu,” said Brown. we traded some fish for moose with our
David Montgomery, University of neighbors. It is illegal to ‘sell’ any wild-
Each summer and fall
Washington professor and author of a caught or harvested wild game, so the the fish return, billions of
seminal book about salmon, “King of barter system is strong in Alaska. We
Fish,” observed as much. have a new executive assistant at my of- them, fat and large, from
“The salmon and the landscape fice who moved up from North Carolina. the ocean, and migrate
evolved together. Then people arrived She asked us, ‘Where do I buy salmon?’
and relied on the salmon,” he said. We all looked at each other with blank upstream to ancestral
“Each is part of the others in a deep and stares on our faces. I said, ‘You’re an 3
fundamental way.” Alaskan now. You don’t buy salmon. I’ll spawning grounds.
bring you some.’
1. Salmon are born in clear-running streams
A Sustainable Superfood “Fish and life in Alaska are perpetually and rivers in summer and fall, overwinter in
Salmon are so numerous in Alaska that intertwined, generation after genera- Eric Lucas has visited Alaska more freshwater, migrate to the ocean the follow-
all can enjoy them. Up to 5 billion a year tion,” Buchanon explained. than 50 times. Author of six Mi- ing spring, and return four years later to spawn
ply the North Pacific. Carefully managed I reckon the debate over which kind is chelin guides, including one that where they were born.
by state fisheries scientists—sustainable best dates back as many generations as covers the Great Land, he is a retired
fisheries are prescribed in the Alaska the harvest. As Solomon said, there is associate editor at Alaska Beyond 2. Melanie Brown, a Bristol Bay fisherman of
Yupik/Inupiaq ancestry, with a photograph of
Constitution—as many as 1 billion are nothing new under the sun. Magazine. He lives on a small farm
her great-grandmother and great-grandfather.
caught by commercial fishermen, an Once, at a fund-raising dinner for on a remote island north of Seattle,
industry that is worth $500 million to $1 salmon conservation, I was seated at where he grows organic hay, beans, 3. Melanie Brown with her kids, Oliver Lamkin
billion a year. a table with six Alaska women, all of apples, and squash. and Mariana Bell, and a freshly caught sockeye.
The majority of the harvest, by fish whom were commercial fishermen.
numbers and value, is sockeye; chinook While perusing the menu (surprise:
is the fish most common on fine dining salmon!), I posed the question of which
menus; and silver salmon are fondly type is best. SALMON SOUP
regarded by anglers. Every restaurant in “Boy, Eric, you like to live dangerously,”
the state has salmon on the menu, and observed one of my companions.
vast portions of the commercial fresh “Even so,” I replied. “Your favorite? Melanie Brown, a Bristol Bay fisherman of Yupik/ soup pot until the rice is cooked.
harvest are flown south each summer Above all?” Inupiaq ancestry, shared this recipe for salmon soup.
Rinse excess slime off of the salmon head and make
to fill grocery store cooler shelves and The six cleared their throats, eyed each It’s based on her great-grandmother’s fish-head stew.
sure that the gills are cut out from under the gill plates.
restaurant menus in the Lower 48. other cautiously, and declaimed their 1 bouillon cube, or 1 teaspoon bouillon paste Work carefully, because the head is slippery and
Salmon are born in clear-running choices. Three picked sockeye; three difficult to cut through. Cut it in half, so that you have
1/2 small onion, cut into rings or half-rings
streams and rivers in summer and fall, king. two mirrored sides, and then begin cutting each side
overwinter in freshwater, migrate to the “Guess you’ll have to break the tie,” 1 celery heart, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick into smaller pieces. Cut around the eyes to leave intact
ocean the following spring, and return Melanie Brown told me. crescents for the eye lovers. Also, be sure not to cut through the
four years later to spawn where they So I did. Sea salt cheeks—cut around them so that they remain intact.
were born. Grown in those rich North If there’s any blood on the pieces after you’re done
Onion powder cutting them, be sure to rinse it off with cold water. The
Pacific waters, these fish are packed with Salmon Smarts
protein, a superfood that’s also divine Five kinds of salmon ply the North 1/4 cup uncooked rice blood will discolor the broth and taint the flavor.
to eat. Omega-3s lard their fat; immune Pacific in incredible numbers, up to 5 2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari Cut the tail portion of the salmon into cubes with the
boosters such as B vitamins are thick; billion a year. Each kind has at least two 1 salmon head skin still on it. The skin will easily come off when the
and antioxidants are numerous. common names: salmon is cooked in the soup.
Chinook, aka king or spring, are the Tail end of salmon
When the rice is cooked, turn the heat down to low and
biggest, ranging from 15 to 100 pounds. Fill a soup pot half full with cold water and place on it carefully place the pieces of head into the soup pot. Use
They are usually first to return in medium heat. Add a bouillon cube or bouillon paste and the eye and the cartilage as a visual guide. When the
summer. dissolve into heating water. center of the eye is white and the cartilage has turned
Fish and life in Alaska Silver, aka coho, are lean, lengthy fish Sauté onion that has been cut into rings or half-rings. from clear to milky, put the salmon cubes in and remove
are perpetually up to 25 pounds. Anglers love them for Add celery that has been cut crosswise into crescents the pot from the heat. The fish will cook very quickly.
their flashing, aerial runs when hooked. across the whole celery heart—roughly seven cuts, The cartilage in the head is easy to chew through and very
intertwined, generation Sockeye, aka red, are fatty and flavor- about 1/4-inch wide. Add some seasoning of salt and flavorful. Other bits that aren’t edible will stay between
ful and range up to 12 pounds. Their onion powder, so that the flavors bind for the flavor base your teeth when you bite them, and you can sort them out.
after generation. spawning colors are the most vivid of all of the soup. Add onion and celery sauté to the soup Make sure that you suck the juice out of the bits before
Dee Buchanon, Anchorage,
salmon. when they become softer, but not mushy. taking them out of your mouth. Your hands will get sticky
Alaska resident
Pink, aka humpy (for the spawn- Add the rice to the soup, as well as roughly 2 from the richness of the oil. Just accept the fact that your
ing hump they develop), throng home tablespoons of soy sauce. meal will be a very tactile and visceral experience.
streams so thickly the water can seem Begin preparing your salmon, but don’t put into the Courtesy of Melanie Brown
The deep persimmon color of fresh like it’s half fish. Usually these are
salmon is one of nature’s finest hues. canned, though when fresh, pinks are
Properly prepared—that is, cooked excellent eating.
through but not a half-minute more— Chum, aka dog or keta, are large,
salmon is moist, flavorful, enriching, muscular fish whose flavor is muskier
and enticing. Roast it, grill it, fry it, than that of the other kinds. Rarely seen
smoke it, steam it—no need for sauces or in stores or on menus, they have been
embellishments. There’s no wrong way traditionally used as food for Alaska sled

to cook it, unless you over-cook it. dogs, and considered by some the best
Once, a friend and I were perusing for smoking.
the menu at a long-gone New Age bistro The keys for salmon shoppers: Fresh-
in Juneau, and could only gawk at the ness is paramount, so ask when the fish
waitress when she described the night’s came in, and from where; the brighter
special. the color and firmer the fish, the fresher
“A half sockeye salmon? Poached in they are; and although fresh-frozen is
duck fat?” fine (that is, salmon that was frozen im-
The waitress nodded. “Yep. For two.” mediately after it was caught, shipped,
We ordered it. This was the single then often defrosted for sale), it sim-
richest dish I have ever had, anywhere ply isn’t as good as fresh, period. And
in this world. We shouldn’t have eaten it Alaskans fervently favor wild salmon:
all, but we did. “Friends don’t let friends eat farmed
If I were a condemned man, my last salmon,” argues a ubiquitous bumper
meal would be fire-roasted sockeye sticker. Preparing the soup. Melanie Brown’s salmon soup.
B6 THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021


Use the four numbers in the corners, and Speaking of money
23. Deer leader, for the operands (+, - X, and ÷) to build an BY FRANK STEWART, TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY
Santa? equation to get the solution in the middle.
There may be more than one “unique” so- ©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
25. “And so to ___” lution but, there may also be “equivalent”
26. Flamboyance solutions. For example: 6 + (7 X 3) +1 = 28 “One thing I’ve learned,” said Cy the Cynic,
27. Utah lilies and 1+ (7 X 3) + 6 = 28 who was philosophizing in the club lounge:
“Money talks.”
28. “Ah” and “OMG” in “Agreed,” Unlucky Louie sighed. “And its
old writing favorite word is ‘goodbye.’”
29. Ralph of “The Wal- Louie had waved goodbye to some of
his money in that day’s penny game. When
tons” I watched today’s deal, he was declarer
30. Jitters at six spades, and West led his singleton
jack of clubs. Louie knew enough to take
32. First word of Virgil’s dummy’ s ace, but he next cashed the A-K
“Aeneid” of hearts and ruffed his jack with dummy’
33. Neither here ___ there s seven of trumps. East overruffed, took
his king of clubs and gave West a club ruff.
(like a duffer’s lost ball?) Down two.
34. Nitrogen compound How would you play the slam?
35. Pôrto ___, Brazil
Hard 1 - 1 Solution DRAWS TRUMPS
36. That’s an order! Louie forgot to count his tricks. After he
39. Nukes takes the ace of clubs, he can draw trumps,
40. Roman sandal pitching a diamond from dummy. He next
leads the queen of clubs. East takes the
41. 1 through 9, of course? king and leads a heart.
42. Gofer: Abbr. Louie wins with the king, cashes his ten
44. “April Theses” author of clubs, leads a heart to dummy’s ace and
ruffs a club with his last trump. He wins the
46. Of ___ (old enough to last three tricks with the K-A of diamonds
know better?) and dummy’s good club.
49. Corp. money manag- DAILY QUESTION
ers You hold: {AQJ6 2 KJ 7 K3
51. Dark loaves yQ107. The dealer, at your right, opens
one diamond. What do you say?
52. “A Chorus Line” Hard 2 - 1 Solution ANSWER: This is a close call. You have
number? 16 high-card points and a good five-card
Across 43. Kind of witness 76. “Will Be” to Day? 53. In stages suit, and your king of diamonds, positioned
1. RR stop 45. Members of Con- 77. Boardroom V.I.P.’s 54. Tertiary Period epoch
behind the opening bidder, is worth as
much as an ace. To double, intending to
4. Flower or locust tree gress 78. Integrates 55. Five-time Derby win- bid spades next, would be reasonable. I
10. Painter Bonheur 47. Continental abbr. 79. “M*A*S*H” prop ner would judge that approach to be slightly
14. Sufficient, in verse 48. Tiny fraction of a min. too aggressive. I would start with a one-
56. Aggravation spade overcall.
16. One who only has “I’s” 50. Ladies’ men Down 60. Earthquake
for you? 51. Additional military aid 1. Sun. talks 61. “It’s a Wonderful Life” North dealer
or augmentation 2. Bolt holder N-S vulnerable
17. After-work options, role
briefly? 53. Islay Scotches 3. Inadvisable action 62. Cries of triumph
18. Mediocre 57. “The Last Days of 4. Eastern pooh-bah 63. 1959 hit with a
20. Low in pitch Pompeii” heroine 5. College in Cedar Rapids melody based on the folk Easy 1 - 2 Solutions
21. Leaf apertures 58. ___-relief 6. Bread box, for short? song “The Wreck of the
22. Otalgia 59. Smarts 7. 136% of LXXV Old 97”
24. “Gimme ___!” (cheer- 62. Med. plan 8. Key 65. Andean root veg-
leading shout) 64. Plaintiff 9. Earth, bound? etables
25. Kind of list 65. Fiber source 10. Vulgar humor 66. “Juice” (Abbr.)
28. Fess (up) 69. Affix a brand on 11. Ancient source of 67. Without it, Boeing
30. Congo river 70. French 2011 “Bro- prophecy manufactures nautical
31. “That is” mance” and winner of a 12. Pageant accessories crafts?
32. Over and over 2012 César Award, with 13. Affirm 68. Future atty.’s hurdle
37. Ginger, e.g. “The” 15. Don Juan 71. 1000 gigs
38. Court plea, for short 74. Calvary inscription 16. The end for Ann, Nan 72. Alternative to net
39. Where China is 75. Western range and Jean? 73. Script ending Easy 2 - 1 Solution



Help with Today’s Crossword Puzzle? Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete.






THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021 B7

Fill in the boxes using numbers between 1 and 9 so that each column, each Fill in the boxes using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F so that each column,
row, and each 3x3 square contain all nine numbers only once. each row, and each 4x4 square contain all ten numbers and six letters only once.







Kakuro puzzles are like crosswords that use numbers instead of words. The goal THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
is to fill the blank squares associated with a clue (called a “run”) with the numbers By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
1-9 so that the numbers add up to the corresponding clues. Like Sudoku, digits Unscramble these Jumbles,

in a run cannot repeat. When the grid is filled, the puzzle is complete. one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.


Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.


strikeouts until he was WORK SPACE

the team in wins and

The pitcher had led

something at once.
at once, but we can do
We cannot do everything
B8 THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021


Wine of the Week


2020 Perrin Cotes du Rhone
Reserve (Blanc) ($13):
White wines don’t often display such
beautiful, aromatic complexities as
this one, a blend of various Southern
Jim Clendenen and Dr. David Bruce were iconic figures in California’s world of fine wine. Rhone varieties. There’s a delicate
WINE floral note, a bit of peach, and a

Remembering 2 California Wine Pioneers

succulence normally found in more
expensive wines.

DAN BERGER cellent wines. It grows in many locations, fellow who made friends easily and, when When he planted his vineyard in 1961
withstands some of Mother Nature’s harsh- not making wine, spent much of his work- in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and when
Recently, the world lost two of the most est conditions year to year, and takes well to ing life visiting France and getting to know Clendenen planted his 21 years later in
important figures in California’s wine his- being blended for improvement. virtually every great winemaker there who Santa Barbara County, the world was still
tory when Jim Clendenen and Dr. David Chardonnay and pinot noir, by contrast, had fingers in both varieties. He learned unaware of what they were doing. I got
Bruce passed away. are difficult-to-handle Burgundian grapes tricks and strategies, came home to apply to know both men well in the late 1970s
Clendenen was 68. Bruce was 89. that are far more recalcitrant and don’t like them, and shared his knowledge freely with and found them to be overwhelmingly
These men were iconic figures in Cali- being blended; they are solipsists. Also, follow winemakers. dedicated to a craft that could be called
fornia’s world of fine wine, but not in the they’re closely connected to their soils and David Bruce, a dermatologist and thankless, especially since audiences were
way many people think of domestic wine climes, and therefore, they often make dedicated Burgundy lover, was a quiet, so limited.
history: They were producers of great mediocre wines when planted in the thoughtful man who spent many of his In today’s world, great California chardon-
cabernet sauvignons that can win wrong spots. working years traipsing through vine- nays and pinot noirs command prices top-
head-to-head contests with Finding great examples of char- yards of California’s Central Coast, where ping $100 a bottle, and wine collectors invest
mighty Bordeaux. Both men donnay or pinot isn’t easy, so the he believed a Burgundian style of wine not only in wine bottles but also in the lands
Cabernet put California on led the way to best, from France’s Burgundy (both white and red) could successfully they see as producing exceptional wines to
the international wine stage. creating this district, can be outrageously ex- be produced. rival those of Burgundy.
Today’s cabs command outra- Burgundian pensive and nearly impossible As such, he pioneered purchasing fruit Both men led the way to creating this Bur-
geous prices and are considered explosion. to obtain. from virtually every vineyard from which gundian explosion.
highly collectible the world over. It was that challenge, as well as he thought he could produce an exem- The world has lost two of its most visionary
What Clendenen and Bruce did, several others, that led Clendenen plary wine, and he frequently did so for an U.S. practitioners from this once-obscure
with far less public recognition, was and Bruce to accept the challenge so many audience that (in the early 1960s) simply sector of the wine-art industry—losses I feel
shine a spotlight on two grape varieties avoided: to make exemplary wines from had to accept his word that those wines most personally.
that decades ago had checkered histories those grapes. And they did so in spite of the were authentic.
and were always poorly understood. Their fact that at the times they founded their re- Back then in California, burgundy was a To find out more about Dan Berger and
efforts helped fixed that. spective wineries, the general public had lower-case red wine blend of no account read features by other Creators Syndicate
Not to demean cabernet’s success, but it’s virtually no interest in either grape. and hadn’t yet ascended to the capital B writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators
a grape that’s awfully forgiving. It allows Jim Clendenen, who founded Au Bon Cli- Burgundy later wine lovers would revere. Syndicate webpage at
winemakers much latitude in making ex- mat in 1982, was a gregarious, loquacious Bruce’s clientele learned the ropes from him. Copyright 2021

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