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Academic Session 2021- 2022

Class III / Science/ Assignment- 14
Topic: L-4 Birds
1. Name the following.

1.1 Strong and sharp claws of flesh-eating birds- _____________________

1.2 Birds that can walk through muddy water- _____________________

1.3 Birds that hold on to the branches of trees using their feet-_____________________

2. Give two examples of each.

2.1 scratching birds- _________________________, __________________________

2.2 swimming birds- _________________________, __________________________

2.3 wading birds- _________________________, __________________________

2.4 flesh-eating birds- _________________________, __________________________

2.5 climbing birds- _________________________, __________________________

3. Identify and name the type of feathers. Also match the feathers with its function.

a. helps to fly

3.2 b. gives shape to the body

3.3 c. keeps the bird warm

4. Read the information given in the table below. Write two examples of birds having
such type of beak.
Beak Shape of the Purpose of the Example of birds
beak beak having such type of
strong, sharp to tear flesh of
and hooked small birds and
4.1 beak animals that they

short, hard and to crack open nuts

strong beak and crush grains
4.2 and seeds

broad and flat to take in muddy

beak water with insects,
worms and water
4.3 plants and allowing
the mud and water
to flow out through
the tiny holes

long and to suck nectar from

slender beak flowers


Chisel-shaped to dig out holes in

beak the tree trunk and
pull out insects
4.5 from the holes

5. Read the information given in the table below. Write two examples of birds having
such type of feet.
Feet and claws Type of feet and Purpose of the Examples of birds
claws feet having such type
of feet
strong legs with to scratch the
hard and sharp ground and dig out
5.1 claws insects and buried

strong and sharp to catch and pick

claws up small animals
5.2 like rats, toads and

two toes that point to climb up trees

in the upward and cling to the
5.3 direction and two branches
toes that point in the
downward direction
long legs with to stand on the
spread-out toes soft mud without
sinking and to
5.4 wade through
shallow muddy

skin growing to push back water

between the three while swimming
5.5 front toes (webbed

three toes in the the back toe curls

front and one at the around the branch
back of tree and help
5.6 them to hold onto
the branches,
preventing them
from falling off
while sleeping


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