Year 7 End of Year Assessment: Name: - Science Class/teacher

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Islington Arts and Media School

Year 7 End of Year Assessment

Name: _______________________

Science class/teacher: _______________

60 minutes

There are 5 sections to this test.
The first 2 sections are compulsory (COOKS & FORENSICS).
Then select 1 more section from the following units:
Aliens, A&E and Electromancer.

Read each question carefully

Answer the best of your ability thinking about scientific keywords
Ensure you have enough time to answer the test questions

Compulsory section: /52

Additional section:

Aliens: /22

A&E /27

Electromancer: /22

Total ________%
Islington Arts and Media School 1
Cooks Test Questions

Answer all questions in this section

Level 3

1. The drawing shows a bottle of lemonade. Label A points to the cap and label C
to the bottle. Labels B and D point to inside the bottle.

(a) Write by the labels A, B, C and D whether each points to a solid, liquid or gas.

4 marks

(b) (i) Give a material which could be used to make the cap of this

1 mark

(ii) Give a different material which is used to make bottles.

1 mark

Maximum 6 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 2

Level 4

2. Kala recorded temperatures using a datalogger and three temperature sensors,

P, Q and R. The ends of the sensors were covered with gauze.
P was kept dry.
Q was dipped in water for 2 seconds and then taken out.
R was dipped in ethanol for 2 seconds and then taken out.

sensor P:
d ry g a u z e

sensor Q : sensor R :
g a u z e d ip p e d g a u z e d ip p e d
in w a te r in e th a n o l

Islington Arts and Media School 3

Every five minutes, the datalogger recorded the temperatures of the sensors.

Time, in temperature of temperature of temperature of

min sensor P, in °C sensor Q, in °C sensor R, in °C

0 20 20
5 20 18
10 20 17
15 20 17

(a) What was the temperature of the room at the beginning of Kala’s experiment?

..................... °C
1 mark

(b) Describe how the temperatures of sensor Q and sensor R changed.

sensor Q ......................................................................................................


sensor R ......................................................................................................

2 marks

(c) The next day the gauze on sensor Q felt dry. What had happened to the water
on the gauze?

1 mark

Maximum 4 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 4

Level 5

3. Luke investigated the heating of water. He predicted that the rise in temperature
would depend on the volume of water.
The diagram shows the apparatus he used.

s tir in g r o d th e rm o m e te r

100 cm beaker

w a te r

c a n d le

b lo c k

Luke recorded his results in a table as shown below.

volume of water, temperature at temperature after

in cm3 start, in °C 2 minutes, in °C

A 25 18
B 50 18
C 75 18

(a) Why did Luke need to know the temperature of the water at the beginning and
at the end of the experiment?


1 mark

(b) Did Luke’s results support his prediction? Explain your answer.


1 mark
Islington Arts and Media School 5
(c) Luke stirred the water during the experiment. How did this make his results
more reliable?


1 mark

(d) Which of the following statements about the energy transferred to the
beakers is correct?
Tick the correct box.

Much more energy went into beaker ‘A’

because its temperature increased the most.

The same amount of energy went into all

three beakers.

Beaker ‘C’ received the most energy

because there was more water to heat.

1 mark

(e) After a time, all three beakers cooled down to room temperature.
What happened to the thermal energy in the beakers as they cooled down?


1 mark

Maximum 5 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 6

Level 6

4. Some pupils predicted that water will evaporate faster if the surrounding air
temperature is higher.

To investigate their prediction they placed some water in containers in two

different rooms.

(a) Give two factors they should keep the same to make their investigation fair.

1. ..................................................................................................................
1 mark

2. ..................................................................................................................
1 mark
(b) They recorded the mass of the water and the container in room 1 and room 2
every day for 5 days.

The table below shows their results.

mass of water and container (g)

room 1 room 2

0 100 100

1 92 85

2 80
3 72
4 60
5 46

The data shown in their table is not good enough to test their prediction.
Explain why.


1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 7

They plotted their data for room 2 and attempted to draw a line of best fit.

1 0 0

9 0

m a s s 8 o0 f
w a t e r a n d
c o n t a i n e r
( g ) 7 0

6 0

5 0

4 0

3 0
3 04 5 1 6 7
t i m e ( d a y s )
(c) Describe the mistake they made in drawing the line of best fit.


1 mark

(d) Using the data in the table plot the points for room 1 on the graph above.
1 mark

(e) Draw a line of best fit of the points you have drawn.
1 mark

(f) In which room did the water evaporate more quickly?

Tick one box.

room 1 room 2

Use the data to explain your answer.


1 mark

maximum 7 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 8

Level 7

5. John used an electrical heater to heat a cup of water. He kept stirring the water.
When the temperature reached 20°C, he started his stopwatch and measured the
temperature of the water every half minute.

He switched off the heater after 4 minutes, but continued to record the

His results are shown in the table.

One measurement is missing and another appears to be wrong.

Time (minutes) Temperature (ºC)

0.0 20

0.5 26

1.0 31

1.5 36

2.0 41

2.5 46


3.5 57

4.0 56

4.5 58

5.0 59

5.5 59
Islington Arts and Media School 9
(a) Use the results in the table to draw a graph on the grid.
Label the axes.
Plot the points and draw a smooth curve of best fit.

( )

( )
4 marks
(b) From your curve, estimate the temperature of the water after three minutes.

1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 10

Forensics Test Questions

Answer all questions in this section

Level 3

6. Melting, boiling, freezing and condensing are the names of four changes of state.

Draw lines to join each name to the correct change of state.

n a m e c h a n g e o f s t a t e

m e l t in g g a s t o l iq u i d

b o i li n g l i q u id t o g a s

f r e e z in g s o l i d t o li q u id

c o n d e n s i n g li q u id t o s o l id

4 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 11

Level 4

7. Emma and Philip wanted to see if changing the temperature of the water affected
the time taken for a cold cure powder to dissolve in water.

Philip recorded their results.

(a) (i) Write the heading for the first column in the table

time to dissolve (s)

(ii) Write their results correctly in the table above.

3 marks

(b) Give the names of two pieces of measuring equipment they would need.

1. .................................................................................................................
1 mark

2. .................................................................................................................

Islington Arts and Media School 12

1 mark
(c) Why did they put the same amount of water in each beaker?


1 mark

(d) Emma wrote, ‘My investigation was good’, as her conclusion.

Philip said this was not a scientific conclusion.

Explain why Emma’s conclusion is not scientific.


1 mark

(e) Look at their results above.

Write a scientific conclusion for their investigation.


1 mark

maximum 8 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 13

Level 5

8. Susie used chromatography to identify the coloured substances in the ink from a
felt-tip pen.

She used:

• green ink

• blue ink

• purple ink

• ink from her felt-tip pen.

She used water as the solvent.

r e d

d a r k b dl u a e r k b l u e

y e l lo w

w a t e r
p i n k

p a l e b pl u a e l e b l u e
l in e w h e r e s p o t s o f i n k
w e r e p l a c e d
g r e e n b lu e p u r p l e i n k f r o m
in k i n k i n k f e l t - t i p p e n

Look at the diagram above.

(a) (i) Which colours were present in the ink from the felt-tip pen?

1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 14

(ii) How many coloured substances were there in green ink?


How can you tell?


1 mark

(iii) Susie placed the spots of ink on a line on the chromatography paper as
shown in the diagram.
To draw the line, Susie had to choose a felt-tip pen or a pencil.

Which one should she use?


Give the reason for your answer.


1 mark

(b) Susie used water as the solvent in this experiment.

When she repeated the experiment with a different set of pens, it did
not work.
She then used ethanol instead of water.

Suggest why the experiment worked with ethanol but not with water.


1 mark

maximum 4 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 15

Level 6

9. (a) A chemical called methane can be a gas, a liquid or a solid.

In the diagram below, arrows P, Q, R and S represent changes of state.

The boxes on the right show the arrangement of particles of methane in the
three different physical states.
Each circle represents a particle of methane.

p h y s ic a l s ta te o f m e th a n e a r r a n g e m e n t o f p a r tic le s



liq u id


s o lid

(i) Draw a line from each physical state of methane to the arrangement of
particles in that physical state.
Draw only three lines.
1 mark

(ii) Arrows P, Q, R and S represent changes of state.

Which arrow represents:

evaporation? ............................................................

melting? ...................................................................
2 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 16

(b) Methane is the main compound in natural gas. The scale below shows the
melting point and the boiling point of methane.

m e lt in g b o ilin g
p o in t p o in t
– 1 8 3 °C – 1 6 2 °C

–200 –180 –160 –140 –120 –100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0

Methane has three physical states: solid, liquid and gas.

(i) What is the physical state of methane at –170 C?

1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 17

Level 7

10. A pupil used a sensor to record the change in pH of 10 cm3 of an acid solution when
an alkali solution was added a little at a time. The concentrations of the alkali and
acid solutions were fixed.

His results are shown in the table below.

volume of alkali added (cm3) pH of resulting mixture


Islington Arts and Media School 18

(a) Use his results to draw a graph on the grid below.

• Label the axes.

• Plot the points.

• Draw a smooth curve.

4 marks

(b) Look at the graph.

What would be the likely pH of the solution if the pupil added a further 2 cm3
of alkali solution?

1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 19

Optional test questions sections

Choose one of the following sections below and answer all

the questions in that one section

• Aliens questions on pages: 21 - 28

• A&E questions on pages: 29 - 35

• Electromancer questions on pages: 36 - 43

Islington Arts and Media School 20

Aliens Test Questions
Level 3

11. (a) The diagram shows Alan sitting on a ride at a theme park.

(i) Which arrow shows Alan’s weight?

Give the correct letter. ..................................

1 mark

(ii) Alan begins to move forwards. Which arrow shows the force which
makes Alan move faster?

Give the correct letter. ..................................

1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 21

(b) During the ride, Alan is upside down.

Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the direction of Alan’s weight

while he is upside down.
1 mark

Maximum 3 marks

Level 4

12. The drawings in parts (a), (b) and (c) show two teams of pupils in a tug-of-war.
There is a ribbon tied to the middle of the rope.

(a) The sizes and directions of the forces of each team are shown.

team A team B

The ribbon stays above point X on the ground.

Give the reason for this.


1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 22

(b) The teams then pull with the forces shown below.

team A team B

Draw an arrow on the rope to show the direction in which the ribbon will
1 mark

(c) Later, the ribbon was to the left of point X as shown below.

team A team B

Why did the ribbon move towards the left?


1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 23

(d) Team A practises by pulling a rope tied to a tree.

The team pulls with a force of 1200 N but the tree does not move.

What is the force of the tree on the rope?

Tick the correct box.

less than more than

zero 1200 N
1200 N
1200 N

1 mark

(e) The pupils do not slip because there is a force between their shoes and the
ground. What is the name of this force?

1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 24

Level 5

13. The diagram shows four forces acting on a plane in flight.

(a) Which arrow represents air resistance?

Give the letter.

1 mark

(b) (i) When the plane is flying at a constant height, which two
forces must be balanced?
Give the letters.

............. and .............

1 mark

(ii) When the plane is flying at a constant speed in the direction shown,
which two forces must be balanced?
Give the letters.

............. and .............

1 mark

(c) (i) Just before take-off, the plane is speeding up along the ground.

Which statement is true?

Tick the correct box.

Force B is zero.

Force B is greater than force D.

Force D is equal to force B.

Islington Arts and Media School 25

Force D is greater than force B.

1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 26

(ii) Which statement is true about the plane just as it leaves the ground?
Tick the correct box.

Force C is zero.

Force C is greater than force A.

Force A is equal to force C.

Force A is greater than force C.

1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Level 6

14. Russell investigated the relationship between mass and weight.

He weighed five different masses using a force meter.

His results are shown in the table.

mass (g) weight (N)

150 1.5

250 2.5

300 3.8

400 4.0

580 5.8

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(a) He plotted four of his results on a grid as shown below,

(i) Plot the point for the 150 g mass on the graph.
1 mark

(ii) Draw a line of best fit.

7 . 0

6 . 0

5 . 0

4 . 0 ×
w e ig h t
( N )
3 . 0
2 . 0

1 . 0

0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0
m a s s ( g )
1 mark

(b) One of the points Russell plotted does not fit the pattern.

Circle this point on the graph.

1 mark

(c) Use your graph to predict:

(i) the mass of an object weighing 6.5 N;

............. g
1 mark

(ii) the weight of an object of mass 50 g.

............. N
1 mark
Islington Arts and Media School 28
(d) Give one reason why it is more useful to present the results as a line graph
rather than a table.


1 mark

maximum 6 marks

Level 7

15. (a) Megan was doing time-trials on her bike around a 400 metre horizontal

Compare the forward force on the bike with the backward force on the
bike when Megan was travelling at a constant speed.


1 mark
(b) Megan then crouched down over the handlebars to make herself more
streamlined, as shown below.
She continued to pedal with the same force as before.

Compare the forward and backward forces on Megan and her bike now.


1 mark

Explain your answer.


1 mark

maximum 4 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 29

Islington Arts and Media School 30
A&E Test Questions
Level 3
16. The diagrams below show a human ovum (egg) and a human sperm.

m e m b ra n e

n u c le u s m e m b ra n e
n u c le u s ta il


h u m a n o v u m (e g g ) h u m a n s p e rm

n o t to s c a le

(a) What are eggs and sperm?

Tick the correct box.

animals cells organs

1 mark

(b) Which part does a sperm use to swim towards an egg?

1 mark

(c) Give the name of the male reproductive organ where sperm are made.

1 mark
(d) The diagram below shows a sperm joining with an egg.

n o t t o s c a le

What is this process called?

Tick the correct box.

fertilisation growth

nutrition respiration
1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 31

Level 4

17. Drawings A, B, C, D and E show the positions of five organ systems in the human

(a) The names of the five organ systems are given in the table. By each name,
write the letter of the drawing which shows the organ system.

le tte r o f th e d r a w in g o f
n a m e o f o rg a n s y s te m th e o rg a n s y s te m

c ir c u la t o r y s y s te m

d ig e s t iv e s y s t e m

r e p r o d u c t iv e s y s te m

r e s p ir a to r y s y s te m

s k e le to n

5 marks

(b) Which one of these organ systems is completely different in a man

and a woman?

1 mark

Maximum 6 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 32

Level 5

18. The diagram shows a section through the female reproductive system.
o v id u c t
( f a llo p ia n t u b e )

u te r u s
o v a ry

c e rv ix

v a g in a

(a) (i) What happens at fertilisation?


1 mark

(ii) In which labelled part of the female reproductive system does

fertilisation normally take place?

1 mark

(iii) In which labelled part of the female reproductive system does the
foetus develop?

1 mark

(b) Some women have blocked oviducts.

How do blocked oviducts prevent fertilisation taking place?


1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 33

(c) When a baby is born it is pushed out of the mother's body.
Describe what happens in the wall of the uterus to push the baby out.


1 mark
Maximum 5 marks
Level 6

19. The diagram below shows six cells.

(a) (i) Give the letters of the two plant cells in the diagrams.

............... and ...............

1 mark

(ii) Which one of these plant cells contains chloroplasts?

Give the letter.

1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 34

(iii) Give the function (job) of chloroplasts.


1 mark
(b) (i) Give the letter of the ciliated cell.

1 mark

(ii) In which part of the body are ciliated cells found?

1 mark

(iii) What is the function (job) of ciliated cells in this part of the body?


1 mark

(c) Give the letter of the cell which transfers genetic information from father to

1 mark

maximum 7 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 35

Level 7
(a) The diagrams below represent what happens at fertilisation and after
fertilisation has taken place.

s t a g e 1

s t a g e 2

s t a g e 3

not to scale

(i) Some women find it difficult to become pregnant. Doctors have

developed a technique in which an ovum is fertilised in a test-tube. An
embryo is then implanted into the woman’s reproductive system.

Which stage in part (b) shows an embryo and which stage shows a

embryo ...........................................................

foetus .............................................................
1 mark

(ii) Into which part of the woman’s reproductive system is the embryo

1 mark

(b) (i) Explain why a child can look like both parents but is not
identical to either of the parents.




2 marks
Islington Arts and Media School 36
(ii) In the table below, tick one box by each human characteristic to show
whether it is:

• inherited only
• inherited and affected by environmental conditions.

human inherited and affected

characteristic inherited only by environmental

eye colour

skin colour


1 mark
maximum 7 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 37

Electromancer Test Questions

Level 3

21. (a) The drawing below shows the parts of a torch.

s w i t c h
c o n t a c t
s w it c h
b u lb

s w i t c h
c o n t a c t

+ –
b a t t e r y

p l a s t i c c a
–s e +

(i) Paul closed the switch.

Why did this turn on the torch?


1 mark

(ii) The diagrams below show symbols for a battery, a bulb and a switch.
Connect the symbols to make a series circuit for the torch.

b u l b

b a t t e r y

s w i t c h
1 mark

Islington Arts and Media School 38

(b) The drawings below show two other torches. In both torches, the bulbs will
not light even when Paul closes the switches.

+ – + +
t o r c h A t o r c h B

– + – –

Look carefully at the drawings.

(i) Why is the circuit of torch A not complete?

1 mark
(ii) What could you do to torch B to get the bulb to light?

1 mark

(c) When Paul bought his torch there was a paper strip between the contacts of
the switch as shown below.

+ – p a p e r s t r ip

– +

Paul had to remove the paper strip before he could turn the torch on.
Give the reason for this.


1 mark

maximum 5 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 39

Level 4

22. (a) Ahmed bought two sets of lights to put on a tree in his garden.
Circuit diagrams for the two sets of lights are shown below.

t o m a in s p l u g t o m a in s p l u g

c i r c u i t A c i r c u i t B

Choose words from the list below to fill the gaps in the sentences.

all none some parallel series short

(a) Circuit A is a ........................................ circuit.

If one of the bulbs breaks in circuit A ........................................ of the

other bulbs will go out.

1 mark

(b) Circuit B is a ........................................ circuit.

If one of the bulbs breaks in circuit B ........................................ of the

other bulbs will go out.

1 mark

maximum 2 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 40

Level 5

23. A circuit is shown below.

s w itc h

b u lb X b u lb Y

(a) The switch is open. Steven connects point A to point B with a piece of
copper wire.

Which bulbs, if any, light up?

1 mark
(b) Steven removes the copper wire and uses it to connect point C to point D.

The switch is still open.

Which bulbs, if any, light up?

1 mark

(c) Steven removes the copper wire and closes the switch. Both bulbs light up, but
not very brightly.
He then uses the copper wire to connect point B to point C.

c lo s e d
s w it c h

w ir e

C b u lb X B b u lb Y

Choose from the following words to answer the questions below.

gets brighter stays the same goes out

(i) What happens to bulb X? …………………………………..

1 mark

(ii) What happens to bulb Y? …………………………………..

1 mark
Islington Arts and Media School 41
(d) Steven removes the copper wire. The switch is still closed. Both bulbs light up,
but not very brightly. He then uses the copper wire to connect point A to point

c lo s e d
s w it c h
w ir e

b u lb X b u lb Y

Choose from the following words to answer the questions below.

gets brighter stays the same gets dimmer goes out

(i) What happens to bulb X? …………………………………………

1 mark

(ii) What happens to bulb Y? …………………………………………

1 mark
Maximum 6 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 42

Level 6

24. Alex makes an electromagnet.

She winds insulated wire around an iron nail.
She connects the wire to a power supply.
She uses the electromagnet to pick up some steel paper-clips.

This is her prediction.

The more turns of wire around the iron nail the stronger
the electromagnet becomes.

(a) (i) Give the one factor she should change as she investigates her


1 mark

(ii) Give one factor she should keep the same.


1 mark

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(iii) Describe how she could use the paper-clips to measure the
strength of the electromagnet.


1 mark

(b) Alex wrote a report of her investigation.

What would an odd result suggest?


1 mark

(c) (i) Which size paper-clips would Alex use to make her results
Tick the correct box.

1 mark

(ii) Give a reason for your choice.



1 mark

maximum 6 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 44

Level 7

25. The diagram shows a rectangular coil and circuit. It has two iron rods in it.
The rods are parallel and touching. They are free to move.

(a) When the switch is closed, the two rods move apart.

Explain why this happens.




2 marks

(b) The switch is then opened to break the circuit. What, if anything,
happens to the two iron rods?


1 mark

Maximum 3 marks

Islington Arts and Media School 45

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