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Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana

Vicerrectorado Académico
Coordinación de Pregrado
CIVA 2021


Fecha de Recepción Virtual: ____ 10 de Septiembre 2021__

Valor del taller Individual 25 % al 100%
Escala de ponderación del 1 al 20

Luego de leer y estudiar el material didáctico , realizan los


EJERCICIO 1 Rellena los espacios en blancos, con la selección de un auxiliar que

complete la oración correctamente. ( Valor 10 Ptos.)

1. Hurry up. We ___are___ waiting for you.

(a) are (b) have (c) do (d) will

2.- She __will___ be here tomorrow.

(a) is (b) has (c) does (d) will

3.- They __do___ not want to dance now.

(a) are (b) have (c) do (d) will

4. - This picture __was____ painted by a famous artist.

(a) was (b) has (c) did (d) will

5.- The cat __is__ playing in the garden

(a) has (b) is (c) does (d) will

6.- What ___are___ you doing ?

(a) are (b) have (c) do (d) will

7.- Tomorrow ____will____ be Monday

(a) is (b) have (c) do (d) will

8.- __Does____ She study Spanish ?

(a) is (b) has (c) does (d) will

9.- ___Are___ you a student ?

(a) are (b) has (c) does (d) will

10.- She ___will____ be a teacher.

(a) is (b) has (c) does (d) will

EJERCICIO 2: Lea las siguientes oraciones y selecciona la respuesta correcta,
considerando el verbo subrayada si este esta cumpliendo la función de un auxiliar
o un verbo . ( Valor 10 Ptos.)

1.- She saw a boy, who was driving a car.

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

2.- They have a nice school.

( ) Auxiliar ( X ) verbo principal

3.- I do my homework

( ) Auxiliar (X ) verbo principal

4.- Did he have English class last summer?

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

5.- I did not go on holiday last year.

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

6.- Do you like living in London?

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

7.- Have you been sick?

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

8.- Is she going to class?

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

9.- Do you like Italian food?

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

10.- Would you like to come to the party with us?

( X ) Auxiliar ( ) verbo principal

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