Finals: Anatomy and Physiology Lecture: M4: L1. Hematopoeisis Hemopoietic Growth Factors

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M4: L1. Hematopoeisis Hemopoietic Growth Factors

The lifespan of the formed elements is very Development from stem cells to precursor cells
brief. Although one type of leukocyte called to mature cells is again initiated by hemopoietic
memory cells can survive for years, most growth factors. These include the following:
erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets normally
live only a few hours to a few weeks. Thus, the  Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein
body must form new blood cells and platelets hormone secreted by the interstitial
quickly and continuously. When you donate a fibroblast cells of the kidneys in
unit of blood during a blood drive response to low oxygen levels. It
(approximately 475 mL, or about 1 pint), your prompts the production of erythrocytes.
body typically replaces the donated plasma Some athletes use synthetic EPO as a
within 24 hours, but it takes about 4 to 6 weeks performance-enhancing drug (called
to replace the blood cells. This restricts the blood doping) to increase RBC counts
frequency with which donors can contribute and subsequently increase oxygen
their blood. The process by which this delivery to tissues throughout the body.
replacement occurs is called hemopoiesis, EPO is a banned substance in most
or hematopoiesis (from the Greek root haima- = organized sports, but it is also used
“blood”; -poiesis = “production”). remedically in the treatment of certain
anemia, specifically those triggered by
Sites of Hemopoiesis certain types of cancer, and other
disorders in which increased erythrocyte
Prior to birth, hemopoietic occurs in a number of counts and oxygen levels are desirable.
tissues, beginning with the yolk sac of the
 Thrombopoietin, another glycoprotein
developing embryo, and continuing in the fetal
hormone, is produced by the liver and
liver, spleen, lymphatic tissue, and eventually
kidneys. It triggers the development of
the red bone marrow. Following birth, most
megakaryocytes into platelets.
hemopoiesis occurs in the red marrow, a
 Cytokines are glycoproteins secreted by
connective tissue within the spaces of spongy
a wide variety of cells, including red
(cancellous) bone tissue. In children,
bone marrow, leukocytes, macrophages,
hemopoiesis can occur in the medullary cavity
fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. They
of long bones; in adults, the process is largely
act locally as autocrine or paracrine
restricted to the cranial and pelvic bones, the
factors, stimulating the proliferation of
vertebrae, the sternum, and the proximal
progenitor cells and helping to stimulate
epiphyses of the femur and humerus.
both nonspecific and specific resistance
Throughout adulthood, the liver and spleen to disease. There are two major subtypes
maintain their ability to generate the formed of cytokines known as colony-
elements. This process is referred to as stimulating factors and interleukins.
extramedullary hemopoiesis (meaning o Colony-stimulating
hemopoiesis outside the medullary cavity of factors (CSFs) are glycoproteins
adult bones). When a disease such as bone that act locally, as autocrine or
cancer destroys the bone marrow, causing paracrine factors. Some trigger
hemopoiesis to fail, extramedullary hemopoiesis the differentiation of
may be initiated. myeloblasts into granular
leukocytes, namely, neutrophils,
eosinophils, and basophils. Hemostasis is the process by which the body
These are referred to as seals a damaged blood vessel and prevents
granulocyte CSFs. A different further loss of blood. 
CSF induces the production of
monocytes, called monocyte  An injury to a blood vessel initiates the process
CSFs. Both granulocytes and of hemostasis. Blood clotting involves three
monocytes are stimulated by steps. First, vascular spasm constricts the flow
GM-CSF; granulocytes, of blood. Next, a platelet plug forms to
monocytes, platelets, and temporarily seal small openings in the vessel.
erythrocytes are stimulated by Coagulation then enables the repair of the vessel
multi-CSF. Synthetic forms of wall once the leakage of blood has stopped. The
these hormones are often synthesis of fibrin in blood clots involves either
administered to patients with an intrinsic pathway or an extrinsic pathway,
various forms of cancer who are both of which lead to a common pathway.
receiving chemotherapy to Functions of the Heart
revive their WBC counts.
The heart is a muscular organ that is responsible
Interleukins are another class of cytokine for circulating blood in the body. Its contraction
signaling molecules important in hemopoiesis. creates the pressure that ejects blood into the
They were initially thought to be secreted major blood vessels (aorta and pulmonary trunk)
uniquely by leukocytes and to communicate and eventually to the remainder of the body.
only with other leukocytes, and were named
accordingly, but are now known to be produced Its functions (VanPutte, Rega, Russo, 2019)
by a variety of cells including bone marrow and includes:
endothelium. Researchers now suspect that
interleukins may play other roles in body  Generating blood pressure. Blood
functioning, including differentiation and pressure is required for blood flow
maturation of cells, producing immunity and through the blood vessels
inflammation. To date, more than a dozen  Routing blood. Heart moves blood
interleukins have been identified, with others through the pulmonary and systemic
likely to follow. They are generally numbered circulations
IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, etc.  Ensuring one-way blood flow. Valves of
the heart ensure a one-way flow of
When a blood vessel is damaged, blood can leak blood through the heart and  blood
into other tissues and interfere with normal vessels
tissue function, or blood can be lost from the  Regulating blood supply. Heart adjusts
body. The body can tolerate a small amount of blood flow by changing the rate and
blood loss and can produce new blood to replace force of heart contractions as needed.
it. But a large amount of blood loss can lead to
death. Fortunately, when a blood vessel is II. Cardiac cycle - refers to the repetitive
damaged, blood loss is minimized by three contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers.
processes:  (1) vascular spasm; (2) platelet plug These chambers act as pumps. The atrium is
formation; and (3) blood clotting. considered as the primer pump because they fill
the ventricles with blood while the ventricles act
as the power pump because their contraction
forces blood to flow through the pulmonary and  Heart rate (HR) is the number of times
systemic circulation. the heart contracts each minute.

 Cardiac cycle consists of systole and The mechanisms that modify the stroke volume
diastole: and heart rate are classified
 Atrial systole is contraction of the atria as intrinsic and extrinsic.
 Systole is contraction of the ventricles
 Intrinsic regulations involve
 Atrial diastole is relaxation of the atria
mechanisms contained in the heart
 Diastole is relaxation of the ventricles
Heart sounds  Extrinsic regulation refers to
mechanisms outside of the heart. 
There are two main heart sounds. The first heart
sound is represented by the syllable lubb, while Blood is carried through the body via blood
the second heart sound is represented by dupp vessels. An artery is a blood vessel that carries
blood away from the heart, where it branches
 First sound occurs at the beginning of into ever-smaller vessels. Eventually, the
ventricular systole as Atrioventricular smallest arteries, vessels called arterioles,
(AV) valves close further branch into tiny capillaries, where
 Second sound occurs when semilunar nutrients and wastes are exchanged, and then
valves close at the beginning of combine with other vessels that exit capillaries
ventricular diastole. to form venules, small blood vessels that carry
blood to a vein, a larger blood vessel that returns
Among people with incompetent heart valve, a blood to the heart.
valve does not close completely. This allows the
blood to leak when the valve is supposed to be  Arteries and veins transport blood in two
closed. This causes blood to flow in the reverse distinct circuits: the systemic circuit and
direction. For example, if the tricuspid valve (an the pulmonary circuit
AV valve) is incompetent, it will allow blood to
flow from the right ventricle to the right atrium. Systemic arteries provide blood rich in oxygen
The blood leaks through the incompetent valve to the body’s tissues. The blood returned to the
making a swishing (represented by shhh) sound heart through systemic veins has less oxygen,
immediately after the first heart sound. These since much of the oxygen carried by the arteries
faulty valves causes an abnormal heart sound has been delivered to the cells.
called murmurs.
In the pulmonary circuit, arteries carry blood
Heart function may be assessed through low in oxygen exclusively to the lungs for gas
various measurements. exchange.

 Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of Pulmonary veins then return freshly oxygenated
blood pumped by each ventricle of the blood from the lungs to the heart to be pumped
heart per minute. back out into systemic circulation. Although
arteries and veins differ structurally and
 Stroke volume (SV) is the volume of
functionally, they share certain features.
blood pumped by each ventricle per
contraction. Blood Flow, Blood Pressure, and Resistance
Blood flow refers to the movement of blood The lymphatic system is important for the
through a vessel, tissue, or organ, and is usually protection of the body, but in addition to that,
expressed in terms of volume of blood per unit this system carries out the following functions:
of time. It is initiated by the contraction of the
ventricles of the heart. Ventricular contraction I. Components of the Lymphatic System
ejects blood into the major arteries, resulting in The lymphatic system consists of a fluid
flow from regions of higher pressure to regions (lymph), vessels that transport the lymph, and
of lower pressure, as blood encounters smaller organs that contain lymphoid tissue.
arteries and arterioles, then capillaries, then the
venules and veins of the venous system.  Lymph
Lymph is a fluid similar in composition to blood
Homeostatic Regulation of the Vascular plasma. It is derived from blood plasma as fluids
System pass through capillary walls at the arterial end.
In order to maintain homeostasis in the As the interstitial fluid begins to accumulate, it
cardiovascular system and provide adequate is picked up and removed by tiny lymphatic
blood to the tissues, blood flow must be vessels and returned to the blood. As soon as the
redirected continually to the tissues as they interstitial fluid enters the lymph capillaries, it is
become more active. In a very real sense, the called lymph. Returning the fluid to the blood
cardiovascular system engages in resource prevents edema and helps to maintain normal
allocation, because there is not enough blood blood volume and pressure.
flow to distribute blood equally to all tissues LymphaticVessels
simultaneously. For example, when an Lymphatic vessels, unlike blood vessels, only
individual is exercising, more blood will be carry fluid away from the tissues. The smallest
directed to skeletal muscles, the heart, and the lymphatic vessels are the lymph capillaries,
lungs. Following a meal, more blood is directed which begin in the tissue spaces as blind-ended
to the digestive system. Only the brain receives sacs. Lymph capillaries are found in all regions
a more or less constant supply of blood whether of the body except the bone marrow, central
you are active, resting, thinking, or engaged in nervous system, and tissues, such as the
any other activity. epidermis, that lack blood vessels. The wall of
ONE OF THE BASIC TENETS OF LIFE IS the lymph capillary is composed of endothelium
THAT ORGANISMS CONSUME OR USE in which the simple squamous cells overlap to
OTHER ORGANISMS IN ORDER TO form a simple one-way valve. This arrangement
SURVIVE.  permits fluid to enter the capillary but prevents
lymph from leaving the vessel.
Some microorganisms, such as certain bacteria
or viruses, use humans as a source of nutrients LymphaticOrgans
and as an environment where they can survive Lymphatic organs are characterized by clusters
and reproduce. As a result, some of these of lymphocytes and other cells, such as
microorganisms can damage the body, causing macrophages, enmeshed in a framework of
diseases or even death. Any substance or short, branching connective tissue fibers. The
microorganism that cause diseases or damage to lymphocytes originate in the red bone marrow
the tissue of the body is considered with other types of blood cells and are carried in
as pathogen. Not surprisingly, the body has the blood from the bone marrow to the
ways to resist or destroy pathogens. lymphatic organs. When the body is exposed to
microorganisms and other foreign substances, 2. Lymph Organs Filter Unwanted
the lymphocytes proliferate within the lymphatic Substances Out of the Bloodstream
organs and are sent in the blood to the site of the and Body Tissues 
invasion. This is part of the immune response
that attempts to destroy the invading agent. Lymph derives from interstitial fluid that
surrounds the cells of body tissues. This
The lymphatic organs include: interstitial fluid comes from the bloodstream, as
capillaries exchange substances with tissue cells
 Lymph Nodes and fluid leaves the capillaries. Much of the
 Tonsils fluid reenters the capillaries directly. The rest
 Spleen moves into lymphatic capillaries and vessels as
 Thymus lymph. Lymph is clear and colorless and
contains white blood cells. The white blood cells
THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM INCLUDES A can destroy pathogens and remove some
NETWORKS OF VESSELS, DUCTS, AND unwanted substances from the interstitial fluid as
NODES, AS WELL AS ORGANS AND it flows toward lymphatic tissues and lymph
DIFFUSE TISSUE THAT SUPPORT THE nodes. Here, concentrations of white blood cells
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. called lymphocytes are added. Lymphocytes
These structures help to filter harmful fight bacteria and other pathogens before the
substances from the bloodstream. Organs of the lymph flows back into the bloodstream.
lymphatic system, such as the spleen, thymus, 3. Pathogens Are Destroyed Inside the
and tonsils, house specialized cells that destroy Lymph Nodes
the harmful pathogens.
Substances are exchanged between the
1. The Lymphatic System Consists of bloodstream and body cells through interstitial
Two Main Parts: The Vessel Network fluid. Part of this fluid enters the lymphatic
and the Nodes and Organs vessel network as lymph and travels toward the
Lymphatic vessels and ducts provide the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are bean-shaped
complex transportation network of the lymphatic structures that help filter unwanted substances
system. These vessels carry a fluid from lymph. They contain a high concentration
called lymph away from body tissues and of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that
capillary beds to be filtered by nodes and proliferates in the lymphatic system to combat
organs, then returned to the bloodstream. The pathogens. Groups of lymph nodes sit where the
lymph nodes and lymphatic organs provide the head and limbs meet the torso—at the axilla
key functional sites of the lymphatic (armpit), groin, and neck—and in the intestinal
system. The lymphatic organs, including the region. During an infection, inflamed lymph
thymus and spleen, and diffuse tissues contain nodes can sometimes be felt in these areas.
lymphocytes and other defense cells produced 4. Lymph Travels Throughout the Body
by the bone marrow. The lymph nodes are Before It Returns to the Bloodstream
interspersed along the vessel network and filter
lymph. Node lymphocytes can enter the lymph Lymph originates from interstitial fluid that is
vessels in order to eliminate pathogens. formed where capillaries and body tissues
exchange fluid and other substances. The lymph
drains into lymphatic capillaries. The lymphatic
capillaries conduct the fluid into larger body, where pathogens may try to enter. The
lymphatic vessels, which carry it toward lymph primary barrier to the entrance of
nodes and lymphoid organs. The nodes and microorganisms into the body is the skin. Not
organs filter the lymph and eliminate harmful only is the skin covered with a layer of dead,
substances. Filtered lymph then moves toward keratinized epithelium that is too dry for bacteria
major lymphatic ducts—namely, the thoracic in which to grow, but as these cells are
duct and right lymphatic duct, located at the continuously sloughed off from the skin, they
junction between the subclavian and internal carry bacteria and other pathogens with them.
jugular veins. These ducts empty the filtered Additionally, sweat and other skin secretions
lymph into the veins to rejoin the bloodstream. may lower pH, contain toxic lipids, and
physically wash microbes away.
Immunity is the ability to resist damage from
pathogens, such as microorganisms; harmful Cells of the Innate Immune Response
chemicals, such as toxins released by
microorganisms; and internal threats, such as Many of the cells of the immune system have a
cancer cells.  phagocytic ability, at least at some point during
their life cycles. Phagocytosis is an important
The immune system is a collection of barriers, and effective mechanism of destroying
cells, and soluble proteins that interact and pathogens during innate immune responses. The
communicate with each other in extraordinarily phagocyte takes the organism inside itself as a
complex ways. The modern model of immune phagosome, which subsequently fuses with a
function is organized into three phases based on lysosome and its digestive enzymes, effectively
the timing of their effects. The three temporal killing many pathogens. On the other hand,
phases consist of the following: some bacteria including Mycobacteria
tuberculosis, the cause of tuberculosis, may be
Barrier defenses such as the skin and mucous resistant to these enzymes and are therefore
membranes, which act instantaneously to much more difficult to clear from the body.
prevent pathogenic invasion into the body Macrophages, neutrophils, and dendritic cells
tissues are the major phagocytes of the immune system.
The rapid but nonspecific innate immune 2. The Adaptive Immune Response: T
response, which consists of a variety of lymphocytes and Their Functional Types
specialized cells and soluble factors
The ability of the adaptive immune response to
The slower but more specific and specifically recognize and make a response
effective adaptive immune response, which against a wide variety of pathogens—is its great
involves many cell types and soluble factors, but strength. Antigens, the small chemical groups
is primarily controlled by white blood cells often associated with pathogens, are recognized
(leukocytes) known as lymphocytes, which help by receptors on the surface of B and T
control immune responses lymphocytes. The adaptive immune response to
these antigens is so versatile that it can respond
1. Barrier Defenses and the Innate Immune
to nearly any pathogen. This increase in
specificity comes because the adaptive immune
The different modes of barrier defenses are response has a unique way to develop as many
associated with the external surfaces of the as 1011, or 100 trillion, different receptors to
recognize nearly every conceivable pathogen.
Primary Disease and Immunological Memory they not only control a multitude of immune
responses directly, but also control B cell
The immune system’s first exposure to a immune responses in many cases as well. Thus,
pathogen is called a primary adaptive response. many of the decisions about how to attack a
Symptoms of a first infection, called primary pathogen are made at the T cell level, and
disease, are always relatively severe because it knowledge of their functional types is crucial to
takes time for an initial adaptive immune understanding the functioning and regulation of
response to a pathogen to become adaptive immune responses as a whole.
effective.Upon re-exposure to the same
pathogen, a secondary adaptive immune T Cells
response is generated, which is stronger and
faster that the primary response. The secondary The T cell, on the other hand, does not secrete
adaptive response often eliminates a pathogen antibody but performs a variety of functions in
before it can cause significant tissue damage or the adaptive immune response. Different T cell
any symptoms. Without symptoms, there is no types have the ability to either secrete soluble
disease, and the individual is not even aware of factors that communicate with other cells of the
the infection. This secondary response is the adaptive immune response or destroy cells
basis of immunological memory, which protects infected with intracellular pathogens. 
us from getting diseases repeatedly from the Antigens
same pathogen. By this mechanism, an
individual’s exposure to pathogens early in life Antigens on pathogens are usually large and
spares the person from these diseases later in complex, and consist of many antigenic
life. determinants. An antigenic
determinant (epitope) is one of the small regions
Self-Recognition within an antigen to which a receptor can bind,
A third important feature of the adaptive and antigenic determinants are limited by the
immune response is its ability to distinguish size of the receptor itself. Our immune system is
between self-antigens, those that are normally essential for our survival. Without an immune
present in the body, and foreign antigens, those system, our bodies would be open to attack from
that might be on a potential pathogen. As T and bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. It is our
B cells mature, there are mechanisms in place immune system that keeps us healthy as we drift
that prevent them from recognizing self-antigen, through a sea of pathogens. 
preventing a damaging immune response against B Cells
the body. These mechanisms are not 100 percent
effective, however, and their breakdown leads to B cells are immune cells that function primarily
autoimmune diseases, which will be discussed by producing antibodies. An antibody is any of
later in this chapter. the group of proteins that binds specifically to
pathogen-associated molecules known as
antigens. An antigen is a chemical structure on
T Cell-Mediated Immune Responses the surface of a pathogen that binds to T or B
lymphocyte antigen receptors. Once activated by
The primary cells that control the adaptive binding to antigen, B cells differentiate into cells
immune response are the lymphocytes, the T and that secrete a soluble form of their surface
B cells. T cells are particularly important, as
antibodies. These activated B cells are known as The respiratory system as mentioned is similar
plasma cells. to the digestive system, organs are mostly
passageways. It is divided in to two which is the
Plasma Cells upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory
Another type of lymphocyte of importance is the
plasma cell. A plasma cell is a B cell that has The upper respiratory tract is composed mainly
differentiated in response to antigen binding, of the nose, the nasal cavity and the pharynx.
and has thereby gained the ability to secrete The tract serves as a security measure or serves
soluble antibodies. These cells differ in as the first line of defense for the whole system.
morphology from standard B and T cells in that The air inhaled will pass through the nose and
they contain a large amount of cytoplasm packed nasal cavity, these passages are lined with hair,
with the protein-synthesizing machinery known cilia and mucous to help trap foreign bodies and
as rough endoplasmic reticulum. materials, the air then will be moistened and
warmed so that it is cleansed. The filtered
Natural Killer Cells
foreign materials will be moved into the
A fourth important lymphocyte is the natural pharynx, some being swallowed, sneezed and
killer cell, a participant in the innate immune coughed outside the system.
response. A natural killer cell (NK) is a
The lower respiratory tract is composed mainly
circulating blood cell that contains cytotoxic
by the Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, and Lungs.
(cell-killing) granules in its extensive cytoplasm.
The Lungs is the major respiratory organ and
It shares this mechanism with the cytotoxic T
inside it are smaller branching tubes which are
cells of the adaptive immune response. NK cells
the bronchioles that holds the alveoli as sites of
are among the body’s first lines of defense
gas exchange. For details about the different
against viruses and certain types of cancer.
organs starting for the upper tract. 
*M5: L1: Overview of the Respiratory
*M5: L2. Ventilation and Lung Volumes
It is undeniable that O2 is a very important
molecule in order for us to live. It is mostly part
of the metabolic processes that the body has, and Respiration is the process of supplying O2 into
as an example of that is Cellular Respiration the bloodstream that will then be transported to
which can continue with or without O2 but not the tissues and cells where it is needed. It is also
on longer periods of time. It is the responsibility a process that allows the removal of CO2 as a
of the Respiratory System to supply the body waste product of metabolic processes that occurs
with enough O2, just like the digestive system, in the body. Lesson 2 will discuss topics about
the respiratory system is made up of tracts or the physiology of respiration or the processes
passageways where air rich in O2 passes that includes gas exchange and gas transport.
through. Aside from taking in oxygen, the Basic information such as lung volume and
system is also works in excretion of a metabolic capacities should be learned first and you will
waste which is CO2 and if not, may cause a need to understand first the process of diffusion
serious harm in the body. which was discussed on previous lessons and is
fundamental in learning respiration.
Lung Ventilation or also known as "Breathing"
is the process of acquiring air (Inspiration) as 2.Bound to hemoglobin. Within red blood cells,
well as expelling it from the lungs (Expiration). there are many molecules of hemoglobin (Hb),
Please remember that the lungs has its capacities in which oxygen binds to, creating
for acquiring air as well as expelling it, not all oxyhemoglobin.  The compared to oxygen
air in the lungs are expelled as some retains for molecules dissolved in the blood plasma,
an important and functional reason. The capacity majority of them are still bounded to the Hb.
mentioned is measurable and is measured Oxygen gas is transported through
through volumes (mL). The apparatus used in oxyhemoglobin, otherwise known as the bond
measuring lung volume capacity is the between oxygen and hemoglobin.
"spirometer". This measurement aids in the
assessment of one's health condition.  Carbon Dioxide Transport
1. Dissolved in blood. Much like oxygen, carbon
 LESSON 2.2: GAS EXCHANGE dioxide is also capable of being dissolved in the
blood, but too much carbon dioxide that is
Gas exchanges obeys the law of diffusion, where
dissolved within the blood can cause problems
diffusing substances, the gas, moves from a
by making your blood pH drop - making it
higher concentration toward the area of a lower
acidic. Therefore, only about 7 percent of carbon
concentration. Gas exchange not solely for the
dioxide is dissolved into the blood stream.
movement of Oxygen, it also speaks of the
removal of a waste product which is Carbon
2. Bound to hemoglobin. again, much like
dioxide. Respiration is divided into two: Internal
oxygen, carbon dioxide can also bind to
Respiration and External Respiration. External
hemoglobin in order to travel through the
respiration happens between the alveoli and the
bloodstream. Carbon dioxide binds to
blood wherein exchange of gases happens. It is
hemoglobin in the lungs, creating
obvious that the inspired air contains a higher
carbaminohemoglobin, in comparison to oxygen
concentration of Oxygen molecule compared to
which typically binds to hemoglobin in all other
what the blood has after a systemic circulation,
cells of the body. The partial pressure of oxygen
due to all oxygen demands of cells and tissues
is higher than the partial pressure of carbon
(Internal Respiration), and blood carried by
dioxide within the cells of the lungs, causing the
arteries has a higher concentration of carbon
carbon dioxide to diffuse into the lung cells
dioxide compared to oxygen as byproduct of
attempting to make the two sides even. This is
some metabolic processes. 
the exact opposite of what occurs during oxygen
LESSON 2.3: GAS TRANSPORT IN THE binding to hemoglobin.
3. Bicarbonate. Carbon dioxide mixes with
Oxygen Transport water present within the cells. What happens is a
1. Dissolved in blood. Some of the oxygen chemical reaction occurs, and the enzyme
molecule does not need to bind to hemoglobin, it carbonic anhydrase is responsible for joining the
moves through the blood freely with ease. Some two, and carbonic acid is formed as a result.
of the oxygen is dissolved in the blood plasma, This acid does not stay much longer as it would
because plasma is the part of the blood that fills be harmful for the body, but instead it releases a
the spaces between the blood and the platelets. hydrogen ion leaving a product of bicarbonate
Plasma is the true liquid form of the blood that (HCO3-) which acts as a buffer maintaining the
forms the matrix.
optimal pH of the blood. This form of carbon LESSON 4: NUTRITION, METABOLISM,
dioxide is the most common within the body. AND BODY TEMPERATURE
*M5: L5. Digestion
Nutrition is a process where food is taken in and
Digestion is the process of breaking down food used by the body. It includes digestion,
material into absorbable substances as it passes absorption, transport and metabolism. It is also a
the digestive tract. study of food and drink requirements for optimal
growth and body function. It is a way of
Digestion can be Mechanical or Chemical. 
determining which one is good for us and which
Mechanical digestion is purely physical in will be bad especially if taken in too much. 
process altering the physical attributes of the
 Nutrients are chemicals that they body uses as a
food material from large food portion or parts to
source of energy or a building block for making
smaller food particles increasing surface area
new molecules that will be functional in the
and mobility throughout the tract.  Mastication
body - could be a new protein that will replace
also known as chewing including the tongue
worn out or damaged ones. Some of this
movement is a mechanical digestion where in
nutrients can be manufactured by the body, but
food is masticated in the mouth turning larger
there are certain types of nutrients that the body
food particles into smaller one before being
cannot produce and that is a reason for us to take
transported along the tract. It is also a process of
up food. These are called Essential Nutrients.
mixing food with saliva.  It also happens in the
stomach wherein more changes in form occur  Metabolism are complex processes that the
due to the mixing process happening there. body needs to undergo in order to supply its
needs - this means that some are used up, like
Chemical digestion however is the breakdown of
energy, or some needs replacement due to
food molecules, from complex to their simplest
damage and some are stored as back up,
form that can be absorbed by the body,
especially when sources becomes scarce. This
specifically in the intestines. Digestion happens
only proves that this body is very efficient and
with the presence of secretions along the tract -
that nothing is being wasted.
most are enzymatic in nature. 
*M5: L7. Overview of Urinary System
For you to better understand the topic you need
to watch an animated video, explaining the LESSON 1: OVERVIEW OF THE
process of digestion as well as the movement of URINARY SYSTEM
food inside the digestive tract.
The main goal of the urinary system is to filter
LESSON 3: ABSORPTION AND the blood and eventually get rid of the wastes
TRANSPORT filtered. Aside from being a filter the urinary
system also plays an important role in the
After food materials are completely digested
following: regulation of blood pH, regulation of
into their simplest absorbable form which are
blood pressure, regulation of red blood cell
your macromolecules known as Carbohydrates,
production, and vitamin D synthesis. These are
Proteins, and Lipids. They are  absorbed from
numbers of important function that the urinary
the lumen and will be transported into the blood
needs to perform in order to attain homeostasis
vessels, for the saccharides and amino acids, or
and what we mean by important is that these
the lymphatic vessel, for the lipids.
processes are vital. Changes in the system, may membrane. This glomerular filtration begins the
put one's life quality at risk. urine formation process.

 The urinary system is made up of a pair of 2. Tubular Reabsorption

Kidney, Ureters, Urinary bladder, and Urethra.
The kidneys containing the nephrons is the The resulting filtrate contains waste, but also
major organ used for filtering wastes from the other substances the body needs: essential ions,
blood, and the others are mostly tracts or glucose, amino acids, and smaller proteins.
bladders that will then act as passageways of When the filtrate exits the glomerulus, it flows
excretion and the main waste product from the into a duct in the nephron called the renal tubule.
system is the urine. In this module, you will As it moves, the needed substances and some
learn the different organs of the system as well water are reabsorbed through the tube wall into
as their function. You will then understand how adjacent capillaries. This reabsorption of vital
crucial the function of the system in maintaining nutrients from the filtrate is the second step in
homeostasis in the body. urine creation.

LESSON 2 - MECHANISM OF URINE 3. Tubular Secretion

PRODUCTION The filtrate absorbed in the glomerulus flows
Urine production includes three steps: Filtration, through the renal tubule, where nutrients and
Reabsorption, and Secretion. Urine is the final water are reabsorbed into capillaries. At the
product which is a collection of waste products same time, waste ions and hydrogen ions pass
that comes from the different tissues of the from the capillaries into the renal tubule. This
body, that is being collected by the blood and process is called secretion. The secreted ions
will then pass through the kidneys for collecting combine with the remaining filtrate and become
this wastes material and will then eventually be urine. The urine flows out of the nephron tubule
excreted from the body. In the medical field, into a collecting duct. It passes out of the kidney
urine content is being checked and tested for through the renal pelvis, into the ureter, and
diagnosing a possible health condition. The down to the bladder.
process wherein urine is assessed is called Urine content
Urine is about 95% water and 5% waste
Below are the steps for urine formation: products. Nitrogenous wastes excreted in urine
1. Glomelular Filtration include urea, creatinine, ammonia, and uric acid.
Ions such as sodium, potassium, hydrogen, and
Each kidney contains over 1 million tiny calcium are also excreted.
structures called nephrons. Each nephron has
a glomerulus, the site of blood filtration. The
glomerulus is a network of capillaries
surrounded by a cuplike structure, the
glomerular capsule (or Bowman’s capsule). As
blood flows through the glomerulus, blood
pressure pushes water and solutes from the LESSON 3: REGULATION OF
capillaries into the capsule through a filtration EXTRACELLULAR FLUID PRODUCTION
Homeostasis requires that the intake of Male Reproductive System
substances equals their elimination. Needed
water and ions enter the body by ingestion; The function of the male reproductive system is
excess water and ions exit the body by excretion. to produce sperm and transfer them to the
The amounts of water and ions entering and female reproductive tract.
leaving the body can vary over the short term. The paired testes are a crucial component in this
For example, greater quantities of water and ions process, as they produce both sperm and
are lost in the form of perspiration on warm days androgens.
than on cool days, and varying amounts of water
and ions may be lost in the form of feces. Several accessory organs and ducts aid the
However, over a long period, the total amount of process of sperm maturation and transport the
water and ions in the body does not change sperm and other seminal components to the
unless the individual is growing, gaining weight, penis, which delivers sperm to the female
or losing weight. Regulating the amounts of reproductive tract. 
water and ions in the body involves the
coordinated participation of several organ The structures of the male reproductive system
systems, but the kidneys are the most important, include the testes, the epididymides, the penis,
with the skin, liver, and digestive tract playing and the ducts and glands that produce and carry
supporting roles. Two mechanisms help regulate semen.
the levels of ions in the extracellular fluid: thirst
 Female reproductive system
regulation and ion concentration regulation.
The female reproductive system functions to
produce gametes and reproductive hormones.
However, it also has the additional task of
Acid-base balance
supporting the developing fetus and delivering it
a state of equilibrium between acidity and alkali to the outside world.
nity of the body fluids. An acid is a substance ca
The female reproductive system is located
pable of giving up a hydrogen ion during a chem
primarily inside the pelvic cavity.
ical exchange, and a base is a substance that can 
accept it. The positively charged hydrogen ion ( The ovaries are the female gonads.
H+) is the active constituent of all acids. Blood's
pH normally 7.35 to 7.45, meaning it is slightly The gamete they produce is called an oocyte. 
alkaline or basic and going higher or lower may
M6: L2. Physiology of Male and Female
already cause some problem (acidosis and
Reproductive systems Part 1
alkalosis). Buffers or chemicals that can resist
change in the pH of a solution even though an 2.1 Production of gametes and their discharge
acid or a base is added, is the main component into the ducts
of the blood in maintaining its pH. The urinary
and respiratory system are the one responsible Unique for its role in human reproduction,
for regulating these chemicals in the blood. a gamete is a specialized sex cell carrying 23
chromosomes—one half the number in body
M6: L1. Overview of Male and Female cells. At fertilization, the chromosomes in one
Reproductive System male gamete, called a sperm (or spermatozoon),
combine with the chromosomes in one female significant quantities, the ovaries, together with
gamete, called an oocyte. some of the follicles within them, begin to grow.

M6: L3. Menstrual and Ovarian Cycles o Primary follicles – follicles wherein
growth of additional layers of granulosa
Female monthly sexual cycle (or menstrual cells occur. The first stage of follicular
cycle) growth is moderate enlargement of the
The normal reproductive years of the female are ovum itself, which increases in diameter
characterized by monthly rhythmical changes in twofold to threefold.
the rates of secretion of the female hormones o Theca – a second mass of cells which
and corresponding physical changes in the came from spindle cells derived from
ovaries and other sexual organs. the ovary interstitium collect in several
layers outside the granulosa cells.
 The duration of the cycle averages 28 days. It
may be as short as 20 days or as long as 45 days Two layers:
in some women, although abnormal cycle length
o Theca interna – the cells take on
is frequently associated with decreased fertility.
epithelioid characteristics similar to
There are two significant results of the female those of the granulosa cells and develop
sexual cycle. the ability to secrete additional steroid
sex hormones (estrogen and
 Only a single ovum is normally released progesterone).
from the ovaries each month, so that o Theca externa – which is the outer layer,
normally only a single fetus will begin develops into a highly vascular
to grow at a time. connective tissue capsule that becomes
 The uterine endometrium is prepared in the capsule of the developing follicle.
advance for implantation of the
fertilized ovum at the required time of The early growth of the primary follicle up to
the month. the antral stage is stimulated mainly by FSH
 Menarche – it is the time of the first alone. Then greatly accelerated growth occurs,
menstrual cycle. leading to larger follicles called vesicular
 The Follicular Phase
This accelerated growth is caused by the
When a female child is born, each ovum is following:
surrounded by a single layer of granulosa cells;
the ovum, with this granulosa cell sheath, is (1) Estrogen is secreted into the follicle and
called a primordial follicle. causes the granulosa cells to form increasing
numbers of FSH receptors; this causes a positive
Oocyte maturation-inhibiting factor – keeps the feedback effect, because it makes the granulosa
ovum suspended in its primordial state in the cells even more sensitive to FSH.
prophase stage of meiotic division.
(2) The pituitary FSH and the estrogens combine
After puberty, when FSH and LH from the to promote LH receptors on the original
anterior pituitary gland begin to be secreted in granulosa cells, thus allowing LH stimulation to
occur in addition to FSH stimulation and
creating an even more rapid increase in follicular follicle. They enlarge in diameter two or more
secretion. times and become filled with lipid inclusions
that give them a yellowish appearance.
(3) The increasing estrogens from the follicle
plus the increasing LH from the anterior Corpus Luteum – secretes estrogen in particular
pituitary gland act together to cause proliferation and progesterone to a lesser extent, during the
of the follicular thecal cells and increase their luteal phase of the ovarian cycle, have strong
secretion as well. feedback effects on the anterior pituitary gland
to maintain low secretory rates of both FSH and
Atresia LH.
After a week or more of growth— but before Corpus luteum begins to involute and eventually
ovulation occurs—one of the follicles begins to loses its secretory function as well as its
outgrow all the others; the remaining 5 to 11 yellowish, lipid characteristic about 12 days
developing follicles involute and these follicles after ovulation, becoming the corpus albicans;
are said to become atretic. during the ensuing few weeks, this is replaced
by connective tissue and over months is
Mature follicle
A single follicle which reaches a diameter of 1
Lutein cells secrete small amounts of the
to 1.5 centimeters at the time of ovulation.
hormone inhibin, this hormone inhibits secretion
 Ovulation by the anterior pituitary gland, especially FSH
secretion. Low blood concentrations of both
Ovulation in a woman who has a normal 28-day FSH and LH result, and loss of these hormones
female sexual cycle occurs 14 days after the finally causes the corpus luteum to degenerate
onset of menstruation. completely, a process called involution of the
corpus luteum.
 Stigma – small area in the center of the
follicular capsule wherein shortly before Final involution normally occurs at the end of
ovulation, this area protrudes like a almost exactly 12 days of corpus luteum life,
nipple. which is around the 26th day of the normal
 Corona radiata – a mass of several female sexual cycle, 2 days before menstruation
thousand small granulosa cells which begins. At this time, the sudden cessation of
surrounds the ovum. secretion of estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin
by the corpus luteum removes the feedback
*Luteinizing Hormone – is necessary for final
inhibition of the anterior pituitary gland,
follicular growth and ovulation. Without this
allowing it to begin secreting increasing
hormone, even when large quantities of FSH are
amounts of FSH and LH again. FSH and LH
available, the follicle will not progress to the
initiate the growth of new follicles, beginning a
stage of ovulation.
new ovarian cycle. The paucity of secretion of
The Luteal Phase progesterone and estrogen at this time also leads
to menstruation by the uterus.
Luteinization – The process wherein the
remaining granulosa and theca interna cells
change rapidly into lutein cells in the first few
hours after expulsion of the ovum from the
About every 28 days, gonadotropic hormones At age 40 to 50 years, the sexual cycle usually
from the anterior pituitary gland cause about 8 to becomes irregular, and ovulation often fails to
12 new follicles to begin to grow in the ovaries. occur. The period during which the cycle ceases
One of these follicles finally becomes “mature” and the female sex hormones diminish to almost
and ovulates on the 14th day of the cycle. none is called menopause.
During growth of the follicles, mainly estrogen
is secreted.  The cause of menopause is “burning out” of the
ovaries. Throughout a woman’s reproductive
After ovulation, the secretory cells of the life, about 400 of the primordial follicles grow
ovulating follicle develop into a corpus luteum into mature follicles and ovulate, and hundreds
that secretes large quantities of both the major of thousands of ova degenerate. At about age 45
female hormones, progesterone and estrogen. years, only a few primordial follicles remain to
After another 2 weeks, the corpus luteum be stimulated by FSH and LH, the production of
degenerates, whereupon the ovarian hormones estrogens by the ovaries decreases as the number
estrogen and progesterone decrease greatly,and of primordial follicles approaches zero. When
menstruation begins. A new ovarian cycle then estrogen production falls below a critical value,
follows. the estrogens can no longer inhibit the
production of the gonadotropins FSH and LH.
M6: L4. Menstrual Phase and Menopause Instead, the gonadotropins FSH and LH (mainly
FSH) are produced after menopause in large and
Menstrual Phase
continuous quantities, but as the remaining
Associated with the monthly cyclical production primordial follicles become atretic, the
of estrogens and progesterone by the ovaries is production of estrogens by the ovaries falls
an endometrial cycle in the lining of the uterus virtually to zero.
that operates through the following stages:
Cardiac Cycle
(1) proliferation of the uterine endometrium
Repetitive contraction and relaxation of the heart
(2) development of secretory changes in the chambers
endometrium o Overview of Systole and Diastole
o Atrial systole is contraction of
(3) desquamation of the endometrium (known as the atria
menstruation) o Systole is contraction of the
 If the ovum is not fertilized, about 2 days before o Atrial diastole is relaxation of
the end of the monthly cycle, the corpus luteum the atria
in the ovary suddenly involutes, and the ovarian o Diastole is relaxation of the
hormones (estrogens and progesterone) decrease
o Overview of Systole and Diastole
to low levels of secretion.
o During systole
Menstruation is caused by the reduction of
 AV valves close
estrogens and progesterone, especially  Pressure increases in the
progesterone, at the end of the monthly ovarian ventricles
cycle.  Semilunar valves are
forced to open
 Blood flows into the – The AV valves
aorta and pulmonary close
trunk – Semilunar
o At the beginning of diastole valves open
 Pressure in the – Blood is ejected
ventricles decreases from the heart
 Semilunar valves close – The volume of blood in a
to prevent backflow of ventricle just before it contracts
blood from the aorta is the end- diastolic volume
and pulmonary trunk – The volume of blood after
into the ventricles contraction is the end- systolic
o When the pressure in the volume
ventricles is lower than in the • Events Occurring During Ventricular
atria, the AV valves open and Diastole
blood flows from the atria into – Ventricular repolarization
the ventricles • Ventricles relax
o During atrial systole, the atria – Blood flowing
contract and complete the filling back toward the
of the ventricles relaxed
closes the
– The AV valves
open and blood
flows into the
• Approximately 70% of
ventricular filling
occurs when blood
flows from the higher
pressure in the veins
and atria to the lower
pressure in the relaxed
• The atria contract and
complete ventricular
• Aortic Pressure Curve
– Contraction of the ventricles
forces blood into the aorta
• The maximum pressure
in the aorta is the
systolic pressure
• Events Occurring During Ventricular – Elastic recoil of the aorta
Systole maintains pressure in the aorta
– Ventricular depolarization – Blood pressure in the aorta falls
• Initiates contraction of as blood flows out of the aorta
the ventricles, which • The minimum pressure
increases ventricular in the aorta is the
pressure diastolic pressure
• Heart sounds (lub-dup) are associated 2. Exchanges nutrients, waste
with closing of heart valves products, and gases with tissues
– First sound occurs as AV valves 3. Helps regulate blood pressure
close and signifies beginning of 4. Directs blood flow to tissues
– Second sound occurs when SL Pulmonary Circulation
valves close at the beginning of • Moves blood to and from the lungs
ventricular diastole • Pulmonary trunk arises from the right
ventricle and divides to form the
pulmonary arteries, which project to the
• From the lungs, four pulmonary veins
return blood to the left atrium

Systemic Circulation: Arteries

Arteries carry blood from the left ventricle of the
heart to all parts of the body

Cardiovascular System:
Blood Vessels and Circulation Aorta
• Leaves the left ventricle to form the
Functions of the Peripheral Circulation – Ascending aorta
• The heart provides the major force that – Aortic arch
causes blood to circulate – Descending aorta
• The peripheral circulation • Consists of the thoracic
1. Carries blood aorta and the abdominal
• Coronary arteries branch from the aorta
and supply the heart

Arteries to the Head and the Neck

• The following arteries branch from the
aortic arch to supply the head and the
upper limbs
– Brachiocephalic
• Divides to form the
right common carotid
and the right subclavian
– Left common carotid
– Left subclavian
• Vertebral arteries
branch from the
subclavian arteries
• The common carotid arteries and the
vertebral arteries supply the head
– The common carotid arteries
divide to form the
• external carotids:
supply the face and
• internal carotids:
supply the brain
– Vertebral arteries join within the
cranial cavity to form the basilar
artery, which supplies the brain
– The internal carotids and basilar
arteries contribute to the
cerebral arterial circle

Arteries of the Upper Limb

• The subclavian artery continues
(without branching) as the axillary
artery and then as the brachial artery.
The brachial artery divides into the
radial and ulnar arteries
– The radial artery supplies the
deep palmar arch
– The ulnar artery supplies the Thoracic Aorta/Branches
superficial palmar arch
• Both arches give rise to • The thoracic aorta has
the digital arteries
– Visceral branches that supply
the thoracic organs

– Parietal branches that supply the

thoracic wall

Abdominal Aorta/Branches

• The abdominal aorta has

– Visceral branches that supply

the abdominal organs

– Parietal branches that supply the

abdominal wall

Branches of the Aorta

• The visceral branches are paired and

– The unpaired arteries supply the Arteries of the Lower Limb
stomach, spleen, and liver
(celiac trunk); the small • The external iliac arteries branch from
intestine and upper part of the the common iliac arteries
large intestine (superior • The external iliac artery continues
mesenteric); and the lower part (without branching) as the femoral
of the large intestine (inferior artery and then as the popliteal artery
– The popliteal artery divides to
– The paired arteries supply the form the anterior and posterior
kidneys, adrenal glands, and tibial arteries
• The posterior tibial
artery gives rise to the
fibular (peroneal) and
plantar arteries

• The plantar arteries

form the plantar arch,
from which the digital
arteries arise

Arteries of the Pelvis

• The common iliac arteries arise from the

abdominal aorta, and the internal iliac
arteries branch from the common iliac

– The visceral branches of the

internal iliac arteries supply the Systemic Circulation: Veins
pelvic organs
• The three major veins returning blood to
– The parietal branches supply the the heart are the
pelvic wall and floor and the
external genitalia – Superior vena cava (head, neck,
thorax, and upper limbs)
– Inferior vena cava ( abdomen, becomes the subclavian vein.
pelvis, and lower limbs) The cephalic vein drains into the
axillary vein
– Coronary sinus (heart)
– The median cubital connects the
• Veins are of three types: basilic and cephalic veins at the
– Superficial veins
Veins of the Thorax
– Deep veins
The left and right brachiocephalic veins and the
– Sinuses
azygos veins return blood to the superior vena
Veins of the Head and Neck cava

• The internal jugular veins drain the Veins of the Abdomen and Pelvis
dural venous sinuses and the veins of the
• Ascending lumbar veins from the
anterior head, face, and neck
abdomen join the azygos and
• The external jugular veins and the hemiazygos veins
vertebral veins drain the posterior head
• Veins from the kidneys, adrenal glands,
and neck
and gonads directly enter the inferior
vena cava

• Veins from the stomach, intestines,

spleen, and pancreas connect with the
hepatic portal vein

– The hepatic portal vein

transports blood to the liver for
processing. Hepatic veins from
the liver join the inferior vena

Veins of the Lower Limb

Veins of the Upper Limb
• The deep veins are the fibular
• The deep veins are the small ulnar and (peroneal), anterior tibial, posterior
radial veins of the forearm, which join tibial, popliteal, femoral, and external
the brachial veins of the arm. The iliac veins
brachial veins drain into the axillary
vein • The superficial veins are the small and
great saphenous veins
• The superficial veins are the basilic,
cephalic, and median cubital

– The basilic vein becomes the

axillary vein, which then
Physiology of Circulation – Viscosity is the resistance of a
liquid to flow. Most of the
• Blood Pressure viscosity of blood results from
red blood cells. The viscosity of
– A measure of the force exerted
blood increases when the
by blood against the blood
hematocrit increases or plasma
vessel wall. Blood moves
volume decreases
through vessels because of
blood pressure • Blood Flow Through the Body
– Can be measured by listening – Mean arterial pressure equals
for Korotkoff sounds produced cardiac output times peripheral
by turbulent flow in arteries as resistance
pressure is released from a
blood pressure cuff – Vasomotor tone is a state of
partial contraction of blood
vessels. Vasoconstriction
increases vasomotor tone and
peripheral resistance, whereas
vasodilation decreases
vasomotor tone and peripheral

– Blood pressure averages 100

mm Hg in the aorta and drops to
0 mm Hg in the right atrium.
The greatest drop occurs in the
arterioles and capillaries

• Pulse Pressure and Vascular


• Blood Flow Through a Blood Vessel – Pulse pressure is the difference

between systolic and diastolic
– The amount of blood that moves pressures. Pulse pressure
through a vessel in a given increases when stroke volume
period. increases or vascular
– Directly proportional to pressure compliance decreases
differences and is inversely – Vascular compliance is a
proportional to resistance measure of the change in
– Resistance is the sum of all the volume of blood vessels
factors that inhibit blood flow. produced by a change in
Resistance increases when pressure
blood vessels become smaller – Pulse pressure waves travel
and viscosity increases through the vascular system
faster than the blood flows. Control of Blood Flow
Pulse pressure can be used to
take the pulse • Blood flow through tissues is highly
controlled and matched closely to the
• Blood Pressure and the Effect of metabolic needs of tissues
• Local Control
– In a standing person, hydrostatic
pressure caused by gravity – The response of vascular
smooth muscle to changes in
• Increases blood tissue gases, nutrients, and
pressure below the heart waste products

• Decreases pressure – If the metabolic activity of a

above the heart tissue increases, the diameter
and number of capillaries in the
• Capillary Exchange and Regulation of tissue increase over time.
Interstitial Fluid Volume
• Nervous and Hormonal Control
– Capillary exchange occurs
through or between endothelial – The sympathetic nervous system
cells (vasomotor center in the
medulla) controls blood vessel
– Diffusion, which includes diameter. Other brain areas can
osmosis, and filtration are the excite or inhibit the vasomotor
primary means of capillary center
– Epinephrine and norepinephrine
– Filtration moves materials out cause vasoconstriction in most
of capillaries and osmosis tissues. Epinephrine causes
moves them into capillaries vasodilation in skeletal and
cardiac muscle
– A net movement of fluid occurs
from the blood into the tissues. – The muscular arteries and
The fluid gained by the tissues arterioles control the delivery of
is removed by the lymphatic blood to tissues
– The veins are a reservoir for

– Venous return to the heart

increases because of the
vasoconstriction of veins, an
increased blood volume, and the
skeletal muscle pump (with
vasoconstriction, heart rate, and
force of contraction (CNS
Regulation of Mean Arterial Pressure ischemic response)
• Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is • Long-Term Regulation of Blood
proportional to cardiac output times Pressure
peripheral resistance
– Through the renin-angiotensin-
– Short-Term Regulation of aldosterone mechanism
Blood Pressure
• Renin is released by the
• Baroreceptors are kidneys in response to
sensory receptors low blood pressure
sensitive to stretch
• Promotes the
– Located in the production of
carotid sinuses angiotensin II, which
and the aortic causes vasoconstriction
arch and an increase in
aldosterone secretion
– The
baroreceptor – Aldosterone
reflex changes helps maintain
peripheral blood volume
resistance, heart by decreasing
rate, and stroke urine
volume in production
response to
changes in – The vasopressin (ADH)
blood pressure mechanism causes ADH release
from the posterior pituitary in
– Epinephrine and norepinephrine response to a substantial
are released from the adrenal decrease in blood pressure
medulla as a result of
sympathetic stimulation. They • ADH causes
increase heart rate, stroke vasoconstriction and
volume, and vasoconstriction helps maintain blood
volume by decreasing
– Peripheral chemoreceptor urine production
reflexes respond to decreased
oxygen, leading to increased – The atrial natriuretic mechanism
vasoconstriction causes atrial natriuretic hormone
release from the cardiac muscle
– Central chemoreceptors respond cells when atrial blood pressure
to high carbon dioxide or low increases. It stimulates an
pH levels in the medulla, increase in urinary production,
leading to increased
causing a decrease in blood • Bowman’s capsule hydrostatic pressure
volume and blood pressure  pressure of filtrate against Bowman’s
capsule wall (CHP)
– The fluid shift mechanism • Bowman’s capsule osmotic pressure 
causes fluid shift, which is a due to the pressure of solutes in the
movement of fluid from the filtrate (COP)
interstitial spaces into capillaries • Net filtration rate  fluid moves from
in response to a decrease in the glomerulus into the capsule
blood pressure to maintain • The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) =
blood volume volume of plasma filtered per unit of
time = 125 ml/min  180 liters per day
Urinary system: Renal function • Filtration fraction =
• GFR/renal plasma flow = 20%
– Regulation of plasma ionic composition
– Regulation of plasma volume Urine Formation: Reabsorption in the
– Regulation of plasma osmolarity Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
– Regulation of plasma hydrogen ion
concentration (pH) • Glucose, amino-acid, sodium will be
– Removal of metabolic wastes and pumped out of the tubules, by active
foreign substances transport (ATP needed)
– Secondary endocrine organ • Chloride will follow sodium into the
peritubular space (accumulation of
positive charges draws chloride out)
Urine Formation • Water will move into the peritubular
space because of osmosis
Renal exchange processes • Some compounds present in high
concentration in the filtrate but low in
– Glomerular filtration – in renal capsule
the blood can move through diffusion
– Reabsorption – in renal tubules
Glucose reabsorption
– Secretion – in renal tubules
• The transporter for glucose on the
basolateral membrane has a limited
Glomerular filtration
capacity to carry glucose back into the
• Plasma is filtered through fenestrated
blood. If blood glucose rises above 180
mg/dl, some of the glucose fails to be
• About 180 liters of plasma are filtered
reabsorbed and remains in the urine 
per day  filtrate
• Filtrate = plasma - proteins
• 70% of sodium and water are
• About 2 liters of urine produced per day
reabsorbed in PCT
• Reabsorption is not regulated
Forces acting on filtration
• Amino-acids, glucose should be 100%
• Glomerular capillary hydrostatic
reabsorbed at the end of the PCT
pressure  due to blood hydrostatic
• The filtrate, at the end of the PCT
pressure against capillary wall (BHP)
should be iso-osmolar to the filtrate at
• Glomerular osmotic pressure due to the
the beginning
presence of solutes (proteins) in the
blood (BOP)
Urine Formation: Reabsorption in the Loop
of Henle
• Characteristics of Loop of Henle:
-- Descending tubule: permeable to water – Binds to receptors in CT
has no sodium pumps – channels open  H2O moves
-- Ascending loop: thick epithelium is – into the IF and blood  low urine
impermeable to water but has many – volume
sodium pumps Regulation of ADH secretion
-- Na+, Cl- and K+ are pumped out into the • The neurosecretory neurons for ADH (in
interstitial fluid  Cl- follows the hypothalamus) are located near the
(electrochemical gradient)  water follows center monitoring blood osmotic
by osmosis = counter-current multiplier pressure
-- formation of an osmotic gradient in the  if BOP ↑ ADH secretion and release ↑ 
renal medulla which is important for water water reabsorption ↑  blood is diluted 
reabsorption in the CT BOP↓ (typical homeostatic regulation)
• Additional filtrate is reabsorbed  If BOP ↓  ADH secretion and release
• The filtrate is concentrated as it travels ↓  H2O reabsorption ↓  BOP ↑ 
through the loop but returns to a urine volume ↑
concentration similar to the other end.  Lack of ADH? Symptoms?
• Reabsorption in this segment is also Sodium regulation
(like PCT) not regulated • Hypernatremia causes water retention
• The longer the loop, the more and high blood pressure
concentrated the filtrate and the • Hyponatremia  hypotension
medullary IF become • Because sodium is tightly linked to BP,
• Importance: the collecting tubule runs BP is regulating sodium movement in
through the hyperosmotic medulla  the tubules
more ability to reabsorb H2O • Recall that BP directly affects GFR 
GFR is sensed by the macula densa of
Urine Formation: Reabsorption in the the Juxta-glomerular Apparatus (JGA)
Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT) • If too low, the juxta-glomerular cells of
– DCT and CT tubular walls are different the JGA secrete renin into the blood
from the PCT and Loop of Henle wall: • As a result, aldosterone will be secreted
 DCT and CT walls have tight by the adrenal cortex  promotes
junctions and the membrane is sodium reabsorption in the DCT and CT.
impermeable to water • Another hormone, Atrial Natriuretic
 the cell membrane has Peptide or ANP promotes sodium
receptors able to bind and dumping by the DCT and CT.
respond to various hormones: Urine Formation: Secretion
ADH, ANP and aldosterone • Secretion: Selective transport of
 The binding of hormones will molecules from the peritubular fluid to
modify the membrane the lumen of the renal tubules
permeability to water and ions • Excretion: Molecules are dumped
DCT outside the tubules
– ADH is low  no binding to receptors • Example of excreted waste products:
 H2O is not reabsorbed urea, excess K+, H+, Ca++
back into Clinical applications
– the blood • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors:
– H2O remains in the renal tubule • Osmotic diuretics:
– high urine volume • Thiazide diuretics
CT • Loop diuretics:
ADH is released by post. Pituitary • K+ sparring diuretics:
Clinical application: the Glomerular Filtration vasodilation of neighboring
Rate vessel
• GFR: important value for estimating the – - myogenic reflex (automatic
kidney function. constriction of smooth muscles
• Calculated by using molecules which lining the wall when the artery
are filtered but not secreted nor is stretched by increased
reabsorbed. pressure
• P X GFR = U X V Micturition
• P = plasma
concentration of A, in • Controlled by the sacral
mg/mL parasympathetic NS
• GFR = glomerular
filtration rate of • Stretch sensors in the bladder wall send
plasma, in mL/min impulses to the sacral spine
• U = urine concentration
of A, in mg/mL •  reflex opening of the urethral
• V = rate of urine smooth muscle
production in, in
mL/min • Impulses also sent to the cortex to
• Solving the equation for notify the brain of the need to urinate
GFR will give:
• GFR = (U X V)/P •  if the moment is OK, the person will
• GFR = (U X V)/P go to the bathroom (hopefully!), and
• Best molecule to use: inulin but not will open the skeletal (voluntary)
occurring naturally in the body
muscle of the urethral sphincter  the
• Second best: creatinine
• Urea: cannot be used since it is both person will be able to urinate
secreted and reabsorbed (why is it so?)
Clinical applications:
Regulation of GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)
• GFR needs to be constant
– Water intake:
• Changes in BHP will affect GFR
- drink
strongly BHP is a function of SBP
- food
• GFR regulation:
- catabolism
- to increase GFR:
– Overall, intake should equal output
**vasoconstrict efferent vessel
– Urine output should be less than water
** vasodilate afferent vessel
intake (drinks)
– Urine is constantly formed at a
• Vasoconstriction of the efferent vessel
minimum rate of about 20-30 ml/h
is under the control of:
• Epinephrine/Norepinephrine from the
ANS Regulation of Fluid Volumes and Electrolyte
• Angiotensin II from the renin-
angiotensin system
• Vasodilation of the afferent vessel is Thirst and Ion Regulation
under the control of:
– paracrines secreted by the Water intake is controlled by neurons in the
macula densa  stimulate hypothalamus, collectively called the thirst
center. When blood becomes more Potassium Balance
concentrated, the thirst center responds by • Regulatory mechanisms keep plasma
initiating the sensation of thirst (figure 18.20). potassium in narrow range
• Aldosterone plays a critical role
When water or another dilute solution is
• Hypokalemia
consumed, the blood becomes less • Muscle weakness and failure of
concentrated and the sensation of thirst respiratory muscles and the
decreases. Similarly, when blood pressure heart
drops, as occurs during shock, the thirst center • Causes low intake, diarrhea,
is activated, and the sensation of thirst is Conn’s disease
triggered. Consumption of water increases the • Hyperkalemia
• Can lead to cardiac arrhythmias
blood volume and allows the blood pressure to
• Causes include kidney disease,
return to its normal value. Other stimuli can diuretics, Addison’s disease
also trigger the sensation of thirst. For example, Factors that influence K+ redistribution
if the mucosa of the mouth becomes dry, the • Insulin (increase cell uptake)
thirst center is activated. Thirst is one of the Diabetic patients have higher K+ after
important means of regulating extracellular meal
fluid volume and concentration. • Insulin injections helps correct
Ion Regulation • Aldosterone (increase excretion)
• Conn’s syndrome (hypokalemia)
Regulating the concentrations of positively • Addison’s disease
charged ions, such as Na+, K+, and Ca2+, in the (hyperkalemia)
• Epinephrine (β2-adrenergic stimulation
body fluids is particularly important. Action
increase cell uptake)
potentials, muscle contraction, and normal cell • β2-receptors blockers (propranolol) can
membrane permeability depend on the cause hyperkalemia (hypertension
maintenance of a narrow range of patients)
concentrations for these ions. Important • Metabolic acidosis (increases
mechanisms control the concentrations of these extracellular K+)
ions in the body. Negatively charged ions, such • Metabolic alkalosis (decreases
extracellular K+)
as Cl−, are secondarily regulated by the
• Mechanism:
mechanisms that con-trol the positively charged • ↑ [H+] inhibits Na+-K+ ATPase
ions. The negatively charged ions are attracted (↓ K+ uptake)
to the positively charged ions; when the • Cell lysis (hyperkalemia)
positively charged ions are transported, the • Severe muscle injury
negatively charged ions move with them. • RBC destruction
• Strenuous exercise
Potassium • K+ release from muscle cells
• Electrical excitability of cells • Can be severe in diabetic or β-
• Major osmotically active solute in cells adrenergic blocker patients
• Acid-base balance • Increased extracellular osmolarity
• The kidneys are the major site in • Cell dehydration concentrates K+ inside
control of potassium balance cells leading to diffusion out
• Also present in diabetes Effect of Aldosterone on K+ Excretion
mellitus • The sharp increase in excretion above
4.1 meq/L due to direct stimulation of
Sites of K+ Reabsorption and Secretion Na+/K+ pump to increase [K+] cell and
• When K+ intake goes up thus increasing diffusion to lumen
filtered load, the amt. reabsorbed • Note: Aldosterone increases
increases but not as much as the amt. basolateral Na+/K+ pump activity and
secreted. luminal border permeability to K+
Mechanism of K+ Secretion Feedback mechanism for control of [K+]p by
• Na+/K+ pump at basolateral membrane Aldosterone
of principal cells pumps K+ into the cell • [K+]p increase causes [aldosterone]p
creating a diffusion gradient to the increase which causes an increase in K+
tubular lumen through special K + excretion which causes [K+]p to return to
channels normal
K+ secretion responsible for variations in • An increase in [K+]p has a direct effect on
excretion levels principal cells and an indirect effect
• Main secretion sites through aldosterone release. Both
• Principal cells (late distal cause increased secretion by the
tubules) principal cells.
• Cortical collecting ducts Increase in distal tubular flow rate
• Secretion and reabsorption • Causes: volume expansion, ↑ Na+
depending on body need intake, diuretics (all stimulate K+
• ↑ intake ↑ secretion (can exceed the secretion)
filtrate) • Mechanism:
• ↓ intake ↓ secretion • ↑K+ in tubular lumen, ↓ K+ driving
K+ secretion by Principal cells force across membrane → ↑ tubular
• Since dietary loads of K+ are mainly flow flushes K+ out
secreted by principal cells, the most Effect of High Na+ Intake on K+ Excretion
important factors causing secretion are: • The increased K+ secretion due to the
• Increased [K+]p increased distal tubular flow rate is
• Increased Aldosterone another example of gradient time
• Increased tubular flow rate transport
• Increase H+ (acidosis) decrease Hypokalemia
K+ secretion • Reabsorption via intercalated cells
Most important mechanism controlling K+ • Secretion stops
levels • H+-K+ ATPase in lumen (minor role
• Three mechanisms: during excretion)
• ↑ Na+-K+ ATPase activity Disturbances in calcium levels
• ↑ K+ gradient from interstitial • Hypocalcemia: ↑ in excitability of nerve
fluid to the interior of the and muscle cells (spastic skeletal muscle
epithelial cells contraction hypocalcemic tetany )
• ↑ aldosterone (via Na+-K+ • Hypercalcemia: depression of
ATPase and ↑ permeability of neuromuscular excitability and cardiac
lumen membrane) arrhythmias
Dietary calcium
• Intake and loss must be balanced
• High excretion via feces (900 mg/day of
1000 mg/day intake)
• 99% stored in bones (reservoir) not convert enough Vitamin D to its
• 1% extracellular fluids and 0.1% active form, and they do not adequately
intracellular fluids excrete phosphorus.
Calcium Absorption • Insoluble calcium phosphate forms in
• Most ingested calcium is lost in feces the body and removes calcium from the
• Absorption controlled to meet daily circulation. Both processes leads to
need of body hypocalcemia and hence secondary
• Amount absorbed is dependent on hyperparathyroidism.
Vitamin D and Parathyroid hormone Control of blood volume and ECF
Control of calcium renal excretion • Effect of blood pressure on Na+ and
• Renal calcium excretion=calcium water excretion! (Most basic and
filtered- calcium reabsorbed powerful)
• 50% undergo filtration • Pressure Natriuresis
• 99% filtered reabsorbed , 1% excreted • Pressure Diuresis
Regulation of phosphate and sulphate • Usually parallel to each other
• Controlled by an overflow mechanism Pressure Natriuresis
• Tmax=0.1mM/min • In acute arterial pressure:
• Below Tmax, all phosphate reabsorbed • 30-50mm Hg changes results 2-
• Above Tmax, excess is excreted 3 fold ↑ Na+ excretion
• Normal diet (milk and meat) contains • Independent of sympathetic
large amounts of phosphate and is nervous system, hormones
excreted in urine (ADH, Angiotensin II or
• Some ions, such as phosphate aldosterone)
ions (PO43−) and sulfate ions(SO42−), are • In chronic arterial pressure:
reabsorbed by active transport in the • Pressure natriuresis greatly
kidneys. Therate of reabsorption is enhanced
slow, so that if the concentration of • Renin suppression (↓
these ions in the filtrate exceeds the Angiotensin II and aldosterone)
nephron’s ability to reabsorb them, the Basic renal-body fluid feedback mechanism
excess is excreted into the urine. As Summary:
long as the concentration of these ions • Prevents continuous accumulation of
is low, nearly all of them are salt and water during increased salt and
reabsorbed by active transport. This water intake
mechanism plays a major role in • Dependent on functional kidney and
regulating the concentration of pressure diuresis
PO43− and SO42− in the body fluids. • Minimal changes in BV, ECF, CO and AP
Role of PTH in phosphate excretion during large salt and water intake
• Promotes bone resorption (↑ ECF Nervous & Hormonal Factors and the Renal-
phosphate) Body Fluid System
• Decreases Tmax in renal tubules (loss • Sympathetic Nervous System (blood
via urine) loss)
• ↑ PTH ↓ tubular phosphate • Arterial baroreceptors
reabsorption ↑ excretion • Low pressure stretch receptors
• Secondary Hyperparathyroidism • Angiotensin II (blood loss)
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism • Aldosterone (blood loss)
• Chronic renal failure is the most • ADH (restricted dietary intake of H 2O)
common causes of secondary • ANP (congestive heart failure)
hyperparathyroidism. Failing kidneys do
Sympathetic Nervous System • ↑ excretion of salt and water
• Decrease in blood volume (compensates excess blood)
(hemorrhage) activates pressure • Excess ANP or absence does not cause
sensitive receptors major changes in BV (because small
• Increase sympathetic stimulus to changes in BP via pressure natriuresis)
• Constriction of renal artery (↓ ACID-BASE BALANCE
GFR) • Normal function of body cells depends
• ↑ tubular reabsorption of salt on regulation of the hydrogen ion (H+)
and water concentration within very narrow limits.
• ↑ renin (↑ angiotensin II and • Acid-Base imbalances are frequently
aldosterone) diagnosed with Arterial Blood Gas.
Angiotensin II Regulation of Acid-Base balance
• Angiotensin II formation directly related • The symbol pH refers to the negative
to sodium and water intake logarithm of the H+ concentration.
• ↑ sodium intake (↓ renin and • A pH of 7.0 is neutral; an acidic solution
angiotensin II) has a pH less than 7.0; and an alkaline
• ↓ sodium and water reabsorption solution has a pH greater than 7.0
• ↑ excretion of sodium and water • Normal serum pH is 7.35-7.45
• The renin-angiotensin system amplifies • Three physiologic systems act
the pressure natriuresis mechanism interdependently to maintain a normal
Aldosterone serum pH
• Net effect to increase sodium and water • Chemical buffering of excess acid or
reabsorption and potassium excretion base by buffer systems in the blood
• ↓ sodium intake ↑ aldosterone plasma and in cells.
• ↑ sodium intake ↓ aldosterone • Excretion of acid by the lungs
• Aid the pressure natriuresis mechanism • Excretion of acid or regeneration of
“Escape” effect during oversecretion of base by the kidneys.
Aldosterone Modulation of serum pH by buffer systems
• Conn’s syndrome • Chemical buffers are solutions that
• Increase in arterial pressure allows resist changes in pH
kidneys to “escape” the initial sodium • A buffer is made up of a weak acid and
and water retention (Via pressure its conjugate base.
natriuresis and diuresis) • The most important extracellular buffer
• Sodium excretion matches intake is the HCO3 −/H2CO3 system, described
Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) by the equation:
• Water retention with normal salt • H+ + HCO3 − ↔H2CO3 ↔ CO2 + H2O
excretion • The organic acids formed during cellular
• 24-48 h without water slight decrease energy metabolism are strong acids.
in ECF volume and AP (with ADH) • Example of buffering reactions
• Without ADH significant decrease in ECF • Strong acid buffered:
volume and AP • HCL + (H2CO3/NaHCO3) → H2CO3 +
• High ADH levels can cause severe NaCl
reduction in extracellular sodium • Strong base buffered:
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) • NaOH + (H2CO3/NaHCO3) →NaHCO3 +
• Released by overstretch of the atria H2O
(excess blood volume) • Proteins such as hemoglobin in RBCs
• ↑ GFR and ↓ sodium reabsorption and albumin in the plasma are
quantitatively the most important occasionally, ingested toxins such as
blood buffers. salicylates, drugs and methanol.
• Negatively charged ions, such as • The kidneys regulate serum pH by
phosphate within body cells and secreting H+ into the urine and by
carbonate within bones, are important regenarating HCO3- for reabsorption in
intracellular buffers. the blood.
• Buffer systems act instantly to minimize URINARY BUFFER SYSTEMS
the impact of adding strong acids or • The three principal buffer systems in
bases to body fluids. renal tubules are the bicarbonate,
• The concentrations of bicarbonate ions ammonia and phosphate (titratable
and of carbonic acid are controlled by acid) systems.
two independent physiological systems. • Bicarbonate buffer
• Carbonic acid concentration is • Ammonia buffer
controlled by the lungs while • Phosphate buffer
bicarbonate ions is through the lungs. Bicarbonate Buffer
Regulation of volatile acids by the lungs • H+ is secreted into the tubular lumen by
• Volatile acids are acids that can be tubular cells in countertransport with
converted to gases. sodium.
• During normal ventilation (breathing), • The combination of H+ with filtered
the lungs exhale large quantities of bicarbonate regenerates CO2 in a
“potential” acid in the form of CO2 reversal of the hydrolysis reaction.
• CO2 diffuses from body cells into the • This CO2 is reabsorbed into tubular
blood, where it may combine with cells, where hydrolysis proceeds.
water to form H2CO3 , which then Ammonia Buffer
dissociates into its component ions: H+ • Depends on the generation of ammonia
and HCO3-. This hydrolysis reaction, (NH3) from amino acids in renal tubular
which is reversible, is shown as follows: cells.
• H2O + CO2 ↔H2CO3 ↔ HCO3- + H+ • NH3 diffuses into the tubular lumen,
• The law of mass action states that the where it may combine with secreted H+
rate of a chemical reaction is directly to form ammonium (NH4+)
proportional to the molecular • NH4+ is excreted in the urine in
concentrations of the reacting combination with Cl- from NaCl
substances. Phosphate Buffer
• The rate and direction of the hydrolysis • Results in the formation of weak acids
reaction are determined by (1) the that are excreted in the urine.
addition of substrate or (2) the removal
of end product.
• In the lungs, CO2 diffuses along its
concentration gradient from the plasma
to the alveoli, from which it is exhaled.
Regulation of fixed acids and bicarbonate by
the kidneys
• Fixed acids are acids that cannot be
converted to gases, thus should be
eliminated in the urine.
• These fixed acids include the ff: Sulfuric,
phosphoric, ketones, lactic acid and

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