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EYP Romania Regional Sessions 2011

Moldova I :18-20.03.2011; Moldova II: 25-27.03.2011 Muntenia I: 1-3.04.2011; Muntenia II: 8-10.04.2011 Transilvania I: 6-8.05.2011; Transilvania II: 13-15.05.2011.

Guideline for Regional Committees

Dear candidates,
This document has been conceived in order to inform you about what you have to prepare for the intercultural experience that you are going to go thorough during the EYP Romania Selection Sessions 2011.

The candidates of a delegation selected to participate at a regional session will represent their cultural traditions during the session and they will also be the members of a committee, who will receive randomly one of the committee topic proposed for the debates. As delegation that represents a county and a region of Romania, you have three main tasks that reveal the intercultural exchange side of the event: to participate at the Regional Village (Muntenia, Moldova or Transilvania, accordingly to the session that you are attending and the region you come from), to prepare and present a short acting scene at the Regional Presentation and to present a speech that represents your delegation. 1. What is the Regional Village? The Regional Village is the first real intercultural experience between the participants, a sort of cultural exhibition, where ach county delegation has to organise a stand that represents their region.
During the first evening of the event (on Friday) each regional committee presents its region through culinary specialties. This is a complete changing-of-scenery; the opportunity to discover stands full of taste and color from each participating region, with traditional costumes, typical food & nonalcoholic drinks, flyers about your region, anything that you consider specific for your region. Please note that alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden. This event is for your senses, two of them taste and smell, or even sight, but thats before we start eating.

Please bring prepared food which doesnt need to be cooked and it wont get alterated by Friday evening (like ham, salami, cheese, sweets) --- well packet and isolated. Candidates are going to arrange the food on tables and serve it to others. Its going to be a cool buffet, without cooking! It is best if you can wear traditional costumes, if not you should wear casual-formal clothes.

2. What is the Regional Presentation?

The regional presentation is that part of the session when all the delegations have to do something that represents their region in some way (e.g. sing a traditional song, perform a traditional dance or other things related to your region, you could also act a comical situation=sketch-in English language which can include some clue words in Romanian or native language).

3. The Ambassadors Speech

The last part of the cultural exchange is a speech which has to be held by every regional committees ambassador. So, each regional committee has to choose an ambassador to hold a speech before the Panel Session and to give a small gift to the host authority. The speech must not exceed 2 min. and it should be about: the region (city) which the delegation represents; the reason why the delegates decided to participate in a EYP event; or just some inspiring words for all EYPers.

Candidates from the same delegation are asked to get in contact and establish preparation details - what are you going to perform, who is bringing what, etc. Also, the ambassador (and the teacher, if it is the case) of the delegation is asked to supervise that the delegation is well prepared for the participation at the Regional Session. Please take into consideration all the above information when preparing for the upcoming regional session as they will also help you understand what the cultural exchange during an international EYP session is about.

We wish you the best of luck in all the preparations, EYP Romania Organizing Team

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