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G ertificate Whis is to certify that this “Chemistry Project” on the topte “Prejpavation of soyabesn ami\R and its Comparison With the natural eile with respect to curd formation , effect of Temperatures taste etc.” has been successfully completed by Koma) Kumari of class ‘120? Aoyola dtigh School, Ugra, Mohah Thay” Patna undev the guid academic ‘year 2020-24 of Teacher) eauring a5 for the gquidlin Issued by Central Board nterna J would a. ex tend amy! Sincere. and heastFelt- obligation Anwasxds oll pose whe have. helped amg e. making his puncte Woitheuk Wh ackve gaidenee Shop & | vellERs 4 wort! mot ave peel ct 00 dperation and sCnenurage Able te male seis _pivf dam extveniely -thankjul aiid posp aii geiati-tuce Aan on times” y Bs Walkup le! cues from_tts_dtary counter parte tn adgumber of mays: Not only t+ fs higher fn protelihy ceases but t+ fs choles hol fre low fot s Yar, sodium: d+ fs, however , lower uh giver +o Calcfum vo Stim Lac +o__cow’s ound uh_¢ } tral Sugar a since H+ _@ fs_la 0? “2 ere hose. ishd-cne, cqlppies tonsdous can purchase reduced fat soya GaNied lite soya. milk ) bub his te oben lolaety a srotejn tas well Some do mot enjoy the taste oF ginipeoya milk. » 50 manufacturers now ofRer Flavewied soya mills Soya amills can be for __milR in early any sectpe- sind soya mil SOY MILK intaR jan _Odd_weter powdered soy milk 40 other bever= + ges, othexs Pind i+ economical ty purchase Tt fn Powder Porm. -and then _make soy mills hen they add joater to-the. powder —Childven under © yenr of age should be given a formula. pf |_Soy milk y developed witth thelr nuchSiional needs th] j}— ann indl > | Soy mille _sstequiaes only Be cekan ue water (and steam )-for— fox tified with calciv its. creations Soy milk Is “mearly alway rated Vitamin Dy and Certain p vitamins - dighby don cerrtrate | Ff lavouwiiN@s , cuch as vanilla , carbs chocolate » and almond ave often deed +n the finished pyeduede 4 __ The Manufacturing Raced — : the. soybean Ts a low ed_and -as.suth sis a. gopd host 9 ecling OE Ne en _Ipactevia hus. tthe madebattur= meaning that at a certain point | -mil is sealed nff from any air I because it might : product 2 “She de Asep He__produc.tion of spy sill ieee heen on tage ieport ance. 2 mass productin) tf this beverag ¢ = the | intHal” phase the er -donot} | to be cealed off +o air a oe plant. the beans ave cleaned tha giota-clavaia eet On_or pPf premises- "he process may begin with -the blending at pne ime + of svyhean: dhe snyaheans aye cteamed arg i+ in_h + thi: © the. hal nthe. bean . Avdccum sucies off the hulls: “ Travlidating the indigestible enzyme s__ “Nexto soy beans must be cooked tn orcer +n invalidate sor counteracts aspeufic enzyme tohich sakes Hem tndige ible te —humans . his cooing pciue fa the Enzyme invaltclator, tn which the. de= hulled soyabeans axe cooked ucing high potescure , water abd high em perature xeating very hot live steam ) +9 invalidate, shat eneyen: Fine _ grinder further pulverizes the bean pelleks into —Smail_partides - ina Gio slumy is white ta Coles ust 41m particles i soll soybean partclecs Extract : acy heal +hat are } WAI” and cannot be fn rt the finished product. shese particles ave sepanated Prom the $) Soy smile _slutry_using a _cenbifuge +A mbber roller - presses the coy amile slurwy agatnet the surface ofa lvum mithin 4 — - forcing the Niguel sia, inside +ho. dyury suterde of the drur \ Ba aie - Lagredienis sma llogni, are infused TAMARA nes, snus FAS ours with the yaw piie+ . , wee: steri ie + + 4ijis point» W is essential that the fun be _ ith in the equipment anti) -the end ofthe _ manufactuxing pee ae (yor ei —geniver » wthich ts_essentially, a_high Pressure piston pumprthe | is__blenclecl_as_ itis clrawn into ihe pump cylindes and then! forced back foto i xepéeitve aeton. ss Coo ae Es f eer ae Next the “hot mii iseprped ae ceoltgy-tan kk - dere the hot mille. @cac ett +o_ cold plates hat ‘Bwer the tempera ture of the soy aailRetd avoihlitempeaakive- Storing :~ “™% 3% The cooled “amilk is seis tothe 2 eet ahs and held hexe in| Pre pasiation fox_pacien ging «fede athe soy amiifR fs xePrigexated _| yessustixed and sealed teense Mo bacteria in the milk. pes BSH Pac Kagin A very important part of the. prrductian Is the 2 anon Rae of the psioduct» The cooled milk is sent +n pa aging _machino. oe has @ vibhon of flat St thweaded in-ot: | Protein. _— Fat (gm) —_| Caxbohydrate_ ==) Sadtuir) —_| Pron_tmg) Riboflavin Plows. dhe ged OF Shousis ep yalin oF waters to bed os eh a Welgh+ bast chould be about ao:4 - che xecting _slunry “6 puree js_brought+ bai _{n_order +o improv: _Nnutyittonal value by heat fna Pirg_ soybean +eypetn inhibitor ._Imprave its flavour and +o j steviixe the_product2 ae: or nea - — ¢ontnued For a perio 0 e ve al of 4 e xesis 7 S0Y YOGURT -portmanteau of yoquet and tofu}. ts yogurt backexia mainly Lactnbaciilus tp —tex_vegans ._as the bactesia for shoe bought by yogurt — Aste Usually nth grown ona diary bas Sey yogurt can be prepared at home using +he same metned| a8 cidrf yoquiks One tablespoon 2 sugdr per te fiter of Unsweetened soy mf may be added. to. premoté bactextal | fermentation - Soy milk. on is own lack ALew sfiton fuls pf previous batch pf eure ane added 2 ‘ve ts hen mixed sell & poured into cla: 3s= “the: Asie sealed) by wapping a piece, OF Papes aves he por £ allowing Tr +o_Stand for |2 housiss _ Buffalo Curd J ents — Beakexs 4 Musiin doth Pestle £2 morchar at @ Burner — Measuring cylinder _* Soya beans dalass sed 4 * BuPfale mite __Tetpod - Stand ey | FS Pred ture ee # Shermometet yO & Deeinied water Procedure + y< ay at © Soallaboilt IS0—29F stya b&bs in sus refenk amalint of water | Sv that +hey are ecmple tely Afpped to i2= # ake out -swollensgoy beans tnd grind then toga: very Fine Paste_and_ffltes it though a mushin clopte @ Clear white filtrate Wag soya bedi) mille. Componed fits -tas4 with buffalo milk. - re oe ® About FomL ofasoya:heahemilig qaas +4ken In tnree other beaker and heated the bedkeeys to_ 30° 340°C 250°C xespectively #@ 4/4 spoonful cand was added “40 each of +Hese heakewss left the beakess undisturbed -for 6 hous 2 cund is formed: © Sinilaxily, 5omL pf buffalo mile and_headtthe beakers to 30° ® 4/4. spoon fu) aud was added to each _p&riges we. Left the beakers undisturbed 4 bs hots foxmed: PerPecty dence semisolid Campa. xttvely | Less sour Watery Highly watery | Tasteless Almost dense sour Soyabean Semi_solid Sour litHe bit Wadley High Watey | “Tasteless mile content oe ¥ buFPa low milk > the best 48mpeta pure forthe, jormation of geod quality and tasty calielshllo- aac 2 tt 1s 35- 45°C: Tn re ghermenta ton aster at higher temperate thd was Weaies 40% Glories 9 254 dae Omg cholesterol \2mq4 choles tert i 5 mg Sodium —Ldt-mg_ Sodium ig Fiber Og fiber ‘ 4g sugary 13g Sugay 44 protein $4 pmtein A 900mg Calciu 800. mg Calcium sour pKesgguicsa coldl_needle soup omosity fn commer. pe milks aloe used tink making soy yogurts s0y Se ——Spy_based cheese and ‘anal Oques< it - As the taste of Conames Tal spy anil im proves more.and mare | — People aye Avidleing ut ae yment: But many people Arinke— — Shyam fr {headed He di sbehtepits. ‘ GICAL IMPACT Q amak & MILK Aiisteadeor vateing oss amnoty Ine. ecelagically ad Mabagebs becouse uate. abe te Pat could be guiowih using Bnd cqyeBibambiuny of 14 soo Peed more | people than ipa) a5 sigs ci nods. mequives much «nore. energy ut ordiy fs paitcluce amilig Afnce the formers must feed +he_amimal . hichrom Consume tito 24 Ky nb oar! un dry matters (pM) _bas (680 40 480 litres of cater a_i lay produc “pau average OF AD kg ofamilk a day. » Because the oy bean plant is a_lequme » tt also replenishes the mitroger _eotrtent of the sofl un which it ta grown: __ 3 Drink Soy Mt a_dtairy a erative + Wiho OF saturated fat amd. cholesterol which Increase Me visR of plaque formation and heart disease Skim mt, does not have Anis problent» bat tH is Watery ancl Choleste vo| free Saturated and Polyuns vely vecdluee youy much less apetixtng « Sey MI ts ma-tavally with am exta dese of heart healthy mono- ararated fatty acid that can ejjectt~ bleod Cholesterol level «She phytosterols IN Aey omit Can further inmpwve your heart cond? tions by conthetitng Your blood pressure and preventing cholestasl absorption in Yow intestines» Atudveg have shown +nat- Avfnking soy “mil can lower ou risks fof athe scle wsts and shokes , making then) an ep pecttve, etl iin prevenHon and treatment of heat Aaiseases + yy dotng this pasject 4 get the golden opportuntty Feaun Lots of. things obouwk seyabeam mite: After don ing “Nts prcject 4 came to know that both nakiedl & spy milk have same constituents except the presence oF lactose tin “Natural anil: Soy will can easily be used as an alemative for people. whose ciebis lactase free. Na-tiral mite Lure aequives lesser Mme than soy mille curd. Soy mille cud gequtres temperature slightly geteater than seem +em perature + Mlattval ae fs sweet in taste while soya. mille ts sour- fT) natural “wil Feementaton take place faster at a higher term perature leading +e someon oF fasiger amount of lactic actd cohich imparts spurtest ft AF soy mK Ts Rept outstcle for movethan 42 hours” ua a metal container tr gels spotleds i 2 I at SO WY y (j ie A ei! : 7 a https ens wikipedia - og / miki / Casetn * books. google - co: tr #® Wil. scribd. com Gi ss Ne ST

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