Our Products Offering: Photocopy Shop Business Plan - SWOT Analysis

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 Our Products Offering

Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. is in the business center services industry for the
purpose of making profits and we will ensure we go all the way position our business center
cum copy shops in key locations all around the state of Michigan. We are going to do all
that is permitted by the laws in the United States of America to achieve our business goals.
Here are some of the products and services that will be available in our business services
center cum copy shop locations;
 Typing documents, printing documents, laminating documents, scanning documents,
photocopying documents, fax and telephone services et al.
 Private mailbox rental services
 Private mailbox rental services combined with one or more other office support services
 Private parcel mailing services combined with one or more other office support services
 Blueprinting services
 Business services centers
 Providing a range of office support services
 Reprographic services
 Sale of greeting cards, postal cards and call cards
Our Vision Statement
Our vision is to build a business services center cum copy shop that will have active
presence all over major locations in Michigan.
 Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to establish a standard and world – class business services center cum copy
shop that will make available a wide range of services and products as it relates to the
service offerings in the business center services industry at affordable prices to the
residence of Lansing – Michigan, and other locations in the state of Michigan where we
intend positioning our kiosk like copy shops.

Photocopy Shop Business Plan – SWOT Analysis

Our intention of starting our business services center business in strategic location in Lasing
– Michigan is to test run the business for a period of 3 to 6 months to know if we will invest
more money, expand the business and then install 25 more copy shops first all – around
key locations in Lansing before spreading to key cities in the state of Michigan.
We are quite aware that there are several copy shop businesses all over Michigan and even
in the same locations where we intend installing ours, which is why we are following the due
process of establishing a business. We know that if a proper SWOT analysis is conducted
for our business, we will be able to position our business to maximize our strength, leverage
on the opportunities that will be available to us, mitigate our risks and be well – equipped to
confront our threats.
Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. employed the services of an expert HR and Business
Analyst with bias in start – ups to help us conduct a thorough SWOT analysis and to help us
create a business model that will help us achieve our business goals and objectives.
This is the summary of the SWOT analysis that was conducted for Do It All® Business
Enterprise, Inc.;
 Strength:
The strategic locations we intend installing our kiosk – like copy shops, the business model
we will be operating on, ease of payment, wide range of services and our excellent
customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for Do It All® Business
Enterprise, Inc. So also we have a team that can go all the way to give our clients value for
their money; a team that are trained and equipped to pay attention to details and deliver
jobs on time.
 Weakness:
A major weakness that may count against us is the fact that we are a new business
services center and we don’t have the financial capacity to compete with multi – million
dollars companies such as Fed Ex Corporation and United Parcel Services who are key
establishments in this industry.
 Opportunities:
The fact that we are going to install our kiosk like copy centers in some of the busiest
locations  all around the state of Michigan provides us with unlimited opportunities to sell
our products and services to a large number of people. We have been able to conduct
thorough feasibility studies and market survey and we know what our potential clients will
be looking for when they visit our kiosk like copy center locations; we are well positioned to
take on the opportunities that will come our way.
 Threat:
Just like any other business, one of the major threats that we are likely going to face is
economic downturn. It is a fact that economic downturn affects purchasing / spending
power. Another threat that may likely confront us is the arrival of a business services center
or copy shop in same location where ours is located. Unfavorable government policies can
also pose a threat to businesses such as ours.

Business Center Business Plan – MARKET ANALYSIS

 Market Trends
The business services center is evolving and loads of smaller businesses who basically into
services such as typing documents, printing documents, laminating documents, scanning
documents, photocopying documents, fax and telephone services et al are now positioning
themselves to maximize the potentials of generating huge income from the business center
services industry.
Although the fact that the industry is divided in the two categories make it easier for aspiring
entrepreneurs to choose to start on a small scale – kiosk like copy center or copy shop or to
start big by offering all the services that establishments like United Parcel Services and Fed
Ex Corporations offers.
One common trends in the business center services industry especially amongst copy
centers is that they ensure that they do all that is within their capacity to get a shop or office
close to places such as campuses, school board / districts, passport office, immigrations
centers, licensing offices and recruiting centers et al. With that, it is easier for them to attract
clients on a regular basis.
 Our Target Market
The target market for those who need the services and products of business services
centers are all encompassing. It is fact that almost all adults would have one or two reasons
why they should patronize the services of business services centers.
In view of that, we have positioned our kiosk like copy shops in strategic locations to service
the residence and visitors in Lansing and other towns in the state of Michigan. We have
conducted our market research and we have ideas of what our target market would be
expecting from us.
We are in the business center services to attract the following clients;
 Applicants
 Corporate Executives
 Business People
 Sports Men and Women
 Students
 Children
 Adults
 Tourists
Our Competitive Advantage
The competitions that exist in the business center services industry is stiff simply because
anyone can start a kiosk like copy shop business; it isn’t financially tasking to start, as you
can purchase a used photocopy machine, computers, fax machine, phone box, printing
machines, laminating machines and scanning machine et al even that of a popular brand at
a cheap price, and still get the most out of it.
Although, the business center services industry requires some form of trainings and
expertise, both that does not in any way stop any serious minded entrepreneur to start the
business and still make good profit out of this business.
Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. is launching a standard business center services
company that will indeed become the preferred choice of residence of Lansing – Michigan
and in every other location where our kiosk-like copy shops will be located.
Our excellent customer service culture, highly competitive prices, reliable and easy to use
payment option and the visibility of our kiosk like copy shops will serve as a competitive
advantage for us.
Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among
the best within our category (startups business services center cum copy shop companies)
in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and
help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.
Business Center Business Plan – SALES AND MARKETING STRATEGY
 Sources of Income
Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the
business services industry and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it
takes to offer our services and products to a wide range of customers.
Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. will generate income by offering the following services
and products;
 Typing documents, printing documents, laminating documents, scanning documents,
photocopying documents, fax and telephone services et al.
 Private mailbox rental services
 Private mailbox rental services combined with one or more other office support services
 Private parcel mailing services combined with one or more other office support services
 Blueprinting services
 Business services centers
 Providing a range of office support services
 Reprographic services
 Sale of greeting cards, postal cards and call cards
Sales Forecast
One thing is certain, there would always be individuals or group of people in Lansing –
Michigan and in the United States of America who would always need the services of
business services centers for the various purposes such as typing documents, printing
documents, laminating documents, scanning documents, photocopying documents, fax and
telephone services et al.
We are well positioned to take on the available market in Lansing – Michigan and we are
quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income / profits from
the first six month of operations and grow the business and our clientele base beyond
Lansing – Michigan to other cities in the state of Michigan where we intend installing our
kiosk like copy shops.
We have been able to critically examine the business services center industry and we have
analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following
sales forecast. The sales projection is based on information gathered on the field and some
assumptions that are peculiar to startups in Lansing – Michigan.
Below are the sales projection for Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc., it is based on the
location of our business and the wide range of products and services that we will be
 First Fiscal Year-: $120,000
 Second Fiscal Year-: $400,000
 Third Fiscal Year-: $750,000
N.B: This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the
assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and natural disasters within
the period stated above. There won’t be any major competitor offering same additional
services as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be
lower and at the same time it might be higher.
 Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy
Before choosing locations for our business center cum copy shops, we conduct a thorough
market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to be able to be able to penetrate the
available market and become the preferred choice for visitors and residence of Lansing –
Michigan. We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure
our business to attract the numbers of customers we want to attract per time.
We hired experts who have good understanding of the business services center industry to
help us develop marketing strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning
a larger percentage of the available market in Lansing – Michigan and every other cities we
intend installing our kiosk like copy shops.
In other to continue to be in business and grow, we must continue to attract clients to
patronize our products and services which is why we will go all out to empower or sales and
marketing team to deliver. In summary, Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. will adopt the
following sales and marketing approach to win customers over;
 Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to
corporate organizations, schools, households and key stake holders in Lansing and other
cities in Michigan.
 Print handbills about our business center and its locations, and also give our kiosk like
copy shops unique look, by painting them with bright colors or putting a large neon sign
on it, so that it is easily recognizable to customers.
 Advertise on the internet on blogs and forums, and also on social media like Twitter,
Facebook, LinkedIn to get our message across, so that those on the social media or
those who read blogs can know where to go when they need the services of a business
center cum copy shop
 Creating a basic website for our business, so as to give our business an online presence
(list the locations of our kiosk like copy shops)
 Directly market our business center cum copy shops.
 Join local business centers associations for industry trends and tips
 Provide discount days for our customers
 Advertise our business in community based newspapers, local TV and radio stations
 List our business on yellow pages ads (local directories)
 Encourage the use of word of mouth marketing (referrals)

Our Pricing Strategy

Pricing is one of the key factors that give leverage to business centers cum copy shops, it is
normal for consumers to go to places where they can get good deals. We are aware of this
trend which is why we have put structures in place that will enable us charge fees that are a
little bit below the industry’s average.
We will ensure that we reduce our overhead, and we are ready to run on low profit margin
for the first six months of launching the business just for the purpose of attracting loyal
clients and build our clientele base.
 Start – Up Expenditure (Budget)
In setting up any business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale you
want to undertake. If you intend to go big by renting a place, then you would need a good
amount of capital as you would need to ensure that your employees are well taken care of,
and that your facility is conducive enough for workers to be creative and productive.
This means that the start-up can either be low or high depending on your goals, vision and
aspirations for your business.
The tools and equipment that will be used are nearly the same cost everywhere, and any
difference in prices would be minimal and can be overlooked. As for the detailed cost
analysis for starting a business services center cum copy shop; it might differ in other
countries due to the value of their money.
When it comes to starting a business services center or copy shop the major areas that you
look towards spending the bulk of your cash is in the purchase of photocopy machine,
computers, fax machine, phone box, printing machines, laminating machines and scanning
machine et a land of course renting or leasing well located facilities. Aside from that, you
are not expected to spend much except for paying of your employees and the purchase of
This is the key areas where we will spend our start – up capital;
 The Total Fee for Registering the Business in the United States – $750.
 Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services
(software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $1,300.
 Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of the business in the amount of
$3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount
of $3,580.
 Cost for hiring Business Consultant – $2,500.
 The amount needed for the purchase of insurance policy cover (general liability, workers’
compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $2,400.
 Cost for payment of rent for 12 month at $1.76 per square feet in the total amount
of $105,600.
 Cost for the facility and remodeling – $70,000.
 Other start-up expenses including stationery ($500) and phone and utility deposits
 Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al)
– $60,000
 The cost for Start-up inventory (stocking with printing papers, refillable ink – cartridges
and other relevant supplies) – $10,000
 Cost for store equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $13,750
 Cost of purchase and installation of CCTVs: $10,000
 The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets for the office (photocopy machine,
computers, fax machine, phone box, printing machines, laminating machines and
scanning machine, TVs, Sound System, tables and chairs et al): $50,000.
 The cost of Launching a Website: $600
 The cost for our opening party: $7,000
 Miscellaneous: $10,000
We would need an estimate of $250,000 to successfully set up our business services center
in Lansing – Michigan. Please note that this amount includes the salaries of all the staff for
the first month of operation.

Business Center Business Plan – Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity
and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If
all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before
the business close shop.
One of our major goals of starting Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. is to build a business
that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external
sources once the business is officially running. We know that one of the ways of gaining
approval and winning customers over is to properly position our business services center
cum copy shops, ensure competitive price for our services and products, availability of
related merchandize and of course excellent customer service delivery et al.
Do It All® Business Enterprise, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and
processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare is well taken of. Our company’s
corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re –
training of our workforce is at the top burner.
As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our
management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or
more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the
best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the
business of our dreams.
 [Printing Business] How to Start Up a Printing Business
Copy and print businesses provide a wide range of services to both businesses and
consumers. Local copy and print shops are equipped to handle anything from
single-page printing to large-volume jobs using several types of media. Small print
shops have to go the extra mile with their customer service and marketing to
compete with print services in big-box office supply chains across the country.
Knowing how to start a small copy and print business is the first step to securing
market share in your area.
Choose a name for your business and register your company in your state. Small
print shops can reasonably be organized as sole proprietorships, due to the low
potential for legal liability. Sole proprietorships are generally required to submit a
simple registration document identifying the business's name and purpose,
information on company owners and a registered company address, along with a
registration fee. If you wish to protect yourself from the possibility of being held
personally liable for business debts, consider using the limited liability company
(LLC) or S-Corporation forms of organization.
Determine the complete suite of services you intend to offer customers and make a
list of the equipment you will need to perform these services. Print shops should
offer, at a minimum, basic printing services – in color or black and white – basic
photocopying, document cutting, as well as scanning and faxing services. Stretch
your suite of services as much as possible to attract a wider range of customers.
Consider offering lamination, for example, or presentation-assembly services –
printing, hole-punching and placing documents in a binder ready to be presented.
Locate an ideal location for your print shop. Copy and print businesses do not
necessarily need to obtain highly visible storefronts to attract customers, as the
largest-volume print customers often search for services online, in telephone
directories or through personal contacts. A storefront in a high-traffic area can help
to secure additional customers, however, by advertising your store to passersby.
Obtain any necessary financing to purchase your equipment and secure a lease for
your shop. Use the cost figures you calculated above to determine your total
startup financing needs. If you do not have the money you need in personal
savings, consider taking out a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan from a
local bank or credit union. The SBA insures certain small-business loans offered
by commercial banks, giving the banks an incentive to make loans to new
entrepreneurs who have not yet established credit reputations for their businesses.
Register for federal and state taxes, and obtain any required business permits at the
local level. Register for an Employer Identification Number at IRS.gov for federal
tax purposes. Contact your state's Department of Revenue to register for state
taxes. Contact your County Clerk's office to enquire about any required licenses or
permits for your local area.

Transcript of Business Proposal for printing and

computer shop
design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi
Computer Set
Computer shop here make their assignment and paper works
This Proposal come out with this project proposal first by
conducting and investigative study or survey around our prospect
area and found out there are 500 families according to Brgy.
Records among are with age group of 12-18 yrs are more than 1/3 of
the population out target passed the criteria
Project Objectives
Computer shop business is one of the most in demand businesses
here in San Nicolas. Nowadays, internet cafes are really in demand
because of the fast changing technology that the people embraced
just like here in the Philippines.

Some have their own laptops and bring it to coffee shops so that
they could relax and at the same time prepare their assignments and
paper works. The people today are very busy and would want to do
their jobs in a beautiful and innovative environment that could
satisfy their needs and lessen their stress due to busy schedule
For digital and off-set printing,
copying and laminating.
Copy & Print have a full range of digital and off-set printing services -
large or small, we can take on almost any job.

With our up-to-date printing, binding, photocopying, binding and

laminating technology, you’ll get a great result every time. You’ll also
find the experience simple and stress-free with our old-fashioned
customer service.

We offer free pick-up and delivery, and are committed to getting the
job done within your timeframe.

Get in touch with the Copy & Print team to discuss your printing or
photocopying project, get a quote, or upload your files now.

Get the job done with our high speed copying service.
Whether you need marketing materials, staff newsletters or training
documents, our copying service gets the job done fast.
Copy & Print use the latest digital copying technology so we can
ensure quality work every time.
We can help with any job, from simple photocopy runs to more
complex jobs, involving variable data and mail merge.
Whatever you require, we aim to make your experience easy and
stress free, and to get your job done when you need it. Free pick-up
and delivery also means you'll have one less thing to worry about.
With no minimum print run, no job is too small. We have a wide range
of paper stock options and can print from digital file or hard copy.
For simple, stress-free copying get in touch with the Copy & Print
team, or get a quotenow.
Starting a Copy Shop
We have seen that price of copiers and printers has gone
down tremendously which anyone can afford to buy but why
anyone will buy one if he/she will have to use it once a while.
No matter how low is the cost of an all-in-one printer but
many will love to get their task done through a color copy and
printing shop rather than buying one.

There is an increasing number of people who often look for

copy centers that provide photocopying and printing services.
These people include students who need color copying and
binding services for their school requirements and
professionals who need quality copies and copy posters for
their profitable business ideas. Starting a copy shop is
therefore a good idea if you are looking for startup business
ideas and you are looking for innovative business schemes.
The best thing about starting a copy store is you are not
required to have special skills and a specialized educational
background to provide colour copying and copy services to
your clients. You just need to have sufficient startup cost copy
shops require. Here are some entrepreneur guide and
business startups ideas if you are looking for tips on opening
a copy center:

What you will need when starting a color copy and printing shop
You need not have particular expertise and skills to have a
copy shop business plan and to start operating a copy shop.
You simply need to have some equipment like copy and print
machines, copier and printers when starting a copy shop
business. These equipments will provide you with the ability to
provide photocopying and printing services in your photocopy
shops. These printing and photocopy machines, however, are
quite costly most especially if you intend on purchasing the
best copy machines for your print copy shop. It is ideal if you
have enough savings that you can use for starting a business
in the photocopying and printing industry. If you do not have
the necessary capital needed to start a print shop and copy
company, however, you can take advantage of startup loan
and grants that serve to provide entrepreneur help for people
who seek for business opportunities.
Budget : Sh150,000 or more
As our economy expands and more education institutions are
set up, there will always be demand for photocopier and
bureau services. Bureau services include typesetting,
scanning, printing, graphic design and related services.
Photocopying is very important in official business
transactions, government services and educational services.
We have all needed photocopy or bureau services at one time
or another.

Photocopy bureau business is a very good business idea all

over the country. With schools, colleges, universities and
government services now spread all over the country,
photocopy business can be profitable not only in Nairobi but
also in rural towns and centers.

To set up a your photocopy bureau business, you will need
different types of equipment. The equipment come in various
sizes and models. You are better off using an A3 size since
many documents are A4 and A3. An A3 machine will also
accommodate A4 therefore when choosing your equipment,
whenever possible, select those that can accommodate paper
size up to A3.

1. Photocopy machine
To set up your photocopy business, the main equipment you
will need is a photocopy machine. There are various models
and types of photocopy machines in the market. The most
ideal choice will be the 3 in 1 for a start. This comes complete
with a printer, copier and a scanner.
When selecting the photocopier to buy, consider the capacity,
the availability of spares, consumables and service, size of
paper it can handle and features. Always go for a new
machine as you start up. Photocopiers really break down. It
can be very frustrating and annoying to get a breakdown in
the middle of a bulk lucrative deal.

Refurbished or secondhand photocopying machines are also

readily available in the market. However, if you have to go for
these, it is advisable to purchase one as a backup in case of a
breakdown, not as the main machine. Secondhand machines
are available from individuals or other dealers. If you have to
purchase a refurbished or secondhand photocopier, make
sure it is in good working condition. The best way to confirm
this is to hire a technician to thoroughly inspect the condition
before making a decision to buy. Some are imported after
refurbishing but it is still advisable to thoroughly inspect and
test before purchasing.

New machines are available from Mita, Copycat, Sharp,

Xerox, Ricoh etc. Your purchasing decision should be based
on availability of spares and service backup, speed, user
friendly features, copy quality, price and any other information
that is available.

2. Scanner
A scanner will be important to have since some clients may
need documents scanned only either to send as email
attachments or to store in electronic format.

3. Computer
You will need a fast and reliable computer for your typesetting
and graphic design clients. The computer should be equipped
with DVD burner and high memory. Design software such as
PageMaker, Corel Draw or Indesign will be appropriate for
your design work.

4. Binding machine and Laminator

These machines will be necessary to help you package your
client’s documents in a presentable format. Many clients who
order bulk photocopies may need their documents bound
neatly. Others may need important documents such as
certificates, IDs or even photographs laminated. Laminating
machines come in different sizes.

5. Printer
You will need a printer if you don’t have a 3 in 1 machine.
Your printer should be durable and of good colour quality. A
wide range of printers are available in the market to choose
from. HP printers are more respected for their durability,
quality and reliability.

A photocopy business mostly relies on walk-in clients and a
few repeat (loyal) clients. Your photocopy business will
therefore need to be located in a high traffic street or near
educational and government institutions. These places require
photocopy services regularly and many of those who need
these services will go to the nearest bureau they can find.
Students need to copy notes, assignments, textbooks etc. If
you locate your photocopy business near a large college or
university, you will be assured of regular clients.

Ensure that you get premises with reliable supply of

electricity. Without electricity, a photocopy bureau cannot
You will need a business permit from the county government
to operate your photocopy bureau business. Depending on
the county you operate in, it may cost you as much as
Sh10,000 per year to secure the permit.

Since photocopying involves duplicating documents, some

documents are copyrighted and photocopying such
documents without authority may be illegal. It is therefore
advisable to get authority to photocopy all documents legally.
Under the Kenya Copyright Act 2001 you are required to take
up a copyright works reproduction license with Kopiken. This
is the body responsible for ensuring copy rights are respected
by all institutions, organizations or photocopy bureaus. This
will cost you between Sh2,000 and Sh7,000 depending on the
size of your operation.

With these two licenses, you will be operating your photocopy

bureau legally.

Depending on the range of services you plan to offer, location
of your business and expected demand, your estimated
budget will look like below. Remember these are just
estimates. Actual costs will vary and will only be determined
once you set up your business.

[table “14” not found /]

Remember you will also need some photocopy papers to start
with. Papers and related stationery are readily and cheaply
available in many shops along Ngariama Road, Cross Road,
Jainsala Road and many others in downtown Nairobi. Buying
in bulk will be the best option to enjoy discounts and
economies of scale.

 The business is easy to start and does not require high skills to
 Can be very profitable when located near a big college or
 Machine breakdown or power outage can kill the business.
Barriers of entry to photocopy business are very low.
Therefore, many people have set up such businesses
resulting in cut throat competition. Some operators of
photocopy business have lowered their charges to as low as
30 cents per copy. Others use stolen paper and toner,
reducing their costs even further. While it is not good to take
part in some of these practices, it is important to know they
exist and therefore you should compete effectively.

Your photocopy business will succeed if you put in effort in

marketing yourself and concentrate on producing quality and
timely work. Good customer service is also a necessity in this
business. If you give your clients good service, quality and
timely work and keep in touch with them, they will keep
coming back. Added services such as typing, binding,
scanning and laminating also bring more clients regularly.

Finally, we would like to hear your views concerning this

business. Better still, you can share this with others and if you
need clarification, do not hesitate to contact us.
 Muvsi Research Desk Last updated on: 20/06/2016

Xerox shop with allied services like lamination and bookbinding is a

very lucrative business in India. Here in this article, we intend to
explore how to start a low-cost xerox shop business with lamination
and bookbinding in India. Any individual can start this business
with a small startup capital investment. This business is considered
as one of the best low-cost self-employment opportunity for youths.
Compared to other retail businesses, xerox shop demands very small
space to operate. Even you can start with a 6′ X 6′ space. This most
lucrative part is this business doesn’t demand any high amount of
working capital cost. With a small xerox shop and lamination
center, you can also sell school or office stationaries items. It will
definitely increase the profit margin of your store.

Craft a business plan first. Decide whether

you will buy or rent the space. Study the local market. Decide what
type of xerox machine is require for your store. These all will help
you in creating a financial plan. This is important. Calculate an
expected ROI. Fix your marketing policies for the business.
Only two are the major investment in this business. One is space and
another is the machine. You will need to purchase xerox machine,
lamination machine, and binding machine. In the case of purchased
space, your startup cost will be higher. When you start the business
in a rented space, your startup cost will be less. However, You will
need to pay the rent monthly basis. Ink, toner, paper, and electricity
are the major working capital cost for xerox center. If you want to
run the store with staff, then you must include the salary in working
capital expenditure. You must obtain Trade License from the local
This is a retail business. The location is definitely a prime factor.
You must select a location nearby school, colleges, universities or
offices. Court compounds, secretariat building areas are also the
suitable place to start this business. Small towns, villages, and
Suburbans are also perfect places for this business. It is advisable to
choose a location where people comes with a normal requirement of
copying, lamination or binding purpose. Nowadays, students also
have requirement of different project report binding services.


You can initiate xerox shop business with a used machine.
However, a new machine is recommended for better service. the
price of different types of xerox machines starts from Rupees
10000/-. Whereas best quality high-value machines are also
available in the price range of Rupees 100000/- and above. You can
purchase a lamination machine with a cost price of Rupees 2000/-
and above. Most important consideration is the cost per page
copying. When procuring the machine you must know the cost of
per page printing from that particular machine. Here we have listed
some of the popular xerox machines with their features.

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