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Final Exam 2021-2022

Sheet Type: Study Guide

Subject: Literature
Grade: 1
Teacher’s Name: Ms. Nergiz



Dictation: These words are included:-

1. barn 2. gas

3. start 4. over

5. away 6. gold

7. sick 8. take

9. nose 10. swam

11. mean 12. shore

13. zoom 14. grass

15. when

16. Reading Comprehension: Study pp. (11-32). Students need to take colors to the examination halls.

Note: Study all the summaries, GHW’s, and quizzes.

 Reading: Quiz1

 Reading: Quiz 2

 Reading GHW1

 Distar: Dictation1

 Distar: Dictation2

 Reading comprehension: GCW

 Reading comprehension: Quiz


Read these 4 stories Including the reading questions and vocabularies.

1. “Father bear comes home”

2. “Jake helps out”

3. “Jakes new Friend”

4. ‘’There is a carrot in my ear’’ ( Study in the book)

Students need to memorize and understand the following vocabularies:

1- Mermaid: A fictitious or mythical half-human sea creature with the head and trunk of
a woman and the tail of a fish.

2- Fisher man: A person who catches fish for living or for sport.

3- Cereal: A breakfast food made from grain, eaten with milk

4-Pickel: Vegetables or fruit preserved in vinegar

5-Stinky: Something smelling bad

6- Park: A big garden or green land for the public.

7- Swing: A ride that goes back and forth whilst you sit on it.

8- Wheelchair: A chair fitted with wheels for someone unable to walk.

9- Blocks: Plastic building block toys for making things.

10- Jet: An aircraft that uses jet engines.

11- Broom: A long-handled brush used for sweeping

12- Hop: Move by jumping

13- High-Five: Two people clapping their palms.

Father Bear comes home Summary

1- Can you be my fisherman, said mother Bear?

2- Little Bear went down to the river and there he saw Owl.

3- Father Bear is fishing in the ocean.

4- Father Bear can catch big fish.

5- Someday when you will be a big bear you will catch big fishes and you will
sail in a big boat said Owl

6- Little Bear catch an octopus.

7- Owls catch a whale.

8- Cat, duck and Hen went to little bear's house to see the mermaid.

9- The mermaid's hair is blue and green just like the ocean and her eyes are
silver just like the moon.

10- Father bear brought sea shells for little bear, Duck, Hen and Cat.

11- You can hear the ocean in the sea shells and maybe you can hear the

12- Little Bear was happy, father bear was home.

13- Little Bear had hiccups.

14- Little Bear had some water but he did not stop hiccupping.

15- Little Bear must hold his breath said Owl.

16- Cat gave little Bear a slap on the back.

17- Father Bear roared, said there is too much noise here.

18- Father Bear laughed I can't hear any hiccups.

19- Little Bear, mother Bear and father Bear went to picnic by the river.

20- Little Bear swims like a fish, said Owl.


Jake helps out Summary

1. Jake’s family plan to go for a picnic by the lake.

2. Jake tries to help his mom pack the picnic basket.

3. Jake pours milk all over the table at breakfast.

4. Then he breaks a plate into pieces.

5. Then he spills pickle all over the picnic basket.

6. Jake wants to help, but everything goes wrong for him and he feels sad.

7. Jake helps his sister Kelly read a book, teach her how to swim and build a sandcastle.

8. Everybody has accident like those of Jake’s but we have to keep trying to do good things.

9. Jake is an important person to his family, because he is a big helper.

10. Jake is happy in the end as they tell him everything was an accident and he is a big



Jake’s new friend Summary

Jake and his family went to the park; he wanted to play with his sister, Kelly.
1. They had food for their picnic.
2. They met a family at the park.
3. The family had a girl, Liz, and Kelly played with her.
4. They also had a boy, Tom, who was in a wheelchair.
5. Jake could not play with Tom because he could not run or walk. Tom’s father
said they could play things that Tom liked.
6. Jake went to Tom, he was making a jet with blocks and Tom helped finish it.
7. Jake and Tom also had a race to the swings.
8. Jake helped Tom get on the merry-go-round, so they could play on it.
9. They raced back to their family when lunch was ready, they had sandwiches
and Juice.
10. Jake and Tom said goodbye after lunch, they wanted to meet again to play.
11. Jake and his family went home. Jake was happy to have made friends with
Tom and thanked God for it.


1. What did Little Bear wish to be? Why?

- He wished to be like his father to catch real octopus.
2. Was Father Bear at home? Where was he?
- No, he wasn’t. He was far out on the ocean.

3. Was there a mermaid at Little Bear's house?

- No, there wasn’t.
4. What does a mermaid look like?
a. Her hair is blue and green.
b. Silver eyes like the moon.
c. So pretty.
5. What did Father Bear bring with him?
- He brought seashells.
6. How did Mother Bear, Father Bear and friends help Little Bear to stop hiccupping?
- Mother Bear told him to drink water.
- Owl told him to hold his breath.
- Cat slapped him on the back.
- Hen and Duck tried to make laugh.
- Father Bear made him scared.
7. How did little Bear stop hiccupping?
- He got afraid because of Father Bear's roaring.
8. Why doesn’t the mermaid show herself as little bear's thoughts?
- He thought she is shy.
9. If Little Bear saw a mermaid what would he do?
- He would jump and play with her.

10. What did Jake pour?

- He poured the milk over the table.
11. What did Jake break?
- He broke a plate on the floor.
12. What did Jake spill?
- He spilled the pickle juice over the picnic basket.
13. How many books did Jake and Kelly read?
- He read three books.
14. What did Jake and Kelly build?
- They built a big golden sandcastle with three towers.
15. Was Jake a big helper?
- Yes, he was.
16. Whom did Jake help?
- His sister Kelly.
17. How did Jake help his sister?
a. He read 3 books for her.
b. He helped her building sandcastle.
c. He taught her how to swim.
1. "He is a real fisherman, just like his father"
- Mother Bear to Owl

2. "Little Bear swims like a fish"

- Owl to Little Bear and friends.
3. "Those were just little accidents"

- Father to Jake.
4. "You are important to our family"
- Mother to Jake.

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