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MTH 145: Probability and Statistics

Unit- 2 and Assignment- 2

Q.1- Suppose on an average 1 house in 1000 in a certain district has a fire during a year. If there are 2000 houses in
that district, what is the probability that exactly 5 houses will have a fire during the year? [given that e-2 = 0.13534]
Q.2- If 10% of the bolts produce by a machine are defective, determine the probability that out of 10 bolts chosen at
Random (i) 1 (ii) None (iii) at most two bolts will be defective.
Q.3- In a Poisson distribution 3P(X=2) = P(X=4). Find the parameter ‘ λ ’.
Q.4- Find the variance of Poisson distribution.
Q.5- Suppose that X has pdf f ( x )= , x>2. Evaluate the mean and variance of X.
Q.6- Let X be a random variable with probability density function
f (x)={( ax , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1a ,1 ≤ x ≤2−ax +3 a , 2≤ x ≤ 3 0 , elsewhere) } . ( i ) Find the value of a
(ii) compute P ¿)

Q.7- Define mean and variance of continuous random variable and write down its properties.
Q.8- Explain a probability density function with an example.
Q. 9- In a normal distribution 31 % of the items are under 45 and 8 % are over 64. Find the mean and variance of the
Q.10- In a sample of 1000 cases, the mean of a certain test is 14 and standard deviation is 2.5. Assuming the distribution to be
normal, find (i) how many students score between 12 and 15 (ii) how many score above 18 (iii) how many score 16.
Q.11- Define Normal Distribution and write down its properties.
Q.12- Define standard normal distribution.
Q.13- The following mistakes per page were observed in a book. Fit a Poisson distribution to the given data.
Number of mistakes ( per page) 0 1 2 3 4
Number of pages 211 90 19 5 0

Q.14- Find the mean and variance of Binomial distribution.

Q.15- 20 wrist watches in a box of 100 are defective. If 10 watches are selected at random, find the probability that at
least one watch is defective.
Q.16. If the probabilities of a bad reaction from a certain injection is 0.0002. Determine the chance that out of 1000 individuals
more than two will get a bad reaction.
Q.17- A random variable X is distributed at random between the values 0 and 2 so that its probability density function
is: f ( x )=kx (1−x 3) , where k is a constant. Find the value of k. Also find mean and variance.
Q.18- The diameter X of an electric cable is assumed to be continuous random variable with probability density function is:
f ( x )=6 x ( 1−x ) ,0 ≤ x ≤ 1. (i)Check that above is probability density function. (ii) compute P ¿
Q.19- Prove that E ( aX ) =aE( X) , where a is constant and X is a random variable.
Q.20- Define continuous Distribution function and write down its properties.
Q.21- Students of a class were given an aptitude test. Their marks were found to be normally distributed with mean 60
and standard deviation 5. What percentage of students scored? i) More than 60 marks (ii) Less than 56 marks.
Q.22- Find the mean and variance of exponential distribution.
Q.23- X is normally distributed and the mean of X is 12 and S. D. is 4. Find out the probability of the X ≥ 20.
Q.24- Define Gamma distribution.

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