Gesci110 - Document - W01 Study Guide Personal

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Week 01 Study Guide—Ways of Knowing

The goal this first week is to introduce you to the primary question that will be addressed in this
class: How do we feed and care for a growing population? We will also set the foundation of
how to evaluate difficult questions.

W01 Study: Ways of Knowing

After reading Elder Scott’s talk “Truth: The Foundation of Correct Decisions,” answer the following

 What are the strengths and limitations of the scientific method as outlined by Elder Scott?

 How are the processes of finding truth through the scientific method and revelation similar?

 How are the processes of finding truth through the scientific method and revelation different?

 What types of questions are best answered through science? What types of questions are best
answered by revelation?

 What blessings have come to us through using the scientific method?

After reading the articles “What is Science?”, “Discovery: The Spark for Science,” “A Science Checklist,”
and “Science Has Limits,” answer the following questions:

 What most often motivates scientists?

 What is the process of scientific discovery?

 What does science typically ask questions about?

 What kinds of questions can science not answer?

After watching the video “Science in Action: How Science Works”, answer the following questions:

 How does the scientific process work?

 What do scientists do when they are stumped?

 How do scientists evaluate their hypothesis?

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