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Shedding Light On Humanity Search...

And Exposing Corruption Within
Our Leadership

American's Are The Enemy of the

Federal Government According to
FDR's Amendment of the "Trading With
The Enemy Act of 1933"
February 16th, 2018 7:00am
"At the very least it is the most polite communistic regime in the history
of mankind." - Team Law 2006
In 1933, Corporate United States went bankrupt and the States agreed
to support their resolution. In keeping with the bankruptcy, the
Corporate United States Congress amended their "Trading with the
Enemies Act", previously enacted under Woodrow Wilson in 1917, with
their "Emergency War Powers Act", which recognized the people of the
United States of America as enemies of U.S. Inc.
Once an emergency is declared, there is no Constitution.
According to current laws, as found in 12 USC, Section 95(b), everything the President or
the Secretary of the Treasury (controlled by Rothschild Federal Reserve) has done since March 4,
1933 is automatically approved.
Senate Report 93-549 ,written by Congress in 1973, states "Since March the 9th, 1933, the United
States has been in a state of declared national emergency. Under the powers delegated by these
statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize
commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation
and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and... control the
lives of all American citizens"
In 1976, the Emergency War Powers Act was amended with the National Emergencies Act (50
U.S.C. 1601–1651), which rescinded the president's authority under the prior emergencies and
established an expiration period (subject to annual presidential renewal) on future declared
emergencies. This is renewed every term by every President.
This situation has continued absolutely uninterrupted since March 9, 1933. We have been in a
state of declared national emergency for nearly 85 years without knowing it.
The 1933 Emergency War Powers Act amendment set the stage for the Social Security Act of
1935 and the people privately and voluntarily contracting with United States Inc. according with that
Act to operate the trusts the Social Security Administration creates there-under which allows U.S.
Inc. to become the effective owner (as beneficiary of those trusts) of everything exchanged with
and for their Federal Reserve Notes under their bankruptcy.
What this means is that Congress and the States effectively gave U.S. Inc. totalitarian control over,
and ownership of, all business relations and property in the United States of America (U.S. Inc. and
the United States of America are two different entities).
The States supported the bankruptcy by accepting the fiat money system exchanging Federal
Reserve Notes for Federal Reserve Notes with no reserve or backing of gold or silver at all
(Kennedy was trying to get back to the gold standard). The States did not have to accept this
because the Constitution forbids them from making or demanding anything but gold of silver coin
for debts. This is proof that our Constitutional rights are no longer in control of our nation.
It is no doubt to this author that this decision made by the States to comply with the Federal
bankruptcy codes of 1933, which coincidentally created citizens of the United States of America as
enemies of U.S. Inc. (the federal government), was a result of coercion, bribery, total corruption.
We the citizens of U.S. Inc are in a binding contract with U.S. Inc. We are in essence slaves, not a
sovereign people. They own us outright. We are their assets and they depend on us to deliver the
goods in the form of trading labor for fiat currency better known as Federal Reserve Notes. As the
law is written, anything bought or traded for, with the FRN, is legal property of the federal
government of U.S. Inc..
"America’s judiciary are smaller corporate branches called courts. The judges are actually business
administrators called judges and all of America’s laws are civil corporate regulations called
statutes. People are treated as corporations in these courts and these so called bastions of justice
are all about commerce and fraud!" - Retired Federal Judge "Dale"
There is hope however. In their infinite wisdom, as the code is written, there is a reservation for the
people the ability to restore our actual government if we become competent to do so. Otherwise, it
also allows people the appearance of freedom even though the environment they develop using
the Social Security number actually belongs to their covert controllers (corporate socialist
government, federal government of U.S. Inc.).
Another interesting note. The system allows anyone knowing the law to easily maintain their private
sovereign control of their private relationships and still allows them to limitedly control Corporate
United States.
Reader, always remember this, the federal government of U.S. Inc. creates the problem, blow it out
of proportion in their controlled macro media (CNN, ABC, NBC, etc), and then provides a remedy
that only they can control.
Sound like Big Pharma? Same shit, different day. It's everywhere. It's every branch of our
Open the link and read the Senate Report 93-549 that is still in effect today. Then think of all the
questions you had regarding constitutional trampling over just the last few Presidential
administrations, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama. This is how they
get away with it. Presidents are forced to renew this act every term by those in charge.
As mentioned above, there is hope and if we can figure out what it is that needs to be done legally
we would not have to resort to a full on revolt which would end in a massive loss of life. This author
will touch on this at a later date.
This editorial was inspired by words and thoughts gathered from Team Law and the book The
Great American Adventure written by former federal judge "Dale". You can download the free pdf
here. I highly recommend reading this book as it describes the unadulterated truth of our nation.
Prepare for a major disappointment. I would like to hear your thoughts so please get back to me.

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Baron- T3


POTUS- Universal Corporate US Navy If POTUS Goes Down,

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2 years ago 2 years ago • 2 comments 2 years ago • 2 comments

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Location: Blog >> American's Are The Enemy of the Federal Government According to FDR's
Amendment of the "Trading With The Enemy Act of 1933"
New World Order
US Presidents


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